Danes Look To Break Losing Trend In Opener

Friday, September 14, 1979
Two Or Three Day Delay
Danes Look To Break Losing Trend In Opener
Vol. LXV1 No. 31
Strong Running, Weak Passing Hobart
Squad To Challenge Albany Tomorrow
by Paul Schwartz
Opening games and the Danes
have not been the kindest of friends.
For the past three seasons, the
Albany State football team has
gained nothing but frustration in
losing their first game each time. So
when the Danes travel to, Geneva,
to face Hobart tomorrow, they will
have one goal—to finally start off
the season right.
"For us, this is kind of a crucial
game," said Albany Stale head
football coach Bob Ford. "We Ihink
we have the makings of a pretty
decent football team, and after
losing our first game the past few
ycurs, we then made a run at the
playoffs this year, the opening game
is critical. It starts you off up in the
ratings, and it sort of sets the tempo
for the rest of the season."
The Albany Stale football squad at practice before their opening game at
Hobart tomorrow afternoon. (Photo: Bob Leonard)
The Dane's first game losses in
recent years came against powerful
teams, an excuse that will not hold
up tomorrow. Actually, Hobart is
more of a mystery than anything
else. The Albany coaches have not
scouted them, and basing an opinion
on last season's Statesman squad
would be fruitless. Hobart struggled
through a 2-6 campaign, completely
decimated by injuries. In all, the
Statesman lost nine players with
broken bones, and do not have
m i i n y returnees back from lust year's
An area where Hobart docs have
quality and experience is at fullback.
Senior Ed Cooncy (6-1,215) has
amassed over 2000 yards in his
career, and is unquestionably the
Statesman's strongest offensive
weapon. "He's a great one,"
commented Albany defensive
coordinator Jack Sicdlicki. "He's
definitely one of the best backs we'll
face this season. Even when they
haven't had good teams. Cooncy has
run well,"
A lew ycurs ago, Hobart set an
NCAA record fewest passes thrown
in a season—12. A potent ground
uttack has been a Statesman
tradition, and this year's squad is no
exception. Their gnmcplan calls for
Cooney to carry the ball over 20
limes an outing, and if he is not
rushing, someone else will be.
Passing is simply not u major factor
in the Hobart offense.
Junior Pal Tumucri (5-11, 180)
directs the Statesman's powcr-I
triple option attack, and as
quarterback, prefers running to
throwing. "He is a good runner, but,
just an average passer," Sicdlicki
said. "They don't throw very much,
and when they do, it's mostly sprint
"We know they are going to try
and establish the run. "But if we
September 18, 1979
SVNY Fined $5000 h
Sex Discrimination Case
slam their running game, they've got
to throw. That's what we want.
They're the kind of team we want to
play early in the Season. They use the
option, and that's what our defense
faces every day in practice. In fact,
that's probably the best thing we
do—defense the triple option."
Little is known about the Hobart
defensive team, except that only
three players arc back from a year
ago. One of them, noscguard Brian
Whayleh (6-1,215) is a quality
performer. The statesman set up in a
4-4 defense, the same type the Danes
use, and Whnylcn is the key. "He is
their best defensive player," said
Mike Motia, Albany's offensive
coordinator. "We saw him on Rims,
and he just destroyed people."
Legal Proceedings Continue
but overall depth will be tested.
Conditioning will be a factor over
a schedule such as this, but Skeel is
not concerned or worried about the
physical fitness of his team. "Ask the
players," Skccl said. "When we take
the field, there will be no opponent
in better shape than us." The old
line that baseball players arc the
worst conditioned athletes evidently
docs not apply at Albany State this
Skcel maintains that losses due to
graduation is not a factor in this
Fall's Danes. He's attempting to
educate the team, and he feels that
they have more baseball knowledge
than before. They've been extremely
responsive, according to Skcel, and
the coach is very satisfied with their
progress, and also the squad's
willingness to work hard in practice.
If there is to be a leader on this
team, it is probably catcher Willie
Gurra. "What Willie lacks in
finesse," says Skeel, " he makes up •
for in hustle." Tabbed by the coach
as a "Pete Rose type player," Gurra
has emerged as a gradc-A
competitor never giving up, eager
to learn, and eager to improve
himself as a ballplayer. When the
team is down, look for Gurra to lead
the charge out.
Other returning veterans are
tackle Kyle Palmer and end Frank
Vcith. After that, the rest are
n e w c o m e r s . H o w e v e r , the
Statesman defense did put together
fine p e r f o r m a n c e s in two
scrimmages, losing to powerhouse
Ithaca 14-0 and tying Canisus 14-14.
For the Danes, three positions
that were up in the air now have been
filled. At fullback. John Durant has
won u sturling spot, Mike Arcuri
will handle the job at center, and the
kick-off and field goal chores belong
to Dario Arungo.
A key facet of any baseball team is
how they stack up defensively in the
middle: the catcher, shortstop,
second baseman, and ccntcrfield
positions. Skeel feels that the Danes
are stronger here than in the past.
Although Gurra seems the frontrunner for the catching pos(, he is
getting strong competition from
hard hitting Rich Cardillo. Nojob is
nailed down as of yet. Before
tomorrow's home opener against
Utica, here is the rundown.
At short, sophomore Bruce
Rowlands is the leading candidate,
but speedy freshman Francis
Riviera is hot on his heels. At second
will be senior Mitch Chusid,
followed by Dave Silverman. Center
has Mark McDonald, a newcomer
from the football team, and
freshman Carl Wilson. Skcel is very
confident about his depth and
defense in these four spots, as well as
with the rest of the diamond. •
First base will be tended by Boh
Rhodes and Gary McCarthy; and
the hot corner(third base) will be
commanded by two juniors, Bob
Arcario and Andy Dym. In right is
Mike Turner and Matt Antalckjarid
in left, rounding out the defense, will
be Eliot Dikoik und Tony
Moschella, who has been bothered
by u nagging shoulder injury.
On the whole, Skeel feels
confident, except for his pitching.
Led by ace rigluy Mike Clabcaux,
Ihe stuff is only adequate, and lacks
depth. There is a toss-up for the
number-two spot between Gary
LaConture and Mike Esposito. A
bright spot for the future is Pete
Dclmonice who, after arm trouble,
is being brought on slowly. He will
he an asset when at full strength.
Pitching has been said to be 85
percent of a ballclub, but Skeel says,
with this squad, it's only 65 percent. The Albany State baseball squad opens their aeaaon tomorrow with
continued on pjge 21
a doubleheader against Utlca College. (Photo: Dare Machson) A
enmeshed in a complex series of_
legal proceedings stemming from
incidents occurring during her service on the faculty of SUNYA's
Comparative Literature Department.
The subsequently-retrenched
department was chaired by Joseph
Szoverffy, who is named individually as defendant in at least
one of the Leibowitz cases.
This suit, Leibowitz v. Szoverffy,
was filed in New York State
Suprome Court and later dismissed.
Supreme Court Justice John Pennock based his decision on plaintiff's failure to state a cause of action and the lack of "tryablc issues
of fact."
The case will be appealed by
Leibowitz within the next two
weeks, according to Leibowitz
spokesman and former SUNYA
Political Science Professor Clifford
"There is a good chance on the
appeal," said Brown.
But Leibowitz presented her
grievances against Szoverffy most
ctearly in the Human Rights Commission suit, in which SUNY was
held responsible for Szoverffy's
allegedly discriminating acts. State
HUman Rights Commissioner
Werner II. Kramarsky concluded
that Szoverffy:
• was antagonistic toward female
faculty members, that he harassed
and mocked such members,
threatened, and exhibited explosive
behavior toward them, other female
employees and students.
• humiliated, threatened, verbally
abused and physically manhandled
the complainant (Leibowitz)
• used sexist remarks denigrating to
complainant and stated in conversations with her and others that comPhoto: Sass plainant is "evil," "dangerous,"
by Debby Smith
Sex discrimination was the charge
when New York State's Human
Rights Commission recently
ordered SUNY to pay $5000 in
damages to former SUNYA Professor Judith Leibowitz.
"It's the largest amount of compensatory damages given in the
history of the State Human Rights
Commission," said Division of
Human Rights Assistant Counsel
Robert Goodstein.
The decision, in part, ordered
SUNY to "cease and desist from
mistreating its employees because
of sex."
While SUNY is currently appealing the ruling, Leibowitz remains
Fundamentals + Execution = Batmen Success
by Bob Bellaflore
The 1979 Albany State varsity
baseball team, according to new
head coach Rick Skccl, can "hit.
Held, and throw with anyone." But
not overstocked with great talent,
Skecl feels that this fall's batmen will
have to "scratch and dent" in order
to be successful.
"1 have two basic goals this
season," Skcel said. "I want to find
out who we are as a ballclub, and
what we can become." His long
range goal, and that of the team, is
to win the NCAA division III World
Scries. Skeel insists that this is a
realistic goal. "I've seen the teams
there," he added, "and 1 know we
can be one of them."
The Danes who have been
practicirg once, sometimes twice
daily, have had fundamental i
baseball drilled into them. 'Ihe new
coach philosophises that no team
can be successful if they can't
perform the basics and perform
them well. Skecl has admittedly left
no stone unturned in this respect.
Skcel has only two question
marks on this squad. "Can we
execute what we've learned?" Skcel
wonders, "and is our pitching staff
deep enough to handle the
schedule?"' Indeed, the Danes must
pluy 17 games in less than a month.
Seven double-headers are slated, j
with three in nine days in I
September, and three more in seven '
days in October. Both stretches
include one single game each. The
longest rest between games is only
Oirec days. Not only pitching depth I
, Possible For Directory
Rights Comm. to Suriy: Pay Leibowitz $5000 In sex case.
Same old game: Leibowitz and Szoverffy still at it.
"We're shooting for October 19"
P. 3
and "a threat."
"The facts as produced in this
case do not support a finding of
liability against the University,"
suid SUNY Counsel Sanrord
Lcvine. "We feel the University is
not liable, even if the fads arc
Brown called Levinc's appeal
defective in that it was not filed in a
"timely fashion." In fact, he said, a
proper appeal was never filed at all.
According to Brown, the document filed by SUNY was merely an
"intent to appeal."
"It was sloppiness on the part of
SUNY," he said. "The appeal will
probably not be dismissed."
"It's a case of great injustice,"
said Szoverffy attorney Melvin L.
Wolf. "We tried to get into it, so we
could win, and weren't allowed to
Wolf added that he is "as smart
as he (Wolf) is because he was
brought up in Troy High School,
the best secondary school in the nation."
Wolf feels confident that
Leibowitz' case directly against
Szoverffy will prove fruitless and a
waste of time and money. Szoverffy, he said, feels vindicated of all
"He's been carrying a heavy
burden of baseless allegation," said
Wolf. He was represented by local
ineffective counsel in Albany who
kept gettin him in deeper and
until he got effective
counsel, namely me. He was the victim of a vengeful teacher, who having failed to get tenure through
regular steps in the University,persecuted him. He was innocent."
Leibowitz' most recent legal action was a motion to obtain confidential documents in SUNYA's
possession. The move came Friday
in a further attempt to prove unfair
denial of tenure.
The long list of papers sought by
Leibowitz includes teaching evaluations, in which Szoverffy allegedly
falsified a statistical analysis.
Although assailed in a 1975
presidential committee report as
possessing "the temperamental and
administrative incapacity" to chuir
his department, Szoverffy was
solicited for the position of German
Department last year.
A search committee formed to
recommend a German chair,
"side-stepped the issue and made a
moot recommendation," stated
College of Humanities and Fine
Arts Dean John Shumaker. "The
committee said many people in the
department would be delighted to
continued on page seven
Former SA President Feldman Overspends
SA Setback $14,000
by Bob Blascnstcin
Former Student Association (SA)
President Paul Feldman overextended last year's $70000 SA budget
by $14000.
According to SA Controller
Craig Weinstock, "someone who
used to be in Tito's (Martinez) posit i o n , " apparently referring to
former SA Vice President Fred
Brewington, deposited $14000
SA Controller Weinstock.
into the wrong account in the fall of
1978. Feldman spent the extra
money before the error was
discovered this summer by former
SA Controller Debbie Raskin.
SA President Lisa Newmark said
that a mistake "like this is very
rare" and that it is difficult to pinpoint who made the error.
Weinstock explained that the error was traced during the spring
semester but was not corrected by
the University Auxiliary SerivYces(UAS)'comPuler service
"All deposits that arc made arc
recorded and every expenditure is
approved. This time the error
wasn't caught," said Weinstock.
"Paul should have been aware."
Newmark explained cutbacks will
have to be made to makd up for the
loss of funds. "SA was used to being rich. Now we'll just have to cut
back. It's just not realistic to try
fundraising in this situation."
Weinstock said that steps have
already been taken to reduce spending, such as the removal of three
telephones in Ihe SA office, and a
reduction in xeroxing costs. There is
also a possibility that there will be a
raise in the Student Activity fee.
He added that he plans to chec
computer defects and "to use more
prudent controls over expenditures" in order to avoid a similar
-iroblem this year.
Buchwald Stops Here
P. 9
Feldman finds fourteen grand in phoney funds.
Simple subtraction sets SA back.
Photo: Bob Leonard
the department. He said the letters promoted the department
to begin checking failure rates. "There was a dramatic drop
in the failure rate in some cases," he said. "We noticed that
many people who were taking the exam as repeaters showed
a 200-400 point improvement." He said about 70 percent of
foreign-trained candidates failed the July exam, instead of
the usual 85 percent to 90 percent, while there was a small
change in the usual 10 percent failure rate among
domestically trained nurse candidates. Sheldon said it was
not known yet whether the security breach occurred on a
state or national level. Arnold Bloom, a spokesman for the
department, said the state Bureau of Criminal Investigation
and the National Council of State Boards for Nursing were
investigating the allegations. Bloom said there were
indications that the questions were available in Chicago,
Philadelphia and Detroit as well as in New York state. "Not
only will we not accept the test results for the cxarn given in
New York slate, but we will not accept results from
candidates who took the exam in other slates," Bloom said.
KWorld News BriefsD
F.D. A. To Smoke Out Dope
WASHINGTON (AP) Federal drug enforcement
Administrator Peter B. Bensingcr called Sunday for new
diplomat ic steps to wipe out drug crops, particularly in Latin
America and the Mideast. Bensinger criticized a new federal
law which limits U.S. support for spraying paraquat to
destroy marijuana at its source. He said a new federal law
which limits U.S. aid for hcrbicidal spraying programs of
marijuana has hindered enforcement of drug control laws.
"While I defer to HEW, the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare on health, I wonder if this handtying approach was the real intention of the Congress when
the paraquat amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act was
passed," he said. "Moreover, I question if the harmful effects
of marijuana with paraquat arc really more serious than of
marijuana without paraquat." There have been reports that
paraquat can cause paralysis. In a speech prepared for the
annual convention of the International Association of
Chiefs of Police in Dallas, Bensingcr said, "Wc need to help
turn off the free-flowing drug faucets around the world as
has been done so effectively in Mexico."
Cheating Voids Test Scores
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) In a move thut could afreet more than
100,000 nursing candidates, New York officials have decided
not to honor the results of a nationwide certification
examination because of reports of cheating. The Stale
Education Department said Saturday it would not accept
the results of the test because the exam may have been sold
for as much as $2,000 to nursing candidates in at least lour
slates befure the exam dales. "We began gelling letters in
mid-July from candidates who said they had either
purchased the exam or knew of people who had." said
Thomas Sheldon, coordinator of professional education for
Balloon Flight To Freedom
NAILA, West Germany (AP) Four children and four adulls
bet their lives on a hoi air balloon made of nylon and
bedshects and drifted through the darkness of East
Germany, hilling the jackpot — freedom across the border
in West Germany.
Peter Strclzek, an airplane mechanic who designed the
escape craft, told reporters Sunday the 12-mile, 20-30
minute flight was his second attempt lo escape by balloon
from his communist-ruled homeland.
"It was no longer possible for us to lie to our children and
pul up with Ihe political conditions in East Germany," he
He, his wife and two children, along with stonemason
Andreas Wel/el,his wife and their two children, got onto a
gondola made of an iron plate. Gas burners were fired, filling
the handsewn envelope with hot air al a field near
l.obenstcin and the balloon rose aloft.
Borne toward Ihe south by a good breeze, the refugees
Hew over the "death strip" border and pul down in this
Bavarian town, far from the border's electrified fences and
minefields. It was believed lo be the first lime refugees had
used a balloon lo cross Ihe border.
^ \
Policy Prohibits Food Sales
Paper Defies Gov't Order
MADISON, Wis. (AP) A small daily newspaper, objecting
to "the shadow of government censorship," has rushed into
print with a letter that discusses what the government calls
nuclear weapon secrets — information a federal judge had
forbidden a California newspaper to publish. "Wc have had
no c-ttact with any authorities and we hope it stays that
way," editor Ron McCrca said after the II.0(10 -circulation
Madison Press Connection printed the letter in a special
Sunday edition. The pring came hours after U.S. District
Judge Robert Schnacke of San Francisco signed a
temporary restraining order Saturday against publication of
the letter by the Daily Californian of Berkeley. The
government, seeking a restraining order against the
California student newspaper, said the letter contained
"secret, restricted data," that could "help other nations
develop nuclear weaponry and injure the U.S."The Energy
and Justice departments acted against the Daily Californian
under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, which provides
penalties of up to 10 years in jail for possessing, and
communicating "restricted data," The Press Connection
announced Saturday evening that it had received from an
anonymous source u copy of the letter written by computer
programmer Charles Hansen, 32, of Mountuinview,
California. Other recipients of the 18-page document were
asked to surrender their copies, authorities suid. The New
York Times today quoted Ihe Energy Department's deputy
general counsel, Eric J. Fygi, as saying the Press Connection
was not on the department's lisl of seven papers that had the
letter. Meanwhile, ihe Chicago Tribune said it plans to
publish parts of ihe Idler Thursday "because of the
government's behavior concerning Ihe letter," A newspaper
owned by the Tribune Co. also has already published a pari
of Ihe letter. In San Francisco, the American Civil Liberties
Union said il would seek lo vacate Judge Schnacke's order.
Executive Director Dorothy Erhllch said il is a "serious
abridgment of First Amendment rights," and that a ban on
publication is now moot, U.S. Attorney Frank lucrkkeimer
of Madison said Ihe Press Connection's publication of ihe
letter was under'study by his superiors and that it was
unclear what action might be taken.
Recognition Of UAS Service
by Debbie Kopf
In accordance with a SUNY
Board of Trustees policy, the SA
Food Co-op reopened Monday,
prohibited from selling any
"immediately consumable" ilems
such as yogurt, bagels, and single
pieces of fruit.
According to Director of Student
Activities-Campus Center Jim
D o c lie fc Id, an O p e r a t i n g
Certificate, necessary before an
activity can be authorized, was
signed lust Wednesday by Co-op
officials and Vice President for
University Affairs Lewis P. Welch.
According to Welch, the certificate
calls for "Fresh and packaged foods
lo be sold in bulk," and specifically
e x c l u d e s t h e sale of a n y
"immediately consumable" items.
The inclusion of such u provision
in the certificate stems from SUNY
Cast Your Ballots
It's voting season again and it's lime for students lo
register. NYPIRG, SA, and SASU ure holding a two week
voter registration drive to enable students lo vole in the
November 6 elections, People can pick up applications on
dinner lines and in the Campus Center, even if they are
unsure as to when they last registered. According to SASU
delegate Janice Fine, the groups want to double lasl year's
alnount of 1000 voters.
NYPIRG Voier Registration Coordinator Lisa Schwartz
explained that some of the applications will be involved in a
lest case, which will determine how many students are
denied voting status in Albany.
Down In the dumps:
Big bucks for repairs
Looking For Mr. Pibb
Sorrcll Chesln
Whatever happened to our old friend Mr. Pibb? That
tasty beverage sold in the vending machines has made a
sudden disappearance. According to UAS Director E.
Norbert Zahm, Mr. Pibb has been replaced by other brands
of soda because it wasn't selling too well. "Mr. Pibb was
never a very big seller and it was often the only soft drink left
in the vending machines while others had been sold out,"
said Zahm.
University Directory
May Face Brief Delay
Calendar Chaos
The "Dates To Remember" list in the September 11 issue
of the ,J .Y/'contained some incorrect information. So, here's
the real scoop.
September 28, Friday — Last day for undergraduate
students to file S/U or A-E grading options for semester
October 3, Wednesday — Last day for students to drop
first quarter courses.
October 31, Wednesday — Last day for students to drop
semester courses; last day for undergraduate students to
formnlly initiate withdrawal from the university and still be
eligible for readmisslon for the spring.
November 2, Friday — Last day for student! to add
second quarter courses.
November 9, Friday — Last day for undergraduate
students to file S/U or A-E grading options for second
quarter courses.
November 27, Tuesday — Last day for students to drop
second quarter courses.
-Miehele Israel
Computer problems and a lack ol advertising may cause a Iwo to
three day delay in the distribution of the University Directory,
according to Vice President of the U niversily Affairs Sorrell Chcsin.
"It's difficult lo give an exact date because wc have approximately
8,000 directories to distribute. We're shooting for October 19. We're
anticipating a delay of a couple of duys," said Chesln.
He added that the delay may be a result of the new computer system
currently used by the Albany Student Press (ASP) to print up the
directory. The machine, explained Chcsin, is not yet geared for photo
composing, a computerized typesetting process providing quick
( S i u i y u JSTews B r i e f s ]
SEPTEMBER 18, 1979
My Danny boy goodbye: SA, HAS have II out.
77ie bagel business was banned.
Photo: Mike Farrell
Newmark: Not Fit For Undergrads
by Aron Smith
The possible SUNYA purchase
and renovation of the Hotel Kenmore as additional student housing
is no longer being considered, according to Dean for Student Affairs
Neil Brown.
A major advantage of the facility
is its proximity to the Wellington
Hotel stop on the SUNYA bus line.
The vacant downtown Albany
building had been considered as a
possible site of new housing for
SUNYA graduate and married
"It's not really in the most
undergraduates," said SA President Lisa Newmark.
Student housing at the Kenmore
was also expected to case the hous-
On Sunday, September 23, over 200,000 people are
expected to rally against nuclear power at Battery Park in
The rally is being held in conjunction with a series of
benefit concerts sponsored by Musicians United for Sale
Energy (MUSE) and will feature Rulph Nader. Harry
Commoner, Bella Ahzug, Jackson Browne, John Hall.
Bonnie Rain, and other anti-nuclear speakers and MUSE
musicians. There will also be an alternative energy fair with
working exhibits of solar collectors, windmills, and others.
"1 don't know how anyone can
substitute Dannon Yogurl for that
Lite-Line crap they sell in the Rat
and consider it competition," said
one Food Co-op Manager who
preferred to remain anonymous.
"There's no comparison, but I guess
they think they'll pick up more
yogurt sales without us."
Both Welch and Doeffefcld agree
that there is a question of what
constitutes immediately consumable
"There is a definitional problem,"
said Welch. "A small piece of cheese
may be considered immediately
consumable, but a hair-pound
would not.
"We have lo develop a list of'
things to be sold as single ilems,"
Docllcfcld said. "But, on Ihe whole
anything you would eat right away
wouldn't be sold. The difficult part is
attempting to comply with the
continued on page seven
Kenmore Killed As Renovation Rates Rise
Nuke Rally In Tune
trustee policy guidelines concerning
the University contract with
University Auxiliary Services
(UAS), the principle food service on
campus, explained Welch.
"The guidelines say there should
be lines of demarcation between
UAS and other food services," he
said. "We are not encouraging
duplication of enterprises.
The operating certificate is an
"authorization of activity that
allows the co-op lo operate while
recognizing thai UAS has acontracl
to provide food service on campus."
he added.
"There is no general definition of
what a given enterprise can do,
Welch said, "But there shouldn't be
any unfair competition between
UAS and other services.
Obtaining ads lor Ihe directory's yellow pages has been "Slow,
explained Chcsin, also adding to the possible delay. "Ads are not
k-ing sold fast enough."
In addition, several faculty members questioned whether the
practice of priming addresses and phone numbers of faculty members
should be continued. Chcsin said that Ihe issue was discussed and it
was decided that the current policy would not be altered.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1979
ing crunch experienced in varying
degrees of acutcness by SUNYA
students each fall. This year,
students were housed in triples, RA
suiterooms and lounge areas after
every available space on the five
quadrangles, in the Wellington
Hotel and at Pittman Hall had been
According to Newmark, private
developers presented plans for
renovation and refurbishment of
meeting late last spring. The Council's primary consideration in its
decision to take no further action
on the project was cost, she said.
"It was more than the University
could handle," said Newmark.
"The whold place needed to be
totally redone."
While University Council made
no explicit move to reject the proposal, members have apparently arrived at the "no action" decision
"Renovation needed was very extensive," said Newmark. "The
place is very old and it was a hotel.
They would have had to make it into apartments."
"It was not as adequate as some
continued on page five
Westmoreland Opposes SALT II
Calls For Military Increase
by I. Richard Ilehur
After denouncing Congress'
recent SALT 11 proposal as harmful
to national Interests, former Army
Chief of Staff Gen. William C.
Westmoreland went on to call lor an
increase in United States military
S p e a k i n g before a^ press
conference at the Empire Stale
Plaza on Sunday, Westmoreland
took his first stand on the
controversial arms limitation treaty.
After subjecting the proposal to
careful scrutiny, he concluded that
"the U.S. would be belter off
without it."
Westmoreland told reporters that
ratification of the contract with the
Soviet U nion would not only further
Ihe buildup of weapons among lite
two super-powers, but could also
prove significant in restricting
technology in which the U.S.
"already lias a preeminent position."
Citing the p r e s e n c e of
Russian troops in Cuba as evidence
of the' global threats facing the
United States, the general requested
that the Senate take a broad look at
the nation's military readiness. He
feels that U.S. defensive capabilities
have wken a steady nosedive,
producing a loss of strength to the
"We need a nuclear posture that is
as invulnerable as possible," he told
newsmen, "to the point where the
U.S. will never have lo 'pay the
Westmoreland, who served as
U.S. commander in Vietnam from
1964-1968 and as Army Chief of
Staff in the late 1960s, suggested that
the entire treaty be rewritten to
stress botli Ihe number of weapons
Ihe nations may sustain, and a U.S.
move into programs that arc less
costly and more effective.
Westmoreland's position on the
issue joins him with more than 1500
retired generals and admirals
who, like himself, have recently
requested Senate rejection of the
Ihe general visited Albany and
Saratoga Springs as part of Ihe third
annual conference of the Great
American Achievements Program,
un organization designed to keep the
public informed of US history and
political evolution. During his stay,
he was named as Chairman of the
Advisory Board for the Bicentennial
Council of the Thirteen Original
Stales Fund, Inc.
Westmoreland blamed many
current American problems as
stemming from a lack of good
"Wc have too many elected
representatives with myopic vision
who arc begging for votes and too
many followers and not enough
leaders," IK said.
He called Congress' failure to
endorse a hill requiring ull 18-yearolds lo register for military service
The general referred to Ihe sharp
reduction of manpower in the
federal reserve, National Guard, and
military services as sufficient ground
for mandating selective service.
"It would take seven months for a
new recruit to be ready for battle at
this point," he said.
"A lot can happen in seven
Programs AreCreated
For DormImprovement
As a result of an unsatisfactory d o r m i t o r y staff h a s been
SUNY Central rating of SUNYA strengthened by the assignment of a
dormitories, administrative services full time maintenance assistant and
have initiated several programs to a full t i m e g r o u n d s m u n .
improve existing conditions.
Maintenance crews have made
According to a report from the repairs and painted in dormitories.
Division of Finance and Business, MohuwkTower has been converted
"the administration is determined to buck to residences, allowing for un
make significant improvements this increase in housing facilities and
year relying on a cooperative Brubachcr Hall has been altered for
4 I additional bedrooms.
altitude of Ihe resident students."
D o w n t o w n und u p t o w n
continued on page seven
California Republicans Support Regain
Soma'demos, t e r n * discontinued, some
scratch & Dent, soma one-of-a-kind and
tome NEW in a factory sealed carton.
Convention Delegates Not Divided
^ ^ 7 DAY
/^ALBANY S T O R l T x ^ ^ ^
M ,
459-8055^fj| I
H p j
4 0 Channel A M / C S b a t . Station
• LED Hud Qui • PA • Automatic Noin Limitar
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RCA I4TM1 40 Ch. AM • • • •
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S 12
Portable Cassette Recorder
Digital Counter
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Condenaar Mike
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T H E _ F A M O U ^ J A KE^R ^
HPM eo
• AM/FM/Chanaer
• 1 Large Speaker*
• Dust Covor
Model CSOO $ 1 1 A 9 5
Wat $169.95
Stereo Receivers
• SA-6S00 Ampllller with 25 Walls RMS
Per Channel at 0 OHMs. Lass than . 1 % THD..
• TX-6500 Tuner
• PL-112D Bell Drive
Turntable and Cartridge
• SE-205 Headphones
C * Q " ^
- 2 Project 60A Speakers
18 warn RMS
10 warn RMS
40 walli RMS
80 wain RMS
80 m i l l RMS
125 walli RMS
180 wans RMS
15 wo III RMS
36 wall! RMS
60 won. RMS
270 wall. RAAS
70 wall. RAAS
55 warn RMS
50 warn RMS
12 watta RMS
20 wait! RMS
30 wotti RAAS
40 worts RMS
25 warn RMS
2 0 wotta RAAS
55 watts RAAS
10 warn RMS
30 wans RMS
325 00
176 00
Rt. 9/Lalayatte Plaia Ulster Mall/Albany Av. -Wolf Rood Park
w a s «225
149 95
29.00 e a .
199.00 e a .
30.00 aa.
44.95 aa.
55.00 e a .
99.00 e a .
79.00 e a .
129.93 aa.
34.00 e a .
39.93 aa.
Kenmore Killed
continued from page threeoilier things, but it's still four and a
half, five miles away," said SA
Controller Craig Weinstock. "I
think the people developing it
wanted the University to guarantee
full occupancy, and the University
didn't want to do it, especially at
the prices they were asking."
delegates, nearly a quarter of the
total needed to win the Republican
The decision to retain the winnertake-all primary is worth 85 to 10
extra convention delegates for
Reagan if his vote total next June 3
is the same as his current standing
In the polls, which show him
favored by 44 percent to 50 percent
of the voters in a field of nine
potential candidates.
The proportional division of
delegates was proposed by backers
of former Texas Gov. John Connally and other contenders for the
Republican nomination.
At the same lime state party
delegates were voting to retain the
winner-take-all primary, they also
overwhelmingly endorsed Reagan
for president in an unofficial slraw
In the straw vote for president,
which has no effect on the delegate
selection, Reagan was the choice of
522 delegates. Connally trailed with
133, followed by U.S. Sen. Howard
Baker ot Tennessee with 26.
State party chairman Truman
Campbell said he favored winnertake-all because it builds party unity
and gives the state more clout at the
national convention than a delegation divided among many candidates.
called for U.S. Senate rejection of
the SALT II treaty with the Soviet
He previously had questioned
and criticized the Strategic Arms
Limitation Treaty, but Saturday he
described it as a "fatally flawed"
But he conceded the real reason
the party voted to retain winnerlake-all was to help Reagan, the
68-year-old former California
governor whose backers still
dominate the state GOP.
"1 don't think it excaped any of
you that the percentage favoring
winncr-take-ali closely approximates the percentage favoring
Governor Reagan in the straw
poll," Campbell commented al a
news conference.
Reagan; who was featured
speaker Saturday at the convention,
insisted he did not lobby any
delegates on the primary question.
In his convention speech, Reagan
for the first lime uncquivocably
OF THE WAY." -Judith Crist
';an Pom** ant/ and Kubi Ja*q*i present
Laura Antonelli .„. timr* Luigi Comencini
Till Marriage Do Us Part
-.mi Alberto Llonello, Michele Placido end Jean Rochefort [Franklin
*«,„,«», Pio Angelettl... Adriano De Mlcheli i. Dean Films
Opens Wednesday, Sept. 26 at UA Center 1 & 2
(Rear of Macy's Colonle, 459-2170)
KX530 Front Load Dolby
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A2300SX open Reel
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575 00
209 05
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- ' 5 139.00
T2000 Belt Drive
PL510 Oir.tr Driva
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PL550 Direct Driva Ouarti
350.00 199.00
159.00 109.00
PL-516 Direct Drive
220.00 127.00
PS-210 Direct Drive
Automatic/with Magnetic cartridg*
190 Op
PS5520 Ball Driva
GA408 Auto
240.00 159.00
PS-X30 Quorti Lock
Automatic Dlr*ct Driva
10185 Ball Olive M i n i
020 Ball Driva
er\»5 "S9.9»
940 Bill Driva
981 Bait Driyl
209.85 119.95
MOM Chanfer
SP25 Boh Drive
Rl. 32/Vallt Gale
R4. 6 (Shoe-Town.)
7 3 9 --88O
Disco and Drink Emporium
255 New Karner Road (RT. 155)
Albany, N.Y. 12205 456-3371
A-plenty of parkins•tri-level dance floor*
• all new liRht shows •stereo sound*
Fatso's is available for private .parties also.
Phone: 456-9890 for details.
Totally New Sound System
(With Great Music Of Course!)
Monday — $1.75 pitchers during game.
Tri-City Transmissions.
T u e s d a y — M o l s o n s N l t e By 1 get one for $ .25 from 10:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.
W e d n e s d a y — L a d i e s N i t e By 1 drink gel one for $ .35 from 10:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Thursday — Special this week:
— And Every Nite —
living room
Sept. 21 — Four Bud splits for $1 all nite (9:30 til closing)
Rl. Jll/Vtickham A». ' h i . 13/O.rydan Rd
Rl-281 a'McLean Rd
CT Avenue
272 2868
2 for 1 drinks 9-12
treaty that "should be shelved, and
the negotiators should go back to
the table and come up with a treaty
which fairly and genuinely reduces
the number of strategic nuclear
99.00 aa.
159.00 aa.
49.93. aa.
69.00 * a .
99.00 * a .
1S9.9S eo.
39.00 e a .
99.00 aa.
17.00 aa.
299.99 e a .
229.00 ea._
Front Li.oad
09 95 II
B0.95 ••
229.95 »o.
180.00 ••.
860.00 aa
79.06 ••
200.00 ta.
340.00 at.
09.00 aa.
139 06 aa
249.00 aa.
349.96' aa
89.95 ma.
103 or. aa
69 06 II
Stereo Tape Decks
24 95
SAN DIEGO (AP) California
Republicans will retain their
winner-take-all presidential primary
for at least one more election, giving Ronald Reagan a big boost in
his quest for the party's 1980
On a lopsided 675-227 ballot Sunday, delegates to the state GOP
convention decided to let California
remain the only state that gives all
of its convention delegates to the
winner of its primary, rather than
dividing them In proportion to the
popular vote.
will have 168
Transmission Service
WH0I ESALt & H E T M 1
Happy Hour — 7:30 to 9:30
Bar mixed drinks — $ .50
Shaken — $ .75
Pitchers — $1.75
SEPTEMBER 18, 1979
friMjIk'i I mill • Rt . X ) , I M l ) . Hi:
6 FOOTER....
Food Co-op
. f e m t f * M of ImMM parts to mattomancan
•MePhifi.4 Stab
.FoniftA ft D " » » *
Maria, Patau, Toyota, Hat VW ... aw taortear
.Fn» afimate «Hh SUHVA IP
,SUB!l)(fW '
F a m o u s Foot-Long
Please order at least 3 days in advance —
a deposit of $10 Is necessary with order. Questions?
Call 465-0824
324 Central Ave Albany (Corner of Central and Quail)
105 Hunter (off Central to)
Kings Shopping Center 482-0731
Mamy Crut ft Father 4 0 yean automort* experience
91 m
Uii'vertity Concert Boord
9:00 pm in LC 7
for information contact
Rich 457-4713
Kathleen "7-7824
continued from pane one
have him (Szoverffy) as chair. My
responsibility was to make a decision. I did not think Szoverffy appropriate. He is an excellent scholar
and has a fine record as a teacher,
but you need a person with administrative qualities. I recommend
Calling the Lcibowitz cases "very
much up in the air," Shumaker
claimed that charges
Szoverffy did not play a part in his
decision not to recommend him for
the position.
Ever wonder who writes the news?
It's your college paper
Write for it
If you've got a new idea
If you want to help
If you've got a gripe
It's your college paper
Six Years Ago...
it's hard t o believe that only three years ago this university was the strike center of northern new york state
. . . graffitied pillars, a bombed-out flagroom, broken
windows, and marches to the capitoi, once immediate
and critical, are now only remembered . . . things have
changed since then . . . now we see students hit the
books hard and think about jobs and security . . . we see
the pass-fail system that saved so many of us during the
days after kent state revert to traditional grading . . . we
see coeducational housing on a campus that, only three
years ago, prohibited a guy without "escort" in a girls'
dorm . . . we see use of " t h e evil weed" becoming as
common in the library as fitzgerald and as popular in
the snack bar as submarines . . . we see girls replace
work shirts and worn jeans with tank tops and palazzo
pants . . . we see sex as common as dropping and adding . . . we see the popularity of greeks fade, along with
events such as homecoming and state fair . . . we see
more and more empty beds on a campus which once
had to turn people away . . . we see some firsts: a parking strike and a female security officer . . . we see some
forevers: book lines, dinner lines, concert lines, registrar lines, check cashing lines, bus lines . . . we see some
of our favorite and most qualified teachers fired because they couldn't conquer that enemy called tenure
. . . we see an outside, but still not too often . . . we see
problems . . . we see hopes . . . we see stagnation . . . we
see change . . .
at Page Hall
Thursday, Oct. 4
for 2 shows: 7:30 & 10:30
albany state, 1972-73.
To get into Medical School
you probably read over 2,000,000 words.
Read just 112 more and you may get
i f f ull Scholarship.
with special guest
$4.00 with I.D.
$6.00 General Public
responsible for periodically
checking physical conditions in the
dormitories a n d for reviewing
progress in Improvement programs.
SUNY Fined in Sex Case
Tuesday, Sept. 18th
"People have been coming up'to
me and asking me if they could sign a
petition or d o something," said
another worker. "We're all pretty
upset about it."
Dorms Improvements Made
continued from page
T w o new committees, a Residence
Improvement Assessment C o m m ittee and the Residence Facilities
Improvement Committee, will be
continued from page three
guidelines of S U N Y Central.'
A meeting to discuss the matter
with Vice President Welch has been
requested, according to one'Co-op
According to DocUel'eld, the C o op is going to request relief, through
Docllefcld. from that section of the
certificate that "bothers"them.
Reaction in the Food Co-op
varied from mild disappointment to
anger yesterday, as a sign told
customers that they could no longer
purchase yogurt "by order of the
I guess they're pretty upset about
it because they want Dannon."said
a Food Co-op manager Robert
The Armed Forces need physicians. And were
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Once selected for a Health Professions Scholarship-available from the Army, Navy or Air Force
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Yes I am Interested In Armed Forces'Health Prolesslons Scholarship opportunities.
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Tickets on sale
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•vainrlnarv and Podiatry Scholarships not available in Navy Program;
P " S V fflaSpa not available in Army Programs.
Albany Center
163 Delaware Ave.
Delmar, N.Y.
Call 518-439-8146,
SA Funded
SEPTEMBER 18, 1979
ALBA/, t
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tor Information About
ullmr Centarsln
Ma|or U.S. Cities s Abroad
Outilua N X Stats
CALL TOLL FIIEE: 800-223-1712
Once again
Delta Sigma Pi
has invited
the creator of the
Election Meeting
Thur., Sept., 20th
8:30 p m SHARP!
advertising campaign
All Interested Welcome
Jim Gallant
to Albany. He will be
speaking at 8PM
in LC 23
P C A ' will be collecting donations i-a
the Campus Center lobbv all this week. These
donations are to be sent to the hurricane gtruck
island of Dominica for the purchase of medical
£fjis £t)untep ^tigjjt
JI tt*
Alter*** Students Against Nukes!
Adrienne McCann
An elderly man jogged about the pavement
in circles, his Adidas sneakers slapping
against the sidewalk cement. And blue shorts,
and a white and blue shirlfronl decorated with
red striped sleeves flashed by.
The band went on to disco, which sounded
like a barely disguised polka. (Every selection
sounded like barely disguised polka.) And a
woman began discoing down the sidewalk.
Her husband, walking nonchalantly a few leet
ahead of her with another couple, turned
around and with a quick jerk of his head,
motioned for her to catch up. And the woman
obliviously discoed on.
A young, blond haired man, wire rimmed
glasses framing his round (ace, wore a
Playboy bunny insignia on his red polyester
shirt. He walked briskly into the Convention
Hall at the Empire State Plaza, unknowingly
the leader of a small-but-growing crowd of
followers. The group shuffled single file into
the Convention Hall and quietly found seats
amongst the black plastic chairs.
Chair of the Board of Trusteesof the Great
American Achievement Program (GAAP),
Robert McKenna spoke on the Bicentennial:
"Declaring independence was not enough.
We had to win independence. We are now
celebrating the U.S. Constitution," he said to
the settled-in group.
T h e Great American Achievement
Program, which began in 1976, is held
annually in one of the 13 original states,
focusing on one of 13 different topics.
Sponsored by the Bicentennial Council of the
Thirteen Original States Fund, Inc., the
I'calurliii* Cbc b c * | of r u c k
Draw* B«wA.':
20 Sk 40'
911 ttjis Qn)ur«Da.v iliflht at ttir $ufa
Qnnustjflp, September 20
6 P.m. Inliuwltn
A slimly built woman in the back of the Hall
fanned herself slowly with a printed-oul copy
of the evening's program, and stifled a yawn.
"We've got to vote," he stressed. "Amei lea
is not only a word, it is a dream . . . America
is the land of honey. . .It is the land where an
immigrant farmer can become anything he
wants to be!"
DiSienna concluded that we were lucky not
to be in the U.S.S.R., where, after such a
speech, he could be arrested by the secret
police. "Or where you would be prevented
from corning!"
More polite applause. And more yawns.
But then Art Buchwald crossed the podium
to the microphone. The crowd came to life.
"It is 9:35, ladies and gentlemen. Do you
know where Margaret Truman is?"
Art Buchwald. He bounced as he joked and
grinned mischieviously when the audience
"Despite what you may have heard, 1 have
great respect for Jimmy Cartuh. 1 worship the
very quicksand he walks on . . . Carter was
not the first president to try the fireside chat.
Jerry Ford tried it — but the fire went out
As he read Irom the large, while index on
the podium stand, his right hand quickly
pushed his thick glasses, which kept slipping
off his nose, back on.
" . . . The President. I feel sorry for him.
He's having all sorts ol problems now;
running problems, Ham problems, rabbit
problems . . . "
As he rambled on, it was sometimes
difficult to understand his slow, Brooklynaccented lisp. But that didn't, that couldn't
prevent his listeners from thoroughly
enjoying him . . .
A man in the front row wiped his eyes wit h a
green hanky, sat back in his plastic chair and
Buchwald discovered a solution to the
saccharin problem. "They've got to develop a
stronger rat." And he talked abou| Henry
Kissinger. "Even if Henry didn't tell the truth
— he said it so well you didn't care. . . "And
President Carter's killer rabbit incident
particularly bothered Buchwald. "It was the
lirst time that the Presideni of the U.S. was
not believed by his own staff, and that
disturbs me. It also says something about
Presideni Carter's stall."
And the group murmured their agreement.
Half of Buchwald's humor Sunday night
was contained in his voice; his precise timing,
speaking-for-themselves pauses and the
sharp rise in his whiney voice.
"I get this stuff from the front page of the
newspapers," he pleaded. "Honestly, folks. I
couldn't — 1 couldn't ever make this stuff up."
Buchwald stepped off the podium to
thunderous applause. The crowd quickly
began dwindling. And Benny Harris's
orchestra, accompanied by Washington
singer Cherlyn Hart, ended the evening with
"God Bless America."
Ron Levy
* fcOO toshort fern «U be tam
conferences will culminate in 1989. This
year's program, entitled "Of, By, and For the
People," was held in Saratoga Springs and
"The Bicentennial is only a beginning,"
McKenna said.
Benny Harris and his orchestra played jazz
and blues selections. D a d a d u h d a d a d a . . .
And the press woman in the next seat tapped
her foot in time to the jiggling beat, her knee
pumping up, down and up, and the jazz
soothed on . . . The crowd relaxed and
applauded politely when the musical interlude
was over.
President of the Boy's State Nation, a
youth league of the American Legion for 1979,
Frank DiSienna, Clifton Park boy made good,
was introduced. The tall, dark-haired bearded
high-school senior smiled, composed. "I'm
pretending that all of you paid for your tickets
to hear me," he told the group. The group
tittered. But then DiSienna got onto the hard
stuff. "It is simply not enough to say 'I'm an
American.' There are responsibilities that go
along with it," he lectured. "We've got to learn
to take the good with the bad."
the roadies set up and then the fun begins.
Carolyne Mas headlined at J.B. Scott's on • capacity, they work well.
The second half ol the album begins with Carolyne Mas is in the middle of a long,
Wednesday in a performance that may have
concentrated tour and one might wonder if
been the calling card of stardom. Her Rock- two fun tunes tilled "Quote Goodbye Quote" the travelling is taking its toll. It isn'l. She
Rhythm and Blues combination draws its and "Never Two Without Three." The comes out with all the power and control of a
styles admittedly Irom Bruce Springsteen and former's lyrics bring back memories^ of sixth album superstar. She is not tall, maybe
Bill Chinook yet retains its own special "Charlie on the MTA" never returning home. 5'ii", yet she covers the length and depth ol
(emininily. Her lyrics are streetwise ballads Mas sang this one at J.B. Scotl's with guitarist . t h e stage as if it were her living room.
and h a r d e n e d r o c k e r s mixed with Dave Landau (Jon's brother) answering in a Carolyne is excited about what she is doing.
' surprisingly unpretentious songs of love. Mas baritone accompaniment. Cioe's staccato She is constantly playing to her audience,
has a firm grip on both her hand and the sax is accented both on the album and in live rarely breaking eye contact except to clown
audience that mark her as a very special performance by this song. I forgot to mention with Dave Landau or lie down in a farce of
that Meatloaf may have made his influence
known upon this record. The style of "Never false seduction. There is a well rehearsed
Two Without Three" resurrects many a
molil of a streetwise kid not quite matured.
vision of paradise l?y the dashboard light.
She talks wilh us, games with us as if she has
"Sittin' in the Dark" is the last notable song something secret we want to find out about.
First, the album. O.K., I admit it.
Occasionally 1 listen to AM radio. It's just too
Mas is the girl that went downtown everyday.
in her show. She showed great faith In her
bad that Carolyne's first production hasn't
Pissed away her pay, and yet she made it out
been discovered by many FM stations yet.
"Stlllsane" is her current single on the charts.
Talking with Carolyne and the band after
'It is a catchy tune with a great supporting minute jam. The only apparent weakness was
saxophone by Chrispin Cioe. Remember drummer Bob Chounierd who lacked the the show two thihgs become quickly evident.
The first is these people are nearly strangers
Clarence Clemmons? This guy's on his way. lustre a group like this deserves.
The opening act was a local band tagged to each other. Landau, bass player Elias, and
"Sadie Says" is a look inlo Ms. Mas's time of
Monarch. Immediately that name spurs Chounierd entered Mas' sphere from
growing up. She began singing at 11 and three
thoughts of invoking the Magna Carta. Their different paths only last January. Landau had .
ydars later she was leading her own bands on
style appeared to be imitating Boston insofar last played in the Albany area at the turn of
Hie High School parly circuit. She did manage
to graduate from Syossel High but decided to as a dependence on a strong lead guitar, high the year as a guitarist with Kick Derringer and
pitched vocals and a lot of gymnastics on the Destroyers. Bob' Chounierd had played
enter a musical career instead of continuing
stage to compensate for an obnoxious bass drums for Robert Gordon and Chris Cioe,
her forrrlal education.
' and a lack of quality in their original material. who didn't join up until shortly before their
Side one finishes with a rocking love song
Oh, I get it. My friend Bruce just explained first recording session in May, had played
sandwiched between two slow movers. "It's
that they're here to push the Wednesday with a number of renowned rock and R&B's
No Secret" is a tribute to her husband and her
Buds-2-for-$l .50 deal. We all want to take just bands. These aren't friends who've played
music. She loves Ihembothand planstokeep
a moment to wish Monarch's lead singer good together lor years and grown to know each
them both, " . . . and baby, there's no
luck with his laryngitje and hope that he is up others' strengths and weaknesses; they're
jegret." "Snow" and "Call Me (Crazy Too)"
aspiring hybrids — only time will tell il they're
lo par soon.
are used more to set the scene for "It's No
continued on page fifteen
Forty-five minutes of milling around while
Secret" than to convey a message, In that
S o ? VUl»r"
| Cow to the fin* interest meeting of
* e SUfWA Anti-Nuclear fetfion
Setf. t9 in IC 5 4 7:30 Vm
"One for the money,
two for the show
three to get ready
and four to go . . . "
The orange polka band played. Evening
dusk penetrated the Albany air Sunday night,
as dirty fountain water sprayed and sparkled
off the over-bright, glaring spotlights at the
Empire State Plaza. A larmer in a plaid shirt,
clutching a small Kodak camera, ambled
slowly, followed by his over-sized wife,
clothed in a bright red tent dress and a blue
and while polka-dot kerchief knotted tightly
around h P r head
Carolyn Has Springs From Darkness
A r t Buchwald Falls Into The GAAP
12:30 a . m .
»,rulc« ^oraotto
SEPTEMBER 18, 1979
If you have a problem or just want to talk
Middle Earth
University Auxilary
Counseling and Crisis Information
24 Hours a day Fri. & Sat.. 9 am-12 pm weekdays
Services Sub Shops
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Telephone Hotline
or visit us at 102Schulyer on Dutch Quad
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Mon.-Thurs. 9-12
All Information kept strictly confidential
Services are free
Chug Aliyah
T h e Spirit
(JSC's newspaper)
-discussing moving
Thurs., Sept. 27th
7pm, SS 144
The c o m m i t t e e also
testimony f r o m Prison Superintendent David Hrierton who cited
security fears as his reason for
denying the condemned man visiting
privelegcs with his family, holy
communion, and news interviews
before his death. Said Bricrlnn, " I
was w o r r i e d a b o u t
bringing something in to allow
(Spenkclink) to kill himself. 1
thought all the variables were
present for M r . Spenkclink to take
his own life."
Bike Hike
The magazine says that as a result,
the bicycle industry is in the midst of
a multi-million-dollar boom, with
bike sales for 1979 expected to be
over 10 million.
According to the magazine, one
bike manufacturer has even changed
the name of its "Sports M o d e l " to
"Commuter Three,"and companies
that make bike accessories such as
baskc.s, racks and reflectors, are
ihiding themselves running out of
Muzak Attack
may actually
worker's performance rather than
improve employee morale, as the
makers claim.
William Sleffan, head of the
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration in California, says
that Muzak may improve worker
productivity for a few months, but
after that, the piped-in music starts
to wear thin on employees.
Steffan says-in his own w o r d s "The stuff starts to get on a few
nerves...The human factor sets in
and people begin to complain about
M u z a k . . . A n d performance level
starts to go d o w n . "
French Redressing
French Socialist Party leader
Francois Mitterand faces a possible
dress: New Yorky or Casual
T ^ •^rpJ)
Anti-Nuclear Rally
Disco and Drink E m p o r i u m
255 New Karner Road (RT. 155)
Albany, N.Y. 12205 456-3371
all new li«ht s h o w s *
<•-—-""" M * plenty of p a r k i n s *
"swr 1 trl-leyel dance f l o o r *
• stereo s o u n d *
Fatso's is available for private parties also.
Phone: 456 890 for details.
Film, & ln(ormr,lion
l o w * a , . , & School O w n e d E n u i p m , n , S
TIME: 11am until 4pm
In Lower Manhattan, west of the
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Train In The G y n
T « m e ^ 3 0 L E H D o , e 3 / h
Guest Speakers and Musicians:
B p l f A ^
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? " S c ° " Heron
Jane Fonda
i t 8 8 * 8 0 0 ' " 1 Y o "ng TomPaxton
John Hall
and other surprise guests.
Jackson Browne
Dr. George Wald
Bonnie Raltt
Holly Near
Also featured: an Alternative Energy Fair
Buses leaving from the Campus circle.
Frist 450 tickets $10 00
after that $12.00.
For more information contact:
or call 457-4623'
We are the camera store
for you! Come and see our
selection. We carry everything you'll need for fun and
On Wolf Road, 1 mile
north of Colonie Center
Between Mayfair arid
Denoyer Chevrolet
Wolf Road Park
SEPTEMBER 18, 1979
p r i s o n sentence f o l l o w i n g his
appearance on a Socialist Partysponsored pirate radio station.
The Socialist Party has publicly
supported the break-up of the
French government's monopoly on
local broadcasting, and plans to
make free radio an issue in the 1981
presidential elections.
As part of its "free radio"
campaign, the Socialist Party put its
own pirate station "Radio Riposte"
on the air, and the station reportedly
immediately received wide support
from the French people.
However, heavily armed police
recently raided "Radio Riposte's"
studio, using tear gas to seize their
transmitters and equipment. A n d
now, the French government has
decided to prosecute those operating
the station, including Socialist Party
Leader Mitterand, for violating that
nation's strict
Mitterand and other "Radio
R i p o s t e " s t a f f members face
sentences of up to one year in prison
and a $2000 (dollar) line.
Oil And Dollars
Will Americans now he getting
financial aid from
Newsweek magazine reports that
several Arab oil countries are
considering a proposal to create a
special fund that would finance
"social welfare projects" l o r
American Blacks.
Pot Is Not!
C a l i r o r n i a A t t o r n e y General
George " D u k e " Dukmejian has
reportedly launched an all-out
assault on crops o f sinscmilla, but
parts of a press release from the
"Duke's" office read like a chamber
of Commerce ad for pot. .
In the press release, the " D u k e "
describes sinscmilla as "Those large
and extra-potent marijuana plants
being grown particularly in the
north coast section of California."
The Duke says he' himself made a
personal inspection of " A major
sinscmilla field" and he noted that
the plants yeild " A n inordinate
amount of T - H - C . " the potent
chemical in marijuana. The Duke
went on to say that the sinscmilla
plants yeild "Ml times more than the
smuggled into the United States
front Mexico and South America."
The Duke says of the sinsmcllla,
"This is a particularly valuable crop.
Narcotics agents of the Division of
Law Enforcement
w i t h the
(California) Department of Justice
tell me that the market value of
California-grown sinscmilla is $1000
to $1200 a pound, and nearly twice as
much on the Fast Coast."
The Duke said that the plants gel
to be as higas nine to 12 feet, adding
"There's a tremendous profit to be
made from this potent Californiag r o w n m a r i j u a n a . " He noted,
however, that it is illegal profit.
The money would he used,
according to Arab diplomats, to
"improve living conditions" in black
The future of disco music
communities across the United continues to look shakoy in'light of
some recent developments last week
Newsweek says that the proposal in the music business.
Ray Caviano, head of Warner
was advanced by Libya's Colonel
Muamiliar Kuddaft, allegedly to Brothers Records' Disco Music
take a d v a n t a g e o f what the Department, has announced he
magazine claims is a growing rift intends to change the department's
between the black and Jewish n a m e to " T h e Dance
communities in the United States.
Caviano, who is considered to be
The magazine says that the Arabs
arc hoping, with the financial aid one o f the most
program, to gain support from the producers in the disco world claims
American Black community for the name change merely reflects
Arab positions in world affairs, what he terms "The expanding
musical tastes of dancers" in this
particularly with retard to Israel.
country. In his words, "America
wants to dance to all forms of
One indication of the changing
nature of dunce music, to which
Caviano refers, is the growing
popularity ol' new wave and rock
and roll dance clubs. Nightspots on
both the Fast and West Coasts
which feature new wave music arc
reported to be attracting large
crowds ol dancers who are tired of
the disco beat but still want to dance.
Goodbye Sister Disco
van ren - dutch
The Mac Attack
7pm, CC 373
Medical examiner Dr. George
Beyers, t e s t i f y i n g before the
committee, said he decided not to
perform an autopsy on Spenkclink,
despite a state law r e q u i r i n g
autopsies after executions, been' e,
he claimed, it would have beei )o
expensive. Beyers said the sti
would then have been obligated iu
perform an autopsy on each o f the
I.14 inmates also awaiting execution
at the Florida Stale Prison at a total
cost or at least $500,000.
Business Week magazine reports
that commuters, in an effort to avoid
gas lines and save energy, arc taking
to bicycles in droves.
to Israel
Mon., Sept. 24th
Jail Tale
A committee looking into charges
that John Spenkclink wasabused by
prison guards before his execution
has been told they may never find
out if the charges arc true because no
autopsy was performed on the
executed man.
Recent reports that the new
Fleetwood Mac album " T u s k " cost
$500,000 to produce may not even
be close to the actual cost.
The L-P's Producer, Richard
Bashet, told Billboard
that the new album may be "One of
the most, if not the most expensive
album, ever produced."
Bashet hinted at a cost in excess o f
$1 million which may be a reasonable
estimate, since the group spent nine
months in the studio at a reported
cost of $20,000 per week. That's
$720,000 for studio time alone.
Adding on the producers' and
salaries and
miscellaneous costs such as tape and
equipment, the estimate of $1
million appears to be a realistic
estimate o f "Tusk's" production
More For Defense
President C a r t e r has asked
Congress to increase the Pentagon's
budget by close to $5 billion for the
fiscal year beginning on October
The President's request comes
a f t e r several U . S . S e n a t o r s ,
including Senator Sam Nunn of
Georgia, stated they would support
the S A L T I I Treaty only if Carter
promised to increase the Pentagon's
budget by five percent each year for
the next live years. The S A L T
Treaty is currently before the
Carter has cited inflation as the
reason for his current request for
additional defense funds. The
increase would reportedly put
f o r the defense
department at three percent above
Ihe current year. Carter has said he
will also seek an increase i n defense
spending in I9K1.
Carter's request for additional
defense funds would place the
Pentagon budget tor I9H0 at 5/27
"Out Door's" Tour
Led Zeppelin will not tour the
U.S. until May, 1980, despite the
fact that the group currently has the
world's best-selling album on all
record charts.
The group's Manager Peter Grant
claims the band's I9K0 tour will
concentrate on playing music with
much less emphasis than before on
theatrical special effects, such as fog
machines and special lighting.
The band will reportedly perform
three hours of music at each concert
with no opening acts. The group also
hopes to keep ticket prices as low as
possible, w i t h $11 being the
maximum ticket price for all Led
Zeppelin shows.
110 Commerce Ave., Albany, N.Y.
From I-90 and Everett Rd. turn at Quality
Inn to Crowley Dairy on Commerce Ave.
All New! - 6 Features
Pools & Reservoirs
(with valid ID)
Save 10% off our already
discounted prices on film,
chemicals, and B/W paper.
Join Your College Skateboard Club
For Details Call 438-4426
Open till 10:00 P.M.
iini> nm ii<i iwln
To Ihe Editor:
Another housing shortage. Your Iwo-part
report that appeared recently told "about" it,
but it fell short of explaining it.
A few additional questions that might have
been asked:
* Has this happened before:
Answer. Yes. For the-last six years, the
University hus had students tripled, crowded
in lounges, and told that there is noaddilional
housing available on campus. The University
has, however, been consistent in their
explanation for the problem. "More people
slaying on campus than we expected." "More
new students accepting bids for admission
than we expected." "The situation was
particularly bad this semester."
* Why is this allowed to happen?
Answer, I honestly don't know. Someone
gets paid a lot of money to plan admissions
and housing policy. Can she/he be doing a
good job? (Reminder: the last two years have
yielded more on campus space through the
opening of Mohawk Tower, and more space
through increased occupancy at the
Wellington and Pill mil n Hall. The triples,
lounge students, and people turned down for
housing altogether are numbers above and
beyond even this additional space.)* What about students turned down for
housing altogether?
Answer: They were and still arc facing
problems. (A) They received notification of
their status in the first two weeks of July. That
left them little time to consider other schools if
housing availability wascrucialtotheirchoice
of colleges. (H) They were turned loose, so to
speak, on an already glutted housing market
off campus. This, keep in mind, is a market
limited by an anti-grouper law, rising utility
costs, and other factors. (C) Landlords are not
(despite popular opinion) stupid. They know
that no housing on campus makes a sellers'
market off campus. One need not be an
economics major to realize what increased
demand, constant supply does to rents.
* What about students tripled, lounged,
Pitlman-ed or otherwise not normally
Answer. Hard to determine without talking
lo them. Your articles gave no indication that
they had been asked their feelings. 1 would
have to guess, though, that they are not
pleased. I imagine that it's rough to study,
part, entertain guests, or even relax
comfortably when you're packed into a room
that has more people than it was built for. The
effects of this strain on students' academic
standing, health, and sanity really can't be
measured. Not knowing when their housing
will be made normal and permanent can only
add to the frustration.
* What docs the housing shortage mean to the
Answer: (A) A couple of people on the
residence staff have to work overtime
rationalizing the situation and trying to detriple when possible. (B) Ihe Infirmary and
University Counseling Center are probably up
their cars in distressed individuals. (C) The
University makes money. THINK: If the
University has a six-person suite uptown that
rents for $375/person/scmcster, that suite
brings in total revenues of $2250 per semester
under normal occupancy. If the University
puts a seventh student into that suite,
residents are "compensated" by a rent
reduction to $350/pcrson/semcster. This,
however, brings total revenues for that suite
up to $2450/semester ($350 x 7). If SUN YA
triples 125 students for one semester, th y
2. Tenants may join or participate in the
activities of any group or association of
tenants who reside in the premises. Tenants
shall he permitted to meet in (he common
areas of the premises. Landlords shall be
prohibited from interfering in any way with
the formation of this association.
3. If utilities are discontinued because of the
failure of the landlord lo pay for those utility
services, Ihe landlord shall be stayed from
collecting rent until the bill is paid and services
restored. II the Tenant pays the utility bill
which was the responsibility of the landlord,
the Tenant shall collect compensatory and
punitive damages from the landlord.
4. Ihe landlord is prohibited from engaging
in retaliatory conduct as a result of Tenants'
complaint lo the Code Enforcement Bureau
or any other government agency that
investigates health or building code
5. Landlord should not enter the Tenant's'
premises without providing the Tenant with
reasonable notice.
6. Tenant shall have the right lo house
guests at Tenants' convenience. Landlord
shall be prohibited from interfering with the
Tenants' right of association and privacy.
7. If the building you are currently residing
in lacks a Certificate of Occupancy, it
probably means that the building is defective
• or unsafe in some manner. The lack of a C O .
entitles the tenant to break his lease and move
out immediately. Check with the buildings
department in Albany to discover if your
building has a C O .
If you have any quest ions about the above,
please contact Jack Lester at the Legal
Services Office: 457-7911.
Jack Lester
Crunch My A * *
Caveat Emptor
Let the Student Beware
WARNING: Many off campus students have
signed leases that contain illegal clauses. The
typical form lease distributed by landlords in
Albany contain (he following clauses that are
illegal. Each illegal clause will be followed by
its legal counter-part. Tenants are advised to
either inform their landlords of their
awareness of the illegal clauses or to include
the legal clauses in their leases.
Illegal — Tenant is to replace at his own
expense, all glass broken during the
continuance of this lease, said glass being
whole at the beginning hereof.
Legal — A tenant is only responsible for glass,
broken due to his own fault whether
intentional or negligent.
Illegal — Tenant will not assign or underlet
the whole or any part of said premises.
Legal T-- A tenant renting a residence in a
dwelling having four or more residential units
has the right to sublease or assign his
premises, subject lo the written consent of the
landlord given in advance of the sublease or
assignment. Such consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld. If the landlord
unreasonably withholds consent for such
sublease of assignment, the landlord must
release the tenant from the lease upon request
of the tenant.
The tenant shall inform the landlord of his
, intent to sublease or assign by mailinga notice
of such intent by registered or certified mail.
Illegal — Tenant will reimburse landlord for
the expense of attorney*;' fees and
disbursements if (he landlord shall institute an
action or summary proceeding against the
by giving Tenant five days notice in writing.
Legal — A landlord i,\ prohibited from
evicting a tenant unless a summary
proceeding is brought in Court. The Court
will serve the Tenant with an eight day notice,
the Tenant has a right to have a one week
adjournment to prepare for a trial and then
the tenant is entitled to a 72 hour notice to
remove from the premises if he she loses. If
the court proceeding involves wrongful nonpayment, tender of payment will be a valid
defense to an eviction proceeding.
Tenant forfeits his security deposit
for breaching any term ol the lease.
The security deposit shall be held in
trust for the 'Tenant in an interest bearing
bank account. The bank account shall be
named and kep; separate from the landlord's
persona J account and assets. The security
deposit shall be promptly returned at the end
of the lease period with interest, provided the
apartment has nut been damaged. Damages
don't include normal wear and tear.
Illegal lithe I enani abandons the premises
he shall remain liable on the lease even alter
the apartment is rerenled.
The tenant is only liable under the !
lease until a replacement is found.
I. Warranty of llahitahility
shall deliver and maintain the apartment and
ihe public pails of the premises and warrants
that they .shall he: (a) lit for human habitation,
(b) fit for ihe usu reasonably intended lor ihe
premises by the landlord and Tenant, (c) not
Whenever a lease provides that in dangerous to ihe life, health or safety of the
any action or proceeding the landlord may occupants, '(d) il conditions exist in the
recover attorneys' lees from his tenant
it's apartment thai arc dangerous lo ihe Tenants'
implied in thai same lease that the landlord is health, safety or welt'nre, the Tenant shall have
obligated to pay the tenants'attorneys'fees if ihe right lo withhold rent.
the landlord fails 10 perform any part of the
(Note: II conditions exist in your a pari men)
lease agreement.
such as mi heal, no hot water, mice, roaches,
In ease the demised premises or any improper locks, or lack of a second exit, you
part there of shall be descried or vacated, or if should notify the Code Enforcement Bureau
default be made in the payment of the rent or in Albany. The Code Enforcement Bureau
any part thereof, as herein specified, or if will note ihe violations and you will be able lo
default be 'made in the performance of any of use this record :is a defense to a non-payment
the provisions of the lease on the part of the proceeding and as ihe basis for court ordered
Tenant, the landlord may terminate this lease repairs.)
lUFUTfOtO i«r Up
5rVi 6rOeTrV5f5
vfcUR PnprjtARI Pt
fc AT - RfCORP
iM (W Off rVi.L-7
HI? p R K i f f W
*£U 4AL-T JL
TO me
K>etO ARr+5 RACE.
" f^\
TO rue
f ^ ^ \
increase their dorm rental revenues by deeply involved in their projects. However,
$25,000. Neat trick, right?
help is needed in all areas, whether it be voter
The ASP reported on the housing registration, the Sept. 23 rally, or researching
shortgagc as if it were a situation. The Off new projects to be stressed during the next
Campus Association sees the housing legislative session, If you want to be
shortage us a problem. Journalism has to. at instrumental in bringing about political
times, transcend simple reporting and accept reform, ensuring consumer protection, and
the challenge of analysis. A student paper making decisions that will Influence your
should advocate the students' interests. It future, come to the General Interesting
should ask more than "Why did this happen." Meeting tonight at 8 PM in I.C 2. The guest
It should ask "Why is this allowed to happen." speaker will he Arthur Malkin. legislative
It should take on the responsibility for taking coordinator, who was influential in
on the problems that students by themselves organizing (he Albany PIRG chapter as u
may not be able to crack. A student paper can student here. Projects and committees will be
be a tool for improving the students'lives, not decided so serious work can begin
just reporting their activities. After all. the immediately. Note: it is a mandatory meeting
media is power.
for those who signed up as Community
1, on behalf of the Off Campus Association, Service workers with NYPIRG. All others
urge your to accept Ihe challenge; Ask the interested are encouraged lo intend. II you are
q u e s t i o n s : D e m a n d a n s w e r s , not interested in more information, but cannot
"bureaucratic bullshit", as Jim Cnstro-Blanco attend the meeting, stop in ill Ihe office in CC
was quoted in the first article of your scries. 382, or call 457-4623.
Taken hard editorial line and call a problem a
problem. Demand solutions.
Finally, remember who this housing mess
affects most closely: freshmen and transfers.
People who are not used to dealing with this
campus's bureaucracy. People who may be
living away from home for the fjrsl time. To the Editor:
People who may be a little scared, a little
The Nationul Organization for Women has
insecure, and a little intimidated by their placed posters on campus announcing a
whole situation. Help these people out. and I " D e f e n d A b o r t i o n R i g h t s " r a l l y
am sure that someday they'll remember the commemorating Margaret Sanger, former
ASP as something more than the paper used leader of the nation's birth control movement.
This is an appalling "tribute"lo Mrs. Sanger,
to read for weekend movie listings.
John P. Kennedy who strongly opposed abortion on moral
Coordinator, O C A grounds, stating in her autobiography, "We
explained . . . thai abortion was the wrong
way — no matter how early it was performed
it was taking life."
Question of Rights
The posters proclaim, "Abolish laws that
murder women." First of all, the claim that
restrictive abortion laws kill thousands of
women will soon be disproved in a new book.
To the Editor:
Once again the SUNYA campus has come Aborting American. The author, former proalive, and various groups are organizing aborlion leader and former director of the
projects and activities to benefit our nation's largest abortion clinic, will explain
community. One of the most active and widely how the pro-nborlionisls lied and falsified
successful organizations is the New York statistics, claiming thai up to 10,000 women
Public Interest Research Oroup better known died each year from illegal abortions. The
as NYPIRG. It is a student funded and actual number was under 200, according to
directed, not-for-profit, nonpartisan research the U.S. Public Health Service.
Secondly, even this number is not decreased
and advocacy organization. The principal
concerns of NYPIRCI are consumer by legalizing abortion. Studies consistently
protection, energy, political reform, and show that legalizing abortion does not reduce
social justice. Through extensive research, the number of illegal abortions; it just
lobbying, and informing of the public, tremendously increases the total number of
NYPIRG has been instrumental in getting abortions, and thus the number of maternal
legislation enacted on various small claims deaths. In Ihe first two years of New York's
court issues, nuclear power restrictions, and, liberal abortion laws, for example, more
most importantly to students, Ihe Truth-ln- women died from legal than from illegal
Tcsting bill, This new law will make the abortions! Doctors have stated thai many, if
contents of tests such as ihe LSAT's, not most, deaths caused by legal abortions are
MCAT's, GRE's, and GMAT's available lo covered up lo protect both the privacy of the
patient and the credibility of the prostudents.
abortionists. Obviously, if NOW members
The SUNYA chapter of NYPIRG is one of waul to abolish laws thai murder women, they
the largest and strongest in the stale. Last May should oppose liberal abortion laws.
it was overwhelmingly supported by SUNYA
students in a referendum which allows it to
Also, ihe National Institute of Health has
continue receiving funds through the Student just completed a carefully-controlled nineActivity Lee. During September, NYPIRG, in year study, involving 40,000 women, of the
association with SASU, SA, and other effects of abortion upon subsequent
student groups, is conducting a voter pregnancies. Compared with women who had
registration drive. Through this effort, never had abortions, those who had
NYPIRG helps empower the- student previously aborted children had an 85%
community with its most powerful voice, the higher incidence of miscarriages;:! 32% higher
rate of low-birth-weight babies; a 67% higher
Another major project being stressed premature birth rate; an 83% higher labor
immediately is the September 23 Anti-Nuke complication rate; and an 83%highcrdelivery
rally in New York City. SUNYA NYPIRG complication rate. Studies from other
members are organizing buses to NYC on thai c o u n l r i c s with medical t e c h n o l o g y
day for all who wish to attend. Increased comparable to our own show that sterility
support is expected after the success of the results from at least 10% of all first-trimester
abortions. (No such studies have been done
May 6 rally in Washington, D.C
yel in the U.S.)
NYPIRG at Albany is fortunate to have a
Abortion is not a feminist issue; it is a
highly experienced and effectual staff this
year. The new Project Coordinator is Brian human rights issue. Women can prevent
McGovern, a lobbyist intern in the legislature undesired pregnancies through careful use of
during the last session. Chairperson Amy reliable contraceptive methods and
Adelman worked in communications last year responsible use of sex. Unborn children,
however, are defenseless, unless we enact laws
and initiated a radio interview program with
WCDB. Ken Burford, vice-chair, was a which will protect their most basic human
member of the ETS Committee which helped right — the right to life. The term "right to
to gather the necessary support for the Truth- choose" sounds very democratic, except that
In-Testing bill. Working with the staff are it actually means "right to choose to kill"—a
numerous returning members who arc already right that belongs to no one.
Sue Burke
Digesting A Raw Yearbook
Ever cat a raw steak?
Some people have developed the notion that it is wiser to have a yearbook that only
encompasses the events of six months, excluding spring, when the academic year's
most touted and exciting events take place. The only logical reason for rushing the
book is to have it out before school ends, and that just doesn't seem to make sense in
light of all that will be missed.
Mnyfcst, Graduation, Senior Spring Podiating, Spring sports, and the reopening of
the fountains arc just a few events that will never make it into your documented
remembrance of SUNYA if the editors are forced to meet deadlines in early March. If
the book is mailed to all seniors in the September following, no event will be missed.
The yearbook will be a current book, as up to date as the academic year it covers.
Not only will more things be covered, but the staff will have more time to insure
photographic quality and design excellence. Also, when a yearbook arrives while
seniors arc still seniors, and not graduates, it might be taken for granted, as no one will
have left yet. By September, anyone interested in their yearbook will have more of a
desire to view it.
This week, the seniors arc asked to give their opinions in a yearbook poll. If you
want a better yearbook, covering a full year's events, at a time when you'll really enjoy
seeing it, then vote for a Fall yearbook.
You can cat raw steak, but if you're willing to wait just a little bit, you can enjoy it
. — J.B.G.
The Sardine Effect
When a class fills up during registration, they don't let anyone else in. There would
be crowding, congestion and a situation where some students would be forced to suffer
because they are going to school under adverse conditions. This is exactly the situation
in housing, wherein some administrators have not yet discovered that admitting too
many students is detrimental to quality education.
Il is understandable for a crowding problem to occur once, but there is no reason for
it lo happen year after year, worstcning with each fall. It does not seem to be so
difficult lo arrive at more accurate percentages for acceptance rates so students will
not have to sleep in lounges, RA suites, or be forced to search for off-campus housing
so hurriedly, thai more money is spent for less desirable accommodations.
It was last year when the administration claimed that more students had been
accepted than anticipated, but that claim is outdated now, and docs not suffice as a
passable excuse. This university has an extensive housing office and admissions staff,
and there is no reason why the acceptance guesses should be so far off from the truth.
There is still tremendous overcrowding, after adding all of Mohawk Tower, a n d '
Pillman Hull.
The building of eight two story garden apartments lo house 440 more students is a
necessary, timely idea, but until they are ready to have students walk in and unpack,
some extremely careful research had better be done lo insure that this sardine effect
never happens again.
— J.B.G.
Jay B. Gissen, Editor-in-Chief
Ronald Levy, Richard Behar, Managing Editors
Associate News Editor
ASPects Editor
Sports Edilor
Associate Sports Edilor
Editorial Pages Edilor
Aran Smilh
Michele Israel
Stuarl Malranga
! . . . . Paul Schwartz
Mike Dunne
Eric Salzingcr
Staff Writers: Charles Bell, Bob Blasenslein, Ed Goodman, Mark Rossier, Beth Sexer, Debby
Smilh, Hy Stadlen, Vicky Zunitch
Debbie Kopf, Business Manager
Advertising Manager
Billing Accountant
Composition Manager
Steve Goldstein
Lisa Applebaum
Amy Sours
Sales: Kalhy Bosco, Rich Seligson Classified Advertising: Sieve Mauer, September Klein
Composition: Fran Diamond Advertising Production: Randye Baer, Sue Hausman
Donna Reicher, Amy Sours Office: Evelyn Ellis
Robin Goldberg, Marty Vukovich, Production Managers
Mitchell Golding, Jordan Metzger, Associate Production Managers
Vertical Camera
Dave Benjamin
Marilyn 'Speedy Fingers' Moskowitz
Paste up: Vincent Aiello, Lisa Bongiorno Marie Italiano Typists: Andrea Bolender, Mindy
Gordon, Df.bbie Loeb, Kalhy Tyrie Proofreaders: Rachel Cohen, Sue Lichtenstein
Chauffeur: Andy Panzer
Photography, supplied principally by University Photo Service
Established 1916
The Albany Student Press is published euery Tuesday and Friday during the school year by Ihe
Albany Student Press Corporation, an independent, not-for-profit organization. Editorial policy
s determined by the Editor-in-Chief, and is subject to review by the Editorial Board, Mailing
Address: Albany Student Press, CC 329, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222,
C5J8J 457-8892
• i
C F o r Sale
Sansfcul Receiver, 20 watts/channel,
KLH, No. 32 speakers with walnut
finish, $110. Call 765-2028 after 6 pm.
1975 Flat Sport. 72,000 miles, $1,100.
Call 436-6091 evenings.
Integrated Amp - Sanyo DCA-611,60
watts/side, .08% T H D . Excellent
condition w/box and warranty. $230.
Call Dave, 7-4987.
Adidas - Nastase Competition, 4 5/8
LM A8hway Strings. Cost $75, sell
$50. New. 477-6438 - Joe.
Audio Outlet Discounts saves you
more on quality-used equipment. 1
yr. old Grunding Compact, AM/FM,
8-track, 2 speakers - $50. 1 yr. old
Sanyo Compact, AM/FM, cassette,
B.S.R. turntable, 2 speakers, $100
(excellent). 2 months (factory fresh)
Sanyo, Semi. Auto, turntable with
Audio Technics AT90E cartridge,
$75 complete. (Act quickly). Our
many satisfied customers say, "One
phone call saved me moneyl". Jamie -
For Sale: 1969 M.G.B. GT, wire
wheels, spinners, Beeker-Europa
radio, red, $3,000. Call 372-6907 after
6 pm.
Drafting table - Excellent condition,
must sell. Call Robin 489-6231.
1971 Peugot 304,4-dr. sedan for sale,
less than 67,000 miles, original
owner. Better than 28/30 mps.
AM/FM, front wheel drive, Mlchelin's
steel belted radials. Call 662-1938
after 5 pm.
Save Money - Of course you want a
stereo, but why pay high retail rates
when your student representative,
James Schorr, offers all SUNYA
students the widest selection at low
wholesale prices. Call 438-4253 and
Welcome back sale - Discwasher
system $10. TDK SAC.90 $3. Call
James Schorr 438-4253 and snve.
Men! Womenl Jobsl
Cruiseshlptl Yachts! No experience.
Good payl Europel Australial So.
Amer. Worldl Send $4.95 lor
CrulMworid 154, Box 60129, Sacto.
CA 95860.
Imedlate Openings, part-time,
$100/wk. Local retail outlot has nine
Immediate openings in our sales
display dept. 6 - 1 0 pm. nightly.
$100/wk to start if you qualify. Must
be people oriented, car required. To
arrange Interview, call 438-7825. Ask
for Mr. Snyder.
Help Wanted: People pissed off about
high rents. OCA General Meeting,
thursday, 8 pm. Of! Campus Lounge.
Attention: Students
Part-time help needed In local food
store. Day, ,evening, and weekend
shifts avaiia'ble. Must be over 18,
dependable, and must enjoy working
with people. Call Dan or Rich for
appointment. 462-6044.
Help Wanted: Two part-time
cashiers, 12 hrs/wk.. mln. wage.
Permanent local address preferred.
Inquire Hall's Drugs, Westgete
Shopping Plaza, Central Ave. &
Camera Store Sales: Part-timers
needed tor evenings and weekend
retail sales work. 12-16 hrs. perweek.
Some knowledge of photography
necessary, retail experience helpful.
Apply In person at Berns Camera
Store, Colonie Center, upper level,
opp. Sears.
Resumes: Dec. grads - It's not too
early to preparel Experienced
placement counselor will prepare
crisp, attractive resume. Printing,
interview tips included, reasonable
rates. Call Tuesday evenings, 4341796, D. Penney.
Need an artistic outlet? Flute lessons
are for youl Call Louise 434-3501.
Small typing service, call Mary Bern
at 463-1691 days, or evenings before
9 pm.
Resumes: Dec grads - it's not too
early to prepare. Experienced
placement counselor will prepare
crisp, attractive resumes. Printing,
interview tips Included, reasonable
rates. Call Tuesday evenings, 4341796, D. Penny.
Tutoring: All levels, all subjects, 1st
grade to Sr. college, reading, social
studies, English, math, humanities,
physics, chem, natural sciences. Call
and ask 785-6854/434-1908. Fees to
be arranged. Times to be arranged.
, '
You're a fucking Idiot, you're a dead
m a n
o •. . i h > ; i i i u . simar
Harvey Schmaltz s Little Sister
last year's Telethon General Interest
Meeting tonight. LC 7 9 pm.
To everyone In Bleecker Hall,
Get out and party!
Bleecker Hall Party Committee
Register Nowl Future Party;
Science Fiction, Science Fact, Trek
Convention. Aalmou, Sturgon,
NASA, Contest, Movies, much
more.'For Info send SASE to C.
Bunt, Highland Hills 606, E. Green12061
Make friends and meet other
Typing: Prompt In-home service.
Experienced Inall areas of secretarial
work. Resumes, dissertations, letters,
research papers. No job too small or
too large. 371-2975,
Lessons on guitar (finger picking,
classical), banjo ( 4 & 5 string) and
other Instruments, all levels. 4346918.
Individual and small group
instruction available In-The Art of
Essay and Term Paper Writing. For
Information, call David Lawrence at
438-4207 evenings after 6 pm.
day, 7:30, In th'e'Campus Center
Ba I r o o m .
Off Campus People:
Get Involved. OCA General Meeting.
Thursday, 8PM, Off-campus lounge.
"Happy Birthday Sue and Eric,
Happy Anniversary Sue, Eric and
To the Cross Country Team,
We heard you guys were fast. Let s
hope you can prove
it this
Wanted: Suggestions for programs.
OCA General Meeting, Thursday, 8
pm. Off Campus Lounge.
Wanted: 40 - 60 watt electric guitar
amplifier. Must have a Reverb and
Master Volume. Dave, 434-0678.
Figure models tor life drawing
classes needed. Call Art Department,
7-8487 or stop In FA 216.
Organic Chem tests and labs wanted
from Prof. Olafsson. Will pay. Call 78716.
Dear T.B.,
I want to wish you a Happy 1 year
anniversary. You've made this past
year the best ever, and you've made
my world so much brighter. Thanks
so much.
• _„.„.,
Love always, your H.B.—OKAYII
Want to be an officer of your class
council? Come and find out how
Thursday, 7:30 In the Campus
Models Wanted
Photographer (API) needs models
for part-time work (Individual &
group) poster, gallery, & commercial
- mostly figure - nude, semi and
silhouette studio and location mostly outdoor. Long hair (neat) &
dance/yoga exp., helpful but not
required. Write for rates and release
requirements to M.R., Box 22794,
SUNYA Station, Albany, NY 12222
Lost: A large, white parsons table
with 2 shelves. Lost last week right in
front of Oneida, Indian Quad. Please
call It found, 7-3393. Thanx.
Oil Campus: Life could be better.
OCA General Meeting, Thursday, 8
pm., OH Campus Lounge.
Ride needed to Cape Cod or Boston
area. Leaving 9/21. Please call Alan at
Ride needed from Schenectady to
school Mon., Tues., & Wed. Class at
5:45 pm. Please call Lorri Scott - 3820132 or 370-1107.
Ride Wanted: Dally from Latham or
Watervllet for 8 am. Will split gas
costs. Call Wendy 783-8197.
Riders wanted every week door to
door. Albany to NYC/L.I. and return.
Leaving: Sun. afternoon or Mon.
morning. Returning: Tues. afternoon
or Wed. morning. Charges: T.B.A.
Call Victor 785-6854.
To all my friends (especially 1st
S k ^ s o much for the party Thursday night. If I can have another pa ty like that one, I'll get "divorced'
every yearll
L o v e , sheila
S u e <re d
hair, Onondaga 3rd floor),
, t h o u g n l y o u were an obnoxious
son-of-a-bltch, Jap, but I
uri r
was wrongl• You're something
s La
f; -. °°°°.
Mary, wooo!
umph umph Jan8and
Dear Sheryl,
If I tell you you have a gorgeous
body, would you hold it against me.
The first week or so have been
great. Here's to many more.
Love, Kenny
Top-notch singers needed lur small
private group • audition required •
call Harriet 7-7576.
It's been real.
It's been nice.
But it wasn't really nice.
To all the people I know and love
from last year,
Welcome back to SUNYA!
Stewart Rltter
108 Quail. We carry Feminist, Happy birthday from Suite 306.
Socialist and Gay Publications. (Flll-ups) and lotsa luck.
Also used texts. Books at the
lowest prices In Albany.
PLEASE NOTE: All personals will be
accepted In the Contact Office and
only in the Contact Office between
the hours of 9 am. to 5 pm. beginning
Monday, September 17. No more
classified ads will be accepted in the
office of the ASP. Thank you.
We'll tell them all....
at the Telethon '80 General Interest
Meeting tonight, 9 pm. LC 7.
What do you want from me. I just
washed them?l
Robin, Etta, Nancy, Diane, Tara,
thanks tor being the best suitees on
the entire campusl
Love, Bonnie
Take a breath from your books and
come to the first meeting of the Class
of '83, Thursday at 7:30 In the
Campus Center Ballroom.
Yeah you, the guy with the French
fries -1 promised you the personal, so
here It is. I wouldn't want you to feel
left out and lonely or anything, would
I now? Keep up the Monday Thursday visits, ok?
Love, Robin
Needed: Room In apartment near
busline for semester. Easy to get
along with female. Call Anne 4626861.
What are you doing tonight? Come to
the General Interest Meeting tonight,
9pm„ LC 7.
It's great having you at SUNYA - even
If you are a bum. And I still love
watching TV.I
Happy birthday Marcl & Karen,
From the Cool dudes in 1602.
Love. Steve, Steven, Stu, Andy,
Female Vocalist (SemiP r o f e s s i o n a l ) L o o k i n g for
Creative, Serious Musicians to
Form Band. Contact Danielle 4560189.
To my dearest friends, members
of the BPA, and residents of Van
Ren, Twenty three years ago the
Lord created Manny, and twenty
three years later, we're still
celebrating. Thanx for making my
birthday a night to remember —
111 always love ya, be cool.
Manny Alvarez III
The Clinton Clan
hell's a
T w o films:
Toblcm and sec what you can do about it. L C 5,
Wednesday Sept. 19th, 9:00 p.m.
H f p b a n y State Cinema The Three Musketeers, L C 18,
M i u r s d a y Sept. 20th, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.
Albany Public Library A pot pourri of award-winning
§HK>vics f r o m the 21st Annual American F i l m Festival
- Will hi-" shown free to the public at 2:00 and 8:00 p.m.
S B j t c s d a y , September 18, in Albany Public Library, 161
ijflwashinglon Avenue. Different films drawn from Blue
||raBbbon Circuit N o . 2 will be included in the matinee
t p l | d evening programs. They covcra variety of subjects
^ p r a women's boxing to polities.
Dear Jane,
When running perimeter,
Don't be In a hurry.
And if you get the Albany Syndrome,
Remember Don't worry!!
Happy birthday.
Love, the Penthouse Suite
What do you want from me, I Just
washed them.
A l b a n y Public Library Charlotte's W e b , the animated
musical based on E.B. White's classic story, will be
shown free to public at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday.
19. T h e film, about a resourceful spider
and a terrific pig, is shown with both captioned and
SEPT. 18
J.R. Wells
spoken dialog.
Eddlo Shaw &
The Wolf Gang
C l u b IVews
Admission $3.50
(lass of '83 Freshmen Get-Together and
Organizational Meeting, Campus Center Ballroom,
September 20th, 7:30 p.m.
S U N Y A Anti-Nuclear Coalition Interest Meeting.
Join the fight against nuclear madness, - L C 5,
Wednesday Sept. 19th, 7:30 p.m.
Laudis' Governing Council
; Discussion of the upcoming events. M a n d a t o r y
meeting. Refreshments served afterwards. Patroon
R o o m Lounge, Thursday Sept. 20th, 7:00 p.m.
Bridge C l u b Every Tuesday night, 7:00 C C 375.
Duplicate, rubber, A C B L Tournaments. For info call
A l b a n y State College Republicans Organizational
Meeting for old and new members of the Albany State
College Republicans. Membership cards for the 197980 school year will be distributed. Patroon R o o m
Lounge, Campus Center. Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 8:00
_ ; i M $ C - H i l l e l Israeli Shuk. Marketplace offering wide
range of products, posters, foods, and f u n ! Front of
4 l » m p u s center, Tuesday Sept. 25th 10 a.m. — 3 p.m.
J l g S C - H i l l e l Interest Meeting for The Spirit (JSC's
I g j l e w s p a p e r ) . Writers, typists, typesetters, or anyone
i j t f l s e are welcome. SS 144, M o n d a y Sept. 24th 7:00
SEPT. 19
Admission $2.00
SEPT. 20
Admission $4.50
SEPT. 21
Standard Band
(Joe Cockers' Back-Up Band)
Admission $2.50
SEPT. 23
Rick Danko%
Paul Butterfield Band
Admission $6.75
SEPT. 25
Moon Martin
Admission $5
SEPT. 26
New York Flyers
Admission $2
SEPT. 27
Papa John Creach
SA Used Book Exchange Anyone who sold books to
the exchange, pick up your money or your books. CC
Ballroom, Monday through Wednesday, 9/17-9/19.
Walk-a-thon Lace up your Nikcs — Walk-a-thon is
Expression: "Which Jew are You?" H U 354,
Wednesday Sept. 19th, 8:00 p.m.
N Y P I R G General Interest Meeting. C o m m u n i t y
Service workers must attend. A l l others interested arc
Cut-a-thon Don't get your hair cut yet! Cut-a-thon is
coming in October!
Outing Club Meeting every Wednesday, L C 21 7:30
C o n f l i c t S i m u l a t i o n Society W e e k l y M e e t i n g .
Organizational Meeting with general introduction to
wargaming and D & D . All are welcome. C C 373,
Sundays 6:00 p.m. — 11:30 p.m.
International Folkdancing every M o n d a y evening,
Beginners 6-8. intermediate 8-10. A l l welcome, free,
2nd floor gytrl, PF building, call 482-4674 for info.
Sailing Club Interest Meeting. Thursday at 7:00 p.m.,
H U 133. Landlubbers and Old Salts welcome.
M o d e r n Dance Club Meets every Tuesday at 8:45 p.m.
in the dance studio in the gym. Interested? Come join
J S C - H i l l e l Chug Aliyah. T o discuss moving to Israel.
Thursday, Sept. 27th, 7:00 p.m.
Camera Club Meeting Room SS 262, Wednesday
Sept. 19th at 8:00 p.m.
Albany State Kickline Interest Meeting, Colonial
Tower 10th Floor Lounge, Sept. 19th. 8:00 p.m.
Le Cerclc Krancais General Interest
Humanities third floor lounge, Tuesday Sept. 18th,
Walk-a-thon I'd walk a million miles for Telethon but
you only have to walk 10. W a t c h for W a l k - a - t h o n
Telethon '80 Presently looking f o r people to fill the
following chairperson positions: 1 Colonial Quad
Representative, 2 A l u m n i Quad Representatives, 1
Secretary, I person skilled in T . V . production or
media. Applications available in Telethon mailbox,
S A Office.
Interest Meeting Gel.involved In Telethon '80. Now's
the time! L C 7, Tuesday Sept. 19th, 9:00 p.m.
Really need a haircut now? G o to Glemby's. mention
Telethon, and $2.00 will be donated to 'Telethon '80.
School o f L i b r a r y a n d I n f o r m a t i o n
Colloquium Scries Gilbert Williams, founder o f
Bellevue Press, will talk on "Small Publishing
Ventures"on Wednesday, September 26, 1979, at 1:00
p.m. in Draper H a l l . R o o m 146. The Colloquium
Series is open to the entire University body.
S U N Y A M e d Tech Program A n informal, once-asemesler "Information Clinic" for pre-meds and presents will be hehl in R o o m 248 of the biology building
4:00 - 5:30 p.m. September 20th, Thursday.
7:30 p.m.
C o m m u n i t y Service Orientation. Attention: Anyone
who missed Community Service Orientation, M A K E U P Session: Thursday, Sept. 20th, 4 p . m . , SS 248.
O C A Advisors Class. Tuesday. 7:00 p.m. C C 3 7 0 .
M e e t i n g . Discuss
transportation, community services, entertainment,
parties. O f f campus students urged to attend. O f f
Campus Lounge, Thursday Sept. 20th. 8:00 p.m.
Traditional Shabbat Services Friday evening at 7:00
p.m., Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. Luncheon
follows. Chapel House.
Albany Evangelical Christians Meetings 7:00 Friday
nights. C C 375. Info phone 7-7825.
Liberal Shabbat Services Education Building Lounge
(335) Friday night at 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by .ISC.
Liberal Services Friday, Sept. 21 7:30 p.m. Saturday
and Sunday ( 9 / 2 2 , 9 / 2 3 ) 10:00 a.m. Assembly Hall.
Rosh-Hashanah Traditional Services Friday, Sept.
21st, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22nd 9:30a.m. and 5:30
p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23rd, 9:30 a.m. C C Ballroom.
The Lutheran Campus Ministry T h e Holy
C o m m u n i o n , 11:00 a.m. Evening Prayer, 6:30 p.m.
Sundays a t Chapel House. Join us!
School o f Library and I n f o r m a t i o n Science S L I S
Colloquium Series. Gilbert W i l l i a m s , founder and
owner of the Bellevue Press, Binghamton, N.Y. will
speak. The Bellevue Press is presently publishing some
of the foremost modern American poets. T h e press
puts out many broadsides and other experimental
ephemera. D r a p e r
Hall, Downtown
Wednesday, Sept. 26th 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
J S C - H i l l e l Bowling Lcage Organizational Meeting
We'll be setting up the league for next 'Tuesday night's
opening. C C 361. Tuesday Sept. 18th, 7:00 p.m.
Preview is a free service
of the ASP. Deadlines are
5:00 Tuesday for a Friday
issue, 5:00 Friday for a
Tuesday issue. Bring to
the SA Contact Office
Admission $5
OCT. 10
Hall & Oats
You can still add this course:
Admission $8.50
OCT. 11
Roy Buchanan
Sexuality Counseling
Training Course
Admission $8.50
OCT. 12
Commander Cody
Admission $5
Doors open 8 p.m.
321 C e n t r a l Ave.
(below Quail St.)
Train for the SUNYA Sexual Sexuality Resource Center
Free Parking
For once and for all it's Rich
NOT Bobo.
- Bobo
JSC-Hillel Symposium. A Kaleidoscope of Jewish
8:00 p.m.
3anger: Radioactive Waste" (2) "Nuclear Reaction
W y h l " . Educate yourself on the radioactive waste
I really missed you this weekend.
There was no one I could tickle.
Love, Your token Puerto Rlcan,
encouraged to attend. Projects will be discussed, guest
speaker, and refreshments. L C 2, Tuesday Sept. 18th,
Although you re there and I m here I still miss you.
Love, Evelyn
It's crazy madness. It's an epidemic
and It's speadlng fast!
Social Welfare Association Meeting Thursday, Sept.
|0th, 1:00 p.m. Department Office ULB. To discuss
he upcoming year.
•re-Law Association Orientation for '79-80 Law
School Applicants. An information session for
jtudents applying to Law School for Sept. 1980.
Topics to be included are: LSAT, LSDAS,
Implication procedures. Essays, Recommendations,
Ind Dean's Forums. LC 7, Tuesday Sept. 25th 8:00
Suite 306 Van Cortlandt,
Thanks for making me an honorary
member of yourSulte 306 V. Cortlandt,
Thanks lor making me an honorary
member of your suite. I love you all.
The "senior
Alyssa & Nadlne,
Happy blrthdayl
• n
Attention Majors
I apollglze with greatest anxiety and
llstlessness along with some
pluralistic feelings.
Happy two yearletsl They were the
best, PUNK. Now how about dinner
tonight at Jacklets. Butt lets keep Karen Schwartz, R.A.,
Baby, we love your bod I Keep those
the bill under 18.
i L.ove, BURK curtains open.
Love,the guys on 4
Yo, Helnken Boys,
You ought to come up to the quality
Patty G. (Rock Lady),
of your beer.
How's your E.O.P. sexuality course?
Van Cort 207
The 5th Battalion
P.S. You don't know what a good
time I s .
Karen B.,
Happy birthday!
Get Involved! Join the class of 83
Council. Thursday, 7:30 In the Campus Center Ballroom.
106 Hamilton beat the odds - 6
freshmen girls - no one's from Long
Since you always seem to doubt me Island an no one's Jewish.
when I tell you this - maybe seeing it
Let's hear It for 106 Hamilton!!
In writing will help convince you: I
Ruth Dr. Love,
Colonial Tower 1602
You've got the cure I'm thinking of.
Fuckln' Chaos
Love, P.S.
Wild men, Good Times
All Girls Welcome
Call 7-5 032 for reservations. Dear Pat,
Have a great year In France.
The worm Is alive and living in 1602.
Love, Bob
r Housing
u ^ a m W n g - when was the last
° / ™ 2 u s a w your feet' Don't
bother thanking us for the personal.
{ £ m e d a y w 0 ' | | measure up.
Your loving friends
. ,. . .
Meets Mondays 6:30-8:30
Ticket Outlets
To Register: Call John Welty 7-8836
2i Central Ave., Albany
Drome Sound'
^SEPTEMBER 18, 1979
2 credits
Mas Is A Gas Gas Gas
continued from page nine
able to grow with each other.
A far more serious problem could be
Carolyne Mas' unfamiliarity with fame. Many
a musician with electric potential and a great
. manager has been unable to reproduce that
initial surge on a long term basis. For some,
creativity inspires the title "flash in the pan."
Five years ago Mas was singing in Gilbert and
Sullivan operas and applying lo the Julliard
School of Music. She didn't follow through on
either. Instead she went on the rock club
circuit, always as the opening acl for a more
public name. It was only one year ago this
month that Mas signed on a manager and
producer (Faris Bouhafa and Steve Burgh
respectively) and hit the smaller clubs outside
of the Metropolitan area lo sharpen her skills
in a cram course on stardom.
March 14 and 15 were Carolyns Mas' lirst
headline performances at a major club. Only
six months ago. Mercury records signed her
that week. Within a month she was touring
the Northeast and Eastern Canada, an area
often frequented by the big city rockers she
emulates. The major cities on her tour include
Boston, Albany, New Haven, Asbury Park
(possibly to pay a tribute!), and a packed
encore show at Syracuse. She has planned to
continue on her present tour until at least the
third week of October.
Airplay on the group's first album is steadily
increasing. Tours keep growing In length.
Record sales are rising amid an industry
slump. The luture looks rosy for thisnymphbecome-star. Her elegantly raucous flair for
lyrical description and musical excitement
make her an irresistable pleasure to watch.
Some will say that she is diving head lirst into
an arena she hasn't yet had enough exposure
to. I think her finale number on Wednesday
answers that best. "You cannot win if you do
not play."
Pissed off at
t h e Bookstore?
Free Check Cashing!
(up to the amount in your account)
Come to a meeting of
A l b a n y Student
Donation 50° Beer and Chips
It's not too late
Thursday 9:30 pm
Montauk second floor
* Jents Federal Credit Union
Right next to Check Cashing
Tonight 7:©0 PW L C M
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
First national frat on campus in 25 years
c/t IXaHzldoicofis
It's set in the Patroon Room on the 2nd
floor of the Campus Center
Grand Reopening:
Fri. Oct. 5 and Sat. Oct. 6
A "C T T Fraternity
High Interest on
All Accounts
You can make
a change!
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invited to an interest party for
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Hu 354, 8pm
SA Funded
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The Three Musketeers
Thursday, September 20
LC. 18 7:30 and 9:30
$1.00 with tax $1.50 without
The Four Musketeers
Tuesday, September 25
Topics.P m - c c Ballroom
SA Financial Procedures
SA Transportation Policy
SA Solicitations Policy
Student Activities/Campus Center Policies
Introduction of Assistant Comptrollers
Any Questions?
Sue Gold 457-8087
Refreshments will be served.
Sponsored by SA and Student /University Activities S the Campus Center
University Cinematography
invites you to it's
First General Meeting
7:30 FA 126
Tues Sept 18
Friday, September 21
LC. 18
7:30 and 9:30
info call 7-7508
Attention All S.A. Funded
Mandatory Group Meeting
Learn all aspects of filmmaking
SA Funded
Come to the First
fiie "**
Interest Meeting of
V$VE$E$e r^cos&
* . « *
The Class of '83
Election of Officers will be discussed
Thursday, September 2 0
7:30 P M
Campus Center Ballroom
•m v
Refreshments will be served
Call Dave Weintraub
The Undergraduate Social
Welfare Association
Join the S.U.N.Y.A.
Gay and Lesbian Alliance
Welcomes Everyone
9 p.m. in the C.C. 375
We are having a party! Lots of
food, wine and good company!
Our first meeting will be held Thursday,
Sept. 20 at 1:00 at the Social Welfare
Dept. Office (ULB) All Social Welfare
majors and anyone interested may atteni
We'll befinalizingplans for our participation in
the Oct. 14 March on Washington!
We welcome YOUR ideas
and support.
Circle K Meeting
(students federal)
Credit Union
Interest meeting
LC23 7:30
Get involved in service projects on campus and in
the community
continued from page 24
I needing 12 yards for a first down.
I Walsh went to the air, and found
[Lusher for an II yard gain. The
I Danes gambled on fourth down, and
[John Durant made it pay off. The
I fullback's dive up the middle gave
I Albany a first down, and four plays
I later, Dario Arango booted a 24lyard field goal, and the Danes closed
|out the first quarter with a .1-0 lead.
In the third quarter, Albany again
Icamc up with good field position,
land it resulted in game's only
[touchdown. Slatting from llobait's
1.19, the Danes were hurt bya holding
• penalty, and the Statesmen
lappcarcd to have stopped the drive.
IBut on third down and 16 to go,
[Walsh faked a handoff. and then
IrKlcd ii pass that Lusher corraled at
•the 15 yard line. The Danes scored
Ion Walsh's one yard run moments
Despite the 285 yards rushing, the
|Dane offense suffered from firsluinie rustiness, losing the ball twice
Ion fumbles and mishandling il four
•other times. Walsh was unable to
|toss the pitchouts to the backs that
nake the wishbone explosive, and
•instead, had to carry the ball 2.1
itimes himself.
"With the triple option, you never
Iknow what is going to happen,"said
Ford. "You take basically what
they're giving you. Terry's a good
runner, and he was getting the keep
off the corner a lot. The thing I was
concerned with was that he never
seemed to be coming out of there
running. He came out stumbling too
much of the time, and he'd stumble
around the corner, and then once he
regained his balance and his
composure he made some pretty
good runs."
"It's a give and take thing." said
Walsh. "If they're taking the corner
away, we're just going to jump it up
the middle, and if they jump lo me.
then we take the corner. We were
moving the hall on the ground, and
We could have had two more
touchdowns no trouble at all if we
didn'l fumble the hall. It was just a
matter of a couple of bad mistakes."
Ten points was plenty, though,
because the Albany defense was
simply unyielding. Four players
Sal Indelicato, John Veruto, Don
Hyde, and Larry Pearson
had six
tackles, and whenever llobarl gave
even the slightest trace of breaking
through, a Dane defender put a
quick slop to it. Matt Brancalo. with
three sacks on quarterback Pal
Tumulty, had a strong game. Inn il
was Indelicaioat thcolhcrdcfcnsivc
end spol that stood out. Starting in
you to join u± fo*i
<Se.jp.t. 21, tBa£[xoom,
<£ak., <Szfit. 22, tBaftioom,
<Sun., <Szfit
Against Southampton, an English team, the Albany State soccer team
played well, but lost 3-0. (Photo: Karl Chan)
6:30 fim
WCDB R e q u e s t
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OufoHown Sludenls:
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78 *-/</>
place of Eric Singlctary, who could
not get out of a National Guard
commitment, Indelicato wits the one
who put (he big hit on llein. and
forced Ihc Hobart runner to fumble,
selling up Arnngo's field goal. And
because of ihc s u p e r l a t i v e
continued from page 24
"It felt great to get my first goal
ihat way. Also I promised it to my
girlfriend," beamed the sophomore
who played a line defensive game.
Scbieffelin was cautiously
optimistic after his team's first
showing, "We were a little
frustrated," he said, "The score
could have been much belter; we
didn't have the finishes we wanted."
Indeed, the Mooters had some line
scoring chance's which failed. Center
forward Afrim Ne/aj alone had two
shots hit the post. "We played well.
The score could have easily been
four or five to nothing,"commented
Ne/aj as he echoed the frustrations
of his teammates.
One area which continues lo b-- a
problem is the mid field position.
Schielielin has yet to come up with a
combination that is effective.
Robert Dahab, Alii Kamara, and
Cieorge Forcro started on Saturday
but some changes may be upcoming
at this position.
"Our midficld play wasn't good."
Scbieffelin said. "They are overhandling the ball and not
distributing quickly enough. Once
we get this straightened out we'll be
all right."
A point which encouraged
performance of the defense as
whole, the Danes achieved
something unusual
an opening
game win. and something even rarer
a shutout.
"We had a good lime out there; il
Wits fun," said Pearson. "Thai was
Ihc higgesl pan about it. When they
tried lo run. we were there. I don't
know ihc last time we had a shutout.
I haven't won an openinggame since
I've been here. It feels good to win
the first. Start cut in a blaze of glory,
I guess."
•iiiiii i n
I All t\M
SEPTEMBER 18, 1979
Schielielin was Ins team's play in the
final minutes against a vastly
improved Pittsburgh club. "On the
road anything can happen, and we
showed our character by get ling i hat
last goal." added Scbieffelin.
Giordano perhaps was the most
e n t h u s i a s t i c c r i t i c o 1 t Ii e
pel forma ace; "The whole team
played exceptionally well. There
were some problems because il was
our first game, but we dominated the
first hall."
' Albany hardly had lime to
celebrate as they returned home to
face Soulhainpton University of
England in an exhibition match
Sunday afternoon.
The Englishmen came out on lop
3-0, hut this result deserves some
explanation. Scbieffelin used his
starting players in the first half only
al which lime Ihc score was 1-0.
"Play was balanced in the first
hall. We made a few technical
mistakes hut they were a good side.
The score was really 1-0," observed
the veteran coach.
Southampton has been a
consistent title winner in Southern
England and now stand 6-1 on their
tour of the Northeastern United
States. They suffered their only
defeat al the hands of Oneonta
Stale, whom the Danes will host
1 riday night at Meeker Stadium,
Southampton team manager Neil
IhilUwell made some observations
im the match, "Albany obviously
has several skilled ballplayers; but if
they had a belter pitch (field) to play
on they would.be improved."
The Hooters will host another
SUN VAC school, Oswego, in a
home contest tomorrow. A victory
would provide some momentum
'before the much a w a i t e d
confrontation with nationally
ranked Oneonta (Division I). In preseason balloting Albany was ranked
ihc ninth best soccer team in the
State and I lib nationally.
Waterpolo Wins
The Albany Slate Waterpolo
Club won their season opener this
weekend IH-12 in overtime over
Cobleskill. With the score 10-10
after regulation lime, the State
'l.agcrheads' opened the overtime
with three quick goals. After
Cobleskill came within one at 13-12,
Albany broke open the match wilh
five straight goals. The victory
ended Albany's streak: never
having lost at home through their
four-year existence,
i i i o i i m n
Dane quarterback Terry Walsh looks to gain yardage against Hobart. Walsh was Albany's leading rusher on
Saturday, totaling 91 yards on 23 carries. (Photo: Steve Otruba)
Booters Beat Plattsburgh, Lose To Southampton
Wed. Sept. 19
Volunteer positions available:
accountants, tellers,
general managers
When: Wednesday Sept. 19
Where: Campus Center 361
Time: 8:30 P.M.
Danes Shutout Hobart, 104)
is a student group. We
try to get things done. For you. We
try to make apartments better. We
try to make bus service better. We
try to change local conditions that
deal with us unfairly because we
are students. We try to change
University policies that treat us unfairly because we live off campus.
affect the conditions you
live in. We use your student tax
money to do it. Come and help us
set priorities. Come help us spend
your money. Wisely.
j we try to educate
ourselves ancf
so that we can
and others
all be just a little more aware — as
tenants, as consumers, as
neighbors. As people.
C o m e to the Off Campus Association General Meeting. Thursday
nite, September 20, at 8 p.m. in the Off Campus Lounge (near Check
SA Funded
O C A . C C 116,457-4928
For those sports minded people
out there who want to get involved!
Come to the WIRA
Meeting on Monday Night
at 8:30 in CC
Patroon Room Lounge
SA Sponsored
Get caught in...
gi m
NwvCommerdal Stereo.
2 1 How a Day.
beat them in the spring last ycarand
Michelc Guss and Sue Bard lost in
we're gonna do it again this year," doubles competition 4-6, 2-6,
she said.
followed by Sandra Borrelle and
In singles competition, lop player Chris Rodgers who lost their first set
Lisa Denemark lost in three sets to 6-7, won their second, 6-2 and due to
Hcide Hcichemer, who she hasa lack of time, played, and lost a
beaten three times previously. tiebreaker set, 5-3. "Today in
Freshmen IHIisc Solonian and Amy practice we're gonna practice
Fcinberg, and transfer Lisa tiebreakers," said Mann.
Last fall the Danes were defeated
by the Binghamton team by the McKigney also lost their first
The team's next match is
same result — a score of 6-1. matches. The only win of the day tomorrow, when the Albany netters
went to Ann Newman with a 7-5, 7-5 host West Point.
However. Albany women's coach
Peggy Mann was optimistic. "We triumph.
Greeted by Hurricane Frederick
and an hour long wait to get into an
indoor tennis center, the Albany
State women's tennis team lost their
first match of the season Friday to
rival Binghamton. 6-1.
... a nice place to meet and talli
with friends
Grand Reopening
Fri. Oct. 5 and Sat. Oct. 6
Beginners and / t o c e d sailors wteome. We sail each
weekend at Hie Mohawk toitut-TransporiaHon avaHahfe.
SaiRna Club
Gemml Interest MeeKna
Thursday at 7
in HU133.
Rose Closes In On Hit Record
You may have missed it because
much of the Phillies have done this
season h a s been e m i n e n t l y
miserable, but Pete Rose has
collected 186 hits so far. That is a
relevant number, because with 14
games to play, Mr. Rose needs 14
hits to reach 200 and salvage
something from this otherwise sorry
So what's the big deal about 200
»' hits, you ask. Well, if Rose makes
the plateau, it will be the 10th time in
his career that he's done it, and that's
where Ty Cobb comes in. Cobb,
with a world record 4,191 hits in his
fabulous career, packaged 200 in a
season nine times. Nobody — not
Honus Wagner, not Cap Anson, not
Willie Kceler— ever did it 10 times.
With two weeks to go, Cobb and
Rose remained tied for the most 200hil seasons in a career (9) and with 14
hits to go, Rose has a shot at his own
line in the record book and you have
to know he'd love that.
Cobb, though, probably wouldn't
mind. Rose is his kind of player —
head first slide, never give an inch,
hustle all the time. The problem with
this season is that Rose is out of the
pennant race, an unpleasant and
strange situation for him.
In his years with Cincinnati, Pete
became accustomed to September
excitement. The Reds, remember,
have a proud history of autumn
achievement during the last decade.
When Rose walked away from
Cincinnati last winter, via the free
agent route, and Manager Sparky
Anderson was unceremoniously
dumped, it seemed the Big Red
Machine might have suffered
irreparable damage.
Yet here we arc in another
285 N. Scotland Ave.
Albany, N.Y., 12208
For information call
September with the Reds In another
pennant race. Rose is reaching lor
his own goal with a struggling
Philadelphia club and Anderson,
back in baseball as the manager of
the Detroit Tigers, is trapped in the
middle of the American League East
with little immediate prospect of
moving them up or down.
You had to wonder if Cincinnati's
situation is on their minds as their
old team battles to win yet another
division title.
And while the two old Reds watch
and wonder how their former team
will do in the si retch drive, they have
company in this wailing game. The
record book writers are at it. too.
with their countdown on Rose as he
shoots for 200.
Rugger Practice
The Albany State Rugby Club has
begun practice for the fall season.
Anyone interested in playing is
invited to attend a practice or call
Mike at 457-1865. Workouts arc
held daily behind the Campus
Center at 3:30.
"The Company is superb" —Th« Boston Qlobo
"They are the future" —-n» u>. An0.i.» Timaa
Previews of
MEMPHIS, Tcnn; (AP) It's the a p p a r e n t l y ' w a s troubled by
tendinitis in his right foot.
morning after for 20-ycar-old John
McEnroe, Phase II for the U.S. Vilas had won. a marathon first sel
Open tennis champion.
9-7, but Gerulaitis — showing no ill
He won the Open a week ago effects — won the first three games
of the second. Then, to everyone's
Sunday, one of the youngest men
ever to do so. And'thisAveekcnd, he surprise, he told officials he would
helped the United Stales win the not continue.
American Zone finals of the Davis
Last December, McEnroe was the
guiding force on the U.S. team that
. Now it's back to the regular won the Davis Cup final against
liritain. This time, his was not the
.tournament tennis, the old grind.
"Yeah, I'm worried about not clinching victory. Old-timers Stan
letting down," he said Sunday after Smith and Hob Lutz won the series
3-0 Saturday with a cliffhanger
b e a t i n g .lo,sc-Luis Clerc of
.Argentina 6-2, 6-3 in the fourth doubles match over Clerc and Vilas,
match of the five-match Davis Cup 2-6, 4-6, 11-9, 6-4. 6-1.
The U.S. team breezed, but it was
not a 5-0 sweep. Vitas Gerulaitis,
Brancato And
who had won his singles Friday
against Clerc, retired during the
Shoen Excel!.
second set of his Sunday match
against Guillermo Vilas. Gerulaitis
continued from pane 24
Interested in Developing
while at SUNYA?
Camera Club Meeting
8 PM
Room SS 2 6 2
For Information
call Fred 7-5285
Steve 7-7983
Albany YMCA
Welcomes You
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W o r k s h o p s a n d Groups
Best wishes for a successful year
Paul Foster
Present this ad for a free visit to:
Albany YMCA
274 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12203
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Special College Yearly Rate — $55
Membership includes full use of all facilities except the
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We feature: two gymnasiums, weight lifting room, running tract, swimming pool, locker facilities, raquetball
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Partially landed by Student Assn.
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Every Sunday, Monday 81 Tuesday
An Italian l-««tt guarantied to ilaygtr even the •loutcil appetite. We •l*rl you oil with
our famom ANTIPASTO Salad Buffet. . . at much at you want. .. and follow lhat with
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CHILDREN (Under 10) 1 . 9 9
Served Sunday Noon loClotlng Monday & Tueaday4 pm to d o t i n g
SEPTEMBER 18, 1979
September 25-28,1979 at 8:00 p.m.
on Hcin on Mohan's first offensive
series, and a sack of quarterback Pill
Tumulty two plays later fora sevenyard loss. However, Shoen pulled
his hamstring in the third quarter,
and was gone for Ihc day. The
victory more than the injury was on
Shocn's mind. "I think today was
just the start of a great year,*'Shoen
said. "It's an indication of
phenomenal things to come."
Sicdlccki predicted some topquality games from Shoen in the
future. "He hasn't lost very much,"
he said. "He's just as quick. I feel he's
going to get bctterashegocsalong."
F o r t u n a t e l y for S o u t h e r n
Connecticut, the Danes' opponent
this Saturday, Brancato and Shoen
will already have a road game under
their belts. The week after, however,
Brockport best be prepared. It will
be Albany's home opener and
Brancato and Shoen might get a
little edgy.
j • applications for
John McEnroe Helps US.
Team Win In Davis Cup
"Th« Company Is deep in talent" —TI» N.W vorfcTim**
Main Theatre
Performing ArtsCentBr
ThflUnlvemltyAl Albany
Anne Newman was the only winner for the Albany State women's tennis
team in Saturday's match. (Photo; Steve Essen)
Wednesday September 19
in repertory
(AP) This is going to be a lough two
weeks for Ty Cobb, sitting up there
in baseball's Valhalla, watching
intensely as Pete Rose slaps hits to
all fields and belly-whops his way
around the bases.
As the season wheels into its final
two weeks, the Philadelphia Phillies
are w a n d e r i n g t h r o u g h t h e
wilderness of the National League
East, trying to avoid a depressing
fifth place finish. They have been
one giant-sized bust this season —
all except the pepperpot first
baseman who wearsJ^o. 14 on his
uniform and keeps right on hustling
lrllE ~ \ /Blowdrying
Mlohaal K«hn, » U n S o h n . l d . r
by Kathy Perilli
S A Funded
Netters Lose 6-1 To Binghamton
in the S.A. Office
Get Caught in
Do you need a job?
Are vou interested in sports?
Batmen Romp, 11-1, Then Fall Short To Utica, 7-6
by Robert Rafnl
Albany State's varsity baseball
team began the regular season on a
good note last Saturday, easily
defeating Utica I l-l in the first game
of a doubleheadcr. The Danes made
a comback in the second game, but
ended up losing 7-6.
In the first game, the Danes
displayed both superb hitting and
superior pitching. Albany banged
out 10 hits, led by Bob Arcario with
three and Tony Moschella with two.
Unquestionably, the hitting star of
the game had to be Arcario with
three hits and six RBI's. The junior
third baseman went three for three
while socking a two run homer as
well as a bases loaded triple.
Why **'* * u « * » *» * • W W office
in ihe eamfruj center
and a t * * be a HEAD OFFICIAL
Campu* tenter
flnttaoii *oom
You can appV in CC 156
during fhe day Mon.- Fri
Grand Re-opening
Friday October 5 and
Saturday October 6
, t f | | ,|
SA sponsored
Help Wanted
Responsible person to run
an on campus operation
|SC Bowling League
Tues. nights at 7:30 starting Sept. 25th
Public Relations and Management
experience required
Organizational Meeting Tonight
If interested contact:
Ruth Rosenstock at 457- 8089
Info call leff 7-5295
Office 7-7508
What Do You Want
From College?
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Haw you «er ?layd frisbee?
If you are interested
come to sign up for VARA,
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But we've got other good
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If any of this interests you
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For More Information Contact:
The Siena Program
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The Albany Slate varsity baseball team split a doublchcadcr with Utica on
Saturday afternoon. (Photo: Karl Chan)
Tues. 4:00 CC 361
SA sponsored
Anyone interested in becoming
a paid official for softball,
soccer or flag football games
should get i n touch w i t h
M r . D. Elkin i n €C 13©
and five of the top seven spots. Ihe
Saturday, under cloudy and
w o m e n w e i c m ore e v e n I y
windy conditions, the Albany State
distributed, as Albany sophomore
cross-country teams began their
Leslie Price won handily, setting a
season strongly with a clean sweep
course record of 19 minutes 24
of the Coast Guard Academy in a
seconds for the new live kilometer
meet on the Dane harriers' home
{3.1 mile) course. Freshman Diane
courses, The men's varsity won 24Kirchoff took third, and other Dane
the men's J . V , t o o k a
women placed sixth, seventh, tenth
commanding 21-34 decision,and the
and eleventh, enabling them to nose
women's v a r s i t y edged
t h e i r " by the tough Coast Guard runners.
opponents 27-2H. Todd Silva and
Mike Sayer.s were named co-runners
Dave Stalters of CGA took the
of the meet.
men's varsity race in 26 minutes, 33
Men's cross country coach Bob
seconds, but was followed by Dane
M u n s e y expressed a deep
co-captain Hill Mathis. W i t h regards
satisfaction in the performance of
to the Danes 5.02 mile course,
his squad. "They could've wilted,
Munsey said, " I would be satisfied if
but they didn't," he said.
anyone runs under 27 minutes this
This is a true statement, as both
early in the season." Mathis, on the
the men's varsity and J.V. lost their
comback, apparently is on track as
. races, but each took second place
Financial Security?
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Army ROTC provides for
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I in M w r Inform.nun f o n i . i I
C . p c . 1,1..,,,, W P . r k l n ,
.11 IMHJ ?7(ln2S4
HI IIICIJI l,y llu> Itfl
On ISIh Si in Tiny
The Jayvees, full of freshmen who
were running their first college race,
dominated their opponents. Coast
Guard's D..I. Swatland ran Ihe 4.5
mile course in 23.04, good enough
for the lop spot. Bui Albany's Dave
Rathjcns was second, clocked al
23.32, followed by teammates Chris
Lant, John C o r d i , and Dave
Goldberg, all who finished in
under 25 minutes.
Dane co-captain Bill Mathis finished second f o r the Albany State cross
country team In Saturday's meet. ( I ' h o t o : Karl Chan)
had 13 days to prepare. But Munsey
also noted that the enthusiasm and
great attitude of the squad was
enough to overcome lack of formal
practice. Saturday, he said, " I could
tell last night that we'd w i n . " That
might not be such an easy statement
to say Thursday, as ihe harriers must
face an always lough A r m y squad
and Syracuse on Friday. The women
face P i t t s b u r g h and Southern
Connecticut, also on Friday.
Nobody Wants Number One Spot
(AP) Last year, the uproar was over
who should have been college
football's national champion. This
year, it looks as though the burning
question is who's N O T No. I.
Southern Cal occupies that
position right now but Coach John
Robinson doesn't want it. Runnerup
Alabama and fourth-ranked Texas
weren't scheduled Saturday while
No. 3 Oklahoma struggled to beat
back lowly Iowa and fifth-ranked
Purdue, sixth-rated Michigan and
12 Georgia forfeited any
immediate claim to the top spot by
getting themselves upset.
Despite the absence of A l l American tailback Charles White
and star tackle Anthony Munoz,
Southern Cal had no trouble
demolishing Oregon Stale 42-5. The
Trojans scored Ihe first five times
they had the ball, with Paul
McDonald throwing Iwo touchdown passesd lo Kevin Williams he completed eight Of nine for 108
while Marcus Allen and
SEPTEMBER 18, 1979
In the second game, the Danes
again played well. However, this
lime they were on the losing end of a
7-6 tally. The Danes made a valiant
comeback attempt after falling
behind. Late in the game, Moschella
blasted a three run homer to help the
t r y to overcome a
considerable deficit. It was just too
little loo late though, as the Danes'
bats were finally quieted in the
nullum of the seventh. The pitcher
of record for the losers was Gary
LaConlure with relief help from
Mike I-sposito.
Ihe Danes next face local rival
Siena t o m o r r o w afternoon 'at
Siena's home field.
seconds. Bruce Shapiro got fourth,
Sayers look fifth, and co-captain
Jack Russo was s i x t h . Silva,
although finishing lentil, had a
strategic importance as he split up a
siring of lour C G A runners. Had he
not done this, the Danes might not
have won. There has been a lough
rivalry between Albany and C G A
since 1967, w i t h this victory
increasing the Danes record lo 8-5
over (he Cadets.
Munscy was skeptical before the
meet as to what the Danes'
performance would be, citing that
the Academy had been practicing
for three weeks and the Danes only
What Do You Want
From College?
Finally, i n the top of the sixth,
Utica was able to punch a run across
the plate. Their lone score came on a
high hopper that was just beyond the
reach of Albany second baseman
Mitch Chusid's outstretched glove.
In the bottom of the sixth, the
fireworks really exploded for the
Danes, as they scored six runs on six
hits. M c C a r t h y , R h o d e s , and
Arcario, as well as reserves Mike
Turner, Elliot D i K o i k , and Francis
Riviera all supplied key hits.
Three Wins For Harrier Squads
by Bob Bellafiore
at 9 in CC 361
SA Funded
The Danes also received two fine
pitching performances, as Mike
and Rich
combined to hurl a six-hitter.
Clabcaux pitched Ihe first six
innings, yielding only five hils and
one run while fanning four. In the
lasl inning, the first year Dane
Coach Rick Skeel summoned his ace
reliever. Woods, from the bullpen to
protect Ihe lead. The fireman faced
only four bailers before retiring the
side and ending the game.
I r o n i c a l l y , at the outset, it
appeared the game would be a
closely fought, low scoring contest.
However, in the bottom of the
second inning, the Danes put two
runs on the scoreboard. Moschella
started the rally by lining a leadoff
single to second. The first basemen
bunted the ball to Mark Dodge,
Utica's starting pitcher, who threw
Moschella out at second. But due to
Moscclla's hard slide, Utica's hopes
for a double play were foiled.
Albany's next batter, designated
hitler Bob Rhodes, hit a ground ball
to short, forcing McCarthy at
second. Arcario, the number seven
hitter in the lineup, followed by
belting the Danes first round tripper
of the season. The clout gave Ihe
Danes a two run lead, which they
never surrendered.
In the fourth inning, the Danes
erupted with three more runs. I h e
big blow was Arcario's opposite
field triple which immediately
followed Moschella's double down
the right field line, McCarthy's walk,
and Rhodes' sharp grounder to
short which was booted by Utica's
shortstop, M i k e DiGcorge.
Mike Harper each scored twice on
short runs.
Oregon State's Craig Fertig, a
one-time Southern Cal quarterback
and later an assistant coach there,
called the Trojans "one of the best
USC teams I have s e e n . "
Nevertheless,, Robinson was far
from ecstatic.
"We are not No, I , " he said.
" W e ' r e just struggling to get
through. Our kids, if you notice,
don't hold their fingers up for No. I.
We d o n t want that label."
Iowa held Hcisman Trophywinner Billy Sims to 106 yards'and
forced Oklahoma to throw an
unheard-of 18 passes but Sims
produced two short but decisive
touchdown runs when the Sooners
weren't busy fumbling they lost
five of seven.
" I don't know if Oklahoma ever
had anyone knock the ball loose so
much," said Iowa's Hayden Fry.
"They weren't putting it on the
ground, it was knocked loose."
UCLA's upset of
orchestrated by Rick i
llircw scoring passes o f j
Michael Brant and
('iirr.ui and scored hi m i l
While Male was booting field
goals from 40, 44, 22 and 39 yards
out, Notre Dame's deMfee put the
clamps on Michigan atijd held the
Wolverines to 94 yards rjjilic second
half after they piled u|t&2l2 before
the intcrmis.sion.
Curt Warner, a freshman from
Wyoming, W . Va., accounted for
281 yards overall — 100 rushing, 71
receiving, 110 returning kicks — for
the best performance ever by a Penn
Suite rookie as the Nittany Lions
mauled Rutgers.
I.M. Hipp rushed for 167 yards
and three touchdowns to lead
Nebraska past Utah State and
Michigan State got three T D s from
Derek Hughes in downing Oregon,
one on a 100-yard kickoff return
that gave the Spartans a 27-17 lead.
ATxsstr^/ oports
" % ^ - ^ . _ J^»Mi-i-rlB
Tuesday, September 18, 1979
Dominant Albany Defense Stops Hobart, 1W)
by Paul Schwartz
Taking on a Hobart squad that was
GENEVA —It was a game of firsts. Ilimited in offensive capabilities but
For the team, it marked the end of a |pesky on defense, the Danes did not
three year opening game losing ioverwhelm, but did come home with
streak. For the players, it wus more ia 10-0 victory over the Statesmen.
Defense was the story for the
— the first time any of them had ever
been 1-0 in an Albany varsity Danes. With Hobart possessing a
uniform. And for the defense, it was !strong inside running game but little
the ultimate — a shutout, the first iin the way of a passing attack, there
since 1976, 22 games ago.
<were few alternatives, so the
Blended together, Saturday .'Statesmen tried repeatedly but
unsuccessfully to break through (he
turned out to be quite u pleasing day I
Albany middle. Hobart managed
for the Albany Stale football team. /
Matt Brancato And Steve
Shoen Enjoy Special Game
by Rich Seligson
GENEVA — As season openers go, there were more than Ihc usual
pre-gamc butterflies for two Albany Stale players Saturday
afternoon. Sophomore Matt Brancato, aft-l205 lb. defensive end.
, and junior Steve Shoen, a 6-1 230 lb. defensive tackle, though, had
good reason to be jittery.
Brancato was slatting for lire first time in his college career, while
Shoen was making his return to the Danes' lineup alter a year away
from school.
Poor Hobart.
The Statesmen's offensive unit fell the brunt of the two players'
nervous energy, as Brancato stood out wilh three quarlerbuck sacks
and a fine performance overall, and Shoen had lour tackles in
addition lo a sack.
"I fell more nervous this game than ever before," said Brancato,
"because you know how the other guys are expecting you lo do your
purl. I didn't wanl lo lei anyone down." It was Brancnlo's first-quarter
hit on Hobart halfback Greg Heiu that caused Hcln to fumble the ball
away to Ihe Danes. This eventually led lo Da rio Arango's 24-yard field |
goal and Albany's first points of the season.
Defensive coordinator Jack Siedlccki is pleased with Brancato. "I
feel Mall potentially is one of the best football players we have in our
program." Siedlccki said. "He'sa big, strong kid and very touchable. I
had him as a linebacker last year arrd then we moved him to defensive
end and he just moved. He had no qualms about it. And now he's
starling. He's doing a great job for us."
Shoen, who led Albany in tackles and QB sacks two years ago,
couldn't wait to get back in the trenches again. "I could hardly sleep
lasl night," Shoen said following Ihe 10-0 victory. "I was up for the
prepared. I was jusl very excited to be back playing football
I again."
Shoen made his presence immediately felt wilh a bear-hug tackle
continued on page 21 j
The Danes look an early lead,
getting their first goal of the season
just 15 minutes into Ihc mutch.
Matt I'arrclla caught Plaitsburgh's defense off-guard on a free
kick. He chipped the bull over the
defense lo right wing Vusily Scrdiev,
a iransfcr from Cicncsco playing his
first gamefinAlbany, who brought
it under control and drilled it past
the goalkeeper.
"I felt good when 1 got die hall,
and as soon as I kicked it I fell it was
going to go in," said Serdsev. "It
went just over his (goalie's) head and
skimmed the (opo! the haras it went
in." Ever smiling and humble, he
added, "1 guess I was just lucky."
Unfortunately, Albany also
scored the game's next goal. It was
unfortunate because it counted for
Under pressure from Ihe Cardinal
forwards, sweeper back Vlado
Sergovich and keeper Alberto
Giordano misunderstood each other
on how they were going lo handle a
hack pass to Giordano.
"Albc-lo came out lo receive Ihe
ball," said Schieffclin, "and he
hesitated just when Vlado kicked the
ball. Because he was off-balance the
ball rolled past him." That mistake
lied Ihc match l-l.
A play like that might have dented
Ihc confidence of an inexperienced
defense like Albany's, especially if it
had cost them the game. However,
instead of becoming rallied they
vindicated themselves by shutting
down the Plattsburgh attack for the
by Beth Sexer
Step aside UNIVAC 1100/82.
During the summer or 1979, the staff
of SUNYA's Computing Center
replaced the UNIVAC 1110 with the
more powerful UNIVAC-II10.
Calling its rate of error "more
lhan we can tolerate," Computing
only 90 total yards for the afternoon,
and their leading rusher, Ed
Cooney, was shul
shut down completely:
13 carries for 31 yards.
"There's no question, if they could
have thrown Ihc
the ball it would have
been a different football game," said
Albany defensive coordinator Jack
Siedlccki. "Because everything we
did was lo
to defeat the run.
Everything. And we really did a job
on Ihem.
them. We came up wilh
with a lot of
big plays."
"They're like our offense," added
cornerback Joe Rajezak.
Rajczak. "When
they're in a throwing situalion,
they'd rather run. So that's the way
we had our game plan rigged — for
the run mostly. Later on in the game,
we knew they had lo
to start coming
back and start throwing the ball."
Albany's passing game did not
exactly distinguish itself, either.
Dane quarterback Terry Walsh
threw only eight limes,
times, wilh
with three
completions, and adding in three
trick pass plays, the Albany offense
compiled a less-lhan-robusl
less-than-robusl 53
5.1 yards
Iliii the Danes could run lire
the ball,
and they did, over and over again. It
fincly-luncd wishbone
wasn't Ihe
the lincly-tuncd
offensive of pasl
past games, and there
were no explosive long gainers, but
it was effective enough for Albany lo
monopolize possession of the ball
and run off 21 more plays than
Hobart. Walsh was the Danes' top
rusher wilh
with 91 yards, followed by
Levi Louis wilh 50 yards and Jack
Burger wilh 43.
Both Albany scoring drives were
composed primarily of running
plays, but both also needed a crucial
pass completion to continue the
d r i v e . Alter Daryl l l a y n o r
recovered Hobart running back
Greg Hcln's fumble on the
Statesman 34 yard line, the Danes
immediately went for broke.
Halfback Chuck Priore look a pilch
from Walsh, and then looked
downfiekl and passed lo Scott
Center Director Robert Robinson
said that the UNIVAC 1110 has
been less productive and reliable
than expected.
The UNIVAC 1100/82 is twice as
powerful, as well as more
economical than its predecessor.
According lo Computing Ccnlcr
Associate Director John Tueckc, the
older computer costs approximately
$80,000 monthly, while operation of
the new computer costs only $75,000
Tueckc cited a definite need for a
more powerful computer. Since the
1974-75 academic year, there has
lohn Tueche said there was a need for a new computer.
"Technology Is changing rather rapidly."
Lusher in the endzonc, but Lusher
could not come up with the catch.
This was Ihc first of three surprise
plays attempted by Albany in the
first half, with only one, an endaround to Lusher, meeting with any
"I fooled around too much in the
first half with a lot of different
things," said Albany head coach
Bob Ford. "We were reaching into a
grab bag, trying to reach hold of
something that would put us in Ihe
endzonc quickly, and you get into
trouble thai way. What you're
looking for is shock value. You warn
to shock them, and prove lo them
thai they don't belong on the same
field as you do. We did some things
we shouldn't have done. In the
second half we came hack and tried
to establish a solid ground game."
After P r i o r c ' s p a s s fell
incomplete, the Danes stayed with
the run. But Walsh was sacked lor a
six yard loss, and Albany was faced
wilh a third down on Mohan's 21,
continued on page 19
remainder of ihc
ihe game.
"After that goal they were really
moving ami
and hustling, hut we didn't
panic. We lei
let them cool off and
ami then
dominated," commented Parrella,
who assisted on both Albany goals.
With the
tied and less
Ihe score still lied
than It)
10 minutes remaining,
Giordano, the senior co-captain,
rose to the occasion by thwarting
almost sure Cardinal goal.
A Plattsburgh attacker broke
away from the defense and rushed in
on the Albany net. The
Ihe broad
shouldered keeper aggressively
charged the ball
hall and deflected it
away in what proved to be a game
saving play.
Now it was time
lime for the
Ihe offense lo
lake over,
With just under four minutes
remaining, Luis Arango moved up
Held us
as Parrella
(he left side of (he
the field
carried Ihe
the bull
ball (o
lo his right. A shot
was taken and saved, but Arango
gol to the rebound first and bunged
il home
home wilh
with his
his righl
right foot
foot (ogive
to give the
lead, and
and moments
moments later,
Danes Ihe
Ihe lead,
their initial
initial victory
victory of
of (he
the season.
The goal was doubly sweet for
Arango. Not only wus
washit ua gumer
but |T
(The Albany Stale soccer team won their first game of Ihe season, a 2-1
it was also hid
first in an Albany
his first
decision over Plallsburgh. (Photo: Karl Chan)
continued on />«!?*'
pirge W
Photo: Karl Chan
inherent part of the subject."
SUNYA also processes data for
high schools, other colleges and
non-profit institutions, such as the
New York State Department of
Labor. Without the new computer,
which can support more terminals
and hold more information in its
memory than the 1100 could,
SUNYA would be forced to refuse
new business.
Tucke favored replacement of the
old c o m p u t e r r a t h e r t h a n
undertaking improvements to
increase its memory.
"Technology is changing rather
rapidly," he said. "The new systems
arc less expensive. Upgrading the
computer is an indication of the
pervasiveness of computing in
research and in almost all
According lo luckc, permission
to replucc the 1110 was first
requested from SUNY Central and
the New York Slate Division of the
Budget on September 8, 1978. Last
March, permission was granted, and
the first stage of installation began
two months later. Between July 20
and S e p t e m b e r I " s y s t e m
verification and confidence testing!'
on the new machinery was carried
out. By October 6, the 1110 will be
completely removed, and the
1100/82 will be repositioned and
permanently installed.
The five year contract on the
continued on page five
Albany split end Scott Lusher leaps to catch a pass in the Danes victory over
Hobart on Saturday. (Photo: Steve Otruba)
Late Goal Gives Booters
by Mike Dunne
A not so funny thing happened on
Ihe way to IMattshurgh.
What should have been a slightly
bumpy but very scenic drive through
the Adirondacks turned intoa major'
headache for Albany State Soccer
Coach Hill Schieffclin and his
A Hat tire on the team's bus left
them stranded for a time.
Event'iolly they a r r i v e d in
Pittsburgh in lime to begin the
game at 3:30 p.m., twoand one-half
hours after the scheduled I p.m.
The delay may have caused some
over-anxiousness on the part of lire
Danes, but nonetheless, they
managed to defeat Ihe Cardinals, 2I, successfully opening their season
with a SUNY conference victory. It
was the Kith straight year in which
Albany has defeated IMattshurgh in
New IMVAC Is More Powerful
been a 20 to 25 percent annual
increase in the computer utilization
rate at SUN YA/This figure includes
student use. research needs, and
administrative data processing.
According to Robinson, many
who have not used computers in the
pasl are now using them, while
ongoing computer usage is rapidly
expanding. Faculty are turning to
computers more lhan ever, said
Robinson, especially in the sciences,
where "the computer has become an
Vol. LXVI No. 32
September 21, 1979
Alumni Quad Mail Foul-Up
Alumni's mail service has been disrupted.
Delivery on Saturday has stopped.
Photo: UPS
by Richard Bihar
University failure lo inform
Alumni Quad residents of an
address change has resulted in mail
delivery delays of up lo u week,
according lo Alumni Central
Council representalive Herb
This deluy is coupled wilh a
sudden hull of Saturduy letter
deliveries to Ihe downtown campus,
due tou luck of staff at Ihe SUNYA
post office, Alvarez added.
In an attempt to improve Ihe
Alumni Quad mail service, the
university has requested thai all mail
be sent directly lo the uptown
campus from ihe Pine Hills Post
Asbestos Raises Concern
by Charles Bell
SUNYA's Plant department and
NYl'IRCi are investigating what
could amount to a serious cancerrelated health risk posed to residents
of two downtown dorms.
NYl'IRCi researcher Eric Gent
said that he "strongly suspects" that
ceiling riles in Alumni Quad's
Walerbury and Aldcn Halls contain
asbestos, a substance which some
believe lo be a dangerous
carcinogen. Gent said thai air can
become asbestos-contaminated
when particles ol the substance fall
from broken tiles anil many ceiling
tiles in ihe two dorms are in such a
Oenl said thai last spring he
notified iwo state agencies and the
Plant Department of the "broken
and punched" state of the ceilings
and requested that the tiles be
analyzed for asbestos content.
Plpnt Superintendanl Ira DeVoe
said thai on his own request SUNY
Central personnel look samples
from various spols on campus, hut
he declined lo reveal the location of
ihe areas under examination.
"Samples have been taken and
sent lo the lab,"said DeVoe,"butwe
are not yel sure of what Ihe contents
are." DeVoe added that he feels that
at least some of the samples will
prove to contain no asbestos.
Ihe current Investigation into Ihe
health risk is only one part of the
asbestos problem al SUNYA. Lasl
January. NYl'IRCi Scientist Waller
Hang revealed that Richardson Hall
on the Draper complex was one of
several public buildings from which
asbestos-contaminated air samples
had been found.
Richardson's air sample came
from the basement boiler room,
where an asbestos coaling, once
sprayed on the ceiling as a fire
retardant, was linking oil and falling
to the work area below.
While Ihe Stale
I Icpurtment claimed at the time thai
the threat posed by asbestos was
exaggerated, SUNYA's Plant
Department made public its
intention to clean up Richardson's
asbestos within a year.
DeVoe suys now Ihut Ihe clean-up
may be delayed a year. The repairs,
according lo DeVoe arc tied to a
continued on page three
Office, which previously dealt wilh f zip code. Downtown students
downtown mail. According lo however, received mail deliveries al
Alvarez, downtown students were a luter dale because the 12203 zip
never notified of a zip code change code was still being used.
which delayed mail delivery to
Dean of Studenl Affairs Neil
Brown told Alvarez, that mail
According to Alvarez, Alumni addressed with the 12203 zip code
Quad Coordinator Liz Rudko was firsl delivered to the Pine Hills
informed him that in the past, mall office and then sent to the Albany
delivered lo downtown students was Central I'osl Office in Colonic for
left, by Ihe post office, on Ihe steps redistribution to the uptown
outside of Ihc quad. This, in campus. The mail wus then sorted in
addition lo occasional loss of mail Draper Hall and finally sent to
plus Increased lateness in delivery, Alumni Quud.
was a factor in the administration's
"This obstacle course delayed
mail up to a week, and sometimes
The university insisted tliut nil
mail be sent uptown with a 12222
Richardson Hall has been cited for asbestos problems.
Vie substance is considered very dangerous.
more," Alvarez, said. "I feel the
continued on page five
Photo: Jon Hodges