U.S. DOD Form dod-secnavinst-5200-35d . .. @ 0 . . ..= DEPARTMENT OFFICE Of 1000 OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON. .. . THE NAVY SECRETARY PENTAGON D.C. 20350-1000 SECNAVINST 5200 .35D ASN (FM&C) : FMO-31 10DEC 1’37 SECNAV INSTRUCTION 5200.35D From: Secretary Subj : DEPARTMENT Ref: (a) Section 3512 of title 31, United States Code (Public Act Law 97-255/Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity (FMFIA) of 1982) and Budget Circular No. A-123, (b) Office of Management “Management Accountability and Control, ” Revised, 21 Jun 95 (NOTAL) Control (MC) (c) DOD Directive 5010.38, “Management Program, “ 26 Aug 96 (NOTAL) Control (MC) 5010.40, “Management (d) DOD Instruction Program Procedures, ” 28 Aug 96 (NOTAL) Encl: Management Control Standards (1) Definitions, Associated Concepts (2) Program and Report Requirements of the Navy OF THE NAVY MANAGEMENT CONTROL PROGRAM and To provide policy for the Department of the Navy 1. Purpose. (DON) Management Control Program, incorporate guidance in accordance with references (a) through (d), and clarify management control and accountability. This is a complete revision and should be read in its entirety. SECNAVINST 5200.35C and forms 2. Cancellation. NAVCOMPT 7000/7 and NAVCOMPT 7000/8. 3. NAVCOMPT 2283, Background are responsible for ensuring that a. Commanders/managers resources under their purview are used efficiently and and that programs and operations are discharged with effectively, integrity and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Management Control Program is one tool available to assist Other tools such as the them in this discharge of their duty. reviews and Command Inspection Program, command evaluation analyses, and individual audits and investigations are available SECNAVINST 5200.35D 1 0 t3EC 1997 Implementation of the DON Management Control Program at each activity is thus a leadership decision for the manager on how best to ensure that the goals of the program are met. To empower commanders and managers in this regard, and in control reviews duplicate recognition that many times management what other tools such as audits or inspections have already determined, this revision eliminates the requirement to perform formally documented vulnerability assessments or to conduct management control reviews on any set schedule. In addition, Tracking Report, reporting requirements such as the Semiannual Control Plan and Cost Benefit Risk Assessment Report, Management and managers Instead, commanders Report have been eliminated. are to consider their particular field level and situation, and use the mix of existing and ad hoc management tools most suitable for their activity to meet the requirement for an effective References (a) and (b) contain further system of controls. discussion with regard to management controls. as well. Providing flexibility for commanders and managers to b. direct their programs without undue administrative control is a prime goal of the DON Management Control Program; however, when doing so, commanders/managers must be able to reasonably ensure that: (1) obligations regulations; and costs comply with applicable (2) assets are safeguarded against waste, unauthorized use or misappropriation; and, (3) revenues and recorded. and expenditures are properly laws and loss, accounted for The system of management controls put forth in this c. all programs and functions within the DON, guidance encompasses and not just the comptroller functions of budgeting, recording, Using the and accounting for revenues and expenditures. standards in appendix A to enclosure (1)~ commanders/managers controls in the strategies, will incorporate basic management plans, guidance and procedures governing their programs and operations . Definitions . The terms, standards, and other applicable 4. are defined in enclosure (1) . concepts used in this instruction 2 SECNAVINST 5200.35D 1 0 DEC 1997 All DON components shall maintain effective Policv. 5. All levels of DON management shall: management control systems. Establish controls consistent a. contained in this guidance; and, with the standards Continually monitor and improve the effectiveness b. controls chosen to be employed for their programs. of . The Under Secretary of the Navy directs 6. Responsibilities the DON Management Control Program and establishes program To support the Under Secretary, the following policy. responsibilities are assigned: The Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management a. (Asti(m&c)) is executive a9ent for the DON and Comptroller) Management Control Program, and shall: (1) develop program (2) oversight provide policy and procedures; of program (3) serve as the DON focal the DON for all matters pertaining Program; implementation; point inside and outside of to the Management Control (4) coordinate DON-wide efforts to meet program reporting annually preparing for the Secretary of the Navy requirements, the DON Statement of Assurance for submission to the Secretary of Defense; (5) track and perform follow-up on all DON material weaknesses reported by the Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of Defense; and (6) ensure necessary. b. training The Auditor (1) evaluate audits; General is provided by various of the Navy shall: compliance with means this instruction as during SECNAVINST 5200.35D 10 DEC 1997 (2) work with headquarters components, whenever possible, to integrate the annual DON internal audit plan with command management control plans; (3) identify major management control accomplishments and deficiencies detected during the conduct of audits, summarizing and reporting the results as described in paragraph 2b of enclosure (2); and (4) determine deficiencies . impediments to resolving c. The Naval Inspector General Investigative Service shall: (1) evaluate compliance with inspections and investigations; identified and Director, Naval this instruction Criminal during (2) identify major management control accomplishments deficiencies during the conduct of inspections and investigations, summarizing and reporting the results as described in paragraph 2b of enclosure (2); and (3) deficiencies determine . impediments to resolving and identified 7. Action. The Assistant Secretaries of the Navy (ASNS), Chief (CMC), of Naval Operations (CNO), Commandant of the Marine Corps Assistant for Administration, Under Secretary of the Navy (AAUSN), General Counsel, Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), Auditor General of the Navy (AUDGENAV), Chief of Information (CHINFO), Judge Advocate General (JAG), Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN), and Chief of Legislative Affairs shall ensure implementation of an effective DON Management Control Program for their respective organizations and all levels In deciding upon the tools to use to of their chains of command. evaluate the effectiveness of that program, each such program is to make maximum use of the flexibility provided in references (a) through (d) . Those evaluations, in turn, will form the basis for the annual Management Control Certification Statement of the Secretary of the Navy. Specific program and reporting requirements for the DON Management Control Program are provided at enclosure (2) . 4