t NettersNinth Pagem n o • @ . Friday October 27, 1981 Danes Catch Norwich Napp-ing in 7-0 Triumph 45-YardTDPass Play With 0:25 Remaining Breaks Tie by Larry Kahri For 39 minutes on Saturday Albany and Norwich battled to a scoreless tie. Both teams struggled throughout the very physical contest, although Norwich dominated the line of scrimmage. Five limes in those 59 minutes the Cadets drove inside the Albany 20 yard line, five times they failed to score. Three fumbles and two missed field goals kept the Cadets off the scoreboard. So much can happen in one minute.. Booter Afrim Nezaj Chosen Second by Stallions of MISL Afrim Nezaj, a four year starter on the Albany Slate soccer team, was selected by the Buffalo Stallions in the second round of the Major Indoor Soccer League (MISL) annual amateur draft. Nc«ij was the 21st player selected in the draft, held this weekend in Kansas C'ily. "He's a line, skillful player who is strong and very mature," said Stallion head coach Ray Klivccka. "He is versatile, hut I l.nlcnd i<> use him primarily at forward." "I'm really excited for hitn," said Albany soccer coach Bill Scliief felin. "It's something he has really hoped to do all his life." Nezaj has been a standout player on a team lhal has been n playoff contender every year, with the exception of this year. Albany plays a WQ vcw difficult schedule, but Nc/nj has excelled against the quality competition. He was the leadings scorer on the squad the last two rycars and is among I he leaders litis season as a defender. I'lltllll! M;in Ihn.ilKl "No mailer where I pui him he jusi migrates to lite bull," noted Schieffelin. "He's been able lo hold his own anil pet form againsi top quality teams. He's head ami shoulders above the oihei people on the field." Schieffelin was careful lo point out Mini the tlrnfl only provides tin opportunity for Ne/nj lo break in Willi llie Stallions — ii is inn nil offer. "Whether he signs 01 not Is up lo how lie pcrfoillis," he said. "They feel as I hough he's capable, however he lias gol It) prove himself on I he field." Stallion's Director of Public Information ,11m Smlgclskl '.aid lhal the draft comes al an awkwaid lime because Albany's season is still in progress and Ne/aj is mil yel eligible lo sign not work otil with the team. The MISL season begins in three weeks and the Buffalo's rosier will be filled. "We'll open the season with a veleraii oriented club." said Smigclski." Kay (Klivccka) has looked ill llii.s ditil'l as a means lor the future." , „ . —Larry Kiihn With only 1:07 left in the game Dane corncrback John DiBari intercepted a Dave O'Ncil pass on the Norwich 47. Albany lost two yards on a sack, but quarterback Tom Roth rushed for ten on a keeper. Roth was tackled hard from behind and had to be helped off the field with a hip injury. Thai left third-string quarterback Dave Napp, who had been on I he bench the entire game, with 49 seconds lo score. "I wanted lo get in the ballgnmc," said Napp. "When Tom wen! down and 1 gol in I was jttsl Ihinking about doing I he job." Napp threw Incomplete looking for Chuck Prlorc out of lite back field, bringing up a fourthund-lwo silualion. Jl looked as if I he garni' would remain deadlocked. Ilul Napp saw split end Bob linen sneaking down the field and threw a strike lo him al the Norwich 30. Bricn cut hack across the field behind a key downlield block by light end Mike McGuire and sprinted illlo the end zone untouched lo complete a 45-yartl pass play. Only 0:25 showed on I he clock. "We weie just goiiig for the I'irsl down on thai one," said Albany head coach Boh Lord. "We were Hying in gel in field goal range. We ihouuhl Tommy (Lincoln) was capable of Hying a 50-yard field goal." "Iloli Biicu made I he play. I made die first down, be made ii a touchdown," Napp said modestly. "II it weren't for Mike Midline's block I wouldn't have dune it," Bricn added. H was beginning to look as if nobody was going lodo ii, although Norwich had plenty of chances. Neither team could nunc the hall in iho first peiiod, but Albany had belter field position with the winds' al llieii backs. In fact, the wind could have been llie major factor in I lie game if cither learn could base capitalized ^n it. doing wiili ihe wind in llie second quarter the Cadets gained possession lour limes. Three limes they drove within the Albany 20 yard line. A Dave Hardy pun Weill October 30,1981 State University of New York at Albany Touhey Claims Voter Fraud by Susan Milllgan According to Albany voting records, Herbert Weaver, 73-yearold resident of Broad Street, Albany, has voted faithfully in Albany through this year. What makes those statistics unusual is that Weaver died December 31, 1977. Mayoral candidate Charles Touhey senl a letter Tuesday to the New York Stale Board of Elections, requesting that they "conduct an investigation of a number of irregularities which apparently exist on certain voter registration cards in various locations within the city icani has an excellent second squad, and ihe success of Saturday's louriiameui bears this oul. I.asi Wednesday's game brought Albany against one of their chief rivals, Onconla. Last year the Danes beat Onconla in Ihe regttlai season, but lost lo ilicm in file Slate's. This year Albany Irounced the Red Dragons 3-1 in a best 3 out of 5 match. ' "I look forward lo playing ilicm," said Austin. "They're a .good team. We're evenly matched." Miller, a four year vclcrau of the learn, fell thai the women were scared of Onconla lasl year. Onconla appeared to he the nunc experienced learn on the varsity level. This year, however, she said llie match was "like pic," adding that Onconla should not have won the one game they did win. "This is the best team I've seen lo come out of Albany. We've gol llie .• •••I'.VV'V <•; • . • .- Jay F.nnis curries the hall against Norwich. The Danes wnn the game nn a litsl second touchdown pass. (Photo: Marc Henschcl) lor -6 yards afler hanging in covering 82 yards in 11 plays, hul the wind and then taking a huge freshman tailback Jim Earl fumbled Norwich bounce lo the Dane 25. on the Albany 1 after convening on Two plays, netted 15 yards, bill a fourth down play. On their next drive Earl tailback I odd Wilkinson coughed up llie hall on the 10 afler a duplicated the feat. The Cadets inarched 62 yards lo the Dane 10, crushing hil by Sieve Dey. but with 8:17 remaining in the Norwich again had great field game, Ed Eastman jarred the ball position on their next two posses- loose from the freshman anil Jim sions, but both drives stalled. Outfield recovered. Albany put together a modest Freshman kicker An Dwyer missed Held goals of 31 and 32 yards, Ihe 31-yard drive, but Roth's bomb intended lor Bricn was picked off by Inner as the half ended. safely Jerry O'Connor, lasl week's The Cadets again had the benefit ECAC Rookie of the Week. Time was running oul on botli of tht; wind in the third quarter, bill constant lutnovers by boih sides teams as they frantically tried lo prcvciiled any scoring. Norwich score. Albany elected to pass on a hurtled up flvftmlnulcs on one drive continued on page seventeen 6 altitude. Ihe tlelerniiiiation and Ihe height," nolcd Miller. "We have a whole team of well loUiuled people. We're just really good." commented Austin. "I'm looking lot ward lo the Stale's." Last year the team was seeded fourth, but did noi place in llie Siaic's. Due lo more experience in tournament play this season, ihe leain has higher hopes for ibis Nsll^ar year's stale competition. "Before we messed up because QB we weren't used lo louiiiiinicni play. Ill ihe Slide's you can play eiglu lo ten matches a day — and slid have to be up for each game," said Miller, llie learn lias two remaining loitriiniilcills at home before llie Slate competition begins on Novcinbei 13. One oi these tournaments is being played tomorrow night at 7:00 against local rivals Russell Sage and Union. of Albany." Touhey campaigner Debra Lipkowitz claimed they have a listing of some 20 persons in. name of whom someone is easting votes, but arc in fact deceased. In response lo Touhey's complaint, the Albany County Board ,of Elections Wednesday removed two voter registration cards, Weaver's and that of James Turner, also formerly of Broad Street. Turner's address is now a vacant lot. Neither the Albany County Election Commissioners nor the New York Slate Commissioner could be reached for comment, but the Times-Union reported that Democratic Election Commissioner Raymond Kinley said "this is strictly a political game." The Times-Union also reported that Republican Election Commissioner George Scaringe conceded that Ihe responsibility of election inspectors to check signatures of voters against (hose on registration cards is not always followed. Routinely, the Board of Elections mails a postcard lo all Albany registered voters, with instructions to mail carriers to return the card lo continued on page eleven Volume LXVHI Number 34 m HKAUK |lr,s-mt,'r ] | 1977 llfrlwrt « r „ „ ,,l (1 Vt-yitr Mi it*I l'"rsiK-«-t Hr'Khti husturxl ,,| i(»- \d{r I n DrlxKijj Wt-isrr Utrw-r oi Mrt Jinn ti«n>rw\\ltM \rrrtf Viraicr «rn) Manle) Weaver ulvi sur i n n ) In ; gr.irxlrhililrcn (• u/wrai Inorn ttv MnHjrsrl .!(' Ix»v hrr S«xii f u i „ r « i II"""'. ?08 hcvoiki A i r , \K ril'^s,1a\ mon-iii ^ nl H r I'w-.,. ,• i,. si M*r\ s | | l)r , ,, I liOliHl Until Is iu Iv, r r «| y Herbert Weaver's 1977 obituary; proof of later voting There are 20 similar cases in the city of Albany A Law Suit is Filed to Benefit Student Voting by Bruce Levy In an effort to have all registered uptown SUNYA voters Included as residents of the city of Albany, and to have polling machines placed on the SUNYA campus, city Alderman' candidate Kenneth Stokcm and II SUNYA students have brought.suit against the Albany County Board of Elections. The suit came after two requests to the Board were denied. The first request was for a re-evaluation of the Albany-Guildcrland border, which runs through Dutch and Indian Quads. Several students residing on these quads received by Judie Eisenberg For those students inconvenienced by having to travel to St. Margaret Mary's Church or to the McKnownville Fire Department tc vote on Election Day, SA will be running SUNYA buses from the v. v m \ s -M T * * " " Ja^af » ^Hi 1 A ':"""t~—'V" i s |^«JL Ihe volleyball team unped their record to 22-5 with wins over RutgcrsNewark, Molloy and New Pull/. (Phoin: Alan C'uleni) notification that they were assigned to vote in Guildcrland. The second request was two-fold. The petitioners first wanted the Third District of Ward 15, which encompasses the majority of the campus, to be divided into two districts, in accordance to the Election Law of the State of New York. This law, said Stokcm, requires realignment of districts in which the total number of registered voters exceeds 1,000. The Third District contains between 1,600 and 1,800 voters. The second part of the request caUsJJBT-Jhree polling machines to be set up in the Campus Ccntfcr to accomodate the approximately 1,200 student voters. Additonally, one polling machine would be set up at St. Margaret Mary's Church on Western Avenue for the 600 registered voters in the surrounding community. Presently, all Third District voters would be voting at St. Margaret Mary's. Stokem said, "The Board of Elections can give Us the remedies we've asked for but they've chosen not to. I think they want a situation at St. Margaret Mary's where there will be long lines to the voting machines. . .and members of the SA to Run Buses to Polling Areas Dane Spikers Sweep Triple Match Tournament by Madeline 1'n.HCuccl "Volleyball is an emotional spoil," said Albany women's volleyball co-caplain Rcha Miller. "The whole game is momentum and psyche." With an unbelievable 22-5 record, Albany's volleyball learn seems to have found thai "momentum and psyche." The team swept their three match loiiiuumciii on Saturday against Rutgers Newark, New Pallz and Molloy in New Paltz. They heal the host team 2-0, but lost one game to Molloy for a 2-1 match. They had another close losing game lo Rutgers Newark for another 2-1 match. Coach Pal Dwyer said ihe wonfen "played greal. We've made gieal progress from earlier ibis season." Will injuries to starters Donna Chaicl 1 > .> Dichl and Miller, much • •1 thebem ii saw action Saturday. 1).'. .• -i and captains Elizabeth Au Ih "•"I Miller all agree thai the copyright © 1981 by THE ALBANY STUDENT PRESS CORPORATION SA VP Woody Popper Urges students to vole early town campus to the polling areas. On Tuesday, November 3, chartered buses will run every half hour from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at an approximate cost of $250 to SA, according to SA Vice President Woody Popper. The tentative schedule calls for the buses lo leave the University Gym at 10 minutes after the hour and 20 minutes before; lo leave the Humanities Building slop 20 minutes after and 10 before; and to leave Ihe Academic Circle on the hour and on the half hour. Popper said. Central Council Chair John Suydam added that additional buses will be run during peak hours, although those hours have not yet been determined. However, Popper cautions, "If everyone goes to vote at the same time it will be a wreck. Students may get fed up and not vote; the local people may gel mad at the Election '81 Supplement Analysis of Candidates students. Popper expects students to be challenged by election inspectors as to whether they are eligible to vote, and he thinks fewer voting machines than arc needed will be set up. To counter these difficulties, Popper urges students to get out lo vote as early as possible in order to have Election Day proceedings run smoothly all day. community and students will get mad at each other." The majority of registration problems concern Indian Quad, which is located entirely in Guildcrland, and Dutch Quad, in which Beverwyck Hall, and parts of Van Cortlandt and Schuyler Halls lie In Guildcrland. However, the Board registered .almost-all Dutch Quad students to vote in Guildcrland, regardless of dorm, said Stokem. Stokem noted that about 45 students who registered are not included on either the Albany or Guildcrland list of voters. He said some of the problems are due to incorrect address procedures. "Some put their box number. . .instead of; the street address, 1400 Washington Ave.," he explained. Stokem also noted that of the two Board commissioners, Republican George P. Scaringe "is supporting the effort to place a voting machine on campus. . .Ray Kinley, the Democrat is against it, so the issue is dying in a stalement." He added that, "Mayor Corning as County Democratic Chairman has a tremendous amount of influence over Kinlcy's decision, and Ihe Mayor doesn't want many students voting." "The students joining in the action are not supporting any political campaign," Stokem said. Co-petitioner of the suit, Jeff Frromm, a Dutch Quad resident, said, "I am not indicating in any way that I support his (Stokem's) campaign; 1 am merely showing that I am interested in upholding students' rights." Another of the student petitioners, Theresa Knorr complained that she "could have voted back home, but I wanted to vote in Albany. Instead" it got screwed up and I wound up being registered in Guildcrland." . She added that,"Being an Albany student, my concerns are in Albany. . .1 don't know anybody in Guildcrland and it would just be a wasted vote." Stokem advised that "anyone who received notification to vote in Guilderland. . .or who never received notification can call the Board of Elections." The judge presiding over the case said his decision will be announced today. Scaringe and Kinley, the commissioners of the Board of Elections and co-defendants in the suit could not be reached for comment. Wastes Spur Concern in Canada by Howard Pollack Large amounts of toxic wastes found in Canadian waterways have prompted officials there to arfangc a conference lo form policies on restoring the contaminated water. Set for mid-November, the conference will focus on seeking a comprehensive drinking water policy in such areas as Lake Ontario and the Niagara river drainage basin. the river. Senior Scientific Advisor for the Department of Environment Ontario, Dr. Douglass Hallet feels the U.S. is leading in the depletion of Canada's river resources. "The American companies on your (U.S.) side of the river have emitted over 77 contaminants into (he Niagara, while we've only had six to deal with," Hallet said. Yet representatives of the U.S. Additionally, it will review the will not be present at the conNew York Public Interest Research ference. According to Regional Director Group (NYPIRG) study, which revealed that 77 major corporations of Environment Canada Dr. Bob and their subsidarics are dumping Slatter, "We meet quite frequently over 500 million gallons of hazar- at the agency level with the United dous toxic waste daily into the States to discuss these problems concerning toxic waste. But we do Niagara river drainage basin. The Niagara River provides not see the need for American ofdrinking water for approximately ficials to be present during Cana380,000 individuals on both the, dian discussions on her own. policy Canadian and American sides of towards the situation at hand," "We are Indeed formulating our •own drinking water policy, and we highly suggest the U.S. do the same," Slatter said. "Canada has been attempting change through diplomatic channels," said one senior staff environmentalist at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C. "It is the.United States which is in violation of treaty agreements particularly the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978, which provides that neither country will further the outpouring of toxics into the Niagara River." Governor Hugh Carey's Assistant Press Secretary Ron Tarwater denied Canadian allegations that the U.S. , and particularly New York State, have been lax1 in their dutle* towards the toxic waste issue.' —csrar n,.i ,i I I I H • • —— Senate Approves AWACS Woald CApsuUs WASHINGTON, D . C . (AP) President Reagan, ex ulting in a victory that even his opponents called awesome, says the"causc of peace is on the march again in the Middle East'" with Senate approval of his AWACS arms sale to Saudi Arabia. With his first major foreign policy lest behind him, Reagan said only a radical takeover in the Mideast now could thwart delivery of the Airborne Warning and Control System planes, the-world's most advanced, in 1985. The $8.5 billion sale is the largest arms deal io a foreign nation in U.S. history. In the meantime, Reagan reaffirmed the United States' "unshakable commitment" to Israel, which had argued that the sale would threaten its security, as his administration worked on compensating arms aid to the Jewish state. The Senate approved Ihc sale 52-48 Wednesday after Reagan convened seven opponents and won over all seven undecided senators in the final two days of an extraordinary lobbying blitz. It was a performance that moved House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. to say, "He is showing awesome power." OPEC Increase, Again GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries fixed its prices in a range of $34 to $38 a barrel yesterday, Kuwaiti oil Minister Ali Khalifa A! Sr.bah said. Analysts said this could cost Americans about 2 1/2 cents more a, gallon for gasoline and heating oil. But Al-Sabah said OPEC also froze prices at the new levels through the end of 1982. The oil cartel ministers, in a rare one-day session, thus established a unified price structure for the first time in more than two years. There was no immediate announcement from tin OPEC secretariat or Saudi Arabia, OPEC's biggest pro> duccr and America's biggest supplier of imported oil. Prices among OPEC's 13 members had varied fron Saudi Arabia's low of $32 for a 42-gallon barrel tc nearly $40 charged by Algeria. The oil ministers discussed the $34 price proposed by Saudi Arabia during meetings in May and August, but Venezuela and other refused to agree. So Saudi Arabia had kept its price at $32. -) Although OPEC set a base price of $36 a barrel in December 1980, prices charged by individual members have varied ever since according to the market and other considerations. The average price is now about $35. Two A WACS Removed AWACS Cause Reactions (AP) The Israeli Cabinet said today that the U.S. Senate's approval of the sale of AWACS spy planes to Saudi Arabia posed "a new, serious danger" thai Israel would do everything necessary Io overcome. Saudi Arabia's government—controlled newspapers hailed President Reagan as one of the greatest American leaders in hislory. Egypt's Foreign Minister Kamal Hassan Aly lauded the 52-48 vote, calling it a "positive turning point in relations between the United Slates and the Arab nations" that will enable "Arab countries lo defend themselves against any foreign intervention." "The government of Israel expresses its regrel over Ihc decision of the American Senate . . . on the two fold-arms deal between the United Stales and Saudi Arabia, which is in a slate of war with Isrcal, rejects the Camp David accords and finances lerror in our region," 'in Israeli Cabinet said in a statement read by Prime Mexican Governor Killed GUATEMALA CITY, Mexico (AP) Leftist guerrillas attacked a provincial capital with automatic weapons, grenades and dynamite, killing the governor, deputy police chief and at least eight other people in two hour.' of fighting around government buildings, a nationa police spokesperson said Thursday. The spokesperson, who asked anonymity for securlt) reasons, said there may be more dead and wounded in Solola, capital of Solola province, 87 miles west of the Guatemalan capital. But he said information was hard to obtain because the guerrillas cut telephone lines before fleeing Wednesday evening.' The police spokesperson identified the attackers as members of the Guerrilla Army of the Poor, one or four leftist terrorisi groups trying IO overthrow the militarybacked rightist regime of Gen. Fernando Romeo l.ucas Garcia. Russian Sub Stuck STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) Sweden says it may try today to Tree an aging Soviet submarine snared inside restricted Swedish waiers when it ran aground. The government, angry over the intrusion, barred Soviet salvage ships from trying lo rescue the sub, huii[ up in 40 feel of water four miles off ihc Swedish coast ii the Karlskrona archipelago. The dicscl-powcrcd Whiskey-class submarine, carry ing a crew of 54, ran aground Tuesday night about V. miles south of the major Swcdisli naval base ai Karlskrona, on Ihc Bailie Seas 300 miles soulh ol •Stockholm. "Foood Fight!!!" MURFREESBORO, N.C. (AP) Six-hiindied students Hinging turkey, mashed potatoes and chairs in a college cafeteria turned a food fight into a riot until police broke it up with nine arrests and the mayor declared a state of emergency. "It was funny for a while, but it goi loo funny," Mayor W.W. Hill said Wednesday niglu alter declaring an emergency in the northeastern North Carolina town of 3,500 people and banning alcohol sales for 12 hours "We're a little liberal in this college town — we bend a little," Hill said. "But when the buck has to be stop ped, we stop it." Minister Menachcm Begin after an emergency meeling^S "The government reiterates that a new and serious danger now faces I s r a e l . . . we will do all that we havt I to in order to overcome it." Begin told reporters Reagan sent him a message realfirming that "America remains committed to help Israel retain its military and technological advantages In the Middle East." f f T CAMPUS BRIEFS Calling Lifeguards Do "you-you-you wanna be a lifeguard" for Ihc university? Applicunls must have WSI, basic CPR and standard or multimedia first aid. Application forms arc available at the gym information desk, and further information can be obtained from Ron While at 457-4534. So gel that while stuff on your nose and call today. Protest Organized Estimates of damage tot the Chowan College cafeteria ranged from $2,000 to $3,000, officials said. "Food was all over the ceiling," said town police Officer Tommy Gee, who arrived soon after the worst of the rioting. "The floor was such a mess you couldn't walk on it. It was a total wreck. Police Chief Robert Harris said he and three officers went into the cafeteria and found "students just screaming and hollering, throwing food and trays, breaking up furniture — they broke the door open, too." Some of the doors were broken down by panicstricken students after a college official tried to calm the crowd by locking the exits. Harris said nine students were charged with inciting to riot.They were held on $2,000 bond and scheduled for fi9W,,aRPfl»»ncet Tue*d»y,Mc.re arrests were expected ,,.. . police said- ' .•..'.'..,.'.'.•. . v . " " , ' " , •".'.(•'/.'„;i/A<>y,'j, A Women's Pentagon Action is planned for ihe 15th and 16th of November as "women's protest against militarism and violence," according to organizer Jackie Gclb. The Washington, D.C. action is similar to last year's protest, and again, a local support action is being organized. Interested in getting involved? Anti-militarist women will meet tonight at 7:30 at 79 Dana Avenue, Albany near New Scotland Avenue. Widget Success The response to Widgets has >ccn phenomenal. On Wednesday, Widgets came off the assembly line and were in the CC Lobby. Widget Inc. received great suggestions from you the students, and we welcome more! If you missed us. this week, we'll be in the CC Lobby •main ncxl.weck. n wld8e,? Who ,o ivc a ,;:i^#!?c^,#!i'# t° CwianelnoTWxf-vVeckY'. '• « WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) In a surprise move, Hit United States is removing the two AWACS surveillance aircraft sent to Egypt only two weeks ago, ii was reported today. A Stale Department official, who asked not to be identified, said "The AWACS deployment to Egypt wai always intended as a temporary measure." Secretary of Stale Alexander M. Haig Jr. had said the AWACS were sent lo Egypt for use in joint U.S.- Egyptian military exercises, known as Bright Star, which will be held next month. However, one U.S. official, who spoke only on the condition that his name not be used, said Hnif "misspoke." The AWACS were sent to Egypl on Ocl. 14, and the official said they clearly were intended as a show of support for Egypt following the assassination of Prcsiclcni Anwar Sadat, USSR Response to A WACS MOSCOW, USSR (AP) The Sovicl news agency Tass said yesterday that the sale of American AWACS spy planes to Saudi Arabia will signal "a fresh round of Ihc arms race in the Middle East." In a report on the Senate's approval of the sale, Tass said that "under unprecedented pressure of the While House, the Senate supported by a minimum majority of votes the administration's decision on the sale of AWACS." "The implementation of this deal will signal a fresh round of the arms race in the Middle East, lead to a further broadening of U.S. military presence both In Saudi Arabia and in lhal explosive area as a whole," the news agency added. Swedish navy spokesperson Bcrlil Lagcrwall said HI Warsaw Pact vessels, including salvage craft and two warships, passed just outside Sweden's 12-milc territorial limit as the Kremlin tried lo gel permission lo rescue ihc sub. He said Swedish helicopters, torpedo boats and coasl guard craft were watching the sub and the Soviet-led Flotilla. More Swedish vessels were en route lo Ihe area from Stockholm, Lagcrwall said. The last day to drop semester classes is Wednesday. It's hell from then on in! Genesis Hours Set Genesis, the Sexuality Resource Center located ii Dutch Quad's Schulycr Hall, has announced iis opening and new hours. Now open weekdays from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 lo 10 p.m., Genesis offers referral and peer counseling lo all students, If you arc interested in working ai Genesis, Ihe picaquisile course for volunteering is E CPY 311. You can pick up a prcregistration card from Genesis or from Marlha Fitch at AD 129. For more information, call Genesis at 457-8015. Analyze Product Life Octpber 30, 1981 Women Meet to Plan Action by Sylvia Saunders Although the 60 students and faculty members who attended the Thursday Women's Meeting came for different reasons, they had one thing in common: concern about the university's treatment of women. "We don't want to turn this into a bitching session," explained Moderator Jessica Casey of the Campus Center Student Activities Department. "We have lo harness our energy lo get things moving." Four women gave presentations outlining the major issues: oncampus day care; the status of minorities;'the hiring, promotion and retention of women; and women's safely and sexual harassment. "The situation for minorities on this campus is very grave because of their numbers," according to Acting Affirmative Action Chair Gloria DcSole. "And the situation for women is just as. grave — not because of numbers — but because wherever we are, we tend to be clustered on the bottom." Student Barbara Goldstein spoke on women's safety and sexual harassment, pointing out the conneclion between the two issues since both prey on women who arc defenseless. She said that more than a dozen crimes against women have been r e p o r t e d on c a m p u s since Scplembcr 1. "I discovered, after looking at the daily crime and inci dent report, lhal there is no time of Mall Dispute Heats Up by Marc Schwarz Allegations of a cover-up and o halted public hearing this week added to the controversy surrounding the proposed Crossgates Mall. On Wednesday night the mall's developer, Pyramid Crossgates Co., obtained a court order halting the final hearing of Ihe Guildcrland Zoning Board of Appeals. According to the Times-Union, the developers obtained the order after learning that a traffic engineering report was critical of the mall. The Times Union also reported the traffic report was later ordered destroyed by the Zoning Board resulting in great protest from the mall's opponents. The developers need approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals as well as the state Department ol Transportation (DOT) before construction of ihc mall can begin. Department of Environmental Conservation (EnCon) hearings officer Daniel Ruzow said DOT permits will probably not be issued for another five to eight months. Concerned Citizens Against Crossgates (CCAC) president Rhonda Childs charged EnCon and Pyramid Crossgates of "some sort of coverup." CCAC has filed a suit in Stale Supreme Courl, challenging the procedures used by EnCon in filing the permits. Specifically, she charged Commissioner Robert F. Flack with "usurping the community's rights. He did not comply with the rules set up by EnCon governing the public input process." Childs claims CCAC never received notification of the issuance Professor Bruce M. Hill or the University of Michigiu will analyze survival data from cancer, taking a subjective Bayesian approach towards inference and decision making, in a statistics colloquim to be held Monday, November 2. Hill will illustrate the methods both with daia concerning carcinoma of the endometrium, and with leukemia data previously analyzed by D.R. Cox. The procedures developed arc effective for very small samples, including cases in which only a handful of patients have died, and a moderate number are still surviving. , The discussion will be held at 3:30 p.m. in Earth Science 152. It is open to the public. of the environmental permits. On October 5, EnCon issued the developers all the required environmental permits, with the condition that the permits be valid upon the approval of the project by DOT and the Zoning Board. "We have been legally set up lo be notified and it was only because somebody tipped me off that I found out about (the permit issuance). Essentially, a clock starts ticking for us to legally stay the permits. The clock ran out the day after we filed the suit," said Childs. According to Childs, earlier in the permit approval process, Administrative Law Judge William Dickinson recommended denial of the permits. "This is one of Ihe few cases on record that an administrative law judge's recommendation has been overlooked, " Childs said. "Obviously Commissioner Flack did not read 17,000 pages of testimony. I question what be made his decision o n . " day thatwe are safe." She. said another problem is that although SUNYA buses are supposed to stop at all corners after 6 p.m., not all busdrivers do. She also expressed concern over the elimination of self-defense workshops due to lack of attendance. Lily McLaughlin of the Center for Women in Government spoke on the status of minorities on campus, noting a decline in the number of minority instructors. In addition, she said, there is an extremely poor employment and placement rate when il comes to minorities. Nancy Bdowich of the Student Life and Rehabilitiation Services departments reported on the percentages of women and minorities in university occupations. "Of the 35 highest university administrators, there arc only three women and one black person. . . The numbers of women and minorities among full-time faculty members and non-teaching professionals decreased in nearly all ranks between 1977 and 1980," she said. "This is all very sad, considering that at least 50 percent of students are women on this campus," she added. The last speaker was Ellen FontincllL Vice President of the CSEA Local Chapter 691, who described her difficulty finding daycare for her son when she went back to work. "1 called Pierce Hall (the only university-affiliated daycare center) and they told me I'd have to wait a year and a half or till he's a freshman in college. . . " she said. "And that's when I realized we need an on-campus daycare center where we can put our children and not worry." She proposed the center should be open from 7:30 a.m to 9 p m. in bXPEH-lfcNGE LrrcKtCkipH* f> t--\ 6 Mixu.lei T r w t Go*./"" Siachuan, Hunan, and Cantoneat. ' Polynnlui Drink Available Call Jade Fountain for a free van ride every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening from 6 to 9 p.m. from circle and back. • 10 percent discount with Student Tax Card not for Takc-Oul or Buffet JUST 1 Mil F WF<T order lo cover both day and evening students and professors. "We need a daycare center open lo university people only," she said. "Something must be done on this campus by mid-1982." The women broke into planning groups to discuss specific routes of action and to schedule future meetings. All were encouraged to attend the President's Task Force on Women's Safety meeting Nov. 5 at 11:45 a.m. in AD 253. "They tell.us we haven't learned how to play the game," Casey said. "We still don't know the rules." Problems With Tax Cards Cast Doubts On Election by Elizabeth Reich Last week's Central Council elections may be invalidated since some students, unable to obtain their tax cards, could not vote, according to SA Vice-President Woody Popper. Because they paid their bills or registered late, certain freshman and transfer students did not receive their tax cards last month and were consequently turned away from the polls last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, a representative of the SA Contact Office said. The SA Election Commission is to decide if enough people were affected to justify another election. SA Election Commissioner Peter Wcinstock said that approximately S60 people voted and no candidate has told him he or she felt the election was unfair. Popper said "the number of phone calls and walk-ins who have directly complained is small compared to the number of people who have complained to R.A.'s." Popper said anyone who did not have a tax card but paid the student lax could have obtained a rcceipl from the Bursar's Office and voted. If unresolved by the Election Commission, the case may appear ^before the SA Supreme Court. |jgg Lark St. at Madison Welcomes Back THE 81 SUNYA CLASS 1452 WESTERN AVE. ; Our Specialty Acting Affirmative Action Chair Gloria DeSale """•vr^ "Wherever women are, they lend lo be clustered at the bottom" Serving: Lunch- 11:30 to 5 Dinner - 5 to 11; Late night menu till closlny SUNYA Special 40<& Drarx Friday, Saturday, & Sunday nc C T H ^ ^ T H m ( CHEMCL.UB UnderymJi Research Meebny Short Ifresentations 3y Vrofessors and Students on Mndergmd Kesmch & 511NYA Do-It-Yourself A new concept In do-it-yourself computing, requirim no previous computer knowledge, is now available to help with matters such as checkbook maintenance, financial planning* and projection, football predicting and even diet control. The Computer Assisted Self-Help Center, located ai 1019 Keyes Avenue, Schenectady, may be usedlb) customers in private. Customers'will also be charged foi only the amount of time on the micro-computer, basei .on-a.quarlcr-bour rate. Page three! Albany Student Press Hon.Wov.2p* CW1 5VM U i/.Ril .iaiuqr. <•••»*•»*>•! tlluwhft lo In •2l,i" -inrii'ii i HMi ,... J M . . . ..m...... v.-jv •'•(• l' I'" —^...r... • • . . . rit oilW IJ.,-1,,7/ wants Advertising Salespeople! Earn money and gain experience But you've got to have a car For m o r e information, c o n t a c t D a v e Y a p k o at 7 S B 9 2'. October 30, 1981 ffihfe ^eefeettfo Tangent Magazine ^WUe/- announces a Poetry Contest The winning poet shall receive a modest cash prize and the winning entry will be published in the upcoming issue. Jim Furlong Vocals & Percussion BobNadi Lead&Khylhm (iuitnr Mark Wirken Bass Guitur Submissions can be left in the Tangent mailbox in the S.A. offices in the Campus Center or call Steve at 438-0368 1 Homecoming "I Spot U" Winners 1. 315789 Mayoral Debate Held On Campus irtttje fe&^" irvfl Rock & Roll of the 50's&60's plU9 Thier newest 45 a l©tt© Steve Gifford Drums Sound & Lights by Chuck Van Wormci again " ^ 2. 315853 3. 1826434 4. 314537 5. 530826 Winners should claim their 6. 530849 prizes at the Student 7. 315830 Association Office by 8. 1826415 9. 315942 Fri. Nov. 13th. 10. 315751 Thanks for spreading the spirit 11. 1826404 Sorry about the rain!! 12. 315729 13.530816 14. 1826407 15. 530815 ACOMI'l-l II IIM In Mil III I A U H t l l l MIM l>llHIM\-> AMIM'IIMN'X IIM WIM-. DIsl'INsI HI HUM o i m I I K U K A I I V I WINI HAHUII S All MIIIH I n ! HI All liHANlis u l ill III A M ' UN IAI'I'IIISAIUII UNI III IMI'nllll I. Ml a III l l l l l l I H'- IIUHHl.INn III)MI MAUI ilW SIHIK -A II I Mill ItlH l l l l l l AMHIII |, .,„,(,, IWAHI si Ml ail Shisf 'uiccumb at ttjc flub (ICfjurgbap ©ctofacr 29th 6pm -12:30 am Jfritrap & &>aturtiap ©ctobcr 30trj & 3l£(t Mntutrathj Auxllinrqfctroltwftpotuiorib II A * Theatre Council presents in(ii«wivinAiwt/ IA MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT IN GUILDERLAND RE-ELECT KEEP, STEVE SIMON KEN RIDDETT Judge Judge in QUALIFIED AND •Union College, Albany Law School • Experienced Trial Judge • Private Practice of Law • Co-Founder Gullderland Community Service Sentencing Program • Experienced Trial Attorney Sat, Oct. 31 -700pm PAC main theatre CONCERNED •Advisory Council - Gullderland Community Center •Viet Nam • Era Veteran PRIZE FOR BEST COSTUME •SUNY Albany Graduate •Adjunct Professor of Law, SUNY Albany •Hofstra University Law School •Nassau County Legal Aid Society, Law Assistant •Counsel Senate Cities Committee •Local Law Practice AND INVOLVED 'Founded Nassau County Youlh Board Legal Education Program 'March of Dimes Executive Commllle« VOTE ROW B • $1.50-W/TAXCARD $2.50-STUDENT ID $ 3 - 5 0 -GENERAL SA; FUNDED EXPERIENCED RE-ELECT JUDGE SIMON ? KEEP JUDGE RlDD*1"1 JL folditotbylheCt>nyi>lU»«if,(or,SWvi>$m?r> &fa"Rl'Wt-'lf I"' Town •lllsl1"' i Page Five Albany Student Press . Touhey said he would like to see Albany's housing problems solved by constructing hundreds of twofamily homes on vaccnt lots. Corning favors the neighborhood by Barbara Schlndler rehabilitation now in progress, If you happen to find yourself in by Mark Hammond while Dusenbury supports rent con- the SUNY Potsdam campus bar on and Lisa Mlrabella trol of the landlords. a Tuesday afternoon, don't be surMayor Erastus Corning, InThe controversial anti-grouper prised to see everyone sipping coke dependent candidate Charles law, which limits the number of or plain orange juice. Don't mind Touhey and Citizens Party can- non-related people living in one the dirty tooks you get when you didate Fred Dusenbury all sup- house to three, was attacked by order a beer at the bar. ported students' voting rights, yet Dusenbury as "discriminatory and As of last September, Potsdam agreed on little else during last inadequate." Touhey promised that has instituted Tuesday as "dry Tuesday's mayoral debate held in as mayor he will "eliminate the day" on campus. landlord market. Students will have the Campus Center Ballroom. According to Daniel Hurly, Dean Dusenbury accused Corning of a fair shot at reasonable rent." of Student Life, no alcoholic "suppressing the student vote for • Corning promised SUNYA a beverages may be sold on campus 40 years," while Corning maintain- j modest funding from the city and and no function involving alcohol ed he had always "supported and j an effort to squeeze money out of will be approved for Tuesday." encouraged the students to vote." (he state toward a new athletic field "We are simply asking people to "Corning can't solve the pro- house. "I anTvery supportive of the evaluate their own personal use of University's athletic program," he blems; he is the problem," Touhe> alcohol," explained Hurly. "The said. "I'd like to see it expand." asserted. mentality of 'there can't be a social Student Migration to Public Colleges is Seen (CPS) Enrollments down slightly at private Nebraska Wcslcyan, and up slightly at public Kea; 'ley Slate College. It's down six percent al private Mars Hill College in North Carolina. It's up six percent at public Gaston College nearby. / Situations like those, some observers believe, could be the siarl of something big: a massive student migration from private colleges, where avcrcge cost this year are $6,800, to public campuses, where costs average $3,800. The migration wasn'tsupposedto begin until next fall, when die pool potential college students was due to start drying up. But the new restriction on and cuts in federal student aid programs may have inspired more students than expected to transfer this year. I think the first effect (of the aid cuts) will be an enrollment shift to public colleges," predicts Dallas Martin of the National Association of Financial Aid Administrators, He reasons that the fewer aid dollars students can gel will go farther at less expensive schools, "We should sec a major shift (from private to public) next fall, but 1 wouldn't be surprised if you start to see some minor shifting this fall," he said. Preliminary enrollment figures] do show most public colleges growing as private colleges struggle to keep student populations stable. A Chronicle of Higher Education phone survey discovered all 22 public campuses it contacted had enrollment jumps. A College Press Service phone survey of private colleges found enrollment down on most of those campuses. However, not all administrators attribute the enrollment swings to| the aid cuts or to general shifting of student populations from private to public campuses, Nevertheless, most of the private colleges that have managed to keep their enrollments steady this fall are those that guarantee meeting 100 percent of their students' financial needs. At Nebraska Wesleyan, where there is no financial guarantee, Registrar Bctte Olson "assumes the decline (in enrollment) will continue next year," though she doesn't yet have the statistical evidence to show she'll be losing students to public colleges. She says a "small committee" will meet soon to discuss ways of stopping the decline, perhaps by guaranteeing aid. continued on page eleven % . . . . . . . . . , >.. , , i . , , • Potsdam is Dry Tuesday MEAGHER FLORIST function without alcohol' was beginning to develop." "Students feel the rule is really silly," said Charles Galemmo, Vice President of student government. "I don't think it's reached its goal — the whole thing has been exaggerated." According to Hurly, the policy has been effective in that "people arc talking about it, they arc becoming aware." Hurly explained that Tuesday was picked as "dry day" because it is "just an ordinary day. Very few social functions are planned on that day and so nobody is really being deprived." Hurly said the rule applies to faculty as well as students. "I have heard a few complaints," he said. "For example, there was one facuU ty member who was holding a meeting on a Tuesday, and wanted to serve wine and cheese. We don't bend the rules for anyone." Oalemmo claims that students had very little say in the decision. "The whole issue of student rights in school government comes into play." . "I can't accept that" countered Hurly, "The rule originated last year from a vandalism task force comprised of students and faculty. I was chairman of that committee and spent many hours discussing the policy with students." Hurly further explained that alcohol is still allowed to be brought into the dorms and if someone really want to drink he or she can still find alcohol off campus-. Jn.TicU^LHm. : FLOWERS SENT WORLD WIDE Remember your loved o n e s at home. DAILY CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS: Bouquet of fraah flower* $3.98 FTP Ttckl.r S8.S0 482-869f i , ".; KjL Albany International Center wants student (!nv/\Vli jr^«» volunteers for tutors in English as a /llfer?ff H7 7/ s c t ' o l , d language and home visits to Mjltf~jf|jr7 ff refugee families. |B/L' n I' I Community Serein Credit. Regislei Nov. 2-5 between LC 3 and <.. i •'111 • • 1— i• • imimiiiuifiirif CHARLES TOUHEY for Mayor • Since 1972 has been the Director of Capital Housing of Albany, a nationally recognized nonprofit housing rehabilitation and home ownership program. Chosen for the Distinguished Service Award by the Albany Junior Chamber of Commerce in recognition of his achievements rehabilitating and restoring neighborhoods. Author of THE CAPITAL ANSWER, a publication on housing rehabilitation. Presently editing a publication for the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. • Serving a 5-year term on the Albany Board of Education. Served as the 28th Congressional District representative in a national coalition of school board members which promotes education programs at the federal level. Member of the Mayor's Advisory Council for Albany's Community Development Program (1975) Consultant to the United Tenants of Albany Board member of the Voluntary Action Center Former trustee of WMHT, Channel 17 Founder and editor of OUR ALBANY TIMES Producer of a public affairs program on Channel 16 • Charles and his wife live at 53 Ramsey Place with their 2 children. • Graduated from Princeton University in 1968. • Worked as a teacher in the United States Peace Corps in Micronesia. • Taught at St. Anthony's School in Albany's South End. IT'S TIME FOR A NEW GENERATION OF LEADERS Sponsored by Student and Faculty Committee for Charles Tonhey for Mayor. KEN November 3 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. STOKEM for Alderman About Ken Stokem... • SUNYA Master's Degree student in RCO. • Chairperson, Committee for Fair Student Representation in Albany. • A coordinator of campus voter registration drive. • Independent Democrat. • Aldermanic Candidate nominated by Independent Albany Party and by Albany County Republican and Liberal Parties (A Bi-Partisan Coalition). Representing Students and Community: SUNY (State-wide) Governance SUNYA Delegate t o SASU, SASU Foundation, and SUNY Student Assembly Treasurer SU.NYA Campus Services and Programs Coordinator Albany Student Press Writer and reporter SUNYA Student Activities Office and Campus Center Graduate Student Advisor, 1980-81 United Way of Northeastern New York Allocations Panel, Member Student Association Chairperson, Central Council Central Council representative from Alumni Quad, Dutch Quad arid Off-Campus Chaired and served on many S.A. and C.C. Committees and Councils University Qovernment University Senator, 3 years Student Affairs Council Chair and Vice-Chair, University Community Council Corporate Membership of Faculty Student Association, Inc. (Now called U.A.S.) Vote for an Alderman that can represent you on the Albany City Common CounciL-A Sponsored by SUNYA S . , d . „ . f , r imT: .-. •: •:\-«K?M;M; Stokmm ,„, Mimfmmn Page Seven Albany Student Press ZODIAC NEWS sack law Couples living together out of wedlock might want to avoid the state of Arizona. That's because what state lawmakers refer to as "open and notorious co-habitation fake affection You need never be lonely again: for a mere 25 dollars, a Chicago firm will remember you with a card on your birthday, Christmas, and eight other holidays of your choice. The company says its "personalized greetings" will "let you know someone cares and is thinking about you." Even if you don't know whe it is. t v trivia What's the dumbest show on TV? The smart money's on "Dukes of Hazzaid." In a recent poll, members or MENSA — the organization for folks with high IQ's — rated "Dukes" the worst show on the tube, followed by "Dallas" and "That's Incredible." Number one show on the inlclligcnsla hit parade was "M-A-S-H," followed by " M a s t e r p i e c e Theater." drive jive A London magazine says sonu oil-rich Saudi Arabians have found an easy way to avoid car repair bills: they simply abandon them when they break down. Weekend magazine says 80,000 cars are aban- has been included as a possible felony under the stale's proposed anti-prostitution law. The sponsor of the bill, house member Jim Elliot, said of the "living in sin" bill: "Wc must tell the children and young people of this slate we can't, tolerate a continuation of this conduct. We must stand up and be counted." The lawmakers did just that, voting 51 to 8 to make "living together" punishable by six months in jail and a $300 fine. work w e e k shrinks Some good news, if you've been working more and enjoying it less: a study of the "work in America" institute says within the next decade he standard work week will be four days and 36 hours long. The institute surveyed top companies and found that ten percent of American workers already have flexible ('tuk • f>) ii, /•/ tacos |MexSp| : A stone-ground com turtilltl, folded and fried crisp -then loaded witli seasoned (i round Beef, Mexican Beans, sweet Onions. shredded Cheese, and Lettuce then perked up with our special Mexican Salsa and topped wit I diced Tomato. imminent invasion The Idea of U.S. Marines storming ashore on one of the tiniest islands in the Caribbean may seem laughable, but not to the leftist government of Grenada which claims a U.S. invasion is imminent. Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, head of the People's Revolutionary Government on the 9-by-12-mile island, has sent an urgent message to United Nations Sccretaryticneial Kurt Waldheim saying, "we are absolutely convinced our country is about to be subjected ti military invasion by the Reagan administration." Grenndlan concerns have been aroused by recent U.S. military exercises off the island ol Puerto Rico, which called for the mock invasion of an unfriendly island nation called "Amber and the Ambcrdlnes," an obvious reference to Grenada and the uuncd every year in Saudi cities sometimes only because -nc tank is empty. To keep up with the demand for replacements, the Saudis arc importing a million cars a year. schedules. — they set their o w l noun.or work less than Ave days a week. Hut by 1990, the study says one employee In four will work under some kind of flextirhe system. Tft«eo Serving our Community: About Charles Touhey Vote Tuesday October 30, 1981 ('pran • to) uc/i' (Mcx | : Without delay (No Waiting) Our Grapefruit Mist is the ?/^~ , Y ^° better bitter. It's easy u to get mixed up with 'cause the liquor's already in it. h™ ,-,11.y Federal DiBllllcrl I'IIKIUI'IS. liii-.r.niilinilK.-.Mii < W M ! « J* ^ «• « MM . PLEASE VOTE "Nothing is More Important to SUNY Students All Voters Than Public Education" and Elect Independent Candidate JOHN DALY ALBANY CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1981 neighboring Grenadine islands. Caribbean task force commander, Admiral Robert McKcnzic, added fuel lo the names by referring to Cuba, Nicaragua, and Grenada as "practically one country," and saying the U.S. must have prepared " t o interfere where possible and Install a government friendly to the way of life we espouse." Grenada's Prime Minister says his intelligence reports indicate the U.S. invasion could come as early as next mouth. ' Get partisan politics out of the schools in hiring, tenure, promotion. •Elect a man with energy to replace the tired blood on the current "business as usual" school board. •Provide new leadership for a complete updating of educational objectives and methods to meet student needs of the 1980's. Vote for John D. Daly Under Row L, Line 20, Lower Right Side of Voting Machine "An Independent CONCERNED QUALIFIED INDEPENDENT -First President, Albany Citizens Convention for an Elected School Board, a Coalition of Civic organizations Fostered by the League of Women Voters to promote a non-partisan approach to schools (1971). •Graduate: U. of Massachusetts (BA History, 1961)! and George Washington University (MA Health Administration 1973). •Endorsed by Ken Stokem, Chairperson, Committee for Fair Representation in Albany Voice to Represent All S n o n s o r e d by t h e S t u d e n t s for S t o k e m for Albany Citizens' early in order to avoid the late afternoon voting crush. Special thanks to those who put so much time in to the planning and running of the debate. See you at the polls. To the Editor: —Erie Turkcwilz We would like to thank the university —Brian Deir community for their participation in the Student Action Committee Jay Gordon Cohen mayoral debate this past Tuesday. In our i Late in 1969, the defense community/ such a sophisticated piece of equipment continuing effort to have an Informed stu- ; testifying before Congress, revealed that the after all. In fact, there were some major' dent body, literature on aldermanac can1 problems with the system. Suddenly all over E-3A Sentry Airborne Warning and Condidates will be aviailable in the Student I To the Editor: trol System (referred to by many as "the Washington there appeared stories about Association office. I am compelled to respond to the ASP's AWACS") would offer, long-range high the E-3A. Some officials confided that the Additionally busses will be available on front-page article on the New York State and low altitude surveillance of all vehicles, rotodome, on top of the aircraft, that Tuesday, Election Day, to'take voters to the Prison Bond Issue (Friday, Oct. 16), and in in all weather, and above all kinds of ter-j houses the radar would mysteriously fall off while the jet was in flight. Others said that polls. Stops will be made every fifteen particular to the trumpery of the Voters rain. the wheels would fall off during landing. It minutes at the Circle, Social Sciences arid [Against the Prison Construction Bond, Its data storage and processing capability' seems that the biggest joke in Washington the Gym bus stops. We urge you to vote and, especially, to Fred Duscnbury. The ( (system 4 PI Model CC-2, 1.25 Million these days is, how do you destroy an within Israel. This could pose a grave threat figures speak for themselves: operations per second, 655,360 word AWACS? Put It in the air. Finally, we were lo the security of Israel. But quickly, all In 1980, there were 337 reported assaults memory) can provide real-time assessment told that the entire system utilized off-theof enemy action, and of the status and posi- shelf technology from the late I960's. fears were quelled by the defense communi- on correction officers of New York Stale, tion of friendly resources. By centralizing Could these be the same people who ten ty analysts. They informed us that if the and each year this figure increases. There the co-ordination of complex, diverse, and years earlier told us that the E-3A Sentry Israelis were at war with the Saudis, they are many reasons for this increase: two besimultancous'niroperations in wartime such would be the most sophisticated flying could shoot down the Scnlrys. The United ing younger, more violent inmates and the an aircraft can command and control the machine ever fielded, for decades to come? Stales would understand. So now lack of programming. But the key problem • total air effort; strike, air superiortity, sup- I don't know. There is no reason to believe everything is fine, right? Wrong. is the overcrowding of our state's prisons. You may be thinking that the Saudis do port, airlift, reconnaissance, intercept, and that the Administration is trying to New York State and counties have nol presently have enough advanced Ininterdiction. In addition, the E-3A could downplay the capabilities of the AWACS prisons which arc bursting at the seams, terceptors to protect their AWACS and deled low flying objects at ranges of up to just so they can push the deal through with the New York Stale Corrections an offensive s t r i k e System running al 108 percent capacity. 250 miles, and higher flying ones at up lo Congress. I don't think that the Ad- c o o r d i n a t e simuilancously. Wrong again. The previous 375 miles. The radar system, housed in a. ministrationwouldmislcad the people about When a prison becomes overcrowded, all Administration agreed to sell 60 F-15 facets of life behind the wall deteriorate. disc shaped rotodome on top of the aircrafl such a thing. fighter/interceplors to the Saudis. As a can track 600 targets at a time and identify No matter what the quality of inmate proand interpret 240 of them simultaneously. I must admit though, I was a bit skeptical condition for thai sale, it was agreed, in gramming, no matter what the quality of At a cost of a mere $131 million per air- about the deal until very recently when my writing, lhal no exlernal bomb racks or the civilian and uniformed staff, the prison craft, these defense specialists testified that questions were answered by a defense com- tankers would be sold to the Saudis. Guess becomes an area where the lives of inmates, the American people would be getting a ter- munity specialist. I had always believed that what is also included in the AWACS correction officers and civilians are in rific bargain for their tax dollar; total cost the primary threat lo the Saudis would be package. External bomb racks, mid-air danger. for 26 jets, about $15 billion. armed Moslem infidels crossing the desert, refueling KC-135 Tankers, and more SparOn November 3, New York voters begin not the Soviets invading by air. The old ver- row and Sidewinder air lo air missiles. With the process of returning security lo the So understandably, there was much re- sion of the AWACS E-3A could not deteel this type of cquipmenl in the hands of the prison system by voting yes on the Prison joicing at the Boeing Corporation when on objects moving al under 70 km/hour. But I Saudis (and presumably they will be properJuly 23, 1970, it received the prime contract was told that the new version has been Bond Issue. The $500 million will be used lo ly trained in its usage) I he Israeli Air Force for the E-3A Sentry. The U.S. Air Force adapted for the Saudis. Now the Sentry can construct three new 512 bed facilities and docs not stand a fighting chance. and Strategic Air Command were also track camels. The Saudi version uses a will also expand the capacity of localelated at the news, for now they would have special kind of radar which bounces ex- ' Somebody isn't telling the truth. county facilities throughout the state. These However, the security of the United in their possession the most sophisticated cluslvcly off the humps of camels (hump funds are a small price to pay to avoid the States, it is true, does nol depend soley Airborne Command and Control System frequency radar). So now the Saudis have loss of lives and property damage which we upon taking into account the security of ever conceived. All over Washington and the option of cither tracking 600 aircraft have seen in ihe riots of New Mexico, Israel. But what if the AWACS, a piece of the rest of the nation, words of praise were simultaneously, or 450 aircraft and 75 Michigan and Attica. In the Atlica riot, ten our frontier technology, fell into the wrong said about the AWACS Sentry. That is, un- camels. This new hump technology is correction officers were killed, and in the hands. No problem, says our Defense til recently. foolproof. So now, why would anybody Department. We're going lo sell the Sentry final report on Attica, it was recommended Last month, in testimony before the Con- have reason lo oppose the package? that no more than 1200 inmates were to be lo the Russians anyway, lo spread out the gress regarding the sale of the E-3A Sentry housed in the Attica facility. Today, there Well, it has been argued thai if the Saudis tremendous cost of the system. Besides, if Airborne Warning and Control System lo are over 1800 inmates. We all vowed thai Saudi Arabia, members of the defense com- flew iheir Scnlrys in the northwest quadrant we don'l sell il to litem, they'll buy the . after Attica, il would never happen again. munity told astonished senators and of their country, they would be able lo British Nimrod instead. Overcrowding is bringing a major explosion monitor everv jet taking off and landing representatives that the AWACS was not A funny thing is this game called politics. closer each day, and it is not plausible 10 KtassesfcsMeafc advocate alternatives lo prison, as Fred Dusenbury (the Citizen's Party mayoral candidate) did. Instead of attacking the morality of the prison system's ideals and framework, I urge all students who arc eligible lo vole, to increase your security and that of the correction officers who work behind the walls, by voting yes on Ihe Stale Prison Bond Issue (Proposition One). Mayoral Issue AWACS And Nknrods Can Israel Remain Secure Prison Insight * As a full-time intern with the American • Federation of Stale, County and Municipal ^ Employees (AFSCME), I became aware of the overcrowded conditions of our slate's prisons first hand, by visiting Ihe facilities on behalf of the union thai represents the correction officers. I now recognize that ibis bond issue is the surest way to alleviate Ihe grave slate of New York's correctional facilities. —Ivy Spiegel Vote Tuesday I H. TW0 F AWIUnR GHOSTS VaSHMMEMHE^^ To the Editor: As you may be aware, I am running foi Alderman lo ihe Albany Common Council to represent Alumni Quad and the Pine Hills neighborhood (Ward 11). As an undergraduate al SUNYA, a community resident and now a graduate student,! have been very active both on campus and in the Albany community — from opposing SUNY tuition hikes and Niagara Mohawk rate increases lo promoting improved housing conditions and neighborhood services. The City of Albany has been run for the last 40 years by Mayor Corning and his poltical machine. As a result, the needs of off-campus students and community residents huvc been ignored. t...Tile, ami-grouper. law,,(which,,pfflhjbj|s, Election 81: Profiles of Candidates Analysis Erastus Corning by Susan Milligan It's hard nol to be smug about a campaign when you've conducted them successfully for the past 40 years, and Mayor Erastus Corning II is just that. And being head of one of the longest-running political machines in the country is ample reason for a self-assured attitude. The power of his position combined with a Rcagancsque charm are very effective at appeasing the masses. Corning is so confident that he doesn't even feel the need to directly address the issues — something to which local reporters have become accustomed. But the caricature of an intimidating, gruff-voiced boss is nol an accurate one.. Coming's door is always open. He answers his own phone. If you're concerned about the Pine Hills Molester and your landlord continued In centerfold Statement We have in the Capital district the wonderful asset of many institutions of higher learning, institutions of great diversity, of superior caliber and serving fifty thousand students. A major goal of mine has been and will continue to be to see to it that students and non students alike take full advantage of these assets. Students can take part actively in the life of their communty as volunteers, in workstudy programs, and as members of the Albany family whether for a few years of for a lifetime. Non-formal students, and that covers all the rest or us can and should make much greater use of our universities and colleges, can and should lake a far greater part in their activities and can con- ' linuc the learning process and its excitement throughout our lives. - ifitor jgmn mwstf JBBB s mmgBtir—" Fred Dusenbury Analysis by Wayne Pcereboom . . . - The boy suddenly recognized the man standing next to him. at the counter in; McDonalds. "Hey, it's Fred Dusenbury. How ya doin'? Hope ya win." "Thank y o u , " the Citizens Parly Mayoral candidate replied, "but 1 probably' am nol going t o . " j "Realistically," the candidate later said, "it would be highly unlikely for me or (opponent Charles) Touhcy to have a victory. I've been out there collecting signatures and talking to people. People arc; afraid they will be punished by rising taxes, and jobs lost if they vote outside the machine." Rather than seeing the mayoral race as a, chance to upset a 60-year-old democratic; machine Dusenbury views the election as an continued on centerfoldJ[ Statement On November 3, the good ,vo!crs in. Ihe city of Albany are going to cast a.protcsl vole. A protest against the cronyism, and political corruption which lias dominated Albany government for 40 years; a protest against the decision to allow the South African rugby game; a protest.against a. policy of giving tax dollars lo downtown businesses while neglecting the needs of Ihe low and moderate income neighborhoods of the city of Albany. A protest against an administration which for years illegally discriminated against students who wanted to vole in Ihe City of Albany. That protest vote will go to either Charles Touhcy or myself. I ask you to consider the differences between Charles Touchy and Fred Dusenbury. I have always noted Ihe continued on back page Charles Touhey Analysis Statement by Judie Eiscnberg , The man in Ihe gray pin-striped suit HOUSING I have two clear approaches to our housstands with one arm crossed over the other, rocking from fool lo foot while listening to ing problems. First, we need to expand housing rehabilitation in the city and cut the questions of those who surround him. " . . . and would you raise the taxes?" government red tape which has slowed the program and driven up its cost. For examqueries one short, gray-haired woman. "Oh n o , " he protests, extending his hand ple, to rehabilitate a two family house with as if to stop the thought. "Albany already taxpayers' money il now costs $135,000. has the fifth highest tax rate in (he state — This is wasteful and unacceptable. Second, I will provide the leadership to more than even New York City. . ."• Tax rates are of major concern lo construct hundreds of owner-occupied afmayoral candidate Charles Touhcy. As are fordable two family homes on vacant lots throughout the older neighborhoods of our housing and building restoration. But his favorite issue, the one which city. I invite you to visit 504 Livingston predominates his speeches and adver- Ave. and sec for yourself what 1 can do. Today our tax rate in Albany is Ihe 5th tisements, the one on which his whole camhighest in the State — higher even than New paign is based is,.. Well, we all know. "Corning is the issue," Touhey stresses, York City. High taxes mean high rents. To continued on back page continued^iJl centerfoldl Profiles ofAlderman Candidates: See Centerfold ,!y,iu.i W!K!?T?KITT*^^iT!^^\!7i?-i7^M^TrT!i7Hc^ f* Alderman Candidates Wardfr Nancy Burton Serving as Ward 6 Alderman for the past four years, Nancy Burton is seeking reelection on the Democratic, Republican and Liberal ticket. Burton, the only woman on Albany's Common Council, also.has the endorsement or the Black and Political Caucus, the Cay Caucus, and the New Democratic Coalition. Commenting on issues facing Albany residents, Burton said, "I supported the security ordinance and am against the antigrouper law." Burton usually votes in opposition to the council, she claims, saying that "on Ihc rugby match I was one of two Aldermen who took a stand on the matter at all. Wc felt we didn't have to have the game:" Burton also says she voted no to the last' three city budgets, and.is opposed to the development of:the Pine Bush for ihc proposed Crossgates shopping mall. When asked how she thought student voting would affect the election, Burton said, "Frankly, 1 don't know. There's a difference between gelling people lo register and gelling them lo ihe polls." Burton is currently Ihc Budget Examiner for New York Slate, president of her neighborhood association, and serves on ihc Capitol Hill Improvement Company Board. She will, however, be resigning from Ihc board, because of a "conflict of inlcrcsl in ihelr receiving government funds." Burton, who is 30 years old, is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate from Syracuse University, receiving an undergraduate degree in Sociology. —- Susan Smith Dennis Foley could not be reached for an interview. Michael Ireland Michael Ireland thinks that his party — the Citizens Party — has a pretty good chance of winning some of the seats open on the Albany Common Council November 3. He's just not too sure if he'll win the Alderman scat in Word 6. "We don't have a lot of hope for winning all four races. We do have a good chance tu win in (Judith) Enck's and (Robert) Cohen's wards, though." Ireland makes himself very clear when comparing himself lo Nancy Burton, whom he considers his strongest opponent. "I'm further left than she is — she's a liberal, I'm a progressive." Ireland stresses that he is a parly man; that is, he would reliably vote the Citizens Party line. "We do expect party people lo vote the party line. We're philosophically committed to a position, and we'll stand by it. We're trying lo inject some consumerism into the race." His campaign is oriented toward low and middle income people in Ward 6, he says. He speaks adamantly against what he calls gentrification of neighborhoods. "They think when a neighborhood is dressed up, it attracts a 'better' people — higher income professionals — forcing out lower income people. They're saying 'to hell with the people who live here now,' and I think that's wrong. There must be a way to make downtown neighborhoods viable without kicking out lower income people." He opposes the way federal Community Development block grant money Is being spent. His claim is that less than 40 percent of the money is going lo housing, while the rest goes to businesses building or expanding downtown as well as into street and sidewalk repair. "I don't think money that's supposed to go to housing should go to sidewalks and streets," he says. Ireland says the anti-grouper laws have make people hesitant to report health and safety code violations when more than three people share their apaprtment. "The law deals with the symptoms, not the problem, and that's classic. Thai's typical of this machine." - D e a n Belz Ward 10 Tom Burch The 12-year Incumbent Ward 10 Alderman, Thomas Burch, is running against two people he views as "total strangers to Albany." He has refused lo participate in a community forum with one of these, "strangers", Judith Enck, because he.feels! "there are no issue? in this campaign," He says he should be reelected, ". . .on: my experience and background In the Ward after-12 years." Burch's accomplishments-! as Alderman include Ihc B'nai B'rilh high rise aparlmcnl complex on Hudson Avenue, Mini-medical Center, on Madison Avenue, Ihc. purchase of Ridgcficld Park, Ihe play area at Madison and Ontario ard authorizing antipornography legislation. Burch feels he knows Ihc people of Ihc ward and thai he is always available lo Ihcm, for any problems or concerns. He added, ."I ihink the. people in the ward like me." He sccs.no need for a security ordinance in Albany, stating, "Lock and boll security should suffice. If Ihc people need Ihcm, lei Ihcm put locks on their doors themselves and use them." Also, he doesn't view the possibility of public power.as an issue in his campaign because "it would be impossible lo keep it (public power) running, .and Niagara Mohawk would eventually ..take over anyway." , II is difficult for Burch lo estimate Ihe impact that the student vole will have in this election. He explained that many of Ihc students that he spoke lo in his ward said they would be voting in their home towns by absentee ballot. But, he said, "if all the students who are registered lo vole'in Albany get oul lo Ihe polls, I here could be a visible effect on the elections." On the issue of low-income housing, Burch commented, "there has always been a need" for this but, he pointed out, "there is not that kind of land available in Ward 10, and Federal monies would not be used for this." —Lisa Mirabellu 1 disagree. I find it frustrating because I have a lot to say lo the people, and he s standing in the way of letting the people understand the choices that are available to them In this election." She also thinks "the student vote will play a critical role in this year's elections," adding that she feels students will make an "Informed choice." — Lisa Mlrabella Paul Silverstein' "I consider myself the only responsible candidate," says Paul Silverstein, Republican/Independant candidate for Ward 10 Alderman. He feels Ihc anti-grouper law, security ordinance, and rent control issues stem from Ihe fact that there is a great demand for the little housing there is in the city of Albany. This situation implies, he says, that "high rents can be dictated." He feels rent can be stabilized by stabilizing taxes. One way in which this can be done Is through cily investments. "In the first nine months of this year Schenectady made approximately $30,000 and Troy, approximately $230,000. Albany didn't make a dime,'! he said. Further, Silverstein believes utility rale hikes arc excessive. As an example, he points oul Quackcnbush, which is currently being used as an office for Ihe water department. "No one goes there," Silverstein says. "It's almost as If Corning look it as a toy and Ihc Common Council went along with il and spent thai money." In response lo Ihe recent Springboks controversy, Silverstein said, :'I think the South African government has every right lo prcscnl Ihelr views. I don't Ihink Ihe rugby team represented Ihc South African views. I don't think Albany should have had lo spend $45,000 on security. The game shouldn't have been, played on public properly al public expense." Silverstein thinks students should have gotten voting rights long ago, and hopes for 200 voles out of Ihe 2S0 registered student voters who live in his Ward. ,. "Albany is a nice place. It could be nicer," says Silverstein. "What's holding il back is 40 years of the same administration." —Elizabeth Reich Ward 11 Bob Cohen When Bob Cohen was seven, he marched against Ihc Vietnam War and crusaded for civil rights. On November 3, local voters will determine if the Citizen's Party Candidate will be the next Alderman of Albany's I lth ward. "1 raise issues that affect students because students are not separate — they are affected by community issues, such as landlord problems, high rents, and high utility bills," he says. "The Democratic machine offers little lo His opposition, incumbent Alderman those who aren't loyal to it," says Judith Gerald Jennings, represents the conserEnck, Citizens Parly candidate for ward 10 vative democratic line and, according to Alderman. Cohen, has done nothing al all in his year She would like to sec an end to the and a half in office lo address the needs of Democratic Machine, which she feels, runs the people in ihc I lth ward, a district of the Albany without meeting the needs of its cily centering around the Pine-Hills area in citizens, while ii favors those who support which 2,600 potential sludent voters live. the machine. "The reality of it is you don't know what Other issues that concern Enck are a he stands for — he hasn't made a statement security ordinance in Albany, rent control on the issues in a year and a half," Cohen laws, effective code enforcement, and the claims. repeal of the anti-grouper law. Now a SUNYA graduate studcnl in Enck would also like lo change Ihc lack Library Science, Cohen says, "I want lo use of community input to Ihe Common Coun- Ihe position as a means'lo raise issues — a cil. "In my experience of going door to means for community people to express door in my neighborhood, I have found their views." thai most people don't even know that the Cohen denounced the city's Democratic i Common Council exists," she says. officials by citing the misuse of funds' One of her goals should she be elected allocated lo low and moderate income Alderman, would be lo have a public power families to rebuild their homes. Two prosystem established in Albany in order lo cut grams, the Community Development Procosts on services from Niagara Mohwak. gram sponsored by the Department of thinks, "Ihe Common Council should ex- Housing and Urban Development, and the plore Ihe savings lo Albany consumers from Rehabilitation Assistance Program, arc set public power by approving a feasibility up for this purpose. Unfortunately, Cohen study as the first step.'" said, Albany is using these monies for its Enck claims one of her opponents, 12 pet projects: Madison Avenue's Dunkin year incumbent Thomas Burch, has refused Donuts is gelling $1,000 lo improve its to participate in a community, forum with facilities, and other Kinds arc being poured her. into high Income South Mall "He (Burch) says there are no issues, but | neighborhoods or private businesses, such Judith Enck as the Hilton Hotel. —Catherine Lolito Jerry Jennings The Democratic candidate for Alderman in the I lth ward, Jerry Jennings, Is now completing his first year as alderman after being elected to the position when it was vacated last November. The 33-year-old SUNYA graduate and Albany High Vice-Principal is pleased that students are finally getting a voice in local politics. "Sometimes students are grouped unfairly into stereotypes," said Jennings. "In dealing with students I have found them quite responsive, and have found ihai they have many constructive ideas." Jennings recognizes the problem of residential safety in his neighborhood, bin feels that the proposed Security Ordinance is not necessarily Ihe bcsl answer. The proposed ordinance calls upon landlords lo improve ihc safely and security of their properly. "Primarily," said Jennings, "the cost of this program will be pul upon the students." The 11th ward borders ihc Pine Hills neighborhood where a rash of attacks lias occurred over the last year. continued on back pane Ward 13 Gene Damm The liberal candidate for the I3th Ward Is GcneDainm, who is against Ihc antigrouper law. He strongly holds thai this "law needs lo be changed because il discriminates against Ihe non-traditional family. The number of people in an apartment is arbitrary." He feels "landlords arc using this law as a weapon against their student tenants. They arc gouging students with this regulation, If students complain about the lack of adequate service, the landlords threaten, and do, turn those students in who have more than three in their flat." As a member of Ihe United Tenants of Albany, Damm has been lobbying for rent regulations in Albany. The United Tenants is the principal tenant committee in the cily of Albany. An alumnus of SUNYA and a pan-lime graduate sludent, Damm feels he can represent sludent interest in areas where il concerns them. This includes ihc anti-grouper law, rent conlrol, voting rights and especially Ihc enforcemenl of the housing standards, he said. Damm feels very positive about the new studeni voting rights, noting "if students in ihe 15th Ward vole as a block, they miehl be able lo win a seal." Damm wants it known that he is "a member of Ihe Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, (DSOC) which is Ihc largest studeni political organization in American." — Belh Brinscr Steven McArdle The Democratic candidate for I3lh Ward, incumbent Steve McArdle, says he has studied Ihe proposed security orcfinance very carefully and feels il would be "difficull lo enforce because of Ihc many windows and doors." Living next door to SUNYA students, McArdle said he feels a rapport wilh Ihcm. However, when il comes lo the anli-grotiper law, he says he is "against greedy landlords packing them (students) in." Therefore, McArdle says he supports Ihe anti-grouper law to avoid the problem of overcrowding. McArdle does not feci studcnl voting rights will affect him since he is running in Ihc 13th Ward, although lie remarked "the effects in the 15lh Ward remain to be seen." He believes ihc students will follow Ihc traditional voting patterns of llicil parents; "Therefore," he said, "they won'l vole for the person "'en Siokcm) I""" campus." The alderman believes "most legislnli"11 passed is not only for Ihc clllzcns of Albany but also for SUNYA siuduiis as well," McArdle uses a slaicmcnl by Harry Truman lo explain why he feels lint democrats have controlled public oil" ' Albany for so many years: "A politic n is no more than a public relations pen Images of Women p ^JftBWff*MW | *^"W . 2a/0ctaber 30, 1981 > MT*** immmm* • sjlNTROSPECnVl October 30, 1981/3a Insid Park It Here < Unprotected Innocence We think that amidst all the rhetoric of the upcoming mayoral election, probably the most Important Issue of all Is being forgotten. Granted, that a young upstart has been battling a decades-old political machine Is certainly newsworthy. The anti-grouper law Is o.k., too, we guess. It's no great shake having to store your clothes In the frlgldalre every lime the Inspector pays a call. And the rugby game Is cool, Issue-wise; rugby Is a dumb and dangerous sport, and you can get hurt very easily, and really what's the use? But we have to pause to wonder why no one Is up In arms about what Is definitely the most annoying of many annoyances In this burgh — that is, alternate side of the street parking. Twice a week, back to back, every week, available parking space downtown gets halved so the city of Albany can clean Its streets. Which means as evening falls a mad scramble begins for the twenty or so parking spaces In the student ghetto. All this so Albany can boast sparkling clean streets. How clean do we want our streets to be? That Is the question you should be asking yourself when you go to the polls on Tuesday. Is a shiny street a good trade-off for a midnight stroll from Delmar? We think not, and think you should think not also. On Tuesday, think not. Speaking of the mayoral race, rumor has It that Wasp stud William Hurt has been slated to star In Rat-a-tat — The Charles Touhey Story. Robert DeNIro will undergo another of his Incredible transformations for the movie, putting on an additional 50 years for his role as Erastus Corning. You won't see us until Friday, by the way, and we'll pause for applause. The ASP is publishing its special election Issue, and because of mysterious produclion Ihings It's easier for us lo hold off until then when we present our monthly calendar of the arts. We'll be running down all the highlights of November In Albany, and we think you'll enjoy both of 'em. We'll see you then. ___ 1 bout 22 years ago, Just a lew days after the beginning of autumn, a little girl with tight blond curls and watery blue eyes was placed In the hands of the State of New York. Tina Carlllo was then sent to live in a big brick building In the complex on Staten Island then called Wlllowbrook. Every other Sunday Tina's parents would drive an hour and a half from the east end of Long Island to visit her In a drab, little walling room. She was profoundly retarded and stricken with cerebral palsy, but she smiled a lot. Her mother, who has the same curly hair, and her father, who had the same deep-set blue eyes, never visited the ward in which their daughter slept. And as Tina slept in her own sheltered, unchanging world, she remained oblivious to the fact that the world In which she had not lived had changed a great deal. There had been a great oulcry about Wlllowbrook and institutions In general; there were many doctors who had decided that retarded children would grow best with their parents. So many parents started thinking that way, too. A S o m a p e o p l e think women on! 3a be secretaries, should fe that sU.eotyplng? A lecture series examines how the arte h a v e treated women, and Aspect* talks with the lecturers. "Unprotected Innocence:" about a girl called Tina, a place called Wlllotvbri >k, a n d a thing called love. "Art -y Explained" turns the other ch' And In "The Smile," Hubert di - i what Hubert does. 6a Necky-wecksl They like to slash 'emit Halloween hit a vein, but Is (Ms the end of the splatter movie? Also, a look at the image of women In films: It was out of the bedroom and onto the screens at the end of the seventies, but wither the eighties? 8a 7a lotta Blotto on the Sound little else. The local boys Trax, and waiting for the Aren't we all? Diversions is Diversions, and always will b e . Please don't bather us. -***** I t ' s Gonna Be Weird***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S | c ^ C 5 | ( ^ ^ 5 j : * * * * * * # D o you order white wine and Perrler at sleazy bars? Is your wardrobe composed of Salvation Army rejects and Vogue/GQ-featured designer shirts? Do you have wall hangings of extinct animal species? Do you listen to David Bowie and Mozart simultaneously? If you answered yes to two or more of the above, consider yourself artsy. What is artsy? Artsy is the term that describes those artistic, flaky, elite, egotistical, spacy, creative, Greenwich Village types who try to be Individualistic. "Attsy" people tend to be concentrated In the areas of art, music, theater, philosophy, literature, cooking and yoga. " It's not that I'm not Interested, It's just that' "Artsy" people can be found In "artsy" I've learned over the years to question hangouts. They tend to talk about World Report everything (especially a woman bearing So, last month, after spending almost internationally Irrelevant matters, such as gifts). her entire life In an Institution, Tina's psychic phenomena, homemade yogurt, "Ok, sweetheart, but 1 can't stay too parents decided they wanted to lake her ! LSD and sexual perversions. They tend to long. Places to see and people to meet." home. She was put In a van in her ! throw around certain expressions such as "One cup of coffee, that's all I ask of wheelchair and driven Into Suffolk County "excellent" and "cosmic." your time." Her smile is back again, to live with Arthur and Carla Carillo; the They tend to dress differently than most disarming me further. two who bore her but did not know what people — sweatshirts (except those with "One cup of coffee It Is my dear." to do with her when she, and they, were designs on them) cannot be worn In public. Two flights of stairs later I find myself In i Sneakers are too common; "artsy" people so young. a kitchen drinking coffee thinking The three younger brothers she never wear boots, high fashion designer shoes or somewhat aloud why am I here. knew had become an engineer, a worn out earth shoes. School jackets are She replies, "1 just needed someone to journalist, and a law student, respectively. definitely a no-no. Usually, most of their talk to. Most men would think I was asking But the eldest child grew up to be a baby, clothes are outrageously expensive or dirt them lo bed. But you seemed so for while Tina's body had traveled through cheap. "Artsy" clothes can be loud or j disinterested I jusl . . . " Her words trail adolescence to adulthood, she wears the drab, tasteful or tacky, but never ordinary. off, leaving the distinct impression thai she clothes of a small child — pink dress, shiny "Artsy" people like wearing layers — for has told me more than what she feels black shoes, white socks and diapers — example, a Pierre Cardin sweater over a comfortable with me knowing. | and her mind has remained just about M ' A ' S ' H ' T-shirt, covered by an Army Hubert-Kenneth Dickey Moments like this usually bring out my jacket with a black velvet blazer (copy of where it was when she was admitted to the hunter's instinct. I'm sitting pretty, so I'm New York Times and Village Voice big, cold building In southern New York. not about to make any moves. To ease her optional). And even with her severe handicap, tension somewhat 1 add. "Yeah, "Artsy" should never be confused with both parents never stop feeling they had sometimes I'm too understanding." Reality Is that which cannot be subrated the other well known stereotypes, such as clone something terrible when they lislened "I would never dream of taking by any other experience. punk and preppy. "Artsy" people aren't as to the doctor and sent their firstborn away.. advantage of you." Flashing her smile Appearance is that which can be raunchy as punks or as bland as preppies. They recalled when Tina was four months again just like a neon sign. subratedfayother experience. They tend to associate with "artsy" people. old and her mother brought her lo the "1 always thought men said that to Unreality Is that which neither can nor They are usually soft spoken, unpredictable doctor to find out why she often put her women." Moving nervously In my seat as 1 cannot be subrated by other experience. ' and dislike crowds. They are usually head back and failed lo have the speak. Adualla Vedanla friendly (or rather tolerant) but have a movement of a child that age. That doctor "More liberated than you first imagined." mildly snobbish, elite quality. For example, told the Carlllos that they had nothing lo Her eyes sparkle and she begins to lick her he sparkle of the lights are "artsy" people seem to have a lot of worry about — their daughter was lips. "Anything is possible In this world. matched only by the sparkle of private, Inside jokes even though they may diagnosed as "lazy." her eyes. At least that's what 1 tell Now that I've had this nice lalk with you, 1 have known each other less than 10 But six months had passed and Tina's must be going." Testing her to see what her. She is reasonably unimpressed ( as I minutes. parents became more worried when her she is really up to. had expected her to be). How can you tell If someone Is artsy? condition didn't Improve. A second doctor "Don't go yet, there Is so much that I Soon we depart this haven for Besides the ways already mentioned, their examined Tina, determined she was brain- i want to tell you." 'overactive" lovers. She's going home and rooms should give you a clue. Wicker damaged, and suggested she be "Tell me some other time, sweetheart. I'm headed for an after hours Joint. The air furniture Is usually a good indication, as Institutionalized. I'll be seeing you around." are musical Instruments — the more bizarre outside has turned a curious mixture ol Tina has already made some small She jumps up and stands In fronl of me. the belter. A harp, sltar or bassoon Is a victories In the ona month since she's been anxiety and fear. "Would you be so kind as to move? 1 sure sign. Also, check their album Tension dances with the roof tops of home. Slu' cm make eye contact with have to leave now." collections — half of them are out of print strangers, feed herself with special utensils, cais. Distant stars sing a two-part harmony "You can't leave now. I love you and and rarely heard and range from and has learned Iho llrsl wind In all her 23 with the clouds. My blood begins to boll as you must do your duty." Beethoven to Duke Ellington to Simon and I think ul all the bedrooms I've slept In, I "First I've ever heard about it, sister." years: "I apa Garlunkel, Sex Pistols, Donna Summer wondei il she Is really going home She fires back, "I'm your woman and People that visit the Cai and Joe Jackson. An "artsy" person will I drop her oil at hei front doot and start youi place is here with me tonight," ovet rtna as II she wen a not openly admit to having a Barry on my way. I stop Inr the red light and i is an Infant In Mv patience Is taking a severe beating by is Yet, while theh daughl Manilow or Commodores album. there slu' Is. She says she has forgotten strong, and sin now My lompei begins to show itself. My so many ways, her bodi I something. Now you should definitely be wellm a y well outlive hei own "What did you forget?" Knowing lull wall "iilv recourse Is to walk and slop talking prepared lo spoi "artsy" people. If this still Tin' door, however, has other ideas. To And as Mi Carlllo to chei I"'. has not helped, try this al dinner — an who! "it" is. at put it mildly I'm pissed. dai ter'shead, he wc "arlsy" person will usually eat a color"Oh, what do you say wo both go il 1 io had had Ihis That smile of hers has once again nppi wmlk coordinated salad and may bring along a upstairs and talk?" Hei smile widens when , lust than hei appealed and I'm really too mad to do packet of herbal tea. Don't be too surprised kind hot mouth forms the word lalk .i with some anything else, so 1 escort her to (our?) her when you -see .11 .... D My in si reaction In not at .ill positive , iiu' smile "I il>'' bedroom and have it for a few houis. ^ I What's this one UP to Is all 1 can think-of T -Beer -Munchies, Soda -Live Band Roni D. Ginsberg & Fred Gladstone The Smile Saturday, October 31st 9pm-lam ^^^^^^^ -Costume Contest at Midnight (best indiv.. best group, best couple) B E W A R E : leDe REQUIRED I. Artsy Explained I Michael Brandes The Campus Center Halloween P a r t y •.^TM^tf-sKv^- Rag's World 1 We gotta page, and are making big break. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The morning »Un brings me a cup of sollce. 1 turn and look at rhy bedmate. She seems to be off In a dream with that smile of hers now stretching from ear to ear. After a shower and breakfast I'm allowed to leave. Once I'm safely back at home I begin to think that It wasn't all that bad. You have to take life as you find It. Last night I found a smile and a woman. Who knows what I'll find tonight? • Close Encounters University students and their guests only Sponsered by Classes of 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 '••••" - * • • •«"•'•••' CENTERFOL n I • \ Images of Women Art: Motherhood and Seduction T hat the name Artemesia Gentlleschl means nothing to most comes as no surprise to Roberta Bernstein, an assistant professor of art at SUNYA who Is studying women both as participants In and subjects of painting since the Renaissance. Gentlleschl was a glanl of the Baroque era and was possibly the greatest of all women artists. The most mild praise for her work would be "revolutionary." Literature, Art and the Stereotype Bernstein, who taught at Barnard and Columbia before coming to SUNYA, reveals that the obscurity of artists like Gentlleschl Is a result of sex stereotyping that has trapped women In a limited number of roles — limited to two, in fact, according to the professor. "The history of art treats woman either as mothers or as sex objects," says Bernstein, explaining that the portrayal of women as the contented madonna or ravished virgin reflected and reinforced the anxieties of a predominantly male art world. The madonna Image of course dates back nearly two mlllenla, but even when approaching motherhood In a non-secular lashlon, males have tended to deify the woman as she cares for the child and the home. When faced by growing activism among women, the situation only grew worse: a "conservative backlash," says Bernstein, "was a matter of course." She cites Ihe reactionary artistic climate of France after the revolution as an example. Bernstein has chosen in her studies to focus not on those negative Images, but rather on the positive responses created by female artists, especially Mary Cassatt, Paula ModersohnBecker and Kathe Kollwltz. Cassatt is probably the most famous of all women artists, though her reputation is based as much on her friendships with other French Impressionists as It Is on her own skill. Cassatt's paintings seem as subtle yet direct confrontations of the themes men were exploiting. Bernstein feels Cassatt's paintings of mothers and children reveal a closeness and Intimacy that Is uniquely female. "Cassatt shows motherhood In a meaningful and significant way," Bernstein says. Yet Cassatt's paintings never give the impression that the everyday life was exalted In anyway. In the melancholy faces of many of her subjects Is seen the drudgery of routine. Bernstein says Cassatt showed Ihe different sides of domestic life In a way no man ever could. In spite of that, or more likely because of that, Cassatt's reputation was tarnished until recently. Critics labeled her a limited artist who paled next to other Impressionists — Degas and the like. Bernstein says that is representative of Ihe paradox of women In art. While Ihe woman was often put on a pedestal, she says, in men's eyes the role women play was a degrading one. Thus, when women treated those very subjects, Ihelr work was relegated to Ihe ranks of the trivial or minor. Have you been using this towel, Shirley, or was it your father? 1//1 IIK'MJ Paula Modersohn-Becki (1906) Artemesia Halojernes Gentll eschl, Judith beheading hough It Is ten years since she first studied children's literature and sex stereotypes. Carol A n n Modena finds that children's books still bear "a very traditional message." A former pre-school teacher and college professor, Modena Is revealing Ihe findings of her latest research of sex role portrayal at two lectures offered by the Capital District Humanities Program. The study grew from Modena's graduate work In elementary education and from her avid Interest In women's activism. Since "children's books are reflective of culture," Modena found them a highly appropriate springboard for studying sex stereotyping In general. The research consisted of methodically sampling children's books (most considered high quality by experts), and consulting various reference sources such as Hornbook magazine and The School Library Journal. Modena focused primarily upon characterization, specifically Ihe role portrayal of males and females. Her conclusion was one of discouragement; she found that Ihe traditional stereotypical role portrayal emphasized In children's literature was "nol reflective of reality." There exists a vast under-representatlon of women In children's books: 75 percent of all characters depicted in her sampling were male. Only two of some seventy une stories were entirely without males. Of the female characters portrayed, most appear In passive roles, while males constituted 76 percent of all occupational roles. And concerning themes, 82 percent of the ones Involving adventure, exploration. Imaginative play or physical activity were reserved for male protagonists. I Women always seem to participate as observers, says Modena. Millions of Cats lealures a little old woman who stays safely at home while her little old husband goes out In search of a kitten. One Morning In Maine has a father and son going to town while the mother stays home fixing lunch. Modena also analyzed occupations In the children's books, and found equally discouraging results. In numbers alone, males far outnumbered women In the work force — 71 to 19. And Ihe nature of ihose occupations was disturbing: Men were purlrayed in all walks, incudlng lumberjacks, custodians, cowboys and mayors. Girls were relegated to positions as prlnc«»»e$, sales clerks, and mothers. Men wuiu purtrayed as fathers, but had occupations as well. Women were given few op" " M M . 7 " ' " ' l h e " , o l o s n s m o t o r s and daughters. ' " " " M lound httli. ( -,,usi' for encouragement when reviewing current titles. Her AmPrirTnl?95' f 0 5 6 " ' " " ? SSJJKT .a.Ihn"Uinh,Lhlfalflu7 be dlsa , ° ' l l d r . . * lit Oscar). Ihe 9"5, an d ,heSch 01 L<lbrarcyhJ ournal sn l,95show Ca deC U Medal wlnne s the ° " ' P P ° i n " n 9 . 'here are "Indications of strong female represen a or ,e c Idr ^ h ' " " S ^ T * aS " H a n S C l a n d G r e , e 1 ' " a s * * " a s ' " ^ *«• Ladv And The S,rau be S The G > W h , °t U „ M "J'"" > "» " ° ^ by Molly Bang, a n d W d Yeonfan a " d B l a k T " ^ * " " ' * """ ^ " » " ^ s L . o L , by ,ond weLh°an e l n T , ^ " " 'Tu ^ ^ ^ ^ °< L e n a ' s favorl.es. They SmUP Z Z Z ° ' a b ° U ! {UMV W O m e n "' v a r i e d « 8 « and backgrounds. The Cm WS aS,OUndin9: S B m a l w s S n l l l ,, ° ™ " ' ' ' ™ 'he downtown area who In nof , f D u i i A a rnat, ' " n°°ntlme luncheon, a visitor from Holland who wished SUNYA L * h " ? n 1 1 J l V W ° m a n W h ° l s c u r r c " " V e"3^d In doctoral work al de 9h Ul dderlv w o m a n whose children.' " " P' e <«™<* »as Yiddish folktales U „ A s f o c l a t P e ~ 8 A ^ ^ , ' ° ' h e d i V e r 5 " y ° ' ' h e S r o u P ' H e r ™ " e ' » P ° s » ' ° " Is that of the Admln s, f o G S She I H ' " » 0 ' t o a ««•« agency within he Office of General Services Bern „ , N ! T r y >eC'\t P r e - S C h " ° ' d i r e c , o r l n Schenectady and worked al Ihe •to, P r r I S , ?' r , a S WL'"aS W " h , h ° H u d s o ' 1 V a l 1 ^C h l l d ™ ' s E d u c a lly of M a s s a c l ^ r - r a M r e l w d a . D i o r ' s degree in early child education at Ihe Unlve, and a n o i h e T ^ ' ? M a 5 l e ' S d C 3 r e C ' " L ' l e m e n l a r V " ' " c a t i o n al Russell Sage In Troy, o n d S,udt 1 When a ked wh ?'<* ' " ^J*™ " ' P«rsonn a l services here at SUNYA Poskio,? ,WoGS " M "' L 'Xi?' b9lWeB " "'oH^V^r-oldswTh'm^laTerslKer"1 , up , hCr edUCa '"Si- »s«„ ;; P ti ; r i i r ; ^ ' Plans , „ leach ll,e , 'heir i n t e r ^ l o n " w „ h K , £ f "0nal bac '"' " " " " ^ Mod a ^ o u n d and her current a K ' ' a " d pt The flip-side of that violence Is expressed In paintings that show what Bernstein calls "the fear in men of what women can do to them." A n example Is the popular Biblical subjects Judith and Holoferness, In which the Hebrew woman cuts off the head of the Philistine General. As in the stories of Samson and Delilah, and Salome and St. John the Baptist, castration Images abound in a context of seductress turning the tables on the man. Again, Bernstein turns to the more positive aspects of these Images, and most Importantly to the work of Artemesia Gentlleschl (1593-1653). The daughter of a respected artist, Gentlleschl's paintings show the woman not as seductress, but rather as strong protagonist. That she was raped by an art teacher as a young woman can only Intensify the reaction to the paintings. The anxiety towards women didn't disappear with the twentieth century, says Bernstein. The image of the lemme fatale remained a popular one well Into the century. Bernslcln will give two lectures discussing her studies In November as part of the Capital Dlstrlcl Humanities Program's series on women In literature and art. Besides older artists, she'll also be discussing contemporary artists who've approached feminist issues — Suzanne Lacy, for instance, who's "Rage Is..." explores the modern Image of sexual aggression. Bernstein says she will be hoping to make women more aware that there Is a body of work by other women that Is now beginning to be known. —Andrew Carroll Literature: "The Right To Fully Fail" Sex objects, dominating wives, submissive wives, castrating bitches and evil mothers. Do you recognize any of these types? You very well may; they represent the stereotypic roles In which women are often portrayed In contemporary literature, according to Joan Schulz of SUNYA's English Department. It Is rare that women are depicted as fully realized human beings, Schulz says. In contrast, literature shows men "In all the ways humans can be. They do a lot more things, move about In the world a whole lot more, take Initiative and seek self-realization." It would be . preferable for female characters to achelve even fully failed lives Schulz says, than to have them cast Into empty stereotypes. Children's Lit: The Picture Is Cloudy T Bernstein has studied two artists of the last 100 years who have managed to transcend the stereotypes. Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876-1907) was a German artist who portrayed peasant life and created "striking" Images of nude mothers and their children. Her reputation arises out of the intensity In which she conveys the birth, death, and life of the family. Kathe Kollwltz (1867-1945) drew the urban poor in much the same way as did Modersohn-Becker the rural. She broke away from the stereotypes, says Bernstein, by belying the myth of the happy mother. Her canvases show the anguish at losing a son (as she did In the first World War) and the need for protecting and feeding the others. Her paintings are the antithesis of the traditional Image of the madonna. Bernstein's discussion of women as sex subjects Is also one of paradox. On the one hand is the Image of the reclining nude — "the stereotypical erotic fantasy of the submissive female," says Bernstein. On the other hand are the Images of sexual violence, especially those drawn from mythology and the Bible and favored by artists in the sixteenth century. The loves of Jupiter, Ihe rage of Europa, Susannah and the Elders were treated with frequency, and In a way, says Bernstein, which displayed male sexual aggression, potency fantasies and the propagation of the myth of woman as submissive victim. '"plu ""' ' " ^ - ^- >°»- *• "*>-« ' U " " " " s h e s h " u l d h a v e m * M M ' m °< ho< " w " ' s h a " " " * " ™ l l a b k ' ' ° " ' - " In terms of occupation and In h o p e " C r 7 a a ! ^ ! a : a i u " H u l ' ; : d y ' " S a i d M " d ° " a * » h • chuckle, but "I see small ,„ys ol 0| •J.? I'e,h , " " I I , 9 i t " f TW'"k <inu wome" " " ' 'here who are really concernh..-,., .,.,..,i.y cimurens literature literature will will evolve, t T2Z* !9h W t a °I>I ' children's books which enc v critical thought, books with good, strong, non-tradlllonal Im ige»„'! - J a x i c a W h l l e b o o k ""le'i( Schulz's Interest In this field began In the early 1970's, when the feminist movement started. "I wanted to see what Intellectual connections there were (between the feminist movement) and my own work, which is literature." Schulz now teaches a course at SUNYA concerning social roles In literature. She discussed the ways in which characteristic women's roles are treated In f~ modern fiction, a topic she will also discuss as part of the Capital District Humanities | Program this month. L Ernest Hemingway's tale, "The Short, Happy Life of Frances Macomber" is basically "a story about a bitch," she says. Hemingway's female protagonist Is a dominating wife who dies In the course of the story. "Hemingway punishes her," Schulz Interprets. Depletions such as this tend to "limit women to thinking of themselves in certain contained ways," and to discourage women "from seeing themselves as full human beings with aspirations and goals," Schulz says. Bui, she feels, the trend In modem fiction Is to try to explore sex roles and the options of what women can do. Contemporary women writers "are aware of past limitations and are trying to do something about It." Schulz also discussed Doris Lesslng's short story, "One Off The Short List," which she feels raises the question of what kind of attitude towards sex and male manipulation a liberated woman has. The attitude that women can be described In terms of empty stereotypes, and that they are limited as to what they can do in the world, Is not a belief generated by modern fiction. Rather, says Schulz, "literature reinforces the attitudes of society and the status quo." Further more, Schulz does not believe these attitudes can be changed primarily through literature. But literature might be able to start a move In the right direction, Schulz says, by "showing wider roles in which women can see themselves." - Judle EUenbers October 30, 1981/7a 6a'/October.30, 19811 Has The Novelty Worn Off? A lbany is home for several talented rock bands struggling for survival. .Albany's most promising group, displaying growth outside the N-"-*"' area, Is Blotto, who have a growing reputation In the major Northeast cities, gaining considerable airplay and generating audience Interest. Ray Caligiure 'Slash'ems T J_ Blotto, a five-member group, has been playing local clubs since forming three years ago, when they started out by rehearsing covers of '50's songs. They have released a couple of 12" EP's since and hope to record an album soon. Their chief Inspiration comes from Broadway Blotto, the band's principal songwriter, whose witty parodies- have become Blotto's trademark. Blotto received its first outside recognition with the release of " ( I Wanna Be A) Lifeguard" off their first EP, which bannm.; .V novelty hit (or the band, serving as a good Introduction to their tmooth pop style spiced with satiric wit. Most of Blotto's songs are written In parody form, meaning an Imitation of a musical form or style, with lyrics that Ironically undercut the significance of the subject. Two examples of Blotto's parodies are: "The Nowtones," a humorous poke at the lounge bands they used to watch, and he hilarious "Heavy Metal Head." which has fun at the expense of that genre. The band hopes to release this soon as a single. "We were never really a heavy kind of group," explained rhythm guitarist Bowtle In a recent Interview. Bowtle noted Broadway's "developed sense of humor" as a big Influence on the stylistic direction of the band. Blotto's music may tend to be misunderstood because their lyrics are a more significant part of their song structure than their music. If their words are understood, the music will be more effective In getting Blotto's point across. Not Dead Yet onight, while your house Is being vandalized by Darth Vader and the Incredible Hulk, A B C Is premlerlng alloween, which has been seen already by "BO subscribers and almost every teenaget ;n America. This Is a giant publicity stunt, of 'ourse. Tonlghl, Universal unveils thealricalHalloween II, which locally will play at the owne Theatre, the second largest first-run ouse in the area. are beginning to tire of the formula. HaWo-. ween II will make money for the same reasons The Empire Strikes Back and Super-' man II did after the science fiction boom had peaked. It should have a pre-sold audience that was primed for a sequel when they left the original. By and large, horror audiences will probably start favoring more exotic plots, as they did when The Exorcist and The Omen were at the top of the charts. Universal^ Ghost Story, which opens In December, should be the first to feel the benefits of this trend. Jim Dixon Sargeant, Cheese...'Presently without a recording contract, Blotto has been releasing their records through their o w n company, Blotto Records. Their last single, "When The Second Feature Comes," which came out last June, was Intended as a departure from their usual style, according to Bowtle. He described It as a "straight pop tune." Blotto would like to produce an album soon, but there are obstacles In their way. Bowtle feels the band has enough support to allow them to make an LP: "Sure, we have a lot of airplay In the Northeast," he said enthusiastically. Blotto Is "expanding" In popularity, but, "we don't have enough money to promote (an album) nationally." Bowtle said an album would cost (our times more to produce Ihan an EP, and thai they would have to give away many free records to radio stations and the press. He estimates Blotto would have to hire up to ten promolion men to effectively push their album. The band would like to get "hooked u p " with a record company, but they are wary of big corporations. Bowtle doesn't even see any help coming from the Independent companies whom he feels couldn't put Blotto in a better situation than they are In now: " W e don't want to get tied Into a situation like that. Blotto Records have sold more than many of the Independent labels," he said. Although Blotto hasn't released any new music recently, they have been playing steadily throughout the Northeast. Just back from New York, where they headlined at Trax, a well-known Manhattan club, they are preparing for a Halloween bash at J . B . ...and Bowlle Blotto: they-ey-ey tuanno Scoll's Saturday night, the show being billed be big rock stars. as — Blottoween. A recent Issue of Kite reported that "Blotto is reportedly ready to bite at (hat European deal," and thai the U.S. record companies have warned them against accepting the deal. When asked about this, Bowtle said he had no knowledge of such a deal, but he knew that "European markets sometimes pick up your other records and re-release t h e m . " He said the band would lather have a more extensive worldwide deal instead of having a few records released In a small market. Bowtle stressed the point that there was " n o definite deal," and that the band must "weigh alternatives when considering any kind of contract offer." Blottoween should be a fun-filled dance party with an unpredictable band on a totally unpredictable night. If you're not doing anything Saturday night, a trip to J.B. Scott's will be a treat for all. D HON O I I M M K I'KfbfNTS ; Consider that a sign of Halloween's sucss. If you're the one person to beat the ds and didn't see It, it was a low-budget, d e p e n d e n t l y - p r o d u c e d horror-thriller -ut a knlfe-wleldlng maniac who adds e genuine terror to Halloween night for e high school students. O n a budget er than one million dollars (which Is what e commercials have cost), the movie Hbssed back over fifty million. • ( T h e end result, not counting a sequel beI Irig distributed by one of the biggest major ^Radios, was a barrage of EljSfab'em/Slash'em" Ha/fouieen-Iookallkes, /fliat unfortunately didn't have a John ''•Carpenler at the helm. Most of them were .abysmal. Some were patently offensive. •Halloween, which writer/director Carpenter realized would have a wide draw, also was easy to produce. Unlike other popular horror [ilms of recent years, no difficult (and expensive) special effects were re- Things looked grave, but splatter movies aren't going away. quired. Take a healthy group of nubile young performers, chase them around with a tall guy with a knife, and there you have It, Similarly, the early fifties saw a group of "zombie" (Ilms largely because tall actors with bulging eyeballs were a lot easier to come by than the props and special effects required for many other popular horror, movie types. However, Carpenter hadn't made Halloween as a sickening exercise in sadism. Many of lis clones, made by less-talented men. had blood and gore In excess, but no plot, no characlerizallon, and no redeeming values. Many were more revolting than frightening. Halloween had Utile real bloodshed on-screen. Some of the lesser "Stab'em/Slash 'ems" had nothing else. etween 1977 and 1978 Julia. An Unmarried Woman. Annie Hall, the Turning Point, and Looking for Mr. Goodbar were released. Newspapers and magazines all over the country sang the ^''pfaHe's of Hollywood for finally getting women out of the bedroom and kitchen and giving them meaningful roles. These two B Mark Rossier present And what's happened Is thai audiences Which Is how It started for Sarah and Bill, when they decided lo finally take that long weekend In the country . . . It had seemed like such a good Idea, until Sarah met the ilrange old man at the Barslow House. Of course collecting medieval Instruments of torture dldn'l seem like that weird a hobby . . . a Still Waiting For The Turning Point Ihe domlnanl half of the team, but nonetheless, much of the plot has to do with Ihelr relationships with men. Additionally, In those films In which women do have strong roles, they are virtually alone. The support group that was such an In. igral part of An Unmarried Woman has all but vanished. Perhaps the best way lo examine Ihe plight of women In "Ihelr decade" Is lo look at the follow up projects of the slars of those earlier "milestone" films. Diane Keaton, years began to be spoken of as milestones In movie history in which women became viable, bankable stars around which entire projects could be bulll. The HO's, without a doubt, was going to be the "decade of the .woman." Well, its 2 years Into their decade and T i c k e t s o n Sale T o m o r r o w ! Lately, we've seen few "Stab'em/Slash 'ems" on the screen. Only a year before, we'd seen Friday the 13th, Prom Night, Terror Train, New Year's Evil, My Bloody Valentine, Mother's Day, I Spit on Your Crave, Friday the 13th, Part II, He Knows You're Alone. Don't Answer the Phonel, Maniac, and mosl recently. Night School. If I've led out your favorite, I'm sorry. I only have so much space here. In some of these, viewers thrilled to helpless victims, al least sixty per cent of them women, being knifed, axed, bludgeoned, strangled, dismembered, and In Maniac, scalped. The two best of the ones I've mentioned. Terror Train and Night School, which were less violent and had more plot, fared least well at the box office. Where the "Stab'em/Slash 'em" films are concerned, their future Is probably going to be more and more limited to a new trend — " S t a b ' e m / S l a s h ' e m " parody: Student Bodies, Happy Birthday to Me and Saturday the 14th, to name a few already produced. The one thing clear Is that horror Isn't going to disappear. Too many filmgoers, myself Included, love to be scared In dark theaters. After all, faced with real horrors like your tuition, rent and grocery bill, Reaganomlcs and the Moral Majority, a few decapllalions and shrunken heads begin to look like Sunday at Dlpplklll. who was able lo survive fairly Independently Ignored that the movies that show women as strong and decisive — movies like Priuate using her brains and her talent. Benjamin and The China Syndrome have all Jill Clayburgh has taken a daring variety of been conceived by women, namely their roles from Ihe Incestuous mother in Luna to stars Goldlc Hawn and Jane Fonda. the first woman Supreme Court Justice In First Monday in October. Her role as a math Fonda especially has been active In Inprofessor'with Iwo lovers In It's My Turn is itiating projects. Many female stars are atperhaps Ihe closest she's come to creating a tempting lo do the same thing, but basic strong woman. Bui It Is emblematic that her economic facts Intervene. Men still hold the most (commerclallv) successful part has been purse strings In Hollywood and any project as the woman who helps Burl Reynolds get must be okayed by them. Additionally, women stars can't afford lo take only pro- The Jerry Garcia Band Saturday. November 14 8 P.M. Houston Field House RPI Troy ______ Presented in cooperation with Q404 Tickets: $10.50 Available At All Ticketron Outlets $ 9.50 With RPI I D Available on Barking Pumpkin Records & Tapes YOU ARE WHAT YOU IS Wednesday, November 4 t h 8 p m a t t h e Palace Theatre Tickets: $ 7 . 5 0 at Contact Office Palace Box 6 tix per person w/tax card ?usS:song $ 9 . 5 0 w / c m t tax card women h a w [iardly emerged victorious. In fact, In the four years thai have followed it appears that, like Ihe Black Film, the Women's Film has become nothing bul a fond memory and an unfulfilled promise. To be sure, the buddy films of the early 70's like M A S H and The Sting arc gone and we do have more female stars today Ihan wc did a decade ago, bul women have still, for the most pari, been relegated to male defined second leads In screen romances. Of the five films listed above only Annie Hall has a male with anything close to the screen time ol the woman. The others art female dominated with men thrown In for color. Since then, with Ihe exception of 9 lo 5, which plays Independence for laughs, and Private Benjamin, every woman has been half the team. Sometimes, as In Norma Rae and Coal Miner's Daughter, they have been who. Ironically, became one of the symbols of Ihe movement, made Iwo more films with Woody Allen and that's it. For most of that lime she was making Reds In London. That is due out next moiilh and her role as Louise Bryant opposite Warren Beatty's John Reed may be one of Ihe season's highlights. She has also made Shoot the Moon, a romantic comedy with Albert Finney. Jane Fonda, the other mosl visible symbol of Ihe period, has been more prolific, but not necessarily more successful. In Coming Home she took Ihe subservlant, backseat role lo Ihe men. Comes a Horseman and The Electric Horseman were very good, but very standard Hollywood romances In which she sacrificed to get her man. Only In The China Syndrome was she cast as a woman eels that they find morally acceptable. If Ihey "d they'd be forgotten between the relatively aw films that fit thai mold. The sexism of Rich and Famous, the nanipulatlon of The French Lietenant's Woman, and Ihe high camp of Mommle Dearest don't leave much hope that the situation will improve. Obviously, not every over Candlce Bergen In Starting Over. The fale of the Turning Point women Is film released should have a dominant female Ihe mosl depressing. Anne Bancroft has role just as every woman on screen doesn't been absent except (or her wretched direc- have to be a positive, wonderful creature. tion of the equally wretched Fatso. A n d Some women are bitches and that should be Shirley MacLalne has begun playing wound- shown, just as some women are subservlant ed, manipulative matrons In frothy sex com- and that's an acceptable Image. But these shouldn't be the only Images. Love stories edies like A Change of Seasons. From that relatively brief overview, it and romanltc comedies are fine, but they should be obvious that Hollywood no longer leave out an Increasing number of single thinks of women alone as a viable screen women who choose to live alone. story. The problem Is not with audiences For growth In cinematic terms, It Is go' , j who have generally supported films with to take more than Just talented and agstrong women, but with Ihe power structure gressive, women to Initiate projects. It Is going In the film community. The number ot to take men who are willing to put up the women writers and directors is still laughably money. But as long as audiences continue to small and with the exception of Sherry Lans- see female oriented projects, there's always a ing at 20th Century Fox there are barely any chance lhat the 90's will become the decade viable women studio executives. It cannot be of the woman. D 8a/Octdber30, 1981 The&tgf SPECTRUM Performing Arts Center Six Charactersln Search of an Author Frl, Sat 8:00 —Beth Brinser Music Proctore Theatre Paul Gaulln Mime Co. Movies Bogarta TheLazers 1 Frl, Sal Albany State Cinema Misty Beethoven HaOabaloo Alex Star Shaboo All-Stars 3 r d Street Theatre Eraserhead Yesterdays ' Silver Chicken Frl, Sat Paaly'a H o t e l Marthas Alrheart Mickey Rlzzo New Jazz Band Performing Aria Center Irvin Gllman Ghosts In the Machine Almost Blue Dangerous Acquaintances October Discipline "Absolute Beginners " Changing Hearts Sat 7:00, 9:00 Fri, Sat 7 : 0 0 , 9 : 1 0 Hellman Fri, Sat True Confessions Hellman Colonie 1 & 2 French Lieutenant's Woman All the Marbles | Fox 1 & 2 Colonic Sun 3:00 rtl/CPB) 9i m 7. Polyrock Madiaon Arthur i "A Person Looking at An Abstract Painting" (above) Is only port of the new Yugoslavian "' Drawing Exhibition now on display at the University Art,Gallery. ,. a ^ ! , The foreign exchange, organized by the Museum of Modern Art In Belgrade, highlights. un ^ I the country's current trends In drawing. It features top Yugoslavian artwork on two levels at the Fine Arts Building. The exhibit runs through December 18., Art Gallery hours are 9-5 Tuesday through Fri-, Fri, Sat, Sun day; until 8 on Thursday. On weekends, the gallery. Is open from. 1-4. . . . Cafe Lena Scott Alarlk 4. U-2 5. King Crimson Frl, Sat 7 : 3 0 , 1 0 : 0 0 International Film G r o n p Valley Gwangl Frl 7 : 3 0 , 1 0 : 0 0 ODad. Sat 7:30,'10:00 Lark Tavern Bob Sneakers 1. The Police Ward 15 Mike Collucio would not grant an interview. T o w e r Eaat C i n e m a Halioween Frl, Sat 7:30, 10:00 I Jazz C a f e . Fats Jefferson 6. The Jam Sat 8:00 Four Season'* Dinner Theatre Annie Get Your Gun Fri, Sat, Sun J.B. Scotta Blotto 2. Elvis Costello 3. Marianne Faithful T o this he adds, "So", during my terms (30 years), I've been responsive t o the people in my ward. I've had their trees trimmed, sewers unblocked and helped a 99-year-old woman remain in her apartment. It's the little favors which help the democrats stay in office." I Sent a Letter to My Love H. Queen with David Bowie "Under Pressure" Shot of Love 9. Bob Dylan Dtearhtlme 10. Tom Veflaine" n.Mi'hkDeVllle' ' ' Coup de Grace 12'. Genesis 'Abacab 13. Earth, Wind, and Fire ' Raise/ 14. Go-Go's Beauty and the Beat 15. Prince Conlrouersy 16. A.D.'s "Alone Again" 17. The Metros Drilling Us Crazy 18. Marshall Crenshaw "Somethings Gonna Happen" 19. Jo-Jo Zep and The Falcons Step Lively 20. Rolling Stones Tattoo You Next Friday: November Calendar of the Arts Don't Say They Didn't Warn You... cifinn nnnn rannnrn I I M P I H Mt'JMMM nnmm nramn rnnnnn mmn nirrnironn nnnn nnnnnmn nnnn BggS ur.H'JMiiu:ini:i cinmnn manna nraw a l g a agrjrjra rmtnin nnra annriFi nrir.iwn inrninranninn npinrn njfiipini rifiini:n:ir:in nnnn ur-innnini BOO npinniiH avian i.w.um iSnggg nfjnn nnnnii MiiPiiin mrum ranmpi I1IIIIII1 1 Con men 7 Harms the roputation or 13 Old-world songbird 14 Hoadllners to be 16 Sock selection 17 Charm 18 Goverrment agency (abbr., 19 Coops up 21 One of a Latin trio 22 Gargantuan 24 Son of Zeus 2fi Hake oblique 26 Seine summers 27 Skips c l i s i 26 Valley 29 Homework need M M live and breathe" 31 — roots 32 Meaning 35 Bit pert 37 Word with suik or utter 38 Dictionary offerings (abbr.) 42 In a line Frl 1:00,2:00 Beware the Brethren(1972) Don't Look In the Basement (1973) Don't 'Open the Wlndow(1976) It's Alive (1974) Tney Came from Wlthln(1976) ' They're C o m i n g to Get You(1976) .The Hills Have Eyes(1977) Fear No Evll(1981) He Knows You're Alone(1980) Don't Pick Up the Phone<1980) Children Shouldn't Play With Thlngs(1972) 43 Beginning for fire or ball 44 Radiate 45 Terminal listings (abbr.) 46 Peacock blue 47 Hiss Barrett 4B Siamese (vnr.) 49 Of a planet path 52 J a n ending 63 Capslxe 55 Harrying 57 Taskmaster 58 Swagger 59 "Untouchables" char acter, and family 60 Social reformer Margaret — Ken Stokem Alderman candidate in Ward 15, Ken Stokem opposes the anti-grouper law, saying that the " l a w makes it more difficult t o gel effective code enforcement o f code violations." In another area concerning housing Stokem advocates the inclusion o f Albany in the Emergency Rent Control bill, which is now before the stale legislature. He wants "impact studies o f what the effects o f rent control on Albany will be. I l needs further study." Stokem also advocates the passage o f the proposed security ordinance. " I t ' s important to have il because landlords fail to provide minimum safety standards. The first 1 thing a person needs t o be guaranteed o f is to be safe and sound in ihcir o w n h o m e . " The issue o f Crossgatcs draws Slokems's opposition because he feels i l would "destroy one o f the most beautiful natural resources that Albany h a s . " He advocates, instead, " t h e rehabilitation and restoration o f the downtown business and housing area." continued on back page Erastus Corning Dead 10 Capp and Htrt 11 Newer film versions 12 Flower parts 14 Beginning (2 wds.) 15 job 20 — colebre 23 Arctic natives 25 Hal fun 27 Opponent of Caesar 28 Twelve dozen (abbr.) 31 Essence or the matter 33 State name word -34 Contaminate 35 Group of travelers 36 Back: l r . 39 sighing and sobbing 40 College course 41 Totter DOWN 43 British swords 1 Didn't go together 46 — - smasher 2 Hairy 46 Remove branches 3 Takes on 49 Elevator nan 4 Even one 50 Rock music 5 Prefix for vision equipment 6 British gun 61 Zhlvaoo'i love 7 Rocket sections 54 Football positions 8 Men (abbr.) 9 Goddess of discord 56 Flog continued from front page the mayor and slate your complaint. H e ' d be glad to listen, and he can probably fix i l . Bui don'l expect him to support a Security Ordinance lhal would require all landlords to install sale locks. The mayor loves his j o b : " I t ' s exciting, changing all (he l i m e . " A n d he loves Albany. Bui he doesn't live there: he resides — where else? — on Corning Hill Road. Corning docs, however, own land in Albany, in which, he noles, he has invested somewhere in the neighborhood o f $100,000. " 1 live about 100 yards from Ihe city line, closer lo Ihe center of the city than some people who live in A l b a n y , " he adds. Cerlnin variables distinguish this election from the lasl ten for Corning. One o f his opponenls, up-and-coming Charles Touhcy is convinced he will win Ihe election. A n d Corning is foolish lo ignore him. Touhey is reportedly spending more money on his campaign — which is decidedly based on an anli-Corning platform — than any other mayoral candidate In Albany history. Touhcy's father lost to Corning eight years ago by a mere 3,500 votes — Ihe closest race since Corning became mayor. One o f the ractors thai kepi (he elder Touhcy from taking Ihe elcclion was the failure to secure the Arbor Hill vole — an area primarily black. Coming's decision lo allow the South African Springboks 10 play In Albany did not sil too well with Albany blacks. " I l was the hardest decision I've ever had 10 make as mayor," Corning says. " I was firmly lor Ihe Constitution — and Ihe courts backed me u p . " But he adds, " 1 d o n ' l think I his will affect voting anyplace." Apparently, Corning docs not regard llic chants o f S U N Y A students en route lo lasl month's anii-nparthcid rally of "students vole, students count, students want Erastus o u t , " or the remark of SUNYA's Student Association President that " l h a t man is bulla here" us representative of sludenl sentiment, " I think (students) will vote much the same wuy us the rest of the Albany populu- H o n , " he says. jprbiof vests to describe the way he sees the Corning has been criticized by a variety Imayoral race. Corning, he said, buys a o f student groups for not addressing stu- [bullet proof vest from his friends. Touhey dent issues. Corning claims he "has always ("protests the rip-off." He said the Citizens supported student voting rights," but he [Party, on Ihe other hand, would like to did not actively support that stand i n the jbuild a community where bullet-proof vests courts. His lack o f support o f Ihe Security are not needed. ' Ordinance has angered University women. Much o f what Dusenbury advocates is " I interpret the habitabillty laws as coverfrom the Citizens Party platform. His ing (safe locks)," Corning says. " A n d I desire to promote his party ideals is evident haven't had a single complaint about i t . " when he is questioned about an issue — he Nor is Corning actively campaigning will answer " W e f e e l " as opposed to " I against the anti-grouper law, but notes that f e e l . " the olty "docs not go door-to-door to see Dusenbury is against the prison bond how many people are living there." issue, the controversial Crossgates M a l l , But Corning claims he "wants to d o and advocates gay rights, women's rights, everything I know to make the students part and freedom o f choice in abortion. o f the c o m m u n i t y . " Unlike Touhey, whom he describes as a " I am mayor o f all the people In the ci- " n i c e clean-cut young R e p u b l i c a n , " ty...no sludenl has ever been turned away Dusenbury admits the local press has referfrom my d o o r , " he added. red to him as " t h e oldest hippy in t o w n . " Corning has come under question — parHowever, like Touhey, Dusenbury points ticularly by his opponenls — Tor the way he to what he calls " c r o n y i s m " In the Corning has handled Ihe city budget. Both Touhey Democratic machine. He said, for example, and Dusenbury have complained that the that $160,000 in the city's budget is mayor does not solicit bids, does not justify allocated for City Hall custodians. Dusenbudget lines, does not itemize budget reduc- bury said the custodians are friends and tions, and docs not issue the city budget by relatives o f the mayor and are not all needNov. 1. Corning concedes the city " c a n and e d . " should give a greater narrative as to budget There are many changes that Fred Dusenl i n n , " but said he saw no problem with bury would like to see in the city o f Albany. allowing decisions o f individual budget cuts He as well as his party, are strong advocates within a department to be decided by lhat of public utilities for the city. department. Dusenbury also criticized the amount o f Corning is famous for his remark that he public input into the city's budget. Calling "likes to do business with (his) friends." the budget process "totally secret," he said, But he claims nonetheless that " a t least 90 " I h e city docs have a public hearing — percent o f city supplies arc bought by three seconds before the budget is passed." public b i d d i n g . " Dusenbury said the Citizens Party platform Nor does Corning think the issue termed proposes 10 changes to open up Ihe budget, " C a f f n c y g a t c " will affect the outcome o f although he did not elaborate. the election. A fired city worker. Jack GaffDusenbury also said he would like (o see ncy, was offered a new j o b by Corning, more federal and state C o m m u n i t y supposedly on the conditions that his wife Development funds put into low income Anne stay out o f Guildcrland politics, not housing. Currently, he said, 13 percent o f vole anti-Democratic in Common Council, the funds are being pul into low income and stop her opposition to Ihe Crossgatcs housing while 40 percent is being used for M a l l . Both Gaffneys claim the j o b offer is low and moderate income housing. Duscn-1 on tape, and the FBI is investigating the bury said his party would like to see 80 permatter. cent o f the funds go for low income hous" I t ' s a w i l d , unsupported charge," C o r n - ing. ing says. " I t ' s a story of tapes no one has Not escaping Dusenbury's scrutiny is the 1 seen." Albany Police Department. He charges that Also in question is the head o f Common "police beat up students, gays and blacks. Council. The gays have SI0 million worth o f law T o m Whalen, Ihe man Corning has suits against Ihe c i t y . " essentially selected to be his ultimate sucFurther, he said that while Albany has cessor, is closely involved wilh Ihe running five times the number o f police per capita as of S U N Y A , posing a conflict o f interest. Colonie, there are still 75 reported attacks " I f llierc is a conflict, I'm sure he will of women for which no one has been arresolve I t , " Corning says. " A conflict o f in- rested. The s o l u t i o n , he s a i d , is terest is wilh all o f us all Ihe lime. Some are neighborhood patrols. prohibited, and some you can live w i t h . " Dusenbury feels the city is supporting I And 40-ycar Albany Mayor Erastus Cor- apartheid because cily funds arc in Bankers ] ning, who is also Prcsideni of the Albany Trust, which lends money lo South A f r i c a , County Democratic Parly and Vice-Chair His solution is to withdraw all money from stale-wide, ought to know. the bank. Few students can complain about his views on cily housing. Dusenbury supports rent control but not the anti-grouper law. continued from front page opportunity to get exposure for the Citizens O f the latter he said, "students have to live Party, which He describes as "fledgling but together In groups. They're not all r i c h . " Fred Dusenbury jusl s'arting lo f l y . " The Citizens Parly is running 50 candidates in elections across Ihe nation with four of New York State's 11 candidates in Albany. Dusenbury said the party Is planning to enter a candidate in the 1982 sialc gubernatorial election. A i Ihe age o f 55, Dusenbury said he has never run for public office. However, he notes, " i t isn't that I haven't lobbied and dealt wilh political people." Born in neighboring Schenectady, Dusenbury attended Union and Hunter Colleges as well as Berkley. Although he describes himself as an "anti-war person," Dusenbury said he served five years in Ihe A i r Force during World War I I . He has belli jobs as an accountant, bricklayer, union organizer, restaurant manager, and a counselor lo prisoners, and has taught French and math to juvenile delinquents, Currently, Dusenbury said, litis consulting groups on low income energy problems. D u s e n b u r y said his m a j o r accompllshments Include the founding o f ah organization which he said was influential in Ihe 1973 Supreme Court decision which led l o the legalization o f abortion. Most recently, he cites the Albany "energy Bill of|Righls" which regulates Ihe local power industry. Dusenbury uses an analogy with bullet In an election which he openly admits he won't win, Dusenbury has little to lose but something to win — namely recognition for his party. These enable him to speak out on issues thai other candidates try to avoid. , Nevertheless, Dusenbury feels a vote f o r i him is more than an expression o f dissatisfaction with current city government. " W e want to go beyond protest and build a new c o m m u n i t y , " he said. Charles Touhey continued from front page calling Incumbent Erastus C o m i n g ' s mayoral career " 4 0 years o f neglect." " H e (Corning) has too much political c o n t r o l , " Touhcy says, emphasizing each word with a downwards move of his hand. " H e ' s been in office so long, political con-' trol is his only concern." Touhey loathes the " C o r n i n g Machine"! and is determined lo "re-establish the twoparty system," I l was this belief lhal made Touhey, a registered Democrat, run as an indepciidanl candidate, although he does have both Republican and Independent endorsements. Yet, questions arise as to how an antimachine politician would get legislation passed through machine channels. Touhcy doesn't perceive this to be a problem. " T h e Machine Is a house o f cards be- ing held together by Erastus C o m i n g ' Touhey says, clasping bit hands. I t w i l l 'crumble when he goes." Touhey opens his hands to stress the point. Another point Touhey holds against Corning is his. age. H e is just too old to make the necessary changes in the system: But Touhey Is " y o u n g and energetic," i f he does say so himself. His blond, John Dcnver-ish looks ( or David Stockman looks, depending on the angle) enhance the youthful image Touhey tries to project. " I know what needs to be done in neighborhood revitalization," says the 35-year old native o f Albany. His revitalization plans include forming a non-profit corporation t o redevelop vacant land; a corporation similar t o ( " O r maybe the same," Touhey ponders) Capital Housing o f Albany, a housing rehabilitation and Ihomc ownership program o f which he has been director f o r nine years. ; Touhey prefers projects to be run by private non-profit firms as opposed to local governments. " T h e role o f the government is t o p u s out money and oversee its expenditure. People wilh expertise know more than the bureaucratic government." Another pet project Touhcy has Is the development o f Union Square, located two blocks north o f SUNY Central, into a shopping area similar t o Boston's Quincy Market. Prcsenty, Corning is considering turning this area into a stale office building complex which could not be taxed for revenue by the city o f Albany. Bringing money into the city may be one concern, but replenishing the money Touhey laid out for his campaign may be a concern to him as well. Touhey financed the majority o f his campaign himself, through bank loans. " N o t by choice," he smiles. But, i f he wins the mayoral race, perhaps this won't be a great problem, i He feels his chances o f winning are "very g o o d . " A n d he is aggressively soliciting the i student vote, frequenting the Campus Center lobby more than.any other candidate, and more often as the election drews closer. " W e can't win without the student v o t e , " he admits. "Students are a force to reckon w i t h , " Touhey says. " T h e y contribute to the community in taxes, housing and community service." No, S U N Y A didn't send press releases about its community service program to this member o f the Albany Board o f Education. Touhey knows because " I researched i t , " he smiles. Then, solemly, " I n my administration I'll be reaching out to students so problems can be resolved." A n d perhaps his promises are not all preelection nonsense. Touhey has been involved in obtaining student voting rights in this [area. Even Jack Lester, the SA Attorney 'who helped litigate the landmark student voting rights case in Albany lasl year, says Touhey gave support to the case before almost anyone else d i d . Bui Touhcy's not stupid. Speculation has it that student voters could have turned around the 1973 mayoral election, i n which Touhcy's father, Carl, lost to Corning by a mere 3,000 votes (out o f 50,000 cast). Students aside, his father's campaign has also had other effects on his own race for the mayoral seat. " N a m e recognition," Touhey stresses as he leans forward and points one finger. " I t helps in have people remember Ihe name." He feels, however, lhat his name is wellknown without his father's help, " I ' v e also done a lol in the community," he points out. After graduating Princeton University he taught at St. Anthony's School in Albany's South E n d ; he was a member o f the Mayor's Advisory Council; he is a consultant to the United Tenants o f Albany. A n d there's more. Touhcy had the option o f re-runningjor the School B o a r d ' o r ' Common Council President. But, he says, '.'the mayor's office is where the power is, and eventually I'd want II anyway." He adds thai as mayoral candidate he gets more publicity so, " a t least I can bring forward the Issues I want h e a r d . " Fred Dusenbury . help. W e .need ypur.vojeoiiejectjpn day. A n d w e need y o u t o work .alongside us after election day as w e f build a betterAlMiiy-—..an&albetter^counny.' i :; , • • ontinued from front page j j j hyslbal resemblances b e t w e e n :harles T o u e h y a n d D a v i d tockman, but h i e l y I have been o t i c i n g " trie''"p'fiffo'sop H 1 ISaf semblances as wcll.Charlie|says he continued from front page\ a friend o f the bankers. Hcl calls >r tali | dollars t o build shopping stabilize rents w e need t o rebuild the :nters downtown; but he calls on tax base by constructing new two •e private sector to build low and family homes. The additional rental loderate income housing. H e '• units will open up Albany's tight arns against the City trying t o pick rental market. I also support the p the programs killed by the Emergency Tenants Protection Act, eagan budget cuts. A major plat- which will control rents in buildings >rm issue is to have a van g o into with six or more rental units. le neighborhoods, and show p e o The anti-grouper law is not workle h o w t o d o their own repairs — ing. Students are afraid to speak u p ut he calls for this to be financed about housing conditions for fear y the private sector. H e wants t o of being evicted. I intend to appoint : a " y o u n g " Erastus Corning. a task force of students and A vote for Duscnbury is a vote neighborhood representatives l o :yond protest. It is a vote for a come up with a more workable 1-page platform that received A solution. thumb's u p " from the KnickerFor years, effective housing code ocker News for its innovations and enforcement has been needed in niquencss. I call for a feasibility Albany. Without such a program, udy on public power, to sec if w e property has become run-down and in cut our utility bills 33 percent kc Green Island and 47 other N Y S dangerous lo live in. Citizens have a righl to expect prompt and effective immunities have done. I call for response l o reports o f safety viola•nt control, to halt skyrocketing •nts brought on by less than a t w o lions. I will sec to it thai Albany's Code Enforcement Inspectors .•rccnt vacancy rate in the City o f Ibany. I call for the repeal o f the receive the training they need, and thai the Department modernizes ni-grouper law, a law whose main and streamlines its procedures. urpnse is to discriminate against Charles touhey udcnls. I oppose the Crossgatc lall and othcrdcvclopmcnts'in the MUNCIPAL OWNERSHIP OF ine Bush area. I support the UTILITIES curily ordinance, a proposal the Municipal ownership of utilities iti/ens Parly last year fought hard is certainly not a new idea. The first i have adopted, in order l o help >mbal breakins by the Pine Hills lackers and others. I support community dcvclopcnt block grant program that will >l be used lo drive low and odcratc income people oul o f ictr homes — as has been done by . c South Mall — but which will aclaJly help improve housing for low id moderate income people. C D incls should he used to rehab aban>ned and government foreclosed ., rasing; tenants!' (hen would be vcri the option of convening their •si year's rent inlo a down payenfjif they, adequately maintained c house during the first year. The Citizens Party is not just a ilitical parly. W e arc a community ganization which realizes that jcloral politics is one way of winng (he issues we have been (hling for years. The Citizens Pardocsn'l just talk about open ivcrnmenl — w e sued the Albany ommon Council to force Ihcm to icn their caucus meetings l o the iblic. W e don't jusl talk about the itragcous rate hikes or NIMO: we tcrvenc before the P S C , present pert testimony, and work with her groups to help organize prosis against the rale hikes. A n d we mpaign for public power. The ilizcns Party didn't jusl complain •out Ihc Reagan budget cuts — we ganized Ihc firsl rally in Ihe ipilal District against them. I have fought all my life on ihalf o f low and moderate income oplc. I was the first director o f YPIRC Citizens Alliance in Ibany helping l o organize local immunity groups. I was one o f Ihc iginal six organizers o f Ihc nainal Hospital workers Union, hen the Bakers, and elderly couple Schenectady, froze l o death x a u s c NIMO | cut them off, I •ugh! I»r more | h a n six years t o iss a utility bill of rights. When orning dicided to support Ihc cious South African apartheid stem I didn't just hold press conrentes; 1 became an organizer ith ihc Capital District Committee gainst Apartheid. The Ciiizens p a r l y m . e ( j s y o u [ . municipally .owned electric power plant in the U . S . was established in 18821 A t the turn of the last century municipal ownership of electric, gas, telephone,,and streetcar companies was a hotly debated political issue. Many of the arguments raised "Tor" or agairisl'such proposals today haven't changed much during the past 8 0 years. From an historical perspective, municipal ownership has lost favor ih most o f the places where it was tried, except in the case of' transportation. Unfortunately, in that instance deficits are all too ' frequent and service rarely meets expectations. Whether municipal or regional government ownership of some utilities in our area merits consideration at this time is a question I cannot answer without further study. However, it should not be assumed that government ownership per sc guarantees that costs necessarily will be less. Government services arc often used to produce revenues which arc far greater than the profit which a private company could justify. This question can also be viewed in a broader context — should our cily government provide services or perform functions il docs not n o w do? Certainly w e must remain open to such possibilities. But we should nol underestimate the difficulty o f satisfying expectations quickly. For example, the city of Albany entered Inlo an agreement wilh N e w York Stale l o provide Ihe Slate with energy produced by burning solid waste. T h e city has budgeted $1,625,000 in anticipated revenues for the coming fiscal year from this same dwelling. Jennings fears that increasing the project. However, it now looks like we will have to wait a while before, allowable number would encourage .prospecting'.in. the purchasing'-pf we see any revenue. ^apartments. "According to Jerinlngs, a clever investor will buy a house, split it into many small rooms, givcontinued from, centerfold ing little consideration to their safeStokem feels lie can offer many ty, and rent each room for the services to student voters, the most regular monthy rale. Thus, said important being that "anytime any Jennings, only property speculators legislation or proposal is brought will profit from an increase. up in (Common) Council, he would Additionally, Jennings claims the be able to question how the city will lose tax dollars if the antistudents would be affected." grouper law is changed. " T h e Stokem has long called for the students and the city will both lose student's voting rights. He "hopes o u t , " said Jennings. that every registered student does —Ken Gordon Ken Stokem turn out to vote very responsibly to support their interests in this community." Stokem wants to call attention to his belief thai "the Democrats in Albany, aren't like any Democrats back home. Albany has a very regimented system that doesn't encourage, but discourages Democracy." —Beth Brinser Jerry Jennings continued from centerfold Closely tied wilh this security problem is the Anti-Grouper law which allows n o more than three unrelated people to reside in the » ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i «a»^»«>«» ^ n * ^ ^ o ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ r Shabbat Dinner sponsered by 1 JSC-HUtel Friday, November 1 3 , 1 9 8 1 • 7pm DUTCH QUAD KOSHER KITCHEN Reservations must b e made In advance in JSC-Hillel Office CC3Z0. No late reservations will b e made; n o o n e will be admitted without reservation. Coat: Kosher Meal Card: Free I M S Meal Card: 1 . 5 0 Gursl: 3.75 60 PERSON UMIT For Mora Information Call JSC-Hillel 7 - 7 5 0 8 Subway Promises You Great Food And Great Prices ATTENTION! And WE DELIVER Applications are now being accepted for seats on the SA SUPREME COURT. Applications No coupons delivery. • 17 Varieties • Fool-long sandwiches or sunk size, regular or double meat Mum - 4S3-4HD • Served hot or cold • Made to your order .• , 0 0 < Party Sub» Avallabhi Upon Raouwt lte2W.ilwnAv.nu. I M n r w n Son'. T.v.r n and Tool.', liquor Stor.l must be in the SA Office by 5 : 0 0 , Friday, Nov.6. lixiittwtiu "7 honored J. J V H _J Sexism Debated T o the Editor: That does il. I've read Ihe last piece of feminist propaganda which I'll just sit back and listen to. The recent letter from Gail Friedberg and Eileen Moorhcad made me cringe in disbelief of such profound, yet simple charges of sexism. Yes, prime examples of sexism can be found in the classrooms. I've had many feminist professors w h o push liberalism down my throat, that I feci the need lo speak out. The only reason I don't wanl my name printed at Ihe end of this letter is because I am practical: 1 have jusl such a professor right now. All the novels we are forced to read, and all the essays we must write, are centered around ihc plight of the woman in a cruel society, not around such concepts as Ihe development of the novel or its social or political significance In other areas. I'm tired of writing about how great women arc in their struggle for equality and selfrealization; I've done it now for years here at S U N Y A . The two women cite as areas of S U N Y A ' s sexism the problems of advertising in Ihe ASP and Ihc use of the conventional he when writing. My God, how long did you look before you found such trivial examples'.' Does Ihc use of he really offend you? Sorry, but I believe it simply sounds belter than il or he/she (or excuse me, she/he). Who really cares? Personally, as a male, I find no offense In calling a car or a boat she, and 1 d o not label people as sexist because ihey admire masculinity, I'm nil for Ihe ERA, but let's let people make ihcir own decisions, huh? The more It's shoved down my throat, Ihe less I like it. Let's give each other a break; I'm sure the intelligent individual can make his own reasonable decisions. —Name Wilheld by Request To the Editor: • f o o t Long 5and»«!cli«s IM:|.(<H' T o meet with the increasing demands of * the party, we will be making a few changes to help add to the success of this event. Since trouble in the past was often caused by outsiders, we will be limiting this year's Halloween party to university students and their escorted guests. This will hopefully remove many of the negative elements that have caused problems in the past. Naturally, we will be enforcing the university's alcohol policy, so don't forget lo bring your I.D. card wilh you. There will be a costume contest at midnight with prizes for the best original, best couple, and best group costumes. We hope that everyone will help us make this party one of Ihe besl ones yet so that we can keep this event as one of Albany's great traditions. By the way, admission will be two dollars, exact change will be appreciated. See you Saturday night, —Thomas Phillips Ad Complainer T o the Editor: The ASP response l o ihc letter from the Feminist Alliance (October 27) was an absolute cop-out! The people who wrote have a legitimate complaint: the ASP has run advertisements that are so offensive and obnoxious, that depict women as objects of violence. It is nol any sort of an answer to say that the paper "accepts any ad that Is not illegal or obscene..." Whal about ads that arc clearly objectionable to a large segment of people? Or ads thai discriminate but arc not illegal? Let me give you two examples of advertisements that 1 cannot believe Ihc ASP would publish: —•Bob Cohen Halloween Night .SUB , t .;'. ( . H i - j t y * more than three unrelated people from legally sharing an apartment) has served as a threat to students who complain when their landlords break a law. Demands for a security ordinance (to require decent locks on doors and windows) have been ignored, despite allacks on more than 75 women in their own homes. A n d Ihe cily refuses to defend residents against huge and unjustified utility rate hikes. Our current Alderman has nol taken a postilion on even a single Issue since his election to the Common Council. H e has represented Mayor Corning, and certainly not our neighborhood. As an alternative, I offer a program thai calls for a repeal or the ami-grouper law, Ihc enaclmcnt of a security ordinance, and Ihc intervention by Ihe city with Ihe Public Service Commission l o slop Niagara Mohawk's latcsl rale hike. Most importantly, I ofler a chance for the voice of off-campus students and community residents In Pine Hills l o be heard in Cily Hall. The recent federal court decisions granting students the right 10 vole in Albany will allow students, for Ihe firsl lime, to Influence Ihe cily government. It is estimated lhal 4 0 percent o f the Pine Hills neighboorliood is composed of sludents, and thai more than 700 students have registered lo vote in Ward II this year. If students arc l o have any influence in the cily government, il is important thai you come out and vote on November 3. I ask that you help elect me as the first sludcnl l o the C o m m o n Council in Albany history. If you wish to contact me, you can reach me at 465-5104 anytime after 5:00 p.m. On Saturday, October 31, the annual Halloween Party, sponsored by the classes of '82, '83, '84, and '85, will take place In the Campus Center Ballroom from 9:00-1:00. , Suppose a white suprcmist published an ad lo hire people l o beat up black people. Or advertised a movie called " H o w l o Hang Niggers?" Or suppose some antt-semites publicized a movie depicting clearly stereotypical Jews counting money while they cut the Ihroais of poor people. It's absurd, isn't it? Bui wouldn't the paper decide that such things were beyond acceptable limits, and refuse l o print Ihem oul of sensitivity to the population of blacks and Jews here? Yet the ASP finds it perfectly acccplable lo run similar things that are just as hateful toward women! Why is il still felt by some that violence against women is acceptable, that discrimination against women is acceptable, whereas Ihe same feelings toward other groups would obviously be wrong. Some of Ihe belter student papers In nearby schools, such as the Harvard Crimson a n d the Cornell Daily Sun, refused t o accept ads from Playboy when they were recruiting for a spread on Ihe coeds of Ihe Ivy League, because the pr.pers felt that such a thing was degrading towards women. The ASP could refuse to publish things that half the populotion (or a smaller perccnlage, of course) felt was disgusling, degrading, offensive, and/on discriminatory. 1 certainly don't wanl l o sec, ads for a movie about violence towards women. More importantly, the newspaper has a rcsponsibilty to be careful and not to promote things which should have been ended long ago. Think about il. You could wallow in irndilon or, as a university paper should d o , you can lake some initiative and | say: N o , we won't accept this garbage anymore! —David Janower Music Department As we wrote in Tuesday's issue, "The A S P accepts any atl thai is not illegal or obscene in content." The fictional ads described in this letter are obscene and would not be published. —Ed, Write a letter to the Editor. Let your voice be heard. All We Are Saying Is... W e c a n ' t tell y o u h o w m a n y t i m e s t h e p a g e s o f t h e Albany Student Press h a v e b e e n graced ( o r rather disgraced) w i t h r e p o r t s a n d c o m m e n t a r i e s d e a l i n g w i t h w o m e n ' s s a f e t y . T h e s a d t h i n g is that m o s t p e o p l e d o n ' t c o m e u p o n a reality u n til it s l a p s t h e m a c r o s s t h e f a c e . If it w e r e h u m a n l y p o s s i b l e w e w o u l d u s e this newsprint t o forcibly grab y o u a n d c a u s e y o u t o w o r k w i t h u s o n t h i s . S i n c e t h e b e g i n n i n g o f this s e m e s t e r , a p p r o x i m a t e l y 11 c a s e s o f s e x u a l h a r a s s ment o f w o m e n have been reported o n c a m p u s . W h o k n o w s h o w m a n y cases h a v e not b e e n r e p o r t e d ? A n d o u t o f these 11 reported c a s e s , n i n e o f t h e m h a v e resulted in a d e a d e n d called suspect " n o t a p p r e h e n d e d . " A t the risk o f repeating o u r s e l v e s w e m u s t s a y that s o m e t h i n g h a s t o b e d o n e a b o u t this p r o b l e m , e v e n if it m e a n s s p e n d i n g m o n e y a n d tripling o u r e f f o r t . It's n o l really that hard l o d o , o n c e y o u think o f t h e p o s i t i v e results it m a y y i e l d . B u i we'll r e m a i n a s helpless as w e h a v e b e e n i f w e d o n ' t a t least t r y . D o n ' t jusl get a n g r y . G e l o f f your a s s a s well. ...Give Peace A Chance O n e year a g o w c elected a n e w president. A large p o r t i o n o f t h e c o u n t r y w a s b e h i n d h i m b e c a u s e o f his p r o m i s e t o m a k e c h a n g e s . E s s e n t i a l l y , M r . R e a g a n p r o m i s e d t o turn the w o r l d a r o u n d . F o r t h e past f e w m o n t h s t h e president h a s b e e n w o r k i n g a t t u r n i n g a r o u n d t h e m i n d s o f c o n g r e s s m e n . T h e subject w a s Ihe sale o f A W A C S l o t h e S a u d i s . T h e final score: R e a g a n 5 2 , E a g l e s 4 8 . Basically, Ihc president h a d t o o m a n y m e n in the field at Ihc s a m e time. S o while Ihc president s i p s h i s c h a m p a g n e in t h e B l u e R o o m , w e sit a n d say " t h e r e ' s a l w a y s next y e a r . " L e t ' s h o p e w e ' r e righl, ...And The Polls W e urge y o u t o v o l e for w h o m e v e r y o u feel will d o t h e best j o b , a n d n o t for the c a n d i d a t e w i l h Ihe nicest p h o l o o n their leaflet. But regardless o f w h o y o u d o v o l e for, p l e a s e v o t e . ...And The Trolls Saturday is Halloween (arc wc telling you something you don't already know?). Since it is supposed lo be fun, please make sure you're up for it. T h e Great Pumpkin may be on the prowl. anj Hi cu.tttiui tiatjaime ASPECTS Esfabftsftad J* 1*1§ Robert E. anibman, Editor In Chief Siivan A. Qrawnberg, Dean Betx, Managing Editor* Rob Edelsleln, Senior Editor Nowt Editor Associate News Editors ASPects Editors Associate ASPecta Editor Sound Editor Vision Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editors Editorial Pagae Editor Susan Mlllloan Judle Elaonborg, Wayne Pooreboom Andrew Carroll, Joanna Welner Michael Brandos Ray Callolure Mark Roaster Lany Kahn Maro Haspel, Michael Carmen Frank J.Gil, Jr. Copy Editor Bruca J. Llebar Stall writers: Bob Bellalloro, Both Brlnner, David Brooke, Ken Cantor, Sharon Cole, Hubert-Kenneth Dickey, Michael Dlnowltz, Jim Dixon, Mark Flschettl, Mark Qesner, Mark Hammond, Double Judge, Kathy Klaeane, Eric Koli, Jill Langolla, Bruce J. Levy, Craig Marke, Llaa Mlrabella, John Moran, Madeline Pascuccl, Sylvia Sanders, Barbara Schlndler, Mark Schwarz, Both Sexer, Susan Smith, Jessica Treadway, Jessica Whltobook, Spectrum and Events Editor: Betsy Campisl, Zodiac and Preview Editor. Marie Qarbarlno Bonnie Stevens, Business Manager Janet Draltusa, Advertising Manager David Nalll Yapko, Safes Manager Billing Accountanla • Hody Broder, Judy B.Santo, Karen Sardoft Payroll Supervisor Artone Kallowltz ' Classified Manager September Klein Composition Manager David Bock Advertising Production Managers: Suo Kaplan, Dlanne Glacola Advertialng Production: Michelle Horowitz, Mara Mendelsohn, Ellen Slelnlold, Melissa Wassorman Olflce Staff: Jennifer Btoch, Ellon Epstoln, Anne Fried, Jessica Trachler Dava Thanhausar, Production Manager David Bock, Associate Production Manager Chief Computer Pholotypesetllng Technlelan Carol Bury Vertical Camera Ellaaa Beck Paste-up; Debblo Barnotl, Janice Ktmmlch, Edan Lovlne, Elizabeth Valentino, Typlata: Judy Amedel, Lynda Bonvenuto, Mary Burka, Kenneth B. Dornbaum, Marie Qarbarlno, Septomber Kloln, Saralyn Levino, Cathie Ryan, /mi Stahl Chaulleun Martha Halnur Photography, Supplied principally by University Photo Service Chlal photographer Marc Henschel UPS Staff: Dave Ashar, Alan Calem, Carl Chan, Sherry Cohen, Mike Fuller, Bill Krauss, Dave Maahaon, Lola Mattabonl, Suo Mlndlcb, Mark Nedler, Mark NBlaon, Suna Stelnkamp, Will Yurman The Albany Student Preas la published every Tuesday and Friday during tha school year by the Albany Student Press Corporation, an Independent not-for-profit corporation. Edltorlala are written by the Editor In Chief with members of Ihe Editorial Board; policy la subject to review by Ihe Editorial Board, Advertising policy does not necessarily reflect editorial policy. Mailing addreai: Albany Student Press, CC 329 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222 (S16) 4S7-S692/3322/a3BB October, 30, 1981 Albany Student Press ^ Classified Barb, Oodles and oodles of Pooh Bears have begun plowing their gardens and llkelhat. Oh well, skip that. Dear Magazine Intelligence, Happy 231 May a snowstorm of happiness blow you down Western Avenue this weekend, and may you always be sandwiched by the good things In life. You're wllcfl Love, The Good Things In Life, Laura, Lorl. Electronic Earring and Pin—Hot, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ' red Love Lite comes complete with a Mlnl-battery. Guaranteed to lite up your nlte life. Send $6 for one or $10 madllnes: LAM, for two to: Trading, Box 1007-A, How special? I think your getting t Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. for Frt- Warwick, R.I. 02888. the Idea. Here'e being with you kiday Issues; Stereo Equipment — Wholesale do, for giving me the happiest days I 'Fridays at 3:30 p.m. for Tues- Prices. Call for price on any compoever knew. ,„.,,. nent. Campus delivered, 7-7544. Love and Stuff, Ira ay Issues. Due to circumstances beyond our ales: control, the Edward E. Potter Club 10 cents per regular word; regretfully announces that Its party for October 30, has been postpon20 cents per bold w o r d . ed. Further update on the belated Minimum charge $1.00 Halloween festivities will be anPassport/Application Photos $5 for nounced at a later date. lass ads are acepted at the 2, $1 for each 2 thereafter. ontact Ottloe, (CC Lobby Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m. No appointment Rick, „ The Beatles White Album, Bruce nder the stairs) from 9 a.m. to 4 necessary. University Photo Service, Campus Center 305. Any quesSpringsteen's Asbury Park. The m. weekdays. s tlons? Call Will or Karl, 7-8867. Atlantlcs debut album. Confused? o ads will be printed without Professional Typing Service. IBM Goodl Translation In personl I know there's m o r e . . . ime, address or phone number Selectrlc Typewriter. Call 273-7218 Love always, A D.J., what else? . i the Advertising Form. Credit evenings, week-ends. Raindrops are falling on our heads ay be extended but NO Correct Image Typing/Resume Ser(and callings and plaster). ' vice. Quality reasonably priced I •funds will be given. Editorial 463-2733. Tom, illcy will not permit ads to be How are your passes coming Licensed cosmetologist. Call along? Good luck Saturday! inted which contain blatant Janlne, 438-7108 for Inexpensive M.G. haircuts. ofanlty. Sept., you have any questions or pro- Typing. Fast, accurate service InNoooo, It wasn't me. Just give me ems concerning classified cludes pick-up and delivery at your hungry, and your poor and... Social Sciences. Call Sally at well, that's about enough. I can't ivertlslng, please contact 399-2704. stand any more. tptember at 7-3322 or stop by Lofts lor Sale Marie e ASP Office In CC 332. When it comes to campus living, Hilary Ann, space Is a precious commodity. A This past year has been the loft can greatly Increase the living greatest. Thanks for letting me area of any room. We sell high share It with you. Happy Anniverquality lofts made to your specificasary and may many more follow. tions. Call Dave at 7-3091 or Brian at Love always, Kenny 7-4504 and we will show you a loft In Trlsh and Bob, ee transportation to and from use. Congratulations! We know that you iw York City for weekend once or Precision Haircuts by Deb. Al's have many happy years ahead of Ice a month to travel with eight Halrstyllng Shop, Ramada Inn, youl We hope we may share them ar old girl and four year old boy. Western Ave. 899-4309 or 482-8573. with youl ill Rubin, (212) 874-4183 nights. Tired of being your own pain In the Much love, Dave and Jill jdols, photographic. PR, port- neck? Let H.O.'s Helping Hands Happy Birthday Ms. Ellle, lo, and centerfold. Hourly rate. If reduce tension, anxiety and fatigue. u can cut It, contact Cole Produc- Bring a little relaxation Into your Love PYWC es, P.O. Box 199, Rensselaer, NY day. Massage by appointment only. Paying $500 for "Burger King 21 144-0199. Include name and C a l l b e t w e e n 6:30-7:30 p.m. GameT' King of Hearts or Jack of one number. 785-8334. Spades. Cad Randy, 482-3763. ummer and rhythm guitarist lookBunny-puppy. 3 tor bassist and lead guitar to do I'm realy glad you're finally here. I i-Wave, Pop, Kinks, etc. Call Gary, love you. 6-2694. Shmunshkl Anted: Keyboard Player for top 40 To the Irresponsible WIRA SA's and ck band, vocals helpful, not re- Stan, umpires who never bothered to Ired. Call Craig, 7-7923 or Bob, Better watch out for those droolles, show up for the softbal! game on 2-9636. not to mention the rug-you-knowTuesday: what's! Smile, It only comes once a anted: Bass player, drummer and This is the playoffs so kindly get yearl id guitarist. Jam to rock and roll your act together. les. Form copy band. Should Frustated Many It's Cabaret Night at The Mousetrap ve own equipment. Call now. Jon next Friday night with Brian Gold on To all those who helped In anyway 462-9620. piano. Closed this weekend. with Homecoming '81, Thank you. You're great! Dance, Dance, Dance. Pat How would you like to Increase your career opportunities? Would you Oats! Oats! Oatsl Catch the Fever. like to gain practical business Good Luckl knowledge and experience? Have Love, Felice in's beige hooded |acket lost at professional contacts and the supPI Omega PI meeting Friday, Ocitroom Room during Parents port ol the members of the Sales tober 30, 3:45 p.m. (Rat). eakfast on October 25. Any Info? and Marketing Executives ease call 464-3011. worldwide; then contact: J. Let's Widget Together! Ferguson at 462-4386 or If no iund: Dark, hound type dog with answer call 477-7027 and find out Celebrate halloween downtown on Ight blue collar. Call 7-8472 or Alumni. Saturday, 9-2, Brubachei how to become a member of PI 2-0076. basement, featuring the band Aura Sigma Epsllon. and lots to eat and drink. WCDB and UCB Rock the Rafters, Dear' short, fat, lush with a lot ol November 12. problems, Happy Birthday! Dusty, Love, taller, druggie, who goes to " J " may be my roommate, but I'd sleep too early and can't wait to get rather nave you as a dinner date. de wanted to Florida leaving first out of here. Love, DMN iek of January 1982. Will share vlng and expenses. Call Dave, Watch for W i d g e t s . . . They're ComIs that a roach? Does anyone have a >010 or Andrea, 7-5233. can of Raid? • Ingl PI Omega PI meeting Frida/, OcThe color red Is coming to Indian tober 30, 3:4b p.m. (Rat). Quad . . . soon. Stuff envelopes. $25"per hundred. Rock nlte at the Rafters, November Immediate earnings. Send self ad12. Listen In to get in. dressed stamped envelope and 25 Blow that dust off your dancing 'erseas Jobs. — Summer/year cents to P.O. Box 7142, Paducah, shoes. jnd. Europe, S. Amor., Australia, KY. 42001. .la. All fields. $500-$1200 monthly, Brian Gold wTTi play at t h e Jumper, ghtseelng. Free Info. Write IJC, Mousetrap Friday, November 6. x 52-NY-1, Corona Del Mar, CA We take It day by day (except Listen to mellow rock and en)oy the November 21atl) Have a great 625. atmosphere with some wine and weekend. I'll miss you tons. cheese. ieTestid In politics? Common Bootsy tuse, the well respected citizen's Babs, Ronl, aby group Is looking for Interna How s Mrs. Noodleman? Ar, ar, ar, It's good to see your smiling face. art time and full time) as well as Love and miss you much. what, what, whatll lunteers. We need ambitious self Always, John Henry arters who don't want to be To the hard-upa at LeGroln, iphers and aren't afraid to think, Anthony 307 (DB). So you're feeling down and literally ill Jim Diamond, 465-4888, or stop Loose lips sink ships. Tighten your small with no one nibllng at your at 225 Lark Street. mouth. bait? What the heck, give us a call. The Victims The number Is 2288. We're willing to give you both a try 'cause you Mitchell, haven t had your fix, so why don't My cum appreciates you going home this weekend. (Beware, I have you just come on by at fuckin' good a few spies of my own). > 466.1 miss ya Winnie. Best Buddy Love, Pulverize omen's quality sweaters, P.S, Andy, send us drugs. •sorted colors. Great presents. Everybody, 0. Anne, 482-5962. Campus Center Halloween Party. Box 1399 will be appearing at the SUNYA student and their guests on- Lamp Post tonight at 9:30, wearing >r sale: Mattress and boxsprlng In ly. Bring your I.D. red roses. (To our respondents who >od condition. Call Lynn, 482-8757, haven't heard from us yet, hang In U To my MBA breath, there, we've been busy). Also, Iniplno 7217 40 watt AM-FM It's again Halloween, a year since dian Quad, we're serious and still issette deck, $225 or best offer. that dream, Isn't it peachy-keen, accepting resumes ' rid 100a speakers, $150 or bosl ofthat we've made It as a toaml ILY. •• r. Call Stu, 7-4981. Undergraduately yours, Marcy No Draft Beer Herel fc {Services j ) Wanted c Personals I Lost/FoMiicl Rides 3 •Jobs D For Sale Female gultarlst/slnger/songwrlter It »klng for another female with same experience. Serious lamming. Intended; Acoustic Pfuierred. Jazz, blues, folk etc. Write State, Box 1613. Due to circumstances beyondI pur control, the Edward E. Potter Club regretfully announces that Its party for October 30 has been postponed. Futther update on the belated Halloween festivities will be announced at a later date. Need friends abroad. Contact SelectaMate, 350 Kllburn High Road, London NW6. The biggest Halloween event of last year returns! Colonial Quad's Halloween Party Tonight October 30 In Colonial's cafeteria. Featuring mixed drinks and morel Dear Crlnkleface, Without you I have nothing babe, no mind, no heart, no soul. I love you with all my heart babe, please never let me got Love, Your Puppy Happy birthday to my little buck-aroo. Have run! Love, Bopper Llzi ~ ~~ Happy 20th birthday. Now that you're over the hill you better take the pill. Now, please don't fall, It's only gerltol. Happy b'day. Best of luck. Love ya always, Lyn Red, red, Indian red. I'll dance ano drink to the color red. Watch for red It's coming your way on a frlday. HBP, Even though the words aren't always available, the thoughts are always there. I'll love you forever. WW Would ya Widget with me? For a great time come to Alumni's Halloween party, S a t . 9-2. Brubacher basement, beer punch, elder, donuts and costume prizes. Dear Elyse, Happy Birthday! Love, Ellen Somebody's Adam, Terl, Stephanie, Marcla, Lorl oi Laurie (?) Whitney too. No more can't afford personal. Nobody's Eve Craig, Happy 21st, your getting very old. By the way, what Is a bee's life expectancy? You know who P.S. You'd better use your stinger pretty soon. WCDB and UCB Rock the Rafters, November 12. Jim O', Billy, and Suite 602, Thanks for youe help at the party. I appreciated ll mucho. Love, Pat Randl, Happy 20th. Have a great dayl Love, Carole Rhonda, For all the good times In the past and those to come, and for your birthday! (Think that covers It?) Have a happy. Love, Leslie Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Edward E. Potter Club regretfully announces that Its party for October 30 has been postponed. Further , update on the belated Halloween festivities will be announced at a later date. Happy 21st, Stephanie. Love, 1904 Widgets, CC lobby, WednesdayT To the fungi floor men, "But Seriously" It was a fair betl Thanks for the roses. Liz Don't miss Colonial Quad's Halloween Party. Tonight, 9-1 a.m. In Colonial cafeteria. Featuring mixed drinks and a costume contest with grand prize. $50 certificate to Jack's Oyster House. Dear Randl, Happy Birthday! Love, Ellen Elyse, From across the hall, to next wall, to upstairs, you're still always close In heart. Happy Blrthdayl Love, Lisa Preview Jawbone Reading Stria — Carol Bcrge, poet and writer, will • read her work on Wea\, Nov 4 from 12 noon to 1 pm in HU 354. Sponsored by the English Department. Fuerza Latlm will hold a General Assembly on Tuesday Nov 3 at 7:30 pm In HO 123. Student Teaching registration for the 1982-83 academic year will take place on the following dates: Business Education, Nov. 9-10; English, Nov. 11; Math, Nov. 12; Science, Nov. 12; ' Languages,- Nov. 13 and Social Studies, Nov. 16. University Concert Board meets every Monday in the Campus Center Assembly Room at 10 pm to discuss and plan concert ; happenings in the Albany area, Call 457-8520 for more info. Dance Marathon'B A'Cominl WASP Alert! Opening available for one blue-eyed WASP! Sarah and Grit or Grit and Sarah, We understand you've been hanging around In pool halls with latent Canadians and drinking lots of beers. Shame on you. Edle and Steve P.S. We're |ust hosln' you, eh? Dearest Boss, What do I have to do to get your attention? Your co-worker John, It's been really special. Good friends are forever. Love ya, Tracey En|oy your W i d g e t , a most pleasurable feeling! To the person that returned Ross Brown's wallet, You have gained my respect and gratitude. I'd like to at least buy you a drink. Thanx. Ross T. Bear, "Love Is a gamble and I'm so glad that we are winning." I love you. B. Bail First It was a: Catatonic Event, now It's Total Insanity. Don't be spooked. Bring your SUNYA ID to the CC Halloween party tomorrow night. SPC Staff 1981, We miss and love you. D and M Telethon '82 Is Dancln' to the Music. Cheryl, Congrats on the ring (from Consumer's?) I'll only be there If you leave my hair alone. Cath, Q-z, Jeanne, Here s to tea parties, GH, Wlmplng and us. Love ya, Judy Logo Contest sponsored by JSC Community Service Registration, HIITel. Draw a logo (design) for JSC November 2-5, 10-4 between LC 3 Hlllel letterhead. Prize, $18 giftcertificate to store of choice. and 4. Limited Enrollment. Deadline: November 30, 1981. SubWayne, mit entries to JSC Hlllel, CC 320. Is there frost on the pumpkin yet? For more Information, call JSC Love, The Animal Hlllel, 7-7508. Dear Stacey. Dear Robin and Mindy, I Love You. Welcome back. We've missed you. Love, Jeff So you decided to do graduate work here? Welcome to beautiful Indlnnred, Indlanred, Indlanred, In- Hamilton Street. Why don't you stay dlanred, Indlanred. awhile?! firri; Love, 511 Thank you for a great time on SaturDorian Marie, day night at the Shelf. Love, Cell Thanks for letting a gentile be your first, as friends of course. M, P.S. I don't giggle. Mr. Eeeed and I wish you a birthday with many sugar cubes. You're a To Robin In CSI 101. Can it be that I really like you after horse of a speolal color. Love you, seduce me speaking to you once after the test? I nope so. Tammy, The guy who sits In the front of you Did you like the sun or moon better? Charlie, Laughing Pop I'm taking my own head, screwing ll Buzzy, on right, and no guy's gonna tell me Thanks for everything. Happy 21stl that It ain't. Doo-dah, doo-dah. Nick The Mackenzie Brothers P.S. Catch some "tuna". No wan- P.S. Bob's your uncle. das please. HI Hon, Randl, Happy six months. We have been through a lot the past My love always, Fat Face years, and may we continue screwing up each others lives for the next Clam lovers special. $1.95/dozen at 100 years or more. Happy birthday. Bogarts. 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays. Love always, Jamie We're dancln' for 24 hours stralrjnT. Dearest Laura, Thla past year has been the best of Sprout and Buckwheat, my life. My love for you grows with Congratulations. Best of luck. I each passing day. Happy anniver- couldn't be happier for the two of sary. you. Sprout, It s what you've been Love, Adam waiting for, en|oy It. Me Offendor Number 1, LJF, BHIng and GP's forever with Rock Nlte at Rafters, November 12. the soldiers! Listen In to get In. Olfendor number 2 Theresa, Kwas, Happy birthday and smile, you're Do you have a loathsome disease? only nineteen. E6 Love, Steve Page Eleven Albany Student Press October 30,1981 Voting continued from front page the board if the registrant no longer resides at that address. A second mailing is then made lo registrants whose cards arc returned, with Instructions to the post office to forward the card. The second card instructs the voter lo inform the board of his or her election status. The Board of Elections then removes the registration card from lis active file or places it on a "challenge" list. If the voter appears at the polls on electron day, ho-!* she must vote on a special ballot approved by tlie election commissioner. Pre-Deatil Students: A repi esentatlve from the Georgetown School of Dentistry will be on campus Tuesday, November 3. Come and meet with her In LC 19 at 4:30 pm. Chen Club meeting Monday night, 7:30-11:00 In CC 375. Players of all strength welcome. Please bring a set if you have one. For more Info call Eric at 455-6933. Community Service registration on Nov. 2-5 from 10 to 4 between LC 3 and 4. Limited enrollment. Chapel Hone schedule of services: Masses — Sat. 6:30 pm, Sun, 12:30 pm (Chapel House), Sun. 6:30 pm and Daily 11:15 am (CC 361); Lutheran Campus Ministry/Protestant community — Holy Communion, 11:00 am, Sun. in the Chapel House. Tangent, a literary magazine, is now accepting contributions for in next issue. Poetry, fiction and artwork as well as other creative rorms are to be accepted up to the Nov. 13 deadline. Submissions may be left in the Tangent mailbox in the SA offices, or call Steve at 438-0368. Also see our ads concerning our poetry contest I SUNYA Peace Project — Arc you alive? Good! Let's keep it that way! Come to Peace Project meetings for education and action: Mondays at 8:30 pm in CC 361. Remember the people who are even needier than the neediest. The Guatemalan Scholars' Network, in conjunction with Rights for American Indians Now (RAIN) will present the film Blood of the Condor at 4:00 pm in LC 24. This film portrays the life of the Native people of Latin America. Also at 7:30 pm in LC 24, a Forum on Guatemala will be held, which will Include speakers from the SUNYA Depl of Anthropology, and the Indian Institute of Guatemala. =*= OEANPAUL the only Genii.** FrttiM* GO«TiJRE& Stolon in ALBANY cJEAN PAUL J.C. and Paul worked for 8 ' years In Manhattan - we under,- i tand Ihe problems students have in finding Ihe same excellence In Hair Styling they are .used to In N.Y.C. Our staff is juperbly trained and our service tlu» best nossihle. _ dEAN PAUL DoorruRES, DBMTTCUNTON 142 STATE STREET, A1BANY, MY. 12207 (618) 463-6$°1 15 per cent discount with student I D till New Year's Eve except with Jean C . P a u l • «r Marsha Bienvenue, Enrollment continued from page five In most cases, officials think money — cither aid cuts or inflation — is the reason for the increases. Sieve Giordano, registrar at State University of New York at Old Wcstbury, for one, thinks theeightto-10 percent enrollment jump (here derives from "improved advertising, promotion and a campus bus service for our commuting students." "Students," he explains, "arc looking for schools closer to home. Money-wise, it's belter to slay at home." Hoff W I T H T H I S COUPON) O N A I 1 . 0 0 Ol* MORE P U R C H A M , THE ORIGINAL VIDEO GAME DISCO TEQUi JERRY'S Restaurant And Caterers Combine the s o u n d s of o n e of t h e hottest D.J.'s in the Capitol District along with the latest in video games and you've got "Games" Disco open 24 lure, daily The Place to Play Around "HON* 4S6-12M ,i BREAKFAST - UJNCH - OINrftft NiOHTOWL MEALS .Expireif 10/31/81 Open Tuesday - Saturday . '«!»IMMSDH AVE . ALBANY , tSWmnOuall I Ontario) - atin'iniyuMtrLimit M> nvm - • • • • " » • /»"**'• 1228 Western Avenue Located just across front 'lie SUNYA in the lower level ..•' the Ramada Inn. f» - - - - r-:_ _ _ - 1 Attention j Sports ' October 30.1981 Soikers Display ! Women Athletes!! • page Thirteen Albany Student Press MlllTf ^n Different Skills , In Two Victories i Tonight And Saturday At 8 PM & November 3rd - 7th"'At 8 PM Author" The Arena Theater $2.50 with tax cards; $3 Students/Senior Citizens; $5 General Public Sunday, November 1 At 3 PM In The Recital Hall Department Of Music Faculty Showcase Series Presents Flutist A s s i s t e d By Judith Long Avitabile, Pianist, and Helene Annas, Cellist Program; Rorem-Trio For Flute, Cello And Piano (1960), Burton-Sonatina, Prokofieff-Sorata, Doppler-Hungarian Pastsoral Fantasy SUNYA students admitted free (but pick up ticket at box office) $2 General Public Monday, November 2 At 8 PM In The Main Theater Presented By Music Council And Department Of Music Guest Artist Concert Series Eight Of The World's Finest Musicians In A Concert Glorious Romantic Music! Of The New York Philomusica Faure: Piano Quartet In C minor, Op. 15 (Seymour Bernstein, piano; Nannette Levi, violin; Matthias Buchholz, violin; Timothy Eddy, cello) Mozart: Divertimeanto No. 15, K. 287 for strings and two horns (Isidore Cohen, violin; Levi, Buchholz, Eddy, Alvln Brehm, contrabass; Robert Johnson, horn; Sandra Walker, horn) $2.50 with SUNYA Tax Cards; $3 Students and Senior Citizens; $5 General Public , a'4>*l-i-'^ik.•.**•> ••-•»•»,' 1 Rambouj S a l loons &+c«u*ibtrri«tu \/ M o n t y bacW c»oftrdn+ce C <3>A \N'<?fcd«.l.ve.rj «>*M,&0 P a s t ^ e P a i d C? on Monday, Nov. lntf a t OrOOpm in t h e Physical Education I Building refreshments I Served A Great Play That Will S e n d Chills Up Your S p i n e ! Irvin E. Gilman, ' | Sports Get Together University Theater Presents Pirandello's "Six Characters In Search of An by Madeline Pascucci ' In volleyball a lot can hide behind ] a 2-0 match score. "The women's , volleyball team played two matches I last Wednesday night against I Russell Sage and Union, winning both of them 2-0, but the style of | play in the two matches was com- .1 pletely different. il Having taken the first bye, the I1 Albany women played an already once defeated Russell Sage. They | had already played and beat Russell Sage earlier this season, but injuries have taken their toll, forcing the team to go for the quick point rather than the sophisticated set up. Even the 15-10, 15-6 match score in deceiving. In the second game Rosa Prieto scored the first eight points of the game on the first service. "Union was the better competition," noted co-captain Rcba Miller after the game, commenting that in spite ofjhc injuries, "we pulled it off — with a strong win." •Teamwork was more evident in the Union match. The learn appeared to play more of a thinking game in this match. Coach Pat Dwyer was pleased with the evening's wins. He said the •team was hurting from the loss of starter Liz Roscntel, bul "played well anyway." Miller, and the rest of the team, are looking forward to next Friday's tournament against Potsdam and St. Lawrence at Potsdam, clung n as an iinputictiii luiupetition. All women athletes including those who will be trying out for spring sports are invited to the YOUR NAME. ON A UKIlCfUL HANDPAINTED HEART PIN w y wmsSK Saw^ffr *ii$*triiitrtri*if*t~***r?retfriwriS'm trtetr*st. HfcME /VDDftEES _ 11 TY.,S*Mr*-_ a.+vj. f Chotte. _ RaintoouJ 1 I Palloono C D S4ro.-Jtotrr'.«ACIl WCDB Sports continued Irom A ••«••• Jtfleen entire radio station will boost its signal from 10 watts to 100 watts after having finally been approved to do so by the FCC last spring. "10 watts is a radio station, but 100 watts is a real professional radio station," said Pivnick. With the impressive ten-fold increase will come careful scrutiny by the FCC to see that everything thai goes on at WCDB is acceptable, For Sturdier, thai implies a greater sense of responsibility on I he air. "You can still show you're a fan, but you have lo control yourself," he noted. Of the always intense AlbanyPotsdam baskctbull clashes Slrudlcr commented, "Its going to be hard moving from the stands to behind the microphone," Ideally, however, all sports here at Albany not just football and basketball will some day be covered by WCDB. Perhaps the increase In power wattage Is a step in the right direction. But for now, WCDB relies on its dependable staff including main sportscasters Scott Commer and Bruce Cowan and a strong desire to serve players and fans alike. As long as that WCDB vital link is there, their services will be greatly appreciated by the sports community. That's it for now, you can always heat sports on WCDB, 91 FM. See Sports; What Price Winning?, Channel 13 &00 News Each Night Next Week Based on an mSBm . • , exciting „i«steofSeagrc»?s'%7.Enjoy tost_ejhptterw*h7et' Seaflfam* 'ntryandu>estem, li Col WCDB:A Vital Link in Albany Sporte Coverage Assesment of Courses and Teachers by Marc Hnspel Any sports fan here at Aihany will agree that WCDB offers much more than just good music. 91 FM is also a vital source for top quality sports entertainment. Whether it be a live broadcast of a Great Dane game or one of several daily five minute sports updates, WCDB is an excellent alternative for the sporlsminded here on campus. Interest Meeting Tuesday, November 3rd 7:30pm=SA Office CC116 "X SP OUTS remufte All students, faculty, and administration invited. for more information call: Jeff Fromm 457-8087, 457-7971 I Tangent A Literary Magazine Poetry - Fiction - Artwork Submissions may be left in the Tangent mailbox in the S.A. offices in the Campus Center or call Steve at 438-0368 Albany Poiiticans To Anyone But Mayor Jii- Obi 31 930 JpftgQtaS fflrtqyfl ^f Contributions Now Being Accepted For Most »»^<»o^» P R E S E N T S PRE-ELECTION COVERAGE Sunday, Nov. 1st at 6:30pm INTERVIEW WITH THE CANDIDATES Monday, Nov. 2nd at 9:00pm THE ALBANY MAYORAL DEBATE Don't forget Tuesday night's up to the minute election results! Don't Have To The reeling around the WCDE sports department is that It musl present Ihc sports that people want to hear such as news about the pros and campus teams. In the immediate area of Albany, a heavy emphasis is placed on local high school sports and WCDB offers another choice to those not thnt in- terested in hearing about thi Capital District's top high school teams. It is that incentive to communicate the sports professionally that drives WCDB sports and its staff. Delivering all the sports then in an acceptable way to the university community seems to be a major concern of WCDB. Towards that end and towards continuing the young tradition of fine sportscasting, potential staffers undergo training by present announcers before they arc cleared to go on the air. "The sound of the station makes you want to sound professional," said Pivnick. Tomorrow, though, the sports staff will get its first taste of real professional broadcasting as WCDB hooks up with WLSV of Wellsville, New York, a professional commercial station to jointly broadcast the football game against Alfred University. Pivnick and Strudler will be doing that one, and their feed will be picked up by WLSV on what Pivnick calls "the Great Dane radio network." Also, in the very near future, the continued on page thirteen _ 1 ^gggyAtajp) TRICK OR TREAT! WOLF ROAD AND SARATOGA STORE LOCATIONS ONLY L.P's REDUCED! More and more law firms and corpoiations are hiring lawyer s assistants for challenging and rewarding careers. Salaries at oil levels have increased with the extraordinary growth of this profession, and top lawyer's assistants earn as much as SJ<d.uuu. The Lawyer's Assistant Program at Adelphi University is the largest and oldest ABA-approved program of its kind In Mew York State, with more than 3.000 graduates. ,..„,,_„ At Adelphi, It takes just three months of concentrated daytime study (or six months In the evening) toPreparefor «icareer as a lawyer's ejslstanl Courses offered in; GARDEN CITY. LI., HUNTINGTON. L I . and MANHATTAN . Could This Be The Career You've Been Looking For? KEN STOKEM would b e an Alderman' that s t a n d s out from the others You owe it to yourself to find out: ...Why 85% of our graduates who seek paralegal employment have found It ...Why hundreds of lawyers and other employers send us their requests for our graduates ...Why Adelphi graduates have been hired by 48 of the 50 largest law firms In New York City MA1LTHIS COUPON TODAYI SERIES PRICE $5.98 $6.98 $7.98 $8.98 $9.98 L.P. SALE PRICE $3.69 •••• $4.69 $4.99 ... $5.69 ... $6.49 ... . . . at Adelphi! Authority... if w m_m. J L - THE TRICK: SUPER ONE DAY SALE! THE TREAT: ENTIRE INVENTORY OF College Graduates: Answer Corning... To A Higher Certainly, the primary funclioof the WCDB sports department is to provide that vital link for the Albany fan not able to attend the football and basketball events. On this campus, as well as others acioss the Northeast, WCDB covers all the Albany games during the football and basketball seasons. In fact, according to Phil Pivnick, Sports Director of WCDB and Howard Strudler, the assistant sports director, WCDB is the only SUNY station that broadcasts both home and away games. Usually the tendency is for school stations to broadcast only games played on the road because those arc the ones that arc non-accessible to most of the students. This has made WCDB, celebrating its fourth anniversary In March, a bonafide actor in Ihc Albany Sports community. "We get some sort of respect from the athletic department," said Pivnick. "The radio is so important in football and basketball season." Indeed their dedicated coverage is important. The knowledge that students care enough to work as hard as they do to send the games back to Albany has to have a positive efrect on Ihc players—the athletes know that others back home can listen in and root them on. A testimony to that may be the fact that since its initial coverage began In 1978, the composite record of both the football and basketball teams stands at 60-21. "The time and effort you put in is appreciated," said Strudler, who learns up with Pivnick to handle most of the coverage presently done at Albany. "The time and effort they put ir makes us feel we should broadcast the games," commented Pivnick. "When we go on trips, we go on the bus and we really feel a part of the team." Aside from the live coverage, WCDB also offers 16 sportcasts weekly plus a special Sunday night half hour show to review the weekend's happenings. The sports department used to broadcast a middle of the week call-in sports show but too many prank phone call forced its cancellation. DISCOVER YOGR POTENTIAL A S A LAWYERS ASSISTANT KEN S T O K E N Answers Page Fifteen .Albany Student Press S p O l l S October 30, 1981u SERIES $8.95 SERIES $8.95 SERIES $8.95 SERIES $8.95 M ^ ' ^ ' (516)663-1004 Approved for VA. and N.YS. Higher Eduction U»as. '"^cUwycr'.^.UntProflr^ ^ e - d m e ^ c o p y o , His Constituents!! TlXfclXTC ft^SSTftv 11530 aMto.Clty.LX.N.V. 11530 981/82. NoUwul Ctnltr for Pwaleu"! Tt»lnlng. Inc. Name AddressCKy ^__-_-nB-_a^_ Elect STOKEM Your Alderman c a ( ( l | 0 f l for In cooptrolion with The ~C \ I Lawyers Assistants^ , State School Phone jjcnool rnuii« Zip• -— SERIES $8.85 4:00-6100 ENTIRE INVENTORY OF CASSETTES MEMOREX T-120 VHS VIDEO CASSETTES 33Vs% $ 1 2 . 8 8 2 - 4 - t !•<><" OFF —voirwiAif iW4U.WftfcM.fctt.fct.tLlL i l l tttktti WUtmil Hwanl To fta«. <-»'"'' Q*** * " ** "** I..., ' |8S8 — - — i ^ — 3Q mssSSfsEEam 8:00-10i00 12 Nooii-4:00 (NEXT TO HERMANS) CHECI¥» CASH ONI*. WO "HIGH INFIDELITY" H.E.O. I SfEEDWAGON. $4.88 UP. Cwtt. SABATOOA WARNER. ELECTRA ATLANTIC STRACK 50% mtOAY, 18 NOON WCDB Sports day page 15j October 30, 1981 Men Booters Cruise to Victory Against RPI; 4-1 Wednesday's win gives the Danes s 5-7-1 record with only two game; remaining. Wednesday's match took place in cold and windy weather, but fortunately the rain stopped shortly before the match began. Albany goals were scored early in the first half by John Isselhard, Dorian Fanfare, and Afrim Nezaj, Albany's premier forward. "The Danes expected to enter the locker room with a commanding 3-0 lead at the half, but RPI's Rich Lcland booted in a goal with less than a minute left, to put RPI on the scoreboard. "We should never have given up that goal, it was just ridiculous. We just weren't being . patient and controlling the ball," Schieffelin said. The second half was completely dominated by Albany. Jerry Isaacs lengthened the lead to 4-1 with his goal 40 minutes into the second hair. "It was total domination on our part," said Schieffelin. In fact, the Danes outshot RPI 24-10 and goalkeeper Bill Steffcn had just one stive. Much of this domination was due to forward Afrim Nezaj, a senior RPI Dominated by Danes Team's Goal is .500 Season by Sharon Cole The Albany Slate men's soccer team cruised to an easy 4-1 victory over RPI Wednesday afternoon. The RPI team, winlcss so far this season, was no match for the Danes, who totally controlled ih» match. Albany coach Bill Schieffelin said, "We looked good today, which we-haven't done too often this season." The Danes, usually looking forward to the playoffs this time each year, have had a less than distinguished season thus far. Great Dane Sports This Weekend Women's varsity soccer- State Championships Friday, 10-30 to Sunday. 11-1 away Women's varsity volleyball vs. Potsdam-SI. Lawrence Friday, 10-30 at Potsdam, 7:00 Men's and Women's varsity cross country-Albany Invitational Saturday, 10-31 at home, 12:00 Men's varsity football vs. Alfred Saturday, 10-31 on University Field, 1:30 Men's varsity soccer vs. Kean College Saturday, 10-31 at Kean, 2:00 Women's varsity volleyball vs. LeMoync-t larkson Saturday, 10-31 away, 1:00 and a four year starter at Albany. This talented forward was recently selected by the Buffalo Stallions in the second round of the Major Indoor Soccer League draft, making him the first Albany player to ever be drafted by this league. Schieffelin is hoping that this total domination will continue in the last two season games, and provide the Danes with a .500 season record. Albany must defeat Kean on Saturday and North Adams, on Monday to reach the .500 point. ISUNYA's Lewis Wins First Coach of the Year Award Albany Stale men's tennis coach Bob Lewis has been named the firsl "SUNYAC Tennin Coach of the Year" after guiding the Dane netmen to their third straight SUNYAC title, "I'm very honored-it's nice to be recognized," said Lewis. "Bul il certainly helps to have good players." Dave Lcrncr, SUNYAC champion, had this to say about his coach: "Basically, Coach Lewis did a belter job (his year. He was even more dedicated and made us work harder. His attitude made us want to perform better and we were a little more enthused. And it helps. He's a big reason for our good season." Alba.vy completed their fall season at 5-1, and over his 10 years as tennis coach Lewis has compiled an outstanding 107-38 record. In the last eight years the Danes have not finished lower than second in the SUNYAC, a ten team conference. Lewis' achievement is the seconu such award won by an Albany Great Dane tennis coach in less than one year. The women's tennis coach, Peggy Mann, received the Eastern Tennis Association's "Tennis Lady of the Year" award. Slim Playoff Hopes On The Line Against Alfred Last year Alfred picked the Dane Law, a Division I transfer, has comthen the Saxons would probably have to lose to either Rochester or defense apart with short passes. pleted 72 of 135 passes this year for Canisius. Additionally, one or two Quarterback Bob Schuster com- 869 yards and seven touchdowns. "He's able to see the defenses of the other teams in contention pleted 26 of 38 passes out of the real well," siad Smith. "He's very might have to lose again before the wing-t as the Saxons won 24-6. Danes are considered. "They're a team that incor- slow, but he has a good arm. The But just beating Alfred will be the porates a lot of shifting to throw off line gives him the time that he needs to throw the ball." greatest challenge Albany has faced the defense," Smith observed. all year. "We have to play a In last year's contest Alfred got Trying to offset that line will be a flawless game. They are a great the Danes to stay in their base very tough Albany defensive front. football team," Ford emphasized. defense by constantly giving them "It will be a dogfight up front," different looks. It worked to perfec- Smith said. "I think when our "They will be the best team that tion as Schuster was able to nickle defense is playing at its peak they're we face," said Albany assistant good enough to stop anyone." coach Tony Smith. "Overall thev and dime them to death. are well balanced — llaeir personnel This year sophomore Glenn Law Fullback Gary Foti leads the SaxThe Danes will get a chance to is good in all the skill; positions." . will be qunrtcrbacking the Saxons. ons out of the backfield with 6081 crack the first link in that chain of circumstances tomorrow when they take on 7-0 Alfred on University Field. The Saxons are ranked seventh in the nation in Division III and, unless something extraordinary happens, they are playoff bound. To keep their slim hopes alive Albany must beat Alfred, bul the rest is out of their hands. The NCAA usually selects only two learns from each of four regions for post season play. As things stand now, Alfred and Montclair Stale (6-1) would probably gel the East bids. In addition to Albany, Wagner, WP1, Western Muryland and Buffalo are still in coniention. The NCAA selection committee chooses learns on Ihe basis of the level of competition, the eligibility of studeni athletes, and won-lost record. Montclair, after losing last week to Division II Central Connecticut and playing a relatively weak schedule, would seem to be the most likely to drop down. "By and large they're not in a great conference, but they are an excellent team," Ford noted. They also finish against three lesser teams and, unless one of them can upset them, they should be selected. That leaves Alfred. For Albany Tomorrow, Ike Danes will hive to beat Alfred University If they are to keep that faint glimmer of to keep their hopes alive they would playoff hopei alive. The Saxons are ranked seventh nationally In Division i n . (Photo: Dave Asher) by Larry Kahn It's about thai time of the season when coaches, players, and fans start evaluating their football team's playoff chances. With only three games left in the season and with two losses to less than top quality teams, Albany has only a faint glimmer of hope. "So many things would have to ' happen," said Albany head football cqachBobFord. £ SCOUtlNG KPOtf .*!•!* f9. ."WW. A>f"4 w.ijd|y, ,«n,d,, 'yards rushing this year. Alfred likes to run the fullback up the middle, and Foti gets the ball about 30 plays per game. "They work him. He'll get them two, three, or four yards," said Smith. "He's the workhorse of their offense." The two other running backs are Bob Pietrosanto and Darryl Davis. Davis was Alfred's leading rusher last year, but has only 323 yards this season. Pietrosanto, a good receiver out of the backfield, has 262 yards. Defense is probably the strongest feature of both squads. Alfred has only given up 63 points in their seven games, likewise, the Danes have only given up 56. "They play an excellent brand of defense. They're very aggressive," said Ford. "They have good personnel all the way around," Smith added about Ihe Saxons' pro 4-3 defense. The Albany offense musl gel their act together tomorrow or they will put loo much pressure on Ihe defense. "We've had trouble keeping enough people healthy lo sustain a decern offensive attack," Ford pointed out. Still, the Danes will have lo control the ball and keep the defense off the field as much as possible. Bul that won't be easy against a very quick Saxon defense. "They pursue very well," said Smith."We jusl have to slay on our blocks and fix il up, run and pass. We have "to find some holes in lhal defense. And we have lo gel a good game from our specially teams." The Albany defense will alst have a job to do. They'll be facing the same lypc of constantly shifting offense that gave them Ills last year, "We have to play a good solid defensive game," said Ford. "We can'l let them break any long ones, We have to gang tackle them and force turnovers. We.have lo play tbe, ww,yfe, h»v», been, playing.. v ALBANY STUDENT PRESS State University of N e w York at Albany ,1981 copyright © 1981 by T H E ALBANY STUDENT PRESS CORPORATION Volume LXVIII Number 35 Corning Wins Eleventh Term by 2 -1 Margin by Wayne Pccrcboom "Maybe people liked Ihe firsl ten," Albany Mayor Eraslus Corning II replied when questioned why cily voters had selected him to serve an eleventh term. The 72-ycar-old Coining, Albany's political boss and Ihe nation's senior big-city mayor, easily defeated challenging Independent Democrat Charles Touhcy by a two to one margin. The lasl results released by the Mayor F.rastus Corning, II Elections "still kind of fun' Albany Counly Board of Elections showed Corning wilh 29,667 voles, Touhcy with 13,709 and Citizens Parly candidate Fred Dusenbury with 456. Although some had predicted a close election, no suspense or drama was apparcnl at Democratic headquarters. A parly-like atmosphere prevailed. Voting machines were demonstrated lo a group of exchange students as jokes were passed back and forth. "You never would've known anyone was running for office and thai people's lives and jobs were al stake," one reporter remarked, An elalcd Corning told supporters, "this whole idea (of winning) is still kind of fun, 1 mlghl run again. I like Ihe job, 1 like the work." Nevertheless he admitted, "Election day is the longest day of the year." More seriously, Coining termed some of challenger Charles Touhey's campaign literature as "less than fair." Comparing Touhcy lo his father Carl, who had seriously challenged Coming in ihe 1973 election, the Mayor reflecled, "Ihe two men are very, very different but both able in many ways." Although Touhcy and Dusenbury failed lo unseal Corning, Ihe mood al their respective campaign headquarters was nol a gloomy one. In a brief concession statement al the Quality Inn, Touhcy said, "I have no regrets about this campaign whatsoever. The campaign that was waged was a vigorous campaign and il addressed issues thai confronl and will confronl Albany's leaders lomorrow." When asked Ihe reason for his defeat Touhcy, who consislanlly had predicted he would win, replied, "I don'i know. All Ihe numbers (results) aren't in yet." While Touhey said it was too soon lo say whether he'll run for The Ballots Are in... .lustier of Ihe Supreme Court District Attorney Coroner Mayor President of Common Council Comptroller City Treasurer City Court Judge Vlncenl G. Bradley* Joseph P. Torraca* Rosemary F. Byron Sol Orcenbcrg* John J. Cnhill, III James J. Keener* Samuel I.. Quimel Eraslus Corning, II* Charles Touhcy Fred M. Dusenbury Thomas M.Whalen, III* (Uncontested) James A. Brunei* (Unconleslcd) Raymond F. Joyce, Jr.* (Unconleslcd) Edwin J.Tobin* (Uncontested) mayor again, he indicated a possibility. To a reporter who asked if he was in the city's political future he replied, "I'm not leaving town." "Mayor Corning is Ihe cement lhal holds the thing (Democratic machine) together. After him, Albany will have a new day," he said. continued on page three Aldermen — In heavily-concentrated student wards Ward 6 Nancy Burton* Dennis Foley Michael Ireland Ward 10 Tom Burch* Judith Enck Paul Silverslein Ward 11 Jerry Jennings* Bob Cohen Ward 13 Steven McArdlc* Gene Damm Ward 15 Nicholas Coluccio* Ken Slokcm Member of Board Joseph A. Cahill* of Education John D. Daly Referenda Prison Bond The results of this referendum were still undetermined al 4:30 this morning Job Development Yes* * denotes winner No Voter Registrations Challenged In addition, many students never received lliclt volei registration cards as proof of registration, explained SA legal Selvices intern Sclh Maiman. Many Dutch Quail students voting locally were registered in Guiltlerlnnd. However, only lasl week il was determined lhal as half of Dutch Quad is situated in ihe cily of Albany, many students on lhal quad were registered to vote in ihe wrong eiiy, Maiman said. Albany Counly Board'of Elections Democratic Commissioner Raymond Kinley, Jr. explained ihose students turned away had registered lo vole loo late, and that thcii forms are in the laic file. He by Beth Scxer Several students were challenged al Ihe polls yesterday when they tried to vole in the Albany Counly election, and others were even denied their right 10 vole by papei ballot, said SA Attorney Jack Lester. When a voter's registration is challenged, ihe voter may sign an affidavit staling thin he oi she knows of no reason why he or she is nol qualified lo vote in ihe election, The election inspector then gives ihe voter a paper ballot which will be counted If the Board of Elections later determines in the voter's favor. added Ihose who registered too late were notified. However, Lester sees no reason why ihe registration forms were not received by the Hoard of Elections on lime. "They're nying to obstruct these sludcnts' voting by denying them the right lo fill out paper ballots," Lester said. However, Kinley said all students who were challenged should have called the Hoard of Elections lo find out what happened lo their registration forms. lie added lhal the complications wete nol directed al students, but lhal all ihose who registered late were treated alike. St. Margaret Mary's polling place Many turned away for alleged late registration phnlo: Will Yurman Ralliers Show Halloween Spirit Rulllers march al Nestle HeadjHuirlers nUUIL'ia m m * " — •- . Mlylu^mizeTrweTFpleased = . - — wttlt the turnout by Barbara Schindlcr An enthusiastic crowd of approximately 250 rallied at ihe Nestle Headquarters in While Plains lasl Saiurdny, dressed as various Nestle products ro support the boycott of the company. The four-year-old boycott, coordinated by Ihe Infant Formula Action Coalition (INFACT), is already considered the largest nonunion boycott in history, according lo an INFACT press release. A jar of "Tasteless Choice Coffee," a Nestle Crunch Bur and a bottle of L'Oreal nail polish were among the costumes. Such slogans as "Crunch Nestle's Quick," "No Time for Souptime" und "Libby's Libby's Libby's — Boycott Boycott Boycott" were written on ihe signs curried by protestors. A Iwo-hy-lhree-foot lletshey chocolate bar was raffled off al the end of the rally to "show a creative alternative to Nestle's candy on Halloween," according to Capital District Rally Coordinator Jody Dixon. Although pleased with the rally and its participants, Dixon was "a little frustrated by some of Ihe passersby who simply didn't want to hear about the boycott," Shesaid the purpose of the rally was to bring the issues lo those who would otherwise nol actively seek out the information. Dixon also expressed concern thai the boycott isn't receiving enough national support. "After all, millions of babies are needlessly dying each year" because of Nestle's unethical marketing of infant formula In Ihe third world, Dixon said, INFACT National Chair Douglas Johnson noted that Nestle stationed guards and chained Ihe gales to its headquarters. "They know we're here and that is the goal of Ihe rally," said Johnson. Nestle has suffered a 16 percent net profit loss this year, claimed Johnson, who believes the boycott was a contributing factor. Yet, he said, "at a recent shareholders meeting, Nestle spent almost the whole meeting explaining how Ihe loss had nothing to do with the Boycott." Johnson added that Nestle has, employed 12 full-time workers whose only job is to handle the boycott. No Nestle spokesperson could be reached for comment.