Grayson College Student Life Student Clubs and Organizations Policies and Procedures Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Benefits of Being a Registered Club or Organization III. How to Register a New or Returning Student Club or Organization IV. General Club or Organization Responsibilities V. Student Club or Organization Risk Management Signature Page VI. Student Club or Organization Advisor VII. Student Club or Organization Constitution VIII. Money Matters IX. Student Club and Organization Activities, Events, Travel and Student Government Association (SGA) Organization/Club Requirements Updated July, 2014 I. Introduction Student Clubs and Organizations are a great way for students to develop social, educational and leadership skills. Involvement in recognized student clubs and organizations at Grayson College (GC) allows students the opportunity to network, represent GC and become engaged in service activities both on-campus and off campus. The Student Clubs and Organizations Policies and Procedures Manual is a resource guide. This manual is designed to assist student club and organization leaders and advisors in establishing and effectively leading a successful organization. II. Benefits of Student Club and Organization Recognition Registered Student Clubs and Organizations at GC acquire many benefits upon approval and completion of the registration process, including the opportunity to gain valuable leadership and life skills. Listed Benefits *Identification with Grayson College Student clubs and organizations that are registered and approved earn the right to promote organizational activities and participate in college and community events. *Utilization of College Facilities and Equipment Upon receiving recognition and approval by the Director of Student Life, student clubs and organizations may reserve college facilities, vans and equipment for meetings, programs, fundraisers and campus events. *Electronic Signage Registered student clubs and organizations may submit flyers or announcements in a jpeg, electronic format via email to the Director of Student Life. The announcements will be placed on the digital signage system that airs campus wide on 20+ television screens. The IT Department is responsible for the operation of this system. Announcements run for 30 days or until the event has passed. *Ability to Recruit New Members Student Life requires registered student clubs and organizations to participate in Student Life campus events throughout the fall and spring semesters. Student Club and Organization Appreciation Day is a part of a larger campus event that requires each organization to setup a table, with displays, information, give-a-ways etc. to recruit prospective members. *Fundraising Opportunities Registered student clubs and organizations enjoy the opportunity to plan, promote and conduct fundraisers within the college and in the community. Funds collected through these events may be used for organizational purposes only. The Student Life Club and Organization Activity Approval Form must be submitted for approval to the Director of Student Life 10 business days prior to the event. It’s the club or organization officer or advisor’s responsibility to check on the status of the request prior to the event. *Student Club and Organization Accounts Each student club and organization is assigned an individual account by the Director of Student Life. It’s the organizations responsibility to keep a set of financial records. At anytime the club or organization can ask the Director of Student Life for a copy of their financial record. All club or organization funds must be deposited through the Director of Student Life or Business office. Petty cash funds or off campus bank accounts are not allowed. III. How to Register a New or Returning Student Club or Organization Registering a new or returning club or organization with the Student Life office is required at the beginning of each fall semester. The registration packet, which consists of: 1. The Officers Signature Page 2. The Risk Management Signature Page 3. A copy of the club/organization constitution and 4. A current club/organization roster with first, last name and the members 9 digit Grayson ID number. The deadline to register is in late September. Any club or organization that is not registered by the deadline is prohibited from the benefits and services listed in item II. *Definition of a New Club or Organization A new club or organization at GC is defined as a student group with like interests that have not be established or recognized by the office of Student Life. *Guidelines for Establishing a New Club or Organization 1. Contact the Director of Student Life to get a registration packet. 2. Recruit a minimum of 7 currently enrolled students. 3. Select a club or organization advisor. The advisor must be a faculty or staff member of GC. 4. Complete the registration packet and return it to the Director of Student Life. *Returning Clubs and Organizations A returning club or organization is defined as an organization that has been previously registered and approved by the Director of Student Life. Returning organizations include student groups with an active or inactive status. Returning clubs or organizations must complete the registration packet, at the beginning of the fall semester, and submit the completed documents to the Director of Student Life. Returning clubs and organizations may be denied or terminated due to the following: 1. Failure to comply with GC policies and procedures. 2. Inability to complete the club or organizational registration packet and submit it by the specified deadline. 3. Sanctions imposed on the club or organization by the GC administration. 4. A request by a national or state chartered organization, that affiliates with the local club or organization, to terminate. IV. General Club or Organization Responsibilities All clubs or organizations must adhere to the policies and procedures set forth by Grayson College. GC policies and procedures may be found on the GC intranet. All clubs or organizations are required to uphold their constitutions and by laws. *Membership Guidelines 1. Membership is available to all GC students without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or veteran status. Clubs or organizations such as honor societies and academic organizations may impose membership standards based on acceptance to an academic program, course completion requirement, minimum credit hours or GPA. 2. Membership in a registered student club or organization is open to all currently enrolled GC students. Students serving as member officers must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0. 3. Students on disciplinary probation, academic probation or suspension by GC may not hold office or be involved in club or organization activities or events. A student may return to active status once the above actions have been lifted. *Officer Responsibilities: 1. Each registered student organization is required to list their officers on the Student Organizations Signature Page. This form can be found on the college intranet under Business Forms-Student Services Officers are required to sign the signature page. V. Risk Management Program Information For Student Clubs and Organizations Risk management is the practice of assessing the risks inherent in a specific activity or event and implementing some controls which reduce the potential for accidents and injuries to members and their guests. Risk management should always take precedence over expediency and shortcuts. All student clubs and organizations that sponsor social events, and activities at GC or travel in the name of GC are expected to follow the Student Life and GC policies and procedures. There are 5 major factors that are often a leading cause of litigation. Any one of these factors may be applicable to the club or organization as a whole, the organizations advisor, the officer’s or individual club or organization members. *Ignorance of the Law – This could be applicable to the student organization that does not adopt a behavior code, reasoning that when members are involved in hazing or a sexually abusive the responsibility of the organization. Of course, in reality the entire organization, advisor, officers, or individual members may be indicted. *Ignoring the Law-Although the organization knows that consuming or serving alcoholic beverages on or during college related events or trips is illegal, they continue to violate the law. *Failure to Act-An organization that would allow a fist-fight (possibly between non-members) to continue at a function could be construed liable for the injury, because of their failure to take some sort of action to curtail the behavior. *Failure to Warn-An organization that sponsors an activity that requires proper techniques for safe participation must inform all participants of the inherent dangers involved. *Expense-An organization fails to appropriate funds to insure and maintain safety at an event or activity (hire a campus police officer to be present) that they sponsor may be liable in the event of an accident or injury. Grayson College’s Student Club and Organization Risk Management Program addresses the following areas: 1. Student Conduct 2. Disorderly Conduct 3. Alcohol Use 4. Drug Use 5. Tobacco (smoking and smokeless) 6. Hazing 7. Sexual Abuse/Harassment 8. Fire Arms/Weapons 9. Student Travel *The following sections of the College Policies and Procedures Manual reference the 9 areas of the Student Club and Organization Risk Management Program: Section FA, FKC, FLB, FLBC, FLBE, FLBF and Section CJ. For a complete description of the policies and procedures relating to student conduct please refer to the Grayson College Student Handbook. This document can be found on the Grayson College website ( under Current Students. Having a student clubs and organizations risk management program in place goes along way, in reducing the possibility of something unfortunate happening, it also helps to protect the member, the advisor, and the Director of Student Life in the event Grayson College gets sued. VI. Student Clubs and Organizations Advisor During the course of the year, administrators, faculty and staff may be asked to serve as an advisor for a student club or organization. Accepting the responsibility and challenges of becoming an advisor may require voluntary time outside of contractual and daily work obligations. However, serving as an advisor can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. There are opportunities to socialize with students in a casual setting and advise them on issues that will foster and guide their educational success and social development. Before accepting the role of an advisor, the faculty or staff member should meet with the organization leadership. This meeting should cover the time and level of commitment needed by the advisor in order to ensure the successful functioning of the organization. A potential advisor should not attempt to devote more time and effort than he/she is physically and mentally able to give. Once an agreement is reached with a faculty or staff member to service as an advisor, the organization must submit the advisor’s name to the Director of Student Life for administrative approval. Advisor’s Expectations 1. Advisors are expected to guide the organization and to serve as a mentor to the leadership in planning and implementing meetings, events and activities 2. Advisors are expected to be professional at all times. 3. Advisors must have knowledge of and approve all organizational activities, events and expenditures. 4. Advisors need to ensure that plans for any activity or event conform to all college policies and procedures. 5. Advisors should not allow students to undertake projects, which will consume an undue amount of their time or organizational resources. 6. Advisors are expected to be in attendance at organizational functions. 7. Advisors must accompany organization members when activities involve student travel. 8. An advisor may advise more than one registered organization/club at a time. 9. Advisors are required to submit the club/organization Student Risk Management Liability Form. The GC Student Organization Risk Management Liability video must be shown to organization members in the fall and spring semesters. The video can be found on the GC You Tube web site. Complete the form and submit it with the other required documents at the required time. VII. Organization Constitution The constitution is a valuable tool for the successful functioning and continued existence of any registered organization. Essentially the constitution is a document that describes its purpose., registered elements of the organization and governs the way in which the group will function. Guidelines for Writing a Constitution The constitution of an organization should include the following: Article 1: Name of Organization Article 2: Organization Purpose Article 3: Membership Article 4: Officers Article 5: Advisor Article 6: Executive Board Article: 7: Meeting Article 8: Committees Article 9: Finances Article 10: Amendments Article 11: Dissolution Signature Page of a Constitution A Signature Page at the end of the organization’s constitution is needed in order to verify that the constitution has been ratified and approved as the governing doctrine for the organization. The Signature Page should include the following: 1. Listing of all officers with signature and date 2. Advisors signature and date 3. Director of Student Life’s signature and date 4. Vice President of Student Services signature and date (optional) 5. *The Officers Signature Page can be found on the college intranet under Business Forms-Student Services VIII. Money Matters Any organization that raises funds, collects money or incurs expenses must work closely with the Director of Student Life to conduct the business of the organization. Each organization will designate a member to act as treasure who is expected to maintain accurate records for all deposits and expenditures. The treasure should arrange a time monthly to meet with the Director of Student Life to review their organizations monthly business. Deposits: All cash and check transactions should be counted and properly prepared for deposit. Personal checks are required to have a printed or handwritten DL # on the face of the check. Checks will not be accepted by the Director of Student Life or the Business Office if the DL # is not present. Large amounts of coin should be rolled prior to making a deposit. All deposits are to be made to the Director of Student Life or with prior approval, may be taken to the Business Office. The treasure will receive a deposit slip for their records. When making a deposit it is recommended to call the Director of Student Life for an appointment time (903 463-8693). Do not hold checks or cash. Make timely deposits (daily or weekly). ADVISOR PETTY CASH FUNDS are against college policy. Expenditures: Before processing paperwork to spend funds from an organization/club account, the advisor or treasurer must verify that there are adequate resources in the account to cover the purchase. Student organizations and clubs may use the college’s sales tax exempt status for purchases pertaining to the organization. A sales tax or hotel tax letter may be obtained from the Director of Student Life. Note: Sales tax paid on purchases WILL NOT be reimbursed. The Club Check Request Form is used to draft monies from an organizations account. This form can be obtained from the Director of Student Life or it can be found online. The advisor can go to the college website and look for Faculty/Staff, Grayson Intranet, log in, look at InterOffice Forms, find Student Services and click on Club Check Request Form. The Club Check Request form requires several signatures. Plan Ahead. It takes the Business Office approximately 10 business days to prepare a check. IX. Activities and Events Any activity or event including, but not limited to social gatherings, travel, community service projects, on campus events etc. requires prior approval from the Director of Student of Student Life and/or the Vice President of Student Services 10 business days prior to the start date. The Organization/Club Activity Approval Form must be completed and submitted for approval, to the Director of Student Life. Student Life has priority use of space within the Life Center and immediately outside the Life Center (east, west patio, commons area, covered walkways, sidewalks, under the Bridge and lawn areas). The Student Travel Request Form must be completed and approved by the Director of Student Life 10 business days prior to departing. All college policies procedures and regulations apply to student travel individually or as a group. Each member traveling must complete the Student Life Student Release Form. The advisor should make duplicate copies and have them with him or her during the trip. The originals are attached to the Student Travel Request Form and submitted to the Director of Student Life. Organization funds for travel maybe requested in advance or with proper documentation (receipts) expenses can be reimbursed after the trip. Either method requires the Organization/Club Check Request Form to be completed. Receipts must be submitted upon returning from each trip. Student Government Association (SGA) Organization/Club Requirements Each registered student organization or club is required to have a representative attend the monthly SGA meeting (first Monday of each month August-May, 12:15pm-12:45pm, in the Hub). Roll call is taken at each meeting. The representative should be prepared to report on their organizations business, activities and upcoming events. All Organization/Club reps and members are encouraged to be actively engaged in on campus SGA sponsored activities and events. Student Life supports organization/club fund raising by sponsoring the Organization/Club Incentive Funding Program. This program is designed to reward organizations monetarily for meeting certain or all criteria (12) during the fall and spring semesters. A copy of the current year program criteria and guidelines can be obtained from the Director of Student Life. Organizations/Clubs and advisors who participate are required to send a 1 page report detailing the criteria that were met. The report is submitted in April of each year. Funding is awarded at the beginning of the fall semester, usually in mid September. Fund allocations are distributed into the Student Life DOE account. These funds must be used by the first of June. They do not rollover like the regular organization/club account. The Organization/Club Incentive Funding Program is a Student Life budgeted request that is submitted annually to the President’s Executive Council for funding consideration and approval. Annual funding is not guaranteed. Please refer to the College Policies and Procedures manual or the Student Handbook for detailed information. These two documents can be found on the GC website. Grayson College 6101 Grayson Drive Denison, Texas 75020 Student Life Office Life Center, 2nd floor 903 463-8693 Student Life “Assisting Student Learning Through Quality Programs And Services” Student Engagement=Student Success Updated 7/2014