Danes dumped by Chiefs, host Owls tomorrow

Danes dumped by Chiefs, host Owls tomorrow
At gametime, Russell was hardSpringfield College in 1959. "If
than full capacity.
The freshman quarterback suf- (Mike) Milano missed three days ly physically fit. "I'd say he was
80 percent healthy for the game,"
Coach Bob Ford's latest trip to fered a knee injury in the previous of practice 1 doubt he'd have too said Ford. "He couldn't put full
forchis alma-mater, Springfield Col"The injury couldn't have pressure on his leg."
lege, was one he would soon like ed to skip practices on Monday,
Russell played into the third
Tuesday, and Wednesday. On come at a worse time in Jeff's
to forget.
Last Friday night was an event- Friday evening he still was not at c a r e e r , " c o n t i n u e d the quarter but was taken out with
ful evening for Springfield Col- 100 percent, which was proved by coach."He was building up his 6:28 remaining in favor of Nozzi.
lege — it was their 100th birthday his statistics: Russell was just 2 of confidence in Brockport but then Nozzi had no success in moving
celebration — and the Albany 14 for 31 yards while throwing he had to sit out practice Monday the offense either, so Ford put
through Wednesday. On Thurs- Russell back in for a series of
State football team. helped in one interception.
"Missing three days of practice day we practiced in sweats. He downs before letting Nozzi finish
making it not only a historic evening for the Chiefs, but a trium- would hurt any quarterback," didn't dress in full equipment un- the game.
While the offense was sputtersaid Ford, who graduated from til Friday night."
phant one as well.
With the Chiefs' defensive unit
pounding into Albany State's offensive back field with as much
force as the post game "Centennial Fireworks" exploding into
the night sky, Springfield was
able to hold the Danes to just 174
total yards, en route to a 27-13
The Danes, now 2-2, will host
Division II Southern Conneticut
tomorrow afternoon on University Field at 1:00 p.m.
The 14 points the Danes
registered last Friday night was
really an overstatement of their
offensive performance. Albany's
first touchdown was scored by the
defense — a spectacular 67-yard
return off of sophomore Wayne
Anderson's third interception of
the game. Anderson's theft,
which came with 2:48 to play in
the second quarter, knotted the
score at 7-7 at halftime.
The Dane's second touchdown
came after a meaningless final
drive. Second-string quarterback
Anthony Nozzi scored on a twoyard keeper with no time remaining on the clock.
Except for that final drive, the
Dane's offense showed little
spark. Part of the reason was the
ineffectiveness of quarterback
Springfield quarterback Brian Tlmbronck looks to throw downfleld while being pressured by Danes'
Jeff Russell, who played at less
cornerback Matt Karl.
By Marc Berman
•.'fours eorroK
ing, the defense was keeping the
Danes in the game. Linebacker
Jim Valentino spearheaded the
defensive unit by making IS
unassisted tackles while the secondary picked off five Brian Timbrouck passes including three by
Anderson in the first half.
Despite Springfield's
dominance, the Danes found
themselves down by only 10-7 in
the fourth quarter. But in the
final 10 minutes, a rash of Albany
State turnovers led to 17 Springfield points, transforming a
tight contest into a blowout.
The beginning of the Albany
State collapse started when a Nozzi pass was picked off, setting up
the Chiefs at the Danes' 15-yard
Timbrouck, who had an
unbelievable night running the
ball for 104 yards on 20 carries,
found success in the air on the
first play, completing a 14-yard
pass to the two. One play later,
fullback Don Boland dived over
the goalline to up Springfield's
lead to 17-7.
Russell was sent into the game
on the Danes' next possession
and, under a heavy rush, threw an
errant pass into the chest of
Chiefs cornerback Bryan Durrington, who ran it back to the
Albany 35.
Four plays later, Timbrouck
threw his second touchdown pass
of the night, a 14-yarder to a wide
open Dave Woods.
Minutes later, kicker John
Welling kicked his second 35-yard
field goal of the night, which was
set up by another Dane turnover,
a fumbled punt by Ray Priore.
Tomorrow's contest versus
Southern Connecticut on University Fielfd will pit Russell against
Women harriers showing their personal best
By Catherine Errlg
, It was indeed fitting that the cover ol
last week's ASP insert, the "Ampersand"
featured a photo of actress Mariel Hemingway, star of the 1982 motion picture,
Personal Best. Because this week ten
members of the Albany State women':
cross country team achieved their own personal best times on the university's fivekilometer course, times that resulted in
three victories for the Danes while losing
only one close race, raising the team's
seasonal record to 8-1.
The first victory, achieved against Hartwick College on September 26, was clinched before the meet even started; Hartwick's team consists of only four
I members. It was primarily for this reason,
. coupled with the fact that Hartwick's
course is particularly treacherous, that
Coach Ron White opted to use the same
pack-running technique that had been successful against Skidmore College earlier in
the season. It was successful again here,
for although Hartwick, led by Karen
Cassidy (19:24), took the first three places,
Albany's "pack" was next; 10 Great
Danes all turning in the identical time of
24:38, good enough to give Albany a 30 to
Karen Kurthy was the first Dane harrier ' " u ^ m ^ ' r o i L , nmvi d,rf the n,«.
to cross the finish Una against Smith Hamilton College provided he next
and Oneonte.
challenge for the women, a challenge to
which they admirably rose to, even if the
sun didn't. For it was on this cool, overcast September 29 that 10 Albany State
runners ran the best races of their lives,
resulting in the 35-25 Dane victory.
Hamilton's Sirpa Rehn and Pam Fanning finished the course in 18:14 and 18:25
respectively, to take first and second place.
However, that would be all for Hamilton
until Connie Harrison's eighth-place
finish, for Lynn Jacobs (18:32), Karen
Kurthy (19:09), Bette Dzamba (18:54),
Kim Pettichord (19:09); and Donna Buruham (19:21), all personal bests, occupied
the next five positions. Jacobs' outstanding time is now the new record for an
Albany State runner on the course, and
Karen Kurthy finished under the old
record as well. Moreover, the first five
finishers combined times of 94:35
established a nes precedent for the top five
times in a home meet, shattering the old
record of 96:23.8.
Smith College and SUNY Oneonta were
the next obstacles in the Danes' path,
Smith proving to be an obstacle the women
could not overcome. Despite the fact that
five of Albany's runners, Karen Kurthy
(18:39, third overall), Donna Burnham
(19:03, fifth), Rachel Braslow (19:46,
ninth), Carla Docharty (20:20, 12th), and
Sue Gulla (21:04, 16th), achieved personal
best times, the runners from Smith, led by
Kirsten Kannergieser (18:16), and Owen
Hordesty (18:33), and aided by the fact
that Albany's front runner, Lynn Jacobs,
had to sit out the race due to a sore hamstring, edged out the Danes by a final score of
The loss was disappointing to the team,
and the decision not to run Lynn was one
that may have cost Albany the meet.
However, Coach White is confident he'
made the correct choice.
"In order for Lynn to have made the
difference between winning and losing, she
would have had to better her previous best
time of 18:32," said White. "That would
have meant running her all-out which
would have further aggravated the muscl
and possibly ruin her for the season. It jus
wasn't worth the risk."
The future looks exremely bright for th
Danes, as they look next to the LeMoyn
International (October 6), which Coac'
White feels will "give the team experienc
in running longer-type races." The ex
perience will benefit the team when the
travel to Pittsburgh for the SUNYACs o
October 20, and then back home again t
host the Eastern's. The only remaini
dual-tri meet in the women's season is t
Capital District championship on Octo
13, a meet which could very possibly gi
the Danes a final record of 10-1.
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By Jane Ande
Most off-campus students will have until June, 1985 to
comply with a city zoning ordinance, known as the
"grouper law," which prohibits more than three
unrelated people from sharing an apartment or house,
Albany city officials said Wednesday.
However, at one house located near Quail Street in the
student ghetto area, students say they are caught in the
middle of a struggle between their landlord and the city
which could lead to their eviction under the grouper law.
The three floor house contains 14 students in three
separate apartments, according to residents. Under the
"grouper law" ordinance, the house can only contain
three students in each apartment.
The Bureau of Code Enforcement is currently "in the
process of evaluating" the house, said bureau director
Mike Alvaro, asserting that the landlord "will be
One tenant claimed that the city "is after" the
landlord, Jack Buckman, and that the students "just happended to be in the way."
Off-Campus Housing Director Karleen Karlson stressed that this is the only house currently under
The tenants, Karlson said, will be allowed to stay in the
house for at least another month.
Alvaro said that, while the eviction of tenants "still is a
possibility" in severe cases, the city has agreed to a "tentative deadline" of June 1985 for landlords and tenants to
comply with the ordinance.
' More than 4,500 students live off campus in areas near
the SUNYA bus line. In the past the city has not rigidly
enforced the grouper law, but many landlords' practice of
renting to more than three unrelated people has, according to city officials, led to the overall deterioration of
the city's housing stock.
Total enforcement of the grouper law ordinance could
cause over 1,000 students to be displaced, said Karlson,
who has contended that there isn't enough housing
available to absorb these students. Albany currently has a
vacancy rate of less than two percent.
The residents of the one house under investigation, explained that each tenant pays $150 or $160 per month, including heat and utilities. "It's not worth it," said one te17»-
Ferraro and Bush clash over issues
of experience, religion and politics
Philadelphia opinion polls.
(AP) Geraldine A. Ferraro and George Bush stood by
In the interim meeting of understudy candidates Thurstheir men. That is, after all, the role of vice presidents. day night, Bush and
, Ferraro had different missions.
Bush told of his joy in serving as vice president to His was to take the offense in Reagan's behalf, to reclaim
Ronald Reagan, "a president who does not apologize for whatever momentum the Republicans lost after the first
the United States of America."
presidential debate. Hers was to prove that a three-term
Ferraro said Walter F. Mondale chooses his causes congresswoman belonged in the vice presidency.
because they are right.
Bush, whose experience as a debater has not always
"I wouldn't be standing here if Fritz Mondale didn't been happy, came on strong, extolling Reagan almost
have the courage and my party didn't stand for the values every time he got his turn. He spent more of his time slapthat it does, the values of fairness, and equal opportuni- ping the absent Mondale than criticizing the Democratic
ty," the congresswoman said.
vice presidential nominee he faced.
"This battle is not over," she said. "For our country,
Ferraro seemed intent on underplaying her role as the
for our future, for the principles we believe in, Walter F. first woman ever to engage in vice presidential debate.
Mondale and I have just begun to fight."
She slowed her staccato speaking style, made her points
So much for the vice presidential campaign debate in carefully, without wisecracks or one-liners. When quesPhiladelphia. Now Reagan and Mondale meet again, a tions were raised about experience, credentials, the ability
week from Sunday night in Kansas City, to debate foreign of a woman to deal with the Kremlin, she peered over her
policy. That's the one that counts'.
glasses and spoke firmly, sometimes sternly.
Reagan needs a comeback as a debater after his falter"I can make the hard decisions," she said. " . . . I
ing performance against Mondale last Sunday. Mondale wasn't born at the age of 43, when I entered Congress."
still needs a comeback as a candidate. Debate points notAt one point, in a discussion of terrorism, Bush said,
withstanding, he remains a landslide behind in the public
Campus buzzing with weekend plans
By Kristine Sauer
As parents and guests crowd the podium this
weekend they will find a potpourri of happenings
awaiting their attention.
The visitors will be taking part in the Fourteenth
Annual Community University Day, Parent's
Weekend, and the Alumni Homecoming.
On Saturday, the Lecture Centers will be filled with
exhibits celebrating SUNYA's "140 years of service"
to the community. This theme was picked to honor the
1844 founding of the Albany Normal School, an institution which has evolved into the University at
Albany, one of the four University Centeis of the
SUNY system.
"This is the single event that the entire University
sponsors to reach out the community, parents and
Alumni. It's University wide. We are going to open up
our doors," said Event Coordinator Sorrell Chesin,
associate vice president for University Affairs.
For each of the groups participating this weekend,
different events have been prepared.
Parent's Weekend, beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday,
will offer a variety of "topic sessions" to interested
parents. Subjects offered range from admissions to
law and medical schools to a discussion on the collegiate experience led by Vice President for Student
Affairs Frank Pogue.
Comedian Robert Klein will perform for Parent's
Weekend. Guests will be treated to a fireworks show
following Klein's 8 p.m. performance Saturday night.
C-U Day's open house will feature campus tours
and various department exhibits. A "must see," according to Chesin, is the Wally Balloon Display in the
LC area. Children and adults will be able to talk with a
televised cartoon character at that exhibit.
Also featured at C-U Day will be discussions for
prospective students, led by groups of faculty
members from SUNYA's science departments. In addition, they will conduct a tour of the Nuclear Accelerator Lab. "Most people have no idea we have
one," Chesin said.
The Alumni Association will also be_ hosting
members of the classes of '69, '74, and '79 Saturday.
As part of those festivities a barbeque for the classes
will be held Saturday evening in the Campus Center
Of course, everyone is invited to the Homecoming
football game against SUNY-Cortland, 1 p.m. Saturday at University Field. During halftime banners submitted to the Banner Contes will be judged, and the
Pep band and kickline have promised to be out in full
force to support the Great Danes.
Parent's Weekend will close Sunday morning with
the traditional "Breakfast with the President," an
event which in the past has had the Patroon Room filled to capacity. Acting University President Judith
Ramaley will speak this year.
In an •Mori to "cooperate with the city," OffCampus Association la sponsoring a "Big Sweep"
effort this Friday to clean up the "student ghetto
area" around Hudson and Hamilton Streets, according, to Student Association Vice President Suzy
Students will meet at 4 p.m. on Hudson and N.
Lake, and plan to circle the area collecting trash
and refuse. The city le loaning OCA a garbage truck
and crew to follow the atudenta as they work, Auletta said.
"The Big Sweep" la part of the "Good Tenant
Movement," an effort to show that atudenta want to
help work out problems with overcrowding and
neighborhood deterioration cited by Albany
homeowners, Auletta said.
Agreements violated
preciation. Denver put hit hand to his
mouth and did an imitation of an
. Washington
American Indian war whoop, drawing
(AP) President Reagan has sent Congress a
roan of laughter.
Denver, a co-founder of the Hunger report accusing the Soviet Union of
Project, already had visited Burkina Faso, widespread "material breaches" of arms
formerly Upper Volta, in West Africa and control agreements over nearly a
New Pallz, NY
Aqaba, India Somalia on the East Africa coast. The goal quarter-century.
The accusations ranged from illegal (AP) The college student organizations
(AP) King Hussein and Egyptian President of the San Francisco-based research
Hosni Mubarak wound up three days of organizsation, set up in 1977, is to focus missile tests and forbidden radar here, winners in a legal battle Tuesday over
talks Thursday, and there was a report the attentioAn hunger and the opportunities deployments to polluting the amosphrre voting requirements, want Gov. Mario
king had criticized U.S. peace efforts and to elinrfQjVit.
with radioactive debri-: ''oni underground Cuomo to promise that the state will not
appeal the decision.
suggested Moscow could play a larger role..
nuclear weapons explosions.
Attorney Jack Lester, who represented
Mubarak was expected to depart this
According to a presidential panel, the
Red Sea resort today after two days of
Soviets have violated about half the the students in the case, called on Cuomo
private talks with Hussein, who broke
agreements they entered, including the Wednesday to help extend the voting rights
Arab ranks and restored dipolmatic ties
controversial 1972 and 1979 Strategic by preventing an appeal of the decision
with Egypt two weeks ago. Jordan was
Arms Limitation Treaties SALT I and II issued by Federal Court Judge Neal
among 17 Arab states that broke ties to
with the United States.
protest Egypt's 1979 peace treaty with
Since the state Board of Elections was a
defendent in the case, it could appeal to a
Cape Canaveral, Fla.
Aide) said no public statement on the (AP) Astronaut Kathy Sullivan became
higher court. The students want Cuomo to
outcome of the talks was expected until America's first woman spacewalker toHouston ensure that an appeal does not occur.
after Mubarak's departure.
day, declaring "this is really great" as she (AP) Authorities are investigating rumors
The two men hailed their rapproche- floated outside the shuttle Challenger with of a death pact said to involve up to 30
ment as a victory for Arab unity, but there a male colleague to test tools for refueling people following the suicides of five
teen-agers in a comfortable suburban
were indications they were not in agree- spent satellites.
ment on the future of peace efforts in the
Rochester, NY
Sullivan and astronaut David Leestma communtity. One clergyman fears the inregion.
(AP) FBI agents are vowing to break a case
moved gingerly into the open cargo bay, cidents will have a "domino effect."
bundled in a $2.1 million space suits that
The rash of deaths in the Houston that will explain how papers believed to be
protected them from radiation, suburb of Clear Lake, which includes the U.S. military documents got inside ;i
micrometeorites and the extremes of heat Johnson Space Center, has prompted pinata bought by a Rochester woman at i
and cold outside the orbiting ship.
school officials to call in a suicide preven- department store near here.
The $6.99 pinata was recently purchased
Leestma, 35-year-old Navy lieute- tion group for counseling sessions at Clear
(AP) Iraq has created a 20 - mile - long nant commander, was the first to leave Lake High School.
at a Sears, Roebuck and Co. store nt the
water barrier to shield the important city Challenger's airlock, slipping out at 11:42
"When one person does it, it serves as a Eastview Mall in the village of Victor, said
of Basra from a possible Iranian armor at- a.m. EDT and quickly clamping a role model for others who have been con- Dale Anderson, who heads the local FBI
tack, U.S. government officials said SO-foot safety tether onto a guideline templating it," said Nora Barrera, office. The pinata should have been empi,
running the 6 0 - foot length of the bay,
coodinator of Crisis Intervention of when purchased, but instead the
These officials said the barrier, norSullivan, a 3 3 - y e a r - o l d ocean H o u s t o n , which will s e n d a papier-mache container was crammed
theast of Basra, represents a sensible Iraq geologist, followed four minutes after three-member team to the school next with the documents.
addition to defenses erected against a Leestma had, attached her tether to the week. "It confirms that the action is an
"1 guess there was some other stuff in
long-awaited Iranian thrust.
OK action to do.,"
there other than what's supposed to be in
However, these officials, who spoke on
there," Anderson said. He would not say
condition they remainanonymoussaid they
how many documents were inside.
do not regard the Iraq move as indicating
and major upsurge in fighting in the more
The buyer, whose name was not releasthan four - year - old war between Iran
e d , alerted the FBI Wednesday, and agents
and Iraq.
are trying to determine if the documets
were classified and how they got inside the
"We are conducting an investigation to
San Salvador, El Salvador
determine whether a violation of the es(AP) President Jose Napoleon Duarte and
pionage statute has occurred," Anderson
the guerilla foes of his government open
said. Ralph Young, the Sears manager at
their dialogue next week on a date that
Eastview Mall, did not return telephone
generally is observed as the start of El
messages Wednesday left by the Rochester
Salvador's civil war five years ago — a
Democrat and Chronicle.
war that has killed more civilians than it
has killed conbatants.
On Oct. IS, 1979, two army colonels
staged a coup to install a government they
hoped would bring reforms to the counNew York
try's millions of poor and powerless before
(AP) Sen. Alfonse D'Amato has unveiled
a growing leftist movement got out of
a sophisticated spy plane that will be used
hand. But it proved too little, too late.
along the Eastern Seaboard to intercept
drug smugglers -7 the high-tech P - 3
Orion aircraft, equipped to detect plane1
and ships attempting to drugs into the
United States. D'Amato said Wednesday it
Nyumbdo School, Zimbabwe
will be regularly committed to the New
(AP) Eleven days into a tiring tour of
York area.
African self-help projects, American
"The drug smuggler is now going to face
entertainer John Denver met up with the
1 tougher, faster and more sophisticated
children of this rural school. They wanted
las enforcement task force here in New
as song.
York," the senator said in showing the
The irrepressible Denver, 40, took his
plane off at LaGuardia Airport.
guitar from a van, sat in a semicircle the
D'Amato said the Orion will be used
youngsters had formed and sang "Home
on the Range." The girls ululated, a high- Joe Byrd of Jamalah was one of the performers appearing at last Sunday's Fallfest. with intercept boats and planes,
Blackhawk helicopters and a new radar
pitched, throaty wailing, to show their appicket boat he acquired for New York.
Students win battle
Arab leaders meet
Woman spacewalks
Suicide pact probed
Military papers found
Iraq creates defense
Duarte meets leftists
Spy plane unveiled
Denver tours Africa
Free listings
CIRCLE K Club will hold a
meeting on Monday, October 15
at 8pm In Fine Arts room 114.
Find out how you can get Involved on campus and In the
The Flam* will hold a forum on
Jewish family unity on Sunday,
October 14 at 10am In the
Assembly Hall. The forum will
be hosted by HPI mathematics
professor Dr. Edith Lukens.
The Albany Review is requesting submissions of poetry
and short fiction for their fall
1984 issue. Deadline Is October
19 and submissions should be
brought to the Albany Review
mailbox In the SA office.
Works In Progress Lecture
"Wrongful Life" will be held on
Tuesday , October 16 at 4pm in
HU354. The speaker will be Professor Bonnie Stelnbock of the
philosophy department.
Take Back The Night rally and
march will be held on Saturday,
October 13. The march will
begin at 7pm from the steps of
the Capitol Building.
Banner Contest will be held on
Saturday, October 13 at the
homecoming game, Bagners
from your group or section are
due at the football field at
11:30pm on Saturday.
Purple Rain Party will be held on
Friday, October 12 at 9pm In
Brubacher Ballroom, There is
$.50 off addmisslon If you are
wearing purple and gold.
Statistics Colloquium will be
held on Monday, October 15 at
4:15pm In ES140."William E.
Strauderman of Rutgers University will be the speaker. The colloquium Is be open to the
Rosemont Avenue, Albany. All
endorsed candidates will be
present and all are welcome.
Stress And Midterms a lecture
by psychologist Barry Warren
will be held on Monday, October
15 at 8pm in CC373.
"Prayer In Public Schools The
Capitol District Womens Church State Relation" will be
Political Caucus will sponsor a addressed at a Philosophy
"Meet the Candidates" brunch Forum at Russell Sage College
and press conference on Sun- in Troy on Monday, October 15
day, October 14 at 11am at 174 at 7:30pm,
Students to vote on referendum to
raise activity fee by $6. SO per year
By Barbara S. " brahamer
Students will J< dc text Monday and Tuesday
whether they wit;, i raise the mandatory student
activity fee from $92.50 to $99.00 per year.
The decision will be done through a campus wide
referendum in next week's Student Association
elections. In addition to the referendum, students
will elect representatives to Central Council and
University Senate.
SA President Rich Schaffer decided to propose
an increase in the fee from the present $92.50 per year to $99.00 after discussing SA's financial audit
this summer, he explained.
Although Schaffer admitted that SA is in the
black for the first time in three years, he said SA
needs a "cushion within the budget for long-range
plans and development."
SA Controller Rich Golubow agreed that right
now there is "no flexibility for long-range
Schaffer blamed the situation on the past SA
presidents who he believes did not plan for the
future. SA needs money "in case of an emergency
down the road," he said.
Compared with other SUNY schools, both
Golubow and Schaffer feel that Albany is utilizing
the student fee more effectively. "Albany State at
$92 provides two times the programming that
Stonybrook provides," said Schaffer.
Last year's decrease from 92 to 73 SA funded
groups was due to the tight budget SA had to work
with, said Golubow.
Schaffer said he hopes the additional $25,000
generated by an increase would allow SA to "keep
up the quality and number of funded groups."
SUNYA's student fee was last increased in October 1982, when it was raised from $77.00 to the
current $92.50.
SUNY-Central has set a $100,000 limit on activity
fees to reduce the risk of reckless behavior on the
part of a student government, Schaffer said.
Maintaining that the budget will be "very tight"
if the referendum does not pass, Schaffer said he
will personally campaign in favor of the proposal.
He said he intends to hold "information sessions"
for students, and urged students to "come in and
find out what SA's doing for them."
"We're not going to shove it down people's
throats," he promised. Although an SA president
could impose the fee by simply gaining Central
Council's approval, Schaffer said that SA has
"traditionally gone to the students" in a
Currently, SUNYA's mandatory student fee is
the lowest of any of the four University Centers in
the SUNY system. Students at Buffalo pay $95.00
per year; Binghamton, $97.00 per year; and
Stony Brook, pending approval from SUNYCentral, $109.50 per year.
Three SUNY Colleges: Brockport, Fredonia, and
Oneonta, all have mandatory fees in excess of
$100.00. A student government cannot set the fee
above $100.00 without first receiving a waiver of
the limit from SUNY-Central.
Uptown quad residents will be able to vote in the
flagrooms of their quads, while Alumni residents
will vote at the Brubacker and Walden cafeterias.
Off-campus students will be able to vote in the
Campus Center lobby.
Students who wish to vote must have an SA tax
sticker on the back of their I.D. card. Full-time
undergrads can pick up their tax sticker at the SA
Contact Office in the Campus Center. To receive
the sticker, however, students must bring proof that
they are registered undergraduates at SUNYA this
" $97i
SUNYA (current)
* pending approval"
SASU presldsnt Sua Wray
"We (students) are no longer second class citizens."
Students win right to
vote in college towns
By Jerry Camplone
In what Student Association
President Rich Schaffer termed a
"decisive victory," U.S. Northern District Court Judge Neal
McCurn decided Tuesday to
allow students in New York State
to register and vote in their college communities.
SUNYA students won a temporary injunction in October
1980, allowing them the right to
vote in Albany. The judge's decision Tuesday night, permanently
ensures that all New York State
college students can vote in their
campus communities.
McCurn ruled in Auerbach vs.
McKinley that Section 5-104 of
the New York State Election
Law, which states that university
students neither gain nor lose
t h e i r r e s i d e n c e , is
McCurn also ruled that Section
1-104 of the elction law is con-
stitutional "if read in a contorted
manner." This section defined
residence as "fixed and permanent," and allowed local boards
of elections to discriminate
against dormitory residents on
this basis. McCurn's decision has
made such interpretations illegal.
This decision will affect
SUNYA students, Schaffer said,
because now the right to vote is
guaranteed by law and not by
temporary means.
"This is going to affect the attitudes of local officials," he said,
adding that perhaps the "poor attitudes" officials have towards
students voting will come to an
"The decision definitely helps
student morale," said Schaffer,
who expressed hopes that this will
help lend credibility to student
voters. "Now, it's (the students
vote) a major factor," he said.
Schaffer also said this may help
Campus conservatism reflects national trends
By Tom Bergen
When democratic Presidential candidate
Walter Mondale spoke to University of
Southern California students last month,
he was interrupted by shouts of
"moscovites for Mondale," "Reagan,"
and "Four more years." Not exactly the
greeting a democrat might have expected
from students in the '60's.
In an apparent wave of growing campus
conservatism, students seem to be embracing the traditional values that their
counterparts rejected 15-20 years ago.
Student attitudes toward political parties, the draft, and national government
are shifting towards the center, and according to SUNYA student leaders and faculty, this campus may be no exception.
The most active campus group on campus, at this point in the 1984 elections, is
Students for Reagan. The group boasts a
membership of 250 students, while the
Albany State Young Democrats has about
50 students on their membership list.
Comparing students current political
beliefs to those of students in the 60's, Andy Gelbman of the Albany State Young
Democrats said, "Students are certainly
more conservative...students are moderate
on the most part, they tend towards
Students for Reagan director Bruce
Weinfeld said he has no doubt that
students overwhelmingly support Ronald
Reagan. "People are more educated, they
know the real facts as opposed to the
rhetoric of the past," he asserted.
There are, Gelbman maintained, several
reasons for students' changing attitudes.
"The job market for students has
decreased (during the terms of the last two
presidents), so students are more acutely
aware of practical needs," Gelbman explained, adding, "students as a whole tend
to be rebellious. The liberalism of the '60's
is now the professors', and students are
rebelling against that."
In addition, Gelbman said, students are
"rebelling against (Moral Majority Leader
Jerry) Falwellian conservatism, and what
however, conceded the youth vote to mobilized for issues of peace and social
justice, particularly if called on to serve in
Ronald Reagan.
Speaking before a conference of the Stu- a dubious cause in Central America."
Some indication of changing political atdent Association of the State University of.
New York, Mondale's son Ted, obviously titudes among students can be found by
pleased by the enthusiastic reception he examining changing attitudes towards nareceived, said "to the reporters who say tional security agencies. Since the
that youth is all Reagan-Bush, I wish they mid-1970's both ROTC (Reserve Officer
Training Corps) and the CIA (Central Incould be here with me today."
He went on to charge that Reagan is a telligence Agency) have found greater acceptance among students.
threat to "our (young people's) future."
SUNYA History professor Timothy
According to CIA personnel represenWinner discounted reports of a large trend
towards conservatism among students, tative Thomas H. White, in 1983 the CIA
received more than 200,000 resumes, a 100
percent increase over the mid-1970's.
ROTC enrollment has also been on the
rise, and in 1984 officials said they reached
a record high of 110,145. An increase of
almost 2,000 is projected for 1984.
According to Carolyn Boswell of the
Public Affairs Office of Selective Service,
compliance with the draft registration law
has reached 97 percent. She attributes this
high rate to public service advertisements,
—Andy Gelbman
as well as political events such as the Beirut
bonbing and the downing of the Korean
saying, "There's been some shift to the Air Lines jet.
right since the late '60's and early '70's,
One factor which Boswell said she didn't
but I don't think that means most students feel was very Important is the Solomon
are conservative. Most students have amendment, which denies federal financial
become cynical and used to the status aid to male students not registered with
quo...they've become pessimistic as to the Selective Service,
possibility of changing things, and there is
This law, which was written by Glens
some sense of numbness that has followed Falls congressman Gerald B. Solomon,
from the nuclear arms race,"
was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme
Wittner stressed that students "can be Court.
"The job market for students has decreased
(during the terms of the last two presidents),
so students are more acutely aware of
practical needs."
we are now seeing is a rise of the center."
In addition to the somewhat unfreindly
welcome Mondale received at the University of Southern California, Democratic
Vice-Presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro was also the target of student hecklers
last month. Ferraro was interrupted by
students several times while delivering a
speech at the University of Texas.
The Mondale campaign has not,
Group makes plans for Albany to enter 1990'$
By Ian Clements
SA, UAD crack down
on campus vandalism
Swanstrom said.
The task force on housing and
Faced with student housing community development has been
problems, the need to entice studying the issue of student
businesses back to Albany, and housing, Swanstrom said. One of
fears of declining neighborhoods, the problems with housing in
city officials have turned to Albany, he explained, is that
several people including SUNYA families are being priced out of
professor Todd Swanstrom and the market by students. Three or
University President- Vincent four students can afford to pay
O'Leary for 1ielp.
$150 each to cover monthlky
Swanstrom is the staff director costs, but a woman with two
of a committee which is develop- children may not be able to afford
ing a strategic plan for Albany, the same rent, he asserted.
with a goal of helping to ease the
Permanent residents of the
city into 1990.
Pine Hills area, where many
Governments need strategic students live, are worried that
p l a n n i n g , a c c o r d i n g t o their neighborhood may be "goSwanstrom, because they tend to inj down", Swanstrom said,
operate by crisis management,
"We're in communication with
meaning the focus on the pro- people at the University and the
blems of the moment rather than city-looking for a long-term way
on long-range goals.
of dealing with the problem. Both
The $75,000 project, co- entities will have to do
sponsered by the city and something", he said. One soluSUNYA's Rockerfeller Institute tion that has been discussed,
of Government, includes a com- Swanstrom noted, is the building
mittee of 42 members of the of more dormitories.
Albany community ranging in the
The committee, which has been
fields from business to govern- meeting since March, will submit
ment to religion to education as its final report to Mayor Thomas Albany City Hall, Inset: Mayor Thomaa Whalen
w e l l a s o t h e r f i e l d s . M. Whalen III in January, The committee will submit its final report to Mayor Whalen in January
Half of the funding for the pro- Swanstrom said. The committee's
The committee will have a Rockefeller College held in Wharton Jr. also serves on the
ject has been provided by the city. recommendations are advisory "permanent impact on the way ci- September of 1983.
downtown task force. He is not
The other half is coming from and non-binding, he noted.
ty government approaches certain
President O'Leary, who is on a participating as a SUNY represenprivate grants.
"I'm confident that the Mayor issues", he said. Albany will be study leave in Yugoslovia, is a tative either, but as a private
The committee is divided into won't just put (the final report) more aware of the need for member of the committee. He citizen, said Vice Chancellor for
four task forces, each of which is on the shelf", Swanstrom strategic planning, Swanstrom served as a member of the task University Affairs and Developstudying a different issue. The asserted, citing two reasons. First maintained.
force on downtown according to ment Robert Perrin.
issues include: downtown, 42 prominent citizens are taking
The Director of the Rockefeller his secretary, Janice Green.
employment and business oppor- part in formulating the' final Institute, Dr. Warren F. Ilchman
O'Leary did not represent
The City of Albany's Budget
tunities, government finances and report and secondly, it deals only said the institute became involved SUNYA, his membership was by
services, and housing and com- with facts, Swantrom said. It will in the project after Whalen "personal appointment", accor- Director Daniel Kepak, who
serves on the government finances
munity development.
"only recommend things possible challenged the University to show ding to Vice President for Univer- and services task force, said the
The committee has set 1990 as within existing trends", explained more interest in the city during sity Affairs Lewis Welch.
idea to form a strategic plan was
the focal date for its plan. Swanstrom.
the convocation ceremony for the
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Library check-outs to get faster
By Robin Katz
Students can now check-out the
books they need from the University library, supermarket-style.
A "barcode," similar to UPC
symbols, will be placed on all student I.D. cards as part of the
library's effort to switch to a new
computer system which will
enable quicker check-outs and
better access to library resources,
according to Library Director
Josephy Z. Nitecki.
The system, which the library is
paying $462,000 for, will use
"light wands" or sensors to read
the codes off the back of a student's I.D. and the book being
charged out. Nitecki said the
money is being taken from both
university and library equipment
Nitecki said the new system will
be completely in place by the end
of this semester. "Over one
million physical items are in the
library and they need to have barcodes placed in them," before the
system can be fully implemented,
he said.
"Each I.D. sticker, (known as)
the barcode, is like a price label in
a" supermarket" Nitecki said.
Barcodes will also be placed on
the books. The I.D. code will be
read by the computer and matched to the code of the book being
taken out. "This is comparable to
the way a price of a good is read
by a computer in a market and
matched to the bill," he
"The new system will speed up
checking out books," said Carol
Anderson, assistant director of
access services, adding, "More
statistical information about
library books will be available.
Data about location of books will
be accessible more quickly.
Automatic blocking devices will
bar students with overdue books
from taking out additional ones.
We can get the books back
quicker with this method."
"New I.D.s are being labeled
but the old ones need the bar
codes as well," Anderson explained. When checking out books,
students with old I.D. cards are
Filling out registration forms to
receive their barcodes, she added.
"48,000 I.D. cards and 15,000
books have been coded already.
We have to code more before the
system can be effective," Anderson said.
"We won't wait till bar codes
are placed in all the books to
begin," Nitecki said. During the
transition period the system will
work more slowly than it will
after normal operations begin,
Nitecki said. "The user will
benefit from its speed when transition has ended though," Nitecki
A system similar to SUNYA's
new system is already in place at
several other SUNY's, Anderson
said. "It has already been installed in Purchase and at Buffalo.
Binghamton is in the midst of installing it." She added that
Stonybrook has the system, but
has not yet made a firm
SUNYA started a task force
three years ago to search for a
new automated system, according
to Anderson.
Nitecki explained, "All groups,
including library faculty and
technical experts, consulted and
decided that this new system was
feasible. Students were consulted,
as well, to get their feedback
about the plan."
Nitecki noted the possible
future benefits of the system, saying "We have our own computer
system now. In the near
future . . . students might even
have catalogs on computer terminals in their dorm rooms. Card
catalogs might become computerized on the new computer."
"These plans are in the future
but in the long range," he said,
"at the pace at which computer
research is advancing maybe not
as long as we think."
Bus stickers will not be replaced
Students must repay entire $10 If ID Is lost or stolen
By Christopher Blomqulst
Lost your bus sticker? Tough luck.
Students who purchased $l0-a-semester bus fee
stickers will not be given a free replacement if the
first one is lost or stolen, according to Megan Bidel,
Assistant to the Director of the Physical Plant.
The reason for this, according to Student
Association and administration officials is that
(some students might take advantage of the system
by peeling off the sticker, giving or selling it to
another student, and then replacing it, free of
The stickers, good for unlimited rides on the
SUNYA buses for one semester, were issued beginning this September after University President Vin-
"J thought I didn't have to
pay for a replacement since
they have my name on a
general list."
sticker, or a sticker backing.
Many students have already reported that their
bus stickers were stolen, were lost with their I.D.
cards, or simply fell off.
Senior Madeline Caliendo claimed her I.D. card
and its attached bus sticker were stolen at Saturday's Larkfest. When she went to get a replacement
sticker at the Motor Pool, they told her she would
have to purchase another.
"I thought I didn't have to pay for a replacement
since they have my name on a general list. I was
very angry about the fact that I had to pay $10, as
well as the principle of the thing," she said.
Paula Weiss, a graduate student who lost her
I.D. card and has to pay for a new sticker, said she
believes that the Motor Pool changed its policy
once it realized the possibility that students could
rip-off the system.
By Hone Welnalaln
Disabled students have been
finding their electric door knobs
milling and pizza trucks in their
parking spaces; as a result Student Association officials have
cracked down on vandals, and illegal parkers.
University Action for the
Disabled,. (UAD), along with SA,
have developed a plan to combat
the problem.
To kick off this awareness campaign, Central Council
unanimously passed a resolution
Wednesday night denouncing all
vandalism to special equipment
and the abuse of disabled parking
spots and supporting "full
punishment for such offenders."
The resolution was introduced by
SA President Rich Schaffer and
other SA officials.
The five part plan, which was
developed by UAD member Sandra Lamb and Schaffer, was announced during UAD's interest
meeting Monday and calls for the
support of all SA officials and
group leaders.
Lamb and Schaffer's awareness
campaign induce letters .being
sent to the editors of the Albany
Student Press, The Student
Voice, and all SA group leaders.
In addition, UAD will sponsor
awareness workshops with SA
groups. SA will also demand
greater enforcement of disabled
parking regulations.
To combat the parking problem, UAD will start its own
ticketing campaign, placing
notices on illegally parked cars informing the drivers of the law.
According to UAD VicePresident Robert Pipia, a New
York State law permits a $40 fine
to be levied against cars illegally
parked in disabled parking spots.
According to a source in public
safety, however, the fine would
only be $3, consistant with all oncampui parking fines.
SA plant to remind local cab
companies and pizza deliverers
that parking in disabled spots is illegal, Schaffer said. "If they will
not abide by university regulations, we don't want their
business on our campus," he explained, adding that SA will seek
the support of Public Safety and
the university in enforcing the
"We're not going to stand for
any of this," said Schaffer, who
said he had been unaware of the
severity of the vandalism until approached by Lamb. According to
Schaffer, all publicity of the
situation will reinforce the fact
that vandalism can't be tolerated
on this campus. "Vandalism
shouldn't even be an issue," he
According to Lamb, recent
destruction of equipment has included the breaking of the special
plexi-glass information board on
the side of the information desk
in the Campus Center.
The information board had
been specifically constructed at
the request of UAD in order that
students in wheelchairs would be
able to see memos usually kept on
top the the information desk.
Twenty-six electric door
openers and disabled telephones
have also been damaged, explained Lamb, who added that that
plant department is planning to
install more electric doors on
campus. "Cost is a big factor in
repairing the equipment," Lamb
said, adding that it takes a lot of
time to order replacement parts
and complete the repairs.
"UAD and the (Physical) plant'
are working very closely to get
these things repaired," said Dennis Stevens, Director of -the
Physical Plant. Stevens estimated
"I specifically asked the girl when I bought it
about what if I lose this little sticker, and she said,
'No problem, your name is on a roster and we can
replace it'," Weiss contested.
"I agree it may be a problem that people are getting them (replacements) illegally and passing them
on to friends," Weiss said, adding, "However, I
believe the majority of students are doing it legally.
—Madeline Caliendo If they (Motor Pool) started the policy (of free or
cheaper replacements), then they should stick with
it at least until this semester's stickers are no longer
Caliendo asserted that officials have told
cent O'Leary this summer approved a 10 cents per
"students whose stickers fell off that they (Motor
ride or $10 a semester bus fee.
Since then, SA has challenged the bus fee in Pool) did a test over the summer and that they
court. According to SA officials, the case is still couldn't be peeled off. In that case, how can we
give them to friends? They just don't have their
SA officials, as well as students who have already facts straight."
"I'm sure in any social system there are going to
tost their stickers are displeased with the noreplacement policy. SA officials said, however, that be people who take advantage, but that's a value
no action could be taken until their suit concerning judgement they're going to have to make," Caliendo said.
the legality of the fee itself, is settled.
Caliendo said she went to the SA offices and conUntil then, Bidel said, the only, circumstances
under which a replacement sticker will be sulted with Student Attorney Mark Mishler, who
distributed is if it is obvious that it has fallen off or told her that nothing can be done about lost stickers SUNYA atudant Daryl Sealy
17*- UAD is calling tor support from all SA officials and group leaders.
worn away. This proof would include pieces of the
Business school hopefuls flood ANT 200 classes
By Bette Dzamba
course "essentially designed to teach
students the anthropological approach to
Enrollment in ANT 200, Cultural An- the study of culture and how this approach
thropology, has doubled since the business is relevant to the professions".
school approved the course this Fall as an
Several anthropology students taking
option for meeting business majors' social
the course, which currently has an enrollscience requirement, but some Anment of more than 450 students split up
thropology majors have expressed conbetween two classes, said they resent the
cerns about the changes in the course's
new emphasis or the couse.
"It seems like you can't escape from the
According to Anthropology Professor Business majors in this school;;, said one
Peter Furst, who teaches Cultural An- Anthropology major taking the course.
thropology, the emphasis has changed
"I'm taking this course as a requirement
from an introductory course designed for my major, its insulting to be told its beprimarily for Anthropology majors to a ing geared toward business majors. If I
take a business course they're not going to
offer a more humanistic approach just for
anthro majors-this is unfair", she added.
Furst acknowledged that this may be a
problem, but added that there are not
many anthropology majors currently taking the course, which is a requirement for
the anthropology major. "You do
sacrifice a little", Furst sid, "but they (anthropology majors) can make it up in other
Anthropology professor Pater Furat
The proposal to include ANT 200 was a
choice for the pre-Business social science
requirement originated in the Anthropology Department. The department's
Chair, Dr. Gary Gossen, explained, "We
wanted to expose students to anthropology. Many people think of it as a
weird subject dealing primarily with people in grass skirts".
The readings and the lectures in the
course have been changed somewhat, ing the curriculum was "a mtetin. ,
Furst said. Traditionally, Cultural An- minds", said Hord. "Our faculty8"
thropology courses examine ethnographies quite pleased with the results", she addin
of different cultures, past and present.
Furst explained that there was "a S
The revised course, Furst said, will focus bit of a compromise", in the curriculum
primarily on "how different people solve
Now Furst said, "the aim is to introduce
common problems relevant to our own the antrhotogical perspective of Z
technological society".For example, world". According to Furst, the courj
several lectures will address drinking and now covers topics such as atitudes toward!
violence, Furst said, noting that in some drugs and alcohol in traditional Z
cultures drinking does not lead to violence. Western societies, and the anthropology 0f
According to Nancy Bond, Associate women.
Dean of the School of Business, the addiCiting an example of anthropology ID.
tion of Cultural Anthropology as a pre- plied to business, Furst noted that d£
business option is "totally appropriate". ferent speech communities perceive color
She said she has many articles in business differently. In the United States, Furst
journal addressing "Corporate Culture". said, white symbolizes purity while in Asia
Anthropology said Bond "is an in- it symbolizes death. "This has importani
teresting way to study dynamics as they oc- implications for marketing," he explained
cur in the business world".
"This shows students that it is importani
Including Cultural Anthropology, there to understand and be aware of cultural dif.
are now three courses which fill the pre- ferences," Furst concluded.
business social sciences requirement. The
Bond noted that business students are
other two are Psychology 101M and "highly intelligent and motivated people
Sociology 115M. Prospective Business ma- who sometimes tend to be a bit parochial
jors are required to take two of these three in their viewpoints." Cultural ancourses.
thropology, she said, should "help
Anthropology 200 also fulfills the students to adjust to the wide variety of
World Cultures requirement of the people they will deal with in the business
Genera] Education Program. Students can world." She described the course as "an
choose to take the course as a "writing in- addition to the intellectual content of the
tensive" to fulfill that requirement as well. business program."
According to Bond the Cultural AnAnother anthropology course designed
thropology course is an important for business students will premier this sprdemonstration of the way departments in ing, according to Furst. It will be called the
the university can work together. Develop- Anthropology of Work.
SA hooks-up activities hot line;
dial 457-8079 for Info on events
By Johanna Clancy
Your fingers can now do the
walking to campus events.
457-8079, the new Activities Hot
Line, will tell you in 90 seconds or
less what's happening on campus.
The Activities Hot Line Is a
tape machine connected to a
phone on which the upcoming
events of Student Association
groups will be announced, according to SA's Director of Student
Programming Patty Salkin.
"People don't have to read
through advertisements because
the Activities Hot Line wiU enable
students to listen for upcoming
events," said Salkin.
SA Vice President Suzy Auletta
who made the Activites Hot Line
one of her campaign promises last
spring, said "it's a direct link to
find out what's going on,
especially for off-campus
'students who are not constantly
barraged by posters on the
"I'm sure that once people
catch on and memorized the
number it's become like information — 8390, everybody knows
that," she added.
The tape will run from
, Thursdays at 5 p.m. until 9 a.m.
.Fridays and again of Fridays at 5
p.m. until 9 a.m. Mondays.
Depending on the amount of information to be announced, the
tapes will run from 30 to 90
seconds. "It will be up to my
discretion to edit the requests,"
said Salkin. Only essential information will be played and it will
be on a first come, first serve
basis, she added.
The tapes will run on Thursday
nights since, according to Salkin,
"many groups plan pre-weekend
Leaders of SA groups will be
such as home games, opponents
and game times are only some of
the abilities o f the Hot Line, said
Interested groups, explained
Salkin, may fill out index cards,
available at the SA office, with
the pertinent information. Cards
are due at 9 a,m, Thursday to be
announced that evening.
" N a t h a n i e l Charney and
Miranda Alfonsa, two WCDB
D.J.s, have volunteered to make
the first two tapes," said Salkin,
adding, "different people will be'
producing different tapes."
People interested in volunteering to announce on the the tapes
should contact Salkin at the SA
"The machine and tapes came
to under $100. Central Council
allocated the money to my fund,"
explained Salkin.
Statistics on the system's use
will eventually be compiled.
"After the first month we will
probably poll an SA funded
event," said Salkin, "and find
out how they found out about the
"Hopefully, people will give us
Director ol Student Programfeedback on it," added Salkin.
ming Patty Salkin
"Suzy and I feel it was an inexreceiving a memo on the Ac- pensive way to promote effective
tivities Hot Line, said Salkin, and communication between SA and
flyers will be distributed on the students as a whole," Salkin said.
quads so students will know the
" I think i t ' s extremely
beneficial to students and will
school spirit on camProviding free publicity for
groups and announcing events pus," Auletta said.
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Studenta on Dutch Quad got Spirit Week lever In a big way and painted the Stuyveaant Tower lobby In a
'Great Danes' motif.
Spirit Committee aims its efforts
towards increasing school pride
By Rick Swanson
The stands surrounding the football field have
been empty long enough.
To rectify the situation, Student Association has
declared this week "Spirit Week," and hopes to
end the festivities with a sell-out crowd at Saturday's homecoming football game against SUNYCortiand.
Spirit Week, which began Wednesday with Quad
Wars at the Rat, has been part of an effort by the
newly formed Spirit Committee to build SUNYA's
school spirit.
Student Association Director of Student Programming Patty Salkin said the purpose of the
week has been to get people to "have fun and support the school and the football team."
"People are really into it," said Salkin, referring
to the response which has greeted Spirit Week, in
particular the Banner Contest.
The Spirit Committee will award ten pizza pies to
the group which designs the best banner displayed
at the Homecoming game.
Spirit Committee Chair Jane Rand said that in
addition to the banner contest, committee workers
are handing out raffle tickets to students wearing
purple and gold on" Friday.
Winning tickets from the "I spot U" raffle
giveaway will be picked, at the Homecoming game.
Prizes will be coupons good for one record at
SUNYtunes, the record co-op.
Balloons will be given out to the first 200 people
attending Saturday's game, contributing to the
festivities. Rand said. In addition, purple and gold
pom-poms will be sold.
1987 Class Council President Jackie Bernstein
noted that at the Danes' first home game, in sharp
contrast to previous years, there was a large
"People are psyched," said Bernstein. "The banner will enhance the game," she added, noting,
nany people have already prepared banners for the
"Of course not everyone is into everything," said
Bernstein, which explains why some SUNYA
students are not getting involved, she reasoned. •
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Bowling champ bids farewell to campus lanes
By Lisa Mirabel la
In the 33 years he's been managing
bowling alleys, SUNYA students have
graduated from wearing bobby socks and
DA haircuts to jeans and tshirts, but, says Nelson
Swart, bowling has always
_ _ '
been popular.
Swart managed the
University lanes on the uptown campus for
the past 17 years until his retirement two
weeks ago.
Swart originally owned the bowling
lanes in the Rice Building on the corner of
Western and Quail, when students with
bobby socks and DA haircuts started taking University bowling classes there. They
comprised 40 percent of his business.
He said his feeling for the customers has
not changed. "You have to learn to accomodate them, whether they're students
or people outside the University. You have
to be congenial and make sure they have a
nice, clean area to bowl in."
However, Swart said, a more difficult
part of the job is maintaining the machines
in the alleys. He said he went to school in
1937 to learn how the machines he was
leasing form AMF worked. Tall and lean,
with a quiet manner, he modestly admitted
that he is "a little mechanically inclined".
When the University moved to the uptown campus, which came complete with •
12 lane bowling alley, Swart was hired as
the first manager. He attributed that partly
to good recommendations he recieved
from some of the physical education,
teachers whose students played at Rice
Swart has been bowling since 1935, and
was at one time involved in five leagues in
the Capitol District simultaneously. His
asverage peaked at 212, and he has one at
least 50 trophies. "They just collect dust,"
he says in his simple but direct manner.
Lately he has been bowling a 167;
"Once you get a little arthritis in the hands
it gets difficult," he explained.
He didn't start out with the intention of
getting into the bowling business. World
War II took him from Albany, where he
graduated from Albany High School in
1935, to a field artillery unit in the U.S.
Army, and he spent time stationed in
Trinidad and Europe.
"You have to know
the machines and
know how to keep
them running."
After the war, Swart was working at a
paint and wallpaper salesman, and enjoying bowling as a hobby, when "the lease at
the Rice Lartes came up, and I was just
able to grab it," he said. He kept the Rice
Lanes for 17 yean, including when he
worked at the University during the day
and downtown at night. "It was a rough
year," he said, so he closed the Rice
A regular viewer of "Bowling for
Dollars" and "T.V. Tournament Time",
he appeared on "Capitol Bowling" six
times and won $3800 over a five year
period before the show was taken off the
air. His technique] - "Mainly hitting the
pocket with a good rolling ball." That
technique has helped him bowl sue games
of 279, out of a possible score of 300 pins.
Swart lives with his 26 year old
daughter, but, he said, she is mostly involved in outdoor sports and "doesn't
have a real interest in bowling."
Another diversion, Swart mentioned, is
an occassional poker game "with the boys
from the Keeler (bowling) League." The
league, started in 1907, is the oldest in the
country. Albany's chapter includes 28
University Alumni, out of 32 bowlers,
Swart said.
Swart is registered as an independent
voter and said he has stayed away from
Albany politics because, "I didn't want to
be dependent oh anyone for my livelihood,
which was the case here in Albany for
about 40 years."
There is a possibility that he may stay on
at the Campus Center lanes, part-time,
Swart mentioned. However, he said he
feels secure leaving the management of the
alley to Mark Fisher, who has assisted him
since 1971. "He's young yet," Swart said
"but he can do the job."
Fisher is presently leading the Keeler
League with a score of 208. His assistant,
Steve Perrin, is also in the league. Both are
SUNYA graduates.
"You have to know the machines and
know how to keep them running," Swart
stressed, "because the thing that aggravates bowlers the most is having to stop
the game (for repairs)."
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News Updates
Podium renovations
The podium renovations which
started in July and were expected to be
completed before the beginning of the
fall semester should be completed over
the next month according to Director of
Physical Plant Dennis Stevens.
The work on the planters is 90 percent complete and should be totally
finished by the end of next week said
The balance of the work involves the
replacement of some of the drains on
the podium and that should be completed within the month, Stevens said.
According to Interquad Council
Chair Irwin Weinstein, the results on
both races were "very close."
Take Back the Night
The Albany Rape Crisis Center will
sponsor the annual "Take Back the
Night" rally and march on Saturday
October 13.
SUNYA women will be gathering at
the Administration Circle between 6
and 6:30 p.m. to attend the march
together. The march will begin at 7
p.m. from the steps of the Capitol
Little Horn buses
The Little Horn, which has in the
past provided transportation to and
from the uptown campus, will now provide bus service to Alumni Quad as
•, According to Andy Wigler of Alumni
Quad board, the manager at the Little
Horn was "more than happy to accomodate us."
Alumni Quad residents can be dropped off in front of Waterbury and
Alden Halls by request on the ride
back, but will still have to come to the
Administration Circle uptown for the
ride to the bar.
Election results In
Alumni Quad Board's run-off election results are in, after last week's election resulted in none of the candidates
receiving a majority of the vote.
Rich Wolfson won for president
against Olga Colletti and Billy Eichorn
won for vice-president of programming
against Evan Filberberg.
Budget rejected
This year's proposal for SUNYA's
ski team was rejected by Central Council at Wednesday's meeting.
The originally proposed budget was
for $86 but during the debate the ski
team submitted a revised figure of $990.
This was to be part of a total figure of
$3,790 in expenses, for practices and
participation in meets.
The revised request was defeated
3 - 1 2 - 2 and the team is now working
on a new proposal with the help of the
Finance Committee.
albany, ny
Don't Walk Hone
designed by a group of
concerned students, faculty and administrators at SUMY filbany
to meet the following goals:
• To provide a volunteer service to escort women between
designated locations to ensure safety on campus.
• To provide a service which will act as a deterrent
to sexual assault and sexual harassment on our campus.
• To assist in creating a community sensitive to
the safety needs of women.
• To help women learn to provide for their safety.
• To assist in creating a safer campus-University area.
If you want an escort,
check with one of our volunteers,
located in the Library and Quad Tower Lobbies:
8pm to Midnight
Sunday through Thursday
Or call for Information:
SA Funded
miDAY.ocTdBERnijim •
ROTC takes case to SA's court to
challenge Council ban on tabling
INCLUDING: Debates between local
campus presidential campaign
state party leaders, SUNYA professors,
Albany State student
Listen to 91 FM for the times of these
every Sunday at 12:00 uoon. This weeks
program features
Debra Rein, Manager for Research of
Hunger Project, who recently spoke to
Administration Officials.
Sa Funded
SUNYA'i ROTC it going to SA'i Supreme Court
charging that • Central Council ban on ROTC tabling it a violation of theirrightsto free speech.
The Supreme Court will hear the
case this Thursday, according to fjgfltrgl
Chief Justice Steve Sinatra.
The Reserve Officer Training COUIKII
Corp* (ROTC) pays students to train
'to become commissioned Army officers. Since Army policy does not allow gays or lesbians to become
officers, Student Association officials decided their
'non-discrimination policy and ROTC's policy
The original resolution banning ROTC was passed 15 - 3 by Central Council September 19. A vote
last Wednesday to rescind the resolution failed
16 - 5 .
The suit was brought by council member Steve
Russo on behalf of Joseph Sullivan, a ROTC cadet,
on the "grounds that it was an illegal use of solicitations policy, and violates ROTC's freedom of
Russo said his suit is "totally based on whether
SA can deny a campus group freedom to table in
the Campus Center."
Earlier in the week, Colonel Johnson, commander of Rensselaer'Polytechnic Institute ROTC,
said that "because ROTC is an academic unit, the
SA has no power over them, and cannot deny them
solicitation permits."
SA will be defended in the case by President Rich
Schaffer and Vice President Suzy Auletta.
The controversy over ROTC expanded during
Wednesday night's Central Council meeting when it
was revealed that University Senate member Mike
Miller will introduce to the University Senate a
resolution aimed at removing ROTC from campus,
because it discrimintates against homosexuals.
The resolution, which Miller will present to the
Senate's Educational Policy Committee at its Monday afternoon meeting, states that "it is the recommendation of the University Senate to the President
that no new students be allowed to enter the RPI
ROTC program courses on the SUNYA campus."
"Russo claims that this is a freedom of speech
case," said Miller, "but what about the freedom of
speech of the people in ROTC who would like to
say freely and honestly that they are homosexual?"
he asked.
Miller added that "SA does have the authority
not to give the solicitation rights from
SA . . . they'll have to go to the Administration for
According to Professor Francine Frank, chair of
the Senate Committee, the resolution is similar to
". . .because ROTC is an
academic unit, the SA has
no power over them, and
cannot deny them
solicitation permits"
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The Senate resolution must be approved by the
Senate's Educational Policies Committee and Executive Committee before it can be considered by
the entire Senate.
In other action Wednesday night, Council filled a
seat on the UAS Board of Directors which had been
left vacant when they rejected Laura Johnson, a
black woman, for the post.
Johnson's appointment was considered at last
week's Council meeting in a stormy four hour
debate which included charges of racism.
Eric Holzberg, who was already a non-voting
member of the board, was appointed as a voting
member by unanimous consent. A new non-voting
member replacing Holzberg will be voted on next
After discovering that Jennifer Corby, who was
appointed to the UAS Board on October 3, was only 17 years old and thus not eligible to be a voting
board member, Council appointed Ross Abelow,
already a non-voting board member, to the position
of voting member, and made Corby a non-voting
member. In December, when Corby turns 18, the
positions will be reversed.
Council also approved the SUNYA Sky Diving
Club's 1984-85 budget, but rejected a budget proposal for a SUNYA Ski Team.
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SUNYA's Spirit Committee
invites you to
one that was defeated in 1982. However, Miller said'
that this time the resolution stands a better chance
of passing because of recent orders from the SUNY
Board of Trustees and the Governor.
In October of 1983, the SUNY Board of Trustees
strengthened its non-discrimination policy, particularly in regard to sexual preference. In
November of 1983, Governor Cuomo issued Executive Order 28, which forbids discrimination on
the basis of sexual orientation by any state agency
"in the provision of any services or benefits by said
By Tom Bergan
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V| &m_, .**•>,,WJO Hj•<#•»«•«
More IhdiT black anclwhik
fcy was • Mack woman denied • UAS appointment
teat was later given to a white man?
I Radon?
Bad judgement?
A bad interview system?
Personal polities?
Whatever the reasons, the latest cries of racism and
other harsh words flung across the Central Council table
remind us that issues of equal rights are hard fought, and
that the barriers of mutual understanding, or discrimination, don't fall easily.
Last week, after heated debate, Central Council
voted down the appointment of Laura Johnson to a
seat on the UAS Board of Directors. Laura is a black
This week. Central Council approved the appointment of Ross Abelow to a seat on the UAS Board of
Directors. Ross is a white man. With a questionable
But there is more to this scenario than a case of
racism and/or sexism.
Behind all the bitterness, the accusations, frustration and confusion seem to be three things:
•conflicts of commitment to equal rights and antidiscrimination within SA
•a lack of mutual sensitivity — sometimes approaching open hostility — between some minority
and non-minority student leaders
•and an interview process for SA appointments that
sometimes falls short in thoroughness and intent.
SA's commitment to non-discrimination has been
growing steadily in the p u t few years. Unfortunately, most of that commitment comes from the top.
The executive branch has become increasingly
enlightened, but many membe>- of Central Council
remain difficult to reacf .<«•'- 'here is, more
minority involvement in SA and ideate, concern for
for minority issues the Council tai e remains a hotbed of antagonism and a difficult budge to cross.
T a k e for example the case of Laura Johnson.
In order to receive the position she applied for,
Laura — like all other applicants — would have to
pass three tests: First, an interview with SA executive
officers; second, an interview with the Internal Affairs Committee of Central Council; and third a vote
by the entire Council.
Laura was approved after her first interview.
Among her qualifications were two personal accomplishments: working out a proposal to increase
minority hiring by UAS in the quads and the campus
center, and getting the bookstore to sell hair care
products for blacks.
In her second interview, with Internal Affairs,
Laura reportedly floundered, and gave inconsistant
answers. Reason enough not to approve her appointment, right?
Well, this is where mutual understanding comes
in. Laura's first interview was with people who are
dedicated to non-discrimination: men, women,
black and white, including SA's minority affairs
The second interview was with four white men
whose sympathies with — or against — minorities
were unknown. A black woman walking into that
situation is automatically going to feel a good deal of
intimidation. The difference between the two interview setups was bound to yield some dubious results.
Curiously, Ross Abelow made it through both
interviews and the vote with seeming ease. Yet, last
semester he admittedly ran a large party on State
Quad without a liquor license, violating university
regulations and Albany city law. Then he lied to
university officials in order to keep the party going.
Though one may admire Abelow's maverick enthusiasm, it still seems a tad bizarre that the interview process, with its standard set of questions,
could not include a discussion of Ross' questionable
past. The issue did not come up while Council approved his appointment.
In the wake of this confusing controversy we find
an interview process which denied a uniquely
qualified applicant while approving a uniquely questionable one.
And where student leaders on both sides of the
issue should have made an extra effort to work
together, we find severe resentment, antagonism and
close-minded defensiveness.
And we find Laura Johnson, who is left in this
wake as a victim of discrimination.
To pass this off simply as discrimination or as an
overreaction by minorities is unfair. SA has been
making a sincere effort to ensure equality within its
organization and throughout the campus. But there
are obviously still problems, both with the system
and with some of the people who run it.
Hopefully, everyone involved will learn from the
examples of Laura Johnson and Ross Abelo.w.
Religion and Politics, why not?
The issue of politics and religion has captured a great
deal of media attention recently and, not surprisingly i
this election year many of our political leaders have taken
liberty to comment on the volatile subject. The general
concensus being drummed up, largely by the media, is
that there is too much involvement on the part of churches into public policy. Several nights ago, for example,
CBS News ran a special report on "Religion and Politics"
in which anchorman Dan Rather commented:
"Americans appear to be telling us that they see the growing merger of church and state in our society...and disapprove of it."
fact, and not a challenge to the Constitution.
There are many, however, who continue a crusade
against organized religion for other reasons. Feminists,
those who favor "gay rights", abortion, and pornography are at the forefront of the movement to banish
religion from politics. And why is this? The answer is obvious. Because organized religion poses a serious threat to
them. Whether it is the Catholic Church's stance on abortion, or the Moral Majority's efforts! to limit pornography, the church is at odds with these social reformists. If religion were to exit the scene, then what would
follow becomes obvious, and that is that those organizations which oppose church positions become dominant'..
Naturally, their argument is not as blunt as this. It
Craig J. Rucker
follows something like "If religion were to be separated
A CBS News poll went on to show that over 70 per cent from politics, then public policy would be free from any
of all Americans believe that there is too much religious one religion imposing their own, and nobody else's moral
influence in politics. Some of those interviewed went as values on it."
far as to claim that the Constitution was being threatenOr would it be? Is it too much to suppose that there are
ed, which expressedly prohibits the "establishment" of implicit moral judgements being levied by the reformists
religion. It is as though there is a major effort underway on these issues. If so, then why are their values, or lack of
to "purify" politics of religion.
The source of this current antagonism is not entirely
clear. Perhaps the answer is as obvious as what President
Reagan articulated in a prayer breakfast in Dallas, and
that is that many "Americans who follow rigorous
separation of church and state are intolerant of religion."
What is evident, however, is that this effort will fail. To
attempt to form clevages between the two is not only impracticable, but socially undesirable as well. The churchstate linkage is older than America itself, and for the
media to instill fear over this issue is quite unfounded.
Of course, one should not imply that there has always
been harmony between the two. For centuries, there has
been much blood spilt because individuals worship God
differently. From old world conflicts such as the crusades
and the Protestant Reformation to more recent conflicts
in Lebanon and Ireland, religion and politics has contributed a great deal to human misery. So our founding
fathers were indeed wise when they decided that our new
nation should not be either Catholic or Protestant, as
were many other nations at the time. Instead it was laid
down that Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, or atheists should
be equally free to worship or not worship if they choose.
But neither the founding fathers nor the current
political aspirants have it within their power to prevent
people's views abour Ood and Man from entering secular
public issues. There are many controversies involving
moral questions, and moral questions can never be completely separated from our religious views. Thus, when
President Reagan asserts that "Politics and religion are
necessarily related," he is merely bellowing a statement of
them, superior to those of a religious person's? No one
deniej the reformist the right to promote their views
because few realize that these individuals are placing their
own set of "morals" on society. But when churches intervene to oppose reformist positions, then the battle of
"separation" is sounded. In short, while it is apparently
acceptable for all the reformist to argue their case, a commandment exists somewhere forbidding the churches
from expressing theirs.
One can only presume that the church-state controversy will go on for some time, or at least until November 7.
After the election, the issue will probably lie down and go
into hibernation until four years have passes and the time
has come to choose a new leader. Unfortunately for the
reformists, it seems as though the only way to quell
religious influence on public policy is to outlaw it, as do
our comrades in Moscow and Eastern Europe. If it
becomes our intention to do so, then fine. But one only
need to see how successful Polish leaders have been in trying to circumvent the Catholic Church to get an appreciation of how successful this policy would be.
I October 12
October 121
-* Introspect-
Opening Right On "Q"
ho are the Swimming Pool Q/s7
Well, apart from being the opening
act for Lou Reed this Sunday,
they're also a streamlined dance band
whose new, self-titled LP on A«cM records
will hopefully catapult them into the
spotlight they've been seeking for so long.
John Keenan
(Buses Leave Circle at 9pm)
All Tickets - $5
is expensive!
5 PM'8:30 PM
Tickets will be sold
October 8-12 in
the CC Lobby
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The band's origins go back to the late
'70's, when Jeff Calder, who was pursuing
a career as a music journalist, started
writing his own songs. As Calder relates, "I
came up with words and involved
storylines and we sort of jammed the two
together. Others would say, 'Great, Jeff,
but how about the melody?" I didn't know
what they were talking about."
That may have been the case, but in
1981, with the release of their first LP 77ie
Deep End, critical reviews showed Calder
that you didn't necessarily have to know
Deep End on vinyl. Lead singers Jeff
what a melody was to impress the critics.
Calder (guitar) and Anne Boston
Although The Deep End sank into obscuri(keyboards), as well as Calder's
ty, The Swimming Pool Q's had been
songwriting partner on many of the cuts
established as a band to watch.
Bob Elsey (guitar), have hooked up with
By 1979, the Q's were touring with
Billy Burton on drums and J.E. Garnett on
bands like the Police, and opening for
bass, ousting their old rythym section of
bands like Devo or Robert Gordon. Their
Deep End days, and this may also account
original material, which consisted of songs
for the more melodic flavor of what the
with titles like "A-Bomb Woke Me Up,"
Q's are doing these days.
got a variety of favorable responses, but
The album opens up with a strong cut
the Q's were earmarked as a band with an
called "The Bells Ring," which is perhaps
" e c c e n t r i c " s o u n d , c o m p l e x but
the best showcase of Anne Boston's vocals
"hickadelic," "agro-folk," and "farm music
on the album. The cut also boasts a catchy
for punk people." Their new album,
hook, making it a cinch to garner the band
however, is a definite departure from that
some alternative radio airplay.
Calder sings (as well as having written)
'There's not as much eccentricity now,"
the next cut, a reasonable but noticeably
Calder relates. "Our new songs are more
weaker effort called "Pull Back My Sprmelodic and emotional."
ing." Although this cut is noticably ho-hum
Credit a session or two with A&M's
melodically (the direction in which the Q's
Dave Anderle, who producd the LP, for
have most changed) Calder does remain
the more melodic flavor of the new album.
lyrically strong, a grace which saves the
The Q's who open for Lou Reed this
Sunday, won't be the crew who put The \
Boston is back on the next cut, "Purple
The Swimming Pool Q's, appearing at the Palace this Sunday
Rivers," and her vocals are a pleasant addition as the newer, "more melodic" direction the Q's claim to be moving in
straightens itself out again. Once more,
Calder's lyrics are exceptional; in fact, with
only one glaring heart-stopper, the lyrics
I remain consistently exciting throughout
the album.
The side closes with 'The Knave," and
"Some New Highway," the former a
Calder/Phillips collaboration with the catchiest hook on the album;
You can turn left or turn right
Doesn't matter when he makes the coils
The second side opens with a strong,
semi-balladic (this band's music is hard to
definel) cut called "Just Property." Strong
might be too weak a word for the song;
Calder's lyrical abilities are quite evident
"She's Bringing Down the Poison" is
another fine effort, but with "Celestion"
Calder falters a bit; the song itself is one of
the best on the LP, melodically excellent;
but the line "The Rest Is On" (to rhyme
with Celestion) almost ruins the song
because it's so patently trying to be a
rhyme, it's ridiculous. That isn't the way it's
done anymore, fellas; but the song is excellent anyway.
The album closes with "Sacrificial
Alter," a song whose chorus;
Sacrifice yourself at the altar of love
evokes decidedly mixed reactions; it's a
neat visual concept, but there's a decided
feeling a deja vu to what's being said.
Overall, the Swimming Pool Q's is a
strong LP, sure to get airplay on the alternative market. However, unfortunately for
any commercial aspirations Calder and
company might harbor. The Swimming
Pool Q's is not the album that's going to
break this band mainstream. With a little
luck though, perhaps the students who go
in to see Lou Reed this Sunday night will
discover another facet of alternative music;
the "hickadelic" realm that seems to belong
solely to The Swimming Pool Q's.
A Reason For Truancy * Teachers
nybody see Up the Down Staircase! Good movie, huh? I saw it for
the first time a few years back. It's a
film about the everyday events of a ghetto
high school, the students who attend the
school, and the teachers who teach there. I
saw it again last Saturday night. Nick Nolte
played Miss Harper, Jobeth Williams was
Joe Firrone, Ralph Macchio was Jose
Scott Eisenthal
.. .Oh shit, wrong movie. However, for
the same storyline, characters, and message
as the 1965 Sandy Dennis film, there's no
need to look any further than Teachers, a
new film by Arthur Hiller. It may go down
in history as the film most resembling the
film it's supposed to satirize.
John F. Kennedy High School is your
typical run-of-the-mill school that has been
completely fouled up by the "system."
And it is this system that history teacher
Alex Girrelle (Nick Nolte) spends the
whole film trying to beat. It seems that
several years ago, the school passed a student and allowed him to graduate while
overlooking one small factor of his education (or lack thereof). He couldn't read. Apparently nobody made anything of it at the
time, but now the former student's parents
are filing suit against the school district for
not educating the student properly. They
hire a small law firm to handle the case,
and the main responsibility for prosecuting
the school is thrown into the hands of J.F.K
graduate turned lawyer (Jobeth Williams).
She enters her alma mater one Monday
morning to find it has gone completely to
pot. It is here that the audience is introduc
ed to the student body, a group of two
thousand lewd, loud, obnoxious teenagers
who, like most ltiu,h school students, would
rjther be doing something else with those
dull six hours each day. They file into class
(or at least some of them do), and alas, we
meet the saviors with desk blotters, the
teachers. There's Mr. Rosenberger the
wimp (Allen Garfield), Mr. Van Ark, the
psycho (Richard Mulligan), Mr. Sials the
stuffed shirt (Arthur Hill), and Mr. Horn,
the incompetent principal (William
The central character is Nolte's Alex Girrelle, who carries the plot and the message
behind it by seducing the prosecuter
(Williams), fighting the education problem,
and keeping certain students out of trouble. One of those students is Eddie
Pellickian (Ralph Macchio), a habitual
troublemaker, who gets most of the laughs
by setting off the fire alarm in order to cut
class, stealing a driver ed car, making offensive wisecracks in class, purposely misinterpreting the class project, and dropping in
and out of classes on a regular basis. Girrelle uses Eddie to get the message across
by convincing him to take his class and
make an effort to learn. Although the
chemistry between the two characters is
strong, Nolte's performance is too macho
for a movie style teacher, and Macchio is
too sensible and sensitive for a street kid.
Jobeth Williams gives a fair performance as
Lisa Hammond-, the prosecuter, but despite
the fact that she has the only substantial
female role in the film, she really is not
given any of the good lines. Supposedly,
her moment to shine is when she strips and
walks naked down a school corrider while
shouting a holier-than-thou speech at
Nolte, but even that does not come of as J
well as It could. Thecharacters of, the other
teachers appear as if they were developed
as seen through eyes of a rebellious high
school student, and are, if nothing else,
The antics of the students and the
message of the teachers is supported by the
flimsy plot dealing with the lawsuit. The
problem is that the plot never gets off the
ground, mainly because the film keeps shifting back to the classroom routines for a
laugh here and there in order to avoid boring the audience. The most disappointing
thing about the film is that it had two
choices to be a success, and chose neither
of them. It could have been a dramatic
satire with the humor in ideas and hidden
jokes rather than sight gags and student antics, which could have given it the effect on
people's views on education that Network
had on their views on the media or that Being There had on political views, or it
could have gone for straight comedy
without the overstated message and ideas,
in which case it might have grabbed the
teenage moviegoing audience left, right,
and sideways. But it went with a poor mixture of comedy and drama, and turned out
to be less than satisfying.
If possible, steer clear of Teachers, but if
it's a pretty dull Saturday night, take a
chance at this mediocre comedy-satire for a
few laughs.
C'est Moi
Didja e v e r . . .7
Didja e v e r , in the d a r k , at night, c u r l e d up u n d e r the s h e e t s a l o n e ,
think a b o u t n o t h i n g ?
I m e a n , nothing. N o t b e i n g alive. N o t e x i s t i n g . N o t t h i n k i n g .
Scary, n o ? I a l w a y s t h o u g h t s o . T h e t h o u g h t that my e x i s t e n c e , m y
a w a r e n e s s , c o u l d e n d , is c l o s e to terrifying.
A world existing. . .without me?
U p s e t t i n g . A n d yet, d e a t h is s o m e t h i n g w e a r e all a w a r e of,
s o m e t h i n g m o s t of us have assimilated into the s c h e m e of our lives,
s o m t h i n g to be talked a b o u t calmly. A n d the e n d of the world (which is
w h a t this w e e k ' s c e n t e r f o l d c o n c e r n s itself with) is a possibility w e ' v e
all a s s i m i l a t e d into o u r daily e x i s t e n c e a l s o .
The End Of The W o r l d . For m e , t h a t c o n c e p t i s as i n c o m p r e h e n s i b l e
as the c o n c e p t that I (and you) m i g h t n o t b e a l u m i n o u s b e i n g of light
and s o u l , b u t m e r e l y a p r i m a t e , d e s c e n d e d from o t h e r , l o w e r
p r i m a t e s , with a lifespan of r o u g h l y 70 y e a r s . A n d t h e n , n o t h i n g .
If y o u take the time to r e a d this w e e k ' s c e n t e r f o l d , try to r e m e m b e r
h o w you felt as a child w h e n y o u first l e a r n e d of the r e d b u t t o n .
F e a r is a h e a l t h y thing. A n d this g e n e r a t i o n h a s m o r e to fear than
anyone has e v e r h a d .
Didja e v e r lie a w a k e at night, s h u t your e y e s real tight, a n d try to imagine n o n - e x i s t e n c e ? Try it tonight.
1 dare ya.
i How To Stop Worrying and Love The Bombt'
The Red Button Bomb
A Blast From The Past
by Joseph Fusco
You and I (our generation) have grown up in the
shadow of a threat. As impossible as it is to go
backward in time, so it is to walk out into the sunshine. We live in a world that can be swept into the
dumpster in the twinkling of an eye.
Very much so.
There is something that only .very recently
began to seem wrong to me — to you and me. Experts — politicians, scientists — many of them
very wrinkled, their faces frought with consternation, inform us of the uniqueness of the Nuclear
Age, awed, as well they should be (as well we
should be): "Humanity, like never before,
possesses the power to destroy the earth."
But we already knew that.
But that's all we've known.
You and I.
The point being this: our generation has spent
our entire lives in a world where the threat of
nuclear extinction is a fact. Our grandparents and
parents do not share this totality; words like "like
never before" mean nothing to you and me,
history texts aside.
I wonder: what would it be like to wake up
every day knowing it would take an awfully long
time to destroy the earth?
When I was very young my parents would set
me down in front of the television, perhaps to
keep me from swallowing anything caustic while
they did the dishes. My after dinner pre-school
world became NBC News. It was probably just as
My distinct memory is not of The Anchorman
but what was behind him. While he spoke, the
Do they know that there are people and death
and horror underneath the abstraction of cartoon
Do they realize violence isn't a game, it's never
over, and corpses don't stand up and brush
themselves off?
We neighborhood children used to have Great
Gun Battles. We'd whoop, holler, stalk, giggle,
wake up
it would
time to
would it be like to
every day knowing
take an awful long
destroy the earth?
Every day I'd be set down in front of the television. Every day the cartoon explosions would be
rearranged. What a game.
This was during the Vietnam War. I had no idea
what a bomb was,
My mother was the first to tell me about lots of
things. She was the first to tell me about nuclear
bombs. She explained to me that we had enemies.
We and our enemies had something that, if we
ever happened to hate each other more than everyday enemies hate each other, could blow up the
world. She told me we had... the Red Button
Red Button Bomb. Blow up the world.
I was so young.
Oh boy.
The imagination is a child's art. It is where
children create their pictures of an adult world. It is
the source and often the limit of their expression. It
explains for them; it makes order out of chaos. A
child's imagination defines.
This is what I imagined.
I knew bombs were dropped from airplanes but
I didn't know they were shiny silver thumbs with
I imagined a bomb to be rather large and amorphous, like a loosely packed mudball. And, of
course, there was always a Red Button on top of
the loosely packed mudball.
In the midst of all the hate, the Red Button was
pressed and whoosh there went the Red Button
Bomb. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.
Oh yes, I also believed bombs could be planted
and the Red Button pushed. Boom.
Regardless, the Bomb would blow up the
Crack? Yes, crack, because to this child a Blown
Up World was disfigured. I imagined a blown up
world as cracked in half and in my mind's eye I saw
the jagged half of a baby blue eggshelKnow
somewhat soiled)floating in space.
Half the world would, literally, be gone.
I was young, optimistic and invincible. I felt sure
that I would be on the half-earth that remained.
De facto.
And why not. After all, my country had shown
me that it could make a hell of a lot more cartoon
explosions than anyone else. We practiced often.
No one had more mudballs than we did, it
I would live. The Red Button Bomb was just going to have to be something someone else would
need to fear.
The Red Button Bomb.
Blow Up The World.
Oh, boy.
shoot and die very dramatically as was the essence
of the affair. We mimicked hate, bloodlust and partisanship. It was a fun game and we played it over
and over because our violence never had any
When the game was over, the corpses stood up,
brushed themselves off, and checked to see if their
pistols needed more water.
I wonder what children today are imagining. Do
they assume they'll be among the lucky ones on
the remaining fragment of this planet?
Do they think bombs are solutions?
Do they learn to distrust different and distant
people, creating a world of "us" and "them"?
I bristled over the debate as to whether schoolaged children should have watched programs like
The Day After. Apparently some people thought
it would be too upsetting, but, I pleaded, they
should be aware, at least. Granted, The Day After
was dilute, yet the issue is the days after and more
importantly, The Years Before.
Generation after generation, like ours, will continue to be born into a world armed with nuclear
weapons and a world conditioned to violence. Like
myself at avery young age, they may be temporarily misled. Yet misled is incorrect —' uninformed is more accurate. "Uninformed" under the
nuclear shadow makes no sense, even in the beginning of youth.
The facts of the Nuclear Age(they are inescapable)are something I've rarely heard discussed •
between parents and children and in our schools. I
wonder why we hesitate to discuss truly Wfa/issues
with the young. Is it because of horror and denial7
Is it because we don't want to scare the hell out of
little children? I hope not.
Let children grow up with a willingness to deal
with a reality that will be as present in their day as
it is in ours.
Let us hope that children will grow up with the
ability to deal with war, death and hate and then
turn their minds to better things.
r 121
'y Life As An 'thfa Guy i w nf
PAC Attack'
Eumenides Opening At The PAC
For this production, characterized as a
synthesis of the old and new, Aeschylus'
themes will be expressed in a union of
movement, music and text, using the
Richard Lattimore translation.
Valis-Hill, inspired by traditional Greek,
Hungarian, and Macedonian folk music
and dance, collaborated with David
Janower, choral director of the University
Department, and percussionist Richard
Albagli on the musical score. Robert Donnelly designed the set and Linda Salsbury
created the costumes for this production.
Both are department theatre members. The
masks, truly gruesome and effective personifications of the vengeful Furies' raw
emotions : anger, pain, grief, and fear,
were designed by Donna Muir, costumer
of the Department of Theatre. Prominent
members of the large cast include : John
Fox (Orestes), Catherine Bulger (Electra),
Lori Healy (Apollo), Steve Hart (Hermes),
M. Susan Peck (Ghost of Clytaemestra),
Leslie May (Athene), and the twelve furies
(Maureen A. tBrophy, Kathleen Donohue,
Tina Krimmer, Marcelle Langan, Leesa
Markbriter, Elizabeth M. Mazon, Maria
Memole, Angela O'Neal, Michaela Rielly,
Karen Sherman, Rebecca Weitman, and
Ginger Williams... whew.)
he SUNY Albany theatre season is
back (with a vengeance) as the £umienides (or, The Furies), the third
play of Aeschylus' timeless dramatic
trilogy, the Oresteia, opera October 19 at
the main theater of the University Performing Arts Center.
Mark Latino
Director Constance Valis-Hill doesn't
buy the notion that SUN YA students will
be "turned off" by this classical production.The bouyant seven year member o f
the University Theater faculty expects the
(you-men-uh-dees) will
generate an avid interest from a curious
student body. 'This is a rare opportunity
for students to see the spectacle come to
life, rather than just reading the words on
the printed page." Moreover, as Valis-Hill
emphasizes, though the play is ancient, its
themes (revenge, for example) are timeless
and bear significance to today's audience.
The Eumenides represents somewhat of
a departure from the "typical" Greek
tragedy (actually, scholars have not yet
been able to develop an exact definition
for this classical genre), for it marks an ending to the ancient Greek'legend of the
bloody house of Atreus. A Greek society,
once terrorized by violent moral chaos,
adopts a more rational, humane order as
Orestes is freed from the pursuit of the
Furies, who are the vengeful spirits of
Clytaemestra, Orestes mother. Orestes killed her to avenge the murder of Agamemnon, his father. In this story the goddess
Athene clears Orestes of guilt and appeases
the Furies, w h o are subsequently
transformed into fertility goddesses, the
Eumenides ("Kindly Ones"),
i Valis-Hill characterizes the Eumenides
production "a pleasure for the eyes... A
larger than life spectacle with a stylized
visual look."
Constance Valis-Hill, well-known to the
C a p i t a l D i s t r i c t , as a d a n c e r ,
choreographer, and mime, selected the
Eumenides for several reasons. She was
c o m p e l l e d b y t h e c h a l l e n g e of
choreographing three choral groups: the
Furies, Athenian Women, and the
Euminides. The dance that she found particularly challenging was " O Mother
Night". More importantly, she wanted to
incorporate her theatre main stage offering
with the in-depth study of Greek Classical
theatre in her classes. "Students will gain an
understanding and appreciation of this important trilogy."
So, write Eumenides, 8pm, Performing
Arts Center under any 6f these dates on
your calender of important events : Friday
and Saturday, October 19 and 20, and the
following Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
The admission fees, $6 general admission
and $4 student-serJor citizen , are a steal.
They afford the avid, or "once a year"
theatre goer the opportunity to see poetic
drama, the excitement and vivid imagery
of which is, thus far, unsurpassed by any of
the more modern forms of theatre. Tor further information, contact Alton McCloud,
at the PAC, 457-8608.
ffa $12.00 per person m
Tickets on Sale
at all tickelron outlets
Farces, Faces, Features
and the Ugly Guy
By Jim tally
i! We're the Intruding Dudes: t w o dynamic, sensitive young men, w h o
feel that students here at SUNYA d o not get an opportunity t o state
their beef. As responsible journalists, we hope to bring to light m a n y .
major issues that confront this university today.
Very recently, a certain writer, in a certain magazine, stated that this college
has the least campus spirit in the nation (USA). W e decided to find out for
ourselves first-hand what the students thought. So, this week w e asked
hroughout recorded time, the Ugly
Guy and the Intelligent guy have
been inexorably linked in the
inds of many. This fusion has produced
uch well-known social types as the Nerd,
he Geek, the Spaz, and the ever-popular
ombat. While it is obviously untrue and
iscriminatory to claim that facial
deousness equals mental prowess, it is
omforting to think that when the Lord
in His infinite wisdom, decides to
eate a face that we less high-minded be: might term a "two-bagger," he packs
inside of the face with a little extra
rains to help the poor bugger (bagger?)
Certainly there are examples enough in
ecent history to make this attractive
heory plausible. Albert Einstein, for examle, practically proves my case all by
There are, however, differing interpretations as to the cause of this phenomenon;
more specifically, why God (or whoever's
doing this to us) planned it exactly that
way. Izwald ("Warty") Kostock of
Princeton University, noted Geek and nationally lauded Ugly Guy, has said in his
famous monologue, "Ugliness and Virginity: Is There A Connection?" that the rationale for creating intelligent ugly guys is
a purely unpleasant one.
'The intelligent Ugly Guy," Kostock
states/carries a special burden. He's ugly.
And he's too smart not to know it."
This unappetizing theory would appear
" W h a t d o e s c a m p u s spirit m e a n t o y o u ? "
"Well, I've never seen it myself, but I'm
sure if there is a ghost on campus, it isn't
mean. It's never bothered any of my
friends. It's probably just trying to get into
the business school like everybody else."
Phil M. (State)
' true, for while the ugly guy with the dullto-average mentality might have enough of
an ego to force himself to believe
statements like, "I'm sorry, but I have to
stay home Friday night to bathe my
anaconda," the more savvy ugly guy
would have trouble accepting this as truth.
Other authorities have reacted with
scorn to Kostock's theory, however. An
drew (Buck) Courtney of Oxford Universi
ty (Squash, Crew, '68) has countered "Aw
he's ugly and his mother dresses him fun
ny," a statement which, of course, can'l
really be areued. However, Kostock claims
this has nffbearing.
In either case, though, it's obvious that
intelligent ugly guys have an added strain.
And very small egos.
Next: Tales Of The Ugly Guy!
"Well, I'm not sure about that, not bein'
a student and all, but I think the kids are
terrific the way they leave those cans
• around after the football games for us to
pick up."
Wilbur T. (Non-student)
"I'm damn proud of this school. I was
just reading in this magazine how SUNY
Albany has the most apathy of any college
in this country. I mean, I'm not sure what
apathy is, but I think it's pretty terrific that
we've got the most right here at Albany."
Serm W. (Alumni)
"It means loyalty and appreciation for
one's university. It means sharing and taking part in school activities. But most of all,
it means getting the right rear window
sticker for your car."
Jerry C. (Commuter)
"Campus spirit to me is knowing
the S.A. President is. Uh...By
way...Uh... Who is...?"
Steve C. (Dutch)
"Camp Uh-Spirit? Where's that? Canada?
It sounds like a great place. Say, you guys
ever been to Dippikill?"
Robert L. (Indian)
"We've got spirit, yes we do, we've got
spirit, how 'bout you?/ Say, where can 1
pick up the issue that'll have my name in
Monica C. (Dutch)
_Jifrafr''Sw bvh&jX'i to silence,
A: A bit a k & 'Aim* 'VcffWk^1
B: What! Is
A: No. ;
' Li
B: The answer.
A: No kidding?
B: Einicl , 9.8m/sec, ground, Sofia
earth,' planet earth.
A: You know, you're impossible.
B: I exist don't I?
A: Oh so it's ambiguity...
B: Some existances are ambiguous. J^js^j^jfr
law of mirror and glass.
A: What?!
B: Reflection or reality? ^
A: Abstruse or abstract?^
B: Perhaps.
A: Perhaps not.
B: Not too difficult,' ift»«fin/Wry
what you are not. !&•'' *
A: Double negatives are child's play. You
ought to try to get down to the black and
white of things.
B: Contrast yourself I
A: Only if you bare the skin of your soul
to the devil.
B: Frightened?
1: No, just thoroughly aware of my own
evictions unlike simpler souls who rest
"(Hie crystal lattice of foundation.
f by Michell
"Campus spirit is sitting through three
hour lab periods without falling asleep.
Wait, um, I guess campus spirit doesn't
(person attempting to be funny for the
by Jason Grossman and David
Philobolus At Proctor's;
A Visual Experience
onight, the dance troupe Philobolus leaps and crawls onto the stage at
Proctor's theatre in Schenectady. Originating from the dance studios at
Dartmouth over ten years ago, this group has created its o w n niche im
the dance world, they mix modern dance with a spatial representation of
primordial themes. They have been described as kinetic sculpture, performing
to a varied range of music.
To see Philobolus, is to understand w h y Newsweek has hailed them as
Dance's Marx Brothers and Houdini rolled into one. They move across the
stage in jumps and leaps akin to gymnastics, yet blend the grace and beauty of
classical modern. The dancers have the ability to mold their in such a way as to
negate the theory of physics, as they balance upon one another and inch across
the stage • the next instant, splitting apart in an acrobatic explosion. You'll be
entertained as well as intrigued by the unexpected transformations from erotic
themes to pure comedy as they take you through the evening.
It is a dance event not to be missed and will be long remembered. Especially
for students, Proctor's Theatre has a special 50 percent discount off all tickets,
when you arrive an hour before the performance, which begins at 8:00pm.
—by Rina Y o u n g
yj y«(_ W «!}.« R v t «.i5>,-
al October 12
Musii, P.iiuiv I hcatrt'
Albany CMc Center (462-1297)
Oct.16 Rapture of the Deep
Oct. 17 Modem Pioneers
Oct. IS Johnny Rabb and the Rockers - '
235 Second Ave.
M a n o f L a M a n c h a .
Capital Reperitory Company (462-4534)
111 N. Pearl (between State St. and Clinton
And A Nightingale Sang, Oct.13-Nov.ll
.Eighth Step Coffee House<434-I703)
Contradance with Pat Rush and Jay Urtger,
Elliot Pilshaw- Nationally Known Gay
Singer and Guitarist, Oct.I7 8:45pm
I 1-01459-5300/
1. Soldiers Story 1:35,4:15,6:50,9:40.11:50
2. Amadeus M-Th. 2,5,8/F 1,4,7,10
3. Ninja m 1:30,3:30,5:30,7:30,9:30,11:30
4. Wild Life 2:15,4:45,7:35,10,12
5. Ghostbusters 1:50,4:10,6:30,9,11:15
6. Karate Kid 1:15,3:45,6:20,9:05,11:25
7. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
8. To Catch A Thief 2,4:30,7:20,9:50,11:50
Empire State Institute of the Performing ArtsfESIPA) (473-3750)
Art At the Plaza Film Series
Dizzy Gillespie, Oct.12
Edward Villella and Dancers, Oct. 14,3pm
"de Kooning on de Kooning," Oct.l8,12pm,
Fri: Johnny Rabb and the Rockers.Fri/Sat:
Tropical Fish
3 r d Street Theatre<436-4428)
Christopher's Pnb(459-7757)
Every Wednesday: The Works
Sugar Cane Alley O c t U l a 7,9:20
The Year Of Living Dangerously Oct.IS
Starslruck Oct.16-18 7,9:10
Spectrum Theatre<449-8995)
The 4th Man 7,9:20
unavailable at press time
Junior College of Albany (445-1725)
140 New Scotland Ave.
Pauley's Hotd(463-9082)
Fri: Downtime
Sat: Joey and the Nightrains
Sun: Newports
The Colliseum Theatre (785-3393)
Near Latham Circle
Palace Theatre (465-3333)
19 Clinton Ave. and N. Pearl St.
Lou Reed, Oct. 14
Lark Tavern(463-9779)
Fri/Sat: Soveigners
SUNYA PAC (457-3300)
The Furies: Aeschylus' the Eumenicles
Oct. 19-20,25-27
RKO Fox Colonic 1-2(459-1020)
1. Romancing the Stone 7:20,9:30
2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Proctor's Theatre (382-1083)
Groucho. Starring Gabe Kaplan. Oct.14,
H.M.S. Pinafore. Gilbert and Sullivan.
Oct.13, 8pm
Philooolus: Stars of TV's "Dance in
America". Oct.12, 8pm
Sophisticated Ladies. Oct.l9,8pm; Oct.20,2
and 8pm
New York State Museum (474-5842)
Empire State Plaza
' 10-5 daily
Community Industries of the Shakers ...A
New Look.
UA Center l-2(459-2170)
1. Irreconcilible Differences 7:20,9:30
2. Teachers 7:30,9:40
UA Hellman 1-2(459-5322)
1. Places in the Heart 7:20,9:30
Albany Institute of History and Art
2. All of M e 7:30,9:20
125 Washington Ave.
T-Sat 10-4:45pm, Sun 2-5
There had to be a better way; Inventors and
inventions of the Upper Hudson Region;
Kennedy's Albany Novels, An illustrated
view; The American Painter-Etcher Movement. Also- open Juried exhibit: Interplay
Crossgates C i n e m a MalK456-567S)
1. The Evil That Men Do 2,4:40,7:20,10,12
2. Gremlins 12:50,3:35,6:10,8:45,11 15
3. Wild Life 1,3:30,7:10,9:40,11:55
4. Purple Rain 1:45,4:30,7:15,9:45,12
5. B a c h e l o r
P a r t y
6. Ninja ID 1:30,4:15,7,9:35,11:30
7. Ghostbusters 1:15,4,6:30,9:15,11:40
8. I r r e c o n c i l i b l e
T h e
K a r a t e
K i d
10. Teachers 12:25,2:50,5:45,8:30,11
75 New Scotland Ave.
Carl Weiss
Schact Fine Arts Center
Russel Sage (270-2000)
45 Ferry
C o h o e s Music Hall (235-7969)
4a, Remson St., Cohoes
Damn Yankees. Oct.26-Nov.17
Patroon Lounge
Photo essay' on the People of Portugal.
Micheal Teague and In the Wake of the
The Albany Gallery (482-5347)
M-F 10-9, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5
19th and 20th century American Marine
Russell Sage College (270-2263)
45 Ferry, Troy
Sweeny Todd. Oct.11,12,14
Troy Savings Bank Music HaU
Albany Symphony Orchestra: Mendelsohn,
Finney, Starer, Brahms, Robert Davidovici.
Paul Winter Consort. Oct.20, 8pm
SUNYA Gallery
Arts of Adornment: contemporary wearable
art from Africa and the Diaspora. New York
Images: New Directions.
D i e t e l G a l l e r y (274-4440)
Posters Plus Galleries (377-3055)
295 Hamilton Sq., Robinson Sq.
285 Pauling Ave., Troy
Two and three dimensional works. Kate
Leavitt, Gayle Johnson.
M-Sat 10:30-5:30
Original works by Peter Milton, Mlro,
Kozo, Dine arid others. Also regional prints
Rensselear County Council for the
Arts (273-0552)
189, Second St., Troy
.Corey R. Powers. Contemporary Art Glass
in the Vessel Motiff
JCA Rathbone Gallery (445-1757)
240 Washington Ave.
Harmanus Bleeker Center
19 Dove St.
VV-F 9:30-4, Sat. 10-3:30
. >'orks by the faculty: Autumn '84.
Formenek, Jaremko, Scott Alexander and
more, Oct. 8-Nov. 21.
1. U2
The Unforgettable Fire
2. Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili
J. General Public
All The Rage
4. The dBs
Like This
5. The Del Fuegos
6. Aztec Camera
7. Frankie Goes to Hollywood
8. The Replacements
"I Will Dare"
9. True West
M-F 10-4, M - W 6-8
JCA art faculty members. Paintings, drawings, sculpture, ceramics, graphics, fibers,
Top Twenty
1tNN6.£ee"IUNK" WiO-IAMs'
"A StttwcKv. MMHV fiaorcusum" "A urttwm NAHH) B»4-"
Secrets of the I-
The Church
Remote Luxury
Deal With It
Let's Active
Jam Science
The Seventy Sevens All Fall Down
Swimming Pool Q's Swimming Pool
20. Lou Reed
New Sensations
the Editor
This is my third year attending SUN Y-Albany and I am
ding it Increasingly difficult to put any faith in the
Ikies supported by this University.
I am not a member and have absolutely no association
th ROTC. The discrimination against this vital instrunt in the protection of the greatest country on Earth as
e consequence of supporting the "useless Oay and Lesan Alliance has me fuming.
The minority of students who are making University
skins do not in any way reflect the views of the stunt majority. For reasons of national defense, student
eference, and especially, morality, the support of
ALA at the expense of ROTC is a farce. We are sacrificg an opportunity to provide our military with qualified
sonnel to protect our nation. And I ask you, for what
The policies of this University conflict with the laws
d policies of our government. It has been determined
our Judicial System that discrimination against
mosexuals is not a violation of the law. Moreover, the
mmission of homosexual acts IS against the law.
So by the stand of the University on the subjects of
OTC and GALA we are, in effect, saying we are exempt
om the laws of our country, and we can do whatever we
I propose a University-wide, highly publicized, vote be
ken on these matters as soon as possible. The whole of
e student body should decide who we want to support
d go to school with, the United States military or the
ays. Lets get back to the American way.
—Philip Glguere
ing their classes? I would like to see something done
about this situation. It's not fair and the matter should be'
taken care of accordingly. This situation must at least be
altered, if not changed immediately. Time Is running outl
—Melissa Sterna*
An apology
T o the Editor:
The debate over whether Laura Johnson should have
been approved as a UAS Board member (Central Council, Oct. 3, 1984) ignored several points that, in my opinion, would have led to her approval. These points are
critical of the Internal Affairs committee in that it failed
••understand how cultural differences between interviewers and interviewee may impede the establishment of
mutual trust
s>show flexibility in accepting the viewpoints of other
individuals and groups
»• acknowledge that there may have been outside factors influencing the interview process, such as radio
blasting in the hall (not the best example, but the point is
I am convinced that we were an embarrassment to this
University and ourselves to allow the "pigheadedness" of
Internal Affairs and oversensitivity of ASUBA, et. al.
push us into a corner where our objectivity became null.
We were seeing things in black and white where there was
a lot of gray area. By God, Rich and Suzy had more
Negro blood in them that night than I did)
In the future, if we are to uphold our stated reputation
as fair, open-minded individuals, let us view the facts and
the facts alone. Clearly, our convictions clouded our
judgement and we lost sight of our objective. As a result,
a competent young lady became the victim of ignorance.
Laura Johnson, on behalf of Central Council, I
—Joe Jackson
Central Council Representative
peoptostmberiave a* themselves and riot be aware of the
breakages of ccostrtttkmal law? O n I be myself toward
a student and not be breaking a law?" To which he
answered, "of course not!" Does he
harassment is the result
of people
themsetve*?" Does "being himself" toward • student
mean touching his or Iter body or making sexually explicit
I have heard representative* of Affirmative Action
speak in the past. Somehow, they iwmaged to j e t their
point acrou without feeling the need to let us know how
hard it is for men to be fulfilled sexually or how they have
"restraints" or how they can't "be themselve*." I don't
fed it was appropriate or necessary for the Associate
Director to be nuking these statements. Obviously, Mr.
Zwana was there for a good reason: to inform the
volunteers about sexual harassment. He may r*sfe gotten
his point acrou, but his methods need |
—Andraytft Fbehstr
The winning side
To the Editor
Many students on campus do not understandS»e effort
involved in opening a door, do you? How many students
take for granted the fact that they can reach thejtop of the
info desk to ask a question? How much effort does it take
to leave a dorm during a fire drill, only to And out it was
pulled by one of your fellow students?
These questions and others should be asked by each
tudent on campus of him/her self. The answers will
iemonstsate to you exactly the lack of awareness that exists on this campus of the problems which face our fellow
students who are disabled. As your student representatives, we are alarmed at the increasing amount of vandalism to projects on campus designed to assist disabled
Over the past two weeks, we have heard of the destruco the Editor:
tion done to the new plexiglas on the information desk.
I am writing this letter with much anger concerning the
This new addition allowed those in wheelchairs to have
ewish High-Holy Days. On Wednesday, September 26,
information more accessible to them. Stories have filtered
984, classes weren't suspended until 2:20 P.M., and even
into our office explaining the broken door knobs on our
orse, on October 5, classes weren't suspended until
new mechanical doors. A disabled student cut her hand
:30 P.M. I And this utterly disgraceful, especially when
on the jagged metal from the broken circular piece. It
To the Editor:
ealing with the size of the Jewish population at SUNYA.
took many years to win approval for that necessary proWith only one month till the election, and with so many
ow are those who are observing the High-Holy days
critical issues, either pertaining directly to the nation or to ject, thanks to Dennis Stevens and now some uncaring
upposed to get home in time for services, without missour own university which the Editorial Board of the ASP- students must prove his/her stupidity.
could have written about, the editorial which they did
Many cab drivers and pizza delivery people pull up and
publish in Friday's paper was just a shame. It was called park in designated handicapped parking spots, without
"Editorials", and consited of the word "editorial" thinking. Unfortunately some mindless wonders feel they
repeated two-hundred and four times, and nothing more.
are above all regulations. The spots were designed to
If an editorial board has any purpose, it is to focus and allow specially equipped vehicles easy access to our
Estebtished In »r<
David L I . Laakln, Editor In Chlel
sustain the discussion or issues. Friday's editorial was University. The dreaded false alarm in the middle of the
Jwiy Campion*, Managing Editor
pointless, is the board as well?
night must be the most vicious act. Think of the fear run—Richard Lerner
ning through a disabled student's mind when that alarm
New* Editor
Aaaoclala Nawa Edllora
Jane Anderson. Jamas O'Sulllvan
rings with its piercing sound. The only question has to be,
ASPacta Editor
"Is it a real fire and will I make it?" Think about itl
Associate ASPecle Editor*
Joa Fusco, Michelle Krell
Book* Editor
Tom Kacandaa
We are calling on all students to help us fight this horriMovtoo Editor
Ian Spelling.
ble problem. Student Association, along with University
Sport* Editor*
Marc Berman, Kaltti Marder
Associate Sports Editor
Dean Chang
Action for the Disabled is developing an awareness camTo the Editor
Editorial Pago* Editor
Edward Raines
paign to educate our fellow students. Please think before
4 more years? 4 more weeks. Hey hey, he's no good,
Contributing Edllora Dean Belz. Bob Qardlnler, Mar* Geaner. Patricia Mityou commit a stupid act of vandalism. Report all prochell, Wsyn* Peareboom, Usa Strain, Editorial Aaalatants: Alicia Clrnbora,
send him back to Hollywood. California is a nice place to
Rick Swanson. Start writer*: Tom Bergen, Michelle Buaher, Jeanne Canavan.
blems to your dorm director or R.A., especially with the
retire. We have heard all of the slogans.
Maria Carllno, Kevin Clarke, Ian Clements, Bette Dzamba, Cathleen Errlg,
mechanical doors. Discourage your friends or neighbors
Ronald Brant Qaraten, Judy Qeschwlnd, Bob Hanlon, Eric Hlndln, Norma Kee.
This Sunday, October 14, Channel 6 WRGB will be airAlice McDermott, Lis* Mlrabella. John Parker, Christine Rellell, Joe Romano,
from displaying their lack of intelligence upon their
ing a debate held between the SUNYA students for MonKrlstlna Sauer. Michael Skolnlck, Perry Tlschler. Mike Turkady, llene Weinsdecision to damage a door or wheelchair ramp.
dale vs. students for Reagan. At 12:00 noon, grab your
teln, John Wllmott Spectrum and Event* Editor Rlna Young Artist: Steve
coffee and tune in.
It is important for each student to prevent this unneeded vandalism. It is both inconvenient and costly to our
Voting November 6 is essential for the future. An inJudy Torel, Business Manager
fellow students. It can disrupt a student's daily life,
Lynn Saravra, Associate Business Manager
formed choice is not only an obligation but our responJane Hlraoh, Advertising Manager
something which many of us take very lightly. We are
sibility — it is our future.
Mike Kreanor, Sales Manager
looking for people to help us with this campaign. Drop by
—Elizabeth A.G. Harris
Billing Accountant
SA and offer your ideas. This, we think, is one campaign
Payroll Soperviaor
where everybody can be on the winning side.
Claaelflod Manager
Eileen Sheehan
CompoaltJon Manager
—Rich Schaffer
Advortlalng Satoe: Denis* Boyajlan, Marc Hoborman, 8u* Klein. Steve Lutt,
S.A. President
Judy Nuesbaum, Scolt Rain, David Wlllmotl, Advertising Production: Elaln*
Frioder, Marc Hoborman, Molr* K*ll*tt, Sharon Okun. Lynn Selgel, Ohio*
To the Editor:
—Suzy Auletta
Start: Christina Blnghl, Und* Dalgado, Fran LoBuao, Mar)orla Rosenthal
Last night I attended the orientation for the "Don't
S.A. Vice President
Susan Kent, Production Manager
Walk Alone" escort service. One of the many speakers
—Eric Bowman
Jennifer Hay dan, Associate Production Manager
was Japhet Zwana, the Associate Director of Affirmative
Minority Affair
Paste-up: Adam 8. Engl*, Patricia Glannole, Peggy Kellner, Stephen
fludolpb.Cheurteur*: Warron Hurwltr, Richard Sheridan
(where he is from) "male superiority is not an idea, it is a
reality." He explained that he was not there to speak
from that point of view. Since coming to America, he
said, he has learned to have "restraint."
Typhi*: Donna Curran, Erica D'Adano, Jaannlna Dlanuno, Sarah Eveland,
He asked someone in the audience for a definition of
Elian Karaalk, Pam Strauber
sexual harassment. The woman described sexual harassPholography principally auppllod by University Photo Servkso, • atudonl
ment as a man or woman putting sexual pressure on soM M Photographer: Erica Spiegel UP* Start: Amy Cohan, Lynn Drellus, Cindy
meone as a term of employment, etc. Mr. Zwana
Letters to the editor, signed, and
0slw*y, Adam Ginsberg, Kenny Klrach, Robert Luckey, Jo* Schw*nd*r, Us*
responded by asking, "is that so bad?" He then informed
Simmons, Robot Soucy, Warron Stout, David Striok
with your phone number may be
the mostly female audience that "men have to work hard
Entire contenla copyright ISM Albany student Proa* Corporation, all rights
to get sex . . . I mean, he doesn't just say 'let's have sex'
dropped off in Campus Center
and she lies down." This got a laugh from the audience.
The Albany Student Preaa la published Tuesdays and Fddaya between
329. Letters should be no more
August and Juno by th* Albany Student Press Corporation, an Independent
He went on to tell us that a lot of men and women have
nol-lor-protll corporation.
than 300 words long.
questions about sexual harassment. His' example was:
Editorials are written by the Editor In Chief with membera ol the Editorial
Board: policy Is sub|ecl torovlawby th* Editorial Board. Advertising policy
L. WW I 11.11 Vf I I I ( I I I "Can I say hello to a girl in a bar? Does that constitute
lose not n*c*ssarily reflect editorial policy.
sexual harassment?" Doe* Mr. Zwana honestly believe
Mailing eddress:
Albany student Press, CO 329
anyone in the room would consider that sexual
two Waahlngton Ave.
Albany, NY 12222
1818) 4S74Sg2/3822/S3l»
He then asked, "Is sexual harassment a problem? Can
oor timing
Critical issues
Student debate
Different methods
10. Wham! "Wake Me Up Before You
11. Black Flag
Slip It In
12.111 ustrated Man
Illustrated Man
13. 10,000 Maniacs
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$1.50 lor the lint 10 words
10 cents each additional word
Any bold word Is 10 cents extra
$3.00 extra lor a box
minimum charge Is $1.50
papers, resumes, cover letters,
Call 4M-M36, M .
Classified ads are being accepted in the SA Contact Office during
regular business hours. Classified advertising must be paid In cash at
the time of Insertion. No checks will be accepted. Minimum charge tor
billing la $35.00 per Issue.
No ada will be printed without a full name, address or phone number
on the Advertising form. Credit may be extended, but NO refunds will
be given. Editorial policy will not permit ada to be printed which contain blatant prolan!'., or those that are In poor taste. We reserve the
right to reject any material deemed unsuitable for publication.
If you have any questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please feel tree to call or stop by the Business Office.
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5 yr warranty
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Call only between 5-9pm
For Sale
Box? Yes No
Date(s) to be run_
Enclose $1.50 for the first 10 words, adding ten cenls for each
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Enclose ten cents lor each additional word; twenty cents for
each additional bold word.
Circle words to be set in bold.
Boxes are $2.00 extra.
processing mall at homel Information, send self-addressed,
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Box 95, Roselle, New Jersey
$360 Weekly Up Mailing Circulars!
No bosses, quotas! Sincerely Interested rush self-addressed
envelope: Division Headquarters,
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Happy 13thl We've only just
begun! Here's to next weekend!
Too much work and too little time?
Middle Earth can help with study
skills and time management. Call
ME 457-7588.
Make you vote count three times:
for Central Council
. off Campus Reps.
Maybe we can get together for an
h o u r or t w o s o m e t i m e In
November. Whaddya think?
Community Service Registration
for Spring 1985, Oct. 29-Nov. 1,
10-4, between LC 3&4. BE THERE.
CALL MEI Middle Earth is forming
a Gay Mens support group to explore the various problems and
pleasures of bqlng gay. For more
Information call Middle Earth
only I
Prepare yourself for an excellent
weekend. It will be awesome.
Deine Schatz,
Minimum charge Is $1.50
Yes, Karl really did fall off the
boat. A witness.
Print ad exactly as you wish il to appear:.
•Have y<ou been to the Food Co-op I
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Death to Fudge-Packers
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I can
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this is on the level. Please write co
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A B&B Country Inn.
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WED. OCT. 17 at 5:00 p.m.
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Thanks for making my 20th birthday the best ever.
J.D. Avis for President
To the "Swim Team Couple,"
I may sell those
Please Meet Driver in Lobby
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Fast, free delivery
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fill interested should
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by Wednesday Oct, 17.
n Sap«f marktt of lOOCs end 1000*1
• f ktafjfrt Kami.
Tuesday, October 16
AT 8:00 PMIN LC24
Masks. Maktae. Halrspray, Cottaurat, Wkji,
Props, t t c .
Northway Moll, Colonic
One SOW-tiSSHe I M
* . _ •
W M M i H t l M I M
SA Recognized
91 £FD
Students tor Reagan Bush
13 noon, channel 8
Away we go — remotelyl
Saturday, October 6
Take a break from t h e c o l l e g e grind and c o m e o n over t o C h u c k E . C h e e s e ' s . On Monday night y o u
c a n w a t c h t h e g a m e o n o u r 7ft screen, enjoy a
pitcher of draft b e e r for. $ 2 . 5 0 , AND g e t $ 2 . 0 0 off any
large p i z z a y o u order. ( J u s t r e m e m b e r t o bring y o u r
S.U.N.Y. tax card.).There's a l s o a large s e l e c t i o n of
g a m e s t o play during halftime. And we're s o c l o s e j u s t m i n u t e s from S.U.N.Y. c a m p u s . .
Book your dorm or organization
Christmas party nowl
Pizza Time Theatre
1 4 4 0 Central Avenue
The association is open
to women and men of
all majors.
Soffli. k^ircacaBfclkDlbrap.])3(3©-fl2 9 fl
Don't Miss
Student tor MondalelFerraro
the cost of each electric door at
$1800 and added that it costs $20
to replace the door opener buttons which people knock off.
Stevens emphasized that the
"unnecessary inconvenience to
disabled students" is more important than the cost of replacing
missing parts.
False fire drills also pose a problem to disabled students, hwo
have trouble getting out of their
dormitories quickly, explained
Urge 2 Hem Pizza,
Pipia. "RA's have asked disabled
plus 4 Cokes. Must
students to speak at dorm
mention whan ordering.
meetings on the problems of false
($10.60 value)
drills," he said.
Fast, free delivery
' UAD hopes this will end the
571 New Scottland
Telephone: 482-8611
false drills. "There is a good at"J ~a m
" II-IS44
titude on this campus toward
B><aa1».«a I
disabled students, there are just a
few bad apples," said Pipia.
l Coupon p»r p i l l .
This is a great
opportunity to get involved
and leam more about
business and the role of
women in business.
Phone .
HRS: S U N . - T H U R S . 4 r*M - 1 AM
is looking for dedicated,
business-orientated indivuals
to assist in the organizational
tasks of this new association.
General Interest Meetings
S-Whatever happened to the person I knew? Let's get together
and play sometime. .
I miss you!
Sorry I missed you Saturday
night. Maybe we'll have better
luck next weekend. I'll call you,
».&. Tall Howie I hope he's feeling
Want to meet me for lunch at the
Patroon room at 1:25? Right outside Mkt. 310? Don't be late this
time? I
'mdAY.dcmtsR wm4 o mkmrstubBNrpxBss I B
Do you or someone you cart about
have an eating disorder? Help
them and Inlorm yourself. Supoort group Is forming. Call ME for
mora Information 457-7588.
CALL MEI Lesbian women looking to share In and help create a
sense of community. Warm atmosphere and open discussion.
For more Information about a Lesbian Women's support group call
Middle Earth 457-7588.
Circle appropriate heading:
Europe, S. Amer.,
Australia, Asia.
All fields.
$900-2000 mo. Sightseeing. Free
Info. Write IJC, PO Bx 52-NYI Corona Del Mar, CA 92625.
One shouldn't accept blankets
from strangers, but sometimes...
Assume the fleagle position.
Albany Student Press
Classified Advertising Form
Secretarial position, excellent typ- I
Ing skills, up to 20 hrs. per week.
Call Sue 473-4962.
Nude males, hunks preferered.
Easy work great benefits, light
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Re-elect Glngus Khan!?
MODELS-FEMALE, mostly nude
and semi, films & stills. Hourly
rate and commission. Send name
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99, Rensselaer, NY 12144 for
1979 Plymouth Champ, Std., clean,
34-37 mpg, no rust, new parts,
lower-economy stick, 5 speed
rans. Asking $1400. 371-7726,
Extras needed for a professional
horror film to be shot Oct-Dec '84.
Theatre exp. preferred. Send letter
with self-description, picture, address and tel. no. to T. Kacandes,
B2 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12206.
Apartment for Rent-furnished, all
utilities and maintenance Included. Suitable for 1 or 2 people. On
busline 1345 a month-contact Immediately Staeay or Eileen
Conveniently located adjacent t o
Air Time: 12:55pm
Northway Mall, Colonic
A call to women: Unmask yourselves, be heard
behind the mask
to become whole human beings in
But I saw
a society where we have not
I have seen you
recieved just recognition.
In our many struggles, often I have seen you given dolls, and
our paths are blocked and we may cook books, and conventional
role models,
become weary. Here is a message
Until you have become, the
which serves as a reminder from
socialized "Miss America"
where we have come; to take us
I have seen you mentally and
through the storms, and to lead us
physically bruised and.
to becoming our true selves:
Until, I also, have felt your pain
I have seen you at your lowest
I have heard your whispers,
When you had a voice,
By Patrice Johnson
When you wanted to shout
But no one considered you
As we journey through life, we
And have watched you publicly
significant enough to listen to
will encounter many facets of opsupport,
The times you gave it all,
pression and discrimination.
When you privately wanted to
And had none reciprocated
Throughout our history, we have
silenced our thoughts and inWhen you cried,
And when you have followed all
stincts if they opposed society's
And no one would dry your
patterns of behavior and thought.
traditional patterns,
And although you were hurting, Afraid to rebel or non-conform,
Somehow you managed a smile
and be labeled
And if one of us refused to
And you kept smiling, until your
cheeks ached in pretense,
But society has taught you to
Society has taught you to frown,
master the skill I have seen you
while I knew deep within, you
When society was molding you,
until you were made
But now I see you
We have allowed our true idenAnd taught you to be passive,
tities and beliefs to sleep, in fear
I see you unvieling your
when we knew of your
of rebelling against the norms, the
rules. And now that we have
I see the emergence of your
awakened, we need our inner How they painted your face unaggression
strengths and drives in our fight til no one could see the real you,
The masks are cracking
Capturing all the freedoms the
And now your truthfulness can
constitution, and, thus,
be visible
America has promised us,
The contradiction between your
But simultaneously has denied us
words and your heart is no
And although you have been
longer prevalent
You are no longer indulging in
You lived on
extreme generosity;
Although you have been
When you give, you have
learned to expect I see you
You have not fallen
No longer afraid to say no, and
Although you have been left
to deny
You are exploring various fields. alone in the cold and darkness,
So that you can make your own You have created your own light
And although you have been
You are exploring life's forests.
So that you can find your own You still held on to your identity
Although you have been
I see you releasing your gifts to
You are now intimidating
As you unmask yourself, unviel
And now you are making your
the genuineness of your
own codes and patterns
You have not chosen to become
You release a woman
a sole follower of tradition
A woman ready to win and to
I hear you
Speaking and being heard
After knowing defeat and the
You are no longer someone
else's property or possession,
power of losing too long
But you are a slave solely to
Yes, I can see you.
your inner beliefs and voice
I see you Becoming,
I see you at your Highest,
I see you
Rising, rising. . . rising
Resisting the webs of the old
Beyond the majority.
And instead, you are capturing
To an active majority.
Umimita CoKcettt Booftti
8VH OCT 1 4 * |
Tickets on Sale
ntil the results of SA's lawsuit are in.
SA Vice President Suzy Auletta said that
'we haven't taken any formal action (on
he no-replacement policy) yet. We have
ol discussed an alternative to the policy
ince it just started becoming an issue last
eek." She said SA plans to discuss it
Auletta said she opposes the current
olicy. "It's ridiculous for a person to pay
wice fdr a bus sticker. Once is enough.
dually, onceis more than enough. Twice
s ridiculous," she asserted.
Personally, Auletta said she feels that in
he event of a lost sticker, the name of the
erson who bought the sticker should be
hecked, and then a new sticker should be
put on the I.D. card. "There shouldn't be
any problem," she said.
This week, Auletta said she has seen
I.D. cards where "it was very apparent
that the bus sticker once was there." Many
of these students, she said, will have to pay
for stolen stickers, a policy she called
Although students housed in Alumni
Quad and the Wellington Hotel received
their bus stickers at no charge, they too
would have to pay for a replacement.
When asked if any changes are being
considered for the administration's policy,
Bidet said, "Not that I know of."
Caliendo concurred, saying, "I doubt
I'll get my ten dollars back, or any
Tentative deadline set for 'grouper law'
Front Page
ant who asked not to be identified.
According to surveys taken by Karlson's
ffice over the past two years, the average
)ff-campus student paid $125 a month,
ncluding heat and utilities.
Students in the apartments under incstigation said Buckman did nut inform
hem of the grouper law ordinance before
hey rented the house.
Buckman has a record of complaints
igainst him on file with the SUNYA Student Association's Off-Campus Housing
Office. Complaints range from problems
with heating houses to leaks in bedroom
Two of the bedrooms in one apartment
"could be closets," according to the
students living there. They added that only
two out of the five bedrooms in that apartment contain built-in closets.
SA Attorney Mark Mishler said he
"would not classify him (Buckman) as one
of the worst" landlords in Albany.
There probably are more houses, like
the one near Quail Street, that contain 14
or more students, said Mishler, explaining,
"landlords are out to make money."
Mishler, Karlson and Alvaro all recommended that students faced with an inspection of their apartment or house should
cooperate with the Code Enforcement
Bureau officials.
Alvaro reported several incidents of
students resisting inspections, and one case
where "students 'sikked' a dog on an inspector" who came to their door.
Mishler said students should not view
the inspectors as "enemies," and that,
"assuming the students have nothing to
hide," they should "show the inspector
around and point out problems.''
Got a message?
Put in a personal!
An important aspect of the
decision, said Schaffer, is that
although Auerbach vs. McKinley
initially applied only to SUNYA
students, the decision now applies
to all students in New York State
at all colleges and universities, not
just SUNY schools.
According to Wray, SASU had
to sue "county by county . . . it's
been tremendously time consuming," which explained the delay
of over three years in the decision.
SASU initially facilitated litigation against boards of election
which discriminated against
students in 1981..
The decision, Wray said, shows
that "students are full-class,
responsible citizens, and deserve
the same rights as non-students."
According to SASU, New York
has become the forty-ninth state
to grant students voting rights.
"Only Alaska continues this
discriminatory practice," said
Wray, adding, "you can, be sure
we'll be calling Alaska."
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in SA's fight for another oncampus polling place at SUNYA.
Currently State Quad has' a polling place on the quad, and Indian
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Guildcrland can vote at the Phys.
Ed. Building.
According to Sue Wray, president of the Student Association
of the State University, (SASU),
the decision means "we (students)
are no longer second-class
citizens." SASU, she said, was instrumental in pressing the litigation, in cooperation with
SUNYA's SA and the New York
Public Interest Research Group
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-iFron, Pat*
"Let me help you with the difference, Mrs. Ferraro, between
Iran and the embassy in
" . . . I almost resent, Vice
President Bush, your patronizing
attitude that you have to teach me
about foreign policy," she
". . . Secondly, please don't
categorize my answers either.
Leave the interpretation of my
answers to the American people
who are watching this debate.
Bush said terrorism is "very,
very difficult to stop and I think
everybody knows that." He lauded President Reagan for accepting
the blame for the bombing of
U.S. installations in Beirut, "But
I think fair-minded people that
really understand international
terrorism know that it is really
hard to guard against."
But Ms. Ferraro asserted the
administration should have done
more to guard the embassy. "Are
we going to take the proper
precautions before we put
Americans in situations where
they are going to be in danger or
are we just going to walk away
and t h r o w our arms
up . . . When is the president going to take some action?"
' Bush accused Ferraro of saying
< the Marines killed in Lebanon
died in shame, but she shot back:
"No one has ever said those killed
through the negligence of this administration died in shame."
Ferraro attacked Reagan's version of prosperity as well, saying,
"Things are not as great as the
administration is wanting us to
believe in their television commercials." She added that housing
mortgage rates are 14.S percent,
that 6 million people are below
the poverty level and that SOO.000
people have been taken off
disability rolls.
Bush said, President Reagan
"has turned this country
around." He said the administration of Jimmy Carter that Reagan
defeated in 1980 "delivered 21.5
percent interest rates. They
delivered what they called
malaise. They delivered interest
rates that were right off the
Ferraro also accused the administration of failing to take a
strong stand on civil rights,
noting, at the same time that she
and her running mate Waiter
Mondale oppose quotas to
achieve racial equality.
Bush responded by criticizing
Mondale for "saying everything
is bad. If somebody sees a silver
lining, he sees a black cloud out
. there. Whine on, harvest moon."
Bush also strongly rebuked Ferraro's pro-choice abortion stand,
saying "there's been 15 million
I abortions since 1973 and I don't
take that lightly." He said he sup' ported Reagan's position on
abortion and, like Reagan, favors
a "human rights amendment" to
• the Constitution.
He also denied that the administration's support of voluntary prayer in the schools was a
merging of church and state.
Ferraro argued that the intrusion of religion into politics
started in 1980 when Rev. Jerry
Falwell became Involved in
Reagan's presidential campaign.
On abortion, Ferraro, a
Catholic, said she could not impose her religious views on others.
"If there comes a time where I
cannot practice my religion and
do my job properly, I will resign
my job," she said.
State law makes unsafe tenant conditions illegal
By Mark Mishit*
Contrary to popular belief,
tenants in Albany are not totally
at the mercy of their landlords. If
the condition of your apartment
is not quite what you
expected, you may It's
have certain legal
rights and remedies.
The most important law in New York Law
State for tenants is
the "warrant of habitability" law
enacted in 1975 to protect tenants
from unsafe or dangerous conditions in apartments. A "warranty" is a promise. This law provides that every agreement for the
rental of residential premises is
deemed to contain a promise by
the landlord that the premises are
habitable and contain no conditions which are dangerous, hazardous or detrimental to the tenant's life, health or safety. Both
written and oral leases are
covered by this implied warranty
of habitability.
The wording of this law Mark Mishler is an attorney and
Director of Legal Services.
dangerous, hazardous or
detrimental to life, health or safety • is purposefully broad. Included within its scope are problems
such as inadequate heat, poor
ventilation, defective plumbing.
Insect or rodent infestation, poor
security and ceiling leaks. In fact,
any problem relating to health or
safety comes under this law.
One limitation does apply to
the protections afforded by the
warranty of habitability law. If
the unsafe condition was caused
by misconduct of the tenant or
persons under the tenant's control then the landlord is not held
responsible. Many situations exist
where it is not clear whether the
condition was caused, at least in
part, by the tenants. If such a
question arises, the final decision
would be made by the judge hearing the case. While the law provides an exception for conditionscaused by the tenant's misconduct, there is no requirement that
the condition be caused by the
landlord's misconduct in order to
come within the scope of the law.
Only two factors are required for
the law to apply: (1) a condition
exists which may be dangerous,
hazardous or detrimental to life,
health or safety and (2) the condition was not caused by the
Assuming the existence of a
condition covered by the warranty of habitability law, what can
you do? The statute itself does
not provide any specific remedies,
but the courts have developed two
types of remedies for' tenants
when the warranty of habitability
is breached. First, you may be entitled to a reduction in the
amount of rent which would
otherwise be due to the landlord.
The reduction in rent will reflect
the decreased value of the apartment due to the unsafe condition.
Second, if you have been injured
or any of your property damaged
as a result of the defective condition then you arc entitled to be
compensated for such damage or
In seeking legal redress you can
choose either a defensive or affirmative posture. The landlord can
be sued for damages or you can
withhold a portion of rent and
wait for the landlord to initiate a
suit. If the landlord sues you it is
possible to make the judge aware
of the unsafe conditions in the
apartment by raising defenses
and/or counterclaims to the
lawsuit. Do not take any of these
steps without first contacting an
may ask the Code Enforcement
Bureau of the City of Albany to
conduct an Inspection of the
apartment. Be there when the inspection takes place so you can
point out the problems to the inspector. The inspector will
prepare a report and will contact
the landlord if any bioUtions of
the Housing Code have been
found. The report is available to
you and is helpful as documentation of the defects in the apartment. If the landlord still does not
make the necessary repairs you
should consider bringing the
landlord to court or withholding a
portion of the rent. Again, do not
take these Steps until you have
spoken with an attorney.
Your rights under the warranty
of habitability law cannot be
waived. If you 'sign a lease containing a waiver of these rights,
the waiver (not the lease) is invalid. Leases often contain two
types of provisions which are at-
tempts to have tenants waive
rights under the warranty of
habiubility. One provision states
that the tenant taku the premises
"as is". This is invalid as applied
to health and safety issucs.lt is
not invalid in regard to problems
that do not have an effect on
health and safety. The second
type of provision states that if any
property belonging to the tenant
is dameged due to a defect in the
apartment, the landlord is only
responsible if the defect was caused by the landlord's negligence.
This is also invalid because under
the warranty of habiubility, the
landlord is liable even in the
absence of negligence or
The warranty of habitability is
but one of many laws in New
York State providing protection
to tenants. Future articles will address additional aspects of
tenants' rights.
If a condition exists in your
apartment which you believe
creates a hazard to health and
safety you should first contact
your landlord and try to resolve
the problem informally. Keep
track of all conversations and correspondence with the landlord so
that you can prove, if necessary,
that the landlord knew about the
problem If the landlord does not
correct the defective condition is
response to your requests you
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smart player and he's always a
challenge for me. He knows what
he can do on the court. He knows
his abilities and he uses them well.
I admire that."
When Grossman plays Duffy,
he knows that he has to keep on
top of his game. "Mike's a tough
player," said Grossman. "He
made the shots when they had to
be made. To beat tiim I have to
play two good sets not one."
In singles play, Schmitz fell to
Pete Fayroyian 6-3, 4-6, 6-4 at
number two. Rich Green beat
Eisenberg 6-3, 6-0. Ross Abram
won over Mike Dermansky 6-2,
2-6,6-2. At fifth singles, Ken Wittels beat Sanders 6-3, 6-0 and at
sixth singles, Brett Reum defeated
Zobler 6-4, 6-3. In doubles play,
which were pro sets because Vermont had already clinched the
match, the Grossman and
Schmitz team fell to Duffy and
Fayroyian 8-5; Green and
Abrams won 8-7 over Albany's
Danes lose
-«Back Pag*
who scored on the 58-yard return.
Then Russell fumbled the ball on
the second play of the next drive
with Southern Connecticut
recovering on the 27. Four
rushing plays later, the Owls
found themselves up 26-0. The
scoring play came on a seven-yard
keeper by Sirignano.
Owls' coach Gilbride let
Sirgnano have the rest of the day
off and inserted his second string
junior quarterback Jim Takacs. It
made no difference in their
On Takac's first series, the
Owls kept the ball on the ground
for 12 out of 13 plays, and marched 92 yards for a score, tearing
right through the demoralized
Albany State defense with more
proficiency than any other club
has this season.
Coach Ford utilized the remainder of the game to look at
converted third string quarterback Alan Pedley. Pedley, a
sophomore who started the
season as a running back, got no
assistance from his offensive line
and coughed up the football deep
in Dane's territory late in the
fourth quarter to lead the Owls to
their final touchdown.
Ford is now trying to forget last
week's nightmare and is concentrating on finding a defensive formula to stop Cortland's premier
fullback Dave Cook, who is less
than 100 yards from breaking the
3000-yard plateau.
"The Southern Connecticut
game is etched in stone," said
Ford, speaking via telephone
from his office Thursday afternoon. "You have to learn from
your mistakes but you can't dwell
on the past."
Ford knows though that the'
"past" can be useful and he clearly remembers Cook burning the
Danes defense for 185 yards last
season in their 14-7 loss to the
"He's the type of back that you
have to gang tackle," says Ford.
"He's very compact, has great leg
drive and acceleration."
Paw Prints: Injured QB Mike
Milano's cast is expected to come
off today. He now will be using a
cane instead of crutches...
Tomorrows game will be heard
live on 91FM with broadcasters
Rob Isbetts, Steve Goldstein and
Adam Goodman.
Gerber and Sanders.
"Our only mistake as far as
Vermont was we played that
match down a little bit. We were
looking ahead to the weekend,
the SUNYACs, before we even
played that m a t c h , " said
Last Thursday the Danes beat
the University of Massachusetts
6-3. The two teams split in singles
with Schmitz, Eisenberg and Dermansky winning and Grossman,
Gerber and Sanders losing. Coach
Lewis was "very pleased" with
doubles play in which Albany
swept Massachusetts.
Albany's strong and consistent
doubles play of late, especially at
Massachusetts, is a good sign for
the SUNYACs where doubles
might decide the tournament.
Eisenberg said, "The whole
team is very confident. We're all
playing good tennis and hopefully
will come out on top again this
Sports 21
Men harriers top two in Jersey
By Mike Turkady
The Albany State men's
cross-country team took its
best traveling squad down to
Washington Crossing State
Park where the Dane's fine
scoring runners surrounded
Trenton State's best runner,
shut out the entire Montclair
State team, and broke the
course record as well. The new
course record is now held by
junior Ian Clements who
smashed the old record by
twelve seconds as he blew by
Trenton's Tim Gallagher in the
last mile to win in 25:48 over
the fast, but treacherous
5.0-milc course.
Both senior Ed McGill, the
third-place finisher, and captain Jim Erwin, fourth, also
broke the old record as well,
finishing in 25:54 and 25:55
respectively. It was Erwin,
however, who led from the
start, taking the top fifteen
runners, most of them from
Albany, through the first mile
in about 4:30 or better.
"There were a couple of
downhills in that first mile, but
it was still very fast," said captain Chris Callaci, fourth for
Albany and fifth overall.
"Everybody ran as hard as
they could for the first two and
a half miles so that they could
get into the woods first," explained sophomore Tim Hoff,
sixth overall behind Callaci.
The dangerously narrow and
twisting trail through the
wooded section of the course
allowed very little changing of
When the leaders came out
of the woods with a mile to go,
Trenton's Gallagher had worked his way to the front, but
Clements put on an awesome
surge to win going away while
McGill and Erwin closed on
Gallagher. Clement! and Erwin were named runners-ofthe-meet by Head Coach Bob
"We had our five scorers
finish in a pack that was
spread only sixteen seconds'
from front to back. It makes it
very tough for other teams to
score against you when you
when you can dominate a race
as we did this one," Munsey
explained. "I'm happy that the
team is working so well as a
unit. That's important."
The two wins gives Albany a
record of 7-3, with two shutouts and a winning streak of
five in a row. Tomorrow the
Danes travel to SUNY Oneonta for a two-way dual meet
with SUNY Binghamton and
22 Sports
en booters tie Siena to extend winless streak
Harriers finish second in LeMoyne
The Albany women's cross-country Donna Burnham (12th, 18:57), and Kim injuries and other conflicts. This is a team
team surprised themselves and many of the Pettichord (13th, 18:59), was second with of depth plus Individual standouts."
White was pleased with the individual
78 points.
Their original goal was to gain ex- other runners that made up the 12-team,
performances of his team as well as with
perience in large invitational races, their
the overall team finish. "Karen Kurthy, in
original prediction was a fourth place invitational. This marked a dramatic im- Hamilton (112), Cortland (175), Rochester finishing third, proved to be a front runner
against top competition. And Kim PetBy the end of the running of 'he Le- finish against basically the same . Oswego (285), LeMoyne (315), and tichord was outstanding out there; she has
Moyne Invitational last Saturday, the
"The women were such strong com- really improved over last year." Notable
It was Ithaca College, led by Kathy LivAlbany women's cross-country team made
out there," remarked assistant times were also turned in by Bette Dzamba
spectators and opponents alike forget the
Haskins. "Numerous coaches (17th, 19:12), Chris Varley (31st, 19:57),
visual splendor of the autumn day and infrom
teams commented Carla Docharty (36th, 20:13), and Kitty
stead focus their attention on the purple
how much they Sullivan (43rd, 20:33). Sue Gulla (54th,
and gold worn by the Great Danes.
have improved over last year. And they're 21:17), Kim Patch (61st, 21:32), and Erma
right; the women have all brought their George (65th, 21:43), rounded out the field
for the Danes.
times down and are just running super."
The next competition for the women will
"We were second without the aid of two
men's football team hosts Cortland at
of our most consistent runners," com- be Saturday, October 13 at Union College
home at 3:00 on Saturday... The men's
mented Head Coach Ron White, referring where the Danes will be striving for their
soccer team will play Binghamton at
to Lynn Jacobs (hamstring injury), and third consecutive Capital District title.
home Saturday afternoon at 3:00... The
There will be try outs for both the
Rachel Braslow (observing Yom Kippur). Coach White hopes to run Jacobs,
women's soccer team will host Sprmen's and women's basketball teams
"The team, in this meet, demonstrated the although he will not rush her recovery, and
ingfield tomorrow at 11:00... The
next week.
depth I've been talking about all season feels confident about the meet.
The women's tryo it will rui "Vom
long. It means so much when a team can
"Last year, we were the underdogs. This
defending their Capitol District title,
October 15 to 19 slani .: at 6 00 ,. • in
reach down within itself and make up for year, it seems we are the team to beat."
the gym.
men's cross country team will be at
Anyone who wishes : < get more inOneonta tomorrow to take on the Red
formation can do so bj calling Coach
Dragons and Binghamton in a threeWarner, Becker or Johnson at
way meet... The women's volleyball
disappointing. We couldn't even beat
team travels to Springfield on Saturday.
The men's junior varsity tryouts will
day's game, when the Danes outplayed Siena, and they're two rungs below
be on October 17 and 18 in the gym at
Potsdam only to lose, 3-2. Albany con- Potsdam."
The Danes face SUNYAC rival
trolled the pace of the game and had may
opportunities to score, but couldn't Binghamton at home on Saturday, which
All applicants must take a physical
In the Thursday Mixed Bowling
would normally be a tough game. But with
capitalize on them.
before they try out.
League at Campus Lanes, Mark
Presbie scored early in the first half to Merritt, Jeff Hackett and Francisco
Mackler rolled a 212 game and 528
give Albany a 1-0 lead they held until Duarte injured, and with Cohen serving a
series and Curtis Richards stroked
halftime. Potsdam scored two quick goals mandatory one-game suspension, Albany
The men's tennis team will go for
in the second half to take the lead. With 15 will have a near impossible task.
The Albany State bowling club is
their sixth straight SUNYAC title today
"It's a gross injustice that Scott has to
minutes left in the game, Cohen scored on
sponsoring its first event this season.
and tomorrow in Rochester... The jy
a header to tie the game at two. On the last sit out the Binghamton game," said
The fall singles tournament will be held
football team travels to West Point tooffensive rush of the game, Potsdam got Schieffelin. "He's suspended because of
day to face Army... The women's ten-, on Saturday, October 7, 1984 at Camthe stupidity of the referees. Scott and Carl
the winning goal.
pus Lanes. The entry fee, which must
nis team will host Binghamtbn today at
"We lost to a team.that we shouldn't have loos have been mainstays on defense.
3:30. The team will be at West Point
lost to in Potsdam," said Schieffelin. Without Scott, we don't have much qualibowling.
this weekend for the ECACs... The
"We've been practicing well, so it's very ty on defense."
By Cathy Errlg
Player suspended for one game in tie to Siena
Bowling results
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y Dean Chang
One of the major problems that
as plagued Albany State's men's
occer team this year has been inonsistency; a good performance
s inevitably followed up by a
or performance.
Only one thing remains fairly
onstant — no matter what perormance the Danes give, they
till can't seem to win. Tuesday's
2 tie against Siena extended
Ibany's winless streak to five
nd put their record at 3-6-2.
Last year's team was primarily
defensive team, as the Danes
nly surrendered 14 goals the entire season. If the offense could
manage two or more goals a
game, you could count on the
team winning. Quite a far cry
from this year.
"If we let up three goals a
game, we're not going to win too
many," said Tihan Presbie.
"Last year we gave up 14 goals.
This year we gave up seven goals
in one game(Plattsburgh)."
Two key losses on defense this
year were Mike Miller and Tom
Merritt. Merritt, two-time AllSUNYAC goalie, has missed most
of the season with a bad back.
Miller, a cornerstone on defense
fei years, graduated last year.
"We miss Mike Miller a lot,"
said Presbie. "He would stop
everything back there. We didn't
realize how much we needed him
until he was gone."
Merritt has been replaced by
freshman Howard Tygar, who
after a quick start, has looked
shaky at times, according to Head
Coach Bill Schieffelin.
"Howard's playing like a
freshman," said Schieffelin.
"He's good sometimes, and
sometimes he's not. He gets into
trouble when he tries to think
about what he has to do instead
of just doing it."
Schieffelin took particular offense at Siena's first goal, which
tied the game at one. "There was
a long pass that I thought should
have been cut off by Howard,"
said Schieffelin. "He should have
come off the line to get the ball,
or at least come up to cut off the
angle of the shot."
But nothing irritated Schieffelin and his players more thatn
the officiating. Schieffelin used
words like "horrendous" and
"spastic" to describe the referees.
"The referees had no control
over the game," said Schieffelin.
"They let.some calls go and they
were calling others. If the referees
are inconsistent, the players don't
know, how they can play. The
head'eoach at Marist blackballed.
thisV'one, referee years ago; he's
just not capable of reffing college
Scott Cohen, Albany's best
player on Tuesday according to
Schieffelin, had some choicer
words for the referee. For his outburst, Cohen was awarded a
yellow card.
"I was frustrated with the way
the game was going," said
Cohen. "Siena Is not a team that
we should be tied with. But it was
mainly the refs — they were
awful. I was just cursing in
general, just that it was too
There was little doubt about
the yellow card, as Cohen deserved one. The second yellow card
ws an entirely different matter.
With ten seconds left in the final
overtime, Cohen was carded for a
flagrant foul. The contact made
was nothing more than what was
occuring throughout the game.
What made it more ridiculous was
that Cohen had the ball when the
foul was called.
"I had the ball and I was about
to pass it wherf their guy bumped
me," said Cohen. "The ref didn't
even know what was going on. He
saw two guys hit each other and
assumed it was me. The Siena
players we.re all screaming that it
was my second foul and he listened to them."
According to Schieffelin, the
officials blew a call that led to
Albany's first goal. "One of our
players threw the ball in early,"
said "the coach. "Siena wasn't
ready, and we scored. The
referees didn't handle the situation well." The ball was put in by
Presbie, the team's leading
After Siena took a 2-1 lead early in the second half, Albany tied
the score with 20 minutes left in
the game. Mike Jasmin hit the
comer of the crossbar and the ball
took a lucky bounce into the net.
"We were very lucky to tie
them," said Schieffelin. "With
one minute left in regulation,
Siena took a shot that hit the
crossbar. We should have lost."
This contrasted with last Satur- The booters tied Siena College 2-2 to extend their winless streak
22* to six games.
Women booters lose to Williams College, 3-1
By Michael Skolnlck
In the contest against Williams the team
was unable to generate much offense and
! \'i by a score of 3-1. This ended a disappointing three game road trip for the team,
dropping all three.
The game was close during the first half
as Williams took a 1-0 lead at halftime.
The Danes tied it at 11:47 of the second
half as Joanna Lozsrides scored the team's
lone goal off a crossing pass from Mary
Hulkis. However, the team couldn't maintain their momentum for the remainder of
the game, failing to capitalize on scoring
The Albany women's soccer team dropHead Coach Amy Kidder said, "On ofped their record to 2-7 as.they suffered
fense, it seems that we're not attacking
their fourth consecutive loss at the hands
well, with one attacker carrying the ball
of Williams College.
until she is forced to give it up. Our passing, which has been improving, wasn't
working well and our defense failed to pick
up their two best players."
The lack of offensive punch is reflected
- .'—
, ^-.\;?i,«,f?:?*
in the team's statistics: so far they have
scored nine goals in nine games with the
The Great Danes took on the Southern Connecticut Owls last Saturday on University Field. The outcome of the game was Southern opposition holding them scoreless five
times this season. .Another factor in the
Connecticut 39, Albany 6. ; .'•"!•
' '•"'•'.',', '.'
season ha., been the team's difficult
j. In the game, Albany was outmuscled in
schedule, playing tough squads like the
ground compared to 16 for the Danes./ ;
•Albany also turned the ball over four times. Turnovers have been the Danes problem of late. Jeff Russell's one interception wastjifij University of Rochester, Ithaca, Cortland
and LeMoyne.
fack for a touchdown','
In their match last Sunday at St.
eessful season: The QB's didn't""have Grade: Ci
Lawrence, the team had many defensive
Quarterback: Russell was 3-12 tor 32 enough time due to a lack of protection to
Secondary: They were the real factor in
lapses, losing to them by a score of 5-2.
'yards. His interception was a costly one as let the receivers make it down the field.
Hopping Tucker, just two catches for 14'
Albany's first goal came from Dana Stam
it was run back by Rick Atkinson 58 yards Grade: C ',
yards. Quarterbacks Jim Sirignano and
with 2:34 left in the first half, assisted by
for a touchdown. He still has not shown us •• Offensive Line: Owl linemen Bob Jim Takacs were a combined 5-14, even
Kim Kosslck. Kosslek later scored n goal
if'he can throw down.field. Russell also Wilson, Allen Arbuckle and co. controlled though they had a lot of time to pick and
with 47 seconds left in the half.
had two fumbles, one of which was on a the line of scrimmage. They did what they choose receivers. They didn't help much
The team was hampered by the absence
pitch that looked like it was intended for wanted to and.it shows in the statistics, 16 on the runs, either,
of goalkeeper Maureen Keller and was
the turf on University Field. Converted quarterback sacks most noticeably. The Grade: B forced to start Kathy Di Bennedeto for the
running back Alan Pedley showed that he Ow|s hit quickly, even before the Danes Kicking Game: Mark Piersimon: out
first time ever in goal.
was not the answer to the quarterback quarterback could take a step backwards, punted Sirignano 35T4 to 35.2. Charlie
"There were some bright spots in the
situation as he too fumbled the ball. An- Albany was -19 yards rushing in the first Giknis kicked well on kickoffs but didn't
game for us," said assistant coach Lisa
Jhony Nozzi was in for only one series. half and +26 for the game. It was a real get a chance at either extra points or field
Meyers. "Our passing game was better
Granted, they did not get too much dominant effort by the Owls.
than it has been in the past and Di BenGrade:
Grade: F
nedeto proved that she could be a backup
Grade: D +
Special Teams: Robbin Williams,
goaltender. We were affected by the
Running Backs: Minus 19 yards at
Defensive Line: Southern Connecticut Rogello Mitchell and Wayne Anderson
absence of Hulkis and Lozsrides who
halftime,' The offensive line didn't open ran for 339 yards. They were led by Mike had outstanding days returning kicks. On
didn't travel with us and four others who
many holes for'them. The only bright West(78 yards), Dave Schmidi(75 yards), kickoffs it was Williams 5-93, and Mitchell
were forced to stay home."
spots were Dave Soldini, who ran for 47 and Michael Newton(65 But as has been in 1-26. Anderson took care of the punt
The schedule won't get any easier for the
yards on only eight carries(5.85 average) the last few weeks, the offense's turnovers returning with 52 yards on four tries,
team as they host Kidder's alma mater Sprand Dana Melvin who was the team's have led to good field position for the op- Southern Connecticut only converted extra
ingfield College.
leading receiver with two catches for 23 ponent and a long day for "•*, Danes' points on three of their six touchdowns;
Kidder, who is looking forward to playyards including a 13-yarder. No backs did " D " ,
one missed kick, a missed run attempt and
ing former school, said, "If we can carry
a good job blocking.
Grade: C a missed pass attempt.
ov.er our spirit in practice to the game
Grade: C Linebackers: Pretty much the same as Grade: B +
itself, we'll start to win some games. We
Receivers: Only two catches for eight the defensive line, but, on the bright side,
need to relax and have fun during our
yards. That will not take enough pressure they helped neutralize Travis Tucker, the Overall GPA: 2.08
tames and eventually the talent we have
gff of the Danes' running game for a sue- Owl's highly regarded tight end.
Five week GPA: 2.69
will show through."
. . ,
• < *
Danes thrashed by Southern Connecticut, 39-0
October 16,1984
By Marc Berman
Even during last yean' dismal 3-7
season, the Albany State football team
were never so thoroughly dominated as
they were In last Saturday's 394) loss to
Division II Southern Connecticut played
on University Field.
In fact, last week's game marked the second worst beating the Danes have received in the club's 11 years or existence — the
worst one coming in 1979 against Ithaca
when the Danes were shellacked 46-6.
"We haven't been beaten like this in a
long time," said Coach Bob Ford in the
lockerroom after the game had come to a
merciful end.
With the Homecoming-game set for
tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. against the Cortland Red Dragons, the Danes find
themselves below the .500 mark for the
first time this season at 2-3, vying to erase
last Saturday's disaster from their collective memories.
"We can't look back," said freshman
quarterback Jeff Russell, who was sacked
16 times before being replaced late in the
third quarter. "Southern Connecticut is in
the past. We're now looking to beat
For the Great Danes to defeat the 3-2
Red Dragons, their impotent offense is going to have to be revived, especially the offensive line. Against the Division II Owls,
the Danes managed a pitiful 16 net yards
rushing and 41 yards passing. Russell was 3
out of 12 through the air but even worse,
he gained -22 yards trying to run the ball
out of the wishbone as the Owls' defense,
led by their 220 pound lineman Bob
Wilson, set up camp behind Albany's line
of scrimmage.
"Their defense was just bigger and
quicker than us," said Rusell. "There is no
excuse, they just dominated us."
Indeed they did. And Owls Coach Kevin
Gilbride indicated that his team might
have been spurred on by a high revenge
motive. In last season's contest, the Danes
OCA cleans up student ghetto area
Volunteers collect 30 large bags of garbage In two hours
Residents have, in the past, cited problems with parking, garbage, and noise in the student ghetto area.
In an effort to crack down on this, the city is currently
Approximately IS students spent two hours Friday
afternoon picking up garbage around houses in • planning stricter enforcement of the "grouper law" ordinance,
which mandates that no more than three
downtown Albany's "student ghetto" area.
The clean-up was part of SUNYA's Off-Campus unrelated people can share an apartment.
"We need to cooperate with the city," said SA Vice
Association's (OCA's) attempts to improve relations with
•President Suzy Auletta. The "Big Sweep", she said, is a
city officials.
• H m n ^ H a H a H H i means of "showing them
Participants in the "Big mmmm^mm^^mmmmmmm^
(residents) that we're conSweep" effort picked up
cerned with working with
loose trash and cleaned up
along Hudson and
Hamilton Streets in the
Alvaro, who attended the
heart of the student ghetto
clean-up, said that the
area, according to Stacy
sweep was one way to
Govelick, who coordinated
"quell the antagonistic atthe event with Stacy Kass.
titude" of the area surrounding the student ghetto.
The students, mostly
"Residents on the streets
members of OCA and Stuseemed happy to see that we
dent Association leaders,
were doing it," Silk said,
circled the streets with a
noting that ''more
large pick-up truck on loan
(residents) said they had
from the city.They Filled aphad no problems with
proximately 30 large plastic
garbage bags with the trash
they collected, said OCA
Many residents "were
Chair Dave Silk.
really surprised we were our
there," said Gorelick. She
Other workers, in an atsaid that, although student
tempt to help homeowners
tenants along the clean-up
and student tenants become
route thought ^he.,^'Big
better informed on housing
-—— ! •
~ Sweep" crew was "strange;
concerns, went door-to- '
door, distributing leaflets which detailed housing regula- they were really impressed/'
"We tried to give them (city government and residents)
tions and listed trash collection days, Silk said.
Albany Code Enforcement Bureau Director Mike a different point of view," Gorelick said, adding that, "1
Alvaro estimated that close to 75 percent of the houses in think we made a good impression."
The "Big Sweep" is part of the "Good Tenant Movethe area covered by the "Big Sweep" contain student
ment," an effort to show that students want to help work
The clean-up was spurred by increasing concern among out Albany homeowners' complaints about overcrowding
students, homeowners, and city officials over the general and neighborhood deterioration.
"I think we're leaving residents with a better impresdeterioration of housing conditions in the Pine Hills area,
sion" of students, Silk said.
Silk said.
By Jane Anderson
Third siring quarterback Alan Pedley fakaa a handoll to John Donnelly laat Saturday In a game which saw the Danes lose 39-0
The Danes record now stands at 2-3.
shocked the Owls 22-12 on Southern Connecticut's home turf.
"We've been waiting to play this game
for a long time," said Owls' coach
Gilbride. "I don't think they were
necessarily better than us last year; they
just came up with a couple of trick plays
that hurt us. No doubt, last year's game
was in the back of our minds all week."
Though the Danes' defense performed
far from sparkling (they allowed 346 yards
rushing), the excess of turnovers once
again helped their opponents' cause.This
week, Albany State committed four
blunders — three fumbles and one interception which was returned by
sophomore defensive back Rick Atkinson
58 yards for a touchdown. Their grand
total for turnovers now stands at 24 with
half of the season still remaining.
The Owls' first score came as a result of
an errant pitch by Russell late in the first
quarter. Scott Mersereau recovered the
loose ball at Albany's 34 and Ave plays
later senior quarterback Jim Sirignano
found his favorite target, tight end Travis
Tucker alone in the endzone for a nineyard completion. The extra-point was
missed so the score stood at 6-0 at the end
of one quarter.
By halftime, the Owls had increased
their lead to 13-0 on a 50-yard drive that
was climaxed by an 18-yard run by
halfback Mike West which spotted the ball
on the half yard line. On the next play,
West dove over the fop for the score.
It was a pair of turnovers occuring in the
opening four minutes of the second half
that officially turned this one into a rout.
irst, Russell threw a play-action pass
that didn't fool the sophomore Atkinson,
81 »•
"Residents on the
streets seemed happy to
see that we were doing
it. . .1 think we're
leaving residents with a
better impression" of
Netmen lose to Vermont; favored in SUNYACs
By Krlstine Sauer
Number one singles, Dava Grossman returns a shot
to Paul Trlngell In last Tuesdey'e match.
Tuesday's 8-1 loss to the University of Vermont by the
Albany men's tennis team has not changed the team's
outlook for today's and tomorrow's SUNYACs Tournament in Rochester.
As team captain Jay Eisenberg said,"We're a good
team arid they're (U of Vermont) a good team. They won.
We were disappointed, but the loss is not going to change
our attitude going into the SUNYACS." The Danes have
won the tournament the last five years.
The format of SUNYACs is similar to the Great Dane
Classic. All the players play each other with every victor
getting a point for the team. At the end there are six individual player champions and three doubles champions.
The toughest competition will come from the University of Buffalo, who took second last year and Binghamton, who took third last year.
Coach Lewis considers the SUNYACs "a real tough
test for us, Buffalo has two very strong players at first
and second singles, but doesn't have the balance, whereas
Binghamton is a very balanced team. Their first two
players are not outstanding, but they have depth like us.
Personally I think Binghamton will be tough to beat.
We're not a shoe-in. We're the team to beat based on our
past record. We really dominated the last two years, but
not this year."
Albany has two defending champions: Jay Eisenberg,
who won at Fifth singles and Mark Sanders at sixth
singles. As for defending his championship, Eisenberg
said, "My chances are good. If I play well I can't ask for
more and hopefully that will be enough to win." •
Playing first and second singles for Buffalo are two excellent players. At number one is Paul Tringali, who lost
in the finals last year to Albany's Dave Ulrich. and at
number two is Mike White who beat Tom Schmitz in last
year's championship.
Dave Grossman, first singles player, said, "The
toughest competition for me will be Buffalo. He (Tringali) was in the Finals the last two years. Tringali will
probably be seeded one and I'll be two."
The Dane lineup might see some changes at fifth and
sixth singles where either Mitch Gerber, Mark Sanders or
Dave Zobler will compete. Gerber and Sanders haven't
been playing that well lately. Said Lewis, "Zobler is a
good match player. I've got a lot of confidence in him."
As for Albany's doubles teams Lewis said, "I have a
lot of confidence in them.The tournament may be won in
Grossman is looking forward to the tournament. "I'd
like to win it my third and Final year on the team. It'll
take a total team effort for us to win."
Teammate Gerber added, "We're favored going in.
We're the team to beat."
In Tuesday's match against the University of Vermont,
Albany's only victory in the 8-1 loss was by the second
doubles team of Eisenberg and Mike Dermansky. They
beat Vermont's Newman and Reum duo 8-5 in a pro set,
since the match was already clinched by Vermont.
"I expected a difficult match," said Lewis. "We battled them, although I was a little disappointed with the
score,. Vermont is an excellent team. I think the match
will serve as a good tuneup for the SUNYACs."
At first singles, Mike Duffy defeated Albany's Dave
Grossman 6-1, 3-6, 6-1. Duffy was first singles at Vermont last fall, siting out in the spring. Duffy always looks
forward to his matches with Grossman.
"Dave really served well," said Duffy. "He's really
tough. Last time we played, it was a close match. Dave's a
81 »•
W E E K E N D W E L C O M E — Celebrating "140 years of Service," SUNYA greeted parents and area
residents this weekend during Its 13th annual Community-University Day and parents weekend
festivities. More than 2,000 lans were on hand to enjoy the beautiful fall weather and cheer the Albany
State Great Danes to a 28-0 victory at their homecoming football game. (See story and photos, page 6)
NYPIRG coordinator Paul Herrlck
SUNYA has the highest percentage of voters in the USA
SUNYA groups may
have signed-up most
student voters in NY
By Ian Clements
With the possible exception of NYU, SUNYA
organizations have registered a higher number of voters
than any other campus has'*Hrrrcd up ini the entire state,
and probably a higher percentage than any school has in
the nation.
Final statistics on nationwide campus voter registration
have not yet been tabulated since Saturday is registration
deadline, student leaders said.
"By percentage of student population I think Albany
(State) has the highest voter registration total of any
school of its size in the country," said NYPlRG's
statewide voter registration coordinator Paul Herrick.
Hcrrick said that by sheer numbers, SUNYA probably
has the highest registration total of any school in the
state. He said he hasn't received statistics from one
school, New York University. But, Herrick said, "1 don't
think they've registered that many (students)."
Estimates of voter registration on the SUNYA campus
range from 5,000 to 6,000 students. Herrick said there
were about 6,000 registrants, while Student Association's
Student Action Committee chair Steve Gawley claimed
approximately 5,000 students Were registered by campus
There are approximately 15,900 graduate and
undergraduate students attending SUNYA this fall, according to assistant director for Institutional Research
Laurie Webstcr-Saft.
Neither Gawley, nor Herrick furnished statistics on
students registered to vote in their home communities, or
on students who did not register through campus
organizations, but who will vote in Albany on November
The Albany County Board of Elections does not maintain statistics on student registration totals, according to a
spokesperson for the Board, who asked not to be identified. The Board records breakdowns by ward, she said.
SUNY Buffalo has probably had the second most successful drive in the state, Hererick said, adding that about
4,500 students have been registered there.
The number of registered voters on the Albany campus
is "pretty high," according to United States Student
Asssociation (USSA) President Greg Moore. But, Moore
said, he did not know whether Albany's total was the
highest in the country, and if it was the highest, whether it
was in terms of absolute numbers or by percentage of
registered students.
"In terms of sheer numbers," one or two schools in
Texas and another in the Midwest may have had more
successful registration drives, said Herrick. One of the
schools, the University of Texas, has a student population
of 40,000, he noted.
"The grapevine has it that SUNYA has the largest,
most successful voter registration drive in terms of
students registered than any other campus in the nation,"
said NYPIRG project coordinator Efrem Kami.