2012 MLK Essay Contest Student Award Winners


2012 MLK Essay Contest

Student Award Winners

“Designing Our Future: Building the Dream”

Dear Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,

“I have a dream that black girls and boys will someday hold hands with white girls and boys.” Your speech changed everything. On that day you spoke out for freedom, liberty, and justice. You marched peacefully throughout your lifetime for the freedom everyone deserved.

You made an impact on us forever. You even inspired me. I have a dream that someday all bullies, people, and everyone and everything else will not talk rudely or disrespectfully to each other, but walk hand and hand with one another no rude words to speak, living in harmony. Dr. Martin

Luther King Jr., you are the king of peace, walking your way without violence. You designed our future, building the dream. You are our savior.

Thank you for designing our future by giving us freedom to do what we want to do, and go where we want to go. Now, we can build our dreams, just like you built ours.


Allie Mikita

Dear Dr. King,

Thank you for helping our future and building a dream we can live by. You dreamed of a place of peace for everyone. You dreamed of a place where there would be NO fighting. You dreamed of a place where people would respect each other just because they are human beings.

You also hoped that people would not judge other people be the color of their skin. Why does it matter if you have dark skin or light? Why does it matter if your eyes are blue or brown? Why does it matter if your hair is straight or curly? What matters is the kind of person you are on the inside.

What matters is the way you live your life each day.

In our home, we try to always remember and live by the Golden Rule. I know how sad you can feel when someone hurts your feelings and is mean to you for no reason. I am Jewish. I know that many of my people were killed just for being Jewish. I too, dream of peace. I dream there will be peace in


I can keep your dream alive by remembering not to judge other people, and by loving my friends and neighbors. Most of all, you taught me to fight for what I believe in. I hope I will stand up for what I KNOW is right!

Learning about you has taught me a lot about peace and love for all people. I am so happy that I learned a little about you. I wish you were still alive so I could have met you.


Emily Korenman

Querido Dr. King,

Le escribo porque nos ensenaste a ser felices y a no juzgar a las personas por su color. Todos somos iguales y podemos hacer el mundo mejor porque todos tenemos un cuerpo con manos, piernas y cabeza. “Diseñando un futuro y construir un sueño “significa que debo a ser un plan para mi futuro.

Yo quiero graduarme de la universidad y ser un científico para curar enfermedades. Sé que tengo que esforzar pero un día mi papa me dijo “nunca ay que darse por vencido.” Si hay respeto podemos hacer el mundo mejor cada día.

Con Amor,

Jorge Alba

Dear Martin Luther King Jr.,

Thank you for making the world a better place. If you were still alive and walked into my classroom you would see 24 students from different cultures learning and having fun together.

If you wanted to ride the bus you could sit wherever you wanted without getting removed. If you were thirsty you could drink from any water fountain. Because of your courage and bravery for colored only signs do not exist anymore. One of my dreams is to pass college and get a good job so I can buy a puppy. Thank you for designing my future. Your dream did come true and I am living it!


Katerina Luna

Dear Dr. King,

Your inspiring words keep echoing through my head. You used to say that hat can’t drown out hate, only love can do that. You had a purpose, and didn’t give up no matter how big the obstacles were.

Your courage inspired me to believe in equality. You wanted every child to be able to sing and play together, regardless of their race. You said, “Fight with words not fists and never give up”. You believed in peace, not war, love, not hate and togetherness, not separation. You had a lot of courage to stand up for your rights and what you believed in.

Our world is a lot different because you tried to build the dream of equality. If no one had stood up for African Americans, they might still be segregated. Because of you, I am here at Sigler with students of different races who feel like my family. Everyone in America could stand hand in hand and not judge each other. You have made society a better place.

When I grow up I want to be a marine biologist. I will design my future and build the dream. I learned not to give up from you. If you can make a difference, why can’t I? I want to help the world by finding an alternative source of power from the ocean. I want to keep the oceans healthy and help animals in the ocean repopulate. I will reach my goal by following in your footsteps. I want to follow in your footsteps of perseverance and determination. I want to change the world’s ecosystem, and I will because of having a special person in my life who taught me to never give up.


Lindsey Bolding

Dear Dr. King,

I think your speech helped other people because I’ve heard the saying, “Violence gets you nowhere.”

So if I live by that saying, I too, will achieve my dreams to become a police officer. That way, I can protect our community. I will have to be disciplined just like you were when you had people disrespecting you. I have a plan to make my dream come true. That plan is to work hard in school and train hard.

Someday, I hope to achieve my dream.


Matthew Woodruff

Dear Dr. King Jr.,

You had a dream, a dream that built dreams. Dreams that changed the world. Dreams that we wouldn’t be separated segregated, apart. That the future wouldn’t be as bad as your times, the past.

A dream that one day we wouldn’t be apart, not half but whole.

This is my time, the future. The place where we are a whole. Segregation is a thing of the past. We have looked past our skin color and the old rumors. This is the future you built. But there are things that still need fixing like bullying. The small, weak and unfortunate are picked on and hurt.

But someone inspired by you might have a voice stronger than any videos or counselors. The turning point, all because of you teaching us to use our voice! This is the future you built.

In your day you inspired people to stand up for the rights they needed. The rights in the

Declaration of Independence that every man was created equal. You did this by promoting nonviolent marches and boycotts. Your influential speeches helped your people to dream dreams and to have hope.

This happens today, too. People see you and know that you never gave up. You were imprisoned many times but still kept fighting. You have given people hope to try to live out their dreams. This is how you have built dreams.

So as I lay my pencil down, I will not forget how you have designed our future and built many dreams.


Sarah Sowell

Estimado Martin Luther King Jr.,

Gracias por su ayuda porque su ejemplo me hizo una vida mejor. Usted empezó a diseñar su sueño cuando era un niño y de esa manera creo mi futuro. Mi sueño es ser una veterinaria que habla dos idiomas, así puedo ayudar a los que no hablan inglés. Hay muchas personas que viven en los Estados Unidos que no hablan inglés y tienen animales pero no los llevan al veterinario porque no hay veterinarios que hablan español. Yo sé que yo puedo ser un líder y no importa el idioma que hablas sino el carácter de tu corazón.

Me di cuenta que usted es una persona honesta y justa y son cualidades necesarias para poder hacer mi sueño realidad. Yo necesito sus características para construir mi futuro. Yo tendré el mismo carácter. Yo no le mentiré a los dueños de los animales y seré honesta y justa con los precios.

Le vuelvo a dar las gracias por hacer que todos tengan los mismos derechos. Usted no pudo vivir para ver su sueño convertirse en realidad pero con su sueño hizo que yo tuviese un futuro mejor.

Tu Amiga,

Valeria Miranda

