TAMIL NADU PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION NO.1, GREAMS ROAD, CHENNAI – 600 006. Telephone Nos. 044- 28297591; 044- 28297592; 044- 28297584; 044- 28297585 e-mail: coetnpsc.tn@nic.in e-Tendering Portal: www.tenders.tn.gov.in or www.tnpsc.gov.in Tender No. 01/2012 Tender Document for Recruitment Process Management System [RPMS] along with the supply of Application forms, Answer / Response sheets www.tnpsc.gov.in Advertisement No.291 TAMIL NADU PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION CHENNAI – 600 006 Tender Notice Sealed tenders are invited from reputed companies / firms with relevant experience, up to 03.00 PM on 01.03.2012 for Recruitment Processing Management System (RPMS) along with the supply of Application form, Answer / Response sheet and other related works for a period of three years. Tender documents with the specification of terms and conditions, form for Technical Bid and Commercial Bid etc., can be downloaded from the websites www.tenders.tn.gov.in or www.tnpsc.gov.in A sum of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) has to be paid along with Tender Application towards the Tender Fee in the form of Demand Draft obtained from any Nationalised Bank drawn in favour of The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai – 6, payable at the State Bank of India, Service Branch (8443), Chennai. The fee paid towards processing of application will not be refunded. A Pre-bid Conference will be held on 21.02.2012 at the Commission’s Office. The Technical Bid of the Tenders received up to 03.00 PM on 01.03.2012 will be opened by the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission or any other Officer authorised by him on his behalf at the Commission’s Office by 04.00 PM on 01.03.2012. Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission. TIME LINE # Events Target Date 1 Tender reference Tender No. 01/2012 2 Pre Bid Conference @ 3.00 P.M. on 21.2.2012 3 Last Date for submission of Bids @ 3.00 P.M. on 1.3.2012 4 Date and timing of opening of @ 4.00 P.M. on 1.3.2012 Technical Bids 5 6 7 8 Date and time of presentation to Technical Evaluation Committee by the shortlisted Bidders Date and time of opening of Commercial Bids Venue for Project Presentation and other Events Address for all references and correspondence in relation to this Bids Will be informed only to the shortlisted bidders Will be informed only to the qualified bidders Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai Thiru.T.Udhayachandran, IAS, Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, No.1, Greams Road, Commercial Tax Office Annexe Building, Chennai – 600 006, Tel. : 044-28297767 Email: coetnpsc.tn@nic.in Website: www.tnpsc.gov.in CONTENTS # I Contents 1.Background 2.Objectives Page No. 1 2-3 3. Current IT Status in TNPSC 3 II Detailed Terms and Conditions 1.Definitions 3-5 2.Scope of work Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 5-6 6-18 3.General Terms and Conditions i)Period of Contract ii)Eligibility Criteria iii)Cost of Tender Document iv)Non-transferable Bid v)Rejection of Bid vi)Language of bid vii)Bid Currency viii)Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ix)Presentation of the solution x)Security Features xi)Security Audit xii)Service Level Agreement(SLA) xiii)Access Rights Management: xiv)Administration xv)Standards of Performance xvi)Responsibilities A. Responsibilities of the System Integrator: B. Responsibilities of TNPSC: xvii) Software Requirement Specification(SRS) xviii)Pilot run and parallel run xix) Open Source Platform: xx) Testing xxii) Documentation xxiii)Database Management xxiv) Disaster Recovery 4.Technical and Commercial Bids i)Contents of Envelopes ii)Technical Bid (Envelope- I) iii)Commercial Bid [only one copy] iv)Submission of bids v)Deadline for Submission of Bids vi)Late Bids vii)Withdrawal of Bids viii)Period of Validity of Bids ix)Evaluation Committees x)Opening of Technical Bids 5. Evaluation Methodology i)Evaluation of Technical Bid ii)Evaluation of Technology and systems proposed iii)Opening of Commercial Bids iv)Evaluation of Commercial Bids v)Combined Evaluation of Technical/Commercial Bids and award criteria: vi)Acceptance of Bids vii)Notification of Award viii)Binding Clause ix)Conditional Tenders x)Interpretation of the Clauses 6. Commercial Terms i)Payment Schedule ii)Contract Rate iii) Penalty 7.Legal Issues i)Suspension of Work ii)Termination for Insolvency iii)Termination iv)Force Majeure v)Resolution of Disputes vi)Indemnity Clause 8.Detailed Technical Specifications 18-22 22-26 27-29 29-33 33 9. Data Export 34 10. Delivery Schedule 34 Schedule-I Technical Bid 35-37 Schedule-II Commercial Bid 38-39 Annexure – I 40 Annexure – II 41-48 Format – I – Tentative draft Agreement 49-53 I. BACKGROUND 1. About TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission is mandated with the task of making Direct Recruitment to State, Subordinate and Ministerial Services and also conducts Department Tests for Government Servants. TNPSC has always aimed to consistently upgrade and improvise systems and procedures of selection in order that the best talent is attracted to Public Service, strictly in accordance with the policies of Government of Tamil Nadu and rules & regulations formulated by TNPSC. Over the years, the recruitment process has become more competitive which necessitated the TNPSC to introduce Multiple-Choice Questions (Objective Type) with Optical Mark Recognition Answer sheets for ensuring fairer and faster selection process. Some of the recruitments involve Main written Examinations and Oral Tests also. The proposed Recruitment Process Management System [RPMS] envisages the complete automation of the entire Selection Process starting from Application Processing to Image Processing of OMR Answer Sheets, Data processing, Result Processing to the Publication of Results which occasionally goes through Written and Oral Test stages, along with supply of Forms. The Proposed RPMS not only aims to integrate the functioning of different wings in TNPSC engaged in Recruitment Process, but also to make the recruitment process more transparent to the aspirants. Once implemented, the RPMS would increase the efficiency of the Organization to a greater extent and its effectiveness would also increase manifold. Page 1 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal 2. Objectives The overall objective of the RPMS is to establish a fair, transparent and effective Recruitment Process Management System at a reduced cycle time and cost. The broad objectives of the Project are as follows:a) Increase Operational Efficiency: By leveraging the available Information Technology solutions, TNPSC aims to completely automate its recruitment process in an integrated platform and reduce the repetitive paperwork/records through computerization of the entire back-office functions. b) Transparency and Security: RPMS is expected to provide the much needed transparency in the administration by disseminating all the necessary information to the general Public at large and Candidates in particular. RPMS would take care of all the Information Security concerns by adhering to the International Information Audit and Security Standards. c) Provide better Monitoring Tools for Recruitment and Policy Making: RPMS aims to provide better Monitoring Tools with Real Time Data on the recruitment process and also enable the Commission to critically analyse the pattern of recruitment and advise the Government accordingly for suitable modifications in the Recruitment Policies. d) Improve Service Delivery to Public: RPMS is expected to bring significant improvement in service delivery to Public through all possible modes in conformity with the provisions of Right to Information Act. Page 2 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal e) Easy up gradation to new technology: RPMS not only will contain the best available IT solutions but will also enable TNPSC to easily migrate to advanced technological platform in future 3. Current IT Status in TNPSC The current IT environment is partly computerized and many important processes in each stage of the recruitment process are still done manually resulting in higher cycle time for generating results. TNPSC wants to automate these processes and set very high standards in the critical contemporary measures of performance like Accuracy, Zero Defect/Downtime, Speed and Cost. The current IT status in TNPSC in the form of the available IT Infrastructure is given Annexure I and the current recruitment process system in terms of stage wise list of processes and the reports to be generated is given in Annexure II. II. Detailed Terms and Conditions The terms & conditions are covered in eight major Clauses as detailed below: 1. Definitions: In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated below:a) “Contract” means the agreement entered into between the Tendering Authority and the System Integrator, as recorded in the document signed by the parties, including all the attachments and appendices thereto, and all documents incorporated by reference therein; b) “Image Processing” includes scanning of images as well as all forms including OMR forms, Answer/Response sheets etc. Page 3 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal c) “Data Processing” includes Data Extraction from Image / OMR, Data Verification and Data Validation d) "Bidder” means any firm(s) having proper legal Agreement between the parties with the lead firm taking the full responsibility of managing the project as required in the tender. The word “Bidder” when used in the pre award period shall be synonymous with “System Integrator” which shall be used after award of the contract. e) “The Contract Rate” means the rate offered by the System Integrator and accepted by the Tendering Authority under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations; f) “The Goods” means all the all the material/ services, which the System Integrator is required to supply to the Tendering Authority under the Contract; g) “RPMS” as per this tender document means Intranet based end-toend Automated user friendly Recruitment Process Management System with secured web interface. h) “Services” means services ancillary to the Scope of Work hereinabove, transportation, any other incidental services and other obligations of the System Integrator covered under the Contract; i) “Day” means a working day of TNPSC. j) “Tendering Authority” means The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission or any Officer of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission who has been authorized to issue a work order under this contract. Page 4 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal k) “Commission” means Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission l) “TNPSC” means Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission 2. Scope of work Broadly speaking the scope of work shall be provision of intranet based end-to-end Automated user friendly Recruitment Process Management System with secured web interface and it comprises of the following three major activities:- Activity 1 Design and supply of various forms like Application Forms, Answer/Response sheets Hall tickets, Attendance sheet with suitable and adequate security features as per the specification given by TNPSC from time to time. This activity mainly involves the supply of 110 GSM OMR as well as 90 GSM pre-printed stationery and it is the prerogative of TNPSC to choose any of them during the contract period as may be decided by TNPSC from time to time. Activity 2 This process is related to the Scanning and processing of Application forms, Answer sheets/ Response sheets. Hence activity 2 comprises of Image processing and Data processing comprising of Data extraction, Verification and Validation in respect of various forms defined in Activity 1 and generation of all kinds of results and printing of all necessary reports like Hall tickets, Mark list and Rank list and various other reports as may be specified by TNPSC from time to time by using bidder’s own hardware and customised Application Software to meet the requirements of TNPSC including uploading of the same in the Commission’s Website (TNPSC shall supply only the requisite non pre-printed stationery as the case may be, and the System Integrator should use their own printer and related consumables etc.) Page 5 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal Activity 3 This process is related to the Image and Data processing of Descriptive Answer sheets/ Response sheets. It includes Digital distribution and collection of answer scripts, On-Screen E-valuation on PC/PDA Device etc and generation of results and printing of various reports like Mark list and Rank list as the case may be, specified by TNPSC from time to time through customised Application Software to meet the requirements of TNPSC including uploading of the same in the Commission’s Website (TNPSC shall supply only the requisite non pre-printed stationery as the case may be and the System Integrator should use their own printer and related consumables etc.) The detailed technical specifications for Activity-1 is given in the Price Bid itself and for Activity 2 & 3 are given in Annexure-II of this tender document. 3.General Terms and Conditions i) Period of Contract The contract shall be initially for a period of 3 years from the date of execution of the agreement with the Tendering Authority. However, the contract may be renewed for a further period of 2 years on the basis of the performance of work of the System Integrator subject to mutual terms and conditions as specified in the contract. ii) Eligibility Criteria Only those firms that had an annual turnover of Rs.20 crore from IT and ITES business for any two years during the period between 2008-09 and 2010-11 should apply. Only those firms that had executed any of the Activities defined in Clause II.2 of this tender document with at least 3 Government/PSU/Academic Institutions during the last three years. Page 6 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal Only those firms that had executed an assignment in respect of supply of OMR forms/OMR/ICR/Image Processing related activities for a total value of not less than Rs.1.00 crore to a single Government/PSU/Academic Institution during last three years should apply. Only those firms that have valid VAT, Service Tax and PF registration Certificate and Valid TIN Number should apply Only those bidders who are capable of undertaking all the three activities specified in Clause II.2 of this tender document should only apply. All above eligibility conditions are mandatory and the firms not fulfilling all the above conditions shall not be considered and shall be summarily rejected. However for the evaluation of the technical bids and awarding of marks, the Technical Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the bids based on the criteria specified in this tender document. iii) Cost of Tender Document a) The tender document and supporting documents may be downloaded from www.tenders.tn.gov.in or www.tnpsc.gov.in. b) However, a nonrefundable Tender Fee of Rs.1,000/- ( INR One Thousand Only), in the form of Demand Draft / Pay order drawn in favour of The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission payable at par at Chennai should be enclosed along with the tender document failing which such the Tender application will be summarily rejected. Page 7 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal iv) Non-transferable The tender document is not transferable. v) Rejection of Bid The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission reserves the right to accept / reject / release or relax any or all or part of the bids received on the due date without assigning any reason whatsoever. vi) Language of bid The bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and The Tendering Authority shall be in English language. vii) Bid Currency Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees only. The bidders are advised not to indicate any separate discount. Discount, if any, should be merged with the quoted prices. viii) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) a) Bidders are required to enclose a Demand Draft / Pay Order Drawn from any of the Nationalised Banks in India in the name of The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission payable at Chennai for Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs Only) towards Earnest Money Deposit. MSME units registered anywhere in Tamil Nadu alone are eligible for claiming exemption from the payment of EMD and such firms desiring to claim such exemption should enclose the permanent registration certificate issued by any of the District Industries Centre in Tamil Nadu. However such firms claiming exemption from the payment of EMD shall remit an interest free security deposit of Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees Two lakhs only) Page 8 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal within 7 days from the date of issue of award of the contract by the Tendering Authority. b) Offers received without Earnest Money Deposit or without enclosing the proof for claiming exemption shall be rejected. Payment of EMD by cash will not be accepted. c) In the case of System Integrators the EMD will be retained as interest free performance security deposit and will be refunded only after the satisfactory completion of the contract. d) Unsuccessful bidders’ Earnest Money Deposit shall be discharged / returned within 30 days after the finalization of the Tender Offer validity prescribed in this tender. The Earnest Money Deposit shall be forfeited and Bid shall be rejected: a) If a Bidder withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid form or b) In case of a System Integrator, if the Bidder fails: o To sign the contract form in accordance with the terms and conditions within seven days from the date of awarding the contract o To perform the contract as per the tender terms & conditions ix) Presentation of the solution a) As a part of the technical bid, all the eligible bidders shall be asked to give a presentation on the proposed technology and solutions to the Technical Evaluation Committee appointed for this purpose by the Tendering Authority on the date, venue and time to be communicated to them at a later date. b) This is an opportunity given to all the eligible bidders to show as to how their proposal shall be best suited to meet the requirements of Page 9 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal the Tendering Authority in respect of effective and efficient execution of the scope of the work as defined in Clause II.2 of this tender document. c) Failure to make such a presentation on the date and time so communicated shall lead to the rejection of their bids without assigning any further reason. x) Security Features a) The bidder should provide a write up on the security approach adopted in their proposed solutions like incorporation of stringent security procedures and measures including encryption and various levels of passwords during the execution of the project to eliminate the possibility of errors, frauds and misuse. b) The bidder should provide the details of encryption technique used to protect unauthorised access to the system and methods used for authentication and validation of the data. c) The bidder shall also clearly state the Do’s and Dont’s along with the list of potential threats and the bidders proposed ways and means of preventing them. xi) Security Audit The System Integrator shall be subjected to a Pre-installation Security Audit which includes Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) by a third party to be appointed by TNPSC. The System Integrator shall also ensure the following:- Restriction of Access to system processing functions / programmes / files to appropriately Authorised Users. Prevention of unauthorised penetration into the Data uploaded into the website. Page 10 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal xii) Service Level Agreement(SLA) (To be filled by the bidder) A. SLA for Activity 1 as defined in Clause II (2) 1. Accuracy level of the Quality of Forms : 2. (In terms of GSM and Accuracy of Printing) Delivery Capability of Supply of Forms : B. SLA for Activity 2 as defined in Clause II (2) 3. Capacity to turn around number of : Application / Response sheets per day through Image Processing 4. Capability to extract and process the : data and export them in a day 5. Accuracy of the final data output and : their integrity 6. Number of high end professional : scanners to be used 7. Scanning Delivery capability per day : 8. Number of computers to Process the : volume of data 9. Processed output data porting and : security definition 10. Capability to produce Mandatory : reports 11. Turn-around time of scanning / : processing and volume scaling capability 12. Capability to perform VA – PT to : ensure secured data protection C. SLA for Activity 3 as defined in Clause II(2) 13. Capability to scan answer sheet booklet of each Candidate and store the digital Images of all pages (in terms of no of single page images per day) 14. E-valuation of answer sheets in terms : of number of answer sheets per day 15. Accuracy of the final data output and : their integrity The bidders should specify clearly in their Proposed Technical Solution, the extent to which these SLA parameters can be assured by them in objective terms. If the Proposed Technical Page 11 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal solution does not contain the objective SLA, the technical bid will not be considered for further evaluation. xiii) Access Rights Management: (i) System shall provide with login screen to specific users of the system. Only authenticated users should be provided access to the application. (ii) As an enhanced security measure, RPMS should provide role based access (iii) User types will be(a) Administrator to handle the application having all the Read/ Write access (b) User to generate reports from the data xiv) Administration (i) Role Master: This feature is used to add the roles to the internal users for the purpose of system authorization. It is also used to search / modify / delete existing roles. (ii) Permission Master: This feature is used to add the permission types for the roles in Role Master for system authorization purpose. It is also used to search / modify / delete existing permission types. (iii) Role Permission Mapping: This feature is used to add the mapping of what permission is associated with which role. It is also used to search/modify/delete existing permission role map. Page 12 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal xv) Standards of Performance The System Integrator shall complete the RPMS project in accordance with the specification given by TNPSC from time to time and in conformity with the international standards on Information Security and Audit and as per various relevant laws such as Information Technology Act 2000 and other related Laws, Rules and Regulations. xvi) Responsibilities A. Responsibilities of the System Integrator: i. Resource and Project Management as per Scope of the work ii. Completion of the work as mentioned in the Scope of the work iii. Shall appoint at the Commencement of the Project one of its representatives as a coordinator who shall act as a single point of contact with the Commission during the conduct of the project iv. Shall bring in all the required Hardware and Software including all kinds of consumables required for executing the contract awarded to him at his cost v. Shall bring in necessary personnel required for executing the contract awarded to him at his cost vi. Shall be responsible for any other thing that is required for executing the contract awarded to him except that that shall provided by TNPSC as stated in this tender document vii. Shall provide necessary training to the staff of TNPSC Page 13 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal B. Responsibilities of TNPSC: a. Provide information/data/clarifications b. Provide necessary office space within the premises of TNPSC for scanning, Data processing, printing or any other work incidental to the scope of the work c. Shall provide necessary non preprinted stationery for printing various reports xvii) Software Requirement Specification (SRS) d. The System Integrator has to design a Software Application based on the requirements listed above to the satisfaction of the TNPSC. The SRS document (Software Requirement Specification) will be submitted to the commission for approval as per the delivery schedule. e. The SRS document shall clearly define the inputs to the program, configurable parameters, result formats, reports etc. It shall have the flow charts describing the logic of result processing. f. Once the SRS is approved, System Integrator has to develop the software as per the delivery schedule. g. After successful trials on test data, the software shall be deployed for actual result processing. h. System Integrator has to provide training to required number of officials of TNPSC in operations and maintenance of the Result Processing Software. Page 14 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal i. He shall also provide experienced personnel of suitable level for training purpose as stipulated by the Commission anytime during the contract. j. Maintenance and modifications of the software for a period of three years from the date of award of the contract k. The System Integrator shall study the existing manual examination process of TNPSC. Based on the study, the System Integrator shall prepare Functional Specification Document (“FSD”) for the proposed system and submit the same to TNPSC. On acceptance of the FSD by TNPSC, the System Integrator shall design and develop appropriate Application Software that is in line with the requirements of TNPSC. xviii) Pilot run and parallel run The Application Software customized to meet the requirements of TNPSC shall be subjected to trials on test data for at least two past examinations provided by the Commission. The System Integrator shall deploy onsite support persons at the Office of TNPSC to coordinate the pilot run. Onsite training for the pilot office users and pilot run shall be given by the System Integrator. Module-wise Bugs report and resolution method shall be documented and submitted to the customer for review. If there are any change requests based on the pilot run, the System Integrator shall effect the changes immediately without any additional cost. xix) Open Source Platform: Though it shall be the prerogative of the System Integrator to choose any of the front-end and back-end platforms as per the expertise and resources available with the System Integrator, TNPSC would prefer open source platforms. Page 15 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal xx) Testing i. The System Integrator shall thoroughly test the software at his site before its deployment on Production site for proper functioning (data entry, processing, and printing). TNPSC shall provide necessary test data and sample reports for the same. ii. Technical Evaluation committee shall scrutinize the software to certify the security, technicality and suitability of the developed software to meet the requirements of TNPSC. TNPSC shall give the Final approval/ User Acceptance of the software and system only after getting Satisfactory clearance certificate from the Technical Evaluation Committee. xxii) Documentation The System Integrator shall provide proper documentation as well as user manual in hard copy format, in soft copy format and along with on-line help. xxiii) Database Management i. The System Integrator shall be responsible for end-to-end management of database on an ongoing basis to ensure smooth functioning of the same. ii. The System Integrator shall undertake management of changes to Database Schema, Disk space, Storage, user roles. iii. Undertake performance monitoring and tuning of the databases on a regular basis including, preventive maintenance of the database as required. iv. The System Integrator shall provide management of database upgrade or patch upgrade as and when required with minimum Downtime. Page 16 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal v. The System Integrator shall take regular backups for all databases in accordance with the backup and archive policies and conduct recovery whenever required with appropriate permissions. vi. The System Integrator shall provide and use of DBA tools including Data Warehousing and Data Mining Tools related to performing database creation, maintenance, and database monitoring tasks. vii. After rectifying the mistakes, if any, and after all the processing is over, all the data be handed over to the Commission in the required database structure like latest version of MS Excel, MS Access, .dbf & MS SQL etc. viii. All the data be preserved for six months from the date of reports and thereafter are to be submitted to this office or till specific instructions if given earlier. ix. The System Integrator should ensure that the Data Processing is absolutely error free. x. If any problem in understanding the requirement of processing arises, the matter be discussed with the concerned Officers before proceeding further. xxiv) Disaster Recovery The regular backup of all the data shall be maintained as well as the Data Bases exported in different Database format shall be stored in a secured place in a different seismic zone as per the directive of TNPSC and back up shall also be given to TNPSC. In case of any Disaster, such as Fire, Flood, Terrorist threat, Mis-handling or other disruptive event, the System Integrator shall restore / recover the data Page 17 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal for the System to function from backup and continue to operate in a reasonable period of time of 24 hrs. Proper documentation of the database backup is required to easily locate the physical data / data in the server/network. 4. Technical and Commercial Bids i) Contents of Envelopes: Bids shall have to be submitted in two separate Envelopes comprising of Technical Bid in Envelope I & Commercial Bid in Envelope II. All two inside envelopes should be separately securely sealed and / or stamped. The sealed envelopes must be super-scribed with the following information: a) Type of Offer (Technical or Commercial) b) Tender Reference Number c) Name of Bidder ii) Technical Bid (Envelope- I) a. Technical Bid Envelope shall contain the following documents: This tender document should be duly signed by the authorized signatory of the firm in all the pages (including Annexure-I and Annexure-II) Demand Draft for Tender fee of Rs.1000/- Demand Draft for EMD or copy of the permanent registration certificate issued by the Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Tamil Nadu Tender offer form duly filled in. Bidders Authorization Certificate. VAT Registration Certificate from concerned Government Department Copies of Certificate of incorporation of the firm (e.g. Registration as Partnership Firm, Proprietary concern, Company etc.) Page 18 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal Copy of Service Tax Registration Certificate. Copy of the TIN certificate Copy of PF registration Certificate Proof of Clause having II.2 of executed this any tender of the activities document in defined atleast in three Government/PSUs/Academic institutions during the last three years Proof of having executed an assignment in respect of any of the activities listed in Clause II.2 of this tender document for a total value of not less than Rs.1.00 crore to a single Govt/PSU/Academic Institution during the last three years Certificate from its Certified Chartered Accountant stating that the Bidder had a minimum Annual Turnover of Rupees 20 Crores from IT and ITES business during any two years between 2008-09 and 2010-11 Proof in support of Quality Certification received if any Infrastructural details Client feedback about the track record of the bidder Technical Proposal with detailed objective SLA as assured by the bidder b. The Technical BID (T.B.) shall be complete in all respects and contain all information asked for, except prices. It shall not contain any price information. The T.B. shall indicate whether all services asked are quoted for and that all requirements therefore are also quoted for. The Technical Bid must be submitted in an organized and neat manner. No documents, brochures, etc. shall be submitted in loose form. All the pages shall be serially numbered. c. Tenders shall be forwarded on the letter Head of the firm, which should contain Phone Number/Fax Number. /URL, email, and other details of the firm. Page 19 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal iii) Commercial Bid [only one copy] a) Second envelope shall be marked as envelope No.II “Commercial Envelope” which contains only price schedule in the prescribed Pro forma b) The Commercial bid shall be on fixed price basis, exclusive of all types of applicable taxes. If the prices quoted are accompanied by vague and conditional expressions such as “Subject to any condition or assumptions”, the same will be treated as invalid bid and shall be summarily rejected without assigning any further reason. iv) Submission of bids a) The Technical Bid and the Commercial Bid shall be placed in a separate envelope super scribed: “Technical bid” or “Commercial Bid”, as the case may be, followed by the words “Invitation of Bids for the Supply of Recruitment Process Management System (RPMS) along with the Design & Supply of various forms On Rate Contract Basis ” Name of the bidder and contact address should also be written on the envelope. b) The Bidders shall seal the envelope No.I as Technical envelope and Envelope envelopes, No.II duly as Commercial marking the envelope envelopes in as separate inner “Envelope No.1, Technical Envelope” and “Envelope No.2 Commercial Envelope”. The two envelopes shall be placed in an outer envelope. The inner and outer Envelopes shall also be addressed to Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai – 600006. The name and address of the Bidder shall be written on outer envelope also to facilitate return unopened in case it is declared “late”. Page 20 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal v) Deadline for Submission of Bids a) Bids must be received by the Tendering Authority at the address, not later than the time and date specified in the Invitation for Bids. In the event of the specified date for the submission of Bids being declared as a holiday for the Tendering Authority, the bids shall be received up to the appointed time on the next working day. b) The Tendering Authority may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids, in which case all rights and obligations of the Tendering Authority and Bidders subject to the deadline shall thereafter be extended. vi) Late Bids Any bid received by the Tendering Authority after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed, due to any reason whatsoever it may be shall be rejected and/or returned unopened to the Bidder vii) Withdrawal of Bids Bids cannot be withdrawn after the opening of the bids and in case the bidder withdraws after the opening of the bid, the EMD paid by them shall stand forfeited viii) Period of Validity of Bids a) Bids shall be valid for acceptance for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of Commercial Bid. A Bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by The Tendering Authority as nonresponsive. b) In exceptional circumstances, the Tendering Authority may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing and shall be binding. Page 21 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal ix) Evaluation Committees The Technical evaluation Committee and Commercial Committee constituted by the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, shall evaluate the Tenders. The decision of these Committees in the evaluation of the Technical and Commercial bids shall be final. x) Opening of Technical Bids: Technical Bids shall be opened either in the presence of bidders or it’s duly authorised representatives. The Bidder’s representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. Only one representative per applicant shall be permitted to be present at the time of opening the tender. The Bidder or Bidder’s representatives should bring authorization letter from the Firm. 5. EVALUATION METHODOLOGY i) Evaluation of Technical Bid a) The Technical evaluation shall be done by a Technical Evaluation Committee to be appointed by TNPSC. b) The inputs for the technical evaluation shall be the information furnished by the Bidders in the Technical Bid and presentation of the Bidder. c) The technical committee shall rank the bidders on a rating scale of 0 to 100 marks d) The marks awarded by the Technical Committee shall be final and binding on all the bidders. e) The minimum qualifying marks shall be 60 marks and hence the bids of those bidders who have got less than 60 marks shall stand rejected and their commercial bid will not be opened. Page 22 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal f) The financial bid of only those bidders who have got the qualifying mark of 60 and above will be considered for further evaluation and hereinafter called technically qualified bidders and shall be opened on a date to be communicated after the evaluation of all the technical bids. g) The evaluation of the technical bids by Technical Evaluation committee shall be based on the parameters given in Clause II.5.(ii) of this tender document ii) Evaluation of Technology and systems proposed The Technical Evaluation Committee shall look into the following major criteria for Technical bid evaluation apart from analysing the presentation a) Company’s profile and its prominent presence in Chennai b) Proposed Technical Solution c) Experience in the relevant field d) Exposure to working with Government Departments / PSUs /Academic Institutions e) Capacity to handle large volume f) Quality Certification in the relevant field g) Client Feedback about the track record h) Service Level Agreement i) Additional Features as offered by the bidder The above list is only an indicative list but not an exhaustive one and therefore the Technical Evaluation Committee shall have the right to look into any other criteria in the proposed solution offered by the bidder. If necessary, the Technical Evaluation Committee may conduct System Audit at the office of the bidder to satisfy itself as to whether the claims made by such bidders are genuine or not with special reference to available infrastructure. Page 23 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal The marks scored by those bidders who have got not less than 60 marks shall be considered for further evaluation at 60% weight-age. iii) Opening of Commercial Bids Commercial Bids of only technically qualified Bidders as mentioned above will be opened on a date that shall be announced after the evaluation of all the technical bids as above. The date will not be later than 60 days from the date of opening of technical bid. The Tendering Authority reserves the right to open Commercial Bid even if one Bidder qualifies the Technical Bid or only one Bid is received in response to the Tender Notice. All the unopened commercial bids will be destroyed after three months from the date of opening of commercial bids. iv) Evaluation of Commercial Bids a) The commercial bids so opened as per Clause II.5.(iii) of this tender document, will be evaluated by a Commercial Committee to be appointed by TNPSC. b) The commercial bids will be evaluated purely based on the rates offered by the bidders in respect of each of the scope of work as defined in Clause II.2 of this tender document. c) The technically qualified bidders shall be ranked on a rating scale of 0 to 100 marks in respect of their commercial bids. The maximum score of 100 marks will be distributed in the ratio of respectively for Activities 1,2 and 3 1:2:2 as defined in Clause II.2 of this tender document d) There will not be any minimum qualifying marks and therefore all the commercial bids will be awarded marks, with the highest mark of 100% for the lowest bidders and others getting marks on pro rata basis. e) The marks scored by the bidders in the commercial bid shall be considered for further evaluation at 40% weight-age. Page 24 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal v) Combined Evaluation of Technical/Commercial Bids and award criteria: The marks scored by the bidders in technical and commercial bid will be combined and the bidders will be ranked on a composite rating scale of 0 to 100 marks with a weightage of 60% for technical bid and 40% for commercial bid and the bidders will be ranked in the descending order of the total marks scored by the bidders in respect of all the three activities taken together or ranked activity wise in the descending order of the total marks scored by the bidders in respect of each of the three activities taken separately. Further, while the Technical bid score of 60 marks will be common for all the activities defined Clause II.2 of this tender document, the financial bid score of 40 marks will be distributed in the ratio of 1:2:2 respectively for Activity 1, 2 and 3 as defined in Clause II.2 of this tender document. vi) Acceptance of Bids The bids of only those bidders who get the highest composite score as calculated above in respect of (a) all the items of work defined in the scope of the work in Clause II.2 of this tender document or (b) each item of work defined in the scope of work in this tender document shall be considered for the award of the contract subject to the condition that the Tendering Authority a) reserves its right to enter into negotiation with such bidders with a view to get the best possible, efficient and cost effective solution and b) reserves its right to award all the three activities either to one or more bidders at the negotiated final rate or any one or more activities to one or more bidders at the negotiated final rate. Page 25 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal c) reserves the rights or reject any Tender without assigning any reason whatsoever vii) Notification of Award Prior to expiration of the period of bid validity, the Tendering Authority shall notify the System Integrator in writing that its bid has been accepted. viii) Binding Clause All decisions taken by the Tendering Authority regarding the processing of this tender and award of contract shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. The Tendering Authority, reserves the right:To vary, modify, revise, amend or change any of the terms and conditions in this Bid; To reject any or all the tender/s without assigning any reason whatsoever thereof or to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected bidder(s) of the grounds for such decision. ix) Conditional Tenders Hypothetical, ambiguous or Conditional tenders shall be summarily rejected. x) Interpretation of the Clauses In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the clauses in Tender Document or the Contract Document, the Tendering Authority’s interpretation of the clauses shall be final and binding on all parties. Page 26 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal 6. Commercial Terms i) Payment Schedule a) No advance payment will be made. b) In the case of scope of the work as defined in this tender document, payment shall be made within three months from the date of issue of the Payment Clearance Certificate by the Tendering Authority in respect of the completion of the said work in good and satisfactory condition and after verification of the services/reports/tasks conforming to the quality, specifications and other terms and conditions specified in this tender document. c) The office of TNPSC will deduct Service/Income Tax and other statutory taxes at Source as applicable from time to time. d) The payment shall be made by “Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) or epayment or by cheque. The System Integrators are therefore requested to indicate EFT No. and other relevant details in your offer / bill (s).The Bidder must submit their Banker’s name, address, Type of Account & Account. No. and IFSC no. etc. System Integrators are required to submit an authorization form duly signed for e-payment to them. e) For claiming payment the System Integrator has to submit Invoice duly pre-receipted. ii) Contract Rate a) Rates charged by the supplier for goods delivered and services performed under the contract shall not be higher than the negotiated final rate agreed to in writing by the bidder Page 27 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal b) Rates should be all inclusive except only the taxes payable to the State/Central Government and the bidders should specifically state the presently applicable percentage of VAT or CST and Service tax. c) The rate quoted must be FIRM throughout the contract period. Only one rate to be quoted for each item/sub item strictly as per prescribed specification. Variation in rates shall not be considered under no circumstance whatsoever. iii) Penalty a) Any delay in the time schedule prescribed by Tendering Authority shall attract a penalty upto 0.5 % of the contract value for the deviations in the SLA. However, if the delay is caused due to unavoidable circumstances, then Tendering Authority reserves the right to waive off the penalties so levied. b) In case of delay beyond three days, tendering authority will be at liberty to procure the services from any other agency at the risk and cost of the System Integrator and it also will result in the forfeiture of the Performance Security amount. c) For any other irregularities, mistakes, etc. in the Scanning and processing, penalty at the discretion of Tendering Authority will be imposed. d) That for unsatisfactory performance owing to absence of System Integrator’s staff, deficiencies in services or for some other reason the tendering authority shall be within its rights to make necessary deductions from the running bills of the System Integrator for such deficiency in services. Alternatively, the tendering authority may, after giving an opportunity of being heard to the System Integrator, Page 28 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal get such deficiencies fulfilled at the cost and responsibility of the System Integrator. e) Where any claim for the payment of a sum of money arises, out of or under this contract against the System Integrator, the tendering authority shall be entitled to recover such a sum by appropriating in part or whole, from the performance security deposit of the System Integrator. In the event of the performance security being insufficient, the balance of the total sub recoverable, as the case may be , shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the System Integrator under this and any other persons contracting through the Secretary, TNPSC. 7. Legal Issues i) Suspension of Work a) The System Integrator shall, if ordered in writing by the tendering authority for non-performance, temporarily suspend the works or any part thereof for such a period and such a time as ordered. b) The System Integrator shall not be entitled to claim compensation for any loss or damage sustained by him by reason of temporary suspension of the Works as aforesaid. An extension of time for completion, corresponding with the delay caused by any such suspension of the works as aforesaid shall be granted to the System Integrator, if request for same is made and that the suspension was not consequent to any default or failure on the part of the Bidder. c) In case the suspension of works, is not due to any default or failure on the part of the System Integrator, and lasts for a period of more than 2 months, the System Integrator shall have the option to Page 29 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal request the tendering authority to terminate the Contract with mutual consent. ii) Termination for Insolvency The Tendering Authority may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the System Integrator, if the System Integrator becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In this event, termination shall be without compensation to the System Integrator, provided that such termination shall not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy, which has accrued or shall accrue thereafter to the Tendering Authority. iii) Termination a) The Tendering Authority may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the System Integrator, terminate the Contract in whole or part, b) If the System Integrator fails to deliver any or all of the Goods or Services within the period(s) specified in the Contract, c) If the System Integrator fails to perform as per the Quality standards and as per the Scope of the Work, d) The Tendering Authority may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice sent to the System Integrator, without assigning any reason, may terminate the Contract in whole or part, if the tendering authority satisfies that the services of the System Integrator are no more required or System Integrator is not executing its services properly. Page 30 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal e) If the System Integrator after the issue of the award of the contract fails to abide by the terms and conditions of the tender document or fails to execute the work as per the prescribed schedule given or at any time repudiates the contract, the tendering authority will have the right to forfeit the EMD, invoke performance security deposited by the firm and get the work done from other System Integrator at the risk and consequences of the first System Integrator. The cost difference between the alternative arrangements and System Integrator’s bid value will be recovered from the firm along with other incidental charges including transportation, taxes, etc. in case tendering authority is forced to work done through alternative sources and if the cost is lower, no benefit on this account would be passed on the System Integrator. f) In case of failure by the bidder to carry out the job in accordance with provisions of the contract and as per the Scope of the Work, the tendering authority will have right to cancel the contract and award it to any other System Integrator and any loss sustained thereby will be recoverable from the first System Integrator. g) Tendering Authority reserves the right to blacklist a bidder for a suitable period in case he fails to honour his bid without sufficient grounds. iv) Force Majeure a) The System Integrator shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, liquidated damages, or termination for default if and to the extent that it’s delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure. Page 31 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal b) For purposes of this clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the System Integrator and not involving the System Integrator’s fault or negligence and not foreseeable. c) Such events may include, but are not limited to, acts of the Tendering Authority in its sovereign or contractual capacity, war or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes. d) If a force Majeure situation arises, the System Integrator shall promptly notify the Tendering Authority in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Tendering Authority in writing, the System Integrator shall continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as it is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure. v) Resolution of Disputes a) The Tendering Authority and the System Integrator shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiations any disagreement or dispute arising between them in connection with the contract. b) If, after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the Tendering Authority and the System Integrator have been unable to resolve amicably a contract dispute, all such disputes, differences, claims and demands arising under the contract shall be referred to arbitration of a sole Arbitrator to be appointed by the mutual consent. All arbitrations shall be held in Chennai. Page 32 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal vi) Indemnity Clause The Bidder shall indemnify Tendering Authority from and against any costs, loss, damages, expenses and claims including those from third parties or liabilities of any kind howsoever suffered arising or incurred interalia during and after the contract period out of:- a) Any negligence or wrongful act or omission by the Bidder or any subcontract or third party in connection with or b) incidental to this contract or c) Any breach of any of the terms of this contract by all System Integrators or any sub-contract or third party. 8. Detailed Technical Specifications: i) SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SUPPLY OF OMR ENROLLMENT & APPLICATION FORMS, OMR ANSWER SHEETS/ PAPERS:As specified in the Price Bid ii) Specification of Images to be scanned for activity 2 & 3 as defined in Clause II.2 of this Tender document: The images scanned shall be in the quality of atleast 200 DPI (Dots Per Inch) or higher and as decided by TNPSC from time to time. iii) Specifications and Detailed Functionalities of the Scope of the work relating to the Proposed Intranet Based end-to-end user friendly RPMS with suitable web interface shall cover the processes as listed in Annexure - II The stage, process and reports to be generated are given in Annexure–II of this tender document. However, the detailed Page 33 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal functionalities of the Scope of the Work relating to the Proposed Intranet Based end-to-end RPMS Software with suitable web interface reports specified in the Annexure–II of this tender document is only an indicative list and not an exhaustive list and therefore the System Integrator shall execute any other related work as may be specified by the Tendering Authority from time to time. 9. Data Export i. Importing data from excel / .csv / .DBF ( example Venue Lists) ii. Exporting the data to integrate with the Online Application System (example– OMR answer sheets after valuation, Result of the applications etc.) The List of reports specified in this tender document is not an exhaustive list and therefore the System Integrator has to ensure the generation any other report that may be required by the Tendering Authority during the period of contract. 10. Delivery Schedule The System Integrator shall strictly adhere to the following delivery schedule: Sl.No Activity 1 SRS Finalization 2 3 Time Schedule 15 Days from the date of Work Order Customization of Application 45 Days from the date of Work Software to carry out the Activity Order. 2 as given in the Scope of Work in Annexure -II Customization of Application 75 Days from the date of Work Software to carry out the Activity Order 3 as given in the Scope of Work in Annexure –II Page 34 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal SCHEDULE-I TECHNICAL BID A. Profile of the Company 1. Name of the Organisation : 2. Structure of the Organisation : 3. Address of the Organisation : 4. Phone number : 5. Fax Number : 6. E-mail address : Page 35 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal 7. We have enclosed the following documents: (Bidder has to mention against each item whether it is enclosed or not. If enclosed please mention the page number for ready reference) Sl. No 1. Name of the Document 2. Demand Draft / Pay order for Tender fee. 3. Demand Draft for EMD or copy of the permanent registration certificate issued by the Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Tamil Nadu 4. Tender offer form duly filled in and signed. 5. Bidders Authorization Certificate. 6. VAT Registration Certificate from concerned Government Department 7. Copies of Certificate of incorporation of the firm (e.g. Registration as Partnership Firm, Proprietary concern, Company etc.) 8. Copy of Service Tax Registration Certificate. 9. Copy of the TIN certificate 10. Copy of PF registration Certificate 11. Proof of having executed any of the activities defined in Clause II of this tender document in atleast three Government/PSUs/Academic institutions during the last three years 12. Proof of having executed an assignment in respect of any of the activities listed in Clause II of this tender document for a total value of not less than Rs.1.00 crore to a single Government / PSU / Academic Institution during the last three years Enclosed / Not Enclosed Tender document duly signed by the authorized signatory of the firm in all the pages (including the Annexure–II) Page 36 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal Page No 13. Certificate from its Certified Chartered Accountant stating that the Bidder had a minimum annual turnover of Rupees 20 Crores from IT and ITES business during any two years during the period of 2008 – 2009 to 2010 – 2011. 14. Proof in support received if any 15. Infrastructural details 16. Client feedback about the track record of the bidder 17. Technical Proposal with detailed objective SLA as assured by the bidder Other documents (Specify) 1. ………………………………………………………………… 18. of Quality Certification 2. ………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………………………………… 5. ………………………………………………………………… Certificate I / We have read the tender documents completely and understood the requirements and conditions laid down in it. I/We certify that our firm is eligible to participate in this tender as per the eligibility criteria specified in this tender document. I/We will abide by the tender Terms and conditions given in the documents. Signature of the Bidder with seal and date Page 37 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal SCHEDULE – II COMMERCIAL-BID ACTIVITY – I (Printing and Supply of Preprinted Forms) Sl. No. 1. Item Rate per 1000 forms* Design, Printing and Supply of OMR Application forms 2. 8’ x 15’ (Folding at 11th inch with perforation) Thickness 110 GSM Two colours Duplex Printing Alpha-Numeric Barcode (code 39) printed at two places with visible number using Laser Printer Timing track on both sides Scan able in opscan OMR scanners 100% Pre-checked and Accurate To be printed and supplied as per the specimen (Shall be discussed at the time of pre-bid meeting) Design, Printing and Supply of OMR Answer sheets 3. A4 size with timing track and skew marks Thickness 110 GSM Two colours Duplex Printing Alpha-Numeric Barcode printed at one place with visible number using Laser printer Design, Printing and Supply of Preprinted forms Thickness 90 GSM Single colour Duplex (Double side printing) To be printed and supplied as per the specimen (Shall be discussed at the time of pre-bid meeting) *Rate quoted is applicable for the entire items of work listed above on rate per 1000 forms * Rate should not be quoted in slab system. Signature of the Bidder with date and seal Page 38 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal ACTIVITY – II (PRE AND POST EXAMINATION WORK) Sl.No. 1. Items of work Rate per single page image@ Design of customized RPMS Application Software covering the following Activities and executing these activities on rate contract bases. Image Processing including OMR Scanning Data Processing including Data Extraction Verification Validation Report generation and Result Publishing Hosting information in the website and any other related works as specified in the clause II-2 and as per Annexure-II ACTIVITY – III (On-Screen Valuation of Descriptive type Answer sheets) Sl.No. 1. Items of work Rate per single page image@ Design of customized RPMS Application Software covering the following Activities and executing these activities on rate contract bases. On-Screen valuation, Digital Distribution and Collection of Answer Scripts Scanning of Answer scripts and Mark Statement Data processing including verification and validation Report generation and Result Publishing Any other related works as specified in the clause II-2 and as per Annexure-II. @Rate quoted is applicable for the entire items of work listed in Activity 2 & 3 on rate per Single page image. Rate should not be quoted in slab system. The above rates are all inclusive everything except the taxes payable to the State/Central Government and the present applicable taxes are as follows: Sales tax (VAT) CST if any Service Tax Other Taxes (Specify) :…………….% :…………….% :…………….% :…………….% Certificate Certified that I/We have read and understood the Tender document carefully and quoted above rates for Activities 1, 2 and 3. Signature of the Bidder with date and seal Page 39 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal ANNEXURE-I Machineries available in the Commission’s office Name of the Item Nos. Description Sl No 1. Servers 3 2. Server 2 3 OMR Scanner 2 4. Image Scanner Kodak i260 5. Image Scanner Kodak i40 6. Desktop computers 2 1 130 1. HCL 53 Server System 2 U Rack Model – Windows Server 2008 / SQL Server 2008 IBM Brand – Intel Xeon Quad Core E5620 Processor – 8 GB PC3 – 256 MB Cache with support of Raid 0/1/5, 4x300 GB HDD – Slim SATADVD –ROM Optical Drive – OS support - Microsoft Windows Server 2008 – Additional 24 GB PC3 – Storage Media SAS DAT 160 GB – Storage Drive SAS 160GB DAT drive Server System - Tower Model - Window Server 2003 Intel Xeon Dual Core 5120 Processor – 1.86GHz - 4MB Cache – 2 x 512 MB DDR2 SD RAM – 17”TFT Monitor – Dual LAN Card with remote wake up – 6 Bays (2 External and 4 Internal Hot plug) Tower Type – Linux complaint. OPSCAN-8/50 OMR (Maximum 5000 pages per hour) Kodak i260 (Maximum 40 pages per minit / 2400 pages per hour) Kodak i40 20 PPM Linux /Windows XP / Windows 7 Intel Core 2 Duo Processor with Windows 7 Preloaded OS - Pegatron Mother board – 500 GB SATA HDD – 2GB DDR2 SD RAM – 18.5” TFT Monitor - DVD Writer – Preloaded MCAfee Anti Virus along with 1 year Warranty. 2.Zenith 40 3. Acer 16 4.Lenova 7. Copier machines Low End (Sharp) High End (Konica Minolta) Intel Core 2 Duo Processor with Windows XP Preloaded OS Asus P5KPL-V Mother board – 500 GB SATA HDD – Hynix 2GB zion RAM – 19” TFT Monitor DVD Writer Intel Core 2 Duo Processor with – Preloaded Suse Linux Enterprises Edition OS - Chipset Intel G31 Mother board – 500 GB SATA HDD – 1 GB DDR2 SD RAM – 19” TFT Monitor - DVD Writer 30 Pentium Dual Core D 820 Processor - 512MB DDR RAM - Windows XP OS - 160 GB SATA HDD –– 17” TFT Monitor - DVD Writer 4 1 20 PPM 55 PPM Page 40 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with Seal ANNEXURE - II PROCESS ACTIVITY REPORTS REQUIRED PRE- EXAMINATION Design of new Application Forms / Answer Tappal Numbers to be generated / printed on the application Documents enclosed enclosed List / List of candidates through online applied Report for Edited records and manually verified. Fee paid ledger Tentative list candidates. Sheets/Response Sheets with unique Identification Security features Preparation of Question Bank and Question Paper Setting with Answer Keys Preparation of Annual Calendar of Examinations and Activities not Image / OMR Scanning, Data processing, extraction, verification, validation, Rejection and admission of application. of rejected Preparation of Edit List with necessary Activity Log Integration with Online Application and Registration Final List of Rejected candidates Rejection Memos and any other Pre-examination reports required by TNPSC from time to time module. Page 41 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal PROCESS ACTIVITY Venue Management Allocation of candidates to the halls, assigning Register Numbers and generation of documents to be supplied to the Officials involved in the conduct of Examination. REPORTS REQUIRED Page 42 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal Check list for Hall and Chief Invigilators name address verification Center wise List of Halls to be generated Hall wise CI list to be generated. Generation of capacity chart Assigning Register Numbers Hall wise Register Number list Name index with Reg. No. Hall Wise Subject wise list of candidates with statement Hall wise Number of candidates Question Papers Packing report OMR answer paper packing Report Appointment letters Instructions to the CI Number statements Blind candidates list Number statement (2) Attendance sheet Instructions to the CI and invigilators Other formats and certificates Numbers of OMR supplied and any other reports required / specified by TNPSC from time to time PROCESS ACTIVITY REPORTS REQUIRED Online downloadable Hall Ticket Generation & Hosting in Printing the Website of Hall Tickets – Containing Name, Reg. No. Center Name, Hall Name, Photograph and subject opted; Date Examination, Center Code etc. Page 43 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal of Stage Process Reports required POST Scanning of Answer sheets (Image and OMR) and OMR List of Absentees / presentees EXAMINATION Absentees statements. Mismatching Security barcode Scanning of OMR Absentees statements Image / OMR Scanning, Data - processing, extraction, verification, validation. list with Center and Hall Name List of OMR not read in scanners List of Halls for which the list of presentees does not match Result Processing and Generation of Mark and Rank List as per the requirement of TNPSC List of Manually entered register Numbers with answers for cross checking List of candidates appeared in a subject other than the one opted in the application Error lists 1. Register number Error 2. Subject Code Error 3. Question Booklet Series Error Pencil Shading report and any other reports required / specified by TNPSC from time to time Page 44 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal DESCRIPTIVE TYPE EXAMINATION – [Manual Valuation] DUMMY NUMBERING, OMR SCANNING STATEMENTS AND DATA PROCESSING. Differential report between Examiner and Moderator evaluation Individual Mark Lists Consolidated Mark Lists Error lists List of Dummy Nos – Register OF MARK Result Processing and Generation of Marks and Rank List as per the requirement of TNPSC Nos. DESCRIPTIVE Valuation] TYPE EXAMINATION – [On-screen List of answer papers to be placed for III valuation and any other reports required / specified by TNPSC from time to Image Processing of Answer Scripts by keeping Candidates’ anonymity Provision of On-screen Valuation for Processing of the Answer Scripts to be evaluated or moderated by Examiner / Moderator / Chief Moderators Result Processing & Generation of Marks and Rank List Page 45 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal time PROCESS ACTIVITY SCORING AND SELECTION OF CANDIDATES FOR ORAL TEST / MAIN WRITTEN EXAMINATION AS PER THE VACANCY POSITION REPORTS REQUIRED Check list for answer keys Consolidated mark list Rank list Subsequently rejected candidate Top rankers list List of selected candidates for OT / Main Written Examination and any other reports required / specified by the TNPSC from time to time Page 46 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal Stage ORAL TEST / INTERVIEW Process ADMISSION OF CANDIDATES FOR ORAL TEST, SELECTION, COUNSELING AND ALLOTMENT Image Processing of Interview Board’s Mark Sheet Generation of Interview Mark Statement Generation of Category wise merit list Generation of Post-wise recommended List Result Processing and Generation of results as per rules and uploading in the website Verification of Bio-data Allotment of Service through Centralized / Decentralized counseling with On-screen display of vacant seat matrix Reports Required Vacant Seat matrix Distribution of vacancies as per the Ruling Category wise cut-off marks List of candidates admitted for OT Call letters Shuffled list of candidates Board allotment list Interview Schedule List Preparation of biodata Interview Absentee list Post preference list With held list with reasons Mark list Rank list List of withheld candidates List of rejected candidates List of selected candidates for counseling Reserve list (if required) Call letters for counseling Department allotment orders Final list of selected candidates with the name of the department Rank list as per roster Bulletin Preparation and any other reports required / specified by TNPSC from time to time Page 47 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal PROCESS POST SELECTION PROCESS ACTIVITY SELECTION OF CANDIDATES FOR NON-INTERVIEW POSTS AND PUBLICATION OF MARKS Various Analytical and Statistical reports on Socio-economic background of the candidates, their performance as per the requirement of TNPSC from time to time. Page 48 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal REPORTS REQUIRED Appointment letters to the candidates for non interview posts Bulletin Preparation List of Register Numbers with Marks obtained and any other reports required/specified by TNPSC from time to time. Tentative Draft Agreement to be signed by the System Integrator (To be executed on a Rs. 20/- Stamp paper by the Successful Bidder) This Contract entered into this ______ day of _____ 2012 at Chennai between Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission having its Office at Greams Road, Chennai, on behalf of the Governer of Tamil Nadu, hereinafter referred to as TNPSC (Which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors and assigns) of the First part and M/s. ____________________________ hereinafter referred to as the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR (Which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors and assigns) of the Second part. Whereas TNPSC invited a tender for the Supply of Automated Recruitment Process Management System comprising (RPMS) along with the design & supply of various forms On Rate Contract Basis and the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR herein has been selected in the Tender for execution of the work as detailed in the Tender Documents. Whereas, TNPSC and the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR, in pursuance thereof have arrived at the following terms and conditions:1. This Contract shall remain in force for a period of three years from the date of signing of this Contract subject to the extension of the same as per clause.II.3.(i) of the tender document in respect of the tender No. 01/2012. TNPSC may terminate this contract at the risk and cost of the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR where the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR is in material breach of the terms and conditions of this contract and fails to remedy that breach on 14 days’ written notice from TNPSC. Page 49 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal Termination of this contract by TNPSC will not relieve SYSTEM INTEGRATOR of its liability as agreed. 2. The SYSTEM INTEGRATOR agrees to complete the execution of the contract specified in the Tender within the stipulated period prescribed by TNPSC at the negotiated final rate. This cost is firm and not subject to enhancement. 3. The Contract or any part share of interest in it shall not be transferred or assigned by the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR directly or indirectly to any person or persons. 4. Neither TNPSC nor the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure in the performance of their respective obligations due to causes, contingencies beyond their reasonable control such as: a) Natural phenomena including but not limited to earthquakes, floods and epidemics. b) Acts of any Government authority domestic or foreign including but not limited to war declared or undeclared. c) Accidents or disruptions including, but not limited to fire and explosions. 5. The Tender Ref. 01/2012 along with the enclosures, the offer submitted by the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR, the negotiated and finalized terms and conditions and the Work Order respectively will form part of this contract. Wherever the offer conditions furnished by the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR are at variance with conditions of this contract or conditions stipulated in the tender document, the final negotiated offer conditions shall prevail over the tender conditions furnished by the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR. Page 50 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal 6. Liquidated Damages A penalty will be levied at up to the rate of 0.5% per week on the total contract value subject to a maximum of 2% for non-fulfilment of delivery schedule. Any delay due to the Force Majeure conditions or delay caused from the customer side will be excluded from the delivery time. In the event of failure to fulfil the conditions, TNPSC at its discretion may initiate any of the actions such as; Extension of time may be permitted to complete the work. Additional resources will be requested by TNPSC for speeding up the work. Contract may be terminated and new contract may be awarded to other Technically Qualified Bidders at the same tender cost or at higher cost. In case of higher cost, any difference in cost to be incurred in engaging other Bidder may be recovered from the System Integrator. Any other action as may be decided by the TNPSC in the best interest of the work. 7. Penalty for non-fulfilment of conditions A penalty will be levied at up to the rate of 0.5% of the total contract value in the event of non-fulfilment or non-observance of any of the conditions stipulated in the Agreement, Terms and Conditions and Work Order at the discretion of TNPSC. 8. Payment Clause Payment to the system Integrator shall be made only as per the clause II.6. of the tender document for the tender ref No. 01/2011 9. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, any notice, request, consent or other communication given or required to be given hereunder shall be given by mailing the same by registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested in the case of the SYSTEM Page 51 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal INTEGRATOR to TNPSC at the address set forth above or with other addresses and to the attentions of such other person or persons as may hereafter be designated by like notice hereunder and any such notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the date when in the ordinary course of post, it would have been delivered at the address to which it was sent. 10. Any notice to the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR given or required to be given hereunder shall be given by either: a) Mailing the same by registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested; or b) Having the same delivered by courier with receipt acknowledged at the address set forth above or with other addresses and to the attentions of such other person or persons as may hereafter be designated by like notice hereunder and any such notice shall be deemed to have been served if sent by post on the date when in the ordinary course of post, it would have been delivered at the addresses to which it was sent or if delivered by courier on the date of acknowledgement of receipt. 11. In case of breach of any of the conditions of the contract by the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR during the contract period, TNPSC reserves the right to recover costs/liabilities arising directly due to such breach from the SYSTEM INTEGRATOR. 12. If any dispute and/or difference shall at any time arise between the parties to this agreement or any clause or their respective rights, claims or liabilities hereunder or otherwise, however, in relation to or arising out of or concerning this agreement, such dispute and/or differences shall be referred to arbitration by two arbitrators, one to be appointed by each party and in the event of arbitrators differing, to an umpire to be appointed by the said two arbitrators before entering Page 52 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal upon the reference. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended from time to time shall apply. The Arbitration shall be held in Chennai only. 13. All disputes in this regard shall be subject to Chennai Jurisdiction only. In Witness whereof the parties hereto have signed on the day, month and year above written in the presence of For and on behalf of TNPSC Witness 1 Witness 2 Signature: For and on behalf of SYSTEM INTEGRATOR Witness 1 Signature: Name : Name : Address: Address: Signature: Witness 2 Signature: Name : Name : Address: Address: Page 53 of 53 Signature of the Bidder with seal