Executive Council Minutes February 13, 2014

Executive Council Minutes
February 13, 2014
Present: Jeremy McMillen, Jeanie Hardin, Gary Paikowski, Regina Organ
Absent: Giles Brown, Lorie Lefevers,
Recorder: Shelle Cassell
Agenda Items
Curriculum Committee Recommendations & Registration Start Date
Jeanie Hardin discussed various curriculum changes that are recommended to ensure the college
is in compliance with the state’s new core components by Fall 2014. The state is also mandating
that degree programs be completed in 60 or fewer hours by Fall 2015.
Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Regina Organ, second by
Jeanie Hardin, that we move forward with the core as required for Fall of 2014, and that we
study further the 60 hour degree to determine its impact on the institution. Jeanie Hardin will
bring back actionable items that are needed to move forward with the core curriculum
Action/Motion: Council members agreed with Regina Organ’s recommendation that we delay
the start of Fall 2014 and Summer 2014 registration until April 1 to allow time to make system
updates from the core curriculum changes.
The next meeting of the Council will be 8:30 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 20.
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