FRIDAY "State University bt New York a* Albany November 4, 197S „..., MT vn,1WYO«*TAUI/ U rY VOLUUHO.*. W»»UU%X™ Albany Third In UC Tournament Selca Breaks Single Season Scoring Record As Booters Salvage 5-2 Win Over Stony Brook by Nathan Salant expected to walk on the field and win Frank Selca broke the season Friday. They looked too far ahead— record for goals, Pasquale Petric- (to a final against Binghamton) and cione added two goals and Edgar came up with a loss." Martinez also scored, as the Albany The loss to Buffalo, the Booters State varsity soccer team salvaged a third against nine wins and a tie, cost split at the University Center Tour- Albany the top seed in the NCAA nament at Buffalo, Friday and Tournament, and jeopardized the Saturday, by defeating Stony Brook, possibility of an NGAA bid period. 5-2. Buffalo I, Albany Albany was beaten, 1-0, by the Brian Van Hattcn scored unhost Buffalo Bulls in the first round, assisted at 37:5.1 ol the first half, after while Binghamton downed Stony Albany goalie Henry Obwald misBrook,3-l. Binghamton won the played a 40-yard floater pff the foot Tournament with a 3-2 win versus of Emmanuel Kulu, and Bob Buffalo, a game in which the losers Schmaz made nine saves to help Bufoutshot Binghamton, 48-8 and miss- falo raise its record to 8-3-1. ed innumerable scoring oppor• Albany failed to convert on tunities. numerous scoring opportunities, in"We played poorly against Buf- cluding three breakaways, and was falo," said Albany varsity soccer outshot, 14-9. After the game Schicffelin adcoach Bill Schielfclin. "We did not appear to nave the motivation con- ministered one of the all-time sidering the importance of the tongue-lashings to his players. "We played without heart, game." "In fact," the coach continued, "1 without pride," he said. "Peoplejust think that too many of our players stood around watching, expecting things to happen. Very few players played hard, and a mere handful played well. . ." Albany 5, Stony Brook 2 Pasquale Pciriccione's pair of first goals gave Albany a halftimc lead of 2-0, and Selca's record breaking 17th at 7:48 of period two were all the Booters needed to rebound and put away Stony Brook. Albany dominated play for most of the game, allowing the Islanders t o score twice well after the game was out' of reach. "If we had played like that against Buffalo we'd have had the match with Binghamton we wanted so badly," Schicffelin said. "I just cannot understand why we were so bad Friday." At 9-3-1, the Booters present the following stats to the NCAA Tournament Selections Committee: 52 goals socored in 13 games (an average of 4 a game): 21 goals yielded (an average of 1.6 a game); four players with five or more goals -fl Frank Salea dear* bad In record-breaking game. (Selca, l'etriccione-7, Martinez-6, and Chepc Ruano-5); two other players with more than seven total points (John Rolando and Paul Schiescl); and the second best Division 111 record in the state. If the selections committee picks three New York teams and one from New Jersey, the Booters should be in. If they split it then the committee may elect to wait for the outcome of this week's Albany-Brockport contest to be broadcast live on WSUA radio 640 AM. "It would be difficult for (he coramitteetojust throw out a team with a 9-3-1 record," said Schicffelin. We've lost just three games by scores of 1-0, 3-2, and 2-1 (to Buffalo, Union, and Cortland). I hope we will receive some serious consideration." Continued on page eighteen Albright Upsets Albany, 28-8 Scenes from a city In crisis: SASU is working to save NYC with student lobbying in Washington. D.C. and a massive letter-writing campaign involving many of the schools in the SUNY system. SASU Plans Washington Lobby For Aid To NY Gty by Randi Tolcr miraculously came up with it only to find his learn back on its own eight. The third down bust upthe middle by Roy Phillbrnok proved fruitless and now Albany was forced to punt from ils own end zone. But they never got it away. Lion defensive standout Mark Crow hurst through I he line and blocked the attempt, giving Albright a first-and-goal pn the one yard line! Halfback Bill Gallcn was stopped short on the first try, but then Frank Francks look a Sharp pilchoui, and rambled into the right corner for the score. Now, with I0:06lcftinthcfirst quarter, the visitors led, I4-0 over a shocked Albany squad. But there was moretocome. Alter The race I t on. Albany came out on tor. In the Capital District the Danes had finally held on to the Championships. ball for more than two plays, later in the quarter, they were able tomove into Lion territory. However, witha fourth and three onthe Lion 36,they elected to go lor the first down and came up inches short. Sharp now went to work from his by Jon Lafayette own 33. With the help of his history. The three wins today placed In the final regular season him fourth behind Tom Robinson, backficld of Francks, Ciallen, and quadrangular meet of 1975 the Joseph Keating, and Dennis Hackett Jeff Welch, he was able to bring the Albany State varsity cross-country for most career wins by an Albany ball all the way to the Dane 29 team ran "its best race of the season," runner. without aid of a pass. Hut with third according to Coach Bob Munscy, and nine, he hit Regis Yaboud over The Albany strategy for this meet and defeated Union, RPI, and Siena was to run in a pack and try to carry the middle for a first down at the fifin the first Annual Capital District as many guys in the front as possible. teen connected with Dan Delehanly Cross-Country Championships. at the one, for another first down. The strategy seemed to be working The wins versus those three teams well after the mile as Cheruhino, One play later Daley smashed his put Albany's final season record at 6- Chris Burns, and Brian Davis shared way up the middle for his second 4, and while this is the team's worst the lead with Fred Kitzrow close touchdown of the afternoon, and record in its history, it was also the behind in fourth. with two seconds gone in the second fourteenth consecutive winning period, Albright led 2I-0I Cheruhino, Burns, and Davis still season for the harriers who have led after three miles with Keith BenThe Dunes finally gol on the never failed to reach the .SOU or man in fourth after Kitzrow had scoreboard with five-and-a-half better plateau. dropped out because ol cramps. Unminutes left in the half, thanks to an The Final score read: Albany, 22; ion's Steve Jones began to press first incredible individual effort by halfUnion, 65; RPI, 68; and Siena, 80. ilenman and then the front three of back Orin Orlffin, Bertuzzi had Albany just missed shutting out RPI Albany shortly thereafter, and' marched his squad from its own thirand Siena, and would have beat all Chcrubino kicked out away from the teen up to the Lion 39 with the help three teams combined, 22-311 pack. of a 2l-yard run by Fran Hrunelle (replacing Tom DcBlois who reinCarlo Chcrubino won hit fifth Over the last mile, it was only • jured his neck). Then, with thirdand straight meet (he alio won the question of how far Carlo could slay Albany Invitational Ian week) to tic in front as Jones saw his best effort Dane Roy Phlllbrook eludes a tackier en route to a big 18-yard gain In six, he pitched out to (iriffin whocui continued on page nineteen for the third longest streak in team continued on page nintutn Saturday's contest. Albany Cops District Championships Finale by Mike llekarski Hit had been a baking contest, the Albany State varsity football team would have won; they had the most turnovers. But, unfortunately for the Danes, it was a football game and the turnovers only helped the Albright Lions walk away with a 28-8 victory over the hosts at University Field, Saturday. The loss dropped the Danes' record to 5-2 and jeopardized their number four ranking in the Lambert Bowl. The Danes' seven turnovers (including six fumbles) were extremely costly, mainly because "they came at crucial times," said Albany head coach Robert Ford. Two of the fumbles were directly responsible for Albright touchdowns, and a blocked punt was responsible for a third. Not that the Lions didn't play well—they did. But not as well as the score might indicate. "They did the things they had to do to win," said Ford. "When they had to move the ball and sustain a drive, they did. We had enough opportunities and wc didn't cash them in." The tone of this game was set not only in the first quarter, but on the first play. Alter Albany had received the opening kick off, Danes quarterback John Bertuzzi fumbled the hall on the initial exchange and suddenly it was the Lions' ball onthe Dane24. 1-1 vc plays later quarterback Pat Sharp fired a twelve yard touchdown pass to full back Dan Daley, and with only two minutes gone in the first quarter, the Lions led, 6-0. Bill Brown's kick (the first of four on the day) was good, and it was 7-0, On the ensuing kick off, the Danes barely improved. This time Bertuzzi fumbled the hall on the second offensive play, but the Danes did not lose the ball—yet. The wild scramble for the ball ended when Bertuzzi The Student Association of the State University (SASU) has begun efforts to fight President Ford's refusal to help New York Cily in its financial crisis. Robert Kiikpatriek, SASU President and .nember of the SUNY Hoard ol Trustees, announced to the press on Monday plans for student lobbying in Washington, and a massive letter writing campaign. SASU is organizing students across the state to goto Washington D.C. on November 18 to talk to as many members ol Congress as possible. "We don't need enough people to fill the Capitol sleps." said Kiikpatriek. "just enough to fill some Congressmen's offices." WcdncsdayCentral Council passed a bill uppropriating$2.2(M)topayior buses to Washington to allow for SUNYA's participation in the Washington lobbying. Letter writing campaigns have wong already begun in SUNY Buffalo, as well as several other SUNY campuses across t he slate. SU N Y A plans to start a massive letter writing campaign early next week. SUNYA's SASU delegates have also arranged for a teaeh-i n and panel discussion on the City's fiscal crisis, Sunday 8 p.m. in the Campus Center Ballroom. Speakers from the Governor's and the Lieutenant Governor's office will be on hand, along with Cily University and SASU representatives 12110 Hal'} Twelve hundred students rallied at Geneseo last I hursdaylo voice their outrage at I he plight of New York City. Brockport is in the midst of arranging for a one day moratorium on classes to discuss the problem which the stale faces and to air possible solutions. At Purchase, 50 film students angered at the budget cuts and threatening to eliminate the film department, sat in at the offices of the campus President from Thursday morning until Friday afternoon lasi week. Kirkpalrick explained SASU" great concern for the city's d., saying.".,, Asustatewideorgam lion we are primarily concerned lor the c o n t i n u e d quality and accessibility ol the State University ol New York; and asnstale agency it would he directly alleeled by financial troubles in the New York Slate government." Kirkpatrick also reported that several students on SUNY campuses have become involved in the MiniMac drive. The students have been taking around petitions to get Big MAC bonds issued in small denominations ol $50 and $100. so that the average citi/en can play a role in helping oul the Cily. SASI1 backs Governor Carey in :us . . .i .ind for a federal backup to .ii\ mo stale efforts against default. t are) supports the proposed student lobby lor November IK saying, "1 am delighted to heai ol ihe support ol the students in our City and State University syslems for a loan guarantee plan now before the Congress ol the United Slates. Their efforts to convince members of Congress, from New York Stale as well as the other 49 slates ol the facts of the New York City fiscal crisis show an understanding of the problem and support for our leading city." Chancellor Boycr is concerned, as is SASU, with the fate of the SUNY system at the default of the City. Said Boycr, "Unless the City is supported, essential services will be harmed, including the State University of New York." SASU has also been working with City University Student Senate, chaired by Jay Hershenson. SASU is watching the City University's situation closely, us SUNY stands to face their same problems should a statewide default occur. Steingut and Son are Indicted NEW YORK (AP) Assembly Sneaker Stanley Steingut and his ion, Robert,'* New York Oty councilman, were indicted on charges of promising a non-paying city job to a Bronx businessman in return for a $2,300 campaign' contrubution, Brooklyn Dist.' Atty. Eugene Cold said Thursday. The indictment of the speaker throws potential confusion into the state political situation just when Gov. Hugh Carey has called the state legislature back .into special session next week to respond to the New York City and state financial crisis. The Steinguts allegedly offered an h o n o r a r y city j o b to Hans Rubinfeld, an owner of two clothing stores and president of the Bronx Chamber of Comerce, in September, 1973, when Robert was running for the councilman-at-large scat from Brooklyn, according to Gold. $2,500 Paid Rubinfeld gave Robert $2,500 in two cash payments, Gold said, but Stcigut never reported the contributions, nor did Rubinfeld ever get his promised job. Robert received a$5,000payment in $100 bills in October. 1973, at a dinner honoring his father, according to Gold, and Rubinfeld gave him the other $1000 in November. Both Steinguts were indicted by a Brooklyn grand jury on charges of corrupt use of position or authority, afelony. Rober also faces allegations of election law violations, including: —Making an apparently false statement; —Offering a false instrument for filing, and —Two counts of crimes against the elective franchise. At a news conference in his Brooklyn office, Gold said Steingut, 5S, could face up to four years in prison if he is convicted of the charges against him. He said Robert, 30, could face up to eight years. "I am innocent of the outrageous charges contained in the grand jury ' indictment," Steingut said in a statement. "I have never offered anyone a political appointment in exchange for campaign contributions for either myself or my son." Robert Steingut was elected to the councill in 1973, having defeated several opponents in a Democratic primary. As a councilman, lie has very little patronage to distribute, but hisfather has hundreds ofjobsto give out as speaker and also has close tics to Mayor Abraham Beamc. The Steinguts, and Bcame, as well as Gold, arc all products of the Brooklyn Democratic organization, "it is not a pleasant situation," Gold said of the indictments. "It is not a happy occasion, but it is my responsibility to conduct investigations whenever the evidence indicates thai this would be appropriate." For next week's special session, Carey has not set any agenda, but be may. be forced to seek state action to head off a default by several state independent authorities, including the giant Housing Finance Agency. Whether Steingut, the second highest Democrat in state government next to Carey, will be affected by the indictment within the legislature remains to be seen. But one legislator who asked not to be identified, acknowledged, "it obviously is going to be an embarrassing situation." No Move Soon The legislator added that he did not expect any immediate move to remove Steingut from his post and said that any such move would depend on whether the charges in the indictment stand up during future legal proceedings. Steingut was elected speaker earlier this year after the Democrats gained a majority in the lower house in the 1974 elections, but he was challenged by Assemblyman Andrew Stein, the only Democrat to vole against Stcingut's election. Stein contended t hat Steingut had told him not to investigate nursing home owner Bernard Bergman, a charge which Steingut never denied under oath. Steingut said he would seek a quick trial and added that, "I intend to continue with the important business of the legislature in my capacity as speaker." (UlLLUiW gffrjfffj EdMfflfl HujtaltS NEWS BRIEFS Moroccans March Into Spanish Sahara KILOMETER EIGHT,lnsldeSpantshSaliara(AP) In scenes reminiscent of a biblical epic, tens of thousands'of Moroccan volunteers walke 5!$ milss through a blinding dust storm in searing desert heat today on t heir" March ol Conquest" into the Spanish Sahara. They walked for three hours lo a point just four kilometers (VA miles) away from the Spanish so-called "dissuasion line" of alleged minefields, barbed wire and heavy armored units. No incidents were reported. A senior police officer controlling tire march said, "We will stay here overnight and tomorrow morning, we will see." NSA Reads Overseas Telegrams WASHINGTON (AP) The National Security Agency read 150.0(10 international telegrams each month in recent years in an apparently illegal scheme lo eavesdrop on global communications, Senate intelligence committee Chairman Frank Church said today. The telegrams were turned over to (he supersecrct spy agency by RCA Global. 11 I World Communications and Western Union International, Church said When the operation, code named Shamrock, began, it was directed at "foreign intellegence targels," Church added. Bui when it was hulled in Maj ol this year, he said, the program included the review of over seas messages sent by American citizens. Rockefeller Comments on VP Withdrawal WASHINGTON (AP) Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller said Thursday he withdrew from President Ford's 1976ticket tospare Ford IriiinKepuhhtan "party squabbles" that were complicating his campaign against the impending challenge from Ronald Reagan. Rockefeller told it nationally broadcast news conference that Ford is "my candidate" lor l<)76 but indicated he disagrees with the assessment by the President's campaign managers that his presence on the ticket would damage Ford. Three times in the half-hour session. Rockefeller refused to rule out prospect he would seek the presidency if Ford's campaign falters in the early 1976 primaries. Ht called that possibility "speculation I have not made." House Passes Consumer Interest Bill • I ' J T I O Oc«i JkJ- WASHINGTON (AP) .The House on Thursday passed a bill to create a •ttitSPWliaHagency to.walch out for cons unjeriWe rests .inprivalc business and the .federal govcrnmeal. :lihe Ho«sp«bill now goes to a conference with the Senate to resolve differences between their two versions of the controversial consumer legislation. The legislation would establish an independent. nonregulatory agency to represent the consumer in other federal agency proceedings and before the courts. The agency would receive consumer complaints, direc'. them to appropriate federal departments and follow upon action. THE MACKINTOSH MAN Rocky Calls tor Congress to Help NYC WASHINGTON (AP) Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller said [hursday that although he and President Ford differ on how the New York City financial crisis should be handled, under either plan "it's going to come out more or less the same." Rockefeller repeated his oft-stated stand that il the cily took steps lo balance its budget within three years, Congress should help il bridge that time gap. The vice president saidthe federal government would have to guarantee debt certificates proposed by Ford as an element ol a restructuring of New York City's debt under supervision ol Icderal bankruptcy court. iitiMwtatolaifcatfwstafwtUali «»»^HW»«««n«.|MB«D'l«CIWll«)«l(l!»-llietl(«l«IM Sai^lB^Wlll^L'ftitottTXW'lllllMi-^icMWlMlllSlM'ltea^lWlilHWg.litffiitlj' d FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 d Saxes Lawyer Contests Court Order 50« w/tax 730 and 9:30 LC—18 WORCESTER, Mass.(AP) A court order limiting the number ol Susan Saxe's visitors and refusingtotransfer her out of the House of Correction will be contested, her lawyer said Thursday. "We're being put in an untenable position," said Attorney Nancy Gertner of Boston. The order came from Chief Justice Walter H. McLaughlin of the Superior Court in response to a request from Sheriff Joseph A. Smith. Smith hud sought the transfct ol lite lormer fugitive several weeks ago, contending his jail was overcrowded and the stream of paralegal aides visiting Ms. Saxe, who prefers that designation, could cause security problems and hostility among the other 271) inmates. $1.25 w/out P SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 P NYC Money Crisis Hinders Budget Bills <DY WARHOL'S AI.BANY, N.Y. (AP) New York City's financial crisis, which ha ilieady seriously undermined the credit of the state and local government ii New York state, apparently encouraged voters to reject a series of proposed new borrowing efforts in the off-year election. A $250 million bond i.ssuc for subsidized housing projects for the elderly was overwhelmingly defeated Turtday by a 1,796,800 to 1,035,781 vote with 97 per cent ol (lie districts counted. "Anything that waved a dollar sign was bound to be defeated." commented state Sen. Bernard Gordon, R-Westchesler, on Wednesday OLA AFIM0Y MOMUSSEY ANDYttUrKXf MACUA A him by PAIA MOHIKIY Slo/iing to* Dotlatandia • IWo Km • Aim to*'g<ng MoiineMiK»"*iand V>l'o»ode Wo AGUtlOrXMTIUAUNSURCRAVVWMtOOUCllO** CC4C* AWYAWIOMPIC[U«IS«tfAU/-iv •MBMSMIAJ FSA Bad Paper Passers Get Checked iit Court Food and Vending Thefts Continue by Beverly Hearn Norbert Zahm, Director of FSA, says that every month a list comes out containing the names of those who have passed bad checks.. Students notorious for passing bad paper are referred to Student Court. Students who continue this practice with regularity are referred to Albany Court. Unless the Court finds them i n n o c e n t , t h e y automatically lose check-cashing privileges for the rest of the year and the entire following year. In the summer, when Student Court is not in session, offenders are referred directly to the Albany Court. Some st udents write checksfor accounts they have closed. This is more difficult to deal with. Twice a year "holds" are put on the records of students "famous" for passing bad checks. This seldom does any good because some of these students are quitting school anyway. As a last resort, people are referred to the national collection agency used by FSA. II a student being sought has moved, his name will also be given to the agency, which will try to locate him. FSA, in addition to the bank, sends the offending student a letter. Forgeries Cafeteria food thefts have not been monumental. As Zahm says, "It's not a serious loss but losses I don't think we should have to put up with." He adds, "No unusual methods are used, but of course if they are that clever, we probably haven't caught up to them." According to Clary O'Connor, it is the perpetual thieves who are caught. FSA's greatest losses are incurred through their check cashing service. In September 1974 check cashing lost S840. In September 1975, they made a profit—$27. Vending, however, is another story. In September 1974, they made a $3,557 profit. In that same month in 1975, they made a profit ol $6,598. Campus Center food service had an income of $3,094 in September of 1974. lnSeptemberof 1975, their income was $13,336. According to the September Monthly Financial Report for FSA, Check Cashing Service incurs the greatest amount ol losses felt by FSA. Many ol the losses air on February 14, 1975, the Board of caused by students who write checks with "insufficient funds" in their checking accounts. Directors (of the FSA) passed a resolution to begin new and stricter regulations lor check cashing in the hope they will reduce a "serious problem of bad checks." No second party personal checks arc accepted, notices are posted outlining legal penalties for cashing bad checks, and lo store answers for the guy they forms once." The professor had to by Daniel Gaines University Police Detective Gary Student and Albany Courts are Editor's Note: This article is the shared with. If a proctor comes by. rely on the honesty of those processO'Connor cites what used to be a prosecuting offenders. first in a series about cheating. Other you could always clearthc memory." ing the test. "Bui we wouldn't have reason for the acceptance of bad "The report ending May 31, 1975 ankles will deal with faculty and stu- That system is only useful for multi- had any trouble playing dumb if we checks. Prior to this semester, FSA had to." he went on. "We also had a accepted second-party checks— shows the highest number of out- dent attitudes, discipline, and im- . pie choice questions. When the essays come, the more classic cri b sheet closed circuit television system forgeries. Now they only take first-, standing bid checks in recent years." plications. enters the scenet*wP**W*•)•• li'i'uw?' 'worked out where there'd be a { $50 Offered party checks. Of courses'theystill" " ' 'TO worsen the prtibTeWSrince 1 "Oh, I've seerrthemilrshoes. on camera hanging in the lecture center "1 was offered fifty bucks for a might be faced with "insufficient •May(4 the last 'month' of' classes, aimed al where the test would be for funds" problem. In this instance, a many students delay repayment of computer program. The guy came sleeves, in hats, everywfiere," a this one girl. She would make sure student will be contacted. The stu- their bad checks until latesummer or up to me alter class and asked if I had blond-haired girl said on the she sat there and we'd pick up the dent will either make good on the fall semester—creating what is in done the program we all had to do Wellington bus. "It's the cut-throat pre-meds," ex- picture over at — well. I can't tell you and said he'd pay foril. 'How muchT check or he will be arrested. Accor- face an "interest free loan." Comparing September 1975 to he asked, and I thought he was kid- plained a girl nearby. "They'll lean thai—and we have three of us work ding to O'Connor, it is rare that a on the test and finish il and gel the faculty member passes a bad check. September 1974, there is some in- ding. So I said fifty. He wasn't across or whisper or anything." results to her over a small receiver Pencils Carved dication that the tremendous in- though. Fifty dollars is a lot for a Vending Vandals she could bring to the women's "I know a case," a junior Zahm acknowledges that the ven- crease of bad checks at the end of computer program, but he was willroom. Bui we never did it, loo much ing to pay it. He even pulled out his remembered in Indian Quad's ding machines were not as badly hit May is reversing. trouble with wiring and no one As a result of referrals to the Stu- wallet while we talked on the cafeteria, "where a guy engraved t his year as t hey were last year. What wanted to spend money lor rental calculus formulas on a pencil." makes it difficult to catchlhis type of dent Judicial Court and Albany City podium." equipment." This male SUNYAsludcnl refus- Another Indian Quadjunior had the thiel is the fact thai he or she is not Court, 81 students have lost their Take-Homes always a student. They may be local check cashing privileges for over one ed the offer his classmale made, but same story. "It was real small—with "I don't think 1 know anyone who fifteen or twenty formulas all others do not. Buying programs and year. This figure only represents "hoods" or marauding groups of took a lake-home exam alone." said kids who start at one school and then, those who have had their privileges reports, copying exam papers and around. Crazy." an oil-campus sophomore. He also "You know something's wrong," a rob others. These traveling thieves taken away. The list sometimes runs other forms of cheating can befound memioned that many professors give on every American campus. It's also student involved with SUNYA are hard to catch because they do not as high as 300 people. the same exams or use the same A ten-cent increase in the fee to a sensitive subject, and no students governance said, "when someone remain in the area very long. If paper topics every semester. caught, they would be arrested by cash a check will have a positive were willing to talk about their ex- wears loafers to a test during the "Borrowed papers could he used for local police as there is noqucstion of financial benefit, but probably will periences unless their identity was winter." That permits crib sheets lo inspiration or word-for-word." be exposed while scratching toes. criminal intent. (Passinga bad check have little impact on the entire withheld. A girl from Alumni Quad I can't tell you when and how this "In Chemistry 12IB with B.J. problem of bad checks. may be the result of an oversight.) remembered her Political Science Loren/i the course started to get very happened," said one nervous beardcourse: "The professor gave us all the mathematical." said one junior in a ed fellow clutching a plastic beer cup possible questions. Some kids break from his on-campusjob, "and in the Campus Center Rathskeller. brought in blue exam booklets all people would share calculators. A "Hut someone we knew at the comfilled out for each question! They lew people would use the memory puter center was able to give us A's just reconstructed during the test!" capabilities in the better calculators on the printouts from the IHM test FREE fiDfTllSSION VARSITY INN TONIGHT madcap minnta of It should havo a funded by student association DEMONSTRATE your concern for the Jewish people and the State of Israel. PROTEST UN anti-Zionist Resolutions MASS RALLY Connelie Purges Police Files "Andy Warhol's D M C U U is gory Mgb camp. Fun sstktrs and vampira lovsrs uth Ms who sat through his gheuMsh i FRANKENSTEIN and Cheating More Than Sneak Peek ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) State Police Supt. William Connelie acknowledged Thursday that he is cleansing department records of extensive noncriminal itelligcnce files, but said he was not aware that any Of them were dossiers ol political dissidents. Connelie's statement was a denial of charges by William Naddad, head of a special legislative committee, who said the files being purged were dossiers on individuals and organizations collected solely because they held dissenting political views. The State Police chief said. however, the materials "were not collected because of dissenting _politic"' in NYC Nov. 11 Buses LEAVE T R A F F I C CIRCLE 8:15 AM Cost $3.00 for students For reservations call:Sharon 7-7927 Mike Cohen 7-8738 Steve Shaw 459-8000 views." PAGE TWO ALBANY STUDENT PRESS NOVEMBER 7, 1975 NOVEMBER 7, 1975 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE THREE SUNYA General Studies Program Draws Older Crowd M a t «T m 3B ytm olds 1*0 I n * woader **aa the oilier seojSe art dnag in a daw ftill of tscnaacre. College of General Studies advisor "Warren Scott, h d p t coordinate courses. and counsels, many Aartjab older students involved in the panlime gnjjnt program at SL'NYA. Scott is tile aids.?. counselor JII ihe General Studies program and bears a moderate resemblance to James Beard wh.ii the addition of a fins white mustache, sideburns and a beard- He has been war General Siudies for almost ID years and sneaks with a certain pride about the pan-time program. *"J3ie "old people" thine is a comm o n m i s c o n c e p t i o n tsi the program."" he explained, panning out that the median ace of a student furthering their education. Once t h e y d e v e l o p an academic background, they become very employable as many already hove practical experience. Scott indicated that even though Scon estimates that 25m of the the age gap between matriculated and part-time students i s a wide one. students in the General 5tudi» everyone got along pram' weTL This program already havriheir fiVtbut is more surprising than 11 seems con- need even more education la get dssidering that enrollment in the centjons. Hementioneriiheemunplc 01 a man who was leaching at a 1 ocal General Studies program now college. .After hisiennre didn't come numbers dose lo 1200; about a fnteemii of total 51VYA cnruli- through he found himseli jnhless. ment. With all these older students with little hope of finding a leachmr suddenly finding themselves in a job a the area. Between thai spring and the nein whiter tie tool; a comworld of ] ((-year-olds out of high school. 1 figured there might be some bination at business course* and is now comlonabh employed in the son of adjustment problem. Seem area as a CPA. explained: "Re-entry imo academir Domestic Engineers In School Me is something to adjust 10 . . . Another large percentage of . ahcr the adjustment phase, most Genera! Siudies students art of our students do vary well." housewives idcimeszi: engineer-^ One thing the older students have who have l a t e r car; of their ludsfor in common with the young as their ionc enough and now wish 10 learn desire 1 o improve their job sunn* b> •in 13K program it about 32. with «ome at weans as 20 while otheMre rnto their srKties. more about people in general. The latter accounts for the htimanities ratio of two women 10 one man. although the overall ratio is about one 10 one. Scott ties t he general upsurgemthe number of womeninlhe program 10 both monetary pressures and the increasing popularity of women's lib. Perhaps lhc most important reason for the increasing popularity of SUNYA's Gene: Studies program is its price abo m 525 a credit. This is about J50 cheaper than night courses ofleic-d bj most private schools, and mam consider this a small price 01 pa\ • I tic p.,. sona! and monetary gam* ii e^.uemli made possible b> fun-h;education Students Slip Towards Separation by Allan Rabinowhr (CTS) College students are an unhappy, cynical alienated bunch of people, with no respsa for institutions. Imlehehef en God and the "lowest morals.." ri George Gallup".1stanstics havr correctly gauged trie mood oi the nation"! campuses.. A recent Gallup survey showed thai whiie most students ieantothe left pcilihicaliy. the minonry of students who *"iaLe a center or right of cenisr pomjon" or political issues e also those who have "the greatest confidence in the natiori and its in- stitutions, respect for religion, and meir own family lift" 1 he survey results, based OP arioin WKiinterviews wnhstudemsiromf^ colleges around the nation, indicates tnai most siudems movtiosheiefiin their poim^ai tniniang during trier four years m college ^'iiiie 3U^ 03 tnt ireshmeii polled saiciruy leaned "left 10 some degree." Onh 20'S of ttit seniors said their ideal went te the right of center or far right The poll does not include. However. trei.nro.eri statistics for those stuaems whr are now semors. nor does u tai.t mto account that political, social and economic condnioni. were veri different iourvear! ago when trtesi* stndcmt were ireshmer. The survey comparec one Jvi League unraersny i which was not namedi and Oklahoma Christian I ansae iDC'Cl with eacr. ir.he: and wan college si udenu in general Ttit OCC student* lenoec 1 ti t t U the orpositt viru from the maiorni a! college muaems around the oountn on almost every major issue, while cumittued on i*ac< six serves first "to supplement and fill in gaps in other programs which have essentially ignored women, or not studied women as fully as they have men; or even worse, distorted or misshaped the image and nature of women and their activities." Separate from its remedial features, the department is also said to be "valid and viable" in the more usual academic sense. Because of the growtn in student interest in the Women's Studies program, plans for further expansion are being considered. At this time, interest in forming a major in Women's Studies is emerging The Women's Studies Committee is atttempting to create a facultyinitiated interdisciplinary program in Women's Studies as well. In the spring semester of 1975, twelve courses were offered, besides courses on women offered by other departments such as the French and Sociology departments. Despite men being welcome lo enroll in these courses, their registration has been grossly disproportionate. Ms. Schulz feels that the reason for this is lack of interest on the part of SUNYA's mule population. Further information on Women's Studies can he obtained by cither spcakingto Ms. Schulz or looking up the a v a i l a b l e c o u r s e s in t h e Undergraduate Bulletin. CALLS ATTENTION TO THOSE GROUPS PARTICIPATE IN You must submit by (Tlonday, Nov. lO, 5 : 0 0 p.m., MUSIC BY the name of your group, the title (if any) of your presentation, the names of the songs, dances, etc., plus any other pertinent information, Assorted Cheese Wheels Cheese Dips Potato Pretzels admission: $1.25 with I.D. $.75 with class of 7 6 or 7 9 tax card otherwise you will not be listed on the rosters Bring it to CC 361 Admission entitles you to 4 large beers or 4 glasses of wine punch and all you can eat! tofl»*ff.b*f: ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PEARL place: CC Ballroom date: Sat., November 8, time: 9 pm - 1:00 am that you will perform, PAGE FOUR community provided that such com- ment of ad hoc committees by parby Susan Miller ties who would feel it desirable to The only bill considered at the plaints: I. concern professional bypass CAFE. behaviour deemed to be in derogaNovember 3 meeting oftheUniversiPosition On Ethnic Studies ty Senate was 197576-02 which tion of professional responsibility In other business the Council 'On amends the charge of the Council on and privilege; 2. arc not gricvable un- Educational Policy reported that its Academic Freedom and Ethics der existing contracts; and 3. no committee on program evaluation (CAFE) to allow it to hear and act on other means of resolving the com- was preparing position papers on the plaint arc availiblc under existing grievances. place of ethnic studies at SUNYA This bill was introduced by the University governance at the time and on undergraduate distribution the complaint is filed. Executive Committee not to change II. That this bill take effect im- requirements. Committees of the the function of CAFE but to mediately. This ammendment to the Undergraduate Academic Council legitimatize its present activity in this charge of CAFE was brought up at arc studying the issues of grading, area. this time in reaction to a case last spr- dean's list, and honors graduation. It CAFE Amended ing in which one of the parties in a is also preparing a bill that would The bill as adopted reads: I. That grcivancc before the Council allow professors to terminate the the charge of the Council on threatened to sue members of CAFE registration of students in their Academic Freedom and Ethics be because they were performing a courses. amended by the addition of a section A special meeting of the Senate function outside of the bounds of 8.5 to read as follows: The Council will be held on Monday December I their charge. shall hear, investigate, and make The final clause of 8.5,3 "Under at 3:0(1 pm in the Assembly Hall. At recommendations concerning comexisting University governance at the time Dean Sirotkin will report to plaints brought by any member of • the Senate on Academic priorities the University community against the lime the complaint was filed." was added to prevent the establish- and 'resource allocation. any other member of the University '79 GALA! HOLIDAY SING AUDIO-VISUAL REQUESTS (record players, cassettes, etc} HAVE TO BE SUBMITTED BY NOV. 17, PLEASE!! Any questions, comments, or complaints calt Marie 482-0128 Renee 463-0818 CAFE Grievance Role Confirmed CLASSES OF 7 6 and LBANY EVENTS by Lois Goldstein SUNYA's Women's Studies Program has continued to grow since its initiation in fall 1971. Starling with a course in Women in Literature, Women's Studies has been offered here as a second field since 1973. Open lo both men and women, the Women's Studies department's minor is useful for those students planning careers in the fields of journalism, law, education, government, etc. Women's Studies courses have a somewhat original approach, in that they concentrate upon sex distinctions. An over-simplified definition of Women's Studies might be "the study of various disciplines from the point of view of women." Another possible definition given by a student of the Women's Studies department is that it is "an attempt to view the overall picture of women in the past, present and future." According to Joan Schulz, director of lhc department, there are approximately lour hundred students currently enrolled in Women's Studies courses. This number docs include however, overlapping students, or those involved in more than one course in the program. Ms. Schub.'s reasons lor the program's initiation arc two-fold. The Women's Studies program «••» ^m. <mm *m* ^*» ^a» «^» ^ » ^ ^ * FUNDED BY SA CAMPUS Women's Studies Program Offers A Second Field Helpful Towards Careers •il Mil--1: o- jriic T 1B ;I:.',J fcntew DAVID myENtfOLDDRACULA-witfiTERESA GRAVES _ -B. , _ CINE1 2 3 4 5-6 ! funded by S.A. 7:10 91 NOVEMBER 7, 1975 NOVEMBER 7, 1975 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE FIVE I I ."• I I \ ill n5 i i ,i 1 CANINE CRAZIES Do you want to K M your M U M In print? COME COME COME continued from page four the ivy League students leaned toward the other extreme of the national results: they feh the same on most issues at the nation's students in general, but in significantly larger proportions. The following are tome survey results on the moral and political attitudes of college students in general, and at Oklahoma Christian College and an Ivy League school: —54% of all college students favored the decriminalization of marijuana, while 68% of the Ivy League students favored it. OCC students opposed the measure by 90% —Only l8%ofthenation'scollege students and 9% of the Ivy League students felt that pre-marital sex was wrong, while 83% of the OCC students were against pre-marital sex. —65% of all college stu_ dents and 83% of the Ivy League students supported the right of abortion under all circumstances. Only 24% of the OCC students took that stand. The survey indicated that most college students held a "strong antibusiness" attitude. But, according to Gallup, this hostility is accompanied by a "shocking" ignorance of thefree enterprise system. Gallup asserts that most students have a "distorted" view of big business, over-estimating profits and under-estimating corporate ta.xes. "Why dost udents turn totheleftT' asked Gallup in a summary of the survey's findings. He answered his own question by citing events of the recent past such as Vietnam. Watergate, and the economy- but emphasized the "great influence" of professors with leftist views. Probing student religious attitudes, the survey showed that most students across the country believe in "God or a universal spirit," and that 65% of the students believe in life after death—though the statistics drew no distinction between reincarnation and traditional salvation. COLLEGE STUDENTS EARN MONEY As campus "reps" for unique in demand item. Cash on-the-spot sales. Earn S5.00 to SI0.00 per hour in profits. Select your own hours. Get the whole storyfrom a recent grad who earned big money during four years on campus. On campus interviews in two weeks. Rush post card reply to: David Salzman Enterprises 6200 Habitat Drive 2049 Boulder, Colorado 80301 •A'# h \\ Has psychiatry gone to the dogs? According t o Animal Behavior Specialist William Campbell, the answer is yes. Campbell is the President of the American Society of Veterinary Ethology, which deals with dog behavior problems. How to be €£h a Seiko Santa: Give a Seiko watch. to the NEWS REPORTERS MEETINGS every Sunday night, «-» p.m. and every Thursday night 7-8 p.m. The ASP needs you! across the United States have devised secret contingency plans to decontaminate their water if it 'foods UNtBSWNPSi happens to be spiked with LSD. Gordon Laverty of the East Bay Municipal Utility District says that his agency secretly developed its own anti-LSD operation in the late lOOTs. Laverty says that water district field agents have been instructed on h o w t o q u i c k l y t e s t for Campbell, who calls himself sort hallucinogenic chemicals in water of a dog psychiatrist, says that the supplies. He says the plans include most common complaints of his emergency flushing of the entire mental patients, the German system and for loudspeaker cars to Shepherds, the St. Bernards and the travel through city streets broadFox Terriers and eventhe Poodles, is casting warnings. that "My master doesn't understand Laverty reports that the plans me." were hatched after radical hippieCampbell says he sees all sorts of types threatened to spike the water dog problems, such as common with "acid" during the Vietnam War. house soiling and chewing, ner- He adds that water agency operators vousness, lack of self esteem and around thecountry continually swap even obesity. Campbell says that contingency plan ideas during their some of the problems are brought on national conventions. by the canine "work ethic" or by a natural tendency of a dog to imitate OPERA ON THE HILL his master. A freshman member of Congress Campbell explains that since dogs no longer have to Find food, shelter reports there is a lot more drama goand a place to sleep, they make up ing on in the halls of the Capitol their own work, such as tearing up Building than most voters hear about. pillows. Democrat Toby Moffett of ConCampbell says that daily chores such as chasing a ball or fetching a necticut says that the drama he's newspaper can "give a dog a sense of talking about is not the real-life important kind. Moffett explains: fulfillment." "Every day you can go into the ANTI-ACID Democratic cloakroom, and maybe The Director of Operations of a the Republican cloakroom too, and Northern California water agency they (members of Congress) will be reports that most water companies sittingglassy-cyed watching 'Search "33,500,000 Unclaimed Scholarships Over $33,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and fellowships ranging from $ 5 0 t o $10,000. Current list of these sources researched and compiled as of Sept. 15,1975. UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHPS 11275 Massachusetts Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 • I am enclosing $9.95 plus $1.00 for postage and handling. PLEASE RUSH YOUR CURRENT LIST OF UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHPS SOURCES TO: Name. Address City State. (California residents please add 6% sales tax. For Tomorrow' or 'As The World Turni?" Moffett says t hat soap opera viewing and other similar activities are common in Congress, adding that if a private company did the same thing, it would quickly go out of business. United States may soon be required by the Federal Government to carry special government-issued identification cards. The newspaper says that the first two groups expected t o be required to carry the national I.D. cards at all times are five million aliens living in the US, and six million head of HERE'S DICKY households eligible to receive food Are you ready for Richard M. stamps. Nixon, weekly broadcast commenThe Star says that Congress has tator? already approved $4.7 million for The same firm which currently the alien I.D. cards; and that a s y n d i c a t e s Ronald Reagan's registration plan for food stamp nationwide radio shows reports it is recipients, requiring photo I.D. negotiatingfor a similar show hosted cards, is currently working its way by former President Nixon. through Congress. Many civil libertarians are op-*Wrf£REposed to the issuance of national -. IT* me ^ I.D. cards, arguing that it is the beginning of a totalitarian state. However, Francis Knight, the director of the US Passport Office, has publicly predicted that most Americans will support a nationwide I.D. system so that each person can prove who he or she is. Harry O'Connor of O'Connor Creative Services says that he has talked with Nixon about a regular radio or I V . show, beginning possibly next year. O'Connor says that Nixon prefers radio over T.V. because radio "Didn't havetheelementthatpeople would be turned off by the kind of necktie he was wearing." I.D. PLEASE The Washington Star reports that 11 million persons who live in the ® Director Clarence Ktfley last week before the Howe CMI Liberties Subcommittee that the FBI could not reconstruct the name* of those who had been on the "security index." , The so-called "security index" was initiated in 1939 as a detention list of individuals possessing "Communist, Fascist, Nazi or other nationalistic b a c k g r o u n d . " Congressional authority for the detention of Americans who were considered a possible security threat expired in 1971. SECURITY INDEX The FBI has apparently not destroyed its so-called "security index" of over 15,000 individuals who for over t hirty years were targeted to be picked up and detained in the event of a national emergency. The New York Times quotes sources familiar with the inside workings of the bureau as saying that many of the names of those slated to be detained have never been destroyed. The Times report directly contradicts statements made bv FBI Last week, in a letter to the House Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Clarence Kelley assured Chairman Robert Kastenmeier that the securities index had been destroyed in 1971. The New York Times quotes its sources, however, as saying that the list of over 15,000 individuals was merely transferred to another file, and was not destroyed. Kelley also admitted in the same letter that the FBI continued to maintain a list of at least 1200 persons who were considered security risks. Kelley insisted, however, that this list was merely an "administrative aid" to help the bureau identify persons who might be a potential threat to the President. Chairman Kastenmeier has demanded an investigation into why the "security index" was kept even alter Congress had ordered it destroyed. >dte* dtp COMPONENT SYSTEM (priced for people whose taste exceeds their budget!) An economical starter system that speaks quality from the inside out: Realistic STA-47 AM-FM stereo receiver, two MC-1000 walnut veneer bookshelf speaker systems and Realistic LAB-34 changer with base and $17.95 value elliptical cartridge. There's only one place you can find it . . . Radio Shack. *.»<* TELETHON 7 6 PRESENTS # A 7 ,* sai. K* • » * » • * BASKETBALL MARATHON Not. 9 tol»w San. Components Sold Separately .. PATRONIZE OUR SPONSORS: Capitol Townehouse Cosimo's Restaurant S*:*o'ia*irie''3rii *iicr>ea lot T.«n aria womefl lorrjieii o*lus) ar.] spotting * e a ' Cr»onf/'j'ap''ii lot !t» moit acwo i p c m i"e car rac>t(j Or taping Seno Quail lo< T,ert arid *omw lot 1 nr-O!* r** )la,nd>jra 0' (Kcb'lcv la mtttti\ WMrLij jjtrr m r , : - &«i*g (irilc'es *:tr> (Jidie O.JIrfitlF.e COOIM Oan S*.«n *»icd*« *<"> «(«: f lea'-'M i..e MAflDt t x m»i i«*.w o r t i a i t t m i v a ' " v«!aa|r/3a!c D »ngu<' ca!tnrja<i M , , « J W VJ t * (u/e yOu> j -\ is in* right one t>e t ' c Sanla*iuuayiSt,.i) M119 of Clubs A Partridge Pub lark Tavern ^ Site Tavern Washington Tavern CHAR6E IT Special Thanh ft.' Al Radio Stuck Mttt Baektlete awl the Hew York Nab lCjOOCX»0»»*0»«>0»<> PAGE SIX ALBANY STUDENT PRESS NOVEMBER 7, 1975 NOVEMBER 7, 1975 < ALBANY STUDENT PRESS •»»»»e>»»q^< PAGE SEVEN Going ••Church, but don't know how to get there? PinevlewCommunity Church sends a bus to Dutch Quad at 10:40 every Sunday morning. Anyone interested In attending an Orthodox Chriirlori fmftawihlp group is urged to attend our meetings on Sundays at 6 p.m. in the CC Patroon lounge. For further info coll Terry 436-1535. MONDAY CitVelnfotheternptorHonlCom.ieetht Experimental Theatre production of H i e Diary of Adorn and Iv«, a o n * o d musical by S. Hornick and J. Bock. Theihow, direct.d by Janet M. DeRuvo will bo presented No. 7,8,9, (Fri, Sot, Son), at 7:30 and 9:30 p. m. in Lab II of the PAC. Tickets are free and may be picked up one hour before performance at the PAC Boa Of • THIS The linguistics Program will ipomor a linguistics Colloquim on Mon, Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m. in HU 354. Five SUNYAfaculty members and guest! will speak on their current resarch. All interested persons welcome. The Childbirth Education Association of" Albany announces classes In the Lamaze method of prepared childbirth to begin soon. Classes will be held at the Albany Medical Center School of Nursing the weeks of Nov. Want to get away from it all? The Outing Club meets every Wed light at 7:30 in CC 315. W e hike, cn'mb, cave, and enjoy ourselves Com join 10 and Nov. 24. For info call Mrs. Brennan, 439-6353. Israel* Dance Club every Thurs. night from 9 to 10:30 p m, Intermediate to advanced. Held In the Phys. Ed. dance sstudio. Everyone welcome Any questions call Tania, 7-7748. Listen Monday night at 8 p.m. for Album of the Week, hosted by Bill Cas- flee, Duplicate Bridge Game, meets Wed. at 7 p.m. Beginners cl QSi a , 6 All welcome. Cash prizes, refreshments. For info call Andy at 7.7705 W.I.R.A. Council meets every Wed. at 7:30 p.m. inthe Bleeker 2nd door lounge. tle and Matt Kaufman on WSUA 640. This week's album is "The Last Record Album" by little Feat. On Mon. Nov. 10 at 8:30 p.m. inthe Lab Theatre of the PAC, composer Harley Gaber will present some of his newest electronic compositions. The concert is sponsored by free Music Store. looking for Civil!ion Pel/ow*ihip7*Albany Evangelical Chriitiam meet every Fri. at 7 p.m. in CC 315 for prayer and iharing. Audition for Tom Stopparrfj The Roof Inspector Hound: Fri. Nov. 7 4-4 p.m. in the green room of the PAC Experimental Theatre. Jolly Good Show. "OCA, O H Campus Association, presents a question and answer session" on Foods*ampi, Wad. Nov. 12 In the CC Patroon Lounge, from 1130 to 1:30. Mrs. Krakower, Albany County Dept. of Social Services wilt exnin.„ the new eligibility guidelines. Tk? Albany Table Tennis Club meets every Monday night from 7 to 10:30 p.m. in the 2nd floor men's Auxiliary Gym. An informal group learning the art of Jewish cooking meets Thursday nights at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Rochel Rubin, 122 So. Main Ave All are welcome. Free. Transportation available from the Circle Call bv lY.*. y V 482-5781. Campus Crusade for Christ, weekly fellowship meeting every Thurs 7:30 p.m. Campus Center 315. ANYTIME A pre-con mention meeting will be held on Mon. Nov. lOat 7:30 p.m. in HU 354 for ell students attending the ASHA convention in Washington. The Hudson-Mohawk Group Sierra Club meets Monday Nov. 10 at 8 p.m. in St. Michael's Episcopal Church Killean Pork, Colonic. Cmon down to the Telethon '76 Basketball Marathon, Sat Nov. 8 through Sun. th« 9th. 7 p. m. to 7 p. m. Proceeds to the Wildwood School for Develop mentally Handicapped Children. Admiision: $.25 An informal group discussion the relevance of Torah in contemporary times meets ever/ Monday night in o Chumash review of the Sidra with Rabbi Rubin at 8 p.m. in CC 373. All welcome. Jack Nchalson, AH Gartunkel, and Ann Margaret in Mike Nichols' Carno/ Knowledge. Sunday night Nov. 9 at 7:30 and 10 p.m.S.SOwithCol. Quad Card. $.75 with tax and $ ) , without. From Co/onja/'s Bijou. The University Community is invited to a coffee house this Sunday at the State Quod Flogroom , 8 p.m. featuring the BearMoutoin Boys. Sponsored by STB. TUESDAY A film on Human Sexuality and Communication, by Beryl & Naom Cherniak M.D.'s in the Chapel House Tues. Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. All are welcome. The Arkansas Sheiks are appearing this weekend at the Freeze Dried Coffeehouse, playing Old Timey Music, from 8:30 to midnight, in the CC Assembly Hall. Free with tax, $.75 without. Refreshments available. For info call 457-4735. libertarian meeting inthe PAC Lobby Tues. Nov. 11 8p.m. All welcome. Win $25.00 by designing a poster for the 1976 Multiple Sclerosis Dance Marathon. Use any size poster and medium. For more info call 457-8954. Albany Symphony needs volunteers to usher at concerts. Denote your time and see a great concert free. Next concert is Nov. 15 at the Palace Call Michelle Vennard evenings at 489-3990 Graduate Assistants.' The Graduate Student Association has oeuieda committee to look into your obligations and rights as an employee ol ihe State of N.Y. We need people to investigate different aspect1, ot this problem. For further info call Tom at 434-8452 We need people to demonstrate and sell crafts or art work 01 an Arts & Crafts Fair on Nov. 15 on Colonial Quad. If interested contact P"qcjy at 457-8806. Weekend with Fred Berk, Israeli Dance teacher. Sat. at 7:30 p.m. in the Jewish Community Center and Sunday, at 2and 7:30at Templelsrael. Le Cercie Francois is sponsoring a Pot Luck Dinner for faculty and students on Tuesday, Nov. 11 in HU 354 at 6;30 p.m. If you're interested in coming or preparing your own specialty coll Faith ot 457-4027. All Christians are invited to participate in a celebration of worship and holy communion at 3:30 p.m.. Sun, Nov. 9 In Chapel House. Service led by Duane Feldmann, Lutheran Campus Poster. The Protect Your Environment Club,, is having a meeting Tues. Nov. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in SS 145. The topic of discussion will be SUNYA's food composting project. Good old-time blues fans: come hear Mark, Lisa & Dennis, at The Eighth Stop, Sat. Nov. B at 2:30 p.m. There will be a meeting of University Speakers Forum every Tuesday night al 7:30 p.m. in the Patroon Lounge. All are welcome. Win an official NY. Nets Autographed Basketball! Raffle tickets will be sold for $.50 during the 24 hour Basketball Marathon, this Sat. and Sun. Nov. 8 and 9. Judo Club meets in the Gym Wrestling Room Tues. at 7 p.m. and Thurs. at 6. Beginner's class starts at 7:30 n Thurs. For info call Andy at 7-7705 or Bonnie at 7-7B75. It's another WSUA Sports Spectacular. Sat. Nov. 8 Albany Great Dane football. Join Harvey Kojan and Mark Plevin for the play-by-play action starting at 12:55 p.m. with Al's Attic— the pregame show. Then, immediately following the football game, it's Albany Groat Dane Soccer. Nat 9 Salont and Mark Solano bring you all the action on tape delay from Brockport, in the final gome of the regular season. That's football and soccer, a sports doubleheader—all for you on the Sporty 6 4 0 , WSUA Radio. Baha'i Club of SONY A information and discussion open to all. Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the CC Room 373. An interesting class in Mishna, Midraib, Chassidtc and Jewish philosophy is given every Tuesday evening by Rabbi Israel Rubin at his home 122 So. Main Ave. 8 p.m. All are welcome. For infocall 482-4781. WSUA as part of.its total contribution to Telethon '76 will be broadcasting the first 2 hours of the Basketball Marathon, live, starting at 7 p.m. Doug Lewanda and Mark Plevin will bring you all the action. Only on your campus minded radio station—WSUA 6 4 0 AM. 4 t 2 ft Tuscarora present WSUA's Saturday Night ol Gold, live from Henways on Indian Quad this Sat. Night. Host Glen Trotimer will play your favorite music from the 60*5. Admission is $1. for all the beer you can drink. The Class of 77 will be holding a general meeting on Wed. Nov. 12 at 8 p.m. inLC 20. Our next party and future programming will be discuued. All interested juniors are welcome. The I975fsraeii Cfiaisiatr Festival i* on its w a y to A l b a n y 'Aon Nov 17 at 8 p.m. irijlheiPalace Theatre. Ticketsqvoiloblethrouuh JSC Call Eric Gurvis, 7-5354, or Steve Shaw, 4897446 Gandhi—Change Nonviolence—a study group on Wed. afternoons at 2:10 p.n HU 132, from O d . 29 through Nov. !9 Grievance forms concerning complaints of sexism ore now a »ailoble the CC and Tower offices. Call Jill for further info at 438-4260 There will be a meeting of University Speakers Forum every Tues. night at 7:30 p.m. in the Patroon Lounge. All are welcome. WEDNESDAY, All Community Service Papers (SSW 390 studenls) ore due Ho* IQ Please hand them in on time so that we can assure you a sali'.iac.iGry grade. Community Service Evaluations are going on now Community j e . c e Students must attend. Best of Friends '75 welcomes anyone interested in joining out Holiday Sing Group. If you want to have fun this is the place. You don't huvolobc able to sing. Meeting time and place will be announced. Coll Janet 01 482-1423. Fellowships and teaching assisfanfships in France. Groci'jatmg seniors and graduate students interested in being comidecd tor fellowships or teaching assistanKhips in France for 1976-77 mo, obtain application forms and further info in the Office Of |nte*irfit.onol Programs, SS 322, Anyone who is interested in being a timer for the SUNYA Women's Swim Team please coll Mindy or Nancy at 457 7961 Graduate School Interviews—for students interested in G'od school admission. Sign up for an appointment inthe placement olltce Adm 1 35 Nov. 12, Carnegie Mellon University Graduate School of Ind > <• 1 Ad ministration. *••*••>•*>•»•'»••»»•«>»»»»»•»••«>•• ^JJQUNG SHOES^^f ' tfjyjJJftWA^iiAi'X FRYE RUSSELL SAGE COLLEGE MERCHANTS TO GENERATIONS presents OF BOOT BUFFS Bench-crafted and handfinished skilled artisans, for over . 0 0 years. of FRYE B O O T S "RETURN T O FOREVER" in the countryl O u r Driftwood Boot, it is £1 with brass p e g g e d a n d fitted by h a n d . The p l a t f o r m sole is of i-ij solid o a k - b e n d leather to matcn the new stacked Vh inch •:•! high heel. Chick Corea •:•: IM tfOCk FOR MGN fr WON£M Available in Hand Stained Brown, Natural tiqued wallnul, and Burnt chestnut. Bootmakers since 1 8 6 3 . . . W&///&SM?//M%1 OPEN EVERY EVENING TIU 9 PM £ 436-1015 November 8 Tickets Available ?: YOUR BANKAMERICARD OR MASTERCHARGE « : S % W * * S ; : : : W S i : : i •*.*-. jfcjauaaacBgBgagBacBB Sat 8 PM Schoct Fine fin Center RSC 159 CENTRAL AVENUE fiyt i ~• RSC RPLJCA bookstores and at the door • » • » » » • . » » « ^ , m p . T h e International Film f>m rp presents Loves of a Blonde it's about love... and dissillusionment PAGE EIGHT LCI il was like I his when we wait/ into this place a couple ol I'apish cats is doing an Aztec two-step" — Lawrence Ferlinghetti Aztec Iwo-Stcp is Kux .i\'Owlci;,and Ncal Shulman. an extremely talented pair ol singerguitarists who look their name f r o m thai part of l-erlinghetti's poem. ". . . We just used one ol the phrases out of the poem lor the group's name because there were two of us- t w o step and that's how we got it," explained Rex. He is the major composer and rhythm guitarist, and Neal plays a beautiful lead ginlar. 7:15 9:45 p.m. ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Friday, Nov. 7 Heros I lieu early inlliiences include, among others. Dylan, lire Beatles, I'hil Ochs. and David Itioinbcrg. Neal remembered seeing Biumberg " . in New York when I was younger, before he cvei made records." When asked a.ioin more recent music;.! inlliiences. he mentioned a hue ol Jackson Browne and ",i lew ol olhei people" Hex answered. " W e l l , I ically respect Randy Newman u l"i . Ins lyrical qualities and. gee, there's so many people that I've really liked the Beatles, of course >" many people .. . I'msurelhal u'sa day-to-day thing. I'm sine thai I'm influenced hv a / K M I I people and don't even realize il " A la swci lo perliapsliiogeneialaqiiesiion. ing to find another producer and it just got kind of hutched when the guy that was the president ol the record company left. Wespent months looking for a producer, and then the new president came in and he was very wishywashy about what he wanted to do with Aztec I wo-Step first he was going to make a record with us, and so we wailed and waited and waited, and then he wasn't. So we got oil the label and looked around tor a new one. We found one and made the record." "UN going on Saturday why don't we get away darling Yes, it's going on Saturday, why don't we get away now . . " We finally were let inside. Ihc Other End was Idled t o t he bum with people stereotype Villagers, men in business suits who seemed to be awkwardly out of place, and the Long Islanders. I he coffeehouse atmosphere lit I wo-Slep perfectly. Their concert was an excellent mixture o l new and o l d , the songs from Second Step blending nicely w i t h t h c ones Irom what Neal called their " G ' r c y / o r / / / « , , Volume /." ""V. ' : , Stage Fright I found myself enjoying the new material more in concert than I had while just listening t o the record. I he sound o f l h e t wo guitars, the hass. and the delicate harmonies was more effective lor me unadorned than with most of the orchestration on the record. Neal Shulman's guitar leads were beautiful, and .sensitively executed, especially during "Our Lives." 'Taster Gun," "Dancer's A l l . " and "Cockroach Cacophony." l-'rcd llolmaii dida grcal j o b on the hass guitar, underlining and icinloicing the power ol the songs. Re.x fowler, although not the more vocal ol the two in terms til talking, still showed lumsell lo be the cenlei ol the group through his songs and his expressive voice, which can wrap it sell around words belter than almost any singer I know. I hey kepi the lines ol communication with the audience open, yet they remained in control the whole lime. I heir comic liming was very good, and they knew just when lo start singing alter telling a joke oi a story. I hey work well together, and that closeness created November 7, 1975 a bond between them and us. That made the concert more than just the usual band-andaudience experience, with a wall between performer and viewer. And yet as close as they were to us. there was still the actual distance between stage and floor t o prove that somehow they were above us. It helped to know that they still gel stage I right. Rex admitted t o " . . . a fewtimes. s u r e like tonight, for instance." Then he laughed. I hadn't noticed anything--really'.'"... v/eW.lasI night was pretty tough . . . " I hadn't noticed anything then.either. Neal spoke. "Once in a while it just creeps up on you when you don't expect it at all you're out there going'aahh.. .' " (with a confused look on his face, lo i l lustrate). I hey both laughed. "You can feel it sort ol tightening up the nerves." Rex explained. I know that feeling; I thought you lost has time went on. I hey are human. " O h I'm in love again At least this time I think I am Oh oh I'm in love again . . ." I he girls at the next table were staring intently at the siage. These were the same two who had asked who was who while on line. One ol Ihem whispered lo the other "Thai one's mine!" I couldn't figure out which one she was referring to. Neal was singing"Walkmg t i n Air" and Rex was clowning around, having nothing lo do between harmonics, making love to his microphone. A Busy Year funded by NOVEMBER 7, 1975 I lien not lung more was heard from them loi awhile. I asked them what happened during lhat spell. Rex started. "It's, uh, what happened was dial we we " he cleared his ihroal. "What </W happen'/" Neal look over. "Well we were going 10 make a second album lor lilekua, and we cut some things lor that album, but we decided, along with our y produeci, thai il wasn't light. So we were lin- skmasy Neal, t h e m o r e o u t g o i n g o l t h e two, "plays a beautiful lead." I he sky now ain't it funny o ain't it funny why where does it go'.' I he concert was over, too soon as far as the nobody knows audience was concerned, but Iwo-Step had climbing that spiral stairs another show to do later. They came back for that lead nowhere . . ." an encore and did a new classic and and old Is success going to spoil Aztec 1 wo-Step'.' one "Humpty Dumpty" and "The PersecuRCA is pushing them hard posters, ads in tion and Restoration of Dean Moriarty." The the Sunday A'civ York Times, and hours of airludience was on its feet again, clapping. So was I. then I headed backstage. „ . " ' . . ' . . ,-play on- W N E W - H M . Manhattan's most prestigious progressive-rock radio station "We are singers all singers of tales of (plus a live interview performance on W N E W myths and dreams this past Sunday morning, the second of We are singers all looking for a song of November), Is Cousin Brucic in their future? our own . . ." Or would they preler relative comlorl and arAztec I wo-Slep has had a great year. tistic I recdom'.' Re.x liked that, he immediately Ihey've been playing the East Coast, down to said "Yeah . . ." Neal agreed, then added. " I Washington and Philadelphia, all over New want the album to be successful, you know, England, and (he New York area. It wasn't whatever thai means... it's really hard to say." always like this. Neal spoke lor the both of them. "We generally play every week. Last year was great, working all the time. We have Re.x liddled with some trimmings on a fruit tune o i l ; we always get lime off during (he basket thai someone had sent them. "What week In come back. I hough lately we've been we'd like to do is to be able lo get away from really busier and busier and busier I don't just playing our 'hot spots' and be able to. know, we don't gel home as much anymore. , hopelulh. play all over the United States, and I here MM.V a time in our career, though, going the world il we're able to il thai means back lo the litsl two years in between records, successful then Unit's what we'd like." Neal when I used lo say.'one more six-week stretch agreed; " I don't have a l o p 40 fetish or with mil lung to do and I'm gonna go absoluteanything like thai particularly, but whatever ly hananax'.' I here were limes when we'd play happens. .." Re.x expanded. "It sure helps geta gig a nd t hen it would he 1 wo weeks, play a gig ung you out. I mean, let's lace it il really and il'd be another three weeks off I'd rather does." Neal linished. "1 mean il we get there be busy than have to do than, wailinglor our we'd like u on our terms. I he thing is. either next gig." Rex nodded his head in agreement. you go to ii or il comes to you. II you make a ". . . a Irozen lace would hide its eyes song and you love it. and it goes I op4(1. great! and wouldn't dare lo even dream aboui II wc have to gel bent out ol shape because of i! that's nut so good . . ." Top 40? I wonder how many stars started with (hut wish to remain unbent, uncompromising in the lace ol commercial success. It's an ' idealistic view, one lhat only superstars like Dylan are able lo realize (and even then at the risk ol losing ground through their musical growth). It was nice l o hear Two-Step voice this opinion, though, for il assures us of an honest attempt on iheir part to steer clear of any I lion John-type commercial hypes —for as long as they can. Rex pulled some ol the trimmings oil of the basket, which was nestled on the dressing table among papers, discarded guitar-string envelopes, and my tape recorder. "When'rcwc going back up l o Albany'.' We'd like to come hack up say hello to all our friends and relatives," A line from his "Highway Song" popped into my head --"Remember m e t o my friends so kind . . ." If it was up t o me, they would be here next week. I hey released an album in IM7.2that, while it diil not hv any means catapult them to i h e l o p ol the charts, did create l o r l h e m a l o y i i l group ol lollowcis. A/lee I wo-Slep became almost a cull movement, especially among students along the fast (nasi. ("Thai's g r a i l ! " said Neal when I told him, a big smile on his face.) The alternative filmic experience since 1954. The Cinema of Czechoslavakia (part 1) $.50 w/tax 1 $1.00w/out by Karen Sclilosbcrg Ihc line reached past the restaurant next door, past I he German Shepherd (hat sprawled la/ily on the sidewalk, prist the guy that looked like Bruce Springsteen, and ileruled in a couple thai looked confused; "Is this the ticket-holders line'.'" Here and there I could hear hummed Iragments ol " K i l l i n g Me." or "Prisoner," and t he more advanced were singing 'Taster Gun." We were waiting to be let in. wanting to sec the show I lie second nighl lor A/tec I wo-Step in a lour-nigh! run at the Oilier 1 m l People were hopping back and torth on their l e d . impatient, making small talk I heard someone ask. "Which one is which.'", a question ilial must have plagued e\en Simon and Ciarlunkel in the early days. "Sec Cult oiled, An- :•:• [:•: *K it was like this when we waltz into this place a couple of Papish cats is doing an Aztec two-step 1 hey met in Boston in 1971, where they were both playing in a coffeehouse in what Neal called "like Hoot night." Ken is from Maine, and seems Io be the quieter ol the two; a shy person who lets his music speak for him, Neal is New York City horn and raised, an outgoing man. bouncing around the dressing l o o m , gi cell ng,id inn crs with a big smile on his lace saying " H i 1 I'm Neal, hope you enjoyed the show " by Y O U N G SHOES, adds still another to the largest collection S < State University of New York at Albany THURSDAY There will be an Alumni Quad Board meeting on Monday in the Alden Main Lounge at 7 p.m. This meeting is open to all interested students. WEEKEND The Albany Student Press Arts Section tlowtsy u u e T w o - s t e i la Rex Fowler (left), and Neat 8 h u l m a i . . "There will always be a faster gun But there'll never be another one like y o u . . ," Stephen Stills-A One Man Show preview * leisure SSJD, wnmm uibi'ft MHwutg? ON CAMPUS albany state Friday, Nop. 7 FRIDAY Saturday, No*. » 13 The New Original Wonder Woman Cloris Leachman, Red Buttons drama 8 p.m. Basketball M a r a t h o n 10 MASH 8:30 p.m. comedy Tlw Mackintosh Man Fri. 7:30, 9:30 The National Lampoon Show LC 18 Andy Warhol's Dracula Sat. 7:30, 9:30 LC 18 tower east by T e l e t h o n '76 by University Speakers Forum & U C B C C Ballroom 8 p.m., 10:30 p.m. G y m 7 p.m. - 7 p . m . Edward Asncr, Sally Struthcrx movie 9:30 p.m. Freeze Dried Coffeehouse Freeze Dried Coffeehouse old t i m e y s t r i n g b a n d old t i m e y s t r i n g band tree w / t a x card, $.75 w / o Tree w / t a x c a r d , $.75 w / o 8:30 p.m. 8:30 p . m . ilg Music Faculty Recital Irvin Oilman—flutist Loves of a Blonde Fri. 7:15,9:45 LC I 13 Wide World Special 11:30 p.m " A Salute to the Best Years ol 'Your Hit Parade' " Arkansas Sheiks Arkansas Sheiks The Sling Fri. & Sat. 7:30, 10 LC7 13 Hey, I'm Alive 10 Don Kirschncr's Hock Concert Captain & Tenille, Sparks. Commander C'oty. Pavarcs 12:30 a.m. Classes of '76 & '79 Gala music by Pearl CC Ballroom 9:00 p.m. flute P A C Recital H a l l 8:30 p . m . 6 Midnight Special I a. m Helen Reddy, Roger Daltry. Merle Haggard. Ohio Players Grand Funk, Curly Simon free bijou Rathskellar Pub Carnal Knowledge Sun. 7:30, 10 LC 18 C o l d Beauty c o n t e m p o r a r y blues & soul j a z z 8:30 p . m . Rathskellar Pub Cold Beauty contemporary blues & soul jazz 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY 13 Star Trek 11 p.m. science fiction OFF CAMPUS cine 123456 Sunday, 459-8300 Nov. 9 Return to Forever with Chick Corca Coffeehouse Mahogany Fri. &Sat. 7. 9:10 Schacht State Q u a d F l a g r o o m delawure 462-4714 Old Dracula Fri. &Sat. 7:10,9 Cornbread, Earl, & Me Fri. & Sat. 7, 9:50 Cooley High 17 Monty Python's Flying Circus comedy 10:30 p.m. The Diary of A d a m & Eve P A C L a b 11 13 Space 1999 8 p.m. science fiction Fri., Sat., S u n . 7:30, 9:30 guilderland plaza 456-4883 m o h a w k m a l l 370-1920 10 Phyllis 8:30 p.m. comedy Farewell My Lovely I 3 Days of the Condor Fri. &Sat. 7, 9:15 10 Medical Center drama Fri. & S a t . 7 : 1 5 , 9 10 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 8:05 Fri. & Sat. 12 m i d n i g h t h c l l m a n 459-5322 hcllman t o w n c - 7 8 5 - 1 5 1 5 Jaws Fri. & Sat. 7, 9:30 3 * 13 F r i . 7:15, 9:15 • 5 •r• 5 3 7 18 21 23 28 zT" 35 vT W 4T- 29 30 36 43 48 46 51 W so 59 Z 1 •Tep L . | 63 66 © i ; tlwar d Jl Uus , 13 PAGE 2A U Col t 10 (,(i(i(l Tillies 8 p.m. comedy Mahogany madison 489-5431 Lenny Bruce Performance Film Fri. & Sat. 7:30, 9 River in Belgium Shoot the breeze Hiss Keaton Harvests Maxwell Anderson play Additions "Crazy " Storage place Turkish chamber Smal 1 boat 13 Andrews S i s t e r s 59 show, "Over " 61 14 Jim Ryun's f o r .e 15 Length times width 62 63 16 Continent 17 Tennessee W i l l i a m s 64 b l o c k b u s t e r (2 wds) 65 Former B r i t i s h prime m i n i s t e r 19 Trumped-up s t o r i e s 66 Tennis ace (2 wds.) 21 S e l l s 67 Lambs 23 24 27 20 30 Approximate (abbr.) Toper Favorite Bowler Cartor "He gets slapped" 33 Prefix: race 35 shop 37 Line of juncture 38 Arnold Bennett novel (4 wds.) 41 Edges 42 Prefix: against 43 Miss Forest 44 Hindu title 45 Reply (abbr.) 45 Author Tolstoy 17 No . . . Honestly comedy II) p.m. scotia art 346-4960 48 49 SI 1 Lake I n A f r i c a 53 5 Coirmand t o a dog 9 Packard and Peugeot 55 ACROSS 13 Welcome Back Kotter comedy 8:.1(1 p.m. F r i . & Sat. 8, 10 DOWN W 165 11 12 TUESDAY 3 22 "For Whom the Bell 42 r~ 10 lb 22 33 HI3 1 14 20 19 Fri. & Sat. 7:20,9:15 F r i . & Sal. 7:30, 9:45 Sat. 6, 8, 10 17 16 Let's D o It A g a i n Hearts of the West Fri. 7:15, 9:25 Sat. 7:45, 9:40 Abduction r~ i Hearts of the West Let's Do If Again Fri. & Sat. 7, 9:15 Journey Through the Past American Graffiti Fri. & Sat. 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 < > > < < < e « « e e I t » • • < Bryant M o n r o e 264 A l d e n 2-7722 David Coyne 146 A l d e n 2-516.1 M a r i l y n Woods 10.1 A l d e n 2-5011 Colonial Quad I o x - c o l o n i c 459-1020 Hard Times Fri. & Sat. 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 1 Fireside 2 "For Jolly good fellow" 3 Seed covering 4 Distributed cards 17 Racer Yarborough 18 Baking medium 20 Star o f " F i d d l e r on the Roof" 24 Clockmaker Thomas, et a l . 25 Thomas Tryon's c h i l l e r , "The " 26 " Worker" 28 John W. Aldndgo's "The Fire" , Jr. 32 Auguries 34 1 , 2 , 3 , e t c . ( a b b r . ) 36 "The and the Pendulum" 37 Holy one ( a b b r . ) 39 Racer Gurney 40 G l i s t e n e d 45 A l t a r end o f a church 47 Food 50 Kitchen c l o t h i n g 51 Shore Michael i l c l c h k n p Livingston 304-3 7-K')58 Steve Di M e n 204 H a m i l t o n 7-8') 11 } )»<«•******** D u t c h Quad Jell Hollander Hiix IK01 7-79811 Nathan Suliinl .102 Van Rensselaer •7-7722 Jay Miller Box 122 7-7872 Mark Wechslcr Bus 417 7-7M.10 Indian Quad Larry Schwarl/ .105 Adirondack 7-50.M Mark I'lcvin Box 2047 7-511.11 Klllhy l i a r " " Bnxl)5l 7-K808 Slate Quad Kicli (ircenberg Box 1101 7-K')8l Cireg Lessnc Box 1753 7-41.55 Lddv llalpren .105 Steinmcl 7-4501 George Del.ilea Box 1885 7-47.1.1 Paul Rosenthal Box 1.117 7-4000 Commuters D a v i d Cnyne 161 Lark Streel 449-849.1 R o h v n I'erchik Wellington 1064 4.14-4141 Denise f u l l e r 4(H) Central Avenue 489-8027 Cathy Davis 65 Columbia Sireel 46.1-0.101) Cary Klein Id Benson Sued 465-648(1 Karen lepedino Wellington 660 4.14-4141 David Weprin 16 Benson Street 465-6486 Dianne Piche 55 Partridge Slreel 482-0598 Robert Herbert 161 Lark Street 44')-84l).l Elie A x e l r o i h 209 Ontario Street 465-7142 Steve Kill/ 2X9 Quail Slreel Anne M a r k o w i w Wellington 656 4.14-4141 J i m Levenson 470 Hudson Avenue 4.14-.1805 13 When Tilings Were H o m o comedy 8 p in. 13 Don Adams' Screen I est comedy 8:JI) p.m. last week's solution You are encouraged to contact your councilperson concerning any problems you may have. For your information, there are still openings on most council committees. The SA office, CC 346(7-6543) contains comprehensive files on each council member including voting record and attendance. 5 Whistle stops (2 wds.) 6 Dickens' "Hard — " 52 Wear away 7 MacGraw and 53 Opera s t a r Stevens Muhammad 54 Miss Markey 0 Longing 55 Ties the knot 9 Is concerned 56 Put i n storage 10 Comedy by Frederick 57 F-onch i n f i n i t i v e Lonsdale (3 wds,) 58 " I n the 11 Peruse Attic" 12 Actur H1neo, et a!.60 E x t i n c t b i r d >ee»ee»«e»eM»e»«e»»( ALBANY STUDENT PRESS ite NOVEMBKK7, 197S ALBANY STUDENT PRESS The SUNVA Experimental Theater will be presenting "The Diary of Adam and Eve," a one act musical comedy, on Nov. 7,8 and 9 In Lab II ol the PAC. "The Diary of Adam and Eve," directed by Janet DeRuvo, is actually the lirst act of a play entitled "The Apple Tree", with book, music and lyrics by Sheldon Harnick and Jerry Bock. Michael Folickman will star as Adam, Helena R. Geberer as Eve, Robert Solott as the Snake, and Amy Greenbaum and Abbey Davis as the Snake's girls. The story line is based on Mark Twain's conception ol what really happened in the Garden ol Eden. WEDNESDAY 29 I n d i v i d u a l 31 Jack singer' image. He cited Jackson Browne and the Burrilo Brothers as an example. Hcthcnaddcd"lt'sgetting to the point where it ain't even country music no more." He paused, relaxed, and said "Yeah, I could do some real country. 1 couldn't continue with that country rock musician image. I'm t o o black, and have too much latin in me." But Stills admits that he could not The first set was an electric one. go the limit like some groups. Hestill The band opened up with " L o v e the has too many roots in those light One You're With". Though a great punchy melodies he did with The band continued some rock n song, it was a bit sluggish. It lacked CSN Y and Buffalo Springfield back roll, including a rendition of " T u r n in the sixties. the tightness which developed as the Buck the Pages." However, a lew of concert moved along. To end this When I asked Stephen about the the songs in the latter part of the short first set, the band did a tremenmusic out these days, he had several show were loud and disturbing. One dous version of "Wooden ships," replies."! think a lot of bands pull off song (I didn't catch the name) was Stills was playing the breaks shit. Take Had Company. They have just a montage of heavy, rnuchy fast and smooth. The bass supplied guitars. It resembled some of Jimmy some dynamite songs on their the backbone to the song with Page's noise and was entirely unalbums, but all they do on stage is George "Chocolate" Perry really hit- called lor. It was too inconsistent jive . I keep listening, but I can't ting those notes. Even lead guitarist hear no music. They wouldn't pull with the rest of the music. On many Donnie Dncus, who played incon- ol these songs. Donnie Dncus played thai shit oil over in England, only sistentially all evening, smoked his lead guitar, He mixed some nice here." way through some good guitar riffs. sliding and rills with some annoying Slills was a little bitter when we The bund, who calls themselves car piercing sounds. discussed the press he gets from ecrthe "Macho Uutncau 1-orce" inRelaxed in his dressing room, siplain wrilers. " W e (CSNY) were the cludes Jerry Aiello on organ. Tubby pinga cup of beer. Stills related some lust ones lo do those stadium conZiggler on drums. Joe Lain on perol his feelings on the music he played certs a lew years back. We knocked cussions along with Stills. Duetts and during lhe night, and what he used to them out all over the place, and we Perry. play. " I want «to expand I'm much got lour paragraphs ol print. Il'sthat I he Hand exiled 1 lie stage and left loo versatile to he playing one brand luck Jon l a n d a u from Hollinu Stills alone with his acoustic guitars. of music." When 1 asked about the Sinne and his writer friends around Stephen sal on a stool with a guitar hard rock he played, he simply said. the country. Where does he get off in hand and began , with a beautiful " I love to play lead guitar man! I putting people down like me, .loni version ol "Change Partners." He need anot her direction to look into. I Mitchell and others." He complayed a long set by himself, and won feel alter a while that some of the mented on Landau's selling of Bruce his audience's appreciation song country rock music is pussy shit." He Springsteen, w h o let Landau went on further and said "Some of alter song. This was the best segment manage him when things were getthese country rock groups take of the concert. ting r o u g h . " l don't feel that Springsthings too serious. They are so into Stills was at his besi, "sittin back teen, or anyone should have to live t h e ' I am beautiful country and rockin gently." He performed such songs as " B l a c k b i r d " , Alumni Quad MONDAY Experimental Theatre Royal Rash Fri. & Sat. 7:30, 9:30 Fine A r t Center 8:00 p.m. 8 p.m. $.25 3 Days of the Condor Fri. & Sat. 720. 9:40 SUNDAY Russell Sage College, Bare M t n . Boys "Everybody's Talking" (Midnight Cowboy), "Crossroads", and believe it or not, an acoustic version of "Redhousc" by Jimi Hendrix. When I asked Stills about this he commented " I guess if I did it electric it might have come off a little more real, but no one could follow Hendrix around and do it like he does." However, by this time Stills had gone through so many beautiful songs that it came off incredibly refined. by Don Sperling Stephan Stills brought his band into Albany Tuesday, and performed a near three hour concert al the Palace Theatre. The concert was a bit uneven, mixingsomc of his old country rock tunes with some loud heavy rock. However, most of the songs were played well enough to satisfy the audience. you, ami it just don't happen up to the hype that Landau has anymore." made, because when I see SpringsStills seemed content with his perteen, he. better be on fire. No one should have to be put under such formance. And so did most of the great pressure. I'm just me, and I go crowd on hand. Near the end of our talk I asked him where his No. 21 out there and do my shit as I reel." I asked Steve about old times, and Steve Tannen football jersey was. some of the people he played with, "They put the guy on 'injured reserve' for the season, so I did the like Eric Clapton. "We never cut a record or played in front of an same with the shirt." As I was leaving audience onstage, but we jammed a he said " I want you to thank all the lot together." Dallas Taylor and people up at the school for letting me Fuzzy Samuels also played with play some squash i n the gym. Man, I Stills and Clapton. "Out styles con- was tired as hell." I suggested that he flicted, me and Eric. It affected me try some four wall paddleball." Yeah, too much, which affected Dallas and maybe next time around." Conhuzzy. It's one ol'lhosclhings where sidering the talent and dedication of Stephen Stills. I'm hoping f o r a few you're hot for a while, and you feel it tlowing. but then something halts more "next time .around*." NOVEMBER 7, L97 I PAGE 3A amm inmnmiimiuwiiiiDiii i imi mam mimwft'm photographs by erica marcus poem by daniel gaines 1 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS NOVEMBER?, 1975 PAGE 5A Threeater on Laing: Twisted Pathway* by Bruce ConoaH; Union College. Brick and ivy picture book college. The young college parents whisper about when the brightest baby in the world babbles its first word. T o o dignified t o compete with Exxon stations and The White Tower, but still aware of those things. A sanctuary. Ideas live there, and people who have ideas pass through. Last Friday night Threeater performed "Laing: Investigations," a collage of elements from British psy- chiatrist R.O. Laing's Knots. The Politics of Experience, and The Politics of the Family, in Union's Memorial Chapel. Peter Crockett, Masha Stackman, Gordon Talley— Threeater—three people. People w h o are also talented actors. Probably mad. "Schizophrenia is a disease and the germs which spread it are words," according to one member of Kingsley Hall, one of Laing's experimental communes that aims to provide an alternative to mental in- stitutions. People. Not the "doctor! vs. to sickies." N o labels t o live up to or t o live down. N o words to hide behind. Life is fluid, dynamic, nonlinear. Words are a little stiffer. Trying to find the words that most closely fit the life experience is sometimes called art. Failure to take life and beat it into a shape that will fit t h e confines of words is usually called schizophrenia, at least by those who have words on their side, normal people. A little introspection is much more important than a familiarity with or acceptance or Laing's ideas in appreciating Threeater. Catalysts. If you haven't looked down those haunted, twisting pathways, they'll help you. If you already have, don't worry; t he same cancers are breeding inside most people, but only a few The Claaaical Foram$»a#H##^^ Pericles-Ail Onion Headed Zeus &SSS!SS8)SSS9SS$$S8$SSf& smmmmmmm pie upon expiration of their terms. In modern democratic societies government officials must also expect t o become the target of political jokes and cartoons, satirical essays, and political cabaret acts. Humor becomes, in effect, another means of keeping officials in line. The ancient Athenians prided themselves in parrhesia. something akin to our concept of free speech. In the fifth century B.C. Athenian comic poets regularly used their plays to make fun of leading politicans. Aristophanes frequently attacked Cleon, a general and politician during the earlier years of the Peloponncsian War. (Among his other victims were leading intellectuals such as Euripides and Socrates.) Some years earlier another comic poet, Cratinus, had picked on none Peridee wearing • helmet < other than Pericles," the most fail rlrtw ti\.\> U.IIIII renowned statesman ever produced WA ,!•>; sin ill l / l l u n ' by 'Athens/Cra'tinUS called'Periciesan "onion-headed Zeus." The second In democratic societies governhalf of this epithet refers to Pericles' ment officials are subject ot cilo grand manner; he was also nicknamstitutional controls. In our own ed "the Olympian." The first half of society the Watergate affair has the epithet refers to a physical shownthat our system of checks and characteristic, a slightly misshapen balances works, however slowly. In head. Pericles apparently was ancient Athens, the birthplace of vulnerable on this point. We know democracy, officials were subject to from another source that he would recall while in office and had t o give an account ol themselves t o the peo- Robin St. at Central Ave. Albany (You can tee us from the Draper Bui Stop) "The Frank Morgan Band" KKSBSSBSSSSSS allow no portrait of himself without a helmet to cover the defect. The British Museum in London possess one such portrait of Pericles, a Roman copy of a Greek original. Unusual or undesirable physical features have given trouble to other leaders through history. The Romans made fun of Caesar's baldness. And who could ever forget the st rand of hair in Hitler's fore head or Nixon's nose? media madness*-****saasgssssssssfw mpete for the Stars have dared to face them. Threeater demands a lot of their audiences. Entertainment isn't their primary goal. If you went there, you worked. You learned things because you went through them, not because somebody described them or acted them out. In "Smiles," a piece based on a study which revealed that a mother smiles at her infant only when she initiates the smiling, but remains expressionless if the infant tries to draw a smile from her, I'ctcr, Masha, and Gordon went out into the audience. II someone smiled, they kept a straight luce; if someone appeared non-committal, they smiled at him. Masha stopped next to me. Stone face.' Come on, hang my head, in trouble, kidding. Smile at me. Stone face. Smile at me. I know what you're doing. Smile? She walked away. She beat me. For three seconds she was my mother and she had beaten me badly. I'm fully grown and able to defend myself. It was a play. I knew what she was doing and why. And she still whipped me. Child abuse. You'll like these people. They'll be by again soon so keep an eye out for them. Alter the presentation they came out and sat on the edge 61 the stage and talked to the people who wanted to listen and listened to the people who wanted to talk. They won't tell you anything you don't already know. 1 just depends on whether you're ready to admit that you know it. Want to win an album? STUDENTS by l.on Levin Growing u p with TV did have a lew outstanding influences on my perception of the world. 1 once believed that bcinga bigstar. anentcrtainer, must be the best life in the world. Whenever I watched, there they were on the screen - h a p p y , healthy wonderful people. Celebrities made me laugh and enjoy myself. I, in lurn, adored them for making me and millions of others feel good. Celebrities were better people than politicians because they could say the same things while looking prettier. They always got moreapplausc on The Tonight Show when they took a stand or said something profound, regardless of the depth of the issue or their minds. Celebrities were better people than scientists because although technology has enhanced our "pursuit of happiness." a scientist could not "do one more number for us before they go." Celebrities were better people than God because God never made me laugh with a good joke. Personally. I never found Hoods, plagues or crucifixions very funny. I will admit Moses had a few good lines in the Hook of Exodus). Celebrities were higher than we were: hence "stars." Steah&Breuj The Greatest Eating & Drinking Public House Ever! ALL THE BEER, WINE OR SANGRIA ^iTaHllNOTlf * SAVE YOUR TICKET STUB! -IT COULD BE VALUABLEM i l l ALL THE SALAD TOUCANMAEE Our huge Salad Bar provides the greens and the dressings lor you to rreale your own masterpiece. «»» EVERY WEEK, A NUMBER WILL BE DRAWN FROM THE PREVIOUS WEEK'S PROGRAMMING EVENTS, G O O D FOR 1 FREE RECORD OF I YOUR CHOICE AT: ii .* *r Quench your thirst with chilled pitchers of beer, wine, sangria or b i n h lu'or. Have as much as you like. PLUS A BOMELESS SIRLOIN STEAK •4.96 lor ™fast '5.95 i unior irloin Dave Mason it's About Time it was difficult for Mason (or anyone) to maintain the high quality. On the succeeding albums, dueto this problem. Mason found himself redoing his own songs. It isn't that Mason wasn't expanding, or at least trying to expand, his capabilities, it was j ust t hat he found himself locked into an almost set mold. In l")73. Mason's career took a sharp turn for the better. He switched his recording company from Blue t h u m b Records to CBS Records. And. with the aid of friends such as tiraham Nash and David Crosby accompanying him and his band on instruments and vocals. Mason released three highly successful albums, the latest^ being the recent Split Coconut. Probably the main reason for Dave Mason's upward success is the g r o u p ' s second guilarist. Jim Kruegar. In concert the two men trade off lead guitar solos and work closely together to produce a tight souirJ that shows through in both concerts and recordings. In concert. DaveMason is joined by: Kick Jaeger on drums. Cierald Johnson on buss, and Jay Winding on keyboards. These men play to each other, working together to create an overall solid, cohesive years ago (the other two being the musical set. I here is little pressure to New Riders and Hot luna), outshine one another, the men are l o r years, the Albany area has working lor the good ol the hand been neglected by artists lor conand not their egos. certs. The only major shows to be A Dine Mason concen is much put on, until last year, were sponsored cither by UC'H. or some other like a cross section ol his musical school, loday, in 1975. the story is career. Songs, his early recoru,uitc different, with o n e t o t w o c o n - ding days with traffic arc usually ;i certs a week. I he Mason concen.will lound in his set, such as "You Can definitely be one ol the highlights of All Join In" and "Pearly Queen." Along wilh these songs, one of I his concert-filled semester. Mason's well known concert pieces Dave Mason was one of the is "All Alonglhe Waichtower."donc original members of Traffic. It was in memory ol Jimi Hcndrix. Mason who was responsible for the Along wilh lliese lid bits. Mason group's first hit."Holcin MyShoc." has over half a do/en solo albums lo After several hassles involving conchoose songs Irom. flicts of interests, Mason left the Dave Mason has come a long way highly successful group to do work since his early solo days. Instead of on his own. playing at clubs like the Troubadour His first solo album. Alone Together, which featured such ar- Room and colleges like SUNYA. he tists as Delaney and Bonnie, is now headlining al Radio City Hramlett, Jim Keltner, Jim Capaldi, Music Hall, Saraioga Performing ... and a hosl of others. The album Ails Center, and colleges like was of such outstanding quality thai SUNYA. by Matt Kaufman To many people, it may appear as a form of deja vu—to others it is extreme ecstasy, to the majority though ... "it's about time." At the Palace Theatre on November 14, UC'B (University Concert Board) will present Dave Mason and band in concert, the third in a scries of three concerts featuring groups that had played in the Albany area t w o Reecguu l a r Sirloin AMD THAT'S NOT ALL Old-Fashioned Beefsteak 5.95 4 5 Barbecued Chicken * Half-Pound Steakburger on a Seeded Bun 3.95 "Two 45'* and an album on the way" "Frank Morgan Band" Just Super Music This Fri. and Sat. night Nov. 78.8 And these big liars were knows as "personalities," as if any other station in life meant that you were devoid of one. I feared becoming a person without a personality. How could I get a good credit rating without it? Don Adam's Screen Test i s a game show based on these attitudes. Two carefully screened contestants compete lor, as Don says, "a chance to work in a major motion picture in the hope of being discovered and going for that one-in-a-million long shot, acarcer in the movies." The contestants recreate a scene from a classic movie "with a big guest star" and are then judged by a famous director as t o who is the more promising actor or actress. "Big stars" who have appeared on the show are such immortals as Martin Milner, Lorctta Swit. Lyle Waggoner, Robert Conrad and Greg Morris. The contestants arc dehumanized from start to finish. Before they begin their screen test, Don Adams sagaciously says, in one sardonic breath, "Thejudges will be watching hut don't be nervous and just relax." The contestant and the big star both view the scene they are about to act out. Then they are whisked away and made up for their pari in a matter of 60 seconds. TV time. I'lle contestant, for our entertainment, sometimes must cut their hair off or shave their beard In order to fit the part. I he judges are pcrhnpsthc most perceptive people in the worlil. Their decisions are based upon how a contestant portrays the character chosen. Some complementary r o l e s w e r e t h e Wolfman, l-rankenslcin's monster and the typical Indian Chief. I he female parts are mostly as sex objects. And all the usual winy big star "I can't wait till the part where I touch her" jokes complete the package. However, the show is a refreshing change it taken in the context ol most game shows. Instead of money or corporate prizes, they give away careers to the winners. Don Adam's Screen Test would he greatly improved if the game part were cut out and they let the entire film be shown. I line in next week. JUST A SONG" RECORDS AND THE GOURMET* CHOICE *»*• Mark V Travel Club Inc. presents $59.00 to Miami Round trip via deluxe motorcoach NYC to Miami Jan. 2, 1976 to Jan. 11, 1976 CONSULT THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF NEXT FRIDAY'S ASP FOR THE WINNING NUMBER. WINNER MUST COME TO S.A. OFFICE (CC-346) TO CLAIM CERTIFICATE FOR RECORD '' ! >t Dance to live m u s k or sit back and listen to thi-good sounds in our lounge. A complete selection of S T R O N G E R SPIRITS is available for those who choose to imbibe it neat, or in cocktails or highballs. Steaft&Bretu Wolf Rd. Park Colonic 458-7845 Luxurious accomodations available at Marco Polo and Desert Inn ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 6 A NOVEMBER 7, 1 9 ' Nicholson Garfunkel Margaret tn Nichols CARNAL KNOWLEDGE Sun. Nov. 9 7:30 and 10:00 I C 50*- Colonial Quad Card 75«-Tax Card $ 1 . 0 0 - none 18 Funded by Colonial Quad Board —Brought to you by YOUR STUDENT ASSOCIATION Call Now-457-7806 Jack Art Ann Mike Lobster Tails Steak & Lobster Tail Filet Mignon • M H * The Bijou presents NOVEMBER, 1975 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 7A ^^^m ^^^vmmmnMf^^mmm^m^f HELP WANTED •oft" or "flat," which hat nothing to do with bubbles or the lack of them. An overly acidic wine is too sharp, like unsweetened lemon tfnee on I V i W A Single Swallow through your nose. Pay close attention to the flavors as they fade away, for some characteristics of the wine may be revealed only in what is termed the finish—i.e., the sensations that occur after the wine has been swallowed. As in the nose, we seek in the taste a clean, vinous quality appropriate to the occasion. We may also find suggestions of fruit, spice or other pleasant flavors. Some Ruby Cabernet, for example, will show hints of green olive; other wines from thesame grape may suggest a eucalyptus grove. Putting the wine in your mouth also reveals certain characteristics apart from flavor. The most important arc total acidity (tartness), sugar level (sweetness), astringency (bitterness) and body (impression of weight or substance). Wine needs a certain amount of acidity in order to feci at all interesting in the mouth. A wine deficient in acid can be described as "too by R. Corbin Houchlm This column concludes our discussion of basic tasting technique with an actual taste of the wine. After giving your nose a few moments to recover from the nose of the wine {i.e., thesum of the aromas and bouquet), take enough wine to taste—about an ounce—into your mouth. Don't swallow it yet. First roll the wine around to make sure it touches all parts of the tongue. Next, holding the wine on your palate, open your lips very slightly in a somewhat puckered shape and, breathing through the mouth, take a deep breath. It's rather like whistling backwards. As you breathe in, press your tongue upward intermittently so the air passes through the , wine with a discreet gurgling sound. Close your mouth, exhale and, as you do so, swallow the wine. Notice the relationship between the taste sensations on your palate and the aromatic components that pass Social Welfare major desperately needs help in order to pass Bio 202. Please coll Sharon at 482-6458. Keep trying. Thanks. Stuff envelopes. Make $25. per 100 at home in your spare time. Some people make $100. weekly. Names, envelopes, postage supplied. Rush $1. for starting kit. M.J. Evans, Dept. 2A, 9222 Samel, Morongo Valley, Calif. 92256. juice. If the wine has no noticeable sweetness it is considered dry. Some wines benefit from a little residual sugar, so it is hot true that the driest wine is the best. However, with some notable exceptions sugar tends to mask complexity, so becoming acclimated to drier wines is a step toward fuller appreciation. Astringency is caused primarily by tannic compounds, which are natural components of grapes. Li ke acid, astringency is necessary to a moderate .degree, lest the wine taste insipid. Excessive bitterness usually shows up most prominently in the finish. Acid, tannin and sugar arc about all your taste buds can distinguish by themselves. However, your mind can integrate a number of sensations caused chiefly by the alcoholic content to arrive at an impression of substance in the mouth. A wine too low in body tastes watery, a wine with too much body is hot and volatile to the taste, as if it were laced with vodka. The last step is to judge how harmoniously the various aspects of the wine combine. A modest, well balanced wine is often preferable to one withgrandcrpartsthat are ill-matched. FOR SALE 1973Capri, V6, 4spd, newrodiali, AM-FM, 25 MPO. Mint condition. Asking $2,475. Coll 457-8877. Cadillac 7 4 Coupe DeVills. Excellent condition, very clean. 22,000 mi. $5,795. Coll 377-6087 or 370-3046. Pioneer 424, Pair Criterion 333's, Garrard 40b. $230. Call Phyllil at 482-4705. Bruno Venturing guitar: nylon-stringed, in excellent condition. $50. Call Ellen at 4728737. I'd like to leave you with one of the very few tricks in the wine tasting trade. Write down your impressions as you form them. There is little physiological difference between one palate and the next: appreciation depends upon what the brain does with the sensations, force yourself to articulate what you perceive in the wine, and you will very shortly discover you can perceive much more. • One pair Rossignol Stroto 102 skis with Look Nevada bindings. Also t pair Lange Pro ski boots (size 11). Whole package only $150. Coll 449-2284. Men's Frye boots (size 12). Brown, squared toe, hardly worn. $25. Coll Dan at 4820448. Metal skis 185 cm., boots, bindings, poles. Good condition. Price negotiable. Call Mark at 489-1517. "Mission" style golden oak library table/desk. Completely refinished. Call 482-6292. Skis. 200 cm. Atomics. Used 1 seasnn. With Solomon bindings. Both in excellent condition. $50. Call 449-5295 eves. b l SERVICES fwciW/«wsi±.Ti»R| <SS» /FGUESS ' 4 THAT ? IN SKIOKE,' 0 Psychic Development Classes, also private readings for advice or problem solving, by appointment. Call Ms. Claudia Le Marquand at 372-6378. Recession? Depression? Phooeyl Business is great here. We are leaders in a field of a great new product. Call Ann for info, from 9-11 p.m. at 456-4413. Classical guitar lessons at all levels. Call Mitchell at 465-4130. Cashier-coat check—Parttime. Attractive appearance required. Apply after 9 p.m., Tues -Sat., Varsity Inn, Rt. 155, Colonic. Keyboard player wanted for working soul band. Call Kevin at 436-0241. Tutor—statistics; all psychology; elementary trench, mathematics. Experienced. Call Bonnie at 436-0065. HOUSING Apt. needed—2 bedrooms, furnished—for Jan. 1st occupancy. Call 457-4976. Two male off-campus students to take over a dorm contract for next semester. Call Fred at 457-3272. Female needed for Madison Ave. apt. as of Jan. 1976. Own room. $75. plus electricity. Off busline. Call Marsha at 482-4058. Roommate wanted to share three bedroom garden apt. Full kitchen, Cr, OR. $78. monthly. Call Robin or Chris at 472-5169. Semi-furnished apt. near Draper for 4 or 5 students in townhouse. $335. monthly, including utilities. Call 434-8855 anytime. S69 Ski Week. Andirons Lodge, Mount Snow, Vermont. Meals, entertainment, pool, sauna, tennis PLUS! Jan. 4-9 or 11-16, Call Jackie at 465-1314, Avon Products. Call Joan at 438-0380. Ride wanted to Syracuse or Watertown (or points north of Syracuse on Rt. 81) onThur., Nov. 13 after 12 (noon). Call Rob Stuckey at 457-8909. LOSTEtFOUND A set of keys on a keyring with a "bota" (little wine convas) was lost last week—very important. May hove been lost in green Volkswagon from hitching. If found, please coll 457-7740. Bass trombone in black case was lost by the Administration Bldg. Call 449-55355 offer 9 p.m. Reward! Anyone knowing where Baba Ham Doss con be found, please call Paula at 4727351. A male off-campus student to take over a dorm contract for next semester. Call Ron at 472-8409. Room for one male in nice apt. 2nd semester, on busline. $80. monthly, all inclusive. Call 436-0324, PERSONALS Hi Folks, I'm sure you guys will be able to find this, so-o-o... Just want to say, "I love you all and take care. Will be home soon! K. Ling Ling L. WANTED Typing service; term papers, etc. Call Doris at 456-0241, RIDERS MRIDE Desk, bicycle rims 27 X 1 V* inches, frame backpack, and Arlo Guthrie albums. Call 785-4251. Tom, The two weeks are over— my place or youri? Here's to the happiest birthday ever, With love, Elaine. Used down sleeping bag and rucksack. Call 436-8760 for Lenore or Hillary. Albany State Travel Club returns to... VP33T B if* Mi a mi • :- '• uoi • »i -••• i r—.-. S for only $3.39 • > Hotel and. t a x . only$ ' J * Jan. 2, 1976 through Jan 11, 1976 includes: 7 nights at the Desert Inn plus roundtrip passage on new Deluxe Motorcoach Call now for further info and reservations: 457-4048 .• Bonnie Raitt's Based on Q u a d occupancy it, "Home Plate" *? v :V * I •V thru 11-13-75 y ; ^ * for a l l domestic $5.98 and $6.98 list albums, and our fantastic selection of $1.99 and $2.99 LP's will make Agent Wen, #18/19: LT.S.G. Bulletin; Project Windowpanepriority one. Bring the shy locksmith. Agent Sue, # 4 / 5 love, Robin, Jill, Gail, El, and Beth, This poem is dedicated to our dear friend Hey, don't tell anyone, but there's some cheating going on. Well, at least tell me. ASP reporter collecting anecdotes, Call Dan or leave a message at 457-8892 or 4898683. Puss 1, Ya che coham je t'aime te quiero Understand? p U H 2. To one of the most beautiful people I know. You'll always be special to me. Happy Birthday. Love, the "roar" whose never been to Yonkers. Rich Who's in isolation. Oh, what a bitch! We keep trying to call you, but to no avail. The nurses they say you're still very pale. The red cap does miss you And so do we all Not to mention Your boss at the mall. That jaundice physique And highly advanced brain Just going to waste While you lie there in pain. Get your ass back here, And we'll give you o hug before you get started on cleaning the rug. love.Mike, Leslie, Shesh and Howie. I care for no one else but you. 1 tear my soul to cease the pain... I'm not quite sure what I'm supposedtodo So I'll just write some love to you. Your Patti. Teddy", With each problem we grow closer, but let us have as Utile problems as possible! "I still hate you". Panda, Wont a wild weekend? Come to the gym for the 24 hour telethon Sasketbaft Marathon. 7-7 p.m.—Saturday-Sunday. Be there, To downstairs, Happy Birthday to two of the greatest guys we know. It's great being/'ontop" and we love you. Love, Upstairs. No matter what we say or do, remember, Lisa, we love you. Happy 19th Birthday. Love, Barbara and Sue. ! T"*r"* Tho on 0< * _____? Jody: Happy lBth, Here's your personal! I'd bettei see this on your wall. 50-50 all the way. You're my favorite Staten Islander. Tom. Girls—Are you bored ogain. Call Jack or Gary and we'll have a good time. Call 75097. Tonight Dclamey Hall Celebrates and you're invited. Beer, munchies, and music. AH for 50*, Dear Doug & Ahh, Since it's your birthday, you can come to our party. Happy Birthday. Love, Tania and Sue. P,S. Ahh—don't forgot— you're in charge of food. Dear Dad, Hope your birthday is as happy as the amount that I love you. RBT. Donald, Thanx for making this last year a happy one! S.O.Y.F.? Me. Innocence is: Dick Sleeper. Fred and Matt. The winning numbers for the Just-A-Sang free album contest this week are; Albany State Cinema—Yellow Sub.— 004059 and I.F.G. —80B543 A very Happy Birthday to our dearest and only head Kronie. Love, Karen's Kronies. Paul, We just bought a new ambulance, but you've got to build it from scratch! Fred and Matt. Attention graduates of SUNYA. 1 need info, for o feature article being done on grads for the Aspects magazine. Would greatly appreciate response. Call Cynthia at 4578954, - - ' Happy Anniversary Toto, 5 mos, down, A lifetime to go! Wanna try another monthjt??? Forever Yours... Third Hand now accepting bookings through November/December. Call Paul at 438-1028 or Frank at 482-3580. Coffee House—Sunday at 8 p.m.—State Quad Flagroom. Bare Mountain Boys at State Flagroom this Sunday at 8 p.m. Quad Coffee House featuring the Bare Mountain Boys this Sunday at State Quad Flagroom sponsored by STB. Deor Rob and Meryl, Happy Anniversary!!! Love, ENen and Jeff. Kathy & Melinda, We'll be seeing you at the Telethon Basketball Marathon this Saturday and Sunday in the gym. Love.S.U.N.Y.A. Golden Lady: You are truly the Sunshine of my life. "Take me right away!" Matador. P.S.—Once upon a time there was a boy who was very much in love with a girl named To be continued for a very very long time! Thanx for a great weekendl „„ Al Smith Sporting Goods Albany, NY 47 Green St. This in addition to our everyday shelf price of $ 3 . 9 9 You are most greenly admired by me. Is that okay? Deur Becky, Words never say enough but we hope you know how much you mean to us and how much we love you. Happy Birthday. Dutch Quad Hot Breakfast Club standings as of Nov. 4th: I.H.O.P.874.0 State—3.5 Dutch—-3.0 Alumni—3.0 Colonial—2.9 Indian—2.8 (Rating Scale: 1-5) and the Desert Inn Motel You can 'SCORE' • Want a real rat? Come to a meeting Monday night 8-9 p.m. in the RathskeJIar Bar and discuss the changes you'd like to see. Is it true that M.B. of AF-202 has a cute ass? Check and see. Guess who? Foxy, You certainly are! included L ' AnonyMissu. lauro wears site 32AA bra. 3/22/39, *": ' Vj it Ralph-Kenny, If it's triangle-bisenuolity you're into, I f f O.K. with us. Belated birthday greetings to Sigma Tau Beta Fraternity. U'i'i-Lj i* v I YOU CAN JUST ABOUT STEAL HOME PLATE The members of Third Hand would like to thank all the people who came to see us at the Class of '78 Halloween Party last Friday for making it the best gig we ever played. W e hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did—for us it was a dream come true. Special thanks to our loyal fans who have stuck with us through everything. You know who you arel Frank, Paul, Joe, Gary, and Fran. Marcia, Keep the O.T.T.S. going. Happy 17th. Lovt, Debbie and Jeanine. Rocco and Girls of 1803, Want some REAL action? We had a 'heart' on tool Love, Guys of 1602. '..'• it * Today is Tuesday! Bar, Happy Birthday to you, ditto, Happy Birthday dear Bar!, Happy Birthday to you! (What is 3 days to 5 months?) Lot* as always, with love, Dor. 465-6337 Rowlings-Wilson- Louisville SluggerAdidas - Pumas - Converse - Tiger - N ike -Uniforms-Trophies-Team T-shirts Just A Song your M.V.S. (most valuable store) $1 00 w/out - ««« - g_ J*"* A HB§ 8 4 Ccntral Avc ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 8A mmimmmmm ' Alban V ' N-Y' NOVEMBER 7, 1975 NOVEMBER 7, 1975 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE NINE m m"'fi'\m » letters Publicizing Channels TothcEdHor: We would like to respond to Michael Liuner'i letter in iTuesday'M.S/><Nov.4) in which he condemns SAfor not meeting his personal needs. We hope that Mr. Lissner does not honestly expect SA officials to do what he is suggesting. Besides the fact that oncampus students do not constitute the entire student population, the purpose of having Central Council representatives is to receive student input into SA activities. In addition, the SA office is opento all students from 9—S, five days per week. There is a Central Council meeting every Wednesday night in which all students may speak. There are many committees whose membership is open to all students and SA is willingto help organize any new committees to meet student needs. We hope that concerned students like Mr. Lissner will follow these suggestions in order to help Student Association fulfill student needs. Kathy Baron, Central Council Representative Colonial Quad Eric Kuehn Acting Personnel Director, Student Association The Other Side To the Editor: After reading the latest issues of the ASP,. we began to question the objectivity of this important mean in representing the viewpoints of the whole student body, with their diverse beliefs and nationalities. Although we bitterly recognize that any majority has more privileges and thus more effectiveness, we still don't want toseethe/tS/'dominated by one group. By reviewing almost the whole issues of the ASP, it is rare not to find in each one, more than one article condemning the Arabs and praising the Jews and the Jewish state. And because the community at SUNY is not exposed toithe other side of the story, we believe that they are the victims of one point of view. The fault lies partly on us, Arab students at SUNY, but mainly because we arc greatly outnumbered. What we'd liketo see the members of this institution doing, is to question always the validity of what they read and to ask themselves, "Is this really true?' and "What might be the other point of view?' For as intellectuals, this is the way we must approach any issue and find the facts by ourselves. Commenting on some articles, we have read repeatedly inlhc ASP. wefindthe Jews always complaining that they are supressed and mistreated by the whole world. This reminds us of a story which tells us about a little kid who everyday used to come to hisfather complaining that he was hit by somebody. At the beginning, the father was concerned and paid attention, but later he recognized the fact that something must be wrong with the kid himself. We think that it is about time to recognize that this kind of policy that the Jews follow is only to get the sympathy of the people, and especially the Americans, so as to achieve their goals, such as to get more and more aid and support to their cause. We hope that what was written here will throw a shed of light on the other side of the story, and that students at SUNY will come to recognize that there are Arab students, though very few, but willing to explain their point of view. Maha llamden PAGE TEN mm Would you believe they have the tame, Jew* at Jewish-oriented functions; not only at drives that every college student hat? Some something you want t o do, but at something love to party, raise all kind of hell, even do ^ou should do. If you disagree, explain it to things that according to the law are illegal. the survivors of Aushwitz, Bergen-Belsen, and There are also some who are studious, who Riga; or the relatives of the six million who spend hours upon hours studying to make died merely for being Jews—hiding just like grades, so that they too canfitinto the rat race' you. of the world, But they have a problem of being Michael S. Cohen, chairman TothcEdHor: accepted by other students as their peers. I Student Committee for Israel A common trait found in many civilizations really don't know why it should be that way, Jewish Students Coalition is that the exploited groups are often involved do you? in fighting amonpt themselves, rather than in Except for the apparent physical joining forces to strive to improve their situa- differences, they have the same physical, and tion. In the Tuesday editorial(Nov. 4), the emotional drives as any "normal" person. ASP gave proof to this theory. Instead of un- They like being a part of college life. The dorm iting with Student Association to strive for parties, sports tournaments (oh sure they can't common goals, ihe ASP is engaging in petty play but they sure can yell), even joining To the Editor: power struggles. fraternities and sororities are part of their daii find it most curious that some faculty All too often we are plagued by sen- ly lives. They like to feel that if someone has a members would consider reacting to a student sationalized news stories of "supposed" SA problem, they too can be a shoulder to cry on, majority on the FSA Membership Board by politics. Unfortunately, much of the or someone you can confide in. And believe it voting to remove students from the University groundwork done within the Association, or not, they even have the same attractions to Senate. This information comes to me via the with the cooperation of less "vocal" faculty someone of the opposite sex. They too need most recent of the occasional ASPs we have and staff, rarely receives attention by the ASP. the problems and the joys of being in love. received over here. This tends to weaken the credibility of the Such reactions would reflect serious misSure they are different in some ways, but in Association. understandings on the part of the less most they have the same ideas and confusions We realize our place in the university, and every college student has. If this makes you enlightened Faculty members. First of all, due hope that the A SP does as well. We look to the think at all about the disabled, why not come to state guidelines a student majority will be ASP for direction, perspective and always, to a seminar put on by Students for the Imallowed only on the Membership Board. The assistance.. Membership Board is a relatively powerless provement of Programs for the Handicapped Richard Meckler (SIPH)? It will be held on November 10, from body with nowhere near the power of the Vice President, 1:00 to 4:00 in the CC Assembly Hall. There Board of Directors of the University Senate. Student Association will be short speakers, movies, -wine and The primary function of the Membership Board is to select the Board of Directors under cheese, and a panel discussion, where you can previously mandated student/faculty/adask anything that you would like to know, ministration ratios. The actual operations of from what they feel to what they do. So please the FSA are determined by the Board of come and enjoy, maybe even open your mind Directors, which decides what endeavors FSA to people that are "like other people." will undertake, approves the budget, sets meal Mary Chapman contract rates, etc. So faculty members talking To the Editor: of a Membership Board-Senate tradeoff are 1 would like to take issue with your erroneous if they see some degree of equality November 4 editorial entitled, "No More in doing so. Giggling." Much of your complaints against Common Goals Quote of (he Day: "Evidently when he (Ford) speaks of the conduct of past officials of New York State, he's unmindful of Vice President Rockefeller." Governor Hugh Carey mux A*E m o a ww WAYMW WITH t Squeezing... SUNYA's administration projects an increase of approximately 1,000students here between now and 1980, assuming that extra funding is received. It is essential that any effort to support programs and services by using a high enrollment t o argue for more money not jcopordize SUNYA's excellent teacher-student ratio nor leave extra students stranded in the streets of Albany. In other words, SUN YAshould not play a game with SUNY Central or the state by avoiding cuts through class crowding. The state either supports quality education or it shouldn't have higher public education. Spain's Eye on SA and Adjusting "Students will simply have to live off campus," says Vice President for Management and Planning John Hartley, and with the SUNY-wide moratorium on construction there would indeed be no additional on-campus housing for expected increases in enrollment. rim The administration appears committed lo having more students. If so, it must then be committed to insuring off-campus students the quality of life essential to their university education. Solutions such as prefabricated housing or semi-commercial student appartment construction would go a long way towards alleviating the increased crunch for living space. Hut the administration's committment to off-campus students, especially those not living at home, must include more than finding space. Money should be allocated for more busing. There already is a need for a bus down Madison Avenue that could then take Lark Street to Washington Avenue. Resources should be diverted lo the Office of Student Affairs where it can be used to expand the promising work of Acting Assistant Dean for Student Life Sue Pierce to help the off-campus student. The university must be acutely aware that they have responsibility for students they have accepted but not housed. Legal advice, transportation, and other services are already in great need. Dean Pierce is now working with Student Association's OffCampus Association in a rare example of direct cooperation between SA and the administration, and has set up a beginning structure for these services. They will become increasingly important in the coming years. Senseless Giggles Student Association make little or no sense, and are based on little or no facts. Your complaint of a "power play" to take over the FSA membership board makes the ASP sound like an administration lackey. In the past, the administration and faculty have nearly always voted as a block to push through what they want. Have you complained of their "power plays?'This time, the students were able to unite on an important issue and take a majority on the FSA. Students generate over 90% of FSA's income. Does it not make sense that we should have majority input into the corporation? Indiscussingthc Mohawk tower issue of the ASP again complains of "heavy handed" tactics used by SA officials. Is disagreeing with President Fields' decisiontotaketwoweeksto make a study of the feasibility of making a study of the feasibility of converting Mohawk lower to dorm space really heavy handed'.' The ASP even goes so far as to complain that "Even SA's student assistants and secretaries mock the Executive Branch behind their backs." I'erhaps ihose who work for the ASP look up to their editors with god-like adoration, but the people who work in the SA office arc human and they have the capacity to understand humor. Bauman and Meckler are not gods, nor do they pretend to be. The people in Student Association work hard, and are trying to represent the students, in working with the administration and other everyday tasks. I haven't seen any evidence that "most segments of the university" are "turned off by SA," as you claimed in your editorial. Perhaps it is ihe ASP editorial staff that is turned off because their requests for a doubling of their stipends has been rejected by Central Council. William Heller SIPH Seminar To Ihe Editor: What do you think when you see a person in a wheelchair, with braces or crutches; a blind person tapping along with a cane? Are they really like you, or for that matter "like other people"? Jews In Hiding? To the Editor: I am writing in reference to the response, or more accurately the lack of it, on the part of the Jewish students at SUNYA. Contrary to popular appearance, there are more than 4060 Jews here—the others are just hiding! As chairman of a Jewish Students Coalition committee, I get to witness first hand the total apathetic nature of the Jews on campus—and it sickens me. JSC is the only Jewish si• dents' organization here; and many students use an unfounded "dislike" for the organization and the people in it as an excuse to avoid any Jewish activities at SUNYA. The argument that JSC is a "clique", or that people are unfriendly is not only a cheap copout, but unadulterated bullshit as well. If the behavior of a small group of people is enough to deter your pursuit of a goal, or an idea, then your desire was obviously negligible in the first place. Just think back on all ihe times you a voided (t hat's t he word I or it!) J SC functi ons, and note what you did instead. Idi Amin came to the United Nations and called lor an end to ALL J E W S - J S C members, and Non members. How many of you took exception to what he said? How many of you knew that he had said it? Or did you think he meant some oilier Jews like your Grandparents in Europe did when Hitler said the very same thing? And if you think the comparison in inaecuralc, you're mistaken. Jne need not be an alarmist or fanatic to know who he is and where he belongs. If there isn't another war in Israel until 1999, will you forget about her until then? If wars are the only incentive to bring you out of hiding, how about starting a few? How about a if uron behalf of the Jewish poor, a war against the oppression of Soviet Jewry, or a war on anlisemitism? A committment to Judaism cannot be bought. Paying off the UJA, ASA, BBG, or JSC will not relieve you of your responsibilities. Joining JSC and never attending an event is not doing your share for Judaism. You're committing the very crimes many of you condemn your parents of - insincerity, hyprocrisy, and materialism to name a few. How can you be so unsure of your identity when everyone else labels you "JEW"? Take the lime to find out what being a Jew is, It doesn't hurt much, and the beer will still be there when you get back to your dorm. Part of being a Jew means being with other ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Perhaps most central to the issue is the way students were able to attain a majority on the Membership Board. Faculty arguments opposing student membership in the Senate claim that student participation is the reason the Senate never accomplishes anything. The real reason, however, is that faculty Senators attend meetings in such low numbers that a quorum is never present. Thus, anytime a Senator opposes a measurethat appears likely to pass, he/she merely calls for a quorum. Since a quorum is not present, the meeting is forced to adjourn without doing a thing. This happened a number of times last year. It was a similar failure of Ihe Faculty to attend a Membership Board meeting that allowed the students to vote in a student majority. When will the Faculty finally accept responsibility for their own actions rather than making scapegoats of the students? How can they clamor for an all-faculty University Governing Body when it is an absence offaculiyinteresl in these matters which get ihem into these predicaments to begin with? Be that as it may, 1 was appalled at the arrogance displayed by S.A. Vice President Rick Mcckler. I am as aware as anyone of the dangers inherent in relying on Ihe ASI'm my sole source of information. However, it appears that Meekler'sjustification of "power politics" to ram through the votes for a st udent majority without allowing any debate on the issue is tot ullycontrarytothc sense of fair play which supposedly idealisticsludent leaders are supposed to possess. Has his position of power as Vice President made him so haughty that he can'l remember the student indignation when the Administration tried to suppress any debate of this very same issue only lust spring? Perhaps this is just another case of the "it's terrible if they do it, but OK if we do it" syndrome which we scornfully attribute lo real world politicans. This isn't the way I want my leaders of tomorrow to conduct themselves. Ira Hirnbaum Editor's Note: Ira Hirnbaum was SA Vice President 1974-75 and is now studying in Madrid, Spain. The Albany Student I'ress reserves the sole right to print or edit letters lo the editor. Submit letters TYPICWRIVIKN lo Albany Student Press, CCJ2V, 14(10 Washington Avenue. The ASP will not publish unsigned letters. Names will he withheld an request. Keep those curds and tellers coming in, but remember: 'Brevity is the soul of wit: NOVEMBER 7, 1975 editorial / comment Default: An Indiscriminant Disaster WSSWfcWSWSW^ Something is rolten in the State of Denmark (Great Danes, get it). President Ford says that if New York City goes under, declares bankruptcy, defaults or just plain goes broke, it won't affect the economy of anybody else. Well that's just not line. Forgetting for a minute that a goodly portion of the student body at the University have parents who work for New York Cily, forgetting that some of us even have NYC municipal bonds, the impact of federal nonintervention would be crippling, to theeconomyofthe world, the nation, the slate, the University, private businesses and each of us individually. Errata The caption of a picture of the Pierce Hall Day Care Center on page four of David Coyne and Diane llclte •::fff:Vf:'fii. ty days. Ihe Governor has called an Tuesday's ASP said child supervision at the center is free. It is not. as noted in the emergency session of the Legislature for this article. Parents pay a fee according to their income. coming Tuesday. Obviously the reasons go beyond New York City itself. This Slate ilsell is in ihe midst of a huge financial deficit and the slate has been unable to sell bonds thai used lo be a major means of support. II New York Cily goes under, and ihe slate follows as predicted, what would happen to tins University is unclear. I.ike the city, the stale's debts and financial responsibilities would enter Ihe hands of the courts and the EDfTOHlAL BOARD outcome is unknown. Certainly the attacks in DANIEL GAINES EDITOR IN tunJ> .New York Cily on the City University of New SUSAN COLEMAN MANAGING EDITOR York system (CUNY) concerning free tuition STEPHEN DZINANKA NEWS EDITOR and open admissions are indicative of the atBETTY STEIN, DAVID WINZELHEROC RANDI TOUR ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITORS titudes towards higher education and its PATRICK MCOI-VNN PRODUCTION MANAGER public accessibility in limes of financial crisis. ERS LOUISE MARKS, CAROL MCPHERSON, ELLEN FINE Just whal does default mean'.1 All New York City has lo do to default is be unable lo pay one bill at one time to one individual or company. The courts then take over and Kablooey . . . all funds are frozen and no bills are paid until the courts work out a program for payment. Most likely, all those What can we do lo save our school and who arc owed money will be offered a percen- preserve the State's committment to providing tage of the money owed Ihem. In some cases quality low-cost education? Student Associathe difference between the amount owed and tion of the Slate University (SASU) has inthe amount paid will force individual and cor- itiated a coalition of New York ''State porate bankruptcies. In other cases, it will Students in public institutions of higher merely cause further hard times. In any case, it education, which ineludcsthe CUNY, St udent will further weaken people's faith in the Semite, and the Community College Student economy and therefore add to the already Association. SASU has passed a plan of acdepressed world wide situation. People in tion calling lor massive educational rallies, a both public and private business will be laid letter writing campaign and lobbying of conoff by Ihe thousands and services will be gresspeople in Washington DC. drastically reduced if not done away with comIncoordination with ihe SASU effort. Stupletely. dent Association will be sponsoring a mass Why this is potentially going to happen is rally and teach-in in the Campus Center noi all that imporiant. The important point Ballroom on Sunday November 9ih at 7:30. here is thai the allowance of a New York Cily Speakers will include represcnlalives of the default has much broader implications than various state organizations, the Govcrner and Ihe punishment of Ihe city. It will have very Lieutenant Governer representatives, serious implications for the people and members of the New York Stale Legislature economy (beyond lite government) of the city and various campus coordinators of the effort. In addition, we hope to send buses to the acitself. tivity in Washington. If you cure aboul New How does any of I his affect I he stale and t his York-City, Stale or University, help us, help University? Well, for one thing, Governor yourself. Do something constructive with Carey has predicted that a New York City your spare lime. default would bringthe stale down within thir- ASSOCIATE PRODUCTION MANAC ANDREA HEKZHEHO EDITORIAL PACE EDITOR HILLARY KELIHCK, SPENCE KAGGIO ARTS EDITORS . . . NANCY ALHAUGH, MICHAEL SENA, NAOMI ERIELUANDER ASPECTS EDITORS NATHAN SALANT SPORTS EDITOR MICHAEL PIEKARSKI ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR . . . . JERRY ALIIRECHT. LES ZIJCKERMAN ADVERTISING MANAGERS KENNETH C O M ('LASHIHKD-GKAEEITI MANAGER . . DANNY O'CONNOR BUSINESS MANAGER STAFF MEMBERS A.P. Managers: Matthew Kaufman, Kim Sutton preview: Joyce Eeigenbaum Circulation Manager: Nancy Fillcl Milling Accountant: Susan Doinres Technical Editor: Sarah Hlumenstock Head Typist: Leslie Hisenslcin Composition Manager; Ellen Boisen Production: Janet Adler, Pally Ahem, Carol Burger, Donna Burton, Joan Ellsworth, Debbie Click, Kelly Kita, Vicki Kurtzman, Judi Heitner, Kathy Lam, Michele Upton, Philip Molter, Debbie Reiger, Jeanne Saiewiu, Karen Schlosberg, Joan Silvcrblatt, Tanya Levy Advertising Production: Usa Biundo, Dick McRobert, Jeff Aronowitz, Heidi Bush Assistant Editor: Marc Wciger Administrative Assistant: Jerelyn Kaye Photography: supplied principally by University Photo Service and members of Camera Club The Albany Student Press is published every Tuesday and Friday during the school year except holidays. Main ojjfre: CC 329; telephone: 457-8892, Funded by Student Association. Address mad to: Albany Student Press, CC .W, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222. SUNYA Basketball Marathon , "ft comedy that mates you lough and th«n ! for on •ncor* makes you think." ... Cllvo Barnes I ft i! *!.¥.««•• STATE UNIVERSITY THEATRE Sun. 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 MOONCHILDREN • .. by Michael • 6-7 7-8 8-9 Weller 9-10 in Hie CC lobby 10-11 11-12 Directed By Edward Golden IS *5.00 «tfHh eamnl tat eard Nov. 19-22 8:00 PM 1 Nov. 23 2:30PM Main Theatre ! Performing Arts Center I if The University at Albany P.S. - June grade and older students I IS m - presale for the yearbook i !J I mm I |i MM begin In early February |J FOR TICKETS call 457-8606 BOX OFFICE 11a.m--4p.rn. Mon. thru Fd partially funded by student association SUNYA Concert Board presonts \ mm mem i i -it. • S and special guaris *6w/out 12-1 p.m. 1-2 2-3 3-4 Tlw O n * D a m wM bt playing saeond Mdto lo Hw hoopatart of MM basketball marathon starting tomorrow. Urine Trouble, Good Rats, Onieda Hose AMIA Champs by Gary Grecnwald Three-quarters of The Association of Men's Intramural Athletic Hug football season was completed last week when the League II and III championships were played. In the league II final, the Good Rats edged T X O , 7-6. the Good Rats scored when Pete Wolf took a pilchout and swept t o t h c left side for a 40yard touchdown. Tim O'Connel kicked the extra point giving the Cloud Rats a 7-0 halflimc lead. fhe second half was tight defensive battle with both teams stopping drives by their opponents. Late in the game, the Good Rats fumbled on their 7-yard line on their fourth down. 1XO scored out he play ol the gncxl play when Hill Hall passed to Bob (iolian,. but the key play ol the game came when the good Kals ran out the clock and won the title. In 11 he league | i | championship game Oneida Hose delealcd Bleu Gas. 14-12. lhe Blew Cias scored Inst when in the first hall Scott Pemner threw a 30-yard touchdown pass to Brad Seid. Oneida lied u on a 30-yard run In Mike Hurley and look the lead on a 20-yard pass from Hurley to Dean l.cvcnlman. Oneida Hose lead 14-6 al hall. Blew Gas scored in the second hall when 'Demnercuughl atonchdown 4-5 5-6 6-7 Capitol Townehouse vs King of Clubs W.T.'s vs Silo Silo vs Cosimo's Restaurant W.T.'s vs Lark Panama Red I I vs Panama Red I T X O vs STB Adam's Kamily vs Court Jesters The Mud vs Run & Gun Jessie's Gems vs Kappa Delta Madison vs Winnie the Pooh Madison vs Winnie the Pooh Original Derelicts vs Tappan Original Derelicts vs Tappan The Pit vs Sound of Silence Delta Sigms Pi vs Ka- Nigils Owls vs Cheekies Rascals vs Sjamboks Desperados vs Rvkman Renegades JSC vs Ryckman Renegades Reggie vs Panama Red I I Morphis vs Kaplan Panama Red II vs Ludwig pass from Phil Brookmeyer making the score 14-12 and had an oppout unity to win. But with 2 minutes left in the game, a key i n terception by Harry Adams allowed Oneida Hose to run out the clock and win the game. Urine Trouble outscored Knapp's Army 27-21 in the league IV final game. Louis Cordova and Hankerhack .left Cordova allowed Knapps the second hall. Urine Troubles light defense won them the game. Chris Gllltiero's 50 yard touchdown pass to Jell Greenbcrg put Urine Trouble on lop for good. Galticro was lhe outstanding player with 3 touchdown runstor75 yards. TONIGHT Cosimo's vs Lark King of Clubs vs Partridge Pub Capitol Townehouse vs W.T.'s Silo vs Cosimo's Silo vs Cosimo's Lark vs Partridge Pub Lark vs Partridge Pub King of Clubs vs C a p i t o l Townehouse King of Clubs vs C a p i t o l Townehouse W.T.'s vs Silo Silo vs Lark Silo vs Lark Cosimo's vs W.T.'s Capitol Townehouse vs Cosimo's King of Clubs vs Lark Partridge vs Silo Cosimo's vs W.T.'s ., A M I A Hag football season has concluded in Leagues 11,111, and IV. University Concert Board join to bring you • • • • • • . ' THE NATIONAL LAAIPOON SHOW Tickets which were $5.50, $6.50, $7.50 last year L I INLY..a i Tiekett en tale in S A Contact Office | from 10 am Mil 3 pm Tickets on sale at SA Contact Office from I 10 am till 3 pm | Thurs. Nov. 13 8:00 pm King of Clubs vs Partridge Capitol Townehouie v> Partridge Pub University Speakers Forum in the city now Bts Hcbte on taW Nw. 10, A, 12 SPONSOR VS SPONSOR T E A M VS T E A M Rcggis vs Morphis Hudson Valley vs. Morphis Hudson Valley vs Reggie Ludwig vs Kaplan Kaplan vs Panama Red II Ludwig vs Panama Red I Sal. 7-8p.m. 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-la.m. Schedule $1 w/tax $2 w / o Also on sale at the door beginning at 6:30 pm FRL NOV. 7 CC Ballroom 2 Shows 8:00 pm and 10:30 pm PAGE THIRTEEN NOVEMBER 7, 1975 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS wiMiiiiwrniimiiiiiiniiiii** sssa Polish Invitation continued from page sixteen travel next year, the women's gymnastics team in two years, etc. "I discussed this idea extensively with a number of my returnees from last season^" Sauers continued, "and we agreed we would not pursue the trip unless we had the backing of the student government as representatives of students in general." Council Debate Debate at the council meeting centered around the appropriateness of the expenditure. Proponents of Danes Host Pittsburgh continuedfrom page sixteen lix feet, two inches, 225 pounds, is quick and very strong. The Danes come into the game suffering from a rash of injuries. Fullback Tom DcWoisand halfback Orin Griffin, who haven't been in pads all week, are not expected to play. Also doubtful is linebacker Ken Schoen. Fran Brunelle will be in DeBlois' spot and Dave DuPre will be filling in for the ailing Griffin. Brunelle, who rushed for 54 yards last week, is atoughrunner. Hestays on his feet and is very competitive, according to Ford. Otherwise the offense isthesame. The Danes must get back on track the bill argued that the money requested was only a portion of the gate receipts the team brings in each year, as well as the moral aspect of money earned by a group- being returned to that group for its own use. Advantages cited were: thctrip'i publicity; possible future trips; and educational experience. Opponents of the bill said it was unfair to send a group overseas just because they could play basketball, and questioned the legitimacy of the expenditure. A Letter To Coach Sauers Mr. Richard Sauers Stutc University ol New York at Albany Room 228 Phy - Ed Building 1400 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12222 Dear Mr. Sauers: ' It is with great pleasure and satislaction that I extend an invitation on behalf of the Polish Students' Organization to the "State University of NY at Albany." marvellous program and your participation in this unique experience. We concur withthe judgement of the Athletic Committee that the "State University of NY at Albany", is an excellent representative ol the American people. We eagerly anticipate your arrival and look forward tothcenthusiastic reception that we know awaits you. The Albany basketball team (In white) seemingly Jumps for Joy at the news of its upcoming trip to Poland. Albany Great Danes' 197576 Basketball Schedule I once again, warmly extend an invitation to our country through this Dec. 3 Coburg, Australia (exhibition) Enculturatidn's "Friendship most worthwhile progrum. Dec. 6 at Cortland' Program" has oricned new bridges of Dec. 9 Binghamton* communication and understanding Very truly yours, Dec. 11 at Ithaca through sports between our two Zbignicw Dcmbowski Dec. I3C.W. Post countries. 1 applaude this Minister Consul General Dec. 29-30 at Muskingum Tournament in Concord, Ohio Jan. 3-4 Capital District Tournament at Union Jan. 10 at South. Conn. See Great Dane Alumni In 24 hours of hoops Jan. 16 at Geneseo* Jan. 17 at Buffalo This Saturday and Sunday starting 8:00 p.m. Saturday night In Jan. 21 at Potsdum* Jan. 24 Onconla* Jan. 27 Union Jan. 31 Fredonia* Feb. 7 Siena Feb. 14 at Utica Feb. 18 Plattsburgh*-Fcb. 21 at Biockport* Feb. 25 New Paltz* Feb. 27 Hartwick Mar. 2 Hamilton * indicates Slate University of New York Athletic Conference game. THE BASKETBALL MARATHON KM wjmrnmvwv* AVK. 2 blocks down from Draper "We're a real Schlltz bar" University Gymnasium ^•jbt^huoJ *•* 11» j n i/i q R3MMU3 ( i I f i cw-iA i R U O j;,c;n DO YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO SUNY IF NEW YORK CITY DEFAULTS? Come to a TEACH-IN on New York State's Fiscal Crisis I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRIVE OUR CARS FREE and others Ruggers Buried By Siena, 17-3 cities in the USA. AAACON AUTO TRANSPORT 89 Shaker Road Terrace Apartment Albany, NY. 462-7471 Must be 18 years old a m at Jan. 11-16 Lifts- Luxury Lodging- Entertainment u $ 1 0 . is offeredtothe s person or group whose HOLIDAY SING Round Trip Transportation taM7—«- $133.oo Th • Lenny Bruce Performance Film ttonlng: Lwiny BruM In his lira night club act. dally at 7i30 and 9.00 WW Scotia Art Theater Rtoi S and 50-Scotla 344.4960 Coming saam Joan Luc Oodard's "Weekend" and "La CMnoU" design is selected. It is for a full front page SUNDAY, NOV. 9 8:00 p.m. CC BALLROOM drawing used for the SING booklet SUBMIT WORK TO: CC361 by Tues. Nov.1l 4:oo PM Sponsored by Student Association Questions? (Completely free to all members of the University community) Call Mark 482-0128 Renee 463-0818 For more information call 457-6542 or come to the SA office C.C.346 Funded by S.A Buses are going to Washington to lobby tor N.Y.C. Show up Sunday night w/tax card if you want to got You will receive tirst priority. PAGE FOURTEEN FLORIDA For info orreservationcall: 457-5039 e n y State takes on the rugby club of Oswego this Saturday, at 1:30 p.m. on the practice football field. Call Ira 465+4277 v P1 the second half, the team let down." State dominated line play, winning the majority of rucks and set scrums. Wences Rodriguez, State's fine scrumman, was playing a new position. "He didn't have one of his better games, as he wasn't used ot the position, and couldn't get to the ball as quickly as usual," said Rappazzo. A few bad plays also contributed to the State, defeat. The out of bounds punt attempts were going straight to the Siena endmen, and they would run the ball for substantial gains. "Overall, it was a disappointing game, as weexpected to win it and remainasthc best ruby clubin the Capital District." Rappazzo said. Oswego Tomorrow Ft. Uuosfoale ENDLESS SUMMER TRAVEL SMUGGLER'S NOTCH NEEDS YOUR CREATIVITY a s Albany in the first half, Siena capitalized on their good field position in the second half, as each State miscuc resulted in a Siena score. Siena Dominates In the second half, Siena dominated the kicking and coverage phases of the game. Siena got off good kicks, and covered them well. With Albany deep in their own territory and forced to punt, the result was a great position for Siena, as Albany punted poorly because of the strong wind. "Two factors lead to our defeat," said Albany Coach Chuck Rappazzo. "The wind wasthc biggestfactor. Our backs are more experienced punting with the wind, and as a result our own punitng was damaging for us. Secondly, we were overconfident going into the game. We had beaten Siena earlier in the season, but after they went ahead in THE GREAT SKI DEAL IS BACK! $89. to Florida, California and all I b • SftSU Legislative Director Ruggers have a tough Urns of It In Saturday'* loss to cross-town rival by Ken Kurtz The Albany Rugby Club was defeated by cross town rival Siena College 17-3 Saturday. The Ruggers also dropped the B game, 4-0. The game was played under very windy weather conditions, but Albany managed and early 3-0 lead via a thirty yardfiedthirtyyard field goal by Eliot Sulslcy. Albany enjoyed good field position for the entire half, but couldn't put the ball in the end zone. Five- seconds before the end of the hall, Siena pushed the ball over for a 4-3 lead. Albany hadto play the second half against a strong wind. Early inthc second hall, Albany was denied a score, as the referee ruled that Chuck Rappa/zo had not grounded the ball in the end zone, denying Albany a much needed four points. This had a marked effect on State, as it was Orin Griffin (25) ia greeted by Albright defenderlnlastweek'sgame. followed by costly mistakes. Unlike A C E Speakers will Include: • Governor's Office •State Legislators against Plattsburgh and not only win, but win impressively. They must start playing better fundamental football. The Danes (5-2) come into Saturday's contest ranked 10th in the Lambert Bowl after last week's disasterous loss to Albright, 28-8. "Albright just plain whipped us at the basic fundamentals," said Ford. "They blocked, tackled.shed blocks, and threw and caught the ball better than we did." "Against Plattsburgh we will have' to execute better and not beat ourselves offensively," Ford continued. "II we do these things, I am confident we will be able to beat Plattsburgh." ALBANY STUDENT PRESS NOVEMBER 7, 1975 NOVEMBER 7, 1975 \ ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Tues. - Sat. TUESDAY Ws t h * Psopls Night All Drinks 75c 8-11 p.m. WEDNESDAY Woman's Ltb-Atton Night All Drinks 1/2 Pries 8 p.m.-MMnight Steak & Breiu Lounge Wolf Road Park Colonie 458-7845 PAGE FIFTEEN i2l|^\«tF k > i 3 Stat* University ol New York at Albany TUESDAY .November 7, 1978 STAItUMIVUsnYOrNIWYOMtATAUAHT It's Sudden Death InBmckport Brawls Mar Brockport Loss NCAA Tournament Selections Committee Awaits Soccer Team Gets NCAA Bid-Back Page Albany-Brockport And Binghamton-Hartwick Games by Nathan Salant The winner gets a bid. The loser gets a kiss and a handshake. Its do or die when the Albany varsity soccer team takes the field at Brockport Saturday, for a 2 p.m. match against the host Golden Eagles. Brockport faces the same dilemma, with the added slapintheface of possibly hosting the national finals only as observers. "There is no doubt about it. A win means in." said Albany varsity soccer coach Bill Schicffelin. "If we beat them,, we could be secondseeded, and practically assured of a bid. If we lose, we might sneak in as the fourth seed." Brockport comes with a 7-5-1 record: losses to Frcdonia, Buffalo, Cornell, Harlwick, and Howard partially balanced with wins over Cortland and Binghamton and a tie with Carlos Rovito caught seconds after leadf eed lor Frank Setca during 32 lot* to Union. Hoopsters Receive Polish Invitation by Nathan Salant The Albany Slate varsity basketball team received a major shot in the arm Wednesday when Central Council approved (20-6-1) the squad's proposed trip to Poland scheduled in April. The bill also applies Albany's share of the Capital District Tournament (Jan.3-4) gate receipts towards the $10,800 it will cost to send the 15 players and coaches. Last year Albany received almost $3,000 from the tournament. "We are overjoyed at Council's decision," said varsity basketball coach Doctor Richard Saucrs. "This is clearly a step in the right direction and will help us to obtain the necessary additional financial backing from the Alumni Association and outside sources on top of what we will raise ourselves." Saucrs began investigating this type of overseas exhibition series last y«if in search of educational and publicity opportunities lor his team. "Alter several fruitless conversations I was put in touch with Enculturation Inc., an international organization which handles exactly these types of allairs," said Sauers. "Among the nations seeking visitations from U.S. teams was Poland and as it was less expensive than others, we applied." On September 22 Sauers received a formal letter of invitation from the Polish government. "Its quite an honor to be selected from among the hundreds ol schools which apply for these opportunities every year," said Sauers. "More importantly, it opens up the possibility of many other student association groups entering into similar arrangements." NCAA regulations permit teams to make these types of trips once every four years, according to Saucrs. Thus, the soccer teum might amilnuett an l>«W fourteen Madison. Albany shows a 9-3-1 mark: losses to Buffalo, Union, and Cortland partially balanced by wins over Keene State, Gcncseo, and Plattsburgh, and atic with Onconta. Brockport scores at a rate of 2.9 goals a game; Albany at 4.0. The Golden Eagles givcthemupwithless frequency: less than a goal a game compared to Albany's 1.6. Brockport plays the tougher schedule, but not much tougher, and the tougher teams have done the winning in those games. " I he record for them really does n *m*r% «rilH'~*»rtf j ^ W ? ! ' not tell the whole story," said Schieffelin. "Theyjust don't give up Pap* Aguilar races Union's John Denlo lor loos* ball during last week's action. Booters lace must game in Brockport tomorrow. goals, and with the caliber of their opposition they have a high rating." And indeed the Golden Eagles are when you play any game, let alone "Above all. they arc hard-nosed, p h y s i c a l , and aggressive," worried, according to Brockport's one of such great importance, you Schicliclin continued. "They got off sports information director Jack want to go out there with a full, healthy team." Williams. to a terrible start (1-3) but haveturnThe game will be broadcast on "No doubt about it, this is the ed things around." To win Albany must control the biggest game and Coach Bill Hughs WSUA at 3:30 p.m. Analysis: Frank Selca has 18 ball on the ground, according to is making no secret of his concern on our end of it," said Williams." I his is goals, pour other players have Schicffelin. "Against Buffalo we seemed to the game for us. We don't want to netted five or more. Two others have notched more than six assists. But lack the motivation." said watch the nationals." One Question individual records are meaningless Schieffelin. "Some of our guys apparently looked too far ahead, to a Albany goes into the game with from a team spectrum. "Disappointing" would be a unconfrontation with Binghamton. only one question-mark: fullback Now, if we want that confrontation Arthur Bedford. Bedford was more derstatement il the soccer team we must go out and prove it to the seriously injured than originally which has already put Albany's best world, or at least the selections com- thought to be the case during the record in history inio the hooks let mittee that Albany State deserves a Geneseo game two weeks ago, and down on the most important of days and did not get a bid. bid. II this isn't motivation enough, has not played since that time. "I want this game." said then maybe nothing is. 1 know "We can only hope he'll be ready," Brockport's treating it as a'life or Schicffelin said.'There is no doubt Schieffelin. "I want the bid. I WANT I'D PLAY BINGHAM ION!" death game." that we missed him in Buffalo, and Danes Host Cards: Home Finale by Craig Bell An annual rivalry will be renewed this Saturday when the Albany State Great Danes football team collides with the high Hying Plattsburgh Cardinals in the Danes' final home game' of the 1975 season. Plattsburgh. 4-2-1 on the year, is off to its best start in years. The Cardinals hold the edgeinthe scries with the Danes 3-2. with Albany winning last year by a lopsided 49-8 count. The Cardinals are a multiple for- mation team both offensively and defensively. "They have a lot of formations and try to confuse you," said Danes coach Bob Ford. "Our game plan will be simple and we will take exactly what they give us." "Offensively they are a long way from the best team we have faced," the coach continued. "I think you can put them in a category of Brockport or KIT." The big man in the Cardinals' Orln Qrlftln on way lo fourteen yard gain In Albright game. VOLUUIIIO.«7 NUVIMtCaII, 1S7S offense is halfback Boh Median. The five foot, ten inch. 180 pounder is a very good runner with great balance, agility, and speed, according lo Ford. "He is a good one," said Ford. "Behind a better offensive line maybe even a great one." Joining Median in the backfield will be fullback Joe Fra/.icr. winghack Vernon Blue, and quarterback Shawn Brady. Frazter is back there mainly to block for Median, and they like lo throw the ball to Blue too. "Quarterback Shawn Brady is adequate at best," Ford said. "We should be able to contain their offensive line and hopefully slim down their offense." "I heir strength lies in their defense," said Lord. "They are a very aggressive unit just like Alfred, but they lack Alfred's awesome size." Ford expects the Cardinals lo show the Danes a lot ol different formations hoping to confuse Albany. "We're going into the game wit ha simple five play game plan and we will have lo make adjustmeiils as we go along," Ford said. Plallsburgh's defense is anchored by middle linebacker Harry Dupre, brother of Albany's Dave. Dupre,'ill five feel, eleven inches, 215 pounds, is a good solid football player. He will have helpfroin defensive tackle Tim. Enrich Ehrich, at continued tin page fifteen by Nathan Salsnt If you had put a fence around it you had a zoo. A fan leaps out of the stands, runs up to an Albany player about to make a throw-in, and Newt punches him in the head. Feature An Albany broadcaster leaves the press to detain thetrouble-maker, is seized by two Brockport fans who hold him by the hair, while five others pound him into unconsciousness. Brockport coach Bill Hughes repeatedly orders his players to "get (Above) Carlos Arango In action versus Union.Arango scored his 5th that Spic","beat the shit out of that goal against Brockport(Balow) Jorge Aguilar looks on as Paul Nigger", and "ft/7/ those animals", Schleset attempts sliding tackle versus Union. referring to desired actions to be taken against Albany players and then goes out and manhandles several Albany players. The other Albany broadcaster is harrassed by spectators and told his "next word is (his) last." There was a soccer game between Albany and Brockport played at Brockport Saturday,(won by Brockport, 3-1) but what might have been one of the finest exhibitions of college soccer became a nightmare when two brawls involving spectators, players, and coaches, plus a fight behind the stands, interrupted play three times. The game took on an ominous note days before the teams took the field, thanks to a number of comments made by Hughes in several Rochester newspapers, including: "right now we're just concentrating on this Albany game. I understand Albany has bussed in players this season from the New York area and really become strong," Hughes said. Other comments allegedly made by IHughes implied that Albany had resorted to team of ringers who did not belong in school and would flunk out after a year, when in reality, there are only four freshmen on the varsity soccer team (only two start: Carlos Arango and Pepe Aguilar). Hughes apparently forgot the majority of the team's composition: players he saw two years ago when Brockport beat Albany, 1-0. As for flunking out,with one or two exceptions, all of the players have indices above the 2.5 mark, and most, among them Arthur Bedford (3.5), are well above 3.0, and arc not taking PIRG Pressures FSA On Disposables by Spence Raggio NYPIRG has launched a campaign urging FSA to convert its vending machines to sell only returnable bottles in support of the bottle bill now pending in the state legislature. "I'm in favor of it if we can do it," said FSA General Manager Norbert Zahm on Friday, "it is just a matter of trying to work something out." Project coordinator Mursha Seidelman of N Y PI RG is optimistic. "I think it can work. Binghamton tried it, and they had a bum deal with the contracts but they're trying again. And at Cornell it's been working very well." Start Now "Our contract with Coca Cola doesn't run out until the middle of next summer," explained Zahm, "but we don't haveto wait until then. It's just a matter of working something out. There are a lot of people to talk to, a lot of things to takecareof. You've got to remember that we're dealing with a huge volume here. We've got maybe 600,000 cans now, going one way. With bottles we'll have to handle that same 600,000 both ways. It's too early to say what this will mean as far as profit." New York State's bottle bill, which was defeated last year, is now awaiting passage. Patterned after Oregon's 1972 ban on nonreturnables, NYPI RG contends that the New York bill offers many advantages to the consumer: A substantial reduction In beverage container waste Is eipected if FSAconvertato using returnable bottles Instead ol cans. FSA Is presently holding about 600,000 of these beverage cans. —over 230 million dollars saved. Rcturnables, even with additional transporting and handling costs, are more economical than cans by virtue of the large number of trips each container makes. —an employment increase of 4000 jobs, according to N YS Senate Task Force. In Oregon, the ban has created a net total of 365 jobs and increased the annual payroll by over 1.5 million dollars. —energy expenditures cut 46%, In New York State alone, that's 211 trillion BTU's. —a substantial reduction in beverage container waste. Oregon experienced a 79% reduction of can and bottle litter on the highways, as well asan88%decreaseii>household trash, only l6monthsaftertheirbottle bill was passed. In sacrificing only the convenience of the flip-top can, Oregon has reduced energy consumption, reduced the amount of container waste , reduced costs to the consumer and reduced unemployment. NYPIRG hopes that if enough college campuses institute and experience success with a can ban, it will serve as aclear illustration of the benefits in store for New York if legislation is passed this year. SUNYA is the third NYPIRG campus to propose a can ban. Seidelman is confident that the students, faced with the added inconvenience of returning bottle to crates located next to each machine will be cooperative. Then according to NYPIRG, empties can be picked up when new shipments are delivered. But Zahm, faced with the overall possibility andjeasibility of the proposal, is Hill cautious. "It's much loo early to make a commitment... remedial" courses (Bedford is a chemistry major). "Their scorekeeper kept apologizing to me," said Albany's scorer, Diane Hickey,"but nothing can make up for what those people did. And their coach was something else. Now I understand why their scorekeeper said he quit the team; he just couldn't stand it." Hughes was something else. From the moment he joined his team on the field, Hughes kept himself occuppied by arguing every call, insulting the officials all afternoon, demanding that Albany players (he referred to them as "spies, niggers . . .") be given yellow cards of warning, and above all exhorting hit players and the spectators to "kill those animals (Albany)". "When the officials told him to get his players off the field during the fighl, he just tupped them on the shoulder and said 'nice job'," said Albany State's Simon Curanovic. "I walked upto Hughesandasked him about the security and protecting our players." Curanovic continued, and ail he said was'whatam I supposed to do." " There were two security guards to control a crowd of more than 2.000 people. With ten minutes left in the game, Albany's Jorge Aguilar sought a ball- for the upcoming throw-in. As had been the case all afternoon, the ballboy was late gettingthere, so Aguilar asked a spectator for the ball which had been kicked out of bounds and into the stands by a Brockport fullback. "The fan with the ball refused to give it up and called me a Spic," Aguilar said, "so I called to the ref. The ref did not do anything, so I asked for the ball again. The guy who had it didn't give it to me until the ball boy came up with the other ball, and then he threw it at me, so I kicked it back at him." "The next thing I knew, the other ' ball had been knocked out of my hands and someone was punching me in the head," Aguilar continued. "Look, I know I shouldn't have kicked the ball back at him, but with us losing, we needed every second, and 1 was frustrated from the officials, the crowd, and their coach. Besides he t hrew I he ball at me after I had the other ball." Interestingly enough, Aguilar quickly extricated himself from the pile of Albany-Brockport fighters and stood on the side watching it. Not so inthecase of WSUA colorman Stu Shalat. Shalat spied Brockport's would-be Muhammed Ali sneaking away from security behind the stands, and left the broadcasting booth. "My step-sister was out there rooting for Albany," Shalat later continued on page fourteen INDEX Aria. Classifieds Columns.. editorials "••(•Wfllltett 11 tfttmi»•••• •ftftftHttM W LffllffMlfOIIXMaillHIIIII Newebrlefa. .. 10 ........^ 2 Zionism Racial: U N see Newebrlefa. page 2