NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Resolution Approving Preliminary Budget and Authorizing Referendum Exception Notice RESOLVED, by the Board of School Directors of North Penn School District, as follows: 1. The Proposed Preliminary Budget of the School District for the 2015-2016 fiscal year on form PDE 2028 as presented to the School Board is adopted as a Preliminary Budget Proposal for the School District General Fund. The Administration and School Board will continue the review of budget components, and the Preliminary Budget may be revised prior to adoption of a Final Budget for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. 2. The Act 1 index applicable to the North Penn School District as calculated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education is 1.90%. The Preliminary Budget Proposal assumes that the School District will receive approval for use of one or more Act 1 real estate tax referendum exceptions. The School District shall take all steps required to obtain approval for the referendum exceptions contemplated in the Preliminary Budget Proposal, including advertising once in a newspaper of general circulation and placing on the School District internet website an Act 1 Referendum Exception Notice in substantially the form as presented to the School Board. 3. The School District shall continue to make the Preliminary Budget Proposal available for public inspection, and shall make the Proposed Final Budget in its then current form available for public inspection at least 20 days before the date scheduled for adoption of the Final Budget. 4. At least 10 days before the date scheduled for adoption of the Final Budget, the Secretary shall advertise Final Budget Notice in substantially the form as presented to the School Board. The notice shall be advertised once in a newspaper of general circulation and shall be posted conspicuously at the School District offices. 5. North Penn School District officials shall take all action necessary or appropriate to carry out the intent of this resolution. NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Act 1 Referendum Exception Notice Pursuant to Act 1, the Pennsylvania Department of Education publishes an index % applicable to the School District. The School District real estate tax increase for the next fiscal year is limited to the index % unless the proposed tax rate is approved by voters pursuant to a referendum or the School District qualifies for an Act 1 exception. As a result of special circumstances covered by an Act 1 referendum exception, a tax rate % increase above the index might be required to balance the School District budget for the next fiscal year. The tax to be levied is required to provide a quality education program as reflected in the School District Preliminary Budget. The School District intends to seek approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education as required by Act 1 for an exception allowing increase of the real estate tax as reflected in the School District Preliminary Budget. The Preliminary Budget is available for public inspection at the School District Educational Services Center, 401 East Hancock Street, Lansdale, Pennsylvania. On written request by any School District resident or taxpayer, the School District will provide a copy of the referendum exception application. Stephen B. Skrocki, Board Secretary LEA Name: North Penn SD Class: 2 AUN Number: 123465702 County: PDE-2028 - PRELIMINARY GENERAL FUND BUDGET Fiscal Year 07/01/2015 - 06/30/2016 General Fund Budget Approval Date of Adoption of the General Fund Budget: 2/10/2015 President of the Board - Original Signature Required Date Secretary of the Board - Original Signature Required Date Chief School Administrator - Original Signature Required Date Brian Pawling (215) 853-1015 Contact Person Telephone E-mail Address Return to: 1/29/2015 3:49:47 PM Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Management Division of Subsidy Data and Administration 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 Extension Montgomery 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:49:49 PM v1.0 ITEM ESTIMATED REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: BUDGET SUMMARY Page A-1 AMOUNTS Estimated Beginning Unreserved Fund Balance Available for Appropriation and Reserves Scheduled For Liquidation During The Fiscal Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - Committed Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - Assigned Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - Unassigned 14,406,187 2,700,000 20,755,760 0 0 0 Total Estimated Beginning Unreserved Fund Balance Available for Appropriation and Reserves Scheduled For Liquidation During The Fiscal Year 37,861,947 Estimated Revenues And Other Financing Sources 6000 Revenue from Local Sources 7000 8000 9000 Revenue from State Sources Revenue from Federal Sources Other Financing Sources 188,702,206 39,826,329 2,704,580 0 Total Estimated Revenues And Other Financing Sources 231,233,115 Total Estimated Fund Balance, Revenues, and Other Financing Sources Available for Appropriation 269,095,062 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:49:50 PM v1.0 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 6111 Current Real Estate Taxes 6112 Interim Real Estate Taxes 6113 Public Utility Realty Tax 6114 Payments in Lieu of Current Taxes - State / Local Reimbursement 6115 Payments in Lieu of Current Taxes - Federal Reimbursement 6120 Per Capita Taxes, Section 679 6130 Taxpayer Relief Taxes - Proportional Assessments 6140 Current Act 511 Taxes - Flat Rate Assessments 6150 Current Act 511 Taxes - Proportional Assessments 6160 Non-Real Estate Taxes - First Class Districts Only 6400 Delinquencies on Taxes Levied / Assessed by LEA 6500 Earnings on Investments 6700 Revenues from District Activities 6800 Revenue from Intermediary Sources / Pass-Through Funds 6910 Rentals 6920 Contributions/Donations/Grants From Private Sources 6940 Tuition from Patrons 6960 Services Provided Other Local Governmental Units / LEAs 6970 Services Provided Other Funds 6980 Revenue From Community Service Activities 6990 Refunds and Other Miscellaneous Revenue REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES ESTIMATED REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: DETAIL Page B-1 Amounts 164,381,646 1,010,000 210,000 210 0 0 0 0 17,200,000 0 2,600,000 225,000 225,000 2,300,000 70,000 0 157,850 0 0 0 322,500 188,702,206 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:49:50 PM v1.0 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES 7110 Basic Education Funding (Gross) 7160 Tuition for Orphans and Children Placed in Private Homes 7170 School Improvement Grants 7180 Staff and Program Development 7220 Vocational Education 7240 Driver Education - Student 7250 Migratory Children 7260 Workforce Investment Act 7271 Special Education Funding for School Aged Pupils 7272 Early Intervention 7280 Adult Literacy 7292 Pre-K Counts 7299 Other Program Subsidies Not Listed in 7200 Series 7310 Transportation (Regular and Additional) 7320 Rental and Sinking Fund Payments / Building Reimbursement Subsidy 7330 Health Services (Medical, Dental, Nurse, Act 25) 7340 State Property Tax Reduction Allocation 7350 Sewage Treatment Operations / Environmental Subsidies 7360 Safe Schools 7400 Vocational Training of the Unemployed 7501 PA Accountability Grants 7505 Ready to Learn Block Grant 7509 Supplemental Equipment Grants 7598 Revenue for the Support of Public Schools 7599 Other State Revenue Not Listed in the 7500 Series 7810 State Share of Social Security and Medicare Taxes 7820 State Share of Retirement Contributions 7900 Revenue for Technology REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES ESTIMATED REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: DETAIL Page B-2 Amounts 8,949,801 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,316,946 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 649,993 270,000 0 0 0 0 450,129 0 0 0 0 4,529,085 15,310,375 0 39,826,329 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:49:50 PM v1.0 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES 8110 Payments for Federally Impacted Areas - P.L. 81-874 8190 Other Unrestricted Grants-in-Aid Direct from Federal Government 8200 Unrestricted Grants-in-Aid from Federal Gov't Through Commonwealth 8310 Payments for Federally Impacted Areas - P.L. 81-815 8320 Energy Conservation Grants - TA and ECM 8390 Other Restricted Grants-in-Aid Directly from Federal Government 8511 Grants for IDEA and NCLB Programs not Specified in 8510 series 8512 IDEA, Part B 8513 IDEA, Section 619 8514 NCLB, Title I - Improving the Acad. Achvmnt. of the Disadvantaged 8515 NCLB, Title II - Prep., Train. & Recruit. High Qual. Teachers & Principals 8516 NCLB, Title III - Language Instr. for LEP and Immgrant Students 8517 NCLB, Title IV - 21st Century Schools 8518 NCLB, Title V – Promoting Informed Parental Choice And Innovative Programs 8519 NCLB, Title VI - Flexibility and Accountability 8521 Vocational Education - Operating Expenditures 8540 Nutrition Education and Training 8560 Federal Block Grants 8580 Child Care and Development Block Grants 8610 Homeless Assistance Act 8620 Adult Basic Education 8640 Headstart 8660 Workforce Investment Act 8690 Other Restricted Federal Grants-in-Aid Through the Commonwealth 8731 ARRA - Build America Bonds 8732 ARRA-Qualified School Construction Bonds (QSCB) 8733 ARRA-Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZAB) 8810 School-Based Access Medicaid Reimbursement Program (SBAP) (ACCESS) 8820 Medical Assistance Reimbursement For Administrative Claiming (Quarterly) 8830 Medical Assistance Reimbursements (ACCESS) - Early Intervention REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES ESTIMATED REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: DETAIL Page B-3 Amounts 0 0 0 0 0 70,975 0 0 0 1,800,000 304,518 117,087 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400,000 12,000 0 2,704,580 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:49:50 PM v1.0 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 9100 Sale of Bonds 9200 Proceeds From Extended Term Financing 9320 Special Revenue Fund Transfers 9330 Capital Projects Fund Transfers 9340 Debt Service Fund Transfers 9350 Enterprise Fund Transfers 9360 Internal Service Fund Transfers 9370 Trust and Agency Fund Transfers 9380 Activity Fund Transfers 9390 Permanent Fund Transfers 9400 Sale or Compensation for Loss of Fixed Assets 9500 Capital Contributions 9710 Transfers from Component Units 9720 Transfers from Primary Governments 9800 Intrafund Transfers In 9900 Other Financing Sources Not Listed in the 9000 Series OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES ESTIMATED REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: DETAIL Page B-4 Amounts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 231,233,115 Real Estate Tax Rate (RETR) Report for 2015-2016 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:49:52 PM v1.0 Act 1 Index (current): 1.9% Calculation Method: Number of Decimals For Tax Rate Calculation: Revenue 4 $164,381,977 Approx. Tax Revenue from RE Taxes: Amount of Tax Relief for Homestead Exclusions Multi-County Rebalancing Based on Methodology of Section 672.1 of School Code Page C-1 + $164,381,977 Approx. Tax Levy for Tax Rate Calculation: $169,465,956 Bucks I. 2015-16 Data c. 2013 STEB Market Value d. Assessed Value e. Assessed Value of New Constr/ Renov 2014-15 Calculations f. 2014-15 Tax Levy (a * b) II. 2015-16 Calculations g. Percent of Total Market Value h. Rebalanced 2014-15 Tax Levy (f Total * g) i. Base Mills Subject to Index (h / a * 1000) if no reassessment (h / (d-e) * 1000) if reassessment Calculation of Tax Rates and Levies Generated j. Weighted Avg. Collection Percentage k. Tax Levy Needed (Approx. Tax Levy * g) III. l. 2015-16 Real Estate Tax Rate (a)(1) $0 Total Approx. Tax Revenue: 2014-15 Data a. Assessed Value b. Real Estate Mills Section 672.1 Method Choice: Montgomery Total $2,278,677 125.3784 $7,103,625,000 23.1819 $7,105,903,677 $18,166,863 $2,252,500 $0 $10,286,733,997 $7,154,294,153 $0 $10,304,900,860 $7,156,546,653 $0 $285,697 $164,675,524 $164,961,221 0.17629% $290,810 99.82371% $164,670,411 100.00000% $164,961,221 127.6223 23.1819 97.00000% $298,752 97.00000% $169,167,204 132.6312 (k / d * 1000) m. Tax Levy Generated by Mills $298,752 (l / 1000 * d) n. Tax Levy minus Tax Relief for Homestead Exclusions (m - Amount of Tax Relief for Homestead Exclusions) o. Net Tax Revenue Generated By Mills (n * Est. Pct. Collection) 97.00000% $169,465,956 23.6455 $169,166,862 $169,465,614 $169,465,614 $164,381,646 Real Estate Tax Rate (RETR) Report for 2015-2016 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:49:52 PM v1.0 Act 1 Index (current): 1.9% Calculation Method: Number of Decimals For Tax Rate Calculation: Revenue 4 $164,381,977 Approx. Tax Revenue from RE Taxes: Amount of Tax Relief for Homestead Exclusions Multi-County Rebalancing Based on Methodology of Section 672.1 of School Code Page C-2 + $164,381,977 Approx. Tax Levy for Tax Rate Calculation: $169,465,956 Bucks Information Related to Property Tax Relief Assessed Value Exclusion per Homestead Number of Homestead/Farmstead Properties V. Median Assessed Value of Homestead Properties (a)(1) $0 Total Approx. Tax Revenue: Index Maximums p. Maximum Mills Based On Index (i * (1 + Index)) q. Mills In Excess of Index if (l > p), (l - p) r. Maximum Tax Levy Based On Index (p / 1000) * d) IV. s. Millage Rate within Index? (If l > p Then No) t. Tax Levy In Excess of Index if (m > r), (m - r) u. Tax Revenue In Excess of Index (t * Est. Pct. Collection) Section 672.1 Method Choice: Montgomery Total 130.0471 23.6223 2.5841 0.0232 2.6073 $292,931 $169,000,883 $169,293,814 No No $5,821 $165,979 $171,800 $5,646 $161,000 $166,646 $0 0 $0 0 0 $0 Real Estate Tax Rate (RETR) Report for 2015-2016 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:49:53 PM v1.0 Act 1 Index (current): 1.9% Calculation Method: Number of Decimals For Tax Rate Calculation: Revenue 4 $164,381,977 Approx. Tax Revenue from RE Taxes: Amount of Tax Relief for Homestead Exclusions Multi-County Rebalancing Based on Methodology of Section 672.1 of School Code Page C-3 + Section 672.1 Method Choice: (a)(1) $0 Total Approx. Tax Revenue: $164,381,977 Approx. Tax Levy for Tax Rate Calculation: $169,465,956 Bucks Total Montgomery State Property Tax Reduction Allocation used for: Homestead Exclusions Prior Year State Property Tax Reduction Allocation used for: Homestead Exclusions Amount of Tax Relief from State/Local Sources $0 $0 Lowering RE Tax Rate $0 $0 $0 $0 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:49:54 PM v1.0 LOCAL EDUCATION AGENCY TAX DATA (TAXD) REAL ESTATE, PER CAPITA (SEC. 679), EIT/PIT (ACT 1), LOCAL ENABLING (ACT 511) Page D-1 CODE 6111 Current Real Estate Taxes County Name Bucks Montgomery Totals: Taxable Assessed Value 2,252,500 Real Estate Mills Amount of Tax Relief for Homestead Exclusions Tax Levy Generated by Mills Tax Levy Minus Homestead Exclusions 132.6312 298,752 97.00000% 23.6455 169,166,862 97.00000% 0 0 0.00000% 0 0 0.00000% 7,156,546,653 169,465,614 7,154,294,153 - 0 = 169,465,614 97.00000% Rate 6120 Per Capita Taxes, Section 679 Net Tax Revenue Generated By Mills Percent Collected = 164,381,646 Estimated Revenue 0.00 0 Rate Add'l Rate (if appl.) 6140 Current Act 511 Taxes - Flat Rate Assessments 6141 Per Capita Taxes, Act 511 6142 Occupation Taxes - Flat Rate 6143 Local Services / Occupational Privilege Taxes 6144 Trailer Taxes 6145 Business Privilege Taxes - Flat Rate 6146 Mechanical Device Taxes - Flat Rate 6149 Other Flat Rate Assessments Total Current Act 511 Taxes - Flat Rate Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6150 Current Act 511 Taxes - Proportional Assessments 6151 Earned Income Taxes, Act 511 6152 Occupation Taxes - Proportional Rate 6153 Real Estate Transfer Taxes 6154 Amusement Taxes 6155 Business Privilege Taxes - Proportional Rate 6156 Mechanical Device Taxes - Percentage 6157 Mercantile Taxes 6159 Other Proportional Assessments Total Current Act 511 Taxes - Proportional Assessments Rate Add'l Rate (if appl.) 0.50% 0 0.50% 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0 Tax Levy $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tax Levy 15,000,000 0 2,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 17,200,000 Total Act 511, Current Taxes Estimated Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estimated Revenue 15,000,000 0 2,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 17,200,000 17,200,000 Act 511 Tax Limit ---> 10,304,900,860 Market Value X 12 Mills 123,658,810 (511 Limit) Comparison of Tax Rate Changes to Index (CTRI) 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:49:58 PM v1.0 2014-2015 vs. 2015-2016 Page E-1 Tax Rate Charged in: Tax Function 6111 Description Less than or equal to Index Additional Tax Rate Charged in: 2014-2015 (Rebalanced) 2015-2016 127.6223 132.6312 3.92% No 1.9% 23.1819 23.6455 2.00% No 1.9% 0.500% 0.500% 0.00% Yes 1.9% 0.500% 0.500% 0.00% Yes 1.9% Index Current Real Estate Taxes Bucks County Montgomery County 6120 Percent Change in Rate Per Capita Taxes, Section 679 Act 1 EIT/PIT 6131 Earned Income Taxes, Act 1 6132 Personal Income Taxes, Act 1 Act 511 Flat Rate Taxes 6141 Per Capita Taxes, Act 511 6142 Occupation Taxes - Flat Rate 6143 Local Services / Occupational Privilege Tax 6144 Trailer Taxes 6145 Business Privilege Taxes - Flat Rate 6146 Mechanical Device Taxes - Flat Rate 6149 Other Flat Rate Assessments Act 511 Proportional Rate Taxes 6151 Earned Income Taxes, Act 511 6152 Occupation Taxes - Proportional Rate 6153 Real Estate Transfer Taxes 6154 Amusement Taxes 6155 Business Privilege Taxes - Proportional Rate 6156 Mechanical Device Taxes - Percentage 6157 Mercantile Taxes 6159 Other Proportional Assessments 2014-2015 (Rebalanced) 2015-2016 Percent Change in Rate Less than or equal to Index 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:01 PM v1.0 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES: BUDGET SUMMARY Page F-1 ITEM 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 AMOUNTS Instruction 1100 Regular Programs - Elementary/Secondary 1200 Special Programs - Elementary/Secondary 1300 Vocational Education 1400 Other Instructional Programs - Elementary/Secondary 1500 Nonpublic School Programs 1600 Adult Education Programs 1700 Higher Education Programs 1800 Pre-Kindergarten Total 1000 Instruction Support Services 2100 Support Services - Pupil Personnel 2200 Support Services - Instructional Staff 2300 Support Services - Administration 2400 Support Services - Pupil Health 2500 Support Services - Business 2600 Operation & Maintenance of Plant Services 2700 Student Transportation Services 2800 Support Services - Central 2900 Other Support Services Total 2000 Support Services Operation of Non-instructional Services 3100 Food Services 3200 Student Activities 3300 Community Services 3400 Scholarships and Awards Total 3000 Operation of Non-instructional Services Facilities Acquisition, Construction and Improvement Services 4000 Facilities Acquisition, Construction and Improvement Services Total 4000 Facilities Acquisition, Construction and Improvement Total Estimated Expenditures Other Expenditures and Financing Uses 5100 Debt Service 5200 Interfund Transfers - Out 5300 Transfers Involving Component Units 5500 Special and Extraordinary Items 5900 Budgetary Reserve Total Other Financing Uses Total Estimated Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Appropriation of Prior Year Fund Balance Total Appropriations Ending Committed, Assigned and Unassigned Fund Balance 108,407,545 40,495,999 3,727,710 389,119 0 0 0 103,887 153,124,260 8,909,864 6,796,830 13,060,982 2,815,152 2,745,342 15,693,285 14,195,106 1,824,092 392,136 66,432,789 0 2,718,775 78,661 0 2,797,436 150,000 150,000 222,504,485 14,487,979 0 0 0 1,000,000 15,487,979 237,992,464 0 237,992,464 31,102,598 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:02 PM v1.0 Function-Object 1000 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES: DETAIL Page G-1 Description Amounts INSTRUCTION 1100 Regular Programs - Elementary/Secondary 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Regular Programs - Elementary/Secondary 1200 Special Programs - Elementary/Secondary 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Special Programs - Elementary/Secondary 1300 19,430,125 11,757,231 6,491,931 1,000 2,549,232 261,480 5,000 0 40,495,999 Vocational Education 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Vocational Education 1400 64,931,216 32,750,667 604,622 63,132 2,858,740 4,932,596 842,769 1,423,803 108,407,545 0 0 0 0 3,410,000 0 0 317,710 3,727,710 Other Instructional Programs - Elementary/Secondary 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Other Instructional Programs - Elementary/Secondary 70,000 24,119 290,000 0 5,000 0 0 0 389,119 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:02 PM v1.0 Function-Object 1500 Description 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Higher Education Programs 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies Total Higher Education Programs 1800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adult Education Programs 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Adult Education Programs 1700 Amounts Nonpublic School Programs 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Nonpublic School Programs 1600 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES: DETAIL Page G-2 0 0 0 Pre-Kindergarten 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Pre-Kindergarten Total Instruction 26,250 9,455 57,500 0 0 10,682 0 0 103,887 153,124,260 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:02 PM v1.0 Function-Object 2000 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES: DETAIL Page G-3 Description Amounts SUPPORT SERVICES 2100 Support Services - Pupil Personnel 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Support Services - Pupil Personnel 2200 Support Services - Instructional Staff 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Support Services - Instructional Staff 2300 3,570,029 1,867,797 629,687 46,365 29,160 358,392 293,750 1,650 6,796,830 Support Services - Administration 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Support Services - Administration 2400 5,864,859 2,975,399 6,250 0 500 62,736 0 120 8,909,864 7,473,388 3,847,306 1,085,502 2,900 502,142 119,264 2,880 27,600 13,060,982 Support Services - Pupil Health 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Support Services - Pupil Health 1,716,416 1,051,844 27,025 2,427 0 17,265 0 175 2,815,152 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:02 PM v1.0 Function-Object 2500 Description 6,539,105 4,122,902 138,206 3,174,770 556,812 870,180 291,310 0 15,693,285 Student Transportation Services 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Student Transportation Services 2800 1,251,990 647,627 194,400 400,600 24,325 171,400 5,000 50,000 2,745,342 Operation & Maintenance of Plant Services 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Operation & Maintenance of Plant Services 2700 Amounts Support Services - Business 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Support Services - Business 2600 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES: DETAIL Page G-4 5,373,691 3,554,216 51,600 92,500 3,614,288 1,212,500 10,000 286,311 14,195,106 Support Services - Central 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Support Services - Central 1,019,744 594,745 182,103 12,000 0 500 0 15,000 1,824,092 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:02 PM v1.0 Function-Object 2900 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES: DETAIL Page G-5 Description Amounts Other Support Services 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Other Support Services 133,906 48,931 0 0 209,249 50 0 0 392,136 Total Support Services 3000 66,432,789 OPERATION OF NON-INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES 3100 Food Services 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Food Services 3200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Student Activities 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Student Activities 1,593,500 555,461 210,800 47,975 62,075 133,726 30,638 84,600 2,718,775 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:02 PM v1.0 Function-Object 3300 Description Amounts Community Services 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Community Services 3400 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES: DETAIL Page G-6 1,755 561 67,000 0 300 9,045 0 0 78,661 Scholarships and Awards 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property 800 Other Objects Total Scholarships and Awards 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Operation of Non-instructional Services 4000 100 Personnel Services-Salaries 200 Personnel Services-Employee Benefits 300 Purchased Professional & Technical Services 400 Purchased Property Services 500 Other Purchased Services 600 Supplies 700 Property Total Facilities Acquisition, Construction and Improvement Services 5000 2,797,436 FACILITIES ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT 4000 Facilities Acquisition, Construction and Improvement Services 0 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 150,000 OTHER EXPENDITURES AND FINANCING USES 5100 Debt Service 800 Other Objects 900 Other Uses of Funds Total Debt Service 5200 4,007,979 10,480,000 14,487,979 Interfund Transfers - Out 900 Other Uses of Funds Total Interfund Transfers - Out 0 0 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:03 PM v1.0 Function-Object 5300 Description 0 0 Special and Extraordinary Items 800 Other Objects 900 Other Uses of Funds Total Special and Extraordinary Items 5900 Amounts Transfers Involving Component Units 900 Other Uses of Funds Total Transfers Involving Component Units 5500 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES: DETAIL Page G-7 0 0 0 Budgetary Reserve 800 Other Objects Total Budgetary Reserve Total Other Expenditures and Financing Uses TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,000,000 1,000,000 15,487,979 237,992,464 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:03 PM v1.0 SCHEDULE OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS (CAIN) Page H-1 06/30/2015 Estimate 06/30/2016 Projection CASH AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS General Fund Special Revenue Fund Athletic/School-Sponsored Extra Curricular Activities Other Comptroller-Approved Special Revenue Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Reserve Fund - §690 Capital Reserve Fund - §1431 Capital Projects Fund – Other Debt Service Fund Enterprise Fund (Food Service, Child Care) Internal Service Fund Fiduciary Trust Fund (Investment, Pension) Agency Fund 60,000,000 55,000,000 0 0 0 0 3,500,000 0 0 0 1,100,000 1,200,000 0 350,000 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,100,000 1,200,000 0 350,000 Total Cash and Short-Term Investments 66,150,000 58,650,000 General Fund Special Revenue Fund Athletic/School-Sponsored Extra Curricular Activities Other Comptroller-Approved Special Revenue Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Reserve Fund - §690 Capital Reserve Fund - §1431 Capital Projects Fund – Other Debt Service Fund Enterprise Fund (Food Service, Child Care) Internal Service Fund Fiduciary Trust Fund (Investment, Pension) Agency Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Long-Term Investments 0 0 66,150,000 58,650,000 LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:04 PM v1.0 SCHEDULE OF INDEBTEDNESS (DEBT) Page I-1 06/30/2015 Estimate 06/30/2016 Projection LONG-TERM INDEBTEDNESS Extended Term Financing Agreements Payable Other Long-Term Liabilities Bonds Payable Lease-Purchase Obligations Accumulated Compensated Absences Authority Lease Obligations 0 0 120,090,537 1,005,000 3,800,000 0 0 0 105,572,978 560,000 3,800,000 0 TOTAL LONG-TERM INDEBTEDNESS 124,895,537 109,932,978 General Fund Other Funds 6,200,000 890,000 6,200,000 800,000 TOTAL SHORT-TERM PAYABLES 7,090,000 7,000,000 131,985,537 116,932,978 SHORT-TERM PAYABLES TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS 2015-2016 Preliminary General Fund Budget (PDE-2028) AUN: 123465702 North Penn SD Printed 1/29/2015 3:50:05 PM v1.0 Account 0830 Description Estimated Ending Committed Fund Balance Fund Balance Summary (FBS) Page J-1 Amounts 14,406,187 Explanation: Future retirement rate increases 0840 Estimated Ending Assigned Fund Balance 2,700,000 Explanation: Future medical benefits 0850 Estimated Ending Unassigned Fund Balance 13,996,411 Explanation: This amount is below the 8% legal cap and is retained by the district to have cash if needed for delays in state or local funding. The unassigned fund balance also provides flexibility in terms of tax increases. Total Ending Fund Balance - Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned 5900 Budgetary Reserve 31,102,598 1,000,000 Explanation: Prudent safeguard against unforseen expenses during the year. Total Estimated Ending Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned Fund Balance and Budgetary Reserve Estimated Ending Nonspendable and Restricted Fund Balances Not Scheduled for Liquidation 32,102,598 0