BA-1 2-19-15 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS One Thousand Thirty Third Meeting February 19, 2015 7:30 p.m. ACTION AGENDA Pledge of Allegiance 1. Executive Session 2. Recognitions/Proclamations 3. Audience of Citizens 4. Recommend approval of the minutes from the February 10th, 2015, Special Action/Work Session, as circulated. 5. Committee Reports a. Personnel – Timothy Kerr b. Support Services – John Schilling c. Education / Community / Policy – Josephine Charnock Listed below is the first reading for NEW Board Policies #6175- Home Education Programs, per Item # 04-15 (A-E). Listed below is the first reading for AMENDED Board Policies # 6162- School Volunteers, per Item # 04-15 (A-C). NEW BOARD POLICIES 6175 –HOME EDUCATION PROGRAMS AMENDED BOARD POLICIES 6162 – SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS BA-2 2-19-15 d. Finance – Walter W. Brown, III e. Safe Schools – Carolyn Murphy f. North Penn Educational Foundation – Carolyn Murphy g. North Montco Technical Career Center - Timothy Kerr/Suzan Leonard/ Joseph Sullivan h. Montgomery County Intermediate Unit – Carolyn Murphy 6. Superintendent's Report a. Recommend approval of expulsions for students #021915-1 and #021915-2 whose names are on file in the Office of the Superintendent. Students/parents/guardians have waived their rights to an expulsion hearing. b. Recommend approval of Settlement Agreements for students #021915-3 and #021915-4 whose names are on file in the Office of the Superintendent and approval of an Agreement for Tuition in lieu of Free and Appropriate Education for student #021915-5 whose name is on file in the Office of the Superintendent. c. Recommend approval to establish the Extended School Care Program fees for the 2015-16 school year, per the attached fee sheets, per Item # 05-15 (A-C). d. Recommend approval to establish the Extended School Care Summer Camp Program price at $245.00 per week for the 2015 year. (Pro-rated for the week of June 29th – July 3rd, 2015), per Item # 06-15 (A-B). e. Recommend ratification of the submission of the delinquent real estate and interim taxes to the Montgomery County and Bucks County Tax Claim Bureaus, per Item # 07-15. f. Recommend approval to allow the Silver Bullets Basketball Group use of the Bridle Path Gymnasium to play basketball through the 2014-15 school year in accordance with School Board Policy 1320, per Item # 10-15. g. Recommend ratification of the electricity transaction with Direct Energy Business for electricity supply for all current North Penn School District accounts, as listed, per Item # 11-15. h. Recommend approval of the waiver of tuition for the following International Friendship Exchange student for the 2014-15 school year: Name Yui Aoki Country Japan BA-3 2-19-15 i. Recommend acceptance of the following gifts to the district as listed: SCHOOL/BUILDING General Nash Elementary DONOR Christopher Delamater Troop 51 Eagle Scout 1655 Bishopwood Blvd., East Harleysville, PA 19438 GIFT Assorted plants, bushes, soil and mulch for Peace Garden Project AMOUNT $525.00 York Avenue Elementary 2014 6th Grade Class – Home and School – 700 York Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 James Roper 358 Evergreen Drive, North Wales, PA 19454 3 Aluminum Cork Boards for 6th Grade $400.00 Celestron Refractor Telescope #21066-W0S-A – with Lens $130.00 North Penn High School j. Recommend approval of bids, per Item # BA- 5 (A- D) as listed. k. Personnel 1) Recommend approval of personnel items as listed: a.) Personnel, per Item # BA- 6 (A-G) b.) Additions to the North Penn School District Substitute Lists 2014-15, per Item # BA- 7 c.) Degree Improvement Report, February 2015, per Item # BA-8 (A-E) d.) Extra Duty Assignments, per Item #08-15 (A-B). l. Student Travel 1) Recommend approval of student travel, per Item #BA-9. m. Contracts 1) Recommend approval of Contracts per Item # BA -10 copies, of which are on file in the Office of Business Administration. n. Alternative Placements 1) Recommend approval of Alternative Placements per Item # BA- 11, copies of which are on file in the Office of Special Education. 7. Finance Report – S. Skrocki a. Treasurer’s Report b. Sanction and Approval of Invoices 1) Ratification of disbursements for the month of January 2015 in the amount of $19,271,026.86. BA-4 2-19-15 c. Budget Transfers 1) Recommend approval of the November 2014 Budget Transfers in the amount of $186,473.49 as well as the December 2014 Budget Transfers in the amount of $10,850.00, per Item #BA-12 (A-C). 8. Federal, State, Grants and Other Programs – D. Holben a. Grant Funding for Extended School Care Program, per Item #09-15. 9. Adjournment