Sports Tuesday Danes whip Springfield for third straight win

Sports Tuesday
OCTOBER 8, 1985
By John Keenan
Wayne Anderson had a 93-yard klckofl return for a touchdown as
the Danes beat Springfield, 33-15.
The Springfield Chiefs bled purple Saturday.
In fact, by the time the Great Danes finished their
33-15 drubbing of the highly regarded Division II
team, the Chiefs had bled so much purple that It's
doubtful the field will be green again by the time
Norwich comes to town two weeks from now.
"I thought in preseason we would be decent,"
Albany Head Coach Bob Ford said, "but I wasn't
sure how good. I think we have a solid team."
The Danes certainly seemed solid against Springfield, tallying 33 points on the touted Chief
defense led by Bill Delaney. "They run the option
as well as any team I've played against," said Springfield head coach Mike DeLong. "Mike Milano is
an outstanding athlete, and of course they're wellcoached."
"We have to get a little better," DeLong added.
The Chiefs are now 0-3.
Milano, the Danes' starting quarterback and
holder of the University's passing yardage record,
broke his nose in the game, but Ford said he was
likely to start against Southern Connecticut. "It's
the kind of injury you can play with," Ford said.
"He thinks he'll be ready and I think he'll be ready,
but there is no question he'll be playing with pain.
Mike is a fierce competitor, but we'll have to wait
and see."
Both teams were scoreless in the first quarter, but
Springfield drove downfield to Albany's 14 before
settling for a field goal.early in the second.. The'
Chiefs were driving hard on the. nine-yard line when
Dane linebacker Frank Sarcone knocked running
back Stacey Eason back to the 14, forcing Springfield to settle for the field goal. The goal line
' stand was the first of several for the Dane defense,
which denied Springfield any more points until
midway through the fourth quarter.
The Danes retaliated on the next drive, a sevenplay march that ended when-Milano reached split
end John Donnelly with a 26-yard pass for the first
touchdown of the game. Milano threw a high arching pass under pressure to Donnelly, who took it
in for the score.
Two plays later, Rich Kozak intercepted a pass
from Springfield's Brian Timbrouck to start
another drive, which endedin an over-the-shoulder
pass from Milano to Melvin in the end zone. At the
end of the half, Albany led 16-3.
The second half didn't begin any better for the
Chiefs, as Wayne Anderson took the opening
kickoff 93 yards for the touchdown. Anderson,
who was recruited by DeLong, said he always gets
optimistic when facing Springfield.
"I'm really close with Coach DeLong," Anderson said. "He wanted me to play for Springfield
"The play was supposed to go left, but there was
nothing there," Anderson explained. "So I turned
up the middle, broke a tackle, spun pff, and there it
Lazarides leads attack as women hooters fall
By Mike MacAdam
The combination of mental mistakes
and an anemic attack finally caught up
with the Albany State women's soccer
team as their record plunged to 3-6 after
consecutive 4-0 losses to t.cMoyne and St.
"Both the games could have gone either
way," said Dane coach Amy Kidder," but
psychologically we've really been beating
Any psychological edge the Danes might
have enjoyed against LeMoyne last Tuesday, quickly vanished when Dane midfielder Cheryl Hcnsen's goal of an indirect
kick tied the score at l-l, but was disallowed because the ball was not touched by
another player before entering the net.
"One of my players was right there and
said the keeper touched it, but they took it
away," argued Kidder, but the ruling held,
and Albany appeared visibly deflated.
LeMoyne's Kate Caveriy added a goal at
32:05 of the first half as the Danes' scoring
woes continued when forward Joanna
Lazarides' breakaway shot pounded the
in their last three games.
"We didn't play really badly," Kidder
admitted about the contest that was a
deadlock on paper, but not on the
scoreboard. "We just beat ourselves
"They're very organized as a team add
have good speed," observed Kidder about
the St. Lawrence squad that shell-shocked
Albany 2.6-7 in shots, "but there ain't no
way they should have beat us that bad."
Only Lazarides, forward Joan
McNamara, and co-captain Kim Kosalek
managed to test the St. Lawrence keeper
with shots on goal, as the Dane attack continued its nosedive.
"We just ran with their players instead
of beating them to the ball," explained
Kidder. "We put ourselves out of the
Amy Kidder game,
and that doesn't happen if we all
It was a different story statistically when run for every ball so that we can either win
the Danes-hosted St. Lawrence last Friday, the ball or force them to make a
but the 4-0 final score looked familiar. turnover."
Albany again fell victim to early goals as
A maligned offense and a 3-6 record
St. Lawrence's Moida White registered the can't keep Kidder from looking ahead to
eventul game-winner at 6;45 of the first the playoffs, however.
halt and Jean Southwick added a pair
"We have a lot of talent here, but we
before halftime.
2 1 »•
"Both the games could have gone either way,
but psychologically we've really been beating
' "We have to realize that we're not going
to score everytime down," Kidder said,
"but you really need to score on
Lazarides hammered out eight of
Albany's 15 shots on goal, but her failure
to convert on the breakaway was indicative
of a hardluck offense that has not scored
By Cathy Errig
After a string of frustrating games in
which the Albany men's soccer team
had dominated the field, but never the
scoreboard, things came together this
weekend with a 1-1 tie with Potsdam
Saturday and a 1-0 win over Siena
yesterday, improving the teams' record
to 3-4-2.
"We'd outplayed teams before, but
we hadn't been able to win," said cocaptain Carl loos. "It was very
frustrating, we're very happy about the
".We dominated the game, it was a
good win,", said co-captain Tihan
Presbie of the Siena game. "Wc played
more high pressured against them, as
opposed to the way we played against
Union. Wc didn't sit back and wart for
them to come to us."
The game was scoreless for the first
half, with both teams scoring one off
sides goal apiece, goals that were
disallowed by the officials.
"Ours shouldn't have been called,'
said loos. "When a shot on the goal is
taken, you can't be called offsides. It
was a poor judgement call."
Another official ruling which cost the
Danes a goal occured in the second half.
"Eric Cifuentes was taken down, and
Tihan picked the ball up," said loos.
"That's legal under the advantage rule,
but the referee called a foul. If he'd let
Tihan keep the ball, he would have
scored. As speaking captain on the field,
I asked the rcf about the call, and he admitted to it being poor judgement."
Presbie did have a hand in the games'
only goal, which was scored by
sophomore Kenny lane 78:24 into the
game. Presbie picked up the assist. The
Danes made 16 shots on the Siena goal,
against 11 for their opponent. Dane
goalie Jeff Goldstein made six saves,
versus five for Siena's Ken Hewter.
"We clearly dominated the second
t X
' * * b ' * logged an assist In the Danes' shutout against 9larw.
By Jim Avery
Over 200 studenU attended Thursday's public hearing.
"RA's sliould not have to play police officers.'
The proposed Graduate Students Employees Union
(GSEU) came one step closer to reality this week when
the State Public Employees Relations Board ruled
enough SUNY graduate students had shown interest in
the idea.
According to PERB Director, Harvey Milowe, hearings will now be held to determine whether graduate
students are employees and can legally unionize.
"There has been for many months an inquiry as to
whether or not the matter should progress to the hearing stage." said Milowe, adding that "in front of us are
the substantive issues."
"The last two years we've been working on a show
of interest," said Bruce Henderson, GSEU State
When the interest period ended, PERB began throwing out response cards from people who the board did
not consider students. "We had more than 40 percent
but the state tried to throw out as many cards as possible. We were left with just enough to pass," said
Henderson, noting the one-third required signatures.
Currently, the GSEU is an unofficial union for the
4500 graduate students employed statewide as teaching
enforcing 21 will break community rather than build it. assistants (ta's), graduate assistants (ga's), and
Students will not confide in their RAs for fear of being research assistants (ra's). GSEU is barred, however,
from collectively bargaining on behalf of its members.
Milowe said the hearings would be run by an Ad. Mike Rosenblatt, another RA, agreed with Katz, Saying "I don't want to be a police officer — I want to be an ministrative Law Judge and would attempt to determine- if the GSEU is an employee organization,
RA." •
"Getting RAs will be harder if RAs will have to enforce whether grad. students are eligible for representation,
the law. Less people will apply for the RA position and finally what the most effective unit for representabecause of the added responsibility," said Steve Zirkel, tion would be.
Many graduate students feel that representation is
an RA from Indian Quad. "It's a bad cycle because there
needed to collectively deal with issues like wages,
will be less RAs to enforce the law;" he added.
Many speakers were against the possibility of SUNYA health benefits, job descriptions and grievance
becoming a "dry" campus. Acording to Donald Smirti, procedures.
"In my department it is illegal to get another job,"
president of Indian Quad Board and chair of Intcrquad
Council; "students who are old enough to drink will have said Henderson, who works in SUNYA's English
to go off-campus in order to do so. It is much safer to let Department. "You have a choice between poverty and
students drink on campus when they can walk home, hypocracy." he added. Most ta's hold other jobs which
rather than having them drive drunk after going is known by the professors and held over their heads,
downtown to drink."
"We don't have any health benefits. We go without
Jeff Zellan, another student, said he felt that "the
drinking age was raised to 19 to get alcohol out of the dental check-ups, eye glasses and God help ybu if your
high schools, and to cut down on the drunk driving that engine blows up," said Henderson.
One local issue which the GSEU is now focusing its
results. Now that the purchasing age is going up to 21, the
law is defeating its purpose." He added that, "the 21 law attention on is parking. GSEU feels GA's, TA's, and
will increase drunk driving because students will continue RA's should be granted faculty or staff parking.
to drink."
RA's as police, hidden drinking seen
if Univ. embraces restrictive '21' rule
By Llnrja Greenberg
Students want as liberal an alcohol policy as possible,
and don't want to see Resident Assistants(RA's) become
' police, according to testimonies given at a public hearing
Thursday night.:
•Over 20©students packed thelndian Quad skin room
to listen and sometimes applaud; the testimony; of both
students and administrators.'
Members of the "Implementation of 21 Committee"
were present to hear students' views, and according to
Committee chair Jim Doellefeld, the goal of the meeting
was "to provide opportunities for students to express
their opinions and to provide feedback about how they
feel about the purchasing age of alcohol going up."
Many issues were discussed including the RA role once
the '21' law goes into effect. According to Dave Jenkins,
Associate Director of Residential Life and Director of the
Middle Earth counseling center, RA's will be caught In a
double bind between being part of the administration and
enforcing the law, and being fellow students.
"Must the RA stop the drinking of students under age
21 by enforcing the law, or will the RA look away and let
students violate the law?" asked Jenkins, adding "What
will be the role of the RA and what kinds of messages will
he or she give students, whichever way they act?"
Peter Katz, an RA on Alumni Quad, agreed, with
Jenkins and. stressed, that "RAs should not have to play
police officers. It is an RA's job to build community, and
Grad. student group
passes first of three
steps to unionization
By Pam Schuaterman
October 11,1985
Mike Covielli, a student on Indian Quad, gave a per16>
Frosh dispersal gets mixed reviews
Lane's goal beats Siena
Danes whip Springfield for third straight win
Dane netmen in fine
fonn as they prepare
for this weekend's
See page 23
If Indian Quad seems noisier and
State quieter this year, it's probably
because Residential Life decided to
integrate first year students onto all
five quads, starting this sememster.
Eliminating the "freshman quad"
was a decision made by athe
Residential Life staff, according to
Director John Martone, "We conducted a two month research period
in which we looked into the benefits
and negative aspects of having a
freshman quad," he said.
Martone explained the idea of
eliminating the froth quad had not
been a priority until 1984 because the
proportions of first year stories on
one quad were never so high, "In
1984, State Quad was 7.2 percent
freshman," lie said. In past years,
Colonial Quad and State Quad had
generally, the same percentage of
froih even though State has been
thought:'of as a "freshman quad," with upperclassmen for advice,"
said Bill Naftel of Colonial Quad,
said Martone.
Eliminating a freshman quad was - who added that he doesn't mind at
done with several intentions in mind, all.
Jeff Sandler, a freshman on Dutch
said Martone. "First off, it gives
freshman more upperclass role Quad agreed that living with upmodels, and it also spreads the en- perclassmen has benefits. "You can
thusiasm that freshman bring to learn a lot about the school from
talking with upperclassmen about
campus throughout the quads." This year, according to Martone, classes and places to go out," he
the proportions have changed. "We said.
However, Sandler added that livhave 52 percent freshmen on State
this year as compared to 72 percent ing with all frosh would probably
in 1984, 36 percent freshmen on create a friendlier atmosphere for inDutch as compared to 29 percent last coming students.
year, 35 percent on Colonial s comAnother reason for dispersing the
pared to 29 percent last year, 27 per- frosh, according to Martone, was to
cent on Indian as compared with 20 lower the noise level on State Quad.
percent last year and 27 percent on "We have n ot had as many problems
Alumni as compared to 30 percent on State this year like noise and illast year," he said,
legal parties," Martone said.
The assignment of frosh to difAlthough the upperclassmen are
living with more frosh, many display ferent quads was a process that was
a positive attitude, "I think it is discussed with Quad Boards before
noud for the freshmen, to intertwine
Hijackers released
A spokesman at Leicester police headquarters said the brawling spread over
several streets near the stadium where the
Wednesday night match with Derby County was played. Fans overturned and set fire
to cars, and smashing shop windows, he
The 1-1 tie knocked Leicester out of
contention in the Milk Cup, an annual soccer club championship sponsored by the
Milk Marketing Board.
The press officer, who in accordance
with British practice declined to be identified, reported: "A number of officers
were slightly injured and taken to Leicester
Royal Infirmary," the. city's main
hospital. He said one shop was set on fire
and two others were looted.
Wfa M@fmm
Afghan rebels aided
esoteric. It's the kind of thing easily
available anywhere in the world."
Reagan is virtually certain to raise the
issue of the prolonged Soviet occupation
of Afghanistan when he meets with Gorbachev in Geneva, Switzerland, on Nov.
19-20. And Gorbachev is considered likely
to complain of U.S. financing of the
rebels. But it was unclear what impact the
new package of U.S. aid would have on
the summit talks.
IFte §ti@tf©
AIDS policy probed
New York
(AP) City Health Commissioner Dr. David
Sencer acknowledged under questioning
that the city school system had an inconsistent policy on AIDS because it barred a
child with the disease from pre-school but
allowed the same child to' enter
kindergarten after a review by a city panel.
Sencer testified Wednesday that children <
up to 4-years-old with AIDS are not allow- Norwalk, Connecticut ed in day-care centers with other children,
(AP) After nearly three decades of toll col- but 5-year-olds' or kindergarten children
' lections, motorists are driving the Connec- with AIDS could be allowed to mix with
their peers.
ticut Turnpike for free.
Turnpike tolls end
"We're as happy as we can be," said
Raymond Vallerie of Vallerie Transport in
Norwalk, which runs 150 trucks to Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts
and will save nearly $100,000 a year in toll
Tolls ended at 11 p.m. Wednesday on
the turnpike, one of the most heavily
traveled roads In the nation, with 90,000vehicles a day — up to 20,000 of them big
trucks. Every few miles or so, drivers had
to stop and dig into their pockets for
change — $1.50 for trucks and 35 cents for
Partly because of the eight toll plazas,
the turnpike is ne of the most dangerous
stretches of Interstate 95. The plazas have
been blamed for a number of serious accidents, including a fiery crash in 1982
when a tractor-trailer slammed into a line
of cars at one toll station, killing seven
Divestment opposed
New York
(AP) State Comptroller Edward Regan
says the state pension fund would have to
sell $5.8 billion in stocks and bonds if it
divests itself of all assets in companies
dealing with South Africa. ,
The Republican comptroller until now
has estimated the fund would have to sell
about $4 billion in assets. The estimate has
been raised to include corporate bonds as
well as stocks, said Marvin Nailor, a
spokesman for Reagan.
In a speech Wednesday to a conference
on South Africa, Regan repeated his opposition to selling the assets, contending
the sale would lower the value of the $26
billion state pension fund that serves
770,000 active and retired members. No
other state has a pension fund as large.
Peru denounces IMF
Seoul, South Korea
(AP) Peru's prime minister Wednesday denounced the International Monetary Fund
as a U.S.-dominated menace to his country's democracy, and said Peru will not use
the international lending agency to deal
with its creditors.
Speaking during the joint 40th annual
meeting of the IMF and the World Bank,
Luis Alva said, "Instead of providing
resources to the most affected countries,
the IMF has been concerned only to impose policies of adjustment that were not
viable, as shown by their repeated
"The only thing il did with such policies
was to deepen the recession and put the
democratic system into serious danger,"
said the Peruvian leader.
Soccer fans riot
Leicester, England
(AP) Soccer fans hurling gasoline bombs
and rocks fought street battles with 300
police officers after the Leicester team was
eliminated as a contender in tournament
Or, Susan Kaplow will speak
on "Taking Charge of your
Career" at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 15 In HU 354.
The Pre-Health Club will have
Its second meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 15 In Campus Center
Room 361 at 5:00.
Madrid Study Abroad Interest
Meeting will be held Tuesday,
Oct. 15 at 1:30 p.m. In HU 354.
The Political Science Associa-
tion and PI Sigma Alpha will
hold their first Interest
Meeting Wednesday, Oct. 16
at 7:00 p.m. In HU 133.
Baptist Campus Ministry will
hold Bible Study every Tuesday 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. In
Campus Center 357.
A . H . A . U . S . Ice Hockey
Referee's Clinic will be held
Saturday, Oct. 19 at RPI
Fleldhouse. For more Info call
Flndlay Cookrell will play
Bach, ScallattI, Schubert,
Mussorgsky in PAC Recital
Hall Tuesday and Wednesday,
11, 1985 tJ ALBANY
Election draws low turnout
Port Said, Egypt
(AP) President Hosni Mubarak said
Wednesday four hijackers who seized an
Italian cruise liner with more than 500 people aboard were allowed to leave the country and are the responsibility of the PLO.
President Reagan Wednesday culled on,
Palestine Liberation Chief Yassar Arafat
to turn over the sea pirates to the United
States or Italy. But if Arafat "Believes that
their organization...can bring them to
justice and carry that out, all right,"
Reagan told reporters after he landed in
Chicago on a flight from Washington.
The PLO has not confirmed it has
custody of the pirates, who are accused of
killing an American Jew during their twoday seize of the Achille Lauro in the
Mediterranean Sea.
The former hostages were aboard the
Washington, D.C.
blue and white cruiser, which steamed into (AP) President Reagan, with only weeks
Port Said early this morning, nine hours remaining until his summit meeting with
after the hijackers surrendered WednesSoviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, has perday. Up to 511 people, including an
suaded Congress to secretly provide some
estimated dozen Americans, were held
$250 million in additional covert military
aid to anti-Soviet rebels in Afghanistan,
Senate sources say.
Mubarak told reporters in Cairo that
Egypt allowed the hijackers to leave
The money will be used to buy large
Wednesday night on the basis of a report
quantities of ammunition, small arms,
by the ship's captain that everybody
grenade launchers, and anti-helicopter air
aboard was unharmed. Officials later
defense weapons, one source said.
learned the armed pirates hasd killed Leon
"It will enable them to replenish their
Klinghoffer, a 69-year-old partially
stocks," he said. "It's a one-time
paralyzed man from New York City.
replenishment. There is nothing being introduced that is brand new or especially
tree listings
Oct.15 and 16 at 4:00 p.m.
NYPIRQ State Board Rep
nominations are being accepted Monday, Oct. 7 • Oct.
14. If interested submit a
typed letter to the NYPIRG office In CC 382.
End ol the World will be held
Oct. 16-19 and 23-26 at 8:00
p.m. at the PAC.
Rock Concert and Block Party
and a Fllene's Fashion Show
will be held on Sunday, Oct. 20
at JB's Theatre.
Cooper program will be held In
Page Hall on the Downtown
SUNYA Campus Friday, Oct.
18 at 8:00 p.m.
Gay and Lesbian Alliance
meets every Tuesday at 8:30
p.m. In CC 375. All are
William Styron will speak
Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 8:00 p.m.
In Page Hail on the Downtown
Esther Chanowltz for women
In Judlasm will speak on Tuesday Oct. 15 at 7:30-9:00 p.m. In
CC 373.
North Atlantic Karate Association Regional Karate Championship will bo held Satur-
day, Oct. 12 In the Albany High
School Gymnasium.
Disco In the RPI Commons
will be held Saturday, Oct. 12.
Buses leave CC circle at 10:00
Bonnie B. Spanler will be
speaking on Feminism and
S c i e n c e
R e c e n t
Developments on Tuesday,
Oct. 15 at 4:00 p.m. In HU 394,
Music Council Is looking for
students Interested In performing In the noon concert
series In the Recital Hall, Contact Bill Harrison In PAC Rm.
Students-votlhg In SA elections
Low voter turnout was
By Jim Thompson
Low voter turnout marked this week's Student
Association (SA) elections for Central. Council, as
students went to the polls to vote for seats not filled
in last Spring's balloting.
There were nine seats on the ballot, including
four off-campus representatives, and one for each
of the five quads.
The winners for the off-campus positions were
Mike Miller, Michael Berman, Rob Pipia, and Andrew Kampel..
The elected students for the quads were: Alumni,
Melissa Bower; State, David Miller; Indian, Terry
Corallo; Colonial, Gino Visco; and Dutch, Mike
Off Campus voters tallied 370 votes to lead the
Student turnout, while on campus voting was headed by Colonial, which turned In 237 ballots.
The remaining quads closed at Dutch with 136,
State with 121, Alumni with 70, and Indian with 66
votes cast at each polling place.
Some of the winners commented on the lack of
student involvement. David Miller said, "I was very
disappointed with the student turnout. The
students' participation is greatly needed." As if to
illustrate the point, the State Quad seat was determined by only two votes.
Elections for the Class Council of 1989 were invalidated after one day of voting because one name
was mistakenly left off the ballot and another was
badly misspelled, according to Steve Russo, Central
Council Internal Affairs Committee Chair.
When asked by Jackie Bernstein why the second
day of voting had to be cancelled, Russo replied,
"You can not invalidate half of an election."
A motion of a friendly amendment to the bill
rescheduling the election, stating that the Contact
Office will provide candidates of the Class Council
25 free posters if they bought posters originally
passed Central Council Wednesday night, i5-4-0.
Opposition was to the cost of supplying 25
posters to at most 35 candidates. SA President
Steve Gawley, said, "They didn't screw up, we
did." It was Gawley's idea to offer 25 free posters
to each candidate because, he said, "It
was out fault."
Another friendly amendment was introduced by
Phil Botwinik and Jackie Bernstein stating the elections be reheld on two days instead of one. Russo
said that the reason for not having another day is to
save money. "One day is $125 to pay the election
commissioner's minimum wage," he said.
Jackie Bernstein stressed the need to show frosh
"We care." The amendment failed on a 10-10 vote
with three abstentions.
The 1989 Council Election will be reheld on
Thursday, October 17.
"I'm on cloud nine, "exclaimed Terry Corallo,
who won a Council seat from Indian Quad. She is
already a University Senator and Vice-President of
the Class of 1987. "I wanted to be a part of student
representation, and now my vote counts."
Rob Pipia, who is also President of University
Action for the Disabled (UAD) said that,"This is
the first time I ran for the Central Council." Pipia
hopes to promote rights for the disabled and also
work on the "grouper law." Pipia will represent
off-campus students in Council.
"I was running against two sophomores, I didn't
expect to win." said David Miller who is a first year
student. "I like to know what's going on, that is
why I ran for Central Council," he said.
Michael Berman, who unsuccessfully ran for SA
Vice-President last April said, "I want to improve
the communications between students and the SA. I
want to-get to know the people I represent."
Information for this story was also provided by
Angelina Wang.
m ......
Crimebuster patrols form for student ghetto
By Rene Bablch
iNieghborhood Watch, part of the Off
Campus Association (OCA) held its first
meeting Tuesday night and took the first
steps to develop a community crimewatch
that will cover a four-block square in the
"student ghetto."
The area to be patrolled is between
Quail Street and Partridge Street, and between State Street and Madison Avenue.
The meeting, led by officer Jerry Frank
of the Albany Police Department's Crime
Prevention Unit, was initiated by SUNYA
student Victor Bushell and OCA chair
John Harrison.
Bushell, who originated the idea of a
crime watch, said, "I have -initiated this
for two reasons. One because I have it in
my neighborhood at home, and two, the
program works well enough that crime
comes out of your area."
Neighborhood Watch is designed to
make residents more aware of their susceptibility to crime, and to teach them how to
prevent crimes from occurring in their
area. " T h e people who form
Nieghborhood Watches are the most important ingredient, not the police department," said Frank.
Since the police.department does not
h a v e the m a n p o w e r t o s u p p l y
neighborhoods with a regular beat officer,.
Frank emphasized the necessity of citizens
taking all measures possible to protect
According to Frank, it is essential that
the group have neighborhood residents as
well as students as members. Residents
provide a good sense of stability in a community where the turnover rate of students
moving in an out is so high, he said.
To begin the program, Harrison said
that OCA will distribute stickers with the
phone numbers of the fire department,
police, and rape crisis hotline to Pine Hills
OCA will further its support by providing a hotline where people can call with
complaints or to report crimes in their
The hotline will be staffed by the 15
directors of OCA's Board. Their job will
be to investigate complaints and talk to offending parties.
The responsibilities of the captains
elected to the neighborhood watch are to
alert neighbors as crime patterns develop
in their neighborhood.
Members of the community- are responsible for reprting crimes to the police and
to keep each other aware of what is going
Bushell emphasized that a way to ensure
the success of the program is for people to
get to know their neighbors. This way
there can be a sense of unity, and lines of
communication will be open.
"Everybody wants to live in a community, everybody wants to wave to the person
across the street, and that in itself deters
crime — people...caring about each
other," said Bushell.
Although the police department cannot
patrol areas at all times, Frank said that he
and his partner, officer John Hill, "will
give 100 percent support," to the group.
According to Frank, the police department can make statistics of crimes, places,
and types of crime prevalent to particular
neighborhoods available. "The priority of
a neighborhood watch is to educate the
people," he said.
The Albany Police Depatment's Crime
Prevention Unit sponsors a free survey of
the homes of residents. They make an
anlaysis of the security of homes and also
will install pin-stoppers in windows and
engrave certain valuables with an identification number that will go in a nationwide file that serves to identify a person's
During the m e e t i n g ,
demonstrated various locks and said that
dead bolts were most effective in securing
doors. It is not enough to have these locks,
but to use them, he said. "The majority of
apartments don't have outer locks and inner doors are left open. Also, the majority
of entries are made thrugh unlocked windows," he added.
"Burglars are juvenile, amateur
burglars. The secret to their success is an
open door or window; they're looking for
opportunity, Three characteristics of
criminals are desire, ability, and opportunity. We can't change the first two, but
we can change the opportunity," said
For apartment dwellers, Frank said, it is
important to change locks on doors when
moving into a new apartment, installing
peepholes, keeping valuables out of your
home, and making sure to give an apart?
ment the, "lived in look," by leaving lights
on while you are out. '
The Neighborhood Watch community
should report suspicious persons and any
robberies, muggings, or rapes to the police
department immediately, said Frank.
Strange people going door to door and
people house-sitting for neighbors should
also be reported, he added.
SAVE YOUR WRAPPERS: The next time you buy something from a vending
machine, don't be so quick to throw away trie wrapper — you could be the UAS
University Auxiliary Services, In an effort to show their appreciation for
students' patronage is sponsoring a "Congratulations, You're a UAS Winner"
In order to win, according to Paul Arnold, UAS Director of Vending Services,
one need simply purchase UAS psckaged goods from vending machines. The
gold coupons which Indicate that "you're a winner" are affixed to the back of the
Winners will be entitled to a number ot discounts at other UAS services, according to Arnold. For example, one gold coupon Is good for $1 off a haircut at ths
UAS Barbershop or ten percent oft any breakfast special at the Kumquat
Cafeteria, he said.
The contest will continue for the rest of the year, said Arnold, explaining that
the prizes will change each month.
A complete list of all the discounts offered Is svallable In an Albany Student
Press ad.
According to Arnold, "The main reason for this contest was to give something
back to the students In return for their patronage."
"We're proud of taking over the vending services," said Arnold. Since UAS has
taken over they have Improved the service, repair time, and accessibility of the
vending machines, he stated.
"This contest will make students more aware ol UAS as well as to let them
know we're grateful for the business they have given us," he said. _ M e U a M K n o U
SUNYA frats resurrecting despite U.S. trend
By Ian Clements
While relations between university officials and fraternities and sororities on
some campuses have soured, the resurrection of "greek" life at SUNYA has happened quickly and proven popular with
"I think the response of the University
has been a very positive and supportive
one," said Vice President for Student Affairs Frank Pogue.
"The University is very supportive and
pleased to see the growth of sororities and
fraternities," echoed Director of Student
Activities Jessica Casey.
While greek-administrastion relations
within SUNY have been platonic, such is
not the case at other schools. Even more
striking, however, is the rapid growth of
greek organizations on the SUNYA campus. While there were only a handful of
such organizations here just a year ago,
there are at least 15 fraternities and 7
sororities recognized by the University, according to Casey.
Why did greek life emerge so suddenly
and quickly at SUNYA?
"Nobody knows why," said Casey,
"supposedly students are more traditional
and conservative."
Andrea Hanan President of Psi Gamma
disagreed asserting, "We're not conservative, each one of u; »s very different."
"We have some guys who are jocks,"
said Michael Liebowitz president of Phi
Lambda Phi, "and some guys who
"Students' values are changing," said
William Murabito, SUNY Central's Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs,
"I think students are shown nationally to
be more conservative."
"Students...need something to identify
with" and it is often difficult to identify
with a campus, he stated, "it's easy to
identify with a fraternity, sorority or a
"People in frats are insecure, they need
frats to carry them through the everyday
problems of life," claimed Tim Cochise, a
junior, who does not belong to a
Greek leaders tended to agree with the
positive assessments of greekadministration relations made by Pogue
and Casey.
"My fraternity hasn't had any distinct
problems that I could point out with the
administration," said Liebowitz, although
he did say that the administration
sometimes blames an entire fraternity for
the misdeeds of one of its members.
Hanan said, "They (university officials)
. weren't really prepared for" greek growth,
but other than a "big communication problem" that has caused some groups to miss
intra-fraternity meetings, Hanan had no
other complaints.
Casey admitted to having trouble in sending out notices about meetings to the
groups but said she hoped to solve that
problem by depending more on telephone
calls than on on-campus mail.
There has been a "significant increase in
interest" in fraternities and sororities on
other SUNY campuses, according to
Though "some (administrations) are
leery because of problems before,"
Murabito said, they "are quite willing to
work with" sororities and fraternities.
All SUNYA-recognized fraternities and
sororities must sign non-discrimination
and non-hazing statements, Casey said.
Casey objected to the use of the term
"little sisters" for the female auxiliaries of
some fraternities. "I wish they would refer
to them as 'women,' " she said, "I'm not
seeing as many references to 'women' as I
would like."
According to Howie' Sonnenschein,
president of Zeta Beta Tau, the members
of ZBT "develop close relations with the
girls" who are their little sisters "just like
you would if you had a sister at home."
An issue of particular concern to some
fraternities and sororities is housing.
Prevented from forming off-campus
"frat-houses" by the City of Albany's
grouper law which- prevents more than
three unrelated persons from living in the
same rental unit, some view on-campus
housing as their only alternative'.
"We need a house," said Sonnenschein,
"as house builds unity and unity builds
Because many fraternities and sororities'
formed late last semester, they were unable
to apply for -"special interest housing" but
this year, according to . Director of
Residential Life John Martone, "we will
be sending out information at the end of
the (fall) semester on fraternity-sorority
.I .
. Martone said the University has not yet
decided how students will be housed in the
dorms which are to be constructed across
Fuller Road, nor was he certain if fraternities or sororities could construct their
own houses on University property.
Will fraternities and sororities continue
to grow?
"It's tough to tell," said Casey, "some
people say we might be at our limit."
"SUNY-Albany is on a lot of (fraternities' and sororities') hit-lists...because of
our size and prestige many national greek
organizations want to establish chapters
here," claimed Casey.
Greeks face national attack
Watervitle, Maine
the commission appointed by trustees of
Colby College in Maine to review problems with the school's 11 fraternities
and sororities adopted a recommendation no one had anticipated: withdraw
recognition for all greek organizations.
And this fall, the college has opened
for the first time without greeks on
"We had tried creating new standards
for them two years earlier," said administrator Earl Smith. "They had an
impact in some cases, but they didn't
have much of an impact overall."
Amherst College in Massachusetts
soon followed Colby's lead. But even
schools that didn't go as far are spending this fall giving greek organizations
unprecedented nationwide scrutiny.
There is nothing new about
disciplinary sanctions against individual
greek chapters, but even national greek
leaders acknowledge the heat is on as
never before.
Already this fall, officials at Florida,
Duke, Lehigh, and Dartmouth have investigated and filed charges against
some of their fraternities. In addition,
Loyola-New Orleans administrators say
they will soon bring criminal charges
against two former frat members.
"We're under attack," said Mark
Mullinix of Alpha Tau Omega's national organization.
"There is an increasing public outcry
fueled by dramatic stories of misconduct, much of it relating to the way
women are treated by fraternities,"Mullinix said.
Apart from the ongoing disciplinary
measures on many different campuses,
some unusual punishments are being
— Amherst and Colby's booting of their
greek organizations marks the first time
housing sign-ups took place. "We
explained "to the quads that we
were going, to hold out a certain
number of spaces on each quad
for freshmen," Martone said. He
added that this idea went over
quite well.
"We tried not to pick the most
desirable spaces so continuing
by A
and <• am (drop-off only).
FRI 11 Brian Brain
Dirty Face
SAT 12 Dumptruck
The Grindstones
SUN 13 Clive Pig
that mixing people randomly
seems to have no purpose.
Smirti and the Interquad Council expect to address their concerns to the administration. "We
are planning a Quad Board Advisory Board in the hopes of
opening up a dialogue between
adniinistraiton and quads for all
quality ofh'fe issues," he said. D
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Yankee Trails Coach will leave from the front circle at 7:30 a.m.
Smirti also said that the level of
participation In Indian Quad
Board has not increased.'
Eliminating the frosh quad and
dispersing everyone evenly has
other downfalls, according to
Smirti. "Every quad has
developed over time its own identity and people seemed to like it
this way," he said. He explained
-- 10 pin. 11:1(1 pm. 1 am, ?;JQ om
leave in his mailbox in SS 3 4 1 . Make checks payable to
-' According - to Indian' Quad
Board President Don Smirti, not
only was it tougher for upperclassmen to get housing, but,
also, the noise level on the quad
hs gone up drastically.
"The.people who have lived on
Indian before did not appreciate
this at all and it was accetped with
much bitterness," sai Smirti.
SUIMVA Clrclo (in front of Administration Center)
from Faneuil Hall at 8 p.m.
students still had good housing
available to them," Martone said.
However, Naftel disagreed saying, "I really- think the administration should have given
the upperclassmen even
numbered floors so we could have
lounges," he said, adding that upperclass students should have.
Half Price - First Visit
'Students Special'
the Duck Shuttle! Beginning Friday, October 11
115 u a y
-<sFront Pag*
The right choice.
. -
• .
11, 1985
Jazz prof improvises between classes, gigs
By Caryn Miske
Within SUNYA's music
department hides a man of many
talents. Professor Roy Rettig,
who teaches the jazz improvisation class and directs the University Jazz Ensemble is, like many
professors in
the department
only a part-time r i l U f l y
Rettig was
not even interested in music until
he was 18. At that time he had
broken his arm playing baseball
and to kill time he just started
banging away on a piano. " I really loved it and ever since then I've
wanted to play," he said.
Rettig had not done well in
school as a child, but he
graduated from the Buhlee
School of Music in Boston in 1976
with honors. "I really enjoyed
what 1 was learning so I did
well,." recalled Rettig. It was
quite an accomplishment since
only 107 of t h e s t u d e n t s
graduated. Most of the students
got picked up by a band, but this
couldn't happen to me since 1
Professor Roy Rettig
enrolled knowing nothing about
"I like to play music that's sincere
F r i e n d s . " The o t h e r band,
After graduation, Rettig played "Wolfgang and the Demons,"
for a year, with a disco band in was recently reorganized into
order to save money and travel. "Fried Eggs," due to the fact that
He spent approximately a year in the original saxophone player left
India and Napal. Since then he for a gig in Aruba.
has spent his time in Albany play"Fried Eggs" plays a great deal
ing gigs, perfecting his trade and of original music. " O u r music is
making a reputation for himself.
hard to describe. It's like a mix
Presently, Rettig plays with two between Hendrix and Steely
bands, the main one being Dan,"explained Rettig. The band
" G e o r g e M a s t r a n g e l o a n d plays locally at places like
with good players.'
Pauley's Hotel. Justin Mc Neal's
and Chambers. They also play in
Saratoga and in Lake George, he
Aside from doing three to four
gigs a week, Rettig is involved in
programming for commercial
jingles, songwriting and recording. An album, which he cut
with guitarist Kevin McNeal, called Greene Blues features their
original works and will be releas-
ed within the month. He has
made several television ap.pearances on shows like The
Mad, Mad World of Art. In addition, his videotape from the
Delmar Library will be featured
on television some time this
Rettig spends a great deal of
time a t r e c o r d i n g s t u d i o s ,
especially his own, Cotton Hill
Recording. " I use the studio
primarily as a scratch pad for
myself, although I occasionally
art demos for other people, "explained Rettig. He recently cut six
children's songs for a client with a
Adirondack Studios is another
major focal point of Rettig's life.
He works there with three other
musicians; the owner of the
Studio, Ace Parkhurst, a recording engineer; Chuck D'Alia, a
guitarist; and Peter Borras, a
d r u m m e r from t h e band
"Downtime." The group has
recently s u b m i t t e d two of
P a r k h u r s t ' s songs to Tree
Publishing and they may be used
for a Nashville music special. The
group may be called ' P A R C for
each of their initials, but nothing
definite has been decide. " W e
thought of calling it ' C R A P ' but I
don't think it would go over as
well," joked Rettig. "We're hoping to get our foot in the door and
be able to submit more material,"
he said.
Rettig has also worked with
various singers and dancers as an
accompianist. Jody Shane, the
Theresa Broadwell Quartet and
various dance troups from New
York are among a few of the
groups he has played for.
When asked about life as a
musician, Rettig said, "Don't get
involved if you're only doing it on
a monetary basis. The competition is stiff, the hours are long
and the environment is lousy."
Rettig pointed out that gigs can
become monotonous when they
have to be done for a living,
especially since inflation has
bypassed musicians." I get an
average of $30 a night, that's.
$4.00 an hour. I was making that
kind of money five years ago,''exclaimed Rettig. This also explains
why he had to paint houses to
suppliment his income in the past.
Being a musician also puts
massive restraints on his social
life, said Rettig. " M y wife and I
work at our realtionship, in fact
sometimes we book time together,'
otherwise I'd never get to see
her,"said Rettig. "There are
times when I work six shows per
weekend." he added.
Rettig said he is working on
music as a craft and trade instead
of as an idea or art form. This
said Rettig, is the key to being
successful. " W e c a n p l a y
anything well, we even play a
mean polka," he said, adding
that an instrument is merely an
extension of one's self. You have
to understand it technically and
mentally." he said.
Rettig's goals are to be successful, m a k e m o n e y , g a i n
recognition and feel good.
" I ' m tall arid weird looking. I
could put a streak in my hair and
beads in my beard and fit right in
on MTV, but that's not what it's;
all about. I like to play music
that's sincere with good players,",
he said,
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Where to buy tickets
Precision Cut arid Dry...$ 14.00
M e n s o r Ladies
I n c l u d e s cut a n d d r y
$30.00 <md«p
sculptured nails, tips, manicures, fadals
There has recently been some question as to the
availability of bus tickets on this campus. The situation, however, is very similar to that of last year.
Bus tickets are required along with valid ID to ride
the buses.
Tickets may be purchased, ten for a dollar, during regular business hours at the Rathskeller snackbar. Other locations include the Barnes and Noble
book store, all Quad cafeterias, the Kumquat
cafeteria.the motor pool, * n d at the parking lot
The vending machine near the information desk
in the Campus Center lobby is often out of order. It
is suggested that you buy tickets in advance Of anticipated bus usage.
Anti-nuke drive begun
With the summit of November 19 between
Reagan and Gorbachev looming. Peace Project is
coordinating a petition drive for the nuclear freeze
Peace Project, an SA funded SUNYA group, will
be tabling in the Campus Center approximately
every two weeks, until early November, according
to Peace Project member Noel Reddington.
"We will be going door to door in the dorms as
well," said Riddington. The petitions are part of a
national effort aimed at the summit, according to
Peace Project president T o m Gaveglia.
Torch to be out soon
Torch '85, SUNYA's yearbook, will be out very
soon, according to Lisa Simmons, editor of The
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C0L0NIE REAR OF MACY'S .459-2170 -
ricfccu SM KLtlftjo
The water situation in Albany is status quo, according to deputy water commissioner Steve
Cowan. The official terminology remains at stage
one, voluntary restrictions. •
On the SUNYA campus, a new group called
Water Watchers has organized. The group has
recently finalized a poster design that will emphasize water conservation and suggestions.
According to member Doug TUttle, the posters
will be placed in every bathroom and laundry room
on campus. The cost will be covered by the plant
Spend a Night With W Q B K
Drip, drip, drip...
117J W..hlr,,lon AtkMv, N M tot I l K i
j^."?-v. Palace Performing Arts Center
At Wednes iy's Central Council meeting, a bill
was approved with no objections that $1400 be appropriated from the Emegency Spending Line for
the purpose of purchasing a new safe for the SA.
According to SA Controller Eric Schwartzman
SA needs a new immovable safe because it "holds
very important documents'— past audits of SA,
agreements signed with I M S , and all cash from the
Contact Office every d a y . " He added that this safe
would be controlled by the office manager.
SA buys new safe
The deadline for Minority Affairs Editor applications
is today! Bring your application uptoCC 329
Free Transportation
and return.
Please call ahead.
869-9585 or 869-9586
Torch. " I t ' s being shipped on Monday, and will
probably be received b y t h e end of next week," she
"The book usually comes out the end of
September or beginning of October," said Simmons, adding that the book is slightly late this year.
"Early in December sitting's for the 1986 Torch
will begin," said Simmons. For more information,
call Lisa at 442-5677; '
Returns on $20 investment fail to-j
satisfy members of Dog Pound oS
By Ken Dornbaum
According to several members
of the Great Dane Dog Pound,
the Student Association (SA)
funded weightlifting club, things
are not running as smoothly as
they could.
"They've been making empty
promises as 'far as. equipment
goes," said one member, Ed, who
wished not to be further identified. "Since last January (1985)
when I first became a member,
they stated they would get more
equipment," he said.
The Dog Poound is an SAfunded group which owns and
- controls the freeweights located in
the weight room of the University
Gym, according to SA Controller
Eric Schwartzman. "Membership
is $20 per semester and the club
has 168 members," he said.
The supervisor of the Dog
Pound, said Schwartzman, is
Chuck Priori. In addition to the
thirty to forty hours Priori puts in
there, Priori is also an assistant
football coach.
"One of his duties," said
Schwartzman, "is to put together
a supervisory schedule." Priori is
paid pro-rata on how many
students join the group.
"The group has a $2,000 income line and is about $1,400
over that this semester," said
Schwartzman, adding that these
funds will be used to buy new
equipment and to pay Priori.
That equipment has not yet
been purchased. " W e are in dire
need of this equipment," said Ed.
"The incline bench is unstable
and the lightest dumbbell down
there presently is 40 pounds,
which is very heavy."
Another Dog Pound member,
who wished to be identified only
as Nick, said, " I heard since June
that he (Priori) would immediately get new weight plates. I've
spent $35 since the summer," he
added, " a n d have yet to see any
of the promised improvements."
" I ' m mad about the empty
promises and also a little about
the lack of hours," Nick continued, adding that the new hours
are Monday through Friday 9
a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday 12 noon
through 2 p.m. and closed on
According to Schwartzman,
the smaller weights can be stolen
very easily and the hours were implemented for security reasons.
" I could sign up at a health
club,' said Nick. " Y o u pay more
but you get quality. I cannot do
many exercises with the dumbbells because they're too heavy,"
he said.
Priori was .reached Thursday
nignt at work but refused to
"Things will be picking up
soon," said Mark Rivers, chair of
the Inter-Collegiate Athlete Commislon (ICAC). " W e got a purchase order for $1,100 for new
equipment such as curling bars,
squat bars arid dumbbells," he
"After completion of the Bubble," Rivers said, "the Dog
Pound is moving from the Weight
Room to Auxilllary Gym " D . "
The bubble is a new sports arena
to be built near the University
Gym to provide more space for
" S A is not in the business of
running weight r o o m s , " said
Rivers. " W e are going to evaluate
the club and I think the Physical
Education Department and the
Athletics Department should
perhaps take the place of the club
or develop a freeweight program," he said, adding that the
university has great ei resources
and supervisory capabilities.
He added that "If it's a matter of
the Athletics Department taking
control of the freeweight room,
or of SA insuring that ihe Dog
Pound has better administration,
then that's SA's and the Athletic
Department's duty."
" I ' m going to get together with
Chuck (Priori), and the membership," said Rivers, " t o get
students more involved in the
leadership." Currently, efforts
are underway to elect officers for
the group, he said.
"The duty of SA and of the
Athletics D e p a r t m e n t , " said
Rives, "is to provide students
with the best possible service."
Wanna Make A
Telethon '86 presents:
lock and Roll Warfare
a five Battle of the Bands
featuring ">'e hands chosen from
their live pe-ilormance at JB'S Theatre
3 Bands to compete every Tuesdav rule
"Right now we have to provide
the best possible services to
students because right now I
don't think we are,'.' Rivers
1985 •
The Grand Prize will be
a Recording Contract for
a single release on
Blotto Records!
" T h e semester is almost half
over and there's been no action,"
said Nick. " I ' m real disappointed
about the whole situation," he
— Tiprl ihuuld Iwvf 1 tonfi tncludrni 1 onprul
- All Upn mull I * JKtxnpinitit by i . i tnUMK* If*
- tend upn to Back and KoN W(H.r*
P.O. t o . 21*20
Rock & Roll Waifo" 'viKhe r>eld *• '8 Theatrfl on Novem.j«r 23
" S A and the Athletics Department have to work together,"
said Rivers, adding that " i t ' s
ridiculous to have to pay $20 per
semester to use the freeweights."
« r inrhfthlf
Tipn mil betonw pi«P*rli ut tfiHhu.ii (Hi
Winnm will b* nonlwd by rru.l
Rrmrmriri in irxlud* *ddff>t md phoo* numb*'
mm m
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Sun. Noon - 1 0 pm
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Mon.-Thurs. 5 pm • 10 pm ,
Fri. 5 pm -11 pm
Saturday 3 pm -11 pm
Sunday 3 pm -10 pm
$10.00 Minimum Purchase For Delivery
(Please Allow 30 Minutes)
(with Fried Noodles)
Wonton Soup
Egg Drop Soup
Chicken Noodles Soup
•Hot and Sour Soup
Subgum Wonton Soup
i^i i&*4fo<fr,&i'&$&*&**&i&*&^
CHOP SUEY (with Rice)
Rounl I'ork Chop Suuy
Chicken Chop Suey
Vegetable Chop Sucy
Heel'Chop Suey
Shrimp Chop Suey
Huuul Kwji t'tusl I " " '
Chickvn Krind M w
Vrguluhk* KriwHtirv
Shrimp Fripd Riiv
ChufH Spctiul Fried Ktiv
: u n
Roast I'ork I.J M.-in . . . .
Chicken l.i Mein
Vegetable l.i Mein
Shrimp I.i Mein
I 'iief-n Snmul I.i Mein .
EGG FOO YOUNG (with Rice)
liniul I'nrk Kail KM Vi.unx
Chicken KHMV.MI VounM
Veili'lable V.M hkl Vnul.K
Shrimp Krnt l-.m Y.iuna
SWEET & SOUR '(with Rice)
Swecl und Sour I'ork
Sweet und Sour Chicken
Sweet and Sour Shrimp
nil«.iilc..o .villi Vnl-I'iik' |6'6I 664-3798
(with Fried Noodles and Kicc)
Roost I'ork Chow Mein
Chicken Chow Mein
Vegetable Chow Mein
Shrimp Chow Mein
Subitum Chicken Chow Mein
Subgum Shrimp Chow Mein
Cher»Speciul Chow Mein
Egg Roll (1).:
Barbecued Spare Ribs (G)
Chicken Wing («)
Shrimp Toasts (2)
Fantail Shrimp (4)
Chinese Roast Pork
Fried or Steam Dumplings (10)
Pu Pu Platter (for 2)
Iwith Rico)
(with Kitvl
IVppcr SU'ak W I Inioll
HwfW/ChiriiW Vi#luhll«
IfrfW Hriiii Sumuta . •
HecfW Mu»lih«im Kflui
tuuu.1 I'ork W Chin.*.- ViinMiler
Kiiiutl I'ork W ll.-.oi Sprmjls ,. .,
Koiott I'ork W MuHJii'iHini Snui-v ,
luiiiitl I'ork Ainu mil Unui
... :i.«n
MIHJ (..inf.HI ran
WorStu'wOpi.fl'roiHl.urk) .
.Iiiniliir Khrimu W Ulihtvr Huurr
.JumiKiShrimtiWChirii'hv Viwt,iM.>
Shlim,. W limn KiiniulM
HulUTfly .lumhft Khriniji W Hm-or.
Ctviw tfiir Ki-w
.Jum.Hl Kr.riin|. W llnm-iili
. 6.45
. 6.96
(with K(1K Roll und Fried Rice)
I.Chickcnl'hi.v. Mem
2. ShrunpCruiw Mem
I l'ep|M-r Su-nk W Oniiin
I Knout I'ork hup I'm' VnuiiK
.-.. Mni('.o..Ciiil , iin
fi ItiuiHl I'ork W Chlmw Vepeuililn
7. llurlHVOe I Spine llihi.
» Shrimp V Chi e VcucUihlc
II Shrimp I'-l.-lniU-rSiiuiv..
HI. Sweet ar -I Sour I'ork nr t 'hit ken
Cop iu|iiti-ii by
I 'hieken W I 'tuttlfw Null,
I -IneS-n W Jlmiw I'eo I'.nls
I -hieken W,., Sli.-.L- *
I'hiikeilW lln«
•Chicken W'CurlicSuu.* . . . . . . . . . . '
•Chicken W - H.,1 I'epik-r Situ.v c* I'eniiiil.,
Hn-rW IT litre
llvl W S
IV . IV.
lk.-r * I I I I I I I I » I Slu.ik * I -limes.
•Shmliliil Ikii-f W'lInrlle S.1U.T
*Shmiai.l Ik.-f I i'v S.iuU.-<l
•lk-.-rW.llot h-pperHtllMvA IVnnut
(with Kicc)
I.'limn Chicken .
•Monpollun fork.
•M..n|:i.lniii Rfvt •
•I luniui
Chicken .
H.ium1 Simiiil AHM
M...shu I'mk w thumikiw
•Shmhlnl IVirk W ll.irlicKuu.v
I'nrbW |l:n„l... Shi.iU. *
I 'liines.- Mie.liii".ne.
4.73 II)
5.46 121
6.46 131
6.25 I I I
5.45 (31
6.46 (61
9,13 (71
6.46 IH)
6.43 l»l
5.96 1101
MimShuSlininpiW I l-.nn ,il„ ..
SlininpW Snow IVu I'nili.
SiiriinpW I'lutlicw Null,
•ShnmpW.-Ci.rlie.Suu..'ShnmpW'll.itl'epp.-rStiuiv4i l*i^ntW
. Iiini-M Mi...|>i.„.in>. .V. ll.imh.n, Sh.Hii:.
'I'ie:,h Hi,mi,li W'tlarlicSauce
linn Shew lli'itn Cuke
Wltlle Wee
Fortune Cookies («)
Almond Cuokieu (III
Ilt.1.60 Hil.l 1.60
: . . ; . . . . ( S m . l . 3 5 ( U ) .60
•Hot 4 Holey
V..I I Ml. • Ol N.u llniie.l NOW Vl.Ik. Nil 19806 O 119)
Open doors
The fate of next year's dorm parties, quad
parties and late-night games of quarters in
your suite rooms, is being reviewed right now.
Want to know what's being considered? Go
to campus center 358 on Thursday at 4 p.m.,
put a glass against the door and listen. It's the
only way you can be sure of finding out what
the Implementation of 21 Task Force is up to.
You can't attend this Task Force meeting
and you can't read about it in the ASP
because we can't attend it either. The Task
Force members have voted to close the
meetings, blatantly violating student rights
and very possibly New York state law.
Some Task Force members say that closing
the meeting allows them to be more candid.
They contend that by meeting in private,
they'll create a more relaxed environment for
discussion. What they're really saying is that
without the public there, they're free to say
anything they want, they're free from public
scrutiny of their ideas. This may be the most
productive way to hold a meeting, but it's not
the most productive way to create a working
A good policy reflects the needs and concerns of the people it governs. More than 200
of these people showed up on Indian Quad
yesterday to participate in a special hearing
organized by the Implementation of 21 Task
Force. This clearly demonstrates that students
do have a lot to say about the implemntation
of 21, and do want to be involved in the
policy-making process, every step of the way.
Perhaps, in light of yesterday's impressive
turnout, the Task Force would reconsider.
Students are obviously very interested in helping formulate the new policy.
In addition, the meeting should be open for
legal reasons. According to Robert Freeman,
Executive Director of the New York State
Committee on Open Government, task force
meetings of this kind are governed by the
State's Open Meetings Law, which mandates
that meetings of 'public bodies' must be open
to the public/
Two years ago, Freeman detailed all this info, in a written advisory opinion we requested
after being shut out of two task force
We're hoping it won't come to that again.
Presented with evidence that students really
want to participate, and documentation that
closing the meeting is in all probability illegal,
we urge the task force to reconsider its closed
door policy.
Get it right
How complicated could it be to run an SA
If SA's track record is any indication, it
must be near impossible.
Every election, it seems, is marred by some
kind of miscommunication, breach of policy,
disqualification, accusation of unfair campaign tactics, or, in the case of our most recent
election, simple carelessness.
For some reason, Guy Sansone, our elections commissioner, couldn't see to it that all
the candidates' names were spelled correctly
and listed on all the appropriate ballots. As a
result, the Class of '89 council election has to
be run all over again, costing SA a lot of
money and creating an unfair inconvenience
to the candidates.
Exactly what caused this goof is unknown
to us at this time, as Sansone has been conveniently unreachable since the election.
Whatever the problem was, it merely reflects a
bigger problem: SA lacks the procedures for
running a smooth election.
This deserves some consideration; running
an election couldn't really be that
this xerox copy of Jerry Falwell is so self-righteous to
criticize the religious beliefs of other groups, and even
other Christians, his education has been wasted on a rigid
— Steven Peist
Unfortunate quote
To The Editor:
As the primary source of information for students at
SUNYA, I think it is your responsibility to cover events
only on its content, and not on personal inferences.
' I am referring to your unfortunate choice of quotations
to feature in your article on the College Life presentation
on the topic of "Success" sponsored by the Campus To The Editor:
I would like to ask Burt Sorenson, who publicly conCrusade For Christ.
demned the Jews to hell In his recent speech to the
I explicitly point to the quotation in the caption which
read "Jews will not goto heaven.. .they are condemned to SUNYA community, whether he also pronounces the
same verdict to Moslems, Buddhists, Hindus, Native
hell if they don't accept Jesus."
Americans, or even to Christians with whom he does not
Of all the people who attended the talk, (most of them
see eye to eye?
not involved with Campus Crusade) no one remembers
I would like to ask Orlando Rivera, President of the
Mr. Sorenson being "asked where Jews fit into the grand
Campus Crusade for Christ (which sponsored Sorensen),
scheme of things." During his presentation; the Jewish
quoted by the ASP as stating that students talking about
people nor any other ethnic groupwere mentioned or
G-d with other students doesn't happen often at SUNYA,
singled out for special persecution as this quotation
whether he is aware of the active and ongoing programs
blatantly suggests.
of the Chapel House staff and its constituant Catholic,
This quotation was not the core of Mr. Sorenspn's
statements. Mr. Sorenson came to share his experiences in Jewish, and Protestant student bodies? Here, Mr. Rivera,
amongst other places on campus, students at SUNYA do
the business world and what success meant to him. He
shared that having a personal relationship with God was ! talk about G-d.
Finally, I would like to ask the ASP, withmany other
true success.
quotes in the Sorensen article to chose from (including
I believe when ASP journalists and editors cover an
which might more accurately summarize what Burt
event, it is imperative they cover the main issue. In this
Sorensen's speech dwelt upon), why you chose to
particular instance, Burt Sorenson's message that night
highlight Burt Sorensen's picture with his statement of
was God's healing love and forgiveness for humanity.'
condemnation of the Jews?
That is why I must reemphasize that quotes used for your
— Rabbi Yaakov (Jay) Kellman
article were out of context and misrepresented, it is our
prayer that our true purpose that evening will be
— Orlando Rivera
Campus Crusade for Christ
Td The Editor:
Last Sunday I was a passenger in a friend's car and
witnessed what I believe to be extremely unprofessional
and abusive treatment of a student by a Public Safety Officer. The operator of the vehicle (we'll call him Frank) in
To The Editor:
which I was a passenger was stopped for illegedly failing
When one considers the religious melting pot that exists
to stop at a stop sign. Officer F.J. Sabo put his spotlight
in our nation, one should consider the fact that there are
in the driver's eyes and yelled out his window as Frank
good people in every religion and persuasion. To say that
was pulling away. If Frank failed to stop is not the issue
there is only one chosen people is narrow and rather
which concerns me, I'll leave that to the court. For the
disheartening. There are many paths to righteousness,
next 10 — 20 minutes my friend was harassed, threatened
and I would hope that Burt Sorenson, an "educated
with arrest, and verbally abused in a manner far below
man,'' would.have the common sense to realize this. If
the standards set by any law enforcement agency I know
Questions Sorenson
Much Ado About Nothing
By Joseph Fusco
Characters: Everyone as Themself
Time: The Present
(The Kremlin. Curtain rises on an elegantly appointed
apartment in the classic European style. All the trappings
of material success are evident: a large stereo, liquor, a
wall of rare books, a wall of banned books, thick rugs,
fireplace, etc. An iron maiden stands in the corner. A pile
of unpacked luggage sits by the door, barely obscuring an
exercise bicycle. Mr. and Mrs. Gorbachev sit askew on
the couch, just returned from a vacation in Paris. A maid
exits STAGE LEFT.)
Mr. Gorbachev.(cxcitedly) What a trip! I'm telling you,
darling, things are getting better and better. I knocked
'em dead, and you, you looked stunning.
Mrs. Gorbachevife/oivinfi/y) Yes, dear, we certainly —
Gorbacliev:(hof unlike George Bush) A smile here! A
smile therel A new suit! And finally, a Soviet honcho who
stayed awake past the hors d'oeuvres. Zipadee-doo-dah!
They don't know what hit 'em. (He stands up) (cautiously) But I can't sit back. I'll need something really big to
put on the negotiating table next month in
Oeneva . . .hmmm. . .Dan Rather said I could go
through his closet. . .no, that won't do. I'll have to call
the Ministry of Smiles, Styles and Pats on the Back in the
morning. Maybe . . .maybe . . .a cowboy hatl
Mrs. Gorbachev:That would solve those bad mole
"vibes" your pollsters were telling—
Mr. Gorbachev: (throwing his hands into the air) Yes,
that's it! I could stand on the banks of the Rio Grande
and say "I am a Texan." They'll go crazy, (checks his
hair in the mirror) What a victory, and on their own soil!
Do they have electricity out there?
Mrs. Gorbachev: Mike, shouldn't you be concentrating a
little more on the summit with Mr. Reagan? No doubt
they'll be expecting lots of (pauses) concrete proposals.
Mr. Gorbachev: (ea7mer)You're right, mommy, (laughs)
Oops! The New! Better Than Ever! Ministry of Propaganda advises me that I should make a new offer. They
say 1 should offer to open up the Soviet Market to People
Magazine and premiere "Hellcats of the Navy" in
Moscow in exchange for the part of Bill Cosby's uncle on
an episode of "The Cosby Show." (He goes and pours
himself a martini.)
lost their places in the bread line. The Gorbachevs look
(Maid enters STAGE RIGHT)
Maid: Pizza's here.
(Exuent, ad libbing)
(The White House. Curtain rises on the spacious living
quarters of the Rcagans. They are eating popcorn and
watching "The A-Team." Mr. Reagan is sitting on about
eight pillows.)
Mr. Reagan: (confused) I don't understand it, Nancy.
Some plump, balding apparatchik comes to power over
there and simply because he can walk unaided from point
A to point B without wheezing and sneezing, and suddenly I'm yesterday's lunch.
Mrs. Reagan: (consolingly) Don't be so hard on yourself.
You're still the best. Mr. Gorbachev's just trying harder
than usual. Besides, under those bright lights in Geneva
next month, he'll probably melt. (Shegets upandgoesio
pour some tea.)
Mr. Reagan: You think so? Well, America isn't number
' one in the Nielsen ratings to let this character steal our
Mrs. Reagan: (emphatically) How do you think I feel?
His wife cuts a real dashing figure in those expensive
clothes. Suddenly the guy has a real person for a wife.
What am I to do? You ought to trick them into ordering
new china for the Kremlin, dear. I need a break.
Mr. Reagan: (dejected) I need some fresh writers and
directors . . .
Mrs. Reagan: fdejecfcoVShe'lI probably start doing
charity . . .
(Geneva. Curtain rises on a murkily lit room filled with a
long negotiating table. Mr. Reagan and his aides sit on
one side. Mr. Gorbachev and his aides sit on the other. A
cloud of smoke hovers over the table. The mood is tense.
The dialogue moves quickly and forcefully.)
Mr. Reagan: How do you expect us to conduct a foreign
policy if you keep flitting around like a sweetheart?—
Mr. Gorbachev: You must limit your long range smile
capabilityMr. Reagan: Your deployment of handshake* threatens
my rhetorical manoevres—
Mr. Gorbachev: Whatever happened to "make the world
Mrs. Gorbachev: (encouragingly) Hey go for it!
safe for Madison Avenue?"—
Mr. Gorbachev: It'll be so neat. I ought to have the next
Mr. Reagan: Ha! You had Pierre Cardin deploy your
election in my hip pocket, (takes a drink.)
wife's bust size to the Western press. Now the. entire
Mrs. Gorbachev: (incredulously) What! What! Dear, we Western world is undressing a Soviet leader's wife with its
don't have elections. You're it until you die or no longer
eyes. Sneak attack city!
make us feel good.
Mr. Gorbachev: (casually) Simply your own baser instincMr. Gorbachev: (thoughtfully Maybe we should have
ts. . .Well, make me an offer.
elections dear. I mean, campaigns look like so much fun.
Mr. Reagan: (insistently) No make-up for your wife and a
Me petting the dog, "Bringing Russia Back," you know,
budget of only 7500 rubles a year for clothes.
that sort of thing.
Mr. Gorbachev: No way. Eyeliner and 10,000 rubles.
Mrs. Gorbachev: Oh, MikeMr, Reagan: O.K. But no imported dresses.
Mr. Gorbachev: (whispers) Shh! What's that? (They
(They smile.)
move to window)
Mr. Reagan: You know, if we work hard, we may reach
Mrs/Gorbachev: Why it's a cadre of singers!
an accord.
Mr. Gorbachev: Yes, yes. It is difficult being a world
(Singers enter STAGE LEFT and dance around the Gorleader.
bachevs. The tune, a lively number, is titled "Saved By
the Man Who Buys His Shirts in Milan." The singers are
(Curtains. . . .for substantive statesmanship.)
attired in typical proletarian glumness, yet look happy
enough to sing for the Gorbachevs even though they have
(Applause. . .if you're so inclined.)
UPD complaint
Closed mind
Officer Sabo insisted on giving Frank a field sobriety
test and a breathalyzer. Frank was appalled because he,
myself, and the two other passengers in his car were totally sober. Officer Sabo told Frank he was swerving and
had failed to stop: Frank refused to take the field test. At
this point, Officer Sabo told Frank he was under arrest
and proceeded to remove his handcuffs from his belt.
Myself and two friends looked on in disbelief and
wondered how far this would go. Throughout the discussion, Officer Sabo held his flashlight in Frank's eyes
(when asked by Frank to remove it he replied by saying he
could hold it wherever he pleased) and insisted they were
glassy. The fact that Frank was wearing his newly pescribed contacts can account-for his eyes appearing glassy.
. .
Held! J. Oralla, Editor In Ctilel
.Dun Chuno, Managing Editor
John KKnin, Senior Editor
Nswe Editors
Associate Nearo Editor
Aspects Editor
AsaoclsleASPosIs Editor
MIraki Editor
Sporlu Editors
Editorial Pagta Editor
Established In « f d
Alicia Clmboro. James O'Sultlvan
• lleneWelnetein i
Ian Spelling
Mlchaol Eok
Joseph Fuaco
Contribution Editors Dean Bali, Wayne Peareboom, Editorial Assistants:
Rachel Braalbw, Ken Oombaum, Bette Dlamba, Bill Jacob, Brenda Serial! or,
Pam Schuatarman, David Warthelm stall wrttore: Karen Beck, Dave Blotto,
Laalla Cnell, Ian Clemanta, Pam Conway, Mlka Dermanaky, Uaa Jackal,
Slacoy Kem, Mark Kobrinaky, John Labate, Corey Levltan, Mlka MaoAdam, J.
Michael Malec, Michael Skolnlck
Margie Rosenthal, Business Manager
Blephanle Seltanaul, Associate Business Mnnagor _
Maura Kolloll. Jaokl Mldlaraky, Advertising Managers
Dan FfelshCf, Saloa Manager
amino Accountant
Payroll Supervisor
Felicia Caaaetta
Claealffed Manager.....
• Frank Dlllberto
Adyerllelng takei Karen Ametor, Frank Cole, Drew Fung, Rick UK, Michelle
Pllatl Advertising Production: area Behrendl, Eileen Chen, Jill Qentlle, Jemoe
Horner, Keith Kreughlo, Alyoo Margolin, Annette Muller, Sharon Reed, Brio
Roth Office Stall: Jennifer Chacaloa, Andy Cohen, Amy atlber, Rob Marlnalll
Patricia Olannota, Production Managtr
Chief Typeeotlor
Jeannlne Dlanuuo
Typlete: Laura Balma, Joan Chrlttlano, Traole Peul, Pam Slrauber, Poete-up:
UatrBerkaon, Nancy Cromen, Klraten Crfll, Steven Flaherty, Grace Flood, 6.
Phillip Hoover, D. Darral Qtal, M.D.Thompaon, Bonla Valentin Chauffeur: Jim
Photography principally aupplktd by University Photo Service, e atudant
Chief Photographer. Kenny Klreoh UPS Blolt: Michael Aokerman, Sharl Albert,
Myma Bravo, John Curry, Lynn Drelfua, Chuck Ginsberg, Eire Maurar, Mark
Mediavina, Uaa Blmmone, Llnnao Sperling, Erica Spiegel, Tanya Steele,
Howard Tygar, Marh Vacarelll
entire oontente copyright 1M1 Albany Btudent Preae Corporation, all rlghta
The Albany Student Preaa la publlehed Tuaadaya and Fridays between
Auflual and June by the Albany Student Preaa Corporation, an Independent
nol-tor-prollt corporation,
Editorlela ere written by the Editor In Chief with mem bora ol the Edltohel
Board; policy la subject to review by the Editorial Board. Advertising policy
does not nscesaarlly relleol editorial policy.
Mailing addiasa:
Albany Student Press, CC 329
1400 Waahlnglon Ave.
Albany, NY 1222!
(til") «Z'fi0r)5'S0f,O/f.»u2
As a student residing on this campus, seeing this event
concerns me. After speaking with Frank for a few •
minutes, Officer Sabo should have had a more than accurate idea if he was inibriated or not. Officer Sabo implied he was going to cite Frank for wreckless driving and
failure to stop. After his 20 minute theatrical performance; which Included dangling handcuffs, he wrote a
single ticket and bade us farewell. I can only ask to whom
do we turn when we fear those who are supposedly protecting us?
— Name witheld by request
CDC rebuttal
students who major in areas other than accounting. In
fact there are numerous services which are being provided
daily and which hundreds of seniors, graduate students
and alumni use. These services include workshops on the
job search, resume writing and interviewing. In addition,
we provide individual counseling on each of these matters
as well as short term counseling for those who are
undecided about career directions. We maintain and staff
a career library and we facilitate campus recruitment of
, all students regardless of their majors.
The recruitment on campus of accounting majors is
one of many services which the Career Development
Center provides. The staff and I invite all students who
will be seeking employment after graduation to come to
our office in LI B69 and to use our services.
— Stanley F. Schwartz
Acting Director
Career Development Center
Why we divested
To The Editor:
In the October 1 issue of the ASP, Lawrence A. Staub
wrote a letter entitled "Why Divest?" This was in
response to the SUNY Board of Trustees' vote in favor of
divestment. The letter, which stated that the students who
took part in the September 23 divestment rally "don't
even know what they are supporting," is not only an insult to Albany students, but also to those students who
traveled from around the state to be here for that event.
Mr. Staub seems to think that we are not aware of the fact
that,SUNY has no direct investments in South Africa.
Well, not only do we know this, but we also know that
having an investment in a company that does business in a
racist regime is no less a crime than directly doing
business in one. The fact remains that U.S. investments in
South Africa are concentrated in the most crucial sectors
of its economy — oil and energy, automobiles, and computers. By strengthening its economy, these investments
greatly increase the ability of the Apartheid regime to
hold onto its power. If U.S. investments were not so
crucial to the survival of the regime it would not now be a
crime in South Africa, punishable by a minimum of five
years in jail and a maximum death sentence, to support
Mr. Staub also stated that if divestment caused companies to stop dealing with the Apartheid government it
would "only hurt the blacks of South Africa since these
facilities are shining examples of desegragation." Mr.
Staub is obviously referring to the renown Sullivan Principles, drafted in 1976, that call for non-segregation of
fair employment practices. What Mr. Staub apparently
doesn't know is that two years later the average monthly
wage for a black miner was still $175 compared to a
white's $1,056.1 wonder if he knows that four years later
210 out of 350 U.S. companies still hadn't agreed to even
try the principles, and that these "shining examples of
desegregation" only employ about .5 percent of South
Africa's black population. In fact. Reverend Sullivan
himself, recognizing that the principles he drew up have
not made a dent in South Africa's system of injustice, has
now called for a complete U.S. embargo against South
Africa, including total corporate withdrawal if apartheid
is not ended within two years. Bishop Tutu, who was
Originally afraid that divestment would harm South
Africa blacks, now advocates it. I do not understand how
Mr. Staub can so easily overlook the fact that in spite of
the danger, black leaders of the trade union movement,
South African churches, and political organizations have
found ways to call for divestment. Before being murdered
by the South African police in 1977, equal rights leader
Steve Biko said, "If Washington is really interested in
contributing to the development of a just society in South
Africa, it would discourage investment in South Africa."
Mr. Staub also claims that if we pulled our companies
and investments out of South Africa, they would "just
buy the products they needed from other companies
around the world." This ignores the growing impact of
parallel anti-apartheid movements abroad; Canada,
France and Northern Europe, for example. It also ignores
South Africa's declining economy and the risk involved in
investing there.
To The Editor:
On October 8, you ran a letter from a student who felt
discriminated against because he or she had observed the
preparations being made by and for accounting majors in
anticipation of recruitment on the campus by accounting
As for divestment "hurting ourselves," as Mr. Staub
firms. The writer of that letter must recognize that accounting is one of the very few professions into which states, perhaps he should consider the thousands of jobs
people enter with the bachelor's degree as a minimally ac- those companies could provide for unemployed U.S.
ceptable credential. It is also important to note the long citizens if they operated in our own country instead of
tradition, which accounting firms follow, of seeking new searching out cheap labor in others. It seems to me that it
professionals directly from accounting programs at col- is Mr. Staub who does not understand divestment — not
leges and universities throughout the nation. To my the students who were up at 6:00 a.m. marching down to
knowledge there are few other industries in which virtual- SUNY Central to voice their beliefs in the pouring rain.
ly all of the firms or corporations are providing virtually It seems to me that it is Mr. Staub who does not undersidentical services. The closest analogy I can think of is the tand divestment — not the students who were up at 6 a.m.
marching down to SUNY Central to voice their beliefs in
legal profession.
the pouring rain. Subsequently, he does a great injustice
The writer's letter, however, raises Important issues to these students and all who would benefit from divestbeyond the recruitment of accountants at SUNYA. He or ment. That is — the entire human race,
she feels that the University has "overlooked" those
— Danielle Korotzer
Inner Resources o f f e r s its
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ro My Ange,
We've had 4 months of happiness, but you know me, I'm
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We've got spirit Yes we do. We've
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-the Brothers
$1.50 tor the first 10 words
10 cents each additional word
Any bold word is 10 cents exlrs
$2.00 extra for a box
minimum charge is $1.50
But I thought splri w a s spelled
Classified ads are being accepted in the SA Contact Office during
regular business hours. Classified advertising must be paid In cash at
the lime ol Insertion. No checks will be accepted. Minimum charge for
billing Is $25.00 per issue.
No ads will be printed without a lull name, address or phone number
on the Advertising lorm. Credit may be extended, but NO relunds will
be given. Editorial policy will not permit ads to be printed which contain blatant profanity or those that are in poor taste. We reserve the
right to reject any material deemed unsuitable for publication.
All advertising seeking models or soliciting parts ol the human body
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must directly consult with as welt as receive .permission from the
Editor in Chief of the Albany Student Press.
If you have any questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please feel free to call or stop by the Business Office.
John from 491 Morris Street Happy Belated Birthday 11 I hope Its
not to late to celebrate.
Elite, dear,
Happy Birthday to the Princess I
once loved. Stay with me tonight. I
promise to make this your
warmest birthday ever. NO past,
no future, lust us now.
You are the rare combination of a
beautiful person, inside out.
Varied duties in and around office
building including shredding
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deeded: Sandwich Makers to work]
tights and weekends. Experience^
lecessary. Apply at the Deli Works
alter 4 pm. Call 489-7953 and ask
lor MarvAnn.
Tutors Needed
Graduate students needed to tutor
high school students. $10.00/hr.
Anyone interested in signing up
should contact Diane White,
Guilderland HS, 861-8591, ext. 138,
weekdays between 7:45 am and
Drivers Wanted. Must Have own
Car. Musi be at least 18. Flexible
Hours. Apply in Person PIZZA
BARON 315 Central Av. b/w Quail
and Lake.
FemalofMale Nude Models (Experience Preferred) Needed for
Art Department Classes, Contact
Art Dept. FA 216 or Call 442-4020.
Accompanist needed for Modern
Dance Classes at Emma Willard
School. Pianist and/or Percussionist desired. Call Rheba Hodge
274-4440 ext. 213.
S10-S360 Weekly/Up Mailing Circularsl No quotas! Sincerely interested rush self-addressed
envelope: Success, P.O. Box 470
CEG, Woodstock, IL 60098.
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Cars for Sale: 1976 SUBARU-Gooo
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David Knatz 83A7727, Box 51,
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Love Always,
naimhter of the Cool Dude
Have the Happiest Birthday everl
1978 Chevetle, 4 speed no rust, excellent condition, stereo cassette,
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TUTORING NEEDED for Accounting 211. If Interested, Call
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1974 Plymouth Valient. Good condltlon, $700. Please Call Louise at
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Passport Photos Taken Wednesday's 3:00-4:30 at Photo Service —
1976 Ponliac Firebird
59,000 miles
$1500 MUST Sell!
(U repair). Also delinquent tax
properly. Call 805-687-6000 Ext.
GH-3106 for Information.
69k miles, orlfl owner.crulse, A/C,
Alpine Casetle stereo, snows,
$1750. 434-1055. Leave message.
Lauren and Lillian,
So What's the Practical Joke for
the Week? Is it itching powder?
Mice? Fake Turd? or WHAT?
Who's next? I know. So watch out.
We have an APB put out on the
whereabouts of. a White male,
Brown hair, Brown eyes, 6'5" or so
he says, 160lbs. Where la he? or
better yel Where has he been? If
you have any information on the
subject call 1(600) UFINDAME.
a b u z y m a l e b u t
Your ad came out great. We want
you to work again, but we don't
have your phone number. Call the
ASP asap.
Attention future Community and
Public Service Students... Sign up
will take place Oct 28-30, 10-4pm,
between LC 3 and 4. For further information call 442-5684.
Whatsa matta for you? I haveno
seen you for a longga time
/Mayyabe nextta weeka whenna
I'mma human agalna. (Was I ever
thougha) Bon chance pour votre
Allora slamo studentl insleme
oggl in America perche abblamo
fare questa male vita alia Universlta? Ma non so perche. I professore hanno pede dl fero fliato
quando camminano si vanno a latto. O laria e piu laria dl questl non
chi ne. etc. etc. etc. Ma professore
solo sono studente allora ml scusl
per i barzelletl e per non usare
grammatica Justo. Sono sclcillano
che vol.
The nations hottest collegiate
matching Service has finally come
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details now I P.O. Box 3924,
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To Kim and Ellse:
Thanx for being two ol the
greatest housemates anyone
could have. Maybe someday I'll
do the dishes when I'm
, supposed to and bring you
copies ol the ASP on the day
It comes out.
P.S. H a p p y l b m o a f f M / r n l
war* really studying.
, FOR SALE: long, white
wooden dresser. Lots of deep
drawers. In excellent
condition. Price $30 obo. I may
bo able to deliver too. Call Ken
at 438-2548.
Raura Raima,
Thanx for always being there! I
rove nil -
To the depressed suite 305 —
things can only get better
(except for Cindy).
the most depressed but
Tom T. "How ya doing"
What's next... 4 Star general.
Rich and Doug,
Are we on for McDonalds?
P.S. How are we getting there?
Happy one month into our
THIRD year! 11 We're on a roll!
(and I don't mean kaiser!)
HI Mlcal
Love Greg Roth
Hi Mlcal
Love Cory Garro
HI Mlcal
Love Ed Rothman
You're welcome... for the
Dorltos. I'll be nicer to you
. when you're sick, II you'll be
nicer to me. Hops you feel
Decisions, decisions,
decisions! Life's tough, huh
Your Mom
singing telegrams
&, now featuring...
— Riiess Rhb?l
Weenie, *
You're the coolest RAI (and a
very good friend!) I love yal
P.S. I love your decor. You
have such hot furniture.
I'm sorry you didn't murder
before you were murdered!
Please forglvel
— Laura
I love your tete noire.
Arthur Knox
Darrln McGavin
How about doing some
studying this weekend...
AIR BANDS, Beer and Soda. Music
Provided by Music Express. Salur-.
day Oct 12 @9pm — 2am State
Quad Flagroom.
OCT. 27, 19B5 £ NOON TO 6PM.
VFW POST 1019 — 481
The Other Poophead
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Really, you're not as bad as people say.
763-6049, COLLECT.
I know that we haven't seen
much of each other and perhaps
you can say that we sort of lost
touch. I just wanted to let you
know that I'll never torget the good
times we had esp. those in Montauk. It's really foolish how we
could have let such a close friendship go to waste. I'm sorry for being so foolish last year' and lust
wanted you to know that no matter
what happens you will always be
dear to me. I know I might not
show it but I do mean It.
Sometimes things don't workout
let's forget about those things and
look towards the future. I may not
be the best friend you have ever
had, but that doesn't mean that we
can't'have fun and go out. So I'll
give you a call. Keep smiling and
take care.
Joe I.
Hope you have some good
luck!! This weekend.
Absentee Roomy
AIR BANDS, Beer and Soda, Music
provided by Music Express Saturday Oct 12. 9pm — 2am. State
Quad Flagroom.
Happy Birthday!
Nice to be wasted all weekendl
Hope you save some time for me!
Love ya
I'm looking lor an artist who can
provide designs and drawings
which will subsequently be
sllkscreened. Sllkscraenlng experience Is not necessary.
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you'll be here probably having
a better time.
— KS
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Local display work, call for
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Cowboy, C o p , Doctor,
Rambo, Construction Worker,
& more.
Passport Photos Taken Wednesday's 3:00-4:30 at Photo Service —
Passport Photos Taken Wednesday's 3:00-4:30 at Photo Service —
There Is a rumour that Chris B.
Hayes will be named the
unofficial president of the U2
LOST: Gold Braclet (twisted) SprIng Semester, Uptown Campus.
REWARD. 442-4061."
Automated letters. Resumes. Experienced. 482-2953.
5 I
University Auxiliary ServicesAnnual Membership Meeting"
October 22. IP£5
3:00 P.M.
in the Alumni House
Closed task force meeting
disputed by student press
By Bill Jacob
meetings are not open to the press,
Doellefeld responded, that '"The imFollowing State University of New York plementation of 21' committee has no propolicy, ''The Implementation of 21" Com- blem with discussing with the press the
mittee, has been conducting closed issues that are under discussion.
meetings after having decided by majority (However) the committee wishes not to
vote that members of the press may riot have reported in news articles specific
quotations or attributions reflecting what
The committee, a Vice-President for individual committee members say when
Student. Affairs Task Force designed to we discuss an issue,"
make a recommendation to University ofThe University is following policy that
ficials concerning the 21-year-old was originally applied in October 1983,
minimum purchase age for alcohol, when the original Alcohol Policy Task
originally implemented a closed meeting Force was convened.'
policy at the beginning of the semester and
"When the alcohol committee met two
reaffirmed that policy at its October 3 years ago and some attempt was made (by
meeting, at which time Albany Student the ASP to gain access to the meeting), we
Press (ASP) Editor-in-Chief Heidi J. naturally had a reading of that law by our
Gratia requested admittance.
own attorney," Vice-President for Student
"It has been a University policy for a Affairs, Frank Pogue, said.
number of years to close task force
The ASP has considered discussing the
meetings when they (the administration) issue with individual committee members,
feel the situation warrants it," Gralla said. but has decided to wait for the response to
In the fall of 1983, the Presidential Task letters requesting an official statement of
Force on bus fee alternatives and the Vice policy from SUNYA's Office of the
President for Student Affairs* Alcohol University Council, Gralla said. "Then
Policy Task Force had both closed their we'll either approach members or consider
legal action,"she said.
meetings, she explained.
According to the committee chair James
The committee would reconsider allowDoellefeld, Director of Campus Life, task ing the press to attend if the request is
force meetings are not subject to the Open made before a meeting, Doellefeld said.
Meetings Law or the Freedom of InformaOnce informed of this, Gralla said the
tion Act because the task force is designed ASP will approach committee members
only to, recommend policy, not change and attempt to sway majority opinion on
the board. "We would go back, as often as
he (Doellefeld) is willing to put this up for
When, asked why the committee a vote, we'll be.there," she said.
T\ -v'' T<H
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"U.S. Male" All Male Dancers
Tonight- October 11
Johnny Winter with special guest
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Saturday, October 12
Nick Lowe
Wednesday, October 16
Thursday, October 17
Soft White Underbelly Friday, October 18
SCA TE's $8,000 budget to
be used by new SA exec
By Angelina Wang
in response to a cry for help from the
Student Association Test Bank and the
Student Course and Teacher Evaluation
(SCATE) program, Central Council passed a bill called the Education Act of 198S
at their Wednesday night meeting.
This bill established an Educational Affairs Commissioner who would be a part
of the executive branch of. SA for all
academic and educational affairs.
The duties of the Educational Affairs
Commissioner are to help run the Test
Bank, and to help administer the 'SCATE'
program based upon guidelines set by the
Academic Affairs Committee. ...
"This is a major policy for Central
Council," said chair Bill McCann, in his
introductory remarks. All the members of
the Council agreed on the importance of
the issue of education.
"Academics is why we are all here,"
said Michelle Legendre, Academic Affairs
Committee chair. "This bill will show that
Central.Council,is interested in academic
affairs,"added Steven Russo, Internal Affairs Committee chair.
The bill that Internal Affairs initially introduced called for the establishment of an
Educational Affairs agency which would
be governed by a Board of Directors. The
board would have consisted of the voting
members of the Academic Affairs Committee, the Central Council chair, and the
Commissioner of Educational Affairs.
A great deal of opposition was voiced
toward this idea by SA President Steve
Gawley, who said, "We're not going
about it the right way. I don't think a commissioifisThe answer. We need individuals
in there to do the work."
Mark Rivers concurred by saying there
is "no need to create more bureaucracy."
Council Member Greg Rothschild added,
"It would become a horrible precedent if
we create a new commission under Central
Council. It will become our ultimate
responsibility.'; I think the Executive
Branch is the place to straighten it but
because they have the resources."
The Educatioit-l Affairs Director will be
an Executive Branch service position and
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Michelle Legendre
should be accountable to the Executive
Branch," said Gawley. The Educational
Affairs Commissioner will also free the
Academic- Affairs Committee to be
creative and initiate policy, added Russo.
The problems surrounding the SA Test
Bank and 'SCATE* ^ate back to last spring when the Executive Branch budgeted a
$500 stipend for an Educational Affairs
Director, but "Steve Gawley decided not
to fill the position,"'according to Russo.
"The only reason why we want to pass it
(the bill) tonight is because of the problems
of SCATE," said Russo. SCATE has a
budget of $8000 appropriated by SA that is
not being used," he added.
Legendre said she did not think the Test
Bank would open on time, but said, "let's
open with what we have. One hundred
tests are better than none." According to
Legendre the Academic Affairs Committee spent about 150 hours cleaning and
typing the exams. She agreed that the Test
Bank needed supervision rather than
"I think we worked out an excellent
compromise here," he added. The meeting
was "a total victory for Internal Affairs
and Central Council, The compromises
made will make everything smoother."
said Russo.
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Hearing examines SA election turnout, funds Howe explains socialism's meager U.S. role
limiting the number of posters
By Jeffrey Roosa
Student Association (SA) elec- and flyers per candidate SA Presitions need to be better publicized dent Steve Gawley said, "You
and possibly publicly financed can't limit it too much. People
was the consensus of those testify- who aren't well known won't
ing at a hearing held Tuesday in- have the same chance to raise to
high levels.
vestigating SA elections policy.
"Groups come first as far as
The hearing was convened by
the Investigations Oversight and poster space goes," said Gawley,
Analysis Committee, a subcom- adding, "We should keep quad
mittee of Central Council Internal elections on the quad."
Affairs Committee.
SA Vice-President Ross
On the issue of possibly Abelow said that "apathy is our
The Sisters of
Are Proud to Congratulate
Our Alpha Pledge Class
biggest problem, 40 percent
would be a good turnout." He
added that,' 'You must let people
know about the election
Doug Tuttle, SA Media Director agreed and suggested a Candidates Forum, to which he added,"Leaders must arise in a worthy way."
Tuttle also said that "these are
important positions," and that
"winning is more than just the
number of posters you hang. You
should drastically limit the
number of posters." As alternatives, Tuttle suggested "throw
a keg party" or "have the candidates go door to door."
Voter turnout was also an issue
at the hearing. Doug Tuttle said
"increasing turnout should be a
SA Minority Affairs Coordinator Paco Duarte responded
with "You should change the
time constraints on the voting
itself." He felt that two days
wasn't a long enough polling
"Let the (Student) Voice cover
the debates and candidates
moves. Keep it fair. Publicize
who are the candidates," said
On the topic of campus
debates, Mike Miller, committee
member, said that "Quad debates
must end."
On the issue of Financing Committee, member Steve Russo asked Gawley, "How much did you
spend on your campaign? Do you
think that's a good amount for a
candidate to spend?"
Gawley replied that he had
spent "around $400" and he added that it was "a good amount. I
pay for most of my school, and I
borrowed most of the money. I
think SA campaigns should be
subsidized." Gawley said he felt
that, "We should ban campaign
BUI McCann, Central Council
chair, said, "I don't think we
should subsidize elections."
"I probably spent $700 on my
campaign," said Miller. "I had to
because the next guy did, and I
think Steve must have spent more
than he- realizes." Miller suggested that "Maybe SA reimbursement is necessary to serious
candidates." .
Miller commented on the
Albany Student Press coverage of
the election by saying that the
first coverage of the election was
in the endorsement issue.
ASP Editor-in-Chief Heidi
Gralta replied, "By the time we
got the names of the candidates it
was too late to do introductions,
and we like to wait until nominations are closed before we do
anything." She said candidates
have more time to campaign,
which would increase public
Buddhist tells of life's essence
Caren Buchalter
Michele DeSisto
Carrie Diamond
Debbie Farber
Lysa' Friedlieb
Tracy Greenblum
Jennifer Hertz
Lori Heyman
Rochelle Levine
Belinda Mason
Mindy Ochital
Laurie Putterman
. Cheryl Savetz
Jackie Schneider
Pam Schusterman
Pam Schapiro
Lisa Silverman
Debbie Stein
The Brothers of
Would like to Congratulate
the Fall 1985 PLEDGE CLASS
and wish them the best
in the weeks to come.
Dawn Marie Ciappetta
Marie Delia Vecchia
Jay Friedman
Michael Goldman
Angela Ingrate
Bill Naftel
Louise Schulz
Valerie Schuster
Evan Silberberg
Scott Sinclair
Patricia Skerrett
Congratulations and good luck
with Pledping! The weeks go
by Fast, Enjoy.
dance with our clinging acceptance of what we see
as being fundamentally true," he said.
By David L.L. Laskin
What you see is not what you get.
That message came from a Tibetan Buddhist his
eminence Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, speaking in
the Performing Arts Center Monday night. Rinpoche, one of the four holders of the Kagyu lineage
of Tibetan Buddhism, spoke on "Awakened HeartBrilliant Mind."
Rinpoche prefaced his lecture by explaining that
"though from the conventional point of view Buddhism is a major religious tradition founded in the
East that doesn't make it something eastern or
oriental...Ralizing our most basic spiritual qualities
is not merely something eastern or oriental," he
Speaking through a translator from ttoe Kagyu
monestary in Woodstock, New York, Rinpoche explained, "Buddhism addresses basic and fundamental truths of both phenomenal world and our
inner individual situation; it is not a rigid set of
beliefs and customs designed for a particular group
or locality."
Growing increasingly animated as he spoke,, Rinpoche continued, "There are two ways we relate to
the world: first, what we perceive it as; and second,
what the phenomenal world is, fundamentally and
ultimately. Most of the time, our relationship with
the world is not through its basic nature but
through our perceptions. of it. So we don't experience what we are fundamentally or what the
world is fundamentally, but what we see, which
isn't in accordance with our basic nature."
This, Rinpoche explained, is where a person's
anxieties are based. Trusting our perceptins as the
basis for experiencing reality "produces dissatisfaction, a very huge gap. We feel that something is
missing and no matter what we do the scale of
dissatisfaction increases, because we act in accor-
"That is why," he said, "our lives seem very
much like a joke — like each of us are a big important leader in name with no power at all and no idea
of what's happening. What we have is a big name,
'I.' But it is all parrotting; there's no sense of being
alive or being present. The habit of observation,
distraction and confusion has made puppets of us
— machines being operated from behind," said
,• -, •'
Buddhism, explained Rinpoche, offers a way to
break this cycle of illusion and suffering." The
Tibetan word for buddhism has the meaning internalizing, or internalistic, that one needs to turn inwardly and work with oneself, developing a better
sense of who you are, and through that, of the
world," he said.
'. /
Achieving what the Buddhists call mindfulness,
thrugh meditative practice, is the path that will lead
one back to the fundamental and ultimate experience of reality, claimed Rinpoche. "When you
have proper mindfulness — an alert, fresh, attentive mind — you have a sense of power knowing
what's really happening around you and inside
you," he said.
"What is necessary to have a healthy basis for the
experience of one's life," Rinpoche emphasizzed,
"is an understanding that dissatisfaction and confusion are not from the outside, but an expression
of the habit of our mind that we've become adddicted to. We haven't recognized the inheritance of
our own richness, but through hlbitual clinging we
hafe gone against what we are and what we have.
Before closing, Rinpoche told his audience that
"Buddhism is universal, based on the common
sense of what is, who we are and what the world
By Craig Wortman
Irving Howe began his presentation
Wednesday night in the Assembly Hall
with, an apology, claiming that, "the
advertisement was cleverly and shrewdly
ambiguous" in hinting at the nature of his
speech. It implied that he would say
something "everyone would want to
Howe's audience, however, was not
disappointed. The majority of the approximately 100 people who came to see him
speak were members of the Albany community, and SUNYA faculty who were
familiar with his work.
—Irving Howe
Historically, socialism hasn't succeeded
in the United States as it has in Europe,
said Howe, due to the fact that America
has had a different history. Socialism had
been ineffective during the labor
movements of the late 19th and early 20 th "American myth." "America was truly
centuries, and it failed to become a unified seen as the land of opportunity," he said.
movement, he added.
"Many felt that if they accepted deprivation for the short term, their life would be
Part of the problem was the huge influx better, or at least that of their children,"
of European immigrants to this country, said Howe.
said Howe, adding that there were many
One of these deprivations was that,
different ethnic cultures. "People concen- "American businessmen often used brutal.
trated to ethnic neighborhoods, both out methods to break strikes," said Howe, adof fear and to live with people who spoke ding that this didn't happen in England.
their own language," he said. This worked "This was another factor limiting the
against the development of any concerted desire to become socialist.
labor movement, he stated.
America "was seen as an open society as
"Divisiveness doesn't tell us enough compared to autocracy," said Howe. Peoabout the problems of socialsim," Howe ple were essentially happy with their lot, he
continued. Another problem was the added.
' -
"The two-party
system makes it very
difficult for a third
party to get on the
since the 1960's that any institution has
taken such action.
— ATO officials last year disbanded
three of its approximately ISO chapters,
a level Mullinix calls "dramatic."
— Pi Kappa Phi's national director last
year urged chapter leaders to adopt a
strong stand against sexual abuse, warn-
ing that abusive behavior at fraternities
had become an epidemic.
— Dozens of schools have adopted
tougher disciplinary regulations.
Florida, for one, recently decided to require all fraternities to hire security
guards for parties.
— ' Dartmouth, Hamilton, Colgate,
Brown, and Stanford — among other
Graduate Students
"It's the State University's
position that they are not faculty—they are primarily students,"
said University Personnel
Associate Rod Mason.
"The Personnel Office is not
denying them parking permits,"
said Mason, adding, "If Public
Safety wanted to they could have
a system to allow graduate
employees faculty parking
sity do not consider faculty or
staff, he said.
The United University Professions (UUP) had issued a letter to
graduate students expressing its
desire to represent them.
The Communication Workers
of America (CWA) which
represents telephone operators
and linemen has funded the
GSEU during the last two years
Faculty I.D.'s are needed to since, as an unofficial union
obtain staff parking permits, said because the GSEU is unable to
lichen, and Personnel is "The collect dues. Most of the money
went into an effort to have one
only one that can Issue it."
SUNYA, according to Hender- third of working grad students
son, does not want to admit that state wide fill out interest cards.
ta's are staff because of the full
"Locally we received our supramifications that would have. port with minimal effortr" said
The (SUNYA) catalog lists me as Henderson. "It wasn't difficult to
staff," said Henderson. "That's get grad students interested in a
why I'm standing In front of the union. They're npt stupid; they
class teaching," he added. Thirty- understand that as a collective
five courses are taught by voice they will have more
graduate students who the univer- strength," he added.
"We'd be glad to verify to
Public Safety that they are grad
assistants," stated Mason. "It's
sort of like the tail wagging the
dog, this is Public Safety's bag."
"Just by virtue of they're being
graduate assistants doesn't mean
they get faculty or staff stickers,"
said University Parking Administrator Lloyd Hebert.
The nature of the American political
system didn't help the Socialist cause, said
Howe. "Our system combines rigidity in
structure with flexibility in parties. The
two party system makes it very difficult for
a third party to get on the ballot, and
bargaining within the parties blurs
Though getting on the ballot would have
proved helpful, sectorianism caused
socialist leaders to "almost religiously support their own candidates rather than
anyone else on the ballot no matter how
liberal," said Howe.
This was compounded by the fact that
schools — are under pressure either to
bolish all fraternities or implement
reforms. National fraternity leaders
complain they want to solve the problems, but don't want to lend credence
to what they say is an unfair emphaiss
on problems not unique to the greek
Said the ATO's Mullinix: "There is
Howe said he felt that "trade unions
shold be defended, for all their flaws, from
what they are up against," adding that
"labor sparring and scabbing still goes
on." Howe asserted that it is important to
"realize what labor unions have done for
workers, particularly auto workers."
Howe's presentation was sponsored by
the local Albany chapter of U.U.P.(United
University Professors), the SUNY staff
and faculty union. U.U.P. represents
17,000 SUNY employees. SUNYA professor Jim Reilly, President of the Albany
chapter and chief negotiator, said that
Howe was brought here because he
"represents the excellence of a faculty
member. He's a model."
Howe is a professor at City University
of New York (CUNY) and is the author of
more than 12 books, including the bestselling World of Our Fathers. He is also
the editor of Dissent magazine and a
member of the Democratic Socialists of
America Executive Committee.
an increasing realization in the greek
community that we cannot sustain the
level of legitimate criticism we're
"They're not focusing on the broader
picture that includes the fact that fraternities and sororities accomplish many
worthwhile things."
self-nomination forms arc available for:
Campus Center Information Desk
or Student Affairs. fiDl 29
DUE Friday. November 1, 5:00pm
•4 Front Page
SUNYA Central has advised
SUNYA's personnel office not to
issue graduate students who teach
faculty or staff I.D. cards,
especially while PERB's decision
on whether such people are state
employees is still pending. Public
Safety will not issue a faculty or
staff parking sticker without a
faculty or staff l.D. said
people like to vote for who will win, Howe
said, adding that, "it is terrible for an
American to always be in a losing party."
But, said Howe, "It is better to vote for
what you want and lose than to vote for
what you don't want and win."
Responding to a question on American's
voting on their pocketbooks, Howe
answered, "If Americans voted on their
pocketbooks, Reagan wouldn't have
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sonal testimony on responsible drinking.
He was referred to Judicial Board for
disorderly conduct after becoming drunk
and trying to punch a policeman. He told
the audience that, "I was described as the
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome: calm
and polite when sober, but violent when
He asked, "Would you punch a
policeman,, knowing that it's against the
law and he's carrying a gun? Well, when
you're drunk, you don't even know or care
what you're doing. You can't even control
yourself." Covielli got a round of applause for his honesty.
Education was another much-discussed
topic of conversation at the meeting. SA
President Steve Oawley stressed the need
for alcohol education. "SA is committed
to having non-alcoholic programs on campus," he said.
SA Minority Affairs Coordinator Paco
Duarte said he felt that alcohol should not
be banned from campus because "it will
hinder initial development. It is dangerous
not to allow students to drink on campus.
This is where students learn to handle
alcohol and learn their tolerances."
Duarte added that, "students should experience alcohol on campus where it can be
part of their education. Here, there are
counselors at Middle Earth and other services that can teach students about it,
whereas later in life, it will be more
dangerous where there is not help readily
Student Chris Dillan added that,
"drinking is part of the socialization process in college."
Students' rights were another issue that
was brought up. "Students may vote,
marry, and fight in a war at age 18, but not
drink until they are 21. Does that make
sense?" said Zellan, adding, "In the
Federal court case, Bradshaw vs. Rawlings, the role of "in loco parentus" was
not valid anymore, the administration
should not act "in place of parents; rather,
it should have more of a tenant-landlord
relationship with its students."
* "He stressed that, to students, '-'their
dorm rooms are homes away from home,
and students have a right to their own
privacy." If alcohol is forbidden oh campus altogether, "Why should, someone on
campus have differentrightsthan someone
off-campus' if they are old enough to
Larry Hartman, chair of SA's Student
Action Committee added that "a selfsufficiency plan, In which students would
have a landlord-tenant relationship with
the University, would not permit University officials to enter students' rooms
without permission."
Possible results of the implementation
of "21" were mentioned. According to
Carol Slinger,, Area Coordinator for
Alumni Quad, the University will "focus
on the issue of multiple containers, such as
kegs or beer balls. Given the small percentage of students who will be old enough to
drink, about IS percent, large amounts of
alcohol won't be necessary."
Chris Hazzard, Residence Director on
Dutch Quad, said "to maybe make some
areas of the quads 'wet areas,' such as the
U-lounges." She also added that "Resident Directors do have access to the birthdates of students, so they know who will
be underage and who will not."
SA Controller Eric Schwartzman said he
feels that "seniors pay 25 percent of the
mandatory student fee in the school. Most
seniors will be 21 by December 1. Those
students who are old enough should be
allowed to congregate where. they want.
Apprimately 30 peeople spoke regarding
the issue of the 21-year-old purchasing
age. The meeting, which lasted over an
hour and a half, concluded with Phil Botwinik's statement that, "this meeting
didn't facilitate enough room to answer
everyone's concerns. Public hearings on
other quads as well would be beneficial.
Many students expressed a great deal Of
concern for the implementation of a
responsible and just alcohol policy for
responsible students."
' •
It-s back..State Quad Board's
$3 w/tax sticker
$5 w/out
Tickets being sold in ADVANCE!!
S.A. Funded
By Cathy Errig
refers to himself as "president" coupled
with the fact that the team practices on a
Scrums, tradition and backs abound on remotefieldnear Indian Lake ("We have a
the Albany State rugby team, currently 2-2 tree down there that marks the spot," exgoing into Saturday's home game against plains Corigan), points out an important
Union. However, according to team Presi- aspect of the sport; the team, which was
dent Pat Corigan, in this game of elegant founded at Albany in 1974, is actually an
violence, there are no freaks.
SA funded club, and not NCAA affiliated.
"There's a lot of strategy involved in
this game," said Corigan, "which makes it
impossible for the fan to see the actual
game their first time out. They end up getting caught up in the traditional aspects of
the game and thinking of it as a
What spectators are missing, in keeping
closer watch on their growing intoxication
"We're funded as though we're an inrather than the game's score, is the im- tramural team, which we are, which means
provement in the quality of play of the we have to request fields, that sort of
game and the seriousness of the thing," said Corigan. "And since we only
have 40 members, we're a minor in"This is a higher quality game than it tramural team at that."
was when I began playing three years
Actually, that's in keeping with the
ago," said Corigan, a senior. "The quality tradition, because rugby ' is truly an
of play is improving and the players are amateur sport."
taking the game more seriously. The game
"If you open the rulebook," said Coritself is more important than partying, igan, "rule number one reads, 'no player
we're as much a sport as hockey or any shall receive monetary payment for
other freak show."
Not exactly, Pat. The fact that Corigan
But the tradition makes up for the
— Pat Corigan
"Think about it, you invite a team from
four hours away to come play you, the
least you can do is show them a good time
when it's over. This is a gentlemens
The "gentlemen" of Albany's rugby
team are currently on a two game win
streak. Having lost theirfirsttwo games to
Siena, 18-3, and Plattsburgh, 22-6, Albany
edged out' Hamilton, 4-0, and crushed
R.P.I., 30-3.
' 'We really wanted to change the date of
the Siena game, we didn't think we'd be
ready for it and we weren't," said Cor-
igan. But we did manage to hold them
scoreless in the second half."
The Plattsburgh game, in which the
Danes led 8-10 going into the second half;
was the opposite of the Siena contest.
"Plattsburgh scored on breakaways,"
said Corigan. "We let down in the second
half, we left some holes in the back."
Against Hamilton, things were
technically better for the Danes, as their
field position and good back play were the
keys to their victory. However, as Corigan
explains, "We should have won by more,
we made a lot of mental mistakes. We did
our best to lose the game and won in spite
of ourselves."
The Danes' overwhelming victory over
R.P.I, was, according to Corigan, a true
indication of the team's potential.
"We didn't make any stupid mistakes in
that game, except for those we rode
because we were killing them so badly,"
said Corigan, " we've improved in every
Which brings us to Union this Saturday
at 1:00PM.
"We're optomistic about the game, they
only beat RPI 3-0. But this game is a real
rivalry, they'll take it more seriously."
Both the game and the tradition.
Dane netmen host SUNYACs today
Birnbaum and Meltzer. Third
onial to post a win against the doubles for the Colonials are
Pennslyvania school. Sean Reed Alfano and Reed.
rounds out the top six from
"I think we're improved in
"I first played Sean Reed when doubles from last year," said
I was in high school," said Binghamton's Head Coach Frank
Albany's Bob Siracuse. "I played Pollard. "I don't worry about
with him over the summer, he's seedings so much, I think it's
pretty tough and a good player." good to have a match in the first
At first doubles for Bingham- round that gets you into the
ton are Grundfast and Groat. tournament."
On Wednesday Albany played
Playing second doubles are a
returning duo from last year, against .the University of
Massachusetts, winning 8-1. The
first singles player for the U of
Mass. was not there so all of their
players moved up one.
"It was good to take a team
like the U Mass and destroy
them," said Dane team captain
Jay Eisenberg. "Everyone had
good wins. Grossman played a
super third set. All five of us
played well."
The Danes' only loss came at
sixth singles. Mitchell Gerber, in singles match Wednesday because
his first singles match this year his knee was bothering him. He
upon returning from an injury, did team up with his doubles partlost to Massachusetts' Mike ner, Eisenberg, to beat Mark
Weinstein and Flicka Rodman,
Tofias 3-6, 6-3, 7-5.
6-2, 6-2.
"It was Mitchell's first comThe SUNYACs promise to be
petitive singles match this
season," said Eisenberg. "He lost very competitive, especially in the
it close. It's tough to just step finals on Saturday. "I hope the
right in and play when you tradition of it all and our winning
attitude will offset some of our
haven't been."
physical problems," said Lewis.
Dermansky sat out of his
Exploring Career Options
The Brothers of
Spend A Half Day
With A University
November 7, 1985
Cosponsored by
Student Affairs. Academic Affairs, CUE
and Parents' Association.
Proper I.D. to Drink
sport's lack of monetary compensation
for the ordeal the players endure during
the course of the game, beginning with the
alcoholic refreshments brought out to the
teams during halftime, and ending with the
legendary party afterwards.
"It's just courtesy, being a good host to
your opponent," explains Corigan.
"The game itself is more important than
Deadline To Apply
October 16, 1985
Applications In CUE
Albany rugby club to battle Union tomorrow
Proudly Welcome The filpha Pledge Class
Anthony ftndre Jerry O'Salllvan
Brian Bergman
Dan Patrissy
Wayne Datz
John Seal
Maura Declllls
Dave Shaw
Josh DeRlenzIs
John Sly
Ken Greenblatt
Tim Sullivan
Rob Qrlfka
flndy Thomas
Roger Lance
Craig Walters
Rich Upson
Ian Walters
Eric Whltohousa
1 8 Sp'OrtS
Sheehan leads pack in stirring N.J. sweep
By David Blette
Facing the most treacherous
and dangerous competition of the
season, the Albany State men's
cross-country team came out on
top over three teams this past
The harriers traveled to Garret
mountain New Jersey, Saturday
the fifth, where they defeated
Division III schools Ramapo,
15-50; Trenton, 20-43 and Mont-.
clair State, 20-43. This gives
Albany a 10-4 record with two
more teams left on the Harrier
duel meet schedule.
The harriers arrived at the
storm-ravaged racecourse Saturday to find only two of the
originally four scheduled teams
present: Ramapo and Trenton.
Arriving about 20 minutes before
the starting time was home team
Montclair State. One team
Queens College never showed up
for the meet.
Montclair and Trenton
together showed reluctance to run
because of the bad course conditions. The Albany runners
though, were not about to turn
around and take a 3 Vi hour van
ride home without running, so the
meet was on.
Runners from Trenton and
Montclair took out the pace hard
from the start, as Albany hung
loose. Soon these front runners
dropped back and Albany took
control of the race. Co-captain
Craig Parlato steadily moved into
a 30-yard lead about half-way
through the race. Unfortunately
Parlato did not get the victory he
deserved. Due to a badly marked
and poorly organized course,
Parlato took a wrong turn in the
woods and lost his position.
Albany was able to make up for
this setback with its strong pack
running, as Albany State runners
took positions third through
ninth at the finish.
Taking first in a time of 27:35
was "mystery runner" Ron Kulik
of Montclair State. A recent
transfer to Montclair State, Kulik
was not in uniform.
"Some of our guys didn't even
know who he was running for."
commented co-captain Ian
Clements, who observed the race.
Taking second in 27:44 was
Trenton runner Tim Gallagher.
Following him to lead the seven
man Albany pack was senior
Kevin Sheehan in a time of 27:51.
Close behind was last week's
"Runner of the Meet" Tim Hoff
and the consistant Jack Glaser,
both who finished in 27:54.
Glaser, who has taken 5th place in
his last three races commented on
the conditions.
"A storm had washed a lot of
mud off the hills so we ran down
steep rocky hills into ankle deep
mud at the bottom. We also had
to run through a one foot deep
stream. The conditions were terrible but kind of fun.".
Next to finish was Senior Ray
Vofper in 28:11, followed by
Trevor Hash in 28:19 and Pat
Paul in 28:26. Finishing up the
pack in ninthwas junior Scott
Miller in a time of 28:30.
Miller has been a pleasant surprise for Albany in the past few
weeks. Transfering here from
Kent State last spring, his running
has improved recently as he was
recognized as "Runner of the
Meet" this weekend.
Finishing up further back in the
race were Charles Blanchet, 13th
place, in 28:41; Vernon Miller,
17th, in 29:12; Craig Parlato,
18th, in 29:12 and Paul Dietz,
24th, in 30:14.
When asked how he felt about
the results of the meet. Coach
Munsey responded.
"I was just tickled pink with
the results. If we can get a couple
of guys up ahead of that pack we
will be strong for the big meets
coming up."
Danes looking for upset of Division II Owls
forced into a close, physical relationship
guard Vinnie Mattaliano is a must. Mat- with Mattaliano tomorrow at Bowen
taliano, who is being scouted by the New Field. The Huntington connection of
England Patriots, is capable of Milano to wide receiver John Donnelly has
been magical this season. Donnelly, who
singlehandedly disrupting an offense.
Pat McCullough, the small but feisty has 15 receptions for 251 yards, is also a
center, is the man assigned to the task. But passing threat on the reverse option.
Fullback Dave Soldini is still not 100
according to some players, the coaches
have implemented a couple of blocking percent healthy, and Ford says that this
schemes in order to help out McCullough, type of rib injury will not fully heal this
season. Ro Mitchell, coming off a specwho will be outweighed by 35 pounds.
"Pat does a decent job all the time," tacular 74-yard touchdown run Saturday,
said Ford. "He's a fierce competitor and and Dana Melvin will play a vital role in
size differential doesn't bother him. He's blocking the Owls' cornerbacks when rungoing to be going up against a helluva ning the veer. "Their corners come up a
lot," said Mitchell, who leads the Danes in
football player."
rushing with 206 yards. "Our job is to
"I think the key to the game is if we block them. Looking at the Alms last year,
could handle their nose guard," said if a couple of blocks were made on their
Milano. "Pat could do it. He did okay last cornerbacks, wewould've scored."
year against him, but he's so much better
On defense, the Danes have lived up to
than last year."
Of course Milano is praving that he isn't I their 'dog pound' nickname. The unit has
not let up more than 15 points a game this quarterback, with a platoon system at runseason, and the healthy return of Dennis ning back including Glen Kimbrough.
Murphy has been a big plus. There hasn't
But it is the defense that should decide
been a weak link on the defensive staff yet. this one. The Owls have four All-East
The line of Chris Esposito, Rick Punzone, defenders, Mattaliano, defensive end Rob
Greg Hart and George laccobaccio has Wilson, defensive back Rich Atkinson and
played flawlessly. The linebackers, Frank linebacker Ron Wilson.
Sarcone and Scott Dmitrenko, have also
Ford considers Albany State the underdone an super job stopping the run.'
dog tomorrow, citing the Owls' strong
And in the backfield, premier safety position at the Division II level. " •
Wayne Anderson is heading a young but
solid corps consisting of Kerry Carrol,
But upsets do occur. You could look it
Rich Kozak and Mike Rieger.
up: October 8, 1983: Albany 22, Southern
The Owls' offense isn't the scariest of Conneticut 13.
••;. •• .,' .••
attacks either. "They're not a great offen- PAW PRINTS: Some notable statistics,
sive unit," said Ford. "Their defense is Milano is 27 of 47 for a 57 percent complemuch superior."
tion ratio . . . The Danes lead the series
"We want to force them into passing the over Southern Conneticut- 6-4 . . .. Last i
ball," said Anderson, who ran back a week's victory was Ford's 100th coaching
kickoff 93 yards Saturday. And we haven't victory,^ but that includes.; wins at St.
seen them throw the ball deep yet." . ,., Lawrence and when Albany State was a
, The. Owls, will Start Jim. club team, :!...
Remember that very special teacher
you had in high school ...the one who
really made a difference in your life?
The School of Education invites you to
nominate that teacher for an " Outstanding
Teacher Award" to be presented at a
reception in the fall.
Nomination forms and instructions can
be picked up from Beth Elitzer in ED 246
or Betty Ginzburg in CC 116.
November 1 is the deadline for all entries.
Lazarides scores hat trick as Danes blank Vassar
By Mike Mac Ad am
When the Albany State
women's soccer team faced
Vassar last Monday, Dane forward Joanna Lazarides proved
that lightning doesn't strike twice.
Lightning struck three times as
Lazarides accounted for all the
scoring in the 3-0 romp.
"Joanna is out of her slunjp,"
Albany Coach Amy Kidder proclaimed, "and the goals were
evenly spread out enough, which
was a real confidence booster. It's
not like we scored one early and
got two more at the end of the
The Danes improved their
record, to 4-6 with a dominating
offense - and solid defensive
strategy by Kidder.
Kidder moved Cheryl Hensen
to midfield and Laura McGrath
to stopper."We had trouble closing up the middle, so~ Cheryl
counterbalanced that."
Lazarides drew first blood at
13:54 of the first half when she
cut toward the goal from the left
and blasted a shot into the upper
right-hand corner, of the net.
"That was hard for her because
she's left-footed,". Kidder ex-
plained "but her right foot is
pretty strong, too."
The three-goal performance by
Lazarides ended a frustrating
three-game scoring drought for
the Danes, and revealed the type
of offense that until now has not
fully blossomed.
"We didn't get caught up in
their game," Kidder said, "we
dictated the pace and got some
offensive punch." .
Lazarides' second goal came at
6:37 of the second half when forward Joan McNamara drew the
Vassar goal keeper out of position
and fed the ball down the goal
line to Lazarides, who onetouched it for the easy score. The
goal 'almost cost the Danes,
however, as McNamara Wound
up at the bottom of a goal-mouth
"I looked up after the goal,
and I saw just a pile of bodies,"
recalled Kidder, "I guess their
keeper, who's really big, fell on
top of Joan. Luckily, she got out
of there without any serious
. Lazarides put the icing on the
cake at 35:05 when she hammered
a direct kick past the Vassar
The physical preparedness that
kept the Danes close against hardrunning Cortland paid dividends
against Vassar as Albany was able
to put the ball back into play on
throw-ins and goal kicks quickly.
"They (Vassar) weren't in
shape, so they got the ball back
into play slowly", said Kidder. "1
was a little concerned that we
would get lulled into the same
kind of thing, so I kept reminding
them to get the ball in quick."
Kidder was also concerned that
• • JWi
her players would get caught up in
• .Jmf^"*??^^
ah offensive flow and neglect
their defensive.responsibilities'.
pi i
"It was a tough game defensivelybecause we tend to get
mesmerized offensively when
you're pressing so hard to score."
While the Danes, who outshot
Vassar 22-7, were content to show
that the best defense is a good offense, some steady net minding by
Jean Tierney and Karen Campbell, who combined for 6 saves,
certainly came in handy also. The Joanna Lazarides scored three goals to lead the woman booters
Danes are presently without the to a victory over Vassar.
services of injured starting goalie
Maureen Keller.
"We're still not finishing off at Williams on Thursday is our
According to Coach Kidder, our plays the way we should, but I next leg to get back to .500 and
then we'll be looking to the
the'Danes are gearing up for the saw a lot of nice things out
road to the playoffs.
there." said Kidder, " The game playoffs."
m J?
*"V. -4PSH
11 ."
• / •
• •
. • '
•.'• **Mfel&£
Albany runners favored in Capital District meet
By Rachel Braslow
The Albany State women's cross country team will meet up with five area colleges Saturday for the annual Capital
District meet. Albany looks to be the
favorite in this competition in which they
have won the past three years. The other participating colleges include
St. Rose, Siena, Skidmore, Union and
R.P.I. Albany will have not only depth
and experience in their favor, but the home
course advantage in this meet as well.
Saturday, Albany should have its best
turnout of runners so far this season. Due
to widespread injuries on the team, no
Meanwhile, seniors Donna Burnham Skidmore.
meets have been run with a full roster. and Sue Spector remain injured along with
RPI boasts Andrea Zekas as their
However, this meet should see 80 percent junior Maura Mahoh.
number one runner. St. Rose's Catherine
of the team running.
''On paper we're the strongest team." Mulderry also looks strong.
Sophomore Kim Pettichord should be as White added "I'm amazed at how will the
Not only will this meet provide competistrong as ever, along with seniors Karen other teams have come along since last tion for the SUNY squad but, "It's the last
Defeo, Lynn Jacobs and Chris Varley. year." Both White and R.P.I, cross coun- meet in which we can run everybody in a
Juniors Kitty Sullivan, Sue Gulla and try coach Lee Wilcox agree that "in- contest." White added, "It's an indication
Brenda Watson, and sophomores Rachel , dividually Ellen Cavallo (Siena) is the of who will fit into the post season.running
Braslow and Roseanne Smith will be com- favorite." Laura Russell of Siena also team."
This will be the last race for the Albany
peting. Freshmen Mary Lou Webster and looks strong.
Jackie Phipps should also provide some
Wilcox expects Siena and RPI. to "fight team in which everyone will run together in
stiff competition. Whether senior co- it out for second." He added, "SUNY is a one race. White is limited to ten entries in
captain Bette Dzamba will run is still solid favorite." In earlier competition this the SUNYACs next Saturday being held in
year RPI. beat Union, St. Rose .and Brockport. debatable, according to White.
Albany State netwomen stomped by Skidmore
By Ethan Chazln
A victory, or even a strong showing by
the Albany State women's tennis team
against Skidmore on Wednesday would
have done the team a world of good. It
would have gotten the team on track for its
pivotal match against SUNY rival
Binghamton on Friday. The loss the team
The Denes face Binghamton today.
suffered, , however, was anything but
The Danes made far too many mistakes,
but also played several awesome matches.
But in the end, the team just didn't play
well enough to keep a consistant Skidmore
team from shutting them out, 9-0.
The team got yet another excellent performance from its stellar number one
singles player, Geri Chiodo. Chiodo
played despite having a cold, but lost to
Pam Thompson, 4-6, 2-6.
Thompson, who is ranked in the top 10
in Division III tennis, beat Chiodo last
year, 6-4, 7-5. Thompson also won the
SUNYAC championship last year, so the
fact that Geri gave her a tough match was
At second singles, Caryn Levy lost in
three sets to Val Alliger, 6-1,1-6, 1-6. Levy
gave it her all, going all out in the first set.
But she didn't pace herself, and she reinjured her back. She couldn't keep Alliger
rom taking the second and third sets
At third singles, Nancy Forbes was
beaten by Skldmore's third singles player
1-6, 6-7, At fourth singles, Ellen Katz was
beaten convincingly by Krista McShane,
1-6, 2-6.
Liz Feinberg, who's normally a very
consistent player, made more mistakes
than she did all year. She lost to Carolyn
Spellman 3-6, 5-7. It was a very close
match, but Feinberg just couldn't pull
even at one set each.
Natalie Goldberg, at fifth singles, lost a
heartbreaker to Barb Neuhinger 6-7 (6-8),
6-2, 3-6. Natalie played erraticly hitting
awesome winners, and then making
mistakes. Natalie also couln't win many of
the key points that determined the match.
Lisa Valins lost quickly to the sixth
singles player, 2-6, 2-6. At first doubles,
Chiodo and Katz lost to Alliger and
McShane 4-6, 1-6.
At second doubles. Levy and Goldberg
lost an 8 game pro set to Pam Thompson
and Kim Burnett. Levy's back was bothering her, and it seemed she and Goldberg
were willing to rush the entire set. They
lost 8-4.
At third doubles, Nina Cheung and
Nancy Forbes lost to Sally Livingston and
Barb Schwartz, 1-6, 6-7. Nina and Nancy
didn't have their rythm in the first set. The
match did feature some remarkable
returns from Forbes.
But the team seems ready to go.
Explains Chiodo:"We're all really ex- -
cited about playing Binghamton- We have
a very good chance of winning the
SUNYAC championships. Binghamton
will be our greatest challenge."
Binghamton coach Curt Coutts agrees,
stressing that "both Albany and Binghamton will most probobly be the two teams
battling it out for the SUNYAC
Coach Myers and the Danes would love
nothing more, but first they must hope
they can do it in Binghamton this Friday.
Coach Myers summed up the match:
"We made too many mistakes that we just
couldn't get away with. Skidmore's too
good a team not to take advantage of all
those mistakes"-piand th?y did.
The Danes will lay it all on the line Friday, when they go up against their biggest
SUNY rival Binghamton. They won't be
able to make any mistakes against
Binghamton either.
The nationally ranked Albany State
Great Danes go for their fourth straight
win Saturday against Southern
Connecticut at New Haven. Read about
it in Tuesday's ASP and catch periodic
updates on 91FM, WCDB starting at
1:30 p.m.
Still don't know what a
scrum is?
See page 17
for Cathy Errig's rugby
Sports Friday
OCTOBER 11, 1985
Netmen to put SUNYAC dynasty on the line
straight SUNYAC title. That is as
long as the University at Buffalo
No matter what the results of and Bingham ton plan on showing
this weekend's men's tennis up.
"We're going to have our
SUNYACs, one thing is certain, it
isn't going to be easy for Albany hands full in this tournament,"
ord seventh said Albany State Head-Coach
BY Kristine Sauer
Mike Dermansky strokes a backhand during practice
Bob Lewis. "We have to play
very well in this tournament."
The Danes host the tournament, which began this morning
and continues until tomorrow at
the Capitaland Racquet Club in
With the emergence of stronger
tennis programs at other SUNY
schools, the Danes' six year
domination of the tournament is
coming to an end. Even last year,
the tournament came down to the
doubles finals.
lh last year's finals, Albany,
ahead of Binghamton by a mere
half point, was playing the Colonials in two doubles finals and
needed only one of those wins to
clinch the championship. The
Danes took both of the two matches to win the championship
with 20 points, leaving Binghamton trailing with "17 1/2 and the
University of Buffalo with 15.
This year's tournament has all
the makings of a repeat of last
year. The competition will be
close between the three top teams
and Oswego shouldn't be totally
overlooked either. Doubles play
will once again be a key- factor
deciding the eventual champions.
"One thing in our favor is we
have a good schedule," said
Lewis. "We play a lot of tough
The fact that the Danes aren't a
shoo-in certainly doesn't take
anything away from the team,
which enters the tournament with
an 8-1 record. It will be even more
impressive if they win after facing
such tough competition.
"I welcome the challenge,"
said Lewis. "It's good to see the
other programs getting up there."
The University at Buffalo
enters the SUNYACs with a 7-2
record, suffering 5-4 losses to
both the University of Rochester
and Edinbourgh University. The
team is traditionaly strong at the
top of the ladder and should be
seeded high at the first four
singles positions and first
At first singles for Buffalo is
Ken White, the winner of this
fall's ECAC tournament. White,
defending SUNYAC champion at
second singles and at first
doubles, comes into the tournament undefeated in his eight dual
matches. White beat Albany's
Tom Schmitz in the finals for the
second year in a row in last year's
According to Lewis, when
White was playing second singles
last year, he was extremely close
in ability to the first singles player
Russ Trinjali. Albany's number
one singles player Dave Grossman
beat Trinjali to capture the
SUNYAC championship at that
flight last year. Grossman will
now be pitted against White.
"He's just as good as Trinjali.
The two of them are very close in
ability," said Lewis. "Even
though Grossman is defending
champion, White will probably be
the number one seed based on his
performance this fall. He's
definitely favored to win."
Playing second singles for Buffalo is Dan Scheulfahd, with a 7-0
dual match record. At third
singles is Ed Wagner, who comes
in with at the 6-1 mark. Tony
Arias, younger brother of professional tennis player-Jimmy Arias,
plays fourth singles, having a 5-2
Buffalo's last two spots are
probably their weakest. Mark
Szafnickl posted a-6-1 record at
fifth singles. Playing sixth singles
with a 5-2 record is Brian
"At five and six, I don't think
Buffalo is too strong," said
Lewis, "how ever, Binghamton
has pretty good balance."
Buffalo's first doubles team of
White and Schuelfand should
take a top seed. The rest of their
doubles teams pose less of a
threat than duos from Albany or
Binghamton holds a 4-1 record,
losing to Bloomsburg State from
Pennsylvania. Traditionally,
Binghamton is a team with good
overall balance, which means they
might not go as far in the top
flights as in the lower ones. For
instance, last year Binghamton
didn't make it to the first or second singles finals, but made it into all of the rest in singles and second and third doubles.
Rob Grundfast plays first
singles for the Colonials. His only
loss of the season was to
Blumsburg. At number two
singles Is Mark Birnbaum, who
took last year's sixth singles
championship. He enters the
tournament with a 4-1 record.
The third singles player for
Binghamton, Gary Meltzer, is 4-1
with a loss to Bloomsburg.
Meltzer played in the SUNYAC
finals last year at fifth singles.
Fourth singles player, Joe
Alfano, a freshman from
Brooklyn NY, is 4-1 also.
Another freshman, Hall Groat,
from Manlius NY, is undefeated
and will play fifth singles this
weekend. Groat was the only Col17*
Nationally ranked Danes look to upset Owls
"If we're going to make the playoffs,
this is the game that is going to get us in,"
The Albany State Great Danes are soun- said quarterback Mike Milano, who sufding like a loose and confident bunch as fered a broken nose against Springfield
they prepare for their most pivotal game and will be playing tomorrow with a face
guard attached to his helmet.
since 1982. And why shouldn't they be.
Milano seems the most confident of all
After outscoring their last three opponents by 123-31, including a 33-15 drub- the Danes. "He'd be confident going into
bing of Division II Springfield last week, World War 111," joked Coach Bob Ford.
The Huntington-born quarterback is
the Danes are ranked eight in the nation in
a Division III poll, and third in New York probably the only player on Albany with
an undefeated record against Southern
State behind Ithaca and Union.
That ranking should climb if the Danes Conneticut. Two years ago, as a
can pull off a victory tomorrow at New sophomore, he spearheaded the Danes to a
Haven's Bowen Field against Division II stunning upset over the Owls in New
Southern Connecticut, considered the Haven. Last season, when Southern Conmost fearsome team on this year's necticut was getting their revenge, Milano
watched helplessly from the pressbox, nurschedule.
The Owls, who were rated in the Top 10 sing his season-ending fibula injury.
"Two years ago they took us lightly,"
of the Division II polls last week, mashed
Albany Stale in 1984, 39-0, marking the se- said Milano, ranked sixth in the East in
cond worst'beating in Dane history. The passing efficiency. "This year they're not
Owls are also fast becoming a NFL foot- going to look past us. They're prepared for
ball factory as Travis Tucker, a tight end us and we're prepared for them."
Owl Head Coach Dick Cavanaugh took
last season, is playing for the Cleveland
Browns, and Kerry Taylor is a backup extreme notice to Albany State's rout over
Springfield Saturday. The week before,
safely for the San Diego Chargers.
But are the Danes worried? Not at all. the Owls had to struggle to defeat the
Albany State, riding a three-game winning Chiefs, 16-7.
"Albany always concerns me," said
streak, are ranked in the Top 10 in the
country for the first time since 1982, even Cavanaugh. "They're a good team, wellIf It is just a Division Illpoll. And sudden- coached, they hustle and they execute well.
ly, the words, "playoff contender", are They're no different from the other Diviback in the Albany State football sion II teams we play."
The Danes however, are different from
By Marc Berman
the other squads Cavanaugh's team faces;
they use a wishbone veer offense, a formation that the Owls see only once a year and
have had problems in the past defending it.
Last year the Owls did an outstanding job
shutting down the wishbone attack, but
that was without Milano.
"Milano makes them go," said
Cavanaugh. "But the wishbone is a tough
offense to shut down. They have a lot of
offensive threats that can hurt us."
"I think we can run the veer against
them," Milano said. "If they give us the
same defense as they did last year, we're
going to win. We have some different
If the Danes are to run the veer successfully, the containment of All-East nose
RB Caesar Revano breaks a taokle In the Springfield game.
(KB and WCDB's
Third World
Lange plays country's Cline
The first time I worked on Aspects production, I was under surveillance. I was a
new ASPie, and the editors were testing me. They contrived semi-natural conversations and threw in, "I loved Dante's Inferno, didn't you?" and other common small
An interesting feature of Sweet Dreams
is the meshing of the glamour of stardom
with the crassness of southern small town
living. The "yankee" audience is in for a
refreshing array of (often colorful) expressions and a mode of behavior that is truly a
lesson in southern culture. There is a certain charm in the down-to-earth informality we find in this Virginian town; we are
caught up, not only in the lives of the principal characters, but in their world as well.
But then Patsy Cline's life always was a
mixture of these two worlds. Even while
becoming more and more successful, she
never lost perspective of who she was or
what she wanted. She never stopped being
a down home gal — and never allowed
fame to control her life. Patsy reveled in
her triumphs; she reaped the benefits
wholeheartedly; but it never consumed
her, never became her reason for living.
talk. I was doing okay by just nodding and smiling a lot, until someone asked me
how to spell Jefferson Airplane. I made a big mistake. I said, "What's that, a TV
Co-promote an evening of
Reggae with the original
They were petrified. Someone whispered in. my ear, "It's a group." I failed the
music test. I had to do something fast. I said, "Look, I'm going to admit it right
away. I don't know anything about music. I listen to whatever my brother listens
to, and he doesn't have any Jefferson Airport records." Interrogation stopped, and
the editors decided to scout a good music editor. Fortunately, they found Mike
. .
I'm working on familiarizing myself with music, now. When UB40 played at
Proctor's a few weeks ago, I was there to find out what reggae was. I told Mike that
I really enjoyed the show, and he suggested that I write a review for Aspects. I
choked. "Look, Mike," I stammered, "If I write a review/it'll say, 'UB40 was neat. I
liked Astro. The lighting was funky,' and then I'll draw a blank. I don't even have a
photo to take up space." He understood; That's w h y he's the music editor.
featuring Jimmy Riley
For this week's centerfold, the Aspects staff (not including myself) wrote about
clubs in Albany. There are a lot of exciting new bands around, and we'd like to
make the SUNYA community more aware of where to'find them. I'm going to
read it, too.
Friday. Oct. 18, 8:00 pm
in Campus Center Ballroom
As-1 was writing this column, I asked someone how to spell Jefferson Airplane.
He said, "Well, are y o u sure you mean Jefferson Airplane? 'Cause a few years ago
they became Jefferson Starship, and then there was this whole lawsuit and all,
because there weren't enough people from the original band to be still getting the
publicity associated with Jefferson Airplane, s o now they're just Starship."
$6 w/ tax sticker or $9 w/out
Tickets go on sole Tues.. Oct.8, 11 am
in Campus Center Lobby
and weekdays following.
I gave up and asked Mike Eck.
weet Dreams is the story of Patsy
Cline, country singing star. It's that
simple. Or that complicated.
Patsy Cline did not have an exactly normal life. Still, through, all her ups and
downs she maintained her charmingly
frank way of looking at the ^orld, ,"I;fjigger," she says early in mirrri&vhr,"Someone's gotta be happy .'.r;ar$.Tt)in1ght;as
well be me."
Sweet Dreams, while a chronicle of the
singer's life, is not, however, a typical
'watch her struggle to the top' film. We do
not see Patsy running from audition to
audition, slaving away in an effort to rise
to stardom and prove herself a success.
Rather, she is more family oriented than
one might expect. Her main concern in life
is simply to make enough money to retire
and live in a nice big house "with yellow
roses all around it."
Cast in the main role is none other than
the beautiful Jessica Lange, who many may
remember for her soft-spoken passivity in
footsie. She does a delightful about-face
this time.around as the bubbly, fun-loving
Patsy Cline. It is hard to believe that the
timid victim from Tootsie is now the earthy .southern wench who'll take no bull
from anyone. Her character, however, is
hard to dislike; no sooner is her head
fltrcffyhibaclcin defiance than it is tilted forWard in giddy laughter — and both she
arid the audience have forgotten entirely
what the fight, if there was one, was about
in the first place.
Ed Harris is convincing as Patsy's husband, the charming and sensual (albeit unmistakably lower class) Charlie Dick. He is
a man who, though engulfed by his love
for Patsy, remains enslaved by his own
banal desires. He is easy to fall in love
with, easy to forgive. We feel Patsy's passionate adoration for him, coupled with
frustrated rage at his weaknesses. Perhaps
she could have done better by most standards — but for Patsy Cline there was no
one else.
Another wonderful performance is that
of Anne Wedgeworth, Patsy's mother. She
is simple and straightforward. She has been
through her own hell and back and knows
how to take care of herself as well as her
daughter, come what may. Yet, like her
daughter, she is still full of life and youth
and has not forgotten how to laugh. The
rapport between the two on screen is
delicious. They're giggling like schoolgirls
at a dirty joke one minute, falling quickly
into typical mother and daughter roles the
next. The relationship, while a source of
strength for Patsy, is also a source of
humor for the movie. Well into her thirties, we see Patsy threatened that she's "still
not too old to go over mama's knee if you
don't keep a civil tongue in your head!"
The fierce loyalty from her mother is really
the only thing Patsy can definitely count
So it seems that, in a sense, Patsy Cline's
singing career is almost incidental to the
story. That is the problem; we are not sure
whether the movie is really about her
career or if maybe the singing just made
good background music. The film certainly
appears to concentrate more on Patsy's personal life. Yet this is confusing to the
viewer, who is expecting to watch Patsy
Cline kicking and fighting to get to the top.
Another problem comes in the form (or
lack of it, rather) of theme. In short, what is
it7 On the one hand, we are presented with
a voracious, strong-willed woman who
busts her butt to make it as a country
singer. She overcomes obstacles, etc., etc.,
and so forth, but was it really that important to her? The answer, apparently, is no
— not without a fulfilling family life. So
then why does the whole movie seem to
be based on her singing career? Is this film
telling us to go for it all? Or to give up
now, 'cause we can't have everything we
On the more simple level of a life story.
Sweet Dreams is a very interesting account
of Patsy Cline's life and times. It is only if
you look for more than that, that you will
be disappointed. Jessica Lange is a natural,
and definately the best reason to see the
movie. You will walk out of it with a new
insight into the life of Patsy Cline. Oh,
y e s . . . about those yellow roses... does
she get them? Well, you'll have to see the
ASP toting: f J X £
William Styron booked for Page
trailblazing American novelist, a
major name in American fiction,
•* V part of a new breed . . . " This is
how Thomas Smith, assistant director of
the New York State Writer's Institute,
describes William Styron, who will present
a reading on October 15 at 8:00 p.m. at
Page Hall. Although it Is not known
specifically what he will be presenting, it is
j . suspected that he will read from a work in
progress, soliciting reactions from the audience. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity for questions from the audience.
. Robyn
Styron, most famous for his novel
Sophie's Choice received the Pulitzer Prize
for The Confessions of Nat Turner, a novel
based on the testimony given by a slave
who had led a brief revolt against slave
owners. When it was published In 1967, at
the height of the civil rights movement, it
was considerd quite controversial. Leaders
in the black community saw his portrait of
Nat as unrealistic and based on white
stereotypes, but the book was a literary
and popular success, nonetheless.
Sophie's Choice, his most successful
novel, was also published at a time when
the public's Interest In Its subject matter
was at a peak. In 1979, a renewed concern
about the Holocaust had been spreading
across the nation, and the time was right to
tell the story of Sophie, a beautiful Polish
Catholic, who survived Auschwitz but lost
both of her children and most of her selfesteem there. When Meryl Streep gave her
stunning performance of Sophie" on film,
the book became all the more popular.
In both Sophie's Choice and 77ie Confessions of Nat Turner Styron's style has been
to take history and give a personal interpretation of It. Styron admitted that he did
not adhere closely to Nat Turner's
testimony, but that his novel was a
"meditation on history." And with Sophie's
Choice, he said In an interview that, "I
didn't get to know [Sophie's prototype]
very well and the story as it evolves in the
book is made up. But what I realized is that
It was necessary for me to write about
Auschwitz . . . It was the same sort of territory, modernized, that I explored in The
Confessions of Nat Turner."
There has been some criticism of the fact
that Styron has written about subjects that
might be considered foreign to a white
southern Protestant. One critic wrote in
response, "The question Is not whether
Styron has a right to use alien experiences,
but whether his novel proves that he
knows what he Is writing about. In this Instance, the overriding answer Is yes."
On October 15, the SUNYA community will have the opportunity to decide for
?(& ^ f f ^ j
v' l l^Sfl
\ B
Eff 1
unbearably crowded. And occasionally they would
get a good band there (live music, local and national,
is featured three nights a week.) I have fond
memories of the nights I spent struggling to push
and look over other people's shoulders to catch a
glimpse of the likes of 10,000 Maniacs and an a
amazing California garage band named True West
performing on a one foot off the ground, closet size
Therefore, having very little familiarity with band
members or club owners, 1 can only judge Bogie's
Subjectively, it's a hell of a fun place; The music is
good (an average week at Bogie's might feature the
Newports, Johnny Rabb, and the Sharks, with QBK
deejay Mark McGovern stopping in to spin now
and again), the dance floor is a bit small, but the
dancers are friendly enough, and the people who
work there are nice. It's got a lot going for it.
Bogie's tries to bring in the local music,
spotlighting acts like the Newports, the Sharks, or
the Works from Syracuse. Recently, they've begun
having Johnny Rabb and the Rockers perform every
Wednesday. The music stays basically within the
mainstream; danceable local music that will draw a
crowd. An average Sharks appearance will pull
about 300 people into the club.
The average cover at Bogie's is $1 or $2, although
it may skyrocket all the way to $3 if The Sharks are
playing. For the money. Bogie's is probably the best
club in Albany, especially now that Charlene Shortsleeve (288 Lark's old booking manager) Is in
Even taking away the price, Bogie's remains one
of the most important clubs in Albany, and definitely one of the most fun.
-John Keenan
[Puttin' on the Ritz
'• -:M
Upstairs at 8 Central Avenue, Putting on the Rift
has yet to catch on in Albany in a big way, but thai
doesn't seem to keep the crowds away. While dant
ing on the black and white checkered, elevated floo
is the main draw, club owners Delores Bianchini
and Kash Murray also bring bands to the club am I
even have an acoustic open mike night.
Typical complaints include the small size of Ih
club and the infamous people that sprout up in Ih
middle of the dance floor, but these faults are mine
when you consider the steady stream of new musi
that flows through on a regular basis. Besides liv
D.J.'s, including the infamous Shack, bands like th
Replacements, the Del Fuegos and local acts
Connection and Who Likes What, have all mad
The Ritz a stop.
Competition from other area bars and clubs seem
to draw away most from Puttin' on the Ritz, but i
you're willing to forego your usual weekend (o
weeknight) hang-out, you may find Puttin' on Ih
Ritz a pleasant change.
-Paul DeGeorgi
-Marc Fenton
Duck Soup
The other club that has received much attention
lately is Duck Soup on 4th Street in Rensselear. Unfortunately, it's location means it can only be reached by car. Opened during the summer and booked
by the ex-manager of 288, it is attempting to serve
as an alternative to the popular clubs in Albany and
As for Duck Soup, there's tremendous potential
there. A $3 — $4 admission charge ($1.25 Buds) to
see some of the freshest original new music is difficult to beat anywhere. And despite some problems
it still must work to overcome, it may be the best
thing to have hit the Capital District in a very long
-Marc Fenton
Note: Duck Soup has just instituted the Duck Shuttle. This fifteen passenger van will provide free
transportation to and from the club. The shuttle will
operate on a regular timetable stopping at RPI,
SUNYA, Lark St., and the club itself. Call Duck
Soup for details.
photos >y Kenny Kirsch and Mark Vacarelli
than surge up) a sweaty dance floor would rise from
the tables and chairs crowded around the stage and,
already backed into a corner of the room — musicians and equipment stacked and packed one on top
of the other — the stage had to push back. Part of it
is Ihe way Bob dances, of course; but some nighls
there was no control up there.
But Ihe music is what comes alive at night at
I'auly's. Tom Wilshire, introducing himself as "halfowner, half-human being" described Ihe bands as an
"eclectic mix" — reggae, jazz fusion, swing, rock,
blue grass, etc. Some bands have more personality
than others, and who you like will depend on your
own personality. Johnny and the Triumphs have
always been my senlimenlal favorile, and technical-
Since I had been there about a year ago, some
positive changes had occurred. The dance floor is as
crowded as ever, but only when a popular song is
being played. A new third floor bar and an outside,
warm weather patio are welcome additions for
alleviating part of the squooshed atmosphere. The
old milk carts hanging on the upstairs wall do
generate a peculiar warmth and the cardboard
figures of old, gangster-like men are, if nothing else,
interesting features next to the stage/dance floor.
Part of the second floor has been cut away to create
space for the audience interested in seeing a new
band perform. And the new music in the form of
the Smiths, the Replacements, New Order and like
bands is still being played.
qualify of Club.288, there was something ironically
missing there Saturday night. The old "trendy"
crowd has been replaced by a new "trendy" crowd. I
suppose the owners' attempt to appeal to a broader
crowd, from their point of view, can be perceived as
a success. Sure, there were a handful of punkrockers, but at the same time there were an inordinate amount of yuppie-type people clothed in the
latest Guess designs. The sleaze is gone from 288. In
its place is designer fashion and style. Yes, there's a
new club in Albany. It's not for everybody. But if
you want to go out and spend $3 to dance or see a
new band ($1.75 Buds) and get a good look at the
beautiful people, then it may just be the place for
Troy. No doubt it is a decent competitor with clubs
288 and Puttin' on the Ritz. It has the potential to be
a carbon copy of both, yet so far it is avoiding such
simple categorization. If anything it resembles the
old 288.
People descend upon Duck Soup just to hang out
and have fun. And the old 288 crowd seems to have
migrated over there as well, a diverse assortment of
people decked in'anything from blue jeans and flannel shirts to ripped t-shirts and workouts. My friend
and I went on a Sunday night. We ordered a $5 bottle of champagne, sat at the bar and drank, and took
it all in. Not once was it ever dull or predictable. A
local performer was going psychadelic on an
acoustic guitar, this an interlude between the opening and headlining acts.
I took a walk around and examined the setup. The
mood was right, but there still seemed to be some
problems with the club. One was that despite its ample size, the square shaped bar was placed about 12
feet from the stage. I was there on a night when
there was 40 or 50 people. If it were a night when a
more popular band like the Chesterfield Kings or
Del Fuegos were performing, it would become difficult to see the stage. People would have to stand
next to it, where the view would be obstructed, or
look across from the other side of the bar. And the 1
a.m. starting time for the main act was a bit late for
anyone on a Sunday night. The managers cannot
forget this is Albany, not New York, and people
have to get up and go to work or school the next
day. On a Friday or Saturday night, however, the
starting time would be perfect.
My friend Bob twice broke his right middle toe
twirling and dipping and dancing at I'auly's Hotel,
.117 Central Ave. Both times it was during Johnny
and the Triumphs sets, though we can't remember
which songs, exactly. By the third set (earlier in the
evening crowds were more likely to creep away
machine by providing free drinks . .." Pauly's new
owners have since tried to inject some new feeling
to the establishment — and succeeded — though the
distinction of the most recent addition still goes to
the ladies' room, and the side door "still carries the
iron plates added during the Prohibition to keep
police from kicking in the door." Thai part of
Pauly's personality is tangible in the pressed tin
walls and ceilings. In the old-fashioned Tiffany
lamps and ceiling fans, in the oak panelled bar and
the three great mirrors behind it.
Then, after three and a half years of maintaining
this uniquely appealing sleazy atmosphere, 288
changed. After seeing the futuristic ads on cable for
"the new 288" {"wasn't certain about what to expect.
Would I be treated to a Twilight Zone-esque
journey into other-worldliness or else let down in
the form of overexaggerated, misguided hype? The
end is close to the latter, as an attempt to become
Albany's answer to the chic, New York, neon light
club scene.
But desnite the "newness" and apparent fresh
Pauly's Hotel
Rock 'n' Roll was only invented in 'SO's, though,
otherwise it would be doubtful that Pauly's, the
oldest continually operating bar in te Albany area,
could have withstood all the wear and the tear. Built
in 1861 on the former site of a Lutheran cemetery, it
was purchased by John Pauly in 1887, and remained
in the Pauly family until 1975, at which time there
were still plenty of "faithful customers" who, according to a 1977 article in the Knickerbocker News,
"remembered when Legs Diamond was a customer
and the days when Democratic politicians oiled their
288 Lark
In the past, 288 Lark had always been the "trendy" place to go. You could hear the best new music
and hang out and watch the interesting people, i.e.
punk-rockers with the most original and bizarre haircuts and clothing. You could go there and be
yourself and have an all out good time even if 95
percent of the time the tiny dance floor was
Bogie's, located on the corner of Madison and
Ontario just behind the Big Dom's and just across
the street from my house (officially, 297 Ontario), is
smaller than it's reputation. Upon my first visit
there, I was amazed that a club so important to the
Albany music scene could be so little.
Bogie's has been a flagstaff of the Albany music
scene since back before Fear of Strangers were
Albany's biggest band, and the friends who lent me
their Fear of Strangers album to tape, the same ones
who took me to see the Drongos for the first time,
had always spoken of Bogie's with nothing less than
reverential tones.
Of course, it doesn't compare to the pretentiously
redubbed Club 288 as far as actual littleness goes,
but as a club I'd been hearing about since I first
started listening to local music, I'd expected Bogie's
to be something.. .well, something big.
Fortunately, size isn't everything. Bogie's
acoustics were just fine, the crowd (it was a Monday
night Newports show) amiable, and the band very,
very good.
To clear something up, when I speak of "the
Albany music scene," I'm speaking as someone who
likes a lot of the local bands, has been to most of the
local clubs, but who isn't as deeply involved in the
whole thing as someone from WCDB might be.
Cafe Loco
ly they lay down some mean rockabilly, though until they get some style they're never going to make it
to Solid Gold. Downtime, who played a mixture of
rock and jazz fusion last Friday night, made good
listening and drew a decent crowd, though I thought
they were pretty well summed up by my friend's
description, "tight but. not amazing." I've heard some
pretty fanatical reviews of the Sun Mountain Fiddler, who appears next at Pauly's Friday Oct. 25.
Other notables include recording artist Rory Block,
and a 19-piece swing band that entertains the crowd
with Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, etc., on the
last Sunday of every month. Most of the bands play
in and around the upper New York State area and
range from frequent to occassional visitors to
Albany and Pauly's. The cover is $2, music starls at
around 10 pm and goes on until 1:30 or 2 am.
The crowd at Pauly's is a lot like Ihe music mixes
between sets; lots of old favorites, but never too
predictable. It's not usually a student atmosphere,
and there's always a few guys with old Puma
sneakers and gooseneck bullies clutched to their
chests; but generally It's friendly people out to have
a good lime.
Food and drink are both inexpensive at Pauly's;
wings and sandwiches come highly recommended,
to say nothing of beer. Two beers come to $1.75,
and there is usually some kind of special on beer or
mixed drinks. For early-risers or non-sleepers, there
is an 8:00 am Happy Hour every day except Sunday. There also seem to be great recreational
possibilities in the long shuffle board table, parallel
to the bar as you walk in the door (House Rule 7 —
Losers buy beer checks for all players.)
The other night a buddy raved to me about a
crazy fiddler who played at an ancient bar
downtown, trying to articulate an experience that is
peculiarly Pauly's; all in vain, of course, just because
a good time anywhere is impossible to describe, being so dependent on time and place, atmospehere,
etc. — mostly on just being there. 1 knew what he
meant Ihough. Once I got hooked on Pauly's, I'd
come in Ihe door nighls, peer Into the long half-lit
rectangle of a room that ends in a loud smoky commotion al Ihe back, and. with Ihe right band and the
right friends, without being able to explain It, I'd
know exactly what it was all about.
•William Scher
Sunday evening. What to do? What to do7 Hmm.
Maybe a movie? No. Dancing? No. How 'bout some
acoustic music? That would hit the spot, but where
to go? Oh yes, Cafe Loco,
Last semester Bob Phaneuf began a concert series
at his quaint Madison Avenue Mexican Restaurant.
He was upset that Albany had no "Listening Room"
for acoustic musicians and receptive audiences.
Since he wasn't open on Sunday nights he decided
to make it happen.
With help from the folks at the Town Crier Cafe,
he and his partner Marcia Tolive learned the ropes
of booking and presentation and set themselves on
their merry way. The initial run featured, among
others, Jorma Kaukonen (in an unplanned electric
set), Odetta, John "Hammond, and Country Joe
McDonald. Oregon also performed a date in midsummer prior to their performance at SPAC.
The success of the shows has forced Phaneuf to
move the performance site to the E.B.A.
Chapterhouse on the corner of Hudson and Lark.
Concerts begin at 9:00 pm and are limited to about
200 seats. The rest of this fall's series Includes the
David Mallet Band on Oct. 13, Liv Taylor on Oct.
20, Greg Brown on Nov. 3, Tamuantinsuyo on Nov.
10, Mose Allison on Nov. 24, and Taj Mahal on
Nov. 15.
Mexican dinners are served before the performances, and appetizers and drinks are served
throughout the night.
Although many clubs feature local acoustic musicians, Cafe Loco is the only local venue consistently
presenting well known acoustic performers,
-Mike Erk
n n • BU>#n& •
n m;
J.B.'s Theatre
On a warm July night in 1982 a criminal fire dashed the hopes of Albany music lovers to the ground
right next to the charred rafters. J.B. Scott's had
burned. Ever since then a glassy-eyed sigh of
memory and regret has separated the initialed from
the inquisitive . . . until now.
J.B.Scott's is back, in fact if not in spirit, as the all
new J.B.'s Theatre. Owners Doug Jacobs and Vinnie
Birbiglia have made the former Wheels Plus Roller
Rink, located behind Westgate shopping plaza, into
a music club with triple the capacity (2,400) of the
old J.B.'s. Almost comparable in size to the Palace
Theatre, It has already become the major club in
Albany by bringing in acts such as Squeeze, R.E.M.,
and the Ramones.
The owners are working with Northeast Concert
rather than doing all their own booking. All types of
entertainment will be represented, they say, if the
response warrants It. October's concerts include
Nick Lowe, X, and an Albany Hunger Benefit on the
J.B.'s Theatre has a unique alcohol policy. Anyone
17 or older with valid identification will be admitted. A separate bar area is enclosed and only those
above the legal drinking age will be allowed to
enter. This policy will continue, with few exceptions, when the drinking age increases to 21 in
If you're looking for a quiet place to talk or a
cheap place to hang out, J.B.'s Is not it. On the other
hand, it is Ihe only place to go to sec bigger acts (hat
pass through town. And jus! as it did years ago, J.B.'s
Theatre is putting Albany back on the music map.
-Mike Eck
6a Aspects I
•October 11, 1985
Study Abroad Programs
SUNY Oswego
Jan 22-May 1, 1986
12 to 15 credit hourt. choose from:
12 to 15 credit hours, choose from:
Housing and Meals
Students are housed in SUNY
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available so students may prepare
their remaining meals is they chose
to. The accomodations are located in
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mid-January to mid-May
Liberal Arts or Student Teaching
R1o Pledras
Jan 25-May 31, 1986
$2,500 semester
This popular program available for
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$1,100 semester estimated cost (Tuition free for
SUNY students)
This program allows Business Administration students the opportunity to continue their studies and
perfect their Spanish. Classes are taught in
Spanish, but English texts are used. Students are
housed with f a m i l i e s , therefore, romm & board is
far cheaper in Puerto Rico than in the U.S.
Business Administration in Puerto R1co
Dec. 27, 1985 - Jan. 19, 1986
$790.00 3 weeks-3 credits
This program is designed to allow business or arts
and sciences majors to study business courses during
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regular SUNY Oswego faculty in English except w h e r e '
otherwise noted. Course descriptions are contained
in the SUNY Oswego catalog.
Send for a program announcement
and application to:
Office of International Education
102 Rich Hall
SUNY Oswego
Oswego, New York 13126
(315) 341-2118
Let u s h e l p y o u e x ^ a r i e n c e t h e w o r l d .
"0 8 y ' <S 1) ia o.SB <a a
f (21 u 0 'v 9" L? a§>[?(389[itltt8
Ian Spelling
"Thanks, John. Ladies and gentlemen, I
stand before you now with no will to say a
single negative comment about my friend,
Mike. I doubt I-would say anything even if
I could think of a juicy tidbit you'd like to
hear. The truth is he's been there when 1
needed him. I remember when I got my
divorce. I called Mike, a lady killer by
reputation, and asked for his help. Sure
enough, he introduced me to the right
woman. And we've been married for two
years now.
"Yes, Mike does smoke too much, I
guess you could call that a flaw, but if a
man's worst attribute is hurting himself,
then I say to you I wish more Mike Winchesters walked this planet. I love you
man, don't forget that." ,
, The hundreds of people in Livingston
Manor cheered.
"Our next speaker is Mike's, ex-wife,
Marie. Let's give her a big hand," Eldridge
requested and received.
"A five minute ovation," observed
Eldridge, "Some presidents don't even get
that. Hey, is anybody going to take a potshot at Mike?"
A chorus of loud, frenzied "no's"
answered that.
"Okay then. It's time to bring up our
guest of honor."
Michael Winchester rose from his oak;
chair on the podium. Everyone's attention
was pointed toward him. Mike smiled and
waved toward the crowd.
"May I have a minute to think?" he
Sixty seconds ticked away.
"Ready!" someone shouted.
Several bullets ripped through the small
cardboard bullseye over Michael Winchester's heart.
The roast was over.
.128 pages, $5.95
he proceeds from Garry Trudeau'
newest Doonesbury book, Check
Your Egos at the Door, are going to
the USA for Africa fund. Although the
book probably won't gross as much capital
for Ethiopia as the song "We Are The
World" did, it is almost as funny.
After taking a year off at the height of
his popularity to get a handle on what the
real world was like, Trudeau has returned
with an updated, more mature cast of
characters who manage, by and large, to be
just a little less funny than they should be.
Mike Doonesbury has become an advertising man and married JJ. Caucus/who is
pursuing a career as an artist.
B.D. is now playing for the Rams, to
judge by the insignia on his helmet, and
Boopsle is an actress.
Fri.& Sat.
Oct. 11 & 12
Shows begin at
7:30 and 10:00
"Thank you, thank you," cooed Marie
Winchester. "Yes. I am Mike's ex-wife. So,
why, you may wonder, am I here today?
Well, I love Mike. That's why. I requested
the divorce out of love for him. I knew he
loved me, but I just wasn't enough for
Mike. He needed the love of other women
as well. I felt a man like that had to be
shared. But-1 love Mike, always will. I am
here tonight to let him know that, and to
let you~people here know that. Mike, I
love you, honey."
"This seems to be a lovefest rather than a
roast," noted Eldridge. "But I think real
feelings are better than anecdotes. Don't
you7 Our next guest is Marty Gilbert. Marr
"Mike Winchester. What can I say that
hasn't been said? I knew Mike before he
became the lady's man he is today. I used
to see him two or three times a week doing
community service in and around Moolb.
He always had a smile on his face, and it
would grow when he saw me. He was
becoming a sort of town legend. So I liked
to keep tabs on him, you know. I felt I
could be a part of history that way. And
my standing here before you today shows I
was right. They don't make many men like
Mike. I don't think the workd could handle
that, if you know what I mean. Thank you
Sir, you've been an inspiration."
"Next up," shouted a clapping Eldridge,
"is the mother of our guest of honor. Joan,
dear woman... "
"I cried the day my son was bom. Mike,
we had been told, was going to be our only
child. 'Why us,' I cried to my husband,
James. James smiled and said, 'Please, darling, don't cry. We're lucky to have this one
child. Some people can't have any. And
some who do have children don't love
them. We'll smother Michael in love.' And
we did. I'm so proud of my boy. I'm so
glad to see all of you people here today in
Jjis honor. We did right with Mike,,
wouldn't you say?"
The people went crazy.
Check Your Egos at the Door
G.B. Trudeau
Owl Books
Before They called him
The Road Warrior
They called him
adies and gentlemen, we are
gathered here today to roast a true
gentleman, a man of peace and
love, an inspiration to alt who know him. I
speak not of Bob Geldof or Bob Hope. Not
of Martin Luther King or John Lennon, but
of Michael Winchester.
"Michael has been a pillar of the community, an inspiration for us all, and a
damned good friend to me. Many of us
here tonight have never met before, but
we are all friends. We are a diverse group
of people, people passing through life who
have one common element: Mike.
"Fortunately, Mike possesses a keen
sense of humor, one which he shall need
tonight. Dean Martin couldn't be here with
us. And George Jessel is dead. So, I, John
Eldridge shall serve as your master of
"Our first guest is Stan Coleman. Stan
Sl,'850 semester (Tuition free for SUNY students;
This Fall, Spring or academic year program allows
the student to study courses in his or her major
area while gaining proficiency in Spanish.
Students are housed In university dormitories where
k f t c h e n f a d l Itles are provided. R1 o Piedras is
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center of Puerto Rico. Cost includes flight, room
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• Business Exchange, Mayaguez
S2.300 Includes roundtrip fare
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does not include SUNY tuition and
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All program costs subject
to change with notice.
February-June 1986
$2,000 semester
Designed to allow for the study of the Chi nese
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semester or
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classes to be taught in English in Chinese history
culture S civilization.
Students showing p r o f i c i ency may register for regular college courses
taught in Chinese; Chinese language courses also
available. Students live 1n college dorms and
eat in college dining centers. A knowledge of
Chinese is not required.
I October 11, 1985
Here's to you, Mike Winchester
Sponsered By
Aspects 7a |
$1.50 w/tax sticke:
$2.50 w/out
Zonker, after spending some time
• unemployed, is studying to be a doctor at a
facility headed by Duke and Honey, while
Joanie Caucus and Rick Redfern are doing
pretty much the same things they were the
last time we heard from them.
The difference between Doonesbury
and the strip that has become almost as
popular in college circles, Bloom County,
has never been more easy to see than in
Check Your Egos. Almost every strip in
the book has some form of political
message, the only exceptions being the
strips concerned with Zenker's cavorting at
the medical college.
Unfortunately, Zonker is the one
character who has changed the least, and
he suffers from that. Always a favorite, but
always a bit more spacey than any of the
strips other characters, he doesn't translate
into the real world very well, which may
be one of the reasons that Trudeau chose
to keep him In school. However, it
becomes tedious, because the reader has
seen Zonker in school before. The excitement of Doonesbury's return was supposed to be finding out what happens to
everybody, and too much time is spent
with Zonker and Duke, who are doing the
exact same things they've been doing since
they were first introduced.
The book is very funny, proving once
again that there's a big difference between
Doonesbury and any other comic strip.
The series dealing with Mike's first Job as
an ad man, a campaign to sell Reagan to
Black voters, is cutting, and underscores
how well Trudeau con mix his political
feelings with humor. .
All in all, the Doonesburys and the
Redferns are the characters who've aged
most gracefully. Trudeau's scries on the
homeless, with Rick Redfern as it's centerpiece, mixes humor with deadly
seriousness as one strip. ends with a
homeless woman being covered by snow
while sleeping in front of the White House.
The rest of Doonesbury's cast still seem
a bit immature, and don't go over as well
any more, but this may be because
Trudeau doesn't really focus on them
And the book's namesake series, which
dealt with the making of the USA for
Africa video, was by and large a
throvyaway, except for one great moment
when an anonymous voice calls out from the chorus, "Quincy? I miss my entourage,
Moolb County (AP) — Convicted rapist
and murderer Michael Winchester was executed by firing squad this morning in the
courtyard of Livingston Prison. Doctor
William Austin pronounced Winchester
dead at 6:23 a.m. "Three bullets pierced his
heart. There was no suffering. He died instantly," Austin said.
Present at the early morning execution
were Winchester's parents, his ex-wife,
Marie, prison warden Stanley Coleman,
and the original prosecuting Judge, John
Eldridge. "He got what he deserved. Justice
was carried out today," Eldridge said. "He
was a menace to society." Winchester was
convicted October 19, 1983 on eight
counts of rape and first degree
manslaughter in the deaths of eight prostitutes.
SUNY Art Gallery
Edward Mayer: works by the chairman of the Fine Arts Sculpture
Adirondack Museum
Artists in residence through October 15.
Crailo State Historic Site(463-8738)
A Window of Our Past: The Dutch Heritage of the upper Hudson
Albany Institute of History and Art (463-4478)
Paintings and Sculptures from Albany Institutes permanent collection, Inner Light through November 3.
New York State Museum (474-5842)
Arts and Crafts Movement In New York State through October
20, The first hundred years of forever: A forest Centennial
through November 3, The Ideal Wheel through November 11,
Artwork from SUNY campuses.
Hamm/Brickman Gallery (463-8322)
Original works by area artists.
Cine 1-8 (459-8300)
1. Remo Williams The Adventure Begins 1:25, 4, 6:40, 9:30, Fri,
Sal, 11:50
2. Agnes of God 2, 4:30, 7, 9:20, Fri, Sat, 11:30
3. Silver Bullet 2:15, 4:40, 7:20, 9:55, Fri, Sat, 11:55
4. Commando 2:30. 5, 7:40, 10, Fri, Sat, 12
5. Back To The Future 1:40, 4:05, 6:50, 9:10, Fr., Sat., 11:35
6. Sudden Death 2:20, 4:50 7:30,9:40,' Fri, Sat, 11:40
7. Sweet Dreams 1:30, 3:50, 6:30, 9, Fri, Sat, 11:20
8. Jagged Edge 1:40, 4:10, 7:10, 9:50 Fri, Sat, 12
UA Hellman (459-5322)
1. Pee Wee's Big Adventure 7:35, 9:30.
2. Year of the Dragon 7:15, 9:45
Crossgates (456-5678)
1. Teen Wolf 12:35, 3:05, 6:20, 8:55, 10:40
2. Sudden Death 2:30, 4:40, 7:15,9:50, 11:45
3. Plenty 1:15, 4, 6:55, 9:35, 12
4. Remo Williams The Adventure Begins I, 3:35, 6:45, 9:25, 12
5. Back To The Future 12:30, 3:20, 6:30, 9:10, 11:30
6. Sweet Dreams 1:10, 4:50, 7, 9:35, 11:50
7. Jagged Edge 1:35, 4:05, 7:10, 9:45, 11:55
8. Better Off Dead 12:40, 2:55, 7:05, 9:45, I 1:55,
9. Silver Bullet 1:40, 4:15, 8:05, 10:10, 12:05
10. Commando 1:20, 3:40, 7:05, 9:15, I 1:35
11. Invasion U.S.A. 2, 4:20, 6:40, 9:05, 11:25
12. St. Elmo's Fire I, 3:15, 6:35, 8:50, 11:05
Third Street Theater (436-4428)
1. Crimes of Passion October 11-13, 7 and 9:15
2. What Have I Done To Deserve This? October 15-17, 7 and 9:15
Spectrum Theater (449-8995)
1. The Kiss of the Spiderwoman 7, 9:35, Sunday 4:00
2. The Shooting Party 7:10. 9:20, Sunday 4:00
Cacoon 7, 9:15
Pauley's Hotel
The Newports, October 11, Downtime, October 12, Rootie
Tootie, October 13
Duck Soup
Brian Brain, October 11, Dirty Face, October 11, Dumptruck, October 12, The Grindstones, October 12, Clive Pig, October 13,
Lifeboat, October 17, The Ushers, October 17
Town Crier Cafe(914-223-5555)
The Irish Tradition, October, 13
Silver Dollar
Bovine, October 13
Cafe Loco
David Mallet Band, October 13, Greg Brown, October 20, Livingston Taylor, October 20
Eigth Step Coffee House
Game Night, October 15, Cathy Winter, October 18
Half Moon Cafe
Michelle Tondreau, October 11, Kenny and Tzipora, October i2
Cafe Lena
Lou and Peter Berryman, October 11, Pierce Pettis, October 13
Siena College
Starting Here, Starting Now, October 12, 8 pm.
The Dream Keeper Speaks: The World of Langston Hughes, Oct
17, 8 pm.
Proctors (346-6204)
Faust, October 12, 8 pm. The Clancy
Brothers and Tommy Maken, Oct. 19, 8 pm.
SUNYA Performing Arts Center
End Of the World. October 16-26, Kenneth
Cooper, October 18, 8 pm, Page Hall.
Half Moon Cafe (463-0329)
The Raggedy Ann Musical Starting October 26.
Capital Repertory Company
"Playboy of the Western World" October 12 - November 10.
"Bo back by supperflme. Hump .
And, as always, you be careful.'
"Sldneyl I made a mlstakel... Deposit
the $50 check Into savings, and
put the $500 In cash into checking!"
Troy Savings Bank Musk Hall(273-0552)
Albany Symphony Orchestra, October 11,
Detroit Symphony Orchestra, October 17.
Skyline with Tony Trischka, October 17-19.
Palace Theatre(482-5224)
Albany Symphony Orchestra "Case of The
Stolen Song" October 20.
"Key Exchange," October 31.
The Unlimited Feast
Renaissance Lute and Classical Guitar,
October, 11 and 12.
Union College
Hanover Band, October 15.
"Well, I'm addicted.... Have you
tried Carol's sheep dip?"
October 15, 1985
Winning teams key to SA deficit
By Lisa Rlzzolo
. Although the recent five percent budget
cuts for Student Association funded
groups is due largely to athletic teams
overspending, the reason behind it is far
less grim than its results.
. According to Mark Rivers, chair of the
Intercollegiate Athletic Committee of Central Council one of the main reasons for
the. approximately $7743 overspending is
that more teams made it to the finals than
were expected to. Ten thousand dollars
was allocated to the post-season contingency fund, which is used when teams
qualify for the finals. So many teams
qualified for post-season play said Rivers,
that $15,313 was spent, leaving a $5,313
deficit in the post-season contingency
According to SA Controller Eric
Schwartzman, the. extra money was spent
"against the general SA banking
Men's Varsity basketball coach, Dick
Sauers, said that the National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA) has reimbursed the teams for post-season play in
the past, but now the women's division III
basketball team also has a post-season
tournament and the NCAA cannot afford
to reimburse the teams u r more. "The
team cannot be denied attending the
playoffs," said Sauers.
According to Schwartzman, another
cause for the deficit is inflation in food
"The teams are budgeted a certain
amount of money for each meal. At midyear there became a need to increase the
per diem. When the team's money
allowance was increased, the appropriated
fund was not i n c r e a s e d , " said
When asked why they took the risk of
creating a deficit, Schwartzman said, "It
"We are going to
keep better tabs with
the teams this
year. . ."
— Mark Rivers
was something we felt was unavoidable."
The lack of gate ticket sales was another
cause for the deficit. According to the
schedule of receipts and expenditures from
the athletic, advisory board activities,
$6,000 was estimated for gate receipts and
only $5,290 was taken in, leaving a $710
deficit. "We over-anticipated what gate
receipts would be," explained Rivers.
According to varsity baseball coach Ed
Zaloom, the baseball team overspent their
budget because "when baseball is scheduled, you figure for a few rainouts. Two
years' ago twenty-eight games .were
scheduled and drily twenty-three were
played. Last year twentyrseveri games were
scheduled and twenty-six were played, so
more money was needed than anticipated.
We just got lucky as far as weather was
concerned. We had a nice Spring in
Albany last year."
The athletic over-spending created "a
deficit in the SA budget leat year, and, as a
result, SA was forced to cut funded
groups' budget spending lines by 5 percent
this year and income lines by 3 percent.
The athletic fund was not cut.
According to Schwartzman, the reason
is that athletic teams receive a separate
portion of money from the Student Activity fund. The athletic budget is controlled
by the SUNY Board of Trustees, while SA
controls the budgets of other campus
"If we cut one basketball game it
doesn't only affect SUNYA. SUNY all
conference doesn't want one game to messup t h e e n t i r e s c h e d u l e , " said
When asked how a deficit will be avoided this year, Rivers said, "We are going to
keep better tabs with the teams this year
and work closer with them so we know
when they are coming close to overspending their budget. Then we can help them
SUNY audit
finds misused
Albany, N. Y.
(AP) SUNY's sabbatical leave program
and the financial controls at one of its
colleges in Syracuse have been criticized
in audits issued by State Comptroller
Edward Regan.
Regan said last Thursday that some
SUNY academic and administrative
employees were taking sabbatical leaves
improperly by not meeting all conditions of the program.
The leave policy allows employees to
take off a year at half their normal
salary or a half year at full pay to travel,
study, do research or write. During the
two accademic years ending June 30,
1984, SUNY spent $18.5 million to pay
1,027 employees on leave, the audit
The audit found that 14 employees
failed to return to SUNY for at least one
year after their leaves, in violation of
SUNY policy, but no attempt was made
to recover their sabbatical salaries of
In addition, the audit said that: five
employees were granted leaves even
though the required six years hadn't
elapsed since their last sabbatical leaves,
23 were granted leaves based on vague
proposals, 34 performed activities on
leave that differed significantly from
their approved activities, and 12 failed
to accomplish their leave objectives
because they became sick.
Other employees failed to provide
enough information about their leaves,
the audit found.
The audit also said SUNY failed to
follow recommendations in a 1980 audit
Quad walks shed light on dangerous areas
By Olivia Abel
To promote and improve campus safety,
Student Association is conducting
"lighting walks" around each quad to inspect the safest and most dangerous places
to be at night.
SA Media Director, Doug Tuttle, led
about 20 students around Indian Quad
Thursday night, pointing out areas that
should be avoided and noting things that
the University could do to improve campus
Major suggestions included fixing
broken lights and making existing lights
brighter, removing large bushes and trees
along the path to the parking lot and installing more emergency blue light phones
on Perimeter Road.
Although not much of Indian Quad is
brightly lit, the Indian Quad parking lot
and Perimeter Road area surrounding the
quad Is considered one of the most unsafe
places on campus, according to Tuttle.
There is only one blue light emergency
phone in the parking lot and it is located
close to the quail. Tuttle suggested that it
should be placed closer to Perimeter Road,
and most of the students on the walk
The soccer field behind Indian Quad Is
also considered a potentially dangerous
area, said Tuttle. Students often walk
through the field at night returning from
popular hang-outs like Suiters and Across
the Street Pub. One student described it as
"walking through total darkness."
"We're trying to add a sense of urgency where to walk and where not to walk and
to improve lighting on campus. We want to make my job as an escort easier."
the university to reevaluate its priorities so Saborit is a member of the "Don't Walk
that projects that are now nine years down Alone" student escort service.
the Toad get consideration now. We want
D.J. Barish, who is also involved in the
the lighting more closely monitored and "Don't Walk Alone" program, said she
the lights reparied more quickly," aid participated in the walk because she
wanted "to improve the safety of the
Students who participated on the walk campus."
agreed that it was helpful and informative.
Betty Ginzberg, SA Director of Student
Cretchen Saborit, a first year student liv- Programming, helped to organize the
ing on Indian Quad, said she participated walk, and stressed the fact that "especially
the walk because she "wanted to know women should never walk alone." Ginzberg, who is actively involved in the
Women's Safety Task Force said she feels
that "because of Karen Wilson people will
take this issue more seriously." Wilson, a
SUNYA student, disappeared over six
months ago.
While Cinzberg quoted an administrative official who said that there
had never been a rupe on Indian Quad, she
said she feels that improvement is needed
on the campus to insure that there never is.
Ginzberg said she wants to make
students aware of Women's Safety
Awareness Day on Nomvcmber 7. The
theme of the event will be "Living Safely
In an Unsafe World," and will include a
variety of workshops and. events.
It Is very important for first-year
students to attend the event because there
will be a special section devoted to relationships, said Oinzberg, and many frosh
Student* parttoloatlno In Indian Quad lighting walk
"may be dealing with sexual relationships
for the first time."
Women's safety died In effort to coordinate lighting.
According to Tuttle, "attacks occur
much less frequently when women are
together in lighted areas." Tuttle also said
that the more students who get involved,
the greater the chance the administration
will do something about he lighting issue.
There has already been a lighting-walk
on State Quad and all the remaining
quads, including Alumni will be toured in
the near future, said Tuttle. On Monday,
October 28, the Women's Safety Task
Force will lead a walk of the entire