Campus Asbestos Below Safety Guideline Levels Results From Air Samples by Charles Bell Asbestos is present in various locations on SUNYA's uptown and downtown campuses, although at levels below federal safety guidelines, according to New York Slate Health Department officials. The agency released its findings yesterday in a study of potential asbestos contamination in SUNYA buildings. Results were based on air and content samples taken on both campuses two weeks ago. "In cases where asbestos was found we are moving to cither remove or encapsulate any asbestos materials," said SUNYA Physical Plant Director Dennis Stevens. The New York Public Interest Research Group, Inc. (NYPIRG) claimed last January that the federal asbestos level standards were inadequate, threatening individuals with asbesteosis, a serious lung disease. While air samples taken where asbestos was found contain less than the maximum allowable level, SUNYA's stated policy has been to eliminate the material's threat, according to Stevens. The investigations came after NYPIRG identified several areas on campus where firc-retardant coatings of ceiling tiles may contain a s b e s t o s . N Y P I R G ' s own investigation pointed to possible asbestos content in Alumni Quad dormitory ceilings and in a food storage room in the kitchen of Aldcn-Watcrbury Cafeteria. SUNYA Vice President for University Affairs Lewis Welch said the study showed no asbestos content in any campus residence areas (student rooms or suites). However, asbestos was discovered to comprise 25 to 40 percent of sound-insulators located in a Colonial Quad machine room, a foyer and equipment room in AldenHall, and in Walerbury's kitchen store room. The Waterbury storeroom was closed last week after the potential health threat was revealed. "It was not necessary to continue using the storeroom, so the prudent course was to clear the area," said A food storage room in the Alden-Waterbury kitchen. Asbestos contamination resulted in its dosing. Welch. He added that the room will remain empty until asbestos material on the storeroom ceiling is either removed or scaled behind a rosin to keep particles from flaking off. Stevens said that he has already contacted a firm specializing in ALBANY STUDENT PRESS October 5, 1979 Vol. LXVI N o . 35 handling asbestos. Asbestos found on campus will be removed orsealed as soon as funds become made available for the project, he said. "We will probably attempt to use funds that arc not currently on campus," said Stevens, indicating that they might conic as a special appropriation from the state. Stevens said thai air samples were taken in and near areas where asbestos was believed to exist. Asbestos content ranged from a low of .007K fibres pet cubic centimeter. The maximum amount permitted under standards set by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is 2 fibers per cubic centimeter. Areas of potential asbestos contamination were originally Photo: Carolync Sedgwick identified through visual inspection by members of the SUNYA Plant Department and review of uptown campus construction specifications. "Using these two methods," said Stevens, "you ought to be able to turn up any asbestos." A project to remove the asbestos coating on a ceiling of a Richardson Hall (Draper campus) boiler room is now in the bidding stage. Hie presence of asbestos there was pointed out last January when NYPIRG revealed it as one of several New York State public buildings in which asbestoscontaminated air samples were found. The removal of the asbestos at Richardson is part of a general renovation project. Students Assaulted On Campus Investigations Being Conducted by Michelc Israel SUNYA's Deparlmenl of Public Safety responded. ~A~ recent rash of assaults caused a Security alarm. Colonial and Alumni Quads were the scenes of a recent rash of assaults on the SUNYA campus according to SUNYA Public Safety Department Assistant Director John llenighan Investigations are currently underway in an effort to apprehend the perpetrators. The most recent incidents occurred on Wednesday morning in Alumni Quad's Alden Hall and Colonial Quad on the uptown campus. According to Public Safety Investigator J o h n Ruth, at approximately 3 a.m. in Alden Hall, a white male entered a woman's unlocked room, fondling her as she slept. The student screamed, apparently alarming the intruder, who abruptly left the room, uttering obscenities. The student called the Albany City Police who then contactaed University Security. The intruder is approximately 30 to 35 years of age, about 5'10" to 5*11 "tall and is heavy set. He is clean shaven, wears his black hair in a crew cut style and was wearing a red windbrcakcr. According to Ruth, it Photo: Roanne Kuiakoff Chemistry PhJ). Program Awaiting Reinstatement by Laura Fiorentlno In hopes of being reinstated by the State Education Department (SED), the SUNYA Chemistry doctoral program is undergoing restructuring, according to Acting Chcmistiy Department Chair Ramaswamy Sarma. "The doctoral program in Chemistry was suspended two years ago following the report of the SED which said that the department did not meet the requirements," said Sarma. SUNYA chose to suspend the program rather than terminate it, explained SUNYA President Vincent O'Leary, because it wou. make reinstatement less dilficult. Limited student enrollment p r e c i p i t a t e d the p r o g r a m ' s suspension, said Sarma. Only 45 out of a required number of 90 students enrolled in the program. SED officials suggested that the department increase its enrollment to meet a faculty/student ratio of one to four. "I feel that this number is unreasonable because not a single department in the nation can meet this requirement of fourstudents per faculty member," said Sarma. In addition, SUNYA's program was compared to those of New York State institutions such as Cornell and Columbia Universities and Rocke f eller Institute. "When compared to these outstanding continued on page seven Acting Chemistry Dep't Chair Kamaswamy Sarma. Continued Administrative support could bring the program hack. Photo: Ashton Thomas has not yet been determined if he isa non-student. "No one can identify his facial features." The second incident occurred at 5:30 that morning, when an unidentified male accosted a woman in her Colonial Quad room. "She awoke to find his hands on hcr."said Ruth. He added that he is unsure if the accoster was involved in the first incident, stating that the victim only saw the outline of the intruder's body. Ruth said the bedroom doors of continued on page seven fi, (World News Ifcriefe) Nuke Protestors Plot Take-over SEABROOK, N.H. (AP) Both anti-nuclear protesters and defenders began gathering Thursday night for what the protesters said would be an attempt to occupy the Scabrook nuclear power plant construction site. Members of, the Coalition for Direct Action at Scabrook, a loosely knit organization of individuals and groups opposed to nuclear power, said Thursday that they will still try to occupy the site despite warnings that they will be facing police from all six New England states. Police cars and National Guard trucks were entering the site's guarded main gate Thursday while demonstrators scouted the terrain, set up campsites and held strategy meetings. An estimated 200 to 300 protesters were in this town of 5,400 by nightfall, many of the camping free in fields and backyards owned by local residents who support their cause — stopping the Scabrook plant in particular and the use of nuclear reactors in general. Members of the coalition told reporters Thursday that "thousands of people from all across the country will come to Scabrook in an attempt to establish a permanent occupation of the plant site." They stressed that Ihcir plans were "completely nonviolent" and defended their call for ladders, shovels and wire cutters to break the fence around the site. ,,— U S L Youth Emh ™* A*» NEW YORK (AP) About 19,000 teen-agers gave the popca guitar, a "Big Apple" T-shirt, a pair of blue-jeans and a rising, roaring welcome Wednesday at a youth celebration that was a, combination rock concert and basketball pep rally. They greeted him with the pulsating jungle drums that usually bring the home team hustling out of the locker room in a big basketball tournament Then the rafters exploded in an air-splitting thunder of shouts and thistles as the pope circled the arena in his pope-mobile to the rock beat of "Space Shuttle" and "Buttle Star Galac(ica" themes, played by the 100 piece band of Brooklyn's St. Francis Prep. When Pope John Paul 11 lifted a tiny blonde girl from a box seat in hsi strong arms and placed her on lop of the vehicle's cab, the young people from 200 Roman Catholic hgh schools in the metropolitan area commenced the rhythmic chant: "Long live the pope, Long live the pope." "The Theme From Superman", delivered with blaring, brassy guslo by the almost all-black Cardinal Spcllman High School band serenaded the pope on his way to the throne set up on the pedcstaljusl below the basketball scoreboard that was lit up with the words, "Holy Father, we welcome you to our city in your pursuit of human dignity for all." In the foot stomping, cheering crowd, many young people had tears of ecstasy running down Iheir faces. Several were carried out in a faint. Canal Dwellers Lose Suit Churchill's War Speech-A Fraud BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) A $2.5 billion class action claim filed LONDON (AP) Winston Churchill's famous speech, "We shall fight on the beaches...We shall fight in the hills...We shall never surrender," was broadcast to the world June 4, 1949, by an actor impersonating him the British Broadcasting Corp. confirmed Wednesday. Churchill delivered the stirring speech to the Mouse of Commons that day, and recorded it much later along with his other major speeches. But June 4 was one of the darkest days of World War II. Churchill was preoccupied with the Dunkirk evacuation, France was about to fall and America's entry into the conflict was still IS months away, lie was loo busy lo record a speech, so the job went to BBC repertory actor Norman Shelley, now 76. on behalf of about 900 residents and former residents of the old Love Canal chemical dump site neighborhood in Niagara Falls has been dismissed. Justice Joseph P. Kuszynski of the State Supreme Court rejected the claim Wednesday bin said individual lawsuits could be filed. A claim is usually the first step in seeking damages and, ifnol sealed, is usually followed by a lawsuit. The giant claim was filed last year against Niagara Falls, its school board, and Niagara County, Hooker Chemicals & Plasties formerly operated the notorious dump and the property was later taken over by the school board. A school was built on the site and homes and roads were built nearby. The state Health Department declared an emergency at the site in August 1978, after chemicals bubbled lo the surface and the department began finding evidence of higher than average ^S miscarriage and birth defect rates. The state evacuated more than 200 families from homes close to the old dump. State officials say they expect to complete construction on a multimillion dollar cleanup project later this month. V D.C. Dilemma: SALT And Troops WASHINGTON (AP) A divided Senate wrangled over the significance of the Soviet troops in Cuba on Wednesday us West Germany's defense minister cautioned that rejection of the SALT 11 treaty would create a "real crisis"for European allies. A band of scnulors, most of them Democrats, held the Senate floor for more than an hour, demanding that the strategic arms limitation treaty with the Societ Union be considered on Its own merits and not be linked to the presence of Russian troops in Cuba. Meanwhile, critics of the treaty continued a drumbeat of complaints about President Carter's handling of the Cuba issue, calling his response to the Russians disappointing, weak, inadequate and uninspired. In a Monday night address to the nation. Carter announced that negotiations with the Russians had failed to produce an agreement that would change the status of Ihc soviet brigade in Cuba. He pleaded with the Senate to ratify the SALT 11 treaty without regard lo the situation in Cuba. West German Defense Minister Huns Apcl backed up Carter's contention that European allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization want the Senate to approve the SALT treaty. Soviets Granted More US Grain WASHINGTON (AP) The Uniled Stales has assured the Soviet Union that it can buy up lo 25 million metric Ions of U.S. wheal and corn in the coming year, ubout 60 percent more thun it bought in 1978-79, a senior Agriculture Department official said Wednesday. Undersecretary Dale E. Hathaway said, however, that the permission to Russia included "nothing that they will, in fact, iniporl thai quantity" of grain in the coming year from the United Suites. The Agriculture Department currently estimates that the Soviet Union, besel by a poor harvest this year, will import around 32.5 million metric tons of grain from all foreign sources, including the Uniled States. Ji Student Patrol Back In Action Work/ Study Pays Students by Sue Gerber After a Iwoand a half year hiatus. SUNYA's Student Security Patrol (SSP) went back into action last weekend despite financial difficulties. This year a sizeable increase in SUNYA's federally funded Work Study Program was the impetus behind the resurrection of the SSP. According to SUNYA Director or Financial Aids, Donald Whitlock, $250,000 allocated lor Ihc project is used to pay the patrollers all of whom are Work/Study students, The patrols Iwo supervisors are paid by SUNYA's Public Safety Department. However only 11 of ihc 62 students referred to the patrol followed t h r o u g h on tlicir recommendations and were hired. Ideally, between 25 and .10 students would be involved. Work/Study attempts to place students in jobs applicable to ihcir planned vocations. However few students feel the type of work which the patrol involves has any relevance lo their careers. According to Patrol Supervisor Mike Gilitos, motivation has presented itself us a key factor in Ihc program's low student interest. Few students, he said, are willing to sacrifice evenings and weekends especially when more opportune work hours are available elsewhere. The SSP originated in 197.1. when it was financed by the Public Safety Dcpurtmcnt Temporary Services funds. According to Henighnn. a generally bleak economic situation and state budget cutbacks were responsible for the pilot project's early demise. The student patrol was restored for a brief period in the spring of 1977 after SA funds became available lo the project. As funding dwindled the program was abandoned. The patrol itself is designed lo assist the SUNYA police in maintaining a safe environment on campus. Acting as "extra eyes and ears" for the force patrollers are equipped with flashlights and radios to facilitate the location of potential hazards. Although they have no enforcement powers, it is the patrollers accessibility that most aides SUNYA police. Also embodied in the SSP is an escort service catering to members of the SUNYA community who prefer not to walk alone on campus at night. At present the program will be in effect Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights after dusk until 1:30 or 2:30 a.m. Anyone desiring an escort, or having related problems is encouraged to eull the Public Sufely Department during patrol hours at 457-7770. Both Gilitos and Public Safely Department Assistant Director. John llenighun agree that the program's "Work/Study only" restriction should be lifted increasing the file of available volunteers. This, they have indicated Student Security Patrol Supervisor Michael E. Gilitos. may he the direction the project will The recent storm of Incidents has sparked reenactment of the service, .Photo: Marc Hatck follow in coming ycurs. P a t r o l S u p e r v i s o r George SUNYA each year. Ciililos feels Ihc patrol will reduce the campus crime Johnson hopes to receive more Student Patrol can bolh deter rate. While he reported no problems funds for Hie program by making the campus crime and increase a sense of during the first weekend of the new campus community aware of its security among students, llenighun patrol's operation, he cited the benefits. called ibis sense of security "vital*". coming l-'allfcsl us "u Irue lest of our With over 1200 crimes reported al Gilitos feels confident thai ihc effectiveness". Class Approves Fall Yearbook 18 Votes Makes Difference 1 he major advantage of u full by Aron Smith book is 'tis inclusion of such spring A margin of eighteen voles bus determined (hut Torch 'HO will be events us graduation. Telethon and senior week, said Class of HO distributed next fall ritlhei than in President Dtive Weinlraub. May. "The spting book, however. Seniors voted on questions would give ihc seniois Hie chance In concerning a graduation speaker shun' theii bonks with Ihcir friends and senloi week events,us well-as Ihc yearbook ul lubles manned in ihc and have Ihcm signed il desired, instead ol receiving their books Campus Center lobby lasi week. when they're in giuil schools across However, u very small percentage ol ihc country." said Wcintrnub. Ihc class turned out lor Ihc poorly Central Council confronted the publicised vole, resulting in a final 7«/v//stuff in l97K,ul'lcrn unilateral tally of 13') lor a lull book and 121 decision was made in I'uvor of a lull favoring a spring book I fell that il was significant thai hook. A rider subsequently attached in Ihc Torch budget line directs the it's the third Torch thill will he senior class lo poll iis members in published in the fall," said University I'hoio/ Torch Chief determining the yearbook's, dute of Photographer Anthony I'nssuroiti, distribution. By the time such it poll "All three have been very successful was first taken, deadlines for a hooks thai have suffered no spring book had already passed. catastrophes." according lo University Pholo ~ \ SUNYA Gets Record Voters They only wanted 2000 bin NYPIRG, SASU, and SA beat their goal and registered approximately 2130 student volers during their voter registration drive. SUNYA also won a statewide competition by registering more volers than any other university in the state. Torch Editor Tony Tussarottl is glad about the results, Ihrcc rears of fall hooks with "» hassles at all. Red Cross Urges Donors Photo; Asluon Thomas SA To Scan Student Views Woelfel Says It's Needed by Peter Bcrczny A final proposal for a Rhetoric and Communication (RCO) a fSiuiya Kews Briefs JW DAT.!? T W O RCO Doctoral Proposal Readied The American Red Cross Dloodmobilc will he on campus Monday, October S, 10:00 a.m. lo 4:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Assembly Hall. Delta Sigma I'i is sponsoring the visit, according to SUNYA Bloodmobile Coordinator Tom Burke. Through the support of volunteer donors, the American Red Cross supplies the total blood and blood component needs of patients in 30 area hospitals throughout the Northeastern New York Blood Service Region, All potential donors are urged lo pie-register with the fraternity prior to the day of the visit. Next week, Student Association will be conducting a survey "to get a grasp ul how students feel about the issue" of raising the honors requirements, according to Academic Affairs Chair Lloyd Bishop. The results of the survey will be used lo determine SA's position on the issue. Last Spring, the Undergraduate Academic Council (U AC) tabled a proposal regarding the raising of the honors requirements. The present grades are 3,0 for Cum I anile, .V4 for Magna Cum Laude, and 3.7 for Summa Cum Laude. If the proposal is passed, the grades would be [aised to 3.23, 3.5, and 3.75 respectively. I he University Senate h;is requested that the UAC make a decision by December. ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Service/ Torch photographer Boh I eonard. When the results ol the poll finally became available (October, I97H). seniors favoring u lull bonk came mil ahead anyway. "Ihc class should be given the chance lo decide whether their book should be a spring book or a fall hook." said Weinlraub. "The yearbook Mnff feels that it should be an edilnrinl decision " Weinlraub favors a system similar lo one used In 1976, In that year, a two-volume yearbook was published; a fall book with a spring supplement were held together in a case. He called such a tactic impractical for the I9H0 book. however, ciling prohibitive costs and Ihc necessity ol increased labor on ihc pari ol yearbook staff, "If they have lo bust themselves to continued on page seven doctoral program will be ready by the end of this year, according lo Dean of the College of Humanities mid line Aris John Sehuiiiakcr. "The letter of intent bus already been approved by the faculty." said Schumakcr. Dean of Graduate Studies Roben McFarland will review the proposal, which will then be approved by the Stale Education Department (SED). According lo Schiimukcr. Hie proposal may not he approved for al least two years. Part of the program's purpose is OCTOBER 5, 1979 to open up the RCO department lo include English and Sociology, "We need lo synthesize these fields under the name of communication." said RCO Graduate Program Chair Joe Woelfel. Woelfel said ihc department "desperately needs this program if RCO is lo maij'ain its level of excellence." He added thai SUNYA's RCO department needs lo be updated Willi u doctoral program if it is to meet graduate students' dcrnands for a continuing education. According lo Woelfel, SUNYA's RCO stuff lends the country in theory, advanced mathematics, and stalislical methodology. SUNYA, he added, has the most advanced OAI.II.EO computer system ill the country, "SUNYA's superiority in this system is basically due to its RCO faculty which founded and d v eloped this system." I he GALILEO system solicits inhumation from ihc public by telephone, which is then processed in a SUNYA computer. A diagram is provided assessing regional, public, and cultural beliefs. GALILEO information is uscTTby corporations such as General Motors, Ford, Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Demi of the College of Hmmmlllea anil Fine Arts John Schumakcr. 77ic RCO Peparlment "desparately needs" the proposed doctoral program. ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE THREE Sears Health Food Department at Sears Colonle Center Featuring: Quality Natural Vitamins Frozen Refrigerated Items Cosmetics Assorted Herbal Teas THERE cardinal's residence, John Paul's lodgings for the night, where a halfdozen women, one carrying a placard saying "God is an Equal Opportunity Employer," unsuccessfully sought a word with the pontiff on the ordination of women as priests. Hawkers were out in force for the "He has some kind of magic,"said visit, as they had been in Boston and Jim Burke, a retired federal New York, and business was brisk, "Get your Christmas candy employee, speaking for the multitudes who came from the coal early," one vendor shouted, mines of Pennsylvania, the farms of chuckling. "Pope shirts!" clamored Ohio, and the towns of southern another, "Get your pope shirts New Jersey to welcome the pontiff. here." Bareheaded at the outdoor Mass. The carnival-like atmosphere prevailed from the moment the the breeze mussing his gray hair. John Paul voiced his "great joy" at pope's plane, Shepherd 1, arrived. "A spiritual Pcnnsylvanian," t h e o c c a s i o n , a n d s a l u t e d Gov. Dick Thornburgh called him, Pniladclphia's heritage of faith and "Our source of joy," said Mayor freedom. But he emphasized real freedom Frank Riz/o. "Unrestrained joy," Philadelphia's Cardinal John Krol was not "an absolute" but demands echoed to a crowd in the copper- discipline, saying this applies to domed Cathedral of Sis. Peter and sexual- conduct, including the necessity of fidelity in marriage. Paul. True freedom can never be "a "Ciod bless Philadelphia,"said the pretext of moral anarchy." lie said. obviously delighted pope. The only sign of discord was at the "In today's society, we sec so many disturbing tendencies, so much laxity." Hut he said that whoever seeks to slough off traditional ethics confining sex to marriage "is not truly free," '»nd a person is free only when acting responsibly toward others for "objective good." Earlier, in New York, the pope joined 20.000 Catholic high school students in a youth concert at Madison Square Garden, and cooed Woo", "Woo, Woo" and "Woo Woo, Woo"- the Polish equivalent of "Wow!" — to the delighted crowd. The Pope gicetcd a crowd at Battery Park with the Hebrew "Shalom! Peace be with you." Pope's Visit Draws Big Philly Crowd Stresses Classical Virtues 4,587,530 WAYS TO ENJOY Prepare for the cold month ahead with 10% savings on all vitamins and health food PHILADELPHIA (AP) Pope John Paul II thrilled Philadelphia on his stopover here, drawing his biggest Ameriean crowd yet as he cast off some of the papacy's old stuffiness but stressed classical virtues — firmly told seminarians the vow of celibacy cannot be broken. This unconventional pope walks among the people, jokes, chants with teen-agers, and even preaches bareheaded in a break with past papal form. But he has also bared some steel, insisting the priestly vow not to marry is irrevocable and calling for strict fidelity in marriage. "Human dignity requires that you maintain this commitment," he told seminarians Wednesday night, calling celibacy a "gift". & > $ > $ America's Best Fast Food Alternative 324 Central Ave. (corner of Cenral and Quail) Albany Stop down soon... He was touching a sensitive nerve in American Catholicism. About 10,000 priests in this country have been given dispensations to return to lay status in the past decade, before John Paul's papacy. But the dispensations — which free a priest to m a r r y w i t h o u t fear of e x c o m m u n i c a t i o n — have reportedly stopped under John Paul. Speaking to priestly candidates at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in a Philadelphia suburb Wednesday night, he said it is required that "you keep your promise to Christ no matter what difficulties you may encounter, and no matter what temptations you may be exposed to." A million or more people flooded Philadelphia's Logan Circle on Wednesday for an o u t d o o r pontifical Mass, an ocean of humanity filling the central pork and fanning out four blocks away. It was the biggest crowd of the pope's U.S. tour and rivaled the 1.25 million Irish who flocked to a Dublin park for a pupal Mass last Saturday. • Delight radiated from the crowd around the glistening white altar in the circle, as thumping bands and streaming banners conjured up the atmosphere of a New Year's Mummer's parade under the sunny skies. "He's huving a tremendous effect," the Rev. John Foley, a local priest, said of the pope. "It's bound to bring a lift to the spirit in this country." iMfieefr^^^ ONLY $.30 10% Discount > for SUNYA J students and a| faculty until M April 1, 1980 B B L S J T W T HB r i j B ^^^"De*l French • T P i f r r - - P r iirP SF' RfUturanl in Pgfler^-fiB| H F The Berkshire'*" ^~~— t ^ 3 ^ K P ? " i Boston Ileal Paper French Cuisine and Provincial Cooking Queechj Lake, Canaan, N.Y. 518-781-9994 Open Daily S to 10:30 Sundays 4 til 10 Located in vending boxes all over campus and by subscription. IT'S NOT OUR FAULT. Polk Loudspeakers - Speak For Themselves THE MEMBERS OF O P E C WOULD LIKE TO ABSOLVE JUSTASONG 0FANV GUILT. Just A Song is being forced to raise some prices. Hut — Our prices will still be the lowest in the area. And — We will lower prices on prerecorded tapes. We will lower prices on some albums. We will continue to have the best selection of discount cut-outs and manufacturer's overstocks. Our sale prices will be lower than ever. Plus Like these great prices on new CBS releases: But Audio Design Customers Say It Better! 'the clarity at all levels ol the Polk Loudspeakers far surpassed all others." {ptf22@{£<&D monitor loudspeakers, surprisingly affordable with the AUDIO DESIGN LIFETIME WARRANTY ' "the sound Is fantastic:' ' "beautiful blend of performance, price and beauty." audio design 2245 CENTRAL AVENUE, ALBANY. N.Y, Albany—Schenectady Border 393-3622 211 Central Avenue Albany 4.14-0085 BERKSHIRE COMMON, PITTSFIELD 4994711 •.takenJrom Polk Warranty Cards OCTOBEtt 5, 1979 446 Broadway Saratoga CBS Sale ends October 13th. ALBANY STUDENT .PRESS. 584-8884 PAGE.iny.R COMING Parent's Weekend October 13th and 14th Tickets Now On Sale For r/ Continental Breakfast with President O'Leary" $2.75 each at the Contact Office Chemistry PhD. Program continued from page one programs, we cannot compete, but we still have a fairly good department," Sarma said. In 1978, at the request of the university administration, a committee of three distinguished chemists evaluated the Chemistry Ph.D. department. "They found that SUNYA was well justified in wanting to operate a Ph.D. program in Chemistry and reported that we did have the resources to do so," explained S a r m a . The g r o u p offered suggestions for improvemenmt. "We are now trying to implement these recommendations," added Sarma. Changes in the program include recruiting a new chairman. "We hope that by employing a notable figure as c h a i r m a n of the department, it will attract more students and initiate changes which will improve our program," said Sarma. "If we get a good outside chairman and continued support from the administration, we can get the program back in six to seven months time. If, however, we arc unable to get a notable chairman in a short while, we will not be able to get r e i n s t a t e d , " he added. The department is currently searching for prospective chairmen from institutions such as Bell Labs and Jet Propulsion Labs. Undergraduate Chemistry major Lew Sultan said, "With the loss of the Ph.D. program there will be less money for research. This will hurt the department for undergrads as well as grads. There was a loss of two faculty members since 1977 because of the suspension of the Ph.D. program. We can't do research if the professors leave." Sarma believes there is an alternative to the Chemistry program. One possibility is to create a doctoral program in the Center for Biological Macromoleeules. B.B. Books AN ORIGINAL Big Dom's A limited selection of the Lowest Prices NEW AND USED BOOKS AND RECORDS Breakfast Begins: 8:45 Ballroom 9:30 CC Cafeteria 10:00 Patroon Room SUBMARINE SANDWICH SHOP 108 Quail St. Albany <r The center, which generates close to S3 million a year in external funds, can eventually evolve into a " p o w e r f u l " D e p a r t m e n t of Molecular Biology and Bio physics. "There arc members of the Chemistry faculty with strong ties to Physics and Atmospheric sciences. May be they could become associated with these departments," said Sarma. Sarma explained that the loss of the Chemistry Ph.D. program could have devastating consequences. He added that one cannot have a viable University Center and a College of Science and Mathematics without a strong Ph.D. program in Chemistry. The lack of such a program will affect the vitality of the present doctoral programs in Physics and Biology. Some members of the department have resigned while others arc currently seeking employment elsewhere. Fatal Bounce NEW YORK (AP) A woman who was bouncing on the bed of a New [York Cilyholcl plunged toherdeath .from the 20lh floor when she bounced out the window, her husband told police. Police said Sylvia Maninirios, of Montevideo, Uruguay, was found dead early today on the sidewalk outside the Taft Hotel in midtown Manhattan. Her husband, Bruno, 29, explained she had been bouncing ' on the hotel room bed and accidentally bounced tight through the window, police said. Assaults continued from page one the suite were unlocked, but the inhabitants claim that the outer door was locked. "We're looking into the possibility of a faulty lock or that the door was ajar." On September 28, a man entered a woman's shower room on the third floor of Brubaqher Hall. He apparently placed his hand inside the shower, but fled when the victim began to scream. The intruder is approximately 20 years of age, 69" tall, and ISO I pounds. He has black hair, brown eyes, a medium build and was wearing a red pullover shirt. However, according to Henighan, there is no way to link this suspect with the previous incidents. Eugene Hudson, an Albany resident, was arrested October I after he was discovered roaming about on the second floor of Brubachcr Hall "for no apparent reason," said Ruth. He was charged with loitering. His description docs not match those of the other suspects. Fall Yearbook Approved continued from pane three get a spring book out, they're not going to slay over the summer to finish a fall supplement," said Weintraub. Weimraub feels thul the poll was unfair in that a small sampling of class members is not necessarily representative of the whole. "I felt that it wasn't the best way to do it," he said. "Perhaps SA should develop a more accurate way of surveying the senior class, maybe during the SA election prior to the senior year. SA should develop some sort of procedure as to how to decide when the yearbook should come out. But I think It should be up to the seniors when they want their book." Along with the yearbook decision, seniors voted to match SUN YA's $1500 allocation toward a graduation speaker with class funds. "It was an attempt to get a graduation speaker of a better caliber than we have had in the last few years," said Weintraub. Tentative senior week plans, also based on the poll, include a semiformal and trips to Boston and Montreal. Hie Great Pumpkin Is Coming DiKe House 663 HOOSICK STREET/TROY, NEW YORK/274-4388 Dealers for Peugeot — Puch — A . D . Wide Selection ot Touring and Racing Equipment FALL ELECTIONS 1979 The nomination period for oil S.A. positions will start Tuesday, Sept. 25th and end on Friday, Oct. 5th at 0 pm. Self -nomination forms for the following positions are available in the S.A. Office: CENTRAL COUNCIL INDIAN — 2 COLONIAL — 2 ALUMNI — 1 STATE — 2 DUTCH — 2 OFF-CAMPUS — 6 SENATE INDIAN — 1 STATE — 1 COLONIAL — 1 DUTCH — 1 OFF-CAMPUS — 1 CLASS OF '6i CLASS OF '63 PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT Applications for ASSISTANT ELECTION COMMISSIONERS are also available in the S.A. Office OFF-CAMPUS STUDENTS Wheel building and custom bike service with frames by Dawos — Sierra Toure — Holdsworth Quality Components by Campy — Suntour — and Glplemo Hours: Mon.-Sat 10 •.m. to 5 p.m. and those who haven't gotten tax cards yet: TAX CARDS ®» Student Association DISCOUNT BOOKS will be distributed Today Monday Tuesday 11 - 3:30 pm in the Off Campus Lounge IWUiA/J OCTOBER 5, 1979 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE SEVEN ZODIAC N Ketchup King & FRIENDS PRFS£*TK> B r With Special Guests Larry Coryell and David Sancious 9i m The Chicago Sun Times reports that the richest member of the US Senate is none other than John Heinz, the Third; a republican from Pennsylvania, and the heir to the H.J. Heinz Food Fortune. Heinz the Third is worth $36 million to $50 million, the newspaper says. The wealthiest representative incidentally, is Fred Richmond, of New York, who, the Sun Times says, owns $16 million in stock in the Walco National Corporation, manufacturers of small machine and electrical equipment. 4«IS TdL«nT€l>. (YOUNG SINGCRS0NGWAI?€& OV1- 5»Me<>corAeoV^ ,1CAL ^ 4BILIT •flRett£DRI€D coffcewusc we Twe CC4S&Cl*b|<J h c l \ OKTOBERFEST Palace Theater Thursday, O c t . 11 8 p.m. Business, Govemrnent and Service • Students!! Faculty!! Come Meet with national & local organizations! See Interesting Displays and exhibits of produc and services. Talk About your future and job opportunities Tickets: J*5 w/tax card 7 gen. public Tickets on sale at Just-A-Sone, _ the SA Contact Office and the Palace Theatre Hunter S on Film Saturday Night Livc's Bill Murray will star in Universal Picture's "Where the Buffalo Roam", a film depicting the adventures of Hotline Stone'sgonzo journalist Hunter Thompson. The film is the brainchild of former rock music manager Art l.inson who reportedly got the idea for "Buffalo" after reading Thompson's article for Rollins Stone's 10th Anniversary Issue, "The Banshee Screams for Buffalo Meal." Murray's previous film credits include "Meatballs", which is Union College Field House, Schenectady NY October 5, 1979 11 am - 8 pm October 5, 1979 9 am - 3 pm Fv sfudpnit t n i Focufri o1 a/. Cajwa Dirfnr: Area Vietnam Vet Blues A recently-released study of Victnum veterans has concluded that more than 40 percent of soldiers who participated in the Indochina conflict currently suffer from major emotional difficulties and alcohol and drug abuse. The report, a preliminary study of Vietnam veterans, was prepared by the New York-based center for policy research. It was made public by the Veterans Administration after a group called "Vielnam Veterans of America" requested the document under the freedom of information act. The Veterans Administration and certain Congressional members have previously maintained that veterans of the Vietnam War have readjusted successfully to postwar life in the U.S. The study, however, which involved 380 veterans in New York and Connecticut, found that 40 percent have emotional and drug problems, while as many as 75 percent complain of nighmarcs, marriage problems and j o b difficulties. Similar studies of veterans in the South, Mid-West and West are currently underway with a final report scheduled to be published next year. Mmmm Good! Deposed C e n t r a l African Iimpcror .lean Bedel Bokassa a l l e g e d l y h a d an u n u s u a l appetite...for human flesh. The new President of the African nation, David Dacko, who staged the coup last week that drove Bokassa into exile, says that three human bodies — each with parts missing and presumably eaten have been found in refrigerators at one of the deposed dictator's villas. Said Dacko in a news conference, "Yes, there were piece of llesh, human llesh the deep freeze at Bokassa's home," Bokassa reportedly earlier this year ordered the massacre of 200 children who had thrown rocks at his limousine. Dacko, incidentally, is his cousin. BURT REYNOLDS CANDICE JILL CLAYBURGH *Exhibits showing career options •Representative jobs available •Information on employment opportunities •Career goals to consider fj-iaecf fr.i SU0&Q! sssxianon currently being screened in major movie theaters across the U.S. Through The Mail We've come a long way since Montgomery Ward put out the United States first mail order catalog. High Times Magazine reports that a Denver, Colorado, firm is now publishing what it calls the Yankee Bean Catalog. The Yankee Bean Catalog lists such things as a disposable typewriter, which allegedly puts an end to ribbon changes: the makers claim you can type up to 10,000 words, then throw it away. Thai sells for a mere $19.95. And then there's the Sav-aKrunch cereal spoon, which makes soggy cereal a thing of the past. Reportedly, a simple squeeze of the handle will release just the right amount of milk into the spoon, This device sells for S8.95. successful composer of all time, with 43 songs writte.i between 1962 and 1978 that have each sold more than a million copies; for having a record number of gold discs, 4 i with the Beatles, 17 with his current group Wings and one with singer Billy Preston; and for being the world's most successful recording artist with an estimated global sales of 100 million singles and 100 million albums. Guiness Editor Norris McWhirter says the medallion will be presented to McCartney in special ceremonies to be held next month. Sorry, Path Singer Pntti Smith was reportedly booed off the stage during her concert in Bologna, Italy, recently. The concert audience apparently became outraged when Smith unfurled an Amciican flag on stage during her closing number; and when she tried to win the crowd back by singing "The Internationale", a Communist Parly theme song, the And how about the You Got a Lot crowd immediately began throwing to Liver Cookbook, which features rocks and hollies...forcing Smith to over 105 recipes for this highly leave Ihc slage. nutritious and inexpensive cut of meal. Would you believe liver Elvis Records Again! turnovers, liver butter and jelly sandwiches and liver meringue pie? A British record label has released It's only $10,99. a recording which may be the silliest concept album of all time. The LP, tilled the "Elvis Presley The Cute One Seance", was recorded in July of ibis year at a seance conducted by a The Guiness Hook of H'orlil respected British medium, Oirmcn Records says it will present former Rogers, Realle Paul McCartney with a According to Shadow Records' special medallion to salute his Barry Murray, the LP contains success as a musical composer and "something genuinely unique and performer. interesting...You will hear all the McCartney is listed in the famous questions und answers from the book three times: for being the most spirit world of Elvis Presley," F A T S O FOGARTY'S Inattjiam Disco and Drink Emporium 255 New Karner Road (RT. 155) Albany, N.Y. 12205 456-3371 • WEDNESDAY- •TUESDAY- MTOM Mo ODDDD -THURSDAY Beer Night Free Beer from 9 pm til 3 am FRIDAY & SATURDAYHappy Hour 9-10 pm o oooo -. W A O T Y®y[R [pocTOLai DM Y@y^ YEAmm New York City Nite is coming Sept. 19th Rock 'n Roll Nite 2 for 1 Drinks 9-12 pm K? Drall Bcer-251 Wine-5(W Bar Liquor-50« Boltlcd Bcer-75« *AII New Light Shows'Plenlyof Parking'Tn-level Dance Ploor'StcrcoSound PATIO'S Senior portraits sign-ups begin Monday Oct. 8, at the Campus Center Information Desk. rullar Rd. <-,; 4> Waili Ave. Exit L Falso's is available lor private parlies also. Phone 456-9890 lor details. n i Albany Campus Pizza \ii Westgate Shopping Center jji 911 Central Ave. & Colvin Ave. j Appointments are on a first come first serve basis. Phil Potter would like to straighten out his life... One way, or the other. 438-8350 If Busy Call 482-9421 Y@y mwfi §xu3 ©ami to §Qf)ifD y p Ib@fF@ff@ • K i w i s ainu « i « QBin ttmmm ffllMiI«H^ii«HIIJf«milillK MEM IJIBI.Him BUHIMIUD HHUilU m m ] |i|||nD|rjH r»«nie>'oui'i'. a CINE 1HORTHWAYMALUCOLONJEWWaoO. OCTOBER 5, 1979 STARTS TODAY! Coupon* Good Tuesday thru Thursday thru Ocl.31 50<P off any large or small pie on pick-up 50<P off any large or small pie delivered f i r m ! HMwcftb "" L*VL With This j| I JJ BALLTOWM HP., SCHEN. 370-1920 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS - PAGE NINE viewpoint Just What Is An Honorable Cum? by Lloyd Bishop The University Senate has been directed to look into the issue of honors requirements. By November, the Undergraduate Academic Council (UAC), a comnittee of the Senate, will report back with their recommendation. A proposal being considered would raise the requirements. Presently a student needs a 3.0 for Cum Laude, a 3.4 for Magna Cum Laude and a 3.7 for Summa Cum Laude. If the proposal were to become effective one would need a 3.23 for Cum laude, a 3.5 for Magna Cum Laude and a 3.75 for Summa Cum Laude. These new requirements would not affect students currently enrolled unless the student so chooses. The arguments for and against arc becoming more heated. Proponents claim that during this era of grade inflation, which is the phenomena where educational standards arc not as high as they once were thus allowing for a greater number of high grades lo be given than were given in the past, honors requirements should be raised because too many students are graduating with (hem. During the 1977-78 school year, for example, 44.H percent of our graduates attained a cum of at least a 3.0. The directive to the University Senate to look into the issue alleges,"lt is highly doubtful that 45 percent of our undergraduates are genuinely deserving of honors." Further, the proponents assert that the distinction of honors at SUNYA is damaged when this percentage of students receive them and that there could be longrange, detrimental effects on the University's reputation. If the proposal were to be passed it is hoped that students would be forced to work harder to "make the grade" thus maintaining or improving our reputation for graduating qualified, well-educated young adults. Proponents would also like us lo keep in mind that students applying to SUNYA, assuming the policy is in effccl, would know about the higher honors requirements. In effect no one would be affected if they chose not to be. Those on the other side of the issue also present a strong case. They note, first of all, the sentiment that a 3.0 isn't easy to achieve and maintain here at SUNYA. .These who hold this sentiment, the opponent's stress, are among the Albany student body — students which were accepted into what has been acclaimed to be the most selective school of any state university system in the country. Students who attend Albany arc quality students. The mere fact they were accepted attests to this, not to mention the fact that if a student even graduates from this institution it is a feat in itself. Opponents assert the world beyond Perimeter Road is aware of this and that our reputation is high. In addressing the directive's charge that 45 percent of our undergraduates cannot be deserving of honors opponents claim it is not proper to attempt to predetermine what percentage of students will receive a particular grade. For example, when a student walks into a class on the first day is it fair for the professor to tell him that grading will be on a curve thus effectively placing a limit on the number of students who will receive a particular grade? Opponents believe it is not. Whether II) percent or 40 percent deserve an "A"or"B"they believe the student should get it. 'flic same should be held true lor honors if one genuinely deserves it should he not be rewarded? Returning for a moment to our student on the first day of classes those against the honors change also arc concerned with the increased competition the proposal would create. In our classroom the students would by vying almost viciously for the few "A's" and "B's" to be given out. This naturally could only prove to be unconstructivc to the learning experience. Opponents project that the University's attempts to get undergraduates to work harder could have concomittant cost which may be too high. Besides, why should the pressure for reducing grade inflation be placed entirely on the students? Could not the faculty be asked to deal with this inflation from their end in the classroom, to improve their commitment to teaching in order to maintain the educational quality it is feared may be slipping away? THAfS COR AIR, ses eosio&s "^AkX? A Din Over Quinn To the Editor: Kindly permit me to respond to the provocative issues that weie raised in two letters by Kevin Quinn in tho ASP of September 21, 1979. In America, now and in the past, power has been wielded by a few, for their own benefit, and used to oppress and exploit the majority of the populace, as Mr. Quinn suggests. This common knowledge prompts questions that inquire into the means by which the situation has developed and persisted. Power is wielded by interests, call them wealthy, special, or whatever, by the employment of thcagencyof the state. Influence and power are bought, gained directly by office holding, or secured by other means in a government that does, ultimately by naked police power, invade, restrict, and control virtually all of the enterprise in this country. Governmental control of the money supply has proved to have staggering and damaging consequences, i.e., it is the government that has inflated it, which has caused the rising price phenomenon. Add to this the many laws that have been enacted by national, state, and local legislative bodies throughout the history of the country. Also, do not forget the multitudinous rules and regulations that have been p r o m u l g a t e d by the v a r i o u s administrative and quasi-judicial agencies, departments, el al. of the three levels of government over the course of the country's existence, Taking all of this into account, one cannot dispute the pervasiveness of governmental intrusion into the affairs of the populace. Let me take the liberty of imputing slightly socialist overtones to the criticism contained in Mr. Quinn's letter. What is the history of every socialist regime? Is there one that has true economic freedom and prosperity as opposed lo governmental control and planning (read: outright dictatorship and inefficient economics) together with civil liberty? Docs a socialist system of government show more potential for individual freedom Another consideration to be aware of isn't immediately apparent but will be quite serious if the proposal should become a reality. Another idea that has been brought up could very possibly result in plus/minus grading becoming a reality on this campus. With the concern the University is showing towards grade inflation it is logical to assume that less "A's" will be given out since the professor can instead give out "B pluses" and "A minuses". This phenomena coupled with an increase in honors requirements no doubt means an even smaller number of deserving students will receive honors. Opponents of the proposal are extremely concerned over this combination. and less potential for abuse of power than a non-socialist system of government as described below? There is no evil that inheres in the capitalist system. Capitalism, in an unfettered economy that is characterized by voluntary exchange, is one example of a wholly legitimate, free, and non-coercive economic system that can arise. The evil that is currently imputed to capitalism is the outcome of an unholy mixture of socialism and fascism that is. by the government, inflicted on the economy, perverting and shackling it and prostituting it to the service of the special interests that hold sway in the government. It is the excessive regulation and taxation of economic enterprise, together with inflation, t|, al discourages business activity and hence reduces the number of existing jobs, hinders the development of potential jobs, and impairs the feasibility of the initiation of new business. This is what perpetuates the status ol the "downtrodden" who arc non-owners ol the means of production. They can't get ahead because they are not able to compete, nol because of "unfair competition" by those who arc already established, but because ol government manipulation. With respect to power and its effccl on lite populace, history has repeatedly shown thai power is abused regardless of the hands in which it resides and the nominally benefit icnl uses to which it is putatively being put. Power, we must remember, is sought only by those who seek to usurp the liberties of others, exploit others, and impose their will upon others. Those who have no such ambitions do not seek power; to them, it is useless and burdensome. Moreover, there is an outrageous arrogance in those who assert the outright lie whose boldness and enormity arc worthy of Hitler that they and their cohorts can run other people's lives far better than each can run his own life. There is no good, advisable, or safe distribution of power. What solution, then, is there to this problem? Government should huvc no power at all, except that which is necessary to protect the country from foreign invaders and domestically to protect the populace against force and fraud, i.e., real criminality. i Any other activity on the part of the As of yet the proponents have not addressed this issue. In an attempt to get a grasp on how the student body feels about this question your Student Association will be conducting a survey on the issue through the vehicle of the C e n t r a l C o u n c i l A c a d e m i c Affairs Committee. The survey will be on dinner lines for on-campus students and in the Campus Center for off-campus students. It is asked that you lake the survey, whether you're pro, con or undecided, and answer the lew questions honestly. Only in this way can Student Association respond to your needs and wishes. TO HWE P&OCVCV? PRPPVas MH0 tco&c. iDORkMAKES &&•>. jcee MAkp WOHB WAK^S P&SPfeiTV vewftus FR3H THFAJR/SeA AUP UW MR Togethers Begetting • BjBJBJ •BHRSa Page 3a Grand Re Opening of ( (t\oa*e^ every week a different special wine » " " COLLEGE IS A TIME OF MANY FIRSTS • wonderlnfl where you fit In? • worried about your relationships? • have questions about birth control, - V.D.,homosexuality...? call or visit the SEXUALITY RESOURCE CENTER Frl Oct.5 & Sat. Oct. 6 9PM - 1:30 AM • WE CAN LISTEN... • WE CAN HELP... featuring M&M, original folk tunes 457-8015 opens October 2 In 105 Schuyler Hall on Dutch Quad Speakers Forum Presents Aspects Contents* This Week The Student Notebook Presents a celebratory Ode to the Chocolate Chip Cookie. Registration stands accused in Cafe mericain, and in Hot Licks and Rhetoric we meet Eb and Flo. Read all three columns on page 4a. Centerfold: Perry is a boy. He wears ragged clothes and doesn't really bathe. The other kids don't like him. But Perry doesn't mind. He plays pinball and runs around. He gets into fights, though he ain't a fighter. Jay Gissen met him a while ago. 6a as part of Parents Weekend WHERE'S POPPA 7:30 a n d 9:30 Friday October 5 7:30 a n d 9:30 Saturday October 6 Lecture Center 18 1.00 Wtax 1.50w/out F. Lee Bailey "Defense Never Rests" The nations most distinguished lawyer has defended Patricia Hearst and the Boston Strangler Saturday, October 1 3 8:30 PM Albany University Gym Tickets on sale Oct 8th—12th in C.C. L o b b y a n d SA C o n t a c t Office $ 1.50 with tax card 2.50 without tax card 3 tickets per tax card SA Funded Why Are We Marching On Washington? B e c a u s e . . ."Gays and Lesbians represent the o.iiy minority in this country against whose existence there are laws. Thirty states in this nation still have laws making illegal the physical expression of love that women feel for women and men feel for men." The Nation B e c a u s e . . ."The assault on the fundamental rights of Gays and Lesbians not only continues but has substantially increased recently."A.C.L.U. Biennial Conference 6-19-79 B e c a u s e . . . Congressman Larry McDonald, D-Georgia, has proposed House Concurrent Resolution 166 which concludes "It is the sense of Congress that homosexual acts and the class of individuals who advocate such conduct shall never receive special consideration or protected status under law." Sound & Vision: You've seen the commercials. Blind bidding is an unfair practice in the movie industry. H-iU I It forces theatre owners to pay rental fees on movies they aren't allowed to see. But the movie distributors refuse to change the system. Fair? See 8a. Fiction: Walter has a problem. In fact he has several. They're his friends. They've livided his attention ind distracted him to confusion. The Friends of Walter Casternax are bleedin' polyphrenial. The story can be found on Page 10a. Diversions: Do you know what Roddy McDowall's first role was? If you do, or even if you don't, this week's Trivia Time might intrigue you. And WCDB presents live concerts, great old radio shows, and more. All of this and extras on Page 11a. BUT... CAN THEY DO IT IN TIME? The SUNYA GAY AND LESBIAN ALLIANCE In the NATIONAL MARCH ON WASHINGTON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1979 Or c o m e t o o u r Meetings, TUESDAYS at 9 : 0 0 p.m. CC 3 7 3 Aapecta October 5, 1979 Feature: The Rus-| sians have landed on Dutch Quad. They're exchange students here to study Eng-| lish and observe American modes and manners. Correspondent Bob Blau investigates the situation. Read about them on Page 5a. Sound & Vision:! Still going strong after) their 13th album, Chi-I cago is a brash, brazen| and streetbrawling group. Their 13th may|_ be a pop hit churner, unlike the earlier jazz rock ventures, but they still have the raw edge that keeps them sharp. Page 8a. . . . /IND THE LWLOSION ALERTS THE OCCUPANTS OF s u m 105 »y«M/\w HALL. DINING INTHEQWDA MrertRM... Tough Fate Growing up can be a terrible thing to happen to a kid. We've all experienced it, or are experiencing it, or will soon, but that doesn't make it any easier to take, just like knowing that everybody is going to die doesn't make death any easier to take. But we endure the pain, the rigorous years of adjusting to an alien environment, childhood is brief and precious like a firey comet, it streaks across the dawning horizon of our lives and is gone. Only the afterglow remains. 1 Our reward in the end, it is told to us, is the nobility of adulthood. Being grown-up, taking charge, responsibility are the rallying cries that get us through the battle. But as with any gain, we must surrender a valuable possession. The war inevitably ends, and we almost inevitably win, we mature. In this grown-up world, we meet Fate. We had been spared Fate as children, but there's no sanctuary in magic fortresses or bespirited islands when we are grown. So we redefine Freedom. We set up governments' which invent dictionaries which give us meaning to words that got jumbled in the transition between childhood possibility and adult tension. The United States, the most stubbornly optimistic nation that ev»^ coagulated has used Material Success to dehrm Freedom.That this might be a contradiction in terms does not slacken us from pursuing the Great Suburban Dream, not a bit, not until we catch ourselves sitting in the driveway playing with our automatic garage doors and counting T. V. antennae as Frederick Exley did in A Fan's Notes. In the Soviet Union they define Freedpm as . Sacrificing Freedom to the State. All efforts ark put II toward one gigantic organism where the individual is as! I free as a ribosome or an organelle. It is an efficient (J individual is allowed the caprice of Ranting more than he needs, therefore no waste. And the state is always ready, for those unfortunate enough to r>sed reeducation, to define Want and Need. What the U.S. thrives on, for better or worse, is what the USSR tries to suppress — hope. Hope can defy Fate. It returns to us the possibilities of childhood. It keeps our minds charged, our hearts leaping, our dreamgalive. But Hope, the last of Pandora's gifts, is also a demon. With Hope dangled in front of us we become eager to be led by Fate towards doom or destiny. And in the end, maybe it is best that way. "We don't know.we can only hope-how we cling t o j t , the last vestige of our childhood neverendings", the only redeemer, saviour. Hope In this issue we hope you'll be alarmed by our columns, intrigued by the article on Russian students right here on Dutch Quad, and fascinated by the accouat of Perry, a most fascinating kid, and to those who know him, unforgetable. Look into all of our feature^ections, Sound and Vision, Fiction, and Diversions. You may like us. In the words of Pierce Invarrity, "Keep it Bouncing." J Sound & Vision: David Live-In a personal interview con-l ducted at the Quality! Inn David JohansenJ ex NY Doll, and cur-| rent veteran superstar i talks to Cliff Sloan on livin', lovin', and the road. Catch his act on Page 9a. Fiction: Togefhers Begetting by Jay Gissen is this week's poem on 10a. Aspects is accepting poems and stories for upcoming editions, so bring us your work to Room 323 on the third floor of the Campus Center. In the Aspects mailbox. Diversions: Have a problem? Confused about c l a s s e s or grades? Troubled by room/suite/dorm mates? Stricken by the dervish throes of amore? Well Aspects has the answer. Write to Dear Jessica, ASPirin for Headaches and Heartaches. H I G H ATOP STUYVESANT TOWER,THE STRANGELY GARBED FIGURE CALLING HIMSELF DUTCH MASTER PLANS A REIGN- OF TERROR FOR DUTCH QUAD MD ALL OF SUNYA'. CAN HE BE STOPPED? ONLY BY ^^cr? B e c a u s e . . . The basic human rights of Lesbians and Gays are not protected in this nation in New York State, in Albany or EVEN HERE AT THIS UNIVERSITY. JOIN The Editor's Aspect A BUTTON WHICH SENDS A BEAM OF DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY EARTHUARD! THE BEAM TEARS A 6APING HOLE IN THE SOFT EARTH OF THE COURTYARD... respects BUT m m WHO ARE THESE FOUR BRAVE Editor Stuart Matranga YOUNG MEN? WHAT POWERS DO THEY HAVE, AND HOW DID THEY ACQUIRE THEM? FIND OUT NEXT U/EEK, AS THE ^ S l ? PRESENTS, ' FOR THE FIRST TIME IN Design & Layout Jay B. Gissen PRINT, THE ms§m mmm Concept Gissen and Matranga Columns: Richard Behar, Bob O'Brian, Steve Ostei Staffwriters: Bob Blau, Rube Cinque, Jim Dixon; Adrienne McCann, Kalhy Perilli, Bob O'Brian, Mark Rossier, Cliff Sloan, Laurel Solomon, Audrey Specht, Hy Stadlen, Craig Zarider Graphics: Evan Garber, Lisa Gordon, Aitana Majerfeld Diversions: Vincent Aiello The Student Notebook. Aspects^. Y o u are trembling; sweat pours from your hands like blood from a wound, collecting In 'an Inky puddle on the drop-add card. You've just had the blue form thrust back Into your i blank face by a rotund, red-faced bureaucrat. I of a lady squatting down behind an acre or so of class cards. You need a signature. You need an advisor. You want a rifle. A quick glance beyond the backboard at the gym clock tells you that In exactly fifteen minutes SUNYA's add-drop days will mysteriously end. At that point you will be locked Into 18 credits of 500 level calculus and physics. (You always get too damn ambitious during pre-reglstration). ' Steve Oster U Cafa Amorfcain Registration Retaliation Visibly leaning on the Student Directory table (remember the Student Directory?), you Iquickly Inventory the problem. Y o u absolutely must have no fewer than five closed section cards, two departmental permission slips and at least five other copies of your advisor's Hancock. Without them, you're sure to be blown away by the leering housewife who was suddenly given command of all the arts and sciences. I With a thick buzzing sound the quaalude hits. You curse youself for not waiting until after registration for drugs. The knees are the first to surrender, followed quickly by the back and neck. You drape yourself like an amoeba around the corner of the table and attempt to look cool as your brain panics. Paralyzatlon. All seems hopeless, and you try not to think about breaking the news to Mom about law school. You doubt that you will leave the gym alive -- visions of being found crushed by a bank of bleachers. Then, In a merciful Instant, It hits you. The P n n . /I academic forgery. At first, your signatured! look worrisomely crude and obvloi I however, you have mastered the pedagogy ' scrawl, complete with swirling (s a n d underscoring y's. As a matter o( fact, W|||, each successive fake, your conddence grows You have regained your sense of instrumentality amidst the dehumanizing honors o( registration. So it Is not without a deflnate swagger ( 0 your steps that you stride down the baseline towards the grinning fat lady. As Ihe bogus cards are handed over, there Is a certain unease, but this passes as the dissappoinlment registers on the woman's face. She has lost this one, and she know It. As Ihe clock creeps towards the witching hour of four o'clock, you affix a new sticker to your crumpled ID card and head for the sanctum of your bong. Y o u have learned a valuable lesson Recognizing that bureaucracy is evil and cruel and must be dealt with harshly will be the most useful axiom gained In four years at this | n . stitution. You have proven that you can treat water In the sea of paperwork that will threaten to Innundate you for the rest of your adult life. one way out of this administrative nightmare. New direction helps you compose yourself, and you casually stroll towards the "pick-up packets" desk. Like thousands of desperate SUNYAns before you, you are about to commit a crime. Arriving at the near deserted desk, your eyes Immediately search out and lock onto the pile of beautiful pink closed section cards. You look around, decide the coast Is clear. With the deft movements of a safecracker, you snatch up a handful of cards and walk away. Departmental permission slips and another add-drop form are acquired In this manner. Ensconslng yourself In a dark corner of the flz ed building, you enter the world of Hot Licks And Rhetoric Provide a grinning fat lady with something to play with and she will gladly send you on your way. It does not matter that ihe signatures are not real. The system Is loo big for second looks. Besides, for the fat lady, a complete set of phonies Is more comforting than a legitimate omission. But there Is no time to dwell on the dav's victory. There are more worlds to be conquered: next month brings with It the degree application. "• Bob O'Brian Eb And n o Meet Bessie Smith Dark befell the great granite city and as the Keeper who sees fit to seperate day from night at the arbitrary and mysterious hour of midnight, our heroes, Eb and Flo emerged from a drinking and dining emporium fraught with questions and smelling of the rancor of cigarette smoke. Their stay at the hangout au sleaze had been cut cruelly short by a rude sycophant who had dried vomit on his lapel and told Fatty Arbuckle jokes. "Please tell me", Flo asked Eb, "What does a champagne bottle have to do with sodomy?" Eb winced. "It's an Inside Hollywood joke", i he said evasively. Eb and Flo made for as an attractive couple as brother and sister could be. They dared not tell their mother where they had been, for "mumsy", as they called her, was a strict and domineering woman from Connecticut whose idea of decadence was smoking Imported cigarettes and listening to "colored" music. Hurrying, Eb and Flo took the " A " train to what they believed was home, and found themselves surrounded by dilapidated apartment buildings and black faces that stared at them with contempt. The Guest Gourmet "Wlndmillsl" Intoned Eb quixotically as he "I just had a tab", he reassured her and then pointed at one particularly run-down tene- began to curse the parking meter in fluent ment house. Latin. "They're apartments, you f o o l " , Flo Eb thrusted the stop sign almost gracefully reminded him. At that point, Eb uprooted the Into the window of the parking meter and nearest green stopsign and challenged the ad- retrieved his octoganel lance leaving glass parjacent parking meter to a joust. ticles all over the sidewalk. "Vandals!" Eb cried with a mixture of de"Don't follow liters!" admonished Eb, a fiance and disgust. long-time opponent of the metric system. Flo's "Visigoths!", Flo answered In equal disgust. disgust atrophied and she walked to a nearby In response to Eb's bizarre behavior, Flo saloon from which emanated Bessie Smith checked under his eyelids and Inquired as to and a pall of marijuana smoke. Hours passed what he had eaten for dinner. stealthily. Richard Behar In Quest Of Chips Rough, yet firm... and oh so round. Yes, round. And warm. Rich, dark swellings protruding from the surface. Big and bulging and Just waiting to be chewed. I raised It to my lips, and smiled; the sweet aroma greeting my sinus cavity, passing up through my nostrils, and continuing, whispering warm, wonderful wishes to the farthest comers of my brain. I placed it in my mouth, and sucked, soaking up the honeyed juices which tltllated each and every oral nerve over and over until I Just couldn't take It any longer. Crunch!!! Delicious fragments of sugary dough disintegrating Into even finer pieces; mixing with tepid saliva. Swishing that now semi-solid substance In repeated revolutions to every nook of my muzzle; keeping certain not to let too much concentrate on one set of molars. Yes. equal share for all teeth. That's the name of the game. Satisfaction...sensual relief. My fetish for the damn things goes back much further than I can recall. Although I've been a connoisseur of chocolate chip cookie? for years, only recently has It become quite discerning. With the exception of Frelhofer's old fashioned upstate wonders, I stopped buying boxed cookies three years ago when I noticed an alarming Increase in the number of Inferior brands. The decrease In cookie nobility Is an obvious comment on the present economy. The Chip Tycoons are cheating on size and quality to maintain higher prices. Now, the exorbitant costs of fuel, Insurance, and letluce Is one thing, but when the capltallsl mongers start poking around with chocolate < hip cookies they're treading on soft ground. ildn'l they pick on potato chips? I became suddenly aware of the disaster when recently subjecting some cookies to a personal, yet rigorous International rating sustem (PRIS, pat. pend.) which judges the wafers on a scale of 1-100 on characteristics such as tensile strength, quality of chocolate, appearance, and taste. The first PRIS test is size. The cookies must be somewhere between wimpy and malignant. A good Illustration of a wimpy biscuit Is your average, every day, mom's, Americar packaged goodie such as Chips- and Mr.-. Malignant cookies tend to take up an entire shelf at the bakery and usually cannot be lifted by the average eater. (See The Cookie That Ate Tokyo). The largest cookie I've ever attempted to consume was 14 Inches In diameter and it tasted like silly putty because the middle couldn't be well cooked. The quality and amount of chocolate Is of the utmost Importance In cookie making. Only high quality sweet types, preferably Danish chocolate, should be used; the chips broken Into roughly equal size. A key sign of the exceptional cookie is when it retains its pliancy twenty-four hours after il leaves the oven II Is essential that th< dominate the batter when devouring il dud When the child of morning, rosey fingered Dawn appeared, she found Eb still standing, ready to do battle with his imaginary nemesis. Eb looked at Dawn, "Truly this man Is the son of a bitch," he accused. But as chivalry in this day and age is known to be dead, or at least comatose, even so was the parking meter -- and Eb finally abandoned his honorable j endeavor. Soon after, Flo approached the scene looking tired and beaten after a night ol vocal men and muted trumpets. Green cookies on St. Patrick's Day and orange monsters on Halloween Just never seemed to turn me on and I shudder with disgust at the sight of rectangular cookie bars. I've remained a traditionalist and strongly Flo's countenance was thoughtful. "Eb", disapprove of smut peddlers who sell cookies In human form (usually spotted in campus she inquired, "What does that woman mean centers and parking lots wearing trenchcoats when she sings, 'I need a hot dog in my roll'?" Eb, who had maintained just enough of his! and sunglasses). wherewithal to save his sister from Ihe Milk may be a natural but my new cookie debauchery that was Harlem, answered, companion Is champagne. Once an avid lover "It's just a figure of speech. You know these of the white sauce, I've grown tired of Its stickiness. Champagne, however, Is the colored people." Just then an old black woman ambled perfect palate cleanser, allowing each bite a rare distinctness. And nothing, absolutely towards them wearing placards on her front nothing, can surpass Its unique, bubbling ef- and back denouncing sin, greed, and sodomy. fect. Flo was puzzled. " W h y would anyone care The best chocolate chip cookie I've ever had about sodomy at this lime of morning?" she the pleasure of eating was baked by my late asked. grandmother in 1977. Since it was slightly "1 dunno" said Eb whose face contorted undersized and I had to eat two before I was with a smile as crooked as the fire escape just fully satisfied, I gave her a pleasing 94.2. twenty yards away. "Let's go get get a bottle of Which reminds me of the worst cookie, — bubbly." which was bought from a vending machine In Troy, New York In 1976. It scored an all-time low of 7.0 - harmful to most life forms. The damn thing violated every standard of cookie excellence established at the Geneva Convention and left me spelling "relief" backwards. It stunk. I'm unhappy to conclude that the future of the chocolate chip cookie appears bleak. It's decline In quality is symtomatic of Ihi of western civilization. If for nothing e these past lew paragraphs serve ;is .i c towards future rookie c Poge 5a Aspects Feature Red Sails From Moscow The Russians A r e Here The American people TO Knew the people is to Know t h e nation, m a t is why we are h e r e * " ••in our country* corruption on t h e wnoie nas fteen eliminate*:" woman sent a letter to Pravda complaining about the delay of her request to emigrate She left the country two weeks after It was published." "Things are more like they are now than they ever were before." -Dwlght David Elsenhower There are seven Soviet students at SUNYA, learning different shades of different languages so that they can be proficient Interpretors back In Russia. Interpreting Is traditionally a man's job In the Soviet Union. It Is a hard job according to the advisor of the group. The advisor Is a woman. " Y o u must travel an awful lot, and your work day will last as long as your guest wants. You do not belong to yourself." Robert Blau Her name is Ms. Kulakove. She lives In a dorm on Dutch quad, In a room with white walls, a bed, Venetian blinds, and a Jumbo T . V . She is lough looking but attractive with her thick red hair. Flashing her teeth and flexing her crow [ooled eyes, she states "We think advanced students should have the privilege to go to an English speaking country." The students, she explains, "come from quite ordinary families. No poets, no composers among them - no big shots. Their parents are engineers, doctors, etc." Glancing around the sparse room, forcing an amiable but homesick smile, she says, "We find the accomodations quite satisfactory. It is like a hotel. Albany Is a very attractive place, but you know, it is not Moscow..." Playtime before dinnertime In an uptown lounge. A creaky wooden T . V . , nailed to the floor, and chained to the stairwell, sucks In the signals weakly, hissing above all the other sounds in the room. Three lounge people are laughing it down in a different tongue. The four o'clock time slot to settle the stomach like a glass of warm milk. A fourth, an American, walks In on the throaty bellows and snickering. He sils besides them. A sudden hesitation kinks inside his head. He is the stranger at this party. Still, he blurts out his first question, " H o w do you like the U.S.?" It comes out awkward and abrupt. Long Pause. "We didn't know anything about the American people. To know the people Is to know the nation. That is why we are here." Anatoli said this clearly and crisply. His round and moustached face struggling ever so slightly to enunciate the words. He looked like Robert Goulet, only a smaller, more puffed up version. Anatoli continued as he casually stared at the T . V . "We see our relationship with the U.S. as that of a trade partner. Of course, when some of your Senators...Jackson...tried to intrude political conditions on purely economic trade agreements, we did not li!<e this." The others nodded their heads In approval and said, " A h h , Jackson. We do not like h i m . " "What kind of music do you listen to?" inquired the fourth. "The Beatles are the basis", Anatoli explains. He also mentions the Rolling Stones, Carlos Santana, Elton John and the Bee Gees. Ivan, who Is skinny and blonde, and looks about sixteen dragging on his Russian smokes adds. "I personally favor the British groups. The nature of their music Is somewhat closer to me." " A n d what does your government think about this kind of music?", the inquisitor asks. Slightly Irritated, Ivan responds, "Tell me, how does your government like Ihls music?" "What about those American concerts that were cancelled In Moscow?", the American pursues. "Really? We did not know about Ihls," Anatoli explains still absorbed in the T.V screen. "Probably it was cancelled because o f . financial problems, Tickets are very cheap lot of usually, but American groups want money." "What do you think about Solzhenltsyn?," the American fires. Mlkhai, who has been quiet till now, begins coo! and coy. "Here is a man who intentionally a b o r t s the (acts of our history. Any many people believe him because he is, earnest. Furthermore, no one would read his Dooks In the Soviet Union." "Can't you express your opinion freely? I mean Solzhenltsyn was put away for expressing his." Chorus; "When was this?" Chorus: "What do you mean opinion?" "It Is really quite simple", Mikhal says. "Do you have anymore questions 0 " asked Mikhal truimphantly. "One more" responded the American. "What about the presence of Soviet troops in Cuba 0 "' Anatoli: "We haven't seen t h e m . " Mikhal: " O h , yes, Soviet troops, we saw it "Everybody can publicize his opinion If he has here on your T . V . " a strong foundation. If you've got an opinion, Anatoli: "There are troops In Albany also, I it must be well grounded. Nobody would walk suppose?" around with a poster condemning Brezhnev. Heavy laughter and looks that say " C ' m o n Nobody has reason to do anything like this." don't give us anymore shit about Soviet troops The three contend that there Is no problem or Soviet Imperialism." with leaving the country -- unless during the "In our country, corruption on the whole time of your military service, because you has been eliminated.", Mikhal states. would be exposed to sensitive military InforIt Is really quite simple. The worker is paid mation. Ivan elaborates: for the quality as well as the quantity of his "To leave the country you must file an ap- product. Of course, government leaders are plication. This application can be delayed at paid more. They work more. Factory workers different levels of the bureaucracy. 1 know of on the other hand, are compensated for doing such_ a _case, my friend told me about_U. A menial labor." Anatoli continues, "We have everything you have In your country. Except two things... Whorehouses and Coca Cola... and also slums. We only have national monuments that nobody would dare take down." Mikhal leaves Ihe lounge and returns after a few moments with a back pocket copy of the Soviet Constitution. He shows the crisp copy to the American, who exclaims, " Y e a h , we also have a beautiful constitution. Sounds real good." " A h h . But thlsconstltutlon.mouths Mikhal, "is not only beautiful, it is true!" UJ~~ There is silence. All heads turn to the Pampers commercial. It is their favorite commerlcal. 1 went to see Anatoli, Mikhal and Ivan the other day. We played ping pong. We chased after loose balls for eachother and talked about American girls and Soviet girls and politics and getting drunk. And how Americans believed in business Instead of god, and In money and expansion. The Soviets, well they fuck-up also. A bad wheat crop... That was the extent of their criticism. Kind of like their approach to Stalin, the purges "being necessary to purify the population. But you know, no women or children were taken, only m e n . " "We have everything you have in your country* Except two things, • • whorehouses and Coca Cola* • • and also slums*"f I guess Americans had some pretty taut representatives at one lime and maybe there are still a few around. But the Russians, these Russians, anyhow, are patriots, and a true Russian, as their advisor put it, Is not happy outside of Russia. A n d so they don't really like the name Baryshnikov or Gudonov or Sakarov, and they don't print books by Alexander Solzhenltsyn because It would be "a waste of good paper." They don't hear of a .volume entitled 1984 and will never quite understand why hundreds of thousands of Jews rally each year for the prisoners of conscience. They sound at times like eager young socialists working the IRT line in New York. Their dedication Is more analytical, more natural than the bright eyed born agains going steady with Marx or G o d . Gung ho all the way, these Soviets. Maybe they'll even cry when Brezhnev dies or is assasinated or something. For now, we're both still In the ongoing superbowl of international politics, and so as I look over my shoulder for K G B agents on the podium, and as I check my phone, 1 have to thank Richard Nixon for biting Kruschev's ass and for embracing Leonid. A n d thanks to John Wayne and Barry Goldwater and the New York Times. Even Joe McCarthy and the Hell's Angels, thank you. And thanks Wendy, for going camping In the mountains of New England and feeling patriotic for the first time... •• A Kid n Search ©# A Childhood MfildChild P he wasn't lying. When Perry and I first met, he was runnl™ a local newspaper route for about eighteen bucks a week. He carried his cash with him all times, because he couldn't trust h i brothers. He didn't trust banks eilher The .money wasn't particularly saved; It wasn't wasted either. Perry would spend about fifteen a week, on plnball mostly, and "box" the test When we met, I looked In his box, and espied his life savings. I had wondered why he trusted me with his cigar box when he first came In, and I asked him about It weeks later when he was already a regular. "I didn't trust ya," he blurted, "I had my eye on y a . " A sigh of relief ran through me. Although he hedged the question, I could tell that it was a child's blind trust of the man behind the counter. My honesty was assumed. This incident had shown Perry to possess the child's fallibility In simple Inexperience. Perry had a tough outer facade that supressed childhood. Occasionally thnnnh It snurlj thrpn.,1. There's a kid named Perry. He's thirteen vears old and he's had a very tough life. His I'irents are divorced now, though for years 1 V'rry and his three older brothers lived midst a • illle of yelling, fighting, crying, and threaten>g by mom and dad. Now Perry's father has !iy B. Gissen •ved out, to live in his girlfriend's house only ew blocks away. Perry's mother's boyfriend loved in. And that's not all. f All three of Perry's older brothers are pro- \nust bear the brunt of insults on his family, his house, and himself. At thirteen, the kid has it rough. I first met Perry when I was working in a local ice cream store with plnball, jukebox, and hundreds of kids coming in every day from the school across the street. He looked different right away: filthy pants, a stained, ripped white T-shirt, hair knotted and messy, and a very unkept look that differed sharply from the neat appearance of the other kids. Perry was none of those. This ragged, precocious little kid immediately gave me the once over, looking at me from head to toe. He cased the joint and familiarized himself with new surroundings, as if he was preparing to move In. And In a way, that's exactly what he did. "Hold this while I play plnball." Before I had time to refuse, I was clutching a beat up ol f cigar box, and upon further inspection, discovered that this thing was filled wilh bills and coins of most denominations, up to $10. Apparently, the "poor theory" was out. Eiem children. They're all Involved with drugs, and Perry's mother doesn't have the control or the care to try to stop it. Besides, she's no angel herself: At night, she works as a flirtatious barmaid, in a not too distant, not too fine night spot. Her boyfriend Is not her only lover. Since the father has moved out, the house has fallen Into a state of disarray. It needs a paint job terribly, the concrete needs fixing, the furniture Is old and dreary, and the once nice, ten room house In a fashionable neighborhood is now the ridicule of the block., In the midst of this is Perry, Perry himself has problems. He Is hyperactive, and until now, the seventh grade, he has been going to a special school. Now that he has transferred to the normal Junior high school, he has encountered some new problems. In this neighborhood, gossip travels fast, and Perry, p.m. For those who hated h i m , It was torture. But for me, It was companionship to get through the day. And I have a hunch that Frank felt the same way. Recently, near the end of this summer, my second with Perry at the store, there was a wedding. Perry strolled In very late to work one day, and grinning very widely, proudly announced that his dad had gotten married that morning. He beamed. He shone. His father's new wife presented quite an opposite1 picture of his mother, and Perry's new stepsister was one of his few friends. I always respected Perry for that glow. At thirteen now, he was already old enough to sense and be glad of the stability that was finally entering his life. A stability every kid needs, but that avoided Perry his whole life up until now. It was a happy moment, and he wasn't even yelled at for being late. Perry's father's wedding led to a host of good happenings. Their home provided a good family atmosphere, though Perry remained with m o m a few blocks away. But mom got better too. Sensing the pleasure that Perry was getting at her ex-husband's house, she feared she would lose him permanently, and made an effort herself to be more of a mother. She's still no angel, but at least she's becoming " m o m " . Perry was a little distressed. He had lo be In by a certain time, and his mother was making him save a percent of his pay from the store and his newspaper route for none other than a bank, something Perry never conceived of Looking at him for the first time, I didn't know what to make of him. Another one of those filthy rowdy kids that were put on this earth to make my job difficult? One of those poor kids who looks at me pleadingly when everyone else licks an Ice cream cone and he can't afford any? Or maybe this was one of those quiet, friendless souls, the outcast of the block, who finally mustered the courage to walk In. Seeing all this money, I gave Perry a second glance, and when I looked up, he was staring at me with a smile on his face, as if to say that he trusted me, but you could never be too sure. The kid asked me if I wanted to play plnball, and before I could even take some change out, he had put In two quarters. That was strange, I thought, because no kid ever treated the guy behind the counter to plnball. At least, I never did, and none of the other kids did either. Considering myself an expert at this machine (I played an uncountable number of games during slow hours), I was thinking I would dampen my skill to give this strange new kid a chance, though right from the beginning, I sensed that confidence was not missing from this youngster's personality, although embarrassing to admit, the punk creamed me, and ended the game by declaring that this was not one of his better games. "Me neither," I half-heartedly told him, but once since august, when I walked Into a pizza parlor where he was hanging with a few friends. His excited greeting was refreshing: "I'm still not an adult, thank god." Had It been two businessmen meeting on the street after a time, one might have bought the other a drink. Perry whipped out two quarters from his socks, and placed them squarely on a Space Invaders set. "My treat," he said. It was such an innocent time, when Kiss was the unequivocal best, and when our lives revolved around the girl next door, or having 7en old enough to talk, began having his first affair, it didn't last, and Perry's mom never even knew about It. She did know about the second one though, and from then o n , the marriage went straight down hill. The kids? They went down hill too. Perry's father stayed away from home more and more, and his mother began having affairs of her own. Raising Ihe family took the back seat, or was packed away Into the trunk. At the age of six, Perry was receiving minimal attention from eilher parent, and he was too far apart from his brothers In age to fit Into their circles. Their circles, by the way, were already beginning to cut school fairly often, drink, and very soon, smoke. Perry had no choice but to develop his Independence. The first job Frank gave Perry under their new employer-employee relationship was lo This role of mine was amusing anil limiting. The man behin the counter was also an authority figure, and no matter how friendly he ever was, there was only so close he would get to the kids. It look months before this kid finally thought of me only as a friend. One thing his upbringing had brought him was a slight mistrust, a slightly cynical attitude both almost Imperceptible In his outward acts. Cut you knew he was watching you. The day Perry told me his life sluty. I gol in trouble for being slow on the job. I listened lor hours, trying to take In this living biography, a complete novella, age 0-12. Perry was a talker, and quite a He had a hell of a good personality, a demanding smile, and the confidence of asserting himself wilh everyone, younger or older. And thai tended to get Perry In a lot of trouble. When Perry offered a trio of sixteen yeai olds some advice for sharpening their skills al Space Invaders, he got shoved to Ihe ground and given a death warning. When he told a girl to go to hell for insulting hi-, mother, hei older brother overheard and gave him quite a slap on the face. A n d when Puny walked up to a table of well-d ressed women and told Ihem that smoking was "fucking n|> youi lungs," they absolutely stormed on! ol the store. We had a good laugh afterwards foi <> twelve year old kid, he was living life on Ihe line. Within a week of his Initial arrival, Perry had made It clear that he was here to slay, so my boss hired him, sort of. First of all it was undet mass protest by a vast majority " I my co workers - everyone except me. Luckily ihough, our boss Frank (ell bad for the kid, and besides, Perry was useful. Who else could (II Inside that counter to paint It''. Or gel into that cabinet to clean It out1". Perry was thrilled wilh a slatting "off Ihe books" salary of $4.00 a day. He would gel in °y 9:00 a . m . , and not leave until about 5:30 It was an agreeable deal: Frank was wel. a best friend. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ employed, Perry was well liked, and I was well I wish I could have been at my childhood. rested. Besides that, 1 had taken a great liking All of those nothing occurences that later to the kid myself. I daresay I was proud to be became me seem so ioggy now, so lost in Ihe his friend. haze of maturity that they woiked for. If 1 could have only seen those landmark I lost Perry to disco. They opened a teen decision, when I returned somebody's quarter night club a few blocks away from the store, instead of pocketing It, when 1 said I was sorry and always the grand opportunist, Perry was to my best friend for punching h i m , or when i there o p e n L g night as a parttlme coat cried and didn't (eel ashamed anymore. checker, part-time hustler. Perry was growing I wouldn't even change a thing, but to see It up, and girls and the dance floor were beginnwould be so delightful. Isn't It amazing that ing to move In on plnball and Ice cream cones. the personality you use everyday in this The situation was different, but Perry redeceitful, rushed and careless world was once mained true to his developing Identity. Now developed In a time when there wasn't any he's in the seventh grade, and back at a norevil, just ballgames and Ice cream? A time mal junior high school. I've only seen him when we were kids? And kids we were despite adults. We knew they didn't think much of us, but we smiled at them anyway, and lived life fuller than they could ever imagine. We were still allowed to go under the beds, or Into the closet, or run around the table lo hit our little sisters. We were allowed to romp! But then we aged. And age takes Its toll on the magic of childhood. A lady I know Introduced me to her kid the other day, and out of habit, a smile swept past both our mouths. And when the kid ran behind the curtain and curled himself up, I had to cry just a little bit for the joy he felt. But you know what was so terrible? I felt ashamed for crying, and there was no place' for me to curl up and hide. I was at his childhood, and I wished like hell I could have been at mine too. "And what's a life? • a weary pilgrimage, whose glory In one day doth fill the stage, with childhood, manhood and decrepit age." • Quarles. ^ before. Unfortunately for me, he didn't treat at plnball as much afterwards. Perry came Into this world on July 26, 1966, the last of (our sons to his parents. At that time, he was born into a normal, middle class young (amlly. The oldest son was seven, one was five, one three. Perry's mother was trying tobe a good mother and housewile, but even then, she was beginning lo feel boredom and frustration at her life. She fell useless In her house, away from the nightlife, her youth and love. Her husband worked long hours, and she didn't get to see him as often as she would have liked. Perry's father, on Ihe other hand, didn't mind being away back then. Four young sons were hard to keep occupied, and he always felt the burden of constant attention that his children demanded of him. Besides, life with his wife had somewhat lost the magic of their early days. Her pregnancies had added a lot of weight to her, and lo be very frank, she was no loner very attractive to him. The young women at the office, on Ihe other hand, were. It's an old story, but It might as well be told one more time. Perry's dad, before Perry was go lo Korvette's, buy some while paint, a brush, a roller and a pan. Much to my surprise, Ihe kid was quite handy. He knew how to paint, to mend things, to cook; he knew prices, products and human nature. I was taken aback because Ihis thirteen year old boy probably knew more about living on one's own than me. Perry proved lo be a valuable employee, and at five dollars a day now, a bargain still. Whenever Frank or myself gave Perry one of those tasks that one hates to do, like mopping the bathroom, or cleaning out the garbage bin, he'd threaten to sue under the child labor laws. He was kidding, or course, but he wanted us lo remember that he was doing us a favor In this case. When we did him a favor, he responded with a treat on Space Invaders one of those games where the key was well hidden. Page 8a P.age.9a • Sound -H; Aspects, StreeLBockE Mam %ty* Weekend ilk ntttje •&1S&*' ^s^ T.W. Crickctt Guitar & Vocals T.W. Clicked e Company «o<Un be.! o( bh» j r w country, l»*« b ««> Jam ^±^ Guitar and Vocals Tom Morello Bass and Vocals ,rld PP" 1 " m m f c A SELECTION OF FINE WINES DISPENSED FROM OUR DECORATIVE WINE BARRELS A COMPLETE LINE OF YOUR FAVORTTE MIXED DRINKS alley" appearance, Johansen refers to himself as "the typical hyper kid from New York City (Staten Island to be exact). Always In trouble for some reason or another. Other parents used to ban their kids from me. I ran away from home and hung out In Times Square and the Village." David's music Is urbane In nature, bearing titles like "Lonely Tenement" or "Big City". "If you go out there," Johansen said, Just returning from a tour of the mid-west, "You'll find Cliff Sloan that most places where they hold rock shows Johansen came prancing Into the Quality In the city. It's not like they Just convert a barn Inn bar, clothed In black leather, carrying a and say "Hey, let's have a rock show." He large portable tape player on his shoulder. refers to his nild-west gigs as "bread n' butter Popping to Its blaring beat, his walk was proud towns. The kids go nuts In, say, The Bottem and he took no notice of the conservative Line (N.Y.C.), but they go ten times nutsier in white collar eyes that Instantly darted In his Cleveland or Cinclnattl. In N.Y. people are direction. He carries an air of soulful, uncom- more Inhibited. They always think someone's promising pride, like the black roller skaters In lookln' at them. But out there, they Just don't Washington Square Park. Yet despite his Im- give a shit. What can I say? We always give posing "I wouldn't fuck with him In a dark killer shows wherever we are. If you dig killer "I've got a piece of the action, you know what I mean? A rock show Is the most vibrant or vivacious of all the arts. It's Instant art. It only happens once and then It's gone. It's not like I'm gonna be punching a clock for $150 a week for the rest of my life. And It's not like a painting which you can sit an look at over and over to evaluate.or criticize. It's there and then, Boom -- It's gone. I'm proud of my job." ALL YOUR POPULAR BRANDS OF BEER AND ALE ON TAP PLUS A FULL LINE OF IMPORTED BOTTLED BEERS KNOCKWURST AND HOT BUTTER FLAVORED NEW YORK STYLE SAUERKRAUT POPCORN SOFT PRETZELS ON ROLL 20 & 40' 90* 20* iftfoap anli ^aturtiap, October 5 antr 6 6 p.m.— 1:30 a.m. David Johansen: "I've d e d i c a t e d my whole life to rock lilniucrflittj AuxiliurnfcerukeufcpDiuioreu lIKIXrXWW/IUIWW The Thirteenth: Chicago Pops ARTISTICALLY INCLINED? Club Searching For Innovative Poster Design a n d S l o g a n WILL PAY CASH!! Craig Zarider Deadline Fri. O c t 1 2 For details call: Mercedes Chicago's thirteenth album Imaginatively, titled Chicago 13 will lead some fans to cry out, "There they go, another group sold out to disco!" This Is not the case. Although the album contains two songs with a disco beat, the rest of the album contains the usual blend of styles and sounds which make up Chicago. It's been said that Chicago has found a new style with this record, but I think it's more a case of losing their old style than finding a new one. __ 7-8704 Carol 7-3002 Erin 7-3094 sa funded Like most new albums, you must listen to this record a few times before you really like It. Although this album has no classic Jazz-rock, It has merit and Is pleasant enough. Chicago has a great capacity to take any style of music, add their jazzy horns, and come out with a very original sound. I donot agree with the criticism of Chicago that says they are guilty of being repetitive. Certainly each song on this album is very unlike any of their songs from the past. But whether their change Is for the better Is another story. This is the first Chicago album In which every member of the eight piece band Is credited with composing a song. The album opens with drummer Danny Seraphlno's nlnemlnule disco song, "Street Player". The drumming on this song Is suprlslngly unlmaglnatvle and machine-like, especially for an excellent drummer like Seraphlne, but then again, this Is a disco number. The heavy percussion on this number Is reminiscent of the percussion finale of "Beginnings". The lyric of the song reads, "I'm a street player-I've seen It allHljmen, thelves, and many a brawl-Bui as you can see I still stand tall." This song of hard times and growing up in the street Is believable, considering the recent scandal which alleged to have linked Seraphlne wllh the mob. Donnle Dacus' song is "Must Have Been Crazy", a fine rocker witli a funky, southern (eel, and no horns Dacus, although not as outstanding a musician as the late Terry Kath was, Is a great performer and also adds a dimension to the popularity of the group as a sex symbol and movie star. ("HAIR") On two songs, "Window Dreamln'" and "Aloha Mama," the lead vocal Is creditled to a P.C. Moblee, who has a perfect voice (or the group. He sounds like Peter Cetera, Robert Lamm, and Terry Kath all rolled Into one. In "Aloha Mama", the horns take a slightly more active part than In the other songs where they are Just background fillers. The horns open with a dixieland, jerky tune, but unfortunately, it's Just not.llke the "old days" (lo coin a phrase), when the horns of Chicago would often carry the melody of a song. Chicago seems to have a thing for 'mama': this album contains "Aloha Mama", "Mama Take" along with Chicago X's "Mama Mama". Chicago's most recent albums are very dlllerent from their old albums. The difference Is that Ihey seem much more commerlcal, with more "pop" music, Four of Chicago's first seven albums are double albums, and another Is a four-record live set. In Chicago VII, It Is not until the last song on side two that there Is even a song wllh lyrics. In comparison, Chicago's last two albums seem like mere collections of singles, each with ten Individual songs wllh simpler, pop lyrics. Apparently, at- Aspects ivid Johansen shows, then you go nuts. Last Friday night, when Johansen hit the stage a t J . B . Scott's, the place went nuts. Opening with "Cool Metro", a rocker from David Johansen (his first solo record) he Immedlatley brought the crowd to their feet: sweating, running, Jumping into the audience, and flaunting his thin, sensual physique. But as the title of his newest release suggests, Johansen carried the show In Style. Charlsmatlcally, he slowed the feverish pace with songs like "Flamingo Road", a softer ballad with a "money vs. the soul" message and "Swahetto Woman", a dancing number "about people who are oppressed that Just wanna dance. In Johannesberg, South Africa, the natives are controlled by the Dutch Refor, mist Church. They're only allowed In certain ji parts of town and they have to carry I.D. sayjlng what and where they're allowed to do. iThey have to report to a place called SwahetBto. "Swahetto Woman" Is a song about a girl (there. I could never go there myself, I'd get bustedl I'd start yellln' and screamln'. They'd Jock me up In a second. I can't take that kind |of stuff", he threw his eyes to the celling, smllfing and sipping his Helneken at the same time. B David Johansen, although a confirmed rock Hi' roller ("I've dedicated my whole life to fjjiock"), displays a large degree of Motownish ul In both his stage performance and studio wordings. Friday night's performance Includ"Reach Out, I'll Be There", by the Four ffljpps, and "Sock It To Me Baby," by Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels. |H"I don't follow any particular style of SOngwrltlng or try to cater to anyone. If I like (he song, I'll play It. All my stuff Is autobiographical. I mean that's all an album can do for someone is represent a piece of their life." !;; David, however, prefers to keep his per- •Ull tfjte toeefeenb at tfje $ub and Vision sonal likes and dislikes to himself. "I don't like talkln' about who I screw or what I get high on. When I was In the N.Y. Dolls (a definitive N.Y.C. street band which gave birth to Johansen's cult following). I might strangle you or Jump up and down on your chest while doing this interview just to get my point across. But things are different now. If you tell the press everything, you've got nothing left for yourself. How would you like sticking your fist In once In a while?" Johansen's stage performance, coupled with his own unique brand of white soul has consistently lead the press to compare him with Mick Jagger. "Jagger's real fruity and decadant. Just because you're white, and you've got soul, you get compared to Mick Jagger. That's bullshit! Mitch Ryder had soul also. My approach Is real macho and positive. Jagger's fruity, I mean I don't know what he does at night. It's the journalists who can't describe things as they really are, so they compare you to someone else. They shouldn't be journalists If they don't have the vocabulary." "Real macho and positive" hasn't always been Johansen's approach to music. As lead vocalist of the N.Y. Dolls, David appeared on stage In ambisexual costumes and a loud, challenging sound (1973-4). The Dolls were daring to be different and proud of that difference. "All kinds of people used to come see us. There were all these disaffected people who didn't know there were others like them, a whole new generation of nighthawks sprung up around us". The Dolls thrived In N.Y.C. in clubs like Max's Kansas City and CBGB's. But as the title of the last Dolls album (1974) suggests, they were "Much Too Soon". The American public had just began to accept guys wearing their hair like women, but dressing like women was a bit too much. This leads many Johansen followers, not excluding this writer to think that Johansen was merely ahead of his lime. The decline o ' the Dolls lead David to form a band called the Dollettes with Syl Sylvaln, ex-keyboard (or the Dolls. "We were doing gigs where we didn't have to travel too far", and although most thought that David was fading Into obscurity, "I was making more than I am now. We would pack-out City (N.Y.), Toronto, Boston, places like that. We would go on the road for a while and (hen take a couple of months off; become domesticated. We weren't putting any money back Into II, so It was all ours to keep. Johansen returned lo the stulo .n 197S to embark on his now expanding solo career. On this note, we took our leave from the Quality Inn bar and headed over lo David's travelling bus. He laid back In his seat, sucking on a Lucky Strike, weary from travel and various press engagements. "O.K. David," I asked, "Its a typical Friday or Saturday night In N.Y. Where do you like to hang out?" "I hang out In bed", he smiled. "I don't llkt going out on the weekends, Its too crowded Maybe on a Monday or Tuesday I'll go down to the Village and check out what's happen ing. But I'll go anywhere, It depends on myl feelings. That's what all my songs are about --, different moods or things that I feel," Johansen's listeners relate lo his lyrics andl that's what makes everything click. There are) times when we're all "Wreckless Crazy", or have a "Pain In My Heai i", or feel "Funky But' Chic". "That's wheru It's at", said Johansen, "that's what makes it .in art. I don't want to get too personal about what went on with girls or drugs. For all I know, National Geographic could quote your paper and that's It -- the words out, I said It." "Well, David," I contested," If I were rapp Ing to someone I really dug, I think I'd spill It all out." "With that tape recorder on?" CLICK. Blind Bidding Blues: Sight Unseen If, like most regular movie-goers, you've theater owners are trying to change that. Blind bidding Is a fairly common movie Infound yourself paying three or four dollars to . see a heavily-hyped fu'm that turned out to be dustry practice. Theater owners must bid for i' a turkey, you may have been the victim of a Hollywood films, and the highest bidder gets 11 the rights. However, exhibitors frequently are not permitted to see the film they are bidding Jim Dixon on, even though they will have to put up a novie Industry practice known as blind bld- large amount of front money, and will have to llng. The practice Is still largely unknown to sign guarantees, forcing Ihem to show a film Be average film patron, but a great many for a minimum length of time, whether It Is tractive record Jackets are a sign of commerlcal success, because the record sleeve o( Chicago 13 has photos of the eight musicians dressed as If Ihey Just stepped mil •>! a commerlcal for the "Other Korveltes" I have always loved trombonist Jimmy Pankow's compositions, and his "Run Away", Ihe last song on Ihe album Is my favorite. It has a groat boal and a (eel simllai to lhal ol "Old Hay." The horns blond I beautifully In this optlmlstli • g iboul ii irefree life, which Is the kind ol lifo l hli "''"'• 1° l v .. ',vi„ n | saw CI l_A luodui i Ihla summer, there were no more anti-war songs, They have established their high position In popular music and wllh all twelve of their past alliums having gone platinum, they have much lo sing and play and be happy about. It would bo nice il Chicago pul oul ,i double album with mud' beautiful jnzz-rocK, more "ballets foi girls In Buchanan," and more Imaginative horn guitar, drums, oi (lute solos, but Chicago has changed with the times ai Iholrnowalb -.-i" 1 " is this will Itoep peoi - i n i " ' *iie° making money or not. Producers Justify the practice by saying that In the extremely competitive film Industry, they must have early guarantees, forcing them to have signed contracts often before the film In question Is even out of production. Theater owners disagree. "It's a business practice no other business In the country Is subjected to," says Tom Harrlgan, District Manager for United Artists. "We as exhibitors are business people deciding what films should play, but the decision Is really being taken out of our hands." With only a synopsis of the plot and a list of credits, exhibitors feel they have little on which to base decisions they must be committed to, Harrlgan explained In an Interview. This, he feels hurts not only the theater owner, who Is taking the major business risk, (the producers have already been paid) but also affects the movie-goer, who cannot be assured of the quality of the film he-she Is paying to see. "We're most definitely concerned about what the practice Is doing to the quality of product we can offer to our patrons," says Harrlgan. Harrlgan cited Tfie Warriors, a recent Paramount release heavily criticized for Its violent content as an example of a film that "the public turned thumbs down on," and one that local exhibitors might now have shown If they had been allowed to screen It first. ' Blind bidding, currently Illegal In a handful of states Is now becoming controversial In New York. According to Chuck Asslnl, aide to Sen. Hugh Farley, fifteen states have already enacted antl-bllnd bidding legislation, and proposed legislation has been pending in New York for a couple of years, though It hasn't yet gotten out of committee. Senate Bill 5869 to prohibit blind bidding has been Introduced by Senators Levy and Bruno, and Is currently before the Consumer Protection Committee. Companion Assembly Bill 7923, Introduced by Assemblyman Kremer Is currently before the Sub-Committee On the Motion Picture Industry In New York State, headed by Clifford Wilson. According to Asslnl It Is doubtful that any action will be taken this year, but It appears that efforts will be renewed next year. Vigorous lobbying on both sides Is expected. Asked If he (and New York State exhibitors) favored the proposed legislation, UA spokesman Harrlgan answered "Most definitely." Antl-bllnd bidding sentiment Is quickly growing, with even top figures In the motion, picture Industry coming out against It. Francis Coppola, director of The Godfather, The Godjather Part II, and the upcoming Apocalypse Now has recently joined the throng of film-makers who oppose blind bidding, and despite the thirty million dollars plus prlcetag of Apocalypse Now, refused to have It blind bldded. Locally, flimgoers can hardly avoid short film trailers opposing blind bidding which are now proceeding almost all feature film! In the area. According to the Levy bill, "...exhibitors are unaware as to whether or not such pictures (that have been blind bid) violate the Stale's obscenity statutes." This, and the fact that many films with top casls and big budgets have bombed at the box office worries exhibitors. Speaking (oi Ihe National Alliance of Theater Owners, Tom Harrlgan said "We want lo show high qi ilitv (il mil pan All this glv >ughl Id Ihe Lin, who Is n opposing Hiii .-Aspects;. Fiction The Friends Of Walter Castornax "Something's wrong with Walter." " I feel d o w n , that's all." Walter Castornaxj roamed the hollow of Penn Station. The deadj time: burnt out witches walling for a quartet; an ex-stuff-strutter, pep-stepper tapping In ai corner to Muzak. No litter on the floor but the' I living kind. Three or four In the morning. A' raveled human lice colony bummed a cigarette off h i m . Bobby got mad. "What are, you, a sucker? Shove off that disease." But Walter wasn't In the mood to argue. Two tired men swept ammonia pools around the shiny, floor with large stringy mops. Walter dragged himself past them, his eyes wandering from the floor to the exit signs. It wore him d o w n . Scott warned him to get help to stop this perpetual weariness. He had lent him enough money to see a psychiatrist. But Scott had showed up late to work a million times and he' was going to loose his hack. There was enough for a few sessions. He had the first one last week. The shrink was no use though. He threw out words and asked questions. It did no good. Bobby hated the whole Idea, but Walter wanted to see it through at least another time. Something was wrong, he knew Togethers Begetting that much. He'd give the shrink another shot. Walter needed air. He found an exit. O n i by Jay Gissen the street a bus waited at an empty corner. Believes I must get serious. Walter drifted down 8th Avenue. The creeps Needs to go on, shivered In the dark alleyways, talking to Fawn through brush and win war themselves, and rubbing their hands. Walter that is in name of she. passed them, oblivious to their hisses and Turns into trap, whines. His thoughts rambled around In his sucked in, needs be released, head, but nothing was clear. He didn't notice finally. the wired out Junkie who had been following Times to be serious, hkn for a few blocks. He was too tired to think.' stands no more like this: Sara loved the city at night. She loved seeing Findses nothing really wrong, right. the skyscrapers lit up like Christmas trees. So Tells myself must, you want. tall, so powerful. She felt warm being beneath Finely, move in. them. She trusted them. They would protect Detective story not always, her from the blackness outside their steel walls two parts to a tales. and towers. She walked as if she was In a Falls for her, hers fall h i m , hurry to get somewhere; her long legs strettogethers begetting. ching over the cement, barely bending her knees. The junkie raced to catch up with her. When she got to the corner she saw a sleek The Doc looked at a sheet of paper on a Crlssle wanted an apricot shoe leather. l llmo pass by with a man and a woman In the clipboard. He was bald, wore glasses, had on "Come on Crlssle, later, we haven't the back. A street light danced over the woman's a tweedy foreign cui suit, looked like he time," urged Scott checking his watch. face as the car whirled past. A lovely face, she played tennis and Jogged. Crlssle got upset. " O h boy, you never buy [thought and Sara wished It was her In that "Are you comfortable 0 " me anything. You're so mean." llmo, touching the soft lips of that sweet thing, "Yes," Walter groggled half asleep. "Crlssle," Scott demanded. .holding her precious head, stroking her silky "Fine," The Doc smiled and scribbled down "Walter," Crlssle cried out loud. The fhafr. The llmo slipped out of sight, and Sara some notes. "In our first session we discussed truckers and salesmen and bums turned smiled, picking up her pace. you're relationship with your father, how' around. respected a physician he was, and how much " H o w much?" Walter asked, pointing to the you admired h i m . Y o u also mentioned how She approached a row of garbage cans shoe leather. hard It was for him after you mother's death. "Forty cents," the cashier said through a glowing from the red neon light of a Greek Would you like to pick things up from there, restaurant. A footstep thudded behind her and half grin and a bewildered stare. He slapped Walter?" she heard a gasp of air. Before she could turn the change down on the counter and put the "Walter's asleep." she was pushed Into the blood-flashed metal leather In his pocket. Scott said nothing. The doctor looked up_ from his notes. tins, sprawling over a rotten cabbage and Crlssle gloated. Walter Just wanted to get to "What was that?" he asked flipping on a chicken bones. A wild eyed boy, a teenager, the shrink. The psychiatrist's waiting room was pale trembling with fear and craving, waved a shiny tape recorder on his desk. pink with wlerd pictures of circles and squares "Walter's asleep." blade In front of her. on the walls. Walter tapped his foot. The "I see, he said, leaning in towards his paBobby shot back up, bursting Into the tient. " A n d w h o are you?" Junkie, ignoring the knife which dropped on receptionist ignored his stares. He was the first "I'm Henry." the concrete. He busted the kid's head against patient. The doctor wasn't in yet. It was nine "1 see, Henry, and you say Walter Is sleepthe wall, right on top of a glossy of the three thirty. Walter borrowed a pencil from the ng." Greek accordlan players which got smeared receptionist hoping to start a conversation. "That's right. He had a rough night last with blood. After he fell, Bobby kicked him In What the hell Is It with her, Walter thought, the gut until he spat out thick red goo. The when she didn't smile back at him. It's always light, you know." Junkie was out, maybe he was dead. Bobby the hot looking donnas w h o are icebergs. The doctor didn't expect this. He stood up backed off, He stumbled over a trash can lid Maybe the Doc put her up to this. Maybe this and walked over to a chafr next to Henry's. and spotted the knife. He grabbed It and clos- was part of the therapy. Everything made "What happened?" He had to contain his ed it, stuffing it Into his pocket. The Junkie's sense nuw to Walter, and he sat down and enthusiasm. eyelids rolled up. Bobby felt sick. He blasted wrote a poem on the back cover of a "Well, 1 can't say." down the street running wildly, blindly * the Psychology Today magazine: "Why not?" Junkie's eyes following him relentlessly. Clouds of Doom were ouerhead "Bobby'll get m a d . " Henry looked around While Oceans roared below to see If Bobby was nearby. He wasn't. Drifts of Rock wer- there Instead " H o w old are you Henry?" The Doc asked. Of endless Waves of Snow "I'm seventeen." By the time he stopped he didn't know Stuart Matranga where he was. Someplace dark. Garbage Two discs of Blue emblazed on White trucks stuttered up the far end of the street. It Pursed Lips by Madness grin must have been close to dawn. Bobby needed Face cor\tort to a restless Sight to rest. He laid down In the shadow of a To hide the Minds' chagrin building. When Walter woke up all he saw were legs. It was unfinished but he loved It and read it Naked legs and clothed legs passing In front of the stinking alley he had slept In. He crawled over fifty times. The doctor came In and |,out. A few people watched him, not many. Walter ripped out the page and shuved it Into He smiled. " H I , I think I'm lost," he said to an ' his pocket next to the shoe leather. Crlssle old lady who looked closer to death than he "wanted the leather and tugged at Walter's arm. He handed It to her and she chewed on It did. She turned away. Walter had some coffee at a diner. It was while the doctor went Into his office. A few eight o'clock. By nine he had to be at 87 Park minutes later the buzzer and the receptionist Avenue. That's where the Doc was. O.K. told Walter to go In. The Doc's office was all brown and vinyl. Doc, let me tell you my friends think I'm going Walter sat In a brown vinyl chair opposite the crazy. Doc's brown desk. Books everywhere, the 'You better leave now," Scott said. 'You're right." Walter chucked two window looked at the Pan A m building, the quarters on the counter. A n overly made-up chair was do damn comfortable that as soon as waitress in a too tight blue uniform scooped he sat down Walter had trouble staying; awake. them up. " A n d what do you do? Do you go to school?" "I used to go to school, but I got kicked out for beating the hell cut of this n u n . " Henry chortled, bobbing his head and blushing. "When was that?" " A few weeks ago." " H o w old Is Walter?" "Old." "How old?" "Ninety-five. How should I know?" Henry clawed at the arm rest. "Thirty-seven, I guess," "1 see. A n d who Is Bobby?" "Walter's friend. They're all Walter's friends." "All?" "Yeah. Y o u know. Bobby, Scott, Sara, Gene, Jimmy, all of 'em. They're all his friends. Why you askin' me all ihese questions for?" "I'm Interested. Why will Bobby get mad If Page 10a i . , you tell me why Walter had a rough night?" Henry stood up. "1 don't know what you're talking about. Leave me alone." The doctor cursed himself for pushing too far, too fast. "Alright Henry." Henry went to the window. "Bobby hates me." He watched the tiny creatures crossing the street below. " H e hates everyone, especially m e . " Good, good, the doctor thought. "Well what does Walter d o a b o u t that?" "Protects m e . " "Can he protect you now?" "Yeah. Sure, he c a n . " "Then Bobby can't hurt y o u . " "Right, he can't hurt me if Walter's around." "So why worry?" "Right. O.K. let me tell y o u , " Henry looked around. "See Bobby..." "Shut up Henry." "Bobby, I didn't say anything." Henry ran behind the desk, his face quivering, his eyes tense. The doctor sat confused and shocked. Bobby knocked over a lamp. " Y o u miserable rat. Y o u fink." "Come on Bobby, It's not true." "I'm sick of you, all of y o u . " Bobby t h r e w a t a n t r u m , knocking everything off the desk, throwing,books. He hurled the tape recorder at the window. The shattered glass flew across the r o o m . The doctor scrambled over the desk top and grabbed him. "Walter, Walter," Henry yelled as he shrugged off the doctor and bolted the door. The receptionist stood in his way. He bashed into her. She went d o w n . Henry ran to the elevator. He banged on the button a thousand times until It opened. He dashed In. The doors closed. He was alone. Sweat poured out of him In a rush. He breathed a million times a minute as he leaned o n the rail and watched the red lights go down and down. Hurry, he begged. " Y o u scum." Concert Corner J.B. Scott's Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 12 RPI Oct. 20 Nov. 17 Nov. 29 UCB Oct. 11 Page 11a Diversions Hovie Timetable The Friday Afternoon Diversion 9i mi Albany State Cinema Where's Poppa 77ie Grooue Tube IFG ' '. 7:30, 9:30 7:30, 9:30 Satyricon 7:30, 10:00 8V2 Tower East Cinema Midnight Express,' 7:30, 10:00 7:00, 10:00 Off Campus I Cine 1 2 3 4 5 6 j IVhen A Stranger Calls i Breaking Away I Young Frankenstein ^Meatballs K t a r r / n g Ouer ^Sleeping Beauty 'Rocky Horror Picture Show What's Happening Fox Colonie 10 North Dallas Forty . . 7:00, 9:15 ...7:15,9:30 Madison Escape From Alcalraz 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 7:10, 9:15, 11:20 7:20, 9:30, 11:40 7:30, 9:30 7:20. 9:40. 11:50 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 12:00 M o h a w k Mall JO , Starring Over When A Stranger U A Hellman Seduction of Joe Apocalypse Now " N o , n o , 1 wouldn't never. 1 never w o u l d . " "I am J o h n , " he said lifting his eyes to the white streaked blue strip of sky between the shadows of the buildings. " I ' m a friend of Walter's." John walked out of the alley, his head proudly erect, looking at the parked cars and pigeons Hulling at window sills with the wonder of a child. «• Stanley Clarke (WCDJD On Campus 42 W W "• 49 w 52 56 58 ©Edward J u l i u s Robin Williamson Jeff Lorber Utah Phillips Aspects . Calls - Tynan. 7:00, 9:15 . 7:30, 10:00 _ 7:45, 9:45 _ 7.30, 9:30 . 7:45, 10:00 . . . Oct. 10 Bobby grabbed h i m . Henry shuttered. "1 didn't say anything." " Y o u would have." " Y o u He." " N o , never. Walter tell h i m . " "Walter's asleep. They're all gone now, No ' o n e to cling t o , is there parasite?" 'and his head was shaking. "I'm sick of this. I'm going to kill y o u , all of y o u . " "You'll die t o o . " " N o . I'll be free. Told him to listen to me. No one listens to me, anymore. Now you'll pay." The elevator slid down to the eighth floor. It stopped. It opened. A fat lady got In. Bobby pushed himself flat against the back wall. The elevator dropped to the lobby. Bobby got out. He rushed through the glass doors of the building and ran down the street, bumping and rebounding off startled pedestilans. He scrambled through the traffic stream and crossed the street, running as fast as he could. Flooding his head were voices, " N o Bobby, Bobby don't do this to us. We want to live." Bobby ran with his hands clasped over his ears. He forced them out. Suddenly his legs collapsed as If he had been tackled. His hands scraped against the rough concrete, and he crawled Into a narrow space between two red brick buildings. Panting furiously he wiped the stinging sweat out of his eyes and hoped the others would leave him. There was silence. At last. His heart pounded like a fist against his chest. He pulled out the knife from his pocket. He opened It. The blade was dull and chipped but It would do. The edge stroked his wrist very lightly. A thin white line followed the edge and faded. Bobby smiled. It would d o . He flew off the ground and into the brick wall across the alley. Blood tickled his upper lip. The knife flung out of his fist and clanked In a dark corner. "Get out. Ge> out. Get out," a thick, granite voice commanded. " W h o Is he 0 " they asked In whispers, glad to be saved but unsure of the stranger. "Where's Waller?" "Walter's-asleep." „ "Get out," the brute repeated, "and never show up here while I live." He put his outstretched hands on the wall and roared. " W h o are you? Do you know Walter?" they asked afraid ot his power, Hall and Oates Roy Buchanen Commander Cody • 60 5 p.m. Sal., 10/6-Rebroadcastofthis week's episode of "The Shadow" 8 p.m. Sal., 10/6 — "Front Row Center" This week on our love concert series 91FM presents: The Boomlown Rats. 2-7 p.m. Sun., 10/7 — "CrossReference" 3rd World Music 7-11 p.m. Sun., 10/77 — "Blast from the Past" Great Oldies from the 50's and 60's. 11 p.m. Sud., 10/7 — Sunday Night Taped" The Premiere of 91 FM's own Comedy Show. 9 p.m. Mon., 10/8 — "The Evolution of Rock" continues! 11 p.m. Mon., 10/8 — A Brand new episode of "The Shadow." ACROSS 46 Meteorological abbreviation 1 Johnny Cash h i t . 47 Bridge authority " the Line" 49 Require 6 Chirring Insects 50 Onassls 13 Taking out 51 Like the Kalahari 15 Sudden, violent 52 Fragrant ester action 54 Words on a dress 16 Lou Grant, for one tag 17 High rank or 56 Serf reputation 57 Foot ornaments (2 wds.) 18 Paternal relative 19 City room piece 58 Make {create 20 Mr. Parseghlan a disturbance) 21 Well-known maga59 Certain chores zine 60 Garden gear 22 Fury 24 Ruler In Kuwait DOWN 25 Crooner Nelson's family 1 Think 27 Numero 2 Stuck, In a way 28 Certain payment 3 Adjusted the front 29 1/8 of a gallon end 31 Football player 4 Vocal prayer 32 Vernacular 5 Square or granny 36 Goes too far 6 Regained conscious 37 Vocalize ness (2 wds.) 38 Work with corn 7 Type of coffee 39 Remained in effect 8 Hit on the head 40 "Le Coo, " 9 John Henry's tool 41 New Mexico's flower 10 Boffol 11 Attributed 12 Yellow Journalists, at times 14 Matured 15 Show-off of knowledge 23 Pipsqueak 24 Sea eagle 26 Disburse 28 Ballplayer Dent 30 Work with a cake 31 Army stores 32 Aversion 33 Department In D.C. 34 Perfume nozzle 35 Windy City attraction 36 River to the Seine 38 Mobs 40 Events 42 Worldwide humanities organization 43 Terminates 44 One of the paraffins 45 Davis and Astalre 47 9-to-5 routine 48 Star or car 51 Have with (have connections) 53 Cowboy LaRue 55 Pitcher's statistic. C o l l e g i a t e CW79-6 "Get the hell out of Cuba!»» A(S)P Ronald Reagan |took a strong stance on his meeting with Soviet leader Leonid | Breshnev L|Q|L)|A[B|L|EJP|R[0|B|A|TIE t.|ii|;i|cliloisMslH|ii|ilv|c|n RlTlBlRlS SlE A GlTIRTf mam 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o u 100000 0 0 0 0 EJOHLJ HIllBltlK 1 A V E LTLTTTA ElAILlTlOlli BILTLTAMNTY 0I3H GUH 0 0 0 0UU N 1 J^i E V E l i p I N T n T A I E N G L A N DBN I T R I T E 1) F. S A L T sHs T E R N E n [Trivia Time ASPIrin : For Headaches and Heartaches j Dear Jessica, I have a problem concerning school and I'm hoping (hat maybe you would know something I could do about it. Last semester I took a course which I got a B in. I did all the work, did great on the tests so I think I deserved an A. I talked to the professor but he wouldn't change the grade. I never got along loo well with him and I think thai has something to do with it. Is there anyone else I can go l o about having the grade changed? C.S.,Indian Dear Jessica, My composition teacher told me today that I'm failing his class. I've missed a few classes and he told me thai if I miss one more I'm going lo fail for the semester. Can he do this? Flunking on Fulton Dear C.S. and Flunking, I called the registrar's office and they put me in touch with Dr. Lapinski in CUE for both of these problems. Concerning grade Several weeks ago, TRIVIA TIME look a list of ten actors and asked I for the last role they starred in. So, granting equal time, this week I 1 will give a list of ten actors and ask for their first role. (Sorry about that girls!) So here is your chance to test your knowledge and at the same time win a free personal. Good Luck! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. James Dean John Travolta Sidney Greenstreet John Belushi Elvis Presley Gabe Kaplan Ken Norton Bill Murray Roger Daltrey Roddy McDowall Answers to last week: 1. That's All Right Momma 2. Lonely Street '3. Love Me Tender 4. Charro 5. 31 6. Moody Blue 7. Hawaii 8. Elvis Presley Boulevard 9. 42 10 Scarfs 10. 1 Write your answers down and bring them to C C 334 by 5 P M Monday. All winners will receive a free personal in the ASP. changing, he told me that the procedure is to first thoroughly discuss the situation with the professor. If that doesn't do any good, speak to the department chair and explain the problem to him. You will probably have tofilea complaint with the Grievance Committee. If you have any further questions concerning this you can go into CUE and get an outline on how to go about bringing this before the Grievance Committee. As far as class attendance goes, Dr. Lapinski told me that it is up to the instructor. As long as he announced the attendance policy to the class al the beginning of the semester, the class is responsible for sticking to it, and the teacher can fail a student for being absent from class too many times. 'Dear Jessica, I work in a restaurant near the campus that a lot of students come to. I'm a student too, so I know how hard it is lo be on a limited budget. The reason I'm working is to have some spending money, but waitresses don't make much from their salaries and depend mostly on tips. Twice this week students have come in, ordered meals, paid for them and left without leaving a tip. If they could afford the meal, they could afford to leave at least a small tip. I'm sure that there are other waitresses on campus who (eel the same way and we just want everyone to know that we deserve to be paid for what we do. Wailing for Tips Dear Waiting, Here is your letter--! hope it helps. Bring all letters to Campus Center 329, and put them in the Arts Editor's mailbox. Letters must be in by Tuesday to appear by Friday. | PRE-LAW ASSOCIATION comment MEN'S INTRAMURAIS government usurps the right of the people to conduct their lives as they arc fit. Any taxation beyond that which is necessary to finance the performance of the above enuiiK .ted duties is intolerable. In answer to M r . Quinn's "Got any ideas?", The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., publishes The Freeman, " A Monthly Journal of Ideas on Liberty" that cogently articulates the libertarian philosophy. It is free f o r t h c a s k i n g . a s i s a b i b l i raphj i f w o r k s o n the subject that are also a\ '•'' le from the Foundation ( l r v i n g t o n - o n idson, N.Y. 10533). One might also support the Libcitarian Party, the party that is dedicated not to power to the people, which has always meant tie facto power over the people by (hose who professed to want to secure power for (hem and/or some govcrnmcntally engineered Utopia, but to freedom for the individual, freedom from governmcnlally administered special interest oppression and meddling, and freedom for each to do as he sees fit. I.e., freedom from power. Jerald L. Vinikciff General Membership Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 9 LCI at 8:30 pm A GREAT WEEKEND OF RADIO ON Cue Students You Must Make your Pre-Registration advising appointment by gi m The Evolution of Rock Rebroadcast of Mondays' "The Shadow" Front Row Center - Live Concert Rock Cross Reference — Sounds from the Third world 7 pm: Blast from the Past - Great Oldies 11 pm: Sunday Night Taped - Original Comedy Tonight at 9 pm: Saturday at 5 pm: 8 pm: ~Sunday at 2 pm: Sign up in Campus Canter 355 Deadline TUM. Oet 9 4:00 Don't Forget Jazz on the Friday & Saturday Overnights!!!!! 1TOWER EAST CINEMA Call 457-8331 or Come in to the information counter in CUE Grand Re+opening presents MIDNIGHT EXPRESS $atroon ftoom SUNYA'S N E W O N - C A M P U S Wine and Cheese Tlace CHOOSE FROM A FULL SELECTION OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES AND CHEESES •flu's week's specials A full bottle Lancers Vino Hronca Imported from Portugal A split ot Uardolino with 1'rovolone cheese, Fresh Fruit and Crackers J4.75 55.25 WHILE ENJOYING THE AREA'S FINEST IN LISTENING Entertainment feet (wring M&M $.75 with TEC card $1.25 without To the Editor: In the September 25 issue of ASP, Mark Rissier attacked the Australian film "The Last Wave", currently screening i n Albany. The comments of this cultural philistine (and perhaps I should add racist), require a reply from Ihosc who appreciale the film and respect olhcr cultures. What Rossier calls "aboriginal garbage" is Weir's s k i l l f u l depiclion of ihe lifestyle, predicament and religion of our urban Australian Aboriginas. Rossier completely fails lo understand lhat "Ihe Dreamtlme"ls a life philosophy in which our indigenous people d o n ' t separale sleep/dream stales f r o m their daylime activities. The film depicls an upper class while (chamberlin) attempting lo deal with this Aboriginal reality hedoesso hydeseeraling a sacred site, Weir is no "amateur filmmaker" his film "Picnic al Hanging Rock" and "The Last Wave" have received acclaim and greal success in Australia and New York City. "Picnic al Hanging Rock" won Ihe award for best foreign film at Cannes Film Festival in To the Editor: This University, year in and year out the year il was released. Perhaps il is because Weir is not an constantly neglects the needs of its students. Last year I wrote a column in which I staled American and doesn'l present orgies of thai not one professor seems to care about violence or perverse sexual encounters that he students at all. I was not surprised when no fails to excite Rossier. It is a great pity that Rossier reveals the plot one responded in defense of professors' Ihis is actions. This year the advisement system has and concluding scenes of the movie continued in its pitiful state and jusi goes to like someone reviewing an Agatha Christieprove how far S U N Y Albany has l o g o before type movie and revealing who Ihe murderer is. If you haven't seen "The Last Wave" it becomes a major university center. As it stands now it is merely a faceless structure check it out! If you have not yet read Rossicr's don't, al leasl nol until you have whose j o b is to shuffle siudents as papers and review not as people. I refuse to be treated like seen Ihis film. "The Last Wave" will help you to garbage. I've worked hard to waste my money undersland something of Ihe current struggles on getting an education at this "place". Perhaps an example will explain my of native peoples against genocide, nol just in bitterness over the sorrowful state of the Australia, bul in this country also. Timothy Rogers (Ed. Admin.) advisement process. Caroline Rogers (T.E.S.I..) I am a senior who transfcrcd here last year. 'Tasmania, Australia In this limited time I've had five officially designated advisors. No one, but no one, in the Political Science Department is a responsible enough individual to advise students, they just won't do it. If you arc considering becoming a I'oly-Sci major, d o not declare so until the last possible minute, because once you declare your major you will To the Editor: never be advised again. Lcl me begin by apoligizing to Professor The people in C U E aren't much better. In Uppal for leaving last Wednesday before the September I called up trying to arrange for an class had been dismissed; I intended no insol appointment 10 see Mr. Robert Gibson about encc. However, the incident characterizes a filing my L S A T application. 1 explained [he situation which has been exacerbated this need to speak to him by September 13 when semester by the irregularity of scheduling the application was due. Despite (his they said limes. To wit: Ihe harried lime schedule we are I couldn't talk to him until after September regulated lo keep between classes. 15th. I called the Dean o f Students Office who Three days a week we arc permitted only ten tried to throw the blame over to a Ms. minutes in which lo transpose our attentions DeFossc, an administrator in charge of the and energies from one subject to another advisement system. I'm sure she was surprised unrelated one. During this interlude we must when I showed up in her office! After pack our belongings and journey the length of explaining to her my advisement difficulties, Ihe campus, all the lime maintaining some she took my name and number and said that countenance of friendliness; a feal worthy of she would work something out. She never George Reeves. The matter is worsened when called back. No wonder the advisement professors insist on lecturing past thciralloted system stinks. Finally I saw President O'Leary time. Since students will generally remain eating on Indian Quad. I told him my story sealed, albeit noisily, oul of courtesy, we and he look my name and said he would gel expect some courtesy in return. This simply back to me the next day. Three days later entails dismissing ihe class on lime or, someone called back for Mr. O'l.eary staling perhaps, even a few minutes early, so that we lhat an appointment wiih Mr. Oibon could be need nol inierrupl one of your colleagues at arranged. A week later we talked bul after I the start of his lecture. I realize that there are had made all of Ihe crilical decisions on my only fourteen weeks to a semester and that own. professors arc brimming with a gusto to The point is lhal the advisement process isa leach, but I'm certain lhat you will have a joke. If you have lo gel Ihe University greater percentage of our concentration and President to arrange for an appoinlmcnl the appreciation by extending this privilege system is unoperablc. Being so, 1 advise all Thank you. students to totally undermine ihe system by Floyd Sklavcr signing your own drop cards and doing everything possible lo force the University to reorganize and emphasize its academic advisement program. Only if iheyscesiudents taking ihis for what i i is, a joke, will ihey realize lhat they musl do something aboul The Rut T h e recent resignations o f five C e n t r a l C o u n c i l members force us t o r e e x a m i n e the m a k e u p o f student g o v e r n m e n t here, a n d e x a m i n e its effectiveness. T h e p r o b l e m s Student A s s o c i a t i o n and C e n t r a l C o u n c i l face are t w o - f o l d . P r i m a r i l y , there is a lack o f interest o n the student's p a r t . A n y t h i n g a c c o m p l i s h e d is d o n e so by a select few, w h o d i l i g e n t l y (and usually fruitlessly) devote m a n y h o u r s o f time t o a t t a i n i n g s m a l l advantages, l i m i t e d success. S e c o n d l y , there is the feeling that Ihe a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f S U N Y A a n d S U N Y have a tight h o l d o n students, a n d a l l o w the S A ' s o f the system's schools l i m i t e d power, l i m i t e d effectiveness. T h e m e n and w o m e n w o r k i n g f o r y o u close t h e i r eyes to t h i s , a v o i d i n g that reality. A p p a r e n t l y , lack o f student g o v e r n m e n t stems f r o m the fact t h a t the m a j o r i t y o f students realize the severe l i m i t a t i o n s we are u p against, and prefer d e v o t i n g t h e i r time to activities that w i l l b r i n g a b o u l some results. F o r this, S A and C e n t r a l C o u n c i l are not the w a y t o g o . We arc not here a t t e m p t i n g t o q u e s t i o n the d e v o t i o n o r c o m m i t t m e n t o f S A w o r k e r s and officers o r C e n t r a l C o u n c i l members w h o e n d u r e their t e r m . R a t h e r , we are saying that the sad reality is that these people w h o are w o r k i n g e x t r e m e l y h a r d against powers that be. P o w e r s that have the upper h a n d , and are t o o s t r o n g l o o v e r c o m e . S U N Y C e n t r a l created the Student A s s e m b l y , f o r e x a m p l e , an essentially powerless g r o u p that serves t h e m well so they can be able t o insist that students are getting fair representation. T h i s is not so. T h e C e n t r a l A d m i n i s t r a t i o n refuses to recognize S A S l ) ( S t u d e n t A s s o c i a t i o n o f the State U n i v e r s i t y ) as a representative o f S U N Y students because Ihey are hesitant to accept any g r o u p l h a l has the sight l o sec that the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n has indeed created a b r i c k w a l l . A g r o u p t h a t refuses l o be satisfied because the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n has a l l o w e d one brick l o be r e m o v e d . T h e w a l l still stands. S U N Y C e n t r a l and S U N Y A ' s one a d m i n i s t r a t i o n have an effective block against student p o w e r . We are not saying that they are not a c t i n g i n o u r best interests, j u s i t h a i these men a n d w o m e n possess a certain fear o f a l l o w i n g students a n y real c o n t r o l . A n d the very fact l h a t a d m i n i s t r a t i o n leaders Tor A l b a n y a n d all o l S U N Y d o fear g i v i n g students a n y p o w e r makes one w o n d e r if their a i m s a n d goals possibly coincide w i l h ours. We have n o l created this w a l l , but S A and C e n t r a l C o u n c i l are powerless t o eliminate it. The undents have m i l p i l l e d students against a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , we are simply v i c t i m s o f gross mistrust in the wake o f s t r o n g activism a decade ago, Being kept in ihe d a r k is bad e n o u g h ; being b l i n d e d is inexcusable. Something'Fallfest'This Way Comes I f c h i l d r e n never g r o w u p , but s i m p l y take o n new images under the category of a d u l t , t h e n let the c h i l d i n us a l l escape f o r a t i m e a n d e n j o y the simple f u n a n d laughter of F a l l f c s l . T h e n e i g h b o r h o o d c a r n i v a l , the c l o w n s , the prizes, the rides, a n d the games a l l come t o life o n n o n e o t h e r t h a n Stale Quad's p a r k i n g lot, this weekend. Take time off for some legal regression, a n d e n j o y the fantasy that's so entitled t o us i n the S U N Y A / w o r l d / l i f e pressure cooker. C o m e one, c o m e a l l , come p a r t y at Fallfest 7 9 . A splendid time is guaranteed for a l l . No Time To Run Campus Center Friday and Saturday Oct. 5 and 6 LC7 7:30 and 10 pm Wave's' Leaks Quinn's Very Own Din October 17. jr— Sealing 'Last editorial Sj/Y^ Mona tiemli Maureen DarraRh featuring original and f o l k tunes All this Grand Re-opening Weekend Friday and Saturday, October 5 and 6 9 p.m. — 1:30 a.m. fflftfe aiiiiUiiKilp Kluxilinr" A r i u i r r u lb it...and fast. Kevin Quinn Angry? Mad? Upset? Write a letter! »-« Jay B. Gtssen, Editor-in-Chief Ronald Levy, Richard Behar, Managing Editors News Editor Associate News Editor ASPects Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Editorial Pages Editor Aron Smilh Michele Israel Stuart Matranga Paul Schwartz Mike Dunne Charles Biener Staffwriters: Charles Bell, Bob Bellafiore, Ed Goodman, Larry Kahn, Maureen George, Kathy Perilli, Susan Milligan, Roberta Rosenbaum, Beth Sexer, Jeff Schadoff, Debby Smith, Vicky Zunitch Debbie Kopf, Business Manager Advertising Manager Billing Accountant Composition Manager Sieve Goldstein Lisa Applebaum Amy Sours Sales: Randye Baer, Kathy Bosco, Rich Schoninger, Rich Seligson Classified Advertising: September Klein Composition: Fran Glueckert, Robin Goldberg, Mike McDonald Advertising Production Manager: Amy Sours Advertising Production; Helene Drucker, Penny Greenstein, Sue Hausman, Joy Prefer, Shelly Wise Office Coordinator: Evelyn Ellis Office Staff; Robbin Block, Diane Garfindle, Jay Lustgarten, Audrey Molin, Steven Robins, Bonnie Stevens Marty Vukovich, Jordan Metzger, Production Managers Rob Grubman, Eric Koli, Associate Production Managers Vertical Camera Typist Dave Benjamin Hunk's Chick Paste up; Vincent Aiello, Lisa Bongiorno, Marie Italiano Typists: Carrie Chandler, Robin Goldberg, Mindy Gordon, Debbie Loeb, Beth Lorbcr, Cathy Tyrie Proofreaders: Rachel Cohen, Sue Lichtenstetn, Donna Reichner, Ronald Sucber Chauffeur Andy Panzer Photography, supplied principally by University Photo Service Established 1916 The Albany Student Press is published every Tuesday and Friday during the school year by the Albany Student Press Corporation, an independent, not-for-profit organization. Editorial policy s determined by the Editor-in-Chief, and is sub>ecf to review by the Editorial Board, Moiling Address: Albany Student Press, CC 329, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222, (518) 457-8892 Dear V.C. 305, Thanks for being good friends and watching out for me this past Classified ( Lost/FonntcC Patching & Embroidery done by hand. Reasonable rates. Call Alicia 7-8790 after 5. Lost: Tan cap with brown braid. Lost 10-2-79. Call Dave 457-7976. WGoKcntj Love, "The Banger" next door Dear Susan. The 1st Month has been total pleasure for me. I'm glad that you've been here when I've needed somebody to talk to. I will never stop loving you as long as you want me near you. Happy Anniversary Love always. Anrt" Dirty N e l l y h a s d o r m s h i r t s delivered In 10 days. Due to popular request and an overwhelming response, we are proud to announce 2nd Annual Randy Ellis Look Alike Contest. As a result of last year's enthusiasm, the lucky applicant selected this year will be awarded a full day with me four judges. In order to ensure that the day will be spent In a true G. Randall Ellis III fashion, the judges will supply all necessary material. The agenda begins with getting up late. After a leisurely cup of coffee and Brewer's yeast, you will then arrive promptly at 12:30 for your 12:00 appointment with the judges. Then on to lunch. . „,. CUE STUDENTS: You must make your PREREGISTRATION advisement: appointments by Octobor 17. Call 457-8331 or come to the Information Counter In CUE. The Mousetrap reopening tonight and tomorrow. Good wine. Good music. Bring some good company and enloy. To every one who helped make Friday night a super birthday - Thank you. Love, Susan Dear Ed & Liz, Drummer and Guitarist looking for Bass Player and Keyboard Player t o The afternoon's main event will be a Thank you. All my love Susan. Ever thought of playing backgamform Rock Band. Must have own game of tennis. (Don't worry • we Lost: One slightly used ray-gun. If equipment and must be serious mon at the Mousetrap? Bring a set have an Indoor tennis court In case Dear Adleberg's student. found, please call Lisa. and enjoy the music at the same about playing. More Info. Paul of Incllmate weather). The remain- Thanks for being such a great time. ing hours of the afternoon will be friend. I love you for It. Remember Lost Gold Rope chain bracelet 463-8223. spent teaching a few oboe lessons anytdlme. 9-26-79 sentimental. It found please which Is what your look alike has a Ellssa, Love, Adleberg's other student. call Caryn 462-2599. great reputation for. I'm looking out for the two of us... Love, Rob The culmination of the day will be Clinton Hall Wrlstwatch Found LC18 Night of dinner for five at Hlro's for an even- It's as simple as that. (The ImplicaMenl Women! Jobs! ing of Japanese cuisine. The Judges tions are there.) Slapshot. Reward Welcome. Call Dear Janet. Crulscshlpsl Yachtsl No experience. truly hope that this will be one of Bob 7-5235. I love you. Good payl Europel Australia! So. your most enjoyable and Ba Amer. Worldl Send $4.95 for memorable days. Submit photo ap- To all my friends who helped to Lost: gold plaque-chain bracelet on a p p l l c a t l o n / l n f o / r e f o r r a l a t o Is there no one In this place from p l i c a t i o n w i t h three personal make my 20th birthday the best of Wednesday Sept. 26. If found, Crulseworld 154, Box 60129, Sacto. my life: I love you a l l ! Music and Art besides me? Perforp l e a s e c a l l Debbie 465-3237. CA 95860. -eferences to PAC B-03. mlnn Arts doesn't count. Lenny Reward. If you experience the symptoms of Karen, Debbie, Mlndy, Bethanne, Breaking a window on the first floor Needed: Upper-class mature Inabsentltls, beware: It may be Got- A l e x , S c o t t , V a n e s s a , D o r l e , Oneida Is: "Unbelievable, Untuckdividual to spend about 6 hours a tlelb'3 Syndrome Lost: Women's gold selko watch. week helping to supervise the B'nal Joanne, Michelle, Ellen, Ftandl. ing Believable." Sentimental Value - reward. Amy Brlth Youth Organization (BBYO) In Joyce, Alday, Suite 603, a n d Dear Adam, Robin, 455-6981 Waterbury 308. everyone else who was there on A l t h o u g h y o u make a g o o d smaller communities near Albany. Even though Its been said before. It 9-26 to help me celebrate my 20th "Dracula" • vampire season Is over! (Hudson, Glens Falls, Saratoga Spr- will never be said enough. You're (29th) birthday. I love y o u . Thank Okay? the bestg friend and roommate that Lost: thin, silver I.D. bracelet with ings. Schenectady). Person would you. Love, your favorite victim Larry on front. Of sentimental value. need to travel one night a week and anyone could ever wish for. I can't Debbie maintain contact o v e r t h e tell you how much you mean to me 902 Mohawk, If found pleasue call Larry 7-4566. telephone - car a necessity. Pay Is and how much I appreciate all Daveee do you still love me? Don't BJg"Blfo\ $70 per innnth plus expenses. you've done for me. I love you. forget your galoshes. What Is fourteen Inches between Lost: Dark Brown shoulder pocket- BBYO Is a .Jewish High School Love. Your Sister friends? Debbie book, Friday, September 21 In L C I . organization.. If Interested, call Thanx, The Dish Dear Kauf, Generous reward for finder. Carry- Steve Mosi.owltz at the Albany Rlchi ing extremely Important valuables, J e w i s h C o m m u n i t y Thanks for understanding me s o Hey roomie, you're great. I'm super Big Pummlll, Center glad we're together. No matter the needed back. well. I'm ready for the second Telephone No. 43B-6651. Just a birthday greeting from situations, I'lfnever give up. I love round. Let's win this time. SUNYA!! Love, Debbie ya kid. Love, Laurie Love always, "III never say 'why Dear Bob, not'?'' To the Troy Commuter, I was going to say this through the I know where you can get a Xenon CUE STUDENTS: Super Sound Stereo ven! but I thought this would be lam cheap. By the way, are you still Models Wanted A d v i s e m e n t a p p o i n t m e n t s f o r looking form the Indian In the men's The best In Hl-Fldellty for lessl All more "classy." Happy 19th birthPhotographer (API) needs models brands, full guarantees, best prices. day I Prereglstratlon must be made by room? for part-time work (individual & Eric 7-7742. October 17. Call 457-8331 or come Love, Slaci (or Is It Stephanie?) group) poster, gallery, & commercial Love, The Metrohot Star In the Information Counter In CUE. - mostly figure - nude, semi and W, Grand re-openlng at the Mousetrap The Phantom Does Not live In ClinFurniture: Sofa, matching chair, silhouette studio and location You really can do anythlngl mostly outdoor. Long hair (neat) & tonight and tomorrow, open 9-1:30, ton Hall. The Phantom Is not one recllner, new double bed with box man, but all men. Dear Scott, featuring M & M. spring and frame, new kitchen table dance/yoga exp., helpful but not Victim No. 1 Ten Eyck Hall You make me feel so very happy. I required. Write for rates and release with chairs, bookcase, new bamboo Victim No. 2 Dutch Quad Cafeteria requirements to M.R., Box 22794, love you. Esther, window roll-ups. For Info., call Ira Victim No. 3 Kappa Delta Sorority SUNYA Station, Albany, NY 12222 Doc Happy 18th birthday. 438-6368 between 4pm and 10pm. US Victim No. 4 Who knows? Only the Phantom knows. Wanted: Part-time Interviewers. Elect Scott Saland for Central Dear Dack alias Bozak, Home Stereo Tape Deck. Excellent Evenings, O w n t r a n s p o r t a t i o n Council Indian Quad Happy Birthday! Don't dick this one Condition; Car stereo Tape Deck preferred. No e x p e r i e n c e Dear Sultees, too. You are deserving of a good Dear Jeff, needs cleaning; AM Car Radio trom necessary. Pleasant telephone I missed y o u ! How about some toe Schtupp. It's been a pleasure to be around Rabbltf, all reasonable 436-0273. sex? (your place or mine?) voice required. Call 454-5419, 9-5 Many More, "The Skate" and share your new experiences, Love always, Doc like exdom In tnret? days and your Sidi For Sale 7 2 Honda 175 CL, 5,000 Wanted: Keyboardist and drummer All those interested In Joining the Please give me a call and leave your own personal. miles. Call Bruce 462-4300. who sing and play rock, rhythm and Mike Patterson look-a-like club, call Love, Carrie number. It's Important. blues, new wave and Jazz. Call 7-7974. Must have nose 10 Inches or Sheri Dear David, 456-0189. longer. 1975 Pontlac Astre Wagon. Good You make It all worthwhile for me Arl BuT condition, excellent gas mileage, also. I really ouldn't ask for Thanks for buying me 2-7 of my dr- So vhats wron wld de Bronx? seven Radial tires, standard shift. anything more than what we have Guess who? Ing two Fridays ago at the Rat. Asking $900. 783-8197 after 5pm. together now. P.S. And It ain't pooh. Mary Love always, Terry Mark (Jap), Attention all sorrorltles, fraler- T h e L u d e s welcome Steve For Sale: One "Little Hitler," fair Dirty Nelly h a s d o r m s h i r t s Be nice to me or else! nltles, and other organizations: Due (Syracuse Wlldman) Titan t o Albany condition, somewhat wimpish, own delivered In 10 days. Pooh to a change in our accounting Ludelest tonight. Let's get walruss,transportation, paints, threads In P.S. I've got the pictures. system, we will no longer allow ed. ten seconds, fixes chairs, semlDear "Tired" Tony: credit to be extended for classified Dear Vuluptous Blondle, housebroken, must provide sprThanks for everything, I really do advertising which amounts to less Chi Sigma Theta invites all Universiingform p a n SA f u n d e d . appreciate It. * I missed you so badly. than $20. Please be prepared to pay ty Women to Shakey's N i g h l , Cheap...Must sell! JMP Love, Being Pampered for your ad when It is submitted. tonight at 8:30 PM In Morris Hall Basement (Colonial). Pizza and Esther, Thank you. PhlL other refreshments will be served. Happy blrthdayl Bet you're surpris- Jesus is the vine and you are the Auslo Outlet Discounter, Run by ed, hug. Hope It's Happy-enjoy! branch. His banner over you Is Love. students fro students. Is happy t o Lisa, Cynn, Love, Sharon En|oy your grapesl announce that we're expanding. Many happy sunrises to a daw ling. You're the greatest co-RA. I love Now offering even more brands of D.J. Luck and love 82b sport Van-Ren. Scott Lenofl, all types of HI'FI products at even Larry Come on campus more often. Chachka, lower prices. Call Jamie • 438-4353 Dear Sultees of V.C. 306, N from 10 I love you s-o-o-o much I "Save the Thanks for being there when I've Michelle, or your Quad Rep. las! dance for me." needed you. Happy 19th Birthday! I hope you'll Doni Love, Andl be here so yu can spend It with me. I see you got crutches. Take care of Your Impatient and waiting Bubula 2 Half-Fare Coupons American Love always, Larry the foot. Someone who has been Dearest RBVG, Dear Amy, Airlines. $70 each. Call 7-4785. watching. Here's to the New Year. May our My batteries are recharged, let's get "Jean," Short but sweet paths be filled with nothing bul haptogether. So, when are we going to HoJo's? piness. Frye Boots, size 12, excellent condiLove, Vibe Seriously, I really enjoy the walks Dear Loyal Fans, Love, "The Stranger" t i o n , practically new, Steve, outside of the confines of this zoo. Your loyalty Is exceeded only by Dear Leslie, 463-1905. . your beauty. My Love, Did you have a good time in bed You're really greatl Love, Larry The Fuckln' A's You have made this last year the Wednesday night? most beautiful of my life. I will love Love llm Dear Karen, Who loves the concept? All I want Happy birthday to one helluva parto say Is we're a great team together you always and forever. My Lion, Barnes and Nobles tier! Hope you remain crazy thru ali And L B . It was a pleas ire! Apartment t o sublet, near t h e I finally can write to you In this your years here. We all love you. paper. I'm glad lo see you here Bam Bam, jusllne, $60 per month, call Eddie at Mike, Eileen, Katie, Michelle again. I know and hope this HI youl I'm glad you're my bestest 489-2317. I'm glad we're giving It another weekend will be great. friend. I love you. Dear "Is It further to NY or by bus." shot. I know I'll give It my best. Love ya, Your No. 1 Lion Fan To the girl who Is RW and possibly Love, Pebbles Love, Sharl Graduate Foreign Student Is lookBe a romantic! Imagine dim lights, A, y o u ' r e a g r e a t n e x t - d o o r Dear Lorln, Alms, ing for single room In apartment, neighbor. preferably located near busline. mellow music, wine & cheese. The It's been brought to our attention Thanks for making my 18th birthday Love, Rob so special! I'm glad I have a friend Mousetrap re-opens tonight and Will humbly welcome all contacts. tha! Monday is the anniversary of tomorrow night leaturlng M «. M, History 101A, Please call 459-7791 (nights). your birth, w e ' d Just like t o say like you. 9-1:30. Love, Marie To the kind girl I don't know, who thanks for making our lives a little returned my pocketbook. Thank you brighter and nicer. To all my friends, The Chin Brothers have been Love ya, Mary, Swatl, Shpllay, Beth, Thank you for your support when I granted SA recognlchln. We're back Dear Amy, P.S, Have a great yearl needed It the most. You helped me and ready t o party. through one of the most difficult Happy, happy, happy, happy, birthDirty Nelly has got you covered for Small typing service, call Mary Beth day. That's one from each of us. all your dorm shirt needs. We have times In my life, and thanks to you, I Stay tuned for details. at 483-1691 days, or evenings before made it. I nope I cann do the same Hint: We're sitting In the Registrar's the best variety of shirts atg the 9 p.m. chairs. lowest prices. We guarantee 10 day someday. My appreciation goes HC (Foreign Correspondent): beyond these words. delivery. Call 7-7742, ask for Dirty Jeanne, Howie, Nancy, Reglna, This has got t o be the world's fligt Rich TYPING: Prompt In-home service. 3000 mile personnel. Just stuck It In Jodl, J i m , Sheryl, Eileen, T o m Nelly. ' Dear Debbie, E x p e r i e n c e d In a l l areas o f to catch your eye and let you know (Pops), Don, Dag. etc. Thanks guys, Karyn (with a Y) Reunited an It feels so good! And secretarial work. Resumes, disser- that you're missed by many more I feel great. You re great! In a few I hope you had a great weekend. Did remember: It's only the beginning! tations, letters, research papers. No pople than just Theo & me. days, come down for bongs. you say " h e l l o " to Steve my double Love always, Sunshine | o b too small or too large. 371-2975. The "loud o n e " (?) In 222 form me? Well, I'll see ya. Lotsa love, A d Lady Love, The backgammon Hustler Dear Ed: Doar R, (campus policeman) CUE STUDENTS: P.S. Let's do I t again sometime My mouth is still watering for Rush Typing Jobs done" by legal Remember tha fantastic night In soon! must make your mushroom soup & a homemade secretary. 6 yrs. experience. Minor Y o u Sept? Want more of the samel Chinese dlnnerl editing and spelling corrections. PREREQISTRATION advisement B.J., ' Please call license Is the same. Susan Neatness and accuracy count. Call appointment by October 17. Call If you love something, set It free. 457-8331 or come to the Information Dear Davlff, Theresa at 439-7809. If It returns, It Is yours, Counter In CUE. Have a very Happy 18th birthday. continued on page III Love, your sister 2B, Robin If It doesn't • we're still frlendsl C.B. (jobs CfWSale ) (Wanted """) ( Personals (Housing r Servlecs P A G E TWELVE J J % i Seetual \ Albany E v . m . l l c . Chrtol™, Urge group Meetings. Students gathering to worship God and share friendships CC 17< T ,n Friday, 7 p.m. lo 9:30 p.m. " * -C C 375' ev»y jSC-Hlllel Liberal Shabbal Services in Education nnii.n,. i 8 L0U 8e (335) Friday night at 7:30. Sponsored by JSC " JSC-Hlllel Traditional Shabbat Services, Friday evening at 7 n m Sa.urday morning at 9:30 a.m. Luncheon follows. Chapel HouTc' | me Lutheran,The Holy Communion,! I M a m Evening Prayer, 6:30 p.m. Sundays at Chapel House, join us! Preview ALBANY S T U D E N T P R E S S 1 * - * * >«>*>4.*I.-* O C T O B E R 5, 1979 0knbf in ' n8C T U ' < " ' " d conversational hour. " d a V ° C 1 2 ' l 9 7 9 ™ > P.m ««£^^»-^:-t cc WCDB News Department Meeling. Mandatory meeting for the cniire news dcparlment. Monday, October 8, at 7:00 i n the I ive Studio. Conflict Simulation Society Weekly Meeting D & D ,.„., Wargaming using Avalon Hill, SPI, ISR setups, All ore welcome Campus Center 373, Sunday 6:00-11:30 p.m. Sailing Club Meets Each Thursday in HI) 125 at 7 p.m All Land Lubbers and Old Salts Welcome. WCDB Mandatory meeting for all members of the Music and Programming Department. Sunday, October 7th at 7:00 p.m I C JSC-Hlllel Social Committee Meeting, CC 370, Monday October 8th, 9:00 p.m. JSC-Hlllel Students for Israel. 6:00 p.m. Israel Perspective (Israel Newspaper on campus), 7:15 p.m. Newswatch - current events in Mideast, 8:00 p.m. Regular Meeting - tonile: "Social Cap in Israel -Past and Present" HU 354. P'nisract. JSC-Hlllel Chug lvrit. A l l about the Hebrew Language Palroon Lounge, 1st floor CC, Tuesday, Oct. 9th, 7:00 p.m. JSC-Hlllel World Jewry Committee, Campus Center 358 Tucsdav y October 9lh, 6:30 p.m. ' ' Pre-Law AijocUllon General Membership meeting for Prc-Law Association on Tuesday Oct. 9th in LC I at 8:00 p m Fencfni Club Foil, Sabre and Epee fencing taught. Lessonsare coed and beginners arc always welcome. Team and individual competition is available. Women's Auxiliary Gym, Wednesday 8-10 y a.m., Saturday 10-12 noon. Student Art Council A r l Council Meeting _ Everyone who is interested is invited. "Pot Luck Dinner"October 8th, Mondav Fine Arts Building, Room 126 at 5:00 p.m I Bridge Club Every Tuesday nieht ? m i ' r m n ,• ACBL Tournaments. F o r i Z c a U % £ ™ y D u " t o " : ' R u b » " , , nC e .™tTn ?h"e g ym c IUb M — ™ ° y « < M D Coffeehouse* j Sukos Parly Bring your friends and party in our Suka at Noah's Ark 67 Fuller Road (off Dutch) Thursday October I Ith, 8:30 p.m. The Parlh is on us. 7:00p. m .„, thedance JSC-Hlllel Coffeehouse. Talented performers needed lo audition Call as soon as possible. Call Sondra, 7-7786, or Ellen 7-8163 Freeze Dried Coffeehouse Mini-Concert Ben Murray, a fresh and funny singer/songwriter who will enlerlain with his musical ability r^nd comic vein. Opening at 8 p.m., CC Assembly Hall, Friday and -Saturday Oct. 5-6. ' Public Notices Grand Opening of the "Mousetrap" Friday and Saturday 9:00 to 1:30 a.m. Featuring M & M for your listening pleasure. With assorted wines and cheese. mam gymnasium (A, B, C) or exercise room during thecven ngano sxtits:r: m s;=r£~ ] Lectures card. o r . current gucs, identlflcaflortjcard. if you bring a uc" for English Department Writing Workshop Free lectures and seminars to improve writing skills. HUB 18. Drop in College Republicans Speakers Forum. Thursday, October 4lh 8-00 . Ihe Drive is being sponsored by Delta Sigaj, Pi Everyone i s \ * Z to Please donate "the gift of , i f e . . C a m p ^ c m e , ' " ' " ^ Office of International P r o e m s MectingNvith director of Student Programs for North America, the American Friends of Te Aviv University Students interested in studying in Tel Aviv Univers ty for.he academic year or for a semester. Ms. Blum. S.oler, Director of Student Programs for North America. Office of the American Friends of Tel Aviv University, will be on campus October I 0 T 2 3 S p.m. to meet with students. The meeling will be held in CC 373 For lurther information pleas call 457-8678 wi:b^ru,e: ll ' Mcn,b " shipc " r<,sror ' he '' 7 '- 80 ^"^- SUN V A Graduate School of Public Affair, The brown bag series on ^8,,n,,a,,„,,a| Development continues with a presentation y D r CS d C r , m , n n l P^ n tWe e Dogma n "'and , the 7 ' l Chimera: •The " " " "Problem ' D r - B ™» wi present Solving m W».nd "( ompletc Systems Management." AN are welcome O * i 0 l , October 9th. noon to 1:00 p m f r t l T l , ) r S c u s d o n , o n w<,n,tn* s , r «'* Addressi "8 *• h « " °r i f i l ! H f r,TSt>,rl ' S ' I U O k i n B f o r ™lun,eers _ M W F 9-1, Daily 3-5.30. L&caled near Delaware Avenue branch of Public BUS SERVICE TO S e a r s i n Co, TArtSn IT ',' ' °™ »"- Mention C u t a - Z : Ge voW„ ' ^ d0n, " Cd '° T e l C ' h 0 n ' 8 ° °" '»» « ™ « from he O^nLv si, C U i° n " ' " bX>">'™°<<* hairsutters TZZ m t,ch'?o n r'de,ar '" ^ ^ P " ~ * " '» C Ub m?C,in safety, sclr-dcfcnse and crimes against women. Two sessions coffee bC rVCd C l 0 n i a l Oc ,h°"28lh.*Part " ,r October || _ ° •'"'«""""• '•»» 7:00 ' - p.m. M™ty Wednesday, October 10th, Grand Opening Sale DIPPIKILL AND LAKE GEORGE Oct.10-Oct.17 in the Record Co-op Leaves the circle 7:00 pm FRIDAY NIGHT Leaves Camp Dippikill 3:00 pm SUNDAY Buy 2 $7.98 list Lp's for $5.17 and get a 3rd $7.98 list Lp for cost: $4.70. $6.00 round trip Tickets on sale in the S.A. Office Jazz-Rock-New Wave ) ) r Telethon p ™ ™ C i p a , ' ; r i n I m r 0 < 1 U C , 0 r y M C C , i n g ' S , U d c ' n l s interested" in"" Participating , „ arranging classical/contemporary/electronic concc tsand visitingcomposerscanjoin M.C. ReVresnm n. s ™d n nlSSCm i CC Cafeteria (near Rat), October 4th, 7:30 p.m ™ 'H^antc T h n ^ V ^ O u Z Cluh M , C l u b Wews Library. Sepia* children age 2-«. Community Service credit is available. OohbKi Candace Deisley at 465-0449. Open Mon.-Fri. 10am - 4pm France, Spring 1980 through SUNY—Binghanuon program UNIVERSITE DE PROVENCE Universite de Pmvence A PROGRESSIVE AUDIO SHOP OFFERING INNOVATIVE HI-FI EQUIPMENT OCM TIME WINDOWS • POLK AUDIO SPEAKERS • KEF AMPZILLA (GAS) SLEEPING BEAUTY • AUDIONICS • SONY GRAFYX • HAFLER • HEGEMAN • APT HOLMAN • NAD FIDELITY RESEARCH • CONRAD JOHNSON • TOSHIBA • AKG AIWA CASSETTE DECKS • HARMAN/KARDON (ST-8) MAYWARE FORMULA 4 TONE ARM • VERION MITCH COTTERSIGNET MOVING COILS • ASSORTED CAR STEREOS INSTALLED 60 MILLER ROAD RTE 0 LAKE GEORGE RD. (UPPER GLENS FALLS) 793-6639 Aix-en-Proveme French Language & Literature French & Mediterranean Civilization Field trips to monuments & museums of Provena For details & application forms write to: Professor John Lakich Department of Romance languages SUNY—Binghamton Binghamton, New York 13901 J Danes Open Up Offense In Win Over Brockport Pirates, Orioles Lead 24) In Playoff Series Extra Inning Victories Give Pittsburgh Edge P I T T S B U R G H ( A P ) Consecutive extra inning victories in Cincinnati had the Pittsburgh Pirates fired up Thursday as they returned home, hoping to finish off the Reds in their N a t i o n a l League Championship Series. " I ' m looking forward to my first World Series," said slugger Dave Parker, whose 10th inning single drove in the deciding run in the Pirates 3-2 victory Wednesday. The night before, it was a threerun homer by veteran Willie Stargell in the 11th that beat the Reds 5-2. Those two close victories left the Pirates just one win away from their first N l . championship since 1971 when they went on to beat Baltimore in seven games in the World Scries. "We've worked very hard for this," said shortstop T i m Foli, who has played a vital role in both Pittsburgh victories so far. " N o w we have a chance to win it before our home fans and it'll be a big t h r i l l . " It was Foli who doubled home a controversial run in the fifth inning of Game 2 after second base umpire Frank Pulli ruled right fielder Dave Collins had trapped a leadoff drive by Phil Garner. Collins dived for the ball and came up with his arm thrust in the air, indicating he had made the catch. But Pulli, dashing out from his second base post, ruled that the ball had ticket theturf before Collins grabbed it. Pulli said, "1 called it 'no catch.' I called it '-trap' all the way." The Reds argued, of course, and Manager John McNamara wanted Pulli to ask for help from right field umpire John Kiblcr. The baseball rule book advises umpires that they may seek help from a partner when they arc unsure about a call. But Pulli was sure and refused to ask for Kiblcr's aid. "It's my call and I made i t , " the umpire said. Garner moved up on a sacrifice and then scored on a two-out double by Foli, giving Pittsburgh a 2-1 lead. It stayed that way as Pirate relief ace Kent Tckulve weaved his way out of a bases-loaded j a m in the eighth. The Reds tied it in the ninth on a pinch double by Hcily Cruz and another two-base hit by Collins. But then Omar Moreno opened the Pittsburgh 10th with a single, moved up on Foli's bunt and scored on Parker's decisive hit. The reds have left IK men on base in the first two games and that has been p i v o t a l . The slump has McNamara troubled, but there's not much he can do except wail it out. "Our only strategy is to wake up a few of our bats," he said. "We have been in a slump since midSeptember. There's not much strategy." Mete Close To Being Sold N E W Y O R K (AP) In New York, the onetime " M i r a c l e M e t s " aren't pulling off miracles at the gate unymore. John Pickelt thinks he can change that "1 have offered to be of assistance to Lorinda de Roulct or M . Donald Grant in any way 1 could," says Pickett, referring to the club's principal stockholder and one of its board members. Pickelt, a business consultant experienced in turning around sagging sports franchises, is reportedly working on a deal to gain controlling interest in the national League baseball team. Sources close to the Mets said Wednesday that Pickett would acquire more than 50 percent of the franchise from thede Roulct family, which still would c o n t r o l the remainder of the stock. Sources told the New York Daily News that the deal amounted to $15 million. As chairman of the board of the New Y o r k Islanders' National Hockey League team, Pickett was a natural starting point for (he financially troubled Mets. Angel's Comeback Falls Short; Drop 9-8 Decision B A L T I M O R E (AP) Eddie Murray drove in four runs with a single and a homer as the Baltimore Orioles scored eight runs in the first two innings and survived a late rally to edge the California Angels 9-8 Thursday. After trailing 9-1 in the second game of the best-of-five series, the Angels scored seven runs in the last four innings and had the bases loaded in the ninth before reliever D o n retired B r i a n Downing on a force play for the final out. The victory, behind the nine-hit pitching of Mike Flanagan and Stanhouse, gave the Orioles a 2-0 lead" in the best-of-five American League championship series which continues on the West Coast Friday night. Flanagan, whose 23 victories topped the major leagues during the regular season, retired 15 consecutive hatters after Dan Ford rapped his second f i r s t - i n n i n g homer in two days. By the time California's Rod Carew doubled with two out in the sixth and scored on a single by Carney L a n s f o r d , B a l t i m o r e ' s Eastern Division champions had moved to the brink of qualifying for their fifth W o r l d Scries in 14 years. California added u run in the seventh on singles by Don Baylor and Downing plus a sacrifice fly by Bobby Grich, then knocked out Flanagan in the eighth by: coring on a walk to pinch-hitter Merv Rcttetimund, an error by first baseman Murray and Lansford's second R i l l single. Stanhouse, the winner in Game 1, came in and held on despite yielding a run-scoring single to Baylor and a sacrifice fly to Downing in the eighth, and an RBI grounder to Carew and Lansford's third runscoring single in the ninth. The ace reliever had 21 saves during the regular season, five of them for Flanagan. Correction In last Friday's ASP, Albany Stale women's volleyball coach Pat Dwyer was incorrectly quoted. The quote should have read that his team " c o u l d " win the rest of their games, not that they " w o u l d " win the rest of their games, as was originally printed. I continued from page twenty on a one yard plunge, and then practically impossible. " W e just scampered for a 14 yard jaunt to forgot to take the tape off," Ford score Albany's final touchdown. For said. the night, Priore had six carries for At 12:32 of the third quarter, 67 yards. Burger and his thumb got a second While the Dane offense showed chance. Four plays into the second definite signs—310 rushing y a r d s half, Burger was removed from the that the wishbone is perking up, the fc.ime and the tape was cut from his Albany defense continued to come hand. After missing only one play, on like gangbustcrs. Running on the he returned, and at once, his pictureDanes has been futile; on 48 perfect pass was corraled by an attempts, Brockport managed a unguarded Scott Lusher for a 37 scant 92 yards. The Eagles two top yard touchdown. rushers entering the contest, Lurry "Jack d i d an o u t s t a n d i n g S e t t l e s , a n d Neil Boykins, job,"Ford said. " I f you ask any accomplished little. Settles, a coach on the staff, they would say fullback, could garner only 38 yards that Jack gives a n e a r - t o p and Boykins, a quick halfback, performance every second he is on found no room to turn on his speed, the practice field. And heplaycdjust and came away with just 10 yards. like he practices." Finding the ground uncooperTeaming with Burger was the ative the Eagles went to the air. Zahn strong running of sophomore a n d T i m B r u n e l l c s p l i t the halfback Chuck Priore. Last year, quarterback duties, and both met Priore piled up yardage, and more with success. Combined, the two impressively, touchdowns for the completed 15 of 2° totses for 221 J.V. team. Showing he still had a yards, and these passes gave nose for the end/one, Priore scored Brockport a few shots at scoring. THE-3DAYALLYOUCAN EATITALIANFEAST.$5.75 ^ ^ H . crfiaot ChiUi "Float like a butterfly C o m e p a r t y w i t h me at 825 M y r t l e , " said Muhammed Ali. Saturday Nile 10:00 I ' M PUMXIA, — M0 Fri & Sal nitea at midnight .W¥lKit m i ' , m& Tuesday An Italian I > « | yuoranleed to blayger vvvn Ihe Ktoulent appetite, W.- start you off with our ramoui ANTJPASTO Salad Buffet, . . a. much a. you want. . . and follow that with pUtlen piled high with SPAGHETTI, LASAGNA. MEATBALLS. SAIISAGES, PIZZA and more. You stop only when you've had enough. CHILDREN (Under 10) 1 . 9 9 , TflT' "*' a d i f f e r e n t set of'jxivvv, REYNOLDS JILL CLAYBURGH CANDICE chefltalia AI.I1ANY . "AUDIENCES WILL SIMPLY CHERISH" " TIME MAGAi!INE \\fovv^mTasty^ WAITDISWYS • f r ^ T SLEEPING J Available at all locations |b™ L & XL »»8 value * lh,'l',IKllH|.| l l l l by Famous Makers in assorted fall colors. First quality. J 2 2 v a l u e To One-way New York 15.50 Hempslead 13,00 Syracuse 6.55 Binghamton 7.25 Queens Village •13.00 N«n,„ .mi ... ANIMAL IK It ISI." 1:30,3:30,5; 30,7:30,9; 30 B I L L M U R R A Y 15 ALBANY Wolf Road Shoppers Park, Wolf Road STORE HOURS 10-9:30 Mon -Sal. 12-5 Sun. Century II Mall, Central Plaza STORE HOURS: 109 Mon. Sat. 12 5 Sun. ROTTERDAM Rotterdam Mall STORE HOURS: 109 Mon, Sat. 125 Sun. ALSO IN: Kingston, Bennington V I MEL BROOKS /OUNCp COMIC MASTERPIECE:' f*»~«W s CINE1-2-3-4-5-6 lunrura.nrr.imm ctsAmS- RT; b A I B! - NOHTMWAY MALt PAGE FOURTEEN 1 ROAST B E E F - H A M - P A S T R A M I Ths book blues. It's Ihose sleepless nights wilh visions ol exams, pop lesls and required reading dancing through your head. They jusl won't go away. Bui you can... wilh Greyhound. Take oil this weekend, visit your family, see your friends... jusl gel oul ol town and leave Ihe book blues behind II doesn't cost much and it'll do you a world ol good. So, il you've gol Ihe book blues, gel on a Greyhound and spin. It's a quick cure lor wlial ails you. Igi* CORDUROY SHIRTS $' c Greyhound's quick cure for the book blues. #g£>i M5l3:«.7,IO,*16,ll*0 CORDUROY SLACKS BUY 2 GET 1 FREE! B U F F A L O , N.Y. (AP) On Sunday, Walter Payton gets his first chance to run on the former turf of O.J. Simpson, but the brilliant Chicago Bears back will have a hard lime faking the spotlight away from a current Uuf/ii/o Bills quarterback — Joe Ferguson. The game begins at I p.m. in suburban Rich Stadium, with nearly 80,000 expected to attend. The Bills, whose Fergusondireclcd, 31-poinl-a-game offense leads the National Football League, are 3-2 after two consecutive victories; Chicago is coming off a loss to Tampa Bay which left its record a I 2-3. "Every A F C team we play seems I to be first in something," said Bears Coach Neill Armstrong, whose squad has losi its last five encounters with American Conference teams. "The thing about the team we play this week is that its quarterback is No. I in the N F L . " Ferguson, a seven-year pro on the verge of stardom, has completed 72 of 116 passes for 1,308 yards in live games and his weekly quarterback rating, based on a formula which takes into account various averages, is 122.4 — one of the highest in N F I . history. _j 4 BREAKING AWAY] 16 wale, butter-soft cotton corduroy with button-thru flap pockets and epaulets. First quality. In navy, rust, brown, grey, hunter green and burgundy. Sizes S, M , SUBMARINES 0PIH7DAYSA MfK__ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK QERGEN 200.4:t.'».7:20.9ao,lI 50 I R T f/i Walter Payton vs. Joe Ferguson Served Sunday Noon to Closing Monday & I ut*hday 4 pm to Clotting, WHEN A STRANGER I CALLS * { * i i l MIKES*! 1 Every Sunday, Mondivy 81 Originally, Albany was scheduled to play Maryland-based Towson State in tomorrow's open slot. But Towson, a Division I I I last year, opted to move their program up to the Division I level of competition, thus "severing relations" with Division I I I Albany Stale, according to Dane head football coach Bob Ford. Ironically, the Danes faced Towson for the first time a year ago, and Albany defeated the Tigers, 37-28. No other opponent could be found to fit the date Wm/yum'Iast)^ Available at all locations I MIDNIGHT ROCK MADNESS)| Tomorrow, the Albany State football squad will face their most unusual opponent ever — no one. Because of an unusual scheduling situation, the Danes have a week off before their October 13th matchup with Buffalo: BUY 2GET1 FREE! c : SHOWS T O N I G H T I by Paul Schwartz "Sometimes an off week can be a pick up, but it could also be a let As close to scoring as any team down," said Ford. "Since we are not exactly where we want to be as a had been all season against them, the football team, il will give us a good opportunity to get things Dane defense promptly pushed the together," Eugcls back 14 yards on the next two One thing that the week off could aid in is the recuperation of some plays, and soon after, Brockport was key injuries. Dane defensive halfback Don Bowen suffered a severely forced to punt the ball away. sprained ankle in last Saturday's game against Brockport, and along The Eagle's six points came with the nagging hamstrings of defensive tackle Steve Shoen and grudgingly. After Easter's bobble halfback Sam Haliston, the absence of a ballgame will give the injuries gave Brockport posession on the more time. " I l will give us a chance lo heal," said Ford, "but it also Dane 18, Zahn quickly tossed to could cause sonic more injuries in the two weeks we have of practice," tight end Mike McCabe for a five Improving with each game, the 3-0 Danes will have all the extra yards, and after Settles picked up time to prepare for Buffalo, a natural rival being a S U N V A five more, the Eagles had a first University. The rivalry got a sharp boost last year when the Bulls down on the eight. A good hit by shocked Albany 15-8, a loss that ultimately cost the Danes a playoff Rajc/.ak forced Dave Colter into a bid. two yard loss, but Zahn then found "We'll have no problem getting ready for Buffalo," Ford said Voliton, who was stopped on the one yard line on the final play of the paydirt. Not risking a handoff, Zahn third quarter. Settles tried a plunge frustration, no less than five Danes elected to go with a keeper, and his into the middle, but was halted for smothered kicker Billy Newfnng, forward thrust was just enough lo no gain. II was now fourth down, the and his PAT attempt was crushed, put hint into the end/one, ending the ball less than one yard away from "We wanted a shutout-that was shutoul siring. Showing their our goal," said Albany defensive end Eric Singlelary, "and they broke our shutout. We want to keep that from happening again." COLD C U T S - C H E E S E - T U N A - T U R K E Y I c "••;••• "•ku4iw»«'''Miw4 Danes Have Rare Week Off Before Tackling Buffalo Already down 24-0 in the third quarter, the Eagles mode their first serious breakthrough. From their own 15, Zahn directed his team into Albany territory, aided primarily by two key passes. On third down and nine yards needed for a first down, Zahn found Gordy Glose for a 14 yard gain. Then on the next snap, Zahn tried a long gainer. His floater to Roy Voliton could have been intercepted by Dane cornerback Joe Rajczak, but was not. Instead, the Eagles had a 31 yard completion, and the ball on the Albany 28 yard line. r caiman f, IOOO aland "•- ALBANY STUDENT PRESS C.OlONtE OCTOBER 5, 1979 Round-Trip 29.45 24.70 12.45 13.80 24.70 Depart 3:30pm 9:00am 5:15pm 2:40pm 3:30pm Arrive 6:20pm 12:30pm 7:45pm 6:55pm 6:35pm (Prices subjeel to change.) W.B. Wilson 34 Hamilton St. Albany 4340126 corbd'e ohoeo OCTOBER 5, 1979 SUYVESANT PLAZA ONLY GdcmYmim ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PACK FIFTEEN ...1 't i i • ! > • • < \ • W M M equalled the total that the Dragons had allowed in their four previous matches. Albany must expect a bone tie against an undefeated and highly jarring game when they play host to r a n k e d t e a m is n o g r e a t Brockport tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m. on the field behind Dutch disappointment. Quad. "You dont like to lose or tie," The Golden Eagles have gained a noted Schieffelin, "but under the circumstances it was pretty good for reputation as one of the most physical teams in the state. us." "They are very hard nosed and "It was a good game for us as a team," commented Dahab, "we aggressive. We have the advantage expected them to be tough and in skills though. If we can play a aggressive and we handled it. control game we should be in good Everyone knew it was an important shape," said Schieffelin. Indeed, Brockport seems to have game and they played well slacked off after last year's defensively." Schieffelin was also pleased with SUNYAC championship perforthe defensive effort, mentioning mance. Their 2-3-1 record thus far Jack Chiarclli, Keith Falconer and includes a loss to Syracuse David Neville as playing "very well". University, whom C o r t l a n d Also Parrella should be lauded for defeated 4-0. Offensively the Eagles arc senior holding Cortland's dangerous Andre Sytnyk and sophomore captain Neil Moore at bay. The pair of goals by the Dunes Gerald Pcckich. Brockport coach Booters Tie Cortland, 2-2 continued from page twenty around two defenders, and took a quick hard shot which forced Matlavage to make a diving stop. "The overtimes were very tight. Nobody wanted to give anything up but we had our chance. We just didnt take advantage," said center half Matt Parrella. With neither side being able to score after two overtimes the game goes in the books as a tie. However, in order to resolve deadlocks in the final season standings, a penalty kick shootout is conducted after SUNYAC tics. The Red Dragons outshot Albany 3-2 in that event. Certainly a victory would have given Albany a betttcr chance at the Eastern Division championship. None the less, coming away with a "I expect a very physical game Walt Kopczuk calls Peckich "our fastest forward" and has twice from them," remarked Nezaj, "they tabbed him as the team's offensive are not a well skilled team; they're player of the week. Sytnyk is the similar to Cortland, only they're dirty." squad's top play maker. Kopczuk will count on co-captain Rich Garcia to control the game from his midfield position. Although they've lost three games already, Brockport's strongest suit appears to be defense. Senior goalkeeper Ron Riley, who posted six consecutive shutouts last season including one against Albany in the SUNYAC title game, will again be defending the Golden Eagle net. Ron Cupello, the other cocaptain, and Eric Swanbcck lead the backlinc and arc two of the players who helped the team earn its hard nosed image. "I think we should be able to beat Brockport," said Pagano, "they're not as strong as they were last season." REDES PRIZES FOOD FUN CHANCES FALLFEST ^ by Roberta Rosenbaum The Albany State women's volleyball team spiked their way to a victory last Saturday afternoon, beating Kings College in three straight games. Although the team suffered a loss to Colgate University last Thursday, J.V, Football quarterback Tom Pratt in an earlier contest. The Albany w the girls came out extremely confident against Kings, and took Grldders lost to Ithaca last Friday. (Photo: Dave Machson) * the first game quickly with a score of, Les Ciseaux, Fashion haircuts for men and w o m e n . The quality of New York and the atmosphere of Paris. 456-4121 >aeA&OM& 1568 Central Avenue, Albany % mile west of Wolf Road LES CISEAUX Tonic • 7 U P • orange j u i c e . . .even milk Nothing's COMFORT so delicious CORPORATION. as Comfort" the jayvees were back in it after just 32 seconds of the second half 14-11. But Ithaca pulled away with a touchdown in the same quarter, and one more in the fourth. Mayer pointed out that the defense again played well, especially s o p h o m o r e l i n e b a c k e r Greg DiNoto and freshman safety Dave Hardy, but being on the field most of the time takes its toll on even the finest of squards. Pratt (2 of II for 83 yards), Fiorito (2 of 7 for 23 yards) and Warhitc (leading rusher with four carries, 56 yards) had the best games offensively. "We weren't emotionally ready," said Mayer. "We played them very closely, but not to our ability." The Danes, now 1-2, travel to nearby Union on Monday and to Middlcbury the following Friday. a good team effort. We all moved well and played together." According to Albany women's volleyball coach, Pat Dwyer, the team "is rcully young." He can only foresee the possibility of a winning season if the girls can play well consistently. Saturday's win against Kings College now brings Albany's record to 3-2-0. They still have a long season ahead, with more than 12 matches left lo play. IB LWCT Parkas-Vests-Bibs-Ski Ensembles onthe-rocksl 110-100 PROOF I.IOUIUR. 15-1. Ironically, it was too much confidence that almost proved fatal in the second game, us the Danes fell behind 3-10 in the opening minutes. Refusing to give in, Albany fought back with team work and net action to eventually defeat Kings 15-12. Feeling victory close at hand, the spikers consistently bumped, set and spiked to capture the third and final game by a score of 15-11. The captain of the Albany team, Allison Beats, was pleased with the team's performance. "It was overall FACTORY OUTLETS with: Cola • Bitter L e m o n marched in, capping the short drive with a four yard plunge over the left side. Albany countered with the boot by Shultz, making the score 73In the second quarter, a third and 12 situation forced Albany's quarterback, Tom Pratt, to throw. The result was a 58 yard interception return by an Ithaca back. The kick was good, and the half closed with Ithaca up 14-3. t h e Danes returned in the third quarter and it seemed as if they were going to take the ball game away from the visitors. After a 25 yard kickoff return, Warhite took a pitch from subquarterback Mike Fiorito around the left end, and following a key block by Mike McGuirc, raced down the sideline for the score. The two-point conversion was good, and Women Spikers Romp Over Kings Southern Comfort SOUTHERN by Bob Bellnflore In the mud and steady and sometimes torrential rain, the Albany State J.V. football team lost to the Ithaca College Bombers 27-11 last Friday at University Field. The only Dane touchdown was scored on a 48 yard run by Dave Warhitc. Ted Shultz added a 32 yard field goal for Albany's other points. "We had a hard time getting our offense untracked," said head J.V. coach Tom Mayer. "We didn't execute." This is the truth, as the jayvees wishbone attack could only muster 124 total yards on the ground (48 on Warhite's TD), and a more respectable 106 yards in the air. Ithaca, with its wide open multiple offense, drew first blood after recovering an Albany fumble on the Dane 30. The Bombers then FALLFEST T h e r e ' s n o t h i n g like Comfort!" S m o o t h . D e l i c i o u s . E a s y t o s i p . It tastes good just p o u r e d o v e r ice. T h a t ' s w h y it m a k e s m i x e d d r i n k s taste s o m u c h better, t o o . great J. V. Griddlers Lose To Ithaca FALLFEST Sip into something Comfortable ™ • ST TOUTS. MO 6.TT32 A temptingly tasteful comedy for adults who can count. ALL FIRST QUALITY Attention College Seniors! T H E Y ' L L A L L BE A T FROM OUR FACTORIES DOWN EAST • LIONS MANE • AMERICAN DOWN Otir biggest and most colorful selection ever. Over 4,000 garments in stock. SAVE up to 75% CENTURY II MALL Enroll nowtobea Lawyer's Wi Assistant FELIX THE C A T 8 1 9 flYHTLE AVE. ( C O R . S . P I A I B ) OB S A T V B B B AINSPAN PHARMACY SUPER Mon.-Fri. 10-8 Sat. 10-5 ' 900 CENTRAL AVE., ALBANY • 459-0580 For Developing I Ktprimin, * III llrapMi M%11. 463-1521 W ide $1.99 $2.99 c»mi^ihk"coiorriim Tm glad I did." 783 Madison Ave. (at Quail) uw mm Selection of HALLMARK Cards and Gifts... Soda and Snacks too!!! Come Visit Us Soon! • Day classes begin in February, June and September. Evening classes begin in February and September. • Approved by the American Bar Association • Two curriculums: general and specialized • Employment Assistance Included • Optional Internship available A icprewnlalL will be »' S Oct. 9, hi University's Lawyer's Assistiini Prourunt any 1 9 7 9 ,fruml0:00 a m o 4 : 0 0 pm BREAKFAST SPECIAL Contact the Placemen! Office for an individual appointment or iitlend the Question and Arvnyer Opportunity for prospective students which will bo held f r o m ! : U U to ^ • U U . l o r more information, contact the Placement Office or the Lawyer's Assistant Program, Adctphi University, Garden City, New York, {5 16) 294-8700, K x l . 7604. | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I j I { I | t I | — - - - - - - « ' - - - - - « - PAGE SIXTEEN Adelphi Mon.Fri. BLAKE EDWARDS' --.-•, For a free brochure about this career opportunity call (516) ] 2!>4-8700, exl. 7604-5 or mail Hie coupon below lo; Center ;j for Career Programs, Lawyer's Assisianl Program, Adelphi University, Garden City, N.Y. 115.10 Day Programs D Spring 1980 Feb. 11 — May 2 I • Summer 1980 June 9—Aug. 29 ADELPHI UNIVERSITY • Fall 1980 Sept. 22—Dec, 12 , n cooperation with the Evening Programs National Center for D Spring-Summer 19B0 Feb. 26— Paralegal Training. Inc Aug. 26 CP48 G Fall 1980 Sept. 30—April 9, 1981 Name Phono Address Cily State Zip Adrtphl Unlvrraliy admtli students nn ibr basis of Individual i mrrii and without trgflra |n rart\ ro|f»r < rerdnr sex. "tor BACON & EGGS ^ ^ ^ Includes ^ ^ ^ 2 fa-m Fre»h fggt, 2 Bacon Strip., 2 Stint Butorad Toon, Jaty, Horn* Frwd Poralooi I DUDLEY MOORE /JULIE ANDREWS/ B 0 DEREK „BLAKE EDWARDS' "10"/ ROBERT WEBBER/ffiV'.MPBLAKE EDWARDS " " n ? BLAKE EDWARDS »»TONY ADAMS/ ISM HENRY MANCINI PANAVISIONtt PHIN1S DY TLCHNICOL0fl« | RlHESTHICTED^p Original Soundtrack Available c I T UMliM 99 c Warntir flroB Uncords and Tapos MANNTHEATn.ES CQ STARTS FOX COLONIE 60WIWRD. NIAR C010NIHTR, ALBANY STUDENT PRKSS TODAY! I M OIMOHAWK MALL 1 BailtOWt Itown Road Schonoclndy 3KM020 1 OCTOBER 5, 1979 COUNTRY PIE RESTAURANT 1271 CENTRAL AVE. (Naxt to Vail*'*) AJksny, Now York I22M 45 9-4 585 OCTOBER 5, 1979 ALBANY STUpENT PRESS PAGE SEVENTEEN Ruggers Gain First Win, 6-0 Netters Even Record By Shotting Out Potsdam by Susan Mllligan The Albany State women's tennis team beat Potsdam 7-0 last Friday at the Colonic Tennis Club to update their record to 2-2-0. Albany took the first match by default; Elise Soloman beat Potsdam's Sue Boise in a three set match 2-6, 6-1, 6-2. Albany continued its winning streak with Amy Fcinberg's win against Sherry Scvino 6-1,6-0. Sandra Porclle beat Potsdam's Linda Kelly 6-0,6-1, and Cathy Comerford clinched the singles match for Albany with her 61, 6-3 victory against Lisa Dcsand. Albany took both doubles matches; Sue Bard and Lisa McKigncy won with score of 6-3, 62, and Jessica Lee and Nancy Levine played a close match against Potsdam to win 6-3, 7-6. Today through Sunday, members of the Albany state women's tennis team will be participating in the Eastern Collegiate Tennis tournament at New Paltz. Playing singles for Albany will be Lisa Denemark and Anne Newman, who will play members from lona College and Cortland tennis teams, respectively. Sue Bard and Lisa McKigncy will play doubles against Temple, and Sandra Berrcllc and Chris Rogers will play St. Lawrence University. Thirty eastern colleges will participate in the tournament. "We don't expect to do well this tournament", Albany women's tennis coach Peggy Mann said. "We a r c going mainly for the experience." Last year, The Albany State women's tennis team placed 15th out of 24 colleges. The Albany team's next tennis match is October 9lh at home against St. Lawrence University. Women's Soccer Club Loses To Hartwick, 2-1 by Roberta Rosenbaum The Albany State women's soccer team was defeated by Hartwick Saturday afternoon by a score of 2-1. A goal by Heather Turner on a, penalty kick put Albany on the scoreboard first. A determined Hartwick team came back with two goals to take the lead and the game. Both Albany's and Hartwick's goals came in the second half of the game. Albany women's soccer coach Amy Kidder was not pessimistic about the team's lost. Soldo, scored a goal. Although this season is only the second year thai the girls have been playing together as a club, their coach is very confident about the future. "As of now we lack actual playing experience, explained Kidder. "Wc arc trying to work together as a functioning team unit. The girls work hard and give a lot." Albany women's next soccer game is scheduled at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, against Castleton. Ba|mB|1 Split Wllh Potedam " W c played well a g a i n s t Hartwick," Kidder said. "The opportunities were there to win but we just couldn't take advantage of them." Albany was playing under a handicap of only 12 players and no subs due to injuries. The women's soccer team begun their season Wednesday, September 26 with a l-l tic against Colgate University. Albany fell behind 1-0in the first half but came back in the second half to tie the game when Sue Stern, with an assist from Ciina continued from page nineteen filth and sixth innings. In the fifth with one out, Rhodes walked and Antalck singled. Rhodes scored from first on an error by the Potsdam rightfieldcr who let the hall get through his legs. The rest of the Danes runs were in the sixth when Rivcia walked and Rowlands singled to put men on first and second. McCarthy loaded the bases with his walk and then Moschclla singled to score two runs. SUNYA ANNUAL SKI TOUR January 4, 1980January 12, 1980 Engleberq, Switzerland $595 Albany's Ellse Soloman defeated Potsdam's Sue Boise 2-6, 6-1, 6-2 to help the Dane Netters gain a 7-0 win. (Photo: Steve Essen) Rhodes, next up, singled to score McCarthy. Moschclla went to third and Rhodes to second on the throw to third. With Antalck up, the Potsdam pitcher wild-pitched to score Moschclla from third, accounting for the Dane's four runs in the inning along with the one in the fifth, but Albuny fell three runs short. The split leaves Albany's record at 2-2 in the division and 3-4 overall. Learn About a Career as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer Discuss U.S. Policy and Events in Africa price includes: all taxes and gratuities • roundtrip airfare • ground transfers * tour hosts • breakfast and dinner daily k 4-starhotel, private bath., double occupancy • academic credit for phys. ed. available unlimited ski pass for SIX DAYS $47 UMITED SEATS or more information, call or write: John Morgan 455-6322 School of Criminal Justice William C. Harrop, Deputy Secretary of State for African Affairs on campus Friday October 5, 1979 9:00 AM to 12 Noon ULB 85 Bring your questionsCome for informal Discussion Come when you can 9 to noon. The State Department has special concern lor attracting minority and women applicants lorjhe Foreign Service by Mike Naclerio Albany State's Rugby club opened its' season last Saturday witn a 6-0 win over the powerful Schenectady Reds. The Ruggers, who are in the process of rebuilding after losing several key staffers from the spring s e a s o n , were a much less experienced squad than the Reds. Play was even throughout the first half, with neither side managing a score. In the second half of the Albany side began to move the ball more effectively/ Late in the match, Pat Fitzpatrick burst through the Schncctady defense to set up u score by Bill Slockwell. A two point convcrseion by Tom O' Neil put the finishing touch on Albany's victory. Tomorrow the Ruggers will travel to Union College for a I p.m. match. Season Tickets Season tickets, which have been purchased by parents in the students names have not been picked up. These tickets are good for all home athletic events and may be picked up in the Athletic Office, Room PE 207. Other students who are also interested in direct purchase of season tickets may do so b y presenting their student tax card and . five dollars at the athletic office. Personal on sale a t dinner lines a n d CC334 Dear Gary, It's been six months since Montreal and I guess by now wo understand what 'no bullshit" really means. What an amazing thing this friendship we have is • such honesty and respect are so hard to find. But the real treasure Is that this friendship Is tied lo and supportive of another kind of love, which In turn strengthens the friendship even more. To the Vlneyardsl Lb Randy, We hope that you're not offended because really you should be flattered. The judges P. Synder invites Steinmetz Hall to. a hide the salami in your sock and swallow It party. Tuesday at 9:30 PM In Tappan. Adam (Alden), Your order for two buckets of southern fried chicken and one large watermelon has been approved Dy UAS. Please pick up as soon as possible. Eighth Place Finish For Netmen by Bob Bellaflore Despite Friday's rain, the third annual Great Dane Tennis Classic was held at Albany last weekend. Teams came from as far north as St Lawrence, as far south as Towson State, Maryland and as far west as Lehigh, Pennsylvania. Teams from big tennis scholarship schools like Clark and Concordia showed up as did the not-so-big tennis schools like R.P.I, and Union. The talent ranged from the number three Player in all or Brazil (Ailton Borgcs who eventually won the tourney), to Paul Raymon (serve timed al 139 mph). These factors made for tight competition, as Concordia and lona were co-champs with 22 points each. Lehigh took third (l« poim s ) Albany State finished eighth with seven points. The big name was Borgcs. Taking the Tirst singles title in straight sets from third seeded lid McGuire (63.7-5), the top seeded Brazilian helped pace Concordia to the first Freshman Barry I.evinc lost in the second round in the Greut Dane Tennis Place tic. His aide was the number two seed in second singles, fellow Classic held last weekend. (Photo: Karl Chan) countryman, Jacob Kreimer Al Gordon by Larry Kuhn The Albany Slate men's cruss country teams overcame a driving rainstorm lo sweep their meets here on Wednesday. The men's varsity uppcil their record to 6-4 by defeating Cortland and Hartwick in ;i tri-mcet, The junior varsity squad beat Hudson Valley Community College lo improve their mark lo 4-1. The real enemy was the pounding rain, but Albany cross country coach Hub Muuscy isn't one to lei the weather bother him. "The only cross country match I ever saw cancelled was at D e n v e r University—they had 36 inches of snow. Even the football game was called off." He said that the rain is pood for r u n n e r s b e c a u s e "psychologically it takes your mind off your body stresses," but he added, "the underfooting was bad and made the courses slow." In the varsity meet, Albany beat Cortland, 21-35, and trounced Hartwick, 20-43. The overall winner, Trainer, from Hartwick, docked in at 26:44-an exception- ally good time considering the c o n d i t i o n of the c o u r s e . Unfortunately for Hartwick, their next finisher came in three and onehalf minutes later in 20th place. Cocaptain Hill Mathis of Albany placed second at 26:53. Sophomore Bruce Shapiro finished third with a time of 27:03. Albany's Runner of the Meet was sophomore Scott James, who came in fifth al 27:15. "He did a nice job," commented Munsey, "He finished higher than he has been." Co-captain Jack Russo and senior Ismncl Cru/ finished in seventh and ninth place, respectively, lo round out the scoring for Albany. Munsey was generally happy with the leum's performance: "Considering everything, we did well. We didn't buckle under. The conditions were atrocious. I'm just happy that we had no serious leg injuries." In Ihc junior varsity mulch, Albany demolished Hudson Valley 19-42, in what was supposed to be a tri-mcet, hut Platts'vjrgh never showed up. Albany had five of the first six finishers, including Dave The Qottlelb Syndrome has struck campus! It's contageous...Bob White has been strlokenl BobMaxant Class of '81 Vice President Regular and Sicilian, Spaghetti 189 Quail St. near Western Ave. .50$ off any Pizza with this ad. 1 per pizza Expiration date -Oct. 31 flit Albany baseball team (raveled lo Potsdam last weekend, and came away with .a doubleheader split. (Photo: Karl Chun) PAGE EIGHTEEN ALBANY STUDENT PRESS OCTOBER 5, 1979 Ralhjens ir first plare with u time of 28:26. Shannon of Hudson Valley came in second, followed by Mike Alfano, Chris Lant.JohriCordi, and Dave Goldberg of Albany, Last Saturday at Vermont the varsity ran in a tri-mcet against Vermont and Williams under excellent conditions. They handled Vermont easily, winning 22-36, hut they ran in lo a lough team rrom Williams, bowing 33-23. "It boiled down lo who oullcgged who. We got beat," admitted Munsey. lop finishers for Albany were cocaplains Mathis al 25:40 and Russo at 26:00 in third and fourth places. James Shapiro, and Mike Sayers were the other scorers for Albany. The harriers were the 20th ranked Division HI team al the heginnning of the year and have made the NCAA's championship meel nine out of the last 15 years. After 10 meets this year, Munsey feels the leant is going lo have lo work lo do ii again: "It's going to he harder lo make the NCAA's this year. We're not quite where last year's team was." Albany's cross country leum raised its record to 6-4 with two victories Wednesday in a hard ruin. (Photo: Steve Essen) by Jeff Schadoff l.asi Saturday, the Albany State baseball squad (raveled lo Potsdam State to face the Bears in a crucial double header for the Danes. As it turned out, Albany split (he (wo games, taking the (irst game bya score of 13-4 and coming shorl of a victory in the second, K-5. In (he first game (he fireworks began wilh Tony Moschclla leading off (he second inning wilh a walk. Hob Arcario followed wilh another walk. Then, wilh one out, the two Albany players on base attempted a double-steal. Moschclla was out at third hut Arcario look second. Nexi was Mall Antalck, who also walked, and lalei scored along will) Arcario on catcher Willie Gucrra's single. "Antalck had some hcads-np buse running in Ihis inning," commented Albany assslstant coach Mulligan. We deliver Tues-Sun 4-12 Class of '81 President win the tourney in the early rounds, as the second doubles team of Eichen-Gaber lost 7-6, 6-3 in the second to C o n c o r d i a w h o , second to Concordia, and the third team of Rubcn-Lcrner were beaten by Clark who, according to Licbcrman, had "the best doubles in the tournament." "Depth is the key," Lieberman added, "and the better teams have that. It was a rewarding experience for the team. There were many tough teams. I'm happpy with ours. I was hoping for a sixth place finish. Larson beating Levine was an upset. Barry wandered a bit." Lieberman felt that, as a whole, the tournament ran well. Both he and head coach Bob Lewis (who is still not able to resume full coaching duties due to recent back surgery) expressed a sincere thanks to the Capitaland Tennis Club, who donated the awards and made their facilities available on short notice due to Friday's rain. The Danes now set their sights on the SUNYAC tournament, which lakes place in one week. Batmen Split Pair With Potsdam 465-2125 or 449-3846 to The first, second, and third doubles titles were taken by Lehigh. Concordia and Clark, respectively. The Dane netmen again were forced to play the teams that were later to Harriers Win Despite Weather Pop's Pizza ELECT (number seven in Brazil), who took the crown in his classification. Albany's top player, Barry Levine, lost in the second round to Larson, Cortland's number one player 2-6, 6-3, 6-4. Second ranked (and third seeded in the tournament) Larry Linclt lost in the semi-finals to Kreimer 6-3, 6-3. Going down the Dane's card, number three Larry Eichen and fifth ranked Dave Lcrner each lost in the opening round, while number four Fred Gaberand number six Derrick Ruben lasted until the second. "With the exceptions of the numbers one and five singles matches," said assistant coach John lieberman. "our guys lost lo the winners in their classes. We drew tough matches. Those that we lost this year, well win next time as our players improve. We'll be up there in third or fourth when these guys progress." OCTOBER 5, 1979 lo the Dane fourth inning Moschclla led off with a single, cd by Arcario who also singled, H»b Rhodes drove in Moschclla on another single with Arcario moving to third on a throwing error by the Potsdam rightfieldcr, Rhodes advancing to second. Antalck. next up, singled in Rhodes. Yel another Albany hoi inning was the sixth when Rhodes led off wilh a double. Antalck followed up wilh a single lo knock Rhodes in and Rivera's single drove in Antalck. Ending Ihc game, in the final innning, Dane first baseman Gary McCarthy walked, followed by two more walks by Moschclla and Arcario, only lo all he driven in by Rhodes third roundtrippcr of the season, a grand-slam no less, over ihc lelilield fence. To finish off the inning, Antalck doubled and Gucrra singled lo bring Antalck home, accounting for a total of 13 Dane runs on 13 productive hits. An amusing slory goes along with the Rhodes home run. When Ihc Danes gol to Potsdam, Rhodes phoned his friend to tell him lo conic lo Ihc game, only lo gel a Potsdam sorority house by dialing a wrong number, Anyhow, Rhodes spoke to ALBANY STUDENT PRESS one of the girls at Ihc house, idling her he was catcher Willie Gucrra und that he knew a really great guy on the Albany team named Hobby Rhodes, telling her he would hit a home run for her. She asked him lo hit one over the right field wall, but he told her he is a right handed hitter and thai the lefl field was a more likely shot. Subsequently, Rhodes smacked a home run over the left field wall, a grand slam, no less. Starling Albany pitcher Rich Woods lasted one out in the second inning only to be relieved by Mike Clabcaux who finished the game, pitching 5 2/3 innings to win the game and put his record at 2-2. The second game was a different story with Dane starter Jim Vaughn Hiking the loss, not able to get a Potsdam batter out in the first inning. Mike Gnrlman and Mike Esposito splii the remaining six innings, unable lo check the Bear batmen and give the Danes a chance lo sweep (he two game set. All of the Albany runs were in the continued on pane eighteen .PAGE NINETEEN / Sports Friday, October S, 1979 Call For Complete Nuke Phase-Out Booters Look To End Tough Week Vs. Brockport Lose Yesterday To Tough Hartwick After Rallying To Tie Cortland, 2-2 by Mike Dunne A gallant tie with Cortland State last weekend coupled with an "impressive" 1-0 defeat at the hands of soccer powerhouse Hartwick yesterday has leveled the record of Albany's soccer team at 2-2-1, and catapulted several of thcirupcoming games into the "must win"category. The first such game will be tomorrow's battle with the visiting Brockport Golden Eagles. Playing at Elmore Field on the Hartwick campus, the Danes managed to contain the Warriors during the first half. Hartwick is currently runked ninth nationally in Division I. It was not until the 40:01 mark of the second half that Warrior striker Andy Sobolewski penetrated the Albany defense to score the only goal of the match. This was only the second lime in seven outings the Warriors were held to a single goal. In fact, their potent offense totaled eight goals in their last two games. The Hooters nearly came up with their second dramatic lie within a week. Fullback Luis Arungo, playing for the first time in two weeks, hit a sharp header that nearly beat Hartwick goalie Aly Anderson. Last Saturday ut Cortland the Booters used a rare indirect kick goal by Alex Pagano with 12 minutes remaining in the match lo lie Cortland. The sides then hauled through Iwo scoreless overtime periods before settling for a 2-2 draw. The Red Dragons, spurred on by a home crowd estimated at 1500, dominated the early minutes of the game. The first seven shots were all by Cortland, but fortunately Albany's injury riddled defensive corps used a few misplays to their advantage to temporarily frustrate the Dragon offense. "They could have had two or three goals early," said Albany soccer coach Bill Schicffclin, "For a change, we got lucky." Albany quickly changed the momentum in their favor by converting their first shot into a goal. At the 20 minute mark forwards Vas Scrdsev and John Markes worked a give and go play down Ihc left side. Murkcs, a sophomore, made the final pass setting up Serdsev, who boomed a hard shot past a stunned Tom Matlavagc, the Cortland goalkeeper. "It was an outstanding goal; a professional shot," said Schicffclin. The D r a g o n s used their considerable height advantage to lie the game ten minutes later. A steady diet of high crossing passes launched in front of the Albany net produced a goal when John Duvic controlled ft free ball in the penally area and lucked it in the right hand corner behind Albany keeper Alberto Giordano, With the score knotted at l-l, the defenses held forth for the remainder of the first half. The two sides, both members of the Eastern Division of the SUNY Athletic Conference, lived up to the expectations of an intense and evenly played match. Early in the second half, Cortland gained the upper hand on a goal by Tom Case, which put the Dragons in the lead for the first time. After moving the ball down the right sideline they chipped over the Dane defense to case, who then pushed the bull past Giordano. Cortland now owned a lead which seemed safe on their home field. Ihc Booters nearly allowed their hosts to put the mutch out of reach. Wilh 20 minutes left a Red Dragon forward eluded his defender and confronted Giordano one on one. The senior keeper charged off his dove at the ball managing to deflect it. "Wc were frustrated and had our backs to the wall, but wc didn't quit," commented Giordano. Now with renewed hopes the Danes began to force the ball upficld to put pressure on goalie Matlavagc. It paid off. With only 12 minutes lo play in regulation lime the referee awarded Albany an indirect kick when Alrim Nczaj was Iripped inside the penally area. The owner of the most powerful shot on the team, Alex Pagano, Fonda, Hayden Address Capitaland by Charles Bell Activist Tom Hayden and actress J a n e Fonda brought their Campaign for Economic Democracy (CED) to Albany Friday, stressing the importance of a government that would increase controls on Ihc nation's energy resources. Hayden, addressing a group in a Capitol meeting room, staled that the energy industry, a "slow stumbling dinosaur mired, in the vested inlerests of the past," is deepening the nation's energy crisis by buying up competing alternate energy forms. "We propose a phase-out of nuclear power as soon as it is economicully feusible." suid Hayden; He suggested energy conservation a n d i n v e s t m e n t in w i n d , hydroelectric, and solar powers. Fonda added that public representatives sitting on corporate boards could have an impact on chnnging the nulion's energy future. The controversial pair made their Albany appearance as pari of a tour of some 55 American cities, which Albany's Robert Diihab (7) controls the ball during llartwick's 1-0 victory over the Booters yesterday. (Photo: Mike Farrcll) moved up from his sweeper position lo take the kick. It was unlikely (hat he would score the goal since two players must touch the ball before a score can be made off an indirect. Despite that rule the unlikely occured. "I ran up from our goal to ihc penalty area,"described Pagano. "The ball hooked all the way around ihc wall (of Cortland defenders) and as the goalie went down the ball hit his body and went in." Had Matlavagc been able to avoid the ball the goal would have been disallowed and the Dragons would have lo come out on top. Neither team could muslcra score in the final 12 minutes nor in overtime, although both sides hud close calls. Dane co-captain Robert Dahub, who was forced to return lo halfback because of the injury situation, had Albany's besl threat in overtime, lie took a pass from Ne/aj, dribbled com limed on pane sixteen included a stop at ihc Love Canal toxic chemical dump site in Niugara Falls. Fonda said that the dumping of chemicals ai Ihc site has produced one of the most "devastating"health problems in ycurs. "I felt ut Love Canal Ihc way I felt in some of the bombed purls of North Vietnam," Fonda said. She added thai she supported a piece of legislation sponsored by Senator John Daly (R-60) and Assemblyman Murphy (R-139) which would enable Love Canal homeowners to sell their properly to New York Stale at a fair murket price. The CED is a California-based movement which Fonda described as a "state-wide grass-roots political organization with u core of activists." She called the pair's efforts an attempt (o hook up with locul groups shuring similar interests, rather than building a national organization. Fonda said California CED candidates have mounted election campaigns on platforms of housing i m p r o v e m e n t , rent relief, development of solar power and the cleanup of toxic dump sites like Love Canal. She added that CED candidutes have won 17 elections in California. Both Hayden and Fondu compared the CED movement wilh ihe mass movements of the I960's. claiming that c o n t e m p o r a r y progressive issues can attract a broader constituency than the issues of the last decade were able to. "There is now an objective reality." said Fonda, "that we can build a huge alliance that brings us beyond the politics of protest." Hayden said thai the current belief that the nation's political mood is moving lo Ihe right is misleading and thai Ihe right wing has used gimmicks and threats lo create Ihe illusion of strength. Fonda claims that government acts such as ihe California legislature's recent refusal lo confirm her appointment lo the California Arls Council helped lo convince people linn ihe country is turning In Ihe political right. Ihe result, she suid. is thai ihe myth of ihc nation's political mood becomes a "self-fulfilling prophecy." As—i&m " ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Vol. LXVI No. 36 October 9, 1979 Actress .lane Fonda in an address at the Capitol. "The energy industry is ti .Won- stttnthlhtR dinosaur" Photo: Steve Nigra Many SA Groups Overspent 1978-79 Deficit Over $10,000 Offensive Breakthrough Leads Danes To Rout by Adi'lr (iralla Nearly one-fourth of SUNYA's 104 SA-funded Organizations have overspent their 1978-79 budget allocations, some by as much as $2,000. While oveiexpenditures as low as $.1 a p p e a r e d , live organizations overspent by more than SI,000. Ibis group includes ASUBA, Dance Council, Speaker's Forum and Association of Men's Intramural Athletics (AMIA). Halfback Jack Burger's 128 Yards Key In Albany's Third Consecutive Win Second-tiring Albany quarterback Mike Florllo pitches ball during the Dana' .18-6 victory last Saturday. (Photo: Steve Olruba) by Paul Schwartz quarters, And those points should Brockport did a number of good not have scored. A Brockport punt things on Blcckcr Stadium's shabby was fumbled by Albany's Bob football field lust Saturday night. Easter, giving the Eagles possesion They run off 19 more plnys than the on the Dane's 18 yard line early in Albany State offense, and they held the final quarter, leading to the Danes to a mere 36 passing Brockport's lone score. yards, while the Eagle quarterbacks But it was the Dune offense that managed over three times that total. established itself as a unit that can Still, Brockport was routed. score in bunches, and taking center The Euglcs nlso did n number of stage was halfback Jack Burger. It bad things. They set the tone for the was Burger who also set a tone of evening by fumbling on their first sorts when, on Albany's first play play of their first offensive scries, from scrimmage, he took a Terry which also happened to be the Walsh pitch and promptly gained 16 game's first play, and then things got yards. The piny was called back worse. The Danes scored in every because of a penalty, but the impact quarter, led 17-0 at hulftime, remained. In tullying 128 yards on increased their lead to 31-9 and only eight curries, Burger wus ultimately whipped Brockport, 38-6. involved in two touchdowns, one "We played an excellent football with his legs, the other with his nrms. game," said Albany head football Ahead 3-0 by way of u 34 yard coach Bob Ford. "It was inspired Dario Arango field goal, the Danes football. I was pleased with our were pinned back on their 19 yard point production. We're not doing line early in the second quarter by everything wc want to do, but punter-quarterback Scott Znhn's overall, wc played very well." corner-finding kick. From there, As in the Danes first two victories, Burger went to work. He took a the defense refused to give much hundoff, cut inside, then with a ground. The Eagle's six points were quick step to the outside, he broke the first allowed by the Albany into the clear, and after stumbling defensive unit, and that touchdown and regaining his balance, he was came after 11 consecutive shutout. gtirie-an 81 yard scoring romp, complete with a flashy high-step finale. "The hole was there,"said Burger. "The offensive line was the story, and they deserve the credit. Everything came easier lo the whole offense." And what about the high-step? "Some guys were kidding me last week, saying I wus u step slow," Burger said. But if 1 kick out, there's no way anyone can get me from behind." Aflcr Walsh's seven yard bullet pass to tight end Bruce Dcy put the Dunes on top 17-0, Burger aguin hit the scene. Ford culled forthe Albuny halfback to try a puss, and the piny caught. the_ Eagles completely off guard. Split end Tim Votraw found a huge gap in the Brockport defense, and sprinted nlone down Ihc left sideline. But Burger's toss wobbled like a wounded duck, and fell harmlessly short. There was a good reason for the poor pass. "Jack has ripped ligaments in his right thumb," explained Ford, "and his thumb and first finger arc taped together," With his hand taped up, Burger could not grip the footbull, making u long pass continued on pane fifteen A cover of Cnity, ASlHIA's monthly magazine Pie club has overspent by $11,000 In two years. Small Fallfest Crowds Due To Lack Of Beer And Sun by Michele Israel1 Despite rainy weather and a relatively small crowd, the four day ong carnival called Fallfest went on, According to Central Council Chair Mike I evy, "People had a great lime." lie added that Saturday night drew Ihe largest crowd. The carnival, which took place on October 4. 5. 6, and 7, drew a moderately sized crowd. Stormy weather forced carnival stall to close the fairgrounds on Friday night. Strong winds, however, damaged several booths and sonic wiring, all of which needed to be repaired Saturday morning. Levy said that less than half of the student population attended the carnival, but members of the community and university staff and faculty did go to the event. Many off-campus students did nut attend. "Not having beer was part of the problem. Wc tried to follow the alcohol policy, hoping people would possibly have a good lime without it. the word that spread around the fastest was that there wasn't any beer," added Levy, According lo a SL'NYA junior, the carnival did not provide an entertaining atmosphere. "There were rides and games stuck logethci and it was called Fallfest. I expected more of a fair." "Il wasn't oil thai exciting," said student Martin Maguire, "Maybe if they had beer, much more people continued on pane five leading Ihe group was ASUMA, spending $2,045 over its $11,984 budget. "The organization has been operating in debt for years," said A S11H A President I. e a n d c r Hardaway. In the 1977-1978 school year, ASUHA overspent its budget by 55,961. According to Hardaway, paying off debts Irom previous years coupled with decreasing budget appropriations increases the difficulty ol maintaining quality p r o g r a m m i n g wit h out o v e r spending. An extremely high income line was the cause of Music Council's $1,716 overexpendilure, according to the Council President Leslie Schncid. "It is hard for full-time students to make the amount it costs to put on a production," said Schncid. To meet costs more effectively the council is seeking subsidies from SUNYA's I lean ol Humanities. Speakers' Forum spent $1,245 over their $28,450 budget due to an error in bookkeeping, according lo Forum Chair Roberta larkan. "Ihe treasurer recorded the bills us lhey came in so wc did not know how much wc owed," she said, for quite some time Speakers' Forum (bought it had extra money. Ibis proved false as bills the group was unaware ol continued to come in. AMIA Vice President Steve Wasscrman feels SA causes the group lo overspend due to insufficient appropriations. AMIA overspends every year and, according to Wasscrman, could not be a successful organization within its budget. AMIA overspent its 1978-79 budget of $16,335 by $1,124. In an effort to increase the role of s t u d e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n s in determining their budgets, the SA Dwelling Corp. Sells Budget Committee has heguu to meet actively the groups than it has in lire pasi. SA officers hope that this will result in less overspending in the future. SA will also begin checking organizations at ihe close of the fall semcslcr lo determine whether they have spent .13 percent of their appropriation, as well as gained 33 percent of their income line. For those who did not meet their 1978-79 budgets, overexpenditurcs will be deducted from this year's appropriations. Ihc only other alternative is the Emergency Spending Line which is included in the SA budget itself. At ihe request of an organization in debt, these funds can be used to partially cover overexpenditurcs, if approved by the SA Finance Committee. Other organizations which overspent iheir budgets last year include: Fuerza Latina, $ 8 | j ; Colonial Quad Board, $659; State Quad Board, $559; Focus, $546; International Students Association, $472; Alumni Sports, $454; International Relations Club, $442; Indian Quad Board, $288; Juoo Club, $208; Jewish Students Coalition, $117; Pittman Hall, $80; Middle Earth, $71; Conflict Simulation Society, $38; Alt-any Circle, $23; Students of Nursing, $18; Holiday Sing Committee, $9; and Ariti Apartheid Club, $3. p.3