Danes On The Road ...All The

Danes On The Road ...All The Way To Sweden
by Paul Schwartz
There are road trips, and then
there are road trips. And this summer, the Albany State basketball
team will embark on one of their
most distant trips ever, when they
board an SAS airliner bound for
The Dane squad will arrive in
Stockholm, Sweden on August
18th, where they will play a series of
between eight and ten exhibition
games against neighboring club
teams, before they return to the
States on September 3rd.
According to NCAA regulations,
a college team can schedule foreign
tours only once every four years,
and the Danes last traveled abroad
in 1976, when they competed in
"The last time, in Poland, really
was great," said Albany basketball
coach Dick Sauers. "At that time,
we changed our whole offense
around — we went to the motion
offense. And when we came back
from the trip we were a real closeknit group. It's definitely worthwhile, both education-wise and
The Albany Slate basketball team is taking a long road trip — all the way to
Sweden where they will compete against club teams. (Photo: Steve Essen)
down to basketball. The competition, which will primarily be teams
with older, non-professional
players, should challenge an Albany
squad that finished their 1979-1980
campaign with a 21-6 record, including a spot in the NCAA Division IILplayoffs.
One team the Danes definitely
will face is the Central Team, and
that's where the Albany connection
comes in. That squad, which competes in Sweden's second league,
contains two people with strong ties
back to the Danes, University Gym,
and Sauers himself. The Central
Team's coach isGaryTrevett, who
in 1977, graduated from Albany
State, where he started as guard for
the Danes, and who still holds the
Albany record for assists in one
s e a s o n . The o t h e r Albany
transplant who plays a prominent
role on the Central Team is Barry
Cavanaugh, a 6-7 center who starred for the Danes for four years
(1976-1979). Cavanaugh currently js
the lone foreign player on the Central Team.
Besides the Central Team, which
Sauers considers "comparable with
Albany," the Danes will also go up
While the stint in Sweden will un- against other strong, experienced
doubtedly be enjoyable, the Danes clubs. "We will play teams of
will get no vacation when it comes various competition," Sauers said.
"We want to play some of the
teams in their top league, which is
like good Division II and low level
Division I teams. We definitely
have one of those teams scheduled."
After the initial plans were arranged, the Danes' trip still had one
major roadblock before Sweden
became a reality — money. The
Central Team is sponsoring the trip
in Sweden, where they will foot the
bill for Albany's expenses while in
Sweden. "But," said Sauers, "we
still need eight thousand dollars to
get us on the plane." That money is
currently being raised by contributions to the Albany Basketball
Booster Club, and also by the selling of advertisements and booster
spots in next year's basketball yearbook, a new publication which will
be unveiled next season.
"We found that this is the best
way to raise funds," explained
Sauers. "Last time, we had a lot of
different ways. But if we don't meet
our goal, the players will have to
contribute for the trip themselves."
In order to reach their money
goal, members of the Albany State
basketball team arc currently selling
the boosters and advertisements for
the basketball yearbook.
Vol. LXV1I No.25
Students Forced Off Senate
SA Pres. elect Sue Gold - 1286
Surprise Vote Ends Twelve Year
Twelve years of student representation on SUNYA's policy-making
body ended Wednesday as faculty
members voted down a motion calling for four-year extension of student representation on the University Senate, 114 to 112. The decision
will result in the elimination of 33
student scats.
The students will, however, be
allowed to serve on Senate committees.
Extension of student representation on Senate is voted on every two
years. The 1978 vote supported
students "overwhelmingly" by 80
percent, according to student
Senator' Mark Borkowski. "I'm
very surprised — I didn't think we
would have any trouble getting the
voles," he added.
According to Borkowski, the
overriding concern was lo have a
quorum present — in this case, 20
percent of the faculty — to make
any legislation binding. If a faculty
member calls for a quorum and Ihe
Championships Show That Softball Team Belongs
by Marc Haspel
At the outset of this season, the
goal of coach Lee Rhenish and the
young Albany State softball team
was to make the New York Stale
Championships which were held
Friday and Saturday here at
Albany. Twelve gamesi later, after
having compiled a fine 9—3 record,
the Danes deservedly achieved that
goal, placing them on the same level
with the best Division 111 softball
teams in all of New York. Though
they only won one of the three
games that they played in the tournament, the Albany squad played
quality ball, proving to everyone
and themselves thai they can play
w*th the top teams in the state.
Albany opened the tournament
Friday morning with an 8-5 win
against Stony Brook in 11 innings,
the game was a real defensive struggle, a pitcher's duel, especially after
the seventh inning when both teams
were deadlocked at five runs apiece.
After three full extra innings of
'play, Nancy Halloran—the eventual choice for all-tournament team
third baseman—got things started
with a single. Halloran then stole
second and came home on centerlieldcr Lori Cohen's single. First
baseman Carol Wallace followed
with another single' and before it
was all over Albany had scored a
game winning three runs.
Cohen, who drove home the win-
Linett And Levine Tabbed
For Nat: ,nal
by Larry Kahn
The NCAA Division 111 National
Tennis Tournament selections were
made last Thursday and chosen to
represent Albany Stale this year
were Larry Linett and Barry
Levine. They are among 64 players
selected nationwide for the tournament which will be held in Clairmont, California on May 14—17.
"I'm very happy that we're going," said Albany men's tennis
coach Bob Lewis. "It's always one
of our goals to go to the Nationals.
It's an honor to be selected, but it
will also be a great thrill for us
because the playoffs arc in California this year."
Both players should be entering
the tournament pending funding
from the post-season contingency
fund of the Athletic Finance Committee, but Albany Athletic Direct o r ' B o b Ford said that "that
shouldn't be a problem." Last year
Albany had three players selected
for Nationals. Linen and Lane
Lerner went and each won their
first round match before being
eliminated, but number one player
Paul Fcldman was forced to sit out
with an injury. The team slill finished with an impressive 13th place
finish in the nation.
This year Linett and Levine are in
lop form. Both have been selected
to play singles and they are the first
alternate in the doubles competition. Linetl, a senior, has a 15—8
record playing for Albany, and
Levine was 15—5 in his first year.
"Both of them are very competitive and will give a very good account of themselves," said Lewis,
and Ford agreed, "We have two excellent candidates this year — one a
senior on the way out, one a
freshman on the way in. It's too
bad we can't get them all here
together at the same time."
And Linett and Levine? "We're
just happy to go," said Linett.
ning run, said afterwards, "Going
into the top of the eleventh, Nancy
(Halloran) and I were really psyched lodo it. She got on, I singled and
she scored."
With one win under their belt,
the Dane's returned that afternoon
to face the lop seed in the tournament, Queens College. Against Ihe
very highly rated school, Albany
played extremely well. In fact after
four and one-half innings of play,
Albany was ahead, 2-1. However,
in Ihe boliom of the fiflh, Albany's
defense faltered for the first, and
really ihe only time in the lournameni, which was all lhai Queens
needed to gain a six run advantage.
But, in spite of ihe eventual 9-3
loss, Rhenish was satisfied with her
team's performance: "Queens is
lough competition and there is no
room for mistakes. Bui we played
four super innings with Ihem. We
hit their pitching which was the
fastest in ihe tournament," Rhenish
As il turned out, the Queens' pitcher lhal faced Albany was chosen
as all-tournamcnl pitcher and
Queens College eventually went on
to win the stale championship over
Kings College, 3-2. In that final
game, a fly ball and an overthrow
passed the plate in the bottom of
the eighth allowed the winning run
lo score,
Thus, Albany was in position to
play for third place against Ihe
University of Buffalo (a learn that
had previously beaten RP1 but Ihcn
had lost to Kings College) sporting
an identical 1 — 1 record as the
Danes. It was a game in which
they certainly played well enough
to win, and maybe if it had not been
for a few tough breaks, they could
Rhenish slarted Lois Ferrari on
the mound. Despite allowing five
hard luck runs, Ferrari did a terrific
job. Rhenish only had praise for her
required percentage is not present,
no legislation could be passed. In
this case, student representation
would have expired automatically,
Borkowski said,
According to chair of the meeting
Kendall Birr, although a quorum
was present at Ihe beginning of the
meeting, the four-year extension
was voted down. When a new motion was made calling for a one-year
extension of student representation,
some faculty got up and left and a
quorum was not present and the
motion was dismissed.
Borkowski remarked lhal Ihe
one-year extension attempt "would
have had a much better chance of
getting passed."
Birr noted that "the quorum may
have been lost in a mailer of 45
Siudcnt organizations such as
Student Union (SU) and SA are
currently circulating petitions
among faculty members urging
President O'Leary to call an
emergency faculty meeting on Tuesday. O'Leary has agreed to call Ihe
meeting if at least 10 percent of Ihe
faculty signed the petition. If a
quorum of 20 percent is present at
Tuesday's meeting, it would be
possible to pass a motion that
would extend siudcnt representation on Senate.
SU Chair Jim Ticrney, however,
remarked that "gelling Ihe
emergency meeting won't be the
problem; gelling the faculty there
will be."
Birr commented also thai "they
wouldiO have a chance in Ihe world
of gelling a quorum."
If a Tuesday meeting fails to
reinstate student representation, ihe
Lester, Students
hy Beth Cummaruta
A legal suit for student voting
rights in Albany was tiled in U.S.
District Court Thursday, according
lo SA attorney Jack Lester.
"Eleven students arc bringing the
suit on behalf of themselves and all
other persons similarly situated.
VP elect Brian Levy - 1187
The battle is over! After a tight runoff, Sue Gold has emerged
victorious over Gary Schalsky for SA president and Brian Levy
overcame Frank Mailman in the vice presidential race. Although
the final count was close. Sue Gold came out with 55 % of the
vote and Brian Levy received 54 %. A total or 2338 turned out to
vote for the presidency and 2190 for Ihe vice spot.
issue could be rc-cvaluated al Ihe They recommended a system within
fall faculty meeting. However, a which sludents would be excluded
quorum of 40 percent would be Ihe from voting on such issues.
Another reason for faculty oprequirement for passage of the moposition to Ihe extension, according
Those faculty members who to Borkowski, was that lor ihe first
spoke in opposition to the motion time, students were asking for a
al Ihe Senate meeting said they were four-year extension, as opposed lo
not against student representation a two-year extension, all of which
on Senate altogehlcr. Professors have been granted in Ihe past.
Harry Hamilton and Malcom Sher- Borkowski feels lhal some faculty
man bolh said" they objected lo arc against student representation
students being in a position in in the Scnale for a four-year period
which i hey could decide honor stan- because Ihey would noi have a
dards, academic standards, gradua- "check" on the sludents.
Borkowsld said also that Ihe
tion requirements, and oilier issues
ihey fell "were Ihe responsibility of faculty oposiiion was "extremely
continued on page nineteen
ihe faculty — not ihe students,"
Battle Voting
This then would affect all students
in Ihe slate," Leslcr said.
The defendants in ihe case are the
commissioners of ihe Albany County Board of Eleciions and of ihe
The defendanis filed suil
challenging Ihe New York Slalc
statute which prohibits students
from voting.
One d e f e n d a n t ,
Schrieber, petitioned thai he has lived independently from his parents
for the last four years. He swore
lhai his parents do not maintain any
living quarters for him. He said his
permanent address is in Albany.
Another defendant, Andrea
DiGregario petitioned lhal she is an
"Albany County resident at this
lime, il is (he place where I live and
il is the center of my domestic,
educational, social and civil life. I
consider il to be my home and I
have no olher residence."
According lo Leslcr, the sludents
are counted in the Albany census
for purposes of stale and federal aid
and also for apportionment
through delegation of rcprcSentalion for state legislative districts and
federal congressional districts according lo population,
"It's discriminatory! It's not fair
nol to give Ihe sludents a voice in
things lhal affect their lives, like
police protection, housing, treatment in the courts, zoning-ordinances and taxes. Rents arc based
on properly laxes. For sludents who
rent, this amounts 'to taxation
wilhoul rcprcsenialion."
Lester said, "Because of the faci
lhal you're a student, Ihe law does
not grant you residence in Albany.
The law says that average citizens
only have lo be a resident for thirty
days or be eighteen years old in
order to vote. It singles oul
students. The defendants say
sludents arc not really bona fide
residents and Ihercforc, shouldn't
be allowed to vole.
He continues, "There are 25,000
disenfranchised students In Albany.
Ihey have ihcir fundamental righis
violated because Ihe fundamental
right to vole, guaranteed under the
14th (equal protection as citizens)
and Ihe 26th (right to vole at 18 or
over) amendments is denied Ihem.
Students applying for voting
rights in Albany have to fill out a
questionnaire that inquires into a
student's personal life with questions involving financial matters
concerning financial aid from
parents, bank accounts, and financing
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled
that these lypcs of questions arc unconslitulional, Lester said.
"Basically, this is a bill that's a
direct hit on SUNY students all over
the stale. 11 was enacted in 1971, the
same year the 18 year old vole was
made law. The state legislature was
responding to a fear of student
voters in their district," he said.
Budget Cut; Teams Terminated
This past weekend, the Albany Slate women's softball team competed in
Ihe New York Slalc Championships In Albany. (Pholo: Dave Ashcr)
pitcher. "Lois pitched an excellent neither (team scored, as very good
game," said Rhenish.
defense kept runners off the bases.
After being retired in order in the For Albany, this solid defense was
top of Ihe first, Buffalo got on the epitomized by the play of Icfifielder
scoreboard when, with a runner on Sue Shulman, shortstop Cathy
third, a bloop pop fly was hit down Briggs, and third baseman Nancy
Ihe rightficld line. Racing over at tlalloran. Shulman, whose runfull speed, second baseman Kalhy saving catches earned her allCuanolo could not quite reach the tournament lefiflelder said after the
falling softball as UB look a 1-0 game, "We simply gave it a good
lead. After a couple of walks, a shot this lime."
clean Buffalo basehit drove in two
As for Briggs and Halloran,
more runs, pulling UB in from 3-0. Rhenish Is very high on this defenOver the next three Innings
conlinued on page fifteen
by Paul Schwartz
Two sports have been cut from
next year's SUNYA a'thleiic budget
due to the elimination of a state
funded coaching line. Both the
men's volleyball team and Ihe
junior varsity cross country team
will not return as intercollegiate
squads nexl semester.
The teams arc being cut despite
offers from the respective coaches
to stay on without receiving any
salary for their services. "The
money doesn't mean a damn thing
to me," said men's volleyball coach
Ted Earl. "Il all goes back to the
kids anyway. The program belongs
to students."
But according to SUNYA
Athletic Director Robert Ford, thai
situation would not be feasible. "I
think there are problems with having volunteer coaches," Ford said.
"I honestly don't feel we should
run an athletic program lhal way.
It's a bad precedent, and it puts the
volleyball and junior varsity cross
country learns in a differeni area
from Ihe rest of the learns."
The two lerminatcd leams were
selected after meetings between Ihe
Alhlelic Planning and Policy
Board, Ford, and SUNYA Vice
President for University Affairs
Lewis Welch. In those meetings,
criteria was sel up for determining
which sports would be cut. Men's
volleyball funds were supplied by
Ihe eliminated coaching line, and
thus was evaluated using the
Besides Earl's salary (S2300),
Ford cited olher factors which led
to ihe decision to cut the men's
volleyball team. "Volleyball exploded on Ihe college scene in the
late 1960's and early 1970's," explained Ford. "That's Ihe same
time Title IX came oul stressing
equal opportunity for women in
sports, so many schools could nol
start volleyball programs. Many
schools have volleyball teams lhal
are slill al Ihe club level, and I don't
see lhal changing in the near future.
Thin makes scheduling lough, and
it means we have to travel further
lhan we would If ihey weren't club
Welch stressed lhat a team's success during the season was not a
major faclor in assessing individual
sports. This past year Ihe men's
volleyball squad showed a 16-6
record, including u berth In the
playoffs. The junior varsity cross
country team posted a 12-2-1 record
in their meets.
"Each of the criteria we applied
was used as a reference," said
" '
continued on page nine
"All we're asking for is an equal opportunity.
May 9, 1980
SUNY At The Crossroads
by Thomas Marietta
In 1968, New York Governor
Nelson A. Rockefeller declared, "If
you want to preview the American
university of the 21st century, look
at what is happening at SUNY today." Time magazine's cover
featured then SUNY Chancellor
Samuel B. Could and the story inside highlighted the brand new campus at SUNY-Albany. .
Last week, SUNY breathed a collective sigh of relief as the
Legislature effectively turned back
an attempt by Governor Hugh L.
Carey to cut $22.3 million from it's
budget. As the fountains spurted
for the first time last Friday,
SUNYA President Vincent O'Lcary
expressed happiness at not having
to make the difficult decisions
budget cuts would have forced him
to make.
Is this a one year breather? Will
the recent "Save SUNY" campaign
become a yearly ritual in the '80's?
How will that "modern university
of the 21st century" fare in the upcoming decade?
Predictions of declining student
enrollments and the possibility of
less state funding make the future
uncertain, but SUNY Chancellor
Clifton Wharton and O'Lcary
refuse to predict an impending
doomsday for SUNY.
But there is a haunting reminder
of the 1970's — when budget cuts,
lawsuits and retrenchments clouded
SUNY and SUNYA's progress.
If any campus typifies .the growth
and history of SUNY, it has to be
SUNYA. When Rockefeller poured
millions into his dream of a huge
public higher education system,
construction workers poured the
world's largest slab of concrete onto an area which formerly was the
Albany Country Club. SUNYA
became a ready made university in
two ways: structurally and
academically. The growth was rapid
and aggressive.
When Vincent O'Lcary arrived as
a professor of criminal justice in
1968, he saw this attitude come full
"I'd say the school typified what
was happening SUNY-wide,"
O'Leary said. "Our instruction was
to make it the best criminal justice
school In the country." O'Leary
said that in one year, 125 faculty
lines were added to SUNYA.
Unfortunately, the growth was
too rapid and limitations would inhibit original plans for SUNYA.
Those plans showed SUNYA as a
comprehensive university center, to
be strong in a wide range of areas.
But the money no longer flowed so
freely in the early 1970's, and suddenly SUNYA found itself branching in many directions it could no
longer afford to go.
"comprehensive university" was
questioned, and it became clear that
these limitations would have to lead
to a change in focus. Once again,
SUNYA's structural and academic
plans coincided. A plunned extension of the west end of the campus
was scrapped, as was the plan to
make this a university center of
20,000 students.
But that caused problems. The
seeds for the comprehensive university had been planted, and
somebody had to uproot them.
"At this time we had few increases in faculty," said O'Lcary.
"But the programs and students
wefrc not matched ~ the campus
had a substantial imbalunce."
Former SUNYA President Louis
Benezet then set up a select committee to make recommendations on
which programs should be reduced.
. The focus of that committee was to
create a long-range plan of reducing
several programs.
However, in his State of the State
message in 197S, Carey declared
that the "days of wine and roses are
over," which meant that the days
were limited for a number of programs. Budget cuts ensued, and the
five-year plan suddenly had to be
implemented right away. Emmett
Fields replaced Benezet, a task
force replaced the select committee
and the hacking away of programs
When the dust settled, SUNYA
was a much more focused university, and many faculty members had
been retrenched. Those retrenchments would come under fire
from a legislative committee headed
by Assemblyman Melvin Miller.
Miller's report criticized SUNYA for
what it felt was unnecessary cuts.
Many faculty members who lost
their jobs were obviously highly
critical of the administration, and
some sued. One commented that
the retrenchment of a department
was to "sweep an embarrassing
mess under the rug." The contentions were that departments were
being cut for personal reasons, such
as chairmen not getting along with
faculty members.
The most dramatic case involved
the Comparative Literature Department, where chair Joseph Szoverffy
was accused of sexual bias by faculty member Judy Lcibowltz. When
the department was retrenched,
. Szoverffy sued SUNYA and SUNY
— meanwhile Llcbowitz had her
own actions going against the
former chair in a human rights case
she eventually would win.
O'Leary, who was a member of
the select committee and chair of
the task force, defended the cuts:
"All I can say is the task force was
blind about personalities. Decisions
were made independently. But you
can't grant a department immunity
because of an argument between a
chairman and faculty." Suits,
countcrsuits and complaints
wouldn't bring any of the retrenched departments back, though.
Meanwhile, Fields put the direction of SUNYA into u document
called the Mission Statement, which
would incur much criticism from
faculty and students. The purpose
was to plan the course — a much
more narrower one than originally
Major setbacks to those original
plans and even the ones in Field's
mission surfaced as the State
Education Department began to
review the doctoral programs of all
New York's universities. Here,
SUNYA found itself particularly
vulnerable — graduate programs
which were begun less than ten
years before the reviews were being
compared to the best programs in
the state. The SED decided that
English and history at SUNYA were
not good programs and cut them
out. SUNY Central decided that it
wasn't a good idea for SED to have
the power to cut programs In
SUNY, so they took them 10 court.
SUNY lost. Then it appealed, and
lost again.
And SUNYA gained nationwide
publicity for having sub-par programs in history and English.
Fields' bold claims to knock on
former Education Commissioner
Ewald Nyquist's door und demand
the programs back would not come
true, as recruitment of ton scholars
was difficult because of the negative
After Fields went home to Dixie
to take over Vanderbilt University,
O'Leary became acting president
and Chemistry's doctoral program
felt the SED blade. Immediately, he
set up a committee to review all programs on campus, declaring that
SUNYA should be the one to
review its own programs. They say
bad luck comes in threes — and
after the retrenchments and the
Ph.D. losses came a stoppage of
psychology experiments by the
State Health Department — more
negative publicity.
After a year of searching for a
new president, it was decided that
SUNYA should take someone from
their own backyard — Vince
O'Lcary. With the budgets not providing tremendous difficulties and
the crises of the middle '70's over,
things started to settle down. Grant
money, for instance, doubled in
1979, according to O'Leary. Other
doctoral programs were given
positive reviews.
As the '80's began Carey's proposed cuts sent shock waves across
the system. " A university is like a
fine wine," said O'Leary. "It has to
age." SUNY Chancellor Clifton
Wharton implored Carey to change
his mind, saying that " a university
can take many years to build, but
only a few to break down."
And SUNY's faculty union —
United University Professions —
fearing for their jobs, began to promote the university system with
radio plugs.
Central to SUNY's future arc two
factors: the smaller number of
students graduating high school,
and the economic shape of the
state, which isn't likely to get better
in the coming years.
"The state of the economy is a
very significant variable," said
Wharton. However, he would not
concede that enrollment will
definitely go down at the rate people are predicting. Rather, the
Chancellor said that an increase in
returning students might help make
up for the loss in traditional age college students. "I'm not one to say
that enrollment is going to be the
same," said Wharton. "But intelligent planning looks at all the
Wharton said that SUNY's five
year master plan is in the works and
that he expects that SUNY will progress in the decade — a typically optimistic view expected from the
Chancellor's office. "SUNY has
considerable resources," he said.
"Wc will be aiding lo help improve
the economic climate of the state. I
feel we arc making a significant
It all comes down to dollars and •
cents, however. The chancellor gave
the indication that planning would
continue as if few cuts were going to
be made; he said that to not plan
creatively would produce stagnation. But as economic conditions
gel tighter and steady enrollment Is
inn a certainty, funding may
become a year-to-year situation,
"There's no question that public
higher e d u c a t i o n is at a
crossroads," said Rich l.ccherllng,
special counsel to Mark Siegel, who
chairs ihcAssembly'shigher education Committee. "The recession undoubtedly is going (o have an effect. SUNY and CUNY and higher
education will receive a fair share of
the cuts. But the Assembly prefers
to look at it on the long range,
rather than the meat axe approach."
continued on pane nineteen
ASP News Highlighted: A Year's Overview
Campaigners Visit SUNYA
Finals Food
Finals week may always be tough on the mind, but thi:
year it will be easier on the stomach. UAS is expanding it:
traditional late-night cafeteria menu of fried donuts ant
coffee to include brownies, jelly donuts, and soda. The
munchies will be available free on the quads from Maj
'Loot Chute' Wins
Oh Chute!
Winners of the contest to nickname Marine Midland
Bank's MoneyMatic Machine in the Campus Center are
Laura Tills, first prize, a Sony portable television; Eric
Lobcl, second prize, a Panasonic AM-FM radio; and
Michael Schlissel, third prize, a pocket calculator.
Tills' name for the machine was "The Loot Chute." She
lives on campus, and her home town Is Shortsvillc, N.Y.
Lobcl's title: "The Buck Stop." He's from Yonkcrs,
lives on Hudson Avenue in Albany. Mr. Schlissel, who is
from North Woodmcrc, lives on campus, suggested "Dean
of Withdrawal."
Whatever name students choose, the MoneyMatic
already has broken all records for use in its first three
weeks. More than 15,000 transactions, primarily deposits
and withdrawals, were completed during that time.
Judges for the contest were Ricky Goldman, a senior
from Merrick, N.Y., UAS Director Norbert Zahm, and
Barbara Taylor, manager of Marine's branch office adjacent to the campus at 899 Western Avenue.
The prize in the bank-sponsored contest will be awarded
by Ms. Taylor on Monday.
Indians Honor Uppal
The SUNY Indian Association will hold a get-together on
Thursday to honor Professor J.S. Uppal, who was recently
awarded by the Student Association and by the Chancellor
of SUNY for his excellence in teaching Economics for the
year 1979-80.
The get-together will be in the Physics Lounge (PHY 129)
lal 5 p.m. Indian snacks and drinks will be served. All are
cordially invited lo intend. For more information call Mr.
K. Patel (457-7912) or Mr. Ramaswamy (457-8006).
Summer Booklist Out
The Bookstore Committee prcscntsl
The summer booklist js out. Two copies arc localcd in
the Campus Center information desk and one in the SA office. The fall booklet will be out sometime next week. So
gel your books early!
Albany is not one of those places easily missed by the
campaigning politician. And during election years, it is not
unlikely for a candidate to shake a few hands or kiss a few
babies in New York's capital.
California Governor and presidential hopeful Edmund
G. "Jerry" Brown graced the SUNYA campus on January
22. He drew a standing room-only crowd in the Campus
Center Ballroom as he addressed issues from energy conservation to the space program to the Iranian-American conflict. Brown's quick sens, of humor was evident
throughout the speech but especially in his response to a
fellow who asked "Where's Linda?" "There's one in every
crowd," remarked the governor.
Senator Edward Kennedy addressed a crowd of 4,000 in
the Empire State Plaza on March 5. He was supposed to
speak at SUNYA but his advance team was too quick to
reschedule his speech.
Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan
brought his campaign to Albany on March 25. His speech
at the Turf Inn on Wolf Road was somewhat' marred by a
falling banner, his stumble on the stairs, and his sliding
chair. "It just proves we can overcome any obstacle," said
Reagan. He addressed issues from the budget to energy.
On February 1, Vice President Walter Mondale brought
his campaign for a Democratic White House administration to the Albany Thruway House. While topics touched
on by Mondale ranged from Afghanistan to unemployment, he spoke mainly about his three years wilh Jimmy
SA Cover-Up
Perhaps, one of the biggest events of the year was the SA
election cover-up which occurred during last spring's SA
presidential run-off election.
Mitchell Davis, former Indian Quad assistant election
commissioner claimed he replaced 15 votes for candidate
Sharon Ward with the same number of votes for candidate
Lisa Ncwmark. He told several Newmark supporters what
he had done, and although he claimed it was a joke, they
believed him.
SA Controller Craig Weinstock, SA Internal Affairs
Chair Jim Mitchell, and Central Council member Mark
Lafayette agreed the night Newmark was elected not to inform the election commissioner of the event. Three former
SA members also concurred that evening — James CastroBlanco, Abbie Havkins, and Ron Frank.
At least a dozen other SA members would find out in
subsequent months but no one revealed the truth to
A special Presidential Commission was appointed by
Newmark for purposes of investigating those who knew
about the event and when. The Commission was then to
recommend punishments for those involved. Weinstock,
Mitchell, Lafayette, and Central Council Chair Mike Levy,
who discovered the truth in July but did not take any action, were cited as the four most responsible for the alleged
ballot stuffing. The Commission suggested they resign.
Many people on council felt all those who knew and did not
reveal the truth should also resign.
On March 19, Central Council voted to censure all council members who knew about the even. Levy, Weinstock,
Mitchcll.and Lafayette did not have to resign. The meeting
was an emotional one, with the accusscd citing the ASP
coverage of the event as sensational and one-sided.
Student reaction varied, but most were angry and disillusioned by SA. Some Council members felt the punishment
was not severe enough, while Budget Committee Chair _
Mark Borkowski resigned because he was "disgusted" with
,thc election fraud and Ncwmark's reaction to the issue.
Colonial Quad Board vice-president Pat Francomano
submitted o petition calling for Lafayette's resignation.
Page Three
Albany Student Press
Student activism returned to SUNYA on November 28
and seems to hove made itself quite at home. On this particular Wednesday, close to 100 students staged an all day
sit-in outside the campus bookstore. The demonstrators
demanded immediate changes in bookstore prices and
management policies. After negotiating three hours with
nine student representatives, Folletl bookstore officials met
most of the students' requests.
They Included a reduction in notebook prices, the printing of book lists required for the upcoming semester
classes, and the sealing of sale items every two weeks.
The students were prompted by '60's activist Jerry
Rubin, who spoke at SUNYA the nighl before. They
recognized the need to become more Involved in University
policy and this was their first action. A Bookstore Committee was later formed, composed of students, bookstore
management, and administrators, to continually check on
the store's policies.
The activists continued lo meet and plan for the future.
, About 40 students met on December 6, talking about
various campus problems and advocated "teach-ins" to inform students about UAS, CUE, and related issues. ASU
Chair Jeremy Carlson wants "to get students involved in
running SUNYA."
SUNYA Protests
The University community reacted strongly to the situation in Iran. Feelings ranged from bitter resentment of our
involvement in Iran to fear of an unconventional war.
In November, eight Iranian students attending SUNYA
were requested to submit to a status check and a visa review
by the Albany office of the Federal Bureau of Immigration.
"It's a response but It's also a way lo cool things as far as
Iranian students demonstrating," said SUNYA Assistant
Dean for Student Affairs Paul J. Ward.
But it wasn't the Iranians who protested. On November
29, more than 100 pro-American SUNYA students
disrupted a Young Socialist Alliance meeting which was
geared to point oul the errors America made in Iran. The
Iwo sides clashed und heckled, mobbing the stage, and
arguments occurred. Matilda Zimmerman, 1980 Socialist
Workers Pary vice presidenlial candidate, called the event
' an "organized counter-demonstration."
The Ad Hoc U.S. Hands Off Iran Committee picketed
outside Albany's Chase Manhattan Bank on December 9,
urging the return of the Shah to Iran. Fifty counterdemonstrators met (he group, chanting things such as
"USA — all the way."
In an exclusive ASP feature in the December 11 issue,
two of the eight Iranian students in SUNYA talked of life in
the country, especially under the Shah's regime. "I saw corruption, a political vacuum, and an absolute dictatorship,"
remarked one of the students. The oilier studenl, admitting
his dislike for the Shah, said il would not be good lo let the
Shah return now. "I can sec il clearer from the U.S. point
of view more than Iran's though I sec the complications the
U.S. is facing."
Police Resign
In April, Albany policemen Michael Buchanan and
Richard Vita resigned from the Albany Police Force
because of personal and internal pressures. They quit
before facing departmental hearings on charges of neglect
of duty, resulting from incidents which occurred in
SUNYA's Waterbury Hall last March.
On October 24, an Albany County Court jury, after a
three-week trial, acquitted the officers on charges of grand
larceny in the first degree, robbery in the second degrees an
two petty larcencies.
The panel agreed that the defendants acted as policemen,
not criminals, when Ihey entered Ihc Alumni Quad dorm
last March 21 and 28. The officer allegedly entered the
dorm on March 21, stealing $20 from student Anthony
Lcnkicwicz and allegedly robbed student Craig Kcllam of
$60 and marijuana. The same pair apparently returned on
March 28 and stole $50 from Jay Stccnwcrlh.
Defense attorneys E. Stewart Jones and Paul E.
Cheeseman argued the officers were behaving like "Stursky
and Hutch" so they could become narc officers in the
Albany Police Department Narcotics Division. They said
the students were the criminals for illegal possession and
use of drugs.
Prosecuting attorney Dennis Acton, argued the
policeman acted without required departmental authorization for drug investigations. He believed they stole the
money and marijuana for their own benefits.
The officers still faced departmental hearing after their
acquittal. Buchanan left before because the city did not
want him to return to the force and he wanted to move
elsewhere. Vita apparently could not face the force because
of the accusations.
A wave of break-ins and scx-rclutcd crimes plagued the
downtown "student ghetto" this year, resulting in continuous assaults on women including SUNYA students living'on Alumni Quad dorms.
The area bounded by Myrtle Avenue and Bradford,
Lake, and Partridge Streets was often the scene of the attacks. The intruder became known as the "Pine Hills
Toucher" because he sexually abused or raped his victim,
The Incidents occurred between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. with
the intruder entering an apartment through an unlocked
window or door, sometimes placing cinder blocks below a
At first, the assailant was described us a black, clean
shaven male, approximately 20 years old. he was about
5'8" tall and had a slender build. But, according to Albany
Police, extensive media coverage brought out "impostcrs,"
There were several intruders roaming the Pine Hills area,
both black and white and only one or Iwo being rapists.
University reaction to the danger was Immediate. Special
sessions were offered to women on the art of self-defense.
The Off Campus Association supplied free installation of
window bolt-locks. President O'Leary initiated a Task
Force on Women's Safety, composed of students and staff,
lo evaluate existing measures. The SUNYA bus routes were
altered to provide for safer walking routes during the evening hours. The Albany Police provided continuous security
patrols of the Pine Hills area.
The incidents diminished, but did not end entirely.
Suspects were picked up continually, but the "Pine Hills
Toucher" has never actually been identified.
With the fear of war, comes the fear of conscription. But
this year, that nightmare became too real to most SUNYA
students when President Carter considered reinstating draft
registration. People fighting for peace immediately set
forth lo stop the possible legislation.
On January 27, over 150 people from the University and
Albany community held a peaceful anti-draft demonstration in downtown Albany. A newly-formed group, the
Albany Peace Coalition, sponsored the protest in hopes of
developing widespread opposition to the draft.
A few days before, local pacifists, ranging from draft age
to senior citizen status, met at the Presbyterian Church on
Slate Slrccl lo express their concerns over the probablc2reinslalemcnt of the draft. The thirty anli-war
believers stressed war as an unnecessary means for attaining
worldwide peace.
The events coniinued with draft resistors from the Vietnam era speaking to students to several more anti-draft
demonstrations, downtown, and on-campus. The Albany
Peace Coalilion sponsored a teach-in and r UNYA's own
Albany Peace Project organized parties, rallies, and
debates. On April 13, a Festival for Peace was held in Page
Hall with speakers who addressed (he anli-war, anti-draft,
and pro-peace (hemes.
March 22 was the day for advocates of peace as the first
significant anti-draft rally since the Vietnam-era was held in
Washington. Over 40,000 protestors, including SL'rlYA
students, rallied on the Capitol and listened to speakers battling the draft registration.
SUNYA Budget
— September — SUNY submits $55 million budget request to ihc New York State Division of the Budget (DOB).
— December — DOB calls for a 1175 SUNY position
reduction through attrition.
— December 13 — SASU and the Albany Studenl Union
(ASU) protest the budget cuts outside the Alfred E. Smith
building in downtown Albany. The cuts, Ihey argue, will
damage the quality of public education.
— January 22 — Carey's proposed Executive Budget is
released, calling for a $26 million reduction in SUNY expenditures. There is to be a $12,300,000 base reduction and
an additional $14,000,000 cut for purposes of Univesity
— January 31 — Over 3000 SUNY students and faculty
from across Ihc state gather for "Save SUNY Day" in
Albany's Empire Stale Plaza. They rally and lobby againsl
Ihc culs in Ihc New York State legislature.
— February 2 — SUNY Chancellor Clifton Wharton
postpones construction of new campus for the State College of Technology. He tells the SUNY Board of Trustees
that the current budget standing is a'grave crisis." He says
the budget recommendations will hurl the already severely
cut system.
— February 6 — Carey asks grads to pay an additional
$1,000 tuition fee aflcr graduation as " a matter of
gratitude" for the value of a stale education.
— February 25 — Wharlon tells legislators that campuses will close as a result of budget cuts. In addition, 2200
positions and academic programs will be eliminated SUNYwide. Colleges such as SUC-Ncw Paltz and SUC-Fredonia
may be Ihc first to go. On the same day, the $69.2 million
leaching hospital admitted its first 30 patients. Coincidental^, a slaff of 1300 was provided in the hospital while
almost that same number of positions was being cul from
SUNY. The hospital will receive $143.4 million per year.
— April 4 — Carey vetoes revised budget of the stale
legislature, which voted April 1 lo partially restore SUNY's
base budget by $8.3 million and additional cuts by $14
— April 17 — The New York Slaie Senate voles ugainsl
restoring SUNY's budget. Senate Majority Leader Warren
Anderson moved to have the budget reconsidered.
— April 21 — A $22.3 million appropriations bill (UNI)
is Introduced to the legislature to override Carey's veto.
— April 28 — UNI Bill ,'isses unanimously in the New
York State Assembly.
— May 1 — UNI bill passes in th- Senate and Carey announces plan to sign the bill. SUNY must maintain its current level of Institutional and program offerings.
— Michele Israel
Page Four
May 9, .1980
. Albany Student Press
May 9, 1980
Kent State Revisited - Ten Years Later
SUNYA Policy Protects Homosexuals
SUNYA President Vincent O'Leary
SUNYA committed to equality.
(Photo: UPS)
by Susan Mllllgan
After eight months of negotiations, PresidentVincentO'Leary announced Wednesday he has expanded current University policy to
include protection
on c a m p u s
regardless of sexual or affectional
According to O'Leary, "the
statement is designed to give additional strength to the University's
commitment to equality of opportunity."
Federal law does not prohibit
discrimination on the basis of sexual or affectional preferences.
The statement also provides for a
means to review and investigate
claims of Infringements of the
policy, and for means of dealing
with such grievances.
Due to federal legalities, the
policy was developed independently
of Affirmative Action, a federallyfunded organization which deals
with' discrimination complaints.
Student Housing'. Poor
by Sylvia Saunders
When Dave Lester and his three
roommates signed the lease for a second floor apartment at 159
Western Avenue, they thought it
was a bargain to get the place at
$320 per month plus utilities.
"But as soon as we moved in we
started noticing all the things we
missed when we checked the apartment in the spring. The cracks in
the wall were covered with masking
tape and painted over. The beds
and the furniture were shoddy.
There was no insulation and the
drop ceiling swayed with the wind.
The porch steps sagged and the railing was rotted to the point of
crumbling. The carpeting was worn
and the rooms needed paint all
over. I could handle the ants and
mice, but the idea of rats did bother
mc a little . . .
"Over Christmas vacation the
snow on the Hat roof thawed and
backed up from the sink-size drain.
The ceiling caved in over the kitchen and bathroom. We couldn't
go to the bathroom without an umbrella. It was like something out of
a movie in Appalachia. We had
water an inch on the floor and pails
scattered throughout the apartment. When the landlord finally
fixed it, he used a half-inch thick
tile to cover the old caved-in ceiling.
But water kept coming through.
The cockroaches loved the moisture
"When the springtime thaw
came, so did another cave-in. By
that time we just laughed about il.
It got to be a joke after awhile.
Besides, we knew it wouldn't be
long before we could gel but. We
couldn't report it because we were
in violation of the anti-grouper law
and we didn't want to split up.
Is anyone
out there going
to Grad School
at Cornell?
Do you know
someone who is?
I'm looking for
someone to
live w i t h .
When it finally did come time to get
out, he wouldn't give me back my
security deposit . . . "
"We get about sixty complaints
about landlords every semester,"
said SUNYA's Off-Campus Housing Office (OCHO) worker Judy
Schultz. She pointed to an overstuffed green looscleaf binder and
said, "We try to keep a record of
them all."
"It's hard to say exactly how
many students have problems with
their landlords," she continued,
"because by the time someone
comes here, the person feels as if
it's out of his control."
Schultz said the major problem
of off-campus housing is that
themselves in finding an apartment.
"They're afriad there won't be
enough left, because they hear thai
everyone else is looking for an
apartment. So they'll take the one
that doesn't have a back staircase or
a window in the bedroom," she
"Housing in Albany is harder to
get than in the typical college
town," according to Director of
Residences John Welty. "Out of
the whole 15,000 population of the
campus, It's only possible for a little
over 6,000 to live on campus. This
obviously creates tremendous competition for apartments in good
One Pine Hills landlord, Mrs.
Mullah, rented out her twenty units
by early March. "We rented earlier
this year than ever before," she
said. "We even had calls at
Christmas. Most of our apartments
were rented out to friends of
tenants before they were even out of
OCHO Director Frank Green
said, "There is a general housing
shortage in the whole city.
However, this Is compounded
because students crowd into such a
small area close to the bus routes."
"If students were willing to live
off the bus line," he said, "there
would be a lot more housing
available." He especially suggested
that students search in the New
Scotland Avenue section of the cily.
"For students who have cars or are
willing to use public transportation,
there's no problem," he said.
But for students who lack a car or
the patience and money for public
transportation, their only option is
to find an apartment in the Pine
Hills area around SUNYA's
downtown campus. Green said
landlords lake advantage of this demand and students arc sometimes
subjected to apathetic landlords,
high rents and poor, sometimes
unlivablc conditions.
One of the major complaints
from students is the high cost of
rent. "Apartment rents have increased in price considerably,"
Green said, "Last year the average
three bedroom anartment was $90
continued on pa^e nine
discrimination complaints. Federal
law does not prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual or affectional preferences.
SUNYA's Gay and Lesbian
Alliance with the written support of
the Albany Student Union, Affirmative Action, Central Council,
University Senate, United University Professions (UUP) and other
organizations, has been working
with O'Leary since September in attempts to secure a University policy
protecting homosexuals from
discrimination. The groups based
their grievance on the grounds of
incidents of discrimination and
harassment of homosexuals on
campus; the individuals involved
had no recourse at the time.
O'Leary stressed also that "any
policy statement is limited in its effect. Ultimately, equality of opportunity must be grounded in the
commitments and actions of individuals." O'Leary added thai he
"urged all on this campus to give
life and meaning to this policy."
O'Leary said his development of
the policy is "in reaction to a Senate
bill" urging the President to adopi
the statement to University policy.
by Susan Mllllgan
On May 4, 1970, students at Kent
State University, Ohio rallied to
voice opposition to U.S. action in
Cambodia. On the grounds of
"rumors of violence," Kent Mayor
LeRoy Satrom had called in the National Guard. But the outcome was
anythiing but peaceful as the Guard
opened fire on the students.
Nine were wounded.
Four are dead.
On May 4, 1980, students at Kent
State rallied, marched, and held a
candlelight vigil in memorial of
those wounded or killed ten years
before at Kent State and Jackson
by Kurt Schnakenbcrg
This is the final part of a fourpart series dealing with the SUNYA
Bus Company.
This article is the culmination of
the ASP's investigation of the
SUNYA buses. Ater many interviews and issues presented in the articles, some questions still remain to
be answered.
Downtown apartment area
Poorly maintained, shoddy, and injested.
(Photo: UPS/
The previous three articles exposed several bus service problems.
Among these were thai busses were
off schedule, extensive vandalism
of ihc buses by students, a lack of
overtime funds for drivers and a
Tharik you all for the great times and
memories that have made my years here
at SUNYA the best pi* my life.
Fori George* G. Mend* MI> 20755
vandalism and drunken
About 100 people inarched from
the dormitories in which the
students were killed (one was shot
while in the T.V. room) to the Student Union building Sunday,
Jackson State student government
member Muso Akapcliva said.
Comprised of hoih students and administrators, the group sang Gospel
songs, observed a dramatic presentation, and listened lo individual
speakers on a panel discuss the
the Incident. Members of the panel
included people who were students
al the lime of ihc shootings — one
of whom, I lilhnan Frazier, is now a
member of the Mississippi state
The administration was apparently supportive of the
memorial; many marched and
President John Peoples spoke in
regard lo (he incident.
The mood, Akapcliva said, was
calm, Ihc atmosphere more indicative of a mechanical than a protest.
Kent, Ohio, and Jackson,
Mississippi were not I lie only sites
of campus unrest ill Ihc late '60's
and early '70's. And in 1980, the
Kent and Jackson Stale slayings
were remembered at campuses
throughout Ihc country.
About 250 members of the
Albany community gathered in
Washington Park Sunday to
remember the dead and wounded
from the Kent and Jackson Stale incidents. The Albany Peace Coalilion organized the daytime rally —
with speakers and musicians and an
evening candlelight vigil in from of
the Armory on Western Ave.
City, Stale, ZIP
I'liuil Acting Supervisor Bill dullun
Water guns, "Funky Town" Rafters, whal number is he?
Sour cream & onion pptatoe chips after drinking. Token during Mille Borne; pimple medicine, Spanish-French conversations, popcorn, bedhopping with Snoopy & Woodstock, hotly
waves for a chic body, "Hoi Stuff", (he girl who can ouldrink
most guys, Jcllo in ihc toilet bowl, paranoia, winning a case of
beer, Southern Comfort shots, "did you leach like Laurie
did?", Blackjack'with gumballs in the infirmary, "R0" on the
Norlhway, N.Y.C., you'r first personal, "Doy", Balloon girl
parts Si boy pans, icicles on ihc window, "most conscientious
student?", Is Herkimer a hick lown? New Year's Eve! Unexpected fircdrills, washroom kiss, aftermath of HOJ's' parly,
parallel parking. SCORE CITY!!!
Susan, Abby, & Michelle
j !.677-4891
complainiants, and has been said to
"make examples" out of outspoken
drivers. Pari of this problem is seen
in the paranoia the drivers feci
about releasing their names.
continued on pane nine
| To all my dear friends,
'Life is a series of hellos and goodbyesI'm afraid it's time for goodbye again.'
The Army Nurse Corps.
can easilty destroy valves when Ihcy
rip open these doors lo enter the
bus. This valve is expensive, and
difficult to replace.
Another problem has been suidcnl complaints which are ignored.
Although students are encouraged lo complain whenever a bus
misses its schedule, these complaints are generally ignored hy the
garage. One student who use to
complain frequently to the garage
now feels her efforts are useless.
"They just give mc a big brushoff. It's ridiculous. Afler a while
you don't want lo complain any
more. You just gel lo feeling so
passive . . . " . Even driver's complaints arc
sometimes ignored, to Ihc point
where the drivers begin to feel
"passive" about reporting problems with their buses. The supervisor has been accused by many
drivers as harboring grudges against
contemporary issues Including the
draft, registration, and the
possibility fo a foreign war, Canford said.
Canford added he feels there is
more student activism today than
two or three years ago.
"1 think it is mainly because of
the question of the draft," he said.
"And the numbers will increase
because of the war threat...(The
Carter administration) is trying to
whip up pro-war hysteria...but we
have not forgotten the horror of
May 14, 1970 does not ring as
clear in one's mind as the date 10
days b e f o r e . Because the
demonstration at Jackson State
University, Mississippi concerned
not only the Cambodian issue but
ihc racial issue, it was less discussed
and less recognized. But, students
at Jackson State refused to ignore
the fact of iwo student deaths nearly ten years ago.
iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" 1 ;
' l ; «r more Information) wrllei
I in- Army Sm ••<• Corps.
May 12 is the last day voluntary
can he initiated if you do not intend to
complete this semester. If you plan to
transfer, take a leave of absence, or "take
time off" next semester, it is important lo
file the appropriate
form before you leave
campus so that unnecessary hillings or
other administrative
action can be avoided.
• O p p o r t u n i t y to quality I'or specialized roles, teaching
o r additional e d u c a t i o n .
( ; l | | eo||CC| u,
489-3777 today!
hiring freeze that made il difficult
lo keep the buses on schedule, a
declaration from a driver thai the
evening drivers would park their
bus on a side street and skip runs,
use of old equipment, and a lack of
communication and sympathy between the drivers and their superiors
at the garage. Mosi of these problems still remain.
One major problem for the
garage is student vandalism of
buses. Buses with seals that are ripped arc covered with graffiti may
fail inspection, and a large part of
the bus mechanic's job is spend in
cleaning and repairing seats. The
large buses with back doors are
another headache, since students
If you plan to withdraw from the University
either he fore fin tils or upon completing
semester, please stop by or call the Student
Affairs Office, AD 129,
Northi'usl K.'i'.iuii, U . S . A r m y K e n nltlnn
Call Steve at
1975 "after years of discussion and
insults in courts....and attempts by
the administration to cover-up,"
Canford said.
The Task Force has dealt with
and acted upon many issues regarding the Kent State incident. A few
years ago, nearly 400 were arrested
while protesting the proposed construction of a gym on the area of
the shootings.
"We wanted.to keep the site of
the attack as a memorial...so people
could understand what happened,"
Canford said.
The gym, however, was built
despite the protests, "one chapter
in a ten-year struggle," according
to Canford.
The organization also deals with
Drunk Bus Drivers & Ignored Complaints
• Kxcellcnt slai tin); salaries a n d benefits, inelnrihiK a liberal vacation policy.
• Real o p p o r t u n i t y for a d v a n c e m e n t a n d professional
g r o w t h — e v e r y A r m y Nurse is a commissioned officer.
• N o basic t r a i n i n g I'or n u r s e s ; just a basic orientation
course to familiarize you with t h e A r m y Medical
• T h e c h a n c e to travel; time to d o t h e things you enjoy.
3 ( )
State. A total of aobut 25 speakers, Ohio — lasted five hours.and the
including Bella Abzug, Dave Dell- vigil lasted throughout the night, as
inger, Stokley Carmichael, George people took turns holding candles
Wald, and four of the nine wound- and keeping them lit: Apparently,
ed at Kent were present, and eight Kent State has not forgotten.
musical groups performed.
Canford has remained active as a
The National Guard was not spokesman for the May 4 Task
Force, a committee (independent of
The atmosphere was not angry, the University) that organizes combut "very emotional," in the words memorative actions each May 4 and
sponsors educational forums, lecof wounded student Alan Canford.
The message, and the theme of the tures, and films aabout the Kent
was clear: State shootings.
"Remember Kent State with the
"Every freshman goes'lo a May 4
New Way fo Resistance."
forum," Canford said, "We want
"We want no more campus to raise awareness about the incimassacres, a stop to the possible . dent."
draft, and no war," said Canford.
The May 4 Task Force, which has
"the full support of the families of
The rally — 2000 strong and
the slain students," was begun in
representative of states far from
Green Machine Scries - Conclusion
You'll be amazed at all
the opportunities and
advantages the Army
offers men and women
with BSN degrees:
See if you qualify.
Page Five
Albany Student Press
. Age
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sales tax.
On Friday May 9,1980
One dollar off
O n e
an lar e 1 i,em
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one coupon per pizza.
Charged $2.5G For Rug
Woodruff and Resident Director
Jessica Casey had a mandatory
meeting for deLancey Hall
residents, said Inden. The they
"passed out a questionnaire with 14
questions on it about destructive
problems in the dorms." Most of
the inquiries, said Inden, "were irrelevant to those living In the
According, to Inden, Woodruff
and Casey "were implying a lot of
things that we had done that we
didn't d o . " For example, Inden
said that they were blamed
wrongfully for vandalism (hat occurred when others threw beer bottles at Ihe building. Woodruff and
Casey also implied that they would
by Beth Sexer
Fourteen students in deLancey
Hall may have to pay up to $2,500
to replace a carpeting they saturated
in a waterfight last Thursday night,
according to one student involved,
Lorraine Inden.
Inden said that although "the rug
was saturated" after their waterfight, "1 don't think there was any
permanent damage." In fact, Inden
recalled two incidents when the
students soaked the hall carpeting
even worse. Usually, if the hall is
cleaned by Monday morning,
nothing would be said of the matter.
However, last Monday Colonial
Quad C o o r d i n a t o r H o w a r d
determine how to divide an
estimated cost of $2,500 in damage
incurred over the year among
deLancey Hall residents, Inden
Tuesday morning the rug was
removed from deLancey Hall, according to Inden. However, the
tack strips were left "along the
walls and stairs," making it
dangerous for people to walk
barefoot in the hall."
Another student involved in the
waterfight, Steven Pepper, said that
it is unfair to blame the fourteen
students for the removal of the rug.
"The rug was fifteen years old; it
by .lill I Inlii-r
lias been totally worn away," said
Ever wish SUNYA had an outcontinued on page nineteen
door swimming pool? It does.
Located on Mohawk Campus, a
20-mlnute drive up the Northway,
arc all the recreational facilities
usually found at summer camp as
well as provisions for winter sports.
Yet, according to the leaders of a
UAS committee on Mohawk,
students are not fully using (he area
during the week and in the winter.
Country Retreat
On Saturday May 10,1980
With any large pizza,
One coupon per pizza.
Good only May 10,1980
Fast, free delivery
91 Russell Rd.
On Sunday May 11,1980
one Iree item
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« " i e
f r e e
s s n value
(Photo: Eric Walouit)
Mohawk Campus-
Good only May 9.1980
Fast, Iree delivery
91 Russell Rd.
v « '
Page Seven
. Albany Student Press
constructed and buildings were
Currently, summer facilities
besides the pool include Softball,
volleyball, boating, and picnicking.
In the winter, weather permitting,
Hails are available for cross-country
skiing and tobogganing, and tile
lagoon is open for ice-skating.
Much of the sports equipment
can be used by leaving an I.D. card
as collateral, but there is a $1 fee for
I'lte Mohawk Campus consists of the pool and rental charges for
about I(X) acres owned by UAS and canoes and rowboats.
184 acres leased from the state at a
While there are no overnight acnominal fee. According to Dean for comodations,the "Loughouse," a
Student Affairs Neil Brown, the concrete-floored, shed-like strucproperty was purchased in 1965 ture, can be reserved for a fee to acwhen it was decided that the univer- comodate groups of daytime
sity community needed a change of visitors numbering up to 100. The
scene from the concrete of the Charctte House, also available at a
academic podium at a site closer charge, has a kitchen, three living
than Camp Dlppikill, an SA-owncd rooms, and a fireplace, and can
mountainside about an hour's drive hold up to 50 people, according to
Originally, Mohawk consisted of Frederics.
an old barn, an 1800's vintage farmhouse, and acres of swamp and
hayfielcls on the banks of the obsolescent Erie Canal. With UAS
funding, trails were created through
the trees, picnic tables were set up,
the nearly Olympic-sized pool was
One coupon per pjZza.
Good only May 11,1980
Fast, free delivery
91 Russell Rd.
The grounds are open seven days
a week Trom 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. No
reservations are necessary for
groups of less than ten who don't
need the buildings; space and equipment is available on a first-come,
first-served basis, continued on nine
0 n
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Reservations suggested,
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WatrterCwnmonicalon. Cm
r w t x x x Warner Bio* inc All flights fiawrved
cranberry *-*->
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56 Wolf Road
Serving Daily & Sunday
Doctors (Brian, Eric, Frank,
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1 B.A.
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Many fond memories and much
future happiness and success.
Love and kisses,M«
COA7A?fA/Cf/7fA' T
I would like to express my thanks to
the members of the Class of 1980
Council for all their help and time in
making our Senior Year a success.
DOCIOtUTSS: DA, DFA, ZdD, PhDi Report vo s e n ' s looker rooa
i.n p h y s i c a l education b u i l d i n g , r a i n or s h i n e .
MASTER'S: HA, KBA, '-dS.KJA, HSVi Asseable on s e r v i c e road
between Indian ,uad and p h y s i c a l e d u c a t i o n b u i l d i n g . If rain,
r e p o r t to gya,
rUSTBVSs MS: Asseable en sec-/ice roac betveen Dutch Ju&d
and p h y s i c a l education b u i l d i n g . If r a i n , r e p o r t to gym.
WIVSRSITY EBtTIFICATEi Asseable or. s e r v i c e r o s i between
Indian «uad end p h y s i c a l educatl :. b u i l d i n g . I f r a i n , report
Thanks and Good Luck,
tO gj-3.
BACHSLCRi BA: A s s n b l e on s e r v i c e road between India.-, guad
and p h y s i c a l e d u c a t l . b u i l d i n g . If r a i n , r e p o r t to gy».
BACHBXRi E3: Asseable on s e r v i c e road between Dutch Juad
and p h y s i c a l e d u c a t i o n b u i l d i n g . I:" r a i n , r e : c r t t c gyn.
UCOLTI KBOStS: Report to lobby ::" p h y s i c a l education
building, rain cr shine.
Speaa; thanks to Scott. Mike and Marc for their help
as well.
RSFORTIHG IIKSi Hot l a t e r than '
for a l l p a r t i c i p a n t s .
bring books you
want to sell to
CC Ballroom
May 14, 15
May 19-21
p.-a. Sunday 25 Mi/
May 9, 1980
The Green Machine
continued from page five
Yet some drivers can get away
with murder, claim several sources I
spoke with.
"You get somebody who has
been here for twelve years or so and
he can skip all the stops and leave
early and never hear a word. Some
of these guys have been here so long
they forget they are working for the
This problem can be seen in the
case of one driver accused of drinking by his fellow drivers. According
to several drivers, the drunken
driver was going to be fired at the
end of the semester but was kept
on, even with his drinking problem,
because of his tenure and the need
for drivers.
"There is a wastepaper can
where, if you look in the right place
at night, you can see empty beer
bottles," reports one source. "The
garage knows all about it."
When I mentioned the possibility
of a driver drinking on the job to
Acting Supervisor Gathen, he
"I know of no drivers who drink
on the job. If I was ever able to
catch a driver drinking, he wouldn't
work here; I would fire him immediately. Neither I or my dispatcher (Art Burt) has ever been able to
catch a man intoxicated."
The driver was reported to be so
intoxicated one evening that he
took the bus out of the garage,
drove it back in, and parked it to go
home. He did not leave a word with
any of his fellow drivers that he had
done this, and his run was completely skipped.
"At least he had the sense to
know he couldn't drive," declared
one student. "It can get pretty hairy
out there on the road sometimes. It
is scary to think that he might drive
like that. I don't know what I
would d o . "
"Every night becomes party
night after I I , " stated one driver.
"I don't know how some guys
could drive like that."
The drunken driver, along with
several other drivers, has been accused by his working mates of leaving early on a regular basis. The
weekend is one of his main runs,
and his 6:50 and final Wellington
runs are, according to a source,
"always about five minutes early."
During the week, in the evening,
leaving early is a common custom
from the Wellington stop. Last
Wednesday evening I obscvered a
bus at Northern Blvd. at 12:23. It
was supposed to leave the Wellington at 12:25.
In an attempt to keep drivers on
schedule, the gargage has begun to
use a device called a Tacograph installed on all the buses, according to
acting Dispatcher Art Burt. The
device, called a Tacograph, consists
of a disk of grapli paper and a
recording pen that notes both driving speed and slops. The graph
disks arc good for twenty-four
hours, and are contained ill a locked clock device. Ii is the mechanics
responsiblily (o change these disks
every morning and deliver them to
Ihe office. The Tacograph cannot
be tampered wilh by the driver.
Although a number of them do not
work, the garage has recently
received replacement graph
Burt admitted the garage was lax
and the
on examining the graphs earlier this
semester, but said recently that they
are being examined after any complaint. However, they do not seem
to be to effective when checking to
see if a driver leaves early. The
graph itself is only about four to
five inches round, and, over a
twenty-four hour period, detecting
a bus leaving even five minutes early
would be birtually impossible.
However, the graphs will detect any
skipped runs.
The p h e n o m e n o n of the
"invisible bus" is familiar to Wellington riders in the evening, when
they wait for ten minutes for the but
that never arrives. Although the
runs are sometimes cut due to a lack
of drivers, this only appears when
drivers arc critically short. There
are almost always enough drivers on
call to fill in these runs. However,
almost daily a Wellington or Alumni bus turns up "missing" at the circle or at the Wellington according
to the published schedule. These
lapses arc often explainable, yet the
garage is generally uncooperative to
student callers.
When ihe drivers come in for
their daily break, or during a driver
change, the schedule becomes a
farce. The buses that have tlie window sign "garage" arc expected,
according lo the schedule, lo make
a smooth transition from run to
run. This rarclv works.
Although Ihe system docs work
well as a whole, there arc some personality problems.
A Black history play
BY Leslie Lee
Directed by Daniel Barton
Wed. May 7 thru Sun. May 11-8PM
Matinee-Sun. May 11-2:30
Tickets 457-8606
Arena Theatre fn the PAG
continued from page \fourd
per month. This year the estimate is | the economics oi it. There is much
money in the real estate business,
. Another rent-related complaint is especially in the University area.
overtly exploited," according to For that reason, landlords quickly
United Tenants of Albany (UTA) buy up available property, and then
worker Roger Markovics. "For the milk students. They pack the
same exact apartment a landlord students into sub-divided apartcan charge students $400 per ments and rake in the money."
month, (which is more than he
Repairs are another cause of
would charge a family). I don't many grievances, Markovics added.
know of any family who could af- "You have to call at least two or
ford $400 a month for an apart- three times before you can get
anything done," one student from
Markovics explained, "This is Washington Avenue complained.
Schultz said the only way to make
Ihe students' first time in the
market and (hey just don't realize
continued from page seven
For all its advantages, Mohawk
also has its problems. Il operates at
a $.13,000 annual deficit, but this is
a reasonable loss, according to UAS
General Manager E. Norbert
Zahm. Another expense is taxations
by surrounding school districts for
$5,000 yearly. This may be
eliminated in the future, however,
because of an appeal pending in the
courts lo designate Mohawk an
educational area, and therefore, lax
A complication occurs every
summer when, according to
Frederics, "The lake has to be
mowed." Water chestnuts once
plained by the stale to promote
Free Antipasto Buffet with D i n n e r s
Good (or one FREE DINNER ENTREE or PIZZA Willi the puictiaee ol another
Dinner Entree or Plua ol equal or nrealei value.
Tllla coupon flood al Ihe Vlneva'd Reelaurant Sunday thru Thuradav only.
Mual preeenl coupon. Good thru May 9, 1980.,
water ecology become so overgrown
in the summer months that they
have lo be cut so that boaters' paddles don't become enmeshed in the
These snags, along with the rising
prive of fuel which is making
transportation to Mohawk and
healing the buildings more costly,
and competition from Thatcher
Park, led Ihe committee at first to
consider selling Ihe properly. But,
according lo Mohawk Coinniiilec
Vice Chair Stacy S-.-s, "Once you
sec the place and what il has to offer and realize Ihe value of Ihe land
and Ihe length of lime it would take
to get rid of it, you think betler of
selling il."
ball. I wish we could do the same
lor volleyball. I know a lot of alumni in Ihe area who would start such
a club and make contributions."
Welch sees difficulty wilh this
idea. "The basketball team docs
not depend on the Basketball
Booslcr Club for its existence,"
Welch said. "It really doesn'l pay
for very much. It helps in the
publication of ihe basketball program. It docs noi maintain the
basketball program by any means."
Despite Ihe efforts, Earl stated
(hat "As far as I know, the decision
has been made, although I haven't
received it in writing,"
"There's no way that I know of
gelling the volleyball team to remain an intercollegiate icam," said
Ford. "They could still compete as
a club team, slill play about Ihe
same schedule, bin ihey would lose
oui on the chance to play in (he
[ NCAA championships."
"Our team feels right now that
they arc going lo be the number two
team in the east," added Earl. "By
next year they could be a natiend
contender: And that wrenches at
your guts to see thai someone won't
come up with $2300 to give you that
from 10 am-3 pm
and or books to be
Returned in Sef>re77iber
Housing Problems
The bus system is a complex
machine in its own right, with much
Budget Cutbacks:
capacity for error. Yet, even a
model system has its faults. As one
continued from Jront page
student remarked, when discussing
"All we're asking for is an equal
the company on a bus ride home,
"Yea, il runs good . . . But I wish it opportunity," Earl said. "The
Basketball Booster Club is allowed
ran better!"
lo get contributions iusl for basket-
Page Nine
Albany Student Press ,
7:30 and 9:30
There's just one thing I want to know . . . W H O P U S H E D ME? Oh my . . .
Herro theze eez Meezcs Pu. No more Schnapps — let's play for kisses. O.K.
twist my arm. Paulie's Hotel and love with an older man. How the hell are
you, Howard? T o Joe and Jeff — Wild nights.at 155 . . . T o Mike and Willie
— defini ^ decision in Montreal — is this restaurant open? You're all DOUBLE OC - T o all the Grand Tourists — may your life be nc big Grand Tour.
Jam it home, baby. T o three real troopers — Debi, Melanie and Marcia —
You're always with us in spirit. Boo Boo's Boo Boos (What a team!) Ready
Freddy? No Salami Mommy. Jcanie — In the scheme of t h i n g s . . . Ohhh —
the hellll with it!!! Mike — Here's to getting kidnapped at O'Heaneys. I can|t
feel my face!"Oh yea . . , Mel — Here's to flying toitet seats and birthday
bowls — Thanks for helping in a pinch. Long live InfomaniacJi Lori, Aimee,
Debbie and Marcia — thanks for the punch — I left it outside your door!
Ohhh, the weather outside is frightful . .' . Gerber baby! Quick!!! Call the
emergency plumber! T o Mike, Willie, and Debi — T o the Lampost, Franks
and pulling fire alarms. Nyman — throwing rocks in imaginary lakes is weird
but typical for us. Here's to champion head chuggers ar.d chairdancers in
O'Heaneys. Larry, I can too get sick on 3 beers! Mike — Frank's orgasms are
the best! I don't get it. Happy Birthday Marcia! Arf Arf. Au Weider Sehn, So
long Suckers! Lori, Aimfie & Jeanie
. .
May 9, 1980
Mill© N
The FAT Earth
Summer Jobs —
Camp Dippikill
4 Positions Available
Liv Ullman
Ingrid Bergnman
Job Description
Assist skilled craftsmen In the construction o l a 28 tt. by 34 It, long recreation
lodge at Camp Dlpplklll. In addition, routine malntalnance chores, I.e., firewood
stacking, trail work, painting and minor building repairs will be performed.
Job Location
Camp Dlpplklll, 70 ml. north of SUNYA, In the southern Adirondack Mountains
near Warrensburg, NY.
Period o l Employment
10 weeks — June 16 through August 22, 1980
7:30 & 10:00
LC 7
$1240 lor the summer — $3.10/hour (40 hour week — Monday through Friday)
Who May Apply
Only SUNYA undergraduate students having paid student tax this semesler.
Special Qualifications
The applicant should be In good physical condition and be willing to work hard
out-of-doors all day. Applicants with prior experience In any of the building
trades; In chain saw and log work, or In grounds and building maintenance will be
preferred. The ca/np is located in a rather isolated location with stores and social
life not within walking distance.
Room and Board
Free lodging is provided al the Glen House, one ol the Camp's lodges. Board is
not provided, but this house has a large community kitchen with ample food
storage facilities.
Sat :
For whatever it's worth, (he US
Geological Survey has just finished
calculating how much the earth
A l l things on the earth — front
the land masses, oceans and atmosphere to the people and
buildings — weigh just over sixand-a-half million billion tens.
According to these latest calculations, the air alone weighs about 5.7
quadrillion tons.
Is Jagger Joking?
so much controversy among the
staff that there was almosl a staff
Dollar Buys...?
The rate of inflation last year was
1.1.3 percent, and so far this year it
is running at about an 18'percent
annual rate.
What does that mean for the neat
future? Investment strategist Ray
DeVoe calculates that if inflation
This is kind of a hard one to
Rolling Slones' singer
Miek Jagger Is out with a verbal attack on High Times magazine,
criticizing the publication for promoting the use o f drugs among
young people.
In an interview in the magazine's
June issue, Jagger says, '.'I think
that you {High Times) shouldn'l encourage young people to take
drugs. I think that's just a w f u l . "
The magazine is known for its
support of the recreational use of
drugs. A n d , according to the
editors, when Jaggcr's quote was
played up on the cover, it "created
w/Farrah Fawcett
averages just 13,3 — rather than the
current 18 percent — over the ncxl
five years, a quarter pounder with"
cheese .from McDonald's should
'cost about $3.35; a single pack o f
cigarettes, about $1.95, a copy of
Playboy Magazine, $6; and a ticket
to a movie, from $8 to $10.
Get Naked
Don Adams, the star of the Gel
Smart TV series of the 1960's, will
return to the role of Agent 86 in a
full-length movie later this year.
Adams has signed Willi Universal
Studios lo play the part of Maxwell
Smart in a movie lo be called The
Nude Bomb.
As the title Implies, Agent Smart
is turned loose in an effort to slop a
dark and dastardly plol that is
designed lo make everyone in the
world go naked
Househusband Blues
\'o Ihonln.'ltt Id rolhfrhavtonappli
Ramcy of the Georgetown University School of Medicine.
Ramey says thai nothing in our
students for a mere 99 cent fee. The
tuckers-in reportedly dispatch a pajama clad bed-time reader escorted
by two Pillow Talk members in
three-piece suits who offer the
woman a choice of stories and a
stuffed animal and then tuck her into bed.
Says Richard Stimpson, Director
of Resident Life at Penn State's
College Park Campus, "It's
unusual, yes. 1 don't know whether
there's been anything similar to it in
recent years."
Behind every successful woman,
there may be a troubled man,
Thai's according to Dr. Esielle
Jimmy Carter Town
society has prepared men for successful working wives. She says
men, although they might deny it,
still feel a wife's work should be less
Important than their own. This, she
says, causes emotional struggles
when a woman's j o b becomes mote
important and can create depression and Impotence.
Ramcy says that about 84 percent
of American men today have experienced some form of itnpotency
at some lime.
Should President Carter fail in
his iry (or another term in the
While House, he may still have a
chance for public office . . . in
The 'inhabitants of Nawatich
(pronounced Nah-wah-tay), a small
village near Cairo, have pelitioncd
the Egyptian government for permission to change the name of their
If that petition request is granted,
all mail coming Irom that village in
the future will be postmarked:
" J i m m y C a . l c , Egypt."
Bedside Manner
the largest selection of
blank topes at the
lowest possible prices
7:30 & 10:00
Where & When To Apply
Applications may be picked up in the SA Office (CC 116) and must be returned
to that office before 5 PM Friday, May 9.
Required for top applicanls, will be hold May 12 and 13.
Page Eleven
Albany Student Press.
.75 w i t h TEC
$1.25 w / o u t TEC
Acceptance Notice
Given on Wednesday, May 14. A comploto list of alternates and those not
qualified will bo posted in the SA Ollico on May 14.
Super Savings
On maxelL
Ultra Dynamic
UDC 90-Minute
Blank Cassettes
Swallowing goldfish, .stuffing
phone booths, panty raids and
streaking are fads that have hit college campuses over the years.
Now the Washington
reports that for the Class o f 1980, a
new and rathet unlikely craze has
emerged among students: it's lucking each other inlo bed.
The newspaper says the tucking
lad began last semester al Perm
Slate and has spread to other campuses throughout the U.S.
The Post says, for example, that
at the University of Maryland,
Pillow Talk, a company made up o f
male students, lucks in female
2. Seniors should arrive in cap and gown by 8:00 p.m. with
their torch bearers at the Perimeter Road entrance to the
3. Parents and guests are invited to view the ceremony
from seating on the side of the gym facing the track.
4. Reception to follow by the Main Fountain.
A 5"6-year-old Arizona man who
claims to be " I h e oldest polhcad"
in the country, has lost his appeal of
a conviction for cultivating marijuana.
Earl Uuiris had appealed a threeto-five year prison sentence for
growing the illegal weed on the
grounds that the sentence was excessive.
Hutris — who admits thai he is
guilty but says he is not a criminal
— reportedly openly smoked a joint
on Ihe courthouse steps during a
recess in the trial.
The Arizona Court of Appeals,
ullcgcdly after bearing of the incident, upheld Uurris' conviction
and said Ihe oldest polhcad in the
U.S. must return lo j a i l .
Mama Nina's
Italian Plate
7')| Madison A v e . Album M
Open 7 days. 4 p.m.
- u.ni.
I O K O N - P R K M I S E I'.ATIN'. \*t>2-2227.
V l O K l ' l ( K - l I ' O l t DELIVERY/ Mil
1. Ceremony to begin at 9:00 p.m. on the University football field.
Old Smokey
ttlihf nltun /"--'
WW Madison Ave. Album \ Y
tween Quail and Ontario
OPEN 24 H O I K S "
I (lit
minimum purchase $2
1 coupon per person per order
Expires J u n e 30, 1 9 8 0 * * *
COLD C U T S - C H E E S E - T U N A - T U R K E Y
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7 Convanlmil l.m-.,-nl»im To Stuvu Yon
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milium • Lntlmm circle Moll
Schnnor.taily • Molmwh Mull
Colonln • pllo. III!) & Albany Stiofit (Nnar K.
Albany • Sluyvuaaat Plaza
Polmsf - ll'Tawnn) Plaza
Colonlo • 110 Woll HCHKI (Nuai MoDonulil'a
C|lllon.Paik • Clifton Country Mall
Available at
all locations
'°<*< <-/v.
Unlawful :%„,
•ttr^ ""•'"•' "'•i
Rib llarber
What, may I ponder, arc the Albany police
doing lately?
I arose in a daze on Wednesday, typical of
my Albany dorm awakenings, but was startled into cognition when glancing down at a
copy of the Knickerbocker News.
Front page, lead story, full spread
headlines, reading Police 'escort' their paydates to jail, 7 arrested in vice raid.
Hmm...I read on.
Some neighborhood residents and business
people suspected 456 Delaware Ave. in
Albany was a front for a prostitution ring
several months before police began an investigation five weeks ago...a barber said
that... the school-crossing guard...an at tendent at the Mobil Service Station... "the girl
will meet you at the motel"...any service required by the customer.. .police armed with a
search warrant...pictures of 25 girls...
Holy tarnations, I believe we are living in
Victorian upstate New York.
Every few months, the police decide that
it's time for a fun lovin' bust, the warrant,
the round-up, the arrests, call the papers,
cameras, stars, a sensation. "The police are
doing their job, god bless 'em," you can
almost here the average citizen utter.
Five weeks of investigation to nab seven
hookers centered in one 'house of the evening,' oh come now! It may take five years to
locate a psychopath raping student females,
but surely these typical busts are done within
The police, motivated by puritanical interests, are confirming the idea that prostitution is a societal evil, and in colaboration
with the local media, the party becomes a
Some questions? What purpose does the
bust really have? Where does that place the
villa of Albany now? And does anyone
honestly believe that prostitution can be
Forget it. Where there's a demand, there is
a supply, and it should be as such, especially
when the arrangement harms neither participant.
Police and prostitutes have been battling
since the dark ages; it is clearly time for
In Loving Memory
workable laws and solutions.
Though not the happiest or most ideal type
of sexual relationship, both participants are
there voluntarily and both receive some type
of positive reinforcement from their interaction. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Why don't the Albany Police spend a fiveweek probe trying to track down this Pine
Hills rapist(s)? His behavior is certainly sexually and socially inappropriate. His tactic is
force and fear, the interaction is neither
voluntary, nor rewarding for the innocent
Prostitutes are still being arrested regularly
all across the nation; many bright college
students still believe that masturbation causes
mental and emotional harm, and the state of
Virginia will still prosecute anyone committing the hideous act of oral or anal sex. A
felony yet.
It all stems right back to the governing
backbone of America which still broadcasts
that sex is naughty.
Generally, the idea that you would like to
be in somebody's arms is anathema to a rigidcommercial civilization.
If you can screw when you so desire, then
maybe you won't listen to the president. If
you can be free where you live, nobody can
tell you what to do. The way to tell people
what to do is to make them ashamed of what
they've got between their legs and how they
want to use it. Make them guilty of it.
Stereotypes about sexual behavior, once
established in the medical and social world,
prove very difficult to remove because of
Iheir vested interest in the status quo.
The creation of a specialized, despised,
and punished role of the prostitute keeps the
bulk of society pure and pleased.
Well...the prostitutes covered their embarrassed faces as the cameras clicked, the
reports were completed, papers sold, and
promotions assured.
Congratulations Albany police for your
fine investigative harrassment, and you too
Knick News, for pleasing so many of the
town's laid-back readers.
You all deserve a fine hand...or leg...or
certainly cannot be said of some of his su
Calhy Cox
Diane DcVilo
Of Patricia Bunn
In loving memory ot our dear friend,
Patricia Bunn.
Our pain and sorrow at your
sudden departure,
Has not diminished with the
passage of time.
There was no opportunity to
bid you farewell
On your flight to the stars.
Wherever your journey has
Know that your presence still
surrounds us.
Your free loving and giving
spirit, does not die,
You still enrich our lives.
Hold a place on your cloud
for all of us who love and miss
Till we meet again.
— Your loving friends
Bad Campaigners
To the Editor:
We are writing to complain of an incident
which occurred recently in connection with
the SA elections. As freshmen, we decided to
get involved in .this election, and started
working for the candidate of our choice in
the vice-presideniial race. Part of this work
involved hanging posters in different dorms.
On the first night of the election, we heard
that many of the posters on Indian Quad had
been torn down, so we went to replace them.
In one of ihe dorms we met one of Frank
Bailman's supporters, who informed us lhat
il would be useless to hang a poster there,
since it was Bailman's hall, and everybody
who lived there would be voting for him. We
replied that we would hang it anyway, and
take our chances. We were then told that it
would probably be ripped down.
Out of curiousity, we returned ten minutes
later, and, sure enough, the poster was no
longer on the bulletin board. Across Ihe hall,
we saw, through the open door of thesupporler's suileroom (which, incidentally, is
also Frank Bailman's suileroom) the poster
lying crumpled on lop of the trash can.
We are very disappointed and shocked that
ihis type of thing could happen in what we
had assumed would be a fair, honest, and
open election. All ihe candidates should be
allowed equal chances for exposure, whelher
they are on an opponent's "home turf" or
not, and we are distressed that Ihis is not the
case. The ASP may have deemed Frank Baitman Ihe "moral" candidate, but the same
And More
To the Edllor:
I feel every person has a right to their opinion. If one is to truly strive to he openminded, then one must learn in accepl
another individual's opinion no mattei how
much Ihey disagree. During these pasl few
weeks of SA elections, many people have
been trying to persuade oihers to vote for
their candidate, even after that individual
had already made their choice. 1 am a victim
of that persuasion and I am so angered by ii
that I feel compelled to write this letter, II I
chose to support Gary Schatsky then thai is
my business. I looked at both candidates and
made my decision on my own, without
political promises or pow-wow decisions with
my friends, regardless of personal feelings, I
am "willing to tell anyone that Gary had the
charisma needed in a leader. True, I don'l
agree with all of the stands that Gary has
taken in the past, but what political leader
can satisfy everybody all the lime? It is ihe
candidate that promises everything lo
everyone that 1 fear. Gary is competent and
capable. He has been honest enough to tell
me how he feels on issues even when he knew
that I would disagree with him. I became scry
tired of Sue Gold supporters harassing ray
suite and about how disappointed they were
in "our foolish choice".
Regardless of who is elected, I hope that in
future campus elections, candidates will
remember to respect those who have already
made their choice and campaign accordingly.
We all have to work together next year, and
engendering hostilities during elections will
only hinder SA's efficiency in ihe coming
— Name withheld upon requcsl
Hallowed SUNYA
To the Editor:
"If you have . . . lived in Paris as a young
man, it stays with you, for Paris is a
moveable feast."
— E. Hemingway
Trying to write about graduation is similar
to trying to write about death. If you're still
around to talk about it, then, by definition,
you've never experienced it, so thai anything
you say is through pure supposition. Of
course, if Ihe upcoming occasion follows true
to form, its content can be easily predicted,
which implies that one would come out of Ihe
event with very little lo say.
To whatever extent graduation is a
washout, one prime significance of il siill
shines through. For many, it is the last lime
thai Albany will be looked upon, however
•mi aw
toss CAtttfh
•we &cnes.
Wimwe r
Hi? I btu me
HOP FRg}63ffT5 H0H?
Tttf aoLiCrW seSsaD
iixu- ee a m .
yitW9-io t
Stephen Qa\rd
Check Cashing Notice
UAS Check Cashing Service
will continue to cosh oil
personal and non-personai
checks until May 3 i , 4980.
\\ s t r i c tteTuftrtsto SUAW I
Oil K A ^ G U l T A f t S T / t M ^ ' ^ ,
Effective June 4,4980
personal checks will no longer
be cashed. Non-personal
checks will be cashed as
^JKADiTOryiLA^O SIN6-X* / . 0 O : WA«< card onlH
— 1 — — • — — ^ —
UniversityAuxiliary Services 3
Membership Meeting
Dank Key and Moneymatic
will be available for
personal use.
May 13 at 3:30 fc
BA 349
to approve the budget
Oster takes a full page
as he reviews what life
at SUNYA has meant
politically and socially.
Le Caje
opens Us doors one
more time to chat
iabout Individuality and
|the reasons why. Drop
on page 4 a .
S o u n d and Vision:
Section editor Cliff
Sloan gives his personal impressions on
dreams, imagination,
and a little mag call
A l s o , it
seems that Lou Reed
is getting older and _
better. At least that's
what " T h e Pink"
thought when he
viewed Lou under the
public eye. See page
Sound and Vision:
Daniel Barton returned In SUNYA to complete his Bachellors
degree. His list of
credits prove he was
doing anything but killing time. Neither was
Roger Moore, who
moved from 007 to oil
rig hijacking. These
stories about Moore,
Barton, and other interesting fold are on
Holborok has spenl a
[great deal of time
l l u n g i n g after I h e
unreachable star. He
hasn't reached Ihe pinnacle of the mountain
|yet, but he's not giving
up. The consequences
of stark reality are
discussed in the poem
"Fools' Paradise."Put
>n those thinking caps
and turn to page 1 0 a .
3rd FL W.C.
Boo Boos & Rats
tes. Knights of Nee. Will Sue ever find the Butcher, the Baker or
the Candlestick Maker. "Hey buddy,I'm in love" Fripp is
God...YAAAA" Fred the Plant. Boncrfest. Helmut Hoeher
School of Self Abuse."You can't tell me to s h - . " " Your What
Hurts" Larry loves all the women of the world...Float On. The
Jungle " Good Choke Broderick" "Look its in the mud" Banana
T—-. Sal pissing on the Wellington. Three Mile As-hole. Red.
Android Roy and the Cosmic Cows. American Pie in its entirety.
Mike at the Fountains. Space Jackeet. His Royal Whippedness.
Monday Night Rum Club. Noodle, Needle, Teasle, Tweedle and
Diddle, "you can dress em up but you can't eat em out" Judy's
Sister. Bimbo throwing up at the table at O's. Icebergc i g e l l i n g
beat up for smoking. Mark's nice watch. Kamikaze Pa y Time
Warp. Stop in the Name of Love. Helmut has nothi ' to talk
bartending in his underwear. Bar head...
Green iiei .. "WeretalkingComato.se" " T h a i s ' - >h
me level
as intensity as Focus" Mike Barr swimming by Larrj s room.
Gallery. Mike North walking into class naked. Weirdos. Jim gel|!"6 « c * "" Springsiein. U s l i 0 ' Dippikill. Chicken Jerries.
The Last
May 9, 1 9 8 0
F e a t u r e C e n t e r f o l d : We
began this school year
with Rue Notes From j
Home, five different
perceptions of Albany.
And with Last Notes
From Home we end.
Impressions, observations, reactions about
the last year or year in
Albany: Notes torn
from the pages of life
on the planet SUNYA.
Reiterate on pages 5 ,
6 , and 7 a .
"What would the world be like Ij 1 rode on u beam of light?"
— Albert Einstein
E s s a y : Good news
for all of you who've
given up on Mankind
— the human race will
survive - the live force
will prevail — or so say
Quince and Bro as
Dialogue to Its u1, mate
Publar on page 1 0 a .
S u r v i v a l G u i d e : Attention p r o s p e c t i v e
Wondering how you'll
manage to survive the
trek through foreign
lands? Ask R o n n a
Mandel. She'll tell you
Ihe good, the bad, and
the ugly of this much
travelled continent on
page 1 1 a .
C o v e r : Aspects: 27
These covers cover all
our issues this year. As
Aspects goes o n , extending into infinity,
Ihe current editors
wish the future editors
good luck and early
Stuart Malranga and
Bob O'Brien pass the
Aspects logo to Rob
Edelsteln a n d Ron
Levy, May 9, 1980.
Cover Concept by Hob Grubman
Last Motes From Home
"...So my girlfriend calls me on the phone." Roscoc the U.,
Oscar the O., Flight Deck, Jeapardy. " What do you do if you see
two people F
in the woods....walk by quietly with couf ...ask
your R.A." Oheaneys Wow, Franks L.R., Foosball, Quad,
"What a machine", Foosmologist. Slave Auction,"Straight arm
frisbee style...not so easy to do", Mike and Willy night,"But 1
don't have any holes". "Wronk""Right now straight dick"
"How wasted are you now". Throwing Helmut's room out the
window. Munchkin and Froggey dancing on tables. Runaround
Buddhist. Gong Show, Barbershop Quartet, Doug Leader
belches Moon River. Bimbo's Jersey, Calender, Everlasting
Deodorant. Larry doing the eyes. Joann's Bedtime Stories. Rat's
Softball Championship. Daily Barber. Andy Icke's 30 degree pilch.Mona the Sex Goddess. From the Desk of Bimbo "Me, Marl
and Rob have excuses,we can't bend". Foo 1 Fights Old worn)
and the Cottage Cheese. Waten ignis,' Don I staie" Bimbo
sliding by Cheek's door. Linda in the Shopping Cart. Flip A T-.
Throwing Bobo in the Fountains. "They don't have that back
home" Rushford,"Do the Mashed Potato....Everybody under"
"Where did you get that sign" Al Kraut Roast. Eggs and Omelet-
The Editor's Aspect
Photograph of i h e Week
Maybe I'm tired. Of production nights. Of arguments. Of
constant Rat dinners. Of falling asleep in classes I feel
privileged to attend. Of not being able to read a novel since
August. Of being away from h o m e . Of having a friend who
has become a sometimes friend. Of not having the time to
have fun. Of school. Of ASP. Of life.
But I'll miss it. I'll miss it when I'm gone, when it's all
frayed newspapers, and ghostly faces, not quite right
names. I'll remember the people. I must. They have done
something to me up on the third floor. I feel like Dorothy
leaving Oz. All this sentimental stuff makes me sick. Life
goes on. Who cares?
But life doesn't always go on, you leave a place, and you
leave a pari of yourself behind. You leave people and you
leave a pari of yourself with them. And you take a part of
them too. You affect things; they affect you.
Aspects has been an accomplishment for me. That I could
work with such talented people is a gift from life.
I'm yelling nostalgic again. It's my schizophrenia. Well,
I'm no good al being noble or gracious so I'll just bow out of
the show and move o n . I love Aspects, though, despite
everything, I'm a lousy sentimentalist, I guess. Goodbye
Aspects. I'll bury my magic book In you and leave without
regrets (maybe a few) and I'll try hard lo remember
1 don't know what my life's all about yet, but II Aspects
with all its deceptions and magic .has a' all confused, provoked, dazed, amazed, or amused you, then I'll feel justified.
Now 1 really feel III. It's so hard to just end. To just end. Let's
close our eyes and count to ten. When you open them
again, presto change), abracadabra, the dream will be over.
I'll be gone.
.-— y
Spiritual Graffiti
"Our r e v e l s n o w a r e e n d e d , t h e s e o u r a c t o r s .
As I foretold you, were all spirits, a n d
A r e m e l t e d i n t o air, i n t o t h i n air;
A n d , like t h e b a s e l e s s fabric o f this v i s i o n ,
The cloud-capp'd towers, t h e gorgeous palaces.
T h e s o l e m n t e m p l e s , t h e great g l o b e itself.
Y e a , all w h i c h it i n h e r i t , s h a l l d i s s o l v e ,
A n d , like this insubstantial p a g e a n t f a d e d .
L e a v e n o t a rack b e h i n d . W e a r e s u c h s t u f f
A s d r e a m s a r e m a d e o n ; a n d o u r little l i f e
Is r o u n d e d w i t h a s l e e p . "
"The e y e o f m a n h a t h n o t h e a r d , t h e e a r of m a n
hath not s e e n , man's hand is not able t o taste, his
t o n g u e t o conceive, nor h i s heart t o report, what
my dream was."
— Bottom
Stuart Matranga
Bob O'Brian
Associate Editor
Rob Edelsteln
Design and Layout
Ron Levy
Sound & Vision Editor
Cliff Sloan
Staffwrlters: Al Baca, Edith Berelson, Bob Blau, Tom Bonfiglia,
Rube Cinque, Lisa Denenmark, Hubert Dickey, Andrea DiGregorio,
Jim Dixon, Masu Gaam, Rowena "Rabbit" Gail, Dove Gaynsler, Mitchell Golding, Mitch A. Greebel, Cindy Grelsdorf, Jill Haber, Beth
Kaye, Larry Kinsman, Susan Q. Lazow, Debbie Loeb, Ronna Mandel,
Thomas Martello, Douglas Matranga, Jesse McCourt, Minn, Quincy
Nesslg, Steve Oster, Edward Pinka, Andrew Reras, Mark Rossler,
Gary Silverman, Laurel Solomon, Audrey Specht, Dr. R, Voytek,
Debbie Wilson, Bruce Wulkan, Greg Zarlder, Zlggy
Graphics: Sue Benjamin, Evan Graber, Marly Qatani
Diversions: Vlncenzo Alello
Creative Arts Editor: Suzanne Gerbet
Concept: The I'hive Towns
Goodbye: Mattanga & O'Brian
Happy Mother's DayJ
age 4a
Le Cafe Americain
Here's Looking A t You, Kids
^ ^ k classmates, readers, and
' B '"ends, welcome to Day 188
j M of the Iran crisis . . . First of
all, I muHt admit that, in a
I - J M H _ ^ ^
bankruptcy, I went to Barlletl's. I was searching for a real lapel-grabber, some superInsightful phrase of the elders' with which to
prompt an emotional burst of adrenalin In
your hearts for these last few dog days. So I
grabbed my housemate Stu's volume of
frustrations incident to dealing with government, something we'll be doing on a yearly
basis for the rest of our taxable lives. We have
also been confronted with the realities of survival In our increasingly no-frills world. Further, we have had first-hand evidence of the
psychologically damaging effects modern architecture has on the unsuspecting
undergraduate mind . . .
And yet, despite the program cuts, despite
the problems inherent to all public Institutions.
the University remains fertile ground for the
development of ideas and of minds. The erv
vironment at Albany is still warm and challenging to us. thanks primarily to the commitment
familiar quotations and sat down to thumb of its administration, faculty, and most of all its
students. For as long as I can remember, we
through the collected wisdom of the passed
have been told that an education is no more
sages . . . And wouldn't you know It; a
than what one makes of it, that one can only
message was waiting for me right there on
page one. It read, "Dear Stuart. Have a very expect to gel out ol school what he puts into II.
Now the recent trend of events has turned
those tables around: The administrators and
legislators will be Ihe ones asked to meet that
challenge as available funds for education are
Steve Oster
'Hold onto your rent friends and your
Ideas — they will be your sivord and
your staff in the luclte Sodom
call the real world."
happy Bar Mllzvah Love
Oman." Now I personally have never mi
and Moe . . . to my knowledge thev enjoy no
othei distinction than thai they underscore the
fact that one never knows what he will find un
til he starts looking . . and that very often
what he does find is quite different (torn what
he was looking (or in the first place, So n has
been with our four years at Albany Stale
More than anything else. SLINYA is the
classic public institution, reflecting the slate
government's preponderance for paperwork,
process, and programming; and its general
ambivalence to people, quality, and cohesion.
The committee-type decision-making within
the state too often yields policy that is seriously
confused and fragmented. The state
egislature has been an albatross that the
University system has been unable to influence
since the belt-lightening politics of the 70's
took hold. Unfortunately, power and money
are two premium commodities that students
desperately lack as a group. I remember Hugh
Carey, sounding not unlike Marie Antoinette,
advise a group ol students protesting last
year's tuition hike to "go pick apples." While it
is true that Rockefeller's build-by-orgasm attitude is better off burled, it doesn't justify the
low priority that education is being assigned
now that dollars are scarce and the accumulated layers of bureaucratic fat are being
trimmed. Ultimately, Ihe student suffers. It's
sad when the institution that awards him his
degree is drastically different from the one in
which he enrolled eight semesters ago.
iimat emerges from the legislative machine
under this type of stress is policy that would be
laughable were we not so often the object of
the joke. The only thing that grows in this type
of environment is paperwork and administrative departments. Why, you may ask,
does Syracuse University, a private school, gel
a domed stadium courtesy of the Empire Slate
while we can't get a fleldhouse or a Chemistry
Ph.D.? Hell, our football team is better than
Division I Syracuse's anyway. . .Again, talk
of program cuts drifts up from the Capitol. It's
no wonder Governor Carey's pleas for alumni
donations go largely Ignored — aren't people
fed up with the way their lax dollar is spent?
Of course, pragmatically speaking, we have
received a pointed education In the endless
distributed with less enthusiasm and more accounting. The potential of the SUNY system
should not be sold short. On May 25th. there
will be 21011 good reasons for expanding the
state's commitment to quality education.
Without the opportunity to gel the good, inexpensive education we deserve, how many of
us would be able to be here? The lime has
come again foi the slate to recognize, nurture,
and promote the vast resource of individual
talent it has in its students. Albany State can be
a key playei in thai effort, With its numerous
special programs and advantages, such as its
proximity to the stale Capitol, its varied media
and the upstate Dippikill recreation area, it oilers students a multitude of routes to developing their minds. This Institutional atmosphere
has provided a contrast by which we have
come to appreciate the value of the people
around us.
Hopefully, the state will show foresight in
alloting funds in the future. Those ol you
returning to New York City next week have
the opportunity to view some recent
bureaucratic spending firsthand. You might
want to take advantage of the twenty-seven
urinals the Thruway Authority saw lit to Install
at the Slualsburg rest stop. Actually, they're
about as appropriate a lestiment as there is to
where high-level governmental decision making takes place.
Just as the SUNY system must rise to the
challenge of adequately providing for each individual student in the coming years, so must
we meet ihe challenge ol providing for
ourselves enough to preserve our Individuality
in an increasingly monolithic world. With each
passing day, the'value of individual human
freedoms seems to become more and more
subordinate to economic interesls. Willi fifty
Americans dying a slow death In Iran for Exxon, Mobil, and Texaco, one need not be
especially perceptive to recognize that human
life is cheap when measured against profit. Institutions have grown to Ihe point where they
cannot deal with anything so minute as one
single person. That is. unless you happen to
owe them money. In that case, It's often startling how an entity the size of the phone company can move so quickly and effectively. But
did you ever try to avoid paying for that
strange, 57-mlnute call lo Tangiers that they
Insist you made while on vacation? You're
treated like Carlo Gamblno asking for clemency.
However, there is another, more insidious
evil threatening Ihe Individual: standardization
and consolidation. If there's one thing we can who found his way to the doorstep of Studio
all do up to Olympic calibre, It's blackening In 54. Why, more money Is spent convincing us
little circles with No. 2 pencils. PSAT's. SAT's. that Turns consume 47 times their weight in
L S A T ' s , M C A T ' s . DAT's There's excess stomach acid than In educating us
something frightening in having your human enough to prevent that acid from dripping
worth summarized in a 3-digil number. It We are badgered and brainwashed into robotseems thai all of the glorious wonders of the like consumers, taughl that Ihe measure ol an
universe have been mass-marketed after a education Is Ihe amount of material wealth It
five-city multi-media advertising blitz, and now brings In.
But we can make our education more than
appear on your grocer's shelves in the brightlycolored family packs of three. Is It absolutely that. It should be testing, observing, and learnnecessary thai every real American drink ing In and oul of the classroom. Il should not
Coca-Cola to a disco beat? And what about be retrenchments and program cuts and
our mass media? If the measure of real power paperwork. This university's greatest asset is
be the ability to mobilize vast numbers of peo- not the (act that II boasts the largest poured
ple, then Ihe bizarre and gluttonous buying concrete structure In the galaxy; nor Is il the
trends of American consumers attests to the statistical aberration which defines it as the
awesome potenlial of TV. And still the net- most selective public Institution in the nation
works are controlled by money, which we Its most powerful'selling point is hardly its pro
know to have no real correlation to ihe quality grams or its professors. Rather lis most in
of a given product. Who cares if "The Gong dispensible asset Is the collection of men and
Show" kills brain cells by the hundreds — It women who will stand together next Sunday
sure sells underarm deodorant. Of course, if
So here, looking to the rest of our lives. I
you don'l care (or whal Ihe networks have lo would do us well to carefully consider what
offer, you can always turn lo public TV for an options we lake, where we choose to make
interesting two-hour documentary on Ihe our peace and with whom. We are
Phillips-head screwdriver.
predominantly clean slates — no vested inAll of this is not meant lo be defeatist. It's terests, no responsibilities to any persons or InOK. even healthy, lo be angry al the world, stitutions save ourselves and those we love.
but I don'l advocate blaming il lor all your pro- Let us hope we can preserve this state of afblems. You see, we create, and in turn are fairs. Do not He yourself lo the expectations ol
created by the millieu In which we exist. Strive others. Rather, define and select your own
lo play an active role In your environment. We likes and dislikes, priorities and, most imporhave the ability to find our own personal space tantly, your own space. It seems that everyone
beyond these walls. Thai will be the role of the walks out with a degree, finds a spouse, grabs
Individual in Ihe coming decade: lo hold his a piece of Ihe promised land in Scarsdale and
own, to preserve his life-giving freedom registers Republican. Others spend their lives
amidst the stagnating forces he will confront. wailing for a sign or moment that just doesn't
In a sense this Is a basic conflicl which we all come . . .
must face — reconciling our need to be
ourselves with our need to belong to society.
Now is Ihe best time of your life lo dedicate
yourself to that endeavor — what roads you
choose to wander from here will define and
shape your final resting spot. It is said that individuality is the salt of common life; that
although you may have lo live in a crowd, you
don'l have to live like it. It is also suggested
that education is all that Is left over after you've
forgotten all that you have learned. Well,
then, take with you your heart, and make it
your anthem.
The best way to make your life worth living
is to not be afraid of it. Believe it is worth living
lo the fullest every minute and your (aith will
make it so. Take risks, attack each day with
the knowledge that II could very well be your
last . . . and you might discover the power
and knowledge wilhln you. Go out and have
yourself a good time — If they seek lo suppress you. well, then to hell wllh them If they
can't take a joke. You don't really have to
please anyone other than yourself.
And so, as the Ph.D. programs disappear
from the catalogue, remember Ihe larger,
more Insidious pressure gnawing away on our
society itself. The signs are all there: economic
castration by mulll-nalional corporations to Ihe
tune of David Rockeleller and the sheiks,
political Impotence, underscored by Tweedles
Dum and Dee searching for Ihe right mediamix In this election year: all Ihe while Inflation
undermines the Great American Dream.
Where are we to turn? Are we to believe in
l.averne and Shirley, ihe Ford Pinto and
designer jeans? It's no irony that the most
celebrated alumnus of this school is a thief
Yel by no means must it be that way. Nou
that you are truly on your o w n , your only Irut
responsibility Is to yourself. Those that seek 1'
bend, bind and manipulate you do so oul o
self-interest. If you take nothing out of here, a
least take your dignity and your ability to m.ilu
your own decisions. That is what this edui i
Hon should have meant. Listen for your owi
laughter — do not ever become self
Hold onto your real friends and your Idea:
— they will be your sword and your staff in tin
luclte Sodom they call Ihe real world. After all
what are we ultimately here for? To maki
money? To make babies? To gel Ic
heaven???? No, I suspect that there Is in
supreme being up In the penthouse keeplnc
score with a clipboard. You have only youi
expectations to live up lo; make them as worthy as you can, bul above all, make thorn
yourself. There is no nobler aspiration than in
be an individual among Ihe masses. Be the
best possible Steve Osier or Ivy Pellz or Minnie
or Moe Oman that you can be. — do not in
dulge others and do not let their judgments
deter you. Consider Bogle on thai fog
shrouded runway In North Africa, giving Ingrid Bergman up to a higher purpose .
would we all have had such strength.
So before you go out tonight and enjoy • >
well-deserved beer or bong, remember Ihal
you have nol made Ihe great compromising
decisions yel. Ours, the lirsl class of the -Sli
should work to preserve our individuality
preserve our dearest freedom. That \'.
everyone's fundamental birthright, lest we al
turn into Identical bricks In the wall.
Thank you, and good luck. •
Sound & Vision
Page 8a
Cliff's Notes
don't work for our college newspaper; magazine called Aspects, to a section named'
I never have and I never will. You Sound and Vision.
For the past year or so, my association with
Aspects has led me to be dubbed with many
literary labels — editor, writer, critic, interviewer, reviewer, and so on down the line.
Whenever these titles come my way, 1 nod in
flattered acceptance. Remember, however,
that I consider myself a realist, and 1 accept the
praising labels only because I write for Sound
and Vis/on, and not our college newspaper.
You see, the true test of a writer is the ability to
transfer a personality, an appearance, or a
in twenty-two years ot moments, there's one
sound into words. While newswriters merely
thing I've learned — all things must pass.
spew quotes and statistics which provide inforFrom warfare to Watergate, Kennedy to
mation, a Sound and Vision writer must
Carter. Khomeini to Kissinger — they all come
somehow take the energy of a concert, the
and go, but I remain. I remain, perhaps
emotional impact of a film, or the passion of a
strangely, unaffected and emotionally removtheatrical production and lay it down in black
ed from topics and events which seem to enand white. We try to make you see it. hear It,
thral the world around me. I'm more inand feel it, although you've never been there.
trigued by the emotional impact of a moment;
Sometimes we reach you and sometimes we
a moment I can understand, a moment 1 can
miss our target. But whatever we do, it's
be part of. a moment that's part of me.
something you can see, something you can
They're things that never have, and probably
hear, something you can reach out and touch.
never will, hit the front page because they're
In Sound and Vision, you'll never read about
•lot accessible to everyone, and justice can't
something that happened a thousand miles
always be done with nouns and adjectives
away in some high security legislative vault.
They're moments of sweaty anticipation like
Rather, It'll be a record you can buy tomorthose preceding the loss of one's vuginity;
row, a film you can see tonight, oroperformei
moments like the churning pangs of violent
louring the area. So when someone lives foi
vengeance evoked by an enemy's name, or
the moment.(as does a certain S. & V. writer),
moments of eleclric energy like those
all this entertainment Is there for him to grab,
generated by your favorite band. If you don't
to lell people aboul, to let them know how
know what I'm trying to say. I suggest you turn
much creative and artistic growth is slipping
the page. Turn it forward to p^qe one and enthrough their fingers while they focus on "front
joy a healthy helping of blatantly dry facts that
page news." Y o u can spend time watching
won't stir your imagination or make you think
politicians shape .current events, or you can
loo much. If you know what I'm saying,
spend lime shaping your own cultural growth
however, you'll know why I turned away from
— the choice Is yours to make. We know
o u r college
t u r n to a
see, I couldn't care less about budget
cuts, No-Nukes, SA elections, mice In the
dorms, or similar topics considered to be
"front page news" by a staff of socially starved,
overworked newswriters. Apathetic? That's
one.way to look at It. Then again, maybe I'm
simply a realist who lives for the moment, and
Cliff Sloan
which one I made. ,
So now the time has come for me to
become another In a mass of two thousand
graduating students, to relinquish my position,
to turn and walk away (rom what might prove
to be my fondest collegiate memory. This
magazine called Aspects, this section named
Sound and Vision, has taught me more about
people, life, and business than any teacher
and textbook could ever hope to. It's taught
me that there really Is an outlet (or those who
don't relish precision-based sciences and
mathematics. It's taught me that keeping my
nose buried In an accounting book so that 1
have a safe, secure future Is no way to go
through life. No sir, that's not how It's done!
You have to chase your dreams. Chase them
as you would any prey, with cunning, ambition, and poise. Pursue them, catch them,
and live with them, because "Lose your
dreams and you will lose your mind, in life
same. Lou will
do whatever he)
feels like doing.
Foi his newest'
album, Growing Up in
inq something good
Edward Pinka
Lou's opening song " H o w Do You Speak
to an Angel" is advice to those of us raised in
less than perfect homes, or with not so
magnetic personalities, who don't know what
to say to the girl of our dreams.
But certainly there are better things in life to
worry about than "how do you speak to the
prettiest girl," and Lou knows this. " M y Old
Man" is a look at a personality crises Freud
would have liked Lou). Growing up In
Brooklyn, Lou spends his time trying to act
like his father, but this means he would have
to beat up his mother.
Love is usually a subject L o u brings up on
days, growing up o n
the wild
side of life,
love, and
la la la. In
Reed exp o s e s his
raw g u t s
for a s o n g .
would have
liked Lou.
1972. "...wk
"with tthe
draft Ibreathing
In 10*79
k „ -1.-.I.
down my neck." Barton left Albany and went
to New York City seeking a career in acting.
He received a scholarship to the Alvin Ailey
American Dance Center and expanded his
dancing skills. He was casi in plays off' Broadway and did regional theatre at the McCarter Theatre in New Jersey and the
American Theatre in Washington. D.C. •
There were commercials, a part In a
"Kojak" episode, hosting public television's
"Black Theatre in America" program and a
role In the movie Myra Breckenrldge.
In his first Broadway show. Tlie Poison
Tree, he played a deranged schizophrenic.
When Barton walked into an audition for
the Broadway production ol Timbuckiu. he
was given the part of M'Ballah by director
Geoffory Holder without saying a word.
Barton was on Broadway for almost a year
and then went on the show's national lour until 1978.
Barton directed several off-Broadway
.1 1.
Time at. the
Gate in 1976.
He returned to Albany in 1979 to direct
Morris Hill's Cauorlln' Willi (lie Whanons at
the Empire State Plaza Performing Arts
"Now. 1 feel 1 have more of an artistic statement to make as a dnector," Barton said.
Interested in attending Yale for a Masters of
Fine Arts In directing, he called Albany Stale
seeking his transcript, Albert Asermely, head
of the Division of Performing Arts, offered
Barton credit to complete his Bachelors
degree if he would direct a play.
Barton explained that he chose Killing Time
because it is a "chronicle. It's history that a lot
of us have lived and can make a comment o n .
It's sort of cliche but you really have to know
where you've been to know where you're going and this play does that."
The play Is composed of scenes, each of
which examine a period In American history
between 1865 and the 1970's. It displays the
* ^ ^ black
and. tragedy
Americans In each lime period.
Barton bridges the scenes by using sound
collages. As characters exit, they see others
from the next time period entering. "It's a look
forward and a look back all the way through,"
Barton said
When Barton was In Killing Time at the
Village Gate In 1976 the final scene on the
politics of Black organizations In the early
1970's left the audience uncomfortable.
"This play ended right where we were. The
statement made was too close to the time we
were In.
Barton thinks the play will be more timely
now since contemporary audiences can be ob
jeclive about It, looking back,
"I think the main thing that happens with all
these people (characters) Is that they survive,
Barton said.
He admits the characters look to the past
and contends the play is optimistic since they
go on to fight against future o d d s . *
7 • \S
S O 1 1 his counselor's advice, he began searching for a play to direct. Barton chose Tambourines of Glory by Langston Hughes and
began a six month rehearsal period with his
, large cast of 30. This was his firsl directing experience.
his albums. But what he loves or how his sentimental ventures end are usually not standard
topics in other love songs. On Berlin, Lou explored S & M affairs from both sides of the
whip. A n d on "The B e d " Lou loses his love to
death via a razor blade. "I'm Waiting For My
Man" I doubt needs any explanation.
conceit, this is experience from someone
who's been around a.while. It's pride in doing
something good, it's love and passion and a
life. I hope Lou doesn't mind me saying so,
but he's hit the right vein with this album. It Is
very good tind he knows it.»
But Lou Is older now (the album cover Is'
proof of that), and wiser through experience.
He knows how to handle love and on "Keep
Away," after bending and bending to save a
one-sided relationship, Lou cuts out. "Love Is
Here to Stay" is Lou's affirmation of the theory
that opposltes attract: "II qels proven every
just ffolkes
With love still very much in mind on "Think
It Over," L o u sings of a panacea marlage. This
Is not surprising since Lou became a married
man just a short while ago.
Reported to have cleaned up from his
heroin days, Lou has found a new drug to sing
about — alcohol. "The Power of Positive
Drinking" covers everything alcohol is supposed to do to you and ends with a die-hard bar
man's promise to die with a drink in hand.
"So Alone" is Lou's attempt to pity the
plight of the bachelor. Lou. suffers through an
evening of apologizing, humbling himself,
dancing, and ERA rather than spend the night
Mr. Lou In
Daniel Barton returned to Albany
-State University last January to finish the
bachelors degree he began here 12 ','jars ago.
He will be receiving his degree (or directing
[le University Theatre production of Lesley
;'s Killing Time, which is currently running
1 the PAC Arena Theater tonight, tomorrow,
nd Sunday at 8:00 p.m.
I "I never really thought of an alternative to
heatre. I don't know what else I could do. It
night sound pretty pitiful but it's true." Barton
Hane Fox
Growing Up With Lou
Backed by the same tight band used on his
last few albums, Reed comes across with the
strained passion o( someone who knows, someone who's been there. This is life as lived by
Lou Reed.
Page 9a
Killing Time a t Albany
I rofessional actor,
dancer aand
ictor dancer
n d dirprtnr
I His first professional play was at the Buffalo
ludio Arena. "I was In a production of
yrano de Bergerac with George Grizzard and
by Schelder. I was In high school then, and
on of just kept going."
| H e began college at Buffalo State University
nd transferred here as one of the first Educapnal Opportunity Program students.
• " W h e n I came here, and I'm not kidding,
when you saw another black student it was like
Hoots," Barton joked.
Cant You Reed
Ince his introduction into the musicworld, via the art-rock group Velvet
<Jndeiground,'Lou Reed has been In
the public eye. By looking at, and singing
about life, no matter how cruel or seamy it is,
Lou earned the fitting title "Godfather of
Punk." While the|
music has changed, the attitude |
has always i
Sound & Vision
Barton's Back
I t ' s Only R©ck n*Roll
If) •
t never ceases to amaze me. The PR
geniuses who package movies never
seem to have any Idea of who they're
packaging Ihem for. This is definitely the case
with ffolkes, which Is being advertised as being
basically a James Bond movie. Which It isn't,
despite starring Roger Moore. Nonetheless,
the posters show Roger Moore as a giant
straddling an oil rig with beautiful women climbing up his legs as he holds a cat and a champagne glass, totally unaware of them. The
radio ads say "jfolkes . . . he doesn't need a
license to kill."
Jim Dixon
None of this has anything to do with the
movie in the theatre, ffolkes is not an action
movie, if the definition of an action movie Is a
film which uses large amounts of violence to
hold the audience, ffolkes would be better sold
as a suspense thriller, which is more In line
with what it really is. There is some action, but
not enough to please most James Bond fans.
The title cut, "Growing Up In Public," is a
look at people. Lou tells about all kinds of
people and how they deal with us and how
we're always caught in the middle, left to deJ e n d ourselves, "with our pants down."
The music of Lou Reed's studio albums has
never come close to the power ot his live
In fact, the idea of hijackers holding a huge
albums; there have been.at least three, and
ocean oil rig for ransom isn't world-shaking
this album is not much of an exception. While enough for Bond fans who have literally seen
most of the tunes are catchy, and listenable, their hero save the world In the last couple of
the most distinct sound Is the driving beat sup- outings. It may Intrigue audiences at the moplied by bassist Ellard Boles and drummer ment, who can see some coincidental
Michael Suchorsky. But still It Is his voice, cut- similarities to recent events In other parts of
ting above all Instruments, straining to make the world,
us comprehend his songs; "realism Is the key J'
"Stand on Ceremony" Is such a song, Spitting
ffolkes Is the hero who's out to stop the
the words out, Lou sounds like he's going to apolitical hijackers, who, led by Anthony
grab you out of your room and take you to his Perkins, are only out for money, (They never
mother's deathbed.
explain why (folkes Insists on spelling his name
with all lower-case letters)1: (folkes Is the leader
O n 7'aJce No Prisoners when Lou says " I
of a group of underwater commandos who
don't need anybody to tell me I'm good, I
know I'm g o o d , " he Isn't kidding. But this Isn't Vhave been conveniently rehearsing for just
• I.'.U.III.I.I'I I'tf^tHII >!• •!•
fSJOn opening night, the actress with the
leading role didn't show up.
•$He had no choice. " I played her part and
got rave reviews," said 6'5", 190 pound Barion.
SBr^'umerous shows followed all under the
direction of energetic Barton,
f;"! got a lot out of the theatre department
(materials, facilities) because they are willing to
let me do what I thought needed to be done.
People were aware there was a black theatre
up here. We really did a lot of plays," Barton
Referring to his college experience in the
early '70's, Barton said, "It was a time of many
demands. I was one of the students that took
over the administration building and chained
doors." The Afro-American Studies Department was Instituted at this time and Barton
helped write the charter for It.
D a n i e l B a r t o n is d o i n g m o r e t h a n k i l l i n g t i m e i n h i s r e t u r n
e n g a g e m e n t at t h e P A C . H e ' « l o o k i n g back o n B l a c k h i s t o r y .
A d v e n t u r e . Fun. Sun. A n d Noore
such an event for months.
One of the most delightful things about this
(llm is, believe it or not, Roger Moore. Though
1 still refuse to concede any acting ability on
Moore's part, he's good as ffolkes. Maybe
because ffolkes Is so different from Bond he
seems to put more into it. ffolkes is a
mlsogynyst, first of all. Feminists.may be offended, but 1 found this easier to stomach than
the recent trend of having 007 such a condescending playboy that everyone in the
theatre's offended, ffolkes is more honesl
about his feelings, ffolkes also isn't a wlseass.
In fact he has no sense ol humor at all. Like
mos! people with no sense of humor, he's actually funny if you stop lo think aboul It.
Moore pulls it off well, and I was Impressed.
The film's biggest problem is that ffolkes is
..off-screen too much In the early part ol the
movie, where the film spends much of its time
developing the hijackers who aren't all that in^ K s t l n g . The hijackers are predominantly
Jierican, and the writer is British, and the
lull Is a lot of dialogue written In cliches,
pthony Perkins gets some genuinely bad
"Welcome to our little clambake, A d lal," for example.)
Jnce past this, director Andrew V ,
lLaglen builds up a lot of suspense lo make
l l o r lost time. The last half hour of the film is
l y good moviemaking In Ihe old-fashioned
Idillon of pitting the hero against the clock,
"here's a bomb Involved of course — would
l u have It any other way?)
•Interestingly, McLaglen Is best-known as an
Jlon director, whose last couple of films have
len macho epics like 77ie Lasl Hard Men and
lie Wild Geese. His films are usually rated R
i d are bloody as hell, ffolkes Is rated PG,
there is> Isn't all that explicit. Not until the
climax does he pull out the stops. When he
does it's exciting and well-done. (The performance of ffolkes' commandos should really bring out some envy in Ihe Joint Chiefs of Staff.)
ffolkes also features a good supporting performance by James Mason, whom I've always
liked, and top-calibre photography by Tony
Imi, a British cinematographer I've never
heard of, but who's good, ffolkes is a generally
entertaining and well-produced film, whose
faults are easy to overlook. (Except (or a couple o( shots done in miniature that look it and
one terrible special effects explosion that looked pitiful. On the other hand, there are some
excellent special effects to balance it out.)
This looks to be a summer of action movies
and the like, but if most of them aren't worse
than ffolkes, I doubt loo many movie-goers
will complain.
Expected on the screen this summer are a
number of westerns, including The Mountain
Man, with Charlton Heslon; The Long Riders,
which stars David, Keith and Robert Carradine, Dennis and Randy Quald, and James
and Stacey Keach; and Tom Horn, with Steve
McQueen. Burl Reynolds will be seen In
Rough Cut and Smokey and the Bandit II.
Robert Redford will play a progressive prison
warden In Brubuker. Clint Eastwood will continue his trend of self-parody In Bronco Billy.
And Peter Benchley's latest best-seller, The
Island will hit theatres in June, just in time to
scare you out of the water again, with or
without a shark.
Christmas II may find ihe audience has been
By far the two musi interesting projects
coming out lllis sutnmei are Stanley Kubrick's
77ie Shining, based on Stephen King's bestselling novel. This maiks Jack Nicholson's
overdue teturn lo the big screen. A n d Woody
Allen's new film, still unlitled, should be out
sometime this summei
There should be something for almost
anyone. If not, there's always the drive-ins
where you can ignore the movie and still get
your money's worth.
Anyway, this Is the last Issue, and hence
my last piece. In closing, I'd like to thank a lot
of peojjle — especially the editors, who gave
me this job and the fiee passes that go with it
But there are other people, people who aren't
on the ASP stafl, lo whom I also owe a debt of
gratitude. At the top ol that list are all the
podlaters who didn't lell me what an asshole I
was for nol liking Die Rose. There weren't a
lot of them, but I appreciated those there
were. I'd like to thank a lot of professors who
didn't try lo find out how they could get some
free PR for their pet projects. And I'd like to
thank all the theater managers who didn't slam
their doors In my face even after a dozen bad
reviews In a row.
Most of all, to all the SUNYA students and
faculty who just read what 1 had to say and ap
predated the fact that what I said was after all
only one man's opinion, it was fun writing for
jor exception Is The Empire Strikes Back, you. If you enjoyed reading any of It as much
opening this month, which is the (irst In an ex- as I enjoyed writing It, It was worth it for all of
Notably, there's a distinct shortage o( pected series of Star Wars sequels. Empire us.
A n d If anyone wants lo go see a movie after
science fiction coming out, as greedy and In- should either revitalize the sagging genre, or It
ept producers have milked the genre (ar more may kill II entirely. When Dlno Delaurentls' commencement, there should be a matinee at
super-expensive Flash Gordon opens .at Ihe Cine 1-2-3-1-5-6. . . . »
fresn'.t.have.moth..violence.In.It,.and what J.quickly than I'd thought possible. The one maiT'llJ H UITTTTT
Page 10a
Ronna Mandel
Quincy and Bro. James
I: Contrary to popular opinion, the human race will survive.
It has to. There just exists some Illogical assumption that for
some unknown reason, mankind will continue. It's enough
of a vagueness for Individuals to press on with blind hope, for
blind hope leads to Ideas, ideas solve problems, and problems can disappear.
2 : How do we know this?
1 : Well, like the birds that move through the sky for winter's
retreat, and like the snows that follow and are followed by
the following springs, the returning birds march back to victory, and it feels as if the conquering of winter was equal to
the survival of the human race.
2 : But there Is a beauty in winter itself, as well as everything
in life that we can touch, see, feel, imagine, or believe In. So
the survival of man means the survival of all. For beauty may
exist outside of us, but we have the power to destroy it.
1 : It is not so much that we who are alive will in our own
small way pass through this life, for all people do that, but
rather that we recognize life as a boundless wonder whose
images take us up upon a magic carpel to the land of
dreams. To destroy that wonder, to even attempt it, goes
against every natural law that ever created itself mil ol the
ways of reality. Fearing nothing and loving everything, this
life demands that we put aside our facades of self-pity and
put on the invisible masks of spiritual bliss. Our Joyous vibrations r.uliate from the core of our values and dissimulate the
"live force."
So You Want f o Go To Europe?
a positive outlook. An outlook not only about life, but also
about ourselves. This is an Interface that all must face
which separates the real and the unreal.
1 : We are a nation of prunes pretending to be grapes with a
glandular problem. And grapes are of the sun but prunes
give one the runs, so^keep your Insides undone by steering
clear of the vile one. Is that OK?
2 : But contrary to popular opinion, the human race will survive. I just feel it in the wind, in the thoughts.of my tomorrows and my grandchildren's kin, in the boughs of time, the
crests of the waves of progress, the ends of the very world.
Call me not a rank optimist, bui a realist. For if you can call
me that, then you can believe that.
1; Without regard for the song, the player must carry the
tune, so it is also with us as we face our lodays alone. By
ourselves but not isolated, it is like the drop that makes a
river, but the river can never make a drop We were not intended to be products pre-packaged, like horse droppings of
poor stature swept up in a confining stable, packaged, and
sold, and pushed with the falseness of the gliltei boys from
Madison Ave We are not to be vuinns of any sort of con
game on any level, only victims of our own hearts and
minds We cannot rely on the sources of so-called strength
that deplete the world with destruction any1 dread and war.
These are not the things to rely o n . hut rather things to rely
on only as a sort of permanent balance, an issue lo fight, a
cause to rally against, a disease to cure. Rather we must rely
on constants, such as goodness (I should like to think it is)
and the need for brotherhood and love which makes us men
and women and not fancy apes.
2 : Take no heed of the call of this world, for only the wind
brings with it the rain and the snow. The wind seeks no home
as it comes to rest upon us all, both large and small, imparting all it has to offer, asking only to be heeded as a friend instead of a foe. And the wind leaves again, whether you've
befriended it or not, whether you've heeded It or not,
whether you've been a victim of it or a lover of it. And we exist with Ihe wind, between its currents, within them, and we
don't see it but we know it's there and that docsn't-scare us.
1 : So what of those forces, those "live forces?" Can they not
exist too, also invisible, but also powerful enough to fell a
tree? Or plant one?
This article is not geared towards individuals like my
brother who ask, "Will I be able to plug in my blower
everywhere and watch TV?" Rather, it is aimed at those who
can go au natural and kiss the tube good-bye (at least for
several weeks).
I am taking this opportunity to pass on some notes 1 have
gathered while travelling, for I believe that even Arthur and
Hope Frommer failed to stress some important information
in their biggie, Europe on Ten Dollars a Day (now up to fifteen dollars a day).
If this is going to be your first time travelling around the
Continent and Great Britain. I envy you. But all the while I
may be jealous of the wild adventures thnt await you. I can
happily write this story in the comfort of my apartment. You
shall see that student travel is not a first class deal, not would
it be half as challenging if it were. Let me explain.
The trains in Spain move slower than a grounded plane.
and when they did move quickly, they were full of soldiers
and there was no room to sit. You can pay extra for a fastei
train, but they only leave at certain times and the schedules
can get very confusing. That's why in Spain one should allot
oneself some extra emergency time. 1 left about two days
leeway for stalled, or late trains, Such preparation kept my
itinerary Intact. Making estimates to the hour are virtually impossible in a country where trains could run from one-half to
several hours late, and that's no exaggeration. Diana Nyad
could have swum from Barcelona l o Malaga quicker than it
I took me by rail,
i Greece Is another winner. I loved the place, really 1 did,
[ b u t the transportation Is in dire need of modernization. The
f trains were crowded when I was there and so I was advised
I to make reservations in advance. Once on the train, my
I reservation was disregarded. The conductor did not want to
g b e checking tickets, he wanted to be dancing and drinking
Oozo. So did I. The buses were a much cheaper, faster, and
more scenic way to travel. The small towns the buses go
through can often be mure interesting than the final destlna
t Hon. The rest stops are fun because riders all run out for ten
i minutes to grab a bite and everyone returns with the same
'purchases, except everyone has paid a different price. The
Greek merchants tend to keep a penny or two', but if you
notice you have-been gypped, they will kindly return the
.change. When you are not watching your cash, someone
"else is,
•; One other final note on Greece, which also could apply lo
"Morocco, before 1 move on. Don't let anyone fast talk you InHo buying anything, be it hash pipes or an excursion ticket for
ladies under thirty only. I say be wary because even (ravel
agents can rook you for all your spending money. I paid for a
.boat ticket once for a ride that went from Brindlsi (southern
.Italy) to Corfu (a Greek Island). When I boarded the liner late
one evening, keen on some sleep, 1 was told that rny ticket
• d i d not allow me use of a cabin as I had been led to believe it
•'would. Naturally I had to shell out for extra cash if 1 desired
I that bunk (the captain said travellers checks would he fine!).
1 : Touch me not with your glass bottom boats of deceit, your
chairs in the chamber of terrors. These are the lukewarm utterances of limp minded humanoids, without the spark of life
that consumes the plastic mold of the toy sheep we've all
2 ; Hey mister, how come your dog doesn't like my dog, or is
it just the poor manners of its master showing? Or would you
rather I just used you as bait on a hook, sunk Into the groin of
defeat, missing out as the search for love moves from a
post-mortem of feat to a proclamation and a reaffirmation "f
I'm now close to a peak of a mountain.
I've been climbing this mountain for a very
long time.
Floods have come and' washed me back
down — but yet, sometimes, they were mere
sprinkles. Illusion's in my mind.
I'd stop climbing.
Be to the point where I'd feel I'll climb no
more. But always there's a thought: A feeling
within me that says
"I must conquer, make that peak, get on
the never ending road to learning and living.
For below me lies a desert of emptiness,
Darkness and Death.
The thirst of a need for something to support my life.
On the other side of this mountain lies
paradise, beautiful flowers, all waiting to be
discovered; new things to learn, to love, and to
and in this vast confusion of things, I'll find
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ my way — or maybe
1 die in sorrow
2 : As the books open, and the mouths close, the day begins,
but we can find no answer by noon, so we take a break to
reflect upon the morning only to find that answers abound
and there exists no reason to lock up our hearts behind the
walls of indifference, like the weakminded souls who take to
the road of happiness as if it were a cure all for the sickness
that kills the womb, cuts off the balls, and aborts the feelings
of us a l l . *
2 : But what is this "live force?" Is it Ihe look between lovers
when a falling star erupts at a moment of climax? Is it the
oneness that some people call God? Is it you and me and
every interaction of that Imaginable? Or is it the force of evil
loo, alive, a force, a live force? Will you tell me? Will you tell
me how I can experience it, or is that as obvious as the sun
that tans the faces of beautiful children who experience it
every day?
A Journey For A l l ,
"Bob Hoiborok
Completed By Some
Page 11a
Surulual Guide
-Rania Bratberg
Stark reality is harsh
Much more than it seems
So we reach for an escape
But it is too easy . . .
and too pleasurable.
Our minds become distorted
The false reflections seem
vivid and lifelike
But often they hurt
And sometimes they
i destroy
* Several days later, ready to leave Corfu, I discovered I would
be unable to leave the island by boat for Alliens because I
had not purchased a ticket for Athens in Italy. The Corfu
travel agents said they were not under the jurisdiction to sell
me a seat on the liner once 1 had arrived in Greece, No one
ever said anything vaguely related to the need for advance
reservations straight through to Athens before 1 attempted to
go there. Stranded In Corfu? No, 1 managed to go the local
bus to fishing boat to bus to train route, all in ihe same time it
took the liner.
Now 1 touch lightly on Morocco since being dramalii Is
never a suitable way to deal with Ihls country in North
My compa
America. Be prepared 1o ride buses in Mo
nlans and 1 were told there were traili stall. ins in inai l y of I h e
towns, but 1 never had the lime lo searcl i Mm H I ! , in buses
ate a nip in themselves! Old syphllllil . one •eyed m e r i , s m o k
Ing kief In pi[)es as long as theli armiS, lod,• l l i e l nisei, j u s l (or
Ihe sake of st imelhlng li , d o People wave' •lasll lebi ises p u t lered past, a
resl in Ihe di slam i The aim o s p h e r e
Is lazy and most eve ryone von meel gets hlgli . M o s t
everyone yot l meet will IIV lo sell yol i hasl also. espi • c i a l l y l l .
lid. drinking
ihe hash del is where II 's graal lo | lis! sll
mini lea and soaking u| i l h e amblai
The horde i guards at e o n official i lain n i Ihe ,ISS 1 tried io
cross into Mi n o , , , , (roi n Ceula, a ' ipanls I I I ok »ny i n North
inn a! Ihe crossing
Afiii-a with siJ I W CanacMan friends II
said, "All G inadians, ikay A
i cans, (org< i i i . you all
come here |c • smoke ha . h a n d . i n In gh."l orelg neis sei
lo love Ihe Canadlai i travellers a n d slnglied i nil Ihe
Americans at , trouble, a ad lobjeclei 1 Allei a haIf ho ur or so
of frantic plei idlng (the Emaids need t hen li II of that, li »i),Mr.
Tough Huy relented ai id lei lis | i , ISS A s we h a m led QUI
packs foi ins| lection, I h eardtheblg man 1ihout, "N< , Dutch,
no American s, only Cat adlane Hie resl oI v o u , g o b ackand
1 leave ihediscussion of Morocco to inn oduci t F r a lie,-, Il's
good id have an Idea ol ihe French langut ige w' l e n | plngio
foi a -i e m e stel so 1
elthet Mor,,,, o o i I ram •i' 1 lived lii
. , . . 1 1 . .,,. 'lied
leal on
Bpi ike .1 ](t| ol | li'll, li and iraVi
a no
v. kends,
TheSNCF II rench N alloual Hall) is elll i lelll i i n d |
i spin second
Willi an Inin kail, one I an h
i a
<ui<\ /oom oui ol town.1 heard froi ii frlei ids Ih at 111e 1 mail
mu^tjiejitarnpeti befoie [maiding .i nam and that'', a detail 1
considered when choosing the InterRail as my means of
travel. Usually the country you're interested In travelling
through offers a pass for train rides, but 1 am not familiar with
all the facts concerning costs and length of these.
Hitchhiking In France is a luxurious change from stuffy
train cars. Kind people pick up American students and frequently engage in conversation about crime in New York
obviously this occurs when it's evident you're American 1
remember one time (ailing asleep in the back seat while my
friend Diane tried -desperately to stay awake and chat up
front with the driver, 1 wasn't woken up until we had arrived
-it out destination. The gentlemen even offered us some
lunch he had in a bag. and told us to be careful when we
"[-'aire du Hitch-Hiking" again. Telling hltchers to be careful
is always necessary, although the incident of crime on the
roads in European countries is so slim compared to that of
the U.S., where 1 would avoid hitching even in a one horse
Another time Diane and 1 were picked up by Mark and
Michelle as we left Belgium for Luxembouig. This young
couple, dressed in jeans and driving a battered-up Volvo, invited my Iriend and I to a wedding in the country. We got
there and realised it was a posh party with the (our of us
dressed like stable hands of the seventeenth century manor
house. The bride and groom made us leel welcome as we
dined on pate, champagne, caviar, and pastries. It is wild
how hitching in Europe promotes many memorable experiences, while elsewhere it is not always the case. On the
highways, the truckers In Fi.it or Merecedes rigs stop and
pick up hitchers because they enjoy the company, even if the
liitchers do not speak a word of the native tongue. You may
even gel lucky and get taken l o lunch at a truckstop, where
the food is often better than a home rooked meal.
On a less positive note are the trains in Italy, ' l i n y resembled diners on wheels, packed with passengers eating Iheir
way down the line. The whole system appeared to be so
haphazardly organized I imagined the ticket clerks saying,
" O h , you wanna go to Koine? Well, maybe (rain arrive soon,
1 say. Maybe." When ihe train finally does pull into the station, finding out the track number becomes anothei ordeal
One time my girlfriends Steffi, Amy, and Karen, were on a
train bound for Florence (Flrenze), I mention this Incident
( because It deals with a situation quite common among nonItallan speaking travellers. Steffi decided lo roam the train
just as It departed from one of its stops along the way to
Flrenze, Suddenly she realized her car had detached from
I h e others, ready lo move on to parts unknown. The conductor never told her to run for it, but she did, Racing madly,
Steffi looked like an outlaw as she tried to hop onto the moving train. This woman made a mistake by not asking if her car
and all the others were headed for Florence. Sometimes the
individual cars are not marked on the outside with the
familiar white destination signs In this event, it becomes
necessary to ask, otherwise you may go to Sl( ily while your
friends roll on to Rome.
Before describing the United Kingdom, where 1 also lived
for a semester, I wish to remark briefly aboul Swiss, Austrian,
and Yugoslavian trains. The Swlss.trains ran as smoothly as a
Swiss watch. Most of the people In Switzerland spoke German, but the French-speaking Swiss I encountered were
helpful in finding me a warm car where I could pull the seat
out into a bed. It took a lot of effort to pretend I was In a hotel
room when three other people were lying next to me, some
with their feet in my face. Often trains are so crowded you
will be forced to lay out on the floor as 1 once did, gasping
from the foul smell of Gaulois cigarette butts. One thing 1
noticed In Europe was that everyone seemed to smoke, and
they indulged excessively aboard trains.
Travelling through Yugoslavia on a 42-hour train ride
could never be considered a pleasant experience. 1 sat next
to my friend Karen and bitched to her through the entire
journey. Otto, a Yugoslavian student educated in Australia,
Irritated me for at leasl thirty hours by smoking. Rules for no
smoking are not enforced. It's a tough-luck-Charlie kind of
feeling for the non-smoker on these occasions. A woman
who would not offer us any food had the nerve to put her
head on Karen's shouldei and go to sleep. I looked more
outraged than Karen because this woman also never stopped
talking until her eyes closed. All this would not happen In
Great Britain.
There's a story about smoking on British trains and it
begins with a cabin of three fine men sitting in a non-smoking
car. Soon a lunatic enters and begins jumping wildly, trying
to avert the men's eyes from their London Times. Next he
starts ripping and shredding the British Rail seats and
shouting crazy words. Not an eyelid blinks. He pulls away
their papers, Nothing, He slaps someone. No response.
Frustrated, he reaches for a cigarette and goes to light up.
"Sorry," the men say, "No smoking please."
The British Rail is another efficient system I encountered
after those of France, Switzerland, and Germany Schedules
(timetables) are easy to read and there are usually no delays.
Bui, like in most British homes, not too much attention Is
placed on healing the cars and I wonder If this Is reverse in
Crossing the channel by hovercraft or gnlng to Ireland by
boat can he plenty of fun — on two dramamines. If the water
is too rough, boats can be postponed or cancelled. However,
I had the rotten luck lo be on a rocky ride on my way to
Dublin for Saint Patty's day, 1 don't think I ever left the ladies
Though such uncomfortable situations do arise, for the
most part excursions throughout the U.K. have been highly
rated by those fortunate enough lo travel overseas. Friends
who have hitched have been feasted In Wales, housed In
Scotland, and enlertained in Ireland.
So, do you still want to go to Europe? Since you'll spend
half your time away In some mode of transportation, It is Important as a prospeclive traveller that you gain some
enlightenment regarding the many possible obstacles. If you
now know to look for fold out beds on trains, act weird to
discourage other passengers from crowding your cabin, or
close the lights and curtains and feign sleep, then ypu are
ready to hit the road. y
- • • ' . , - - - . - ' ' • • ' <
Concert Corner
J . B . Scott's
May 9
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 18
May 22 ,
Glens Fall* C C
May 15
June 14
June 24
Page 12a
May 9, 1 9 8 0
Albany Stale
Silent Movie
7:30. 10:00
Films follow life.
Maybe, H o l l y w o o d will rediscover romance.
After all, In T H E HOSE, Belle Midler lets herself look really a w f u l , degraded, and Incoherent. This is the kind other
people fall In love wilh In real life, while In " r e e l " life, the
same person b o l t s great, w o n d e r f u l , a n d wise even while dying from booze or from an overdose.
7:30, 10:00
7:30, 10:00
A u t u m n Sonata
Cine 1 2 3 4 5 6
Little Darlings
Coalmlner's Daughter
Lady and the T r a m p
Kramer vs. Kramer
Chapter T w o
Fifth Floor
Rocky I lorror Picture S h o w
Fox C o l o n i c
All Thai Jazz
Little Miss Marker
Apocalypse N o w
Mohawk Mall
Kramer vs. Kramer
Squeeze Play
Night Games
UA H e l l t n a n
Where ihe Buffalo Ro
ftJCDB) 91B)
7:00, 9:00
8:00, 10:00
7 30, 9 30
New — Jazz on the
weekends — Saturday
and Sunday, 5-8 p.m.
Front Row Center —
Live — Saturday, 8 p.m.
• *r•
e) Edfl ard
.lull us
C( lie,
i.ii i
Cross Reference —
Music from the Third
W o r l d , S u n d a y , 2-7
p.m. Blast from the Past
— 8-11 p.m. Notes from
the Underground — 11
p.m. - 1 a.m.
This week TRIVIA TIME pays a
visit to the world of Doonesbury.
Here's your chance to test your
knowledge as you contemplate the
summer. (Special thanks to D a v i d
B e r g s t e l n , K e v i n F e e , and
M i c h a e l Fuchez.) Adios.
1. Who gave Zenker his first joint?
2. Where Is Mike from?
3. For what holiday did Mike need
a date a year In advance?
4. What number Is Jimmy Thudpucker's sweatshirt?
5. Who did Mao mistake Duke lor
when they met?
6. What was Joanie's husband's
7. How many years was Zonke-r a
junior in college?
H. What are the names of Duke's
9. What Is Michael Dooneshury's
younger brother's name?
10. Why did B.D. enlist In flghl in
Should we turn to live theater? In N I G H T A N D D A Y .
Maggie Smith tints with love a n d liaisons. She Is brittle hut
witty and wise. She seems In have even more lun ill Imagined romances than in the real t h i n g .
In PROMISES I N T H E D A R K , she dies non-vloleritly,
without violins, without voyeurism, hut romantically. This
"she" Is riot Belle but another Wrong w o m a n But lust to
make sure that this transition was not l o o abrupt, Marsha
Mason puis In a h a n d - m e - d o w n role strai'jhl out o l T V
A F f E R N O O N L O V E - A - D O C T O R reruns.
7:00, 9:40
7:15. 9:40
7:00, 8:45
7:20, 9:30
7:00, 9:00
42 Cocksure
43 Lay
the line
1 Struggled for air 44 "Bel Mir
7 "Sound of Music"
family name
45 Sheet music
12 Instruction from
46 New York campus
Jack LaLanne
13 Passover book
47 Trading centers
17 "i\
40 P a r t o f CPA ( a b b r . )
18 Qui Id castles in
49 Walk
the air
51 P a r t o f a p r i n t i n g
19 Taro root
20 Efforts
21 Hurt
53 Even a score
?2 Give
(2 w d s . }
23 Nebraska Indians
54 Play the market
24 KJlnd of shoppe
55 R e l a t i v e o f
25 J — tennis
26 Prohibitionists
56 Noah and, Wal l a c e
27 Madison Avenue
20 Andy Capp's missis
29 Disappointed
1 U.S.0, frequenters
2 Waiting room
30 Like or that
3 31-Across film
(2 wds.)
(4 wds.)
31 F a m i l i a r TV p r o f i l e 4 Absolve
(2 w d s . )
5 Thomas Stearns
36 Car
6 French preposition
37 Hoopster A r c h i b a l d
7 31-Across film,
30 Deer
"The — "
39 Thompson or Hawkins 0 Car accessories
Hruba Ralston
9 James and Tommie
10 Annual links
11 "
14 31-Across f i l m
(4 w d s . )
15 N i t r o g e n compound
16 The face t h a t
launched 1,000 ships
20 Pentateuch
24 L i k e "To 6 S k y l a r k "
26 Dumbbell
27 " . . . e x c l a i m
drove o u t o f s i g h t "
29 R a t i o n
30 Official proceedings
32 Devastate
33 Queen of Hearts'
34 Qlt of politeness
35 Tavern inventory
39 "The Rise of
40 "Once upon
41 Its own reward
42 tfecord protector
44 Bleated
45 Part of a play
47 French miss (abbr.)
50 Miss Hagen
51 Lie
52 Football positions
f he Aspects IO most popular
r e t o r t s to t h e question •>
" A n d w h e r e is your paper?**
Marshall Tucker
Boz Scaggs
by Vincent A i e l l o
by Howard P. Alvlr. Ph.D.
T o w e r East C i n e m a
• Cheap Trick
Trivia Time
The Logic Puzzle
Movie Timetable
Answers to last week
Yellow •
Alice the Goon
Tess Truehart
Flash Gordon
This Is the last ASP of the year, so
there are no personals to give away.
Answers to this quiz will be available
upon request.
PAC Events
May PAC Events
May 9-11, 8:00 p.m.; May 11, 2 30
p.m. (matinee), Arena Theatre — Killing
M a y 9 , 8 : 3 0 p . m . . Main Stage - T h e
May 9, 8 : 3 0 p . m . . Page Hall Weekend.
May 15, 10:00 a.m., Recilal Hall
Mint College
1. A r S
Bj M I T
0 c A
T r
ol L
c V 0 It
E It
R E T 1
T Ft 1
A M 1.
urn SHE rs cot/en
7) Deep beneath the h y a w a t h a .
8) Far above Cayuga's waters.
9) S o m e w h e r e over the r a i n b o w .
10) Right here In m y looseleaf binder m a ' a m . Y e s , 1 d i d m y
paper o n time like a g o o d little nerd — n o t like some people I
t h e Fantastic Four
t.7--w.-»^.iAr A L L ;
! • :
6) O h w o w m a n , like it's generating within the t h o u g h t c e l l s o f
m y brain. Farrr o u t .
It'; a beautiful daulLooe,
It A i u
t: T it
1. M A
1; r. 1)
A it 0
u i:
ti R
It 0
t N A II U
S s D N
i: R B
s '1 A M M
I S T i: H 1 A
0 T
s t:
s N n
A T M i; A I
II i
T B i; N
P. 1. i C
s y N c
s M
s Y IS i.
4) Y o u m e a n it's today?
5) Ask Stu M a t r a n g a , H e made m e stay late at the A S P , so 1
couldn't,(Inish It.
J 0 A D
Deal M u s Morn, Thanks for the cake and breadstlcks. Love, Rob
us I N r u e
ASP vs. SA!
Dearest Student Association,
You have one final chance to prove your
strength, effectiveness, and integrity . . . on
the ballfield, of course!
Monday at 4 p.m., on the fields behind
Dutch, be ready for a contest. And you, student body, are officially invited to watch the
We'll supply the players' booze; we want
to make the outing as pleasant as possible for
the out-of-shape SA team.
Til then,
Love and Kisses,
Student Plea To SUNYA Faculty
Dear V l n , A r n o l d , A n d y , D i a n e , B e t h , M a r y , D e b b y , Beveruryck, and the rest of S U N Y A ,
I've had one helluva great three years here. Let's do it again sometime.
It's been real, S e t h
D e a r Barry, W E LOVE Y O U VERY M U C H . Good luck In
grad school. Love alwaya, 2 0 9 .
To Ihe Editor:
Unfortunately there must be a candidate
who loses in a Student Association. Unfortunately, because no on loses in a Student
Association election, students merely select a
platform which is more akin to the way they
would like to see policy implemented.
Gary Schatsky, Jane Sidoti, Jeremy
Carlson, Jim Castro-Blanco, Frank Baitman,
and Dean Betz, thank you. Thank you for bringing up ideas which students wanted to
hear. You too made a promise to students.
You promised them that you would continue
to Tight for their rights and students supported you for that; don't let them down.
There are many who say SA is a clique. It's
not a clique if you students along wilh those
people who supported you get involved. Student Association is in need of all Ihe help it
can get. You arc the force which drives it.
To those who hate SA, it's time to make
your feelings known. Sue Gold has promised
to open SA up and you should be at the head
of the line waiting to open it up. It's a new
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n which has made some new
promises and it's your opportunity to
become part of it.
To those who have worked for winning
campaigns, remember, utilize all your
resources. Your candidate promised we
students an opportunity to be heard; force
her to keep that promise.
There is much work that needs to be done
and many accomplishments which have yet
to take form but we can do it if we work
together. Our strength lies in our numbers as
united students. Let Student Association
work for you next year with your help,
guidance, and your support.
Upwards and Onwards,
Ira Somach
Steven Topal
University Chorale.
The Fantastic Four
1) It's going t h r o u g h m y clog's digestion process.
uneonsciously, as a home. Slowly, but
unstoppably, the spirit of the city will revert
back to what it was four years ago,'simply a
place to visit. Similarly is it with S U N Y A .
One never really considers hi leaving; so
many miles of days act as cushions to the inevitable that it seems like it will never truly
occur. You can become so convinced of the
detachment o f graduation from the scheme
of reality, that, even if you try to convince
yourself that after this month it will lie till
gone, part of you refuses to understand and
accept it. Whether you accept it or not,
however, you are picked up by the tide of
events, and get washed out through the doors
of S U N Y A ' s hallowed halls.
" I f you have lived in Albany as a young
man, it stays with you, like gum stuck to the
sole of your shoe."
To The Losers
2) It's going t h r o u g h m y m o m ' s digestion process.
3) Y o u r guess is as g o o d as m i n e .
Pousette-Dart Band
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Todd Hobln Band
James Montgomery
Manhattan Transfer
Buddy Rich
xfifotn, M 0
+ (%A*
w o s m
brought up Ihe fact that internship guidelines
were sent back to committee because students
realized it would directly affect the standings
of such programs as Medical Technology and
Social Welfare.
This campus is very progressive, in much of
its legislation because it allows students to
have a meaningful input in the process.
Students don't merely contribute*in councils
and committees but they help to actively
evaluate legislation on the Senate floor as
well.To alienate student participation, by not
allowing them to speak on the body which
supervises their work, is unethical. Students
have two options in pursuit of changes on
this campus. They can work within the
system, as they currently d o , or they can
work outside of the system as they were fore-'
ed to do in the sixties. The options are clear
to students, but we relinquish to the faculty
the mode of student participation they would
We don't think the faculty has spoken. We
don't believe that a vote merely cast by a
True, students do represent a majority at small minority of the voting faculty is insome Senate meetings, but that's not because dicative of the way you feel.
My colleagues and I truly believe that the
they overwhelm the faculty, but rather,
because students place their role in the gover- faculty appreciates the conscientious effort
nance structure of this university as a priori- which students have consistently put out.
ty. Students want to be active participants in Students and faculty have worked as equal
making and improving the policy thai affects partners in passing legislation which knows
no author.
The issue has but one more forum. TuesTrue, students caucus before Senate
meetings, not to collude and plan strategy, day, May 13, 1980, the faculty will have the
but to become well informed on the issues. It opportunity to spead out; to say to the
is very rare to see a sludcnl who comes to a University and to universities in Ihe future
that to alienate student voting tights is not
Senate meeting without his packet.
Faculty argue that they have been denied the way to accomplish productive change.
their only forum on this campus. Unfor- Faculty, we need your help. Please don't
tunately, the facts don't back that up. Facul- allow a minority of your spokesmen to
ty members control the Senate in two ways, delegate to you and your university how they
first, by their majority, and second, by the believe it should be run.
Please come to the faculty meeting Tuesfear that students have that they may be
day, May 13, at 3:30. A quorum of 237 faculremoved from the Senate at any lime.
U n f o r t u n a t e l y , no faculty
member ty is needed or your vote will be denied.
brought up the fact that CSI 203, originally Please support continued student representaslated as a liberal arts course, almost lost its tion.
status. Tills would have caused a revamping
Ira Somach
Rich Nagle
in the Accounting program. This change was
Neil Gelfand
Steve Topal
brought up by a student. N o faculty member
Help! Helpl
On Wednesday, May 7, 1980 the raculty
body, by two votes, decided not to allow the
elected student senators to take office as of
July I , 1980. It is a misnomer to say that
faculty decided the question o f student
representation because faculty members
didn't have an opportunity to even debate the
question fully.
Students are blamed for using parliamentary procedure; however, it was a faculty
member who called for a quorum when the
motion for a 1-year extension for student
rights was on the floor. Students are blamed
for caucusing before University Senate
meetings; however, it was the faculty
members who came armed to prevent student
representation on the Senate.
" We don't think the faculty spoke Wednesday. We think that a small minority of faculty members, unhappy with their lackluster
performance at Senate meetings, was fighting
back in the only means they knew, denial of
open expression.
Blamed For Caring
For the first time in twelve years, students have been voted off the
University Senate by faculty members (114-112). One-has to wonder
what students did to deserve this tally. It couldn't be apathy; student
senators show up at three times as many meetings as their faculty
counterparts. It couldn't be lack of accomplishments; student
senators have generally been effective in guaging student opinion and
translating it into coherent voices on the floor.
It could be that some faculty members are tired of having to deal
with such competence. The University Senate is SUNYA's system of
governance: it creates policy which effects all the factions of the
university. There is no question faculty members deserve to be on the
Senate. They work here. Students go to classes and live here, and they
too should have a voice in decisions which affect them. It's only
That argument alone is so powerful that all excuses given by faculty
opponents fade in comparison. One gets the feeling that students are
being punished for being well-organized and competent. Or perhaps
for shortcomings of the faculty.
When student voices were being quelled in the '60's, rebelling
against and attempting to tear down the system became popular. It
was not realistic, however, and working through the system was the
viable alternative accepted by all factions. Now that students voices
have been muffled again, where do we go when there is a problem with
University policy? After proving that they could act responsibly for
twelve years in an equal forum with faculty, why must students have
to fight to be heard once again?
If the faculty would like their own independent voice, a suggestion
is to form their own association — but when it comes to University
policy, it is only fair that students have participation. It is the only
way Senate can retain integrity as a truly representative policy-making
President Vincent O'Leary, who recently pledged support for student participation, has called a faculty meeting to discuss the matter
next week. It is essential that all faculty members attend this meeting.
To Ihe 112 members who voted for the students, here is a heartfelt
word of thanks, Let's hope that many of these other faculty members
care enough about this university lo show up and work towards reversing their regrettable decision.
In 1916
R i c h I. Il.-liar.
R o b E. G r u b - n a n , Managing Editor
N e w s Editors
Laura Florentlno, Sylvia Saunders
Associate News Editors
Susan Milligan, Beth Sexcr
ASPects Editors
Sluart Matranga, Bob O'Brlan
Associate ASPects Editors
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Editorial Pages Editor
Copy Editor
Rith Edelsleln, Ron Levy
Paul Schwartz
Bob Bellaflore
Steven Rolnik
A r o n Smith
S t a f f w r l t e r s : Pal Branley, Beth Cammarala, Ken Cantor, Andrew Carroll, Harold D i a m o n d ,
Judie Elsenbenj. Mark Flschetll, Bruce Fox. Maureen George. Jay Glssen, Ed G o o d m a n , Whitney
G o u l d , Eric Gruber, Marc Haspet, Mlchele Israel, Larry K a h n . A m y Kanlor, Douglas K o h n , Debbie
Knpt, Ricli Kraslow, Kalhy Perllll. .lell Schadoff, Mnrlan Welsenleld, Mike Williamson Z o d i a c ft
P r e v i e w E d i t o r : Carol V. ,1k
D e b b i e K o p f , Business
Advertising Mansger
Billing Accountant
Assistant Accountants
Composition Manager
Steve Goldstein
Lisa Applebaum
Bennle B r o w n , Miriam Rasplcr
Fran Glueckert
S a l e s : Rich Sellgson, Sieve Gortler C l a s s i f i e d M a n a g e r : Bobbin Block C o m p o s i t i o n : Mike
McDonald, M.uilyn Moskouiltz A d v e r t i s i n g P r o d u c t i o n M a n a g e r : Sue Hausman A d v e r t i s i n g P r o d u c t i o n : Edith Berelson, Marie Anne Cotavlto, Janet Dreifuss. T a m m y Geiger, Joy
Goldstein, Penny Greensteln, Rulli Marsden, Mike M c D o n a l d , J o y Prefer, Steve Robins O f f i c e
S t a f f : Bonnie Stevens
V i n c e n t A i e l l o , E l l s s a B e c k Production
L i s a B o n g l o r n o , J o y F r i e d m a n Associate Production
Vertical Camera
Typist Extraordlnalrs
Dave Benjamin
Hunk's Chick
P a s t e - u p : Sue Benjamin, Dean Betz, Marie Italiano, T y p i s t s : Rosemary Ferrara, Marie Garbarlno, September Klein, Debbie Loeb, Debbie Schiller, Laurie Walters P r o o f r e a d e r s : Rachel
C o h e n , Mitchell A . Greebel, Sue Llchtcnsleln, Robin Lamsteln, A r n o l d Reich C h a u f f e u r :
P h o t o g r a p h y , Supplied principally by University Photo Service
P h o t o g r a p h e r * : Roannc Kulakaff, B o b Leonard, Allen Calem, K a r l Chan. Steve Essen, Mike
Farrell, Mark Halek, Marc Henschel, Dave Machson, Steve Nlgro, Carolyn Sedgwick, Suna
Steinkamp, Sue Taylor, Tony Tassarottt, Will Yurman
May 9, 1980
Albany "Student Press —
Page Fourteen
Young, working, disabled male In
need of part-Mme live-In attendant.
Days free, perfect for working person or student. M/F, no experience
r.ecessary; primary r e q u i s i t e ,
dependability. Personal references
required. Pay: Room, board, plus
weekly stipend. (Near Central
Towers) Begin May 24. Reply Immediately. Call 459-6422 days,
489-7774 evenings and weekends.
Ask for Bill.
Camp Counselors
Attractive summer positions, Boy's
Camp (52nd year), Lenox, Mass. in
swimming, sailing, (22 boat fleet),
sculling, skiing, tennis, (18 courts),
baseball, basketball, street hockey.
Aslo, camp paper, weight training,
photography, ham radio, videotaping, archery, radio station. Send
details to: Joe Kruger, Camp MahKee-Nac, 20 Allen Court, South
Orange, NJ 07079.
Sell Tickets""
For pro football via telephone, parttime, 5-9 p.m. Can lead to lull-time
for summer. Apply 10-4 p.m. Fuller
Rd. and Warehouse Row, 2nd floor
(over United Cleaners).
Typist/Secretary wanted 15 hours
per week; for the summer and next
academic year. Duties Involve
primarily typing; some typing Into
computer terminal. Call Dr. Henry
Tedeschi, 7-8259.
Wanted "^
Now Auditioning for September:
Salaried signing positions available
In the fall for tenors and basses, in
the cathedral Choir of Men and
B o y s . For i n f o r m a t i o n , c a l l
Canoe Trip: Will pay purchase price
for 1 or 2' tickets. Call Elaine at
4344141, Ext. 1144. Leave message.
Two canoe trip tickets desired; willing to pay a profitable price! Call
Sandi at 7-7836.
Or>e ticket to Riverside Amusement
Park for Senior Week. Please call
Pete, 7-507L
C o n d u c t o r : Pep Band needs
energetic, enthusiastic person to
lead the band next year. Fun and
. great experience. Call Dave at
Typing: D i s s e r t a t i o n s , theses,
shorter papers accepted, excellent
worK guaranteed, call 463-1691
days, evenings before 9 pm.
Rush typing jobs done by legal
secretary. 6 yrs. experience, minor
editing and spelling corrections,
neatness and accuracy count. Cali
Theresa at 439-7809.
H a i r c u t s $4.75 Shampoo and
blowdry extra. Al's Hairstyles,
Ramada Inn, Western Ave.. Albany.
482-8573. Mon„ Wed., Fri., 12-5;
Tues., Thur. till 7.
Passport-Application Photos $5 for
two; $.50 each thereafter. Mon.
12:30-2:30, University Photo Service,
CC 305, 7-6867, ask for Bob,
Roanne, or Suna.
Typing Service • IBM Selectric - Barbara Hale, 445-1575, days; 273-7218,
nights, weekends.
Iron Horse Contractors — House
Reasonable rates, free estimates.
Phone: Doug, 436-9440.
F o r Sale ^
Furniture Sale: Living room, dinette,
bedroom, and other odds and ends.
Call 436-9816.
Zenith Allegro Stereo, Cheapl Call
Bob at 489-0016.
Sansul 771-40 w. receiver, Sansul
turntable, Micro Acoustics 2002e
cartridge, replacement stylus. Must
sell before graduation! $375. Call
482-2577 evenings.
Couch: great for suite • $15, Rug: 9 x
6, beige - $20. Call Barb at 7-7941.
'SBDodge Coronet, 318 engine, P/8,
runs excellent. Call Jim at 434-3530,
will dicker on price.
Reclining lounge chair - $15, antique coffee table • $15, carpeting
(cut for low-rise bedroom or
suiteroom), great condition • $20.
Call Bill, 7-7821.
For sale: twin-size mattress, 1 0 x 1 3
beige carpet, desk, coffee table,
24-Inch girls' bicycle and more. Call.
Debbie, 465-3237.
Pioneer PL 512 belt drive manual
turntable with ADCQLMMKIII cartridge, 6 months old, $75. Call Rich,
Small Stone Phase • Sifter with
power supply, $45. backpack with
external frame, $25. Dave, 434-0678.
Guitar and Amp • both $250. Kasino
200 • 4-10" sp. Black Univox Les
Paul with case, negotiable. 7-6695,
Andy. May sell separately.
BSR 510 belt-drive record changer.
Must sell. Chris, 7-8069.
For Sale: An electric typewriter,
(backgammone set also for said).
Call Barbara, 7-5229.
7-month old kitten — has had all
shots, must be given away. Call
6ne~desk, dresser, twin bed, $30
each. Call John, 438-7988.
Garage Sale~Sunday, May 11. Ail
things must go. We're moving. 18
Fairfield Ave. One mile north ol
Westgate Plaza, off Central Ave.
Waterbed ^"brand new, any size;
mattress, frame, liner. Call Susan,
Desk, and boxsprings, and mattress
for twin-size bed. Excellent cond.
Contact Susan, 489-4967.
Stereo, Sanyo turntable, 10 watt
Nikko receiver, Jensen speakers,
excellent condition, asking $200.
Call Jim, 434-3530.
f ^ s p e e d man's bicycle, excellent
condition, 27" wheel, 23" frame,
quick-release front wheel, suntour
derailer, all black body. Call Omar,
7-8069. S1S5.
Desks and carpetlngs for sale — If
interested call Joy or Ellie at
wanted! 5 bedrooms,
two porches, built-in bar, near
busline. Call Bob or Steve, 7-5040.
I'm" a doctoral student looking for
apartmentmate to share beautiful
2-bdrm. apt. starting June 1. Location: Westville Apts., Gullderland, 1
3/4 mi. from SUNYA, swimming
pool, tennis, basketball. $140/mo.
includes heat. Call Bruce at
One or two lemales needed to
sublet for summer. Near busline,
$60/mo. Call Edith or Kathy,
4~subletters needed for posh Park
Ave. Penthouse, $60/mo. includes 2
porches, 2 living rooms, great
neighborhood. Call 482-5788.
Subletters: 5 bedroom; 3-story
house; bedrooms on 2nd and 3rd
washer/dryer; 3 baths; spacious;
near s h o p p i n g ; b u s l i n e ; park;
482-3925; 11 Manning Square.
2 female subletters wanted: starling in June, located on N. Lako
near busline. Price Is negotiable.
Call Amy or Sharon at 436-9592.
Washington Ave, on the busllno,
near the bars, completely furnished,
$70, Diane, 455-6481.
Room for Rent: Old country home
with horses; laundry and kitchen
privileges; $25 per week; call Mr.
Martin, 674-2929,
Three subletters needed to complete beautifully furnished apt. right
near b u s l i n e and bars. Call
Sublet In a beautiful apt. only 50'
from the Alumni busstop. Hudson,
on the corner of Partldge. Call
Summer Sublettersl Completely furnished; 1, 2, or 3 rooms. Right on
buslines, N. Allen St., $65/mo. Call
Rich, 482-5857 or Skip, 455-6737.
Subletters wanted: House located
on Hudson, one block from busline,
two blocks from Lampost. Rent Is
cheap, four spots available. Call Ed,
7-5059 or Rob, 7-5061.
B e a u t i f u l a p t . on M a n n i n g .
Available for subletting. Call 7-5088.
Apt. tor summer rent: 2-3 bedrooms
(2 furnished). Near North Allen. $200
per month. Call 489-0282.
Subletters wanted for 2 bedroom
apt. On busline. Furnished. Price
Stopl 3-bdrm., sublet, June-Aug., on
busline, price negotiable, 434-4141,
ext. 1052, 340, 1072, after 11 p.m.
Wanted: One female to complete a
kfurnlshed 4-bdrm. apt. on busline,
• reasonable rent. Call Renee, 7-5147
| o r Judy, 7-5146.
Isubletter wanted: 1 person needed
. f o r June, July. Aug. Nice 2-bdrm.
l a p t . on Morris St. between Partridge
l a n d Ontario, $75/mo. Call Marc at
' Female subletter wanted, furnished
apt. on busline, washer/dryer, rejit $65/mo. Call 489-7809.
Wanted: graduate students to share
apt. In Boston University area. Call
Ron, 7-7924.
Sublettters needed for a 4-bdrm.
apt. on busline. Call Renee, 7-5147
or J u d y , ^ 1 4 6 ^
Summer subletter, 1 female wanted,
good location 2 short blocks Irom
busline, laundromat, very close to
supermarket, furnished. Call
Subletters wanted: large room In
4-bdrm. house. Ideal for couple. 10
N. Pine. Call 455-6952 or 455-6949
after 5.
Subletters, summer, 2-bdrm. apt.
corner of Central and King St., furnished, $65/mo., negotiable. Call
Frank, 7-5092 or Bob^T-SIja
S u b i e T t l n g " ^ Starting June 1.
Beautiful 3-bdrm. apt. at Oxford
Heights. Includes indoor-outdoor
pool, tennis courts, and many other
dishwasher, washer/dryer. Olf
Western Ave. not far from campus.
II interested call Lee, 482-0522 or
Joan, 434-0499J_
Needed: 1 — female to complete
beautiful 3-bdrm. apt. at Oxlord
H e i g h t s , off W e s t e r n . Great
washer/dryer, pool, tennis courts,
and more. Desirable to have car. II
Interested, call Lee, 482-0522.
QuFeTnon-smokTng female with cat
needs own room in apt. for year
beginning June '80. Call Kayla,
One upperclass person to complete
3-br. apt. on busline in Manning
area. $60/mo. & utilities. Occupancy: June 1. Tony, 489.4023,455-5839.
f w l l l sublefyou aptTfor summer by
myself. 462-6003.
1 or 2 subletters for beaulful
modern, furnished apt., residential
neighborhood p' SUNY busllno.
Call Nancy 463-i 36;
Two subletters w a n t e d for a
beautiful 2-br. apt. right on busline.
Price negotiable. Call Howie or
Pete, 7-4700.
Wanted: 1 non-smoking female to
sublet this summer, own room, 1
block from busline. Call Melody or
Jill. 489-2047.
Subletters wanted: Quail and State
Streets, $50/mo. lor summer,
Subliitler wanted lo share spacious
2-br. apt. for Juno, July, and Aug.
Rent negotiable, non-smoker preferred. Call Stove at 463-2992, evenings.
Two subletters neodod: Enjoy an executive atmosphere at a mere
$45/mo. Apt. Is located on Yates
within 51 foot oi Bogarts. Call Dave,
Malo roommale wanted lo complete
2-br. apt. Furnlshod, right on
busline. Call: Alan, 463-8503.
Subletters wanted: 5-br. apt. on N.
Allen, noar busline, stores, rent
negotiable 7-8975 0^7-8977^
Mature student wants sublet apt.
for s u m m e r , no r o o m m a t e s ,
Housing: Subletters needed. Fully
furnished apt. on busline, corner of
Quail and Washington, acklng $70
— everything included. Call Lou,
465-3298 or Dave, 7-8742.
Subletting summer apt. $45 morv
t h l y . Near b u s l i n e , 2 s i n g l e
bedrooms, 1 double bedroom, only
$80 monthly. Call 434-4735.
Subletters wanted for a 2-br. apt. on
S. Lake and Western. 7-5076.
Subletters wanted: 211 Quail Street^
on busline, fully furnished, 2 living
rooms, $55. Call Greg, 7-5082.
One female needed to complete a
4-bdrm. apt, on Kent St. Modern kitchen, large living room. $105/mo„
heat Included. Call Audrey,-7-1B61,
Michele, 7-5025, or Andrea, 7-5090.
Wanted: 1 male to complete 4-bdrm.
apt. on S. Allen. Very private, call
Paul, 7-1867.
2 subletters needed to complete a
4-bdrm. apt. on Kent St. Modern kitchen, large living room. Call Audrey,
7-1861, Michelle, 7-5025, or Andrea,
Two roommates wanted to fill
4 - b d r m . a p t . , $105 I n c l u d i n g
utilities. Call 511 Washington Ave.
(Quail). Call Mark, 7-8966.
Lost: A gold watch on Dutch. Please
call Nancy, 7-7929.
Lost: man's silver and blue Seiko
watch on Sunday In the vicinity or
the tennis courts by Dutch. Sentimental value, reward, contact
Diane, 7-7807.
Ride wanted for one person, no luggage, to Brooklyn or Manhattan.
Leaving May 21 or after. Will share
expenses. Please call llene at
Two riders needed — Chicago Des
Moines, Omaha area. Leave May l b
or 17. Share driving and expenses.
Call Lynn, 438-7512.
Personals \\
To the complete ASP circle — a
ol brains,
personality, and sincerity:
I want you all to know that It's been
nothing short of a pleasure working
with each and every one of you. Putting out two issues each week on
top of our full-time course loads Is
really something to be damn proud
of. Looking forward to aulumn (well,
perhaps not too forward) and getting back together with you. Peace,
love, and beautiful summers.
Love, Rich
P.S. Stop laughing, or I'll cut your
stipends. .
To the Gang,
I can't even begin to tell you what
this feels like. All I can say is thanks
for each affecting me In your own
special way. You know who you are
— no names are needed. I'll
remember you always and miss you
much...(but I'll be backl) I'll never
say good-bye — just until we meet
With much love and laughs, Cori
Dear Jim, Larry, and Glenn,
You guys have really been a major
part of my life this year. You certainly livened up the dorm! Thanks for
all the good times and I hope you
come to visit Lisa, Lisa and I next
year. Good luck in whatever you do.
Love always, Elyse
(Goober, maybe you'll invite us to
Thousand Islands?)
Let's not let a degree como between
us. I'll miss youl
Just what type of sheepskin did yoi
have In mind?
sTa.s, (accent of the wavelength)
when newly released from the tying
bonds, one must, as the lileblood
does, circulate, and i understand, to
be rolnvigorated, yet, when there is
no further course to flow...
To My Betty and Chatty—
Thanks for the greatest year, you
guysl Even though things didn't
work out as originally planned, I
love you two so much and things
are just too special to let anything
come between us. Betty - you re the
best. Chatty - you're alright (even
though you beat me!)
Love you both, Mary
I know we'll have lots more fights to
come. Have a great summer.
Al Yson,
Hope this all paid off. You're great
to work with. To me, you're always a
pot of gold. Thanks for everything I
love you.
Dear Barbara,
All of a sudden I'm at a loss for
words! (Can you believe It?) What I
Fisherman's Wharf, Golden Gate want to say Is this; you're a truly
Park, Seal Rocks, Cllffhouse, moun- special person, and a friend that's
tain climbing, BBQ, Yogurt Park, La been very Important to mel I'll
Fiesta, Indigestion, BART, MUNI, always remember the beautiful
cable cars, World Airways, 3000 times we've spent together. Here's
miles apart again, but our hearts to you, the Divine Miss M!
are together. I promise....
With everlasting love and eternal
Mlndy trlendship, Your Crazy F ken
Roommate, llene
Dearest Grandma Margie,
Here is a "personal" in the ASP to
show you how much we love you.
Love and a million XXXX's, Joy Here it is In writing — for all the
" E l l a " and Kenny mean things we've said or done to
you: We meant it. Happy birthday to
Dear Peg, Joanne, Linda, and Bar- the quietest and demurest Irish girl
we know.
Can't tell you how much it means to
Love, Mlkr. and Jim
have friends like you. We all share
so many memories. You'll be truly Caroi7(Ock, Jeanne, everything);
missed. I wish you all the best In Just a few words to let you know
your futures. Never lose touch. that this past semester with you
Graduation congratulations (also to has meant so much more than
you Bob).
these few words. Will think about
Love, Laura you always next fall — but first,
l e t ' s m a k e It a summer
To the two Hooch roommates on remember.
Can you believe I'm
the 4th floor,
wordless? You are loved.
We lust wanted to tell you that we
- Rich think this year has been super, and
full of fabulous memories for all of Leggs and Mc,
us. We still would like to know what
happened to the guest bed, why are What a year! Remember the
we still choking, and what does HC sunrises (and sunsets), Dunkln'
and NDTBF stand (or? To sum It all Donuts, popcorn, Rlunlte, Puerto
up, we love you and we'll miss you R i c o , c h e e s e and c r a c k e r s ,
Fongs...l'm so glad w e ' l l be
an awful lot.
From the two girls who made your together again next year. Joy and
senior year terrific Lalney, good luck.
J and J:
Though I sometimes felt like the
third muskateer, I honestly wouldn't
have had it any other way. You are
two very special friends. Thanks for
the fun — thanks for always being
there — and please answer my letters! (How else can I keep appraised?)
Love always, C
This is your personal dear. Happy?
Good. You are a really wonderful
person sometimes. But sometimes
you can be such an ... What am I going to do without you next year?
Whose shoulder am I going to cry
on? Who am I going to laugh at and
get all paranoid? And who am I not
going to get high with?! Oh well.
Love, Me
P.S. Your ass is definitely a 10.
P.P.S. Are you getting embarrased?
continued from page 14
Dear Robin, Jen, Randee, Carolyn,
Jackie, Lauren, Mlndy. Marcie, Donna Ellse, Jeff (Bro), Keith, Mike,
Mark (Blp), Patty, Donna, Liz (Muph),
The "Xerox Kids", Caryn (B • your
first personal), Julie, "The Doots",
Krup, and my love - (H);
I'll miss you all so much next year.
Take care and I'll visit from
Love, Frann
With Basil up on our wall; who
could go wrong?
Love yah, Lily
Despite our recent difficulties,try
lo remember all the good times
we've h a d , a n d
"Friendship Is Forever."
Love, Bell
• Well, that was a good one, cou-.in.
Now If you can only tal ' he L. Is
apart, Daddy will be mor
• hap
py to gel you to Long l_ ind, I t s
been really great, have a great summer. Oh, yeah, how could I lornet
(sob, sob) welcome to Dutch ne«,
year. Damn.
Hunk's Chick
P.S. Father and/or Brother of Hunk:
Welcome to Albany, glad you made
it. This should be fascinating.
We'ro counting the days till graduation and we'll be the happiest people we know. And we're not shitlln'
P.S. We love ya.
Signed, Sue In the bathroom
Dear Lisa V.,
Thank!-., Rich
Love, Sept. and Ellssa There are more good times ahead
and I can't wait! Dreams do come
true after all.
Love, Elyse
Princess •
Talk to mo next yoar, okay?
Chris B.,
To the cutest T.A. in Physics!
Love, Lay
We've had a great tlmo, but wait 'til
Mayfest. Hero's to noxt year and Lisa;
rock l o b s t e r s , n n a r f s , s c o r e , You have been a fantastic roomchance?, Monopoloy, graduation, mate — I think I'll keep you! Here's
boo...what about airplanes?, bring to Life on the 8th!
the boys back homo....what?
Love, Elyse
Dear Stacoy,
I'm " o u t a " here and you'll forge.
and go on! I'm gonna miss you
Love, Julie
May 9, 1980
Robin, (the girl In 106);
Witt) all the mouthwash, grapenuts,
and Coke on the floor, I still feel I've
had the greatest room. .Aside from.
Schmutz, I loved It because you
wore In it. I love you.
Love, the other girl In 106
Lifeguards needed at Adirondack
Ml. Camp weekends In May and
June. For Into, call 374-3345,
The Tappan Party was glorious. You
were magnificent. I will always
remember how much " F a i t h " you
gave me. Maybe we'll meet In a bar
some time and do it again.
Aloha, Tom
Laura, Have a "Planty" summer.
Come up and see Journey with me.
I'll miss yah.
continued on page 15
Thanks for all... Success always.
Love, Your "1/2 Brother"
To my fellow refrigerator partner,
We've come a long way since then,
and I |ust want to say that I'm so
happy I got to know you.
Love always, your roomie, Marlsa
Call me. Give it a chance.
Morris Hall,
ilt's been an unforgettable yearl
•Remember Rick getting hit In the
hr,ill with a beerball, Rob Sturberg
j|j(the drunk) having his pulse checkgjed by campus security, the door.
MKourey p a s s i n g out, Farreli
j l ' b a r f i n g " , Tim passing out on the
abldewalk at Sutter's,the Freshmens
:Mntercom, Ed and Larry (the men
Muho best exampllfied the partying
asplrit), and Vlrg (the greatest RA In
|the world). We shall wall again next
"The Real Hanson" Brothers
Happy birthday Nikl I
Love, Richie
IP.S. I'd really like to get to know you
•Thanks for making this year one
ithat will always stand out In my
• mind. I hope the years to come here
will be as great. It's been torrillc (or
me. I hope to see you all this summer.
Love forever, Rhonda
Box 30,
Thanks for being my best friend. I
love you!
;You're the best accounting partner
and buddy in the world. Here's to
lots of buzzln (before tax), BBQ's
(with pork chops and sausage),
good "talks," (privacy) and mostly
all the good times we had together.
See you In Miami (maybe).
Love alwa*'o, Schulman
Ruth, Carole, and F ,en,
Thanks tor maklr my birthday so
special. Just remerober • you get
better with age.
The Old Lady
,To say we've been through a lot
together wouldn't even begin to
describe the past three years.
Besides It would be trite, and you
should know by now that English
majors have to try to be more
creative. So thanks for always being
there to attempt to rationalize my irrationalities. And always remember
?,to keep chasing rainbows - or else
-you'll never find the pot of gold. I
guess I can't be too cad about losing a roommate, because I know
"I've gained a friend • or at least an
jex-buddy to call on If I ever need a
"This year was made complete
because o l you. It's no longer a far
3.walk for dinner.
Anita & Leslie,
.:jl couldn't have asked for two nicer
shousemates. You're the best and
'^snext year will be the greatest!
Love, Ronl
WWell, what are Irlends lor? You're
I t h e greatest! Mexico • yea! Have
iThanks for being there to keep me
Isane whenever I needed you — you
|made this year very special lor me.
| l II be expecting you down on L I .
•sometime this summer and freiquent visits next year.
Much love and thanks, Deb
|By-[To all my friends at SUNYA, thanks
Jfor making my year bearable.
jSeniors, In Ryckman and Ten Eyck
1204, people In South Pacific,
|thanks. To Nell, you're great. Tc a
jvery special girl, Laurie, you're
•taught me plenty (though you may
Inot know it) and wish that you were
•tnree years younger. I will miss you land, oh yes, Perry and Robin, the
p e s t of everything. To all olse, see
•you next year. Have a great sum
With £
, id
Page Fifteen
Albany Student Press
So you finally leave me. Though I
will be the poorer for It, al least the
world will be one chiropractor
richer. All my luck to you. You shall
be missed.
P.S. As this is your final personal, it
memory of these four years with me
you publicly:
Happy Early 21sll
It's been a hell of a year! To bilabial
fricatives, may they never be terminal (ULL!) Thanks roomie.
To Peter, Susan, Leslie, Ellen, Carol,
Robin, AvI, and to all my Irlends
who have shared some part of these
past lour year3 with me: Thank you
all for your friendship, understanding, support, and all the times
we've snared. I will carry the
memory of these foue years with me
always. I love you all.
Dak, Glgo, and Teddy,
Will CS-9 ever be the same again??
En|oy the summer.
P.S. Where are the t-shlrts?
Rosebud, Adele, Anal, Espo, Ferd,
and WalterThanks lor a great year and all your
Dear Kathy,You're the best. I'll miss
all the great times next year while
my butt Is Ireezlng o i l In Rochester.
You've put up with my shit lor one
whole year - you deserve a medal.
Love ya, Frann
I truly have realized "that the wind
can speak and that even oaks can
bond.' 7
To lasting friendships, Mike
I love you
Love, Frann
Ace, Wass, and Richie,
To next yoar and the best damn
apartment in Albany. Let's do It.
Davey on State:
Thanks for making this year a little
more s p e c i a l by being here
whenever I needed you — I m looking forward to another great summer like last year.
All my love, Deb on Dutch
I, Jesh, being of sound mind, hereby
bequeath and bequest the following things to my dearly beloved: To
Charlie and J.C., my right and left
hand men, I leave a lot of memories
and all the love three people can
share; To Trlna I leave J.C. (take
care of him) and a package ol
smiles lor when the shit hits the
fan; To Ann I leave a smokeless
ashtray; To Craig I leave a case ol
Tab and a barbell; To Thassl I leave
a six pack of beer and all the men
she can handle at one time; To
David, I leave the Colonial Peace
Prize for his efforts In trying to keep
this place sane. To Jeanne I leave
the world, go out and conquer It my
friend, get all you can, because you
deserve It; To Linda I leave the (ront
seat of my Horizon and J.C. (good
luck In Paine); last but not least I
gratefully leave Mark.
All my love, Gayle
Has It only been 2 years? Times
flies when you laugh together.
The Todd Hobin Band — May 15 al
J.B. Scott's
Mlchelln, Yabby, and Sue,
(802 Dutch • that's you guys!)
This year has been great and so
were you. Even though the year is
ending I hope our friendship Is not.
I'll miss you.
Love, Pookle
Thanks for a beautiful 8 months arid
a great school year. Without you, I'd
have been committed by now. Have
a beautiful time in June and keep
thinking about me • I'll be waiting
when you get back.
HB & KF, Deb
Happy birthday! This year would
never have been the same without
you! Watch out for a flying bag of
Mllano's. We love youl
Slay mellow, Cln and Deeb
To a great suite,
Remember...getting stuck In the
window, hangers and oranges, Heh
- ha ar youuu, peanut butter, Ironing
lessons, thigh, and we mustn't
forget "loveliness". Thanks for all
the good times.
Love ya, Edna
Dutch Quad hates spit wad! Tell
me to my lace.
You're a true sweetie and I'm glad
that you "had to g o " and meet me.
Let's continue to grow In our relationship.
Grovor's Dad
rsonal you wanted.
I don't know what to say except
thanks for being there. To say
you've been a great friend is an
understatement.! would never have
made It without you.
Congratulations and good luck! I
know you'll succeed in whatever
you do. I love ya and I'll miss ya.
P.S.Do you think Ihey have a Grlnch
in Colorado?
Without you, there'd be no me —
I love you, Rochelle
Dear Donna, Bo, McBo, and McDonna,
Good luck! I'll come visit like I said,
but It won't be the same without
you. Don't forget your 8-lrack Cuddles, bacon
McBurgers, Klngle Fllngles, burning
leaves or anything else. I'lll miss ya.
Love, Jell
Mark and Danny,
How are we ever going to (all asleep
next year without your bouncing
goll balls and classical serenades?
Did It ever occur to you thai other
people have feelings? And that they
nave problems that need listening
lo? Why don't you not think ol
yoursell lor once and learn to live
with other people In the World?
Dear Dre,
Thanks for: curing headaches, for
being in the fighting mood, for being In the loving mood, lor saying
puleeze, lor Tweetie Pie on Saturday mornings, for looking cute
when you sleep, and most o f a l l , for
the best 8 months and three days ot
my llle.
Love always, Andy
P.S. Gene dies today.
Comment va votre mere? Nous
aurions un bon weekend, pas comme le premier temps. Pas d'lced
the! Veux-to laire la connalssance
de tous nos lous amis? Sols
tes premier et deuxleme soeur
Milch baby,
Here's your first personal. Now you
owe us a bowling date in Staten
Love, Melissa and Mlndy
Can't we please lix this mess up all
the way? Can't we do It soon? I really do need you for my friend.
Love, Hug-able
To all of my friends,
Thanks for making this year one of
my best! You're some o l the
greatest people I've ever known.
You're special and I love all ol you.
Love always, Robin W.
Since our personal didn't make it in
last year's ASP, let's try again...It's
the Girls! Though we've sort ol
spread out this year; we've still kept
It pretty together. Okay...It's the
girls again...presenting Lingy,
Heidoo, Celli, Kay-T (welcoming
McGhea, Gina-doo, Ka, Hudy, BaBa,
Lynn (Apple Pie), MT-doo(and Patty
too)! What did we do this year girls?
Watch out for next year!!
Just a good-bye and thanks to some
Mike, thanks for the friendship and
here's to next year. Charlie, thanks
for everything! I'm glad this year
worked out so well. Thanks to John,
Rose, Pat L, Jlmbo, Steve, Paul,
Julie, Laura, Carolyn, Michelle, Mlndy, Mala, Janet, Gayle and Stacey
lor giving me some great times and
Gerl, Janis, Linda, Laura, and
Cheryl —
This past year was a great experience. We are all lucky to have
had such a great suite our first year.
I'm glad we ve become close and I
hope we can continue to be friends
— throughout our remaining years
here and beyond I Thanki' tor a
great year.
Love, Robin
Dear Mart,
I hope you have a really happy birthday, and don't make anyone do
anything they don't want to do.
Have a good day I
IHFY, Doug
Education Is so painful. But,
perhaps, this Is the beauty of it all.
Perhaps not.
Love and kisses, No. 085-34-3600
Dear Terry,
How will I over study for a
psychology test next year? I'm gonna miss you so much.
Love, Julie
Dear Jodi,
Just want to say "thanks". I think
that says it all. Wishing you all the
success and happiness in the
tuture. Congrats on your graduation.
Love always, (your brother) Milch
Dear Ex-Derelict,
Such a special live months. Such a
special person. I'm going, to miss
you more than you'll ever realize. I
To my future roommate with whom I
have had many great times and
serious conversations over the
"bottle." Have a happy 18th • now
you can use your own proof. I've loved these days.
Friends forever, Bean
To the lowest paid secretary In
Albany State,
Thanks for the never-ending
telephone answering service, I appreciate It a lot. Phone In my room
next year?
Love, Annie
We might not agree on everything
but as long as your eyes are green
and my tall is wagging, things can't
be all bad! Here's to good times
now and then some...
Yours (on the edge), Mr. Perky
Friends are Interesting creatures.
From them, you learn a lot about
others, through them you learn an
awlul lot about yoursell.
To suites 902, 902, 803, Cynde, Bonnie, Fill (an R.A. alter all), Frank,
Bob, Ed, Stephanie, Maureen,
Denise • the list goes on and ex. tends lo everyone! left out.
Thanx, Pam
P.S. Good luck next year seniors!
My dear, dear roommate, Lisa:
I'm not going to list all my Irlends'
names because they're a pain In the
ass to type and It saves me from
leaving anyone out • heaven lorbld.
And I m not going to put a P.S. In
because they're also a pain In the
ass. I mean that's lour extra buttons I have to push lust because
people aren't organized enough to
collect their thouqhtr, and put them
all together. And since this.is my
last issue that I'm typing these
that all say the exact same thing, I
thought Id throw one into you
(seeing as how you're also wonderlully interesting!.
Yes, I'm drunk
again (as all alcoholics usually are!
and I'm going to get high again (as
usual) right alter work. And I'm not
going to write down all those
that we did
together over the past
that "I'll never forget" because you
were there and I'm sure you'll never
lorget them either. And it you do
lorget, it will be no great loss
because I'm sure you'll do them
again. I just want to thank you lot
being a slob and going lo bed early
when I want to use the room and
getting up early and deciding to
clean the room alter I get home at
10 In the morning Irom combat and I
want to sleep. Yes, I guess it's true we never got along so why kid
ourselves? Lis - thanks, you're swell
in a world ot Losers. Maybe I'll see
you next year but I don 7 plan on going out oi my way. I mean I'm an important person and an
person has many things to do. Are
you kidding? An important
without important
things to do?
What time does T.V. go oil? Take it
easy (tor a change) and have a great
summer. Don't let Bruce go out the
window • I don't think he can fly.
And watch out lor the ants. I think
this is long enough lo catch your
eye so bye bye. I hate you and I love
Yorkers. Oh, and DICK says we're
crazy and BORN TO BE WILD.
Later Loser — Sarcastic September
Peison without a nickname,
You're not a brute • except when
you crinkle your nose. I'll miss you
very much this summer. We'll fust
have to pick up where we left off.
Love, Rlcki
Dear Debbie, Pat & Lynn,
It's so rare to lind someone with
love, understanding, compassion
and all the other ingredients that go
Into a friendship. But I found all
those qualities in the three of you. I
will never be able to thank you all
enough for everything you've done
for me — especially my birthdayl I
love you all so much! If you ever
need me, I'll always be there.
Love and friendship always, Elise
Dear Suite 307,
This year has been wonderful.
Thanks for being you!
Much happiness and love, Nancy
I can't believe how fast this year
went. It's been terrific. I love you
and I'm still looking out for the two
of us. Even though we've had our
tills, and tiffs, and tiffs — you're
still one of the greatest people I
know. Can you say people? Sure. I
knew you could.
Love, Ellssa
Dear Stella, Ramona, Shirley, and
Thank you all for making this year
the best. Hope next year will be Just
as good.
Love, Adrian
Dear Mlndy, Karen,and Mlndy,
Congratulations on graduation.
Hope all your future wishes and
plans come true.
Love, Andrea
One year and 4 days proves that age
doesn't matter. It'a what'o Inside
thai countf Happy 18lh to my No 1
To Hamilton Hall
Thanks lor the great year and all the
good times. I have some great
memories and I'll miss you all. Have
a great summer and good luck next
Love, Rich
To everyone who helped celebrate
my 20th birthday,
Thanks for proving that growing
older means sharing more lun times
with such good friends as you.
Thanks lor everything.
Love, Myra
Thanks (or sharing some of vour life
with me. What we had will always
be special. I just want to say sorry
about the way things turned out. I
wish it was different but...Just
remember some of the good times
Love always, Rich
Get on your bike. Ride to the
boulder. Call the police. Tell them a
middle-aged man Is being harassed.
See ya later, byel
Every time we come close to parting, I realize what you really mean
to me. I think we can have a perfect
relationship If we can just let each
other grow. I love you more than
ever and believe we have a beautiful
future together. One day all our
dreams wiil come true. You're my
Love always, Nell
Well, this semester is Just about
done and I know that next yearlust
won't be the same without yul Congratulations on your graduation
and I know that Med School Is just
around the corner.
Love you, Robin
To my friends is Van Corlandt,
You've all made this year a time to
remember. Thanks lor all those fun
times. Lot's do some hardy partying
to finish those last lew weeks off
with a bang I Good luck.
Love, Myr.a.
You heard hoi guys!
To all ol Candyland,
This isn't Chutes and Ladders
either, but we love you all.
(Gingerbread Women)
You've made my lirst year here terrific. Thanks -1 hope it has been the
same for you. No matter what happens next year, the memories of
this year will always be with me
We've been through so many good
times, bad times, and first times
(which were great) and pulled
through them all. Thanks lor
I love you, Kid
Lorri, Teri, Donna, Lyn, and Amy,
I lust wanted to let you know that
You guys are five of the most terrific
girls in the world and I've loved
every minute we've spent in 2102.
Here's lo a great summer and a
friendship that I hope will last a
lifetime. I love youl
P.S. Same table next year.
Me divertl en las clases de espanol
contigo. Echare de menos a tl
muchlslmo el semestre proximo.
Tu amiga, Andrea
To the best roommate ever! I don't
know what I'd do without you to
brighten my day. I'll miss you this
Love, Teri
Dear Carole,
Happy birthdayl I hope you have a
terrific day!
Love, Jill
P.S. Been smelling any closets latel y ? Lorri,
I hope your birthday Is (was) as happy as you've helped to make all of
ours. Love you lots.
Rena, Teri, Donna, Lyn, Amy
Thanks for making this year the
best thus far. I hope to spend the
rest of my llle making you as happy
as you have made me. You're the
best there Is. Happy anniversary,
darling, I love you.
Remember how we started out?
Looks like we made Itl
Love, Steve
School won't be the same noxt year
without you. Hope you have a great
time In Buffalo. Don't forget you
always have a home in Albany.
Dear Schtlckdope,
I guess time does fly when you're
having fun.-1 Just want to wish you
the best of luck and all the success
- whatever you do. You know I'll
always be there when you need a
friend. "Miss You."
Love forever, "Little One"
Good luck as an RA. You'll need n
with a co as sick as yours
continutHi on pf
Page Sixteen
continued from page 15
Gotbottor and Twiggy,
I'll miss you lotsll Good luck and
keep In touch.
Love ya, Katie
Albany State Varsity Men's Teams:
We'll miss your cute little asses,
your strong muscular arms and
legs, those broad shoulders and
those tight uniforms. Keep scoring
no matter what game you're play. Ing...and we appreciate good form.
You Athletic Supporters
Lis, Sheri, and Deb,
We may not be living together next
year but we'll be friends forever. We
love you and we'll miss you.
Deb and Mar
I believe you said the magic words.
You're so very special. I hope I can
always make you happy.
Love Always, Tom
To my Hamilton Friends,
I love youl Expect a visit or two from
me n e x t y e a r . T h a n k s
Love, Andrea
The best roommate???? You better
believe It. I love you and will miss
P.S. I won't get scabies so that we
can get together this summer.
Thank heaven for the single room
and the Halloween Party. I ve had a
fantastic year and will be waiting to
begin where we left off.
I love you, Baby
Morris Hall will wall again in the fall
• Beware.
I'm so happy that you'll be my CoRA next year. I couldn't have asked
tor anyone more special.
Love, Tom
Ever since our first Sunday here,
when we went to church together,
we've been best friends. We've giggled together, cried together, and
roomed together. Here are a few
memories to take with you through
the years: many cups of tea after
dinner; No. 51,15,23, 21,34,15; "the
woof;" "the bitch;" Springfield; being
"Petie-wetle;" DIDuros; Mayfest;
haircuts and perms, etc. Thanks for
sharing your house with me, for my
first two trips to the city, but mostly, t h a n k s for being
R e m e m b e r . . . " g o o d f r i e n d s are
Love, "Sissy"
If I had a million years I could never
tell you what you mean to me.
Welcome home!
Love, Kathi
Thru all the shit, we made it! Good
luck next year and always. Make
sure you visit often! You will be
missed, honest. Don't worry, and
don't work too hard.
Be good;T
Dear Sherl,
I Just want to tell you how much I
enjoyed the past two years. Living
with you has been great. I really
cherish all the memories we've
shared. Next week should be fantastic and next year will be even
I love you, Robin
We've gone through a lot this year
and I couldn't have made it without
you. You've been the greatest roommate.
I love you, Chris
Laurie, Fiona, Randl, Nicole,
The greatest bunch of girls anyone
could ever have as sultemates. I
love you all!
Love always, Sue
Suddenly, there sure are a lot of
greatest and best people out there,
aren't there?
Linda GreenB,
Can't wait till next year • hope
they're ready for us up on the 12th
floor. The two of us together - how
can we go wrong?
Love ya klddo, Judy GreenB
It hasn't been an easy year but we
survlvedl We had some great times
and lots of laughs as usual. Can't
wait until next year.
Love, Koalas
One nice unjappy guy looking for
nice girl. Please (I am sensuous)
send picture (If possible) and
c r e d e n t i a l s t o : Box 244, 295
Western Ave., Albany, NY 12203.
This la on Alumni: on-campus mall.
To a great year! Much success in all
you do. " J i m , you shot It In my
s h o e ! " Good luck.
Love, Mike
Sue and Karen,
Take good care of Carole next year
... We II be checking up on you.
Guess Who?
May 9, 1980
Albany Student Press —
SA weasels, crooks, and other
When will you ever learn?
All I want to say Is that your friend- I would go on and on — but
ship means a hell of a lot to me and September would kill me. I love vou.
your love means even more. I'll Your new Aldenlte, Mllllgan (I don't
have a first name)
treasure the two years together for
a long time and hope the miles Birthright, Inc., 350 Central Ave.,
don't separate us.
Albany: Free pregnancy tests;
Love, Frann counseling service for anyone facDear Clara Mae (cora, clara, klara) ed with a problem pregnancy.
Polls (Po, ling, Sher) Katrlna 24-hour hotline; office hours 10 a.m.
- 1 p.m. Monday through Friday.
(chicken shit, cat, katlny):
I love the three of you. Thanx for a Tuesday evening by appointment.
great year.
Love, Frann Vote for more than lust good
P.S. Elsie, you tool
minute. Vote for Ideas and enthusiasm. Julie Peloso for State
Dear Marian,
Congratulations on becoming frat Quad Board Secretary.
sister. Have a really great summer. ASPIBS
Love, Debbie I love you all (even Ron). Thanks for
Friday, May 9 Is Fox night at the everything. (News Rules).
Love, Sue M.
Rat. Be there...
I think Classifieds took the cake
this Issue.
Thanks for coming home with me
today, and thanks for loving me Crazy,
every day.
Someday you'll learn to drink like
Glenn's Chick the Class of '82. Until then, keep trying. Seniors suckl "Do I pay the
box?" Fool!
^ _
There always the summer and next
year. Next time you need a truck Tina,
driver, call me.
I'm so glad that after 3 years you
Love, Marie finally made It. I'm sure the
weekend will be worth your while. I
love you.
How does It feel to be a 19 year old
Jap from Rlverdale? Keep on drinking warm, flat Tab, and stay away Jeff,
from fattening foods! Happy birth- I don't know what to say, so I'm not
going to say anything.
Your Adoring Sultemates, Claire,
Faith, Mary Ellen, Noreen, and Sue Linda's Section, Alden 3rd: Helen,
Frank, Cathleen, "Mary" Ellen, ColToCTT,
We'll both be around next year so leen, Sharon, Gerch, Jean, Val,
Mary, Llnday —
watch out!
It's been great knowing you a l l ! !
Hello BoobTcT
A Secret Admirer In 319
Just one last personal to say "I love
All my love, Boobs I don't have enough money to write
everything. I want to say. I love you
Pull - oops • Mike,
will have to suffice.
You mean more to mean than you
Love, Sue
know, and It's not your car. Whose
postcard Is on the wall anyway?
Love, Marie Here's your !-• personal. Now leave
me alone. (But not completely - Italy
wouldn't be the same without you.)
Randl, Andrea, Sheryl, and Stacey,
Con amore, Sue
Just wanted to say thanks lor a
beautiful year. I love you all very Jon,
much and I know next year will be Here's your third personal. If you
even more special!
ever decided to throw a drink on me
Love ya, Shari again, it will be your last personal.
Dear Car, Murph, Debs, Patty, Barb, But I know you don't care, It's only
Just to let you know how much I the ASP. Stay as mean as always.
Love, Marie
really love you guys. Thanx...
Love, Shar K. M c ,
To all my friends who have helped
me survive another year at SUNYA: laughter, and smiles. They made
Ski, no girl could ask for a belter
Love, Sue
dance partner; Eric, you have the
most adorable pair dimples; Bruce, Crazy, Jim, M i k e a charming dinner date; Matty, you Thanks! I could never have made it
have the best hair; Dave, I love your without you. I love you all and will
beard; 92 Central, It's been a miss you terribly.
pleasure...Ed, Mertz, here's to years
Love always, Vlrg
of fun and frolicking; Mr. Lucky, a
year of unsurpassed love and P.S. Fools!
friendship; Marle(s), wild times in Mike,
Daytona; Rachel, I don't know what
I'm gonna miss you! You are the
I would have done without you; and greatest friend ever. I love you kldeverybody else who has made this do! Don't forget me!!
year so terrilic. I'll always treasure
The D.B.
the memories. Thanks. I love you
Second semester was the best. My
Love ya, Crazy Sue, the only sane vocab still need help dweeb, so
one on Dutch stick around. Thanks lor your bike,
the advice, the clothes, the boring
Sundays spent playing backgamThings didn't change this year, not
even me waiting until the last issue mon, the endless cups of coffee,
the apples, and for being you.
lo tell you so.
(A Loser) Love, Marie
Love, Trooper
"Xerox k i d s " one great year. You
too boss ladyl
Love, the crazy Xerox Kid
Here's your birthday personal • Happy 19th! Don't worry, you're not over
the hill • you can always be a little
girl if you want to. Remember I love
you, and always friends!
Love, Mary Ellen
Through all the casual times, the
sometimes, and now the great
times, my feelings lor you have only
grown stronger. Since this is
truthful, I should tell you - you're a
great person and I love you.
Upon unanimous decision, Morris
Hall has proudly named Kathy
"Asseng-A-Song" of State Quad the
most wasted honorary Morris Hall
member of the year. Last party
tonight at 10. Asseng, be there!
Dear Sue,
Have a very happy birthday!
Love, Your Future Sultees, Laurlnsk
and Binsk
P.S. Morris 201, Here we come!
deLancey Hall,
Thanks lor making this year my
most eventful so far! Lets of luck on
Even though this Is a week early, we
still want to wish you the happiest
19th birthday overf
Love ya always, Lamb and Belty
Just wanted to pat you on the back,
tell you how much I care, and say
thanks for everything. You're okay.
Dear Jill,
Happy 19th birthday. It's been an
amazing year in more ways than
one. Our friendship Is very special
to me. Thanks for always being
there to talk to when 1 was (ailing
apart. I can't wait until we're
Love, Su
I can see saying goodbye will be
harder than anticipated. I hope next
year brings reality to our dreams of
"friendship." No matter how lar,
you'll still be on my mind. You're my
main eventl
Love, E
Thanks for keeping my sanity. You
can give It back now. Next year will
be so much better.
Dear Oreo,
Here Is the persona! you have been
looking for.
Love, T a l k - T a l k , S n a p s , a n d
Blueberry Jam
Sleazy Bitch,
One down and three to go • next
semester will be the best. (Ya right)
vocabularlzed (whatever), happy,
and cheerful — I couldn't handle a
boring roommate — take care kid
and remember, keep The Rose In
your heart and a smile on your lace
(I know I stole thatl) And keep those
Gloria Vanderblll's off your ass
(now that's orlglnall)
Love, " K "
P.S. Remember the average Is 18.7,
so you've go till November.
., ,
This year was made bearable by
your constant help and humor.
Thanks Isn't enough. Congrats and
good luck next year!
Love, Ellen
To the Fools (loofs) of Morris:
Waltll There will be no pity taken
when the seniors return as Alumni
next year for surprise visits. Let's
hope you all learn how to drink by
RA and SA
I couldn't ask for a better friend. I l l
never forget our famous dinners,
weekend guests, counts (1-10),
drunkeness and big plans (that
sometimes get off the ground. Good
remember...be wild!
Love, "tangue"
Dear Kosher Bitch and Brltto,
This has been a great year in our
gorgeous, luxurious, well-decorated
apartment. We can't forget all that
tuna, chicken, cookies, and freezing
all winter. Hope you have had as
much fun living together as I have.
Love, The Other Bitch
Dear Maureen,
You've been a great addition to
Suite 1901.1 hope we'll always keep
in touch.
Love, Julie
Pam (Pamelot), Linda (L2), Donna
(DK), Cindy (Dlllybean), Judith
(Telephone), and everyone else who
has made SUNYA the best four
years of my life (especially Perry);
Bye Bye Miss American Pie • I love
you all!
Robin (Lazerbeam)
Dear Larry,
Hooollly Shit! You f - made It
through SUNYA! What will I do
without you next year? I guess I
could visit Oneonta for excitement.
But then again Oneonta sucks!
P.S. Long Island Whalls.
Footwork Performers,
If you danced on Friday and Saturday and were suffering APB's (After
Performance Blues), Sunday evening In the Rat, meet me at my
"office". The Rat this Sunday at 6
so I can make sur»,you're still smiling — or call "Doctor" Dunn at
489-1681 and I'll make you smile.
Terry, Terrlanne, J i m , Jumper,
JaBon, T o m , Becky, Sharon(s),
Janlce(s), Mark, Bruce, Gall, Dean,
and the rest of you leftist Commies,
Thanks for a great year — progress
Is alow but steady.
Peace, Sue Mill
Dear Mabes,
Hope your birthday was filled with
as much sunshine and love as you
have given to us. Sorry It's a little
late, but then again, so was your
cake! Stay Sweetl
Love, Judy and Joan
Well Cohan, four years are coming
to an end. As roomies I think we've
been Just great. How about some
pass the vodka, nonverbals, and
fm's for the road? You're a very
special person and I love you for being there to share the good and bad
times w i t h me. Here s to Senior
Week, graduation, and all the good
times ahead.
Love, Karen
P.S. Not that I'd ever. Happy birthday.
Thanks for all the rides home and
the long informative talks. And for
your own personal Information, I
really can drive a boat I
Love, Marie
Ann, Leslie, Lisa, Betsy, and Shari:
I put you through a lot (Ann • sorry
about my "sleeping habits") but
you all put up with ft. Thanks for a
great semester. Ann and Betsy • I'll
miss you lots. Lisa, Leslie, Snarl •
party down next fall.
Love, Suite Sue
Dear Carol,
I'll never be able to find a better
roommate. I'll miss you muchly.
Love, Julie
Stolls and Frelrs,
1 hope you see this ad. I've wasted a
lot of time trying to srlto something
witty yet sensitive and sweel, but I
couldn't come up with anything and
now I'm late for class. I'm sure
you've heard this before, but so
what? I really am going to miss the
both of you. (The Hippo too.)
P.S. Did you see the other one?
Dear Jozanne,
I still keep thinking that you will be
going to Maryland next year. I don't
know what I will do without you.
Love, Julie
It's Impossible to recount and men- P.S. I can't wait to get my first
tion all the good times we've had,
but I'll try. From sitting In trees, to To a Terrific Roommate,
rainy midnight bike rides, near Thanks for putting up with my
leath, loud music, not studying, g u l l i b i l i t y ,
hanging out, Mr. Martin, the combat moodiness. We shared so much
zonu, fun times at dinner, and large that I hope your moving off won'l
take away from the friendship we
Take it easy loser, Marie built this year.
Love, Abby
Hey klddo • looking forward to To my good friend and sweethearT,
another year of salads, midnight Ed,
talks, and friendship. Thanks f o r ' You have made Albany a great
your friendship. Keep smiling this place to be these past 3 years. I will
summer or else!!
miss you.
Love, Your Future Roomie
Love and kisses, Denlse
So when are we going to New York? We know that you'll never have it as
All those people who think you are a good as the past 2 years - but wo
talented singer/musician are wrong hope your next 2 take a close se-you're also a terrilic friend. Thanks cond. Don't forget about that tear in
for being there. Say hi and "peace" your eye. There will be a few in ours
t o P e t e r , (and s o r r y a b o u t too.
L and R
Love, Sue Melinda •'
To Bitch No. T,
Happy 19th. Now that Arnold is oul
So you're going to Bucknell? Leav- of the hospital, I'm sure that he'll
ing us already? Maybe I'll join you In show you a good time.
a year. I'm serious. I'm really golrfgr
Love, Bitch No. 2
to miss you - thanks so much for the
P.S. Smile
talks and advice. I don't know what
I want to say thanks to a few people
I'd do without you. To all the great
best: to
times and a beautiful friendship.
Mark and Jeff: I owe you more than
Much love, Lis
P.S. Did his hair grow back yet? Ha
greatest! Always remember the parHa
ty, deep convo's, and "184 goes
shopping"...sometimes! To Kathy:
Dear Stephanie,
my love forever — that says It all. To
Thank you for your s u p p o r t
201 Ontario: thanks (or the love and
throughout the year. You made my
friendship these past two year • I
first year a great one.
love you (Lois too!) Ca and Ing • Vive
Love always, Andrea
Europe. To Band L: my respect and
friendship always • Hamptons, be
It's been almost 8 months now. there, alohal To Eric: more parties
They've been the happiest ones of
like the last one - maybe this time
my life. You've been there whenever
I'll rememberl To Louise: Paris,
I've needed you. You've been my
Strasbourg, LeMonde! Soit La! To
source ol strenght through my Jim: II n'ya que trols heures entre
troubled times. This past year
tours et Paris. To "You're So
would have been empty without
Vain":Peut-etra, mals "You've got
you. Thank you for all that you've what it takes!" Vive Printemps! To
done for me. You are my sunrise. I S h a r o n , J o n , J o h a n n e s , and
love you.
everyong I couldn't mention here ^__
thanks for making life here worth it.
I'll miss youall.
Wanted: 1, 2, or 3 tickets for Lake
George Boat ride on Friday of
Always, Mark
Senior Week. Call 489-1973.
To our super suitees:
We've come a long way In 2 years. Laurie • much success and hapFor two girls that needed Koo-Ald at piness in whatever you do.
the beginning, we didn't do so bad Trlcla • good luck at Cornell. Don't
forget to have fun and call us whon
after all.
Your Roomie you get married.
W e ' l f m l s s you bothl
1 Kent Street (next year),
Love, Debbie and Elyse
Looking forward to a great senior
year full of life, love, and laughterl
Love, Barb Senior week tickets for the Lake
George boatride. Call Dave at
Goobers, Larry, and Glenn.
Just want to say thanks tor being
you and for being my friends. I'm
really gonna miss you guys. Con- Why sit in lifter at Mayfest? Please
grats on graduation and my best help clean up!
wishes forever I
Love always, Barb
continued on page 17
May 9, 1980
continued from page 16
Not a great season but what a great
bunch of friends. Thanx guys.
I love ya, Jane No. 14 a.k.a. "But"
To everyone who helped make my
return so wonderful...you make it all
worthwhile. Thanx so much for all
your support.
Love always, Randy
P.S. I really was surprised!
Kathi, Arlene, Barbara Sue, and
What can I say. Anything would be
an understatement for the love I
have lor you guys. You have been
unreal. Thanx tor all your love, support and the 11:30 phone calls.
I love you Ranz
Dear B.B.B.,
I love you so very much I want to
lick you all over. Thanks for making
me shine.
Love always, Snoop
Marie, Marisa, and Debbie;
Thanks for putting up with our
"habits" as you might say. Have
you recovered from the shock of
realizing how sultemates can really
be? Believe It or not, we love you all.
Let's do it up at Mayfest — merely a
Love, Lis and Sept.
Happy' birthday sweetie. Sorry
about the quilt. You're the bestest
ever. Have a great day.
Melvln Dee here at the poolslde.
Thanks for being the greatest roommate!
Love you cona, Melvln dydx
Dear Markalus,
You're the greatest...Oops! Went to
the Bahamas for Just a second
there....We love you a lot.
Love, Alus and Alus
To the guys on 5,
You've got what it takesl We don't
like no mellow whitl
Love, The " b a d " girls
Thanks to Alden Third Floor, Potter
Club, Al Frlsbee, Steve, Rick, Enos,
Ceasar, Steven and all the other
people who put up with me and
made It a good year to live
Formal Apology
Ellen, I hereby formally apologize
for saying unkind things about or to
you in the hall while In the presence
of Steve N a g l e . I ask your
Thank you, my friends, for making
the dinner last weekend a success;
with special thanks to those who
brought food.
My college buds:
The art major leaves with promises
to visit, teary good byes, a hearty "I
love y o u . " Loesh • anything I say Is
repltlclous; from a cute kid you've
arown to a beautiful adult. Geri - my
friendship's yours foreveripius my
closet)! Merle - keep smiling (even In
the lace of Picasso). Ilyse - you're
not fat, you'll get to Israel, and
you'll bet your 4.0, I promise! Nurnce, Merg, Gloria, Yanet, Babs - nicer
neighbors a person couldn't ask
fori And I've yet to meet a more unique bunch of Individuals from down
the hall. I'll miss ya tootsi.
Best of luck guys, The resident art
Here's to your big 19th and the
Grateful Dead. Happy day, babe!
Love, Andrea
McGhea, Blnga's Flngas, whatever
we've called you — what can we
say after these past two years
together. Congratulations and best
ol luck. Chicago here we come!
Lots of love, G, K, H, B
The 4-H Club happily extends its
warmest graduation wishes to Monsieur A. Best of luck and 1 Kent
Street will never be the samel
Composer's Concert
This Sunday, 3 p.m., PAC Recital
Hall, reception following, (reel! Experience new music of quality.
We did s t l
fcTlhe best-est friend anyone could
ever ask lor. I love you lots Call
Paulo and Mary,
Thanks lor the best year. I couldn'l
have made it through without you
guys. I'll miss living with you both
very much nexl year. You're both
the greatest.
Hunk's Chick
Here's tl".' personal youve been
waiting lor all year long. You lit up
my life, you wonderful ohlcl an I
Mayfest will bo worth the wail, I
OV0 you.
Jimmy, .iniic, and Todd
Happy Mayfest! We have to really
do ii up ., loi <jiii time's Bake!
Page Seventeen
_ Albany Student Press
Melville 304,
Thanks for making this semester a
little more h u m o r o u s .
Love, Steve
Let's get It together.
Jill and A,
Looks like we made It through one
fairly hectic year here and our
friendships are as strong as ever. (I
guess that contracts workl) Thanks
tor a l l t h e g r e a t and most
memorable times.
Love always, Rhonda
Dear Stud,
Even though we haven't had much
time I'm glad we've been able to
spend the past few weeks together.
I'll always remember you and the
fun times we've shared. See you at
Love, Toby
Barbara (Mohawk 702)1
Yes, y o u ! I sought ol wish this year
wasn't coming to an end right now.
I, the author, wish you the best.
Perhaps, next year...
P.S. Note the use of the apposillve.
Linda, what makes you think this Is
for youfl I'm so glad you're staying
next year, but now I'm thinking of
transferring to St. John's. As long
as you laugh hehously, force
prunes on Irregular friends and act
so damn bitchy, who will wan! to
room with you? You guessed it.
&l'm kidding, can you tell?)
Lauren, Linda, and Sheryl,
I hope that this year (minus 2
weeksj has been as great, funny, exciting, fattening, etc. for you as it
has for me. Don't ever forget nacho
cheese, Vienna fingers vs. oreos, zip
z, IS.S., S.L. and S.K.), Jogging??
and of course the executioners.
What a year!! I hope that these new
friendships will be everlasting ones.
Thanks for everything.
Love, Rhonda
N (Anus),
You think you're suave,
You think you're cool,
Just mellow out,
Cause you're nothing but a fool!!
Oh Peter,
How can you do this to me?
Dear Steve,
"In the end, the love you take is
equal to the love vou make." A
beautiful thought - Keep It with you
through the long summer.
All my love, Susan
Remember that night we went
downtown in the rain. You said I'd
never do anything with you again.
Well two years have passed by so
quickly. III always remember the
Rolling Stones, Rubber Soul,and
the best shoulder I ever had to cry
on. Freihoffers, Tab, the couch in
V.O., they always have great
memories. Good luck In the luture,
you deserve It klddo.
Love ya always, Michelle
Suite 207 Hamilton,
You guys are great — thanx lor all
the laughs and smiles! I'll miss living with you and I I I never forget
this year.
Love, the Zlggy, dirty gumball, and
devil dog lover
Carole, Ruth, Linda,
The past two years have been the
best. I'm gonna miss you like hell!
Love you always, Ellen
Thanks for all the love and good
times we've had In the years we've
been together. I hope the future brings you everything you are hoping
for. Rob, you will always be in my
Love, Janet
Dear Andrea,
I'm so glad we are able to go to
school together. We shared a Tot of
experience which I am grateful lor.
You're the best sister and friend
anyone can havel Happy 19th birthday.
Love, your "Big Sis", Stephanie
Dear 1404,
You absolutely made my year fantastic. You guys learned me well. "I
see who I could have lived with."
Love always, Mike
Dear Mabel, Jane, and Juan,
Just thought I'd tell you 16 is my
favorite number and you are my
(avorlte people. We have so much to
look forward to besides, of course,
our special friendships. Hero's to
next year!
Lovo, Judy
Congratulations Dunne,
Have lun with Ernestine next year.
Best ol luck always
Andrea and Deeb:
Happy 19th birthday! to tin best
roommate and the host sultemale:
but above all, to two beautllul
a greal birthday to you
Melville H a l l ,
rhanl i. i i everything
whale ol a time!
Dear Julio K.,
Just wanted i o let you know, I had a
great time Saturday night. Gosh,
can you dancel See you bv the fountains.
Love, Rich
Dear Karen, Mlndy, and Mlndy:
You girls have made this place very
special for me. I wish all of you luck,
health, and happiness always.
With much love and ol course my
friendship always, Sheryl
Herkimer Hall Residents'
Just a note to tell you how much
I've en|oyed this semester with you.
Thank you for making it so easy.
Take care and stay in touch.
Love, the RA
Hey, Suzy Starlet,
Welcome to Albany! This is going to
be one weekend you'll never forget.
Love, Andrea
Happy graduation. I wish you success, happiness, and love (mostly
love). Take care of yourself or else!
Love, LH
P.S. You haven't soen the last of
Unfortunately tor him.
Good luck In your off campus home
Materialistically, sarcastically, but
most of all sincerely, Steve
Donna and Janine,
Thanks (or all the food, a place to
leave my key and being good
Love, Mitch
To my BMF~;
A toast • to you, successful finals,
Russell Rd„ our anniversary, our
future, and more sidewalk cafes.
Love always, Your PSA
Oriental Luau, great adventures, the
beach, walks to the lake, Wok dinners, scary movies, yeah-boo and
so much more that we've shared in
3 years. Thanks for being a special
friend. I'll miss you.
Love always, Gerbll
Rob, Tim. J o h a iMark, f j l , ~~"
I couldn t have asked lor better
housemates. Next year Is going to
be great!
To alfthe Werewolves,
Thanks very much lor all the help
you gave this year at all the parties.
You can't Imagine how much we appreciate you guys.
Love, Annie and Missy
I know we've fought a lot this year
but I feel It's made us closer. I love
you very much and will miss you
next year. I wish you happiness and
success In whatever you do.
Remember I'll always be here for
Your Sister
I'm glad I gave you that name! Good
Dear Don,
Thanks a lot for real food agalnl
What Is this making us wash
dishes? Orion, where are you? To a
long lasting friendship between the
4 o f u s , Cheersl
Love, Colleen, Marisa, and Bob
To Suites 1902 Eastman and Paine
Thanks for putting up with me. Have
a great summer.
Love, Michelle
There we are walking hand In hand
somewhere on the sand at the end
of the land and the edge of the shining sea
and though we are as
nothing to the stars that shine
above. You are my universe. You are
my love.
Bets.'Cath, & Shar,
This'll be short and sweet cause I
can't possibly put down all the
great & crazy times we've had.
Thanks lor everything. I'll miss you
this summer.
Love, Dl
PJsTand - he7bitchy roommate,
Both of you are very special to me.
We've had a lot of good times, but
damn next year's going to be even
better. Be happy.
Thanks lor letting me live In your
suite Ihe past year. It's been terrific.
Your 7th sultemate
MYou've been a really good friend
and roommate lor the past 2 years. I
know you'll be a great RA. Enjoy
your single
To all those who worked In any way
to elect Mark Lofayetto SA Vic*
I would like to express mv love and
thanx. to all of you. You all took
abuse for a cause that will continue.
Love, Mark Lafayette
_, . ,
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday
and good luck on any future Connor'O crushes.
Much love, O Gonlne
I love you lotsly. Have the best birthday ever — Thans for being you!
Yo' bltchl It's been one crazy
semester and you've been an important part of It. You've been a friend
to each of ua In many ways. Our
friendship shall last as shall the
memorles...Frank's, Wolfle baby.
Edwardo, Jim Jaw, sex. queen of
the gypsies, disco Cindy and the
Assholettes, "fuel In my tanks,"
sex, hot tuna In the field, le silken
swirl..., sex, Friday night party and
getting lel-ed, bonjourro, "The Sensuous
laudrymat...There's much more that
could be said, but we know you'll
never forget. We'll miss you and
we'll always be " l o o k l n " for Cindy!
Good luck.
Love always, Krazy Kat, LH' Bitch,
Giggles la Fletch and the Rag
Haopy 19th (a little bit early) and to
the wild apartment life to come.
Lynne and Evelyn,
I just want to say that great times
He ahead and I'm really glad things
worked out. I'd say more but my
fingers are too tired and my eyes
are mesmorized. Here's to summer!
and all the rest ol that shit.
The Ninth
Everytlme we think of you we have
to laugh. It's great to know that
there's other crazy people out there
somewhere but do we have to get
stuck living with them. Who's going
to catch you when you tail in the
door the next time? And who's going to warn us of the next fire? I.
guess we've had our laughs (rolls) In
the cale - you know the place you go
to lale at nlghf to study for nothing.
And next time you stare u p a t the
tower in amazement (or were you
l o o k i n g for someone), try t o
remember the escapades in It. And
how could we forget when you went
bike riding In the rain to prove that
bike brakes do not work In the rain.
And then the bike rusted. And Pizza
Hut. And Perkins. And we're gonna
miss you. And don't forget the litter
bag In your car.
All our.love, ELC Pres. and Vice.
Thank you lor a great year ol (un
and Joy. I have learned a lot Irom
you and I know this Is only a beglnnIng.
Love, Rog
Deal Hal, Stufaco, and Miss
You've been great friends who I'll
never forflet. See you all In Europe.
Love, Carol
plahandlhis Is a box.
To all our Iriends:
You may be right.
To the Drug Cult,
We may be crazy.
How come we never had another But we |ust may be the lunatics the
slumber party? Was it because F.
world is looking lor.
Gil didn't know how to play going
Later, Marie and September
on a Picnic or because we couldn't
fit everyone with Ron's Bozo Mays,
To the cutest little freshman I know.
You'll never be alone like a dog
Love, Lammy, E. Beck Von Flamen, cause you're really not a dick. Keep
and Grub
In touch.
P.S. Tony Just met this girl?
To the "little one",
Good friends do come in small Dear Hags,
packages.Tnanks for being there My only regret alter going here lor
and alT the good times. Bood luck four years is that we can't speak to
with whatever you do next year and each other. I don't want to leave
here knowing that one of the best
remember AMAF.
Well I guess this personal Is a loi
Love, Myra friends I made is no longer my
friend. It would mean a lot to me i l , different than the one that apP.S. Be carelul ol those thing U we could settle our differences.
peared last year, but what can I
do vigorously.
say? A lot has happened but then
again a lot of time has passed. I
friendsI can't believe It's really over. Aren t
sometimes think thai everything is
you relieved) It's hard forme to put It's been a great year! Remember
coming along really well but then
all of my leelings on this piece ol
something comes up and I have to
paper. We've been through a hell ol Out of Here". The cast parties and think that we haven't come as far as
a lot over these past 3 years. I hope
I thought. I guess It really doesn't
you know how much you mean to crazy happenings In Suite 902, 9th pay to think nut then again neither
me. Knowing you has added floor parties, and "Bite My Hlney". does this Job. I hope this summer Is
something very special to my life. Thanks Beth lor making the end of
as good as I've prayed for it to be
something I'll cherish (orever. Con- the semester great. Remember
because I don't want to have to
gratulations on your graduation! I roller skating Rocky Horror. To my
grab onto what I can scramble for.
fellow teammates on the "Cygnets '
love you.
I've done enough scrambling. So
and all other; I'll be thinking about
starting over • I'm sorry. Can we go
you while I'm In Sweden this sum- on from here?
P.S. Here's to fiesta colors, peanut mer. Have a great summer and I'll
butter, and baby oil!
Love, Your Moneymatlc Card
see you next year In Ryckman 204.
Kevin, Lars, Sverge, and Capt. futtT
E. Beck,
It looks like we made it through this
What would I have done without
OH God I hate school year, but it
you? These past 3 years have been
was well worth It with you lor a Flash—Lelcht and Coach Boiler- great but It's only the beginning. I
roommate. Can't wait til next year
love you! Thanks for everything!
when we make our daring move to You two are definitely too much!
Love, Frultty
Thanks a lot lor one hell of an unthe second floor.
h a n k s for all the memories,
Love you, Robin forgettable night. Just remember to 803 - for all the laughs,
stop playing with the radio and have
Beth (1804) - all the highs,
the windows cleaned for next time.
802 • everything from A to Z,
Looks like another first, summers
Brian - your a winner either way.
approaching and we're still talking.
Love, Susan
It's about lime. You've made this B~Itch7 "
year so special, thanx for your
Happy 5 months. Thanks lor the Alden third — Herman — great
understanding and love. Hero's to a surprise, It was groat!
mags (Howard liked 'em); Rick
wild summer. Good luck in RIT.
The Bastard Chenenko and Steve Nagle — I'm
I love you, Howie Mark,
happy you can break your own
glasses now; Enos <— what can I
To pinches and bile forever
Joan say — the rap6 wore great; Dave,
Remember how we thought It would
P.S. Next time I'll win.
Ken, Marty, Jack, Steven, Sal, Lou,
be hard not living down the hall
Jerry, Tom. and Co. — It has been
from each other? Now you're gonna Dear Jolf,
(not bad!) To those
be living od-campus. Keep In touch From Don Ryan to Melville Hall;
and have me over once in a while. we've both corrio a long, long way. forgotten, ditto. Take care, and have
Love, Gorbil The time we've had together has
Steve In 319
Howie Dool, Jell, Hoiman, Dan, been groat. Yours Is a friendship I P.S Joe I. — please no peanuts.
never want to lost. Stay In touch.
Tony, Amy, and Krup;
Deareal Steven,
I didn't dick It, I'm really out ol hero.
You have made roy I if o so much
Thanx lor your help and Irlondshlps. D.C. Take care ol yoursoll always,
Your roomie, Bruce more moanlnglul. With you I am truGood luck nexl, I'll miss you all.
ly *3orn again. I love you.
i n my Duoiiy CB Roommate,
l o that (jril from Liberty who I lovo
M o m s Hall
Mike • thanks for Ihe wildest 1 1/2 very much, Ihanks for all the groat
years ami loi lakinfl my crap. Who tlmea We had Ihe8e pas! (our years. "I hanks loi a wailing year, I've loved
Will stop an ll
! Ini
Don't forget, Northeaster Is Just every rnlnutel I'll miss you a lot.
Lovo, Vlrg
Waiting lor you. Am) Long Island
P.S. Road trip — North Carolina
Isn'l so lai away.
continued on page 18
Love, Karon
__ Albany Student Press
Page Eighteen
continued from page 17
Since you had to wait 12 months for
this I'llmake it worth your while.
How about making this Mayfest as
good as the last with our usual
celebration to follow!
Love always, the guy with no
Penny and Ruth,
You don't know now much I'm going
to miss you both. The two of you
have made me so happy • I will
always remember this semester
with my cherished memories. You
both welcomed me to the apt. and
never once did I feel uncomfortable.
I grew to love you both In such a
short time. We've shared four months filled w i t h happiness (and
sometimes depression), but I've enjoyed every second (except for the
ants). I, have the fondest memories
of sharing: dropped toothbrushes,
Carvel and H.J s Ice cream, cleaning the apt., fruit salad, tennis,
turkey, complaining, many, many
meals, onion soup, s h o p p i n g ,
breakfast at the fountain with
bagels for dessert, the love boat,
salad, long talks until 2 a.m., thos
hysterical photography sessions,
and the time the bird made where
he shouldn't have. But most of all I
will never forget the love. Congratulations to you both and thanks
for being you.
Love, Donna
To everyone w h o remembers:
Haren, Nerds, Deubes, 901, spades,
student teachers, softball, Hemingway, Montroal, Boslon, Baldwin
women, "How the hell are you,"
Lambrusco, the Honies King Arthur,
peanutted Chinese food, Daryl Hall,
ilnetape, Theo (RIP) the trendsetter,
football players, strawberry, Martin
Mull, Grand Union, stoogles, Wile
Coyote, dash pepper and Ink blots,
Lump, the Rat and wind;
Thank you all for making and sharing my memories. It's been a great
four years and It's all because of
Love, Edith
And so we all must go on our different roads of life. You have given
me much and helped me through
those troubling times. Keep on
working and striving at your fine
standards. I can see the light
through the cracks in the wall.
George Washington
To my favorite "hick"
Just wanted to say I've enjoyed
ovary minute we've spent together
— thanx for the good times. I'm
really going to miss you!
Good luck in law school,
Lots of Love, M.
To all the guys Trom Cooper.
Rick, Vic, Scott, Scott, Artie, Winnie, Dave, Freody, Waz, Gary,
Buggy, Bog, Wayne, Neil, Bob,
Goosle, John, Mik» Mel, Greggy,
Eddie, Tom, Brucr, Dennis, Keith,
and our hero Marty-Mjn. We'd like
to thank you for being our buddies,
and protectors and also lor making
our freshman year a memorable
one. We'll never lorget those midmorning raids, wrecked lounges,
serenades from the shower, cooper
clan trips downtown, wrestling in
our lounge, Floyd, and of course
those wild and crazy Cooper parties. Much love always, the girls
from Cooper — Al, Boom-Boom,
Monkey, 'Me," and Wholesome,
(alias) Sandy, Tory, Paula, Lauren
and Rosle
Elball — Eight years have gone by
since we met (even If you don't
remember the first yearl) The past
lour have been fantastic. Thanks for
always being thore (letting me call
on "the bonds of friendship" at 4:30
a.m. I) and for being such a groat
Love always, Nancy
Dear M.T.
I'm sorry about the Gremlin's back
end, but so glad to have gotten to
know you better! You've brought
something very special Into my life.
I love you, Buster
To all my friends,
I just wanted to thank all of you for
making these last two years at
Albany the best years of my life.
You have all touched me In many
different ways and all of you are
special In your own way. Although
d i s t a n c e o l many miles w i l l
separate us you will always be on
my mind. The times we have spent
together has been unique. Please
don't forget me.
Lovo, Bruce
Yo"Little One.
Hey Band.
What a baaad year for space Invaders. Seems we're always standin' on the corner with suitcases In
our hands. And when we're going
down the road feeling Baaad, we
got them roadhouse blues to rev us
up again. I wonder If somewhoro the
•water really does taste like Johnny
or Black Velvet. But I guess, I just
don't know . . .
P.S.: Let'B try to find the place
where the peoplo like lo go down
To my Schatzle (all mine),
Thanks so much for your smile,
your warmth, your frlendshlp...y,our
With mucho love and kisses, your
"TBS" Fox (all yours!)
P.S. Gonna miss you next year
P.P.S. It's a long way to Syracuse
(sort of).
Thanks for five beautiful months
and all of the happy memories.
With all my love and kisses, "Your
Dear Momle:
Thanks for a great 2nd semester.
Sorry It took so long to ask you out.
I hope you come back next year
because I need someone to lake
care of me. If you don't I will understand.
Prlvldence, Atlanta, and Syracuse.
Take care, I'll miss you and always
love you.
Love, Your Little Baby
Dear Trudy,
You have made my years In Albany
worthwhile, and I am sure you will
make the rest of my life the same.
Congratulations on your graduation
next year will be tough, but I will
survive. I love you more than
Wit and Mag,
Thanks to you and everyone else
who supported us and helped us In
our almost successful season. We
couldn't have done it without you.
Much love, Yogi's Youngsters
Thank you so much for the past six
months plus. I'm going to miss you
so much. I love you.
Love, Dan
Dear Carole, Linda, and Ellen (one
more time),
Have a great time in your various
journeys this summer. Ellen • enjoy
Albany. Carole and Linda • have a
terrific time cross country. I hope
you meet in Yosemlte!
Love ya, Ruth, the mature one In the
Andy, Ed, Glen, and Seth:
Many thanks lor the 4 sweelest
guys I know for all of your help this
All my love, Cathy
DeaFcheryl and Les,
It's been really great living with you
guys. You mean a lot to us and we'll
really miss both of you. Remember •
you'll always be welcome at 156 If
you ever get the urge to be with
some old friends. Lots of luck In
NYU and Germany. It will never be
the same here without you.
Love a l w a y s , C a r o l ,
Sharon,and Enid
Fabio (whlmp),
Love those Illy white socks (lot's not
forgot the stripes). Happy birthday.
Congratulations on your forthcoming graduation. Knock 'em dead at
Cornell Law, Senator Bioner. Stay
as copasetlc as you are!
Love, Jo and Jules
In September I never knew any of
you were alive, now I can't imagine
not thinking of you every minulo of
the day.
Love, Claudia
Hopefully by now we'll have worked
things out: ICAAY MTICAA. You're
very important to me and so Is your
Love, D
Well, where do I begin!? I know
you've heard It before, but finally
It's the time to say it all. Klddo — It
won't be the same without you at
Dutch next year. That's for sure.
There Is so much to say, it's hard to
put It all downl Most of all I want to
thank you for so many of the best
times ol this year at Albany!
Whenever I needed a laugh or advice (alot), you were always therol it
seems there are so many things to
thank you for & I hope you realize
what they meant to mo! Keep smiling, you're a beautiful person & a
special friend — I'll never forget
gonna miss youl
Love, Lis
Rolibin and Mlchelo
Well, we made It and overall, things
went smoothly. We probably had
the only 4 person suite with 5 people!
I'm really looking forward to next
year. We II have a oreat time.
Love, Rand
P.S. You too, Ellen!
We survlvod the trials and tribulations ol Tappan Hall!t I don't know
how I could've done It without you.
You've been the bosl co-RA and a
very special friend,
Lovo, Anita
The TAPPAN PARTY was magnlflcontl You wero glorious! I'll never
forgot how much " F a i t h " you gave
ma. Maybe wo'll meet In a bar
sometlmo and do It again.
Aloha, Tom
Dear T
Happy May 6 and 25. We |ove you
and wish you tons of luck.
Love Gags, Mike and Deb
Dear Chrlssle, Deb, Lisa, Liz, and
I've missed you folks a lot this year.
I wish we could have spent more
time together. Good luck In the
future! Let's keep In touch.
Lots of love, Jackie
If you don't like C.C. how about
Sassafras? Can't wait for next
year's pizza binges and plain brown
Love, Cannoll & Q.P.
t o the g r e a t e s t s u i t e ever;
Stelnmetz 307
I couldn't have picked a greater
bunch of wenches to have suite
meetings with.
Love, Joyce
It's great to have you back In Albany
again! I hope that you en|oy the
Love, Jackie
Thanks for carrying my books home
from calculus every day.
Love, Joyce
Steve, "
What a co- you turned out to be! It's
been great! Best of luck next year.
Love, Jackie
What can I say to a special
beautiful friend except I lovo you
and You're going to make a Gr-B
lawyer one day!
Love, Joy
Thanks for a sooperiflc year. Over
the summer — don't work too hard
& try to visit often. Enjoy & get tan. I
lovo you, I'll miss you.
Quarter Pinl
I want to wish you all the luck this
summer. And whatever decision
you make for next year, we'll still be
friends! I still hope you return!!
Until Bleecker...Eric
Keep Maylest clean! Pick up litter.
Val and Dee Dee,
It's been quite a semester!
Lots of love, Jackie
I could never thank you enough for
all your help this year, especially
with statements. I'll miss you.
To Spunky, Gangone, the Fur, Gobble, Max, and the Big D
Thanks lor a great yoar,,lt's been
Lovo, Nanos
No garbage at Mayfest...keep it litter (reel!
Dear All,
Thanks for Ihe gifts and cards on
my B-Day. Melville and other
Staters - you've been great. I'm still
searching for my meaningful In,Out
• In.Outll
With sexual desire Irom "Potatla",
Daniel, set! you at Mayfest!.. The
Like the sun that never ceases to
shine our friendship will continue lo
glow. You're Number 1.
Love, Claudia
Birds of a feather flock together.
Many good times, laughs and
memories. Looking forward to
another long burn next year. Keep
on flyln!
Ton Ton Kid
Lisa Newmark,
It's not where you start, It's where
you finish.
Mala (my roomie),
Wo may toast to a lot of things, but
after I drink that drink tho memory
goes to the heart, where I have a
place lor you. To a new and wonderful friendship. I'll drink to that.
Lovo, Claudia
It'll all be happening next year al
554 Hudson Avo. Looking forward...
To my friends who've been selected
to got their diplomas (Jay, Stu, B.
O'B., Sue, Joys, et al.).
Wear it well, be careful, and good
The" Fifth of Colonial and 407 Hudson,
It's nice to know good peoplo, never
a part of tho family but sheltored by
It many tlmos. Mumps Is a mopos.
Thataway Is whlchaway.
Marty Burnout
From one Levy (beginning with a R.)
to another (beginning with a B y.
In my hoautllui-eyod Italian,
From a favorlto dance partner, to a
"casual" Irlend, to I love you.
Love, "Sometimes" ana Always,
Dill W!
Keep Maylnsi cloan. Pick up lltlor
New Shirt Gary????
May 9, 1980
To Everyone who's worked (and suffered) In CC 334 this year:
Thank you all and each for the help,
time, hard work, dedication, and the
laughter. It's been much more
pleasure than work lor me because
°^°_ _J
To?????? (In absentia, o l course).
Even though our loss Is their gain,
Cornell should be a lark alter this
place. Good luck and happiness.
Mr. Sellgson, Ace Salesperson:
Never has one person worked with
another lor so long with so few
hassles and so much ease. Good
luck In wherever you decide to be
next year
ER, KU, and MO'B:
I Just can't get sentimental In print
ATI G r a d u a t i n g
(Tom, Jill, Aron, Edith, Stu, Bob O'B,
Steve, Rich, and JBG)
Note: Add 37 days before reading
the following. Happy Birthday E3
Contributions now being accepted
lor the "Elect Steve Coplon to some
office In some legislature in some
state" campaign. Hurry!! Last day
to contribute Is May 25, 1985.
To Abby's Owner,
There are now words that can say
how happy and lucky I am because
ol you. Every second I am with you
Is the finest moment..,
1 Kent St.
W o o l ! — It won't be tho same not
having you around to roll down the
back windows of my car! But L.B.
isn't that far away, so I'd better see
you — OFTEN! Down the hatch!
Philip (PHI -ill) — Stay away from all
that Nabisco chocolate or you'll
gain 50 pounds! (Bummer!) Thanks
for always being able to make me
. laugh!
Dick — Madeline won't be the only
one who'll miss youl Especially
with those eyes! I still haven't
forgiven you for all that abuse I took
at that business meeting (THE
BRAT — I'll miss those I.B.E.'s, but
you know I won't let 2-and-a-hall
years ol friendship slip away. So I
hear Boston is a nice place to visit!
You know how I feel; need I say
You guys are the best! Thanks for
All my lovo, Nancy
Mark, Mike and Scott,
It's been a terrific yearl Thanks for
all your help with the senior class.
Good luck, Dave
Ryckman Hall
Have a great summer! It's been a
fun year!
Love, Scott and Dave
To my RHW,
Your a very special person
always will be. Thanks for all
help'and patience. I couldn't
done it without you.
Lovo, your
Dear Robin & Sue,
You two deserve a separate personal. What can I say? The two of
you have been my guiding light
Ihroughout this year. Without you, I
don't know how I would have survlvod. I don't know what else lo say except that I love you both dearly.
Please keep In touch and don't ever
forgot me. I'll be thinking of you
both constantly. Take care of
Love always, Bruce
Vanessa, Gebo, I r i s h , Bin, Karen,
Mlchelo, James, Mike, Murph &
Thanks for making this such a groat
year. You're all wonderful.
Tako Care, Lovo, Joanno
Why sit In Litter at Maylest? Please
help clean u p l l l
What are you going to do next year
without us to Bother you when you
want to do work?
Ruth & Linda
Many thanks for your concern ovor
my illness & your assistance In obtaining a leave of absence for tho
past fall torm, Your kindness helped
me through a particularly bad time.
I,wish you both an on|oyablo summer.
Maria F. Vales-Wright
Conchlta and Shirley,
What a pleasure It will be to have an
environment minus your disgusting
filth for a whole lovely summer.
Sickened Easily
On May 12, the boys from 209
Cayuga will proudly present an
"End of Year Party". The party will
be held at Flre-n-lce disco and
music will be provided by D.J. Russ
and company. Live music will be
p r o v i d e d by " D a v e and the
Dlshrags". Good music, good people, cheap drinks.
continued Irom page 18
Here is a "personal" for this last
ASP Issue:
Roses are red, violets are blue, but
who cares!
Love, WR
So glad you were at 671 this
semester • It's been fun!!I Now It's
going to be 2 lawyers from 671. Best
of everything!!
Love, J o '
Keep Mayfest clean! Pick up litter!
Dear Dave,
You're a great guy and we love you.
Best of luck on your graduation. We
hope you and the " w a f f s " do as well
as you did on your recital.
Love, 209
Laurie, Linda, Marina, and Rhona
The closeness we share as a suite
made our freshman year the best...
Carly ... Village People ... B.B. ...
Regression ... CHIX ... memories.
Remember • we're only a lew floors
apart next yearl
Love, Maryanne and Ellen
Hey Gambler
Thanks for my own P. You made my
day. Here's to you.
Pitch in at Maylest. Throw away
your garbage.
Dear Linda, Carole, and Ellen
Is It really 2 years since 2 hurting
b u c k e r e t t e s ( f r i e n d s of the
friendless) got such good potluck? I
can't Imagine us not living together
again next year. These 2 years have
been terrific and I feel very lucky lo
have been a part of them. I'm going
to miss you next year. I love you.
Dear Chlx,
I'm so glad that late placed us
together. We've had so many good
times and I'll always remember
them. Even though we won't be
together next year, I hope we'll still
stay close. I love you all.
Marina (lllllost chick)
P.S. Colonial Tower • watch out!
Reward: For Information concerning the person or persons responsible for damage done to a white '67
Plymouth Valiant on the night of
Saturday, May 2nd, between B:30
p.m. and 12:15 a.m. Call 463-6059.
Keep Mayfest cleanl Pick up litter.
We made It! They said It wouldn't
work, two Irlends rooming, but toe
showed them all. Thanks lor boing
such a wonderful friend, for tho
secrets, lor the good and tho bad.
It's been fun!
Lovo, Linda
No garbage at Mayfest. Keep It iTf
ter (reel
People say we dress tho same, wo
talk the same and we act the same.
Well, what else would you expect
Irom best Irlends and sisters?!?
This year many things happened
and I'm glad that we were both
there lor each other. Oh yea, tho
P.R. desk clerk says hello, he wants
to know when you II be back to visit.
Love, Wltz
Dear Peg, Joanne, Linda, and Barbara
Can't tell you how much It means to
have Irlends like you. We all share
so many memories. You'll be truly
missed. I wish you all the best In
your futures. Never lose touch.
Graduation congratulations (also to
you, Bob).
Love, Laura
Dear Bill,
It's been wonderful going to school
together. You've beon a groat Irlend
and supportive brother. Congratulations!
Lovo, Laura
I'd like to make a toast:
Sentimentality Is not something I
admit to easily, but what tho hell,
I'm a girl. So, within this personal Is
a general "thank y o u " to everyone
who played some part In my year.
And to those who had loading roles
in my sitcom, I add a "very much" lo
tho "thank y o u " because it roally
was quite a season! Hero's hoping
that you know who you are!
Wishing you an early 19th - have tho
greatest d a y l ! Thank you for always
being there and just being you. I m
very nappy with the way things are
now and I hope they'll never
change. Never forget "build me u p "
and all the other crazy things we've
done all year. C, all remember I love
you. I love you.
All my lovo, Ca
God, I'm loalous
Sue Bee Honey,
It's GREAT having you around
again. I love you.
To Jay, Stu, Cliff, Debbie, Rich, Ron,
Grub, Bob, Robin, Suo, Mlchele, and
lust about everyone else on tho
staff • It has not boon real, but It has
been fun. Thanks for a place to
hang out, a non-pay phone to use,
and somo recycleable memories.
Shit, I hopo you see this. With all
the old nuts and new nuts up on tho
3rd floor ol tho CC, I can say
honestly that you are the most pleasant.
Thea, Joy, Sue, Randye, Sarah,
Sleve2, Dave, Rich, Jeff, Mlke2, Herman, and Church • Congratulations.
Thanks for holplng to mako this my
boBt somester at Albany. Como
back and visit, I'll still bo at 20 Kont
Congratulations! I'm expecting to
soe you back hero visiting noxt year.
Love, Donna
Barbara and Mike
Double c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s ! B o s l
wlahoB lor your now lllo together.
Mlko • good luck In law school. Bar-
lo my Swoolums,
I love you more than ovor. Thoso
past two years have boon the
groatost. Happy annlvorsaryl
Lovo, your sweothoart
as I know you'll bo. You'll be a
beaullful bride.
Love, Donna
continued on pageTfj
Rich, Gaylo, Stacoy, Debbie, and
I'm going to miss all tho groat tlmos
we had. Good luck to all ol you.
May 9, 1980
I hope one d a y I'll t i n a s h a p p y
the boys from 209 Cayuga Invite
you all to an end ol year party at
Flre-n-lce. Real rock-n-roll music by
Russ Rueger and company. Live
band will also appear. Free admission. Cheap drinks.
Chicky, Seth, and Hy,
Thanks for making this year Ihe
best, thanks lor being such good
Irlends for the last lour.
You're a dick.
To Benson Street Burnouts,
Ellen you're a fighter for causes,
JoAnne you're a plsser, Kathy-Loo
and Lii.ii you will always be my best
girls. Make Benson Street live on.
.The cigarette smoking burnout
D and Z,
You're thore you swine.
I call you a bargain, the best I ever
had. An angel to soon descended.
Your puppy
I'm sorry things turned out like they
did but I grasped for Ihe only thing I
saw. You re still a Iriond In my eyes
and If y o u ever f o r g i v e me
remember that. Still plenty ol good
Your Roommato
Just because you wore a good
Christmas present lor your parents,
don't let it go to your head. Don't
ever forget how much you love Jo'
Momma. The State Bank ol Albany
shall echo on the third floor of
Albany. We must do It again someday.
P.S. The fourteenth floor must be
recreated someday. Skid Rowe
Why sit In Utter at Mayfest? Please
help clean up!!
Sprout and the 19th of Colonial,
Thanks a lot for somo good burr.
Loopor thanks for the turn on '.nd
some very Interesting b a i l e e s to
swallow. See you all on Morris
Manny (crazy Spanish pulz)
For keeping me in line, thanks. For
tho partying and transporlatlonal
aid. Stay cool. Good luck in Hie and
Teo-Lon, It would be an honor to bo
a mother pucker as long as I attend
this school, Keep diggln' thoso
b!ues. Hopo you got an oxcollont
What is tall, pink bearded, and puis
holes In walls? Answer: A Chicky,
Incredible Shrinking Dr. WU
You woro a good roommato and
Ireshman yoar, a good dancer, and
now you've ovolvod Into CLIVE.
What's next? Good luck and good
Do tho lucking dishes and give mo a
ride uptown, quick
Nancy anil I eslie
Brooklyn can't bo all bad. It produo
nd you two, Good luck always,
Lovo, Davo
i ' b , Bryan, rony, Dub, sin, Nnai,
Evan, Ron, Mickey,
Congratulations and QOOd luck lo
all ol you.
fp 403 lower
Throe oloreos sound3 liko lun.
You are the half ol my soul. Someone to talk with, to sing with, to
eat with, to laugh with, to, cry with,
to think with, to understand. Someone • to be my friend. Here's to
great times and a lasting friendship
Rle-Rle Montgomery,
Don't ever lorget those crazy conversations. They were the best and
so are you.
Your Roomie Always, Marlsa
Todd Hobln Band — May 15
J.B, Scoff's
For Stu, Jay, Cliff, Rich, Sue, Robin,
Michele, Aron, Grub, Ron, and all
the ASPIes, thanks for everything especially the memories.
The New Matzoh Men have finished
their best season ever. Awards: Cy
Young • Blck; Golden Glove - Glenn;
Most Enthusiastic • Jeff; Sliver
Schlong • Joe; Offensive MVP •
Dave; Defensive MVP • Ed; Best
Looking - Jack; Best Rant-andRaver • Seth. Thanks to all!
Love, your captain, Seth
En|oy Mayfest on Saturday! Enjoy a
clean SUNYA on Sunday. Pick up
the litter.
t o the entire ASP staff, especially
Laura, Sylvia, Susan and Beth:
T h i s is t o a c k n o w l e d g e an
unspeakable debt ol gratitude lor
three years of a great paper and the
terrific people who make it what It
Is, You light up my life.
Tom (Too Many Marshmallows, T.M.
Angel, etc.);
When we're both unemployed, can
we get together and try breaded
potatoes again?
What's the scoop? I'm gonna miss
you, lots and lots and lots and lots.
What can I say? You Big Burly Jerk.
I love you. .
Why sit In litter at Maylest? Please
help clean up!
tcTcolonlal Tower suites 303, 402,
403, Herkimer 301 and Pierce Hall
208, 215,
We really loved the past two years:
getting to know you all; becoming
great Irlends; |ust having an excellent time in general. Wo ro gonna
miss you guys next year. Wo'll be
thinking o l y o u .
Lovo Always, Diane and John
McMullin, Keg, Over Easy, Sunnysldo, Golden, Green, Rollen,
Freid. Congrats on tho uptown and
downtown championships.
With love, Marilyn
Pitch in al Maylest
your garbage.
Throw away
You know I'm roally going to miss
you alter this yoar.
i don't believe you • you must bo kidding!
You're right, I am. You suck. And
Rich B, told mo it's a fact.
You should talk, you slut! What
about Bill and my keys?!!
Oh yoah? I never denied being a slut
• you tramp. After all, your name is
on ovory bathroom wall In Albany.
You wenchl Whal about that guy
w h o ' s name I can't m e n t i o n
because his girlfriend would break
your lace. And that other guy who's
so ugly that he makos SMmo look
Okay • you wanl lo bring up dlrl?! Ii
all your K.F.'s had scorod as well as
playing football, baseball, rugby,
etc. - Albany would never know a
losing season.
Oh no! Thero goes my rop. I dony II
all. Bui aren't you gonna miss mo7
Yoah, I'll miss yo i A l d 1 know
you're really 0 nli i girl but nice
girls finish fast.
Page Nineteen
_ Albany Student Press
Dear SCP:
Thanx for a great 18 months! As
long as we're together, whatever
the future holds for us has to turn
out fine (and I know It will).
Love, PSK
To whom It may concern:
CSB and ILW will be combining for
one final fling. BEWAREI
To all ol Cuddles' Friends:
Thanks for making life at SUNYA
great. I will always remember you
and cherish these days.
Love, Cuddles
P.S. A special thanks to Mary
P.P.S. A very special thanks to you,
Dear Lis,
These past lew months together
have been very special to me. I have
cherished each moment with you
and know there will be many more
great times. I love you.
Pitch In at Maylest. Throw away
your garbage.
Leah, Donna, Jill, Elaine, and Karen,
Hey future sultles! I'm looking forward to next year. I'm sure we're going to have a blast I! Ro, don't worry,
we'll visit you on Dutch. And Vic,
the second floor Is only an elevator
I love you all, Deb
Tim Tom Gunther, new RA of the
Werewolves, celebrates 6 months
anniversary with luture WoHelle
Amy Kllgus. Happy anniversary.
Love, Edan
Even though it's only beon a short
time since I've met you, I leel we've
beon friends torever, and I know we
will bo. Since Montreal we've gotten
closer and now we'll have the
greatest house ever next year.
Love, Lorl
P.S. Next week I'll race Bonowltz
P.S.S. Thank you bodies ol the
Carol (Miss Zodiac)
Congrats on London. I'll miss you a
lot. Who olso loves Ihe coll as much
as I do. Have a groat lime In California, you loo Rib. You're a great
Iriond. Jamie, I'll see you In Albany.
I'll miss you loo, II11lo girl.
Lovo, your "daily doso"
Elephant in blue sneakers,
There are nol enough words lo express how much I love you! You are
always there when I need you. We
have been t h r o u g h so much
together and It will last forever. Get
psyched for 941! Now you will bo
my rumatl.
Lovo always, Lips
SERIOUS. Dear " H " , Ihe lunatic I'm
looking (or • you didn't "dick It" yel
but "I m pissed" because you're
"sooo mad" and your nose Is crooked you "lunatic"! Babe, you're my
only deodorant, and I lovo you very
Lovo always, Frann
P.S. So, Sow buttons.
To whom it may concern (too many
Hero's to road trips K.R. with Co.,
Robin Hood, the Utlca Zoo, and long
lost sanity.
Lovo, J.B.
The best co RA: Stove
I'm looking lorward lo noxt yoar
'cause I think we're going to bo excellonl logother. I wish you Ihe bosl
of succoss, happiness, and love.
Love, your co, Mauroon
P.S. Whitman's gonna be groat!
Keep Maylest clean. Pick up lltlor!
Stacoy K:
Although I didn't always show It, I
know I couldn't have found a bolter
friend. (I moan III) I'm looking lorward to the barbecue and to a
lasting friendship.
Lovo always, Charllo
As I leave this " l i n o " place alter
throe years, I will must remember
the friends I havo made and the
momonls I havo on|oyed. I wish I
could thank everyone personally (no
pun Intendod) but hopefully, I've
shown In the past and will snow In
tho luture, how I lool about all ol
you. I must thank "tho Guys" •
Howlo, Stove, Jon, Evan, Gary • and
especially Mitch and Bruce •
without you guys, I wouldn't know
whal Iruo friends are. Thanks to all
Doar Lisa,
Well, wo finally mado It. I'm not ono
lor long spoochos or goodbyes, but
thai doesn't mean you haven't
meant a lol to mo. I'll always
chorlsh tho good tlmos wo'vo had
together! May conimoncoment bo
only the beginning of a llfo-long
I lovo you, D.E.B.
I know.
Here n is Tins tiny space can barely
hold all of Ihe things I would like lo
No Garbage al Mayfeal I
i> u '"• s.iy • September 13 • Sneaky'-., wine
i„,l cheese In 204, Hultalo, Pauly's
lei Irsell
In ihe "Bozton" (You know who you Hotel, Studio 64, Skiing at Stratton,
! loi Ida Thia yeai was the greatest.
I love you more than I possibly
Long and happily '".'v you Bl
could BVfti '.now you.
1 ovo and Hunks, J.B.
Baby Bluos
(A potential terminal smllnr)
Dear Sue and Karen,
I'm looking forward to next year. We
are going to make the beat ever!
Thanx for taking me.ln.
To a special person who has been
thru everything with me (boy, has 4
years flown byl) I just want to wish
you all the best there Is.
Love, Joy
Dear Ellen,
7 Benson Street's gain Is my loss.
I'll miss living with you, but will be
there II you need me. Have a terrific
Your roomie
Dear Ruth and Linda,
I can hardly believe how fast the
yeafs have gone by. Everyday has
been an experience. What a lucky
freshman I was. I guess all of us got
a good deal. I wish the both of you
happiness and success In all you
d o . C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s on your
No garbage at Mayfest. Keep II litter tree!!
Dear ABS
What can I say now that It's almost
over. Except thanks I love you very
much. Looking lorward to our reunion In Buffalo.
Love and hockles, D.E.B.
Dear My Stevle
You were the greatest roommate I
could've asked for. Thanks for
tolerating my crazlness.
Your nasal roommate, Bruce
P.S. Hado Oakle, Kenny and Lee
II Is so groat to know I have found a
friend In you. You havo always been
thore for mo • something I'll never
iorget. Wo'vo been through a hell ol
a lot together and I hope tho good
times never end. I lovo you.
Always, Mary Joan
Doar Liz-O,
Thanks lor one holl ol a college
career. I couldn't have survived
without you and your craziness. I'll
miss you.
Lovo, D.E.B.
To my favorite Schlippin sisler,
You aro the greatest roommate a
girl could ask lor. I'm going to miss
you next yoar. Who else will slay up
with mo all night and oat popcorn?
This yoar has gone by so fast and
wo'vo gono through a lot. I'll never
forgot it.
Love, your Schlippin slstor
Someone told mo you've boon
waiting for this lor 12months- Happy year • lot's mako this Maylosl liko
Ihe last one, you'ro Invited for the
usual colobratlon!
Love always, tho guy with no
Why sit in llltnr al Mayfeat? Please
help clean uplll
If Anyone con do ii, you'll pull ii off In
Illy event. Thanks I'm liyilltl, lor earing
ami for llie " L i n e of il o i l "
Neuriilie Slill
Joy and Danny,
I'm.lnlorming you-I'm very excited
to see you! Missed you. Joyremember forever that you'ro my
slstor and BFF. P.S. Tako a walk In
Rancho Park.
Lovo, Elissa
To a follow wench who has boon a
groat Iriond as well as sultemate.
We've experienced a lot together especially In our sultol I'm so glad
you aro a Irlend to me • one that Is
very rare. Thanx ... I lovo you,
Always, Mary Joan
Hero's your personal! Remember
me whon you'ro rich and famousl I
havo no doubt that you will bo II
that's what you want. Bo sure to
koop In touch this summerl
Special thanks lo Sept. and Hunk's
Chick for putting up with all this,
Housing Problems
continued from page nine
sure repairs wiil be done is to get
agreements in writing with an approximate completion deadline. " A
verbal agreement is hard to enforce," she said, "so nothing gets
Students complain about heating
as well. Albany's Housing Code requires that "buildings inhabitated
from September 15—June 15 must
be provided with heating equipment
designed to m a i n t a i n the
temperature at a minimum 65 to 68
Despite the problems and rising
expense, Seligson said Albany housing is still a "seller's market" and
will remain so because of short supplies of rooms and high student demand for off-campus living.
$2.5G Rug
continued from page seven
Pepper. "They took the rug away
really quick. They didn't give it a
chance to dry up."
Pepper also said that the rug is
" w o r t h pretty much n o t h i n g , " and
thai it had " r i p s on every stair. We
heard a rumor they were going to
switch the rug anyway." Pepper
feels that the students should only
be responsible for the market value
of the rug after fifteen years o f
" I t seems l o me they (the admlnislrallon) arc out to screw us.
We have some sort of a reputat i o n , " Pepper said.
According lo SA Attorney Jack
Lester, Ihe $2,500 is probably an inflated rigurc because it " i s nol a fair
market value." He said that the
figure estimated did not lake into
accounl I he depreciated value of the
continued from page two
As for SUNYA, O'I.eary sees the
emphasis on quality leaching as being a central poinl. He also mentioned many oilier
aspects of Ihe university which
could be improved.
The key to the development is
planning — something which was
lacking in the '60's and caused
much of Ihe problems of ihe '70's.
liven if budge! cuts are forecasted,
It is the opinion of the Chancellor
and Ihe Prcsidcnl that they can be
minded to regain representation on
a long-term basis.
That is, i f the lawmakers
downtown don'l declare that the
days of wine and roses — rather
hcer and pretzels — are over once
again and the cuts begin anew.
Students Off
continued from front page
effective and very well organized"
and that Ihcy "caught SA with our
pants d o w n . " Borkowski also feels
that SA and other groups on campus did not organize far enough in
advance to face their opposition in
the Senate.
Woll, that's tho ond ol everyone
olso's stuff. It's my turn now. I hopo
I still have Iho prosenco of mind to
do this right now. I did havo
" W c blew It. I f I were a student
3omothlnp prepared, but...woll, I
lorgot to bring It. This Is some kind on this campus, I would hang,
o l goodbye, I guess. Thanks draw, and quarter anyone responsiovoryono, especially my close
ble — and this includes me, Steve
frlonds. It's boon grand. My Kraut
roomlo-malle...whal con I say? My Coplon, Lisa Newmark, and Jim
words are Inefficient. And, tho girl
with the cheeks, I admire your
bonoa as woll as your Insight. Of
Tierucy said the Student Union
course, I should really say this in
porson...l think I will, so, I'm nol go- and oilier student groups are detering lo continue with thia. Just, I mined to re-gain representation on
roally lovo you guys. It's kind of nice Senate.
in print, isn't It? Tills summer Is go" W e will not allow the Senate to
ing lo be good ((ileal grammar).
function without students," lie
By lor now
bill lot's make It for at
lenat lorovor.
said. " I f Ihe faculty doi I't give
I.ovo and all my friendship goos out
to you, Robb. students a legitimate oui , Ihcy
can expect a lol o f disruption."
May 9, 1980
Great Dane Sports: 1979-80,
continued from back page
program in a Division III setting,'*
is how Schieffelin referred to
Albany's soccer program. He continued, "When you have a winning
season against the competition we
have, then you haven't had a bad
Bob Lewis' men's tennis team
had an extremely successful fall
season, winning the SUNYAC
championship for the third time in
six years. An impressive freshman
class headed by Barry Levine has
filled some of the gap created by the
graduation of former Dane star
Paul Feldman, and has given support and depth to the squad, captained by senior Larry Linett. This
spring, the netmen are 5-6 with one
Rugby Club
Takes Second
By Mike Nnclcrio
This past Saturday, the Albany
State rugby club took an impressive
second place at the Ithaca Invitational Tournament. This strong
showing came one week after the
Danes dropped a disappointing
14-13 loss to Colgate.
The Danes opened up the Ithaca
tournament Saturday morning
against the host team, Ithaca. From
the outset Albany had a bit of difficulty getting started, but in the
end the Danes came away with an
18-3 victory.
The Danes second match of the
day came against Springfield — an
extremely lough squad. But the
Danes were ready for the contest,
and handed Springfield a slinging
22-0 defeat. It was in this game that
Albany put everything together.
The backs and the scrummers were
impressive, with the Albany scoring
coming from Jim Johnson, Terry
Walsh, Mike Naclcrlo, and Steve
Next came the championship
game. The Hartford rugby club and
the Albany squad took the field,
and many in attendance felt that the
Danes ourplayed their opponents.
However, tile Danes received some
questionable calls from the referees,
who admitted later that the had call
enabled Hartford to score. The
game ended with the Danes going
down to a 4-0 setback.
match remaining. Linett and Levine
will continue their season, as they
have been selected for the national
In men's cross-country, Scott
James was the lone representative
for Albany (7-4) in the nationals,
and finished 64th of 234 competitors. The harriers also tied for
second in the Albany Invitational,
got second in the SUNYACs
(behind Fredonia), and captured
third in the Capital District meet.
Meanwhile, the Bob Munseycoached track and field team finished a disappointing seventh in the
sophomore sensation Howie
Williams has qualified for the nationals in the 200 meter dash, as has
Mike Saycrs in the 10,000 meter
run. A lack of weight men was the
key to the trackmen's problems, yet
they still finished at 5-4 for the spring.
The men's volleyball team was
extremely successful, even though a
rebuilding year was planned. Notching a 16-6 record, they went farther in the ECVL playoffs than any
other Albany volleyball squad.
Coach Ted Earl noted that, with the
first string in, Albany was
unbeaten, and that the losses were
when the second line players were in
(due to injuries, etc.).
Ron White's swimmers had a 7-4
record, and boasted the number
one ranked 400 yard medley relay
team in the state (Steve Bonawitz,
Year In Review
Joe Shore, Frank Heter, and Kevin
In Albany State wrestling, the
name was Paul Hornbach. The 177
pound grappler went undefeated
throughout most of the season, and
was tabbed All-American. Under
first year coach Joe Demeo, the
Danes had a 9-10 record.
An attempt to breathe new life into a stagnating program brought in
Rick Skeel from Ohio as head
baseball coach. Optimism has been
the key word for Skeel in his first
year as a Dane, but misjudgment of
talent has resulted in a frustrating
year. Going 5-6 in the fall and 7-9
this spring with one game left, Skeel
is not happy with his teams' performance.
" I think these kids have had the
best education of their lives this
year," said Skeel. "I felt that we
had more ability there. We lost a lot
of ballgamcs that we absolutely
should'vc won."
Mike Motta's varsity lacrosse
team, rebounding from a 3-9 campaign in 1979, is 6-5 with two contests to go.
On the other side of things,
women athletes had, as a whole, a
banner year at Albany. Seven of the
ten women's teams had winning
For the second year in a row, the
women's volleyball team was the
top female sport. Posting an 11-6-1
record, the Pat Dwycr-coached
squad was the number four seed in
the 1979 Division II NYSAIAW
(New York State Association of Intercollegiate Athletes for Women)
The biggest turn-around of any
Albany State sport was by the
women's soccer club. After a
dismal 0-6-1 inaugural season in
1978, new coach Amy Kidder whipped her squad into a competitive
unit, finishing at 6-3-2. The newest
edition to the women's intercollegiate program, the booters
need two more seasons at the club
level before it can be made a varsity
Lee Rhenish's softball team
hosted the NYSAIAW Tournament, and proved they belonged
there by finishing fourth. Consisting primarily of freshmen and
sophomores, they are 9-5 with the
season not quite over.
The women's tennis team, coached by Peggy Mann, went 4-3 in the
fall and, Without captain Lisa
Denenmark, had a 3-2 spring
A Casey Reynold-coached
women's cross country squad had a
7-3 record, won the Capital District
meet, got third in both the Albany
and Hartwick Invitationals, and
was seventh in the Eastern AIAW
regional meet. Sophomore Leslie
Price and freshman Diane Klrchoff
qualified for the AIAW Division III
nationals, with Price finishing 30th
in a field of 200.
Spring track for women saw
Albany notch a 7-2 record. Sue
Railed (100 and 400 meter Hurdles)
and Chris Gardner (5000 meter run
both performed well in the
rcgionals for Barb Palm's runners.
Pat Rogers' synchronized swimmers had a perfect 5-0 record, and
had a commendable showing in the
The gymnastics team posted a 6-9
mark, but the story there was
freshman Elaine Glynn, who finished 13th in the AIAW Division III
nationals (all-around competition).
Glynn is the first Albany gymnast
to reach the national finals.
Rounding out the program, a
revitalized women's basketball
team finished 6-13 while Sarah
Bingham's swimmers were 4-9.
So, even wihout a national championship resting comfortably in a
University Gym trophy case, success has come to Albany to a great
" A healthy athletic program is
one that is competitive internally
(for positions on an team) and competitive externally (for wins)," said
Ford; and he feels that this is occurring at Albany State. "That should
be a goal for all our teams," he continued.
National championship, national
recognition, whatever. Somewhere
along the line, success will come to
those who deserve it. With the proper combination of talent, work,
and coaching, there's no reason
why that success can't end up at
Albany Stale.
Billy, You're
It's the war of the waiters...they capture the kitchen, demolish
the dining room, and leave Camp Oskemo in ruins.
• ' • a • • m \ ~*
The t o u r n a m e n t
Albany's overall record to 6-2 lor
the season, as the Danes scored 127
points in the eight games while only
giving up 29. Included in this impressive season were four shutouts
by the Danes. This strong season
came despite many new and inexperienced players this year, The
Danes lost just one player because
of injuries — Jim Johnson — and
Albany certainly made their
presence known to every team they
Lacrosse Final
continued from page twenty-one
blowing away Buffalo State, or getting blown away by Buffalo State,
or doing both.
Lacrosse 1980 for Albany's
Danes was like a coaster, or a stock,
or the weather, or maybe your
grades. They were up, they went
down, they put 'em in, they saw
themselves losing it on the ground.
They shot, they saved, they cleared
and they were as inconsistent as all
So tomorrow at Mayfest, at
about I p.m., lake a glance over at
the field near Dutch Quad, and
wish the boys good luck and it
might help,
Page Twenty
.Albany Student Press
*a bunch of fruits, nuts and flakes.
Direcled by
Huntii i / minimis ACCOMPANYING
PARENT (ill All 111 I mlAHIIIAII
May 9, 1980
Not too many things are constant on the ASP, especially personnel. More so, section editors tend to come and go. The work load is
heavy, the pressure is sometimes great and, after a time (often a short
time) some editors decide that they've had enough.
Well, for the last two years, there is one thing that has been constant — Paul Schwartz.
After three semesters as Sports Editor (and one as Associate), Paul
is giving up his post. He'll still do some coverage for the ASP, but
he'll primarily write for a local newspaper.
The sports scene fs a changing thing also (especially at a relatively
small school like Albany), and Paul has done his best to stay on top
of it, and bring it to us, the students, in the best possible way he
. knows — through efficiency, organization, and that knack of doing
things that comes only from experience.
When the Great Dane football team went to the NCAA semi-finals
in 1977, Albany head football coach Bob Ford remarked that the
Seligson-Schwartz duo spent as much time in the football office as
the coaches, preparing for the game.
When the Albany varsity basketball team went to Danville, Kentucky in 1979 and Potsdam in 1980 for the NCAA regional playoffs,
Paul was there, not only as a reporter, but also as a top Dane fan.
Many speak of the apathy that SUNYA students have towards
athletics. Well, to coin a cliche, Paul Schwartz doesn't have an
apathetic bone in his body, and he's tried to transfer his enthusiasm
about Albany sports to us, the students, through his writing.
Wait a minute. Listen to what the people that Paul has worked
with have to say:
"Paul falls into a long line of people who have worked in the ASP
sports arena who have worked above and beyond."
"He's just a touch of class."
— Albany Athletic Director Hob Ford
"I think Paul is an outstanding young man."
"1 wish all sportswritcrs were like him."
— Albany head basketball coach Dick Sauers
"1 think the .-1S/3 has never had as comprehensive coverage of all
teams as they've had this year. . .due to Paul's intense coverage of
all athletic events."
, , ,
.. ,,. , , .
,. ,,.
— Sports Information Director Gary Swilling
Paul has taught us, the students, an awful lot. I've learned things
like how to lay out a page and how to write a lead, bul as students
and, more importantly, Albany State sports fans, I think Paul has
shown us class, pride, and what student apathy definitely is not.
So Paul, as you branch out into Ihc lifestyle you so desire, I know
that on Tuesdays and Fridays, when I pick up the ASP at lunch or
dinner and look at the back page, something might be missing — that
Schwurtz-ncss. But, hopefully, it'll still be there somehow.
Well, when it comes down to it, I guess the guys front AnheuserBusch said it best: Paul, this one's for you.
— By the way, Paul Schwartz, like many of you, is seeing this for
the first time, and had nothing to do with its production. — F.d. _
Page Twenty-One
. Albany Student Press.
Lacrosse Wrap Up
Despite Inconsistency, This
Could Be Best Season To Date
by Jay Gissen
key solidifying forces this year, the
A winning record isn't easy to glue that kept a house of cards stancome by. It takes skill, and drive, ding, the nail that hammered his
and confidence, and some lucky team together.
breaks. For the Albany State
So it took a veteran like Hcimcrle
lacrosse team, it'll take at least a to put an end lo the tie that kept six
split for their remaining two games, coaches on end when Albany and
but after Tuesday's win over New Hartwick became deadlocked at
Haven, tipping the Danes' record to seven. It look Hcimerle lo settle the
6-5 with Ihc first consecutive victory team down, fire them up, score,
of the season, they may just win assist, and then greet his pup Clyde
both of them.
when the dust settled at 0:00.
And they may not. Like the Dow
And there's the coach. People
Jones Industrial on a Friday after- have called coach Mike Molta feisnoon, they're about as predictable ty; they've called him short. One
as Albany weather. So maybe they thing you can't call him is shy,
should have won that 10-9 Geneseo because he knew he had a good
tough break, but maybe they should learn and be knew when they were
have lost that triple overtime close only playing fair. He had a hunch
call against Hartwick. Maybe they that Albany could have a good
didn't play all thai well against lacrosse team and now it's true. He
Siena, bul they sure looked pretty pushed ihc squad, he yelled at 'em,
out there whipping Potsdam. And be told 'em lo "pick up your jocks
maybe they could have done a little and get moving," and he showed
better, but they could have done a 'em how lo win. And when they
lot worse.
lost, he showed 'em some oilier
a key man. While goalie Kenny Tirman was taking his breathers,
Nelson and cohorts Warren Wrey,
Scott Cort, Mark Waterstram, and
others were hopefully earning
And the attack worked. The
Danes scored well this year. They
had ups and downs with man-ups
and man-downs, bu! they usually
held their own and the shots got off
and some of Ihcm went in. For
Nelson, a lot of them went in.
Stepping up several feet, Ken
Gorman waits. Or perhaps
Hcimcrle. Or Glen Magrane, or
Mike Slocum. The Dane midficld
was solid experience this season,
and it worked. They were effective
scorers, quick on defense, and pretty poor on the face-offs. It was a
combination of sheer effort and
pure experience that made it work.
The Dane umificld did a lot of winning for Albany this year.
And if the offense lost it, and the
Actually, il looks like it'll be the
best Dane season in years, and
there's reasons for that. This year
was a balance. A balance that
caught aboul five or six graduating
seniors for one more season before
pulling the slicks away for good. A
balance thai had another five or six
experienced juniors, learning from
the "pros," ready lo assume the
elder statesman role next year. And
a balance that had a bunch of
young guys, fairly new at the game,
also learning from Ihc veterans, gelling bolter and more experienced
day after day, loss after win after
loss after win after loss.
So the Dane lacrosse season may
have been the roller coaster of the
athletic amusement park, bul it was
a fun ride just ihc same. And a
good ride, loo. And a winning ride,
because when it slops on Saturday
afternoon and the Danes pack it up
until the circus-comes to town In
'81, there will be a lot to be satisfied
Rich Hcimcrle, for one thing.
The Dane veteran was one of the
mid-field let it flip by, then
something called the defense started
taking their job. 'torn Scarpanito
and his wild bunch of co-stiektnen
prevented a lot of those balls from
going in the wrong net.
And if you look at the slats (a
small part of the story), there is a
lol going on. The ground balls were
erratic, but they still pulled a 'B' in
my grade book. The face-Offs gel a
' C , bul the defense as a whole
receives an 'A-', and possibly even a
Dean's List'. The offense get a 'B'.
and the dutch bench matches this as
The word being circulated all
season long was "inconsistency"
and il certainly held true until the
end. The team that put away
Brockport had trouble beating New
Haven the other day; a team with a
bench of 5 and a coach who seemed
like he was out on a Hollywood
So on Saturday, while most of us
wil be getting blown away at
Mayfest '80, the stickmen might be
continued on page twenty
offense, alluck, defense, the
mid field; lacrosse is a diverse sport:'
You've got lo be able lo catch Ihc
ball. To throw Ihc ball. To scoop up
the hall. To run with the ball. To
steal Ihc ball. To never lose the ball.
To place the ball in a net. To faceoff and win thai ball again.
The Danes know all about that
ball. They know it like the National
Anthem, like the back of (heir
hands, like their name. They know
exactly what they're supposed to
do, hut sometimes it just doesn't
work. And then they know how to
improve il, bul sometimes that
doesn't work. Hut they never stop
trying, and they never slop thinking
about that ball.
John Nelson's done a lot of
thinking about the ball. He must
have. The Danes' leading scorer's
also done some thinking aboul the
net, and about thai winning season
that should be arriving in a day.
When it came to attack, Nelson was
May 9. 1980
Happy Birthday
To Jill, Tom, Edith, Jay, Dave, Herman,
Goldy, Jesse, Gardner, Foldey, Rich,
Aron, Anne and all the other members
of the class of '80 who are graduating
without me.
part of the last generation
Yan and Gig
OCA and the Office of Student Affairs present
Vishim Vashim,
You are the dearest brother
and a very beautiful person
We are so lucky to have spent
one of the most difficult (and
yet one of the most exciting for
years of our lives being so
close—crying, loving, laughing
and just hanging out together
I love you. I am going to .
miss you so much next year.
P.S. My head itches - can you scratch it
for me?
"A Different
Monday May 12th
7:30 in the CC Ballroom
Refreshments will be served
for more information call 457-4928
get pregnant.
Use Contra-Fbam.
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CHICKEN AND CHICKEN. $3.95 Two boneless breasts of broiled barbecued
chicken, served with steak fries, cole slaw, and Texas toast.
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A Lot To Remember And Feel Good About
By Paul Schwartz
I'm sure he's forgotten it by now,
but there's no way I have. You see,
it really didn't mean all that much.
It was just after last year's AlbanyIthaca football game — the one on
ABC-TV — and the Dane's coach,
Bob Ford, was basking in the incredibly hard-fought victory.
I went over to congratulate him,
and he smiled a tired but satisfied
smile, and said, "You know, you
guys worked as hard for this as we
Then I smiled. That made rne feci
good. And if there's one way to
describe my three year association
with Ford and another coach —
Dick Saucrs — and both the foolball and basketball teams, and all
the ASP stuff, it's that it made me
feel good.
OK, I realize that's not really,
true. I felt lousy sometimes loo.
Like when 1 had an 18-hour bus
ride from Kentucky to Albany to '
grumble over a one point Dane loss.
Or when I was forced to sit and
watch as that Ithaca team gol
revenge Ihis year with a 40 point
blowout that wasn't quite that
But mostly, It's been satisfying,
and after covering those two sports
for a few years, there are some
things that I've gotten from them:
• There was Ford walking with us
around King Point's beautiful campus, calmly explaining his feelings
on his team's 14-8 loss in the first
game of last season. That taught me
something about Ford.
• There was Sauers saying "this
team continues to surprise me"
after almost every game this year,
and then calling the Dane's 21-6
season "my most surprising team."
—increasing relations
—widening communication
between disabled and abled
Albany Student Press
• Kevin Kcane, who was I he captain of Albany's 1977-78 basketball
learn, cried aflcr the Danes won the
UC'AC Upstate Tournament. He
was a senior. 1 was a freshman, and
was wondering why he was crying.
• Albany was trailing Norwich 14-0
at halftimc a year ago. Then
halfback Levi Louis gol moving,
and his moves were good enough lo
produce a 19-14 victory.
• A year later. Same two teams.
Albany is undefeated, but as I sit in
the pressbox, I write in my
notebook Norwich 25, Albany 22.
Then 1 slam my pen down hard on
Ihe table. A minute later, I quickly
retrieve my pen and scribble Walsh
rolls for TD. Albany 28, Norwich
• I remember Hamilton coming in
to University Gym two years ago
with a huge winning streak. The
Danes, meanwhile, were just told
they were not picked for the
playoffs. They were upset.
Hamilton left that night with a one
game losing streak.
• And when Polsdam came lo
Albany Ihis year, they were 11-0.
They beat the Danes in overtime,
But, it was the most jam-packed,
enthusiastic, frantic crowd I've ever
seen in University Gym. Wlr n
Potsdam ran out, the place booed
like crazy. When Albany came out,
hey went crazy. It was electric. I'll
remember that for a while.
• Jack Sicdlecki was fascinating lo
listen to. He could explain every
sivc coordinator.
• Sauers seemed to be able lo explain everything (here wits to know
about basketball. Bui after his
learn blew a lead and a game to
Pittsburgh last year, Saucrs said to
his son, who was crying a little,
"It's Just not that Important," Thai
laugh! me something about Saucrs.
• There was an article in the ASP
before the big Ithaca game last
year. It quoted Albany's kicking
coach as saying I hat new
placckicker Dario Arango would
not be used for field goals, because
"there's loo much liming involved
• I remember number 21 coming in
during that Ithaca game and kicking a 45-yard field goal to lead
Albany to the win. Number 21 was
• I can still sec Ihe baskcl shaking
after Kelvin Jones' slam dunk
against Hamilton.
• Brad Aldrich's pass is still
desperately floating downfield at
Blecker Stadium, and Scott Lusher
is still making a diving catch to set
up Arango's kick.
• I wish I'd seen Kay Ccsare's short
jump shot that beat Jersey City in
ilie Elmira Invitational. I was in my
room, busy going crazy by the radio
when 1 heard it.
• I only heard about Sam
Haliston's 99 yard run two years
ago. 1 missed il by about a minute.
• I can still see Barry Cavanaugh's
ill-fated behind-lhe-back pass to no
one against Union two years back. I
wish 1 could forget it.
• Bui I'm glad 1 remember
Cavanaugh's 34 points against
C.W. Post.
• I gol a kick out of watching Cal
Flynt go into his act before every
Albany kickoff.
• Ford's voice aflcr a game was
nothing but a hoarse, cracking
whisper. But he still always
answered all my questions.
• I can still remember when Gary
Swatling called lo tell me the Danes
were being sent to Kentucky.
• My stomach still remembers the
hospitality room in Kentucky.
• After the Dane basketball team
bcal Cortland, I didn't mind phoning in rriy story from some bar in
• John Verulo might still be in
Norwich, Vermont, intently staring
at the Cadets as they warmed up.
• 1 was there when Sauers got his
400th win.
And next year, I'll be back in the
(h< I
stands watching the Danes. They
make me feel good.
A Final Word
Page 23)
May 9, 1980'.
Albany Sports: Accomplishments,
by Bob Bellaflore
"It was sort of a mixed year."
T h a t ' s what Albany State
Athletic Director Bob Ford said
about the 1979-80 Great Dane
sports season.
" I think we had some,great accomplishments and some frustrations," said Ford, noting the performances of the coaches and
athletes as commendable. But Ford
considered the off-the-field aspects
of intercollegiate athletics, namely
" a loss of resources," as the major
cause of the frustration.
1979-80 certainly was a mixed
year for Albany State sports. There
were occasions when Dane squads
were considered among the best in
the nation. Then something would
happen (like an upset or a drubbing
at the hands of an arch-rival) and
Albany would drop out of
everyone's minds. Other teams
weren't even considered worthy of
serious consideration ("rebuilding"
it's called), and then comes the surprise — a winning season or just a
few great perfomances against top
In all sports, though, there is that
one great equalizer — the won-loss
record. With six contests remaining
on the schedule, the 26 Albany
teams have posted a collective
record of 208-143, with 6 ties.
National recognition — two
words that plague small college
coaches from coast to coast. Take
out the second word of that term
"championship," and the eyes of
those coaches light up with the
dreams of what could be. Two
Dane squads received their highest
mid-season national rankings this
year. The two "big time" sports
(football and basketball) made it to
the top 10 in their respective nationwide polls.
Severely hurt by the graduation
of both the offensive and defensive
lines, the Dane football team, according to Ford (also head football
coach), lacked great speed, great
quickness, team strength, and the
great passing attack necessary to
realize the goal that the coach feels
every team has — that national
The big pre-scason surprise for
Ford was the returns of premier
defensive tackle Steve Shoen
(Capitol District Player of the Year
in 1977), defensive end Eric
The Year In Review
Singlctary, and halfback Sam
Haliston. All had taken a year off
for various reasons, but were now
back, much to the pleasure of the
Dane staff.
For the Danes, the name of the
game was defense. Albany refused
to yield the goal line for the first
two games, shutting out Hobart
(10-0) and Southern Connecticut
State (20-0). Against Brockport,
Albany's "bend but not break"
philosophy paid off, as the Golden
Eagles netted 313 total yards, but
could only muster 6 points. The
Danes went 11 quarters without giving up a point.
Next came Buffalo, and sweet
revenge for Albany against the
Bulls (who, by beating the Danes
15-8 in 1978, knocked them out of
playoff consideration) with a 40-12
victory. Brooklyn College followed,
and was treated with similar
disregard, and were the victims of
the third Dane shutout, 56-0.
Thus, the first part of Albany's
season ended — the easy part. The
next two games would make or
break the Dane dream of an NCAA
playoff bid.
The Norwich Cadets; second nationally in total offense (488.1 yards
per game); second nationally in
scoring offense (39.1 points per
game); top rushing offense in
America, Division III (398.3 yards
per game); all behind an offensive
line that averaged 230 pounds per
man. Irresistable force meets immovable object. Ranked, fourth in
the East before the game, Albany
improved that to fourth nationally
(third in the East) after the comefrom-behind 28-25 victory over the
Cadets. Ithaca was waiting. . .and
ready. Boy, were they ready.
Several Danes were hurt in the
Norwich game, but several players
do not 40 points make, and Albany
was sent reeling 46-6, the worst loss
in the seven-year history of Albany
State varsity football. Ithaca would
go on to win the national championship.
From then on, it was downhill for
the Danes, who fell to Fordham and
Springfield back-to-back by scores
of 35-28,and 31-0, respectively. The
Albany dream was broken, with
their final record at 6-3.
Albany's other source of national
recognition athletically was in
basketball, where head coach Dick
Saucrs was embarking on his 25lh
season in that position.
Two things awaited Sauers — one
he liked, one he did not: A new
SUNYA divisional arrangement
which the coach felt could exclude a
deserving team from a playoff berth
was the latter. The good news was
that guard Winston Royal (a key
performer who sat the 1978-79
season out in order to captain the
Dominican Republic national team
in the Pan-Am Games) was returning to the Albany line-up.
The season opener against Kings
College of Pennsylvania saw the
Danes win, 79-69, behind guard
Rob dune's team season high 29
points. After taking the next four
contests (including two SUNYAC
games), Albany lost to Stony Brook
in the opener of that team's invitational tournament.
In front of a literally shoulder-toshoulder crowd in University Gym,
the top ,two ranked Division III
hoop squads in the state (the Bears
were first) squared off for 45
minutes of tense, dramatic, basketball that a master of suspense
couldn't have mapped out better.
After a missed Pete Stanisfi free
throw with 13 seconds left in over-
Another win brought Albany to
Oneonta, where the Danes hadn't
been victorious since 1971. The
eighties held nothing new, and the
Red Dragons upset Albany, 63-62
in overtime. Division III power
Hartwick handed the Danes their
second consecutive loss, 71-63.
Potsdam and Plattsburgh were
the only obstacles to a Dane
SUNYAC playoff shot. Albany
won them both, 88-86,and 73-68,
Despite getting third in the conference championships, Albany
received a bid to the NCAA Northeast Regional in Potsdam.
After beating a powerful St.
Lawrence five in the opening
round, 75-66, Albany fell apart in
the last seven minutes of the championship game- rubber match with
Potsdam, and was eliminated,
"That was the toughest one of
all," said Saucrs. But he was still
satisfied with his squad's seasonal
performance. "The team did what
it had to do when it needed to do it,
and that's the sign of a good team."
With a final record of 21-6 (the
most Albany wins since 1961), it's
difficult to disagree.
Albany's junior varsity basketball team was a big surprise. Coached by Steve Kopp, the Danes
romped to a 16-4 record and the
highest winning percentage of any
men's sport, despite quittings, injuries, and tragedy. The jayvee's
two top players, Mike Gaines and
Mike Gatto, are top candidates for
next season's varsity.
The 1979 soccer season was one
that could be termed "frustrating."
Finishing at 6-5 with I tic, head
coach Bill Schieffelin felt that a
poor recruiting year and key injuries left Albany with an inexperienced learn facing a demanding
schedule which included three Division I squads.
"Those are the biggest factors
right there," said Schieffelin in
reference to the causes of his team's
record. "Some of our youngsters
just weren't experienced enough to
play against our competition," he
Of those five losses, four were by
one goal and the one that wasn't
(3-1 to Binghamton) could've easily
been," said Schieffelin.
" A very respectable Division I
continued on page twenty
AS ^
time, Potsdam rushed the ball upcourt, and Maurice Woods, short
jumper, made the score 70-68,
Potsdam. Bear guard Ed Jachim
stole the inbounds pass, icing the
Potsdam victory.
Wins over Oneonla, Cortland,
and Utica brought Sauers' career
victory total to 399. With the 70-56
defeat of Pittsburgh came number
400 for Sauers, making him only
the fourth Division III coach to
reach that plateau.