INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS 2015-2016 PROGRAM REVIEW REPORT BY DISCIPLINE The Best Place to Start TRAVEL AND TOURISM The Program Review Report assesses the viability and quality of credit and non-credit instructional programs to support program improvement through Area Improvement Plans, as established by College Procedure Program Review. The Office of Institutional Research provides the data, which are by academic year as of August 31, 2015; the Office of Institutional Effectiveness produces the report, which presents the data by program. Standards are marked as “Met” or “Not Met” based on DISTRICT (“D”), not site, performance. Data by site are shown where available (if unavailable, boxes are blank). Standards after slashes denote critical thresholds, which identify especially unacceptable performance (and if not met, are marked "Not Met-Critical"). Results are color-coded, as follows: STANDARD MET STANDARD NOT MET STANDARD NOT MET - CRITICAL Overall Viability Indicator score 50% or lower or unmet Graduation and Student Success prompts formal review by the Program Review Committee. The Committee's authority concerning program continuation is limited to recommending that the senior instructional administrators review the program's capacity to improve its service to students and the community. The final decision on program continuation rests with the President. Program Type: Career & Technical Program Mandatory Accreditation: No Report’s Recommendation Last Year: No Formal Review Fully Accredited? (Y/N): Yes Program Review Committee Action required this year: No Formal Review - Viability above 50%, Chair informs VP of Unmet Student Success Reason Why Not Fully Accredited: THE PROGRAM’S RECENT PERFORMANCE SCORES (Citation of a year such as "1415" or "2015" refers to the 2014-2015 academic year.) 12-13 13-14 14-15 2015-2016 VIABILITY 12-13 13-14 14-15 2015-2016 88.24% 100% 94.12% 100% QUALITY 75% 87.50% 87.50% 62.50% RECENT RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROGRAM REVIEW COMMITTEE 2012-2013 None 2013-2014 None 2014-2015 None SOURCES 1. State Annual Data Profile, Mainframe, 2. Annual Data Profile and/or Automated Student and Adult Learner Follow-up System, 3. Mainframe/State Lonestar, EMSI proprietary database, 4. Program Review Status Form completed by Dean of District Discipline Coordinator/CE Dean/Director, 5. Master Class Schedule (Mainframe), 6. Banner, 7. Master Class Schedule (Mainframe), Fac. Employment Status (Mainframe), 8. SLO Assessment Task Force; TracDat database (All fields must have data for applicable cycle—no blank fields), 9. Credit Student Faculty Evaluation, 10. Graduate Survey, 11. Employer Survey, 12. Advisory Committee Survey & Minutes, 13. THECB Statewide Annual Licensure Report, 14. Faculty Development Records, 15. Non-Credit Faculty Evaluation, 16. Course Syllabus (Curriculum Office), 17. Advisory Committee Survey & Minutes, Program Review Status Form completed by Dean of District Discipline Coordinator/CE Dean/Director, 18. DACUM Audit (Curriculum Office), 19. Curriculum Office, 20. Advisory Committee Survey & Minutes, Employer Survey, 21. Student Banner Files, Budget Office, Public Community/Junior & Technical College Basis of Legislative Appropriations, 22. Credit Academic History. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACCOUNTABILITY Z:RS/2015-2016 RPT/PROGREVRPT 1516-YR TRAVELTOURISM EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 4/15/2016 1 VIABILITY (Overall viability score 50% or lower or unmet Graduation and Student Success prompts formal review by the Program Review Committee) 1516 Rpt (District Data as of Aug. 31, 2015) 1213 1314 1415 Rpt Rpt Rpt 22. For inf. Only, EPCC Data: 37 49. For inf. Only, EPCC Data: 50* 53. For inf. only, EPCC Data: 48* 51. For inf. only, EPCC Data: 39* 100% 100% 100% 88.2% Yes, for 54 graduates in last 5 years. Yes, for 35 graduates in last 5 years. Yes, for 32 graduates in last 5 years. Yes, for 27 graduates in last 5 years. Yes Yes Yes Yes D: 77% Dist. Seat Count: 84.8% D: 73% Dist. Seat Count: 80.8% ** D: 68.7% Dist. Seat Count: 78.9% ** D: 66% Dist. Seat Count: 81.4% ** 66% D: No, -19%, Undupl. 2010: 38, 2012: 46 D: Yes, 4%, Undupl. 2011: 38, 2013: 50** D: Yes, 22.2%, Undupl. 2012: 46, 2014: 41** D: No, -18.1%, Undupl. 2013: 50, 2015: 42** No, -18.1% Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes INDICATOR ASC FT. BLISS MdP NW RG TM VV STATE-MANDATED 1. No. of Graduates Within latest 5-year period (Fall, Spring, Summer) provided by the State (State counts graduates with more than 1 award more than once) (For info. only, after the score: Latest 5-yr award total known to EPCC, if not the State) Source: 1 Standard: 25/<15 2. Student Success Percent of students employed/transfer/enter military w/in 1 yr of grad., for last 3 years provided by the State. Source: 2 Standard: 90%/<50% INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT 1. Workforce Demand Whether the no. of new and replacement jobs in the field forecast for El Paso, Hudspeth, Dona Ana, Luna, & Otero counties during the 5 years following this report’s publication meets/exceeds the no. of graduates during the 5 years preceding this report’s publication. (See end of report for data) Source: 3 Standard: Yes 2. Contact/Credit Hours per FT Faculty Sufficient contact/credit hours for all discipline courses, District-wide, disregarding lecturers, for FT faculty workload for last 3 years (F/Sp). (Excluding C.E. courses) (Unduplicated) (Cred. Tran. & Career & Tech. versions of programs share the same results) Source: 4 Standard: Yes/No 3. Class Fill Rate Percent of classes 75% full (Including C.E. students), based on optimum and no. of students in each section for last 3 years on census date, excluding MILS (UTEP ROTC), MUAP (independent Music study), MUSR (recitals), Independent Study, Virtual College of Texas, NCBO, classes whose instructors are not paid by EPCC; if room capacity is below optimum, score reflects room capacity. (For info. only, after score the measure is also calculated w/o concurrent students.) (For info. only, District average fill rate appears after foregoing data (No. of seats filled divided by no. of seats available)) Source: 5 Standard: 80%/<50% 4. Enrollment Trends Seat count (including C.E. students) is increasing, level or decreasing no more than 5% from the benchmark year (1st yr. of last 3 yrs.), based on program-specific courses. (For info. only, after the score measure calculated w/o C.E. students.) (For info. only, appears the unduplicated no. of students by year) Source: 6 Standard: Yes/>10% decrease 5. Full-Time Faculty in Discipline There is at least 1 FT instructor with primary teaching load in the discipline. (Sept. 1-May 1 of latest year) (Cred. Tran. & Career & Tech. versions of programs share the same results) Source: 7 Standard: Yes/No 6. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) For each 2-year cycle, has the program documented & implemented the recommendations for its active SLOs and completed its assessment process for its active SLOs? Source: 8 Standard: Yes *2013-2014 revisions to the Program Review procedure increased the period of years covered from 3 to 5 and changed the standard from 15/<10 to 25/<15. **2013-2014 revisions to the Program Review procedure required that C.E. students be included in the scored calculation. For information only, a second calculation was required to be made without including C.E. students; the change may affect Advanced Technology Industrial Manufacturing, Electrical Technology, HVAC, and Machining Technology. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACCOUNTABILITY Z:RS/2015-2016 RPT/PROGREVRPT 1516-YR TRAVELTOURISM EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 4/15/2016 2 QUALITY 1516 Rpt (District Data as of Aug. 31, 2015) 1213 1314 1415 Rpt Rpt Rpt 1. Student Satisfaction with Program Based on fall/spring percent of students satisfied with labs & technology averaged for the last 3 years. (Surveys scored 1 or 0 based on combined on averaged of responses: “Excellent”: 1, “Good”: 1, “Acceptable”: 1, “Weak”: 0, “Unacceptable” = 0. Average of 1=Satisfaction) Source: 9 Standard: 80% 2. Student Evaluation of Faculty Percent of satisfaction in fall/spring averaged for last 3 years, based on question: "Would you recommend instructor?" Source: 9 Standard 80% D: 77% D: 96% D: 93.7% D: 92% D: 94% D: 97% 3. Graduate Satisfaction with Program Based on percent of cumulative graduates satisfied with “usefulness of my major courses w/ respect to my job,” “availability of courses in my major,” & “level of technology in my major.” (Combined average of all 3 responses) for previous 3 years. Source: 10 Standard: 80% 4. Employer Satisfaction Percent of surveyed employers satisfied with graduates for last 3 years. Names of employers surveyed provided by the Dean/District-wide Coordinator. (Surveys scored 1 or 0 based on the combined average of the 8 responses: “Excellent” = 1, “Good” = 1, “Acceptable” = 1, “Weak” = 0, “Unacceptable" = 0. An average of 1 indicates satisfaction) Source: 11 Standard: 80% 5. Advisory Committee Satisfaction with Program Percent of surveyed members satisfied, based on averaged percent of satisfaction for the last 3 years. (Surveys scored 1 or 0 based on the combined average of the eleven responses: “Excellent” = 1, “Good” = 1, “Acceptable” = 1, “Weak” = 0, “Unacceptable" = 0. An average of 1 indicates satisfaction.) Source: 12 Standard: 80% 6. Student Licensure/Certification, As Applicable Percent of graduates/completers receiving licensure/certification, based on annual pass rate for the most recent year. Source: 13 Standard: 90% 100% 100% 100% 95.8% 100% 98.8% 98% 98% 100% 99.7% 99.7% 97.8% N/A N/A N/A N/A 100% 100% 100% 100% 25% 100% 50% 100% INDICATOR ASC FT. BLISS MdP NW RG TM VV STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION/PROGRESS D: 96.5% D: 99.3% 96.5% 99.3% INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT 1. Full-Time Faculty Development For most recent year, percent of FT teaching Faculty at 2 prof. development activities during the fall semester (1st day of fall Faculty Development Week (FDW) through last day of final exams) and percent of FT teaching Faculty at 2 such activities during spring semester (1st day of spring FDW through last day of final exams). If FT faculty teach in 2 or more programs, their attendance is credited to all the programs. Source: 14 Standard: 100% 2. Part-Time Faculty Development For most recent year, percent of PT teaching Faculty at 1 prof. development activity during fall semester (1st day of fall Faculty Development Week (FDW) through last day of final exams) and percent of PT teaching Faculty at 1 such activity during spring semester (1st day of spring FDW through last day of final exams). If PT faculty teach in 2 or more programs, their attendance is credited to all the programs. Source: 14 Standard: 75% TRAVEL AND TOURISM 3 INDICATOR 3. Sections taught by Full-Time Faculty Percent of sections taught by FT Faculty for last 3 years, excluding MILS (UTEP ROTC), MUAP (independent Music study), MUSR (recitals), Independent Study, Virtual College of Texas, NCBO, classes whose instructors are not paid by EPCC. Source: 7 Standard: 50% 4. Course Syllabus Reviewed/revised within the last 3 years, based on no. of course syllabi in the program and the revision date of each syllabus. Source: 16 Standard: Yes 5. Advisory Committee Meetings Held at least once annually, based on the meeting date(s) of each program advisory committee for the last 3 years. Source: 17 Standard: Yes 6. DACUM Completion within last 5 years, based on completion date of each program DACUM. Source: 18 Standard: Yes 7. DACUM Findings Incorporated, as appropriate, into curriculum, based on most recent DACUM Audit for each program. Source: 18 Standard: Yes 8. Secondary Articulation Agreements, as appropriate Percent of ISD requests for articulation addressed through analysis of EPCC course objectives for last 3 years. Source: 19 Standard: 100% 9. Post-Secondary Articulation Agreements, as appropriate Written evidence of attempted/revised articulation within the last 3 years. Source: 4 Standard: Yes 10. Program Accreditation, As Applicable Maintains/actively seeking voluntary accreditation, based on documentation of accreditation or application for accreditation for last 3 years. Source: 4 Standard: Yes 11. Community Benefit/Service Percent of surveyed advisory committee members acknowledging program meets community needs for each of the last 3 years. Source: 12 Standard: 85% 12. Program Need Percent of surveyed employers acknowledging program is needed for each of the last 3 years. Names of surveyed employers identical to those used by Employer Satisfaction indicator. Source: 11 Standard: 85% 13. Competitive Advantage: Quality Percent of surveyed respondents acknowledging EPCC meets/exceeds quality of proprietary schools for each of the last 3 years. (Combined average of responses on both the Advisory Committee Survey and the Employer Survey) Source: 20 Standard: 85% 1516 Rpt (District Data as of Aug. 31, 2015) ASC D: 72.6%*** D: 77.3%*** 77.3% Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 100% 100% 100% 100% Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 1213 1314 1415 Rpt Rpt Rpt D: 77% D: 68%*** Yes FT. BLISS MdP NW RG TM VV ***2013-2014 revisions to the Program Review procedure reduced the standard from 60% to 50%. TRAVEL AND TOURISM 4 VIABILITY INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT INDICATOR 1 - WORKFORCE DEMAND Measure: Whether the sum of new and replacement jobs in the field forecast for El Paso and Hudspeth Counties and the New Mexico counties of Dona Ana, Luna and Otero during the 5 years following the publication of the Program Review Report meets or exceeds the number of graduates during the 5 years preceding the publication of the report. To ensure that the data include career paths addressed by the program, each program shall provide the IE Office with a list of jobs for which it prepares graduates. The listings are from the EMSI database, which was created in 2001, in consultation with the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), to track occupational demand and wages nationally, by state and by region, drawing on some 91 databases, which include those of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The number preceding each occupational title is the unique Bureau of Labor Statistics SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) number assigned to each job title. Job titles were specified by the disciplines. Numerical anomalies may be due to rounding. TOTAL NUMBER OF JOBS PER YEAR SOC Code 11-2021 11-2022 11-2031 11-3131 11-9071 11-9081 11-9199 13-1121 13-1151 13-1199 39-3019 39-3031 39-3091 39-6011 39-6012 39-7011 39-7012 41-2012 41-3041 41-3099 43-1011 Occupation Marketing Managers Sales Managers Public Relations and Fundraising Managers Training and Development Managers Gaming Managers Lodging Managers Managers, All Other Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners Training and Development Specialists Business Operations Specialists, All Other Gaming Service Workers, All Other Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers Amusement and Recreation Attendants Baggage Porters and Bellhops Concierges Tour Guides and Escorts Travel Guides Gaming Change Persons and Booth Cashiers Travel Agents Sales Representatives, Services, All Other First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 113 373 37 117 383 39 121 392 41 125 401 42 128 408 43 27 28 29 30 31 Total New/Replacement Jobs 26 69 <10 <10 <10 <10 59 1077 69 <10 60 1094 73 <10 61 1109 76 <10 62 1123 79 <10 62 1133 81 <10 11 154 16 No Data $26.20 $47.51 $18.32 605 618 630 641 649 90 $28.29 Bachelor's degree 2329 2375 2417 2455 2483 288 $29.83 High school diploma or equivalent <10 10 11 11 12 <10 No Data High school diploma or equivalent 101 104 106 108 108 30 $8.56 Less than high school 699 708 717 725 732 178 $8.84 Less than high school 82 83 84 85 85 13 $8.56 High school diploma or equivalent 62 35 <10 19 64 36 <10 20 65 36 <10 21 67 37 <10 22 68 37 <10 22 13 <10 <10 <10 $10.65 $11.58 No Data $9.17 High school diploma or equivalent High school diploma or equivalent High school diploma or equivalent High school diploma or equivalent 80 2425 77 2480 74 2530 72 2576 71 2616 <10 470 $17.25 $19.40 High school diploma or equivalent High school diploma or equivalent 4077 4156 4228 4295 4349 676 $22.39 High school diploma or equivalent 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Average Hourly Wage (2013) Education Required $55.25 $54.47 $49.15 Bachelor's degree Bachelor's degree Bachelor's degree $46.16 Bachelor's degree High school diploma or equivalent High school diploma or equivalent High school diploma or equivalent Bachelor's degree TRAVEL AND TOURISM 5 TOTAL NUMBER OF JOBS PER YEAR SOC Code 43-3021 43-3031 43-3041 43-4051 43-4081 43-4171 43-4181 43-4199 53-2031 Occupation Billing and Posting Clerks Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks Gaming Cage Workers Customer Service Representatives Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks Receptionists and Information Clerks Reservation and Transportation Ticket Agents and Travel Clerks Information and Record Clerks, All Other Flight Attendants 1455 1490 1522 1551 1574 Total New/Replacement Jobs 231 3829 3896 3957 4014 4060 16 8790 17 9002 17 9197 18 9379 687 699 710 2145 2186 147 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Average Hourly Wage (2013) Education Required $12.95 High school diploma or equivalent 377 $15.27 High school diploma or equivalent 19 9533 <10 1754 $10.15 $12.23 High school diploma or equivalent High school diploma or equivalent 719 728 175 $8.60 High school diploma or equivalent 2221 2253 2275 371 $10.16 High school diploma or equivalent 146 146 146 148 11 $18.87 High school diploma or equivalent 805 811 816 820 821 90 $17.35 High school diploma or equivalent 10 10 10 10 <10 <10 No Data High school diploma or equivalent TRAVEL AND TOURISM 6