For College Procedure Committees
MINUTES FOR 2015-2016
(Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.)
October 13, 2015
Members Present: Elsa Ruiz, Dr. Aditi Sarkar, Patrick
Rosser, Norma Loera, Cheryl Bowman, Sabrina Campbell
and Isabel Castillo.
Police Department would be placing the call boxes in both
buildings. It was clarified that the ASC CIC project was only
covered for building A because of the $5,000 and that it
should be resubmitted as a project for this year
Meeting called to order at 3:20 p.m.
Elsa Ruiz presented to the committee if they would be
interested in doing the Secret Santa event again this year.
She placed a motion to sponsor the event and Norma Loera
and Sabrina Campbell seconded. She will email the listed of
economically depressed schools to everyone. A school will
be selected and contacted. Ms. Campbell requested that there
be a 100% participation. Dr. Sarkar indicated she would not
be able to participate because she will be out during that time.
Employee of the Month – An inquiring was made regarding
the regulations being used to nominate and select the
candidates for EOM. Dr. Sarkar and Ms. Campbell clarified
the regulations and that we can check with Dr. Stroud’s
office. There was a suggestion of placing posters in both
ASC A and B to encourage employees to submit nominations
(approval needs to be done thru AVP office before posters are
put up), also to keep in contact with Jim Heiney to send our
reminders both for nominations and on the day of the EOM
celebration. The committee member requested that we also
consider new nominations and not just carry over the
nomination not selected to the next month. Ms. Campbell
clarified that new nominations are considered and the
nomination not selected were placed back in the pool. ASC
CIC has $975 to distribute thru twelve EOM events and
Next meeting will be held on November 10, 2015. Meeting
adjournment by Isabel Castillo seconded by Elsa Ruiz.
Meeting ended 5:00 p.m.
Two nominations were submitted for EOM. Rachel Lozoya
from ASC B has been selected as EOM for October. EOM
celebration will be on 10/29/15 in ASC B – Hot dogs and
green sherbet and 7Up will be served. Ms. Campbell will be
purchasing the items needed. ASC CIC has enough plates,
napkins, cups, punch bowl and tongs. Dr. Sarkar will be out
that day and not able to attend. There was a suggestion to
improve the presentation set up for the EOM and it was
recommended to partner with some community partners in
the area. The ASC CIC committee did not feel that it would
not be appropriate.
New Business – There was a concern occurring with the rear
parking area in ASC Building B with new additional offices
moving in. It was stated that it has previously had brought up
in the past meetings since there has been a parking issue and
that signage is also needed. Ms. Bowman had suggested that
we should invite Mr. Lobato to one of the ASC CIC meetings
at a later date. It was also recommended that it be submitted
as one of the CIC projects. There was also a question on what
had happened to the emergency call box that was to have also
been installed in building B now that building A already has
theirs and it had been stated in a previous meeting that the
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 10, 2015
Members Present: Cheryl Bowman, Isabel Castillo, Patrick
Rosser, Sabrina Campbell, Elsa Ruiz and Norma Loera.
Meeting called to order at 3:06 p.m.
Minutes- Minutes reviewed and corrections were made.
Campus Improvement Projects- Four Campus/Site
Improvement Plan Projects were selected:
Emergency Call Box
Covered Evacuation Areas
Campus/Building Directory
Charging Stations
Secret Santa -- The school selected is Zavala Elementary.
Elsa Ruiz volunteered to organize the event and contact the
school. Date selected will be December 11, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.
Norma Loera will be calling the drama club and Jennifer
Perkins will call the EPCC Cheerleaders. Norma will be
asking VPs to see if they will be able to donate some goodies
for the children. Elsa Ruiz will call Mayra Cordero and
Nancy Tharp to see if they will be to do a presentation for the
Next meeting will be December 15, 2015. Meeting
adjournment by Sabrina Campbell and seconded by Patrick
Rosser. Meeting ended 4:57 p.m.
The crosswalks projects submitted, but not selected, has
already been funded by Physical Plant.
Employee of the Month -- Leticia S. Alvarez from ASC
building A was selected for the month of November.
Celebration will be December 4,, 2015 in ASC building A
lunch room. The menu will be Nachos. Items to be
purchased will be tostada chips and possibly sodas inventory
will be checked. A committee member requested that all
nominations get considered equally and brought to the
meeting. A recommendation was made for the CIC
committee have their own dedicated CIC mailbox at ASC.
District Meeting -- Cheryl Bowman was selected as chair of
the CIC District Committee.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
December 8, 2015
Members Present: Sabrina Campbell, Patrick Rosser, Isabel
Castillo, Norma Loera, Cheryl Bowman and Elsa Ruiz.
Sabrina motioned for Norma Loera to be selected for
Secretary and Patrick Rosser and Isabel Castillo seconded.
Meeting called to order at 3:11 p.m.
Approved Previous Minutes for October and November.
Minutes were amended, Sabrina Campbell motioned for
minutes and Cheryl Bowman seconded.
Re-schedule Employee of the Month – Sabrina motioned to
postpone item B; pending Norma’s follow-up with Ann.
Norma needs to find out from Ann availability of employee
for the following week.
Nominations for January EOM were reviewed. The
committee selected Alfonso Barrera.
District meeting results – approved Emergency Call Box for
ASC-Building B. The Campus/Site Improvement Plan
money will be used to fund it. This information was shared
with the CI committee by Sabrina Campbell.
Meeting adjournment by Cheryl Bowman and seconded by
Elsa Ruiz. Meeting ended 4:40 p.m.
EOM Nomination Form – it was suggested we re-vamp the
nomination from to make it more inviting not only to
employee but to students etc., to complete, submit and
nominate someone for EOM.
The committee discussed how to make EOM more
successful. Suggestions included:
 Use a standardized form that is easily found in
District Forms or use a web form;
 Submit to a central location and then distributed
based on Employee location before the CIT meets;
 Regular monthly announcements by Dr. Stroud’s
office to encourage participation.
Sabrina Campbell will bring this issue up at the district
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 12, 2016
Members Present: Sabrina Campbell, Patrick Rosser, Aditi
Sarkar, Norma Loera, Cheryl Bowman and Elsa Ruiz.
Campus Improvement Plans:
District approved the Call Box for Building B.
Meeting called to order at 3:08 p.m.
Re-discussed EOM form
Include in District Forms on the web
Break it down to campus
Can anyone nominate anyone at any campus
Sabrina to bring to District meeting if the EOM form can be
placed under District Forms on EPCC website and can we
have a standardized District form. Next District meeting is in
two weeks. Place it on agenda and speak to why we are
recommending these changes.
Next IE meeting we will choose the February EOM. EOM
will be scheduled to be celebrated on January 29, 2016 at the
ASC-B Building at 10:00 a.m.
Aditi met with Rick Lobato about the Chihuahuan Desert
Certified Habitat plant project. Aditi will invite Pascual to
the next meeting on February 10th.
Aditi is going to look at trying to get Level 2 certification.
Crosswalk project will be funded by Physical Plant (we are
work order number 22000). Physical Plant is looking at all
the other campuses as well. Cheryl will be meeting with
Captain Barragan to discuss stop sign.
A concern was brought up about lack of signs in the ASC-B
classrooms (do not have signs for emergency call numbers).
Elsa volunteered to submit a work order to get this request
Meeting adjournment by Sabrina and seconded by Patrick.
Meeting ended 4:23 p.m.
At last District Meeting the other campuses shared what they
do for their EOM; they go to their departments (bring cake,
balloons, certificate). And at end of the semester/year they
do a party for everyone who received EOM. They also
announce it thru-out the campus and have a PowerPoint
presentation showing of all past winners. Suggestion was
brought up at the meeting to recommend nominating 1
employee from each building (A&B) and then we celebrate
both. We invite everyone to come just as we normally do.
February 9th; would have been the next scheduled IE
meeting; but we are having the Professional Development on
that day. We re-scheduled IE meeting to 3:00 p.m. on
February 10, 2016.
Cheryl volunteered to send out reminders to Jim Heiney.
Sabrina will send Cheryl the updated EOM form. Committee
discussed trying to send multiple email reminders; seem to
work better and employees tend to notice these
announcement more.
Committee needs status of finances for next meeting.
Sabrina – reminded everyone to promote EOM and suggest
completing EOM forms.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
February 10, 2016
Members Present: Isabel Castillo, Cheryl Bowman, Aditi
Sarkar, Sabrina Campbell and Norma Loera.
Student – this suggested to be up for further
discussion by the CI committee
24 months – how often eligible for nomination –
changing it to 5 years.
EOM names can be tracked because their names are
on the web.
Length of employment – should be in procedure for
12 months (from initial employment) and should be
a current employee.
Part-time should be included on policy.
Employees (FT/Regular, FT/Temporary, Part-time,
Reminder was said regarding EOM form – District
needs to decide on one uniform form or one form for
each campus.
Recommended on policy we remove IIA, criteria
from front and back.
Sabrina said she will bring up the District buying
together to be more beneficial for all campuses.
Meeting called to order at 3:09 p.m.
Treasurer Report (Missing Receipts from Events)
Committee members are going to check and see if
they have any outstanding receipts that need to be
turned in for Secret Santa and EOM events.
Isabel averaged for the Committee; EOM averages
about $81.25 per event.
Last month’s Minutes were approved by Sabrina and
seconded by Aditi.
Follow-up information for Chihuahuan Desert Certified
Habitat plant project
Aditi had invited Mr. Raul Lucero to attend today’s meeting.
Mr. Lucero was not able to attend. Aditi will re-schedule and
invite Mr. Lucero to the next scheduled meeting.
Information from District Meeting
Sabrina did not get to present at District.
Cheryl from District Meeting (EOM policy is going
to be revised to include Part-time employees.)
Policy is going to take till the end of the fiscal year
to be revised by Ron.
Remind Sabrina to send out the policy to the committee
members to review and give them till Thursday, February
18th to return with any corrections.
Employee of the Month
EOM will be re-scheduled for Friday, February 26, 2016 at
the ASC-B Building at 10:00 a.m.
Policy should be reviewed to clarify the following:
Length of employee service
Employees being disciplined (Ms. Nancy Nelson has
already been asked about this question)
President is going to reinstate letters and reinstate
the luncheon (D&E) on the policy
Work studies are eligible
Also anyone can nominate any employee at any
campus for EOM
Volunteers should not be considered employees and
maybe they can be honored another way
Who can nominate & other recommended changes to policy:
Cheryl is going to be sending the approved email “Great
Employees are Missing”; to Jim Heiney and ask him to send
multiple reminders.
For Next Meeting (District meeting to be held on the 4th
District meeting – discussed someone has to be there for a
quorum. There is a form for a proxy to be nominated if the
members cannot attend.
E-vote – every voting member has to vote.
Discuss quorum (what it needs to be)
Meeting adjournment by Aditi and seconded by Sabrina.
Meeting ended 5:14 p.m.
Any current college employee
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
For College Procedure Committees
MINUTES FOR 2014-2015
(Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.)
October 14, 2014
planting.) The projects that were voted to be
moved forward are:
Members Present: Abigail Tuberville, Cheryl Bowman,
Elsa Ruiz, Sabrina Campbell, Dr. Aditi Sarkar, and Clarissa
Martinez, Keith Gutierrez.
Members Absent: Erika Gamboa, Norma Loera, Jennifer
Emergency Call Box
Little Library
Meeting called to order at 3:02
Campus Improvement Projects – Mr. Lobato and
Campus Improvement team discussed the projects
that were submitted for the ASC. Projects are:
Carpet in HR; Labeling Public Use Phones;
Emergency Call Box; Little Free Library; ASC
Planting; Chihuahuan Desert Certified Habitat. Mr.
Lobato indicated that the labeling of the public use
phones (a listing of telephone numbers) would be
done through a work order by the Physical Plant.
Discussing the carpet in HR area, Mr. Lobato
indicated that they do not put carpeting in hallways,
even if they are internal hallways. He indicated that
they would probably replace the current tile with a
different type of flooring – Ms. Bowman indicated
that there had been another accident due to the floor
just this past Friday, October the 10th. With regards
to the Chihuahuan desert & ASC planting project,
Mr. Lobato, Ms. Bowman and Dr. Sarkar went
outside to view the area that was being targeted for
the planting and the Chihuahuan Desert Habitat and
he indicated that Physical Plant would need to first
put a railing because it is located in an area that is
very high . Mr. Lobato suggested that he would have
one of his employees “Raul” to work with the
campus improvement team on the planting but he
will put in the railing anyway. The Emergency Call
Box project – Ms. Bowman indicated that if the
project was selected, even though the amount listed
on the budget is $8,500 – if this was selected then
any amount over the $5,000 would be covered by
EPCC Police.
Employee of the Month – Dr. Sarkar brought forth
the Employee of the month. It was suggested by
Sabrina to have all 4 nominations be “Employees of
the Month” the problem became that there is only 2
parking spots between the ASC B bldgs. Employee
of the month for August was never celebrated so it
was put up for a vote to move the nominee for
August to the month of October. The vote passed
unanimously. Celebration would be on 10/30 at
2:00 p.m. at the ASC lunch room.
Secret Santa: The group discussed on whether to
continue with the Secret Santa event or go with an
agency. Since it is getting late in the year, trying to
find an agency that is not already sponsored would
not be effective. Dr. Sarkar suggested to have a
subcommittee formed for the “Secret Santa” project
– at this point it would be better to follow up with
Angelica Sano from the President’ s Office and her
suggestion if the CIC was going to do the Secret
Santa project to go with the school that Dr. Serrata
adopted. Ms. Elsa Ruiz said she would follow up
with Jennifer Perkins and Angelica Sano to see if the
offer of support from the President’s Office was still
on the table. Keith mentioned to cross reference the
school with the listing that we received from EPISD
of disadvantaged schools. (10/16/14 – Douglass
Elementary is on the disadvantaged listing for
EPISD please see below)
Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Review & Vote: After reviewing all the
projects the team decided to vote for the top 3
(2 of the campus projects were lumped
together because they were basically about
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 11, 2014
Members Present: Abigail Tuberville, Cheryl Bowman,
Elsa Ruiz, Dr. Aditi Sarkar, Jennifer Perkins, Norma Loera.
Campus Improvement Projects – Cheryl was
updating the committee of all the projects that were
approved, the ASC projects that were approved were
the Call Boxes and the Little Libraries for the A & B
bldg. Cheryl asked if we could start working on
getting book donations now so that when the
bookcases arrive they can be set up. Ms. Elsa
volunteered to be the caretaker for the B Bldg.
library and Cheryl will be the caretaker for the A
Bldg. but once the project gets going then further
discussion needs to done on maybe a separate
committee should take responsibility of up keeping
the library or if it’s going to be a responsibility of
the Campus Improvement Team from here on.
Other Business - none
Members Absent: Erika Gamboa, Sabrina Campbell,
Clarissa Martinez, and Keith Gutierrez. Meeting began at
Employee of the Month – discussion was made
about whether or not to have an employee of the
month for November and also for December. It was
agreed to go ahead and have the November EOM
since we still have some nominations and to possibly
skip the December EOM since we are only here 2
weeks, Elsa suggested that if we have the EOM in
January if we could have 2 people selected, one
from the A bldg. and one from the B bldg.
Discussion was also brought up about getting more
nominations. When Keith comes back – we would
like for him to send out a new notice for
nominations and the notice for the employee of the
month for November. Everyone liked the
notification that he made for Halloween.
Secret Santa – Discussion about getting the
Christmas tree set up – we (Norma Loera, Jennifer
Perkins, Elsa Ruiz & Abby Tuberville) met with
Linda Gonzales and Angie Ruiz regarding Douglas
Elementary – and how they are going to help us by
getting the Christmas Angels templates to the school
and have the Kindergarten teachers fill out the forms
for the children. Ms. Gonzalez contacted the
President’s Office and found that if the school
cannot provide the transportation, then the
President’s Office will assist. We found out that we
are missing our “old” Christmas tree and we had a
discussion about maybe getting a donation or a loan
for a tree so that we could hang the Christmas
Angels. Several of the committee members were
going to go to various offices to see if anyone had a
tree they could donate. Ms. Kathy Lopez, AVP
Workforce – said she would donate her tree.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
December 12, 2014
December 12, 2014
Children from Douglas Elementary arrive at 9:30 a.m.
Tejano Jack and Cheerleaders will greet students and lead them to the Board room.
President's Welcome and followed by reading of "The Night Before Christmas"
Mayra Cordero and/or Nancy Tharp -Educational presentation "recycling" and/or Fire Safety
Tejano Jack & Cheerleaders perform
Singing Santa performance for the children & CIT/Santa sing-along
Teachers take students for restroom break. Prepare for gift distribution
Distribute gifts and children take pictures with Santa
Teachers get students in line for pizza and goody bags
Douglas Elementary guests depart
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 13, 2015
Members Present: Abigail Tuberville, Cheryl Bowman,
Elsa Ruiz, Sabrina Campbell, Dr. Aditi Sarkar
Follow up on Carpeting in HR
Some B bldg. people are parking in A bldg. lot
Members Absent: Keith Gutierrez, Norma Loera, Jennifer
Perkins, Clarissa Martinez
Money: Elsa needs to get form from Marketing to thank the
company who donated the pizzas. Elsa will get with Letty
Trash on the hill from the restaurants and shopping center.
Cheryl spoke to the manager of Souper Salad and they
cleaned their area
Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Thank Kathy for the donation of the Christmas TreeCupcakes, Melissa Sanchez for the "Children's College" bags;
Thanks for Cheryl for taking the Christmas tree down.
IE Cage is #25- put the Christmas tree, decorations, table
cloths, Valentine's Day decorations, grill; (that is all that was
found in the IE cage)
Need to do an inventory of what is in the boxes and label
them. Dr. Sarkar volunteered Armando to do the inventory.
Need shelving in the cage.
Status on our project: Landscaping- need to e-mail Rick
Lobato ref: landscaping; Dr. Sarkar to e-mail Dolores Gross
ref: Special Desks
Cheryl suggested to have a subcommittee for the "Little
Library" & "Secret Santa"- what will be the sustainability of
these projects.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 15, 2015
Members Present: Abigail Tuberville, Cheryl Bowman,
Elsa Ruiz, Sabrina Campbell, Dr. Aditi Sarkar via telephone,
Clarissa Martinez, Keith Gutierrez.
Members Absent: Isabel Castillo, Norma Loera, Jennifer
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting – by Cheryl – Elsa
seconded; meeting ended at 4:35
Budget update: tomorrow 3/4/15
Review of EOM procedures:
Other Business – since Clarissa will be leaving it
was brought up that maybe Keith should assume the
role of treasurer since he had this role 2 years ago.
Feedback – lately notification too short
Set calendar/schedule
Maybe we should set a cutoff date by the last day to
receive nominations and then we vote at our regular
meeting time. Set last Thursday of the month for the
EOM celebration – this way there’s plenty of time to
notify the supervisor, etc.
Set a due date for submittal – before our IE
committee meeting date (possibly the Friday
Distribute before meeting
Vote on at meeting
Notify Supervisor
Notify Presenter
EOM – last Thursday of the month (we
would need to change form to read last day of
the month)
Discussion was made about # of falls in the building,
after Dr. Sarkar fell and broke her ankle. Cheryl
indicated that she tried getting the information from
Nancy Tharp but apparently those falls have not
been reported because there are no #’s.
Discussion was made about having an alternate for
EOM in the event that the person that got selected is
not available – in the case of Luz Elena Casavantes
– she’s a part time instructor and she will not be
available for EOM until July this way, the alternate
will be the EOM. Motion was made to nominate an
alternate EOM, motion was seconded by Norma.
EOM alternate – Norma – Maria Elena
Elsa – Maria Elena
Keith – Maria Elena
Aditi – Maria Elena
Abby – abstained
Sabrina – absent (had to leave)
Clarissa – absent (had to leave)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 14, 2015
Members Present: Abigail Tuberville, Cheryl Bowman,
Elsa Ruiz, Sabrina Campbell, Dr. Aditi Sarkar, Isabel
Castillo, Keith Gutierrez.
Members Absent: Norma Loera, Jennifer Perkins.
EOM – April
Do we redo the election? Or establish a precedent?
EOM – April – Maria Elena Salazar 1st –
Supervisor, Margie Pavia; Armando will be the
backup. EOM Celebration April 30th
The group had a discussion about planning the
remainder of the EOM’s – maybe next one we
should do the Nachos. In May, do a “Police Officer
Appreciation”. Dr. Sarkar was going to find out if
we can do it as part of the EOM celebration.
June – Night Crew – janitorial employees
July – Luz Elena Casavantes
August - ?
Next meeting 5/12/15
Move to adjourn the meeting at 4:34 p.m.
Elsa will take care of the cupcakes – maybe we can
have the ice cream cups?
Drinks – maybe Hawaiian punch; or Sherbet punch;
Cheryl will take care of buying the Sherbet.
Budget is $475 – discussion about frames for the
EOM’s to purchase for enough for the entire year.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
May 12, 2015
Members Present: Abigail Tuberville, Cheryl Bowman,
Elsa Ruiz, Sabrina Campbell, Isabel Castillo, Dr. Aditi
Sarkar, and Clarissa Martinez, Keith Gutierrez.
Risk management
Members Absent: Norma Loera, Jennifer Perkins.
Continuing Education
Alternative speed controlling devices instead of the
current speed bumps was discussed at length
Unpleasant odor in building B was discussed.
Physical plant is aware of the problem and is
working on it.
Next EOM – May 29 at 10 a.m. in Building A
Coffee: Dr. Giron’s office
Physical plant was going to:
Donuts: Sabrina
Check on training for Chihuahuan desert
Croissants: Dr. Sarkar
Will coordinate on plant selection
Orange juice: Dr. Sarkar
Wait for the railing to come up before
Will gather information from El Paso
Water Utility and UTEP
Little Free Library will be decorated by the Student
Art Club. It is pending approval from its organizing
agency. A cage has been allotted for the Library.
Call box was approved
Water spout on the ramp of Building A was diverted
Christmas party had 75 kids from the kindergarten
class of Douglas Elementary
CSD –evaluate support services for students –
tutoring and counselling had requested for special
Emergency phone signage was ordered
Weather stripping in building B needed attention
Representation needed from:
Physical Plant
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting – by Sabrina –
Cheryl seconded; meeting ended at 4:55 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
June 9, 2015
Members Present: Abigail Tuberville, Cheryl Bowman, Elsa Ruiz, Dr. Aditi Sarkar, Isabel Castillo
Members Absent: Norma Loera, Jennifer Perkins, Sabrina Campbell, Clarissa Martinez, Keith Gutierrez.
Budget balance was inquired. With the absence of Keith it was decided that Dr. Sarkar would request the balance
from Ron Stroud.
Petty cash procedure was discussed. It was decided that a copy of the petty cash request would be sent to Juanita
EOM discussed for the months of June and July 2015
June 2015: Manuelita Powell, bldg. B, Supervisor- Maria del Carmen Casavantes (ext. 7807)
July 2015: Luz Elena Casavantes, Instructor, Supervisor – Sara Martinez
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting – by Cheryl – Elsa seconded; meeting ended at 4:35
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
July 7, 2015
Members Present: Cheryl Bowman, Elsa Ruiz, Isabel Castillo, Dr. Aditi Sarkar
Members Absent: Sabrina Campbell, Clarissa Martinez, Keith Gutierrez., Norma Loera, Jennifer Perkins, Abigail Tuberville,
Elsa Ruiz
Lack of attendance by members was discussed. Some members have not attended at all – Jennifer and Norma
EOM was discussed. The winner for the month was selected several months ago but as she is a part-time employee
and had taken a long leave of absence it was not possible to offer her the EOM award.
Food for the occasion:
Dr. Sarkar
Catering Department
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting – by Cheryl – Isabel seconded; meeting ended at 4:35 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 11, 2015
Members Present: Cheryl Bowman, Elsa Ruiz, Sabrina Campbell, Dr. Aditi Sarkar, Isabel Castillo
Members Absent: Norma Loera, Jennifer Perkins, Clarissa Martinez, Keith Gutierrez, Abigail Tuberville
Year 2015-16 was discussed. Only a few of the current members would continue on to the next year.
EOM was discussed.
Food for the occasion:
Ice creams
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting – by Cheryl – Sabrina seconded; meeting ended at 4:55 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
2013-2014 MINUTES
September 24, 2013
path of the handicap ramp – so if someone is trying to
get to the A bldg. through that ramp, they are going to
get soaked before they enter the building. (see pictures
Members Present: Jennifer Perkins, Sabrina Campbell,
Keith Gutierrez, Abigail Martinez-Tuberville, Elsa Ruiz, Dr.
Aditi Sarkar, Erika Gamboa, Norma Loera, & Cheryl
Discussion was held on who would be the Co-Chair, the
secretary, the 3rd Representative for IE. Jennifer asked
Abigail Tuberville if she wanted to continue with the
secretarial duties and she accepted. Dr. Sarkar was asked if
she would like to assume the role of Co-Chair and she
accepted and Sabrina Campbell was asked if she wanted to
assume the 3rd representative for IE and she accepted. Keith
volunteered to be the Treasurer for the group.
Keith Gutierrez explained the role of the IE members and
what happens when they go to the District IE meetings.
The group discussed different ways that IE could make a
difference at our administrative offices; there was discussion
about ways to improve our buildings and the surroundings.
The following were suggestions:
The new speed bump that was added on the hill up to
Viscount – the bolts may be loose and therefore they
could cause damage to tires – why not put a “Speed
Hump” instead and it won’t be so bad.
E-cigarettes – an issue was suggested by someone –
that e-cigarettes not be used in the classrooms, even
though they are not actual cigarettes, it’s disruptive.
Furniture – consistency across the college. There
should be a committee set up to coordinate and have
the same type of furniture across the board. When
trying to get used furniture and going to the warehouse
you end up with all sorts of different types of furniture
that doesn’t go with anything.
Keith mentioned that IE usually selects a low income
school for Christmas – and how we work with the
school to get the children’s names and their needs and
put them on the Christmas tree to have faculty and
staff pick a child’s name and get them a gift – and then
we have a celebration for them in December.
Ms. Cheryl Bowman – shared an issue right outside
the A bldg., the drainage pipes are located right in the
Ms. Campbell suggested that maybe the College could
invest in getting “static” decals if you own more than 1
vehicle – rather than having to buy 2 decals (there was
one incident where someone got a ticket – because
their vehicle was in the shop for a few days, and the
person had to buy a second decal) there really was no
need for a second decal if this was just for a few days.
Panic Buttons – Ms. Campbell also mentioned that
maybe there should be panic buttons installed in
buildings – with all the awareness that is being made
with people shooting in colleges and in the event of
someone is working late and an outsider comes into
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
the building and this is a way to get the attention of
campus police if you can’t get to a phone. Next
meeting is scheduled for October 29th.
Abby said that she would ask Jim Heiney to send out the
nomination forms for Employee of the Month.
Motion was made by Sabrina Campbell to end the meeting.
Motion was seconded and it was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 8, 2013
Members Present: Keith Gutierrez, Elsa Ruiz, Dr. Aditi
Sarkar, Norma Loera, Jennifer Perkins, Abigail MartinezTuberville
Weather mat/strips near back entrance of B bldg.-Erica
Will have to review when Erica is present
Absent: Erica Gamboa, Sabrina Campbell
District IE Committee: Jennifer
Treasurer’s Report – Keith Gutierrez
Keith advised the committee that he had spoken to Dr.
Stroud to find if the IE committee had been funded, and
of the this date – there are no funds for IE, Dr. Stroud
will follow up with Dr. Serrata.
Secret Santa Discussion
Concerns about the Secret Santa event – since we have
no funds, we were thinking about working from
donations. The goody bags have been purchased – we
just need the small toys, Capri suns and candy or other
stuff for the children.
Norma said she could ask Liz Ryan, Steve Smith &
Linda Gonzalez if they would be willing to donate
for the Secret Santa event.
Elsa said she would find out if she can get some
pizzas donated
Tours – Erica said that the tours were set up – of
Culinary & Cosmetology
Trees – Abby suggested that there be 2 trees for the
Secret Santa cards – 1 in the A bldg.. and the other
in the B bldg. that way we can reach more people.
Discussion about the limit of spending for the
children’s gifts – maybe $20 limit and also to
suggest that no more than 2 gifts be purchased off
the children’s Christmas wish list because in the past
some people have bought all the items on the list and
there’s some children that don’t get but 1 gift.
Discussion about the template for the Secret Santa
cards – last year’s idea was great because there was
a lot of things that give you an idea as to what to
purchase for the children.
Setting up of the Christmas tree by November 13th.
They discussed having a retirement wall plaque with
the names of the people who have retired.
Discussion was also made about making campuses
smoke free.
Furniture – Need to ask Norma Pagan – Abby asked if
our IE committee was supposed to have a representative
from Physical Plant present at our IE meetings.
Other Business:
Keith said that someone had approached him about
discussion of the use of e-cigarettes in class,
apparently they are distracting even though they are
not real cigarettes. Someone needs to bring this up
at District IE to see if a procedure can be put into
Abby brought up a suggestion that there be mats put
under the drinking fountains because sometimes
when water gets spilled - someone can slip and fall
Abby also brought up the fact that something needs
to be done about the little holes on the floor in the
hallways – sometimes ladies shoes get caught in the
little holes and they can trip and fall.
Jennifer decided that maybe Nancy Tharp needs to
be in our next meeting
Abby and Keith mentioned that the benches that we
have been waiting for have been approved to be
placed in front of our building. The latest news
about this was that they had just placed a work order
with the Physical Plant to be moved to our building.
With no further business or discussion – Elsa moved that
the meeting be adjourned, the motion was seconded and
meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Review of Employee of the Month nominations:
Will have to postpone since IE doesn’t have a
budget yet.
Parking Signage Cosmetology area – Erica Gamboa
Will have to review when Erica is present.
Restrooms Sysco kitchen area (hand dryer)-Erica
Will have to review when Erica is present
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
2012-2013 MINUTES
October 26, 2012
mentioned that in the past discussion was
addressed with Marco Fernandez (Executive
Director Network Services) regarding monitors
and he said that it was in the works. The signage
that the District is looking at are “hanging” signs.
In the A bldg., there is a need for signage for the
different offices, example: how to go to
Accounting, how to go to Payroll.
Members Present: Nasser Hamdan, Sonja Rosales, Nora
Servin, Keith Gutierrez, Jennifer Perkins, Alicia Salcedo,
Abigail Martinez-Tuberville
Transfer of responsibilities to new officers.
Nora Servin opens up the meeting and welcomes all the
new members and officers. She missed the first meeting
and offers support to the new officers. She then passes
the torch to Nasser as Chair of the IE committee.
Nasser introduces the new members and officers.
Chair – Nasser Hamdan
Chair Elect – Keith Gutierrez
3rd IEC Representative – Jennifer Perkins
Secretary – Abigail Martinez-Tuberville
Missing treasurer. Past Treasurer – Jim Heiney
I.E. members interview with SACSCOC.
The following got a letter from SACS: Nasser, Jennifer,
Dan Vasquez and Cristina Garza – got selected to be
interviewed by SACS. Found out that Cristy’s name was
put in by mistake – she still has to go because she was
requested but not because she was an officer. Nasser
will ask for the Master plan in order to do good on the
SACS interview.
Employee of the Month nominations.
Discussions from the District meeting.
Since we didn’t have a meeting before the District IE
meeting, these are the issues that Nasser brought up:
Scheduling meetings in the ASC A bldg., since
everyone was told that they were not going to
book anymore outside meetings due to parking
Parking issues – Sonja brought up that at ASC B
bldg. the need is great to have more handicap
parking because the handicap parking is already
taken up by employees and the Cosmetology area
has quite a bit of handicap clients. A) Not enough
handicap parking spaces, B) The location of the
parking spaces are bad because the trucks that
come to deliver block the parking for the
handicap. C) Nasser will speak to Juan regarding
the big trucks blocking the parking for clients of
Decals? Do we have to pay for a decal? It is
difficult to distinguish between visitors and staff.
Signage – other campuses discussed problems
with signage. They discussed having as a project
for the year is to have good signage district wide.
Someone mentioned “monitors” and Alicia
Nasser asked how the Employee of the Month was being
handled – there were 2 left from the previous year. Since
November was just next week we had to hurry up and do
the EOM. The funds are now available. Alicia was
going to look for the EOM nominations and share them
via e-mail to the committee.
Need to change the person who receives the EOM
nominations from Alicia to Abby.
Send out all nominations via e-mail and you can reply
directly to Nasser or to all. The form is very difficult to
read, trying redacting the name out, that is difficult.
Can’t use the funds for Halloween or Thanksgiving – just
focus on Secret Santa.
Secret Santa project.
Nasser indicates that he needs someone to take charge of
the Secret Santa project because of his religious beliefs,
he indicated he will help in any way he possibly can.
Sonja indicated that this project is very important; these
people are in so much need that all they want is a pair of
shoes or a sweater.
Nora said she would help with this. Committee
nominates the school, if you know of a school that
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
“Stinkometer” they have a plan of the B Bldg. and
it’s sectioned into areas. If area 1 is smelling then
you log the stench from 1-10; 10 being the most.
They have called on a daily basis about the stench.
Since nothing had been documented they are
keeping the log. They figured that since Dr.
Serrata wants data – that is why they are keeping
this information. It’s affecting Quality of Life.
Apparently nothing has been resolved but they
need to wait to connect with the sewer for the
future mall. All of this is going to take another
you know is underprivileged, or schools that are in
an area where there is a lot of need.
The date for the Secret Santa celebration is
December 7. Age or classification is Kinder or
First grade. One of the committee members
contacts the school principal and meets with them
to let them know that we want to have their school
be our “Secret Santa” project and then the
students need to be bussed.
Question was asked “Why can’t we go to the
school?” We can’t go to the school and pick up
the students because there is a question of
insurance, and we can’t go to the school and do
the Secret Santa because the employees that
contribute to the Secret Santa want to participate
with the children.
“Is there a list of schools that have already been
chosen for Secret Santa?” There is Moye; Presa
from YISD; we have other school districts, but
those are far. Alicia said maybe one from the
Second Ward – there is one by the Border
Highway – Hart Elementary. Everyone was in
agreement that it would be a good school.
Maybe after Thanksgiving putting up the tree and
get started right away and keeping the cap of
children at 100. We need to send the cards to the
school. Someone needs to keep track of the gifts.
Jim would have a sign in sheet so that when the
person goes to get the card, they would sign for
that number. We can ask if Jim could help us this
Hart is a very needy school
Open discussion forum.
Alicia brought up that Jim Heiney had spoken to
Student Government about putting up some
benches in front of the B Bldg. and they had
gotten approved but nothing has been done.
Alicia said she would check with Jim Heiney
regarding what information he had because he was
dealing directly with student government.
Keith brought up if anyone had brought if anyone
had been dealing with the “stench” in the B Bldg.?
It’s embarrassing to have a building that smells
when they have the restaurant in the same
building. The blame was put on Cosmetology for
a long time. Sonja said that the sewer pipes are
cracked underneath the building – the pipes need
to be replaced or cap the pipes with something
bigger or make the pipes narrower to close up the
What do we need to do about this. Sonja
indicated that they are keeping a log –
Moving on to another topic, the sodas that are
being served for Employee of the Month are flat
and they don’t taste good. Nora indicated that
probably going to the storage area and seeing if
the sodas are not expired. Alicia said that it was
hard going at night to buy the sodas the night
before. Sonja indicated that she didn’t like all the
waste of the drinks. They indicated that it’s not
good serving 60 cups of soda because all the sodas
were going to waste.
Maybe moving from cupcakes to fruit? But
apparently it was already brought up and nobody
wanted to move from the cakes/cupcakes.
Safety Share and Cost Savings: Nora indicated
that the meeting was supposed to start with
someone giving a “Safety Share” tip and if they
do then they get the pin. Cost savings is zero
Must have reports for District IE. They don’t
want to know everything that is going on unless it
is very essential. One of things that we are going
to share is the problem in the B bldg. with the
No further business meeting was adjourned at 4:00.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 29, 2013
Members Present: Keith Gutierrez, Alicia Salcedo, Nora
Servin, Sonja Rosales, Abigail Tuberville, Nasser Hamdan
Members absent: Sara Martinez, Terry Rivera, Jennifer
Perkins, Daniel Guerra
Keith started the meeting, as Nasser was running late. Keith
discussed items that were discussed at District IE – they are
interested in putting meeting spaces on a database so that they
are available for all areas to be able to use. Study areas for
students, are there any areas in your campus for studying.
Sonja brought up that we don’t have a computer lab for
students. Abby brought up the fact that there aren’t enough
classrooms for all the classes going on in this building. Keith
also mentioned that our crosswalks were recently painted
here at the ASC bldgs.
Reviewed the “Secret Santa” project: Is this too much work?
Encountered a problem with storing the gifts – had to go
to 3 offices to store them, before they were being kept in
the marketing department.
Staff and administrators were not supportive of this
year’s event.
Previous project: Benches – these were requested from
Student Government for our building – students that come to
GED testing and some of the CE students find themselves
sitting in front of our building on the floors. Nasser would
check with Jim Heiney as to what the status of this project
Suggestion was made to have an “Ice Cream” social for the
Employee of the Month.
Need to send out the announcement for employee of the
month – Nasser suggested making a theme for each month for
the Employee of the Month celebration e.g. February EOM
have chocolate covered strawberries, sweetheart candy,
March green sherbet punch – cookies, pretzels, peanuts.
April – Easter theme. Cinco de Mayo – Nachos and Salsa &
a Hat contest. Nasser also suggested other events – for
example “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” for EPCC in support of
cancer survivors a minimum admission of $5.00.
Keith volunteered to do the EOM – e-mail.
Other business – no other business was brought up – motion
to adjourn – unanimous – meeting was adjourned at 4:24 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
February 22, 2013
Members Present: Keith Gutierrez, Nora Servin, Sonja
Rosales, Abigail Tuberville, Jennifer Perkins, Terry Rivera
Discussion was raised about making the college a
“smoke free” campus. Nora mentioned that there
should be a study to see if there is an actual problem.
District IE wants funding for special projects - Keith
was going to follow up with SGA regarding benches.
TM wants a piano; VV wants a van
Nora mentioned that there was a lot of accumulated
trash coming down the hill from Viscount – and it
gives a bad impression, she suggested that something
be done about getting that area cleaned up. Discussed
about employee of the month date and ordering of the
Members Absent: Sara Martinez, Alicia Salcedo
First order of business was to discuss if there would be a
replacement for Nasser – to be directed to Dr. Stroud.
Discussion on District IE Meeting:
Parking was discussed – with regards to paying a fee
for designated parking; discussion also was to start
ticketing right away – to cut the grace period short.
Sonja mentioned that there isn’t enough parking for
her clients – it was mentioned that our buildings need a
parking enforcer.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:40
Signage plans – e.g. electronic marquis
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 3, 2013
Members Present: Alicia Salcedo, Nora Servin, Sonja
Rosales, Abigail Tuberville, Jennifer Perkins, Terry Rivera
Alicia volunteered to be the 3rd chair for the
committee until the end of the fiscal year.
Members Absent: Sara Martinez, Keith Gutierrez
Recommendation to continue the safety/cost sharing
suggestions during the employee of the month
celebration, Nora said she could get more pins.
Jennifer Perkins called the meeting to order in the absence of
the chair.
New Business: Suggestion to have a Mother’s Day
event & an Ice Cream Social – to motivate employees
to participate. Participation has been dropping a lot
and people have expressed that they miss the activities
for Mother’s day, Father’s day, Ice cream social etc.
Jen said she would look into the cost of catering a
Mother’s Day luncheon. Nora brought up that this
needs to be cleared with an administrator first with
regards to maybe running the event from 11:30 – 1:00
Discussion on the Employee of the Month for March Abby asked that the time be changed to the morning
because the EOM’s supervisor has set meetings in the
afternoon and she wants to be the one to present the
certificate. EOM to be on Thursday , April 4 at 10:00
Keith is supposed to get the report on our balance of
the IE fund.
Alicia has been trying to get in touch with Arvis Jones
about the benches but has not had any luck. She will
continue to communicate with them.
Nora asked if Ms. Ahner could ask her Directors to
support the Employee of the Month event as there is
very little support from the B bldg.
Jen moved to adjourn the meeting, Nora seconded the
motion and meeting was adjourned at approximately
IE meeting schedule reminder – Alicia asked that we
stick to the 4th Tuesday of the month, next meeting
date is April 23 at 3:00 p.m.
Abby to get with Jim Heiney to mail out the EOM
notifications – and will start sending out reminders for
submittal of the EOM form.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
2011-2012 MINUTES
October 25, 2011
ASC-B, Conference Room 445
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Terry Rivera, Sonja
Rosales, Alicia Salcedo, Nora Servin, Olga Tavarez
Cost Savings Improvements
E-mail cost saving tip once a month, develop and
post flyer in ASC-A/B, announce at EOM meeting
Members Absent: Jesus Lugo, Daniel Guerra, Sara
Martinez, Melissa Laibinis
Old Business
Call to Order
Presa Elementary. 91 Children. School will provide
bus. Jim confirmed with Mr. & Mrs. Santa. Karen
from culinary will provide cookies. Nora responded
to Cheff Webb’s e-mail thanking him for his
assistance and requested holiday cookies.
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by
Nora Servin.
New Business
Minutes Approval
Minutes for October 5, 2011 approved by the
Next Meeting
November 29, 2011 ASC-B445 Conference Room
Employee of the Month Report
EOM process of purchasing cupcakes and ice cream:
Jim Heiney will request petty cash for ice-cream and
cupcakes. EOM 6 packs of 12 cups of ice cream
variety of flavors if possible. Nora Servin will
create calendar for IE Committee Members rotation
of ice cream purchase. Alicia Salcedo will pick- up
ice cream for EOM. Sonja Rosales will pick-up ice
cream for Nov. EOM. December’s EOM is tabled
for next mont’s meeting (Nov).
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Recorded by Alicia Salcedo
IE Committee Liaison
Nora will discuss with Dr. Roberts and send out email.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 29, 2011
ASC-B, Conference Room 560
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Terry Rivera, Sonja
Rosales, Alicia Salcedo, Nora Servin, Melissa Laibinis
Cost Savings Improvements
E-mail cost saving tip for the month of Nov. 2011
develop and post flyer in ASC-A/B, announce at
EOM meeting EOM meeting Dec. 1, 2011. Cost
saving recommendation: Turn lights off and unplug
appliances while on Winter Break.
Members Absent: Jesus Lugo, Daniel Guerra, Sara
Martinez, Olga Tavarez
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by
Nora Servin.
Next Meeting
Recommendation to not have EOM for Dec. 2011
Employee of the Month Report
EOM process of purchasing cupcakes and ice cream:
Nora created calendar for IE Committee Members
rotation of ice cream purchase. This is to encourage
all committee members to assist with purchasing the
ice cream for EOM celebration.
Nora discussed IE District Meeting Institutional
Effectiveness plans/review. The plans were
reviewed and Nora submitted comments to Mary
Beth Haan on December 6, 2011.
Nora suggested we donate the old Christmas tree to
organization in Juarez, Mex. Melissa donated a prelit tree to IE Committee. APPROVED
Old Business
Secret Santa-Plan for preparing goodie bags for
Presa Elementary Students.
Minutes Approval
Approval of IE Minutes for Oct. 25, 2011: Melissa
made correction to IE Minutes. Date to read Nov.
21, 2011. APPROVED
New Business
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Recorded by Alicia Salcedo
IE Committee Liaison
Nora is still working with Dr. Roberts on
appointment of Liaison for ASC – IE Committee.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 24, 2012
ASC-B, Conference Room 445
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Melissa Laibinis, Terry
Rivera, Sonja Rosales, Alicia Salcedo, Nora Servin, Sara
Discussion on Cost Savings Recommendations - No
recommendations was received by the employees at
ASC. A recommendation was made by Jim Heiney
for: recycling bins “it’s not just a pretty office
decoration" flyer was announced at EOM
celebration and posted at ASC build A & B.
Committee Approved.
Members Absent: Daniel Guerra, Jesus Lugo, Olga Tavarez
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by
Nora Servin.
Old Business
Next Meeting
Feb. 21, 2012 at the ASC-B 445 Alicia will reserve
Minutes Approval
Minutes approved by committee
Employee of the Month Report
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Karen Kaplowitz from the Culinary Program is the
EOM for Jan. 2012. Committee is setting up at
2:30pm in the ASC-A Break room. Nora mentioned
that Josette Shaughnessy has inquired about how
they could make their nominee selection stronger.
Nora let her know the nominee is still being
considered for EOM. Reviewed calendar for icecream pick-up.; discussed chefs’ lack of
Recorded by Alicia Salcedo
IE Committee Liaison
Nora Servin announced that the ASC liaison is still
in limbo. If need to we will report to Dr. Stroud.
New Business
Report on District IE Meeting –discussed site
committees. Committee stated that they would like
more improvement to campuses and not focus so
much on EOM. We discussed that the improvements
requested 2 years ago have not been completed.
Melissa suggests we write up the projects pending to
propose to the District IE. Nora discussed that last
year’s committees review process was not what was
posted on website. Each campus was asked what
cost saving measures is being implemented.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
February 23, 2012
ASC-B, Conference Room 445
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Melissa Laibinis, Terry
Rivera, Sonja Rosales, Alicia Salcedo, Nora Servin
Nora and Melissa made a recommendation to
explore how the County and City came up with 4
day weeks as part of our Cost Saving Plan. Once
information is collected it will be presented to Dr.
Roberts or Josette.
Members Absent: Daniel Guerra, Jesus Lugo, Olga
Tavarez, Sara Martinez
Call to Order
Old Business
Discussion on Cost Savings Recommendations - Use
electronic media instead of printing documents cost
saving paper.
Committee Approved.
IE ASC Improvement
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by
Nora Servin.
Minutes Approval
Minutes approved by committee
Employee of the Month Report
Joseph Ferguson from the Small Business
Development Center is the EOM for Feb. 2012. IE
Committee is March 27, 2012; Next EOM is March
29, 2012 with. Josette is not able to attend EOM.
Alicia Salcedo suggested we invite Josette
Shaunassey. Nora asked for recommendations for
EOM presenter. Sonja suggested Dean Smith.
Follow –up on previous suggestions: benches in B
Building area, Monitors in the ASC-A
Next Meeting
March 28, 2012 at the ASC-B 445 Alicia will
reserve room.
New Business
Dr. Roberts & Saul Candelas IE Committee Update
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Alicia Salcedo reported on District IE Meeting
update. Dr. Roberts reported on the growth of the
college. Purchasing Union Depot Building plans for
the Stanton Building, the old Hotel Due property
and the Fort Bliss Campus. Dr. Candelas reported
on the IE policy recommendations and why they
were not implemented.
Recorded by Alicia Salcedo
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 24, 2012
ASC-B, Conference Room 445
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Terry Rivera, Sonja
Rosales, Alicia Salcedo, Nora Servin, Olga Tavarez, Jossette
Shaughnessy, Sara Martinez
Cost Savings Improvements
We have not received any suggestions for ASC-A or
B Buildings on Cost Saving Suggestions.
Josette suggested water conservation tips.
Members Absent: Daniel Guerra, Jesus Lugo
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by
Nora Servin.
Minutes Approval
Employee of the Month Report
Juanita Martinez Clerk III from the Office of the
Interim Vice President Administration & Financial
Operations is the EOM for March, 2012. Next EOM
is April 26, 2012. Terry Rivera will purchase the ice
cream. Olga Tavarez will purchase ice-cream for the
month of May.
Next Meeting
April 24, 2012
Old Business/ASC Improvements
Jim Heiney gave report on benches for ASC-B
Building-he went to Student Government to ask for
funds for the benches. Student Government will
vote on the benches and let us know if it is
approved. Josette will help us to find funds. Let
Josette know of other projects on the back burner
signage. Report on members not attending the IE
meetings. Committee members being extended are
Terry Rivera and Alicia Salcedo.
Minutes approved by committee
New Business
Josette Shaughnessy –IE Committee Liaison
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Nora Servin introduced Josette Shaughnessy as IE
Committee Liaison-Nora Servin headed the
discussion with Josette about what we are expecting
of the Liaison. Josette will make her-self available
to the IE Committee. Josette gave the committee an
update on SACS, Presidential Candidates,
budget/benefits funding.
Recorded by Alicia Salcedo
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
2010-2011 MINUTES
September 28, 2010
ASC, Executive Session Room
Terry Rivera was nominated for secretary and she
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Alicia Salcedo, Olga
Tavarez, Nora Servin, Jesus Lugo, Sonia Rosales, Daniel
Guerra, Terry Rivera
Olga Tavarez was nominated for Treasurer. Olga
stated she would notify the panel in the next meeting
whether or not to accept the nomination. Olga also
requested a history of the account from Efrain
Members Absent: Sara E. Martinez
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:45 p.m. The
roll call confirmed a quorum with eight out of the
nine voting members in attendance.
The September Employee of the Month was
postponed until Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 3:00
p.m. in the ASC-A Break Room.
Jesus Lugo was nominated for first chair by Olga
Tavares however, he declined. Alicia Salcedo
nominated Jim Heiney for first chair and Mr. Haney
Employee of the Month
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Nora Serving was nominated for second chair and
she accepted.
Alicia Salcedo was nominated for third chair and she
Recorded by Terry Rivera
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
October 26, 2010
ASC, B Bldg., Room 445
Bonnie Prieto motion and Nora Servin second the
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Alicia Salcedo, Nora
Servin, Sonia Rosales, Bonnie Prieto, Terry Rivera
Members Absent: Sara E. Martinez, Olga Tavarez, Jesus
Lugo, Daniel Gurrera I.
The October Employee of the Month was Melissa
Collins from the Payroll Department, and the
celebration was held on October 28.
Call to Order
The November Employee of the Month will be
Guadalupe Alvarez from the Small Business
Development Center, and the celebration will be
held on December 2.
The meeting was called to order at 3:12 p.m. The
roll call confirmed absence of four out of ten voting
members in attendance.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Nora Servin made the motion to approve the
abbreviated minutes for the September, and Alicia
Salcedo second the motion. The motion was
approved for minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
No activities to report
New Business
Chairperson’s Report
Topics for further review and discussion:
Jim stated he would like to finalize the nomination
for the treasurer’s position with Olga Tavarez. Ms.
Tavarez has not yet accepted the nomination and we
will need to begin using some of the monies for the
October EOM celebration. Jim stated the voting
would take place via e-mail once Olga Tavarez
made him aware of whether or not she would accept
the nomination. Efrain Mendoza offered to continue
as Treasurer. Jim stated that he would discuss it with
Dr. Stroud and notify the committee by e-mail.
Pedestrian crosswalks between Buildings A
and B. Three would be needed: 1 at the
Viscount entrance and 2 on the side street.
Repaint the speed bumps and inquire about
the “flashing” pedestrian signs.
Designated parking spaces for Cosmetology
and Message clients or a temporary parking
permit to park in front of Cosmetology
Should we continue with social events such
as: Valentine’s Day, Ice Cream social and
Mother’s Day luncheon?
Old Business: gathering information for
cement tables to be placed outside the
Cosmetology area for staff and students.
Old Business: Installation of Monitors inside
the A building with listing of events and
traffic and weather information.
Having Gus taken officially taken off the IE
Jim and Alicia attended the District Wide IE
meeting and shared this item:
The Going Healthy Initiative: When contracting a
catering company for a function, let’s be informed
on how “healthy” the menu items are. Dr. Stroud
met with Chef Webb and Chef suggested maybe
promoting exercise instead of what we eat.
Employee of the Month
Social Events
Jim put to a vote to cancel the Thanksgiving
Luncheon this year due to time constraints and other
factors. All present committee members voted to
Moye Elementary School was chosen for the Secret
Santa event. Bonnie Prieto motioned and Nora
Servin second the motion. Sonja Rosales accepted
to head the sub-committee for the Christmas event.
Jim put to a vote to move the secret Santa event to
Friday, December 10, 2010, due to Leon Blevins not
being able to play Santa Claus on December 15.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Please
send agenda items to Jim Heiney by November 16
for next month’s meeting which is scheduled for
3:00 p.m., November 23, 2010, at ASC B Building
Room 445.
Recorded by Terry Rivera
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 23, 2010
ASC, A Bldg., Lobby
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Alicia Salcedo, Nora
Servin, Sonia Rosales, Bonnie Prieto, Sara E. Martinez, Jesus
The November Employee of the Month will be
Guadalupe Alvarez, and the celebration will be held
on Thursday, December 2nd.
Members Absent: Olga Tavarez, Daniel Gurrera, Terry
New Business
Because of the Christmas tree set up, new business
was discussed
Chairperson’s Report
Jim stated that we will also have a short meeting on
Thursday, December 16 to take down the tree in the
Building A Lobby
Treasurer’s Report
Jim has taken over the small duty of Treasurer.
Items for the Employee of the Month was the only
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Sara Martinez made the motion to approve the
minutes for the October, 2010 meeting, and Sonja
Rosales second the motion. The motion was
approved for minutes.
The December Employee of the Month was chosen
from two candidates. Pedro Fabela from the
Comptroller Office was chosen. The celebration
will be held on Thursday, January 6, 2011.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:12 p.m. The
roll call confirmed absence of three out of ten voting
members in attendance.
Employee of the Month
The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 p.m.
Social Events
Final plans were made for the Secret Santa. Sonja
Rosales has been in contact with Moye Elementary
School. The event will take place on Friday,
December 10, 9:00 a.m. in the Boardroom. Plans
were made to start setting up at 8am. Jim reported
that Price’s Dairy will donate milk and Jesus Reyes
donated cookies from Culinary Arts.
Recorded by Terry Rivera
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
December 16, 2010
ASC, A Bldg. Lobby
from the CE/Workforce Office was chosen. The
celebration will be held on Thursday, January 27,
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Alicia Salcedo, Nora
Servin, Sonia Rosales, Bonnie Prieto, Sara E. Martinez, Olga
Members Absent: Jesus Lugo, Daniel Guerra, Terry Rivera
Chairperson’s Report
Olga is passing along to Jim paperwork on the other
projects that have been started, to move on them as
soon as possible.
Social Events
The Secret Santa went off without a hitch and
members received nothing but accolades from
fellow staff.
Old Business
Jim reported that the last of Three presentations
were made and Cisco was chosen as the company
who will implement the monitor announcement
system in the A building. Once the mainframe is
completed in Workforce Development the system
will be installed.
Jim thanked everyone on their help with the
successful Secret Santa and wished everyone a
happy holiday
New Business
Olga suggested that while after-Christmas shopping,
everyone look for decorations at lower prices. Jim
will send an email to remind everyone.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Alicia Salcedo made the motion to approve the
minutes for the November, 2010 meeting, and Sonja
Rosales second the motion. The motion was
approved for minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
$62.87 was spent on the November, 2010 Employee
of the Month
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 4:15 p.m. after
Christmas tree was dismantled.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Employee of the Month
The December Employee of the Month will be
Pedro Fabela and the celebration will be held on
Thursday, January 6th.
Recorded by Terry Rivera
The January Employee of the Month was chosen
from the remaining nomination. Abby Tuberville
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 25, 2011
ASC, Executive Session Room
Jim will be following up with Olga Tavares
regarding pending “signage” to identify offices in
building A.
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Alicia Salcedo, Terry
Rivera, Sara Martinez
Members Absent: Olga Tavares, Jesus Lugo, Daniel
Guerra, Nora Servin, Sonja Rosales, Bonnie Prieto
Alicia asked Jim to look into the EOM nomination
form in the PDF file because the form is extremely
difficult to fill out.
Call to Order
The meeting was call to order at 3:07 p.m. by Jim
Jim bought 3 boxes of Christmas ornaments and a
box of ornament hooks to utilize for next year.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Jim suggested that we might encourage our office
co-workers and other departments within our
building to submit an Employee of the Month
nomination form.
Terry Rivera made the motion to approve the
minutes for the December, 2010 meeting, and Sara
Martinez seconded the motion. The motion was
approved for the December minutes.
New Business
Jim suggested we have a “Spring Luncheon” instead
of a Mothers/Father’s Day Luncheon. Please
present ideas for the next IE meeting.
Chairperson’s Report
Jim discussed the following pending projects:
The Information Monitors have been purchased for
Building A. The IT department is waiting to for
everything to be hooked up to the main frame which
will be housed in the Workforce Development area.
The President’s office provided the monies to
purchase the 2 monitors for building A. The
monitors will have a listing of events and rooms in
building A as well as traffic and weather
The paper work will be submitted this week to
repaint the yellow lines on the speed bumps. A
specific form is going to be submitted to conduct a
study/survey to place crosswalk signage between A
& B buildings and also handicap friendly sidewalks.
Employee of the Month
The February Employee of the Month will be Pablo
Armendariz from the Contract Opportunities
department. The celebration will be held on
Thursday, February 24, 2011 in the building A break
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Recorded by Terry Rivera
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
February 22, 2011
ASC, B Bldg., Room 445
Members Present: Nora Servin, Alicia Salcedo, Terry
Rivera, Olga Tavares, Sonja Rosales and Bonnie Prieto
motioned and Bonnie Prieto seconded the motion.
Voting will take place via e-mail.
Members Absent: Jim Heiney, Jesus Lugo, Daniel Guerra,
Sara Martinez
The next EOM celebration will be held on Thursday,
March 24, 2011 at 3:00pm in building-A break
Olga Tavarez said she would ask Ms. Yolanda
Ahner to bring up the EOM nomination at the next
Directors/Coordinators meeting.
Call to Order
The meeting was call to order at 3:10 p.m. by Nora
Olga Tavarez agreed to make arrangements with
Brenda Wilmarth to have balloons at the EOM
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Nora Servin requested a motion to approve the
minutes for the January 25, 2011 meeting, and
Alicia Salcedo motioned and Sonja Rosales second
the motion. The motion was approved for the
January minutes.
The vote for the “Spring Fling Luncheon” was
passed with 4 to 2 votes:
Employee of the Month
Pablo Armendariz was selected as the employee for
the month of February 2011, the celebration will be
held on February 24, at 3:00 in building A break
room. Discussion about how to promote the EOM
nominations and the current form in place was held.
Committee agreed to promote the EOM at each of
their departments and hopefully attract more
nominations. Nora Servin requested that all
members of the committee be there to assist with the
“set up” for the EOM event. She stated that it is
usually the same committee members who are there
to “set up” and “pick up” after the event.
Olga Tavarez suggested that we serve cupcakes for
this month’s EOM celebration and everyone agreed.
Alicia said she would call Greggersons Bakery to
find out the cost of the cupcakes.
Alice Salcedo, Sonja Rosales, Nora Servin and
Terry Rivera voted “FOR”
Bonnie Prieto and Olga Tavarez voted
Olga Tavarez made a motion to “upgrade” the
frames for the EOM Certificate, Bonnie Prieto
second the motion.
Nora stated that she submitted the work request to
have the speed bumps painted with the yellow lines.
She said she followed up last week with a phone call
and she would give them an additional two weeks
and follow up with another phone call.
Report on District-wide I.E.
Nora Servin discussed the “Effective Planning”
project that has been given to all the district-wide
I.E. Committees.
New Business
We voted and agreed to extend the deadline for
accepting EOM nominations through March 4, 2011.
The committee opted to hold off on approving the
only EOM nomination we have received thus far
because everybody feels that we should have at least
three nominations to choose from. Olga Tavarez
Old Business
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Recorded by Terry Rivera
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 22, 2011
ASC, B Bldg., Room 460
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Nora Servin, Alicia
Salcedo, Terry Rivera, Olga Tavares
Sara Moncayo will be the Employee of the Month
for April. The celebration will be held on April 28,
2011 at 3:00p.m. at the ASC-A break room (set-up
at 2:30).
Member Absent: Sonja Rosales, Bonnie Prieto, Sara
Martinez, Jesus Lugo, Daniel Guerra
Jim Heiney is going to inquire with the other IE
Chairmen to see if EOM is celebrated monthly in
their areas.
Call to Order:
The meeting was call to order at 3:16p.m. by Jim
Jim Heiney asked the committee members to speak
with supervisors about nominating someone from
their areas for EOM.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Alicia Salcedo motion to approve the minutes for
February 22, 2010 meeting and Terry Rivera second
the motion. The motion was approved for the
February minutes.
Employee of the Month
Jim Heiney motion the selection of Michelle
Houston for Employee of the Month of March Alicia
Salcedo second the motion. The celebration will be
held on March 24, at 3:00 p.m. at the ASC A break
New Business
Jim will be asking Dr. Stroud about the status on the
additional person who will be joining the IE
The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Recorded by Terry Rivera
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 26, 2011
Valle Verde, Room C 201
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Alicia Salcedo, Terry
Rivera, Bonnie Prieto, Sara Martinez Sonja Rosales
Old Business
The project that Nora Servin has been working on is
now under construction. There will be two new
marked crosswalks. One will be by the Cosmetology
area and the other between buildings A & B parking
Member Absent: Jesus Lugo, Daniel Guerra, Olga Tavarez,
Nora Servin
Call to Order:
Jim informed us that EOM celebrations are held
monthly throughout all campuses. At the MDP
Campus, each department nominates an employee
on a monthly basis. Jim suggested that we might
use the MDP method for EOM at the ASC.
The meeting was call to order at 4:00p.m. by Jim Heiney
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Alicia Salcedo motion to approve the minutes for
March 22, 2011 meeting and Sara Martinez second
the motion. The motion was approved for the March
New Business
Two new microwaves will be purchased by the
President’s office for the break room in building A.
Employee of the Month
Jim and Alice will be meeting with Vice President
Yolanda Ahner to discuss purchasing tables to be
placed outside the Cosmetology area for the
students. They will also make an appointment to
speak with President Rhodes.
Sara Moncayo was selected for the Employee of the
Month for April 2011. Jim Heiney motion and
Alicia second the motion. The celebration will be
held on April 28, at 3:00 p.m. at the ASC A break
room (set-up at 2:30).
Ana Gomez from the SBDC was selected to be the
Employee of the month for May 2011.
Jim informed the committee we would be
purchasing the cupcakes for the EOM from
Delectable Delights.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Recorded by Terry Rivera
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
May 24, 2011
wide committees will nominate one person who will
sit on the evaluation committee for a year and it will
be an additional duty to the regular I.E. committee
duties. This assignment should begin in September.
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Alicia Salcedo, Terry
Rivera, Bonnie Prieto, Sonja Rosales, Nora Servin
Member Absent: Jesus Lugo, Daniel Guerra, Olga Tavarez,
Sara Martinez
In June, July and August sample packets will be
given to committee members so they will know what
to look for.
Call to Order:
The meeting was call to order at 3:05 p.m. by Jim Heiney
Barriers are going to be placed on the street to
follow the curve by the cosmetology area.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Terry Rivera motion to approve the minutes for the
April 26, 2011 meeting and Nora Servin second the
motion. The motion was approved with change for
Jim wrote a proposal to designate service parking
spaces and 8 handicap parking spaces in front of the
Cosmology entrance for her elderly customers.
Jim informed us that the Student Government
Association might be able to assist us with
purchasing benches for in front of B Building and
inside the cosmetology area hallway for students.
Employee of the Month
Matthew Farley was selected for the Employee of
the Month for May 2011. Jim Heiney motion and
Alicia second the motion. The celebration will be
held on May 26, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. at the ASC A
break room (set-up at 2:30).
Jim and Alicia met with Yolanda Ahner she stated
that she might not be able to purchase tables and
chairs for outside the cosmetology area at this time
due to budget restraints.
Lee Vasquez from the GEAR UP Program was
selected to be the Employee of the month for June
2011. The celebration will be held on June 30, 2011
at 3:00p.m. at the ASC A break room with set-up at
Jim mentioned for fiscal year 2011-2012 we may
have to purchase the cupcakes from Sam’s due to
our budget amount. Sonia suggested that we can ask
the owner of Delectable Delights if we may
purchase “smaller cupcakes” for a lesser price.
Alicia Salcedo agreed to speak with owner.
Jim requested a list of departments from A & B
Building so that we can develop a plan to encourage
all departments to nominate an employee for the
EOM monthly celebration. This plan will hopefully
be implemented in September.
New Business
Bonnie Prieto notified Jim that people have been
speeding around the back and side of the A
Building. Jim said that EPCC police will be
Old Business
Jim informed us that the cross walk signage between
both buildings, extra speed bumps and adding a third
lane going up the hill to Viscount is under way.
The A building Monitor project has been delayed for
various reasons.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Report on District-wide I.E.
Jim informed us that all the Vice Presidents will
nominate two people to sit on the evaluation
committee for the three years. The I. E. District-
Recorded by Terry Rivera
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
June 28, 2011
ASC, Room B445
encourage all departments to nominate an employee
for the EOM monthly celebration.
Members Present: Jim Heiney, Terry Rivera and Sonja
Member Absent: Jesus Lugo, Daniel Guerra, Olga Tavarez,
Sara Martinez, Alicia Salcedo, Bonnie Prieto, Nora Servin.
Jim informed us that Mr. Rick Lobato will be
visiting each campus to do a walk through with the
I.E. members to address any problems or concerns.
Call to Order:
The meeting was call to order at 3:09 p.m. by Jim Heiney.
New Business
Jim e-mailed Ms. Ahner requesting that tables be
moved from the Building B Foyer into the
Cosmetology area for the students. He is still
waiting for a reply.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Sonja Rosales motion to approve the minutes for the
May 24, 2011 meeting and Terry Rivera second the
Report on District-wide I.E.
Old Business
Employee of the Month
Jim informed us that all of the crosswalks, a speed
bump and crosswalk signs have been installed for
safe passage between A and B Buildings. Speed
bumps have also been put around the back of the A
building to stop speeding.
Lee Vasquez was selected to be the Employee of the
Month for June 2011. The celebration will be held
on June 30, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. in the ASC A break
room (set-up at 2:30).
David Licano was selected to be the Employee of
the month for July 2011. The celebration will be
held on July 28, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. at the ASC A
break room with set-up at 2:30.
Jim is still requesting a list of departments from the
B Building so that we can develop a plan to
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
Recorded by Terry Rivera
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
July 26, 2011
Members Present: Bonnie Prieto, Sara Martinez, Alicia
Salcedo, Nora Servin
Report on District-wide I.E.
The District IE will meet in August to provide
training on the forms that will be utilized for the
Member Absent: Jesus Lugo, Daniel Guerra, Olga Tavarez,
Jim Heiney, Sonja Rosales
New Business
Call to Order:
It was suggested that Building B should also host the
EOM celebrations so that we could alternate with
building A.
The meeting was call to order at 2:30 p.m. by Nora Servin.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Alicia Salcedo motion to approve the minutes for the
June 28, 2011 meeting and Sara Martinez second the
Employee of the Month
Bernice Hernandez was selected to be the Employee
of the Month for August 2011. The celebration will
be held on August 25, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. at the ASC
A break room (set-up at 2:30).
Old Business
Tables have been moved into the Cosmetology area
for the students.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
Recorded by Terry Rivera
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
2009-2010 MINUTES
September 29, 2009
posted and the luncheon tickets are printed and sold at
a reasonable cost to ASC occupants. This event is
catered, and Chef Jesus Lugo was asked to develop a
menu and cost per person in the hopes that Culinary
Arts Catering will be able to cater it this year. He did
say that there will be a Culinary Arts Catering kitchen
located in the back of the A Building by KCOS which
should be open in a few months and will be run by
Student Culinary Services (SCS). Bonnie mentioned
that Fabiola Rubio suggested having all ASC
administrators donate money for the cost of the
turkeys, throwing out a $20 amount, though this has
not yet been confirmed. This will be discussed again
at the next special meeting.
Members Present: Laura Estrada, Norma Flores, James
Heiney, Mayela Loera, Gustavo Luevano, Jesus Lugo,
Cynthia Madrid, Efrain Mendoza, Bonnie Prieto, Olga
Tavárez & Brenda Willmarth
Members Absent: Frank Muñoz & Carolina A. Pérez
Election of Officers
Chair: Olga Tavárez was nominated and accepted the
position of Chair.
Chair-elect: Jesus Lugo was nominated and accepted
the position of Chair-elect.
Secret Santa event is confirmed for Wednesday,
December 16, in the Boardroom. We need to select a
school that we wish to host; last year we hosted
Douglas Elementary with great success. Other aspects
to consider are decorating the Christmas tree in the
foyer, making the cards with wishes, and creating lists
for tracking the names/gifts, securing a Santa Claus
for the event, etc. In the past, the President’s Office
has purchased candy and all items needed for making
goody bags for the children to take with them. This
will be discussed in full at the next special meeting to
include selecting a low-income school and begin
moving on it.
Third Representative: This position was not filled at
this time. It will be addressed and filled at the next
special meeting of the committee.
Minute Recorder: Olga asked Brenda Willmarth if
she would record today’s minutes for the meeting
following the Tenth Annual Campus/Site IE Team
Orientation. She agreed to do so. Bonnie mentioned
how Brenda creates flyers and tickets for our events,
sends out numerous email messages to ASC
announcing our events, and is very instrumental with
all that is involved with the Secret Santa project.
Bonnie quickly filled the new members in on the other
events the committee usually hosts throughout the
year, to include a Valentine’s Day Brunch, Mother’s
Day Luncheon, Father’s Day Ice Cream Social, and
occasionally a picnic if funds and donations permit.
Financial Officer: Efrain Mendoza was asked if he
would fill the treasurer’s role again, and he accepted.
He did inform the committee that we are starting with
$975 in our budget for the new fiscal year.
Calendar Keeper: The calendar of meetings and
events kept by Mayela Loera was given to Jim Heiney
so that he could update it and secure the rooms with
Michelle Houston. He will maintain the ASC IE
Calendar and share it with the committee members.
Fall Events
Halloween Carnival/Costume Contest was canceled at
the last meeting. Bonnie said it was a hardship as we
don’t get donations like we used to and that it was an
extreme amount of work for some of the committee
Thanksgiving Luncheon is being planned for Friday,
November 20, in the Boardroom. Flyers are made and
Building Improvements
Bonnie mentioned that Fabiola Rubio’s concern as the
Administrative Liaison is to make improvements to
the ASC Foyer, such as new furniture and attractive
seating areas, an information desk with STS students
assisting/welcoming visitors, and two large flat
screens on either side of the mural offering EPCC
information and news. It was then mentioned that this
furniture could not be permanent due to large events
such as General Sessions. Art exhibits would also be
a factor to consider.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Olga asked that any suggestions or comments that the
committee members may receive regarding
improvements to either ASC building be sent to her.
Some mentioned were a directory in the lobby,
signage indicating the events/locations for the day,
traffic flow and signs, and the parking situation,
especially if we lose the lower lot to a new mall.
Employee of the Month
It was made clear at today’s District IE gathering that
the IE’s role is to fulfill the Employee of the Month
requirement. Laura brought all the nominations that
she had received and they were reviewed by the
members. Angelica Sano was selected for September
2009 Employee of the Month and the present plan is
to celebrate it on Thursday, October 8 at 3:00 p.m. in
the ASC A Building Break Room. If that date has to
change, a notice will be sent out to the members. We
will have a short meeting following the celebration to
get the information from members we need to move
forward with our fall plans.
Meeting Schedule
Our regular meetings will take place from 3-5 p.m. the
last Tuesday of the month. Bonnie Prieto asked Olga
Tavárez to consider moving the monthly ASC IE
meetings to the B Building so that IE members had the
opportunity to meet somewhere else besides the B
Building. Employee of the Month Celebrations will
remain in the A Building as we have done in the past.
This way both buildings are involved in the ASC IE
process and everyone concurred that this was a good
idea. Olga will look into the availability of conference
rooms at the B Building to hold the IE meetings. Olga
will arrange to have a meeting notice and agenda sent
out prior to the scheduled ASC IE meetings. Be sure
to send your agenda items to Olga Tavárez so they
may be included.
This meeting adjourned shortly before 5:00 p.m.
Recorded by Brenda Willmarth
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
October 15, 2009
Members Present: Laura Estrada, James Heiney, Mayela
Loera, Gustavo Luevano, Cynthia Madrid, Efrain Mendoza,
Frank Muñoz, Carolina A. Pérez & Olga Tavárez
Olga will meet with Yolanda Ahner to request
authorization to get three more B Building ASC IE
Committee members.
Members Absent: Norma Flores, Jesus Lugo, Bonnie
Prieto & Brenda Willmarth
Olga asked the committee to bring new ASC
beautification ideas to the next meeting for discussion.
Suggestions for better A Building signage and a
directory announcing daily events at the front of the
foyer were made.
At 3:00 p.m., an Employee of the Month celebration was held
to honor Angelica Sano, Senior Administrative Associate, VP
of Instruction, as the September 2009 recipient.
At 3:37 p.m., the ASC IE Committee held a special meeting.
The purpose of the meeting was to continue with the election
of officers, and chart the events for the new fiscal year. Olga
asked Carolina A. Pérez to record today’s meeting minutes.
Olga asked the ASC IE Committee to please bring a copy of
the meeting agenda and any other needed documents, having
them handy at each meeting.
The committee agreed on alternating events between
the A and B Buildings to encourage participation from
both areas.
Gus Luevano will work closely with Laura Estrada to
get trained on the Employee of the Month process.
Jim Heiney will work closely with Mayela Loera to
train on the hospitality process, and work with Brenda
Willmarth on flyers, tickets, emailed announcements,
Election of Officers
Third Representative: Carolina A. Pérez was
nominated and she accepted this position.
Financial Officer: Efrain Mendoza was officially
nominated and he accepted this position.
Secretary: The nomination for secretary was tabled
until the next regular meeting scheduled to take place
on October 27, 2009.
Calendar of Events
The committee reviewed the calendar presented by
Jim Heiney. The 3/5/2010 and 7/2/2010 BBQ dates
were deleted, as well as the 8/20/2010 and 9/24/2010
fundraiser dates.
Adjustment made to the EOM celebration dates so
they would occur two days after the regular meetings.
Furthermore, the employee of the month will be
selected two months in advance to give the supervisor
ample notification for attending the celebration.
Financial Report
Efrain Mendoza submitted a written report reflecting a
current $975 balance in budget #11000-34001 and
$22.63 remaining in budget #81115-G81115.
New Business
Olga Tavárez reported that she is the new 2009-2010
District-wide IE Committee Chairperson and that in
that role she will be meeting once a month with the
College President.
ASC IE Role Training for Transitioning into Next
Fiscal Year
Thanksgiving Luncheon
The committees examined three menus presented by
Olga Tavárez and preferred the menu to be catered by
Chile Chipotle. Adjustments were made to the menu
to include roasted turkey w/gravy, mashed potatoes,
wild rice, green beans w/walnuts, sweet yams, baby
lettuce w/pears, apples, pine nuts, bleu cheese and
vinaigrette, warm dinner rolls, apple cobbler, pumpkin
pie w/whipped cream and iced tea. The cost per plate
will be $10. An updated flyer will be presented at the
next meeting for final approval.
The committee decided to initially print 100 luncheon
tickets and have them ready to sell by October 27.
The event will take place on Friday, November 20,
11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m., with a final headcount due to
the caterer by November 18. There is Boardroom
seating capacity for a total of 160 tickets to be sold, if
the interest for participating is there.
Mayela Loera, Cynthia Madrid, and Frank Muñoz will
be selling tickets in the A Building and Norma Flores
will be selling tickets in the B Building. Weekly
ticket sales reports will be submitted via email to keep
everyone informed of the progress.
Work assignments for the luncheon are as follows:
Set up team: Carolina, Cynthia, Mayela, Laura,
Brenda and Olga.
Clean up team: Jim, Frank, Gus, Efrain, Jesus, Bonnie
and Norma.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Secret Santa Event and Christmas Tree
The school will be selected at the October 27 meeting.
Olga Tavárez will contact the school’s principal to get
the Christmas gift wish forms filled out by the
students. Jim Heiney will prepare the student’s wish
list spreadsheet to record the student’s information,
the sign in sheet for people selecting cards from the
tree, and the sign for announcing the event itself.
Brenda Willmarth has already prepared 100 student
gift wish forms and 100 Christmas cards for hanging
on the tree. Olga will request the students’ wish lists
to be returned to her by Monday, November 16.
Olga will ask Professor Leon Blevins if he will play
Santa for the Secret Santa event, which is scheduled
the morning of Wednesday, December 16, in the ASC
Gus and Olga will check the Christmas tree,
ornaments and tree accessories. The committee will
put the Christmas tree up on November 24 following
the regular meeting and hang the cards the following
morning if more time is needed. As soon as cards are
removed, Gus will replace them with Christmas
ornaments to keep the tree attractively decorated in the
ASC A Building Foyer. The committee will take the
Christmas tree and decorations down on the morning
of Friday, December 18, to be packed and stored
The meeting was adjourned at 4:57 p.m.
Recorded by Carolina A. Pérez/Edited by Brenda Willmarth
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
October 27, 2009
Members Present: Laura Estrada, James Heiney, Mayela
Loera, Jesus Lugo, Cynthia Madrid, Efrain Mendoza,
Carolina A. Pérez, Bonnie Prieto, Olga Tavárez, Brenda
Willmarth & Dr. Ernie Roberts (Administrative Liaison)
Members Absent: Norma Flores, Gustavo Luevano &
Frank Muñoz
After most of the members arrived, the committee walked to
the front of the new THIRTEENO9 Culinary Arts Restaurant
to get their photo taken by Fernie Garcia, Marketing
Photographer, so that it could be placed on the ASC IE web
At 3:15 p.m. the ASC IE Committee reconvened and went to
business approving the October 15 meeting minutes.
Chairperson’s Report
Olga Tavárez reported that as the District IE Chair,
she will be contacting the President’s Office to
schedule monthly meetings with Dr. Rhodes to update
him on IE activity.
Secretary Election
Brenda Willmarth was officially nominated as
Secretary and she accepted this position. She will
record the minutes for the ASC IE Committee
Jim Heiney agreed to take on Brenda’s previous duties
in creating flyers, tickets, sending emails, and all the
lists and forms associated with the tracking of the
Secret Santa event. He offered to place ornaments on
the Christmas tree as the cards were selected, and said
he’s willing to receive and store all the children’s gifts
in his office. This was agreed on as he is conveniently
located right off the foyer. Jim reported that he was
ready to take on this role beginning November 9 when
his regular duties would slow down a little.
Gus Luevano is now shadowing Laura Estrada to learn
the Employee of the Month process and the
responsibilities associated with it.
Olga is going to meet with Ms. Ahner to see if more
members from B Building would be able to join the IE
Committee. Right now there are ten from A Building
and three from B Building and it would be helpful to
have the membership more balanced. It is the third
year for eight of these members, so the five new
members are shadowing them in order to learn the
different roles.
ASC IE 2009/2010 Events Calendar
The committee reviewed the updated events calendar
presented by Jim Heiney. The November and
December dates were agreed upon. Exception had to
be made since the regular Employee of the Month
Celebration date in November falls on Thanksgiving;
the committee voted to move it to the following
Thursday, December 3.
Thanksgiving Luncheon:
Plans are moving forward. Olga is awaiting
confirmation from Bruce Hick of Chile Chipotle to
confirm that the menu we are requesting will be
acceptable. Brenda has the flyers and luncheon tickets
ready pending confirmation of revised menu. The
committee voted on their preferred ticket format and
made suggestions. Olga said she would also sell
tickets in B Building, so Brenda will prepare a
spreadsheet for tracking the ticket numbers. All this
will be sent out tomorrow, Wednesday, once the menu
is confirmed. Plans are to start with 100 tickets and
see what the demand is, selling up to a maximum of
160 tickets. Ticket sales are to be reported to Olga
every Friday by 3:00 p.m. with the announced cutoff
date of November 17. The next morning will be used
as a last resort for sales, though not encouraged. A
total headcount must be given to the caterer by 3:00
p.m. Wednesday, November 18.
Monies from the luncheon ticket sales will be
deposited into 81115-G81115-51440 so that our
treasurer, Efrain Mendoza, will be able to pay the
caterer from this fundraiser account established for the
ASC IE Committee. Dr. Roberts agreed that this
would be an acceptable process to follow.
Laura will check the centerpiece decorations and
tablecloths in storage and report back to the committee
with the current status. We will plan on 12 tables with
8 or 9 chairs at each for now, and adjust if we see that
more will be needed. The committee owns
cornucopias, pumpkins and silk leaves to decorate
with, and Laura and Mayela will purchase more if
Jim will confirm that the Boardroom is set up by 9:00
a.m. and he will also check with Instructional Media
Services to ensure that music is played during the
luncheon and that a microphone is available for
Updates will be emailed to each other so that the need
to meet again before the luncheon will not be
necessary. If anyone thinks of anything that might
have been overlooked, please email your concerns to
Olga as soon as possible so they may be addressed.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
All applications were read by the committee and
selections voted on for both October and November,
These are the work assignments for the Thanksgiving
Luncheon scheduled for November 20:
David Monreal, PC Support Specialist, Information
Technology Support Services, was selected as the
October Employee of the Month and will be
recognized on Thursday, October 29, at 3:00 p.m. in
the A Building Breakroom.
November’s selection was made and the supervisor
will be contacted. The name is not released here due
to the surprise element at the EOM Celebration to be
held December 3, which is scheduled after the release
of these minutes.
10:00 a.m. set up team: Carolina, Cynthia, Mayela,
Laura, Brenda and Olga.
1:30 p.m. clean up team: Jim, Frank, Gus, Efrain,
Jesus, Bonnie and Norma.
Secret Santa:
Efrain brought a memo from Mr. Crescencio M.
Cardona, Principal of Anthony Elementary,
expressing their interest in sponsorship of our Secret
Santa event. He indicated there were 57 first graders
and 3 special education students who would welcome
any contributions. The committee approved the
request and asked Efrain to see if there were
approximately 20 more students who we might be able
to assist. He will inquire and get back to Olga so she
may contact Mr. Cardona to confirm it. Efrain took
the wish request forms so that the school can have the
students fill them out and have them returned by
November 16. Brenda reported she has 100 Christmas
cards prepared for the children’s returned requests to
be hung on the tree.
The following three suggestions were discussed:
Carolina and Bonnie spoke to Leon Blevins about
being Santa Claus again. He will speak to his wife
about it and get back to them. However, they are
dealing with a family hardship, so a backup plan
might be needed. Chef Jesus Lugo said he will talk to
both Chef Rick Webb and some of the Culinary Art
students about playing Santa. Jesus will work on this
and let us know the status of his inquiries.
A flat panel announcing the daily events and
locations in both the A and B Buildings. It was
suggested that it be controlled by Marketing.
A location directory should be placed at both
front entrances of the A Building.
A Building should have raised the lettering
identifying the departments similar to the
attractive and useful aluminum-brushed raised
lettering in B Building.
Olga will prepare the Design Work Request forms and
submit to Dr. Roberts so that they may go through the
proper channels for approvals.
Bonnie reported that the tree is in her Records
warehouse and that it is in good shape. New lights are
needed for the tree. Laura offered to buy new lights
for the tree. There is also a star for the top and a nice
tree skirt for it in storage, along with some white glass
ornaments that must be pulled out. It will be set up
and decorated on November 24 after our meeting, and
then ready to go by November 25 with all the gift
wish cards. The gifts are due by December 14.
Call for ASC Beautification Ideas
The meeting was adjourned at 4:33 p.m.
Recorded by Brenda Willmarth
The November 24 meeting will be held in A Building
to accommodate the Christmas tree decorating. We
will use the glass decorations we have now and buy
candy canes to fill in as the cards are taken to keep the
tree nicely decorated in the foyer.
Financial Report
Efrain Mendoza submitted a written report reflecting a
current $940.13 balance in budget #11000-34001 and
$22.63 remaining in budget #81115-G81115.
Employee of the Month Selections
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 24, 2009
Members Present: Laura Estrada, James Heiney, Mayela
Loera, Gustavo Luevano, Cynthia Madrid, Efrain Mendoza,
Carolina A. Pérez, Olga Tavárez, Brenda Willmarth & Dr.
Ernie Roberts (Administrative Liaison)
Members Absent: Norma Flores, Jesus Lugo, Frank Muñoz
& Bonnie Prieto
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m. Efrain
Mendoza made the motion to approve the minutes for
October 27, and the motion was second by Jim
Heiney. The minutes were approved as written.
Chairperson’s Report
Olga Tavárez reported that she met with Dr. Rhodes
and mentioned the Design Work Requests to him. She
stated that he was open to our recommendations. Olga
will meet with him once a month and asked the
committee to let her know before the end of the month
if there is anything the members would like to be
included in the discussion with him at the next
Status of Design Work Requests:
Olga is preparing three Design Work Requests and
will be submitting those to Dr. Roberts so that they
may go through the proper channels for funding and
Thanksgiving Luncheon Update:
A total of 107 tickets were sold and a check request
has been processed for the original headcount of 98.
Bruce Hick will submit a second invoice for the
additional nine plates that were sold and will pick up
the balance from Efrain Mendoza.
Chile Chipotle was catering two events
simultaneously and it was mentioned that some of the
green beans were cold, the yams had lumps of brown
sugar, and that many were not served salad as it had
run out. Plates that were sold to go were not complete
as the desserts were taken by others going back for
seconds. The server did not stop those going back for
seconds before everyone was originally served. All
these items will be mentioned to Bruce in an effort to
improve the service at future luncheons.
It was agreed that we should have two separate lines
entering from both doorways with members stationed
at each side to take the tickets. This will speed up the
long line and wait for food. Olga said she had
numerous calls that people felt rushed since cleanup
had begun before the 1:00 p.m. ending, and that in the
future clean up will not begin until the announced end
time of the event. Both the set up and clean up teams
should follow the announced schedules to avoid
Secret Santa:
Anthony Elementary is closed this week for the
holidays, but will be contacted next week to verify
their arrival time at ASC. Santa (Leon Blevins) is
scheduled for 9:00 a.m. so if that is incorrect he
should be notified of the correct time. The committee
will begin setting up the gifts in numeric order on the
stage at 8:00 a.m. The gifts will be collected and
stored in Jim’s office in Marketing and are due by
December 14. Children’s holiday music, the podium
and microphone, and a camera focused on the
children’s faces, projecting them on the screens, will
be required. Chairs for Santa and his wife will be
placed up front, and chairs surrounding the perimeter
of the room, for guests to watch, are also needed. Jim
will make all the needed arrangements with IMS. The
I.E. members are requested to wear Santa hats and red
or green attire to add to the festivities.
Carolina mentioned that the custodians need to be
asked in advance for plastic bags, large ones for
picking up the trash from the gifts and smaller ones
for the children who need a bag to take their gifts back
to school in.
Brenda will ask Rosalind Roger if she will be
available on December 16 to be a singing elf to
welcome and entertain the children. Ms. Roger plays
guitar and can sing some songs with them to warm
them up before receiving their gifts. Last year, Santa
played a few songs on his CD player and danced with
the children for awhile before the names were called.
Pam Payne will be buying the items for the goody
bags after Thanksgiving. There are 78 children and 5
teachers. For the teachers, Jim will get five black
EPCC bags with marketing items and we will
assemble goody bags for the teachers. Anyone able to
contribute items for the teachers was asked to do so.
Brenda will e-mail the committee when the goody bag
items are purchased, and whether or not we will have
a singing elf to greet the children. Once known, we
can assemble the bags and box them for the teachers
to take back to school to distribute to the students.
The tree was moved to the foyer today for us to fix
and decorate, and the cards are all prepared to hang on
the tree. The children made ornaments for us to hang
on the tree, and as cards are taken, these ornaments
will be hung in their place to keep the tree nicely
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
decorated. Laura bought new lights for the tree so that
it will be lit up and the tree skirt and other decorations
were pulled out of storage.
Olga mentioned that everyone needs to pull their
weight and make an effort to do their share of the
work. The motion was made and passed that those not
present to decorate the tree today will be responsible
for packing it up and storing it all away on Friday,
December 18, at 9:00 a.m. The tree and decorations
will need to be moved to the I.E. storage area in the B
There was no old business to discuss.
New Business
There was no new business to discuss.
Please send agenda items to Olga Tavárez for next
month’s meeting which is scheduled for December 15,
at 3:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Employee of the Month
The November Employee of the Month will be
recognized at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 3rd, in
the ASC A Building Break Room. The employee
selected at last month’s meeting for this recognition is
Yoli Ontiveros, Testing Clerk, from GED Testing
All current applications were read by the committee
and a selection made for the December Employee of
the Month. This celebration will be held Tuesday,
January 5, after the winter break. The supervisor will
be contacted and the recipient’s name released in the
December minutes. January’s Employee of the Month
selection will be made at the December meeting.
Old Business
At 3:50 p.m., the ASC IE Committee members present
went to the foyer to clean up and decorate the
Christmas tree for Secret Santa. The sign and sign-up
lists are prepared and ready to set out by the tree.
Once completed, Jim Heiney will email the Secret
Santa message to the ASC location announcing the
event and availability of the gift request cards.
Recorded by Brenda Willmarth
Treasurer’s Report
Efrain Mendoza reported a current $891.42 balance in
budget #11000-34001 and $39.83 remaining in budget
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
December 15, 2009
fundraising event. His recommendation is to remove
the remaining events from the calendar.
Jesus said that it was a very hectic three months in the
fall. He said that if our mission is getting people
together, we’re doing a great job; but if not, it is too
Members Present: Mayela Loera, Jesus Lugo, Cynthia
Madrid, Efrain Mendoza, Frank Muñoz, Olga Tavárez &
Brenda Willmarth
Members Absent: Laura Estrada, Norma Flores, James
Heiney, Gustavo Luevano, Carolina A. Pérez & Bonnie
Brenda said that the Thanksgiving luncheon is always
a nice time to get together and would be missed be
everyone if it were stopped. She said that the Secret
Santa event is very important and should continue
each year as that is the one thing we do for the
community. Everyone agreed that Secret Santa should
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 3:12 p.m. The
minutes dated November 24 were approved as written.
I.E. Mission Charge
Since our mission is beautification and safety
concerns, Employee of the Month, and since we are
short of money, members, and time this year, Olga
recommended that we cancel the remaining events for
the year. Keep in mind, the members cannot be forced
to work the events. Cynthia disagreed and wanted to
wait for the absent members to be present before we
voted on it. The motion was tabled for the next
meeting scheduled for January 26, 2010. As a
reminder then, Valentine’s Day is the next event
scheduled for February 12. Jesus added that the
Culinary Arts does not have the manpower in place to
accommodate the social for us.
Olga Tavárez reported that the charge of this
committee is to discuss beautification and safety
issues involving the ASC A and B Buildings. Three
Design Work Requests have been submitted so far,
which were for the A Building door signage, the A
Building monitor request, and the A Building room
location directory. These types of concerns are what
the committee needs to spend most of its time on.
It is also important to continue the ASC Employee of
the Month selection and celebration. There is a
procedure for the Employee of the Month process, and
Olga said that the other I.E. Committees adhere to it.
She recommended that we spend more time and focus
on making the monthly EOM celebration a lot nicer
and more inviting by offering a variety of food items.
As a result, this would use more of the allocated
budget we receive each year to pay for EOM.
Olga said that we will be getting two new members
from the B Building soon. They are Alicia Salcedo
and Theresa Rivera. Since the committee will be
expanding, the election was tabled. The 3rd
Representative also attends the District I.E. meeting
every second Tuesday of the month. Olga explained
that this meeting is on a different level and that one
becomes aware of what the other campuses have or
are planning to do.
Revisit Calendar of Events
Olga expressed that she felt this committee has
inherited a variety of seasonal luncheons or similar
events that members expected to continue. Hosting
these events is not the primary focus of the I.E.
Committee. Some people have asked her if all we do
is create and host parties. Olga said that it is hard to
recruit new members because of the time involved
with all the events we host each year and, therefore,
they are discouraged. She recommended that we
discuss it and see if we wish to discontinue the events.
Frank apologized that the end-of-month closings keep
him from attending the meetings very often. He said
that the employees do look forward to the events.
Cynthia said that is the time the employees get out of
the office.
Efrain said that we do not have the funds for the
events this year due to the cancellation of the
Halloween carnival. That was our only yearly
3rd Representative Election
Chairperson’s Report
Olga asked Brenda to provide a Secret Santa status
update, which she did.
Secret Santa:
Brenda reported that all the gifts have been received
and numbered. Anthony Elementary School (79
children and 5 teachers) will be arriving around 9:30
a.m. tomorrow morning and everyone is to meet in the
Board Room at 8:00 a.m. to begin moving the presents
from Marketing and numerically set them up on the
stage, etc. Santa and Mrs. Claus (Leon Blevins and
his wife) are scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Rosalind Roger
will also be here as a singing elf to entertain the
children before receiving their gifts. Dr. Rhodes will
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
give a brief welcome to the children. Olga said that
she would announce the children’s names to receive
their gifts.
Children’s holiday music, the podium and
microphone, and a camera focused on the children’s
faces projecting them on the screens will be set up.
Chairs for Santa and his wife will be placed up front,
and there will be chairs surrounding the perimeter of
the room for guests to watch. The I.E. members are
reminded to wear Santa hats and red or green to add to
the festivities. The 79 goody bags have been stuffed
and placed in 5 large boxes for each teacher to take
back and issue to the students in their classrooms.
The five black EPCC marketing bags were stuffed
with nice items donated from Marketing, EPCC TV,
and the President’s Office and these will be given to
the teachers tomorrow.
Olga asked that everyone meet in the foyer on Friday,
December 18, at 9:00 a.m. to help store the Christmas
tree decorations away. The boxes are needed to pack
them in so Laura will be contacted for the storage
containers and key to the lock. The Christmas tree
and decorations will be moved to the I.E. storage area
in the B Building. Last year the tree and decorations
were stored in the A Building storage area.
Treasurer’s Report
Efrain Mendoza reported a current $838.47 balance in
budget #11000-34001 and $39.83 remaining in budget
#81115-G81115. Without the fundraiser monies, we
cannot accommodate all the events we did last year.
Since we will increase expenditures for the EOM
celebrations, all of this needs to be taken into
consideration for the vote on the events calendar when
we meet in January. Efrain recommended that we
improve the EOM celebrations and just wait to see
where we stand in the summer and if we might be able
to afford one event at that time. He also said to
consider where the funds will come for Valentine’s
Day. The last few years some of the members made
and donated cakes, or other items, from their pockets.
We need to be realistic and stay focused on the role of
the I.E. Committee. We need to serve the people
better by improving the image and safety of the ASC
Buildings. With that stated, Olga wished everyone a
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. She thanked
everyone for all their hard work and for sharing and
letting us learn from each other. We all have our own
opinions and we just need to work it out as a
committee in order to benefit and serve others.
VIII. Adjournment
Employee of the Month
The December Employee of the Month will be
recognized Tuesday, January 5, at 3:00 p.m. The
employee selected at last month’s meeting for this
recognition is Luis Flores, Project Graphics Designer,
from Marketing & Community Relations. It was
recommended to move it to Thursday, January 7, if
the supervisor, Joyce Cordell, and Dr. Roberts would
be available. Note: They both were, so the change
was made on the calendars.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:22 p.m. Please send
agenda items to Olga Tavárez for next month’s
meeting which is scheduled for January 26, 2010.
Recorded by Brenda Willmarth
All current nominations were reviewed by the
committee and a selection made for the January
Employee of the Month. This celebration will be held
Thursday, January 28. The supervisor will be
contacted and the recipient’s name released in the
January minutes. February’s Employee of the Month
selection will be made at the January meeting.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 26, 2010
Members Present: Laura Estrada, Norma Flores, James
Heiney, Mayela Loera, Cynthia Madrid, Efrain Mendoza,
Carolina A. Pérez, Bonnie Prieto, Theresa Rivera, Alicia
Salcedo, Olga Tavárez & Brenda Willmarth
Members Absent: Jesus Lugo & Frank Muñoz
Call to Order & Introduction of New Members
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. Two
new members from B Building were introduced by
Olga Tavárez. They are Alicia Salcedo, Program
Assistant at the Contract Opportunity Center, and
Terry Rivera, Program Assistant at Literary Programs.
They were both welcomed to the ASC IE Committee
by the existing members.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
The minutes dated December 15 were approved as
written and previously sent out on email.
approves, it would not leave funds to host the other
events that are not the charge of the IE Committee.
Efrain reported that we spend approximately $50 a
month on EOM, which would encumber $400 through
the rest of the year. Assuming that we leave it the
same as in the past, it leaves approximately $350 in
the budget for events we want to continue to host.
The majority of the members expressed that they want
to continue with the events and leave EOM as it has
been. Carolina stated that the events boost morale and
are looked forward to by the employees. She also said
that the Calendar of Events have been approved for
this year and we should go forward with the
Valentine’s Day Social taking them one at a time
while keeping an eye on the remaining funds. Olga
cautioned that we are not to bake cakes and contribute
items out of our own pockets for these events. Laura
requested that Olga not get upset and to remain neutral
in her post as the Chair. Olga apologized for her tone
and said she was not upset and didn’t mean for it to
come across that way. A vote then indicated that eight
members wanted to host the Valentine’s Day Social.
Chairperson’s Report
3rd Representative Election:
Olga called for nominations for the 3rd Representative
position. The 3rd Representative attends the District
I.E. meeting every second Tuesday of the month and
represents the Chair when she is unable to attend
meetings. Olga then nominated Theresa (Terry)
Rivera, Norma Flores second the nomination, and
Terry accepted the position.
Revisit Calendar & Vote on Upcoming Events:
A vote on the Calendar of Events remaining for this
year was tabled in December so that it could be
revisited in January when more members would be
present for feedback and a vote.
Olga said that this committee has inherited events that
are not really the charge of the IE Committee. She
said that she has frequently been told that the ASC IE
Committee is just about parties. Olga said she would
like to do away with the functions that are not the
charge of the IE Committee.
Olga recommended that more monies be spent on the
ASC Employee of the Month celebrations thereby
enhancing the quality and employee interest to attend
them. She suggested we would have cake and ice
cream one month, and then something different the
next month, so that it is not always just cake and
sodas. As result, most of our allocated budget would
be spent on the EOM process which is a required
function of the IE Committee. If the Committee
Olga asked for volunteers to take the lead on the
Valentine’s Day Social and Laura Estrada, Mayela
Loera, and Bonnie Prieto all volunteered. Jim Heiney
asked Brenda to give him a copy of last year’s flyer so
that he could quickly start preparing one for this
year’s social. He will also check the Boardroom
availability for the morning of February 12 and get
back to the members with the status. NOTE: The
Boardroom was not available on February 12, so
through an email message dated January 27 sent by
Jim Heiney, the majority of the committee voted to
host the Valentine’s Day Social in the Boardroom on
Wednesday, February 10, from 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Alicia Salcedo stated that she enjoys attending the
social events sponsored by the IE Committee. It was
through these events that she was made aware of the
ASC IE Committee but she saw little participation
from Building B. Believing that the mission of the IE
Committee is to improve the campuses, Alicia elected
to be part of the Committee. Both new members
indicated they are looking forward to working on
these events. Carolina expressed that while the events
are a lot of work they are very rewarding, and further
stated that she would continue to support the IE
Committee next year.
Carolina Pérez made the motion to follow the ASC IE
Committee 2009-10 Events Calendar as previously
approved and Bonnie Prieto second the motion.
Jim made the comment that the Secret Santa should be
earlier than the last day before the winter break, so
will check on moving it to December 15, and that the
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
When the supply runs out, the IE Committee
will need to start purchasing the supplies.
Terry will begin making the balloon bouquets
for the EOM Celebration, with Brenda’s
assistance. Helium is provided by the
President’s Office.
tree should come down and be stored away on
December 17. He will check on the Boardroom
availability and make the revisions to the calendar
before emailing it to the committee members.
However, it was pointed out that December dates
should be permanently set by the 2010-11 ASC IE
Committee membership.
It was mentioned that disposable gloves need
to be worn when serving food. Terry has some
at home that she offered to give the committee,
but more need to be purchased when needed so
that we always have them available for serving
food at our events.
The celebration begins at 3:00, so everyone is
requested to report to the Break Room at 2:45
for the set up. We stay and clean up afterwards
as well.
Due to the number of nominations and length
of time to read them in the meetings, Cynthia
Madrid will be scanning the nominations for
Laura, who will then email them to the
members before the meetings so that the
selection process can move much quicker.
Employee of the Month
The January Employee of the Month will be
recognized Thursday, January 28, at 3:00 p.m. in the
Break Room. The employee selected at last month’s
meeting for this recognition is Lu Apple,
Administrative Assistant, from Customized Training.
Current nominations were reviewed by the committee
and selections made for both February and March.
The February celebration will be held Thursday,
February 25 and the March celebration was moved up
a week to March 25 as the scheduled date of April 1
falls in between two holidays and low attendance was
anticipated. The supervisors will be contacted and the
February recipient’s name released in the February
minutes. March’s Employee of the Month selection
will be released in the March minutes. The new
members were cautioned not to say anything to others
due to the element of surprise we want to hold for the
Efrain Mendoza reported a current $742.16 balance in
budget #11000-34001 and $39.83 remaining in budget
#81115-G81115. He explained that the 81115 budget
carries over to the next fiscal year, but that the 11000
budget is only usable through this fiscal year.
Different aspects of the EOM process were discussed
to help provide clarification on the process and to
enlighten the new members.
Laura contacts the supervisor a few weeks in
advance to notify and ensure that they will
attend and take responsibility for getting the
recipient to attend. Again, this is intended to
be a surprise for the recipient.
Laura was asked to make copies of the
recipient packet and give it to Dr. Roberts way
in advance of the celebration so that he can
prepare his presentation. Olga requested that
she also be sent a copy of the packet in
Carolina has been preparing the certificate and
Alicia is going to work with her to learn how
this is done. She is also going to learn the
EOM process by assisting Laura to ensure
continuity of the process for next year as eight
of the existing members terms will expire this
EOM supplies have been stored in the Records
Management and Bonnie offered to show her
where these are.
Balloons, ribbons and sometimes the weights
have been provided by the President’s Office.
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
There was no discussion of old business.
New Business
The new members asked whose terms were expiring
in August. Those members are Laura Estrada, Norma
Flores, Mayela Loera, Cynthia Madrid, Efrain
Mendoza, Frank Muñoz, Carolina A. Pérez and
Brenda Willmarth. In addition to training the new
members, the departing members need to start
recruiting interested employees for next year to ensure
the success of the ASC IE Committee.
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Please send
agenda items to Olga Tavárez for next month’s
meeting which is scheduled for February 23, 2010.
Recorded by Brenda Willmarth
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
February 23, 2010
Members Present: James Heiney, Cynthia Madrid, Efrain
Mendoza, Carolina A. Pérez, Alicia Salcedo, Olga Tavárez,
Brenda Willmarth & Dr. Ernie Roberts (Administrative
Members Absent: Laura Estrada, Norma Flores, Mayela
Loera, Jesus Lugo, Frank Muñoz, Bonnie Prieto & Theresa
Efrain distributed a report reflecting a current $618.88
balance in budget #11000-34001 and $39.83
remaining in budget #81115-G81115.
Call to Order
Olga reminded the committee that one of our new
members is Theresa Rivera and to please send e-mails
to her and not to Theresa Delgado.
Employee of the Month
The February Employee of the Month will be
recognized Thursday, February 25, at 3:00 p.m. in the
Break Room. The employee selected at last month’s
meeting for this recognition is Angel Ramirez,
Coordinator of Special Events and Moving, from
Operation and Maintenance.
General Information
Dr. Roberts informed the committee that the Board
recently approved the re-roofing of the ASC A and B
Buildings. The B Building will be first, then the A
Building. A message will be sent out from the
Marketing Department before the work commences.
He recommended that people not park their vehicles
close to the buildings as there may be flying debris
that could cause damage to the vehicles. A cold
application will be used which will be cleaner and
provide reduced emissions, however, it will be noisy
and we cannot control that aspect of the construction
phase. The anticipated completion time is
approximately ninety days after the work begins.
The meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m. The roll
call confirmed absence of a quorum with only seven
of fourteen voting members in attendance. Without a
quorum, discussions may take place but no business
can be conducted.
Treasurer’s Report
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m. Please send
agenda items to Olga Tavárez by March 24 for next
month’s meeting which is scheduled for 3:00 p.m.,
March 30, 2010, at ASC B 445.
Recorded by Brenda Willmarth
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 30, 2010
Members Present: Laura Estrada, Mayela Loera, Alicia
Salcedo, Olga Tavárez & Brenda Willmarth
Luncheon. Dr. Stroud then asked why we host these
events since they are not the charge of I.E.
Members Absent: Norma Flores, James Heiney, Jesus
Lugo, Cynthia Madrid, Efrain Mendoza, Frank Muñoz,
Carolina A. Pérez, Bonnie Prieto & Theresa Rivera
Funds are not received from the Administrative
Liaison. The treasurer’s reports were explained to
him. It was explained that tickets are sold for the
Thanksgiving and Mother’s Day Luncheons, so they
support themselves for the most part. Employees,
students, and family members are welcome to attend.
These functions have been sponsored by the I.E.
Committee since its inception at ASC.
Guest: Dr. Ron Stroud (Director, Institutional Effectiveness)
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:13 p.m. The roll
call confirmed absence of a quorum with five of
fourteen voting members in attendance. Dr. Stroud
advised the committee that it could conduct business
without a quorum, unless the committee had
previously voted that it couldn’t.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Mayela Loera made the motion to approve the minutes
for January and February, and Laura Estrada second
the motion. The motion was passed.
Chairperson’s Report
A procedure is being drafted to track the Design Work
Requests so that the status of the ongoing work
requests will be known to everyone. Olga mentioned
that price quotes for the signage for A Building are
being sought and that information will be shared soon.
Social Events
Laura reported that the Valentine’s Day Brunch was
very nice and that we had a good turnout for it. Total
expenditures for it were $88.41 according to the
treasurer’s report, which was handed out by Laura
since Efrain Mendoza was unable to attend today’s
The Mother’s Day Luncheon has been rescheduled to
Tuesday, May 4, at 11:30 a.m. in the Board Room.
This item led to the next item, but was briefly returned
to near the end of the meeting. At that time, Olga
asked who would take the lead on the luncheon and
Laura volunteered to do so. Laura will contact
everyone through emails to request their assistance if
they are able to do so.
Dr. Stroud expressed his concern about us our
carrying out the charge of the I.E. Committee, and he
relayed that the $975 we receive annually is to support
the mission of the College. Ron said that none of the
other I.E. Committees do these types of events. We
do use the funds to host Employee of the Month
celebrations (cakes, soft drinks, supplies, certificate
frames, etc.). Other campuses also host Employee of
the Month celebrations. Ron said that the $975 is not
guaranteed each year, and that it is allocated to the I.E.
committees by the President through discretionary
funds. It is always subject to change, especially if
being misused.
Use of Allocated I.E. Funds
Dr. Stroud asked if we receive funds from the
Administrative Liaison for these events. He also
inquired as to what the treasurer’s report meant, and
then he asked how we would fund a Mother’s Day
There is confusion at the time being on
recommendations being made by the I.E. Committees.
It may be that the Physical Plant can easily fix
concerns, or that we need to seek funding from Budget
Heads to implement needed recommendations. Ron
said that the I.E. Committee is going to form a
subcommittee to develop a procedure for these
requests and to ensure they don’t get lost. At times
there are emergency requests, and they might be
handled differently from than the others.
Dr. Stroud said that the President would like a good
“To Do List” of things that need to be done at each
campus. Other campuses have deans as
Administrative Liaisons who show up and report on
their respective to do lists at the District I.E. Meetings.
Some examples are parking spaces, signage, safety,
beautification, theft, and lighting concerns. Dr.
Rhodes will attend the next District I.E. Meeting so
that these lists can be addressed with him. We can ask
questions of Dr. Rhodes when he attends; Dr. Stroud
said that he always answers our questions.
A major concern is people often confuse the two ASC
buildings, and employees don’t know what’s going on
in the opposite building in order to be able to
effectively assist them.
Olga reminded everyone present that three Design
Work Requests have been submitted as part of the
ASC I.E. beautification charge. One of our Design
Work Requests is to have directories (similar to ones
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Dr. Stroud expressed his concern about the lack of
committee attendance at the meetings, and requested
that Brenda send him the breakdown of meeting
attendance for the year. Laura expressed that this has
been a very difficult year and that a lot of the
members no longer want to attend meetings. Some
members feel they have been mistreated by the Chair,
and Laura said that there are ways to treat people. The
clash has only worsened due to the differing
perspectives of what the I.E. Committee’s role is.
at shopping malls) at both front entrances of the A
Building. Another request is to have a monitor to
announce events taking place at the ASC A and B
Buildings to assist guests/students in locating where
they need to go. Dr. Stroud asked if we have a
subcommittee working on the directory to come up
with a design and make a sketch of it. Olga informed
Dr. Stroud and the committee members that Rick
Torres, EPCC Construction Engineer, is working on
the design and obtaining price quotations for the three
Design Work Requests. At one point we asked about
having a person located in the ASC A Building foyer
to assist people with directions and information, but
Dr. Rhodes said it would not work in the A Building.
The B Building has STS students at a front desk to
assist people and Ms. Ahner helps with the funding for
their employment. A third request is to have
department signage in the A Building similar to that
for each area located in B Building. Rick Torres is
working on the pricing for it and will let us know.
Olga said that Rick Lobato will send the pricing of all
our requests to Dr. Roberts for follow-up.
A safety concern we’ve experienced in both buildings
is the numerous falls we’ve had due to slippery floors.
Mr. Lobato has addressed this concern with the
janitorial service in order to solve it. Ron suggested
we invite Mr. Lobato to our I.E. meeting and bring up
our concerns with him. Olga said she has invited Mr.
Lobato but that he has not yet had the time to be able
to attend. Olga further stated that she would ask Mr.
Lobato if he could send a representative on his behalf
to our next meeting. One good point made is that our
facilities are fairly new and we have staff working on
site that can handle most issues fairly promptly.
The new procedure will help immensely in tracking
and knowing where the Design Work Requests were
originated and the status of each. It will talk about the
$975 and how it will be used. Basically the $975 is
not a line item budget from the President’s unallocated
budget. If he does not have the funds, we could lose
it. It has to be requested each year. We receive it late
September or early October, after the books are
closed. Each campus gets the same amount each year,
even though some campuses are much larger. It is to
be used to support the mission of the team,
recommend improvements, and help with EOM
celebrations. Dr Stroud said that if it is not used for
its intended purpose, it could be lost.
As employees of the College, we are the best source
for input into making recommendations to improve it.
Ron said that in a way, we are going above and
beyond the mission, and that a major accomplishment
would be getting good signage for ASC. Ron said that
hosting these events is not our mission but will not be
a financial problem if we are not using the I.E.
allocation of funds to do so.
Olga’s suggestion was to improve the quality of the
EOM celebrations since we are charged with that
process, and many other members prefer to continue
hosting the various events throughout the year for the
staff and students. Brenda added that she believes the
events were first implemented by previous ASC I.E.
Committees to fill the void of a Student Activities/
Campus Life Office. In other words, activities would
not be hosted at ASC if it were not for the I.E.
Committee. These events have been hosted
throughout the years, regardless of the change in
members, and the need and desire to continue them
has been expressed by many current members.
Olga said that she feels the tension and apologized if
she offended anyone and explained that she is only
relaying the charges of the I.E. to the committee as she
learns them.
Employee of the Month
The March Employee of the Month was Alicia
Salcedo, Program Assistant at the Contract
Opportunity Center, and that celebration was held
March 25.
The April Employee of the Month will be recognized
Thursday, April 29, at 3:00 p.m. in the Break Room.
The employee that was selected at today’s meeting for
this recognition is Maria G. (Lupe) Barraza, Payroll
The May selection was deferred to April’s Monthly
meeting in the hopes for more applications to select
from and more members in attendance to vote on the
Treasurer’s Report
Reports reflect a current $584.01 balance in budget
#11000-34001 and $39.83 remaining in budget
VIII. New Business
Laura Estrada said she was approached by someone
the other day requesting a hard copy directory that
would list the departments by staff, room number, and
phone number. This information is available in an
online directory, but that is not convenient to assist
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Dr. Stroud asked if the I.E. Committee might be
willing to sponsor/coordinate a blood drive one time a
year at ASC? Even though the ASC doesn’t have a
large population of students, it should still be a
worthwhile effort. EPCC is a major UBS donor of
which Dr. Rhodes is very proud. Dr. Stroud said that
he would be willing to come to next month’s meeting
to present it to the committee. This item will be added
to next month’s agenda and Dr. Stroud is invited back
to present this community service project.
others when they ask for assistance in hallways. This
item was briefly discussed, and it was recommended
that Dr. Rhodes be asked about it when he’s present at
the next District I.E. Meeting.
A comment was made that kiosks are located in both
the ASC A and B Buildings and that they can be
accessed by anyone trying to locate an employee.
Many of the members present were not aware of the
kiosk and/or this employee directory feature.
Alicia Salcedo requested picnic tables be placed by
the B Building front entrance or the side entrance by
Cosmetology. Students are frequently outside and
have no place to sit other than the cement. People
have no place to sit and wait for their ride. It was
recommended that we invite Ms. Ahner to our next
meeting so we can bring up this concern to her. Ron
offered to let her know her status on the committee.
He said that Ms. Ahner is a voting member, as vice
presidents at all campuses are voting members of I.E.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Please send
agenda items to Olga Tavárez by April 22 for next
month’s meeting which is scheduled for 3:00 p.m.,
April 27, 2010, at ASC B Building, Room 445.
Recorded by Brenda Willmarth
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 27, 2010
committee might have so that she could take them
back to share with the District IE Committee.
Members Present: Norma Flores, James Heiney, Jesus
Lugo, Efrain Mendoza, Frank Muñoz, Olga Tavárez, Brenda
Willmarth & Dr. Ernie Roberts (Administrative Liaison)
Jim mentioned joining forces for Secret Santa by
either hosting one huge event, or each campus
doing something similar during the same time
frame. It was mentioned that IE funds were not
used to host Secret Santa.
Something else to consider is that Dr. Stroud
requested the ASC IE Committee to host a blood
drive next year. A subcommittee to take the lead
on it would be needed to ensure its success, if we
do decide to proceed with this event.
Olga requested that everyone think about it and
send their suggestions to her by Friday, May 7.
Members Absent: Laura Estrada, Mayela Loera, Cynthia
Madrid, Carolina A. Pérez, Bonnie Prieto, Theresa Rivera &
Alicia Salcedo
Guest: Ricardo Chavez (Manager of Maintenance)
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. The
attendance sign-in sheet was circulated.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
The minutes for March 30, 2010 have been approved
via emails amongst the committee, so there was no
further discussion.
Chairperson’s Report
Olga provided an update on the three Design Work
Requests that have been submitted.
The directory for both entrances of the A
Building is being worked on and Olga shared a
Nelson-Harkins catalog with samples for the
committee’s review. She continues to work
closely with Rick Torres and Danny Martinez to
get two or three price quotes to present to Dr.
Ernst Roberts. Norma asked about the
availability of having the directory come with
sliding names so that changes can easily be made
to it as needed.
The lettering to identify departments of A
Building similar to B Building was also
addressed. It was noted that the letters in the
front of A Building cost approximately $75 each
compared to $25 each in the back part of B
Building. Rick Torres and Danny Martinez are
also working on this request and will submit price
quotations to Ms. Tavárez.
The monitor request cannot be filled on a Design
Work Request as it falls under the area of IT.
Olga will follow up with Dr. Roberts regarding
the monitor. Jim mentioned the event display
case by the Marketing door, stating it needed to
be more eye-catching and visible.
The District IE has proposed that all the IE
Committees could partner together and do something
district wide. Olga asked for suggestions the
Physical Plant Representative
Olga introduced Mr. Ricardo Chavez, Physical Plant
maintenance manager, who was present to answer
questions and/or concerns about the ASC facilities.
The materials for the roofing project are being
delivered and stacked up in the parking lot. The
plan is to start next week with A Building and
people are not to park behind the building by the
KCOS area. Work on B Building has already
begun and will continue for about three months.
The cold application will be less messy and
Mr. Chavez reported that they don’t know what
the cause is for the slippery floors. A non-slip
wax is being used and it is the best available. A
company from Dallas came in and measured the
slipperiness of the floors, and basically the cause
could be the types of shoes people wear.
Whenever a fall is reported, the floor is cleaned
and mopped immediately. Norma did report that
the floor is slippery when you exit the B Building
Norma reported that the heating and cooling in
the B Building 200/300 area is problematic. If
you report it is too hot, then it becomes too cold
and the opposite is true when it is reported to be
too cold. Mr. Chavez said he would check into it.
Efrain reported that with the warmer weather
upon us, every morning there are many dead
roaches in the back hallways of the A Building
near the exits/construction areas. He requested
that the custodians clean these hallways first thing
in the morning before beginning their usual
routine. Mr. Chavez said that they come up
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
through the sewer lines and made note of this
custodial request.
Norma reported that the B Building elevators stay
dirty for days before they are ever cleaned up.
Mr. Chavez will bring that up to the custodial
staff. Overall though, he noted that there have
been lesser complaints about the custodians than
Olga mentioned that the outside trash cans at the
B Building entrances were not emptied frequently
enough. Mr. Chavez will mention this to the
Grounds staff.
The Thanksgiving Luncheon is the one employee
event that the committee wished to continue. It is
a good time to bring everyone together before the
holidays are in full swing.
Chef Lugo said that there is a yearly Bake-Off
Competition in the Foyer hosted by Culinary Arts
a week before Thanksgiving. He thought it could
be tied together with the Thanks-giving
Luncheon, and offered to get more information on
it and bring a proposal back to the IE Committee
for consideration.
It was also suggested that we could possibly join
forces with other departments that have to do with
improving employee morale and/or campus
beautification. Jim was asked to check with
Michelle Houston to see what else is going on
next year that we could assist with.
Jesus said that the Culinary Arts collects foods
and gifts for the Child Crises Center every year.
Continuing the Secret Santa project was
unanimously agreed on. Whether we combine
our efforts with other projects, or not, the
Thanksgiving Luncheon and Secret Santa will be
continued next year.
Treasurer’s Report
A report distributed to the members reflected a current
$534.92 balance in budget #11000-34001. A total of
$440.08 has been spent through April 23, and an
estimate for five months (April – August) at $50 each
is projected for EOM celebrations. This leaves an
estimated balance of $285. Olga asked for
recommendations on how to spend this remaining
Brenda suggested that a recorder be purchased to
aid in recording the ASC IE Committee minutes.
This request was approved and Brenda will
purchase a recorder.
The EOM process was discussed, and everyone
agreed to spend more funds each month to
improve it. In addition to the framed certificate, a
small gift (mug or pen/pencil set) could be given
to the recipient. The food served each month
could be enhanced, such as serving cake with ice
cream. Jim stated that in the past, a plaque was
placed in the ASC A Building Foyer by the
Marketing Department and suggested that it be reinstated. The name and photo of each month’s
recipient would be showcased on the plaque as a
way to recognize and honor them. Jim was
requested to check into the costs for such items
since Marketing frequently buys items in bulk and
the ASC could benefit by sharing in the cost of
their portion of the purchase.
Efrain said that the committee purchases large
containers to store supplies, and also purchases
plates, bowls, plastic ware, tablecloths and
supplies to support the EOM celebrations for next
year with this year’s remaining funds. This
recommendation was approved by the committee
as well.
Olga asked which events the committee felt strongly
about continuing to support for next year’s planning
Mother’s Day Luncheon Update
Through email, Laura reported that 50 tickets had
been sold so far with the cutoff date to purchase
tickets being this Friday, April 30. Tickets cost $9.
The luncheon is scheduled to begin 11:30 a.m. in the
Boardroom on Tuesday, May 4, and will be catered by
Employee of the Month
The May Employee of the Month will be recognized
Thursday, May 27, at 3:00 p.m. in the ASC Break
Room. The employee that was selected through email
votes for this recognition is Carlos Mares, Help Desk
Clerk, of Info Tech – Support Services.
VIII. New Business
Olga asked if anyone had new business items to
Brenda reported that she would be unavailable to
take the July and August minutes and asked if
anyone would volunteer to do so. There was no
response at this time.
Olga asked about the possibility of moving the
ASC IE Committee meeting to the third Tuesday
of the month as she had received numerous e-mail
messages from current members stating that they
could not attend due to month-end reporting.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Discussion was held and it was decided to keep
the meetings as scheduled and set forth by the
College’s policy and procedures.
Dr. Roberts shared the good news that the
Auditorium will be carpeted in the near future.
Floor adhesive is continuously seeping through
the tiles, which is looking really bad, and the
carpet will be easier to clean and will prevent
slipping. Mr. Chavez brought five carpet samples
by for us to preview. Jim will take the samples
and number them and have the members come to
his office to vote on them. Jim will let Dr.
Roberts know at the end of the day on
Wednesday, May 5, of what our choice is. Along
these lines, Mr. Chavez reported that new tables
and 400 new blue upholstered chairs are being
purchased for the Conference Center.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Olga
thanked everyone for attending today’s meeting and
stated that she knew that many had to make special
arrangements to attend and some had month-end
reports to complete. Please send agenda items to Olga
Tavárez by May 20 for next month’s meeting which is
scheduled for 3:00 p.m., May 25, 2010, at ASC B
Building, Room 445.
Recorded by Brenda Willmarth
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
2008-2009 MINUTES
October 15, 2008
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vira Martinez, Carolina A. Pérez,
Laura Estrada, Frank Muñoz, Brenda Willmarth, Vincent
Norwood, Norma Flores, Mayela Loera, Cynthia Madrid
Vira Martinez will be asking Dr. Jenny Giron,
Fabiola Rubio, and Luz Taboada to be the
Halloween costume judges.
Laura Estrada will be calling the Pencil Cup Co
owner for a Halloween costume prize donation.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Bonnie Prieto, Efrain Mendoza,
Joyce Cordell
The Committee will meet on October 22 at 3:00
p.m. to finalize the Halloween Carnival plans and
to prepare the candy bags.
In Bonnie Prieto, ASC EI Committee Chair’s absence,
Frank Munoz, Chair elect, called the meeting to order
at 3:10 p.m.
October 22, 2007:
1) Committee meeting at 3:00 p.m. in the lounge
area to finalize plans
2) Bring candy bag donations
3) Fill candy bags after the meeting
The ASC IE Committee voted to hold a smaller
scale Halloween Carnival on October 31, 2008
from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
In order to make this an enjoyable affair and to
raise funds for future events, the committee agreed
to sell tickets, at the door, at $1.00 per ticket.
October 31, 2007: Bring cakes for cake walk
There were no nominations turned in for Employee of
the Month. The nomination is pending for the
10/22/08 meeting.
Details are as follows:
Little Caesars’ Pizza - one ticket per slice
Free drinks
Cake walk one ticket per chance
Each committee member will provide one
cake for the cake walk and donate 2 bags of
Halloween candy bags will be given out free
Halloween prizes will be given to the scariest,
most original, and funniest costumes
The contest will take place at 12:00 p.m.
Prepare flyer and carnival announcements
Vira Martinez will contact Mr. Steve Smith, Math,
Occupational Education, and Science, TM
Campus Dean, to request gift certificate donations
from the Cosmetology Department and Culinary
Arts areas f costume.
Vincent Norwood will call Sonja Rosales
Cosmetology Department Director requesting the
cosmetology students’ participation to do the face
Matters to be covered with Bonnie Prieto at the
next ASC IE meeting:
a) Committee participation in decision making
b) Frank Muñoz declining the chair elect
c) Nomination for a new chair elect
d) Recruitment of new members - especially
from the ASC B Building
e) Planning of yearly IE Committee events
Frank Muñoz and Carolina Pérez gave an IE
District-wide meeting report. Frank Muñoz will
go over the details with Bonnie Prieto upon her
Carolina Perez placed a motion to adjourn the meeting.
The motion was second by Vira Martinez. The
meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Cynthia Madrid, ASC IE Secretary
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
October 22, 2008
Mari Reyes and Pedro Fabela will be asked to be
volunteers at the carnival.
m. Work assignments were covered:
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Brenda Willmarth,
Mayela Loera, Vincent Norwood, Efrain Mendoza, Vira
Martinez, Laura Estrada, and Carolina A. Pérez
Norma and Cynthia
Carolina and Laura
Mayela and Vira
Frank and Bonnie
Vince, Efrain, and Brenda
MEMBERS ABSENT: Joyce Cordell, Cynthia Madrid,
Frank Muñoz, and Norma Flores
Bonnie Prieto, Chair called the meeting to order at
3:10 p.m.
Tickets sale
Serve pizza
Serve nachos
Serve drinks
Tend games, cake
walk and prizes
MC for costume
The Halloween Carnival has been scheduled to take
place in the ASC Auditorium on Friday, October 31,
2008 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Vince Norwood and Brenda Willmarth collected a
number of prizes for the bean bag throw, ring toss,
and cake walk games. They are bagging and
categorizing the items for the prize tables.
The committee will sell pizza @ $1.00 per slice;
nachos @ $1.00 per bowl, and furnish free sodas
and candy bags.
The committee members were reminded to each
bring a cake for the cake walk.
Vira Martinez called Steve Smith and was able to
get two prizes for Cosmetology services for the
Halloween costume contest.
Vira will contact the Pencil Cup owner for the
donation or discount on frames for Employee of
the Month certificates, and to request one more
prize for the costume contest.
Vira will call Jenny Giron, Fabiola Rubio, and
Luz Taboada requesting them to be the costume
contest judges.
Vince will speak to Sonja Rosales at
Cosmetology, inviting the Cosmetology students
to provide face painting.
Carolina will be buying ten 3 liter bottles of
regular cola drinks.
Vira will be donating eight 2 liter Diet Cokes, and
six 3 liter Sprites.
Bonnie will be ordering and purchasing 30 pizzas
at Little Caesar’s.
Laura will be purchasing the cheese, tostadas,
jalapeños for the nachos, and cups for the sodas.
The committee prepared Halloween candy bags
with the two bags of candy each member had
donated, using Halloween bags Brenda had saved
from last year’s event.
Brenda circulated a draft flyer for the carnival and
she will correct and send it out on email
tomorrow. She will also print it and the flyers will
be posted in ASC Buildings A and B.
Submit names of staff members from the “B” building
to join the ASC IE Committee.
The committee has to nominate a new chair elect
to replace Frank Muñoz, who declined the
Due to lack of some supervisors’ support in
permitting committee members to participate in IE
Committee projects; the committee decided to
take this issue to the District-wide IE Committee.
The committee will meet at 8:00 a.m. on Friday,
October 31, to decorate the auditorium for the
Halloween Carnival.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Submitted by Carolina A. Pérez
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 4, 2008
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Joyce Cordell,
Norma Flores, Cynthia Madrid, Frank Muñoz, Mayela Loera,
Vira Martinez, and Carolina A. Pérez
MEMBERS ABSENT: Brenda Willmarth, Laura Estrada,
Efrain Mendoza, and Vincent Norwood
Bonnie Prieto, Chair called the meeting to order at
3:10 p.m. and began by thanking the ASC IE
Committee for a successful and enjoyable Halloween
Carnival. She further stated that the purpose of
today’s meeting was to plan the Thanksgiving
Luncheon and Secret Santa events.
Gus Luevano, Records Management Clerk, and
Marisela Barrios, Program Assistant, Workforce
Development are the two College staff members
being considered to join the ASC IE Committee.
The committee will meet at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
November 11, 2008 to conclude the Thanksgiving
luncheon preparations.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Submitted by Carolina A. Pérez
Thanksgiving Luncheon
To be held on Friday, November 21, in the Board
of Trustees Room
Plan for 80 attendants - luncheon tickets will be
sold at cost
Bonnie Prieto will ask Martha Rico-Briones to
create the tickets and flyer
Mayela will be submitting the room request for 10
round tables with 8 chairs each and will request
music and microphone through IMS
Mayela Loera will get a luncheon quote from
Linda’s Jet Mexican Restaurant
Vira Martinez will get a quote from Catering for
All Occasions
The menu will consist of turkey, stuffing, mashed
potatoes, gravy, corn, salsa, marshmallow fruit
salad, dinner rolls and drink
Vira Martinez will supply the cranberry sauce
The ASC IE committee will provide 3 kinds of
pies and cool whip
Door prizes - each committee member should
provide a gift
Secret Santa
To take place in the Board Room on Tuesday,
December 9, 2008
Professor Leon Blevins will be asked to play
Bonnie Prieto, through the El Paso Independent
School District, will be selecting a school.
Underprivileged students to be the gift recipients
Gus Luevano, Records Management Clerk, will
be assisting in the preparation to decorate the
Christmas tree
Recycled Christmas cards will be used to create
the gift requests that will be hung on the tree
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 11, 2008
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Norma Flores,
Cynthia Madrid, Vincent Norwood, Laura Estrada, Brenda
Willmarth, Mayela Loera, Vira Martinez, Efrain Mendoza,
and Carolina A. Pérez
Laura will be purchasing 10 pies for the luncheon
and 3 Cool Whip cans
Members need to take door prize gifts to Vira no
later than Friday, November 14
MEMBERS ABSENT: Joyce Cordell and Frank Muñoz
Bonnie Prieto will purchase the table center pieces
Members were reminded to bring their old
Christmas cards for the Christmas tree
Last year’s orange tablecloths will be used
Efrain Mendoza called the meeting to order at 10:10
a.m. for Bonnie Prieto, whose busy schedule prevented
her from arriving at 10:00 a.m.
Cynthia Madrid resigned the secretarial job.
Carolina A. Pérez will take over for Cynthia.
Mayela Loera will request supervisor approval
before she accepts the Chair-elect position.
Douglass Elementary School students will be the
honorees at the 2008 Secret Santa event.
The tree will be brought out of storage November
14 and the committee will meet the week of
November 17–21 during working hours to
decorate the Christmas tree in the foyer.
Scheduled Appointments:
Efrain Mendoza provided handouts and reported the
following financial status:
Friday, November 21, 2008 – The committee
will meet at 9:30 a.m. to decorate the Board Room
for the Thanksgiving Luncheon.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 – Selection of the
next Employee of the Month at the regular ASC
IE Committee meeting set for 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 4, 2008 – Employee of the
Month Celebration at 3:00 p.m. in the Break
Halloween Carnival Profit
11/11/08 ASC IE Committee Balance
Catering for all Occasions was selected for the
Thanksgiving luncheon
The caterer will charge $5.00 per plate
To cover the dessert cost, the tickets will be sold
at $6.00 each through Efrain or Vira
Laura and Mayela posted the luncheon flyers
throughout the A & B buildings
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
Submitted by Carolina A. Pérez
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 25, 2008
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Brenda Willmarth,
Laura Estrada, Cynthia Madrid, and Carolina A. Pérez
MEMBERS ABSENT: Efrain Mendoza, Vira Martinez,
Mayela Loera, Joyce Cordell, Frank Muñoz, and Norma
K. Mayela will be reminded to contact IMS to set
up screens, music, and wireless microphones.
Also, to request maintenance to set up the
Boardroom with chairs around the exterior walls
and a Santa’s chair up front and center.
Bonnie Prieto, Chair called the meeting to order at
3:10 p.m.
It was suggested that each committee member
should try to get his/her own Santa hat to wear
during the event. The Committee will meet at
8:00 a.m. on December 9 in the Board of
Trustees Room to get ready for the children who
are scheduled to arrive by bus at 9:00 a.m.
The ASC IE Committee met to plan the “Secret
Santa” project for 60 Douglass Elementary school
A. The committee agreed to increase the number of
tickets to be sold to 100 for next year’s
Thanksgiving luncheon.
A. The Christmas tree is up and decorated with the
children’s gift wish cards.
B. The committee members present at the meeting
also agreed on having more of the apple and
pecan pies, and reducing the number of
pumpkin pies.
B. Professor Leon Blevins will be playing Santa
and he has been scheduled to be present at 9:30
a.m. on Tuesday, December 9, 2008.
C. Brenda reported that Pam Payne of the
President’s Office had purchased very attractive
Christmas candy bags, pencils, and candies for
the 60 children.
C. The drinks at the Thanksgiving luncheon were
very limited. A discussion should take place
when planning next year’s event to get larger
drink glasses and more tea or having sodas
D. In addition, Brenda purchased and donated 60
Christmas ornaments filled with candy for the
A. TJ Ferrer was selected as November 2008
Employee of the Month and will be honored on
Thursday, December 4, at 3:00 p.m. in the
Lounge Area.
E. The committee does not have to contribute any
out-of-pocket donations for this event.
B. Laura will purchase the Employee of the Month
cake, and to replenish depleted stock, she will
purchase a case of Styrofoam cups and plates at
Sam’s Club.
F. Brenda and Carolina will bring some Christmas
music to play during the event.
G. Carolina will print labels with the children’s
names and numbers to be placed on the gifts so
they can be placed in order on the stage like last
H. Bonnie will plan a date to put the candy bags
together and will e-mail the rest of the
committee members to join in. Brenda will
bring all the items to Bonnie’s office for
stuffing due to the large amount of K-12
artwork for pick up in the President’s Office.
Bonnie Prieto’s office will be the central point
to store the Christmas gifts for the children, and
Brenda is tracking the cards/gifts and keeping
the Secret Santa list up-to-date. Please let her
know when you receive gifts so they can be
accounted for.
C. Plan the materials needed for the yearly events
in the summer.
D. Assign various subcommittees for the different
projects to encourage and streamline
participation of all the committee members.
A. ASC IE Committee Christmas Luncheon
B. The week of December 8-12, 2008 was
reviewed. Due to commencement on Friday,
December 11 looked to be the best date. Brenda
will check Dr. Ernst Robert’s calendar and will
get back with the committee on his availability
to attend and will reserve Room A201 with
Sandra for the luncheon.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
C. Gift exchange with $20.00 limit was discussed.
A wish list was made last year and names were
drawn. It was discussed that this could be done
on December 4, after the Employee of the
Month event.
D. In addition to the Christmas gift exchange, each
member should bring a $3.00 gift for the white
elephant gift exchange game like we played last
year. An extra gift will be bought so that Dr.
Roberts can also play.
E. The members present agreed on having brisket
as the main dish and share the expense of the
meat among the committee members. Bonnie
will check cost for a brisket and offered her
husband to cook the brisket for the committee
Christmas luncheon. All members will bring a
side dish to be shared with everyone.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
Submitted by Carolina A. Pérez
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 27, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayela Loera, Brenda Willmarth,
Laura Estrada, Cynthia Madrid, and Carolina A. Pérez
13. Apx. 100 packages
Valentine’s candy
Carolina Pérez
MEMBERS ABSENT: Bonnie Prieto, Efrain Mendoza,
Vira Martinez, Joyce Cordell, Frank Muñoz, and Norma
14. Table decorations
Vira Martinez
15. Carnations
Vira Martinez &
Bonnie Prieto
16. 12 Round/4 Rectangle
Bonnie Prieto
Carolina A. Pérez and Mayela Loera called the
meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.
17. Huge serving bowls,
spoons & knifes
Bonnie Prieto
A. Valentine’s Day Brunch will be held on
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 from 9:00 to 11:00
a.m. in the Board Room. The original Friday date
was moved up due to conflicts with the Border
Learning Conference.
19. Flyers/Email
B. The committee is in charge of getting the
following items as designated:
6 ea. gal. cans of
Mixed Fruit
Ice & (borrow ice
chest/Mari Reyes)
4 qts. Yogurt & Granola
Pedro Fabela
8 lbs. Bananas
Joyce Cordell
2 pineapple upside-down
Laura Estrada
Cups, Paper & Plastic
Laura Estrada
2 flan cakes
Mayela Loera
Reserve Board Room
Mayela Loera
Order 12 round tables/
10 chairs each & 4 long
tables for serving
Mayela Loera
Cynthia Madrid
11. 3 gal. Tropicana Orange
Cynthia Madrid
12. 12 lbs. Grapes
Carolina Pérez
Norma Flores
A. Mr. Fred Ornelas, Senior Programming
Analyst/IT, was nominated and selected as
Employee of the Month for January, 2009.
B. The celebration will take place on Thursday,
February 5, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. in the ASC Lounge
- ASC A268.
C. Committee set up time is 2:30 p.m.
10. Squeezable Bottle of
A huge and beautiful Thank You/Xmas card was
shared at the meeting. The students at Douglass
Elementary School made and sent it to thank the ASC
IE committee for sponsoring their school for the Secret
Santa event.
Efrain Mendoza
& Frank Muñoz
1 chocolate cake
21. 2 Valentine heart boxes
of chocolates to be used
for door prizes &
2 stickers
Frank Muñoz
A. On Friday, January 30, 2009, Mayela Loera and
Laura Estrada will post “Sexual Harassment”
posters throughout the “A” and “B” buildings to
comply with Ms. Nancy Nelson’s request to
promote the Sexual Harassment campaign.
B. Laura Estrada stated that in order to give the
Employee of the Month’s supervisor enough time
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
nomination form and decided to keep the one
presently being used. It applies to the ASC’s
employee characteristics much better.
to get a gift for the new Employee of the Month,
the committee needs to make the selection by the
middle of the month.
C. The committee will meet after the Employee of
the Month celebration to iron out details regarding
the Valentine’s Day Brunch.
Brenda Willmarth presented a Valentine’s Brunch
flyer she had prepared and it was approved by the
committee. It will be posted as soon as she makes
the copies. She will also email it to all ASC
Carolina A. Pérez gave a brief District-wide IE
Committee report and handed out the Noel Levitz
Survey Findings to the members present.
D. February 24, 2009 marks the date for the next
regular ASC IE Committee meeting.
E. ASC Huacha Tournament will take place on
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. The
committee discussed having an ASC picnic on this
date to support the event. One suggestion is to
serve hot dogs, drinks, chips, etc.
F. Plan and budget the remainder of the year’s events
at the next meeting.
G. The committee approved to give Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Blevins a $25 gift certificate to thank them
for their assistance during the Secret Santa event.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
Submitted by Carolina A. Pérez
H. The committee members present reviewed the
Employee of the Month College procedure and
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 3, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Vira Martinez,
Mayela Loera, Brenda Willmarth, Laura Estrada and Carolina
A. Pérez
1. Call businesses for donations Vira
MEMBERS ABSENT: Cynthia Madrid, Efrain Mendoza,
Joyce Cordell, Frank Muñoz and Norma Flores
2. Get a head count of staff
at both buildings
Bonnie Prieto called the meeting to order at 3:10
A. The group met to decide if the ASC IE
Committee would support the upcoming
“Huacha Tournament.”
The committee chose to make inquiries to
find out the cost to host the April 14 event
and to see if any businesses would be able
to donate some items.
The potential plan is to provide two hot
dogs per person, condiments for the hot
dogs, chips, sodas, water and cookies.
B. The committee planned the following:
4. Ice chests
5. Picnic Flyer
A. The committee will be planning the Mother’s
Day and Father’s Day celebrations.
There was concern expressed that the
Marketing Department had scheduled two
different dates for the ASC A and B
buildings and the cost and time to host both
events would not be feasible. Bonnie said
she will talk to Joyce about the dates, and
to inquire if Marketing would be able to
assist with any of the costs/items associated
with the picnic.
3. Get two grills
B. The committee will meet on March 24, 2009 to
follow up on the “Huacha Tournament” picnic
plans. There is no meeting on March 31 due to
the holiday.
C. The committee will select the Employee of the
Month at the March 24 meeting.
D. April 7, 2009 was also tentatively scheduled to
meet to plan the final touches for the picnic to
support the “Huacha Tournament.”
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
Submitted by Carolina A. Pérez
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 24, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Vira Martinez,
Mayela Loera, Brenda Willmarth, Laura Estrada, Efrain
Mendoza and Carolina A. Pérez
MEMBERS ABSENT: Cynthia Madrid, Joyce Cordell,
Frank Muñoz and Norma Flores
The ASC A & B Buildings are still
scheduled to hold individual contests and
it is too big of a burden for the committee
to provide two picnics for both dates
(April 14 and April 16.)
Recruitment of new members was discussed.
EPCC Police Officer Hector Vasquez has
expressed interest in joining the ASC IE
Committee to replace Officer Vincent
Norwood. Bonnie Prieto will talk to him
personally, and then submit his name to
Dr. Stroud for consideration.
The committee members were asked to
look for potential promising new
members to replace the outgoing
members. Strong membership is needed
for next year, as well as participation
from the Building B.
Efrain Mendoza, Treasurer, reported that
checks had been mailed as follows:
FY 06-07 - Budget #81115-G81115-51440
Donation to Ronald McDonald
House in El Paso
Donation to Make a Wish
Foundation of North Texas
Total Donations
FY 08-09 - Budget #11000-34001-71440
Mother’s Day Luncheon is to be held on
Friday May 8, 2009. The committee
suggested brisket, beans, cole slaw and
similar side dishes for the menu. This will be
a paid event in which tickets will be sold to
attend. The committee will provide
carnations for the women, drinks, and dessert
(pie). The committee’s preliminary plan is as
He also reported on our current account as
Remaining Balance from
ASC IE Budget
Remaining Balance from
Halloween Carnival
Total Balance
In the past, Marketing had supplied the
food; not doing it this year.
The minutes of the meeting held on March 3, 2009
had been approved and electronically submitted to
Dr. Stroud.
Bonnie Prieto called the meeting to order at 3:15
The committee had previously provided only
labor force for this event.
1. Get caterers’ menu/pricing
Due to lack of support and financial inability to host
the event, the committee members present agreed on
discontinuing the Huacha Tournament Picnic.
Not all committee members are responding.
Due to the present state of the economy,
businesses are not giving donations and the
cost to buy everything is too expensive.
2. Order red and white
3. Door prizes (on hand)
4. Flyer and Tickets
5. Reserve Board Room
6. Punch
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
7. Music
8. Tablecloths
April 14 was also set for the selection of the
April Employee of the Month.
April 28 is on the schedule for the next
regular meeting.
April 30 set as the next Employee of the
Month celebration.
The committee selected Mark Negrete,
EPCC-TV Media Producer, for the March
Employee of the Month. A celebration will
take place in his honor on Thursday, March
26, at 3:00 p.m.
The committee will meet on April 14, 2009 at
3:00 p.m. to follow up on the Mother’s Day
Luncheon planning process.
Submitted by Carolina A. Pérez
The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 15, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Cynthia Madrid,
Vira Martinez, Brenda Willmarth, Laura Estrada, Efrain
Mendoza, Norma Flores and Carolina A. Pérez
member was requested to provide one more
Vira Martinez is in charge of ordering and
buying the red and white carnations to be
given out to the mothers attending the
Laura Estrada will get the pies, tablecloths,
punch, forks, plates, and cups.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Joyce Cordell, Frank Muñoz and
Mayela Loera
At 3:15 p.m., Bonnie Prieto called a special, short
meeting to order for planning the ASC IE Mother’s
Day Luncheon.
The tickets can be purchased from Norma Flores in
the B Building. Efrain Mendoza and Cynthia
Madrid will have them for sale for the people in the
A Building.
The celebration will take place on Friday,
May 8, 2009 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in
the ASC Board of Trustees Room.
The food will be catered by Linda’s Jet
Mexican Restaurant at a cost of $6.00 per
plate. The full menu will consist of:
Cole Slaw
Ranch Beans
Dinner Roll
Laura Estrada sent out the Employee of the
Month Nomination Form via e-mail, and the
EOM celebration will be held on April 28 at
3:00 p.m. in the ASC Lounge Area.
Suggested improvements needed at the ASC
include getting a receptionist to be located in
the foyer of the A Building, report tiles lifting
up or broken throughout the building for
repair, sofas at the entrance are in bad shape
and need recovering, as well as slippery
floors and water stench problems which are
ongoing concerns.
Hector Vasquez, Police Officer was accepted
to be in the ASC IE Committee.
The target is 100 people, giving the caterer a
final head count before the event.
Regular meeting on April 28 will focus on
ironing out Mother’s Day Luncheon details.
Efrain Mendoza will purchase business cards
to print the tickets.
Meet at 10:45 a.m. on May 8, 2009 to set up
for the luncheon.
Brenda Willmarth will prepare the flyers and
tickets, and e-mail announcements to ASC.
The tickets will go on sale for $6 as soon as
they are ready with a cutoff purchase date of
May 5.
Door prizes are needed. Vira has four door
prizes available; therefore, each committee
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Submitted by Carolina A. Pérez
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 28, 2009
issues was placed. Direct e-mail
correspondence to the indicated individual
only unless it is a business related matter that
the whole committee needs to know about.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Vira Martinez,
Brenda Willmarth, Laura Estrada, Mayela Loera, Efrain
Mendoza and Carolina A. Pérez
MEMBERS ABSENT: Cynthia Madrid, Joyce Cordell,
Frank Muñoz and Norma Flores
The committee will meet at 10:45 on May 8,
in the BOT room to set up, decorate, & cut up
The committee went over the menu to be
served. The caterer will add two types of
salsas to go with the brisket meal, as well as
provide dinner rolls.
Vira Martinez will provide the Sprite for the
Bonnie will borrow the large punch bowl
from I.T.
Laura Estrada will buy the punch, pies, and
Brenda Willmarth stated that Mr. Joseph K.
Hobdy had offered to provide live music at no
cost to the IE Committee for the Mother’s
Day Luncheon. A decision to play recorded
music had previously been made; therefore,
Mr. Hobdy’s offer was declined. Brenda will
let him know the committee’s decision.
At 3:15 p.m., Bonnie Prieto called the meeting to
order to conclude the plans for the Mother’s Day
Vira will be buying 6 dozen red and white
Vira is collecting the door prizes from the
committee members and gift bagging them
for the drawings.
Bonnie asked Vira to get flower petals to
decorate the tables.
Marisa Pierce, Manager of Gear Up Program,
is the April 2009 ASC IE Employee of the
Month. She was selected through e-mail
Bonnie will be calling Dr. Tammie Campos,
Marisa Pierce’s supervisor, to invite her to the
EOM celebration.
Laura will be ordering two cakes (tres leches
and chocolate) for the EOM celebration.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Submitted by Carolina A. Pérez
The proposal not to forward replies to the
entire committee regarding non relevant
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
June 23, 2009
stock to use for the round tables. On the
10th, she will buy 6-8 containers of ice
cream in a variety of flavors from Sam’s.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Vira Martinez,
Brenda Willmarth, Laura Estrada, Mayela Loera, Efrain
Mendoza and Norma Flores
MEMBERS ABSENT: Carolina A. Pérez, Cynthia Madrid,
Joyce Cordell and Frank Muñoz
Vira will buy the wafer cookies,
maraschino cherries, and pecans.
Norma will buy the chocolate syrup,
pineapple and strawberry toppings.
Bonnie will buy a case of bananas from
The Ranch, and six cans of whipped cream
from Sam’s.
Bonnie and Brenda will bring their ice
cream scoopers from home, and more are
needed for serving the ice cream.
Bonnie will ask Joyce about borrowing the
aprons for the servers. Otherwise, cool
summer or Hawaiian-style clothing was
encouraged for the committee to wear.
Brenda will create a flyer for it, post them,
and email it out to the ASC location.
Bonnie Prieto called the meeting to order at 3:08
Efrain Mendoza passed out the committee’s
latest expenditure details with current
balances available to use. The 1100034001-71440 has a balance of $348.19 that
must be used by the end of August. The
81115-G81115-51440 fundraiser account
has a balance of $193.00 that can be used,
and if not, will carry over to the next fiscal
Altogether we have $541.19 available, and
from this balance Vira did note that she has
a receipt to give Efrain for the Mother’s
Day carnations that amounts to
approximately $15. The committee noted
that we have three more Employee of the
Month celebrations to host, and that the
costs to cover them would come to $150 at
the most.
Charles Morgan, Support Center Manager
of Information Technology Support
Services, is selected as the June 2009 ASC
IE Employee of the Month.
Bonnie emailed his supervisor, Marco
Fernandez, to inform and invite him to the
EOM celebration.
Laura will be ordering one large tres leches
cake for the EOM celebration.
The committee did not host a Father’s Day
Ice Cream Social like it did last year, but
plans for an ice cream event for July was
After discussion, Friday, July 10 was
agreed upon beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the
lunch room, Room A268.
A Summer Social was discussed and
banana splits with all the trimmings and
wafer cookies will be served.
Laura will assess our stock of bowls,
spoons, napkins, and serving gloves. She
will also find the tablecloths we have in
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
Submitted by Brenda Willmarth
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
July 7, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Vira Martinez,
Brenda Willmarth, Laura Estrada, Mayela Loera, Efrain
Mendoza, Carolina A. Pérez and Norma Flores
Creating a good impression by recommending
the replacement of old and unattractive furniture
in the foyer area at the ASC A Building.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Cynthia Madrid, Joyce Cordell and
Frank Muñoz
The committee agreed to meet on Thursday, August
13, at 11:30 a.m., at the Rancher’s Grill to:
Bonnie Prieto called the meeting to order at 3:15 pm
Efrain Mendoza passed out the committee’s latest
expenditure details with current balances available
to use. The 11000-34001-71440 has a balance of
$153.29 that must be used by the end of August.
The 81115-G81115-51440 fundraiser account has a
balance of $193.00 that can be used, and if not, will
carry over to the next fiscal year.
Edith Reyes, STS Manager, was elected July 2009
Employee of the Month.
Bonnie Prieto reported that the District- IE
Committee is focusing on instituting a district-wide
“Go Green” program. The ASC IE Committee will
concentrate on:
Safety issues such as replacing damaged and or
broken tile floors
Bad water odor coming out of the faucets
Plan the events for next fiscal year
Welcome Jim Heiney and Gus Luevano--new
ASC IE committee members
Thank Vira Martinez and Joyce Cordell-outgoing members.
She will be honored with a celebration on July
30, 2009
Laura Estrada will pick up two cakes, sodas,
plates, forks, and cups
Gabriel Gaytan will create the EOM certificate
Brenda Willmarth will get a balloon bouquet
The committee will meet at 2:30 p.m. on
7/30/09 to set up for the event.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 13, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Prieto, Vira Martinez,
Laura Estrada, Mayela Loera, Efrain Mendoza, Frank Muñoz,
Norma Flores, Carolina A. Pérez, and Cynthia Madrid
MEMBERS ABSENT: Joyce Cordell and Brenda
Halloween Celebration
Thanksgiving Luncheon
Secret Santa
Valentine’s Day Celebration
Mother’s Day Luncheon
Father’s Day Celebration/Picnic
Ice Cream Social
Laura Estrada walked through the employee of the
month nominations on Monday August 24, 2009.
Vicky Lipscomb, CD Employee Relations, was
elected as August 2009 employee of the month. She
will be honored with cake, soft drinks, balloon
bouquet, and a certificate during a celebration to take
place on Thursday, August 27, 2009. The employee
of the month also gets to park in the designated EOM
parking space for a full month after the celebration.
The ASC IE Committee met at the Rancher’s Grill
and Bonnie Prieto called the meeting to order at 12:00
The committee welcomed Cynthia Madrid who
joined the group with her baby. Cynthia
returns to work, this month, after her maternity
Bonnie Prieto expressed the committee’s
appreciation to Vira Martinez and to Joyce
Cordell for completing their 3 year term in the
committee and especially thanked Vira for her
strong support.
Bonnie Prieto also welcomed Jim Heiney and
Gus Luevano as new ASC IE Committee
members and asked them to prepare for a new
and enjoyable year full of activities.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Submitted by Carolina A. Pérez
The committee agreed to hold, if possible, the
following events:
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
2007-2008 MINUTES
January 29, 2008
Break Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank Munoz, Mari Reyes,
Vincent Norwood, Mayela Loera, Efrain Mendoza, Laura
Estrada, Carolina Perez.
Mayela Loera volunteered to bake two piña colada cakes, and
Laura Estrada volunteered to bake two pineapple upsidedown and two chocolate cakes.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Vira Martinez, Cynthia Madrid,
Joyce Cordell, Brenda Willmarth, Gary Learing, Norma
Final Menu:
In the absence of Vira Martinez, ASC IE Chair, Frank
Munoz, Chair Elect called the meeting to order at 3:11 p.m.
Employee of the Month
Michelle Beltran was selected EOM for the month of January
2008. Celebration will take place on February 7th at 3:00
p.m. in the break room. Joyce Cordell will provide the gift
bag from Marketing Department. Mari will order the cake
from Sam’s Club. Carolina will design a new certificate for
the Employee of the Month. Mari will check if we have
enough supplies for this celebration.
Valentine’s Day Celebration
Frank stated that Vira Martinez is checking for prices on
carnations. She will call Frank by Wednesday, January 30,
2008 with the prices. The celebration is scheduled for
Thursday, February 14th from 9 – 11 a.m. in the Boardroom.
Present members voted to have fruit bowls like last year.
Concern about the cost of the fruit was expressed, and
Carolina suggested buying canned fruit mixed with fresh fruit
to make it cost effective. She will check prices of canned
fruit. Carolina also offered to bring a sample of the canned
fruit mixed with fresh fruit on February 7th after the EOM
celebration, so that IE Team members can vote on this idea.
Fruit bowls w/ yogurt, granola, and honey.
Four cakes
Carnations (if prize is affordable)
Candy (Sweet tarts)
Building Improvements Suggestions
Signs inside the building.
Building map (like the one at the mall).
Back fence clean up or install blinds.
Exercise room for ASC employees.
Charge a small fee for community events to build a
parking garage.
Parking lot lighting.
Shuttle services when community or college events
are scheduled.
Break room improvements – New TV, lounge area
with sofas, stove installation, new kitchen
Other Business
Members present voted to move the scheduled cookout from
March 7th to March 20th (before spring break).
Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. in
the break room.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
February 26, 2008
Board Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vira Martinez, Carolina Perez,
Brenda Willmarth, Vincent Norwood, Efrain Mendoza,
Norma Flores, Joyce Cordell, Laura Estrada, and Mari Reyes.
Joyce suggested having the lunch earlier on the week
prior to Mother’s day.
Vince suggested having a potluck lunch like we did last
Vira Martinez called the meeting to order at 3:12 p.m.
Minutes of January 29, 2008 meeting were approved and
forwarded to Dr. Stroud.
Efrain will let the team know how much money was
spent last year on this event.
Efrain Mendoza (Treasurer) reported a balance of
$460.14 in the ASC IE Team account.
Valentine’s Day brunch was a success. Vira reported
receiving very good comments.
Pending events for the year: Mother’s day, Father’s day,
seven EOM’s, huacha tournament. Approximately $210
will be spent for the remaining 7 EOM celebrations.
March 20th cookout will not be possible; maybe in the
summer (depending on the budget).
Joyce asked again for volunteers for the Administrator’s
Waiters Luncheon.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Cynthia Madrid, Frank Muñoz,
Gary Learing, and Mayela Loera.
Carolina suggested that the IE team members donate the
ingredients for the EOM cake, and for Laura Estrada to
bake them.
Carolina also recommended for each IE team member to
contribute $3.00 to purchase the cakes each month.
Mari suggested waiting until we start running out of
money to ask for the team’s contributions for EOM
A vote was taken, all members present voted on waiting
until the summer depending on the budget.
Vira reported that during the District IE Committee
meeting, she reported that we give the Employee of the
Month a “goody bag” from the Marketing Department.
After that report, all campuses asked for them. Joyce
Cordell reported that unfortunately we won’t be able to
provide our awardees with the goody bags anymore. The
only item that the Marketing Department will be able to
provide upon request will be the canvas bag. Joyce also
reported that things might change for next year in regards
to the promotional items.
A.J. Navarro was selected EOM for the month of
February 2008. Celebration will be held on Thursday,
February 28th at 2:00 p.m. in the break room.
A full sheet and a ½ sheet will be purchased to have
enough cake for the IT group.
Joyce will check for availability of the Board Room for
that day at 2:00 p.m.
March 3rd visit. Dr. Stroud informed Vira that no written
report is necessary for this meeting.
Carolina mentioned that during her staff meeting, Jenny
Giron reported that Raymundo Vilca is already working
on getting an electronic board that will be installed in the
foyer to direct visitors to the different departments.
Jenny Giron also mentioned that we need more signs to
direct visitors to Valle Verde and ASC.
A receptionist is needed in the main entrance to ASC.
Mari recommended that an operator be assigned as a
Top choices to be presented at this meeting:
Parking lot lighting.
Signs inside the building.
Fundraiser ideas – Efrain suggested having a raffle of a
flower arrangement for a special event (i.e. Mother’s
Day, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day), and the
proceedings of this raffle can be used towards ASC IE
sponsored events.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 12, 2008
Board Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vira Martinez, Mari Reyes,
Mayela Loera, Carolina Perez, Laura Estrada, Norma Flores,
Efrain Mendoza, Vince Norwood, Brenda Willmarth, Frank
Muñoz, & Cynthia Madrid
The committee voted on bringing cupcakes for
dessert not to exceed 12 per member. Punch was
voted to be the drink to be served.
Mari will bring about 3 containers of punch from
Vira has already worked on a deal for the carnations.
She will also be providing the tablecloths and will
look for the plates for the cupcakes.
Vira asked for donations, if possible, from the
committee members to give out as prizes. She also
asked the committee members to bring 2 or 3 vases
for the carnations.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Joyce Cordell & Gary Learing
Vira Martinez called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m.
Minutes of March 18, 2008 meeting were approved and
forwarded to Dr. Stroud.
Efrain Mendoza (Treasurer) reported a balance of
$407.90 in the ASC IE Team account.
Have a balance of $90.00 left from the Halloween
Committee members suggested we can probably
plan a cookout for Father’s Day or sometime in July
depending on the money we have available at the
We will have to ensure our improvements for next
year. We will be working on that task next month.
This month there were 3 new nominations.
Fernie T. Garcia was voted Employee of the Month
for April.
Carolina will create the EOM certificate and will
send it to the President’s Office for signature.
Mari will provide the frame for the EOM certificate.
Mari mentioned we should probably change buying
the cakes from Sam’s. People attending EOM seem
not to like the cakes from Sam’s being that we have
had alot of cake leftover.
For the same reason it was suggested that this month
we try other places, for example Cinnamon Rolls.
Laura volunteered to pick up from Cinnamon Rolls
located on McRae.
Carolina suggested we use some money to buy our
own supplies and not be dependent on the committee
members and their departments.
Meeting adjourned at 4:02 p.m.
Luncheon will take place Thursday May 8th at 11:30
a.m. in the Boardroom.
Every committee member is to meet in the
Boardroom at 10:00 a.m. the day of the event.
Brenda will send out reminders of the luncheon.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
May 27, 2008
Lounge Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vira Martinez, Mari Reyes,
Mayela Loera, Carolina Perez, Efrain Mendoza, Vince
Norwood, Brenda Willmarth, & Cynthia Madrid
Brenda will check and update the committee if Dr.
Roberts is available June 3rd if not Josette will be
asked to take over the EOM presentation.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Joyce Cordell, Laura Estrada,
Norma Flores, Gary Learing & Frank Muñoz
Mari will check on prices for the EOM cakes at
Cinnamon Rose & Costco. She will then proceed to
update us on the selection.
Vira Martinez called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m.
Minutes of April 22, 2008 meeting were approved and
forwarded to Dr. Stroud.
Efrain Mendoza (Treasurer) reported a balance of
$344.67 in the ASC IE Team account.
Have a balance of $156.50 in revenue grand total.
Mother’s Day Celebration was a success. We sold
78 tickets.
Ice Cream Social for Father’s Day is scheduled for
June 13th. Vira will call Prices to change the quantity
of tubs needed. We discussed on what everyone was
suppose to get for the Social. We decided that we
needed to meet again on June 9th.
Improvements for ASC Committee decided that we
would concentrate on the Patio and what was
needed. Patio furniture and a canopy were on top of
the list. The Committee agreed that we would like
to have this project completed by the end of the
fiscal year. Vira will schedule Cilyn Myers from the
Physical Plant for our next scheduled meeting, so
that we can get started on the project.
This month there were no new nominations.
Glinda K. Jones was voted Employee of the Month
for May.
The EOM for the month of May will take place on
June 3rd. Being that the person nominate is not
available for recognition on May 29th.
Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
June 24, 2008
Board Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vira Martinez, Carolina Perez,
Brenda Willmarth, Vincent Norwood, Efrain Mendoza,
Norma Flores, Mari Reyes, Mayela Loera, Laura Estrada and
Joyce Cordell.
The EOM for the month of June will take place on June
26th. We agreed that 2 cakes would be necessary to
include the “B” Bldg.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Frank Munoz, and Cynthia Madrid.
Vira Martinez called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Minutes of May 27, 2008 meeting were approved and
forwarded to Dr. Stroud.
Improvement Plan/Beautification
Present were Cilyn Myers and Rick Torres from the
Physical Plant Dept.
Efrain Mendoza (Treasurer) reported a balance of
$314.67 in the ASC IE Team account.
Cilyn to prepare Canopy/tables/benches proposal with
prices for Mr. Tim Nugent to present to the President.
Have a balance of $16.60 left from the Thanksgiving
The Committee also discussed having a cookout,
scheduled for August 1st.
Father’s Day Ice Cream Social was a success, another
great job done by all members of the Committee.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
We received no new nominations for this Month
A vote was taken, all members present voted for Olaya
Casarez as Employee of the Month for June.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
July 29, 2008
Board Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vira Martinez, Mari Reyes,
Mayela Loera, Carolina Perez, Laura Estrada, Norma Flores,
Vincent Norwood, Brenda Willmarth, & Cynthia Madrid
Vira Martinez will be calling Juan Flores, Property
Control Manager to find out if there is space
available in the “B” building for the storage of IE
Vira will be looking into the possible purchase of
plastic containers for EI supplies.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Joyce Cordell, Efrain Mendoza &
Frank Muñoz
Vira Martinez called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m.
The June 24, 2008 meeting minutes were approved and
forwarded to Dr. Stroud.
The committee members suggested an end of the
fiscal year ASC event to possibly be held on Friday
August 22, 2008. Ideas on the type of event are to
be submitted to Vira Martinez.
Mari suggested, and it was voted on, to have a
farewell potluck luncheon to thank the committee
members ending their IE Committee term.
The potluck luncheon will be held on Tuesday,
August 26, 2008 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the
Executive Board Conference Room. Mari will find
out if the conference room is available and will
inform the committee members via e-mail.
Chicken will be the main dish for the potluck
luncheon. E-mail communications will take place to
continue with the plans.
Efrain Mendoza, Treasurer was absent; therefore,
Vira Martinez will be e-mailing the updated
treasurer’s report.
This month there was one Employee of the Month
new nominee
Lucy Rosas was voted Employee of the Month for
The EOM employee will be honored with cake &
ice cream
In Mari Reyes’s absence, Laura Estrada is in charge
of the EOM celebration.
The meeting adjourned at 3:56 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Cynthia Madrid, ASC IE Committee Secretary
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
2006-2007 MINUTES
October 18, 2006
Foundation Office
Halloween Party
To be held October 31, 2006 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Have an empty box for canned goods donations.
Items to purchase for party:
-Pizza (30 pizzas @ $5.00 each)
-Candy bags
-Certificates for winners – Original, Ugliest,
“Gooliest” costumes (Debbie)
Patti and Mari will look for Adams Family and Monsters
videos (DVD or VHS). Deadline - 10/25/06.
Members will bring a bag of candy by 10/25/06.
Trivia contest (e-mail any possible questions to Joyce)
Vira, Pedro & Sally will be the judges (Olga will ask Dr.
Roberts to participate)
Sally will order the pizzas
Decorations on storage (buy crape paper)
Olga will contact Cosmetology and Massage Therapy
Programs to ask for donations
Thanksgiving Luncheon
To be held November 17, 2006 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00
$7.00 tickets will go on sale from October 24th –
November 11th
Olga will provide tickets
Decorations on storage
Patti will get live music
Other business:
Juanita will check into the fundraising accounts for
amounts collected for charities.
Make a Wish Foundation & Ronald McDonald House
(Suggestion to invite them to come and present a check).
Mari will call Zavala Elementary School for 2nd & 3rd
grade classes for Secret Santa Project (December 12,
2006 @ 9:00 a.m.)
Christmas tree will be set-up November 15, 2006.
Next meeting – October 26, 2006 @ 3:00 p.m.
Deadline for school to submit the children’s requests is
November 15, 2006 (70 children).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
October 26, 2006
Employee of the Month Nominations:
November – Josie Martinez
October – Irma Velez
January 2007 – Accounts Payable Staff
Olga will go to each supervisor to take EOM nomination
Halloween Party
Meet on Monday, October 30th at HRD office to
prepare candy bags
Decorations on storage
Vira will donate two prizes for costume contest
Trivia contest prizes – 25 prizes needed (Joyce)
Debbie will bring cakes (chocolate &
Sally will call Sam’s Club for pizza prices.
Olga is waiting for a response from Pepsi for
soda donation.
Thanksgiving Luncheon
Decorate boardroom at 11:00 a.m. (prior event)
Decorations on storage
Patti (live music)
Next meeting: November 8, 2006 at 3:00 p.m.
Decorate auditorium at 8:00 a.m.
Juanita will buy Adams Family video
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 8, 2006
Thanksgiving Luncheon
November Employee of the Month: Irma Velez
Secret Santa Project – December 12, 2006 @ 9:00 a.m. with
Zavala Elementary children
Rectangular table covers needed
Pot luck Christmas Luncheon for IE Team
Set-up room at 11:00 a.m.
Other Business:
Only 11 tickets have been sold
Deadline for ticket sales – Monday, November
Minimum of 50 tickets sold or event will be
Parking lot lighting – Olga will bring it up @
the District-Wide meeting.
Fire alarms high volume – District-wide
Send reminder via e-mail (Mari)
Patti suggested that if luncheon is cancelled we
can have a pie reception (nachos, pies, coffee,
sodas, etc.)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 28, 2006
Employee of the Month
Moved to Thursday at 2:00 p.m. in the break
room due to Holiday Homecoming Event. (Irma
Velez – EOM)
Debbie will bake cakes
Check supplies availability (plates, forks,
napkins, cups, sodas)
Ask Marketing Department for goody bag
$272.96 Balance on IE account
Proposal by Chair IE to increase budget to
$1,000.00 per campus.
Secret Santa
Ask Glinda Jones & Blanca Dominguez to bring
Vira will get a $25.00 gift card for Santa (Art
Sally will ask for Karaoke machine
If no karaoke Christmas songs found, we’ll just
get Christmas music as background.
Pine cones ornaments to be given to the 60
Ask janitor for small trash bags for the children
to take their stuff.
District-Wide Meeting (Olga)
Dr. Rhodes has agreed to address the children
during the event
Olga contacted Sam’s Club – Will donate
Debbie contacted Mr. Dunbar’s office - $100.00
will be donated.
President’s Office asked about items to put on
gift bags (assorted candies).
Smoking on campus – Currently revising policy
Procedures to naming roads @ Mission del Paso
EOM information to be sent to Dr. Stroud’s
office from September 2006 to date (Vira)
December’s meeting cancelled.
City stopped recycling – Purchasing department
currently in the process of getting a contract for
shredding recycling.
Recommendations were presented from various
IE Chair will meet w/ Dr. Rhodes to check on
status of IE recommendations.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 30, 2007
Members present: Sally Sudderth, Olga Chavez, Vira
Martinez, Pedro Fabela, Magda Mendoza, Joyce Cordell,
Patti Sayers, Debbie Espinoza, Vince Norwood and Mari
Members absent: Juanita Antunez
Approval of 11/28/06 minutes: Motion to approve minutes,
Vira Martinez first, Pedro Fabela second. Minutes approved
by team.
Employee of the Month
Vira provided EOM information required to Dr.
Valentine’s Day Activity
Recommendation will be made to change
wording on procedure to say “single
employees” only.
Nominations received for Accounts Payable,
General Accounting and Brenda Willmarth.
Motion by Joyce, second by Vira to send back
departmental nominations. Approved by team
Menu: Cookies, fruit, yogurt, orange juice
100 carnations will be purchased to give away
to employees
ASC employees only (Cosmetology will not be
Juanita will bring fruit a day before for
volunteers to help cutting it.
Other business
Until procedure is changed, applications for
group/departmental nominations will continue
to be accepted and honored.
Patti & Mari suggested returning departmental
nominations and requesting that individual to
submit individual nominations.
February 14, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. in the
IE members buying supplies for any IE function
are reimbursed by bringing a receipt of items
purchased to Olga Chavez.
Suggestion to have a Veteran’s Day Celebration
(November 11th) and President’s Day (2nd
Monday of February)
Suggestion to have Efrain Mendoza be a
member of the IE team
Suggestion to recruit one new member by all of
the current IE members ending their terms in
August, 2007.
Olga suggested to have an IE celebration for
IE budget increased to $1,000 per campus
Brenda Willmarth was unanimously selected as
EOM for the month of January, 2007.
Celebration will be held February 1st at 3:00
p.m. in the break room.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 3, 2007
Board of Trustees Room
Members Present: Olga Chavez, Vira Martinez, Sally
Sudderth, Magda Mendoza, Debbie Espinoza, Joyce
Cordell, Mari Reyes.
Members Absent: Juanita Antunez, Pedro Fabela, Vince
Plans & Discussions for Upcoming Events
Huacha Tournament – April 11, 2007
Employee of the Month:
Angelina Barraza, Accounting Clerk was the
only employee nominated for the month of
March. Angelina was nominated by Carmen
Wages. Unanimous vote to select Angelina
Barraza as the EOM for March, 20067.
Sodas and plates need to be purchased (Sally
will purchase necessary supplies).
Celebration to be held Thursday, April 5, 2007
at 3:00 p.m. in the break room.
Fundraiser Accounts
Olga made recommendation to present the
Ronald McDonald House with a donation check
in the amount of $235.68 + $170.82, which is ½
of the Katrina Funds.
$759.00 Make a Wish Foundation
$243.68 Ronald McDonald House
Need to purchase mayonnaise, mustard, relish,
chips, sodas, ice & water.
Sally will go to Sam’s to purchase the necessary
items and will store the hot dogs in the
Personnel’s refrigerator.
Ice chests – Joyce (2), Mari (1), and Sally (1).
Ask Pedro to pick up 6 bags of ice.
Start setting up at 9:00 a.m. (pick-up items from
Sally’s office).
Sally will send e-mail to ASC employees to
notify of the Huacha Tournament and the EOM
IE Committee Web Page
Current amounts for the fundraiser accounts are
as follows:
$341.65 Katrina
Sally notified the team that Food City will
donate 300 hot dogs & buns.
Olga informed that Dr. Ron Stroud has agreed
to have a web page for district-wide IE teams.
Joyce & Pedro will work on getting information
to Dr. Stroud for approval.
Joyce asked Olga to get clarification as to who
will have access to modify the ASC link to the
web page.
Next meeting
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. in the
Decision to proceed with the funds’
disbursement was place on hold.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 24, 2007
Members present: Magda Mendoza, Juanita Antunez, Sally
Sudderth, Olga Chavez, Pedro Fabela and Mari Reyes.
Members absent: Vince Norwood, Joyce Cordell, Debbie
Espinoza and Vira Martinez.
Approval of 4/3/07 minutes: Motion to approve minutes,
Sally Sudderth first, Juanita Antunez second. Minutes
approved by team.
IE Committee Minutes: Olga shared with the team the
minutes for the district-wide committee meeting.
Still discussing who will have control on the IE
website. Dr. Stroud and A.J. Navarro are
working in developing a district-wide site.
Sally and Mari recommended Olga to remind
them that ASC is also interested in having a
page for this campus as well.
Beautification program – In process (three
Employee of the Month for April
No applications have been received (Vira
Martinez had to leave, but did not forward any
Juanita Antunez will try to get a nomination for
this month.
If a nomination is received EOM celebration
will be moved to May 3, 2007 due to
Administrators’ Waiters Luncheon.
Mother’s Day Luncheon
Juanita suggested to buy fried chicken instead
of catering
Mari suggested a caterer that charges $4.75 per
Another suggestion was to purchase flowers and
have fruit and cupcakes
Team voted on having a pot luck lunch. IE
team will provide the fried chicken and a list of
side dishes will be sent to the different
Father’s Day Celebration
Ice cream social on June 15, 2007 at 2:00 p.m.
4th of July Celebration
Hot dogs on July 6, 2007
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.