POCO "Socko" in Gym!

POCO "Socko" in Gym!
by Steve Tesser
and Russ Craig
Last year Poco cancelled their
performance because Richie
Furay had come down with
"food poisoning." But Sat.night
there was no doubt that Poco
had arrived and in good health.
Poco must be one of the best
live bands around. They played
h a p p y , foot-stompin', kneeslappin', shit-kickin' music that
could get anyone off so long as
you are alive. If only they didn't
have to play in that horrid gym.
rose n berg
Poco and Gun Hill Road
played "the G y m " admirably on
The concert opened with
Gunhill Road doing some very
good songs, including one quite
excellent one, "Forty-second
Street." This was done with nice
smooth treble vocals, and iL's no
wonder that this was their hit.
They used an electric guitar, an
acoustic guitar and the piano (as
compared to their using three
acoustic guitars for ilmost all
the other songs). Gunhill Road
also played "All the Children," a
beautiful, compassionate song,
followed by "Love," a nice,
moving song with a catchy Lune.
Poco started the evening with
"Hoedown" which is on their
"From the Inside" album. They
played older songs such as
"Come On" and "Picking Up the
Pieces" and several tunes from
iheir soon to be released allium.
Speaking to one of the Poco
members later, 1 learned that
Poco's new album I to be out
nexL month) will concentrate
more on the rock aspect of their
. music, and will be completely
different from their past albums.
He also said that the group's
style and music has changed
si nee Paul Cotton replaced
Jimmy Messina. (Gunhill Road
will be ri'leasing their second
album in a few weeks on Kama
Sutra records, their first having
been released on Mercury).
more of a lead guitarist than was
Messina. Messina played more
rhythm and a few lead fill-ins
with Young doing most of the
lead work. Now, Cotton and
Young share more of the leads.
Poco won't be in the area for a
while as their tour will take
them throughout the West coast.
Tliey played for more than a year
almost strictly in the East. According to drummer' George
Grantham, this next tour is designed to rebuild Poco's popularity out West. Grantham is just
like the music Poco plays-happy,
friendly and out-going.
It was rather cold outside the
gym so Grantham excused himself and went to a waiting car.
And with that an exciting
evening with Poco came to an
end. It truly was a hoedown and
I loved the way it felt.
Octob*S, 19T2
Students, City Clash Over Housing
City Hall Parley Set Today
Concerts, Openings, Etc
"Baroque I," a Stylo University ol New Ymk at Albany Music
Department l-aculty Cimccrl. featuring winks by Mauello. (iiuun.
Boismorlier, Teleinaini and other Baroque masteis, is lisied UM
Monday, October 16, H.M) p.m., al Ibe Per I'm minj; Aits (Villa's
Recital Halt Free admission.
Performers include Ruth McKee. bassoon. Janice Nuiiet/, lunpsichoid, Irwin Oilman, flute. Rene Prius. oboe, ami Daniel Nmu'is.
French horn.
Baxter's Cafe, KIO Madison Avenue (belween Ontario and Quail)
announces its Grand Reopening on Sunday. Oelobei 8. To celebrate,
the Cafe is going to have an open-bouse and jam session thai Sunday
to whieh everyone is invited.
Open Sunday through Thursday, H p.m. to I a.m., every week.
iaxter's Cafe presents folk music, poetry, theater, films, etc. In
thepast, Baxter's has presented some of Albany's fines! talents,
including John Simson, Hector, and John Lipman, in a co/.y.
intimate atmosphere which seems to bring out then best. (Perhaps
it's because they rely on passing-the-hal foi payment at Baxter's).
And, since Baxter's Cafe is a non-profit, community-minded place,
there is never an admission charge and the wide variety of coffees,
teas, and cheeses on its menu are priced lower than anywhere else.
So drop in to Baxter's Cafe on Sunday night and bring youi friends
and your instrument.
Soon after their peaceful beginning, the whole place took
off when Poco really began to
play. There was no doubt that
they enjoy playing as rhythm
guitarist-vocalist Richie Furay
bassist-vocalist Timothy
Schmidt bounced around the
stage propelled by each note.
George Grantham played great
drums and didn't miss a vocal
backup. Rusty Young's steel
guitar was in the background
more than in previous concerts.
This may be due to last year's
replacement of Jim Messina by
Paul Cotton. Cotton is mue'
SHouLO W \(mri,you oor iii <t>(A OF w««f"i
: I v o l W DCNC (OK OMtlACCSlMt!
P'«" Let's SEE THE^
r WW.* r/iY THetE ,s j^er""*
^-J\ Re flee T UPON cun. — « * • " • — *
%mocet> ITS MAT
Isaac Hayes
So - So
by Bill lirinu
Isaac Hayes and his thirlypiece orchestra appeared at ihe
Rl'l Fieldhouse lasl Friday nite.
Isaac's appearance itself was a
bit overblown, after the obligatory run-thru of Shaft by the
band, a generally obnoxious MC
"recapitulated Isaac's career in
pure Las Vegas grease style, a
dancing girl appeared to hype
the audience (I'm no dance critic
but she was pretty lame),
strobe-lights flickered, spotlights
danced, the orchestra trumpeted
fanfares, and finally, Ihe man
himself appeared hooded in an
enormous lobe (which was removed with even more pomp
and ceietnuny) and clothed in
chains ami velvet!
Thai kind ol a buildup places
an enormous strain on ihe peiloiiiK'i 10 delivei excitement on
.111 encig) level amnnensuiate
Willi the level ol ihe mliodui
Hun .iiitl Isaac |usi euukliri do
II Hayes dues have .1 deep
pleasant, and melodic (though
not very sluing) voice, .1 commanding niannci, and a thorough command of his ait and
his music. In a less demanding
context, he can piove spellbinding, but in the atmosphere
of artificial hysteria that he's
surrounued himself with his substance wears more than a bn
thin. The Black Moses, I'm
afraid, he is not, and the ponderous manner in which he now
performs his own music is last
transforming what was once a
considerable talent into a Black
What Mr. Hayes had not done
to his music the Rl'l Fieldhouse
stage did. The stage is a recessed
box open only to the audience
and walled with reflective tile,
making ii an impressive natural
megaphone. I'm a thirty-piece
orchestra with microphones,
pick-ups, and ampltfiets loi the
electric instrument* into thai
kind ol a megaphone and you
have a perfect lecipe loi tile
kind of dull, loaitng acoustical
sludge the audience got Isaac's
sound system is one ol ihe bci
lei unes and Ins sound man liied
mightily hill thai stage A.I
hopeless, Ihe sound noun ••(!
.iioung Ihe "megapli irie and
leaked llilo all ol ihe mikes
dealing chaos The sound engi
neei lecommended and we eon
cm thai Rl'l line the walls ol
the stage with heavy drapes 01
curtains and carpets its flooi
Until that is done, any huge
ensemble in there is going lo
sound infenoi.
Corning Clarifies City Policies
by Ed Deady
City Hall Correspondent
Once again, the issue of student evictions from off-campus
apartments dominated the discussion at yesterday's news conference held by Albany mayor
Erastus Corning. Fielding questions from local television, radio
and press reporters, the mayor
attempted to clarify the reasons
behind the city crack-down on
landlords who are violating city
zoning ordinances by renting
one and two family apartments
to two or more unrelated students.
roof and no boarding-house type
facilities may operate in these
The landlords, as permanent
residents and taxpapers of the
city are responsible for knowing
the zoning laws (which were
revised as recently as 1968) and,
according to the prevalent view
from City Hall, the officials may
hold them liable for any violations of the zoning ordinances.
The mayor stated that a number of neighborhood groups
(Manning Boulevard
were specifically mentioned) had
lodged complaints with his office. The complaints centered
around the issue of absentee
landlords who had rented their
students who were accused by
the residence groups of causing
loud disturbances. The neighborhood groups also complained
of ulleged student abuse of
parking facilities and student
involvement in the creation of
pu blic eyesores-such as scattered trash-uround appartment
If the neighborhoods from
which these complaints originated were zoned for mul tifumity dwellings, there would
not be legal grounds for the city
to take such strong action
against the landlords. But the
areas involved are not zoned for
such purposes; they are zoned
only for multi-family structures,
Therefore, not more than two
families may live under the Hume
The mayor also stressed the
fact that the landlords involved
had been warned as recently as
last March that they must comply with zoning laws but despite
the warnings, most of them
continued to rent apartments to
unrelated people, creating the
illegal resident-border situation.
Corning claimed as he did last
week, that all area colleges and
universities had been contacted
as early as last spring and told to
inform their students of the impending city crackdown. It was
hoped this would give returning
students adequate time to find
housing facilities in ureas zoned
for multi-family living.
The mayor went on to state
that it was not the city's intention to harass students by using
these ordinances. In Coming's
view, it is the city's obligation to
enforce the laws as they appear
on record. He also stated that
city courts would probably
sympathize with students faced
with eviction and would insure
them adequate time to find
apartments in properly zoned
facilities. This would prevent
landlords from giving tenants
unreasonable eviction deadlines
to meet.
When asked if he felt the
zoning ordinances would have to
be revised to reflect the growth
of the city, the mayor responded
by saying that the population of
the city had not increased in the
past few years--in fact, it had
decreased- and therefore he
could not presently see any need
for a change in the city ordinances.
Legislative Investigation
One other major- issue was
covered at the news conference:
the upcoming state legislative
investigation of
and city
g o v e r n m e r j * practices. The
mayor wa.*?asked if he would
testify at hearings the committee
will conduct and he stated that
if asked, he would appear.
However, he said he did feel
there might be political motives
behind the timing of the investigation through news accounts
in the Times-Union and did not
know why the investigatory
committee picked the city of
Albany as the starting point of
ihe probe.
Students Map Plans
Student reaction to the city's enforcement of the residence codes
has been quick and decisive.
A large gathering of people concerned with the evictions problems
met Wednesday night in LC-1 to organize a "basis on which to fight
the city." Some of the students at the meeting had reportedly
received telephone calls from their landlords, saying that they may
soon be evicted.
Meanwhile a group of student government officials prepared to
meet with Mayor Corning at ten o'clock this morning to discuss the
entire issue and search for possible solutions.
"What we hope to do is open some lines of communication with
the city administration," explained Central Council Chairman Ken
Stokem, who is one of those attending. "Our attitude is not going to
be a hostile one."
Another participant, Student Association President Mike Lampert,
plans to follow up his personal letter to the mayor with a verbal
discussion outlining the potential economic loss to the city if the
crackdown is successful.
"I intend to express to him my concern over the fact that students
are the ones who will suffer if this crackdown is actually carried
out," Lampert explained last night. "But I will also outline the
potential economic consequences to the city of the proposed'
Lampert will be accompanied not only by Stokem but also by
Central Council Vice-Chairman Pat Curran, Student Association Vice
President Eric Joss, Student Affairs Chairman Steve Gerber, Council
member Eric Lonschein and a representative of the campus media.
Wednesday's meeting was organized and conducted by Barbara
Tytell and David Saffan, who cleared up some of the rumors
concerning the present situation.
Tytell opened the meeting by explaining that certain neighborhood
assoc. actions, particularly in the Manning Boulevard vicinity, had
petitioned the City of Albany to evict students from homed in the
neighborhoods. Authority for such action stem? from a city statute
prohibiting more than two unrelated people from living in one
single-family dwelling.
Some students at the meeting expressed the feeling that this
"ancient" law had been dug out of the books by peeved Albanians
to be used as a weapon against them. Other students at the meeting
claimed that this was not the case, since the law had been raised in
H)nH, and has been enforced since then though not as stringently as
this year.
Still other students thought that these citizen groups were reacting
primarily to noiuy student households, and the "influence of
bearded, hairy hippies" might have up the neighborhood children.
The possibility of testing the unconstitutionality of the housing
ordinance was also discussed. Steve Gerber, a commuter and
chairman of the University Senate's Student Affairs Council told the
gathering that legal actum: against the city cannot be taken until a
student is actually served an eviction notice-whlch has apparently
not happened yet.
The newly formed Students Tenants' Union may ask the Student
Association for financial assistance to pay a lawyer to take the case
to court, but Gerber cautioned that the SUNY Board of Trustees
prohibits the use of student tax money for political purposes. "We're
not political!" shouted someone in the audience, but Gerber said he
just wanted people to know that there could be problems.
continued on page 2
Women's Liberation
Off to a Strong Start
Preparations Under Way
For Upcoming C-U Day
b y Aralynn A b a i e
If you've driven or walked
o n t o campus recently, y o u have
probably noticed large, paitel
signs with a purple and w h i t e
graphic of a U and a C. T h e s e are
not misplaced Utica Club advertisements. They are announcements of S U N Y A ' s u p c o m i n g
Open House.
The event is slated for Saturday, October 2 1 , from 1 0 a.m.
t o 4 p.m. It was planned as an
effort t o develop town-gown relationships "giving all Captial
area residents a chance t o see,
hear, and share the university
and its activites."
N o w , the next logical question
is what activities are going t o be
seen or hear, much less shared,
on a typical S U N Y A Saturday.
Herein lies the rub.
First of all, October 2 1 , is part
of Homecoming weekend. Programming for that day includes
an alumni tent, which will provide refreshments and music
from 11 a.m. o n ; the H o m e c o m ing Parade at 1 p.m.; and the
Homecoming football game, this
year against Brockport, at 2 p.m.
In addition, a host o f exhibits,
tours, lectures, multi-media presentations, performances, c o f f e e
hours, demonstrations, discus-
sions and displays have
planned for the day.
H i e lecture center alone has
scheduled over 2 0 presentations;
from a media trip through the
Adirondack* t o a multi-media
from a university produced film
about Community Service t o a
television tape of "Oh, What a
Lov«lv War."
Administrators and faculty are
planning t o be on hand in relatively informal situations. T h e
history and English departments,
for instance, are planning c o f f e e
hours, and Dr. Benezet will be in
his office, ready for visitors,
from 1 t o 3 .
Lectures will include a discussion and demonstration of stage
lighting by the theatre department; "Planning for your Aged
Parent," by the School of Nursing; and "Police and Local Community," by the School of
Criminal Justice.
Exhibits are planned by a host
of groups. T o name a few, displays will be set u p by the
of art, classics,
English, German, Italian, atmospheric science (on the 22nd
floor of Mohawk Tower), biology, chemistry, geology, physics, anthropology, geography,
inter-American studies, psychology and s o c i o l o g y , the Office of
by Mindy A l t m a n
International Programs, School
of Business, S c h o o l o f Social
Welfare, Infirmary and Physical
plant are also planning exhibits.
The Allen Collegiate Center
and College o f General Studies
will man information booths,
and tours have been planned for
the nuclear accelerator, experimental greenhouse, PAC, library,
computing center, a residence
area, steam plant, m o t o r pool,
m a i n t e n a n c e shops,
education building, and the
health center.
Student input in the effort will
center largely around the volunteers w h o will act as general bus
and walking tour guides and w h o
will man general information
booths. Guides and booth sitter
are still needed, and any o n e
interested should c o m e t o o n e of
two training sessions: Tuesday,
October 1 0 , at 4 p.m. in LC 1,
or Wednesday, October 1 1 , at
7:30 p.m. in LC 2 1 . T h o s e w h o
are interested, but w h o cannot
come either time, should contact
Ron Daniel, 7 - 7 7 9 6 , or Aralynn
Abare, 7 - 7 7 1 6 .
In addition, students will be
performing in music ensembles
and theatre productions, and
will be at work in art, language,
and science labs. Also, several
student association organizations
are expected t o participate.
On M o n d a y night, October 2,
meeting r o o m 3 1 5 in the Campus Center was s t a r t i n g t o fill.
By 7:30 t h e r e were 50 people
there, and t h e first m e e t i n g of
SUNYA W o m e n ' s L i b e r a t i o n g o t
under way, led by P r e s i d e n t
Peggy Nadler. Peggy h e l p e d in
starting W o m e n ' s L i b e r a t i o n on
campus last year w h e n in c o m i n g
here as a F r e s h m a n , she saw t h a t
there were no w o m e n ' s organizations.
The SUNYA campus standi ready to welcome Mends, parents,
alumni and taxpapers to its first Community-University Day on Oct.
21. The entire campus is involved in preparations for the day's
continued from page I
Off-campus housing director Joe Scaring also spoke t o t h e group
and informed them that he had had a personal c o n v e r s a t i o n with ihi'
mayor dealing with the entire problem.
He assured the students that n o one w o u l d be thrown o u t into tlie
Various forms of protest were also discussed, including the
possibility of calling for a general student rent strike. T h e studi'rn
decided to place a bulletin b o a r d in the Crisis 5 3 0 0 office on Dulci
Quad as a central c o m m u n i c a t i o n p o i n t a n d a place t o post evictim
notices, if any are received.
During the meeting s t u d e n t s also c h a r g e d t h a t the city is
discriminating against t h e m by d e c i d i n g t o u n d e r t a k e the selective
c r a c k d o w n and voiced s c a t t e r e d c o m p l a i n t s of high rent prices ami
p o o r landlord p e r f o r m a n c e .
It's Your Last Chance!
Women's Liberation has c o m e
a long way since lasL y e a r , a n d
tliis year's group promises t o be
an extremely active o n e . Many
issues and activities were taken
up and discussed at t h e first
meeting. This year, W o m e n ' s Lib
is sponsoring a n u m b e r of speakers, w h o are being s e n t h e r e by
Capitol District W o m e n . T h e
speakers will be r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e
National O r g a n i z a t i o n of Women, a b o r t i o n , radical feminists,
e d u c a t i o n , lesbianism, s e x u a l i t y ,
Older W o m e n ' s L i b e r a t i o n , women and politics, a n d w o m e n
and work.
A n u m b e r of c o m m i t t e e s and
groups were also s e t up at t h e
meeting. People v o l u n t e e r e d t o
sit at the W o m e n ' s Lib table in
the C a m p u s Center. T h e table
will be in the lobby o n T u e s d a y s
and Fridays from 1 1 :00 t o 3 : 0 0 .
A i committee was also assigned to
take care of W o m e n ' s Lib publi
city, which
signs and notices a b o u t m e e t i n g s
by Diane G u e r n s e y
OCT 16
OCT 17
OCT 18
CC 305
coll JOHN CHOW 457-2116
Women's Lib has also undertaken a n u m b e r of activities and
projects in c o n j u n c t i o n with t h e
R i g h t s - S t u d e n t g r o u p (COWRS).
One of these i m p o r t a n t issues is
getting a birth c o n t r o l p r o g r a m
into t h e infirmary and a full
time gynecologist along with a
referral s y s t e m for a b o r t i o n a n d
a counseling service for birth
c o n t r o l . O t h e r projects i n c l u d e
ridding t h e c a m p u s of sexism in
courses, forming a s t a t e wide
w o m e n ' s n e w s l e t t e r and getting
m o r e w o m e n ' s sLudies courses at
S U N Y A so t h a t an interdisciplinary s e c o n d field a n d major can
get u n d e r way. This t e r m a
n u m b e r of courses are being
offered a l r e a d y : History of Women in t h e Americas, T h e Rhetoric of t h e Women's Rights
M o v e m e n t a n d Women in Modern
Literature. Three
courses will be offered in t h e
spring s e m e s t e r : W o m e n in Ant i q u i t y , Women in E u r o p e a n Hist o r y , and C o n t e m p o r a r y F r e n c h
Women A u t h o r s . Courses being
planned for Fall ' 7 3 i n c l u d e :
Women in Drama, Spanish Women Writers of the 2 0 t h Century, and Ethnology o f W o m e n .
Another major issue discussed
at the meeting was that of consciousness raising. C o n s c i o u s n e s s
raising groups, which are small
awareness t y p e of g r o u p s in
which p r o b l e m s , feelings a n d experiences can be discussed, are
forming o n each q u a d .
F u r t h e r m o r e , a n y o n e w h o is
interested in o b t a i n i n g Ms. Magazine or S p e a k o u t , a local women's n e w s l e t t e r m a y o b t a i n
subscriptions through Women's
Lib. S p e a k o u t is a l w a y s l o o k i n g
for people t o c o n t r i b u t e material. Material is also n e e d e d for t h e
Women's F o r u m c o l u m n which
is f o u n d in t h e A S P every Friday.
S U N Y A W o m e n ' s Lib has indeed g o t t e n off with a s t r o n g
start. A c c o r d i n g t o Peggy, t h e
g r o u p will be active this year in
trying t o reach m a n y p e o p l e a n d
m a n y aspects of c a m p u s life. All
m e n are invited t o join also. F o r
a n y o n e w h o is i n t e r e s t e d in being involved a n d w o r k i n g with
the various g r o u p s call Mary A n n
T o m e c e k , 4 6 2 - 9 8 3 - 1 , w h o is
working with C O W R S , Diane
Savory, 4 3 8 - 7 5 8 1 , w h o is involved with p u b l i c i t y , Barbara
working on getting a gynecologist in t h e i n f i r m a r y . T o contrib u t e an article for t h e W o m e n ' s
F o r u m c o l u m n , or t o ask a n y
Senate Meeting: Parking, S-U Discussed
and lectures o n the u p t o w n and
d o w n t o w n campuses, and offcampus. Another group was
formed t o take care of getting
the films that Women's Lib will
sponsor this year. It was also
d e c i d e d to have discussions o n
t h e films after they are s h o w n . It
was also d e c i d e d that S U N Y A
W o m e n ' s Lib will b e getting in
c o n t a c t with t h e w o m e n ' s lib
groups of o t h e r universities.
"Tins is o u t r a g e o u s ! "
Thai was o n e s e n a t o r ' s rear
tio.ii to a proposal to .strike the
role of the Dean of Undergraduate S t u d i e s , ex
from the U n d e r g r a d u a t e Aca
define Council roster T h e bill
was presented to t h e S e n a t e
during the t w o hour long meet
ing last M o n d a y by Michael
L i m p e r t , on behalf of t h e slu
denLs of the U n d e r g r a d u a t e Am
domic Council and the S t u d e n t
This m o t i o n was inspired by
the actions of Dean M o r n s in
regard to an o p i n i o n poll dealing
with Bill 3 b , whirl) was to be
formed and c o n d u c t e d by both
the UAC and the SA Hill 3til is
concerned wil h u n d e r g r a d u a t e
policy, the principle
item uridei this heading being a
(mU'iiUul change from SMJ grin]
nig to A through K grading,
except when specified S/U m
hlrm-h'd the f o r m a t i o n ol a poll
in determine s t u d e n t and faculty
opinions oil A t h r o u g h K grarl
nig Student representatives mdi
rated Dial they had reason lo
believe In- was witholding uifoi
mutton from the Council which
might influence the o u t c o m e ol
the grading q u e s t i o n to be dif
leiently than be wished Because
of the delay allegedly caused by
Morns' actions, the
Association refused to parlici
paLe in the formation ol the
poll, a n d the proposal that his
position be removed from t h e
UAC roster was devised.
T h e S e n a t e ' s reaction to this
proposal could n o t be called
favorable Many of t h e s e n a t o r s
involved q u e s t i o n e d that o n e
m e m b e r could
whole Council so m u c h O t h e r s
s p o k e ol' t h e importance, of
m a i n t a i n i n g a sense of e x c h a n g e
b e t w e e n s t u d e n t s a n d admini
s t r a t u m in the Council.
A few s e n a t o r s expressed their
faith in Morris' fairness, a n d
they also asserted t h a t if he bad
been o p p o s i n g the f o r m a t i o n of
a poll, it WHS entirely wilbin his
rights as an active m e m b e r of the
Most ol the senator.' o b j r r l e d
to the drustie n a t u r e ol the
jffoposal One hlu d r n i rrprcM-n
lative railed ti " i n u r e .,1 .. purge
than a bill "
S e n a t or
Wi (^hl
American Studies) staled his
Views m o r e -,ln.ugly, saying,
'This is o u l r a g e u u s 1 The Senate
i.s c o n c e r n e d with ISMII-.S. mil
personality c o n f l i c t s . "
Senatot Collins (English De
part men ts) eventually suggested
an a m e n d m e n t to s u b s t i t u t e for
both the m o t i o n to r e m o v e
Dean Morris and t h e original
m o t i o n Unit the U n d e r g r a d u a t e
Academic Council should c o n
duct the poll; the new a m e n d
men I culled for the Executive
C o m m i t t e e t o "arrange for tin
o p i n i o n poll of s t u d e n t s a n d
faculty on their views a b o u t A
through I: grading Tin- Senate.
a p p r o v e d this m o t i o n , a l t e r dis
irussion a n d voting d o w n a n o t h e r
a m e n d m e n t r e q u i r i n g thai o t h e r
o p t i o n s than S/U a n d A (hrougfl
K b e present in t h e poll
" T h e main objective now is to
be able t o vol.- on Hill 3 (i as
soon as p o s s i b l e , " said S e n a t o r
Collins a f t e r w a r d
S e n a t o r Birr l l h s t o r y ) told the
assembly that he would call for
the u n l a b l i n g of Bill 3(1 al t h e
next Senate m e e t i n g , regardless
of w h e t h e r or not the poll has
ln-eii c o n d u c t e d .
A n o t h e r p r o p o s a l by Lamperl
c o n c e r n e d the a m o u n t of time
given s t u d e n t s by the university
lo pay the bills L a m p e r l r e c o m
m e n d e d t h a t al least, lour weeks
lit- given s t u d e n t s b e t w e e n t h r u
reception ol Ibe noli. i' H udl>icii
paying of the bill l b ' also re
quested thai Sludi'lil A l l a n s give
a t t e n t i o n lo this item
photo sarvfee
Getting Into SUNYA
by Ted Liban
T h e application p r o c e d u r e for
SLate colleges and universities
c e n t e r s will be changed within
o n e year. Presently, s t a n d a r d
forms are sent via a centralized
office in A l b a n y to t h e individual s c h o o l s . U n d e r the new
s y s t e m a single a p p l i c a t i o n will
he used a n d i n f o r m a t i o n from
this single form will be processed
at t h e central office and sent t o
t h e schools listed b y the stud e n t s . Also, pro-screening for
certain schools will be i n s t i t u t e d .
In a recent interview, Dr. Rodney
Admissions, explained the effects
on S U N Y A . T h e c h a n c e of error
would be increased. Me is q u i t e
c o n c e r n e d a b o u t the effects on
the new 5'# special talent program.
Starting with the class of ' 7 7 ,
W". Hi.r)-7U s t u d e n t s ) of the inc o m i n g freshman class will be
a d m i t t e d u n d e r the special talent
p r o g r a m . T h e s e will be pupils
exhibiting a special talent, w h o
o t h e r w i s e would not he a c c e p t e d
at S U N Y A on the basis of their
high school academic records.
Kaeh depart men I will be per
m i l t e d a m a x i m u m of 20f# of
this g r o u p . T h e Admissions of
fk'e i.s now inquiring within each
l o d e t e r m i n e how m a n y s t u d e n t s
of Ibis variety they wish lo
a c c o m o d a t e . U n f o r t u n a t e l y de
tails a b o u t tins program have not
been included in the "1'J. ' 7 3
catalog. I n f o r m a t i o n about it
will be sent to prospective students. Hart is optimistic about
the program, lb- n o t e d tbut
o t h e r schools including l l a r p u r
and S t o n y Brook a d m i t s t u d e n t s
on this basis.
T h e new statewide system may
present administrative problems
in dealing with tin- 5'# admis
sion.s Talented student* may be
prescrcened out ol S U N Y A T h e
new procedures may e n c o u r a g e
;..., man', slndrnl.s, imperially
T h e Kduciiliouill Policies Conn
cil r e p o r t e d Unit they a p p r o v e
the seniority s y s t e m for pre
n'gist ration in N o v e m b e r a n d
April ' 7 3
Council s t a l e d thai the new
parking regulations s h o u l d go
into effect " s o m e t i m e m eurly
October," and
would have been well i n f o r m e d ol
i In- event by t h e media and
o t h e r sources, I l o w r v c r , must
s t u d e n t s have already been noli
lied, by Uii! Lowing away of (their
own vehicles, that Hie new park
lug laws' are n o w in effect.
those a c c e p t a b l e u n d e r s t a n d a r d
academic screening t o apply t o
the special talents a d m i s s i o n s .
As S U N Y A evolved i n t o a large
university c e n t e r , t h e a c a d e m i c
admissions s t a n d a r d s increased.
A s t u d e n t with a high s c h o o l
average in t h e 79-80 range w i t h
high S A T scores c o u l d reasonably e x p e c t to he a d m i t t e d in
1964. In 1 9 7 2 those with averages in t h e 85-87 range faced
q u e s t i o n a b l e c h a n c e s of gaining
admission. C o m p l e t e data o n
this year's freshman class is n o t
yet available. Based on information from S U N Y Central offices
the average S U N Y A freshman
had a high school average of 91
and a Regents Scholarship Test
score of 2 1 6 . F o r the over
10,000 applicants t o S U N Y A
only 1450 places were available.
1000 transfer s t u d e n t s applied
b>r 8 2 0 s p o t s In 1971 the average c u m of a c c e p t e d s t u d e n t s
wa.s 3 . 1 . A 2 1 or hotter was
needed for admission Transfers
are usually easier to place t h a n
freshmen T h e y normally specify
what they want.
2/3 of the transfers to S U N Y A
are from c o m m u n i t y colleges.
Some are from o t h e r b r a n c h e s of
the S t a t e
They often desire p r o g r a m s t h a t
their former schools did n o t
have Many s t u d e n t s a t t e n d a
private school and then run o u t
of m o n e y Hart feels the S t a t e
system uwi'ii all these places a n d
he tries to be flexible. All possible efforts are m a d e to p e r m i t
the transfer to retain all credit
schools. This decision is m a d e by
Hart's office
in c o n s u l t a t i o n
with t h e a c a d e m i c d e p a r t m e n t s .
Last year a pledge to a d m i t all
graduates of a c u m m u n i t y college into an upper'divirfjon program in one «,f tin-[State s y s t e m s
four year schools was m a d e .
Hail is confident that S U N Y A
ran a c c o m o d a t e a lair a m o u n t of
ilii-M- s t u d e n t s
A nickel may not buy much,
And a wooden nickel may buy loss
Bui ,in Albany Student Press Wooden Nickel
will buy you a EREE Classified A d l
,il Gimjjiu Cunlm .1:14 |ilm.u u
uitHsi del.
. WiMiilim Nitkul uuiKi i"i .i linn . Imiiliixl adl
f / - ' _• I •
' '
The Forum
Congress is Corrupt
Washington AP — Congress
handbook. The lattf• '^igne
does not truly represent the
to aid the law-nu,,. r~s- i n r>
people but is controlled by the coming more repr- .
" >' f v e .
president and special-interest
their constituents.
groups, especially big business,
Nader offered
according to Ralph Nader's
conclusion thai -.n<- ... 'jver-a
$200,000 study of the federal
control Congress »' government's
lobby more v^
agairut lethargic
"The White House and the
sen'jtive lawmak"^
president are emerging in the
the conscientjo. •
rr.'United States as a new kind of
monarchy," said the gadfly of
Nader also desenv-'j
government at a news conferadministration aa •
ence Tuedsay heralding the re- than those of I'll-,
lease of the first part of his
and Warren <, f!
encyclopedic report on the
easily the m'*.<.• • -machinations of Congress and
stratior, becaj -. •
the personalities of lawmakers
to be corrupt ahHis first release in the planned
a news c<i"f'-"-u< •
series of 20 to 30 volumes is a
But he said hf •*
5J.9D paperback entitled "Who sides in thf elei
• ',-!'
Runs Congress-the President, Big he didn't think v .
Business or You''"
can "make me < h ;- h- ' f
The remainder of the series in- are necessary.
cludes profiles of 4S8 senators
The book says 1 '•>• $'-M nas
and congressmen, all except become "the broker, •
those who are retiring or were and has handed over - ;jf»w#Ti
defeated in primary elections.
one by one to Presidf-n; v'ixun.
Also planned for release before
As examples, it sa>s N ".on fiat
the November election are a made law by regulate in, has
series of I I reports on such been given a free hand in foreign
topics as redisricting, campaign affairs, has used executive order*
fund-raising and party organiza- to write laws, refuses to spend
tion in Congress, 13 studies of
the money Congrew t las apCapitol Hill committees, and propriated and has mad*• 1 000
two other paperbacks-a citizen's executive agreement,-- tha irp in
handbook and a congressman's effect, treaties
To Legalize Or Not
(CfS>-Vot«» ia Catiforr^fc m*y
l«C*izz.t /Ou*tt>vn of m*j.jii£nji
co IJuS UK.;* this No*renw>eT ?
Tbe California Ii!.tn;ufcst Iruualne (CMI) t u t acfaitn^d tfce
"%q»«iM« H task of pifctmj the
*ias« or. ihe Itelloi paper, and
iw j •typouLhoa i» oc«w «p*ici*d
\o p-'jU !&oi* tiijiD 35 i>t-fc*nt of
A Ut* pcii ahcnrs 33 F*rc**ni oi
Use pop u±*i*on ID favor, with 63
pe«*oi ^ D t i . and fne pereeiof
LnH isphag. vat CkU eoitectftd
500.WO cerU&ed eccA.tu.reL.
the s « * n t r y
5&2.0OO, t o pi&tv the propc*.t-ki* on tilt Utliot
Aod expert* bgree tr.ii about
frr* million people—-a quarter of
tise popi4UtKfD~h.Bie me-d man:uiAt in California. t.z.c wOl
form tbe baekrx>ne of U>* "ye*"
voteUniTt-rwty ol L-aljioniu phyi»
OkA i.r,d phyuoJofut, Dr. Hud: a
J one*, .T-t.jt.tt thai m*n }uixu> u
more harmful lo liters thtn ticofcet, Jtad Lfifct h « r / Booking
"probably c-iiiwt tbrinbsg of
the boon, qujctiy turning u**r.
into wbai he call* "menial
Dr. iose* *dd* thai manjua.ru
aixtkjta caa become "heavily
dependent *' on pot after f ou r
yean of u*e, wberea* the dependence on alcohol requires at
lea*! SO yean of hears drinking.
Supporters of the proposal
arfu« that a "yet'" vote would
Bare Cull f orman tax pay er& iht
Hundred* of million* of dollars
ex pended each ;re^r on arrest.
prowcut*on and punishment of
man ?u ana tmokert
Wore important, t/ie> u y u
that the chance to end the annual a rrett o f more t h an
600.000 individual*- mo*t of
tLem under the age of 25-it /un
eight weeks away
"'IV.e metm.ee t£fi l ju*l man
juarxa," u y i a statement released
by CMI Out week.
'"TCie tuue ti freedom- the
right of people to be free in their
own homei, the nght of individual* to control their own consciousness, to make their own
decision u to what substance
they wBI or will not consume."
Saturday, October 7
j 7:30 and 10 pm
$.50 JSC Members
LC 1
$1 00 non members j
Sponsored by Jewish Students Coalition
If the proportion it approved,
it will take effect immediately in
California and would surely have
national implications betting a
precedent for voter* and lawmakers tn other states.
*$1.50 discount*
Now you can enjoy Elegant Dining and
drinks in one of the Finest Restaurants
in the Albany area.
c^itali foi C7«
f(..<. 1m4m StM*. &tOfM loymw T H M
%m*4 Mlh OulrfiMM Pot4W*i & V#«iUM*i
the Ft. Sill 1ml...
southwest (iklahim
day, said the nu,:
the march was u> <:•
"all minority grmj,
He said other pu'|"ask that Indian ;>•
forced to sent- m '
and the Indian pi
be returned fmm \ <
He said it wa*
continue the march
York, where partH ,;
demand a seat in
Nations and the ngn
that body.
In Washington, n
leaders hoped lo
President Nixon ami
McGovern, Uif Derm
idential nominee
they also hoped t i n
the various congresj
gations representin*!
Indian populations
•< t0-9p m
Dr. Charles G. Fisher
Director of Residences
Increasingly, colleges and universities are considering alternate
uses for campus residence halls.
This "creativity" has been necessitated by two factors—residence
hails recently opened or nearing
completion whose need was
based on a growth curve that has
subsequently leveled off, and
larger numbers of students electing to live off-campus. For
some administrations facing this
dilemma, the housing of senior
citizens on campus has been
identified as one viable alternative. Interest in this possibility
has been generated by the following factors.
Many students, at least since
the middle sixties, have indicated repeatedly that colleges
and universities today do not
represent the "real world"—they
lack relevance. The same academic aloofness which was considered an advantage for students a generation ago is seen by
today's s t u d e n t s ^ ; a basis to
criticize the «P* experience.
With at l e a s t ^ m e justification,
these students are saying that
their campuses are too protected
Charles G. Fisher
the, real world onto the campus
might be to provide opportunities for students to relate to
a more diverse campus population.
For -their part, many senior
citizens have been vocal in their
dissatisfaction with the standard
fare of retirement homes and
communities. Just as the college
community is seen by many of
its students, these institutions
for the aged are also judged a
shallow reflection of real life
with little or no opportunity to
relate to u broader age spectrum.
These people see no need to
leave their own communities and
enter one where their days are
filled with meaningless activity
to keep busy. They feel as if
they can still make a significant
contribution to their society as
well as lend meaning to their
own lives through post-retirement activity. Most possess
knowledge that can only come
from years of significant experience—experience that can be of
value to others, particularly
young people.
Another factor to be considered is, actually, the catalyst
allowing the consideration of
other than student use of residence halls in the first place.
Many residence programs are
having real difficulty in maintaining a satisfactory level of
occupancy. Most administrators
would be loath to re-establish
the parietal rule requiring oneampus residence which was enforced ut many institutions up
until a few years ago. And yet,
the enrollment growth of colleges and universities has slowed
appreciably and residence halls
which were planned five and six
years ago are just not needed
today, In addition, students interested in experiencing as much
of a "real life" living environment as possible are being at-
questions and answers to follow with
Mr. Robert Allyn State Board of Accountancy
and 2 SUNYA Accting. dept. faculty members.
2:30 Mon. Oct. 9 CC315
Delta Sig Day
Tues. Oct. 10
Informal talks with faculty and brothers.
Free Coffee and doughnuts. 9am-2pm
3rd floor lounge Business Bldg.
9am-2pm. See what a professional business
fraternity can do for you.
I. Wii
$.50 cover
SUN. Oct. 8
Folk with
Delta Sigma Pi- the Professional Alternative
If you're in class year 73,74,75,76, or 30
(and taking more than 5 credits)
Basically, retired people have
many things to offer which can
prove valuable to students who,
are facing the reality of finishing
college and entering a particular
occupation or profession. An
example might be the benefit
that a retired Chemical Engineer
could be to a student in Chemical Engineering just beginning to
consider his professional career.
Additionally, many retired people have developed skills n o t
necessarily related to their professional lives which could also
be of meaning to college students. A life long interest and
subsequent ability in carpentry
could easily strike a responsive
chord in the life of a student
with a similar, but as yet undeveloped interest in this same
On the other hand, it is suggested that the lives of senior
citizens could be enriched measurably from their experience
with students as persons of
worth with many skills and
knowledge to be shared. The
self-esteem of these people could
be raised considerably as a result
of their feeling that they are
needed by others and consequently, that they are still
people of worth.
The possibility of such a program being given serious consideration at the State University
of New York at Albany is unknown at this time. The need for
additional academic and administrative space this year has been
great enough for a residence
facility to be used for thie purpose. However, the housing of
senior citizens in S.U.N.Y.A. residence halls remains a viable
Possibility and one that will warrant close attention should the'
need arise to devise additional
wnys to use residence halls.
. . . forum
by Steve Meyer
By now, you've probably read
the comments on this page by
the administrators and students.
I'd like to relate a story to you
about one of the people this
proposal may affect. Her name is
Ruth. 1 met her two weeks ago
ut 3:30 in the morning walking
on Washington
Avenue after the late show of
"Night of the Living Dead." You
continued on page 19
Oct. 6 and 7
7:30 and 10
ind a special shorl
$.50 with ««M»
Vifuad card
Unless this is done by O C T O B E R 1 3 # 1 9 7 2
A STOP will be placed on your
Make Payment at the Bursar's Window
Business Bldg Basement, Room B 19
NOTE: Do Not Pay if:
1) You received » waiver of the fee, or,
2) You have applied lor a waiver and have no I yet been notified by S.A, office.
• mm£
The advantages of this kind of
cooperative housing are several.
Information on CPA exams
Coffee, Donuts $.50 cover
tracted to off-campus accommodations where a higher degree of
independence can be realized.
It is not surprising, then, that
the possiblity of housing senior
citizens on campuses has been
raised. The Saint Mary's Housing
Project in Syracuse is, perhaps,
the first project to encompass
this concept. Several years ago,
Syracuse University and the City
of Syracuse found that each
owned adjacent land insufficient
to meet their respective needs
for additional student and senior
citizen housing. They developed
a cooperative project combining
both types of housing in a single
architectural plan, with a significant number of shared facilities
and services. To date, their experience has been positive with
the degree of interaction between the two generations most
impressive. Beginning with the
current academic year, the State
University of New York, College
at Buffalo, is leasing one of its
residence halls to Erie County
for use as a senior citizen housing facility. The possibility of
joint programming although not
originally planned, is now being
considered with considerable interest from both the students
and the senior citizens.
Free food
Live band
Sounds of the 50's
Beer, extras
from the world. In order for the
college experience to be meaningful, they feel there is a des, perate need for more real-life
experience. One way of bringing
Ski Clubbers
Should Seniors Move In?
For Swinging
SAT. Oct. 7
Dance with
with a meal card
CAmct l o p SMlem o< Batf - B*M*fw«tMr*
Norman, Okla. AP - A militant Oklahoma Indian leader
says Indians from across the
nation will stage a massive "Trail
of Broken Treaties" march
within the next few days to
culminate in Washington before
election day.
Carter Camp, a Ponca Indian
and Olkahoma head of the
American Indian Movement,
AIM. said Wednesday the march
will be started on the West Coast
and Alaska, picking up member*
of Midwestern and Eastern tribes
as it moves eastward.
He told a news conference on
the campus of the University of
Oklahoma it was hoped that
100,000 Indians would be in the
march by the time it reached
Camp, who had been instrumental in the takeover of u
Bureau of Indian Affairs office
at Pawnee, Okla.. last month uiid
the administration building at
CALL 457 4 8 3 3
Trail of Broken Treaties
Editor's Note: In this liiue the ASP continues its
series, "The Forum" In which • relevant question is
asked of various university leaders. The question
today is: "What are your views on a proposal to
house senior citizens in vacant dorm space on
_ _
The Game
of Patriots
and Traitors
McGovern for
The Albany Student Press joins WSUA Radio today ii
endorsing the candidacy of George McGovern Cm tin
Presidency of the United States. There are main strmij
reasons to endorse McGovern; this is not 1968 wlu-n tin
choice was between the "lesser of the two evils."
We have been duped, sidetracked, and confused in tin
past four years by Richard Nixon. Phony Vietnam peacf
promises blind the public to the daily bombing onslaught!,
Hopes for major economic improvement fade as a NIMII
Propped-up Thieu Prevents Peace Accord
The writer was President Johnson's Ambassador to the Paris peace talks.
WASHINGTON — The American public
is entitled to know what the President's current plan is to end the war in Vietnam. As the
election campaign heats up, Henry Kissinger
has held highly publicized secret talks in
Paris and in Saigon. An impression that real
progress toward peace is being made is being
created. Secretary Rogers personally predicts
peace before the end of the year. Yet nothing
has been disclosed of the substance of these
talks and therefore it is impossible to judge
whether realistic offers are being made or
whether the Hurry of activity is just part of
the effort to re-elect the President.
The last public United States offer was the
withdrawal of all American troops within
four months after the start of an internationally supervised cease-fire and the
return of our prisoners. If the North Vietnamese are being required to give up permanently their military struggle while Thieu remains in power, there is no possibility of the
offer being accepted.
When I was the American negotiator in
Paris we recognized that cease-fire first was
not a promising route. The North Vietnamese
have been consistent in asserting that
political and military aspects of a settlement
are indivisible. To a guerrilla a cease-lire
without some settlement is a surrender.
Any political settlement must necessarily
involve the status of Thieu. Since the bomb
ing halt of November 1%8 opened the way to
serious negotiations. President Thieu has
been a major obstacle to a compromise solution.
Although we had agreed in October 1968 to
join the negotiations after the bombing
stopped, he first reneged on his commitment
and then created the unseemly dispute over
the shape of the table in order to break off or
at least to delay talks until the new Administra:ion took office. Finally, jusl before the
inauguration in 1%1), the path was cleared
for substantive negotiations including the private talks which were the only place progress
could be made.
During this period the North Vietnamese
had removed most of their forces from the
northern two provinces of South Vietnam and
practically ceased fighting there. Instead of
seizing the opportunity for immediate dis-
cussion -ef mutual reduction of hostilities
which Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford
had publicly called for as the first order of
business, the Nixon Administration took as
its first task restoring of close relations with
Mr. Thieu. These relations had become badly
frayed as the Johnson Administration applied
pressure to induce Mr. Thieu lo participate in
the peace talks.
Then, as now, President Thieu saw his pri
mary goal as maintaining his personal position. This meant opposing a negotiated solution since any compromise would inevitably
eliminate his absolute power.
The Nixon Administration tolerated
Thieu's scuttling of real negotiations by
refusing to have his representatives participate in private meetings with the National
Liberation Kront. When, two months later, he
condescended to accept private meetings, he
stated that under no circumstances would he
agree to a coalition government. He continues
to oppose adamantly any coalition government although it is obvious thai there can be
no political settlement without some sharing
of power.
Even now. when the comings and goings of
Dr. Kissinger have raised some hope of
moving toward peace, Mr. Thieu has again
dug in his heels. This month he called lor
continuing "relentless bombing" of North
Vietnam for "six or seven months more" to
produce the "total destruction of their economic and war potential."
So far as we can tell, the Nixon Administration has continued to give Mr. Thieu veto
power over the United States negotiating
position. Despite the Administration's a
vowed solicitude for the right of the South
Vietnamese people to self-determination il
helped to create and then excused the faults
of Thieu's re-election in a one-candidate race.
The overwhelming majority of the South
Vietnamese people clearly want peace. They
showed this by giving the most votes in last
August's Senatorial election to a Buddhist
slate which emphasized a compromise peace.
Instead the people have been made victims of
continuing war and are subject to repressive
military rule, including the jailing and
torturing of non-Communist opponents and
'he suppression of the press.
aide declares we should get used to five pei u-ni
unemployment. Progress toward world peace is anin.'Miied
by Nixon after arms limitations agreements with I • i.i
yet the arms spiral continues as the Pentagon >ii•: .iul>
more money for new armaments not included u •
McGovern hammers away at these illusory pn.iui.i
the costly mistakes that Nixon tries to pawn "II
Congress, the media, and the courts. McGovern .•.
our involvement in the war by an announced il.n
! -m
the game Nixon is playing with Vietnamese Inc. .•• I mi
long suffering prisoners of war. He will guar.u.i.i
American a job by shifting national prionin
:• ii
wastelul military spending to housing, publii t: risi!
environmental protection and other needs. He lias ii.imed
the confidence of economist Paul Saiiuielson ivuli pin
posals for tax reform that include a minimum HH <im I.I\
a sure means of nailing the fat cats who escape then muna
Dollars, not lip service, will be dedicated to the unpi
merit of the "quality of American life." His iighi on iii
will not mean curtailing civil liberties, as Nixon h.r <l<>
but will, instead, focus emphasis on social iair.es
reform of the judicial system. McGovern pledges i•. It
the poverty and urban decay that give rise to innn w
more money for the cities and a humane well.in | '
that will give every American family a chance to d in
than just survive.
McGovern will not practice the principle ol | In
expediency that seems to guide the Nixon adiuinisii in
Nixon puts his linger to the wind on every issue, a
with Social Security, when he threw hissuppon i
per cent benefit increase only after u was nhvio
Congress would override his veto. He espouses u s
now that it is evident that tax reform is a vote gein '
The indecision on issues that damages Nixon's i u 'It'
will not be a part of McGovern's administration. M> < •
takes a stand on issues before they are populai . Vn in iti
but one example.
His integrity demands that he take a stand on ill
issues, including those controversial questions Ni\ n
adroitly sidesteps. And his integrity could nevei penmi in
party to "bug" the opposing party's headquarters,
For these reasons and others George McGovern is
best man for the job. We, at the Albany Student I't
hope for a victory that will add a welcome ton.h
integrity to the office of the Presidency.
Vote for George McGovern on November 7th.
"Contrary to Hartley" Cars
Ticketed at Colonial, Indian
To the Editor;
The recent confusion concerning parking reguiationswas
exemplified by the events of this
past Tuesday. As a University
Senator, I was informed at the
Oct. 2 meeting that parking
regulations were still suspended.
I was further informed that they
would not be enforced without
due notification of the entire
university community in the
Contrary to this assurance
from Vice President Hartley,
cars were ticketed and towed
from the front of Colon iaJ
Quadrangle and ticketed in an
approved area on Indian Quadrangle. The question arises as to
why the two quads with the
worst parking facilities were
Again it seems that the credibility of both the administration
and the University security has
been threatened. If rules were
enforced consistently, to both
students and faculty,
would be no complaints. But
selective, unanounced adherence
to a previous set of regulations is
not, in my opinion, reasonable.
Karen Block
Living Areas
Open Letter to Hartley
$5.00 Parking Fee Unfair
Before closing I would like l.c.
ask one question: what is tht
rationale behind the $5.00 fee'!
Last year, slickers were only
$.50 and now they jump up tc
$5.00. Why the inflationary rist
in cost? Who determined that
$5.00 was the "asking" price':
Why wasn't the cost set a $2.50.
$3.50 or $.507
Ui-ur Mr. Hartley
As a graduating senior as ol
this December, 1 find fault with
the present regulations regardiny
the fee for parking. As I understand it, the fee is $5.00 for the
full year ending next September.
Since I am graduating in three
months, I do not feel that it it
right that I should pay the full
year's fee. I feel that an equitable possible alternative is that I
and others who will not be here
next semester, should be charged
for only one half year, or $2.50.
The campus has been un
usually silent over this issue
Apparently acquiescence is lh<
theme. I feel a policy statement
should come forth with regarr
Lo this issue.
Certainly there are extenuating
circumstances in any rule of law
and the law should be not only
fair but flexible. As I mentioned,
this is just a possible solution
perhaps other people have different suggestions.
Please respond as soon as pos
sihle. I might add that I have nol
paid my parking fee as yet.
Thank you for your time anc
Howard Fruilll Oblamhy
Sipe Commends ASP
The Albany Student Press wel
comes mad from its readers.
Communications should be type
written and addressed to: Edi
torial Page Editor, Albany Stu
dent Press, SUNYA,
New York 12222. Unless there
are extenuating
ati letters must be signed.
Bookstore Fouls-up Again
and Again . . .
To the Editor
Once again the bookstore has
done it again. It has performed
in its usual fouled-up manner.
And who suffers for this gross
incompetence? No one but the
The following is the case in
point: a certain chemistry professor ordered a sufficient number of books for his course. The
bookstore, however, felt that the
professor was over-ordering and
automatically cut back his order.
The result is that one third of
the class is without a textbook.
ASP Fouls-up
for Purging "Slanguage
To The Editor.
Lei me comment favorably on
the work of editorial staff and
local reporters in "cleaning u p "
the lunguage used in the publication. I gt'l the expression of
opinion so much belter when 1
am confronted with "standard"
To the Editor:
Well, the ASF has done it again.
On Oct. 3, the ASP printed a
correction for the address of
Voices in Vital
(V.l.V.A.) which had originally
been printed incorrectly in Lynn
Axelrod's letter on Sept. 26.
However, your correction needs
to be corrected. The address of
V.l.V.A. is not 342 Madison
Ave. in Albany, but rather 342
Madison Ave., New York, New
York, 10017. How about trying
again, so that all those who are
interested in obtaining P.O.W.M.I.A. bracelets plus other assorted
stickers, and buttons from this
fine, non-profit
may do so?
English rather than affronted by
a mixture of slanguage and
si -nder-phrase. Thank you so
mu.-h for your personal stand in
the matter.
Cordially yours,
it. Craig Sipe
Professor of Science Education
t . h i n t 111 < I l l i ' l
i „ „ f h n Kiln,..
A t b r t l n n u MiJMKl'l
tti-lti MblBy
AiIkurtlMilfl i'i'>iliii't
i. Ail
Iftllljl MaliMjfl
T f H u m u l Kiiiiui
The professor then reordered
additional copies to compensate,
which still have not arrived. It is
now four weeks into the school
year. How is the bookstore going
to compensate the students
without texts who will have a
quarter of the time to catch up
on their work if the books even
Will we, the student body,
allow this outrage to continue?
How can we, the students, fight
the FSA run monoply?
Yours truly,
Dennis Eraser
I'M-VI.-W Kdill.i
Iiilttd UOiltiunO
< l i u i l l r d Ail M,m«u
< .illiy ijitimk
A w w u . l i ' IWIim.,,1 K.ill.il.
ICit'liaittf* titlltil
utlltai Ul in Huum Siti ul Hi* C
.Mill /Ml* till tut l«l (tUllLY it«im«
ul I din,,, wlio UHfipMM Ihi I in
selected for the initiation run of
the tow truck. It seems that
resident students are being harassed
by this selective enforcement.
Why wasn't towing begun closer
to the academic podium, where
a larger proportion of faculty
and staff cars would be parked?
To the Editor:
In a letter in the ASP (Sept.
26), Mitchell Frost claims to see
no contradiction between condemning terrorism while supporting war. And yet, in the
body of his letter, he not only
demonstrates the contradiction,
but he fully endorses it.
First he says that the power to
punish terrorists "has been legitimized by tradition." He then
says that the United States or
Israel may kill innocent people
in countries that harbor terrorists--for this is precisely what
"the waging of a defensive war"
Mr. Frost has no qualms about
killing people provided "tradition" spreads the responsibility
thin enough to prevent guilt. He
fails to see that his "morality" is
simply "might makes right." The
A m e rican colonists had no
"right" to overthrow an established government by force.
But they did it, so they are
patriots instead of traitors.
Later, the confederacy failed in
a similar move so they wen'
"rebels" instead of patriots.
There is no power on earth
which can bring presidents
Johnson and Nixon to justice •
no power which can punish any
which is strong
enough to do whatever it damn
well pleases. Tradition and moral
right have nothing whatever to
do with it..
Lester Heverling
Vote Environmental
Bond Act Nov.7
K.lll 1,
kllOWII ... Mutlui.l I i . d m
iiConlat •lldUul pliUIWi af> V>l VI DO
id IIHIHIHI i IHHMI ilumt liy * until u<uni<
I UunU,
l'li<-iu||i U |ili> Kill
Courtesy F. 0 ' Alexander
©1966, Philadelphia Bulletin
Sincerely yours,
Mindy Altman
Come and practice your Spanish over
a cup of coffee at the Spanish Convenation Table Tuesdays at 3:00 PM
In the Campus Center Cafeteria.
• »•••
11, 7:30 PM, LC. We still need
Faculty-student get-together for English, languages, and speech pathology
majors will be held Monday, Oct 9,
from 4 to 5:00 PM In the Patroon
Lounge. Sponsored by NYSTA.
people. If you can't ' W * * * *
session call Aralynn at 7716 or Ron
• • ••»
Sanford Rosenblum,
elation Lawyer will
the SA Office,
7PM-9PM on Tuesday
Student Assobe available In
CC346, from
Re-Elect the President meeting Tuesday 7:30, In CC373. For further Info
call Dan Duncan at 482-2280.
Help refitter voters In Albany's
South End. Contact Peggy Chaney,
Trinity Institute Daycare Center, Trinity Place (just off Madison Ave.)
weekdays 8-5, Sat. morning, until
Oct. 10. Sponsored by Albany Coalition for Black Registration.
Anti-Nixon, Anti-War demonstration
Oct 14 at Nixon Headquarters In
NYC, 1PM. For more Information
call 465-6874.
The National Tour of the Indochina
Peace Campaign will be in the gym
Monday, Oct. 9. The doors open at
6:45 and the program begins at 7:30.
The program will include:
Tom Hayden, Chicago 8 defendant,
recent visitor t o the Vietnamese negotiators in Paris.
Jane Fonda, member
The Society of Physics Students will
hole a meeting on Tuesday, October
10 at 7:30 PM i PHY129. Dr. May
Kafton-Kasslm, astronomy, wil speak
on the subject of "Women in ScienceWhy?" Refreshements will be served.
Pi Alpha
10/6 w i t h Chi Sigma Theta in
is having a " b a s h "
at 4 . 0 0 P M . A l l
men and w o m e n
Freshmen welcome.
f i n d i n g t o u r uf N o r t h V i e t n a m .
H o l l y Near, folksinger and recently
returned f r o m N o r t h V i e t n a m .
George S m i t h , former
o n Oct. 16, 17, a n d 18 i n the Arena
Sergeant in Special Forces.
.is the
lias graciously accepted the i n v i t a t i o n
D r . Pauline Courcliesno t o spea^
o n French wines
Sessions.The schedule is available at
in her C o n t e m p o -
rary French Civilization course, Toes-
day, October 1 1.
L C 8 3 0 - A or call 4 5 7 - 4 8 0 1 .
for Community
the Jane Fonda affair please corne t o
People w h o d i d n ' t attend ori-
the Fireside Lounge, F r i d a y , Oct. (i
Rut a smile
on that
It's the perfect autumn day:
sunny, but crisp and cool,
with the smell of burning
leaves and the colors of
changing foliage. A great
afternoon for getting into
the mood of the season and
carving out that pumpkin.
And even though it's "that
time" of the month, you're
feeling really happy, with a
smile as broad as the pumpkin's. Because you
have the comfortable
feeling of Tampax
tampons' internal sanitary
protection. And the confident feeling you get because
Tampax tampons free you
from irritation, odor and
worries. Comfort, freedom
and confidence are important to you and to women all
over the world, so it's no
wonder more women truBt
Tampax tampons to help
keep them smiling.
Our only Interest Is protecting you.
the C o m m u -
Anyone not
accounted tor w i l l be d r o p p e d
the course!! Call 4u7-4801
at 2 : 0 0 .
" Ar ia Da
C a p o " at 7 : 3 0 ant UPM m i I r i . (Jet.
Sat. O c t . 7 , and S I T I .
Or t. 8 , in
PAC Arena Theatre, Free admission.
o n CPA Exams
M r . Robert A l l y n o l State Board o l
A c c o u n t a n c y and 2 S U N Y A Accounting department
members. A l l welSponsored
Saturday. Octi
on Tuesday,
led. D o n . $ 1 . Sec l ) i . H o r n h l o w i
all lo
I C '/U.
the United
.it the University ol
o l ihe D u n , I O I ,.l Overseas
Leaves f r o m the r i a l l . . i • •
the lettuce
lettuce u n t i l
i o unionise and siyn
489-5022 or 434-3275.
t l t i i
lor a Free Choice organuatlonal meeting Saturday, October 7 ,
10 t o 1 at First
,',',,' , , '
C t i u r c h , 362 State St. Help save ()r
a b o r t i o n law.
it S U N Y A
/ Oil I ' M . I i-. t u n -
... .
Want to earn some money-'
. . .
c, .
b o o t h at t h e Sayles I- •*•
House Bazaar, a n d sell
, .
records, c l o t h e s , . n i w . ,o
,-. o l ' M
be i onsidef.Mj
P i / , ' /'•; issue
I. 1 0 A M b l ' M . h
m i s dale
t,,r snbse.)o«-m
p o e t r y , prose,
I ,.n
be pl,,< ed n
JSC annual
20-22. Paid
to Dippikill Oclo
A n y
M o n , O i l . 9 at
8PM in H U 3 b 4 , Join us
it's ( uluirt
bus Day.
- ,
.- i ,
,.,.„.•. •
fast , ^ j
plamiii .
semester U U M r,I. I
, j u n s application w i l
Association O f f i c e , ( I m
than b P M . I r i d a y . Ur l o i n -
•"! .
l-or i r i l . „ i . , , u i . . .
,it 2 - 7 7 3 1 .
V" 1 1 ever
Ml "
I o -..ty
have your
taleol h u m ! .
gel l n s l
I r a l u r e show
I l l , nonineiiibeis
till a n y
sign u p I o i
, , ,„
I ' ! !'.. I his yoai //u II w i n the i n t i a iii ,, ,|. i
": ' "
" " C ^ S S <" ' 9 W
Wanna get involved in class activitiesr
o u il
• n
11 h . a I I I - ' I " I
A l l i e n . .His
• '>"A l
call 4 ' . / 4 7 0 ! . .
i n l o i r r i a l i o u , . . i l l (Jail ,il V,l h l H h .
box on ihe (.( l o i n \ )>••,;.
• i
call 472-7411) m o r n i n g •»' '
, ,
'40/-000J any W ' u l ' U i
' '
, . . ,
Latest deadline Inr -i*-li.- i - >• i--merits is O c t . 14.
I Cur,., t >> t. C.
; ,
At--* U O o Q
listeniiYij^ IJow V " " ' '
F• >r the fust
, ...
in I riday, October 8 / I ' M 10PM and
on impulUrnce of
.; M
b y C o l o n i a l U...«i U , i
1. 1 9 / 2 . I o i Ihe l o l l . 1973 term
\ ,A
a |
cations l o l Ihe spring term IS Novem-
deadline I o i applications is March l b ,
n g
anything you
meeting [onight, Tues. CC37b.
n n
,' .<
proveri living c o n d i t i o n s . B o y c o t t ice-
Places I d ! al $1 .: person. I or l u i l l u n
1 9 7 3 - / 4 , the
ter each S a t u r d a y , star tin . ••
I d i t o r . K i m luh.iso, :.'
, „ , _ „ , „ „ „ . ,,,
m buses
hy .living 1,', I n I „,il Smiley. A l l u i
the academic
S o n n y at 4 6 7 - 8 7 7 3 .
ol Phoenix
I ,n
rary, 4 5 1 Delaware Avenue, U e l i r u r ,
• misiderin<| | d w
, , ,_
struggle for equitable wages and i m berg head lettuce that d.^es not bear
the U T W black a/tec eagle. D o n ' t eat
,• ,
A n y o n e w h o r.
j n f l u f |)avc, | n y
' " s l leave •< •ui~,;,,„-
- ,.',„
] o | n
' onlributions
is /16-B31-4247. Deadline lor appli-
serve basis. Vriu reserve a p l a i n o n l y
10, at
.rtttj Us relation to m o d e r n
thance ,n places on a lnsl come, fir si
, tn>
t h i n k i n g l»v I ) \ , B.V, Raman, eminent
t h e [eluphone
R i c a n
a:,lioloi(er o l India. F r i d a y , 6-th 0< m
Acadomji Piogiams, 10/ fownsend
B o l l a l o , New
.,„„„ „
m e r e w a d
N e g r o n , Box 4 b ? , M il•••• .
q u e s I i o n s ,--,„ M i l r , „ . , , , , ,.„ .
n , e (
^ "
L d 112. Ast
Nina U , m y .
..,i i ii
s l,a'h''i|.
I lien come 10 a meeting M o n d a y ,
October 9 at 8PM in Hie Campus
Lnilliir Assembly Hall Ism o m ! tloor
. , { ( M ,,',,,',., , „ , „ , . ,
ove, the pool r o o m ) I Can't . nine but
interested anyhow? Call H u h A i k e n ,
/ / H O I , Aralynn Abare, / / / i n . oi
"tan Q u i , , , , , 7-4874. ^
n i l O r , . 14 went c o d .
| / M | I )
, ,
In .
u,.,,,-. plan- <••• " n
of Sheepskins in the Capital
District . . . only $8 & up
Line of new Fur coats everybody can affordI
9ft Central Avenue
Call 436-7982
Sun., Oct. 8
7:15 & 9:00
ron hendren
Young View of Washington
women's forum
Pollution Continues
WASHINGTON-Like its principle spokesman in the Senate,
Edmund S. Muskie (D-Me.), the
drive to conquer pollution has
experienced a meteoric rise to
It was predictable enough: All
the symptoms were there, from
over-exposure in the press to
zealots who
brought more emotion than
facts to their arguments. As a
result, the headlines and hearings
are all but over and many of the
pollution problems remain virtually untouched.
The increasing difficulty we
are experiencing in disposing of
solid wastes provides the most
evident example that pollution
has not subsided along with the
Americans now discard over
250 million tons of trash annually, better than 2,000 pounds for
every citizen, and the amount is
expected to double by 1980.
Our methods of coping with
this man-made mountain continue to be astonishingly insufficient. Nearly seven months ago I
reported that 94 percent of our
nation's open dumping systems
were inadequate. Unfortunately,
that figure is still accurate today.
Moreover, three-fourths of our
municipal incinerators are not
only inadequate, they are among
the worst air pollution offenders.
In some urban areas the problem is already critical. In New
York City, for example, trash
disposal (when you can get it at
all) costs twice what it does in
most other parts of the country.
And in the next two years the
nation's largest city will have
used up all its available land fill
space. What then? Today's technology dictates additional, expensive processing plants, and
that will raise disposal costs further.
Faced with 250 million tons of
trash, you would think we might
take a hard look at such items as
disposable cans and bottles.
Mother Earth needs roughly 100
years to decompose completely
the average can. As for throwaway bottles, they become permanent fixtures, forever embedded in a thousand forgotten land
nils at best, or obstructing roadways and stream beds at worst.
And yet, only one state—Oregon—has taken steps to discourage throw-away containers, and
the federal government has barely begun to study the subject
Recycling, not only of bottles
but of virtually all our trash,
may be one answer. In New
York City alone it is estimated
that $34 million worth of scrap
could be retrieved from the
municipal flow each year.
Another possibility is burning
trash at heats so intense that
virtually no pollution results,
and then utilizing the resulting
energy to produce, for example
Both of these approaches are
technologically feasible today.
Indeed, recycling has been going
on for better than 50 years, and
in fact nearly half of our country's supply of copper is recovered from scrap. Likewise, 30 percent of all aluminum, 20 percent
of all paper and 18 percent of all
However, because it is not always economically desirable to
recycle, government encouragement will likely be needed before this approach can provide a
significant contribution to reducing the trash mountain. As
for high-intensity burning, that
too is expensive.
On Trial: Rape
by Janice Pinchot
conviction for any of the felonies. You just can't prove it t o
I couldn't go to see Arnold
the satisfaction of the jury. Take
Proikin, but Mr. Downs, Assisa "for instance." A man breaks
t u t District Attorney, came out
into your bedroom and goes
to speak t o me. I wanted t o
through your jewelry case. You
know how many rapes were rewake up and scream whereupon
ported in the past two years in
he clouts you and leaves. If you
Albany, in how many of them
can identify him, you can have
were arrests made, and how him convicted of robbery. But if
many of those arrests resulted in
he breaks into your bedroom,
convictions of rape. Good quesgoes through your jewelry case,
tion he says. He couldn't tell me
clouts you when you scream and
how many were reported bethen decides you don't look so
cause he didn't get any inforbad and then rapes you, you
mation unless an arrest was
can't get him for anything, even
made. There have been 700 feloif you can identify him. The jury
nies since January 1 of this year,
will think "you know you can't
and since each case is filed under
get him on a rape charge, so you
the person's name, not type of
are making up the robbery to get
crime, he couldn't supply that
a conviction." The law and jury
information. He was able to give
seem to bend over backwards to
me a guess for convictions, posprotect the man.
sibly ten convictions on all
Just recently there has been a
counts of sexual abuse and one
relaxation of the law in this
conviction for rape, in two respect. Article 130.16 of the
years! It is the worst rate of
Penal Code originally demanded
much to belong, and be a part
of, what I then thought was
total gay life. I slowly changed
myself into a classical, young,
sophisticated, faggot.
And honey, 1 tell you now,
you should have been there!
Those were truly the "good, old,
days." Sweetheart I carried on
like you wouldn't believe...An
entire new wardrobe, of course.
The first prerequisite, of
Coats, (Flah's or Bloomingdales,
course, is increased public awaremaxi or midi, but never mini,
ness, not through emotion-packleather or suede preferred), for
ed charges and counter-charges
every five degree temperature
but through a continued patient
But something was bound to
change. Bell bottoms, naturally.
and reasoned presentation of the
(In those days only the most
facts. As Mark Twain wrote,
wore them). Flashy
"Habit is habit, and not to be
shirts (Pierre Cardin, who
flung out of the window by any
had. He had met others since else?) with puffy sleeves. Shoes,
man, but coaxed down-stairs a
me, others who were older and
(Italian and French imports onstep at a time."
knew about the places gay peoly, never American), with blunt
Our habit of being careless
ple gathered in Albany, inclutoes and "slightly" higher heels.
with trash has had decades in
ding a bar four blocks from
Jewelry galore, (sterling, rhinewhich to become firmly enstone, or jade), but always tastetrenched. It will have to be Draper Hall. I swore on everything that I held sacred that I
fully worn. Hats with matching
coaxed. That may be harder and
would never go to that place.
scarfs. K n itted body-fitting
less dramatic than headline
sweaters (Truth and Soul), and
splashing, and certainly it's not
you're bound to be seen by
sunglasses for every day of the
nearly so much fun. But it is thy
week (Spanish or German, beonly effective way to accomplish
cause everyone had Italian a/id
a j o b which
m u s t be
me into it.
French). It cost me a fortune,
but E.O.P. or no, I was a queen
It was disgusting! Guys were
jack anderson
determined to possess...and posdancing together and had their
sess I did! (Remember girls,
Washington Merry-Go-Round
arms around one another. Some
where there's u will, there's a
were even kissing...on the lips no
definite wuy).
less. There it was before me;
I was no longer a pre-med
everything I had been raised to
major. I longed for the "Arts." I
fear and find disgusting. I could
mean really now, who ever heard
only stare. After 19 years of
of a fag that didn't design, or
running away, 1 hud returned
Unfortunately 1 could do
to the aging leader of the Black
home...And I loved it. I danced,
Black leaders in America and
but all was not lost. I
Mulaughed, I smiled and grinned,
Africa are trying quietly to perdid know something "arty"...
from edk to ear. 1 was free, really
suade boxer Muhummad AM not hammad himself, to convince Ali
Photography! Yes, Dorothea
not to go to South Africa. Ali is
free (or BO I thought). For the
Lo go ahead with his planned
Lange flowed through my veins.
one of old Elijah's most devoted
first time I openly danced with
exhibition bout in South Africa
(It was because of this that I
Lurry, and we didn't pretend to
in November,
gave up everything two years
Making the appeal to Elijah
be practicing new dance steps
The day before Ali's recent
behind closed dorm doors. And
fight against Floyd K Patterson, Muhammad will be Dennis Brutus, a 4 7-year-old black South
By May '68, I was a fullwhen we left ut 2:00 to catch
Ali's business manager Herbert
African poet now teaching at
fledged, young, smart, sophistithe shuttle, we walked through
Muhummad, met privately with
Northwestern University. It was
cated faggot, with the world at
the snow, arm in arm, singing
several black African leaders at a
Brutus who, last summer, was so
my feet, (or so I thought), and
the "Supremes" greatest hits
cozy lunch al the United Nasuccessful in helping to persuade
the fact thai I had nol as yet
("Forever Came Today"). On
tions. Included were AmbassaAvery Brundage to prohibit
gone to bed with u man (or
the bus we replaced our freedom
dor Furah of Somali and AmbasRhodesia
woman) didn't matter; 1 looked
back into our hearts, kept our
sador Thian, the permanent repthe Olympic games.
lite part and that's whut counts
hands to ourselves, and giggled
resentative of the Organization
...right? I can still remember the
of African Unity.
A R O U N D T H E U.S.
day of school, silting in my
They argued at length that
father's car on the New York
The sun seemed to always
Ali's visit would be a major
Computer Sabotage
ComThruwuy, daydreaming about
shine after that night, and my
setback for opponents of South
puter corporations are grumbling
my new life and what would
life has never been the same. I
Africa's hated policy of aparthat new federal laws are needed
happen years from then...Well
started changing...slowly. I betheid. But apparently their arguto thwart computer sabotage. A
child, let me tell you, as I now
came more alive. I was always
ments were unavailing. Herbert
magnet dropped into a computer
look back at the last three years,
happy, and I smiled at everyone,
finally shrugged and said All had
can ruin lens of thousands of
there's just one thing I have to
and every thing...even when I was
signed a contract and that no
taped compuny records in minsay: i"HONEY, I WOULDN'T
completely alone. I found I had
one could change Ali's mind.
utes. Switching labels is another
to make new decisions about my
But the black leaders haven't
trick used to confuse computer
life and myself. I wanted very
given up. They intend to appeal
...And so in the spring of '68,
my freshman year, I admitted to
myself that I was a nigger faggot,
and with two strikes against me
went to bat. At first it was just
Larry and I. Larry was my closest friend who I had "revealed"
myself to, and we leaned on one
another t o supply the moral
support that each other lacked.
We never went to bed, because
we wouldn't have known what
to do once we got there, so we
talked and daydreamed.
Blacks Pressure Ali
' ' ''
Opening New Season
Largest & Finest selection
489-0022 Of " 3 4 - 3 2 7 6 .
p ( M m s
Sludents u n i t e . l l i e $ b p / r o : "
with the same low prices
as in 19701
MIU o«n » m m imeweutu, MUM". »"•
Grenoble, I rani H. am available if Ihe
volunteers l o work on the b o y c o l t o t
nun-union iceberg lettuce. People are
narni H o l t e n Galleries in the C o m i n u -
Centei 1.
The Albany
area Friends
of t h e
Saturday. October
everyone Ioi a talt
W h e n ' liie-Kl.jy, I li I. I n ,n / 1(1 I'M.
is l u n lo go look.
Campus Lanes « 7 - 6 3 1 4 by F r i . al 6 .
fiuirH will hi? an e x t l i b i t i o n and 'iale
ot original graphic art f r o m the Ferdi
O. |<>ber
all students
m e m s
^ » «
» ' <«m
for the project. We need about fi»e
people. Shalom, in Peace.
' ^
„ 7pM
« / * •
* *
s l u d e n t s an
| n t B r V a i 3 f t y Chris.inn Fel|owsh|p
secretaries needed,
^ Universlty ^
^ ]
p r | o r ( Q d u r i n g md (
i n g s c r u c i a | t o o u r e l ( „ , liv( .,,,., , | i n .
| n g | C o n t a c ,
K | | ; l i r
needed l u collect b o y c o t t
leaflet, talk t o c o m m u n i t y
Albany area, contact me, Ken
Perlman (Cayuga Hall l o t ) „ r th.
' ""
'• ww
Bowls Sat. M o r n .
10:30. Call A l Zaback 4 8 9 - 0 9 3 7
t n e
man hdep.
lnterBsted inworki
School -if
•.< hool to attend,
I SI 19.
interested 3M
meet w i t h
7PM i n CC 3 1 b . I he Prelaw
/ l h , i l matcher P a r i . I veryotie
, ,
Or. Jame;,
Oean R o b e r t * N . Covington o l
b y Delta
O c t . 9 - 1 1 in
Sigma Pi.
o n Power and
Assembly H a l l . Moderator
come. M o n . Oct. 9 ai 2 3 0 at Campus
question and answers t o f o l l o w w i t t i
Team needed for L e a g u e I B o w l i n g
contracts, For more i n f o r m a t i o n call
or visit
L C B 3 0 - A . Deadline is M o o . Ot I. 9 .
Assemby Hall. Sponsored by CCGB? , , ' ' .
funded by SA.
Nassau County Supreme Court Justica So, wachtlar, Republ.can.Libera
candidate for the N Y S. Court of
Appeals-the State s highest c o u r t will speak a. the Albany Law• Sctoo
Friday, Octoberer 13th on A Crisis
In Administration of Justice. In his
talk, scheduled for 4PM, the judge
will discuss the current critical sltuaHon in the State s court system and
suggest areas for reform. He will
stress proposals which would free-up
court time so that court delays could
be eliminated, and more of the pressing criminal mailers could be tried.
or buy any n o n - u n i o n
All students interested in ushering for
' The Ntmman Association win S , 0 I
, J r
* ° r » B i b e * t u ° v o n , h e G °>M
according to Mark on every Wednes.
JSC. W e hope t o be ab a tn uel . redit
and check l o r n o n - u n i o n lettuce i n
local chain stores. To h e l p , call
Mr. M o r t i m e r S d i w a r t / , owner of the
New Scotland Avenue Liquor
Theatre of the PAC at 7 ; 3 0 P M .
n . u< a • i i..h.
Coffee House October 6 & 7 in the
for A l i c e i n Wonderland w i l l be held
P.O.W. a n d
Whole university c o m m u n i t y
. ? . , . , ( .
Geography Club
All those who
signed up and/ or where Invited to
Thatcher Park IHelderberg) Field
Trip, meet at 10:00 A M , in Social
Science Lobby on Saturday, 10/7/72.
Meeting will be held 10/9/72 at 7:30
sharp, In SS 134. Geneseo AAG
Conference and Long Lake - 3day
field trip will be discussed. All invited
to attend.
of the F T A
Allp«W«f/»fUrfidVnd'"^mitJon booth ittanl Please come to
one (ONLY ONE) of these two trainone IUFILT i»>»
nUJk*. m
LC 18
Donation $.75
All Proceeds go to the McGovern campaign
an eyewitness (in effect) to the
rape making "uncorroborated
testimony" useless for evidence.
A woman could appear at the
local precinct black and blue
with torn clothing and seminal
fluid in her vagina, and would
still be unable to get a conviction. The testimony of her body
was not enough. It could have
been just some passionate lovemaking, and she turning woman
scorned, had decided to ruin her
lovers name. And since 90% of
rapes occur without witnesses a
conviction was almost impossible. The 195th Session of the
New York State Legislature
amended article 130.15 striking
out "uncorroborated." But that
is causing some confusion in the
D.A.'s office. Mr. Downs knows
he needs less evidence to prove a
rape occured, but he doesn't
know how much less. That has
to be ruled on in the courts. But
ultimately, he must have a case
that can impress the jury.
Jury of ones peers is a very
hard thing to come by. Mr.
Downs explained that he doesn't
like to have men on the jury
because they say to themselves
"she asked for it." But women
are just as bad, saying "she could
have avoided it if she had...."
Accordingly the victim must
play the part in court. Sweet
little innocents have a better
chance in court than others. The
defendant's lawyer routinely
tries to make the victim look
promiscuous. "You led him
on," "You asked for it," " I t
wasn't rape," or "When you
were making love to the defendant" are often part of courtroom rhetoric. And woe to you
if you knew the defendant beforehand. Your case is lost. Mr.
Downs estimates that approximately 50% of the victims know
their rapists
Most cases, though, are not
broj^it to trial. Ninety percent
are handled through plea bargaining which routinely reduces
sentences dramatically. Because
of the difficulty of making a
good case for the victim and the
impossibility of getting a confession of rape from the defendant, most cases are not disposed of satisfactorily for the
victim. Some rapists, however,
will choose to hold off for a
trial, hoping that the jury will, as
usual, find him innocent of rape.
Many women, upon finding that
their case will be going to trial
try to withdraw it, in vain. The
prosecution will not withdraw it
unless there is evidence that the
charge is false, often making
women take lie detector tests.
They estimate 10-15% of the
rape charges are fabricated; most
jurys seem to feel that 90% are.
And this is often what keeps a
woman from reporting a rape;
she is roughly examined internally for seminul fluid, asked to
recount her experiences for the
precinct, the D.A.'s office and
the jury, al least (as well as an
explanation to her friends and
her husband), expecting to be
leered 'at, at each retelling, and
then find herself being told that
it wasn't rape al all. And with no
conviction, her rapist is back on
the streets.
Mr. Downs had no advice on
protecting oneself from these
unconvicted rapists. He simply
advised not to trust strange men.
He included in this category men
you meet in bars or other "meetcontinued on page 11
111 1
Saturday, Oct. 7
Mid-day Keg: Potter Club rush event,
2:30 pm in Hamilton Hall.
Soccer: SUNYA vs. Cortland at 2:00 pm.
Jane Fonda
Experimental Theatre: Edna St. Vincent
Millay's one-act play "Aria De Capo" at
7:30and 9 p m in the PAC Arena Theatre.
Free admission.
Football Keg: Rush event with GDX and
Gamma Kap at 3 pm in Herkimer Hall.
CCGB Coffee House: featuring guitarist
Barbara Fletcher, from 9 pm-12 midnight in the CC Assembly Hall. Free!
Experimental Theatre: Edna St. Vincent
Millay's one-act play "Aria De Capo," at
4 pm (preview), 7:30 and 9 pm in PAC
Arena Theatre. Free admission.
Monday night, Oct. 9
in the Gym
Sports Schedule:
Saturday, Oct. 7 at 7:30 pm
Henway's: Live rock with "Alabaster,"
dancing, beer, extras, $.50 cover charge.
Live coverage over WSUA begining at 7:25 pm.
Sports Line
CCGB Coffee House: from 9 pm-12
midnight in the CC Assembly Hall. Free.
Sundays, 7 : 3 0 - 8 : 0 0 pm
Orchestra: all
symphonic program, Julius Hegyi conductor, 8:30 pm in the Palace Theatre in
Albany. Student tickets $2.00, other
seats $6, $5, $4, and $3.
Dutch Quad Party: featuring "Totall
Crudd," wine and beer served, from 9:30
pm—1:30 am in the Dutch Quad flagroom, $.50 with ID and tax card, $1.00
8th Step Coffee House: featuring Cliff
Haslam doing English folk ballads and sea
chantys, 14 Willet St. $1.50 donation.
8th Step Coffee House: featuring Cliff
Haslam doing English folk ballads and sea
chantys, 14 Willet St., $1.50 donation.
Sunday, Oct. 8
Ice Cream Social: Chi Sigma Theta rush
event from 3 pm—5 pm in CC 375.
Hitchcock films: "Strangers on a Train"
and "Shadow of Doubt" at 8 pm in RPI
Chapel and Cultural Center, Troy. $.75
Group for Early Music: " A Medieval
Pastiche or The Dark Ages Illuminated"
at 8:30 pm in the PAC Main Lobby. Free
Baxter's Cafe: Grand reopening, open
house and jam session, 8 p m - 1 am, 810
Madison Avenue (between Ontario and
Experimental Theatre: Edna St. Vincent
Millay's one-act play "Aria De Capo" at
7:30 and 9 pm in the PAC Arena Theatre.
Free admission.
Exhibit: "Today's News, Tomorrow's
History," to honor National Newspaper
Week at the Harmanus Bleecker Library,
19 Dove Street.
Henway's: Folk with Rich Larris, coffee
and donuts, $.50 cover charge.
Interview show with an open telephone line for
listeners to call in. (7-6443)
ii {
Parsec is a science fiction magazine.
D o n ' t snicker, leer, o r t u r n
away u p o n reading t h o s e w o r d s ,
those laughable, childish w o r d s
"science-fiction," because if y o u
do, you have n o right t o t a k e u p
space in o v e r c r o w d e d l e c t u r e
halls for the T h u r s d a y n i g h t
movies, o r t o curse t h a t t h e r e is
again no way you can get i n t o
Eng 2 1 3 . (The w o r d is " h y p o crisy".)
You see, we had a m e e t i n g o n
Monday night for a n y o n e w h o
wanted to work o n p u t t i n g o u t
the fourth issue of Parsec. It was
u well publicized m e e t i n g , with
a n n o u n c e m e n t s in classes a n d
articles in the ASP Graffiti.
Three people s h o w e d u p . A m o n g
ourselves, we decided t h a t t h r e e
people arc n o t sufficient t o t a k e
u p o n themselves the task of editing a magazine, a good m a g a z i n e .
We also decided t h a t we were
not satisfied with the last issues,
which were poorly e d i t e d a n d
proofread, and published m o r e
because they were " t h e r e " t h a n
Movie Timetable
Off Campus
Cine 1234
Hellman (459-5300;
"Slaughterhouse F i v e "
FricVSac: 7:15, 9:30
"Everything Y o u Wanted
Man Who Knew
Know About S e x "
(489 54 31)
"Gone Willi tile W i n d "
Fri: 8:15; Sat: 8 : 3 0
Fri&Sat: 7:15, 9:15
Fri: 7:15, 9:45 in LC-25
Colonie Center (459 2170)
"Fiddler on the Rool "
Fri&Sat: 8:00
SUNYA Cinema
Fri&Sat: 7 : 0 5 , 9 : 0 0
Circle Twin (785 u n a ;
"What's Up D o c ? "
Sat: 7:30, 10:00 in LC-18
FritWSat: 7:30, 9:1 5
"Biscuit Eater"
Tower East
"Andromeda Strain"
Fri&Sat: 7 : 3 0 , 10:00 in I.C-7
"Nicholas and Alexandra"
"20,000 Leagues Under
the Sea"
Fri&Sat: 8:00
(no schedule available)
"The Fixer"
Sat: 7 : 3 0 , 10:00 in LC 1
Fri&Sat: 8:00
Delaware (462 4714)
Fox Colonie
"Private Parts"
"Cancel My Reservation"
Know About Sex"
Fri: 7:30, 9 : 3 0 ; Sat: 7:35,
Fri&Sat: 7 : 3 0 , 9 : 3 0
Fri&Sat: 7 : 0 0 , 8 : 3 0 , 10:00
Cinema 7
N o t even in t h e ivory t o w e r s of
w e safe.
Williams, D i r e c t o r of C a m p u s
Security reports there has been
o n e " r a p e " investigated b y security in t h e p a s t t w o years. A n
arrest w a s m a d e , t h e accused
c o n v i c t e d of s e x u a l abuse, n o t
r a p e . B u t h e a d d s t h a t like o t h e r
c o m m u n i t i e s rapes o c c u r witho u t being r e p o r t e d . ( C r i m i n o l o gists e s t i m a t e r a p e s o c c u r 10
times as o f t e n as r e p o r t e d ) . O n e
woman on campus that I spoke
t o e s t i m a t e d t h a t in a g r o u p of
20 w o m e n of w h i c h she was a
m e m b e r , at least t w o o r t h r e e
k n e w s o m e o n e w h o was sexually
a b u s e d , if t h e y h a d n o t b e e n
abused themselves.
Albany State vs. Niagara
Free Music Store: "Fredrick Rzewski,
pianist" at 8:30 pm in the PAC Recital
Hall. Admission freel
On Campus
continued from page 9
ing p l a c e s " a n d m e n picking y o u
u p h i t c h - h i k i n g . I also i n c l u d e
y o u n g hippie types o r straights
( m o s t r a p i s t s are 2 0 - 3 0 y e a r s
old), a n y m a n y o u k n o w slightly
(it is e s t i m a t e d t h a t every w o man knows a potential rapist),
and y o u r h u s b a n d ( n o h u s b a n d
can b e c o n v i c t e d of raping his
wife). S o w h o can y o u t r u s t ?
Live Coverage!
Friday, Oct. 6
Bash: APA rush event with Chi Sigma
Theta, 4 pm in Ten Eyck Hall.
On Trial: Rope
WSUA 640
"Everything Y o u Wanted
because t h e y were w o r t h while
We d o n ' t w a n t t h a t again; we
w a n t g o o d m a t e r i a l , or writers
with e n o u g h pride in their wnrk
s o t h a t t h e y will revise it until il
is g o o d . We w a n y a staff thai
will e d i t , w h o will criticize, w h o
will be unafraid t o suggest ad Hi
tions and d e l e t i o n s , and not a
b o a r d of flunkies w h o might Inmotivated enough
to correct
p u n c t u a t i o n o n c e in a while
We believe t h a t science fiction
is as i m p o r t a n t a literary form a.s
a n y o t h e r . It is a vehicle, i
m e d i u m for expressing ideas,
just as n a t u r a l i s m a n d reulsim
are. O n l y , u n l i k e all o t h e r form.s,
it is c o m m i t t e d to thai most
neglected p o r t i o n of the inlel
lect, the i m a g i n a t i o n It Mealwith the s a m e h u m a n realities ;i>
does any o t h e r m o d e the char'
acters love and lose and suffer
and u n d e r g o i d e n t i t y crises, and
q u e s t i o n their e x i s t e n c e they re
q u i t e n o r m a l , and very i ; m l \
save the universe any more YH
take these n o r m a l characters and
e x p o s e t h e m to the fain mis
" W h a t I f" clause, and see il .1
t y p e of m e a n i n g o n e docMi 1
find a n y w h e r e else creeps in
What if c u r r e n t t r e n d s in war
sexism, scientific progress, rac
ism, o v e r p o p u l a t i o n ,
t e c h n o c r a c y were e x t e n d e d 1"
their u l t i m a t e (im)possihiliiWJ, '
Where is t h e " n o r m a l " man
t h e n ? Is a n y o n e willing I " give d
u try?
M a y b e you o u t t h e r e , hiding
from us, are afraid of us Maybe
y o u have the p o p u l a r notion
that science fiction fans develop
from fat 10 year olds w h o lurti
ed to Ibis insane escape when tm
one w o u l d play with them, and
wallowed in it ut a later age
w h e n no m e n / w o m e n
look ut t h e m . S o r r y , but most ol
us ure q u i t e n o r m a l , too,
T h e e n t i t y k n o w n as I'uihft
c o u l d d e v e l o p with y o u r help
It's y o u r maguzUie, and you con
trol it, t h e only limits being the
of y o u r
S o m e w h e r e in t h e m u l t i t u d e s
o u t t h e r e exists raw talent, holed
u p with a t y p e w r i t e r , writing,
writing. I t ' s y o u we want, you
and a staff t h a t is willing I"
work a n d m a k e this all worth
A n d p e r h a p s it even m a k e s
m o r e s e n s e t o try t o forget it
t h a n go t h r o u g h t h e legal hassels
w h e r e n o o n e will believe y o u
a n y w a y . C e r t a i n l y r a p e is a h o t
topic for c o n v e r s a t i o n at d i n n e r .
Why w o u l d y o u even tell y o u r
friends if y o u k n o w all it was
going t o boil d o w n t o was, "I'll
bet she loved i t ? "
m o r a l l y and legally. M o r a l l y ,
g o o d girls d o n ' t get raped ( u n l e s s
t h e y are c a u g h t with t h e i r b o y friend w h e n t h e folks get h o m e )
and p r o m i s c u o u s
girls c a n ' t
( w h a t ' s t h e big fuss if s h e ' s n o t a
virgin?) A n d legally t h e o n l y
jury we s h o u l d have - a j u r y of
peers (similar victims of r a p e ) • is
n o t available t o us. At p r e s e n t , it
is n o t t h e rapist w h o must t a k e
the s t a n d , t h e victim m u s t ,
which allows t h e defense a t t o r ney t o q u e s t i o n t h e v i c t i m ' s
m o r a l i t y , a p o i n t never in c o n test in o t h e r cases. B u t it is
really n o t t h e victim w h o is o n
trial, it is t h e imaginary w o m a n
t h a t is t h e c o n g l o m e r a t e of
myths running rampant.
This c o n d i t i o n has r e m a i n e d
with us t o o long. I asked Mr.
D o w n s w h a t could be d o n e t o
Improve t h e s i t u a t i o n . H e believes t h a t the whole c o r r o b o r a tion ruling should be d r o p p e d as
in the Federal law, w h e r e t h e r e
is n o a t t e m p t t o a t t a c k t h e
morals of t h e victim; t h e j u d g e
simply c a u t i o n s t h e jury t h a t t h e
victim m i g h t be m a k i n g t h e
story u p . He also impressed t h e
i m p o r t a n c e of i m m e d i a t e l y rep o r t i n g the r a p e , t h e r e b y increasing the chances of
seminal fluid in the vagina, although h e c a u t i o n s t h e r e have
been m a n y c o m p l e t e d
w i t h o u t an emission. But t h a t is
like closing the corral after t h e
horse has escaped. I n d e e d t h e
c o r r o b o r a t i o n clause s h o u l d be
Best Sellers
2. THE
KINGS. Culdwcll
1. I'M O.K.. YOU'RE O.K.. Hariris
Collins a n d
Nena and
George O'Neill
News Quiz
1. In declaring martial law in
the Philippines, P r e s i d e n t Ferdinand E. M a r c o s o r d e r e d a military take-over of: a) radio and
TV s t a t i o n s ; b ) t h r e e uirlines and
all major utilities; c ) the provincial g o v e r n m e n t .
2. Against t h e t h r e e A m e r i c a n
prisoners released b y N o r t h Viet
nam, Sec. of Defense Melvin
Laird refused t o rule o u t t h e
possibility of: a) c o u r t - m a r t i a l
p r o c e d u r e s ; b ) d i s h o n o r a b l e discharge from t h e a r m e d forces; c)
m o r e P.O.W.'s being released before the e l e c t i o n .
3. In a t w o - d a y r e f e r e n d u m
N o r w a y v o t e d : a) t o a c c e p t
m e m b e r s h i p in t h e E u r o p e a n
C o m m o n M a r k e t ; b ) t o join the
Warsaw pact; c) t o reject m e m
bership in t h e E u r o p e a n C o m
m o n Market.
'1. T h e P h i l i p p i n e g o v e r n m e n t
said t h a t 4 9 p e r s o n s were being
d e t a i n e d u n d e r t h e state of mar
tial law, a m o n g t h e m : a) 20
m e m b e r s of Congress and eight
provincial g o v e r n o r s ; b ) C o m m u n i s t leaders und various stu
d e n l activities; c ) the main
O p p o s i t i o n leader, fivo m e m b e r s
of Congress, t w o provincial governors, und several n e w s m e n .
f). An u n d - t h e - w a r a m e n d m e n t
that the Senate adopted three
m o n t h s ago was rejected b y the
Senatu by u v o t e of: a) 55 t o '12,
b ) 4 5 to 4 2 ; c) 52 t o 47.
u. At t h e a n n u a l m e e t i n g of
l b ii I n t e r n a t i o n a l
F u n d , Hoc. of T r e a s u r y G e o r g e
P. Hchultz m a d e proposals for:
a) a new world m o n e t a r y s y s t e m
with wide fluctuations in world
exchange rales; b) eliminating
the gold s t a n d a r d ; c) a new
policy of U.S. p r o t e c t i o n i s m .
7. Asserting that t h e r e is a
general increased threat of terrorist activity in the United
States, the U.S.: u) cancelled
visas for the rest of the year; b)
imposed visa restrictions
foreigners traveling h e r e , c) imposed tighter immigration q u o tas for this year.
'Every woman knows
As the three P.O W.'s
j o u r n e y e d h o m e w a r d they slopped in: a) Peking, Moscow, Paris
and New York; b) Peking, Moscow,
Y o r k ; e) T o k y o ,
H o u s t o n and Washington.
«'H H'L H ) M'tJ O
M'OI J ' 0
' i ; u ' 8 M'l
Student Press office
be submitted
to the
(CC 334) by Monday, 12 noon
following the Friday that the puzzle appears.
Name, address, phone number, and social security number must appear on your solution.
Puzzle solutions will be drawn at random until three
correct solutions have been chosen.
Each of the three winners will be entitled to a free dinner
for two at the Patroon Room in the Campus Center (not
including liquor and
tips). Dinners must be claimed
within two weeks of notification.
No one working on or for the Albany Student Press is
eligible to win.
a potential
Sorry, only one entry per person will be accepted.
B u t for n o w , l e t ' s get back on
the s t r e e t s after d a r k . N o , n o t
alone. T a k e nightly walks in
groups to exercise y o u r f r e e d o m
of m o v e m e n t as well as to patrol
y o u r n e i g h b o r h o o d . A g r o u p of
five o r m o r e w o m e n is m o r e
t h a n safe from an a t t a c k e r ; t h e y
can easily s u b d u e o n e w h o is
a t t a c k i n g a n o t h e r w o m a n . If
y o u ' r e walking h o m e a l o n e w e a r
a h a t p i n , curry an u m b r e l l a ( u s e
us a b a y o n e t ) or a whistle in
y o u r h a n d . Think u b o u t s l u m p ing on insteps o r kicking knees.
Sturt really looking at faces a n d
cars and practice recalling I h e m .
T h e s e and s o m e very good self
defense ideas c o m e from a b o o k let t h a t t h e W o m e n L i b e r a t i o n
G r o u p on c a m p u s , as well as t h e
Albany c h a p t e r of N.O.W. h a s :
" S t o p R a p e . " We m u s t r e m e m ber t h a t t h e best way to s t o p
rape is to go after the p r o b l e m
ourselves. T r u e t o form, the m e n
in the legislature are n o t t o o
basically because t h e y are n o t
the o n e s w h o have t o c o n t e n d
with it. Likewise, the men we
k n o w us friends, h u s b a n d s , even
lovers, have no idea h o w we fear
coming h o m e from school or
work after dark.
Let's gel on it!
n o t e Mr. D o w n s wus n o t q u o ted by his o w n request.
Contest Winners
S e p t e m b e r 2'J
8. T h e meeting b e t w e e n C h o u
Fn-lui und Kukuei T a n a k a resulted in; a) the normalization of
China and J a p a n ; b) a j o i n t
defense pact between their t w o
c o u n t r i e s ; c) trade a g r e e m e n t s .
9. T h e recent grain deal between the U S. and the U.S.fa'.U.
wa» called the biggest grain deal
in history because: a) the U.S.
made u n p r e c e d e n t e d profits; b)
75% of the U.S. grain surplus
was sold, c) the U.S.S.K. bought
26% of the U.S. grain c r o p for
barguin prices.
Crossword Contest Rules
d r o p p e d a n d it b e h o o v e s us t o
l o b b y in g r o u p s o r singly for
this, b u t w e m u s t e d u c a t e as
well. We m u s t e x p o s e s u c h
m y t h s as " w o m e n want t o get
r a p e d " o r " n i c e girls d o n ' t get
r a p e d . " We m u s t m a k e it k n o w n
t h a t it is n o t socially a c c e p t a b l e
for a m a n t o " s e d u c e " his d a t e .
N o w o m a n w a n t s t o h a v e herself
exposed to a strange man w h o
will leave h e r in pain a n d bleeding. A n y w o m a n can get r a p e d if
she h a p p e n s t o b e w a l k i n g in t h e
w r o n g place at t h e w r o n g t i m e ,
and n o o n e s h o u l d d e m a n d p a y m e n t for a steak d i n n e r w i t h a
roll in t h e sack. Of c o u r s e it
w o r k s b o t h w a y s ; if s o m e w o m e n m a k e it policy t o m a n i p u l a t e in this w a y t h e y are simply e d u c a t i n g m e n t o e x p e c t this
|iin Fristia
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ASP Crossword Puzzle
" y t-UWAHD J U L I U S
1. Impasuivo P e r s o n
6. Sharpen
i n . Lit^ht Tan
1U. About
. . lixceutii vu r r a l H u
17, Jupano'ia
,1 t e a II
1H. Liorvitnt
20. Uiuffltid
2 1 . fcxclamat i on
22. Uoclure i'oai t i \ e l y
Juiz Instrument
Wlru Service
A na 1 y £ o
K ranch 1 ' a l n t e r
S pan) HII /*unt
Of the Church
Motdll lc Iilumunl
S i n ^ u r Dennis
Foundatl on
Mi us Oaviu
(J I van Sound u u u 1 i t y
l U l l i i l ! liil.wnl
1 Ji
1 n l o r J a c t l on
. . . StinklnK
57. P U y t h l n d
58. T r o t m a n t or tiiu Koot
60. C u l l P o r t h
62. K . a t M.aouro l a b o r . }
6 3 . S h a k e s p a a r e u n Kin*
64. Wnndor. About
?.. Church Tax
Spanloh Uold
Chemical s u f f i x
T r o o p s on Horseback
F o r c e d t o Go
j-ollah River
Musical P i e c e u
h u r o p e a n Ueor
German C o n j u n c t l >n
Swudlah I n v a n t o r
Nova S c o t l a n o u a i n
Unexci t i n g
35. Utmm himl t t e r
Greek G i a n t
Airline Company
1ndlan Ox
S p a n i s h Uitncu
dody P a r t
Ornitinunt.il Canu
P a r t - h o m e Deity
Amuricun-iituj'.u Qusen
Mother of Helen
Government Agency
Mora T h i n Una U u b r . )
Liquor crand
John Mayall to Play at Union
"Archimedia" at RPI
An open letter to the members
of the SUNYA community:
You are warmly invited to
participate in a conference/
festival ARCHIMEDIA which
will take place on the RPI campus 1215 October. The event
will be organized by the School
of Architecture, as a region wide
The primary purpose is to try
to foster better communication
of ideas across disciplines, across
professional boundaries, across
social boundaries, and to examine how various media can help.
The program will include:
Three major lectures; workshops led by diverse experts;
films, experiments, demonstrations, exhibits, a large Archiparty, a dance performance, an
event at Troy Music Hall...and
Among t h e distinguished
guests who have agreed to come
are Buckminster Fuller, Robert
Summer (psychologist, author of
" P e r s o n a l Space"), Charles
Jencks (historian, author of
"Architecture 2000") and Donald Appleyard (planner, author
of "View From the Road").
We intend this to be a conference of major stature. But major
conferences held ,on college campuses are often inaccessible to
the local communities (they read
about it in the papers). ARCHIMEDIA will have contributors of
national and international repute, but iU major participants
are intended to be the campus
and local community members.
In line with that, ARCHIMEDIA will be free (except for
the Fuller talk and the dance
performance), and will be open
to all. If you want more information about scheduling, places
to stay, whatever, please call me
at the School of Architecture,
Alan Greenberger
Student Coordinator
Two good shows are coming
up at the Union College Chapel
this weekend: Friday nite the
pop-folk trio, Gun Hill Road,
(that opened our own POCO
concert quite well last weekend)
opens; folksinger Jim Dawson, a
friendly, mellow sjnger is featured. On Saturday, Glass Harp,
a rock trio from Cleveland that
mixes the populism of Midwestern 'bands with some pretty
advanced excursions into sonic
textures, will appear. Tickets for
the Glass Harp show are a real
bargain-only $1. to non-Union
***John Mayall's date at the
Palace (this weekend) was tancelled; he'll be appearing at
Siena the 15th. In defense of the
SUNYA Concert Board-it appears that they did not turnr
down the Mayall date due to
"crowd control" problems, as
KITE alleges. The Mayall date
was offered 4e SUNYA for this
weekend, on less than a week's
and the planet.
The A ndromeda Strain is a
potentially exciting science fiction thriller based on the recent
bestseller of the same name. I
say potentially exciting because
the film falls short of its mark.
This is partially due to the fact
that the hook also did not live
up to its potential, but the major
fault lies with the director. The
film starts very slowly, and its
poor pacing makes the story
drag on. While aiming for
realism, a necesuary element of
the story, it never comes across
as fully as it should. Tint movie
is advertised as the story of
",,,'08 of the most critical hours
in man's history!..." and it
claims that the suspense "...will
lust through your lifetime!" It's
notch every time the Board
showed any sign of interest!
Bundy trombone. Good condition. $110. Call 456-7131.
69 LeMans—2 door hardtop V-8,
Bucket seats, console, automatic. 785-6992.
1965 Corvair, 4-door, automatic
shift, very economical to run,
new tires, $ 1 9 5 . Call 439-5969.
1965 Dodge Dart; Best offer
above $ 2 0 0 . Call Dick Hildenbrand: 272-5407 or 272-9413.
Portable Combo Organ (used); 5
voices, echo, tremelo, banjo,
mandolin, and strum. Original
cost $ 8 0 0 . Will take $300 or
best offer. Dom 869-5773.
For Sale:
by Gail Ratiibun
Isn't an artist an artist, regardless of sex? Lawrence Alloway,
in the booklet introducing the
new show to the SUNYA Art
Gallery, suggests that the reasoning behind the title "New
York Women Artists" lies in the
fact that more urtists who are
women are without galleries
than men who are artists, and
these thirteen women wish to
stand up and show their work
together as sisters in protest.
How about 13 "New York Men
Artists"? That is a strange title,
but one easily changed without
major shortcoming, however, is
that it lacks intensity, one
hardly ever feels that the world
is in danger of being wiped out,
although the point is stressed
over and over again. The basic
suspense of the movie hinges
upon this, and its failure means
that the movie lacks suspense
until its closing minutes.
The film is saved by excellent
sets and photography, and by
consistently good acting. As a
fictional scientific suspense film
it is filled witii computer banks,
video screens, high power electron microscopes, scientific talk,
and loads of other space age
gadgetry, and the imaginative
sets do an excellent job of
mixing realistic s c Ion U fie
equipment with the fictional
aspects of the story. The photography is excellent in terms of
the film's setting. The sharply
p h o t o g r u p h e d, sla rk desert
scenes at the beginning of the
film contrast well with the
brightly lit antiseptic laboratories of the Wildfire Station.
The fine visuals and technical
effects help the film ulong, and
there isn't one poorly acted
scene In the movie.
There are some minor political
and military aspects to The
Andromeda Strain, but don't
look 'or any messages, political
or otherwise, In the film; there
really aren't any, It Is a science
fiction film made purely for
entertainment. It comes clone to
failure as science fiction, but It Is
a moderate succeiw us an enter
taininj film.
2 6 " B&W T V . Price flexible. Call
Joe 7-5337.
For Sale: Women's Lang Standard ski boots, size 7 M . Cost
asking $ 5 0 . 2 yrs. old.
vaulting pole. 877-8636.
WEDDING RINGS. 3,000 ring
selections in all styles at 50%
discount to students, staff, and
faculty. Buy direct from leading
manufacturer and S A V E ! 'tcarat
$179, 3/4carat only $ 2 9 9 . For
free color folder write: Box 4 2 ,
Fanwood, N.J. 07023.
parking. Call 439-5969 or IV24020.
W A N T E D D E A D OR A L I V E :
Lionel Trains. Quick cash. Call
439-5109. •
needed. $ 4 0 a
month. Near bus line. O w n
room. Sue 449-8743 after 9 p.m.
1 person to share
apartment 278 Western Ave.
Own room. Available now. O n
busline. Call 438-8398.
Opportunity for male or female
wanting to work part-time or
full-time. All personnel will
come to 1702 Central Ave. at
7:00 P.M. Ask for Mr. Mosley.
Hundreds of dollars can be
Attractive barmaid - will train Leonard's Tavern, 117 N. Lake,
Roommate needed for house in
Averlll Park. Own room. Need
car. Call 674-2633.
Roommate wanted to share apt.
with grad student. Leave message at 472-3290.
Roommate wanted to share
house on Route 9W, just south
of Albany. $ 5 0 a month. Call
after 6 P . M . - 4 6 2 - 4 8 1 3 .
Babysitter needed Tues. 12-3.
Please call 489-2071.
book by Donovan. If found return to Ed D'Arcangelis, 1765
Ave. A , Schenectady. 377-0947.
Typing done
869-24 74.
Need typing
4 72-8883.
Call Sue
Lost: Brown braided leather belt
at concert. C o n t a c t Denise
Green Catherine. Rock f r o m San
Francisco. (518)877-5328.
Folksinger Jim Dawson will play at Union on Friday.
tutoring by
speaker. Tel. 465-4147.
second thought to "New York
Artists" title which would not
seem strange at all even if it were
noticed that all the artists were
men. (In thut c s e the question
would become "why New York
artists?") All of which proves a
point to me, and that is we can
get so caught up in a title that
the title becomes the main object
of speculation and not the work
itself. These are thirteen talented
women. Tlv - got together and
put on an inhibition of their
work. Together. That's all. And
the title that they gave it reflects
this simple process.
One> gallery-goer commented
at Sunday's opening that the
exhibition was most "definitely
feminine." Is this an insult?
Some will act as if there had
been an affront made and defend, "You only say that because you know the artists are
women, and you're looking for
so-called feminine characteristics." Sound familiar? The defense presupposes that "definitely feminine" is a derogatory
, c o m m e n t . The "defender"
would seem to want to deny
women the characteristics that
made art by women distinct
from that of men and give their
art identity. In distinction I can
in no way see inequality or
On the other hand, is the
comment a positive one? Was
that visitor apt in implying that
feminine characteristics were
apparent in all the work? What
unfeminine characteristics?
Some would say the art of
women is naturalistic in agreement with the so-called practicality of women. Others feel
that women's art is physically
conditioned. "A third view interprets domestic techniques,
such as sewing and knotting, as
an index of femininity." (View
of Patsy Norvoll and Sarah
Oraney as stated by Alloway.)
The first two views may apply to
both men and women artists; I
don't feel that the realm of the
naturalistic and physically conditioned nor of the pructicul is
solely that of the woman. Men,
however, are not by condltlon-
Guitar and banjo lessons. Call
Roger or Izzy. 459-6935.
ing in touch with domestic techniques. I c a n n o t imagine
executing Norvell's printed vinyl ruffles, so closely is it linked with
sewing techniques. (It also reminded me of too many dishes
done while staring out the gay
vinyl-curtained window over the
sink--an experience not familiar
to most men.) Paula Tavins'
"Snow Princess" of small bags
sewn to canvas and painted randomly with magna is another
e x a m p l e demonstrating the
domestic technique theory. And
Sarah Draney makes her slender
leaning branches comply with
the theory when she wraps
colored thread around them. She
is In a sense making them hers*
(not his) with this threadwrapping.
Is other work shown, then, not
"definitely feminine"? Yes, I
believe that it is not. My gallerygoer was generalizing, and I can
buy Norvell's and Draney's idea
of the feminine in art. "Hung
1-4" by Sharon Gilbert and
"White Moth" (which hovers in
space over the exhibition) by
Audrey Hemenway are two of
m y favorite works as well as the
aforementioned, but they do not
strike me as peculiarly feminine.
They don't fit my new, narrow
criteria. (Someone did comment,
however, that "Hung 1-4" reminded her of "dilapidated
diaphragms." If indeed this was
Gilbert's inspiration, a new criteria for feminine art may have
been suggested.)
The exhibition dominating the
lower half of the gallery is
" P h o t o g r a p h y Canada." As
usual, the gallery crew has done
a good job of presenting the
highly journalistic work of this
varied Canadian group. The
majority of the photographs are
straightforward, quality, 115 nun.
black and white protraits and
"slices of life," The main fault
of this exhibit is too much of
tlie same tiling. The small color
photographs provide little relief
from the sameness of subject
matter and technique. Stricter
selection might have given this
show mom punch than It throws
If you're a freshman, keep
reading. There'll be a meeting
for anybody interested in class
activities, Monday, October 9 at
8 P.M. in the Assembly Hall.
(Now aren't you glad you stuck
it out?)
Chiffon and Taffeta. What a
D R A G to be alone. T.V.s where?
Chi Sig is making you an offer '
you can't refuse...a bash, with
APA in Clinton Hall Friday at
3:00. All rushees invited.
Cori - Happy Belated Birthday •
Free, fluffy grey kitten. Needs
home. 482-2127.
Chi Sig's bash with APA is today
at 4 : 0 0 in Ten Eyck Hall. Come
and start your weekend off
Cori - Happy Belated Birthday Caryn.
We're still friends, okay?
Cori - Happy Belated Birthday Eileen.
Love you and will
Typing done. Call Mrs. Blaise
465-8881 or 393-4689.
Women's Art Opens at Gallery
Andromeda Strain on Campus Tonite
by David Gonsalves
An unmanned U.S. Air Force
sattelite, Scoop VII, probing for
microorganisms in outer space,
has returned to earth carrying a
powerful and deadly new organism, the Andromeda Strain.
£coop VII lands in a small desert
town in the Southwestern U.S.
and the Andromeda Strain,
which could, if allowed to exist
unchecked, kill all existing life
on the planet. The four, with the
aid of millions of dollars worth
of scientific equipment, must
accomplish this with speed and
precision, using Scoop VII, the
old man, and the baby as their
only clues. They reach their goal
with a ifridtt deal of luck, but not
before a number of disasters
come close to destroying them,
notice, by an outside promoter...who proceeded to jack
up the asking price another
Dear Billy Gold,
My mother loves y o u (?)
My father loves y o u (??)
My sister loves y o u (???)
But most of all...
Your favorite w o p
J o n ' t forget rushees...ChiSig is
having a scrumptious salad party
Wednesday night at 7:00 in Ten
Eyck hall. Be t h j r e .
This year skiing in France on the
2nd Annual SUNY Ski Tour.
December 30,1972 - January
8,1973. Travel, Meals, Room,
Parly, Skiing - $299. Contact:
John Morgan-457-4831
Expeditions Inc. Caving trips,
equipment and transportation
provided - $b • Call Fred
Dear Phrog,
Happy Birthday!
Love, Cuddles
help you make it. tf you have anything to sell, any services to offer for
which you ask a fee, try ASP classifieds. If you want to print a personal
(anyplace), or want to sell a ride, the
( I . Happy
Birthday. I ove, Me.
are a better
most. If you're out of work, or want
Happy Birthday
Ira Wolfman
Love, J i n & Leannie
give a job to one of
unemployed,ad v e r t i s e in the ASP.
is not con-
nected with money, either the superabundance or lack of it, consider the
ASP graffiti section. If you want to
announce a non-profit group meeting, or short announcements of non-
wanted A p p l y in petson. Cayuga 300.
you want t o make money, a
common malady, ASP classifieds will
message, or want a ride to someplace
Happy Belated Birthday
Chi Sig the only reason in the
world to go Greek, with love
from all their fans.
3-bedroom near
4 39-596'J or
miss you
profit special events, ASP grafitti will
print them for free.
Dean Shulte
Head of Syracuse University
School of Journalism
will speak on
Tuesday nite
at 7:30 pm
in LC 22
continued from page 19
first place.
Regardless of where the
"seniors" live, certain problems
are inevitable. The lack of kitchen facilities would be a serious
handicap since elderly people
generally enjoy preparing meals
and are not accustomed to institutional food. To the "seniors,"
stairs may be an inconvenience,
fire drills a harrowing experience, and the gentle vibes of
Aqualung after midnight something short of a lullaby
Randi Bader
In the academic, arena the enrollment of the aged in General
Studies courses may be more of
an idealistic than realistic goal.
Many older people have simply
not fulfilled the prerequisites for
college level work or have been
out of school for so many years
that they are out of touch with
modern theories and techniques.
Accordingly, they may feel intellectually intimidated by their
younger classmates.
Despite this pessimistic evaluation, I do believe that housing
senior citizens on campus could
result in a mutually beneficial
cultural exchange if we take care
to make some preparations. Of
primary importance is the consultation of the student body by
the administration before taking
any action on the program. Failure to do so might result in
feelings of resentment and hostility which could be easily generalized to the new residents.
Several alterations in the physical layout of facilities and in the
university's professional and
non-professional staff would be
necessary. Kitchen and residence
facilities must be investigated
and accomodated to meet the
needs of the senior citizens. An
expansion of our infirmary facilities would be advisable considering the precarious health
status of the-elderly. Lastly, if
we are truly interested in the
educational enrichment of our
new residents the initiation of
some more creative and less academically oriented courses
would be a positive indication.
In the final analysis, the degree
of success with which we could
combine the student and senior
Millions of men, women and children have been killed, •
maimed or left homeless as a result of the bombing.
Do we really not care about the people we kill?
-and this is what President Nixon calls a policy of "great
He tells us he is winding down the war - and then says that
unless North Vietnam accepts his terms, there will be no reduction of the bombing. (As a matter of fact, there will probably be a further escalation.)
"Those who have had a chance for four years and could not
produce peace, should not be given another chance," Nixon,
October 9, 1968.
On this October 9th, it will be four years. Can our conscience
stand the guilt of another four years of this kind of immorality
under Richard Nixon?
What are the justifications we are given for this wasting of
Vietnam and its people? To protect the people of South Vietnam from communism? To maintain democracy?
The regime we are defending suspends elections, muzzles the
press, jails and tortures its political opponents. The people we
are supposed to be saving are being systematically killed.
To the survivors, our fight to contain communism in Southeast
Asia (at the same time that we are making business deals with
communist countries) can only be viewed as hypocritical fanaticism, indistinguishable from that which we have sworn to
We, too, stand to gain from
such a proposal. While campus
life provides a pleasant respite
from the real world, a little
diversity around here surely
would not hurt. Sometimes I
almost forget that the very old,
and very young exist. With
senior citizens living on the
quads, campus life would be
more interesting, more varied,
and a little more real. Wouldn't
it be nice to talk with a spritely
septugenarian once in a while?
Maybe all those years on earth
has given him something valuable to share with us.
Finally, not too many senior
citizens would be able to make
such a move. The senior citizen
living here would be the one
with motivation, the one flexible
enough to try it. In a sense, they
would lie the cream of the crop.
.So I say, let's let 'em in.
The "gray lib" movement lives.
Okay. So much for the arguments against the proposal. To
consider the positive aspects of
this proposal, I must be serious,
because when you stop to think
about it, it is a fine idea
O™ northway mall ggr^
Fall Lines
( 1 Just protesting is not enough.
\ ] Voting your conscience is not enough.
DeM Ever
Your dollars are crucial. Your dollars can stop the killing. Make
it possible for George McGovern to awaken the people before
November 7.
President McGovern would end the war.
People of conscience must make this linal sacrifice: contribute
your utmost!
«• ~w«i-j*fc«lH«*!ij»«^|Bi1B'?
This is our last chance to make a difference.
SPAIN - T h e Torrot 10 Speed
Pechenik's Bicycle shop, Nassau.
Enough said-"
Dear Senator McGovern:
I loo feel compelled lo do my utmost lo end the war in
Vietnam - and I know that requires the sacrificial giving ol
dollars to help you awaken every American. Unclosed is my
contrihulion of $25 (or the closest to that figure I can manage).
r ^Page
M O One
ne W
Wiinn--AA- B i k e Contest
| Name
| Address
• Telephone nu
I No purchase necessary
O fY
SI A 11
201 l-.ASI 42 STIU l-.l
NEW YOI1K. N Y. 11X11J
Sond now 20 py hoollol I'U,,,,,,,,, luut EniJ.unm.nl and Wadd.n.j" plm
lull coloi I,,1.1,,, and 44 ,,,, Bndt'i Bool tjill olio, oil lor only ?!«. F-22
\ copy of our report Hied Willi ihc uppropriulc supcivisoiy ufltcei is (01 will be) uvuilithlc for pur chase from ilic
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Oflicc, Washington, O.C. 20402.
. . . forum
Americans will not always be able to ignore the consequences
of our actions. We will be asked: How could it happen? Where
were you? What did you do?
Even as the bombing and killing have been escalated, most
Americans appear to have tuned out on what's happening in
Indochina. The Nixon Administration is counting on the
The merits of the proposal
should be considered from two'
perspectives: that of the senior
citizen and that of us. In this
case, both groups would benefit.
For the senior citizen the advantages are so obvious that they
hardly seem worth mentioning;
The senior citizen, faced with a
limited future, can easily become bored, feel useless a n d '
indeed old. Unless his or her life
is filled with some activity, some
meaning, this problem becomes
all the more serious. Living on
campus would allow the senior
citizen to be involved in a'
young, healthy, stimulating atmosphere.
And that's after six years of protest!
American conscience to care only about U.S. casualties, not
about the lives of Vietnamese.
balls, or the fleeting pan re*
ceivers who run with abandon
on the quads?
And what about Are drills?
Any State Quad resident knows
that those buzzers would wipe
out half the senior citizen dorm,
with coronary arrests. Which
leads to other problems. Are we
to expect the ASP, budgeted for
too little space as is, to produce
a weekly obituary page?
The list of minor problems is
endless. Most students here are
worried about their future, their
careers, and therefore we usually
spend the darkness hours in our
by Stan Kaufman
rooms studying. The senior citiShould presently vacant dorms zen, with few of those concerns,
be used to house senior citizens? would probably prefer partying
There are a number of points to at night. Their loud parties
be made on both sides of this might force multitudes of young
issue. I will first consider the students to the library where the
drawbacks of the proposal, and noise problem is already out of
while you may consider them control.
insignificant, I surely do.
Finally, the problem of m i x e d
Let us assume that we are dating must be considered. In
living on campus with one hall this case, I will attempt to speak
on each quad filled with senior Tor the male students on camcitizens. It is a proven Tact that pus. We all know how old men
senior citizens are considerably go for young women. Who does
less agile than younger students. that leave us with? You guessed
How would the "senior" be able it! And what about the loose
to dodge the frisbees, the foot- sexual mores of senior citizens
that we've all heard so much
Coma ski with the ALBANY STATE I about? After all, what do they
SKI CLUB in Solden. Austria. 12 j care about a reputation? Fellow
JDays Jan. 4, 1973 -Jan. 15, 1973. male students, as protectors of
JPrica of $312 includes:
the purity and virtue of our
female classmates, can we let
this happen?
-Day in Zurich
-Taxes & Gratuities
Ski Bag
iContact: Robert Waldman, Box
JT78DD-SUNYA. 1400 Washington
., 12222. BIB 465-3706
The Equivalent Of 7 Hiroshima A-Bombs
Are Being Dropped On
Indochina Each And Every Month
Explosives equal to 420 Hiroshima A-bombs have already
been dropped on Vietnam.
citizen communities on our campus lies not so much in the
situation itself, but with our
motives and initiative in pursuing the project. If we can look
beyond our economic needs and
are willing to make some accommodations and sacrifices in order
to serve both groups I believe
that a rewarding cltural experience can be achieved. The critical question which we must ask
ourselves is "are we willing?"
Contest u|>ufi to anyone over 1(5,
except employees of Page One, its adVer
using angoncy o' suppliers First ptueoi
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Tues. Oct. 10th, 4 p.m. CC 315.
by Mike Igoe
"They scared the living hell
out of us!"
Hudson Valley coach Burr
Reeves expressed this feeling
about the Niagara football club
that his team clashed with last
Although the Vikings were
able to dump the Niagara Purple
Eagles 27-0, the first half of play
saw a battle of defenses as neither team was able to score.
Speaking at the weekly luncheon of area coaches and sporta
media, Reeves found two attentive listeners in SUte coaches
Bob Ford and Ray Murphy
whose Great Danes meet the
Purple Eagles Saturday night.
Reeves noted that Niagara's
Oklahoma defense which puis,
the monster man through the
middle created blocking problems for the Vikings.
In fact, the Hudson Valley
mentor had to teach his team
during halftime and throughout
the rest of the game how to cope
with it.
Relying on scouters' reports
and a film from last year, Coach
Bob Ford echoed the concern of
photo service
by Tony "The Turk" Espejio
by Tony ' T h e Turk" Espejio
Archie who?
Sure Joe Namath is healthy but
the Jet defense isn't. Bob Griese
and Co. should have a good
Jim Plunkett is for real.
The Minnesota defense is plenty
mad about last week's Joss to
Miami, Vikings in a laffer.
Roman Gabriel's accupuncture
treatments won't be enough to
carry Los Angeles.
Eagles' coach Ed Khayat's haircut and shave standard hasn't
produced any victories so far
this season.
It" doesn't matter who the
Browns have at quarterback.
Dutch Quad Board
Despite popular opinion, the
Cowboys can win with Craig
The Lion defense will be too
much for Bob Berry.
Green Bay's running game continues to roll.
Football's million dollar question - "Will the Broncos ever win
a game?"
But the new Chargers will give
the Colts a scare.
the emotional Reeves.
"We don't believe in running
scared," commented Ford "but
we've got our work cut out for
The Hudson Valley squad witnessed a defensive show last
S a t u r d a y b u t the Albany
Gridders can also expect to see a
sound offfensive performance by
the Purple Eagles.
The Niagara offense will feature three men who have played
together all through high school
and college - quarterback John
Scotto, and running backs Ed
Renica and Bob Ruth.
"Scotto really hurt us last
year," observed Ford. "He's a
fantastic scrambler and an accurate passer. He seems to pass
the best when he's under pressure."
Renica, who was named Niagara's Most Valuable Player in
1971, led the club in rushing
The senior co-captain also handled several defensive duties
throughout the schedule.
Ruth, another power runner,
received the Most Valuable Back
award in 1970.
"They're a funny team," continued Ford. "They have a number of guys who play many
positions. You're never sure
where they're going to be. Quarterback John Scotto, for example, has also seen action at offensive and defensive tackles."
The Great Danes will find out
exactlyrhow sneaky the Purple
Eagles are tomorrow night at
7:30 in Niagara.
the women's tennis team defeated Vassar College 4-2 Tuesday afternoon for their fifth win
of the season. The female netters
now stand at 5-2.
Scoring victories in their
matches were Nancy Katz, Carol
Glowinsky, Donna Present, and
Louise Covitt. Albany Student
Press sweetheart Katie Bennett
and Carol Bown both bowed
to their opponents.
Coach Peggy Mann took the
occasion to praise the -quad.
Calling her girls "u very enthu-
siastic group of determined tennis players," Ms. Mann abundantly showed her satisfaction
with their performances.
This weekend the team travels
to New Paltz to compete in the
Eastern Collegiate Tournament.
Singles entries will be Nancy
Ketz and Carol Glowinsky.
Team captain Carol Bown and
Katie Bennett will handle the
The female netters return
home on Thrusday, October 12
for a match with Skidmore.
Game time for the meet will be
i I
by Ken Arduino
Vinnie Reda and Nick De
Marco led a powerful Albany
team over R.P.I, and Siena in a
cross country meet held last
This was built up by the local
papers as a meet between Albany and RPI and a race between two of the top runners in
Rukanshegiza and Albany's own
Vinnie Reda.
At the mile mark it was
Rukanshegiza with a good 10
yard lead over Reda. The pace
was fast with the mile being run
in less than five minules. On
the second mile Reda slowly cut
the edge and the lead changed
hands a couple of times on the
third mile. At the three mile
50 with University I.D.
& Tax Card
$1.00 without
Steady -Jim Schrader, Carlo
Cherubim), and Bill Sore! again
ran great races finishing fourth,
fifth and sixth respectively
Then- was only one second between each runner. John Kock,
Booters Play
Great But Lose
by Nathan Salant
Albany's bootmen went down
to their third defeat of the year,
versus Oneonta, but played one
of the greatest games an Albany
soccer team has ever played. The
game ended with a score of 4-0,
but the score was meaningless.
The only thing that truely mattered was that unranked, 6 goal
underdog, Albany had held the
team many people consider to
be number 2 in the state, to just
1 goal for the first 80 minutes of
Albany used a toUIIv new
game plan^ - - man to man
coverage with one free fullback
who worked as a sweeper. The
name of the game was to be
defensive and not offensive. Albany was to go for breakaways
o n I y —no sustained offensive
drives. It was the only way to
defeat a team like Oneonta, a
team consisting of 2 AilAmericans, a new player, Farouk
Karishi, who is one of the best
soccer players in America, a
team which has averaged 7 goals
a game, a team that has been
undefeated for the past two seasons of league play.
The game opened with what
was to be the dominant feature
of the game—Oneonta on offense, and Albany playing tough
defense. The Oneonta forwards
were constantly bringing the ball
up, only to be forced to pass.
mark Reda made his move and
opened a lead that he would
never lose.
Reda's time was 26 minutes
and 21 seconds, Albany's fastest
time oT the season. It was the
second fastest time in a duel
meet in Albany's history. The
time was the 22nd fastest ever
on I lie course.
Nick De Marco won the "Runner of the Meet" award for his
impressive performance. Nick
ran his best lime, 26:59, while
finishing third. Nick is coming
back from a season of injuries
hist fall
take a 30-40 yard shot, or IORP
the ball to Albany's defenseman
who promptly booted the hall
the length of the field, as per the
game plan.
As the game progressed, Oneonta became disorganized—they
were not used to a 0-0 score.
The pressure was really on them,
and things looked great for Albany, when our old nemisis
struck a questionable call by
ref. With 1:15 to go in trie first
half, an Oneonta attack was broken up via a sliding tackle by
Albany defenseman
M ark
Solano. As Solano fell, his hand
accidentally touched the ball,
and the rets faked us out by not
calling a penalty (which was
actually a good call), however,
when he got up, his elbow
touched the ball, and ref farthest
from the play whistled for u
penally kick a poor call. A
hand ball must be intentional.
The resulting penalty kick was
put in to the net, as are most of
these kicks. The half ended with
the Danes trailing 1-0.
In the second half Albany
came out playing that same
dogged, tough defense, and the
score stayed at 1-0 until, with
less than 10 minutes to play,
Farouk Karishi scored on a fluk*
goal. At this point, after playing
such strong defense for so long,
the Albany defense collapsed,
finully yielding two goals to a far
superior team.
Phi) Doyle, and Scott Abercrombie also finished in the top
The Great Danes' depth has
enabled them to take on all
schools without fear. This was
the first meet that Albany has
finished first in but Albany
seems to be able to monopolize
most of the top ten.
The score of the meet was
Albany 19, RPI 54, and Siena
6y. Albany is now 7-1, RPI 2-4,
and Siena is now 1-4. Albany
takes on a weak New Paltz team
this Friday.
The J.V. team put on a strong
showing before fading and losing
to a good R.P.I, team. Albany
was leading at one point but
could not hang on to win the
race, Jim Glebhardt finished
second to lead the Pups who are
now 0-3.
by Bruce Maggin
Football—Albany vs. Niagara
The Danes, who are flying high after their opening:
victories over Stony Brook and RIT, travel to
Niagara tomorrow night.
Albany has shown a strong running attack out of
the wishbone-T, coming up with stars like McCoy
Allister and Marvin Perry. John Bertuzzi proved that
he can complete a pass, one a 78 yard touchdown
pass to Bob Baxer.
The defense has realty gelled. Co-captain Arnie
Wilt was outstanding against RIT assisting on 21
tackles. The defense has permitted just 17 points in
their last five games dating back to last year.
Niagara, 1-2 lost to Hudson Valley last week.
Returning from last years squad that Albany beat
are quarterback John Scotto, halfback Ed Renica,
fullback Ron Tuholsky and halfback Bob Ruth.
They have an explosvie offense.
The night game shouldn't bother the Dane offense
since the ball is hardly thrown but the defensive
secondary might have some problems seeing the ball
in the lights.
Prediction: Albany, 28; Niagara, 14.
Soccer Albany vs. Cortland
The booters are having problems scoring this year
as they were shutout for the second time this year.
They now stand 0-2 in SUNYAC play. Last year
Cortland beat Albany 3-1.
Prediction: Cortland, 3; Albany, 2.
To quote Coach Wingert, "We
have nothing to be ashamed of—
There's nothing the be ashamed
of when you hold u team of
Oneonta's quality to just four
goats- the fewest they've scored
this season. We played superbly.
There's nothing else to say except that this was one of the
greatest games Albany has ever
played." The team was in total
agreement with the coach, and
was very happy about their excellent showing. I cannot agree
Cross-Country—Albany vs. New Paltz
The harriers are enjoying one of their best seasons
ever following Wednesdays victories over Siena and
RPI. Vinnie Reda has shown that he is the big
runner that Albany can count on. Wednesday, he
won his first race of the year. New Paltz shouldn't
poise any great threat to the team.
Prediction—Another easy win for the Danes.
Pro 'Football -Giants vs. New Orleans
The Giants, who looked very good against a weak
Philadelphia team, go up against another easy
opponent in the New Orleans Saints. Last week, the
Saints rushed for a grand total of 7 yards in their
game against the 49ers. Archie Manning has been
very inconsistent.
New York's Ron Johnson has returned to top
shape, scoring four touchdowns. Norm Snead has
proved that he is the Giant's starting quarterback.
Prediction: Giants, 28; Saints, 17.
Pro Football -Jets vs. Miami
New York was upset last week by Houston. The
Jets defense has proved to be weak and they should
havetrouble handling the Dolphins.
Miami might just be the best team in Football.
They have already beat Minnesota and Kansas City.
Their running combo of Kick, Czonka and Morris
should have a field day against the Jet defense.
New York must win if they are to have any hope
for a championship this year.
Prediction: Miami, 31; Jets, 21.
This Saturday and Sunday
from 10 a.m. until laic in the
afternoon Albany wilt hold its
only Sailing Regatta of the year.
The Sailing Regatta will tuke
place at the Colony Town Park.
The schools participating in the
sailing races are St. Lawrence,
Hohart, Union, Syracuse, RPI
plus Albany.
The Albany Sailing Club hopes
to have a bus available for transportation to and from the sailing
doors open 9:15
Friday, October 6
Dutch Quad Flagroom
Total Crudd
Wine & Beer served
sponsored by dutch quad board
funded by student tax
« , „ . „ ! . , U , . » u l l . . . N.« Vork n.,.1 Ml»ny. N Y . Bultlinuin. MU . LuPi.„li M i l * . Pi
. . . forum
Baseball Season Ends; Playoffs Start Tomorrow
by Ken Arduino
The defending champion Pittsburgh Pirates take on the Cincinnati Reds this Saturday afternoon when the National League
playoffs begin. Oakland will take
on Detroit in the American
League playoffs also this Saturday.
Both the Reds and the Pirates
have explosive offenses while
their pitching has been suspect.
Both teams won their respective
divisions easily.
The Reds are sparked by
Johnny Bench and Joe Morgan.
Morgan was acquired in an off
season trade and just might be
the Reds M.V.P. He's a top
hitter and is one of the top base
stealers in baseball. Along with
Pete Rose and Bobby Tolan, he
gets on base for Bench.
Last year Bench had a horrible
year. But this year he has made
up for it by being among the top
homerun hitters and RBI men all
year. Tony Perez follows Bench
in the order forcing the opposition to pitch to him.
Cincinnati pitching has some
question marks. Gary Nolan, the
ace of his staff, has been injured
Cincinnati vs.
Detroit vs.
but is expected to start; Ineffectiveness is in doubt. Don
Gullet, Wayne Simpson and Jack
Billingham have all been erratic
in starting roles. Ross Grimsley
the other possible starter is in
only his first full season.
The bull pen is exceptional
with .all-starr Clay Carroll.
Carroll just set the major league
record for saves'with 36. Pedro
Borbon and Tom Hall back him
The Pirates', ace Steve Blass also
has an injury problem. He was
hit with a line drive last Saturday but is expected to start. Doc
Ellis, Nelson Briles, Bob Moose,
and Bruce Kison are five solid
starters. Dave Giusti and Ramon
Hernandez lead a good bullpen.
Roberto Clemente leads a phenomenal hitting attack which
sees .300 average hitters sitting
on the bench. Willie Stargell, AI
Oliver, Rich Hebner, and Manny
Sanguillen are all all-stars and
top hitters. Pittsburgh also has
the top bench in baseball with
three hundred hitters like Vic
Daviljllo and Richie Stennet.
These men though will see as
much uction as the starters.
On paper Oakland may have
the best team in baseball. Reggie
Jackson is a great hitter but has
been hampered by injuries as has
Dick Green. Sal Bando has not
had the year he is capable of
having. It*s been Mike Epstein
and Joe Rudi who have taker, up
the slack and kept Oakland in
front of Chicago. Matty Alou
and Don Mincher lead a solid
Vida Blue, a hdld out through
Max, has not pitched as well as
he did last year. Oakland cannot
rely on him again. The burden is
shifted to Jim Hunter, John
Odom and Ken Holtzman; these
men will have to do the job. The
bullpen is a good one with three
solid p i t c h e r s in
Knowles, Rollie Fingers, and
Bob Locker.
The Detroit Tigers battled to
the second to last day of the
season before winning the pennant. They have to be tired.
Mickey Lolich, Woody Fryman
and Joe Coleman are the starting
pitchers. They will have to do
the job as the second line pitching is rather weak. FrcrfScherman leads an average bullpen.
The offense is led by veteran
Al Kaline, who was benched by
injuries early in the year. But
during the stretch drive it was
Kaline who became the hottest
hitter and is now over 300. The
injury to Bill Freehand is a
tough blow to the Tigers but
they caught the Red Sox without him and Duke Sims and
Tom Haller filled in admirably.
Norm Cash and Willie Horton
will have to supply the power
and fielding magician Ed Brinkman will lead a tough defensive
If games were won on paper
Oakland would be the choice to
beat Detroit. But on the field it's
different and with momentum
with them, this writer picks Detroll in four. Pittsburgh will also
win, in three straight.
by Bruce Maggin
The National Hockey League
opens its 1972 season tomorrow
night with a host of player changes and two new teams. Because
of the formation of the rival
World Hockey Association,
many players have left the NHL.
The two new teams are the
Atlanta Flames and the New
York Islanders.
It's been over thirty years since
the New York Rangers last
drank champagne from the Stanley Cup. This could finally be
the year. With the player losses
of Boston, New York must rank
as solid favorites to take the
The Rangers are a solid Learn
from top to bottom but they
might be a little weak on defense
because Jim Nielsen is out for
three weeks with a broken bone
in hih foot. Look forCoach-GM
Emile Francis to make a trade to
plug this gap. Brad Park ranks as
the seeond best defenseman in
the league and was outstanding
with Team Canada in their series
against Russia. Rod Selling is one
of the most under ruled defense
man. The Rangers are set in goal
with Ed Giacomin and Gil Villmieure, two of the best.
Upfront New York possesses
the top scoring line in the NHL
in Ail-Stars Vic Hadfield, Jean
Ratelle and Rod Gilbert. Walter
Tkazuk ranks as a coming superstar. Barring injuries, New York
should go all the way.
The Montreal Canadians are a
young club but seem to be a
year away. Ken Dryden is a
super goal tender but Montreal
must find a backup for him. The
loss of J.C. Tremblay to the
WHA is going to hurt but Serge
Savard seems ready to take over
the leadership on the blue line
The Boston Bruins have been
hurt very badly by defections to
the rival WHA. Gerry Cheevers,
who lust year set a record for
consecutive games in a goal with
out a loss has jumped to Cleveland. This leaves only 36 yearold Ed Johnson as the lone
returning netminder. Also gone
to the WHA are slur penalty
killer and all around slur Derek
Sanderson, John McKeir/.ie mid
Ted Green. Ed Weslfall was lost
in the expansion draft.
Superstar Bobby Otitis not one
hundred per cent recovered from
an off season knee operation.
The burden to carry the Bruins
will be on Phil Espositio. Esposito had an excellent series
against Russia. There are plenty
of rookies to fill the vacant spots
but the Bruins just don't have
the talent to match the Rangers.
Toronto and Detroit, who
NHL - Picks
Rangers first in
the East
Hawks first in
the West
figure to l)iittie il out for the
final playoff position in the east,
huve a common problem: lack of
goullending. Toronto lost Bernie
Parent Lo the WHA while Detroit
will be missing Al Smith and Joe
Daley Whoever can get the heller
netminding will make the
Buffalo is a young team and
could be a factor in the playoff
battle in a few years. They have
two potential superstars in Gil
Perreault and Rick Martin and a
solid Goaltender in Roger
Vancover is far from making
strides toward equality with the
other teams in the East. They do
have two promising players in
Dale T a l l o n
The newest team in the East is
the New York Islanders. The
New York area will have the best
and the worst of play this yeai
as the Islanders will have a great
deal of problems winning games.
The team lost seven players
picked in the expansion draft to
the WHA and the palyers they
did sign were not the best in the
league. The Islanders do have
some lop goullending thai many
teams in the NHL envy in Gerry
Desjardins and Dennis DeJordy
and a candidate for rookie of Ihe
yeur in lop amateur pick Hilly
Harris, who could be a superstar
In the NHL West, Ihe Chicago
Black Hawks, are the best team lo
heal even wilh the loss of Bobby
Hull lo the WHA. The Hawks
goal lending is the best in Ihe
league and their defense men are
lop notch.
Minnesota is Ihe best of the
original expansion teams but age
might soon lake its l o l l . Then
goaltending is excellent. The
North Stare still do not have the
power to over take the Hawks.
St. Louis is a young team thut
has been rebuilding the last few
years. The Blues big problem is
finding a goaltender. Gary Unger
and Jack Egers should provide
the bulk of the scoring.
Angeles Kings are a coming learn
and this should be the year they
make Ihe playoffs. They have
veteran Rogt.ian Vatchan in the
nets. New coach Bob Pulford
could make the difference
Pittsburgh lost the fewest play
ens of any team in the NHL but
lucks a big scoring threat. They
snuck into the playoffs last year
but probably will miss the play
offs this yeur.
Philadelphia lost many players
lo the WHA. The Flyers mum
problem has been scoring Bob
by Clarke looked great ti.ga.ins1
Russia and he could be a super
California had the making of a
fine young team last year but
the WHA has taken many of
those players away. 11 will he
lough for the Seals to do any
thing this year
Atlanta is an expansion team
and as with all expansion learns
winning is going to be a problem. They do have former
Canadians Goal lander* Phil Myre
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Women's Shoes
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When the proposal is reduced
to basics, however, serious prob-
Ruth said she loves little children, and would consider volunteering for the Day Care Center
in Pierce Hall downtown. The
great advantage senior citizens
have is their worldliness and
years of experience in day-today living. Their help could be
used in any number of campus
Unfortunately, one of the biggest objections Ruth has is the
tremendous change this would
be in her life. She soys the
elderly would think twice before
radically altering their lives al so
late a juncture. The changes involved scare Ruth, and she is
unsure if she would make the
decision to move that would
alter the way she lives; it is a
pattern deeply ingrained in her
by now.
The roadbloclu to success that
crop up in the proposal are
numerous and vital. Even if a
goodly number of senior citizens
would participate in the program, we must solve problems of
the location of the housing, and
the relationship between young
and old. The uptown campus
seems unrealistic; downtown is
more feasible, but questionable
at best. Additionally, SUNY officials must get more feedback
from the elderly. Ruth and her
peers merit a greater chance to
express their views on what
could be a momentousjsteptn the
alleviation of Albany's senior
citizen problem.
. . . forum
by Randi Bader
At a first glance, the housing
of senior citizens in our vacant
dormitories appears to be an ideal
solution to our complementary
economic problems. The elderly
suffer a critical shortage of adequate, moderate priced housing
while SUNYA is in a period of
financial difficulty, partially due
to the trend towards off campus
housing and the resulting decline
in revenue.
The merger of our academic
community with that of our
elders has possibilities beyond
the economic realm. Both
groups have much to learn
through the exchange of experiences and ideas. Our "seniors"
would have the opportunity to
become involved in educational
pursuits regardless of whether or
not they chose to do so on a
formal level. Campus organizations and activities furnish
another area for their recreation
and growth. Living on campus,
"seniors" could enjoy the convenience of the library, the art
gtllery and th« gymnasium tad
could attend the numerous eoncerts, films, and lectures provided for the enrichment and
enjoyment of the university
community. Similarly our organizations and Day Car* Center
can benefit from their experience.
However, along with the positive possibilities there are a few
features of our campus and some
differences between the two age
groups which might hamper the
success of the proposed living
experiment. On the most basic
level our dorm facilities may not
be functionally adequate for elderly people. While the uptown
campus is convenient it is isolated from the outside community. For senior citizens the
close proximity of shopping/and
houses of worship is not a convenience, but a necessity. A walk
from State Quad to Stuyvesant
Plaza can be more of an ordeal
than an outing for an older
person, particularly during the
colder seasons.
The suite system has its obvious limitations if it is to be used
for housing senior citizens. Occupancy would necessarily be
to u n m a r r i e d
"seniors." Even if the suites are
shared by "single" members of
the same sex I would seriously
question whether elderly people,
who generally spend a substantial amount of time in their
residences and rooms, would
find that this arrangement allows
for enough privacy.
Housing our "seniors" on the
downtown campus has its own
problems. While Alumni Quad is
conveniently located for contact
with and access to the outside
community, it would make it
necessary for our new residents
to commute uptown for classes
and activities, in a way, this
would defeat the purpose of
housing them on campus in the
continued on page 15
Held our first membership dinner
Provided home hospitality for the Holy Days
Sponsored services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Established the first intamural sports teams in JSC History
Led a spontaneous demonstration of protest and concern after the Munich murders
the only such demonstration of college students in the country
6. Put together a Memorial Service for the 11 Israeli Athletes, attende by Mayor Corning,
President Benezet, District Attorney Proskin, Attorney Leonard Weiss, other
public officials and local clergy
7. Constructed a Sukkah in the back of the Campus Center and at the Chapel House
8. Held regular Friday Evening Shabbat Services
General Meetings
"Fidler on the Roof" Theatre Party (Oct. 15)
Feature films such as "The Fixer" (Oct. 7)
Sunday Dinners
Regular Tuesday evening programs- speakers, films, discussions
6. Parties (Oct. 14)
7. New York City Trips- theatres, museums
8. Dippikill Weekends (Oct. 20-22)
9. Encounter Sessions (Oct. 27-29)
10. Sports programs- ice skating, bowling, basketball, Softball
11. Chanukkah Party and Candle Lighting
join Jewish students' coalition
Dues: $5.00 for the year
Members Get Discounts To All Events
I I 72 Third St
Steve Meyer
prepare all of her meals, she
doubted that seniors could eat
the spicy food served here, stating their option for blandness in
their diet.
The downtown campus solves
some of these problems, but
creates others. The atmosphere
is more refreshing and tranquil,
and the dorms are across the
street from the city of Albany—a
major factor. Seniors would not
have to put up with the uptown
tulmult but would be confronted instead with the big hassle of downtown living: the bus.
Last winter, I stood in -15 degrees cold for half an hour before the bus came. Our elderly
friends simply cannot take the
strenuous bus route day in and
day out, not to mention the
crush at 8:45 a.m. and the 2:00
bus in the afternoon. Ruth, a
veteran of the SUNY buses, says
many of her age group could not
stand the ordeal. If separate
transportation can be arranged,
this problem may be circumvented. Another possibility
would be to hold all their classes
in the downtown area.
troy JL
continued from page 5
may be wondering what a woman who'd remind you of your
grandmother was doing hitching
downtown in the middle of the
night after seeing the horror
movies at SUNYA. Our hitching
luck wasn't good at all, so I got
the chance to talk to this delightful lady for more than an
hour and found her to be extremely sharp, knowledgeable,
and wonderfully energetic. When
we finally got to Alumni Quad,
someone got his car and we
drove her home near the Palace
Theatre, in one of Albany *s
older sections. I resolved to see
her again.
I decided to choose to interview Ruth when I learned of the
proposal to house senior citizens
in vacant dorms at SUNYA to
relieve the loss of revenue due to
the s tu dent migration offcampus. Ruth and I had talked
about the University and how
she, as a senior citizen and a
member of the neighboring community, benefited from State.
She travels to the uptown campus about twice a week, and
hardly ever misses the weekend's
activities. Her favorite pastttmes
here are attending both the regular and experimental theatrical
productions at the Performing
Arts Center, sitting in on us
many lectures as she can, and
viewing the various movies presented here. Ruth takes great
advantage of the theatre and
movies at a cost her pocketbook
can afford. She also reads the
ASP regularly. On the surface,
Ruth seems like a good candidate for on campus housing. She
lives alone, is looking for low
cost housing in a nicer neighbor
hood, and certainly uses State to
the fullest.
lems arise. Senior citizens would
be on campus to take college
level courses in the College of
General Studies. Ruth finished
high school, but never made it to
college in the Depression years.
She has considered taking
courses several times in the past,
but would prefer auditing them
instead of competing for grades
in a pressure-packed atmosphere.
I would suspect this sentiment
to be widespread. At this point
in their lives, senior citizens may
value learning more than a 3.5
GPA and a piece of rag for a
As far as SUNYA goes, a major
decision will be the location of
the housing. Ruth is against living on the uptown campus. Her
reason—"isolation." Living in
"Stone City" could strand the
"seniors" on a slab of concrete,
out of reach of shopping facilities and the city of Albany,
where they could relate more to
the familiar people and places.
The noise and lifestyle of students could easily disturb the
elderly, says Ruth. She objected
also the the suite system, citing
the elderly's preference for privacy, and doubting seriously
whether six senior citizens, wilh
their complex needs, could get
along. Food would be another
problem. Although Ruth said
she would enjoy not having to
-.; ;vi:.;-*'--;:>'r.'; •:.-
Brina Held Insensitive to Blacks
1 r •
To the Editor:
In relation to the article written by Bill Brina of
your staff concerning the Iiaac Haye's show, I
would like it to be known that this particular critic
is obnoxious himself.
From this particular critique of the ASP 10/3/72,
it is obvious that this writer is white. It is obvious
that he could not relate to the performance because
of his being white!!
In. the article, the critic mentioned about a
dancing girl. Well, for your information, this socalled dancing girl was Helen Washington; a young
lady whom Isaac Hayes took into custody who was
formally serving a sentence in prison. Her being on
stage was to let the people be aware that she was the
one so many had heard about; also her purpose was
to bring Isaac Hayes on stage.
The following statement that this writer wrote is
totally untrue: "That kind of a buildup places an
enormous strain on the performer to deliver excitement on an energy level of the introduction, and
Isaac just couldn't do it". When Isaac Hayes spoke
that night, his first words, the field house was quiet.
Isaac Hayes was like a god with command over his
Another quote which is untrue: "The Black
Moses, I'm afraid he is not, and the ponderous
manner in which he now performs his own music is
fast transforming what was once a considerable
talent into a Black Sominex." For anyone to sell as
many albums as Mr. Hayes did and to write the
musical score for the film Shaft, and to win a
Grammy award is a great accomplishment. For
anyone to make a statement like Brina did is
nothing but an ASS!! The only way Isaac Hayes
could become a "Black Sominex" is if POOR critics
like you are kept on the staff of this or any
newspaper Since you, Brina, couldn't relate to the
performance of Isaac Hayes, you should have stated
it in your article, instead of giving a critique which
is totally untrue!!
Craig Martin Jenkins
Ed. Note: If any of the brothers and sisters
would like to try their hand at a review, give me a
call at the office. Our only interested Black reviewer
was out of town for the Hayes concert (as a matter
of fact, he caught the show in Syracuse the
following night j. Pax.
Concert Board Poll Results
Type of entertainment preferred-(4,237 responses to items)
l.Rock 1,177
2. folk 732
3.J>lues 423
4.jazz 392
5. traditional folk 390
6. comedy 262
7. soul 213
8. country 195
9.bluegrass 182
10. traditional blues 135
11. traditional jazz 128
12. latin 6
13. oldies 2
Would you pay between $4.00 and $5.00 to see and hear:
I.Eric Clapton 757
2. Steven Stills 710
3. Beach Boys 466
4. Isaac Hayes 258
5. Fifth Dimension 199
6. "No" 28
Performers you would buy a ticket to see and hear
1. Carole King 800
| l . Doors 486
2. James Taylor 775
12. ShaNaNa441
3. Joni Mitchell 656
12. Blood, Sweat and Tears 441
4. Leon Russell 638
| 3 . Johnny Winter 437
5. Yes 588
14. America 430
15. Roberta Mack 423
7. Arlo Guthrie 572
16. George Carlln 406
8. Richie Havens 566
17. Pete Seeger 396
9. Joan Baez 545
18. Commander Cody & Hot Tuna 365
10. Creedence 522
19. Mahuvtihnu Orchestrst
Vol. UX No. 37
October 10.1972
1200 Hear Fonda At Gym
The Albany Symphony will open • gnat season Saturday night at the Palace Theater.
Albany Symphony Starts Season
Saturday, October 7, at 8:30
p.m. the Albany Symphony Orchestra will mark the inauguration of its forty-second season,
when Julius Hegyi leads eighty
musicians in performances of
Samuel Barber's Symphony No.
1, Beethoven's Symphony No. 8
Symphony No. 5.
Beginning his seventh year
with the Symphony, Mr. Hegyi
has assembled a diverse program
which ranges from the more
familiar classics, such as Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6, the
"Pathetique," to the less familiar, 20th-century works, like
Variaciones Concertantes by
Alberto Ginastera. Within this
gamut lies a broad sampling of
Mozart, Haydn, Vivaldi, Brahms
and Schubert, to name a few.
Eight concerts in all will be
performed in the Symphony's
1972-73 season, for which
Things, Happenings, Etc.
Several concerts are scheduled
for October at State University
of New York at Albany. There
will be no admission charge.
Friday, Oct. 6, beginning at
8:30 p.m. Frederic Rzewski,
pianist, is listed for Free Music
Store's concert in tne Recital
Hall of the Performing Arts Center. Mr. Rzewski will play recent
music for piano.
The popular second-Mondayand Tuesday-of-the-month concerts by Findlay Cockrell, pianist, continue Oct. 9 and 10 when
the 8TJNYA faculty member will
play Rachmaninoff's "Paganini
Rhapsody." The program will
take place in the PAC Recital
"A Medieval Pastiche, or, The
Dark Ages Illuminated" will be
presented by The Group for
Early Music on Sunday, Oct. 8,
at 3:30 p.m. In the main lobby
of the Performing Arts Center.
To be performed are a Gregorian
chant and vocal and instrumental works by Landlni, Machant,
Jacope Da Bologna, and anonymous composers.
"Baroque I," a SUNYA music
department faculty concert, feat u r i n g works by Marcello,
Graun, Boismortier, Telemann,
and other Baroque masters is
scheduled for Monday, Oct. 16,
beginning at 8:30 in the Recital
Hall. Performers will include
Ruth McKee, bassoon; Janice
Niinelz, harpsichord; Irwin Gilman, flute; Rene Prlns, oboe;
and Daniel Nimetz, French horn.
concert music station. Beginning
Thursday, October 5 at 10:00
p.m., WMHT-FM will broadcast
a weekly series of half-hour programs e n t i t l e d
Organs of Germany," a production of West German "Radio
Deutsche Welle." To supplement
the Thursday evening organ offerings, the FM station will also
offer "The King of Instruments," on Sunday nights from
7 to 8 p.m.
Friday, October 6 at 7:30 p.m.
at The Rensselaer Newman
Foundation's Chapel and Cultural Center, 2126 Burdett
Avenue,. Troy, Experimental
Filmmaker Hollis Frampton will
show and discuss his films. His
works seem to resemble logical
hypotheses, propositions and ultimately paradoxes. They are
more intellectual than any films
within the American avant-garde
since Sidney Petersen. He has
become incredibly prolific, like
Brakhage and Warhol In their
most radical periods. The speed
and quantity of his productions
have qualified, contradicted and
engulfed all his past work.
tickets are now on sale. The
dates for the remaining concerts.
all to be performed on Saturdays
at 8:30 p.m., are as follows:
October 28, November
December 9, January 20, February 17, March 17, and April
October 28 will feature a selection of "Three Russian Masterpieces." Accompanying Tchaikovsky's Sympohony No. 6 will
be Stravinsky's Firebird Suite
and Rachmanioffs Rhapsody on
a Theme of Paganini, with
Findlay Cockrell, pianist.
Variaciones Concertantes
bring a modern spirit to the two
romantic works scheduled for
1 1-Schubert's
Sympohony No. 4, the "Tragic,"
•and Mahler's Symphony No. 4,
an orchestral piece with sections
of vocal music, featuring mezzosoprano Marjory Fuller.
The night of December 9 will
bring a mixed musical bag-J.C.
Bach's Concerto in A major for
Violin and Cello, Brahms' Concerto In A minor for Violin and
Cello, Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring Suite and Respighi's Pines of Rome. Principal
artists will be Julius Hegyi,
violin, and Douglas Moore, cello.
Follwing the January 20 Albany Symphony Pops Concert,
Mr. Hegyi will offer another
varied program on February 17:
Vivaldi's "Winter" from The
Four Seasons, with Janet Rowe,
violin, Hindemith's Mathis der
Maler, Britten's Its Illuminations,
with William Brown,
tenor, and Tchaikovsky's Romeo
and Juliet. March 17 will be
devoted to Mozart's Concerto
No. 10 in E flat for Two Pianos,
Bartok's Concerto for
Pianos and Orchestra, featuring
pianists Stephen Manes and
Charlotte Hegyi, and Sibelius'
Symphony No. 2.
His work is HI various fronts
creating visual polemics and experimenting in style. One of his
latest films, Zorn't Lemma, Is an
exercise in mathematical logic in
the cinema, a film about structure and rhythm. Critics Jonas
Mekas, Ernie Gehr and P. Adams
Sitney have described his latest
efforts as major poetic works.
Frampton Is making unique
On April 14 Misha Dichter will
films <vhen radical Innovation be the soloist in the Brahms
Two new series featuring the
seems progressively less prob- Piano Concerto No. I. Other
very finest In classical organ
music are coming to WMHT-FM, •aWe.
works in this final concert will
the region's listener-supported
Admission is free.
be Haydn's Symphony No. 102
and Ravel's Daphnis and Chloe
The editorial board often its apologiet to the black community for
Suite No. 2.
the cartoon graphic that appeared on thit page in the lost iuue of the
For subscription information
The eentimente that were expressed In it were those of an write the Albany Symphony OrIndividual cartoonist and do not reflect the aUiludee of the editorial chestra, D & II Building, Room
26, Albany, New York 12207,
.orphone4654755.. ...
State University of New York at Albany
Although the turnout was considerably larger than expected,
students were only rhoderately
enthusiastic as they welcomed
Jane Fonda to the Albany campus last night. The crowd of
1200 which greeted the famed
gave their polite attention and
silent support; but for n few
outbursts, there was little excitement in the gym. It was a far cry
from the day when an overflowing crowd shook the walls
of the gym in support of Bill
Fonda, touring as part of the
Indochina Peace Campaign with
Tom Hayden, folksinger Holly
Neer, and ex-POW George Snith,
drew on her own experiences as
an actress and also on her recent
visit to Vietnam in an attempt to
make the war once again a personal issue. Although the
speeches seemed rhetorical and
too familiar to some, most of
the audience was impressed by
the sincerity and concern with
which Fonda and the others
The evening's activities began
as Holly Neer, a Los Angelesbased folksinger who accom
panied Fonda to North Vietnam,
interspersed anti-war songs with
her account of the trip. She
spoke of the deep-rooted culture
of the Vietnamese people, and
her refrain, "Hang in there a
little bit longer," dedicated to
the women
of Vietnam, also
seemed a plea to the audience to
continue anti-war activities.
Neer was followed by ex-POW
George Smith, who detailed the
fair treatment he received in the
POW camps. Captured in 1963,
Smith advocated that the North
Vietnamese policy on prisoners
was the same then as it is now:
"The prisoners will be kept until
the end of the war; when the
war ends they will be released."
He supported the Seven-Point
Peace Plan, and asked the audience to help him convince "the
ones that don't believe" of the
truth about the war.
While Smith was an interesting
speaker, most of the eyes in the
gym were on Fonda, who
throughout the speech sat on the
podium, nervously eyeing the
crowd. Greeted by cheers as she
rose to the rostrum, the pretty
actress, dressed in bluejeans and
an Indian shirt, began with the
Nixon quote much-used by
McGovern supporters, "Anyone
who is given four years chance
and couldn't end the war
shouldn't be given another
chance." Confronting the audience with the staggering figures
of those killed, wounded or
made homeless in Vietnam in
the last four years, she defended
her visit to North Vietnam,
claiming that she was denied
entrance to South Vietnam and
was only assuming her responsibility to gel at the truth. Yielding to Hayden, she noted the
absurdity in the fact that "You
can get an academy award for a
false role in a movie but are
indicted for treason if you speak
your views as an American citizen." The crowd's applause signalled agreement.
Fonda went on to criticize
Vietnamization ("it assumes a
cynical view of the American
people... that as long as yellow
people are the ones killed we
won't care") and the continued
bombing of North Vietnam,
which maims those "most vulnerable—women, children, and
the aged."
Describing the first thirty-two
years of her life as "wasted,"
Fonda said that she too was
"apathetic" and "cynical." But
she insisted that if we let things
go on as they are now, "We will
have lost the ability to think for
ourselves. We may be doomed to
skim the surface of our lives for
the rest of our lives...If we cannot feel for the Vietnamese people how can we feel for anybody?"
The Peace Campaign group,
though blasting Nixon, came
short of endorsing McGovern,
claiming that they wanted to
remain independent of politics
and personalities. But Hayden
did stress during questioning,
that McGovern's position is the
one that is generally accepted,
and that his plan for ending the
war is the only one. He said he
was sorry about the fact that a
lot of people are talking about
voting for McGovern but few are
working for him. But this inaction, judging from the evening's responses, should not
seem unusual. If it wasn't for the
glamour of Jane Fonda (and the
added surprise attraction of Don
Sutherland in the audience), it is
q u e s t i o n a b l e whether there
would have been much student
response at all.
Group Tours Capital District
Antiwar actress Jane Fonda
said Monday that during her
tour of North Vietnam she saw
women whose bodies were covered with pellets from U.S. antipersonnel bombs, and children
who lost arms and legs from
picking up "bomblets" dropped
from American planes,
Speaking ul Troy's Emma Willard School, from which she was
graduated in 1955, Ms. F o n d a
said "half" the bombs U.S.
planes drop on North Vietnam
are anti-personnel weaponssmall bombs "which can't destroy military targets, whose only
target is human flesh."
The United States "has dropped four million tons of bombs
on Indochina in the last four
years--which is twice the total
tons of bombs the United States
dropped all over the world during World War II," she said,
quoting Defense Department statistics.
"The equivalent of Hiroshima
is rained on those people every
five days," she declared.
Ms. Fonda said before she became active in the antiwar movement she refused to believe the
U.S. government "could do such
With the a c a de my -a wardwinning actress on her tour of
campuses in the Albany area
Monday was long-time political
activist and Students for a Democratic Society founder Tom
He said in a speech before
1,500 students at Siena College
in nearby Loudonville that "the
administration tells us the war is
winding down when, in fact, it's
never been higher, more devastating, more destructive."
Hayden said he and Ms. Fonda
are part of a group known as the
I n d o c h i n a Peace Campaign,
which he said aims at "exposing
clearly the contradiction between what the administration
says und what's really happening "
Mb. Fonda called on the audience at Emma Willard to bring
pressure on newspaper editors to
tell "what really is going on in
Vietnam." She said the truth
about the war "is being kept
from us—the government is lying
and deceiving its own people."
As she concluded her talk at
the private girls' high school
here, she said "it's nice to come
back, it was on this stage where
I acted for the first time in my
life. It's nice to do something
real for u change."