CRIMSON AND WHITE V o l u m e III, Number 7 Milne High School, A l b a n y , N. Y. JUNIOR ?>iclay, November 11, 1932 N E W S 'mo JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL HOJViE ROOOMS EaVE PERFECT RECORDS FOR OCTOBER i.NNUi.L JUNIOR-^FRESHIvlEN P..RTY TO BE TONIGHT IN P..GE K.LL GYlVlNi.SIUM Two junior hl^h school home rooms had perfect rocords l,.st month, Dr* Frederick Si-id. They ere the rooms in chi'^-rge of Miss Moore r.nd Mas s Martin, both seventh gr;,.de rooms. The annual Junior-Freshmen p^.rty v^ill be c^nducted in the auditorium. :..nd gymnasium t.mie,ht at 7:30 o'clcck. Home room 253, another seventh room, had only one person who failed to get any extra points for conduct and service in the school. Mineteun cut of £0 pupils in this room get marJhs of 90% or better; --nly one person failed. The seventh grade h...d only three people sent out of cl.„SEes; the e i ^ t h grade had seven; coid the ninth grade h--.d twenty-tv/o . Dr. Frederick suggested that the ninth grc'.dors improvo their conduct. One of the ninth rooms had nine people sent out. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Hi.S iil^'NUAL F^^LL RECEPTION IN P..GE GYMNASIUIvI^ FRIDiiY A reception was given the junior h i ^ s chool Friday night in the p. ge hall gymnasium, Thu gymnasium was decorated to give the efiect of a roof. Cats, witches, i-ind moons were hung dov/n from this roof* i:Lll the fc.culty members attended. Music was furnished by a very good orchestra^ Before 11:00 o'clock, v/hen the p$irty broke up, cll the decoratis^ns were torn down. This is the ev-ont Viiiich the entertain the freshmen. members of both toese dresses cjr-e in.^ vited to attend, Mr, Raymond, Miss Hitchcock, Miss C^ndlin, und Mis s Anderson will be the dic^pparones• DEE..TING CLUB ..TTENDS ST..TE COLLEGE MEET; FOR DEB-.TE IN .xSSEjVIBLY The Deb...ting club c..ttended the debate betv/een State college end the Oxford university Monday night, under the directi>,n of Miss Russ, John Winne tjad William Ford made reports on the deb.:.te during the club period, Wednesday. It w^.s decided that the subject for the debo>te which will be J)resented in assembly on December 2 , will be Resolved: That Milne Junior high school sh',uld give a citizenship badge as well as .. letter f^r athletics, Robert Gilson, Niel McCoy, Billy Frebdman, Leo Mink in end Herbert Mc.rx will unhcld the negative side t.nd John E.'.wkins, V/inne, Ford, Th.mas Far ran, und John Graliam will uph^'ld the affirmative. The timekeeper cud the ch.aii?man will be chosen from the club. ORG.J^I^E SOCCER TEa.M JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL VOTES FOR HOOVER IN STRa-.W B^O^LOT ON MONDAY IN ROOMS The Milne Junior High Scho;.l straw ballot tcvken Monday in the humo rooms predicted that Hoover would win the presidential election. Tuesday, this prediction w-.s shown to be incorrect. The girliJ in Junior High sch---l organized a soccer team. Jean Gr:^hc.-.m is the captain; Bt..rb;,.ra Birchen.ugh, Ruth M^nn, Virginia McDermott, ^lice Wcrden, Virginia Sipperly, Cera Randlos, Virginia Snyjder, Ethel Gi lie spy, Ruth Treusdale, and Borothy Th..mps.n are the other members of the team» S'.me of the • homero :ms had speeches by c:.ndidates before the vote wus tciien and some discussed the issues. The Socialist candidate received abjut as many votes as the Democratic one. The gymnasium suits h. ve arrived and ha ve been distributed. They oire Mc.roon colored tunics v/ith white blouses and sweat shirts. Bl..-Ck stockings and white wo>,l socks complete the costume. -STRFJ^FOR JUiaOR WEIiXLY Editor-in-chief Barfcara Eirchenough Maniugin^ Editor Euth Mann Associi^te Editors Walter Simmons Wilbur Barnes Margaret Charles Sports Editor Walter Bates Art Editor Betty Nichols Humor Editor William Norton Exchange Editor Carolyn Hallenbeck Publication Editors Fred Carr Leland Be ik John Akullian Bulletin Board Gordon Wendell Circulation Managers Sam Munson James Nesbit Reporters 9th Grade Carl Sundler 8th Grade Ml11a Hall 7th Grade Helen Anthony IDEAS ARE WELCOME There are many improvements which could be made in Milne which have already been expressed. There is a place however, for many more. New ideas are what Milne is looking for; new ideas to bettor the school and mck:e it a school that v;ill rate with the highest of schools. The only v/ay we can do this is by continually adding . 510 rc improvements. Most of the pupils have at le<^st one idea on how to better the school and, if the pupils would only tell these ideas to the student council or to the newspapers, probably something would come from them L.nd in that v/ y the pupils would be helping tho school. If the pupils know they cxe contributing to the school they would more pride in it L.nd in what the school is do .1 ng. So 1 urge you to briiig any ideas you may h; for the betterment of Milne before the Student Couneil or the papur^ WE WANT IVDFVE PARTIES The Milne Junior High school socicj. events are so few and far betv/een that some of the students don*t even know when there is a party until sometimes the day before. P .rties ..nd dances are probably the best w..y for students to spend their wewk-end rather thi,n going to the movies. Milne should have more p^.rties ^.nd d.-mces on Friday and Saturday nights. Many good times will result ejid it would be a way of gettin^s money for the school gift. J^W.B. THE PixPER IN THE IvkvKING Eighteen people hold positions on the Junior Weekly staff this year. The work of the editor-in-chief consists of deciding the general policies of the newspaper ^.nd seeing thi..t it is published every v/eek. The m...n ging' editor assists the editor, makes out assignments and helps mc.kG-up the paper• The associate editors help the mc\n:..ging editor. The sports editor writes all the sports stories for the paper. The art editor has charge of all cartoons cjid drawings for the paper. The joie column is in charge of the humor editor. P.'p ers from other schools are collected by the exfahange editor. She p»rints any items of interest. The publication editors mimeograph the paper on Thursday afternoon and staple the sheets together. The circulation man:..gers the pep ers to the homerooms on Friday. The reporters g.-ther news from all the homerooms and English classes. Assignments for the members of the club pos ted on Mondays and must be covered by Tuesday at 3:00 Q•clock. The paper is made-up and the he-^dlines are written in the club period on Wednesday, These students who work on* the ptJ.per are doing' a big service for their scho-^^l. J U N I O R WEEKLY The Boiling Pot Taconia Broadcaster Walden Hi Notes Homer News High News The Idlei Terr<_;ce Tribune Tiger Cub Record Record Sir Bills Bugle EXCEciNGES Canojaharie Berlin East Islip Walden Homer DeImar Rhinebeck Nott Terrace Hastings High Mamaroneck Washirigton IrvingCobleskill Johnstown Volume .SEVEl^TK iil^D EIGHTH GRxDE DE.Jvu.TICS HL^Humb^^ QUESTION BOX .CLUB IvIEViBERS PECEIVE F^.RTS IK Th^YS^ Question: Tbe seventh -'..nd eighth dr«,.mu-±ics -clubs huve org...nlzed under m.mes, r.nd -re planning the plf..ys Vv'hich the^' will present in c^ssemfcly sometime in the future. Should the home rooms h^.ve newspv-.pers? Betty Nichols: No, becc.use it t.:.kes um'.y Interest .nd ncv;s from the Junior Weekly. The seventh club is working on puppets. Lec.\n L''- Grange, Betty Doujgl^-.s, c.nd Lois Nesbit v/cro on the committee for entert'.drjnent for the club period this Vyfoek. H^.li of e,.ch meeting is E^iven over to entertainment ...nd the rest of the time to other work. Bc.rbi.ra Birchenough: Yes, becL.uSe it promotes spirit among the homerooms and in the school, Wcl tor Simmons: Yes, bec:.use individual hv^me room notes can be announced easier and mere efficiently. The "St..r Dram^.tic Club'', one of the eighth gr clubs, is le;..rnii]g c\ pl:.y. The Eighth Grcide Club, the given to the other club, will present "The DeL.r Depu.rted". Pa-ts v/ere assigned ufter try-outs Wednesday. Cc.rl Sundler: Yes, because it gives ideas to the Junior Weekly. BOOK REVIEW SERVICE CLUB ORajaZED .iND -IGNED DUTIES IN MILNE JUNIOR HIGH SCH;OL "The Broad Highway" - Jeffrey F;irnol by C. K. ii Service club h:.s been org..nized in Milne Junior High School, C^-.therine H-ll was elected president :..nd Peggy Kirchner, secretary. Some of the services which the club intends to carry out v-.s duties of the club are: to deliver mail to members of the faculty in Milne, filing, _nd m'.IcG announcements. member of the club is -..ssigned a duty e'.ch v/eek. The "Brct.d Hibiiway" by Jeffrey Farnol is c.n exciting' ,..nd interesting story of life in England in 1700. It concerns a young- mc.n, Peter Vebart, by name, who is left ten guineaus in his uncle's will. His cousin is l«ft ten thousand, ^.^nd v/hoever mc'.rries the famous Eng'lish beauty vdll receive the rest of the fortune. Peter tcikes his mont^y .-nd sets out on the highway. He becomes a blacksmith, found a v/ife ani is accused of murdering his cousin. If you v^ant to find out who murdered his cousin, who his wife w,..s and who got the fortune, read the bock. It is in the Milne High school library. LIBR^Y CLUB NEWS The Libr.^ry club has been discussing- the possibilities of mci^ing .-nthologies. week the club has been doing practice work on hov/ to use the libr....ry i.nd how to ch^.rge books. rI HOME ECONOMICS I^IEWS The Home Economics club which mewts on Wednesdays has been learning the simple principles of embroidering. The members of the class are vz orking on dresser scarfs, center pieces, -nd other handwork. -.NNOUHCEMENT TO HOMEROOMS The constitution for Junior High School (.-.s dravm up by Student Council will be voted on in the home rooms in the ne;.-.r future < M I C K a v j I / ^ r v K - K f c a rVou. 3