A Policy Model for the Livestock and Poultry Sectors of Mexico Chad Barrett and Jacinto E. Fabiosa Technical Report 98-TR 39 June 1998 Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011-1070 and Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute Iowa State university Ames, IA 50011-1070 Chad Barrett is a CARD graduate research assistant: and Jacinto Fabiosa is a CARD/FAPRI assistant scientist. This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Agreement No. 96-34149-2533. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A POLICY MODEL FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY SECTORS OF MEXICO Geographic, demographic, economic, and political factors help to make Mexico a potentially major player in the world livestock and poultry product markets in the next decade. Mexico has 20 percent of the population of the United States but only 6 percent of the arable land mass of the United States (Hadwiger and Lee 1994). It should be noted, however, that irrigation practices could increase Mexico’s land mass by as much as 30 percent. This, combined with increasing demand for meat, particularly from the growing middle class, makes it likely that Mexico will play a major role in the international livestock and poultry markets. Two important demographic factors contribute to strengthening Mexico’s demand for meat products. First, more than 50 percent of Mexico’s citizens are below 25 years of age. This fact favors Mexico’s trend toward more imports because younger generations are more willing to try imported products. Second, 39 percent of the population has monthly household income of more than $500 per month. This group of more than 35 million people are considered to be potential customers for meat products. Furthermore, Mexico’s participation in world markets is expected to expand as its government directs its programs and goals toward stimulating agricultural exports as a way for Mexico to acquire development capital (Hadwiger and Lee 1994). Finally, Mexico’s signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which phases out and eliminates many agricultural tariffs and quotas among Canada, Mexico, and the United States, will hasten Mexico’s integration into the world market. NAFTA eliminated import duties of 25 percent for frozen beef and 20 percent for chilled beef on January 1, 1994. This agreement also phases out import tariffs by 2 percent per year for beef variety meats and all pork products, allowing free trade with NAFTA countries by 2003. Indeed, the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) baseline projects that Mexico will be a strong importer of beef, pork, and poultry over the next decade (FAPRI 1998). FAPRI projects that Mexico will import 2 Barrett and Fabiosa 450 thousand metric tons of beef, 57 thousand metric tons of pork, and 288 thousand metric tons of poultry by 2007. This report documents the development of the FAPRI model of Mexico’s livestock and poultry sectors. Beef and cattle, swine and pork, and broilers are the sectors included in this model. This model is used in conjunction with the other country models in FAPRI’s international livestock and poultry modeling system to analyze the impacts of agricultural policy changes. The next section of this report provides a brief overview of Mexico’s livestock and poultry sectors, followed by a description of the model’s structure, specification, estimation, and validation. This document then presents some of the results from the 1998 FAPRI baseline and concludes with a comparison of the new FAPRI Mexico model to the previous FAPRI Mexico model. Mexico’s Livestock Sectors Beef and Cattle Beef is still considered a semiluxury commodity that is consumed mostly by the middle- and upper-income households in Mexico. Per capita consumption of beef in Mexico has remained very stable at approximately 20 or 21 kg/person on a carcass basis since 1991 (FAPRI 1998). This is considerably lower than the U.S. average of 30.5 kg/person on a retail basis over the same period (FAPRI 1998). Pastures conducive to cattle production comprise nearly 60 percent of Mexico’s total agricultural land. Beef production is evenly distributed among the northern, central, and southern regions, which produce 34, 36, and 30 percent of Mexico’s beef, respectively (Bierlen and Hayes 1994). Table 1 provides inventory figures, production rates, shares of slaughter, and supply and demand figures for Mexico’s cattle-beef sector for 1985 through 1997. Mexico’s total cattle inventory averaged 33.62 million head between 1985 and 1990. This average inventory fell to 29.52 million head between 1991 and 1997. Mexico’s other cattle inventory accounted for this decline, as its average dropped from 19.56 million head to 15.27 million head over this period. At the same time, the beef and dairy cow inventories increased only slightly to 12.15 million beef cows and 2.10 million dairy cows. Increased other cattle slaughter rates contributed to A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 3 the decline in cattle inventory. Prolonged drought and increased feed and veterinary costs also have driven down Mexican cattle inventories. Mexico’s calving rate has averaged .65 calf per cow per year since 1985. This is very low compared to the U.S. calving rate of .90. Mexico is the largest exporter of feeder cattle to the United States. In fact, Mexico supplies the United States with 75 to 90 percent of all of its feeder cattle imports (USDA/ERS 1997). Mexico’s cattle producers in the northern region specialize in cow/calf production to fulfill the demand for feeder cattle in the U.S. market (USDA/FAS 1997a). After being exported to the United States, the feeder cattle are fattened on corn rations in feedlots until ready for slaughter. Mexico is also the number one export market for live cattle from the United States because many of these fattened animals are exported back to Mexico for slaughter, and also because Mexico imports many breeding animals from the United States (USDA/FAS 1997b). The cattle trade figures in Table 2 illustrate this flow of animals. In 1996, Mexico exported nearly 460,000 head of cattle to the United States and also imported nearly 186,000 head from the United States. Mexican imports of beef from countries other than the United States are limited due to high tariffs placed on non-NAFTA countries. For example, frozen beef imports from the European Union are subject to 45.7 percent countervailing duties in addition to a 25 percent tariff (USDA/FAS 1997a). Mexico and Argentina, however, have signed a sanitary agreement and are currently negotiating to declare certain areas of Argentina as foot and mouth disease (FMD) free (USDA/FAS 1997a). This agreement will allow exports from Argentina to Mexico in the near future. Meanwhile, the United States will continue to supply the majority of beef to Mexico. Because of current trade restrictions, the United States accounted for more than 95 percent of Mexico’s beef imports and exports in 1996 (Table 3). Swine and Pork Sixty-seven percent of Mexico’s hogs are produced in the central region and 25 percent in the southern region (Bierlen and Hayes 1994). Mexico still employs a technologically mixed hog production system. Adaptation of U.S. production 4 Barrett and Fabiosa technologies, however, has allowed Mexico to shift from a traditional backyard production system toward a more sophisticated production scheme (Bierlen and Hayes 1994). Traditional production for personal consumption is highly concentrated around Mexico City and in the southern region of Mexico (Bierlen and Hayes 1994). Mexico’s relatively low annual pigs per sow figures reflect this mixed production system. Many countries annually produce 20 pigs per sow; however, Mexico’s pig crop has averaged only 16 since 1985 (Table 4). Mexico’s total swine inventory has fallen from an average of 11 million head between 1985 and 1990 to 10.8 million head between 1991 and 1997. Mexico’s sow herd has averaged nearly .9 million since 1985. Lower-income families consume most of the pork in Mexico. Mexico’s per capita pork consumption has fallen steadily from 12.56 kg/person on a carcass basis in 1988 to 9.79 kg/person in 1997 (FAPRI 1998). However, aggregate pork consumption has risen from an average of 909 thousand metric tons between 1985 and 1990 to 928 thousand metric tons between 1991 and 1997. At the same time, Mexico’s pork production has decreased. This has caused Mexico’s pork imports to increase from an average of 10 thousand metric tons to 54 thousand metric tons over the same periods. Two features highlight Mexico’s swine and pork trade: Mexico imports nearly all of its swine and pork from the United States, and it exports nearly all of its pork to Japan (Tables 5 and 6). Because of disease problems, Mexico currently does not export any hogs to the United States. However, the United States has approved the state of Sonora as a low-risk area for hog cholera and will begin allowing imports from this region (USDA/FAS 1997a). Mexico’s recognition of regions in other South American countries as being free of FMD could greatly impact the United States’s share of Mexico’s pork and swine trade. Argentina and Brazil could increase the competition for this market. Broilers One of the likely reasons for the steady decline in Mexico’s per capita consumption of pork is that consumption of poultry has increased dramatically over time. Broiler consumption has increased from 11 kg/person in 1988 to 17.6 kg/person in 1997 (FAPRI 1998). Table 7 highlights this dramatic increase in broiler consumption on an aggregate basis. Mexico’s aggregate consumption averaged 757 thousand metric tons A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 5 between 1985 and 1990. It increased to an average of 1.48 million metric tons between 1991 and 1997. Furthermore, the 1998 FAPRI baseline projects that per capita broiler consumption in Mexico will exceed beef and pork consumption by 2002. Nearly 67 percent of Mexico’s poultry production is located in the central region of the country (Bierlen and Hayes 1994). Technological advancements, vertical integration, improved genetics, and better management practices have bolstered Mexico’s poultry production capabilities. In fact, Mexican broiler production has increased from an average of 729 thousand metric tons between 1985 and 1990 to 1.3 million tons between 1991 and 1997 (Table 7). Mexico’s demand has outpaced production, however, causing Mexico’s broiler imports to increase from 29 thousand metric tons to 91 thousand metric tons over the same period (Table 7). 6 Barrett and Fabiosa Model Structure Several features have been introduced in the FAPRI international livestock and poultry modeling system. The new model clearly differentiates between stock and flow variables. Where data allow, only flow variables are behaviorally specified and estimated. These flow variables are then aggregated in an accounting identity manner to derive the level of the stock variables. A graphic illustration of this modeling system is presented in Figures 1 through 4. The ovals denote flow variables, and the rectangles represent stock variables. Another important feature of this model is that it estimates flow variables as rates rather than as absolute levels. This is advantageous because rates are virtually universal and easily allow for comparisons between countries and for the detection of errors. Also, based on historical data, rates are generally more stable than are their corresponding levels. Moreover, biological or technological constraints on the rates of flow variables are accommodated with the use of logistic functional forms. This provides an upper bound for the logistic form. However, specifying purely theoretical or biological maximums as the upper bound for a logistic form generally provides poor results. Therefore, this model uses the historical maximum plus a nonnegative constant as the upper bound to allow for technological improvements. A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 7 Data and Estimation All equations in this model were estimated in SAS using Production Supply and Distribution (PS&D) data for production and inventory figures and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) data for producer prices. Some constraints were imposed on the parameters to satisfy theoretical restrictions. To impose further discipline in the parameter estimation, econometric problems were addressed where possible. Significance of parameters, goodness-of-fit, and serial correlation were all considered. The fit of the models was good as shown by their high R2. In particular, nine equations explained more than 90 percent of the total variation in the dependent variables. Six equations explained between 80 and 90 percent of the variation, and five equations explained between 70 and 80 percent of the total variation in the dependent variables. Furthermore, most equations have Durbin-Watson statistics that do not give conclusive support for the presence of serial correlation. Specifically, 16 equations had Durbin-Watson statistics between 1.3 and 2.7. The estimates for the Mexico model are provided in Tables 8 through 31. The specification and functional forms are presented below. The equations are grouped according to commodity. The equations within each commodity are further divided into three categories—flow variables, stock variables, and an equilibrium condition. The definitions of variables are given in Table 32. 8 Barrett and Fabiosa Beef Model Equations 1. FLOW VARIABLES 1.1 BEEF DEMAND EQ.MXBF1 = EXP (BD0 + BD1*LOG(BVPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + BD2*LOG(POPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + BD3*LOG(PYPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + BD4*LOG(NAPDDMX/DEPOPMX) + BD5*LOG(TRD) + LOG(DEPOPMX) - LOG(1000)) - BVUDCMX; 1.2 CALF CROP EQ.MXBF2 = (LAG(CESBWMXE + CESMCMXE)) *(.85 / (1 + EXP( -1 * (CC0 + CC1*TRD + CC2*D8485))) ) - CESCVMX; 1.3 COW SLAUGHTER EQ.MXBF3 = EXP(WS0 + WT1*LOG(BVPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + WT2*LOG(MIPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + WS3*LOG(TRD) + WS4*D83 + WS5*D89 + LOG(LAG(CESBWMXE) + LAG(CESMCMXE)) ) - CEKCWMX; 1.4 OTHER SLAUGHTER EQ.MXBF4 = EXP ( OS0 + OS1*LOG(BVPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + OS2*LOG(TRD) + OS3*D8687 + OS4*D8990 + OS4*D85 + LOG(LAG(CESOTMXE)) ) - CEKOTMX ; A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 9 1.5 CALF SLAUGHTER EQ.MXBF5 = EXP ( CS0 + CS1*LOG(BVPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + CS2*LOG(LAG(CEKCVMX/CESCVMX)) + CS3*LOG(TRD) + CS4*D8890 + LOG(CESCVMX) ) - CEKCVMX; 1.6 BEEF COW ENDING INVENTORY EQ.MXBF6 = EXP ( BC0 + BC1*LOG(BVPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + BC2*LOG(LAG(BVPRFMX/CPCPIMX)) + BC3*LOG(TRD) + BC4*D8388 ) - CESBWMXE; 1.7 BEEF DEATH EQ.MXBF7 = LAG(CESOTMXE+CESBWMXE+CESMCMXE)*( .06 / (1 + EXP( -1*( DT0 + DT1*TRD + DT2*D8890))) ) - CEUDDMX; 1.8 SLAUGHTER WEIGHT EQ.MXBF8 = 0.0750 + (CWW0 - 0.0750)*(CEKCWMX/CEKTNMX) + (COW0 - 0.0750)*(CEKOTMX/CEKTNMX) + COW1*(CEKOTMX/CEKTNMX)*TRD + COW2*(CEKOTMX/CEKTNMX)*(BVPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + D1*D82 + D3*D85 - BVSWTMX 1.9 CATTLE IMPORTS EQ.MXBF9 = EXP (CM0 + CM1*LOG(BVPRFMX/BVPRFU9) + CM2*LOG(TRD) + CM3*D88 + CM4*D90 ) - CESMTMX; 1.10 CATTLE EXPORTS EQ.MXBF10 = EXP (CX0 + CX1*LOG(BVPRFMX/BVPRFU9) + CX2*LOG(TRD) ) - CEUXTMX; 10 Barrett and Fabiosa 1.11 BEEF AND VEAL IMPORTS EQ.MXBF11 = EXP (BM0 + BM1*LOG(BVPRFMX/BVPRFU9) + BM2*LOG(TRD) ) - BVSMTMX; 1.12 BEEF AND VEAL EXPORTS EQ.MXBF12 = EXP (BX0 + BX1*LOG(BVPRFMX/BVPRFU9) + BX2*LOG(TRD) ) - BVUXTMX; 2. STOCK VARIABLES 2.1 OTHER CATTLE INVENTORY EQ.MXBF13 = LAG(CESOTMXE) + (CESCVMX-CEKCVMX) + CESMTMX - CEKOTMX - ((CESBWMXE + CESMCMXE) - LAG(CESBWMXE + CESMCMXE) + CEKCWMX + CEUDDMX*LAG((CESBWMXE + CESMCMXE)/ (CESBWMXE+CESMCMXE+CESOTMXE))) - CEUDDMX*LAG((CESOTMXE)/ (CESBWMXE+CESMCMXE+CESOTMXE)) - CEUXTMX - CESOTMXE; 3. EQUILIBRIUM CONDITION 3.1 EQUILIBRIUM EQUATION EQ.MXBF14 = LAG(BVCOTMX) + (CEKCVMX+CEKCWMX+CEKOTMX)*BVSWTMX + BVSMTMX - BVUDCMX - BVUXTMX - BVCOTMX; A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 11 Pork Model Equations 1. FLOW VARIABLES 1.1 PORK DEMAND EQ.MXP01 = EXP ( PD0 + PD1*LOG(POPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + PD2*LOG(BVPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + PD3*LOG(PYPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + PD4*LOG(NAPDDMX/DEPOPMX) + PD5*D7989 + PD6*D82 + PD7*D83 + LOG(DEPOPMX) - LOG(1000) ) - POUDCMX; 1.2 SLAUGHTER WEIGHT EQ.MXP02 = ( 0.075 / ( 1 + EXP ( -1 * ( WT0 + WT1*(POPRFMX/FDPRFMX) + WT2*D83 + WT3*TRD))) ) - POKWTMX; 1.3 PORK EXPORTS EQ.MXPO3 = EXP ( PX0 + PX1*LOG(POPRFMX/POPRFU9) + PX2*D92 + PX3*LOG(LAG(POUXTMX)) ) - POUXTMX; 1.4 PORK IMPORTS EQ.MXPO4 = EXP ( PM0 + PM1*LOG(POPRFMX/POPRFU9) + PM2*LOG(TRD) ) - POSMTMX; 1.5 SWINE IMPORTS EQ.MXPO5 = EXP ( SM0 + SM1*LOG(POPRFMX/POPRFU9) + SM2*D91 + SM3*LOG(TRD) ) - HQSMTMX; 12 Barrett and Fabiosa 1.6 TOTAL SWINE SLAUGHTER EQ.MXPO6 = EXP ( TS0 + TS1*LOG(POPRFMX/FDPRFMX) + TS2*D7582 + TS3*D8387 + TS4*D8891 + TS5*LOG(TRD) + LOG(HQCITMX) ) - HQKTNMX; 1.7 SOW ENDING INVENTORY EQ.MXPO7 = EXP ( SE0 + SE1*LOG(POPRFMX/FDPRFMX) + SE2*LOG(LAG(SWCOTMX)) + SE3*LOG(TRD) + SE4*D89 ) - SWCOTMX; 1.8 PIG CROP EQ.MXP8 = LAG(SWCOTMX)*( 20 / ( 1 + EXP ( -1 * ( SC0 + SC1*TRD + SC2*D8385 + SC3*D92 ))) ) - HQSPGMX; 1.9 SWINE DEATH EQ.MXPO9 = EXP ( SD0 + SD1*LOG(TRD) + LOG(HQSPGMX+HQCITMX) ) - HQUDDMX; 2. STOCK VARIABLES 2.1 TOTAL SWINE INVENTORY EQ.MXPO10 = LAG(HQCOTMX) + HQSPGMX + HQSMTMX - HQKTNMX - HQUDDMX - HQCOTMX; A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 13 3. EQUILIBRIUM CONDITION 3.1 EQUILIBRIUM EQUATION EQ.MXP11 = LAG(POCOTMX) + POKWTMX*HQKTNMX + POSMTMX - POUDCMX - POUXTMX - POCOTMX; Broiler Model Equations 1. FLOW VARIABLES 1.1 BROILER DEMAND EQ.MXBR1 = EXP ( RD0 + RD1*LOG(PYPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + RD2*LOG(BVPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + RD3*LOG(POPRFMX/CPCPIMX) + RD4*LOG(NAPDDMX/DEPOPMX) + RD5*LOG(TRD) + LOG(DEPOPMX) - LOG(1000) ) - BRUDCMX; 1.2 BROILER PRODUCTION EQ.MXBR2 = EXP ( RP0 + RP1*LOG(PYPRFMX/FDPRFMX) + RP2*LOG(TRD) - BRSPRMX; 1.3 BROILER IMPORTS EQ.MXBR3 = EXP ( RM0 + RM1*LOG(PYPRFMX/(PYPRFU9*NIME_MX)) + RM2*LOG(TRD) + RM3*D8891 + RM4*D92GR ) - BRSMTMX; 14 Barrett and Fabiosa 2. EQUILIBRIUM CONDITION 2.1 EQUILIBRIUM EQUATION EQ.MXBR4 = LAG(BRCOTMX) + BRSPRMX + BRSMTMX - BRUDCMX - BRCOTMX. Validation After all equations were estimated, the model was solved simultaneously in a simulation program using SAS software. This section reports several of the validation statistics generated from this in-sample simulation. Only four are highlighted in this discussion. Evaluation of the model was based on comparisons of the descriptive statistics, the statistics of fit, the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and its components, and the Theil inequality coefficients. A well-designed model useful for projections should produce projections of endogenous variables with mean values that approach the mean values of the actual series. This also implies that the mean percentage error is close to zero. Moreover, in the decomposition of the MSE, an adequate model should produce projections that are closely correlated to the actual series (i.e., correlation coefficient approaches unity; that are without consistent bias (i.e., bias approaches zero); whose variability closely mirrors the variability of the actual series (i.e., variance approaches zero); and for which all remaining deviations of the projection from the actual are random (i.e., covariance is a large number). Also, when the predicted series is close to the actual series, both the U and U1 Theil coefficients of inequality approach zero. The validation statistics for the three sectors are shown in Tables 33 through 44. In the beef model, the mean values of the predicted series are close to the mean of the actual series. This is also supported by the fact that all mean percentage errors for the predicted series are less than two percentage points from the mean except for beef imports, which are approximately five percentage points below the mean. All variables show high correlation with the actual series. The bias for all variables is small. However, the decomposition suggests that the variability of the actual series is not fully A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 15 captured by the variability of the predicted series because the variance is greater than .30 for five of the endogenous variables. In the pork model, the predicted series closely follows the actual series. The mean percentage errors for all variables except pork imports and swine death are within four percentage points. Pork imports and swine death are still within an acceptable range. Furthermore, all but two endogenous variables show very strong correlation to the actual series. As is evident by the variance coefficients of three variables greater than .50, not all of the variability of the actual series is captured by the variability of the predicted series. The validation statistics confirm that the broiler model predictions most closely followed the actual series. The mean predicted values closely follow the mean of the actual values and all mean percentage errors are less than six percentage points. All variables have low bias and variance. Also, they exhibit strong correlation and high covariance. Trade equations for cattle and swine imports and pork exports were exogenized in the simulation to obtain more suitable validation statistics. It is difficult to accurately model Mexico’s imports and exports of live animals and meat. One reason is that many of their levels have historically been very low and sporadic. For example, Mexico’s pork imports were zero from 1982 to 1986, and then peaked at 80 thousand metric tons in 1994, and then dropped to 30 thousand metric tons in 1996 (USDA/PS&D). Low levels of trade also inflate percentage errors for small prediction errors. In addition, significant trade only in recent years shortens the suitable estimation period for parameters. Projections Using WEFA Group macroeconomic forecasts, this model was used in spreadsheet form to generate out-of-sample projections as part of the 1998 FAPRI baseline. The baseline is used to evaluate the impacts of policy changes and exogenous shocks on world trade volumes and prices. The results of the 1998 baseline are presented in Tables 48 and 49. Mexico’s imports of beef, pork, and broiler meat are projected to increase by 315 thousand metric tons, 29 thousand metric tons, and 170 thousand metric tons from 1997 levels by 2007 (Table 49). Mexico’s production and consumption of all 16 Barrett and Fabiosa three commodities are expected to grow over the next decade. The production projections do not grow as rapidly as the consumption projections, however, causing Mexico to rely on imports to fulfill domestic demand (Table 49). Mexico’s per capita broiler consumption also is expected to exceed beef per capita consumption by 2002. Model Improvements This new model introduced many structural improvements and refinements from the previous FAPRI Mexico model, which consisted of four main equations for each commodity: demand, production, inventory, and residual trade equations. Also, the demand equations for pork, beef, and poultry used U.S. prices and did not account for cross-price relationships. Using U.S. prices did not allow for domestic price clearing conditions. Furthermore, the previous model contained no behavioral trade equations, and therefore, net meat trade was found exogenously as a residual of the difference between domestic supply and consumption. Improvements in the new FAPRI model structure include functional form equations and more equations for each commodity, enabling the model to estimate flow variables to capture more fully the biological processes in animal inventories, investment decisions of livestock producers, and trade dynamics within Mexico’s livestock sector. Specifically, the new FAPRI Mexico livestock and poultry model contains separate slaughter equations for cows, other cattle, calves, sows, and other hogs. These equations, along with breeding herd addition and offspring equations, allow the model to capture fully the flow of specific categories of animals through the production cycle. Beneficial changes in the existing equations were also made. The demand relationships were estimated using own-price and cross-price relationships to account for substitution effects. The demand, production, and trade equations also use domestic prices. By using domestic prices, this model solves for the domestic price and satisfies domestic price clearing conditions. Another enhancement in the new model is that it contains both live animal and meat trade equations. This change allows for behavioral decisions and refines the net trade position by dividing net trade into imports and exports. A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 17 Summary Many economic and demographic trends along with increased free trade agreements are projected to increase Mexico’s prominence in the world markets for meat products over the next 10 years. This model was designed to incorporate these factors to provide useful projections. Its structure, containing differentiated flow and stock variables and functional form equations, enables it to capture the dynamics of Mexico’s livestock and meat sectors. The diagnostic statistics do not show any serious econometric problems, and the validation statistics from the simulation show that all equations tracked the actual series very closely. 18 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 1. Cattle and Beef Historical Data Average 1985–1990 Cattle Inventory (1000 head) Total Cattle Beef Cows Dairy Cows Other Cattle Production Rates Calf Crop Cow Slaughter Calf Slaughter Other Slaughter Death Share of Slaughter Calf Cow Other Beef Supply Beginning Stocks Production Imports Demand Ending Stocks Domestic Consumption Exports Average 1991–1997 (Thousand Head) 33,625 12,050 2,015 19,560 29,523 12,151 2,099 15,273 (Percentage) 0.65 0.13 0.2 0.22 0.03 0.64 0.12 0.19 0.31 0.03 0.24 0.22 0.54 0.21 0.21 0.58 (Thousand Metric Tons) 0 0 1,571 1,744 21 102 0 1,591 2 0 1,845 2 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 19 Table 2. Sources and Destinations of Mexico’s Cattle Trade in 1996 Trading Partner Exports United States Others Total Imports Australia Canada United States Others Total Quantity (Head) 458,174 Percentage of Total 99.95 223 458,397 0.05 3,964 8,532 185,934 118 198,548 2.00 4.30 93.64 0.06 Table 3. Sources and Destinations of Mexico’s Beef Trade in 1996 Trading Partner Exports United States Others Total Imports Australia Canada United States Others Total Quantity (kg) Percentage of Total 1,487,180 54,067 1,541,247 96.49 3.51 554,951 467,671 71,998,565 289,184 73,310,371 0.76 0.64 98.21 0.39 20 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 4. Swine and Pork Historical Data Average 1985–1990 Average 1991–1997 Swine Inventory Total Inventory Sows Other 11,040 897 10,143 (Thousand Head) 10,816 895 9,921 Production Rates Pig Crop Sow Slaughter Other Slaughter Death 16 NA 1.26 0.24 16 NA 1.25 0.18 NA NA NA NA Shares of Slaughter Sow Other Pork Supply Beginning Stocks Production Imports Demand Ending Stocks Domestic Consumption Exports Average 1993–1997 (Percentage) (Thousand Metric Tons) 0 899 10 0 881 54 0 909 0 0 928 7 0.03 0.002 0.998 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 21 Table 5. Sources and Destinations of Mexico’s Swine Trade in 1996 Trading Partner Exports Venezuela Japan Guatemala Total Imports Canada United States Others Total Quantity (Head) Percentage of Total 626 14 0 640 97.81 2.19 0.00 1,393 36,158 421 37,972 3.67 95.22 1.11 Table 6. Sources and Destinations of Mexico’s Pork Trade in 1996 Trading Partner Exports Japan Others Total Imports Canada United States Others Total Quantity (kg) Percentage of Total 12,535,525 540,027 13,075,552 95.87 4.13 1,123,259 29,266,740 20,597 30,410,596 3.69 96.24 0.07 22 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 7. Broiler Historical Data Supply Beginning Stocks Production Import Demand Ending Stocks Domestic Consumption Exports Average 1985–1990 Average 1991–1997 (Thousand Metric Tons) 0 0 729 1391 29 91 0 757 1 0 1480 1 Estimation Tables Beef Model Table 8. Beef Demand in Mexico (BVUDCMX) Parameter Independent BD0 BD1 BD2 BD3 Intercept Real Beef Producer Price Real Pork Producer Price Real Poultry Producer Price Real Per Capita GDP Trend BD4 BD5 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 9.7933 -0.3500 0.1000 0.1500 8.2564 1.1900 0.2540 0.6265 0.3271 0.7413 0.1110 0.8500 2.9500 0.4113 0.0100 Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 1.0063 0.0064 -0.1314 0.0596 0.0032 0.0685 16.8900 1.9800 -1.9200 0.0001 0.0628 0.0702 0.7204 0.6831 1.1070 Table 9. Calf Crop in Mexico (CESPRMX) Parameter Independent CC0 CC1 CC2 Intercept Trend Dummy 1984-1985 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW 0.9486 0.9432 0.8790 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 23 Table 10. Cow Slaughter In Mexico (CEKCWMX) Parameter Independent WS0 WS1 WS2 WS3 WS4 WS5 Intercept Real Beef Price Real Milk Price Trend Dummy 1983 Dummy 1989 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° -0.8922 -0.2167 -0.1000 0.0208 0.3526 0.5861 1.6671 0.2108 -0.5400 -1.0300 0.6016 0.3226 0.1244 0.0707 0.0518 0.1700 4.9900 11.3100 0.8697 0.0002 0.0001 Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° -5.7646 0.1500 1.1345 -0.3754 0.1372 0.0795 0.2579 -22.3500 0.0001 0.0824 0.0514 0.0281 0.0528 13.7700 -7.3100 4.8800 1.5100 0.0001 0.0001 0.0012 0.1706 0.9093 0.8814 1.6030 Table 11. Other Cattle Slaughter in Mexico (CEKOTMX) Parameter Independent OS0 OS1 OS2 OS3 OS4 OS5 Intercept Real Beef Price Trend Dummy 1986-1987 Dummy 1989-1990 Dummy 1985 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW 0.9734 0.9601 2.4380 24 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 12. Calf Slaughter in Mexico (CEKCVMX) Parameter Independent CS0 CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 CS5 Intercept Real Beef Price Lag Calf Slaughter Trend Dummy 1988-1990 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° -1.9980 -0.0382 0.1990 0.2740 0.1604 1.4445 0.1536 0.0798 0.1709 0.0190 -1.3800 -0.2500 2.4900 1.6000 8.4400 0.2159 0.8119 0.0469 0.1599 0.0002 Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 6.1991 0.1351 0.2140 0.3179 0.0293 0.7062 0.0864 0.0827 0.0447 0.0158 8.7800 1.5600 2.5900 7.1100 1.8600 0.0001 0.1418 0.0225 0.0001 0.0851 0.9191 0.8652 1.4900 Table 13. Beef Cow Inventory in Mexico (CESBWMX) Parameter Independent BC0 BC1 BC2 BC3 BC4 Intercept Real Beef Price Lag Real Beef Price Trend Dummy 1983-1988 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW 0.8517 0.8060 1.3960 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 25 Table 14. Cattle Death Rate in Mexico (CEUDDMX) Parameter Independent DT0 DT1 DT2 Intercept Trend Dummy 1988-1990 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° -0.6332 0.0127 0.6364 0.4784 0.0210 0.1398 -1.3200 0.6100 4.5500 0.2222 0.5606 0.0019 Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 0.1479 0.1219 0.0039 0.0001 0.0128 -0.0198 0.0568 0.0718 0.0014 1.8100 0.0084 0.0092 2.6000 1.7000 2.8200 0.0976 1.5300 -2.1600 0.0246 0.1177 0.0166 0.8331 0.7913 3.0630 Table 15. Beef Slaughter Weight In Mexico (BVSWTMX) Parameter CWWO COWO COW1 COW2 D1 D3 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Independent 0.0001 0.9307 0.9099 1.4120 0.1551 0.0537 26 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 16. Cattle Imports In Mexico (CESMTMX) Parameter Independent CM0 CM1 CM2 CM3 CM4 Intercept Mexico to World Beef Price Ratio Trend Dummy 1988 Dummy 1990 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 3.8105 2.0000 -0.4075 0.7479 -0.4375 2.8681 1.3300 0.2135 0.9256 0.3374 0.8969 -0.4400 2.2200 -0.4900 0.6691 0.0510 0.6362 Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 2.1122 0.9000 1.8980 0.7770 2.7200 0.0166 0.2541 7.4700 0.0001 0.6168 0.5018 1.3990 Table 17. Cattle Exports in Mexico (CEUXTMX) Parameter Independent CX0 CX1 CX2 Intercept Mexico to World Beef Price Ratio Trend Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW 0.7760 0.7600 1.7740 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 27 Table 18. Beef and Veal Imports in Mexico (BVSMTMX) Parameter Independent BM0 BM1 BM2 Intercept Mexico to World Beef Price Trend Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° -4.7421 1.3000 2.3980 2.2750 -2.0800 0.0546 0.7196 3.3300 0.0045 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW 0.7485 0.7317 0.5830 Table 19. Beef and Veal Exports in Mexico (BVXMTMX) Parameter Independent Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° BX0 BX1 BX2 Intercept Mexico to World Price Ratio Trend 48.1605 -1.6000 -19.3290 15.1182 3.1900 0.0054 6.8732 -2.8100 0.0120 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW 0.7909 0.7786 0.8530 28 Barrett and Fabiosa Pork-Swine Model Table 20. Pork Demand in Mexico (POUDCMX) Parameter Independent PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 Intercept Real Pork Producer Price Real Beef Producer Price Real Poultry Producer Price Real Per Capita GDP Dummy 1979-1989 Dummy 1982 Dummy 1983 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 6.3182 -0.2500 0.1300 0.0800 0.0215 293.5000 0.0001 0.0313 0.0560 0.0508 5.0700 2.9200 4.4300 0.0004 0.0140 0.0010 0.3300 0.1587 0.1634 0.2251 0.6469 0.5506 1.8850 Table 21. Swine Slaughter Weight in Mexico (POKWTMX) Parameter Independent WT0 WT1 WT2 WT3 Intercept Pork to Feed Price Ratio Dummy 1983 Trend Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 2.6044 0.7409 -0.9292 -0.0104 0.4223 0.3372 0.1490 0.0127 6.17 2.2 -6.24 -0.82 0.0001 0.0503 0.0001 0.4286 0.8769 0.8434 1.5110 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 29 Table 22. Pork Exports in Mexico (POUXTMX) Parameter Independent PX0 PX1 PX2 PX3 Intercept Mexico to World Pork Price Ratio Dummy1992 Lag Pork Exports Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 2.6846 1.3500 0.7783 0.5000 0.0935 28.7000 0.0001 0.1937 4.0200 0.0277 Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° -4.7922 1.5000 2.0026 3.6187 -1.3200 0.2270 1.1393 1.7600 0.1222 0.7344 0.6459 1.4950 Table 23. Pork Imports in Mexico (POSMTMX) Parameter Independent PM0 PM1 PM2 Intercept Mexico to World Pork Price Ratio Trend Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW 0.6132 0.5579 1.8370 30 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 24. Swine Imports in Mexico (HQSMTMX) Parameter Independent SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 Intercept Mexico to World Pork Price Ratio Dummy 1991 Trend Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 0.6534 1.4500 1.4100 0.4713 3.3904 0.1900 0.8548 0.1750 1.0944 8.0600 0.4300 0.0005 0.6846 0.8965 0.8344 2.0670 Table 25. Swine Slaughter in Mexico (HQKTNMX) Parameter Independent TS0 TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 Intercept Pork to Feed Price Ratio Dummy 1975-1982 Dummy 1983-1987 Dummy 1988-1991 Trend Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° -1.2997 0.2000 -0.1543 0.1030 0.1020 0.1690 0.3418 -3.8000 0.0016 0.1073 0.0647 0.0535 0.1063 -1.4400 1.5900 1.9100 1.5900 0.1698 0.1309 0.0748 0.1313 0.8128 0.7660 1.7440 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 31 Table 26. Sow Ending Inventory in Mexico (SWCOTMX) Parameter Independent SE0 SE1 SE2 SE3 SE4 Intercept Pork to Feed Price Ratio Lag Sow Ending Inventory Trend Dummy 1989 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 5.7280 0.1254 0.2143 -0.1278 -0.1176 1.4545 0.0497 0.1987 0.0476 0.0392 3.9400 2.5200 1.0800 -2.6800 -3.0000 0.0028 0.0303 0.3061 0.0229 0.0134 0.8021 0.7229 1.5410 32 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 27. Pig Crop in Mexico (HGSPGMX) Parameter Independent SC0 SC1 SC2 SC3 Intercept Trend Dummy 1983-1985 Dummy 1992 Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 1.1423 0.0122 0.3341 -0.2087 0.0277 0.0016 0.0276 0.0367 41.2100 7.8200 12.1200 -5.6900 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° -1.5795 -0.2719 0.2709 0.0960 -5.8300 -2.8300 0.0001 0.0126 0.9895 0.9876 1.1350 Table 28. Swine Death in Mexico (HQUDDMX) Parameter Independent SD0 SD1 Intercept Trend Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW 0.7607 0.7447 0.6600 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 33 Broiler Model Table 29. Broiler Demand in Mexico (BRUDCMX) Parameter Independent RD0 RD1 RD2 RD3 RD4 RD5 Intercept Real Broiler Producer Price Real Beef Producer Price Real Pork Producer Price Real Per Capita GDP Trend Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 9.5802 -0.4000 0.2000 0.1500 0.9500 1.3001 0.3157 30.3500 0.0001 0.1013 12.8400 0.0001 0.9677 0.9657 0.8690 Table 30. Broiler Production in Mexico (BRSPRMX) Parameter Independent RP0 RP1 RP2 Intercept Broiler to Feed Price Ratio Trend Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° 0.7177 0.3000 2.0305 0.4596 1.5600 0.1379 0.1476 13.7500 0.0001 0.9391 0.9353 1.4590 34 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 31. Broiler Imports In Mexico (BRSMTMX) Parameter Independent RM0 RM1 RM2 RM3 RM4 Intercept Mexico to World Broiler Price Ratio Trend D8891 D92GR Diagnostic R2 Adj R2 DW Estimate Std Dev "T" Ratio Prob>°T° -7.6292 0.9500 3.2975 0.2078 0.5298 2.4238 -3.1500 0.0104 0.8629 0.4128 0.5046 3.8200 0.5000 1.0500 0.0034 0.6256 0.3185 0.9359 0.9103 2.0830 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 35 Table 32. Definitions of Variables Code HQCITMX HQCOTMX HQKOTMX HQKTNMX HQSMTMX HQSPGMX SWCOTMX HQSSWMX HQUDDMX POSMTMX POSPRMX POUDCMX POUXTMX POKWTMX BRSMTMX BRSPRMX BRUDCMX CECOTMX CEKCVMX CEKCWMX CEKOTMX CEKTNMX CESBWMXE CESCVMX CESMCMXE CESMTMX CEUDDMX CEUXTMX BVSMTMX BVSPRMX BVUDCMX BVUXTMX BVSWTMX NAPDDMX DEPOPMX CPCPIMX NIME_MX BVPRFMX MIPRFMX Description Units Swine; Stocks, Beginning; Mexico Swine; Stocks, Ending; Mexico Swine; Slaughter, Other; Mexico Swine; Slaughtered; Mexico Swine; Imports; Mexico Swine; Pigs, Born; Mexico Swine; Sows; Mexico (Ending) Swine; Sows; Mexico (Beginning) Swine; Deaths; Mexico Pork; Imports; Mexico Pork; Production, MT; Mexico Pork; Consumption; Mexico Pork; Exports; Mexico Pork; Slaughter Weight; Mexico Broilers, Live and Meat; Imports; Mexico Broilers, Live and Meat; Production, Mt; Mexico Broilers, Live and Meat; Consumption; Mexico Cattle; Stocks, Ending; Mexico Cattle; Calves, Slaughtered; Mexico Cattle; Cows, Slaughtered; Mexico Cattle; Slaughter, Other; Mexico Cattle; Slaughtered; Mexico Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Head Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Thousand Metric Ton Index Thousand Index Peso/US $ Peso/100 kg Peso/100 kg Cattle; Cows, Beef; Mexico, t 2 Years December (End) Cattle; Calves, Born; Mexico Cattle; Milking Animals, Head; Mexico, t 2 Years Dec. Cattle; Imports; Mexico Cattle; Deaths; Mexico Cattle; Exports; Mexico Meat, Beef and Veal; Imports; Mexico Meat, Beef and Veal; Production, Mt; Mexico Meat, Beef and Veal; Consumption; Mexico Meat, Beef and Veal; Exports; Mexico Cattle; Slaughter Weight; Mexico Gross Domestic Product Index 1990=1 Population, MidNAyear Estimates Consumer Price Index 1990=1 Exchange Rate, Spot Beef and Veal Producer Price Milk Producer Price 36 Barrett and Fabiosa POPRFMX PYPRFMX FDPRFMX BVPRFU9 POPRFU9 PYPRFU9 Pork Producer Price Poultry Producer Price Feed Cost Index Nebraska Direct Steers (1100NA1300 lbs.) IANASoNA MN 230NA250 lbs. Barrows and Gilts 12NACity Wholesale Peso/100 kg Peso/100 kg Peso/100 kg $/cwt. $/cwt. c/lbs. A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 37 Validation Tables Beef Model Table 33. Descriptive Statistics Variable Description BVPRFMX BVUDCMX CESBWMXE CESCVMX CEKCWMX CESOTMXE CEKOTMX CEKCVMX CEUDDMX BVSWTMX CEUXTMX BVSMTMX Beef Producer Price Beef and Veal Consumption Beef Cow Inventory (End) Calf Crop Cow Slaughter Other Cattle Inventory (End) Other Slaughter Calf Slaughter Cattle Death Slaughter Weight Cattle Exports Beef and Veal Imports Actual Mean Std Predicted Mean Std 826.5744 1821.0000 12343.0000 9395.0000 1663.0000 15502.0000 4707.0000 1742.0000 800.0000 0.2137 1217.0000 89.6667 139.9091 75.2666 558.4502 366.9478 67.4290 495.3132 395.1034 78.5918 100.6062 0.0047 247.9987 33.8802 816.4308 1824.0000 12289.0000 9396.0000 1670.0000 15503.0000 4747.0000 1749.0000 814.8036 0.2142 1203.0000 77.6969 167.3692 81.9798 243.0405 362.3681 104.1072 662.9902 365.9472 79.7691 130.7297 0.0039 299.9026 22.9747 Table 34. Statistics of Fit Variable Description BVPRFMX BVUDCMX CESBWMXE CESCVMX CEKCWMX CESOTMXE CEKOTMX CEKCVMX CEUDDMX BVSWTMX CEUXTMX BVSMTMX Beef Producer Price Beef and Veal Consumption Beef Cow Inventory (End) Calf Crop Cow Slaughter Other Cattle Inventory (End) Other Slaughter Calf Slaughter Cattle Death Slaughter Weight Cattle Exports Beef and Veal Imports Mean Error Mean % Error Mean Abs Error Mean Abs % Error -10.1436 3.2532 -53.9548 0.9814 6.3040 0.9665 40.4094 7.7091 14.8036 0.0005 -14.4231 -11.9697 -1.7604 0.1802 -0.3272 0.0361 0.5769 -0.0162 0.9404 0.4667 1.6309 0.2373 -1.4258 -4.4231 33.2874 26.7069 295.3749 178.4898 114.6715 190.7046 96.8537 33.4271 35.2556 0.0022 97.2191 27.3211 4.6172 1.4777 2.3946 1.8974 6.8703 1.2516 2.0885 1.9322 4.1874 1.0537 7.9424 33.2332 38 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 35. MSE Decomposition Proportions Inequality Coefficients Variable Description BVPRFMX BVUDCMX CESBWMXE CESCVMX CEKCWMX CESOTMXE CEKOTMX CEKCVMX CEUDDMX BVSWTMX CEUXTMX BVSMTMX Beef Producer Price Beef and Veal Consumption Beef Cow Inventory (End) Calf Crop Cow Slaughter Other Cattle Inventory (End) Other Slaughter Calf Slaughter Cattle Death Slaughter Weight Cattle Exports Beef and Veal Imports MSE Corr (R) Bias (UM) Var (US) Covar (UC) 2064 919 125331 41829 16532 61229 13342 1738 2034 0 12053 978 0.9660 0.9150 0.8250 0.8110 -0.3140 0.9310 0.9540 0.8390 0.9520 0.7230 0.9230 0.4330 0.0500 0.0120 0.0230 0.0000 0.0020 0.0000 0.1220 0.0340 0.1080 0.0240 0.0170 0.1460 0.3040 0.0410 0.6610 0.0000 0.0680 0.3830 0.0530 0.0010 0.3720 0.0580 0.1860 0.1010 0.6460 0.9480 0.3150 1.0000 0.9300 0.6170 0.8250 0.9650 0.5210 0.9170 0.7960 0.7520 Table 36. Theil Forecast Error Statistics Variable Description BVPRFMX BVUDCMX CESBWMXE CESCVMX CEKCWMX CESOTMXE CEKOTMX CEKCVMX CEUDDMX BVSWTMX CEUXTMX BVSMTMX Beef Producer Price Beef and Veal Consumption Beef Cow Inventory (End) Calf Crop Cow Slaughter Other Cattle Inventory (End) Other Slaughter Calf Slaughter Cattle Death Slaughter Weight Cattle Exports Beef and Veal Imports U1 U 0.0543 0.0166 0.0287 0.0218 0.0772 0.0160 0.0245 0.0239 0.0560 0.0142 0.0887 0.3297 0.0273 0.0083 0.0144 0.0109 0.0385 0.0080 0.0122 0.0119 0.0277 0.0071 0.0444 0.1784 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 39 Pork Model Table 37. Descriptive Statistics Variable Description POPRFMX POUDCMX POKWTMX POSMTMX HQSPGMX HQKTNMX SWCOTMX HQUDDMX HQCOTMX Pork Producer Price Pork Consumption Pork Slaughter Weight Pork Imports Pig Crop Swine Slaughter Sow Ending Inventory Swine Death Swine Ending Inventory Actual Mean Std Predicted Mean Std 947.7617 949.0000 0.0716 49.0000 14300.0000 12615.0000 657.5000 2000.0000 11483.0000 343.3296 38.2535 0.0008 22.3010 617.7918 622.8162 439.5737 0.0000 1025.0000 936.6919 931.3232 0.0718 47.3418 14345.0000 12365.0000 873.0341 2231.0000 11548.0000 416.2188 28.7098 0.0002 6.7324 561.2777 368.6468 18.2254 101.1303 624.3557 Mean Error Mean % Error Mean Abs Error Mean Abs % Error -11.0698 -17.6768 0.0001 -1.6582 44.8508 -250.3141 215.5341 230.6352 64.5297 -3.2277 -1.7788 0.1850 11.3215 0.3271 -1.8182 . 11.5318 0.9253 58.2693 21.8377 0.0006 15.2361 46.6913 546.0085 231.7976 230.6352 649.5612 6.7106 2.2326 0.8245 33.2691 0.3394 4.2300 . 11.5318 5.6802 Table 38. Statistics of Fit Variable Description POPRFMX POUDCMX POKWTMX POSMTMX HQSPGMX HQKTNMX SWCOTMX HQUDDMX HQCOTMX Pork Producer Price Pork Consumption Pork Slaughter Weight Pork Imports Pig Crop Swine Slaughter Sow Ending Inventory Swine Death Swine Ending Inventory 40 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 39. MSE Decomposition Proportions Inequality Coefficients Variable Description POPRFMX POUDCMX POKWTMX POSMTMX HQSPGMX HQKTNMX SWCOTMX HQUDDMX HQCOTMX Pork Producer Price Pork Consumption Pork Slaughter Weight Pork Imports Pig Crop Swine Slaughter Sow Ending Inventory Swine Death Swine Ending Inventory MSE Corr (R) Bias (UM) Var (US) Covar (UC) 4200 1393 0 405 4437 427253 187246 60863 458433 1.0000 0.3860 0.5360 0.0210 1.0000 0.0820 0.3640 . 0.6530 0.0290 0.2240 0.0410 0.0070 0.4530 0.1470 0.2480 . 0.0090 0.9490 0.0490 0.6070 0.4490 0.5400 0.1130 0.7110 . 0.2630 0.0220 0.7270 0.3520 0.5440 0.0070 0.7400 0.0410 . 0.7280 Table 40. Theil Forecast Error Statistics Variable Description POPRFMX POUDCMX POKWTMX POSMTMX HQSPGMX HQKTNMX SWCOTMX HQUDDMX HQCOTMX Pork Producer Price Pork Consumption Pork Slaughter Weight Pork Imports Pig Crop Swine Slaughter Sow Ending Inventory Swine Death Swine Ending Inventory U1 U 0.0652 0.0393 0.0087 0.3821 0.0047 0.0518 0.5696 . 0.0588 0.0325 0.0198 0.0044 0.2005 0.0023 0.0262 0.2650 . 0.0293 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 41 Broiler Model Table 41. Descriptive Statistics Variable Description PYPRFMX BRUDCMX BRSPRMX BRSMTMX Poultry Producer Price Broiler Consumption Broiler Production Broiler Imports Predicted Mean Std Actual Mean Std 544.3217 1154.0000 1095.0000 61.4545 252.1597 363.9067 333.9261 31.9198 536.0383 1147.0000 1096.0000 50.7569 289.1194 323.9168 313.0810 14.2677 Table 42. Statistics of Fit Variable Description PYPRFMX BRUDCMX BRSPRMX BRSMTMX Poultry Producer Price Broiler Consumption Broiler Production Broiler Imports Mean Error Mean % Error Mean Abs Error Mean Abs % Error -8.2835 -7.2443 1.9079 -10.6976 -2.9550 1.7576 2.1626 5.4975 70.7852 77.9552 74.0822 21.1924 12.1074 8.5201 8.4538 41.4729 Table 43. MSE Decomposition Proportions Inequality Coefficients Variable Description MSE Corr (R) Bias (UM) Var (US) Cov (UC) PYPRFMX BRUDCMX BRSPRMX BRSMTMX Poultry Producer Price Broiler Consumption Broiler Production Broiler Imports 7797 8775 8051 653 0.9510 0.9660 0.9600 0.6910 0.0090 0.0060 0.0000 0.1750 0.1590 0.1660 0.0490 0.4340 0.8320 0.8280 0.9500 0.3910 42 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 44. Theil Forecast Error Statistics Variable Description PYPRFMX BRUDCMX BRSPRMX BRSMTMX Poultry Producer Price Broiler Consumption Broiler Production Broiler Imports U1 U 0.1484 0.0777 0.0787 0.3727 0.0737 0.0391 0.0394 0.2110 Elasticity Tables Table 45. Meat Demand Elasticity in Mexico Beef Pork Broiler Beef Price Elasticity Pork Broiler Income Elasticity -0.3500 0.1300 0.2000 0.1000 -0.2500 0.1500 0.1500 0.0800 -0.4000 0.6265 0.3300 1.0000 Table 46. Meat Supply Elasticity in Mexico Dependent Variables Price/Feed Price Ratio Cattle-Beef Model Cow Slaughter Other Cattle Slaughter Calf Slaughter Beef Cow Inventory Swine-Pork Model Slaughter Weight Swine Slaughter Sow Ending Inventory Broiler Model Broiler Production 0.7409 0.2000 0.1254 0.3000 Real Beef Price Real Milk Price -0.2167 0.1500 -0.0382 0.1351 0.2140 -0.1000 Lag Dependent 0.2740 0.2143 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 43 Table 47. Trade Elasticity in Mexico Dependent Variables Cattle-Beef Model Cattle Imports Cattle Exports Beef Import Beef Export Swine-Pork Model Pork Export Pork Import Swine Imports Poultry Model Broiler Import Independent Variables Price Ratio Lag Dependent Variable 2.0000 -0.9000 1.3000 -1.6000 -1.3500 1.5000 1.4500 0.9500 0.5000 44 Barrett and Fabiosa Table 48. FAPRI Baseline Projections for Mexico (1988-1997) Mexican Meat Supply and Utilization Cattle Inventories (Beg.) Hog Inventories (Beg.) Net Trade (Live Animals) Cattle Hog Beef and Veal Production Consumption 1988 1989 35.38 10.88 35 9 609 -84 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 (Million Head) 31.75 29.85 8.56 8.59 30.23 9.93 30.65 11.3 30.7 12.08 30.19 12.51 28.14 11.1 26.9 10.2 (Thousand Head) 744 1198 815 -80 -50 -265 713 -120 1197 -35 943 -130 1633 -5 260 -38 350 -40 (Thousand Metric Tons) 1790 1580 1660 1845 1696 1789 1710 1805 1810 1899 1850 1890 1800 1898 1800 1935 1754 1769 2140 2176 Net Trade -15 -36 -55 -116 -129 -95 -89 -40 -98 -135 Pork Production Consumption 964 980 910 937 792 809 820 859 830 881 870 917 900 978 954 1011 895 923 900 928 Net Trade -16 -27 -17 -39 -51 -47 -78 -57 -28 -28 Broiler Production Consumption 808 858 873 916 945 979 1178 1233 1346 1415 1364 1451 1383 1485 1435 1529 1478 1581 1550 1668 Net Trade -50 -43 -34 -55 -69 -87 -102 -94 -103 -118 (Peso Per 100 kg) 441.96 505.45 619.52 794.55 839.37 444.31 445.94 557.74 652.12 620.05 417 542 626 647 522 835 730 597 813 670 602 (Kilogram, Carcass Weight Basis) 22.71 20.38 21.07 20.84 9.96 10.32 10.38 10.59 12.05 14.82 16.67 16.75 44.71 45.53 48.11 48.18 21.48 11.06 16.80 49.34 Producer Prices Beef and Veal Pork Poultry Per Capita Consumption Mexico Beef Pork Broiler Total 22.68 12.56 11.00 46.24 27.37 11.79 11.52 50.68 1058 1459.40 1678.30 965 1426.10 1611.40 717 1031.50 1010.90 20.74 11.10 16.78 48.62 20.40 9.92 16.99 47.32 20.42 9.79 17.60 47.81 A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 45 Table 49. FAPRI Baseline Projections for Mexico (1998-2007) Mexican Meat Supply and Utilization 1998 Cattle Inventories (Beg.) Hog Inventories (Beg.) Net Trade (Live Animals) Cattle Hog 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 25.63 9.97 (Million Head) 25.85 25.63 9.81 9.81 25.3 9.82 24.99 9.94 24.82 9.97 24.49 9.87 24.04 9.74 23.58 9.65 23.12 9.52 124 -56 (Thousand Head) 543 711 -52 -51 673 -55 556 -61 564 -62 570 -66 518 -75 486 -85 450 -90 (Thousand Metric Tons) 1802 1800 1788 1970 1980 1996 1772 2013 1783 2058 1783 2099 1769 2137 1752 2159 1733 2183 Beef and Veal Production Consumption 1780 1949 Net Trade -169 -167 -180 -208 -241 -275 -316 -368 -406 -450 Pork Production Consumption 930 950 981 986 1027 1026 1055 1060 1083 1097 1115 1129 1148 1165 1180 1212 1217 1267 1260 1317 Net Trade -20 -5 1 -5 -14 -14 -17 -32 -50 -57 Broiler Production Consumption 1620 1745 1664 1814 1717 1886 1742 1933 1811 2020 1867 2086 1933 2166 2008 2256 2102 2370 2216 2504 Net Trade -125 -150 -169 -190 -208 -219 -233 -248 -267 -288 Producer Prices Beef and Veal Pork Poultry Per Capita Consumption Mexico Beef Pork Broiler Total (Peso Per 100 kg) 1887.9 2044.5 2349.1 2538 2741.2 2943.1 3206.9 3506.7 3938 4468.7 1759 1829.7 2008.4 2105.9 2245.2 2470.5 2752.6 3041.6 3409.6 3926.8 1152.9 1176.9 1277.9 1331.4 1354.2 1429.4 1519.5 1612.6 1725.3 1862.4 20.2 9.84 18.08 48.12 (Kilogram, Carcass Weight Basis) 20.05 19.8 19.63 19.47 10.03 10.26 10.42 10.61 18.46 18.87 19.01 19.53 48.55 48.94 49.06 49.61 19.58 10.74 19.85 50.17 19.66 10.91 20.28 50.85 19.7 11.18 20.8 51.67 19.6 11.51 21.52 52.62 19.53 11.79 22.4 53.72 46 Barrett and Fabiosa Cow S laughter L iveweight Cow Milk Production S teer/Heifer S laughter Liveweight S teer/Heifer Liveweight B eef Production Calf S laughter Liveweight Calf Breeding Inventory B reeding Addition Death S teer/Heifer Inventory Calf Crop E xport Import Live Inventory and Production Block: Cattle-Beef Model Figure 1. Cattle-Beef Model Illustration Cow S laughter Import S teer/Heifer S laughter Carcas s Weight B eef Production Beef S upply B eginning S tocks Calf S laughter Meat Supply Block: Beef Model Figure 2. Beef Model Illustration E xport B eef Dis appearance E nding S tocks A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 47 Breeding Inventory S ow S laughter L iveweight S ow Gilt/Barrow S laughter Liveweight Gilt/Barrow B reeding Addition Death Liveweight Pork Production Gilt/B arrow Inventory Pig Crop E xport Import Live Inventory and Production Block: Swine-Pork Model Figure 3. Swine-Pork Model Illustration S ow S laughter Import Carcas s Weight Pork Production Gilt/Barrow S laughter Pork S upply B eginning S tocks Meat Supply Block: Pork Model Figure 4. Pork Model Illustration E xport Pork Dis appearance E nding S tocks 48 Barrett and Fabiosa A Policy Model for Mexico’s Livestock and Poultry Sectors 49 REFERENCES Bierlen, Ralph and Dermot Hayes. 1994. The Economics of Market in Meat in Mexico. In Meat Marketing in Mexico: A Guide for U.S. Meat Exporting Companies. Ames: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center (MATRIC), Iowa State University. Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI). 1998. World Agricultural Outlook. Ames: FAPRI, Iowa State University. Hadwiger, Donald and Yong Lee. 1994. The Political Environment for Agricultural Policymaking in Mexico. In Meat Marketing in Mexico: A Guide for U.S. Meat Exporting Companies. Ames: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center (MATRIC), Iowa State University. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service (USDA/ERS) 1997. NAFTA Situation and Outlook Series. WRS-97-2. Washington, D.C.: USDA/ERS. . 1996 NAFTA: Year Three. Washington, D.C.: USDA/ERS. . PS&D Database. TS 97.06.23. Washington, D.C.: USDA/ERS U.S. Department of Agriculture. Foreign Agriculture Service (USDA/FAS) 1997a. Mexico Livestock Annual. Attaché Report, Agr Number MX7074. Washington, D.C.: USDA/FAS. . 1997b. Mexico Market for Breeder Cattle. Attaché Report, Agr Number MX7621. Washington, D.C.: USDA/FAS. . 1997c. Mexico Program for Cattle Importation. Attaché Report, Agr Number MX7635. Washington, D.C.: USDA/FAS.