CRIMSON AND WHITE Friday, May 7, THE MILNE SCHOOL Albany, N. Y. Volume VII, JUNIOR SEVENTH ( m m HOIVIE ROOM PRESENTS PLAY Home Room 224 presented a play entitled "Do You Believe in Luok" in asnembiy last Thurcdayo The chara?,ters in this one act play were as i'ollowsj Jane CraiidonTEarbare Rosenthal; Crandon? Glerna Smith; J.lTmi'e, Billy Lang; Mrso Crandon, Rita Figarskyj, SofiQ Jonus, Lolla Santz; Mrs a Jones, Ma.>'g-arot Eodviclcer* Mari&old Alice, Jean HovenoriAunt Penelapo, Barbara Russell; Bob, Johji jajLi"" sing?, Prof, livlngstcne; Philip Snare> e reporter, John Cheeseboroj n newsboy, James Haskins* The plot was centered around **Aunt Penelope's Opal Necklace'', The dialogue was very clover and the acting v;as IT soomed as though tha whole audience .V-Tmpod when an unearthly scream was hoard announcing that ''Aunt raholcpe " i-inGv; about the missing necklacot Among those that game an outstanding Performance were Barbr.ra Russ.3ll, Rosenthal, Billy Lang, Rita Figarcky^ and Gl^iXiO cmith. Number 25 NEWS WHilT»£ THE E I O T H GRADE GOT THAT IKE 7 AKD 9 CAN<T SEE? The second annuel (perhaps) Hobby Show will be produced for the parents of the eighth gradors this Lxf.^ei'D.r^cv froiu. three thirty until five o'clocks Martin Edwards, chairman, has assured every one that the show will be a greft s u c c e s s • One of the feature attractions will be the presentation of Mrsv> Wiggs thru the kindness of homeroom Ts6.» Mrs. v/ill bring her children along also to entertain. The Mi.>^'no I,lbrary will be the scene of the actions and it is expected to bring many parents?, Prizes will be av/arded for the best exhibitpto add c. bit of competition, ^v G i a SCOTJTS TO GFTIi: TEA FOR MOTHERS Tho Gli'l Scoi^ts of ?roon 20 t"f Mi''ne gi.vli'g tot thotr mothers on TA'.rr iav Ct'terj\ocn i:.; '^.trgc^ gyTri.* Pi^Gi. 2 CKBiSON. .UmD Ivjil 7, 1937 MA Editorial Staff MQ — that familiar name reminds us again of the annual memorial day for our best friend, our mother. One day, only one day, out of a v^hole year is®t ;asic[o' to •""'^rfemember our m.others» It really is a shame, isn't it, that for this day only we are kind to that person who is so dear to us» Our tongues are • = always making us talk about how nice Miss Blank, a school teacher is, but do we often think about how nice our greatest teacher, our mother is? Do we often think of allshe does Csnd has done for us? Do we often think of how little we do for her? Remem.ber, v^^on't you, that even though Mother's Day is once a year, our mothers do for us all year» Remember, too, tc do the same for them» Estelle Dilg Edword Langwig Jecn Bushe Miriam Bo ice iirdelle Chadderdon Van Varner Gilbert Dancy Jean Tarches Almn Brown David Fuld waiter Griggs Kenneth Gypson Chaitles Go 1 ding Suzanne Roberts jGcquelyn Townsend Betty H'iyt Marcia Bissikunaner Marriane Adams Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors Composing Staff Exchange Editor Club Editors Art Editor Mime c^-raphi izg Kumor Editor Reporters Faculty Adviser Miss Ruth Moore STYLES THEY*RE ALL PHONEY Maybe some of you students h^ivw been hearir^g rumors of another change of hours next year. These might have cheered up some of you who didnH like the new hours* Well, they're fakes as it has been enounced >y Dr® Frederick that there will be no such change and that they v/eren't even planning too The rumors traveling aroand v/ere probably gathered from some eavesdropper who got the wrong idea. You won*t have to get up early and petitions probably won't make a change, so you'd better give up» HUMOR Friend; "I see you travel." are reading a book on Reader; "Yes, I'm on a vacation* As I cannot afford to travel, I read travel books and make believe that I go places." Friend; "But you are buck\7ard»" reading the Whether you spend your vacation on the beach or in a camp you will look smart every minute if you follow these suggestions. At the beach a bothing suit of course is in order. There are many style bathiEg suits and so get one to suit your tasteo Although you will spned most of your time in Q bathing suit you will want to dress up a little in the afternoon. Any wash dress or tub silk will make you feel q[Uite dressed up after the bathing- suit. Besides wearing Q bathing suit on the beach there are shorts or slQcks, With these get a halter so you can get a nice tan. If you have a camp that is not near a lake or pond you won't need Q bathing s\lit. You may wear slacks, shorts or culottes, though© In the afternoon you will get dressed again as above. Next week; What to wear while traveling. book CHiiRACTER SKETCH Reader; "Ye&^^I'm on the return trip." Boy; "You remind me of the sea." Girl: "Because I'm wild, restless F6 mantic?" Boy: "No, because you mt;ke me sicko" He or she is in Home Room 121, or she is tall, light haired, and often given to blushing'. and Put your answer in the Junior Crimson and White drav^or. Weekly Pun Mr. and Mrs. Jolly wore going over the month's budget book, checking ibhe pi.:*.pendituros« 'kr^ Jelly noticed one item rc-.'rding "Hok and another, "Hok #7" , besides others scattered throughout the '.?C)ok- '^7hat are these Hoks?" he finally •aLked, "Heaven •^ifs, only knows," replied He is his The answer to last week's character sketch was Gorrinne Edwards of Home Room 130. \ mmiJa OUTING The annual outing of the Milne boy\3 and girls will be held on June 9. By a vote the excursion won out ahQSd of the proposed Fi<^ld Dayc The , people who want to gc v/ill go down the river on the Day Boat tc Kingston Point, The admission v;iLl be the showing of your student '-L.I. i.D\'Cc