Physical Training NCOIC Standard Operating Procedures i

Physical Training NCOIC Standard Operating Procedures
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Physical Training Team
III. General Duties
A. Weekly Activity Report
B. Attendance
C. Exercise Tests
IV. Health & Wellness Program
A. PT Plans
B. Health and Wellness Ribbons
C. Physical Training
a. Health & Wellness Forms
b. Safety
D. Physical Training Garments
E. North Penn Website
The standard operating procedure found in this packet is designed to be a guide to help
future Physical Training officers to perform their duty to the unit efficiently. It should help the
PT NCOIC to run a structured and enjoyable Health and Wellness Program for North Penn High
School and maintain a successful Physical Training Competition Team. All procedures in this
SOP are subject to change, and ought to be updated by the Physical Training officer or his/her
specialist regularly.
All Physical Training officer-related documents ought to be kept safely copied onto at
least two sources for safety. All Health and Wellness forms are kept permanently in the Physical
Training binder for documentation purposes.
The Health and Wellness Program, more commonly known as PT, is a program designed
to provide cadets and other students likewise with a place and a time to exercise, improving their
physical fitness and spending time with their classmates for leisure. This should be the main goal
of the Physical Training officer, which is, perhaps, the most beloved of all positions within the
Physical Training Team (Moved to Top)
The Physical Training team, which is to be managed by the Physical Training officer, is
to be well prepared for competition by training at Physical Training and also on separate day(s)
dedicated to obligatory practices. The Physical Training Officer will need to keep track and
enforce parent waiver requirements for all Pt participants. The PT team typically must be split
evenly in number between genders in order to participate in competitions. The physical training
team may practice before and/or after school. On days when there are late-buses, the PT officer
is encouraged to establish PT practices. The PT OIC will need to confirm PT participation rosters
and award recommendation sent to personnel NLT 2 weeks prior to promotion/awards board.
General Duties
Weekly Activity Report
The WAR is a report designed to see how much you are accomplishing on a week-byweek basis. You must set goals for yourself to improve the unit in the capacity that the Physical
Training officer can, and achieve them week by week, whether the goal be to train your specialist
to use Wings to input data, or to have a spreadsheet updated by the next week, these tasks must
be accomplished, else the Physical Training officer do absolutely nothing, and be removed as a
position under ops.
The Physical Training officer must turn in the WAR to his/her supervisor, the Operations
Squadron Commander by 18:00 on Wednesdays. The report ought to be filled out at least a day
prior to its due date in order to deal with any complications in its making, and so it would be a
good choice to have suspense’s that would be written into the WAR as “completed” to be due
from your specialist to you the day before the WAR is due.
Long-term goals also go written into the WAR, and these long-term goals should be
obtainable goals that are measurable. For example, if the Physical Training team received 1
trophy at its last competition, then the goal could be to earn 2 or 3 using the knowledge gained at
the last one of how these competitions go. The Physical Training officer ought to have a clear
idea of how he/she is to achieve these goals, and ought to begin acting on these ideas from the
week the goal is listed on the Weekly Activities Report. In our example, the action would be to
add another training day for the competition team or to make the team do a specified extra
activity on their days off, and report back through text or phone call.
In order to keep track of the attendance of his/her Physical Training sessions, the Physical
Training officer must keep the sign in sheets from each Physical Training session in the Physical
Training binder. These sign in sheets may be sought by the Operations Squadron Commander at
any point, so the PT Officer must create a spreadsheet (or use one provided by a preceding PT
officer) that lists the names of attendees, and the dates of PT sessions attended by each PT
One attendance spreadsheet should be kept for cadets and one for non-cadets—remember
that this program is open to all of North Penn School District, which includes non-cadets
(probably no Elementary-scholars allowed). Health and Wellness Ribbon awards are derived in
part from Physical Training session attendance, and so these spreadsheets ought to be kept
diligently and responsibly.
Exercise Tests
Exercise Tests are a tool for the Physical Training officer to use in order to establish
his/her PT team for competition. The scores also provide the participants of Physical Training to
know how much they have improved through the year. Towards the end of the year, the Physical
Training officer is to present to PT participants how much their exercise test scores have
One exercise test spreadsheet should be kept for cadets, and one for non-cadets—
remember that this program is open to all of North Penn School District, which includes noncadets (probably no Elementary-scholars allowed). Health and Wellness Ribbon awards are
derived in part from exercise test score improvement, and so these spreadsheets ought to be kept
diligently and responsibly.
Health and Wellness Program
PT Plans
PT Plans are kept in order to create more structure at Physical Training sessions. They are
to be completed by Thursday night of the week before the next coming Physical Training
session. They will include the location of the next Physical Training session, the times and plan
of each activity that will take place, including warm-ups and cool-downs.
Health and Wellness Ribbons
Health and Wellness ribbon awards are, as earlier stated, derived from the percentage of
attendance of the PT participants, and also the point system that was created to keep track of
The point system values performance improvement in the different exercise tests and
converts differences into points.
Physical Training
Health and Wellness forms are to be handed out in the beginning of the year to everyone
and anyone who may be interested in attending Physical Training sessions. The form must be
filled out by and signed by the participant’s parent/guardian. These forms are to ensure that the
PT participant and his/her parent/guardian understands that physical exercise is being done at
these sessions that may challenge the ability of their student.
PT should always consist of both aerobic and nonaerobic exercises. The nonaerobic
exercises should relate to the muscles that are tested during the exercise tests, and the aerobic
exercises should be intense enough to cause improvement among all of the students.
The Physical Training officer ought to always be conscious of the safety concerns
associated with Physical Training. The Physical Training officer ought to learn to recognize the
signs of the most likely ailments to occur at PT, such as heat stroke and concussions.
A wingman system should always be used at Physical Training, and when the mile run
exercise test is conducted, during which the group is allowed to separate in order to accurately
measure each score, the first runners to complete the mile should go back and help the slower
runners finish their run.
Water should always be brought to Physical Training by each of the participants,
especially in the spring and summer months, during which the temperature can provoke heat
stroke. In these months, the Physical Training officer is well advised to keep a close eye on
anyone who seems to be displaying signs of heat stroke.
Physical Training Garments
PT garments are United States Airforce property, and therefore government property,
and their theft or vandalism may result in a felony charge.
“Whoever willfully injures or commits any depredation against any property of the
United States, or of any department or agency thereof, or any property which has been or is
being manufactured or constructed for the United States, or any department or agency thereof, or
attempts to commit any of the foregoing offenses, shall be punished as follows:
If the damage or attempted damage to such property exceeds the sum of $1,000, by a fine under
this title or imprisonment for not more than ten years, or both; if the damage or attempted
damage to such property does not exceed the sum of $1,000, by a fine under this title or by
imprisonment for not more than one year, or both,” (U.S. Code Title 18 Part I Ch. 65 §1361).
The Physical Training garments preside under the sole responsibility of the PT officer.
They are to be awarded in a way that the Physical Training officer deems fit; however there
should be a documented consistent manner in which they are earned by students who participate
in either the Physical Training team or at PT.
North Penn Website
On the North Penn website, under the JROTC tab and under a Physical Training tab,
there should be listed an accurate description of the Health and Wellness program, and also the
expectations that should be met in order to earn the Health and Wellness ribbon and the Physical
Training garments, as well as any other standard information that should be made easily
available to the general public. You will also need to confirm completion and validity of
equipment and special duty sign out logs.