Music Unlocks Self-expression, Intelligence, Creativity

Music Unlocks Self-expression, Intelligence, Creativity
CMS 8th Grade Chorus, IMS 7th and 8th Grade Chorus, Carson Chorale, and IMS Voices
Jamie L. Mazza, Director
B.S. Music Education, Duquesne University (Magna Cum Laude)
M.M. Piano Performance, Duquesne University
I. Class Goals
-Development of the well-rounded musician (technical, expressive, analytical)
-Understanding of independent musicianship and solidification of fundamental skills
-Performance of a wide repertoire of music demonstrating sensitivity to different genres and cultures
-Understanding the changing middle school voice and maintaining a healthy vocal lifestyle
-Growth as an appreciative patron of the arts (learning to enjoy and support high quality music)
II. District Choral Program – Why is middle school music so important?
-Nearly 400 students in the NAI/NASH choral program, 8 th grade is the crucial “feeder” year
-Miss Mazza’s PMEA and ACDA memberships allow students to participate in extracurricular festivals
throughout the year
-North Allegheny offers award-winning musical and choral ensembles to all students
-Middle school is the time to teach appreciation and enjoyment of the choral experience!
III. Why Choose Chorus?
-“The brain teaches us about music and music teaches us about the brain. Music has the profound
capacity to influence and alter the human experience.” (Daniel Levitan)
-Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking
-Growth of musical aptitude is associated with literary and creative intelligence
-Chorus class meets the demands of different learners, allowing intellectual, social, and emotional growth
-Music appreciation is a lifelong experience!
IV. Daily Procedure
-Warm-ups and attendance (ask your child to teach you some of our daily warm-ups!)
-Skill builders: rhythmic, tonal, expressive
-Repertoire rehearsal: Methodical approach to learning, analyzing, and memorizing concert music
-Supplemental activities: physical movement, student composition, small group demonstrations
V. Concert Preparation
-Activity period rehearsals: Music priority rehearsals are usually Thursdays at IMS. Rehearsals are
mandatory (exceptions: early dismissal, absence, sports dismissal) and are worth points.
-Practice tracks: Occasionally, practice tracks will be posted on the website for student use.
-After school rehearsal: The IMS Chorus after-school rehearsals are actually “pre-concert” rehearsals.
They begin at 6:00 pm at NASH on December 17th and May 26th, the dates of our winter and spring
-Extracurricular groups: IMS Voices. Auditioned group of approximately 40 students in 7th and 8th grade
who rehearse before school (7:15-8:00 am on Wednesday) and perform additional music on both concerts.
VI. Dates to Remember
-December 17th: Winter concert (in school and night time)
-May 26th: Spring concert (in school and night time)
-February 1st – 2nd : MIOS rehearsal and concert (for select students, rehearsal and concert at NASH)
-November 20th: ACDA Sweet Harmony festival (for select female students, information coming soon!)
-Other opportunities may arise as we go through the year!
VII. Communication
-Please check Miss Mazza’s website throughout the year, especially for announcements and calendar
-E-mail is preferred: for any questions or concerns
-Phone can be arranged: 412-348-1470 (IMS main line)
Thank you for your continued support of the North Allegheny music program. I am genuinely excited to
teach your child this year and hope it will be a rewarding experience for all!