Welcome Back! N ORTH P ENN H IGH S CHOOL C HORUS Student/Parent Handbook 2015 2015-- 2016 Hello students and parents - I hope you’ve all had an enjoyable and restful summer. To the incoming sophomore class and any new members, welcome to the NPHS Chorus - you’re in for an exciting experience! The purpose of this handbook is to make Chorus information and policies a bit clearer. You will find almost everything you need to know about the Chorus, including grading policies, calendar, uniform information, and attendance expectations. Once again this year, the Chorus will perform at three concerts, and there are six evening rehearsals scheduled. Students will be given a form along with this handbook that must be singed by both students and parents to acknowledge that you have received and gone over the included information. Auditions will be held for the Men’s/Women’s Choirs and Chamber Singers during the second week back at school. Sign-up sheets will be posted beginning on the first day of class. If at any point you have any questions regarding the choral ensembles, please do not hesitate to contact me either via email (klenkme@npenn.org) or by phone (215-853-1295). Thanks let’s have a great year! Sincerely, Matthew Klenk Choral Director North Penn High School Matthew Klenk, director 1 PS - Should you misplace this handbook, there will be a copy posted on my webpage that can be accessed at any time (my page can be found through the main NPHS site > Teacher Pages). 2 G RADING P OLICY CHORUS Course Description The following criteria will be used in determining students’ course grades: • Attendance and participation in all scheduled rehearsals and performances, both during and after school hours. Evening rehearsals are listed on page 5. Chorus is for students who enjoy singing with a large group. Students are trained in the techniques of choral singing through exercises and the preparation of choral literature. In addition to the chorus rehearsals and performances scheduled during the regular school day, Chorus students are expected to attend several after-school rehearsals and performances as part of their grade requirements. Only Chorus members are eligible for Chamber Singers, Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, and PMEA Events. • Students are expected to be fully prepared (e.g. proper attire) and prompt for all rehearsals and performances as listed on page 5. • Students are expected to participate in all classroom activities (e.g. vocal exercises, sight-reading, learning repertoire) to the best of their abilities. • A student’s grade may also be lowered for misbehavior during class, including being disruptive, having cell phone confiscated, or any other behavior that disrupts class or rehearsal • For each unexcused absence at an after-school rehearsal, the student’s grade will be lowered by 1 full letter-grade (i.e. – A drops to a B). For each concert missed, the grade will be lowered by 2 letter-grades (A drops to a C). Course Objectives • Performing a varied repertoire of choral music in a group setting • Developing singing techniques that promote proper sound and good vocal health • Recognizing, identifying, and using proper musical terminology and vocabulary • Reading and comprehending written music at a level appropriate to gradelevel and ability • Understanding music in relation to history and culture • Evaluating music and music performances 3 * Further information on excused/unexcused absences can be found on page 6. • Failure to follow proper concert etiquette during performances (e.g. using your cell phone while sitting in the audience) will result in a zero being given for your participation at the event. See page 7 for more details on concert etiquette. • Each marking period will carry equal weight (¼) in determining the final grade. Grading Scale Grades will be determined using the Secondary Grading Scale at NPHS: A+ 97-100 A 90-96 B+ 87-89 B 80-86 C+ 77-79 C 70-76 D 65-69 E 50-64 F 49 and below 4 CONCERTS & REHEARSALS (All events will take place in the NPHS Auditorium) R EHEARSAL E XCUSES There are over 250 students in the North Penn Chorus for the 2015-2016 school year. Evening rehearsals are the only opportunities for the Chorus to meet together as a group. Students’ presence at rehearsal is crucial to ensure a successful performance. It is imperative that every effort be made for all students to be at these rehearsals. Day Date Time Event Therefore: Wed 10/21/15 6:30 - 9 PM Rehearsal • Mon 12/14/15 6:30 - 9 PM Rehearsal Please do not schedule doctor/dentist appointments during evening rehearsal times Thurs 12/17/15 6:30 - 9 PM Rehearsal • Mon 12/21/15 7:30 PM Winter Concert Plan to miss any other evening activities (sports, dance, church groups, etc.) you may be involved in for rehearsals and concerts. Remember, your grade for the course is based on your attendance Mon 2/22/16 6:30 - 9 PM Rehearsal • If you have a job, ask your boss not to schedule you for the dates on the calendar. Be sure to give them plenty of notice! Tues 2/23/16 7:30 PM Invitational Festival Tues 5/24/16 6:30 - 9 PM Rehearsal If you are not able to attend a rehearsal/concert: Wed 5/25/16 6:30 - 9 PM Rehearsal • Thurs 5/26/16 7:30 PM Spring Concert You must provide the director with either an excuse note from a parent, or an email from a parent explaining the absence • If you know of a conflict in advance, inform the director as early as possible (this does not take the place of a parent note!) • If you are absent from school on the day of a rehearsal or concert, district policy states that you not allowed to come to the evening rehearsal or performance. (Note: If you are absent, you do not need to provide an excuse note, as your name will appear on the daily attendance bulletin) • If you have a conflict that forces you to arrive late at rehearsal, be sure to still come! It is far better to be late than to not come at all. * Snow Date for the Invitational Concert is Wednesday, Feb. 24th UNIFORMS/ATTIRE Chorus: GIRLS- All black dress or school-appropriate blouse and (preferably) floor-length skirt or dress pants. BLACK shoes (NO SNEAKERS) BOYS- White dress shirt and tie with a DARK (preferably black) jacket and pants, black dress shoes and black socks (NO SNEAKERS) Excused vs. Unexcused Determination of whether an absence is excused or unexcused generally comes down to whether the absence could have been avoided. Family emergencies, for example, are of course excused. However, reasons such as having to work, or staying home because of too much homework will be considered unexcused. You are given all required dates well in advance to allow for planning around these situations. Men’s/Women’s Choir and Chamber Singers: GIRLS– Uniform will be provided by school (black, long-sleeve, floor-length dress) Black dress shoes (NO SNEAKERS) BOYS– Uniform will be provided by school (tuxedo) Important!! • North Penn High School Music Department policy stipulates that any student who is absent (excused or unexcused) at both rehearsals prior to the Holiday or Spring Concerts is not allowed to take part in the performance (Attendance is still required, but the student will not be allowed to sing). Black dress shoes and black socks NO SNEAKERS) 5 6 CONCERT AND DRESS-REHEARSAL ETIQUETTE E XTRA -C URRICULAR C HORAL E NSEMBLES The North Penn HS Chorus is a high-level ensemble, and as a member you are expected to carry yourself in a professional manner during all rehearsals and performances. Failure to abide by these policies may result in you receiving zero credit for participation, thereby lowering your course grade. Anyone who is a member of Chorus is eligible to audition for the extra-curricular choral groups offered at NPHS. Audition dates, times, materials will be given by the director in class. Below is a brief description of each group. At rehearsals, Chorus members are expected to: CHAMBER SINGERS • Be prompt, arriving several minutes before the given call time so that you are checked in and prepared to begin at call time. • Be dressed appropriately according to the school’s dress code. • Not talk during rehearsal periods. If a student behaves in a manner that is deemed distracting (e.g. excessive talking) the director will ask him/her to leave the auditorium, and no credit will be given for attendance. • Turn off cell-phones. Any student using their phone during rehearsal can expect to have it taken away until the end of rehearsal. At concerts, Chorus members are expected to: The NPHS Chamber Singers is a medium-sized ensemble selected by audition from members of the NPHS chorus. The group mainly performs a cappella music for school and community concerts, with the heaviest part of the schedule occurring just before the holidays in December. Rehearsals will be on both Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 - 5:00. WOMEN’S CHOIR The Women’s Choir is an ensemble that will be chosen by audition from members of the NPHS Chorus. The group will perform at several large community events during the year along with the Men’s Choir, and will also perform several concerts separately. This group will be traveling to Hershey in April to perform at the PMEA State Conference. This year, the women will rehearse on Mondays from 2:30 - 3:45, and on Wednesdays from 2:45 - 4:00. • Arrive several minutes before the given call time so that you are checked in and prepared to begin at call time. • Be dressed in appropriate concert attire as described on page 5 of this handbook. MEN’S CHOIR • Not talk from the time they leave the warm-up area until after leaving the stage at the conclusion of the concert (including any time spent sitting in the audience). • Not carry their cell phones with them onto the stage! If you are caught in possession of a phone during a concert (including the time spent sitting in the audience) you risk losing all credit for your participation. Please leave your phone at home if you must bring your phone, please leave it in the warm-up area. The Men’s Choir is an ensemble that will be chosen by audition from members of the NPHS Chorus. The group will perform with the Women’s Choir at several large community events, and will also perform several concerts separately. The men will rehearse on Wednesdays from 2:30 - 3:30. • Applaud politely during performances by other ensembles. Important! In order to audition for a select ensemble, students must be enrolled in the corresponding core ensemble. Rehearsals and performances inside and outside the regular school day are a requirement of membership. 7 8