sports DeBlois' Runs Lead Danes Over RJT

Stat* University oi New York at Albany
DeBlois' Runs Lead Danes Over RJT
by Kawetk A K M M
Starting a Mcond string quarterback and coming off a big victory
last week, the Albany State football
team beat KIT 49-7, before a large
The Dane, finally playing in the
wnthine, uied a "big play"offense,
instead of Meady drive., to win their
third straight. They salted away the
victory with three quick touchdown,
in the beginning of the .second half.
Lets than ten minute, later,
: Tom DeBlois' three touchdown.,
Albany struck again. DeBlois scored
including runs of 40 and 38 yards;
his first; a forty yard run right up the
and Dave Ahonen's 1 touchdown
middle as he was never touched.
passe, led the romp against winless
RIT, which ended up with over
three hundred yards, moved the ball
It took the Danes only two
well at times, They scored with the
minutes and thirty-four second, to
help of a forty-one yard-pass to get
.core, despite having to kick off!
Getting good field position after, a - them back in the game.
The Dane.,, though, came right
poor RIT punt (in fact R1T averaged
back, with Ahonen hitting the wide
only VI yard, a punt-all game), the
open Dave Whitely for a 43 yard
Danes offense took over. Ahonen
hit Glenn Solwa.kie over the middle.
RIT made one last try to get back
in the game but the Albany defense
showed how good it really is. One
minute it was third down and one on
. Albany's eight. Two plays later the
ball went over as the defense held.
offense; with Ahonen, failed to
materialize long .drives but, then
again, they didn't heed too. They did
not nave to punt in the entire first
The defense, despite giving up
over three hundred was again clutch,
Much of that yardage came against
the bench. The Danes held RIT
runner John Humphreys to under
twenty five yards. This is the same
Humphrey who Coach Ford felt was
the best runner Albany ever faced.
;t«t. University ol New York at JUBaiiy Vol. UU Mo. 33
Friday, October 8 , 1 9 7 4
Leading the Danes statistically
wereDeBlois' 138 yards, Duprey with
91 and Griffin with 75. Ahonen was
4-6 and 99 yards. He did not get intercepted.
Hudson Park Neighborhood
McDonald's:Not Their Kind of Place
by Naomi Friedlander
After a two year respite, the McDonald Corporation has resubmitted its plans to the City of Albany
for a townhouse restaurant situated'
on the corner of Madison Avenue
and South Swan Street.
proposed contruction, at one of the
main gates to the Capital Hill
Historical District and adjacent to
the South Mull, has aroused opposition
associations, individual residents of
the area, and the Historic Albany
The suggested townhouse, a threestory brick building, would be 75
feet wide and 56 Vi feet deep. Construction of a building of these
dimensions would involve the
demolition of three mid-l9th century buildings.
One of them, Roxy-United
Cleaners Inc., was built in 1864 and
remains architecturally sound. In
the original blue-prints, a one-story,
Golden-Arch McDonald's drive-in
was proposed; but, the last-food corporation modified its plans in accordance with the zoning requirements
of theCommitteeon the South Mall
Face Maritime Friday
The Danes play Massachusetts
Maritime this Friday night in Buzzards Bay Massachusetts. Maritime
lost to Curry 30-0 last week, but beat
New Haven 21-0 Saturday. It will be
Albany's first meeting with them.
Ford Spark. Team
All season long the third quarter
' has been Albany's weakest, as they
had not scored in it. But Coach Ford
must have said something, as tha
Danes came roaring out.
Alter the kick-off, DeBlois went
right up the middle, again untouched, for a fifty eight yardtouchdown.
An interception by Ken Schoen
and the Danes were back in business.
Ahonen hit Baxter for thirty-four
and DeBlois finished it with a three
yard run. Albany, again, got the ball
and Orin Griffin swept ten yards into
the end zone. The Danes had scored,
three times in just over six minutes.
Coach Ford then pulled most of
his starters and went the rest of the
way with freshman quarterback
Dave Duprey. Despite fumble
problems, he rushed for ninety-one
yards, including a 7 yard run to close
out the Albany scoring.
r Tommy DcBloto (#33) going up tha i
die against RIT.
The Danes amassed overfivehundred yards on the day; all but ninetynine coming on the ground. The
Clark Aims at Republican Giant
Halfback Orin OriMIn trying to awing wlda.
Turf Hampers Booters; Tie Cortland 0-0
by Nathan Salant
It is difficult to play soccer when
you are playing in a swimming pool.
The sun was shining, there was no
chance of rain, but the field was a
swamp, as the Albany State Great
Dane, soccer team waded out to
meet Cortland State in a key SUNY
Conference game, watched by over
2,000 fans. The game ended in a 0-0
tie. Both teams missed penalty kick.,
and numerou. scoring opportunities
were .topped by the mud, and/or
either defense.
The Booters dominated play, especially in the second half, but the
game wa. really decided in the first
half. First, the Danes opened a bombardment o r the Red Dragon net,
culminating in a penalty kick. With
nine minutes left, Chri. Tyson
tripped Albany halfback Jerry Lee
Hing in the penalty area, and Hing
wa. awarded a penally .hot.
Actually, the call wound up hurting the [Mines, as Chcpe Ruano was
there to put the rebound in, but the
referee blew the whistle and the call.
I n soccer, play h not stopped when a
loul is committed by team A, and
team 0 retain, control of the ball.
Bui play was stopped, U e Hing went
to the line, and slipped on wet turf as
he kicked 'the ball. The shot stayed
on the ground, and headed towards
the middle of the Cortland net and
an amazed Ed Buglin.
Disaster nearly struck with three
seconds left, when Frank Selca was
called for pushing Mark Britt in the ploded as the shot went wide of the
penalty area, and Britt went to the net.
The second half was a simple case
line. The fans held their breath as.
Britt approached the ball, groaned of Dane Domination, as the Booters
when Obwald anticipated right-side showed they could out-skill Corand the kick went to the left, then ex- tland, but not outscore the Dragons.
Practicing 101110 Karate? No, Its Jut* M m * ogflroaalva ploy In Saturday's aoeoergama.
Timeand again the fans cheered, and
occasionally laughed, as the Danes
ran rings around the Red Dragon
forwards and halfbacks. Twenty
shots were fired at Buglin, and he
stopped twelve, while the rest went
high or wide. The occasional Cortland drives were stopped by the
Dane defenders, who played a
superlative game.
Star of the game honors went to
Arthur Bedford who was outstanding on defense and offense, when
late in the game, Coach Bill
Schieffelin moved him up front in an
attempt to get some offensive punch.
Outstanding performances were also
turned in by Bob Schlegcl, Lxory
Aldrich and a surprise in the
buckficld, Clinton Aldrich. When
limerick Browne-Markc proved ineffective in the swampland,
Schieffelin inserted Aldrich in his
place. The result was the proving of
another possible fullback.
Host New I'alU
The Booters are now 2-0—1 in
SUNY Conference play, 4 - 0 - 1
overall, and host New Pnllz Wednesday, at 3:30 p.m. Hopefully, the field
will have dried out by then, us both
the players and the funs are tired of
hanging up their socks to dry.
Oetabw U , 1874
Javits is an eighteen-year Senate
by Mike Sena
veteran. Much of his money, accorLittle David, equipped with a
ding to published reports, comes
meager pea shooter is out to slay the
from bankers, brokers, the oil inmighty and unbeatable Goliath in
dustry, the Rockefellers, and several
this year's New York State senatorial,
unions. Clark has denounced Javits
race. Yet this fairy tale may not end'
' as a man dominated by big business;
as happily as the Biblical one.
while portraying himself as a
Ramsey Clark, the Texan
people's politician.
maverick, opposes three-term
"Javits is the old politics."Clark
Republican incumbent Jacob Javits
in the November elections. It is with said lust week. "He's the part of the
the issue of campaign financing that Senate which has served special inClark hopes to kill the Republican terests and paralyzed" the lawmaking process."
Mayor Corning, in introducing
Former Attorney General Clark
the Democratic Candidate said that
came to Albany Wednesday night to
Chirk is the first person in a long
publicize the opening of the city's
time to give Javits the "colly
Democratic election headquarters at
.115 Central Avenue. Mayor Erustus
Clark has repeatedly put Javits on
Corning was also on hand.
Campaign financing has con- the defensive. He said his campaign
sistently been Clark's metal hammer contributions had been entirely legal
and that he had always reported
to dent the Javits machine.
"every nickcT'by name and account,
Cluck, a private lawyer since l%9,
Javits protested.
has only accepted contributions of
When the incumbent opened his
$100 or less. He believes that by
Fifth Avenue headquarters not so
limiting the amount of his contributions he can remain indepen- long ago, he explained that the
dent, and not feel obligated to big hankers who contributed to his campaign were old friends, "people who
contributors and their interests.
have known me for 25 or30years."
In a recent television debate,
In a subsequent television debate,
Javits indicated that he had raised
Clark pouncing on Javits'statement
about $500,000 and spent $280,000
charged. "How come so many of his
to $290,000 so far. The Republican
old friends are in these industries (oil
senator added, "I hope to raise a
and banking)?" Clark added," They
have reasons for giving."
Clark said he raised about $235,Javits, who is seeking his fourth
000and "paid every hill at the end of
the primary," with some to spare. six-year term, believes his main
My contributions came from about qualification is his long experience
11,000 people, Clark explained. He doing his job "to the sittisfuction of
added that the "average contribution all our people."
The Texan replied he thought
was 20 dollars."
Javits "has had tuo much of the
Clark blasted Javits for accepting
wrong kind of experience." "I'm ima $15,00(1 contribution from Viceplying that Mr. Javits is unaware of
P r e s i d e n t designee
the real ireeds of the people for inRockefeller. Clark questioned
tegrity in government."
Javits' ethics for accepting such a
Clark commented that integrity is
sum of money from the man he will
the key issue ol'llieeumpaign. Ileexsoon have |o judge.
plained that greed and special interests now dominate politics.
Before any ol the nation's ills, such
as poverty, unemployment, the environment, and health care arc met,
we first "liberate the political process
from special interests," heexplained.
No parking facilities
The current plans do not include
parking facilities us the restaurant
on ly intends to rely on walk-in trade.
The basement, named the Johnny
Applesccd Room, and the main
tloor scat 208 people. These two
floors comprise the restaurant. The
two top levels, only added to conform to height requirements, will be
rented out as office space.
Neighborhood groups opposed
the burger center's construction in
1972 when it wasfirstproposed. The
JacksonBlames Arabs
ny Doug Horwitz
"tunThough it wasa solemn speech, Senator Henry M. Jackson quipped,
dersland I'm supposed to make a non-partisan Democratic speech."
Jackson, a Washington Senator lor 21 years, is considered among the
front-runners lor the Democratic nomination for the 1976 Presidential race.
He devoted his entire talk at the Scheneclttdy Freedom Forum to the issue
of oil. Hie Senator explained, "We are in a financial depression -now those
are the facts." lie noted that the two digit inflation is "directly traceable to
petroleum or the by products of petroleum."
Jackson attributed most of ourspirulinginllation tothehigh price ol Arabian petroleum products, particularly Saudi Arabian products. Says
Jackson, the cost of producing a single barrel of their oil is 5 cents, hut it sells
for 11 wholesale cost of between 11 and 14 dollars.
Jackson expressed his belief that the smaller Arab countries might he willing to lower their prices if it weren't for pressure from their larger Arab
neighbors. When questioned about what could he done to lower the high
priced oil products without having to revert to warfare. Jackson replied tiiat
he wasn't endorsing any particular policy, however, he added, "We do control
the world lood supply."
In addition, Jackson stressed the need for "Allied unity." lie said the
OPEC (Oil Producing and Exporting Countries) must realize "we are not
subject to blackmail."
Domestically. Jackson suggested we begin "an economic counteroffensive" in order to eliminate American dependency on foreign oil
products, He suggested that American oil companies " reduce the price of
our new domestic oil to 7 or 8 dollars a barrel."
Hut he added, "We need massive conservation it's outrageous the way
we've been using oil," speaking of the automobile as "the culprit."
These measures, he indicated, would be helpful hut the most effective action by fur would he to expand our domestic oil production, in contrast to his
usual pro-environmental stance. Billions of barrels are waiting to be lapped.
He urged a boost in offshore drilling projects.
The Washington Senator feels it is necessary to begin these programs immediately for us the said, "We are headed lor economic disaster unless we
solve the energy problem."
In closing Jackson said that in order to achieve energy dependency "I
believe the American people arc willing to sacrifice" and he stressed thut we
need to "bring this country logether."
group, obtained a postponement of
a vote until a South Mall committee
could be established and zoning law.
instituted. The established committee zoned the planned site of the
restaurant as commercial and the
recommended their protests.
"It would be a piece of Disneyland," objected Greg Bell, a
member of the Hudson-Park
Neighborhood Association. HPNA
passed a unanimous motion to oppose the McDonald's erection and
Bell, a HPNA Steering Committee
member, voiced the group's sentiments. He warned that we will be
"putting a wildcat in our living
rooms" and feared that increased
traffic, noise, litter, and loitering
would be the outputs of the
townhouse. Madison Avenue, at its
junction with South Swan, is a
narrow, congested residential urea.
The s u r r o u n d i n g
Hamilton and Jefferson, are also
overburdened. Without a parking
lot. and an adequate eatingarca. Bell
surmised, the McDonald's would
"generate quadruple parking" and
create massive traffic problems.
Although the restaurant is designed for mall workers, it appears that
its-service will extend much farther,
McDonald's must he assured that it
will draw two to lour thousand
customers a day before they (the corporation) will consider building
one." Hell approximated.
174 million lbs. or piper
The McDonald's Corp. consumes l74millionpoundsofpapcra
year, according to an article in the
August, 1974 issueal,VCH- York. 315
square miles of forest are required to
keep the chain slocked with paper.
Though the McDonald's itself may
be orderly. "What happens two or
three blocks away where the garbage
men do. not pick up the litter?" Bell
questioned. In New York City, the
refuse from a Burger King on 59th
Street clutters the entrance of
Hloomingdalcs, two blocks away.
The same thing may happen in
Loitering is another worry.
Inevitably,people from surrounding
neighborhoods will travel to the
restaurant and the local residents
fear that "unsavory characters" will
linger around this locale.
The Historic Albany Foundation
opposes the construction of the
hurgerland for "visual reasons"
stated Bell.
The proposed
townhouse. devised to blend in with
the existing historic structure, will
have a "traditional" appearance. In
their bulletin, the organization
argued, "it is inappropriate to havea
'fake' old building as the gateway to
a genuine historic area." Indeed, an
imitation townhouse set amidst
those that are authentic will seem incongruous and will spoil the area's
antique appeal.
"We do need a fairly inexpensive,
aesthetically suitable restaurant,"
Bell concluded. "but we do not want
to be a service center for the Mall, A
place like Fricndly's where you eat
inside and use less paper will be
acceptable." Asked if the HPNA
would continue to protest Ihe construction of the McDonald's if il is
approved by the City of Albany, Bell
nodded and declared, "It will he a
difficult light,"
Exhibit at Art Gallery
Ford's Buttonomic Proposals
Not Enough to Halt Inflation
A number of Budnik's photographs in the forthcomTiran^rexhibHkntirfKOflrby photographer Dan
Budnikwaiopen«tb«ArtO«lWfyofSuteUiivenityof ing exhibition document the changes in David Smith's
work in the years since his death, changes from natural
New York at Albany on October 13.
, Thefiifit,entitled: "Terminal Iron Works," document! •. causes or what has been criticized by some as curatorial
the life and work of David Smith, regarded by many negHgenct, and from "intervention" which critics say has
•cholari and artiiti at the greatett American sculptor. been sanctioned by the trustees of the Smith estate, who
Dan Budnik photographed Smith and hi* work at ere" critic Clement Oreenberg, painter Robert
Bolton Landing (N.Y.) in 1962 and 1963. The Motherwell, and attorney Ira Lowe.
Issues aside, Dan Budnik brings to the exhibition the
photographer's visits to Bolton Landing continued for
eight, years after Smith's death, in 1965. Budnik had rare kind of sensibility about photographing art that can
become absorbed with Smith as a man and artist and come only from a photographer who has spent most of
continued to make tripe up to the Terminal Iron life in friendship and emotional kinship with
Works," at Smith's place was called,, to photograph, in major artistt of the day.
Over the years, Budnik has accumulated a significant
detail, various individual pieces which remained in the
fields around the estate.
list of professional credits including frequent contributions to the Time-Life Wilderness Series and
photographs which have appeared in Realities, Sports Illustrated, Infinity. Vogue, Glamour, Holiday, Venture,
Lift, and Look.
. During the past year, Budnik began to look over some
of the older photographs and compare them with more
recent ones and he became concerned about the changed
condition of a number of works. Some of the painted
steel constructions had lost much of their paint over the
years, and in some instances, had become eroded. It was
alto apparent that other pieces at Bolton Landing had
"undergone startling alterations since the artist's death,"
in the words of Rosalind Krauss, a scholar who has
written extensively on Smith's work. In an article written
for the September/October issue of/tri in America and
illustrated by Dan Budnik's photographs, Ms. Krauss
poses the question: "Is a Smith of another color still a
LONDON (A P) Britons chose a new government Thursday in an election
filled with fears for their future. The outcome rested with four million undecided voters.
All major opinion surveys made Prime Minister Harold Wilson's
Laborites runaway favorites to beat Edward Heath's opposition Conservatives."!'
But the pollsters, whose forecasts misfired in the country's past two elections, allowed for upsets.
A late shift toward the Conservatives by the uncommitted voters could cat
into Wilson's popular rating. A big break-through by Jeremy Thorpe's
Liberals and Scotland's Nationalists could yield yet another stand off result.
This would leave either Wilson or Heath leading minority governments.
It was chilly and wet in much of Britain. Bomb scares disrupted traffic in
"Albany Medical Center Perceived", a second Dan
Budnik exhibition, presents a series of photographs Belfast, an incendiary device went off in the office of the right-wing National
taken over I 5 years on periodical visits beginning in I9S9 Front on Birmingham, and Liberal and Labor headquarters in London had
when the young Budnik was sent to Albany on assign- to deal with bomb hoaxes.
ment by the renowned Magnum Agency in New York.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) Three scientists whose pioneering work in
Jack Cassidy, public relations director for the medical the United States contributed to research on cancer, hardening of the arteries
center, says of Budnik's work that it is "a solid body of and mysterious hereditary diseases were awarded the 1974 Nobel Prize lor
photo-journalism that conveys the very nature, mood, physiology or medicine on Thursday.
and mission, not only of the Albany Medical Center, but
The $124,000 prize was shared equally by naturalized American Albert
of teaching centers everywhere. A recurring theme of his Claude, a 75-year-old native of Belgium who directs the Institui Jules Bordet
Medical Center photos is the triumph of the human spirit ut Brussels University; British-born Christian de Duve, 57, who works at
in the face of pain and adversity."
Rockefeller University in New York; and Romanian-born George I'alade.
62, who heads the cell biology section at Yale University's School ol
"Terminal Iron Works" and "Albany Medical Center
The three, whose major work was done at the Rockefeller Institute in New
Perceived" can be seen at the U niversity Art Gallery unti I York, now known as Rockefeller University, were cited for being "largely
Nov. 17. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from responsible for the creation of modcrq cell biology" through "their dis9 a. m. to 5 p. m., and on Saturday and Sunday between I coveries concerning the structural and functional organization of the cell."
p.m. and 5 p.m.
Their work showed how cells secrete substances essential to life, and how
specialized cell units dispose of worn out parts and defend against foreign
organisms like bacteria, the Royal Caroline Institute, which awards the
Nobel Prize, said.
aumsi &e<m mxzm
CAIRO (AP) Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger met with Egyptian
Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy on Thursday, the second day of his new
round of Middle East peace talks.
Later, after the daylight hours Moslem fast, Kissinger was to meet again
with President Anwar Sadat to discuss the possible participants, forums and
timing for the next stage of peace talks between the Arab lands and Israel.
From the start of this sixth Middle East mission by Kissinger since the October war a year ago the need was clear to consider seriously the chance ol
renewed Soviet influence in Cairo,
WASHINGTON (AP) Wholesale prices in September advanced at the
slowest rate in 11 months, providing the Ford administration with its best
economic news since taking office.
The government's Wholesale Price Index, reported Thursday by the Labor
Department, rose an adjusted one-tenth of a percent last month. In absolute
terms, without adjustment for seasonal influences, the index actually declined one-tenth of a per cent.
While the report was encouraging, consumers can expect sharp increases
in the cost of living over the next few months as a result of the near record
July-August wholesale price hikes which have yet to work their way inio
The latest wholesale price report also could prove to be a one-month
aberration since poor weattier has hurt fall grain harvests, which could send
farm prices climbing.
WASHINGTON (AP) Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield said
Thursday that President Ford's anti-inflation program resembles the "inadequate" Nixon administration policies, while many Republican candidates
backed away from Ford's surtax proposal.
Manslield told Democratic senators that Congress would give the
President's plan "every consideration" but said needed action goes beyond
"10-pomt programs which begin with the imposition of •eater tax burdens
on families with annual incomes of $15,000.
"What has been advanced as a remedy for our situation bears too close a
resemblance to the fiscal and monetary policies which have long proved to be
inadequate to meet the emergency," the Montana Democrat said.
Manslield said Congress should consider wage, price, rent and profit controls; rationing and strict conservation of fuel and other scarce materials;
credit controls, and revival of the Reconstruction Finance Corp. to aid ailing
TW Dncton Cupm, menu Ry» O N M I in A Pelt. BoyWich Prediction P
Co-MniMtdrlhc hhn -John Hitman -And iniroduch)tarnONe«J«AdoW
•gDwcttd and Produced by Ptlti BosdtnoWi .A P.amxrt RtW I
funded by student association
Friday & Saturday Oct. 11&12
$.50 with tax card $1.25 without
BOSTON (AP) Mayor Kevin H. WhitesaidThursday that President Ford
has inflamed resistance to integration. White refused to accept any new busing plans until the federal government protects school children.
Meanwhile, sporadic violence continued in a black neighborhood as
schools completed their fourth week under an integration plan ordered by a
U.S. District Court judge.
While said he would not cooperate with a more extensive integration
program scheduled to begin next September unless the federal government
spells out when It will call in troops and marshals and unless it helps pay for
police protection.
However, the White Housequickly said there will be no federal help at present.
'There is no reason to send federal marshals," said Deputy White House
I.'Vh i T r * r y J o h n H u s h c n ' "Tl>« maintenance of law and order in Boston
tne job first of city authorities and secondly of stale authorities."
On Wednesday, President Ford said at a news conference that busing "was
W b e " ""'""on 1° quality education In Boston."
OCTOBER 11, 1974
by Bob Mayer
President Ford's economic proposals announced
earlier this week will affect most taxpayers minimally,
serve as a somewhat, encouraging word to the unemployed, but actually do little to relieve
the national and world economic crisis.
The President, wearing a button on his
lapel noting the word "win", may have
contributed yet another economic term. It
may be called "buttonorhics".
•sxrButtonomics is similar to Nixonomics in that both
policies arc cosmetic in nature; fail to provide the
necessary steps to turn the economy around, and both
policies attempt to appease the plight of the world
economic institutions while concentrating less on the
plight of the working citizen.
The 5% su rchargc for one year on corporations and on
those families earning in excess of 15,000 annually could
slow down the rate ofinflation, but so far the legislators
appear to be in no rush to raise taxes of middle income
voters before the November elections. In addition, it
appears likely that there will be some tax relief for low
and moderate income families; however, if sufficient tax
revenues do not come in from unpopular tax increases or
significant government spending cuts, our budget deficit
would be increased furthering the downward economic
. This damned if you do, damned if you don't effect is in
no way limited to the tax incentive.
For example, the 13-week extension of benefits to
those unemployed who have exhausted their other
benefits, plus the creation of a public work corporation
in the likely eventuality of a 6% unemployment figure,
can only increase the budget deficit and increase the inflation spiral. Of course these steps are necessary, but
they serve only to illustrate the complexities of this
economic "stagflation", and the problems inherent in
correcting basic economic dclcmmas.
The President proposed legislation that would make
more home mortgages available via a new federal aid
program. It must be obvious to Ford that such an
attempt is sure to create higher inflation as people
borrow more money from money markets resulting in
higher interest rates.
The $3 billion he proposes to use to support the housing
industry will not pull the industry out of its
deprcssionary state. Besides the Senate Banking Committee has already provided a bill that would allocate 10
billion dollars to aid in mortgages. Undoubtedly Ford
reasoned that keeping it at a relatively low figure of 3
billion dollars would spare the nation another rapid rise
in the cost of living.
What emerges from all of this is a feeling by many
analysts that the entire program taken as a whole is weak
and does not meet the demands of an economic emergency.
This attitude is clearly reflected in the market. Wall
Street has suffered the most serious erosion of capital investments since the Depression/The Dow Jones Average
hovers somewhere around the 600 level when only two
years ago it was near a thousand, thus signalling a 40%
loss in value of stocks for many investors. There is no
sign that Wall Street has bottomed out; in fact the opening session just following Ford's address revealed a
moderate decline —apparently cool reaction to the plan.
Certainly investors base their buying on the future
prognosis of economic trends.
The investors are frightened and many brokers are
seriously discussing the prospects of a market collapse.
Such an event would virtually guarantee an economic
crisis of the kind not seen since the 1930's.
If all this were not enough to create serious consternation and fear among investors and economists, the oil-,
producing nations are slowly and deliberately strangling
the western industrial nations with high oil prices. Their
reasons arc in part revenge for the way the American
oil companies exploited their resources, not forgetting
how in 1959 oil companies decided arbitrarily to reduce
payment of oil by 10%.
Greed is another motivating factor. The OPEC countries are absorbing billions in "pctro dollars", and,
despite claims that this money is being filtered back
through the world economic communities, it can not be
forgotten that those investments arc their properties. It
will not be long before they are in a position to tell the industrial nations more than how much the price of a
barrel will be.
Last week Saudi Arabia's Sheik Ahmed Yamani told
buyers that, "the wealth of the world has shifted from the'
industrialized nations of the world to the oil producing
nations." For the buyers who in the past quarter century
have not been used to hearing such talk can only sit back
looking grim and applaud enthusiastically a remark that
there will be no future embargo. These buyers would
have laughed at such talk just 3 years ago.
The wealth of the world
has shifted from the
industrialized nations of
the world to the oil
producing nations'
As Ford and Kissinger both know, the western world
is in the grip of a most threatening economic depression.
No one is even suggesting that the oil-producing nations
do" hot possess the leverage to tip the scale towards
collapse. Of course that is not in their economic interest.
Neither do they want to risk military intervention in
behalf of the industrialized nations. However it is in their
interest to keep the buying nations just slightly above the
water while they continue to weaken the economic foundations extorting unrealistic oil prices.
Peter to Paul
It is precisely in light of the present world economic
emergency that Ford's program appears so weak. It does
not provide the nution nor the world with any hope of
avoiding serious recession or depression. It only
attempts to forstall the worst by borrowing from Peter to
pay Paul.
This is mostly what "buttonomics" is all about.
Wim FteNt (he Finest Uuteyo>ub ac (tie ( M l '
Pine Hills
Wine & Liquor Store, Inc.
mon • sat
9 am - 9 pm
Caso Cites Nassau Job
As Good Background
by Ken Nugent
Ralph Caso, the Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor, spoke
Wednesday to a small group of students, Student Association officials, and'
press representatives. He emphasized his experience in local government as
the Nassau County Executive as a good background for the office.
When questioned about Wilson's proposed tuition hike, Caso stated, "If
you want to vote lor Carey and Krupsak on that narrow issue, be my guest."
In a position that is "a heartbeat away from the governor," Caso feels that a
man is needed that will adequately serve the public's needs. "I think that the
state government must be close to the people," he commented. Caso feels that
lie is the person for the job, cit ing his responsiveness to the voters of Nassau
Having inherited a twenty million dollar county deficit, Caso claimed he
converted it into a ten million dollar surplus. In each of his three years in office, Caso said he cut the Nassau County property tax.
Caso feels that his and Governor Wilson's experience as executives on the
state and local levels are far better prerequisites for the jobs than the
legislative experience of Congressman Carey and State Senator Krupsak.
The County Executive is a nationally recognized spokesman for urban and
suburban America. and a leading lobbyist lor federal mass transit aid. The
I result of their work) a Federal Transit bill, has been stalled in the Senate
Rules Committee. Last Tuesday, in a move to get the bill onto the Senate
floor, a committe vote resulted in a tie, keeping it from floor debate.
Caso, disappointed by this, called for Congress to act responsibly in order
to avert state tax hikes needed to subsidize the transit system. He said that the
committee is revoting later this week, in an effort by Senators to get the bill
out onto the floor lor debate.
The Republican also commented on the Albany Common Council's housing proposul. He stated that there should be no family restriction in
apartments and that people should be allowed to live together as long as there
is enough room lor them to live properly.
Caso also supports legalized gambling in New York, recognizing it as a
good revenue source for the state. "We should at least let the pople vote on
it," he slated, citing one example in Atlantic City, where voters will decide on
the question this fall.
Caso spoke on Wilson's proposed tuition hike, one issuiMVhich immediately alienated him from the student crowd. He stated that it is impossible to
lower both taxes and tuition. "We have to try to hold the line." he said, connoting lhal he would work to stabilize the tuition.
S.A. President Pat Curran. then stated that he believes Wilson intends to
double the tuition. Curran pledged the Student Association's support to
Carey and Krupsak, leaving Caso visibly embarrassed.
Caso commented that the tuition hike was only a minor issue in the election and that Curran "should use the bruins that got him into the university"
to look ut the full perspectives of the Republican platform before he made a
Although he is presently behind in the polls, Caso feels that his campaign is
•on the upswing. "The only poll Ipayatlcnlion to istheoneon Electionday."
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OCTOBER 11, 1974
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musf b e 18 years .old
Campus Cops Cope with Unique Community
SIJNYA University Police have
found themselves using remarkable
amounts of discretion and restraint
in the enforcement of the New York
State Drug law. At the recent HIT
football game despite some public
uae of marijuana Security, according
to one officer/did not make an arrest
because the consequences of an
arrest would have been too
emotionally painful for both the
offender and Security.
The officer who related this incident explained that such an arrest
would have served little purpose and
may have incited a riot in the crowd.
He added, however, that the flagrant
disregard by the students hurt his
professional dignity.
This example supports a statement by Director Williams, the head
of Security, that the University
Police "don't make too many
arrests."' While emphasizing that the
department has full police powers,
he stated that it uses discretion in
carrying out its duties.
The incident also sheds some light
on the nature of the relationship
between a unique police force and
the community that it serves. Many
officers in theunit feel that security is
specially suited to handle the university community. Officer Frank Cunningham explained that they were
one of the very few units to have two
years of college as an entrance requirement. He also contrasted the
discretion used by the University
Police to the tactics of some other
police units. He stated that the
Albany Police would "bust heads"
before asking questions..
Lieutenant Dave Pendergast
pointed put that if another police unit handled a disturbance on campus, they could use whatever means
they wanted 'to stop it, leave, and not
worry about the aftermath. He explained that the University Police
worry about the far-reaching as well
as the immediateef fects of an action.
Education Law
A major difference between the
University Police and most police
forces is that they receive their power
from the Education Law rather than
the Criminal Procedure Law. While
the Education Law does grant
Security police powers, there are
some unique distinctions. Officer
Robert Boehler explained that their
jurisdiction is such that several
judges will view the validity of offcampus police actions differently.
He also stated that the Education
Law gives them greater leeway to act
in the best interests of the university,
but he also feels that it places more
restrictions on them than a unit under the Criminal Procedure Law
would have.'
Firearms Limited
by VinnyReda
~ in July of this year, the PhD
program in Chemistry, here at
A l b a n y , was placed ih";a
"Provisionally Acceptable" category
by a committee representing the
State Department of Education.
Termed "a program that might
reasonably achieve the standards of
high quality after a three-year'
period," the department wilt' be
reevaluated after three years. At that
time the program may move up to
classification I) "Acceptable"—if
problems have been conquered. Or it
may move down to classification 3)
"Unacceptable: a program that
should be discontinued"—if
problems somehow overwhelm the
give us the tools and the training to
d o the jobT asked Cunningham.:
"I'm not for guns," he added. Cunningham hopes that he wouldn't
have to use one anyway. Still, he
wanted the protection for himself
and the community in unknown
situations where a person might be
armed and dangerous.
Some officers feel that many
students harbor misconceptions
about Security. They feel that these
students view them as little more
than security guards and not to be
taken seriously. The officers are
policemen and seem to take their
work seriously. "You have to," said
Students Courteous
The attitude toward students on
the Saturday evening shift appeared
to be good. Contact between officers
and students was courteous and
helpful from both sides. Officer Jim
Gardener said that he has enjoyed
his work among the students and expressed the opinion that most
serious crimes are caused by outsiders.
Cunningham refused to
generalize, saying that everyone is
different, but he showed no illregard of students.
Hearing Aid Dealers Cheat
Consumers, Says NYPIRG
The University Police are limited
in their use of firearms. Only the
director, the supervisor, and the investigators are allowed to carry
guns. Often this leaves only one
policeman on campus who is
armed—a sore spot for many ofThe New York Public Interest
ficers. . ;-_,-,.,; ,.
Research Group (NYPIRG) called
"Why tell us to do a job and not upon state legislators "to act swiftly
to prevent unscrupulous hearing aid
Funded by
dealers 'from victimizing conStudent
"At present it is open season on
hearing-impaired consumers,"
NYPIRG researcher Sharon Frink
charged. "Many dealers prey upon
the insecurities of the elderly and the
handicapped," she said.
Ms. Frink's charges came in
testimony delivered today before the
Select Committee on Consumer
Protection and the Temorary Stale
Commission'on Problems of the
Deaf, at hearings on licensure of
hearing aid dealers, held in
because "it would amount to a blank
check to dealers and would offer to
She criticized legislation spon- consumers only a false sense of
sored last year by Monroe County protection." Carroll's' legislation
Assemblyman Frank Carroll, passed the New York State
(Staniflavski System)
Every Saturday
10 am-12 am
Rehearsal Room
will proudly present
2:30 ft 5:30
SEES mmm am m
• Lion? • mm *
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students w/tox cord ond children under 12, $1.25 mn^^
The Forgotten Ones
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Jmt Attend Clones
Saturno Tries Harder for First
Assembly and Senate in May, but
was vetoed by Governor Wilson.
The governor delcarcd in part thai
"...the bill would not provide the
needed protection, primarily
because of its unreasonably broad
exemption from licensing standards
for those in practice when the bill
takes effect...."
NYPIRG's criticism of hearing
aid dealers is based in part upon a
study made in Queens.New Ymk.
which showedthat "in 14 oui ol 28
visits to hearing aid dealers, aids
were recommended to consumers
who had normal hearing." Ms.
Frink's testimony also referred lo
research done by consumer group*
in six other slates and to Congressional testimony that supported
NYPIRG'S findings.
Conflict of Interest
She argued that toallow dealers u>
diagnose hearing loss in and
prescribe compensatory devices lor
the very same persons to whom they
eventually sell hearings aids, inched
sanctioned "a'very serious built-in
conflict tif'ililcrcst." Instead ol a
situation wherein i in partial diagnosis
can occur.'heliringuid dealers at present have a monetary incentive lo
promote sales by prescribing expensive aids where none are needed
Furthermore, in order lo role mil
the sale of unnecessary hearing aids
to persons whose hearing loss cainwl
be compensated for by a hearing aid
or whose loss can he medically or
surgically corrected, NYl'IKd
recommended that legislation he
adopted lo prevent the sale ol healing aids except upon the receipt ul •'
prescription from u competent duetor or clinical audiologist.
NYPIRG is a statewide research
and advocacy organization, landed
and dircclcd by college students.
SUNYA Students interested ill
working on projects concerning consumer and environmental protection, health pare, human rights, unci
government reform, should contact
SUNYA-NYPIRG local Hoard
Coordinator Christopher Adam.
OCTOBER 11, 1974
Dr. Antony F. Saturno, newly appointed as chairman of the
Chemistry Department, feels strongly that the former situation will be
more likely to occur. Although admitting to some "initial shock" over
the secondary classification, Saturno feels that the committee's
statements are not a deathknell when
put in the proper perspective.
"The two biggest factors brought
out by the committee," says Saturno,
"were that the department needed
strong internal leadership, and that
the size of the graduate student body
was too small in relation to the
number of faculty."
At the time of the evaluation, the
department had no chairman, so
with Saturno's subsequent appointment, one-half of its problems
appeared solvable. The other half
will not be solved by a single appointment. It will take many added
Present trends show that the
number of graduate students is on
the decline, particularly in physical
chemistry. One remedy may be
found in what Saturno ' terms "concrete recruitment activities." Twenty
recruiting seminars, to be conducted
around the state, have already been
budgeted for this purpose at $30 per
A surer answer however, would
seem to be found through an increase in the relatively low amount
of financial support now given to
graduate students. It is a situation
that the evaluation committee was
well aware of. "The present level of
internal funding for the doctoral
program is quite low," the report
Saturno is encouraged by the
SUNY Central Office's recent acceptance of a proposal to raise a
graduate stipend from its present
$2800 per year, lo $3300. Dr. Vincent F. Cowling, Dean, of the Math
and Science Departments, points
out, however, that this is far from
assures the $300 increase.
"There have been a large number
of schools whose proposals have
been approved by Central Offices,and then not been approved by an
appropriate legislative committee,"
says Cowling. "We only can have our
fingers crossed in hopes that it ,vill
He points out that such decisions
are often made on a "work l o a d resources" formula. Under this
frustrating system, money is
allocated when added enrollments
and advanced programs are in
process. Unfortunately, without
added funds, such desired situations
rarely arise. It is reasoning of this
manner which has made it possible
for no new faculty line to open up in
the last five years.
Nevertheless, Cowling is determined to "right tooth and nail to
OCTOBER 11, 1974
(CPS) - He or she may be the forgotten student, a member ofasaMiitjigky
large minority of students who go to college but do not live there-?* * » n »
muter student.
A growing number of researchers have found that commuter studeWhave
very different problems thin residents and for one reason or another, are
connected with their colleges almost solely by their classes. According to a
survey of nearly 200,000 incoming freshmen at 360 schools by the
Cooperative Institution Research Project (CIRP), 42% or the students
reported that they resided with their parents.
A recent issue of Research Currents, published by the Washington-based
ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, has compiled some of the major
studies done on commuter students and their characteristics.
The primary reason for commuting isfinancialbenefits, concluded a study
in the late I960's by Robert Frenskc and Craig Scott of almost 33,000
students at KOOdiffcrcnt colleges. These "local attenders" lived at home while
commuting to classes and were mostly from lower family income groups.
Yet a study this year by Elizabeth Suchar for the College Entrance Examination Board revealed that the actual difference in college costs between
commuters and residents is only about $300 per year.
Some of the difference, if not all of it, Suchar pointed out, may be
eliminated by higher transportation costs that resident students do not have
to pay. making the actual financial commitment of both commuters and
residents about the same.
Nonetheless, financial considerations obviously play a big role for' commuters. A study done at Wayne State University in Michigan found that the
typical commuter at that school spent six hours a day commuting or working With that many hours involved, these students usually scheduled
courses grouped together and often left campus immediately after classes.
Dr. Saturno lotto Cham program « M ba acotptebt*
"All we want is a chance to prove
preserve our PhD programs. The
With such a schedule, commuters often have little time for normal collegeconsequences of being dropped are what we can do. I happen to think related extracurricular activities and for developing relationships with other
something I'd rather not even talk that we have an excellent Chemistry students and faculty.
about becasue of the unpleasant im- department, doing excellent work
plications for faculty and ap- and research. There are people in
pointments." He points out that every single area of the science doing
Si! we have tacos, enchiladas, burritos, chili, chili dogs
evaluations of the Physics and fine work."
Astronomy departments are also
Yes! we have hamburgers, franks, subs
n earing.
Saturno Sees No Suffering
Such evaluations, feels Cowling,
"I personally don't see the
tail in one area. "We here at
La Groovy Combo
V *
Albany," he says, "are a new, evolv- program as ..suffering, merely
(taco, ench., tostada)
Q •*
ing, developing program. Yet we are because of a lack of funding," says
Odd Couple Combo
1.00 ^ a X »
(taco, burger, soda)
being compared with schools that Staurno. "If we proceed in a positive
lake Outs
have had doctoral programs for 30 manner, we should not be in any
577 New Scotland Ave., Albany
438 - 7073
years and more."
(Opp. St, Peter's Hospital)
l Buenos Dine Amlgos!
I Gringos Welcome Also!
UeeU tm$tt *f Mexico*'
watt (Wat, wot), n, [after James Watt], a
unit of electric power, equal to a current
volt of pressure. And if you wantJ o
understand what wattage,
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to sound reproduction
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Sounds Great. Where
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watts. Sounds Great.
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Albany. Next to the
Mohawk Drive-in
•: I 7 U U 4 C • W k .
Council Appropriates $11,205
Fights Injustice!
b; Guy S t u b
• Maceo Dixon stretched out on
one of those uncomfortable lightly
padded chain found all over the uptown campus. Dressed neatly in a
suit and tie with a well-trimmed afro
and beard, he wasn't What one would
expect the Co-chairman of the
Socialist Workers 1974 National
Campaign Committee to look like.
When he talked, he spoke in a subdued voice. He seemed decidedly
more relaxed giving an interview
than I was getting one.
..' Dixon told me about the cause
that has become such a major part of
his life. While a student at Highland
Park College in Detroit, he got involved in a movement on that campus to end what he felt were injustices to the largely black student
body. In the process, he, along with
others in the movement, began to see
connections between the injustices at,
the college and those in higher levels
of society. Hecame to the conclusion
that a struggle against oppressionat
"that particular locale was not
enough." He joined the Young
Socialist Alliance and became active
in the black liberation movement.
Now Dixon feels that one struggle is
the same for all oppressed by the
"capitaljst system."
I asked him to tell me more about
his individual reasons for joining
something so general as a movement
against oppression. He answered by
informing me that the sense of my
question was wrong. The Socialist
Workers Party was organized as a
-reaction to "Concrete acts of brutality." Dixon personally felt this injustice and has seen it affect other
people. It is only logical that people
would unite lor this reason, he said.
A "life and death struggle" is going
on that can't be ignored.
Socialists' Vocabulary
; Dixon then began a discourse Ircqucnlly. quoting the socialists'
vocabulary of categories and convenient generalizations. He underlined his examples with a mild
sarcasm, smiling at the same time
perhaps making it perfectly clear
that he wouldn't be overwhelmed by
' Capitalism, he explained, has
pitted men against each other in
"dog eat, dou" competition. This,
and tensions" which affect not only
the masses, but the. perceptions of
those in power. Such attitudes are
the cause of most crimes high and
low;' The ultimate aim of the
socialists would be a radical alteration of these attitudes until mankind
would see itself as "brothers and
sisters" rather than as competitors.
"Nothing short of a socialist revolution could stop murder," he told me.
I asked him a loaded question:
whether he therefore thought men
were inherently good and were only
kept from acting so because of the
present organization of society. He
explained that once the major reason
for acting unjustly was removed (i.e.
capitalism) it would, still take
generations before people would
treat each other fairly, but eventually
the most oppressive attitudes would
be eliminated. In general it would be
an educational process under the
right conditions.
Dixon's convictions are supported
by such hopes and dreams. This is
the "first time in history there is the
possibility to provide for everyone,"
he said. Under thebestorganization
the needs of the entire world could be
met with everyone working just four
hours a day. Then there will be time
lor people to become poets and
follow intellectual pursuits.
However, Dixon is motivated by
the worst fears us well. Capitalism,
he said, must survive on war. "There
can't be conventional wars in this
day and age." With the threat of Armageddon at hand, the choice
becomes"socialismor no humanity,"
Dixon's case showed the plethora
of roles he must take in espousing
this cause: he must be a herald of
great hopes while u prophet of
doom, a practical organizer while a
lull-time philosopher. (A salesman
too: according In the socialist
newspaper, "The Militant", Dixon
was their top salesman of "prepaid
subscription cards" for September.
Many of his "subs" were"hustled" to
reporters and new photographers.)
Before Dixon left with a lew
friends, I asked him whether he felt
optimistic about socialism's future.
"I'm optimistic," he said, "cause I
huve no choice."
a rrr
, through diverse. University-wide
programming. After .considerable
• V. • With five new members in itsRebate, the bill passed With only one
ranks, Central Council voted by a '•', dissenting, vote.
HarnesT^acing Club was
large margin Wednesday night to appropriate $11,205 to four separate ; allocated $580 to c o W most of the
cost of Albany State Night, ah event
groups. •
The major share, $7-,60O went to at Saratoga Racetrack scheduled for
Speakers' Forum arid will be used •November first.. According toctabprimarily to attract speakers-not 'members, there a race named
already on the group's schedule. The in honor of the University. •
The Hellenic Students Associaadditional speakers, they hope, will
include Isaac Asimov, Dan Rather, tion received only $25 from Council
George Plimpton, William F. and' was told to come, back with a
more detailed budget.
Buckley and l.F. Stone..
t h e first in a series 'of guest
A rkfer attached to the appropriation established a new policy requir- speakers at Council was Frank
ing Speakers' Forum to charge non- k\opf. Director ol the Physical Plant.
When uuestinned about imtax card holders for admission to
provingSUNYA's bus service, Kopf
their events.
Another group, Friends, received could offer no definite answers.
However, he maintained that he
$3,000 to supplement a projected income of equal amount. Friends would be willing to consider such
describes itself as an organization measures as extending night-time
dedicated to breaking down racial, bus service and building a larger bus
ethnic, and geographical barriers shelter at Western and Partridge.
by •rent Klgnu
off-campus should be able to, the
Mayor added. He noted that what
the city does depends largely on what
the State University does.
Mayor Bratftia Coming trill try to bt taf on homing.
by Beverly llearn
he pointed out. No one should be
Albany's distinguished and elder evicted.
statesman, Mayor Erastus Corning,
However, the State University
said in regards to the recent housing s h o u l d
hill that he would "try to come up responsibility—there should be
with something fair." Students liv- more accommodations provided by
ing in the city now can continue to the State than there are. Corning exlive there for the balance of this year, plained/Students who want to live
funded by student association
' ( Club
Meeting \ \
Mayor to Meet Cumin
Student Association's counterproposal is being studied, and the
Mayor said he will eventually meet
with SA President Pat Curran.
When asked about improvements
to SUNY's tuition program Mayor
Corning replied that the Democratic
party had always promoted higher
education. The party had pushed for
free tuition for the Slate University
long before there was a State University. Since education is a mailer of
state concern, they should pay a major share of it. Corning explained.
Mayor Corning believes thai
students should be able to vole
where they attend school. However,
he explained that if a student is going
to return home and live there, ihen
he should voteat home. If a student
is not sure what he is going to do or
where he will live, Ihen his home is
the college community, he added.
Absentee Landlords
Speaking about absentee
landlords. Corning said that the
housing code has not been as
stringently enforced as il should he.
The cily did not have the manpower
to do the job, he noted. However, interns (persons attending school)
have been assigned toinspect housing.
The building inspection in general
has been beefed up, Corning explained. He added that there will he
residential inspection by the hire
department, but only lor multiple
residences. Aboul
There's two things every college student can use:
a break from the daily routine and an Inexpensive
meal. At Pappy's, we've coupled those two needs
and come up with a great deal for you and a friend.
The next time you and a friend come to Pappy's,
we'll split the price of any large pizza with you '
when you buy a pitcher of beer.
So come to Pappy's and get half of a Free Pizza
when you buy a pitcher of beer, Just bring this ad..,
and a friend. It's a good deal and a lot of fun.
(Limit one per couple. Not valid on take-out orders.
Expires Oct. 20, 1974.)
10% of all housing in
is owned by some
governmental agency, Some people
All present members and
those interested should
Mon., Oct. 14 at 8 pm LC 1
OF A ' V//
In the President's Report, it was
announced that SA has sought, and
apparently received, editorial sup-flort from Capital District media on
thV housing issue.
Sometime after midnight, the final
bill on the agenda - a resolution expressing SA's endorsement, of the
Carey/ Krupsak ticket was introduced. The bill passed amidst disorder after a heated debate in which
it was often impossible to tell who
had the floor.
, Before adjournment, Council discussed what had gone wrong with
the meeting. It was the opinion ol at
least one member that during the
evening's debate there had been an
over-abundance of internal bickering, "name-calling and personal attacks."
Mayor Vows Fairness on Housing
Pearl Grant • Richman's
Stuyvesant Plaza
Ihe possibility'of having buses turn
down Ontario during the day us well
us at night is slim, he said, due to the
•'messy" turn at Western and Ontario.
contend lhat housing should he a
function of government nither ilian
private enterprise, Although Coining doesn't advocate this, he
doesn't rulooul the pussibilit> il
said that me of Ihe country's >• "•
should he safo housing for nil p>'"i'i
Concerning the Mideast oil MI
lion, Ihe Mayor suul "we huve M>>
come ni age in ihe realm >"
pnirlolisni yet," We should itlsuh.iu
a feeling ol responsibility for otliei
countries nl' Ihe world and should
contribute more in foreign aid, he
lidded, He noted Hull mil as much
aid should he given in the miliiuiv
OCTOBER 11, 1974
Pappy's Family Restaurants
1273 Central Avenuo Colonie, New York
• mmmmtimmim
^:-mm> ..*
editorial /comment
II arts & leisure
e o 5 d : % H b 5 ' * * * « the*mail of a yacht w a r m l y * toeau, the Adnata rather than
tad turtbte of public lift-'
. .,
. .,
2 2 /
Limerick Contest
Rnonce at ten C#nts A; Head
• T w o and a half y e a n after the break-in of the Democratic National Committee
Headquarters at the Watergate in Washington, the Congress has passed and sent t o
President F o r i for bis signature a bin that would relieve many of the causes of the
Watergate scandal a i d prevent their retuneace. The bill bdesigned tattmove the major source of political complicity: campaign contributions to candidates for public office, most notably for the Presidency.
The bill has enormous, bipartisan Congressional support, a s the Campaign Spending Bui passed 365-24 in the House. It would provide that the vast bulk of a candidate's campaign be supported by public funds received through the voluntary one
dollar income tax check-off that has been in effect since 1973. Since its inception, that
fund has grown to $29.5 million, and during the next two years before the Presidential
election, that fund is expected to grow to cover the projected $40 million needed to run
a campaign.
There once wat a man named Walter,
Who ogled a girl in a halter.
He said, "There's a cleft
Tween her right and hei left.
But aside from just that, I cant fault her."
David Greenberg
Private contributions would be limited to only SI.000, of which no more than $100
could be cash contributions. In addition. Congress has established an Election Commission watchdog system to ensure, through the threat of court action, that the spending limitations are observed. The most crucial aspect of the bill is that for the first
time, campaign financing will be paid in the most part by the public by the people that
those candidates are expected to serve. The huge corporate interests, with their usual
uncanny legal skills, will probably develop ways to circumvent the law, and exert
pressure on the candidates in any event, but they will now have to resort to overtly illegal methods to accomplish their task. The allegiance of the candidates will now be to
the people, where it should have always been and from where it never should have left.
•fl. i
There once were Iwo lovers who'd bicker.
Over which one liked sex that was ticker.
He liked his tongue.
She preferred being hung.
So she won, 'cause he just couldn't lick her.
Both parties are given the same limit to spend - $20 million, which preclude* the party in power from perpetuating itself simply because they have a greater revenuegenerating system. The $20 million rule works out to ten cents per citizen, an equitable
system w hen one considers the excess with which former Governor Rockefeller ran his
campaigns. The bill also allows for minor parties (that receive at least five per cent of
the vote) to receive the public funding as well, in proportion to the votes they received.
The bill extends to limitations o n the spending in primaries and convention fights as
well, limiting a candidate to a total of no more than twice what that states' senator is
allowed to spend. Much of a candidate's private contributions will be matched in full
by the public fund. If. fqr example, a Presidential candidate raised $5,000 in each of
twenty states, the public fund would match that $100,000 with an equal amount.
Primary spending would be limited to $10 million total, including money privately
raised from whatever source.
The'jwovisions of the Congressional measure are already softened from their
original character, due in great part to the threat of a Presidential veto. As it stands
now. the' bill is strongly deserving of support, and the signature of President Ford
would obviously be in the best interests of every voter in the nation. It was only a few
short months ago that appointed Vice-President Ford became appointed President
Ford. His tenure in office is due only to the fact that his predecessor had an irrepressible hunger for money, money that was obtained in many cases illegally. The Congress
deserves congratulations for an action, despite the disappointing delay, that is
desperately needed to.avoid any future Watergates. any future embarrassments, any
future national disgraces.
There once was a man named Irving,
Who drank while he drove, and was swerving.
His car jumped its lane.
But feeling no pain.
Irving found it not one bit unnerving.
In Washington:
Thoughts On Checks and Balances
WASHINGTON- Sen. Lowell P.
Weicker. Jr. (R-Conn.) thinks members of
Congress should make theirfinancialholdings
a matterof public record. Weickcr has alreadydone so, and last week he introduced legislaOnce again the makers of the free and the brave Big Mac come through. On the coattion that would require the President, Vice
tails of Rocky's Superrnall rides McDonald's into the Hudson Park area to feed the
President, and members of Congress to follow
hungry Mall workers. What happened to the subterranean restaurants they were going suit.
to build? Perhaps the whole thing is a hoax, and we the unwitting participants in
In fact, the bill (S.4059) would require every
another Cardiff giant scheme. Think positively. McDonald's does not exist. Alas, that federal employee in the executive and
doesn't work. We are playing "see no evil, hear no evil" that way. And above all we do legislativ e branches who earns more than S30,not play that game. We must wage war on McDonald's. Click your heeb three times, 000 a year to file an annual report listing all
and say' "There's no place for McDonald's..."
assets and liabilities in excess of SI,500.
Not a bad idea, Sen. Wcicker, but good"
luck. You'll need it, This year's campaign
reform legislation, which Senate and House
conferees finally agreed on a few days ago,
once contained similar provisions— contained them, that is, until the conferees went
behind closed doors to hammer out a proposal
that would be agreeable to both sides.
Neddless to say, the dislosure provisions were
loi KH ii c mil
D o ID Um\tm
hammered dut all right: hammered right out
of the bill, in fact.
Bt-usiu m s i o u
LB Zvccnuu
You see, it is difficult for a member of ConM»* lomw
gress openly to oppose telling his constituents
AWHI.II M>> iDiicw
Mscmu. Stv.
PIKPIC nvu ipiiut
Oksia GUKB
where he keeps his money (and whom he
A»MK u n r u m e n i is (Bitot ....•>
B t u u i Fucntis
owes), because most people agree that the
public has a right to know whethe' an elected
representative's votes are influenced by the
E n t n u i r»ci m m
stocks he owns or the creditors he owes. So the
u » Ann
idea is to vote for the proposal when the public
»VK«i>II »»T» UKIM
P»Cl Pll lOUll
it looking, but nuke sure the conferees deep
Buict MWJGB.
»i* it when they go behind closed doors to
ASMMUII m a r t into*
cross the last 1" and dot the last "i". (And my
LlXD* Mill'
guess it that if you write your representative
Assocun n i i i n i K i i u c a
about what happened to the financial disCltHimP *t>»IIIHM, HUitCD
r.«.i.iii IDIIUS
closure provisions, he will respond, "It ain't
SI ."ii rauiui.t triiitt
lav Atuox. Ron MtOMlx
me, it's than."
There's No Place Like Home
O i l KIK is mi tBCAHP in CMUMOnrrw 3 H u n i M . Out m i n i m a m 457-2190**t»
457-21*4 Wl AM MintlLV tl MUD IV III 04.V1 USOCUnOV
ritaaV, October 1 1 . M 7 4
Stat* University of Mew York at Albany
n o n ^ i ^ o n A ^ t y o f H ^ m ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ m
That't why Weicker introduced his own Net
Worth Disclosure Act, a bill that will probably
pass on the day Niagara Fallt freeits over. At
the time of this writing, the measure had jutl
reached the Senate Government Operations
Committee, and given the best of intentions n
would be nearly impossible to hold hearings
and report the bill in this session.
So Weicker, according to an aide, "ill
probably try to attach his proposal to another
bill in the form of an amendment, a tactic I run
is occasionally used successfully to slip federal
funds ever so quietly to special interest groups,
but only rarely works when to issue, like tin-'
one, is of genuine and broad public concern
Sen. Warren G. Magnuson (D-Wash I is a
master at the technique. Indeed, the titles ut
most of his bills end with the phrase "and lui
other purposes." President Kennedy once said
that Mugnuson was the only man in the Senate
who could stand up, intermpt the proceedings
to send up somc"littlc odd hilfor immediate
consideration, get it passed on the spot. and
then five years later tell his constituents it was
that bill that authorized funds for the Grand
Coulee Dam.
But Weicker is not Magnuson. and public
disclosure of finances is not the Grand Coulee
Dam. Moreover, even if Weicker is successttil
in getting the matter through the Senate it will
have to go— you guessed it— back lo a conference committee. And we know what
happens there.
Don't despair, however. Most good things
in this town come about slowly. And while
some constructive fun-poking is health*
and might even speed the dawn — it isrcassuting to know that there are men like Lowell
Weicker who won't give up on good ideas II
his bill fails to catch on (or slip through) this
year, he will introduce it again in early 1975.
And sooner or later, that year or the next or
the next, Niagara Fallt will freeze over, the
Net Worth Disclosure Act will become law,
and w« will know which congressmen check
their wallets before going to vote.
David Greenberg
There once was a young girl Monica
Who was put in a state catatonica
She was kicked in the shins
By some Siamese twins
And then raped it) complete stereophonica
MaryJean Mezzina
A girl who weighed many an oz.,
Used language I dare not pronoz.
For a fellow unkind
Pulled her chair out behind
To see, so he said, if she'd boz.
Laura Hutchinson
A sexual pervert named Chester
Attacked a young lass and undressed her
His eyes did not catch it
As she pulled out a hatchet
And severed his balls from his pecker
Richard Wylon
An unfortunate chap from Spockanne
Was flying inverted with Anne
When lightning and thunder Approached him from under
And welded hit balls to his can.
Richard Wylon
The three winners may come to CC326 Sunday night
w pick up iheir prizes,
AN un-in-spired writer of rhimes
Keept prinTing the UWfullest liNes.
The liPing wAS bad—
The spellLing was saD —
n i l
Like this OnE, Not woRth a dimes.
Eighth Step
fflmrirnl Fpnim
October I0-OpenNftftite out stage
to do your bag
II and I2-Frani Bell-contemporary
folk music
l4-"Rap" Night-informal talk,
bridge, ping-pong, etc.
I5-Spencer Livingston and Joe
Parker-Blues, country and ragtime
. , 16-Meet the, Candidates-Touhey,
Nolan; Cooke,Bamer; Grccnberg,
Smith: at First Presbyterian Hall
17-Opcn Night-use our stage to
Father of Medicine
Hippocrates was the head of a school of medicine on the Aegean island of
Cm, off the coast of Alia Minor. Hisapproximatetdatetarc460tb377B.C. ,
Because of his contributions to the field he is often called the Father of
Medicine.' He embodies; in fad, the ideal physician.
Although he was handicapped .by the complete lack of scientificapparatui
and by the weakness of his physiological and anatomical knowledge, he
stressed the importance of observation and insisted that any-effect is the
result of a natural cause and not of supernatural origin. A thoroughly scientific spirit prevails in the Hippocratic Collection,, a collection of medical
treatises by him and his followers. The Hippocratic Oath (which Archie
Bunker once called trie hypocritical oath) established a code of professional
ethics that is recognized by physicians to this day.
A statue of Hippocrates was recently erected at the University of Illinois
Medical Center in Chicago. A gift of the Chicago Greek-American community, the statue wassculpted, appropriately enough, in Pentelic marble by
the Athenian artist Coitos Georgakas.
Meanwhile the island of Cos has become popular with tourists, and the
tourists all have a look at the so-called Tree of Hippocrates, a plane tree in the
shade of which the master supposedly taught his students. The tree, of
course, is not the original, even if some of the local people insist that it is.
"Let's say H
Harry andlbnto?
is a hit, and one
off Hie best
movies off 1974*"
Bath Pokier, a* the maid, threaten! the three echolere Tim Johnaon, David Wolff, and Joyca Farra (I
to r) ae Len SelbIHa looka on In a scene from "Improvlaatlon", a S.U.N.Y.A. Experimental Theatre
production to bo prtaenled on Friday October II at 4:30,7:30, and 10:15 p.m., and Saturday October
12 at 7:30 and 9:00 p.m. In the Arena Theatre of the Performing Arte Center.
Record Review
Wayne Berry, Home At Last
by Guy Franke
Wayne Berry is yet another young
guitar-playing song writer coming
from the South trying to make it big
in the world of folk-rock music.
Walking in the footsteps of James
Taylor, John Princ, and numerous
others before him, he tries his hand
at gentle love ballads, songs which
evoke images of nature's beauty and
those which worship a better, lost
way of life. The latter, lor him, seems
to best characterize the spirit of the
old South. Unfortunately, he adds
little to that which has already been
done in the field, and he and his
music may well end up in anonymity.
Hippocrates: an ancient Greek who l» hailed as tho father of madicine.
Papa's Daily Special* *
17 New Scotland Ave.
Mon. • "Beat Inflation Night"
Tues. - Beer Blast 8 - 12
His album is entitled Home At
Last, from which one would get the
idea that Berry has been traveling
ahout the country and has returned
home where he belongs and where he
prefers to be. This would indeed
seem to be the case, asdemonstrated
Least it's that way with mine.
in the first cut of the second side, His meaning comes through on this,
Dixie's Pride. This might have been the best cut of the album.
a sensitive song, full of Indlgnance
and pride, but Berry ruins any symThe l'irs*t side has five Songs which,
pathetic feelings which he might when combined wilh the final song
have evoked with blaring horns, un^ ol side two, compriseagroupofvery
necessarily loud backing vocals, and ordinary melodies with few outstana melody which, given half a chance, ding features. He has a couple tear
could rival some of the songs at the jerkers about lost love, and happy
top of the AM charts.
songs about love he didn't lose. But
on the whole, the words and music
But the second side seems to be all sound very much alike. They are
all you can drink $150
(sponsored by the nurses of A.M.C.)
I always wanted a blonde guitar
1 grew up dreamin' that I'd own
But legends die and life just hits
you hard
And dreams, it seems are
somehow always out of time
11 \/MINI I
15a,-8 oz.cold draft
better than the first. The next three
songs are soft pieces, reminiscent of
the great emotional storytelling in
Southern music. Of special interest is
a song entitled Gene's Tune (Blonde
Guitar), wherein Berry describes his
youth and his fascination with Gene
Autry, bothasa musician and a cowboy. The point is that Berry grew up
basing his dreams on images of what
once was and is no more. That is the'
rough, cowboy way of life and the
music that was a part of it. It isa fantasy based on forgotten truths, so
sad and fragile. He sings:
- M M Cilu. Ntw ro/t MoswM
»|f r 0 o (, 3 y e a r s
To Cofch On But
It's Here Nowl
"2 for 1 Night"
double shot - single price
Thurs. - "Mug Night"
your mug - our beer 30c\
or our large 10 oz. draft - 25a.
Fri. -
"Ladee Night"
all drinks '/« off for the ladies
Pizza & Sobs served dally
W$ leWWejJsllaW
A P e a f W M V H l PMbJffJ
fnds Tuesday
the type of songs which can be found
in the more creative works of Neil
Young, Joni Mitchell and others.
His backup music, while it is
nothing spectacular, is steady
enough to keep the music respectable. But it seems that, in the case ol
Home At IMSI, respectability has
been gained at thecost of originality
and feeling.
Haiku Contest
The next ASP contest will be lor
the best Haiku. Haiku is a Japanese
poetry form which limits the writer
to three unrhy med lines of five, seven
and five syllables. The deadline will
be when we get enough entries to
make a good choice. Submit them to
CC 326. Below is an example of
IS and I M e n Mayne nritlael
and contemporary folk tunea .
'. 2l-"Rap* Night-informal convvsation, bridge etc. •
24-Movie Night
25-Coumry Dance with Fennig's
New All Star String Band at Trinity
United Methodist Church
' 26-Oebbie McClatchey-Tradition
Music of America, British Isles, and
28-"Rap" Night-informal talk,
bridge, etc.
Going Fast-Too Fast
by Neil Kenduck
And locked in a room with a bucking horse;
and the devil holds the key.
My life is a train on a pale fresh track,
headed toward a cold grave stone.
I'm going too fast and I can't slow down
'cause my will is no longer my own.
Living with trash in an underground tube
is all that is left of my lite;
As I sit here alone staring blindly at fate,
my arm must concede, to this knife.
And if ever perhaps 1 shall sec you again,
it will only be a dream in my mind;
For it's'true that we do stand so far apart
with being left far behind.
Hey there brother, what's goin' on?
I had to write to you for like time,
1 must pass on.
And remember me, dear bother,
like the time that passed us by The time we grasped in our young hands,
but now we must ask why;
Why we stand so far apart with me
so far behind;
Different as free man and slave;
the answer smites my mind.
For I am trapped in a web of fear,
which a needle sews for me;
B u r k i M A nil e» MU. Muusm
i . _ I U W •UBTTK»»
trees fall in the night
breaking branches on the ground
no one hears them cry
-Alan D. Abbey
2 PERFS. / SAT., OCT. 19th a t 7:00 & 10:00 P.M.
by Nancy Keating
The next time that you're truckin'
through downtown Albany wilh a
friend or two, take a stroll over lo
The Albany Institute of History and
Art at 125 Washington Ave. Ii is
presenting a "ldan exhibition"ol International prints from the Hum
Botanical Library. The selection ol
block prints, aquatints, drypoinis,
and engravings Gust lo mention a
few) can be found in the downstairs
gallery Oct. 6 through Oct. .11.
The collection on display features
fifty-four "plant prints" from a
cross-section of artists, and printmakers of the U.S. and Europe. The
styles range from Realistic lo
Stylistic, and are very pleasant
|f you get u chance to check these
out, and you are further interested,
Mrs. Alice Schafcr, thcco-ordinaior
of the Print Club {who is also one of
the artists whose work is on display)
will be more than happy to pursue
the topic upon request.
OCTOBER 11, 1974
i i -=-. EARTH
* m ? 6:55, 9:30
comedy ~Pa»iint/ca*l
MiNlUuTiaiW M i l .
Plus 300 YEARS
TICKET PBICESi $6.75, $ 5 7 5 , $4,75
Tickets on sale at Box Office And all Ticketron Outlets
Colonie C O L I S E U M Summer Thea.
CINE 1 2 3 4
Columbia Ext, Cohoes, N.Y. 12047 • Phone (518) 7(5-3393
OCTOBER 11, 1974
Contest Rules
Puzzle solutions must be submitted to the Albany Student Press office
(CC334) by Monday, 3 p.m. following the Friday that the puzzle appears.
Name, address, phone number and social security number must appear on
your solution.
Friday, October 11
Party! State Quad will have a party Saturday!
night from 9 p.m. 'till V There will be mixed drinksf
and taped music. State Quad card holders: S.SOu
Vrfccatre Council Presents: Celebration Mime everyone else SI.00.
(Theatre: "An American Collage" 8:30 p.m. Friday
tin the Main Theatre or the Performing Arts Center. SUNYA's Experimental Theatre: "lmprovisa-f
B U N Y A ' s Experimental Theatre: Eugene
Jlonesco's "Improvisation" will be presented in the
lArena Theatre or the Performing Arts Center
Saturday at 7:30 and 9:00 p.m.
Puzzle solutions will be drawn at random until three correct solutions have
been chosen.
Liich of Ihe three winners will be entitled to a $10 gift certificate to the campus bookstore. Merchandise musl be claimed within two weeks of notification!
lion", a play by Eugene lonesco will be presented!
Friday at 4:30, 7:30 and 10:15 p.m. in the Arena"
Theatre or the Performing Arts Center.
No one Hoiking on or for the Albany Student Press is eligible to win.
Sunday, October 13
Only one solution
per person accepted.
Rafters Coffeehouse: will present Donna De
Christopher performing both traditional and contemporary folk music this Sunday night at 8 p.m. in
the Chapel House. All are invited!
I Saturday, October 12
Tower Eost
Harry and Tonto
2001 A Space Odyssey
Kri.: 6:15, 8:55 p.m.
Sal.: 6:35, 9:20 p.m.
-ri. & Sat.: 7:30, 10:00 p.m. I X 7
four of the Wolf
U F O : Target
Earth, the
•ri.: 7:15, 9:45 p.m. LC I
Mbony Stote Clnemo
Going Place*
Fri. & Sat.: 7:00,9:15 p.m.
Kri.: 7:20, 9:40 p.m.
Sal.: 7:30, 9:45 p.m.
Center Colonic
Animal Crackers
Kri. & Sal.; 7:20, 9:20 p.m.
Fox Colonle
Fri.; 7:25, 10:00 p.m.
Sal.: 6:20,8:55 p.m.
Fri.: 8:45 p.m.
Sal.: 7:10,9:45 p.m.
Theater Directory
Cine 1 2 .1 4
The Longest Yard
U F O : Target Earth
Fri.: 7:30, 9:45 p.m.
Sal.: 7:00, 9:20 p.m.
Cinemo 7
Pardon M y Blooper
Jeremiah Johnson
Fri. & Sat.: 7:00, 8:35, 10:10 p,m.
Fri. & Sat.: 7:20,9:30 p.m.
L'irclc Twin
Colonic Center
Indiun Drive-In
43 44 45
pawns to a Queen. The coronation of
the new Queen brought a brief moment of comfort to the game and it
appeared'that a stalemate may have
However it was soon discovered
that black had kept a secret record of, <
all the moves he had made (even illegal moves). White immediately
demanded to sec the record: Black
refused. The matter was taken to the
Tournament Director to be resolved.
The T. D. however did not gel to
decide this issue at the moment
because black had succeeded in capturing the knight in charge of bringing the matter to the T.D.Enraged
white promoted one of his pawns to
a knight and sent this knight on a
mission to b ring the matter up before
the T.D. Furthermore, white*
protected this knight so that it too
could not be captured. And just to
keep black occupied, white launched
a mating attack on the Ringside.
The black King had resigned, and
the Queen ascended to the throne.
The Queeen (who had been
promoted to that position by the old
King) decided that the game had
been so messy that the game should
end with the result that black be
granted a Bye for the game (which
counts as a win). Apparently black
escaped this game with a victory. (Incidentally the opening had been a
stonewall formation). Somehow
chess will never be Ihe same again.
Last Week's Pummle
LliiUti UII! ('11.111 Olfl m i
liU.«H(li«Fl I'lMkiH
ninrari u n n n a a H
aimm i i n u a n n o n u
n n n n n r n n a n nmaa
raciLioaa aanaQHaui
unninniR nwaQurjiaw
Crossword Puzzle
Contest Winners
Jean Pupchek
Ihe matter of the record was
brought to theT.D.and itwasdecided that the record had to be made
public. In fear of being mated immediately by whites mating attack,
black surrendered his record in an
attempt to reach an endgame that
may have had some stalemating
chances. Unfortunately for black,
the record was very clear that the
black King had also made illegal
moves and the mating attack was
almost completed. So, faced with a
forced mate, black resigned his King.
Carl Schoder
Joy Weieunan
Electric force
60 Rose's book of
Kennedy!ana: 3 wds.
64 Asian body of
water: 2 wds.
Hollywood's memory 65 Galnsayer
lane: 2 wds.
66 Carpenter's
Roman 2,500
67 Ryan and Tatuai
was father to
Janeiro: 2 wds.
Lemon's partner
1 Puzzler
2 Bible translator,
Inspiring fear
Saul's grandfather 3 Time periods
A shaking
Building coverings 4 Movie theatre mogul
Venezuelan copper
S Stage direction
Bolivian river
6 Miss Reynolds
Colman and Reagan 7 Promise to pay
Forward a letter
8 Owner's risk of
Part of Lincoln
leakage (abbr.)
, 9Foulards and
Driving hazard
Medicinal herb
10 Heavy Iron block
Theatre group
11 Gliding
14 Thlcklsh liqueurs
15 More unusual
gift horse.,. 16Don Adams
2 wds.
Paper Moon
I h r Devil's Target
It seems that the game had not
been played accorJing to all the
rules. This pawn had made several illegal moves during the game. In fact
black had planned several such illegal moves in an attempt to
checkmate white. The real trouble
began when several black pawns
were captured en passant after making illegal moves. White noticed that
the moves had been illegal, but he
could not deduce which pieces had
moved illegally. The ex-pawn, now
turned white knight, in a re|ientcnt
mood, had decided to set the record
straight. He told the white army
about the illegal moves that black
had made. Enraged, white launched
afierceattack. Mid-way through the
attack, the black queen was captured. /It seems that the black queen
had made several illegal moves even
before the game had started!)
However black, who was an
enthusiastic proponent of pawn
power, soon promoted one of his
1 1l
¥ •1
Kri. & Sat.: 7:30, 9:30 p.m. L C 18
Off Campus
by Jack Uppal
The trouble started when black inadvertantly pushed a pawn to the
eighth rank and found that the pawn
had to be promoted. The general rule
that a pawn gains power as it advances had been obeyed. By the time
the pawn had reached the seventh
rank, he was more powerful than
most of black's pieces. But now on
the eighth rank, he had to be
promoted. There was nothing to do
but promote the black pawn to a
white knight! Why?
Feoturinq JEREMY 5TEIG
From 7-8p.m.
Fri. A Sal.: 6:55, 9:30 p.m.
Sneak PreviewFri. & Sat.: 11:30 p.m.
Kri. & Sal.: 7:05, 9:35 p;m.
Waking TaU
Cine 1204
Kri. & Sal.: 6:50, 9:00 p.m.
On Campus
10 11
W 15
University Speakers Forum: presents The
lOktobcrfest: Alumni Quad is sponsoring
Hanneford Circus performing at the SUNYA gym
tOktoberfest from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday. There
this Sunday at 2:30 and 5:30 p.m.
Twill be 25 kegs, rood, arts & crafts. Come join the
• run.
This Weekend
Small quantities
Venezuelan river
17 Hautboys
22 Furnish with a new
24 Minute
25 Downy duck
28 Jewish writings:
30 German numerals
33 TV's Esther
35 French city
37, Gulf of
39; French painter
40 Former Turkish
41 Jewish feast
43 Poe's Miss Lee
44 Hardeners
46 Type of beer
46 Mediterranean
From Buzzard's Day, Mass., Douq Lewanda & Harvey Kojan bring you
the exciting play by play action beginning at 7=55 p.m.
48 City 1n Spain or
in Ohio
51 Cub scouts pack
53 Luce's play,
56 U.S. holly
58 Sand h i l l (Br.)
61 - — Aviv
62 U.S.A. organization
63 M1ss Farrow
on facing page
OCTOBER 11, 1974
with Andy Daum
Dedications and requests token at 457-7317
Every Saturday Night from from 11p.m.-3 a.m.
Solution to last week's puzzle
Cockrell Turns Dancer
softshoe, and a good laugh was had
by Myron E. •reiki
At but, a concert with a full house by all.,'
Other pieces on the program were
' at S U N Y A - and mostly filled with
students! Was it Findlay Cockrelb'i more songs, some preludes, some
fame or was it the all Gershwin lesser known works, and excerpts
program? Somehow, 1 suspect it was from "Rhapsody in Blue", with coma combination of both. A good per- mentary on most. Cockrell gave.
former, good music, and a good history about the piece and then
went, on to talk about the "Rhapaudience made for a great time.
"George Gershwin was one of sody" from a thematic point of view.
American's very best composers," He described it as a kind of network
said Cockrell in his remarks. His of melodies which go wherever Gerenthusiasm for Gershwin became shwin wanted them to go. This is in
most obvious when he sang the well contrast to any kind of form usually
known song "Let's Call The Whole associated with music of more conGershwin
thing Off". Cockrell is a real ham. ventional composers.
He said that he was going to dance does not often get his fair share of
but his wife wouldn't let him, and performance time. This time it
besides who would play piano for showed another side of the otherwise
him? The answer to that question versatile pianist that Findlay
became apparent during "I Got Cockrell is.
Rhythm" when Cockrell stopped
The Second Wednesday and
playing, a tape recorder started, and Thursday at 4:00 Concert should not
he started dancing—tap dancing.
be missed by anyone, regardless of
Findlay Cockrell does a fine his or her attitude towards music.
Findlay CoehnH tap danced hb) way Into tha heart* of SUNYA
ttudant* last Wedweday and Thursday.
Looking for a home?
- ft
We're it!
The atmosphere it informal, and the
commentary is worth hearing.
Besides, it is an enjoyable way to
spend »" hour or so during the middle of the week. v
A concert to watch for in the
future is Findlay Cockrells's performance of the complete "Rhapsody in
Blue" accompanied by the Wind
Ensemble. That concert will take
place Wednesday, October 16, at
8:30 in the Main Theater of the P AC.
Dracula Lives
At Public Library
Dracula fans can learn about the
star who made him famous when the
Friends of the Albany Public
Library honor Dr. Arthur Lcnnig,
the local author whose book, The
Count, the Life and Films of-Beta
"Dracula" Lugosi, was just published. Dr. Lcnnig will be at Harmanus
Blcckcr Library on Monday evening, October 21, at 8 p.m.
Dr. Lennig, professor of cinema at
State University of New York at
Albany, is an expert on silent films,
movies of the 30's, and horror films.
An early fan of Lugosi, Lennig met
his idol backstage after a touring
production of "Dracula," and kept
up a correspondence with him for
years. Dr. Lennig visited Lugosi's
birthplace in Lugos, near Transylvania, several years ago.
Jackson Browne At Palace
" R.P.I, will sponsor an evening in concert with Jackson Browneand Wendy
Waldman. The concert will take place at the Palace Theatre in Albany on
Monday. October 21 at 8:00 P.M.
Jackson Browne has been a first rank artist since his first album "Jackson
Browne." Born in Heidelberg, Germany, Browne came to Los Angeles at the
age of three. He began his career in New York City in 1967 and, after gaining
recognition as an upcoming performer in the 1960's, returned to Los Angeles
to concentrate on his writing. His works were recorded by several artists and
"Jackson Browne," was released in October, 1971. He has since appeared
nationally in clubs and in concert with such people as Joni Mitchell and the
Eagles and has since released "For Everyman" and a third album, "Late For
The Sky" now available.
Along with Jackson is Wendy Waldman; the daughter of a television and
lilm composer, she is second generation Hollywood. Along with Maria Muldaur, she represents the new wave of American singer-songwriters. At the age
of 23, Wendy can look back on a short but 'successful' career. Since the
release of her first album, "Love Has Got Me," last September, Wendy has
been touring the U .S. with a solo act and been getting very favorable reviews.
The New Yorker, reviewing her show at the Bitterend, describes her on stage
presence as "one that suggests a still skittish, inexperienced earth mother."
Her latest album is "A Gypsy's Symphony."
Among his other books are
Classics of the Film and The Silent
Voice. The Library program will include excerpts of Lugosi films.
Autographed copies of the book will
be available and coffee will be served.
The Rensselaer County Council
for the Arts will host a similar
program at their headquarters on
189 Second Street in Troy on Saturday evening, October 26 at 8 p.m.
Theater Council Presents...
The Incarceration WAMan
The story thai follows was written by his depression. Once he has done so,
Dexler Harris, an inmate at the Cox- he feels relieved of his burden. Comsackie Correctional Facility. Dexter
mitting this act-also makes him feel
is a young man who has written
that he has gotten revenge on society
numerous pieces concerning his imfor putting him in the awesome
prisonment and the events that led
predicament he is in. If it's not socieup toll. He is also the author o/The
ty pressures, it's the judge, his
Lost Soul which appeared in last , mother, his father, bad school conFriday's KSt.\
ditions or any number of other
•Paul Felagalli
things. The blume is always placed
somewhere else. This is a fantasy he
fabricates in his mind because he is
You know,when you're standing
not yet man enough to accept the
in front of the judge, and he is about
fact that he, the one who held the
to pass sentence, it all seems to be a
gun, or drove the car, or snatched the
joke..It doesn't really seem possible
piirse, orwhatever the cause for his
that this man is about to tell you
being there, is the only one to be
what is going to be done with a portion of your life. Although this may blamed for his misfortune. Until he
is ready to accept the blame, any efsound quite a bit far-fetched, it
fort to reform, or rehabilitate this instands to be true in many of today's
indulgers, especially
the dividual in my opinion, is hopeless. I
younger portion (ages 16-21). The base my opinion on the simple fact
that you can't help someone until he
seriousness of what has happened
is willing to help himself, and a perdoesn't surface in his mind until he
son who feels he hasn't done
steps in his cell at the Elmira Reception Center. Only then does the anything wrong doesn't feel he needs
reality of the long stretch of time to help himself. He will exploit any
which he will be incarcerated begin efforts to help him because he is
to affect him. When the judge said it, guiltless in his own eyes. He immures his mind completely and
he didn't make it sound like such a
longtime. The person becomes con- creates and lives in a fantasy world of
fused, his mind is filled with a thou- his own. Everything becomes a joke
sand questions for which he has no ' again. But by and by, people who
answers. When he gives up on the came at the same time he did starl
questions because he can't conceive making parole and he is still in. He
the answers, his mind retrogresses begins to deplore what he is doing
from the present to the past. He and tries to find help. He converts
begins to think about the days and
but the people who were so willing to
nights spent in the world outside, help at first are not the same. They
precious memories! Then all of a do not want lo be bothered with a
sudden, the amount of time he has person of his likes. Once again he
Hushes through his mind.
He has come lace to face with reality,
, realizes that he could be away from but once again it is too late. Chances
the good free world outside for quite are he will spend the rest of his life or
sometime. This, along with all the at least a major portion of it behind
questions for which he has no penitentiary walls or bars. You see,
answers becomes a very depressing he projected a false image of himself
burden upon his mind. In some and unlbrtuhutcly he will liuve to live
cases, a very weak minded person is with it.
driven to his breaking point which
His Own Man
upon reaching he tries to "cut up", or
Incarceration has many effects on
"hang up", which are both very poor
people. It makes some become quiet
means of attempting suicide. In
and withdrawn. It makes others
these cases, the person is so weak
become loud and do things lo try to
minded, he is only looking at the
become leaders when they don't realworst side of things. He feels that his
ly have the potential, while others
loss is so great that he could never
are dedicated followers from the
recover. However, he is not really
time they arrive until the time they
ready to leave this world, for if lie
depart. Something that is very rarely
were he could find much more severe
seen is a person who is his own man,
ways of attempting it. To him, his
one who doesn't do something
attempt which is somehow always
because everybody else does, or
foiled, is just a way of exemplifying
won't do something because
The Celebration Mime Theater
Friday, October 11 at 8:30 Main Theater, PAC
everybody else won't.
This is thought may be inculcated in hit
because people are very conicien- mind that the inmate* are living pret• tious. They fear what others might ty good to be in jail. Let me tell you
say. This is true, not only for people that you arewrong. You know in inwho are incarcerated, but for people stitution is the only place in the
all over the world. Yet the peniten- world where people of all meet,
tiary is a very interesting place. You creeds and religions are forced to live
know, the dictionary defines together. Here you have Muslims
penitentiary as being a place of con- and Five Percenters who dislike
finement or correction. That is a
Whites. You have Whites who have
very illusive definition. In all can- ' lived in predominantly white
dor, a penitentiary is a place filled
neighborhoods all of their lives and
with tension, fear, hostilities and in a don't-like Blacks and Puerto Ricani
very camouflaged way it is invidious. who hang With themselves and don't
It takes a person who is incarcerated
like anyone else. Now the majority
a pretty good while to comprehend of the people in these groups have
what is happenning to him because
two things in common. They try to
the penitentiary is also very in- defy authority and they figure they
sidious, and the ways in which peocan beatthesystem. These twoitems
ple react to this is a very interesting
are the main factors in a small scale
thing to observe.
war. The controlled versus the controller. Even though the controlled
toThe Criminal Mind
All,of this put together in the side never wins, they never stop trymind, poses one big question. What ing. The correction officer is here
motivates a person to commit a supposedly, to help the inmates,
crime? The answer, well a lot of which he finds difficult and almost
opinions have been given, those of impossible to do because to the inprofessional people and those of mates he is considered an illusive
common people. Nobody knows the adversary. Why? Simply because he
real answer because nobody is a wears a uniform, and the uniform
mind reader. That's right, you can't represents authority. Here the misread the mind. Neither can you ap- understanding is created. The ofpraise a person by what he says or by ficer feels an inmate does something
what he scores on any kind of test or says somethingto him as a person.
This is not so. Confined in the inand you can't make a sound judgement on his character by the way he mate's mind is a hatred of such exacts in any given period of time.
Truthfully, I think the only time you
cun pass judgement on a person is
when he passes from life to death.
Then you can say, well he was a
crook all his life, or whatever the occasion calls for. So the question,
what makes a person commit a
crime remains unanswered, at least
in my mind it does. Even so, any
crime, no matter what it is or who
has committed it, any crime is in no
way justifiable, even though 1 myself
have committed one.
Not a lot of people, if given the
chance to read this composition
would say it's preposterous. Maybe
you've visited someone, saw the
front desk and visiting room ol a jail,
or maybe you've even been on a lour
of the whole place, and il didn't look
loo bad. Well let me tell you thut you
can never see an institution as it really is as long as you're on the outside
looking in. I know because I'm here.
No doubt, to an outsider an institution may seem very comely. The
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OCTOBER 11, 1974
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Dexler Harris
treme calibre, hatred not of the correction officer but of the uniform he
wears. The inmate never sees the person, only the uniform.
Now with the knowledge of all!
this, I won't deny the fact thai to peo-'
pie in the outside world, an institu' tion may teem inviolable. But if you
have that impression inculcated in
your mind, disperse it. You see, in an
institution, you have the same things
that you have in everyday life in the'
streets, only it's more noticeable
because it is in something like a concentrated form; All these factors1
combined and concentrated under
the same roof and in the close confined quarters behind the penitentiary walls create a very unstable atmosphere. So believe me when I say
that institutional environments are
in no way easy to live in. Now don't
get me wrong. There are a lot of people who go through these changes
and make all the changes for a better
life. He emerges a substantially
better man than he was when he
entered. But there is still that
overwhelming percentage who are
not reached. They emerge from an
institution with a more criminally inclined mind. That brings me to this
striking realization. Crime is here to
$0««alU>CtC a i f w
How could we pass up putting an
album On sale whose title so aptly
describes our employees?
Against the Defense
To the Editor:
The defensive attitudes of both letters in
response to Hal Malmud's justified criticism
of the STB flyer: "the brothers of STBand the
squaws of Seneca invite all university men..."
was extremely uncalled for. An apology was in
order as well as a realization that a mistake
was made. It is bad enough to be guilty of
racial ignorance, but the situation is intensified by the defense of this ignorance. Hal's
reaction was on e of constructive criticism and
the response was merely a refusal to be
' As to bringing in a dictionary definition,
nothing could be more absurd. Both the words
"negro" and "lady" can be found also with
their traditional meanings, but no one would
be surprised at offense being taken at seeing
them used at this university, where people are'
supposed to be awa re and sensitve. It is not the
dictionary-definitions that are offensive, but
rather the connotations that go along with
these words. There are countless derogatory
and derisive words which could easily, and
happily, be dropped from our vocabularies
vr'houtlosingan iota of color or reducing our
anilities to express ourselves.
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has on cultures that need our help and sympathy,
The personal, defensive attack on Hal was
both tasteless -and insipid. It simply pinpointed bur heed 8$ justify ourselves even if
this means refusing to listen to or understand
foreign ideas. In an institution committed to
broadening bur viewpoints and perception,
this should not be the case.
Naomi Friedlander
Sondra Jacobowitz
Coso's Cose
To the Editor:
On Wednesday, October 9, Ralph Gaso, the
Republican candidate for lit. Governor spoke
to a small group of students hcreat the university. What he had to say was appaMgg to me,
and I would like to mention some qfMje things
that occurred for the benefit dr*all the
First of all the candidate spoke about the
Slate University system and told us (with a
smile that made him look asif he had just had
an accident in his pants) that he could not
promise us thai there would be no more increases in tuition. In fact the present governor
Accusing Hal of being an opportunist, hot has gone down on record as supporting a 100
headed, and bitter, is reducing the situation to percent increase in tuition at the State Univerthat of name calling. He obviously has very sities. It is also notable that Congressman
strong feelings on the matter, and through his
Hugh Carey has gone down on record supporsincere caring is trying to ameliorate a long ting the concept of free tuition, and promising
standing problem. Instead of arguing against at the very least no more increases.
his valid point, why not get behind him and
Mr. Caso also told us that he intends to be a
face up to the responsibilities we all have'.'
full time Lieutenant Governor. This statement
Susie Schwab is very interesting indeed coming from the runLisa Polikoff
ning male of Malcolm Wilson who In his own
15 years as l.t. Governor managed toretaina
ful lime law practice, rather than full time
public service.
Finally, Mr. Caso attacked the CareyKrupsuk learn for their "liberal-permissive"
stands. Thisatlack is typical of the Republican
campaign, since both Mr. Wilson and Mr!
Caso have found that the only attacks they can
make on the Democratic ticket are of the
calibre of Mr. Wilson's statement which in
effect chalked off voting for Ms. Krupsak as
nothing more than "voting fordirty books and
dirty pictures." hi fact, Mr. Caso seems to only
be able to attack Ms. Krupsak on false, sexist
^charges, at one point in the campaign alleging
her to be gay, and therefore (to his point of
view) clearly not to be voted lor.
The students of this university have not
been fooled by the glib doubletalk and empty
promises they have received from the
Republicans. At Ihc meeting with Caso our
Student Association president, Pat O m a n ,
• stood up and gave a strong endorsement for
the Carey-Krupsak ticket. That very same
night Central Council voted for a bill strongly
endorsing the two Democratic candidates. In
an opinion pollconductcdal this university, >A
of the students voiced their intention to vote
To the Editor:
for Carey-Krupsak. (Mosl of the rest were unIn their responses to Hal Malmud's letter,
decided.) Mr. Caso told Pal that we as
Harry Sandberg and the Indian Quad R.A.s
students should use the intelligence that got us
undeniably demonstrated our country's inseninto this university in deciding for whom to
sitivity and indifference toward any problems
vote. My answer to Mr. Caso is that we
we can possibly overlook.
already have done so.
In referring the STB's light use of the word
"squaw," Hal tried to show how derogatory
Candi Mayer
and destructive this term can be. Besides corrupting the Indian culture, the misuse of the
Indian language reinforces our inaccurate
views of these people and our contented
maintenance of these views. The use of
"squaw," in a lime when Indians are
desperately trying to overcome their
stereotyped image, simply perpetuates our
misconceptions and defeats the Indians' goals.
To the Editor:
I would like to thank all the students who
Focusing on Hal's "hot-headed" attitudes
and personal political ambitions," the helped with Community-University Day. I
rcsponders to his letter completely ignored the hope that they did not feel like student
Indians' point of view and the ideas Hal con- "mannequins" in u phony situation, but as
representative students putting their best foot
veyed, The abuseofan Indian word was minor
but it highlighted our casual and reckless foward in an effort to help the parents and
manipulation of cultural symbols that we community to appreciate and feel comfortable
neither understand nor care to understand. As in the unvarnity community, "
he stated in his letter, Hal did not wish to ati
in an encouraging way. stressing at
tack STB or any specific group. He
. all we offer them as well as the
only wantedto emphasize how our numerous
.milenis. At the present lime when community
thoughtless actions indicate our self-centered
relations are so important, in connection with
eomphcency and harmful effects this clearly
More Protest
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OCTOBER 11, 1974
the off-campus housing issue for example, it it
- interaction which leaves a lastlnj layriailoB,
not a paved road or a clean window.
I would also I ike to encourage participation
in the election rerun to be held next week, for
the Off-Campus and Dutch Quad races. The
failure of the first elections was the fault of
many, not just the Acting Election Commissioner, Linda Weinstock. Linda, Senior
Class President, already burdened with
numerous committments, accepted the election responsibility when no one else could be
found. The disorganization resulted due to a
lack of time and manpower, not a lack of effort on Linda's part. Those interested in seeing
a more successful election next week can call
the Student Association office, 7-6542, to
offer their assistance at the polls,'and even
more important, VOTE.
Audrey Seidman
• '•-'.Chairperson
Myskania I97S
Whose Discrepancies?
To the Editor:
A tittle rebuttal in regard to the general
reaction denouncing the AST* reportage of
the voiding of the SA commuter elections,
specifically SA President Pat Curran's Letter
the the Editor in Tuesday's ASP(Ocl. 8). In it,
he criticized the "shoddy journulism" displayed in the article "Council Voids Some
Elections" (Fri., Oct. 4) written jointly by
Mike Sena and Nancy Cook. Curran found it
"terribly disheartening to see so many factual
discrepancies." Indeed, there were factual mistakes. The nature of these were admitted and
explained on Tuesday's editorial page under
the heading "Errata" and can be summed upas
this: in regard to the commuter elections,
Curran invalidated them and not Central
Council as was reported.
However,, Curran, in his letter, docs not attack this Tactual discrepancy. Instead, he
chooses as his focal point the treatment of Linda Weinstock's role in the cancelled elections.
As acting election commissioner, it was
Weinstock's responsibility to properly oversee
the elections. While not once denying the
veracity of the allegations served against
Weinstock, Curran disputes the handling of
the article by the ASP* reporters. An
anonymous quote, a common journalistic
device, becomes a "totally unprofessional cut"
in Curran's interpretation. He says that
Weinstock should have been contacted for her
side of the story suggesting the record would
be set struight and her name cleared of all
allegations. I await Wcinstock's response.
The gist of Curran's letter, then, does not
dispute the factual accuracy of the article but
more the tough-minded journalistic sense it
exhibits. All too often run-of-the-mill, noncommittal —wishy-washy, shall we say, journalism predominates the pages of the ASH. I
applaud the crilicul journalism of Sena and
Cook and contend Curran'sability to question
it seriously. Good journalism should elicit
response from its readers. The response,
however, should not attempt to censure the
reporting that caused it. It's about time the
ASP stirred some controversy.
Leo Smith
Responsible People
Prove H*m your Birthday and
qet 50% off.
Sandwiches available, tool
Spending Our Money
To the I
As of writing this letter, commuters and offcampus "rt»M»u have no property elected
representatives ofCeritral Council or University Senate. This is due to the postponement of
elections from the second week 61 September
to last week when they were finally held. One'
could reasonably expect that we would know '
who our representatives are after three days of
voting. As we all know though, the elections
were invalidated due to Student Association
incompetence, It makes me wonder that if they
can't execute something as simple and fun- .
da mentally important as an election how well
can they possibly manage with our tax dollars.
Steven H. Katz
Cancer Concern
To the Editor:
This is in response to Steve Baboulis'
column in the October 8 edition of the ASP
At first, I also wondered why the press subjected Betty Ford's cancer operation to so
much public discussion. But then I heard and
read in a couple of places, including Time
magazine and the'Today Show"that it was
Ms. Ford's conscious decision to publicize the
operation in the interest of those who would
thus be prompted to get a breast cancer examination. Marcella Bayh was the first promi-.
nent woman to be so public about a mastectomy, although she didn't gel quite the attention Betty Ford got.
I think Ms. Ford did a genuine service.
Remember: breast cancer affects I out of 15 I
women over the age of 40. That's a lot of people. A lot of people you know personally. If
detected early, it is curable. If not, it's a killer, 2
The publicity around Ms. Ford's operation
aims to invade one life in order to save
thousands of lives.
Sue Leboff
Flu News
To the Editor:
There has been considerable misinformation as to the need for Flu shots by various
segments of the campus. It would be helpful if
the campus could be advised that at this point
there has been no general recommendation for
Flu shots for anyone other then individuals
over 63 or those with a basic health problem.
By basic health problem is meant a severe
respiratory disease such as emphysema or
serious asthma, a heart problem, diabetes, or
other such problem as would render the Flu an
unusual risk for that individual. Students on
campus who feel that they have such problems
should contact the Student Health Service
about the question of Flu shots, and others on
campus such as facultyand stuff should confer
with their private physiciuns. If there is a
change in this basic policy it will be announced.
J. Hood, M.D.
Student Health Service
Dancers' Views
To the Editor:
The Burundi Dance Troupe would like it to
be noted that the views and ideas expressed by
the 'visiting' announcer at the Community
Day performance were solely personal in
natjiw dnd are not the views or ideas of the
Burundi Dance Troupe or EOPSA.
Tony Williams
T i a i y n .»»«• f i » f . . , - * • . * » - . • . - , • •
columns _, ^ t
, , „. , j - .
costies porhingi Tftfc Pre-yncoln s Birthday Column
Abraham Lincoln, dying of an assassin's
bullet on ike floor of a Washington theater,
mustered up nil hit bit of strength and left the
. world with this quote:
"Albany landlords are the sort who tie
babies to hotplates. They-"
In this special pre-Uncoln's birthday
-column, I'm going to deal with the subject that
Wat on his lips ai he drew hit last breath
• ••...'•
There comet a time when the weakerstomached of us decide that grey cardboard
• pepper tteak and half-melted tunaflavoredice
cream do not a dinner make and make the big
move off...->.
Let me explain what happened to me.
It all began last April when a place oh Hudson Avenue caught our attention. We sought
out the landlord, and started talking..'.
The rooms would be fully furnished,
although we wcreexpected to provide our own
beds, lamps, drawers and desks. This seemed
reasonable enough.
She asked if we would be wanting doors on
our respective bedrooms, and Upon our affirmative reply started adding on to the basic
$375 rent figure. We got kinda pissed about
this and after much haggling got her to throw
in two of the doors free. Sometimes you have
to hold out and make rbigttaik to get whit
you deserve but it's worth It. '
V * V*'•*"•'"
She was willing to pay for all utilities other
than gas, water, heat and electricity. Here's
where we got stubborn. "All utilities or no
contract)" we challenged. All righmU right,
she'd pay all utilities, but not if we used too
much. 1 thought two hours a day of electricity
and keeping the temperature at 45 degrees in
the winter was kinds chintzy, but I didn't say
anything. But one of the other guys did, and
after an hour or so we worked it out so that we
would get all the heat arid electricity we
wanted in return for feeding her cat, who, lived
in the basement. And feed him we did. The
first day we fed him to Marc's dog.
contract was all set, and the landlord was sure
she had us hooked, and we started getting
obstinate. The pay-toilet will have to go, we
insisted, as well as the turnstile in the front
hallway. We want legs for the kitchen table, a
door lor the refrigerator, the little stuff that
makes life easier. Marc explained;
her to akitchen chair audi hit her a couple of
limes. .
• Marc explained once again and somewhere
between the stomach'and solar plexus she agreed with him. I can still remember what she
said as she finally appreciated the validity of
the arguments we were presenting.
..- •
• ',* •
We untied her and she fell to the floor. Marc.
was ransacking her pocketbook when from
out of the blue I remembered that famous Lincoln quote, and kicked her once in the side.
"Ah, only five bucks," Marc said disappointedly, throwing the wallet onto the table, 1
opened it and looked at the portrait in the oval
on the bill.
And Lincoln was smiling at me.
"No hit...please, I give you,youget,..just no
hit no more." • !
Happy Lincoln's Birthday, everyone!
ombudsman- (om-bttdz-man)
o public official appointed to investigate citizens' complaints against the government.
The Ombudsman and his staff
deal with all university related problems.
Anyone interested in working with us
please stop by or give us a cail.
She wouldn't give in. Gary pointed out how
wc could get a gorgeous luxury apartment in
the finest part of Manhattan for the rent she's
charging. "Yeah, but commuting would be a
bitch," pointed out Jeff, "getting up 5:30 a.m.
for a 9:00 class and all that," and Gary
dropped the subject. Marc continued trying to
explain. She didn't agree with him. Jim tied
Offlce-CC346 Phone-74542
ask for Jay Miller acting SA Ombudsman
I •
Judicially Speaking
by Pamela Lawrence
How many times have you known the person who emptied out the fire extinguisher in
your hall, yet you didn't say anything about it?
How many times have you seen someone
tampering with thefirealarm, and just turned
your head away? And how many times have
you sat by in utter frustration while a drunken
or drugged roommate or tuitemate vandalized
the suite, or something in it, leaving you and
the rest of your suiteaiatet to foot the bill?
If you answered "only once" to any of these
questions, that's once too often. Multiply your
one time by all the other people living in the
SUN Y A community and you have a great deal
of trouble brewing with almost ndthing being
done to remedy it.
's Your Problem?
Tile Ombudsman
is here to help you*
Believe it or not' (and hopefully there are with us as a community. It can only do so if we
some who will believe it), there is something act as a community, responsible for our
that can be done about these situations. Grab fellows as well as ourselves. It is an educative
hold of your rights and take your information board whose purpose is to make community
to the Judicial Quad Board, known formally members aware of their rights and responas the Quadrangle Judicial Committee. The sibilities, and the only way it can work is if we
Committee members are the people to see and let it know what's going on.
' The processes used by the Judicial Board
talk to.
A committee is set up by each residence follow due process of law and allow both sides
quadrangle and directs its attention specifical- of the story to be told. The students involved* *
ly to those acts that cannot be tolerated appear before the Board and all relevant facts
because they interfere with the processes of the and circumstances are reviewed in order to
community or with the members of the com- reach a fair decision. These hearings are not
munity. But the Board can't focus its attention considered formal legal trials and all matters
on these acts if it doesn't know about them. It's are kept appropriately confidential.
our responsibility to let the Board know. The Suggestions to act against the offending stuJudicial Board is trying to work for us and dent, if action is necessary, are then
recommended to the Office of the Dean of
Student Affairs. Actions may range frdm dismissal from the University to removal from
residency, to a simple fine to be paid for
damages done.
There is something to be learned whether a
fellow student gets wiped out or only shells out
five dollars for damages. We become both
aware of our rights as members of the SUN Y A
community as well as our responsibility to
respect and protect those rights. We can't
learn any of this by looking the other way.
Anyone who wants and/or needs to get in
touch with the Judicial Board, can speak to
the president of the local Quad Board. He or
she should be able to connect you with the
Judicial Board.
office hours posted next week
CLflft Of 1 7 5
Mon.-Fri. 10-9
6 New Super
at Super Prices
Sat. 10-6
Attention Seniors:
Sunday, October 13
in Compus Center Assembly Hall at 7 pm
I- .'iUuriny Ctuikn Khan
Cnshmuh & Wcsi
$6.98 list
Graduation G Programming Committees will report.
Climiix lllucs Hand
Jim C'rocc-llis CirculL-al Hits
munchies served munchies served munchies served
You Like Real American Folk Music? Come and see us.
7f"-I•"—'•• ' :-.-•"••:
;!-:^--">^l e Self* School sssH needs cortege
volunteers who WIN act at Big Brothers
and Big Sisters to tamo of the beys).
Volunteers are asked to. volunteer one
afternoon a weak, usually front 2:30 to
5:00 p.m. Those interested please)
phone Ms. Osborn at 489-4731.
We<r» f W y w thlr* you're , ,
Ing, Utom,!i»»us»itaTf*r».adfstr«Y eft. great. No one else does.'' ; -'"•••.,:':
. Alio* IndianOncl
Young colfogo m«n wish to go ttirdugh
. life Unemployed.. Please send all sparst
Interested Musicians; WSUA is planchange to box 1300 With a cute letter.:
ning a live toff aehouse hour scheduled
No postage necessary.
for. Wednesday evenings. 7—8 pm.
Any musician or musicians interested in
• ' ; •%&:.
participating, please cgll Joel or Kenny
Fan mail from some flounder?
at457 ? 5808.
Wrong. And they said it couldn't be
t r a p : "Beit-buy" . Dynaco A-25
.leakers, Dynaco SCA80Q amplifier
(BO RMS), Miracord turntable w«baie
and top cartridge, plus extras. Call
Harvey 7-79S2
Flat 1949 124 Sport Sprint $100 3556721.
Skis.booh (6), excellent— $85 Dodie
166 Western
- * - Guitars-Ovation, Classicymodel with
hard shell case new— $400, sell for
$250 Kyle 456-1201
Fender Rhodes Suitcase piano E@C
$500 482-0526 after 5.
Dave Martucci keeps three Kalimbas in
three rooms of his apartment so he
doesn't have to go too far to make
beautiful sounds when silence gets
thick. Vibrato, Dave? The Kalimba is
the only thumb piano in the world that
goes well with any situation. $15
delivered— Marc 462-9929.
TEAC reel to reel recorder model A-400
. w0RA-4Os preomp. automatic reverse
excellent cond. call Terry 465-1077
For sale; colored T.V., drexel chairs,
desk, esponol dresser, nightrtand,
white drapes, 434-1248.
Safari Gardens. Exotic tropicals, house
plapts, terrariums, show plants. We
have just the right one for you. Special
10'A discount for SUNYA students with
I D . Safari Gardens, 204 lark Street,
'at- *
Skis, boots, poles, bindings, $50, 4387143.
Barry Fisher thinks he undrstands the
appeal of the Kalimba. He never truly
enjoyed the piano lissons his mother
forced on him at age 11. And the Music
Appreciation course in Freshman
couldn't quite 'connects He loves music
but couldn't'make any until a friend
handed him a Kalimba. He just plucks
and everything sounds decent. Even his
mother likes him now.. $15 delivered.
Marc 462-9929
Fourth girl heeded for aprtment. Good
location. Call 489-8685.
Need quiet apartment room, classical
music, vegetarian, call Jack, 482-0256
WANTED: Used typewriter— Call
Barry Cohen, Eves. 482-7329 or leave
message In C C . Malntenace Office
Grad woman wants own room in apt. *Sm+m+aOa0*»may+m0mO*o
Tutor for General Chemistry 121.
or house 4654009.
Please. Call Debbie at 472-8726.
We want people who like to talk on
the telephone, part time or fulltime,
days or evenings. Call Mr, Spiogpl at
Tuesdays 7 to 9 pm. Appointment
459-9000. Name your own i hours.
Signup: CC 305. 457-2116.
Chance for advancement.
Ultraprolong: Just a little bit longer.
The President of the United States
wishes to convey his utmost appreciation and genuine thankfulness to the
following aides, staff, counsel, friends,
supporters, detractors, and others for
To Krone, Barren, and Scary Ellen,
The ass saw the angel elone, the the help and concern each of them
others did not. So open your eyes. have shown him In the difficult period
behind and in the challenges that face
As all fairy tales begin, once upon a this adminstration in the future.
James Dawson
time there lived in Albany a person.
President of the United States
This person came to Albany on a cold
Show me the way to the dump.
Tuscarora Dave
Part time— customer interviewing in
major local dept. store in Colanie-NO'
SELLING— Guaranteed hourly wage
plus generous' incentive plan— days
and hours flexible. For app't. call Mrs.
Brown 271-6646.
All lonely females In need of make ac- WANTED: Married couples to supervise
companiment contact Mike at 457-' 4 to 8 mentally retarded adults in a
4764. I've got all types at call.
residence. Hours: Friday at 7 pm thru
Sunday until 7 pm. Salary per couple
Schuyler Ditto Service provides you $80 per weekend. Contact: B. Stiles
with mimeograph service at un- 1251 Van Antwerp Road, Schenecbeatable prices. Call 7-7848, 7-7849, tady, Phone 374-8847.
7-7850. Ask for Jerry, Mai, David, Sam,
Homewarkers: Eam $25 per 100 stuffing letters into already addressed,
4th SUNYA Annual European Ski Tour. stamped encvelopes supplied Free. Kit
St. Anton Austria, Jan. 5, 1975. $399 $1 (refundable) Gemco, P.O.B. 21244inclusive.John Morgan 457-4831.
M39, Indpls, Ind. 46221.
Primal Therapy Is available in Albany.
To apply write: Therapy, POB 6281 so»»#»so»»»a»MassaK*ae*iaJ>isaW»s
Albany; 12206.
Misplaced — 2 notebooks by
bookstore lockers. If found please conClassical Guitar instruction beginner— tact Margaret 457-7898.
advanced 456-1201.
Typing done in my home. 482-8432.
lost— on football field no. 5 a gold 14k
star of David. Sizeable reward.
Andy— 457-5337.
Typing done my home. 869-2474.
lost— SUNYA 7 4 ' ring in SS John Fri-
September morning to bring some
warmth to an old, tired town. As this
man entered the sleepy town by way of
the Northwoy a sound was heard down
the Western Avenue. The Populace
shoute, "Kalimba Man!" Not in unison,
mind you, since it would be difficult indeed ior the entire population of such
a town toget it all together at once. But
that' didn't matter much, because
KaKmbaMan had come, come with the
promise of his magic boxes. The
magical musical boxes that even the
lowliest peasant could pluck. $15
' delivered Marc 462-9929
How've you been? I'll be around
Eastman 1401-2:
Typing, 75% a page. No theses. 462- day. Initials P.M.K. REWARDIIII Call 78923.
Typing— reports, theses, etc. 346-5277
after 6. Very reasonable.
P.S. Happy. HFfb Birthday
Barbara ANN
> <
'.. , ' Gail CHARLOTTE
. With whom you room .
do you fume?
or did your fuming really cease?
are the peanuts nice In Nice?
are the classes really cool?
SUNY is the same old school.
401 & KRIS
Fuller ltd. Beware of getting shortchanged when handing attendant Sher Big Tits
large bills. It might be wise to buy gas
Rehearsal is called nff for
To the Lion's Deri:
10/12/74. Play starts on 1 V/'27'/74.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
You may be obnoxious
The White House
But we love you
October 11, 1974
. The Court
Second-hand 10-speed bicycle,
preferrably with generator light and
1 female roommate needed own
rack— CHEAPI
room— $80 per month— all utilities.
Call Marcy 465-1314.Near busline.
Public Typing—term paper, theses,
dissertations. Prompt service—
professional quality. Claudia Kirby
' chjjjjttit out .'
••';' ;; ••...'•
That's E-U-f-N .„•"•'"'•'".
By the It still raining on Colonial,
Your attentive
Counsel Gilad:Stu, Rose, Lisa, Terri,
Lynn, Linda, Mark, Rob, Jon, Katie,
Maureen, Jody, Heather, Susan, Jim,
Chris, Gene, Jeff, Warren.RIck, Billy,
Monica, Marilyn, Howie, Rich, Helene,
Jerry, Tim, Pat, Robin, David, Gary,
and the cast of thousands possibly
Schnooky OOKUMSC
The' bats are bad around here
nowadays. Not bad for a tone-deaf
lover. We love you, kinda sorta, ... j
Caresses and Conjugations,
Masturbation and Perversion,
. Jeff Guitar
o / k / a / J e f f Hlckey
A K e\ S FSA Original
Happy Birthday
happy blrthdayl here's to another
year of sharing thoughts and long
talks, hope we get together more often
this year.
I couldn't think of a better weekend
/ .
than to spend it with the Anderson's. Roo Monster,
"Aw man, come on"
Dear Superwoman,
You didn't have to give me a gift, cause
Happy anniversary
Let's mend up that cape of yours. In I already have the greatest one —
the meantime, I can take the helm. Get YOUR FRIENDSHIP,
well soon.
Love to you,
Orange Blimp
Your wife (KfTTEN) Fatty,
"Calm down." I love you. Love,
Little Fatty
Will be meeting you very soon.
Love Always
Sunday, Oct. 13
with this ad.
103,4 & 2, 7th floor Dutch, FSA is
watching you. We'll get that illegal
toaster yetl
Last of the Mohicans
To the girls of 1504,
What a terrific bunch of friends
you've been! Thanks for your love and
continued en page 13
iqiprs &
& iminors
The Chemistry Cfub is now offering
tutorial service to students in Chem
121,122,131,132 with limited tutoring
in upper level courses. For information,
call Paul: 457-8663 and Rick or Steve at
The Speech Pathology and
A udJologyClubpresents: Or. Marjtiie
Rudden speaking on Non-Verbal Communication in a theraputic setting.
Wednesday, October 16, 1974 at 7:30
p.m., Campus Center Assembly Hall.
Refreshments will be served.
** •
Journalism Second Field Student
Information Meeting, 3 p.m., Wednesday, October 16, CC 315
On Monday, Oct. 14 at 8:15 p.m. the
Hispanic and Italian Studies Department is having a Columbus Day party
in Hu 354. Everyone is invited. Bring
food if potsiblel
Biology Club announces the formation of a Biology Dept. Student Advisory Committee. For further info., call
Paul 489-2744.
clubs & meetings
rifj •«%# •jUoptMH ttlsSjV rfsflft MBafrlMMfe
Pmmrn M i l ~Ht>"
V# vw do these InliewiwjfeMiee
tfefaentt I 9 M - 7 * . ftiero w » W o
Thursday, October 17,1*74 at 3:0ffln
SS-388. Please try to attend.
\ w ^ i p b . v . ,;:•;•..•.',...•
••; You have a shapely body.
"'.'-...' • • #"'
SUNT* Women's Center is open
"l>. Sfene'iWee**y" documentary
Irom Monday to Thursday, 11-4.
film for Journalism program students
Holiday Sing- A new group, "still
Cooper 100, State Quad.
and others interested. Free. 7:30Tues.,
Friends", is open to all university
You mean you have timo'to road)
Oct 15. LC 3.
students. Initial interest meeting is
personals? Oh well...clear other
Thursday at 7:00 in the flagroom of
October is here again and soon
tomorrow and get those bastards (bee
Dutch Quad. For more info, please call
Newman Association Weekend
Halloween as well. Be part ol SUNYA's
hoehee — ZAPI)
Barry, Michele or Stu, at 456-9833.
third annual Trie* or Treat for UNICtf
Stanley Mitchell
i * *
p.m., 6:30 p.m., Sundays—10 a.m.,
lundraising drive. For more Informa12:45 p.m., 5:30 p.m. All at Chapel
Sky-Diving Club Meeting for all tion Cajl Claire 7-4700
Keeper ol the Flaming Chalice,
members and those interested in joinKama Sutra? Sure beats derivatives!
• • t
ing. This Mon., Oct. 14 at 8:00 p.m. in
P.S. I'll even supply the shampoo.
Colonial Quodersf Contact Peter
LC 1.
A new interest group forming for the Fefler, your University Senator, on
sport of Archery. Anyone who Is in- ideas or gripes you may have, or just to
I still love you without 'us'
terested is welcome!! Please call Dale find out what's going on. I'm located at
208 Delancey, 7-8734.
as soon as possible at 7-5231.
.interested folk
Repertory Orchestra is happeningl
Meetings are Thursdays 5:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center
B-28. If you play an orchestral Instrument and would enjoy playing through
many of the grand classics as well as
some unusual pieces, please plan to be
with us. For additional information,
contact Stephen Osmond, PAC B-04 or
t • *
Feeling the everyday hassles of
living? Need someone to talk to? Information or referrals? Call Middle Earth
Switchboard at 457-5300, or visit Ten
Eyck 107 on Dutch Quad.,
It Magic your Hobby? A new club is
forming on campus for all interested
people. Call Jim 7-8719 for information.
The J a m e s Connolly
Republican Club will meet Tuesday,
Oct. 15 at 8:00 p.m. in the Fireside
Lounge, Campus Center. Eammon
Forde, recently returned from Belfast,
will speak on the current political situation in Ireland.
Fall Rush Registration ends this
Sunday, Oct. 13. E ven if you're not sure
Attention: Former iummot Intensive language Participants. There
will be a meeting on Friday, October
18 in Room SS-388. The following times
are scheduled for each program:
France — 3 : 4 0 ,
Italy — 4 : 0 0 ,
Germany—4:20, Spain—4:40.
offcampus stvdentt: If you're curious
about Central Council, the SA, what's
going on in them, and what they can
do for you (off-campus food coop, SA
bwyer, etc.) you can meet with Councilman AndyDolan, Mondays at 2:25 in
Fireside Lounge. If interested, but unable to come, leave a note with name
and phone number for me in the SA office, CC 346.
On Monday, October 14, 1974, at
7:30 p.m. in Lecture Center 24, Dr.
Vassos Karageorghis of Nicosia,
Cyprus, will deliver a public lecture on
"The Royal Necropolis of Salamts In
Cyprus and the Homeric World."
Off-Campus Students: You helped
elect your student government last spring - now help us work for your best interests. Please refer any problems,
complaints or suggestions on coping
with "State" to your Central Council
representatives Condi Mayer and
Steve Meyer at 438-0108!
Come to the reception for Dt.
Karageorghis in the Patroon Lounge,
Monday, Oct. 14 at 2)00, Sponsored by
Michael Benfwich, professor of
engineering at University of Tel Aviv,
will speak on "Zionism and Palestinian Identity—Can They Co-Exist?"
in CC 315 at 2 p.m. on Tues., Oct.
1974 at 4:00 in SS-388. Please try to attend.
The Hudson-Mohawk Group of the
Sierra Club will hold its monthly
meeting Mon. Oct. 14 at 8:00 p.m. at
St, Michael's Church in Colonie.
Reminder: Phoenix meets every
Mon. at 8 p.m. in the Humanities
Lounge. Come and join our literary
group. (Alternate location: CC
Albany's sciencefiction magazine—is now accepting
art submissions and typed work for spring 1975 publication. Works should be
left in the Student Association Office
(CC 346} and adressod to "Parsec".
loae en Ships/ No experience T O
julred. Excellent pay, Worldwide,
ravel. Perfect.summer |ob or career,
lend $3.00 for Information. SEAFAJf,,
>ept.M-9 P.O. Box 2049, Port Angelor,
foshington 98362
OCTOBER 11,1974
$; 483-9432
Welcome! Pickwad
. / ;| ' \
Attention: Former Nanyang Participants 1973-74—There will be a
meeting to discuss the Nanyang
program on Wednesday, October 23,
Attention: Former Madrid Participants 1973-74. There will be a
meeting to discuss the Madrid program
Large Choose Piua
Attention Former Wurzburg Participants. There will be a meeting to
discuss the Wurzburg program on
Wednesday, October 16, 1974 at 2:30
pWn. in SS-388. Please try to attend.
T V for a l l
,f£\ l«fJ« «•*»» J
$ 1.95
THE H o n e y w e l l PENTAX
LIGHT METER, 1/1000 of o
second shutter and automatic
* a
Jewish Student'*
General Meeting, Sunday, Oct. 13,
with a guest speaker on Soviet Jewry in
CC 315 at 8:00 p.m.
OCTOBER 11, 1974
Hedly darling,
It's twoo, It's twoo.
Information and applications for the
N e w York Halo Regents Scholarship Kathy,
Can you believe it? Six months and
domination lor Professional Study
in Medicine, Dentistry, or Os- going strong.
Hove you
teopathy are available in University
College. Application deadline Is October I I , 1974.
Stinky: i love youl
*• *
General Interest Meeting,
Monday night, 7:30 p.m., F.A. 114. For
all those Interested In analyzing and Investigating environmental problems
on/o(l-compus, For more Info, come to
our office In FA 218 or call 457-8569.
C but D,
a drip will always be a drip, a duckie
always a duckie, but school work on fridqy nights? happy friday. love (she
San/or Class Meeting on Sunday,
October 13 at 7 p.m. in CC Assembly
Hall. Graduation & Programming to be
discussed, Munchies will be served.
Judy L,
Happy Birthday! We'll go canoeing
Albany community video project
will meet in the Harmanus Bleecker
Library on Oct. 11 at 9:30 a.m. II you
are interested in cable television
please decide to attend.
** *
People for Socialism—We have
recently formed two study groups, one
meeting on Mon., the other on Wed. All
are welcome to come and participate.
Study Group Mon. 4 Wed.,8:00 p.m.
General Business Meeting, Mon. 9:00
p.m., downtown campus, Draper Hall
t * »
»»>*»»o«a»»»oa»ojjs > 4t>«a
The State Quad Singers (formerly
Eastman Tower Singers) Is organizing
again tor Holiday Slngl It's a different
name, but the same great group. An
interest meeting will be held Sun., Oct.
13, at 10 p.m. in the Lower lounge of
Anthony Hall on State Quad. For
further info.) call Lee at 7-4996
r T s W I I ™•* W%sfsWkfsMlf
Draft bmmn $.35
•ji"H. F1*)eM# fly ff> WlfftfJ)
226 N. Allen Si, Albany, N.Y.
84 Stole St., Albany, N.Y.
Stuyvotant Plan, Albany, N.Y,
,"lt's been so long since they've
by Nathan Sabart
•• "67 shot* on net, but only two /scored , « ' goal that they hive
goals," said, • frustrated Great "forgotten how," suggested another.
One fan even suggested that a cerDanes1 soccer coach BillSchieffeSn,
after his Hooters scored two late tain player should, "Cut his legofT."
goals to shut but New Paltz, 2-0. The
win runs Albany's record to 5-0-1;
3-0-1 in SONY Conference play.
Danes liny Poorly
li '
The stats (Albany 67 shots. New
Paltz 4) are deceptive. Albany did
dominate play; less than' three
minutes of the game were played in
Dane territory. But, the Bootcrs
were atrocious for the whole first
half, and mediocre for most of the second half. The sad fact is that if New
Paltz had one quality forward, the
Danes might have found themselves
locked in an embarrassing 2-2 tie
with New Paltz.
..' The first half was a study in State
stupidity. Albany's forwards played
as individuals, instead of as a team,
lnsides and halfbacks repeatedly
tried to carry the ball from midfield
to the net, and often succeeded, but
then shot high or wide.
The few good plays that developed
were largely thanks to Arthur Bedford.whoplayed as offensive a game
as a fullback can get away with, but
these failed because of lack of hustle
and "smelling the net." Frank Selca
and Jerry Lee Hing, the wings for
most of the first half, might just as
well have stayed home, as they
received three whole passes in the
' Perhaps it was Schieffelin's halftime talk, or the fans vocal abuse, or
the realization that New Paltz could
score a goal and go home a winner,
as the Danes came out to play in the
, second half.. Time went on and a»
the crowd grew, play improved.
The Booters finally"got on the
scoreboard with fourteen minutes
left, when a comerkick by Johnny
Rolando rebounded out to Arthur
Bedford. Bedford sent a high floater
in front of the net, and Bob Schlegel
was there to head it into the far corner of the New Paltz net. A goal for a
fullback, and an assist for another
tells the story of Albany's forwards.
The Danes added an insurance
goal with six minutes left, when a
flurry of shots resulted in a New
Paltz defensive niixup, leaving
Chepe Ruano alone in front. When
visiting fullback Charlie Ogallo misplayed the ball, Ruano sent it in, past
The first goal seemed to give the
Booters a surge, and several good
scoring opportunities followed, including three shots which hit the
post, and one off the crossbar, as
New Paltz goalie Jimmy Rosa
recorded ten saves in five minutes.
by Mftc Pickarsai
Who needs non-conference games
anyway? The Great Dane Varsity
baseball team certainly doesn't!
After dropping their seventh consecutive non-SUNYAC game to
Siena on Wednesday 8-0, the Danes
saw their fall "exhibition" record terminated at no wins-seven losses.
Fortunately, the loss did not
blemish the Danes' 6-1 Conference
slate. But it was no ointment for
Coach Burlingume's complexion,
Sophomore Karl Bieber got an infrequent starting assignment, as
Burlingame held back regulars John
Dollard and Tom Blair for the upcoming Oneonta games. Bieber,
although giving up all the Siena
tallies in his seven inning-plus stint,
did not pitch as badly as the score
might indicate. A few seeing-cye
base hits, as well as his consistent inability to get the big out, were the
main contributors to the righty's
Siena got off to a quick start in
the very first inning, as they scored
the only run their mound corps was
to need. A leadoff single, a stolen
base, and two fly balls and it was all
over. The Danes appeared to have
something going in their half when
Tlw Meow team In ttttlr iKkhmter ptrftHrnanc* •gainst Ntw Paid-
Bombshell Tries One More Time
I We deliver on Sundays to the Uptown Dorms at 6, 8, & 10 p.m.}
Minimum order 3 sandwiches
Home of «
2. The Redskins veterans will show
that they can get up for one game.
The short week won't help Miami.
3. Another big upset; The Jets finally get a home game and Namath
shows Plunkett how its done.
by 9. Denver gets two in a row, as
they roll over the undermanned
by7. TheGiantsarecitherverygood
or very flat. This timeit'sanother flat
by 17. If the Raiders don't let up,
Lamonica will even get to play.
DETROIT over S. F. by 7. The
Lions have to win one sooner or
PITTSBURGH over K. C. by 3.
If Gilliam is on this is a romp. But he
hasn't put that many points on the
board recently. Watch out for
llradshaw off the bench.
for the following positions will be held next
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
October 15,16,17
Commuters-Central Council, University Senate,
Class of 76 Council
Dutch Quad- Central Council, University Senate
Alumni Quad-Central Council
10-3 in Campus Center
tax card and ID required
funded by student association
. can continue this trend and continue
Saturday, the Booters travel to
Hamilton, losers to Union 1-0 on
Wednesday. If the teamwork does
not improve, the word upset may
appear in the next soccer headline.
Goal Sparks Booters
by Blonde Bombshell
After a 10-3 week, I'm 31-21 and
CLEVELAND by 6. The Bengals,
we will try to improve on it.
BUFFALO over BALTIMORE are rolling. Mike Phipps can't do it
by 9 The Colts still haven't won one, all for the hapless Browns.
Fans React
DALLAS over ST. LOUIS by 3 ?
The fans were quick to so why start now.
ATLANTA over CHICAGO by The Cards have been my undoing all
acknowledge the Danes poor play.
year but, Dallas needs this game.
"A high school team could beat 3. The Falcons won on an intercepMINNESOTA over HOUSTON
tion, but two in a row doesn't seem
you!" screamed one.
by 11. The Vikings won't have to
wait to the last second to pull this
one out.
L. A. over GREEN BAY by 6.
The Rams might have been too con232 Washington Ave.
fident against Detroit. Detroit hurt
them with the pass, something the
Pack doesn't have.
with this coupon
a stunned Rosa.
Albany State seems to have
developed the unhealthy habit of
playing as well as the opposition, as
demonstrated against Oswego, Buffalo State, and New Paltz. As
Schieffelin says, There is no way we
Non-Conference Foes
Are Danes' Undoing
In the World Series the A's in
seven. The defending champs might
not have Dick Williams but Sal Bando and Hunter are still there. How
many runs did Williams bat in
anyway? •«'••',
Paul _Ndson drew a one-out walk
and took off on a hit-and-run play
with Blair at the plate. However,
Tom lofted a short fly to left and a
hurried throw doubled Nelson off
first on a close play. That play was
only the beginning of the Danes'
woes, but it set the tone for the rest of
the ballgame.
The second inning saw a glimmer
of hope as Bieber got the Indians in
order, including a strikeout. Unfortunately, the glimmer turned out to
be just a flash in the pan as it was to
be the only 1-2-3 frame that Karl
would turn in. Vic Giulianelli then
smashed a one-hop shot to the fence
good for two bases leading off the
Dane second.but was left stranded as
Cioffi got the next three without
allowing a ball to reach the outfield.
It stayed 1-0, until the fourth,
when Siena broke it open, with three
runs: a one-out walk to Plunkett,
followed by a Kilmer single to right
put runners on second and third,
after rightfiekter Nelson's throw hit
Plunkett going to third and allowed
Kilmer to advance. A Constantine
passed ball let in the first run and a
single, stolen base and single closed
out the scoring.
Albany threatened in their fourth,
with three baserunners on a hit and
by Jon Lafayette
The undefeated Great Dane football team will be in action tonight in
Buzzard's Bay
against a
Massachusetts Maritime team,
which isco mm| off a strong 21-0 vic-
tory over New Haven.
The Danes are also coming off a
strong game against R.I.T.. about
which Coach Bob Ford said "their
kicking game was the difference. It's
difficult for a defense to hold when
Tryouts will be held for the
Albany State Junior Varsity basketbull team Tuesday October I Sat 3:30
in Gym. A. Those who cannot attend
should sec Couch Bob Lewis.
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OCTOBER 11, 1974
Batmen fits) Toanorrow
Tomorrow. Albany travels to
Oneonta for a twinbill starting at I
p.m. The games are the fmal
SUNVAC tins of the season and
cfose out the fall baseball scheduler
Gridders Set For Mass. Maritime Tonight
two walks, but a double-play ball by
Blair proved to be therally-killeraa
the Danes left two.
A lone ully in the fifth and a threerun uprising in the Indian seventh oa
three hits, closed out the day's
ing. Meanwhile. Cioffi had the boost
dub eating out of his hand, as use
Danes could come up with only three
safeties off him in his seven-inaing
stint. His replacement. Mike Roane, The)
allowed the final two Dane hits in his
two-inning mop-up job. but neither
he nor Cioffi allowed an Albany
base-runner to get as far as third the
entire fame.
The only bright spot of the dismal
afternoon was the excellent relief
work of senior Rick Okoniewski.
Entering in the eighth with runners
second and third and none oat. the
big hurler retired the next three
Siena batters via a strikeout, a come*
backer, and a strikeout A lone
walk in the ninth spoiled a perfect
performance, as Okoniewski retired
six of the seven men he faced.
Action In last Saturday's easy victory by tha football leant.
the offense is getting eormstemh
good field positiofl.' Ford pointed to
R.I.T.'s 21 sards per punt average;
one punt traveled eight yards which
led to the Danes' first score. There
were alio a mishandled kickotT and
field goal returns,a mishandled snap
to punter, and a blocked poiiai.
Strong play for the Danes caste
from center Andy Lee. »feo ptaved a
fine game against a small college AMAmerican middle guard and from
tackle Dom Roocone Qoanerbaea.
Dave Ahonen. in his first s u n ,
directed a strong offense, lettering
the running of Tom DeBSots (15s
yards. 3TDs) and Onn Grides (75
yards). Tackle. Dom Pagano. Eod
Tom Myers, and defensive back
Bruce Cumminp k.e>ed a nearly ra»pregnabls defense.
vices of starting offensive guard Bob
Sauecbenko. »«o sststan—d a concession cod second string tackle Bill
Calitcan. woo iajared bis acbiSes
leadoe- They join QB Jobs Bertnzzi
idisaoctaed rJsxab}. DB Harry McDcao&gfi (sbccUer) sad DT Jim
H J J - I I I i «&:•« sjer (, »fco art ea the
Stmsoj n—"ag Te—I
Tfci Daaei t o agaiast a
Musacissstti Maritime teasa tbaa
bats a strong raasag teaa wstb a
teases c»r=.te Ford feeis they are
sot us a dais amh Alfred, bet iha:
xjiosv rest aa daws oecrTessne
First Sight Cam*
Going iniotoruget'sgame tie mm
b hampered becaiae of lise Frujay
night game time- Tha will be lite first
night gj.T.epUjed b> a varatv Dune
squad and Coach Ford baa .•,-.« a
valuable dav of preparation. In the
R.I.T. game the Danes ks« tie set-
errors (turnovers and missed
assignments )aad most develop more
defensive conesnencss. Ford feds
the tram most 'avoid complacency
and coatnoe to grow, because of
tonga upturning opponents, incfaadiag Nichols and Curry.'
The Danes are BOB among the
leaders in four statistical categories.
The defense's average of three interceptions per game and allowing
leu than seven potna per game are
sugxenog. The offensive statistics
ssctade a spectacular 367 yards per
game of total offense.ncaacftng 295
yards of reusing offense.
is sponsoring a trip to Vernon Downs, Saturday,
October 12th - Bus leaves Administration Circle at
4:45 pm - $2 roundtrip.
5 ^ -
If you are interested in going - contact Ed Trink
- 457-5061 - to insure a seat on the bus
OCTOBER 11, 1974
But* Univariity of N«w Toik at Albany
Friday, Octobar 11,1974
Hooters Extend S1teak~...—-~pgu
jijr. 25
Student* Relegated to the Back Lot by OER
The segregated parking'system fs
"forthcoming In tho very
near future."
1 tf
outatrotehad Now P i l U goallo cannot Hop Bob Schlogol't winning goal- M o w Loft: Tho Danoa
Tho Albany Soecar ttam continued Hwlr winning waya Wodnoaday. Abova: An outatrttchod Now paiu gown ramwi «wp •»«. - » . . . - » - . ,
In • raro opurt ot offtnio. Mora on tho gama on pago 14,
contkiuo to proas the goalie. Balow fight:
by Mike Seni
The contemporary maxim that
students arc the new niggers of the
world has again been validated with
the reinstatement of reserved parking lor both faculty and stuff.
Vice President for University Affairs Lewis Welch has been forced to
revert to last year's reserved parking
system because of an agreement
worked out between the United University Professions (UUP) and the
Governor's Office of Employee
Assistant Vice-President of Un?
ivcrsity Affairs Sorrcll Chesin said
that the segregated parking system is
"forthcoming in the very near
future." All that is lacking is the Administrative go-ahead.
Student Association leaders
believe that last year's University
Senate decision to have first-come,
first-served parking should be binding because the Senate is the "dulyelected" campus governing body.
The controversy started fourteen
months ago when a student parking
strike initiated by Central Council
led to the Senate's decision.
Under the previous system resident
students were relegated to the rear of
the Stale and Dutch lots, commuters
had the middle section and faculty
and staff had the section closest to
the podium. At that time, the lots on
State and Dutch were the only paved
parking lots on the quads.
Through a complicated network
of appeals, members of the UUP,
formerly the Senate Professional
Association (SPA), filed a grievance
to have the reserved system
The union contended that open
parking violates part of their StatcSPA Agreement. The unionexplained that open parking diminishes and
impairs a "benefit or privilege"
provided them by law without "prior
notice of SPA."
The S e n a t e
Associaion, under the terms of their
contract, appealed the University
Senate's decision to President
Bcnezet's office. The SUN YA President designated Assistant Vice President of University Afairs Sorrcll
Chesin to be in charge of the appeal.
Chesin found SPA's grievance invalid. He explained that the faculty's
right to parking had not been impaired because members could still
have access to the same parking lots
as before.
Chesin said that the use of paring
facilities is not a "benefit or privilege
provided by law."
Student e m wM be relegated I
The union then appealed to
SUNY Central, under Chancellor
Boycr's office. Boyer's office also
supported the students' position
over the union.
The union, adamant on their demand for segregated parking,
appealed to the Governor's Office of
Employee Relations (OER). OER at
first ruled along with the previous
body, saying that specific rules for
parking are up to the U niversity and
that the University Senate has the
right to consult with all "interested
parlies" before making ilsdccision.
Pat Uuchaltcr, the former Albany
chapter President of the United Un-
segregated parking.
the University Senate, that the union
ivcrsity Profession explained that
the union was intent in appealling ' is taking away the right of the Untheir grievance to the highest level, iversity to govern itself," explained
an outside, independent agency, Curran.
The faculty is trying to "use the
with binding arbitration
However, the UUP didn't have to will of two people to circumvent the
appeal to an independent arbitrator decision of the duly organized governing body on campus," said Birnbecause the Office of Employee
Relations, lor unknown reasons, • haum. He explained that the Senate
represents all concerned groups and
backtracked and sided with the undefinitely is the must fair means of
ion, wanting segregated lots.
Speculating why the Governor's ' resolving the problem."
faculty is probubly on the students'
office reversed itself, Student
Association Vice-President Ira Bir- done." said Hartley. OER could not
be reached for comment
naum said. "OER decided that
Central Council Chairperson
students are not worlh the effort."
David Coyne said that a majority of
Birnhaum explained that OER
"didn't want to have to defend its ' faculty is probably on the students',
side. Coyne quipped. "Equal protecdecision before an arbilator."
tion under the law? Apparently'
However, former UUP leader
blacks and whites may be the same
Buchaller offered a different theory.
but not students and faculty-' ex"We would probably have won in arbitration so the Governor's pffee plained Coyne.
ViccPrcsidcnt for Management
pulled hack."
"Equal protect/on under the law?
, •
Apparently blacks and whites
may be the same but not
students and faculty"
liuclutlter explained that all
appeals are "vested interests." The
President's office, SUNY Central
are all part of management, explained Buchaller. The union was
"suspicious" of these organizations,
she noted.
.The OER was a "bargaining
thing." said Buchaller. The "hitch
was they didn't think we would lake
iil all the way" to outside arbitration,
said Uuchaltcr. She noted that when
the Employee Office found out that
we were determined, they changed
their minds.
SA President Put Curran said he
thought OER's decision was "arbitrary." He added that it "sounds
pretty suspicious."' "There's a
general feeling of faculty, at leutl in
Tho H-nnotord C.rcu. c m . . l l w . . r » 1 . . m y * r t Q U . M ^
and Planning John Hartley said that
on the new segregated parking
system, "I don't know if thi is an
irreconcilable type of thing." "As it
stands now we really have to implement it. However, if there were a
change pi heart, then maybe there's a
chance that something can be
done," said Hartley
OER could
not be reached for comment.*
On this issue students and
Aininistration are on the same side.
Concerning the Senate's decision in
March IV7J for open parking,
Hartley said. "I have seen nothing to
change my mind - the wish of the
University community is for open
parking." The directive for reserved
parking will probably come from
Hartley's office in the near future.