tropical rainforests e x h i b i t i o n

e x h i b i t i o n
the future of the Earth
Hotspots of biodiversity, rich with a host of resources, the
tropical rainforests represent nearly one third of the world’s
woodland areas. They support the lives of several hundred
million people. But these forests do not provide just wood,
fruit, game, abundant land reserves for agriculture and
stockbreeding. They also offer a range of less visible services,
just as essential for human well-being, thanks especially to
their role in helping to regulate the climate, the water cycle
and soil conditions.
The tropical rainforests are now threatened, precisely
because of the rich resources they hold. So is it possible to
devise sustainable management approaches that will help
reconcile their utilisation with their protection? A key
question running through the exhibition. The displays will
lead you into the great forest areas of Central Africa, the
Amazon Basin and South-East Asia.
23 banners display (M1 classification)
Format :
17 panels 80 x 200 cm
6 panels 80 x 100 cm
Eyelets on upper and lower edges and stabilizing bars
Frameworks or on walls (with nails),
exclusive of any other system
Interior or exterior
Available in french, english, spanish and portuguese
Case: 36 x 36 x 93 cm, 30 kg
Transportation diplomatic bag or cargo
Detail of the exhibition:
Panel 1 - Title
Panel 2 (picture) - Tree fern in Guinea
Panel 3 - One planet, many different forests
Panel 4 - What is a forest?
Panel 5 - Heat and humidity
Panel 6 (picture) - Scarlet macaws in Ecuador
Panel 7 - Biodiversity hotspot
Panel 8 - A multitude of interactions
Panel 9 - Water, air and forest
Panel 10 (picture) - Return to gathering in Indonesia
Panel 11 - Perpetual change
Panel 12 - An age-old relationship
Panel 13 - In symbiosis with the forest
Panel 14 (picture) - Fruit harvest in Indonesia
Panel 15 - Coveted spaces, coveted resources
Panel 16 - Impacts of exploitation
Panel 17 - Interactions between tropical rainforests and agriculture
Panel 18 (picture) - Irrigated ricefields and agroforests in Indonesia
Panel 19 - Protecting forests to regulate the climate
Panel 20 - Preserving biodiversity
Panel 21 - Economic development and conservation of resources
Panel 22 (picture) - Trees in flowers in India
Panel 23 - Credits
The exhibition is accompanied by a DVD containing
library resources, movies and games quiz
Information and booking:
For a view of the exhibition on line:
May 2011
Science exhibitions available to the French network abroad: