/ Sports

/ Sports
Friday February 23, 1979
Danes Take Potsdam, Stumble In Pittsburgh
UAS Executive Committee
To Hike Board Rates
Leading By Six With 73 Seconds Left,
Albany Hands Cardinals 60-58 OT Win
came just four days after they played
hv Paul Schwartz
(PLATTSBURGH) The clock was perhaps their finest game of the
running down, and tinally, Albany season, beating Potsdam 72-69. The
seemed to be in control. Only 73 Danes had opened up a nine point
seconds remained, and the Danes lead in the closing minutes and
had fought their way to a 52-46 lead coasted to the victory.
An incredible series of events
ovei Plaltsburgh. A victory over the
Cardinals would virtually assure down the stretch made Plattsburgh a
A l b a n y of the S U N Y A C game the Danes would like to, but
championship, and the prize that probably never could forget.
comes with the title —an automatic Trailing for most of the contest,
bid to the NCAA playoffs.
Albany used perimeter shooting to
But Plattsburgh also had visions pull ahead, and led by six with 1:13
of post-season play, and with a win, remaining in regulation. At that
they would be in the conference point, with time on their side, the
drivers seat. Backed by a capacity Danes could have run the clock
crowd in Memorial Hall, the down. Instead, they became
'Cardinals fought back, and using a unraveled, and handed Plattsburgh
free throw at the end of regulation the chances they needed.
play to tie the game, defeated the
The Cardinals' Darryl Hutson hit
unnerved Danes in overtime one of two free throws, but Albany
Tuesday night, 60-58.
could not come up with possession
Albany's disheartening1 setback of the ball after the errant shot.
''•'-its ^
• 3^'i ."••
1111 i
Porcelli immedfatcly connected on a
long jumpshot, and the Dane lead
was cut in half, 52-49.
A l b a n y rushed the ball
downcourt, but after only four
seconds elapsed, Carmclo Verdejo
was called for a traveling violation.
In their haste, the Danes succeeded
in giving Plattsburgh the first of two
crucial turnovers.
Capitalizing on the opportunity
given them, the Cardinals scored on
an even longer jumper, this time by
Kevin Baldwin. The fans were going
wild, and with good reason; their
team only trailed 52-51, 31 seconds
remained, and a confused Albany
squad had called a time out.- ,
"My kids had a lot of heart in
those last few minutes," said
Plattsburgh coach Norm Law.
"Sometimes I think they have water
in their veins instead of blood."
The Danes set up for the inbounds
play, and finding no one open in the
backcourt, Rob Clune hurled a fullcourt pass in the direction of
teammate Bill Bellamy, who caught
the ball over his shoulder, turned,
and found Hutson waiting for him.
Hutson instinctively went for the
ball, and held it long enough to force
a jump bull. Hutson won the tap, and
Plattsburgh called time out with 19
seconds left. It was key turnover
number two, and it put the Cardinals
in the drivers scat.
"We lacked discipline down the
stretch," said Dane coach Dick
Sauers. "We played with a lack of
intelligence, and I think everyone
made at least one ballhandling
mistake near the end."
"We were up by six, but we were
playing like we were down by six,"
said Albany guard Buddy
Wleklinski. "There were turnovers
that we didn't have to make, because
wc didn't have to make things
happen, they did."
Plattsburgh worked for one shot,
and with five seconds remaining,
Baldwin was the man to take it. His
15 foot jumper was long, and
positioned underneath the basket,
Barry Cavanaugh did not rebound
Dane swingman Rob Chine goes over two Potsdam defenders in Albany's
72-69 triumph Friday night. (Photo: Bob Leonard)
by Aron Smith
The UAS Executive Committee will recommend later this week
that board rates be increased for SUN YA students for the first time in
four years, according to UAS Board of Directors Chair Michael
The Board will probably accept the recommendation of its fivemember committee, and decide on a specific figure for the increase at
a meeting scheduled for one week from today, said Fertig.
Albany State guard Buddy Wleklinski drives to the basket in the Danes'
victory over Binghamton last night. (Photo: Steve Nigro)
\Danes Win Last Night
important addition to their ledger
by David Osborn
What was supposed to be little which now stands at 17-6 overall and
more than an exercise for Albany 9-2 in the SUNYACs as they
State last night at University Gym attempt to impress the NCAA
became a serious tussle when committee and secure an at-large
Binghamton simply refused the role bid. The Colonials, 7-15, seemed
of exercise partner. Instead, they happy just to have given the Danes a
brought along a slow, patterned sweat. Carmelo Verdejo led the
offense that nearly dealt a costly Danes with 17 points and Kurt
blow to the Danes' playoff hopes. Alherton had 16 for the Colonials
Departing Seniors
The Colonials were so adamant in
their defiance that with 3:30 With playoff bids scheduled to be
remaining, Albany held a precarious announced Sunday afteritcon, a win
lead at 59-56. A flat Dane squad over Oswego Saturday night at
coming off the emotionally draining University Gym would give the
loss to Plattsburgh was outhustlcd Danes an impressive 18-6 mark for
and at times outplayed by the committee to look at
Binghamton. It took un Albany lrregurdless of post-season action,
spurt of 15 unanswered points to Suturday will be the final home game
and ceremonies are planned for the,
secure the 76-62 victory.
w. For the Danes, it was an departing seniors.
the ball, but instead batted it
towards mid-court.
"I thought there was about two and
one-hall seconds Ictt when the shot
went up," explained Cavanaugh.
"The rebound came off, but I though
if I grabbed it, with all the people
around me, someone could have hit
the ball out of my hands. I though if I
knocked it out, the game would be
over before anyone got to it."
Cavanaugh's plan worked —
almost. Reserve guard Dan Theiss
ran the ball down near the right side
of mid-court, took a few quick
dribbles, and stood about 30 feet
out, dead center, with one second
left. Bellamy was positioned directly
in front of Theiss, and he put his
hands up as Theiss threw up a
desperation shot. It hit the back of
the rim, and bounced away. As the
Danes began to celebrate and the
court was filled with confusion, one
figure emerged from the disorder.
Without hesitation, one of the
referees approached the scorers
tabic, motioning with his arms that
something was about to be done. He
hud called a foul on Bellamy. There
was no time remaining. Theiss would
be getting two foul shots.
"He (Theiss) is from my
hometown, so 1 talked to him after
the game," said Wleklinski. "Hetold
me that it was a bad call — that Bill
never touched him."
"Their kid said that Bill never
made contact with him," said
Albany Misses Conference Berth; Playoffs Still Possible
by David Osborn
Even if Albany State winds up in a
three way tic with Potsdam and
Plattsburgh for the SUNYAC
basketball crown, the automatic bid
to the NCAA Div. Ill playoffs from
the conference will elude the Danes,
and they will have to rely on an atlarge bid wnich is a precarious
Presuming Albany can win their
final conference encounter
tomorrow night against Oswego at
University Gym, the Danes will
complete SUNYAC play with two
losses; to Oneonta and Plattsburgh.
Presently, Plattsburgh has only one
conference loss and they can clinch
the title by beating Potsdam in
Potsdam Saturday night.
Should Potsdam beat the
Cardinals as they did earlier this
lyear, Albany, Plattsburgh, and
Poudain would be tied atop the pack
v>ilh two losses each. At that point a
tic-breaker »y»icm would be
instituted comparing the knotted
schools' record against each other.
Potsdam would be 2-1 in that
category, Albany 1-1 and
Plattsburgh 1-2; the Bears would be
nlnvoff bound, and the other two
serious possibilities for the at-large
In the present SUNYAC
alignment, teams play all conference
members once but play one squad
twice in a rotating system. This year
Albany played Binghamton twice
and Potsdam and Plattsburgh faced
each other twice. Luck, or bad luck
of the draw. "It was just unfortunate
the way it had to work out," said
SUNYAC Commissioner Bob
Kidell over the phone.
The present conference charter
was written in 1973 and revised most
recently in 1977. Certain provisions
had been changed but the policy ol
breaking ties remained. Kidell said
he was unsure of the format himself
last week when he noticed a three-
way tie was likely and he called the
coaches involved, including the
Danes' Dick Sauers, to consult
about a possible solution.
"In the official conference annals
it will go down as a three-way tie,"
said Kidell. "But that policy of
determining who gets the automatic
hid was noticed when we looked over
the operating by-laws and it will
have to stick. I realize the problem
Albany has there but we can't change
policy over one instance."
Next year, the SUNYAC will go to
a (wo division set-up with east and
west winners respectively meeting
for the conference crown and the
automatic bid. In that blueprint,
Albany will be in the east with
Potsdam, Plattsburgh, and
Oneonta. The move was made to
encourage rivalries and cut down on
traveling expenses.
From all the information it seems
that the Danes must look to an at
large berth as the only way to reach
Inflation is the primary cause of
the increase in the price of contract
meal service, said UAS General
Manager E. Norbert Zahm.
"Whether you buy it at the grocery
store or here, it's gone up by leaps
and bounds."
Zahm said that the one food item
exhibiting the greatest price increase
in the last few years is beef.
"You can't cut back too much,"
the regionals set for Stony Brook on would seem the likely candidates.
March 2,3. The Patriots, currently Bailey pointed out an obviousl
undefeated and ranked third sectional partisanship that may|
nationally, will host the event with come into account.
the S U N Y A C champ, the
The committee has three upstate!
Independent Athletic Conference members and two from New York
chump, probably St. Lawrence and city. William Stiles, Hobart's
the at large invitee the participants. Athletic Director, said "we'll know
"Right now its a very difficult Sunday," when asked, about his
decision and I'd have to say it looks leanings. Lew Alexander, former
' like a tossup," suid Davd Bailey, Athletic Director at R1T, is on
Oneonta's Athletic Director and one vacation in Florida and will handle
of five on the committee that will his duties as chairman over the
decide Sunday morning at 11:00. phone.
"We've got four or five teams to be ' Wayne Sutherland of Pratt and
seriously considered and any one of Peter Finnerty of Pace comprise the
the live would probably do just ns city delegation on the committee.
Although the committee has been
Among those mentioned were corresponding since Jan. 20 weekly,
Albany, the loser of Potsdam- it is only nutural for members to be
Pluttsburgh, Manhattanville, more informed about teams in their
owners of a 16-3 Div. Ill record, regions. Bailey said one point
F.lmira and Pratt. Going on the against the Danes in hia mind is that
premise that Potsdam wins the they lost to Oneonta in a game he
A l b a n y , saw und Plultsburgh cume down!
Manhattanville and Plattsburgh there and whipped the Red Dragons,
said Zahm. "There are certain kinds
of things the students want. I guess
that beef is the main part of
everyone's diet. Whether it's in roast
beef, hamburger or stew, there's no
way you can cut beef."
When UAS lost SI 15,000 during
fiscal year 1978, Fertig felt that a
board rate increase could be deferred
another year. This was partially due
to insurance payments made by the
UAS G.n.ral Manag.r E. Norbert Zahm n y t Inilallon hlta hard.
Beef prices are lough to chew.
Photo: Karl Chan
state to UAS last year which helped
offset the loss he said.
Fertig cited U.S. Department of
Labor statistics predicting an eight
to ten percent increase in the price of
food in the coming year.
"We recognize that this year will
be a losing year," said Zahm.
"There's no way to recoup any
money for this year, through the
spring term. Our problen is that if it
gets worse, we'll be further in the
Zahm cited t he use of meal cards
in the Campus Center cafeteria,
permitted experimentally through
the month of February, as another
source of increased costs to UAS.
"That's a very complicated
continued on page five
DNA Research Is Bacteria Free
DNA reiearch has bean going on at SUNYA lor over two yeart.
The protests ham faded away.
Photo: Bob Leonard
by.Christopher Koch
It has been nearly two years since recombinant D N A research was
first begun at SUNYA, and all work is proceeding without problems
according to Biology Department Chair Leonard Lerman.
In 1977 when a recombinant D N A lab was proposed for SUNYA,
many students and environmentalists .raised objections to what was
a controversial biological technique. The recombinant method, by
which scientists can isolate genetic information by slicing gene
material from one celled organisms strains of bacteria escaping into the
such as yeast — and putting them environment, Lerman said the type
into bacterial cells — was considered of bacteria used in the recombinant
potentially dangerous at the time experiments, E Coli, "could not
due to the possibility of new strains survive outside the laboratory, and
of bacteria being formed and there is no known possibility of it
causing disease." Lerman went on to
escaping into the environment.
say that "there has been an
According to Lerman, "many of
increasing trend to use another
the experiments thought to be
bacterial virus called Lambda for
potentially dangerous at the time these experiments, and it holds even
have been performed without any less possibility for danger than E
harmful effects on either the Coli."
experimenter, the laboratory
"The recombinant technique has
a n i m a l s i n v o l v e d , or the
proved invaluable in genetic exenvironment."
perimentation," said Lerman. "It has
Speaking on the possibility of new
made the isolation of genetic
material much simpler and faster. It
has become very widespread."
Dr. Richard Zitomcr, who is
currently involved in the recombination experiments at SUNYA, also
praised the technique. "The latest experiments we've submitted for
publication would not have beei
possible without this process," lie
Zitomer added that he and other
colleagues at SUNYA huvc had a lot
of success with recombinant DNAin
the last two years. Zitomer is now
working with the "citochrome C"
gene of yeast (one of the genes that
controls cell respiration), and he
plans even "more sophisticated experiments in the future."
Summing up, Zitomer said that
" t h e amount of scientific
information that has come out of
recombinant DNA experments has
continued on page five
Lack Of Lights Is Safety Hazard
But DeVoe Says It's O.K.
by Robert Blasensteln
A report prepared by a student in a traffic safety class has shown as
many as 118 SUNYA roadway lightsare out, posing a possible safety
hazard for motorists and pedestirans.
The statistics, gathered by a student in Dr. Richard Ellis' traffic
safety 350 class, were compiled in mid-February. They revealed that
109 lights were out between the quads and the podium and an
additional 9 were out on Perimeter Road. The student cited that the
worst points on Perimeter Road
were near Indian Quad and the gym.
Plant supervisor lru DeVoe
denied that a possible problem
exists. Assistant Director of
SUNYA Dept. of Public Safety Karl
Scharl said that the statistics may be
misleading for while having every
other light out is not dangerous, five
or six consecutive non-working
lights could be considered u hazard.
Scharl said thut his department has
not received any complaints from
students about the lack of lighting.
In the lighting report Scharl was
quoted to say that "the lighting is
good when it's on," but the threat of
a crash can increase when the lights
are not on.
A security officer on duty at the
time of the citing said in the report
that "a good number of lights were
turned off in the parking lots" but he
didn't know of any lights being
turned off in the reported areas.
Plant Department Director Chet
Thomas claims that the figure of 118
lights out is consistent with the
energy conservation program." He
said that he wants to "improve on the
lighting consistent with energy
costs," but his real concern is the
escalating cost of electricity.
"Lighting is 40 percent of our
utility use but 61 percent of our
utility bill," said Thomas.
The report showed that during the
1973 energy shortage lights were
turned on at 7 p.m. instead of 4 p.m.,
but have since been changed back to
4 due to a large number of
complaints by pedestrians. In
addition, the report showed that new
students complained about the
lighting more thun students who had
been here for over a year.
A SUNYA atud.nt counted ov.r 100 llnhU that |u»t don't ihln..
Photo: Suna Sielnkamp
But no one seems to care.
Big Bad Danes Battle in Badlands
See Sports
\ w o r l d n e w s brief'm j
law has been revived by Islamic courts. They have been
administering justice under the supervision of local religious
leaders and applying Moslem law since Khomeini's
revolution was victorious on Feb. II.
Total Eclipse Takes Place
SEATTLE (AP) A wide swath of the Pacific Northwest was
plunged briefly into darkness yesterday, as the last total
eclipse of the sun in North America this century moved
inland over cloud-covered skies at Agate Beach, Ore. In
Portland, Ore., residents whooped and gasped in amazement
as the sky began to darken and temperatures dropped about
7:45 a.m. Complete darkness covered the largest city in the
eclipse's path by 8:13 a.m. It began to get light again at 8:16
a.m. Residents had to rely for a good view on television
pictures taken from planes flying above the thick cloud
"Cover. ABC-TV carried the event live nationally, East of the
Cascades, broken clouds provided some view of the sun as
the moon started its west-to-east march across the sky,
moving as far east as North Dakota before swinging north
into Canada. At Olympia, the Washington state capital, the
cloud cover broke 10 minutes before totality. In Canada,
meanwhile, thousands of persons in southern Manitoba and
northwestern Ontario got a good look at the eclipse. The
cloud cover that had dimmed hopes for ground-level
observation largely dissipated overnight, and the eclipse was
visible from most parts of the region.
Official is Executed in ban
TEHRAN, IRAN (AP) The execution of another official of
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's secret police and public
floggings for violators of Islamic law were reported
yesterday. The newspaper Andegan reported that
Mohammad Hossein Naderi, the secret police's torture
expert in the central city of Isfahan, was brought to Tehran
and executed by a firing squad Sunday night. There was no
confirmation of the report from aides of Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini, whose security committee has executed eight
generals and a police commander accused of setting a theater
-fire that killed hundreds in Abadan last year. Two other
police officers were reported shot byfiringsquad Feb. 19 in
Najafabad, central Iran, for killing anti-shah demonstrators.
There have been unconfirmed reports of other executions by
vigilante groups. Execution sentences have been passed by
special revolutionary tribunals set up by Khomeini. The
k ancient
ancier tradition of public floggings for violations of Moslem
rises in property taxes, leading to the tax revolt," he told
Venezuela to Raise Oil Price
US Will Protect Oil Merest
NEW YORK (AP) The price of oil used to heat homes and
power factories may rise still further because of an apparent
WASHINGTON (AP) The United States is prepared to use increase in the price of the fuel by a key exporter, Venezuela.
its military force to protect the flow of oil from the Middle The world's fourth-largest oil producer decided over the
East, say two members of President Carter's Cabinet. weekend to raise the price of some of its oil by 15 percent,
Defense Secretary Harold Brown said Sunday the United according to industry sources. There was no official
States would "take any action that's appropriate" to protect confirmation of a price increase. The oil affected reportedly
the Mideast oil flow, which he said "is clearly part of our vital would be mostly heavy refined oil used for heating homes
interest." In a separate interview, Energy Secretary James R. and firing factory boilers. Gasoline prices probably would
Schlesinger, said the administration is considering the "issue not be affected by the move, because that fuel is made with a
of a U.S. military presence" in the Persian Gulf area. "That lighter grade of oil Venezuela is a key source of heavy oil for
would involve military personnel," he said. "Whether it the East Coast of the United States. The East Coast imports
would involve a deployment of troops . . . combat arms of about 17 times as much of this oil as the rest of the nation.
the ground forces, is another question." Only days ago, Vice The reported increase, effective March 1, would raise the
price of some grades of Venezuelan oil by more than $2 to
President Walter F. Mondale said the administration had
shut the door on using American troops abroad "except about $15.50 a barrel.
under the most extreme, compelling circumstances." Brown,
questioned on CBS-TVs "Face the Nation," described the
Middle East oil flow as "clearly part of our vital interests."
Heavy Fighting in Vietnam
Brown Pondering PresidencyBANGKOK, THAILAND (AP) Sources in Peking predict a
WASHINGTON (AP) Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. brought
his balance-the-budget crusade to the nation's capital
Sunday, saying federal deficit spending led directly to
California's tax revolt. The 40-year-old governor said it is too
early for a decision on whether he will challenge President
Carter for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1980,
adding that he is still "mulling over" the possibility. But in
interviews that opened his East Coast swing, Brown outlined
themes that could play a role in such a campaign, including
his push for a constitutional amendment to balance the
federal budget. Brown said federal budget deficits fueled the
inflation that led California voters to pass Proposition 13 last
June, slashing property taxes by 57 percent. "1 think Prop. 13
occurred because of the fiscal policies of the federal
government. . . Their wild deficits, the inflation, the heating
of the economy, led to the increase in home values, leading to
big Chinese offensive in the Vietnam border war in a few
days, Japan's Kyodo news service reported, while Hanoi
claimed China is sending in more reinforcements after losing
4,000 troops in four Vietnamese counter-attacks. Kyodo said
sources in the Chinese capital told it the goal of the
intensified "punitive action" against Vietnam would be to
destroy at least- one Vietnamese army division and military
bases and artillery emplacements near the border. But British
reporters in Peking said Vice Premier Wang Chen told them
the Chinese invasion force would not try to advance down
the Red River valley toward Hanoi. Kyodo said Peking
Radio reported Chinese troops had engaged Vietnamese
army regulars in hand-to-hand fighting near the village of
Dong Dang, seven miles from the key northeast town of
Lang Son. The broadcast said a Chinese battalion overran
five hilltop positions near Dong Dang but gave no casualty
figures and did not say when the battle occurred
provides a number of ways to fill up a few hours. Boxing will
be featured at Convention Hall, Friday March 2, at 8:30. In
the main bout, Mike Michaud fights Frank Minigan. Tickets
arc $6 and $8. Another event nearby will be the Cyprus
Temple Shrine Circus. It's Saturday March lOat 9:30a.m., 2
p.m. and 8 p.m. and Sunday March 11 at 2 and 5:30 p.m. The
place is the New Scotland Avenue Armory which can be
reached by picking up a city bus across from the Wellington
Hotel around Lark Street.
student involvement with contemporary social issues didn't
die with the sixties. Although the issues today may be
different, students are now involved with far more causes.
NYPIRG is currently working on a variety of projects,
some of which include auto insurance reform and the
opening of a senior citizen food co-op.
Have Bus, Will Travel
Joint Effort
Free Time Fun
A series of free concerts are being offered for the next
several weeks. Performances begin at 11:45 and 12:00 in the
"Egg." Sylvia Kutchykian, soprano, and Leonard Castle,
piano, will be featured March 1. In subsequent weeks, the
Music Department of SUNY will present pianists Paul Ennis
(March 8) and Pola Baytelman (March 15). For further
information call 457-6977.
In addition to all these special events, the plaza features a
number of regular attractions. There are free tours of the
capital and free tours of the plaza itself given every hour on
the hour 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A view from 42 stories is provided
from the observation deck of the Tower Building every day
from 9a.m. to 5 p.m. The State Museum is open seven days a
week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The original copies of
Washington's Farewell Address and Lincoln's Gettysburg
Address arc currently on display. In addition the Terrace
Gallery will house "Images of the City," a collection ol works
depicting New York City and "Sources," un exhibit of library
and information sciences. Ice skating is also available at
Empire State Plaza. Sessions are Monday through Friday 11
a.m. to 2 p.m. and 2:30 to 5 for 50cents as well as 8 p.m. to 10
p.m. for SI. Weekend sessions runl2-2,3-5,and 8-l0for$l.
Rockefeller Plaza and the surrounding area provides
plenty to sec as well. Tuke the SUNY bus to the Wellington
and just wander around the buildings and the surrounding
streets. The capitol of the entire state of New York is
icre. Walk around and sec what it looks like.
During the next few weeks, The Empire State Plaza
The City of Yonkcrs is soon to become the destination of
daily non-stop bus service from Albany.
New York State Department of Transportation
The Albany Student Union (ASU) has formed a coalition Commissioner William C. Hennessey announced last month
with various SUNYA groups to stop the tuition increase, that Greyhound's request to provide the service had been
according to ASU member, Bruce Cronin.
approved by the State, initiating a one-vcar trial service by
The announcement came at a meeting Monday night with which permanent approval will be judged.
ASU members and 28 leaders of groups such as the Feminist
The Department of Transportation's approval was in large
Alliance, ASUBA, and Student Association. Each group part brought about by Senator John Flynn(R-Yonkers)and
discussed possibilities for persuading people to join the anti- Assemblyman Richard C. Ross (D-Mount Vernon). Ross
tuition hike demonstration to be held 10 a.m. Wednesday at said that residents of the lower Westchester area should be
the SUNY Plaza, during the SUNY Hoard of Trustees made aware of the runs to Yonkers so as to assure the success
of the service.
Leaders will be contacting members of their own groups in
order to get people out to protest, said Cronin.
ASU Chairperson Nancy Smyth, is chairing the coalition.
She has asked each group leader to gain support in endorsing
a resolution for the March 21 demonstration.
If you're an undergraduate, you better be prepared to
Cronin said there was an "excellent response" to the
answer some questions. The University's task force on
formation of the coalition.
Smyth was very encouraged by the meeting, and said she academic advisement, with the help of the Student
Association, will be conducting a survey. SA volunteers will
had "high hopes" for the coalition.
be questioning 500 undergraduate students on issues such as
peer advisement, career planning, and the condition^ the
present advisement system. Students will be contacted in
person and volunteers will wait while the survey is being filled
The lask force has recently divided into three sub
Who ever said student activism is dead? It certainly wasn't
anyone who attended last weekend's NYPIRG Spring committees that will examine student responses to possible
Conference. Over 400 people attended the sixth annual changes in the advisement system.
spring conference held here at SUNYA, making it the most
Students in the sumplc will have an opportunity to voice
successful NYPIRG conference ever.
their opinions on the issues in a meaningful way, according to
The enthusiastic turnout clearly seems to indicate that SA Director of Academic Concerns, Hugh Hill.
Refer Crisis Center Always
There For Troubled Souls
by M. J. Memmott
He says he's 49, but he looks at least 10 or 15 years older. His
orange sneakers are soaked by the slush and mud, his plaid flares look
well worn, and the jacket he's wearing would be more appropriate for
a 15 year old.
Somehow through the drunken mumbling it becomes clear that
he's been drinking for 30 years, and been in and out of various
alcoholic programs. The man says he wants to quit, but it appears like
more talk than actual will.
"We have some people like that
who keep calling and coming in for
years," said Project Equinox
counselor Doug Ashby. "They want
someone to talk to so (hey can feel
better. But if they don't really want
to lick their problem, there's really
nothing we can do. They have to
want to beat it themselves."
The man with the drinking
problem had stopped to tell his story
at Refer, a crisis-line switchboard
located at 216 Lark St., in downtown
Albany. Just one part of a group of
community services joined together
under the umbrella of Project
Equinox, Refer was formed in 1970
to provide information, referral to
other services and agencies, and
immediate help in crisis situations.
"We provide a valuable service,
there's nothing else quite like it in
this city," Ashby said yesterday.
"We're an alternative to the more
traditional state agencies, where the
structure is very different."
Project Equinox, the parent
organization of Refer, contains four
other components besides the crisisline switchboard. They center
mainly around youth programs:
•They provide counseling services
for youths and/or their families,
especially in cases of drug abuse.
•The organization runs a shelter
to give temporary housing to
runaways and homeless youth.
•They provide outreach services
such as legal and welfare advocacy
work in the courts, should a youth
require their aid.
• And finally, they organize
various special projects, such as
summer concerts in Washington
Park, and an annual Thanksgiving
by John Kennedy
"The best we've had!" That is how Harold Rubin, chairperson of
the "Love Thy. Neighborhood" Convention, described Saturday's
turnout for the annual citizen's convention on neighborhood
improvement. It is sponsored yearly by the.. Council of Albany
Neighborhood Association (CAN A) and sixteen local neighborhood
associations. The Third Annual Conference was held at the
Westminister Presbyterian Church in downtown Albany.
The crowd of 300 plus heard
Rubin, who is also the president of
CANA, open the session with
r e m a r k s on the g r o w i n g
neighborhood power movement in
Albany. He cited redistribution of
Community Development funds as
one sign of increased neighborhood
Convention-goers then watched
three skits written and produced by
other convention participants. The
plays lampooned the local
governmental practices of code
enforcement, housing rehabilitation,
and political machine problemsolving. They were acted out by
members of local neighborhood and
civic groups.
A panel discussion entitled "The
City Consumer" followed the skits.
The discussion addressed attempts
by local government and business to
revitalize the downtown shopping
district. Representing business were
Gus Yavis of the Central Avenue
Merchants Association, Bob Green
of Downtown Unlimited, and Jim
Grant of the Chamber of Commerce.
Director of the Albany Urban
Rencwel Agency, David Riker,
represented the city, and B.J.
Costello of the Pine Hills
represented "The People." The five
also answered questions from the
A highlight of the convention was
a series of workshops on issues of
neighborhood concern. These
included property taxes, crime
prevention, displacement, traffic,
Student Activism Active
FEBRUARY 27,1979
th r
* *
d , y , n d nl
The job's rewarding, but you don't take it home.
- P ' u l Information right at their Ilngertlpa.
Day dinner.
"Last year, we got 24,000 calls on
Funding for Project Equinox, the crisis line," said Ashby. "People
according to Ashby, comes from call in with every problem in the
various sources in both the Federal world, 24 hours a day."
Counselor Neil Klein agreed.
and state governments.
Refer, however, is a major part of "Last year we averaged 65 crisis line
calls a day," he said. "There's a lot of
the organization.
depression and suicide calls during
the winter months, but we get calls
from battered spouses, and others
who just want information on
Neighborhood Power On The Rise
Undergrads Voices Heard
( swnya n e w s briefs)
I,"*,',"" " " " " , * "
Tha third Lova Thy Neighborhood Convention W M held Saturday.
Property taxes, crime prevention and a little zoning.
and zoning.
The zoning workshop was of
major concern to off-campus
students who attended the
convention. The anti-grouper
ordinance — a law stating that no
more than three unrelated
individuals may share the same
living space —is a zoning ordinance.
The zoning workshop dealt
extensively with this issue.
Moderators of the workshop,
including Costello and Rubin, were
active proponents of the ordinance
when it was passed by the Albany
Common Council in 1975. They
were questioned about the ordinance
by the eight students attending the
workshop. Although the proponents
have not changed their original
stand on the issue, they did indicate a
willingness to work with groups such
as the SUNYA Off Campus
Association (OCA) when students
are hassled by the ordinance.
Costello, Rubin, and Mike
D'Attilio of the Manning Blvd.
Association have all given support to
the notion that no student should be
evicted under this ordinance during
"When an apartment becomes
vacant," said D'Attilio, "we want to
make sure only the ullowablc
number of residents move back in."
A similar concern has been voiced in
the past by Mayor Corning.
Also featured at the convention
were displays by more than thirty
community groups. Organizations
such as United Tenants of Albany,
Friends of the Pine Bush, Dispute
Mediation Center, OCA, and the
Neighborhood Anti-Crime Project
displayed their literature and had
representatives available to answer
questions about the groups'
About 25 students participated in
the convention, which was open to
the public. "It's great to see so many
students getting active in the
neighborhood movement," said
former SA president Dave Gold, a
conference participant.
"Neighborhoods are the source of
power in the city," said Tim Ledwith
.of OCA and United Tenants of
Albany, "and concerned individuals
are the strength of neighborhoods."
Klein sees working at Refer as a
"learning experience." He also
worked at SUNYA's Middle Earth
while an undergrad at the school. He
calls crisis-line work his "niche."
"I know my own limits though,"
Klein said. "1 never take this place
Photo: Allen Reich
home with me, I have to look out for
myself first." The toll of seven years
of work hasn't hardened him
though, he said. He sees himself as
"You learn the fine points of
dealing with people," Klein said.
"For instance, if someone is calling
up and saying they want to commit
suicide, they're probably not really
motivated to do so. If they really
were they probably wouldn't be
calling us up to tell us about it." *
According to Ashby, the
organizational structure at Refer is
one of its best features. "We work on
a matrix system here," Ashby said.
i "Everyone on the staff has input on
continued on page Jive
Collection Claimants
Find Claiming Is Hard
by Wendy Greenfield
"What good is a small claims court if you can't collect?" demanded
one dissatisfied claimant currently dealing with Albany Small Claims
Court. Figures recently released by the New York Public Interest
Research Group (NYPIRG) lend crecdence to this complaint,
showing that only 30 percent of all claimants who have settled ever
collect on the judgment from a Small Claims Court case.
In the City of Albany, a claim may be brought in small claims for
damages of SI000 or less. Generally,
Small Claims Courts are contained
within local courts, serving as a place
where the average individual can go
to settle money disputes without a
lawyer. Still, few persons ever collect
on their grievances.
The reasons why only 30 percent
of claimants collect their money are
numerous, according to VISTA
(Volunteers in Service to America)
volunteer Mike Hiser. He said that
the person being sued may not have
enough money to cover the claim, or
may avoid payment by putting his
assets in the name of his spouse or
under the name of another company.
Hiser said that in some cases the
lack of payment is the fault of a
Marshal, who is the person
responsible for serving summonses
and following up the case.
Hiser added that after the Marshal
tries to collect the money and fails to
do so, he tables the case. Hiser claims
that the Marshal is at fault in
unresolved cases, und considers this
to be true in the case of Mrs. Colleen
Wagner was one of three people to
have filed suit in Albany after being
"bilked" by a construction worker
who refused to pay back the money
he charged them for an inefficient
job, Hiser said.
Wagner filed the suit ugainst John
Martin, owner of the Albany Paving
Company of Colonic The amount
filed for was $300 plus the costs of
A summons was sent to Martin's
address, but the Oct. 28 hearing was
cancelled as the summons went
unclaimed; either the address was
incorrect or the defendant refused it.
On the same day, Wagner went to
the City of Albany Small Claims
Court Marshal's office, where she
paid a service charge of $10 for
personal delivery of the summons.
The summons was served on Dec.
21 and seven days later the case was
heart in Albany Small Claims Court.
Judge Morton Lynn ruled in
Wagner's favor. Marshal Edmund
Eversly told Wagner that Martin
had two weeks to respond.
To date, Wagner has still not
collected her money, despite her
having filed a property execution in
January which allowed the Marshal
to seize the defendant's assets to
honor the judgment.
At this time, Martin's savings
account could possibly be onthe line
and defendant Wagner said that the
existence of a bank account in
Martin's name represents her only
chance of collecting.
"The Marshals are lax in carrying
out what they are supposed to do,"
continued on page five
FEBRUARY 27, 1979
— — —
Class of '79 presents:
(For d u e s - p a y i n g Seniors only!)
A Theater Trip To NYC
Come see the new Neil Simon musical-comedy
"They're Playing Our Song"
starring Robert Klein and Lucie Arnaz
Date: Saturday, March 2 4 , 1 9 7 9
Price: $ 1 2 . 0 0 (for orchestra seats
and bus ride)
Buses leave circle: 9 a.m.
Buses leave NYC: 8 p.m.
Tickets will be sold on Thursday, March 1
beginning at 11 a.m.
Campus Center Lobby
(4 ticket limit — 1 ticket per tax card)
without being able to explain the
technical aspects of recombinant
Lerman feels that the opposition
to recombinant DNA was made up
of many people who did not know a
sufficient amount about the subject,
with educated scientists definitely in
the minority.
continued from page one
been overwhelming. There has been
a lot of experience in the last two
years with handling recombinant
DNA, and no one has gotten hurt. I
don't believe there is any danger."
Speaking on the bureaucratic
aspects of recombinant DNA
research, Lerman said that the
National Institute of Health (N1H)
has recently "changed its regulations continued from page one
in terms of classifying which recom- situation," said Zahm. "There's the
binant experiments have to have expense of people, utilities,
more stringent containment (of equipment. We are subsidizing the
organisms) procedures. It is possible Campus Center contract meal
that the NIH might drop these program by transferring units from
guidelines altogether as scientists are the quads to the Campus Center.
finding that containment is not There's no question that it's popular.
necessary for- most of the recombi- We won't have to do much analysis."
nant organisms." Lerman added that
"When you go to the Rat, your
"all containment regulations have
been followed here, and will con- hamburger is processed right in front
you. You don't have one cook
tinue to be followed."
making 400 hamburgers," explained
When asked why he thought the Fertig. "You have someone at the
recombinant controversy had faded, grill, someone at the sub bar,
Lerman replied that "the students
someone at the soda fountain, and so
here at SUNYA have made a judg- on. It's not as efficient as on the
ment on the controversy by letting it quads, but it's not mass produced."
die down. Recently the DNA quesOther UAS costs that have
tion was brought up before the SA, increased include Social Security
but they did not comment or act on benefits, the minimum wage and
it. The students were simply exer- l i a b i l i t y
and W o r k m e n ' s
cising their intelligence."
Compensation insurance, said
Zahm. When the minimum wage
Lerman added that when the
was increased by 27 percent last year,
controversy first began, "scientists
it cost UAS an additional $80,000,
realized that there were some
he said. Further increases in the
unknown factors which they should
minimum wage are planned for the
discuss among themselves. Here at
next two years, bringing the actual
SUNYA there emerged on the one
to $3.35 per hour by 1981.
hand a group of people trying to
raise a scare, and on t he other hand a
One of the reasons that UAS has
group of scientists who essentially
been able to hold board rates at their
remained quiet on the subject. When current level since 1975 is the volume
NYPIRG tried to organize a forum
of SUN Y A.student's participating in
on the subject in 1977, our scientists
SUNYA's contract meal program,
were reluctant to participate because
said Fertig. He compared
they didn't want to get into a debate
approximately 6200 students on
Board Increase
SUNYA's meal plans to the 3000
students contracting for on-campus
food service at SUNY/Binghamton.
"When Norb goes into the market
and buys 20,000 cases of orange
juice, it's a lot cheaper than someone
going in and buying 5000," said
It is UAS's "no frills" plan,
however, which has kept SUNYA
board fates the lowest in the SUNY
system, and as much as $200 per year
less than those at some SUNY
schools, said Fertig.
"Everything' is cut and dried,"
explained Fertig. "A lot of schools
work on a coupon system. You pay
by coupons, and you can have a
steak dinner every night, but it's a lot
more expensive. Here, we're simply
presented with a choice of two
"Not only can we buy cheaper
than some, but we have very good
food people here, and we're
efficient," said Zahm. "We've been
holding our costs down for years,
but you just can't control them any
Claims Court
continued from page three
said Wagner. "Unless you persist
and pursue your case, nothing gets
The primary responsibility for
taking the necessary action to collect
ion a judgment lies with the winner.
Wagner said that she did most of the
leg work and phoning to get the
information on Martin and it took
two months for the case to get on the
Wagner suggested that there be
established in Albany a Better
Business Bureauto helpcitizensdeal
with claims against businesses.
Manny will get to the root of the problem
without digging into your pockets
Road Service
Brake work
Tune-ups (complete)
Major engine work
Cooling and heating systems
Tires sold on demand
(Michelin, Dunlop, Century)
- Free estimates (with SUNYA ID)
Refer Crisis-Line Switchboard
continued from page three
what's going on. In other
organizations all the decisions come
from the top down. Here the input
runs on a two-way street."
A number of volunteers are
employed at Refer, many from
SUNYA through the Community
Service program. All the volunteers
must go through an eight week
training program before they can
man the switchboard on their own.
They arc instructed on various topics
during their training, to give them
the crisis intervention skills they will
need. A one-year commitment is
asked of them, Ashby said, because
anything shorter wouldn't really ,
benefit the volunteer or Refer to the
The real pleasure from working at
Refer, according to both Aahby and
Klein, comes from working with
people. For there are those out there
who, unlike the man in the orange
sneakers, really want to be helped
and are reaching out for aid. And at
the risk of sounding cliched, Refer is
there like something of a beacon to
those people. It sheds a little light
into their darkness.
Cabinet To Discuss Begin
In Mid-East Conference
JERUSALEM (AP) Israel's Cabinet meets Tuesday to decide
whether Prime Minister Menachem Begin will accept a U S .
invitation to a Mideast conference which Egyptian President Anwar
Sadat is skipping.
Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan flew in from Washington Monday
night to attend the crucial session.
Some Israel leaders have voiced doubts that Sadat's representative,
Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil, would have the pqwer to make
decisions at a summit and said they
feared the meeting could lead to
pressuring Israel alone on issues
blocking a peace treaty.
The issue is between the two
countries, and not individuals,"
Begin said, adding, "Sadat is the
man who takes most of the
In Washington, White House
press secretary Jody Powell, pressed
on the issue, said Khalil "has been
given, and has had, the full authority
to negotiate and conclude a peace
Sadat kept mum on why he
decided to send Khalil to Camp
David. He toured a petroleum
refinery and cement plant in
Alexandria, Egypt, on Monday and
avoided reporters.
One of the president's aides said
Sadat should not be expected to "do
everything" and that it was fittingfor
Khalil to represent Egypt since both
he and Begin are prime ministers.
When Carter announced his plans
for a summit, he left Sadat the
option of joining the talks if they
proved successful.
For his part, Begin has refused to
commit himself on whether he will
attend, saying he would await the
outcome of the Cabinet session.
17 Models of running shoes on sale
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FEBRUARY 27,1979
Western Ave., across from Suny - behind
Dunkm Dotiuts.
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M-f: 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Sat: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
1 You are invited to
fAST'79 I
Help fight world hunger by fasting,
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from 7-10 pm Friday night March 2
and 10am to 6pm. Saturday, March 3
in the campus center ballroom
SASU: After Eight Years
It's Still Working Hard
by Evelyn Ellis
The Student Association of the State Universities, (SASU) is an
eight year association founded to represent SUNY students on an
equal, state-wide basis. This organization, which is made up of
delegates from member SUNY universities, lobbies in the state
legislatures on bills they feel are of great importance to all SUNY
In addition, SASU is affiliated with student unions, (such as the
there will be
ii i
Grand Opening Sale
Kirk Alliman,
with insights from the South Asian situation |
Vicky Furio,
Buy One *?98 list Album For
Our Regular Price
N€W9 fOCU9
Gel A Second At
recently returned from Argentina
Jim O'Callahan,
from Bishop's Conference In Mexico
**6 Live Entertainment
I featuring:
Albany Student Union, and SUNY
student governments in order to gain
grass root support of the
constituents. Two caucuses have
also been established by SASU in
recent years to represent minority
students and women.
AH This Week!
The organization receives it's
funding from dues paid by the
member schools (35 cents per full
time student). Out of the 24 schools,
20 are active members of SASU.
•Stony Brook, Canton, Brockport
and Cobleskill are not members. It is
reported that these four schools
d r o p p e d out due to the
establishment of the Third World
and Women's Caucuses.
SASU was begun in 1970 by the
late Ray Glass of SUNY
Binghamton, who realized that
student governments acting alone,
were nearly obsolete. Lobbying in
the state legislatures in order to
represent student needs began as a
result of his founding ideas.
The main issue at hand for SASU
recently has been the fight against
the proposed tuition hike. SASU
maintains that Governor Carey's
committment to public education is
' questionable. (The January issue of
SASU's newspaper Grassroots,
banner headline read, "Carey to
SUNY: Drop Dead.")
SASU reports that New York
gives more money to private
universities than all other 49 states
combined. Last year the state
granted 1.5 million lo the private
Syracuse University for a new
domed stadium. SASU argues that
SUNY needs 9.1 million in order for
Open Monday - Friday 1 0 - 4
| ^s> Tom Fischer
and his Mighty Guitar |
Florentine Italian
On First Roof Of Campus Center
I Walt Plock and Tony Cortese I
IN THE Coffeehouse Without Coffee. |
:•:• SA Funded
Bus Leaving From Circje At
8:30 AM To Go Downtown
To SUNY Central
Sign Up On Dinner Lines
And Campus Center
International Student Association
and Speakers Forum present
IRAN: A path of
Tues., Feb. 27, 1979
8 p.m. LC 1
SUNY Albany
Off Washington Ave. (Near Campus)
11 Colvin Avenue, Albany - 459-8045 Monday thru
Saturday 10-6, Fri. 'til 7
Free Parking on Lincoln and Colvin Ave.
Right off Busline
10 % Discount with SUNYA Id
the tuition to remain the same and
this money is merely "a drop in the
bucket" compared to the funds
doled out to the private schools each
Retention Problem
Chancellor Wharton recently
proposed to raise tuition by $150 for
only lower division undergraduates.
The chancellor stated that this
increase would counteract upper
division retention, (a growing SUNY
problem). However, SASU argues
that this increase in tuition for
freshman and sophomores would
create an even larger retention.
problem as fewer students would be
entering the SUNY system. "And if
fewer students enroll," said SASU
Communication Director Libby
Post, "then Carey will decrease
SUNY money even further."
SASU says the motivation behind
the tuition hike is a result of the
pressure of 75 syndicated banks on
SUNY to convert $261 million in
short term notes into permanent 30
year bonds. This conversion was
intended to be completed by 1982,
but pressure is on to have it done by
1980. If this deadline is adhered to
then a shortage of cash will be the
result, according to SASU.
In addition to SASU's campaign
against tuition increases, the
organization is working on
numerous other projects. They are
joining efforts to have national and
local registration held in college
districts so that students can vote for
county and state officials in their
school districts instead of hometown
ones. SASU also supports funding
for inter-collegiate athletics, parttime TAP, (SASU states that part
time students of all ages are
discriminated against because they
receive no TAP assistance), and
TAP aid for emancipated students.
Post stressed SASU's need for
student support. "During the tuition
hike crisis the Governor received
over 14,000 letters from' students
complaining of the increase," stated
Post. "This support helped greatly
and more and more input will be
needed to fight this thing."
China: U.S. Criticism Ignored
PEKING (AP) A Chinese official told American reporters Monday
that China's invasion of Vietnam is not "that big an issue," and he
indicated Peking's leaders are not concerned about U.S. criticism of
their actions.
"We don't force our views on anyone else," the official said, adding
that Vietnam still must be dealt "some blows" before the fighting can
The official spoke with the reporters — who are accompanying
Treasury Secretary W. Michael spokesman Bill Stubbs described it
Blumenthal on his current visit to as a "low-key" ceremony.
China — on the condition that his
An American informant said
name not be used.
Blumenthal may have more to say
There were signs Monday that about the war in a 90-minute
Chinese leaders were annoyed by meeting scheduled for Tuesday
Blumenthal's banquet toast Sunday afternoon with Chinese Vice Pred e s c r i b i n g C h i n a as the mier Teng Hsaio-ping. "I assume
"transgressor" in the Indochina war . . . he will have a message to
and warning that it could hinder the communicate" on the fighting, the
growth of U.S.-Chinese relations American said.
the Chinese-Vietnamese war to last
about 10 days or more because
China has not finished "giving a
lesson" to Vietnam.
The Chinese official interviewed
by U.S. reporters said the Chinese
"don't want any war. We were driven
to use forceful means."
When American reporters
requested to be allowed to go the
scene of the fighting, he refused,
saying, "We do not feel it is that big
an issue to warrant so much
Progress on Claims
A U.S. official who briefed
reporters on Blumenthal's economic
talks Monday said progress had
been made toward resolving the 30year-old U.S. claims against China,
totalling $197 million, for U.S.
property seized by the communist
government after it took control of
the mainland in 1949. He said an
agreement was not yet reached and
the talks would continue. China has
counter-calims of about S80 million.
Teng, speaking with a Japanese
and risk u wider conflict. This
"message" to the Chinese was said to interviewer, was quoted as saying
have had President Carter's Monday he welcomed the call in the
United Nations for a Chinese
A senior U.S. official said that withdrawal from Vietnam and a
during Blumentahl's meetings with V i e t n a m e s e pull-out from
Chinese officials on economic Cambodia. But he said he expects
matters Monday, "I did not hear a
single refernce to the toast' last
Nominations are now being
accepted for the following position*
Another indication of Chinese
on the Board of Directors of the
pique may be the apparent lack of
participation by top Peking officials
Albany Student Press:
in the formal opening ceremony of
(2) ASP Representative
the U.S. Embassy here Thursday.
(2) Student Representative
In Washington on Monday, the
(1) ASP alumni Representative
Senate approved President Carter's
(1) Wo rklng Journalist
choice of Leonard Woodcock as the
(1) Faculty Representative.
first American ambassador to
Nominees must be In the Albany
Peking since 1949. The voe was 82-9.
area for the coming year.
Woodcock has headed the U.S.
liaison mission in Peking for two
Nominations should be submitted, In
writing to Debbie Kopf, secretary, CC
U.S. and Chinese officials said the
Chinese leadership had no plans to
attend the opening, and U.S.'
334 no later than 5 P.M., Friday, March
2, I979.
791 Madison Ave, Albany
Open 7 days - 4pm-2am for on premise eating
for pick up or delivery 462-1229
Questions on the revolution and
Iran's road forward will be discussed.
EVERY TUES. All the spaghetti you
can eat for $1.99
Speakers: Dana Shashaani, Gen. Sec.
Iranian Student Assoc. (ISA)
Tayebe Khatami, Iranian
Student, JCA
per person with two meatballs on the first serving
Mr? c » » MK-vrfNh
(iMjIrMHItl m*«* ! " • » ' " « • ]
SA funded
FEBRUARY 27,1979
•'""""""•"" IWIMU-"*""* «"W"l*tW*.H|
H,:AK or MACV>
(TIIONII: i m-ir
WED. & THURS. Cheese pizza
slice night.
only 25* per slice
Offer good:
on premises only
not valid in conjunction with any other promotion
Fuerza Latina and Asuba present
Viewpoint Magazine
State Senators
Vonder Beaty
Chairperson of Legislative Black and Hispanic Caucus
Olga Mcndez
Interest Meeting
Tuesday 2/27 9:00 pm
Fireside Lounge
Topic: Major Community Needs;
We need: writers
Heighten Political Participation
of Minorities
1st Puerto Rican State Senator
Wed. Feb. 28 1979 Feb. 28, 1979
6:30 LC 1
ECKANKAR presents the Albany
Regional ECKANKAR seminar
at the
Albany Sheraton Motor Inn
200 Wolf Rd.
MARCH 3rd and 4th
10:00 - 11:30:
Introductory talk and film.
1:00 - 4:00, 7:00 - 9:00 and Sunday
1?;00- 12:30 by donation.
funded by SA
For more info, call Sue at 7-6542 or 434-0768
Music Council Presents
The Waverly Consort
an internationally famous medieval, Renaissance
ensemble of 10 brilliant singers and playersDlaying instruments of that time
Friday, March 16
Page Hall
$2.00 students with tax
$3.00 ed. and Sr. cit. $4.00 general
tickets PAC Box 457-8606
A Rare Experience
SA funded
Kinks May Still Hove A Way To Go
ast Thursday night, one of the
longest existing rock bands
played at the Palace Theater,
in a concert sponsored by
UCB and WCDB. The Kinks,
who were formed in 1961, will someday
be considered one of the legendary acts of
this musical era. Despite an impressive
string of commercial hits, their success,
however, has for the most part been
supported by a fervently enthusiastic, but
moderately-sized group of fanatics.
Witness, as example, the not quite
capacity crowd on Thursday. The Kinks,
if they noticed, were not fazed.
Brian Kurtzer
The opening act of the concert was a
particularly annoying, hard rock band
named TKO. During their assault to the
senses I could make out some lyrics to
their second song. As they sang the
words, "Stay Away", 1 wished that they
had followed their own advice.
After a short break, the Kinks took the
stage. Sort of. Opening with a musical
version of "You Really Got Me,"themost
noticeable Kink was nowhere in sight.
After all, Raymond Douglas Davies is
the show. He's the man up front. The
singer, the songwriter (he's probably
written 90 percent of the songs on their
almost countless albums), the entertainer,
cynic, clown, comedian. Ray Davies is
one of the premier performers in his
business, and he likes to highlight that
fact during the act.
So, several minutes into the opening
song, Ray came running out, picked up
his guitar, und sang several stanzas.
Immediately following, they broke into
the rousing title song of their album of songs — carressing himself, gesturing.
The very best moments of the show
three years ago, "Sleepwalker." With Resembling a skid-row bum, he stumbled came when the band performed the
Mick Avory providing a steady rockbeat, around the stage, beer bottle in hand as ballads in which Ray sang his more
this number highlighted the band's recent testimony to the demon "Alcohol."
emotional, meaningful compositions. He
trend towards reemphasizing the solid
As was to be expected, Davies was introduced the title song from Misfits, as
lead guitar playing of Ray's brother, quite visual while performing songs that "written by a misfit, about a misfit." The
Dave Davies. On such upbeat rockers, were satirical or poked fuji at social song is almost a proclamation that his
Dave is the musical backbone of the classes. Two new songs "Low Budget," defiance to "join the crowd" has not been
group, and his solo towards the end of and "I Wish 1 Could Fly Like Superman," in vain. Again playing the acoustic guitar,
"Sleepwalker" was an excellent reminder were perfect examples. In the former, in contrast to Dave's electric, Ray seemed
of this fact.
Davies, dressed appropriately, sang of honestly moved while performing it.
But that is the extent of Dave's forgoing all the previously adorned
"Celluloid Heroes," from Everyone's
prominence. When he later stepped benefits of upper class living.
In Show Biz was the most impressively
arranged and performed song of the
concert. As on several other songs, the
band was complimented by the addition
of a tenor sax and trombone. The stark
realities of the motion picture medium
were stirringly portrayed as Ray sang — "/•
wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood
movie show . . . Celluloid Heroes never
really die."
The one concession Davies seems to
have made to time is an easing up of his
cynical, bitter feelings towards the music
business. The Kinks current show reflects
this. They know how far they have come.
Ray introduced "A Rock and Roll
Fantasy" for all the good bands that are
forward to sing his composition, "trust
" The hair is mine, my teeth are my own, "not around anymore. When he came to
Your Heart," from Misfits, in a strained But everything else is on permanent the line, "You might be through, but I've
voice, one could conclude that it was done loan."
just begun," the audience responded with
only to allow Ray to step offstage and
The rockers were also done well. A full cheers. Ray Davies has decided that his
make another shirt change. When Ray is version of "You Really Got Me," and "All music is important, and he might as well
onstage, he stands center stage.
Day and All of the Night," were well strive to perfect it — and the show.
It was Ray's energetic versatility that played and extremely well received. It
After playing an encore, the Kinks left
was most impressive throughout the seems that Davies is now content to let the the stage hastily. Except for Ray Davies.
concert. Imploring the crowd to sing band play their best songs. The concept He moved to the front, shaking hands in
along as he played the familiar chords to album is behind them and this was the audience. Basically, it is his show, as
"Lola", on acoustic guitar, the response emphasized by the performance of only long as they sing from "A Rock and Roll
was joyously loud. "C-O-l^A, Cola." one song from Preservation from among Fantasy" — But for all we know, we
Constantly, he theatrically presented his that category of Kinks' albums.
might still have a way to go.
You've been a
misfit all your
Why don't you
join the crowd
And come
R. Davies
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When w* fir»( Higned <-t the air luflt ytur ut 4:00 pm, Murch 1 ut we chom' a winis we fult
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A .small unaccredited California
University • Itnown' for "courses on
sexual techniques has announced
plans to open up a second campus in
More University has reportedly
purchased land on the island of
Oahu where it will offer such courses
us t h e " F u n d a m e n t a l s of
Sensuality." The course is described
a 17-hour weekend marathon
concentrating on "the production of
pleasure in the human body."
I'hi' Honolulu Advertiser says
thai a one-day course, called "Basic
Sensuality." includes a live
demonstration of an hour-long
female orgasm, induced "by a
"skilled male instructor" on a female
instructor. A university teacher is
quoted by The Advertiser as saying
that she used to demonstrate threc, hour-long orgasms but that "three
hours was just too long."
I he instructor added: "There is no
way anyone can deny that sex is a
wonderful thing and that it is sorely
abused in our society. It isn't
(aliening. It doesn't cause acne. It's
not taxable . . . so why not enjoy it?
Many people just don't know how."
tHttmon, and the second a feminine line called April. What the
volunteers were not told was that the
cigarettes in both packages were
Sure enough, most of the women
,vlw tried both brands rated the
as being hotter,
A Ueorgia p/ofessor of medicine stronger, harsher and less enjoyable
says that do-it-yourself artificial in taste than the Aprils. Men, on the
insemination may be just around the other hand, generally indicated a
taste preference for the more machocorner.
Doctor Armand Karow of the sounding Frontiersman.
Medical College of Georgia says that
the techniques for collecting,
freezing and storing sperm have
become so effective and simple that
A nationwide public opinion poll
it is now technically possible for a has found that the majority of
woman to artificially inseminate Americans favor tougher laws to
l-ood prices are higher than ever in herself in the privacy of her own protect the enviornment against
the United States, but Americans are home.
pollution, even if those laws result in
not the only ones being hit in the
I he doctor adds that "as easy as higher consumer prices.
artificial insemination is to perform,
The nationwide study, conducted
A survey by the U.S, Department we can even imagine a normal couple by the Bureau of Social Science
ol Agriculture of food prices in 16 selecting semen from a panel of Research in Washington, DC,
world capitals shows that when it lamous people and doing home q u e s t i o n e d more than 1000
comes to prices for certain foods, insemination."
Americans across the US.
A m e r i c a n s could c o n s i d e r
Karow says there is still at least
Fifty-three percent of those
themselves very fortunate.
one little-understood side effect questioned agreed that "Protecting
' In • lk>kyo, for example sirloin I mm using frozen sperm: he says the enviornment is so important that
Doctor John Derr, a scientist with steak goes for $45.87 a pound;and in studies have found that more boys requirements and standards cannot
the US licological Survey, says that Copenhagen steak is $8.60 a pound, than girls are produced.
be too high, and continuing immysterious glowing lights may while in Washington, DC, steak is
provement must be made regardless
p r o v i d e a tip-off t h a t an "just" $3.02 per pound.
earthquake is coming.
A pound of bacon in Bonn, West
At the other end of the spectrum,
I he results of a recent consumer
Derr cites recent reports in the Germany goes for $4.17, compared study indicate that many people may only 10 percent felt that: "Pollution
People's Republic of China when, to Washington's $1.96. A quart of select the brand of cigarette they control requirements and standards
shortly before an earthquake struck. milk in Tokyocostsjl.03 compared smoke on the basis of its name, not have gone too far."
The remainder sided with an alterjust its taste.
I he magazine Decision Sciences native in-between that suggested:
says that groups of volunteers were "We should now concentrate on
given two dlferent kinds of filter- holding down costs rather than reCOLD CUTS-CHEESE-TUNA-TURKEY
tipped cigarettes to smoke — one a quiring stricter controls."
The government is currently being
masculine brand called Front-
Take-Out Pizza
Colonial Quad Sub Shop
Starting Feb. 20
Sponsored by University,Auxiliary Service
Lenten Services
General Interest Meeting
TUES. 2/27
7:30PM Fine Arts 126
Attention: SENIORS
Help make
February 28,1979
LC 23
11:15AM - Moss
4:15PM - ecumenical Service
7:00PM - Moss
- " "
• * "
" "
" M -
[Something NewJ
thousands of people say the night
sky lit up almost as if it were
daylight. The strange white and red
lights in the night were seen as far as
200 miles away form where the giant
quake struck a few hours later.
Derr says the mysterious lights
may be produced by stress changes
in rocks that contain particles of
quart/., lie says the stress changes
could trigger a glowing effect that
would be visible to the naked eye.
IJerr suggests it may soon be
possible to develop electrical
monitoring methods to predict
Available at
all locations
KNOck, kNOck.
r= =
Wko S ThERE?
the best this year.
Meeting: tuesday, Feb. 27
7:00 p.m.
CC 373
Planning: Boatride on Lake
Trip to Riverside
Amusement Park
; :
Just a stone's throw from the Downtown Dorms.
f wan aAa c&uUeiMu itwited
If you want to help or learn more about the issue stop
by the NYPIRG office in CC-382 or call us at 4572446.
Any questions? call Audrey 482-6872
tMtibcA 40, 4979
2.1(1 Route 59, Monsey, NY
(l:xit J4H New. V.ork Suite I liinw.iv,
a private nirdk-ul ofiice - jmi Aclinic j
Sponsored by J.S.C. HILLEL
i „ the D u t c h Q u a d Dining Hall
a full kosher dinner will b e s e r v e d .
B/fth Control
A leading food scientist says that
there's more nutrition in Alpo
dogfood than in a drive-in hamburger.
Doctor Michael Jacobson, a
director of the Center For Science in
the Public Interest, claims that the
nutritional value of pet food often is
higher than many of the foods we
humans are served.
Jacobson says, for example, that
Alpo not only beats out fast food
burgers, but is superior nutritionally
to pork chops, shrimp, boiled ham
and even sirloin steak. What about a
big Alpo with lettuce and onions to
(914) 3 5 7 - 8 8 8 4
55* per game Mon- Fri
before IKK) pm
Starting the week of March 5, NYPIRG will be
canvassing your dorm to collect signatures in
support of auto insurance rate reform. Tables will be
set up in the CC lobby so off-campus students can
sign. The petitions will be used as part of NYPIRG's
statewide campaign to eliminate the age
dlscr imination in auto insurance rates. A legislative
victory would mean drivers under 25 with a clean
record could save as much as 200 dollars annually!
Early Bird Bowling
Available at
all locations
The next time you feel the pangs of
guilt eating away at your stomach,
take heart: there may be good reason
for them.
A new publication just released by
the Consumer Information Center of
the Federal Government's General
Services Adminstration is claiming,
in effect, that without at least some
guilt, people wouldn't be motivated
to do anything.
Among the things the magazine is
crediting the anxiety-producer with
achieving are decent grades in
school, good performance on the job
and reasonable relationships with
loved ones.
Psychiatrists are not so sure,
however. They claim that, on the
contrary, guilt can cause failure at
school or at work and even result in
nightmares or attempted suicide.
Playdium, Inc.
khingt on's 56 cents. Chicken in
Stockholm sells for $1.88 a po-md,
while Washington residents pa;' 52
cents. And bread in Paris goes for
one dollar a loaf, compared to 57
cents in the District of Columbia.
pressured by large industries to
soften environmental standards.
They argue that Americans are unwilling to pay the higher, prices that
might result from trying to clean up
the enviornment.
Vegetarian Meal available
TW«.ts will be on sale Tues. Feb. 27, Wed. Feb. 28 and Fri. Mar. 2 in the CC Lobby, or call for. reservations
Beth 457-7976 or Elyse 457-7990
COST: $6.00 member, 7.00 id, tax card, 8.00 wjo.
MSW's and BSW's needed now in Israel's
urban centers and developing towns.
Community workers especially sought.
O r i e n t a t i o n programs, retraining
courses, pilot trips planned. A real
opportunity to live a quality Jewish life
w h i l e making a meaningful
contribution. Interviewers coming from
Israel this month. Arrange now to speak
with them.
Live Band Cash Bar
SA funded
| C — I ' " " " '
FEBRUARY 27, 1979
by Robert Hale
The coming of spring is marked every year
by the gearing up of political activism on
campus. Students are reminded of the glories
of their forbearers of the late sixties and a
twinge of self-pity is felt in the heart of every
; }•'
radical as he admonishes himself for being
born ten years too late. Leaders call for
student union, student protest, student power.
They point to the historical role of students as
the guardians of society — the well-educated
elite glorifying their naivete and emerging
from their labo.Mories of ideas with programs
for vast social change.
Students arc the uncorruptible intellectuals;
they are outside "the system". They are
energetic. They are impressionable. They
should be the forefront of American
Yet, t his spri ng, j ust like every spring for the
last seven or eight years, the students will not
act. Naturally, some will protest, be it about
divestment from South Africa, a tuition
increase, or whatnot. But this will not reflect
the general mood of the student body. The
reaction to apathy will be familiar — people
•-vi 11 cry that students are not the same as they
were in the sixties. The return to campuses of
the days of toga parties and food fights is seen
as indicative of a decline in the state of
American intellcctualism.
This year's push for activism is more
intensive than usual. The tuition increase is
seen as an issue to unite the students while
accountability of the Educational Testing
Se vice (ETS) and divestment from South
Africa remain as vital and important to many
political groups on campus. This is also a
benchmark year in student involvement as the
aim is to provide an image of students entering
the eighties as sensitive, aware, interested, and
above all, active in the issues of the world
around them. To do this, issues of a student
oriented nature are to be publicized and thus
draw students into the "habit" of activism.
The efforts of the political groups on this
campus to motivate the student body into
acting on its own behalf should be
commended. But the failure of these attempts
is inevitable. The blame lies not with the
students but with the times. In the sixties
students faces a war which showed that
America was not the lily white do-gooder that
they had learned about. They saw themselves
and their peers being called to fight and die for
a currupl dictatorship against the wishes of
that country's citizens. It was an absurd
situation as well as a personal danger to many,
which overcame the obstacles of apathy and
turnover to motivate students to action.
Today's issues are on a much smaller scale.
They are basically pocketbook issues.
Protesting them is difficult for many reasons.
First, there are rarely conflicting values
involved. Inflation is not seen as a threat to
democracy, Mom, or apple pie. Second, fault
is not easy to affix on anyone in particular.
Should we protest a tuition increase to Gov.
Carey, to the State Legislature, to Chancellor
Wharton, or to the SUNY Board of Trustees?
Finally, the whole student body is not
affected. If the hike is only for Lower Division
students, it will affect only this year's
freshmen. Even if it is an across the board rise
in tuition, only those of middle income
families for whom TAP and other financial
aid fail to make up the difference will feel the
increase. Those of high income parents will
not be overly concerned and the members of
low income families will have the increase
absorbed by their financial aid. Thus, even
with the issue that is of greater concern to the
student body than any in recent years, those
who will actually actively protest are drawn
from a limited section of the students as a
whole. Even if the tuition protest is successful,
the attempt to transfer this victory to other
movements will fail because it will draw only
from the limited group that was previously
The attempt to carry students into the
eighties as a politically involved and aware
group is doomed. This is not because there is
anything wrong with the students, but because
the issues are simply not those that lead to
unified concern and protest. Can anyone
forsee thousands of demonstrators converging
on the 1980 Democratic National Convention
to demand that ETS release their LSAT
answers? But it is unfortunate that in a time
when our rights are slowly being chipped away
by everyone from landlords to insurance
companies, it is difficult to respond since each
attack is on a small group, not students as a
whole. We are naive, if not simply foolish, to
approach injustices with what are inevitably
half-hearted attempts at mass action. What
this situation calls for is a development of
political finesse rather than force, finding
strength in our intelligence rather than our
numbers. We must not become exasperated
with students for not filling their role as a mass
of bodies, but instead adjust our strategies to
the nature of the problems and issues we face
should be working with us to try to get the
additional money from the Legislature. We
have been focusing on the Legislature to
appropriate an extra $9.1 million to the SUN Y
budget to allow the State University to operate
without cuts or a tuition hike. The Legislature
To the Editor:
will vote on the budget on April 1.
There are many UAS employees who work
The T r u s t e e s , h o w e v e r , on the
in the Food Department that must be on the
recommendation of the Chancellor, are
job at 6:30 a.m. or earlier. In one particular
seriously considering raising tuition at their
building, out of nine employees, five have
Wednesday meeting, despite the fact that wc
permits of some kind which entitles them to
will not know if SUNY will get the additional
park nearest the building, two ride with a
money until April 1.
person who has a permit, and one's husband
drives her to the door each morning. That
Our position is the following:
leaves one person who has to walk from the
1. Such an action by the Trustees would be
parking lot alone? Sound scary? You better
totally premature. Until April I, there is no
believe it isl
way of knowing whether or not we will get the
Many mornings, on approaching the lot, additional $9.1 million.
2. By even considering a tuition increase at this
lights go off while it is still dark out. I've read
that the security officers feel a need to carry' time, the Trustees will effectively eliminate
any bargaining position liiey would have with
guns at this time of day. What type of
the Legislature. How can they argue for
protection do we employees have, since some
is obviously needed, in these early morning
additional funds if the Legislature is aware
that SUNY has indicated its willingness to
raise funds through tuition?
Over the years this parking permit business
3. If the Trustees raise tuition on Wednesday,
has gotten to be a farce. All employees who
must be at work curly deserve the priviledge of
it will make it much more difficult to convince
security. This means parking permits for all the Legislature. The attitude of the Legislators
concerned whether infirmed or not.
would logically be, "you have already solved
Thanks for being considerate of your early • your problem of insufficient funds by raising
tuition — so why should we give you the
morning walkers.
A Disgruntled Worker
Therefore, an action is planned for
Wednesday to stop the Trustees from raising
tuition on Wednesday. We plan to bring at
least 100 people to fill the meeting and
pressure the Trustees not to raise tuition.
Through demonstration, chanting, and
picketing we think we can effectively prevent
it. Remember, the Trustees are a political
body, and as such want to avoid the stigma of
To the Editor:
having the responsibility for hurting public
We would like to take this opportunity to
higher education.
update students about the current situation in
There will be two special buses leaving
the fight against the tuition increase. This
uptown to take students downtown to SUNY
week, there is a strong possibility that the
Plaza, where the meeting will take place, on
SUNY Board of Trustees, who arc responsible
for the formation of all policies for the State
University will raise tuition at their meeting on
Some explanation is in order here; the
proposed tuition increase comes because of
the governor's failure to allow adequate funds
for operation of SUNY in his 1979-80
by Scott Lonsberry
Executive Budget. The Governor's budget, if
passed by the Legislature would make it
Why docs Student Association insist on
impossible for SUNY to operate effectively
being so arrogant to the students it is supposed
without making large cuts in services provided
to represent and serve? On Wednesday night
to students.
Central Council is going to decide a $113,000
Thus, if the budget is approved as is, the Dippikill expansion proposal without so
much as a whisper about it to students.
Trustees would have a choice of either making
program cuts or raising tuition. Only $9.1
Chairman of Central Council, David Ruffo,
million extra is needed from the budget to
decided on Friday that a new proposal to fund
avoid this. Under these circumstances, SUNY
Dippikill with $113,000 over a five year period
Chancellor Cliffton Wharton and the Trustees
for expansion and acquisition of the Glen
Worker Mess at UAS
The Issueless Age
Calling All Students
Wednesday at 8:45 in the morning. We know it
is early, but the Trustees are meeting at 10:00
and we have to get there early to make sure we
get in. The bus will make stops on Western
Avenue at Partridge, Draper, Lark, and the
Wellington. Those leaving from uptown
should meet in the Off Campus lounge
between 8:30 and 8:45. You may sign up
tonight at dinner lines.
There will also be a pre-demonstration
meeting tonight at 7:00 at the Fireside Lounge.
This is the most important action in the
tuition campaign thus far. If the Trustees raise
tuition on Wednesday, fighting the tuition
increase in the future will be that much harder
— Albany Student Union
"unfair" as well, because no one would be a
"true peer". It is very easy to find fault with
any system when one feels persecuted.
As far as holding the suite responsible for
incidents that occur there, let me assure you
that this point had been made. In the
beginning of the year, a soccer ball was thrown
out of suite 1703. When questioned, the
response was that the suite door was always
left unlocked and that people were constantly
in and out. Those present claimed they did not
know who had thrown the ball out. At that
time, a Director on the Quad made it very
clear that leaving the door unlocked could
lead to a situation where the suite would be
held responsible for someone else's actions in
their suite. Why then is it unfair to follow
through with what was explained would
Tower Follies —
A Rebuttal
1 would also like to point out that Steven is
clouding the most important issue: the matter
of who is being unfair in this situation. What
about the mysterious person(s) who caused
the entire incident? How has he been
To the Editor:
forgotten? It is apparent to me that this
1 feel that 1 must respond to Steven Olson's pcrson(s) who is willing to let the members of
letter describing the unfair and unusual suite 1703 take responsibility for his act is the
treatment given to the residents of Suite 1703, true villian, not to mention those who know
Livingston Tower. I think it is important to and are remaining silent to protect this
bring up some points to clarify the situation. pcrson(s). It seems that Steven is trying to
Steven implies in his letter that sending the make the system, which only deals with an
suite to Judicial Board is the same as finding incident after it occurs, the scapegoat for the
ihem guilty. The fact that someone is referred real culprit(s).
to Judicial Board does not automatically
Marie Mance
assume guilt. The reason for bringing it to
Director, Livingston Tower
Judicial Board is so that a group of peers can
make that decision. This insures due process
as required by law. As the Director of
Livingston Tower, I must address this matter
tause the serious issue of fire safety is
involved. Sending it to Judicial Board isin my
mind the fairest way to pursue the incident.
That Steven feels this Board is out persecute
members of the 17th floor is unfortunate. If
members of the board were not Tower '•
residents, I suppose someone else would shout
Write a letter!
The Camp, The Council and Thou
I mr TO vo s*temo&
House from UAS is so important that
Council's whole agenda for Wednesday night
be dropped in favor of deciding the Dippikill
issue. Why the rush? The time table of budget
committee might be disrupted.
ll seems that if the proposal is passed by
Council, certain deductions must be made
from next year's Student Activities budget
before budget committee is turned loose
allocating anticipated revenue. Budget
committee doesn't want to be held up, so
Ruffo has decided that the show must go on
tomorrow! But wait — what about students?
Shouldn't they know what is about to be
decided? Why doesn's SA's new $1,000
pronagands sheet The Student Voice discuss
the proposal and solicit student input?
The Dippikill proposal deserves more
I attention than a quickie vote by a largely new
and still unaware Council. It is a major
> expenditure drawing from the general fund
and harnessing future Council action because
of the drain on reserves. On the pro side, it
would provide much needed conference
facilities and additional cabins for campers.
More people should know about the question
so that a fair and well evaluated judgment will
be reached.
Even if Ruffo feels that informal student
input isn't necessary and insists on deciding
the question Wednesday night, he is bound by
the formal structure of Student Association.
He should at least delay Council's vole until
TO Alumni Quad residents can be fully
represented. Alumni Quad is now represented
on Council by only one representative while
all other quads have four. This is because the
election commission, charged by President
I'eldman, ran such shabby midterm
replacement elections that the results on
Alumni were invalidated.
You may wonder, how dare I say shabby.
I his is how. One candidate's name was on the
ballot on the first night, disappeared the
•econd and then reappeared the third. I hat s
only the first impropriety. Secondly, one of
the downtown dinner lines never had
ballotting until the third night of elections
even though it was brought to Feldman's
atention and Election Commissioner Jayne
Bieber after the first night.
Uptown elections weren't without their
flaws either. There were numerous charges of
people being allowed to vote without tax cards
and pollsters running out of ballots on the first
night of ballotting. No one protested those
elections. It appears that was a wise decision.
At least all uptown Quads will be fully
represented on Wednesday night when one of
the most important issues of the year will be
It is hard to understand why our student
policy makers feel they must subject students
to an inflexible bureaucratic structure when
they have the ability to adjust to student needs.
In this case their ability lies in their power to
the vote.
We must all call on Student Association to
slow down on this proposal until we know
what it is and until each student has an
opportunity to his or her opinion. Good
decisions cannot be made without an attempt
to collect all the information that might affect
the outcome.
It is true that Council has been aware of the
proposal for over a month but Council has
had eight resignations since last semester and
now has what should be eight new votes. In
addition, few students on campus realize the
nature of the decision to be made. With
$100,000 and the future of Dippikill at stake
there' should be more student involvement
outside SA.
Ifit is the desire of SA's leadership to push
Central Council for such far reaching
decisions without student knowledge and
without all students having a fair and
reasonable opportunity to be represented,
(hen lei the students of Albany see the
arrogance of our elected officials.
Finishing Up Winter
Before long, if all goes as planned, spring just might arrive. The time
will come to whip out the frisbees, head over to the podium with a good
supply of suntan oil, and bask in the sun for days at a time. Classes?
They'll still be around, but some of us might not be. Truly, springtime at
SUNYA is a time to rejoice, andrejoicewe will. But before that, we must
finish up winter.
Winter is a strange season, and it does strange things (especially at a
stark white school). Besides burying your car in the far lot, and turning
your nose a brightred,winter has an effect on your mind. The isolation
and coldness is bound to get you down a little, and it could dampen your
outlook (no pun intended). Here presented to vou, and not to the
students at the University of Miami, are some tips on finishing up the
freeze, and preparing for the podium,
•Stay inside. First of all, indoors isn't white, and there are oodles of
.activities to be done in the comforts of you very own abode. Oil your
mitt. Dust your frisbec. See if the string bikini you bought last year still
fits. And above all, find a warm body to snuggle up with and "study".
•Go to classes. Let's face it, that could be impossible when spring
comes, so you might as well use the winter months to get ahead. Reading
your text books might be a good idea too. And study (really).
•Be especially friendly. We're all in the same boat up here, and
whatever you're going through, you're bound to find a friend going
through it as well. Together, you might just conquer it.
•Remember the parents. If you're from above the Mas on Dixon line,
then they're going through winter too. (And you don't have to shovel the
driveway this year). Why not shock the hell out of them and drop them a
4ine? They'll feel pretty good, I'll bet, and they may just deposit a winter
bonus in the depleted checking account. It can't hurt.
There you have it. The season is winter, the prospect is spring, and
vacation is 38 days away. (912 hours). Start your countdown now, but
don't remain frozen as long as the parking lots will. Be active, and you'll
stay warm. Finishing up winter may seem bleak, but if you follow these
tips, the time may move a little faster. Winter might even be fun.
Eat your heart out, University of Miami.
Go Danes.'
While we freeze in Albany, the Great Danes basketball team will by
flying to Danville, Kentucky for the NCAA playoffs this Thursday. The
game is Friday night, and the ASP wishes the team the best of luck
(skill), and hopes that they come back winners!
JAY B. CISSEN, Editor-in-Chief
STIVE OSTEB, Managing Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Robert Blasenstcin, Jeff Carone, Janet Ccrni, Marie Cortissoz, Mike Dunne,
Wendell Hcddon, Michele Israel, Ken Kurtz, Steve Oster, Don Rossi, Aron Smith, Deborah
Smith, David Spiro AP MANAGERS: Jesse Scherer, Lloyd Levenbcrg ZODIAC NEWS: Laura
Schraub PREVIEW PAGE: Diana Oruci ARTS COORDINATOR: Stephanie Del Valle GRIPE LINE
COORDINATOR: Patrick Ford NEWS EDITORS EMERITUS: Matthew Cox, Tom Martello, Jill Haber
JONATHAN HODGES, Business Manager
SALES PERSONNEL: Steve Goldstein, Jeff Levitan, Richie Mermelstein CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING:
Steve Mauer COMPOSITION: Amy Sours, Hayden Carruth AD PRODUCTION MANAGER: Irene
Firmat AD PRODUCTION: Hildy Brand, Sally Ann Brecher, Liz Rozwod, Laurie Studwell OFFICE:
Rosemary Gross, Ruth Terill PAGE PREP: Leslie Appclbaum
LYNN Hi.it/., Production Manager
RdiiN GOLDBERG, Associate Production Manager
PASTE UP: Leslie Appelbaum, Michele Berk, Miriam Epstein, Sophia Kustas, Jill Meyerson,
Beth Simon TYPISTS: Sally Ann Brecher, Diana Cochran, Robin Goldberg, Cam Janowtky
Cheryl Kaufman, Cara Kuebler, Marilyn Moskowi z. Ivy Peltz, Beth Stone PROOFREADER:
Donna Reichn r
PHOTOGRAPHY, supplied principally by Jniversity Phcto Service
CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER: Mary Ann Hovak PHOTOGR P IERS: Tony Tasaarotii, Laura Viscusi,
ScDtt Areman, Roanne Kulakoff, Bob Leonard, Ta ny i Ann Harvev, Jeff Schneebaum, Sam
Terelli, Howie Jacobs, John Ch iw, Tae Moon Lee
The Albany Student Press is published every Tuesday and Friday during the school year by the
Albany Student Press Corporation, an independ nt not-for-profit organization. Editorial
policy is determined by the Editor-in Chief and is subject to review by the Editorial Board.
Mailing Address: Albany Student Press, CC329, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222
For the coming of Spring, La
Committee will reinstate weekly
nominations for the B.O.D.Y. Hall of
Fame. The first nomination goes to—
Danny Adams — Congratulations!
Here Is your second pensonsl. To a
wonderful human being and a
beautiful porson, thank* for being the
understanding person you are.
Topoglgglo lives
Thanks to Jeff Bellis on "Open Fire"
WCDB Wednesdays 11 —
Ed Sellera,
Bring Mike back.
Valour Sweatjacket,
Well, It's been one great month sofar.
I'm aore all over. Now will you stop
hitting me. Oh, I'm sorry. Let'a keep it
going. I love you.
Thank you, Steve
P.S. I went to Stuyvesant.
To Pittman,
You guys are the biggest alcoholics
To the Mark Rasch Fan Club:
Beth (Van Ren),
In ASU. Keep it upl
We met on Amtrak 2 Frldaya ago. The Thanks for all your 8upportl Your
Seagram 7 Inc. conversation was too short, let's membership carda and 8 x 10'a will
arrive soon. Elections for club
continue It.
Wanted to rent: 2 or 3 bedroom
Maxell Tapes
You're a hunk. I'll shoot anyone who
Ray positions next week. Inquire Box
UDXL I'a tV ll's C-90's - 3.35
lays a hand on your great bod.
semester. Call (after 10:00 p.m.)
Luv you, Cindy (G.S.)
EEEE and Lisa P. —
2 florpr seats to see Jorma Kaukonen. Daniel at 465-0329 or Donald at 7HI Jurall
Call Stu at 7-4052.
"If at first I don't succeed, I'll try again Happy birthday Pookle, from two Suck moose cock It's an upcoming
Women's Tlmberland boots — size 7,
Love always, Sugar and Danny
Corey Bandes
waterproofed & Insulated. Like new.
Carlos and John,
$40 — List $65. Call Gail 7-5044.
Thanka a lot!
Congratulationa Nancy & Wayne on Dear Joan,
Love, Seneca 205
Lost — one student. Reason —
Here you go uglyl That will be 3
your engagement. We wish you "all
Womens sweaters at Incredibly low
than never.
prices. Come try one on. Mark 7roommate.
7720; Van Ren. 304.
— 2002 — Colonial.
I'm waiting. No matter how long It
Gene L. —
Dear Jackie and Hone,
1969 Chevrolet Wagon, 327-V8
How did I ever get to be friends with You look funny, talk funny and are a takes, I'm waiting tor you.
engine, 56,000 original miles, new Lost: Pair of gray tinted plastic
Love, Chris
Dunlop snows, now brakes fully
Thurs. night. I like seeing. Call 465Bev Renee (Oneida),
Love, Barry
w i n t e r i z e d , excellent running
P.S. Is your back bad becauae you
To a great girl from a great guy.
condltlonl $575. 438-1223.
read perverse books?
Only 38 days until Mets opening day.
71 Super Beetle: rebuilt engine, FM
Dear Deb,
Be therel Aloha!
stereo, body good. Asking $650 but
To Li da:
Hope your 18th la the happiest ever! Keep up the good work.
Loyal forever In Ten Eyck
will talk as I must sell the
Anyone Interested In sewing patches
may all your dreama come true.
"Chuckmoblle" 7-4746.
Scott & Alex
on two palra of torn up pants too Jo-Jo & Judy,
I love ya, Rlmm
There's another side of the campus —
For tale: '71 Ford Torino — must sell.
valuable to be thrown out. I supply
Happy birthday Barbara — Wed. Feb
why don't you be daring and explore
Stu, Bill, John & Grandpa —
Call Bobbie 462-2127.
the materials, pay top rate. Call Gary
Guys, I'm sorry It took so long for me
7-5633 anytime.
Love, Paul
08 GMC Van, customized, radials,
to get around to this, but thanks for a
Love, Barb & Maur
many new parts. Must sell, will dicker. Tickets to Jorma Kaukonen. Will
great birthday. Maybe next time we'll Dear Janet,
Call 489-0121.
double price paid. Call Dave at 438do it without any "visitors."
Happy 19th birthday.
their March 1979 Podium — Tour.
_ _ _ _ _
Thanks again, Scott
Love always, Barry
1969 Pontiac $300. Call Bob or 1702.
to Gompera.
George Heath. 881-8172.
Boxing dub members, call 462-4004
Marty — ConfeasI It had to be youl
Love Lucy" gang. Yes, Fred, Ethel,
Show 7 9 .
Pioneer 8-track tape player in
Ricky and Lucy, you really make my
Charlotte Thursday night, March 1st at 8:30.
excellent condition. Model TH30. Washington Tavern). All weight evenings exciting.
Asking $25. Phone 7-5356.
I love you all, Mrs. Hello
Speakers for sale. One pair ADS 300s
Dear Beth,
Dearest Gib,
Herman and Florence together Maybe I should have hired you at the
— $200. One pair ol small Braun
Per la piu bella ragazza, mia sorella:
speakers, same as ADS 2O0s — $160.
beginning ol the semester. We all
Knock 'em dead!
Love, Marc make mistakes, sometlmesl
Both pairs of speakers are very small,
To my Illustrious agent Eve C :
I love you, Jude
but they produce an incredible
Here's to something As Simple Can
Your almost boss
Marc —
amount of sound. Call Russ at 472- Be As Time Goes By. Friendship.
Eric* of SUNYA unite!
You are cute, so why complain?
See taped highlights ol Telethon at
Love your infamous starlance, Russ An AMIA Softball team made up
Herman's cute.
the Operations Meeting, LC 2, 9:30
exclusively of Erica is being lormedl If
Love, Sue
pm Wed. Feb 2Bth.
Interested, call 7-7863 or 7-7870. Ask
Ms. Rogers:
for Eric.
Marty 205,
No matter how much we complain —
The Farmer's'Daughter
Gonna kill some Gooks In Nam, get
all the laps and sprints were worth Itll Two females need ride to Ft.
Ride needed to Rockland County this
your pack ready, to report to Fort Dlx.
We won't let you down this weekendll Lauderdale and back during Easter
weekend. Please call Kenny 7-7850.
Bring the Nazi.
break. Call Louise 456-0563 or Nodln
Thanks lor everything.
There are 2 more days to my birthday
— Deal with that, The Angel of Death
The Seniors — Kathy, Sue, Nancy, 482-5503.
and 22 until the lirst day ol spring and
yours. Send cards, flowers and gifts
"Yo, Z" Fans,
I've got a dripping wet t-ohlrt just
It's nice to know that other people c/o Abdul and Ducky.
Patty Gold,
waiting for you. Come over and get
Thanks for the "accommodating"
Cruise Ships * Freighters
Get those shirts ready 'cause Tit* are
weekend. You made our leave one
More Fans
Love, Your Ooh Baby
No experience. High pay! See we'll never forget.
Eurcpe, Hawaii, Australia, So.
Love, The 5th Army Battalion Professor Nelson,
America. Career summerl Send $3.85
Change dem pants!!
for Info, to Seaworld-GU, Box 61035,
This Valentine's Day was great.
From Esmo — with love and squalor
Sacto., CA. 95860.
Thanks for making it really rate. Cuff
P.S. Nice boots.
Work In Japanl Teach English and Link like you — cause all the nice
Debbie (alias Fiset's "Favorite
conversation. No experience, degree, things you do — and Fluff too — and
most of all I do tool
or Japanese required. Send long,
21st birthday, and may all the
stamped, self-addressed envelope
The Group Shot — An 8 x 10 black jollies you get from doing leg lifts be
lor details. Japan-41. P.O. Box 336,
and white glossy of you and the gang. with you throughout the year!
Centralia, WA 98531.
Only $2. Call Jeff or Bob at 7-2116.
Love, Sha & Deb
Counselors: Adirondack Boys'
Love 'em, than leave 'am?
Camp; 7V4 w e e k s . $500-600; Thanks for dinner. I definitely think
Compcratt, Sailing, Swimming (WSI), we should share the pie also.
Canoeing, Trip Leader, Riflery,
Thanks again, SBG To my anonymous Valentine,
Archery, Sports, Office Manager
Your poem was cute,
The race* conllnuelllll
(typing), Driver, Tennis; 39 Mill Valley
Your rhyming clever.
Road, Pittsford, New York 14534.
Dear Pauline, Glen, Cheryl, Fred,
Can I meet you?
Gain an edge over other applicants!]
Steve and Jamie,
Now or never.
edition now available.
Friday night was amazing. Literally, a
Need a part-time job?
Students needed to hand out flyers "fantasy come true." Let get a tew
Yankees — April 5th Is the day!
on campus. March 3 — 11. Any hours 714's and do It again sometime. Lisa,
Loyal In Clinton
between 9 am and 7 pm. Pay is $3/hr. sorry you missed It.
(Formerly in Bronxl)
Call immediately — (212) 869-9440
P.S. Boces sucks; Fairies nil*.
Hope your "blues" are turning to
By former medical school i dmissions
Dear Janet,
Positions open for lifeguards and bliss. The sole remedy was the kiss.
committee interviewer.
When will your supply curve and my
groundsmen. $2.95/hr. Pick up When you are happy, you know we
demand curve reach equilibrium?
applications in Campus Center office are too. We wish you the best
Little known tips t o place you
because we love youl
room 130.
in the forefront.
Leggs of Lamb
Telethon la March 16 — 17. Get
Counselors: Camp Wazlyatah for
Latest pertinent information.
involved. Operatlona Meeting, Wed.
girts, Harrison, Main*. Openings: Nancy,
Feb. 28th, 9:30 pm, LC 2.
Special section for women
Tennis (varsity or skilled players); After four years we're still all together
swimming (WSI), boating, canoeing, — wrinkles and all! Knock 'em dead
applicants and tips for
AM —
sailing; waterskiing; gymnastics; with your sololl
Congrats about Dukel Your first
taking the MCAT.
Swimmingly — Kathy and Sue
archery; team sports; arts & crafts;
personal from two people who love
pioneering & trips; photography for
$3.50. A . D . Weinberg, M.D.
Political Science Majors,
yearbook; secretary; Season June 20
"Twenty years ol schooling, and
Beth & Loraine
P.O. Box 6104
to August 21. Write (enclose details
they'll put you on the day shift."
Rochester,. Minnesota 55901
as to your skills, etc.) Director, Box
O'Heaneys time for pitchers and
Great Neck, NY 11022.
Baby's quite the baby.
shots after the "bang" In your solo.
Telephone: (516) 482-4323. Faculty
Love ya.
Inquiries invited re supervisory
Annie loves Bobbiell
Submarines by Big Dom; Wooden
Dukles by Utile Tomll
Overseas Jobs — Summer/year Just think — only 180 more days to
round. Europe, S. America, Australia, gol You look better already.
Resume Man,
Asia, Etc. All fields, $500 — $1,200
Your hungry roomie
I can't wait until you go mumble weed
banana lace In the dog patchl
Sightseeing. Free Info. — Wrilu: IJC, Th* Fireside Theater Is a now student
Size 10 bikini
Box 4490-NH, Berkeley, CA 94704. , organization on campus whose
Telethon 7 9 Operations Meeting —
purpose Is to present Fre* movies
3 or 4 member band with good each In the Campus Center Fireside
LC 2, 9:30 pm, Wed. Feb. 28th.
"college" sense of humor needed to lounge. We will be presenting movies,
on money
m a k i n g one I n the afternoon and agal n I n the Dutch Quad Talent Show 7 9 —
entertainment Idea. Call Tim Wenk at evening, once every week. This
Thursday, March 1st at 8:30. Don't
miss Itl
Tuesday, we will present, The African
Quean, Upcoming movies will be
Dear Fran,
Roustabout starring Elvis Presley and
I hope you are all better for the Bog
Th* Last Picture Show. Anyone
next weekend. You are my cutie, and
my sweetie. I love you very, very
Passport/application photos. Wed. interested In joining FST is welcome.
11 — 1. CC 305. $3.50 for two, 50«
Haircuts $4. Shampoo, blow-dry $9
Love, Your Hon
thereafter. 7-2116, Jeff or Bob.
up. Al's Hair-Styles, Ramada Inn,
Western Ave., Albany, 482-8573.
Dear Rich,
Small typing service located near
Mon-Frl. 11:30-5:00; TUBS. & Thurs.
campus. 754 per page. Call Diane
So, what's new LATELY?
10*, Discount for S U N Y A
Eves, till 7:00.
before 9 pm at 482-1107.
students wjID. __
C Wanted " " )
(Pergonals )
( JoJMt
The ASP needs qualified writers,
editors, and production personnel.
All interested should call Steve
at 457-2190.
Docs your
type right?
11 CoMn Ave.
Albany, NY
Right on the Busline]
We do fart
watch repairs
Cetchell Typewriter
• on campus
Public Notices
FEBRUARY 27,1979
ASP. Deodlnes i 5PM Fit for o
Tues. bsue, 5PM Tees, for o Frl.
issue. Bring Items to ASP PrevJew|
• Dcpt. of Hispanic and Italian Studies: Qualified students may now
apply for membership to the Spanish Honorary Society Sigma
Delta Pi, in Hu 233A. Closing date for applications is Feb. 28.
• NYP1RG: Residents of the Capital District Area will shortly acquire
a brand new consumer service. N YPIRC is setting up_ an energy
hotline, which will be open to answer questions from Monday to
Friday, 9-5. If you are interested in helping people in the Capital
District Area at our energy center, please come to CC 382 and ask
for the Energy Center.
_ Prerequiste
_ standard
•SUNYA Phys Ed Dcpt. and Albany Red Crou:
FirstAid and Personal Safety, one credit' S/U "graded" Fourth
Qtr. course startin Monday, March 12. Registration first class
only March 12 LC 22 at MO p m
• Albany Area Red Cross and SUNYA Phys Ed Dept.: A self paced
program covering emergency care for choking, heart attack,
stopped breathing and cardiac arrect. Register any time class is
held. Tuesday, 6-10, Thursday, 6-9, Saturday, 1-5. Basement of
Cayuga Indian Quad
SUNYA Phys Ed Dept. and Albany Are* Red Cross: Final Skills
testing for first aid course. Anyone who has gone through one of
our practicals we need help. 95 students to be tested. We need to
starr8-a,m. to 9 p.m. Call Bob Davis at 489-6580 if you can spare a
few hours. March 10, in the Cayuga Basement, Indian Quad.
• Mathematics Majors: Classes of 81 and 82, if you wish to qualify for
the NYS secondary mathematics teaching certificate through
SUNYA's approved program, you must pass an entry level test in
math. Information on the test, sample items and study
suggestions may be obtained from the Math Dept. office, the
CUEoffice or the Teacher Education office in Ed 333. You arc
encouraged to take the test even if you are not sure that you will
Editor, CC 329, or the S.A.
, .
- . , • , „ '
• " • f t " ' Sociology: Directional and el»ti ; n«i_«t_"l Openi ended
talk about sociology; the main focus will be to discuss potential
guest speakers from all phases of the social sciences and the
sociological perspective, who will discuss their attitudes,
experiences, philosophies and theories. Thursday, March l at
7:30 p.m. in SS 132.
«G«y and lesbian AUIince: Weekly mectingof the Alliance. Tuesday,
„.,»:,!.' l n CC 375. Refreshments served. All welcome.
'SUNYA SYNCHRONIZED Cygnets: Annual Show, "On Tour."
Annual Swim show. Our•theme this year is "On Tour." Tickets at _ _ _ ^ _ J ; t t n _
. ui'nt
iU n
t_he door, $ I with tax or children under 16, J2 for all others. March Albany Public Library: Albany Public Ubrarj Access t ^ n n e l j 6 will
show "Chinatown," by the Downtown Community TV Center,
2, 3, 4 at 8^5, 8:15, 3:15 p.m. University Pool,
from 7-8 p.m., Thursday, March I. The video program offers an
•JSC-Hlllel: Chug Akyah. Guest speaker from University
intimate view of New York's Chinatowmts economics, politics,
Community. Wednesday, March I at 7:30 p.m. in CC 358.
human triumphs and tragedies and new sense of ethnic identity.
•JSC-Hlllel: Students for Israel *table in CC. Israel programs,
unversltlcs, kibbutz, summer. Wednesday, March I from 10-3 in
'he CC Lobby.
•Class of 81: Trip to New York to see" Annie" on April 21. Sponsored
by Class of 81. Tickets on sale in CC Lobby until March 2. More
_ info call Gary at 7-7714.
. . , _ , , ,
'But Scrlosly Folks: The Humor Magazine. Organizational meeting
<°' 'hose interested in the new magazine. We need writers,
production, and business people. Wednesday, Feb. 28,8 p.m. in
CC 356.
«Le Cercle Irincals:Trip to Montreal, March 30 to April I. For more
info, call Gary 7-7714 or Judy 7-5004. Cost: $39 with tax, $44 'Lutheran Campus Ministry: Sunday Mornings 10 a.m., Chapel
House. Ash Wednesday, The Holy Eucharist, 7 p.m., Chapel
-Campus Scouta; Organizational meeting. Come and find out how
you can help area scouting movement. Help plan a "Campus •Episcopal Campus Fellowship: The Episcopal sponsored CampUB
and Grads to work in various Federal Agencies for the Summer.
Day" event for local youth. No scouting experience necessary.
Fellowship welcomes you for Liturgy and fellowship at 11:30 a.m.
Undergraduates must be in the upper i / 3rd of their class and have
Everyone welcome! Thursday, March I at 8 p.m., 107 Vun Ren,
Wednesday in CC 358.
demonstrated leadership ability. Weekly sularies from $180 to
•The Christian Science Organization: A weekly meeting for Christian
$370. Contact Robert Gibson, CUE ULB 36, 7-833l_for specific
Scientists and those interested in Christian Science. Every
positions available and nomination procedures. Deadline is •JSC-Hlllel: Semi-Formal, Saturday, March 10. Tickets on sale in CC
Lobby until March 2. Two delicious full-course dinners, and
Monday evening at 6 p.m. in CC 356.
fabulous band. Don't miss it. Call Elyse at 7-7990 or Beth at 7- • Catholic Community: Weekend Masses on Saturday, 6:30 p.m.,
• Dept. of Anthropology: Summer Field School-in Guatemala. The
House; Sunday at 10:15 a.m., Brubacher Lounge, and
Dept. of Amhin will conduct a third season of archaeological
12:15 at Chapel House. Daily Mass at 11:15 a.m. in CC357.
excavation at Chisalin in El Quiche, Guatemala. In addition, an # c , r c J * K : P r c l c _ *_> _ _ n 8 °_ T uc j ,da >' ™&hl a l 7 : 3 ° P m - i n c c 3 5 7
elhnohistoric research program will be initiated in Guatemala
*" " '
City. This field school in Central America is open to both •Student International Meditation Society: Group meditation.
Everyday, Monday through Friday, 12.15 in Lib 220. All
undergraduate and graduate students for up to nine credits.
meditators welcome.
Contact Dr. Robert Carmack, SS 371 for details and
•Phoenix: Meeting to discuss submissions and editorial policy.
•Graduate Women's Association: The Association is involved in
Tuesdays, 8 p.m., CC Cafeteria.
establishing a network of communication among undergraduate •reminist Alliance: Monday night meetings. See our posters for the
and graduate women. This network provides a mechanism foran
*«Wy topic. Come and find out about political, cultural and
exchange of ideas regarding both the academic and professional „ campus evcntB of interest to women. Mondays at 8:30 p.m.
worlds. Undergraduates and graduates, continue your support • ° u 1 ! l n 8 Club: M « U " B every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in LC 20.
and participation in our future programs. We need you in order to •Albany State Judo Club: Judo for men and women. Physical fitness 'Music Council: Wavcrly Consort. Medieval, renaissance ensemble
Tickets: $2 with tax, $3 senior citizens, S4 general. March 16, at
continue our efforts through y'ouFsupport.
«"• self-defense. Thursday 7-9 p.m. in Wrestling Roomin Gym.
8 p.m. at Page Hall.
•Community Service: If you missed Orientation, go to the Contuct "Sailing Club: Meetings every Thursday al 8 p.m. in Hu 132.
• Feminist Alliance and UCB: Holly Near, JTThomas and Liz Kirk.
Office in ULB 36. For info call 7-4801.
A rare event, concert'in Page Hall of folk and feminist music,
•Pre-Profrsslonal Health Careers Advisory Committee: '80 prclickets go on sale soon. March 6 at 8 p.m.
med/pre-dent/pre-health application process beginning. New
Holy Names Campus: Joan Brennan Concert. Brcnnan, a soprano,
MCAT applications available in CUE. April 2 deadline for April
will give a concert of songs and arias at the Campus Arts Center
28 testing. Applicants should begin obtaining evaluations, and
on Saturday, March I, at 8 p.m. Admission is S3.50. Contact
starting folder with pre-health committee. Forms and
Geraldine Busold for info, at 869-0865.
information availuble to juniors in ULB 36.
• College of General Studies: Registration is going on now for over 175
day and evening noncredit courses in the CGS spring program.
Students may register by mail or in person al Draper hall, Room
146, weekdays 8:30-4:30. Classes begin March 5. For further info
call 472-8494.
• Dutch Quad Talent Show: Talent Show '79, Thursday, March 1 at
8:30 p.m. in Dutch Quad Cafeteria. Proceeds to Telethon '79. $.50
Northern New York Cycling Association: The NNYCA exists for the
purpose of encouraging the sport of bicycle racing in northern
NY. It is a non-partisan organization under which the following
training series has been organized. Participation is open to both
novices and experienced riders. Scries One: Roller Races will be •Operations: There will be an Operations Meeting on Feb. 28, for all
held Sundays until March II at 10 a.m. starting at the Bike Shop,
of those who want to work the night of Telethon at 9:30 p.m. in
Saratoga. The aim of the series is to (rain, get into better sliape
LC 2. Come be a part of Telethon '79.
and enjoy the sport. More information may be otaincd by calling: •Children's Hour: We're buildingevery Sunday and Monday nights in
•JSC-Hlllel:On Wednesday, Feb. 28, Emanuel Bcn-Naeh will be on
Phil Fisher at 459-8329, Ron Bass 482-8709, and Dana Castro at
Irving Basement, State Quad at 8 p.m. Come express yourself.
campus for individual appointments with people who are
There is also a meeting on March 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Patroon
interested in programs, jobs and living conditions in Israel, l-or _ _ , „ „ M t . ' s k j Touring Center: Wednesdays: 6:30-9:30 p.m.. night
Lounge, ail welcome, especially those who are interested in
appts. please call Rebecca at 7-7982.
sk fi n _. w j l n moonlinht tours. Thursdays: 6:30-9:30 p.m., cross
i d U N i / i B . i | L „ „ „ . :„„„. c _ : _ „ . Thrrr will he a 2 dav
country ski movies and waxing clinics. Fridays: 6:30-9:30 p.m., • Auditions: Applications for talent and Emcee's are Mill available in
CC 130. Hurry up and get your act together.
^ i n T a t S
coi.e^night, reduced rates for rentai, For more information cai,
• SA Used Book Exchange: FINAL chance to get your books and
introductory talk at *I0 a.m. All are invited
money back. Thursday and Friday, 10-2 in CC 353,
•University Art Gallery; Mauricio Lasansky: A retrospective of his
. .
t I-- J - * «housing
n n r i K and
! i n / l drawings.
H r i i u n n o o Over
fti/i»r 100
I ( i n works
aint I • b
u the
11,,. dean'of
Aran « f American
A 1...1 i. ... •Plea: Wanna see someone j_et creamed the night_of Telethon? Throw
move off campus or living
off campus. Topics
Prinlmakcrs. March 2through April I. Gallery Hours: Tuesday
pte in someone's face-550 minimum. For details call the
codes, security, consumers guide to Albany, recreation, small
GimmickB Girls at 489-7809, 438-7617, 462-2736.
claims court and more. Registration fee $1 including lunch. CC
1-4 p.m. Closed Mondays.
•T-Shirts: T-shirts are on sale now in the CC Lobby. $3, 4 sizes, 5
Assembly Hall, Saturday, March 10, 9-5.
colors 1
'University Cinematography Association: Anyone who wants to get
• Door Prizes: You can win a stereo, buy a button. On sale now in the
involved with all aspects of film production please attend.
CC Lobby.
Experienced and inexperienced students welcome. Fine Arts
•Dorm Competition: Win a keg, buy a chance for various door prizes.
Kdg. 126, Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 7:30 p.m.
First prize is a stereo system worth $750 courtesy of Hi Fi Buys.
Russell Sage College: March 5, at 7:30 p.m. there will be a lecture on
• Walkers; Believe it or not, we're still waiting.
"Guerilla Tactics in the Job Market," by Tom Jackson, national
• Rat Weekend: Coining soon. Get a sneak preview of Telethon.
authority on jobs and job finding, in the Busch Center. Free of
•Family Feud: Indian Quad is feuding! Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 8
•International Student Association: Forum on Iran. Questions on the
p.m. in the Cafeteria. $.25 admission, donuts sold. There will be
Revolution and the Road Forward for Iran will be discussed by a
a keg to the winning dorm. Proceeds to Telethon.
member of the largest Iranian Organization in the US and an
Glemby'i Salon: Glemby s is donating $2 from every haircut they do
Iranian student. Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. in LC 4.
•Freeze Dried Coffeehouse: People with experience in working with
to Telethon if you mention Telethon. Go get a hair cut before
•Art Council: Lecture and seminar Harvey Brcverman: "Connections:
sound equipment please call Dcnisc at 7-8806.
March 16)1
Painting and Drawing." Two day seminar, Feb. 28-Mar. 1. For 'Freeze Dried Coffeehouse: SUNYA will be attacked by NYCs
info call Art Dept. at 7-8484.
Roches on April 6 and 7.
Union College: "Saturday Night Live" writer, Alan Zweibel will •Freeze Dried Coffeehouse: Claudia Schmidt: Chicago
appear at Union College's Memorial Chapel at 8:30 p.m. / singer/Bongwrilcr/musicanplayingl2stringguitar,dulcimerand
Thursday, March I. The visit is sponsored by Speaker's Forum
pianolin. Opening Act: Ken Kwortler and Joyce Robinson (from
and admission is $1.50 at the door.
Telethon 78) at 8:15 p.m. CC Assembly Hall, Friday and
•General Studies: Occultism, Magick, Meditation: noncredit general
Saturday, March 2 and 3 at 9 p.m.
studies course "Principles of Occultism" meets Thursday nights 7- Eighth Step Coffeehouse: Thursday, March I "Summertime," with
Kathefinc Hepburn and Rossano Brazzi in love in Venice in
9 bcgTnnrngMarch'8.' For more info call 7-6380 or 472-8494,
color, Friday, March 2, Colby Sno, a progressive country blues
and ragtime band. Opens at 8 p.m. Concerts begin at 8:45 p.m.
and movies at 8:30 p.m. Admissions is $2.75 for non-members,
$2.25 for members.
Contact Office. 1400 Washington
Ave.. Albony, Hew York 1222a
•International Folkdanclng Club: International Folkdancing very
. intermediate 8
10. in the Auxiliary Gym, PE Bldg. tall Richard or Oalcah at
Club lVews
r Telethon
•^rm^UublThe'Gerinan Club will be havhtgiU S p r i n j « £ •The Fireside Theater: "The African Queen," starring Humphrey
Ilogart and Kalherine Hepburn, a John Hint on film Feb. 27 at
organizational meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 28 m Hu 2>0, All
12:30 and 7:30 p.m., Feb. 28 at 12:30 p.m. in the Fireside Lounge,
rncmbcrfl urged to attend. Starting at 8 p.m.
Ifeevlew it o free-tBfViBB-ef «tt»
Disco-Rock PARTY
FmdAy MARCII 2 f 1979
AT 8:00
Bob Proulx hadn't engaged in
high jump competition for over three
years and he was a tad edgy one
month ago at Williams College. He
lowly peeled off his blue and white
Ibany State warmup suit and took
jittery position before approaching
he bar. Moments later he lay in the
ushiony pit and the bar, set at 6-2,
ail n't moved at all.
ThuRsdAy: LoNq PUyER - GtonqE ThoRoqood
all SA Groups & Glubs
who have not submitted
a budget request for 1979-80:
Budget requests must be submitted by
Thursday February March 1
to the SA Office (CC 116)
This is the final deadline, no groups will be funded
if they have not submitted a budget by March 1.
Alburn '"L" Special TowiqliT AT 7:00 pM.
PUycn - Lol
by D»vld Osborn
WEdNEsdAyt.LoNq PUyEB - ThE Who
9 p.M. - 2 A.M.
Bob Proubc's Layoff Is Finished
Niqlniy SpiciAls
question? Call Sue Gold 7-6542
Free Albums every Tuesday and Thursday!
Don't Forget: Spectrum every weeknight at 6 pm, and Group of the Week at 6:30
This week's group: Hot Tuna.
gi IR)
Senior Week
topic: the clam bake
There is a meeting for all
those interested
March 1st
Campus Center 3 7 0
7 : 3 0 p.m.
I "I was going to college more for
';' the education and track was
secondary all along," Proulx
explained. "Originally I thought
they had a team at Potsdam since a
friend of mine had just graduated
and competed there for four years. But
the student government up there
disbanded track and cross country
because they said they weren't
iipcctulor sportB."
Proulx decided to transfer during
would be different if I was an
outstanding athlete. But people go
where they're best at and for me it's
But Seriously Folks . . .
the Humour Magazine
Organizational meeting for a
new humour magazine. We
need people interested in
'writing, production and business.
Date: Wed., Feb. 28
Place: CC 356
Time: 8 p.m.
Many important issues to be discussed!
Members and non-members invited.
Please attend
For info call Scott 7-5253
Marc 7-5234
Sponsored by Circle K
Saturday, March 10
10 am - 1 pm
Say f al-Islam
(The Sword of Islam)
The Legend of *Sundiata
retold by Roland Bertol
Adapted and Directed by
Howard E. Lewis
Bowling Alley.
University Pool
Have people sponsor you in cents per pin.
Sponsor sheets in CC. Lobby Feb 26 - Mar 1
<*rii be-tHtit^
* 13th
Century West Africa
FEBRUARY 27, 1979
8:70 DuTch OuAd
90* AdMissiotf
Feb. 27-28 7pm
Waterburv Bsmnt,
Bowlers pay for shoes only.
SA Funded
T n i i i i 11 i 1111111 11 i i i i t 11111 i I I 111111\ nt f
Bowl 2 games in the Campus Center
habit, but sometimes 1 look ut the
squad in u sort of social group sense.
Bob Proulx, a senior transfer student, Is competing (or the Dane Indoor track team after a lour year layoll. (Photo: Bob Leonard)
with a third place finish in the hurdle Albany mark by clearing the bar at
6'-4". He barely knocked the bar off
Proulx was impressed with his in- at 6'6" and that height seems
itial longjump outing and showed a within his reach in the immediale
desire to continue with the dis- future. He has already qualified lor
cipline. A couple of weeks ago he im- the State's and could be a surprise
proved to 21'-3" in the event and ac- challenger there.
tually won the competition in a meet
at Union. The height in the high
"1 work at sports and I certainly
jump stayed the same in Schnectady enjoy it and I realize that by
and again Proulz was third in the collegiate standards I'm fair,"
hurdle event with a 7.4 clocking.
Proulx said. "Possibly my outlook
Last week at Army he seemed to
have regained his old jumping form.
same plateau in the high jump by Proulz easily went along clearing 6
clearing 6'-2" and even chipped in feet even, 6'-2" and then he tied an
General membership meeting
Wed., Feb. 28 9:00 LC 3
(our annual show)
or for children (under 16)
$2.00 w/out tax card
After a fine track career at
ueensbury High in Glens Falls,
oulx enrolled at Potsdam State,
here the track program was
ncelcd the year before he arrived.
.oulx wasn't aware of that until he
reached the campus. He stayed on at
Potsdam three years for academic
reasons and came here this fall for
academics and the chance to gel
back into track.
At RPI last month, Proulx pulled a
Proulx is tall, 6' 3" on the button,
and slim with medium-length black r e a r - e n d muscle and was
hair. Munscy wanted him to run c o n s i d e r a b l y hampered all
cross country but they never got afternoon. He was also burdened by
together on the matter and he sat the a multiplicity of events. "That's one
campaign out. He started to train in thing that made it all familiar; in the
the Auxiliary Gym in November middle of the high jump your hurdle
heat is called and you have to quickly
with a jumping bar.
"It's funny to be a first year man change your sneakers, then your
on a team and also be a senior which name is called for high jump and you
means it's your last too," Proulx — have to change back," be said.
Proulx jumped 6' 0" and took
pronounced Pru — said. "I was the
alien and a real newcomer so I just third behind Ehring and an Engineer
held back to see how they'd accept who jumped 6'2" to win. In order to
me, like anybody does when they prepare him for the long hurdle race
experience something new. 1 could outdoors, Munsey inserted the
have handled it if they hadn't senior into the 440 and Proulx said
accepted me; but luckily they did." he was thinking about that all
One day in practice, Munsey was aflcrnoon.
The following week at Plattsburgh
yelling, "Pru, Pru, Pru," at the Dane
and suddenly stuck with the name Proulx added yet another event to
"Prunes" as a tag for the senior. his agenda. Munscy inserted his
"Having my background as an standout in the longjump and in his
anthropology major, 1 may have a first attempt ever in the event he
different perspective on a sports leaped a surprising 20'-10" to take
team," he said. "I don't make it a third place. He also continued at the
Credit Union
$1.00 w / t a x card
"The layoff hurt somewhat
cause I feel stronger than in high
hool but I'd be much stronger if I'd
ontinued jumping," Proulx, a Dane
nior said this week. "I was happy 1
laced at that first meet and it felt
ood. I quickly became assimilated
to the routine again and everything
ew back into my memories of
He came here last spring and
spoke with Dane track coach Bob
Munsey. Although he had only
jumped four times in the prccceding
three years, Proulx looked forward
to competition once more. "I
thought Munsey was a little crazy, a
very nice man and he obviously
knew his track very well," Proulx
"Academics is still, and always
will, be number one with mc. I think
coming to Albany was the smartest
thing I ever did, for academics and
sports. Sports is just fun, it's a
distraction and a release from your
academic pressures. Competition
and daily workouts are also good for
your mental discipline in addition to
keeping you physically in shape."
Proulx, along with Dan Ehring,
gives the Danes the finest pair of
high jumpers they've ever had,
according to Albany assistant coach
Mark Dalton. In the opening meet of
the season, they both cleared 6' 2".
Proulx also runs the hurdles and
made the final at Williams.
Outdoors, Munsey hopes to enter
him in the 400 intermediate hurdles.
students federal
SUNYA Synchronized
FRIDAY MARCH 2 8:15 pm
SUNDAY MARCH 4 3:15 pm
Om f€rtTUB€
the fall of his junior year mainly for
academic reasons. "I'm an
anthropology major and a Prof, of
mine told me Albany had a great
Anthropology Department and I
should give it a try," Proulx said. "I
assumed that one of the four
University Centers would certainly
have a track team and that was an
added bonus."
The empire of Mali.
Departing Dane Seniors Have Fond Memories
State's Boost Women Swimmers
by Jsnct E. Ceral
definite "foot in the door" for her
Although they were only able to
Eastern qualifying finish. Both
tally eight points at the NYSA1AW
Griswold and freshman Joan
Swimming and Diving ChamMickelham qualified for semifinals
pionships in Syracuse, Coach Deb
in the one mete* diving, but
F i t t d a m fetls Albany State
Mickelham was forced to scratch
women's swimming team's parbecause of a hand injury incurred
ticiruiion in this pass weekend's e»earlier in the week during practice.
trav*$t,nr.i w « "an invaluMr exVhe Danes' swimming contigent
perience which j * « the jsrts an or»portunity to « « superb sw-.trnninj placed in two final heats, the 200
ana pushihcmsdvest.ipmonsl best medley relay and the SO freestyle.
The relay team of sophomore Beth
times and diving performances."
Junior diver Charlene (Chuck) Thureau, freshman Barb Van Slyke,
Griswbld highlighted the Danes' ef- senior Patty Dillon, and freshman
forts with her sixth place in three Ann Hoch earned a twelth place in
meter diving finals, which made her Division B with a time of 2:17.7,
eligible to compete in the Eastern although three seconds slower than
AIAW Swimming and Diving their .preliminary heat time. Hoch
Championships this upcoming also placed twelth in the finals of the
weekend. Oriswold as well as 50 free with a 27.66 time, only .66
seconds off of her school record.
Fitzdam, felt that the surprise visit of
Three team members competed in
the diver's former coach really aided
and inspired her during the competi- the individual medley and although
unable to qualify for finals, Fitzdam
noted that they did turn in good perGriswold's final dive of Saturday
evening, a back one-and-one half sonal times. Hoch, an all around
somersault, earned 5's and 6's from sprinter, had a second in her heat
with a 1:12 time. Freshman Monica
the judges which gave iher the
Rossi swam only .4 seconds slower in
that event and Van Slyke stroked to
a 1:15.86 time, despite not having
swam the event in competition in
several weeks.
Hoch, the Danes' sole entry in the
50 fly. placed fourth in her heat with
a time of .10.45 seconds. The 200 free
relay team of Rossi, Dillon,
Mickelham, and Hoch was unable to
put its "Instant Relay" act together
as they turned in a relatively slow
time of 1:57.5, almost five seconds
slower than their season's best time.
"We had only one senior competing, so 1 feel that next year the
team will be able to fare somewhat
better," Fitzdam said of the long
weekend. "We had a strong nucleus
of underclasswomen and they will
continue to develop. The team is still
in its infancy and they are definitely a
team of the future — the very near
future. For some of^the freshmen this
was an overwhelming event, but I
feel that next year, with more experience behind them, they sould be
able to fare somewhat better."
Bossy Has A Gift For Scoring
Because of their success, the
finished a record-tying scoring
Islanders were pretty far down in the
streak of 10 consecutive games.
"1 don't want to sound rash, or draft rotation — No. 15, in fact. That
anything like that, but 10 games meant 14 junior hockey players
doesn't sound like an awful lot. Ten's would be gone before General
not that much, really," says Bossy. "I
Manager Bill Torrcy could make his
thought the consecutive game streak pick for the Islanders. That's a lot of
talent to wade through and Torrey
Right now, Mike Bossy of the would be longer than that."
Goals have always come easy for thought that Bossy would not be
New York Islanders is the hottest
thing on two skates. He has this bushy-haired young man from available by the time the Islanders'
developed into an awesome scoring Montreal, but he could have be"en turn came up.
"Two things worked in our fuvor,"
machine with 50 golds for the season, playing for one of ll dozen other
lops in the NHL. He has scored 2.7 NHL clubs who chose ahead of New said Torrey. "First, there were three
or four good defensemen available
grits in his last 28 games and has just York in the 1977 amateur druft.
(AP) It is a gift, Mike Bossy will tell
you, a God-given gift that can't be
taught and is tough to explain. It is a
knack, an ability, a remarkable
talent for scoring goals that has put
him in the National Hockey League
record book.
Albany State's women's swimming team managed only eight points In
the NYSAIAW championships. (Photo: Mike Ferrell)
and the need is so great for them that publicly doubted Bossy's defensive
most teams will grab them."
abilities. So Ferguson, with two
So defenders Barry Beck and first-round picks, drafted DeBlois
Robert I'icard and Doug Wilson and and Ron Duguay for the Rangers.
Brad Maxwell and Trevor Johanson Caron picked Mark Napier for the
were scooped up. And Bossy remain- Canadiens. All three picks were
made with liossy still there for the
"The other thing was that there taking.
were seven or eight right wings
Ferguson, it should he noted, now
avnilable,"Torrey continued, "All of works in Winnipeg. And Caron
them had credentials."
draws scowls every time he passes
There was a third thing — Bossy's Canadien Coach Scotty Bowman in
reputation as a one-way hockey the halls of the Montreal Forum.
player, lie could score, certainly, but
In 131 NHL games, Bossy has
could he check? Was. he tough scored 10.1 goals, an unbelievable
pace. No man has ever hit 100 faster.
John Ferguson of the New York
Rangers and Ron Caron of the Montreal Canadlens were two who
Write for the ASP
Thurs. March 1st
at 2:00 in CC355
Women's Intermurcil and
Recreation Association
SUNYAC Basketball Standings
• XI Potsdam 9-2
5) Buffalo 6-4
9) Brockport 2-5
• 2) Albany 9-2
6) Cortland 5-5
10) Bingham ton 2-9
• 3 ; Plattsburgh 9-2
7) Gene sea 4-7
4) Oneonta 8-3
8) Fredonia 3-7
11) Oswego 0-10
Why not write
for the ASP
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the issue. Still, Rossman, a crowd ol
4,200 at the Caesars Palace Pavilion
and ABC-TV were caught almost
totally surprised when Galindez left
just before the fight was supposed to
The WBA had told the Argentinian that if the fight were staged
without referees it had chosen, it
wouldn't be sanctioned. So in effect,
he wouldn't be fighting for the title.
Promoter Bob Arum of Top
Rank, Inc. tried desperately to
resolve the dispute as fight time
ncared. When it became apparent
there would be no bout, he stood in
the center of the ring and said the
fault lay wilh"your athletic commission." Then he added, "The fighters
want the fight to go on."
He had also called the Nevada
Commission "amateurs" who are
ruining boxing in the United States.
Sunday, Arum said that plans are
in the works to staRe the title fight
sometime in April.
Class of 81
ore sponsoring o weekend in
J Days and 2 Nights
Bus leaves Circle: Friday March 30 at 2 pm
Leaves Montreal Sunday April 1 at 12 noon
Tickets on Sale Mon. Feb. 26 at JO am in the C C Lobby
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Graduate Admissions OHici
542 Geprrjo Streol
Rutgers University
NBWBrunswick, N.J. 08803
includes round-trip bus fare, accomodations, and
For more info till Judy Russell 7-5004 or Oilry Schauky 7-77 14.,
FEBRUARY 27, 1979
LAS VEGAS (AP) There was an
abundance of angry finger-pointing,
heated accusations and hostile
name-calling, but no blows were
struck — and that was the problem.
The World Boxing Association's
light-heavyweight title fight that was
scheduled Saturday instead became
a title fiasco. Champion Mike
Rossman and challenger Victor
Galindez never even saw each other
on fight day, as a standoff between
the WBA and the Nevada Athletic
Commission over appointment of
fight officials caused the bout to be
The WBA wanted to name its own
judges and referees, using just one
Nevada official and having the rest
from foreign countries. The Athletic
Commission, however, named its
own Nevada people to work the fight
and would not back down.
The dispute had surfaced Friday
and a lengthy meeting extending into
Saturday morning failed to resolve
and the
No Punches Exchanged In
Rossman's Title Defense
Le Cercle Francois
The opportunity is here for y o u to consider Rutgers,
The State University o l New Jersey, l o r graduate
study. A major research university, Rutgers offers y o u
Ihe chance to discover over 140 graduate and professional degree'programs through the doctoral level.
1ml. w i t h numerous assistantshlps, fellowships, and
>cholarships available on a competitive basis, Rutgers
offers y o u the opportunity to pursue scholarly work
.vMils; being affiliated with a nationally recognized
Final Notice!
IN CC 355.
Deadline: Fri., March 9
pics as additional goals.
The Eastern Regional Finals.
Two years ago against Oneonta,
the Danes lost a disheartening 47-46
setback to the visiting Red Dragons,
but for Cavanaugh, Verdejo and
Wleklinski it was a game that will
Verdejo: "The crowd helped me
not be forgotten. "That was the best
start my career here. They were the
game I remember," Wleklinski said.
big influence in me making it or not.
"We lost, but that was a great game. I
I'll always love the Albany crowd
didn't play in it. That was when I was
even when I come back here as a
a benchwarmer."
On Saturday, Wleklinski didn't
Wleklinski: "Half the people in
warm the bench, but instead the nc"
crowd seem like they're in the game
Hitting on seven of 10 from the field
themselves. 1 guess that's the way I
for IS points, the hustling backcourt
am when I'm on the bench. The peoman went out the way he wanted to
ple here are really into it."
— in style.
Bellamy, whose quickness and
Much of Wlcklinski's support at
ballhandling arc his trademarks, is
home games comes from the Potter
not unfamiliar with the large and
Club, a campus fraternity which he
vocal crowd he's grown accustomed
belongs to.
Four starting players on the Albany State basketball team are eenlors
to at University Gym. "We used to
"The Club's really into it,"
and are playing their last aeaton for the Danei. (Photo: Mike Farrell) Wleklinski said. "You'll see them at
have big crowds there too," he said
concerning his first two years at Ul- basketball for scoring 1000 plus this campus four years ago. "I'm most of the games. They're yelling
ster Community College.
— career points and a silver plate as the proud and happy that I'veplayed for and screaming. You can hear them
As the bread and butter of 1977-78 Sportsman-of-the-Year, as Albany," Verdejo said. "Every good on the court.
Albany's starting five, Cavanaugh three big'University Gym highlights. thing has to come to an end. I can't
"At halftime tonight, they told me
and Verdejo always seem to shine at Cavanaugh says he has "enjoyed cry about it. I have to give it up." He
to shoot more. I did and the shots
home. Cavanaugh cited his two 36- every minute of his career" in a Great has ambitions to play in Europe,
went in. I should bring them to all
point ballgames against Hamilton at Dane uniform.
the games," he quipped.
where he is still waiting to hear from,
S a t u r d a y ' s halftime
How does Kentucky sound, BudFor Verdejo, basketball has been a and as a native Puerto Rican, Verdeceremonies, where he received a , priority for him since he stepped on) jo has also set the 1980 or '84 Olymdy?
(op'errtoo'rie-ti), n. (OFr, opportunite'; L, opportunitas; see OPPORTUNE), a combination of circumstances favorable for yon to do graduate work; a
fit time or good chance or occasion to study at a majoi
research university; RUTGERS
is accepting applications
for the position of:
of being sad, I'll be happy. As for the
crowd, compared to other schools
we play, this is probably the best
home crowd. When you go to other
places, you can have between 200
and 300. Here you're assured of
1500-2000 on an average night."
• The three teams tied for the title. But Potsdam gets the playoff
bid by having the best record among the three against each other.
Albany Great Danes Varsity
Basketball at VJtica College
In the final regularly scheduled game
of the season.
Airtime: Tonight at 7:50 pm
91 IFO " We're more than just music.
by Rich Sclitson
Other than "a little tingle" running
through Carmelo Verdejo's body,
the four graduating seniors on the
Great Dane basketball squad — Bill
Bellamy, Barry Cavanaugh, Buddy
Wleklinski and Verdejo — felt no
strong emotions as they trotted onto
the University Gym floor for pregame warmups Saturday night.
Although hosting the Oswego
State Lakers could possibly have
been the final home outing of their
college career, the players were more
concerned about winning and
enhancing their post-season chances
than the drama of it all.
Once victory was theirs, however,
they could continue thinking about
an NCAA bid — one which they
were awarded the following afternoon — but also reflect on the
Albany home crowd and playing at
University Gym for perhaps the last
Bellamy: "We had a good record
at home. We didn't lose this year and
last season we lost qnly twice at
Cavanaugh: "The last couple of
days 1 thought it was going to be sad.
But then 1 thought of all the good
things that have happened. Instead
FEBRUARY 27, 1979
Army Facility Pleases Trackmen
Bill Mathls, (middle,) j e e n running l a i t tail. H e ran a 4:28 mile at West
Point last Saturday lor the Danes. (Photo: Steve Nlgro)
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George Ronconi <**i Barry Thomas
Bob Proulz was the only other
Dane victor. His leap of 211-3" was
Millers 2 for $1.00 Molsons 2 foi SI.25
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good enough to take the long jump.
Proulz has been one of the squad's
most consistent performers this
season and with the recent
depletions he may be called on even
more for valuable team points. He
finished second in the high jump at
6'4", equalling a school record, and
barely knocked the bar from its
position on his third attempt at 6-6.
John Little, a senior, was second
in the two mile run with a 9:32
clocking. "I've stopped listening to
the splits so I wasn't sure how fast we
were going, but after the mile mark I
looked up and saw the Armv leader
pretty close and I said 'maybe I can
get him,'" Little said. "I knew 1 was
gonna take second regardless and I
finished just about a half-second
Nestor Almendros
addition to Albany's 2-mile triumph.
The freshmen used a fine kick to
overtake the field on the final lap and
win the 1,000 meter run with a time
of 2:36fthat translates into roughly a
2:21, 1,000 yard effort.
"I still don't have enough
confidence in myself to go out in
front and take the early lead." James
explained. "They're always yellingat
me from the sidelines to go faster but
1 just ignore them. 1 have to cut a
second off my time to qualify for the
s t a t e ' s . There's s o m e t h i n g
psychologically dificult about the
1,000; maybe it'sj ust the number, but
1 think of it as really long and it'sjust
over a half-mile."
Albany's team effort was
considerably weakened by the
absence of two standout performers,
and the squad may be further
hampered in the future. MarkLavan
hurt his achillies tendon and didn't
run at Army and may miss the
Capital District's at RPI next week;
Floyd Bennett missed the pit on his
first pole vault and now has a taped
elbow: Jeff Baker has a bad knee and I
Eric Schultz has left the team for!
personal reasons.
Brian Barnes, a frosh and a
distinct bright spot in what may be
turning into a sour season for
Albany, toppled the school triplejump record for the third time this
season. When Barnes entered the
school Garry Washington's mark
from 1974 stood at 43'6" and Barnes
has surpassed that three times most
recently with a 44-10 leap on
Albany Center
163 Delaware Ave.
Delmar, N.Y.
by Dnvld Oiborn
Last fall during the cross-country
season Albany State indoor track
coach Bob Munsey chatted with
Army coach John Randolph at a
meet in Syracuse and received an
invitation to bring the Danes to West
Point in February. Not being the
type to turn down such an offer,
Munsey quickly accepted.
Albany kept up their end of the
bargain Saturday afternnon by
traveling to the U.S. Military
Academy to take part in an informal
competition with the Army Jayvee
squad and the West Point Prep
School. Although results were not
tabulated and team scores went
unrecorded, Army would have taken
the meet by a considerable margin.
But that wasn't the point. For the
Danes it was the opportunity to "see
how the other half lives," according
to assistant coach Mark Dalton. The
Cadet facility is among the finest in
the state and Albany was exposed to
a high level of competition. Some
Albany competitors may have been a
bit intimidated but the awesome
facility was still a treat.
The track measured 200 meters
and was coated with a brand new
tartan surface. "It was an excellent
facility and probably the finest
indoor track I've ever seen," said
Dane Scott James. "It was like a
huge barn that had been completely
done over and it had movable stands
and separate areas for the field and
throwing events."
Aside from being overly
impressed with the environment,
James was also one of only two
Danes to win individual events in
Patricia NoVris
madison ave. & Ontario st. albany n.y.
Tony Ferretti, normally a 600
yard runner, competed in the 400
meter race and took third for Albany
in 51.7. "That was a tenth of a second
off the school record and he doesn't
even have his speed down yet, he
should be going much faster," said
Dalton. In the 800 meters, Ray
Marrero, a consistent performer all
year, nabbed third in 2:00.6.
In the mile Bill Mathis finished
fifth for the Danes in 4:28 and he was
a mere five yards from the leaders at
the end. David Goldberg, a soph
from Wantaugh, recorded ^personal
best in the race with a 4:36 effort for
the Danes. Bruce Shapiro ran a
1:59.2 half mile to key Albany's win
in the two mile relay.
continued from page twenty-four
Albany should do well.
Centre College, the host school, is
22-3 and seeded first in Kentucky.
Their tallest starter is 6'4", and Steve
Curtis, a 6'3" frosh, is the leading
scorer at 15.6 in a balanced attack.
Savannah State, the Danes'first opponent, is a high-scoring team with
two 6'8" starters and the owners of a
19-8 season mark.
No matter how Albany fares after
their plane ride into Lexington, Kentucky sometime Thursday, the
bargaining moves to get them there
will seemjust as dramatic. Although
Sauers and the squad feel they
deserved the eastern bid originally
and the trip south is certainly no gift,
it would seem a Horidian vacationer
named Alexander had a lot to do
with engineering their trip.
author of
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Albany Reaction Showed Surprise And Relief
As Expected, Danes Beat Oswego
Albany had difficulty penetrating a
by Paul Schwartz
Everything went on as expected zone defense and had trouble getting
Saturday night in University Gym. the ball inside to their leading
First the alumni came out for their an- scorers, Carmelo Verdejo and Barry
nual contest, followed by an awards Cavanaugh. Instead, the Danes let
ceremony. Then the Albany Stale their fat ride on a perimeter outside
basketball squad took the court to shooting attack, and because of
face Oswego, a team that had some accurate marksmanship,
managed only two victories in 19 Albany was simply able to shoot
prior games. There were no real sur- over the Laker defense.
prises; some alumni were out of
Accepting the role of leading
shape, the ceremony was routine, scorer for the Danes for thefirsttime
and the Danes defeated Oswego, 71- this season was Buddy Wleklinski.
Positioned as point guard in the
Improved Record
Albany offense, Wleklinski was able
Albany improved their season to launch 10 of his patented longrecord to 18-6 with the victory, and range bombs, and seven landed in
in the process of remaining in the their desired target. Wleklinski hit on
battle for the SUNYAC cham- a 15-foot push shot to start the game,
pionship and the NCAA playoffs, and then proceeded to take his hot
the Danes played somewhat selection even further away from the
mediocre, but could afford to basket. Stating that his shooting
against the hapless Oswego great range is "25 feet and in," Wleklinski
Lakers. Albany never trailed in the was left unguarded by the Oswgo
ballgame and it was their won mis- defenders, and by the time the
takes that kept the final score respec- Lakers were convinced that
Wleklinski could make the shots he
"We playedalittleflat,"said Dane was taking, the Dane guard had
coach Dick Sauers. "It's difficult to tallied a season-high 15 points.
play against a team like Oswego, but
"I just got hot for a change," said
we must realize that we still have to Wleklinski. "I've been hesitating
go out there and play." i
when I shoot, but after I hit four or
Similiar to the last two games, five shots, I stopped thinking about
my shot and just put it up naturally."
In the first half, the Dane scoring
attack was led by a pair of
sophomore sharpshooters, Rob
Clune and Ray Cesare. Showing a
variety of offensive skills, Clune
scored on jumpshots, drives, and
offensive rebounds while chalking
up 11 points before halftime. Cesare
relied on jumpers from the baseline,
and pumped in ninefirsthalf points.
Team EfTort
Contrasting the Dane's team elfort, the Lakers were pri marily a one
man 'show. Bill Theiben, Oswego's
scoring machine, averages 22.6
points a game this season, and is not
bashful when it comes to shooting.
Thieben is not surrounded by any
other real offensive threats, and with
an attack that is based around him,
Theiben found time to attempt 23
shots, make 10, and finished with 23
Leading 34-22 at halftime, the
Danes increased that margin to 16
points late in the game, and with the
contest no longer in doubt, Sauers
went to his bench, replacing
Cavanaugh and Verdejo together to
a rousing ovation from the large
crowd. "I really wanted to take them Albany completed their SUNYAC schedule by defeating Oswego 7'
out together," Sauers said.
62 Saturday night at University Gym. (Photo; Tony Tassarottl)
ASP Sports will continue
comprehensive coverage of Dane
playoff action this weekend
in Kentucky.
Gymnasts Win Over Bridgewater
With Mary Ann Caperna leading
the way, the Albany State women's
gymnastics team gained their third
win of the season by coming home
from Bridgewater with a 93.3-90.2
* Caperna, a junior, competing for
the Danes for the last year since she
will go overseas to complete her
education next fall, highlighted the
meet with her vaulting effort. She
attempted a yamashita, a class D
jump which classifies as the hardest
move in the discipline, and recorded
an outstanding score of 7.05.
The balance beam was the most
successful event for Albany and the
many high scores compiled may
have iced the win for the Danes.
Caperna turned in another fine performance and took a 7.1 on the beam
while Coreen Palma had a 7.0 and
Kathy Cherhoti chipped in with a
ed up a 5.7. Palma's 6.7 on the floor Duval-Spillane. Hofstra entered
exercise was t he only notable Albany with a depleted squad but their five
result in that event
member entry was still strong
On Saturday, Feb. 17, Albany enough to defeat the Danes.
hosted Hofslra and Northeastern
The Danes get back into action
University. The Danes came in third this weekend with the New York
in the meet, as Northeastern won State meet in Cortland. The E Al AW
with "a strong group of freshmen," meet is scheduled for Penn State on
according._lo__ Albany coach Pat
March 9 and 10,
Atop the uneven bars, Caperna
recorded a 6.15. But teamate Cindy
Corbane led the Dane charge there
with a 6.3 score and Barb Shaw pick-
26 Central Ave.
- ^ h 5 - M a m a Nina's
79I Madison Ave., Albany N. Y.
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* „Jor Pick-Up or Delivery
by Paul Schwartz
It was getting late, and the phone
still had not rung. Everyone
associated with the Albany State
basketball team was waiting for the
same thing — news telling if the
Danes were selected to play in the
NCAA Div. HI playoffs. The later it
became, the worse Albany's chances
appeared. In this case, no news was
definitely bad news.
The initial call came at about 3:00
on Sunday. Union College Sports
Information Director Dick Sakala
called Bob Ford, Albany's Athletic
Director, and Sakala offered the
Danes an opportunity to compete in
the ECAC Upstate Tournament, a
tourney that is non-advancing and
lacks the prestige of an NCAA
regional. After missing out on a
playoff bid last year, Albany was
selected and won the Upstate Tournament.
This was not the news Ford was
expecting. He asked Sakala if the
ECAC invitation meant that Albany
was not picked for the NCAA's.
Sakala said that he had spoken to an
NCAA official, and that Pratt Institute had been selected as the
fourth and last team for the NCAA
Eastern Regional in Stony Brook.
"I told him (Sakala) that I would
have to talk to our basketball coach,
Dick Sauers, before any decisions
were made," said Ford. "At that
point, I thought we still could
possibly gel a bid from out of our
At 4:30, an Albany phone rang
again, this time at the Sauer's home.
The caller was Ralph Mc.ilU.-n in
Kansas City. Mcsillen is in charge of
special events, such as post season
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college spring break
Lane College
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tournaments for the NCAA, and he
had something important to tell
"He called me on Friday to get my
home phone number, in case he
needed it,"said Sauers. "On Sunday,
he called to notify mc that Albany
had been selected for the Southern
Regional in Danville, Kentucky. I
was surprised — I never thought of
thai regional."
Sauers was not told specifically
how his team ended up in the
Southern Regional. "Mcsillen said
that there was a long discussion —
too long to talk about," said Sauers.
by Paul Schwartz
When Buddy Wleklinski
answered the phone a little after4:30
on Sunday, he was ready to hear
good news. Also in the room was his
teammate on the Albany State
basketball squad, Barry Cavanaugh.
Both are seniors, and in their final
year as Great Danes, they both
fervently wanted to compete in the
NCAA playoffs, and after their victory over Oswego the night before,
both were somewhat confident that
their team would be playing in tne
Eastern Regional in Stony Brook
this weekend.
For On Premise Eating
For Pick-Up or Delivery
NCAA Southern Regional
"He told me that the committee was
in conference for hours, and that
they had a strong feeling that Albany
should be put in a regional."
After finding out about Albany,
Sauers was informed that Pratt was
the team selected to the Eastern
Regional. "I don't think they deserved any bid," Sauers said. "If their
reasoning was that Pratt is better
than us, and that was why they picked them to go to Stony Brook, I
think they were wrong."
One problem the Danes will encounter is in preparation for the
tournament. Sauers usually has ex-
tensive scouting reports and specific
game plans for each opponent, but
as of Monday, he knew practically
nothing about Albany's first round
opponent, Savannah State College
of Georgia. Besides their known 19-8
record, there is a limited amount of
information about the Savannah
"We obviously can't scout them,
but they can't scout us cither," said
Sauers. "I'm going to try to get as
much second hand information as I
can — maybe a game film. Bill
Austin (Albany's assistant coach)
will try to gather as much informa-
tion about Savannah as he can. All
we know now is that they are a good
running team.*'
While the Danes are in Kentucky,
Stony Brook, St. Lawrence,
Potsdam, and Pratt will be fighting
to become the Eastern Regional
champion. In past years, the eastern
representatives have fared quite well
in national competition, and with
the Stony Brook team ranked in the
top five in the nation for Division 111
schools, the regional figures to be
one of the strongest throughout the
"1 feel if we were in the Eastern
Regional, we could have won it,"
said Sauers. "But I'm just happy to
be in the NCAA's. We can go to
Stony Brook to play any time."
With the added excitement, travel
arrangements, and facing a virtually
unknown opponent, the importance
of performing well-on the court is
still essential fqr the Danes.
"Sometimes a trip like this could be
more relaxing for the team," said
Sauers. "Playing so far away, there
could be less pressure."
Playing in the Southern Regional,
the Danes might suffer from an identity crisis. There is a team in Georgia
named Albany State, and any outsider looking in would automatically
assume that the Albany State listed
in the Southern Regional is the
Albany Slate from Georgia.
But it isn't. It is the Albany State
from New York, and they will be
playing a long way from home, in a
regional they never thought they
would be in. But it is the NCAA
playoffs, something the Danes have
been playing for, even if it is in Kenlucky.
Teammates Share The Wait, Mixed Feelings
X £ N $ ^
809 Madison Ave., Albany N."
Centre College
svt/ (FU/JI
Buddy Wlekllnikl
Photo by Sunn Stelnkamp
Neither would believe what they
were about to hear.
"It was Doc (Sauers) on the
phone," said Wleklinski. "He told
me that we were not going to the
Eastern Regional. I said 'ah sh
—.' The he said that we were going to
the Southern Regional. He started
telling me when we were leaving, and
other things, but I had no reaction —
1 .couldn't, believe it. I expected the
Eastern Regional."
"When I heard Buddy cursing I
thought 'oh no, not the ECACs
again," said Cavanaugh. "Then he
handed me the phone, and Doc told
me. 1 was shocked. 1 thought maybe
we would get into the New England
Regional, but never the Southern
Although both players were pleased to be selected for the playoffs,
they each admit that Stony Brook
was their first choice.
"I'd like to find out how the
southern teams play," said
Wleklinski, "and it might even be an
easier regional than the Eastern
Regional. But I know that a lot of
plans were being made — buses were
going to be chartered to go from
Albany to Stony Brook. We would
have had a lot of fans in Stony
"I think 1 would rather be in Stony
Brook," added Cavanaugh. "I'm disappointed that we didn't get a bid to
go there. I thought we were good
enough to go there and win the
regional. But it doesn't really matter,
just as long as we got a bid
somewhere. I'm glad there was a spot
for us."
Pratt was the team that beat out
Albany for a bid to the Eastern
Regional, and according to
Cavanaugh, "they deserve it, I guess.
They did beat Stony Brook by 12
"We were trying to figure out why
Pratt got the bid instead of us," said
Wleklinski, "and maybe it was
'because Pratt was from the
Metropolitan area, and since they
are so much closer to Stony Brook,
they could bring a bigger crowd than
we could, and that's why they picked
them. That could be the reason they
picked Manhattanville instead of us
last year."
Whether Stony Brook or Kentucky, Cavanaugh feels the situation
is still the same. "It's a do or die
situation. No matter where we arc,
we still know what we have to do."
Barry Cavanaugh
Photo by Suna Stelnkamp
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FEBRUARY 27,1979
Dana coach Dick Sauori directing action In an Albany victory al Union
College earlier thla aeaaon. (Photo: Mike Farrell)
FEBRUARY 27,1979
Nine member* ol the Dane basketball team ahow how to alt down on the Job during a practice aeaalon.
Albany will be alttlng on a plane bound tor Kentucky on Thuraday. (Photo: Suna Slelnkamp)
/ Sports
Tuesday, February 27,1979
And It's Off To Kentucky
Danes Passed Over In East; Picked For Southern Bid
by David Osborn
After being denied a bid to the
Eastern Regional of the NCAA
Division III playoffs early Sunday
afternoon, a potential uproar from
the Albany State basketball team
was coated over when they were
notified later in the day that they had
been picked to play in the Southern
Regional bracket.
For the Danes, a third crack at the
national championship in the fiveyear old event will begin Friday
night when they are paired with
Savannah St. of Georgia in an opening round game in Danville, Kentucky. Centre College, the host
school, and Lane College of
Tennessee will meet in the other
semifinal with the winners playing
for the title Saturday night.
Although Albany failed to receive
a ticket to the Eastern Regional, the
local committee felt the Danes
deserved to be in the tournament and
recommended such a move to the
national selection committee. The
six-man group governing the selection process nationwide then tabbed
Albany to go southward due to a
lack of quality local teams in thai
"I'm just happy to be in the tournament but I can't see how we were
picked fifth in our region behind
Pratt," said Dane coach Dick
Sauers, referring to the school that
received the final eastern bid. "I'm
gonna just try and get as much information on the teams in the regional
as possible, but I know they haven't
done well nationally lately."
Should Albany win the southern
bracket, they would advance to the
quarterfinals in the 32-team tournament. Preliminary NCAA plans
schedule the southern champ to host
the winner of the Great Lakes region
in the quarterfinals. Those plans
could be switched by the national
committee but in all likelihood
Albany would host that game if they
can escape from the south unscathed. The final four will advance to
Augustana College in Rock Island,
Illinois for the semifinals
on March 16 and 17.
Before the Danes could secure a
slot in the title chase, they had to survive an extensive scrutinizing
process by regional and national
committees that included debate,
arguments and conference calls con-
Albany Reaction
p. 23
Danes Beat
p. 22
Dane Seniors
p. 19
"I'm just happy
to be in the
but I can't see
how. we were
picked fifth in our
region behind
Albany Coach
Dick Sauers
nccting men from the entire nation,
First, there was the eastern selection process. Potsdam emerged as
the SUNYAC entrant by compiling
the best record among the three
squads that tied as conference trichampions, Albany and Plattsburgh
included. St. Lawrence got an
automatic spot by winning the Independent Athletic Conference title
and Stony Brook was already
by seven.
"When you analyze the results it
seems just about equal, so for me
personally, it came down to two
t h i n g s , " Bailey c o n t i n u e d .
"Plattsburgh won the head-to-head
encounter although I realize it was in
overtime. Then for me, Albany came
to Oneonta and we beat them by a
point and Plattsburgh came here the
next week and beat us handily."
Meanwhile, with the dilemma
seemingly solved in favor of
Plattsburgh, and Albany in a virtual
state of limbo, there were other
feelings over the conference phone
line. By now it was about 11:30 and
the five had been talking for half an
hour. Lew Alexander of R1T, the unofficial chairman and presently
vacationing in Florida, spoke with
the others from his hotel room.
Pete Finnerty, Pace's athletic
director and another member of the
crew, voiced the sectional side of the
debate. He was arguing vociferously
for Manhattanville, 17-9. Finnerty
admitted to knowing very little
about the upstute teams and said he
had been placed on the committee to
give it more of a balance. He said he
factor against Plattsburgh now was
their two losses to Potsdam, a team
already in the tourney.
"Beating Stony Brook in that last
game was certainly a good pitch for
Pratt," said Hobart's Athletic Director William Stiles, the final member
of the group. "They also won their
conference, they had an excellent second half of the season and so many
of their losses came out of Division
Bailey says he remembers
recommending teams for the
regional and some for a national
ranking and nothing else definitive
when the call ended shortly past
noon. There was no positive talk of
putting in a fifth possible squad and
any debate had left Plattsburgh atop
Albany anyway. At this time, the
Danes were even slipping from limbo.
Such advisory committees exist in
each of the eight sections and their
purpose is just that; advisory. Alexander as chairman then joined in
another conference call with the
national committee and offered his
suggestion for the Eastern Regional.
Apparently, using his prerogative as
Albany coach Dick Sauora strotsos a point during a 'timeout In tha D a n e * win over Oswego Saturday
night. Sauert will be calling timeouts In Kentucky this weekend. (Photo: Tony Taiaarottl)
guaranteed an at-large bid.
So when the five-member NCAA
eastern advisory board picked up
their respective telephones to join in
on a conference call at 11:00 a.m.
Sunday morning, their major chore
was to pick a fourth team to Till the
at-large berth. Leading that list of
eligiblcs were Albany, Pratt,
Plattsburgh, Manhattanville, Elmira
and Staten Island.
"Before anything else we wanted
to decide between Albany and
Plattsburgh," said Dave Bailey,
Oneonta's Athletic Director and one
of the selection committee members,
over the phone. "That evaluation
came to a virtual tossup. But
historically our conference is one of
the toughest Division HI leagues in
the nation and I felt we deserved two
teams in the tourney."
The matchup was impossible to
decide, according to Bailey. Albany
finished 18-6, Plattsburgh 17-8; the
Danes lost to their lone Div. I foe,
Colgate, and Plattsburgh i»at theirs,
Vermont. Both squads went into
overtime before succumbing to
Hamilton and the Danes lost to
Hartwick by 12, the Cardinals lost
relics on others for upstate information.
"To be perfectly frank with you 1
don't know much ubout the basketball upstute and 1 rely on Alexander
to fill me in," said Finnerty from his
Manhattan office near City Hall.
"I'm an old friend of Doc Sauers but
we have to try to get more teams
from down south in the tournament;
I've already got the Manhuttunville
people yelling at me down here."
Nearing 11:45, it came down to
Pratt and Plattsburgh. Despite a
lackluster 15-9 mark, Pratt had impressive credentials. Six of their
losses came to Division II squads
and one to Division I LIU. Ihe
leading plus for Pratt was thcir95-83
win over Stony Brook Saturday
night that was fresh on everybody's
mind and also gave them the
Knickerbocker Conference title over
Stony Brook,
During the discussion of Pratt, E.
Wuyne Sunderland, Pratt's Athletic
Director, left the conversation over
an obvious conflict of interests.
Nearing 12:00, the four men still participating brought the decision to a
vote and Pratt got the nod. A major
chairman, he put forward Albany as
a strong fifth by himself.
So now a conference call existed
between the eight regional chairmans and Ralph Mcsillen, the
Associate Director of Events for the
NCAA and the man directly in
charge of Division III basketball.
Since Alexander is not an official
national committeeman, he gave his
picks first and then hung up while
— — M ^ — ^ — 1 — i
"We're looking
for teams that
are eligible to play
and deserving
to play....
We felt Albany
State deserved to be
in the tournament."
NCAA Official
Ralph Mcsillen
the Danes' fate was quite literally
tossed among men from ocean to
According to Mcsillen, Alexander
presented his four and then made a
strong pitch for Albany, while also
mentioning Plattsburgh, and expounded on the Danes' prowess and
said he felt they deserved to be in the
tournament. Then he returned to the
sun-baked beaches of southern
Florida without knowing if his
recommendations had been approved.
"We're looking for teams that are
eligible to play and deserving to play
in the tournament," said Mcsillen
from Kansas City yesterday. "We
felt Albany State deserved to be in
the tournament. We've moved
qualified teams around before and
the SUNYAC conference has a very
good reputation because of their
past success in the tournament."
Mcsillen explained that the south
is a relatively weak spot for Division
III basketball and last year two teams
in the regional came from out of the
area. William Penn, a midwestern
school, is playing in the western
region this weekend so the trend continues. In some years spots in the 32team chase have been vacant rather
than fill them with mediocre teams.
The main casualty resulting from
Albany's bid was the proposed
fourth team from the southern
region. In an eight-state area encompassing 23 teams, the south has the
same advisory committee and to
show the precuriousness of their
decision, Transylvania St. of Kentucky was felt not to be deserving of
the spot by the national committee.
"I wanted the team from my
region to get in there so I wasn't in
favor of Albany State, you might
say," said Willie Shaw, the Athletic
Director at Lane, with a chuckle
yesterday from Tennessee. "But the
committee is essentially looking for
the best team and my fourth spot was
rejected and after a long debate and
discussion, Albany was in."
Shaw is the southern advisory
chairman and also a member of the
national group so he was involved in
the cross-continental debate that
eventually saw the Danes get a bid.
He said that aside from results, there
really is little realistic chance for him
and others to be up on a particular
region other than their own. They
took the word of Alexander that
Albany was a solid fifth in the cast
and deserved a shot.
Alexander was unavailable foi
comment and even a search to locate
his Floridian hotel was futile. Yet,
from all apparent evidence his word
placed Albany as a strong choice
over Plattsburgh. The national committee of course had 32 other
positions to quibble over and after
three hours, they acquiessed with
their decision.
Finnerty and Sunderlund both expressed satisfaction over Albany's
delegation to Kentucky and Bailey
was surprised Plattsburgh was passed over in favor of the Danes. Mcsillen said it will be interestingtosee
how a New York State school fares
down south and hinted that the competition may be a little lighter and
continued on page twenty-one^
Alumni Quad Election Questioned
Council Procedures Investigated
by Steven Osier
Recent Central Council elections
to select two representatives from
Alumni Quad have come under fire
due to alleged deviations from mandatory procedure.
The first election, held two weeks
ago, was ruled invalid after it was
learned that ballots were not distributed to Brubachcr Hull. A new elec
tion, which ends today, has also been
assailed when it was revealed that
mandatory ASP ads announcing the
ballot had not been submitted, ac-,
cording to candidate Steven Cox.
Central Council-member Scott
Lonsbury said that the earlier elections were invalidated after candidate Marvin Fcrmin filed protest,
citing the lack of ballotting in Brubachcr Hall as grounds. Lonsbury
said that, after informing SA President Paul Feldman of the situation,
Feldman "snid that they would be
back the next day."
Elections Commissioner Jane Beiber acknowledged the problem, but
said that Brubachcr was overlooked
because in the past voter turn-out
was quite low.
"In the last election," she explained, "only four people voted in
three days of ballotting , , . and this
time I left them off. However, after
the first day, when Fermin threatened to appeal, I returned the ballots
to Brubacher. Fermin said that he
wouldn't contest the elec ton, but he
did anyway."
Fcrmin argued that, since he lives
in Sayles Hall, and most residents of
that dorm eat in Brubacher, (he elimination of it as a polling place was
unfair. Central Council upheld his
The current election has not been
spared controversy cither,
"According to the rules," said
Brubachar Hall on Alumni Quad was tho sight of one election foul up.
Deleted names, deleted ballots, deleted the election.
Cox, "an add is to be taken out in the
ASP announcing the election. They
just decided not to do it this time."
Bciber explained that the decision
not to place the ad was made "in
order to get the election over as
quickly as possible." Currently, two
of the three Alumni Quad seats are
vacant, a situation wind, prompted
Cox to ask that Central Council not
vote on several issues until the quad
can be properly represented,
Lonsbury said that "it appears
that regulations were once again not
followed in order to expedite the election as soon as possible."
Besides the Brubachcr incident,
the first election suffered from two
oilier foul-ups. According to Cox, his
continued on page 14
Student Rally Hinders Proposal
hy Richard Hchnr
The SUNY Board of Trustees kept
the proposal for a tuition inrease off
their agenda Wednesday morning,
as approximately 120 rallying students piled into the small Board meeting room at the SUNY Plaza.
The rally, organized by the combined efforts of the Albany Student
Association (SA), Albany Student
Union (ASU), Student Alliance, and
Student Association of State University {SASU), was instrumental in getting the Board to postpone their decision on the proposed $150.00 tuition
increase until more legislative work
could be done.
Two buses, chartered by SA
brought most of the students from
the SUNYA campus circle to the
The students arc hoping to block a
decision until April 1, when the Le-
gislature votes on the governor's
budget. An additional $9.1 million
is needed from that budget to stop a
tuition hike. SASU, along with various other organizations and coalitions, feels that a decision by the
Board before then, would be premature .since there is no way of knowing
until April 1 whether or not SUNY
will received the additional aid,
Steve AlUnger, President of SASl/
and a non-voting member of the
Board of Trustees said the Board had
planned to vole on the issue Wednes
day. He said the large student turnout and some legislative support convinced the trustees to hold back on
their decision, which would have
been in favor of the increase.
SUNY Chancellor Clifton Wharton told the packed room of chanting
students that the Board would meet
in New York City later this week to
discuss the tuition issued with legislative officials and the Division of
Budget (DOB). When AlUnger made
a proposal to move the meeting to Albany, the motion was rejected by
Board Chairman Donald BUnken
because of transportation inconveniences. BUnken said that most of the
members reside in the New York vicinity. According to AlUnger, tin..- meeting will take place today.
Garth Marchant, a senior at
CUNY's Manhattan Community Col
lege, later told the Board that they
could not run away from rallying students by meeting in New York. He
told the trustees that since CUNY
students could also be affected by a
SUNY tuition increase, city students
would pack that meeting too.
Chancellor Wharton expressed his
hope for a successful resolution of
continued on page live
SASU throwing a black.
SA Court Stops Council Vote
Ruffo Calls It Unconstitutional
hy Mlehelc Isruel
The Student Association Supreme
Court issued an injunction to stop
voting on a $9(),(X)() Dlppikill appropriation Tuesday, citing lack of representation from Alumni Quad.
The appropriation, which would
have provided the funds for a student
center, a log cabin, a washroom facility, and camping areas at the
SUNYA Warren County retreat was
delayed on request by Steve Cox, a
Central Council Candidate from Alumni Quad,
Cox said that the Student Association had been running "slipshod''
elections in the last two weeks, eliminating 900 students from discussion
of the Dippikill issue,
Central Council Chairperson Dave
Ruffo argued with the Court's injunction decision, claiming that the
court is not allowed to interfere with
a legislative decision unless a policy
has been passed or an election needs
to be invalidated. The voting on the
Dippikill funding, Ruffo said, did
not meet these requirements and
therefore could not be halted.
"The Supreme Court judgment
was based on emotion rather than
the Constitution," Ruffo said. "No
Court has he power to overstep a
legislative branch of power."
Ruffo and Supreme Court members reached a compromise on the
injunction at Wednesday's Central
Council meeting, the Council agreeing to voluntarily hold back on the
Dippikill voting in exchange for the
Court's withdrawal on the injunction
Ruffo, in challenging the Court's
original injunction, said that the
Court's action was unconstitutional
in the sense that it attempted to extend the injunction power to voting
on any issue.
Ruffo said that the Court has acted in an inconsistent manner, for
the Council has passed numerous
policies without the full representation and the Court had raised no
Council Budget Committee Chairperson Sue Gold said that the Dippikill issue is a pressing one.
"The appropriation needs to be
voted on immediately," Gold said.
"Money must be cut from other
groups to make this appropriation.
The sooner the bill is passed, the
more likely it is that, money will be
The Dippikill Governing Board
originally approached the Council
Budget Committee in November
Co nt fa I Council dlscussnd, but did not vole on tho Dippikill Issue Wednesday night.
Supremo lourt applies the brakes.
with the $90,000 budget request for
the next five fiscal years.
Gold said that the Council must
still decide on the form the appropriation will take. The original proposal
suggested a $30,000 initial appropriation with $12,000 per year for the
next five. Gold said that the second
proposal involved laying out $18,000
for the next five fiscal years.
An interim committee has been
formed by the Council to decide on
what form the appropriation will