Dr. S.Y. Kulkarni Principal Dr. NVR Naidu Vice-Principal M. S. RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU) BANGALORE-560 054 Dr. T.V. Suresh Kumar Registrar (Academics) Faculty Name Dr. Channarayappa Dr. Bindu S Dr. Chandraprabha MN SYLLABUS (For the Academic year 2013 – 2015) I –IV Semester M. Tech Master of Technology (Biotechnology) Dr. Dhamodhar P Sri. Ramesh Naik Registrar (Administration) FACULTY Qualification Designation MSc (Agri), Professor & Ph.D.(India), Head of the Ph.D. (USA), Department PDF (USA), PGDBA MSc, Ph.D., Associate PDF(USA) Professor MSc (Engg.), Associate Ph.D. (Engg.) Professor M.Sc, M.Phil., Ph.D. M.Pharm (Ph.D.) MSc, M.Phil, Ph.D., PDF Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Dr. Sharath R MSc, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Dr. Ravi Kumar YS Dr. Sravanti V MSc, Ph.D., PDF MCA, MSc, Ph.D., MSc, Ph.D., PDF M.Sc., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant professor Mr. Samrat K M. Tech Mr. Gokulakrishnan M M. Tech Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Mr. Lokesh KN Dr. Ahalya N Dr. Harish BG Dr. Prabha M Specialization Biotechnology, Molecular biology interdisciplinary approach, Agriculture Food Biotechnology Toxicology Biochemical Engg. Environmental Biotechnology Immunotechnology Biochemistry Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Microbiology Environmental Biotechnology Plant & Animal BT Phytochemistry & Pharmacology Cancer Biology Virology Bioinformatics Plant Biotechnology Animal and Medical biotechnology Genomics & Proteomics, Structural Biology Nano-Biotechnology Microbiology Bio process Engineering 1 PROGRAM OUTCOMES By the time of Post graduation in Biotechnology Engineering, students should be able to: Technical Outcomes a. Imbibe the essential concepts of both engineering and life sciences &apply it to a wide range of interdisciplinary work. b. Understand the engineering design, conduct experiments in biotechnology and apply in the field by generating innovative, economical and feasible solutions. c. Design and automate the processes and programs to accelerate the output for wide applications d. Perform and formulate both concept and empirical based equations and formulas in biotechnology to solve the problems and to draw meaningful conclusions. e. Update the modern techniques, skills and advanced engineering tools essential for applications in biotechnology. Professional Outcomes f. Mould the student’s behavior, attitude and interpersonal skills to function in multi-disciplinary teams and setups. g. Become a responsible citizen by being aware of his/her roles, duties, professional and ethical responsibilities and rights. h. Develop soft-skills through classroom seminars, institutional and industry interactions, use of modern research and teaching aids i. Encourage students to take courses from other branches of engineering to have broad-based education and multidisciplinary approach in a global and societal context j. Create enthusiasm in the candidate for life-long learning and urge to contribute to technology and society by working in a need-based and problem solving projects. k. Possess knowledge of contemporary issues for sharpening managerial and entrepreneurial skills to commercialize the technology & capture the markets for innovations. PROGRAM OUTCOME ASSESSMENT The matrix given below describes assessment of program outcomes defined above against the outcome ak as described by ABET No Program outcome a a H H H H b c D E f g Imbibe the essential concepts of both engineering and life sciences and apply it to a wide range of interdisciplinary work. Understand the engineering design, conduct experiments in biotechnology and apply in the field by generating innovative, economical and feasible solutions. Design and automate the processes and programs to accelerate the output for wide applications Perform and formulate both concept and empirical based equations and formulas in biotechnology to solve the problems and to draw meaningful conclusions. Update the modern techniques, skills and advanced engineering tools essential for applications in biotechnology. Mould the student’s behavior, attitude and interpersonal skills to function in multidisciplinary teams and setups. Become a responsible citizen by being aware of his/her roles, duties, professional and ethical responsibilities and rights b c d e f g h i M L H H M j k L M M M H H M L L L H H H L L L M H M L L L M H M L M H LH L L L L h Develop soft-skills through classroom seminars, institutional and industry interactions, use of modern research and teaching aids L L L H H L i Encourage students to take courses from other branches of engineering to have broad-based education and multidisciplinary approach in a global and societal context L L M H H L L j Create enthusiasm in the candidate for life-long learning and urge to contribute to technology and society by working in a need-based and problem solving projects. Possess knowledge of contemporary issues for sharpening managerial and entrepreneurial skills to commercialize the technology & capture the markets for innovations. M L H H L H L M H M H H k Applicable: M, high; M, medium and L, low 2 SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROGRAM First and second semester will focus more on course work in addition research work. The details of course work will be determined by the research guide and research advisory committee to meet the requirements of the research project. Compulsory seminar component has been introduced to prepare students for scientific data acquisition, interpretation and presentation to develop professional skills. Postgraduate students will be assessed periodically based on the internal tests, assignments, practicals, and final examination and research presentations. Students will be allowed to select their own research project with the approval of their guide(s) and advisory committee. It is mandatory for PG students to write dissertation, publication of papers and presentation of research papers in the national and international conferences. Semester I II III IV Total Semester I II III IV Total Course structure: Breakdown of credits for the M. Tech Degree Curriculum Core Electives Seminars Lab Research Total Courses work 17 04 01 4 26 13 08 01 4 26 04 12 02 8 26 02 20 22 34 24 06 8 28 100 Credit distribution Based on L:T:P:S Credits* L T P 15 6 4 15 6 4 13 5 8 0 2 20 43 21 36 S 1 1 0 0 2 Total 26 26 26 22 100 3 M-Tech in Biotechnology SCHEME OF TEACHING FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013 Sl. No. 1 2 3 Subject Code MBT 101 MBT 102 MBT 103 4 5 6 7 8 MBT 104 MBTE MBT 106 MBT 107L MBT 108L Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Subject Code MBT 201 MBT 202 MBT 203 MBTE MBTE MBT 206 MBT 207L MBT 208L Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Subject Code MBT 301 MBTE MBTE MBTE MBT 305 MBT 306 I SEMESTER M.Tech BIOTECHNOLOGY Subject Credits* L T P S Cell Biology & metabolic Engg. 3 1 0 1 Recombinant DNA Technology 3 1 0 0 Advanced upstream & downstream 3 1 0 0 technology Industrial & Environ. Biotechnology 3 1 0 0 Elective-1 4 0 0 0 Seminar-I 0 1 0 0 Practical -I 0 0 2 0 Practical -II 0 0 2 0 Total 16 5 4 1 II SEMESTER M.Tech BIOTECHNOLOGY Subject Credits* L T P S Bioprocess Engineering 3 1 0 1 Biotechnology of Alternative Fuels 3 1 0 0 Biopharmaceutical Technology 3 1 0 0 Elective-2 4 0 0 0 Elective-3 4 0 0 0 Seminar-II 0 1 0 0 Practical –III 0 0 2 0 Practical -IV 0 0 2 0 Total 17 4 4 1 Total 5 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 26 Total 5 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 26 IV SEMESTER M.Tech BIOTECHNOLOGY Subject Code Subject Credits* L T P S Total MBT 405 *Project work 0 0 20 0 20 MBT 406 Seminar-IV (evaluation of research - 0 2 0 0 2 phase II) Total 0 2 20 0 22 *Project work includes: Laboratory work, Field studies, and other institutional/industrial visits. Sl. No. 1 2 Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DEPARTMENTAL ELECTIVES M.Tech BIOTECHNOLOGY Subject Subject Credits Code L T P S Total MBTE01 Nanobiotechnology 4 0 0 0 4 MBTE02 Genetic Engineering of Value Added 4 0 0 0 4 Foods MBTE03 Medical Biotechnology 4 0 0 0 4 MBTE04 Bioreaction Engineering 4 0 0 0 4 MBTE05 Toxicology and Forensic science 4 0 0 0 4 MBTE06 Plant Biotechnology 4 0 0 0 4 MBTE07 Experimental Designs 4 0 0 0 4 MBTE08 Applied Bioinformatics 4 0 0 0 4 MBTE09 Advanced Research Methodology 4 0 0 0 4 MBTE10 Applied Animal Biotechnology 4 0 0 0 4 MBTE11 Bioanalytical and Biophysical Techniques 4 0 0 0 4 *L, Lecture; T, Tutorial; P, Practical; S, Self studies. III SEMESTER M.Tech BIOTECHNOLOGY Subject Credits* L T P S Total Bioethics & Intellectual property rights 3 1 0 0 4 Elective-4 4 0 0 0 4 Elective-5 4 0 0 0 4 Elective-6 4 0 0 0 4 *Project work 0 0 8 0 8 Seminar-III (evaluation of research 0 2 0 0 2 phase -I) Total 15 3 8 0 26 4 : MBT 101 : 3:1:0:1 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Learn the fundaments of cell biology and understand the structures and purposes of basic components of cells, especially macromolecules, membranes, and organelles 2. Understand how these cellular components are used to generate and utilize energy 3. Gain a conceptual understanding of the molecular basis of various cellular processes 4. Design effective metabolic engineering strategies with available molecular biology tools UNIT I Cell biology: Cell structure: prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, cell structure and cell organelles: nucleus, mitochondria, ribosome, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes, chloroplasts, vacuoles, plasma membrane. Fluid mosaic theory of plasma membrane. Active and passive transport systems of plasma membrane. Cell division and cell cycle regulation (mitosis and meiosis). Cellular and sensory communications. UNIT II Genetics and inheritance: introduction to microbial genetics, different types of microorganisms used in molecular biology, Isolation, culture and characterization, sterilization techniques. Introduction to Mendelian laws, genetic interactions and exceptions to Mendelian laws. Different types of gene interactions. structure and organization of genetic material in eukaryotes, structure of chromosomes, special chromosomes. Linkage and recombination. D i r e c t UNIT III Plants: Photosynthesis: light and dark reaction, ATP synthesis in chloroplasts, CO 2 fixation, respiration and photorespiration, electron transport chain and ATP synthesis in mitochondria. Phytohormones and their role in plant development plant response to abiotic and biotic stress. Animals: introduction to human digestive, circulation, respiration, excretion and reproductive systems. Nervous systems: peripheral and CNS. Introduction to immune system: innate and adaptive immunity, antibody structure and functions, Major Histocompatibility systems. UNIT V Manipulation of metabolic pathways: enhancement of product yield and productivityethanol, amino acids and solvents. Product spectrum and novel products: antibiotics, polyketides, vitamins and biological pigments. Metabolic flux analysis: methods for determination of metabolic fluxes by isotope labeling-fractional label enrichment. Application of metabolic flux analysis; amino acid production by Glutamic acid bacteria and mammalian cell cultures, flux analysis of metabolic networks- bottom-up and top-down approach. Textbooks: 1. Channarayappa (2010) Cell biology, Universities Press (India Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad 2. Gregory N. Stephanopounlos, Aritstos A. Aristidou and Jens Nielsen (1998) Metabolic Engineering: principles and methodologies. Academic Press, USA. 3. Nestor V. Torres and Eberhard O. Voit (2002) Pathways and optimization in metabolic Cambridge University Press. 4. Strickburger MW (2010) Principles of Genetics, 3rd edn. Prentice Hall Publications, India Reference Books 1. Shuler Ml and Kargi F (2010) Bioprocess engineering basic concepts, 2nd Edn. Prentice Hall. 2. Cortassa S, Aon MA, Lglesias AA and Lyod L (2002) An introduction and metabolic and cellular Engineering. World Scientific Publications Pvt Ltd. Singapore. 3. Sujit K Chaudhuri (2010) Concise Medical Physiology, New Central Book Agency, Pvt. Ltd. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Interna Stude Thrice(Aver 30 M e t h o d s Sub Code Credit UNIT IV Introduction to metabolic engineering: review of cellular metabolism, models for cellular reactions, material balance and data consistency- Block box model, elemental balance, heat balance and analysis. Regulation of enzyme activities and concentration. Regulation of transcription and translation. Regulation of metabolic networks. A s s e s s m C e n I tE CELL BIOLOGY AND METABOLIC ENGINEERING Evidenc e collecte d Contribut ing to Course Outcomes Blue 1,2,3&4 5 Indirect Assessment Methods SEE l assess ment tests Classroom open book assign ment Surpris e Test nts Standa rd examin ation Students feedback End of course survey Stude nts age of the best two will be computed) books Twice( Average of the two will be computed) 10 Once 10 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedbac k forms End of course - Question -naire Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 15 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To describe basic biological concepts and principles. 2. To appreciate the different levels of biological organization. 3. To understand that biology has a chemical, physical, and mathematical basis and to explain the importance of the scientific method to understand natural phenomena. 4. To integrate modern biology with engineering principles Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g To describe basic X X biological concepts and principles. To appreciate the X X X different levels of biological organization. To understand that X X X X X biology has a chemical, physical, and mathematical basis and to explain the importance of the scientific method to understand natural phenomena To integrate modern X X X X X X biology with engineering principles h X i X j X k X X X X X X x X RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY Sub Code Credits : MBT 102 : 3:1:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. Prabha, M. and Dr. Dhamodhar, P. Objectives of the course: The course will provide to: 1. Study the mechanism of central dogma and advanced applications of molecular biology. 2. Study the role of the genes, enzymes, proteins and their modifications by genetic engineering techniques. 3. Construct the transgenic plants and animals for research, Diagnosis, Medicine and Health. 4. Know the advanced applications of recombinant DNA technology in industry, Food, agriculture and environment. UNIT-1 6 Introduction to Recombinant DNA technology: Introduction to recombinant DNA technology. The importance of recombinant DNA technology. Vectors: Structure and function of cloning and expression vectors. Regulatory sequences of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes. Different host systems for cloning and expression. Transformation techniques: physical, chemical and biological. UNIT-5 Applications of recombinant DNA technology in agriculture, industry and environment: Transgenic plants, Transgenic crops for increased yield, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, clearing oil spills. Application of transgenic plants. Industrial production of specialty chemicals and proteins: organic molecules and commercially important proteins. Biosafety regulations and evaluation of genetically modified microorganisms (GMOs), plants and animals. Text books: 1. Russell, David W, Sambrook, Joseph (2001). Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. Volumes I - III. Cold Spring Harbor laboratory Press, USA. 2. Channarayappa (2006) Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Practices. Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd. Worldwide publishing: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. David S Latchman (1994) From Genetics to Gene Therapy – the molecular pathology of human disease by, BIOS scientific publishers, sixth edition. Old RW and Primrose SB (1993) Principles of gene manipulation, an introduction to genetic engineering. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Benjamin Lewis (2008) Genes VIII. Oxford University & Cell Press Channarayappa (2010) The Cell: Structural and functional unit of life. Universities Press (India) Private Limited. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class CIE Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver Internal age of the assessm best two 30 ent will be tests computed) ClassTwice( room Average of open the two will 10 book Studen be assignm ts computed) ent Surpris Once 10 e Test End of Standar course d (Answering 100 examin 5 of 10 ation questions) SEE UNIT-4 Applications of recombinant DNA technology in Medicine and Health: Production of specialty chemicals and proteins: secondary metabolites, phytochemicals. Genetically modified microbes (Recombinant bacteria) for the production of commercial scale production of proteins and pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, enzymes, insulin, growth hormones, monoclonal antibodies. Applications rDNA in diagnosis of pathogens and abnormal genes. Transgenic animals. Transgenic animals for production of proteins and pharmaceuticals. Genetically modified insect cells for the production of commercially important bioproducts. 3. 4. Direct Assessment Methods UNIT-3 Advanced techniques used in recombinant DNA technology: Isolation of DNA and RNA. Estimation of purity and quantity of nucleic acids, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Autoradiography, DNA sequencing. Detection of DNA, RNA and proteins by Southern blotting, Northern blotting, western blotting and in situ hybridization techniques. Sitespecific mutagenesis, Gene mapping and Microarrays. 2. Indirect Assessment Methods UNIT-2 Important enzymes used in the recombinant DNA technology: Enzymes are the molecular tools. Enzymes cleave nucleic acids: nucleases, restriction endonucleases, RNases. Enzymes synthesize nucleic acids: DNA and RNA polymerases, ligases. Enzymes in modification of DNA: DNA methylases, phosphatases, kinases, topoisomerases. Construction and screening of genomic and cDNA libraries. 1. Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts Evidenc e collecte d Contribut ing to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Reference Books: 7 Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Category Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Semester-End Exam 30 30 20 25 5 0 ADVANCED UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM PROCESSING Sub Code Credit Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To know the importance of recombinant DNA technology to understand the mechanism of biochemistry and molecular biology. 2. To construct the genes to understand the regulation and function of biomolecules. 3. To gain the knowledge in modification of genes and their function by constructing the transgenic plants and animals for research, Health and medicine. 4. To know the significance of recombinant DNA technology and its wide applications in various fields-- industry, Food, agriculture and environment. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g To know the importance X X X X X of recombinant DNA technology to understand the mechanism of biochemistry and molecular biology. To construct the genes to X X X X X understand the regulation and function of biomolecules. To gain the knowledge in X X X X X X modification of genes and their function by constructing the transgenic plants and animals for research, Health and medicine. To know the significance X X X X X X of recombinant DNA technology and its wide applications in various fields-- industry, Food, agriculture and environment. h X i X j X k X X X X X X X X X X X X X : MBT 103 : 3:1:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. Chandraprabha, M.N and Mr. Lokesh, K.N. Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Learn the fundaments of upstream and downstream processing 2. Understand the principle, working and application of major unit operations in Bioprocessing of industrially important products. 3. Understand strategies for development of novel Bioprocessing protocol by applying the concise principles of upstream and downstream processing. 4. Understand principles of different methods of characterization of biomolecules and formulation strategies in order to enhance shelf life of product. UNIT I Media development and Design of Biological reactors: Introduction, Types of cell culture media, components of animal origin, inoculum development strategies, Ideal reactors, Reactor dynamics, Sterilization of reactors, Immobilized biocatalysts, Multiphase Reactors, Animal and plant cell reactor technology. UNIT II Mammalian and plant cell culture technology: Introduction. Cell line transfection and selection, Increase in efficiency in selecting a producer cell line, Stability of gene expression, Optimization of the fermentation process, Bioreactors. Bioreactor consideration for plant cells. UNIT III Cell disruption and protein enrichment operations: Centrifugation; Sedimentation; Flocculation; Microfiltration; Sonication; Bead mills; Homogenizers; Chemical lysis; Enzymatic lysis. Membrane based purification: Ultrafiltration ; Reverse osmosis; Dialysis ; Diafiltration; Pervaporation;precipitation (Ammonium sulfate solvent). Extraction (solvent aquious two phase, supercritical).. UNIT IV 8 SEE Adsorption and chromatography: size, charge, shape, hydrophobic interactions, Biological affinity; Process configurations (packed bed, expanded bed, simulated moving beds).Electrophoretic technique, Electrophoresis. Text Books: 1. Harris ELV and Angal S (1988) Protein Purification Methods, Ed. IRL Press at Oxford University Press. 2. Belter PA, Cussler EL and Wei-Shou Hu (2001) Bioseparations-Downstream Processing for Biotechnology, Wiley-Interscience Publication. Reference Books: 1. Michael Butler (2007) Cell Culture and Upstream Processing, T & F informa. 2. James E. Bailey and David F. Ollis (1997) Bioprocess Engineering fundamentals. Mc Graw Hill Book Publication. 3. Bailey JE and Ollis DF (2010) Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd Edn, McGraw Hill, Inc. 4. Scopes RK Berlin (1982) Protein Purification: Principles and Practice, Springer. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class CIE Direct Assessment Methods Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver Internal age of the assessm best two 30 ent will be tests computed) ClassStuden Twice( room ts Average of open the two will 10 book be assignm computed) ent Surpris Once 10 e Test Evidenc e collecte d Contribut ing to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Indirect Assessment Methods UNIT V Product polishing techniques; Crystallization; Drying. Case studies; product formulation and additives, freeze drying process. Standar d examin ation Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 15 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To better understand the applied concepts of upstream and downstream processing. 2. To acquire real-time working knowledge on media formulation, sterilization and optimization process which are considered as pre-requisites of upstream processing. 3. To execute precise and efficient bioseparation process, which in cost effective and yield high degree of pure substance. 4. To develop novel Bioprocess which is gives high resolution, economical bioproducts. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h To better understand the X X x X X X X applied concepts of upstream and downstream processing. To acquire real-time X X X X X X working knowledge on media formulation, sterilization and i j k X 9 optimization process which are considered as pre-requisites of upstream processing. To execute precise and efficient bioseparation process, which in cost effective and yield high degree of pure substance. To develop novel Bioprocess which is gives high resolution, economical bioproducts. supplement and hormones. Production of important antibiotics - penicillin, streptomycin, erythromycin, bacitracin and tetracyclines. Production of Vitamins B12 & Ethyl alcohol, beer & wine. Baker's yeast production. Microbial transformation of Steroids. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X INDUSTRIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Sub Code Credit : MBT 104 : 3:1:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. Ahalya, N. and Dr. Chandraprabha, M.N. Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Learn the basic principles behind fermentation process 2. Understand the industrial products produced by microorganisms 3. Study the scientific and engineering principles of microbiological treatment technologies to clean up contaminated environments 4. Understand the role of biotechnology in mining industry UNIT-I An introduction to fermentation processes - the range of fermentation processes. Microorganisms used in industrial microbiological processes - the isolation, preservation and strain improvement of industrially important microorganisms, screening methods, isolation of autotrophic mutants. Use of recombinant system for the improvement of industrial microorganisms. Media and materials required for industrial microbiological processes sources, formulation, antifoams and optimization. UNIT-II Industrial products produced by microorganisms - Enzymes (amylase, proteases), organic acids (lactic acid, citric acid, vinegar), amino acids (L-lysine, L-glutamic acid), food UNIT-III Biological Treatment of Waste: Aerobic System Biological processes for domestic and industrial waste water treatments; Aerobic systems - activated sludge process, trickling filters, biological filters, rotating biological contractors (RBC), Fluidized bed reactor (FBR), expanded bed reactor, Inverse fluidized bed biofilm reactor (IFBBR) packed bed reactors, air-sparged reactors. Anaerobic System Anaerobic biological treatment - contact digesters, packed column reactors, UASB. UNIT-IV Bioremediation: Xenobiotics, Introduction - Xenobiotic compounds, recalcitrants. hazardouswastes-biodegradation of Xenobiotics . Biological detoxification - market for hazardouswaste management. Evolution/Developing desirable strains of microbes for degradation of specific types of xenotbiotics-future trends. Introduction, constraints and priorities of Bioremediation, Biostimulation of naturally occurring microbial activities, Bioaugmentation, in situ, ex situ, intrinsic & engineered bioremediation. Solid phase bioremediation - land farming, prepared beds, soil piles, Composting, Bioventing & Biosparging; Liquid phase bioremediation - suspended bioreactors, fixed biofilm reactors. UNIT-V Metal-Biotechnology: Mining and Metal biotechnology – with special reference to Copper & Iron. Microbial transformation, accumulation and concentration of metals, metal leaching, extraction and future prospects. Biomining, Development of strains of microbes for biomining, Bioleaching. Bio-sorption: Heavy metal contamination: Microbes used in Biosorption: Bio-sorption of Hg, As, Cd and Ni; Factors affecting Bio-sorption; Application; advantages and limitations. Phytoremediation. Textbooks: 1. Casida. LE (2008) Industrial Microbiology, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers. 2. Prescott and Dunns (2002) Industrial Microbiology, AVI Publishing Company Inc. Reference Books: 1. Stanbury PE, Whitaker A, and Hall SJ (1999) Principles of Fermentation Technology by, Butterworth Heineman, Aditya Books (P) Ltd. 2. Wulf Crueger and Anneliese Crueger, (2002) A text book of Industrial Microbiology, Panima Publishing Corporation, 10 Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Indirect Assessment Methods CIE SEE Direct Assessment Methods Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver Internal age of the assessm best two 30 ent will be tests computed) ClassTwice( room Average of open the two will 10 book Studen be assignm ts computed) ent Surpris Once 10 e Test End of Standar course d (Answering 100 examin 5 of 10 ation questions) Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts Evidenc e collecte d Contribut ing to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Answer scripts Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 15 4 Analyze 20 5 6 Evaluate Create 5 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To describe the basic requirements for fermentation process. 2. To apply the principles of basic microbiology on production of important compounds using micro-organisms. 3. To discuss applications of relevant bioremediation treatment processes for various types of wastewater. 4. To evaluate treatment process to include energy generation and production of value-added products from waste treatment processes. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h To describe the basic requirements for fermentation process. To apply the principles of basic microbiology on production of important compounds using microorganisms. To discuss applications of relevant bioremediation treatment processes for various types of wastewater. To evaluate treatment process to include energy generation and production of valueadded products from waste treatment processes X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X i j k PRACTICAL - I 11 2. Sub Code Credit : MBT 107L : 0:0:2:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks 3. Prescott, Harley and Klein (2008) Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology, 7th Ed Harley, McGraw-Hill, USA Pollack RA, Walter F, Mondschein W, Modesto R (2004) Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology, 2nd Edn.John Wiley Publication. Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching and interaction through Laboratory sessions Objectives of the course: 1. To improve basic experimental skills, experimental design and to draw meaningful conclusions. 2. Applications of principle of microbiology and upstream process technology. 3. To learn isolation and growth of various microbes 4. Will provide training in growing bacteria and monitoring growth in different environments. Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequen ks cy in the course) Internal assessm Once 30 ent tests Lab Continuou Assesme 10 s nt Studen Continuou ts Record 10 s Note: At least any 12 experiments must be performed Text Books: 1. Gerhardt, P., Murray, R.G., Wood, W.A. and Kreig, N.R. (1994) Methods of General and Molecular Bacteriology, Ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington D.C. 2. P. M. Rhodes and P. F. Stanbury (1997) Applied Microbial Physiology : A Practical Approach, IRL Press Reference books: 1. Cappuccino J.G, Sherman N (1999) Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, 4 th Edn., Addison-Wesley International Student. CIE SEE LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1) Isolation of fungi, cyanobacteria 2) Fungal staining technique. 3) Demostration of lysogeny in E. coli. 4) Measurement of BOD/COD of waste water. 5) Determination of sugar/glucose transport in S. cerevisiae. 6) Isolation and Characterization of an Aniline-Degrading bacteria. 7) Isolation, Characterization and Biological Activities of Actinomycete. 8) Determination of growth curve and growth inhibition. 9) Cultivation of Anaerobes. 10) Production and estimation of Single Cell Protein. 11) Glucose uptake by Yeast and Other bacteria. 12) Ultraviolet irradiation survival curve. 13) Control of micro organism by physical and chemical factors; effects of pH, osmotic factors. 14) Isolation of Yeast and study of its characters. Indirect Assessment Methods LAB SESSIONS Direct Assessment Methods Course coordinators: Dr. Sravanti V., Dr. Ahalya N. Standar d examina tion Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Attendan ce 1,2,3&4 Record 1,2,3&4 End of course 50 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms 1,2,3&4 End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4 and assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 15 2 Understand 20 3 Apply 10 4 Analyze 30 5 Evaluate 20 6 Create 5 12 Course Outcome: On completion of this course: 1. Students can design, execute, and analyze experiments independently. 2. Thorough training in microbial physiology and biochemical characterization. 3. Students will learn to correlate the applications of basic biochemical and Environmental Biotechnology. 4. The experiments can be redesigned by students to extend them into R&D projects. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h Students can design, X X execute, and analyze experiments independently. Thorough training in X X microbial physiology and biochemical characterization. Students will learn to X X X correlate the applications of basic biochemical and Environmental Biotechnology. The experiments can be redesigned by students to extend them into R&D projects. X X i X j X Course coordinators: Dr. Prabha, M. and Dr. Channarayappa Objectives of the course: The course will provide to: 1. Study the gene cloning and transformation into bacteria. 2. Learn the establishment of cell culture and cell transfection. CIE SEE LAB SESSIONS LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1) Introduction to recombinant DNA technology and good laboratory practices. 2) Cloning: transfer a gene into plasmid vector and transformation into bacteria. 3) Screening of recombinant bacteria. 4) Establishment of plant/animal cell culture. 5) Transformation of plant/animal cells through vector carrying gene of interest. 6) Screening and characterization of transformed cells. 7) Cell distruption 8) Protein precipitation by NH4SO4 by solvent methods and its recovery 9) Protein purification by chromatography. 10) Detection of recombinant proteins by Western blotting 11) Estimation and Isolation of total DNA from tissues/cells 12) Characterization of DNA by Southern blot 13) Isolation and quantification of RNA 14) Amplification of target DNA by PCR Reference Books: Text books: 1. Russell, David W, Sambrook, Joseph (2001). Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. Volumes I - III. Cold Spring Harbor laboratory Press, USA. 2. Channarayappa (2006) Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Practices. Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd. Worldwide publishing: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. 3. Harris ELV and Angal S (1988) Protein purification methods, Ed. IRL Press at Oxford University press. X : MBT108L : 0:2:0:0 Production and characterization of recombinant proteins. Analyze the nucleic acids and recombinant proteins with respective blotting techniques. Note: At least any 12 experiments must be performed PRACTICAL - II Sub Code Credits k 3. 4. : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Reference Books: 1. Brondyk W. H. (2009) ―Chapter 11 selecting an appropriate method for expressing a recombinant protein‖. Methods in enzymology 463: 131-147. 2. Old RW and Primrose SB (1993) Principles of gene manipulation, an introduction to genetic engineering. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching and interaction through Laboratory sessions Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar Evidenc e Contributi ng to 13 CIE Record SEE Direct Assessment Methods Indirect Assessment Methods Internal assessm ent tests Lab Assesme nt Studen ts Standar d examina tion Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts (Frequen cy in the course) ks collecte d Course Outcomes Once 30 Blue books 1,2,3&4 Continuou s 10 Attendan ce 1,2,3&4 Continuou s 10 Record 1,2,3&4 End of course 50 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedbac k forms 1,2,3&4 End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4 and assessment methods Course Outcomes To know the importance of cloning to understand the gene transformation to bacteria To understand the benefits of cell culture in the applications of genetic engineering. To gain the knowledge in the production of recombinant proteins in research. To know the characteristics of nucleic acids and recombinant DNA proteins in the applications of health, medicine, industry, Food, agriculture and environment. a X b X X X X X X X c X d X Program Outcome e f g h X X X X X X X X X X i X j X k X X X X X X X X X X X X X Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to eva luate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 20 2 Understand 20 3 Apply 35 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To know the importance of cloning to understand the gene transformation to bacteria 2. To understand the benefits of cell culture in the applications of genetic engineering. 3. To gain the knowledge in the production of recombinant proteins in research. 4. To know the characteristics of nucleic acids and recombinant DNA proteins in the applications of health, medicine, industry, Food, agriculture and environment. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes 14 Sub Code Credit : MBT 201 : 3:1:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Increase skills in making quantitative analysis of microbial processes, both on the cellular and the reactor level. 2. Understand the role of mass and heat transfer phenomena in design and scale-up of bioreactors. 3. Train students, how to analyze biochemical reactors and bio-systems. 4. Provide practice at developing critical and creative thinking skills related to bioprocess engineering. UNIT-I Review of Enzyme and Microbial Growth Kinetics: Specificities, Formation ES complexes, Structured and unstructured models, Ramakrishna model, Applied aspects of enzyme inhibition: competitive, uncompetitive and non-competitive. Kinetics of Microbial Growth and Product Formation UNIT-II Fermentation Process: Fermentation Process-General requirements of fermentation Process; An overview of aerobic and anaerobic fermentation process and their application in industry, Dissolved oxygen, Media Design & Sterilization, Thermal death kinetics of microorganisms. UNIT-III Metabolic Stoichiometry and Energetics: Stoichiometry of Cell growth and product formation, yield coefficients of biomass and product formation, maintenance of coefficients, oxygen consumption and heat evolution in aerobic cultures, Mass transfer in heterogeneous biochemical reaction systems, Oxygen transfer in submerged fermentation process, Oxygen uptake rate and determination of oxygen transfer coefficients, role of aeration and agitation in oxygen transfer, Heat transfer process in biological systems UNIT-IV Bioreactors : Ideal and non-ideal bioreactors: Design equations for heterogeneous system: batch, stirred tank and tubular flow reactor, size comparison of reactor systems, combination reactor systems, optimization of output and yield problems, choice of reactors. UNIT-V Applied biochemical engineering: Immobilized biocatalysts, Scale-up, Oxygenation, Mixing Sterilization, Animal cell culture and for therapeutic proteins, Metabolic engineering, Protein engineering, Plant cell culture, Transgenics, Genetic instability, Tissue engineering, Gene therapy, Drug discovery technology, Vaccines Text Books: 1. Bailey and Ollis (2010): Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, McGraw Hill (2nd Ed) 2. Schuler ML and Kargi F (2002): Bioprocess Engineering- Basic concepts by, Prentice Hall (2nd Ed) 3. Levenspiel (2006) Chemical reaction Engineering, 3rd ed., John Wiley. Reference Books: 1. Fogler HS (2009) Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall (4th Ed) 2. Ghose TK (Ed)(1994) Process computation in Biotechnology Tata Mc-Craw hill 3. Athinson B and Maviuna F (1993) Biochemical Engg. And Bitoechnology Handbook, Mc-Graw hill (2nd Edition) 4. Rehrn HJ and Reed G (Ed) (2010) Biotechnology (Vol3, Bioprocessing) Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 5. Pauline M. Doran (2009) Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Reed Elsevier India 6. Fermentation & Biochemical Engineering Hand book (1996) Principles Process Design and Equipment, HC Vogel, Noyes. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Interna Thrice(Aver l age of the assess best two 30 ment will be C tests computed) I Stude E Classnts Twice( room Average of open the two will 10 book be assign computed) ment Direct Assessment Methods BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING Evidenc e collecte d Contribut ing to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 15 Indirect Assessment Methods S E E Surpris e Test Once 10 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Standa rd examin ation End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedbac k forms End of course - Question -naire Students feedback End of course survey Stude nts 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 15 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability to:1. Describe the steps in a catalytic mechanism and how one goes about deriving a rate law, mechanism, and rate-limiting step that are consistent with biological experimental data. 2. Work together to solve both open-ended and closed-ended bioprocess engineering problems. 3. Write questions that demonstrate critical and creative thinking on biochemical reactions. 4. Understanding various biochemical reactor systems like chemostat, fed batch and batch reactors. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h Describe the steps in a X X X X X catalytic mechanism and how one goes about i j k deriving a rate law, mechanism, and ratelimiting step that are consistent with biological experimental data. Work together to solve both open-ended and closed-ended bioprocess engineering problems. Write questions that demonstrate critical and creative thinking on biochemical reactions. Understanding various biochemical reactor systems like chemostat, fed batch and batch reactors. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BIOTECHNOLOGY OF ALTERNATIVE FUELS Sub Code Credit : MBT 202 : 3:1:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. Channrayappa and Dr. Ahalya, N. Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Know the different sources of energy to use as alternative fuel 2. Understand the principle and procedure for converting raw material into biofuel 3. Develop design and working principle for biodiesel production unit 4. Standardize the biodiesel efficiency and calculate cost benefit ratio of biofuel. UNIT I Introduction to energy, sources of energy, renewable energy. non-renewable energy resources. Alternative biofuels, bio-diesel. List of vegetable oils, biodiesel from vegetable oils and animal fats. Production of biodiesel. Biofuel plants and their design. UNIT II General aspects of trans-esterification. Factors influencing the transesterification Biodiesel fuel properties. Characteristics of efficient biodiesel. glycerol - biodiesel byproduct. biodiesel and the environment. Biodiesel standards. Biofuel policy. Biofuel and biodiesel in India and Biodiesel around the world. 16 UNIT III Design and development of biofuel production unit. Assessing effect of variation of injection pressure on performance and exhaust emission of C.I. engine using biodiesel, combustion enrichment and emission reduction of biodiesel using exhaust gas recirculation and fuel conditioning, Textbooks: 1. Meena Devi GS and Nagendra Prasad (2007) Fuels & Biofuels, Vijayalakshmi Agrobios India 2. Poonia MP and Mehla SK (2008) Biofuels Engine Performance & Exhaust Emissions, Pointer Pub, India Reference Books: 1. Ahindra Nag (2007) Biofuels Refining and Performance, McGraw-Hill Professional, India 2. Ayhan Demirbas (2008) Biofuels: Securing the Planets Future Energy Needs (Green Energy and Technology), Springer, Netherland Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome CIE Direct Assessment Methods What Intern al assess ment tests To whom Studen ts When/ Where (Frequenc y in the course) Thrice(Aver age of the best two will be computed) Max mar ks 30 Evidenc e collecte d Contribut ing to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Students feedback Indirect Assessment Methods UNIT V Emission testing of diesel engine on B20 biodiesel blend as per EMA durability test/nitin, Environmental effects of biodiesel-exhaust emission, establishing auto-gasification of coir pith using thermo gravimetric analysis. Calculate the biofuel cost benefit ratios for various biofuels. SEE UNIT IV Effect of air preheating influence on performance and emission characteristics of di diesel engine using Jatropha curcas, coconut oil, pongamia (karanj) oil, karanji seed (Pongamia glabra) oil-diesel, esterified mahua oil, tree borne seed oils-engine, diesel-vegetable oil blends and pungam methyl ester. Ricardo variable compression engine. Classroom open book assign ment Surpr ise Test Stand ard exami natio n End of course survey Studen ts Twice( Average of the two will be computed) 10 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Once 10 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components ASSESSMENT PATTERN: SL NO. Bloom’s Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create End- Semester Examination 25 25 25 15 10 0 Outcome of the course: The students will be able to 1. Identify the biofuel source to use as an alternative energy to fossil fuel 2. Standardize the process to convert raw material into biodiesel. 3. He can standardize the designs and improve the biodiesel production efficiency at industrial scale. 4. Evaluate different biodiesel sources for various parameters to meet the national and international standards and work out economical feasibility of different energy sources. 17 2. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Course Program Outcome Outcomes a b c d e f g Identify the biofuel X X X X source to use as an alternative energy to fossil fuel Standardize the X X X X process to convert raw material into biodiesel. He can standardize X X X X the designs and improve the biodiesel production efficiency at industrial scale. Evaluate different X X X biodiesel sources for various parameters to meet the national and international standards and work out economical feasibility of different energy sources. 3. h i X j X K UNIT-I Drug development process of protein based therapeutics: Transforming New Molecular Entities into Drugs, Differences between Development of Biotechnology Products of Macromolecules and Chemical Products, Current Trends in Drug Development, Drug designing: Rational, combinatorial and High Throughput screening. X X X UNIT-II Immuno-pharmacology: Overview to immunopharmacology, Antibody-mediated response, Vaccines, Cell mediated immune response, Cancer immunotherapy, Immunosuppressant and immunostimulators. X : MBT 203 : 3:1:0:0 CIE SEE UNIT-III Biotherapeutics: Hematopoietic Growth Factors and Coagulation Factors, Interferon’s and Cytokines for Anti-infective and Cancer Therapy, Hormones, Enzymes, Antibodies and Derivatives. UNIT-IV Nanotechnology for the delivery of proteins and nucleic acids based therapeutics: Introduction to Nanotechnology in drug deliver, Nano-sized Advanced Delivery Systems as Parenteral formulation Strategies for Hydrophobic Anti-cancer Drugs, Engineering of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers for Drug and Gene Delivery, Nanoemulsions for Intravenous Drug Delivery. Nanotechnology for Cancer Chemotherapy, Nanotechnology for Cancer Vaccine Delivery. UNIT V Formulation of proteins and peptides: Making Small Protein Particles, Lyophilization, Multiphase Drug Delivery Systems, Protein Compaction, Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems, skin and parental drug delivery system. BIOPHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY Sub Code Credit 4. Understand the principle of development of immunotherapeutic and recombinant therapeutic agents. Understanding the influence of nanotechnology in designing and development of bio-therapeutics. Study of strategies for formulation of biotherapeutic products. : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Mr. Lokesh, K.N. and Dr. Dhamodhar Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Introduction to pharmaceutical Biotechnology and its applied aspects in drug discovery and development. Text books: 1. Christine M. Bladon (2002) Pharmaceutical Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2. Manfred E. Wolff (2000) Burger’s Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery (5th edition) A Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3. Grietje Molema and Dirk KF. Meije (2002) Drug Targeting Organ-Specific Strategies r. Wiley-VCH. 4. Melgardt M. de Villiers (2007) Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery, Springer. Reference Books: 18 SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 15 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 2. Gavin Brooks (1998) Biotechnology in Healthcare, An introduction to biopharmaceuticals, Pharmaceutical Press (London). 3. Shayne cox gad ( 2007) Handbook of pharmaceutical Biotechnology A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication 4. Grietje Molema and Dirk KF (2002) Drug Targeting Organ-Specific Strategies by Meijer. Wiley-VCH. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Internal assessme nt tests CIE Classroom open book assignme nt Direct Assessment Methods Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver age of the best two 30 will be computed) Studen Twice( ts Average of the two will 10 be computed) Surprise Once 10 Test Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignme nt reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 SEE Rodney JY, Milo Gibaldi (2003) Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals transforming proteins and genes into drugs, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication. Indirect Assessment Methods 1. Standar d examina tion Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Questionnaire 1,2,3&4 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability to: 1. To Impart principle aspects of pharmaceutical biotechnology in research and development existing and novel biotherapeutic proteins. 2. Understanding of basic mode of protein based drug formulation and development by understanding the physico-chemical and pharmacological properties of drugs. 3. To apply the recent trends of nanotechnology in production, researchdevelopment of nano-medicines. 4. Understanding the pre-requisite basic information required to work in biopharmaceutical or clinical research organization Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h To Impart principle X X X X x aspects of pharmaceutical biotechnology in research and development existing and novel biotherapeutic proteins Understanding of basic X X X X X mode of protein based drug formulation and development by understanding the physico-chemical and pharmacological properties of drugs. To apply the recent X X X X X X X i j k x 19 12) Production and estimation of citric acid from Aspergillus niger 13) Callus induction tecniques–carrot/beetroot and development of suspension culture from callus 14) Determination of rhelogical properties of broth. X X X X X X x x Note: At least any 12 experiments must be performed Reference Books Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching and interaction through Laboratory sessions CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. Prabha, M. and Dr. Ravikumar, Y.S. LAB SESSIONS Objectives of the course: The course will provide to: 1. Study the production of biodiesel from various plant sources 2. Learn the parameters and properties of biodiesel 3. Describe cross-flow filtration with membranes and analyze the adsorption process for samples. 4. Estimate the phytochemicals from plant sources and study the suspension culture LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1) Production of biodiesel using various sources 2) Flash point calculation 3) Octane number calculation 4) Cetane number calculation 5) Methanol content calculation in biodiesel 6) Glycerin content calculation 7) Membrane based filtration-ultra filtration in cross flow modules and micro filtration 8) Adsorption process in batch and continuous mode. 9) Estimation of Lycopene from tomato fruits 10) Estimation of Anthocyanin from leaf /callus tissue 11) Induction of Secondary metabolite – Anthocyanin/catheranthin CIE : MBT 207L : 0:0:2:0 SEE Sub Code Credits Direct Assessment Methods PRACTICALS - III Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequen ks cy in the course) Internal assessm Once 30 ent tests Lab Continuou Assesme 10 s nt Studen Continuou ts Record 10 s Indirect Assessment Methods trends of nanotechnology in production, researchdevelopment of nanomedicines. Understanding the prerequisite basic information required to work in biopharmaceutical or clinical research organization Standar d examina tion Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Attendan ce 1,2,3&4 Record 1,2,3&4 End of course 50 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms 1,2,3&4 End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4 and assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 20 2 Understand 20 20 3 4 5 6 Apply Analyze Evaluate Create 35 20 5 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To learn the biodiesel production 2. To understand the parameters of biodiesel and its a 3. To purify the samples with membranes in cross-flow filtration and analysis of the seperation by adsorption. 4. To quantify the phytochemicals from plant sources and to develop the callus from suspension culture Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h To learn the biodiesel X X X production To understand the X X X parameters of biodiesel and its a To purify the samples X X X X X X X with membranes in crossflow filtration and analysis of the seperation by adsorption. To quantify the X X X phytochemicals from plant sources and to develop the callus from suspension culture i X j X k X X X X X X X : MBT 208L : 0:0:2:0 CIE SEE Course coordinators: Mr. Lokesh, K.N. and Dr. Dhamodhar LAB SESSIONS LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1) Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration of given antibiotic. 2) LAL test for parenteral injection. 3) Bacteriological Test for Water for injection (WFI). 4) Standardization of herbalformulation. 5) Validation of Autoclave. 6) Lyophilization of protein based product. 7) Analysis of multicomponet formulation by spectroscopic method. 8) Bioassay of Vitamins/ Antibiotics. 9) Tri- dot test for HIV 10) Determination of Partition coefficient of given formulation. 11) Determination of antioxidant activity of given formulation. 12) Extraction and isolation of Nutraceuticals from given sample. 13) ELISA techniques (Demo). 14) Preparation of controlled release formulation. 15) Preparation of liposome for drug delivery. Note: At least any 12 experiments must be performed X PRACTICALS - IV Sub Code Credits Objectives of the course: The course will provide to: 1. Basic biopharmaceutical techniques which are used to standardization and characterization of biopharmaceuticals 2. Imparting knowledge of invitro models to assess biological potency of therapeutic compounds. 3. To learn the techniques of isolation and purification of bioactive compounds from plants : 50 Marks : 50 Marks X X Reference Books Textbooks: 1. Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology by Heinrich Klefenz, Wiley-VCH edition.,1995 2. Gary Walsh (1998) Biopharmaceuticals: Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Reference Books:: 1. Gregory Bock, Dalia Cohen, Jamie Goode, Novartis and J. Craig Venter (2001) From Genome to Therapy: Integrating New Technologies with Drug Development - No. 229. 2. Susanna Wu-Pong, Yongyut Rojanasakul, and Joseph Robinson (2006) Biopharmaceutical Drug Design and Development. 3. Herbert A Kirst, Wu-Kuang Yeh, Milton J (2001) Enzyme technologies for pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications Course Delivery: Regular black board teaching and interaction through Laboratory sessions Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome 21 CIE Internal assessme nt tests Lab Assesmen t SEE Record Indirect Assessment Methods Direct Assessment Methods What To whom Studen ts Standard examinati on Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts When/ Where (Frequen cy in the course) Max mark s Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Once 30 Blue books 1,2,3&4 Continuou s 10 Attendan ce 1,2,3&4 Continuou s 10 Record 1,2,3&4 End of course 50 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms 1,2,3&4 End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4 and assessment methods Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h Students will be capable X X X to perform important quality control tests to validate quality of product Able to standardize the X X X therapeutic compounds Competent to work in X X X X X X X Pharmaceutical /Clinical research organization Improving the research X X X aptitude of students by imparting the knowledge of nanotechnology and advanced drug delivery system i X j X k X X X X X X X X X X Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 20 2 Understand 20 3 Apply 35 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. Students will be capable to perform important quality control tests to validate quality of product. 2. Able to standardize the therapeutic compounds. 3. Competent to work in Pharmaceutical /Clinical research organization. 4. Improving the research aptitude of students by imparting the knowledge of nanotechnology and advanced drug delivery system 22 BIOETHICS & INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Sub Code Credits : MBT 301 : 3:1:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr Bindu S & Dr Harish B G Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1) Instill awareness on ethical issues connected to BT through case studies. 2) Introduce the concept of Biosafety & its significance through case studies. 3) Familiarize students with International as well as national biosafety regulations and case studies as applied to transgenic research. 4) Make the students conversant with Intellectual property rights and their protection. UNIT-1 Introduction to Bioethics and Biosafety: definition and needs of Bioethics, Social and Ethical issues in biotechnology. Application of bioethics: the expanding scope of ethics from biomedical practice to biotechnology. Introduction to Biosaftey: definition and needs of biosafety, levels of biosafety, applications of biosafety at work place, Biosafety during development of biotech products. Examples and case studies. UNIT-2 Ethical Issues: Ethical issues regarding genetically modified organisms (foods and crops); bioethics in biodiversity and resource management. Animal cloning and human cloning and their ethical aspects. Testing of drugs on human volunteers, organ transplantation and ethical issues; Xenotransplantion and its ethical and social issues. Human Genome project. UNIT-3 Biosafety regulations in transgenic research: National and international guidelines on rDNA technology. MOEF guidelines, Good laboratory practice, Good manufacturing practice and FDA regulations, Regulations for recombinant DNA research and manufacturing process, Public perception. National Institute of health (NIH) guideline, guidelines for research in transgenic organisms. UNIT-4 Introduction to IPR: IP definition and needs, GATT & WTO, Different forms of IPR – Copyrights, Trademarks, Industrial designs, Geographical Indications, Traditional Knowledge, Plant varieties, Trade Secrets. WIPO, TRIPS, Role of IPR in Research and Development. Trademarks and copyrights: nature of trademarks and branding, tips on names for trademarks, acquiring trademarks protection, brand valuation, packaging and selling, increase the value of a technology through the use of trademark. Introduction and characteristics of copyrights and neighboring rights, performers and broadcasting organizations rights, transfer of copyrights. UNIT-5 Patents: Introduction of Patents, patent as an intellectual property, Brief history of patentsIndian and global scenario, types of patents, patent life cycle, criteria for patenting, novelty, inventiveness, utility, patentable subject matter, inventions that are not patentable, term of patent, maintenance of a patent, granted patents Vs. patent publications. Ideas: Generation and review of ideas, documenting ideas, literature scanning for possibility of IP rights, decision to go for IP protection or not, and consideration of choice of IP protection, disclosure, inventors interview, Process and Product Patents. Textbooks: 1. Sateesh M.K (2008) Bioethics & Biosafety, IK Publishers. 2. Traynor PL (2000) Biosafety Management, Virginia polytechnic Institute Publication. 3. N K Acharya (2007) Text book on Intellectual Property Rights, Asia Law house, 4 th edn. Reference Books: 1. Sasson A (1993) Biotechnologies in developing countries present and future, UNESCO Publishers. 2. Rao MB (2003) WTO and International Trade, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 3. Erbisch FH and Maredia KM (2003) Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology, Orient Longman Ltd. 4. Deborah E Bouchoux (2005) Intellectual Property Rights, Delmar Cengage learning 5. Patent Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers, Thomas T Gordon and Arthur S Cookfair, CRC Press (1995). Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching, Using teaching aids like power point presentation and interaction through tutorial class Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes 23 Thrice(Aver age of the best two will be computed) CIE Assignme nt Studen ts Mini Project Indirect Assessment Methods SEE Direct Assessment Methods Internal assessme nt tests Once End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) Middle of the course Standard examinati on Students feedback End of course survey Once Studen ts End of course 2) 3) Blue books 30 Assignm ent reports 10 Mini Project reports 10 1,2,3&4 1&2 3&4 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 - Feedback forms 1&2 Question -naire 1,2,3&4 - 4) Capable of understanding biosafety issues in BT Conversant with biosafety regulations & its applications in real life situations connected to transgenic research. Conversant with the procedures used to protect intellectual property rights. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g Aware of the ethical X X X issues involved in BT. Capable of understanding X X X biosafety issues in BT Conversant with X X X biosafety regulations & its applications in real life situations connected to transgenic research. Conversant with the X X X procedures used to protect intellectual property rights h X i J K X X X X X X X X NANO-BIOTECHNOLOGY Sub Code Credits : MBTE01 : 4:0:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. Bindu, S and Dr. Chandraprabha, M.N. Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 15 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will be 1) Aware of the ethical issues involved in BT. Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1) 2) 3) 4) Provide an overview of the fundamental concepts of nanotechnology Develop an understanding of bionanomaterials Understand the applications in the area of Biotechnology especially in health and medical Biotechnology. Provide an understanding of the benefits & risks of nanotechnology. UNIT-1 Introduction: History and scope of the Super Small; Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology. Discussions on nanofabrication, Bottom-Up versus Top-Down, Nanolithography, Microelectronic fabrication, Structure-property relationships in materials, biomolecule-surface interactions. 24 6. UNIT-5 Drug Discovery and Drug Delivery: Drug Discovery Using Nanocrystals, Drug Discovery Using Resonance Light Scattering (RLS) technology, Benefits of Nano-Imaging Agents, Drug Delivery using Nanobiosensors, Drug Delivery Applications, Bioavailability, Sustained and targeted release, Nanorobots, Benefits of Nano-Drug Delivery, Drug Delivery, Health Risks, and Challenges, Targeting, Drug Delivery Revenues, use of micro-needles and Nanoparticles for highly controlled drug delivery. Text BOOKS: 1. Stephen Lee and Lynn M Savage (2004) Biological molecules in Nanotechnology. International Business Communications, Inc. 2. Rosenthal Sandra J and Wright David W (2005) Nanobiotechnology Protocols, Humana Press. Reference Books: 1. Richard Booker and Earl Boysen (2005) Nanotechnology, Wiley Dreamtech. 2. Chapman & Hall (2002) Nanobiotechnology–Basic Science & Emerging Technologies, CRC Press. 3. Eric K Drexler, Pelerson C, Pergamit G (1993) Unbounding the future. William Marrow and Company 4. Mark Ratner and Daniel Ratner (2005) Nanotechnology. Prentice Hall 5. Murthy DVS (1995) Transducers and instrtumentation. Prentice Hall of India CIE SEE UNIT-4 Nanodiagnostics: Diagnostics and Sensors, Rapid Ex-Vivo Diagnostics, Nanosensors as Diagnostics, Nanotherapeutics. Nanofabricated devices to separate and interrogate DNA, Interrogation of immune and neuronal cell activities through micro-and nanotechnology based tools and devices, BioMEMS and their applications. Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver Internal age of the assessme best two 30 nt tests will be computed) ClassTwice( room Average of open book the two will 10 Studen assignme be ts nt computed) Surprise Once 10 Test End of Standard course examinati (Answering 100 on 5 of 10 questions) Direct Assessment Methods UNIT-3 Bionanomaterials: Function and application of DNA based nanostructures. In-vitro laboratory tests on the interaction of nanoparticles with cells. Assessment of the toxic effects of nanoparticles based on in-vitro and in-vivo laboratory tests. Identification of pathogenic organisms by magnetic nanoparticle-based techniques. Jing chung & Larry J. Kricka (2001) Biochip Technology. Harwood academic publishers. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Indirect Assessment Methods UNIT-2 Nanomaterials: synthesis and their Characterization: Synthesis of nanoparticles, Buckyballs, Nanotubes, Nanomaterials characterization techniques: Scanning tunneling and Atomic force microscopy, DNA microarrays, Quantum dots, and hybrid biological/inorganic devices. , Nanofabrication in Hard Materials: Silicon and glass materials, Nanofabrication in soft materials: Hydrogels/PDMS/other polymers and base materials for nano- and microfabricated devices. Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 15 25 4 5 6 Analyze Evaluate Create 20 5 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have the improved ability to:1) Develop an understanding of the fundamental concepts in nanotechnology. 2) Relate to current nanotechnological applications in the field of biotechnology. 3) Think of novel, future applications of nanotechnology in biotechnology and for molecular medicine. 4) Have knowledge in Applications of Nano-Drug Delivery, Diagnostics and Nanotherapeutics. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h Develop an X X X X X X understanding of the fundamental concepts in nanotechnology Relate to current X X X X X X nanotechnological applications in the field of biotechnology. Think of novel, future X X X X X applications of nanotechnology in biotechnology and for molecular medicine. Have knowledge in X X X X X Applications of NanoDrug Delivery, Diagnostics and Nanotherapeutics. i X X j X X X X X X GENETIC ENGINEERING OF VALUE ADDED FOODS Sub Code Credits : MBTE 02 : 4:0:0:0 CIE SEE Course coordinators: Dr. Channarayappa and Dr. Sharath, R : 50 Marks : 50 Marks k X Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1) Provide an introduction to nutraceuticals. 2) Enable the students to learn about value addition of foods using genetic engineering. 3) Familiarize the different methods of value addition of foods. 4) Highlight the benefits & risks associated with value addition. UNIT-1 Introduction to nutraceuticals: The history and scope of nutraceutical research. Microbial: fermented foods, bakery products, dairy products and mushrooms. Plant foods: cereals, pulses, legumes, oilseeds, vegetables and fruit crops. Fish, poultry, dairy and animal foods. UNIT-2 The importance of value addition of foods: Major and minor food constituents: Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, value addition, types of value additions. The benefits of value addition to the foods. UNIT-3 Value addition by genetic modification: value added microbial foods, value added transgenic plants. Value added transgenic animals. Floriculture and flower industry, Modification of farm products for better transportation, storage, consumer preference. UNIT-4 Value addition of foods for suitablility to industrial processing: Improvement of raw materials by conventional methods. Improvement of raw material by application of biotechnology methods. Value added crops, designer crops, improvements of raw material for food processing industry. UNIT-5 Impact of value addition of foods on farm, national economy and trade: importance of value added crops in the farms. Improvement in farm value and economy, farmer and industrial partnership. Impact of biotech-products on national economy and international trade. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Channarayappa (2006) Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Practices. University Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., Worldwide CRC Press. 2. Singh BD (2003) Biotechnology- Expanding Horizons. Kalyani Publishers, Rajindernagar, Ludhiana. 3. Palaniappan SP and Annadurai K (2007) Organic farming. Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur. 4. Probir Kanti Biswas (2005) Agricultural Biotechnology. Dominant Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi. 26 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Lindsey K and Jones MGK (1990) Plant biotechnology in Agriculture. Prentice Hall, USA. 2. Rajashekaran K, Jacks TJ and Finley JW (2002) Crop Biotechnology. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Internal assessme nt tests CIE Classroom open book assignme nt Indirect Assessment Methods SEE Direct Assessment Methods Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver age of the best two 30 will be computed) Twice( Average of the two will 10 Studen be ts computed) Surprise Once 10 Test End of Standard course examinati (Answering 100 on 5 of 10 questions) Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Answer scripts Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to eva luate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 2 3 4 5 6 Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create 30 30 15 20 5 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have the improved ability to:1. Use the basic and applied knowledge gained through other courses in biotechnology to relate to nutraceuticals and value addition of foods. 2. Understand various methods of value addition of foods. 3. Perceive the expected benefits of value addition. 4. Learn to use genetic engineering to modify and manipulate biological processes for value addition of foods. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g Use the basic and applied X X X X X knowledge gained through other courses in biotechnology to relate to nutraceuticals and value addition of foods Understand various X X X X X methods of value addition of foods. Perceive the expected X X X X X X benefits of value addition. Learn to use genetic engineering to modify and manipulate biological processes for value addition of foods. Sub Code Credit X X X X X h X i j k X X X x MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY : MBTE 03 CIE : 50 Marks : 4:0:0:0 SEE : 50 Marks 27 Course coordinators: Dr. Prabha, M. and Mr. Lokesh, K.N. 1. Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Study the diseases causing from microbes, detection and production of viral vaccines 2. The Scope and importance of ESC, Hemopoietic Stem Cells and its Disorders. 3. Study the tissue engineering, nanomedicine and molecular diagnostics. 4. Learn the advanced biotechnology of Medicine in gene and molecular therapeutics. UNIT-III Regenerative and nano medicine: Encapsulation technology and therapeutics- Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Haemophilia Bioartificial organs, Stem cell therapy - Embryonic and adult Stem Cells, Totipotent, Pluripotent and Mulltipotent Cells. Nanomedicine – Nanoparticles, Nanodevices- medical microrobotics, nanorobotics, Microbiovers, Nanomedicine. UNIT-IV Molecular Diagnostics: Molecular techniques for analysis of these disorders; Biochemical disorders; Immune, Genetic and Neurological disorders; Assays for the Diagnosis of inherited diseases; Antibody based diagnosis; Monoclonal antibodies as diagnostic reagents; Production of monoclonal antibodies with potential for diagnosis UNIT-V Gene and molecular therapeutics: General introduction, potential target diseases for gene therapy, gene transfer methods, and their applications, clinical studies, pharmaceutical production and regulation. Liposome and nanoparticles mediated gene delivery. Antisense technology, Clinical applications of recombinant technology; Erythropoietin; Insulin analogs and its role in diabetes; Recombinant human growth hormone. Text Books: Reference Books: 1. Judit Pongracz and Mary Keen (2009) Medical Biotechnology, Churchill Livingstone publication. 2. Albert Sasson (2006) Medical Biotechnology, Brookings Institution Press. 3. Bernhard O Palsson and Sangeeta N Bhatia (2003) Tissue Engineering, Pearson Prentice Hall. 4. Pamela Greenwell, Michelle McCulley, Molecular Therapeutics: 21st century medicine, 1st Edition. 5. Lela Buchingham and Maribeth L Flawsm, Molecular Diagnostics: Fundamentals, Methods and Clinical Applications, 1st Edition, F A Davis Company, Philadelphia, USA, 2007. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver Internal age of the assessme best two 30 nt tests will be computed) ClassStuden Twice( room ts Average of open book the two will 10 assignme be nt computed) Surprise Once 10 Test CIE UNIT-II Hemopoeitic Stem Cells: Haematopoietic stem cells differentiation, transdifferentiation and growth factors. Classification and manifestations of Hemopoeitic stem cell disorders, aplastic Hemopoeitic stem cell disorders, clinical applications of colony stems, complications of germ therapy, replacement therapy and bone marrow transplantation, immunological principles, preservation and clinical use of blood and blood components. 3. Direct Assessment Methods UNIT-I Introduction scope and applications in Medial Biotechnology: Disease: bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic. Investigation of epidemics. Methods of culturing and assaying: bacterial, viral and parasitic. Viral vaccines: conventional: killed/attenuated; DNA; peptide; recombinant proteins. Future development and scope of vaccines. 2. Daan Crommelin, Robert D Sindelar and Bernd Meibohm (2007). Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Fundamental Applications, 2nd edition. Informa Health care USA, Inc. Willam Irving, Time Boswell and Dlawar Ala’Aldeen (2006) BIOS Instant notes in Medical Microbiology. BIOS Scientific Publication. Sambamurthy K and Ashutosh Kar (2006) Text book of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Paperback 1st edn. New Age International. Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 28 SEE Indirect Assessment Methods Standard examinati on Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 25 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 20 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To have the knowledge on disease causing microbes, diagnosis, prevention of diseases and treatment 2. To understand the benefit and scope of Embryonic stem cells, Hemopoietic stem cells and their applications for the transplantation in treatment of cancer and other various diseases. 3. To learn the cell, tissue engineering techniques, nanomedicine and its applications in different areas of medicine. 4. To understand the Clinical applications of recombinant technology in gene therapy for the treatment of genetic and other diseases with clinical studies and pharmaceutical production. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Course Outcomes Program Outcome a b c d e f g h To have the knowledge X X X X X X X on disease causing microbes, diagnosis, prevention of diseases and treatment i j X k X To understand the benefit and scope of Embryonic stem cells, Hemopoietic stem cells and their applications for the transplantation in treatment of cancer and other various diseases. To learn the cell, tissue engineering techniques, nanomedicine and its applications in different areas of medicine. To understand the Clinical applications of recombinant technology in gene therapy for the treatment of genetic and other diseases with clinical studies and pharmaceutical production. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BIOREACTION ENGINEERING Sub Code Credit : MBTE 04 : 4:0:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Mr. Gokulakrishnan and Mr. Samrat K Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Comprehend the state of the arts in bioreaction technology and its broad range of applications. 2. Develop mathematical descriptions of reaction kinetics and cellular systems and their relationships with bioreactor design. 3. Grasp the linkage between biological phenomena and engineering design for effective bioreactor operations. 4. Apply basic principles of mass and energy conservation to analyze bioreactor systems. 5. Identify the major engineering parameters that characterizes the performance of bioreactors and techniques to measure and control these parameters. 29 UNIT-V Process Design and Operation Bioreactors: Operational models of reactors, Batch continuous, Fed Batch, repetitive batch, recycle and continuous cultivation, novel bioreactors, stirred tank, Air lift and loop reactors, Packed bed and Hollow fiber membrane bioreactors, Bioreactors for waste treatment processes; Scale-up of bioreactors, SSF bioreactors. Text Books: 1. Bailey and Ollis (2010): Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, McGraw Hill (2nd Ed) 2. Schuler ML and Kargi F (2002): Bioprocess Engineering- Basic concepts by, Prentice Hall (2nd Ed) 3. Levenspiel (2006) Chemical reaction Engineering, 3rd ed., John Wiley. Reference Books: 1. Ghose TK (Ed)(1994) Process computation in Biotechnology Tata Mc-Craw hill 2. Athinson B and Maviuna F (1993) Biochemical Engg. And Bitoechnology Handbook, Mc-Graw hill (2nd Edition) 3. Pauline M. Doran (2009):Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Reed Elsevier India. CIE UNIT-IV Mechanical Design of Bioreactors and Ancillary Equipments: Basic design and construction of fermenters and its ancillaries; Material of construction, Vessel geometry, Bearing assemblies, Motor drives, Aseptic seals, Flow measuring devices, Valves, Agitator and Spurges Design, Sensor. Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver Internal age of the assessme best two 30 nt tests will be computed) ClassTwice( room Average of open book the two will 10 Studen assignme be ts nt computed) Surprise Once 10 Test End of Standard course examinati (Answering 100 on 5 of 10 questions) SEE UNIT-III Transport Phenomena in Bioreactors: Mass transfer in heterogeneous biochemical reaction systems, Oxygen transfer in submerged fermentation process, Oxygen uptake rate and determination of oxygen transfer coefficients (kLa), role of aeration and agitation in oxygen transfer, Heat transfer process in biological systems Fermentation & Biochemical Engineering Hand book (1996) Principles Process Design and Equipment, HC Vogel, Noyes. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Direct Assessment Methods UNIT-II Media Design and Sterilization for Fermentation Process: Medium requirements for fermentation process-examples of simple and complex media; Design and usage of commercial media for industrial fermentations, Thermal death kinetics of microorganisms, Batch and continuous heat-sterilization of Liquid media, Filter sterilization of liquids 4. Indirect Assessment Methods UNIT-I Kinetics of Microbial Growth and Product Formation: Phases of cell growth in bath culture, simple unsaturated kinetic models for microbial growth, growth associated and nongrowth associated product formation kinetics, Mono and Leudeking-piret models, Introduction to structured models for growth and product formation. Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 15 30 4 5 6 Analyze Evaluate Create 20 5 0 Sub Code Credit : MBTE 05 : 4:0:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. Ravikumar, Y.S. and Dr. Sharath, R. Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. Describe the algorithm that allows the student to solve chemical reaction engineering problems through logic rather than memorization. 2. Size isothermal and non-isothermal reactors for homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions. 3. Analyze multiple reactions carried out both isothermally and non-isothermally in flow, batch and semi batch reactors to determine selectivity and yield. 4. Determine the reaction order and specific reaction rate from experimental data. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h Describe the algorithm X X X X X that allows the student to solve chemical reaction engineering problems through logic rather than memorization. Size isothermal and nonisothermal reactors for homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions X X X X X Analyze multiple reactions carried out both isothermally and nonisothermally in flow, batch and semi batch reactors to determine selectivity and yield. Determine the reaction order and specific reaction rate from experimental data X X X X X X X X X X X X i j k X X Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Understand the basic principles and applications of toxicology. 2. Identify the different classes of environmental toxic substances and stressors that have known effects on individuals or populations. 3. Understand the effects of different toxicants and stressors in terms of target effect on the cellular-, organ system- and whole body-levels. 4. Aware of general principles of environmental, occupational and preventive aspects of toxicology. Unit I Introduction to toxicology: History and scope of toxicology, Source of toxicants. Classification of toxic agents. Occupational toxicology: Workplace, hazardous exposure, and occupational diseases. Absorption and mode of action of toxicants. Toxic effects on liver, kidney, nervous, endocrine, respiratory, immune and reproductive systems. Introduction to genotoxicology and Teratology Unit II Metabolism of Toxicants: Phase I Reactions: Cytochrome P450-Dependent Monooxygenase System, The Flavin-Containing Monooxygenase and Cyclooxygenases, Reduction Reactions, Hydrolysis, Epoxide Hydration. Phase II Reactions: Glucuronide conjugation, Sulfate conjugation, Methyltransferases and Acylation. Reactive Metabolites: nature, stability and fate of reactive metabolites, factors affecting toxicity of reactive metabolites. Elimination of Toxicants: renal, hepatic and respiratory elimination Unit III Toxicology Testing: Food toxicology: introduction, safety standards for foods and food ingredients and contaminants. In Vivo Toxicology: Testing of acute, subchronic and chronic toxicity. In Vitro testing: Cell Culture Methods, Ames forward mutation assay and kinetics and cytotoxicity of eukaryotic cells. Assessing genotoxicity: mitotic index, chromosomal aberrations, micronucleus assay, SCE, comet assay, and apoptosis. Unit IV Introduction to Forensic science: Definition and Scope, history and development of Forensic science, application of forensic science, Forensic laboratory: basic services, collection of specimens and submission. Legal procedures and ethical issues. TOXICOLOGY AND FORENSIC SCIENCE Unit V 31 Textbooks: 1. Barile FA (2008) principles of toxicology testing CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group New York 2. Hodgson E (2004) A Textbook of Modern Toxicology Third edition John wiley & sons, inc., publication 3. Curtis D. Klaassen (2001) Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology The Basic Science Of Poisons Sixth Edition Mcgraw-Hill publishers New Delhi Reference books 1. Osweiler GD (1996) Toxicology, Wiley-Blackwell Publisher, 2. Marquardt H (1999) Toxicology, Academic Press 3. Derelanko MJ (2002) Handbook of toxicology, CRC Press, Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class CIE Direct Assessment Methods Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver Internal age of the assessme best two 30 nt tests will be computed) ClassStuden Twice( room ts Average of open book the two will 10 assignme be nt computed) Surprise Once 10 Test Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 SEE Indirect Assessment Methods Forensic Biology: Forensic Pathology: Rigor mortis, Lovor mortis, Algor mortis. Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Entomology, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Odontology, Forensic Engineering, molecular analysis (DNA finger-printing), Dactyloscopy, Finger prints: Classification and patterns. Digital imaging in Forensics. Standard examinati on Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 20 2 Understand 25 3 Apply 30 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To understand the basic aspects of toxicology and forensic science; the key areas, the conventions followed and the scope of toxicology and forensic science. 2. To explain how toxicants get into the environment and which diseases may be associated with them. 3. To identify the damage process, action and metabolism of toxic chemicals. 4. To describe how toxic chemicals are tested and regulated. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Course Outcomes To understand the basic aspects of toxicology and forensic science; the key areas, the conventions followed and the scope of toxicology and forensic science. a X b X c d Program Outcome e f g h X X X X i X j k 32 To explain how toxicants get into the environment and which diseases may be associated with them To identify the damage process, action and metabolism of toxic chemicals. X X X To describe chemicals are regulated. X X how toxic tested and X X X X X UNIT-III X X X X X X X X X X X x : MBTE 06 : 4:0:0:0 CIE SEE UNIT-IV Methods in Plant Biotechnology: Amplification of DNAs by Polymerace Chain Reaction (PCR). Gene transfer technology Vectors, Gene transfer using Particles Bombardment, Microinjection method, Sterilization of plant tissues Methods of micro-propagation, Application of micropropagation, Marker assisted selection (RAPD, RFLP, AFLP, SNP`s etc.). Methods for crop improvement. UNIT-V PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Sub Code Credit Genetic Engineering in plants: Structure and organization of plant genome, regulation of plant genome expression, transcriptional, translational and post transcriptional regulation of plant genome. Transposons, Transfer of DNA to plant cells- Direct transformation by electroporation and particle gun bombardment. Agrobacterium, Ti plasmid vector Theory and techniques for the development of new genetic traits, conferring resistance to herbicide, pesticide, plant pathogens. : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. Sharath, R. and Dr. Harish, B.G. Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Learn the basic concepts, terminology and fundamentals of plant tissue culture. 2. Basic aspects of plant tissue culture and applied aspects such as plant tissue engineering and large scale production of secondary metabolites which have commercial importance. 3. To understand the use genetic engineering in plant tissue culture for crop improvement. 4. Understand the applications and techniques involved in plant biotechnology UNIT-I Introduction: Introduction and historical developments and applications of Plant tissue and cell culture. Laboratory Design and Developments. Instrumentation. Sterilization techniques, Plant Tissue Culture Media, Cellular totipotency, Factors affecting Tissue Culture success: (Media explant, light, Temperature, Polarity, Subculture, Genotype, Season), Hormones. UNIT-II Plant Tissue and cell culture: Micropropagation, organ culture, Establishing callus and cell culture, Dynamics of callus growth, callus subculture and maintenance, organogenesis. Embryogenesis, Somaclonol variation, cell suspension culture, Somatic embryogenesis in plant. Protoplast isolation and culture. Acclimatization of micro propagated plant. Primary and secondary metabolic products (phytochemicals) of plant cells, biosynthesis of secondary metabolites of biotechnological importance. Application of Plant Biotechnology: Application of plant Biotechnology: Herbicide resistance, disease resistance, novel proteins, vaccines, antibodies and antigens. Immobilized cell systems and Biotransformation. Plant Genome Project: Rice genome project. Hairy root culture and its importance. Text Books 1. Reinert J and Bajaj YPS (1990) Applied and Fundamental aspects of Plant Cell, Tissue and organ Culture. Springer Verlag, Berlin. 2. Narayanaswamy S (1994) Plant Cell and Tissue Culture. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 3. Roberts JA and R Hooley (1988) Plant Growth Regulators. Chapman and Hall. New York. References: 1. Bengochea T and Doods JH (1986) Plant Protoplasts, A Biotechnological Tool for Plant Improvement. Chapman and Hall. London. 2. Gamborg OL and GC Phillips (1995) Plant Cell, Tissue and organ culture. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. 3. Dodds JH and Roberts LW (1995) Experiments in plant Tissue Culture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 4. Razdan MK (1993) An Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture, Oxfsord & IBH Pub. Co, Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi 5. Kumar U (1999) Methods in Plant Tissue Culture, Agro Botanica, New Delhi. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks Evidenc e collecte Contributi ng to Course 33 CIE Indirect Assessment Methods SEE Direct Assessment Methods Internal assessme nt tests Classroom open book assignme nt Surprise Test Studen ts Standard examinati on Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts y in the course) Thrice(Aver age of the best two will be computed) Twice( Average of the two will be computed) d Outcomes 3. 4. 30 Blue books 1,2,3&4 10 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Once 10 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 15 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. Students will have clear concept of plant tissue culture its importance. 2. Students will have clear concept of media formulation, optimization and design of experiments for development of new bioprocess protocols. Be able to discuss the significance of plant tissue culture to the nursery and agricultural crop industries; Identify and apply basic plant growth theories to plant tissue culture techniques. Mapping of course coutcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g Students will have clear X X X X concept of plant tissue culture its importance Students will have clear X X concept of media formulation, optimization and design of experiments for development of new bioprocess protocols. Be able to discuss the X X X X X X significance of plant tissue culture to the nursery and agricultural crop industries; Identify and apply basic X X X X X plant growth theories to plant tissue culture techniques. h i j k X X X x EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Sub Code Credits : MBTE 07 : 4:0:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. ChandraPrabha, M.N. and Dr. Ramachandramurthy Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Learn the fundamentals of statistical models and experimental designing. 2. Understand the collection, designing and analysis of data for research. 3. Understand the implementation of mathematical models for designing experiments. 4. Study the statistical softwares and their implementation in the current research. UNIT-I 34 UNIT-IV Fisher’s principles, Basics of designing an experiment Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Principles and Usage, Randomization, Data Analysis/Model (one-way ANOVA), Advantages/Disadvantages, Ideal Conditions (assumptions)/Data transformation, Randomized Complete Block Design, One-way Blocking, Data Analysis (multi-way ANOVA), Data Analysis (multi-way ANOVA) UNIT-V Latin squares: The 2k factor design, Blocking and confounding, two level fractional factorial design, Three level and mixed level factorial, fractional design and Plackett- Burman design. Factorial Treatment Structure, Two level factorial designs, Blocking and confounding systems for two level factorials, Partial confounding, Fractional factorial design, Yate’s forward algorithm, Choice of treatments, Qualitative/Quantitative factors. Review of Linear Regression Analysis, Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), Blocks and / or Covariates Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver Internal age of the assessme best two 30 nt tests will be computed) ClassTwice( room Average of open book the two will 10 Studen assignme be ts nt computed) Surprise Once 10 Test End of Standard course examinati (Answering 100 on 5 of 10 questions) Students Studen Middle of feedback ts the course In dir ect As ses sm en t Me th od s Test books: 1. Misra BL (2005) Design & Analysis of Experiments for Agricultural Workers, 1 st Ed, Kalyan Pub. 2. Douglas C. Montgomery (2009) Design and Analysis of Experiments, 7th Edition, Wiley publication. 3. Rudra Pratap (2005) Getting started with Mat lab, Oxford University Press. 4. Arun Kumar and Alka Chaudary (2006) Sample Survey Analysis and Design of Experiment, 2nd Edition, Krishna Prakash Media (P) Ltd. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class CIE UNIT-III Joint probability distributions for discrete and continuous variables, conditional expectation, stochastic independence, {generalization to n dimensional random variables} Concept of analysis of variance and covariance of data for one-way and multi-classified experiments; Multiple Mean Comparison, Pair wise Contrasts, Type of Models (Fixed or Random), Incomplete Blocks/Missing data SEE UNIT-II Correlation, Regression analysis, Partial and multiple correlation and regression, Regression diagnostics - residuals, multicollinearity, testing adequacy of fit and validation in regression analysis; Sampling distribution of correlation and regression coefficients; Testing of hypothesis: z – test, t-test, Chi-square test and F-test Reference Books: 1. Sundararaj N, Nagaraju S, Ramu MNV, Jagannath MK (1972) Design and analysis of field experiments. Miscellaneous Series, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. 2. Neural Network Toolbox™ 6 User's Guide, Matlab Inc, USA, Source: http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/pdf_doc/nnet/nnet.pdf 3. Genetic algorithm Toolbox User's Guide, Matlab Inc, USA, Source: http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk_r13/help/pdf_doc/gads/gads_tb.pdf 5. Steel & Torrie (1980) Principals and Procedures of Statistics A Biometrical Approach. 6. Kirk (1995) Experimental Design, Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences. 7. Kuehl (2000) Design of Experiments: Statistical Principals of Research Design and Analysis. 8. Quinn & Keough (2002) Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists. Direct Assessment Methods Probability — classical and frequency definitions, Axiomatic approach — laws of probability: addition and multiplication theorems, conditional probability, Elements of measure theory, Baye's theorem, Random variables — discrete and continuous, Mathematical expectation and its laws, Moments, coefficient of skewness and kurtosis, Probability distributions — Bernoulli/Binomial, Poisson, negative binomial, geometric, Normal Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Feedback forms 1,2,3&4, delivery of 35 End of course survey End of course - Question -naire the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 40 2 Understand 20 3 Apply 20 4 Analyze 15 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To understand the basic aspects of statistics and mathematical models used in biological research. 2. To acquire working knowledge on the statistical models and their applications in the research. 3. To execute different techniques to collect, design, store and analyzing data in different fields of research. 4. To correlate the statistical significance of observed data with that of experimental data using software tools. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h To understand the basic X X X X X X X aspects of statistics and mathematical models used in biological research To acquire working X X X X X X X knowledge on the statistical models and their applications in the research. To execute different X X X X X X X techniques to collect, design, store and analyzing data in i X X X j k different fields of research. To correlate the statistical significance of observed data with that of experimental data using software tools. X X X X X X X X X X APPLIED BIOINFORMATICS Sub Code Credit : MBTE 08 : 4:0:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. Harish B.G Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Know how Genome sequencing opened the way for researchers to explore how families of proteins behave in cells. 2. Present the molecular and genetic basis of cellular processes and the inferences made of these process through genome and protein databases analysis. 3. Understand Bioinformatics and computational biology which combine the tools of multiple disciplines: computer science, biology, chemistry, mathematics and statistics, to facilitate DNA and protein information acquisition, processing, storage, distribution, analysis and interpretation of gene and protein function in normal and diseased states. 4. Learn the structure and functions of the genomes together with the approaches to analyze the genomes and proteome. UNIT-I Elementary algorithmics: Introduction, Prediction algorithms; Asymptotic Notations, Efficiency of Algorithms, BLAST algorithm, Ktup identification, PSSM, Progressive alignment procedure, Dynamic Programming: UPGMA method, Nighbour Joining method, Randomized algorithm. UNIT-II Database Warehousing in bioinformatics: Data, transforming data into knowledge, data warehousing and architecture, data quality. Data mining for bioinformatics: Biomedical data analysis, DNA data analysis, protein data analysis, machine learning in bioinformatics: Artificial neural networks, neural network architectures and applications, genetic algorithms, fuzzy systems. UNIT-III Basic concepts on identification of disease genes, role of bioinformatics-OMIM database, reference genome sequence, integrated genomic maps, gene expression profiling; 36 Text Books: 1) Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen (2005) Bioinformatics Technologies, Springer International Edition 2) Shui Quing Ye (2007) Bioinformatics A Practical Approach, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 3) Mathematical and Computational Biology Series. Reference Books: 1) Andreas D. Baxevanis (2002) Bioinformatics – A practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteins, 2nd John Wiley & Sons. 2) David W Mount (2005) Bioinformatics Sequence & Genome Analysis, 2nd CBS Publishers & Distributors 3) Jin Xiong (2005) Essential of Bioinformatics, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons. 4) Benson G and Page R (2003) Algorithms in bioinformatics; Springer. 5) Basu O and SK Thukral SK (2007) Bioinformatics: Databases, tools and algorithms; Oxford Press. 6) Clote P and Backofen R (2000) Computational molecular biology: an introduction. Wiley & Sons. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes CIE SEE UNIT-V DNA microarray: understanding of microarray data, normalizing microarray data, detecting differential gene expression, correlation of gene expression data to biological process and computational analysis tools (especially clustering approaches). DNA microarray database and basic tools, Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), ArrayExpress, SAGE databases. Internal assessme nt tests Indirect Assessment Methods UNIT-IV Molecular modeling and simulations: Macro-molecular force fields, salvation, long-range forces, Geometry optimization algorithms: Steepest descent, conjugate gradient Various simulation techniques: Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo, docking strategies etc.. Molecular mechanics, conformational searches. Drug design: Drug discovery process, Role of Bioinformatics in drug design, Target identification and validation, lead optimization and validation, Structure-based drug design and ligand based drug design, Modeling of targetsmall molecule interactions. Direct Assessment Methods identification of SNPs, SNP database (DbSNP). Role of SNP in Pharmacogenomics, SNP arrays, EST database. Rearrangement of genes. Classroom open book assignme nt Surprise Test Studen ts Standard examinati on Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts course) Thrice(Aver age of the best two will be computed) Twice( Average of the two will be computed) 30 Blue books 1,2,3&4 10 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Once 10 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 25 3 Apply 20 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 00 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. Student can get the knowledge of using bioinformatics online tools, free softwares and servers to uncover the diversity of life revealed in genomes and explore the genomic origins of life. 37 2. 3. 4. Get the knowledge of using high-throughput methods to characterize cellular roles for proteins, utilization of structural information to discern how proteins work and incorporate structural methods to develop better drugs. Apply in silico and in vivo methods to comprehend whole proteome interactions and evaluate methods for quantifying and comparing proteomes. Get hands on experience of using online tools to analyze genome sequences. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g Student can get the X X X X knowledge of using bioinformatics online tools, free softwares and servers to uncover the diversity of life revealed in genomes and explore the genomic origins of life. Get the knowledge of X X X X X X using high-throughput methods to characterize cellular roles for proteins, utilization of structural information to discern how proteins work and incorporate structural methods to develop better drugs. Apply in silico and in vivo X X X X X X methods to comprehend whole proteome interactions and evaluate methods for quantifying and comparing proteomes. Get hands on experience X X X X X of using online tools to analyze genome sequences. h X i j k Sub Code Credit : MBTE 09 : 4:0:0:0 CIE SEE : 50 Marks : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Understand the importance of doing systematic research and experimental designs. 2. Study various methods/techniques of conducting research. 3. Opportunity to learn different statistical methods of analysis. 4. Understand the systematic methods of presentation of research finding using modern facilities. UNIT-I Introduction to Research Methodology: definition and objectives. Types of research: descriptive research, experimental method of research, inter and multi disciplinary research. Design of research: basic principles of experimental designs, features of good research design, types of designs. Literature search & formulation of research project. X UNIT-II Different techniques of research: observation, the interview, the questionnaire & the case study method. Survey methods and sampling techniques: sampling design, random sample and complex random sample design. Data collection: collection of primary and secondary data. X UNIT-III Basic statistical methods, concepts and techniques: Processing and analysis of datatypes of analysis, measure of dispersion; Correlation: Simple, partial and multiple correlations. Regression: linear and non liner regression. X X RESEARCH METHODOLOGY X X X X X X UNIT-IV Research report/paper writing: types of reports, steps in report writing, meaning and techniques of interpretations. Dissertation/ Thesis writing: Introduction, review of literature, materials and methods, experimental results, discussion/ interpretation of results in the light of earlier research findings, summary and bibliography. UNIT-V Computers – its application in research: Computer Skills: Spread sheet and DBMS. Graphics- histograms, line diagrams, bar diagrams and Pie charts. Statistical analysis using computer packages: Design Expert/Statistica /Minitab software’s, SPSS Text Books: 1. Debbie Holmes, Peter Moody, and Diana Dines (2006) Research Methods for the Biosciences, 2nd Edition, 2. Oxford University Press Inc., New York. 38 3. Kothari, C.R. (2002) Research Methodology, 7th Print, 2nd Edition, New Age International, Bangalore. Reference Books: 1. Suresh C. Sinha and Anil K. Dhiman (2002) Research Methodology, 2 volumes, Ess. Ess. Publishers, New Delhi, 2. Kumar (2008) Research Methodology, 7th Edn, Lakshmi Narayan Agarwal, Agra, India 3. Panneerselvam, R. (2004) Research Methodology, 1st Edition, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. Imbibe Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class CIE Indirect Assessment Methods SEE Direct Assessment Methods Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver Internal age of the assessme best two 30 nt tests will be computed) ClassTwice( room Average of open book the two will 10 Studen assignme be ts nt computed) Surprise Once 10 Test End of Standard course examinati (Answering 100 on 5 of 10 questions) Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 10 2 Understand 15 3 Apply 25 4 Analyze 20 5 Evaluate 20 6 Create 10 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To compare and use various experimental methods of conducting experiments. 2. To Understand and appreciate various techniques of research based on situation. 3. To plan and design the experiment and can execute accordingly 4. To Report the research results in standard format and analyze using modern computing facilities. Mapping of course outcome with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g To compare and use X X X X various experimental methods of conducting experiments. To Understand and X X X X X X appreciate various techniques of research based on situation. To plan and design the X X experiment and can execute accordingly To Report the research X X X results in standard format and analyze using modern computing facilities. h X X i j X k X X X X X X X X APPLIED ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Sub Code : MBTE 10 CIE : 50 Marks 39 SEE : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr. Sharath, R. and Mr. Lokesh, K.N. Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Learn the fundaments of animal biotechnology 2. Describe the differences between primary and continuous culture, monolayer and suspension culture. 3. Understand the basis and principles of modern animal breeding, and to know the advances offered by molecular genetics, quantitative genetics and reproduction biotechnology to enhance the efficacy of breeding programs. 4. Understand production of therapeutically significant biological compounds like hormones and proteins from cell culture technology and its application in modern medical science. Unit I Animal Tissue culture and Hybridoma Technology: Cell culture media and preparations. Cell culture techniques: Monolayer and suspension culture, cell lines, organ culture- techniques, three dimensional culture. Somatic cell fusion and its applications (cybrids, membrane fluid mobility and hybridoma technology). Cryopreservation and storage of animal cells. Primary and immortalized cells, Cell transformation and malignancy. Unit II Advanced cell culture techniques and application of cultured cells Microscopic techniques: light, electron microscopic, fluorescent and phase contrast microscopic studies. cell culture and viability, Cell Synchronization and cell cycle Analysis (mitotic and flow cytometry). Gene transformation: Transfection, electroporation and liposome). Immuno-techniques IFA (membrane, cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins) Detection of contamination in cell culture. Unit 2 Artificial animal Breeding and Transgenic Technology: Artificial insemination, Transplantation, in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, Advantages of cell manipulation, Nuclear transplantation and cell cloning, selective animal breeding and their potential. Production and uses of transgenic animals. Animals as a bioreactor for production various chemicals. Application of functional genomics and discovery of new genes, animal welfare and human health Unit III Stem cells and its application: Source and isolation of stem cells, Embryonic and adult stem cells, culture and maintenance of stem cells. Generation and manipulation of mouse and human embryonic stem cells. Germ Cell Development: Epigenesis and Reprogramming of adult-stem cells. Molecular mechanisms of self-renewal and differentiation, pluri/multi potency and lineage differentiation. Bone transplant and reconstitution of hematopoietic system. Stem cells and therapeutics. Novel sources of multipotent stem cells. Science policies and Ethics in Stem Cell Research Unit V Applications of Animal Biotechnology: Animal improvement: diary, fishery and poultry). Medicine: diagnosis of diseases, detection of genetic disorders. Treatment: vaccines, gene and cell therapy, tissue transplantations. Production of pharmaceutical chemicals, interferons, interleukins, stem cell factors and hormones. Industrial applications: metabolites production, bio control agents, industrially important enzymes. Drug testing and evaluation. Textbooks: 1. Freshney RI (2005) Culture of Animal Cells, 5th Edn, Wiley-Liss. 2. Spier RE and Griffiths JB (1988) Animal Cell Biotechnology, Academic Press. 3. Clynes (1998) Animal Cell Culture Techniques, 1st Edn, Springer. Reference Books: 1. Channarayappa (2006) Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Practices. University Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., Worldwide CRC Press. 2. Channarayappa (2010) Cell Biology: Universities Press (India) Pvt Ltd. 2. John RW, Masters, (2000) Animal Cell Culture: Practical Approach, 3rdEdn, Oxford. 3. Murray Moo-Young (1989) Animal Biotechnology, Pergamon Press, Oxford. 4. Doyle A, Hay R, and Kirsop BE (1990) Living Resources for Biotechnology, Animal cells, Cambridge University Press Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max whom Where mar (Frequenc ks y in the course) Thrice(Aver Internal age of the assessme best two 30 nt tests will be computed) Studen ClassTwice( ts room Average of open book the two will 10 assignme be nt computed) Surprise Once 10 CIE : 4:0:0:0 Direct Assessment Methods Credit Evidenc e collecte d Contributi ng to Course Outcomes Blue books 1,2,3&4 Assignm ent reports 1,2,3&4 Quiz 1,2,3&4 40 Indirect Assessment Methods SEE Test answers Standard examinati on Students feedback End of course survey Studen ts End of course (Answering 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question -naire 1,2,3&4 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessment methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 20 2 Understand 30 3 Apply 30 4 Analyze 15 5 Evaluate 5 6 Create 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To understand the basic nutritional requirements of animal cell and different types of cell culture techniques. 2. To impart knowledge on artificial breeding and production of transgenic animals 3. To explain isolation and culturing of stem cells and their application in biomedical field. 4. To describe applications of cell culture, transgenic and stem cell culture techniques in the field of modern life science. Mapping of course objectives with program outcomes Program Outcome Course Outcomes a b c d e f g h To understand the basic X X X X X nutritional requirements of animal cell and different types of cell culture techniques. To impart knowledge on X X X X X i j X k artificial breeding and production of transgenic animals To explain isolation and culturing of stem cells and their application in biomedical field. To describe applications of cell culture, transgenic and stem cell culture techniques in the field of modern life science. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X BIOANALYTICAL & BIOPHYSICAL TECHNIQUES Sub Code : MBTE 11 CIE : 50 Marks Credit : 4:0:0:0 SEE : 50 Marks Course coordinators: Dr Sravanti V., Dr Ahalya N. Objectives of the course: The course will help to: 1. Understand basic and advanced analytical separation techniques. 2. Study the underlying principles of spectroscopy. 3. Comprehend the fundamentals of macromolecular structure determination. 4. Study the techniques for characterizing biomolecular interactions. UNIT-I Sequencing and separation techniques: DNA sequencing- Principle & technique of Pyrosequencing, Next generation sequencing. Protein sequencing: Edman degradation, Separation techniques: Capillary electrophoresis, 2D- Gel Electrophoresis, Chromatographic technique- High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Reverse Phase-HPLC. Centrifugation- Preparative centrifugation, Analytical Ultra centrifugation, Flow cytometryFluorescence activated cell sorting (FACs) and its applications. UNIT-II Spectroscopic techniques I: Nature of Electromagnetic radiation, Electromagnetic spectrum; Atomic energy levels, Molecular electronic energy levels- Translational, Vibrational, Rotational Electronic states; Transition dipole, Ground and excited state energy levels. Principle, Instrumentation, and applications of Infrared Spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy in biomolecular analysis. Fluorescence, Quenching, 41 Reference Books: 1. Roland Glaser (2004), Biophysics: An Introduction, Springer. 2. Cantor CR and Schimmel PR (1980) Biophysical Chemistry: Part I, The conformation of biological macromolecules. 3. Kensal Edward Van Holde, W. Curtis Johnson, Pui Shing Ho (2006), Principles of Physical Biochemistry. Peasrson Printice Hall. Course Delivery: Regular black Board teaching and interaction through tutorial class Assessment and Evaluation Vis-à-vis Course outcome What To When/ Max Evidence Contribu Where (Frequen cy in the course) Thrice(Av erage of the best two will be computed) mar ks collected ting to Course Outcome s 30 Blue books 1,2,3&4 Once 10 Assignment reports 1,2,3&4 Once 7 Quiz answers 1,2,3&4 Class perform ance Througho ut semester 3 In-class evaluation/atte ndance 1,2,3&4 Standar d examin ation End of course (Answerin g 5 of 10 questions) 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3&4 Middle of the course - Feedback forms End of course - Question-naire CIE Direct Assessment Methods Internal assessm ent tests SEE Textbooks: 1. M. Daniel (2012) Basic Biophysics for Biologists, AgroBios 2. Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch (2006), Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Cengage Learning. 3. Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz and James A. Vyvyan (2008), Spectroscopy, Cengage Learning. who m Indirect Assessment Methods Quantum yield, Chromophore, Fluorophore, Principle, technique and applications of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) in biological systems. UNIT- III Spectroscopic techniques II: Polarization of light, Plane polarized vs Circularly polarized light, Optical rotation; Circular Dichroism, Principle and applications of CD for structural analysis. Principle and applications of Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Mass spectrometryIonization methods-EI, ESI, DI, MALDI; Mass analysis- Magnetic sector, Double-focus, Quadrupole, TIF analyzer, detection and quantitation of spectrum. Applications in Proteomics- Peptide Mass finger printing, Protein sequencing, and Post translational modification analysis. UNIT-IV Macromolecular structure determination: X-ray crystallography: protein crystal growth methods, X-ray diffraction; Bragg’s law, single crystal techniques of data collection, Phase problem, Phase determination methods; Patterson, direct, molecular replacement and anomalous dispersion, Structure Refinement, structure validation-Ramachandran Plot. NMR spectroscopy, Nuclear spin states, Electronic spin behavior. Chemical shift & Shielding, Nuclear Magnetic Spectrometer, NMR- 1-D, 2-D, Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE), COSY, NOESY. Structure, Function/applications of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) and Proteasome complex. UNIT-V Functional studies of biomolecules: Principle of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and its applications, Calorimetric application in binding studies-Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Microarrays- DNA, Protein Microarray and their applications, Phage display, Yeast-two-hybrid (Y2H), Three-hybrid assay for identifying interaction partners for biomolecules. Classroom assignm ent Casestudy analysis Stud ents Students feedback End of course survey Stud ents 1,2,3&4, delivery of the course 1,2,3&4, assessme nt methods Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components SL NO. Bloom’s Category Semester-End Exam 1 Remember 30 2 Understand 25 3 Apply 25 4 Analyze 15 42 5 6 Evaluate Create 5 0 Course Outcome: On completion of this course student will have improved ability:1. To apply spectroscopic techniques to characterize biomolecules. 2. To correlate structure-function relationships of macromolecules. 3. To apply laws of physics, chemistry and computer science to instrumental techniques of analysis. 4. To operate analytical instruments at research labs and industries. Mapping of course objectives with program outcomes Program Outcome Course objectives a b c d e f g h To apply spectroscopic X X X X techniques to characterize biomolecules. To correlate structure- X X X function relationships of macromolecules. To apply laws of physics, X X X X chemistry and computer science to instrumental techniques of analysi To operate analytical X X X X X instruments at research labs and industries. i X j X X k X X X X 43