TALKIN’ BOUT LIBERTY Winthrop, The Puritans, and expanding Colonial settlements DEFINITION OF LIBERT Y: ¡ lib·er·ty (lbr-t)n. pl. lib·er·ties § 1. a. The condition of being free from restriction or control. § b. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing. § c. The condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor. LIBERT Y, ENGLISH PERSPECTIVE: ¡ Land was the basis of liberty. § Can be traced back to Medieval representation of “limited freedoms” given to noblemen rule by a king. (usually dominion over their manor/land) § Desire to set sail to the New World was always routed in the idea of gaining, owning, and living on land of your own (if you were an Englishman). JOHN WINTHROP ¡ Governor, Massachusetts. ¡ Preached “Moral Liberty” and not “Natural Liberty” MORAL LIBERT Y NATURAL LIBERT Y ENGLISH COLONIES, 1607-1636 COLONY DATE EST. SPONSOR FOUNDER MAJOR RELIGION Virginia 1607 Virginia Company John Smith Anglican Plymouth 1620 English investors William Bradford Pilgrims Mass. Bay Company John Winthrop Puritans/ Massachusetts 1630 Congregationalists Maryland 1632 Proprietary colony Cecilius Calvert Catholic, Protestant Rhode Island 1636 Royal Charter Roger Williams All religions Connecticut 1636 Royal Charter Thomas Hooker Puritans/ Congregationalists FOR THE ENGLISH, LAND WAS THE BASIS OF LIBERTY. EXPLAIN THE REASONING BEHIND THAT CONCEPT AND HOW IT WAS MARKEDLY DIFFERENT FROM THE INDIANS’ CONCEPT OF LAND. ESSENTIAL QUESTION.