Document 14065271

SUNYA Gays Seek Fair
Protection Rights
by Susan Milligan
In an attempt 10 prevent
discrimination against homosexuals, the SUNYA Clay Alliance
has issued a proposal to President
Vincent O'Lcary requesting an
extension of SUNYA's anlidiscriminatiun policy.
"Since gays and lesbians arc not
protected under any federal or stale
law, we need to be protected against
discrimination by the University"
said SUNYA Gay Alliance president
J. Scott Robinson.
The present university policy
states, "The State University of New
York at Albany docs not
On second down on the Norwich 29 yard line In Saturday's Albany-Norwich football game at University Field,
Dane quarterback Terry Walsh looked downfield for an Albany receiver along the left sideline . . .
Where Walsh found Scott Lusher all alone in the endzone. The
scoring pass gave Albany a 15-12 halftime lead. (Photos: Tony Tassarotti)
Terry Walsh's Two Yard Touchdown Run
With 1:42 Left Boosts Albany To 6-0
by Paul Schwartz**
The game and Albany's
undefeated season were both rapidly
corningtoanend. A Dane21-12lead
early in the fourth quarter had been
erased by the powerhouse Norwich
offense, and the Cadets had
rocketed to a 25-21 advantage with
nine minutes remaining.
Now there was but 3:13 left on the
clock, and Albany, still trailing by
four points, had time for one last
game and possible playoff-saving
drive- With an incredible Norwich
penalty giving them the ball on the
Cadet 45 yard line, the Danes took
control. Finding success running to
the outside all afternoon, Albany
suddenly used their final scries to
pump the football inside against an
ever-widening Cadet defense. And
with lightning-quick efficiency, the
Danes confidently charged to the
Norwich two yard line. With just
1:42 left, Albany quarterback Terry
Walsh cut through a hole created by
his offensive line, and rolled into the
endzone, giving a frantic finish to
the Danes' 28-25 victory over the
Cadets Saturday at University Field.
"Of course I'm very pleased with
the final result," said Albany State
head football coach Bob Ford. "I'm
probably never totally pleased — we
are always striving for perfection.
We had some key turnovers and
some defensive lapses and missed
tackles. Hut each team seems to
develop a personality, and when this
team was down, they came from
behind to win. It means westayalive
another week."
Report By Chuck Priore
Key In Final Dane Drive
by Bob Bellafiore
After Albany State's third offensive series of the final quarter
against Norwich, sophomore fullback Chuck Priore reported to his
Dane coaches that the Cadet linebacker he was to block on a
particular set of plays was overpursuing and leaving the middle open.
That was all the Dane staff needed to know. On the next offensive
series, Priore ran the ball up that same vacant middle twice for 18 key
yards to set up Terry Walsh's two yard, game winning plunge.
"We hadn't been giving to the fullbacks all day," said Priore. "We
were hoping for over-pursuit and then hand off underneath the
According to Albany offensive coordinator Mike Motta,"We had
the fullback blocking because of their defense. The linebacker was
beating him across. Chuck was going clean."
Halfback coach Gary Reynolds felt that the defender's mistake was
due to the effectiveness of the outside running game. "Once we
established that we could run outside, they (the Norwich linebackers
and defensive tackles) didn't read as well as they should have."
Of Priore, Reynolds said, "He's a picking-type runner. If he's got a
little room, hell make something out of it."
Motta sustained the downpour of praise about Priore. "He's a
money back. Give him the ball and hell pick up the yardage." Priore
netted 84 yards on 15 carries for a 5.6 average on Saturday.
Priore; who may not have been the game's star player, but certainly
was the one to turn the game around, felt confident about the ability, of
'.he Danes. "I feel great," he said. "I knew we'd come back and do it.
We had a great week of practice. We went out there, everyone gol
together and said 'we're gonna do it'. The offensive line was fantastic
ll was a total team effort."
" "-
The Danes' game-winning drive
was set up by two desperate series by
the Albany defense. Walsh's fumble
on the Dane 28 yard line led to
Norwich halfback Mike Crimmins'
third touchdown of the game, this
one a four yard burst up (he middle
with 9:08 left to play. On their next
two offensive possessions, the
Cadets were stopped cold by? Dane
defense that yielded 240 total yards
in the game — a far cry from
Norwich's nation-leading 488 yards
per contest, and less than the Danes
final total of 342 yards.
With 4:44 remaining and Albany
still trailing 25-21, Norwich
controlled the ball on their own 37.
With one or two first downs, the
Cadets could have run out the clock
on the Danes and their flawless
record. "We were scared," said
Albany defensive end Eric
Singlctary. "We felt we had to stop
them.""Not only did we have to stop
them, but we knew we had to get the |
ba 11 back i n I h ree plays," sa id
linebacker John Veruto.
On first down the Cadets tried
their safest of plays
a straight
handolf to massive fullback Mo
Powell, who managed to pick up one
lough yard. Next came a pitchout to
Milt W i l l i a m s , but D a n e
cornerback Joe Riajc/ak flew in to
nail Williams for a six yard loss. Chuck Priore runs vs. Norwich
(Photo: Tony Tassarotti)
Faced with a passing situation,
Norwich reserve quarterback John
"They had started to widen their
Manning spojted Williams racing
down the right sideline, alone. The defense to lake away our outside
toss was on target, and Williams game," F'ord explained. "Our
caught the ball, hobbled it, caught it offensive line was beginning to
again, and then hobbled it, forcing dominate, so we decided to give the
ball to our fullback, and our line
Norwich to punt the ball away.
closed down inside."
Jim Gugliotti's kick carried to the
Albany 40 yard line, where Dane
"We saw that our fullback was
defensive halfback Don Howen
going through clean, so we decided
signaled for a fair catch. Howen
to give it to him," said Albany
caught the ball and was immediately
offensive coordinator Mike Motta.
swamped by an over-aggressive
The fullback was Chuck Priore,
Cadet rush. A 15 yard penalty
and the results were spectacular.
marched the ball to the Norwich 45,
Priore shot up the middle of the
where the Danes would embark on
Cadet defense and then cut outside
their dramatic final drive.
and out of bounds, stopping the
clock and picking up a 15 yard gain
"Not only did they hit Don, but
to the Norwich 30 in the process.
they also didn't give him room to
•Albany came back with the same
catch the ball," said Ford. "There
call, and Priore again rambled
was no question they realized that
through the Cadets for six more
yards. A bewildered Norwich
defense called a timeout to regroup
with 2:12 remaining and the Danes
"We didn't play the fullback too
well," said Mynter, "and we had
done a good job on the fullback all
day until then."
With the Cadet defense now
guessing, Walsh kept the ball on an
outside veer, and picked up yet
another first down with a 15 yard
jaunt to the Norwich eight yard line.
Walsh again carried on the next
play, and he was tripped up, but
stumbled to the two. From there,
Walsh capped the brilliant drive he
had engineered with his second
touchdown. There was still 1:42 left,
hut Norwich fumbled anychancc for
a comeback when Dane kicker Mike
Levenstetn's kickoff was mishandled
by usually stellar returnman Jim
Enos, and Dave Warheit pounced
on the loose football to smother lite
Cadets' hopes.
"1 had great confidence we were
going to score," said Ford. "What I
was concerned with was that we did
not consume more time in the
Their brilliantly-effective final
drive improved the D a n e s '
unblemished record to 6-0 and
solidified their claim for an NCAA
playoff bid. With victories over
Ithaca and Fordham in their next
two contests Albany would virtually
be assured a bid, and after last
Saturday's impressive win over
highly regarded Norwich, the Danes
moved up to the third spot in the
Lambert Bowl rankings.
While the Albany victory kept
them moving up the success ladder,
the Cadets' defeat knocked them
right off. Norwich is now 6-2, and
despite owning the nation's leading
offensive club going into the Albany
encounter, they will most probably
again fall short of the playoffs.
"I don't think there is any doubt
that the loss to Albany put us out of
the playoffs," said a dejected
Mynter. "1 don't know what
sequence of events could change
that. Maybe if Ithaca beats Albany it
could make things a little more
But from the start of Saturday's
game, it seemed that it might he
Norwich talking playoffs and the
continued on page twlvi^
November 2, 1979
^Vol. LXV1 No. 43
JSC Vigil Raises Controversy
by Aron Smith
Charges of obstruction of justice
and fundamental unfairness have
spread among SUNYA students as
Jewish Students Coalition-Hillel
(.ISC') place final touches on
preparations lor an hour-long vigil
near the home of an accused Na/i
war criminal. The vigil is set for
Sunday afternoon, near the
Washington County residence of
Vilis Htizners. .ISC will be busing
students to (he-Whitehall area site.
some 75 miles northeast nl Albans
While nevci emu icled ol any war
crimes, llii/ners li s been charged
with selecting ,h tts anil nihil
minorities foi the Llenth camps nl
pre-World Win II Latvia In
addition lo charge ol infliction ol
healings and p ssiiiil abuse,
llu/ncrs has been held responsible
lot the healing ol musses nl .lews
mm a synagogue in the I tttvlan
town nl Riga, before setting fire to
the building.
Aftet being charged with
dcportability under the Imigralion
.mil Nationality Actandthe Refugee
Reliel Act, deportation preceedings
were begun against Ha/nersin I'177.
Ha/uers'trial went on for two years,
with posi-irial briefs filed by each
side three months ago.
"Wc hope the vigil will encourage
some action on lla/ners' case and
raise questions on campus." said
.ISC-llillel President Mark Gurvis.
Gurvis also hopes to make
students aware of other accused
Na/i war criminals living in the
Frantic Finish Leads Danes Past Norwich, 28-25
the whole game would culminate in
our last offensive series, and they
were girding up for it. When you
have poor field position, you realize
you are in trouble. The penalty let us
cross mid-field."
"A 15 yard penalty is always
tough," said Norwich head football
coach Barry Mynter. "But when
time is running out, it's even
Ford then decided it was time to
change the focus of attack.
Throughout the game, the Danes
had worked to the outside, and now,
in their last shot at victory, Ford was
gambling on a changc-of-pace with
just 3:13 10 go.
preference. He added that many
gays living off-campus, including
himself, are subject to harassment.
"We have reason to be frightened"
Robinson said. "Many members of
the Alliance arc afraid to be seen at
meetings because they are afraid of
harassment; especially those who
live in dorms. We arc even bothered
when wc are hanging up posters
regarding meetings. There is a
climate of fear and it is not always
Policy Change
The letter addressed to O'l.cary
s l a t e s , " T h e Gay Alliance
unanimously requests that you,
Affirmative Action Associate (lloriu DeSole speaks out "lo prevent
discrimination against homosexuals."
ll'e are "very supportive and inteicsieil. "site says.
Routine Kulakuff
discriminate because of age, color, president of the University, extend
creed, disability, marital status, the existing non-discrimination
national origin, race or sex in any of statement to ensure thai members ol
the facultysltifl HI student body will
its practices."
Previously, the tiny Alliance not he d e n i e d a d m i s s i o n ,
employment, or lair treaimenl on
believed the policy included sexual
ctmttnTied on pagefive
preferences, hut lata determined
that the University, in any of its
practices, does not discriminate on
the basis ol sex. At a September 25
Mliance meeting, a letter was
drafted lo O'l.cary. requesting thai
the University policy be expanded to
unreasonable loi Ihe slate lo assume
by Sylvia Saunders
include homosexuals.
SUNYA student grievances responsibility lor ihe remaining$1.6
Protection Necessary
concerning funding and faculty million needed I'm inlcrcollegiale
•'Without protection, it is very
awards were heard by the SUNY athletics statewide.
"I asl year the slate was willing lo
possible thai gays will he
Hoard ol Trustees lusl week.
discriminated a g a i n s t , " said
Students Sieve Coplon and .lint spend $lh million on a domed
Robinson, "ll has happened
Mitchell discussed funding of stadium for Syracuse University."
innumerable limes already."
intercollegiate athletics and he said "One-tenth of thai sum
Robinson cited two incidents, one
selection of the winner of Ihe cannot be allocated lor an
llcgiaic program."
Chancellor's Award for Lxccllcncc hit
involving a homosexual who left his
Coplon claims thai both ihe
in Leaching.
dorm as a result of harassment. The
other incident occurred when a
Coplon spoke in lav or nl state quality and Ihe quantity ol'SUNYA
Resident Assiiant was forced lo
funding of intercollegiate aihleiips athletics will suffer serious setbacks
"to ease the burden to Student during ihe next live years without
resign because til his sexual
additional suite funding.
Association finances."
"Our SUNYA basketball ami
Currently, the stale finances
nearly two-thirds of SUNYA's football teams have reached the
NCAA Division 111 playoffs in
p r o g r m i . w h i l e the
remainder is covered by SA funds. recent v ca i s." lie sa id. "Willi massive
Oul of Ihe $72 activity fee paid cuts this will eventuullv become
annually by all SUNYA students. impossible.
"Ihe role athletics plays in
$16.50 goes lo inlcrcollegiale spoils,
"This means." said Coplon. "lltlll developing an identity for a campus
SA is forced lo decide between and unilving spirit is intangible." he
groups and athletics when figuring said, "yet veiv real and valuable."
SA Direct oi ol Academic
ihe budget."
Coplon said il would iml be Concerns Jim Mitchell addres
United Stales. He claims that many
Nazi war criminals were permitted
entry into lite United Slates by the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
during the 1950's. According to
(iurvis. this was the result of
the McCarthy "red scare": the Nazis
were staunchly anti-Communist.
"People might question our right
to stand outside his house and hold a
solemn vigil." said Gurvls. "The'
approach that we are taking is
pruycrlui id solemn. We looked
all ol the laws dealing with
Ncwmark said that JSC's project
fell within the boundaries of SA
finance policy. The only expense
connected with the vigil and coming
from SA funds was a newspaper
anouncemenl of the event, she said.
SA does not permit its funds lo be
used for buses to travel to political
"I really think this goes against
everything thai justice stands for."
said one Irate student of the vigil, "I
know legally the people have llic
right, but ethically. 1 think it's
There is an accused Nazi war criminal living
outside Albany who, many witnesses claim, was
involved in hundreds of atrocities We, JSC-Hlllel,
are holding a peaceful protest vigil outside his
home. Buses leave the circle at ltf:30 A . M . Sunday
morning, November 4th-returnlng by l:oo P.M.
For more Info on the vigil, and to rcserveaspot
on the bus, come to the JSC-Hlllel office (CC 349)
Tues.-Thurs.- (Oct. 3Q-Nov. I) or call office
4 5 I - 7 5 0 8 . we can have a vigll-Slx million could
not!!! Security will be provided. SA funded
.ISC llillel advertisement which appeared in a recent ASP
The planned vigil has caused powerful reaction.
harassment and disturbing the
public peace and we're making sure
thai we'll be within bounds ol Unlaw. We've taken every precaution
lo make sure that nothing happens.
Wcevcn notified the suite police and
they're going to he right (here."
"I encourage any group lo go on
any kind of political and social
programming warned by students."
said SA President Lisa Ncwmark.
•The testimony of the witnesses
against Ha/ners is jus! too great to
discount, "said Gurvis."lietestified
that he lied on his visa. Wc tire not
lakinu the law into our own hands.
We are noi punishing lla/ners."
According lo Gurvis. a good
media turnout is expected Cor the
vigil wiih sniff from Life magazine
continued on page five
Students Make Grievances To SUNY Board
the Hoard with an attack on present
s e l e c t i o n in e t h o d s I o r I h e
Chancellor's Award for Excellence
in leaching. "There should he no
publication requirement for
instructors." he said, "because il
destroys Ihe quality of leaching."
"The award should stimulate
good leaching." he said, "not
promote publication."
"Ihe problem," aid Mitchell, "i
thai an instructor could be teaching
very well, but be overlooked for the
prestigious award because ol lite
publication requirement. Getting rid
of the publication requirement
would improve teaching." he said.
"Then instructors could pill ill their
efforts into the classroom."
Both Coplon and Mitchell agree it
is "impossible lo predict whether
continued on page five
O'Leary? Students
Face The Issues
Steve Copbm supports slate's funding of Intercollegiate sporls
udenl Assot iation finances.
ritoto Mike I
Sex Week is Coming
SUNYA's Sexual Resource Center is running its first
annual Sexual Education Extravaganza (SEX) Week so as
"to inform and instruct students on various aspects of sex."
said Center representative Angela I.cMonta.
The event, which will run from November 5-9. will
provide a variety of displays, films, pamphlets, and vast
information on all aspects of sexual education.
Sex therapists will be available as well as counselors from
Planned Parenthood and other organizations. Topics such
as sex concerns, female and male relationships, and
sexuality and the disabled will be discussed.
I.cMonta hopes this event will be informative anil plans to
run it at least once a semester.
Wharton To Refuse Post
30 Wlldwood kids came to SUNYA for a pumpkindecorating party Tuesday. "The purpose of the party was to
bring the meaning of the Telathon to the University," said
Media Chair Elise Gutman.
Photo: Elisabeth Gutmun
Firms Drop in on SUNYA
Representatives from over fifty businesses and companies
participated in SUNVA's Career Day on Tuesday.
Spokespersons from organizations such as IBM and
Friendly Ice Cream spoke to students about job
opportunities and their availability and job hunting tactics.
The annual event gives students a chance to learn about the
various companies, while affording businesses the
opportunity to recruit future college graduates.
Members of the Air Porce, the New York Stale Health
Department, Albany Medical Center, insurance companies,
and General Dynamics, a computer company, were among
the many organizations seeking qualified and interested
students. According to an IBM representative, "The fact
that someone has an area of concentration is all that really
matters. No one is shut out,"
Delta Sigma Pi President Nancy Hughes said "We want
people to understand thai the event is not just for business
majors. That way, next year, even more people will attend."
Career Day Chair Audrey Berk man said the event grows
Off-Campus Problems
Discussed With O'Leary
SUNY Chancellor C'liflon Wharton recently removed his
name from consideration for the position of Secretary of the
federal Department of F.ducation. California Appellate
Court Judge Shirley llufstedler has since been nominated to
the position by President Carter, her confirmation coming
early this week.
Wharton had been among the many prominent
candidates for the Education Dcpartcnl's head position.
Also in the running was Hill Moyers. whose wile currently
serves as president of SUNYA's Hoard of Trustees.
"I'm llattered by any interest expressed in me for the
position of Secretary of F.ducation." said Wharton.
"However, I believe my current major responsibility is to the
State University of New York. Therefore. I would not be in
tne position to accept such as appointment if offered."
Formerly, a part of the U.S. Department of Health.
Education and Welfare (ilLW), the recently-formed bureau
severed its ties in efforts to increase 'the speed and
effectiveness with which policy proposals are implemented.
Officials of the new Cabinet department plan on
increasing both the quality anil quantity of secondary and'
elementary education available. Toward this end. Congress .
has allocated a budget of 14.2 billion dollars anil has agreed
to appoint 17.2.1° employees, 500 of v horn must be cut after
one year.
BB Sniper Prowls Indian
I.alc night cramming was interrupted last night when
Hilda Gorbucz and Jeff Siegal were studying in the Indian
Quad cafeteria.
An unidentified person shot a bee bee gun at 11 p.m.
"aimed directly" at the two students, according to Gorbucz,
No one was injured, but Siegal was hit by some Hying glass.
Gorbacz said "we knew it was a bee bee gun rather than
iltst a rock because the hole was a perfect circle.
Campus security was unable to give any details about the
bee bee gun owner.
Philly Mayor Calk It Quits
Hambino. the Cisco Kid and Hizzoncr in various stages of
his police and mayoral career could retire on a $45,000-11ycar pension but says he's considering a run tit the U.S.
Senate seat held by Republican Richard Schweiker. who is
retiring next year. Rizzo is both loved and hilled here. Much
of the ill will stems from his tough law-ami order stance. The
mayor was enraged when the U.S. Justice Department filed
suit against his police force, in alleging a pattern of
police brutality. "I'm not'saying they are angels,"he had said
"but while I'm around, right or wrong, il they're trying to do
their job, they're going to be protected, even if they're
DC-10 Smash: Wrong Runway
MKXICO CITY (AP) A landing on the wrong runway was
blamed for the crash of a Western Airlines DC-10 at the
MexiC'- City airport in which 74 persons were reported
kilted. It was definitely not structural; there's no question
about," said l;AA spokesman Dennis leldman in
Washington. The airport was shrouded in log when the
plane from Los Angeles landed before dawn Wednesday on
ii runway that was closed for repairs, hit a truck and crashed
into two buildings. Officials said 71 of the 88 persons aboard
the jetliner and three on the ground were killed. Seventeen
others aboard Flight 605 survived. I luce were in intensive
care, nine were reported in satisfactory condition, and live
were released alter lirst-aid treatment. I he pilot, Cnpt,
Charles Gilbert, 53, of Rolling Hills, Calif., wasamong those
killed, Mexican officials said the runway on which the plane
landed had been closed lor two weeks for repairs and was
dark, while the adjacent, parallel runway that was open was
well lighted. I ail marks on the runway Indicated that the
pilot tried to lake oil, officials said, but the plane's landing
gear hit'a.truck, killing the driver.
HAS check cashing wilPremain In service for anofher month. There is still no definite date as to when the Moncymalic
Machine will be open and operating.
Photo: Hob Leonard
Ice Cream Record Set
Floods, Snakes, Infest Florida
What's the scoop? Well, there were .10 of them: 10 scoops
of chocolate and 20 of vanilla-chocolatc-chip.
And they were gobbled up by Herb Alvarez in 45 minute*
Wednesday night at dinner in the Aldcn-Watcrbury
Cafeteria. The feat set a new downtown record for ice cream
A tense crowd of close to 50 students had amassed arouml
the busy champion during the episode and gave him a
standing ovation when he guided the final infamous
spoonful into his tired mouth.
The previous Alumni Quad record of 24 scoops was set bv
resident Jeffrey Maker just one day before, who himself had
broken the record of 19 set two weeks ago. Apparently, the
unofficial tournament has been going on since the onset ol
the semester.
Alvarez, who first swallowed a hamburger and two glasses
of water, gained four pounds after the event. He said he felt
"very full."
Speculation has it that the SUNYA all-campus record is
4} scoops, set last year by a State Quad resident. Alvarez
said that once recuperated, he'd give the idea ol smashing
that record "a great deal of consideration."
OKEECHOBEE, Fla. (AP) Hundred of central Florida
residents jammed into motel rooms today, their vacation
trailers and retirement homes surrounded by hordes of
venomous snakes and Hood waters from a crumbled
reservoir. Civil defense officials said 500 to 1,700 persons
were evacuated and homes sustained at least SI..1 million in
damages when a wall of the Lake Okeechobee reservoir gave
way However, officials predicted the damage figure would
escalate as reports came in on devested crops, cattle roads
and camps. And officials said 300 or more mobile homes and
houses around the lake were struck Wednesday by
floodwaters up to S feet in depth. "I can't even think of what
our loss will be. It's everything we've got in the world,"said
an exhausted Ralph Knapp. whose two large mobile homes,
a recreation building, a new swimming pool and sea wall
were inundated. There were no reported injuries or deaths
perhaps, officials said, because a surprised train company
crew warned authorities of the rushing water when their 21ear train was washed off the tracks.
Baker Proclaims Candidacy
WASHINGTON (AP)'Sen, Howard H. Maker Jr. (R-l'enn)
declared his candidacy for president yesterday, coupling a
warning that "America has lost its margin for error'1 with a
new appeal for defeat o| ilu-SAl III treaty. Departing from
the traditional generalities of presidential announcement
speeches. Bakers devoted a mnjoi section of his brief
statement to the proposed armed treaty between the United
Stales and the Soviet Union. "Approval ol this tieaty with its
acceptance of Soviet strategic superiority could guarantee to
the Soviet Union the margin for error that used to be ours,"
said Maker, who as Republican leader ol the Senate has
: merged as a key opponent of the pact. Referring to
opponent of UH
I'rcsldent Carter and the president's i ivnl for the De
presidential nomination. Sen. Edward M. K cdy, Hake
id Carter negotiated SAI.'I and Kc :d\ upjiorts it
•I hi
ay hi
ide."he said. "Hut they
iglll polilit
ate short '-sighted a|ul Iheyi
apply for certificates, kndwing their
apartments will not pass safety
i n s p e c t i o n s or o c c u p a n c y
"The proposal makes a lot of
sense." said O'Leary. "The law is
being researched by Vice President
(Academic Affairs) John Welsh.
" This has to be done before we can
lay it before the University Council
and before 1 can endorse it. Before 1
can present the proposal on
November 14. we have to know that
we'll have a law that will change
Kennedy said, "We spoke to the
Code Enforcement Bureau, who
were positive toward the proposal.
We now have an initial positive
response from city hall."
One student complained that the
law works against the students,
citing an incident involving a
complaint about noise from a
neighbor. The student lives with
three other people.
When the officials investigate the
Photo: UPS
Off-vamints problems discussed
noise complaint, the anti-grouper
law will inevitably come up. We
must go to the hearing with the
possibility of one of us being evicted,
once it is learned how many students
share an apartment." said the
O'Leary felt this revealed the
potential of neighbors and landlords
using the anti-grouper law as a
which requires monthly inspections personnel assured the student that
of the machinery, which includes the problem hail been an oversight
and that inspections would be done
generators and fire alarms.
Allen said fire alarm inspections regularly in the future.
As of November I. 1978. all
have priority over all other Plant
Department work. He added that generators had been inspected. It
immediate problems are dealt with was discovered that three generators
were malfunctioning.
rather than generator inspections.
A new contract will be completed
Allen explained that "priorities"
had been set to meet with immediate in Ma> 1980 which will Include lire
needs such as broken water pipes or alarm systems as emergency units.
malfunctioning heaters. Conducting Emergency lighting systems will
regularly scheduled inspections was become automatic.
Allen said the department has
not a priority.
Student concern was precipitated recognized the importance of
by a black-out which occurred last generators and that it "would keep
October 6. lightning caused a three on lop of inspections in the future."
Requests for additional personnel
hour electrical failure, but Mohawk
"lower's generator for aircraft have been made in an effort to meet
university demands.
marking lights did not work.
lie added Ihal the inquiry by the
A Student Services Committee
member was sent to Investigate the Student Services Committee forced
problem, and discovered that them to lake action and was glad
monthly inspections had not been that the problem has been brought
conducted since March 1977. Plant to his immediate attention.
weapon against students. "The law
reminds me of the 'Al Capoue
Syndrome': while they could never
nab Capone as a gangster, he was
imprisoned for tax evasion. In this
case, the safely aspects of the lawarc
secondary, and il is used as a weapon
when needed."
Another student said that the
current law also leaves students
open to landlord abuses. "The
landlords know we'll be gone in a
year, and that there is no shortage ol
potential student tenants, so the\
allow the apartments to go without
repair, long-time tenants can't help
complaining that conditions him
gone down since students become
residents in their buildings."
Further staling the University's
by Laura Fiorcntlno
SUNY A's on-campus radio
will be
station, WSUA, 640-AM,
broaden sling by
accordin g to WCDB Cicncral
Manage Dave Rcistnun,
Since March I, 1978. when
WCDB signed on, WSUA has been
operating as a non-hroadeasling
disc jockey (D.I) training faculty.
"We planned to make WSUA a
uaining facility itfer WCDH went
position on the proposals, O'Leary
asked. "How much do you want the
University to be responsible for
people living off-campus? We can't
have the University reaching into the
lives of the community. The trick is
getting the University power behind
proposals without getting overly
involved to ensure safe, decent
In addition to the anti-groupei
law. students expressed conccn
about a crimewavein thedowntowi
area. Many off-campus dweller
told stories of women bcinj
attacked, people finding intruders ir
their homes, and apartment
b irglari/ed. Students believe tin
hardest hit ureas lie within the
continued on lutee seven
Corning Enthused With
Student Grouper Plan
WSUA To Soon Go On The Air
on the air, This, ly we would have
somewhere to trai n our D..I.V"said
Reisman. "Before . we had 1 train
oui D J.'s on the:fir, I his was not a
good situation."
bv Peter Herc/ny ami Mk-tmcl Fried said, "and worth investigating. \'m
Albany Mayor P.rastus Corning not saying that I'm for il but Ihul il
was "enthusiastic" about a sijuare- has a great ileal of appeal and I am
enthusiastic about it," r
fool-basis occupancy proposal that
Corning, however, said the
wonkl replace the present antipresent "anti-grouper law" is a
grouper laws for olf-earnpus
beneficial law. "I think it is a good
students, At a press conference held
at SUNYA I uesday niaht. Corning . law. Il itsed to be two unrelated
adults hut three was reached ..s a
said that the proposal was a "new
compromise from people who
concept" and "has a great ileal of
wanted lour unrelated adults."
Off-campus students I rvc
I he anti-grouper law prohibits
more than three . unrelated adults claimed that the anti-grouping law
ordinance has been singling them
from living in the same house. Ihc
student proposal lor ihc square- out. Two neighborhood ass o c i a t i o n s . Pine Hills and
foot-basis would allow one person
for every M)-squti re-feel ol bedroom Washington Park, recently met with
space in the house and would require SUNYA's Off-Campus Association
occupancy certificates evu> three to discuss problems such as absentee
landlords and code enforcement.
"Any that comes 10 m "
"It is something a lot ol people are
going to question," Corning said. Corning said, "I will help, but you
"We will see il we can yet an can't go around violating the law."
Under the anti-grouper law.
acceptable understanding ol it."
Corning hopes to help students
Corning said he received the
violating the ordinance by "giving
proposal ten days ago and is still
continued on />a^c five
studying it. "It is something new,"he
"Hie delay in rcinslutemc nl of
WSUA was due to Iransin ssion
difficulties. Ihc Colonial Quad
tiiinsniitii'i had hircnvandaliz datul
old equipment needed
' Reismu II added.
WSUA's program will consist ol
both individual shows and WCDB
PM simulcasts. "The simulcasts will
be used dining hours when we are
lraining new I )..l.'s" staled Keisman.
In addition. WSUA will haw
commercials, "Y/CDH is not able to
sell commercial time because it does
not have a commercial license and
broadcasts through the air waves,
11 o w ever, sin c c W S U A is
transmitted by electrical carrier
'current which is broadcasted only i*>
the uptown campus, "you are not
using public airways like you are
with WCDB,"explained station Pro
motion Director Rich Schenkman,
In addition to the move to
improve the AM station, the WCDB
staff is increasing WCDU's power
/fee's Mamie, Dead At 82
WASHINGTON (AP) Former first lady Mamie
Eisenhower died peacefully in her sleep early today at Walter
Reed Army MedicnlCcntcr.officinl'ssnid. Mrs. Eisenhower,
widow of lotnier President Dwighl !>• Eisenhower, was82.
hospital spokesman Pete I'skci said. He noted that hcrK.Vd
birthday was two weeks away. Doctors littrllhuted Mrs.
Eisenhower's death at 1:35 a.nvto heart failure, I sker said
Mrs. Eisenhower, in delicate health and bedridden rot
months, suffered a stroke Sept. 25,1979,itnd was brought t»
the hospital herehyamhulnnee from hci iurmnl Gettysburg.
I'a. 1 he stroke paralyzed her right arm and Impaired the use
of I her
ght lei
She begttn ptihvs
uld knew Auici
immediately, .lust
tinpresident by the homely childhood nickname ol
was his wile recognized simply as "Mamie."
SUNYA President Vincent O'Leary
SUNYA Generator Check Lacking
by Michelle Mackrell
A student-run investigation has
revealed that monthly inspections of
back-up generators on quads have
not been conducted since last March
according to SUNYA's Chief of
Utilities Wavne Allen.
Student Services Committee
member Mark l.aPayettce recently
discovered that i n s p e c t i o n s
conducted by the Physical Plant
have not been done on a regular
Physical Plant Director Dennis
Stevens said the problem was caused
by a lack of properly functioning
equipment and manpower.
There aie two generator systems
Utilized during electrical failures.
One generator provides energy for
lower aircraft-marking lights, while
the other is used for lights in service
allevs and uptown fallout shelters.
Proper operation of emergency
equipment is assured by the
Preventive Maintenance Program.
WoRld CApsuUs
PHILADELPHIA (AP) Frank Rizzo knows they don't all
love him, but he's positive every Philadclphian will sorely
miss him. Rizzo, the 59-ycar-old ex-cop from the Little Italy
rowhouses of South Philly, is leaving the mayor's office after
two stormy terms, ending eight years of colorful and
controversial leadership. He chased fire engines, raged at the
press, been featured in the "Doonesbury"comic strip, failed
a lie detector test in a patronage (lap and worn a nightstick in
bis tuxedo commcrbund. And he feels no one can fill bis
shoes. 'T will return," he promises. In about six months
they'll be begging me back." Rizzo
nicknamed the Big
by Michelle Israel
Problems ranging from offcampus crime to the controversial
anti-grouper law were among topics
covered at a meeting yesterday with
SUNYA President Vincent O'Leary
and off-campus students.
Students expressed concern over
the anti-grouper law. which
prohibits three or more unrelated
people from living together. Off
C a m p u s A s s o c i a t i o n (OCA)
C o o r d i n a t o r J o h n Kennedy
discussed the possibility of replacing
the ordinance with an occupancy
proposal based on square footage.
The student proposal would
enable one person for every 80
square feel of bedroom space in the
house. Certificates of Occupancy
stilting the number of people
allowed in the apartment would be
required every three yeurs, In
addition, a lease will be considered
valid only if a copy of the certificate
is attached to it.
Currently, landlords often fail to
Dave Ueisman. WCOB station dlreilor
NOVEMBER 2, 1979
photo: UPS
continued on na^e seven
« M M M M M M M H
Alliance arc urging President OLeary to include the clause, and are
asking for support from the entire
policy three times but have been
"Many professors are subtly
denied conferences, according to
avoiding the subject of homoRobinson.
sexuality in their classes" Robinson
"We have been referred lo Vice
said. "They do not mention the fact
President of Academic Affairs John
that many famous historical
Welsh." Robinson said. "But this is
figures—such as Michelangelo—
not an academic issue—it involves
were gay. The university
faculty and students. "Only
supposedly an institution dedicated
President O'Lcary has the authority
to finding the truth, is hiding the
to change a SUNYA policy."
truth. Wcare livinga lie.andit hurls
Another letter, dated September
28. was sent to O'Lcary. but the everyone. Human rights apply lo
Alliance was again referred to
Affirmative Action has been "very
Welsh. The group has not yet
supportive and interested."
received a response to the letter.
President O'Leary informed the according to Robinson."hut there is
very little they can do at this point."
ASP that he "has just received the
information"and has not yet studied
"The job of Affirmative Action is
to handle infringements of the
"We would like to determine how existing anti-discrimination policy "
(the proposition) related to the said Robinson. "Bui since we are not
general policies of Affirmative protected, there is little they can do.
Action. O'Lcary said. "We will be Even if we were explicitly told to
prepared to say (our decision) after leave a dorm, for instance, because
we have studied it."
of sexual preference, there is nothing
Affirmative Action could do
Alliance Supported
Cenlral Council voted Wednesday because of ihe policy."
night to support the Alliance in its
Affirmative Action Associate
efforts. The Council and ihc
Gays Plead To SUNYA
continued from page one
the basis of sexual preference."
This policy. Robinson said, could
be accomplished by adding the
words "...or sexual preference" lo
the current non-discrimination
statement. In addition, the Alliance
is requesting also that a system be
established to deal with gaydiscrimination cases after the policy
is extended.
Alliance members have attempted
to contact O'Lcary regarding the
Students Grieve
continued from page one
Chancellor Wharton will have any
response" to their testimonies.
"At least he knows what we're
thinking now." said Mitchell.
A spokesperson for Wharton said
both g r i e v a n c e s would he
investigated and discussed.
Mitchell claims that if no
feedback is forthcoming on their
testimonies, they'll "just be back at
the meeting in December."
The worst is over
Now think of the
future with me and
enjoy life. A million
Corning Pleased With Plan
0 continual from page three
them plenty of time to move.'
Coming's response to a "no limit"
ordinance was negative. "No limil."
said Corning, "in effect, means that
every home In the City of Albany
can become a boarding house."
Corning also responded to
questions regarding student voting
rights, stating while Ihey are not
considered Albany residents,
students should have voting status.
"The law is pretty damn clear that
they have the right to vote, whether
they arc in college or at home." he
should be eligible lor jury duly but
iridiculed ilvn choosing jurors was
not it funciion of the city's
administrative policies.
In response to the recent iici|lliltiil
of Albany police officers Mich.iel
Buchanan and Richard Vila,
Corning said that ihc charges
against ihem would be "vigorously"
"When a police officer has been
proven lo be deviant of his orders, il
is a mutter ol very great concern."he
He added, however, that the
majority of Albany police officers
are "darn good cops,"
When asked if he considered
being Mayor for His eleventh term.
Corning said, "I haven't the vaguest
notion. It is clear lo anyone thai I
like Ihe job. I enjoy working hard
and I enjoy working for people,"
Route 1SS, Colonie
'The College Place
"I've had nobody come to mc and
tell me they've been denied the right
to vote. Not one," added Corning.
"If students would reach a
consensus, I would advocate it."
Corning said he believes students
Gloria DeSole said, "We can only
conduct informal discussions of
specific cases. We have no
obligation or pcrrogative since the
policy is not extended."
DeSole has shown interest in Ihe
Alliance's cause. DeSole has
attended meetingsand said she "was
extremely impressed by the number
of people, their variety, and their
Robinson hopes also to gain the
support of the University Senate in
urging President O'Leary to include
the clause in SUNYA's antidiscrimination policy.
"The policy must be extended"
said Robinson. "It's a fundamental
part of civil liberties."
Hillel Vigil Against Holocaust
Raises Concern Among Students
continued from page one
and Ihe ABC television network
planning coverage.
"We've compiled certain readings
and songs and visual effects which
we will enact." he said. "They deal
with Ihe Holocaust, they deal with
the country that Hn/ncrs came
Rabbi Paul Silton of Albany's
Temple Israel views the vigil as a
prelude in I'hursdav night's
SUNYA visit of internationally
known Na/i hunter Simon
"The evidence against lln/ncrs. in
my opinion, is so overwhelming,"
said Silton, Me described witnesses
against llii/ncrs wilt) travelled here
from Israel lo testify. Ila/uers'
attorney brushed them off as "a
siand-iip plot by Ihe K(iH. "he said,
"This shows the mentality thai he is
Irving lo appeal lo."
sincerely hope lhal the vigil w
stir public opinion a round the U.S.."
said Silton. "Il will he a slow
process, hul hopefully, by
Holocaust Day of I'Wtl. there'll he
enough people whit arc upset
enough at the snail's pace of these
proceedings that there'll be a mass
rally on Washington on that day."
But Silton feels that the most
important things SUNYA students
can bring away from Ihe vigil arc a
commitment and a memory.
"For the people who participate
Ihey will be able lo tell their
grandchildren that when they were
confronted will) a problem, that
rather than mourn at Holocaust
services every year, ihey iry lo do
something lo make sure lhal there
was some kind of justice done lo the
murderers of 12 million people, .lews
.mil (iculiles alike."
.- Tn-level aanemg
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Rock 'n' Roll Nlte
Drinks 2 for 1,9-12 pm
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B B Books
| Cheek Cashing Notice |
| UAS Check Cashing Service will|
| continue to cash all personal and non-|
| personal checks until November 30,1979. |
A limited selection of
The Lowest Priced
We carry current political mags.
fit is anticipated that the State Banking|
| Department will license the MoneyMatic in the |
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tfafrzA Few Facts? ? s ^
Bike House
663 Hoosi^k St/Troy NY/274-4388
10% Off All Regular Priced
Items During Nov and Dec
Hours Mon-Sat 10AM-5PM
Preview is a free service of the ASP. Announcements are made on a
space-avaiiabie basis. The ASP cannot guarantee the inclusion of any
particular preview in an issue. Previews may be left in the S A Contact
Office ON L\!!
A Yale University psychiatrist
and pharmacologist is warning that
the smoking of cocaine could
become a significant health problem
in the United States.
Dr. Robert Byck says he is
concerned about reports that some
users of the popular white powdery
drug are beginning to use it in much
more concentrated form.
According to Byck, some coke
users — particularly in California —
are converting street cocaine to "free
base," a material similar to coca
paste which can be smoked in a pipe.
Byck claims that when smoked in
paste form, the cocaine is quickly
absorbed in very high levels in the
blood, similar to the effect of an
intravenous injection.
He claims the levels are so high,
they produce intense euphoria
followed rather quickly by anguish
and depression. To offset (he
reported depression, Byck says,
users continue to smoke more,
leading to dependency on the drug.
Byck says that for 2000 years,
Indians in South America chewed
coca leaves without any apparent
adverse health effects. However, he
adds, serious psychiatric problems
have occurred among South
American coke users over the past
three or four years after the
techniques for smoking cocaine
paste were developed.
Byck says he is disturbed by
advertisements in US magazines
promoting chemical kits for
converting street cocaine to "free
base" and for ads for pipes used in
smoking cocaine.
Super Celibate
Superman fans who had been
waiting for the promised totally
adult love affair between the man of
steel and Lois Lane in "Superman
Two" will be disappointed.
US Magazine reports that script
changes demanded by Superman
himself — that is by actpr
Christopher Reeve — will leave the
JSC-Hillel Cultural Committee
A Deli Dinner, with o speaker on:
Selling Scents
relationship clean as a whistle — or
at least at a strictly PG level.
Shooting of the sequel is expected
Residents of Paris, France, can
to begin in London later this month. now choose their own permanent
household odor to go with their
wallpaper and carpets.
The British Journal Weekendreports that interior decorators in
A New York City film producer the French capital are offering
has announced plans for two new apartment dwellers and home
38-seat theaters that sound like owners long-term smells.
something out of Buck Rogers.
According to Joseph Stricke the
two theaters will be largc:scalc
copies of a NASA spaceflight
continued from page three
Strick says the theaters will screen Washington, Hudson and Quail
specially-produced films which vicinities.
Vice President Ncal Brown
simutate flights in outer space. The
two screening rooms will reportedly confirmed that the police received
be mounted on computerized reports or eight incidents in student
hydraulic supports which will move apartments last week-end. "The
the audience in harmony with number uf crimes seems to be up in
motions of the space ships being the last two weeks, with 3 oi 4 in the
morning being prime time." Brown
shown on the screens.
Since the movements are said to said.
The meeting concluded with u
be a bit scary, each customer will
undergo a brief "prc-flight" discussion of the Inefficiency of (he
medical exam before being seated. bus system. Complaints included the
The space works location in New crowding of Wellington Express
York. Strick says, should be open by bus;s by Alumni Quad residents,
infrequent*)' of buses at peak hours,
Space Simulator
TalksWth OXeary
WCDB Applies For Wattage Increase
Classifieds are paid advertisements which can be placed in the SA
Contact Office (next to Check Cashing) between 10am & 4pm daily.
Effective 11/2 Classifieds will no longer be sold on Quad dinner lines.
Please plan accordingly. Thank you.
Sunday, November 4
CC 2 2 2
Your Full Service Bike Shop
The RPI Fieldhouse
Sunday, November i 8 8:0u P.M.
Tickets: (6.50
Compare John Sexton
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• " L i v e " instruction
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N o w Forming
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Finding i t hard t o g e t c r e d i t
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h a d c r e d i t ? We h a v e a
financing plan g e a r e d for
c o l l e g e g r a d s and t h e i r
b u d g e t s . For
details, call
Sally Gregory
a t Metro Ford
Available at
all locations
Students asked about the erratic
schedules of the buses, complaining
Itthat drivers were scheduled for
breaks all at once, leavinggaps in the
'schedule. Stevens said, "We're
staggering the driver schedule right
now so we can alleviate these
Stevens said that another
Wellington Express could be added,
but "that would be robbing Peter to
pay Paul. What is comes down to is
that we need more drivers and more
buses. We need to replace old buses
with new ones, as we're doing now:
54 passenger dicsels arc slowl)
replacing 3K passenger gas driven
buses. And buses arc constantly
breaking down, due to the healing
they gel in a normal daily run. Ail
this means money, and we're trying
our best to gel more."
from Mohawk Tower on Indian
Quad lo Eustmcn Tower on Sink1
Quad. Originally WCDB was going
lo wail until the approval came
before submitting the engineering
study. "The Jan. I. l979deadlincfor
filing the application was close so we
decided to submit it w'uhoul
transmitter upproval"said Kcisman.
Complications' were also caused
by the presence of Union Colleges
station (WIU)C) on the same
frequency as WCDB (91 MHz).
Since both stations planned to go to
100 waits, one station would have to
move lo another frequenoy.
"WRUC" at Union has put in a
frequency change to 89.7. This way
we will not interfere with each others
broadcasts," staled Rcisman.
Reduced Prices on Drinks
For all ladies
Disco Dance Contest with
over $2000 in prizes
Giant Stuffed
Animal Giveaway
Wed-Thur- FriSat-Sun
Beer and Wine Nite
2 For 1 Nite
3uy One -Get 1 Free
8pm to 9pm, $3 cover
Bar Stock, Amer. Beer
X rated. Comedian Bob Carroll]
ffletmbal miufic/rjance
... puppets...magiciantf
.tftorp teller*
Pittman Hall Halloween Party!!
Tonight Fri Nov 2 8:00pm
75e w/ costume
$1.00 w/out costume
Lots of beer, soda,& munchies A"^
Where's Pittman Hall?
and over-crowding of buses in
"The bottom line to all of these
problems is that we just have more
eople than b u s e s , " Plant
department Director Dennis
:vens said. "The gas crunch means
bus crunch as more and more
students stop driving. And the
problem will get worse as it gets
colder. We're expecting tremendous
pressure in the winter."
Every Wednesday and Friday $3.49
RT. 9 Parkwood Plaza
Clifton Park 371-9894
with trench fries
and cole slaw
Course advantages with others, then
Available at
all locations
Castilian Disco
Tendersweet Clams
or Filet of Rounder
Skiiers Unite!
SA Funded
iStuyvesant Plaza
John Sexton Test Preparation
courses offer you distinct advantages in preparing for these all important tests:
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information Call 7-7506
Howard Johnson's
let 4 years of
go by the
You worked hard in college; but, so has everyone else who's
taking these tests. What y o u need is an edge. Our test
preparation courses can bo that edge.
will be appearing at
5:30 pm
(left side of Patroon Room)
continued from page three
SUNY Central will examine the
iron) !0 waits to 100 watts.
WCDB has submitted its Federal application and look for mistakes.
Com mimical ions Commissions After SUNY Central it is sent to the
(FCC) application for increased FCC in Washington where the final
decision is made.
wattage to SUNY Central.
Submission of the application had
"This included an engineering
study of the surrounding fields and been held up for about a year
the effect of the increased power because WCDB was awaiting
on the Albany area," explained approval to move their transmitter
All You Can Eat
Craig Chaquico, Aynsley Dunbar, David Freiberg,
Paul Kantner, Pete Sears & Mickey Thomas
Albany State Ski Club
Premier Meeting for a New
Tuesday, November 6
7:30 PM LC 2
Smokin' Coke
3601 State Street
Telephone (518) 382-1010
IVext t o Mohuwk Mall
NOVEMBER 2, 1979
Take 1 go east to exit 6. Bear left off exit towards Loudonville/ Arbor
Hill (Route 9). Take first left off 9 to Birch Hill Road. Make first left
again on to St Agnes Lane. Go straight up road to Pittman Hall on
right hand side.
tabm the convenient bus leaving from the circle: 7:20 pm, 8:05, 9.-05,
McCarthy era and Salem witch hunts.
It can only be hoped that JSC-Hillel, an
SA-funded organization, will reassess its
sponsorship of this butchering of the right to
human dignity. Accusations must not be
equated with convictions. For, if we allow this
to happen, who knows where it will stop? We
do not mean to defend a Nazi war criminal,
but rather to defend a higher concern —
justice for all!
Thomas W. Carroll
Roland Driscoll
David Folnsbec
Gregory J. Renaghan
An ASP of a
Different Color
To the Editor:
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways:
Twice a week I can catch up on some of the
big issues of the day when time precludes me
from reading the New York Times.
Twice a week I am informed about the
opinions, messes and successes of SUNY
Twice a week I am offered a variety of
different ways to stimulate my mind, body
and wallet.
Most of all Dear ASP
I appreciate the quality journalism and Camilla! goes into each Tuesday and Friday
After all, the weekends would never come
to anything without the ASP.
A Secret Admirer
To Forgive is Divine
To the Editor:
Several weeks ago, we read an
announcement in the ASP about holding a
vigil outside the home of an accused Na/i war
criminal. At first, we didn't know whether to
take the article seriously, but we finally
decided that it wasn't something that people
joke about. We feel such actions arc too
extreme, unfair, and unnecessary, and
consequently we went to speak to several
members of JSC-Hillel.
We arc. by no means, justifying whul
happened in Nazi Germany. The alleged
criminal, Villis Hazncrs, is charged with
deportability, and faces war charges in two
other countries. Legal proceedings have
already begun as to whether or not he should
be deported, and the proper authorities are
aware of the situation. During the hearing,
witnesses alledged that they saw Hazncrs
commit acts of extreme brutality, violence,
and murder. However, these are onl)
allegations, not necessarily realities.
To Err is Human.
by Hubert Kenneth Dickey
Human beings are human because they
exist in and with the world. This existing
implies a permanent relationship to the world
as well as an action on it. This world, because
it is a world of history and culture, is a world
of men and women-not simply a world of
We must have a clear and lucid grasp of our
action whether we wish to or not. Instead of
the mere "doxa " of the action we perform, we
must go right to its "logos ". That is the specific
task of philosophical reflection. The role of
this reflection is to react to the action and to
reveal its objectives, its means, and its
efficacy. If there is no dichotomy between
theory and practice, reflection on our action
reveals the theory-without which the action is
not a true one. The practice, in turn, acquires
new significance when it is illustrated by a
Anti-dialogue and dialogue are embodied
in contradictory forms of action. Thus the
factor which distinguishes an action of antiiialoguc cannot be a constitutive element of
an action of dialogue and vice versa.
For anti-dialogue to be effective, and for it
to attain its objectives, the action must be
supported by other complementary actions.
Thus anti-dialogue presupposes conquest,
manipulation, and messianism.
Anti-dialogue must destroy human culture,
nullify its form and encourages massification
(duhumani/ation and alienation).
True humanism, which serves human
beings, cannot accept manipulation underany
name whatsoever. For humanism there is no
path other than dialogue. To engage in
dialogue is to be geunine. Dialogue cannot
imprison itself in any antagonistic
relationship. Dialogue is the loving encounter
of people, who mediated by the world,
"proclaim" that world. They transform the
world and in transforming it, humani/c it for
all people.'I his encounter in love cannot he an
encounter of irreconcilable*.
Instead of problem-posing dialogue, we
seem hopelessly locked into the subjugation of
the student to the text, the reading of which
has to be "controlled."
Only within dialogue and problem-posing
go forward together to develop the necessary
interplay of knowledge, and the resulting
critical perception.
[To the Editor:
The JSC-Hillel has raped the Constitution
by usurping the basic right of trial by jury.
They have chosen to lead a destructive path of
persecution with a complete and utter
disregard of human decency. This wanton
miscarriage of justice is being funded by the
students of this institution of higher
The JSC-Hillel has denied a person the
basic assumption of innocence until he is
proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
This SA funded organization plans to
mobilize a force of self-ingratiating
individuals to a suburb of Albany to facilitate
an emotional issue to subjugate him to
humiliation, degradation, and embarrassment in front of his family and neighbors. This
move will only serve to castigate a man, who
has not yet been proven guilty. It is abhorrent
that this is the manner JSC-Hillel chose to stir
memories of a tragic and dark era in the
history of mankind.
With the vast resources of JSC-Hillel, one
would think that a more mature reminder of
the Holocaust could have been conceived. A
more tasteful presentation of the grotesque
atrocities of the Nazi's reign in Germany
would have been more appropriate than
publicly demeaning a resident by staging a
demonstration in front of his suburb home as
if he was convicted and proven guilty of war
crimes. This brings back sad memories of the
On the fact sheets, handed to us by a
member of JSC-Hillel, one of their objectives
was to bring this man's presence to the
"attention of those who support justice" with
the expectation that "he will be dealt with
fairly under the law". We seriously question
whether holding a vigil outside this man's
home will present a fair and unbiased picture
to his neighbors and other communis
members, not to mention that it will intrude
upon and probably disrupt his personal life
He has been in our country for thirty years
and there is no evidence to cause us to believe
that he,wishes to recreate the past. We don't
believe we have the right to pass judgment or,
this individual or to sway and influence the
community with allegations. There are man)
other ways in which to inform society ol
things that are currently happening. We
should allow our legal system to give (his man
a fair and unbiased trial, and the courts should
determine the appropriate actions, not us. the
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Page 3a
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Contents.** The Music
The Editor's Aspect
91 £FD
Friday and
November 2, 3
7:30 and 9:30
The Student N o t e book: Outrage can
only describe the
overall reaction of students to the jury's ver, diet in the Buchanan
and Vita trial. A closer look at the attitudes
and conceits which prejudiced the court is
taken this week in Le Cafe Americain. 4a.
listenforyour e t a m to win Todd Rundgwn
and Otefcte aftam. pottert, and concert tick*
1.00 w/tax
1.50 w/ont
Lecture Center 18
* " e B B * • " "Tfisasw HUST ffltao
Moofay HN 5HI at 8 P.M.: In IC 5
F a a d e d bjr SA
All those interested in
I F e a t u r e : Since the
•Rehabilitation Act of
11974, Albany's made
Jits buildings more accessible to the disabled.
JAccessibility has decreased the handicap of the 160
wheelchair-bound students, but there is
still a psychological one. See 5a.
I Sou .id & V i s i o n :
I Zounds! Look overI head! It's not a plane,
I it's not the winning
I bingo number, it's the
1 B-52s, a very untypical
Southern "punk" band that will blow you
back to 1966, beehive hairdos and go-go
boots. Their recent concert reviewed. 8a.
call Steve Coplon or Tito Martinez
at 465-6345 or 457-8087
Catch You at
91 Si)
Unrv«rsity Concert Board
Fiction: One of those
nights. Too much of
everything swirling
through your system
and consciousness
slipping your grasp.
3et in the car, go for a ride, the road falls
away, bang. Mental Trips by Marty
Vukovich is this week's fiction on 10a.
(Campus (Center
$}<itrooii Boom
Wine and Cl\eese Tlace
with Special Guest
This Sunday Nite
Sound & Vision: As
hn idealistic attorney
M Pacino makes a
ptartling return to the
screen in And Justice
J w All. The film is a
powerlul indictment of the ruthless irresponsibilities of the American legal system.
See page 8a.
and leave name and phone number
2, 1979
The Student N o t e
book: Well, Frida
Observer this week i
about-what time is it?
it concerns the press
ing problem of • isl
there any salami left? - w! i everyone can
gee, it's getting cold
relate to
Centerfold: The
Record Industry is
here to stay. As long
as music is a part of
our lives and we're
willing to spend money
for albums, there'll be somebody to take it.
It's a tough, emasculating business. We've
recorded our impressions on page 6a.
S o u n d & Vision:
One of the classics I
of American theatre
has been playingat the
Performing Arts]
Center. Arthur Mi! [
ler's The Crucible is given a riveting new
production with a talented cast. It's playing
tonight and tomorrow. Reviewed on 8a
Sound & Vision:
Bang! Crash! Ouch!
A new disaster movie
streaks across movie
You've seen belter
before, but this one will please everyone.
It's got avalanches, tidal waves,
earthquakes, and more. Horror on 8a.
Music is the liberation of the soul. It is supreme
ecstasy, divine inspiration. It releases us from mundane
perceptions of the world a n d , through
symbolism, it connects us to our o w n emotions and
thoughts. Music is love (Stevie Wonder, Liszt), and
passion (Bach, The W h o ) , and anger (Elvis Costello),
and anxiety, fear, hatred, despair (Billie Holjday). Music
enraptures the scope of human experience more
vigorously than any other art. The other arts, as sublime
as they are, can only imitate life, music recreates it!
But of all the arts, music is most restricted by business.
Popular songs are manufactured
to sell as many copies
as possible. Elaborate" advertising and promotion
seduces the public to like songs. O f allartists it is hardest
for the musician to retain his artistic integrity over the
pressures . of commercialization. Even worse than
Hollywood screenwriters of the 1940s the current
uncounscionably. Marketing, not music, is Jhe main
perpgative 6f:thbSe w h o control whgt we listeri to. •
The Music Industry conspires to-constrict a r t by
making music-to-order. Records are mass-produced
with factory-like precision and artists are programmed to
comply. With few exceptions only the artists who can
guaranteesfifa constant o f .miilti-.rfiilljpn'.^ollar
profits call secure autonomy over th^ir,art. W h e n ' a
group is thai big the Record Companies don't care what\
they release because it can probably be sold o n the
strength of their name alone.
II is bitter irony, then, when a supergroup like Pink
Floyd puts out a record aUacking the Record Companies
for the cynicism and materialism they infect artists w i t h
by promising l o fulfill their fanlasiesfand selling thefr
souls; in the process. In "Welcome to the Machine "from
their Wish You Were Here album they sing about
Record Company tyranny as an Executive welcomes f.s
budding young rock star to the Gravy Train: "Welcome,
my son, welcome to the machine. What did you dream?
It's alright we told you what' to dream." So it goes..
D i v e r s i o n s : Ready,
steady, fun. Trivia
Time addicts, Logic
Puzzle fanatics, crossword junkies, diversion freaks, come ind u l g e y o u r s e l f in m i n d - b o g g l i n g
experiences. Partake of our magical
delights. Do it on 11a.
Spiritual Graffiti
7 gotta have a song."
— Stevie Wonder
The F a n t a s t i c Four
at the
TJijs week's specials
A .s,.i« o/
/«»'i rtwt .III,( Crarlttn
8:00 pm
A Full flt.lilf .>/
Imparled from Portugal
Stuart Matranga
Tickets on Sale now
at the SA Contact Office, Just-A-Song
and the Palace Theater
99.90 w/tax card 97.90 general public
1 ticket per tax cord
Powin t s NMfllY THE
EQUAL or Mr owAif
6 tickets pev person
Friday Night, November 2
9 p.m. — 1:30 a.m..
Good Seats Still Available
Unibtrailp aimlurp *rrtntt«
Mr n a w
v/tl as iurcEisrutnif STATE Mhfm.ur
or H[H roftr *i AIMHT
Mil si nil twin /..HI.
KK * i Mifovrs oi mr
[Mint Hi. fUtAHOK
Featuring the Scat In Contemporary Folk
owpuf K>W5 ro» ions noimi toxins DOWN DUICH MASTIR HAS REVEALLO
I m turn rmnt tin TOP OF JTUIHSANTJOMI^
Design & Layout
Jay B. Glasen .
Associate Aspects Editor
Martin Vukovich
Glasen and Matranga
Staffwrltera: Susan Alport, Bob Blau, Rube Cliui"", Jim Dixon,
Sue Gerber, Jeff Hull, Larry Kinsman, Bob O'Brlan. Stwe Osier,
Mark Rossler, Cliff Sloan, Laurel Solomon, Audrey Spccht, Hy
Stadlen, Craig Zarlder, Steve Cwjkowsril, Dr. R. Voytek
GraphlciM Evan Garber, Linda Gordon. Allana Majerfcld
U l v i r o i o i i a : Vincent Alello
Somewhere over at Albany Police Headquarters, they are leaning back in their chairs
and having themselves a good long bellylaugh. Snickering and snorting as they stretch
their heavy black-leather holsters ground their
sagging paunches; pinning on their quicksilver
badges with the meaningless Latin mbttos
from behind Cheshire smiles. They ore in stitches because they have just come from
Capitaland's longest running comedy: The
Albany County Court.
I ft Caff* Americain
fitftvp Qster
The Case
Against Justice
The acquittal of Albany Police Officers speaking, the 12 member jury's dF.ision has
Richard Vita and Michael Buchanan of endorsed the use of questionable police
extortion, robbery and burglary charges tactics in dealing with university students and
stemming from the Waterbury Hall incident drugs. The court has virtually given the
last March represents a triumph of innuendo Albany PD free hand to harass students
and good old upstate conservativism over the without fe<ir of reprisal.
The prosecution charged that Vita and
quest for truth and justice. Pragmatically
Buchanan had twice illegally entered Waterbury Hall and extorted money and marijuana
from several students. Attorneys E. Steward
Jones and Paul Cheeseman defended the
police officers on two levels. First, through a
relentless onslaught of innuendo that would
have made Joseph McCarthy blush, they portrayed the SUNYA students as irresponsible,
drug-dealing criminals. Vita and Buchanan,
on the other hand, were offered as innocent,
albeit misguided, champions of justice, doggedly on the trail of narcotics peddlers. At first
glance, one would have had a hard time
guessing who was actually on trial here.
Playing to a "disinterested" middle aged audience of twelve, Jones and Cheeseman impeached the students' testimony by stressing
their self-confessed connections with drugs
and dealing. Referring to the scene of the
alleged extortion. Jones called one student's
room a •'one-room crime wave." adding that
the students admitted to having sold pot 30-40
times. Cheeseman went on to assert that the
students had the greatest motive to lie. A n d ,
as if that wasn't enough, Jones charged that
the students sold pot to teenagers (horrors!),
and claimed that a "young adult," (who we
presume to be more reliable than the SUNYA
students) said that they also sold
hallucinogens. As astute counselors, he and
Jones recognized that by appealing to the
jury's fear and loathing of drugs they could
compel them not to accept the student's
Nowhere was this more apparent than In
Cheeseman s summation, as he suggested
that "we should take all of their testimony, and
if we r o u l d , them too. wrap them up In a bundle and throw it out into the gutter where it
belongs." Based on the jury's relatively short
deliberation {90 minutes), it is safe to say that
they agreed with him.
On the other hand. Vita and Buchanan
were compared to "Starsky and Hutch" in
their zeal to become narcotics officers after being denied acceptance into that bureau. Indeed, their disregard for proper procedure
Page la
warrants inquiry into how they were able to
get onto the force at all. But, more to the.
point, who the fuck are Starsky and Hutch
do they
to do
with the Albany Police Department? Are they
showing Kojak reruns at the academy?
Perhaps the students should have argued that
they were emulating members of the Mod
Squad in their efforts to uncover police cor
To be sure, the defense dealt with /acts only
in passing, leaving several important questions
unanswered. Why was the "confiscated mari.
juana not turned over to the narcotics I ireau
as is mandated? Why did Vita and Bu
make no mention of the money they had
taken from the students? Why was the Ui . i
slty Police Department kept In the dart il out
the entire operation?
What remains Is the fact that
County, association with drugs Is eni
Impeach one's credibility on the wim.'
The acquittal is not so significant as I
that the defense chose to attack the si i I, nl!
rather than offer reasonable, .- lot
the officers' behaviors. The Implli it
far-reaching. There are three majoi
sitics in the Capital area, as well as i i il
.mailer colleges; their students comp
large but seriously unrepresented segment
of the trl-clly population. As long as Ini
and prejudice rule the courts, their rights will
remain in serious danger.
The next time some Albany Police officers
gel themselves all worked up over somi Stoi
sty and Hutch episode and harass studi Is
they do so with the sanction of the county
Th"m«s Martello
Friday Observer
Putting Tomorrow Off Til Tomorrow
Why have you waited this long? You had all
semester to do that reading. You had a month
to prepare for that midterm. But other things
always came first.
/ ' H a p p y hour at the Lampost? Sure, why
"Pass that joint. I'll do it tomorrow."
Tomorrow becomes next week becomes
next month. The midterm fniddenl^ stares you
right in the (ace. You will have to face it in less
than a day and once again you prepare for the
battle •- the battle to dig yourself out of that
twice-a-semester hole.
Armed with highlighter, unread books and
photocopied notes, you vow to learn it all in
one night. Tea bags, caffeine pills and instant
coffee will provide you the energy. A borrowed outline from a classroom nerd will provide
you with the guidance. A rabbit's foot will provide you with the luck. A call to your girlfriend
will provide you with incentive.
But It's still not enough. You are too wellversed in the art of procrastination to allow
any productive moments to exist. Suddenly,
every magazine and newspaper in your abode
becomes fascinating reading. Suddenly, you
develop a taste for television and become
mesmerized by Celebrity Bowling.
One pang of hunger translates into a venture for food. Sub in hand, you rationalize that
the peppers will keep you from falling asleep
tonight. It's 11 p.m. and you haven't opened a
hook yet, Your test is coming up really fast
now, as fast as the earth rising to meet a fallen
sky diver.
You decide to call a friend from home.
After talking about everything but your present
reality, you hang the phone up and look at the
You curse and blame the system for making
you lake tests.
You curse and blame your professor for not
giving you enough time.
You even curse and blame time for not
standing stilt for y o u .
A yawn. The book opens. A caffeine pill is
washed down your throat and into your sapped system. The words How into your mind as
you frantically look for central themes and
make guesses as to what question the professor will ask.
The clock won't give in. The tea scorches
your tongue, but you know this precious liquid
will help your eyelids in their struggle against
gravity. The words blur. Y o u feel drowsy, but
somehow you begin to understand some of
this junk.
back of your neck becomes warm as the first
rays of sunlight bathe you. This morning baptism annoints you with the realization that you
have pulled another all-nighter.
The last page of words move directly from
your eyes to oblivion. Your mind has taken all
It can. You lie down for 10 minutes, wash your
face and prepare to meet your fate.
You are loo tired to be nervous or to even
care. You need a shave, a shower and a
change of clothes. That will come later. The
lest is in front of y o u .
Without thought, the pen moves and words
are somehow turned Into sentences and
essays. The knowledge which you have temporarily acquired in eight drug-aided hours is
spewed into your blue booklet.
The clock continues to move and finally it's
all over. You hand in your paper and return
home In time to crash. You awaken to a night
of blissful partying. All that was in your head
the night before is gone. You don't remember
what you wrote that morning and you really
don't care.
The test will return and you will have done it
again; a B. Y o u smile as you congratulate
You switch to your photocopied notes, but yourself on beating the system. You repeat
it's no use. Y o u can't read your friend's hand- this process four years in a row.
writing. Return to the textbook. A deep
And when it's all over, you call it a college
breath, and you plunge Into It once again. The education.
is coming!
in the Campus Center
«w©*s University Action for the Disabled
Gay/Lesbian Alliance
Sexuality Resource Center
Planned Parenthood
Sponsored by: Office for Student Affairs
Get your n
together! J
If interested call Diane: 457-7903
or Shari: 457-7761
Page 5a
a k i n g SUMYA Accessible
quietly explains. "Some people ore afraid to have. They're reaUy no different from any
come Into a new situation. 1 always wanted to other student. Sure, there are some ornery
be Independent. Now I know I can do It. I disabled people. They're like us. But It takes a
lot more physically."
wasn't sure before. It's a great feeling.
In order to reduce the struggles a disabled
Dave and Hee Dong are among 160 disabled students attending SUNYA. Problems person experiences when adjusting to college,
range from spinal cord injuries and Muscular OVR and Cerebral Palsy co-sponsor a six.
Dystrophy to alcoholism and respiratory week summer program which enables the studiseases. A n d yet, these disabilities do not dent to evaluate and experience college life.
pose a threat to the handicapped individual. The optional conference Is a trial period, exIt's the person who does not view the disabled plains O'Neil, a time to see If the handicapped
person as able-bodied who creates an at- person-can handle college skills. It Is also used
by OVR to determine which students shquld
mosphere of discomfort.
"We accommodate the disabled person, but be sponsored while continuing their educawe lose them when we don't view them as tions.
"There's nothing wrong with their heads.
able-bodied. We're only temporary ablebodied people," Insists DeSole. " A white per- They have to meet regular standards of admisson Is not afraid of becoming black. A man Is sion," says O'Neil.
The student participates In a vigorous
not afraid of becoming a woman. But we can
schedule which Includes taking a three credit
Hee Dong and he will sit and "check out girls" always become handicapped.
"I'd been on my biitt so long, 1 decided it
"We need to Include the handicapped stu- Introductory course, two hours per week of
was time to go back. I was getting sick of Instead.
dent. We need to show what the handicapped study skills, and peer counselor group
Hee Dong, broad shouldered and suphome. If things didn't work out. I'd leave."
students can contribute. They are not un- meetings. The program's major purpose Is to
ported by a neck brace, explains coming to
allow the Individual to explore long-term
America was a great opportunity for him. He
Acting S U N Y A Rehabilitation Services goals. It's a self-evaluation; what can they
is Korean and lived In a society where the
Program Coordinator Erin O'Neil has realistically do?
Dave Reeves was an athlete, majoring in disabled Individual is considered an outsider.
"If someone has a speech impediment and
physical education. In 1970, he broke his neck
they want to become a disc jockey, It's not
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is the result, at least i n part, of the years of lobbying on
in a wrestling match, damaging his fourth and
realistic. They must commit themselves to a
the behalf of the disabled in this courrjry. Drafted by the Department of Health,
fifth vertebrae. Left Immobile from the waist
goal in life, explore vocational options and see
Education and Welfare, Section 504 is aimed specifically at creating design and
down, Dave was confined to a wheelchair.
what skills apply to them," says O'Neil.
Seven years later, at the age of 26, he decided
modification requirements so that, " N o otherwise qualified p e r s i n shall, or be subject to
"Peer counseling helps the disabled person
to become a student again.
deal with emotional adjustments and body Imdiscriminal |i >n under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance,"
age. Some of them have defects and we help
Dave steers his motorized wheelchair
The ori ipal draft called for 100 percent accessibility t o all areas by all personnel, hut
the individual come to grips with them. We
through Ihc narrow darm hall, his disabled
that h,)b been lifted. If not all sections of a building are within the range of the wheelchair
don't say they're beautiful when they don't
roommate Hee Dong Ko leading the way In
bound, then his or her purpose for being there, say for a course offering, must be made
have an arm or a leg. We help them adjust to
his manually controlled chair. Hee Dong
available in a room he or she can get to.
the emotional situation; we want the students
pauses, extending his arm i " open the door.
Tom Tubbs is in his first year of the Theater Department's Masters program. Part of
to examine themselves,"
He simultaneously attmepts to keep it open
his curriculum includes a number of undergraduate classes in acting technique. Tubbs is
Sophomore Carol Schnelderman has exand gel through tin
iped opening. I offer
almost blind. Movement around the campus, he feels, is not too difficult.
amined herself. She does not perceive herself I I
my assistance and we travel outside, Hee
The symmetry that becomes repetitive to the able-bodied is a boon to navigation for the
as handicapped although she has been dlsabl- l l
Dong hanging on to Dave's moving chair.
visually handicapped. The University also makes available typed-prlnl enlargers, which
e,d for two and a half years, and needs a 11
Sitting outside on State Quad, SUNYA'S
magnify written pages, to T o m and others.
wheelchair to get around.
home lor the disabled, Dave and Hee Dong
It costs approximately $5000 to renovate one bathroom for access bsl the wheelchair
"The person who believes he's looking at a 11
talk about being handicapped and adjusting to
bound, Doors must be widened and the stall enlarged to allow maneuvering room. The
a college atmosphere.
sink has to be raised and extended Irom the wall so that a chair may roll underneath.
see someone as a person with a handicap, 1
"Coming In was pretty good," says Dave. '
The State Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) determines which students are in
there will be no barrier. They should see the
"It's accessible In Albany and people reacted
need of an attendant to assist them with day-today living. Applicants to the Office of
person first and the external qualities later.
well." He explains that his accident never fully
Student Life at S U N Y A are hired directly by their charges, who must budget their 80
On campus, I've been viewed as a person who ,
depressed him, but made him realize he would
allotted hours per week accordingly. Lenny Akselrod, an attendant in State Quad's
happens to have a disability. It slows me
have to make the best of the situation.
Sleinrnetz. Hall, finds the job both "enlightening and satisfying. Y o u learn that these
down," explains Carol.
"When i hit the mat, 1 knew what 1 had
people, are just that — people."
Silting in SUNYA's Rehabilitation Office,
done. I said It to myself, 'It's all over.' But 1
S U N Y A will most likely meet the 504 deadline 10 months hence. Though paths are
the hefty, red-haired sophomore admits she's
never really let It get me d o w n , "
often roundabout, the letter of the law will be abided by. The remodeling of doors and
a very independent "loud activist." Resting her
SUNYA, explains Dave, Is accessible to the
lavatories o n the podium and the installation of ramps or elevators wherever necessary
semi-gloved hands on the silver wheels of her
handicapped, one of the reasons he chose to
has been going on for a year and will continue until complete. In the final analysis the
chair, she describes her efforts to aid the
attend the university. Aside from the flat struccosts in both contractors' fees and the inconvenience created until full compliance is met
disabled students on campus. She is currently
is indeterminate. It's unfortunate that building codes did nol require accessibility prior to
ture of the campus, which enables the disabled
attempting to gain permission to open up
student to move about without much difficulDutch Quad with facilities for the handicapThe regulations, which took effect in June 1977, also require the federally funded
ty, there exist such services as ramps on quads
ped. "I want to move students out of the ghetinstitution to provide a self-evaluation and modify facilities for the handicapped. In June
and the podlums, elevators, and special
to. State Quad Is chock full of the disabled."
1978, the S U N Y A 504 Task Force, co-chaired by Dr. Gloria DeSole and Dean for
Carol Is also involved with the University Aclavatory facilities.
Student Affairs Neil Brown, presented a thorough evaluation of campus facilities. While
tion for the Disabled, an organization which
Affirmative Action Associate Dr. Gloria
spreads an awareness of the disabled studen
modifications were made in such things as admissions policies, housing units, and
DeSole explains that Institutions funded by the
on campus.
architectural problems, barriers still exist.
Department of Health, Education, and
With an l'mlikeeveryoneelse-don'tjudgeDeSole explains, for example, that the ramps o n campus are damaged by the cold
Welfare, must be accessible to the handicapme-otherwise look, the confident student
weather. Another problem exists in the lecture centers, where disabled students meet
ped. Section 504 o l the 1973 Rehabilitation
explains she cares for her personal needs,
with difficulty in hearing and responding l o lectures. A n d there are also the heavy doors,
Act specifically states there shall be no
gets across campus like anyone else, and has
leading into all buildings, which are hard to open even by non-disabled population. " W e
discrimination against the disabled student.
to work for an A. " M y disability was just a
want to give hope to people who didn't have hope before," says Affirmative Action
The guidelines described In detail the types of
pothole in my path. I decided which college 1
Associate Dr. Gloria DeSole. " W e want to say 'Here's a place for you. You're welcome
improvements which should be made, Inand we'll take care of you.' "
wanted to go to, went to preregistration, and
cluding the installments of ramps and study
— R o n Levy
spent my week like everyone else.
assisted many a disabled student, finding
facilities and Increasing housing accommoda"People In the non-disabled population
"In the United States, there are limited
them to be strongwilled and determined.
have to become more Independent too. There
structural barriers. In Korea, It was hard to find
Dave, weakly lifting his slightly deformed
places like that. It's a great opportunity to be In word to use when describing them. "It's the are some people who come here who never
hands to rest on the arms of the chair, says
washed laundry. They have to learn h o w
inaccessibility which is the handicap. The
that he receives aid from students sponsored America."
eventually Not everyone is cut out for college,
disease is the disability.
by the New York Office of Vocational
whether they're disabled or not. College Isn't a
"As a group, they're less apathetic. They are
Rehabilitation (OVR).
"They help me take care of things I can't do driven In a car, carried up stairs... I was
myself, like getting from my bed to my wheel dependent on people."
Within the two years that Idee Dong has
chair ot cutting food, 1 try to help myself as
much as possible It's painful at first, asking been In America, he has been able to alleviate
his dependency on other people. While attenpeople lo help There are |ust some things
ding high school in New York City, he finally
1 unii're never going lo like Y o u really don't achod the change to utilize facilities lor the ban
iddt that hi
ilu apped, such as a school bus system with Q
lilt (or wheelchairs. SUNYA's accessibility in
:d Ins declsl
! laki
awku •d wlu
Michele Israel
• • •—ffiniiipy.
Ilea Dong and Dave help each othei oul
Altlv ui|h In
.1 In
physically They build each othei up morally
melimes I'll be In Ihe suite by myself, like If
Dava'8 in the Rat I may sei lude my i II " Bui
oftspokan Hee Dong admitB he i shy ! "
I had i " lai e reality when 1 came here,1 he
I TheSona^fnwlllsJ^eSamem
You Are What You Hear
The Record Industry Cets In Cear
that a relatively large number of people have preserved their artistic Integrity is a
As of new releases by some old stalwarts in the rock 'n roll pantheon, the Record
Industry is recouping if it hasn't already recouped, its losses during the previous year,
when the only records catchinaanybody's attention were the record slumps in sales and
profits in almost every major label. Bob Dylan's Slow Train Coming is hovering around
the Number Three spot in the Bible of Record Industry devotees, Billboard, while Led
Zeppelin's In Through the Out Door and the Eagles' The Long Run slug it out for the top
spot. Fleetwood Mac's long awaited mega-album, Tusk is expected to enter at Number
One, or at least extremely high on the charts. Led Zep's latest became the fourth album
of all time to take the top position even before it hit the stores. (Chart position is
determined by advanced sales and orders). The others were Elton John's Captain
Fantastic in 1975, his Rock of the Westies in 1976, and also in $976 Stevie Wonder's
Songs in the Key of Life, which retained its lead position frr thirteen straight weeks.
In the coming months, as the BIG Christmas buying season approaches, new record
will be coming out by some of the biggest names in the business. Elton's new album
Victim of Love has just come out this week along with Barbara Streisand's Wet and
Donna Summer's On the Radio. These two queens of rock have released an 11 minute
single on which they both sing called "Enough is Enough." With the previous track
records of both ladies, the single and their albums will sell a helluvalot. Donna Summer is
working on her eleventh smash single. It all began with "Love to Love You Baby" in 1975.
A new record by her sells to a cross section of listeners, not just soul or disco'fans.
Middle-of-the-Road (MOR) is the bread and butter of the Record Industry.
Disco's selling draw has always been severely limited. After all, the whole ambiance of
disco depends on being in a disco itself and the amount of discq fans who actually go out
and buy disco albums are a small minority of the overall buying public. The popularity of
disco had been greatly inflated by its promoters and now, if disco artists don't get
absorbed into the MOR, as Donna Summer has, since broadening her appeal, disco as a
way of life will soon fade away.
New Wave also has lost its trailblazers, the Johnny Rottens and the more grotesque
and bizarre oulerfringe. Many "punks" have also absorbed toward the middle and- j r
have garnered fans from heavy metal rock groups which are almost like dinosaurs these
days. How long will it be before Elvis Costello and the Talking Heads have Number One
Hits? With any luck, never, as their fans would hope. The contention is among many that
popularity equals mediocrity. Often this is blind prejudice, since many of the most
critically heralded artists of our times are also Big Sellers. Neil Young, Led Zeppelin, Yes,
and Pink Floyd, to mention a lew.
Pink Floyd's new alburn is also due out soon. Other new albums coming out in
November and early December are by Steely Dan, Stevie Wonder, the Grateful Dead,
Jefferson Starship (without Marty Balin or Grace Slick), Emerson, Lake, and Palmer,
Yes. and Bruce Springsteen. All of these artists will boost sales and total volume way up.
The dire predictions of the collapse of rock as a popular art form has been widely held
but, in light of the most recent trends, seems somewhat presumptious. O n the contrary,
rock, pure rock, as defined by groups like Led Zep and the Eagles, is increasing in
popularity. Rock has been the biggest selling musical form since the early sixties and
looks like things will continue that way for some time.
There is a heartless element to the manipulations used by Record Companies to get
their groups into the select few who can sell albums by the millions with just their name on
a cardboard package. Often groups die in their infancy when the members just get
exhausted from the touring and promotional campaigns used to sell their name to the
public. A relative few survive those first years of one night stands.
There is also a corruptive influence inherent in the Record Industry in that it is almost
impossible for any normal human body to withstand the rigors of constant touring and
recording. Drugs are necessary crutches for many acts.
There are pressures to be outrageous and different to make an impression. But worst
of all are the very intense pressures to write songs which a computer full of graphs and
analysis and studies have proven to be a smash hit. Hit mentality is perhaps the crassest
part of the Record Industry. It is an insidious affront to the listening audience and, the fact
' " a l l ,'his'in n ^ d ' a n d seeking to get beyond the surface layer o, glossy enamel
Witn an mis inn
Industry - a razzle dazzle em defense mechanism
^ V X £ 2 X S ? E < ? < * «
into the psychology of the Record
Industry What we offer here are not facts, or statistics from quas,rel,able sources, but
Industry, wna
personal thing, rock is ours. We ideahstically
T ' n ? S , h a idea "ha rock b ^ n g s to us, the youth, or anyone else young. That is why
C|,ng to thai idea that rocK
|e jn s t e e , l o w e r s plnllin9
t Z Z g ' o " L s h - £ n J offended. And so this report, or analysis, or
e a c t n , call it what you like, is offered. Play,, a s , , lays.
— Stuart Matranga
Bob Blau
Suicide was the most obnoxious,
repugnant noise imaginable. They were just
two. A banging keyboardist who used a
rhythm box more than any of the keys, and a
"vocalist". Real bad shit. People were ready to
rip their throats out, just so the next band
could come on. They played for over an hour.
Then the beauty of it all struck me.
Here were these two post puberty pals
trying to make a buck. How to do it? The
competition is just too tough in Ihe
mainstream. So what's needed is a novel
gimmick that could grab Ihe public by the
lulls. That's it! Crank out the worst fucking
music imaginable. It's a no-risk shot. was (our years ago. Now I flip through
Ihe pages fit Rolling Stone and in Ihe middle of
Richard DeProspo
musical preferences, accepting these genres
' as valid musical expressions, we can analyize
the phenomena outside of the musical
dimension; that is, we can examine different
subcultures which these forms relate to.
Rock music had its birth in the 1950's, but
unquestionably gained considerable
Cold Cuts From BQ Shots
"Everyone thinks they can pick hits.
People say, 7 knew that record was a hit
the minute 1 heard it,' without
that experts have preselected the music
and most songs never make it to the air."
— S o l o m o n Rudman,
freelance "hit" man
"The spectrum of life is not confined to
ELO and Yes. What about Edith Piaf
and Nat Cole?"
— Stan Cornyn,
Warner B r o s . R e c o r d s
"The record companies should gel i id
of a lot of the syrupy-style pop bunds,
half the heavy-metal bands, and a lot o\
the MOR acts . . • I can make teenage
records because I understand teenage
rock & roll, and 1 understand (he
audience they're selling to."
— Mike Chapman,
Producer, Blondie
"Talk about 'art' is bull sh-t; it's
advertising. I just want you to be able to
find a record in a store . . . you gol/a
have something on there that says what
"J neuer w a n l e d to reuieui a/bums. / it is. Everything after that is extra."
aias interested in a much m o r e frivolous
— J o h n Berg,
aspect of the whole thing."
A l b u m C o v e r Designer,
— Lisa R o b i n s o n ,
C B S Records
Editor, Hit Parader
"// can be frustrating. I mean, what
can be more boring and mundane
having to come in and play Debby Boone
and not be able to play a song like Billy
Joel's 'Just the Way You Are,' a song
everyone can relate to."
— G e o r g e Michael
Disc Jockey, WABC,
N e w York City
"For radio, side one of an album must
make maximum impact;
may never listen to side two. So you put
the most important material on side one,
— G r e g g Geller,
Director of East C o a s t "Artists
and Repertoire" Columbia R e c o r d s
How To Be A Star
Four years ago, on a bone chilled
December night, the Palladium in New York
shook. People had come to see the Ramones,
a group of pounding Forest Hills boys. A band
named Suicide opened the show for them.
They were the bargain.
While discussions concerning disco and
rock music have typically centered on what
may amount to nothing more substantial than
an article about The Cars, 1 notice that one of
the band members is actually playing with
Suicide. He liked their attitude. Beautiful!
The Suicide phenomena seems to recur
quite often. Somebody tries something
ridiculous and somebody else starts
interpreting the behavior within the context
of greater social significance. Then it is
It's like this pair of strange sunglasses 1
bought at a garage sale. They were sleek,
narrow frames that fit snuggly around the
head. I wore them one Saturday night. All I
heard was "Hey, Devo glasses, . .Hey look,
it's Devo." Fuck that. They didn't look
anything like Devo glasses. 1 quickly realized
however, that if I developed frames of the
same shape, called them "New Waves," and
made fancy signs and slogans, I'd make a
Which brings me to this. Four years ago
Time magazine printed a story about the Sex
Pistols: Wretched Scum. The next year they
made it to the U.S., to a redneck bar in
Georgia — but nol before a colony of English
punks invaded America and planted the
seeds of a musical trend that would rapidly
proliferate in the States.
It was all very frightening at first. The
shredded clothing, the blood, Ihe anger.
Violence and the contortions against lower
class repression lent credence to the urgency
of the fad. John Rockwell of the N.Y, Times
tagged the punk movement as an outlet for
social protest. But 1 wonder if he saw Ihe
jewelry around Johnny Rotten's wrist as he
grinned for the press.
Now you can purchase your punk outfits at
Bloomies. Even leather pants and skinny ties
walk on the upper east side. And Sid Vicious,
who took it all the way, is in heaven. The
Mudd Club is the big draw.
There are even some people writing these
days that Disco is on its way out. We've
learned to like dancing again, though. "New
Wave" and "punk" are peaking. The record
companies are trying desperately to harness
Ihe profit potential of these trends. And so,
ladies and gentlemen
^M great pop
revival...precise, neat, harmless. • No
alterations necessary .
The movement which surrounds New
years with "crazy kids" who weren't
responsive to fads and fashion, preferring Wave is markedly different, however.
instead faded jeans and flannel shirts, Disco Essentially an extension of the rock subhas provided a marketing renaissance, with culture (though not quite). New Wave rejects
designer jeans and other "glamourous" the values of mainstream society, but without
apparel. Nonetheless, we assume that the .he adoption ot new ideologies. The New
psychological manipulation of advertising is Waver's apparent dissatisfaction with the
within our control. This reaffirms what B.F. system Is manifested in their dress, and
Skinner has termed autonomous man's attitude that "It'sall bullshit."'While this may
search for dignity — the conspicuous act of or may not be a reprehensible attitude it
attributing all acts, viewed as positive, to exists because there are women who can't
oneself (i.e., "I'd be doing that anyway, even if identify with the "Charlie" jet-setter type, nor
the swinger in the "Smifty" advertisement
it wasn't in").
and that there are men whose self-image isn't
But musical genres embody and reflect the
an overlay of John Travolta.
times in which they transpire. Therefore, in a
While it is conceivable that the turning of
sense, we are what we listen to. Within
young people to disco represents an attempt
universities, enrollment trends are away from
to disassociate oneself from the heavier moral
departments such as philosophy, psychology,
issues which surround us, the emergence of
anthropology and history, and towards the
New Wave can be interpreted as an attempt
fields of business, accounting, and pre-med.
to disassociate oneself from all the values ol
The critical feature of the disco phenomena The more spiritual values, which entail soul- civilization. So until we establish new values
is precisely that, however: its appeal to searching ostensibly being replaced by the the moral void of our society can only be filled
everyone; its malnstreaming affect on youth, material values of status, and success, by superficial and vain attempts at selfthat initiates concern. For this mainstreaming defined solely in terms of income. Ideals suph glorification or hapless screams in the d a r k !
implies acceptance of the social values of the as anti-racism, class-consciousness, human
dominant culture, and the abandonment of rights, and socia|welfare areotteri regaroea All rights /or the United States, Canada,
as anathemas amidst the growths tide of Mexico, Philippines, United Kingdom, and
we-cah-change-the-world idealism
""Obviously, Disco's impact on the economic social-climbers, machismo-types, and Hire controlled by Aspects Music Inc. Rock til
sphere is healthy. While Madison Avenue "foxes."
you drop.
advertising had been struggling for some ten
momentum with the "tumult of the'60's". The
most salient feature of this turbulent time was
the alignment of a sub-culture — but even
more Significantly, the creation of a new set of
Conversely, with the emergence of the
Disco explosion, the attention became
focused on the mainstream itself. In fact, the
appeal of disco is precisely its ability to cross
what has archaicly been referred to as the
"generation gap" (i.e. "everybody's doin' it.")
Consequentially, dance schools, such as
Arthur Murray's, are receiving renewed
interest as even senior citizens want to hustle.
The apparent interest in this crosssectional mix is evidenced by disco's capacity
for up-dating classics such as "If My Friends
Could See Me Now," and the theme to "I
Love Lucy." Clearly, the impetus is toward
broad appeal.
you have the right
everybody wants it."
— Neil Bogart,
Casablanca R e c o r d s
"We force the kids on the street to feel
that the records were made with them in
— D a v e Robinson,
Managing D i r e c t o r ,
Stiff R e c o r d s
"I'm — along with the Queen, yQju
know — one of the best thjngs England^
got. Me and the Queen,"
— Mick J a g g e r
Singer, RoDing S t o n e a
Future Rock
• . I ,„ article oninally published in Lame Magazine in Dec. 1982.
The is a reprint of an art, I W W
^ ^ , ( ^
Qn (he ^
w a u <,,
Alan The Slick and the Retards. They » ^ * b 3- ' J
t h e rf h , s m a | 1 d u b a t t h e right
not on no wave. Maybe just lucky innovalois Woe just come
small time.
. d e c i p h e r . "Cycles! Cycles! Everything happens in
It was only rock and roll. The system* v
H e had read The WollStreef Journal for
cycles!", The Slick's uncle used to tell him. Hebwabout cycles.
. ,. „wl .in the loose qravel in the music world with its own
Rock and roll endured. 1. changed. ^ ^ ^ ^ t h e b u l t e t 8 r l g h t b a c k i n t o h i . g u t . l t
seductive zap. I. disarmed the assailant, u 1 W « » P
m e n .„,„ w o m e n , a n d n a t e ,n.o
raised the dead and glorified the martyrs. II
love. I. tried to make a serious joke into a ™ » £ "
A , a n , h e S H c k R u t t o g e , h e r the Retards.
It was shortly after the "New Wave surge oW
b u r j e d jn t n e s a m e
The second generation "punks" were dymga t r ^ n e
odorless pit of memorabilia, a giant P
l a n d . F l e x i . r u b b e r soles absorbing the broken
cement sidewalks of the Bronx. They didn t Km*"™
practiced in a sound proof room in ' ^ ; " * ' W s n o s e d r o o p e d . His chino pants drooped. He'd shuttle
The Slick was usually centerslage. HedOiooP
between comfortableness and tension. SilW
ence . _.
Hello. Who do yon ^? J".
cockroach. He's in Ihe basest. 1 don t
like him. He's alright.
Schizzed discombobula,
h i s n e i h b o r . s u n d e . Liveable, bearab.e olock
The Slick. Slick of the ward on M*
^ s t a l e fiozen food odors.
Walk into the basement. Screen doo, jams
^ ^
s h a r p e n e r , mini binoculars, keychams
Novelty shop shelves all the W ^ L ^
i n t h e dust sunlight.
Beatles and Stones on the 45 IP,. I'
, al|ted a b a o u t s i m p l e e m o l i o n s , gut feelings, In he firs. Rock
Wonder what those mean! ^
J d .The Slick was simplicity entertainingitself.Hewasthe
and Rollers. Anger, (ear, hate - prima t h W l
^ ^ ^ a u d j e n c e w a s o ( | e n s h e „ s h o cked. They
same way onstage. The shows would . • . •
„ c o u | d n , , be _ t h e u fj gure d
ld rro y
shook their heads wondering if it c™
" ^
The Slick once granted thisjare interview
Q.: Do you like performing"
A.T.S.: It's awright. Do you?
Q.: Do you like the audience.-1
,nts. 4's good, no?
A.T.S.: The girls sceaming. I gr< ray P
Dbe Irotw
Q.: Where do you gel your wai !,,
A.T.S.: My mother. They're ch<
A lili vitamin Q maybe?
Q.: How do you slay so i aim o
A.T.S."what'sthat?lduuii<> I
•ms wiih [he Rets
ii»t exclusive interview. Legal I
i that the band is near
Things have changed i|if ^' an
.Thereare those that
^Im thai he has"become a partier, staying out late with
manager delayed the releai
Ihe breaking point. As (or I, le «
_ Dr. R. Voytek
Avanie Gaurdjst6 in Soho
Beyend Record Labels
was once limited to the upper classes, has
been diluted as many "artists" and their
But what » t h e picture?
corporate management dish out what they
"Rock "n roll. It's what I've always wanted to think will sell, despite the aesthetic quality. It
do." Jan's face was eager, "We're doing a is a well-known fact that most television
Chuck Berry song tonight."
material is so conceived and executed as to
The Editor continued to (pardon Ihe pun) be lucid to the average twelve year old. The
hammer Jan about his musical integrity. God, same can be said of popular music which
if I had to face people like this in every city... also seeks the lowest common denominator
"I don't give a shit about integrity" retorted ol artistic validity. This prevailing attitude of
Jan, still maintaining his jovial demeanor.
the music industry is epitomized annually by
"What label are you with now, Jan?
Ihe presentation of golden platitudes to those
"It's funny. I came to this country from whose "artistic" efforts have been the most
Czechoslovakia to seek political asylum, and 1 lucrative.
And what of those record labels - Elektra,
"Hey, you fuck" Colin yelled to Jan. "1 like signed with Asylum" (a subsidiary ol Elektra
^ ^ _ Sire, Mercury, RSO, Polydor, CBS, Grunt,
that term, you fuck", said Colin, an Records).
"There's your lead! I yelled to the Editor. Warner Bros., Atlantic, Capitol, Swan Song
Englishman, "I picked it up in New Jersey."
But he didn't hear me. He had a deadline to Arista, A&M, RCA and United Artists? The
Jan paced about the room expounding
upon the beauty of some of his female au- meet. The Editor and Jan continued to chat. I (act Is, there are only about three real record
dience. The jovial and youthful-looking man overheard them talking about Stanley Clarke companies (I Invite disagreement). Remember
with the balding pate before me hardly seem- on whose first album Jan makes an ap- when you discovered that Esso stood for S.O.
(Standard Oil), and that there were, maybe,
ed the famous keyboardist nonpariel responsi- pearance.
The music press and the musicians Ihey two oil companies in the country? The same
ble for Country and Eastern Music and "Blue
holds true for the recording industry. Thus,
Wind". He seemed to lack the depth.
"Hey, Jan, weren't you on the Mainstream each other. A band may spend months in the Joni Mitchell and the Talking Heads probably
album with Eno and Manzanera?" An in- studio on a project, only to have a novice critic have the same boss. Renegade labels have
from Rolling Stone brandish the work with arisen In defiance of corporate tyranny, and,
quisitive contortion of the face. A pause.
vague adjectives such as "pretentious" or like Stiff records, have acquired a following of
"I don't know those people," he replied.
"I know everyone's asked you this-" Jan "contrived." It must come as a shock when a their own. But how long will it be before Stiff
smiled In anticipation. He didn't mind the at- musician reads what his-her artistic Intentions decides to let Warner Bros, distribute their
tention at all. "-but what was it like touring were in a column in The New York Times records for them?
with Jeff Beck? Was it a bitch? I've always and Leisure Section. Frank Zappa once said THE SOLUTION (Albeit a Utopian One)
thought the albums should've read; 'Jan Ham- that rock journalism was written by "people 1. All AM radios are to be turned off.
who can't write for people who can't read." 2. Entourages of 20-30 minstrels and
mer with Jeff Beck' instead of the reverse."
"Well, you know," Jan went on In his only Maybe rock critics take rock too seriously. troubadors will roam the countryside
slightly broken English, "Jeff's the star. Maybe It deserves the attention. Popular serenading everyone they meet, particularly
music, viewed with some foresight, can repre- young lovers.
Besides it was his record label."
Record labels. The omnipresent reminder sent the political, Intellectual, and emotional 3. The government will enact legislation to
•on every record disc than an industry, a cor- , climate of our contemporary society. "The subsidize free Grateful Dead concerts In PeoTimes thev are a Changln"'. Emphasis should ple's Park.
poration, a few lawyers can make or break an
be placed on "Contemporary" for the word 4. Songs containing the words "baby" "get
artist - or just prevent them from recording for
"popular" implies a very transient duration of
three years as In the case of Bruce Springs- Influence. Popular music's quick acceptance down", or "on down the line" will be deemed
unsuitable for airplay and offensive to,
and subsequent "rejection" (who remembers listeners.
Vlnny came In with some beers for the last month's hit?) Is due to its appeal to the Im5. Disco promotors and entrepreneurs will be
band. Another came in to ask Jan it he'd do mediate and the Now.
sent to relocation centers where they can be
an interview with Ihe music editor of
Popular music, be it Top 40, AOR, or
Berkeley's magazine. In walked the Editor. He MOR, is distinguished by its mass accessibility, rehabilitated.
My solution sounds easy, I realize, but until
sat down with Jan and immediately began to particularly to the so-called "average" person,
then, Jan Hammer will continue to be
attack him for his first set which consisted of as opposed to the lofty arts of yesteryear that
classified in the )azz section, and Olivia
pure rock 'n roll as opposed lo the jazz-rock were available only to the privileged. Our
Newton-John will be known as a rock perlusion that most o( the audience had ex- need for the arts is pre-eminent. Our need to former. Serious artists will be harassed by
communicate is essential. The twentieth cenpected.
hungry journalists, monuments will be erected
"I can do rock'n roll (or Ihe rest of my life, tury has witnessed • the emergence of art to Barry Manilow, and rock music will condesigned
but bi'i ause id my association with
tinue to gain the world as It loses Its soul. «•»
Mahavlshnu, Ihe record stores will still pul me s result, the eclectic quality of the arts, lhai
in the jazz section When will they gel the pic
"I can't believe you did that" $£»e exclaimed,
"You don't do that. I can't believe you did
that." The roadie's indictnient was against
yours truly. My crime had been helping, myself
to the roast beef sandwich of Colin Hotchklnson, bass player for Jan Hammer's new band.
Colin didn't seem to mind, he hail Just scrawl*
ed "Apathy Ru-" on the "dressing room" of
J.B. Scott's where the band appeared for a gig
*-wt Friday night.
Bob 0 ' Brian
Page Ba
Sound and
SA Record Co-op
(in conjunction with UCB)
Rock-n-roll music breeds In the heart of
adolescence - teenage frustrations, exploslveness, and the overly dramatic romantic encounters that accompany puberty. It's a
subject (maybe I should call It an Ingredient)
that almost every successful band has touched, if not totally played o n : The Beatles' "I
Saw Her Standing There", The Stones'
"Under My Thumb", The Who's "My Generatlon", Bowie's "Changes", Bruce/s "R illta",
all the way up to The Knack's "Good Girls
Don't". You could go on forever. If your
adolescence was spent In the mid-sixties, your
rock memories will probably recreate Imagines
of Petula Clark, the Supremes, "Beach
Blanket Bingo", and "Gilllgan's Island". So
will the B-52s.
Although not wholly appreciated In their
small and dreary hometown of Athens,
Georgia ("Most people hated us"), The B-52s
are the most exciting musical export that
Carter country has ever produced. The
In Honor
I Page 9d
Bombifld Qahifis
Cliff Sloan
" 5 2 - G l r l s " , Cindy Wilson and singerkeyboards player Kate Pierson, sport go-go
boots, mini-skirts, and beehive hairdos, looked too much like "Gilligan's Island" sex symbol Tina Louise to be mistaken for coincidence. The girls sing alone In piercingly
computerized pitches or join together In
backdrop u n i s o n . Lead vocalist Fred
Schneider HI wears a Clark Gable mustache
and parades a thin, pliable, Gumby physique.
His baratone, although not clear and crisp,
pi uvides a welcome relief to the "chalk against
a blackboard" pitch of Cindy and Kate. Joining with Cindy, Fred provides a refreshing visionary delight - (rugging, camelwalking, and
perfuuniiig numerous other nostalgic dances
of the sixties. The self-described "tacky little
dance band" meshes to form pulsatlng.slmple
music, which rarely requires baby-faced
guitarist Rick Wilson (Cindy's brother) to Incorporate more than a couple of chord
changes. The beat, like that of good disco, Is
simple and repetitive but you still feel the urge
to dance. Ricky's four string guitar (the middle
two strings are missing), he explains, allows
arry Kinsman
1 SUNYA's production of The Crucible Is Impassioned and skillful. While there is nothing
Specially innovative about this version, the
rk center of the play is relentlessly honored thur Miller's indictment of man's cowardice
d irresponsibility under duress. In fact, Prop's promise to his newly arrested wife, "I'll
ill like an ocean on that court," is remarkably
•t for describing the effect of the play on its
dlence. Miller's touch is not light,
91 Si)
he B-52's
him to achieve the right gutty sounds. Drummer Fred Strickland, who looks something like
Lou Reed in his "Rock-N-Roll Animal" phase
(Lou was ahead of his time in '74. Strickland's
merely arriving on schedule) provides an Impressively powerful backbone which more
than adequately supports the band.
Now. if you're one of those alert, observant
music buffs, you've probably already noticed
that the B-52s don't have a bassplayer. Oddly
enough. Schneider's baritone. Ricky's power
chords, • Strickland's backbeat. and Cindy's
slinky, often Doors-like organ, render the
open wound painless. Despite their nostalgic.
campy stage presence. The B-fi2s capture the
I bygone decade with styli/ed distance It is an
ironic, but nevertheless sleek combination of
Star Wars and the woild's biggest pajama party. Revisiting the days of Ladybird, Jack,
Jackie-0. and Tina Louise ("These ate the
girls of YOUIS.A."), cannot alone describe
The B-52s.
"This is the space age," Schneider announces in "There's a Moon in the Sky
(Called the Moon)", an upbeat dance number
which had the masqueraded crowd at J.B.
T h e Crucible
p l a y i n g at the P.A.C. is a s t r o n g p r o d u c t i o n of this A m e r i c a n
classic b y A r t h u r M i l l e r . " W e c a n n o t r e l a x u n t i l the p l a y e r s finally release u s . "
W, Christopher Wolfe, a promising local
K>Iaywright as well as an actor, makes a loweri n g John Proctor. He is big and handsome
nd he sweats "like a stallion" just as Abigail
eports early in Act I. His booming voice and
mooth elocution comprise perhaps the best
Law And Disorder
Ufl>v«ut)y COMIOIP Boord
An Evening with
Todd Rundgren
Thursday, November 15
at 6:00 P.M.ot the Palace Theater
Tickets are (6.50 with tax card
$6.50 General Public
Tickets on sale now at the
ontact Office, Just-A-Song
ecords and the Palace
Good Seals Sill tollable
Must have tax card to get discount!!!
Scott's jumping on Saturday night. From
greasers to goblins, the pre-Hallowecn crowd
made little use of their seats. The band was aggressively modern, like a group of freewheeling space teenagers. Their overall effect made
Dcvo look neanderthal. The band continued
with "Rock Lobster", a b'' '\ party horrormovie tale which is their most popular tune to
date, and a "take it or leave It" rendition of
Petula Clarke's "Downtown". The B fi2s concluded their dissalisfyingly short show with
"Strobe Light", another effective and exciting
dance concoction. Covering only the naterlal
on their recently released debut albu
n. The
B-f)2s left me with that "they took the
and ran" feeling in my stomach, an .
all too common these days. They an
an cl
that's refreshing, light, and eye catch
alas, they are an act. You couldn't
II i l u
solid, talented band anymore than yc
convict a cop of a crime In Albany i could
same time, however, 1 can't see any At the
enjoying one of their concerts, tint cat
now; something tells me they won't be
in five years.
These five b e a u t i f u l p e o p l e m a k e a career out of c u l t u r e s h o c k a n d m u s i c a l
s c h l o c k . A f t e r a n e v e n i n g w i t h i h e m , you'll go h a c k in l i m e t o the w o n d e r f u l
f u t u r e of 1966. D o n ' t ask.
( h e Crucible Conies To Life
Talking Heads and Todd Rundgren shows §
Buy tickets for the Todd Rundgren concert and • |
receive a discount ticket for use towards the §
purchase of all Todd Rundgren and Utopia |
Also, all Talking Head's albums will be on sale
for the week of Nov 5 thru Nov 9
Sound and
Jh-ha WHr.h Is Baric
of the Upcoming j
Coming Soon: TDK
' t l.n
A n d I r o n y For
Director Norman Jcwison's latest film, And
Justice For All is a reflection of its times. When
many Americans are cynical about their legal
system, when to many it seems the innocent
are unjustly punished and victimized while the
guilty go free, when fewer and fewer citizens
trust the courts and no one trusts lawyers,
when the concept of a fair trial has become a
rather bitter joke, it is hardly surprising that a
commercial film should reflect these attitudes.
Politics are everywhere, especially In the
Jim Dixon
A n d Justice For All is a semi-comic Indictment of the American legal system. The title is
Too long absent from movie screens, Al
Pacino makes an impressive come-back as Arthur Kirkland. an oddity in Baltimore legal
circles; an honest attorney. Kirkland is defending (with little success) a client who has,
through a complicated series of legal mishaps
spent a yeai and >i half In prison because he
had a broken tail light Kirkland has dug up
enough evidence to free his client, but because
he submitted it late, the hard nosed letter-of
the-law Judge (John Forsythe) won't admit It.
In ih.' meantime his girlfriend might be in
vestlgatlng hl.Ti f ( » the Ethics Committee, his
partnei Is going Insane, In- beloved grand
fathei M v. Strasberg) is g
g senile, and his
< llents' lives .in 1 turning Into hell,
When Forsythe is accused of committing a
particularly vicious sodomy-rape-assault, the
tables, 'arc turned, HI a way. I If
Kirkland to defend him. Then mutual aniniosl-
ty is well-known, and he reasons that the only
reason the public would believe Kirkland
would defend a man he personally hates
would be that he honestly thought him Innocent. Here the plot thickens rapidly, and giving away too much would be a crime.
The script's main flaws are in its questionable character development. The writers
don't seem to have been sure who they
wanted to develop thoroughly and who they
didn't. The problems caused by this are minor
and easy to live with. The characters that arc
developed are for the most part well-drawn,
and the dialogue sparkles.
The acting, from a superb cast, is uniformly
excellent. As usual, Pacino shines, especially
in the climactic trial sequence, when he
delivers an opening address that most actors
(and a lot of lawyers) would give their right
arm for. Pacino delivers many of these lines
directly to the camera, a difficult task to bring
Also impressive, as Kirkland's grandfather,
is living legend Lee Strasberg, the clean of
American method acting. His portrayal of a
proud man losing his last battle with senility is
quite touching (Strasberg and Pacino work
Well together as a team, as views of 7'hi' Godfather Part II should recall
ck Wa
an nnpivs*
judge with
ili.•in. as (
Kemper, v.
ath wish
• phol
nlni tight, with
•I Vict*
In almost jarring contrast, David Grusin's
uslcal score sounds like television series
uslc. Giving both he and the director the
neflt o( a doubt, it seems to me likely that
e music was Intended to olfset the starkness
some of the sequences, thereby increasing
;lr general palatabillty. To a degree it works,
Jt Grusin won't follow his last score, in
Idnlght Express, with another Oscar for this
For some reason, ihe New York City critics
i down on And Justice For All, yet I feel II
should have a wide appeal. This is a well-done
movie, entertaining and fast-moving, yet
makes some needed statements about the
state of Justice in America. Though It probably
won't win any Academy Awards, it shouldn't
be missed by fans of film entertainment meant
for slightly more discriminating tastes.
It seems that the most flamboyant careers
can pass almost without notice sometimes. In
the case of the late playwright-actor Robert
Shaw, this Is a true shame. Shaw, who died
over a year ago, had completed two films at
the time of his death. Last Christmas saw the
release of the first of these; Force 10 From
Nauarone, an undistinguished but generally
entertaining sequel to The Guns oj Nauarone.
The film was critically Ignored for the most
part, and the public stayed home. His last film,
Avalanche Express, just left the Capital District played for perhaps two weeks. I never
got to see It. The critics who did didn't like II.
Shaw, who skyrocketed to stardom after his
role In Jaws, starred In several other
Hollywood films, Including Robin and Mar/an,
Swashbuckler, The Deep, and Black Sunday.
feature of his performance Wolfe Is especially
moving in the scene already mentioned, In
which he tries to keep Ihe authorities from taking his wife Elizabeth. He finally acquiesces
under overwhelming odds, only to cry out in
renewed anger that they should not chain her.
Wolfe's Proctor is the sort of human Ideal
Miller intended: Intelligent but fallible, strong
but fiercely loving.
Eileen Canlwell who plays Elizabeth Proctor, is already known lo tills critic as the star of
Mr. Wolfe's play. Hautor, Father and Son.
which was done by the Playwright's Workshop
(City Arts Office) this summer. She is lovely,
and what Is more, she has the same sort of
presence and clear resonant voice that Mr.
Wolfe possesses.She is an excellent counterpart for him.
David Ludewig is appropriately maddening
as the pontificating Judge Hawthorne. In the
courtroom scenes, he so effectively badgers
Mary Warren and baits Elizabeth Proctor that
we want to jump up there and silence him
Michael Stringer makes a furious liltle whirlwind of Giles Corey. Corey, like Proctor,
(unctions as a kind of human signpost (or
Miller: Corey is one of the few who would
rather be killed than regurgitate the court's
brainless lies. Denying oneself and the truth In
order to conform, even denying the truth lo
survive, Is unpardonable. A n d , as Miller
demonstrates by having neighbors accuse
each other in general hysteria, denying ihe
truth is ultimately bad politics. The Crucible Is
pre-Watergate, let us remember,
Charles Wagner is oafish as Ihe Reverend
Parrls, the self-serving parson who slaits Ihe
whole mess. His oaflshness is right, except
that it smacks of twentieth century Long Island
- primarily the result of Mr. Wagner's accent
and hurried manner. He is no 17th century
Puritan minister.
The courtroom scene in which the three
young women wreak havoc under Abigail's
leadership is especially good. Between the
judge's bellowing and Ihe girl's feigned terror,
the tension escalates to the unbearable, .lust as
Miller planned. Donna l.oney Is intense and
Earthly Connections
Is Less
Is it a disaster film? Is it one\of those starladen "international" films? Or is it an
encounter of the television kind? Meteor is
the story of what happens when a comet hits
an asteroid and sends it our way. Yes, it's starladen. Try this on (or size: Sean Connery is
yanked out of a yacht race by the Coast
Guard and whisked off to Houston, where he
curses out Karl Maiden and Martin Landau,
and then goes to Washington to give Henry
Fonda (the President, of course) the latest on
the gianl meteor heading earthward. And
that's just for starters. Brian Keith plays a
Russian scientisl who speaks only Russian
(bui fori unately does not bang his shoe on I he
table), and Natalie W o o d is his interpreter (al
least she still looks great).
Rube Cinque
He was a good actor with enough personal
style (or ten performers. He was a fine
playwright, and one can only hope his stunning play, The Man In The Glass Booth will
someday receive the treatment it deserves, He
was a talented artist, who had worked in supporting roles for years belore his discovery by
the general American public. His last two Ignominious films are a sad Irony, and I for one
hope his memory doesn't fade Into an
undeserved obscurity,
pretty as Abigail Williams, but there is a
sultriness lacking, thai seductive quality which
would have captured John Proctor's fancy.
She is ior> slim and frail looking for an Abigail.
The sets are grey and stark - efficient re< om
innalions of Ihe same few walls and ceilings lo
carry us into what were undoubtedly
subsist) nce-leve! homes. The gloomy lighting
evokes a cold New England. The lighting
director and Ihe make-up artists should get
togethet on the courtroom scenes, however;
Ihe lighting has lo be strong during these
scenes, but it should not turn everyone's
make up into a grotesque mask.
The pace of the production is unhurried,
and that is also as It should be. We cannot
relax until ihe players finally release us, until
.John Pr. .tor has his goodness at last, and folly crushes the courageous few underfoot, m
This film is about a meteor, but as this film
was also designed to appease, one disaster is
not enough. Not only does a meteor cream
New Y o r k , but we see an avalanche, a tidal
wave, an earthquake, and the best disaster
I've ever seen — as the stars are escaping an
underground Defense Department control
via a subway tunnel, the sewer mains all give
out and covers half the cast in shit. Oops, I
spoiled the surprise. O h , well. I'm still trying to
figure out why they didn't cram in a burning
skyscraper or a runaway rollercoaster.
Yeah, the plot is thin; not only are we asked
to believe that the Americans and Russians
both happen to have nuclear warheads in
space, but that these warheads are enough to
blow away a meteor big enough to take a
chunk out of the earth. This film's credibility is
further eroded by some shaky imitations of
meteors, and a spaceship floating past a desk
lamp. All the cliches are flawless, however.
When a loving couple from some far corner of
Ihe earth appears, a disaster faithfully follows,
and when Ihe roof caves in on Sean
Connery's save-lheworld party, the only
fatalities are Martin Landau, the poisonmouthed commander of the base, and a
sweet young girl who works the computers
down there with her beau. There's plenty of
patriotic "Washington music" to go around,
The plot is Ihin, the special effects are none
loo special; what good could possibly come
out ol this film, you ask? Well, for two hours
or so, the President of the United States
actually had a grip on things; for those same
hours, all hell broke loose, and I was not in the
slightest danger. Escapist? You bet. O n the
(lip side of this coin, how often can one see a
building being torn d o w n , let alone the
massive wrath of Nature herself?
One more thing about those warheads.
Actually, I wouldn't put it past the Kremlin or
the Pentagon to have Ihem up there even
now, but I'm not so sure the Russians would
stand by and let the Americans grab all Ihe
glory by running the save-theworld mission.
The only thing they do here is send Brian
Keith. Geez, in Marooned, they send a whole
crew of cosmonauts to save two lousy
astronauts, and all they can do with the world
at stake is send us Brian Keith? Well, it is an
escapist flick, and it doesn't have you leaving
the theater wracked with guilt over our
nation's crual psychological exploitation of
Swaziland or the shameful state of our
Jacuzzis. Meteor offers us no truths, no
brilliant treatises; it's nice l o turn off the brain
every now and then, and this is a movie that's
rather good to do it with.
mot •nmmn ytm**
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Page 10
deeply. After a few drags he was calm enough
to continue. " G o o n . " she said.
"I was just about to freak out when this lady
In a housecoat grabbed me. She saw right
through me. She asked if I was alright. 1
couldn't speak. I sat there with a blank terrified
stare on my face. While she ran over to Bill 1
collapsed on the ground. Crying like a baby I
tried to wish that it wasn't really happening.
Then some bluecoat grabbed me. I looked up
and saw flashing red lights all over the place.
My mind started racing. 1 swear 1 was thinking
a thousand things at once. I was so relieved
when I saw that Bill was alive but still Incoherent."
As another space-out phase returned to
conscious reality this problem remained unsolved. To Hal It appeared that the complexity
of his problem would lead him on an infinite
search for a solution. He was bewildered. His
hands covered his face as he moaned. He
thought, ' H o w could I have done It?' The
room began to close in o n h i m . He needed
out. Smashing his hand on the table, he rose
and grabbed his coat. T h e echoes of his
1 previous thoughts loomed ominously in his
subconscious. Quickly walking out the front
door he savored that first breath of fresh air.
The oxygen of the cool clean air supplied
temporary relief from his mental strain and a
small smile began to show o n his face\ The
outside world with It's activity, people, and
sights removed his concentration from reality.
It supplied the outlet he needed from his
seemingly exltless corner.
The world that we touch, see, smell, taste,
hear, and react with Is always the last bastion
of sanity to hang on to. Its seemingly spontaneous and unplanned activity can almost
always save one from a schltzold-paranola
trip. Just as your mind approaches thatiterrlfyIng edge, reality supplies a tangible form of
The dull glow of the Dew Drop Inn's neon
sign supplied a temporary panacea and Hal
picked'up his stride a bit. Upon entering he
quickly dropped a five on the bar and called
for a tap. A sigh of relief greeted the beer carrying bartender. The first sip of the golden carbonatlon helped to ease his trembling body.
He closed his eyes and let his frazzled mind
rest. He hadn't slept In a clay an<J.a Kblf and
desperately needed relief froth his .'mental,
'atigue. Upon opening his eyes he only found
ihe cold, stark reality of his beer glass-. "What made It this far. He quickly opened the door
am I going to do?" he thought. "Can't go and sped up the stairs to apartment 207. He
home • parents." Then, like seeing a friend opened the unlocked door and stepped income around the corner, he remembered side.
Assllla. She ha;d'$N>VS been able to umters-Assilla, startled by-the sound, turned and
tand him the best, perhaps because sne knew approached him. With eager, concerned eyes
him so well. He quickly finished his beer arid she asked "What happened? Y o u look like a
moved l o the phone, hoping . . .
wreck." He sensed her concern grow rapidly
. . . Five rings, six rings, "Where the hell is upon seeing his condition. He moved evasiveshe?" H e began t o shake. Finally she ly at llrst and then flnp'ly relaxed on the couch.
He felt at ease now. He knew that talking to
answered "Hello." Like a )unkie scoring a long
awaited, fix he found Intense relief in hearing Assilla wouldn't be just a verbal ejaculation to
ease h l s m i n Thi5 was It. N o more tittertatter, this would straighten out his head.
_ V? see you. ••
tt.t»*.» . 1 . ; . ..,,...1.1 <-,*-*;,.:•
Balance and reality defined.
"fs anything wrong?"
"Last night . . . " he uttered.
"I can't explain now. Where can I meet
His mind was stumbling. He restarted. "It
was horrible. Bill and I were In an accident.
"I'm home alone. C o m e o n over."
Bill's car Is wrecked." He leaned back a n d
5 "I'm at the Inn. see ya in five?"
closed his eyes. He could feel the coiled ten",:'Sure." She hujijg up. .
Taking a deep breath he moved to. get his sion In his mind begin to unwind.
Her mind raced for a moment. Then she
change from the bar and exited. Outside he
reached into his pockel and lit a cigarette. The asked, "Is he hurt?"
feeling of the smoke in his lungs cleared his
mind. He felt a bit calmer and more secure.
The cigarette burned. He walked to Assllla's.
Her mind scrambled, she grabbed two
The calmness was abnormal from his recent glasses and some scotch. "Now relax and just
mental unrest.
fell me what Ihe hell happened."
Rounding the corner onto Unlvere Blvd..
The burn of the scotch gave him the
heKnfcfr.cK^patsB'Aa^uanb^ >i <*!#
he flicked his butt. He was only a half a block
from his destination. The alcohol from Ihe
night before was finally starting to clear from
his head. The total hassle of sobering l i p for
the police. Trying to make his prefabricated
description of the night before seem realistic. It
was horrifying. The smashed car, the strobing
red police light and his mind trying to account
for everything. He almost didn't believe he'd
Concert Center
Marty Vukovich
She'd always figured It would happen eventually.
"We were having a great time. Drinking and
smoking. Everyone was there. We stayed until
four. We were fucked-out of our brains. O n
Ihe way home the car got wrecked."
It all sounded so predictable. She was stirred, though, by the fact that she saw an
uneasiness that still resided in his eyes. She
noticed the tension as he look another quick
sip of scotch. "What's wrong, Hal?" she asked
In that open way that would always release his
innermost thoughts to her. She looked him In
the eyes.
"As we left Manny's I asked Bill to wait while
I look a leak. When I got back to the car, BUI
had fallen asleep. I tried to wake him, but It
was no use. The key was In the Ignition so 1
just dragged him onto the passenger side and
started the car. Everything was fine. Bill snoring contentedly as I buzzed down Stewart
Ave. The streetlights glistened and the music
played. I was amazed at how easily vie moved
down Ihe road. Then I don't know what overcame m e . The Pink Floyd started to captivate
my mind. It started to drift on those slow,
melodic harmonies. Its beauty totally removed
me from reality. The i smash, all 1 could see
was white. It was a few minutes before I got a
perseverence to continue. "Last night Bill and grip o n things. BUI was still unconscious. I
I went out; We were In need of a good rip to dragged him out of the car. 1 shook him. trying
get the week off our minds. Y o u know how to make h i m show signs of life. My mind
we gel o n Fridays." The words came easier started to expand like an atom bomb exnow. " I had some ludes so we gobbled them ploding. 1 thought my head was going t o
before we went lo Manny's party,
pop." He was shaking now. Showing signs of
Being that she knew Bill and Hal and was a relapsing to that previous horror.
sharp girl, , she began lo put the pieces
She steadied him. "Take it easy, m a n , " She
together. "Those fuck-offs," she thought. lit a cigarette for him. He began to Inhale It
Friday, Nov. 2
State Quad
9:30 pm
Admission $1
an event you won't want to miss!!
"Oh my God! You must have been flipping
out. All those cops wanting to know this; that
and the other thing." She looked at Hal with a
puzzled face. There was more tension now.
Her mind took a twist. The questioning look
on her face demanded Hal's continuance.
" I can't believe I did i t . "
She became Intensely Intrigued. "Did
what?" Hal trembled for a moment. Then
blurted It out. "1 told them Bill was driving."
He broke down.
She looked at h i m . N o w everything was
beginning t o make sense. She n o w
understood what his mind had gone through.
He had passed the blame off and his conscience wouldn't stand for it. Her arm slowly
went around his shoulder and she gave him a
comforting hug. He was broken and she knew
It. After a while of rocking In her arms sh3
said, "Come o n . Pick up your head. Let's go
make some coffee." With his now slight inntr
strength he rose to his feet and followed h t r
Into the kitchen wiping his eyes. His breathing
calmed a bit and reality began to focus In his
mind again.
He savored that first sip of coffee. Thut
magic brown caffeinated liquid that gives one
a little boost whenever necessary. He was starting to feel real again. He knew who he was,
what he did and what he had to do. He could
again look into Assllla's eyes as a respectable
human being with that special honesty that
was theirs. They smiled at each other. As he
drank the coffee the glow of life began to Invade his body. He finished his coffee and rose.
Picking u p the phone he dialed the police station and asked for the officer • handling the
"Officer Harris," the receiver answered at
"This Is Hal."
" H o w are you feeling?" was the Immediate
"Alright. I have to tell you something."
"I was the driver last night, not BUI. I don't
know why I said he was."
"I see," said Harris. "Well you can-come
down tomorrow and we'll change the report."
" O . K . Goodbye."
As he placed the phone down a newenergy
filled his body. His mind was free again to
function normally. N o more inner conflict
putting his mind to such unrest. They strolled
into the livingroom and sat down o n the
couch. "Can 'ya roll u p a joint for me?" Hat
asked. She smiled and obliged happily. She
was warmed inside knowing how much better
he fell now. As he smoked the joint he found
tranquility. The internal conflict was resolved.
His mind was at rest. He closed his eyes and
let his mind drift freely in his mental peace.
The Sexuality
Resource Center
arid the
Parenthood Clinic
need student counselors and assistants
To apply for either of these programs, enrollment in
E C P S ' 301 for Spring '80 semester is necessary.
Contact the
Sexuality Resource Center
Schyler 105 on Dutch Quad
| before you pre-register for Spring Semester.
J.B. Scott's
Nov. 7
Nov. 8
Nov. 13
Nov. 14
Nov. 17
Nov. 29
Nov. 4
Nov. 15
TTIhKSiifu'fe %©<$
David Bromberg Band
Rick Derringer
Jorma Kaukonen
Buddy Rich
Jeff Lorber
Utah Phillips
Talking Heads
T o d d Rundgren
Movie Timetable
ovle Timetable
asino Royale
Love You, Alice B. Toklas
ower East Cinema
7:30, 10:00
7:30, 10:00
7:30, 10:00
bany State Cinema
real Train Robbery
730, 900
ine 1 2 3 4 5 6
en A Stranger Calls
eaking Away
7:00, 9:00, 11:00
6:30, 8:30, 10:30
7:00,9:15, 11:20
d Justice For All
me Alter Time
~ky Horror Picture Show
rth Dallas 40
hawk Mall
7:15, 9:45, 12:00
7:30, 9:45, 12:00
7:25, 9:30, 11:30
7:00, 9:15
: Alter Time
7:15, 9:30
7:30, 10:00
rting Over
7:45, 9:45
B B x Colonic
~WS Hellman
USfibocalypse Now
sne 7
7:15, 9:30
7:00, 9:15
7:00, 10:00
fe ol Brian
7:00, 8:40, 10:15
by Howard P. Alvir, Ph.D.
Pour campus couples went to the Madison Theater to see
the t ovie North Dallas Forty, at a reduced admission price.
Each person rated Ihe film (rom 1 to 5 (or a different reason.
From Ihe clues given be/otu, can you match each person '5
complete name with their rating and their reason behind Ihe
1. Alphabetically by first name, the persons were: Ms.
Ware; Ms. Gazeworlhy; theonewhogavethefilmaratingof
2; and Ihe person who voted because of reason A (There
were plenty of wise guy gags I could empathize with).
2. Numerically by ratings, Ihe movie reviewers were Joe;
Gale; Mr. Wick; and Ihe young lady who rated the film
because o( reason B (Some ol Ihe gals were tougher lhan
some of Ihe guys).
3. Gender-wise, Claire's rating was two points higher than
Gale's rating while Mr. Jock gave the film only hall as many
rating points as the other fellow did for reason C (Not
enough violence).
4. Nick and Claire gave the film the highest ratings ol the
four college studenls; one gave it a 4; the other gave it a 5.
5. Nick and Claire both laughed at Ihe rating given by one
of Ihe women lor reason D (The guys had nice behinds), Joe
disagreed violently with reason D.
6. The film wasn't bad; at least not one of Ihe four walked
out or raled it wilh a 1, which is Ihe lowest rating possible
under this system.
What's Happening
Saturday, Nov. 3
1:20 P.M. Great Danes Football at
5 P.M. Rebroadcasl of Ibis week's
episode o( "The Shadow": " A
Reflection o( Death"
8 P.M. "Front Row Center" This
week on our live concert series
Todd Rundgren, Pi. 1
Sunday, Nov. 4
2-7 P.M. "Crossreferonce" Music
from the Third World
7-11 P.M. "Blast from Ihe Past"
Great Oldies from Ihe 50s and 60s
11 P.M. "Sunday Night Taped" 91
FM's o w n comedy show
Monday thru Friday, Nov. 5-9
3-4 P.M. "Third World Music Hour"
4-7 P.M. Jazz
7-7:30 P.M. "Spectrum" Our Public
Affairs Show
9 P.M. "The Evolution of Rock" This
week 1966-67
To's partner
Many bills
Eye parts
Neighbor of Argentina (abbr.)
Nonpaylng tenant,
Mawkishly sentimental
Family derivation
Like some beer
Post office
Actress Mary
Kind of bliss
1 Anger (2 wds.)
Kin to a whatnot
0 Began again
15 Ubiquitous (2 wds.)
Sandra and Ruby
16 Gormandized
17 Division In music
IB Seasoned pro
29 Last place
19 Classifieds
31 Illusory
20 Route to success
34 599, to Cato
22 "There
," 1940 65
35 Type of bagel
37 "
39 New Mexico city
24 Robert of song
40 Marc Antony's
25 Part of a sonnet
26 Guinness, et al.
41 Kind of Indicator
30 Washington job, for
Said," Nell
1 "Cleopatra Jones" 42 "
Diamond song
32 Cognizant
44 Shine b r i l l i a n t l y
33 Sweet drink
45 More contrite
3 Placed In a
34 In a mess
48 Injury's complement
particular group
36 Secular
49 Something a doctor
36 As old as the hills
5 Rudimentary seeds
39 Boisterous
51 Series of mis43 Some HIT graduates, 6 Savage
7 Nine Oanlsh kings
for short
53 Fraser of tennis
8 Satisfy one's
46 Cousteau's milieu
57 Surgeon Walter
47 Kin of G.R.E..
9 Between Tinker and 60 So-so grade
48 Awaiting (2 wds.)
61 Prepare to feather
50 Frightens
10 Prepared
63 Motown (abbr.)
52 Horace or Thomas
finals are coming*
SJI C II 0 RTA 11.
C ft E M O N
P0 L
•fs 0|R R E I
• a
8. I Got The News (The same guys
who still can't buy a thrill)
9. Sensation (It comes after
smashing a mirror)
10. Onward (This group is anything
but negative)
Answers to last week:
1. Hadji
2. Cogswell Cogs
1, Miami 2017 (This album will 3. Dripper
definitely put you in mind of New 4. Tuesday
Y o r k State)
5. Dibble
2. Joey (Maybe you'll know this one
6. Cad
after One More C u p o f Coffee)
7. Fenwick
3.1 Can't Be Satisfied (The 4th song
8. Natasha
of Side A deals with a funny-looking
9. Peebles
man and woman)
10. Poindexter
4. Slipstream (It comes after H y m n
Bring your completed W O R D
5. Sheep (There are a lot of pigs in
SEARCH to C C 334 by 5 P.M.
this album)
Monday. A l l winners will receive a
6. Seasons (What happens when
free personal in the ASP.
two people don't get along?)
IS T |
L E s
E R s
by Vincent Aiello
This week TRIVIA T I M E has
I decided t o give y o u an A.l.T.
I (Album Identification Test). Below
I you will find the name of a song,
1 accompanied with a clue, and what
we are looking for is the name of the
I album. So here is your chance to
test your knowledge of the record
industry past and present. Some are
difficult and some easy, all are Rock
albums. G o o d Luck!
r ER
E s
Word Starch Billboard's Tep Ten
by Vincent Aiello
7. Night (Often found in the
backslreets of Jungleland)
E s
s Hi! L I D
I NlGlS I I 0 N C IE
S • M|A I N E
H 0
Trivial Time
This W O R D S E A R C H contains
the answers t o this week's T R I V I A
TIME questions. Answers are going
in all directions and each answer is
used only once. G o o d Luck!
S T O S N ' L T T
1 M A L S L O W
1. I n T h r o u g h T h e O u t D o o r by
Led Zeppelin
2. T h e L o n g R u n by the Eagles
3. T u s k by Fleetwood Mac
4. H e a d G a m e s by Foreigner
5. S l o w T r a i n C o m i n g by Bob
6. G e t T h e K n a c k by The Knack
7. M i d n i g h t
M a g i c by t h e
8. B r e a k f a s t i n A m e r i c a by
9. D r e a m Police by Cheap Trick
10. C o r n e r s t o n e by Styx
1. D i m A l l T h e L i g h t s by Donna
2. Rise by Herb Alpert
3. S a d Eyes by Robert John
4. H e a r t a c h e T o n i g h t by the
5. Sail O n by the Commodores
6. D o n ' t S t o p ' T i l Y o u G e t
E n o u g h by Michael Jackson
7. Babe by Styx
8. I l l N e v e r t o v e T h i s W a y A g a i n
by Dionne Warwick
9. T u s k by Fleetwood Mac
10. E n o u g h I s E n o u g h by Barbra
Streisand and Donna Summer
Fast M o v i n g A l b u m s : Dream Police, Cornerstone, Rise, O n The Radio,
Wet, Stormwatch, Tusk, The Long Run
Fast M o v i n g Singles: Enough Is Enough, Tusk, Babe, Ships, Dream
Police, Take The Long Way Home, All M y Love, Victim O f Love
• AM
Photo Service
The exclusive photographers for the ASP
and the Torch
Interest Meeting Tues. Nov. 6
8:00 PM Campus Center 305
students at Albany.
• Basic Darkroom experience
•Willing to make a firm committment
Pam Coley
Gabriclle Gerhard
at tljr
Bus Muss
Disco SOUNCIS & Uqlm by
in photography
to further
your experience
o. )
Bill RciNliARdT & rhE STAR
A unique opportunity
• Freshmen only
• Must own 35mm camera
2W & •10«
m ww ®t ®f)E $ufa
Cberp QDueabap J8ttgjh,t %c0
8 p.m. — U p.m.
llniueicitj) gluxiliarp feetuircs
Class of 1980
Presents a Day In
Tower East Cinema
I'llC It VI iliii'"!.! lltotiiill pw'ttiTC
from Hi, ': ,'vit'ijiiifj .Vo. / hcut SCIIHK
Saturday November 17
Leave Circle - 8:30AM
Leave AtlanticCity - 1 AM
Class Members: $14
Non-Members: $16
Tickets will be sold in the
Campus Center Lobby from
10am to 3pm starting Nov 5
For info and reservations call
Dave at 7-7747
F R I D A Y , SL S A T U R D A Y
7:30 and 10:00 L.C. 7
.75W/TEC $1.25 w/o
T o the Editor:
This is in response t o trie tetter concerning
the problem or buses and the Wellington
residents. As a former resident or Alumni
Quad, I have a particular interest in this
problem. First of all, making all Wellington
buses express is not the answer. This was
attempted last year and was disastrous for the
following reasons: either the scheduled
Alumni or Draper bus failed to make an
appearance, or by the time a bus did arrive
there were three times as many people and
thus not all of them could be accomodated.
Believe me, it is no fun to be crowded off
several buses while Wellington buses peel oul
of the circle with room to spare.
It is not logical to benefit one hundred
students at the expense of over one thousand,
especially since the real fault lies not with
them but in the bus scheduling itself. Why
should Wellington and Alumni residents be
played off against each other when beticr
scheduling could alleviate (he whole problem?
It is not fair for cither a Wellington or an
Alumni resident to be stranded at a bus stop
once the infamous Albany winter arrives. We
should slop squabbling among ourselves and
work for a better situation for all concerned.
Dana Corbet
The Right to Life
actually true of the abortion advocates, many
of whom say that it's cheaper to abort a child
than to provide services for him after his birth.
Several women used this argument Monday
night to support legal discrimination. This
discriminates against children simply because
their parents are poor.
Ms. Miccio used the typical pro-abortion
feminist argument that a person should be
able to d o what she wants with her own body.
If this is true, why can't a man use his body to
rape a woman, and why can't a pilot
intoxicate his body with alcohol while flying
a plane with passengersaboard?The answer is
obvious: other people's bodies arc involved.
Likewise, abortion affects another body —
that of the child. The child is not part of the
mother's body; from the m o m e n t o f
conception it is a separate individual with its
own unique genetic structure. T o claim that
the child is part of the mother's body is to
claim that a woman's body has two heads, two
hearts, four arms, four legs, and in some cases
male sex organs! Obviously the child's body is
separate from that of the mother, and n o
woman has the right to destroy a body which
is not her own.
People are People are People. . .
In a recent editorial, this newspaper expressed the opinion that value judgments and
truth are highly subjective concepts, and revolve merely around the preconceptions of
those denning them. They often arise from the desire to have a positive reason for
supporting or attacking a point of view or preference. These concepts are universal
justifications for accepting norms and castigating those who break away from the
norms. They can be dangerous, and relying o n them too much can result in a closeminded, antiquated attitude that not only shuts one out from reality, but also can hurt
other human beings as well who simply want to live happily as their conscience and
desires tell them to.
Sexual and affectional preferences are of a highly subjective nature. There is no
right, there is no wrong. There is just the personal preference of the individual; a
personal feeling that should not affect any other considerations being made on
someone, be it for a job or otherwise.
Discrimination on the basis of sexuai and attcctional prelerences is as unjust as any
other form of unrelated, insubstantial bias. It is an excuse to mistreat those who simply
d o not share an accepted standard.
Gays have been discriminated against for long enough. It is good to see that finally,
some steps have been taken to insure that gays receive the same treatment as others,
and can feel freer to reveal their preferences without the worry of complete rejection.
However, these steps have been small ones, and much more must be done to give gay
people equal treatment for jobs, for the military, and for their freedom of choice.
At this campus, some measures are being taken by the students on Central Council
"The quality of life" was something Ms.
to prevent further discrimination against gays. The current Affirmative Action plan
Miccio expressed concern about. The quality
does not include nondiscrimination due to sexual or affectional preferences, and
of life cannot be very high in a society s o
President O'Lcary has the right to amend that. We wholly support the Resolution
intolerant and oppressive that it kills a child
simply because he is handicapped, because he
passed at Central Council last Wednesday calling on the President to amend the
is of the "wrong" sex, or because one woman
Affirmative Action plan, and stop the gross discrimination and unequal treatment
does not want him, even though thousands of
bcintz implemented on gay students and faculty members.
couples would gladly adopt him.
it is inexcusable that as it stands now, gay professors can be denied tenure on the
The right-to-life movement docs not seek to
basis of such an unrelated, subjective thing as individual preference. Something must
oppress w o m e n t h r o u g h " c o m p u l s o r y
be done, and on this campus, that something should be amending the Affirmative
pregnancy"und "mandatory motherhood, "as
Action plan now.
some pro-abortionists claim. N o one compels
Gay people have had to stay in the closet long enough. The time has come to stop
a woman to become pregnant, and no one
mandates that she keep and raise her child | relying on subjective "truths" and the valucjudgments of a scared majority. Man is a
diverse creature, and the acceptance of that underlies an open mind to the differences
after he is born. However, she and her partner
among individuals that will undoubtedly develop. Wc must openly accept those
do have u responsibility to protect the life of
flic child they have conceived through their
differences, even be thankful for them, and go on with the teeling that, as the sixties
own a c t i o n s , rather than
said, everyone must indeed do their very own thing.
responsibility by killing the innocent child.
Quote of the Day:
Killing another human being to "solve" one's
"How / wish that I could come back as a. flower."
problems is never justifiable.
-Stevie Wonder,
Pro-lifersdo. however, realize Iheenormity
Journey ThrougHTKe'Secrel
Life Of Plants
of those problems that a pregnant woman
laces, and support programs to help her
handle those problems. Birthright is a pro-life
pregnancy counseling organization staffed by
compassionate, trained volunteers w h o give
women all the emotional support and
practical aid they need throughout their
J a y B . G l a s e i , Editor-in-Chief
pregnancies. Albany's Community Maternity
R o n a l d Levy, Richard B c h a r , Managing Editors
Service and Branson Family Development
N e w s Editor
Mlchele Israel
Center offer pregnant girls assistance both
A s s o c i a t e N e w s Editor*
Laura Florentine), Sylvia Saunders
during and after their pregnancies, with
A S P e c t s Editor
'. . Stuart Matranga
resident and non-resident programs.
A s s o c i a t e A S P e c t o Editor
Martin Vukovlch
I emphasize that members of the pro-life
S p o r t s Editor
Paul Schwartz
movement d o not condemn women and girls
A s s o c i a t e S p o r t * Editor
Mike Dunne
Editorial P a g e * Editor
Charles Biener
who have had abortions. We realize that the
legality o f a b o r t i o n , c o m b i n e d
Kahn, Susan
abortionist and feminist propaganda, leads
Mllllgan, Kathy Perllll, Roberta Rosenbaum, Jeff Schadoff, Beth Sexer, Aron Smith, Debbie Smith
many girls into accepting it as right. Since they
A r o u n d C a m p u s : Susan Mllllgan Zodiac a n d Preview: Dorothy Barone
have never had the opportunity to learn the
truth about fetal development und abortion,
D e b b i e Kopf, Business Manager
they cannot be blamed for accepting abortion
as right. Many girls are unwillingly pushed
Advertising Manager
Steve Goldstein
into abortions by boyfriends, parents, doctors
Billing; A c c o u n t a n t
Usa Applebaum
and friends precisely at the time when their
Asaletant A c c o u n t a n t
Bennle Brown
emotional anxieties make them least capable
Composition Manager
Amy Sours
of resisting such pressure. We hold no
negative feelings towards these girls; rather,
S a l e a ; Randye Baer, Kathy Bosco, Rich Schoniger, Rich Sellgson Classified Manager:
we see them, like their babies, as vtetimsof the
September Klein C o m p o s i t i o n : Fran Glueckert, Robin Goldberg, Mike McDonald Advertising
abortion tragedy.
P r o d u c t i o n Manager; Sue Hausman Advertising P r o d u c t i o n : Charles Betl, Helene
Drucker, Tammt Gelger, Penny Greensteln, Joy Prefer, Annette Stone Office Coordinator:
What the right-to-life movement aims t o d o
Evelyn Ellis Office Staff: Robbln Block, Diane Garflndle, Jay Lustgarten, Audrey Molin, Bonnie
is to prevent such tragedies by preventing
abortions. Women (and men) should realize
J o r d o u Metsger, R o b Grubman, Production Managers
that they cannot achieve equal rights for
Eric Roll, Graham Sllllaaan, Associate Production Managers
themselves by abolishing the rights of another
To the Editor:
A few Monday nights a g o , the Feminist
Alliance sponsored a presentation by Kris
M iccio of Family Planning Advocates on the
topic of abortion. During this presentation
several misconceptions arose which should be
Ms. Miccio claimed that the p r o - ,
abortionists are really "pro-choice", meaning
that no one must participate in an abortion
unless he so chooses. However, she then went
on to support Medicaid funding of abortions,
which requires that all taxpayers participate
in abortions by paying for them, it' the proabortionists really supported free choice, they
would have individuals and groups who
support legal abortion (such as Planned
Parenthood, Family Planning Advocates,
National Organization of Women, National
Abortion Rights Action League, and
Feminist Alliance) pay for these abortions,
allowing pro-lifers to c h o o s e not to
Ms. Miccio also stated that the propoied
Human Life Amendment, which would
protect human life from conception until
natural death, "will endanger the lives of those
already living." Abortion ends the lives of
those already living, since the child inside the
womb is alive. (This is not opinion, it is
scientific fact.) If this is Ms. Miccio'sconcern,
then she should oppose abortion. In the rare
cases where abortion is necessary to save the
mother's life, it is permitted by the
Contrary to Ms. Miccio's claims, the Right
to Life Party is neither racist nor sexist. The
party's slate of candidates for this month's group of people — in this case, their children.
elections is split almost evenly between No one has the right to choose to kill another
Democrats and Republicans, and includes human being. Instead, every human being is
two blacks and a woman. The State entitled to equal protection of his most
Chairman, State Co-chairman, and Capital fundamental right: the right to live.
District Chairman of the party are all women.
S u e Burke
It is the pro-abortion movement which is
sexist, for it gives men no rights in deciding
(whether their own children will live or die.
I Also false is Ms. Miccio's statement that the
[party o p p o s e s contraception and soX
education. It takes no stand at all on
contraception, and several party members
leach sex education courses.
Ms. Miccio falsely accused the party ot
opposing welfare and social services, and of
discriminating against the poor. This is
Write A Letter
Production Assistant
Vertical Camera
Typist Extraordinaire
Vincent Alello
Dave Benjamin .
Hunk's Chick
P a s t e - u p : Lisa Bonglorno, Marie liallano Typists: Carrie Chandler, Robin Goldberg, Mlndy Gordon, Debbie Loeb, Beth Lorber P r o o f r e a d e r s : Rachel Cohen, Joy Friedman, Sue Uchtenstetn,
Ronald Sucher
P h o t o g r a p h y , supplied principally by University Photo Service
The Albany Student Press I* published every Tuesday and Friday during the school year by the
Albany Student Pre** Corporation, an Independent, not-for-profit organUaiton. Editorial policy Is
determined by the Editor-in-Chief and Is subject to review by the Editorial Board. Mailing Address:
Albany Student Press, CC 329. 1400 Waslilngton Ave., Albany, MY 12222
(518) 457-8892
A t t e n t i o n i l l SUNYA students:
Closslllod ads w i l l no longer be sold
on the dlnnorllnes. To place a personal or a d , you must g o t o the Contact Otllco located In the Campus
Center and submit It t h a n . Ads lor
Friday's Issue must be In by 5 pm.
on Tuesday, and ada lor Tuesday's
Issue must bo In by 5 pm. Friday.
Reminder. All ads must have 15
words or a minimum o l 75 cents will
be charged.
( Howsiiig
Three girls looking t o share house
downtown on bus line, rent no over
$100, have cat. Call Pam or Diane,
Wanted: 2 bedrooms In house near
busline for Jan. 1st, call Diane or
Pam at 489-1414.
Two roommates needed for four br.
apt. on Madison off Partridge, Immediate occupancy, call 465-6945
M d leave name and phone number.
Lost - Man's gold bracelet with
slightly dented bar, lost 9-26-79,
great sentimental value, large
reward, If found please call Andy at
Lost Ring, 10-29, white star sapphire (looks like a pearl), very
special, If found please call Joy at
4890177, reward offered.
Lost: Woman's ring, oval pink stone
wilh four small diamonds, great
sentimental value, big reward, call
Amy 7-3390.
Lost - Blue down-filled Jacket,
Woolrich fraud label, lost at Campus Center Halloween parly, if you
nave information or picked up the
coat accidentally, please call Seth
at 7-510B.
CF o r Sale )
Audio Outlet Discounters saves you
more. Thid month's specials: JBL
902vx superspeaker - $135 each, all
MXR products, TEAC A-105 (factory
sealed) $165, Shure M95HE only $22
(act quickly), KLH 703's - $22 each,
Sanyo RD 5008 tape deck - $120,
TDKSAC-90 • $3.25, o r i g i n a l
discwasher - $10, s o u n d g u a r d
system - $10. Also many compacts
and complete systems for under
$300. Before you buy, just one
phone call saves you money! Contact Jamie - 438-4253 or your Quad
Wanted: Piano teacher for two
children and mother, willing fo exchange Italian lessons for partial
fee, call 465-1783.
Needed: Family to volunteer with
charming nine year old emotionally
disturbed boy, call Barbara
Chunault. 434-2376.
How did the springs feel when you
just jumped Into bed on Wednesday
night. Be prepared: You're dealing
with the Best Sultel
Birthday's are like Jane's earl Happy 19th • I think I'm gonna' die!
Love, Maggie
Thanks very much to everyone In
Morris Hall who helped make my
birthday so great.
Dave M.
Dear Bonnie,
Thanks for always being there when
I need you. You ve helped me more
than you could know.
Love, Ed
Worm Is living on Colonial Quad.
Yes, the man of your dreams Is right
here on the SUNYA Campus. Girls
and women alike have waited for
thoir chance to get to the Worm's
worm. So go for It - Now!
Dear Varyn,
The only thing I am sure of now, is
my love for you. Thank you for being
Love, Artie
DearesT Leslie,
Just a "Personal" note to brighten
your day, and let everyone Know
you're wonderful.
Todo ml amor, Your wild and crazy
P.S. Kathleen, please pretend you
didn't see this!
I love you.
The Disease
f o the rest ol Suite 306 of Delancy,
How about cleaning the goddam
suiteroom. No joke.
Affectionately, The Corner Room
Thanksl I hope I'll be there when
you need me • I love you a l l ! !
Love, Frann
Dear Hound Dog,
Is your neck any stronger now that
your head is twice as big?
Signed, Those below you for now
To the Male R.A. in Bleecker,
Anytime Is anytime.
The Best Suite
Happy birthday Marisal Here's hoping your 18th birthday is as bright
and beautiful as you arel
We love ya, Your Suitees
To Our Faithful Fans,
Jill, Nlcki, Laurie, Wendy, Larry and
assorted Chins: Thank y o u !
On Top
Met Fans
Only 157 days till opening day.
Loyal Forever In Ten Eyck
Where do you live?
Interested In your suite
Warning! To all citizens wishing t o
retain your sanity. Board your windows and lock your doors. The
helmets are Invading our ranks. Do
not leave your house. Remain calm
and get stoned, drugged and drunk
at regular intervals. It's our only
chance to win this struggle.
This personal was bought and paid
for by the responsible citizens of
SUNYA opposed to unchecked
growth In helmetry. Thank you.
Dutch 703,
Thanx for being there when I needed a little TLCl YOu guys are the
bestest - but!
Love,- Fayo
Bob and Jim,
Funny you should mention fifthlevel arc clerics. Beware of red
_ „
Sincerely, Your Deity
Ba Tah,
This note's for y o u ! I Just wanted to
show you that I love vou very much
(and I love your shlufynoo!)
I love you, Mr. Sluggo
You guys will always be awesome
to us. We still love you!
Most valuable and most Improved
,., , .
Once a teenager, now a faded
flower" like the rest of us. Happy
SHl • How are ya? Things Just
wouldn't be the same without you.
Love you, S
Debbie of O. and O.,
I'm gonna get you, but really "I love
you. Organic Is going to miss you
and especially so will I.
Ski Sugarbush
Brand new condominium located
directly on slopes. Jan. 6-11, lodging and lift ticket, $140, with
lessons (5) - $160, call 434-6241.
Dear Sharon, Harold, and everyone
else who made my birthday so
When I blew out the candles on my
cake, I didn't have to make a wish with friends like you, who needs
anything else!
Love always, Marcla
( Wanted)
Thank you for making this the best
year of my life. Heres to 1,000,000
more wonderful years together! II YV»M
Looking lor Community Service Office?
Down the stairs, right of library,
near Administration, 7-8347.
25$ in the Contact Office
Dear Donna, (Capt. Stru),
You're the best girlfriend In the
world. I love you so much!
Love always, Rob (Krazy)
The Force.
You're still No. 1 in our league! May
"The Force" be with us always.
Trlcla and Laurie
To the Albany State Football Team,
We love you I
Faithfully Yours
Big Bird,
You scored your first goal! We're
proud of you!
Bear and B.L.S.A.T.
Jordan J.,
You're the greatest and I love y o u !
With all my love, Your outstanding
little freshman - (Ann's friend's
Dear 14 and 15,
Just wanted to let you know I appreciate all the nice things you said
• It really makes me feel good!
Love, Sheryl
Dearest Mary (Mario),
Troll-Thanks for everything! You're
a real pal and will always be my little bean-brain.
Thanks for the fun suite 308
Luv ya, Robin
Dear Chris,
You're my favorite cowboy and the Two years! Happy anniversary, let's
cutest brother I have. Thanx for be- go for some more.
ing you.
I love you so much, E.
Love, The Canadlen Cowgirl
Do worms have wangs?
Don't be embarrassed just because You did a beautiful job on the sheet.
half the school saw you fall, I'm It was a personal favor that I really
You did look machlslmo!
Plutonla sure they'll forget about It by next appreciate. Thank you so much!
Karen Schwarz
Halloween. Then you'll have to do It
Tonight • The Chin Bros. Party again.
State U-Lounge-9:30-Don't miss It!
Love, Mlndy You are definitely a true blue.
Bratface Treace,
'You've got a friend" always.
P.S. I'm sorry.
I'm not really sure which Is the best P.S. I know what It means.
enough have
suite, but I know what the best
birthday so
trouble to
opening read t h i s l ! dorm Is...Bleecker Hall
Your Non-Biased R.A. The trouble with experience Is that
you sometimes learn what you
never wanted to know In the first
One good Irlend deserves another. Thanks for always being there when p l a c e . But H a p p y b i r t h d a y 11
Two good friends deserve to be I need you. I love you.
The Kid
together. Have a nice weekend with
Kathy. Hope you like the bottom.
9660 Dear Robin,
If I have to wait twenty years, I will! Professor (alias the man next door),
By then Laura and Scolty will be
Dear Pam,
I'm out to beat the odds.
Spare me the grief and have a hap- grandparents.
Love, Your Undergrad
py birthday.
Love, Syosset Hockey
Love, Robin Dear Helalne,
Your friendship Is a very spelcal You did It - You captivated me Dick Araujo,
hook, line, and sinker. Let's keep
You owe me money, ya bum. part o l our lives. Wishing you the the V.F.C. roliln' along with the
best of birthdays!
f o - a i l i n h a b i t a n t s - ? ! 1602 and
Love, Marc and Artie good times.
Herkimer 203,
Your "gorgeous" C.F.R.H.
Get your asses together now, or Kris;
your first born dies! I'm serious, You're a terrific roomate and friend.
Have an extra-special birthday. You
Fireside Theater is the greatest, deserve it!
Love, Holly
most well-orgalnized group I've ever
worked with. Please join to keep M a i
this going next semester and next
Snuff says he misses your abuse.
Snuff's best Irlend
Holiday Sing Is coming! Get your Rena,
act together! Interested - Call Diane Have a very mellow birthday. (Well,
not too mellow.)
7-7903 or Shari 7-7761.
Love, Your Suitees - Lyn, Amy, DonFor Sale • barely used by novice
na, Teri, and Lorrl
skier: 180cm Hexcel sklls, Tyrola
bindings, Kerma 120cm poles, size Dear Robin-Bird,
10 b o o t s , a s k i n g $200, w i l l Happy birthday. Hope you have a
wonderful day, today, tomorrow,
negotiate, call Neil. 462-4980.
and always.
Love ya, Your suitees and the gals
Ich Denke Das Du Sehr Schon Blst.
Der Rotkopf
Mike Berkowltz,
(Persun mit Roten Haarem)
Love your clogs and all your shirts
Hill and Dale,
you damn JAP.
Wow! Another six months! Super!
Love, Charlie Suite 203,
Passport Application Photos $4 for It's a good thing we love each other!
two: 50 cents each thereafter. Mon.
and Tues. 1 • 2, CC 305, University
Photo Service, 7%8867, ask for
What takes some a week...we could
do It better In a year - or should I say
Raleigh super course Mark i i
3 years.
10-speed, excellent condition, new
Love your only - Babe
Huret J u b i l e e Deraller, c a l l
Dear Scott,
I only rank on people I like. You're
Springsteen Bootlegs for sale live in
ugly and your mother dresses you
concert recordings Cheap!) Call
7-4984, Eddie.
Love, Your mystery butterfly
P.S. I'm only kidding.
How about getting this backgammon tournament started?
Passport-Application Photos
Ready to Roll
$4 for two; 50 cents each thereafter.
Mon. & Tues. 1-2, University Photo Photo Service interest Meeting,
Service, CC 305, 7-8867, ask tor Bob. T u e s . N o v . 6 , 8 p m . , CC305,
freshmen only, basic darkroom exp. Holiday Sing Is coming, get your act
Haircuts $4. Shampoo and blowdry
extra. Al's Hairstyles. Ramada Inn, The Chin Bros, are back and ready
Western Ave. Albany. 482-8573. to party - tonight - State U-Lounge - PSK:
Here's to love and the luture on
Small typing service, call Mary Beth 9:30 - Don't miss It.
SCPSK's first anniversary - ILYVM.
at 463-1691 days, or evenings before.
"He's dead, J i m . "
9 p.m.
TYPING: Prompt In-home service. ''Good God Spock, have you no I really enjoyed talking to you at the
E x p e r i e n c e d In all areas of
CQ Halloween Party.
"Extremely Illogical."
secretarial work. Resumes, dissertations, letters, research papers. No "I'ts that damn thick Vulcan hide of Satan,
Witching hour Is almost here - are
job too small or too large. 371-2975.
Get psyched - second coming of you prepared?
Rush Typing Jobs done by legal
Trek In 6 weeks!
C. and C.
secretary. 6 yrs. experience. Minor
P.S. Is this better than writing on
editing and spelling corrections. Dear,
your door?
Neatness and accuracy count. Call.
know. I'm sick and tired but I'm not
T h e r e s a at
quitting yet: I just want to change
Where are this week's picks?
the rules. Wanna' play my game?
Haircuts $4, shampoo and blowdry
An Off-Track Bettor
extra. Al's Hairstyles, Ramada Inn, Thanx for everything - It's all wellappreciated. And I Know this per- After Saturday, IC may no longer
Western Ave., Albany. 482-8573,12 be I
5 Mon. • Wed., Tues. and Thurs. till sonal Is kind of confusing and really
doesn't say what I want to but then
what does sound right at 3 am In the Darling,
morning or for that matter at 2 in My love for you increases with each
the afternoon or the early-mld-late- passing day. Happy anniversary!
Love, Your Honey
early evening. Meet me at dusk, No neverltl
Photo Service Interest Meeting,
Who Tickets to any upcoming conTues.
Freshmen only,
cert withlng reasonable driving
Basic darkroom exp., CC305.
distance, please call Lenny at
Brick urgently required. Must be
thick and well kept. Indian Box
M o d e l s W a n t e d , Have a free
fashion haircut at Lea Clseaux, top
NYC and European quality styling
lor men and women, 1568 Central
Ave., one quarter mile west of Wolf
Road, call 456-4121 for your appointment.
C Services )
To all my friends from White Plains
and Harrison living In State and
Al.umnl whom I hardly ever see Do you sill exist?
Albany Evangelical Christians Meeting — fellowship, sharing,
worship. CC 375, every Fri. night, 7:00-10:00 P.M.
Club News
Speakers Forum Meetings every Munduy lit «:.10 P.M. in CC 361,
Lectures, Seminirs
Astronomy Club An Astronomy Cosmology Seminar will mke
place at firookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island. Nov. .15. Many of the world's top astronomers and cosmologisis will be
•there, including Sagan. Sbklovskii. Hoyle. Hawking. Dayslrom.
Corey. Asimov. and Klissas. Buses and accomodations will be
arranged. Siarts 9 P.M. Sat.
JSC-Hillcl Cafe Manischewit/.
Nightclub acts in music, dance,
magic, comedy and more. Wine and cheese included. Discount for
JSC members — All Welcome! Sal.. Nov. 3, Dutch U-Lounge. 9
JSC-Hlllel We arc holding a vigil lor justice... for 11 lie justice! Many
want to. but we will never Forgive, never forget! Meel at bus circle.
Sun.. Nov. 4. 11:30 A.M.
5 Qu«d Monthly Meeting Nov. 7 al K:3() P.M. ill I X 23.
NYPIRG — Anil-Nuke Committee Will meel to deal with tile
problems of nuclear energy, and to seek alternatives through
educational and pnlitical action. Research, writing, and future
speakers will be discussed. Nov. 5. CC 370.1 P.M.
Men's Ice Hockey Club All men interested in SUNY Men's Ice
Hockey Club should attend information meeting on Thurs. Nov. K
al K:00 P.M. in the basement lounge of Morris Hall (Colonial
Chemistry Club Wine and Cheese Party scheduled for today litis
been postponed until further notice.
Psl Gamma Sorority Hayridc on Sal.. Nov. 3. 6 P.M.
SUNYA Sailing Club Mccls every Thursday at 7:(X) P.M. in HU
125. All landlubbers and old salts welcome.
Judo Club Mccls every Thursday niglu from 7:00-9:00 and every
Sunday afternoon from 1:00-3:00. All persons including beginners
arc welcome. Loose, durable, clothing should he worn. SUNYA
wrestling room.
Political Science Association General Meeting lor all Poli Sei
majors'Thurs.. Nov. I. 7:30 P.M.. GSPA.
Outing Club Meeting every Wednesday. 7:30 P.M.. I X 21.
Speakers Forum and JSC Simon Wicsir ill lull, the world renowned
Nn/1 hunter. He has dedicated halite to document,rip the genocide
that occurred in Europe under Hitler and hunting down the
perpetrators ol that crime. Nov. R.CC Ballroom.8:.MI P.M. Tickets
sold one week in advance in SA Contact (toTice.e75 JSC member.SI
w tax. S2 jien. public.
JSC-Hiltel A speaker on "Alternatives to C U V Presented by our
own Cultural Committee. CC 222. Sun.. Nov. 4. 3:30 P.M.
School of Library and Information Science Colloquium Series
KmnIs Spaulding. Head, library Operations. Bell Telephone
laboratories, will give a talk on "Network Support for Library
Operations" on Wed.. Nov, 7 tit 1:00 P.M. in Dot per Hall. Room
14ft. I he public is invited to attend.
N o w ' s your chance to
see a step-by-step
Cibachrome demo
given by Cibachrome
experts. Learn how to
make your own brilliant C i b a c h r o m e
prints from your slides
in just 12 minutes. See
how easy beautiful
color printing c a n be.
Mon.-Fri. 10-8
Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5
State Photo Supply Corp.
A career in law—
without law school.
Saturday nite, Nov. 3rd
After j u s t three m o n t h s of study at The Institute for
Paralegal T r a i n i n g In e x c i t i n g Philadelphia, you can have a
s t i m u l a t i n g a n d r e w a r d i n g career in law or business —
w i t h o u t law s c h o o l .
A s a l a w y e r ' s a s s i s t a n t y o u w i l l be p e r f o r m i n g many of
the d u t i e s traditionally h a n d l e d only by attorneys. And at
The I n s t i t u t e for Paralegal T r a i n i n g , y o u can p i c k o n e of
seven different areas of law t o study. Upon c o m p l e t i o n of
your t r a i n i n g , The I n s t i t u t e ' s unique Placement Service w i l l
find you a r e s p o n s i b l e and c h a l l e n g i n g job in a law firm,
bank or c o r p o r a t i o n In t h e c i t y of your c h o i c e .
The I n s t i t u t e for Paralegal T r a i n i n g Is the n a t i o n ' s first
and most r e s p e c t e d s c h o o l for paralegal training. Since
1970, we've p l a c e d over 2,500 graduates In over 8 5 c i t i e s
If you're a senior of h i g h a c a d e m i c standing and looking
for an above average career, c o n t a c t your Placement
Office for an Interview w i t h our representative.
Reg. 4 3 ^ 3 -
W e w i l l v i s i t your c a m p u s o n :
Dutch U-Lounge, 9pm
S1-JSC member $1.25 tax card $1.50 otht,
, r „ 7.7786 Ellen 7-8363
Info/ Sondra J
Itaatan Kttdwii
sponsored by JSC-Hillel
SA Funded
112 Wolf Road
NOVEMBER 2, 1979
9 0 0 C E N T R A L AVE., A L B A N Y • 459-8580
Buy as many as you like!
Offer Expires 11-4-79
Topped with everything* or
anything*. Cheese, pepperonl,
mushrooms, sausage, meatballs,
peppers G onions.
Good seven days a week,
ora charge for double Kerns,
floupon expires Nov. 9,1979.
Telethon DO On Nov. 17 there will be a 2.5 and 5 mile X •country run
on campus for men ami women. Sign up: CC Lobby Nov. 12-16, on
dinner lines No\. 7-'), 12-15. Prizes for winners. Free T-shirts for
first MM) runners.
Telethon "80 Food Fast is coming, (live up your dinner for Telethon.
Which lor details.
Telethon 111) Get your haircut in Glemhys in Sears in Colonic Mall.
Mention telethon, and S2 will be donated to Telethon "HO.
Telethon K0 Anyone who did if I hand in iheir sponsor money for
Walkalhon bring cash lo CC 130 or check to Box 2264'/.
Telethon "80 Looking for a solicitations chairperson. A car is a
Theatre Council-Fxperimental Theatre "The Florentine Segment",
directed by Tom l.iltlcfield. Nov. 2-3 at K:30 P.M.;Nov,4at 2 P.M.,
PAC- Arena Theatre, Pick ticket up I hr. before.
JSC-Hillei Traditional Subbuth Services L i t nite. 4:30. Sttt,
morning, 9:30, Chapel House, l.iheral Friday Night Services in
\[V .154. 7:30 P.M.
Athiest's Kcumenical Council (A.K.C.) I he A.L'.C. will hold an
informal "rap session" on the moral aspects of religion and its ill
effects OH youth, All welcome. Chapel House. Wed, nitcs. 7:00 P.M.
Pre-Ilealth Advisory Committee Upstate Medical Center will be
sponsoring a symposium for college students interested in the
health-related professions on Sat., Nov. 10. No charge for the
program, but you must register by Nov. 2. Forms available from
Carol Fonda in CUF.
Freeze Dried CoffeehouseSt. Regis String Band: this 4-pcrson band
performs folk, blucgruss. country, and traditional tunes. CC
Assembly Hall, Fri. and Sal.. Nov. 2 and 3, 9 P.M.
Alumni Quad Has a recycling program and it urges on-campus and
off-campus residents to deposit all newspapers and magazines (with
staples removed) in the boxes located In every major lounge on flic
quad. Please respect us (i.e. no garbage in the boxes). Suvc the Tiees.
Art Council 1-Shirts, hand silk screen by the Art Council of a
Richard Stankiewie/. sculpture, relating to the exhibit in the SUNY
Glittery, Art Oept. Office. Mon. thru Fri.. after 5:00 P.M.
Art Council Any interested students who would like to help out
during the silk screening of T-shirts, notify Kurlu Mut/.kc at 4827W4.
WCDB Mandatory meeting lor (///members ol WCDB. Mon.. Nov.
5 tit x.00 P.M. in 1 X 5 .
V2 Price
with coupon
•.-'-•: YUAH.IA
Pi ralegal
1 aining®
235 South 17th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 732-6600
operated by para-legal, Inc.
A p p r o v e d by t h e A m e r i c a n Bar A s s o c i a t i o n .
•• i r ••
Speakers Forum and JSC
Class of '81
founder of Jewish Documentation Center
Nov 8
A Trip To Boston
Nov. 16 to 18
Leaving from the circle at
1:30 pm Friday
Leaving Boston at 2:00
pm Sunday
Bus only:
Bus with quad occupancy
Bus with double occupancy
by. Mike Williamson
The world renowned Nazi hunter
Gives you what you
Grapplers Host Eastern Tourney
In past seasons, the only major
wrestling tournament in the east at
this time of year was the Springfield
Open. This season, however, ihe
Springfield facility was in need of
immediate repair so the tournament
had to be cancelled. DcMeo quickly
contacted the Springfield coach,
obtained the names of the teams
which frequented the Springfield
Open, and invited many of them to
p a r t i c i p a t e in this weekend's
tournament at Albany.
8:30 PM
in the Campus Center Ballroom
Simon ha* dedicated hi* lite to documenting
the genocide that occurred in riurope under Hitler
and hunting down the pcrprctrators ot that crime who are still at large.
Tracked down Adolf Eichmnnn, Franz Murcr
and many other Nazi War Criminals.
He authored
Sails of Hope
canilnued from page fifteen
Last week was a halfback"* dream:
19 carries. 15.1 y a r d s , three
Tickets will be sold a week in advance
in the the SA Contact Office
$.75 w/JSC C a r d
$1.00 w/Tax Card
$2.00 General Public
SA Funded
1 ticket per tax card
Behind Nicolo is Bob Fcrrigno
(5-10. 200). who last year broke an
85 yard scoring run against the
Danes in Albany's 9-6 victory. This
season Ferrigno has rushed for 449
yards and a team leading 6.2
average. Despite their s i / c s.
Ferrigno is the Bombers' premier
outside threat, while Nicolo is more
based on his life
The Murderers Among Us
For more information call: Gary
expected to attend, while rosters
DcMco expects a good showing
have already arrived from such
from the host team. According to
schools as Springfield and Boston
DeMeo. Paul Hornbnck and Howie
State. Several last minute entries are
Burger should be considered
anticipated since ii is an " o p e n " favorites to win the tournament in
their respective weight classes. In
The tournament is an excellent
addition. Mark Dalley and Steve
pre-season challenge lor the Albany
Zueker both have good chances to
Stale wrestling team. 1 he individual win or place, as do several other
matches will be wrestled under •Albany wrestlers.
collegiate rules, hut the tournament
will be run using an international
Wrestling is scheduled to begin at
style "Mad-Mark" system. With this
I l;00a.m. tomorrow and will run all
system, each wrestler is assured thai afternoon. It is an excellent
he will wrestle in ai least two opportunity for anyone in the area
matches. This will give many of to see top-notch college wrestling.
Albany's promising young wrestlers Anyone interested in helping set up
a laste ol college wrestling prior to for the tournament tomorrow night,
the start of (he regular season. To
or keeping score and running clocks
insure that the Albany Slate team iheda\ of the tournament is asked to
gets maximum benefit from this ctfll coach Joe DeMco at 457-1510.
tournament. D c M c n plans to enter
or contact the wrestling coaching
at least two Albany wrestlers in each stall on the third floor of University
weight class.
The Albany State wrestling team will host the First Annual Great Dane
Wrestling Classic tomorrow. (Photo: Tony Tassarotti)
said Ford. "It could also turn out to
be negative because il will have a
t i c me ud ous e m o t i o n a l v a l u e ,
especially playing in llliaca."
"We know where we were wilh
llliaca one year a g o . " added
C'liinevalc. "Now. we are going up
there, with their huge crowd, and
Ihey are going It) be very emotional.
Ihe table is tinned, and l l k \ ale
going nftci' us. We must keep our
Injured Danes On Road To Face Ithaca Tomorrow
Tickets will be sold in the Campus
Center from 10 am to 4 pm Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The Albany State wrestling team
begins an oilier intercollegiate
season tomorrow when they host the
l i r s t Annua! Great Dane Eastern
Wrestling • Classic in
Gym. I his tournament was brought
to Albany, larger) through the
efforts of Albany heud wrestling
eoaeli Joe DoMco.
ol' an inside runner.
Leading the Bombers to their 23point per game average are two
quarterbacks who share the signalculling duties. Doug DcCnrr (5-11.
ISO) bandies the bulk of the playing
lime, but Doug Henesko (6-.1, 200)
also will see action. Combined, the
pair is 73 for 15.3 passing on the
season, with DeCiirr throwing for
more yards and Henesko having a
better completion ratio. The favorite
receiver is split end J i m Duncan
(6-0, 160). who used his 9.8 speed to
outrun the Canisius defenders for
two touchdowns last week.
"They've changed
p h i l o s o p h y o f . ' n s i v e l y , " said
Carnevale. " I hey now have a better
balance between passing and
r u n it i n g . a n d
quarterbacks can run and pass the
Due area of uncertainty for It linen
is their specially teams. Last week
the Bombers used three-punters and
two kickers, and no single player
seemed to stand out.
A factor that could play a part in
tomorrow's outcome is last year's
contest, Ithaca was a high-flying
squad until the Danes shocked them
on Arungo's 45-yard field goal in the
closing minutes, and it was a defeat
for the Bombers thai was seen on
regional television.
"Last year's experience was
positive because our kids now
believe thai they can heat Ithaca."
R i t l i s t r r v d nianwHtd Ruins
per person (double occupancy)
( A I ' ) Vale dusts off ihe faded
portrait of Walter Camp and goes
after its 7t)0th gridiron victory Ibis
weekend, rocking the old cradle
where the sport was born.
College football
you've conic a
long way, baby.
I .oug hair has replaced handlebar
mustaches. S l i c k , f o r m - f i l l i n g
apparel has succeeded die slnts-undI c a t l i c r - p a d d c i l gear o f o u r
ancestors, No more high-lnccd shoes
or ribbetl woolen stockings.
Linemen arc stunted if they don't
stand 6-5 and weigh 275. Ballcarriers
the I.M. Ilipps. Vagus
Fergusons. Billy Sims and Charles
run like the wind. Even
Ohio State has goi around to
throwing the ball, and the Buckeyes
have a corker in rangy soph Art
Tuscaloosa. A u s t i n . L A a n d
Stillwater, Okla.. where the national
rankings will he contested.
Last week's score, including
Houston over Arkansas, vvas 38-9.
B ,S()9.. .Season reco|-d;,304-.95. .762.
Alabama 39. Mississippi Si. 13:
die Crimson ride won't have to haul
out their heavy artillery.
Nebraska 45, Missouri 20: The
Cornhuskers arc chairmen of the
hoard of the 500-Yards-A-Weck
Southern California 38. Arizona
7: The Trojans arc so big and so
g o o d t h e i r m a i n e n e m y is
Houston 33. Texas Christian 13:
The Cougars don't stun you with
their statistics - they ring your bell
w i l h body shots.
Ohio St. 38, Illinois 14: Accurate
But the pro scouts won't be at appraisal of the Buckeyes somehow
Ithaca. N.Y.. where Cornell hosts got lost in the Woody Hayes
Yale Saturday. • They'll be at episode. They're potential No. I.
A Gift
of Diamonds Forty-Three Free Agents
Ready For Gaim Today
M a t e it a day she will
always remember) Her
diamond w i l l be
registered permanently
and protected from
loss. W e show just one
f r o m our complete
-Round Trip Bus Transportation
-Two nights In Ihe beautiful Meridian Hotel
in the heart of Montreal.
{bar and indoor swimming pool)
-The OCA Handbook of things to do In exciting
Come to Ihe Off Campus Association office
at Campus Center 118 to reserve In advance.
Sign up at table % In Campus Center Lobby
November 5-15.Payment in full by Nov. 15
receive 15 per cent o f f
all jewelery with S U N Y A I . D .
217 Central Ave.
1.25 w/tx
" ( i t ! Awuy With O C A "
The situation is a complete
reversal from a year ago. and so is
the setting
from Inst year's packed
Bleccker Stadium to tomorrow's
probably packed South Hill Field.
Ihe Danes don'l mind the reversalal
all. bill they would surely like the
final result lo he just as it was one
year ago.
Yale Looks For 700th Win
Without Scouts Watching
November Ntvpcccinhur 2
poise, especially early in the game."
t50 wTo
Mon., Thura.
F r l . ovea ' « " 8:3"
NOVEMBER 2, 1979
N E W Y O R K <AP) At least 43
major league players will be
available for claim at today's
baseball re-entry draft — the free
agent auction that often creates
instant millionaires. The list is
headed by Nolan Ryan, flamet h r o w i n g r i g h t - h a n d e r of the
California Angels, and includes a
host of familiar names.
Besides Ryan, some of the
pitchers who have declared for the
draft arc Fred Norman of the
Cincinnati Reds, AI Hraboskyof the
Kansas City Royals, D o n Staohouse
of the Baltimore Orioles. Rick Wise
of the Cleveland Indians. Dave
Goltz of the Minnesota Twins,
l-Ctlin LnGrovv of Ihe Los Angeles
D o d g e r s . R u d y M a y o f the
Montreal Expos and John Curtis of
the San Francisco Giants.
Other players up for grabs include
Bob Watson of the Boston Red Sox,
Tony Perez of Ihe Montreal Expos,
Joe Morgan o f the Cincinnati Reds.
Jorge O r u o f the Chicago White
Sox, Fred Patck of the Kansas City
Royals and Jose C r u i of the
Houston Astros.
One o f the more interesting free
agent declarations came Wednesday
when D o n Kessinger. former playermanager of the Chicago White Sox.
who quit last summer in his first year
with the dual jobs, filed his notice.
Kessinger played in 56 games last
season, batting .200 in 110 at bats.
Also on the list arc Ed Kronepool
of the N.ew York Mets, Willie
H o r t o n o f the Seattle Mariners, M i l t
May of the White Sox, Merv
Rettenmund o f the C a l i f o r n i a
Angels. Rowland Office o f the
Atlantn Braves, Jay Johnstone of
the San Diego Padres, Rennie
Stennett o f the Pittsburgh Pirates
and Greg Gross of the Philadelphia
Women Booters Trounce RPI, 5-1
by Susan Milllgnn
The Albany State women's soccer
team played an outstanding game
last Wednesday to beat RPI 5-1 in
their last home game of the season.
Although Albany did not play a
strong first half, they led R P I 2-1 at
the end of the half. Sue Stern scored
first for Albany, assisted by Gina
Soldo. Sue now leads the team in
scoring, with 8 goals to her credit.
Lisa France scored aguin for
Albany, assisted by Gina Soldo.
RPI scored their only goal in an
attempted comeback to end the half
with a 2-1 lead by Albany.
A reorganized Albany offensive
line came together and took total
control of the ball and the game in
the second half. Donna LaMonica
scored early in the half with a wellexecuted penalty kick. Lisa France
won her second point of the game
unassisted. R P I rarely had control
of the hall, and only infrequently
managed to get the ball in their end
of the field throughout the second
halt. LaMonica scored once more
for Albany in a skillful .10-yard kick.
Cioalic Laurie Hriggs also played an
excellent game with ft saves.
" R P I was definitely improved
from the last lime we played them,"
said coach Amy Kidder. (Albany
beat RPI 5-0 earlier in the season.)
Kidder said that her team is
experimenting with different lines,
with beneficial results. Albany will
play its last game of the season at
Springfield this Saturday, which
Kidder said "will be the toughest
game of the season." The team's
record now stands at an admirable
His squad fought back by
sweeping the next match easily.
Ihcy got the first six points while
allowing Sage to score just four. The
WCDB Broadcast
W C D B will broadcast tomorrow's Albany-Ithaca football game
from South Hill Field in lihaca.
\iinouncers Rick Bcnsignnr and
llruce Sheinhatls will provide the
play-by-play and color commen'ary.
At halftime, a special interview
will be aired w i t h Hensignor.
W C D B ' s sports d i r e c t o r , and
Harlem Globetrotter star Curly
Ncal. Airtime for the broadctist is
1:20 p.m.
Danes triumphed 15-4, and took the
next contest. 15-10. Here again
Albany scored first, but their
opponent stayed aliveand rallied for
the next live points. It was now the
Danes' turn to battle back. They
did. pulling even at X-K, and then
Hiking the lead for the second time in
the game, 10-9. Sage added one, but
the Albany team tallied five more to
register the 15-10 victory.
Dwyer's line-up consisted o f
s t a r t e r s Reba M i l l e r .
Carberry. .lyllc Mcnolf. Lisa Dichl,
Katia Nctto and senior captain
Allison Heals who played her last
home game Wednesday, Dwycr
later sent in Lli/nbclh Austin. Lynn
Mocscii and Donna Chalet, Other
team members include Michcle
MoiTcito. I ori Cohen and Tttnlii
" W e fell apart in the fourth
game," was all Mr. Dwycr could
comment about the next set. Russell
Sage marked the scoreboard first
this time, hut the Danes were soon
winning. 7-2. Sage sparked, and had
soon brought the score to another
deadlock at eight. Albany steered
past Sage. 14-11, hut could not
manage the winning point. Ihcy lost
the serve and Sage added the next
point. 14-12. Again both teams
traded serves, missing several
chances to score. Sage eapitali'/cd on
poor Dane play and alter live timeouts, finally evened the score.
Capturing the next two points, they
slid past Albany. Ift-I4. a large
disappointment to the home crowd.
"We won against teams we didn't
expect to beat this year." the coach
noted, as his team looks back on a
good season and toward lo the state
championship games in Buffalo
during the weekend of November
Sage went down quickly in the
liual game, lire score held at an even
eight, hut the Danes held l i n n and
ditl not yield another point. Scoring
quickly they got the nexl seven, won
15-8. ami ended the two hour contest
which set thcirseason record at 12-6;
Ranked Seventh In The Nation, Danes
Face Ithaca With Key Starters Injured
" W e are d e f i n i t e l y c o i n i n g
together as n ball club." said Kidder.
Comeback Gives Spikers Win
by A m y Kantor
Halloween almost scared the
Albany State Womcns Volleyball
learn as they sneaked past Russell
Sage College three games to two on
Wednesday evening, at University
In the first game Albany scored
early, but Sage soon advanced It)
lake the lead, 9<-3. The Danes then
regained the advantage but in the
end their efforts were not enough as
Russell Sage won. 15-11. "We didn't
xi our serves over in the first game.
I hat's what kept it close." Coach
Dwycr explained.
One Year Later, The Playoffs Are Still At Stake
Asked who the major contrib u t o r s were to the
Wednesday. Dwycr replied. " I t was
a total team effort."
Buses To Ithaca
Students interested in unending
tomorrow's cruciiil A I ha ny- Ithaca
f o o t b a l l game in Ithaca can
purchase tickets for spectator buses.
Round trip tickets are live dollars
each and can be obtained today in
the Campus Center and on dinner
1'or more information call either
F.ric at 457-7742 or Mary at 4.1837H7.
The Albany Slate women's soccer team trounced R P I , 5-1 Wednesday in
their last home game or the season. (Photo: Dave Machson)
Late Goal Gives Booters Tie
continued from page fifteen
that goal, but J i m tried to be too
careful." said Schieffclin.
With the season now over, the
Danes w i l l have t o content
themselves to watch the S U N Y A C s
and the N C A A s from the sidelines
next week. "This season is a
disappointment," commented
A f r i m N c / a j , " l f we had won that 1-0
game against Onconta it could have
turned our whole season around."
According to co-captain Robert
Dahtib: "There was a lot of team
spirit this year. Everybody tried lo
we really t r i e d t o go
somewhere. You can't take anything
away from this team—everybody
gave 100 percent." A n d Alberto
Giordano added: "Wc all had a good
year. Everyone gave their best. Wc
played three Division 1 powerhouse
teams and wc lost all three by one
goal. We're not ashamed. Wc were
able lo stay in the game with all of
And finally in recapping the
season, Coach
commented: " I ' m not dissatisfied
with this season. Injuries were
disappointing. Wc played without
Luis Arango and Vas Serdscv-that
certainly did make a difference. But
we played a good schedule and we
had a winning record against quality
college teams."
i Team leaders' for the Danes were
A f r i m Ne/aj with 4 goals followed
by Matt I'arrella and Vas Scrdscv
(who missed 3 games) with 3 goals
each. I'arrella led the team with 4
assists with Bob Dahah picking up 3.
Goalkeeper Giordano gave up an
average of only .92 goals per game.
By the Western Awnue Entrance
Shoes for 18 Sports
AN the Top Basketball Shoes
Monday through Friday 12-8 pm
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by Paul Schwartz
Rarely does a situation reverse
itself so exactly from one year to the
next as tomorrow's confrontation
between Albany and Ithaca. The
two squads have interchanged last
season's roles, the game location has
changed, and the physical condition
of the teams has also remarkably
been switched. And one other
element has remained constant in its
turnaround: A victory for Albany
would virtually lock their bid for an
N C A A Division I I I playoff bid.
while a win by Ithaca would keep
them in contention for a selection.
sidelined with a reiniurcd hamstring,
and defensive ' halfback D a r y l
liaynor is questionable with a groin
pull. Joe Kajzcak. one of Albany's
starting corncrbttcks. has a bruised
shoulder, but is expected to see
action in Ithaca.
A year ago, the Danes entered
their regionally-televised matchup
with lihaca posting a 5-2 mark. This
season, Albany is undefeated w i l h a
perfect 6-0 slate. Ithaca currently
shows a 6-2 reeortl. but last year they
were the club to come into Albany's
Hleeckcr Stadium with an K-0 mark.
T h e most t e l l i n g f a c t o r
tomorrow's outcome, though, could
be the injury factor. A year ago it
was the Bombers that were forced to
play without live starters, and this
season, it is the Danes that will limp
into Ithaca's South Hill Field.
NCAA Division HI
National Rankings
For the first time ever, this week
Albany did not suit up in pads for a
Tuesday practice as injuries suffered
against Norwich a week ago hegan
to show. T w o Danes, defensive end
Matt Hraacato and kicker Dario
Arango. will definitely be sidelined
against Ithaca, both having sprained
ankles. Sal Indclicato will start in
place of Brancalo and M i k e
Levenstcin will handle the kicking
against Ithaca. Albany quarterback
Terry Walsh, coming off a fine
performance last week, is an
extremely doubtful starter. Walsh
has a contusion of the thigh, and as
of Thursday, he was not able to run.
Mike Fiorito, who has seen limited
game time so far this season, will
start at quarterback if Walsh is
unable l o go. Halfback Sam
tlalstion will probably also . be^
The sudden rash of injuries came
shortly after the Danes received
e n c o u r a g i n g news f r o m t w o
Division III polls. Alter last week's
2K-25 victory over Norwich. Albany
moved up lo the third position in the
W i t t e n b u r g (7-0)
M innesota-Morris
(tie) Dubuque (8-0)
(tie) Widcner (7-0)
B a l d w i n - W a l l ace
(tie) Albany (6-0)
Cheyney State (8-0)
Ithaca (6-2)
Lambert B o w l , a poll which
indicates eastern powers. A far more
unexpected move was the Danes
leap into the national Division I I I
rankings, where Albany is now lied
for seventh in the nation, the highest
ranking in Albany football history.
Ithaca is ranked tenth in the national
" O f course I was pleased with the
national ranking," said Albany
State head football coach Bob F o r d ,
"because that's where you have to be
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NOVEMBER 2, 1979
The Bombers' calling card is
defense. Allowing under 1.1 points
per ballgame. Ithaca has been
impregnable against the run. and
last week the Ithacadefensc wastrue
to form
Canisius managed only
K5 rushing yards against the
Bombers' rugged 5-2 defense.
lite man in the middle of the
Ithaca defensive success is inside
linebacker John Laper (6-2, 2IK).an
All-American candidate who is
being touted by Ithaca press releases
as a future pro prospect. He is the
Bombers' leading tackier, and bad
one of bis routinely brilliant games
against Canisius last week
solo tackles and 16 total tackles. "He
is the best linebacker we wilt sec this
year." said Albany coach Vinee
Camevalc. who scouted Ithaca last
week along with Dane coach Bill
Ithaca head coach Jim Hutterfield
utilizes a mass substitution scheme
with bis defensive troops. In the
second quarter against Canisius, ten
defensive starters departed, and ten
new players look the field. Only
Laper remains at all times.
" A key lo the game could be their
depth, especially on defense," said
Camevalc. "They use so many
sometimes as many as 25
in one game. When they put in their
new defense last week, there was no
Here seen pitching the ball against Norwich, Albany quarterback Terry
Walsh may he sidelined against Ithaca. (Photo: Tony Tassarottl)
noticeable dropoff."
Tackles Jimmy Hoffman (6-3.
218) and Pete Giordano (6-2, 220)
are two of the lour defensive starters
back from last year, and both help
anchor a solid defensive line. Hut in
the secondary there are no returning
starters, and this could be the
Bombers' one area of concern, as
Canisius was able l o ahiuss 200
passing yards a week ago. ,
" I f they have a weakness on
defense, it is against the pass."
Camevalc said. "But we don't know
if we can capitalize on it because we
arc not happy with our passing
attack. Ihcy are very tough against
the run, though. They arc a tougher
defensive team than Norwich."
On offense, the Bombers have
shed their single-threat ailack. last
year Ithaca possessed a potent
ground game and li I lie else: this year
it is a more balanced gameplan
average of 212 yards rushing per
game and 112 yards passing. The
lihaca offense was dealt a „ vcrc
hlow before the Canisius yame,
when Matt Mees, Ithaca's all-time
leading ground gainer, injur :d his
knee in practice and will be out for
the remainder of the season.
But Mees' loss did not leave the
Bombers shorlhanded. Halfback
John Nicolo (5-R. 170) has done
enough for two players. He is
Ithaca's top runner w i t h 617 yards,
leading scorer with six touchdowns,
and leading receiver with 13 catches.
continued on page thirteen
Late Goal Gives Booters Tie
I SHoE'hinE
\ W / : i
when the playoffs begin. Now we
must stay there, and the chances arc.
after this weekend's game, either us
or Ithaca will not he there."
Despite owning a 6-2 record, the
Bombers have a solid claim to their
tenth-place ranking. Ithaca's two
losses came to Clarion (12-10) and
American International (24-19),
both perennial Division I I powers,
so the Bombers have yet to be
defeated by a team in their division.
With a win over the Danes. Ithaca
will have two strong arguments for a
playoff selection: They will he
undefeated in Division H I . a n d they
will have beaten Albany.
Albany defender Jack Chiarelli, along with five other seniors, played his
final home match on Wednesday. (Photo: Dave Machson)
by Larry Kahn
In a game characterized by
shoddy, non-aggressive play, the
Albany State soccer team ended
their season by barely managinga l I tie wilh lowly R P I . on Wednesday.
"Wc played very poorly," noted
Albany Coach Bill Schieffclin,"RPI
was the weakest team wc faced all
year. We realized we weren't going
anywhere and wc let d o w n . Our
teamwork wasn't good at all today."
A l b e r t o G i o r d a n o , the Dane
goalkeeper and co-cuplain. agreed:
"We didn't lake the game seriously.
Since it was the lasl game ol the year
wc decided to just go m i l and have
The outcome of the game iisell
was almost incidental. Albany lost
any chance for a post season bid
after losing to St. Francis on
Sulurdayaiid RIM is going nowhere
w i l h a dismal 4-5-1 record. "We
lacked a little drive loday-we
muster up enough
enthusiasm," said Schieffclin,
buck on defense, letting the weaker
RPI team control the pace of the
game. RPI look the offensive and
overcame Albany's superior style by
outhustling them wilh a swarming
aggressive offense. The strategy
payed off as RPI scored quickly.
Alberto Giordano made a diving
stop of a low shot to the right-hand
corner of the nel, but Drzewinski
slammed the rebound home at 4:20.
" I should have had that ball,"
admitted Giordano, " B u i wc should
have scored at least 3 or 4 goals. Wc
were shooting a lot. bin they were
easy shots. We didn't test their
goalkeeper ai a l l . "
cash in on their opportunities.
Forward A f r i m Nezaj>was kicked in
the leg and the Danes were awarded
a direct kick. RPI formed a wall as
Alex Pagano prepared lo kick,*
Jnstead of selling u p a play. Pagano
blasted a shot into the wall. Nezaj
took the rebound and blasted it
back into the wall and Albany came
up empty handed.
The Danes were stunned by the
early goal and by the end of the first
half they were g e t t i n g the
penetration into the RPI defense,
bin they c o u l d n ' t get o f f a
respectable shot on goal, l i m e after
lime, after bringing the ball
downficld, they would shoot weakly
at the goalkeeper or drive the ball 20
feet over the goal.
Right from the start of the game.
Albany seemed to be just laying
Albany controlled the hall most of
the second half, hill still couldn't
In the twenty mninuie overtime
period that followed, both teams
had many opportunities lo score,
but the game ended in a deadlock as
neither team could lake advantage
of them. Albany's best chance was
when Pagano smacked a shot that
hit the crossbar and bounced down
in front of the goal. Jim lgoe took
the ball about 3 feet from the nel and
shot it wide. "We could have had
continued on page fourteen
As time started running out
Albany became desparatc. They
took shot after shot until, finally, cocaptain Robert Dahah bounced one
off two RPI defenders and A f r i m
Nezaj helled it into the nel with just
one minute remaining.
20% off
Students Protest At
Accused Nazi's Home
orig." & reg. prices
Young men, stock up! Sweaters, slacks, shirts and coats are on sale.
Rallying students carry a symbolic coffin In remembrance of the Holocaust.
The ceremony was part of a JSC vigil near the home of an alleged Nazi criminal.
Photo: Margaret Brewster
sale 7.99-30.40
All sweaters! Orig.* $14 to $38.
Really warm, really handsome.
Choose from a big collection of
vests, cardigans, pullovers. With
V-necks, shawl collars. In the
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Vol. LXVI No. 44
November 7, 1979
sale 14.40-35.60
Dress slacks, reg. $18-$32.
We've got them all: belted,
pleated, classic cuts. In
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cotton/polyester cords,
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Tan, grey, brown, navy or black.
Sizes 28-36. (D. 108/274)
sale 10.40- 16
Flannel shirts, reg. $13-320.
These great, reliable plaids and
solids. By big names like Levi,
and Brittanla. 100% cotton.
S.M.L. (D.605)
sale $36 to $112
All outerwear, reg. $45-$140.
Warm up to our grand selection
of long coats, jackets and vests.
In wool, leather, split cowhide,
corduroy or poplin; 36-42. (D.209)
Sale Starrs November 4. The Action
Shop Macy's Colonie. Sorry, no mail or
phone. 'Intermediate price reductions
have been taken prior to this sale.
election day sale
S u n d a y , Monday, T u e s d a y
Waving anti-Nazi posters and
carrying Holocaust memorial
candles, close to fifty SUNYA
students and Albany residents staged an hour-long demonstration
Sunday, outside the home of accused Nazi war criminal Vilis Hazners.
SUNYA's Jewish Students'
Coalition (JSC)-Hillel, which sponsored the event, transported people
by bus to Hazner's home in
Dresden, New York. The group
walked approximately a quarter of
a mile on an isolated road to the
house, where they rallied in an effort to precipitate action on
Hazner's case.
Hazners was not at home. A
source revealed that the 74-year-old
Latvian national was forewarned
about the vigil by a SUNYA student.
Although never convicted of war
crimes, Hazners has been charged
with sending Jews and other
minorities to death camps of preWorld War II Latvia. In addition to charges of physical abuse, he
has been held responsible for herding masses of Jews into a
synagogue in the Latvian town of
Riga, before setting it on fire.
After being charged with deportability under the Immigration and
Nationality Act and the Refugee
Relief Act, deportation preceedings
were begun against Hazners in
1977. Hazners apparently presented
false information on his entry visa,
thus enabling him to enter the
United States. His trial continued
for two years with post-lrial briefs
filed by each side three months aao.
Led by coalition leaders,
demonstrators recited speeches,
songs, and prayers which depicted
the pre-war Holocaust era and
reflected concern over the possible
presence of other alleged criminals
in the area.
In addition, pallbearers carried a
simulated coffin, representing the
12 million who died in the war by
Nazi persecution. The coffin was
placed at the entrance of Hazners'
driveway, with 13 memorial candles
placed on top.
Throughout the ceremony,
students scrubbed the asphalt with
toothbrushes, an act symbolizing
Nazi punishment inflicted on. Jews.
According to JSC-Hillcl President
Mark Gurvis, Jews were subject to
beatings while involved in this accontinued on page five
Election Results Favor Albany Democrats
Albany Democrats Gain
Local Election Success
by Pat Branley
and Peter Berezny
In a strong campaign for County
As expected, Albany County legislative seats, Republicans gained
Democrats were victorious in local five. Sixteen Republicans and 23
elections last night, filling four ma- Democrats now make up the Counjor executive branch seats.
ty Legislature, the number causing
Democrats triumphed in County the Democrats' loss of the two-third
Executive, County Comptroller, majority in the legislature.
County Clerk, and Sheriff races.
In 1975, the Republicans lost the
"It looks like a great election to 24th, 25th, 26(h legislative districls
me," said Mayor Erastus Corning in Colonie, leaving the Republicans
early Tuesday night. Corning and Democrats with 11 and 28
refuted Albany County Republican legislators respectively. A strong
Party Chair George Scoringe's Republican campaign was led in
claim that the Republicans would Colonie in hopes of winning back
win back the three County the seats.
Legislative seats they lost in 1975.
Gaining Republican seats at a
"My guess will be that they won't local level was necessary to block
succeed," Corning said. "It will be the Democrats' two-third legislative
about the same number of majority needed for passing bond
legislative seats, maybe we'll gain issues.
one." He added that nothing could
C o u n t y Sheriff c a n d i d a t e
be guaranteed "until the results are Democrat George Infante won the
election, beating Republican candidate Lady Rucinski by a 9,500
margin. I n f a n t e ,
"handpicked choice," is not a
registered Democrat.
"I'm not sure if I'll register after
the election," said Infante. He added that he would not jeopardize his by Laura Florenllno
professional reputation by allowing and Beth Sexer
The Republicans were defeated
political considerations to stifle his
by the Democrats in all four major
Infante wants to professionalize county offices last night.
The county offices of executive
the Sheriff's Department, and plans
Comptroller, and Clerk were lost by
to increase training, as well as study
R e p u b l i c a n s to
the department for purposes of imDemocrats. The position of Sheriff
Incumbent Democrat James J. was also lost by a slim margin, to
Coyne will serve his second term as the Democratic contender.
However, the Republicans made
Albany County Executive, as he
won the race with 67,353 votes to successful gains in the office of
Republican candidate Smith's County Legislator. Of the 39
available seats, 13 were won by
29,099 votes.
Republicans. This constitutes oneSmith campaigned for stronger
executive powers and the right for third of the county legislature, a
the County Executive to hire margin sufficient to significantly
department heads. Coyne sup- strengthen the party's power.
ported Smith's effort,but said work
According to Associated Press
was needed. "The first two years wire reports this represents a 2 scat
were difficult in dealing with the gain for the Republicans over the
continued on page nine previous term.
Successful in his county
Republican Paul Scaringe feels it
will be a "hindrance to work with a
majority of Democrats."
In what was probably the hottest
bench the qualities that you look
race among Albany County exfor in someone in the capacity of
ecutives, Republican Lady Rucinski
Supreme Court justice," said
was defeated by a small margin in
Dominick Sfregola, one of Torher bid for the county sheriff post.
raca's slaunchest supporters. " H e
Rucinski's defeat by democratic ophas the ability to mete out a fair
ponent George L. Infante did not
justice, yet a strong justice. He put
come until late results came in from
together and ran a most effective
her hometown of Colonie.
In her concession speech RucinThe final results of Torraca's
ski wished her opponent "all succampaign are expected to be
available sometime
However, the tabulating process
has been slowed somewhat by the
impounding of voting machines in
areas with close races.
"I'm very conservative. I don't
like to be optimistic," said Torraca
early this morning. "You have to
remember I'm running in seven
counties. It's too soon to conjecture
what the seven-county total will be.
But if New Paltz is any indication,
it looks like it's two to one."
Rep. Torraca Wins Justice Seat
by Aron Smith
NEW PALTZ—A smiling Joseph
Torraca left Ulster County
Republican Headquarters here last
night grasping at victory, yet filled
with uncertainty. The Republican
candidate for state Supreme Court
justice shook the usual hands and
endured the endless applause inevitably associated with election
night drinking, before heading 15
miles north to Kingston and more
election returns.
Torraca made many such trips
last night. Distance was inherent in
the very nature of his campaign; the
third judicial district is spread over
seven counties from the midHudson valley to the Adirondacks.
Long distances served as a major
obstacle which Torraca had to overcome in the course of his bid. While
six years as Ulster County district
attorney placed him very much in
the public eye in the New PaltzKingston area, Torraca remained
virtually unknown in the Capital
Torraca resorted to a costly
media blitz in Albany and Troy.
The candidate hoped that by
plastering his face to every available
pillar, a certain name recognition
might develop and neutralize the effect of the popularity of opponents
front the region.
Apparently the strategy worked:
Torraca emerged with 26,176 votes
in Ulster County, some 3,000 votes
more than his nearest opponent. A
second Supreme Court justice seat
was won in Ulster by fellow
Republican Lawrence Kahn with a
total of 23,000 voles. Democrats
and conservatives received the short
end of this election, tallying from
730 to less than 100 votes.
"Joe (Torraca) will bring to the
Repubs Lose County Races
Incumbents Sweep Contests
cess" and added that she still
thought that she "did the best she
R< cinski said that her feelings
were best expressed in a sentence
taken from a letter sent to her by a
friend: "When soldiers are on the
line they have tears in their eyes
when they shouldn't."
Rucinski acted as superintendent
of the Albany County Jail and
Penitentiary from 1977-1979, and
Deputy Superintendent from 1975
to 1976.
In a landslide . victory,
Democratic incumbent James
Coyne kept the county executive
position away from Republican
Phyllis A. Smith.
Smith cited an "identity crisis"
as one of the major problems of her
campaign and an important cause
of her defeat.
"I have had no previous political
experience and am virtually a
political unknown," she said. "By
serving one term in office, my opponent has gained a following."
Smith believes many changes are
called for in Albany County
government, and that • relevant
change will not occur under
Coyne's leadership.
"James Coyne is just a Charlie
MCarthy of the Albany political
machine," she said. "After 58 years
of Democratic rule in Albany, when
the monopoly game comes
continued on page nine