Tuesday Thomas quits race, Abelow named V.P. April 23,1985

April 23,1985
Thomas quits race,
Abelow named V.P.
By Doug Tuttle
i .<y
Citing concern over "student
cohesion" in a letter to Student
Assocation Elections Commissioner Dave Light, SA VicePresidential Candidate Chris
Thomas withdrew from the
scheduled run-off with the top
vote-getter fro the office, Ross
A two-day run-off had to be
planned because Abelow won
only 46 percent of the vote,
failing to win a majority.
Thomas finished second with
' 22 percent of the total'vote.
The SA Elections Regulation
Act requires candidates for executive offices to receive a majority of the votes cast in order
to be elected, Light explained.
SA President-Elect Steve
Gawley was enthusiastic about
the prospects of working with
Abelow. "Next year, with the
positions we hold, we'll
definitely complement each
other," he said.
"I.lhink you're going to see
one of the more effective Student Associations in a long
Ross Abelow
New SA vice-president
time," Abelow agreed.
Abelow cited his tow years
experience working with
Gawley on the Student Action
Committee as evidence that
they will make an effective
team. They have worked on
such issues as the 21 year old
drinking age, federal financial
aid cuts and voter registration,
Abelow noted.
Abelow said he was pleased
with Thomas' decisoin to
withdraw. "I think it was very
professional of Chris to concede," he said, referring to the
fact that Thomas received less
than half as many votes as he
"It gives me an extra week to
start learning the intracacies of
the office," Abelow added.
Noting the differences in the
vote totals in the first election,
Abelow said, "I'm sure that I
would have won in the run-off
Thomas conceded that it
would have been "difficult"
for Abelow tq have received a
majority on the first ballot
since there were five candidates
running for the office.
Thomas, however, did feel
that it was fair to require the
run-off. "I think that a majority of students should approve
of who's running their student
Saying he felt his chances in
a run-off would have been
"pretty good," Thomas added, "I would have had to run a
negative campaign, however,
and I don't think that's worthy
of a student campaign."
Both candidates felt the campaign went smoothly. "It was a
race oh merit rather than a
negative campaign," Thomas
said. "I have a good relationship with Ross," he continued.
Albany given high marks
for conservation work
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By Karen E. Beck
Press news release, auditors
found that 34 percent of rooms
A report released last week tested throughout the state were
from New York State Com- heated to warmer temperatures
ptroller Edward Regan's office than the 68 degree standard set by
gave SUNY Albany flying colors SUNY. The audir also found 35
in energy conservation for the percent of rooms examined were
1983-84 fiscal year.
lighted brighter than is required in
An audit, administered by the SUNY's energy conservation,
Comptroller's office was done on guidelines.
a total of ten SUNY campuses inApparently such violations
cluding Binghamton, Buffalo, were not found here on the
Amherst and Oneida, as well as Albany campus, "This campus
the SUNY Central Administra- was one singled out as the only
tion. Questionnaires were also University in the system which
sent to 35 SUNY campuses in completed a full audit," said
order to obtain data on campus Dennis Stevens, Vice President
energy policies, said a spokesper- for facilities. "We are very pleasson, from the Comptroller's of- ed with the result's." The Univerfice, Karen Collen.
sity was, in fact, praised for effec"Visits made to SUNY cam- t l y e e n e r g y c o n s e r v a t i o n
puses across the state revealed activities.
energy consumption levels which
According to Stevens, SUNY A
were not in compliance with stan- is now operating at a cost
dards previously established by avoidance of SI I million. This
SUNY in I974," said Collen.
achievement meant that if
According to an Associated
5,060 gathered to play musical chairs Saturday; Inset:
Winner Peter Selraf I will have his name entered in the
record book.
Musical chairs record proves
easy game for 5,060 players
By Matt Gaven
It took most of the afternoon under a blazing
sun, but by 5 pm Saturday, 5060 members of
SUNYA had broken the world's record for the
largest musical chairs game ever held.
The previous record of 4514, held by Ohio Slate
University, was shattered by SUNYA which added
over 500 participants to the record.
The 4 hour and 35 minute game was won by Peter
Seirafi, a junior at SUNYA majoring in biology.
Seirafi could not be found for several minutes
after his victory. He had left his official registration
number in his car and thought he would be disqualified if he wasn't wearing it. He appeared a
short time later at the judge's tent with a police
escort thai ushered him from the crowded playing
I can't believe this, I'm happy enough that we
broke the record. I really didn't expect to win,"
said Seirafi. "I wasn't supposed to come today
because I have my MCATS next week. I should be
studying right now."
• "I wasn't really sure about playing, but I figured
what could I lose for sticking around a little while,"
said Seirafi, who plans to take a rest from the world
.record circuit for some lime.
The game lasted two hours longer than the
organizers had predicted. The 5060 participants
moved through the course of 50,000 chairs like a
snake slithering its way across a lawn.
The chairs were set up in 14 individual rows
which formed a series of " S " shape formations.
After the first round of music, 10 percent of the
chairs were removed, which continued until there
were 100 chairs left. At that point, two hours after
the game started, the chairs were removed one at a .
time after each break in the music.
When the final round commenced, there was one
chair left with two contestants looking for a seat.
The single chair was centered in a square area set up
with four Miller Beer plastic cups. The two contestants waiked around the cups until the music
slopped and one was left standing.
Seirafi's final opponent was Dan Riso, who just
sat on Ihc ground exhausted while the crowd mobbed Seirafi after he took a winning seat.
"After setting up the chairs all day yestcrday(Friday) in the rain, I started becoming pessimistic as to
whether we'd actually make it through today," said
Ivan Shore, Guinness Day chair. "When we started
to register the hundredds of people that showed up
early, it was then that my attitude began to change.
The real clincher was when the sun came ut, thai
really made the day complete. We couldn'l have
asked for better weather."
According to Shore, who slept in his car all night
watching the cars to prevent vandalism, "I know it
sounds a bit corny, but this is really a dream come
true. We've come a long way from the initial planning stages last September."
"We broke the record by a considrable amount
when you compare SUNYA to Ohio State and see
that we are about a third of their size," said cochair Palty Salkin, who is also SA Programming
Director. "All the records aside, my greatest thrill
was hearing the people
ALBANY...ALBANY during the Pepsi-Wave."
The Pepsi-Wave, the first of its kind, was held
before the game began while the 5060 participants
were sitting in their chairs. The wave was initiated
by University President Vincent O'Leary and took
aboul 7 and a half minutes to complete.
"Like all other participants, I really enjoyed
myself. A day like this is important in the college
environment, it gives everyone a chance to relax
and just have fun," said O'Leary, who was one of
several administrators on hand for the event.
Other university officials who participated included Academic Affairs Vice-President Judith
Ramaley and Student Affairs Vice-President Dr.
Frank Pogue, who managed to get through the first
nine rounds of the game.
"The event attracted quite a bit of attention from
the local press, in addition to some national exposure," according to Salkin. "All three local
television stations were here, including reporters
from the Times Union, Knickerbocker
Schenectady Gazette, Troy Record, and People
Guerrilla boat sunk
With Brazilians shocked by the loss of
Neves, a respected 75-year!old centrist
leader who fell ill before he could be inaugurated last month as the first civilian
president in 21 years, a climate of conciliation surrounds Sarney.
But because of his controversial political
background, Sarney, a 54-ycar-old politician, author and lawyer, could face an erosion of that goodwill in the future.
leading politicians from major factions
have promised to back the new president,
and the armed forces say they recognize
Sarney's constitutional right as vice president to step into the presidency.
Tel Aviv, Israel
(AP) The navy sank a boat carrying guerrillas on their way to attack Israel, and 20
of the passengers are presumed to have
drowned, the military command announced Monday.
The navy captured eight of the 28 guerrillas on the boat alter exchanging fire with
them Saturday night off the Israeli coast,
the military communique said. It added
th.it the dead body of one guerrilla was
pulled from the water and the other 19
were presumed drowned.
The communique said that from questioning of the captured guerrillas, "it apWashington, D.C.
peared the boat was carrying terrorists for (AP) The 15th anniversary of Earth Day,
attacks on several central targets" during the celebration credited with launching the
this week's Independence Day celebra- modern environmental movement and a
tions. The Israeli's use the term "ter- decade of legislation, passed with pracrorists" to designate Palestinian guerrillas. tically lib notice at all in the nation's
capital over the weekend.
Environmental Action, the group
founded by many of the Earth Day
Rio de Janeiro, Urn/it organizers of 1970, put out a statement to
(AP) Jose Sarney, thrust into the presidenmark theoccassion, will hold a fundraising
cy of Latin America's biggest country by
parly this coming weekend and is
the death of president-elect Tancredo publishing a special issue of its magazine.
Neves, starts out with impressive unified
But calls lo the Sierra Club, the
Wilderness Society, the National Wildlife
Earth Day celebrated
Brazilian head backed
federal warrants stemming from activities
of The Order, a neo-Nazi group.
Federation, the National Audubon Society
and Friends of the Earth all turned up
spokesmen who said their organizations
had no plans for any celebrations, and
knew of none in Washington with the exception of Environmental Action's.
By Barbara S. Abrahamer
Holocaust recalled
Neo-nazis surrounded
Three Brothers, Ark.
(AP) Surveillance planes circled a remote
stronghold and police searched a mounlaintop plateau for weapons and explosives as negotiations ground on for the
surrender of a survivalist leader wanted on
weapons charges.
Officers, some of them slipping across a
lake in boats, were in sight Monday of the
heavily armed central camp of the Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord
while looking for land mines and booby
Iraps in one of two smaller camps taken
over by police.
Police arc.negotiating for the surrender
of James Ellison, 44, spiritual leader and
founder of the white supremacist group.
Ellison was charged in a federal arrest warrant April 3 with conspiracy to manufacture illegal automatic weapons.
Officials said David Tate, 22, sought in
the fatal shooting of Missouri State
Trooper Jimmic Lincgar, might have been
trying to make his way to the rugged Ozark
Mountain camp near the Missouri border
in Marion County, Ark., when he was arrested Saturday about 25 miles away in
Forsyth, Mo. Tate was also named in
Philadelphia, Pa.
(AP) Thousands of survivors of the
Holocaust filed past the Liberty Bell, each
pausing to put a white carnation under the
American symbol of freedom in memory
of family members who died in Europe at
the hands of the Nazis.
The march came as about 5,000 survivors and their children from across the
country gathered here Sunday for the
three-day Inaugural Assembly of the.
American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust
Sit-in continues
Ithaca, N.Y.
(AP) Cardboard-toting students hoped to
begin assembling a shantytown today
around Cornell University's administration building to continue their protest of
the school's investments in companies doing business with South Africa.
The university had no immediate plans
to block construction or to prevent
another sit-in at Day Hall for a third consecutive school day, spokesman David
Stewart said Monday morning.
About 300 students demonstrated by occupying the three-story building's second
floor Thursday and Friday. Each day,
Cornell officials allowed the sit-in until
closing hours and then ordered security officers to begin removing and arresting the
protesters. Stewart said 143 were arrested
Thursday and 190 Friday.
Cuomo may run in '88
# -St *ay&
Following widespread campus and professional acclaim alter his 500lh career victory a i AlhanU'« h„ C L 0 .h=n ~™~l « „
February 22, Richard "Doc " Sauers (second Irom left) was honored by a Stafe'Assemb.',' R e ' s o l u Z l a ^ t f m l n ^ ° "
State gay rights bill pushed
(AP) Gov. Mario Cuomo says that even if
he announces his intention to run for reelection as governor next year,.he might
not close the door then on a possible
presidential run in 1988.
"It might make sense then," said
Cuomo of renewing his 1982 pledge to
serve a full, four yeaf term as'governor.
"If it doesn't, I won't."
The governor's comments came last
week during several interviews with the
Associated Press about the continued
speculation that he will be a candidate for
the 1988 D e m o c r a t i c presidential
Gay and Lesbian'Awareness Week kicked off Monday night with a keynote address by Peter Drago and Virginia Apuzzo,
two prominent advocates of gay and lesbian civil rights.
About 25 people attended the lectures
held in the Assembly Hall, .which was
sponsored by the Gay and. Lesbian
Alliance and the Lesbian and Gay Center.
Drago, Governor Cuomo's liason Co the
gay and lesbian community, said he was
"saddened to see such a small turnout"
and emphasized that "until we (the gay
and lesbian community) are willing to
come out and help ourselves we can't expect other people to do s o . "
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. In HU
The Albany Public Library
hosts "Career, Resume,
Education and Financial Aid
Counseling" by Carver Talent
Search from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
on Wednesday, April 24.
1986 Health Professions Applicants: If you will be applying for entrance in September,
1986, you must attend a
meeting about application
procedures, choosing schools
lo apply to and interviewing
techniques. Call Margaret
Reich at 457-8331.
Red Cross Bloodmoblle will
be at the Campus Center Monday, April 29, from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. It Is being sponsored by
Epsllon Omlcron.
Red Cross Bloodmobllo will
also at the Dutch Quad Flag
Room on Thursday, April 25,
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Thousands protest Reagan's policies
Free listings
By Doug T u t t l e
He noted that with a lesbian and gay
civil rights bill under discussion in the New
York State Legislature, that "if anything's
going to happen this year...tomorrow's
when those realities will be dealt with."
Although Drago said "we have a governor who supports u s , " he added that
Governor Cuomo has exhausted the things
he can do. "We've gone as far as we can
under present laws."
Cuomo's Executive order number 28
(the Human Rights Law) that was circulated in 1982 called for an end to
discrimination based on sexual orientation
in state jobs, Drago said but the order "is Virginia Apuzzo
good only as long as he's (Cuomo) in
Politics and political power are a must for gay and lesbian movement.
The problem of the gay and lesbian
budget and the womens' equal rights
movement, according to Apuzzo, is one of
"This bill won't solve all our pro- movement.
blems," Drago asserted, "but people' will
" T h e extraordinary responsibility on a failure to identify goals and make comhave more trouble discriminating with this our part is to recognize the generic issue of mitments. She identified two fundamental
legislation in effect."
oppression," she said. "How can we stand strategics necessary for the movement's
"We haven't been heard in large enough by and not address with equal vigor" those ultimate success. "Politics and political
power is a must," Apuzzo said adding that
numbers," Drago said. To be effective other vital concerns?
"we've got 10 organize better throughout
Apuzzo added that "even if we got a gay education is even more needed. "If you
the state."
rights bill in America tomorrow we'd still want to stop a movement, prey on ig"Gay pride" is fast becoming "gay have to deal with" these other problems. norance," said Apuzzo.
smug" according to Apuzzo, ex-Executive "We'd continue to live the reality of opDirector of the National Gay Task Force. pression," she said.
' " I t ' s easier to allow destruction and
"Just because we are discriminated against
pain when you are labelled" she said, " W e
does not mean we won't discriminate
"The context for this (gay and lesbian) have to demonstrate that we are people
against others," she said.
movement has not been for a piece of and we can't allow our dignity to be infr"Every group that's been at the bottom legislation, even though we desperately inged upon."
of the ladder and moved up has taken on need it. It's the notion of social change,"
"We owe something to the next generathe role of oppressor to the next group," Apuzzo asserted.
tion of gays and lesbians,...and straight
Apuzzo said pointing out that a group as
"The bill is desperately needed, but a lot people," Apuzzo said, to not "sell
diverse as the gay and lesbian community of other bills are also desperately needed," ourselves and our community short."
should be able to put a stop to this process. she said adding, "If the purpose (of the
She added, however, that the struggle
She emphasized that a successful gay movement) was just to pass this bill I involves pain, endurance and a long-term
and lesbian movement must also be con- would have wasted the last decade or so of commitment. " I t ' s not a sprint, it's a
cerned with issues such as the defense my life."
By Beth Finneran
Sagan and Ronald Sagdeev.
p.m. In the second Floor quium Series continues wttn
Gay and Lesbian Awareness Theater at the Junior College
L. Haugh from the University
Week continues with the of Albany. Tickets are $3.00
of Vermont. He will speak at
s c r e e n i n g o f " S i l e n t for the general public and
Financial A i d application Pioneers" Tuesday April 23 at $2.00 for students with an I.D. 4:15 p.m. on Friday, April 26.
deadline (or 1985-1986 is Fri- 8 p.m. In LC 18, and "Pink Call 445-1725 for reservations. International Celzn - Symday April 26. Contact the Triangle" from 7:30-10 p.m. in Muslca Femlna will be in con- posium will be held on TuesFinancial Aid office in AD 152. LC 5 on April 24. On Thursday, cert on Friday, April 26 at 8 day, April 23, 9:30 a.m. to 5
Fuerza Latina sponsors the April 25 Cabaret Night will be p.m. In RPI's Chapel and p.m. and April 24, 10 a.m. to 5
First Annual Hispanic Feast held from 7-11 p.m. in the Cultural Center. Tickets are p.m. sponsored by the Department of Germanic Languages.
Saturday, April 27 in the Cam- Patroon Lounge.
Department o l G e r m a n i c
pus Center Ballroom. Tickets J a w b o n e Reading Series
Languages sponsors a lecture
are $5.00 with a taxcard and presents Michael Blitz and
by Dr. Gunler Nantzschel on
$7.00 without. Call Fuerza Jodi Keene in the Humanities
Deerslayer at 1 and 3 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, at 4 p.m. in
Latina at 457-8651' for tickets.
lounge at noon on Thursday, Thursday, April 25. Admission
The Chosen by Choim Potck
Humanities 354.
April 25.
Is free.
will be presented by The
Physics Colloquium presents
Flame on Thursday, April 25 at Minority Women and Criminal "I'm Getting My Act Together Frank Jona, SUNY at Stony
8 p.m. In ED 121. Admission is Justice will be discussed on and Taking It On the Road" Is Brook, speaking on "Low
Thursday April 25th at noon in presented by Russell Sage Energy Electron Diffraction"
the New York State Museum, Visual and Performing Arts
The Now York Slate Museum Concourse Level, meeting Department at 8 p.m. In the at 3 p.m. Friday, April 26.
presents "Breaking the Spell:' room C. The speaker will be Little Theater from Thursday, W o m e n ' s S t u d i e s a n d
A U.S./Sovlet Dialogue" on Alice Green. Call 474-3739 for April 25, through Saturday, Hispanic and Italian Studies
sponsor Carla Pasqulnella
Sunday April 28 from 1:30-4 further Information.
April 27. Tickets are $5.00 for speaking on "The Italian
p.m. "Breaking the spell".Is a "Rich and Famous" will be students.
Liberation Movetaped forum between U.S'. and . presented on Friday, April 26
ment". The Lecture will be
Soviet experts Including Carl and Saturday, April 27 at 8
Spring 1985 Statistics Collo- held on Tuesday, April 23,
STAFF i r n r E i
Thousands of demonstrators, including
approximately a dozen SUNYA students
and 150 members of the Albany community marched and rallied at the United States
Capitol in Washington Saturday to protest
the Reagan Administration's policies on
Central America, South Africa, the
Nuclear Arms race, and the military
The protest, which was organized by a
nationwide coalition called "April Actions
for Peace, Jobs, and Justice," was the
largest rally opposing Reagan's policics'in
his second term according to the
Washington Post.
The demonstration, which followed a
rally Friday night, concluded with
speeches by Reverend Jesse Jaskson, Rep.
John Conyers, and others, and culminated
with a sit-in blocking entrances to the
White House. Lobbying also took place on
Students and many other groups marched, chanted, and carried signs, with
slogans such as "You can't hug your
children nuclear arms."
One demonstrator chained a 50 pound,
14 foot fiberglass copy of a Pershing II
missile on his back to emphasize the
nuclear threat and to symbolize "the
economic burden of the arms race."
Body found
not Wilson's;
to continue
" W e must end the contradictions of
funding the 'Contras,' trading with South
Africa, honoring the Nazis and reuniting
with the legacy of fascism," Jackson told
the crowd of about 45,000.
"This is a period of darkness and
madness, but there are still signs of life,"
he said.
Jackson applauded the students' protest
against^outh Africa at Columbia University saying, "They're moving away from
Yuppyism and moving toward sharing and
Conyers, who spoke after Jackson, said,
"This is a turning point in history...a
united people cannot be divided." he added, "Reagan is undermining national
security with his insane budget."
Other speakers included Sergio Samicnto of the National Union of Nicaraguan
Univesiiy Students, who thanked the
American people for the interest "in peace
and non-intervention in Nicaragua."
Adrian Wilson, who now works in
Albany but two years ago lived in
England, said he was particularly impressed with the broad support of many groups
at the rally. "I think the general feeling is
that the American public does think
there's going to be a war instead of realizing that it's going on right now...that's
why they have to start protesting," Wilson
said."America is already in those countries," Wilson continued, recalling Viet
Nam. "The longer it goes on the harder it
is to turn around." he said. "We've learned through the 60's that if you do
demonstrate enough you can change
government policy," Wilson added.
"Money for tuition, not ammunition,"
was one of the many chants voiced. Laura
Latendre, one of the SUNYA students that
attended said, "It was good to show the
President that there is opposition to his
"This is a start, we need to gain strength
as we call for changes in domestic and
foreign policy," Latendre added.
Julia Steinberg, a senior who is majoring in Latin American studies, said she was
inspired by the event. "Every time people
go out in the streets it does have an impact
both for the people who didn't go and for
the government," Steinberg said.
"One of the strengths of this march was
that it got so many people working
together on different issues," she said, adding that she hopes now people will begin
to realize that "Our government policy as
a whole is going in the wrong direction,"
"This march should be an inspiration to
those of us who did go, to continue the
work on campus and invlve the community," Steinberg concluded.
Efforts by University Police to look
into the possibility that the body of a
woman found this past weekend
floating in the Delaware River near
Trenton, New Jersey could have been
Karen Wilson's, determined conclusively that the body was not in fact Wilson's
according to SUNYA Director of Public
Safety Jim Williams.
Discrepancies in clothing, jewelry,
and body weight proved that the body
wasn't that of Wilson. An autopsy on
the body was to have been performed
Monday morning, Williams said.
University Police became aware of the
discovered body, according to Williams,
through routine nationwide police
Williams wouldn't comment on the
number of investigators still on Ihc case,
except to say that it depended on the
number of leads. " I f there was
something to do, we could have 50
detectives here in half an hour," he said.
"The case is not going to be closed
until it is resolved," Williams asserted.
Williams said he had " n o idea"
whether Wilson, missing since March
27, could still be in the Albany area, adding, "1 don't speculate in the press."
Williams did s.'y, however, that there
was "definitely f ul play" involved
because, he said, "From what we know
about the character of Miss Wilson, she
would never willingly get in a car with a
stranger." H e added, " S h e didn't run
According to Doug Lanker, a friend
of Wilson's, Wilson's parents and
friends have been in constant contact
with police since
No more student searches have been
planned because, Lanker said, "Almost
every area in Albany that can be searched has been searched." Wilson's friends
have informed police that they are
available to do whatever is needed,
Lanker said.
Residents of Seneca Hall on Indian
Quad have also helped out, donating
$100 to help cover any private expenses
that might be incurred trying to find
Wilson, according to Beth Stevens, the
R.A. in that hall.
Wilson is believed to have been last
seen walking south on Fuller Road
towards Washington Avenue on March
Wilson is about 5 ' 3 " tall. She weighs
115 pounds and has light sandy brown
hair and light brown eyes. On the night
of her disappearance, she is believed to
have been wearing blue jeans, a blue
short sleeved shirt, a white rain coat,
and white tennis shoes. It is possible that
she was wearing large rimmed glasses.
Anyone who may have any information is urged to contact the SUNYA
Public Safety Department at 457-7770.
Karen Wilson
Speaker uncovers Wytjis
behind Jewish sexuality
By J. C. Hayden
579 New Scotland Ave., Albany
($10.00 minimum purchase)
Delivery Area;
Chinese Kitchen
East to Delaware Ave. & Lark St.
South to Whitehall Rd.
West to Tampa Ave.
North to Washington Ave. & SUNY Albany Uptown Campus
Delivery Hours:
Mon.-Thurs. 5-10 P.M. • Fri. 5-11 p.m.
Sat. 3-11 p.m. • Sun. 3-10 p.m.
"Specializing in Cantonese. Mandarin and Szechuan cuisine"
Staling thai "Sex has purposes other
than conception," Mai Hoffman, a
psychiatrist and attorney spoke Monday
night on "Uncovering the Myths Behind
Jewish Sexualtiy."
Pacing rapidly across ihe front of Ihe
room, and continually rolling up his shirt
sleeves, Hoffman discussed the song "She
Bop," performed by singer Cindi Lauper,
and, its sexual connotastions. Hoffman
halted, faced the audience, and declared,
."Cindy Lauper is a pervert."
Hoffman brought to light the Jewish
opinion of masturbation saying that for
males, it was "not preferable," and "forbidden." For females, however, he said it
was "not so bad, but also not preferable."
Masturbation is objectionable because it
is considered to be, "in vain," Hoffman
said. The decision of the type of sex to be
engaged in, should not be one that is "in
vain," he added.
In the determination of the type of sex
(oral, anasl or natural) that a married couple engages in, Hoffman emphasized that
the "motive" should be the prime factor.
He said, if the decision is made on the
basis of "fun," it is acceptable. But if oral
sex is chosen, primarily as a from of contraception, it is not acceptable.
Hoffman also discussed bodily contact
prior to marriage. He disagreed with the
statement that there is nothing sexual
about a male and female holding hands. In
his opinion, he said, "Holding hands is
supposed lo be sexual," and it should be
treated as such.
Speaking on homosexuality, Hoffman
said, "The Bible categorically forbids it."
He asserted, "It's not easy, but you can
change." In his capacity as a psychiatrist,
Hoffman said he counsels people in
diverse areas and in regard to people who
accept homosexuality as being normal, for
themselves, "I feel bad, and I want to help
By Beth Flnneran
Albany State Young College Democrats is being revitalized after
impeaching former President Andrew Gelbman Thursday for failing to "carry out the alms of the Young Democrats," said member
John Attanasio.
Commenting on the impeachment, Attanasio said it was
"necessary because he's really done nothing for the organization
since elections."
"He called no meetings, did not keep members informed, (performed) actions which the organization would not have sanctioned
and did not consult the organization on whether he could invoice
the club's name in support of ST.A.F.F. (Students Against Forced
Funding)," he claimed.
Mat Hoflman
''Cindy Lauper is a pervert."
them, but T.N. (Tough Noogies)." He
state.d that a person's acceptance of it, as
being natural, is the hardest obstacle in his
The Flame, who sponsored the event,
offers as counseling program, Hoffman
said and added that a learning program is
also available. The learning program, he
said, involves a teaching of the Bible.
When the lecture came to an end Hoffman sat down, folded his hands, and said,
"If there's anything we can do, Jewishly,
just let us know."
The Flame will also be sponsoring three
other programs in April. On Thursday,
April 25, they will show the film "The
Chosen" by Chaim Potok; on Saturday,
April 27, "A Night in the Country," will
be shown and on Sunday, April 28
"Meditate" will be presented
fi Mission From God
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Joel Rothman, another member, said, "We're doing this
because the man didn't do his job . . . we suffered because of that
and the Democratic Party suffered because of that." He added, "1
am disappointed that it had to happen, but I feel now the Young
Democrats will be able to work more effectively as a group."
Gelbman specificly violated Articles Two and Four of the Young
Democrats Constitution, Attanasio said.
He also emphasized Gelbman's dismantling of the group during
an important Presidential Campaign. "In mid-October he decided
we were going to dissolve the organization and after the election we
would unite the group and work on projects," Attanasio said.
Gelbman did not do that," he added.
According to Rothman numerous attempts were made to contact
Gelbman and messages were left to inform him of the meeting.
"Obviously, Andy Gelbman is not very concerned about his impeachment, because he didn't even attend the meeting," said
member Tom Gaveglia.
Andrew Gelbman was not able to be reached for comment.
The Young Democrats are now revising their constitution and
are planning future events such as a "Meet the Mayor Day" and
fundraisers for local candidates.
According to Rothman, the new organization has been in touch
with local Democratic organizations and has received a pledge of
funding for events.
Referring to the planned constitutional revisions, member Kate
Nuding said, "The situation we had to deal with this year was unforseen when the original constitution was written. Any future conflicts will be handled much more smoothly," she said.
Attanasio said, "We're getting the organization revitalized and
we have the potential to do great stuff." He added that
"everybody here is dedicated to making Young Democrats
"The group that brought about the impeachment is truly
dedicated to Young Democrats and we would like to make up for
this year," Rothman said. "Andy is welcome to participate in all
the activities of the Young Democrats and in doing so we hope that
Andy will choose to be a positive rather than a negative force," he
"I think this action will help revive interest and participation,"
Nuding said.
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"The city should strictly
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Gelbmasi removed
from presidency
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By Pam Schusterman
A committee of Albany community leaders has
concluded that strict enforcement of the grouper
law will help preserve neighborhood property
values and revitalize the city's housing stock.
The report, issued by the Mayor's Strategic Planning Committee, attempts to assess what Albany
can do to promote business and residential growth
within city boundaries.
The current overcrowded situation, according 10
Todd Swanstrom staff director of the Strategic
Planning Committee Task Force is extremely unfair
to moderate income families. "A family just starting can not compete with five students each paying
a separate rent," he said.
Swanstrom also explained that an overwhelming
majority of student tenants creates an imbalance in
the community. "Students just have a different way
of life than families just starting out."
Institutions of higher education in Albany must
provide more housing or cut enrollments, the committee decided, but Swanstrom said the finding was
designed in large part to force college officials into
The recommendation takes into consideration
the people of neighboring Albany communities. It
stated that "the institutions of higher education in
Albany should provide adequate student housing.
The city should strictly enforce its housing code, including the anti-grouper law and enter into a partnership with local colleges and universities to build
more student housing in Albany."
According to Swanstrom the recommendation is
a direct result of the heavy student influx into
neighboring communities. He said, "The number
of students moving off has gone up drastically and
the university has not provided sufficient housing."
President Vincent O'Leary agreed that the problem being addressed is inefficient student housing. "I agree (here is a problem with housing, that is
why we have worked so hard to get more on campus
housing," he said.
O'Leary explained that within two years garden
apartments will be built on campus that will provide
housing for an additional four hundred students.
However, O'Leary said, "Providing additional
on campus housing is only part of the answer to Ihe
problem, we still have many students who will move
off just because they want to." He explained that
even now many more students move off campus
than really have to.
O'Leary explained that he personally did not
agree to everything suggested in the recommendation but he feels that people of Albany will be "sensitive" to the law.
"If students are good neighbors and there is not
terrible overloading I think the people will be sensitive to this," he said.
No specific plans have been made as of yet, according to Swanstrom, there is still a series of
discussions to be held on actual plans, he said.
However, the grouper law that will go into effect
for the fall semester Is part of the plan attempting to
put pressure on SUNY and the legislature to build
more housing, Swanstrom explained.
"Students will have a difficult time with housing
and this will presumably put more pressure on the
university," he said.
Swanstrom also explained that students are a
valuable part of the Albany communities and
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ASUBA, Pogue pair up to recruit minorities
By Rebecca Lutz
About 10 high school minority
students from the New York City
area gathered in Lecture Center 6
Saturday to hear a welcome
speech given by Vice President of
Student Affairs Frank Pogue as a
part of minority recruitment was part of an cffocrt made by
Students Association's Minority
The program, sponsored by the Affairs department to encourage
Albany Stale University Black more minority students to enroll
Alliance (ASUBA), University at the university.
Eric Bowman, head of the
Auxiliary Services (UAS), and
the SUNYA office of admissions, Minority Affairs office, said.
We are looking for 10-15 hard working,energetic, enthusiastic
S.L.N.Y.A. students to participate in a sales and management
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The Job Offers: '
-Excellent money- avg. S.U.N.Y.A.
student saved $3600 last summer
• Resume
-Business experience
We will be holding job
description meetings
Wed. April 24
Thurs. April 25
fo N O T I C E $
Dunkin Donuts
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is no longer under
Kosher Supervision •
("JSC" thought you might want to know !)
101 t e n u i s Homoaexaallrr
102 Male Homosexuality
103 Male Role IdonttOcaUon
104 Womea'a Soxnal Satisfaction
105 Mai* Sexual Timing Problems •
106 Communication la Love and Sax
107 Birth Control Methods
106 A M I Pregnant?
1(W Sexually Transmitted Diseases
201 Bow to Meet People
202 Time Management
203 Loneliness
204 Accepting Yourself
209 How to Handle Stress
20* Test Anxiety
201 Relaxation
208 Tips on Losing Weight
20f Coping with a Broken Relationship
210 Dealing with Anxiety
211 What Is Depression?
212 How to Deal with Deproaalon
213 Recognizing reelings of Loss
114 Death and Dying
219 Dealing with Anger
301 Asserting Yourself
302 How to Say 'No'
Counseling. Information, and
Referral offers:
-Hotline- Walk-in counseling and
crisis service (457-7800)
Info-tapes- A self help tape
service consisting of 40
'pre-recorded narratives on
a variety of issues. (457-5279)
-Group and Outreach services
•On-going counseling
303 Being in LOTS
304 Intimacy
309 reeling Open with Others
306 Helping Others with Problems
307 ConstractiT* Conflict Revolution Techniques
306 Resolving Conflicts In Relationships
401 Recognising Suicidal Potential
402 Dealing with Suicidal Crisis
403 Rape
901 Marijuana: Proa and Coaa
902 Drugs: Recognizing Addiction, Dependence
and Tolerance
903 Recognizing Drinking Problama
504 Iloclnlon-Makiag about Drinking
I Helping Someone Clone to You Who
Drinks Too Much
Schu yler Hall 102
Dutch Quad
Albany, NY 12222
SA Funded
A counselor from Ihe Educational Opportunities Program
(EOP) discussed the program and
encouraged students to take advantage of the six-week summer
program which EOP offers to
provide students with instructional help in certain educational
areas, such as writing skills and
math, before their entrance into
the university.
Dwayne sampson, co-Chair of
the Minority Task Force and an
EOP student said, "1 wish I had
taken advantage of the summer
"We need to have more blacks program," addng that after he
and minority students at enrolled at Ihe university he
SUNYA," said Pogue, adding "found the writing course parthat he felt "Albany has quality ticularly helpful."
programs to offer." He said, "A
After the discussions the
number of high school students
decide to go elsewhere, and after students were scheduled, for dina year or two transfer here. My ner in one of Ihe quad cafeterias,
hope is that you. will choose followed by a movie and an overnight stay in the dorms,
Albany first."
Other speakers .included
Most of the students said, they
members of ASUBA', Fuerza considered the trip very worLatina, African Student Associa- thwhile, and helpful in maktion, and the Pan Caribbean ingtheir selection of a college, i
Association. James Wessman, of
Donna Bennett, a high school
the Department of Latin senior from Queens, gave her imAmerican and Caribbean Studies, pression of the school as "Huge,
and Lester Brown, of Ihe School but very nice" adding that she
of Social Welfare, addressed the definitely wanted to come here
students on the importance of next year. "I originally wanted to
recruiting minorities into their go to St. John's," she said, "but
programs. "Social Welfare ma- after seeing this, I've changed my
jors used to be largely white and mind."
female," said Brown. "Now 60
"Seeing the campus has really
percent of the majors are male, helped to make up my mind,"
black, hispanic, or Asian," he said another student. "Albany
said, adding that "things are was not my first choice, but now
beginning to change on the I've made up my mind to come
"The weekend gives the students
a chance lo see what the university is like, and lo experience a pari
of dorm life."
The students arrived from New
York City at the campus around
12 p.m. Saturday, and ate linch
on Dutch Quad. After lunch Ihey
were given a tour of the campus,
which ended in LC6 to hear
SUNYA administrators and
minority group leaders speak on
ihe advantages which SUNYA offers minority students.
Univ. seeks AT + T stock
in unusual fund-raiser
By Christopher Brady
In a unique and creative attempt to obtain charitable donations to the university, SUNY is
asking parents and alumni to
donate stock in American
Telephone and Telegraph
(AT&T) and any of the Bell
Operating Companies to the
AT&T stock dropped from an
approximate value of $65 to
around $20 and the balance value
was made up of shares in the new
companies, Chesin said. When an
owner attempts to sell their shares
they must pay broker fees, which
take away from any profit
However, Chesin said, if they
donate their shares to the university they can deduct the full value
of the stock from their taxes as a
charitable donation.
"If the response is good and
the university gets a good amount
of shares, we will be able to turn
around and sell a 'round lot' of
100 shares and be able to get a
better price per share on the
broker's commission," Chesin
The money that is donated
"So the university is asking through this program or any
that they donate their odd shares other, is1 used for many things
to the university and then get the that "just wouldn't be covered
full value of Ihe stocks by way of under normal operating expena tax credit," he said.
ditures," Chesin said, adding that
"Donations come to the "World Week was mainly underuniversity in many forms," said written by private money."
Chesin. "Cash and money willed
in estates are the most popular
"Private money is also used for
forms. What we are trying to do is scholarship funds, Library funds,
give people another option in how it assists in funding the different
they can donate."
departments and a host of other
When AT&T broke up people academic and alumni programs,"
_who owned small numbers of he said. "Donations may make
.shares were given a divested stock the difference between getting a
package, according to Chesin. good education and a top quality
"In essence, for every one share education," he added.
of AT&T that they had they were
given back one share of AT&T
"I encourage students to bring
stock, which was greatly reduced the program to the attention of
in value, and one share each in their parents or any other ineach of (he newly formed Bell terested donors as it Is beneficial
I Operating Companies," he to both the school and the
donor," Chesin said.
"When the AT&T break-up occurred, many people who owned
sma|l or modest amounts of stock
were left with 'odd lots' of stock
from the Bell Operating Companies," explained, Sorrell
'Chesin, Associate Vice President
for University Affiars. "They
found that any profit that could
be realized by selling the shares
would be eaten up by brokers'
ZBT takes week to celebrate community spirit
By Robert Benfatto
Assembly member Dick Connors proclaimed the week of April
15 Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT) Community Service Week at a conference in the Campus Center
Assembly Hall last Monday.
After the conference, Albany
Mayor Thomas Whalen, SUNYA
President Vincent O'Leary and
other community and campus
leaders went down to the Pine
Hills area to help in a
neighborhood clean up.
Howard Sonnenschein, President of ZBT, said that the week
was an idea coming from Ihe
whole fraternity in which they
could do one big thing that was
very visible. "Anybody can do a
'little here and there, but we
wanted lo do a whole lot now,"
he said.
On Tuesday ZBT helped^ clean
up the Head Start Association's
playground for underprivileged
children that had been subject lo
recent abuse and vandalism.
"One of the best parts of the
whole week was when all the
children came out and thanked us
for cleaning up so Ihey could now
come outside and play," said
"Also at Head Start, ZBT
members and I painted cartoon
figures' on the walls inside the
building," said Mark Kaplan,
ZBT member.
Later on Tuesday night, ZBT
lent a hand with Ihe
Cancer/Hypertension Alert,
sponsored by the American
Cancer Society. The group also
visited the Daughters of Sarah
Nursing Home Wednesday and
Friday. "We did this for personal
.'reasons and not for class credits
like some students do," said
Kaplan- "Not to say we're better
than them, but to at least say we
care just as much as everybody
else," he said.
Cancer Society.
The final event of the week, an
attempt to break the world's
record for playing the longest
Softball game was held Friday
night. The attempt failed however
due to bad weather which, according to Kaplan, was "a real
shame, since nobody was really
tired." Kaplan added thai "beds
and other necessities" were set up
at Ihe game in the event that they
did break the record of 61 hours.
I Mark Isbitts, ZBT Community
Service Week co-ordinator, said,
"ZBT volunteered its time to improve the quality of the Albany
community as well as the comMarc Kaolin
munity at large."
ZBT members painted cartoons on the walls at Head Start
"This week we showed the
community some students hard at intends to carry on with this tradi- rooting us on in whatever way
Wednesday night, they spon- work for causes they really believe tion here at Albany."
•hey could." He added, "It was
sored "ZBT Night at Ihe Rat," in," he said, adding, "1 hope that
When asked what made this the press's good coverage and exwhere they offered fine beer for this dedicated effort will prove to week a success, Sonnenschein posure of what we did, and it was
donations to the American be a long standing trademark of said, "It was the community's because of the administration's
Cancer Society. There was also a ZBT." Isbitts stressed that "ZBT respect and helpfullness by positive feelings toward us." fl
chicken wing eating contest at
Across The Street Pub on Thursday night and a Softball game on
Sunday afternoon against 92FLY
radio station, both of which also
raised money for the American
New system helps fairly
allot Sr. Week tickets
By Alicia Cimbora
year, are expected to sell out
While most other students are
In order to accomodate as
concerned with getting closed out many seniors as possible, more
of their classes for next semester, seats are available on each trip
seniors arc more worried about and more trips are being offered
getting closed out of the senior than last year, Schneider said, inweek events they want to' par- cluding each, of the canoeing and
ticipate in. But, a new system of the booze cruise.
ticket sales may prevent this from
"We don't want to see seniors
get closed out of events," he said,
The new system of rotating the adding that many trips are being
days and times that students with offered on the same day? to
senior cards will be allowed to facilitate an even distribution of
purchase tickets, according to tickets to preferred events.
Class of '85 president Jeff
Schneider also stressed that onSchneider, was designed ' 'so thast ly seniors with senior cards will be
everyone would be guaranteed to able to buy tickets at senior class
get at least some of the more prices. Only about half of the
popular events."
senior class has senior cards, he
Tickets went on sale Sunday added.
and will continue to be available
A new event being featured in
to seniors with senior cards senior week this year will be
through Tuesday at 10 p.m.
Senior Fest which Schneider
Last year, said Schneider, described as a "mini-Mayfest." It
seniors were assigned random will be held after finals week and
numbers from one to 3,000 which although it is geared more
was "great if you were number specifically to seniors, it will be
one, outnumber 3,000 didn't get • free and open to everyone, he
anything." J.
said. Featured at Senior Fest will
Another improvement in the be t h e N e w p o r t s , t h e
system allows for .seniors with Stomplistics, and Johnny Rabb
earlier time slots to bring so- and the Jailhouse Rockers, The
meone else's senior card and pur- event will be co-cponsored by the
chase tickets for those assigned to senior class and Miller beer.
later times on any day. V.Nobody
Other events offered during
will get all the events but
Senior week include the clameverybody will get some," bake, Jai Alai, Great Adventure,
Schneider said.
„ '«•
Boston day trips, a Broadway
show and senior night at the
"We're trying to give everyone f I Rafters.
an equal shot," he said, explain- • Any tickets still available after
ing that certain events such as the seniors with senior cards have
their chance, will be made
Lake George Booze Cruise, Ihe
Montreal overnight and the Met available to all students beginning
Monday, April 29 In LC 23. EJ
game, which is a new event this
Grouper Law
despite the problems that arise,
the community would suffer
without them.
Chuck Newland, economic
development director for the city
of Albany, agreed that the
students are u vital part of the
community, " T h e mayor
(Thomas Whalen) is looking to
enhance the level of cooperation
between bosh groups, the
students and community
members," he"said.
However, according lo Lee
Lindstrom, a member of the Task
Force, the whole issue is left for
the legislature. "The shoe drops
on the legislature," she said,
"The university is willing to put.
up additional housing downtown,
the money was just not allotted, '
According to Lindstrom.
another idea Would be for so19f
doubt you're going
to make it in
the real world,
but what
about your car?
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Ford and Lincoln-Mercury have
$400 for graduating seniors toward the
purchase of selected cars and trucks.
Ford Motor Credit also has preapproved credit for qualified graduating seniors.
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A Full Service Beauty Workshop:*
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142 State St., Albany, NV 12207
(51 ^ 463-6691 • FREE PARKING
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For Ladies & Gentlemen
practices will be Mon. & Tues.
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irv the gym 3 pm
Guys and Girls Welcome
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Dutch Quad's
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featuring from Long Island
Suicide prevention key is
recognizing warning signs
By Kathleen Brenock
At least once every minute someone in
this country attempts or completes a
suicide. Suicide is the second most common cause of death among 15-24 year
olds, and the fourth leading cause of death
among the elderly. It's a problem which
affects millions: those who threaten, attempt, or complete a nflJ#JHIo
suicide, as well as their MIQUlB
families and friends. C a r l l i
Suicide can be very COIHI
frightening and hard to R g n t g
understand for most of
us, but in many cases, suicide is
There are a number of myths about
.Myth: A person who talks about suicide
will not commit it.
Myth: Suicide happens without
Myth: Suicide is always the act of someone who is mentally ill.
Myth: Once a person is suicidal, he or
she is suicidal forever.
Myth: Suicidal people are fully intent
upon dying.
Myth: Improvement following a crisis
erids the risk of suicide.
Myth: Talking with a person about their
suicidal ideas will encourage them to actually make an attempt.
The facts of suicide are actually very different. Eight out of ten people who have
committed suicide talked about it
beforehand. Suicide is not a disease and is
not a permanent way of thinking. Often
suicides can follow a period of "improvement." Most suicidal people feel overwhelmed by problems and feel they can no
longer cope with them. They may be experiencing difficulty deciding between life
and death and want someone to save them.
Suicidal notes indicate that although the
person was very unhappy, they weren't
mentally ill. Finally, talking with a person
about their suicidal ideas will not put
thoughts of suicide into their heads.
A person's discussion of suicidal
thoughts or the cues they give are a
desperate form of communication. There
are many behavioral and verbal signs
which may indicate that a person is
seriously considering suicide. It is important to be aware of these cues if we are to
help the person who is suicidal.
Verbal cues are perhaps the most obvious suicidal cues. A suicidal person may
indicate a negative attitude toward life,
themselves, or their future. These
statements might be: "I wish I were
dead," "I can't go on anymore," or
"Everyone would get along much better if
I weren't here." Such cues should be taken
seriously as verbal requests for help. If the
person mentions more specific plans, such
as where, when or how he or she would
commit suicide, this may indicate that the
person is far along in the planning of such
an act.
Reference to previous suicidal thoughts
or plans is another significant verbal cue.
Those who actually succeed in the act of
suicide are likely to have previously attempted suicide.
A second series of suicidal signs are, the
area of behavioral changes. The most obvious behaviors are related to eating, sleeping and normal activity patterns. A sudden
inability to sleep, withdrawal from friends,
decreased activity and social interaction
level, irregular eating patterns, retreating
into the past, or an increase in sleeping
time, may indicate extreme depression
with a possible suicide threat.
An individual who begins to organize all
personal and business affairs may also be
in an initial stage of a suicidal plan.
Organization of this type might include
returning borrowed items, or the writing,
of a will. During this stage, the suicidal
person may appear deceptively calm. This
may occur because the individual has made
the decision to carry out the suicide plan.
Often, final statements are made to signficant others. In effect, the suicidal person is
saying goodbye.
If someone is depressed and shows some
type of change in behavior, this does not
automatically mean that the person is in
the midst of a suicidal crisis. However, if
there seems to be a constant pattern of
sleep loss, withdrawal, negative selfstatements, loss of appetite and personality changes, a physician, dorm director,
counseling center, or private therapist
should be contacted immediately.
If you would like further information on
suicide you may call the Middle Earth Information Tape Line at 457-5279 and request tape 401 "Recognizing Suicidal
Potential" and/or tape 402 "Dealing with
a Suicidal Crisis.'' If you would like to talk
about this or any other concern, feel free
to call Middle Earth at 457-7800 or walkin. We are located in 102 Schuyler Hall,.
Dutch Quadrangle and our hours are 9
a.m. to midnight, Sunday, through Thursday and 24 hours Friday and Saturday. •
The First Annual
Hispanic Feast
And Introducing, Direct from N.Y.C.
Saturday, April 2 7 , 1 9 8 5
In the Campus Center Ballroom a t
Albany State University
9:00 PM — 3:OOAM
For safety's sake, the work was placed
in the academic podium tunnels, where
Several students are planning to give: university Gushmans took up where the'
Lisa Birnbach, the author of "The Official •snow plows left off.
Preppy Handbook" and of statements
Currently the work is being restored and
concerning SUNYA's lack of school spirit upon completion of tlie job will be'on
a less than warm greeting Wednesday night display permanently outside the Chemistry
when she will be the guest speaker at •li'ilding.
Russell Sage College's Senior Convocation
Ceremony, according to Patty Salkin, programming director of SA.
Joe Fusco is now the editorial pages
We arc planning to cither stage a protest editor, at the Albany Student Press.
at the airport when Ms. Birnbach arrives,
Fusco, who left the ASP a semester agao
says Salkin, or to demonstrate outside was formerly the associate Aspects editor
Russcl Sage during here appearance.
for a semester.
Currently, adds Salkin, we are trying to
"We were all sad to see Joe leave," said
get the university to supply buses to managing editor John Kcenan, "and we're
transport students to the protest sites.
thrilled to get him back."
"I feel as If I never left," stated Fusco.
SUNYA protests prep
People Auction 6:30
Airband Contest 7:30
by SAM
9:00 - 1:00
^ ^ B e e r $1 wtax card
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<j;2 w/OUt
SA Funded
Good art endures
Good art usually endures over time,
though some works have a harder time of
it than others.
Ten years ago, SUNYA puchascd a
piece of art featuring the divslon of 3
dimensional space into geometrically iuteresling units. The work, by then SUNYA
art department professor Alexander
Mackoff (now with Union College) was
originally placed in the entrance to a dorm,
but was removed after repeated collisions
with university snow plows.
In Advance
$5.00 w/taxcard
$7.00 w/o taxed
Profs win awards
Four faculty members have been named
recipients of Awards for Excellence In
Teaching and Advisement. The award winners will receive a $300 priz« to be
presented by President Vincent O'Leary at
a reception on May 1.
The four winners are Nathan Goltsclialk, professor of music; Albert Higgens, professor of sociology; Harold
Story, professor or physics; and Caroline
Watermen, professor of psychology.
Fusco named editor
At the Door
$7.00 w/taxcard
$9.00 w/o taxed
For Ticket Info:
Call Fuerza Latina
Office at 457-8651
I April 2 3 ,
10 Aspects on Tuesday
IHWAMiiist theArthf6f>b&s '••
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A p r i l 2 3 , 19851
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Maillet brings Acadia to SUNYA
cadia came to Albany in the form of
a small, blue-eyed author named Antonine Maillet (An-toe-neen Mahyeh). "Okay," you say, "so what's so
special about Acadia?" Maillet was awarded the Prix Contour! (France's equivalent
of a Pulitzer Prize) in l^r° tor answering
just that question in her novel /VAi^U'-AlChorrette. Last Tuesday, in a talk at the
New York State Museum. Maillet discussed Pelagic, herself, and why she chose to
write about Acadia.
touclie. Some of the talk was exclusively in
French, and other parts had both languages
combined. Judging from audience
response, there was a fair amount of
French speakers attending. The one thing
Maillet didn't do was the thing she was
originally scheduled for: a direct reading
from Pchgic. Why not? She didn't do her
own translating, and she doesn't like
"speaking someone else's words.'*
The Acadian people, of which Maillet is
one. share two unusual characteristics. The
first is that they speak a form of French
that hasn't been heard in France since
1604— "Royal French." That's kind of like
The Acadians settled in North America
in Io04. They left Prance during the peak
of its civilization, at the time of Louis XIV,
but they were not aristocrats. On I ho contrary, they "came from the people."
Maillet said, "and the people are usually illiterate." The Acadians settled in a part of
Canada that changed rulers 14 times between 1604 and I7M until finally the
English took it permanently. In 1755 they
deported as many Acadians as they could
and left them along our shores. During the
birth of our nation. Pelagic took her family
on the 10 year hike back up to Acadia.
Along the way. more and more of her
fellow Acadians joined her, so by the time
they reached Acadia, their was a rebirth of
their nation.
The talk/history lesson was accented by
a reunion of Maillet Mid a small handful of •'
her close neighbors from her home in But*-
Ode to a
Tom, a man; Helen, a cockroach
This scene takes place in a New York City apartment
on the lower East Side (perhaps in a loft).
Michelle J. Krell
Tom: (carefully avoiding a step) Sorry. Helen. I didn't
know you played hopscotch this time of night.
Helen: (peeved) I was not playing hopscotch.
Tom: All right! All right. So you weren't playing
Helen: And I really resent that Black Flag.
Tom: Alright! Alright! It was an accident. I thought it was
Helen: (seriously) You could have killed me.
Tom: Now don't you think you're taking things a little too
Helen: (angrily) A little too far? Perhaps we should talk
about your cooking? That lasagna was a science project in
carbon conversion.
Tom: Witty, aren't we?
Helen: I've survived long enough to have a wit jnd, yes,
folks, I've lived to tellTom: Cut the drama.
Helen: (sarcastic) Oh excuse me. I will correct myself. You
have been trying to get rid of me for six months now,
haven't you?
Tom: (flustered) Well, urn, IHelen: I know. This apartment isn't big enough for the
both of us and since 1 can't pay rentTom: (guiltily) Cut it out.
Helen: (continuing) Because no one will hire someone
with six legs who happens to be of colorTom: (sincerely) Helen, please shut up.
Helen: (going on) Who's had countless numbers of
childrenTom: SHUT UP!
Helen: (still continuing) And never even had one abortion
even thoughTorn: (sincerely) I think it's time I put an end to all of this.
Helen: (rambling) Even though (pauses suddenly) Huh?
Put an end to all of this?
Tom: I have no choice.
Helen: I'll leave peacefully, I promise.
Tom: NO. It will be belter this way (raises his foot to
stomp her)Helen: (frightened) Please don't I- (she raises her voice) I
have cousins in Hiroshima 100 times my size. If you kill
me they'll, I, I'll come back and haunt you for the rest of
your life- (Tom smashes her).
Tom: (forlorn, -picks up roach with a paper towel, looks al
it, Throws it into the trash bag. Walk out of the kitchen)
She had a face that launched a thousand ships. . (trash bag
hopscotches around the kitchen floor after Tom).
finding a community today1 speakng
Shakespearean English. The second
characteristic is that before Maillet, the
Acadians had no written language whatsoever! She is giving Acadia to the world in
a way that was never before possible. Of
her writing, Maillet has said, "Whether it is
good or not is not important, . . . it is unique because it is making history."
Last Friday, April 12, and Saturday,
April 1-3, La Sagouine (Sah-gwin) was per*
formed by actress Viola Leger at PAC. /.a
Sagouine, written in 1970, brought interna*
tional fame for Maillet. It is a one woman
play about a sagouine, or washer-woman.
Through her, one sees the Acadian view of
the world in English and French
monologues. Of the hundred or so attending, only a few seemed to understand the
French. That was a bit of a loss for those of
us who didn't.
Leger was marvelous. Her Acadian blue
eyes "from staring at the sea" and raspy
voice "from breathing salt water" were
complemented by her ragged clothing. No
fancy costume; these were clothes to scrub
floors in, and scrub floors she-did for the
8Uth time playing La Sagouine. Perhaps
many "people of the land" or poor or older
people see the world like this sagouine.
"She doesn't accuse, she just bluntly states
things," says Leger. "She has nothing to
lose so she can say anything." And that's
just what she does.
And what of Antonine Maillet herself?
She was born in the early thirties and
educated in Canada. She has written
creatively in standard French for most of
her life, and become director (editor) of her
college newspaper. At 22 she Wrote and
published her first novel. "I didn't know
they could refuse a text," she said. So by
the time she got her doctorate, she had
three books published. She spent some
years writing and teaching at the University of Montreal, but finally stopped
teaching and devoted herself fully tp
writing. She has written 10 plays and 12
novels so far and will hopefully continueto make history through her literary talent.
Letters from the invisible population
Dear Mom,
Hi. School is fine and I hope things are ok with you. This letter I'm writing is a very
difficult one to write. I'm putting this in writing cause I'm not sure face to face I can say
all of this. So I'm giving you this note and being here so we can talk.
When I look at myself and at the way you think I am I see two different people. Over
the past years I've gone through a lot of turmoil in trying to find out who I am. Now
that I know, I want to share myself with you.
What this is all leading up to is the fact that I am gay. After 18 years I've accepted the
fact and I can only ask you to continue to accept me. While all the experts are arguing
why a person is gay or not, I can say without a doubt that I've always been gay. And
don't you go blaming yourself. You did not cause me to be gay. Just like you haven't
caused your daughters to be heterosexual. It is just the way things are.
The reason why I'm telling you this is because you are very special to me and I want
you to know who your son is. I love you and i hope thai you can accept me for who I
am, but if you can't that's okay too. It won't change the way I feel for you.
They move so fast, she thought, and Cod, how I hate 'em!
With that her socked fool came down on its head -- and
after the pulse of revulsion (icky-pooh-fah) it was over. Her
mind turned to her fucked-up family and, yes, it seemed
that it had been actively "fucked" somewhere along the line,
or several times, actually, and now they had all gotten very
good at making life miserable for one another. Outside help
was no longer necessary. "And Mom should become a professional," she said aloud, "Hi! I'd like you to meet my
mother the professional asshole/defcatist/beast." It was a
joke, but she couldn't laugh. It hurt to say it. Both hands
came up to cover her pain-twisted face, eyes moist with nascent tears.
Life is a heartless thing that smiles the more we hate it.
Car sounds streamed in the tiny bathroom window and
wrapped around her head. 'The cars in the street,' she
thought, the people in the cars, the assholes among the people, the assholes are the people, the people are my family,
those particular assholes, those yelling outside the window,
are. in fact, my family.'
Another roach...and...BAM! 'Fuck, now I'll have to wash
my sock. No, Lord, please, 1 can see it now:
"Hey! Why are your socks all brown? What the hell have
you been doing?"
"I've been dancing on roaches, okay? It's like tap dancing,
but you hear CRUNCH. CRUNCH' instead, and I hum La
Cucaracha' to myself. Ha!"
"Fuck you-go wash your socks."
Yeah, nice mouth, Mom.'
Crazy thoughts of hate flashed by while she began an
angry cry with stomach tensed.
"Ahhhl I hate youl"
(some marv roaches appear)
"You hurt me! He hurt you! I hurt youl And it's killing
(m the corners)
"Why are you like that, Mommy?"
{Now there arc more)
When she finally cried, the pain seemed to break through
her chest, It came in a rush as she sat there bent over, clenched fists beating on her knees.
{The reaches are piling up in the turners and some ,ue movinn toward her)
Dear Aunt Butch,
Let me say first that I am heterosexual and have done a lot of work understanding the
discrimination lesbians and gays face. Since becoming more sensitive to various gay
issues many of my friends that I never would have suspected were gay have come out to
me. I'm very glad they've felt comfortable enough to do so. My problem is an upcoming dinner party. I want both my gay and straight friends to be at ease in the situation
but many of them don't know each other and won't know who's gay and who's straight.
Should I print their respective sexualities on their place cards? Is it more appropriate to
introduce them as gay or homosexual? Will the lesbians recognize each other by secret
handshakes and will the other guests feel left out?
Progressive Yet Proper
(Dear Progressive,
Ah, the tangled concerns of mixed dinner party. Your idea of printing each guest's
sexuality on their place cards, well meaning as it may be, it is simply not done. It is
always a good rule of thumb to let your gay friends come out to others when they
i choose to. As far as introducing them, again, it is best to simply introduce them by
j name. The trick in this particular situation is to avoid heterosexism. Create a climate
where heterosexuality is not assumed to be the one and only choice one could make.
• When your guests stop making assumptions about each other's sexuality everyone will
have a better time and no one will feel left out (unless the lesbians don't teach everyone
the secret handshake).
Aunt Butch
The pulsing hate eventually made her tired and she gave
it up. •• A breath - the hate was past. (The roaches were
coming) She wiped her red eyes with her fists and looked
Our PAC's Our Town
he Theater Department's production
of Our Town is well worth seeing.
Don't go to a movie; walk on over to
the PAC and catch this bit of classic
American drama. It's closeby, cheap, and
very well done. The performance
showcases quite a number of the Department's fine actors who move with the
assurance of a good director's decisions,
while the well-executed technical elements
quietly reinforce the action.
They were all over the floor. It was amazing. She was
stunned, but not for long. "Ahhhl I hate theml" As she
began jumping on the roaches, fear quickly overtook her
anger, but she was stamping away all the same, all she
could. {And there was no time to understand) She stamped;
panting, stepping, stomping, dancing -- desperately. She
flung about furiously and now they were moving all over
the walls like a particle ooze. She slammed the door shut.
They quickly filled the tub-each mindless pawn of a roach
climbing all over his fellows. Climbing all over her.
When the first few touched skin, she brushed; them off,
but they rose above her ankles and thai was when she
started to scream. She'd probably killed a couple thousand
by stamping and slamming her hands against the door,
where they also were now, but there were hundreds of
thousands of roaches filling the one room. All over her. Oh,
God, they were all over her, and,...
She flung about and swung around, moving as fast as she
could, jumping up and down, screaming the whole time.
{And there was nothing to be understootb They were up to
her neck. The roaches got in her mouth and that's when she
lost it; the feeling of six billion little feet on her skin, it was
too much.
She died of fear more than anything else. More than the
thousands of roach bites. She was screaming to the end, but
who would notice her screams in a house where everyone
was screaming, where every angry shout was killing someone, a little bit of someone died every time.
Her Mother opened the door and (POOFI) the roaches
disappeared like a photographer's blue flash. When her eyes
recovered, she looked down,
And her daughter was dead at her feet.
Our invisible Town
The Blue Flash Dance
he sat on the toilet and stared at her
toes and thought to herself, "Why
won't anything go?" One's always
got plenty to think about, consider, but
toilets inspire blank minds and empty images. She began to
sing along with Carly Simon in her head, "Oh,.Constipation...(da, di-da, dee-dum). Oh, Consti-pay-ay-shun (breath)
is making me wait..." and as time passed, a roach passed past
her toe.
-' •
Aspects o n Tuesday 1 1 ,
Dubbed "America's favorite play", Our
Town sometimes seems lost in the
mainstream these days, yet its simplicity
and earnest feeling lend an enduring
relevance to the work. The play demands
no scenery and very few props, making the
actors work that much harder to get the audience to believe in their characters. This
was sometimes a problem for the student
cast, but never so disruptive that the next
well-acted line was lost because of an
earlier lapse.
Our Town which premiered in 1938,
was both successful and innovative, winning the Pulitzer Prize that year. A character
called the Stage Manager leads the au. dience through the play introducing
characters, cutting them off, announcing
'intermissions, and pulling the curtain closed behind her at the end. The Stage
Manager must interact with the audience
on several different levels, making the part
a problematical one, yet crucial. Traditionally, the part is played by a male actor.
Hanley cast a woman, Liane Abel, in the
role and the two worked out most of the
problems in adapting the part relatively
well. In general, Abel does a good job with
a difficult part, but she seemed too distant
and stylized to really communicate
without making the audience work to
maintain interest. This partly accounts for
the uncomfortable feeling of the first act,
though it also took a while for the rest of
the cast to warm up.
The real stars of the performance are
Mark, Els as young George Gibbs and
i Karen Sherman as Emily Webb. Both actors brought real verve to their pails and
(he relationship between them was exceptionally well developed. Robert Geary's
Mr. Webb was marked by consistency,
while Patricia Buckley (Mrs. Webb), Mark
Heine (Doc Gibbs), ludilli Wilfoic (Mis.
Gibbs), ami especially Steven Solomon
, (Simon Slimson) ami the convincing Karen
r.illil/ (Rebecca Clbbs) all made the best of
their moments at the fore.
The costumes, designed by Lynda
Salsbury in her last SUNYA performance,
were right on the mark: suggestively
representational. Andi Lyons' lighting
design worked well throughout the play.
Between them, Lyons and Hanley have all
the pieces moving in a well directed
j dramatic concert both on stage and behind
the scenes, which is especially important in
a play like Our Town where the distinctions between on and off stage are blurred.
SUNYA's Our Town is successful in satisfying all Wilder's demands. It works as a
unit, and it's well worth your time.
avid Copperfield probably includes
stand-up comedian, illusionist,
showman, and dancer among the entries on his resume. Only illusionist
' deserves to be on his list. Master illusionist.
Copperfield's hour and a half show at
Proctors last Thursday evening was an enjoyable but oddly mixed presentation. The
man's forte is illusion. He is peerless in this
field. However, much of the humor he attempted to incorporate into the show
seemed too obvious, too prepared. There
was little wit to it; it was simply the line to
say, the face to make, or the reaction to
show. Anyone who has followed Copperfield over the years accepts this.
For example, Copperfield took advantage of the Chostbusters craze by using a
machine he called a Duck-o-matic by Ronco.' He placed a real duck inside, turned a
crank and out came a piece of cloth in the
shape of a duck. He opened the sides of the
box to reveal there was no duck. On one
of the box flaps was an insignia which obviously meant 'Duckbusters.' Liter on in
the act Copperfield used a little kid from
the audience to show off his latest toy - a
'Kidbuster.' He received the desired reaction from the audience: laughter, but the
laughs were forced.
Copperfield attempts to do far too much
in an hour and a half. Although he does
have a knack for impromptu comedy, his
practiced routines leave much to be
desired. For a show which is basically intended for younger audiences he also incorporates far too much sexual innuendo,
However, the bottom line is he pleased the
crowd, put on a good show, and perform1
ed a few neat tricks. If he stuck to illusion,
however, he would probably gain a larger
following than he has now. Ills 'schtick' is
his downfall.
i i
Good storytelling
Grading SA
One afternoon earlier this semester, Eric
Bowman, Student Association's Minority Affairs
Coordinator, made one of his rare appearances in
the SA office, accompanied by his fraternity
brothers. When they reached Bowman's office,
they stood in formation in front of his door.
Bowman, at the back of the line, passed his key
forward. The brother in the front opened the door
and they all filed in. All this amounted to a lot of
unnecessary work to accomplish a fairly simple
The above scene, it seems, is sadly symbolic of
some of the ways SA functioned this year. Some
SA officials worked a lot, but even the simplest
tasks took longer than they should have, because
SA execs were slow to follow through, and some
ideas got a lot more talk than action.
SA as a whole has done a lot this year, but it's
been pretty much restricted to programming, and
it's mostly been accomplished by a few very determined SA officials. As an activivst organization,
SA has been either completely stagnant or it's
been reactionary; most of the execs did the bare
minimum, and nothing more. They failed to provide the motivation for innovation and growth
and they were all too willing to jump on the bandwagon of somebody else's project, rather than
beginning their own and seeing it through.
Throughout the year, SA President Rich Schaffer went through periods of inactivity. When he
lost his enthusiasm, so did SA. Bordering on burnout all year, Schaffer never really took a leadership role in motivating SA, particularly its executives. If SA's execs weren't putting in 100 percent (or smething close to it) it's partly Schaffer's
fault. He doesn't seem to realize this.
Schaffer did get a few things accomplished this
year. He led a successful fight to save the Bus. Ed.
school and he provided a lot of support for friends
of Ed Kelly, a student who died earlied this year.
Patty Sal kin has clearly been the most valuable
asset to Schaffer's administration, this year. "The
only thing that's bad about Patty is that she's a
senior so she won't be back next year," explained
an SA executive earlier this week. The praise is
certainly justified. Salkin has given the programming office a new image and through the office
made SA a key force in campus life. Guinness Day
was one of the most prominent events Salkin was
behind. She's also revamped the programming office itself by creating a new filing sysem that serves
as a resource for group leaders.
Salkin is the only SA executive this year who
looked to do anything new and innovative with the
job, stretching her office to its financial and programming limits. In the last year, SA has gained a
very positive image around campus — Salkin
alone can take much of the credit for this.
When Suzy Aulctta campaigned for SA VP last
year, she sounded impressive; she had a lot of
ideas and appeared to have the energy to carry
them out. But somewhere along the way she took
on too much and ended up accomplishing very little. She saw almost nothing through beginning to
end and SA officials said she wasn't around the
office enough. On the other hand, she managed a
good working relationship with the SA president
and by demanding to be included in all major decisions, she restored a lot of credibility to the
If only the latter could be said of Eric Bowman.
When one SA exec was asked to evaluate his performance as SA's Minority Affairs Coordinator,
the person said, "Eric? Eric who?" This sarcastic
comment pretty much mirrors the consensus in the
SA office that Bowman hasn't done much this
year. He spent a good part of his term traveling to
USSA conferences and helping with minority
recruitment programs. These are both worthy
causes that definitely shouldn't be ignored, but
Bowman's primary interest should have been
working with the minority group leaders, serving
the tax paying minority students on this campus.
The position of Minority Affairs Coordinator is
one that Schaffer proposed himself. If the position is ever going to serve its purpose then the SA
president must take a more active role in defining
it. This is the first year that the four-year old programming office has really discovered its potential. Schaffer (or Gawley) shuld take a cue from
',':. .:;iv'''
IUIIIL. • • " • . • i m w u n i
*W \JBX\ SOWS, WIMIL mtSZWl UN mo* wai. m
Star Wars: the simple truth
The present administration's proposal to build a space
defense system is no less than a cruel hoax on the
American people. Strategically and scientifically
bankrupt, the Strategic Defense Initiative, or "star wars"
will only raise false hopes of an unattainable nuclear
Michael Herder
Any defense system of the future would have to be extremely expensive. It would cost perhaps SI trillion, more
than has been spent on any military project to date. On
the other hand, schemes for overcoming defensive
systems by increasing ICBM penetrating power and
evasiveness are virtually a dime-a-dozen. If we were to
deploy a defense system, the Soviets would have many
choices open to them. They could retrofit their ICBMs
with fast-burning boosters to make them more elusive.
They could increase the number of warheads, decoys, and
penetration aids carried by each missile'. They cold
modify their missiles' fuel system to make fuelburning erratic. This would cause failure of our tracking systems.
.They could equip their ICBMs with protective
countermeausures to make them more immune to laser
blasts, or they could simply saturate our space defense
capability by building more missiles. Each of these
measures would make our trillion-dollar system worthless, at very little cost to the Soviets.
Clearly, the Soviets will not follow suit and build a
defense system themselves. Not only is the obsolescence
of our system their only logical choice, it is their publically slated policy. The Union of Concerned Scientists, a
prominant political group, said "The Russians will surely
overestimate the effectiveness of the U.S. ballistic-missile
defense and arm accordingly." Thus, the result of an
American defense system would be an increased Soviet
arsenal, with corresponding instability and threat to
Proponents of Star Wars say that we should be optimists; we should place more faith In technology. They
reason that our Apollo moonshots would also have been
doomed to failure if we had not believed in the capability
of science. Let us remember that the moon was not working against us to devaluate our every technological
achievement. The Soviets are.
Dr. Robert Bowman, a recognized authority on space
defense systems, recently said, "I believe in the possible.
It is always possible to penetrate a defense system."
The most incredible flaw in a space defense system lies
not in its ineffectiveness In destroying ICBMs. The Soviet
arsenal currently contains enough submarine launched
missiles (SLBMs), cruise missiles, and long range
bombers to utterly destroy our entire country. To propose
a defense system which ignores these delivery systems is
ludicrous; yet this is exuclly what Star Wars does.
Naturally Star Wars would result in Soviet SLUM
Although Soviet countermeasurcs preclude defense
systems, it Is interesting to discuss some of the extremely
difficult technical problem:; which would make any of the
proposed systems expensive and ineffective.
First, the Soviet arsenal is very large. It contains about
7,500 ICBMs. Many of these, such as the Soviet SS 18,
contain up to 10 Multiple Individually-targeted Re-entry
Vehicles (MIRVs) and up to 100 decoys. Simple math
shows that during a full-scale nuclear exchange there
could be more than a million projectiles flying over th
earth at one time. Therefore, if we want to protect
ourselves, we must be prepared to hit a large number of
If we plan to destroy the missiles in the first fifty
seconds of their flight, before they have released the
MIRV vehicles, this reduces the number of targets by a
factor of 100. Under these circumstances, missiles would
have to be destroyed at a rate exceeding ISO per second by
satellites hundreds or thousands of kilometers (away). In
order to cover the Soviet missile fields at all times, a
minimum of 300 satellites would be needed.
It has been said that current technology would have to
be improved 100 million times to make the idea of a
defensive system thinkable. Lasers powerful enough,
battle-management computers fast enough', and tracking
systems sensative enough to do the job are all well beyond
our present technological grasp. The defense system proposal, already shown to be (strategically) futile is
therefore also scientifically insurmountable.
There have been several proposals for defense systems.
They involved various combinations of lasers, particle
beams, projectiles, nuclear or conventional power
sources, a variety of tracking systems, orbiting mirrors
and satellites, and 'pop-up' ground-launch systems. Some
of the proposals are complete fantasy, with no technical
validity whatsoever. The most promising of the proposals
involve a small measure of validity, and a lot of very wild
So far, we have not even begun to scratch the surface of
the technical problems involved. For example, warheads
are very durable, designed to withstand the high
temperatures of atmospheric re-entry. At best, a laser
could deflect a warhead or missile a few kilometers offcourse by radiation pressure. This would defend missile
silos, but not cities or human lives. The image of a laser
completely destroying a warhead in mid-flight really
belongs only in science fiction. Lasers this powerfull are
not a realistic possibility,
A defensive system would therefore promote deterrant
strategy, not make it "impotent and obsolete" as President Reagan claimed in his March 1983 address to the nation. The present administration is guilty of some
hypocracy and deception on this issue. Strategic Defense
Initiative is sold to the American people as a defensive
system which will protect their lives. It is sold to congress
as a deterrant system which will protect missile silos. Actually, it will never be capable of cither.
This column was written with the aid and Input of the
SUNYA Physics Club.
To the Editor:
, January 29,1985. 11:30 at night, Laird Roy Robertson,
29, looks out his Houston apartment window to see two
men and a woman-trying to break into his car. He picked
up a .22 cal-rifle and fired seven shots, killing Darrel
York, 18, and wounding Jerome Marshall, 19. A Grand
Jury decided Roberts had committed no crime.
Why has John Keenan convicted 'maniacal killer' Bernhard Goelz when 47 percent of the population are with
him, and only 17 percent are not? Why and how has he
somehow interwoven racial strife into this issue? Why is
there no mention of the injustices of the criminals of the
case, the four youths (punks)?
On Friday, April 12, the ASP decided to let its ace activist story teller make up a real good one, especially
touching with the absence of the happy ending. You
know, the one about the evil white adult male taking out
his aggression on the black race by going after the first
young defenseless blacks he could find. Yawn.
"It seems an amazing coincidence that all four youths
Goetz decided to pull his gun on were black," wrote
Keenan. If this is amazing Keenan must be astounded by
card tricks. Is it a coincidence that all four assailants were
black and that he pulled his gun on them because they
were assailants. I'm sure he'd seen a black earlier in the
day.. Is the point "why did he wait for blacks to rob
him?" Is it a coincidence that the four innocent black
youths, had a combined total of at least 13 previous
criminal acts, and at least 3 since the shooting. The most
interesting of which being James Ramseur posing his own
kidnapping because in his words "I wanted to see what
the police would do." He found our. They have granted
him immunity from this and every criminal charge still
pending. I feel it is important to let criminals back on the
streets, in this way they become better at it and can evade
police easier, making it less paper work for the officer at
the desk.
* If Goetz attacked thse punks because they were black, I
would suspect the black population to be non-supportive
A M M w m f to 1918
Held) Jo aralla, Editor In Chtof
Been Chang. John Kesnan, Managing Editor*
Nsws Editors
Alicia Clmbora, Jamas O'Sulllvan
AsaoclsleNews Editor
Mic hallo Qua her
ASPscts Editors
Tom Kacandeo, Rlna Young
Associate ASPocIs Editor
Loron Ginsberg
Mavlss Editor.
Ian Spoiling
Music Editor*
Danlol Oarth.MlchsllsKroll
Sports Editor-..Maro Barman
Assoclsta Sports Editor
Editorial Pagee Editor
Joseph Fuaco
Jerry Campions, Oavld l.k. Laskln. Senior Editors
Contributing Editors Wayne Ptsrabaom, Editorial Assistants: Ktn Dorn'baum, Betle Diamba, Eric Hlndin, lions Wolnstefn, David Worthelm Staff
writers: Barbara Abrohamer, Donna Altman, Karon Bock, Rochet Braslow,
Leslie Chalt, Johanna Clancy, Doreen Clark, Ian Clements, Both Flnnaren,
Malt Qaven, Bob Hanion. Usa Jackal, Maddl Kun, Donna MacKemie, Jeff
Mallabor, J. Michael Malec, Pat Paul, Pam 8chusterman, Rich Sheridan,
Michael Skolnlck, Jamas Thomas, Doug Tuttle, Spectrum Editor Brenda
Schaeller Stall Artist: Gary Palmer
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Lynn Barents, Associate Business Manager
Maura KetleH, Advertising Manager
Mlk* Krsimsr, Sales Manager
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Judy Torel, Adtrertlelng Production: Use BloMor, Denis* Cutrone, Torosa
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Mike sclilllio, Olllco Slain Kalhy Chlchomor, Linda Dolgado, Mailorla nosonthai. Stephanie Sclionaul
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Chlsl Photographer Erica spleael UPS Stall: 8harl Albert, Amy Cohan, Maria
Culllnan, John Curry, Lynn Drellus, Cindy Oalway, Adam Ginsberg, Robert
Hanamann, David Isaac, Kenny Klrech, Robert Luckey, Eire Maurar, Mark
Medlavllla, Chrla Orslnl, Lisa Simmons, Robert Soucy, Oavld Slrlok, Howard
Entire contents copyright IMS Albany Student Preaa Corporation, all righta
The Albany Student Press la published Tuesdeys and Frldaya bolween
August and June by the Albany Student Press Corporation, an Independent
not'lor-prolll corpoiellon.
Editorials are written by the Editor In Chief wllh membere ol the Editorial
, Hoard; policy la subjool lo review by the Cdllorlel Board. Advertising policy
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Mailing address:
Albany aiuden,!,Press, CC320
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" Albany, NV 12232
18181 4S7O80J/3322IMM
-•• y . w i f '<:f-.'\?;vv\
of him. Not so, 45 percent for, 33 percent not supportive.
I believe the Klah Was a little less supported, therefore the
analogy drops to the floor!
The frequent use of Clint Eastwood in his Harry roles
was a severe contrast to the rest of the article in that Clint
has actually done such movies, the reality was refreshing.
The same Harry Calahan who said, "the only thing I hate
more than a wop is a spic." Remember John.,
In closing the words of the noted attorney Nathan
Thurn come to mind "Is it me?, or is it him? its him, isn't
it? I mean its not me is it?"
—Steve Klurfeld
Telethon kudos
To the Editor:
This Friday, and Saturday night University Cinemas
will be showing Body Double, a film that promotes
violence, sexual and otherwise, against women. In the
film, a woman, who is a pornographic "model," is killed
by a man. His weapon is a power drill and in the shot the
drill is juxtaposed to his groin. The point of view is that
of the killer and the victim gets no sympathy.
We hind this film to be pornographic, despite the Rrating. We will be protesting the showing of Body Double
on Saturday, April 27, 1985 at 7:30 and 10pm in LC 18.
This campus is not safe for women and showing this film
is irresponsible. We invite the university community to
join us in our protest against Body Double.
Wendy L. Cervi
Co-chair, Coalition Against Pornography
Housing problems
To the Editor:
On Thursday night, April 11, a meeting was held in
Pierce Hall to discuss the procedures ofon-campus housing sign-up. Good thing, too, since housing sign-up
started the next day.
Brought to our attention for the first time was the fact
that ninety rooms oh Alumni Quad, most of them the
most comfortable and desired, had been "reserved," for
the purposes of tripling freshmen. Eight other rooms
were likewise "reserved" for the use of grad students of
the Rockefeller College.
We realize that this is one way in which the university is
responding to the imminent implementation of the
Grouper Law, however, there are some disturbing problems with this action:'
1) Why did the university wait until the last minute to
.inform the students of its intentions? It has not denied us
our right to reply, but it has denied us the adequate time
needed to effectively act against its decision.
2) The Grouper Law is designed to prevent overcrowding. If four people in a multi-room apartment or
house is excessive, what is three people in one room considered to be? We consider it not only an environment illsuited for academic success, but also ill-suited for
students' health and safety — thereby creating a need for
an "on-campus grouper law."
3) What have the students of the Rockefeller College
done to desever the privelege of a near-monopoly of. the.
-third floor of Pierce Hall (where their eight rooms have
been "reserved")?
4) Ninety rooms on Alumni Quad have been thus
"reserved." This means that 180 students (upperclassmen), who may have wished to live there, cannot.
These rooms will be given to freshmen. The priority
.numbers given to upperclassmen and the ensuing lottery
for room selection are thus rendered senseless.
5) Who is responsible?
—Eric Nehrbauer
—Scott Stockman
Homophobic reaction
To the Editor:
I am writing to express my hope that GALA will not
Karen Wilson
Wilson has been missing for
almost four weeks. She's 5'3",
weighs 114 pounds, has light
brown hair and brown eyes.
Anyone with information on her
disappearance please call
Public Safety at 457-7770.
decide to make their "Blue Jeans" day a regular part of
an annual awareness week. "Blue Jeans" day can be
shown to be a pushy, ill-advised, and short sighted tactic
arousing not positive but negative feelings among a large
part of the University community. I could easily go into
an apoplectic diatribe of a letter emphasizing the perceived deviance of homosexuality; any happy-hour hardhat
could do the same, however, so I will not.
1 would much rather point out rb GALA that "Blue
Jeans" day elicits, instead of the hoped for "awareness"
response, a response of "homophobia." (I do not know
who first coined the term "homophobia," but the semantic implication that homosexuality is a neutral thing one
can be phobic towards, like heights, is as of yet far too
hopeful.) Where any other given day sees a significant
majority of students wearing jeans, "Wear Your Blue
Jeans If You're Gay" day sends them scrambling to the
far reaches of their wardrobes for anything and
everything but blue jeans. Clashing of colors and styles
becomes for one day a badge of honor.
GALA must concede the existence of a social stigma attached to homosexuality; otherwise they would not have
felt compelled to form an organization in the hopes of
eliminating it. Though the fact of stigma would seem to
be central to GALA'S existence, they ignore it when the;
cry, "Wear your blue jeans (today) if you're gay or if you
just support us in our struggle for human rights." In this
cry, they make an arrogant and pushy attempt to define
gays and their supporters at SUNYA as being all those
wearing blue jeans on a particular day. This only results
in rebellious denial by much of the students who do not
wish to be defined as such.
Certainly debate on homosexuality cannot center on
whether it is right or wrong; such debate can only end in
stalemate between advocates and opponents. What can be
argued, however, is the right of special interest groups,
like gays, to force its position upon the individual. One
can always choose not to adopt the opinions of others,
but in the case of "Blue Jeans" day, one must go out of
his way to do so.
GALA seems to be living in the naive hope, expressed
in the promotion of "It's Great to be Gay Day," thai Ihe
ideal world would be one similar to that depicted in a recent "Saturday Night Live" skit where energitic dancers
"I'm a homo, he's a homo,
she's a homo, we're all homos,
wouldn't you like to be a homo too?"
(to the tune of "I'm a Pepper"). GALA might as well
have changed (he theme of "Blue Jeans" day to "Wear
Some Kind of Footwear If You're Gay Day." It would
have been interesting to see what everyone else's toes look
—John F. Klein
Short'sighted tactics
To Ihe Editor:
In my English class this morning, I found a poster
advertising "Anti-Gay and Lesbian Week." I must admit
that this came as quite a shock to me, as homophobia has
never been so obvious on this campus before. The poster
promoted Anti-gay violence (including murder).
Are there still people who are so afraid, so uneducated
that they can lower themselves to this level? If you are so
comfortable with your own sexuality, why do you feel the
need to threaten us with violence? What exactly is it that
makes you so afraid of us? Are we such a great threat to
you? Statistically, the gay community has a lower incidence of mental illness, child molestation, and related
violence. I can see hpw that makes us so "evil" and
"dangerous!" I though the days of Hitler were over! We
make up at least 10 percent of the population. You can't
afford to write off that many people!
Needless to say, Gay and Lesbian Awareness Week will
continue, and the gay community will continue to fighi
for our rights and for the education of the general
population. You may threaten us, but we cannot — and
will not — cease to exist.
—Tamara Richman
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Classified ads are being accepted In the SA Contact Office during
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II you have any questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please feel tree to call or stop by the Business Office.
Typing- overnight. $1 per page.
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PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE. Experienced. Convient location. IBM Selectrlc Typewriter.
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Girls who are lonely and bored at
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State Quad Boards
" ^
2 to 2 DAY
Sat. April 27th, Olympics, mud
wrestling, party with live band.
Nothing has changed. I'll always
love you.
Hello you Mancunlans!(Also
known as "You Guys"),
I miss touring the castles,
And I miss using the loo,
I miss eating the chocolate
But most of all I miss you!
See you all on June 3rd-l can hardly wait! Get the Woodpecker ciderready but don't bring the
sollotapl! love you and see you
The American
3 weeks and 5 days before we
go our separate ways. It's been
more than real. I'm sure gonna
miss you but the memories will
stay with me in Boston. You're
I need somewhere to live I
Have an extra room you need to
lill? Call Randl 7-5290.
Large room, off of busline, call
Block of BeaglesGood luck at showing the other
team that the game Isn't over yetl
The Beaglewoman
Summer Subletters wanted. Nice
house ofl bus-line. Asking 85. Linda 462-7043.
Summer Jobs Business and
Health related students needed
for growing health and nutrition
business.lfiexible hours and location in NYS. Career potential. Call
4 3 4 - 1 9 1 8 e v e n i n g s for an
Happy Birthday. You're the
greatest. Love always.
Evlronmental Activist Wanted: The
Environmental Planning Lobby,
NY's largest environmental lobbying coalition, hiring concerned
people to protect the environment
Jobs aavailable now and lor Ihe
summer. No exp. required 2-10 pm
Call 462-5526.
State Quad Board
2 to 2 DAY
Sat. April 27th, Olympics, mud
wrestling, party with live band.
To All Of You Who Voted No-We
Love Youl
Hey Chris M.;
II you get that lob we'll never
have to buy shitty Pepsi again....
Your wlmmln frenz
To Sue G.
We'll miss you at the farm I'll
have to "void" all by myself. Good
luck in your future endeavors!
Summer job opportunities-Jewish
Center overnight camp In W.N.Y.
desires energetic, sensitive
students lor camp counseling
positions. Excellent opportunity
for developing leadership skills.
Send i n l o r m a t i o n to Camp
Lakeland, 2640 N.Forest Rd. Getzville, NY 14068 or call 716-688-4033
ext. 55
6 rooms and bath. June 1st. 1/2
block to bus, Washington and
Western.Lake Ave. $430/month.
422-2878, leave name and number
on answering machine.
To: Elspeth "Hanging Willy"
Pollack.Franny "Fanny" Cole and
"Randy" Rob SpeculandGreetlng from the statesl I
thought you'd get a kick out of
seeing your names in print In
AmericalfOh-l can't forget John
"C.J." Rooney, or else he might
not let me come visit him and his
mansion!) I'll call you soon to say
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12065 Local interviews will beheld
To Micheal Glass:
Happy, Happy, Happy, Belated,
Belated, Belated Birthday!!!
love always,
Lleber, Koon, and the Piano
Is It True You Can Buy Jeeps lor
$44 through Ihe U.S. government?
Get the f a c t s today! Call
tiim In Mothers Helper
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girl. Own room, board and salary.
Lost leather suede jacket Irom
Brubacher party on April 12. Tan
with paid inside lining. Aberdeen
label. RewardAbsolutely no question asked call John 7-5061.
Summer Jobs:
Work outside as crew on board
yachts In prestigious New
Rocholle marina. Musi have own
transportation. Canlact Adam
Dear Lleber,
Bess and I miss you- are you
ever going to come home?
Were you al 443 Hamilton Street
Friday night?
. . .
Happy 20lh Birthday! Conorals
on Elections. 1 love youl
Rlsa Chum
For Salo. Super quick 1975
Kawasaki 400 two-stroke sportstar. 0-50 MPH in4.5 seconds. Only
10,500 miles. Garaged. Excellent
condlilon. Gone to tho lirat person
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afternoons rind ovenlnoti.
Next lo mo, Ihero'll always be a
place lor you
A Friend Forever.
Just 3 months
3 weeks
5 days loft!
According to Shore, "what
seperates Guinness Day from
Mayfest is that it's not an annual
event. I think this accounts for
the level of participation and
large turnout we received."
—. Front Page
Abelow agreed, "We got
along very well," he said, adding, "The candidates kept to
the. campaign," rather than
engaging in mud-slinging
Thomas said he would "absolutely" get involved in SA .
next year, and said of the combination of Ciawley and
Abelow, "It will be effective."
Light said that he was
prepared for a run-off since
there were so many candidates
Overall, he said, he felt the
rule did "more good than
bad," adding, "I think 50 percent represents a true majority." In this' case, however,
Light said, "I didn't think the
50 percent rule should have applied," adding, "It almost
guaranteed a run-off."
Light said that a change in
the SO percent rule might be
among the list of recommendations he will offer to Central
Council in the future.
"One solution might be that
the limit be lowered to 40 percent if more than three candidates are running," Light
Blcyclos Bicycles Bicycles
Trek Schwlnn Panasonic Wishikl
Best repair Service, low prices,
Klarslelds Cyclery 1370 Central
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HELP WANTEDDowntown Campus Area
1,)Cook-some experience will
loin, Monday-Friday
# ) B a r p e r s o n N i g h t s and
Weekends Call Mon-Frl, 2:30-4:30
fern. 462-9179. .
•»Front Pafl0
Shore-explained that a lot of
the media attention was generated
by an article that appeared on the
front page, second section of the
Wall Street journal.
Reporters from United Press
Associated Press(AP) were also
on hand, according to Salkin.
"Peter's picture went out over the
news wires of UPI and AP. In addition it will appear in the book
with Peter's natne as the winner
of the game."
Other attempts at world
records were made Saturday also.
"We tried to break the records
for hot-dog, hamburger, and
shrimp-eating," said Jon Harrison, food contest coordinator
for Guinness Day. " N o one really
came close to any of the records.
They're really • inhuman; we
should have realized this before,
but nobody seemed to object."
The event was co-sponsored by
SA, Pepsi, Miller Beer', University
Auxiliary Services, and WPYX.
According to Salkin, "WPYX
traded us $3000 in advertising
time arid the services of Mason
and Sheehan for so-sponsorship.
We couldn't turn down a deal like
Outgoing Student Association
president, Rich Schaffer, commenting on the event said, "this
proves to Lisa Birnbach that.she
was wrong about SUNYA. It's
just one more activity of bringing
SUNYA together with its conjmunity, proving we are one of the
most spirited schools." Schaffer
was referring to a book in which
author Lisa Birnbach
SUNYA as tied for the lowest
school spirit among colleges in the
Vice president
Dear Susie,
It's a small world, a large party,
and we are out of control.
Your Chlnoso friend
Debate Judges for tournament,
April 26-27 at Albany High School.
Call 482-5169 alter 5:00 pm.
To All Bus. Ed Students:
Brenda, Me, Gail, Chrlstos, Barbara, Donna, Tod, Tim, Lisa,
et.al.-We are the last of a dying
Dear Julie,
I know the room's a mess and
the dogs got the flu. But one day it
will be clean and yes, I love you.
Guinness Day
or 462-4059
Kim's Oriental Restaurant 2
514 Washington Avenue, Albany
" ^Sun.-Wed. 11am to 12am;Thurs.-Sat. 11am to 4pm,
Thy 15 public schools In Tompkins-Seneca-Tloga & Cortland Madison B0CES
need N.Y.S. certified teachers beginning September, 1985. Candidates invited to meet representative, on Saturday, April 27 Irom 11:00 arn to 3:00
pm qt the Dryden, NY High School, Route 38. Applications and teaching
needs will be presented. Openings anticipated: Special Education, School
Psychologists, Technology, Music, Home Economics, English, Social Studies,
Occ. Therapist, Visually Impaired, Printing, Math, Science, Business Ed„
Speech & Language, Librarian, German, French, Spanish, Cuidance. Uusiness
fidmin., Elementary teachers, Electronics, RN Nurse, E.O.E.
12 noon
OTIS PfiY and The Animal
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Todd Rundgren
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Tickets will go on sale
Wed. 4/24 at 11 am in CC 343
Ticket Policy: Tax sticker only
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1 ticket at $10
only 3 tax stickers per person
DAY OF SHOW! (If available) tickets
will be $15 - Please bring proper ID
!'• lU'."f
l i r y v w
fifr —
Join the ASP Corp. Board
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Pulitzer Prize Winner
Deadline now extended to 12:00
midnight tonight
The positions available are:
1 Alumni position
3 current ASP employees
5 community positions
Directed by
Forward letters of
Attention Chris Binghi
Thursday - Saturday
8 pm April 18-20 & April 25-27
Reserved Seats $6, Students and Senior Citizens $4
Reservations 457-8606
AT 7:30 p.m. IN LC 23
The Albany Student Press Corporation is
made up of alt personnel listed on the
ASP masthead
wnyt-tv(13) Come see the best intramurals
has to offer
SA funded
date: Saturday, april 27th
(raindaterapril 28th),
time.- 12 noon-4 pm \
place: between dutch quad
tennis courts and the gym
*all proceeds go to telethon '85
$3 In Advance with a tax sticker
$4 At the Event with a tax sticker
$5 without a tax sticker
SA Funded
Intensive English Language
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ED 119
June 10. 1985
In Celebration of
Gay and Lesbian
Awareness Weak.
-COFFEE BARSaturday, April 27th
12:00 noon to 5:00pm
the Gay & and
Lesbian Alliance
and the
Ringel Institute
of Gerontology
a film about the life
experience of gay and
lesbian elders.
Tuesday April 23. 8pm.
Lecture Center 18
SA Funded
•J 8
AT 7:30 p.m. IN LC 23
Gay activism acts as a campus recruiting tool
By Jim Glenn
iy, because we bring openly gay
The administration of the speakers lo campus, or because
University is extremely proud of we might be selling donuts in the
the fact that so many students lobby of the Campus Center.
choose to attend Albany State Despite that, the group, recognizbecause of its high academic stan- ed and Funded by Student
dards and reputation. A fact they Association, continues to offer
may not be aware of, is that when social, political and educational
students tell
programs designed to highlight
Mom and Dad Da*»nla
and sensitize the diversity of the
they want to
University community.
c.o m e t o I s i . . 11
The group's willingness to
Albany, i t ' s
work in coalition with other
because of the
groups such as Feminist Alliance,
variety of social alternatives ASUBA, Middle Earth and
available. What student is going others, contributes to the quality
to admit to their parents that the of campus life. How else woulcj
real reason they want to come to the campus population have an
Albany, is because of its large and opportunity to hear such promia c t i v e l.esbfian a n d . g a y nent speakers like black, lesbian,
comnjunity?..'.»_'."'. ........ '.. J ... feminist author Barbara Smith,
Most visible on campus is of former Air Force sergeant
course the Gay and Lesbian Leonard Matlovich, or film critic
Affiance, of which the academic Vito Russo; Films such as "Pink .
year 1985-86 will be the group's Triangles" and Academy Award
fifteenth anniversary. As you winner "The Times of Harvey
might expect, there has always Milk" might never be shown.
been a certain amount of con- That Harvey Milk, an openly gay
troversy surrounding GALA. elected official in San Francisco
Whether it is because of the in- assassinated by another elected
sistence that a statement of non- official, was an alumnus of
discrimination for gay men and Albany State, would remain an
lesbians be issued by the Universi- obscure and buried fact.
JOB DESCRIPTION: Building and grounds maintenance: construction assistant.
The maintenance jobs consist of firewood cutting and hauling, brush
and grass cutting, painting and preserving, minor building repairs and trail
improvements. The construction work will involve assisting the permanent staff in the completion of a 26' x 39' shower-washroom facility.
PERIOD OF EMPLOYMENT: 10 weeks - June 10 through August 16.
SALARY: il.400/summer • $3.50/hr (40 hour week), plus lodging.
WHO MAY APPLY: Only SUNYA undergraduates having paid student tax this
semester and returning to SUNYA in Fall. 1985.
WHERE TO APPLY: The SA office - CC 116. before 4PM on Wed. . April 24.
The Albany Student Press Corporation
is made up of all personnel listed on
the ASP masthead
INTERVIEWS: Held for top applicants May 1 & 2.
ACCEPTANCE NOTICE: Posted in SA office on May 3.
A COM 203
A COM 204
A COM 212
A COM 238
A COM 265
A COM 367
A COM 390
A COM 397
A COM 397Q
A COM 4650
*A COM 465R
A COM 525
A COM 697
A COM 698
3 U
3 *
3 B
3 |
3 e
1-03 • S/U 1
1-03 J
3 •
3 g
3 J
1-03 1
3 o
3-06 •
I 330AM-10SOAM HU 132 J
1 1 , DAILY j 830AM-1120AM ! BA 216 i
j 6O0PM- 930PM BA216 «
' ! TTH
800AM- 920AM HA 216 1
600PM- 930PM , BA216 J
| 2 1 DAILY 1 930AM-10S0AM 1 HU 114 1
C 2
j 2
ARR i 1
I 2
ARR 1 1
i 1 j MTWTH ! 600PM- 945PM { BA216 S
j 1 I ARR
OFC 1 9
OFC \ 9
f 1 J MTWTH J 600PM- 94SPM \ BA 216 1
g 2 I ARR
• I
l 2 j ARR
J 1
*Class is held in Hawaii - 5/23 - 5/29 (For more info, stop in Communication Dept. or call 7-8470)
Wavy S u r p l u s Sale
April 25 & 26
9 A.M. - 5 P.M.-
C a m p u s Center
Assembly Hall
Genuine U.S. and European military
clothing and equipment.
Fatigues and khaki shirts and pants $4-10
Wool pants and waist jackets
Rain and trench coats
Belts, pouches, hats, shorts
Sleeping bags
And lots, lots more
Sponsored by The Albany State Outing Club
Lesbian and Gay activities and
projects are not restricted to
GALA. Through the efforts of
GALA and people at Middle
Earth, a grant of $5,000 from the
Chicago Resource Center was
awarded to the University to
establish the Lesbian and Gay
Center. Located in Middle Earth,
its major goal was to build further
coalition with other areas on campus to raise sensitivity of lesbian
and gay issues. This included updating information already being
disseminated in course work, formulating lesbairi and gay
coursework and generally responding to the needs of the gay and
lesbian community on campus.
The single most significant and
visible accomplishment of the
Lesbian and Gay Center to date,
has' been the formation and training of the Lambda Peers, a group
of gay and lesbian campus
volunteers, trained in basic listening skills and available to students
on a'referral basis through Middle
Earth. Despite, the University's
decision not to continue funding
the Center, the Center board,
volunteers from student, ad-
ministration, and support staff, York and the New York State
will continue to meet. Ar- Lesbian and Gay Lobby. It
rangements have also been made publishes a directory of services
to train additional Lambda Peers listing over 40 organizations
locally serving the social,
for the 1985-86 academic year.
religious, educational, and.
The one academic department political needs of the Capitar
on campus that currently has a District gay and lesbian comtnandate for the inclusion of les- munity. Further information can
bian issues in its course work is be obtained by calling the ComWomen's Studies. They are to be munity Center any evening betcomplimented on their sensitivity, ween 7 and II p.m. at 462-6138.
and it should be pointed out to
other departments that Women's
As GALA and the other
Studies continues to be a strong organizations on campus conand respected resource on tinue to work with the outside
community, the University. will
continue to be a place to celebrate
Lesbian and Gay life is not diversity. Many former students
restricted to campus either. In ad- become involved in the larger
dition to its variety of-bars'and community, Occupying' leadership
clubs catering to gay people, positions and acting as positive
Albany has its own Lesbian and role models. You are welcome to
Gay Community Center on Hud- celebrate that diversity with us.
son Avenue. It is one of the few
organizations in the nation to be GALA meets every Tuesday
housed in the building that it evening at 8:30 p.m. in the Camowns. Space is set aside for pus Center throughout the
various meetings and functions as academic year. Their office is
well as a nightly coffee house located in room 333 in the Camfrom 7 to 11 p.m. In addition, the pus Center next to the ASP and
building rents space to the AIDS the phone number is currently
Council of Northeastern New 457-4078. All are welcome.. CI
•«Front Page
"Our room was freezing all
SUNYA had continued to con- winter. We had no heat," said
sume energy at the same rate as it Dawn Falk, a freshman living on
did between 1972 and 1974, it State Quad.
would have cost $11 million more
"The temperature in my room
to supply the campus with suffi- is very confortable," said Ancient energy than it does now.
toniette Robinson, also a
The report on "the progra wide freshman. "The LCs are very
audit," said Stevens, "is done warm when it gets warm outside
regularly by the department of and I think they need some kind
Correctional Systems and State of air circulation. I personally
find it difficult to stay awake durUniversity systesm."
Although he received no ing some of my lectures."
negative feedback-as a result of
"It's definitely very warm in
the audit, Stevens said he would the Lecture Centers, and I have
like to see some improvements. trouble concentrating on the pro
"We take energy conservation fessor's lecture because I'm either
very seriously here. We have a fanning myself or falling
very large campus and as a result asleeep," commented freshman
we continually have problems," Karen Blake.
he said.
In addition to other changes
"There are a lot of things I'd implemented by Stevens he has
like to do better," Stevens said. recently replaced street lighting
One concern'he noted is the in- around Perimeter Road and in the.
stallment of finer controls in the parking lots to High pressure
dormitories. "Thermostats were Sodium lighting,.which provided
destroyed by residentsin the past. .more light for less money,:
We've replaced 120 thermostats
SUNYA is currently replacing
in the dorms this year," he said. all lighting and ceilings in
"Because the heating of dorms is building basements . on the
controlled rather [ than, academic podium, a measure
specifically controlled, it is dif- which, according to Stevens,
ficult to maintain comfortable "pays for itself in about one
temperatures in each room," he year." i '.;' J '
Energy usage limitations such
"Students need much more in- as t h e 68 d e g r e e room
struction on how to control room temperature limit, were establishtemperatures," said Stevens. ed following the 1973 OPEC oil
Although he has tried to work embargo, which substantially inwith dorm directors on all the creased oil prices. According to
quads, Stevens said he has found Collen, "energy conservation
it difficult to pass such informa- measures are implemented where
they are deemed cost efficient and
tion on to students.
In order to maintain suitable where funding is available."
SUNY Central has reduced
temperatures in the dormitories,
Stevens said he feels it is necessary energy usage by 26 percent on its
to educate students about their campuses across the state, saving
own rooms as well as the effect of New York approximately $171
the temperature in one room on million, over the past twelve
the temperature of another. "If a years,
roon is using 80 percent of its
SUNY's goal ws to establish
heat, and the room next door is and moderate energy consumpusing 60 percent of its heat, a cor- tion by reducing wattage and
ner room on the end will certainly making cost-effective recommenby colder," he said.
Got The
We Can Help With:
Grouper Law
meone in the community to put
the money privately. "However,"
she said, "no one in the community seems ready to do this."
The Task Force, according to
Swanstrom, has also looked into
other cities with similar problems
and the way that they have dealt
with them.
SA Funded
20 Sports
For women's track team, it was worth the trip
Just when you thought it was safe to go
out on Sunday nights
By Rachel Braslow
Get Ready for -
Applications for all STAFF POSITIONS available
NOW in the S.A. Office & near Campus Info. Desk.
Sign up for interviews in SA office after you've handed in applications.
or SUZANNE 457-8069
for 1985-86
Albany's Oldest ficadGmic
Honorary Society is proud to
Congratulate it's president
"It was well worth the trip," commented Ron White, Albany State head
women's track and field coach. No-he
didn't mean Dunkin' Donunts. Me was
speaking in reference to the many outstanding performances at the Binghamton
track last Saturday. Binghamton scored 92
points while Albany and Union trailed
behind with scores of 63 and 27
Freshman Marcel Innis was named
outstanding competitor of the meet for her
victories in the 100 and 200 yard dash, her
third place finish in the long jump and leg
on the victorious 4x100 relay (52.3).
"I don't feel anything when I'm running. As far as high school I haven't been
running as well as I could. If I work at it I
know I can improve, oh yeah."
Eric Cjjrj Rabin"
for coming in sixth
in SCINYfi's world record
breaking musical chairs
S.A. Recognized
Reservations are now being taken for
SA's Annual
Academic Awards
ay 2
featuring presentations of SA's Awards
for Excellence in Teaching, Advising,
Administration, and Extracurricular
Involvement with students.
For more info contact Mike Miller,
Reservations Deadline Amy
Adelson or Harold Goetz in
Fri. April 26 at 5 pm
SA Office CC 116
-4 Back Page
Garner pitched the final two innings to earn the save.
The Danes used the same mixture of single and double hits
coupled with stolen bases and
walks in their 7-6 defeat of Division I Colgate. The Danes scored
two runs in the first inning on an
error, two walks, and an RBI
single by Bob Manilla. They added another run in the second,
when Licciardi singled, stole second, reached third on a fielder's
choice, and scored on an error.
Kim Pcttichord, in her first time out this
season in the 3K, ran a 10:32, only one second off her personal best and good
enough for a second place finish to
Binghamton standout Alice Willis. Pcttichord said, "It was the first time I ever
ran a race that 1 wasn't hurting. It would
have been a lot easier if I had someone to
pace me. I was really happy with that
She also won with teammates Rachel
Braslow and Chris Varley for their performances in the 5K run, and earned
honorable mention status. Joining them
was Pam Robinson for her personal best in
the shot put and Leslie Anderson's 95 foot
throw in the javelin. Kitty Sullivan's 5:21,
1,500 was a personal best by 27 seconds.
Patti Barnett's 102.5, 400 meter run and
Bette Dzamba's personal best in the 800
were all honorable mention choices too.
".I thought we would be in the middle.
Binghamton let up spots they could have
been stronger in if they wanted to." Coach
White added, "It's nice to see personal
bests this early in the season especially for
those who can still qualify for states. It's
not just the standouts but the depth. The
weather conditions were also very good."
Anderson added, "I think everyone's
showing some improvement. I'm really
pleased with the progress of the entire
The field events were very strong as
Shipley, Anderson and Robinson placed 2,
4, 5. In addition Robinson and Saipley
placed 2, 4 in the discus. Barrett and Innis
placed 2 and 3 in the long jump.
"I was really pleased, once again
everybody placed in the events they
entered." Field Events coach Amy Kidder
added, "Barb had her best day in shot put
I've seen this year, I think each meet we're
getting stronger and stronger. I think that
we haven't peaked yet."
Some other outstanding events included
the two through four placing of Robinson,
Anderson and Barb Saipley in the shot
put. The one through fourplacing of
Dzamba, Lynn Jacobs, Braslow and
Varley helped contribute points as did
junior Karen Kurthy's 5:00.6, 1,500 meter
Thus far fourteen individual competitors have qualified for the state meet
along with the 4x100 meter and the 4x400
meter relay.
As co-captain Barb Shipley summed it
up, "Everybody is improving every ime
out. Those who qualified for states should
be able to make a good showing in states.".
Good friends will give you a break
when you're broke.
Colgate's runs came in the first,
fifth, sixth, and seventh innings,
the last of which caused the
removal of Dane pitcher Alan
Pcdley, who pitched five innings,
receiving the win. Steve McCloy
finished out the seventh, pitched
the eighth, and one third of the
ninth. John Kalinski stepped in to
get the final two outs of the game.
Going into Sunday's
doubleheader against LeMoync, a
highly reputable Division II team,
the Danes were, according to
Zaloom, "Very impressed by the
reputation of the other team,
which is something you cannot be
in any sport. We' went into the
game very tenative and tight."
It was this attitude that accounted for t he team's 10-1 loss in
t h e f i r s t g a m e of t h e
For the second game, however,
the Dane attitude toward their
opponent changed.
"We came out different," said
Zaloom. "We decided we were
the better team, we were more
confident. We decided the way we
wanted it to be was the way it
would be and we made it come
out that way. And 1 believe the
support we received from the
home crowd was also a factor."
The new outlook resulted in a
10-9 victory for the Danes, a victory that puis their overall record
at 8-9-1 going onto Tuesday's all
doubleheader against
"We have to win lour of our
six remaining conference games
to make the playoffs," said
Z a l o o m . " W e played a
doubleheader against
Hingahmton earlier iu the season
which we split, and now the team
is playing better every day.,
They've become more aggressive
at the plate, something I hope
they will match in the field. Right
now, we're playing tense and apprehensive out there."
The dinner was sensational. So was the
check. The problem is, the theater tickets that
you insisted oh buying broke your whole
budget. Enough to declare bankruptcy by the
time the coffee arrived.
t-« A nudge under the table and a certain
destitute look in the eye were enough to
produce the spontaneous loan only a
good friend is ready to make.
How do you repay him? First
the cash, then the only beer equal
to his generosity: Lowenbriiu.
Lowenbrau. Here's to
ltd ' i ' U S A
22 Sports
Men tracksters beat RPI, lose by 3 to Colgate
By Ian Clements
s w f iiR/rrK
The Albany Slate men's track team
moved one step closer to Its eighteenth
consecutive winning dual meet season with
,i 93-79 victory over Rl'l, Saturday at Colgate University.
The Danes fell to their hosts, however,
by an 87-84 score. The meet was scored on
a dual meet basis.
Albany's record is 3-1 • with four duals
remaining on its schedule.
A winning season is especially important
to Bob Munsey, who was the team's coach
in 1968, its first season, and who has had
winning records with the outdoor team
each year.
"It looks like we're going to bow out
with a winning season," said Munsey, who
is retiring after this campaign. His retirement is only partial, however, as he will
continue to coach the cross-country team
next fall.
Bob Balachandron is not the retiring
type. The boisterous freshman broke out
of a slump in a big way Saturday in winning the triple jump. Mis winning mark of
44' 3 3/4" bettered his previous collegiate
best of 42' 8 ' ; " which he set indoors. Paul
Mance (43' 4 3/4") and Ajay Ciupia (42'
V';") completed Albany's sweep of the
•vent which clinched the win over R.I'.I.
The Danes had only one scorer in the
hammer throw, but the scoring performance was quite impressive. Marc Mercurio heaved the ball and chain 173' I " to
win it. The school record in the hainrner,
which he currently holds, is 179' 6".
The All-American also won the discus
with a 143' 10" throw, freshman Mike place finisher by over one minute.
Nelson was sixth overall in 102' 5 " .
McCiill's time was 32:34.5. Kevin Shcchan
Albany received unexpected help in the placed fourth.
pole vault from senior Joe Pastel, who
The middle distances were also a source
won by clearing 13'. Pastel was on the of fine performances for the well-balanced
team during his freshman year but had team.
strayed from the Danes since then. RecentSophomore Dave Blette continued his
ly he returned to the track. Said Munsey, " excellent early-season running by covering
He picked up a pole and did 13' in street 800 meters in 1:58.3 to place second.
clothes. |Hc) is one very gifted kid and a Freshman Craig Barbieri was fourth in
student of the art."
Pastel also remembered enough about
Tim Hoff finished only three seconds
the javelin to place fourth with a 150' 9 " behind R.P.I.'s All American, Scott
LcMay, in the 1500 meter run. Hoff was
The Danes received unexpected help of third in 4:04.6. Pat Paul was fourth
another kind from Jim Erwin, who will (4:15.6).
have earned 12 varsity letters in the runnMunsey's sprint crew, which suffered
ing sports by next month. The Rochester from a couple of between-seasons defecnative lowered his best 5000 meter lime by tions, was further damaged by leg soreness
23 seconds en route to qualifying for the which struck John Reilly and Mike
slate meet. Unfortunately for Erwin, his Riggins.
lime of 15:05.3 was identical lo that of
Riggins placed second in the 100 meter
R.l'.l's Steve Zentil, who crossed the line dash in 10.9, but according to Munsey,
probably would have won if healthy. He
"It was a beautiful race," said Munsey, was also second in the 200 meter dash
"there was just barely daylighl between (22.9). Reilly was fifth (23.2).
them when they crossed."
Reilly fared better in the 400 meter dash
in which he finished third in 50.5. Ed Levy
Craig Parlato was fourth in 15:38.8.
The Danes picked up wins in the other was fifth (51.8) and Paul Fauty sixth
distance events, though in less exciting (52.0). Of Levy and Fauty, Munsey said,
"Both guys are getting better and better
Junior Ray Volper led two teammates in every meet."
the steeplechase. His lime of 9:56.8 was
In the 400 meter intermediate hurdles,
less tha'h two seconds shy of the state meet Bruce Van Tassel finished fourth (57.2)
qualifying standard. He was followed by and Mike Bivozi, a freshman, was fifth
Jack Glascr in second (10:05.2) and (59.6).
Charlie Blanche! in fourth (10:18.4).
Van Tassel has been bothered by a sore
Ed McGill cruised lo an easy win in the foot recently which has restricted his train10,000 meter run, defeating the second ing. Nevertheless, he placed second in the
A great location. Stikh :ii niU' of the most
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no jeans and sneakers please.
Lakers pound Albany by 16-7 score
By Cathy Errlg
The scramble for a win, a
balance to the six losses that
numbered the loss column of the
Albany State lacrosse team's
home record, was lost last
weekend as the Dane stickmen
were defeated Saturday by
Oswego, 16-7.
"We played very well in the
first quarter," said Assistant
Coach Kevin Naughton, "but
very bad in the second. The team
is pressing too hard. Because they
are mostly seniors, they want to
make things happen. When
you're pressing too hard, though,
the wrong thing tends to happen
before the right."
SA Recognized
4 Back Page
knew that Ithaca was a good
school," said Gibbons. "Racing
in the Invitational taught us how
races work."
The men did not fair as well as
the women, failing to place in all
the races they entered. According
to senior o a r s m a n Dennis
Crawford, "It wasn't disappointing. Ithaca was a great experience to race some of the more
established schools."
"It was an enlightening experience," was how coxswain
Bernard DoMinh put it. "Our
success against Hamilton was a
gift. Saturday was the real thing.
We were served humble pie in
Ithaca. Everything we get now
will be earned."
The team feels, though, that
improvement is on the way. According to DoMinh, "we're a
precocious team. We'll give
Union a run for the money."
Coach Jeff Schafer could even
see the improvement on Saturday,
as the day wore on. A number of
women rowed in three different
races, but Schafer "saw them getting better although they were getting tired."
Thursday, Albany State will
row against Union for the bragging rights of Albany's waters. The
crew did well against the Dutchmen last weekend, so they
know what to expect. "Union is
not out of reach," said Marianne
To Coach Schafer, beating
Union is almost more important
than winning the President's Cup
in Poughkeepsie on Saturday.
"Union Is local. It'll make us
look belter in the area if we win."
The game actually began well
for the Danes, with Luke Becker,
a midfielder coming off an ankle
injury, assisted by Rick Trizano
scoring just 10 seconds into the
first quarter. Oswego scored with
just over a minute remaining in
the quarter to end the 1 [quarter
with a 1-1 tie.
Just over five playing minutes
later, however, the score was a
very lopsided 6-1, as the second
quarter, starring the Oswego
defense, began. Before it was
over, Oswego would add three
more goals to their score, raising
.their half-game total to nine. Only Brad Rabinowiiz, assisted by
Gary Friedman, and Friedman,
assisted by Dave Cerny, would
score for the Danes, giving the
half a final score of 9-3.
Third period action saw the
Danes more in control of the
game, as they outscored Oswego,
4-2. Friedman, Jim McPartlin,
Cerny and Tri/ano scored for the
-4 Back Page
The Danes overall spring and
fall record is 12-4. The school
record is 14 wins overall season.
The Danes face Amherst Tuesday April 23 home at 3:30. They
will play away at Oneonta on
Thursday April 25.
Stickmen's record downed to 1 -7 by Oswego
The women tracksters host
Championships on Saturday
Eric K. Copland
Washington Tavern
Canadian Night
Thursday 9-1
This week: Labatt's
Mug Night Tuesday
features Matt's
110 meter high hurdles with a split of 15.4.
Albany's relays were weak due to the
ailments of Riggins and Reilly. The 4x400
team Mike Gusmano, Fauty, Levy and
Blette was a distant third in 3:39. A win in
ihat event would have given the Danes the
overall victory over Colgate but Munsey
elected to rest Riggins and Reilly due to
their physical problems and the improbabilit; of beating the Red Raiders'
3:21 squad.
Albany placed second in the 4x100 meter
relay. The team of Riggins, Levy,
Gusmano and Reilly combined for a 44.2
clocking which beat R.P.I.
Mance was one of the Danes' six first
place finishers. He long jumped 21' 9 " .
Balachandron was two spots back with 20'
5 1/4".
The other field event scorers were Gupta
in the high jump, who cleared 5' 10" for
third. P a t ' Dowling placed in the pole
Although Albany topped R.P.I, and fell
to Colgate, the Engineers defeated Colgale, 88-83.
The Purple and Gold will be on Route
20 again Wednesday for the Colgate
Relays. Saturday, they travel to Binghamton to tangle with the Colonials and
APRIL 23, 1985 •
Hard limes continue to follow the Albany State lacrosse team. Another los•• was
Saturday against Oswego.
• ••>_
Seven penalties, according lo
Naughton, were the main reason
for the Danes' scoreless fourth
"When you don't have the
ball," said Naughton, "you can't
do loo much."
Meanwhile, Oswego used their
possession to score five times in
the quarter, giving the game its
final 16-7 score.
" W e can take consolation in
the fact that we kept playing until
the end," said Naughton. "We
didn't always play intelligently.
The game changes so quickly; it
takes a lot of poise to remain controlled and stay on top mentally.
You can't get caught up in the
game, you have to step back."
" W e don't do any one thing
wrong," said Naughton. "We're
continually having four minute
periods in which everything seems
to go wrong, like a snowball
The Danes had three such
periods on Saturday; twp coming
in the second quarter in which
five goals were scored by Oswego
in just over five minutes and three
goals were scored in just over
four, and one in the fourth, in
which Oswego scored three times
in four minutes.
" W e . h a v e everything," said
sophomore Brian Robinson.
"We're physical, we have finesse
and we're a team of hustlers, but
we just can't bring it all together.
We're like three different teams at
once and you never know which
one will show up. One time we'll
play intelligently and play our
game and them another team
shows up and we d o n ' t . "
The Danes' next chance to play
their game and improve upon
their current 1-7 record will be
Wednesday1 at Siena ai 3:30 p.m.
SofWallers' playoff quest halted by Oneonta
By Kristine Sauer
If it's not one thing, it's another. One
day it could be hitting, the next defense.
There is always something that stands in
the way of a perfect performance for the
Albany State Softball team, whose chances
of a SUNYAC playoff berth is now
slim, from a post-season .
That was the story until Saturday's
doubleheader against Herbert Lehman.
Playing in top form with every aspect of
their game on target, they soundly
defeated Lehman, 10-3, 18-2.
" A lot of good things happened on
Saturday," said coach Lee Rhenish. "First
of all we played well offensively as well as
defensively. I was also very proud of them
— that they were able to come back and
play well after the two defeats against
On Thursday, their game wasn't on
target, as they dropped a twinbill to
Oneonta. The squad lost the first game,
4-2, and then after being interrupted by
rain, fell in the second, 5-2.
With it, came the harsh reality of shattered
playoff dreams.
"Losing those two to Oneonta, 1' imagine, put us out of the SUNYACs," said
a disappointed Rhenish.
Scoreless until the fourth inning, both
teams scored a run in that inning. The
sixth inning was the decisive one, with
Oneonta scoring three runs and the Danes
coming up iwo short after nailing one.
"We had eight hits but we weren't able
to capitalize on them. There were errors
that cost us the ball game," said Rhenish.
In the second game.the Dragons came
out bunting and took the Danes b y surprise, scoring five runs in the first inning.
Rhenish felt her team should have played
. up more on defense. It was their first time
playing on a grass infield which makes the
bali slower than on dirt.
Oneonta's element of surprise gave them
the win, as the Danes were never able to
make up the difference. Albany only
scored a run in.the third and sixth innjngs,
to bring the score to 5-2.
Albany had five hits a,nd Oneonta ings facing 260 batters with only 40 hits off double header on the road at 2 p.m. On
scored seven, but the key to this game was her, 23 runs, and 15 walks. Additionally, Thursday they host Siena at 2:30 in a home
who could capitalize on them,
Williams has only given up seven earned twin bill.
"We had to be patient about our hit- runs. Her 73 strikeouts show the impor"The rest of our games won't be
ting," said Rhenish. "You just cqp't tance of her presence on the field. She has pushovers," said Rhenish. "It's just a
whack at the ball. We had to be cautious a .065 earned run average, leading her matter of mental preparation for our
team to a 6-4 overall and 3-3 SUNYAC kids." One thing they've learned is you
when we had runners on base,"
As usual, pitching was,riot a problem. record.
have to be up and prepared for every game
Today the Danes face New Paltz in a you play in.
Junior Wendy Williams gave up two hits in
the first game, with five strikeouts. In the
second game, she gave up seven hits and
struck out two Dragons with no.walks..
Even with William's dynamic pitching,
"believe it or not we still lost it," added
The Danes turned this loss around andhanded a worse beating to Herbert
Lehman. They came out strong, scoring 7
runs in the first inning to Lehman's single
run. They finished off their opponents by
holding them to two runs arid scoring three
more for themselves.
• •'
Kelly Brown and Moniquc Rorriaro had
two hits apiece. One of Romaro's was a
homerun. Beth Wolf, Kathy Chichester,
Carmen Guzman, and Jackie Sheridan all
had a hit apiece.
"Hitting has been a problem," said
Rhenish. "We really let loose. We ran the
bases well, too. I was really proud.,If they
didn't have fun in these two games then
they don't know what this" game is all
about. It was fun because we were doing so
The second game was a blowout.; The
Danes had a 3-1 lead going into the fourth
inning, in which they scored six runs, 'rhc
'dynamic' Danes followed that 10-1 lead,
scoring four runs and then another five in
the fifth and seventh innings.
Once again Williams was in rare form.
In the first game, she had nine strikeouts,
allowing three hits and two walks.
For the last inning of the second game,
Romarp pitched, facing only three batters.
"It was her first pitching experience
ever," said Rhenish. "Three up and three
down. It was a great way to end the
| ;_
•• , ..
Much of the team's success hits to do
with Williams. She has pitched 75M inn- BUNT THAT BALL: The Albany State Softball team plays New Paltz today.
APRIL 23, 1985
Destrade, Lombardi and the
rest of the A-C Yankees: the second time around
See the Sports Supplement
Women sparkle
for Albany crew
By Adam Engle
Warren Miller pitched seven innings, allowing 3 earned runs to pick up a win against Mlddlebury.
Danes speed to three victories
By Cathy Errig
l I'll,
'Ki U
Head Coach Ed Zaloom's prediction llml the Albany
Stale baseball team would have to depend on speed rather
than power to score inns couldn't have been more accurate last weekend.
Speed, in the form ol stolen bases, beating out ground
balls, and taking full advantage of wild pilches, accounted for almosi all of ihe runs that resulted in a 9-5
win over Middlebury, a 7-fs victory over- Division I Colgale, and a split with the highly reputable l.cMoyne, losing the first game, 10-1, but taking the second game, 10-9.
"We're not a power team," said Zaloom "We lack the
ability to hit the long ball, and that has made a difference
in some of our losses. If we're in a situation where the
wind is blowing toward us, we're ai a disadvantage
because we don't have players who hit above the wind.
We have Ihe potential to hit Ihe long ball, but it wouldn't
be ordinary."
The Danes began their weekend at Middlebury on Friday; taking a one run lead in Ihe top of the first inning.
Albany's Craig Wallace scored the run, reaching first on
a fielder's choice, then stole second, and reached third on
a wild pilch. He scored the run on a throwing error.
The tie was broken in the second inning as the Danes
scored five runs on four hits. Fred Saccocio led off the inning with a single and moved lo third on Dob Manilla's
double. Rudi l.icciardi drew a walk to load the bases, setling ihe situation for Adam Pullman's single to drive in a
run. Dane Hennessey walked lo drive in the second run of
the inning.
The Dane's speed failed lo come through later in the inning, as Tony Torrez grounded to third, resulting in the
first out. Craig Wallace grounded out also, enabling the
Middlebury defense to catch the runner al home.
Dave Theleman followed with a single lor ihe third
Dane run of the game. Howard Hammond and Saccocio
both drew walks for two more Dane runs. Bab Manilla
then grounded out lo end the inning.
Middlebury scored one run in Ihe bottom of the inning,
bringing the score lo 6-2.
l.icciardi drew a walk to lead off the third inning, then
stole second. He scored on a single by Torrez to bring the
score to 7-2. Middlebury added two runs in the fourth
and another in the fifth to make (he score 7-5.
In Ihe lop of the ninth, Dave Thelean doubled and
scored on Hammond's double, giving the Danes eight
runs. Saccocio also doubled, scoring Hammond to give
the Danes their final run.
Juan Miller, who pitched seven innings and gave up
three earned runs, picked up the win for Albany. Jim
21 *•
Last week Coach Jeff Schafer was asked whom he
thought was making better progress, his men's crew team
or his women. He paused for a moment and said he
wasn't sure. "I'll know more next week," he added.
After the past weekend's Ithaca Invitational, Schafer
can answer that question a little better. In their second
rowing competition in the Albany State crew's history
the women excelled while the men failed to place in any
of the races.
The Albany State women's crew posted one win, one
second place and one third place finish out of seven races
at the Ithaca Invitational this past Saturday.
Two weekends ago, the crews swepl four races from the
year-old Hamilton club. Saturday's meet put Albany
Stale against such experienced teams as Colgate, Skidmore, Union, Cascadilla rowing club, and the wellrespected Ithaca crew, which has been in existence at the
varsity level for 18 years. Hobarl and Hamilton were
scheduled to race, but did not show.
The Albany women's eight-oar beat Skidmore and
Union in the petite finals, or consolation final. The race,
though, was stopped in the middle and restarted because
of two collisions with the Skidmore crew. Twice, the
Skidmore crew shifted into the Albany lane, tangling
oars. After the second collision, Skidmore was
The other races were rowed without incident, and
showed that Albany State's crews can row with, and beat
established teams. The women's 4 (A boat) beat Ithaca by
45 seconds.
"I think we did well given our experience...and in comparison to the other, more established crews," said coxswain Elissa Kaye, who navigated five different races. "It
was exciting, especially because it was a real race."
According to oarswoman Debbie Pardew, who rowed
in the women's 8 and women's 4(B boat), the team was
"shocked at beating Hamilton last week. We didn't know
what to expect."
But after having had one race under their belts the
crews were ready for more. "We knew about the teams
we were going to meet," she added. "We went to do the
best we could. It's more than exciting," said Pardew.
Marianne Gibbons, who rowed in the stroke seat of the
third place women's light weight four, felt that Saturday's races were a learning experience. Although no one
felt that Hamilton would be stiff competition, "everyone
Grossman-Schmitz loss nets Vermont 5-4 win
By Lisa Jacket
said Schmitz. "We started out with
doubles and after winning all three we felt
pretty confident we'd win."
"It was an easy win," stated Coach Bob
Lewis. "We played well while Binghamton
The Danes put up a good fight against
Vermont, though, resulting in a close loss
of 5-4. Losses were suffered in first, second and fourth singles as well as first and
second doubles.
Schmitz beat Ross Abrams in third
singles I-6, 6-2, 7-5. Sanders defeated fifth
singles player Brent Reum 6-3, 6-3. David
Zobler won easily over sixth singles player
Paul Murnson 6-2, 6-1.
The Albany Stale men's tennis team's
At number one singles, Grossman fell to
record now stands at 5-2 after defeating
Peter Tayroian 6-2, 6-4. Eisenberg was
Binghamion on Friday and losing to Vernipped by Vic Milligan 6-4, 4-6, 6-4 in semont Saturday.
cond singles. Mike Dermansky lost to Rich
The Danes defeated Binghamton 7-2,
Green in fourth singles 6-4, 6-4.
taking four singles matches and sweeping
• Sanders and Gerber defeated Green and
doubles. Dave Grossman defeated
Peter Numan'6-3, 6-4 in third doubles,
Binghamton's Chris Olsen 6-2, 6-4 ai
while the first two doubles teams suffered
number one singles. At number three
losses. First doubles Grossman 'and
singles, Tom Schmitz beat Rob Sauer 7-5,
Schmitz lost to Fayroian and Reum 3-6,
6-1, 7-5. Dermansky and Eisenberg lost to
Mike Dermansky nipped fourth singles
Milligan and Deery in second doubles 6-4,
player Mark Birmbium 6-4, 7-5. Sixth
singles player, Mark Sanders, won easily
"My match was very important as ifwas
over Andy Boyland 6-0, 6-0. Losses were
3-2 so when I won making it three all, all
endured by Jay Eisenberg and Mitchell
we had to do was take two out of three
Gerber. At number two singles Eisenberg
doubles but we lost," said Zobler. "Third
lost lo Robe Grundfasi 6-3, 6-4. Gerber
doubles played really well. They were
lost 6-0, 6-2 to Binghamton's fifth singles
behind 4-1 in the second set and then they
player, Melzer.
won the last five games."
First doubles Schmitz and Grossman
, "We knew it was going to be tough. We
defeated Olsen and Grundfast 6-3, 2-6,
lost lo Ihem last year 8-1," said Schmitz.
6-1. Eisenberg and Dermansky won easily
"We went into doubles three all and only
over Birnbaum and Melzer in second
won one double which really hurt us."
doubles 6-2, 6-2. Gerber and Sanders
"Sanders, Zobler and the third doubles
defeated Boyland and Sauer 6-4, 6-4 in
played very well," said Coach Lewis. "If
third doubles.
was very competitive and exciting as the
"We didn't know what the competition
number one doubles - the deciding match,
was going to be like - we only saw
was the last to finish. It was an melting
Binghamton in the SUNYACs in where
laAACuea finish but we lost."
they came in a close second behind us," Fourth singles Mike Dermansky strokes a two-handed backhander\l\ll
•i ••
i •• -i t
J? 't.vt'f/^.'^O' v ?
SpOtts April}
Phil Lombardi: Yankee catcher on
the rise to spend season in Albany
promoting him to the Greensboro Single-A squad,
where he finally displayed the talent they saw in
Hollywood, Florida him in high school. Lombardi's batting average
For most of the Albany-Colonie Yankees, prac- soared to the ,290s, while his throwing arm started
tice was over on this sun-drenched April day in becoming a threat to thefleet-footed.However, his
Hollywood. Florida.
handling of pitchers and taking control of a game
It was five o'clock now. nine hours after the was still a question mark.
team first stepped onto Boggs Field - the Yankee
Last year, when Lombardi joined the Fort
Double-A training facility, which is a 20-minute Lauderdale Yankees, Foote began to erase that
drive from the major league camp in Fort question mark and sketch an exclamation point.
The Fort Lauderdale squad captured the Florida
This strenuous day - highlighted by a scrim- State league championship and Lombardi had a
mage against the Triple-A Columbus Clippers lot to do with it. Batting .293 with 8 home runs and
sandwiched between two practice sessions — was 70 RBIs. Lombardi became a fixture behind home
all but finished.
plate, It was obvious that Foote had a positive efAs the players were dispersing to the clubhouse, fect on Lombardi. In this winter's Instructional
Albany-Colonie Yankee manager Barry Foote an- League, Lombardi tore up the league, hitting .344.
"He's helped the kid more than anyone else
nounced if anyone was interested in competing in
a one-mile race around the perimeter of Boggs did." said Bobby Hoffman. Director of Player
Field, offering five dollars to the winner.
Three players took Foote up on his offer - one of
"Lombardi is taking advantage of a good situathem being Phil Lombardi - a 22-year old player tion." said Dave LaRoche, Albany's pitching coach,
being billed by some as the top catching prospect who also is moving up from the Fort Lauderdale
in the organization.
squad. He improved a lot last year. He seems to be
Lombardi didn't capture the five dollar first prize more relaxed playing under Barry."
money: not exactly known for his running ability.
What is the difference between the present LomLombardi placed second. What Lombardi did cap- bardi and Lombardi in the pre-Foote era? Ask the
ture, though, was another measure of respect from former major league catcher.
his manager.
"What I tried to do with Lombardi last season
While most of his mates were getting a headstart and this year is to make him into a thinking caton the night's activities. Lombardi was churning cher.'" said Foote. "To teach him how to outguess
out another mile in the burning Florida sun, look- a hitter, what to call on a 2-2 count. He's a very ining to improve his abilities in any way he can.
telligent person; players like him don't come along
"I'll do anything to win a game." said Lombardi, too often."
after practice, his face colored with a deep orange
Foote is planning on having Lombardi's bat in
tan. "I'll do anything to make myself a better the lineup almost everyday, either behind the
plate or as a designated hitter. Phil Lindsey, the
Foote is familiar with Lombardi's strong drive other catcher, also has a decent bat, but doesn't
toward success. This season will mark the second compare to Lombardi in the field.
year Foote and Lombardi will be on the same
Most coaches agree that Lombardi's best asset is
team. In Foote's first year as a manager, he led the his powerful throwing arm. But his power at the
Single-A Fort Lauderdale Yankees to the Florida plate with a bat in hand also must be reckoned
State League Championship, with Lombardi play- with. A line drive hitter. Lombardi's home run
ing a vital role to the team's success. Now the duo production, though, has been disappointing. But
have been promoted to trie Double-A level.
the Yankee coaches are afraid of tampering with
In this instance, .there seems to be a special his swing.
closeness between the manager and player "We want him to continue to do what he's doing
perhaps the tight bond an ex-major catcher and a and that's hitting line drives in the gaps," said Roy
22-year old catching prospect should feel.
White, who is now the assistant general manager.
"He's (Lombardi) learned a lot from Barry." said "He doesn't have any weak points as a hitter. He's
Jim Saul, the third base coach. "He's learning some a good line contact hitter and we're not going to
of the finer points of catching, not just the basic change his style."
fundamentals, that anyone can teach."
"He's got the same style as Thurman (Munson)
Foote cringes, when asked if he spends more did." offered Foote. "He still has the potential to
time with Lombardi than the other players: "I hit 20 homers a year."
hope that I spend the same amount of time with
Recently, the Yankee farm system has not been
everyone. It's true that I feel more attached to regarded as a haven for a minor league prospect
Lombardi. I feel there is so, much more I could on the rise. The Yankees, under the George Steinteach him."
brenner reign, have the reputation of trading away
So does the Yankee organization, which is one of prospects as quick as they go through managers.
the reasons why Lombardi is playing Double-A
However, Lombardi seems to be in a rather cozy
ball this season. Some, Including Foote, feel Lom- position. Catching talent in the Yankee organizabard! has the talent to play Triple-A.
"I'm happy that the organization hasn't tried to
rush me." said Lombardi, a husky 6'2". 200
pounder. "What they're doing Is trying to get me
to build my confidence, on the Double-A level,
And there is still so much more I can learn from
There have been quite a few top catching prospects in the recent past for the Yankees. The
names live on,in infamy; Mike Heath, Jerry Narron. Brad Gulden, and Bruce Robinson to present a
few. Foote doesn't believe Lombardi's name will
wind up on that unfavorable list.
"He's the best catching prospect I've seen since
I've been in the organization," said Foote. "If he
doesn't make it to the big leagues In two to three
years. I'll be disappointed."
First, Lombardi must show he can make the step
from Single-A ball to Double-A. "I hear from
everybody that the biggest jump is going from
Single-A to Double-A," said Lombardi. "It's a lot
tougher than going from Double-A to Triple-A."
After Lombardi's first two years in the Yankee
organization, there were doubts that Lombardi
would even make it this far, Signed in 1981 as an
18-year old high school phenom out of Grenada.
California, Lombardi struggled through two
frustrating seasons of rookie ball. He hit .255 for
Sarasota in 1981 and even less the next year for
I'aiiiuivllle {Kentucky).
"I was still at a point where I wasn't used to the
whole thing," said Lombardi, "being away from
(home), traveling all over the place."
The Yankees gave Lombardi one more chance by
By Marc Berman
Albany-Colonie Yankees play Foote-ball
By Dean Chang
behind the plate. Lombardi is probably the best prospect on the team,
- .while Lindsey saw time at all three minor-league levels last year.
Hollywood, Florida
"Well be strong defensively and offensively behind the plate," said
Look out Albany. Here comes the Yankees.
Foote, a former catcher. "They should have big seasons alternating; I
No, you won't see names like Winfield. Henderson and Mattingly in the
expect 75. 80 RBIs and 10 to 15 home runs from the two of them.
line-up. How about Destrade. Hughes and Lombardi? The way the New
They'll do a good job defensively throwing people out. Ill be
York Yankees are playing, those names might be interchangeable this
disappointed and they'll be disappointed if they don't."
The coaching team of Barry Foote and Dave LaRoche will be seeking
First Base: Orestes Destrade might be the most naturally talented
their second pennant in as many tries: the two led the Class-A Fort
player on the team. Coaches use glowing terms to describe the switchLauderdale Yankees to a title last year in the Florida State League.
What the team lacked In talent, it made up in desire and hustle, two hitting power hitter who is coming off a disappointing year.
"Destrade is on the brink of having the season we think he can
things that you can expect to find in any team Foote manages.
"Barry Foote baseball is very aggressive baseball," said Foote. "We'll have," said Foote. "He's capable of hitting 20 home runs and 100 RBIs
steal, even steal home, break up double plays - we'll do things the way for us."
the old players did. We'll always take the extra base: we want to dictate
the game to the other team, rather than have them dictate to us."
When the players step on the field, they know what Foote expects from Second Base: Like Destrade and many other of his teammates. Ron
Chapman played in Fort Lauderdale last year, hitting .260 in 281 acthem, especially those who played under him in Fort Lauderdale.
"Between those white lines." said Foote pointing to the first and third
base lines, "it's war. After the game, you can go out to dinner. But if you
"Chapman is very aggressive." said Foote. "He makes things
don't break up a double play because the second baseman is your friend, happen. He manufactures runs, and is as fast as anyone in camp. He'll
you can walk."
do a good job for us."
Of the 24 players on the roster. 15 of them played for Foote and LaRoche
at one point last year. Some believe that the transition from Single-A to Shortstop: Matt Gallegos saw limited action for the Yankees'
Double-A is the hardest one a player will have to make In his pro career. Double-A team, which was in Nashville last year. The San Francisco
Orestes Destrade tries to live up to
his potential as a Yankee phenom
The sound was unmistakable: the 6'4".
Hollywood. Florida 210 pound Destrade watched as the ball flew over
'Strike three!"
the right-field fence as he rounded the bases his
Orestes Destrade heard the words ringing in his next time up. This is what the Yankees had hoped
when they signed him as a free agent out of a
ears, words that mean failure for a baseball batter,
junior college in Florida three and one-half years
words that Destrade had heard once too often last
year, a year he would rather keep behind him.
Destrade walked slowly to the bench, bat In
"He has unlimited offensive potential." said
hand. Two years ago. that bat was a lethal
LaRoche. "Once he gets confidence in himself,
weapon, prompting the New York Yankees to prohe'll start blossoming. If he ever harnessed his
tect him on their <tO-man roster last year, a conability, he can hit 30 home runs and 100 RBIs in
siderable achievement for a first baseman in
the majors every year. If."
Single-A ball. But last year. Destrade's bat shot
If. A man's career depends on a two-letter word.
blanks, at least by the standards used to judge
The talent is obviously there; witness the seemingmajor-league prospects.
ly effortless swing it took to propel one of Rawling's finest more than 350 feet away. Destrade is
Playing for the Fort Lauderdale Yankees in 1983.
to prove that last year was a fluke.
Destrade batted .292 with 18 home runs. 74 runs
"I'm confident that 1 can play at a major-league
batted in and 82 walks, earning him a promotion
to the Yankees' Double-A farm club in Nashville level," said Destrade. "But for now. I'm trying to
think present. 1 want to do well in Albany, and
the following year. But a slow start put Destrade
hopefully bring a championship to them."
back into Fort Lauderdale, a city he had next
hoped to visit in spring training as a New York
Even if Destrade puts up the numbers expected
of him. there's no guarantee of him ever becoming
"Mentally, he was a little bit down." said Dave a New York Yankee. Someone named Don Mattingly gives the impression that he might be
LaRoche. former pitching coach of the Fort Lauderdale team, now coach of the Albany-Colonie around for a few years at first base.
"The Yankees are a tough organization," said the
Yanks. Destrade's new team. "He had a good year
man his teammates call O'. "If you've made it
before, and he didn't feel he belonged there."
with them, you've made it with the best. Donny
According to Destrade. Nashville didn't give him
Mattingly is the first baseman of the future: my ona fair chance. "They tried to play me in left field in
ly chance is if they move him to the outfield."
Nashville." said Destrade. "That hindered me.
They probably felt that at my height. I moved fairDespite having arguably the best hitter in
ly well. I didn't mind it. but they knew 1 wasn't a baseball in front of him. Destrade never lets the
bonafide outfielder. They should've stuck with me futility of his situation get to him.
a little more: they gave up on me a little too
"You can't be thinking like that." said Destrade.
"You have a job at hand, and you have to do it. If I
"It's a grounder to first, the throw to the pitcher thought like that. I'd give up. If I can't make it with
the Yankees, I'm hoping some other teams will
covering, and Destrade Is out at first."
Better than last time, but still not what the notice me. But right now. I'm giving the Yankees
110 percent."
Yankees are expecting from this 22-year old
switch-hitter. At Nashville. Destrade batted .240
Last year Destrade played with Mark Johnston, a
with six home runs and only 12 runs batted in. At
longtime minor-leaguer who gained notoriety for
Fort Lauderdale, he hit 12 home runs with 57 RBIs. being on the Late Night with David Letterrnan
but batted only .221. Numbers like that do not show. Johnston spoke of a different baseball
make major-league prospects: the Yankees did not
world, one that most baseball fans were unaware
place Destrade on the 40-man roster this year.
of: the glitter of the majors has not rubbed off on
"That came as no surprise to me." said Destrade. the minor-league system.
"1 didn't feel 1 deserved to. and 1 came to camp
Johnston, who is no longer with the Yankee
with that thought in mind. I was happy to be pro- organization, was Destrade's lockermate in Fort
tected on the Triple-A roster."
Unhappy with himself, Destrade decided to
"He's a very interesting type of guy."
spend the off-season in Columbia playing winter
remembered Destrade. "He was in the minors for
ball, a move that made sense to the Yankees.
seven, eight years, so he's seen a lot. You have to
"You get a chance to play against higher competi- love the game to stay that long."
tion," said Roy White, the Yankees' Assistant
Destrade has no such plans. In seven or eight
General Manager. "There are guys there that play years, you will either see him in a major-league
In the majors: the pitchers have better control. uniform, or you will not see him at all.
Most of the winter leagues are close to Triple-A."
"There's only so much you can do in the
Destrade redeemed himself In Columbia, batting minors." said Destrade. "I wouldn't like to be
.314 with 12 home runs and 40 RUN in only 45 there for more than two or three years further. I
feel I'm only one solid year from the bigs."
games, restoring his self-confidence,
"I think the Yanks took notice of what 1 did,"
Still. Destrade wouldn't trade his lifestyle for
said Destrade, "I've shown them that I've made a anything, except for maybe a chance to play in the
By Dean Chang
AM.Vti.l.Vu hlUlOH
"Between those white lines it's
war. After the game you can go
out to dinner. But if you don't
break up a double play because
the second baseman is your
friend, you can walk."
— Barry Foote
Foote disagrees.
"To me, there is no real adjustment," said Foote. "They won't be able to
make as many mistakes as they did last year, but there really aren't any
problems there. The only difference is that they'll be seeing quality
pitching every night."
Under LaRoche's guidance, the Yankees will also be getting some
quality pitching. Out on the practice fields, it's hard to tell LaRoche from
one of his pitchers: when the team does wind sprints, you can find
LaRoche participating. You might think that the Yankees would not want
the creator of Lal.ob teaching young pitchers, but evidently LaRoche is
doing something right.
"My philosophy is to be as simple as I can with the kids," said LaRoche.
"I'm not going to fool myself into thinking that I'm the smartest person in
the world. Hopefully. I can use the experience I have and attempt to help
And when will LaRoche start teaching his pupils LaLob?
"When I'm ready to leave as pitching coach." answered LaRoche,
"When they see it in New York. I'm gone. These players don't have the
right mentality yet. anyway. You have to be walking on the edge."
When you play with the Yankees, you're often on the edge. Ask Bobby
Meacham. who found himself in Double-A after a bad day in the field. If a
Meacham suddenly ends up on Foote's doorstep, Foote will know how to
handle it.
"A kid like that could have some psychological problems," said Foote.
"jt's part of the game. Adversity is certainly part of being with the
Yankees. I treat them all equally."
Foote promises the team will be competitive in the Eastern League, a
league that hasn't seen a Yankee farm club since 1979. With the talent that
the team has, and with Foote and LaRoche leading the way, the Yankees
might be a little more than just competitive.
Catchen Phil Lombardi and Mil Lindsey will both be seeing time
native hit .203 in 79 at-bats.
"He's a real hard-nosed type of player," said Foote. "He was voted
the best hustler in the Southern League a couple of years ago. I expect
him to do a good job."
Third Base: Mark Blaser split last season between Fort Lauderdale
and Nashville, batting a combined .254 with 13 homers and 69 runs
batted in.
VHe's the type of player who will provide some offense: he's a
steady player, said Foote. "We should get 15 home runs and 75 RBIs
out of him."
Left field: Brad Winkler was impressive last year in Single-A, batting
a collective .298 with 19 home runs and 77 runs batted in with Fort
Lauderdale and Greensboro, both Class-A teams.
. "I can see his potential." said Foote. "He should figure big by the
end of the year. He'll get 15 home runs, maybe 70 RBIs or more."
Centerfleld: Gary Cathcart played for the Oneonta Yankees last year,
batting .238 in 286 at-bats.
"Hopefully he's a steady player who can give us solid performances
in center field," said Foote.
Sight Field: Keith Hughes was traded into the Yankee organization
last year and batted only .180 In 50 at-bats for Nashville. In Reading.
Pennsylvania, Hughes hit .261. Despite hiring only two home runs last
y«ar, Hughes can be expected to supply some power.
"I haven't really had a chance to look at him," said Foote, as Hughes
spent spring training with the Triple-A (earn. "From what I've heard,
hi's a goodtype of player."
4 Sports AprilALBANY
23. 1985
• •
!••!•!••••• • • •
tion is sparse.
"He's in a great position to move up."
said Foote. "I would say compared to the
other positions, the Yankee catching position is weak."
' With Butch Wynegar and Ron Hassey
almost past their prime: the Yanks are
desperately seeking a phenom to emerge.
Scott Bradley, who is on the N.Y. Yankee
roster, hopes to play spot duty as a catcher, but, according to Foote.-he's better
suited for first base.
"Bradley isn't a natural catcher." said
Foote bluntly. "But you got Mattingly at
first, so where are you going to put him?"
Columbus' starting catcher. Mike
O'Berry. who is in his late 20s, came close
to making the Bronx team.
"Lombardi's got much more talent than
O'Berry." said Foote, in his matter-of-fact
Jimmy Riggs should see some time as
designated hitter and as a utility player.
In Fort Lauderdale last year. Riggs hit .270
with 10 home runs and 58 RBIs in 337 atbats.
Tony Russell will play occasionally in
the outfield, spelling one of the starters.
He batted .229 for Fort Lauderdale last
Brad Arnsberg. Tim Byron, Doug
Drabek. Bob Tewksbury and Stefan
Wever should make up the starting rotation, while Randy Graham and Scott Patterson should be the Yanks' stoppers.
"Arnsberg Is a rigluy. a young kid w h o
throws well,'-' said I.aRoche. "He was
with Greensboro last year, and it was
assumed he'd be with Fort Lauderdale
this year. Hut he had a great spring and
Due to the shortage
of last Tuesday's
ASP, we are
reprinting the April
Sports Supplement
in this issue
made our club."
Byron, one of ten righthanders on an
11-man pitching staff, was 11-4 with a 3.50
ERA with Fort Lauderdale last year.
Drabek was picked up from the White
Sd'x organization last year. For the Glens
Falls Sox. Drabek was 12-5 with a 2.24
KRA. He was to start opening day against •02
"You get a chance to live on your own,"
Tewksbury pitched 172 innings for said Destrade. "I've grown up in a hurry.
Nashville last season, recording II wins Otherwise, I'd be in college somewhere.
This way. I get to meet people and see a
against nine losses with a 2.83 ERA.
I.aRoche was unsure of the fifth starter, lot of the country."
Besides, as Manager Barry Foote puts it.
but said that it would probably be Wever.
who's been on and off the disabled list for "It's tough, but it beats working. It's a
tough job, but you're getting an opporthe past two years. The 6 7 " righty is comtunity to do something you love doing.
ing off arthroscopic surgery on his
For all the tough parts, the positives
shoulder, and is responding well.
outweigh the negatives. It's the only way
"We're pleased with his progress." said to reach the big leagues."
I.aRoche. "If he's healthy, he should
But baseball is a numbers game. a n d .
bounce back. If he's 100 percent, he pro- Destrade realizes it. There are too many
bably won't be with us very long."
players and too few positions open in the
When O'Berry's name w a s mentioned
to I.ombardi. a seemingly confident smile
creased his dark face. "When I reach
O'Berry's age. I hope I've already made
the major leagues."
Lombardi inquired about the weather in
Albany and seemed stunned when h e
was told that it was snowing there now.
Born in Texas and raised in California,
Lombardi is not used to playing in cold
weather. He should be in for a culture
shock this spring living in Albany.
"Actually I w o n ' t mind playing in the
cold." said Lombardi. "It'll be a good
change for a while."
As he spoke, you could tell he was expecting his stay in Albany to be a curt
one. It's supposed to b e that way when
you're a top minor league prospect on the
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Over 400 gather in fervent
protest of Muslim minister
By Matthew Qaven
••H..MH.H.II • ! • • ! • • !
April 26, 1985
majors, especially for t h e Yankees. If h e
did make the Yanks, it would be a dream
come true for the Cuban-born Destrade.
"The Yankees are big in Cuba." said
Destrade. "You associate baseball with
the Yankees there, not the Padres."
When Destrade was four, h e moved to
New York where he got a chance to see
the fabled Bronx Bombers in person. As a
child, Destrade could only dream about
playing in Yankee Stadium. As an
Albany-Colonie Yankee, the dream is in
"With more experience, I know I can
play with them," said Destrade. I'll do my
best and let the chips fall where they
. D
THE d B ' s
Graham led t h e Southern League in
saves last year for Nashville, posting a
2.16 ERA. The 26 year-old Patterson saw All photos were taken by Debora Adelmann of the Albany Student Press except
time at Nashville and Columbus last year, for the inset of Orestes Destrade on page two which appears courtesy of the
recording six wins against seven losses. ! I Albanv-Colonie Yankees.
••!•••••!• •
Students protesting against Farrakhan
"We do not protest him coming here to SUNYA, we protest him as a human being,"
In what was probably ihe largest and
most spirited dcmostralion ever held in recent'years at SUNY Albany, over 400
students gathered Wednesday evening outside Lecture Center 7 to protest the appearance of Minister Louis Farrakhan on
Farrakhan, the leader of Ihe Nation of
Islam, Ihe smaller of two factions of the
American Black Muslim Movement,
sparked a strong reaction from Jewish
groups on campus because of anti-scmitic
statements attributed to him in the past.
The minister was invited to speak by the
Albany State University Black Alliance
When it was announced that Farrakhan
was being brought here, an immediate call
to action was initiated by the Jewish
organizations on campus.
At 6:00 Wednesday evening Ihe first
demonstration began when 25 members of
Revisionist Zionist Alternative (RZA) led
by President Gady Buiumsohn held a
prayer session in front of Ihe Performing
Arts Ceijter.
"Farrakhan to us is equal to a Nazi. We
are opposed to everything he stands for as
far as Jews are concerned," said Buium-
sohn. "We do not protest him coming here
to SUNYA, we protest him as a human
Mordechai Levy, leader of the Jewish
Defense Organization (JDO), which is the
militant branch of the now disbanded
Jewish Defense League (JDL) joined RZA
members. Levy said that he and oilier
members of the JDO had flown in from
New York City to express (heir opposition
and lend their support.
"Louis Farrakhan is a klansman with
black skin, there is no difference between
his ideas and that of Ihe klan," said Levy.
"We have no fear of standing up to our
enemies, and Farrakhan is a proven enemy
of the Jewish people," he said.
Buiumsohn stressed that RZA was in no
way affiliated with the JDO, although they
believe in their cause and support Ihem.
The RZA demonstrators moved down to
the I.C area at 7 p.m. As people gathered,
Ihe protest turned vocal with chants of
"Who do wc want...Farrakhan, how do
we want him...dead," and "Jews united
will never be divided."
As the line of people waiting to get inside LC 7 to sec Farrakhan speak grew, so
did ihe furor and the numbers outside.
"We arc one," said Buiumsohn. "We
Twenty-six arrested in SUNY sit-in
minimum 15 day jail term which he
The' 25 students, who were must serve beginning May 9, the
Twenty-five SUNY students, in- charged with criminal trespass, Associated Press reported.
cluding one Albany junior, were were released without bail and reMichael Pon, who layed on Ihe
arrested for criminal trespass and a quired to appear in Albany Police ground to prevent the police van
twenty-sixth for disorderly conduct Court Thursday morning. A $100 from moving the other students at
after an 11 hour sit-in demonstra- fine was accepted by 18 of the the time of the arrests, was
tion at the downtown SUNY Ad- students, who pleaded guilty, ac- originally charged with obstructing
ministration Building, Wednesday. cording to the Associated Press.
governmental administration and
The students, calling for the
Michelle Legendre, an Albany . faced a maximum one year jail
SUNY Board of Trustees to fully student from Alumni Quad, was term, Capt. H. John Damino said.
divest its interests in companies among the students who were ar- A police spokesperson said Thurswhich do business in South Africa, rested, Amy Barker, a SASU Com- day that the charge was reduced to.
vowed to remain as long as munications intern, said. She disorderly conduct with a fine of
necessary, said Student Association traveled with other students to sup- $250.
of the State University Com- port protestors at Columbia
Those students who must pay
munications Director Eveline Mac- University in New York on Thurs- fines will be attempting to raise
Dougall. They were removed and day and could not be reached for money at their campuses, said
arrested by SUNY Campus Police comment.
at 8 p.m. and taken to the Division
According to Damino, " N o one
Richard Scott Palmer, a SUNY
II Police Station, after having oc- Buffalo student, refused to pay the was resisting. We had no procupied the office since .9:30 that fine, instead accepting the blem." He said ihe Albany Police
By Bill Jacob
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SASU President Sue Wray
The sit-in was an el fort to promote divestiture.
Deparlmcnl only asistcd the SUNY
Public Safety Offices.
SASU held a press conference
Wednesday morning, before the
Board of Trustees discussed the
issue of divestiture. "Six years ago
students called for full divestment
of SUNY," said Susan Wray,
President of SASU and a student
Trustee on the Board. " T h e
Trustees responded by endorsing
the Sullivan Principles, (but) wc
find this to be a grossly inadequate
In 1979, Ihe Board of Trustees
adopted the Sullivun Principles,
which calls for companies to promote equality for blucks in South
Africa through a set of six
guidelines designed primarily for
Ihe workplace.
SUNY currently has approximately $14 million invested In
companies which do business in
South Africa, said Chairman of the
Board of Trustees, Donald M.
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Minister Louis Farrakhan
"Jews, I am your friend."
Farrakhan denies claim
that he is anti-Semitic
By James Thomas
"I never called Judaism a gutlcr religion," claimed
Moslem minister Louis Farrakhan in a speech madeWednesday night as hundreds of mostly Jewish students
chanted in protest outside the door. "It is Christianity
that is Ihe dirty religion," he declared.
"Jews, I am your friend," said Farrakhan, "anyone
who can straighten out the truth is your friend," he said.
"If a Jew follows the scripture of Moses then he is a
righteous brother or sister and must be considered my
brother In faith."
"The Pope never opened his mouth for us or Ihe Jews
Albany landlord sentenced to 45 days
in j a i l o n G r o u p e r L a w v i o l a t i o n s
—See page 3
Minority Columnist Patrice Johnson
s p e a k s o n L.ouis F a r r a k h a n
— S e e p a g e 11