Teachers and Staff

Teachers and Staff
Help our School Earn Money and Help the Environment too!
Announcing Montgomery’s New Paper Recycling Program!
Brought to you by Abitibi Paper Retriever
• What is the Abitibi Paper Retriever Program? This Program is a
simple and free service for our school and community to use for
paper recycling.
Where is the bin located? A green and yellow bin is located in the
school parking lot near the cafeteria entrance.
• What can be put in the bins? Any catalogs, magazines,
newspapers, junk mail, office paper, fax paper, school paper,
notebooks and folders.
• What cannot be put in the bins? Cereal boxes, milk cartons,
soda cartons, or food cartons of any kind, bathroom paper, phone
books, or cardboard cannot be recycled here.
• Where does the recyclable paper go after it is picked up from
the Abitibi Paper Retriever Bin? The paper is sent directly to
paper mills and is remanufactured into newsprint within a few
weeks of collection.
The more we recycle, the more money we raise for our school.
Since the classrooms already have containers for recycling paper,
we are asking for your help in reminding the students to throw
only paper into them. The school generates a tremendous amount
of paper refuse that we can recycle; earning money for the
school, while teaching the children to be responsible about our
environment. Parents, children, teachers and staff are also
welcome to use the bin for paper brought from home.
Thank you for all of your help.
Fact: Each year, people in the US throw away enough office and writing paper to build a 12 foot high wall from
New York City to Los Angeles, Most of this paper ends up as litter.