Document 14129749

Name: ___________________________ Per: _____
American Cultures 6.0, Mr. Gutsche
The Cold War – Global Insecurities after WWII
(Chapter 26, Section 1; pages 788 – 791)
Reading and Notes Quiz
In 1941 Henry Luce, a magazine publisher, made a bold pronouncement that with the rest of the world in ruins from
war, the United States must establish the principles of the new world order. He referred to this has the dawn of the
In order for the United States to continue its wartime growth, the country most needed _______________________.
The Soviet Union interpreted the United States strong support for the World Bank and the IMF as a way for it to shape
the world’s economy and therefore viewed it as a US strategy to destroy _________________________.
From its creation the United Nations had limited ability to fulfill its stated mission of maintaining world peace. This was
due to the fact that each of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council had the power of absolute
______________________ and therefore could stop the UN from taking any action against aggressor nations.
With FDR gone and hostility over control of Eastern Europe growing between the
one-time Allies, Winston Churchill in 1946 describes an “________________________________” descending across the
European Continent.
The idea of the “American Century” argued that Americans must:
A) Return to isolationism to survive.
B) Acquire additional markets to support capitalism.
C) Establish and keep the principles of world order.
D) Accept that America could no longer dominate world politics.
7. Immediately following World War II which of the following increased tensions between the United States and the
Soviet Union:
A) Differences in political philosophy.
B) Delayed opening of a western front in Europe.
C) Exclusion of the Soviet Union from the Manhattan Project.
D) All of the above created tension
8. All members of the United Nations are represented in the:
A) International Monetary Fund
B) General Assembly
C) Security Council
D) Secretariat
9. The United Nations’ greatest success in the earliest years following World War II was:
A) Slowing down the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.
B) Occupying defeated Germany.
C) Providing humanitarian aid to victims of World War II.
D) Defending human rights in Asia.
10. To protect itself from possible attack, the Soviet Union wanted its western neighbors to be:
A) Divided into four zones to create a demilitarized safety zone.
B) Communist countries politically, economically, and militarily supported by the Soviets.
C) Fascist regimes modeled after the earlier fascist states.
D) Free market economies dependent on the west for aid.