Document 14097570

Sexual Health
Sexual Health Outcomes
The Intended Learning Outcomes related to Sexual Health are found in the following
courses. They form a part of the broader-based health and careers educa on that is
required by the Ministry.
Grades 4-7 - Health and Career Planning
Healthy Living – promo ng physical and emo onal
health (including regular physical ac vity,
emo onal health strategies, healthy ea ng, and
disease preven on), puberty, reproduc on
Grades 8-9 - Health and Career Education
Healthy Living — characteris cs affec ng healthy
lifestyles (e.g., physical ac vity, nutri on,
emo onal health issues, sexual decision making,
preven on of spread of HIV/AIDS and other STIs)
Grade 10 - Planning
Health Decisions – long-term and short-term
implica ons of a range of health issues for self
and others, with a par cular emphasis on:
− sexual decision making
Our schools have provided an overview as to how they met these outcomes. Schools
were supplied with a template for this purpose that asked them to address the following
Delivery of the instruc on
Choice of resources
Use of specialists to assist
Communica on with families
*It should be noted that schools were provided with support to help idenƟfy quality resources and
instrucƟonal strategies meant to saƟsfy the Intended Learning Outcomes as defined by the Ministry of
Who delivered the material? Classroom teachers
What resources were u lized?
 B.C. IRP resource materials (Grades 4 & 5)
 Who Am I? story (puberty story looking
ng at whether
whether changes
changes are
ar e
applicable to boys or girls)
 Comparing puberty changes worksheet (Boys vs. Girls))
 Brainstorming differences between communicable and noncommunicable diseases
 Ques on box at end of lessons
 Teacher-directed instruc on explaining processes associated with
 Being Me: Promo ng Posi ve Body Image (resource from Ac on
Schools … BTW, I sent out the info for the resource to all elementary
administra on)
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Classroom teachers
2 classes combined (Boys and Girls) for ini al lesson
Boys and Girls divided for ques on and answer follow-up about a
week later
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
Le er home to parents advising of forthcoming lessons
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
The grade 5 teachers (Judy Schneider, Norma Jean Berg, Kent Percevault)
met to review the PLOs and review poten al resources. We decided on a
format for presenta on and located resources we thought would be good
for our students.
Who delivered the material?
Norma Jean Berg (Grade 5 teacher and school librarian)
What resources were u lized?
Wellcast Videos (YouTube):
1) Inside Puberty: What are the Stages of Puberty
2) Puberty Blues for Boys
3) What is Puberty: Decoding Puberty in Girls
Handouts from h p:// (Physical and Health
Educa on Canada)
Free program on puberty educa on called "Always Changing"
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Delivery method was classroom teacher and videos on projector.
y ...conƟnued
Was there
here communica
communica o
n with
w families before and/or a er the material
ass delivered?
A le er went home to families similar to previous years. A change was we
included the informa on on the videos we'd be using and invited parents to
view them at home if they'd like to. We also sent an outline on thee back of
the le er addressing the topics that would be covered in class.
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material?
What resources were u lized?
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
School: Giant’s Head Elementary
Darcy Fedorak – Grade 5 teacher delivered the material. Lessons were
adapted from this website h p:// A le er went
home advising parents. The response from families has been very posi ve.
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes aree on
nlyy a partt of
of the
he broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material?
What resources were u lized? Alberta Government website from
Jenny Mitchell.
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc. class room teacher
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered? Yes, sent emails to families. Home ac vity students had to
complete with parents.
School: Kaleden
Response: Our program was delivered by our Grade 5 teacher who made
worksheets and discussions built around the Alberta Government Website
as provided by Jenny Mitchell. Parents were no fied by the teacher
through email as that is the mode of communica on in that class. The
teacher also delivered lessons which required parents and children to
discuss the topics.
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material?
What resources were u lized?
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc. class room teacher
School: Naramata Elementary School
Our sexual health ILO’s were taught by our grade 5 teacher. We used a
number of resources and videos to present the learning objec ve in our
Health and Career curriculum.
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material?
What resources were u lized?
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
School: Parkway Elementary School
Response: This year our two grade 5 teachers delivered the material to
our two grade 5 classes. They used the ministry outcomes for grade 5 as
their guide and taught all of our grade 5 students together in the
classroom. They reviewed the FLASH resources and had classroom
discussions with the students.
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part off the
the broaderr
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten
te on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material?
What resources were u lized?
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
School: Queen’s Park Elementary School
1. Two teachers team taught the lesson for grade 5’s (Mr. Marques &
Mrs. Clarkson)
2. With a grade 4/5 configura on, Mr. Zoppi took the grade 4’s during
these lessons
3. No guest speakers
4. Resources used from SD67 and the Ministry website
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material?
What resources were u lized?
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
School: Trout Creek Elementary School
Response: The sexual health learning outcomes were delivered by the
grade 5 teachers and principal. Our two female teachers taught the grade 5
girls and the two male teachers taught the grade 5 boys. We accessed a
DVD called "Just Around the Corner – Puberty for Boys/Girls" as the
scaffolding for the lessons. A le er was sent to parents prior to the lessons
encouraging them to discuss the topics with their child.
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools
hools are responsible for covering.
ing. Our
Ou inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence
enteence summary
summary of
o how the sexual
xual health
learning outcomes weree met.. If
ons regarding
If you
you have
have any
any ques
ques o
egardin this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered
sidered in yyour
our re
Who delivered the material?
What resources were
were u llized?
What was the method of delivery? iie.
e. C
lassroom teacher,
teacheer, couns
nsselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Was there communica on with families
familiies before and/or a err the materia
was delivered?
School: Uplands Elementary School
Grade 4 and 5 teachers at Uplands used a resource by Sunburst
Communica ons called "Healthy Body Image -Teaching Kids to Eat and Love
Their Bodies Too!” … to cover the Prescribed Learning Outcomes listed
below. The chapters that apply to the learning outcomes are called
"Growth and Change in Appearance" and "How Your Appearance willll
Change in Puberty".
We also covered the other chapters about body image, gene cs,
metabolism, hunger, and ea ng well. We also showed two Discovery
Educa on Videos called Puberty for Girls: Amazing Changes, inside and out
and the Companion One for boys, but only showed the first sec ons dealing
with physical changes.
We also addressed various topics (ie: why you need gym strip as you get
older) throughout the year as the topics arose. We addressed how ea ng
healthy affects your physique and how bodies develop at different rates,
affec ng height, strength of muscles, etc.
Teachers are confident that they have met the learning outcomes using
these resources.
Here are the outcomes:
Grade 4 C3 describe the physical changes that occur during puberty (e.g., height,
weight, muscle development, body shape, oily skin, body odour).
Grade 5 C3 describe the physical, emo onal, and social changes associated with
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material?
What resources were u lized?
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
School: West Bench Elementary
At West Bench Elementary, the sexual health learning outcomes were met
for our Grade 5 students. Our Grade 5 teacher felt comfortable delivering
the Ministry Required PLO’s. A le er was provided to the classroom
teacher to send home with the students regarding this curriculum. As well,
in collabora on with the teacher, the administra on offered the op on of
bringing in guest speakers but the classroom teacher was confident she
could teach the material herself. Overall, this component of the curriculum
was successfully delivered.
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material?
Classroom teachers as part of Sexual Health Learning Outcomes and the
Grade 5 Human Body Science Learning Outcomes.
What resources were u lized?
Science Probe 5, Scholas c: Body Works and classroom discussions
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Classroom Teachers (Jane Snowsell and Roland Holowaty)
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
There was limited communica on with parents (no le er). There were
some families that asked about the Sexual Health Curriculum. Their
interest was beyond the learning outcomes for Grade 5.
School: Wiltse Elementary School
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material? Aleita Lloyd, SD67 Teacher at KVR Middle
What resources were u lized? Jenny Mitchell sent out a Sexual Educa on
Resource Guide which provided two resources:
1. Teaching Sexual Health –
 h p://
 Produced by Alberta Health Services
 Lessons plan data base including recommended dialogue and class
ac vi es
 Resource sec on include instruc onal videos (ex: how to put on a
 Includes parents sec on as well as handouts for parents
2. Family Life and Sexual Health (FLASH) –
h p://
 Developed by King County educa on (Washington)
 Lessons plan data base including recommended dialogue and class
ac vi es
 Very user friendly, comprehensive, and includes addi onal resources
 Covers grade 4-12 and includes lesson series for Special Educa on
The informa on on these websites were adapted and used for all grades
using the PLOs as a guide. I also used the book, It’s Perfectly Normal:
Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health by R.H. Harris and M.
Emberley with the grade 6 classes and made transparencies of comics in
the book to help describe the reproduc ve system. Some of the PLOs were
covered off in other classes, science and advisory in par cular.
What was the method of delivery? Ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Aleita Lloyd, a classroom teacher provided two one-hour lessons to each
division in the school. Lessons were a mixture of group ac vi es, follow
along worksheet, transparencies, powerpoint, videos, and ques on and
answer periods.
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
A le er was sent home with each student le ng parents know that Family
Life was star ng and that it would be Mrs. Lloyd delivering the content.
Parents were invited to contact Mrs. Lloyd or Mr. DeVito with any
ques ons or concerns.
School: KVR Middle School
Response: Above
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material? Robyn Richter, School Counsellor
What resources were u lized? Jenny Mitchell sent out a Sexual Educa on
Resource Guide which provided two resources:
1. Teaching Sexual Health –
 h p://
 Produced by Alberta Health Services
 Lessons plan data base including recommended dialogue and class
ac vi es
 Resource sec on include instruc onal videos (ex: how to put on a
 Includes parents sec on as well as handouts for parents
2. Family Life and Sexual Health (FLASH) –
h p://
 Developed by King County educa on (Washington)
 Lessons plan data base including recommended dialogue and class
ac vi es
 Very user friendly, comprehensive, and includes addi onal resources
 Covers grade 4-12 and includes lesson series for Special Educa on
The informa on on these websites were adapted and used for all grades
using the PLOs as a guide. I also used the book, It’s So Amazing: A Book
About Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies and Families by R.H. Harris with the
Grade 6 classes and created a fun power point about puberty with the
informa on and pictures from the book.
I was also provided with sample feminine hygiene products and deodorant
for the boys: I used these in a lesson for each class and provided them with
the free samples.
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Robyn Richter, the School Counsellor provided two one-hour lessons to
each division in the school. Lessons were spaced a week apart to provide
students me to process and formulate ques ons. Lessons were a mixture
of powerpoint, follow along worksheets, videos, experiments and ques on
and answer periods.
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
A le er was sent home with each student le ng parents know that Family
Life was star ng and that it would be Ms. Richter delivering the content.
Parents were invited to contact Ms. Richter or Mr. Lindsay with any
ques ons or concerns.
School: McNicoll Park Middle School
Response: Above.
Sexual Health Outcomes
Louise Ganton, School Counsellor, delivered Grade 6 and 8 content
Lindsay Guza, Teacher, delivered Grade 7 content
As a star ng point for the program we looked and pulled items from the
resources that Jenny Mitchell had provided including:
1. Teaching Sexual Health –
 h p://
 Produced by Alberta Health Services
 Lessons plan data base including recommended dialogue and class
ac vi es
 Resource sec on include instruc onal videos (ex: how to put on a
 Includes parents sec on as well as handouts for parents
2. Family Life and Sexual Health (FLASH) –
h p://
 Developed by King County educa on (Washington)
 Lessons plan data base including recommended dialogue and class
ac vi es
 Very user friendly, comprehensive, and includes addi onal resources
 Covers grade 4-12 and includes lesson series for Special Educa on
Then prior to the teaching of sexual health, representa ves from all four
SD67 middle schools met to discuss the approaches we were going to take
to sexual health curriculum and to share resources and ideas.
At Skaha Lake Middle, we adapted materials in discussion with other
schools. The main resources we used to create our own powerpoint’s and
lesson plans included:
1) Several reps shared powerpoint’s from other district teachers. Shona
Becker (SMS), and Robyn Richter’s (McNicoll) powerpoint presenta ons
became the base of the powerpoints we shared with our students. We
added resources from various websites and a purchased powerpoint
program. All of those resources are listed below:
2) We purchased a sexual educa on unit with lesson plans and a slide show
from Teachers Pay -- (Mrs. S) cost $26, and we used por ons
of this in our powerpoints and u lized some of the ac vi es. (We shared
copies with the other schools as well)
3) h p://curriculum.aus
Paper Resources:
The book called: It’s So Amazing: A Book About Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies
and Families by R.H. Harris was part of the powerpoint for grade 6 classes.
Other book resources used included:
“The Boy’s Body Book” by Kelli Dunham
“The Care and Keeping of You 2~ the body book for older girls”
by: Dr. Cara Na erson
“It’s Perfectly Normal” by Robie H Harris.
These are the videos we showed … we are looking at poten ally purchasing
a few of the full length versions for next year. The parts we showed were
very helpful and informa ve for students.
h p:// ng-sexually-transmi edinfec ons - grade 7 and 8
h p:// video on puberty –
edited version shown for language use -- used in 6 and 8
h p:// ng-sexual-pressure -used in the grade 8 classes
These were given to grade 7 and 8’s - “Vibrant Faces CO Ed” booklets from
PHE Canada. (Similar books were sent for the grade 6’s from the district
but we chose not to hand those out this year).
We also provided samples of deodorant to the grade 6 boys and feminine
hygiene product samples to all females in each grade.
SLMS staff collaborated to create a community resources list and copies
were given to grades 7 and 8. Below is the informa on in the handout that
was provided:
Method of Delivery
Louise Ganton and Lindsay Guza each provided two one-hour lessons to each
division in the school. Lessons were a mixture of powerpoint presentaƟons,
videos, experiments and quesƟon and answer periods. Prior to the actual Sexual
Health lessons, science teachers completed a review of blood borne infecƟons
which allowed for students to gain basic knowledge of infecƟon prior to
discussion of sexually transmiƩed infecƟons.
CommunicaƟon with Families
An automated call out was sent on April 30th as well as an email with the leƩer
and learning outcomes aƩached informing parents that the Sexual Health
curriculum would be delivered between May 6th and 29th, 2013. The leƩer stated
that Mrs. Ganton and Ms. Guza would deliver the content. The specific learning
outcomes for each grade were idenƟfied on the back of each leƩer. Smaller
group sessions were made available for Special EducaƟon students.
s. Although we
t could request
recommended that all students take part in the program, parents
that their children be excused
and assigned an alternaƟve approach to the
content. Such requests
t would be directed
d to
t the Principal.
i al. We
W had very few
Proposed Changes for next year
As discussed above we are looking at purchasing some video resources as we
found some that we would like to have the full versions of.
d Middle
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering. Our inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary of how the sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques ons regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material?
What resources were u lized?
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
School: Summerland Middle School
At SMS, our program consisted of two lessons at each grade level delivered
by classroom teachers (Shona Becker and Tracy McElhinney) with previous
teaching experience in the area of sexual health outcomes. Resources used
included the “Always Changing” program as well as materials collated by
Jenny Mitchell. Families received a wri en le er prior to the program
beginning, addi onally; an evening parent workshop was hosted at the
school detailing the program and topic.
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes
tcomes ar
re o
nly a part
part of
of the
the broader
health curriculum that schools are
re responsi
ible fo
or covering.
covering. Our
Our inten
inten on
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary
mary of
of how
how the
the sexual
sexual health
learning outcomes were met. If you
u have
have any
any ques
ques ons
ons regarding
regarding tthis
his task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your
ur response:
Who delivered the material?
Dena Swann, FASD Family Support Worker, PDCRS (Pen cton and District Community
Resources Society). Dena was contracted separately from her employmentt with PDCRS
to present these lessons:
 Sylvie Hamel, PSS Youth Outreach Coordinator, Sylvie is on staff with
ith Pen cton
Secondary School
What resources were u lized?
The provincial learning
ing outcomes
outcome as they relate to the grade 9 and 10 curriculum were
used to guide the presenters in developing their individual programs. These programs
went through a series of three mee ngs and were ve ed through administrators,
counselors, parents, district staff, and the Public Health Nurse, Pam Rorie before being
shared with students. A er each of these sessions the feedback was modified to
conform to curricular expecta ons.
What was the method of delivery? i.e. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
The sessions were comprised of two seventy-five minute mul -media lessons featuring
sound bytes and clips centered around the themes of safety and preven on and healthy
rela onships. More specifically some of the items addressed included conversa ons
centered on sexual, emo onal, and physical abuse, the neurobiology of substance abuse
and addic ons, bullying, and interpersonal violence. The group sizes never exceeded
thirty students. In most instances the students were pulled from Physical Educa on
classes. In each instance a teacher was present in the room with the presenter for each
session. In total, 15 presenta ons were made using this model. The Healthy
Rela onships component of the curriculum was delivered at a different me and made
to the Grade 10’s only. This year’s grade 9’s will receive the Healthy Rela onships
component next year in grade 10 (2013-14). Both the grade 9’s and grade 10’s received
the sexual health components.
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
A le er went home the week before the sessions began. The le er requested informed
parent consent and also included an outline of topics and issues which would be
covered. In five or six instances in each grade the le er was returned to the office, by
parents, reques ng that their son or daughter not par cipate in the sessions. Alternate
arrangements were made for each of these students by the PSS counseling department.
School: Pen cton Secondary School
Response: Feedback from students and teachers indicated that the presenter and the
presenta ons were well received and relevant.
garet Sec.
Sexual Health
Health Outcomes
re o
nly a part
part of
of the
the broader
We realize that these specific outcomes ar
health curriculum thatt schools are responsible
ble for
for covering.
covering. Our
Our inten on
how the
the sexual
sexual health
here is to receive a 3-44 sentence summary of how
learning outcomes were
erre met.
mett. If you have any ques
ues o
ns regarding
regarding this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in your response:
Who delivered the material?
Science teacher, Opt clinic personnel, public health nurse.
What resources were u lized?
Science curriculum, health nurse informa on, opt clinic personnel.
What was the method of delivery? ie. Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Classroom teacher, health nurse.
Was there communica on with families before and/or a er the material
was delivered?
School: Princess Margaret Secondary
esponse: Above
Sexual Health Outcomes
We realize that these specific outcomes are only a part of the broader
health curriculum that schools are responsible for covering.
veringg. Our
Our inten
inten o
here is to receive a 3-4 sentence summary
mmary of how the sexual
sexxuall health
learning outcomes were met. If you have any ques on
ns regarding
dingg this
this task
please contact me directly.
Ques ons to be considered in yourr response:
Who delivered the material?
What resources were u lized?
What was the method of delivery? ie. C
Classroom teacher, counselor, guest
speaker, etc.
Was there communica on with families
milies before and/or
and/or a er the material
was delivered?
School: Summerland Secondary School
Ms. Natasha Verrier, a School District
ict No.
o. 67 teacher, w
as hired to de
Sexual Health in the classrooms of Summerland
merland Secondary School.
Ms. Verrier previously taught Sex Educa
ducca on as part of the Physical
Educa on and Health Program in Ontario. Ms. Verrier consulted and
nd in
some cases co-taught with Shannon Spear-Obirek, Public Health Nurse.
Students received lessons in the fall and in the spring (Grades 9-12).
Resources were from Interior Health and from materials Ms. Verrier
er had
previously u lized in teaching Physical Educa on and Health in Ontario.
Our school received posi ve parental
regarding Ms. Verrier's
ental feedback reg
sexual health classes.
...”Dont be afraid to stand up for what you
believe in, even if that means standing
alone.. – Unknown
Success Stories
Forr the
he October 7, 2013 ~ Board
Bo d off Educ
n Mee
Recognition of Student/School Success
School District No. 677 (Okanagan
g Skaha)) extends congratulations
to the following students/groups
upss for
for these outstanding
t anding examples of
success for:
Giant’s Head Elementary:
On September 23, 2013 - Raise a Reader visited Giant’s Head Elementary School.
Their old friend Jake Evans came by and shared his new children’s book. The
students were mesmerized by Jake’s story and his moves! Many thanks to Raise
a Reader for their generous dona on and ongoing support of this wonderful
aise a Reade
Success Stories
Giant’s Head Elementary Continued...
On September 11, 2013 - Mrs. Balfour organized an emo onal and inspira onal
assembly and students were mo vated to raise money for the Canadian Cancer
Society. On Friday, Sept. 27th the rain held off and Giant’s Head had its 32nd
annual Terry Fox Run. It was fantas c to see so many kids mo vated and
inspired by courage of Terry. Below is a picture of the Grade 5 Ambassadors
leading the Primary Warm Up.
McNicoll Park Middle:
erry Fox Run
oll Park Mid
McNicoll Park Middle School raised $637.30 for Terry Fox, double what was
raised last year. Because of this….. Principal Lloyd Lindsay and Vice-Principal
Darryl Tenisci will be sleeping on the roof of the school on October 3!
Success Stories
Parkway Elementary:
Parkway Elementary enjoyed a fantas c Sing-a-long – it was a lot of fun.
Thank you to Mrs. Silvius and all her helpers!
Parkway students went on three school wide runs and it was nice to see
some parents join us as well. Lots of House team points were added up
for the school!
Thank you to the recycling clubs, they did another great job of gathering
up the school recycling.
Photo Day was great and it was nice to see so many big smiles all day
A very successful Kindergarten parent informa on night was recently
held. Thank you to the many parents that a ended. A special thank you
goes out to Jessica, Rebecca and Mrs. Zaugg for providing the child
minding in the K classroom.
Chocolate sales are going wonderfully!! Thank you to everyone that has
been selling chocolates. It is turning into a great fundraiser. Thanks
Sherry Lynn!
Parkway Elementary enjoyed their first Family Movie Night of the year on
September 25th. The movie was EPIC!
Author Jake Evans and his son Damien recently visited the Kindergarten
students. Jake read his book ‘Feeling the Beat’ to the students and
Damien demonstrated the moves. The students really enjoyed prac cing
their own hip hop moves! Thanks Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Brome!
Success Stories
Skaha Lake Middle
Sept 11
The Grade 8 Team hosted the annual Pancake Breakfast for the grade 8
students. This is a long standing tradi on and the grade 8’s were
excited it was their turn to be served breakfast.
Sept 13
Skaha Lake Middle had their tradi onal start up “Skaha Has Spirit”
event. Classes have been assigned to Tiger Shark, Great White or
Hammerhead house teams and they competed in Tug of War, Capture
the Flag and Storm the Wall compe ons to earn points for their house
Sept 25
Skaha Lake Middle School held their annual “Open House and Family
BBQ” from 5-7 pm. Families were invited for dinner and then a short
welcome assembly and a tour of the school to meet and greet staff.
Success Stories
Skaha Lake Middle Continued...
kaha has SSpirit event