Standing Committee Improvement Report For 2014-2015 Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Office of Institutional Effectiveness
The Best Place To Start
Standing Committee Improvement Report For 2014-2015
In accordance with College Procedure, Committees, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, each May, requests the chairs of the College’s standing
committees to submit the Annual Standing Committee Chairs’ Year-End Improvement Report to inform the President of the College concerning the decisions and
effectiveness of the standing committees. The data are used to create this Standing Committee Improvement Report, which is available on the College web site: .
CHARGE: To promote the success of developmental students in College-level courses leading to a degree, by assisting in setting performance standards that all
developmental students must meet, addressing state and College performance standards (including bench marks and timeframes), facilitating improvement strategies,
improving collaboration among programs, and recommending professional development activities, while allowing disciplines flexibility in program design.
I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
The disciplines have made efforts to communicate better with the
counselors about new interventions.
The DE Council reviewed data from Institutional Research (IR)
regarding developmental student success in credit courses.
Continue holding developmental registration fairs and scale them
At several meetings, information gathered from the CASP
list serv, conferences, and other venues was shared.
The disciplines shared information and changes to their NonCourse Based Options (NCBO's) and other developmental
interventions, including Integrated Reading and Writing (INRW)
and Mathways.
Continue dialogue and discussing pathways with Workplace
Literacy and the region's ABE centers.
Representatives from Workplace Literacy have attended all
meetings for the 2014-2015 academic year, and the Adult Basic
Education (ABE) Director for Socorro ISD, Michelle Aube-Barton,
presented at the April 29, 2015, meeting to share updates about
the region's ABE centers and the Texas Workforce Commission
grant. Dialogue and communication with Workplace Literacy and
the ABE centers is crucial to create pathways that best serve
students who score in the ABE ranges on the Texas Success
Initiative Assessment (TSIA).
The Council received presentations and/or information from the
Early Alert Program, the ESL Bridge, the TSI Academy, and
Career Services.
Share and discuss developmental student success data and data
on TSI-exempt students (this year there were not enough
students for IR to run a complete study) to form questions and
target areas for improvement.
Investigate existing EPCC mentoring programs to see how these
could specifically benefit developmental students.
Discuss success and areas of improvement of developmental
interventions, particularly accelerated, mainstreamed, integrated,
co-enrolled, and non-course based models.
EPCC Financial Aid Director Mr. Raul Lerma attended several
meetings to provide financial aid updates and answer questions
from Council members, including federal financial aid eligibility for
students who score in the ABE ranges on the TSIA.
Request updates from task force working on developing an EDUC
1300 course specifically for developmental students.
Registration fairs were held in March and April 2015 at Valle
Verde, Transmountain, and Mission del Paso. These fairs were
targeted to developmental students, although any students were
welcome to attend.
The Developmental Education (DE) disciplines have all developed
The DE Council planned, organized, and hosted Developmental
Communicate DE updates to counselors in a variety of forums.
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EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
NCBO interventions. The planning and implementation of the
NCBO's has been a regular discussion item at meetings.
Education Registration Fairs at all campuses in Spring 2014. The
fairs included all DE disciplines and other college departments,
such as Counseling, Registration/Admissions, SSSP, CSD,
Tutorial Services, PREP, the Library, Scholarships, Learning
Communities, Career Services, and others. The purpose of these
fairs was to encourage developmental students to register for
summer and fall 2014.
The DE Council has reviewed TSI data provided by Testing
Services and Institutional Research. As a result, some disciplines
have made strategic changes to cut scores to more accurately
place students in developmental courses.
Although there has not been specific training on using the
diagnostic tool in TSI, instructors, as the content area experts,
have been able to navigate and use the diagnostic tool to tailor
interventions for students' specific needs. In some cases, the TSI
diagnostic tool is being used to make the NCBO individualized for
the student. For example, the writing NCBO is based on an
Individualized Study Plan (ISP) that is made from the instructor’s
reviewing the TSI diagnostic with the student.
The DE Council has invited representatives from Workforce to
meetings in order to engage in dialogue about the changes to
Adult Basic Education and Developmental Education.
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
Brainstorm ways to communicate better with similar colleges,
perhaps in webinars or face-to-face opportunities.
Continue dialogue with Workplace Literacy and Workforce.
Investigate EPCC's Mentoring Program and see how DE students
can be served within an existing program or in a new program.
Invite Financial Aid Director to September 2014 meeting for
updates and dialogue.
Plan DE Registration Fairs at all campuses immediately after
registration opens in Spring 2015 (for Fall 2015 registration).
Various members of the Council have attended conferences and
webinars focused on developmental education and student
success: For example, the National Association of Developmental
Education (NADE) Conference; the College Academic Support
Programs (CASP) Conference; Mathways meetings and
conferences; Integrated Reading and Writing (INRW) regional
meetings; student success, engagement, and intervention
workshops and webinars hosted by a variety of organizations,
including EPCC; the INRW Training Session hosted by EPCC in
April 2014, among many others. Members share information
learned from these local, state, and national professional
development opportunities with the Council.
Finished working on the Developmental Education Plan and will
add new Accuplacer cut scores.
FOCUS and PUENTE programs continued recruitment , and
FOCUS will be ending Summer 2013.
The DE Council and Linda Gonzalez’s area presented the Late
Registration proposal which has been accepted and will be
implemented starting Summer 2013.
FOCUS and PUENTE programs have shown early successes.
All DE areas will continue to work on developing and
implementing NCBOs (Non-Course Based Options).
Train instructors on how to use the diagnostic tool that is provided
with the new TSI (Texas Success Initiative) assessment.
An ESL representative was added as part of the DE Council
Committee membership list.
Request data on students who take the new TSI assessment and
see how they do in their classes.
Faculty representing each developmental area visited Amarillo
College to learn more about Amarillo’s NCBO (Non-Course Based
Attend conferences or view webinars to enhance teaching
strategies in developmental education courses.
The UTEP Developmental Education Department was invited to
all meetings during the 2012-2013 Academic Year.
Researched and wrote proposal to end late registration.
Faculty prepared to offer PUENTE and FOCUS initiatives as part
of the DEDP grant.
Will be presenting to Leadership the proposal to end late
Distribute Developmental Education Plan
Recruitment for FOCUS, STATWAY, and PUENTE sections.
Will offer FOCUS sections during Summer 2012 and Fall 2012.
Evaluate and recommend changes to Committee membership list.
Continued working with Early Alert Program and expanded it to
more classes.
Finalized Developmental Education Plan.
Will offer PUENTE sections during Fall 2012.
Began relationship with UTEP developmental education
Invite UTEP Developmental Education Department to every
meeting and begin a working relationship.
Invite ESL representative to attend DE Council Meetings.
Compared THEA placement scores with Accuplacer scores and
Continue to attend conferences to enhance teaching strategies in
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EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
made recommendation to use Accuplacer scores.
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
developmental education courses.
Continued working with the Math Emporium Courses. A survey
was developed and given to emporium students to understand
what is working and not working in an emporium section.
Implemented the DEPD Grant.
[Not submitted]
Continue working with the DEPD.
Moving forward with Math Emporiums.
Continue working the Adult Education Initiative.
Expanding Learning Communities in English Discipline.
Train instructors for the THEA Assessment Tool.
Moving forward with THEA Cut Scores.
Continue working with the Math Emporiums.
Revised Student Course Withdrawal Questionnaire.
Continue working with Learning Communities in order to
accelerate students through the DE sequence.
Participated in the CASP Conference.
Met with THECB with regards to the DEPD Assessment.
Working with the Adult Education Initiative.
Recruiting DE Instructors for training.
[Not requested]
[Not requested]
The format of the DE Council minutes be modified to omit names
associated with specific reports.
The minutes should be distributed District wide so all disciplines
remain informed and updated regarding the DE Council
Support faculty development training and participation in National
DE conferences.
Research and implement DE best practices.
Research and offer educational programs directly related to
Developmental Education in order to form a cohort willing to enroll
in an MA or Ph.D. program in DE.
Continue to support pilot programs that offer an opportunity to
accelerate completion of DE courses.
Submit proposals to Student Success Core Team regarding
faculty development opportunities.
1. Actively recruit faculty willing to participate in a selected MA or
Motion: The DE Council Recommends to the College that faculty,
staff, and administrators involved in Developmental Education be
sent to training in DE and recommends that the College fund and
support at least two individuals per year who are involved
in Developmental Education to attend the Kellogg Institute held
every summer. (Minutes of February 5, 2009, approved at March
2009 meeting.)
Review student data from the last academic year 2008 – 2009
and request new data.
2. Disseminate information regarding DE recommendations/
invitations to participate in pilot programs or projects
more effectively.
3. Support faculty participation as presenters at national
4. Involve faculty who do not teach DE course in training sessions
that will enhance their teaching strategies.
5. Get as many faculty members as possible involved in the
NADE Certification process.
Invite and schedule the Vice President of Instruction, Dr. Dennis
Brown, to address the council at the first meeting.
Schedule the ATD evaluation report in first meeting’s agenda
(Lucy Michal can present report).
Meet with DE Standing Committee chairs and co-chairs before
the first DE Council meeting.
Meet with Director of Student Success and Past DE Council Chair
before August 2009.
[Not requested]
To Dr. Dennis Brown:
Recommendation to have the VP of Instruction provide
professional development to faculty and staff on strategies and
research-based training that will provide students with best
Plan of action includes:
 The DE Council should provide information and training on
student success to faculty teaching DE Courses by
sponsoring workshops during Faculty Development Week and
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EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
classroom practices in DE content courses.
Support Recommendation from the DE English Standing
Committee that students scoring 5 on the Accuplacer essay in
combination with 80 on sentence structure may enroll in ENGL
1301; only students scoring 3-4 on Accuplacer essay may enroll
in ENGL 0309.
[Not requested]
A motion was made that the survey for students who are dropping
developmental education courses be accepted by the Council and
forwarded to the Office of Institutional Research as a
recommendation for the College to implement. The motion was
seconded. The motion was accepted.
A motion was made to request that prerequisites be checked after
grades are posted by the Registrar’s office. If students do not
successfully complete the course, students will be dis-enrolled,
and a letter will be mailed to their home address. The motion was
seconded and accepted.
(These recommendations are to be forwarded as soon as the
minutes are approved at our September meeting. Both of the
recommendations above are part of the April minutes which have
not been approved.).
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
during the semester.
 The DE Council should work with the VP of Instruction and
other areas of the College to provide professional
development to faculty and staff on strategies and researchbased training leading to best classroom practices for
students in DE content courses.
 Continue reading followed by dialogue and discussion by DE
Council members of Hunter Boylan’s book, What Works Best
in Developmental Education?
The English area will work on setting a “floor” for their courses to
assist in getting students in the appropriate starting level.
Mathematics will continue restructuring remedial courses and a
redesign of at least one college level course taken together with
lab hours to help students enter college level courses sooner and
at the same time support students with deficiencies that they
might have in mathematics. Six committee members are also
planning site visits to colleges.
Reading is working with history to determine appropriate reading
levels needed for students in history courses. This includes a
survey to be given to both history instructors and students.
Drop survey for students who are dropping developmental
education courses is scheduled to be initiated during the next
calendar year pending approval from appropriate offices within
the College.
A review of the Strategic Plan will start the year for areas to
prioritize tasks and begin with those receiving top priority.
Follow up: After the TSI was approved, no follow-up was done to
see what wording was in the Catalog. It was suggested by Darryl
Hendry that the TSI process of review be established as a
College procedure. The Council will review this in the fall.
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EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.