DEVELOPMENTAL MATH COMMITTEE For College Procedure Committees MINUTES FOR 2014-2015 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) November 14, 2014 Rio Grande Campus, Room M111 Paso, Rio Grande, and Valle Verde campuses are interested in offering it. The Rio Grande campus will offer one section from 12 - 4 pm and another from 5 – 9 pm. The Mission Del Paso campus will offer a section from 8:30 – 12:30 pm. All of these sections will be offered from Monday thru Thursday. Students will be required to take care of any holds before finals week. In addition, students need to understand that they have to pay for this one week extension. In regards to tutors, the number of tutors in the classroom will depend on the number of students. Ivette Chuca will send an email with more information, including updated forms. Members Present: Ivette Chuca, Lisa Juliano, Oscar Macedo, Gabriel Mendoza, Dr. Julie Penley, and Lucia M. Rodriguez. Members Absent: Fan Chen and Diana Orrantia I. Welcome II. Call to Order III. Approval of Minutes – September Motion to approve the minutes for the month of September was made by Lisa Juliano. It was second by Ivette Chuca. Motion accepted by unanimous vote. C. IV. Holistic Advising Old Business A. Gabriel Mendoza asked the committee about the emporium rules listed at each campus. Suggestion was made to add a rule about closed liquid containers. Rule would be the following: liquid containers must be placed on the ground and must have a closed lid. Another suggestion is to have a designated table where students can place their beverage. Possibly for the spring semester, two options were suggested for displaying emporium rules at every campus. One option is to have a banner with the rules listed. The other option is to have the rules listed in the log-in screen of the computer. If you have any rules in mind that should be displayed, send them to Gabriel Mendoza. Ivette Chuca has a faculty development workshop for the Spring semester. She would like to have the rules by then. Committee can vote and discuss the rules through email. B. Lucia Rodriguez mentioned that, in the last Holistic Advising Committee meeting, the process to holistically advise students was being put in writing. The Holistic Advising Committee is hoping to flag (in banner) and let us know who has been holistically advised. The Holistic Advising Committee will be meeting Monday. An update will be given after that meeting. Math 0114 and Math 0124 will be the only courses available for those holistically advised students in the Spring semester. The course Math 0142 will be developed and the course Math 0124 will be revised. Math Emporium Rules D. Update Options for Students Placing into ABE Levels. These students will be the ones who place in developmental courses for all 3 areas. In a meeting, the ABE department presented ways of helping these students. As a committee, we have to think about ways on how we can provide assistance for these students. One Week Extension Update Ivette Chuca sent an email about the one week extender. Each campus will decide if they would like to offer it. The Mission Del Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 1 E. In regards to tutors, a 10 to 1 ratio is in place. The instructor is part of the ratio. For example, in a class of 30 students, we would have 1 instructor and 2 tutors. Ivette Chuca asked if the emporium tutor budget can be analyzed. The Valle Verde campus is always in the red in terms of budget. Ivette Chuca provided and described an enrollment handout. Leadership team would like to know how many tutor hours are needed. Steve Smith asked for the committee to provide a recommendation for a re-distribution of emporium tutor funds. Committee will wait for the Spring semester numbers to develop and provide a recommendation. In regards to tutors assisting students in other math courses, tutors are allowed to help those students during open lab hours. Tutor must keep in mind that emporium students are their priority. Update on Geometric / Metric Formula Sheet Formula sheets have been uploaded online. The formula sheets can be found in the appropriate homework section or exam. V. New Business A. Extra Credit -- Emporium Courses A suggestion was made to give extra points in the emporium courses. 10 points would be added to the final exam for perfect attendance throughout the entire semester. If a student has 1 absence, the student will be awarded 5 points. Motion to accept 10 points added to the final exam for 0 absences, 5 points for 1 absence, and 0 points for more than 1 absence throughout the entire semester was made by Ivette Chuca. It was second by Lisa Juliano. Motion accepted by unanimous vote. Students can make up absences at the Transmountain campus. Each instructor will decide if student can make up a class absence on another day. B. C. Some full time faculty members have mentioned that students are having difficulties graphing in the college level courses. A suggestion was made to have a graphing activity where students would produce graphs on paper. The instructor would grade the activity and input a grade into the computer (homework grade). Recommendation is to have 1 or 2 of these graphing activities per semester. If committee decides to do this, in the Math 0305 course, we could create 2-4 problem handouts for chapter 11. The Math 0303 course already has 2 or 3 activities in the notebook that can be used. As a committee, we need to identify the type of problems we would like to have in these activities. F. Adding a Notebook Grade for Each Exam in the Gradebook H. Number of Tutors Needed for Math Emporium NCBM Enrollment for Math 0114 and Math 0124 is not good for the Valle Verde campus. If one of these sections at any of the campuses will make, let Ivette Chuca know who will be teaching those sections. Adding an Offline Assignment Grade for the Graphing Activities in the Notebook Since instructors already keep track of notebook grades, grades can be uploaded to the computer. This will allow for other instructors to know notebook grades for any particular student. Uploading notebook grades into the computer will go into effect in the Spring semester. D. E. Number or percent of Math Emporium sections at your campus and if they made or not. Dr. Julie Penley asked if low enrollment at this point is normal. Ivette Chuca mentioned that enrollment tends to increase towards the end of the semester. This occurred last year. G. Tutors and Exam Passwords Some campuses allow tutors to have the passwords. Allowing tutors to have the passwords to the exams will be up to the instructor. If applicable, lab assistant can administer the emporium exam during open lab. Other When enabling access to an exam, be aware that the student will continue working on the same exam the student was taking. To avoid this issue, instead of enabling access, it was recommended to submit the score or delete the score to the exam. On another note, inform instructors to stress that cell phones cannot be used during class time. Developmental Math Standing Committee meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 2 March 6, 2015 Valle Verde Campus, Room L04 Members Present: Ivette Chuca, Lisa Juliano, Oscar Macedo, Gabriel Mendoza, Dr. Julie Penley, and Fan Chen C. Update about adding offline assignment grade for the graphing activities in the notebook Members Absent: Diana Orrantia and Lucia M. Rodriguez I. Welcome II. Call to Order III. Approval of Minutes – November 14, 2014 Ivette Chuca added the graphing activity to the Math 0305 emporium course. For the summer semester, Ivette Chuca will add a grade category (to MyLabsPlus) for the graphing activities in the notebook for the Math 0303 emporium course. If someone would like to modify or add to the activities for Math 0305, let Ivette Chuca know. In between semesters, the committee would create a final exam, for the emporium courses, to be administered in MyLabsPlus. This will do away with the current paper final exam. As suggested, committee would look at the current exam and find similar questions in the computer system to select. Once those questions have been selected, email Ivette Chuca the number of the problems the exam would contain. Committee would try to pilot this new exam during the summer 2015 semester. Lisa Juliano would work with the Math 0301 final exam. Fan Chen and Ivette Chuca would work with the Math 0303 final exam. Gabriel Mendoza and Oscar Macedo would work with the Math 0305 final exam. Exam would have 25 questions. The committee would also build a review for the exam. Motion to approve the minutes for the month of November was made by Ivette Chuca. It was second by Fan Chen. Motion accepted by unanimous vote. IV. Old Business A. One week extension winter update Ivette Chuca shared that the process to get students into the extender (NCBMs) was much better during the fall semester. Students will now be entirely responsible for the requirement needed to get into the extender. Ivette Chuca shared a new Acceptance Form that would be provided to students. Students would still need to complete the contract as they did before. This new Acceptance Form would have all the CRN for every campus listed. Student would choose the campus they would like to attend. Each campus is encouraged to open the NCBMs as soon as possible. By week 12, an announcement can be placed in the MyLabsPlus web page and Ivette Chuca can also send a district wide announcement about the extender. B. D. Please remind all emporium faculty about inputting the notebook grade into MyLabsPlus. If a student is continuing the course from a previous semester and the student does not have a certain notebook grade, it was suggested to give that student a grade of 100 for that notebook grade the student is missing. Update NCBM 0114 Currently, the Valle Verde campus has an NCBM 0114 with 3 students enrolled and the Rio Grande campus has an NCBM 0114 with 1 student enrolled. The Holistic Advising committee is in the process of finalizing the placement form. The NCBM is paid as a 1 credit course regardless of the number of students enrolled. The NCBM cannot be cancelled for low enrollment. The coordinating board is mandating an NCBM for the lowest level by the fall semester. That is, an NCBM for those students who do not place in Math 0301. Update and remind faculty about adding the notebook grade for each Exam in the gradebook E. Update from last meeting for students placing into ABE levels (Dr. Penley) No updates. Pending more information. F. Update regarding extra credit and attendance Committee members shared information about the affects the extra credit had on attendance. The Rio Grande campus did not see a change in student attendance. It was Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 3 suggested to ask all emporium faculty members about their experience. V. C. At the Rio Grande campus, all emporium courses are in a piggyback format. Committee was informed that ratios do get affected by this format New Business A. Math Emporium Rules Committee members reviewed the rules that were already posted in the emporium classroom at several of the campuses. Several faculty members did suggest for the rules not to be so negative. Students should be reminded, that the rules the instructor has, must be followed at all times. If students attend the emporium classroom, outside of scheduled class time, they must follow the rules that particular instructor has. Rules do apply to everyone, including tutors. Gabriel Mendoza will compile a master list of rules. As suggested, drinks taken into the emporium classroom must have a lid. Each emporium classroom would have a designated table where drinks must be placed. Email Gabriel Mendoza any additional rules that might be necessary. Committee will discuss the rules then will disperse to the faculty. B. Failure to log into the website for Math Emporium Courses The Rio Grande campus, along with other campuses, have had log-in issues with MyLabsPlus at times. It is recommended to inform students to carry their instructional videos with them to class. Students would reference the videos when the web page is not working properly. It was also recommended to have a set of videos in the emporium classroom. Contact Diana Baniak if you do not have the videos. RG Piggyback Courses D. Can Math Emporium Rooms be Used for other Classes or Pre-Calculus Labs This subject will be revisited next meeting. E. Fax in the Math Emporium Gabriel Mendoza will contact IT committee. F. Lucy Michal Concerns about Math Emporium Courses and Counselors Enrollment in emporium courses is low. Faculty members are encouraged to show students, using the banner system, how to determine which course are emporium and which are not. G. Other Committee members were asked to think about the “Did you understand” assignment in the emporium courses. Does it help? Is it needed? Does it require revisions / modifications? Committee members were also asked to think about NMP. For the next meeting, committee would look at and revise the notebook check handout for the emporium courses. Developmental Math Standing Committee meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 4 DEVELOPMENTAL MATH COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2013-2014 September 19, 2013 Rio Grande Campus Room M111 Also in development is Math0124(will have a new course number), where “bubble” students, can register for credit courses Math1314 or Math1324 and concurrently register into this Math0124. We need to determine the new “bubble” range from the new TSI placement scores. Ivette will invite faculty from the discipline to help develop this courses and share topic and content to help students be successful in their first college level math course. Members Present: Gabriel Mendoza, Ivette Chuca, Lisa Juliano, and Edith Aguirre Members Absent: Diana Orrantia, Oscar Macedo, Dr. Julie Penley Meeting started at 4:05 p.m. I. Minutes Approval of April 23, 2013 minutes pending will bring for next meeting II. Pending question: How many students will be allowed to run NCBM? Old Business III. New Courses developed over Summer 2013 included: 1. 2. 3. Math0404-Fundamentals of Mathematical Reasoning. This course is for NON-STEM field students who need Math1342 or Math1333 in their degree plans. Students must have placed into Math0303 or higher, or passed Math0301 with C. They also need a minimum reading requirement and is paired with an education course Educ1300. This course did not make for Fall 2013, but may be offered in Spring or Fall 2014. Edith Aguirre and Lucy Michal both worked on the course development for this course during the summer 2013. NCBM0105-Mathematics Non-Course Based Instruction. This course is for emporium students who are currently enrolled in Math0305 and need about 1 week to complete their requirements before starting their college level course. The one week extender course, needs to be 16hrs rather 10, to be equivalent to 1credit hour course. Ivette Chuca, Oscar Macedo, and Edith Aguirre, worked on the course development for this course during the summer 2013. Pending to Complete: Eventually developmental math will have all three courses offering the Non-course based one week extender course for emporium section. New Business A. Pending SLO’s Ivette shared that for emporium sections we need to decide if to use include SLO into one of the unit exams or into the final exam. The committee will look into possible SLO questions from the already existing Final exams and decide which to use as SLO question or bring ideas on a new one. So, either replace one question on the final exam or add another question to the final exam. B. TSI update Several math faculty took the TSI exam but the timing was inconvenience during faculty development week and very few faculty were able to take the exam, but many wanted to take it. Ivette will ask to see if testing center can provide opportunity for faculty to take new TSI placement exam at each of the different campuses. C. Syllabus Updates Ivette has sent all faculty the addendum for calculator use for emporium sections for faculty to provide to their students. If discipline approves, we may consider including this into the official syllabus for all three levels of developmental mathematics courses Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 5 D. If faculty are teaching a lecture developmental math course, there is a course ID they can use to copy everything in the emporium sections(online component) with the exception of the exams, since students purchase a book and it comes pre-packaged with access to MyMathLab. We will request for publisher to provide us options again for different packages for purchasing emporium notebooks and access code for each of the sections math0301, 0303, and 0305. E. for a tutor workshop at MDP campus will be submitted for ALL tutors working in an emporium setting. Emporium Notebook/Purchase update ATD Student/Faculty site visits for Math Emporium Because of this involvement and great success of Math Emporiums, EPCC was asked by MDC and Achieving the Dream to share information about the developmental of our math Emporiums to be shared with others across the country. EPCC was asked for feedback from administrators, IR staff, Faculty groups, Student Services staff, Counselors/Advisors, and Students on Sept 18th and 19th through various interviews. IV. Other A. Question: Will we still be offering Math0301? Answered by Ivette: District-wide coordinator has not been informed of making any changes for offering or not offering that section based on new TSI. B. Suggestion: To include a fee into the students tuition to pay for access codes for emporium sections, because this is causing so much confusing in purchasing the incorrect notebook/access code package and students buying them outside of the college and not be the correct ones. C. Announced the DE Council meeting of Wednesday Sept 25, from 3-5 p.m. at VV. Meeting Adjourned at 5:05 p.m. F. Faculty development workshops A reminder about the professional development deadlines for each campus to submit a proposal if needed for new faculty teaching emporium sections. The proposal Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 6 November 21, 2013 Rio Grande Campus Room M111 We need to determine the new “bubble” range from the new TSI placement scores. Ivette will invite faculty from the discipline to help develop this courses and share topic and content to help students be successful in their first college level math course. Members Present: Members Present: Gabriel Mendoza, Ivette Chuca, Lisa Juliano, and Edith Aguirre, Dr. Julie Penley Members Absent: Diana Orrantia, Oscar Macedo Pending question: How many students will be allowed to run NCBM? Meeting started at 4:05 p.m. I. Minutes III. Approval of April 23, 2013 minutes pending will bring for next meeting II. New Business A. Ivette shared that for emporium sections we need to decide if to use include SLO into one of the unit exams or into the final exam. The committee will look into possible SLO questions from the already existing Final exams and decide which to use as SLO question or bring ideas on a new one. So, either replace one question on the final exam or add another question to the final exam. Old Business New Courses developed over Summer 2013 included: 1. 2. Math0404-Fundamentals of Mathematical Reasoning. This course is for NON-STEM field students who need Math1342 or Math1333 in their degree plans. Students must have placed into Math0303 or higher, or passed Math0301 with C. They also need a minimum reading requirement and is paired with an education course Educ1300. This course did not make for Fall 2013, but may be offered in Spring or Fall 2014. Edith Aguirre and Lucy Michal both worked on the course development for this course during the summer 2013. NCBM0105-Mathematics Non-Course Based Instruction. This course is for emporium students who are currently enrolled in Math0305 and need about 1 week to complete their requirements before starting their college level course. The one week extender course, needs to be 16hrs rather 10, to be equivalent to 1credit hour course. Ivette Chuca, Oscar Macedo, and Edith Aguirre, worked on the course development for this course during the summer 2013. B. Pending to Complete: Eventually developmental math will have all three courses offering the Non-course based one week extender course for emporium section. Also in development is Math0124(will have a new course number), where “bubble” students, can register for credit courses Math1314 or Math1324 and concurrently register into this Math0124. TSI update Several math faculty took the TSI exam but the timing was inconvenience during faculty development week and very few faculty were able to take the exam, but many wanted to take it. Ivette will ask to see if testing center can provide opportunity for faculty to take new TSI placement exam at each of the different campuses. C. Syllabus Updates Ivette has sent all faculty the addendum for calculator use for emporium sections for faculty to provide to their students. If discipline approves, we may consider including this into the official syllabus for all three levels of developmental mathematics courses D. 3. Pending SLO’s Emporium Notebook/Purchase update If faculty are teaching a lecture developmental math course, there is a course ID they can use to copy everything in the emporium sections(online component) with the exception of the exams, since students purchase a book and it comes pre-packaged with access to MyMathLab. We will request for publisher Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 7 to provide us options again for different packages for purchasing emporium notebooks and access code for each of the sections math0301, 0303, and 0305. E. IV. Other A. Answered by Ivette: District-wide coordinator has not been informed of making any changes for offering or not offering that section based on new TSI. ATD Student/Faculty site visits for Math Emporium Because of this involvement and great success of Math Emporiums, EPCC was asked by MDC and Achieving the Dream to share information about the developmental of our math Emporiums to be shared with others across the country. EPCC was asked for feedback from administrators, IR staff, Faculty groups, Student Services staff, Counselors/Advisors, and Students on Sept 18th and 19th through various interviews. Question: Will we still be offering Math0301? B. Suggestion: To include a fee into the students tuition to pay for access codes for emporium sections, because this is causing so much confusing in purchasing the incorrect notebook/access code package and students buying them outside of the college and not be the correct ones. Meeting Adjourned at 5:05 p.m. F. Faculty development workshops A reminder about the professional development deadlines for each campus to submit a proposal if needed for new faculty teaching emporium sections. The proposal for a tutor workshop at MDP campus will be submitted for ALL tutors working in an emporium setting. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 8 March 4, 2014 Valle Verde Room C201 Members Present: Ivette Chuca, Diana Orrantia, Oscar Macedo, Edith Aguirre, Dr. Julie Penley, Lisa Juliano, Gabriel Mendoza I. Developmental courses. Motion was requested by Lisa Juliano to follow the same rules regarding testing that are in the Math Emporium syllabus applied to the face to face classes and it was second by Oscar Macedo.) i.e. 0301 –Voting Tabled until committee looks at Syllabus. MINUTES Minutes from Nov 21, 2013 meeting. Motion to approve minutes by Ivette Chuca second by Gabriel Mendoza C. Discrepancy in Content covered between Emporium and Lecture Designate Note taker - Mr. Mendoza II. OLD BUSINESS 1. SLO updates - SLO are out since this committee is only for developmental courses. 2. Emporium Notebook/Access Code update Adding the cost of the notebook to the tuition also known as Direct Fee Model, the guest speakers from Pearson Brook Mathews and Diana Baniak where present to explain and present over this topic. The book store and Pearson would need to go over this with their contract. We still want the videos and the notebook to be sent to the students. The institution will be charge after the census day for the notebook and the videos. Net price $116 access code, DVD videos, and notebook. Students are currently paying $154 at the book store. Can the cost be broken up for each section MATH0301, MATH0303, and MATH0305. Would a student have to pay again if the student fails the class? Sack Thomas would be the lead person at Pearson for this implementation. 3. III. (Math0305 covers Chp12 in emporium and not in lecture) - Make the material cover in the SRF and Math Emporium the same, for courses that are being affected. We will check if 9.6 is on the face to face and come back to this issue on the following meeting. Bring both syllabi for next meeting. One-week extender course development update - It would be announce to students after the 10 week and the students will be recommended by the instructor. D. a3 + a3 , a3 – a3 , simplify complex complex fraction Keep doing this as it has been done before. E. New Mathways Project Update Ivette update things are going well and have 13 students register at Valle Verde B. F. Low enrollment in Emporium sections TM recruiting fair for the Math Emporium 19th of March. Some counselors are telling them not to register for the math emporium IV. Other 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Adding addendum about calculators to lecture courses too This will be revised in the next meeting (Dr. Peeples requested if we can add the Math Emporium rules to the face to face classes. Consistency is the request among all Analyze data Ask Dr. K for data for the Math Emporium courses and see how we can improve and see the success rate in the next course. All face to face vs math emporium only vs mix of the two. NEW BUSINESS A. Topics which should be included in Emporium exams 6. Math faculty not following the math emporium rules. Rules and banner request. Math emporium commandments. RG mandatory meeting with Math emporium Faculty on March 28th, 2014. Holistic Approach Holistic approach for all incoming students Holistic Task Force Who would this affect? Math Emporium commercial for next year. Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 9 April 17, 2014 Rio Grande Campus Room M111 conversions and areas/volumes) for use in Math 0301. Members Present: Ivette Chuca, Edith Aguirre, Lisa Juliano, Diana Orrantia, Dr. Julie Penley, Hector Arriola , Gabriel Mendoza, and Oscar Macedo. E. I. Mission Del Paso had a registration fair. MINUTES Minutes from March 4, 2014 meeting – Motion to approve the minutes with the suggested corrections was made by Ivette Chuca. It was second by Lisa Juliano. There were 7 votes in favor, 0 against, and 0 abstained. Designated Notetaker – Oscar Macedo II. OLD BUSINESS A. One week extender course development update. NCBM 0101, 0103, 0105 Ivette Chuca passed out a handout addressing questions about NCBM. B. Addendum about calculators An addendum about calculators is not needed since both the syllabus for the lecture and emporium courses already include a statement about calculators. C. Discrepancy in content between Emporium and Lecture courses After looking at the syllabus for both courses, it was determined that there were 3 more sections (8.4, 12.7, 12.8) covered in the emporium course as opposed to the lecture course. Motion to remove sections 8.4, 12.7, and 12.8 from the emporium syllabus for the summer semester was made by Diana Orrantia. It was second by Ivette Chuca. There were 7 votes in favor, 0 against, and 0 abstained. D. Rules for Emporium labs Diana Orrantia and Ivette Chuca shared some of the rules they have for their emporium labs. Gabriel Mendoza is working on compiling a standard set of rules. Email Gabriel Mendoza any rules you have for the emporium labs by next Friday (4/25/14). Also, email Edith Aguirre any suggestions to compile a standard formula sheet (for Registration Fairs F. New Mathways Project Update Valle Verde has an NMP course in the summer. A petition has been made to offer Math 0404 in the fall semester. III. NEW BUSINESS A. NCBM Committee discussed whether or not a student, who started a second course within the same semester, would be given the opportunity of attending the NCBM. Two student cases were mentioned. Case 1: A student does not finish the course they were registered for. If guidelines are met, the student will receive an incomplete and will register for the NCBM. Student would receive a P or NP grade for that NCBM. Case 2: A student finished the course they were registered for and started a second course. If recommended by the instructor, the student would receive a grade for the course the student completed and would register for the NCBM of the course the student was working on. Student would receive a P or NP grade for that NCBM. In case 2, if student would receive a grade of P, the student would be allowed to register for the next course. Question was raised about transferability of the grade received for the NCBM. Texas would recognize the NCBM, but an out of state institution might not. It is the student’s responsibility to determine transferability of the grade with the other institution. Lisa Juliano made the motion to allow a student who started a 2nd or 3rd course to receive a grade for the registered course and be eligible for NCBM based on instructor recommendation. It was second by Ivette Chuca. There were 7 votes in favor, 0 against, and 0 abstained. If the NCBM does not meet the required enrollment, then the NCBM sections might be given in a “piggy back” format. Instructor would only get paid for 1 credit hour even if all 3 NCBM’s are under that format. One Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 10 NCBM section per campus is recommended with a minimum required enrollment of 3 students. Several committee members shared how they have their NCBM schedule/format set up. In regards to the management of incompletes, the student’s instructor would be recommended to provide to the NCBM instructor a copy of the incomplete form they submitted. Committee is still pending on Daryle’s response on how this would be managed. Grade wise, the instructor of record for the NCBM would record the grade the student received for the course, but would submit a P or NP as the grade for the NCBM. The same process used to perform a grade of change when a student completes more than one course, during a regular semester, would be used to assign the grade the student obtained for the course. This is still pending confirmation from Daryle’s/Hazel’s. Regarding registration, a list of the NCBM students would be given to registrars or the contact person. Ivette Chuca is waiting on Daryle’s response to know who that would be. List must be submitted Friday before finals week. On another note, if a student in the NCBM registered for the next course in the summer, the committee would ask Daryle not to drop the student and hold their seat. If unable to hold their seat that way, topic would be addressed to the deans. With respect to the payment deadline for the NCBM, Daryle should provide that response. B. District-Wide Instructional Lab Funding / Priorities Anything needed for instructional labs can be requested with the exception of building new space. Such requests can include supplies, personnel, etc. Suggestion was made to assign one or two individuals to manage emporiums district wide. Edith Aguirre and Lisa Juliano will work together to draft a plan and will submit it when ready. C. IV. Faculty Development Week – due April 23rd Other Ivette Chuca needs a student to record a video. Any recommendations are welcome. Gabriel Mendoza shared information about a P&G Research internship opportunity that is available for students. Developmental Math Standing Committee meeting adjourned at 5 p.m. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 11 DEVELOPMENTAL MATH COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2012-2013 Minutes for the 2012-2013 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 12 DEVELOPMENTAL MATH COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2011-2012 Minutes for the 2011-2012 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 13 DEVELOPMENTAL MATH COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2010-2011 Minutes for the 2010-2011 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 14 DEVELOPMENTAL MATH COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2009-2010 September 29, 2009 Members Present: Edith Aguirre, Helen Wang, Ivette Chuca, Lucy Michal, Lisa Juliano, and Irma Camacho - Our proposal to DEI shows that we are aiming to have 30% of DE Math students in a Math Emporium in 3 years. The increase will be as follows: 600 students in 2009/2010, 1200 students in 2010/2011, and 2000 students per semester in 2011/2012. 1. Edith and Ivette reported on the conference in Miami sponsored by Pearson. 2. Lisa handed out the minutes for all of the Standing Committee meetings held in 2008. Lucy motioned to approve the minutes, Edith seconded, and the committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes. - A schedule of current DE Math courses was passed out for each campus and there was a discussion about how much space would be needed by the end of the third year. 3. Lucy motioned for Lisa to continue as chairperson of the standing committee, and Edith to be the co-chair. Helen seconded and the committee voted unanimously. - A discussion was held on ways to publicize the Math Emporium. 4. 5. Everyone reported back on how the pilot sections were going and issues that had arisen. Lisa stressed that it was important that we all continue to do things consistently. 6. Ivette reported that the vote on leaving Math 0301 as a 3-credit course was 15 yes, 2 abstained. Lisa suggested that we look at a diagnostic for spring that allows us to compare Accuplacer scores to subject competence for students testing into Math 0301. 7. Meeting adjourned at 5:10. The following report was given from the Math Emporium Implementation Team: - The team consists of Lisa Juliano, Lucy Michal, Ivette Chuca, Christie Ponce, Ernst Roberts, Dale Hougham, and David Loscano. - Rick Lovato from Facilities will be going around to each of the campuses to check the rooms we have identified as potential spaces for Math Emporiums. The order of construction will be determined by Facilities. - Each campus will be getting 30 computers. If rooms aren’t ready then computers will be held in storage. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 15 March 4, 2010 RG Library Lisa Juliano will meet with Carolyn Buntyn of Testing Services to discuss the Accuplacer Diagnostic test to be given to students who have placed into Math 0301 and find out which of those students are lacking the arithmetic only. Also, it was suggested to send a flyer this semester to Math 0300 students informing them of the diagnostic test to place students into Math 0303, instead of Math 0301. Members Present: Lisa Juliano, Ivette Chuca, Helen Wang, Diana Orrantia, Edith Aguirre Members Absent: Lucy Michal, Bobby Ortega, Irma Camacho Meeting Called to Order: 3:15 p.m. The committee recommended having minutes approved at the beginning of each meeting, and so Ivette Chuca was notetaker to help with the minutes. I. B. Data from Fall Semester, and recommendations for Data Collection. Old business 1. A. Update on meeting with Registrar’s Office, Counselors, and Financial Aid Office 1. From learning of the difficulties in grading all of the finals in Fall 2009 semester’s, Ivette suggested final exams be given on the computer using Aleks and MML. Coding: Schedule Type/Instructional Type The committee decided to use the following coding for the Math emporium courses Motion: moved that the committee look into creating the final exams on both Aleks and MML, and then compare these exams at a later date to decide it it’s possible to have the online tool grade our final exams for Spring 2010. Schedule Type = 08-ClassroomEmporium and Instructional Method = 43Computerbased Instruction 2. 3. Second: by Ivette Chuca Build-in Fees for Access Codes: Contact Business Office for Codes Passed: Motion passed by unanimous vote. Diana Orrantia will find out what code is covered on Finanacial aid to build access code fee and report back to the committee. Lisa will work on the rubric and Diana will work on the ALeks final exam. 2. Piloting Accuplacer Diagnostic to correctly place high-end Math 0301 students Rubrics for New Exams for Spring 2010. Lisa Juliano will bring the rubrics for old exams to discuss for the new exams that will be online. Edith Aguirre has already submitted the new Math 0303 final exam with corrections via email to be given as a hard copy to students taking their finals early, starting Spring 2010. The Final Exam for Math 0305 will be edited at the ICTCM conference and will be in use for the Spring 2010 students taking their final early. 2 or more courses in a semester: 2nd final with Accuplacer? Lisa shared the struggles that a student had while trying to register after completing two courses in the Emporium. Topic was tabled until Lisa Juliano, speaks with Carolyn Buntyn of Testing Services to find options on how to place student’s final exam scores if the student passed two courses in one semester. The goal is to automate this process so that students and registrars both know that the student has the proper prerequisites. 4. Common Grading Session? 3. Avoiding discrepancies in Data Collection for Spring 2010 Edith reminded the committee of what the discipline had suggested for ALL developmental courses and the committee had already approved: There are no Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 16 graphing calculators allowed in Math 0305 final exams, no calculators of any kind used in Math 0301 & 0303 and no formula sheets of any kind allowed on any of the developmental final exams. D. Ivette Chuca, informed the committee that the Math 0301 course will need to be revised and is looking for someone that teaching developmental math and does not have a double overload. The committee is unclear if this is a Major revision or Minor revision. Ivette will find out if it is a Major Revision or Minor revision and what the pay is. Lisa Juliano suggested helping with this revision with help from Diana Orrantia. But due to discrepancies in the data collection for Fall 2010, like the use of graphing calculators or formula sheets and additions of extra points added to the final exams. Motion: Edith move to not use the completion data for Fall 2009, but rather use the fall to fall data, fall to spring data, and the data on the student's success in their subsequent credit courses. E. F. Seconded: Ivette Chuca Passed: Motion passed by unanimous vote. Motion: Ivette moved to not include any extra credit points on any of the final exams starting Spring 2010, unless the committee decided to grant points across all the finals being compared in our data collection. Seconded: Edith Aguirre Passed: Motion passed by unanimous vote. C. Revisit conversation about bringing people in to train instructors in teaching in an Emporium style setting. Since committee has not decided on either product, Ivette Chuca suggested contacting the two companies to invite two faculty from each of the two publishing companies to talk with all developmental math instructors who are interested in teaching a Math Emporium course. This invitation is opened to either April 16 or April 23. Lisa will be contacting both companies to let them know what the committee has decided. Seconded: Motion was second by Ivette. Passed: Motion passed by unanimous vote. Motion: Edith moved to use the suggested “Instructor Services--Test Administration Directions” where there Box “C” and “D” not be changed by anyone testing a final exam early at the testing centers for these Math emporium courses. By not changing “C” and “D” this will not allow students to use formula sheets of any kind. Revision for Math 0301 for fall semester Look at estimate of tutor hours and qualification sheet and decide on “Special Qualifications”. Decide breakdowns for each campus. Spring 2010 Tutor Needs TM = 2 tutors, VV = 1 tutor, NW = 2 tutors, MDP = 3 tutors, RG = ____? TM, VV, NW take 30hrs tutors/week, MDP take 40hrs tutors/week, RG_____? G. Begin dialogue about selecting one software. Topic tabled until next meeting Meeting Adjourned: 5:18 p.m. Final Exams for 0303/0305 1. Five forms again? From before, we are looking into online exams. 2. Common Grading Session? From before, we are looking into online exams and granting partial credit for problems that were missed online. 3. Math 0305 Revision From previous topic discussion, we will need to discuss this via email so that one student can take their Final before Spring Break. Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Ivette Chuca Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 17 April 15, 2010 RG Library 1. Members Present: Lisa Juliano, Ivette Chuca, Diana Orrantia, Edith Aguirre, Bobby Ortega Update from Ivette: Addendum to Catalog can be done earlier than 2 year prior to changes, but a letter from Dr. Brown is needed. Who should take the final exam? It was recommended that if student finish two courses this semester they will need to have a waiver from their instructors to be placed into the credit course. Also, if a student completes or does not complete the material online, ALL students will have to take the final exam for that one course which they’re registered. Committee will look into adding new changes to Syllabus for Future Semesters. Members Absent: Lucy Michal, Irma Camacho 2. Meeting Called to Order 3:15 p.m. I. Old business A. Finals for Spring 2010 1. Look over and decide on final versions for Spring 2010: Lisa will generate different versions of our updated final exams for Math 0303 and Math 0305 from last year’s versions and will be used this semester. 2. D. Data 1. Math 0305 Revision Ivette Chuca combined all questions from Math 0305 exams on Aleks and MML and placed them in one word document so that it reflects questions that will be found on the student’s final exam. This was done, since ALEKS was not able to create custom questions that are found on our Final Exams. 2. Final Exam Review Distributions: The final exam reviews done on ALEKS for Math 0303 have already been distributed. The final exam reviews done on MML for Math 0305 were on hold until decision from the committee. Several faculty have already distributed those finals exam reviews, and after this meeting, ALL faculty will be emailed with the COMMON review for Math 0305. 3. Grading Old Taken Tests: If a student has already taken an exam in Math 0303, then re-grade those exams using the emailed Rubric so that we will be consistent. Keep the higher of the two grades for the student’s records. 4. Concern about a student going through two courses? What should we do? Common Grading Session There will not be any common grading session, rather the rubrics will be provided by Lisa Juliano for Math 0303 and Edith Aguirre for Math 0305. This will be discussed by email before sending them to all faculty. B. Update for April 23rd. Counts as of 4/14/2010. 1. Math Workshop -- Current count for the April 23rd meeting are: Lunch: 19 people (Location ASC in meeting room provided by McGraw Hill) Workshops: 28 people (confirmed talks by Tim Britt and Denise Lujan) Dinner: 17 people (Location Jaxon’s on Airways provided by Pearson) 2. Presentation for lunch The NCAT presentation will be emailed to Lisa Juliano to edit for the presentation during lunch time. Attendees will learn, why this started, what has been piloted, and suggest feedback. C. Updates from last meeting II. New business A. Coding Emporium Class Problem: Ivette noticed that all of the emporium classes are appearing differently on the course catalog, so Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 18 she will meet with Bob Jones to report back to the committee and Diana will talk to Dale to report back to the committee. Problem: All emporium classes are appearing as online courses, even though there are several codes for each emporium class, when they should all be coded the same. B. Tutor Training: There will be online courses creating on MML and ALEKS so that tutors can have access to online resources and learn how the emporium classes work. C. Data for Control Groups: Edith suggestion to keep the data consistent by selecting better control groups which are similar to the emporium classes in size and instructor. Lisa will send out an email to ask instructors if they’re interested in being control groups. Meeting Adjourned: 5:01 p.m. Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Edith Aguirre Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 19 April 30, 2010 RG Library Members Present: Edith Aguirre, Ivette Chuca, Lisa Juliano, Lucy Michal, Diana Orrantia, Bobby Ortega D. Current enrollment for the Math 0303 and 0305 was discussed. Enrollment for Math 0303 is at 118 and for Math 0305 is 65. Three sections of Math 0303, two at NWC and one at MdP, will be used as control groups and be administered the common final exam being used for the math emporiums. The same will apply for Math 0305. Absent: Irma Camacho Call to Order: 3:05 p.m. by Lisa Juliano Minutes for the April 15, 2010 DE Math Standing Committee were reviewed. Diana moved to accept the minutes. Motion passed with minor corrections. Diana made the suggestion that in order to involve more faculty next semester to join their classes in as control groups, that they be asked from the onset of the semester rather than the middle of the semester. Old Business: A. Data: Update from Lucy: New Business: There will be a possible $1000 per campus stipend for anyone working on materials developed thru the DE Math Standing Committee. Lucy will keep the committee updated via email. B. A. Bobby Ortega updated the committee that there will be a total $800 stipend for work on developing materials for the redesign of these two courses into one. Both Lisa and Diana will be working on this redesign. They will be meeting during Summer I to develop the materials and have them ready for distribution at the district wide math faculty meeting. Math 0305 Rubric: Committee members took one last look at Math 0305 rubric to suggest final changes. Changes will be made, rubric updated, and sent out via email. C. The committee worked on revising the letter that had been created by Lisa, to send out to all current and prospective 0300 students. Note: To see final revisions, please refer to copy sent out by Lisa via email on Friday, May 7th. This letter will be sent out to all faculty, counselors, and testing services. Tutor Allocations: Each committee member was asked to reiterate how many academic math tutors they would need for the summer and possibly for the fall of 2010 at their respective campus. These tutors will be funded by the DEI grant through the end of June 2012. We will need to revisit the number of hours approved for tutors per week and per campus at the beginning of each semester. Because of EPCC recently receiving the DEDP grant, there may be additional funding for tutors in the future as well as monies for professional development in the area of Developmental Education. Lucy made the suggestion we keep track of how the tutors are helpful to provide justification for why the College should sustain funding for tutors hours once the grant funding period ends. Math 0300/0301: B. “Standing Committee Structure” and “Beginning Dialog about Choosing One Product” for the math emporium were tabled for discussion until the next meeting due to time constraints. Next Committee Meeting: To be determined via email. Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Diana Orrantia Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 20 DEVELOPMENTAL MATH COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2008-2009 September 25, 2008 UTEP. The plan is to pilot a course at TM and VV for spring, 2009. The question of computer classroom space was raised. Edith suggested that we submit a request as a department to the IT committee since it will be stronger. She agreed to forward the form to Ivette as soon as she received it and all of us would submit the computer needs for our campuses. We will all have to work with our deans to identify a possible computer classroom and getting it networked. Members Present: Irma Camancho, Diana Orrantia, Huili Wang, Lucy Michal, Ivette Chuca, Robert Ortega, Edith Aguirre, and Lisa Juliano 1. Ivette Chuca, Huili Wang, and Edith Aguirre were welcomed. The developmental standing committees were formed when the BASK classes were put into the disciplines. Representatives from the developmental standing committees meet monthly at the DE Council to discuss issues in developmental education. All of the committee’s work was summarized in the proposal made to the discipline during faculty development week. The question was raised if the vote on the proposal included the course content, but the vote was just on moving from four classes to three. 2. Since Muhammad Ahktar was serving as the co-chair and was rotated off of the committee, Lisa suggested we choose a new co-chair. Lisa nominated Lucy and Huili seconded. Everyone voted in favor of Lucy as the new co-chair. 3. Lisa asked if anyone knew more about the Math Emporium model. Diana said TM would be using ALEKS because that’s what UTEP is using and described it as a diagnostic tool where students have to fill out all sections of a pie. Currently, it is being used at UTEP for Math 0303 and Math 0305. Students pay $67 for ALEKS, but we don’t know if they pay an additional fee for the course. It is a pass/fail course. Edith said that she had visited one of the classes at Lisa suggested we also consider other models and asked that we have someone from NCAT come in for a presentation. We decided that Thursday, October 30th from 3-5 was the best date and time. 4. Next steps will be to present our proposal to the DE Council for feedback and suggestions, and then to the administration. We agreed to try to get a written proposal to the administration by the end of the semester. The next steps for this would involve a) sending the proposed content of each course to the department for feedback, b) deciding if our new course should be four or five credits, and then deciding on a model. 5. The next meeting will be on Thursday, October 30th at 3:00. The room TBA depending on the presentation. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 21 October 2008 Members Present: Diana Orrantia, Gabriel Mendoza, Irma Camancho, Lucy Michal, Lisa Juliano, Bobby Ortega, and Carmen Thompson, Ivette Chuca, Edith Aguirre Cengage Learning hosted Carolyn Jarmon, a representative of the National Center for Academic Transformation. She presented various computer-based models other institutions had used to redesign their courses. All of the members of the math discipline were invited to the presentation. Here is a summary of the models: Six Models for Course Redesign The following summarize the characteristics of the six course redesign models that emerged from NCAT’s course redesign programs. The Supplemental Model The supplemental model retains the basic structure of the traditional course and a) supplements lectures and textbooks with technology-based, out-of-class activities, or b) also changes what goes on in the class by creating an active learning environment within a large lecture hall setting. The Fully Online Model The fully online model eliminates all in-class meetings and moves all learning experiences online, using Web-based, multi-media resources, commercial software, automatically evaluated assessments with guided feedback and alternative staffing models. The Buffet Model The buffet model customizes the learning environment for each student based on background, learning preference, and academic/professional goals and offers students an assortment of individualized paths to reach the same learning outcomes. The Linked Workshop Model The Linked Workshop model provides remedial/developmental instruction by linking workshops that offer students just-in-time supplemental academic support to core college-level courses. A full description of the six models with examples from the projects follows. The Supplemental Model The Replacement Model The replacement model reduces the number of in-class meetings and a) replaces some in-class time with out-of-class, online, interactive learning activities, or b) also makes significant changes in remaining in-class meetings. Retains the basic structure of the traditional course, particularly the number of class meetings. May simply supplement lectures and textbooks with technology-based, out-of-class activities to encourage greater student engagement with course content and to ensure that students are prepared when they come to class. May add technology-based, out-of-class activities and also change what goes on in the class by creating an active learning environment within a large lecture hall setting. The Emporium Model The emporium model eliminates all class meetings and replaces them with a learning resource center featuring online materials and on-demand personalized assistance, using a) an open attendance model or b) a required attendance model depending on student motivation and experience levels. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 22 November 20, 2008 Members Present: Lisa Juliano, Lucy Michal, Ivette Chuca, Edith Aguirre, Helen Wang, and Diana Orrantia January 30, 2009 20 institutional teams accepted to C2R February - March 2009 Establish campus teams 1. Members discussed Carolyn Jarmon’s Presentation. 2. Course Redesign Conduct baseline assessments 3. Diana reported on the Pilot using Emporium Model at TM. 4. The committee voted unanimously to submit an application to the National Center for Academic Transformation’s Colleagues Committed to Redesign program. Lisa offered to fill out the application due on 1/15/09. The schedule for the program is listed below. The 4-Person Team consisting of an Administrator, 2 Faculty Experts, Technology Expertise would be decided later. Lisa reminded the committee that we are not committed to any product through NCAT. A member of the committee suggested that we put together a list of items that we would like to see in the product that we use for the redesign. They are going to use ALEKS, the product that UTEP is currently using. TM is going to offer two sections of the pilot. Any student testing into Math 0303 or Math 0305 can enter the pilot. The CRN will be the same, but both courses will be conducted at the same time. Preliminary Presentation to Administration. Lucy, Lisa, and Ivette have an appointment to speak with Dr. Brown about the discipline’s vote to go from four courses to three. We would like to make a proposal to present to the administration about the following issues: Non-Instructional Assignments for lead faculty, Computer Labs, Revamped Tutoring System March 2009 Prepare draft course redesign plan prior to institute Recommended: Participate in Redesign Alliance Annual Conference Late April 2009 Disciplinary institutes for 20 institutional teams June 1, 2009 Teams submit final course redesign plans Summer 2009 Campus planning and development Fall 2009 Pilot redesign projects January - February 2010 Assess the pilot results and make future plans March 2010 Share results at Redesign Alliance Annual Conference Throughout the project, we will be alert for lessons learned, resources developed, promising ideas implemented, problems addressed. We will distribute ideas and examples to participating institutions and the higher education community through NCAT’s quarterly electronic newsletter, The Learning MarketSpace. We will also communicate with individual campuses to share specific ideas gathered from consultations (both formal site visits and informal consultations) with the participating institutions as a means of addressing continuing problems and strengthening practice. To have your name added to NCAT’s electronic mailing list, which ensures that you receive periodic updates and information about this new effort, subscribe to the NCAT newsletter at For more information, please call 518-695-5320 or email Round III November 15, 2008 C2R competition announced January 15, 2009 Application deadline Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 23 DEVELOPMENTAL MATH COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2007-2008 November 27, 2007 Valle Verde, Room B107 Members Present: Pilar Gimbel, Lisa Juliano, Lucy Michal, Bobby Ortega, Diana Orrantia, and Joanne Peeples, • 1. The first item considered: Revision of the charge for the committee • There was a great deal of discussion about how the charge should be revised to be sure that the charge of this committee is clear. • The revised charge is: • The Developmental Mathematics Committee is charged with making recommendations to the College Mathematics discipline regarding the following developmental math areas: alignment of curriculum and instruction, revisions to syllabi, professional development for all faculty and staff involved in services related to instruction, and the identification, pilot, and evaluation of programs leading to student success. 3. Because there are plans to add new classrooms to each campus, we talked about recommending to Dr. Brown that there be a math lab at each campus. We also wondered if there was anyone from the mathematics faculty on the planning committee. Next we talked about Site Visits: Lisa, Lucy, and Santiago went to Northwest Vista CC, in San Antonio; Diana, Carmen and Bobby went to Virginia Tech; and Akhtar, Joanne and Steve went to both Scottsdale CC and Glendale CC in the Phoenix area. The question was raised about decreasing the number of developmental math courses to three – we ran out of time, and no real discussion was had and no decision was made. There will be detailed reports but some of the items shared/discussed were: • • • In San Antonio every (developmental) student was to spend one hour per week in the math lab – note this is not a computer lab. Math labs are close to dedicated math classrooms Virginia Tech had no developmental math classes; the other three CC’s had three developmental math classes. Glendale has both 4 hour and 5 hour beginning and intermediate algebra classes – it has no pre-algebra, but is considering adding one. Miscellaneous discussion: We talked about possible ways to help the developmental student. One was some early intervention to teach the students how to take notes in a math class, how to study, how to use a calculator to help understand concepts, etc. Perhaps we should develop a list of skills the students should have to be successful in a developmental course. The question was raised: could this be a part of the Education 1300 course? (Note: Lucy suggested rewording it in a couple of places to make it read better). 2. Scottsdale has 4 hour and 5 hour beginning and intermediate algebra classes. Training for tutors in the math lab is necessary. Often there are different levels of tutors, with different levels of pay. One lab required letters of recommendation, before hiring tutors. Another hired adjunct faculty as tutors. Northwest Vista had an “advocacy center” to give 11 help for students needing special help. Adjunct faculty need some required “faculty development” – i.e. training on how to effectively teach a developmental course. Full time faculty could mentor adjunct faculty. 4. Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be a working lunch at the “airport” Jaxon’s, on Friday, January 11, 2008, at 12:30. Submitted by: Joanne Peeples Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 24 January 28, 2008 Valle Verde, Room A2401 students. Everybody was agreed to Lucy's suggestion that proposal of adjusted syllabi for Math 0300, Math 0303, and Math 0305 should be sent to full-time math faculty for approval before making any final recommendations to the vice president academic affairs. Members Present: Muhammad Akhtar, Lisa Juliano, Lucy Michael, Pilar Gimbal, Diana Orrantia, Joan Peeples Guests: None Call to Order: Lisa Juliano, Committe Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:004 pm. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and minutes were passed by all the members present 1. Lucy suggested that committee members should study the content overlaps in the remedial math courses offered at EPCC. The idea is to do away with the content overlaps because they are not as effective as originally thought by the authors of the present remedial course syllabi which is clearly evident by the student success rate over the years. By removing overlaps we might also be able to offer three remedial courses: Math 0300, Math 0303, and Math0305. Orrantia raised question how to handle students taking Math 0300 in the spring and planning to take Math 0301 in the fall. It was agreed to offer Math 0301 for at least one fall semester to accommodate those 2. Lisa made a motion to take a vote on course alignment which was passed by all the members present, and the committee was split into two groups. Both groups with three members in each started identifying the overlaps in the remedial course syllabi. At 5:00 pm, without reaching any conclusion, meeting was adjourned at the request of committee's chairman Lisa Juliano. The date for next meeting was agreed on Feb 11, 2008. It was also agreed that members will continue working individually before the next meeting. Respectfully Submitted, Akhtar Co-Chairman Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/7/15 25 March 13, 2008 Members Present: Diana Orrantia, Irma Camacho, Joanne Peeples, Pilar Gimbel, Lisa Juliano, Lucy Michal, and Bobby Ortega. 1. 2. 3. Members were given a copy of the new charge. No changes were suggested. Announcement was made of a page dedicated for developmental education proposals for faculty development week. Irma Camacho discussed briefly what various committees were doing for faculty development week. Discussion revolved around a departmental proposal to the administration for the following items: • • Technology labs/computer classrooms. Contacting IT to ensure that software gets added to computers each semester. • A math hub with math-dedicated classrooms. • Additional full-time developmental math specialists at each campus. 4. A vote was taken to continue with process of trying to reduce four developmental courses to three. Vote passed unanimously. 5. Other. • Data is being collected on all math faculty to track how students are doing in subsequent courses. Information only available to deans. • To ensure consistency among instructors a suggestion was made for exit exams. Student support services/tutors, adjuncts and release time. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) 8/7/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 26 April 7, 2008 Members Present: Diana Orrantia, Muhammad Akhtar, Irma Camancho, Lucy Michal, Lisa Juliano, Bobby Ortega, and Carmen Thompson up the tasks of presenting a PowerPoint presentation on reducing our current 4-class sequence to 3 classes. • • 1. 2. Lisa announced that every year 1/3 of the committee needed to be rotated off. Since we had gotten applications from MDP and VV we had decided to rotate Pilar and Muhammad off of the committee. We had an application from TM as well, but decided Diana needed to stay on the committee because of her unique position. The chair agreed to make recommendations to Irma about who would join the committee. Departmental Proposal to Administration. The committee agreed to submit a proposal to the administration on the following items by mid-summer. • • • • 3. Student Support Services Additional full-time developmental math faculty at each campus Technology Labs/Computer Classrooms Logistically placed math classrooms Committee Proposal to Math Department: for Faculty Development Meeting in August. We agreed to split • • • Current state of affairs. Pilar Research to support moving from four courses to three. Lucy Options/safety nets for students who get a certain score on Accuplacer. Lisa Course realignment. Subgroups for this work or do we want to work on this over the summer? Decided to do this work over the summer. Phasing in/out of material. Diana Other Items Irma Camancho announced there would be additional funding for Summer 2008 for the Summer Bridge project. Lucy asked the committee members to report back on any “pockets of wonderfulness” that were occurring in Developmental Education. Dr. Ortega asked about issues related to the credit courses such as piloting Math 1333 sections. A member of the committee asked if Math 1333 should continue to be a prerequisite for Math 1350 since the students are noticeably less prepared. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) 8/7/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 27 DEVELOPMENTAL MATH COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2006-2007 Wednesday, January 11, 2006 TM Cafeteria Members Present: Mary Alanis, Pilar Gimbal, Lucy Michal, Diana Orrantia, Joanne Peeples 4. Copies of a draft copy of Beyond Crossroads was handed out to the committee members. This is an AMATYC publication, which “shares the vision” about what mathematics should look like in the two year college. It also has suggestions for implementing mathematics standards in the first two years of college. It was agreed that the committee members would read the first four chapters (pages 1 –28) so we might discuss them at the next meeting. Members Absent: Irma Camacho, Bobby Ortega, Muhammed Akhtar, Lisa Juliano 1. Math 0303 and 0305 current syllabi – when you have suggestions, let the committee members know. Target date for new syllabi: April 15, 2006 We agreed to bring possible changes to the current syllabi to the committee meetings. Several committee members are teaching one or both of these courses. We should be able to have changes ready for the summer by April 15. 2. 5. Is there any data yet? Who will be responsible for looking at the data and report back at our next meeting? Where do we start? We need to decide the essential knowledge a student must have when that student completes Math 0305. Can the New Mexico model help us? Other Business It was suggested that the coordinators on each campus ask every faculty member (adjunct and full time) to turn in a copy of their final exam for each course taught, at the end of the semester. The reasoning is to help the Developmental Math Committee align the developmental classes. We would like to see what is being covered in the developmental classes (and the depth of coverage) and what the credit classes expect of the students. We have no data yet. Since Akhtar is the “statistician” on our committee, we will ask him to check with Irma or Kay Lambert (from Testing Services) about getting data concerning pass rates and Accuplacer placement in the developmental math courses. 3. A look at Crossroads Revisited. Also, the committee needs to talk with Irma and Kay Lambert about its members taking the Accuplacer. 6. Next Meeting: Friday, February 3, 2006 at 3:15, Rio Grande Campus, Room A121 Submitted by, Copies of the New Mexico model were handed out. We will ask Lisa to send the MSP work on Math 0303 and 0305 – that group has put together a framework of knowledge necessary for those courses. Joanne Peeples Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) 8/7/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 28 DEVELOPMENTAL MATH COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2005-2006 Minutes for the 2005-2006 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/DEVMATH MINUTES(COMBINED) 8/7/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 29