PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH Name:___________________________ Pregnancy: ______________________________________________________________________ Conception: _____________________________________________________________________ Question: If there are so many sperm cells, why isn’t the egg unified with more than one sperm? What prevents that from happening? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE FERTILIZATION PROCESS 1. Sperm pass through the ________________ and move up fallopian tube 2. The egg is ready for discharge from the ________________ 3. The _____________ enters the fallopian tube 4. A sperm penetrates and _________________ the egg 5. The zygote _________________ into two cell 6. 7. The zygote has _________ cells by the time it enters the uterus 8. 9. The zygote becomes a ____________________. Multicelled. 10. The blastocyst ___________________ in the uterine wall. This happens approximately a week after fertilization SIGNS OF PREGANCY 1. Period is ___________, or missed 2. Abnormal period, lighter or shorter than usual 3. Breast ______________________ or fullness 4. Nausea or sometimes vomiting 5. ___________________ in appetite 6. Frequent urination 7. __________________ or tired PREGANCY TESTS Urine test: to detect the hormone ________, which is produced when a woman is pregnant Pelvic Exam: to measure the __________ of the uterus Blood Test: which ______________ the pregnancy DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO AND FETUS 3-4 weeks: Called an _____________. ________________, lungs and brain forming. 1/4th inch long 6 weeks: Arms, hands, fingers, toes __________________. 8 weeks: Now called a _____________. ½ - 1 inch long. 1/30th of an ounce. Skin forming 12 weeks: Mother can now feel the fetus moving. 3 inches long. Sign of sex appears 9 months: Full term pregnancy. 19-21 inches long. 7-9 pounds. Organs can ______________ on their own Question: How does the baby receive nourishment? Placenta: the organ that ________________ the egg to the inner wall of the ________________ Umbilical cord: a rope like structure through which the mother and the developing baby exchange ___________________, ____________________, and ________________ Amniotic sac: A thin membrane filled with fluid in which the developing baby floats. Serves as a ___________________ to help _______________ the baby. PROBLEMS DURING PREGANCY Ectopic pregnancy: zygote ___________________ in the fallopian tube surgery is sometimes necessary to remove zygote Miscarriage: the embryo or fetus is ________________ from the uterus __________________ caused by many possible reasons: genetic defect, illness of the mother, drugs the mother has taken. Miscarriages usually happen within the first 3 months of pregnancy Toxemia: pregnant woman has ___________ blood pressure, swelling and protein in the urine. Usually treated in the hospital. If left untreated could result in __________ or death in the mother. Premature birth: baby is born before it is fully developed. A baby may be considered premature if it is born before 37th week of pregnancy. Premature babies are placed in incubators, which are special containers that protect the baby while developing Still birth: fully ______________________ baby is born dead. Causes may include: injuries, placenta or umbilical cord problems, stopping of the heartbeat In about ____________% of still births, no explanation can be found Cesarean Section: If delivery through the birth canal is considered dangerous for any reason, an operation called a cesarean section is performed. An ________________ is made through the abdomen & ________________, & the baby is taken from the mother’s body. Breech Birth: A birth in which the _____________ or the buttocks coming out _____________. Baby is supposed to come out head first CHILDBIRTH Definition: is the process ___________________________________________________________________________ What happens during childbirth? The mother may experience severe cramps. Discharge of blood will come from _______________ The _______________________ sac will break & cause water to flow out. (“my water broke!”) Labor: Is a series of 3 stages that result in the birth of the baby STAGES OF LABOR 1. ______________________ and ____________________________ Effacement is the thinning & shortening of the cervix. _______________________ of the uterus cause the cervix & cervical opening to dilate & ___________________. This allows the baby’s head to enter the vagina.(This can last from an 1 hour to 15 hours or more). 2. ___________________________ The baby moves out the uterus & into the birth canal. The mother pushes during uterine contractions to move the baby through the birth canal. When the baby’s head is seen at the opening of the vagina, the baby will soon be delivered. Lasts about 30 minutes to 1 ½ hours. 3. _________________ of the _______________________ The ____________________________ is expelled during this stage. The afterbirth is the placenta & other membranes that support the fetus. This lasts about 10 to 30 minutes