Document 14108439

Name:________________________________ Book and page numbers:___________________________________________
When preparing for a book talk, or “Socratic Seminar,” write questions using these sentence frames to
stimulate your and others’ thinking about what you have read. Choose and complete five of the following
based on your reading:
1. What puzzles me is… OR I’m confused about… OR I have questions about…
2. Do you think ___________________________________ is similar to… OR _____________________ reminds me of …
3. Do you agree that the “big idea” (or theme) seems to be…
4. Another way of looking at __________________________________ is…
5. I think ________________________________ means…
6. I think the author is using _________________________ to show/symbolize…
7. Did you notice that…
8. Do you think…
9. What does it mean when the author/character says…
10. Do you agree that…