MARCH 8, 2016
Meeting called to order at 4:37 by Della Mead, HS President. All members present introduced
Principal’s Report: Mr. Covone
PSSA’s take place in April for grades 3 through 6. The week of 4/11 there will be 3-4 sections in
ELA. The week of 4/18 will be for math. Fourth grade will have science the following week.
Make up window is the following week. Asking parents to please be mindful of PSSA testing
dates and times when scheduling your child out. Try to schedule appointments in the PM to
avoid having to attend a makeup session.
April 26 is Election Day. It is also now a school day. The school will follow the same procedures
as in previous Election Days. Door 6 will be the only access door for voters. A staff member will
be in the Library. The playground will be off limits by the Library during school hours. Recess for
students will take place in the fields, the gates will be closed. North Penn security will be
making random stops throughout the day at all schools. Election Day staff will go through the
Raptor System upon entering that day. The polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm. Dismissal will
remain the same.
Allison Hyson: If parents have concerns, the school district has said missing school that day
would be considered an excused absence.
Guest Speaker: Ray Wilson, Safe School Coordinator, NPSD
Ray is Safe School’s Coordinator for the District. Head of security, a school police officer and
head of emergency planning (?... is this correct… can’t read my notes
Deals with a lot of cases of bullying and cyber bullying, which is becoming an epidemic in many
NP takes these issues very seriously. It is a hard and difficult situation.
Sometimes there is no clear-cut way to deal with the various jurisdictions, especially when the
police get involved.
 Most police departments have detectives on-site now to handle cyber bullying.
 There are no state laws on bullying and cyber bullying. Police departments use the
harassment section of the PA code when issues get intense.
 Ray goes into school to have talks with students
 The schools can’t act on something happening outside of school hours. Reports must go
through police departments, some in different jurisdictions.
 When it becomes a distraction within the school and is affecting the educational
environment, then that is when the schools need to step in.
 For elementary schools, kids need to be educated in different areas, depending on their age.
 Importance of understanding digital citizenship (Covone)
 Alison Pluck: Why haven’t we had an assembly on this? Do the assemblies out of need?
 Covone and Mr. Wilson: Assemblies are done on more of a grade level basis. We have had
them in the past, and Mr. Wilson will come in again.
Guidance lessons done on bullying, cyber bullying, etc.
Can’t prevent access to technology, especially as kids move into the Middle school and High
school (where students are now allowed to use their phones in the hallways and at lunch).
At elementary school level, some kids have phones, but they need to be off and away.
Don’t allow kids to be behind locked doors at home when on the computer.
Kid’s shouldn’t have locked phones
Get to know apps; sear browser history (All parent’s responsibilities)
Kids go over code of conduct in school; kids sign form for appropriate conduct when using
technology (school’s responsibility).
Bystanders of bullying are in the hardest predicament sometimes. Kids need to be
rewarded when they stand up and tell what is going on – need to know the difference
between tattling and reporting.
Kids are at a developmentally hard age to understand the difference.
Can’t address some of these issues publicly due to confidentiality.
Melissa Flowers: What can we do if we suspect our child is being bullied?
Covone and Mr. Wilson: Tell an adult at home and at school. Contact child’s teacher, call in,
cc Mr. Covone
Once school looks into issue, it can be addressed appropriately after all bases have been
Melanie Catanese: We need to be introducing positive rewards for kids to see the different
between tolerance and teasing. Maybe this should be addressed at the district level.
President’s Report: Della Mead
The Executive Board is proposing two amendments to the by-laws.
Under Article VIII – Election of Officers:
#7 – Change April or May meeting to May meeting
#8 – Change April meeting to May meeting
Under Article IX – Duties of the Officers:
#2 – Change 1st VP Duties to: oversee fundraising and social events, as well as support
committee chairpersons.
#3 – Change 2nd VP Duties to: oversee fundraising and social events, as well as support
committee chairpersons.
We are proposing these by-law amendments for member review at this time, for our March
meeting. We will vote on approval of these amendments at the May Home and School meeting.
A majority of members present will be needed to approve these amendments.
Does anyone have any questions or concerns in regards to the by-laws or the amendments
1st VP Report: Sarah Keller
Winter Ball was a success. Kim Morse did an amazing job!
2nd VP Report: Melanie Catanese
Very busy week this week
Chick Fil A night is on Wednesday. The cow will be with walkers and busers.
Thursday night is Mom’s Night Out at Uncorked Artist – spaces are still available.
Next week is the Scholastic Book Fair. Goes from Wednesday through Friday, with Thursday
night being the evening event at the school.
Color Run Update – There was a conflict with Nor-Gwyn Baseball opening day. We contacted
vendors, etc. The time has been changed. Still need parent volunteers. Registration is due 3/18
due to ordering of t-shirts. Route is picked out; Baseball field will be open for the younger kids
to run around. Action Karate is a big sponsor. We are looking for healthy foods for event. This
is our first year doing this; so we are moving along as each curve is being thrown. The logo
design was a lot of fun; kids seemed really excited to be voting. We are also offering optional
pledging. The school will have a pep rally on 4/15. The top families who raise the most money
will get to throw color dye on Mr. Covone.
Secretary Report: Melissa Flowers
Charged with overseeing the nominating and election process for the Executive Board for the
2016-2017 school year. I have copies of the form here. Nominating forms will be sent home in
student’s folders, in the email blast and put on Facebook to ensure that everyone receives a
Each position is open for nominations. Not all officers are seeking re-election. If you are
interested or would like to nominate someone you think would be a great candidate, please
complete the form and return it back to school with your child. The talents, enthusiasm, and
unique perspectives of all our parents are greatly welcomed. Please feel free to contact any of
the current Executive Board members if you would like to know what the positions entail.
Positions open are: President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Treasurer and Secretary.
Once I begin to receive responses for nominations, I will confirm with all nominees whether they
would like their name to be put on the ballot.
The ballot will be finalized at our April Executive Board Meeting
The election for the 2016-2017 Executive Board will take place at our May Home and School
If there is only one candidate on the ballot for a Board position, the members present at the
May meeting have to approve the candidate twice.
I am also in the process of reaching out to current chairpersons to see if they want to continue
to chair their event again next year.
Once I know, I will reach out to all parents to see who would like to chair open events for the
2016-2017 school year.
Does anyone have any questions or concerns in regards to the nominating process for the
Executive Board or chairperson events?
Treasurer’s Report: Kim Crouthamel-Smith
Went over budget since start of July to now.
Tax forms submitted for 2015. We are a non-profit organization. We provide 1099 Forms
for anyone we pay $600 to (only three in 2015 year).
Went through list of events and money made since our last meeting.
We have $60,000 to spend – want to encourage teachers to apply for mini grants.
Use for playground equipment – Parents want to have more outside for students. At recess,
kids have nothing to play with; kids have to create their own games, but can’t touch one
Lunch – issues with assigned seating, quiet lunches, kids can’t get up to throw away trash or
get a napkin. Parents who were there for color run voting commented on how well behaved
the students were.
Question: Could we use budget to supplement the cost of some of the clubs?
Della Mead called meeting to a close at 6:15 p.m.