GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE Aberdeen, Washington Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Aberdeen, Washington
Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees
January 13, 2009
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Ms. Fawn Sharp, Ms. Carol Warfield,
Mr. John Warring
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Diane Carter, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Keith Foster,
Mr. Dierk Meierebachtol, Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Mr. Shane Voss,
Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
Call to Order
Board Chair, Ms. Warfield called the meeting to order. All members were present.
Community Linkages
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded the minutes from the November 18, 2008 meeting be approved.
Motion carried.
Public Comments
Awards and Recognition
Board Development
College Input (Reports)
Board of Trustees
TACTC Meeting January 26, 27, 2009 – Dr. Brewster, Mr. Colwell, and Ms. Warfield will
attend the upcoming TACTC meeting. All trustees except Ms. Sharp will attend the
legislative function hosted by GHC and Peninsula College on January 26.
President ASGHC (Mr. Shane Voss)
Mr. Voss reported the spaghetti feed sponsored by ASGHC was very successful. Proceeds
benefitted the Union Gospel Mission and the Friendship House. A bowl-a-thon fund-raiser
will be held in March to benefit the Coastal Community Action program.
Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported demands on staff have increased with the additional enrollment.
Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter)
Ms. Carter said there are concerns regarding the ramifications of the state budget situation.
Faculty are being encouraged to contact legislators to ask for their support of community
and technical colleges.
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
Items of Interest
• The GHC Legislative Committee and trustees met recently with Coastal
Caucus legislators. They stressed they are supportive of community and
technical colleges but are faced with large budget challenges.
Classes were cancelled one day recently due to weather. There was some
confusion among faculty and staff as to the status of college operations. Dr.
Brewster stated efforts will be made to better inform employees regarding the
difference between inclement weather and suspended operations procedures.
Mr. Foster added that work continues on providing a better notification
system to employees and students regarding college operations. Currently
employees and students are notified by text messaging, voice mail, the
college web site, radio and television and e-mail.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
NATEF Certification
Ms. Clary reported the college’s automotive program has received recertification
by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation. She also
announced our CDL program has been approved by the Washington Department
of Licensing and Federal Department of Transportation. She stated that
enrollment is strong in both programs.
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Dr. Torgerson announced that Mr. Ken Waite, GHC Athletic Direction, has passed away.
A decision has not been made regarding his replacement.
Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
Monitoring Reports (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Enrollment - Dr. Torgerson reported enrollment is up 20% over this time last year. Financial aid
applications are up 22%.
Board Development
Mission/Goals – Dr. Brewster asked for a review of the college’s Mission Statement and
goals for the coming year. He reported that last Fall Quarter employees divided into
work groups and provided feedback regarding the mission and vision. That information
has been compiled and will be forwarded to the Strategic Planning Committee. After
discussion, Board members stated they were in agreement with the current mission and
goals but will wait to adopt them until after the Strategic Planning Committee forwards
their suggestions to them. The mission and priorities adopted by the Board will influence
budget decisions.
Criteria for Program Evaluation – Ms. Clary stated it is necessary to evaluate the viability
and feasibility of our programs on a regular basis. She presented criteria used for
evaluation of all programs. She noted that instructional deans are reviewing the process.
She will also meet with Division Chairs and seek their input. Dr. Brewster added some
new programs are being considered.
Dr. Brewster stated the revenue forecast that will be announced in March is expected to
worse than projected at this time. After discussion, the Board opted to hold a retreat on
March 11th to review the current state budget situation and to address the impact of the
budget on the college.
Communications Plan – Dr. Brewster reviewed the college communications plan
developed by Ms. Goldberg. It included:
 Campus Communications
 Community Communications
 On-Going Marketing Efforts
Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, an executive session was held for the purpose of reviewing contract
negotiations and personnel matters.
The Board entered into executive session at 3:30 p.m. for approximately one and a half hours. The
meeting was reconvened at 4:37 p.m.
Action Items as a result of the Executive Session
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Carol Warfield, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
February 17, 2009
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Ms. Carol Warfield,
Mr. John Warring
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Mr. Steve Bove, Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Keith Foster,
Mr. Dave Halverstadt, Mr. Dierk Meierebachtol, Dr. Arlene Torgerson,
Ms. Gail Winkelman, Mr. Shane Voss, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
Call to Order
Board Chair, Ms. Warfield called the meeting to order. All members were present except for
Ms. Sharp.
Community Linkages
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded the minutes from the January 20, 2009 meeting be approved. Motion
Public Comments
Awards and Recognition
Ms. Clary announced the Nursing Approval Panel has given full approval to our nursing program.
Board Development
College Input (Reports)
Board of Trustees
TACTC Meeting Report – Ms. Warfield asked for comments from those who
attended the recent TACTC Legislative meeting. Mr. Colwell responded there was
consensus the budget cut for community and technical colleges would be greater
than the 4% included in the Governor’s budget.
Board Retreat – The Board agreed to postpone the scheduled March 11 retreat. It
will be decided at the regular March meeting if it is necessary to hold a retreat the
end of April to address budget issues.
Spring TACTC Meeting – There was discussion regarding whether or not trustees
will attend the Spring TACTC meeting May 14 and 15.
President ASGHC (Mr. Shane Voss)
Mr. Voss introduced Mr. Steve Bove, ASGHC Vice President for Finance.
Fund Raiser – Mr. Voss announced ASGHC will sponsor a Bowl-A-Thon to
benefit the Community Coastal Action Program.
Mayhem – Students and the public will be invited to participate in this year’s
Mayhem festivities. It will be May 15th in conjunction with World Class Scholars
Food Service Survey - At the suggestion of ASGHC, students and staff are being
asked to participate in an on-line survey regarding the college food service.
Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported the February 13th all-college day was very successful. Faculty
and staff were able to choose from a variety of sessions to attend on various technology
programs. The focus was on technology integration into our work. Ms. Sandy Lloyd,
Chief of Information Technology coordinated the program.
Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter)
Faculty was not represented.
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
Budget Planning – Dr. Brewster reported there is a strong possibility our budget cut
will be higher than the 4.1% included in the Governor’s budget. To date we have
been able to achieve up to a 6% reduction without affecting positions. Employees
will be invited to reduce their work hours or contracts or take early retirement. We
have the authority to offer incentives to faculty and exempt staff who opt for early
retirement. An incentive for classified staff may be available next year. Employees
who apply for an early retirement incentives will only be approved if there is a
financial benefit to the college.
WACTC Report – Dr. Brewster’s report from the last community and technical
college presidents’ meeting was included in the Board packet. Highlights included:
• Should Running Start enrollment count toward our current target, and should
Running Start students pay fees?
• Budget reduction options.
• Enrollment targets.
Mr. Warring asked if fees could be waived for low income Running Start students.
Other Items of Interest
The stimulus package approved by the federal government includes a $500.00
increase in Pell Grants, $3.95B for job training, and a $2,500 tuition tax credit.
WSU Vancouver has announced they will not start a new cohort of its 2 + 2 teacher
program as of 2010. Other options are being pursued to continue our teacher
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
Accreditation Revised Standards and Process – Information regarding revised
accreditation standards and process were included in Board packets. Seven
representatives from GHC attended the 2009 Northwest Commission on Colleges
and Universities annual meeting and workshop. The revised standards and
process will be implemented in 2011. GHC’s next full-scale accreditation selfstudy and visit is scheduled for the Spring of 2011.
Faculty Sabbatical Requests for 2009-2010 – The Sabbatical committee met to
consider two sabbatical requests. Subsequently, one faculty member withdrew
his application. Because of budget constraints, the committee recommended not
approving the request. After discussion, it was moved and seconded to follow
the committee’s recommendation and reconsider the proposal at a later date.
Motion carried.
Faculty Rehire and Tenure Decisions – Tenure packets and were distributed to
Board members for review before the March 17, 2009 meeting. At that meeting
the Board will take action on granting tenure and rehire.
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Revision to OP 407, Grievance Process – Dr. Torgerson submitted revisions to
OP 407. The purpose of the revisions was to eliminate confusion between grade
appeals, complaints and grievances. Mr. Warring said he would like to see the
definitions of grade appeal, grievances and complaints stated at the beginning of
the policy.
The current policy lists various places a student would go to file a complaint or
grievance. Mr. Warring suggested that in order to simplify the process, one
contact person be appointed. Board members agreed they would like the policy
streamlined. Dr. Torgerson will incorporate Board suggestions into the policy
and bring back for approval at the March meeting.
Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
Budget Update – Mr. Foster reported he and Dr. Brewster will offer two sessions
next week for all college employees to bring them up to date on the budget
situation. The Governor’s budget includes a cut of 4.3% this year and 1.5% in
the new fiscal year. It is anticipated the cuts will be greater. Scenarios at 5.7%,
10% and 12% cuts are being addressed by the executive team.
Faculty Excellence Funds – Mr. Foster presented an update on Faculty
Excellence Funds. As of 12/31/08 the balance of the fund was $180,107.00.
This is below the $200,000.00 threshold requirement. After discussion it was
moved and seconded to defer granting any awards this year. Motion carried.
GHC State Audit Results – Mr. Foster reported the college received a clean audit
with no management letters or findings for the period 7/1/06 – 6/30/08.
Quarterly Budget Status for December 31, 2009 – Mr. Foster reviewed the
following reports:
• State General Fund by program
• State General Fund by Object
• Grants Analysis
• Multi-Year Comparison of Tuition Collected
• Cash Position Analysis
Capital Update – The 2007-2009 Capital Expenditure Monitoring Report was
included in Board packets. Projects reviewed included:
• Child Care Design Construction
• 600 Parking Area
• 700 Building Renovation
• Riverview Storm Damage
• Campus Generators for 100 and 200 Buildings
• SMART Building
• Student Services and Instructional Building
Monitoring Reports (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Dr. Torgerson reported as of today we are approximately 170 FTEs from our enrollment goal.
She noted that financial aid applications are up 400 from last year. Dr. Brewster added that we
plan to add some special transition courses to address needs of recently laid off workers from
Weyerhaeuser, Simpson Door, Sierra Pacific, etc. After discussion, it was decided Mr. Warring
would arrange a meeting with local union representatives to discuss employment needs.
Board Development
Dr. Brewster announced he had contacted the superintendents of the Montesano and Elma School
districts to ask if their Boards would be interested in meeting with the GHC Board. The meeting
is tentatively scheduled for the Board’s regular May, 2009 meeting.
Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, an executive session was held for the purpose of reviewing contract
negotiations and personnel matters.
The Board entered into executive session at 7:45 p.m. for approximately thirty minutes. The
meeting was reconvened at 8:20 p.m.
Action Items as a result of the Executive Session
The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Carol Warfield, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
March 17, 2009
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Ms. Fawn Sharp, Ms. Carol Warfield,
Mr. John Warring
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Diane Carter, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Brad Duffy,
Ms. Debbie Elmore, Mr. Keith Foster, Mr. Joel Green, Mr. Dave Halverstadt,
Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol, Dr. Gary Murrell, Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Mr. Shane Voss,
Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
Call to Order
Board Chair, Ms. Warfield called the meeting to order. All members were present.
Community Linkages
Agenda Changes
It was decided to move the executive session to after the faculty report.
Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded the minutes from the February 17, 2009 meeting be approved. Motion
Public Comments
Dr. Murrell asked to address the board during the faculty report portion of the agenda.
Awards and Recognition
Dr. Brewster recognized GHC’s two All USA Academic Team nominees, Ms. Debbie Elmore and
Mr. Ju Choe. He explained two students from each community and technical college are nominated
to the state and national academic teams. Washington nominees will be honored at a ceremony in
Olympia attended by legislators and the Governor. Nominees receive $750.00 in scholarships and
each state public and private college or university offers nominees a scholarship if they attend their
institution. It was noted that Ms. Elmore is a recipient of a $1,000.00 Coca Cola Foundation
Mr. Brad Duffy, GHC drama and speech instructor, was awarded a faculty excellence certificate of
recognition for support of new works. The award was presented at the American College Theater
Festival in Moscow, Idaho.
Board Development
College Input (Reports)
Board of Trustees
TACTC Spring Conference May 15 and 16, 2009 – There was discussion at the last
meeting whether or not to attend the TACTC Spring Conference this year. Since
that time we have learned we will participate in a panel discussing the Reservation
Based Degree Program. Ms. Sharp indicated she could attend the first day. Board
members were asked to contact Ms. Zelasko if they plan to attend so she can make
the necessary arrangements.
Board Retreat - It was decided to tentatively plan a Board retreat in early May.
President ASGHC (Mr. Shane Voss)
Student Rally in Olympia – Mr. Voss was the closing speaker at a student rally at
the capitol. Speakers stressed the importance of supporting community and
technical colleges.
Bowl-A-Thon – ASGHC sponsored a bowl-a-thon that netted $2,000.00. Proceeds
went to the Lyle Smith Fund which benefits single women and children.
Student Union Building – The College is scheduled to receive pre-design funds for
a new student union building. The portion of the building dedicated to student
space cannot be funded with state funds. In order to move forward, students have
to assess themselves an increased fee for that portion of the building. A campaign
will begin shortly to heighten student awareness of the importance of passing the
referendum. Students will be asked to complete a survey regarding what they
perceive to be desirable in a new student space. Focus groups will be held and costs
to students will be identified. The vote will take place in June.
Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported classified staff are apprehensive regarding potential lay offs due
to the budget cut.
Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter, Dr. Gary Murrell)
Ms. Carter stated faculty are also apprehensive regarding the budget situation facing the
Dr. Murrell reported he has been to the Legislature several times to lobby for a full budget
for community and technical colleges. He noted the state-wide faculty union is working
diligently in this effort.
Dr. Murrell asked that the College do whatever it can to encourage the Department of
Corrections to sign a contract with the instructors and staff at Stafford Creek.
Dr. Murrell said he would like to address the Board regarding the tenure process. He stated
“Tenure committee members take the tenure process very seriously. In the past we have
had situations where a tenure committee has recommended continuing a probationer and
the decision has been reversed. It is demoralizing for the probationer and faculty members
who have invested so much in the process. It could delegitimize the process when the
committee is not informed of a situation that could affect tenure.”
Board Development
Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, an executive session was held for the purpose of reviewing contract
negotiations and personnel matters.
The Board entered into executive session at 6:23 p.m. for approximately two and one half hours.
The meeting was reconvened at 9:33 p.m.
(Continued) - College Input
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
WACTC Report – Highlights from the last presidents’ meeting were included in
the Board packet received prior to the meeting. Dr. Brewster said OFM Budget
Director Victor Moore and Rep. Kathy Haigh attended the meeting and discussed
possible budget reduction possibilities for the next biennium.
Other Items of Interest
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
Copyright Operational Policy – Ms. Clary presented Operational Policy 314,
Copyright, for consideration. She stated it is necessary to have a copyright
policy to protect the college. She noted the policy allows the increasing number
of online and hybrid classes to distribute copyrighted materials for students’ use.
Mr. Warring moved the Board approve Operational Policy 314. Mr. Colwell
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Aberdeen School District Strategic Improvement Process – The Aberdeen School
Board invited Ms. Clary and Mr. Foster to be members of the Leadership Team
that will develop their strategic plan. Other members of the team include
teachers, parents, community members and district administrators.
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
Budget Update – Mr. Foster reported at this point community and technical
colleges are expecting a budget cut of approximately ten percent and a tuition
increase between five and seven percent.
Food Services Improvement Process – GHC Food service employees have
scheduled a visit to Food Services of America headquarters in Kent and two
community college food service operations for the purpose of gathering new
ideas for improving our food service. Food Services of America will provide
training specifically tailored to our needs.
Monitoring Reports (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Enrollment - Dr. Torgerson reported enrollment is up from this time last year.
Discussion/Action (Mr. Dave Halverstadt)
Resolution No. 4-09, Reduction-in-Force at Stafford Creek Corrections Center –
Mr. Halverstadt explained the contract the college has with the Department of
Corrections for education services at Stafford Creek has not been renewed. If not
renewed by June 30, 2009, it would necessitate a reduction-in-force of all college
positions in the offender education program at Stafford Creek. It was moved and
seconded to adopt Resolution No. 4-09, Reduction-in-Force at Stafford Creek Corrections
Center. Motion carried.
Action Items as a result of the Executive Session
It was moved and seconded to adopt Resolution No. 1-09, renewing faculty appointment and
granting tenure to Mr. Greg Adamski. Motion carried.
It was moved and seconded to adopt Resolution No. 2-09, renewing faculty appointment and
granting tenure to Ms. Shelley Benson. Motion carried.
It was moved and seconded to adopt Resolution No. 3-09, renewing faculty appointment and
granting tenure to Ms. Vivian Kaylor. Motion carried.
It was moved and seconded to rehire the following faculty for the 2009-2010 academic year:
Ms. Sarah Aiken
Ms. Julie Nelson
Mr. James Neiworth
Ms. LaDonna Scott
Mr. Warring moved to rehire Mr. Joel Green. There was no second.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:53 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Carol Warfield, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
April 21, 2009
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Mr. John Warring
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp, Ms. Carol Warfield
Others Present:
Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Diane Carter, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Keith Foster,
Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol, Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Mr. Shane Voss,
Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
Call to Order
Vice Chair, Mr. Colwell called the meeting to order.
Community Linkages
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded the minutes from the March 17, 2009 meeting be approved. Motion
Public Comments
Awards and Recognition
College Input (Reports)
Board of Trustees
TACTC Spring Conference – Mr. Colwell and Dr. Brewster will attend the
TACTC Spring Conference May 14 and 15.
Board Retreat – After the Legislative session ends it will be decided whether or not
a Board retreat is necessary.
President ASGHC (Mr. Shane Voss)
Mr. Voss distributed results of a survey that asked for input about what students
perceive to be desirable in a new student space. In order to move forward, students
have to assess themselves an increased fee for the portion of the building dedicated
to student space. The vote will take place in June.
Student government elections will be held May 12th.
Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported one classified staff member is receiving her AA degree and
another staff member her BA degree. Both received financial assistance from staff training
Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter, Dr. Gary Murrell)
Ms. Carter reported contract negotiations are progressing. When completed, faculty will
vote on whether or not to accept the contract.
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
WACTC Report – Dr. Brewster reviewed highlights from the last Presidents’
meeting that were included in the Board packet.
Other Items of Interest – A calendar of upcoming college events was distributed to
Board members. Dr. Brewster asked them to indicate which events they could
Scholarship Convocation May 21 – Mr. Warring
Nurses’ Pinning Ceremony June 13 – Ms. Chaffee
GED Ceremony June 18 – Ms. Chaffee, Mr. Colwell
GHC Graduation June 19 – Ms. Chaffee, Mr. Warring
Mr. Leon Lead will be this year’s graduation speaker.
Next month’s Board meeting will include a discussion with the Montesano
School superintendent and Board members. The meeting will begin at 5:00 p.m.
in the faculty/staff lounge followed by the meeting in the Boardroom.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
Tenure Review – Ms. Clary distributed executive summary reports from tenure
review committees of faculty considered for rehire. Action regarding rehire will
take place at the May Board meeting.
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Revision of OP 407, Grievance Process – Dr. Torgerson presented revisions to
OP 407 which deals with the student grievance procedure. After discussion it
was moved and seconded to approve the revisions. Motion carried.
Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
Budget Update – A summary of FY 2010 budget reductions was included in the
Board packet. Mr. Foster noted that the campus community has been informed
of the ramifications of a 10% budget reduction and notified that cuts could
exceed the 10% level. In anticipation of possible further cuts, scenarios of 10%,
12% and 14% levels have been developed.
Monitoring Reports (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Enrollment – Dr. Torgerson reported enrollment is up 280 FTE over this time last year
and we have reached 96% of our goal. She noted that we have received 500 more
financial aid applications than last year.
Board Development
Program Updates – Ms. Clary reviewed new degrees or certificate options we are offering
in an attempt to serve dislocated workers. Offerings include:
 Forestry Technician Option D to the Natural Resources Program
 An additional section of welding
 Occupational Entrepreneurship
 Industrial Control Systems Technology
 Industry Readiness Certifications and Trainings
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Carol Warfield, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
May 19, 2009
Members Present:
Mr. Dennis Colwell, Ms. Carol Warfield, Mr. John Warring
Members Absent:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Diane Carter, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Keith Foster,
Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol, Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Mr. Zackrie Vinczen,
Mr. Shane Voss, Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
Call to Order
Chair, Ms. Warfield called the meeting to order.
Community Linkages
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded the minutes from the April 21, 2009 meeting be approved. Motion
Public Comments
Awards and Recognition
Board Development
College Input (Reports)
Board of Trustees
TACTC Spring Conference – Mr. Colwell and Dr. Brewster reported on highlights
from the recent TACTC conference.
Board Retreat – After discussion, it was decided to hold a Board retreat preceding
the Board meeting on Tuesday, July 21st beginning at noon in the Boardroom.
Agenda items will include, budget, strategic planning, and the president’s
President ASGHC (Mr. Shane Voss)
ASGHC President – Mr. Voss introduced Mr. Zackrie Vinczen, newly elected
ASGHC president.
Mayhem – Mr. Voss reported Mayhem was a very successful event attended by
students and members of the community.
Student Voice Academy – Students representing fourteen community and technical
colleges in the state met to develop student priorities to present to legislators. Five
issues were selected, including one presented by GHC. The priorities, in no
specific order are:
• Cutting textbook costs
• Environmental initiatives for sustainability
• Campus safety/security
• State matching funds for student spaces
• Student voting representative on board of trustees
Student Referendum – The legislature did not fund any pre-design projects
including the HUB replacement building. The project will be re-submitted during
the next biennium. Student government is moving forward with a referendum that
would assess students a fee for student space not funded by the state in the
proposed building
Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported the classified staff contract needs to be ratified. A vote will take
place next week.
Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter)
Ms. Carter reported faculty will vote on their contract in the near future.
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
Strategic Planning – Dr. Brewster reviewed the college’s Mission Statement,
Vision, Values and Goals developed by the Strategic Planning Committee. In
order to satisfy accreditation requirements, the theme of the college’s mission
needs to be very clear. He noted we are in the process of developing measures and
action steps for each goal. After discussion, it was moved and seconded to adopt
the Vision, Mission, Values and Goals as presented. Motion carried.
WACTC Report – Highlights from the recent presidents’ meeting were included in
Board packets. Results of the recent legislative session were noted:
• Running Start students are now subject to the same fees as other students,
other than tuition and S & A fees.
• The operating budget was reduced 10.8% over the biennium, equally
distributed over the 2 years.
• Tuition will increase 7% per year.
• The capital budget includes design funding for the Science, Math, Art
building but not pre-design funds for the HUB replacement building.
Other Items of Interest
Governor Gregoire was on campus recently to sign a bill for the pontoon project
which will bring jobs to Grays Harbor.
Notification has been received from WSU that their 2 + 2 program will be
discontinued after the current cohort is finished. We are meeting with private
universities in an effort to replace the 2 + 2 program and offer other BA
options for our students. The WSU Learning Center on campus will close by
December of this year.
State Board member, Mr. Tom Koenniger will be on campus June 4th. The
purpose of his visit is to discuss the impact of budget cuts to GHC and to tour
the college.
The Stafford Creek budget has been restored. There will be some cuts in basic
skills and parenting programs. A new program titled Sustainable Gardening
will be implements.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
Instructional Review – Ms. Clary reported all full-time faculty completed the
instructional review process. Reports were reviewed by her and members of the
instructional management team. As a result, enrollment management decisions
were made that reduced instructional costs by $20,000 to $40,000 with negligible
impact on students.
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Senior Citizen Fee Waiver – Dr. Torgerson asked for consideration of revised
Operational Policy 514, Fee Waivers, Senior Citizens. The current policy lists a
cost for senior citizen fee waivers that does not reflect the current fee schedule.
After discussion, it was moved and seconded to adopt the revised policy. Motion
Running Start Fee Waiver – This year’s legislature re-established the policy that
Running Start students must pay college fees. Colleges are mandated to make
fee waivers available for low-income Running Start students. Dr. Torgerson
presented OP 515, Running Start Fee Waiver for review. The policy states lowincome status will be determined by the following:
• Proof that a student qualifies to receive free or reduced lunch at their high
• Documentation that a student has qualified for free or reduced price lunch in
the last five years.
• Other documentation of low-income status.
After discussion, it was moved and seconded to adopt OP 515, Running Start Fee
Waiver. Motion carried.
Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
Quarterly Budget Status – Mr. Foster reviewed the following budget reports for
March 31, 2009:
State General Fund by Program
State General Fund by Object of Expenditure
Grants Analysis
Multi-Year Comparison of Tuition Collected
Cash Balances
Capital Budget Tracking
Budget Update & Tuition and Fees Approval – The legislature approved a 7%
tuition increase and options for fee increases. The E-Team is recommending no
across the board fee increases this year and limiting fee increases to mandates
from the State Board and fees that need to be adjusted, i.e., senior citizen fees
and Running Start fees. After review, it was moved and seconded to approve the
presented fee, waiver and fine schedule for 2009-2010. Motion carried.
Response to Swine Flu – Mr. Foster gave an update on how the college
responded to the Swine Flu alert. The following steps were taken:
• Hand sanitizers were placed in several locations on campus.
• Hand washing reminders were placed in all campus restrooms.
• Faculty, staff and students were contacted by e-mail informing them of web
sites they could access regarding Swine Flu and Pandemic Influenza.
Information received from the local Health Department was also forwarded.
9. Monitoring Reports (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Dr. Torgerson reported enrollment is up 17% and we have reached 97% of our FTE target.
Financial aid and admission applications for Fall are up from last year.
10. Discussion/Action
11. Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, an executive session was held for the purpose of reviewing contract
negotiations and personnel matters.
The Board entered into executive session at 7:15 p.m. for approximately fifteen minutes. The
meeting was reconvened at 7:34 p.m.
12. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
13. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Carol Warfield, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
June 16, 2009
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Ms. Carol Warfield,
Mr. John Warring
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Mr. Steve Bove, Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Diane Carter, Ms. Laurie Clary,
Mr. Keith Foster, Mr. Dave Halverstadt, Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol, Ms. Janet Parker,
Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Mr. Zackrie Vinczen, Mr. Shane Voss, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
Call to Order
Chair, Ms. Warfield called the meeting to order.
Community Linkages
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded the minutes from the May 19, 2009 meeting be approved. Motion
Public Comments
Awards and Recognition
Dr. Brewster introduced Ms. Janet Parker who was recently selected as the recipient of the Region
A STTACC Exemplary award. She will be recognized at the STTACC conference August 13 at
Board Development
Annual Report
Dr. Brewster reported that Ms. Reynvaan, who developed the annual report, is having
serious medical problems and is not able to attend tonight’s meeting. After discussion, it
was decided to table the report until the July Board meeting.
Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, an executive session was held for the purpose of reviewing personnel
The Board entered into executive session at 6:07 p.m. for approximately forty-five minutes. The
meeting was reconvened at 7:12 p.m.
Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
It was moved and seconded to grant tenure to Ms. Jayme Peterson and Ms. Pauline Geraci.
Motion carried.
College Input (Reports)
Board of Trustees
1) Board Elections
It was moved and seconded Mr. Colwell be elected chair and Ms. Chaffee vice chair.
Motion carried. Ms. Warfield will represent the Board at Foundation meetings,
Mr. Colwell will be the Board representative to the TACTC Legislative Committee
and Mr. Warring will serve on the TACTC Executive Committee.
2) Board Retreat
The Board retreat will be held July 21st beginning at noon in the Boardroom. Agenda
items will include reviewing the progress on the Strategic Plan goals, the budget and
the president’s evaluation.
3) ACCT Conference
Dr. Brewster asked if Board members were interested in attending the ACCT
conference in San Francisco in October. There was discussion regarding which
expenses the Board travel budget would support and which expenses attendees would
cover. Guidelines will be set at the July Board meeting. Those interested in attending
are asked to contact Ms. Zelasko so she can make the necessary arrangements.
President ASGHC (Mr. Shane Voss)
1) Student Referendum
Mr. Voss announced that the student referendum passed. Students will be assessed
$4.90 a credit up to eighteen credits. The fees will pay for areas designated for student
use in the proposed HUB replacement building.
Incoming ASGHC President, Mr. Vinczen said he is looking forward to being involved
in student government next year and hopes to continue the success of this year’s
student leaders. Dr. Torgerson thanked Mr. Voss for his leadership and doing an
excellent job of representing the college.
Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman was not in attendance.
Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter)
Ms. Carter announced that faculty voted to accept the faculty contract.
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
WACTC Report
A report from the last presidents’ meeting was included in the Board packet.
Highlights included:
• If revenues continue to be down, there could be further budget cuts.
• Some capital projects that had been approved but had not gone through the
CTC approval process are being investigated.
• WACTC Committees for the coming year were announced. Dr. Brewster will
serve on the Operating Budget Committee.
Other Items of Interest
The State Board has declared a state of emergency. If a college implements a RIF
it must be reported to the State Board Office.
Dr. Brewster reported that Lower Columbia College offers an on-line nursing
program in rural communities where students do not have access to a nursing
program. A Grays Harbor Community Hospital employee and other potential
nursing students have expressed interest in the program and would like the hospital
to serve as a clinical site. Ms. Clary contacted the Vice President at Lower
Columbia and was assured they will not implement the program in our area. If
allowed, it would impact our nursing program by using our clinical sites which are
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
Natural Resources Program Update
Ms. Clary stated a decision has been made to suspend three of the Natural
Resources Associate in Applied Arts degree options. They are aquaculture,
watershed restoration, and geographic information systems. These programs
have a history of low enrollment. The forestry option will be retained. Five
students are currently in the middle of their programs in the discontinued areas
and plans have been made to enable them to complete their studies.
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
Budget Update and Continuing Resolution Approval
Mr. Foster stated he expects the upcoming revenue forecast to be down and the
impact it will have on the community and technical college system is not known.
He asked the Board to consider adopting a continuing resolution and that the
budget be presented at the July meeting. It was moved and seconded to approve
the following resolution: The Board of Trustees authorizes the use of college
resources to maintain operations for the months of July – September, 2009, or
until a FY 2010 budget is approved (whichever comes first). Motion carried.
Naming of Riverview Greenhouse
Mr. Foster reported the new greenhouse at Riverview is near completion. Mr.
Leon Lead has been instrumental in securing the greenhouse and developing a
sustainable gardening program in partnership with WSU’s Master Gardener
Program. It was suggested by the college E-Team to name the facility after Mr.
Lead. The board voted to accept the proposal.
Monitoring Reports (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
1) Enrollment
Dr. Torgerson reported we are 132 FTE up from last year at this time and have reached 98%
of our annualized goal. Summer session is currently 127 FTE ahead of this time last year.
Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, an executive session was held for the purpose of reviewing contract
negotiations and personnel matters.
The Board entered into executive session at 8:08 p.m. for approximately fifteen. The meeting was
reconvened at 8:18 p.m.
Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
It was moved and seconded to ratify the faculty contract. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Carol Warfield, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
October 20, 2009
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Mr. Randy Rust, Ms. Carol Warfield,
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Ms. Jennifer Anderson, Ms. Zhandra Andrade, Mr. Ben Beus, Ms. Teresa Bravenec,
Dr. Edward Brewster, Ms. Diane Carter, Ms. Laurie Clary, Ms. Taya Do,
Ms. Gloria Fenton, Ms. Jessica Huff, Mr. Dierk Meierbachtol, Ms. Nicole Smith,
Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Ms. Deborah Weber, Ms. Jennifer Whitted, Ms. Cindy Wilson,
Ms. Barbara Wood, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
Call to Order
Chair, Mr. Colwell called the meeting to order.
Community Linkages
Agenda Changes
Dr. Brewster asked that agenda item 10, proposed revisions to OP 640, Substance Abuse, and
OP 611, Vacation Leave for All Employees, be tabled until the November meeting. The Board
Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded the minutes from the September 15, 2009 Board meeting, and the
September 24, 2009 Board retreat be approved. Motion carried. Mr. Rust was not at the
meetings and abstained from voting.
Public Comments
Awards and Recognition
Dr. Brewster introduced new Board member, Mr. Randy Rust and new college employees who had
been invited to join the Board for lunch prior to the meeting.
Board Development
I-Best, Literacy Week, ABE/ESL (Ms. Cindy Wilson)
Ms. Wilson reported the I-Best program is a state-wide program that integrates basic
instruction and skills training. ABE faculty provide academic courses specific to the
occupation, i.e. the math instructor teaching carpentry students how to calculate the pitch
of a roof. The professional/technical instructor teaches the skills of the particular
occupation. We currently offer I-Best classes in welding and carpentry and will add
Human Services Winter Quarter.
The Governor has declared October 18 – 24 as Adult Literacy Week. A handout
containing information on several GHC ABE/ESL students was distributed.
College Input (Reports)
Board of Trustees
1) ACCT Leadership Conference – Ms. Chaffee, Mr. Colwell, Ms. Warfield and
Dr. Brewster attended the recent ACCT conference. Mr. Colwell asked for comments
from attendees. The theme of the conference was globalization. Sessions attended
• The need to become more globally aware
• Modulized math instruction
• Evaluating the President
• Lifelong learning
2) TACTC Meeting
Ms. Warfield said the focus of the TACT meeting was how to serve more students with
less funding. It is anticipated the community and technical college system will enroll
up to 28,000 more FTE over the next two years. One of the sessions focused on the
system providing funds through the Gates Foundation to offer open source materials to
students for the eighty-one most enrolled classes. This would provide textbook
materials at little or no cost. Dr. Brewster added that there is a possibility a student fee
could be charged that would be covered by financial aid to defray the cost of printing
the open-source materials.
3) Board Holiday Party
It was decided to hold the Board holiday party on December 15th at 6:30 p.m. at Dr.
Brewster’s home. Mr. Warring will be invited and be acknowledged for his many
years of service as a trustee.
4) Trustee Representative to the Foundation Board
Mr. Rust will represent the Board at GHC Foundation meetings.
President ASGHC (Mr. Zackrie Vinczen)
Ms. Jennifer Whitted represented student government. She reported students will hold their
annual spaghetti feed fund-raiser December 5th on campus. Proceeds will benefit child care
costs for students.
Student government will sponsor speakers during Civics Week.
Classified Staff (Ms. Gloria Fenton)
Ms. Fenton reported WPEA will offer job representative training to interested classified
Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter)
Ms. Carter reported the faculty union held elections and she will remain as vice president.
She noted that faculty are apprehensive regarding the potential consequences of students,
faculty and/or staff becoming ill from the H1N1 flu.
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
WACTC Report – Information from the last Presidents’ meeting was included in
the Board packet. Presidents were asked to encourage Board members to establish
college e-mail accounts, noting that personal e-mail could be subject to discovery
for any public records request or litigation.
Items of Interest
• This year there will be $1.8M available to the system to be distributed for
student achievement points. At this time it is not known how much each
college will receive.
• The Grays Harbor Health Department will make a presentation on campus
about the H1N1 flu. Various areas of the college are making plans on how to
address the issue of students, faculty and staff being absent because of the flu.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
Accreditation – Ms. Clary reported she is currently reviewing year three accreditation
reports from pilot colleges. Our steering committee will meet November 2nd to
review indicators. She, Dr. Brewster and Mr. Halverstadt will attend the NW
Commission on Colleges and Universities meeting later this month.
Ms. Clary distributed tenure packets for a faculty member who will be
considered for tenure at the November Board meeting.
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
Student Services Annual Report – The Student Services Annual Report which is
an overview of the Student Services Division report was mailed to Board
members prior to the meeting. Dr. Torgerson reviewed the material and
answered questions.
Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
Faculty Excellence Funds – Ms. Barbara Wood reported for Mr. Foster. She
stated last year the decision was made to not award any of the excellence funds
because the market was down significantly and the account balance was
substantially below the threshold of $200,000 which is the minimum requirement
for this fund. As of September 30, 2009 the fund balance is $223,249. Ms.
Wood recommended tabling the Board’s decision as to whether or not to fund
excellence awards until the January, 2010 meeting after the quarterly report has
been published. The Board concurred with Ms. Wood’s recommendation.
Monitoring Reports (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
a. Enrollment - Dr. Torgerson reported enrollment
Dr. Torgerson reported as of 10/19/09 enrollment was up 295 FTE over this time last year.
She noted there has been a 5% increase in male students.
Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, an executive session was held for the purpose of reviewing the
performance of a public employee.
The Board entered into executive session at 3:15p.m. for approximately two hours. The meeting
was reconvened at 5:13 p.m.
Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
The meeting was adjourned at 5:14 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Dennis Colwell, Chair
Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
November 17, 2009
Members Present:
Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Mr. Dennis Colwell, Mr. Randy Rust, Ms. Carol Warfield
Members Absent:
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Others Present:
Dr. Edward Brewster, Ms. Diane Carter, Ms. Laurie Clary, Mr. Keith Foster,
Mr. Dave Halverstadt, Ms. Penny James, Ms. Sandy Lloyd, Mr. Martin McClellan,
Ms. Diane Smith, Dr. Arlene Torgerson, Ms. Gail Winkelman, Mr. Patrick Woods,
Ms. Sandy Zelasko
Call to Order
Chair, Mr. Colwell called the meeting to order.
Community Linkages
Lifelong Learning Accounts – Dr. Brewster introduced Mr. Patrick Woods and Mr. Martin
McClellan. Mr. Woods is the Director for the Lifelong Learning program that is being
piloted by the State. It is a program that will establish accounts for employees to further
their education and skills. The employee contributes an amount, the employer matches
that amount, and at this time the State matches that amount up to a certain dollar level. He
said he would like the college to be an umbrella for the two counties to promote the
program and encourage businesses to participate. After discussion, Dr. Brewster suggested
contacting the Chamber of Commerce and requesting they sponsor a meeting to explain the
program to employers. There is also a need for a county-wide advisory committee
comprised of employers.
Agenda Changes
Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded the minutes from the October 20, 2009 Board meeting, be approved.
Motion carried.
Public Comments
Awards and Recognition
Board Development
Title III Report (Ms. Diane Smith) – Ms. Smith reported she has worked with the Title III
grant for five years. The grant totaled $1.825M and the focus was to create and improve
student programs. $1.2M was expended on four areas:
Developing the Learning Center, tutoring program and writing desk
Improving academics
Professional development
Other programs initiated include the quarterly student success conference, mentoring
program, and e-tutoring. The grant also offered an early alert program for students struggling
early in the quarter. Even though the grant has ended, the programs are continuing with
institutional funding. Ms. Clary and Dr. Brewster credited Ms. Smith for the success of the
programs funded by the grant.
Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, an executive session was held for the purpose of reviewing the
performance of a public employee. The Board entered into executive session at 2:37 p.m. for
approximately fifteen minutes. The meeting was reconvened at 2:57 p.m.
Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
It was moved and seconded to grant tenure to Ms. Corrie Hightower. Motion carried.
College Input (Reports)
a. Board of Trustees
1) Holiday Party – The Board holiday party will be December 15th at Dr. Brewster’s home.
2) Board Retreat – The Board will hold a retreat in February. The date will be set later.
b. ASGHC Report (Ms. Andrea McCarthy)
Ms. McCarthy reported students are planning the annual spaghetti feed which will be December
5th. Proceeds will support child care expenses for students.
c. Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported some classified staff are receiving job rep training.
d. Faculty (Ms. Diane Carter)
e. President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
1) WACTC Report – Information from the last Presidents’ meeting was included in the Board
packet. Highlights included:
The current budget projection is we will take an additional reduction of 6%. Dr.
Brewster noted input from college employees regarding budget saving ideas will be
solicited. The goal is to preserve the quality of our programs, provide access to for
students, and protect jobs.
It is expected a bill will be introduced in the Legislature that would appoint a student to
each Board of Trustees.
Information describing the funding for points and funds awarded resulting from the
Student Achievement Initiative was included in the Board packet. It was noted the
college made a one year gain in points of more than 1000 points. However, we lost
more than 500 the year before, due to low enrollment. We are only funded for our
increase from the base year.
2) Board e-mail Addresses – Ms. Lloyd presented instructions to Board members on how to
access their college e-mail accounts. In the future all Board correspondence will be sent
through GHC e-mail.
3) Other Items of Interest
The Grays Harbor Health Department will offer H1N1 vaccinations to students, faculty
and staff at no charge December 9th.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
1) Nursing Program Update – Ms. Clary reported the NCLEX pass rate for students
graduating from our nursing program in June, 2009 was 92.86%.
2) Accreditation – An accreditation update was included in Board packets. The finalized
Mission Core Theme objectives and indicators developed by the Steering Committee
were reviewed. Ms. Clary presented the proposed accreditation timeline beginning in
December, 2009 through September, 2010.
Ms. Clary and Mr. Halverstadt attended the NWCCU Regional Meeting in November.
The focus was a final review of the revised standards and the process.
Vice President for Student Services (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
1) Proposed Revisions to OP 407, Student Rights and Responsibilities – Dr. Torgerson
presented revisions to OP 407 for the Board’s consideration. The majority of changes are
in the conduct portion of the policy, and have been reviewed by the attorney general.
Mr. Rust expressed concern regarding some of the revisions. He will meet with Dr.
Torgerson to review his concerns. Adoption of the revisions was tabled until the January,
2010 meeting.
Vice President for Administrative Services (Mr. Keith Foster)
1) Quarterly Financial Report – Mr. Foster reviewed the college’s budget status as of
September 30, 2009. Attachments included:
a) State General Fund by Program
b) State General Fund by Object of Expenditure
c) Multi-year Comparison of Tuition Collected
d) Cash Position Analysis
Monitoring Reports (Dr. Arlene Torgerson)
a. Enrollment – Dr. Torgerson reported enrollment is 249 FTE above this time last year.
It is expected approximately forty to forty-five students will be dropped for nonpayment.
Discussion/Action (Mr. Dave Halverstadt)
a) Proposed Revisions to OP 611, Vacation Leave, Exempt Staff- Mr. Halverstadt presented
proposed changes to OP 611, Vacation Leave, Exempt Staff. Mr. Rust suggested the
sentence that reads “At retirement or resignation from state employment, vacation leave cash
out will be limited to a maximum of 400 hours,” be changed to “At retirement or resignation
from Grays Harbor College employment, vacation leave cash out will be limited to a
maximum of 400 hours.” After discussion, it was moved and seconded to approve the
revisions incorporating the above stated suggestion to Op 611, Vacation Leave, Exempt
Staff. Motion carried.
b) Proposed Revisions to OP 630, Substance Abuse All Employees – Mr. Halverstadt presented
revised Operational Policy 630 for approval. After discussion, it was moved and seconded to
approve the revisions as presented. Motion carried.
c) Memorandum of Understanding between GHCFT and Grays Harbor College –
Mr. Halverstadt reported due dates for submission of professional improvement units (PIUs)
under the old and new faculty contracts were not included in the changes to the new faculty
contract. The revised MOU includes those due dates and was presented for the Board’s
consideration to remedy this situation. GHCFT is in agreement with the language in this
Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, an executive session was held for the purpose of reviewing the
performance of a public employee.
The Board entered into executive session at 4:21 p.m. for approximately one half hour . The
meeting was reconvened at 4:52 p.m.
Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
The meeting was adjourned at 4:53 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Dennis Colwell, Chair