Advanced Communications Name ___________ Reaction Paper

Advanced Communications
Reaction Paper
The Persuaders (2004)
Name ___________
After viewing segments of The Persuaders, and reading more on the webpage, write a paper with
the following three sections:
Overview – In your own words, what is the documentary about
What is Rushkoff’s hypothesis (in the beginning) and thesis (at the end)?
Remember: a documentary film is still an ARGUMENT.
It’s never only informational.
 What does he seek to discover and prove?
 How does Rushkoff go about his research?
 What questions does he pose?
 What answers does he get/not get?
Your reactions to the documentary: What surprised you? Are you satisfied with his
research methods?
Use specific examples (names of experts and jargon) from the different chapters. For
example, What did you think of
The comparison to cults?
The “luxury code” and the claims made by Rapaille?
Frank Luntz?
Do you agree or disagree with statements made by the experts who were interviewed?
(*Quotes are easily found on the website and by re-viewing the film.)
What are the broader implications of the documentary? Make a connection to the book.
Make a connection to our culture in 2011.
*Use roman numerals or come up with subtitles for the sections.