To: The North Penn School Board Finance Committee From: Rhonda Diliberto, Aquatic Director North Penn Community Aquatics Programs Date: May 22, 2014 Re: Executive Summary Community Aquatics Budget 2014 – 2015 Revenues Community Aquatic Classes (59-R6981) The 13-14 projected budget of $55,000 has not been realized. Therefore the projected revenue for the 14-15 budget has been decreased to $50,000. Please note, as of 5/21/14, the revenue to date for the 13-14 fiscal year is $52,203.61. This is a considerable increase from the revenue of the 12-13 fiscal year of $40,008.35. Community Aquatic Swim Team ((59-R985) The 13-14 projected budget of $149,700 was met. The YTD revenue for Swim Team is $164,819.67. The budget was surpassed due to additional enrollment into our SAL and US Swim Programs. There was a slight increase in fees. The North Penn Community Aquatic Swim Team was able to host additional US Swim Meets on Saturday and Sundays. The projected revenue for the 14-15 Swim Team Budget will be $170,000. Community Aquatic Water Polo (59-R986) The 13-14 projected budget of $14,000 was met. The YTD revenue for Water Polo is $18,265.00. The budget was surpassed due to additional enrollment of players, more programs offered and increased fees. The North Penn Community Aquatic Water Polo was able to host additional tournaments on Saturday and Sundays during the Water Polo season. The projected revenue for the 14-15 Water Polo Budget will be $20,000. Expenses Community Aquatic Classes Professional salaries and benefits are determined by the payroll department. Some technical aquatic staff will see an increase in pay as set by our pay scale. Supply expenses will include rescue and pool equipment, Zee Medical supplies for first aid room and American Red Cross Certification Cards for the Lifeguard Training and Review Classes. Community Aquatic Swim Team Professional salaries and benefits are determined by the payroll department. Technical salaries and pays for coaches will see an increase of 1.5% for salary coaches and the per hour coaches as set by the new coaches’ pay scale. Not all coaches will receive a pay increase. Other Rentals (449-00) o Rental of other facilities for the US summer long course season and Sunday US meets held at North Penn High School Pool. Travel (580-00) o For travel expenses to Junior Olympics, Senior Champs and other US meets. General Supplies (610-00) o The purchase of additional touch pads and other equipment for the Daktronics timing system, supplies for hosting the US swim meets, and miscellaneous supplies and equipment to successfully run the growing swim and dive teams. Dues and Fees (810-00) o Payment to Middle Atlantic for Sanction Fees to host Middle Atlantic US meets and training of coaches to keep them up to date. Conference Fees/Dues (894-00) o Reimbursement to the North Penn Aquatic Club Parents Club for Trophy Meet fees taken at the 2014 fall swim team registration. o Splash Fees of $1.00 per splash into pool during US Meets paid to Middle Atlantic (New Years, Bronze, Mini and Distance Meets). Community Aquatic Water Polo There are no Professional Salaries paid under Community Aquatic Water Polo. Coaches are paid from the Salaries Technical (140-00) Account. The two head coaches will receive a pay increase as set by the new coaches’ pay scale. The assistance coaches will remain at their present pay rate. Officials (390-10) o To pay for the water polo referees during tournaments Other Rentals (449-00) o Payment for Water Polo Tournaments held at North Penn High School Pool on Sundays during the fall water polo season. Travel (580-00) o Travel expenses to the away tournaments held in Pittsburg and Connecticut. Supplies (610-00) o Purchase of new supplies and equipment for the growing Community Aquatic Water Polo program. Conference Fees and Dues (894-00) o Entry fees into the American Water Polo – Main Line League Tournaments for the North Penn Community Aquatic Water Polo teams. Also any registration fees for other away tournaments. The North Penn Community Aquatics respectfully submits this summary for the North Penn School Board’s review and approval. I am available to address any questions or concerns. Thank you. NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014-2015 ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET COMMUNITY EDUCATION WATER POLO ACCOUNT NUMBER Title 59 5916901620180000 5916901620180000 5916901620180000 5916901620180000 5916901620180000 5916901620180000 5916901620180000 5916901620180000 5916901620180000 5916901620180000 WATER POLO WATER POLO WATER POLO WATER POLO WATER POLO WATER POLO WATER POLO WATER POLO WATER POLO WATER POLO Account Title R6986 WATER POLO REVENUE 130-00 140-00 220-00 230-00 390-00 390-10 449-00 580-00 610-00 894-00 SALARIES PRO OTHER SALARIES TECHNICAL SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT PRO SVS MISC OFFICIALS OTHER RENTALS TRAVEL GEN SUPPLIES CONFERENCE FEES/DUES Total Expenses Revenue Over/Under Expenses G:\Business Office\BOOKKEEPING\2014-15BUDGET\14-15AQUATICS_BUDGET 13-14 BUDGET 14-15 BUDGET $ Change in Budget 14,000.00 20,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 5,575.00 425.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 0.00 9,500.00 361.00 480.00 2,000.00 300.00 1,200.00 1,042.00 3,367.00 1,750.00 0.00 3,925.00 -64.00 480.00 2,000.00 300.00 -800.00 -458.00 367.00 250.00 14,000.00 20,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 % Change in Budget 42.86% 70.40% -15.06% -40.00% -30.53% 12.23% 16.67% 42.86% NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014-2015 ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET COMMUNITY EDUCATION SWIM TEAM ACCOUNT NUMBER Title 59 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5916901610180000 5959001610180000 SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM SWIM TEAM BUDGETARY RESERVE Account Title R6982 REVENUE - SWIM TEAM 130-00 140-00 211-00 212-00 213-00 215-00 216-00 220-00 230-00 271-00 272-00 275-00 276-00 390-00 449-00 523-00 580-00 610-00 810-00 894-00 840-00 SALARIES PRO OTHER SALARIES TECHNICAL MEDICAL DENTAL LIFE INSURANCE VISION PRESCRIPTIONS SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT SELF INS MEDICAL BENEFITS SELF INS DENTAL BENEFITS SELF INS - VISION BENEFIT SELF INS - RX BENEFITS PRO SVS MISC OTHER RENTALS PROP AND LIAB INSURANCE TRAVEL GEN SUPPLIES DUES AND FEES CONFERENCE FEES/DUES BUDGETARY RESERVE Total Expenses Revenue Over/Under Expenses G:\Business Office\BOOKKEEPING\2014-15BUDGET\14-15AQUATICS_BUDGET 13-14 BUDGET 14-15 BUDGET $ Change in Budget % Change in Budget 149,750.00 170,000.00 20,250.00 13.52% 38,112.53 57,700.00 0.00 0.00 111.54 0.00 0.00 7,329.61 8,155.58 15,793.44 703.56 79.56 3,014.18 0.00 4,869.00 0.00 5,000.00 6,131.00 2,000.00 5,750.00 0.00 38,780.00 62,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,862.20 4,150.00 16,219.58 1,007.76 55.12 3,278.34 17,000.00 5,107.00 0.00 1,940.00 6,500.00 750.00 9,150.00 0.00 667.47 4,500.00 0.00 0.00 (111.54) 0.00 0.00 (3,467.41) (4,005.58) 426.14 304.20 (24.44) 264.16 17,000.00 238.00 0.00 (3,060.00) 369.00 (1,250.00) 3,400.00 0.00 1.75% 7.80% 154,750.00 170,000.00 15,250.00 -5,000.00 0.00 -47.31% -49.11% 2.70% 43.24% -30.72% 8.76% 4.89% -61.20% 6.02% -62.50% 59.13% 9.85% NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014-2015 ENTERPRISE BUDGET COMMUNITY EDUCATION AQUATICS CLASSES ACCOUNT NUMBER Title 59 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 5916901600180000 AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES AQUATICS CLASSES Account Title R6981 REVENUE - AQUATICS CLASSES 55,000.00 50,000.00 -5,000.00 -9.09% 130-00 140-00 211-00 212-00 213-00 215-00 216-00 220-00 230-00 271-00 272-00 275-00 276-00 340-17 390-00 610-00 SALARIES PRO OTHER SALARIES TECHNICAL MEDICAL DENTAL LIFE INSURANCE VISION PRESCRIPTIONS SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT SELF INS MEDICAL BENEFITS SELF INS DENTAL BENEFITS SELF INS - VISION BENEFIT SELF INS - RX BENEFITS PUR PRO SVS AQUATICS PRO SVS MISC GEN SUPPLIES 10,301.35 32,302.00 0.00 0.00 18.59 0.00 0.00 3,308.05 2,254.95 1,352.00 50.64 6.37 258.05 648.00 0.00 4,500.00 10,480.00 25,150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,363.00 1,812.91 1,388.66 98.22 2.54 280.67 424.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 178.65 (7,152.00) 0.00 0.00 (18.59) 0.00 0.00 (1,945.05) (442.04) 36.66 47.58 (3.83) 22.62 (224.00) 5,000.00 (500.00) 1.73% -22.14% 55,000.00 50,000.00 -5,000.00 -9.09% 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses Revenue Over/Under Expenses G:\Business Office\BOOKKEEPING\2014-15BUDGET\14-15AQUATICS_BUDGET 13-14 BUDGET 14-15 BUDGET $ Change in Budget % Change in Budget -58.80% -19.60% 2.71% 93.96% -60.13% 8.77% -34.57% -11.11%