CRIMSON AND WHITE FViday, Oct. 7,1938 THE MILNE SCHOOL Albany, N. Y. Volume Number 1 LL SENIOR The two Moniay afternoons, in the Little Theater, the senior cia&s conductGd thoir firrjt yuGct ing of the year and dincussed thoir pjar.a for the year. The moinber^ of the clans chotio thoi'r officori4 vyho ind^uir;^ Prcjiiorxt. Jolu C-;ilna,c Vic3 pics. Robi;.. J--:.v^'dnor Soc-'vjtary. L, acl NEWS :;r)riAi SVUJHT DATE Oct. 14 9;00-12:00 CHiiPSROITS Ili^h Reception Mrs. Barsan Miss 'vhouilneT Dr. PZinsolla Serg. a u Arms . ifh uL b or ivoin The president appoin-oci I^ichTrd Paland to iLVV 'u J c o the OctoL)cr 21 8:. 00-11 00 Jr. Hir^h Reception Miss Hayes Miss J.fertin Dr. Moose Oct, 33 3!30-[:?00 Si.cna Rash Hiss I'iTi 1 inf;han Miss Eaton Poish Miss Johnson Dr. 3cx'ji Noven'oer Boy's oocioties Initiation Mr. Rr,'„ynond Dr. Moose Doo 9 9-00-'12r00>i-Theta Nii Tcrj MiS3 Conhlin Mis. Cr:fJ.lin Mr. Snadr.r Doc 12 6:30-11;00 Play Bohoarsal CDress; Miss Gjnkljn Miss Martin Miss feterhury «t or* of cja>jp rin^js. lie war later olc';':oci. to serve as claBa ;'i n e s s nanag o r. [Cho pi-eyideni: also appo\ntod a comi'iittoo of J-anrt C.Lj.rk, Mirja'n Fround, Jd. in,::-^, o.nd f}corf:'o COOVIU'LO who wiJ.l suonit proLjjoctive hLidgets. Roh e r t (^ar dn o r, chairiTiaD of tno c.lass ni^ht ccnrxittoe \ choose his ov/n ooniiittco. Eov. 18 * M I T . K 1 1 * S T U I . ) I I Y ' T 'IJ A T •:?. O'FI? * * jc * coij 105• ^* The Kni ckerhockor Jnnior High i^chool of Troy, entertainted 'Gho CViji^i'^oj tr.i.ct •hol.act'iO X'TJJ!.:;^! A S soc .1 a. t j on la^ -Sla t\irday, Mr, .Ri ch;. d Lewis , Fnckor•booko/ "-'iC;ri3 }^iitori »'Jii»i!' Hr>aloy. Y I'iows corn.mtXit;atcr and Mr Ilealey, Kiiickorhockcr.' frees paf.o Jlditor addrocsod t}io ncrnir.;.^ sosi^-ion. (Cont'd. C0luinn i' ) The Milno doloration, which includod Hiss Xh(5olini^. Botty I;aidon, I'lcward L*;ja ''.w:^ ^^. ivh,;'' c i a j 0:.', f^hivlo^' .Burjvo.-^t;, A;r.,n ".lois reported bhab the 0 u t fj 1: ar/l 1 ]! J p0•i k 1 tho aftornoo?! tO'ir/'. on v;cr.: A.J, bo: , vho on ' C i:..' ao' "ho ITo^r^^', Mr. dl. "xj-.'on Vihosc "Oopic: V/"/J '''j' u 'v:-' poi'ccjr'' and :-i";oi;hor .^a'lph v;h0 f iaot.i ^-i'''Oho l-i'^.-.'-oo- ^ M M The senior hic^h reception, to welconc the inconing Sophomores, and the first social event 01 of tho season, will ho held in the State College;fconi(?:htfrom 9]00L3-00 P.M. The chaper- , cnnc- v/ill "be Miss Kathe n n0 0 o 1 i n^^- Mr s. Anna K. F-a.'san and "Or, T'hos. Kins "ixla. Paul Parker's cr.:r.ostra will furnish tho music. O /C- ' v N V v >0 J // cN k f / P j )t J/ C F a H S o CI/)LS Xlvofu m e C::iIM.SC!T AlTD WHITS Mrs. AcVlrossos Jronch Clu"b PAGE 2 TRlSUTE At the first uootinc; of the Jronch Club, Mrn. Crollin, Frcnch supervisor, ontortainocl the ncnhcrs by an interest in,';: talk about hor visit to Prance. No doubt most "f us have heard f the dor-'th of Miss Goldena Bills, a farmer critic of Ouni'^r Mathor.atics here at Milne. She spoke about hor trip on the Normanclie, the larf-^est boat of the French Line, the people in Pranoo, and the life in Paris. She also oizplainod the rioney systen of the French people. S^.e iiad boon ill sinco 1934 and twc yrarr a,-^ obtained a leave cf abscnco. In June lOr^?!?: she was a '.Tidosnaid at the v;oddi.-r: - f Kiss Ruth Mo^. re and J'-h^i H. Blackburn. She vzas luriod in hor bridesmaid's t:;own. The nenbers considered plans for the coning: year. They intend to invite eli,f"iblo i^coplo into the club vas soon as the nonthly tost rijarks arc in; it will be necessary that one have an average of 80^ in French to be adnitted. To a f:reat teacher and a sweet and charninf': personality we pay tribute may we never fori-^et her. The officers for this sonester are: PresidentRobert Gardner; Vice-presi' dent-Una Undorv/ood; Secretary-Esther Stulipaker; Treasurer-Jane G-race; Sar^-:entat-arms-Richard Paland. John ^ink, sophomrre president ^f last year, conducted the junior class meetinr: last ll'^nday in room iSORichards --^n. Dramatics Orf^anize Last Friday afternoon in room 228, the Senior Hif^h Drama-tics Club conducted its first neotinc'^ of the year to select officers . The new leaders are: president, Betty Tincher; vicc-prcsidont, Robert Mioelor; secretary, Betty Barden; Business nana^'^er, Fred Roj^an. Russell Jones Heads Junior Class Officers The juniors selected the following": officers for this year; president, Russell J-nes; vice^president, Stanley Sddison; secret ary, Sv e lyn V7i 1 '3Tir; treasurer, Prost-^n Robinson. The class arran^;ed that a committee of six, with the president in charf:e, will decide what business is important bef 0ro a l l p-cet inr,s , s o that their class time v/ill not bo v/asted. NvXmt>er OCTOBER 14, 1938 Milne Hockey Toc'^n Defeats Delnar 2-0 The rSvls varsity hockey teo.m conquered its old rival, Bethlehem Central, in a --:amc played at Lolnar T ue s '.ay. Cap tain 1:1 i 1 i an Eclc£ihyr.ior sc'^rinr in the fiifet half of the .^ame and "Vir-^inia ITichols In the final quarter, the final score sto^d 2-0, in favor of tfelne. The lineup consisted of: forwards, J. Murdick, V. Hichols, K. Newton, L. Ecloshymer, and D. Welsh; half-backs, B. Tincher, R. Rasp, M. ^filey; full-backs B. Barden, D. Dey; goal, J Jr.nsing; substitutes; M. Freund and D Shattuck. In a previ'us varsity encounter, the Milne varsity defeated State 4-3. Hi-Y To ^Vlmit Now Members The Milne Hi-Y conducted its first meeting '^n Wednesday, October 5, at tho Y.M.C.A. President Hunting asked for a vote on nov; e:nbers , and it v/as decided that anyone desiring to enter could do so bj^ proving tliat he understood the purpose of Hi-. Y. . In order to do this an application should be filled out and given to the president. During the meeting, Mr. Theordore Raymond, adviser of Hi-Y, suggested that Hi-Y be registered v/ith the National Council. G.A.C. Elects Officors Sir^ma Plans Rush The Zeta Sigma Literary Society conducted their weekly meetin-:;: Tuesday in the Little Theater to discuss and make plans for tho rush, which will take place October 28. The chairnon of the different cor-nMittees includ e: Mar.-^ar e t Chas o, decorations; ITancy Glass, refreshncntc, and Doris Welsh, entertainment. Q?iinn Outing T'^morrow The (Jirls Athletic Associaticn conducted its first neetinr of the year We Chios day in the Pao-e Hall oynnasiun. Officers frr the c-nin,",' year were ch- sen. They arc as fcllov/s: f^j-th '^JiB'p , pros"' dent; Jacqueiine Towns end, vice-president; Dorothy Doy, secretary; Joyce fi I^iurdick, treasurer; Betty Tinchor, mistress rf corerrnios; LTovr-' ton critic; Bcttj;^ Barde en, business mana.rer; Mary Bakor, marshall. The C^iintillian Literary SociOty v/ill attend an outing tom.orrcw at tho hone of Mildred l^^attico, president, in Slinrerlands, if tho v/cather permits. The girls v/ill meet in front of Pago Hall at ton o'clock with their bicycles and fron there, they v/ill pedal to Slingerlands. Janet Clark ^nd Jean Laymen are in charge of refreshments. / MISS EATO!T AFxTOtPJCES: Editorial Staff: BCOzV ARRIVED m Editor in Chief Bett;/ Barden Lir, ii.-'^ociate Editor Cli3.3, Sanderson JUs s ?. c i G i".E'i i 10 r Jrod C. !-\egan Al b /kiitor I>forcla Vnlsy Mj(";allock Doris y.^lsh Betty Tincher Sports Ed. LUoclrv/eathor Ruth Rasp Boh Wartendyke Ourriciilar IlTews Societies and Clubs Jano Grp.CO Jane Phillips Alumni Wows Anita Hyman Joan Best Exchanges City Paper Corros. Caroil BoyCO Doris Holmes Business Business Manager Tvr,ic.f. The nev hooks personally selected hy Miss Eaton ha^^-o arrr/ed in the Mi] a-? L:"hraT'7, O'.-'.r a.nnuai sjvciity-five dollar Book i\.-id us hy Sbato Collc^:,c wao ut-^r' to piicLasj the new collection, Theee books a..-o . EiddoM Vall'^y Lc Benit Five /read Riders L„ Bonit Dick ifilloughby Cecil D. Lewis Gi-'o a Man a Horse Charles Finger Sailing for Gold Johnson Barry Hinklc Pictures With a kinn,turo Camera Jacob Das chin Gucardmens of the Coast J.J. Fiherly Towers in the Mist E. Gondgc The '/earling Rawling European Summer E. G. Sterne Good Looks for Girls Cades Journalism Class Staff; ?-jnber OCTOBER 14, 19S3 -pSGr-E 3 CRIMSON AiiD WHITE Horho-rf a;^Grbcrt TT T karx Goodrich Faculty Advisers: •^^iss Katherine Wheeling Hiss Grace Martin •'^r. 'Thomas JCinsella Di rector i.?,. , ^ ToNiT^ , '^can Strong" the CrimsL and BACK TO PRESS AGAIH Stuccato questions from the inquisitive yo-ong minds blue and gold penci ].s racing over smudged copy clickety-clack-clack of the old tj/-povrritor fif^gers inked to the color of Black Sambo: the Crimson and ¥nito has bogun another year. HE DiOnV •I A V E H I S STUt>ENT T A X Forgetfu-1: Read This M;.iny a good man has fallen by the wayside, perhaps we might say, been given "the bums rush" while trying to enter a dance vithout a Student Tax Ticket. We You'll find many of the "old faith- don^t promise this will happen to you; fuls" from last spring's masthead again: hovfovar, vrc suggest, don't forget the the same si;aff, but a different paper. tickol; if you wish to "trip the light DifficrJ.ties ensnared us for a fev; v/eoks, fantastic" as the blue bloods turn out but v/e nopo to give Milnites a well-writ- to tho Senioi' High Reception Friday night, ton, infcrmmative, ;md enjoyable paper for mar^- weeks to come. This is just a gentle reminder for tho absent minded professor or pupil. And by the way, the staff will treat Miss So3oLiin at tho office v/ill bo glad a sugg3f'tion the \ray wo do our gum; "we'llto give you thau tax ticket any school day. chew it over thoughcfully." ^ REPORTERS Is there a ••'^r obi em on your mind? One that you cair t ans /or, or that you would like i-o have anfriv^orGd. If so, tho Editor! il '-"taf.^ try to find the ansv/er, or diffcvent op.uions on the subject fx'vOD mevAicrB Oj' tho atudent body and facuty. j;'iU ib a}i e.vperiment and wo would a]>_orGciatc any cuostions and attempt to give you a satisfactory answer. BAGS 4 ORIMSOJ AND WHITE OCTOBER 14, 1938 CROSS WORD PUZZLE 5H0\A/ TWONGUE TTSTER A tooter who tooted the flute tried to tutor t^o tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor, it easier to toot or to tutor tw:. tootera to toot?" • W o ^ JUMBLES Try these when you're stuck in the Library with nothinj:c to do. REAMI NOTINATETE (Movie"'Title} SHALE DOG0NR (Comic Strip) If you can get these, you're good: SALEI, STRTY, PRYTO, YUPSR, DEEHG, NONUI. PLEASE DO If you kno^.^/Homethinr.; that you think would g:o well in this column, let us have it. Snythinp- poes as Ions as it's interestin^r. r,, J...-PreiDar-'^ti'^n used for dyeins; 3o-finfror n?^ils a reddish-'^ranere §.-To choosc to an office by vote ^"'•--T'^ cut down. 4.- Al-'rc for Past Participle. 6.-To relieve, lichton. 9.-Enclosed in a place or state. Across 1.-Touch fiber used for makinn: rope, 8«-To run a^'^^y from horae with a lover. 7.- Recently corae, into existence or use. 9.-Third pers, sinjr. pres. ind. of EE 10.To make J='r.iends for, redoncile A HARDER ONE NEXT WEEK I EXCHANGES QUESTION: G'RiMOSTOMfi VT^vl///: SUA^PEKiliMG An3we r: OuQ "Who ^^as the he^^d of the Manchu dynasty in China before the Revolution? "Fu Manchu." Ulsterette W\T5 1 "Did you h?^ve the car out l^^st ni:'ht, son?" "Yes, I took some of the b^vn for a little run." "Well, tell the bovs I found one of their little lace, ^handkerchiefs." Exchan'-e Homework If a man worked for a penny the first day, the second day the third day etc. , what would be his TOTAL earnings in 30 days. To the one who sends in the nearest correct answer, the CRIMSON AND V/HITE will not irive as first prize a Buick Sedan or $3,000 in cash. ANSWER NEXT WEEK, you WONT WlM American Tourist (to Irdian): "White man clad to see re^-^ mpn. White man hooes bir Cheif is fee14 ing tip top this morning." Indian (callini:) "Hey J'^'ke, cone here and listen to this bozo; he's great I" Exchange "Lady," said the be;:%:-:ar, "could you cimme p Quarter to -et ^"^ere me familyy is?" "Certainly, my poor man, here's - quarter. Where is your i^niily?" "At de r.ovies." Exchj^nnie WISE WORDS \ ^' / When a fello^^r breaks a date he general^3ry has to. When a breaks a date she generally has two. —Ye Chronicle C-^v Page 5 Cr. Sayles Pla,y8 Kcokey? AROUND MILKS ere wa.B i?r, G y l o s the day Protty Goon wa f?hould b>3 sc h o d oTjonecl? 'life all mis a 3d his hi tho anni!'^! n;'.mor /^bot;"!: nnva.-^l pep at f^he GrrlS' IJnlxOrTi?"^'^en yo^j conGicler opfringfts-^oi-'itiy.He u;-;ys he was pIl ^he ni-jkle led olpyirig hocikey, Alth^^T'^'h Phon«:^ DoHr i'TQo in: tliin]: it ^ould be a. •'^^ondecful no: be n b^i"; ide.i r.poroT^r i^ite icicva , o.i; huc'^et 1;o happen "co colli 3 m:;nev oJ p. kno'"^ thnt he r H-1a pb tt^c really irp at Spranac to p 7j"y loi •••: •;:f bother, Counvoil of School Buo'^rxntendont s. c.."'^ tns uft Now you know i, too . , , , I woriri.3" why sz'he bright p-j • nc7 or nhj o'L' indenting a pt Puzzle? 0" 'ill end" - . n . vou ever notice Porh'-}pG Gorne of you clovor t'le rofi^idcy or' boys in ihe G^fj-^ Mi 1 init cs vr.-i. x h e C i I I 7 -T lort t er.!.'' ? RH e o t J. ei c , ^ i H eV ry m'j.ndt -nd full, T ':ount.:id. ? g m n d larly brlTh c ii b v.p y 3 no .ts of fello'^s tOo-,1 jf .^r.f-otly three bov^ Ml ne-'^ nillk mrich i.-ie ne/ir the Anne.x "'inr ?^round vhe h^lls v?jth Tt-d be r/iore Gcei:i]nply no plo.oe to go ana ncth is pretty rricky. n 01. '.1J np: 0 ri t h e r w i nd s. Y ciu e7.'Jit j ng, th0u.'"^h, if they pu.t, both i nd • c f M i 1 k I n i u, Th e n r- b e n h^-ve no doubt ^"'OLidered wiiy^ tney •if'V t nioj.u.e in the dc>n • t do soraeth 1 ?bet-'id em just you Ptpnci there. Te'?chorM have you could ha'/e fun guessing wh^^t i\oticcd, for they must endure flavor pop out, the ever present tr-PKip, tr^rnp in the middle of ^ssignmentj nnd PO , that '-on your mark" express ion OEi^ElS on the f'^'ces of more thpn half the class. At the s^me time, we M oDr-L must gr=ib the things on cur deeks th^it ma'y be swept a^.^y in the rand shuiile pt two minutes before the bell, (This, of course is evident only in the e e n i o r c 1 a s s r 0 e m s , wh e r e m o r e Well, here we are with our t ha n hri ] f th e oopula 5.on leaves noses oack t-^ the ;>rindstone earlv, with the O-T cent ion of -'^11 rr r i n a n d a col d w i n t e r G e t g i ng' the classrooms in t^fh'-Ch th^t in. Of course, we are all g year flash of f 1 crie, J 0.linnie Pir.k older (ezoeou "hose who aren't) and th?^t mr-n 01 all men, A1 Metz wh.ich somewh^rt; to our orestapoear). If we all looked more carefully at these ha]J drapers i-v'O mai'jefri us realize that en oh ?^nd evei'yone of us is a nut yf'e ^^^ould notice a proud, bea.m-' ( n d we do m r^p n you) in the i^reat ing look on their f xr counterwheel of progress in Milne. encos, ^nd you'd be proud cooi (or '-^nuld vou) are here to The summer vacation has inform you bewildered ones th^t certainly ./nad a great effect on they ^re not, -•^s it is rumored, us Pill, -^or instance, h?^ve you (1) workj n^- for the Red , Oros :, noticed the new poise and dig(S) victims of the recent; air nity assumed by the seni^-rs? r-^^id with injured limbs and (the maximum is two). Or perhaps bandpges, (3) covering UP a hole you are more aware of the proud i n t i. e s 1 e e" •' e ^:i "o h a patch, (4) superiorit^mile of one, Donald develc.pinii^ their manly muscles Q. Ge'. sel, who now o^ne ^ snap^ with a new strengthening device. py sports roadster (or should we say, '"spurts" roadster.) Wo aBe No , these ^.re all w r o n g al.-^o sweetly tolerant of the This, little ones, is our TPAl^FIC gro""^nr numbers of 1 i^ L].li hteen SQlh\D, so the noxb time you see t e e 1 c r e t i 0 n s a mo h e J'; nthem, or mir.s a wrrd in class by ior bo:.s and r^e are ole^'sed to their m^d rush, be-'-iX up under it. not.^ th?vt vhoy aren^t as Rreen Just think 01 our H e n goPS they lool'-- {v^e don't mean the ing to their oDSts for the s^ke suixs;. There is just as much of huri?=»nity, and the "Seventh chewinp: ;rum, chewing: the ra^ Graders' ' and exchan^^'-'ing pins as l.'^st year. And in parting, we micrht add that it tickles us immensely to see the sophomores scurrying around weighted down by tho extra responsibility ^f being in seuAor hi;^n, the wrinkles de^ppain-?. o/;i their tcpubled brows ii^nt.ox you-;n e-one forever :;rom tricir eyes.