Research Phase Reflection:  Halfway Point Name:_______________________    1. Metacognitive Survey 

Research Phase Reflection: Halfway Point
1. Metacognitive Survey Yes I am Name:_______________________ Read ​
and check the column that applies to you I need to I am using quotation marks around any phrases I take word­for­word from source I am summarizing and paraphrasing carefully, putting authors’ words into my own style without looking at the source material I am recording the authors (and page number for print sources) on my note cards so I know whom to give credit for the idea later I am recording the names of any additional speakers of quotes on my note cards, and any necessary context to help me understand and use the information I have asked the librarian for suggestions or advice for source materials (you should!) I am using class time optimally, going beyond minimum requirements if possible. (You’ll be glad later if you do!) I am reading carefully and becoming an “expert” on my topic; I am looking up things I don’t understand rather than writing things down without knowing what they mean I am using the library databases and finding ​
sources that will enhance my argument’s credibility I am finding multiple viewpoints on my topic, so I can assess both sides fairly My annotations are thorough, especially my critique and analysis of my sources’ support methods and sources (names) All the sources on my note cards are listed in my bibliography *I need to add ___________________________________________ I am thinking about how I am going to structure my paper as I research I have thought of a personal anecdote that I can use to start my paper I am being meticulous as I cite my sources: Using correct punctuation, capitalizing all title words, abbreviating month in the date, making sure “Titles” within ​
Titles ​
are properly formatted I am focusing my research on my specific questions, not just on my general topic I am using limiting terms and features to refine my search results I am using my sources’ bibliographies to help me find leads 2. My MAIN interpretive question ___ is fine as it is ___ needs to be broadened to include______________________________________ ___ needs to be narrowed to focus on _____________________________________ ___ needs to revised to _________________________________________________ 3. My researchable questions *I have found plenty of information about ______________________________________ *I need to find information about ______________________________________________ Fill in as applicable related to your researchable questions: I want to delete ______________________________________________________ I want to add _______________________________________________________ I want to change ____________________________________________________ 4. Source types ​
I still NEED​
(circle) ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Book/eBook Periodical 1 Periodical 2 Website Audio/Video Source My choice 1, 2, 3 5. Questions/concerns I have about my paper/the process that need to be answered by the teacher (see me if this question is urgent!): Audio or video resource: *It is highly recommended that you use the Penncrest Library Databases to help you find substantive​
, ​
sources: Discovery Streaming, Watch Know Learn, eLibrary, and Gale Student Resources all provide audio and video sources for a variety of topics. Look at your search results tab to find audio/video source options. YOU TUBE SHOULD NOT BE YOUR FIRST SEARCH OPTION! ***Use NoodleTools (advanced) for help citing. ­Podcast Check out ​
or ​
for podcasts on a wide range of subject matter ­Lectures and presentations Check out iTunes U and TED Talks for lectures, documentaries, and the like ­Videos Documentaries, news clips, television interviews­­Check results on database searches FIRST. If you must, use You Tube to find a clip, but then try to access the clip from its original source. Videos must be created by a reputable group or expert; research them separately and include information in the annotation of the source. “Your choice” Sources: A few ideas ­Blog If using a blog, you must find a blog that has been written by someone who blogs for a reputable organization. You should begin this search by going to the following websites of reputable news publications, and finding their “blog” section:​
New York Times ( I LOVE Room for Debate), Newsweek, The Los Angeles Times, The New Yorker, The Washington Post, Time Magazine, U.S. News & World Magazine. ­Personal Interview This can be a personal interview you conduct with a person who has expertise/experience in your subject area. Write questions in advance of the interview and consider how you will produce a “hard copy” of the interview: a recording, a typed transcript, email correspondence. There is a library citation card to show you how to cite this. ­Visuals ­Infographics (chart, diagram, picture), photography, or political cartoons could be good resources. If you’d like to use one and refer to it on your paper, I can show you how to add it as an “appendix” 