REVOLUTION & INDEPENDENCE IN LATIN AMERICA 2013 CENTURIES OF EUROPEAN COLONIZATIO N SPARKS OF INDEPENDENCE! European Ideas of Enlightenment! French & American Revolutions! CLASS STRUGGLES & DISCONTENT The peninsulares occupied the highest political positions in society as the we a l t hy S p a n i s h born citizens. * The creoles we r e S p a n i a r d s born in Latin America who could not hold political office but could be a r my o f f i c e r s . * To g e t h e r, t h e s e t wo classes possessed the we a l t h , p o we r, and land in Latin America. INDEPENDENCE IN HAITI World’s Leading Sugar Producer- Plantationsowned by Whites Slave labor of non-white Haitians until late 1790’s. 1791 - 1 st Slave Rebellion, burning sugar fields and killing hundreds of slave ownerssets off 13 years of Civil War! Toussaint L’Ouvertureself educated former slave INDEPENDENCE IN HAITI Toussaint L’Ouverture- self educated former slave Organized rebels and by 1800 has driven all foreign forces out of Haiti. 1802- French & Napoléon Bonaparte tries to reclaim Haiti & French capture L’Ouverture dies in French Prison Yellow fever brings death to French & finally independence in 1803. First Independent nation in Latin America! INDEPENDENCE IN NEW GRENADA (VENEZUELA, COLUMBIA, BOLIVIA) INDEPENDENCE IN PERU & LA PLATA (CHILE -1818, ARGENTINA -1812, ECUADOR & PERU INDEPENDENCE OF NEW SPAIN (MEXICO-1821) MEXICO- DEMOCRACY OR MONARCHY? Although Iturbide's reign was short, it defined the political struggles before and after independence. The two ends of Mexico's political spectrum: liberals who favored representative government and conservatives who favored a more authoritarian regime. 1832- Constitution & Mexico finally becomes a republic. INDEPENDENCE IN BRAZIL PEACEFUL STRUGGLE, BUT MONARCHY REMAINS UNTIL 1889. Dom Pedro 1 1822-1831 Dom Pedro 11 1831-1889 DAT E S O F INDEPENDENCE DI D T H E RE VOLUT I ONARY LI BE RA L I DE A S OF E QUA LI T Y, F R E E DOM & DE M OC R AC Y TA KE H OL D I N T H E N E W LY I N DE P E NDENT C OUN T RY ? Liberal Ideas Progress- change in Gov. & social structure. Freedom of worship; separation of church & state Popular soveignty everyone votes (in reality most creoles wanted power) Racial equality was not practiced. Liberal political parties rise. Conservative Ideas Want Colonial Models; creoles top level Want Catholicism as state religion “Common people” should know their place, leave government to elites Conservative parties rise. MAJOR PROBLEMS THE NEW NATIONS FACED! New governments had few resources and faced tremendous obstacles Economic failure after independence, True democracy was crushed by conservative hierarchy (Creoles) Political corruption & political violence, distrust of government In general 1825-1850 dif ficulties and no real progress economically or of liberal ideas/governments. Lack of transportation systems and infrastructure… Conservative governments ultimately take hold and little change occurs… CREOLES PAY “LIP SERVICE” TO IDEAS OF FREEDOM!!! Unlike India in 1947, when the colonial power, the white British lef t the countr y and the Indians began to establish a new government. In most Latin American countries, the Peninsulares lef t the countr y af ter independence, But the white Creoles, now top of the rigid class system, stayed in power and oppressed the other social classes. Caudillo, Latin American militar y dictator and conser vative governments. HISTORY- IMPORTANT TIME PERIODS IN LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY Next slides PROGRESS IN MANY COUNTRIES; LEAD TO LIBERAL GOVERNMENTS 1850- 1875! Industrialized countries traded with Latin America International money help economies and build infrastructure. Conservative governments could not live up to promises; liberal ideas flourish again. Transportation revolution - steam ship & railroads & telegraph lines. Social mobility of lower classes to upper class = joined liberal parties… Public education over private (Church established schools) Landowners and urban middle - class people prospered, but people in rural areas experienced little change. Sadly Liberal leaders became more concern with economic progress than political freedoms. 1880-1930 NEO-COLONIAL PERIOD & GROW TH OF OLIGARCHIES Economic progress and transportation revolution led to new imperialism by Great Britain & the U.S. Landowners & Middle Class profit; but indigenous and lower social classes did not profit - remained very poor. Many indigenous groups that had communal land - lost their land by corruption of the wealthy.. Development of many oligarchies - wealthy families; Rubber companies & others - paid workers very little United Fruit Company - turned countries into “banana republics”- major corruption… poor workers National Armies received new weapons & training from west! Stable authoritarian governments & oligarchies characterize this period. MONROE DOCTRINE James Monroe Wa r n i n g f o r E u r o p e a n to s t ay o u t o f L a t i n A m e r i ca , But give the U.S. the power to “ i n te r ve n e ” in Latin America! America’s Good Neighbor p o l i c y… NATIONALISM & LIBERAL REVOLUTIONS 1940-1960 Neo-Colonialism (U.S. and other Countries) resentment led to new nationalist feelings and movements! Nationalist leaders- charismatic leaders, directed their message to poor and lower middle class. Juan & Eva Peron in Argentina Advances in democracy; women’s voting rights, literacy requirements strict down, lower age to 18. Many Latin American liberal governments call for liberal ideas was seen as “creeping communism”. Cuban ally is overthrown by “communist revolution” Fidel Castro. Many Latin Americans called for revolutions to continue path to democracy and economic justice… Artists, writers, political leaders adopted Marxist perspective The events of these years set the stage for conflict in next stage Cold War & Reaction Stage CUBA & COMMUNIST IDEOLOGY Fidel Castro & Revolution Che Guevara REACTION TO LIBERAL REVOLUTIONS & THREAT OF COMMUNISM NEAR U.S. 1960 -1990S U.S. government saw any Marxist Revolution in Latin America as a Soviet supported (as had in Cuba) In reality Marxism in Latin America meant siding with the weak and impoverished masses against the rich minority and the U.S. multinational corporations. U.S. policy supports a violent counter revolutionary reaction to liberal governments or liberal revolutionary groups in 1960s & 1970s… The U.S. government made alliances with military generals and increased the power of the army = military dictatorships U.S. IN LATIN AMERICA!! U . S . o f te n s u p p o r te d t h e ruthless d i c t a to r s i n L a t i n A m e r i ca Military o p e r a t i o n s to “ s to p t h e spread of c o m m uni s m i n L a t i n A m e r i ca . DECADES OF DICTATORS, CAUDILLOS & OLIGARCHIES; USUALLY SUPPORTED BY U.S. GOVERNMENT DIRT Y WARS OR CIVIL WARS IN LATIN AMERICA! PRESERVATION OF CONSERVATIVE GOVERN & THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH- EL SALVADOR NEO-LIBERALISM 1990- PRESENT New generation of liberals Move towards true democracies in countries