Hooters Extend S1teak~ Batmen V Student* Relegated to the Back Lot by OER

But* Univariity of N«w Toik at Albany
Friday, Octobar 11,1974
Hooters Extend S1teak~...—-~pgu
jijr. 25
Student* Relegated to the Back Lot by OER
The segregated parking'system fs
"forthcoming In tho very
near future."
1 tf
outatrotehad Now P i l U goallo cannot Hop Bob Schlogol't winning goal- M o w Loft: Tho Danoa
Tho Albany Soecar ttam continued Hwlr winning waya Wodnoaday. Abova: An outatrttchod Now paiu gown ramwi «wp •»«. - » . . . - » - . ,
In • raro opurt ot offtnio. Mora on tho gama on pago 14,
contkiuo to proas the goalie. Balow fight:
by Mike Seni
The contemporary maxim that
students arc the new niggers of the
world has again been validated with
the reinstatement of reserved parking lor both faculty and stuff.
Vice President for University Affairs Lewis Welch has been forced to
revert to last year's reserved parking
system because of an agreement
worked out between the United University Professions (UUP) and the
Governor's Office of Employee
Assistant Vice-President of Un?
ivcrsity Affairs Sorrcll Chesin said
that the segregated parking system is
"forthcoming in the very near
future." All that is lacking is the Administrative go-ahead.
Student Association leaders
believe that last year's University
Senate decision to have first-come,
first-served parking should be binding because the Senate is the "dulyelected" campus governing body.
The controversy started fourteen
months ago when a student parking
strike initiated by Central Council
led to the Senate's decision.
Under the previous system resident
students were relegated to the rear of
the Stale and Dutch lots, commuters
had the middle section and faculty
and staff had the section closest to
the podium. At that time, the lots on
State and Dutch were the only paved
parking lots on the quads.
Through a complicated network
of appeals, members of the UUP,
formerly the Senate Professional
Association (SPA), filed a grievance
to have the reserved system
The union contended that open
parking violates part of their StatcSPA Agreement. The unionexplained that open parking diminishes and
impairs a "benefit or privilege"
provided them by law without "prior
notice of SPA."
The S e n a t e
Associaion, under the terms of their
contract, appealed the University
Senate's decision to President
Bcnezet's office. The SUN YA President designated Assistant Vice President of University Afairs Sorrcll
Chesin to be in charge of the appeal.
Chesin found SPA's grievance invalid. He explained that the faculty's
right to parking had not been impaired because members could still
have access to the same parking lots
as before.
Chesin said that the use of paring
facilities is not a "benefit or privilege
provided by law."
Student e m wM be relegated I
The union then appealed to
SUNY Central, under Chancellor
Boycr's office. Boyer's office also
supported the students' position
over the union.
The union, adamant on their demand for segregated parking,
appealed to the Governor's Office of
Employee Relations (OER). OER at
first ruled along with the previous
body, saying that specific rules for
parking are up to the U niversity and
that the University Senate has the
right to consult with all "interested
parlies" before making ilsdccision.
Pat Uuchaltcr, the former Albany
chapter President of the United Un-
segregated parking.
the University Senate, that the union
ivcrsity Profession explained that
the union was intent in appealling ' is taking away the right of the Untheir grievance to the highest level, iversity to govern itself," explained
an outside, independent agency, Curran.
The faculty is trying to "use the
with binding arbitration
However, the UUP didn't have to will of two people to circumvent the
appeal to an independent arbitrator decision of the duly organized governing body on campus," said Birnbecause the Office of Employee
Relations, lor unknown reasons, • haum. He explained that the Senate
represents all concerned groups and
backtracked and sided with the undefinitely is the must fair means of
ion, wanting segregated lots.
Speculating why the Governor's ' resolving the problem."
faculty is probubly on the students'
office reversed itself, Student
Association Vice-President Ira Bir- done." said Hartley. OER could not
be reached for comment
naum said. "OER decided that
Central Council Chairperson
students are not worlh the effort."
David Coyne said that a majority of
Birnhaum explained that OER
"didn't want to have to defend its ' faculty is probably on the students',
side. Coyne quipped. "Equal protecdecision before an arbilator."
tion under the law? Apparently'
However, former UUP leader
blacks and whites may be the same
Buchaller offered a different theory.
but not students and faculty-' ex"We would probably have won in arbitration so the Governor's pffee plained Coyne.
ViccPrcsidcnt for Management
pulled hack."
"Equal protect/on under the law?
, •
Apparently blacks and whites
may be the same but not
students and faculty"
liuclutlter explained that all
appeals are "vested interests." The
President's office, SUNY Central
are all part of management, explained Buchaller. The union was
"suspicious" of these organizations,
she noted.
.The OER was a "bargaining
thing." said Buchaller. The "hitch
was they didn't think we would lake
iil all the way" to outside arbitration,
said Uuchaltcr. She noted that when
the Employee Office found out that
we were determined, they changed
their minds.
SA President Put Curran said he
thought OER's decision was "arbitrary." He added that it "sounds
pretty suspicious."' "There's a
general feeling of faculty, at leutl in
Tho H-nnotord C.rcu. c m . . l l w . . r » 1 . . m y * r t Q U . M ^
and Planning John Hartley said that
on the new segregated parking
system, "I don't know if thi is an
irreconcilable type of thing." "As it
stands now we really have to implement it. However, if there were a
change pi heart, then maybe there's a
chance that something can be
done," said Hartley
OER could
not be reached for comment.*
On this issue students and
Aininistration are on the same side.
Concerning the Senate's decision in
March IV7J for open parking,
Hartley said. "I have seen nothing to
change my mind - the wish of the
University community is for open
parking." The directive for reserved
parking will probably come from
Hartley's office in the near future.
; ** lf-> »"• " i •
Common>Cau$* Lobbyut Urge$Cl*an*Up
•• ' *--•-,.•• -.
Jack Moskowitz, a Washington D . C Common C a u e
lobbyist, will be in Albany on Wednesday. October 16. to
A native of Huntington Woods, Michigan, Mr.
discuss "Citizen Action in Government Reform*'. At
Moskowitz is a graduate of Wayne State University and
12:10 p.m. he will apeak at Chancellor's Hal in the
of Wayne State University College of Law.
•N.Y.S. Education Building. Washington Avenue. The
"Mr. Moskowitz's lectures in Albany are part of Comlecture will be repeated at 8 p.m. in Lecture Center 2 at
mon Cause's Campaign "74 program for government
the State University of New York at Albany, in the
reform." according to Mrs. Phoebe Bender, the citizens'
Academic Podium's lower leveL The lectures are free
lobby chairman for the Capital District. "Common
and the public is invited.
Cause's federal legislative proposals to reduce the power
of money and secrecy in government will be explained.
Mr. Motkowitz is a member oftbe legislative staff and
a registered lobbyist for Common Cause. He plans and These include: cleaning up elections, spotlighting lobimplements the organization's lobbying strategy for byists, reducing conflicts of interest, taking politics out
energy matters and tax reform legislation.
Mr. of the Justice Department, making decisions in public,
Moskowitz specializes in the proceedings of the U.S. and reforming Congress."
Senate, and is considered a leading Washington authori"Common Cause uses citizen action to inject these
ty on tax reform. Most recently, he has rallied support
issues into every congressional election race," Mrs.
for campaign finance reform on Capitol Hill, and co- Bender continued. "While others are busy seeking to inauthored a Common Cause report about this reform.
fluence elections. Common Cause members will work
Prior to joining Common Cause on 1970, Mr. hard to influence candidates to support our issues. Mr.
Moskowitz worked with the Urban Coalition Action
Moskowitz will describe Common Cause's use of issue
Council. From May 1969 to January 1970 he served as -politics to seek candidate's support for reform proposals.
executive Director of the National Committee for Tax
He will focus on the importance of these issues as the
Justice. From 1965 to 1969 he was Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Civil Rights and Industrial best way to restore integrity in government."
LAS VEGAS, Nevada (AP) Former Supreme Court Justice Arthur J
Goldberg on Monday compared Nelson Rockefeller's admission of responsibility for a derogatory book about Goldberg to former President Richard
M. Nixon's acceptance of responsibility for Watergate.
Goldberg said he welcomed an opportunity to testify before renewed
hearings on Rockefeller's confirmation as vice president.
Goldberg said Rockfeller's apology about the book was "very reminiscent
of another statement" in which Nixon once said he would take "lull responsibility for the Watergate affair."
"He [Rockefeller] owes an apology to the American people." Goldberg
told a news conference. "What is needed is a complete statement of the facts."
MIAMI.FIa. (AP) American diplomat Barbara Hutchinson arrived in
the United States Monday, saying she has no qualms about returning next
week to her job in the Dominican Republic, where she was held captive by
pro-communist kidnapers for 12 days.
"Oh, I have no anxiety about going back," said the tall, thin and freckled
Miss Hutchison, 47. She will first spend a 10 day vacation in Florida.
"It was sort of a fluke-type of kidnaping anyway, and 1 get the choice of going back there or somewhere else, but I love the country and there are many
things I still plan to do th.re."
The veteran foreign service officer said her only worry was that the I S
embassy would assign a bodyguard to her. "I sure wouldn't want thai." she
said with a smile.
NEW YORK (AP) Gov. Malcolm Wilson and Rep. Hugh Carey, m the
first debate of the gubernatorial campaign, clashed Monday over Wilson's
pledge to veto any future improvements in public employee pensions.
Wison called pensions "a time bomb" that could bankrupt government.
and said they should be taken off the collective bargaining table.
Carey said the state needed to decide "what we can afford," but declined lo
rule out any improvements in benefits.
In the Vh hour debate at the New York Times, the two men argued heatedly, each man frequently interrupting the other. Carey scowled acress the table
at Wilson throughout the session; Wilson alternately scowled and laughed
when he wanted to ridicule something Carey had said.
NEW YORK, (AP) Leaders of the country's transit systems were urged
Monday to personally ask their congressman to pass the federal muss transit
bill that would for the first lime provide operating monies for their lines
Rep. Joseph G. Minish, D-N.J., a sponsor of the1 bill, told a meeting ol
1,500 members of the American Transit Association:
"Get to your member of Congress now, before (he November election and
get a commitment from him . . . 1 am only one vote."
Minish said the SI 1.8 billion bill, currently in the rules committee, has excellent chances of enactment this year, save for one hurdle involving "petty
jealousies on the part of a very few but powerful House members . .. "
NEW YORK (AP) A federal mediator kept negotiators working Monday despite the Columbus Day holiday as 4,500 Teamsters striking United
Parcel Service remained idle for the 40th day.
But the strike of drivers, helpers and sorters against the downsMle
operations of the national distribution service lumbered along with the end
still not in sight.
•We're still talking," Hezekiah Brown, a commissioner of the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Service, said during an afternoon pause in thm
talks, at an unpublicizcd location in the city.
OCTOBER 15, 1974
Watergate Unravels
(AP) A short, stocky young man
with wavy black hair and a broad
smile leaned on a lectern Monday
and began to unravel the
prosecution's charges in the
Watergate cover-up trial.
That beginning fell to Richard
Ben-Venistc, who charged that the
conspiracy "involved the participation" of former President Richard
M. Nixon.
Hen-Veniste. who was three years
old when Nixon made his first
successful campaign for Congress in
1946, recounted the now familiar
story of the Watergate break-in and
His voice was firm and strong as
he delivered the government's opening statement against one of the most
stellar casts of criminaldefcndants in
America's history.
The men he was accusing were all
older; John N. Mitchell is nearly
twice his 31 years, a lawyer who
made it big in the bond .market.
He did not rail, he did not gesture;
indeed the delivery was almost in a
Hie spotlight was Ben-'Venistc's,
all eyes were turned lo the squat
figure in rimless glasses. Behind him,
looking past his back to the jury,
were the men whose freedom and
reputations are on the line.
Mitchell, twice manager of
Richard Nixon's successful campaigns and his law and order attorney general.
HnIdcman, who had left a
successful advertising agency career
lo a rise in the political world with
Nixon when Hen-Veniste was still
going to Columbia University
School of Law.
John 1). Ehrlichmun, a lawyer
who wtis an advance man for Nixon
by the time Ben-Venistc finished a
criminal luw fellowship program.
Robert C. Mardian,,who wus a
Justice Department official and
Kenneth W. Parkinson, a partner in
a successful Washington law firm,
long before Bcn-Veniste began his
rapid rise in the Justice Department.
•Ben-Venistc told the jury the
cover-up first began by an attempt to
deny official knowledge but "mere
denials were not sufficient and false
explanations were necessary to sustain this line."
Repeatedly, he said the men at the
top were trying lo portray the
Watergate burglars as"people off on
a lark of their own."
OCTOBER 15, 1974
Ben-Veniste, the son of Sephardic
Jews, was raised in New York City.
Bui his early career, beginning as
Nixon wasjusl two months shy of
election as President in 1968, has
seen him participate in a number of
big cases of official corruption.
He has prosecuted income tax
fraud and union kickback cases,
embezzlement cases and perjury aiid
bribery in high places in New York.
While the opening statement was
his, the chief prosecutor at the trial is
James F. Neal, a genial Tcnnessean
whose soft voice is in marked contrast to the harsh tones of BenVenistc.
But he earned the opening shot,
through more than a year's hard
work to pry from the White House
the tapes that will become such an
important part of the trial.
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Student Ballot Applications Heavy
ROME (AP) Amintore Fanfani, a staunch anti-Communist Catholic
leader, got the nod Monday to form a new government to try to bail Italy out
of us polgjgland economic crisis without Communist participation
prcsjgM j^vanni Leone called on the 66-year old Fanfani, a four-time
ex-prcnBsOsWsecretary general of the dominant Christian Democratic party, after II days of uncertainty about Italy's political course.
Premier Mariane Rumor resigned Oct, 3, creating a vacuum that many
Italians speculated could only be filled by bringing Italy's big Communist party into the government. Fanfani's appointment appeared to end this
possibility, at least for the present.
However, in a statement issued after his appointment Fanfani said the
situation before him was "not encouraging.''
He said he would "insist initially" on trying to revive the center-left coalition of .Catholics and Socialists whose breakup brought down Rumor.
Rumor, like all Italian premiers since 1943, is a Christian Democrat.
The center-left coalition broke apart over the insistence of the Socialist
Party, the second largest coalition partner, to give the Communists a role in
solving Italy's worst postwar economic crisis. The Italian Co mmunist party.
the largest in the West, has been kept out of power since the war.
WASHINGTON (AP) President Ford today vetoed legislation to cut off
U.S. military aid to Turkey, declaring the measure would force the United
States to withdraw from Cyprus peace negotiations and jeopardize the
NATO alliance.
His veto of the measure, which also continued appropriations for several
key government agencies, was expected. So is an attempt by Congress to
override his action before taking an election recess.
Ford used strong language in his message returning the measure to Congress without his approval.
"I take this step with great reluctance, but in the belief I have no other
choice." He said " . . . it is an act which is harmful even to these it purports to
—. ••— Y - • • . . ' • ' " "'',' ' ••> V:i ','. T- '-•
' "
Some county Boards of Elections report receipt of up
to 60 student absentee ballot applkatons per day—
particularly from Binghamton and Buffalo—despite
complex absentee voter registration, and balloting
provisions in the State Election Law, the lack of a standard absentee ballot application form, and some confusion among Board of Election workers.
Student Governments at Buffalo State and SUNY
Binghamton have launched voting drives, and eight
other campus student governments will begin similar
drives immediately.
The Binghamton Student Government has distributed
to each student postcards which request that the students
home county Board of Elections send the student an
absentee ballot application. SASU has distributed
voting information to students through campus
newspapers, and has now discovered that absentee ballot
applicaitons are not required to be notarized. The Election Law states that they "may be" notarized.
Both Hugh Carey and the Republican State Committee have urged that a standard absentee ballot
application form for New York State be adopted and
that County Boards of Elections accept each other's
application forms in the interim.
The Carey for Governor Campaign urged student
governments to begin voting drives and has reminded all
county Boards of Elections that the New York State
Board of Elections asks that they accept applications
from other counlies.
All the counties have pledged to do so, but there has
been some confusion. A worker in the Albany County
Board of Elections said October 8 that his Board would
not accept application forms •from another county
because they arc usually a different color and would be
voided. An Albany county ElectionCommissioner
later that the worker "didn't know" and that he wap' ast
going over to tell him." To insurelhatthecounty Boards
of Elections receive and accept forms from other counties, students should send their applications via
registered mail.
New York State studentialsooftenareforcedtocarry
on lengthy correspondence with their home Boards of
Elections and request an absentee voter registration
Once received, the form must be filled out, witnessed
and: signed by the applicant, and postmarked to the ,
home Board of Election before October 10. Some counties require that a student's absentee status be verified by
an authorized campus administrator,
Request an absentee ballot application. This request
may be made on the absentee registration form or by sending a postcard to the home county Board of Elections.
Fill out the absentee ballot application—after it is requested and received—and make sure that it is received
by the home Board of Elections no earlier than October 7
and no later than October 29.
Primary and General Election absentee ballots must
be applied for separately.
The Republicans oppose letting students vote in their
college communities, but they have asked that Boards of
Elections set up "mini-Boards of Elections" on campuses, in old age homes, and other such places. State
Committee Chairman Richard Rosenbaum called granting students the right to vote at their college residence
"a dangerous concept" because it would allow students
to do minatc some loca I governments. The State Board of
Elections apparently docs not have the person power to
implement the mini-boards suggestion.
Students who need help in obtaining an absentee
ballot may call Bob Schiffer of the Carey for Governor
Campaign at (212) 575-0200 or Mrs. Whittlesy of the
Republican State Committee at (518)462-2601,6x1.40.
Affirmative Action for Equality
by Pat Sakal
The Affirmative Actions program
extends equal opportunities to all
students in areas such us counseling,
financial aid, athletics, activities,
placement, and standards of admission. The program tries to take sqrne
positive action to case discrimination.
The program is also involved in
the hiring of professors. Affirmative
Actions tries to seek out good personnel that will reflect the diversity
of American life—different races,
creeds, sexes, to create a wellbalanced work force in the University, said the director of the program,
Dolores Barracan Schmidt. For example, instead of just advertising in
the New York Times, which will only
reach a certain type of population,
the program advertises in feminist,
llkick. Indian, and other minority
newspapers, Schmidt explained. She
noted that the program means" a
policy of "no secrecy" in seeking
Chrittine Jorgenton:
Schmidt believes that a University
community is in a unique position
because it has the power to change
what may be wrong within it.
Schmidt explained it is the University's job to ask, "Why arc there
no women applyingfor a job, for example, as a Physics teacher'.'" She interprets this by saying there must be
something within that particular
department which inhibits women
from applying for such a job,
whether it be because no women are
qualified to be Physics teachers
(again, why not?) or because women
aren't included in the field in the first
Concerning the hiring of women in
business, Schmidt said, the attitude
of those hiring business employees,
is that therearc no applications from
women for u particular job,
therefore no women are interested
in, or trained for, such a job. It is
university's job, contends
Schmidt, to train all people lor any
job. The university has control over
the situation whereas businesses
generally do not.
The Affirmative Actions program
was created by the Federal Government in reference to equal opportunity practices. The program is based on the "Equal Pay Act," the
"Civil Rights Act of 1964, the State
of N,Y. Human Rights Act, and an
Executive Order."
It's up to the student, or job applicant, not to take lull advantage of
Affirmative Actions. Schmidt, who
is married and the mother of three
children, explained her own personal situation. A married woman
need not be totally confined; the
woman is generally less mobile than
her husband.'If the couple reviews
he situation and finds out that they
can work out an arrangement in
which both may pursue their career
yet stay happily married, that is a
good alternative, said Schmidt. The
Schmidt's have found that they can
bolh work (her husband works at a
Pennsylania Stale College), and can
bolh be satisfied with their work and
their marriage.
Portraitof a Woman a*a Young Man
by Paul Summer
On October 17, Christine .lorgcnson, one of the first people to ever
undergo a sex change operation, will
be speakTng in the Campus Center
ballroom. Jorgcnson, who is being
sponsored by the
Speakers' Korum, will speak at 8
Christine's story goes back to the
early fillies. Twenty years ago, a
slender young woman stepped off a
plane from Denmark to be greeted
by reporters and the American
public. Christine had been born a
male, and after living as a shy,
effeminate young man for 24 years,
he had been surgically transformed
into a woman,
For the new woman, this was an
end of a tortuous search for sexual
identity. She soon became America's
foremost fascination.
When she had her operation,
Christine's story took precedence
over the hydrogen bomb tests, the
death of King George Sixth, the
Korean War, and the work of Jonas
Christine Jorgenson has appeared
in nightclubs, on Broadway, and on
television and radio. In 1967, her
uutobiography entitled Jorgenson:
A Personal Autobiography
published. This was later made into a
film. She hopes her book would set
the record straight on iransexualily.
Since her operation many other
people with sexual identity problems
have followed Jorgcnson's lead. Asa
sign of the sexual revolution Jorgenson's operation has almost becomea
real option open to people with sex
identity problems
instead of a
ridiculous, once in a century,
Though her operation was a much
publicized success, Jorgenson
doesn't have a complete female
reproductive system.
In her lecture Jorgenson will supposedly try lo educate parents and
children on the medical history and
the prognosis' of gender identity
problems. She will describe the
symptoms to look for, the available
Ireatmcnl for sex identity problems,
and how to deal with pressures from
society. Jorgenson hopes to give a
greater understanding to those
youngsters who grow up knowing
that they won't fit into their prescribed sexual roles.
Jorgenson was the first lecturer at
the , National Entertainment Conference and has been a frequent
speaker on college campuses.
• ;f
Pot Doomt Nation,
Senator Eastland Says;
Fiction! Claims NORML
Sandals and Jean* are Father Jay'* trademarks
by MatJvanR.Griaaa
and piano duo commence playing an
allegrettovert ion of the aong/To Be
. Alive." Father Mumane, Jay, enters
staging from the rear of the chapel;
he halti in between the two side* of)
. frontrowassembly chairs, tumsand
faces the parishioners.
The two bay windows, on both,
sides of the pulpit accentuate the
blondness of Jay's long hair and
sideburns. His toes peek out from
.the Italian made sandals he wears
year round as he leads the congregation in prayer.
Hudson River;itk Troy.. He says,
"When you live staph/ your perspective stays sharp. No buffers beiweeii
people. Most people see the church
as a rich and comfortable organization. We've got to be poor. WecanV
compete with other institutions.
Paul (Pope Paul) lives simply. The
wealth was accumulated during the
medieval period."
school. J was really surprised when
Phillip got married. They really put
themselves on the line. I admire
them. They're responding."
Just then threeyoung girls entered
and confronted Jay with the question, "What does quote, unquote
meanr One informed him that there
was a worm in his holy water and
upon investigation he advised herio
During a brief interview, Jay remove it.
openly reveals his opinions,
"Do you think the church will sur"What is the importance of vive in the 21st century?'
"If church is faithful io the
Gospel," says Jay, 'tchurch can end
Celibacy Isolated N o Good
with a band or with a whimpcrand a
Jay then takes a seat among the less we communicate him among friend you'll ever have. . There's
Anything that radical should' whimper is harder to detect. It might
worshippers while two members in- ourselves," says Jay as his regains his nobody like him arourid and he's co me of a free choice. Celibacy isn't be a very strong thing in the 21st."
dividually approach the pulpit and place. He uses no ledum but speaks funny too."
particularly valuable in itself," he
"What is your opinion of Billy
read from the Leclionary. When he. casually and directly without
crosses his legs, his white vestment reading. He then tells a joke about
Jay returns to the sacristy,
"Do' you agree with the church'
raises up to reveal a pair of torn; dirty the princess and the frog and the removes his vestment and stole, and position on abortion?"
"I don't thing Christian churches
whole congregation breaks. from he prepares the host for the wedding
should compete with each other. I
tradition and laughs quickly. 'Our he will perform in an hour. Besides
"Faith is the reality of relatedness.
'The church," replied Jay,"does have real-problems with understanThe God we speak of is abstract un- worst fears are the ugly frogs by the the irituals he executes at the 'not know precisely #hen it becomes ding howhc tied up Christianity with
pond." says Jay.
Troy religious and cultural center, a child, so it assumes the safe status quo Americanism - especially
His word J are down to earth and Jay, age 28, is a full time counselor at position! I'm really between the in his relationship with Nixon. 1
touch each individual without being R.P.I. He began his education at devil and the deep blue sea. There's respect Billy Graham as a dynamic
something about irresponsible speaker."
dramatic or loud. He recites the Yale and received his Bachelor of
lettering on a cotton banner that. Arts degree in Literature from St. decisions that frightens me. I would
He exits from the sacristy just as
hangs from the top of the pulpit Johns University. He then con- prefer that there were no abortions. the young groom approaches.
But I would not want that to be in the
A chapter of the American Civil which says, "Because you have loved tinued at Catholic University in
"Good afternoon father."
Liberties Union is being organized me, you have made me lovable and Washington, D.C. to receive PhD's hands of the law. I council people on
Jay laughs and says, "Good itftcrin
on the Albany campus. The campus
noon my child."
group will promote the goals of the
A flutist joins the musical duo and
"Do you think marijuana should
Jay Helps Alleviate Pain
national organization which are' plays to the tune of Peter, Paul and
be legalized?"
primarily to inform individuals of Marys' "500 miles," the song, "One
Jay, standing 5*8" lights up a Kent
"Oh sure, alcohol is. You can't
their rights and protect them when in heart, one in mind." The passover 100 as he explains why he chose to be guarantee that people can use things
their liberties have been violated. In litany is said and Jay serves commu- a member of the clergy. "I have well."
addition the campus chapter wilt nion while all sing"Kum BahYa."All chosen to make my life available to
A Belly Dancer? .
(CPS/ZNS) The Atomic Energy
serve as a forum for debating issues the members then turn to their others. I found that there is unCommission has quietly ordered 21
relevant to citizen rights.
neighbor, shake hands and wish each necessary pain in hunian lives. I felt
"If you weren't a priest, what of the 50 nuclear power plants in the
that this unnecessary pain could he would you b e r
An .organizational meeting Thurs- other, "Peacei Be With You."
U. S. to shut down temporarily
day evening in the Campus Center
At the finish, there is coffee out- eliminated by the process of the
"A belly dancer. No—probably because of mysterious cracks
will be held for interested people. A side and Jay mingles with the depar- church."
something similar. I'm not in a role developing in the planls' cooling
time and room will be posted prior to ting congregation. A student of
and I'm not constrained."
system pipes.
the meeting. If anyone needs any Material Engineering at R.P.I.
While the other two priests who
"What do you think about the
Cracks in the pipes have been disfurther information please contact remarks, "It's really" great when Jay serve mass at the cultural center also Berrigan brothersr
covered in at least three plains, and •
Sharri Marks at 4S7-S207 or Bob says mass. I learn from what he live there, Jay pcrfers to live in a low
"I've met them. 1 went to their as a result, the AEC wants to exMayer at 472-9518.
says." Another replies, "He's the best. income housing project near the trial in Baltimore when I was still in
amine 18 other similar planls.
ACLU Chapter
Soon at SUNYA
Stop the Bomb!
Mahavishnu John McLaughlin,
the Mahavishnu Orchestra with
Jean-Luc Ponty, and the London
Symphony Orchestra conducted
by Michael TilsonThomas,all on
one exceptional album produced
by George Martin.
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
has challenged the recently released Report of the Senate Sucommittee on Internal Security. In the Report's introductory remarks, the Subcommittee's
Chairman, James O. Eastland, claimed the use of marijuana represents "a
trend towards national disaster."
The Mississippi Democrat said if the current rate of marijuana use continued , Americans might find themselved "saddled with a large population of.
NORML Director Keith Stroup called the Eastland Report "the most
amazing piece of self-serving Action and distortions to come out of the Congress since the McCarthy hearings in the early 1950's. The subcommittee:
Report in no way represents a consensus of scientific opinion, either government or private. The Report is an embarrassment to those seriously interested in the problems of druguse and abuse in our society, and a disservice
to those who arc objectively attempting to determine the possible harmful
effects of marijuana."
"Propaganda of the proportions of the Eastland Report can only have
tragic and brutal consequences," Stroup continued. "Unfortunately, some of
the law enforcement community may respond to the Report by increasing
arrests of marijuana smokers. The plain truth," Stroup concluded "is thatthe
criminal law has not worked and will not work where marijuana is concerned. The result can only be harmful and costly to both society and the individual."
In challenging the Report, NORML made the following observations:
•Senator Eastland Hatty refused to permit anyone to testify unless they
shared his views about marijuana's potential forhurm, and the resulting six
days of hearings were an admitted one-sided presentation. The Senator says
in the Report's introductory statement, "We make no apology, therefore, for
the one-sided nature of our hearings - - they were deliberately planned this
way," (p.V)
•Much ol the testimony attempted to connect the use of marijuanu with
Communism and "the new left." Senator Eastland apparently wanted lo
depict marijuana as a devious Communist plot in order lo justify jurisdiction
lor the Intermit Security Subcommittee, itself an anachronism of the McCarthy era.
•Senator Eastland showed overwhelming concern about exaggerated
marijuana claims, but de-emphasized the clearly demonstrated serious harm
from alcohol and tobacco. "...The dangers of cannabis (marijuana)are much
closer to the dangers of heroin, in scope and quality, than they arc lo the udiriilted bill far more limited dangers of coffee or tobacco — or, for that
matter, alcohol." (p. XVI) From the Senator's statement, his concern for
public health apparently stops al the doorstep of the powerful tobacco and liquor lobbies.
* The Senator summarized his fears about marijuana in the following
"If the epidemic is not rolled back, our society may be largely taken over by
a 'marijuana culture' — a culture motivated by a desire to escape from reality
and by a consuming lust for self-gratification, and lacking any higher moral
guidance. Such a society could not long endure." (p. XII)
This is in stark contrast to what the bi-partisan National Commission on
Marijuana and Drug Abuse (Shafcr Commission) had to say after an intensive two-year study of the effects of marijuana on society. Their conclusion:
"When the issue of marijuana use is placed in this context of society's larger
concerns, marijuana does not emerge as a major issue or threat to the social
order....The fundamental principles and values upon which the society rests
are far too enduring to go up in the smoke of a marijuana cigarette." (p. 102,
Marihuana. A Signal of Misunderstanding)
(With J V f "»> 3-yt« graduation opllonil
ii mailable at our now htllltlu In Mh Oronjo County «nrf
Son DJeoo (or all qualified appllwnh io all part- one* fulltime ptoaramt,
A rare and powerful
Applicant) ro WSU oro novor oceoolod or n(ecrod mlaly
on rnt ooili ol LSAT icoroi and undwjroduort GM't
musical experience"Apocalypse:
On Columbia Records® andfapes
8 0 0 South Brookhurst
Anaheim, C», 9 2 8 0 4
(714) 6 3 5 - 3 4 5 3
Appearing at the Palace Theatre, Oct 19th
OCTOBER 15, 1974
OCTOBER 15, 1974
about Bail content await §gt to
touch wtt OlM*R«iba* * F 4 » .
There will be a tara* canvas
banner, which will baktiafadduriag
the afternoon trittt the
tlearwater". by airy festival participants who wish to b* part of a
"paint in." The resulting sign will be
used to announce future arrivals of
the sloop to the Albany area.
The Clearwater is a replica of an
I860's packet sloop and, will in this
way re-enact the historic role of
carrying freight between New York
City and points north. She is owned
and operatred by the Hudson River
Sloop Restoration, Inc., anon profit
membership corporation open to the
general public. Its goals include the
restoration of the Hudson River to .
its former ecological balance; education of citizens in water pollution.
surveillance and abatement; biology, •
etc. and the general awakening of an
awareness of the Hudson and its
Restoration publications such as
Pumpkin Crazy (cookbook), Shops
/if the Hudson, and Songs and
Sketches of the First Cleurwater
Crew, will be available along with
momentocs of the Restoration such
as sloop prints and buttons, posters,
and the "Second Annual State of the
Hudson Report" publication recently released.
The 1974 sail will include slops at
Kingston, Poughkecrisie. Heacon,
Newburgh, Harlem RiverState Park
and New York City.
Persons wishing more detailed information may contact Shari
Orcenberg, a local Sloop Club
member, by telephoning 457-8569
before 2.
tVOHJ ^0O* W
•WJ^kw WBk» IfntrivMeM IfJ VOOVOpj/*
Ten Tons of Pumpkins
To Sail Down Hudson
Albany, N.Y
The Hudson
River Sloop Restoration, Inc. will be
sponsoring its third annual
"Pumpkin Sail" October 16th to
30lh. The historic sloop Clearwater
will carry over ten tons of country
pumpkins down river from Albany
to New York City, slopping in
various towns along the way for
pumpkin parties with cider,
pumpkins, baked goods, memorable
folk limes of the Hudson River, and
Restoration Literature. This year's
Albany Pumpkin Festival, which is
being put on by the Albany Sloop
Club, will take place in Fort Crailo
Park, Riverside Drive, Rensselaer
when the sloop arrives on Wednesday, October 16th.
From .V p.m. to 7:30 p.m., activities celebrating full on the Hud-
son will take place on shore near the
anchored Clearwater. A member of
the local ecology group "Citizens
Protecting the Environment," which
is based al 292 Lark Street, Albany,
will symbolically "buy" the first
pumpkin with a $500.00 donation to
Well-known performer Pete
Seeger will lead a song lest, along
with some local talent.
An ecology mask contest will be
held. Any child through sixth grade
can construe!a mask.likethoseused
on Halloween, out of recycled
materials such as cloth or paper
scraps, egg cartons, buttons, packaging materia Is and the like. Hcshould
bring the musk to the park after
school on that Wednesday for display and judging. Prizes for the best
Doorways, Ramps Pose Problems
passing both disabled and 11011- sophomore, decided they were both
by Connie C. Maldonado
tisabled students who work with ad- in agreement thut the University was
SUNYA'sarchitectuul structure is
not designed for the boon of all its ministrators and faculty in hope of designed poorly for handicapped
making the 1 University community students. A list of faults around the
students, as was demostrated at
SIPH Day on Thursday. A percen- a receptive atmosphere in which dis- SUNYA campus was made.
The drinking fountain and
tage of SUNYA students are hand- abled students who arc seeking
icapped and their equal chance for higher education may come. The telephones arc nearly impossible to
an adequate education, us well as organization under the direction of .reach; there is only one speciallytheir social life, is hindered by the Al DeGraff (President), Mike Mul- designed one of each on the second
ler( Vice-President), and Phil Marino, floor of the Campus Center. Hanconstruction of the campus and its
has been successful
in ac- dicapped students who arc thirsty
only for able-bodied
complishing several improvements have a choice of cither making the
There just isn't enough distribu- around theSUNYAcumpus. Includ- trip from wherever they may be to
ed in these arc reforms in the library the Campus Center, or remaining
tion of public facilities designed for
(emphasized for the visually im- thirsty until lunch or dinner.
the handicaps, said SIPH members.
paired), and dormitories. One major
The only way of getting to the
Bathrooms, water fountains,
telephones, elevators and ramps ap- achievement was the institution of lecture centers is through the Perforan
ming Arts Center, making many
propriated for the disabled are all
there, but there aren't enough. The in CC 137. But, there is still a need detours along thcwayJlandicupped
students must allow themselves plendisabled of SUNYA doggedly try to for more improvement.
overcome these obstacles, and
In order that the administration, ty of time for these detours even
they've done a good job of it. But
faculty and students could be fully when the lime isn't there as between
everything has its limit and if
aware of these needs and thus work classes. The lecture centers aren't
something can be done to alleviate logethcrfor some improvement, the facilitated for the handicapped
this situation then why not do it?
S.l.P.H. organized its second annual cither. A student must remain in
"Campus Awareness Day". Over back where he is unable to properly
The S.l.P.H. (Studentsforthc Imsixty volunteers from the University- sec or hear.
provement of Programs for the Handicapped) isan organization encom- community participated. Able bodied Getting inside a building or
persons feigned disability either classroom with a wheelchair can
physically or visually for one duy to cause frustration to a disabled stuThe perfect gilt tor someone
gain some insight into the daily dent. The doorways lire heavy, not
looking lor
problems encountered by the dis- wide enough for a wheelchair. The
diiierent, unusual and uniabled.
thrcsholdsmukcit even harder to get
que at ideal prices.
By 9:00 AM the platform was set through. As for the emotional
up in front of the Campus Center aspect. Becker made it quite clear and, as a crowd gathered around, "you feel like you're on display,"
messages were given by S.l.P.H,
One volunteer, Craig Wurner (a
President Al Dcgraff, University dorm director's husband) had an acPresident Benczet, and Stephen cident as he was wheeling around the
emCotler, 11 statewide program Mohawk lower. The walk around
broidered tops, maxis, and
the tower is too narrow for wheel
dresses. Pleasant gilts,
And then they were on their way, chairs, yet the area is supposed to be
some in wheel chairs, others with appropriated for the disabled. ForStudent Discount: 10% oil
1 waling cane. A look of wonder could tunately enough this accident did not
with ID card
happen to a wheelchair user. These
be seen on each face — the blank
valid until Oct. 19
blackboard of a classroom lesson are just some of the points S.l.P.H.
1178 Western Ave.
members made about SUNYA's
about to begin.
across from, campus
By mid-afternoon Holly Ford, a architectural structure that hinders
junior, and Doug Becker, a the disabled.
•eV^eJIw f j B j " ^ f r ' W f ) f » T
Wtoteft we*le»itar o- ten 'pHMet*-:< ^ W k j y r •'-••;
left geltogetherlit trust ardfust. 3WAK tohkjmT Anyone for a Baked
Orad womoft wontt awn room,In apt
or haute 4454009.
Inexpensive Stationery—Undo 7-8764
Schuyler Ditto Service glvet you top
qualify mimeograph tervice at unbeatable, unbelievable prices. Call
457-7847, 7848,7849 and 7850 mott
anytime, Post service guaranteed.
A SoUd-Stoie Stereo record player In
excotfont condition. $30. CaD 436-2728
(call eveningi after 6).
Stereo: "StiMkiy" Oynaco A-25
speakers, Oynaco SCA80Q* amplifier
(80 rms), Miracord turntablelw/base
and 'top cartridge, plui extrai. Call
Harvey 7-79S2.
Shli, 8ooh(6), excellent—$85—Dodle
166 Western.
Wafnut formica dinette tet. Excellent
$75. Baby (trailer, playpen, car teat
and droning table. 489-7520.
Fender Rhodes suitcase Piano E/C
$500 4624526 after 5.
For tale, colored T.V., drexel chain,
deik, eiponol dreuer, night stand,
white drapei, 434-1248.
PASSPORT P H O T O S — S i t t i n g . :
Tueidayi 7to9 p.m. Appointment
rign-upCC305 457-2116.
Rock ipecialiit. Call Suianna 4566632.
Typing 40-/p. Vlcki 7-5171.
Piano/Voice leuom 463-0098.
Instruction in flute. Reasonable rates.
Call 482-4368.
Public Typing—Term paper, theses,
dissertations—Prompt s e r v i c e Professional quality. Claudia Kirby
Photo Service member telling a Aiahi
Pentax Spotmatic II with Fl.4,30mm
lent, 2 titters (UV and 80A), lent shade
4th SUNYA Annual European Ski Tour.
and COM. All kept in excellent condi- • St. Anton Austria Jan.S, 1975—Jan 15,
Hon. S17JCHEAPI Call Kenny 497.
1975. $399 indusive. John Morgan
5355. ,
Primal Therapy is available in Albany.
To apply write: Therapy, FOB 6281,
Albany 12206.
Responsible roomate desired to complete 4-girl apartment. $67.00 includes
utilhet, Western at Manning. 4822252.
travel to Oelmar •
OuHar Teacher will
Kate likes the way Mike kisses.
Her Fun-Loving Sunemates
OuHar and Amp—Mutt tell—Cheap
Typing done In my home 482-8432.
Dear Mam:
Another Birthday,
Another High Nineteen Bongs for Nineteen Years.
Sons of 1103
Communication Director of Student
Interviews now in
progress. Contact Lisa at CC 346, 76542....
SummationSuch a delightful moniterl
We want people who like to talk on the
telephone, part time or fulhime, days
or evenings. Call Mr. Spiegel at 4599000. Name your own hours, Chance
for advancement.
WANTED: Married couples to supervise 4 to 8 mentally retarded adults in a
residence. Hours: Friday at 7 p.m. thru
Sunday until 7 p.m. Salary per couple
$80 per weekend. Contact: B.Stlles
1251 Van Antwerp Road, Schenectady, Phone 374-6847.
I love you
•tsi. : . : V''
Call me, please?
Dear Eaglebeak,
Half it a t good as whole where I
come from
Your Mather
Maniac MatildaI dig your ass to much I tripped off
loud 9. "Little One"
Your room seems so empty without
Didi, Kelly a „ d Ellen
"Father" doesn't teach well.
D e a r "Catfish" Belza,
You'll always be an Allstar to me.
' Thanks.
Love, Coach
Roses a r e red
Violets a r e blue
Cinnamon-sugar's sweet
And so are you.
Cinnamon Girl
To Chipmunk:
You are the sunshine ol my lile.
Springfield Football
Judy S.
Drop your socks..
Mr. Dirt
Room far rent—Private home—BathFamily meals 4634098.
Typing, 75* a page. No theses 4620082.
Female for large house near busline
$55.00 own bedroom 465-7163.
TYPING Reports, theses., etc. 346-5277
after 6 Very Reasonable.
Hurrah! The 18th it coming) Boomble
loves you.
For safe. Brick ranch, 3 bdrms, finished
basement, patio garage, campus
area. $38,000. 489-7520.
Experienced typist desires at home typing, letters resumes, term papers, etc.
Call 355-5690.
It was intense evon.
Dear Poop Dee Doo
There are ore "Good Timet" to
I love You,
Dave a n d Matt and Everyone,
Thanks Alot.
KymYou're 0 special |ay in my life , lover.
Debbie J.
, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Young Girll You
look better every year!
Vote for
Question—"Does your philosophy of
life Include a solution for the basic
problem of man?" Sign up for the survey Tues.9Thurs. at the booktable in
the Campus Center 10-2.
Blow me
My ass still hurts
Sitting Turtle
Class 0 / 76
I Classified
Bundini Sucks
Oct. 15, 16, 17
BJBjeJJ 0 — —
— .
Monday, Oct. 21, 3-5p.ni.in the Campus
Refreshments will be served.
There will be a meeting to elect
iFrench D e p a r t m e n t
representatives on Monday, October
21,1974inHU-290at3:00p.m. Three
undergraduate representatives will be
elected. They are voting members of
the department servo on departmental
committees and vote at departmental
A representative from Rutgers—
C a m d e n School of l a w will be on campus on Tuesday October 22 from 9-4.
Seniors can sign up for interviews in University College.
Tuesday evening, Oct. 15, Professor
H.L. Frisch of the SUNYA Chemistry
Department will present a talk in
"Models of Optical Perception." Apple Cider a n d donuts will be served.
This activity is sponsored by the Society
ol Physics Students (funded by S.A.)
and will be held in the physics lounge.
Ukranian Student Organisation
will hold a meeting Thursday October
GIz a n d Animal
Hey TDD:
Are Euclidian?
12 noon
2 PI
The Road To
Total Freedom.
Come Visit Us At
260 Lark Street
Free Introductory lecture
8:00 p.m. Tuesdays
or Call; 462-6419
Repertory Oicnostio Is hoppeningl
Meetings ore Thurtdays5:45'— 7:00
Performing Aits Center 8-28. If you i
p b y an orchestral Instrument and
would enjoy playing through many of
the grandctassks as well as some unusual pieces, please plan to be with us
For additional information, contact
Stephen Osmond, PAC B-04 or 437-
•' * • _,
* *.*
People for Socialism W e have
recently formed two study groups, one
meeting on Mon.the otheron W e d . All
are welcome to come and participate
Study Group Mon. & W e d . 8:00 p.m.
General Business Meeting M o n . 9:00
p.m. Downtown Campus SUNYA
Draper Hall (137).
The J a m e s Connolly Irish
Republican Club will meet Tuesday,
Oct. 15 at 8:00 P-m. in the Fireside
Lounge, Campus Center. Eammon
Forde, recently returned from Belfast,
will speak on the current political situation in Ireland.
Former Nice Participants 1 9 7 3 - 7 4 . There will be a
meeting to discuss the Nice program on
Thursday, October 17, 1 9 7 4 o t 3 : 0 0 l n
SS-38B. Please try to attend.
* •*
"I.P.Stone's W e e k l y " documentary
film for Journalism program students
and others interested. Free. 7:30Tues.,
Oct. K . LC3.
A new interest group forming for the
sport of Archery Anyone who is Interested it welcome!!! Please call Dale
as soon as possible at 7-5231.
October is here again and soon
Halloween as well. Be part of SUNYA's
3rd annual Trick or Treat for UNfCEF
fundraising drive. For more information call Claire 7-4700.
Reminder: Phoenix meets every
Mon. at 8:00 p.m. in the Humanities
Lounge. Come and join our literary
group. (Alternate location:
Cafeteria .)
PARSEC—Albany's science-fiction
magazine—is now accepting art submissions a n d typed works (or Spring
1975 publication. Works should be left
in the Student Association office (CC
346) a n d adretsed to "Parsec"
We're The Outing Club a n d w e
plan several trips every week. Come
join us—Wed. night at 7:30, Campus
Center 3 1 5 .
ATTENTION: Former Summer I n t e n s i v e l a n g u a g e ' Participants.
There will be a meeting on Friday, October 18 in Room SS-388. The
following are scheduled for each
program: France—3:40
Michael Benrwich, professor of
engineering at University of Tel Aviv,
will speak on "Zionism and Palestinian Identify—Con They Co-Exist?"
in CC 315 at 2. on Tues. Oct. 15.
Michele or Stu at 465-9833.
The S U N Y A Women's libortion
G r o u p wishesto announce that onOct.
25—Oct. 2 7 , Radcliffe (in Boston) will
b e holding a Women'sW e e k e n d For
all those interested, please contact
Joan Schulz in HU 344 or call at 7-8441.
M e e t the Candidates N o w f Theresa
Cooke, Carl Touhey, Sal Amato,Wayne
Wagner, Ralph Smith and morewill be
there. Refreshments will be served. CC
315, 7 p . m . Thursday Oct. 17.
" A n O l d Fashioned H o l i d a y " is the
chosen theme for this year's Holiday
Sing All participating groupsthat wish
to b e considered competitve, must
present performances pertaining to the
holiday spirit. The deadline for group
leaders to submit their selections to the
Co-chairmen is November 1. For further
information call John 7-8761 or Connie
OCTOBER 15, 1974
2011 IJeto'ltcey, 7-47J4.
* * * « ;
4 .'nj<
eWCeV •PM#MMWtvSf Will D# art AsOOIW
on Wednesday, October 16, to discuss
V l f l l M fMffWft M. VVVofrfflfllMf
Re/erm." At 12:10
Chancellor's Hall in the N.Y.S. Education Building, Washington Avenue. The
lecture willbo repeated at 8
in lecture Center 2 a t the State University of
New York at Albany •
The 10th Annual Captel District
Open Chess Towmament will be held
this weekend in the Business Adm.
Bkfg. (2nd Floor). Any students interested In playing should arrive
before 9:30 a.m. 10/19. No entry fee
for students with tax card. U.S.C.F.
membership required (memberships
may be obtained at Tournament)-
Newman Association Daily Mast
Schedule Monday & Friday: 11:l0a.m.
12:10 Communion Service Tuesday,
Wednesdays Thursday 11:10a.m.J,
4: IS p m . All at the Campus Center.
"Does your philosophy of file include a toluiion
for the basic
problem o l m a n ? " Sign up for the survey Tues;—Thurs. at'the booktable in
the campus Center •
* **
Every Tuesday Noon Steps o l the
Ball Room Campus Center " D r a m a a t
High N o o n : Contemporary Campus
Cartoons" Quick skits on Politics, student life, sports. II you wantto help
or act them call 489-8573.
Fellowships and
assisfanfships in franco Graduating
seniors and graduate students interested in being considered for
fellowships of teaching assistantships in
France for 1975-1976 may obtain
application forms and further information In the office of International
Programs, Social Sciences 322.
Proficiency in French isan essential prorequisite
for consideration.
Applications must be received In the
Office of International Programs no
later than December 1, 1974.
Join Psi G a m for Harvest Time,
Tuesday 10/15 from 8-9:30. All university women—in Von Ren.
Mr. Wayne Wagner
Psi G a m it having a k e g on Thursday 1 0 / 1 7 at 9 with SIB. All University
women—In Von Ren.
Attention a l l Community Service
5tud9nt$: Evaluating Sessionsarenow
going on. Attendance at one seminar is
Cong. Sam Stratton
•- „ , _ - ^ m •jjjfjj M M
Are you In t h t mood for a change?...a return
to those happy, fun-filled, expectant days
whan you aat on the other tide of the
If 10...SWAP LIVES for 24 to 48
hours with student reporter.
For details:
Call Barbara, 483-8184 or 457-2190
* • •
HOLIDAY SING: Tonite, Tuesday,
October 15, the group that last year
brought you "Dorothy in the l a n d of
Albany" i t having a n Initial interest
meeting at 7:00 in the Dutch Q u a d
flagroom. This new group, "Still
Friends" it open to all university people. For more info, please c a l Barry,
Students for Political Action
•j»j»" • • • • • RJBJBJJV • • * • § kjsMI M B SB) <BB M B BkV M B BJB) BJBJ wtM •*)•• BOW • ^ n
ft * *
Former W u r i b u r a
Commuters a n d Off-campus
Paticfpants. There will be a meeting to
discuss the Wurzburg program on ,. ifudenti; If you're curious about CenWednesday, October 1 6 , 1 9 7 4 a t 2:30 tral Council, the S.A., what's going on
in SS-388. Please try to attend.
in them, and what they can do for you
(off-campus food coop, SA lawyer,
A T T E N T I O N : Former M a d r i d Par- etc.) you can meet with'Councilman ticipants 1 9 7 3 - 7 4 . There will be a Dolan Mondays at 2:15 In Fireside
meeting todiscuss the Madrid program Lounge. |f interested, but unable to
on Friday, October 18th at 2:30 in SS- come, leave a note with name and
phone number for me in the SA office,
388. Please try to attend.
. CC346.
* *•
AjOftVJO^etka, laio^tkOsssssSjfBJsOsal
BftojJBjV*Jj^Bj^Ba>; lf et *i
cornpatfttB, or sueflatxlons on
"Watt" to ywur CtntvalCoynciY C i l e n l e l Qsosderef Contort Peter
- fejj\jMWotnMfc99 - £ * " * " M*y*f and
' i Meyer « T i 3 | a i 0 l r - ! ' -- - , ~ , ^ J t f o o a o f sstltsotrott may hove, or just t o
G e n e r a l Interest P.Y.f. M o o t i n g ,
Monday night, 7:30 in., F.A. 114. For
all those interested in analyzing and investigating environmental problems
on/off campus. For more info, come to
our office in F.A.218orcoll457-8569.
invites all undergraduate majors and
Jeff—R's Roommate
The History
prospective majors to a Social Hour,
* *' *
O n e thing for sure I know I leel...
HAPPY BIRTHDAYI a n d good luck.
There will be a meeting far all
former Boy Sewn) a n d m a n I n terested in the Scouting p r o g r a m , on
Thursday, October 24, 7 Room 3 7 0
Campus Center. New Viewpoints a r e
The Chemistry C l u b is now of faring
tutorial service to students in Chem.
121, 122, 1 3 1 , 1 3 2 , with limited tutoring In upper level courses. For information, call Paul: 457-8663 a n d Rick or
Steve a t 457-8828.
W e Hear You
Everything we do gives us
something. Don't let anyone stop you
from doing what you want, 'cause
you'll always grow.
f W 1• 4• 1e
tftewW cetMleCC S7S ot 7 ft.*. .
Former Israel Participants I f PJ74. There will bo a meeting t o discuss
the Israel program on Tuesday, October I S , 1974 a t 3:30 In SS-388.
Please try to attend.
looking for Christian FeffowshlpT
Pralte God with us every Friday niflht
at 7
In CC 313.
The Speech Pathology and
Audiology Club presents: Or. Marif tie
Rudden speaking an non-verbal communication in o rijeraputlc tatting.
VOTE-Tuesday thru Thursday, (Oct. 1517),
for unelected officet—Central
Council (Dutch, Alumni, Commuters),
University Senate (Dutch, Commuter)
a n d Class of '76 Council (Commuters).
Ballots will be on specified quads, 4 - 7
pm and in CC 10-4.
«•«" """ber *'« »• ""»«' •" *•
Journalism 2nd Field Student Information Meeting 3p.m. Wednesday Oct.
16. CC31S
D e a r Orange Blimp
in the Campus Center.
ATTBlVTfON: Former f f e i y e n a f a r .
tkfeemM WS-74—There wif bo a
meeting to discuss the Hanyang
program on Wednesday, October 23,
1974 a t 4:00 In SS-388, Please try to attend.
buletin board in the Campus Center.
I think your wiggle is a b t cuter than
17, a t 7:30
To Sue Goldberg:
D e a r Swivel-Hips
Judy S.
19 years: What a U.B.
Happy Birthday
Love Richie
Ride needed to/from Albany Jewish
Community Center Tues. and Thurs.
Afternoons. Will pay. Call Rena: 4577923.
Anjrone interested In forming « •
castonaf bridge garnet? So are we
C a l l 7-4066 or 7-4019.
Dear Dottilah,
I really mitt you.
Typing done In my home 869-2474.
• 7 C O L V I N AVE.
right off SUNYA
i n - . < i-j-1 ; » i •>]•:;
Alaska for two? Could I interest y o u ,
t o m e crepe suiotto?
Wonted: Died' tflewrlhw-Cal terry •
Cotton. W e i . 4 H - 7 3 * > : o r ..leave"
menage In CC Mbmteoanee office
hake « wore, ferywur best
in debate
Oct. 16, 4:00 pm
Campus Center Ballroom
OCTOBER 15, 1974
Israeli Dancing every Thursday
night at 8:30 p.m. In the third floor
dance studio of the g y m . All a t e
»'-,.. :J.'>-jii..,,J,i. ; w..»-
editorial / comment
. ^ W w « « i o i t is the "iefewn In the hpipfttfttoltIam convinced that the problem of
—JW.; CharlaE. BUlierwonh
of thtANA'i councilon foods and nutrition.
The Rockefeller Coup
For sixteen yean, it hat been no secret that Nelson Rockefeller hat bad bit eye on the
Presidency, tie hat failed in every attempt (both announced and implied) to achieve
that floaL T i e normal, legal electoral process hat evaded the multi-millionaire in hit v
quest, and it now ttemt that he it determined to achieve that elusive goal through the
rarely used 25th Amendment procedure of appointing a new Vice-President.
In light of recent revelations. Nelson Rockefeller is simply not qualified to be the
Vice-President of the United States. Hit gifts to key political figures does notmerely
cast doubt on his bid for the Vice-Presidency, it plunges him into the abyss of political
chicanery. Even hit devout and ardent shadow, Governor Malcolm Wilson has forsaken him in his hour of need. Wilson said that he could not condone Rockefeller's
financial underwriting of the Lasky book defaming Arthur Gqldberg, Rockefeller's
1970 Democratic opponent for the Governorship. To the tune of $60,000, the VicePresident Designate authorized a book which allowed him to cheat his way into his
fourth' term as Governor,of New York.
Democratic senatorial candidate Ramsey Clark chided the former Governor for a
? 15,000 contribution made to his opponent, incumbent Senator Jacob Javits. Javits
hi inself, as he typically does when put-under pressure, equivocated by saying that he
may return the contribution, Rockefeller has gotten'his filthy-rich hands into every
aspect of government, from the local level up through and including Washington. If he
cannot get himself elected to the White House, he's going to try his hardest to buy his
entrance ticket there.
The Rockefeller Coup, the most artistic bloodless political takeover in our history is
almost a reality'. The vigilance of the House and Senate investigative committees may
prevent that ascension, but the probability of that is slight.
The four State University Centers join in their belief that the former Governor
should remove his name from consideration for the Vice-Presidency immediately, in
order to allow someone more competent to assume that position.
Nobody's Doormat
The United University Professions, the union representing faculty on the SUNYA
campus is treading dangerously close to effecting a breach of the close relations that
students and faculty have enjoyed of late. Though opposing the action themselves, the •
union effectively removed ail students from decision-making influence in tenure review
procedures. Now, as direct result of SUNYA faculty insistence, the Administration
through the Management and Planning Office will reinstate segregated parking on the
Dutch and State Quad parking lots.
Resident students have long been on the receiving end of number of serious insults
both to their dignity and their rights as students and as citizens. The decision by the un- V W raUOW AMERICANS, MY ANTI-INFLAVON PROGRAM
ion, and compliance by the Governor's office to the faculty demands for segregated
IN IT...'
parking is a cruel blow to the 5400 students living on the Uptown campus. Residents
will now be forced to park their cars in the rear portion of the two lots: the furthest from
their dorms and from their classes. For no other reason than outright discrimination
against a class of citizenship on this campus, faculty, administration and off-campus
commuters will be given priority in placement of parking space.
Based on the assumption that all of the cars parked in a lot in the evening orduring a
weekend afternoon are exclusively those of residents, it is estimated that on the Dutch <tmmmmmmtmimmmmm8mby
The campaign for the governorship of New Wilson. He would probably come off as being
Quad lot, the total number of resident's cars occupy only the first four rows. These four
rows will now be pushed back to the last four, easily a walk of over one thousand ya ids York is beginning to heat up. In trying to a little on the pompous side. He's not the most
to the front entrance of the Quad. This was done merely to entitle the faculty to all their search for insights into how an effective cam- handsome guy in the world, and he would
"due privileges." On the first-come first-served basis for parking which had been in paign should be run, I travelled to Madison most likely have to sit on a telephone book to
Avenue in New York City, and talked with an approach Carey's stature."
effect by University Senate action since last year, the faculty were at worst inold friend, Harry Slick, on die subject.
convenienced by those first four rows of cars. When the winter comes, and the faculty
"So in other words, Harry, you look for a
vacates the lot overnight, we hope the faculty will rest comfortably knowing that an encampaign in which each man goes his separate
tire parking lot will remain devoid of cars, except for the back four rows "reserved for
ways to influence the voters, instead of by
"Harry, what would you think Hugh confronting each other before large crouds'.'"
the resident students."
Carey's campaign planners are hoping to ac"Exactly. It's the new American way to
The treatment that students have been receiving of late has been disgraceful. The city
complish in the coming month?"
of Albany has determined that a student is not fit to live where he choses. Now the
"Well, I would say they are trying to defaculty has determined that a student is not fit to park his car where he chooses. We emphasize Carey's heavy eyebrows. They tend
cannot quietly accept this inexorable process. The cause of students' rights must be to give him a stern, mean look."
"But," we interjected, "it seems as if Ihe
protected and defended—especially against incroachments by our own faculty.
voters are being asked to either de-emphasize
"I see. And what arc Governor Wilson's or over-emphasize physical characteristics. Is
planners attempting to do7'
this fair T'
HAve teem
The Modern Campaign
a | H | H i | a i H | | i a | | H H a K a
tonat in emir
"First and foremost, they are trying to get
him a nice collection of wide tics. Have you
noticed-those pencil-thin, soup-stained ones
he's worn in thepast?They seemed to stick out
like a sore thumb."
'. .,'...". . .'. £ M . . . . . . . . . . . . \ WENDY AsllERl
" . ' . . , ' . . . KEN AMBON. ROB MAONIBN
." '
"Well, yes, I had noticed. Any other important happenings we should expect?"
"A few things. Look for Wilson's T. V. campaign to intensify. He'll have to depend on the
tube because he gives the appearance of being
too short when he's seen in crowds. And look
for Carey to constantly attack Wilson for not
meeting with Ihe people of the state. ThiB will
be especially true in the rural areas, Carey may
very well attack Wilson days on end without
discussing one issue. If he begins to give his
views in upstate New York on how he plans to
solve our problems, he could really be hurt."
"How about debates? Are they a
'The ad-men would have to be nuts to let
Wilson debate Carey, There is a slight chance
Carey might lose his rather quick temper, but
'more than likely he would be able to control
fijimelf. hn tfraid there is little hope for
Harry Slick shuddered. "I'm truly surprised
at your naivete.. What could be more important than having a good-looking governor
who's a fast talker?. It's crucial in the new
American politics; Do we want a mealymouthed, upstanding intellectual as our stale
leader or do wewantagood politician who can
perform such duties asmaking compromising
deals with large firms? I think the answer is obvious."
"But Harry, the country's decision-making
process is based on compromise, not on making compromising deals."
"Don't nitpick on small, unimportant
points. Anyway, I'm going to have to cut tins
interview short. I'll just close by saying thai
Madison Avenue is the greatest thing thai ever
happened to modern politicians."
"Yes, and modern politicians are the worst
thing that ever happened to American
representative government," I shot back.
Harry Slick gave me a strange, uncomprehending look as I slowly shook my head and left
hit office.
Rolling around eampuM • • •
And Now, Here's the Issue...
By Daniel Gaines
n the first hour I rolled into an
elevator just before it closed
Two Frat men fell silent inside as
Ientered. I began to turn around so that
I could leave going forward but had
some difficulty. I smashed the
wheelchair against the wall once or
twice and rather spastically backed
into the door cursing the vehicle. I
didn't think much of the whole
process—after all, it was my first hour.
But the expression on their laces! Ii
they could have squeezed through the
corner crack they would have. I tried to
smile at first, but their shock and lear
and embarrassment and complete inability to handle the situation made me
very serious. 1 wheeled out ol the
elevator quickly; they didn't leave until
Som&Perspectivas are less conventional than others.
Last Wednesday, Daniel Gaines tried to gain some insight into
the lives of the handicapped by spending a day in a wheelchair. He
describes his new found Perspectives on 3P.
David Lerner, iheASP's Editor-in Chief, has a unique Perspective
that comes from living in a fraternity without being a part of it. Turn
to 4P and 5P for a view of frat lifeymttenby an independent living in
the midst of the rushing, the parties* and the brotherhood.
Also in this issue are Perspectives of ariot-so-quietbeach in
autumn, a drug bust, and "La Causa" of the farmworkers.
So ... find yourself a new Perspective... like the top of the carillon
or the bottom of the fountain... Take our Perspectives—and expect
to find yourself looking differently tomorrow.
—Barbara Fischkin
and Daniel Gaines
Rolling around compos.
Learning the Wheelchairisms
Photos by Magnien
An independent
Grecian Ruins?
From The Washington Park
Can the Farmworkers Lose?
> \ \, *
The end of a beautiful relationship..
• '
Marijuana and Me
wheelchairs.) Yet there are a few who
can relate and there doexist suites with
wheelchairs that occasionally produce
a bag of empty beer cans and a few
hours of bud music.
As I rolled around. campus those
who knew me would ask if I were hurt;
those who really knew me understood
immediately. Those who I knew only
•lightly didn't know me in the chair. A
guy who lives down the hall and I passed alone on the podium with nothing
but pillars and windows and he avoided the gaze of this handicapped person, this wierdo, this cripple.
I rounded a nearby corner
Their eyes were lull of lear. They
were scared of me.
I was a little scared of Mike, too. You
don't look at wheelchair people in the the Co-Chaiman oi Awareness Day.
eye; you simply cannot do it. They are He was kind enough to obtain for me a
somehow less than human, their dis- wheelchair the day before Awareness
ability seems so immense, their hap- Day. (Before, so people wouldn'tthink I
piness so doubtful. 'And 1, for the lirst wasn't really handicapped). Spending
a day in a wheelchair was an idea that
time felt this Irom the other side.
1 stopped a girl on the podium and had been mulling about in my mind for
asked her to wheel me Irom the Bio a lew weeks. I was walking through the
building to Administration. It was night Campus Center from one unimportant
and she was extremely uncomfor- place to another when I saw Mike, in
table. She wished 1 hadn't asked, his wheelchair, sitting behind the
breathed heavily all the way, and left Awareness table taking names of peome at full speed when we got there. ple who might want to spend Thursday
She uttered not awordwhileshe rolled in a wheelchair and thus learn
me, but made some noises when I something about how it leels. I went up
started conversation. 1 stopped talking without identifying myself as an ASP
after a lew seconds because /was get- editorand asked forachaira day early.
A girl (not in a wheelchair) behind
ting embarrassed.
Marc responded:
"Well, you can always rent one." She
didn't say it nicely. Mike didn't say
Mike Muller is Vice-President of anything but 1 couldn't stand being
treated like a normal student any
SIPH (Society lor the Improvement of
the Physically Handicapped), and was longer so I identified myself, and was
soon assured that I'd get a wheelchair
a day early.
"We need the publicity," said Mike.
I've been carsick, airplane sick and
just plain sick sick. But never
wheelchair sick. The constant vibration through the chair took some getting used to.
They are
/ess than human
their disability
so immense,
their happiness
so doubtful...
A friend's Iriend asked: "Can I ride
I got out of the chair, something I
hadn't wanted to do but before the
twenty-four hours were up I had done it
more than once. I live on the third floor
The hill irom the entrance to Slate of an unelevatored dorm and had to
Quad to the podium was the steepest. leave.Aiso, on Indian the tower
"Where are any hills, much less steep basement-cafeteria route is blocked by
ones, on this campus?" you ask. Well, I Henway's.and I just gave up and walkfound these slopes while wheeling the ed down. (I was told more than once
chair from Mike's suite on State to mine that 1 could wheel to Dutch! Yeah, well I
on Indian and realized they become could d o it lor a week andkeepmy eyes
important factors in that most obvious closed the whole time lor that matter.)
wheelchairism: Getting around is A week in a wheelchair! My, what a
About half the wheeling huge sacrilice. Did you know that some
students on campus have $1500 people dp it their whole lives.
battery-driven mechanisms that power
She asked il she could ride the
the chairs. But there are other wheelchair. A few more asked for this
small indulgence and wheeled about
' How do they piss? Can they visit the with glee. What ah exciting toy!
third floor of an elevatorless dorm?
Once I switched, with difficulty, into
Can they have sex? And there's eating,
putting posters on the wall, falling out a regular chair without noticing a few
amusing ASP editors hiding the
of the chair . ..
Well, rest assured: They can piss. wheeler. I didn't remember I should be
Every bathroom I've entered that was. in it, walked down the hall and was
built in the last ten years has one stall genuinely shocked when asked it I had
for the handicapped with a bar built "forgotten something." How soon we
into the wall. 1 don't ever remember lorget . . . when we can.
commenting or even momentarily
pondering the lact that some people
have to use it. Believe me, they are
Sex is a little harder. People have
trouble relating to wheelchairs with
people in them. (They might ha ve more
luck ii they tried relating to people in
I've been carsick,
airplane sick and
justplain sick sick.
But never
wheelchair sick..,
Autumn at the shore...
Brooklyn's Bustling Bay
People have trouble relating to wheelchairs with
people in them... (They might have more
luck if they tried relating to people in wheelchairs)
imtmmwm IPRESS
qcrop^ft 4,5, w
OCTOBER T5, : i974
Ai&AtiYSTtfbEftT PftfcSS
An Independent
independents surrounding them, I live
in s frat. Naturally, that is not the normal way oi things, as the housing
policy with regard to independents
and frats lags behind the 1954Topeka,Kansas Board oi Education Supreme
Court decision. By methods of their
own design, brothers live in segregation, eat in segregation, and more often
than not, socialize in segragation.
But I wouldn't be in this situation
were it not for the crucial fact that the
membership of Greek organizations is
rapidly declining. In orderto simply fill
up the sections once dominated and
totally populated by frats, the groups
h a v e resorted to allowing independents to live among them.
by David Lerner
housands of pillars stand in
silent support of this, the world's
largest poured concrete foundation. The pillars are obedient. They are
despairingly the same, evenly spaced
throughout, without variation. The
transience | of our existence heie is
cruelly magnified by their permanence. Silent, the pillars watch, and
present us with an ever-changing,
ever-repeating pattern of time.
Tempusfugiritissaid, but at Albany,
time tends to drag. Werejt not for the
pillars (and Friday's
pages) how would we know what to do
with the spare time that seems to be
r a p i d l y d i m i n i s h i n g from our
schedules? It is the rare pillar whose
perfection remains untouched by
"Transcendental Meditation —
meeting (Tuesday, September 17,."
The most prevalent form of billboard
signs are, like one recent controversial
entry, 'The I Brothers of STB and the
squaws of Senca Hall invite all university men to a party Sunday, September
22, at 9 p.m.,' announcements by
fraternities and sororities of parties,
mixers, and kegs.
I am an independent. I am the
quintessential GDI-God Damn Independent, much to the consternation
ol mc t frats on this campus who would
like I • see that particular population
redu d substantially. Unlike most ind e p n d e n t s , w h o s e v e r y ind e p t i d e n c e is guaranteed and
proti ted by the unanimity ot the other
oOl I
Instinct For Survival
From reading letters to the editor
written by m e m b e r s of Greek
organizations, it is fairly simple to
arrive at the conclusion that a
member of a frat cannot critically
evaluate his role' on campus. The
superlatives intertwined in a letterirorri
a frat member cloud the fact that much
of what he boasts about, or complains
about for that matter, bears a certain
measure of truth. Unfortunately, each
time a brother responds to a criticism,
he winds itupby.inadvertently (to give
him the benefit of the doubt) asking us
to join. It is the instinct for survival, for
Greek organizations, both fraternities
and sororities, are fast disappearing
from the face of the campus.
In the frat section of Schuyler Hall,
Dutch Quad, the brothers x>f Theta Xi
Omega are holding a rush function,
complete with "beer and broads." The
typical, mythical frat party is underway, and anyone who enters convinced that frat members are loud,
drunken, beer-guzzling, and womerchasing uncouth slobs will leave
smugly reassured of their belief.
There are two large speakers hanging from the third floor ledge. The
restraining links of hardened chains
wrapped around the steel supporting
fence on the third floor prevent the two
heavy boxes from depositing their contents on the second floor. Most hours of
any given day, the chains don't have a
very demanding job, as their captives
present themselves as very meek and
unresisting prisoners. It is during these
hours that appearances, as they are
notoriously wont to do, mislead the
casual eye.
would be equally simple to classify the
men of TXO in a somewhat similar
manner, except that you would be doing yourself an injustice.
Stereotypically Nondescript
On this hypothetical night, however,
those chains are being strained to their'
limit. The drone of the nondescript
s p e a k e r s , s y m b o l i c of t h e
stereotypically nondescript member of
the frat, is deafening.
For the uninitiated, rush function is
an attempt by a Irat to recruit new
members. With other types of
organizations, such a recruitment
process will take on different forms,
such as a rally, a lecture, a formal
dinner, or, in the case of the recruitment to attend this university, an
application and competition. With a
frat, a rush function is almost exclusively a party involving some sort of
liquor (often beer, but recently tequila
sunrises or wine and cheese) and a
group of women, (usually a sorority,
but often enough a general population
of women on the quad).
As long as there have been fraternities the prevailing view of frats has
been that of beer and women, and here
they are playing up to the very
stereotype that they will most
vehemently deny. Ask any frat
member what his frat is all about and
you will be told: "A Irat is an academic,
service and social organization
designed to better the lives of the university community." That blurb is so
automatic that it is reliably reported
that Potter Club has its members-to-be
sit naked on a block of ice and repeat
their impression of a frat's raison d'etre.
TXO.up to lastyear would take their initiatees out into the middle of the quad
dressed in summer attire during the
dead ol January and have then utter
the meaning of a frat.
Are Rushees Masochists?
On the surface they are exactly what
their detractors like to claim, and then
some. Yet despite its problems, the
fraternity life on campus continues,
and with some groups, such as TXO,
still thrives. What makes them tick?
Are rushees masochistic?
SamDe Govanni is treasurer of TXO,
has been a member since freshman
owfe^ZIz^ —
year, and is now a junior. By any standards, he is a traditionalist on Iralemal
ethics. He is of the belief that a man will
identify with his group longui ii he has
to suffer before getting in.
Many other members
! 1X0
however, do not share his views Standards of admission have relaxed in
general and in TXO, it was easy lo see
the change. Hell Nighl, theonce lea red
even! on campus, the night when
everyone expected the entire Greek
population to go rampaging tin.ugh
the quads, has tamed considerably
over the years.
Replacing Hell Night as the rowdy Greek night of the year, Ihi • niqhl ol
infofmaf initiation is given that dubious
honor. The process involved in the
initiation of the rushee varies greatly
from one fraternity to Ihe next
STB is,known lor its policy ol kidnapping its rushees, often driving theineul
of the state, with nothing on other than
underwear, and financed with an ever
thinning dime. TXO has abandoned
the kidnap procedure, but still has the
institution of paddling. Every rushee is
given a father—a veteran member ol
the frat, whose trusteeship ol a son
(having a son is considered an honor)
is determined on a merit basis. Sun
day, the members ol the Irat convened
to determine who ol the rushees shall
be given the chance to ioin in a
process known as a bid session.
Those rushees not cut during the
session have become pledges, and last
night the pledges, in one ol the last
remaining ceremonial rites, were
paddled by their lathers, a symbolic
act ol acceptance and the cleansing ol
his soul. Contrary to the myth 3till bo
ing perpetuated Irom within Irats, this
is the one and only instance ol physical
lorce used on the pledges. During lha
PA' S4P,
course of both "hell week," during
which time the pledge is completing
his "hell letter"-—a list ol assigned tasks
with more ceremonial value than
practical—and "hell night" the
proceedings are a quite tame affair.
The pledge is expected to memorize
certain information about his brothers
which he spits back upon questioning
on hell night. If he doesn't know the inlormation? Well, nobody's perfect.
Paddles Of The Past
Preserved through the ages, the inscribed paddles of past and present
brothers adorns the lence on the third
lloor ol Schuyler. Ranging back to a
graduate of 1970, paddles bearing all
manner ol artistic design grace the Irat
section. Each paddle bears the inscription ol the Irat, either through its name
only, or through an intricate artwork ol
its cpat of arms. In fact, there are so
many reminders thatafrat section is indeed a frat section, that it would be
easy to wonder it the frat has a
collossal, collective indenlilication
In Schuyler Hall, for example, the
entire south wall of the TXO section is
emblazoned with the coat ol arms ol
TXO. Half of it is done in dayglo paint.
Beneath that, also in dayglo are two
block prints of the letters, T-X-O In addition are the thirty or so paddles each
bearing the initials of the frat.
Remarkably enough, the members
ol the frat refuse to blend into an allencompassing, almost omnipotent
view of the Irat, they insist on retaining
their individuality. It would be easy
enough to classify the men of Potter
Club as large, strong, athletic, and universally dumb, and be satislied that
you've done an admirable job at
slandering a group ol men in the interest ol preserving one's own ego. It
OCTOBER.15, 1974.
3.3 And Rising
With such an overbearance of overt
attempts at assimilating into "The Frat,"
it would be strange to assert that each
ol the men ol TXO isan individual unique as each independent is unique
and maybe even more so. The average
index ol the TXO section is 3.3 and rising. Majors range Irom English to
Biology to Political Scipnce. Interests
range in equal numbers to the
membership ol the frat. Not all ol the
Irat members are Ihe "brothers" they
would like to pass themselves oil as being. Not lew ol them are almost unwelcome in the section, and some
others have strained relations.
The o v e r w h e l m i n g majority
however, enjoy disproportionately
good relations with their neighbors, especially when taken in comparison
with an all-independent section.
Malcolm Purow, one oi three rush
masters this year, said ol independent
halls, "I've never been so proud ol living in the Irat as when I went around
distributing invitations to our formal
rush lunctions. Those places were a
pig sty. They looked worse than our
section alter our messiest party."
Purow, though he speaks obviously
with a vested interest, rellects much ol
the opinion in Ihe Irat. The internal
organization ol a Irat such as TXO is
what keeps the section clean, and
keeps the hierarchy lunctioning.
Between the members, the three rush
masters, the rotation ol party responsibility, and the traditional president,
vice-president and treasurer, the work
ol Ihe group is divided sufficiently.
Chaos Vs. Organization
Independent lile is chaotic. Frat life
isorganized. Where independent lile is
without direction, Irat lile has a goal, its
perpetuation. Where independent life
is unstructured, Irat lile has a foundation. Where independents have rigid
impressions ol Greeks, Irat brothers
have equally rigid impressions of independents.
Bob Golian is the captain ol theTXO
lootball team. Like most ol the rest ol
the Irat, he is a junior, and he has
delinite views ol lile outside the Irat.
"When a bunch ol independents have
a lood light, everybody says, 'What the
hell, it's a lood light,' but when a Irat has
a lood light they say, 'Look at those
animals, il figures a Irat would behave
like a bunch ol pigs.' It's ridiculous, we
have to behave belter than the average
student." Purow added, "Now that's a
double standard."
laime Soto is a sophomore. He is the
only Puerto Rican member of the Irat
and is on the Educational Opportunities Program. Even more than his
brothers, laime takes his academic lile
seriously, "Lile on E . O . P . is pretty
tough, like you know, in your senior
year E . O . P . stops paying your way
through school. That's when most of us
• on the program have to quit. Man, it's
tough." Living with the frat, for Soto, is
far quieter than independent life.
You Can Count On The Guys
Jim Blackisafreshman.andheisnot
in the frat. But he wants to be. He is from
Holland Patent, New York, between
Utica and Rome. "1 want to be in this
Irat because it seems to be a place
where you can count on any ol the
guys lor a iavor. You know what' I
mean?" As pari of the rigamarole connected with joining the frat, Black
attended all the rush functions and the
invitation-only informal and formal.
events. So far, they have all been
liquor-and-women parties, a fact
whichmay never have occurred to the
rushee. .
Women Not Used As Lure
De Govanni defended the practice.
"We want people to come to these
events. No one will come if there isn't
any booze or women." Chauvinistic?
No, for he doesn't think of it in those
terms. Women aren't used as a lure to
attract homy males into captivity,
"booze-and-broads" parties are the
way things always have been, and
De&jvanni., a conservative to begin
with, is not about to tamper with the
rule ol the past.
Some of the other brothers have
suggested holding rap sessions with
rushees, to get to know them better.
Other suggestions included holding a
lootball ga me, or a keg while watching
a televised game. The purpose, as Jerry
Albrecht put it, is to get to know the
men thai might be in the Irat one day.
This he admits, is impossible with the
speakers blaring and the taps running
in a crowded lounge hall filled with
women. Something is wrong with the
Frats have had an assigned* task
which they have carried out without interruption. STB has traditionally been
the one . involved most heavily, in
school politics. Central Council ViceChairperson Eric Klein is from STB, for
example. Most of the members of
Colonial Quad's Quad Board have
been from STB and the now defunct
GDX. ,APA and Potter Club have
always been the backbone of the Dane
varsity teams, with most of Potter having key roles in the successful season
the Dane football team has enjoyed so
far. Rudy Vido, SUNYAC wrestling
champion, all-star track and field man
and delensive lineman on the Danes
typilies the Potter Club legend. A
member ol TXO has been the business
manager of many Student Association
funded groups for the past ten years.
The business manager of the ASP has
been an inherited position for those
years. Les Zuckerman is business
manager of the Torch, \Viewpoint,
Photo Service, Inter-Fraternity Council
and the ASP. Last year's business
imanager, Jerry Albrecht, iB this'year's
Student Association Comptroller.
"And the beat goes on..."
At eleven o'clock that night theenormous speakers were silent, victim of
the drainage ol the kegs. The women
had left and the lew straggling rushees
were winding up their introductory
sessions with their potential' brothers.
The rest went off to sleep. De Govanni
called after them, "You're coming to
the beer party on Saturday night at
Mohawk campus? It's a brlng-yourown-date affair." "Sure," one of the
laceless voices replied, "sure." He disappeared down the steps, to ioin the
Can the Farmworkers Lose?
The Mowing article appeared in the teen years to succeed and not just a
hit issue of the Washington Park few good years.
But what is particularly interesting
here is how the article in question tries
to reconcile two very different notions.
by Brae* Bain
f one were to use the establish- On the one hand, it states quite correctment Media in the U.S. as any ly that the United Farmworkers collecreliable judge of the truth, one tive bargaining power (as measured
Would be led to seriously question the* by the number of workers it represents
existence of some taken-for-granted, through contract) has waned in inbut ho less persistent/ historical fluence since 1973 and that of the
tendencies. This is most particularly Teamsters has risen. On the other hand
the case in big media's coverage of •though, it infers a growing popularity
labor struggles. In fact if a recent N.Y. of the Teamsters and states that,
Times Magazine article (Sept 15, 'Teamster organizers now consult
1974) entitled, "Is Chavez Beaten?", is directly with field -workers before
even vaguely indicative of the truth negotiating with growers. The conabout the farmworkers' struggle, one tracts they sign grant wages which are
might be led to the absurd proposition as high as those secured by Chavez's
that the United Farmworkers union is U.F.W." Based upon the consensus
among farmworkers themselves, this
on the verge of extinction!
tact of consultation is totally false and
While in a town like Albany such a
so is the notion that winning wage conpill might be a rather difficult one to
cessions from the growers equal to that
swallow (due to hard experience in our
of the U.F.W. is the entire "ball-game"
successful Shop-Rite campaign), I
in a labor contract.
thought that as a farmworker activist it
would be in the best interests of our
One might seriously question why
Albany Community to' look a bit the Teamsters so vehemently oppose
deeper and probe the essayist's (out- the secret ballot representation elecsider's) impressions ol Cesar Chavez tion and all legislation aimed at granand the current situation for his union. ting it, il in fact, they are offering the
In so doing, hopefully we will continue workers so much for their money? II
a precedent br wide-ranging discus- they feel they hold such sway among
sion and analysis ol the issues affecting the rank-and-file, then logically, any
our community. After all, of such stuff, representation election should be
genuine democracy is made.
looked forward to as a potential manTo begin with, "Is Chavez Beaten?" date to power.
bases itself on the premise that Cesar
But "Is Chavez Beaten?' flagrantly
Chavez is a labor leader who, while avoids to point out that the Teamsters
powerful fora time, had already served (backed by. their grower allies, ol
his purpose and should gracefully bow course) have been the motivating force
but of things as changing conditions behind every recent attempt to deny
sweep him and the powerless aside. To farmworkers a secret ballot election in
begin with, such a premise is false. It the fields. And could the farmworkers
commmits the classic) error of the es- truly get behind a union like that? Last
tablished press to overemphasize the August22, thousands of them filed into
role a few individuals and assumes that the galleries of the California
the many are also ready to consider legislature to show support for landunprinted and "unnewsworthy" facts mark secret ballot election legislation
about the farmworker and labor opposed by the Teamsters and
movements as unimportant. It especial-. engineered to defeat by a sly,
ly ignores the fact that every major un- parliamentary trick. Moreover, even
ion struggle has taken at least ten to fif- when Chavez himself offered the
If Is Chavez Beaten?' is even
vaguely indicative of the truth
one might be led to the absurd
proposition that the United
Farmworkers Union is on the
verge of extinction...
...union building and the
development of a workers'
movement in this country is,
and will be, a long, slow, and
often agonizing process...
*..the Teamsters have been the
motivating force behind every recent
attempt to deny farmworkers a
secret ballot election in the fields.
growers and Teamsters the chance to
participate in secret ballot elections in
which only the strikebreakers would
vote, they failed to respond. So on this
point, the anti-U.F.W. forces have some
gaping holes in thier armor to patch
As far as contract comparison goes,
a simple perusal of both the U.F.W. and
Teamster models shows that while in
fact, wages are about the same for
each, in the benefitsarea, the Teamster
contract is extremely weak. In times as
financially unstable as the present, this
could be a real detriment for the
In pursuit of the argument that
U.F.W. influence is on the decline,
again, we must detour around the
blindspots set up by "Is Chavez
Beaten?" Aside from being an absolutist sort of notion and thus narrow, it
ignores the headline of an August 27th
intra-Union memo of the UFW which
asserts that, "Strike fever is burning
like flames across a dry plain through
the ranches of California and Arizona."
What the memooutlinesis the incredible series of strikes going on in crops
other than grapes and head lettuce
(lemons, tomatoes, etc.). So, if influence
is measured in terms of mobilization,
then the UFW has had literally
thousands in action within its ranks lor
a long time. And with the successful
raiding of those precious grape and
lettuce fields, the union has wisely
placed increased emphasis on the
boycott weapon (much to its advantage one might add). The Wall Street
Journal ol May 16, 1974 pointed that
out at that time; a powerful and quite
threatening 19% of Gallo wine sales
had fallen oil with the end still not in
sight (keep in mind that 12% is the
profit-loss mark).
an anlysis ol our own (Chavez supporters' that is), we must mention three
basic facts that have made conditions
in the U.S. relatively harsh for the
bourgeoning, democratic United
Farmworkers ol America. They have
had to contend with an unrelieved
bankruptcy problem that would strap
any union seeking the use ol its alleffective strike weapon. Moreover, it
has gotten virtually no assistance from
fraternal AFL-CIO unions. Secondly,
we may couple the developing unemployment morass in the U.S. and
Mexico to the bankruptcy problem
and we immediately see an incredible
scab dilemma arising on the UFW
scene. Finally, there is that AilAmerican problem which most other
unions didn't have to contend with: the
incredibly racialist outlook of the
American people. In point of fact, it is
the culturally-bred racism of
American society which divides
American working people in general
and farmworkers from non-Chicanos
in particular. This has been the most
detrimental force in the long run in
terms of the class interests of workers
and as experience shows, has cost
workers lots of hard cash, regardless of
their color. But in this situation, it is the
predominantly Chicano farm workersof
the UFW who have suffered the most
by this fact.
To sum up then, we should learn two
comprehensive lessons Irom thecritique
of "Is Chavez Beaten?" One is that union building and the development of a
workers' movement in this country is,
and will be, a long, slow and often,
agonizing process. Just about every
in the nation has laced
problems similar to that of the UFW.
But the fact that the farmworkers have
withstood them so well and at that, in
Butone is hurt by the truth ol thisN, Y. the face of an unprecedented act ol
Times Magazine essay as well as by its Teamster sabotage, practically unfalseness or ignorance, particularly matched lor its brutality and racism, is
when in the process history is in itsell a line tribute to their matchless
desregarded. In fact, when the author courage and determination. The sestresses the bankruptcy ol the UFW cond lesson is that we should learn
and the lack ol cash inflow at present more Irom our direct experience and
he fails to see any parallel with the that ol our lellow workers, and take
miners struggle, which many Chavez what we read in the establishment
supporters have already begun to media more lightly, much more. With
observe. When corrupt John L. Lewis this in mind we should also begin to
led the oppressed and downtrodden realize that the time when a good
miners into bankruptcy in the 50's, friend truly needs us is not whenhe's
they, as with any genuinely "just" up but when he's down.
cause, struggled to rally popular supSo to get to the point, the Albany
port behind themselves and bounced Friends ol the Farmworkers need your
back to the center stage of victory. II support, ideas and questions in order
there is any doubt about this iact, the to build a better boycott and put the
current course of events in "Bloody" UFW on top in its struggle lor justice,
Harlan County, Kentucky should dis- dignity and prosperity. Remember, an
pel them.
attack against one is an attack against
But lor those ol you who have read all, a victory lorone, a victory lor all, For
on-and-on-and-on and would like information on picket lines, meetings
more than an explanation of someone and how you can help call 489-5022
else's contradictions and might prefer alter 5 p.m. Viva La Causal
ellblock number 5 under the Albany Police Headquarters down on Broad
Street looks pretty much like all the cells. About 5' x 7',mstttutibiialgreen
walls, a wooden cot, and steel bars sealing the end. initials on the walls and
stench all over.
In August, two new initials were scratched into #5's wall. My Initials.
It happened just like on Adam-12, The Rookies or any other television police
I was walking down a rather deserted street aroundduskin an industrial district. I was going home, smoking a joint, minding my own business; AH of a
sudden I noticed that there were now two men, dressed like laborers, walking
along the same street as me. They were walking near the parked cars, heading
towards me, when one guy parted from the other and headed on a path that crossed mine 'in a few steps.The other guy continued walking straight and passed me.
In the split second when I realized something was going to happen, they moved and caught me as I tried to run away. The white one threw me down, and I
managed to roll with it, so as to land next to the building, providing a littleprotection on one side. Well, here's my first mugging coming up. I thought, and being
no "John Wayne I screamed out, "I'll give it to you! Just don't hit me!", thinking the
thirty six dollars in my wallet was past history, a worthy barter for my life.
"Ya damn straight you'll give it to us," gritted the whiteone again as he lunged
at me. A second later he had me Irom behind with his black partner in front of me.
Amazingly enough, I still had the joint in my hand and offered it towards the black
guy, in the hopes ol eliciting the brotherhood our common denominator gives us.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
"Yeah, that's what we want," he said reaching out, and all of a sudden I realized
that this wasn't a mugging—it was a bust. With speed I never thought I had, that
joint was in my mouth and 1 was chewing and swallowing frantically.
In an effort to intercept, the black guy started to choke me. But it was too late.
Most of it was gone. I managed to say "I swallowed it. It'sgone." and they stopped.
1 now had my hands- contorted in handcuffs behind my back and was being
dragged toward their car. They were talking and acting tough and all I was
thinking was "It can't happen to me. This just cannot be happening."
The black one threw me against the carside and frisked me. Also checked was
my knapsack, which I was sure was empty oi dope. The joint I'd swallowed used
up the last ol the grass when I rolled it.
But 1 was stupid. I'd emptied the film can's contents into that joint, sure, but I did
not clean out the container.
"Got enough to book 'im?" asked the white guyJ
The thin, almost invisible film ot grass dust was indeed enough.
"Yup, we got 'im" came the answer, and 1 was shoved into the unmarked car.
Two minutes later the car parked in the Police Headquarters garage. The white
guy got out and opened the trunk', then appeared at my door. He pulled me out
and I saw he was wearing black leather gloves. I figured that they had something
to do with fingerprints,
I was wrong. They were lor beating, so there wouldn't be any marks.
Seeing that the most damage from this upcoming beating would be in the
As soon as I stood up outside the car, one black gloved fist headed towards my
stomach, and being culled, I couldn't attempt to block it. It landedin the solar plex- stomach, 1 moaned something bout having a bad stomach, hoping it would steer
him away lor fear ol killing me and having to explain it. So the lists moved
us and 1 was down.
elsewhere, to the lace and kidneys. My ears were boxed. My kidneys were
pummelled. My head was pushed into a cement pillar. All this time my hands are
handcuffed together in back of me, so I would do nothing. Then the gloves came
oil, the trunk was closed and I was ready to be taken upstairs.
The white guy pulled and pushed me towards the staircase, yelling "Stand up,
Punk! Stand up!" When I finally did manage to stand up, on the stair landing the
white guy kneed me in the groin. He missed my balls, but I tell to the ground and
screamed so that he wouldn't know it and try again. Dragged up the rest of the
stairs, and thrown into the elevator, I was headed to the narcotics oflice.
"We got a lighter here" the white one ollered as we passed numerousollicers
on our way back. .(They had to account lor my beaten appearance.) 'Yeah,' a
real lighter."
We soon got to the Narcotics Division cubicle.
"Strip!". gritted the white one, and the vision in my head was his knee returning.
"And ii I see you eat anything I'll break your luckin' hand." I was clean, that's why
I ate the joint. There was nothing to find on my person.
His superior came in and started some work at his desk, uninterested in my
case. This toned down my guys' actions somewhat. I was still trying to look even
more scared than 1 wua.
"All right, put your pants on!" and as soon as I'd done that he handcuffed me to
a chair. Evidently he thought that 1 was considering trying to run out of there, past
iilteen or so cops that were in the outer room, and bust out ol police headquarters.
All with no shoes on.
My request to make a phone call went unanswered until his superior heard it.
Then 1 called collect, and countered my mother's cheerful greeting with "I've
been arrested." The arraignment would be tomorrow morning. And there is no
bail lor drug arrests. Which meant I'd be spending the night in jail.
I was led down to "Identification," where I was lingerprinted and photographed. Ten Polaroids were taken ol me, including two, in color, that the white guy,
that sick bastard, wanted lor himself. 1 guess he wanted to show the wile and kids
the 5' 8", 137 pound terror that he and another guy beat up today.
Then came jail.
One night in jail doesn't really sound like much. We hear all the time ol twenty
and thirty year sentences, and one day sounds rather trilling. But it's not.
It was seventeen hours ol stench, cold, and the wails ol cursing drunks and
street vermin. Jail, the great common denominator, brought me into contact with
people 1 would never want to go near. They were seventeen long hours.
Next morning atnine thirty.wewereled' intocourtand a multi-hour afiairbegan.
I'll spare the details, but I walked out, with a suspended sentence, later thatday.
A suspended sentence, like the sword of Damiclese, hangs omnipresent over
my head. It's a scary feeling. II anything happens, il I happen to be in a car that
gets stopped and drugs are found in it, I will start serving that suspended
sentence, plus any other one 1 get for that infraction. Scary as hell. It could come
tumbling down lor a damn seed!*
\ t£'*«-»•'•-~ fc,~* • *.V
So, a period ol my youth has come to an end, Marijuana and I, after years of enjoying each other, will have broken up. And that's that.
The e*4 mf a bemmtiha nlmtimmMp...
Marijuana and Me
«Jtfce store.
Brooklyn's Bustling Bay
process. When 1 sat on the Council on Promo- i I am a transfer student from Rockland
lion and Continuing Appointments I found Community College where I served ee student
the Vice-President to be sincerely sensitive to senator, and on thefirstCollage Forum. I won
my thoughts as a student member of the com- many awards as a spokesman tor the collete,
mittee There have been disagreements in the and went to many of the local radio talk shows
past but more often than not they have been as a spokesman.
healthy differences. The incorrect quotation
njisrepresentedthe Vice-President's views.
On Our Side
Bob Mayer
To the Editor:
In the Friday October 4 issue of the ASP, I
incorrectly attributed a remark to Phillip
Sirotkin, Vice President of Academic Affairs.
The article, which examined student input
into the tenure system, quoted the VicePresident as having said that he rarely "finds
himself on the same side of the fence as
students." Recalling the conversation I had
with Df .'Sirotkin 1 remember having said that
"I guess it is rare that you lindyoursellon the
same side of the fence as students". The VicePresident noting that I intended it as a joke
said something'like "I guess so."
by Barbara Fischkin
here's a book I read, a long time ago, that takes place in the Fall in a small
northern seaside town.
Everything is almost desolate. There are a few shopkeepers still around
boarding up the salt water taffy and hot dog stands. A few more people are on the
boardwalk catching their last breath of "good salt air" while one or two diehards
on the sand watch the dark blue ocean which only recently has become too rough for swimming.
1 was thinking about that book as I drove towards the beach one brisk Sunday
late in September.
Only . . . I was in New York, the beach was in Brooklyn, and the "town" was
something called Sheepshead Bay. And that made all the difference.
Business As Usual
It was 50 degrees on the day before autumn began, and Emmons Avenue,
which runs parallel to the bay and is a good four blocks from the beach itself, was
one overpopulated, newly thriving "combination fishmarket-ice cream parlourclambar" after another. At the end of it all was "Lundy's", a seafood restaurant,
standing since 1932 and out-surviving the fad restaurant syndrome despite its
long lines and communal seating arrangements.
Inside, Imust have passed at least a thousand clam chowders before I got to Eddie Doll, a "Lundy's" cashier for fifteen years.
"Oh y e a h . . . today's a slow day. We usually serve five thousand on Sunday. It's
busy from Mother's Day to Labor Day and then it slows down."
There were about five people|waiting to pay. • ..and it seemed busy to me—so I
made my way ouf again through the clam chowders (someof which had turned to
Lobster Newburgs), and got back to the street.
It was worse there. Business was so good that no one even had time to talk. In
between the crabs and the bluefish and the blackfish and the people at "Randazzo's Fish Market" I finally found Mrs, Randazzo.
"Not today. I'm too busy. Maybe during the week. Anybody you want'll talk to
Apparently they didn't need the publicity.
It was the same thing with "Joe" who owned the "two scoops pleaze" ice cream
stand, except he was more apologetic and bought me off with butter walnut.
Plastic Bag Annie
Discouraged and just about ready to cross the street, I noticed what had to be
the only person on that block who wasn't buying or selling. A sorry, homeless old
woman with long greying hair, garbage can clothes and her life's possessions in
a few satchels—she(was a replica of Manhattan's "Paper Bag Annie." Her bags
were plastic and that said a lot more about the neighborhood than it did about
She would talk to me.
Wrong. She had just told a little girl, "What Daddy, that's not your Daddy. That's
some goddamn old man from ancient times." And she didn't have very much
more for me. lust a suspicious look at my pad and pen, and a shriek of, "YOU'RE A
Across the street, however, life was very different. There were just as many people and business was being done, but they were other people and it was not the
same business.
An organization called "All Community Arts" was sponsoring an art show and
sale. Every exhibit had a sign saying "please browse" and everybody wanted to
Sam Chaikofsky grabbed me first.
"You see this painting, it's a century cactus. That's copied from a real one.
When they bloom they smell so bad that you have to wear a gas mask."
He went on to discuss his problems, problems that appeared to be common to
most of the community artists.
"Sometimes I get a lemon and sometimes I get lucky. But, you know what gets
me mad? When they come over and say that their six year old kid can do the
same thing. That really annoys me. Especially since 1 can't do this bra living. I'm
a photostat operator, I have to make a living."
Happy to finally hear someone go beyond the superficialities, I listened until
some photographs caught my eye.
The sign above them said:
"Hy Dareff's photographs will be seen in a forthcoming Warner Brother's motion picture, 'Dogday Afternoon,' starring Al Pacino."
Actually it was Mrs. Dareff who did all the talking and, I suspect, a lot more ol
the shooting than she was allowed to own up to. She explained that the
photographs would be mounted on the wall of a bank on "Avenue P" which is
robbed in the movie.
I mingled awhile and even helped one old woman decide which Hy Dareff
photograph she reallylikedbest.Finally tired, now from too much talking, I moved
further down the bay, just to watch.
"Fish Story"
The lishing boats were coming in with their bluefish catches and their big fish
stories. A lot of people were welcoming their relatives back to shore and as the
boats got smaller the families got larger.
Tony Cosentino was swabbing the deck of his tiny "Wahoo III" when two aunts,
four cousins and an uncle appeared on the dock.
"Hey Tonneeeel!"
"Ah my family. Hey—dHn' know my family was gonna come."
"Hey Tonnee—Ya got anymore fish?"
"No more fish—but I'll getcha some."
"Ahhh Tonnee!"
From Ihe boats it was easy to get to the bridge across the bay and eventually the
Well... instead of two die-hards on the sand I found twenty. But, there was also
room to run and when you looked around you realized that the gulls really did
outnumber the people and the sky was truly better than any you'd seen in a long
Introducing » . .
To the Editor:
Since the A SP hasn't taken the time to find
out who the candidates are and what they
stand for I must take it upon myself to explain
my background.
My name is Michael Sakoff. In 1973 I was
elected as a McGovern Delegate, and at the
same time I was elected as the youngest
Democratic Committeeman in New York
State. I was then elected within the
I want to apolgize to Dr. Sirotkin for the Democratic Party to be on the Democratic
quotation. In no way did I want to suggest that Executive Committee. Early in '73 I was
the Vice-President has consistently opposed nominated by the Democrats to run for the
students. I simply found it amusing that both position of Village Trustee. As a Democrat 1
students and administrators together were have been in charge of Volunteer coordinabanned from participating in the faculty votes tion, and registration. Just recently I was put
in charge of the Upstate campuses for
on tenure.
The Vice-President has often defended the Howard Samuel. I'm now incharge of student
rights of students to participate in the tenure volunteers lor Wayne Wagner.
A Varied Selection
oflht Follttl-Smy Bookston:
Manager, \'.'V-;?
Follett Bookstore
I would like to register a complaint concerning the operation of the bookstore on the
SUNY-Albany campus. My complaint concerns the paucity of periodicals of an academic
and intellectual interest available from the
bookstore. A campus bookstore is responsible
As a transfer student from a commuter
college, 1 know the special problems that the forservingthe interests of the university community as a whole. This, I submit, means that
commuter may have. For the last 5 years i
have been an apartment dweller. I know the the bookstore should carry magazines with
special problems also. 1 have faced the in- small circulations, from small printers, on
dignation of taking the SUNY bus in the mor- specialized topics as well as those from major
ning. When having a car, I have been forced to publishers that "sell."
It. is my opinion that the bookstore should
miss class just looking for a parking space.
Commuters have put up with enough on solicit suggestions from its patrons—by disthis campus! Some of my programs will in- playing in the store a suggestion box or by
clude a Student Pro-rated mandatory tax. advertising in the ASP or whatever—for adWhy should commuters be penalized for not ditional periodicals to be added to the present
living on campus? Open the line to all com- stock. This may require additional burdens for
your clerical and sales staff. I'm sorry if that is
muter reps.
I ask all commuters to contact me if they the case—however, what your periodical sechave any suggestions or questions. I can only tion now carries is an insult to this university
be as effective as those that elect me. Let me and the policy should be changed as soon as
know your problems and your needs.
I'cter G. I'ollak
Foundations of Education FDept.
Michael Sakoff
What Some Polls Say . . .
Mamie Eisenhower?
NEW YORK (AP) Miss? Mrs.? or Ms.?
Only 14 percent of the women surveyed in a
national opinion poll said they preferred the
feminist designation Ms. However. 29 percent
of single women and 33 percent of separated
or divorced women prefer Ms., the poll said.
The American Women's Opinion Poll, conducted by the Roper Organization, surveyed
about 3,000 women on a variety of subjects,
with a separate poll of 1,000 men for statistical
The organization said the results of the poll
were statistically valid within 2 percent as
national averages.
A good marriage is still the dream of
American women, but they want some
changes made. Communal living, living alone
or living with Someone without being married
were viewed as the most satisfying way of life
by only 3 percent of the women interviewed.
But while 96 percent of women still see
marriage as the best way to live, the poll
reported that more than half now want to
combine marriage, children and careers. Sixteen percent of the women interviewed said
wives should not vow to obey their husbands.
Love is still the major reason women cite for
getting and stayingmarried. But after love, the
poll indicated some shifts in marital priorities.
Personal compatibility in marriage—being
able to talk together about feelings—is more
important to women than sexual fidelity, having children or financial security, the poll
Three out of five women under 30 years old
said one or two children was enough, according to the poll. Premarital sex was viewed as
immoral by 53 percent of the women, down
from 65 percent in 1970.
l-'or the first time, a majority of women indicated support for the women's movement
goal of strengthening the status of women in
society. Fifty-seven percent of American
women favor such efforts now, compared with
48 percent in 1972 and 40 percent in 1970,the
poll said.
Mamie Eisenhower and Walter Cronkite
headed the list of people most respected by
women. Former President Richard M. Nixon
ranked tenth on the list of respected men in the
poll, which was conducted in May, prior to his
Black social activist Angela Davis was ranked as Ihe least respected woman by 53 percent
oi the women polled.
However, 39 percent of the black women interviewed rated her the woman they most
respect. Blacks consititued 11 percent of the
women surveyed.
Presidential Popularity
dd it! A perfect Gerald Ford cancaiure!
(AP) President
Ford's approval rating hasdroppd 21 percentage points since he took office, according to
the Gallup Poll.
The survey shows half of those questioned
saying they approve of the way Ford is handling is job, 28 percent disapproving and 22 per
cent expressing no opinion.
The current ratine represents the sharpest
decline for any president in his first two
months in office.
In a poll taken just after Ford took office in
August, 71 percent said they approved of the
way Ford was assuming the nation's
leadership. Only 3 per cent said they dispproved, and 26 per cent said they were undcided.
Ford's rating fell off five percentage points
between the first poll and one taken early in
The latest poll was taken after Ford par-
doned former President Nixon on Sept. 8 and
before Ford presented his economic program
to Congress a month later.
The pardon was the chiefcausc of Ford's
decline in popularity, and the nation's
economy was another important factor, according to the polling organization.
A special poll taken just after the pardon
found the public opposed to it by a two-to-one
Other polls have showed that most
Americans consider the economy to be the
nation's biggest problem with nearly half of
them predicting a depression such as that of
the I930's.
Ford retains the approval of a greater
percentage of younger adults and Republians
than of older persons, Democrats or independents.
The latest poll was taken Sept. 27-30.
The Godless Britons
LONDON (AP) Only 29 percent of
British people believe in Cod, according to a
public opinion poll published Sunday.
The poll ol 1,093 persons was conducted by
Opinion Research Center for a religious
Eleenhower as aha appe»rc» >< a 1971 news conference
program televised by the British Broadcasting
The BBC called it the first major survey of
religious beliefs in Britain since a Gallup poll
in 1963 showed 38 per cent believed in God.
columns ;
by Michael Mead
UPI (9/Mil*) Eastland for Action to Curb
Chairman James O. Eastland of the Senate
Internal Security Subcommittee Mid today
tbtt if the current rate of marijuana uae continued, Amerieani might find thenuelvei
"•ddled with a large population of semizombtet." Mr.Eastland, a Mississippi
Democrat, Mid the hews media were in part
responsible for the increase. "He Mid that
"most of our media and most of the
academicians who have been articulate on the
subject have been disposed to look upon marijuana as a relatively innocuous drag."
In response to Senator Eastland's "startling" warning that, if patriotic Americans
weren't alerted to this marijuana business,
they would soon be "saddled with a large population of semi-zombies," it is reasonable to
suggest that the proverbial fox smells his own
musty tail. If there is a pestilence of "semizombies" infesting our purple maidenheads
and fruity pastycakes, it would appear to be
cankering and festering most virulently within
the hoary chambers of the Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee.
Now don't think that I'm about to launch
into a general polemic in praise of mercy killing: as a strapping young stripling this
reporter was brought up decently and painstakingly taught to respect his elders. Normally when confronted by your basic loquacious vicious seyenty year old coot who
appears to have gone quite gonzo frome advanced terminal hemorrhoids or ossification
of the cerebrum, 1 somehow manage to stifle
the overwhelming desire to woof my cookies
in his face. Instead, turning my cheek, 1 mockdeferentially walk away. Form, if not sub-
The Latest Dope On Dope
Whet's 15 minutes if you're
going to hove o good time?
may we suggest ^
H o u $ e
25 Morrison Avenue, Troy
it's only a 15 minute drive from SUNY,has
constant toped rock music, gourmet sandwiches,
happy hours
enough to lead one to avidly campaign fof
federal aid to euthanasia. As Janis Ian would
plaintively- sing "Send your (senators) to
Shadey Acres. Well take good care of them.
You won't be aware of them. Send them to
mere fact that every major governmental
However, in the case of James Oliver report written in the United .States, England,
Eastland, Senator from the sovereign feudal and Canada on the subject of marijuana use
baliwick of Mississippi, my bent Burkean has concluded that it is "a relatively innocuous
respect for the ancients is forthwith sent to the drug' only points out the insidious pershowers. As for this misanthropic methodist vasiveness of the communist... oops, wrong
from Treefrog, Mississippi, it is essential to speech . . .narcoticmenace.
"The nation's entire college population,
respond to hit senile mouthing* by calling a
spade a spade or, to be more apropos, a 90% of all non-wasps living north of the
' Mason-Dixon Line and 110% of all albino
doddcrd a dodderd.
When it became public knowledge that comquats over 8" tall have already fallen vicJovial Gerry planned to fully pardon The Nix tim to the lewd, licentious, lacivious.lotus(speaking of semi-zombies), it seemed quite like, lick-spittle effects of the green,
plausible to suggest that He had not read a gangrenous, gawky, gorganzolian deathl
newspaper in the past two years; however, in America is rapidly becoming a living,
Geriatric James' case it seems certain that he breathing Bela Lugosi movie irrevocably
has never read a newspaper more .saddled with a large population of semisophistictiH than the Selma Swinehtrder zombies. Unless we move quickly to squelch
Gateiie.One can easily envision that crusty this national nightmare, civilization as white
old bit part from Gone With the Wind men know it will come to an end."
agitatedly lying in bed late at night with a
taperecorder strapped to his perspiring
wizzened head continually playing to himself
Perhaps 1 overstate the good old boy's case
old Harry Anslinger "killer weed" ser- as he was undoubtedly a bit more lucid than I
portrayed him to be when he make his UPI
remarks. But if only we could catch him after
Picture that semi-illiterate buffoon of a man
he's mainlined a fewnickelbottles of Southern
making an utter nebbish of himself before a
Comfort, I believe we would be surprised at
snickering audienceof stoned out Washington
reporters by mindlessly blathering such discer- what then might issue from the Mississippian
Ambassador's mouth.
ning thoughts as this:
In any case I wouldn't bother with this
strung-out tirade if it were not for the fact, as
"Simply because every intelligent, articulate strange as it may seem in this era of presidenrational scholar who isn't on the take from the tial flat, that times occasionally arise when the
Justice Department feels that marijuana is no Senate of the United States is called upon to
more, if not less harmful than alcohol, we as deal rationally with crucial national issues. BeAmericans cannot afford to conclude that the ing forced to silently suffer while some
upsurge in marijuana use has not led to ludicrous old buzzard stumbles about in a
millions of babies being born with four left befuddled, ethereal condition comparable to
nostrils and six gargantuan sex organs or that that resulting from severe oxygen deprivation,
its prolonged use does not lead to galloping unabashedly unleashing mindless verbal
halitosis, crotch-rot of the lesser condom, and salvos at the great social problems that he has
, terminal cancer of the right belly button! The obviously never read or experienced, is
tuesdoy 9 • i 2 pm Ladies nite
10 oz. draft beers -20c
frlday 2 - 6 pm
50 cent high balls
'pour liquor.
very easy to get toj
Just lake 90 cast to TROY exit.
Follow 787-go over bridge. At the
first light make a right turn-straight
up to the crest of the hill. Then just
follow the signs to THE ILIUM
open 11 am - 0 am
* Campus Pixza
in Westgate
j 438-8350
Near Gateway
911 Central Ave. & Colvln
all drinks half pried
Wednesday 4 - 7 pm
Shadey Acres."
Seriously though, statements such as that
attributed to Senator Fathead represent the
murky depths to which American political life
has descended.or perhaps from which it has
never emerged. One wonders how such supposedly intelligent, articulate men can consistently make such utter nurdlings of
themselves. I personally couldn't care less that
Parochial James thinks I'm an animated Mr.
Potato Head, my brains scrambled and
fricasseed by too many bowls of opiated Panama Red (Yummy!). What troubles me is that
that narrow-minded fool gets to vote every
day on issues that directly affect the sanity and
security of my life and my world. Apparently,
if nothing else, one continually pays his full
pound of fleshly societal dues in the form of
sheer unmitigated aggravation.
Mondays: 20% off a large Pizza pie
Tuesdays: Free large soda on every
large pie
Sicilian Pisa Available (please call well ahead of time:
Cheese Pie
$2.50 $3.00
3.19 3.69
3.19 3.69
3.19 3.69
3.19 3.69
3.79 429
Any two combinations
4.50 5.00
The works
Prove It'a your Birthday and
net SO% off.
I Sandwiches ayatimM tool
OCTOBER 15, 1974
i - i *; J. ,1.- J. sxh o.>,-;« ... v./
Now and
Inflation worries statesmen, economists, business leaders, and everyone trying to make ends meet. Students are aware of it as they pay tuition fees or
rent. Like most problem's of today, inflation existed in classical antiquity
During most of the third century A.D. the Roman Empire was dote to
economic disaster • Thedemandsofarmy.imperialcourt.arid administral
lion were steadily increasing, while productivity, trade, and population!*?
tually decreased Thegovernmentresponded by raisingtaxes and debasingihe
currency. This, in turn, caused a sharp rise in prices. The economic situation
became so bad that peasants deserted their fields, merchants refused to
accept debased currency, and thegovernment collected some of its taxes in
Periodic efforts to reform the currency provided only temporary relief. A
bold and unique attack on rampant inflation was finally undertaken by the
emperor Diocletian (285-305 A. p.), who issued his famous Edict of Prices
in 301 A. D.] This edict established maximum prices and wages for more than
a thousand articles or services; it provided severe penalties for offenders,
eluding the death penalty. Nevertheless, the edict was a failure, as the people
ignored or defied it. Merchants withdrew their wares from the openmarket;a
black market, developed, and the flight from money to goods continued.
Diocletian's successor Constantine (306-337 A.D.) revoked the edict.
Such other reform measures of Diocletian were far more successful. His
Edict on Prices illustrates the ancient world's lack of economic sophistication, but provides us with the single most important source of information on
Roman economic life.
Unique Mime Troupe
Creates Images in Mind
by Sharon Swerdtoff
"Camp Wahoo" was an exploration of all the pranks
A unique blend of mime, dance, acting, sound effects and wild goings-on at a summer camp. Illustrative of the
and music was presented Friday night,.October II, by group's inventive use of bodies was the scene in which
the Celebration Mime theatre, a group of nine young Arthur, about to leave for camp, packs his suitcase portrayed by one of the mimes lying on his back with hands
performers, seven men and two women.
Those who attended any of thefour workshops given and toes extended as locks. All the familiar characters
by the members of the company Wednesday through ,and vignettes of camplife were there: the slick Camp
Friday were introduced to some fundamental concepts Coordinator, the snotty other campers who try ta>scare
Arthur, the singing of the official Wahoo camp song, a
of mime.
One of these basic concepts is that of the "premise"—ti food fight in the mess hall and the flies who gather
belief in what you are miming which results from a around it poisonivy.archeryandtoastingmarshmallows.
strong image in your mind. For example, to create the il- The comic characterizations and use of bodies to lusion of a tug-of-war, you operate under the premise represnt inanimate objects created a hilarious impresthat the rope is really there and unless you can pull it sion of camp life.
firmly in your direction, the rope will drag you forward
• • • • •
with it. Workshop participants got to try various elemenThe next piece, "At the Circus" was a" changing
tary mime exerices such as pushing a heavy dresser tht collage of visual impressions and sounds associated with
won't budge, prying open elevator doors and fighting the circus that included a tightrope walker, lion tamer,
with another person without any of the tension that goes trained seals, clowns, an acrobatic group called The
into a real fight. A fascinating collective exercise was the Great Zucchini and a knife throer who ends up with a
creation of "statues". A topic such asthe "The Circus," knife in his own back.
"Hell" or "Rock'n Roll," was given, and after a few
"The Legend of Tillison Twitched," a tall tale about a
seconds of reflection, five people came together and old farmer who was determined to clear his land, was
creatcdu statue representing that idea, a conglomeration made lively by the troupe members, who at various
of five bodies relating to each other and giving a total im- points in the tale, were barnyard animals, rocks, horses
and carts. Quite ingeniously, all combined to create a
The Romans had their economic problems, too. Above la o n * of their
tractor which could not only plow, but could wash
• • • • •
clothes and shine shoes too.
shrinking coins.
I he essence of this "statue" exercise is the same which
The final piece of the evening, "An American
runs through all of the company's work. At the opening Collage", changed the tone of the performance with a.
of their performance, one member explained what commentary on the American way of life—crowds, and
mimes do; "They take images, let them run through their ambulance carrying away a .casualty, subway'
minds, and express them with their bodies." In all of the straphangers children at school learning their ABC's, a
pieces, bodies were combined to form images in a quite football game complete with cheerleaders, an enactment
unusual way.
of war and young boys dying, the loneliness of a child
The first piece, "Grab Bag", was an assortment of im- whose parents are always away on business, the fanatic
ages, sounds and shpaes that included marching, crawl- behavior of autograph hounds, a roller coaster an old age
ing like animals, a tortoise and hare race, one man boun- home where a young couple laughs at th helplessness of
cing another like a ball, and a mimed tug of war. The the aged, and the assassination of President Kennedy. A
second, "The Serpent, or Madison Avenue and the very effective part of this collage showed a man who
Original Sin", was a zany parody of advertising techni- stuffed himself and created so much wastt that he was
ques as used on Eve to make her take the apple, including eventually forced to chase the vultures and'dogs away to
a Let's Made a Deal spoof, commerials testifying to the eat his own waste in the garbage dump.Auihcend of this
wonders of apples, and a look at the Garden of Eden, collage, which lasted about a half-hour, all these scenes
complete with Adam, serpent and strange jungle noises. were very quickly repealed in succession to the tune of
The third piece, "TheBalloon Friend" was a delicate, "America the Beautiul".
Except for this last piece with its heavy social imtouching story of a lonely girl who finds friendship with
a balloon (one of the mimes), who comes to life when she plications, the tone of the evening was one of delight and
inflates him, floating gently from side to side. In playing, a sense of high spirits, This particular company has
she tripatndstarts to cry, he laughs at her and she, enrag- worked together for only a year, and has its home base at
ed, uses her slingshot on him. The balloon shoots all a resident school in Maine. Their particular blend of
across the floor, losing air until he is deflated. In vain, the theatre and mime made for quite a fascinating evening,
to which the standing ovation was a tribute.
girl tries 10 blow him up again. Slow fade...
'M U'sis:
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OCTOBER 18, 1974
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must be ifc) years old
Circus Minimus in Gym
devoid of excitement.' The - tigers
appeared bored and the Hon didn't
even let out a token roar.
by Hfflarj D . KsMck
art Ala* D. Akbey
We wem to die circus yesterday. It
WM Ihe Hanneford Family circuit
ami they held it in the Gym.
Inside it smelied like • circus, musty and rank. The normal odor? of
rusty gym sock*, and shorts were
masked by the animal stench We
ourpopcornand cotton
candy at the Intermission, andwalked
past the crowd at the concessions so
we would get front row seats,
' We didn't even realize when the
circus began because the lights
stayed on and the Ringmaster failed
to catch our attention.- He didn't
create any atmosphere or sense of
drama for the first act, the wild
animal trainer. Her act, as well as
her animal, both lacked shine and
luster. They all seemed drugged and
Groaning Clowns
' ' F o r our enjoyment," , the
Ringmaster said, there were, two
clowns to entertain us between the
acts. Not dnry didn't we enjoy their
stunts Aut they actually slowed down
the pace of the show. By the -id of
the performance, people were' actually groaning each -time they
appeared. Behind us sat a little boy
who began crying when the second
Clown, who had a white face with
black lines, came onstage. "I don't
likehim/'hecried. "He's mean looking." Wc were so disappointed.
Where was the little car with twenty
clowns piling out of it?
• The Hanneford Circus lacked a c r o w d a p p l a u d e d Warmly,
strong aerial act; There as only one acknowledging the attempts.
trapeze artist, and there was a limit
Colored Costumes Sparkle
to what she coulddoby herself. She
had no place to swing or jump. She,
The many colored costumes were
wasn't very high off the ground, And
all glitter and sparkle. They added
there were no nets to create the illumore to the festivities than any of the
sion of danger.
• other elements. Even the'highlight
seemed sloppy, and unpolished.
Animal Acts Highlighted
• • Moat of the performers were old.
and not especially glamorous. They
were.merely people doing the only
jobs they knew. The atmosphere was
stripped of that aura of specialty and
excitement' we e x p e c t and
remembered, The whole myth of the
circus had been shot to hell. On the
way out we saw the tigers sitting in
their cages, looking dejected and
sad. Weasked them a couple of
questions and they didn't even respond with a blink of the eye.
, c. • a . „ a „ O•_„» o- ?u »oa "ao„ "a Bou o_Q
» •
° o " 0 ° 0 •V»<°>. o0 „"o°e"o
by Richard Parke
Friday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. I
journeyed over to the PAC to review
a play by lonesco called Improvisa- •
lion (or Ihe Shepherd's'Chameleim).
The play was an experience I enjoyed; finding the Arena Theatre was
an experience I didn't enjoy. I spent
20 minutes walking through the
building; up to the third floor, down
to the basement. The people I asked
looked at me with blank looks and
just shrugged their shoulders. Finally I latched onto two other lost souls
and we stumbled acgoss the Arena
Theatre. Entering the Arena I found
a small intimate thcatrc-in-theround with seating for about 2S0
people. There were SO people with
me who seemed to enjoy the
Improvisation as much as I did.
more with the audience, to get a
laugh, than hedid with the other actors on stage. This is not to say that
Mr. Scibilis did not do well, he accomplished what he set out to do,
bill he seemed to lose his way oc-
° * n • _ o "
° .»V""
Theater Council is having...
Ihe show about lonesco hlsclfwas
very well done. Barry Katz, the
director, used the thcatre-in-thcround very effectively. The actors
kept moving so that the audience
didn't feel as though all they saw ere
backs'. Ihc blocking was excellent.
All movement seemed coordinated
and logical. The play flowed smoothly. The make-up was very well done
and the lighting brought out (he
make-up very nicely.
I'erhaps the most crucial part of
this play was the acting. Wolff and
Johnson and Ms. Farra were superb,
facial expression, movement and
chnracterizutionwcrcall there. They
interacted well and played off each
nicely. Farra started off
speaking too last, hut settled down
to it nice pace soon after. As Car as I
was concerned their performance
was the highlight ol the show. I.cn
Scibilis as lonesco did a line job even
though there were times I thought he
overacted and stepped out of
character. He seemed to interact
of an overdose of heroin. Not so
many of us have heard one of his
routines or know the circumstances
of his life just before his death.
The IVorltl of Lenny Bruce
presents both Ihc stage Bruce and the
mentally harassed Bruce. Fank
Speiser. the understudy for
Broadway's Lenny, lias been porlraying the laic comedian offBroadway.
Thursday night he
played two shows in the Ballroom,
courtesy »l the Special Fvcnts ,
Hoard. Speiser begins his one man
show h\ idling you what to expect.
He sets the scene for you since the
props and scenery consist only of a
microphone with a flexible necked
I he first pun of the act is a typical
Hruee night-club routine, this one
siippsedh ill the Uiltci IIKI. Ihe.
monologue is based on the act ol
pissing in live sink.
Pan two is Bruce after many court
His yearly income has
dropped Irani $350,000 to $6,000. A
WSUA this week:
Tues. 1 National Lampoon Comedy Hour
for all students and faculty
casionally. Beth folnar/as Marie, a
French cleaninggirlcarde across veiy
well. Using a vacuum hose as a
weapon, she saves ihe sanity of
l o n e s c o . Her character was
believable and enjoyable to watch.
Four Letter Words
And Lenny Bruce
by Paul Pelagalli
I frequently use four letter words
which arc labelled obscenities.
Sometimes they're longer than four
letters. For some reason most of my
friends use words like these to make
their language spicier. Many people
employ obscenities as part of their
everyday vocabulary No one is real'Ihc set was plain; a table strewn ly shocked anymore to hear the word
with crumpled paper, three chairs, "fuck" or similar expressions. The
and. a couch. At first 1 thought the theater and movies have adopted
costuming was plain, when l.en realistic language and even T. V. has.
Scibilis, playing the part of lonesco, One group of people who have long
entered in blue jeans and a work been allowed to make obscenities
shirt. This observation was proven part of their act arc nieht-club comwrong when David Wolff, Joyce edians. However, in the early 60's
H'arra, and Tim Johnson, as the courts <decided • lo,draw the
Hartholomeus I, II and III respec- line somewhere.
tively entered in body suits, mortar
Lenny Bruce happened to be at
hoards, capes and heavy white lace this somewhere Most of us know he
make-up. Beth Polmaras Marie had was a comedian who used vulgarities
on a costume consisting of a shabby as the basis of his act. He was
dress and bobby sox.
arrested many timesunddicd in 1964
The highlights of the show were
'animal acts. They camebetweenthe
acrobats and were the most popular
with the crowd. They had trained
horses and dogs and chimpanzees
and leopards and an elephant. The
little elephant made several futile
attempts to stand on one leg, each
the crowd applauded warmly,
Although never quite successful, the
| Above was the Hanneford Circus' on* and only head to head aland,
£ ind, left, the classic leopard leaping through the hoop of fire
"^. U
a ea
Hidden, Exciting
mentally distraught, Neal Casadylike figure represents himself in a
New Yorkcourt. He speaks to a
judge who turns adcaf car to his plea
for an appeal.
Speiser had Ihe Ballroom
audience laughing hysterically during the first part. The second segment was sober to the point that
there wasno laughter at alt. It was so
well done it was depressing. Very
quickly he generated the ideas and
feelings that go with a man's profession, life and sanity being taken
away from him by due process of
Frank Sparser as Ltnny Bruce rjMno. a nervous pre-trial rap.
Easing and Pressing
I - I I « — » -
— — i — i
Lunch Mandarin Style
by Sandy Ellenbogen
and Melissa Caust
The Peking Restaurant offers a
wide range of dishes prepared in the
Mandarin style of Chinese cooking.
Mandarin differs from Cantonese in
that noodles are the staple 'ather
than rice. Wheat is found in abundance in northern China. Marco
Polo introduced spaghetti to Italy
upon his return from the Orient.
Mandarin also employs holterspices
than Cantonese: chili peppers,
scullions, curry, and str anise: these
arc felt to have medicinal powers. In
addition to the stir-fried foods common in Cantonese cooking (e.g. fried
rice, chow mein, pepper steak), cold
dishes, interesting soups, longcooked meats, and casseroles are
popular. Wc recently sampled a
representative selection of Mandarin
dishes at the Peking and found the
restaurant to be generally uninteresting.
A typical cold dish is pickled cab-
bage (7Sc). When properly prepared
this spicy dish is anything but cold,
however here it tasted like slightly
over-peppered cole slaw.
3 Assorted Flavors
Next we tried a promising Three
Assorted Flavors Delicacy soup
($2.50 for 2). To our dismay, we
received a tasteless broth accented
with some s t r i p s of ham,
wintermelon, and a third equally
non-descript "delicacy." One good
note, however, was the noodles
which accompanied the soup. They
were freshly fried, crisp, and
delicious. This started the inevitable
dippingol noodles in Iheduck sauce.
Main dishes run about $4.00
apiece, hut since dishes should he
eaten family style, it is often possible
to share dishes,and combine with
soup to bring down the price. We
sampled the sweet and sour pork
Peking style ($3.50) but were disap-
Now for the
first rime ever
in o low-priced
Pocket f Book
Wed. | Interview w / the Socialist
• Worker's Party
Thufs. j
Friday , October 18 at 4:30
Nitty Gritty Dirt Dand interview
j (after their Oct. 5 concert)
In the second f/oor lounge of ihe PAC
* O
a l'»A
a aa
funded by student association
o c'"'"' B". * _ » - • n B -'o » o " ' . » <," o "Z °
» ». ra-» » a l " ' l . . » . " o . '
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a a » a i
_ 0 _
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! FOCUS on Jazz live interview
i w / Gene Dertoncia
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on WSUA • -the sporty
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The Lessons of Don Juan
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All three Castaneda classics now available
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limriml hv KI intent association
OCTQBER 15, 1974
pointed to find a carbon copy of the
Cantonese version, it was satisfactory but lacked distinction.
Curry chicken ($3.73) was a large
portion of chicken in a fiery curry
sauce. We were pleasantly surprised
by this and decided that we had not
given Ihe restaurant a fair chance.
Therefore we returned and sampled
beancake casserole ($4.50), which
someone had recommended to us.
I h e casserole consisted of soup with
bcancake and Chinese cabbage and
although very generously filled, very
disappointingly bland. Bean cake, a
soybean product which is light
brown and of a jellied texture, does
not look appetizing. Its flavor is innocent, however and a suitable
supplement to more strongly
flavored foods. Hut in this case it was
the main attraction, and as a result
the casserole made a poor showing.
Moo Shoo Pork
Our final try was moo shoo pork
($2.95), a stir-fried mixture of shredded pork, vegetables and egg, spread
with scallions and peppers. It is
traditionally served with thin pancakes •( 15e each) a dollop of the mixture is placed on the pancake, which
is then rolled up and eaten. The Peking version relied much too heavily
on soy sauce, which drowned out the
flavors of the various other ingredients.
The Peking offers a somewhat
better bay at lunch. A selected
number of dishes are offered at
significant savings, e.g. chicken
curry at $2.50, and the food is
[generally more carefully prepared.
Shanghai Better
The Peking is conveniently
located near Ihe busline heading uptown. The food is not bad, but we
believe the Shanghai. (799 Central
Avenue) which wc reviewed
previously offers more tasty and
authentic food.
The Peking HcjUurant is at 1094
adhton AveV'ani) it open seven
davs a week.
J t o Runt For Batmen
Burlingaroe (the Albany coach's ion)
With ill the fpote e n * the Omit started a two-out rally when he
' Dane Vanity Buebtll team hat been tripled off a Blair fastball and scored
producing recently, they ihould have on a bloop single, that leftfiekUrV
enough to open up a dairy. Travel- _ Mike Carnage couldn't handle.- That
ing to Oneonta last weekend, the proved to be the only run Weaver
D u e s tuigered out with losses of 6- ' would need, as he allowed just three
0 and 8-0, to close out their fall cam- , Albany bale hits in pitching a fine
- game.
paign on a sour note.
Single tallies in the Oneonta. seCoupled with the 8-0 blanking last
week at the hands of Siena, Albany cond, fourth, and fifth and two insaw lit scoreless streak run to 24 in- surance runs in the sixth, closed out
nings. Coach Burlingamesaklof the the scoring. The Danes did no scor- •
last few days, "It's the wont week I \ ing on the day, but did give Oneonta..
can ever remember here,". Of the ', a little scaring in the fourth.
Oneonta debacle he explained limp- . Carlos Oliyeras led off with a hot
ly, "We just couldn't score, that's smash labelled "hit".- mat young
Burlingame turned into the first out
air," ' • ' ; ' • .
with a spectacular diving, stab.
"-' In fact, in the first game, they
When Nelson- and Blair followed
couldn't get a baserunner until the
with safeties, that catch turned out to
fourth, Oneonta's Roger Weaver
be important. Another hard smash
retired the first ten Danes, before
off the bat of Breglio that was turned
Paul Nelson's single with one out in
.into a double-play ended the threat
the fourth broke up the perfect
and preserved Weaver's shutout.
game. Tom Blairgot the starting job
Gamage led off the Albany fifth
for Albany, but just did riot have his
with a ground-rule double over the
good stuff.
left-enter faace, bat was left (Madhi the, Oaeaaia tint, Mark
Sports Bombshell*
id«d as
11 Weaver,
Weaver got 'die
the next three. AA ^ f ' ^ ^ P
^ * r ^ ^ " • • " " • " "
• • ^
David Baez walk in the sixth was the
last Dane baserunner and all Albany by Kenneth Atdtttad
Tee College Football Poll
could do, wai hope for better things
in the second game.
A football team wim 49-7 and drops from number two to number eight in
But, if Weaver was good in the the polls. Impossible? Not in the world of the college sport poll;. Who is the
first game, Oneonta's Glenn Diegal number one football team in the nation? The team with the best record—not
was even better in the second, accor- always. The team that dominates the most games? Perhaps, but not always.
ding to Coach-Burlingame. A tehA team with a good reputation? Almost always.
strikeoUt, no-walk, six-hit shutout is
It is the college football polls that decide the fortunes of all the teams.
nothing to sheer at. The Albany bats
There is no play-off as in basketball (even though there is also a basketball
weren't sneering, just swinging and
poll.) It is just a bunch of sports writers or coaches who see one game a week
missingand pass judgement from a plethora of boxscores.
Righty John Dollard started for
Is it the fairest way? Probably not, but there are some problems inherent in
the Danes and had an impressive
the system. It isimpossible fora' group of people to see every game and they
first frame, picking up two
must rely heavily on accounts. As all human beings, they are shaped by their <
strikeouts. But in the third, the roof
environment and are subject to pressure that attack their basic human traits.
fell in.' A walk, afielder'schoice, and
For example, Oklahoma is on NCAA probation and is excluded from one
back-to-back doubles made it 3-0.'
Two walks and another two-bagger of "the polls despite being one of the top teams in the Nation. As far as this
poll is concerned, they don't exist. How can this be a true measure?
and that was all for Dollard.
These polls reek with sectionalism, leagueism and personality conflicts.
Burlingame summoned Rick
Okoniewski at that point and the The sports writers, many times will let non-football aspects enter their decisenior induced a ground out and a sion. This is not to say that all writers don't honestly try to judge, but there
double-play ball from the next two are a few. There are instances of teams which were undefeated and from a
batters, to get out of the inning, major division and fail to appear in the top ten of a voter's card. There must
be some reason.
without any further damage.
One thing that effect the writer is hisproximity to the team. If he is coverAlthough the next three runs were
charged to Okoniewski's record, the ing a team, he will see its good points sometimes out of context and enlarge
righty did a fine job, allowing only them. He then will vote the team higher then it should be. Its only natural,
one hit, while picking up six but it is a fault of the system.
strikeouts. The one hit was a triple in
Other writers, because they don't see the game, must rely on reputation of
the fifth, which drove in the sixth run the schools. Therefore a team that is a perennial winner will have the advanof the game. The final two tallies tage over a newcomer to the ratings.
were gained without benefit of ahit.
Is therea solution to theproblem? First of all, a play-off would be ideal but
The Danes' only threat came in the is impractical with the players remaining students. A play-off would mean
fourth. An Oliveras single (one of another two ouhree weeks of practices, something most students could not
his three in the game), a forcing handle. Also, how do you pick for the play-offs? The conference winners,
grounder, and a Vic Giulianelli base then what about independents like Notre Dame.'No.the poll will have to stay
hit put two men on with two out. in some form.
Siegal bore down at this point and
My*olution is to have the referees from each game, or perhaps one official
came up with a big whiff of Breglio,
chosen by thcleague.no' the teams, fill out a standardized rating form. Let
to muzzle the Dane rally.
these impartial people make a decision, as they can get a feel of the game. Let
Siegal was to allow only two hits these ratings be cumulative, so that team with one good gameand seven lucky
the rest of the way as the final score wins does not rank with ..the good teams.
of 8-0 told the story.
This doesn't end the problems but only reduces them, lessening the
It was a frustrating end to. the fall pressures of people, who jobs are directly influenced by the outcome of the
season as Albany finished at 6-3 in ' game.
the conference and 6-10 overall.
Albany and the Polls
Burlingame is hoping that, with the
Albany was last ranked eighth in the Lambert poll alterdroppingfromscaddition of some pitching over the cond despite their win. They are up against the prejudice mentioned
winter in the form of John Bertuzzi previously. They arc not a school with an illustrious repution. They do not
and Glen Sowalski, to name a few, have any candidates for All Americans (except maybe Vido). Howard Cosell
the Danes can make a strongcomedoes not mention an Albany grad on Monday nights. We arc considered
back!' for the spring season.
nobodys, trying to prove ourselves.
The writers don't like our schedule and ysu can't blame them, so we suffer
for it but we have finally started. This year, at least, we are being rated, and
that will help in future years. Next year Albany picks up schools like Ithaca,
Southern Connecticut and Albright and the Danes have the looks of a good
schedule, if the program continues to grove.Albany will get that recognition.
But it is a shame that the team has to wait under the present system for it to
have succssivc good seasons before, they don't have to ride the roller coaster
of the polls.
Rivals Keep Pace
(AP) Ithaca Collee and Hobart
College, the Albany State football
team's two biggest rivals for the
Lambart Bowl, preserved their unbeaten records in impressive fashion
this past Saturday.
Unfortunately Albany, lthacaand
Hobart will not face each other this
yearSlextVcar the Danes and Ithaca
will meet for the first time.
On Saturday, Ithaca, 5-0,, and
rated the top Division HI team in the
East defeated Springfield College
57-35, while Hobart, also 5-0, swept
by Hamilton, 41-27.
Ithaca Coach Jim Butterficld,
who said "our kids revel" in their top
rating, was (he first to point out hat
the Bombers'- opponent was far
stronger than the competition
Hobart and Albany State faced.
between his Statesmen and
"There's just no comparison," he
Hamilton, said, "If their first team
said, noting that Springfield is a
played our second team, it would
Division II school. "This was a great
probably be a heck of a game. But
win for us—to be able to go a diviour first teamproved to be superior."
sion above us and win," he said.
His opinion was echocilby Hobart
Junior quarterback Jerry Boyes
halfback Rich Kowalski, who rushled the Bombers' attack, running for
ed for 195 yards and scored twice.
touchdowns of 60 and 10 yards and
"Coach Davis wanted to give
hurling scoring passes of 44 and
everybody playing time, so
three yards. His nine touchdown
Hamilton scored a few points. But if
passes so far this season tie a school
the first team had been in there the
whole game, it wouldn't have been as
Butterficld, 46, has coached at
close," Kowalski said.
Ithacfoi* eightyears. Any predictions
that this would be his first unbeaten
team? "I have no idea, and I'm not
Hamilton quarterback Tom
going.lo think-any farther than next
LaFountain turned in a superb perweek againstWilkes College in Pennformance -although in vain—by
sylvania," he replied.
throwing for 373 yards and four
Hobart Coach George Davis,
speaking ol the wild offensive clash
Runners Nip Colgate
ha A.MXA. League IIIB football action: Leopard's Avengers moved into
first ataxia their division, by defeating S.T.B. 25-18. with quarterback Phil
Brooatneyer throwing three touchdown passes, and bootlegging the fourth
Avenger score- SXBL scored twice in thefirsthull on kickoff returns, and led
at the hast
No Argument evened its record at 2-2. us they defeated the Weedies 25-7.
Bob Kroacttbergcr passed for one touchdown, and bootlegged another to get
the No Argument's going early in the game. No Argument's defense
dominated most of the game, and interceptions led to the other two scores.
In League IIB. T.X.O. defeated the Schuyler Skulls 18-14, to run their
record to 2-2. Oive Wilder ran in one touchdown for the losers. Scott
rjemncr caught a 15-yard pass for a I'D.
Other A.M.IA notes...the annual Field Goal Kicking Contest is
scheduled for Sunday. October 20, at 12:00 p.m. Stop up in the office for
further details, the Annual X-Country meet is scheduled for Monday, October 21. Team and individual entries are welcomc.once again stop up in
CC3S6 for further details.
Keep in moid that A.M.I.A. Basketball Captain's meetings are scheduled
in two weeks. All Meetings will be held at 3:30 p.m. Check CC 356 for the
room number. LC l - O c t 22. LG II- Oct 23. LG III—Oct 24, LG IV-Oct
spots in their Aral ana* thai cant
Saturday, the Albany Scats erase
tough Colgate aspect 27-3*.
Spearheading the Great Dane attack was Vinnie Reda. who took first
place by two yardaoswataaacnaaiaa;
Bill Parker from Colgate.
Sophomore Chris
third and Carlo I
fourth to give Albany the link of
their scoring f
According to Coach
"Rata and I
ahead. I mean w.
Reda took- a
Cherabmo fallowed mas so the* ran
an extra 131 yards or so." When running a 5 mile race, a 120
difference would t
But what it boils down to is a
20 seconds, which coald o n l y a
a difference of three or four p
Steve Arthur cameacrcua 7thand
thereby picked up n o t valuable
points. Another fresaunaa. Fred aatzrow. was Albany's 5th man. who
wasa little further down at the standings.
Good Ra:>
So Argument
Tusk'i Trash
JuaaJe * ;•:
Wild Booch
An Exclusive
Sports Broadcast Special: |
Oneonta Red Dragon*
a bottle between
232 Washington Ave.
2 undefeated SUNYAC teams
Home of
01974. 60 Proof. Tvquila. Barton Dislillwr* Import Co..New York, New York.
WSUA—the Sporty 640!!! j
OCTOBER 15, 1974
fwidw)ftymill""! »«w>cjfiii«n
CX^OBEH 15, 1974
torrn for ore Xascas -J> be scrums
jnHTWirrs. The oss•of Deaojcaere
mi^iTTs eas resouisttins| irwr 'rfoward
?-jrrer atmoi :ul ± e uioei. 3radley
mns£ resound bbu .ear.
The. psaras jxe: solid: ;t Vtonme s
The jeteniiine -Tampion Crtrtcrt .neaitrry. rrazier. Vtanmeiffid Bioiby
•nil rie *:tbout the 'xnicu cat SUTC xiil be -iie aifeasive tervi rior the
Dave Owens. )ut *urta irones*^. i m c i i . Tne itnirti roust jet iocsy
Replacementsrtanir;Rnkei uai .t rr. :o le irrjumi ix lie a d .
."ni.-MtfTbnia'i :'omines -est m :he
(Ne!5i Arrt *on't ac line :a naaPie
aiurt. The reaim of Sil Cinmost iipposmg ma mea.
Jo-Jo WInie and Jomt Haviicaeii mnsjnam xiil be a big i m . £ he's
will have to pick jp t&escantiastacx. ulowea. -o -niary. TheTo'erswiiliind.
*mic Paul Silas viii nave ".a navei ruiiign. Hat xrtiuuu a =ater. -aery
tuper year jniiemratri.
?aui an': 4o r.utn. ?reu Caner snd
W:3tpiiai *iil ne •pebesca. vruc- s Oniuj Cjilins usouia fee i cspaine
n,-- lulstaruiing. How o n e O n e a s -tarsi-rut rr.
T.irp ^an ^rr-daie -s i «mrer. but
is .iut u»n now long before bea sac*
to form, viil i t m i c :Pe Gstnc xnose gwng o ifz rum 'ite nail.
-"niiauearaa las no in erase ana »ul
The improvma Sutfaio araves not intend.
cnuld take x oil 'ins vear. 3oo
McAdoo i in ul-aar rnter. arto
'KisoinftiiB Bullets, as isuas,
takes a -nn xat o no inc. Jim. McNiiilian and iacs Vtamn nil scare nave :pe mmwmmA Uracaa unit
:ne-i(iuit.s.ai(ing-wus WcVtion. Car Hayes a n reaoHnd, ? irrer Cscrper
Heard viii ie:o au in die boards. and Haryes «itt sssre. Bioroaut wtil
Ernie QeGregano. nth idu=a e » ntay the rouga trrtfme
AixmeCane^ jone. imcaaura
rjeneacs. «iil ran -pat ::un. tiona
tie lesin. nut .nxutic Detuus DnVai
anth ie« v ica.uinxt 3oa Wesaw
fbe Braves 4o lave .v weue acnes nasi tie nronuse a a k c ner that
and .irnc nexpertenrs. but sBcuid -tue. The BitHrrs woual aaat ana
improve, Whetrter the; a n neat the iiav-iif%
Vac wutni ria»K& na-.e antten
Boston tcoHids m wise osu i t t x
T'xc Ciicx., lave more aoics nan rut u Warav ilea ant BetiamY tod,
.WISH ,-hn-ic At center, dacre s an .nav inaUy laveaicam Pat.aoaffin.ipn that Willis l o t wtil uaut. Dmqmt ioacs aril nrnnaoi y
rturacaioussy neai. ioan • jiaoetb sort at lanirr wtB vtiai-auwitimcr
by Kdinesn V
This »esi me NBA ipeas. r'or
another season •«rnri 1 new jam :n
New Orfeani ina i new superstar:ii
Bill Walton.
5oz'.CC)r^ENT^TEDUOR'ANGE | | | D l l t B Z l l H I B
It's sensational, and that's no bull. T t L i C ^ U I L i / V
ing that the in I'IIII afrhes
4ft and ntt
scent to bet
*tf our first faer gays don't!
an i matin— fly good day,
it." says Muuscy. Tfhsc.
by looking at the Colgate results.
State's top four runners came m in
the top ' places and they ;ust ijarery
pulled out ihe victory. That key fifth
maa was amply ton far hack
(around I3th) to he of any real aero.
Had it bees ran with the team
Albany had two seeks aajn.it would
have seen a sound victory rather
than a soueakcr.
Now that the SUNYACs are
upon mem (this Saturday (pronjeers
do pot look too hnght.
Murucy dejrrrrttry stated, f l o w
well defend mr title an Sanirday I
don't know ~
Celtics, Ballets Playoff Bound
Albany Great Dane Soccer
The Montexuma Horny Bull:'"
Stilt* AC
It really Hems a shame that alter
one hehiva dual season ( l l - l ) it
noum all go down the drain now.
With die arpartanr meets just
around aiecarnertSlirVf* ACs.etc.1
(new time)
I We deliver on Sundays to the Uptown Dorms at 6, 8, tt 10 p.mJ
Minimum order 3 sandwiches
a ins voice. Tina is the wrong time
to auu. If you're going to unit, auk
early at the season, don't wait till the
mutate. We just aren't the tough
tomorrow, Wed. Oct 16: 2=45 PM j
with this coupon
Per. en*
Original Dere facts
SB way go to the Ituoaanfc? It jam
tavaa't got a firth ana youtt has*
What once was a neattpy. powerful team Has suddenly weakened
ugniticramiy at the seams, trie
fflirfrn* it Cierrrnnina. Reda ami
9ums BSseBI n taa. mx what a iiesrf- at aea ittte octra support; that title
g extra aTorr from the remainder of
3 the rtamers- If rhert pur :i <iur. dunes
cauut iiok I at arrtjnter for 'ihe upcoming mens, if they don't ;t'tgcnahj
to be a ion; fcinter
of the
appear to be
inevarsiry's Same. ganjjj Munaey is
Veteran Oyde Lee iaa it a uldttion
HI bdp :he neirjerencea front :ine.
At apam the Haw tea are lvenoaded. Vil-.rar Lau HiuiHm 'ruts a
mmangetsx xttp Dean Vtemmeer.
Herat Gilliam ano Tom Headerson.
Hie Hawfci nrniii be :Pc iiirprae :f
'.tuft :ind a corner.
Vne Bocketa are trail -lie tame.
U>ts it sen ran; and not too rmici
deiense. Rudy Tamiannvucn.
Calvin Murpny, Ed Railed rand
Mike Hewtio ail iran icare but can
•bey niay defease.' They baven'r
mown it yes.
Houston 3. also trying o play
xitBoiii a apott asner wd that oat
doesn't maice I ttrss year. Tate
Ron.rfs areileatmed forrusodber !osng teasnit.
Ceveaud li.-. nsare rsiueae stars
nan rnany aal-uar 'fftrm, .. et no exnertence. Dick Snyder a an aiiitaan
to erai eader-atia to saexcourt
mate *iutm Carr. iim "lunet jeri
lnnilnrr uPance u aarrmg center,
but le Ctuahat% mace t a dteABA.
rim-arai lampv BuaKd. fim
Brewer and DWISJCB Cava, ail base
nuieaiiaL aut atx scpenrrce,
"'jr-eaod :ooks itae the earn of • r.t
future but not tins year.
lew ".rteam oim :Be mffl.rr i q
i*5 a bnrnfia>- aif-aar at f1 ~JC
i t a Lantz SUA aim
Samett jtve Peas a tc i "IT back
SMUT. Heal *.uk. Viet Caums and
ions sssoca are names but tone sill
urtt a, earn aintBio. Who ; aping o
must inow a
Stat* UnlwHity ol New York at Albany
Tuaaday, October 18. 1974
University ol Maw York at JUbaayVol, LXI No. 3 3 October 1 8 , 1 0 7 4
Gridders Sink Buccaneers 75-6
by JOB Lafayette
Albany State, a little upset for being dropped in the Lambert Bowl
rankings despite beating R1T last
weekend, came out to prove their
worth; Poor Maritime, who is in
only its second year of varsity ball, as
they were the wrong team in the
wrong place at the wrong time. The
Danes were just too much; a tribute
to those who arealsoin their second
On a chilly Friday night in Buzzard's Bay, the Albany State Great
Dane football team won their fourth
consecutive game, by defeating the
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
The first few series of the game
were filled with fumbles, interceptions, penalties, and long gains
called back and neither team was
' able to capitalize on the others mistakes. Towards the end of the first
period, Albany recovered a fumble
on their own 36. After QB John Berluzzi was sacked on first down,
fullback Tom DcBlois ripped off
runs of 19 and 44 yards to put the
Danes on the nine. After a carry by
Orin Griffin, DcBlois went up the
middle for one and the Danes first
Albany was on the move again,
when Dave Ahonen came in for a
halfback option, but reversed his
field running for 20 yards, they added 15 more on a penalty, but fumbled
the ball on the 12. The defense came
in and forced a punt. Griffin nut.the
ball twice, the' second time going
around right end for a 40 yard f D.
The third touchdown was scored as
John Bertuzzi teamed up with end
Bob Baxter on two slant patterns,
between the same two defenders; the
second, a 14, yard TD pass.
The Buccaneers got their only
score of the day on a fifty two yard
pass play from Kent Gunther to
Kevin O'Connell with just 2:41 left in
the first half. After captain Arnie
Will blocked the extra point, a Skip
Scurry return set up the last score of
the half as Marvin Perry went off
tackle for 20 yards and six more
points. Al Martin hit his fourth extra
point to make the score 28 to 6 at the
The second half began with Ralph
Naples intercepting u passand returning it to the 28. Bertuzzi passed to
Baxter, who made a great catch tip
toeing in the end zone. At this point.
Coach Kord began taking out
starters and the team continued to
run up the score. Fierce hitting by
the punt coverage team resulted in a
fumble at the 24. On first down
DcBlois ran the 24 yards for his second T D of the game, finishing the
day with 138 yards. Back-up
quarterback Dave Ahonen kept the
ball on the wishbone carrying 16
yards for the Danes'seventh TD.
Passing to try to come back,
Maritime quarterback Gunther was
intercepted by Ray Gay at the 37.
Sowalskie carried three times, one
for. twenty yards, setting up Fred
- Maritime showed some iife as they
drove 67 yards down the field on a 13
play, six minutes drive only to be
stalled by' the stubborn Dane
defense, which held on four plays, inside the five yard line. Third string
quarterback Dave Duprey came in
with the ball on his own four yard
line and directed a 96 yard scoring
drive, consumated by a 58 yard TD
run by Fran Brunelle. With less than
one minute left in the game, the
Danes got the ball again on an interception by linebacker Don Mion
at the 25. QB Duprey took the ball in
himself to end the (coring, giving
Albany a 75-6 victory.
Despite the tremendous score, the
Dane defense was the story of the
game; They allowed only nine first
downs, and only 220 yards all game.
Although they intercepted four
passes during the game, they seemed,
succeptible to the long pass.
Maritime passer, Gunther, was
largely unable to hit his recievers,
who were usually open, but when he
did they caught three passes for 99
yards. Kicker Al Martin hit 9 of II
extra point and punter Mike Marrin
boomed them for a 36.5 average.
The Dane wishbone was breaking
runners clear for long gains all game,
with 596 yards of total offense, 526
on the ground. Coming back from
injury, John Bertuzzi passed well (35,70 yards, 2 TDs) and worked well
with end Baxter.
Albany State takes on Nichols
College next Saturday at home.
Nichols is 3-0-1 and one of the best
schools in Massachusetts. Last year
the Danes lost 14-7 at Nichols, and
would like to turn the tables this year
while impressing the Lambert Bowl
Albany Mayor Erastus Corning
suggested Thatcher Homes
in the South End
as a feasible housing alternative.
Finding Haws in the recent Student Association alternate housing proposal,
Albuny Mayor Eraslus Corning suggested that students could live in the
"south end." He declared, however, that he was still "open" to more SA
It now appears thut students living in groups off-campus will not need to
worry about Common Council's housing proposal, if Corning decides to.
sign it, ut least this yeur. If the bill were signed into law, it could not affect
those already living in apartments becuusc of the "grandfather clause,"
similar to the ex post facto law.
Corning met with SA President Pal Curran and Veep Ira Birnbaum Monday to discuss their proposal, bused on square footage. S A disputed Council's bill which limits the people living together und defines a family.
The Mayor said he hud u study done near the Manning Blvd. area, and
found that were the S A proposal to be implemented, that area could have an
influx of nearly 2.000 people. Therefore, the Muyor thought the proposal
Netters Win SUNYAC
The Albany State Great Danes
tennis team is alive and well, and
reigning supreme as the SUN Y Conference Champions for the Fall 1974
The Danes trailed Brockport by
two points, Binghamton by I, going
into the semi-final round, with both
Joe Kestenbaum (First Flight) and
Josh Connell (fourth flight)
eliminated, but came from behind to
win the crown.
Bob Diskin found himself in a
must situation when he took the
court versus Binghamton's Les
Shayne. Diskin'came through with a
big win, beating Shayne 6-3, 7-6.
Next, Mitch Sandler edged Eric
Rossumm (Bing.) to bring the Danes
to within one point of Binghamton.
The Dunes tied the match when
unseeded Dave Denny of Albany
completed a major upset, by
smashing Harold Schutzman (Bing.)
6-2, 6-1.
Stephan Taylor
clinched the
crown lor the Danes by coming from
behind t o , beat Bob Hewitt
(Brockport) 4-6,6-3,6-3. Albany's
third flight doubles' team added icing to the cake by knocking off the
Brockport enty 2-6,6-1,6-1.
Final scores showed Albany first
with with 25 points, Binghamton second with 23, and Brockport and
defending champion Onconta tied
for third with 20 points.
This caps the netters season, that
saw them go undefeated in regular
season play. Coach Bob Lewis and
his players certainly have a great deal
to be proud of.
no reason.
After the game, Lulik uprrouched
Dune Couch Schieffelin. in hopes of
udministcring u rcprimund for the
criticism he was receiving. Lalik
waved his finger inSchicffelin'sface.
When Schieffelin succeeded in getting the linger moved away, the ref
accidemully hit Albuny scorekeeper
Stii Shalct. Shulct responded, und it
looked like a little Mudison Square
Garden action was developing.
Shalct won the match on a TKO, us
Lalik bucked down und left the field.
Typical of the "knitpicking" administered by the officials was a dispute over the exuet location of irrr
Albany direct kick. The referee
wanted it at point A, I.eroy.Aldrich
liked point B heller.'The difference'
between the two spots was six inches
and a large divet at the refs location,
Any intelligent official allows the'
hull, to he moved that lypc.of" dis*'
tance to help improve p|ay, but not
Lalik. who ordered Aldrich lo keep
it at A, and threatened lo administer
a warning to the rather frustrated
Aldrich, who hud no choice hut to
Wednesday, the Hooters travel to
Onconta for a key SUNY Conference game which will be broadcast live on WSU A ut 3 p.m. The loss
to Hamilton seems to have unified
the Booters, und hopefully, has
awakened u few individuuls'to the
need lor team play. Onconiu .will
probably try to out-skill Albany (as
•.:>/«! a».-'..
-irf'A"V^'S •• ;'m Itmjf ! '«* , « , rV' '""'*'^
opposed lo the physical knock down
style of Hamilton). With the depth
\'K&\ ?v»-*•$,'&• Mk
und talent that Albany hits, and the
• v : •;','•:
need to rebuild a damaged reputation, the Danes should give the Red Tht eoccer taam In thtlr tail noma ancounler. Tha learn rolumi home
Dragons quite it bit of trouble.
to laca Potsdam on Saturday,
Sample Unrepresentative, Says Birnbaum
Birnbaum told the Mayor that the sample wus totally unrepresentative.
Coming said he would huvc another study done in the Washington Park
However. Curran thought the Muyor hud u point, so SA officials will go
back to the drawing board to try and come up with a new housing blueprint.
Curran said he may proposeunother bill still bused on the spuce idcu, but that
would vary according to the zone: in one-family houses the square footage
per person would be higher than in the two-family homes or in multiple family dwellings.
Corning said, however, he is still willing to listen to more S A proposals.
W L f '»••
PROBE Attacked, But Upheld
son usuully abstains when his/her
vote would not make a difference),
Steve Meyer (Commuters), Jon
Levenson (Slate) and Andy Dolan
Lew Fidler (Indian) introduced an
immediate motion to object to consideration of the bill wus defeuted.
Councilpcrson Candi Muyer (Commuters) proceeded to attack the bill,
not on its content but on the way it
had originated. .
According lo Ms. Mayer, some
Council members and non-members
hud held secret committee meetings
in order to keep the bill a secret.
In addition, Ms, Muycr angrily
asserted that certain Council people
hud leaked privileged information to
non-members, and proceeded to demand the Impeachment of Andy
Goldstein (Stale), one of the bill's introducers. Ms. Mayer was reminded
thai since another motion wus pending, hers was out of order. Sandy
Hoclner of the Speakers' Forum then
suggested that il hud been improper
"Atmosphere of Deception"
for Council lo discuss the mutter in
Central Council bill 7475-51, Executive Session in the first plnce
"Deletion of Project PROBE," was since this, of all issues, should not be
introduced on the grounds that "the kepi secret from the students. Ms.
notion of Project PROBE is directly Mayer responded by requesting that
contrary to the principle of free ex- Council go in' 0 Executive Session.
change of thoughts and ideas and
The motion failed.
fosters an atmosphere of distrust and
"Fire with Fire"
Council upheld PROBE'S ex"We must fight lire with fire!" was
istence by a 3-5-7 vote. Voting to lew Fidler' rationale lor PROBE'S
delete PROBE were Andy Goldstein methods. "Information is power"
(Stale), Seth lluhcr (Slate), and and there is, he fell, no belter way to
Roberta llarwitt (Stale). Lew Fidler obtain il.
(Indian), Cnndi Mayer (ComFinance Committee Chairperson
muters), Alan Spivak (Commuters), Ken Wax replied that students lack
Mark Waldman (Commuters), and the power lo exlorl anything from
Linda Shore (Colonial) nil voted in the Administration, In addition, he
'support of PROBE'S continuation. said PROBE
would be selfAbstentions, which outnumbered defeating since the' Administration
both the uyes and nays were:
would probably "clam up" at the
Maureen De Main (Indian), Arthur sight of "a bunch of kids playing
l.cvine (Colonial), Ralph Beisler Man from U.N.CL.E." Student
(Faculty), Eric Klein (Colonial)—it Association President Pat Cumin
should be noted that the Chairper- said that the paranoia was unby Brent Kigner
Described by opponents as Student Association's answer to the
Plumbers, Project PROBE came under severe attack Wednesday night.
PROBE was approved as part of the
Executive Branch three weeks ago
ufler a protruded debate in Executive Session.
Since anything discussed in Executive Session automatically
becomes classified, little first-hand
information on PROBE isavailable.
A descriplion of its purpose can be
found in Article V1.6 of the
Organization of the Executive
Blanch: "This group shall be responsible for researching mailer of interest to the students."
Indications lire thai PROBE's
purpose is to uncover when
necessary information on cerlain individuals within the Administration
and to enact covert investigations of
student grievance.
Soccer Team Upset 3-1
Hamilton forward broke through
by Nathan Salant
The Albany State Great Danes' (he Dane fullbacks on a sudden
soccer team traveled to Hamilton breakaway. Obwald made the save;
College Saturday, hoping to break a his best, in a rare off day. Then, for
six yearwinless streak, but it was not some reason, the Dunes went flut,
to be, as the Danes were defeated 3- und play evened out.
Hamilton scored their first goal
'.. The loss, coming in u nonconference game, leaves ihc Danes with eight minutes left in the first
with a 3-0-1 SUNY Conference hull'; their second 1:40 later. Both
goals came on defensive lapses by the
record, but a 5-1-1 overall mark.
Three factors combined to do the Danes, und both were really "garBooters in: a super effort by bage goals." Interestingly enough,
Hamilton; injuries to several Dunes; the best scoring attempts the hosts
had, were stopped constantly by the
and a nice dose of homc-reffing.
"To put it simply wc were out- Danes. The hull' ended 2-0.
t h e Dunes were warned during
played," said Dane Coach Bill
Schicffclin. "You cannot take hall'timc that they had to get down to
anything away from Hamilton. business, and they come out strong,
Saturday, they were the best team wc but were unable to score until the
22:15 murk in the half, when Bedford
have faced."
sent a corner kick in front, where
True, the Booters were outplayed,
Rolando headed it to Frank Selea
but Albany did play well. Johnny
Rolando showed signs of breaking who fired it in.
Once again, it looked like the
out of his season long slump, us he
Danes were about to take over, and
played his best game of the year.
Curios Rovito turned in another line once again Hamilton took advantage of u brcukuwiiy to stop the
performance ut right hulfback, as did
pressure, and score the clincher 1:45
Arthur Bedford (despitean injury,ut
right fullback and right wing).
The Dune's defense did not play
However, star of the game honors
up to pur, partially thanks to injuries
went to Ricardo Rose. Rose, who
to Arthur Bedford (pulled leg muscle
lias not seen much action this yeur,
entered the game late in the first half, - and possible concussion); l.eroy
Aid rich (bone bruise), and Jerry Lee''
.iiid started the second half as the
Ming (a near separated shoulder).
right fullback. He proceeded to stop
Added to the list of the walking
two 3-on-l breaks, and single
wounded was Clinton Aldrich, a vichundcdly shut off at least two more
tim of a concussjon in the New I'ultz
Hamilton breakaways.
flic game opened with Albany
The officiating was u case in itself.
dun mating play, and it looked like
Messrs. Lulik und Maker forgot only
the Danes would blow Hamilton out
cur y. Several good scoring oppor- one thing — their Hamilton jersies.
Lalik was the worst official the team
tunities were stopped by the
has seen in two ycurs. He stooped so
Hamilton defense.
Al the eight minute mark, u ' low as to curse at Lcroy Aldrich for
Corning Finds Flaws In SA Housing Motion
necessary and compared PROBE to
P1RG, an open investigatory
Four bills later, PROBE relumed
to Council's attention in the form of
a list of guidelines introduced by Pat
Curran. Habcr suw the bill merely as
an effort to uppeuse Council. Andy
Goldstein moved to add a provision
to the bill stipulating that ull
PROBE findings must be reported
lo Central Council us well us lo the
President. Debute then centered
around the question of whether the
need for secrecy was important
enough to leave the president in virtually lull control of PROBE.
Council passed a While Ballot in
authorizing an expenditure of up to
$1000 in order lo maintain
desegregated parking. Debate seemed to indicate that Council disagrees
with President Cumin's desires to
avoid a parking strike.
Central Council will hold an election for Vice Chairperson within the
next two weeks to select a replacement for Eric Klein, who bus become
chairperson due to the resignation of
David Coyne.
Thatcher Homes as Alternative
Corning sent a Idler to President Bcnczet, said Curran, stating that the
high rise apartment complex Thatcher Homes might be used for additional
sludeiil dwellings. With 525 apartments. 192 of which are occupied now.
Corning anticipates about 600 students could move in.
The neighborhood, in the south end by the river, is not exuetly the choicest
neighborhood, said Curran.
A Learning Experience...
Corning thought Ihis would he u great opportunity for "social studies"
students lo "learn about the inner city."
According to Corning, the rent is cheap, and he envisioned some kind of an
arrangement with the Office of General Services (OGS), to huvc a bus run to
thai area.
Because the proposal wus not pussed until alter the beginning of the new
semester. Corning said that it would not affect sludcnlsalrcadylivingintheir
As well, he contradicted MorrisEiss ol the Housing Codes Commission
who said that since the Belle Tcrrcdecision on Long Island, no more than two
non-related people could live together.
Corning said that the law as it now stands says thai the definition ol a family is those people who share u housekeeping unit. Pussed in 1970 and still on
the books, this law allows any number of non-related people to live together.
SA Wins Support
In submitting the alternate proposul. Student Association has won the
support of Union College. Said Currun, "Something we haven't had time to
do is contact the other local colleges and usk for tneir help. The law would
affect them too."
I he limes-Union, a local Albany newspaper, editorially supported theSA
proposal saying, "Albany Stale students are inking the proper course in establishing a good working relationship with the community in which they
must study und work and live."
Council numbers (Irom let!toright) Andy QoMateln, Slave Mayer, Candi Mayor, Law Fidler, and
Stave Teiaer Milan to debate about the justification and (unction ol a PROBE-IIke agency.