Booters Tie Oneonta, 4-1 Poor Play Off sets Superb Keene

•J(l#.|*lf >«^ 1-l«>J
StatsUniversity ol M«# York at Albany
October 17, 197S
Booters Tie Oneonta, 4-1
Buff State Student Paper
Stolen Before Distribution
Poor Play Off sets Superb Performance
hi 4-1 Win Over Keene State
by Nathan SaUnt
In two home contests this week,
the Albany State vanity soccer team
came from behind to beat keene
State, 4-1, Saturday, and were tied
by Oneonta State, 2-2, Wednesday.
"We played our best game of the
season against Keene State," said
Albany varsity soccer coach Bill
Schieffelin, "and then we turned
around and played our worst one
against Oneonta."
In effect, the tie with Oneonta
blotted out the strong performance
against Keene.
"We were simply horrendous,"
said Schieffelin. "That game should
have ended 2-0, or 2-1 at worst. 1
thought we would have a tremendous game with Oneonta. Instead, as
The shot, from about IS yards out,
I look back, 1 have to admit 1 have
never been more disappointed over a appeared to be headed for the hands
game in my twelve years as a coach." of Obwald, for an easy save, but the
"I consider it a loss," Schieffelin Booters' goalie attempted to punch it
continued. "A tie was totally un- Up and over the crossbar, ratherthan
acceptable. The worst part of the makethe catch.ltwoundupinthenet.
whole thing is we were lucky to get
Albany outshot the visitors, 12-3,
away with a tie."
in the first half.
The Booters took the lead again at
Albany opened the scoring at the
6:29 mark of the First half when 19:21 of the second half, when
Carlos Arango converted off a cor- Rolando dribbled around and
through five Oneonta defenders and
ner kick by John Rolando;
Oneonta tied matters 17 minutes centered the ball to Edgar Martinez
later when Keith Tozer shot the ball who fired it home.
Oneonta knotted matters again
right off the hands of Albany goalie
with 10 minutes' left in the game
Henry Obwald after a direct kick.
"Obwald completely misplayed when Obwald released the ball onto
the ball," said one long-time Albany the foot of an Oneonta forward in
State soccer fan. "It is the worst goal the penalty area. Attempts at clearing the ball were unsuccessful, and
I've ever seen Albany give up."
Tozer scored his second goal of the
game off the foot of Ricardo Rose.
Neither team did much in the 20
minute overtime.
Adding insult to injury were the
comments of Oneonta's coach, Garth Stram.
"You could not play better," the
coach said. " Maybe you were lucky
or had a good day against Keene
State. 1 have watched Albany play
before and you cannot play any
better than you did today."
The Keene State game was a
Dams' Arthur Bodford making a "hsadaf In Ontonta standoff.
different story, as Simon Curanovic,
Chepe Ruano, Pasquale Petriccione,
and Frank Selca each scored and
Albany outshot the visitors, 21-13.
John Rolando played center
forward and was outstanding, according to Schieffelin, as was Petric-
cione at center halfback.
"There are going to be some
changes," said Schieffelin. "Some
people who have not been getting
much in the way of competition are
going to be in for a surprise when we
play Hamilton Saturday at 1:30."
Harriers Outrun Colgate, 23-33
Johnny Rolando (7) on • braakawayi
Netmen Take SVNYAC
king performance was particularly
by David Levy
gutsy as he fought back to register a
The Albany State Varsity Tennis
team captured 32 of a possible 36 come-from-behind 1-6, 7-6, 7-5 vicpoints to successfully defend their tory in this finals match.
Feldman teamed with Mitch
State University of New York
Athletic Conference title Oct. 3 and 4 Sandler, a finalist at second singles,
as the first doubles team and garin Oswego.
nered honors; Denny and Diskin
By claiming four singles and two
proved a winning combination at sedoubles crowns, the top-seeded
Danes easily outdistanced runnersAlbany Gets Respect
up Brockport and Binghamton.
Oneonta placed fourth.
The respect with which Albany
Paul Feldman once again led the
was held was apparent in the
squad which Coach Merlin seedings before the tourney. A Great
Hathaway called "the best ever to hit
Dane was seeded either first or sethis school" by ending the season cond in each of the nine categories.
without losing a set and copping the The team justified the choices with
number one singles competition.
their six triumphs,
Dave Denny demolished the
Assistant Coach Dennis Moore
number three field, losing only nine feels that the "tougher" schedule in
games in the tournament to take his the spring will prove "just how good
we really are."
Rob Diskin, last year's second
The Danes play a Yankee Con•.ingles champion, gained first place ference schedule which includes Verat fourth singles this fall while Josh mont, Massachusetts, Colgate and
Connell did the same at fifth. DisBrooklyn.
by Jon Lafayette
The Albany State Croso-Country
team scored a resounding win over
Colgate in a steady rain Saturday.
The final score of 23-33 over a tough
team reflected how much the team
wanted this meet, accordingto varsity coach Bob Munsey.
The race started off fast as the
leaders in the first mile covered that
distance in a quick 4:49 with
Colgate's Bruce Mason leading
followed closely by Albany's Carlo
Cherubino, Chris Burns and Brian
Davis. The order was the same as
they passed the three mile point in
14:47, Cherubino pulling even with
Mason, Burns and Davis trailing.
The runners then turned to loop
over the lake up towardsWashington
OCTOSBm, 1915
Ave. and disappeared behind the
trees. When they reappeared, Chris
Cherubino was all alone, nearly 100
yards ahead of Mason. They were
followed by Burns and Davis, two
Colgate runners, Albany's Keith
Benman, and Kevin Burnett, tied
with a Colgate man.
Inthe last half mile, Kevin Burnett
passed his man, and held on in a
sprint over the last hundred yardsto
finish behind Berman. The order of
finish was: Cherubino first, Bruce
Mason of Colgate1 second, followed
by Burns and Davis. Bill Parker and
Steve Fisher finished fifth and sixth
for Colgate.
Freshman Keith Benman and
Burnett closed out the Albany scoring, finishing seven and eight.
Carsky finished next for Colgate
but Tom Ryan, who passed four men
in the last mile, finished ahead of
Colgate's last scorer, Opremcak.
Everyone connected with the team
said this was a real team effort.
Coach Bob Munsey felt that this
might have been a "get-it-together"
meet, and named three "runners of
the meet."
Cherubino, who got a win in his
second straight meet, now has 12 and
is tied for the fourth most career wins
ever by an Albany runner, His time
of 25:15 was the 12th fastest time
ever run on Albany's course, the
third fastest by an Albany runner,
and it was done in the rain on a wet
continued on page fifteen
Albany's Paul Feldman, numbar one tingles, on way to another victory. Feldman did not loss a sat
all ssason and was nothing short of sensational. ,
by Vlnny Reda
State University College at Buffalo campus security is investigating
the apparent theft of nearly all 4000
copies of the October 17 edition of
the student newspaper, in what the
paper's editor termed, "a slap in the
lace of a free press."
Pat Fergus, editor of The Record,
says that the papers were apparently
taken because of a "controversial
story" about a United Student
Government (USG) presidential
election invalidated last May, and
follows by two weeks an unauthorized deletion of a story concerningthat
same incident.
Reasons as to why t he papers were
taken from campus distribution
points after delivery are not definite,
but Richard Lippman, The Record's
managing editor, reports that
Kenneth Boos, a former USG vice
president, "has admitted the censorship of the September 30 front
page news story concerning the election."
"He will, in all likelihood, be
questioned about this current apparent theft as well, by the Student
Conduct Committee."
Boos' deletion, according to Lippman, "was not discovered until the
night of October 15 when he began
to brag about it at his birthday party.
What he didn't realize was that the
reporter who wrote the September
30 story, Mary Allen, was at his party."
Allen allegedly rushed back to The
Record offices immediately, and discovered that the deleted paragraph
concerned a show cause order instituted by SUCB student Jack Parsons. The order challenged the right
of USG president Anne Tindall to
invalidate the May election because
of alleged "ballot stuffing."
Parsons further accused Tindall
"of halting the election because she
knew she was losing" in her bid for a
second term as president.
Boos admitted that he saw the
negatives for that page left in
SUCB's yearbook office, prior to
their being shipped to the printer. "I
had no choice," he has been reported
by The Record as saying. "1 knew it
[the paragraph] was libelous, and I
knew I would be on the phone instituting libel proceedings against
The Record if it was printed."
Boos felt he had two alternatives.
"Either to destroy all The Records
when they came on campus," he
says, "or allow the story to appear
with that paragraph missing."
According to Lippman, Boos
chose the later course. "He apparently memorized or took down the
College newspapers such as these have rarely seen censorship problems until 4,000 copies of
Buffalo State College's paper The Record disappeared Friday.
paragraph he found objectionable,"
says Lippman, "and somewhere
between one and two in the morning
ol the next day, directedthe Western
New York Offset Press, our printer,
to take out the paragraph."
"He knewthe paragraph and read
it verbatim to the night manager
there." Lippman adds that new
safeguards have since been insitutcd
so that "no one else will be able to
pull the same thing without
The reasoning behind Boos' ac- there were no papers on Friday,
tions says Lippman, is uncertain at since they will not be getting a paper
this time, as is Boos' connection with until today (October 21). At this
the theft of Friday's editions. Elec- time, he says, "rumors are flying
tions for USG president arc being around."
held between October 28 and 31, but
Editor Fergus has criticized the
Tindall did not enter the new race.
student government for denying the
Boos Drops Out
paper added funds to reprint the misBoos however dropped out of the sing editions. Lippman further feels
race for a student senate position that the treasurer of the Meida
sometime between the September 30 Board, an apparent supporter of
and October 17 editions, says LippTindall, should not have been allowman. Boos' relationship to Tindall is ed the final say on that funding decialso not well known, although sion. •'."'' <•»••""»
reporter Allen says that Tindall not
"Upon further" investigation of
only was at Boo's birthday party, but this," says Lippman, "the treasurer
that "she even baked the cake."
of USG today[Monday]agreed with
Lippman also considers Boos'
The Record's position that thefunds
claims of libel on the part of The should have been granted to us imRecord as rather faulty in the first mediately. Unfortunately, his deciplace. "Both sentences in the article," sion came a little late."
says Lippman, "which Mr. Boos
The outgrowth of the whole affair
finds objectionable, arc directly at- appears to be an aura of confusion
tributed to the show cause order, not and bitterness. "We realize now,"
to any opinion 77ie Record might says Lippman, "that there is no free
press at Buffalo State College if the
The student body, feels Lippman, student government can hold up
does not yet fully understand why funds for publication at will."
SUNYA Student Detains Intruder
by Beverly Hearn
Dutch Tower resident Nick
Zubulake caught and forcefully
detained a burglar he discovered in
his room on October 8. University
Police were summoned and arrested
the man, later identified as Thomas
L. Green, Jr., on charges of third
degree burglary.
It was discovered that the six-foot,,
one-inch man was a non-student. He
entered the ninth floor room
through the suite door, which had
been left unlocked. Sixteen dollars
was taken from Zubulake's wallet.
"1 went lo the suite across from
mine ai about 10 [minutes] lo 1:00,
Wednesday afternoon," said
Zubulake. "I left the suite door open.
Al about 1:00 I wenl back into my
suite anil went to my room and saw
someone going through my wallet
and taking money out and putting it
into his pocket,"
"The guy said he was 'looking for
Malt he's nol here I'd better go."'
Zubulake claims he ihen replied,
"You're nol going anywhere," and
shoved the intruder up against the
"I tried to take him to the suite
next door, 903," said Zubulake.
Green Ihen broke loose so Zubulake
alleges he followed him to the
elevator, where he wrestled him lo
the floor,
"He reached into his pocket and
said.'llere, lake this money—just let
me go.'" claims Zubulake. "I took
him into 903."
In the course of the struggle,
Green dropped what looked like
quite a bit of money in a money clip,
according to Zubulake. Zubulake
assumed incorrectly that the money
was not his.
"Someone called Security," said
Zubulake, "and they came over and
booked him," Green again told
Security that he had been "looking
for Matt," Zubulake claims.
Zubulake went to the police station where his money was returned
to him. The 14 dollars in the money
clip belonged to him. Green offered
no explanation for the burglary.
According the Security Police,
Green was arraigned on Friday morning, October 10. He was later tried
.m reduced charges of criminal
trespassing. Urccn was found guilty
and sentenced to six months in the
Albany County Jail.
Accordingto University Police In-
vestigator, Gary O'Connor, the unusual aspect of the Dutch Quad
burglary was that Zubulake used
force to detain the suspect until the
police arrived.
At this time, according to O'Connor, t here is no reason to believe that
(here is a connection between this
burglary and the Campus Center
"coffee caper" of Tuesday,
September 9,1975. O'Connor asserts
that Cireen's complexion and other
facial characteristics differ too greatly from I he police composite sketch
of the suspect in that case.
Court Upholds Paddle
W A S H I N G T O N (AP) The
Supreme Court ruled Monday thai
public school teachers may spank
pupils, even if their parents object,
bin must ordinarily try some other
means of punishment first.
Il also agreed to hear arguments
on the power of cities to restrict the
location of pornographic theaters
and book stores.
The court then recessed until Nov.
In the corporal punishment case,
the court affirmed without comment
a decision of a three-judge federal
court in North Carolina upholding
the spanking of a sixth-grade pupil
in a Gibsonville, N. C , school.
The lower court held that the
spanking was not constitutionally
prohibited "cruel and unusual
The child, Russell Carl Baker, was
disciplined for throwing a kickball
outside of designated play time. His
mother had asked that he not be
spanked because she was opposed to
corporal punishment and because he
was a frail child.
The three-judge court said that
"except for those acts of misconduct
which are so antisocial or disruptive
Student Nick Zubulake of Stuyvesant Towar recovered the money
in nature as to shock the constolen from him alter wrestling with an Intruder he found in his room.
science," a student must be warned
in advance when certain behavior
might bring about a spanking.
Subject lo the same exception, the
court said spunking "should never he
employed as a firs! line of punishment" bul the teacher should try
some oilier means of discipline firstsuch as keeping the pupil after
school or assigning extra work.
I he lower court also requiredthat
a second teacher or principal be present when the child is spanked and
thai the parents be given a written
statement of the reasons for the
punishment if they request it.
SASU Candidates
5x2 Dance Coming
see page 10
Personal Hygiene Emphasized B y Health Service
Freedom Of The Press In Danger
SAO PAULO, •nuKAP) Freedom
the press in the Western
Hemisphere it threatened more now
than ever before, an official of the Inter American Press Association said
The warning was delivered in a
report presented at lAPA's annual
meeting by German Ornes, chairman of the group's committee on
freedom of the press and editor of
the newspaper El Caribc in Santo
Domingo, capital of the Dominican
Ornes said publications
throughout the hemisphere arc
plagued by dictatorial control, censorship, the threat of legal sanctions,
extreme labor demands, terrorism
and' proposals to create official information agencies.
"Since the majority of the nations
of our continent won their independence, the American) press has
never gone through such a deep crisis
as that which it now faces," hesaid.
"As for libcrty-and. very particularly, freedom of the press-the
American continent is, today, a .
cluster of islands of liberty encircled
by an angry sea of oppression and
Rights Ignored
"The irony of the situation is that
most American constitutions still
recognizetheinalienabkrightof free
expression of thought. In a good
part of America, there is no doubt
that thisright-whichis the very basis
of all civil liberties-is totally ignored
or severely limited by censorship,
self-censorship, fear or frustrations."
Ornes said newspapers in the United States as well as in Latin
America are subject to pressures that
could "result' in the destruction or
by Mare Welter
Washington Post "have suffereo
serious difficulties due to extreme
labor demands,"Ornes said. "Either
for ideological or practical reasons,
an increasing number of unions are
going beyond their dealings with
"Thus, many times they have endangered the economic health of the
publications and, consequently,
their editorial independence."
muzzling of a free press,"
"U.S. newsmen now live under a
threat of harsh legal sanctions ifthey
refuse to reveal their sources of information," he said.
"The right of journalist to protect
their sources is recognized in the
legislation of many states, but it is
not recognized by U.S. federal law
and a majority of the courts."
Newspapers 'including the
Spain Asks for Halp in Moroccan Crises
UNITED NATIONS, N.V. (AP) The United Nations Security Council met
today to take up Spain's request for action to dissuade Morocco from
sending 350,000 unarmed civilians into the disputed Spanish Sahara.
Sources said Spanish Ambassador Jaime de Pinies would ask the council to
send U.N. observers to the frontier between Morocco and the Spanish
colony. A Moroccan official in Rabat said the only thing that can stop the
march is a Spanish declaration recognizing Morocco's claim to the northern
part of the mineral-rich territory and offering to discuss arrangements for
handing it over.
(&rtmUnffitUajfe*Gene TDater
Wallace Hints He May Not Seek Presidency
BONN, West Germany (AP) Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace, on the
third leg of a five-nation European tour, said today he is 95 per cent sure he
will declare himself a U.S. presidential candidate. Although looking palcand
drawn, Wallace told newsmen he felt fine and was "not havingany second or
first thoughts or nonthoughts" about declaring his candidacy. On his arrival
from Rome late Sunday, Wallace told a radio reporter who asked when he
would announce his candidacy for the presidency, "I may not announce." He
did not elaborate.
\NERE UMDER. T H t e X r
Franco Fights Flu as Spain Sizzles
MADRID, Spain (AP) Gen. Francisco Franco, Spain's 82 year-old
leader, was sidelines by illness Monday and forced to cancel appointments. A
spokesman at Franco's El Pardo Palace outside Madrid said the chief of state
was recovering normally but slowly from a mild attack of flu and could not
hold his regular Tuesday audience for military officers. Franco was sidelines
as his government went into urgent session with Morocco over the disputed
Spanish Sahara. Premier Carlos Arias Navarro called the Spanish cabinet
into session as the United Nations Security Council began taking up what
Spain called a threat to national security.
Students have become remiss in
their personal health habits, according to Mrs. Agnes Akullian, director of nursing services at the
SUNYA Student Health Center.
Akullian also expresses concern over
student failure to take full advantage
of the infirmary's facilities.
"Students here need to relearn the
basic ABCs of personal hygiene,"
she states. "Don't use other people's
utensils. Don't pass any oral instruments. Use separate towels and
washcloths." Such habits cause illness, which is the source of
Akullian's other concern.
"Many students don't realize that
this center is here to help them," she
maintains. "For instance, if they
don't have student health insurance,
they think we won't take them. The
insurance is good to have, but we'll
take them regardless of what insurance they have, or if they have
none at all, and this includes inpatient as well as out-patient care."
There are 50 beds presently used
for in-patient services, with an
average of IS occupied at one time.
This figurecanjumpto 30 or 35, as in
last y e a r ' s g a s t r o - i n t c s t i n a l
"It's a very unpredictable place,
because illness is an unpredictable
thing," Akullian says, but she expresses confidence in the infirmary's
ability to deal with all emergencies.
She worries that student do not
share this confidence. "Although we
don't take minor cases after hours,"
US Agrees to New Wheat Deal with USSR
WASHINGTON (AP) The United Nations has agreed to sell the Soviet
Union at least 30 million metric tons of wheat and corn over five years, U.S.
officials said today. The Soviets, meanwhile, promised to let this country
purchase some of its oil. The parallel deals were completed in Moscow by
Undersecretary of State Charles W. Robinson. They stabilize Russian
purchases from the United States. In addition to 6 million tons a year,
officials said, the Soviets will have an option to buy, without further
government-to-government consultation, another 2 million metric tons of
wheat and corn each year as long as U.S. grain supplies do not dip below 225
million metric tons.
trying to make this case. Mayor
Abraham I). Beame told Congress
that the city has already eliminated
.11.000 jobs since Jan. I.bringingits
work force down to 263.311.
State Comptroller Arthur Levitt
said it was up to Beame, not the
board, to determine the exact
number of jobs to be eliminated.
"The Control Board's duty is to
see that the city arrives at a balance
that eliminates the city's deficit in a
three-year period," he said.
"A great deal more needs to be
done and Beame must submit more
details," Levitt said.
Beame also told a House
economic stabilization subcommittee hearing in Wahington that
default by New York, which he said
was inevitable without some form of
federal help, would leave hundred of
millions of dollars worth of bills un-
Army Stores Poisons
EDGEWOOD, Md. (AP) Despite a
1970 presidential order to dispose of
all deadly toxins developed in
biological warfare research. Army
official have 'confirmed: they arc
storing eight toxin samples "to
research defensive weapons
An Army spokesman said over the
weekend the six samples stored here
at the Edgewood Arsenal and two at
Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah
were not covered by then-President
Richard M. Nixon's order because
the order was directed at offensive
biological warfare materials.
"The storage of the toxins is in
keeping with Edgewood's mission in
the U.S. Army," the spokesman said.
" T h e facility is charged with
developing effective defensive
weapons systems."
NBC News reported over the
weekend that the Army was storing
the toxins, which were said to include several strains of snake venom
and a variety of Hawaiian com' in
large enough quantities to kill 2.UU0
"The Army says it miiy need these
items for future research," the
network reported.
"In addition, the Army is studying
n e a r l y 100 different disease
organisms which a potential enemy
might use to attack the United
U. Col. Hugh C. Wait, a Pentagon spokesman, confirmed in
September that the Army had retained/- a small quantity of deadly
shellfish toxin identical to that which
was found in a CIA laboratory,
Hesaid the shellfish toxin was being
kept for "laboratory purposes" and
did not violate the presidential
paid across the counter
As part ofacampaign by state and
city officials, as well as by its top
bankers, to convince America that
the city's peril is a nationwide
danger, the mayor has made two
congressional and a network televisionappearanceduring the past three
"What is happening lo New York
City, is, and will be, repealed across
the country," Beame said.
James L. Buckley, the state's
Conservative-Republican senator,
said he would introduce legislation
providing lor a federal subsidy to
restore cuts in police and fire protection forced by the city's cash crisis.
Buckley has previously opposed
direct federal aid for the city but has
sponsored a bill that would insure
bond and note holders against loss
by default.
The heads of the polic and lire unions have said thai il the payroll and
welfare checks stop because of
default, "riots and anarchy" would
Beame Hew back to New York for
I he Emergency financial Control
Board's decision making on the plan
he submitted last Wednesday.
It covers the next three years for
which an $800 million budget dificit
has been projected.
Steak & Breiii
Schlesinger Criticizes Defense Cuts
by Cynthia Crosstn (CPS)
There was a time when going to
college v 4s an honor, a promising
sign, a good omen for the future.
Jobs were plentiful for the upwardly
mobile. College-educated people
were thought to be bound for a
better world, armed with the ability
to think and analyze that they hud
acquired in college. If everyone were
college-educated, many people
thought, the world would be a better
place to live.
But Caroline Bird, author of the
controversialbook The Case Against
College, and a college graduate
herself, argues that these were just
society's myths during the education
boom of the late fifties and sixties.
The space race with Russia wus in
progress and mass higher education
seemed to be the hope of the future.
But statistics in the early seventies
show that many college graduates
are workingin factories, driving cabs
or waiting on tables. It is not only
the shortage of jobs which hasdriven
the well-educated into manual labor,
Bird claims. It has also become apparent to some that college
graduates are not the invaluable
commodity they once were thought
to be.
Why t h e n , Bird wonders
rhetorically, arc so many young people still flocking to college, knowing
that four years of training won't insure them a job in their fields? It is
partly the religion of the liberal arts
education, Bird concludes. A body
of worship has come to surround the
liberally-educated person. No one
dares to propose that better and
more useful learning can be obtained
outside the university walls. The
ideal Renaissance-style liberal
education is an unquestioned good.
But Bird suggests that learning
outside the university would be a
better choice for as many as a third
of the students now in college who
came to get away from home, to be
independent without really cutting
off all ties or just to pass four years
without having to take an unpromising job.
Bird's evaluation of the college experience has been the subject of
heated criticism by college administrators and students.
Attacks by administrators have
usually centered on her section concerning college as an investment.
Bird contends that if a student took
the money he spent on collegerelated expenses, added the the
money he would have earned working those four years, and put it all
into a bank instead, by age 60 he
would have accumulated more
money than a college graduate who
earned the average yearly salary for
college-educated workers. In other
words, don't do it for the money,
Bird advises.
Oddly enough, an American
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OCTOBER 21, 1975
Council of Education survey showed
that more students were going to
college to be "very well off in 1974
than in 1966, when the chances of attaining that goal soon after college
were much greater.
Attacks by recent graduates have
been harsher and more angry than
those by administrators and
professors, Bird said in an interview.
"I've received many illiterate attacks
from people who have just
graduated from college which proves
my point."
"College graduates tend to feel
that by my saying college is not all
that good, I'm taking something
away from them. They think if I'd
only shut up, things about college'
would be a lot better," Bird said.
Bird's critics have also claimed
that college enriches the society by
producing belter citizens, but Bird
finds this myth as invalid as the rest.
College doesn't create bright, ambitious, happy liberal people from
nothing. The bright, ambitious, happy liberal people are the ones who
choose to go to college. This class
selectively may become more
prevalent as tuition and expenses
rise while loan money becomes
scarcer and more expensive.
For now, society uses the college
degree as a kind of first-round
screening in picking candidates for
the future, in many cases, Bird
argues, a tpllege education is unnecessary si net most jobs require extensive training that a person with
common sense could easily pick up.
It is a kind of snobbishness which is
based more on pretense than reality.
Held Here
This Week
OH Sab
plus special guests
WASHINGTON (AP) Mayor Abraham Beame warned Congress today that
New York City's fiscal collapse would harm cities across the land. As Bcume
spokesman for President Ford said some proponents of federal help I'm t |lc
financially beleaguered city are using scare tactics. The spokesman
mentioned no names, but excluded Vice Presidenl Nelson A. Rockefeller
from his accusation. Beame appeared beforea House economic stabilization
subcommittee to plead for government aid. "We are not seeking a handout or
bailout," Beame said. "What we want is the use of the federal government's
credit, through guarantees of our securities, until we are able to reenter the
credit markets on our own."
OCTOBER 21, 1975
College Deemed Waste of Time
Hot Tuna
Mayor Beame Pleas for Federal Aid
Wolf Road Park
Colonie 458-7845
Mrs. AgtMM AkuNlan, director of turning tomcat at SUNYA Studont Hoafth Conttr wotitot thai
students who art living In such dost living quarters art moot pront to communfcaMo daaaaaa.
Cedric Kushner Productions and WTRY
WASHINGTON (AP) Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesinger today
accused the House of making "deep, savage and arbitrary cuts" in the
Pentagon budget and appealed lo the Senate to reverse some of the slashes.
At one point, Schlesinger remarked that defense budget cuts were "driven In
political considerations." Schlesinger called a news conference to launch his
counterattack on congressional budget cutters. In a formal statement at the
outset, Schlesinger said that if (he $7.6 billion slashes in the Defense
Appropriations Bill were allowed to stand, it would "have harmful effects on
the defense posture of the United Slates."
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) A state labor-relations official Monday ordered an
election among 40,000 state workers to determine whether they wanl lo keep
their present union representative—the Civil Service Bmployes
Association—or join a new coalition of five unions. Paul Klein, directors or
public employe practices for the Public Employment Relations Hoard.
ordered the election between the CSEA and the newly organized Public
Employes Federation for representation of the professional, scientific and
technical unit of the stale work force.
. • • • • • I I
• <Mi»lit»iiu1lll»»tf'IS'lMl"»"rTll«Tll«T1i«TliaTll«TTI«Tll«Tl»aTll#lia'liaTl'#'l
State Workers to Choose Between Unions
Wo the Pooplo Night
All Drinks 75c
8-11 p.m.
Woman's Lib-Ation Night
All Drinks 1/2 Price
8 p.m.-Midnight
Arrested in NYC Budget Cut Demonstration
NEW YORK (A P) Seven persons were arrested Monday when hundred of
demonstrators, protesting budget cuts for day care center, blocked tral lie on
lower Broadway near City Hall. More than 1,000 parents and employes
demonstrated for more thantwo hours outside City Hall and shortly before I
p.m. spilled into Broadway at Park Placestopping traffic on thesouthbmiiid
roadway. The demonstration sponsored by the Day Care Council ol Nen
York, was called to protest ii $29 million budget cut, part ol the llearae
Administration's plan to make up a $200 million deficit in the city's current
expense budget.
Oct 21-25
Beame Forsees Chain Of Defaults
NEW VORK(AP) Gov. Hugh L.
Carey and the state board which has
taken control of New York City's
finances met Monday to give final
approval to a drastic new budget
slash expected to cost thousands of
city employees their jobs.The purpose of the new cuts, ordered by the
state legislature to be adopted by
midnight Monday, is not only to
save money but lo demonstrate New
York's willingness to make sacrifices
to achieve fiscal soundness.
she says, "emergencies have to come
here. We're open 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. Weekdays we
have six doctors right here three in
the morning and three in the afternoon. •
"The rest of the time they are on
call. We have 19 nurses on duty over
a 24-hour span. Students should
know that they can come here. They
must know that they can."
Budget Cuts a Problem
Recent budget adjustments also
trouble her, she says, because they
have cut back the center's
gynecology clinic from weekly to biweekly meetings. Akullian was also
upset about the need to send
students out to clinics for services
like X-rays, but costs for a machine
and technicians now make it out of
the question.
She therefore feels that she must
now deal with the problems at hand,
though basic in nature. "Our
students are living in close quarters
here. They drink from the same
glasses and Coke cans. They even use
the same toothbrushes at times."
Akullian points out the in-patient
part of the center. It seems very clean
by any standards and the patients
seem to be as comfortable as can be
The food is supplied by State
quad, and reheated if necessary in
the center's galley, in fact, if the
center officials do not like the looks
of the food, they send it back. A TV
lounge is maintained for patients
with non-communicable illnesses.
T h e c a n d i d a t e s for the
SASU/Student Assembly Delegate
during the Student Association
Special Election on October 21,22&
23, 1975 are:
Bob O'Brien
Dianne Piche
Bart Minsky
Uptown Residents will vote only
at the polling place in the Quad
Flagroom in which they reside.
Alumni Residents will vote at the
bottom of Waterbury or Alden Dining Room Stairs,
Off-campus Students will vole in
the Campus Center Northwest
Lounge from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, only.
All Polling Places except Campus*
Center will be open from 4 p.m, to 7
p.m. except Campus Center,
iOWA ActMtfes
of SUNV at Albany
University-wide elections
Federal Pot Decriminalization Will Take Time
Presents in Concert
FiMay Oct. 24,1975
CflMpus Cenlef Donooiii ™iuO p«in«
$4.00 w/SUNYA I D . / tax cad
$4JO w/o tax card
$4.50 at ri* door
Advanced Ticket Sales-Campus Center gameroom
Oct. 17-24
October 21, 22,& 23,1975
Between 10a.m.-5p.m.
Commuter voting- 9 am-4 pm in Northwest
Lounge CC
funded by student tax
will be
Quad resident- 4-7 pm in Quad Flagrooms
by Allan Rabinowitz
"//' ''« cannibis epidemic continues lo spread • . . we may find
ourselves saddled with a large population of semi-zombies . . . "
— Senator James Eastland
At first glance, it would seem like
t he country is not fur from reaching a
national policy of decriminalizing
Hut it may take longer than expected.
There arc several obstacles to
federal legislation lo decriminalize
marijuana, although six states have
already passed such legislation on
their own, and a presidential task
force recently recommended that enforcement of pot laws be given low
One of the major obstacles, said
Keith Sir imp, chairman of the
National Organization to Reform
Marijuana Laws (NOKML) is
Senator James Eastland (D-MS).
Eastland is a staunch opponent of
marijuana decriminalization and
chairman of the Judiciary Committee, through which any marijuana bill must puss before it reaches
the Senate lloor. In addition,
Eastland is chairman of the Senate
Subcommittee on Internal Security,
which issued a report last year spelling out the details of a marijuana
There are good reasons to oppose
the decriminalization of marijuana,
according to Dave Martin, chief
analyst for the Eastland subcommittee and coordinator for the
hearings from which Eastland's the House is caught in "the same
report stemmed. Marijuana, said kind of bottleneck." Stroup said.
The House biii must go through
Martin, can make a person "antithe Subcommittee on Health and
motivational" or "dysfunctional."
Environment. The chairman of that
"If you have a drug," said Martin,
"that causes people to drop out of committee. Paul Rogers (D-KL). is
school and society; if you have "sitting on the bill until alter the '76
something that enhances any psy- elections." Stroup said. Rogers
chological weakness a person may could not he reached lor comment.
Another marijuana reform
havefo begin with: if you have a drug
that makes a person a motivational, measure is proposed to amend the
then you must consider a person who controversial Criminal Justice
uses this drugasthc hearer of a con- Reform Act. which calls for a
tagious germ. And society has a massive overhaul of the US Criminal
vested interest in protecting itself Code. If that bill is passed without a
decriminalization amendment,
against it."
Martin claimed that neither he nor possession of pot could he punished
Eastland recommended putting with a .10-day jail sentence and or a
"youthful first offenders" behind line of up to S 10.000.
But that controversial hill is movbars, but insisted that possession of
pot should remain a misdemeanor, ing very slowly. Stroup does not seesince a "criminal record and proba- any hope of a federal decriminalization provide a mighty powerful tion measure in the near future.
Although more states arc moving
decriminalization generally implies t o w a r d
that no criminal records will be kept decriminalization the District of
Columbia is on the verge of apon minor marijuana arrests.
Eastland's subcommittee has proving such a measure and
scheduled a second set of marijuana Minnesota is not far behindhearings for November in whichthe overall Eederal marijuana relorm is
latest scientific research will he ex- currently bottled up. "We feel a little
amined. Martin said, "I'm not totally weak." said Stroup. "we can't deagainst decriminalization. I just mand anything."—CPS
want to take a go-slow attitude."
Several marijuana reform hills arc
in Congress now. There is a senate
bill which must puss through
Eastland's Judiciary Committee.
St roup of NOR ML is pessimistic
about whether that bill can "be forced through" the committee. A bill in BUFFER ZONE, Sinai Desert
(A!*)--Landmine explosions and
Do you want lo tee your name in print?
terrorist bullets- these are some of
The Albany Student Press would like lo add you lo lis repertory comthe dangers American civilians may
lace when they dome to the Middle
pany of blossoming muni! reporters.
East lo help enforce the latest IsraeliEgyptian truce pact.
Under the accord worked out by
to the SliWS RICI'ORTHRS MEKTINUS every Sunday night, H-V
Secretary of State Henry A.
p.m. and every Thursday night 7-N p.m. The ASP needs you!
Kissinger, still to be approved by the
Obstacles etill block national decriminalization ol marijuana
U.S. Congress, up to 200 American
technicians are to operate electronic
listening posts in the Sinai Desert in
a new United Nations buffer zone.
Old Buffer /one
Hive hundred Swedish U.N.
soldiers have been manning part of
the old buffer zone a few miles away
for more than a year. The Swedish
desert veterans say life might be
Special Guests
1. Write an epic poem no shorter than
247 pages long using the following
5 words only: cactus, Gold, lime,
Sunrise, Agamemnon.
2. Read Milton's Paradise Lost. Explain
why you liked him better when he
was on TV.
3. Translate a map of Mexico into English,
leaving out all the consonants.
4. Disregard all of the above, make a
pitcher of Cuervo Margaritas, and
invite all your friends over.
8 : 0 0 P.M.
$6.50 W/OUT
Education Students
Student Teachers
York Students lor Effective
Education presents:
The How's and Why's
Collective Bargaining
for Classroom Teachers and Student
DUHOCK ON WL€ OCT. 09, OCT. 30. OCT. 31, NOVj. 3.
Sponsored by Concert Board
Mid East Unsafe for Yanks
Wednesday October 22 at
CC Assembly Hall
fwoe\) DV u I
OCTOBER 21, 1975
lough for the U.S. civilians.
" I here arc landmines all over the
place." says a Swedish captain,
bouncing through the sand and heat
in a desert patrol car. Row sol deadly
explosive charges, Israeli and Egyptian, lie a yard on each side ol the car
and stretch as far as thecyecunsee.
At least live U.N. soldiers were
ki led in the Sinai last year by exploding mines, despite safety paths
cleared by Polish army sappers.
"Nobody knows how many mines
there are in the hulfer zone." says 1st,
Col. Nils-Cioran Still of the Royal
(iuaids. deputy commander of the
Swedish contingent. "But there are
millions of them."
"We can avoid the mines they
are marked on maps." says a
Swedish private. "Hut we can't map
the scorpions or mice, and we have a
lot of both." The Swedes haven't lost
a man yet to a scorpion bite,butthey
keep their first aid kits handy.
I he Americans will he stationed
seven to 11 miles east of the present
hulfer. in the bleak Ciidi and Mitla
mountain pusses, but the passes have
their minefields loo. and scorpions
abound all over the Sinai. A deadlier
danger could he the Palestine
Liberation Organization, whose
newspaper has urged Arab patriots
to shoot the Americans as "an
enemy target."
It would be difficult lor a Palestinian terrorist to penetrate the remote
truce pact zone, and U.S. officials
say the Americans will be out of
guerrilla gun range.
Hut the technicians likely will be
sightseeing and living off duty in
Egypt, where they would not be immune to sniper bullets, or in Israel,
where Arab raiders have staged nine
The Swedes live in tents in the
sand, with no air conditioning,
drinking water bottled in Lebanon.
or hauled by truck across the Suez
Canal from Egypt, Officers wash
their own laundry in plastic buckets,
They watch the ease-fire lines with
german shepherd guard dogs, and
with binoculars from IS oven-like lin
lookout posts, some of them 100
yards from the Egyptians or Israelis,
Speaker Claims Syria
Severely Anti-Semitic
by Pasta Raanlek
Nina Shalom, who spoke before a
•malt audience h e n recently, lays
that the oppression of the 4300 Jews
living in Syria is worse than it has
ever been.
In the April
1972 issue of the Near
. East Report, an aeAnalysb , count was given of the
findings of the Committee of Concern headed by retired
US General Lucius D. Clay. The
paper reported that "The current
policy of oppression began as early
as 1950, when the government of
Syria, a signatory to the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights affirming the rights of emigraton, forbade the emigration of Jews."
The paper then listed several other
restrictions on Jews revealed in
testimony before Clay's committee.
Some are that Jews are not allowed
to travel more than 2'A miles from
their homes without special permission, and there is a 10:00 curfew.
They must carry special identity
cards marked "MUSAWI" (JEW).
No Jew may be employed through a
government service and professional
jobs are hard to come by. Jews in
Syria cannot have cither driver's
licenses or telephones.
The article also reported i ncrcased
incidents of imprisonment and torture of members of the Jewish comm u n i t y : ' ^ young woman testified
before the commission (the French
Commission of inquiry) as follows:
'Of the three persons who lied and
were caught, one came out deal,
another reduced to idiocy . . . They
tried again to escape and this time
succeeded, but their families were
arrested . . The other person was
tortured with red-hot skewers the
traces were all over his back. They
were thrown half dead into the
There are several other incidents
of tort ure agai nsl the Jews. The Near
East Report of April 3, 1974
reported the apparent murder of
Thin' tire just enough copies of
the Albany Student Press printed
to lei everyone read it ij you (yes,
you) Hike only one copy from lite
stack. Newsprint costs are still
rising, anil are too high to increase' the ASP press run
four Syrian Jewish women, believed
to have been trying to escape. Their
bodies were found near the Lebanese
.border. A week later, two more
bodies of Syrian Jews were discovered in the same area.
When two Jews were arrested in
connection with these murders.
Clay's committee intervened. It
called on Syria to furnish' the accused with a proper defense and a
fair and open trial. The committee
also voiced the need for Jews to be
allowed to emigrate, saying"This is a
fundamental question and should
not be confused with political issues
in the Middle East."
Several factors have accounted for
the fact that many people believe
that Jews don't have it all that bad in
Syria. One major event contributing
to this was Mike Wallace's interview
with a Syrian Jew on a "60 Minutes"
program last year. This man
reflected dedication to Syria and
happiness with the life he led there.
His name has since been discovered
on a list containing names of prominent Jewish store-owners whose
businesses the Syrian Army is forbidden to patronize.
Other accounts indicate that
events such as the Wallace interview
are staged. Livio Caputo visited
Syria in 1974 and wrote, "Conditions imposed before entering the
ghetto were clear: No questions, no
interviews." When discussing an
accepted interview Caputo wrote,
"The. interview would have been
In the wake of all the psychological horror movies out these
days, a psychiatric journal reports
that some movie goers are being
hospitalized for what is called
"cinematic neurosis."
"The Journal of Nervous and
Mental Diseases" says that at least
four persons in Cincinnati alone
were committed as a result of view-
An academic researcher, Caroline
Bird, is challenging the idea that a
college di ploma is worth the effort in
terms of earning power,
Bird says that if a Princetonbound high school graduate in 1972
put the $34,000 the diploma will
eventually cost into a savings bank
with 7.S percent interest compounded daily, the savings will be
worth a whopping $1.1 million when
the person is 64 years old.
Bird says this figure is more than
twice the lifetime earning of $528,000 expected for the typical college
The fact that Washington D.C.
took the action ii considered significant because Congress, in effect, has
the power to approve or disapprove
of the new law.
Congress could, within the next 30
days, vote to overturn the new ordinance, but only if at least a majority of the legislators vote against the
new law. Such a vote would be the
first test of congressional sentiment
on the marijuana question in recent
Reports cP Syrian perseoutien
g f J^WS *- <y*x*j e**<n«atGcl"
tion that the Syrian government is
under much greater US inlluence
since the Yom Kippur War. For this
reason pressure by the public on the
government here can now be especially effective. One example of
what such action can do was
more encouraging if the two Jews
had not clearly been intimidated by
the presence of a Government officer, who continuously kept them
under his control."
Testimony before the Committee
for Concern revealed that "When a
French mission was to visit a wellknown Jewish school, the government appointed Moslem principal
made sure that the Jewish students
and teachers were particularly welldressed that day and that they said
nothing 'contrary to the interests of
the state.' From time to lime Jewish
groups are taken to the beach, dressed in fashionable clothes and
photographed to indicate that they
arc living well."
demonstrated by the Foreign Mlairs
Committee in 1974. I he committee
said that no funds authorized in ;i
foreign aid bill "should be prmided
to any nation which denies its
citizens the right or opportunity lo
Ontario St.
2 Blocks
Ms. Shalom noted in her presenta-
Mountain Productions Presents
in Concert
Charlie Smith Band
Oct 24, 25
Oct 31, Nov. 1
Tickets Available at:
JUST A SONG a n d t h e Palace Theatre
PRICES: 54.50 SS.50 86.25
FR1. & SAT.
mv cue
on Sale
The nation's capital, Washington
D.C, has become the seventh state
or territory in the United States to
"decriminalize" marijuana.
The District of Columbia city
council t his week voted to remove all
criminal penalties and jail sentences
for simple pot offenses and to treat
them only as civil offenses
punishable by simple lines.
Now you
can help
They've got a long way to
go. In a world that isn't easy.
But with someone's help,
they'll make It. What they need
Is a friend. Someone to act as
confidant and guide. Perhaps,
It could be you as a Salesian ^
Priest or Brother.
The Salesians of St. John
Bosco were founded In 18SS to
serve youth. Unlike other orders whose apostoiate has changed
with varying conditions, the Salesians always have been — and
will ba, youth oriented. Today we're helping to prepare youngsters for the world that awaits them tomorrow. Not an easy
task but one which we welcome.
And how do we go about it? By following the precepts of
our founder, Don Bosco. To crowd out evil with reason, religion
and kindness with a method of play, learn and pray. We're
trying to build better communities by helping to create better men.
As a Salesian, you are guaranteed the chance to help
the young in a wide range of endeavor... as guidance counselors, technical and academic teachers, as coaches,
psychologists... In boys clubs, summer c a m p s . . . as missionaries. And you are given the kind of training you need to
achieve your aims.
The Salesian family Is a large one (we are the third largest
order) but a warm one. A community with an enthusiastic family
feeling where not only our talents are shared but our shortcomings, too. If you feel as we do, that service to youth can be
an important mission In your life, we welcome your Interest.
j Salesians
Campus Center
Doesn't," referring lo the
movie about a liberated
called "Alice Doesn't Live Here
Anymore.'' •.
Since then, NOW spokeswoman
Kdley Clark, reports that support
has been coming in from universities
and business and professional
groups around the country. Says
Clark: "We have heard from women
in the military, women on Capitol
h i l l , n u r s e s , business and
professional women, factory
workers . . . and men too:"
Clark says that women who cannot leave work should wear arm
bands indicating their support for
other women, and for feminist
causes. She says that theidea of a 24hour women's strike was simply to
show t h e . nation how much it
depends on women. Says Clark,
"Alice Doesn't" is October 29th, but
'Alice Doesn't' can return any day
after that."
The vote by the D.C. city council
means that the U.S. Justice Department, the Drug Enforcement Agency and the While House are located
in an area that treats marijuana use
as a non-crime.
Harold Finkle
your jeweler
ALBANY, NSW VOMC l l » 0 »
- Asa-ase*
The Office of Student Life is administering!
a bus survey to identify specific problem
areas related to the SUNYA buses.
The more responses we have, the more
solid footing well be on as we try to
respond to your needs.
Brotherhood •
StfMt »*»••*•••—
Stop by Campus Center 130
THIS WEEiy:REAT10N|Sfnfrjgr V.«—»«—••—»*•—»*«#»»—#»#«»»
OCTOBER 2 1 , 197S
C#tf#0t) AI*W**B«
OCTOBER 2 1 , 1975
One of the seven ballistics experts
involved in the Robert Kennedy
assassination case says that lb* panelists came up with a finding whie*
he says is "hard to explain." ;•
The finding may yet indicate that
Sirhan Sirhan's pistol was not'the
gun which fired the bullets recovered
by police at the assassination scene.
Bradford says that, after the
assassination, the Los Angeles
Police Department and then the
panel of experts had fired and
recovered a total of nine coppercoaled bullets through Sirhan's
What is interesting, Bradford explains, is that not a single one of
these nine "test" bullets fired under
laboratory conditions could be
matched with each other.
In the meantime, says Bradford,
t he experts have also compared t hree
bullets which were removed from
victims immediately after the
assassination. What the panelists
found is that all three of these bullets
matched each other although none
of them can be matched to the test
bullets fired from Sirhan's gun.
Bradford says you have a strange
situation where three bullets allegedly tired by Sirhan into victims can all
be matched, yet nine additional
bullets tired by that same weapon
under ideal laboratory conditions
can not be matched.
Bradford was asked if this indicates that Sirhan's gun did not, in
fact, lire the bullets recovered at the
assassination scene. "That," he said,
"is a question I would find difficult
lo challenge."
Bradford and the six other panelists will return to a Los Angeles
superior court room later this week
to answer specific questions about
their findings.
If a New York handwriting expert
is correct, the scandal could be
bigger than Watergate.
Craphoanalyst Molly Freedman
says that a careful study of the
original "Declaration of Independence" at the National
The National Organization for Archives has convinced her that all
Women reports that support lor a 56 signatures on the document were
one-day national women's strike signed by one person. Chat's right.
later this month has been pouring in One person.
t-rccdman says that the pattern
from all over the country.
Last month, NOW called on all and strokes of the signatures are
women to walk off their jobs on Oc- measured and deliberate, and are entober 29th. NOW has designated the tirely uncharacteristic of a group
«one-day strike as the day that "Alice patriots sinning their names in the
Open collar dressing made elegant with body
Choose the rich touch of jade or tiger eye.
Men's and women's lengths.
Sterling Sih*r$32.00 Gold Filled $42.00
Fllore Lane, West Haverstraw, N.Y. 10M3
I am Interested In the Priesthood P
Ort. 2<Mi-23rd 25*
ing "The Exorcist."
Cinematic neurosis is generally
characterized by insomnia, excitability, hyperactivity, and
irritability. Doctor James Bozzuto
says that patients are commonly
treated by looking at portions of the
disturbing or horrifying films while
their problems are probed by an
For more Information about Salesian Priests and
Brothers, mail this coupon to:
Father Joeeph, 8.D.B. Room B-241
rrtaveau ntya yjay as Boar a
nag to detctvsner vrMdi iisaneajsjll
signed aH 56 tastes. Mi|M ttw
;'' prankster have bar*) John Hancock?'•
Or Thomas Jefferson? Or even Baa
. Franklin?
and fill out the survey.
Jewelry of silver and semi-predous
gem stones by Raven. Custom orders
taken in Campus Center Lobby.
Concerned students: opposed to being charged for Directory
oisistonce by N.Y. telephone? If so, please sign the petitions
that will be circulated throughout the campus this week.
Pro-tow Sethry: meeting tonight, OH. 21, ctt • in I C 19.
Speaker is Arnold Ptotkln, Judgo of Albany County Court, Iho
topic, 'The lawyer at Judgo." Bwtion of next semester-1! President and Secretary will alto toko place. .
M A Rally, S p.m., tonight in the CC Ballroom,- speakers indude
It. Governor Mary Anne Krupsak, rally to cause of Equal Rights
for women under the N.Y. State Constitution!
Of«W and Returning Students (over 25): there will be Seminar
in two partt on Career Decision Making led by Lit Zivanov on
tuet. Oct. 21 and Thurt. Oct. 23, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the
library, Rm b-14.
Albany State Archers meets tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the
Women's Auxiliary Gym on the 2nd floor of the Phys. Ed. Bldg.
for info call Ode 7-5228.
Judo Club meets in Gym Wrestling Room Tues. at 7 p. m„ Thurs.
at 6. Beginner's clots starts at 7:30 on Thurs. For info call Andy 77705 or Bonnie at 7-7875.
An interesting doss In Milhna, Midrash,
Chassidic and
Jewish philosophy is given every Tues. everting by Rabbi Israel
Rubin at his home 122 So. Main Ave. 8:00 p.m. All are welcome.
For info call 482-5781.
The Undergraduate Political Science Association will hold a
mooting Wed. Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. Honors program, tenure and
promotion, reappointments, curriculum and campaign internships will be discussed. Inquire at CC info desk for room. Important meeting, so please come.
Socialist Coalition meets Wed. at 7:30 p.m. in SS 131. All interested people are invited. No knowledge of Marxism
required—only a willingness to learnl
Athena, the Feminist Alliance's bimonthly newsletter will be
available Wed. in the CC lobby. On-camput people who would
like to have Athena mailed to them, please call 489-4848 and
leave your name and address. Off-campus people must pick up
Athena in the CC Lobby.
Baha'i Club at SUNYA—information and discussion open to all.
Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m, Room 373 Campus Center.
Want to got away form it all? The Oufing Club meets every
.Wed. night at 7:30 in CC 315. Wo hike, dimb, cave, and enjoy
ourselves. Come join us.
Freshmen and Seniors interested in working on the November 6
party come to a meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in the CC Fireside
There will be a meeting of University Speakers Forum every
Tues. night at 7:30p.m. inthePatroon Lounge. All are welcome.
Business meeting—Phi Gamma Nu—Professional Business
Sorority—Wed. Oct. 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the BA lounge (members
only please). If you cannot attend please call immediately 4577729.
Duplicate Bridge Game meets Wed. at 7 p.m. Beginner's class
at 6. All welcome. Cash prizes, refreshments. For info call Andy at
The Sryn Mawr Soak Shop, I Arcadia Ave., Albany, will have
an Open House on Wed. afternoon, Oct. 22, 3:30to 5:30 p.m. to
honor Emily Cheney Neville whose book, A Garden of Broken
Glass, has been recently published. She has written a number of
books for young people of which her first novel "It's Like This.
Cat" won the Newbery Medal for Children's Literature.
Refreshments will be served, children are particulorlywelcome,
and Mrs. Neville will be glad to sign her books.
The English Department will present Earl Rovit, a professor of
English at C.U.N.Y. on Wed. Oct. 22 at 4 p.m. in HU 354. He will
speak on "Some Truths, Half Truths and Lies About the Lost
Generation." Everyone is welcome.
W.I.K.A. Council meets every Wed. at 7:30 in theBleeker 2nd
Floor Lounge.
The Student Committee to Elect Prof. Afvin Magid to the
Schenectady County Legislature seeks volunteers to aid in the
Campaign. Interested students meet Wed., 6:30 in the Fireside
Albany State fencing Society meets every Wed. at 7:30 p.m,
and Sat. at 10 a.m. in the Women's Auxiliary Gym. (2nd floor
Phys. Ed. Bldg.) Beginners welcome. For info call Mark 7-7987,
Social Welfare Assoc, meeting Thurt. Oct. 23 at 7:30 p.m. in
Mohawk Tower. The speaker will be the Director of Social Service* at St. Peters Hospital.
The Young Socialist Alliance will sponsor a forum entitled "Why
Women Need the Equal Rights Amendment". Candy Wagner
will speak, Thurs. Oct. 23, at 7:30 p.m. in LC 11.
The Albany Student Coalition Against Racism is having a
meeting Thurs. Oct. 23, at 6 p.m. in the Fireside Lounge. All interested people welcome.f
Campus Crusade tor Christ, weekly fellowship meeting every
Thurs. at 7:30 p.m. in the Campus Center 315.
An informal group learning the art of Jewish cooking meets
Thurs. nights at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Rochel Rubin, 122 So.
Main Ave. Participants learn to bake their own Challa, moke
Hamantashen, Kreplach, blinzes, Latkes, cakes and other good
foods. All are welcome. Free, (transportation available from the
Circle.) Call by Tues. 482-5781.
Thurs. Oct. 23, Seymour Krimm, author and critic will speak on
"Crisscrossing the Fine Line Between Journalism and the Novel"
and will read from his work in progress, Chaos. Me will speak at
LC 19 from 4 until 6 p.m. His appearance is being co-sponsored
by the Journalism program, the Department of English, and
the University Speakers forum.
Any Jewish student interested in participating in a traditional Friday Night Sabbath meal in a comfortable Heimishe
atmosphere—call Mrs. Rochel Rubin by Thurs. 482*5781.
A "Consciousness Symposium" sponsored byBckankai, The Ancient Science of Total Awareness, will be held Sat. Oct. 25 from 1
p.m. until 5 Room 315 of the Campus Center. There is an
admission fee of $2.50 per person; $1. for students. For further
info call 456-1973.
Anyone interested in attending an Orthodox Christian
Fellowship group is urged to attend our meetings on Sundays at
6 p. m. in the Campus Center Patroon Lounge. For further info call
Terry at 436-1535.
. ' *
Volunteers are needed at Trinity Institution, a youth services
agency in the South end of Albany. Wo need your help working
with developmental^ disabled preschoolers, as well as for arts S
crafts, high school equivalency and other programs for youths.
Please help. Call 449-5155 nowl
Basketball Marathon coming Nov. 8 to 9. 24 hours ol lun.
Watch for details—sponsored by Telethon '76. Applications (or
basketball team participants available now at the CCinlo desk.
Wanna buy a*umpMn?Wait a few days—Telethon 7 6 will be
selling pumpkins and candy apples in the CC Oct. 28 to Oct. 31.
Community Service evaluation u n i o n s are going oncommunity service students MUST ATTEND ONE.
Registration forCommunityServicefor Spring 7 6 will take place
during the week of Nov. 3 to Nov. 7, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
between LC 3 and LC4.
. . .
W.I.H.A. Volleyball and basketball rosters are now available
Caption deadlines are Oct. 29 for basketball and Oct. 30 lor
volleyball. Rosters may be picked up in the Campus Center Rm
Camera Club announces an all new photography contest. Enter
the State Photo—SUNYACameroClub Photography Contest;
you just might win a brand new 35mm SLR, or one of the many
other prizes. For details, go to any branch of State Photo, or contact one of the officers of Camera Club.
To all students who have had problems or difficulties with the
Educational Tatting Service, fill out the NYPIRG survey and
place it in the ETS complaint boxes In the Library and in the CC
near check cashing. Forms are available in the NYPIRG Office
(CC Rm 333) and at the complaint boxes. For further info call 457.
Anyone interested in a leaflet campaign and/or to sit at tables in
the Campus Center for The Equal Rights Amendment please
call Susan 449-5924.
Halloween is approaching again. How about welcoming it by
getting involved with the 1975 UNICEf campaign. All interested
groups and people call Claire 7-4761 or Nancy 77951
The Grievance Committee Against Sexism will have complami
forms in the CC and Tower Offices. Call Jill for further into 438
O/der and Returning Students (over 25): the Drop/n-Cenler is
now in operation in the Patroon Lounge of the Campus Comer
every Mon. and Thurs. from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. except Thurs Oct
23. Come socialize, bring your lunch, have a cup ol collee
Graduate Schools Interviews for students interested in grod
school admission. Sign up for an appointment in the PlocemenI
Otfice, Adm. 135. Oct. 23, NYU, Graduate School ol Arts &
Sciences; Oct. 28, Adelphi Univ. Lawyer Assistant
1972-73 MG Midget, AM/Fm, luggoge
rack, must sell. Sacrof Ice asking $ 1825.
439-5233, After 6.
1971 SAAIV4, Model 96, factory airconditioning. Best offer. Call Annie
1967 CADILLAC convertible—$275. 1
VW snow tire, studs SIS. mounted. 4341636.
(965 PONTIAC. Well taken care of,
runs good. $150. Call 438-8306 after
1968 IMPALA, 67,000 miles good condition. $700. Call Lisa at 449-5067.
1969 YAMAHA 50. Needs battery
charge, tune up. Only 200 miles.
CAMPAGNOLO-equipped. Mint Condition. $550. Frejus Super Crsa track
bike, all-chrome, CAMPAGNOLOequipped. Excellent condition. $250.
Call 765-3537.
1974'/J YAMAHA DT250A, street or
dirt, excellent condition, $775 call
Chuck 457-7981.
Beautiful sheepskin coat. New, never
worn and in perfect condition. Calf
length. Coll 4360695.
ODYSSEY AUDIO means students
offering students discount prices on
brand name stereo components. Factory sealed, fully warranted, fast
delivery. For immediate quote or service call: Lloyd 457-7715 or Brian 4658163.
rREE mother cot & 2 kittens to good
homes. Litter trained. Call 271-6259 or
PSYCHIC Development classes, also
private readings for advice or problem
solving, by appointment. Ms. Claudia
Le Marquand 372-6378.
Classical guitar lessons call Mitch 4654130.
$69. SKI WEEK—Andirons lodge, Mt.
Snow, Vermont. Meals, entertainment,
tennis, pool, suana PLUS! January 4-9
or 11-16. Contact Jackie 465-1314.
PHOTOGRAPHER. Weddings, portraits, albums, etc. All your
photographic needs. Call Joe Ingoglia
at 457-3002.
Manuscript typing service. Mrs. Gloria
Cecchetti, 24 Wilshire Drive, Colonic,
Avon Products—call Joan 438-0380.
Guitar Lessons from music graduate.
Beginners and advanced students
accepted. Kyle 456-5241.
ODYSSEY AUDIO offers students unbeatable prices on top name stereo
components. Call Lloyd 457-7715 or
Brain 465-8163.
5th SUNYA European Ski Tour Schruas,
Austria Jan.4, 76—Jan 14, 76. $449.
all inclusive. Contact John Morgan 4574831.
reasonable, my home, call Pat, 7653655.
Found: Sat. Oct. 12, left in a car, a bag
containing gym clothes, tie and
boots—freshmen rider. Call 436-4965
after 5, Frank.
French tutor; experienced. Qualified
all levels. Available afternoons and
evenings. Call 377-7491 after 5 p.m.
Myths of the Greek World, a book exhibit is in the University
Library, First Floor from October I through the 3pth
Contribute your stories, poems, graphics and photos
PHOENIX Literary Magazine. All welcome at weekly si
meetings to select works for publication. For info, call 7 307.1 01
fall is here at beautiful Mohawk Campus, serving the stud,
community with 284 acres ol railing Wills and wooded I...
Come out and picnic, bike in the country, canoe, and eii|oy a d
of relaxation in nature. Just 15
Ride needed to Charlottesville Va. or
anywhere nearby, weekend of Nov. 7.
Will share expenses and driving. Call
Perry at 7-3046.
Ride needed for two to Bucknell University. Leaving Oct. 24, returning Oct.
26. Mara 457-8982 or Peggy 4725,15,
Circfe Heading
Actress for student film. Must have long
blond hair. Contact Marty 449-8528.
Free Room and $>5.+ in exchangefor
chambermaid duties. Contact Tom
Wiltshire at Paul/s Hotel 463-9082 or
All pigs tqueol. Did you pay up?
Montak 103: inducing friends, strays,
and over-nightert: What can I toy?
love, Mo
Dear George,
Oh Brother) Eight months and or!
that has happened is that my love has
grown for you. Let's continue.
love always, loroy
Print NEATLY, exactly a t you with it to bo printed..
Marvel Comics 1961-1975. Buying in
bulk lots or individually to suit needs.
Also interested in other comics, comicrelated material, comic art, etc.
Charlie 482-7887.
Ooooo baby,
It's a good thing we missed the
movies, but what would your mother
think? (Hi Donna)
Love Tex
Name .
Enclose five cenft for each word. Minimum charge t. 75.
Fifteen cents for each word in bold {circle words to be set in bold)
TOTAL enclosed.
R. Sanders
Congratulations on the successful
formulation of a triad! Hope your
triangle balances in practice as well as
Heider's does in theory,
Send form by Campus Mail or U.S. Moil to:
Albany Student Press
Campus Center 329
1400 Washington Ave.
Albany, N.Y. 12222
Oct 20 —for Ann a friend who enjoys
the high things in life. Happy 18th—
7th grad girl scouts.
e Reduced Class Size
e Income Graduated
Reasonable Tuition
• In Depth Discussion
of TM Principles
Bench-crafted and handfinished by
skilled artisans for over 100 years.
Free Public Lectures
Hyatt House
8 pm thurs, Oct 23
solid cak-bend leathei to matcn the new stacked 2'/i Inch &
high heel.
IN tfOCk KDR P O 9 W O F O
Available in Hand Stained Brown, Natural oiled. An
tiaued wallnui, and Burnt chestnut.
Dear Apt. C2
Thanks for the show.
'Low, Ajbot MseftstNt)
An admirer
D I am enclosing $9.95 plus $1.00 for postage and handling.
Fry. Bootmakers since 1863...
Students Elect Bob O'Brien. SASU/Student Assembly. Voting Tuet., Wed.,
Thurt. Oct. 2 1 , 2 2 , 2 3 .
fstuet to be printed—
brass pegged and fitted by hand. The platform sole is of $•
Judy Kameti—thanks for tho "got
well"—where are you?
Used down sleeping bag, and
rucksack. Call 436-8760 Lenore or
I think you're cute!!
Dear Shapeless Feelings,
I believed because I cared), but you
don't feel anything, do you?
Wanted: ambitious students—men
and women—to sell government surplus clothes. For interview at your
school, write or call: Ike Perres Box 153,
Youngsville, N.Y. 12791, (914) 4824705.
I suppose this is I or me,rights*Tttanti
for a great nsontM • •
•,;,• --'.•''"' ,;
Over $33,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and
fellowships ranging from $50 to $10,000. Current list of
these sources researched and compiled as of Sept. 15, 1975.
(California residents please add 6% sales tax.)
Suitee 1,
When can we go look for TDH
again? (Maybe this time I'll get my picture in the paperl)
Your assistant Tower-waker,
Suitee 3
Riders wanted to Bethlehem Pa. Leaving Oct. 24. Call after 9, 449-7320.
To the Spring Chickens of Stuyvesant:
"You can't be twenty on Sugar Moutain
Tho you're thinking that
You're leaving too soon"
—You're all honeys!
Dear Jody, Michele and Eden,
I love you too.
love Debbie
YOUNG SHOES, adds still another to the largest collection '&&
1<>23's tc I W s
1S7 lait? §1. Albany
Hem. - S a t . 11.33-t>iC»3
Wanted: at least one large room in
female apartment. Call Anna
evenings. 463-4532 or 4620253.
ol FRYE BOOTS in the countryl Our Driitwood Boot, it Is Si
Unisex haircutting & styling. Special:
trim and shape scissor cut, $350. Al's
Furnished apart men! by Myrtle (Near
Hair Shop, Ramada Inn. Western
Partridge) for 4 or 5 students. S350 per
month with all utilities included. Call. Avenue. Phone 482-8573. Open til 8
439-0347 before 7 p.m.
Female roommate needed for baseYou proved you're ttill a spring
ment apartment. Own room, furchicken, and what a day H was! I'll be
nished, and utilities included. 465-5168
with you all week, old l a d y . . .
after 6.
Love, Gorgeous (?)
Large pleasant room in house adjacent
campus for gay male. Use of kitchen
Happy 20th Birthday. I love you. •
11275 Massachusetts Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
Friends: Tools Project Inc. of East Greenbush is now in the process
of establishing a 24 hour community service line entitled
Outreach Switchboard. It's goal will be to provide a listening
ear for those in need of someone to talk to, as well as information
about various services in the area. Volunteers ore desperately
needed, For further info call 477-8990.
Alone again this evening? Don't spend
another evening alone. Send now for
important free information to: INSTAMATE, Bon 6)75, Albony N.V. 1220*./
Himializing in girls latooi
Open Mon. - Sal
6 00 To 0:00 P M.
Sunday By Appointment
Freo Dexter, Jr. — Former
Director New York TM Center
CwiWl'tif /ifium<iinjKn.jivt
Otnk mil, miinttructim
mim( afffironfy 4f.oo,.,
At art mitUrinC^jHtt tdojH
cfuci re Wtytfo Corp., I «
AfrCyo cmtsjw fitindby.
OCTOBER 21, 197S
OCTOBER 21, 1975
It's Dancer's Lib'
by I n PfcMp Saabromky
They dance five pieces each time
they perform: three duets and two
tolo pieces. Jane Kosminsky and
Bruce Becker are the two artists who
constitute this dance company—two
people dancing five pieces—the Five;
by Two Dance Company.
These two dancers performed at
the SUN YA Performing Arts Center
this past weekend, an event sponsored by the SUNYA Dance Council. I attended their Demonstration
and Lecture on Friday night and
their performance on Saturday
At the Lecture-Demonstration,
they explained how they got started.
Becker and Kosminsky worked
together when they attended the Performing Arts High School in New
York City, and both went on to
Julliard School of Dance. Becker
went from there to Broadway and
then to the Ba'at Shcba Dance Company in Israel. Kosminsky went to
the Paul Taylor Dance Company for
six years, dancing in Paris, and
through Asia and Europe. She then
returned to Julliard to teach, where
she and Becker met again and, "over
a cup of coffee," as t hey claim, formed the Five by Two company. That
was over three years ago, and they
are now becoming a well-known
company in the United States.
During the lecture, they
demonstrated the differences
between billet and modern dance,
and further elaborated on the
different styles within modern
dance, giving examples of styles
recognized as Martha Graham's,
Paul Taylor's, Jose Limon's, and
others. They did this because they
like to vary their styles of dance in
their programs, never usingthe same .
style for any two pieces per performance. Their big thing is repertory—
Becker said "It's Dancer's Lib—one
can vary the style with one's body
At the performance, one could see
that the above statements were not.
just talk. Each piece was an entity
unto itself. The first was a duet,
danced to the "Largo" of Haydn's
Sonata U 7.ln swirl-printed leotards,
Becker and Kosminsky were a duet
of flowing motion that had the
audience enraptured. Not a sound
issued from the audience as all eyes
were glued to the pair, moving as one
unit, almost never out of contact.
The same was true for the solo
piece, Negro Spirituals, danced by
Becker. The two words that crossed
my mind while watching him were
"masculine evergy." There was
something indescribably forceful in
this over-all-and-workshirt-clad
man. His bodymovingin almost impossible twists, his flights through
the air and his descriptive face all
lent themselves to describingthejoys
and horrors of being Black and a
slave, all danced to six familiar
By far, the most dazzling was the
third piece. Suite
choreographed by Becker to court
and ceremonial music of the ISth
and 16th centuries. Becker portrays
Richard III and Kosminsky is Lady
Anne. The thrilling cape-work
within the dance enhanced the enjoyment of the intricate patterns of this
W b m e n s Forum
Sexism on Campus
by Jill Shephud
How's your feminist consciousness? How aware are you? These questions are directed not only
to the women students at SUNYA, but to anyone who has any contact with this campus and the
real world. Most people arc aware of obvious sexist or anti-women situations, such as rape or job
discrimination. But how sensitive are you to the more subtle (and potentially more dangerous)
forms of sexism? How often do you find yourself being offended in your classes by the textbooks,
by the professor's remarks, by grading or other classroom procedures? A great many people
reading this article will agree; this campus has a problem—sexism in the I'assroom. Now that
we've agreed on this, where can you go for help?
Jana Kosminsky and Bruce Backer demonstrate the talents that have
brought tham wide recognition In the three-year history ol the 5x2
dance company.
piece. Anne is killed by Richard and,
donning his coronet and red cape, he
carries Anne offstage.
The next piece was Kosminsky's
solo, called Song, with music by
Mahler. It was here that I realized
that one can tell the differences
between two dancers in the solo
pieces they do. Where Becker had
"masculine energy," Kosminsky had
a supple, lyric quality to her
movements, reminiscent of Romantic music. Her movements were not
as much energetic as languid and
The final piece was u light piece,
one of the things they like to do to
end a program because it is comic,
Fall Pow-Wow
will be held at Mohawk Campus on
Saturday, October 25. Sponsored by the
Mohawk Staff, this "after-t he-game" event
will be held from 8:00PM to 1:00AM.
Admission isi free to all University
students.iaculty and staff.
Cosf/es Burning
and because it requires less of their
bodies than the previous pieces. This
one was A Cold Sunday Afternoon;
A Little Later. In pajamas and
blankets, this dance was a story Of
two people together on a cold afternoon, and how they play to keep
warm. It was danced with a lightness
and comic flair not show before. The
audience loved it and loved them.
These two people are charming,
personable and two of the best
dancers 1 have seen in a while.
Perfectly attuned to each other, they
flow and move in perfect unison, if
they come to this area again, makcit
a point to sec the Five by TwoDancc
Company:thcy'rc well worth it.
Elections for
A Big MAC Bond, French Fries,
and a Coke
by Ken Wax
"From the mouths of b a b e s . . . " starts the saying, and indeed, I, a mere college student, a
youth, have succeeded where countless politicians and bankers have failed. I have the plan to
save New York City from its financial woes.
I've transcended all the little dinky 'float bonds and cut expenses' remedies, and have headed
right to the heart of the matter. No one in this country likes New Yorkers. This, plus an assist
from the United Slates' comically illogical foreign policy, provides the answer. But before 1
explain, let me give you the plan:
1) New York City should secede from the union. It should break away from America, establish
its sovereignty, and start doing all those things that countries do. Then,....
2) It should start to go Communist.
The Feminist Alliance exists to serve the needs and further the interests of the women on this
campus. Based on our own experiences and on research done by the Women's Caucus last
semester, we decided that there was a need to form a student-oricnled grievance committee to
Our nation, the country which is all Ihc time whipping billions of dollars on teeny-weeny far
deal with sexism on this campus.
away countries, has decided against giving financial assistance lo its largest city. The only
recourse is lor NYC lo become one of those teeny-weeny countries.
This grievance committee now exists as a tangible agency. Our philosophy is simple: that
It shouldn't be loo difficult. Already Ihc president, congress, hankers, andjusl about every US
women have a right to education without harassment due lo prejudice or preconceived and
citizen who doesn't live there has declared their non-concern with NYC's fate. They would all
outdated notions of any differences between male and female students.
Most people at the university level are fairly enlightened about racial discrimination. They are greet with open arms a proposition that would get this problem plagued district out of their hair.
I he referendum to allow NYC its independence would pass by a landslide.
also very careful about making what might be called "racist" remarks. This is because racial
minorities have been both vocal and militant in their protests against this kind Of behavior. We
NYC's first few months as a country would be low key. We would send out diplomats and all
are borrowing these tactics from our brothers and sisters and arc goingto deal with this problem that junk, and do nothing out of the expected. Until about a half year has past.
in a similar way.
Then NYC would announce that is has decided to re-evaluate its political ideology, and is
Our goals are twofold. The immediate goal is lo deal with the grievances we receive. We will interested in hearing socio-economic viewpoints other than capitalism. Immediately we would
accept student-initialed complaints against' faculty, administrators, counselors, security, gel deluged by all sorts ol -1x111.1, each intent on being the tine to sway this entity, which was once
student-run agencies and anything else which affects the students on this campus. The only the nerve center of the United Slates, over to iix way of thinking. At first, the US would watch
criteria we set is that the charge be based on some form of sexism. We will accept and deal with bemused, hut as NYC appeared more and more interested in the other side of the curtain; that
grievances from both male and female students. Through various alliances that we have set up smile would quickly lade. America would realize its mistake, but it would be too late.
around campus, we will try to persuade the offender to reconsider his or her behavior and, when
As the Russians start making their promises of financial and military aid. the US. not crazy
necessary, will take the strongest action possible.
about the idea of having a Soviet military base a half mile off its coast, would make counterThe long-term goal is this: based on the grievances wis receive and some relevant Statistics that offers. And these Americans, those people who shunned us in out moment ol need, would cross
we have researched, we are going to print a booklet dealing with the sexist situational SUNYA. the Hudson all smiles and handshakes, and would try to win our alliance.
Seeking an atmosphere of detente with out new sovereignty, the US will no doubt bestow a
This booklet, containing the findings of our year's work, will tell incoming students what they
can expect to find here with certain professors and in certain situations. This booklet will be couple of billion dollars on us. With probably a few more billion toshow howsorry they are. Not
made available at pre-reglstration and freshmen orientations starting at the end of this year. only will this instantly wipe out NYCs cash flow problem, but New York City will immediately
Now, what do you do if you want to make a grievance? Simply pick up a grievance form. fhey become one of the wealthiest nations on this earth. We'll play the Russians and Americans
are available in the Campus Center lobby, tower offices, through the women's studies against each other to get all we can from them.
I hen. wit hi his tremendous surplus ol monies t hat we'll have, we will start buying out the US.
department and in Humanities .154. Fill out the form, being as specific as possible. Write your
name and phone number (in order lo protect ourselves from practical jokers.) We cannot act on As oilier major American cities near insolvency. NYC will step in lo help I hem out. Ostensibly
anonymous complaints. Fold I he sheet in thirds and drop in cm-campus mail. Before a few weeks because "We understand your problem", we'll plow our money into those dollar hungry cities lis
go by, you will he personally contacted by a member of the committee, and together we will lasl as they Moat their bonds. And in the not too distant future, NYC will own America.
Andjusl wait until they apply to i/.v for aid . • •
decide on the best way to deal with the complaint.
640 AM
TtHte change OK caCSwg Jot oppoudrndt:
at the
liatfpkeller Pub
^ 7 1
SbitUuq Ocioftet 27&, aMmmb
3:00 fwt
((Eatnpua (Hotter)
(Mowiat) - Ftutatj
, £ $ $ • "DISCO"-"OLDIES"
A Ktnue couKftefo* wM Vomih qwtiw
Executive Committee wi
be held on October 28
at 9PM in the
CC Assembly Hall.
Folk singers Roger and Gloria Weiss are
scheduled for the Long House and planned
outdoor events include a bonfire and
hayrides. Refreshments, including beer, will
be for sale.
So c'mon out to Mohawk Campus and
bring your guitar if you wish. Directions to
Mohawk are at the Campus Center
Information Desk. Just ask for a Mohawk
Campus brochure.
Any dues-paying Freshman may run
or vote.
• ^ o o ^
<* ^
ONLY 55"
The best reputation now comes with the best priceThe Famous SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR C A Q
atathakdler Pub
ad make, tjout appwhmni. (M 457-3717
Small 25< Large 40<
SUfimrtag, GDctnber Z3tb
Kings Point SC-20 Calculator
Refreshments will be served.
Ml« on Nonhmy, turnrightoff exit. lOOyardi turn right again, mile turn
right, continue milt and your there!
•rt ^kMcGLYNN
7:30 p.m.—11:30 p.m.
3F.&.A. fcpotwnrrt. iuent
Funded by SA and Class of 1979
OCTOBER 21, 1975
T.EMC67 lelJc^ntraTAvenuerRamsey, N.J. 07446
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Exp. Dote: _
N.J. residents add $2.50 sales tax.
It not completely satisfied
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Comparable lo Texas Instrument SR-50
12 digits LED display • 8 digits mantissa
+ 2 digits exponent + 2 digit signs
Scientific notation
2 levels of parenthetical operations
Full addressable memory
Factorial (XII
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Trig functions (sin • cos • tan • arcsin •
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Log Functions: (Log. Ln. 10" e")
Others: 1/x, / X , Y \ + / Comes complete with adaptor and rechargeable batteries.
One yoar warranty on parts and services.
Plus much more for your $49.95.
Tel. (201)327-7250
eturn within 10 days for prompt refund.
OCTOBER 21, 1975
To the Editor:
I want to call to your attention a serious inaccuracy in your article concerning the
William Buckley lecture.
You quoted Buckley as saying that Kalph
Nader is "obsessed by the number ol cornflakes missing from a package of cereal while
. . . undisturbed by the amount of minerals
missing from the syllogisms of the liberal."
What Buckley actually said is that Nader is
"undisturbed by the undistributed middles in
the syllogisms of the liberal."
For the benefit of you lucky people who
never hud to sit through an KC'O course, an
"undistributed middle" is a poorly reasoned
argument, such as "all sardines arc fish, all
tunas arc lish. therefore all sardines arc
By now everyone has read in the ASP thai
Bill Buckley mumbles deliriously about Kalph
Nader and minerals, and they probably think
the poor man has lost his mind. In reality. Ihis
is not yet the case.
Scott Shain
Insecure With
I could tee no illiiiiniiilitimridBJi, dtcehy the hell out of me, thereby rendering me
or paint color on it. I began to fed some con- further vulnerable.
I used to feel very safe while walking on
tternation due to the lattMti of the hour.I do
not like ominous foUowen, no matter what campus at night; now I have some serious
.time of day it is, and certainly not when I, a doubts about that security. How can any perlone woman, mutt walk from a dark parking son feel safe on a campus where the security
police spend their time ticketing cars in outlylot a good distance to my home dorm.
. Iturnedintotheparkinglot.Thecarfoilow- ing parking lots instead of protecting the stued close behind. I set about the task of finding dent populace? How can any person feel safe
a parking space. As I turned around an island when the very force that is designated as a
of curs, I caught a sidelong glance of the car protective agency is out harrassing those it is
that had been following me. Security. The meant to protect'.'! hope my concern is not
only good reason (and even that was a feeble singular; I feel this incident is indicative of a
one) I could think of for him to be travclingat general unpleasant climate being here by cer30 m. p.h. so close to mc was to check my park- tain members of the University Police.
ing decal. without stopping mc. Another
Kim Tummolo
theory evolved when the officer chose to
wedge his car up against the rear of mint as I
It did not even occurto methat I might have
done anything wrong, and I thusly believed I
was in for a round of that old game
"Vulnerable Woman and Mad Rapist (Killer,
Mugger—choose your own
villain)." Sensing it wusthchcsttimctocscape
from a bud situation. I began to pull my car
forward and into another space in order to
leave the lot.
Pounding on my window. Demands for
registration, license, insurance card. My look
of disbelief and counterdemand for a good
cause. Speeding, says Mister Franient (Fremont, I'remonf.'). Knowing that I was not
speeding. I refuse to open mycardoorlohim.
Furthermore, I was not at any time that night
in t he town of Ciuildcrland, from whence he ultimately chose to issue t he summons. This was
verified later in the day by a very obliging Officer Coleman, who told me Ouilderland
begins on Western Ave. at about the point
where Western Ave. would be perpendicular
to the Campus Center's Northeast-Southwest
axis. Another Security car pulls up. A
different cretinous lace demands to know
what the problem is.
My statement: I am a woman driving alone
at night in a vacant parking lot. I am
vulnerable, and I refuse to open my door to
any strange man regardless of what kind of uniform he has on. No comment from the cretin,
I pass my cards out through a slip I've made in
the window. I am told I was only goingtoget a
To the Editor:
I am writing this letter to make public an in- warning, but now I am to receive a sumcident that took place here on campus on monsC'). I am told to calm down while said
Wednesday, October 1.1975. At 12:45a.m. on summons is written. I am harrassed because of
this particular night, I was driving uptown on the engine my car houses, unjustly accused of
Western Ave. in my Cutlass 442. Havingslow- speeding (50 in a 30 m.p.h. zone, and in the
ed down to 15 miles per hour to turn right onto wrong town, yet), and finally left shaking like
the SUNYA campus. I made another right a leaf, weeping in the dark at one in the morturn onto Perimeter Road and proceeded ning, wondering whut the hell happened and
toward Indian Quad Parking Lot No.8. My why.
car eventually accelerated to the Perimeter
What I object to. besides the obvious inRoad limit, 30 m.p.h. However, it took no congruence between my story and that of the
time at all for the car that was just descending security officer, and my powerlessnessin provthe hill from the gym at the time of my turn, to ing anything, is the ominous, threatening way
catch up with mc- so far that it could easily the whole affair was handled. I refuse to
have been considered tailgating. Ihis car believe that the cop did not intentionally
could not have been more than seven feet from manipulate the setting, time of night, and lack
me. and because its bright headlights were on, of Hashing lights on his car, in order to scare
Considering the circumstances, this maintancc man went back to the power plant to
contact his boss. Well, as it turned out his boss
wasn't at the power plant so he called his
house. The boss wasn't home. 1 usked this guy
to call the locksmith himself but he couldn't
because it wasn't "procedure."
The proceedurc I later found out from Boh
Meccariello, the locksmith who arrived at my
door at 9:55 p.m., was for the first maintenance man to determine if the lock was actually broken. He then discloses the problem
to his boss at the power plant who calls the
locksmith in to remove the lock. Mr. Meccariello told mc the reason for the delays is
that he is still on sick leave for three weeks with
a staph infection in his hand, and that he is the
only locksmith forthe entire SUN Y A campus.
Four years ago there was a foreman, a
locksmith, and two helpers for the campus.
Now the foreman has retired; the two helpers
have gone to a general hardware department
and Bob Meccariello is the only locksmith left.
In these times of economic "recession" it
may be necessary for the state to cut back on
costs. But it seems so ridiculous, so pathetic to
have one locksmith for the maintanance of
thousands of lockswhenyou'rea maintanance
man who cannot go against "procedure"
because his boss is not on the job and is not
available to be contacted.
James O'Rourke
Brian Killam
The Key to
To the Editor
Recently my roommate and 1 were parties
to one of the myriad examples of bureacratic
mish mash that thrives al SUNYA.
The Albany Student Press reserves the
sole right to prim or edit letters m the
editor. Submit letters TYPICWKIITICN
ID Albany Student Press, CCJJ9. 1400
Washington Avenue. The ASP will not
publish unsigned tellers. Names will be
withheld on request. Keep those cards
ami letters earning in, but remember:
'brevity is the soul of wit.'
TO TELL newute
WA\&> v.
AtJPimiL&i/G TH£
MKJWB v<%> me OP
wove Been
Quote of the Day:
"We'd have to close up the city."
AfipM- York City Mayor Abraham Beanie,
denying claim, that default would hurl only banks and Investors holding dly securities.
Simon,forhum's sike,
slop counting on your
Do yourealizewfcitrlie
o n s would da H AMY
knew mv nfunnnilr sdviur
• i f » w m y VMnrvmiv tnjf IMH
uiimoi on no nnfloni
W«ll... one, they would
novo i held day. Two,
they would...
Drnimlf, Simon... stop
counilna on your fingenl
6rVrl06 I S ,
OCTOBER 21, 1975
editorial / comment
Frustration Fuss
Sometimes you get the elevator and sometimes you get the shaft. Oftimes while,
immersed in university lite it seems that the odds favor the latter. And why not take it
out on SUNYA? just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out t o get
ASP decided to use this editorial s p a c e t o " t a k e it out on SUNYA". We really believe
that stuff about pens being mightier than swords and besides its rather tiring t o run
around campus whacking at the concrete, sword in hand.
Results of a recent staff survey show frustrations falling in three categories. Waits,
lacks, and excesses.
What arc wc waiti ng for?
busses, movies, registration, books, Godot, and love.
. . figure that there are a couple thousand people on this campus trying desperately t o
find that special someone and how many are succeeding?
What are we missing?
This university lacks communal bathingfacilities, indoor
track and tennis courts, pinball machines that let you win games instead of balls,
legalization of marijuana, beer in the drinking fountains, and Mom's home-cooked
We have an excess o f . . . fucking Albanymonsoonsand wet slippery cement, zealous
university police having field days in the parking lots, clogged drains, shitty coffee and
Finally we lack an outlet lor ASP related frustrations and we can't wall till Kick
because we have an excess of gripes. Oscar, our A P machine, screws up his ribbon,
administrators who give you the run-around, SA shitheads, masthead-fugitives who
are always on the phone, compugraphics who eat their tapes for dinner, and those
fucking students who think the fucking ASP is put together by fucking elves the
fucking morning it fucking comes out.
Those are our frustrations. But listing frustrations, even ASP. only means that We
are sure of what they are, and does absolutely nothing for relieving them. Solving
problems requires action. Talking t o people in charge of busses, writing letters to people who form lines getting them t o find more places t o line up to so that lines are not as
long, finding your own communal bathing facilities, making your own coffee.
Works of nature we will never change (God willing), so we must work around them.
Drink lots of orange juice to prevent colds, buy a raincoat, beware of wet concrete on
the Podium.
Inadequate administrative procedures were probably adequate solutions t o
problems when they were devised, but have grown unwieldy with age. as the problem
grows and changes. To solve these problems, which we can rarely go around, legally
and ethically, we must bring the inadequacy of the system to the attention of whatever
administrator runs the system. He may not be aware of the frustrations caused by the
long lines, the funny-tasting food, and not finding beer and champagne in the fountains.
pnt w
lo the Editor:
I would like to point out a common exception to two different portions of Gordon
KarpV'Pro- Programming" column inthc October 10 ASP.
First. Gordon mentionsthe needfor"evcntoriented" groups to have independent sources
of capital. We are told that without this
capital, these groups become dependent on
SA allocations. Ihis, then, causes such
organizations as quads to lose their "ability to
program according to the wants and needs of
their residents."
Now, if this dependency is indeed a threat,
why does State Quad restrict the sale of their
Quad Cards to its own residents and commuters'.' (Call the number in the ad on page 8
of October ASPecls.) Surely my four dollars
would be worth as much in "independent
capital" as anyone else's.
Secondly, Gordon complains about Jay
Miller's limiting his right to invest in the
programming of his choice. Should not State
Quad be included in the accusation?
Al Cavalari
Dutch Quad
re JR" -
W00R M P f e
State Law
10 MAkg: IT, AFTER NA>
FflDM A BAR *> fW<
Repeal the
We. were locked out of our room from 6:00
p.m. until 9:45 p.m.. The problem was
reported t o our R.A. who called the dorm
director who called the power plant, which
sent a maintanance man.
Upon arriving at the scene one hour later
the maintanance man tried his master key and
proclaimed "lis broke, you will have to wait
until tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. for the locksmith
to come."l knew what this man was going to
say before he got here. My telepath'yol this is
due to a previous experience. On August 26
the same situation occurcd; unable to get into
my room for six hours because of faulty
tumblers. But this maintenance man showed
concern, "Is there any other place you can
sleep for the night?" "Yes but my books arc in
there and I have a test a eight o'clock
tomorrow morning!"! guess he thought an
hour was plenty of time to study.
Healing the Scar
Recently in a toast al a stale banquet in his
honor al the While Mouse, Emperor Hirohito
Of Japan said, "I extend my gratitude lo the
people of the United Slates for the friendly
hand of good will and assistance I heir country
accorded us for our postwar reconstruction,
immediately following that most unfortunate
war, which I deeply deplore." Simple words,
but ones which will allow the scar of the past
generation between Japan and America to
finally heal.
Does Ihis symbolic ending of the postwar
era mean thai we forget Ihosc men who died
lor their country back at that momcnl in
history, or those who were permanently
maimed or injured in battle? The answer
should be an unequivocal "no".
The scar, a metaphor used above was
deliberate. Just like a scar on one's body we
look al the scar that exists now between the
Occident and the Orient and we can remember
those days when there was pain between our
two peoples. But once the scar heals, as it now
has, we should be able to move ahead once
again and live normal lives. We should recall
and learn from our experience ol thai war, but
we should not regress, us we have already for
loo long a period.
1975 seems t o inn rk t he li rsl year I hat we arc
willing to march t [trough t he gateway dividing
the pust and future; we seem to be willing ut
last lo t urn our heads from the HMO's and look
ahead to the liltl quarter of this century and
the problems thai lie ahead of us.
In poliiics, nothing is void of signilicunce
and the fuel that Prime Minister Miki was in
Washington on August 6th is of the greatest
significance. Il symbolizes some willingness to
forget and look loi ward since August 6th was
i he .Kli h a n "i versa, ry of i he at untie bom hi ng of
Hiroshima. Dining his visit no mention wus
made' regarding that trueic human event.
:'* by David Troeger :*:•:?•:?•?.WKxWiHK-KWSW
Rather, attention was given to the issues we today share in common.
President Ford committed the United
Stales to defend Japan against nuclear or conventional military attack, and Prime Minister
Miki committed Japan to cooperate in a new
economic and political order.
Perhaps uppermost in the mind of the
Prime Minister was the issue of oil, since
Japan's oil import bill has gone up from $8
billion to $23 billion in a year. If oil prices
went up another 10%, the economic recovery
of Japan would be in (rouble. Somehow, this
trend of higher prices hud to be arrested and it
wus obviously an international and not a
national problem, since the US and Europe
arc also being squeezed.
This hopefully marks u new trend for the
future—an actual concern with international
cooperation because of growing global interdependence, as opposed to previous individual national interests which bordered on
the selfish.
Without being overly optimistic or
idealistic, Ihis new interdependence might well
yield an era of peace which mankind has
always yearned for. The global community
may well now see I he futility of u third world
war which was deemed as inevitably succcding
the second global conflict of a generation ago,
We must realize that we live in a different
world today than the one our parents and
grandparents constructed for themselves after
World War II. lime moves along and in its
wake events are never the same; things never
go back lo the way they were. Our generation
must plan for the 21st century and can no
longer he concerned with what happened thirty years ago. Perhaps we can do this ut lust
wit h a clear headnowthat Emperor Hirohito's
words ol (hanks and upology have finally pul
World War II behir.d us.
As lor human traits, well, you have them too. Make sure intolerance of the faults of
others is not one ol your own. Be aware that frustrations caused bythchuman-nessof
others are really your own fault. Seriously... be patient. Those age-old cliches for solving problems are age-old because they've been solving problems for ages.
A. P. Managers: Multnew Kaufman, Kim Sullon
Preview: Joyce FeiRcnbaum
Circulation Manager: Nancy Pillet
Sitting Accountant: Sue Domres
Technical Editor: Sarah Hluineimoek
Head Typist: Leslie Eisemsiein
Coiitftiltlllull Manager: Ellen Uaitcn
Production! Janet Adler. Pally Ahem, Carol Burger, Donna Burton, Joan Ellsworth, Debbie
Cilick, Kim Huntley, Judi Heitncr, Michele Upton, Kelly Kila, Vicky Kurttman, Debbie Rciger,
Jeanne Saiewilz, Karen Schlosberg
Advertising Production: Lisu Biundo, Dick McRobert, Joe Zubrovich, Jeff Aronowilz
Administrative Assistant: Jcrvlyn Kaye
Photographs supplied principally by University Photo Service and members of Camera Club'
The Albany Student Press is published every Tuesday and Friday during the school year except
holidays. Address mail to: Albany Student Prene, CC329,1400 Washington Avenue, Albany,
New York 11212,
Batten Conclude
continued from pat* tMxtnn
John D a w s o n — a l i o showed
promise and should be seeing more
action in the soring along with
reliever Bob Kronenbergcr,
Basically, the Danes are a young
squad. There are only two seniors in
the starting line-up with the rest being juniors. And two sophomores,
Charlie Scheld and Howie
Markowitt, are making bids, along
with freshmen John Zanella and
Chris Stealer. But, right now,
Burlingame is suffering from a
"power" shortage—and it may be a
while before the electricity is turned
The defense is pretty well set,
however. Breglio is the man at first,
Jeff Silverman(replacingtheinjured
Mark Fuchs) is performing capably
at second, Bob Cooke is at short, and
Willoughby is around at third. John
Craig and Mike Melzer have both
filled in very well as infield reserves
and are keeping the starters alert.
And catcher, Mark Constantine, is
able defensively, although having a
horrendous year at the plate.
The outfield, with minor
Selca Three, AsBooters Win
variations, baa teen trace in' left,
Nelson in center and Mike Carnage
in right—and it has been solid. Backup outfielder, Markowitz, has seen
plenty of action in the final few.
games and has turned'out to be quite
an asset—defensively and offensively.
Toughest Schedule
As for the spring schedule,
Burlingame claims, "it's got to be the
toughest we'll ever face." Of the six
SUNYAC contests, four are with
powerhouse Cortland and another is
with a dangerous New Paltz squad.
The non-conference games total
seventeen, and virtually every one
will be a struggle for the flailing
Danes, predicts Burlingame. Such
colleges as Colgate (a Division I
school—the Danes are Division 111),
Brockport, Hamilton, Hartwick,
and Lemoyne (who went to the
Regionals) are listed, along with old
rivals Siena, Union, and RPI.
continued from page sixteen
attempt to tie up the score, but
bbwald dove at the ball, and ended
up kicking it away from Albany's
Albany's hard-throwing rlghty
half of M a team'a four urine thle fall a n d aeemed t o Improve w i t h e a c h g a m e .
"it'll be 50-50 with 90 per cent of the Oneonta, he points out, has four order to win, our kids are going to
"The one game we'd befavoredto- teams."
capable starters, three of whom have have to play over their heads, that's
win would be against Pittsburgh,"
all there is to it." To make matters
The lack of an experienced pitcher recently hurled no-hitters.
says Burlingame. "In all the rest, to back up Dollard is goingto be the
"Unless you have that kind of more difficult, this year the fall
we'd be the underdogs except when big problem when spring rolls pitching depth, you won't go record of a team is tacked on to itsprDollard is on the mound." Then, around, according to Burlingame. anywhere," said Burlingame. "In ing record.
Jockettes Clinch In WIRA
The WIRA Basketball captains
meeting is scheduled for Oct. 29,3:30
.p.m., in the Campus Center
Assembly Hall. Two leagues, based
on ability, will be formed (Lg, L—
competitive and skilled).
The Volleyball captain's meeting
is planned for October 28,3:30 P. M.,
in LCI9. Rosters are due no later
than the captain's meeting. Rosters
can be picked up in CC 356. People
interested in refereeing basketball or
A flag football half back flnda a trig hole a n d la o n her w a y In recant
WIRA contest.
ASP Personals are a great way to
say 'hello', or anything else.
Forms and information available
at the SA Contact Office, next to
Check Cashing in the Campus
Apartment Hunting?
For a five dollar registration fee we will describe available vacancies to you
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Looking for a Career?
Adelphi can help you be
continued from page sixteen
go. The Danes broke from t heir hudpass interference which gave S.C. a dle and did not assume a punt formafirst down on the Danes' four yard tion . . . nor was punter Mannn on
the field. Bcrtuzzi called his signals
Possible disaster was temporarily and then sprinted into his own end
averted when Villanova pummelled
zone lor a safety.
Swicklas, forcing a fumble, and
"We took the safety because it
Albany's Harry McDonough fell on gave us a free kick." explained Ford.
the loose ball.
"If we had attempted a punt, we
Albany was unable to move the
would have been under a great deal
ball. S.C. faced the possibility of
of pressure."
gaining possession in excellent field
S.C. took over on the Albany 45position with five minutes left in the yard line. The Owls began a race
against the clock which ended when
It was time for Ford's newest
Marty Thompson tackled Swicklas
invention—or, an instant replay of a lor a 12-yard loss at the Danes' 35,
tactic used unsuccessfully against
and a fifty-yard field goal attempt
Ithaca—the deliberate safety.
(which became a fifty-five yard try
when the Owls were penalized for ilAlbany had the bail on their own
12-yard line, fourth and two yards to legal procedure). The kick came up
PROGRAMS: Spring-Summer
M a r c h 16-August 2 8 , 1 9 7 6 , F a l l - W i n t e r
771 Sept. 1 4 , 1 9 7 6 - M a r c h 5 , 1 9 7 7
A rtprettnlallv from Arfitpfil University Lawyer's Assistant
Program will bo on tampui on Ocfokor 21 from IOIOO AM.4i00 P.M. of the Nocominf OMco fo moot Interested students.
for moro /nformof/on contact Iho 'lacomonf Offico or fho Lowyti't
Aiilffonf Program, AMphl Unlvwnllf, Gordon Clly, Mow Vorli
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Garden City, L.I., New York 11530
fifteen-yards short, and the Danes
had their fourth win.
Albany's defense held S.C. to 38
yards rushing and 96 yards of total
offense. Joe Schields went the distance in hisfirstcareer varsity start.
Tackles Tiny Holloway and Frank
Villanova sealed the middle, and Arnie Will, Ken Schoen, Schields, and
Thompson closed the outside running game.
"I think they thought they had it
won at the half," said tight end Bob
I'aeglow. "I knew wc could catch
them, but I wasn't sure whether we
would have enough time.."
"We figured we had to hold them
to 14 points and score three times
ourselves to win." said Ford. "It is a
most satisfying win."
The Danes a re now 4-1 onthcycar
and host the Norwich Cadets at
Albany's University Field, Saturday,
in the first of three consecutive home
ASP Advertising Deadlines
5 p.m. Tuesday (for Friday)
5 p.m. Friday (lor Tuesday)
D A Y T I M E PROGRAMS: S p r i n g - F o b . 9 - M a y 1 4 ,
1 9 7 6 , Summer—Juno 7-August 2 7 , 1 9 7 6 , F a l l Sept. 2 7 - D e c . 1 7 , 1 9 7 6
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tgrw many b*^9^u^f0^n^Z.
if you're too aggressive you just slide
past the guy."
Although he hesitated to single
out any one player, Schieffelin praised Johnny Rolando's play-making
"A lot of time this goes unnoticed," he said.
Looking ahead, Schieffelin
said,"the extent of our success in the
next three games will havealottodo
with whether or not we qualify for
the NCAA division three Tournament."
Wednesday, the Danes will lace
Pittsburgh, whose record now
stands at 5-2-1. Albanyisnow6-1-1.
"We expect a real tremendous
game," said Schieffelin.
Dane Fourth Quarter Surge
Offsets Fifteen Point Deficit
a Lawyer's Assistant
Think of economy to your time and effort.
volleyball should sign up in the In- Jockettes.
tramural Office, CC 356.
There are three games left in the
In this week's flag football action, flag football season. The Jockettes
the Jockettes downed Vinnies 20-0. have already clinched first place.
Norine Karst and Nancy Paffrath
Second, thrid and fourth place are
scored touchdowns for thestill undecided.
"It could have been a turning
point for them," said Schieffelin,
who described Obwald.s action as
"an excellent save."
The Danes' high scorer Frank
Selca took over from there pounding
home the next three goals. This put
Albany a safe four goals ahead.
This made Schieffelin feel safe
enough to put in the same J V, players
who have been showing promise.
The coach was especially impressed with the performance of JV
player Mark Wenzel. According to
Schieffelin, he "is playing very well
as a freshman." He also indicated
that Wenzel is a "good prospect for
varsity." Wenzel is the only J V who
will be accompanying the Danes to
Hamilton made a convincing try
at a comeback, scoring twice in two
minutes at the end of the game, making it a close, but comfortable 7-5.
Schieffelin rationalized: "It wasn't
as close as the score indicated. Had
we kept thefirstteam in, it wouldn't
Have .been nearly that close."
i ne Danes' coach described
Hamilton's team as "quick,... but
no match lor us, skill-wise. Defensively, they mark us quite closely,"
Schieffelin said, "But inthat weather
IN EITHER 2'/2 or 3 YEARS ol HILL-TIME law study
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IN EITHER J'/, or 4 YEARS ol PART-TIME day, evening,
or weekend law study (3 classes per week, 3-4 hours
per class);
You can earn your JURIS DOCTOR (J.D.) degree and
Albany State Ruggers In serum formation. They used thle play vary
effectively In 24-6 w i n over Syracuse, Saturday.
Ruggers Mangle
Syracuse, 24-6
The Albany State Rugby Club
had the rare pleasure of an advantage in size and strength, and also
superior ballhandling, as they
whipped a highly rated Syracuse University club, 24-6. Saturday.
Stale has been solidifying ils
lineup in each of the last three weeks,
and should be ready lor its upcoming
match with powerful Boston
Playing on a wet, slippery field,
which limited the breakaway run-
ning speed of both teams, State won
with its hardhitting scrum play, and
with some timely punting and passing.
State got on the scoreboardfirstas
Charlie Leyine'a running helped set
us Chuck Rappazzo for his third try
(touchdown) of the season.
Albany followed with two scores
set up by powerful scrum attacks, i.s
Doug Sabo and Wences Rodriguez
each recorded their second score in
the last three games. After a rare ci'.ll
by the referee of barbarianism on
Sabo, State again penetrated
Syracuse's muddy endzone on a line
individual effort by Nicl McStay.
chasing down a missed penalty kick.
Elliot Sulsky completed the scoring,
hitting on all four conversions. The
victory evened the rugger's fall
record al 3 and 3,
Claying in his second game of the
afternoon, Wences Rodriguez went
in lor another try, but it wasn't
enough as Syracuse's 'B' side
defeated State's'B' 8-6.
The ruggers return home this
Saturday at 1:00 against powerful
Boston College, on the practice football field.
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OCTOBER 2 1 , 1 9 7 S
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Stats UaWeralty of Naw York at Albany
October 2 1 , 1 9 7 3
Boaters Down Hamilton,7-5
ERA Rally
Held Here
Selca Nets Three, Martinez Two;
Albany Eighth Instate Rankings
fey Betty 8 M B
Ankle-deep puddles, icy winds,
and a slow but persistent drizzle
made Saturday's soccer match
against Hamilton more li ke a melted
down version of the ice capades, but
the Danes slid and splashed their
way to a 7-5 victory,
"Playing in the rain didn't help
much," said Albany's varsity soccer
coach Bill Schieffelin, commenting
on the more than four inches of rain
that wen dumped on CiprtaHand
this past weekend. "The field was
like a cess pool out there."
Despite the adverse weather conditions, Schieffelin was pleased with
the overall team performance. "We
really had the game under total control all of thetime," said Schieffelin.
, Left wing Chepe Ruano makethis
obvious from the start with a goal 23
seconds into the game.
"I think we scored the fastest goal
ever m a d e here," q u i p p e d
The Danes continued their assault
on the Hamilton net as Paul Schiesel
took advantage of their goal tender's
untimely advance from his post,
blasting the bail straight down the
middle, about three minutes after
Ruano's goal.
The score was brought to a neat 30 when center forward Edgar Martinez booted in Albany's third
straight goal at 11:41, inadvertantly
aided by Hamilton's Kerry Reagan.
Hamilton began a slow comeback
at 15:55, slamming the ball past
reserve goalie Mitch Sherman. The
score was brought to 3-2 four
minutes later, when the ball again escaped Sherman's grasp.
"We ended up giving up two easy
goals," said Shieffelin, referring to
Hamilton's first couple of points. He
attributed this to the fact that Sherman is relatively new to the position.
When asked why Albany's regular
goal tender, Henry Obwald, did not
start, Schieffelin cited his poor performance in the Danes' previous
by Kandl B. Toler
First halt action In Hamilton contest.
match with Onconta. That game
ended in a disappointing 2-2 tie.
"I think he played much better,"
Schieffelin said. "The trouble is
when you're the goal tender and you
make a mistake, it can be fatal," he
Schieffelin praised the save
Obwald made i n t he second half. The
Danes had come through with
another score at 22:00, Martinez'second in a row, but Hamilton's Chip
Williams responded with a goal lor
his team, 19 seconds later, making it
a close 4-3.
Part way into the second half,
Hamilton made a convincing
continued on page fifteen
Dane Rally Nips Owls, 19-17
Albany's "scoring machine" Frank Selca scored thro* goals Saturday
to bring his total to thirteen-three shy ol record.
Trailing 15-0 in the second
quarter, the Albany State Great
Danes varsity football team scored
an impressive comc-from-behind
win over the Owls of Southern
Conn., 19-17, Saturday..
"It was the greatest team victory
we have ever had," said Danes' head
coach Bob Ford. "We were losing by
15 points. The team could have given
up. But this team is finally developing a personality and wouldn't quit."
The game was played on a field
more suited for water polo than football, and its condition caused
numerous fumbles, four by Albany,
live by S.C,
The Owls opened the scoring on a
three-yard run by quarterback Ed
Switklas, alter S.C. gained possession of the ball on the Albany 35
thanks to a bad snap over punter
Mike Marion's head.
The Owls faked a kick on the point
alter attempt, and were successful in
passing lor t wo points when a deflection by Albany's Billy Brown landed
in the hands of Owl's tight end Mark
Slice nan.
S.C. added another touchdown on
a 64-yard punt return by Rich
Dunstcn. The point extra attempt
split the uprights, and the Owls led,
Albany's firs! touchdown was a
case of the right man in the right
place and knowing what to do when
"the plan" did not work.
The Danes drove down to the
Owls' 30-yard line, where the drive
stalled. Al Martin came in to attempt
u field goal on fourth down, as did
Ahonen, the number two quarterback, who doubles as Martin's
DeBlois Powers Over
The snap buck to Ahonen was off
the mark, so Ahonen took off and
run 16-yards for a first down, Six
plays later, Tom DeBlois powered
his wuy into the end zone from a yard
out, and it was a 15-6 game,
Albuny went for two points on the
Frank Villanova set up the Danes'
conversion, but the Dunes were
thwarted by a wet ball which slipped last score when he recovered a
out of Ahonen's handsjust short of a Swicklas fumble on the Owls' 16yard line. Five plays later, quarterwide open Dave Dupre.
Albany's offense came on strong back John Bertuzzi scrambled for
in the second half. On their second ' the touchdown.
possession, the Danes drove 70But there were several surprises to
yurds for u touchdown, DeBlois go- come.
ing in from the five-yard line, after
Late in the fourth quarter on a
carrying the ball 37 yards two plays fourth and 22, Albany was called for
continued on page fifteen
Batters: Tough Season
The main reason for the hitting
by Mike Piekarski
famine was the loss of the three, four,
"I didn't foresee a great season,
and live men in the line-up, at the
but I thought we did well, I really
start of the season, explained the
did, with what we had." And make
coach, "We just didn't replace
no mistake about it, varsity baseball
couch Bob Burlingame didn't have
There were no replacements in the
much, as he guided his Danes to a 4-6
pitching department, either, With
record in the recently concluded
the loss of Tom Blair (ineligibility)
1975 fall campaign.
and (ilenn Sowalskie (football
But, according to Burlingame, it
team), Burlingame had to rely mainwasn't a total loss.
ly on the right arm of Dollard to pull
"I wasn't awfully displeased with
our 4-3 record in the conference," he the Danes through.
Dollard posted two of the team's
said, retiring to the State University
of New York Athletic Conference lour victories—one a shutout— and
hurled approximately two-thirds of
games. "I knew I was thin in
pitching: [John) Uollard was our' the innings played by the Danes this
fall. Although pitching statistics
only experienced starter."
And the hitting wasn't all that po- were unavailable, Dollard's earned
tent, either. With the team batting run average was low enough, and his
average hovering around .200 all all-around pitching was fine enough,
season, and the Danes stranding for him to be called "a good, solid
college pitcher" in the coach's esrunners as if they were the enemy, it
was not a hitter's paradise.
The other two Albany victories
Only senior first baseman Jeff
Breglio managed to crack the .300 were recorded by a hard-throwing
mark, baiting a nifty .345 an the freshman named Paul DiLcllo,
strength of a ten fortwenty-nine per- DiLcllo seemed to improve as the
formance. Centerfielder Paul Nelson season progressed, and Burlingame
was next at .276 followed by John was "pleased with the way [he] came
Irate at .240. Irate and Breglio tied along,"
The two other freshmen pitchers
lor the ruiu-batted-in leadership
with third baseman Jim Willoughby, on the staff—Roger Pianlier and
continued on page fourteen
as I hey each had five.
Speakers infayor of the New York
State Equal Rights Amendment
(ERA) rallied on Tuesday night in
the Campos Center Ballroom. The
speakers ranged in notoriety from
Lieutenant Governor Mary Ann
Krupsak to Student Association
President Andy Bauman.
Disappointingly for the Albany
County Coalition for the Equal
Rights Amendment, whosponsorcd
the rally, the attendance was barely'
greater than the list of speakers who
came to the stage.
Rose Marie Rosen, a member of
the steering committee lor the rally,
blamed the sparscness on lack of
preparation time and poor publicity.
The rally began with folk entertainment by Lee Wilkic and RCO
Professor Richard Wilkie. SUNYA
student Kim Krieger played guitar
and sang in between the speeches of
the ERA supporters.
While all of the manyspeakers expounded on the great need for the
amendment. Lieutenant Governor
Krupsak spoke out most strongly on
the urgency of the issue at hand.
Krupsak stressed the need of the
ERA to give strength to women and
men in lighting corruption and oppression in government. Stated the
Lieutenant Governor, "I thought
we'd had it when we got rid of
Agnew, but those same kinds ol
forces are there." Krupsak went on
to say, "Putting it [the ERA] in the
constitution is a fulfillment of a 200year promise that we want in!"
Krupsak explained that without the
amendment added to the constitution equality lor all could never be
reached. Said Krupsak, "Equality
under the law is not yet a reality...
The laws may be there, in some instances they may be specific . . . Yet
reality is that some 69 per cent is
what a woman may expect lor the
same job as a man."
Additional speakers lor the Equal
Rights Amendment included several
state and local politicians, all eager
John Bertuuitakeslhesnapand prepares to take off on end around In
second hall action ol last week's game. Dana* have now won lour ol
live thus lar.
Beyer Calls A Moratorium
On All SUNY Construction
moratoruim is yet to be determined.
The master plan in 1968 for student enrollment in the State University system was originally 268,300. In
1972 the figure was modified to 205,
700, and will be again decreased for
1976. The enrollment figure on
SUNY campuses now is 163,000
"We have in effect frozen
enrollments on 20 of our state
o p e r a t e d c a m p u s e s , " said
Chancellor Boyer,"and I will be
revising downward the growth for
the so-called emerging campuses, so
we know that our 1976 master plan
will fall sharply below what we had
estimated in 1972."
Chancellor Boyer expressed conSpeaking in the Ballroom, Lieutenant Governor Mary Ann Krupsak
cern a b o u t "maintaining a
called the ERA part ol a "200-year promise" to American women.
guaranteed transfer" for community
college graduates, while maintaining
to announce their support.
the freeze. Although enrollment has
Eunice Lindsey, Vice President of
been frozen on most of the SUNY
the Republican State Committee,
campuses, community colleges with
pointed out the support forthc ERA
open admissions policies will not be
from many state and federal party
affected. Boyer stated his belief that
leaders, including support from the
markets and the lack of enforcement "The community college is a very exby Judy Jaeger
President and the Vice President.
Patricia Koczko, a senior at by the appropriate regulatory citing and unique institution . . . it
Joyce Chupka of SASU spoke out
should remain inexpensive and
of bodies".
lor the ERA statingthut it is needed SUNYA and a
told the committee that open." "Many of our campuses are
to insure equality for women in NYPIRG, testified before the Joint
Senate and Assembly Committee on the supermarket industry has becoming increasingly selective,"
higher education.
oh MoVfday. forfeited its right to institute the said Chancellor B o y e r . " . . . As our
Dick Meyers of the Albany'Coun-*
computer checkout system because enrollments have slowed and we've
ly Legislature assured the ERAsupit has "proved itself untrustworthy.. put a ceiling on our enrollments the
portcrs of the legislature's backing, that she coordinated in Albany, The
. by its flagrant violation of the unit community colleges continue to inlie informed them that Albany's hearings were held in Rochester in
crease." Chancellor Boyer assured
pricing laws".
legislature had recently passed a consideration ol a law requiring
The supermarket industry argues Ihe press that a plan was in effect to
resolution in support ol the amend- supermarkets to individually price
all products. Ai present, such label- that consumers will be checked out sec thai transfers for community
ment by a vote of 38-1.
faster, and the checkouts will be college students are indeed
The Equal Rights Amendment ing is foe the benefit of the cashier;
more accurate. They also offer the guaranteed.
states the "Equality of rights under however, with the future institution
shopper a tape that describes the
Stable Enrollment
the law shall not be denied or abridg- of the Universal Product Code, a
item and its price. Consumer groups
The State University intends to
ed by the state of New York or any computer checkout system, such
labels will no longer be necessary. argue (hat the difference in speed is maintain a stable enrollment
subdivision thereof on account of
Shoppers will then have to rely on negligible as bagging is the actual between the New York Stateschools
time consuming clement of grocery and private institutions. SUNY now
It is listed on the ballot as amend- the unit pricinglabelsontheshelves.
NYPIRCI's testimony was led by checkout, and there is no guarantee enrolls about 20 per cent of the New
ment one. Eunice Lindsey warned
NYPIRG director Donald Ross, that stores won't simply have fewer York State student population. "The
the supporters that proposition one
checkout counters running at one State University," said Chancellor
is not ERA. "People must be told to staff attorney Val Washington, and
They reported on con- lime and have longer lines. They also Boyer, ''is committed to a policy of
vote yes on that second item—the Koczko.
sumer reactions to the unit pricing argue that there is no guarantee the .construction and enrollment planERA."
system, the non-compliance of the prices in the computer will be the ning which assumes that private secsupermarkets, und the possible dis- same as those on the unit pricing tor enrollment ratios will be mainadvantages ol the Universal Product labels. "A customer can hardly be tained."
The enrollment freeze will affect
Code. They basedtheirtestimonyon expected to remember shell labels
Ross nine of the eleven arts and science
the surveys that NYPIRG ran in for a cart full of groceries",
colleges, five of the agricultural and
Albany, Binghamton, Rochester, explained to the commission.
Supermarkets also claimed that technical schools, all of the specializSyracuse, Brooklyn, Queens and
LONDON (AP) Scotland Yard, never seen a black, oriental or
Statcn Island over the past three they can save several thousand ed schools and the SUNY medical
worried about accusations of beinga Asiatic police officer/The advertisedollars per year in labeling costs, hut centers. The four university centers
"racist" force, launched a $50,000 ment admitted, "There's no doubt
consumer groups argue that there is are still scheduled to grow.
advcrt:sing campaign Thursday to there are prejudiced people in the
Unit Pricing Unused
The schools which will most
attract more black policemen and metropolitan police just us there ure
"Our study proves that consumers no guarantee that this saving will be
heavily feel the lack of new construcin the populution ut large. But a
don't make use of unit pricing, and passed on to the consumer.
NYPIRG was only one of the tion arc University of Buffalo,
t he supermarket i in* ustry is not comAt present, Scotland Yard has police officer isn't doing his duty if
plying with the law",
Koczko groups that testified before the com- College at Old West bury, College at
only 40 black police officers among a he speaks or acts with prejudice... He
total strength of 21,302. The first of isn't going to last very long... When a said in an interview after the mittee. Several supermarket chains Purchase and Stony Brook.
of SUNYA's
testimony. The law requiring unit were represented, as well as the New
these joined in 1967 and none has yet' police force consists exclusively of
pricing was passed in New York City York State Consumer Protection downtown campus was to be
risen above the rank of constable- people of one kind, and has to look
alter communities where people of
in 1972 and il went into effect on Board, labor unions, individual con- proposed to the budget committee
lowest rank of the force,
sumers, and other consumer groups. but has now been scratched from the
January I, 1975 statewide.
The Yard, 5,000 policemen under another kind predominate, there is
described the list.
The Albany survey (the largest in Washington
strength, look lull page adver- hound to he a certain lack of unthe upstate area) showed that of 330 meeting as "large and high
tisements in lour of London's most derstanding. At worst, the police
shoppers interviewed, only one in powered", "Wedefinitely had anim-.
widelyread newspapers toappeal for become totally alienated from the
four understand und use unit pric- pad", she commented, and then
more non-white recruits. All hough it community.
"It hasn't happened in London yet
i ng. "The fact is I lull most consumers added, "the strength of the promentioned Asians us well as blacks,
lhe ad was clearly aimed at lhe black and we're not going to let it happen rely almost completely on prices ac- consumer testimony was thut il was
community which has been most in the future." The appeal got a mix- tually marked on individual items", based on many undeniable and
shocking facts. The supermarket inLetters
ed reception from blacksin Brixton, Koczko said.
critical of alleged police racism,
the suburb south of the Thames
Washington's testimony on dustry had to use rhetoric to
Under photographs of a black where most nonwhile immigrants store compliance, she explained that strengthen their case,",
pointed out the need
46% of the items surveyed did not
policeman, u Muck police woman, a huvc congregated.
have unit price labels that complied for consumer groups in such a case,
Political student Scipio Aton said
white constable und u smiling Sir
with the law. "In theory, unit pricing because individual consumers lack
Robert Murk, head of the Yard, the it would be nice to sec more black
advertisement asked, "Is racial pre- policemen," But I can't somehow see is a powerful consumer protection", the facilities or the knowledge to pretestimony.
Libertarians on Campus
I old the committee. sent an effective
judice keeping you out of the il happening, Colored people are
very suspicious' about the police. "Its weakness is due primarily to the Wushington stressed the role of
mctrqpolitun police?'
continued on page two
— « - — •
willful violations of the law by superIt went on;"Most Londoners have They feel they are very prejudiced."
The Yard Recruits Blacks
by Randi B. Toler
A moratorium on new construction on SUNY campuses has been
declared forthc first time since 1962.
Chancellor Ernest L. Boyer told the
press yesterday that "There is now
new construction being submitted
for consideration this year... Cond i t i o n s now financially and
I otherwise required that there be a
; moratorium on plan, growth and
physical facilities through 1980"
asked that all projects now underway be reviewed for priority
status before rcappropriation is
Boyer cited that the moratorium
will have some effect on enrollment
growth for the University. The actual figures arc unknown, for the
s c o p e of the c o n s t r u c t i o n