Global Studies Ms. Flexon Syllabus E-mail: Room: Phone: D115 610-627-6281 Overall Objective The overall objective of this course is to look at various topics within five major cultures of the world: Middle East, India, China, Latin America and Africa. Within the context of each culture we will focus on geography, social structure, economy, religion, philosophy, modernization, art, music, literature and government. An emphasis will be placed on the 20th Century for each of these cultures. Each culture will be a unit of approximately seven weeks. Specific Course Objectives To understand the relationship between the past and present in culture. To better understand how the various cultures relate to their natural and social environment. To develop a knowledge of the vocabulary particular to each culture. To develop continuing interest in different cultures though the use of current events. To pen our minds to positive aspects of cultures different than our own. To realize that our culture is made up of various ideas acquired from other parts of the world. To realize that people are different and that is just fine. Materials World Cultures A Global Mosaic textbook Persepolis, The Story of a Childhood, Marjane Satrapi The Colors of the Mountain, Da Chen Nectar in a Sieve, Kamala Markandaya or Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse Grading Your grade for this class is based on your performance in the following areas: Class assignments and participation Home work assignments- I do not accept late work. Tests & quizzes Projects Midterm and final exams Teacher Website/Student Responsibilities If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to find out what work was missed and make it up. My webpage is the primary source for accessing homework assignments, handouts, class assignments, class notes and calendar of daily activities. You should consult the web page before you ask what you missed while you were out. Images, graphs, visual diagrams from the website should also be considered class notes. If you missed the class discussion based on these visual aids, you should speak with another student or Ms. Flexon to get the information. In addition to the website, students should also check the appropriate bins and notebook in the classroom for outline of missed work and assignments. School policy states a student has two days for every day they were absent to submit makeup work. When you return from an absence, you are expected to have the homework that is due that day which was posted on the website. Some assignments are based on technology, for example Discovery Education Videos. Be aware that technology can sometimes create problems; however, that is not an excuse for not completing the assignments. DO NOT wait until the night before to complete technology assignments, if you internet is down the assignment is still due! Class Participation This course is a discussion-based curriculum- you must contribute to class discussions. If the classroom atmosphere is not respectful or appropriate it prevents good classroom discussion. My expectations are simple: come to class prepared (book, notebook and pen). Be ready to participate. Behave as a responsible student and classroom citizen. Required Material Each student is required to maintain a notebook and bring it to class. It must be neat and organized by units. Headphones are also required for this course. Please bring them to class each day. Cheating I expect honest, independent work from all students at all times. Any Academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment/test/quiz in question and an automatic zero in class participation for the quarter. Refer to the academic honesty handout if you have any questions. Extra Help Extra help is available any time. However, it is the student’s responsibility to come to see me.