m a 5B38W ..JWUAJU.'iJIV' ASP Interview Lampert "Sound M a n " for Student Opinion ibL./ -.J"- hy Michael Stewart Ifow did you get to be President of the Student Association ? I guess I started as any one would. As a freshman I was interested in student government. I attended my first committee meeting and read through a copy of the constitution. In October of that year I became an at large commissioner. In November of my freshman year I became vice-chairman of the old religious affairs commission which has since bee,n abolished under the new S.A. constitution of the spring of 1970. Under the old constitution I became a council member and later was elected vice-"ftwiident in my Sophomore year. I became President at the end of my Junior year, winning the election over Ken Stokem who is now chairman of the Central Council. I was re-elected for my Senior year because people have been satisfied with my performance. Who turns out to vote in the Spring? Nearly twenty percent of the students do vote. That's a high percentage for a student election. Some school district referendums have lower turnouts. What is the scope of your activities as President and what might be a normal day for you? For a variety of reasons I am just what my office is called—a chief executive officer. The Vice-President is the chief administrative officer. As President I count on the Vice-President to be an administrative officer. He makes many of the discretionary decisions and I make only the ones I need to. I don't need to know everything—that's called management by exception. Only the problems crop up to my desk. The problems the clubs might have \>o to the Vice-President ...and all of that's the inside job. The outside job is mine. In the absence of Central Council action the President speaks for the S.A. I am an ex-officio member of the University Senate Executive Committee; obliged to meet regularly with the hoard of directors of the Alumnai Association; speak to outside community groups; serve as a "sound man" for student opinion on Administration decisions and for other university and outside publics as well. AH for a sample day-Next Friday I have a meeting for Community University day at 9:00—an effort to bring local people to campus to see it in action. At 1 :00 I'm expected to attend an FSA hoard of directors meeting. Issues on student wages and employment will be discussed. Later I'll attend the University Council meeting where they'll adopt parking regulations and I will have to repiesent students. Additionally, I'll be in my office to deal with S.A. problems. I'll also be keeping abreast of developments in the state student's association meetings and meetings of the State University Board of Trustees. All that is not a common day, but, it comes out that way every few weeks. Most of them are a little less packed. Don't you carry any clauses? Certainly, I carry a full sixteen hours. I have a 9:00 and a 1 :00 Monday, Wednesday, Friday class and I steal the notes from the S.A. Controller who is in the same class. I have a night class and a six hour independent study, the hours of which are rather flexible. Have you had trouble with hours during other semesters? No. Every semester I've had some sort of independent study since my sophomore year. Do you live off campus? On campus in Dutch. Living off campus would be tough accessibility wise. In my Sophomore year—after the campus demonstrationsSomebody tried to flush a cherry bomb down one of the Johns in the campus center and blew up the whole John. We could just pop out of bed, with no hassles und convince the administration that there was no plot going to blow up all the Johns in the school. Three fourths of the students live on campus and I experience the same problems of crappy food, late laundry, standing in lines, and the rest. I don't consider myself as different from other student*, even though there are some people who do. How are S.A. relations with other groups in the school? With the clubs—good. At the end of the year problems arise and we get labled bad guys That's when funds run out or when decisions have been made that special interest groups don'L like. Those things will happen though. Generally things are good. Our relations with the administration are good loo. However there are increasingly things that disturb me, and I won't say more than that. AH far as the outside community goes, we'll he working on that this year. They don't always hear about the good that happens. They hear about the political speakers but not the one-hundred and fourty one pints of blood donated in last weeks' drive We'll be working to change that How are your S.A internal relations? I get along well with most of the people here We have different styles and perspectives and we disagree some But, that's healthy. Diversity is one of the interesting things about a university as a university. It keeps us from boredom. Progress a Threat to Pine Bush Area Adjacent to Uptown Campus by Robin Dotz destructive logging operations of our pre- and Ann E. Bunker Again, bringing progress waste, moves decessors. in. irreversible Progress: destruction, pine and oak, boasts innumerable other species. Berries abound, ferns dot the the focus is on the Pine Barrens, a few hillsides and thousand acres shared by Albany, Colonie Rabbits, field and Guilderland. their home with goldfinches, orioles and the even wild orchids flourish. mice and chipmunks share Thousands of years ago, as the glacial ice rare eastern bluebird. Insect life thrives; in receded, Lake Albany was formed. As this fact, the discovery of a new sub-species of inland sea dried up, winds drove the sandy butterfly, sediment into dunes. Time passed, and the Albany's Pine Bush. and the Karner Blue, was made in From an historical perspective, the Pine Bush has much to offer. Historians point out pine forests . . . the Pine Bush. Over the years the Pine Bush has evolved that remnants of the oldest westbound trail into a unique eco-system. It can be likened from in nature to the pine barrens of Cape Cod, traced through the Pine Bush. This "King's M»j» Long Island and New Jersey, but it retains Highway" was the route used by soldiers K, features entirely its own. The combination heading west during the French and Indian of plants, animals and geographic features is Wars. Settlers followed not Mohawk Valley and beyond. duplicated anywhere else. Scientists Albany to Schenectady can still be this trail into the across the nation recognize its uniqueness Today, the Pine Bush is facing a battle for and emphasize the importance of its preser- survival. Already, it has been violated by the vation. onslaught Periodic fires in the Pine Bush act as a control agent; that is, they keep the vegeta- WW The plant community, while dominated by pitch death to the natural environment. This time former lake bed was covered with oak of progress: roads and garbage dumps, houses and commerce. Steadily and relentlessly, man is devastating this area. tion from becoming overcrowded. Without Of the original 16,500 acres destignated as this burning, the Pine Bush would long since pine bush in character, conservation sources have evolved into the white pine climax say that only 4,000 acres remain " p u r e " forest typical of much of this state. Many pine bush, and of this, only about 2,000 such forests were wiped out years ago by the acres are considered salvageable. These 2,000 acres exist in five blocks, separated ".../ experience the same problems of crappy food, late laundry, standing in lines, and the rest, I don't consider myself as different from other students, even though there are some who do. " What part of New Yorli are you from ori%inully' Where is your home? Nassau County on Long Island is where my family IN i spent my early life in New York City until I was In the fifth grade. I sat down to figure it all out last summer I guess I call New York my home, '/"his year, however, 111 spend ten weeks in Washington, ten weeks on Long Island, and the rest of the time I'll be spending in Albany. But where can a student really call home'/ Is it where he spends most of his time? Or where his family is? That's u problem that puzzles me. Hut in the end I suppose Massapequu Park, Long Island urhronie "The possibility of Albany and Schenectady ioininq in like. Two of these blocks lie entirely within the City of Albany, one entirely within the one endless urban sprawl is a not-so-distant threat." Town of straddle Would you evaluate S.A. as it stands now? I suppose like the popular joke, it's both good news and bad news. There's been a lot of good in the past four years, and a lot 1 like. We've tuken steps toward providing better services for students in the form of Bus Line ticket service, etc. Innovations FSA has improved over its past. They've moved to better management of services for students Perhaps FSA SA services are leading effectively toward n student co-op on campus services. We've been able to establish heller quality programing without raising the student activity fee. We've also logged up good representation records on such items as the tuition, parking regulations and phone subsidy refunds. In the bad things, there's always the danger of becoming over bureaucratized. Lately also I've been concerned over some signs in the administration and a certain amount of gaming developing between the Central Council and the Executive branch. I forsee possible problems in such competition. Han being President helped you in any way as a person? Sure. 1 ) It has been an interesting experience^ learning about groups, people, systems, and processes. 2) I've learned about the University, its problems and legal environment. A) I've met a lot of people I'm glad I met for varieties of reasons. Just a while ago, I tallied to a student and ashed if she hail uM.t feelings on SA She said il was cliquish. Do you feet any sin-It chartfe in justifiable? That's an understandable comment, though I must say it is wrong I agree with the logic, but not the choice of words. It's not a clique....That implies snobbishness and exclusivism which isn't the case, There is a self-e teluaion process which motivates similar kinds ol people to be interested In the same kinds of things like newspapers radios or student government That may appear like a clique, but It't not. There are some people who call all tho third floor offices, the "third floor clique." FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1972 Guilderland, the and the others Albany-Colonie-Guilderland boundaries. The fact that the areas of interest cross lines of political jurisdiction is perhaps one of the primary obstacles in attempts to save the Pine Bush. Each community acts with its -tf»V ' i^' own individual interest foremost in mind. The primary concern of Colonie is to broaden its tax base, according to the Town Supervisor. Guilderland feels that their pine .%**#«! bush holdings are best suited for commercial and industrial development, with an eye towards broadening their tax base. The City of Albany claims it has a true interest in preserving part of the pine bush but points a finger at the lack of cooperation on the part " •**• w of and Guilderland. And so it ecology and nature. tffe & / Colonie continues, as politics and economics overrule Preservation of the Pine Bush is important for several reasons. For one, the Capitol V District is shamefully short of recreational and open-space needs. In fact, the possibility gold of Albany and Schenectady joining in an endless Periodic fires in the Pine llusli are responsible lor slowing natural succession and maintaining the area's unique urban sprawl is a not-so-distant threat. Should the Pino Bush be left in its natural state, part of this problem would be alleviated. ALBANY STUDENT PRESS from each other by roads, development and the What sort of plans do you have after uraduation? Law school in Boston. Every budding young lawyer would like to go to Harvard...but we'll see. It's all to soon to tell. But I'll think about it seriously this coming month. Beyond that it's all in the air. character. PAGE SIXTEEN 'A continuid on po«« 2 Space Crunch Seen as Enrollment Grows * by Carol Blackley 8 U N Y Albany's student population c o n t i n u e s t o grow annually while t h e size of our podium and available class, office a n d r e c r e a t i o n space remains t h e same. Our a c a d e m i c p o d i u m was designed t o a c c o m o d a t e 1 0 , 0 0 0 F . T . E . (full t i m e e q u i v a l e n t ) students and at present it h a n d l e s a l m o s t 1 2 , 0 0 0 such s t u d e n t s . Mr. J o h n Hartigan, Assistant Vice-President a n d Controller, e x p l a i n e d t h a t m o s t of t h e c r o w d i n g s t e m s from t h e fact t h a t S U N Y A was originally designed a n d built t o provide only four years u n d e r g r a d u a t e e d u c a t i o n . I n , t h e 6 0 ' s when e m p h a s i s o n g r a d u a t e level programs increased, Mr. Hartigan siad t h a t t h e S U N Y Master Plan was c h a n g e d t o provide increased space for use as graduate school facilities t o m e e t t h e p r o p o r t i o n a l rising d e m a n d s for this level e d u c a t i o n . Besides an increased n u m b e r of s t u d e n t s , this change also m e a n t t h a t m o r e space o n c a m p u s h a d to be d e v o t e d t o research. With r i i i >> 1 1 .• m o v e to M o h a w k . This will give t h e library m u c h needed additional Bpace. Also, moving from h e downt o w n c a m p u s t o Mohawk will be t h e G r a d u a t e School of Public Affairs a n d t h e Social Welfare D e p a r t m e n t . Mr. Hartley explained, " T h i s will open u p m o r e space d o w n t o w n for t h e expansion of the James Allen Col- m o r e graduate courses, there w e r e fewer large classes s o less a c a d e m i c use has b e e n m a d e of t h e lecture c e n t e r s t h a n if A l b a n y had r e m a i n e d an underg r a d u a t e s c h o o l . However, t h e lecture c e n t e r s are beneficial in serving t h e S U N Y A c o m m u n i t y for o t h e r t h a n instructional purposes, such as providing ample space for numerous m o v i e s a n d speakers o n c a m p u s . Mr. J o h n W. Hartley, Vice P r e s i d e n t for M a n a g e m e n t a n d P l a n n i n g , said t h a t o u r "sellective c r o w d i n g " o n t h e p o d i u m has been primarily in t h e H u m a n i t i e s a n d Social Sciences d e p a r t m e n t s , t h e c a m p u s center, b o o k s t o r e a n d library. S o m e of t h e c r o w d i n g has been alleiviated b y t h e o p e n i n g of M o h a w k T o w e r on Indian Quad for office space. The departments of Economics, Sociology and F o u n d a t i o n s of E d u c a t i o n have m o v e d t o M o h a w k , a n d Mr. H a r t l e y said t h a t d u r i n g t h e w i n t e r b r e a k , t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Criminal Justice, which is p r e s e n t l y l o c a t e d , in t h e basem e n t of t h e library, will also . Center - . _ . and A t*hke. College rr.lli.oe oo ff legiate General S t u d i e s " ( t h e a d u l t continuing studies p r o g r a m ) . Mr. Hartley a n d Mr. Hartigan are b o t h working o n proposals for t h e Capital Budget r e p o r t for next year. T h e y h o p e t o o b t a i n t h e needed increase in m o n e y for t h e e n l a r g e m e n t of academic space. However, t h e y said t h e y would not know the result* until n e x t y e a r ' s b u d g e t h a d be been a p p r o v e d a n d passed by the legislature. Regardless, t h e S U N Y systems e n r o l l m e n t c o n t i n u e s to i<row. T h e M a s t e r Plan p r e d i c t s an increase of 7 5 0 0 F . T . E . students a n n u a l l y t h r o u g h o u t t h e SUNY four-year c a m p u s e s a n d in 1 i)»0 t h e r e will b e 2 0 6 , 0 0 0 more s t u d e n t s than there a r e today. SUNYA Was originally designed...to provide only | j Our academic p o d i u m was designed to a c c o m m o d a t e 10,000 full-time-equivalent s t u d e n t s , and four years undergraduate education. Council S by Steve Meyer In a bizarre beginning t o a night filled with i m p o r t a n t bills and t e n s i o n - p a c k e d votes, Central Council c a m e t o o r d e r last T h u r s d a y night and t h e n immediately adjourned amid much confusion. Chairman Ken S t o k e m t h e n called a special m e e t i n g t o order a n d Council began to consider t h e business of the evening. After r e p o r t s by t h e standing and ad h o c c o m m i t t e e s , President Mike L a m p o r t ' s vetoes of t w o bills passed by Council a week ago were b r o u g h t u p . T h e first veto was on the Media G r o u p s Use of I n c o m e Bill. Lampert 's primary a r g u m e n t was t h a t an i n c o m e line (which is s u b s t i t u t e d for use of additional i n c o m e over t h a t line in the group's b u d g e t ) allows for better fiscal control, tighter bookkeeping, a n d a b e t t e r control over h o w a g r o u p decides to s p e n d their m o n i e s . In addition, L a m p e r t pointed o u t t h a t last year's Council eliminated use of i n c o m e a n d t h a t their j u d g e m e n t s h o u l d be heeded. Eric LonBchein, C o u n c i l m a n and WSUA s t a t i o n manager, moved t o over- Take a Train, Come to the Horse present it handles almost 12,000 such students. Condemns Evictions, Supports McGovern by the lake, s u r r o u n d e d by trees so n o one can look in, poorly lighted, a n d o u t of hearing range of t h e Quad. This could subject s t u d e n t s t o assault, harrassment, and r o b b e r y , said Fromer. Central Council u n a n i m o u s l y passed the bill a n d cast a white ballot of solidarity. In urging Council to s u p p o r t George McGovern for President^ Barry Davis said N i x o n ' s reelection w o u l d be " a tragedy for S U N Y A s t u d e n t s . " Ed Lopatin did n o t think Council should " l e n d its h e l p " to either candid a t e . Mitch Frost, Grassroots editor, s u pported Lopa ti n 's s t a n d . Mr. Vernon Buck, director of E O P , proposed tne bill to be sent to the Political and Social Positions C o m m i t t e e a n d have a student referendum l o o k e d i n t o . This was done after further d e b a t e . ride t h e vet. Al Senia, ASP editor-in-chief a p p e a l e d t o Council t o o v e r t u r n t h e veto s o t h e A S P c o u l d a d d m o r e pages with the additional income they h o p e d t o raise. Glenn V o n NdsUtz, c o u n c i l m a n and A S P news e d i t o r , e x p l a i n e d t h a t t h e ASP was b u d g e t e d for an average of 16 pages an issue, a n d 16-24 pages have been issue sizes s o far this year. L a t e r issues w o u l d have t o be small, a n d c o n t a i n m a n y a d s , if use of i n c o m e was n o t g r a n t e d . After further disc u s s i o n , t h e veto was u p h e l d . P r e s i d e n t L a m p e r t h a d also v e t o e d a bill t o increase t h e m e m b e r s h i p of t h e A t h l e t i c Advisory Board t o assure freshman r e p r e s e n t a t i o n . While asserting h e was m o r a l l y in favor of t h e bill, he h a d h o p e d t h a t A.A. B o a r d c o u l d be asked w h a t t h e y t h o u g h t as well, citing the lack of c o m m u n i c a t i o n in recent years b e t w e e n Council and A.A. Board. He a n d C h a i r m a n S t o k e m agreed o n a o n e week delay so t h a t A . A . Board could m e e t a n d r e p o r t their decision back to Council. Finance C o m m i t t e e then introduced t w o bills for group allocation purposes from the Emergency Spending Line. A proposal to grant S U N Y A Gay Alliance $ 9 7 5 for educational purposes, gay dances, and movies was made. Chairman Stokem questioned Paul Travis, Gay Alliance President, as to whether he t h o u g h t t h e group Could earn their $ 2 0 0 i n c o m e line through only a few dances. Travis said the gay c o m m u n i t y would c o m e through. After cutting $ 2 5 , Council approved the budtfet A p r o p o s a l s p o n s o r e d by Vice C h a i r m a n Pat Curran and Bob R a t t a n h a d Council s u p p o r t i n g Indian Q u a d ' s a t t e m p t s to alleviate t h e h a z a r d o u s c o n d i t i o n s of their Parking Lot N o , 8 a n d to have a safer lot c o n s t r u c t e d . Quad President Lenny F r o m e r said t h a t t h e parking lot is d o w n Michael Lampert, President Lois //. Gregg, Associate Student Association Dean for Student Affairs Invite you to meet the new clergymen IRON HORSE PVR by their respective HAH V'BY by Student BATES BAUM ANDREW SMITH 5, SUNYA bodies Community HAROLD October Sponsored appointed religious to serve the University IS ColviB A v e , All Legal Beverages! Pizza! who have been A ssociatton Gallery Student A group led by Barry Davis 1 and Barry Sloan proposed t h a t council endorse t h e 7 Point Peace Plan of the Provisionary Revolutionary G o v e r n m e n t of South Vietnam. Ed L o p a t i n tried to refer this to PSP Committee, but his a t t e m p t failed. Chairman Stokem informed Council that a similar measure was approved by a Central Council of t w o years ago. Dan Williams felt Council's endorsement would be ininterpreted as a statement of general s t u d e n t opinion. The bill was then approved. Seth Ugelow i n t r o d u c e d an a m e n d m e n t to the Organization of the Executive Branch of Student Association. It would allow Council to review the President's a p p o i n t m e n t s to t h e jobs of Controller, Business O p e r a t i o n s Administrator, and t h e Coordinator posts. Eric Lonschein proposed that the bill be m a d e retroactive so t h a t this year's a p p o i n t m e n t s be reviewed as well. Seth allowed this incorporation, President Lamport voiced his opposition, stating that t h e President is elected by the students and their vote should ex oress faith in his actions. T h e hill was passed, and A p p o i n t m e n t s Reviewing C o m m i t t e e directed to have their evaluations of Lamperl's a p p o i n t m e n t s s u b m i t t e d to Council by N o v e m b e r 2nd. In perhaps the m o s t i m p o r t a n t decision of the evening, Central Council unanimously a p p r o v e d a bill proposed by Eric Lonacholn to c o n d e m n t h e i n t e n t i o n s of Uio Albany City Council to evict off campus s t u d e n t s . This is cur- l')72-3:J0-4:JOpm Art Finance C o m m i t t e e then recommended $ 5 2 6 for AMIA's hiring a fourth s t u d e n t assistant t o supervise intramural games. T h e large increase in s t u d e n t participation in such sports as football and basketball necessitated t h e call for additional m a n p o w e r and funds, After Chairman S t o k e m questioned t h e $ 2 . 2 5 an hour wage paid, a n d President Lampert stressed t h e supervisory aspect of the j o b , the budget' was passed. Affairs rently being d o n e to some -in d e n t s in t h e M a n n i n g Blvd area by e n f o r c e m e n t of an ancient city s t a t u t e f o r b i d d i n g two MI m o r e p e o p l e n o t related i,\ blood or marriage from living ui a family u n i t . President Lampert r e p o r t e d t h a t M a y o r Co mini* had t o l d h i m t h a t h e , Co-mini; m u s t act like a politician uiul listen t o c o m p l a i n t s of registered voters living near t h e students Barry Davis' told of rereiH S u p r e m e C o u r t decision thai >••, tablished t h e voting residents r e q u i r e m e n t a t 3 0 days Tin;* m e a n t t h e s t u d e n t s could v i e in city e l e c t i o n s , t o o . Tin- CiU Council will be a s k e d , in run sidering t h e w h i t e ballol ra>i to rescind t h e "unfoii.snHI tional V o t i n g O r d i n a n c e Willi all possible s p e e d . " SA lawyer .viii ford R o s e n b l u m was reported ' " be s e e k i n g an i n j u n c t i o n l " st"iJ the eviction n o t i c e s . In further business, Bart V\i.li* p r o p o s e d t h a t S t u d e n t A.'»" ciation e x t e n d organizational M c o g n i t i o n t o t h e S U N Y A |-'S-\ Workers Association D.n Williams asked if all s t u d e n t ft m kens were tax paying undei g r a d u a t e s a n d q u e s t i o n e d il ihi w o u l d be a valid m o v e The lull carried on a voice vote Finally, Council s e e m m g K M versed its original derision stay o u t of politics when I v L o h s e h e i n m o v e d that < 'nun' ' endorse M c G o v e r n , v. In I" s p e a k i n g as a voice of Hn J d e n t b o d y . Alter overt iirnti., Vice-Chairman t ' u n . n i s i n i " > t h a t the m o t i o n was t«•>•'•< sunn.' to t h e o n e earlier a n d tlicieUm out of o r d e r , a n d hearing q u e s t i o n from Mr. Buck a* i" w h e t h e r Council hud polled •' c o n s t i t u e n t s o n presidenti.il p " ferences, Council passed il< m o t i o n 0 -3. The contradict was t h a t Council earlier did not w a n t to e n d o r s e a candidalwhile s p e a k i n g o n l y for them rtwlvt'a. b u t later o p t e d t o do ;<" s p e a k i n g for t h e s t u d e n t body Central Council m e e t s e v e n T h u r s d a y n i g h t at 7 3 0 in Cam pus C e n t e r 37 b. Division COME 3 E | THE HANGING! PAGE TWO '• V H&%--.:-. : • • • - . ' •-•• • •MM ALBANY STUDENT PRESS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1972 Pine Bush Continued continued from page 1 Even more important is the natural water supply provided by this area. Billions of gallons of high quality water lie trapped in the sand, beneath the layers of clay and natural blocks. This reservoir could be the answer to the communities' projected water shortage in the future. Should, however, the surface be bulldozed and ruined, harmful substances could pollute the water supply. Asphalt paving of roads through the area would not allow rain water to soak back into the ground, thereby creating a potential run-off problem and slowing the recharge rate. In addition, the Pine Bush serves as a natural laboratory for environmental, biological, botannical geological, and historical study. It has been used frequently by local school groups, not to mention by specialists in several fields for extensive research. Various groups such as P.Y.E., the Albany Taxpayer's Association, and Nature Conservancy have long been interested in this area and have now come together to form a coalition: People for the Pine Bush. R.P.I, has organized an entire class of architecture students whose purpose it is to study the area and come up with proposals for either its preservation, or its development. Various interest groups have made proposals ranging from complete development to a 600 acre park to a complete preservation of the natural areas which s.;!l exist. Scientists by M i k e McGuire .SUNYA S e c u r i t y hus asked for s t u d e n t c o o p e r a t i o n in catching the pair w h o r o b b e d r o o m s at knife and gun point d o w n t o w n and o n t w o u p t o w n quads.. T h e pair have usually e n t e r e d the s t u d e n t ' s r o o m lor s o m e legitimate reason, Mich as lo buy d o p e , a n d have c o n d u c t ed a short c o n v e r s a t i o n with t h e vie lnn.s before pulling a knife or Hun T h e y have (hen p r o c e e d e d io t a k e q u a n t i t i e s of dope ranging from an o u n c e to ;i p o u t k l , a n d t h e y have also taken m e r c h a n d i s e and cash in s o m e instance* Because t h e e m p h a s i s uf t h e robberies is on illegal materials, the victims are left with little recourse, T h e y can't go to t h e Albany Police for fear of being arrested t h e m s e l v e s . T h e y are afraid to talk t o S e c u r i t y for t h e s a m e reason. Tins n e w s p a p e r lias had p r o b l e m s gathering in for million because s o m e of t h e vie funs are afraid of r e t a l i a t i o n . The d e s c r i p t i o n s of t h e robbers given by several different victims seem to m a t c h , s o s e c u r i t y hah m a d e the d e s c r i p t i o n public. T h e p r i m a r y thief in a Black male with a light a n d clear comp l e x i o n , a b o u t IB or 1 U, app r o x i m a t e l y f i ' l " b ' 2 " tall, very slender build, s l e n d e r face with high c h e e k b o n e s , s h o r t hair, no beard or s i d e b u r n s , a n d n o n o t i c e a b l e scars. T h e r e i« little the country "It's about time that w e stop putting Indians, poor and on people nature reservations.'' John Wolcott. PYE Stick-Ups d o u b t t h a t lie is a s t u d e n t , he cause he has been seen at lunch, on t h e P o d i u m , a n d in t h e C a m p u s C e n t e r by s o m e of his victims, b o t h before a n d after t h e y were held u p . His m a n n e r of dress is n o t u n u s u a l for a s t u d e n t , although lie has been seen wearing a relatively Un c o m m o n Australian bush hat. "Don't go selling dope to strange-looking freaks with knives." t\ good d e s c r i p t i o n has also been o b t a i n e d of o n e of Mrwiral persons w h o have accompanied the first at o n e t i m e or a n o t h e r . This a c c o m p l i c e is also a Black male, a b o u t &'7"-5'H" tall, also of slender build, with a darker c o m p l e x i o n , s h o r t hair a n d u goatee. Although possession of m a n juana is o u t l a w e d by t h e S t a t e TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 regard the Pine Bush area as an ecological unit well worth A & S Council Policy-making: It is the hope of the People for the Pine Bush that this small but precious part of our environment will not meet a fate similar to that of Fort Orange, which is now preserved for future generations under layers of concrete. SUNYA all over preservation. and Federal Governments, a representative of Security told this reporter that t h e y consider t h r e a t s with deadly w e a p o n s to be a far m o r e serious hazard Lo the health a n d safety of t h e s t u d e n t s " W h e n a knife or gun is being used, there is always t h e possibility of resistance, and we want to avoid the violence that might r e s u l t . " Security e m p h a s i z e s that any s t u d e n t who has a n y rnforma Lion on the w h e r e a b o u t s of the suspects or on any so I'm u n r e ported incidents should i m m e n d lately get this in forma Lion to J o h n Henighan or .lack R u t h at lf>7 H2(M, All in forma u o n will be trailed confidentially 'I the informant so desires, t h e caller doesn't even have to give his n a m e . S t u d e n t s are further requested Lo call Security at the same n u m b e r al any Lime they see a n y t h i n g suspicious going on or even if t h e r e is s o m e o n e un k n o w n Lo any residents in a d o r m at an o d d h o u r . " T h e r e isn't Lhal m u c h we can do after s o m e t h i n g h a p p e n s , but we can try t o prevent if from h a p p e n i n g in t h e first p l a c e , " said o n e Security m a n . More i m m e d i a t e was the advice offered by a d o w n t o w n K.A. lock y o u r d o o r w h e n you leave y o u r r o o m , a n d a b o v e all " d o n ' t go sidling d o p e to sLrangelooking freaks with k n i v e s . " ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Students Have Voice by Nancy A l b a u g h S t u d e n t s now have a voice in the " p o l i c y - r e c o m m e n d i n g " of the largest college in S U N Y A t h r o u g h their seat in t h e newlyformed Council of t h e College of Arts and Sciences. Planned last year as a m e a n s of giving s t u d e n t s w i t h i n the »ollege an o p p o r t u n i t y t o voice their opinions a n d ideas, t h e Council is reaching its final stages (if organization with tod a y ' s (T-ues. O c t . ,'i) a p p o i n t ment of s t u d e n t m e m b e r s for each of its c o m m i t t e e s . T h e council was p l a n n e d t o be "the principal policy-forming body of t h e College of Arts a n d S c i e n c e s , " having responsibilities of d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e educat ion a I programs, course approvals, reviews of a c a d e m i c s t a n d i n g of undergraduates, approval of interdisciplinary programs a n d i n d e p e n d e n t studies, and r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s to t h e Dean for p r o m o I i on and a p p o i n t m e n t c o n s i d e r a t i o n s of the faculty within t h e college Under the c h a i r m a n s h ip of A r m a n d Baker, each of the three College divisions has u p to t h r e e u n d e r g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t seats in the Council T h e Division of Humanities is r e p r e s e n t e d by Ken S t o k e m , Mary .Jane H u n t e r , and T o m C a n i n o . all of w h o m were elected last D e c e m b e r T h e Division of Math a n d Science is represented by Philip N e w m a n and Charles Cihb.s. while An drew Haber and J e l l Levine re present the Division ol Social and Behavioral Science, each ol these divisions having a seal open T h e majority ol the C o u n cil is c o m p o s e d o | Dean l i n n s berger a n d the Associate Deans, three councilors elected from the divisions, a n d o n e councilor from each d e p a r t m e n t , as well as a m a x i m u m of t w o graduate s l n d e n U elected from each divi i n e main c o m m i t t e e of the council is the C o m m i t t e e on Academic Programs, or C A P , bei ng "the cli ie 1 p o l i c y r e c o m m e n d i n g b o d y of the College in the area of a c a d e m i c program," this committee r e c o m in ends new programs, approves major revisions of existing p r o g r a m s , and reviews existing programs O n e of t h e proposals under c o n s i d e r a t i o n in this c o m m i t t e e , consisting of nine faculty m e m b e r s and three ing of a major in J u d a i c Studies. CAP has three s u b - c o m m i t t e e s : the Course Approval C o m m i t t e e , made u p of ten a p p o i n t e d members—six faculty m e m b e r s , Lhree s t u d e n t s , and a c h a i r m a n which approves new courses, approves major course changes, and deletes certain c o u r s e s ; t h e Interdepartmental S t u d i e s Committee, organized the s a m e way as the Course Approval C o m m i t t e e , which approves interdisciplinary majors, all i n d e p e n d e n t s t u d y courses b e y o n d departmental limits, and all experimental courses n o t offered within a d e p a r t m e n t (for e x a m p l e Peace Studies, or W o m e n ' s Lib Studies); and the smaller Undergraduate Academic Standing C o m m i t t e e , consisting of seven a p p o i n t e d members—four faculty, t w o s t u d e n t s a n d a c h a i r m a n , which reviews e x p u l s i o n s from the College, grades appeals a n d matters of a c a d e m i c standing. Each s u b - s o m m i t t e e c h a i r m a n is a p p o i n t e d from t h e C A P . T h e Faculty Personnel Committee is the second c o m m i t t e e of the council whose duties are to review personnel m a t t e r s . Dr. G o o d m a n ' s case is up before this c o m m i t t e e , whose m e m b e r s include t w o faculty from each division and three s t u d e n t s , all a p p o i n t e d , and the Dean of t h e College. T h e Executive C o m m i t t e e con sists of all the Deans, t h e Chair man, Vice-Chairman, a n d Secretary of the Council, as well as three additional m e m b e r s elected from the C o u n c i l , e i t h e r s t u d e n t s or faculty. This committee establishes t h e agenda for the m o n t h l y Council meeting, appoints members of subc o m m i t t e e s , assists in budget inakiiig and acts for t h e Council if necessary. T h e Administrative C o m m i t t e e is the Dean and Associate Deans ol the College. This is the chief executive body of t h e College. bast year, the Council was still in the process of organization, but they still did m u c h work reviewing interdisciplinary studies. Council secretary Mary Jane H u n t e r expressed h o p e s thai after the committee a p p o i n t m e n t s t o d a y , they can start to remove s o m e of t h e stagnancy of the College a n d make it change with t h e stud e n t ' s needs. PAGE THREE «, nnrmnrw unit TTIT .nrr m — ~ ~ — «•«« « B cr ***£* because, as we know, primary and secondary education is primarily financed by the property, taxes and local taxes from the school district and local government. So I would say we made a very diligent effort to make sure that funds are there for higher education to expand p r o p e r l y . The difficulty has been that there has h(?en a much greater expectation of higher education for everyone. The open admissions programs, which have failed so miserably at the City University of New York, are an example, in my judgment, of a complete waste of the educational dollar. They cause people who are not qualified to pursue a college education into pursuits they are just unable to complete. SPIRO T. AONEW. A Chat with the Veep Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President of the United States, was recently interviewed by Marc Rosenberg and Anne Casey of the Washington Campus News Service. The following are excerpts from the text of that interview. Mr, Vice President, what role do you expect to play in this election year? I think t h e r e will he a dual role. First of all, I have certain ongoing responsibilities as Vice President. My functions as vice chairman of various c o m m u t e e s . of course, will c o n t i n u e AN of t h o s e assignments are ongoing and can't s t o p simply because of an (.-lection year But on t o p of that I wit! perform the iradilional role of tht- Vice President in t h e Republican Party, and that is t o b*' the primary c a m pal Jner for th«- ticket hi iHT'i «tU got fn.nl paw coi vuge f><f the strong slut*' merits \<>u mud*- during thut flu tina . tv Would n,u com mt tit <>n • !, i Hon \ , ar rhrtijrti in campaign 7 J ' Well, it'.-, odd thai y o u should raise that q u e s t i o n , because al • recent campaign strategy Nivsion we were discussing t h e rhetoric that is being injected into I hi* campaign b> o u r o p p o n e n t This ha.s t o be of the high.-.si level ever e n c o u n t e r e d , Ui>\ c o m p a r e d President Nixon with Hitler, and I hey make all sorLs nl accusations against h i m . such <is calling him the No 1 War maker, and saying that his acts c o m p a r e io the killing ol the man> Jewish people in ' rerman> 1 have I ores worn rhc-tortc loi his campaign And I've got t o be honest w n h y o u , I've e x a m i n e d whal I said m I9I>H and ' 7 0 . and sound nolhiuii t o c o m p a r e with what Senator McOovern said Bui since | have indicated thai I wit! campaign purely on the issues, I feel a little like the man Who Mild all his stock jUHl before a Ijoom in the markei Klietorie h.is become Very popular at a tirr • I have disavowed ii And ybe, I'm not sure thai I'm ..! a disadvantage. Your ('theism of the pre** has greuHx diminished ••tine I''/" Has the news media unproved (hut much, of is thin ii fund lint of \ourdtmvowet of rhetoric' 1 think the press, the media generally, have b e c o m e aware that certain of the matters that I called their a t t e n t i o n t o did re quire an introspective look on their purl, a self-examination And 1 d o see a t t e m p t s t o be m o r e objective and t o express o t h e r points of view On the o t h e r hand, I have no reluctance in saying thai I feel that most people in the media at the pre sent lime are ideologically t o the left of the m a i n s t r e a m of A m e n can opinion, ' " i d 1 believe this c o m e s a b o u t because m o s t of the great journalism schools reflect a philosophy that is not the p h i l o s o p h y of middle America. I believe t h a t t h e press has found it c o u n t e r - p r o d u c t i v e t o be t o o o r i e n t e d t o their o w n beliefs in reporting. There is a place for o p i n i o n on editorial paged. I despair when I see editorial o p i n i o n creeping i n t o the news pagea u n d e r t h e guide of interpretive r e p o r t i n g . We d o n ' t need thin in o u r press. We need an objective, factual press. Wkat, in your opinion, is the main objective for the news media, what is the purpose1 I think t h e p u r p o s e of t h e news m e d i a is t o inform t h e American public, n o t t o advoc a t e social change. A n d t h a t is o n e o f t h e principal quarrels I h a d , t h a t they were advocates, t h a t they were very aggressive in a t t e m p t i n g t o p e r s u a d e t h e public t o a d o p t the:r p o i n t of view 1 d o n ' t think t h a t ' s t h e function of the news media. T h e media s h o u l d reflect t h e facts on b o t h sides of t h e question and leave it t o the good j u d g m e n t of the American people to m a k e a decision N o w . as I said, editorially it is perfectly all right for t h e m t o take a position, but if they d o and if they support their c o n cept of propriety as strongly as the} d o , they should n o t object to me s u p p o r t i n g m y c o n c e p t And o n e of the things I found in dealing with the m o r e violent cniicvsms that I've had is that th<-\ d o n ' t want m e t o be an advocate The> d o n ' t want me to have ! he same right of free -JX-ech Ihey so /ealou.sh tfu.irr! on l h r , r e d . ' t o r u . l p a g e > Rhetoric I nisi flail} refus** t o m u / / l myself on the hiisis that m> rheiuru is in flam mat or> This \t,L- been o n e of t h e great fie lions ol ..II lime M> rhetoric has he.-n no different than the rhe lorn i>t jjolllical people and campaigns traditional I > But m> entu-.s among the liberal m e d i a have st-1/.cd upon this .is a device to lake a l l e n t i o n aw ,t> from the ('intent n | m> s t a t e m e n t s and I'iM-Uh it on m j personality V,„i an cnttaitnu Saul." \l, (inn m for ItL-riunji the Prest deal n, \d<<lf Utile, and foi thmti ,/,_• ,,,,/ tnri'.tt"tin • i hurt;, . Hat, „ i Hrpuhluiw* tie, it -IM/M >•! much tin sume llimti >c[cmng to Senatot Mi (Joi r.n us the candidate of tt, id uhortu.n unit umncst\ H,. I riph \ Candidal, ' I (Ion I heheve in llle u-.r ol IM-rsonahlK-s But I t h i n k t h e r e is a great distinction b e t w e e n a generalized c o n d e n s a t i o n of the c.i in 11 <l.i l i-s positions. because MHiovern did sa\ he Was for tbesi- three things, a n d the char a c t e n / a l i o n ol .. President of the Culled States as being the eqlll valenl of Hitler T h e r e is a great deal of difference in t h e rhetoric involved in those eases I certainly don't condone Senator MeOovern s r e p e a t e d use of Ibis coinjiarison b e t w e e n Hitler a n d President Nixon In bis leadership capacity as Presi d e n t , Mr Nixon is not able t o defend himself against that kind of accusation I think it's sour n l o u s . I think it's unfair I think it s revealing of a very small m i n d e d , a m b i t i o u s a t t i t u d e on the pari of the o t h e r c a n d i d a t e Would you comment on Sena tor MeCovern's recent statement trial u young person who sup ports /'resident Nt.xon is too confused to know which end is up' Well, it's a general s t a t e m e n t and it must be treated simply as campaign rhetoric. These tielf serving declarations a n d unilateral attacks without sub t;t an tuition are evidence, I t h i n k , of a very weak campaign based o n generalities, and based o n an effort t o stir t h e e m o t i o n s . We feel t h a t t h e President's p r o g r a m s are e x t r e m e l y imp o r t a n t t o y o u n g people. We think he has d o n e a lot. He s u p p o r t e d t h e 18-year-old vote from t h e beginning. I s u p p o r t e d it from t h e beginning. We d o n ' t regard y o u t h as a m o n o l i t h i c s t r u c t u r e . We like t o appeal t o y o u n g people o n an individual basis, t o respond t o questions about programs that they are interested in. Disclosures a n d Credibility Isn't the President's credibility being damaged by the continued refusal to disclose the sources of $ln million m campaign funds received by the Committee for the Reelection <>f th, president before Apnt " ' Senator McGovern > p;«rty passed the law s that r e q u i o campaign disclosures They are a majority in both Houses of Congress. T h e President has adhered lo ihe laws t h e \ p i t t e d their law-, did not require an> disclosure-, b e y o n d the o n e - he ha,-, mad. Now let me \u>\ add o n e thinu about th<- Campaign Disclosure A . ! This i. a h r a n d new law there ar. ;»l.-nt\ of technical violations that .ire uointf ui -,ur face hecau.se >l was on!} passed reeenll} and it ha>n t been tested But we have adhered ^UlfhousK 1.' 'h.- letter and the spirit ol th.- requirement-- >•• the DeumocraLic Congress, .is enacted in that law •lust becau.se ., c a n d i d a t e -A ant,. Us l o go b e y o n d tin- law t o suit himself, we d o n \ intend t o d o that It's not required h\ t he law and tin- law was til tin hands of the o p p o s i t i o n Ynu .in- not <h, n .» furor „f th, luu list (/ No. 1 think tin law i„ ,,|| right But ! sa} lhe> should no) i »m plain about our performing sv ilh in Ibe law It llie), wanted us lo be forced to dlscU.se the COtll M b i l l i o n s that were made [trior to t h a i d a t e , t h e n t h e \ s h o u l d have written had that into the law T h e ) full c o n t r o l o | the situation N o w . While We're t a l k i n g credibility, bility where is of the candidate the abolll eredl w h o has changed his proposals every time they are repudiated by the pub lie1' He c o m e s out With some thing I call Klexmomics He has one proposal That doesn't float Tin- statist icians shoot him down He comes out with a n o t h e r proposal tiliat about ou> c>rditnlti\ with the VoW/i Vietnumest when the I nihil States in (•reused lite Ifiiihtne >,/ Hi. \mtli tit the Minn time lee u e<< tuthtnu peace m Parts' Well, the answer to that is vcr) simple T h e United States in creased the bombing because there was an all out conventional assault from North Vietnam into the S o u t h , u n p r o v o k e d b> the S o u t h Vietnamese w h o never m a d e any incursions into North Vietnam. T h e bombing was a retaliation for an overt act of aggression We have n o i n t e n t i o n ol sitting idly by as allies of tin- South Vietnamese while the North Vietnamese escalate the war nn they huve d o n e in the face of a very generous offer ut the peace table t o roach accord with inter national supervision. It wus the N o r t h Vietnamese w h o com- mitted the agression, n o t t h e United States, In President Nixon's news conference on June 2.9, he said that when France withdrew from Indochina tliey left behind thousands ofPOW's and none of them were ever returned Now, the French Government says that the Hanoi regime did, in fact, return alt the French POW's and accounted for those missing in action. First, was the President misinformed, or what? and, second, if the thousunds of French POW's were returned, why should we doubt that the \nrth Vietnamese will not account for our POW's and MIA's after an American with drawaH Well, first let me say t h a i I don't have any e x a c t information on that s i t u a t i o n , a n d 1 would be glad t o get t h a t information from Dr Kissinger a n d see that il reaches y o u in t i m e t o be included in the responses t o your questions. As fur as American prisoners of war are concerned, we have no inclination simply t o rely on t h e ethereal attitudes of S e n a t o r McGovern and o t h e r s that, with out rjuestion, the N o r t h Vietnamese will do the d e c e n t thing. f1ie\ haven't d o n e the decent thing m the past T h e y have ii mi mi tied i ml rageous assaults ..n fleeing South Vietnamese citizens They c o m p l e t e d a purge of their own c o u n t r y at the t i m e of Ho Chi Mmh that was singular m the annals of t h e world as far as lack of compassion for individuals is concerned T h e ) have used our POW's as a negotiating tool, and they have never taken an> action thiit would m a k e me have an.) faith in Ibein So I have no thought that vve s h o u l d rely on the good i n t e n t i o n s of a c o u n t r ) that has .shown such h o s t t d i t ) . such lack of u n d e r standing of individual rights as has North Vietnam \ in nest) • \" th, re ,in\ en, UtnsltUicc* under which MM, or the presi 'lent would t "Hauler grunttrtf amw'nts to people win, have itlcgulh avoided the draft' Yes There are c o n d i t i o n s I would not a t t e m p t t o say whal they are, but J believe there should he hoards set u p lor a person who applies for a m n e s t y He .should he heard If thenwere some special e x t e n u a t i n g circumstances it would have to be a very visible a n d e x t r e m e type ol thing Maybe he could be granted a m n e s t y without punishment '•'I'" important thing to retnem ber about ainuesl) is that it is not fair to those w h o served their c o u n t r y . Even though tin disagreed with t h e draft, tin w e n t over a n d they did tin service. S o m e of t h e m die s o m e of t h e m are in vi-\< • , hospitals at t h e present i m i s o m e of t h e m are Prison, i War and Missing-in Actio, isn't fair t o those people ...i decided t o serve their couniiy let t h o s e w h o did nol or who from service, escape scot I h. And n o President in o u r hi-stii has ever d o n e it. S e n a t o r M c G o v e r n will .] y o u s o m e e x a m p l e s thai lie , s u p p o r t t h e fact thai un- • , tional a m n e s t y W;LS grant' the past. I challenge thai new refers t o a speech In i . the Veterans of Foreign \\ August '2",, 107'J | S o I am not going t o -..i-. • never s h o u l d an iini.fn--.-i , granted. I a m going t o ,\ " no u n e o n di t i o n a l anr • s h o u l d ever be giant, d 1 going t o say that *rnr». • >, s o m e suitable pe-nali \ b.i exacted s h o u l d be v.i m'. • far as the restoration ot . •• ship rights is ei mceni'-'l issue in this campaign clear- S e n a t o r McUou m u n c o n d i t i o n a l a m i e s ' <, we say absolute!) noi against it race, or sex, or a n \ OIIH-- Yes, I a m . I think t h a t ' s w h e r e Ihe poor achiever al llle hicji school level can prove thai that was an a b e r r a t i o n o r a lack of c o n c e n t r a t i o n and d i s t r a c t i o n , or that he has in fact b e c o m e s e n ous about learning. He can e n t e r a junior college, m a k e a good record there, a n d at thai point I think tire college s h o u l d accept bun Bui I d o n ' t think that a greal university s h o u l d a t t e m p t to s u p e r i m p o s e o n all its curricu lar responsibilities a retraining program for all t h o s e w h o are not qualified t o u n d e r t a k e the Well, if y o u go back lo Federal budget for e d u c a t t o . recently as I "Ii:!, you'll find i the total Keden.l c o n l n b t e d u c a t i o n ran about $M i- '- ' a year We're now u p ' " where a r o u n d $ 1'•<or r I ' lion, Most of this has gon. the area of higbei c •< And as far as t h e b r e a k d o w n s in t h e high schools t h e m s e l v e s in providing t h e y o u t h w i t h t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o c o p e with t h e college c u r r i c u l u m , if t h e high schools are deficient, l e t ' s s p e n d our m o n e y on m a k i n g sure o u r high schools c o r r e c t t h e i r deficiencies. Lei's n o l try l o r e m e d y the s i t u a t i o n by messing u p o u r four-year c u r r i c u l u m . The t'liwcrsily of Htiltimorc. of which you urc </ firaduate, Mr Vice President, does huve tins open door policy Do you de flounce thut or Are y o u telling m e thai t h e University of B a l t i m o r e will accept a n y o n e , regardless of high school a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s , that wauls l o apply'.' As long as Ihey have a high school diploma'.' Thai s rone, I. or e,,ullulenl I'm nol sure t h a t ' s right It's right it ihey d o n ' l have l o l i n n a n y b o d y away lor a lack of space I'm nol sure i t ' s right it some qualified person is d e n i e d admission on Ihe basis lie didn'1 gel bis application in o n l i m e I don'l know e n o u g h a b o u t the mechanics of h o w i h e University of Baltimore w i n k s l o c o m m e n t definitely on il Bui in general I'm aguinst Ihe idea t h a t a n y is entitled l o e n t e r a n y college regardless of Ihe c o n s t r a i n t of space, without any regard t o Ills achievement a n d bis c h a n c e s of succeeding. When a person e n t e r s a univo, sity as a freshman, he s h o u l d be able l o c o p e with freshman work there. T h a i ' s Ibe point I a m making N o w , if be is n o l able lo, lei him go s o m e w h e r e else and prepare himself, l o a junior college, ll he will. A n d if he can't prepare himself at a junior college, let him select a career that does nol r e q u i r e that kind of a p t i t u d e . Kvoryonc is n o l of Ibe same learning ability S o n i c people have ureal skills ill o n e area, s o m e in a n o t h e r , a n d l o expect everyone to he a philosopher is a mistake. Nixon: The Making of a Millionaire By IRVING WALLACE Charles Gregory "Bebe" Rebozo is a special friend of President Nixon. He should be. One way and another, he has made Nixon very, very wealthy. One example of how Bebe has enriched the President occurred in February 1967, when Nixon came down to Key Biscaync for a vacation. It was one of the rare occasions when Bebe asked Nixon a favor. He asked Nixon to pose for a photograph with one of Bebe's friends, Donald Berg, head of the Cape Florida Development Co., whose friends include friends of Meyer Lansky, the hoodlum in exile in Israel. In return for posing for that piclure with Berg, Nixon was given two pieces of Florida real estate il a large discount. He bought the marked-down property at very little cost. The two lots arc said to be worth $150,01X1 today. Berg used Ihe photograph for publicity that helped him sell other real estate lo the stale til Florida al huge profits. By making Nixon wealthy. Bebe Heho/.o helped make him President As a top Republican put it to Gary Willis: 'Dick Nixon could not have made il to first base in 19(18 without a substantial personal income Republicans, especially those who finance Ihe party, respect only otic thing success, and lhe\ have only one way of measuring success money chauffeur. He worked for Pan American as an airline steward. He and a brother ran a gas station. During World War II, he was a civilian pilot for the Air Transport Command. After the war, he really got going with a selfservice laundry that grew into a chain of laundries. He became a stockholder in two finance companies. Then he hit the jackpot in Florida real estate. In 1950, when Smalhers told Nixon to take a vacation in Florida, Smalhers asked Bebe to "show Nixon a good time." The two men met, liked each other, and have remained fast friends for 22 years. When President Nixon came lo Miami Beach lo accept the Hepublican Convention's nomination, be stayed in his five-bouse compound on Key Biscaync. Bebe packaged thai property and (hose houses fur him a $500,000 package There are five bouses ringed by complete security Bebe got Nixon one house for $127.11(111. and gul Smalhers In sell Nixon his house for $l2rj.(lll(l Two other houses in Ibe com pound arc owned by absentee landlord Richard Alplanalp and a man named Campbell who lives in Indiana and manufactures automobile parts. They leased Ihen two houses to the Secret Service for one dollar each a year. The fifth house, in the center of the compound, is Bebe Rebozo's own home. ALL FOR DICK Many people say Bebe's a good guy. True, his business operations have been under investigation a couple of times. So what if Representative Wright Patman said there was something fishy about that $80,000 loan Bebe got from the Small Business Administration over objections of many members of the SBA staff? ' So what if the Small Business Administration guaranteed the rents in the Centro Commercial Cubano, a trading mart in which Bebe and friends had invested $900,000 — a guarantee that made the government (that's us, the taxpayers! take all the risks instead of Bebe and his friends? So what if the Miami regional director of the Small Business Administration, Thomas Butler, was an investor in Bebe's Fisher Island and a stockholder in a bank Bebe heads up? Let's nol detract from Bebe Rebozo's real purpose. Forget all that business. Bebe's life is devoled to Nixon. Iruinu Wallace is the best selling author of T h e Man and Seven Minutes. "Dick never bad any money before now lie could not talk lo these people as an equal, even when he was Vice President Once Nixon became affluent, although he was no longer in ulTicc. the Republican Parly's money men respected and sup ported him Ibanks In Bebe Kelin/o isol Cuban dcsccnl He was born in Tampa, Florida, in hll^ winch makes tlllll fill, the same age as \ i \ u u He was a classmate ol George Smalhers in Miami High School Smalhers, who smeared Claude Pepper in Itlfitl In defeat tiiui (or the Senate, was a partner ol Hubby Baker and a friend ol dictator Rafael Trujillu He also acquired $-i:la Dim worth ol Aero ilex slock lor $20,(11X1, then led a fighl to prevent cancel la I ion of an Air Force contract with Aerodex And it was Smalhers who brought Bebe together with Nixon RAGS TO H I t ' l l KH But hist came Bebe's climb from rags to riches. As a kid, he sold newspapers. In high school, be invested bis first money in property, and lost the $2.ri invest meat He went lo work as a Baggy Jeans Pleated Pants /$* X > A nickel may not buy much, And ii wuocli.'n nickel may buy kiss Men's and * L ^ k ! L v> '* ^fi ^ ^ ^ 7 r 2 •'• \ \ It tJjf I Women's Shoes Stacked Heels But an A l b a n y Student Press Wooden Nickel will buy y o u a FREE Classified A d ! l u l l «lop i " ,H C .imp.pj Ci]iil,ir^33<l **« ALBANY STUDENT PRESS doers. T h e idea of saying that unless you have a degree from an ac credited four year liberal a i l s in si i l u l i o n . y o u ' r e n o l in the s a m e class as a g r a d u a t e of that insti l u h o n is d e b i l i t a t i n g l o y o u n g people w h o s e talents may n o l run in llial .same direction Yuu .seem lit lit- ciiciiUraxitlR u liit'utfr rok /'or junior mltcHi's? that's nol related lo ,il»l c o n s t r u c t ive low aid in •• about the bi-st in oin • out On the othi'i hand. I ' -should alwa\ s at leinpi i " ' late an equal it y ' d i ippo. i[\\d where we see it th ie-i we should e n c o u r a g e it •<•••• e x a c t i n g q u o t a s , Quot.i.s h.i.. effect of taking aw a\ !l • wards for a c c o m p l i s h i n . n are i. very great pari ot success of this c o u n i i ) .uni has m a d e us I lie c n v \ " ' world Manx colleges and u'w . • are now in senoUs Itnc and/or academic trouhh il ' happening in this area pl.i, ,. i I ieu«ivy .i Woodon N.cknl ntflil lui .i lio PAGE FOUR Education I spe;ik as a person w h o is n o t ,itul could not be a very good skilled craftsman al a n y t h i n g . Bill I have a great and high regard for t h e ability of those people w h o can engage in t h o s e constructive aetivites, the cabinet maker, the person w h o h a s a highly skilled o c c u p a t i o n that requires great training and olloll 1 d o n ' t feel that t h o s e people receive llle proper iiooo lade, Ihi' p r o p e r recognition 111 our society We need both Wo need t h i n k e r s a n d we need Ononis Speaking about g c / ' blocks mi oh-ed in e>. . • what is \ our ofnnioh of the quota systeni 1 have a l w a y s In en ag.nii q u o t a s y s t e m . 1 don't thit.. an a b s o l u t e refttiirenn id • particular mmorii y to \,, pate in a n y t h i n g on a h i I 5 | In trying lo prove that they can be suitable candidates for a degree at a four-year college, we iirc wasting irretrievable dollars thiit should bo used training these people for a useful career in s o m e t h i n g they can d o . Look ill the d r o p - o u t rate, a n d look al the c o m m e n t s of m a n y o t h e r educators on this. It's n o l enough just t o provide dollars for e d u c a t i o n . normal assignments that t h e y would get as college freshmen. I think that cuts d o w n o n the effectiveness and t h e improvement o f t h e traditional courses that are being offered. There is always this encouragement o f t h e unqualified p e r s o n t o a t t e m p t t o get a c o n v e n t i o n a l degree. Even if he is n o t qualified, even if he d o e s n ' t h a v e t h e high s c h o o l c r e d e n t i a l s they a t t e m p t t o soy, " w e l l , h e d i d n ' t get a good high s c h o o l e d u c a t i o n and t h e r e f o r e he s h o u l d have remedial training as he s t a r t s his college y e a r s . " N o w t h a t m a y b e true in a few cases, b u t t h e place to d o t h a t remedial e d u c a t i o n is in a junior college, n o t in a four-year i n s t i t u t i o n w h i c h h a s enough t r o u b l e p r o v i d i n g t h e resources t o c o m p l e t e its general curriculum. i Platforms albany I.U1 ' " ' I is: »l 212 Washington A v e . ft 1 ' 2 Third SI PAGE FIVE DOSKMWOMOMX TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 I'UESUAY, OCTOBER 3 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS . ' n; An Open Letter to John Hartley 1-1 Is if 0 BM? A Plane? It's a White Elephant )"!; The Defense resources signed last States Department's continues Spring by may ballistic have the but waste The Soviet limited missiles, tragic unchecked. Union offensive the of SALT loopholes national agreements a n d the United and defensive were inti many and obvious, a n d the American military e s t a b l i s h m e n t lias b u n exerting great weapons systems pressure not on Congress outlawed by to the approve arms new limitation pact. The most expensive project n o w being proposed is ilu- rarely discussed B-l b o m b e r . Last year t h e Air Force was allotted $ 3 5 0 million for research a n d d e v e l o p m e n t ol tin, new manned b o m b e r , which is i n t e n d e d as a replacement for the B-52's presently used by the Strategic An C o m m a n d . This rather small sum (by Pentagon standards represents only the " t i p of t h e i c e b u r g " as far as future funding is c o n c e r n e d . Plans call for purchase of 250 ol these new planes at a cost of $ 6 0 t o $ 7 0 million apieic, And if one takes i n t o a c c o u n t the new g r o u n d support facilities, spare parts, a n d t h e new t a n k e r fleet that would be required, t h e cost per plane a m o u n t s t o some $90 to $ 1 0 0 million. This figure d o e s n o t include t h e inevitable cost overruns. The entire B-l p r o g r a m m a y end up costing us a n y w h e r e from $30 t o $ 6 0 billion, d e p e n d i n g on who is V <T/4/vt" GUARANTEE UNAUTHORIZED BOMBINGWONiT HAPPEN A&AIN' •^AIP doing the estimating. Unlike o p p o s i t i o n t o t h e ABM in 1 9 6 9 or the SS'I last FORCE CHIEF OF SIAFF year, citizen groups have n o t rallied on Capitol Hill againsi the B - l , probably because t h e b o m b e r project has nut yet Notes from the Right achieved a cost overrun large enough to create a pulilri scandal. Miss Army Recruiting Gives her Best to the Boys; A more i m p o r t a n t reason why t h e discussion has been so low-key is the condition of the j o b m a r k e t in the aerospace industry. Nixonites Wipe Smiles off Smug Faces, And So On.. supporters of course, crude and vulgar. Yet wipe that smile off their smug when Richard Nixon's name is probably faces. Nol only do the agree- substituted greel her at the gym and I'm ments leave us dangerously weak (iovern in the lirsl statement, as quile curious as to the kind of with Soviei in the mosl recent issue ol Sweet reaction here capacity this crowd lo Monday. A will enthusiastic regard the American 1 5 , 0 0 0 of the laid off e m p l o y e e s to work lor (ieorge Mc- in all, elephant" the than B-l looks either the like an even SST ABM. or bigger "white Critics have claimed that the li-l offers only marginal advantages over the existing fleet of B-52's, and have p o i n t e d out thai 11 may very well obsolete by the time 1980. Indeed, the whole n bc-coim Union's military capacities, but, Fire, everyone thinks it's really operational astonishingly enough, lliey make cool. And was there any sign of manned b o m b e r 4nd I suspect that she will be liailed absolutely no mention of the general student and more t o rely on our long-range land based missiles jinl Monday, by the students and the Communist regime in China. So certain members on-campus press, as a national what happens when the Chinese, New Left clique diessed up as saviour. All this despite the fact unhampered Vietnamese appearance stage since treaties, by any decide to enter titor? 1962. friends, so why worry? Hut, for another Army. Give my besl to the boys next time you visit Hanoi, Jane. they're oui of and when SUNYA's symbolically murdered Uncle Sam hist Spring by the fountain? Of course nol. I'lial too was not only exciting and imaginative bul also . . . is (ieorge McGovetn." . . . "In .1 guemlla theatre diessed action Right-wing in military today, ol il" Poseidon submarines to provide our d e t e r r e n t . It seems, t h e n , that t h e main reason for building t h e li I comes down to j o b s for the aerospace i n d u s t r y . Without the B - l , t h e already hard hit aerospace firms will have lo lay off even more engineers, t e c h n i c i a n s , and produc in.11 w o r k e r s . Final approval of the B-l w o u l d act as a "sli"i " ' Unfortunately There is, ol course, a double standard. concept may be o b s o l e t e , as we have come n i " " the a r m " (or t h e defense firms. relevant. The only dope worth shouting twenty ***** then, ***** remember, she was Miss Army Recruiting. Today she recruits the nuclear race as a serious compe- she entered the public arena in At that time, you might limiting disgust in be The New lell can for the taxpaper, such a lease on hie would be only t e m p o r a r y . After t h e first new b o m b e r s roll off the assembly lines, North American Rockwell and I he students engage in live grotesque because other garb, sym- the grotesque is very important weapons c o n t r a c t s , and the military p l a n n e r s will propose aerospace lirms will be seeking new, costhei. bolically murdeied a Vietnamese part of the New Left ideology. new weapons systems to provide work for the idle defense controversial SALT agreements Communist porliayed And students applaud the vul- c o n t r a c t o r s . What this means is that new w e a p o n s system-. which leave us, as far as offen- grotesquely dressed actor who, in sive capabilities go, trailing in the end, succumbed the American bayonets." The I'lesident has signed the Communist dust. The Russians must surely be pinching The above by to statements a the garities because lliey have an intense desire to be "in" and the New Lell is very "in." Conser- are vatives, alas, cannot do President Nixon often speaks of converting a "war because, well, lliey're quite with it. Bui that's all right. The economy the Russians start MIRVing their similar the witticisms and tide will soon turn. My friends, stration nuclear warheads just watch the activities of the Left. They are, the tide will soon turn, b o m b e r , such iUi"aerospace e c o n o m y " will remain only •' into a peace e c o n o m y , " As long as his admini c o n t i n u e s to back such new projects as the B I dream. PAGE SIX ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Thank you, too, for pointing out that diagnosis and treatment of V.D. are performed free through the Student Health Service this year. Massive doses of penicillin are required preceded by screening for sy phi His, and the most dangerous thing a person can do is take small amounts of penicillin by mouth. This will never cure gonorrhea and will only mask syphillis, rendering future testing for syphillis impossible to interpret, Finally, I should like to emphasize the value, even though limited, of the condom in the prevention of syphillis and gonorrhea. Since the advent of "the pill," the condom has lost in popularity. As a contraceptive, with foam, jelly or cream used by the female, it is of some value and as a prophylactic against veneral disease also somewhat effective and worth using. A bstinence, by the way, should not be overlooked as the safest and most effective way of preventing not only conception but VDas well. Your articles should be viewed as a positive contribution to the community. What a proud day it would be for SUNYA if we could prove "sex responsibility," l h rough a substantially decreased VD rate in '72-73. Bul how unfortunate that intelligent college students ever got into Ibis dilemma to begin with. J Hood M I) Director Student Health Servtee "Highly-politicized" ASP Hit for "Leftist" News Slant 1'ti lltr Rilltiir ,,,,! ,,i a l| .unusinn llle Hilverllse That the liighlyiiulitn'izMi /1( liiuty Student I'rrsa leans for I A-ft in even those urtielvh llial pre Lend In In- objective -, mitlem able, even as Vice I'li'Mclelll Allllew's criticism ill Ilu- TV networks anil eerlairi major newspapers I'm ml •lillable Hill Ihere is a difference A rentier ol i'/ie Ai'u Ytirll I'liues who objeels In Ilie euveraee or editorial policy ol lhal newspaper ean cease liuyine ll. Ihereby withdraw me, Jus or her financial support Students unhappy with the ASI' have no such recourse, because rhe lyran ny of the majority thai exists al Stale has mandated our eimtrr hellion to the student newspaper as part of the Student lax hi view of the fuel Hull our loiil'isealed dollars arc bein" used to publish the ASI'. we find mi Ilal 'Vrlilorml pnliey is di-icrmini'cl heliiiut elusecl doors l>\ a small Ki"ii[i ol' editors, in eiiiiMilUtioii AHII Madame Binli III Paris " Nor .lie we willillt! Ill be sulljeeled In "news' enveniee similar in Sieve AminulTs " ( i i i e t i l l l i Theater" elieumiuin of aii September Il Ilie ASI' is, pertiiiee, me newspaper, we demand parllei palion in the determination ol whal ;:. punted therein ('alnjius wide referenda conducted every three days to determine editorial .mil news policy would he nn less absurd Ihan the current syslem ol e o n fiscal my democracy Kfi'iii t 'llttltt'itl /Jan Vumtm Wayne (luatausun (Irefi Metuhn Jim Slievlm Erratum Lynn Axelrod's letter tu the editor (Sept. 26 ASI', p. 7) which was1 t o keep t h e aerospace firms h e a l t h y . actually figments of my bizarre to not Also, to avert a general panic I would use the word "can" instead of " d o " where you list all the possible complications of gonorrhea. To quote a doctor at County Health, however, it is accurate to say that, "Five minutes with the wrong guy can blow motherhood." It is also true that babies can be blinded at delivery with gonorrhea, I Jt this is why all infants' eyes ire prophylactically treated immediately after birth with appropriate medication. 1 have noted to my horror that some of the books published recently for the communedwellers about how to live off the land and how to do your own delivery of a baby, etc. etc., fail even to allude to this necessary measure to prevent blind- must continually be built not because they are needed t<> imagination; yet to make very May I commend you for your excellent and educational articles on VD in A.S.P., September 22, 1972. Since the paper is read all over the state, I would like to correct the opening sentence and another allusion to the same figure later in your article. We treated 400 cases of VD in 1970-71. We did not report and diatfnose 400 cases. There is always a discrepancy between treated cases and positively diaf> nosed (hence reported) cases. Last year ('71 -'72) we treated fewer cases than '70-"71, hut because improved culture medium was available (Transgrow) we had more proven (reported) cases than in '70-'71. ensure national security or p r o t e c t American interests but sure they're not dreaming. When themselves just we're just this To the Editor: on the will her her " naive schoolgirl" i lo North draw, She is a folk hero of sorts that she hasn't yet grown out of t Nixon contractor, m o n t h s d u e to aerospace c u t b a c k s , and h o p e s to hire b.u k All Jane Fonda is scheduled prime B-l. by Mitch Frost speak B-l's Rockwell has had to lay off t h o u s a n d s of w o r k e r s in recent about Opinions The Hood Elucidates ASP Venereal Disease Articles headlined P.O.W. M I A , contained an incorrect address lor Vrjius in Vital America. I'he address should have rend V.I.V.A. 342 Madison Ave. Dear Mr. Hartley: I welcome this opportunity to express my thoughts on the new parking regulations I have researched the area quite extensively for a course and a forthcoming ASP article. Most of the changes are acceptable. There are a few that are quite objectionable. The change in the registration policy represents several problems. The increase is too high. A more realistic sum would be $2. Presently, there are several situations that cannot be dealt with. What happens to the student who is here for only one semester? Must he pay the full $5? Many faculty members own two cars. Is it right to charge them $5 to register each car? I can find no legitimate reason to discriminate against commuter students. They face the same problems in reaching the university as faculty and staff personnel. In a memorandum dated March 22, 1972 Rick Liese best expressed the criticism of this practice, "Why should faculty and staff have a preference over commuter students in this area, unless it is to keep one of the few remaining vestiges of faculty status alive? Tli is concept, however, runs totally ugainst the idea of a 1 university community' and treats students as nothing more than 'second class citizens.' Some changes should be made in the operation of the shuttle bus. During peak hours it might be advisable to run three busses. It should be a practice to run one bus clockwise around the campus and one counterclockwise for people going to particular points on the campus. 1 am certain the University Council will take some of these points into consideration. Yours truly. Theodore li Ltban WANT THE LOWDOWN ON THE HIGH-UPS? Read Jack Anderson Every Friday in the ASP K-**«g*£_8r--. Olympic Games Never a Sanctuary To the Editor: I must take issue with the articles by Jon Guttman and Bill Heller that mourn the "shattering of the Olympic dream." It is naive to consider the Olympic Village a sanctuary from the world's problems a place where man may live as i n t e r n a t i o n a l brothers. It has never been so and this year's tragedy is the ultimate proof. How can one talk about peaceful competition between nations when each nation is keeping accurate count of its medal total'' Especially those two "loving" nations: the U.S. and Russia. As Hitler demonstrated in 193(>, Olympic victories have more propaganda value than military victories. The Olympic method is certainly belter but it's hardly an atmosphere "free from poht iriil ml rigue, hatred, pettiness and carnage " Can anyone believe that in the Olympifh, "ii's nol whether you win or IUM' lull how you play the game"'" Il -s*>, why do we only know the names of the gold medal winners'' Have we ever M'i'li .my iilU'iil inn paid on those who tried but didn't do as well? The press is not totally to blame, they only reflect our society. The internationalism of the Olympics is probably the biggest joke of all. We are being shown athletes, with notable rare exceptions, who are only out for themselves, certainly not for their country and definitely not for the "honor of competing." Let's not be blind, that's what high-level competition is all about. Cheating by judges is nothing new. It's been happening in Olympic competition for years. Not only cheating for your own country but cheating for your allies too! The only new aspect is that this year the U.S. is being beaten at its own game and now they notice that it's ruining the competition. So let's lace it The Olympics lias always been a farce. Fun to watch, but neverthelessa farce. Il took three maiiin en with guns to prove it to the ivsl of the world Sincerely yours, Jeff Passe tdilor-in-Chief d\ sen id AIRANY PRESS News Kdiloi qlenn von nosl it/ Associate News Editors ami bunkei , Uude womueui Off-Campus News Kililo hob mayet Arts Editor andy palley Associate Arts Editoi bill buna Sports Editor bruLe maggin Editorial Page Kditoi gdiy in-'Midi Graffiti Editor Advertising Manager 11*11 foduor. Associate Advertising Manager lindd mule Business Manager phil matk Technical Editor 10b dumb Associate Technical Editors bj Chall hdity weinut The Albany Student Press n published twice weekly by ih« Student Association ot tin. State University of New York at Albany. It is funded by the mandatory student uctlvities aswsment, better known as Student tax. Our offices ate it) Room 326 of the Campus Center, and our phones are 467-2180 and 2194. Editorial policy is determined behind closed doors by a small group of Editors who comprise the Editorial Board* ruth sibley Advertising Production debbie kaemen gdty bussman Preview Editor hndd debmond Classified Ad Manager tathy ijiineU Circulation Manager ton wood Exchange Editor mark litcofsky Photography Editors rich goldman mark dtshaw Albany, NY. 10017 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE SEVEN Editors' Note: This story first appeared in the Knickerbocker News-Union Star and was authored by Vicki Zeldin, former News Editor and Capitol Correspondent for the Albany Student Press. SUNY Trustees Decry Cuts; Discuss Relevancy PAGE EIGHT "The State University's biggest task is to seek innovative methods to give education to as many people as possible at the lowest possible cost," according to James Warren, vice chairman of the State University of New York's Board of Trustees. This note of constraint and consolidation while still providing an education for the state's more than 350,000 students seeking a higher education at SUNY was sounded by almost each one of the 15-member Board of Trustees. Policy Makers The trustees are the chief policy making body of the university system. They approve the establishment of community and four-year colleges and set standards for the schools' organization and curricula. The board sets tuition and fees at the schools, and distributes funds allocated to the various schools. In addition, the trustees approve the appointments of the colleges' presidents as well as the university system's central administration. Perhaps the most important appointment they make is that of the chancellor of the system, currently Ernest L. Boyer. With the fiscal constraints being placed on almost all state agencies by last year's state legislature, the State University system found itself faced with ever increasing demands for education from state residents, while at the same time operating under a virtual "hold the line" budget. Cuts Hurt "State University of New York was hit very hard," Elisabeth Moore, chairman of the board, said, "but we were determined to be good sports about it...the governor has been generous so we tried to cut costs." Like the other trustees, Mrs. Moore hoped that the university system's budget would not be cut again, "We can't serve this great number of students on a shoestring," she said. However, most of the trustees voiced an opinion similar to Gretchen Siegel's when she said, "adversity is sometimes a good thing . . . we had to evaluate cur programs . . . you cannot take and take and think the well will never go dry." Hugh Jones, a trustee from the Utica area, said of the tightened financial situation of the university system, "While it causes a lot of pain, it is healthy. We must be continually ingenious and imaginative about providing a good education in cheaper ways." The State University system has grown in leaps and bounds in the past decade, advancing from a small group of teacher's colleges to a complex maze of schools from the community college level to the graduate level. Established by the legislature in 1948, Now York was the last state in the union to have a public university system. "We had a lot of catching up to do," Mr. Warren said. Fast Growth? To some state residents and lawmakers, the university system has grown fast, and often too fast for their liking. Some have charged that the mammoth system has been wasteful and irresponsible with taxpayer's money. "I don't question that we've grown too fast . . . but we had to grow that fast to meet the needs..." Mr. Warren said. "Every Monday morning quarterback is better than the Saturday morning quarterback. I don't see any of what 1 would call waste in expenditures," Mr. Jones said. "There is a turbulence in society that causes some to turn on the students saying 'you're to blame'. . . when they are merely pointing up society's ills, but some people don't want to see the problems," Mr. Jones said, and added, "some people take this frustration out on the university system." Manly Fleischmann, a trustee from Buffalo, disagrees with his fellow board members on SUNY's expansion rate at least in one area. "I feel SUNY has over-built. There are enough, if not too many, campuses. We must finish those ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Governor Rockefeller has announced the appointment of Robert R. Douglass, 40, forma Secretary to the Governor, as a member of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York, for a In mending June 30, 1980. Mr. Douglass, a native of Binghamton and a graduate of Dartmouth College and Cornell University Law School, is associated in the private practice of law in the firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley and McCloy. Mr. Douglass was appointed First Assistant Counsel to the Governor in December 196-1 and served in that capacity until he was appointed Counsel to the Governor in September 1965. On January I l%ll, he was appointed Secretary to the Governor He is „ member of the New York State Be Association and the Broome County Bar Association. He was named to /ill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Warren Clule Mr. Douglass is married to the jormer Linda Luria of Greenwich, Connecticut Tlie\ , two sons, Robert, Jr., and Andrew, and a daughter it- ,,,i, Members of the Stute I'm , •. Board serve without salary. Five of the SUNY l.miaes- JOHN A. ROOSEVELT, THOMAS VAN AHSDALE. WILLIAM D. HASSETT, JOHN L. S. HOLLOMAN. and ROBERT R. DOUGLAS • are not pictured here we are committed to and not start new ones," he said. "The state is not able to afford new construction, and it's not needed. We must learn to manage our resources better," Mr. Fleischmann said He is in favor of increasing teacher work loads, and feels that while the university system should accept as many students as possible students should not all be allowed to go to their first choice if there is not sufficient room. Varied I ducation And what about the education provided by the 72 campus-university system which runs a wide gamut from a traditional liberal arts program to specialized areas on the undergraduate levels? "We need to continue to preserve the high academic standards of scholarship while being responsive to the needs of all of our society," John Holloman a trustee from New York City said. "We must work close with industry so we will not be training people for non exislant jobs . . . we need to produce more professionals at a more rapid rate," he said. Mr. Holloman feels that innovation and change are necessary for a viable and meaningful educational system. "There are many traditions in education that many see as meaningless. We must reappraise our tendencies to cling to traditional educational concepts and methods," he said. Student I'Cals Don Wickham, a trustee from the Binghamton area, had somewhat mixed feelings about the educational goals that some student persue, as well as the university's move towards some form of an open admissions policy. "Too many kids are going (through the full school lineup," he said. "The cmphaM is on too many people going to school without knowini what they're going to do perhaps they should have) this kind of counseling before they go to SUNY," lie sail. Mr. Wickham feels that "liberallarts in fine for those who can know and use them but *n arts education doesn't train you for a lot of things "I believe people should hav^a job. I think we should have more technical schools," Mr. Wickham said. A five-year veteran of the wwrd, Mr. Wickham commented. "One canqotoj^ 1 ' 0 0 ' a n d "^Jor in philosophy,, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 CLIFTON W. PHALEN MARGARET T. QUACKENHUGH R. JONES MANLY FLEISCHMANN but it is pretty hard for one to philosophize for a living." Clifton Phalen, a trustee from Shelter Island echoed the university's recently released master plan saying, "there are a lot of people who would do well in community colleges and not feel duty bound to get a four-year arts degree. Instead, they could step out and find what they want, and if they find they want more education, we should provide them with the opportunity to do so." Margaret Quackenbush, a trustee from Herkimer, sounded a note that has been heard more and more in recent years concerning the financing of education. "Society is demanding that the young have a higher education in order to qualify for jobs and become a part of the work force. We must be willing to pay more, and the day is going to come when two years of higher education will be free to anyone who wants it," she said. She indicated that the cost for this education should not have to be borne solely by the state citizen or student, but that the federal government should help in the funding. Private Financing The question of financing higher education has not just been a problem of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York. A hue and cry within the state has risen from the private institutions of higher education that claim they will be forced to close if they are not given financial assistance. While the trustees all acknowledged the importance of these schools, they did not feel that it was the State University's responsibility to help keep them alive. Most felt that with better management and some aid from the state they would be able to keep going. "This is not SUNY's responsibility. The well run private schools are getting along," according to Roger Sinnot, a trustee from Utica. "I think if the private schools expect the state to pay and take over their financial burdens, they might as well be a part of State University," he said. Perhaps the greatest critic of State University was Dr. John S. Holloman, Jr. A black, he most acutely felt the plight of the underprivileged in the state. "We need to broaden our philosophical understanding of higher education since we do have a society which is ALBANY STUDENT PRESS BUSH OREN ROOT economically and socially classed there is a difference in the opportunities offered," he said. "It is up to State University to fulfill its goal of helping every man become all that he is capable of being," Dr. Holloman said. He felt that State University had not been given enough money to work with, and said, "The remedial and enrichment programs need bolstering." Quite obviously critical of some of the system's policies he commented, "It is impossible to educate citizens to the basic truths of humanity by simply mouthing a lot of tenets that we don't hold." Trustee Operations The Board of Trustees is currently operating with only 14 members since one appointment is pending. The governor, with the consent of the Legislature appoints the board members for a term of 10 years. No trustee may serve once he has reached the age of 70. Although the university's central administration is located in Albany, the trustee' monthly two-day meetings are usually held in New York City. Trustees are reimbursed for their traveling expenses but receive no salary for their service. William Hassett, from Buffalo, described the trustees' duties as "... to mind, oversee and set policy for the State University..." "Ultimately," he said, "the control of the over all policy of th# university rests in the people of the state through the trustees." Acknowledging the criticism often leveled against the university. Mr. Hassett said, "The activities of State University should be commended rather than carped." Terming the basic judgments of the board "good ones," Oren Root, an eight year veteran ol the board from New York City, described the board as "a series of people representing special interests," and felt their general backgrbunds were a great aide to their developing policy and the like. On the possibility of including SUNY students or faculty members on the board, he said, "we wouldn't have enough room...and noted the potential hazards of selecting the right student or professor who could represent all students and faculty members. PAGE NINE from college environment. Starting salary: . $2.25/hr. 'or other arrangements. Send resume and letter explaining why you want this job to SASU, 109 State St., Albany 12207. CLASSIFIED Saxophone lessons wanted, (jazz-rock), will pay $3/hr. Al 482-6019. i II : ! 3 I Advertising solicitor for new magazine. 10% commission. Call Ken 465-7991 after 5pm. Skiing: FOR SALE Vehicles: 1967 Mustang 2+2 Fastback. Power steering, power disk brakes (brand new). 3—speed 289. Four new tires (fibreglass). Many extras. Must sell. Call 482-4568. 1964 Saab. $100. Call 465-7991. 1965 Dodge Dart: Best offer above $ 2 0 0 . Call Dick Hildenbrand: 272-5407 or 272-9413. 1964 Volvo. 63,000 miles. Asking $500. Howie 472-7814 or 457-7763. CARS. 1965 Jaguar X K E - excellent. 1966 Chevy Caprice good. 482-3070 19S9 MGB. Excellent condition. New exhaust system, tires. Best offer over $1550. Marc 472-9838. 1965 Volvo 1225, automalic, many new parts, excellent condition, $650. Sue 465-8991. Montesa-'71. 250cc. MX-dirt bike. 355-8457, after 6. Head Killy 606 skiis - Spademan bindings - 210 cm. New 1971 used 11 times. Original value $ 2 0 0 . Sell for $75 - too long for present owner. Call 457-3232. WANTED SERVICES Miscellaneous: Fabiano boots. Reversed leather, vibram lug sole. Will fit 7'h to 8M. Worn thirty miles. Excellent condition. $20. 438-3634. Typing done 869-24 74. Fuller Brush dealer for all your personal or household needs. Call Jaik 457-5234. D I A M O N D ENGAGEMENT & W E D D I N G RINGS. 3,000 ring selections in all styles at 50% discount to students, staff, and faculty. Buy direct from leading manufacturer and SAVE! lh carat $ 1 7 9 , 3/4 carat only $ 2 9 9 . For free color folder write: Box 42, Fanwood, N.J. 07023. This year skiing in France on the 2nd Annual SUNY Ski Tour. December 30, 1972-January 8. 1973. Travel, Meals, Room, Party, Skiing-$299. Contact: John Morgan 4 5 7 - 4 8 3 1 . Electrophonic AM/FM unit. BSR 4-speed changer. $75/best offer; Call Vic 7-8986. Fender bandmaster Amp. + 2 mike stands. $120, or offer. 465-1089. Violin. Good solid condition. Case mcl. $120. 237-4862. Portable combo organ (used); 5 voices, echo, tremelo, ban|o, mandolin, and strum. Original cost $800. Will take $300 or best offer. D o m 8fa')-'j//3. Administrative Assistant tor general secretarial and girl/guy Friday duties for SA5U - the Student Association of the State University - an association of student governments to represent students on a state-wide basis. Requires 25 hours per week at first, occasional night work, traveling one weekend every other month, and w i l l expand to full-time by the legislative session (Jan. 1). Preferably someone w i t h secretarial experience and commitment to so cial change, political action, or student government-type work. Should not be too long removed McGOVERNMENT... It's Our Last Chance Bumperstickers For Sale 2 for $1.25, 5 for $2.45 postpaid Roommate needed for house in Averill Park. Own room. Need car. Call 674-2633. Muhammad Ali is being quietly pressured not to go ahead with his planned exhibition bout in South Africa in November. Read Jack Anderson's column in Friday's ASP. Housemate wanted. M or F. Cheap. Nice house and neighborhood. Off Allen near Washington. 482-8051. RIDE/RIDERS WANTED SEIDENBERG JEWELRY Ride needed to/from L.I. Oct. 6 weekend. Diane 7-4308. earrings Ride needed to Bridgeport this Friday please! Call Art 472-7732. 2 for $1 patches 25 c Ride needed to Brooklyn this Friday, 12-4 PM. Call Dave at 457-4656. Mon-Fri. 1 0 - 9 Sal 10- 6 2 6 4 Central Ave. Ride needed to MCAT exam Sat., Oct. 7th. Call Ron 7-7796. cor. N o . Lake Ave. Albany 463-2455 Ride needed for MCAT's to Union College, Sat. Oct. 7. Call Ian 7-3075. Missed getting a rids Ms weekend? Ski movie of French Alps. Free. Friday, Oct. 6, 4PM. BA 118. Imagine 16 days of Tyrolean Skiing in Kitzbuhel, Innsbruck, Mayrhofen. and all of it at no cost to youl All you need do Is sell lour of your ski buddies on this exciting snow-venture, and you go free (or, should you prefer, you can receive a generous cash commission). But you must act now as space is limited. The first trip leaves at Christmas. For further details write: P.O. Box 6396, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108. Send To: MONO PRODUCTS CO. Box 333X Chatham, N.Y. 12037 g^w*K-:v:-»:-xW: >:^^ I anxiety, and boredom — w o u l d n ' t it be nice to do something different If the answer is yes, we think tnat we I f it's stimulating discussion that y o u want, we offer you nationally syn at 7:30 pm in HU 132 fcsy/S/SMys/SS^^^^^ tonite! for dicated columnists as well as your issues. the most complete movie timetable in the area. your free dinners w i t h i n two weeks of notification. NYC, 1 P M . For more i n f o r m a t i o n meeting of Pre-Med society on Pre- Tuesday-officers All undergraduate Philosophy Major & Minors are urged to meat to elect Advisory Council & Undergraduate Studies Committee members. HU354 Wed. Oct. 4 at 4PM. Come have a say in your department policies. For further i n f o r m a t i o n call Dianne 457-5257. independents McGovern meets Sanford Rosenblum, S t u d e n t Association Lawyer, will be available in the SA u H H e. CC346, Irom 7PM-9PM on fuesday night. The National tour of the Indochina Peace Campaign witl be in the gyrn Monday, < " '• '». the doors upeii -it 6 4b ana lh« program begins at / 00. The program will include. I on* Hayden, Chicago 8 defendant. Recent visitor to the Viet naniese negotiators in Paris. Jane I utida, member ot the FTA lour recently returned from fact finding tour of North Vietnam. Molly Ne.it, fulksinger and recently returned from North Vietnam. George Smith, lurmer P.O.W. and Sergeant in Special I on.es. Whole university community invited Come and practice your Spanish over a cup of coffee at the Spanish Conversation Table-Tuesdays e» 3.00 PM in the Campus Center Cafeteria. Spanish students: your department can and should serve your interests. Exercise your right to sit on depart mental committees. A meeting to elect student representatives will be held on Thursday, October 5, 7PM in HU290. Geography Club is taking a field trip on Sat. Oct. 6 to the Heldbergs. We're also working out the details of the journey to Geneseo for the AAG conference. If you're interested In either or both or just want to see what the club is, come to our next meeting on Mon.Oct.2 at 7:30 in SSI 34. Cathexis, the Psychology Club, will hold a short organizational meeting on Tues. Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. in SS 255 Those interested in the club should attend, for Tues. Oct. 3, 7.30 PM 2nd floor lounge Draper Kail. Work for Mc Govern * independently of Albany County machine, There w i l l be a meeting ol all people interested w i t h Peace Project in working al / 3 0 Wed. Oct 4 in the I (reside L ounge. political groups mailboxes in the SA O f f i c e . Mail is i ilinyup. All Presidents please check of your WHAT TO DO? for McGovern are »e sity me Five at B p m o n Hi thn i Ti USCJ.JV 1' HVIIH dl Ulll- > d Ma* in us Si 1" 1 kog Ms uf Morns Hull ,ii y m i ,il table in the Intercourse presents Kuri Vonnegut Jr.'s "Tomorrow & Tomorrow & (Tomorrow" ihis Wednesday night on WSUA, 640 on your dial. Any organization planning a Food Fast this semester must file a solicitations application with the Student Association Office, CC 346, no later than 5PM, I rjday, October 13. ever felt that you had Have something to say but no one was listening? Now you have a chance to have your talent broadcast. WSUA's feature show. Kaleidoscope welcomes contributions on almost any subject. Just leave a message for the Features Editor, Kim Juhase, WSUA News, in Mourn 316 of the Campus Center or call 457 4/65. Shabbat services are sponsored evui y Friday evening at 7 30 p.m. at Chapel House Sometimes traditional, some tune', creative, all students are welcomed An oneg follows each service M Induction Center leaflet I my to ad i l 1 IS. 10/ ; in ,, i l l Sa . O i t. / mi A l Mil,] I I I . ! ni. There will be an exhibition and sale of original graphic art f r o m the Ferdi- nand Rotten Galleries in the Community Room, Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar, on Friday, October 6,7 p.m,-10 p.m. and Saturday, October 7, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. It is fun to go look. and enlistees uf Theatre: A n a l . i C„i», ') I'M , , i , 1 n. l l i 1. <), I •,...,. Ol l. H, i n I'AC counseling . 1 Mm A . I I.ISSH Janat 4 6 2 6 3 3 8 rights and con sequences I No experience neededl Jewish Students' Coalition will have a table in the CC lobby, October 2-6 from 10 .m. to 2 p.m. Stop by for: tickets for the "Fiddler on the Roof" Theater Party, membership, Dippikill Retreat information; any other questions or gripes. Ads A good command of Spanish produce Don't miss it! results I ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Sailing Teem Union, Syracuse and Hobart at S U N Y A ' s one and only home regatta of the year. Come on out to Colony Park (up Route 9 ) t o see Albany's Sailing Team beat them all! Bring some cheese, some w i n e , and enjoy t h e sailing race! S U N Y A beats R P I . T h e S U N Y A Sailing Team came in f o u r t h o u t of 6 p a r t i c i p a t i n g schools w h e n they went of the year. Come see the Alabany Sailing Team In action this weekend. Watch for signs concerning this weekend's sailing race! Come o n o u t l The New York Correspondent speak Dally News Capitol Charles Dumas, will t o n i t e at 7 : 3 0 In H U 1 3 2 on State Government R e p o r t i n g . Stop at the JSC table in t h e CC l o b b y , 1 0 A M t o 2 P M , t h r o u g h Friday for: "Fiddler Party on die Roof" Theater tickets; I n f o r m a t i o n and sign- u p for D i p p i k i l l weekend (only 37 openings), membership sign-up; anyt h i n g else o n y o u r m i n d . A n y one interested in being an usher for M o n d a y Oct. 9 for Jane Tom Hayden Fonda- and the rest of the IndoChina Peace Campaign - plan**) meet in the Fireside Lounge F r i . O c t . 6 at 2.00. We need 26-30 ushers. International Students' Association is sponsoring a lecture on the Narnic concept of Interest Free Banking by Dr. Najat Ullah Siddigi, professor in the department of economics, Aligadh Muslim University, India. This lecture will be held on Wed, Oct. 4 in L C 4 a t 8 p m . Open Discussion on the Best Sell er "Open Marriage" by The O'Neill's will take place o n Sunday Oct 8 at Chapel House. 7 . 3 0 p.m. or evening, 489 1561. Refreshments w i l l be served. Coffee House - October 6 & 7 in the Assembly HalL Sponsored by CCGB, funded by SA. There will be a meeting Oct. 4 at 8:30 PM in SS 261 for anyone interested in joining the staff of SUNYA Cinema. If you can't make the meeting but are still interested, please call Anne at 7-7719. Ukranian Club will hold a meeting at 7 3 0 PM fn CC Rrn. no. posted on Bulletin Board. New members en- couraged to attend. their draft Legal no hassles! I I interested call B o b or G.Y.R.O. club m e a l i n g t o discuss activities and duos t neat ton—State I lag R o o m , 8 30'Toe's nite & Thurs Twelve hours of credit toward a major in Anthro, I India Association at S U N Y A invites everyone for a talk on importance of astrology and its relation to modern thinking by O r . B.V, Raman, eminent astrologer of India. Friday, tjth October, 1972. At 7 00 PM Lecture Center 1, Americans interested in conversing with foreign students to help them improve their English through English-in-Action Program sign up in ED 112 Ask for Dr. Blackburn or Nina Barry Applications for floats in the Homecoming Parede (Oct 211 are avail able ,ti the CC Info desk. Deadline is Oct I I A nostalgic Homecoming 72 STOP RIPOFFS in Alumni Quad Luck your door Art History, History or Latin American Studies OFFICIAL NOTICE Cost to Student Community Estimated at $850, plus SUNY tuition, per semester Service Students please star l ai lending Group F valuation Sos sums I hi- schedule is available at the C o m m u n i t y Service Office L C B 30 A or call 4b7 4801 Application Deadlines Spring Semester- Dec. 1, 1972 Fall Semester- April 1, 1973 enjoyment - every Friday in the ASP Preview section. O c t . 7 and 8 SUNYA plays host to St. Lawrence, Hobart, to Cornell f o r t h e first sailing regatta Information about ttie following Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships may be obtained from Dr. J. Frede ricks Volkwein m AD 213 AAUW Dissertation Fellowships for Women (all lieldsl. National Tax Association Disserla tion Awards (any area of gov't 11 nance) Health Care Industry Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants Avco Financial Services Doctoral Dissertation Award (for research on consumer credit! We were recently informed that two dissertation fellowship programs have been terminated. Ford Foundation-for dissertations on the history or culture of one or more minority groups Woodrow Wilson-for dissertations in the humanities and social sciences. Qualifications for Applicants Juniors, Seniors or Graduates There will be a Bible study on the Gospel according to Mark next Wednesday evening at the Chapel House at 8:00 PM. All are Invited. Town H S.V P. - 4 8 9 - 8 5 7 3 vise draftees Experimen the M c G o v e r n The Medical Society of the State of New York has an educational exhibit which will visit SUNYA on October 4, 1972, It will be on our campus from 9:00 AM to 4:Q0 PM on October 4, 1972. The exhibit will be located outside the Campus Center cafeteria. The Medical Society of the State of New Tork is dispatching its M E D I C A L SOCIETY HEALTH SHOWS in recognition ol the (act that VD lias reached epidemic proportions in the State. The mobile van features audio-visual display and poster panels showing the symptoms and i umequences of syphilis and gonorrhea. A representative ol our Student Health Service will be on hand to answer specific questions regarding service which they provide and to further explain university medical policies. i t 4 at tne Hell man Theatre. T i c k e t s are avai'able for $3 at ol TXO become $8.50. Withold the extra $2.50. For information, call Danny at 2-7731. There will be an A M U Golf Tournament to be played either Oct 6 , 7 , or 8th. All Interested persons must attend a: mandatory meeting to be held Thurs. Oct. b In CC370. Any questions, call 457-8821 and ask for Larry. Also check the A.M.I.A. board on the 3rd floor of the CC. The location of the tourney will be discussed at this meeting. meeting at 6 : 3 0 p.m. Wed. Oct. 4 in CC 375. Students unite. The $ 6 Phone Bill has UNIVERSIDAD IBEROAMERICANA, MEXICO CITY Academic Year - Fall or Spring Classified All this and more for your weekend Wfnnters: put o Crossword Puzzle. If it's culture that you want, we have Contest A reminder that y o u must collect STUDY IN MEXICO in the Albany Student Press. fellow students writing about ASP Crossword this date will be subsequent Next time Classified Ad ; PAGE TEN demonstration 1 4 at N i x o n Headquarters i n for a change? a complete weekend calendar. | sent Anti-War Oct. call 4 6 5 - 6 8 7 4 . Important the M c G o v e r n c a m p a i g n . we have a News Q u i ; and tfie ASP | Slate Government Reporting ES 119. f i l m Slaughterhouse If it's mind boggling that you want, p N.Y. Daily News Capitol Correspondent | will speak on Anti-Nixon, ted. D o n . $ 1 . See Dr. Hornblower in sponsoring a benefit s h o w i n g o l the If it's movies that you want, we have Charles Pumas 7th at Thatcher Park. Everyone invi- SUNY A Students topics of current concern. ; Club picnic Saturday, October 11 c; b r o t h irs can help you decide what t o do. Prompt Return Mail Delivery! Math Campus Center. A l l proceeds go to After a week of classes, tests, studying I Peace Studies Project meet O c t . 4 t h , 7 : 3 0 p m at the fireside lounge. PEACE & POLITICS I ISC. CCGB Wednesday, October % Would y o u like t o meet on t h e C C info desk. will be elected. • after Anyone Interested in helping with Female roommate wanted now; furnished Wash, near Quail. 436-4541. Wanted: Male roommate to share 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 yr. old duplex in quiet Latham area w i t h 2 grad students. $70 plus utilities. Available immediately. 785-7533. submitted considered should be placed in the Phoenix box MAJORS & MIHORS HOUSING Freshmen: people? Have a good time? N o w y o u is 6 p m , Thurs. Oct.6. Materials Your poetry, prose, and art materials Guitar and banjo lessons. Call Roger or Izzy. 459-6935. Music: nix Dear Cliff, Happy Birthday! Best wishes, Elvis Green Catherine. Rock Irom San Francisco. (518)877-5328. HELP WANTED Deadline for the first issue of Phoe- Dear John, Happy Birthday tomorrow. Love, Sue and Sheila Avon Products. Kyoko 7-4033. Brittany Spaniel Puppies. A K C Championship bloodlines. Pets, hunting. Reasonable. 434-6914. INTERESTED FOLK can rush. Coma and see w h a t it's like. Roommate wanted to share apt. with grad student. Leave message at 472-3290. Wanted to buy: Payne and Educational and McMorris, Psychological Measurement. Call 279-1224 after 6:00 PM. For Sale: Women's Lang standard ski boots, size 7m. Cost $ 1 2 5 , asking $50. 2 years old. Pam - 482-3998. PERSONALS $ 1 6 5 - Sublet 4 mo. Unfurnished. 4 5 7 Livingston Ave. Apt. 2A. For Information and Office of International TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 Application: Education Library 336 SUNY Stony Brook, N ALBANY STUDENT PRESS 11790 Notice for Community Service Students: People who didn't attend orientation must contact ttie Community Service Office Anyone not accounted for will tw dropped from the coursell Call 457 4801 or visit LCB 30A. PAGE ELEVEN d Rain Hampers Tourney; Danes Finish 3 Booters Rip Queens 6-3; Alvarez Nets Pair by Richard Yanku by Ralph Mohr Albany came out in the second On a day when the weatherhalf* with the most aggressive man predicted 100% chance of show they have displayed thus rain, the Albany booters hustled far. Leading 3-2, Uzi Haimoff onto the field looking for their and Carlos Alvarez teamed up first victory of regular season for two quick goals which pracplay. They gave it 150% effort tically ended the game for and the weather was no factor. Queens. Queens could only score Sparked by two goals by Carlos once more before the final gun, Alvarez, Albany went on to debut Cliff Walzer, playing superbly feat Queens College handily last throughout the entire game, Saturday 6-3. finished off the scoring with one Queens scored first to take* more score for Albany. the lead, but Carlos Alvarez, John Thayer, returning from a after he had earlier missed a leg injury, played exceedingly penalty shot, scored soon after well in the goal throughout the to tie the game at 1-1. John entire game for the Danes. Streeter scored on u free kick as Wednesday, Coach Wingert the ball curved into the net, and takes his team to Oneonta where Leon Sedefian scored later in the the booters hope to even their first half to give the Danes a 3-1 seuson won-loss record. Last lead. Queens scored again and year O n e o n t a demolished looked like they were going to Albany 8-1. This is Coach explode hud it not been for the Wingert's home town, and there excellent Albany defense which is little doubt that he would held them at bay, for the resavor a victory here. mainder of the first half. Harriers Tough In Defeat On Saturday morning, the losers played out their contests, with Ithaca taking it on the ehin again, 12 to 10, losing to LIU, anil Albany beating CCNY, 2 in t), behind Ken LaRoo's three hitter. Jack Leahy and Nick Ascienzodrove in State's runs, while Dave Cohn set them up by ever." Bill was in twellh place with a mile to go and t h e n put o n a great s p r i n t t o finish fifth. He s t a r t e d his charge on the t o u g h e s t part of the course where Reda\s charge failed Coach Munsey said t h a t Ibis was his " m o s t pleasant ex perience in eleven years of coaching." lie felt t h a t his t e a m performed well and showed they were not afraid of A r m y course b e c a m e his u n d o i n g . T h e A r m y r u n n e r k n o w i n g t h a t a hill was c o m i n g u p accelerated d o w n a depression and gained enough speed t o get him up the hill ahead of Iteda. Vinnie was unable to c u t t h e lead again. A r m y t o o k t h e first throe places with Albany finishing fourth, fifth and sixth, with Reda, Bill Sore) and Jim Sch rade r respectively. Nick Demareo, Scott Abercrombic and C a r l o C h e r u b i n o finished eight, n i n t h and tei.th. T h e Albany R u n n e r of the Meet a w a r d was given t o J i m S c h r a d c r for his great perform a n t e . J i m missed m o s t of practice t h i s week because of leg and knee injuries, but he was able t o sprint t h e last 3 0 yards t o pass the n u m b e r four A r m y runner Hill Sorel, in t h e w o r d s of (loach M u n s e y " r a n l u s h e s t race by Kenneth Arduino Albany p u t o n a brilliant perf o r m a n c e against a t o u g h A r m y t e a m before losing 24-32 in a c r o s s - c o u n t r y m e e t S a t u r d a y . Al butty's dual m e e t record is now 5-1, Albany was e x p e c t e d t o be d e s t r o y e d by A r m y which is n o w 4-0. A r m y c u r r e n t l y hits three men w h o have all b e t t e r e d t h e Albany school record. This fact plus t h e h o m e course ad vantage m a d e A r m y a hie, favor ite. Even t h e n o r m a l l y o p t i m i s t i c C o a c h Munsey was r e l u c t a n t t o p r e d i c t a win. A l b a n y , t h o u g h , s h o w e d their poise and ability as they s t a y e d with t h e A r m y t o p r u n n e r s m o s t of the way. With only a mile to go Albany was only o n e p o i n t behind and Vinnie Reda was closing in on t h e A r m y ' s n u m b e r .'i r u n n e r , b u t t h e n the strange It was an ideal weekend not to play baseball, and the games on Saturday would probably have been postponed, if it had not been a tournament. The "games" started on Friday, with the first two contests pairing LIU against Central Connecticut and Albany versus Oneonta. Central took advantage of numerous LIU miscues, and udvanced to the semi-final round with a 7 to 2 win. However, Albany's luck did not go as far as Central's. Albany bowed to the Red Dragons of Oneonta, 6 to 2, to take a seat in the losers bracket. The Danes had battled back against Oneonta in the top of the fourth, knotting the score, but found themselves trailing by four runs via John Szczeck's three-run double in the bottom of the fourth. Kevin Quinn had his three game win streak stopped and saw his record drop to l i t . In the other first round games, Seranton and Springfield advanced to the semi-finals with Seranton beating City College of New York. I to (I, and Springfield trimming Ithaca, 7 to 'I. stealing two bases in a row. In the final round, it was Springfield and Oneonta tied after five full innings, 1 to 1. With two gone in the top of the sixth inning, Springfield scored five runs against Oneonta pitcher, Cary Davis, who got into a wildness streak. He hit a b a t t e r , walked three and c o m m i t t e d a costly e r r o r which gave the o p p o s i t i o n a .'! t o 1 lead. But Springfield, with darkness setting in, w a n t e d m o r e . Instead of making an mil t o get the inning over, the n e x t t w o h a t t e r s hit d o u b l e s t o drive in t h r e e more runs. T h e s m a r t e r thing In dn was in m a k e m i l , and try In get O n e o n t a mil in the b u t t o n ] of Hie inning. Mowever, O n e n n t a took llleir l i m e in the lasl hall' o i Ih,MI- inning, and finally live game was called because ill darkness All of I lie runs linn lh,. Springfield team scored Were llikcn ..way, because' a lull inning musl he played In ,-011111 (llleollla, which was the home lenm, did noi finish their inning, so Ihe gain,' v hack In lh,- lasl lull mg, fill 11 Springfield goofed mil., happily llecumi chi will i h . Sn.ml,,i wound up lie, second, .mil Albans shared place will. I.II' Albany In then- remaining names m road Tuesday al O n e o n t a T h u r s d a y at Siena. d Ihe up. lh,' mil Netters Tough Under Pressure T h e A r m y Coach also bad praise for t h e (Jreat Danes. He told C o a c h M u n s e y t h a t hi' was h a p p y t o run against Albany and it was their t o u g h e s t m e e t so far. He was h o p i n g Albany would push his m i d d l e m e n to their p o t e n t i a l b u t Albany did b e t t e r by b e a t i n g t h e m . Albany will n o w nice I Siena and RIM this Wednesday at 3 : 3 0 h o m e . Albany is I Jit) against Siena and H 1 against Rl'l b\ Kiehanl Yanku Hiies l o on, one Ihe "pies does not aif ihe nname ofl T T ee nn nn ii ss to ame o to Ibis l e r m Uul d o not tell thai to lie Albaii> Slate Varsily T e n n i s .•am Already in lis first t w o Hatches, Ihe li-ain had to c o m e i tMUM . i n i behind b e h i n d twice t w i c e l o e.aiii ut nam Vie hopeful NOTICE TO OFFICERS OF THE FOLLOWING GROUPS: ulhany coalition for peace and jushc albatiy coalition for soviet jewiy aial) club geography club flKimm' HIiii< art council •»•> beta beta beta biology club le cercle francais Iwttgi tUk i i h m i j i m n i i i i u i i uiiniiniuliiii heiiway's marketing club •nodern greek studies modern musicians new democratic coalition iiewuian club new lepublican limit non violent action group obseivation parsec pi omega pi polish club protect yout enviiouiuent chi alpha H mill i n i J I i . i i I committee lor christian renewal committed reach commuters club dance council drum and bugle corps HI |h iiOiJm»i—«n»iliillim fencing club friends of the day care center forum ol politics gay alliance Officers come to the of these groups Student the wool inulcigi.idu.ile anlliio association undeiuiadualc political science association »)inmm« Minium iSMiniiniiu.m Dutch Quad Board Party Admission*. 5 0 with University I.D. & Tax Card $1 .00 without women's teciealioii association young ameticans I'm freedom Time: ii lump |nii|ilu'ii IIIUIIIIIIII lui|uiii / e n guilt]) silence fiction society sigma alpha ela have not been office, recorded l.ampus and their members in the Student Center are warned N 6 , not l u m ialion 9:30-1:30 doors open 9:1 5 lata tliat each group's PurHiAnl to Suction VI, Procodirra i«» Onwiii/niioiui Matooiiuion (Cui>it*i ci i tttII / i than Friday, October 6 /eleltcs (iffirr, // yon an- an .J//I< < I oj .my <>/ lite above ^lotitis, J Niitiii.Wi'ilnesclity, O c t o b e r recognition r.>~:'\). II, l')72. n. udijct I to u'i'Oi atiou // mi ofjicei resjioink Place: Dutch Quad Flagroom Featuring. Total Crudd Wine & Beer served MlLlUtll A . I ,i I'MlMllOlll bludonl Avvn PAGE TWELVE ALBANY STUDENT PRESS far t h i s f a l l , Albany sponsored by dutch quad board funded by student tax TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 is '1 0 , beating Oswego ami U of liuf f a l o by the identical scores of f> 'o 1 On S e p t e m b e r I \\ Oswegofared Albany and b o t h t e a m s w e n t into the d o u b l e s mulch lied 3 it N u m b e r o n e a n d Iwo m e n , Hal Korresl and Chris Burke, lost their singles inaLch, b u t were able lo c o m b i n e their efforts for > d o u b l e victory giving Albany i' :|: OFFICIAL WINTER SKI HOLIDAY PRESENTATION £ OF THE ALBANY STATE SKI CLUB | v Come ski with us in Solden, Austria: "Highest ski riingu in the:* ^Austrian A l p s " located on the Austrian Italian Border. The Wild jx vspit/e, its highest peak at 12,454 feet, has a two day ski run. There:|:| Coach Lewis and his t o p four men travelled t o Kider College in New Jersey last S a t u r d a y t o take part in n E C A C T o u r n a m e n t T h e rest of t h e season looks like: Oct 3, away a t P l u t U b u r g , Oct. (i, h o m e vs. O n e o n t a , a n d Oct. 10, h o m e vs. C o r t l a n d . T h e SUN V A C c h a m p i o n s h i p s vvill be held a l IMatlshurgh o n Oct. 13 and 14, T h e way the 12 Days January 4. 1973 January I S , 1973 | t o u r n a m e n t w o r k s i r all t h e from the : Price $312 00 includes | : n u m b e r one m e n schools in S U N Y conference HiHindlofi tiun&|K>rtalion via S w i v » n r ' i 747 X; play until t h e r e is a n e v e n t u a l Nitw Y o r k / A i n c h / N u w York % " c h a m p , " the same goes for the 11 Ins ik Not ii chartui flight, and y o u won't (MI stranded in Europo) X; n u m b e r s 2, 3, A, 5 , u n d li men. A l l transfer* •'•: Double learns n u m b e r o n e a n d A day uiul night in Zurich, Switzerland '•:'•: t w o are also w o r k e d the s a m e way. r irs.t CIUH accomodations in Solden :•:• When Albany tied O n e o n t a last UruuMast and dinner daily •>: spring a t t h e S U N Y A C chain I ax its und umluittos are included '•<", pionships, Steve Ummermun X; Alpine party X; wiis the No. h S T A T E c h a m p , and Chris B u r k e was the N o . 2 I urn ski bag* S T A T E c h a m p . Also, t h e n u m | I oi infotniiition and brochure, contact: bers o n e and t w o d o u b l e s t e a m j Robert Waldman P.O.Box I 7 8 D D SUNYA from A L B A N Y lasted o u t t h e 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, N.Y. 12222 o t h e r 10 t e a m s in t h e c o n f e r e n c e oi call: b I B-4Gt)-3/Oo funded by student tax: to b e c o m e S T A T E c h a m p s . i;are also excellent novice and beginner faculties and a fun filled-:-: •iapres ski atmosphere. The ski vacation is open to every person uiwliiiin iiimmntinw S'unig icpiiblic.iiis Association All of the above groups Mill socialist discussion group Spanish dorm speech pathology and audiology club student faculty committee to end the win in Vietnam student faculty committee to suppotl the war in Vietnam students foi n democratic society J Uiilmilnim—tw.|»»Mi>«t> minimi iiMinnuliuiiiil IIIIIIIIIIIIII iiuuu i student mobilization committee sinlya students against tuition that his crew can keep his U n b l e m i s h e d c o a c h i n g m a r k Ho Kverybody is hack from lasl spring's team which tied On.until for lirsl place al Ihe K l ' N Y A C c h a m p i o n s h i p s , with the e x c e p t i o n of Ken Levin, Jeff Ihilfune, anil ex coach Merlin Hathaway Coach Hathaway thought il was time for a c h a n g e of pace and decided to hand over Ihe responsibilities Lo .IV basketball m e n t o r , Hob Lewis I ,'t ed(*e with t w o sets t o yo. The No. 2 d o u b l e s t e a m , c o m posed of Sieve L c i n m e r m a n and J o n Weinberg, #>' t o g e t h e r their slicks and clinched victory nunibcr one for this fall's squad- Milt J o h n s o n and his p a r t n e r n a r r o w ly missed victory in the third doubles set with O s w e g o winning the final set, leaving the end (ally ALBANY T> O S W E G O A. T h e n e x t m a t c h was al h o m e versus U. of Buffalo and again the Danes had t o use their d o u bles talent to win A l b a n y , trail ing 2*4, got victories o u t of their n u m b e r one and t w o d o u b l e s learns, and the m u l c h winner from S t e p h a n T a y l o r a n d L e o Slernlicht. 11 was the second straight f> to A vietory a n d left Coach Boh Lewis still undefeated as T e n n i s couch, lie is now 12-0 lifetime. This is not the lirsl lash- for Lewis as the r i n g l e a d e r lor the Varsity T e n n i s In 19(>9, w h e n Hathaway went o n a sabbatical leave, Hob Lewis, w h o had just t o m e up from l*hys Kd. Direr Lor at Ihe Miltie S c h o o l , t o o k over Lhi' job and guided Ihe team lo a 10 0 record C o a c h Lewis is ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Sj| PAGE THIRTEEN Israeli Dancing a Success Defense Stops RIT; Danes Win 28-7 by Bruce Might Defense was the name of the game last Saturday as Albany's Purple People Eaters led the Danes to a 28-7 victory over RIT. The defense provided one touchdown, gave the Danes great field position that setup two other scores, recovered four fumbles and picked off four passes. The shutout string of 14 quarters without being scored upon was finally broken in the wanning minutes of the game. The statistics were almost equal but the tough Albany defense made the difference. The weather was not favorable to the fans as ;a sparse crowd showed up';i but it didn't bother the Danes ground attack chalking up 214 yards. RIT was troubled by the weather, completing only 5 of 18 passes in a strong, gusty wind and had to depend on a ground attack. Albany opened the scoring the third time they had the ball. Tim Myers' crunching tackle jarred the ball loose from RIT's quarterback Wade Winter and Albany recovered on the opponent's 31 yard line. Albany drove to the goal line on 11 plays, all on the ground, highlighted by a 14 yard sweep by Marvin Perry to the 3 yard line. From there. McCoy Allister went up the middle for 6 points. RIT took possession of the ball and started to march up the field primarily on runs up the middle by Jack Roma ..o and end sweeps by John Hu nprey. Winter completed the first pass of the day but the drive was halted and the Tigers punted to Albany's 22 yard line. On the first play, Bertuzzi made the key play of the game when he faked a handoff and went back to pass. The freshman signal caller made his first completion ever at Albany a memorable one as he found Bob Baxter some 30 yards in the clear and Baxter scampered 50 yards to the goal line,out-racing a RIT defender. State completed their scoring for the half, thanks to the deense. With RIT punting, Albany swarmed in on the punter and Vinnie Peirce got his hands on the ball. The ball skidded backward. In the scramble Arnie Will picked the loose ball up and ran ten yards to give Albany a 21-0 half time lead. RIT, hoping to stop a psyched Albany defense, received the second half kickoff but gave the ball right back to Albany two plays later on a fumble. Albany couldn't do much though and Perka was forced to kick. Once again RIT turned the ball over when safety John Johnson stepped in front of his men and picked off the bull bringing it back to the Tiger's 40. The Danes drive, faulted and Perka came in to punt. Perka lifted a wobbly punt that bounced on the 16 and skidded off an RIT player's leg at the 12 and Carvin Payne quickly jumped on the ball. Two plays later Bertuzzi took the ball 12 yards on a sweep to his left for Albany's final score, ' n t n e fourth quarter, play was sloppy by both teams. Albany lost the ball on two fumbles sandwiched around a diving interception by Dane co-captain Arnie Will in a series of three plays. RIT was finally able to hang on to the ball and drove for their only score with Humprey \: >?.: : „-\ : By Mindy Altaian going over from the 14 on a sweep. Albany fumbled' again but RIT's fourth down pass was dropped by Joe Moffett in the end zone. With the seconds ticking away, Wade tried a long pass but Jeff O'Donnell picked it off and Gordy Kupperstein ran out the last 10 seconds to preserve a 28-7 victory for Albany. Outstanding for the Danes on defense was Tim Myers who was all over the field. The Danes offensive line was quite impressive, opening1 up many holes for the backfield. Albany now takes their 2-0 record to Niagara next Saturday night. Unsung Grid Heroes: by Bill Heller up," something Mr. Curran will have to disprove when he returns to action. There's been tremendous competition for guard spots, between three tough linemen. Bill "Black Bart" Adams, Rick Duell and Joe Renal do all saw plenty of action against RIT. Adams, a married veteran, is a transfer from Hudson Valley Community College, where he starred at tight end last year. Instead of fighting Ed Perka for that position, Adams moved to guard, where he earned a start inn role and has performed admirably. A converted fullback. Rick Duell uses quickness and power to prove his point. Joe Renaldo "has it all," according to Ford. Combining size, strength, and agility, he has come on lately to challenge for full lime stalus. the world. THE RADICAL BIBLE undoubtedly will fill a vital need among modern Americans -the need for articulate and compelling moral statements that address themselves to today's problems in contemporary terms —but with traditional theological backing. The English adaptation (it sold more than 100,000 copies in Europe under the title BIBEL PROVOKATIV) is now in iU third printing which brings to 60,000 the total printed in America. This adaptation was undertaken because the publishers believed the scriptures had been used by Christians, pew and pulpit, too long only to comfort the afflicted, and they felt they should also afflict the comfortable. The scriptures remain contemporary, they feel. They address themselves to the problems which face us, if we care to listen. The Bible doesn't give pat solutions, but it can prick the conscience to the point we are driven to see solutions and to become part of the solutions. Perhaps the most impressive lineman is !»'(>", 170 pound freshman center A n d y Lee. Lee is lightening quick o f f the ball and has already recovered t w o fumbles this season. Last week he was awarded Outstanding Offensive Lineman o f the game. At the tight end is Kd Perka. tabbed a "phenomenal blocker" by Ford. In the Wishbone, the tight end blocks and Perka does it to the hilt. These then are the men that move the Wishbone. Oh yes, I almost forgot about the rest. Marvin Perry, made like a tackle, threw great blocks for his buddies in the backfield. Split end Bob Baxter caught t w o passes PR0UDIY PRESENTS: for H(i yurds, one u 77 yard to bomb. Carvin Payne rolled up 77 yards in eight carries while McCoy Allister, subbing for the injured Lonnie Davis, really came through Allister logged 76 yards in his first start, and may have earned many more, Meanwhile, mild mannered John Bertu/./.i ran the Wishbone like he's been playing it for decades, He was truly outstanding at the helm in both play calling and reading the defense. Enough about lliem-lhe headline™ will continue to make headlines and the linesmen will still be oblivious to "Joe football fan." But next time you watch the Danes take a look to the trenches, for you might find out what football is all about. ANDROMEDA STRAIN October 6 and 7 LC 7 7:30 and 10 The story covers 96 ol the most critical hours in man s history' asaistant dance leaden, Roberta and Debby Rosenman, teach and demonstrate the dances. About three new dances are taught at each session and dances from previous sessions are reviewed. The dancers who come are both beginners and more advanced. According to Debby those who come to Israeli dancing c o m p r \ a very diverse group. There lire SUNYA students, people from Lhe community, some students The suspense fTiiiiMiiLiaiiMiiiiniiiiitiiiiiHUMiiimiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiniiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiuiiiniii Miracle Lick's debut album, "Thirty Days Out," (Reprise MS 208 5) provides yet another proof that the Warner Bros, conglomerate will release anytlung these days. Right now, Miracle Lick is barely a mite better than your typical good bar band. They might turn into something one of these days, but at the moment their roots and influences are hanging out a bit Loo obviously. The LP opens with un acoustic guitar riff stolen from the Grateful Dead's "Uncle John's Band," displays a vocalist who's imitating Roger McGuin a bit too blatantly, and gels down with it on side two with s o m e stolen Allman Brothers guitar runs (executed rather stiffly, at that). Back to the bar circuit, boys, and prae- THIHIHtHHTTE Class of 1973 sponsors a BLOOD DRIVE Campus Center Ballroom October 3 10-3 pm Suggestion Box for Senior tuwoit no ciion Week Activities and Graduation h e , E us Speakers in the Ballroom ipB help ,/ulius Htii/yi, ALBANY STUDENT PRESS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 » Conductor All S y m p h o n i c Program Suturduy, O c l . 7. 8 30 p m Putuco T h a a t m , A l b a n y Samuel Btirbor Symphony in One Movvman Buethovtm Symphony No. 0 M I C H t t l MSCII1UN . Dimitn Shostakovich Symphony No. 5 ARTHUR HILL- DAVID WAYNE WMES 0lS0N;_KAfE REID BORIS"EVEN NELSON GIDDING MICrilicRICHTON ROBEHTWISE G " M " I .l^,ZuwL»» I [Gj - J t ' g r o phis exciting short- Dreom of WiU Horses $.50 with itote quod card TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3,1972 S I M witnouti nighu David, along with two from. Union and RPI, people from groups such as Modem Dance and Polk Dance. Jewish and n on-Jewish, black and white. Debby finds the group very worthwhile because it is the type of club where people can't be shy. Dancing leads to togetherness and sociability between people. It is a good way to meet people, especially for freshmen. It is neither structured or restricted-dancing is a very free and easy type of club where everyone can participate. Most people find it very relaxing and informal. Debby says it is a good way to "let off steam from the tensions of the week." People pick up dances very easily and quickly as many of the same steps are found in the different dances. To let off steam, relax and enjoy are indeed the reasons that many people come to Israeli dancing. However many other people come because they wish to be more culturally involved with Israel. According to David Surowitz, ever since the 1967 Arab-Israeli War there has been a growing desire on the part of many people to identify more closely with Israel, and doing dancing is one part of relating to Israeli culture. Dancing makes many people more aware and sensitive to the Israeli situation. This year Israeli dancing has been drawing a record number of people. According to Roberta Kupietz, the group hopes to put on a major performance this year, similar to the one put on last year during Israeli night. O t h e r p r o j e c t s are under consideration also. The October Album Bag wilt last through your lifetime' SDZtQ PAGE FOURTEEN knew. David said yes and has been teaching ever since. According to him, Israeli dance has become more successful every year. Now under the sponsorship of Hebrew Club, dancing draws between 80 to 90 people every week. Last year, because of the success of Israeli dancing, Dr. Edith Cobane, Chairman of Girls' Physical Education, informed David that those students then attending Israeli Radical Bible Relevant? Dones Offensive Line Almost overshadowed by a great defensive showing, the Danes who run that Wishbone-T Saturday deserve mention herenot only Bertuzzi, Payne, Allister, Perry, and Baxter, hut that wonderful forgotten entity -the offensive line. Yes, there is a reason that Albuny rolled up three hundred yards against a lough HIT defense, and it wasn't only nifty running and welltimed passing. It took some gut blocking by the men thai make up the interior line. Basically a young bunch who have all been recruited, the offensive line was unstoppable in the first hulf, paving the way for 130 yards on the ground. Play ing in the trenches, as the meeting place of offensive and defensive lines is culled, is an unglamorous, unnoticed job. While the backs and ends, and even the defensive line share the headlines, these men quietly do their work. Who are theyV To begin with, there's Kleon A n d r e a d i s , strong offensive tackle, who is co-captain of the Great Danes. Isn't it rare for un interior lineman to be cocaptain? As Coach Ford puts it, "leaders come in all different sizes, shapes, and speed. Here we just try to let thorn emerge." Anyone that watches Kleon will be impressed with his great desire and personal pride. At the other tackle is Mike Uassler, who has replaced the injured Ty Currun. Not big, Bassler is tfwtype one "can't keep out of the line- dancing on Thursday nights would be able to receive gym credit. A fourth quarter gym course was also offered. This year again those students who attend dancing on Thursday nights will receive one credit per semester, and there will probably be a day course taught next semester. Roberta Kupietz will teach the course as she did last year. At the sessions on Thursday The Radical Bible • A modern invention or modern crutch? THE RADICAL BIBLE IS THE RELEVANT BIBLE to more than 30,000 young Americans who have purchased copies during the past 3 months. Pick any hot issue t o d a y peace, justice, equality, freedom, love, the poor, etc.— and the Bible has something to nay about it. Now dig out those relevant passages irom both the Old and New Testament, group them under key, meaningful and current classifications—then match them up with the writings of today's statesmen, educators, politicians and philosophers, authors, revolutionaries and churchmen, and you have a hard-hitting, fastpaced little Bible that's as relevant today as the Bible ever was. This unusual American bible offers a unique and morally forceful approach to today's monumental problems of war, hunger, racism and economic exploitation. As such, the book's intertwined statements form a cogent philosophical, ethical and moral critique of the relationship between the rich and the poor of '''i:.;:;/'::.\ Every Thursday night the third floor of the gym is filled with the sound of music. Cheerful music, solemn music, music that wants to make you move. Every Thursday night, starting 8:30, the dance studio on the third floor is filled with people. They have come for Israeli dancing. Israeli dancing was instituted here in 1969 when Hillel approached David Surowitz, then a freshman, asking him if would like to teach the dance* that he L Sludunl tickets $^.0U (ithei seats uvailable at $6, $b, $4, and $3. Coma in D & II Building e,26, Albany, ui to UnxOI Ijnx OHIceon concert nluhi ALBANY STUDENT PRESS by Bill Brina nee some more. y e t er Frampton 's Camel played at RPI earlier this month, so it's as good a time as any to mention Pete's recently released solo LP, Winds of Change (A&M SP 4348). Rest assured, the album's a great deal better than the concert was. Pete's one of the best English hard-rock guitarists, and this album displays his style quite well. The studio format gives him a chance to come through. The material varies—all of it is at least tolerable, and two or three songs— "Oh, For Another Day," "Fig Tree Bay," and "The Lodger"-stand on their own merits. Yes demonstrated on their last album, "Fragile", thut they had finally learned to build their separate talents into one coherent whole. Now they've released a follow-up, "Close to the Edge" (Atlantic SD 7244) that builds on and refines the style developed on "Fragile." "Close to the Edge" is a "concept" album; the title composition occupies all of side one, and a mini suite, "And You and 1" shares side two with the longish "Siberia! Khatru." I'm generally prejudiced against ' ' c o n c e p t " albums, most of them don'I have the halls to stand up as rock and roll and they don't have the intelli gence to be anything else. Jethro TulIs Thick as u Brick" was merely/ the most recent of a long string of such disasters. But if any band could bring one off.Ves could, and, happy surprise, they did! Credit for this superb album goes to all fiv<\ members of the band, but primarily to three—singer/lyricist Jon Anderson, bassist Chris Squire, and keyboard magician Rick Wakemun. Squire supplies the cojones; his bass figures are completely unique, very European in a way that's hard to defi ne but easy to feel, and totally compelling. He doesn't play a rhythmic bass, and he doesn 't play counter-point to the guitar (the way Phil Lesh does), and he doesn't even play the jumpy, driving lines Jack Bruce perfected. His conception, his phrasing, and his timing are something else. Rick Wakeman supplies the musical intelligence to keep this melange together. Equally adept on grand piano, harpsicord, organs, mellotrons, and synthesizers, he has to be the best keyboard player in rock (Keith Emerson paid to see him in concert recently) and one of the best keboard players in any style of music today. Anderson supplies both the vocals and 'he lyrics in fine style; his highpitched, a-sexual voice becomes the perfect instrument for the twisting, surrealistic pictures his lyrics paint. There's a printed lyric sheet so that you can figure it all out, but it's more fun just' to lay back and let phrases— "Crossed a line around the change of summer".."Changed only for a sight of sound the space agreed"... flash through your mind. With each listening, different phrases seem to flash out, so it all works out in the end. 1 have only one reservation in recommending this album—this is dense, complex, layered music. On my stereo, which is a fairly fancy rig, the production and separation are excellent. On a cheap stereo, the album might sound Jumbled and chaotic. But t h e n , 'weren't^ you really looking for a good excuse to upgrade your rig? PAGE FIFTEEN POCO "Socko" in Gym! I.LIX, NoJXf by Steve Tesser and Russ Craig Last year Poco cancelled their performance because Richie Furay had come down with "food poisoning." But Sat.night there was no doubt that Poco had arrived and in good health. Poco must be one of the best live bands around. They played h a p p y , foot-stompin', kneeslappin', shit-kickin' music that could get anyone off so long as you are alive. If only they didn't have to play in that horrid gym. rose n berg Poco and Gun Hill Road played "the G y m " admirably on Saturday. The concert opened with Gunhill Road doing some very good songs, including one quite excellent one, "Forty-second Street." This was done with nice smooth treble vocals, and iL's no wonder that this was their hit. They used an electric guitar, an acoustic guitar and the piano (as compared to their using three acoustic guitars for ilmost all the other songs). Gunhill Road also played "All the Children," a beautiful, compassionate song, followed by "Love," a nice, moving song with a catchy Lune. Poco started the evening with "Hoedown" which is on their "From the Inside" album. They played older songs such as "Come On" and "Picking Up the Pieces" and several tunes from iheir soon to be released allium. Speaking to one of the Poco members later, 1 learned that Poco's new album I to be out nexL month) will concentrate more on the rock aspect of their . music, and will be completely different from their past albums. He also said that the group's style and music has changed si nee Paul Cotton replaced Jimmy Messina. (Gunhill Road will be ri'leasing their second album in a few weeks on Kama Sutra records, their first having been released on Mercury). more of a lead guitarist than was Messina. Messina played more rhythm and a few lead fill-ins with Young doing most of the lead work. Now, Cotton and Young share more of the leads. Poco won't be in the area for a while as their tour will take them throughout the West coast. Tliey played for more than a year almost strictly in the East. According to drummer' George Grantham, this next tour is designed to rebuild Poco's popularity out West. Grantham is just like the music Poco plays-happy, friendly and out-going. It was rather cold outside the gym so Grantham excused himself and went to a waiting car. And with that an exciting evening with Poco came to an end. It truly was a hoedown and I loved the way it felt. SauUnlnnltyofNtwYorkMMbmiY Octob*S, 19T2 Students, City Clash Over Housing City Hall Parley Set Today Concerts, Openings, Etc "Baroque I," a Stylo University ol New Ymk at Albany Music Department l-aculty Cimccrl. featuring winks by Mauello. (iiuun. Boismorlier, Teleinaini and other Baroque masteis, is lisied UM Monday, October 16, H.M) p.m., al Ibe Per I'm minj; Aits (Villa's Recital Halt Free admission. Performers include Ruth McKee. bassoon. Janice Nuiiet/, lunpsichoid, Irwin Oilman, flute. Rene Prius. oboe, ami Daniel Nmu'is. French horn. ***** Baxter's Cafe, KIO Madison Avenue (belween Ontario and Quail) announces its Grand Reopening on Sunday. Oelobei 8. To celebrate, the Cafe is going to have an open-bouse and jam session thai Sunday to whieh everyone is invited. Open Sunday through Thursday, H p.m. to I a.m., every week. iaxter's Cafe presents folk music, poetry, theater, films, etc. In thepast, Baxter's has presented some of Albany's fines! talents, including John Simson, Hector, and John Lipman, in a co/.y. intimate atmosphere which seems to bring out then best. (Perhaps it's because they rely on passing-the-hal foi payment at Baxter's). And, since Baxter's Cafe is a non-profit, community-minded place, there is never an admission charge and the wide variety of coffees, teas, and cheeses on its menu are priced lower than anywhere else. So drop in to Baxter's Cafe on Sunday night and bring youi friends and your instrument. Soon after their peaceful beginning, the whole place took off when Poco really began to play. There was no doubt that they enjoy playing as rhythm guitarist-vocalist Richie Furay and bassist-vocalist Timothy Schmidt bounced around the stage propelled by each note. George Grantham played great drums and didn't miss a vocal backup. Rusty Young's steel guitar was in the background more than in previous concerts. This may be due to last year's replacement of Jim Messina by Paul Cotton. Cotton is mue' SHouLO W \(mri,you oor iii <t>(A OF w««f"i 7RUt, TtitHi ARE SOCIOLOGICAL VTr/£Rtmt,THEH, FACTORS f\SS0ClA7£l> WTti EACH " UAV6, FOR one MASON OR : I v o l W DCNC (OK OMtlACCSlMt! \m AN0TH€R t COMMITTED AN IJfJCOOL G-ROVP THAT MAY AffFCT ITS \ P'«" Let's SEE THE^ ACT, THtH OVR tRRQRSjWLp Nojj ^DIVIDUAL MfM6£fl5, BuTJA5l<mYJ r WW.* r/iY THetE ,s j^er""* ^-J\ Re flee T UPON cun. — « * • " • — * GROUP WHICH HASN'T '" — %mocet> ITS MAT RTJJO irs IHFAMUS, PAGE SIXTEEN • ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Isaac Hayes So - So by Bill lirinu Isaac Hayes and his thirlypiece orchestra appeared at ihe Rl'l Fieldhouse lasl Friday nite. Isaac's appearance itself was a bit overblown, after the obligatory run-thru of Shaft by the band, a generally obnoxious MC "recapitulated Isaac's career in pure Las Vegas grease style, a dancing girl appeared to hype the audience (I'm no dance critic but she was pretty lame), strobe-lights flickered, spotlights danced, the orchestra trumpeted fanfares, and finally, Ihe man himself appeared hooded in an enormous lobe (which was removed with even more pomp and ceietnuny) and clothed in chains ami velvet! Thai kind ol a buildup places an enormous strain on ihe peiloiiiK'i 10 delivei excitement on .111 encig) level amnnensuiate Willi the level ol ihe mliodui Hun .iiitl Isaac |usi euukliri do II Hayes dues have .1 deep pleasant, and melodic (though not very sluing) voice, .1 commanding niannci, and a thorough command of his ait and his music. In a less demanding context, he can piove spellbinding, but in the atmosphere of artificial hysteria that he's surrounued himself with his substance wears more than a bn thin. The Black Moses, I'm afraid, he is not, and the ponderous manner in which he now performs his own music is last transforming what was once a considerable talent into a Black Sominex. What Mr. Hayes had not done to his music the Rl'l Fieldhouse stage did. The stage is a recessed box open only to the audience and walled with reflective tile, making ii an impressive natural megaphone. I'm a thirty-piece orchestra with microphones, pick-ups, and ampltfiets loi the electric instrument* into thai kind ol a megaphone and you have a perfect lecipe loi tile kind of dull, loaitng acoustical sludge the audience got Isaac's sound system is one ol ihe bci lei unes and Ins sound man liied mightily hill thai stage A.I hopeless, Ihe sound noun ••(! .iioung Ihe "megapli irie and leaked llilo all ol ihe mikes dealing chaos The sound engi neei lecommended and we eon cm thai Rl'l line the walls ol the stage with heavy drapes 01 curtains and carpets its flooi Until that is done, any huge ensemble in there is going lo sound infenoi. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1972 Corning Clarifies City Policies by Ed Deady City Hall Correspondent Once again, the issue of student evictions from off-campus apartments dominated the discussion at yesterday's news conference held by Albany mayor Erastus Corning. Fielding questions from local television, radio and press reporters, the mayor attempted to clarify the reasons behind the city crack-down on landlords who are violating city zoning ordinances by renting one and two family apartments to two or more unrelated students. roof and no boarding-house type facilities may operate in these The landlords, as permanent residents and taxpapers of the city are responsible for knowing the zoning laws (which were revised as recently as 1968) and, according to the prevalent view from City Hall, the officials may hold them liable for any violations of the zoning ordinances. Forewarned The mayor stated that a number of neighborhood groups (Manning Boulevard residents were specifically mentioned) had lodged complaints with his office. The complaints centered around the issue of absentee landlords who had rented their apartments to numerous students who were accused by the residence groups of causing loud disturbances. The neighborhood groups also complained of ulleged student abuse of parking facilities and student involvement in the creation of pu blic eyesores-such as scattered trash-uround appartment sites. If the neighborhoods from which these complaints originated were zoned for mul tifumity dwellings, there would not be legal grounds for the city to take such strong action against the landlords. But the areas involved are not zoned for such purposes; they are zoned only for multi-family structures, Therefore, not more than two families may live under the Hume The mayor also stressed the fact that the landlords involved had been warned as recently as last March that they must comply with zoning laws but despite the warnings, most of them continued to rent apartments to unrelated people, creating the illegal resident-border situation. Corning claimed as he did last week, that all area colleges and universities had been contacted as early as last spring and told to inform their students of the impending city crackdown. It was hoped this would give returning students adequate time to find housing facilities in ureas zoned for multi-family living. The mayor went on to state that it was not the city's intention to harass students by using these ordinances. In Coming's view, it is the city's obligation to enforce the laws as they appear on record. He also stated that city courts would probably sympathize with students faced with eviction and would insure them adequate time to find apartments in properly zoned facilities. This would prevent landlords from giving tenants unreasonable eviction deadlines to meet. When asked if he felt the zoning ordinances would have to be revised to reflect the growth of the city, the mayor responded by saying that the population of the city had not increased in the past few years--in fact, it had decreased- and therefore he could not presently see any need for a change in the city ordinances. Legislative Investigation One other major- issue was covered at the news conference: the upcoming state legislative committee investigation of Albany County and city g o v e r n m e r j * practices. The mayor wa.*?asked if he would testify at hearings the committee will conduct and he stated that if asked, he would appear. However, he said he did feel there might be political motives behind the timing of the investigation through news accounts in the Times-Union and did not know why the investigatory committee picked the city of Albany as the starting point of ihe probe. Students Map Plans Student reaction to the city's enforcement of the residence codes has been quick and decisive. A large gathering of people concerned with the evictions problems met Wednesday night in LC-1 to organize a "basis on which to fight the city." Some of the students at the meeting had reportedly received telephone calls from their landlords, saying that they may soon be evicted. Meanwhile a group of student government officials prepared to meet with Mayor Corning at ten o'clock this morning to discuss the entire issue and search for possible solutions. "What we hope to do is open some lines of communication with the city administration," explained Central Council Chairman Ken Stokem, who is one of those attending. "Our attitude is not going to be a hostile one." Another participant, Student Association President Mike Lampert, plans to follow up his personal letter to the mayor with a verbal discussion outlining the potential economic loss to the city if the crackdown is successful. "I intend to express to him my concern over the fact that students are the ones who will suffer if this crackdown is actually carried out," Lampert explained last night. "But I will also outline the potential economic consequences to the city of the proposed' actions." Lampert will be accompanied not only by Stokem but also by Central Council Vice-Chairman Pat Curran, Student Association Vice President Eric Joss, Student Affairs Chairman Steve Gerber, Council member Eric Lonschein and a representative of the campus media. Wednesday's meeting was organized and conducted by Barbara Tytell and David Saffan, who cleared up some of the rumors concerning the present situation. Tytell opened the meeting by explaining that certain neighborhood assoc. actions, particularly in the Manning Boulevard vicinity, had petitioned the City of Albany to evict students from homed in the neighborhoods. Authority for such action stem? from a city statute prohibiting more than two unrelated people from living in one single-family dwelling. Some students at the meeting expressed the feeling that this "ancient" law had been dug out of the books by peeved Albanians to be used as a weapon against them. Other students at the meeting claimed that this was not the case, since the law had been raised in H)nH, and has been enforced since then though not as stringently as this year. Still other students thought that these citizen groups were reacting primarily to noiuy student households, and the "influence of bearded, hairy hippies" might have up the neighborhood children. The possibility of testing the unconstitutionality of the housing ordinance was also discussed. Steve Gerber, a commuter and chairman of the University Senate's Student Affairs Council told the gathering that legal actum: against the city cannot be taken until a student is actually served an eviction notice-whlch has apparently not happened yet. The newly formed Students Tenants' Union may ask the Student Association for financial assistance to pay a lawyer to take the case to court, but Gerber cautioned that the SUNY Board of Trustees prohibits the use of student tax money for political purposes. "We're not political!" shouted someone in the audience, but Gerber said he just wanted people to know that there could be problems. continued on page 2