
by Charles Sullivan
4k « . *
Vol. LVIII No. 44
J inches from the glazed
a roll of crystalline
foam slopped
of break
it might as well be grey,
On October 1 5 , 1 9 6 9 , Albany students listened t o the reading o f 3 9 , 0 0 0 mimes of war
dead. As of O c t o b e r 2, 1 9 7 1 , the U.S. death toll was 4 5 , 5 6 4 , South Vietnamese totaled
3 3 , 9 2 2 , and North Vietnamese and Vietcong 7 7 5 , 5 0 9 .
like worn out ice
the same ugly water. Makes me laugh.
To think when lite wave finally
to rise and fall with me
after lite long
Hut they are so still
the stretching
of those liquid
so still
the furious
No movement
will be
Willi everything
into the sea of
Of restless rumbling
again ready to heave themselves
is the extent
of the
not even half a sphere,
or with the next turn
Until the thaw
at its point
until the trickle
the ease of liquid life
Mary Yorizza
• 5300 •
• 5300 •
• 5300 • •
• 5300 •
• 5300
or vvisit us at the Ten Eyck apartment on Dutch Quad
•part of the Middle Earth Project*
all contacts kept strictly confidential
Series Begins
24 hours
If you have a problem, or just want to rap
Events for the Future
by Mai da O n uglier
by Audrey Seidman
O c t o b e r 15, 196(1 was t h e beginning. T h e S t a t e University of New
York al Albany held its first, imti-war m o r a t o r i u m . On t h a i " n a t i o n a l
day ol" mourning,*' Albany Stale; s t u d e n t s took part in various a c t i o n s
protesting t h e V i e t n a m w a r , a c t i o n s that hear r e s e m b l a n c e i n next
Wednesday's plans.
At n o o n , t w o years ago, s t u d e n t s listened t o t h e reading til" "W,000
names of war d e a d , at 1:00 Lorim Hani/,, professor of history al
Albany Slate, held a festival for llle "Assault o n t h e C u l l u r e ol
D e a t h " at which various speakers discussed topics relating In mass
culture and I lie Vietnam war. T h e a f t e r n o o n ' s activities ended with
w o r k s h o p s covering such topics as " E d u c a t i o n and t h e C u l l u r e of
D e a t h , " "War As Mass C u l t u r e , " and "Draft Resistance and T h e War "
Ideas were discussed, e x c h a n g e d and discovered i ufortnally bet ween
s t u d e n t s and faculty.
Next came the candlelight march from Draper Hall t o t h e Capitol.
S t u d e n t s brought their cries o u t s i d e of t h e c a m p u s and urged Albany
residents to take part in t h e p r o t e s t . Congressman Daniel B u t t o n ,
Nassau C o u n t y Executive Eugene Nickerson, S t u d e n t Mobilization
Representative Bill O'Kain joined Ihe t h o u s a n d s in crilici/.ing t h e war.
Nickerson aimed his c o m m e n t s t o w a r d President Nixon, " T h e r e are
lessons t o he learned, Mr. President. Our q u e s t i o n s t o y o u may n o t b e
new, but y o u have yel t o answer t h e m ! " Reverend Krank S n o w
appealed for a m n e s t y for political prisoners, "We ask for amnesty...not
forgiveness, for they have n o t h i n g l o be forgiven of., a h u m b l e and
p e n i t e n t nation should s e t t h e m free."
T h e speakers were a r t i c u l a t e , and t h e marchers were willing l o listen.
S o m e w o n d e r e d , however, if a n y o n e in Washington was listening as
they c h a n t e d , "All we are saying is give peace a c h a n c e . "
c o n t i n u e d o n page 3
Plans for t h e fall anti-war offensive were p r e s e n t e d l o a g r o u p of
about fifty s t u d e n t s last M o n d a y night. T h e S U N Y A c h a p t e r of t h e
People's Coalition for Peace a n d Justice, held t h e m e e t i n g in
c o n j u n c t i o n with t h e n e w c h a p t e r of t h e S t u d e n t Mobilization
C o m m i t t e e . Jack Schwartz, a s p o k e s m a n for t h e group, revealed t h e
c a m p u s actions.
A.s a pari of t h e peace project Ihe PCPJ will present a series of
movies on O c t o b e r H through 12 al 7:1(1 in Lecture C e n t e r 2. T h e
Coalition hopes t o have a d a y of guerilla t h e a t r e , where a w a r t i m e
s i t u a t i o n would be assumed o n c a m p u s . On O c t o b e r 12 Jerry Coffin
of t h e War Resistance League will he speaking in Lecture C e n t e r 2 at
T h e M o r a t o r i u m , o n Wednesday, O c t o b e r 1:1, will feature a rally at
n o o n al t h e p o d i u m . There will be information tables, movies, guerilla
t h e a t r e , lasting and a vigil al H p.m. C r o u p s represented will include
the National S t u d e n t Association, Vietnam Vets Against t h e War, and
the National Peace Action Coalition. Workshops will discuss w o m e n ' s
lights, gay lib, prisons and repression, I lie Third World, t h e railoffensive, and flic O.I. M o v e m e n t .
C o r d o n F i n c h , a m e m b e r of t h e National Task Force for t h e
fall-offensive discussed t h e plans for action in Washington D.C.
According t o Finch, there will be a People's Tribunal Friday, O c t o b e r
22. S p e a k e r s will present evidence and t h e tribunal will judge cases
such a.s " p r i s o n e r repression and Nixon and t h e B r e a k d o w n of
D e m o c r a c y . " On Monday t h e 2 5 , there will be a rally, a Vietnam
cultural festival, and t h e a c c e p t a n c e of t h e People's Seven Point Peace
T r e a t y . There will b e a p h o n e h o o k - u p where Minister Nguyen Thi
Uillh, Chief of t h e Delegation of t h e Provisional Revolutionary
ready to spurn and spurl
Staring is I he ultima it:
To roll an
it flattens,
I just arrived again at t h e p o i n t w h e r e 1 s t a r t e d and
have progressed n o further. 1 have n o answers and 1
realize t h e delusions even m o r e . I'm lost even m o r e
In The Beginning...
it falls,
What is real? Nothing here that's for sure! The
many Hashes o f insight that have cut through this,
this "life", have shown me this. I have learned,
during m y insights that there is an absolute,
somehting, that doesn't learn, something that is
beyond all this—God. I look around me and I am
schooled because I want t o be deluded--! want this
"life" t o make sense; but ultimately I can't. I know
the Truth now, and It can never be erased. Oh, G o d ,
help m e ! Please help m e ! I cling t o life because I
want t o believe t h e delusion. But I know that it is a
delusion, and this pains me. Why, G o d , why did you
do this t o me? Why did Y o u want be t o desire
delusion when I know its worthlessness? Why d o
You m a k e me suffer?
the arc rise,
until movement
• • 5300 •
On October 3 1 , 1 9 7 0 , several hundred students, mourning the deaths of 4 Kent State
students, marched to the State Capitol.
Moratoriums: Past and Future
Just for a turn of the earth
It's sad, though, that I know life is learning, and
little more. Saying this is like putting limits on it.
No matter what y o u learn and how much o f it you
learn, all y o u see if life is what y o u learned. I feel
empty--dead--inside when 1 realize that. I feel
lonely n o t just alone, when I realize that. That
realization - t h e exact m o m e n t I c o m p r e h e n d t h a t ,
that flash of understanding--! feel futile, for my life
is futile. Learning is futile.
• 5300 •
Within me,
at the point
I could bring a whole
5300 • •
: =**"'
/ am a wave
Friday, October 8, 1971
I drift from o n e learning time t o the next; I get
beaten up once but the next time I overcome my
opponents because I learned how t o kick and punch
from the last time. The thing that I have over most
people is that I know that life is learning, and little
more than that. The more I learn, the more I live.
That's why I like t o be active, although R&R ( rest
and recreation) is learning, too. 1 don't like inactivity that's forced o n m e ; now that's preventing me
from learning as much as I wanted to. S o m e b o d y
else is imposing his idea of learning on me. I don't
like that.
State University of New York at Albany
Learning is to realize the futility of it all, the big
deception that is life. Learning, true learning,
learning that reaches the soul and scars its essence—
this learning can n e v e r be taught in a school, only
by a n d in oneself, b y and in o n e ' s self-realization.
School learning is a diversion, designed t o give
people c o n f i d e n c e t h a t life is really w o r t h s o m e thing, t h a t life is real. Schooling produces the false
impression that life can b e formed. I t isn't formed—
it isn't even t h e r e ! ! ! S c h o o l i n g c a n only d e l u d e us
into t h i n k i n g t h a t life is w o r t h s o m e t h i n g , b u t this is
but a noble, albeit o f t e n t i m e s successful, m e t h o d of
keeping m a n sane, or w h a t s c h o o l i n g calls " s a n e " ,
Maybe that's what life is--learning. Nobody teaching-just learning. N o b o d y tells y o u h o w t o live.
You're just adrift, left t o fend for yourself. Others
push you around, but then you either get used t o it
or y o u learn t o push back. See? That word "learn"
c o m e s up. Probably, life is meant t o be insecure so
that people can learn. Nobody learns anything
worthwhile except when he's forced to learn it; and
then he has t o use that learning t o survive. People
are just learning animals who bump into each other,
each bump causing new learning. Life is one learning
situation after another. A person can never really
enjoy life because learning can be and often is
painful; but the more a person learns, the fuller his
the ASP ^ ^ ^ S
and the loneliness grows. It grows because I k n o w
that the only way I'll realize w h o , why, and what I
am is t o reach my God. And--oh!-I reach Him so
few times....
I don't k n o w where I am. I don't k n o w w h y I am.
I don't k n o w who I am. I t h o u g h t that I could get
over these feelings, but I guess that they'll stay to
haunt me until I die. A n d I s o much want n o t t o
die! I want t o live s o much, but I don't k n o w how.
Who'll teach me? How will I know?
Albany Student Press \
c o n t i n u e d o n page 3
is a ni'w series presented
jointly by I ho College of General
S t u d i e s and t h e Asian Sludies
C o m m i t t e e of the S t a t e University
of New York al Albany, open In
the university c o m m u n i t y and I he
interested public without admission charge. T h e goal ul' I his series
is io present a u t h o r i t a t i v e iufor
mat ion from varied perspectives
so that participants m a y form a
more comprehensive and balanced
view of t h e region as a whole
S p e a k e r s have been chosen on t h e
basis of their direct personal ex
poriciico and interest in S o u t h e a s t
Asia a n d for their professional
c o m p e t e n c e in t h e area of their
T h e r e will b e seven evening sessions, T u e s d a y s , 7;:lt)-!):0() p.m.,
O c t o b e r f> t o N o v e m b e r 16. All
sessions will b e held in Lecture
5300 • • • 5300 • • • 5300 • • • 5300 • • • 5300 • • • 5300 • • • 5300 • • • 5300 " "l"
Two years ago students and faculty engaged in dialogues covering such topics as llie
Vietnam war and mass culture,
Thousands joined l o protest the war by staging a candlelight march in 1 9 6 9 . At the
cunitnl steps, they listened to Daniel Button, Eugene Nickerson, and Hill O'Kain.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, i 9 7 l
News Round Up
Cops Rap with Students:
Groups Share Ideas
Paris—North V i e t m a n e s e officials claimed t h a t the presidential
election " f a r c e " in S o u t h V i e t n a m and t h e recent U , S . b o m b i n g
of t h e N o r t h illustrates t h e failure of V i e t n a m i z a t i o n . Nguyen
Minh V y , d e p u t y chief of t h e Hanoi delegation t o the talks, called
on t h e U . S . t o t h e C o m m u n i s t s ' seven-point peace proposal as
" t h e only logical way o u t of t h e w a r . "
by Mindy Altman
A discussion group presented b y Dutch Quad Board aimed,
according t o Peter Hickey, t o "bring about an atmosphere of talking
instead of shouting," and "create a dialogue that w o u l d lead t o better
understanding between the t w o groups." The. group m e t laat Wednesday night, and drew about 6 0 students. In this first o f a series o f
discussion groups, called " A Rap with t h e C o p s / ' t h e students and
police intermingled, and there were many one-to-one discussions, as
well as group talks.
The group of 3 0 police that came included 15 members o f the N e w
York S t a t e T r o o p e r s , and I B members from various other municipal
and c o u n t y police d e p a r t m e n t s . T h e m e n , currently on 10-week leaves
from their jobs, a r e taking college credit courses at the N e w York
S t a t e Police A c a d e m y . Many of t h e m are in a political science class
t a u g h t by Peter Hickey, w h o is also a Residence Director on D u t c h
Quad, a n d w h o served as a link b e t w e e n t h e p o l i c e m e n a n d t h e Dutch
Q u a d Board.
Saigon—Opponents of President Thieu asked t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t
to o v e r t u r n results of S u n d a y ' s election t h a t they claim was
u n c o n s t i t u t i o n a l . Thieu was t h e o n l y c a n d i d a t e . T h e p e t i t i o n t o
the c o u r t c a m e only hours after Vice President Ky assailed the
election as, " b r a z e n l y rigged" by T h i e u .
Huyen Quang, secretary general of t h e An Quang Buddhist
Church, said that he would send a letter t o U.S. a m b a s s a d o r
Ellsworth Bunker d e n o u n c i n g alleged American intervention in
the election. He cited t h e fact that tear gas, w e a p o n s and
helicopters used to break u p Buddhist d e m o n s t r a t i o n s were
furnished b y t h e U.S.
Washington—Responding t o Nixon a d m i n i s t r a t i o n pleas, federal
judges have t e m p o r a r i l y halted l o n g s h o r e m e n ' s strikes against
West Coast d o c k s a n d t h e P o r t of Chicago. T h e judges d i r e c t e d t h e
workers t o r e t u r n t o work for 10 d a y s , pending hearings on
w h e t h e r t h e m o r a t o r i u m should b e e x t e n d e d t h e full 8 0 d a y s
allowed u n d e r t h e Taft-Hartley Act.
W a s h i n g t o n - P r e s i d e n t Nixon a n n o u n c e d last night m a c h i n e r y
for administering wage-price restraints t h a t he hopes will hold the
annual rate of inflation t o 2 t o .') p e r c e n t by the end of next year.
Nixon fixed n o specific wage or price s t a n d a r d s , lie turned over
that politically sensitive issue to Lwo newly created quasii n d e p e n d e n t bodies whose major decisions will he s u b j e c t l o
governmental veto.
W a s h i n g t o n - H o u s e action on a p r o p o s e d c o n s t i t u t i o n a l a m e n d
m e n t designed to guarantee women equal rights with m e n was
p o s t p o n e d y e s t e r d a y because of the d e a t h of Congressman J a m e s
G. F u l t o n , R-Pa. T h e scheduled vote was p u t off until nuxl
Tuesday. In a spirited d e b a t e Wednesday, Hep. Bel hi A h / u g
stated, " t h e r e are laws that say ;i w o m a n c a n n o t be ;i hotel desk
clerk at night. But these laws d o n ' t protect a c h a r w o m a n from t h e
backbreaking work of scrubbing the floors al nigh I while
their ' p r o t e c t o r s ' are sleeping"
Some cars
look great at the
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the street and it's a different slory.
Fortunately for us (and you) the MGB isn't like that The inklings
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And the reasons aren'l hard to find a 1798 c c twm-carb engine.
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So come on in and lake a look at the MGB You'll like il And
you'll still like it after you take a no-obligation tosl-drive And isn't
that what buying a sports car is all about7
1021 State Street
Schenectady, N. Y .
DA Proskin Seeks Re-Election;
Speaks Here Amid Disturbances
In an assembly marred hy several disturbances,
Arnold Proskin addressed the SUNYA Young Republicans in LC 2 Monday night. Proskin, Albany
C o u n t y District A t t o r n e y , is presently campaigning
for r.'-eleclion against t h e Democratic challenger,
Torn Keegan.
Speaking lo an attentive, conservatively dressed
audience of thirty, Proskin appealed for s t u d e n t
support in his campaign, lie spoke at s o m e length
about t h e Albany C o u n t y Democratic machine,
which has traditionally dominated area politics, lie
reiterated what he considers to have been his maior
a c c o m p l i s h m e n t since becoming District A t t o r n e y
in 1U6H: " T h e principal thing I've done is t .ing
this office c o m p l e t e l y outside the realm of politics."
Proskin d e p l o r e d the campaign tactics of his opponent, w h o m he referred to as an organization
c a n d i d a t e . He acknowledged that during the television d e b a t e on S u n d a y , he "wanted to bust him
(Kccgau) right in toe kisser." He dismissed the
possibility that Keegan received the nomination on
merit. At one p o i n t , he was asked about corruption
within the Republican Party. He responded by
arguing that t h e Young Republican Party in Albany
C o u n t y is n o t in power and, thcrfore, is in n o
position lo steal. "We d o n ' t know enough to be
c r o o k s y e t . " While acknowledging the existence ol
political p a t r o n a g e , he said that he did n o t consider
this stealing.
Some live m i n u t e s after the thirty-three year old
District A t t o r n e y began an informal question and
answer session, a p p r o x i m a t e l y twenty members of a
radical c a m p u s organization hurst noisily into the
Birth Right
(second in the series)
lecture center, After seating themselves m I he rear,
o n e m e m b e r called o u t , " Y o u help carry out
e n s l a v e m e n t . " Proskin b e c a m e agitated, saying, "II
they're here, I d o n ' t w a n t lo be here. I don'I niftl
any wise g u y s . " He told t h e group that he would
iinswer any relevant q u e s t i o n s , as long as lliey didn't
give him any " e n s l a v e m e n t b o l o g n a . " members <>(
the group began lo q u e s t i o n Proskin ahoiil [inMui
conditions. Seemingly angered o n c e again, he advisee)
t h e m Lo c o n s u l t a a sociologist, saying
Tin .i
District A t t o r n e y . " He denied having much knmv
ledge of prisons, adding t h a t he had never been in
jail, except on business. When asked about I
mi s o d o m y , he said thai he bad no posilioi
subject. At this p o i n t , Proskin indicated Ins mini
tion to ignore the g r o u p . Most members departed,
with much racket a n d d o o r slamming, Tempering
his c o m m e n t s s o m e w h a t , Proskin told the Young
Republicans, " I could sit a n d rap with those guys nil
day. These guys d o n ' t b o t h e r me. They're going to
grow up s o m e d a y . "
Questioned a b o u t Attica, Proskin said thai lie
considered if a dreadful incident, yet he was
"standing behind him (Gov. Rockefeller) oneh u n d r e d p e r - c e n t . " T e r m i n g t h e governor's decision
" g u t s y , " be declined to speculate on what action lit'
might have taken had be been in Rockefeller's
position, saying " I ' m n o t going to be " Monday
morning q u a r t e r b a c k . He m a d e this decision honestly. He made this decision based on the facts that
he h a d . "
Proskin said t h a t he is c o n f i d e n t of victory, Jill
Cassidy, t h e G O P c a n d i d a t e for C o u n t y Legislature,
spoke earlier in the evening.
such topics as politics, school, drugs, prisons, a n d t h e recent Attica uprisings.
(publisher- Times Union and Knickerbocker
will speak on:
'Should the Media Crusade j
for Certain Issues?'
hy Cam Goldstein
The organization
PYE (Protect
goals a n d to encourage new mem-
Washington Park to S U N Y A ' s up-
bers to help t h e m achieve their
town c a m p u s . Al t h e meeting, a
aims. T h e major goal of the or-
film was s h o w n of t h e bicycle trip
Your E n v i r o n m e n t ) held a meet- ganization is to p r o m o t e the con-
taken lust year hy a p p r o x i m a t e l y
ing Monday night to explain their s l r u c t i o n
sixty people t o o u t l i n e the r o u t e
tion Bond Issue.
Also discussed
at t h e nice linn
were t h e electives offered
Subscription Series
to stu-
dents interested in e n v i r o n m e n t a l
studies. Presently, there are four
to 4 Fall S e m e s t e r Concerts
s t u d y courses being
offered. T h e courses c o n c e r n the
O n . 22
N o v . 10
e n v i r o n m e n t of t h e future, legisla-
N e w Y o r k Brass Q u i n t e t
energy. O t h e r
AMM Music with Cornelius Cardcw C r o u p
N o v . 21
Dec. d
New York Pro Musica
i m p a c t and
courses scheduled
for n e x t s e m e s t e r will include An
to Scientific
Human and Social Aspects of EnC r e a t i v e A s s o c i a t e s w i t h l . u k a s l-'oss
PYE's office
in getting in-
just helping from t i m e to time.
(for s t u d e n t s , faculty, a n d staff with ID)
CC: Oct. 11-15
Music Council Box Office: Oct. 18-22
IHM .Sen clrif Vy/ murilvr
,S> dull. 1)1/1 111
Dncloml l)i svrt lltltttlH
1 1:. 1 h.1
1. M i '
in, ih
il'IVH 0
i' 11
Then it was O c t o b e r 1970, a n d Albany s t u d e n t s were again called t o
action. Classes were s u s p e n d e d for o n e d a y as m a n y m o u r n e d t h e
d e a t h s of four s t u d e n t s killed at Kent S t a t e University. On O c t o b e r 31
several h u n d r e d marched again t o the S t a t e Capitol; however, t h e
t u r n o u t was small, a b o u t 10% as large us t h e previous year, a n d t h e
p r o t e s t o r s seemed " b o r e d , " a n d " u u e n t h u s i a s t i c . " O n e observer said
of t h a t m a r c h , " I f t h e O c t o b e r HI action proved a n y t h i n g it is t h a t t h e
p r o b l e m s of t h e '70s will n o t he solved by m e t h o d s of the ' 6 0 s . "
N o w it will b e O c t o b e r 1 3 , 1 9 7 1 . A m o r a t o r i u m is planned for t h e
s a m e school t o p r o t e s t t h e s a m e war. S o m e are o p t i m i s t i c t h a t t h e
c o m i n g a c t i o n s will have an effect; s o m e are n o t . However, all
p a r t i c i p a n t s , past and future, arc hopeful t h a t n o m o r e anti-war
p r o t e s t s will be necessary.
all funds donated to the fight against
Sickle-Cell Anemia
A unique way to say "You're Great"
at Stuyvesant Plaza
TONIGHT 6 pm til 1 am CC Ballroom
"Thinking of You" or just
"Happy Birthday"
Coke delivered
serving t h e university c o m m u n i t y
Past Protests at Albany
(in t h e b a s e m e n t of t h e PAC)
Benefit Dance
c o n t i n u e d from page 1
G o v e r n m e n t of t h e R e p u b l i c of S o u t h Vietnam (Viet Cong) t o Paris,
will try to e n d the war by a t e l e p h o n e call to President N i x o n . F i n c h
declared that if Nixon d o e s n ' t a c c e p t t h e t r e a t y t h e d e m o n s t r a t o r s
will evict him from t h e While House the next d a y in a s h o w of civil
O t h e r national plans include a SMC national strike on N o v e m b e r 3
in an effort lo close all t h e colleges, a n d regional d e m o n s t r a t i o n s o n
N o v e m b e r 6,
For further i n f o r m a t i o n call Sioeel Fire at 4 5 7 - 6 5 4 4 .
c o n t i n u e d from page 1
is in KA 21H for
$ 6 . 0 0 w / o u t tax
Tickets may be purchased
Future Anti-war
vironment Problems.
$ 3 . 0 0 w / s t u d e n t tax
If y o u arc considering u career as a college teacher, and you have
" » previous graduate credits y o n m a y be eligible lo apply lor a
1 a n l o r . h Scholarship. F o r further i n f o r m a t i o n contact Dr
Mtciuuj II. F r e e d , , * , , , assistant doan of U n d e r g r a d u a t e Studies, in
AD 2IS at 457-H30I.
Most of t h e s t u d e n t s at t h e discussion c a m e because they w e r e
curious and interested, O n e s t u d e n t found t h e rap to be beneficial in
breaking d o w n s t e r e o t y p e s of b o t h s t u d e n t s a n d police. A n o t h e r felt,
however, that because m e n at t h e academy were a hand-picked g r o u p ,
they " w e r e above the average c o p on the beat t y p e . "
A c c o r d i n g to Mickey, t h e rap session was a success. H e feels t h a t
next time he would like t o see this t y p e of discussion o n universitywide basis.
F u r t h e r Wednesday night discussion groups s p o n s o r e d by t h e D u t c h
Quad Board will bo a n n o u n c e d .
action on t h e current Transporta-
announces a
O n e of t h e m o r e heated discussions took place b e t w e e n a senior a t
Albany Slate, Jack S c h w a r t z , and a m e m b e r of t h e New York S t a t e
Police D e p a r t m e n t . S c h w a r t z , w h o admits to having a dislike for all
police in general, argued t h e point that the rich c o n t r o l t h e United
S t a t e s and that t h e police a r c pawns of political repression and of t h a t
rich society, T h e policeman felt t h a t he wasn't being objectively
looked at iis a person but was being labeled i m m e d i a t e l y as an e n e m y
because of his role in s o c i e t y . However, m o s t of t h e o t h e r a r g u m e n t s
were less heated,
A n o t h e r goal of PYK is to take
formation, in joining the g r o u p , o r
will be held
PYE Discusses Major Goals;
Bikeway Route Is Planned
Want To Be A Prof?
Tues. Oct. 12 at 8 pm in Hu 129
Policemen a n d s t u d e n t s met t o g e t h e r last Wednesday night in the Dutch Quad F l a g r o o m . T h e y discussed
hy David Shnin
!>? Rnbm Snout
T h e p o l i c e m e n on t h e whole, a d m i t t e d t h a t t h e y had been looking
forward t o c o m i n g a n d were a n x i o u s t o talk w i t h t h e s t u d e n t s , t o
learn w h a t they w e r e t h i n k i n g a b o u t a n d h o w t h e y felt a b o u t c e r t a i n
issues. A few of t h e m e n h a d been apprehensive a n d a little n e r v o u s
a b o u t c o m i n g , as they h a d never participated in this t y p e of r a p
session before, a n d d i d n ' t k n o w w h a t lo e x p e c t . Generally, h o w e v e r ,
t h e y were pleased with t h e discussions a n d f o u n d talking with t h e
s t u d e n t s t o be a w o r t h w h i l e e x p e r i e n c e . T o p i c s of c o n v e r s a t i o n
included politics, school, drugs, t h e e c o n o m i c ;ir d e d u c a t i o n a l s y s t e m s
of o u r society, prisons, t h e recent Attica uprisings a n d s t u d e n t
d e m o n s t r a t i o n s . T h e discussions included m a n y exchanges of anecd o t e s and personal feelings.
Arnold Proskin, Albany County District Attorney, is presently campaigning for re-election. He addressed
the S U N Y A Young Republicans last Monday night.
Effective alternative lo a b o r t i o n
Nun profit.
non -demoni national
free: no charge
Saturday, October 9
approximately 40 local artists and craftsmen expected
Ride the Free Bus!
m -
to student's dorm on SUNY or
«::::::::::::::: $s per cake
Ciimpiis Addreti
Ditto of Delivery
1614 Van Vranken Ave.
SchdiiectfKty, N. Y. 12308
editorial comment
Letters to the Editor are printed each Tuesday and Friday. We
attempt t o print every letter uncut, and request that letters be
kept to 3 0 0 or less words. This is one of the few ways on campus
to make your opinions heard, so make use of it. Complain,
suggest, rebuke, or argue - it's your right And this is the place to
do i t
Phase II of Nixon's Non-Plar
To the Editor:
I have just learned that the Social Studies department of this university is planning to drop the
Social Studies Education Major program as of next
semester. This will affect any freshman or sophomore currently enrolled in this program and still
under academic advisement in the University College. I am urging any Social Studies Ed. major to go
find out what is happening and why. Dr. Harry Price
is the chairman of the Social Studies Department
and may have some answers. If you're nut in this
program, find out anyway. You may be the next
one screwed.
Steven De Young '7 1
To the Editor:
Cultural Genocide is still being practiced against
Soviet Jews. The Fad is over but the problem
remains. Jews are being persecuted every day. This
past Rosh Hashana (The Jewish new year) for the
first time the Soviet police were actively "encouraging" Jews not to go near the Moscow Shu I
(temple). They were turning many hundreds away
from the shut. As we approach the holiday of
Simchat To rah the holiday when Soviet jews go to
shul in very large numbers approaches we wonder
what Soviet police will do this timeVBy the time
this letter is printed this event will have come and
gone. We wonder what is being done r nr them and
for other oppressed peoples. For the Jew this past
two weeks are days of repentance and of asking
questions of oneself, man and society. We wonder
again who will speak for Soviet Jewry now that the
Fad is over?We will ask these questions many times
but this is a most important time to ask them. We
ask you out there and ourselves what have we done
for them today?
In peace,
To the Editor:
Regarding last, week's loiter about the inadequacies of Colonial Quad's vacant lot, I have also
experienced the hazards of parking legally. Towing
and ticket charges seem a small inconvenience in
comparison to the expenses already incurred to
replace a stolen side view mirror, and to hang out
and repaint $250 wortli of dents due to the
overcrowded, unpaved, undelineated, poorly lit and
scant policing of this lot.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about Richard Nixon's speech
last night is what he didn't say. And he didn't say plenty, I lis
statements were so predictable that we guessed his next sentence
as we listened, a particularly Nixonian game of ours.
Apart from the "just folks'' fan mail (cleverly culled from
around the nation), the major part of the speech dealt with new
names for the "price-stabilization" committees already in
Me was very vague on specifics, except to continue the
exemption of "raw agricultural products" from the freeze. This,
of course, screws royally the average consumer and organizations
directly related to food preparation, such as our own ISA. Mosl
specific questions are to be answered today at noon when Dick's
whipping-boy, JohnConnally, meets the press. These include such
crucial matters as pay increases (negotiated before the freeze)
which will go into effect during the next four months.
As a sop to the big labor leaders, who have complained about
the lack of restraints on profits and dividends, Richard appointed
a Committee on Interest and Dividends under Arthur Bums
(Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board) which will have the
power (or non-power) to urge voluntary restraint on corporate
America. He made the point that "where this happens (excess
profits), the Price Commission's policy will be thai business
should pass along a fair share of its cost savings to the consiuni'i
by culling prices." This applies lo "windfall" profits only,
though, because (as we all know) profits generally are good lot
So much for nice statements, liven if ilie President holds
inflation down lo "Iwo or lliree percent pei year", that's IWOOI
three percent more than wages can rise (They're fid/cn,remember?!
And you can bet that GM is not going lo plow Us piolits back
into the "savings" Dick talks about.
Phase II is Phase I renamed, and nothing remains mulling, even
il you give il a thousand new names. Congress should put some
teeth into lite Nixon proposals, especially regarding profit* and
interest, because Dick will never do it himself. It's unit' we
slopped deluding ourselves that " I W is going lo be a gieal sen
lor America," It will be a rough year, a yeai ol uioie
The previous damages occurred last year. I reretrenchment and inflation. Prosperity is mil around the coinei,
turned to Colonial expecting, after the summer, to
it's going lo have to be work'd at, and worked at hard, In all ol
see some improvements made. However it was
us. Despite his fan mail.from all I he little people ("We can lake u.
discouraging to find last week that while parked in
the lot my car was further damaged. How can Mislei Nixon!"), someone's going to have lo restrain the
security expect students not to park on the circle
and on the quad with this present situation. Instead
of ticketing these cars, let security do something
Perhaps if Mr. Nixon solicited some nice letters from the
about the vandalism to the legally parked cars.
Chairmen of lire Hoards of IBM, U.S. Steel, General Mulcts, and
A university that is annually increasing its student
all the other greats, we could sleep mine soundly.
body must increase its facilities. If there are any
problems in thin king of ways to alleviate this
situation, any Colonial Quad resident who has
trekked to the lot to find themselves parked in, will
be pleased to offer helpful hints to the administration.
Albany Student Press
A Resident in "Paine"
torn clingan
W/v A GUtAT rjnTiiM
XcoMFLfTllY N S U ' f r f C
Xffifl' Clt< Tj, W5" HITH
news editor
/p.fiV'T HAVt To Afl A
ilTMiWfr-TWy DID IT mt)sl
, , . . , , .
technical editors
i"hu fairlwll
business manager
sue seligson
., ,
warren wisliarl
• • debbie natansohn
1(SQ I'M /IPMip THg C,0. SAYS Wt GoTTA FlnT
ls.)M£ TdkfN .CHOTJ TO ktMlNb TUr »L 1.
s/K'rts editor
ap copy
• • • • . .
photo editor
Fan Mail
RluSr 4
Upsetting the Monopoly
To the Editor:
Regarding your recent editorial concerning the
"Student Buyer's Guide":
Competition is the life-blood of any business.
Those who cannot cut the mustard should get out.
Until recently, competition on the Albany campus
was a myth: The ASP was the only outlet here that
businesses could advertise in and ASP editor Tom
Clingan is determined to keep it that way.
Now the "Student Buyer's Guide" is threatening
to upset Tom's monopoly and Tom is getting
worried. Now advertisers have a choice of newspaper outlets at Slate and perhaps some healthy
competition might do the ASP some good. But, as
they say, Tom, "If you can't take the heat, get out
of the kitchen." Rather than harrass the Student
Buyer's Guide as Mr. Clingan suggested (thus
demonstrating his total lack of responsibility) students here should commend the SBG and wish it
well. As for the ASP (whose funds are, unfortunately, guaranteed by the student tax) and its
editor, they deserve neither the respect nor support
of the student body in their attempt to "force" the
Student Buyer's Guide off campus.
Mitchell Frost
Trash the ASP?
To the Editor;
Joke of the year: An ASP editorial counseling the
student body to deposit Student Buyer's Guide in
the trash. I should have thought the ASP to be the
most likely candidate for that treatment.
Unfortunately, we are not talking about joking matters. For the ASP to cleverly champion goon-squad
tactics ("ripoff") lo destroy competition press, is
Minply disgust iug However, for the ASP to advocate
the legal banning by the student government of a
certain newspaper on this campus or anywhere, is a
serious threat to every citizen's Constitutional right
to read what he pleases without interference from
constituted authority. The ASP screams about "King
Richard" and supposed repression, and yet the small
minds that scribble its editorials call for goon-squads
and legal banning of the opposition. The Left
always exposes its true nature when given the
John C. Bartlett
Brubacher Mall
A Suggestion
To the Editor:
To Mr. Frost and Mr. Bartlett,
All this "fan mail" calls for a response. It might
interest both Mitch Frost and John C. Bartlett to
know that the student newspaper hurt the least (as a
matter of fact, not hurt at all) by the Ripoff Guide
is the Albany Student Press.
As such we have
nothing to gain financially by its trashing. Mitchell
Frost and John C. Bartlett, it would appear, must
always see the world in a financial light.
Doesn't it interest anyone that the man who put
himself forward as Advertising Manager of most of
the area college papers (and raised their rates
generally by as much as 10%) then preceded to
screw them by sending their advertisers a letter
saying, in effect, "Advertise in my Buyer's Guide
and save a fortune"?
The first amendment lo the Constitution prohibits
the student government here from taking action,
which is re-assuring to me as a newspaperman. Ye'
the damage being done by the ripoff guide is 1 JO
great to pass unnoticed. Some have remarked thai
student newspapers are going through the same
phase that small businessmen went through after
World War Two, only we can make our case more
publicly because- we are a communications medium.
This may well be true, which poses the question,
"Which would you rather have, a successful student
newspaper (all this paper takes money, be it tax
money or advertising), or a 100% advertising Student Buyer's Guide." The choice, as they say, is
yours. Are you going to let the Cavanaughs of this
world make it for you, while the Frosts and the
Bartlelts stand idly by?
Tom Clingan
The concluding advice of your editorial of
October fi seems rather senseless.
Since a student newspaper is funded in large part
by student taxation, we assume that the primary
purpose of the ASP is to provide a service to the
student body which subsidizes it. The allocation of
commercial advertising space in the ASP should be
viewed as an adjunct to this primary purpose
of service to the student. The generation of additional revenues from ad sales should be considered
only an incidental benefit. Since the ASP chooses to
enter the business arena by selling commercials ("to
make a buck"), it should be expected that competition would ensue,
This has happened with the introduction of a
private venture called "student buyer's guide". It
seems to me that because of its wider inter-school
circulation and broader advertiser base, this publication provides an informational service which no
single college newspaper can.
A more sensible way to "knock the competition"
is to recommend that student government establish
and levy a fee on any private publication for
distribution rights on campus.
To relegate "shg" "unopened into the nearest
trashcan", only contributes to our rampant paper
Nick Argyros
[Editor's note: Mr. Argyros' idea of a foe levied on
"private publications" who distribute on campus is
good, but vague and difficult to enforce. Perhaps a
better wording would be "private publications
containing more than fifty percent advertising by
area". It would remain difficult to collect and
enforce, in any case.)
associate news editor
"' '
maidu oringlier
features editors
arts editors
"Buyer's Guide"
advertising manager
\0UT HAVlHb To nt.r A
3) SHOT! in r*cT Yit
* -Hve cUH W W
nhil mark
advertising production
sieve aminoff
I„m rhodes
oary sussinan
, ... ,
* '
» Btremba
debbie kaeinen
circulation managers
robert muyer
mark lilc.dsk,
run wood
sieve pollack
udd«, B f«7 s ' ° w D " " '
p, ssors low k
sue pallas
"-' "<""«"" « * •'"<i>".««""". m
Com. ..?ni . , ? °" °' W "•"'" """ lu'V»' "Mimed » lory st«w ttoni »»»•
» Ihlrra. bhm,
Z aJl
" 5 l "' v mu "" 1 l w o 3 0 ° w "'"' *<""'»" "to"" u ° h E d
""• " V "* EddV touring ch... food oaf , , m , n . spot .cy.
Robert Darning, Pub., Times Union
and The Knickerbocker
News will
speak o n " S h o u l d t h e Media Crusade
for Certain Issues?" on Tues. Oct 12,
at 8 : 0 0 P.M. in H U 129.
Tashman w i l l
speak about the Emotionally Disturbed C h i l d , Tues. Oct. 12, at 8 : 0 0
P.M. in LC-14. A d m i s s i o n is Free.
to the
Albany Student Press
Just $6 brings the ASP to your folks, or your
friends, for the rest of the academic year.
Neil Ke/leher of Troy
w i l l speak on the topic "Youth
o n Tues. Oct 12, HU 128,
8:00 P.M. Assemblyman Kelleher is a
noted c r i t i c of wastefulnoss i n the SU
system and was recently nemed as the
outstanding conservationist in the Assembly.
Prof. Ed Begie, "Father
of New
Math", member of Stanford U. School
of E d u c a t i o n , head of School Math
S t u d y G r o u p , w i l l speak here M o n . ,
Oct. 1 1 , o n Measuring
Teaching Effectiveness
Student Coalition
for Soviet Jewry
w i l l hold a re-organizational meeting
on Wed. Oct. 6 in CC 315, 8 : 3 0 P.M.
If unable to attend but interested, call
Bob 457-4505, Ken 457-5043, or
Gary 4 5 7 - 3 0 6 1 .
of Physics Students
h o l d an open house meeting o n jWed.
Oct. 13, at 7 : 0 0 P.M. T o u r s of t h e
linear accelerator building and the
n e u t r o n g e n e r a t o r w i l l be held.
PYE Steering Committee
meetingCome j o i n the f u n in Protecting Y o u r
Environment. M o n . Oct. 1 1 , 7:30,
Fine A r t s 217.
The Italian-American
Alliance (L'Alleama
degli Studenti
w i l l h o l d a meeting o n
T u e s d a y , Oct 12 at 8:00 P.M. in ED
I tal ian brothers and sisters,
p r o u d of their heritage, come together.
Here's How To Make It
new, brand name audio equipment, blank
tape, musical instruments and all audio
THEN SELL a n d make that extra cash
you need. You're the boss. You set your
own profit picture.
For catalogs and information,
write or phone
46-35 54th ROAD, MASPETH, N.Y. 11378
(212) 786-3337
There will be a meeting of the
Central Council Grievance Committee
Friday, Oct. 8 at 3:30 P.M. CC333.
Le Cercle Francais will meet on
Mon., Oct. 11, in PH 129 at 7:30 P.M'
Everyone's welcome!
• tt • * *
The Fencing
club will meet this
Sat., Oct. 9 in the Dance Studio.
Everyone Welcome!
meetings w i l l be
held each Wed. at 3 : 0 0 P.M. in the
Business B u i l d i n g , R m . 365. All members are urged t o attend. N e w members are welcome.
Scuba Club w i l l start its first course
o n Friday, O c t . 8 at 6 : 0 0 P.M. If y o u
are interested, be there on t i m e ready
to swim.
State's Science
Fiction Magazine w i l l have an interest
meeting Thurs., O c t . 14 i n t h e Fireplace Lounge. We need writers, editors, typists, layout people, etc. C o m e
if interested.
State Science Fiction
Society meets Thursday nights, 7 : 3 0 in
the Fireside lounge. Guest Speaker:
Captain Gerdge of the E v e r y t h i n g
c o n f o r m i s t ? Attend Sunday
Peace Project is o f f e r i n g Free Films
for the week O c t . 6 thru Oct. 12,
c u l m i n a t i n g on the 13th M o r a t o r i u m
Questions: call Gerry 4 5 7 - 7 9 2 7 .
Sat. Oct. 9, 7 : 3 0 LC-2
The Magician;Once U p o n a War
Sun. Oct 10, 7 : 3 0 LC-2
N o Vietnamese Ever Called
Nigger; T h e Pistol; Neighbors
etc., etc.
M o n . Oct. 1 1 , 7 : 3 0 LC-2
N o Vietnamese Ever Called Me
Nigger; Neighbors; T i m e of the Locust
Tues. Oct. 12, 7 : 3 0 LC-2
Once U p o n a War; T h e Magician
Harold Pinter's Five Revue Sketches
Fri. Oct. 15, in the Arona Theatre at
4 : 0 0 P.M.
a nonWorship
Church, 916 Western Ave., Sunday at
1 1 : 0 0 a.m. Early C o m m u n i o n at 9 : 3 0
a.m. last Sunday of each m o n t h . If
y o u need a ride call 4 8 2 - 8 0 6 3 or
4 8 2 - 4 0 6 1 . Give us a t r y !
College Students needed t o Tutor
English, h i s t o r y , languages and the
sciences. If y o u have t i m e t o share
y o u r skills and abilities w i t h others,
call or come t o the Y W C A , 55
Steuben Street, A l b a n y , M o n d a y , October 1 1 . 1 9 7 1 , at 8 : 0 0 P.M. The
t u t o r i a l program is Sponsored by United Black Parents of Albany.
further i n f o r m a t i o n call 4 3 8 - 6 0 0 1 .
Student Loan and Educational
Opportunity Grant checks f o r the Fall 1971
Semester are available in the Bursar's
O f f i c e . BA rm B-19. Students w h o
have one or b o t h of those awards are
reminded that they must appear in
person w i t h Student I D to negotiate
the check.
Pol Luck Supper and Peace Project
Gathering 4 : 3 0 - 7 : 0 0 P.M. Sundays at
CImpel House. For i n f o r m a t i o n cull
Maddy 7-5238.
Let's get rid of
Job interview
films w i l l he shown in
the Placement Office on O c t . 4, 1 1 ,
and 18. Thesu films w i l l give the
student w h o has not yet had a formal
j o b intp view the o p p o r t u n i t y t o see
exactly what a j o b interview is all
about. Please sign up in the Placoment
O f f i c e beforehand to view these films.
He'd Idvc to go hark and IK* a normal old bear uguin.
Stay at Hit! world lamouj
Hotel Roosevelt for fust
$ : t 0 U f n i 3rd
Gel into it on the East Side,
llit- host locution m thy c i t y .
You're w i t h i n w a l k i n g distance
of famous shops, boutiques,
popular East Side pubs, the
U N., the Main Library, Museums and those great l i t t l e restaurants f r o m every c o u n t r y
in the w o r l d .
? 2
City, State & Zip
Enclose check or money order for $6.00 payable to Albany Student Press, and send
to ASP Circulation, Campus Center 334, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New
York 12203. Or come up to the ASP office with your six bucks.
I, M I I V I I I M l Y./W.l- I MUM
all Community
Y o u are responsible t o get
your o w n grades at the end of the
semester f r o m your agency directors.
They must be handed in on letterhead
D o n ' t forget t o attend one of the
evaluation sessions scheduled. For further i n f o r m a t i o n call the C o m m u n i t y
Service Office at 457-4801 or visit us
in U L B 3 5 - 1 . The sessions are now
u n t i l Nov., but go by the letter of
your last n a m e . Be sure to f i n d out
w h e n y o u go)
for Community
Service w i l l be held f r o m Oct, 25-Nov, 2.
T h e program is closed t o ell Freshmen.
More i n f o r m a t i o n concerning
pro-registration w i l l be mailed t o y o u
and p r i n t e d in the ASP.
Fall Foliage Trip t o Petersburg, Bennington, Williamsburg, and M t . Snow,
sponsored by the International
on October 9,
1971. Bus picks up at A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
Circle at 8:00 a.m. and returns at 7 : 0 0
p.m. Bring your o w n lunch. Cost w i l l
be $ 2 . 0 0 each.
Next major Anti-war
is Nov. 6, i n 16 major cities, including
Now York C i t y .
Columbus Day Rnurvo now
lar * gal* 3 Day Holiday waakuncl
Y E S I Enter my subscription to the Albany Student Press! Send a copy every
Tuesday and Friday for the next year t o :
Warm clothing
is needed for the
Cree Indians
of Northern
Collection boxes are in Quad offices,
and the CC Main Lounge. C o n t r i b u tions must b*> made by Oct. 10, before
heavy snows prevent delivery.
Partv for all students b o r n
on Oct. 10, 1 1 , and 12, d o w n by the
lake near the lean-to o n Sun.,Oct. 10,
at 8 p,m. Bring your friends and have
all your frionds bring wine. For further i n f o r m a t i o n call Mike 434-1575.
Magician and/or Ghost Story
Halloween party. If
interested contact D u t c h Quad Board.
Call 7-7745.
Have a photograph
y o u t h i n k is torrifia? S u b m i t it t o the
and y o u may be paid and
published. CC 305. 7-2116, or 7-8884.
Anil if anyone deserves retirement, Smokey does.
Since he's heel, w a g i n g lingers, the number id' forest lires in
America has been cut in half.
Hut millions of acres of trees still burned down last year.
And HO1; of the fires were started by the same people who have been
heaiitiK "Only you ran prevent forest lires" for 2t\ years.
\VVve Kill to net ml of nil those deaf yahoos before we think about
putting Smokey nut in pi-arel'ul pastures. Atfo
T h e following events are sponsored
by The Trl-Cities OLF for the benefit
of the many gay women and men and
other interested persons on campus.
Oct. 10, 1971 at Channlng Hall (opposite Draper Hall bus-stop) : 6 : 0 0
P.M. Potluck Suppers, 7:30 P.M. Forum "Crimes without Victims". Open
to the Public. On Oct. 16, 1971 at
Channlng Hall: 7:30 P.M. People's
Feast (bring food), 9:30 P.M. Dance
(donation $1.50) Door Prizes.
For reservations call FREE
800 522-6449 New York Stale
800 221 2690 All other States
Mniliton Avenuu & 'Huh Street
Now York, N Y 10017
Just present your sludeni I.
I), and Theatre I. D. cauls, and
you gel in foi $ I. Offer goad
Monday Thru Thursday only,
except holitlttys.
I mile no, of
Cttnter • roar
of Mauy's
on Rte. SI
78:t S5S1)
Editor's Note
To Vote or Not to Vote -That Was The Question
Wants to Vote
Fears Students May Fall Into Rut
Allen LeVine
Ray Vitiard
Don't Latch
On to Party
Allen LeVine, a senior, is 21 and
hails from North Belmont, N.Y.
Asked if he has registered tovote,
he replied, "Yes, I enrolled as a
Democrat - one of my parents is
also." Allen applied for an absentee ballot, and doesn't mind not
voting in Albany as " I ' m graduating this December. If I were a
freshman I'd want to (register in
Albany) but as it is I'm going to
be leaving in a few months.' The
Inquiring Photographer asked Allen if he felt 18-21 year-old voters
were going to exercise their right
to vote and effect changes on the
political scene. "That's a good
question. I don't know what
they'll do...I can'l predict what a
mixed bag of people like that is
going to d o . "
Ruth Herman
Hopes for A
Good Turn Out
SUNYA sludeni MarkKauffman
has enrolled as a Democrat. I lis
parents are Democrats also ;nul lie
feels Ilia; he will probably vole
along the same lines as they "hui
by coincidence " Mark didn't ap
ply lor an Absentee Baftol as " I ' l l
probably go home to vole. Now
thai IH-21 year-olds have ibe righl
to vole he hopes they Will turn
out on election day. " I hope we
gel enough to register and enough
to vole -ihen they (political f i l i a tions) will change.
Ray Villard, 2 1 , a Rochester
native is a senior at SUNYA. He
has registered to vote and has
applied for an absentee ballot.
Ray is an independent as he
"doesn't think it's a good idea to
latch onto a seems parly
philosophies are always changing,
Problems I saw with my parents
is that they always vole along
parly lines.,it's best In remain
independent." Kay hopes 1H-2I
year-olds will exercise their voting
righl and lie hopes "that il will
affect Ibe way political leaders,
tlu' president especially, will re
spond lo Ihe way younger generalion Teels about things. It's giving
more power to our generation. I
hope people aren't going In jusl sil
back and say ' I ' m not going to
participate because it's all rigged.'
Ed yce Menewilch, nineteen,
from Valley Stream is a sophomore here and has registered to
vote and joined the Democratic
Parly. Edyce was asked if she
would prefer to be enrolled in her
hometown or in Albany. " I t
doesn't make any difference, does
it? If it does I'd vote at home
...I'm interested in the politics
there and the schools--! think I
might end up teaching." Edyce
believes the newly enfranchised
voters will take advantage of their
right "...for the first two years.
Parents seem lo get apathetic, I
assume young voters will fall into
the same rut. I hope not."
Sharon Douglas, 22, is an
enrolled Democrat in Syracuse.
She doesn't know yel whether
she'll be voting along the same
lines us her parents. She feels,
quite definitely, thai students
should vote in their home towns.
Commenting on whether students
will exercise their righl to vote,
she says, "Some of them will, but
I don't think all of them will. Too
many think that there is too much
wrong." She "hopes" that students will he able lo effect political change.
Edyce Menewitch
Sharon Douglas
Didn 't Know
The Deadline
Mark Miller. 21, says thai he
never knew when Ihe deadline was
for registering lo vote " N o one
ever told metlial there even was a
deadline" On the question of
voting in Album or his hometown, he responded thai "We're
iiisl Iransienls here
I if we have
Ihe vole we'll he able hi control
publics in this area. We don'I even
live here Bui since I'm paying
Didn't Register
Junior Ellen Wolslegel, 19, of
Kingston, N.Y, did not register to
vote "because I don't really think
that Ihe personal ballot means
anything... Voting now is like picking tile least of two evils. There's
really no choice and my personal
hallo! doesn't mean anything."
Although Ellen will nol be able to
vole, she feels her peers will exercise their privilege to vote and
that " i l probably w i l l " have an
Some Have
Been Hassled
Students Should Vote at Home
In Hometown
Ruth Herman, 19, of South New
Berlin has registered to vote and
" I joined the Liberal party. I tried
to change because I wanted to
vote in the primary... and I'm
probably the only liberal in the
county." Ruth wants to vote in
her home town and believes of
18-21 year-old voters that " i f they
vote they are capable of effecting
Photos By:
Text By:
Rich Alvcrso
Traci'V Egun
Steve Pollack
Glen von Noslil/
, I feel thai I s h o u l d be able l o
vole III Albany." Marl, fell thai
students would exercise their righl
lo vole only in Hie big elect
for p r e s i d e n t , " and II.- feels
that Ihe sludeni vote may be
enough lo lip Ihe balance in close
effect on Ihe political sci
opens up a new age group lo
politicians so they have lo change
their policies. II probably will be
Ihe same old bull -I hope there
will be a change."
Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson, 19, is from
Albany and has registered as a
Republican because he doesn't
want to see the school board go
Democratic. He points out I hat
the authorities have discouraged
some sludenLs from registering: " I
know one person who has fulfilled
the residency requirement and
went lo enroll, and they gave her
a really big runaround. They gave
some really insignificant reason to
keep her from registering." Anderson doesn't think many young
people will register because of all
Ihe hassles involved and doesn't
think thai students will have
much effect in politics He feels
that students should definitely be
able lo vole in Albany: "The
whole concept of [he campus is a
roniinunily. They're here for the
mosl vital pail of the year They
gel involved in community politics and I dun'I see why they
shouldn't he allowed lo vole "
K l i n ghoffer, nineteen
year-old sophomore from New
York City, has registered to vote
and she has "enrolled in the
Democratic Party." She was asked
if she fell she will vote along the
same lines as her parents. " I don't
feel any obligation to vote the
way they do, although I feel very
often I w i l l . " Ilene has applied for
an absentee ballot and she is "still
thinking about whether I'd want
to register to vote in Albany
Sometimes J feel that I'd like to
(register here) but then I do spend
a lot of time at home. Being on
this campus I 'm separated from
the City of Albany. Maybe if the
campus had stronger ties with the
City of Albany I'd feel different
l y . " Ilene was asked if she thought
the newly registered youth would
vote and make a difference in Ihe
political scene. " I ' m nut Louis
Harris, but I hope they vote and
exercise that right."
Mark Miller
Roger Rolundo
Vote Here
'Destroy Corning'
Holly Fitter wishes she could
vote in Albany, because, "Then
we could really destroy Corning.
That would he great." Holly, 20,
and from Brooklyn has registered
as a Democrat so that she can vole
in the primaries. She hopes thai
only college students will get out
and vote: " I don't care about the
kills wllo are rotten conservatives.
They can go jump in a lake as fur
as I'm concerned."
us are led
present adinini.slration. I'm look
nil* forward to lite major election.
.We (IH 21 year-olds) know how
important the vote can he since
we will he about II million simng."
Students Should Vote In Albany
Party May
Ellen Wolslegel
Senior Will Not Vote Like
William Doscher is twenty two
years old A senior, Ins hometown
is Amsterdam and he has registered lo vole as a Democrat William
Michelle Candib. I l l , front Al
bany. enrolled in I lie Democratic
Parly because " I don'I care for
loo many of the Republican can
didales particularly lor Ihe I'rcsi
dency, and I did want lo vole in
was asked i f he w o u l d v o l e a l o n g
" " ' '•
! " « " • ••'• his p i i r e u l s . He
answered " N o
views d i f f e r
They ,,n- m u c h m o r e eotiserval ive
Ihan I .on politically " Doscher
applied lor an Alls
ee llallol but
" I Hunk I should vole here I'm
more alTcclcd by elections here
lie feels that if till
w group of
young voters g
ihe polls on
election day they can effect political changes hut "whether they
William Doscher
will or nol is another question."
Didn't Get
Around to It
John Rodriguez says that he just
didn't get around to registering.
He feels that students should be
able to vote in Albany because
"It's so much more convenient."
He is pessimistic on the question
of participation: " I just don't
think they'll get out and vole,"
and he feels that young people
will have no effect in politics.
Michael Smith
I t s All A
Waste of Time
I'll Vote
As I Feel
Mark Kauffman
John Rodriquez
Joseph Curry
Joseph l.'urry, u freshman from
Brooklyn bus registered lo vote
find is enrolled in the Democratic
Party. His parents are also Democrats but he .says " I ' l l vole the
way I feel. For the bosl candidate,
not just the Democrat or Ihe man
my parents vote for." Joseph did
not apply for an Absentee Ballot
us he will "probably |jo home and
vote instead." Asked if hi' fell he
should vole here in Albany or in
his hometown, Joseph repl •d " I
think in my hometown 'i
once I finish school I'll t n hi
.and Ihe candidates elected I
an- more importiml lo me III.
Ihe rimdidales elected here
also feels Ihe new voter gnnl|
exercise Us righl lo >
Eileen Goodrich also cited examples of sludenLs being discouraged from registering, and says
that this is one reason why she
hasn't registered herself. " M y exroommate got into a hassle when
she registered to vote because
they said she had to vote in her
home town. She's been living here
for at least 10 months and she's
really interested in things going on
here." Eileen argues that students
should be able to vote in Albany:
" I ' m just not into voting at home.
I d o n ' t know and don't care abou l
who's running." Commenting on
whether young people will vote,
she says thai, " I think the older
people areworried about us forming a giant coalition and voting
against everybody - it's ridiculous,
because you can't even get everybody lo go to a concert together lei alone vote logether." She feels
that students could make a difference in publics, but doesn't feel
that it is likely lo. Eileen is IH,
and is from a town near Buffalo
..."Not Attica", she adds.
Eileen Goodrich
Ilene Klinglioffer
May Vote
Like Parents
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week two ASP reporters and
two photographers went forth to discover if the average "podium
person" here at State had registered to vote as well as to find out
a few other facts about the latest group to be enfranchised*
Michelle Cuiulih
aies " She says she
Ihe |
• preferred lo be indewould
nt, hut then she wouldn't
i able lo vole in the
have I
prim ics Michelle claims Unit she
will "Definitely vole along Ihe
same lines as my par
s We do
agree, fortunately " She says that
sllldenls who go lo school in
Albany should In- able to vole
here since they live here most of
the year She "hopes" Unit slu
s will parlicipill
he dec
lions, but she doesn't Hunk they'll
really be able to change things, dial least, " N o l as much as 1 would
like tliein lo " She points mil thill
,|„.,,. an- jusl as many conservatives among young people as there
are older people
Tie You Down
Roger Rolundo, IH, and from
UUca registered but did nol enroll
in any particular parly because he
didn't want lo be "tied d o w n . "
On whether students should vote
in Albany he comments thai it
make initcli difference where you are you should
he able lo vote
ilhcr Albany or
your hometown." He claims Hint
Ihe view thai, " M y one vole isn't
going lo make any difference" lias
been contributing to the low mini
her of students who register. He
feels (hat students can effect political change, "Only if they all get
together, but 1 don't think they
A gradual)' stud en I here, .Mm
Kemna, has some very definite
views on registering. He says thai
he hasn't registered, "Because it's
all a waste of time. Ever since the
'6H elections • ever since I saw
what happened then - I 've realized
it's nothing but a waste of time."
He claims that, "You're not going
to be able to change anything. It's
too controlled by machine people,
and the Republicans and Democrats are equally bad. You'd have
lo assassinate them all." Kemna
feels that, " Y o u have a toy in
voting at I H , " and he sums it all
up quite succinctly by saying, " I
really don't care about anything
" I had intended lo register Saturday, but got bung up here in
Albany, I was going down lo lite
Bronx to do i l . " This was Ihe
reason given by Michael Smith,
21, for not registering. He should
be able to vole in Albany because
"1 live off-campus" and he thinks
thai some young people will vote,
but, he says, " F r o m what I understand, registration hasn't been up
to expectations." Students will be
able to effect political change
only " i f all of them get out there
and vote."
Keith Cramer
I Just
Didn't Bother
Jim Kemna
Eight eon year-old freshman
Keith Cramer of Bullston Spa did
not register to vote. When asked
why lie did nol register ho said "1
don't know. 1 pist didn't bother."
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 , 1 9 7 1
1970 Maverick Vinyl top, othar feature*. 11,000 mi. Phone 393-1923.
SelNier Paris Series 9 clarinet;
excellent condition, includes case and
two extra mouthpieces; $226 or best
offer. Call Bob 457-794I.
S K I I S I I Excellent Condition: used 8
times. Hart Standards 6 ' 7 " , C U B C O
bindings $ 8 5 . Kastinger double boots
size 1154 $ 2 5 . Millco 5 4 " poles $ 4 .
Call 3 4 6 - 8 3 8 6 after 4.
1 9 6 2 Rambler - 4 door, 6 cylinder,
standard $ 1 5 0 . 861-6915.
For Sale: BMW Motorcycle I970
600 cc r60/5. Good condition $1300.
785-3467 evenings.
1967 Bonneville 4-door hardtop
Sedan, power steering, brakes, good
Gurzenski4 5 7 - 4 3 7 8 or 7 9 . H o m e - 3 7 7 - 5 8 6 5 .
• ####
For Sale: '62 Chevy Nova, good
mechanical condition. $200. Call Joe
1960 Falcon Wagon, Mechanically
good, $ 1 2 5 . 0 0 4 3 9 - 2 4 9 6 Friday, Sunday evening, Monday.
Bandmaster A M P , D'Armand acoustic guitar pickup, Shure mikn and
Stand - must
sell offer
$ 2 0 0 . 0 0 . Will Dicker.
For Sale: 6 4 Econonne Display
Good for camping. $ 4 5 0 . Call
Free • one year old shepherd collie
Excellent health, i, good with
children, very affectionate. Must get
good home. 785-1740.
for further information and
free catalogue
Write t o :
1968 Barracuda Conv. Economical
6 cyl. Standard with many new
parts. Asking $ 9 5 0 . 7 8 5 - 4 4 6 8 .
1710 Octavia St.
San Francisco, CA 94109
Happy Birthday to Arlene B.
$$ classifieds $$
for sale
For Sale: Short Vests, tapestry and
cotton suede $13.50. Phone 4 5 9 - 4 6 8 7
after 3.
help wanted
Full or part time typist
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday for
next two weeks 9 A M to 5 P M . $ 1 . 8 5
per hour. Call Ron at 4 5 7 - 8 8 8 4 or
Wanted: Experienced driver with
small automatic car to take me for
brush-up driving lessons and road test.
S3 an hour. Call Dale at 4 5 7 - 8 9 9 5 .
Wanted Guitar lessons
much. Call Jeff: 7-7842.
Can't pay
Ride needed to and from Siena
College Oct. 13. Leave 7 P M , return
about 10 PM. Call Steve 4 5 7 - 7 8 0 6 or
Need volunteers for office work,
tutoring, surveys, etc. This is a
growing organization; but we need
help to grow more.
Referral Center, I 7 0 N . Pearl St.,
Albany. 465-7046.
Baby-sitting. My home, experienced
mother. Mon-Fri, 7 : 0 0 a.m. to 5 : 0 0
p.m. Full or part time. S . 5 0 an hour.
Hot lunches. Vicinity St. Peter's
Hospital. Call Barbara, 4 8 2 9)24.
Wanted: Folk singer or small group
for the Cellar. Call 4 3 8 - 7 6 4 6 .
House for Rent, in Colonic Living
room, kitchen, iind Din., 3 bedrooms.
Large Roc. room, VA baths. Garage.
Very vice neighborhood. Suitable for
family. Call 4 8 2 - 4 6 9 2 after 4 daily.
ap.iftment with three students. Call
Your friend, C H S
Female roommate wonted I I / I / 7 I .
O w n room. Cell Janet 4 6 5 - 4 8 4 7 .
lost and found
Black puppy
Lost: Prescription sunglasses vicinity of Performing Arts Center Reward
- call Peter at 4 5 7 - 4 9 9 6 .
Automobile tune-ups and repairs.
Foreign and Domestic. Specializing in
VW's, MG's, and Triumphs. Work
done by fellow students. We'll give
you a break. Call us: 785-8125.
Classic guitar - Flamenco guitar.
Private classes taught by concert
guitarist. Methods and recital pieces
for all levels of study: beginner advanced D. Koster... 4 6 5 - 7 0 2 5 .
Courmayer, Italy. Dec. 2 9 , I97l-Jan.
10, I972. Contact John Morgan, BA
IIO, 4 5 7 - 8 8 8 5 .
Hoity - T o i t y - H o k u m
Just a line to say hello
I'm very rich in words you know
I'd live to grab a one night hitch
With a pretty Phi Delt bitch.
So a little Delti I could use
Whose pungent body I would abuse
A n d make the blast on Saturday
'Cause in your pants you know I'm
H a r r i e r s Edae RPI Siena
by Ira Mozille
• f
4.68 mile course was an excellent
2 3 : 5 9 . 8 . According to Coach
Munsey, the entire team displayed
fine running and hung on l o whip
RPI and strong Siena
Brian Q u i n n , t h e o u t s t a n d i n g
freshman star o n Coach Munsey's
cross-country t e a m missed t h e
course record a t RPI Wednesday
by six s e c o n d s . His t i m e for t h e
D i d Fat Mat break his fast with jail
bait??....the BOAS
Julie - Don't y o u know that "love
means N E V E R having to say 'may
Welcome back to S U N Y A , y o u
Dear Wolfgang:
Tenth and eleventh want you back.
One says thanks already.
Michael: I miss you. Lise.
Attention paddleball players! Look
ing for competitive intermodiato-a
dvanced players. Male or female. Call
Mike: 4 5 7 - 7 9 2 5 .
Freddy Firebird, of the Pontica
Family, congratulates
on the celebration of his twentieth
birthday! I
Artie: It's a doggy dog world, isn't
A .IKHOMK HKI.LMAN .imi,\scHl.i:si,\<;i:u IMUHJlVTiON
Thanksgiving riders needed for Basemobile, Send resume and picture to
Livingston Penthouse Box 6 3 2 .
from 9-I2
Cold ciils, fondue, ntui
Jnnking is sinful
But pleasant to do.
Happy Birthday, dear Miriam
From suite 502.
K..-..-.I ,.n Hir n.„, I l „ I \ \ l I • - I I :< > III Itl 111'.
l l l m l r . H i > MIHN M I I M - S I M . ! |(
\ l „ „ s „ | . , . , , i ..n I.. K l l l \ l l \ l t m
*u \II>M>\
| R f Z ; i ™ . ™ 'I col-"!*1 ivi-uw
United Artists
Friday, October 8th ,il 7 : 3 0 & I O p m in LC 18
Saturday, October 9th at 7:30 & 10 pin in LC 18
Happily, all your special moments together will
be symbolized lorever by your engagement and
wedding rings. II the name, Keepsake, is in the
ring and on the tag, you are assured ol tine quality
and lasting satisfaction. The engagement diamond
is perlect, ol superb color, and precise cul. Your
Keepsake Jeweler has a selection ol many lovely
styles. He's in Ihe yellow pages under "Jewelers."
Ruhanshagiza, t o p r u n n e r for
Siena, went o u t stride for stride
with Quinn. At t h e mile mark
Quinn and Ruhanshagiza turned
in a quick 4 : 4 4 . " I t was t o o fast a
s t a r t , " Quinn c o m m e n t e d after
the win. Arnie Shell and Scott
Abercrombie, b o t h of Albany, followed for the first mile in an
impressive 4 : 5 4 , a n d sandwiched
between t h e m was an RPI runner.
Quinn b r o k e away from his competitor at the 2xh mile mark and
went on t o a 1 5 : 1 1 three mile
with t h e Siena barrier 16 seconds
behind. State's Bill Sorel, Larry
Frederick (co-capl.), a n d Dennis
H a c k e t t (co-capt.) were closing in
after the third place RPI runner,
until Hackett almost t o o k him
toward the end of t h e race.
Quinn sprinted in t o t h e finish
line followed by the enduring
Ruhanshagiza. Hackett r a p t u r e d
fourth, eigth was Frederick, ninth
was Sorel and eleventh was J o h n
Koch. Albany heal RP! 33-30 in a
very close meet, Siena was t o o far
75 cents witli
student tax
state m
Birds — Again
In 5 — Again
Gridders Face Niagara
T hhee S t a t e University a t A
football club will h o s t Niagara
University in a 2 p . m . H o m e coming Game Saturday, October
9. T h e G r e a t Danes, 1-1, will b e
seeking t o r e b o u n d from a 4 1 - 2 1
loss at R o c h e s t e r T e c h . Niagara
was idle last week after o p e n i n g
with losses t o H u d s o n Valley a n d
Albany c o a c h B o b F o r d , disappointed
in his t e a m ' s performance at R I T , is c o n t e m p l a t i n g
several changes. Probably n e w
starters include defensive tackle
Nick C o n t e ( N e w H a r t f o r d ) , w h o
has recovered from a pre-season
injury; linebacker Arnie Will, a
T r o y High g r a d u a t e ; a n d offensive
tackle Kleon A n d r e a d i s ( B r o o k lyn).
(Ballston Lake), w h o suffered a
concussion t h e only time he carried t h e ball at R I T , will be ready
at tailback. J o i n i n g h i m in t h e
back field will be q u a r t e r b a c k Bill
Lonnie Davis ( A l b a n y High), a n d
f I a n k e r E r rue T h o m a s ( R o chester). Bogg's s u b , freshman
Carvin Payne (Philip Schuyler, Alb a n y ) , has been c o m i n g along well
and should see considerable action.
T h e bright light in defeat for t h e
Danes was fleet split end Eddie
Williams (Philip Schuyler), w h o
Kickers Beaten By Oneonta
105 C e n t ml Avenue
Come to the party
* " * ^ * • • ^
T h e junior varsity ran equally
well, compiling a score of 26
against RPI's junior team. Alb a n y ' s Bob Elias ran first with a
18:5.'..6 lor Ihe .1:4 I mile race. He
was followed by Bernard Tosky
(capl.), Seth Ugelmv (capl.), -Joe
Riley, and Louis Cuevas,
•'i-:vi;uYuom''sTAi.Ki\ *
When you know it's for keeps
by Bruce M:i[y;in
T h e Albany Soccer tenm was
clobbered b v Oneimtn State H I ,
in a name played Insl Wednesday.
O n e o n t a came in with a highly
t o u t e d learn, with a record of 2-0.
throlinhuu! Ihe name, as Ihe Red
I)rau;im.s o u l s h o l t h e m , :I I-7.
ita started its field day al
i:lMix ol' ihe lirsi quarter, when
Carlos C n m a c h o look a pass from
Mario Bianchi and shot il h o m e .
m i n u t e s later,
I'd iiis second goal
Maine. Shortly afterwards a shot
by O n e o n t a was halted by Danes
goaltender J o h n Thayer right on
to Bianchi, w h o then scored.
In the second quarter .John
I'rouix, of Stale, hail a bard slli
,M „,,„! | „ , | j , w , , „ | w i u l . A ,
II HI. Berliner Hidos, of O n e
until,.scored on a penally kick.
' " l h l ' s , , c " n < : h u l r O n e o n t a con" ' d l" "'"*• s c ' " n " ' ' . I ' " " l « " u l s A l
l-t:fi.'l a n d a t I H : | 2
scored l o (rive him Ihe h a t trick.
'''be Danes finally fjol oil the
scoreboard in Ihe closing seconds
" r l h l ' quarter
ConillU'n screen s h o t heat One» » t a ' s jjoitlii- McBrkte,
In Ihe Fourth quarter, Hidos
scored his fourth e;oul of t h e
afternoon after taking a lead pass.
Al i:l:fi(>, Al McKcnzic scored Ihe
final tally of t h e d a y .
T h e Danes are n o w 1-M, having
losl ,'J in a r o w . Last S a t u r d a y ,
Binghamlon heal Albany .'1-1. DBmeirios Michael scored Ihe Danes
only goal. T o m o r r o w al I '2 noon
Albany hosts I'lallsburg, w h o
« " " ' s ' " '*' ' " " ' lollghesl opportent.
Homecoming Pizza Party
c a u g h t four passes
passes for 1 5 3 y a r d s
and t h r e e t o u c h d o w n s , including
scoring b u r s t s of 6 3 a n d 7 5 y a r d s .
Despite t h e long T D b o m b s , however, t h e A l b a n y passing a t t a c k
continued t o fizzle, as Flanagan
ind Rick Petty ( N e w Y o r k ) c o m pleted just seven of 2 8 .
T h e statistics were closer t h a n
the s c o r e , as Albany ran seven
m o r e plays from scrimmage a n d
had just 5 8 fewer total yards. A
major factor was t h e kicking
game. T h e Danes failed to e x e c u t e
t h e p u n t t h r e e times a n d all t h r e e
led directly t o R I T scores. A
fumble, a b l o c k e d kick, a n d t h e
p u n t e r ' s k n e e t o u c h i n g t h e ground
cost A l b a n y dearly.
T h e long play also h u r t t h e
Danes, with R I T scoring o n a
61-yard r u n t h e first play from
scrimmage and later c o m p l e t i n g
T D passes o f 6 0 a n d 44 yards. T h e
Tigers were successful on six of
nine passing a t t e m p t s for 1 4 7
yards a n d out-rushed the Danes
Season statistical leaders for Alb a n y are receiver Williams with six
catches for 2 0 7 yards and three
t o u c h d o w n s ; Boggs and Davis, 9 2
yards rushing each; and Payne, an
average of 5.1 yards for 15 carries.
T h e passing has been woeful:
eleven c o m p l e t i o n s in 39 a t t e m p t s
for 28.2%.
T h e AM1A X-Country m e e t will
take place on Friday, O c t . 15 at
•1:00 p . m . All team (7-man maxim u m ) or individual e n t r y forms
must be s u b m i t t e d t o CC356 b y
Wednesday, O c t o b e r 13 al 12
N o o n . T h e r e will be a m a n d a t o r y
captain's meeting on T h u r s d a y ,
Oct. M a t -1 p . m . in CC356.
Due t o lack of e n t r a n t s , t h e
AMIA Fall Golf and Tennis tournaments were p o s t p o n e d . There
will be Spring t o u r n a m e n t s in
both sports.
Hockey Club
One of the only team sports
which Albany State docs n o t y e t
possess is Ice Hockey, This is extremely surprising since Hockey is
the most p o p u l a r intercollegiate
sport i|i t h e northeast t o d a y ,
generating much enthusiasm a n d
However, now in formation al
Albany is a Hockey Club. This
Club will play various teams in t h e
Albany c o u n t y area during t h e
interested in
playing for this learn please contact Bob Block (-157-8719) or Mik«
Kelt on ( . 1 5 7 8 7 5 1 ) .
cA "Boy Named
Charlie "Brown
to be held in the CC Cafeteria
The Old Wazoo Goodtime Band
| XX) lo * " 0 0 0
' . ' • i ••": M i •
<•«'•• "i
. . I I., i.i v i 41 j ., B- l« v a
[-I,,.,.<..•"' I.I W-.ll
I ' l l offer , 1 l o i „ „ ! , 7',f
H f ) X '10
W k A ' U'.F. H r
I .,
F 71
Sunday, October 10
8:00—11:00 pm
Oct. 8 & 9 7:30 & 10:00 LC 7
$.76 & $.25 w/ State Quad Card
New Sounds Close Saratoga Season
by Steve Hirsch
The City of Albany, as all but the most innocent of freshmen
must know by now, has never been overly fond of its student
population. This is why I must say I was pleasantly surprised to
see that the Albany Symphony's first regular concert of the year
is subtitled "A Salute to Students." The program, including
Brahms Academic Festival Overture (which uses the famous
student song "Gaudeamus Igater" in its finale), the third
symphony of Robert Starer, of whom I blush to say I know less
than nothing, "Pithoprakta," by Yannis Xenakis, a work composed in 19S4 that explores the possibilities of similating
electronic sounds with conventional instruments, and Mendelssohn's ever popular "Italian Symphony" will be given next
Saturday at the Palace Theatre, that great monument of faded
artificial grandeur.
Do I hear the mocking voices of students from Buffalo,
Rochester and New York City? The Albany Symphony? Am I
No sir. The Albany Symphony may not, like the N.Y.
Philharmonic, make the front cover of Newsweek, but for a city
the size of Albany it is an ensemble to be reckoned with. The
Albany Symphony has come a long way in recent years, and has
handled such difficult works as Stravinsky's "Petrouchka" and
Hindemith's "Concert Music for Strings, Brass and Percussion"
with expertise. Julius Hegyi is no Pierre Boulez, of course, but his
interpretations are often quite respectable. I'm looking forward
with anticipation lo the symphony's performance of Bartok's
"Concerto for Orchestra." I really believe the ASO is up to it. For a
dollar fifty for a student ticket, next Saturday's performance is
quite a bargain.
SECOND ENDINGS: WMHT-FM is coming in April! Full time
classical music! Hosanna in Excelsis!
The N.Y. Philharmonic did make the cover of this week's
Newsweek. It's a good article on Boulez.
A good concert Oct. 13 at Troy Music Hall! Ives 1st Symphony
(not too bad, but tame for Ives) and Mozart's 27th Piano
Concerto with Rudolf Sevai.
Article on on-campus concerts in the next ASP.
William Shakespeare's
A Midsummer Night's
in color
("summer of 1442")
Lecture Center 1
Friday and Saturday
8 & 9j
$.75 with t.ix circl
$1.75 without
by BUI Brina
Miles Davis was forced to cancel
his scheduled appearance at the
Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Sunday night, due to the illness of
his pianist's wife. That, plus the
cold and the rain of the evening,
cut the crowd down to a few
hundred. Those few hundred,
though, received a rare treat—a •
crisp, crackling performance by a
virtually unknown (in this country), English
Ash. When the Saratoga MC
brought the band on, calling them
the No. 1 jazz-rock group in
England and winner of two tradepaper polls, I was somewhat
dubious. In that respect I still
am—Wishbone Ash is basically
an electric rock-and-roll band that
uses jazz shadings and colorings,
not a jazz-rock band. They are,
though, one monster of an electric
rock band. The sound is reminiscent of early Quicksilver—twin
leads on guitars, bass and drums,
The Subjective Filmgoer
by Robert Verini
beloved professor of his from colSunlight shooting through a forlege. But his humanity intervenes;
est of dead trees onto the snowand when the war ends and
covered ground, as an omen of
Mussolini is deposed, he is once
death.,. A fascist administrator
again the outsider, the misfit. The
standing behind a huge desk covfilm works on many, many levels
ered with walnuts..,rows upon
as an essentially corrupt society
rows of stark white benches occutakes its toll on what might have
pied by the hopelessly insane...a
been a decent man.
simple seascape canvas that disThe Conformist combines all its
solves into the sea itself...these are elements—poetic as well as sharply
just a few of the hundreds of
realistic—into a unified whole of
superb images that the eye is staggering power. The s t o r y treated to during The Conformist. based upon Alberto Moravia's
Director Bernardo Bertolucci and
novel—begins slowly and perhaps
his ci nematographer Vittorio confusedly. But gradually we are
Storaro, in their depiction of swept up into the tragedy of this
Fascist Italy circa 1938, have poor man, and swept up so comcreated an environment that is as pletely that the last twenty mindazzling! y authentic as it is terri- utes are as gut-crunching as any
climax you are likely to see. It is
Furthermore, the film offers just impossible to completely and acas much intellectually as it does curately describe the cumulative
visually. The would-be "Confor- effect- it must simply he seen.
mist" is Mareello, whose tortured And s(?en again. And studied and
past a promiscuous mother; a discussed and pondered.
father turned insane through
The night I saw it at the Delasyphilis; a homosexual seduction ware, a Friday as a matter of fact,
at age thirteen
forces him to there were no more than fifty
seek a life of "normalcy." To do people in the audience. If there
this he is compelled to join are only fifty in the other audiMussolini's Secret Police, and to ences this weekend, let one of
accept a "contract" on a former them be you.
Westmere Liquor
$2 for couple with one tax card
funded by SA tax/UCO
Vow discount prices'
I 81 (I Wcslcrn Avenue...1 Vi miles west of [lie c a m p u s
Donee 9 pm until 12 midnight
but the tightness and precision
with which the music is performed was stunning. No sloppiness, no mistakes at all. Guitarist
Ted Turner, who took lead for
most of the show, plays in a
manner reminiscent of the Jimmy
Page of years ago — late Yardbirds, but sooo precise. Drummer
Steve Upton is a monsterferocious, powerful, and driving
yet lean, spare, and again, precise.
Bassist Martin Turner provided
the visual excitement and played
well at times but appeared to be
having trouble with his amplifier
for most of the evening.
Ted, Martin, and guitarist Andy
Powell all took a crack at the
vocals, and all acquitted themselves extremely well. The sound
balance, by the bye, was excellent. The lyrics were clearly
very important for a band whose material
(original) is largely unfamiliar,
During their monster-jam number,
the "Phoenix", Ted ran oul of
original ideas midway through,
and resorted to shifting octaves
and turning the volume (already
loud) up another notch, marring
an otherwise perfect set. For newcomers, though, they were excellent.
The audience loved them and
hauled them back for three encores. The final encore was a
smasher ~ "Whiskey
Andy Powell led with a strong,
lyric, somehow Celtic set of riffs
that put anything Martin Barre of
Jethro Tull has ever done to
shame and Turner unleashed some
really gorgeous, thundering chords
to back Andy. Before the adoring
audience finally let them go they
promised to return to Saratoga on
their next American tour. If you
miss them next time...
Nick Brignola had to follow that
act and just couldn't. He played
rather well and the audience en
joyed his performance, responding
politely, hut he just couldn't
match Wish bone A sh 's intensity.
His hand has changed somewhat
since last year—Don York is still
with him hut he now has a new
bassist, a singer- guitarist percussionist in Bill White, and a new
drilmmer in George Leary (formerly with Whitney Sunday, a
local hand). White is a jazz singer
who just might, become an interesting part of the band in due
lime, but he isn't there yet. As a
guitarist, he was inaudible. The
bassist is competent but Leary is
not. He displayed a number of
interesting techniques, but be had
no clear ideas when to do what
and he made an embarrassing
number of mistakes. Keep trying,
At Palace
w o r e a11
>» their shirt sleeies and
might even have come out with
their plastic coffee containers in
hand; almost like a private perform n
« c e . Perhaps it was not what I
was expecting. Perhaps I anticipated a Broadway musical with
elaborate costuming, revolving
three-dimensional back-drops
of the Holy Land, and a cast of
thousands of extras to represent
Last Monday night found me
happily departing the confines of
the campus and hitting the city
(Albany) for the late show of
"Jesus Christ, Superstar" at the
Palace Theatre.
The Palace Theatre is a real
old-time popcorn movie house,
with its elaborate interior architecture, muted yellow lighting,
and the unmistakable aura of former grandeur.
With the late show starling at
10:00, the place was quite nearly
deserted at 9:30. And, it remained
relatively empty. I heard that the
early show "packed them in"
much better. However, a Monday
night with a football game on
television, and tickets at $4, $5,
and $6, may very well serve as a
great deterrent to a lot of SUNY
people venturing out. By the time
the show started, the audience
consisted of a degree of middle- Christ's followers.
aged businessmen and their wives However, with the versatility of
as well as we scraggly-haired col- the chorus, plus the three leads,
the cast was complete and fullege kids.
filled the roles demanded of them
I think I found myself being with the utmost skill and some
very open and aware of all that truly superior singing talent. The
was about to take place on stage voices were powerful, all with
as 10.00 approached. The curtain great range, yet all with a certain
was up, and as the audience en- mellowness and richness of tone,
tered, the orchestra and band ran Someone who went to both shows
through a few final musical as- said they were even stronger at
pects and some of the singers the early show. Patrick Jude was
warmed up with them. Ail this particularly admirable as Judas, a
was casual, relaxed, informal in a role which requires strenuous
real friendly way. The musicians voice manipulation and sheer vo-
Sign up now at the Campus Center J
portant when eclipsed by his singing voice.
The chorus members shall i
main unnamed here, but not unrecognized. Under Stanley Lebowsky's expert direction, they produced sounds worthy of any classical-type opera group, and they
were on stage continuously, playing all the roles: Pontius Pilate,
King Herod, the Disciples, etc. I
did catch the name of Reggie
Mack because of his soulful rendition of the King Herod song and
his slapstick dancing accompanying it.
Bread and Puppet Show To Happen
Each year Theatre Council is
given a certain amount of money
to go towards sponsoring Guest
A r t i s t s - outside performing
groups whose performances are
geared to a greater appreciation
and knowledge of the dramatic
arts. The i<)70-71 Season included
the Lincoln Center Repertory
Company's version of Pinter's
Everyman Players; and the multimedia ZONE. This yeijr we are
please d t o announce I h e
available on
Wednesday and Thursday)
is the last day for
Completed forms should be returned to t h e |
Student Association office, CC 346.
Joy of Cooking
in concert
Fri., October 22, 1971
we're worth listening lo
Being relatively unfamiliar with
"Superstar" (although we used
the music in our high school Sing
last year), I cannot successfully
compare the live show to the
album. However, there is always a
certain esthetic satisfaction in see*
tng a live show, and of course, the
sound level is so many decibels
The interpretation here seemed
to portray Jesus as a man disillusioned with his life, yet egotripping on his own popularity,
possibly at times almost scornful
of his followers. Does this correspond with the Bible story? Is this
entire show "offensive" in some
way to the devoutly religious? I
am sure that Life or Newsweek
magazine must have at one time
called "Jesus Christ, Superstar"
something like "a reverant rock
opera" or "a new slant on an old
story." I'd have to agree. It is
inconceivable that Jesus Christ
ever held a microphone or anyone
ever said, "Hey J.C., you're all
right by me," but that only enhances and updates the beauty of
the story, and the fantastic Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice
music has a dynamic and powerful
hypnotic effect, almost spell'binding.
Seeing "Jesus Christ, Superstar"
is an experience requiring involvement and an openness. Monday
night's Palace Theatre crowd came
and left with the good feelings
aroused in them by just such
cal stamina. However, I think his
attempts at acting (facial expressions, etc.) were unsuccessful
and unappealing. Mary Magdalene
(with a shag haircut?!) was played
by Edie Walker who reminded me
of Liza Minnelli somehow, only
better. Robert Croff as Jesus was
traditionally blond and bearded,
which was unexpected, but unim-
Joyous Noise
direct from Porter Corners, New York
free donuts, cider, and apples
Leo Kottke
featuring the Jeske Family Country Band,
Saturday, October 9 in the CC Ballroom
'Happy Day'
by Michele Ann Kan tor
a large selection of chilled wines
9:00 pm
$.99 with student tax
appearance of what we consider
one of the foremost performing
organizations in America today:
THEATRE, under the direction of
Mr. Peter Schumann, to be presented on Saturday, October
the streets, so it is only fitting
that part of their visit should
include a performance outdoors.
At 3:00 p.m. on Saturday the
16th, in front of the Performing
Arts Center, The Theatre will present — admission
free — a
"pageant" inspired by the recent
tragic events at Attica Prison.
Then at 8:30 p.m. the company
will move onto the Main Stage of
the P.A.C. for GREY LADY
CANTATA: No. 2, for which
tickets will be $2.50 general admission and $1 with Student Tax.
Preparation Tor tests required for
admission to graduate and professional schools
Six and twelve session courses
Small groups
Voluminous material for homo studyj
prepared by experts in each field
Lesson schedule can be tailored to
meet individual needs.
Opportunity for review of past
lessons via tape at the center
Summer Sessions
Special Compact Courses
Weekends — Intersessions
S T A N L E Y H. K A P L A N
I t IB tail 1bih Slrttl Btmtilrn H \
$2.00 without student tax
funded by student tax
(212) 336-5300 *+
(516) 538-4555
SINCE 1934
Uutlun • Nihil ' WMlnriyiuii • Dtlloll ' Lin Angtta '
Hi l u l l i n g &A01W mi* thr NuUonvuit
Happmess Is
A Nude Dorm
by Steve Dickinson
An ASP Column
In view o f the response s o far t o
the 4 p l u s 2 e x p e r i m e n t : I, it is
evident that more thinking and
planning along these same lines
would be valuable. T o be part o f a
warm community in the midst o f
architecture and cold
bureaucracy is something most, if
not all, s t u d e n t s w o u l d strive
toward. However, just forming
more 4 plus 2's would merely
institutionalize o n e alternative,
admittedly a good o n e , but would
ignore all the other possible alter-
Model Abortion
Immcillnle Help Wilh Nil Delays
n a t i v e s . N o t all communityminded students think along the
same lines as 4 plus 2 , and alternatives should b e formed t o try and
meet the needs and desires o f as
many students as possible. As
ideas for alternatives c o m e up
they should be examined by
LAAC, and, if at all feasible,
actively promoted.
"All right," y o u say, " W h a t ' s
this d u d e ' s i d e a ? " N u d i t y . N o
shit. If a sense o f c o m m u n i t y is
desired, if g r o u p - w a r m t h is d e sired, if a sense of freedom is
desired, then a n u d e d o r m might
be the answer for s o m e . When
clothes are shed, s o t o o are m a n y
masks t h a t we daily project a n d
guard jealously. T h e r e are few
p r e t e n t i o n s possible in a n u d e
c o m m u n i t y — good c l o t h e s c o u n t
for n o t h i n g , a n d n o o n e ' s n u d e
b o d y is so m u c h m o r e ugly or
beautiful than a n y o n e eises. After
a while, when t h e novelty of n u d e
flesh s u r r o u n d i n g y o u has passed,
it is n o longer n o t i c e d . But t h e
sense of freedom is still there. T h e
sense of basic e q u a l i t y still prevails, And it's jus I s o much m o r e
c o m f o r t a b l e than dealing with
constricting bras or belts.
by Andy Palley
An A SI'
Italians, Demand Your Rights
by R o b e r t o Discipio
Carnegies, Vanderbilts, etc.), " D u t c h " Schultz,
An AST Column
" L e g s " D i a m o n d , Arnold R o t h s t e m , Bugs Mo-ran,
We Italian-Americans have long watched o t h e r
Meyer Lansky, Richard S p e c k , Charles Mandson and
m i n o r i t y groups vociferously d e m a n d I heir rights,
the Hudson C o u n t y Right. Organized c r i m e is as
gain m a n y privileges and respect
We m a y have
American as a p p l e pie. " M a f i a " is t h e term that
c o m p l a i n e d a m o n g ourselves but seldom in p u b l i c
racists, t h e F.B.I, a n d t h e press use t o inflame
until recently. Our position in this c o u n t r y , never
haired against Italians a n d lend an e x o t i c aura of an
g o o d , h a s tended t o d e t e r i o r a t e . While o u r m i d d l e alien criminal c o n s p i r a c y t o build hysteria in a
class is pulverized, sterilized, a n d h o m o g e n i z e d into x e n o p h o b i c public.
13.1 Knsl 511th Slrcul, New 1'nrk
the 'great melting p o t " m y t h , o u r working class
While t h e news media is busy r e p o r t i n g I lie
Body m o d e s t y is just a n o t h e r
b r o t h e r in t h e urban ghettos luce m o u n t ing socioA COMMUNITY AIIOKTION
sensational aspects of c r i m e a m o n g Halo-Americans,
e c o n o m i c problems. In New York City, will)
p r o b l e m s m o u n t a n d limosine liberal hearts suddentimately tied u p with t h e belief
1,500,000 Halo-Americans, Italians have I he second
ly s t o p bleeding. Italian welfare recipients in t h e
that t h e b o d y is evil, that il is t h e
highest d r o p on I rale in t h e city's public school City are up 16% in t h e pasl t w o years (blacks and
source of all sin, a n d therefore
system a n d tin highest rale of w h a l e e t h n i c drug
P u e r t o Ricans are u p 10%); old age berifits are up
should be h i d d e n . T o reject this is
l l i i M i r i iilSSBll safely n •c:i <nl n lI
a d d i c t i o n . According lo iin article in t h e Ncir Yuri;
l o move closer t o w a r d a clearH7..'l% in t w o years! Poverty agencies ignore Italian
ill-JIHlll •nl line 1 nut-pa III •nl aliur
headed, responsible, free society.
linns 1.iy
n e i g h b o r h o o d s a n d p r o b l e m s . Italians have o n e U.S.
rtl-cerl ilii •il livnnprincipals in I he city re Italian; we are totally
r.olnj|ls Is mill iinestln "Si IKisIs
As t o t h e limits of t h e law o n
S e n a t o r (Pasture), only o n e a m b a s s a d o r a n d never
u n r e p r e s e n t e d o n I he Ho id of E d u c a t i o n and Board
a m a n o n t h e S u p r e m e Court. O u r history in
Low costs Clf a l i n r l i on Prnci'clof E x a m i n e r s . In additu n, n o n e of City University
basically a m a i l e r for LAAC l o
this c o u n t r y is totally m u t e d .
11 res:
of New York's 20 college presidents a r e Italian n o r
How m a n y people realize that Italians were o n c e
in t h e slate system d o we hold such titles.
segregated in s o m e S o u t h e r n schools as "noiltip lo id wks., I) ft c, Sir.ii
The objections t h a t will be
Meanwhile, I he Italian language is being phased w h i t e s " or m u r d e r e d , l y n c h e d , and s h o t by Nordic
up in i:t ivk»., D A r;. sznn
raised lo n u d e d o r m s will b e
o u t (jf t h e high schools and si u d e n t s are discouraged supremacists all over t h e c o u n t r y from 1H7 I t o
1-1-24 weeks. Suliiie or
I basically the s a m e raised against
from s t u d y i n g their paternal language. Biased coii- 10 15?What of Sacco a n d Vatizetti a n d t h e racist
Mechanical Induction, $4110
alcohol In t h e d o r m s and coed
selors call Italian " u n i n i p o r l a n l t o d a y . " and a anti-Mediterranean immigration laws until 1965?
Fran survieus itvailnlihi lo aborliving. They proved t o be baseless
tion pa Men (.1 include psychia"
f i s h e r m a n ' s language." How can t h e language o f
in t h e past, and I s u s p e c t they will
In face of ui) this a n d much m o r e (from F.B.I.
tric counseling, family planniiip.
over 6 0 million people, a grea literary and cultural raids o n t h e sacred festa of San G e n n a r o l o t h e
in this case, t o o .
unci birth control. No referral
language a n d t h e language of I he seventh industrial forced removal of Italian c o m m u n i t i e s in C o r o n a ,
I'm n o ! an organization freak,
needed. No referral fee or turnp o w e r h e u n i m p o r t a n t ? Italian c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o
New York a n d Boston's West E n d ) , t h e g h e t t o s of
and I'm n o t p r o p o s i n g a Nude
tribulion soltelleri i-v.-r, Private.
American are often ignored, while t h o s e of o t h e r Little Italy have finally e x p l o d e d ,
S t u d e n t s League, o r a n y shil like
g r o u p s a r e m e n t i o n e d in social s t u d i e s . Add t o this Italians poured from t h e g h e t t o s t o prolesl massivet h a i . If s o m e o n e else wants |.o,
that s o m e teachers refer to little Italian children as ly against t h e K.B.I, t h e movie czars, t h e n e w s
Fur free information.
fine. I just t h o u g h t I'd present Ibis
riiiiii'U']in« n-nil
"mafia c h i l d r e n " and the d a m a g e d o n e b y these media, t h e c o u r t s y s t e m and t h e Board of Educaidea t o t h e s t u d e n t c o m m u n i t y ; if
Immediate appointments,
bigots is clear. Italian children w h o view t h e
tion. N o longer will we tolerate second-class citizenracist
you c o m e up wilh oilier ideas for
mass media can only have a very p<
image. ship, d e f a m a t i o n , d i s c r i m i n a t i o n , and harrassment
the s t u d e n t c o m m u n i t y d o r m s ,
Stigmatized as we are as gangsters, mafiosi, fruit of o u r people. II is t i m e that, o u r m i d d l e class
tell L A A C IIIHHII it. a n d m a y b e
peddlers, organ grinders, Latin lovers a n d fat m a m a s b r o t h e r s caught
in t h e s c h i z o p h r e n i a of class and
spread it a r o u n d . If a n y o n e else
by H o l l y w o o d and t h e T . V . , t h e psychological e t h n i c i t y , recognize their role in t h e m o v e m e n t .
would like to see a n u d e ('(imd a m a g e of this cultural genocide is I r e m e n d u u s .
m u n i t y formed, c o n t a c t LAAC
Call (I AM t o d I'M
Here at S U N Y A w h y d o o t h e r e t h n i c groups have
While every o t h e r group has finally m a d ' l l l i
and tell t h e m , a n d m a y b e call m e
M o n d a y s through S a t u r d a y s
s t u d y programs a n d we have n o n e t h o u g h we are t h e
and he i's. we re si ill ih<< " h o o d
and we'll rap a b o u t it. My p h o
every ui' forgets 111 • nirnlr
ll< 1
c unci Clyde, largest e t h n i c group in t h e slateVWhy isn't m o n e y
n u m b e r ' s in the d i r e c t o r y .
alio ted t o us for cultural proJohn
enger, t h e r u b b e r
grams, speakers, and feslas as il is
lo o t h e r minorties? And w h y is
C o l u m b u s Day not a holiday,
though il is a legal nnt\ national
holiday now? Why in a s t a t e
and stale are
separate ( s u p p o s e d l y ) all m a n n e r
of religious holidays a r e h o n o r e d
and this e t h n i c a n d legal o n e n o t ?
11 is l i m e for Italian b r o t h e r s
and sisters t o c o m e t o g e t h e r and
d e m a n d what is o u s by every
right. Paisatii,
Viva la
Causa Notitraf
^Carly Simon
Livingston Taylor
:•:( That's the Way I ve Always
Heard It Should Be)
Friday, October 8
SUNY Gym doors open 9 00
There are m a n y c o n c e p t s a n d
beliefs which Modern A m e r i c a n
Man will n o t b u y . S o m e ideas a r e
rightly suspect— o u r 2 0 0 year-old
fear of g o v e r n m e n t is c o n s t a n t l y
proving useful a n d correct in light
of the growing n u m b e r of b o t h
leftist and r i g h t i s t d i c t a t o r s h i p s .
So, our disbelief in g o v e r n m e n t is
good— but we also disbelieve in Utopia. Is this c o n t r a d i c t o r y V N o , for
we all know t h a t t h e r e is n o such
thing as Utopia, a Greek word
meaning " n o w h e r e . " We arc burdened by this belief a n d , a l t h o u g h
we strive for greater h a p p i n e s s , we
know that we will never reach
pure happiness.
by Rick Mitz
We hear m u c h discussion a b o u t
and I arc very d i s a p p o i n t e d t h a t
how il is everything from drugs,
you're, that you're—"
the Revolution, t h e Movement t o
" T h a t I ' m what, Ma?
rotten d o r m food that binds .stu" T h a t y o u ' r e s m o k i n g cigarettes
dents together,
and d r i n k i n g s h e r r y . You p r o m Nol true. There is o n e thing that
ised y o u w o u l d n ' t , M a r v i n . "
binds all s t u d e n t s all over the
" B u t , Ma, I - "
c o u n t r y - all over t h e w o r l d " S o listen, Star. You looked
very nice o n t h e T V . Maybe y o u
Their parents.
should go into t h e television
There usually are t w o of them
per s t u d e n t . S o m e s t u d e n t s have
more, or less; b u t usually each
" S o w h o was t h a t girl y o u were
And here is J e r r y Jarvis c o m i n g
s t u d e n t is blessed wilh t w o . And with'vVou never told y o u r m o t h e r
ap to S U N Y A t o tell us t h a t h e cendental Meditation affects t h e
it's not easy for us t o forget t h e m .
auout ner..."
knows t h e way a n d t h a t for $,'15 basal metabolism rate about 20%. q u a l i f i e d t e a c h e r s ii f T M i n t h e
The first letter comes a day after
And o n a n d o n it goes, y o u r
c o u n t r y { 7 i n A l b a n y , m o s t at
we can get there in o n e week or
outMother, having o n l y y o u r best
It seems thai t h e body is half S U N Y ) , a n d m o r
so. And n o t b y a n e w s y s t e m of
interests at heart. Of course.
asleep, but the mind is fully conT h e mt»v«I ' i n e i i l is e x government ( o r lack of o n e ) , b u t scious and able lo respond lo t r a i n e d
And then there's that evening
"Dear S o n , Enclosed with this
h e m e l y honest a n d above b o a r d ,
by a formerly inert m e n i a l proper- stimuli
in oilier words, a fourth
you call h o m e "just t o t a l k " a n d
letter is a year's s u p p l y of vitaty contained within each of us. slate of consciousness f waking, a n d has n o p o t i l i < .il a f f i l i a t i o n . mins so that y o u s h o u l d n ' t get a y o u r m o t h e r ' s o u t and y o u atAs usual, I was s k e p t i c a l , b u t dreaming, and deep sleep being A n d , a c c o r d i n g l o s 1 u d e n t s I h a v e deficiency." And t h e letters are
t e m p i t o talk t o y o u r father a n d
curious. A-s with all formulae for (he other three). There seems lo i n t e r v i e w e d w h o p a r t i c i p a t e in always signed Your Mother so you m e n t i o n
t h a t y o u ' r e changing
Elysium, it d e m a n d s c h e c k i n g oul be nothing unbelievable about il,
y o u r major.
shouldn't think it's s o m e o n e else's
T e c h n i c a l l y , T M is t i n - p r o c e s s
before t h e i n c r i m i n a t i o n s begin. so t h e lecture continues Mr.
m o t h e r who's sending y o u vitaHowever, I had n o t g o t t e n b u t Jarvis's group began at Berkeley b y w h i c h we esta b l i s h c o n t a c t mins.
"Yes, S o n . " ( H e calls y o u S o n
two feet in t h e d o o r when 1 was in 1966, and has spread rapidly w i t h a l l p a r t s o f < i i i r m i n d a n d
so t h a t y o u s h o u l d n ' t forget.)
For t h e first few weeks of colhanded a scientifically
written a r o u n d the world in I he shorl f o c u s o n t h e eeni!ers o f b a s i c
I'm changing m y major from
lege, t h e letters arrive dailv al t h e
t h o u g h t , rather Ilian t h e o u t e r
pamphlet describing h o w T r a n s
span of I've years There are 1,01)1)
Pre-Med t o H u m a n i t i e s . "
d o r m . Then t h e phone calls start
s t i m u l i o r s u p e r l ' i c i ; il p h e n o m e n a
" T o Humanities?'
associated w i t h eve.r y d a y
"Hello, Marvin? This is y o u r
activity. The stale d u r i n g w h i c h
"What a r e y o u going
doT M l a k e s p l a c e is d e s c r i b e d b y
open u p a H u m a n i t i e s s t o r e ?
" O h , hi,Ma."
" D o n ' t 'Mi, Ma' m e . Marvin, d o
But worse than t h e letters,
Meditation Society
locally, b o x
worse than t h e p h o n e calls, a r e
you know h o w m u c h this p h o n e
(how about a bottom?)
H)fi "J A A S U N Y A ) i is " r e s t f u l i i the
Vacations. T h e r e usually a r e
call is costing m e ? "
l e r l n e s s , " a n p h y s i c a l l y a n d menthree or four a year. You c o m e
"Ma, you d i d n ' t have t o — "
See W i l l i a m Shakespeare's
hack h o m e e x h a u s t e d from cram"Marvin, I k n o w whal 's going
I'I. If m i n u t e spans,
ming hard after week-long e x a m s ,
on. I know. I saw t h e 6 o'clock
In formula for total " b l i s s , " as
tired from having led such a
news tonight. I saw y o u silting in
all it T h e t e c h n i q u e is
s t a u n c h , clean-cut, moral college
(he president's office with that
•d during a series of seven
bunch of roughnecks, i saw y o u life, wiped o u t from those postranging
finals parties. You return h o m e
(in color)
smoking his cigarettes and drinking
Iroduclit u through individualized his s h e r r y . "
looking tired and worn o u t , ready
leaching, lo a series of final meetSPECIAL $2 for couple wilh one lax card
to go back t o y o u r old room and
"Ma "
ings during which ils effects a r e
$.75 with lax card
"Marvin, I saw. I saw it a l l . "
As y o u walk in t h e door, y o u r
"But, M a ~ "
$1.75 without
Personally, m y opinion of TM
n i o l h e r pulls o u l an old c o p y of
"Marvin, I waul y o u to know —
has changed from o n e of " p u r e
National Observer.
and I d o n ' t want y o u t o feel t h e
h o k u m " to "if I had 35 clams,
7:00 and 9:30 pm
"See, A l , " s h e says t o y o u r
least bit g u i l t y - b u t you've let
I'd,. . " Please check il o u l . I
your father a n d I d o w n terribly—" father. "I was r i g h t . "
d o u b t if I have been c o m p l e t e l y
Your father tucks in his under' "Ma!"
fooled by a bunch of q u a c k s .
"I d i d n ' t know. I d i d n ' t k n o w . shirt and takes a d e e p b r e a t h .
Their evidence is amazingly logical
" W h a t ' s all this a b o u t ? y o u ask
This is why we sent y o u away t o
and precise. And finally, TM peoLhatfancy-shmancy$'1,000 a year weakly.
FuOCTOBER 8th and 9th
"Marvin, y o u r eyes are bloodcollege?We never t h o u g h t you'd
lure Shock has arrived in their
s h o t , " your m o t h e r says.
be up lo a n y t h i n g like t h i s . "
movement. Al Toffler is research" I h a v e n ' t slept m u c h — e x a m s . "
"Ma, I "
ing it right at this m o m e n t , a n d
" A n d I d e t e c t a drastic change
"Marvin. You promised. And
'" "
ne things l o say
you've lei us d o w n . Your father in y o u r p e r s o n a l i t y . "
about il sot
Hold your breath.
"Mom— I'm e x h a u s t e d . "
" A n d y o u ' v e lost w e i g h t . " she
says, reading from t h e paper as
she nods and sighs. " A n d y o u ' r e
wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Iknew-it."
" M o m , It's len below o u t , "
i~ c n + f c• /
" I knew it. Al, I k n e w it. I was
all along. T h e b o y , " she says,
ignoring y o u , turning to y o u r
father, "is On Drugs. A n y m i n u t e ,
NYSTA I 1 u_. 1-1
35 o
the narcotics m e n will be here t o
m C C T u M i | \ '-. . i_ ^
take y o u away, t o ruin all t h e
) >
pleasure of o u r vacation with
\M\ i-V
Ever see a Jackass before?
Midsummer Night's Dream
Friday and Saturday nights
Stud en I protests really have
n o t h i n g lo d o with t h e college
c a m p u s . Student Protests are what
lake place when college s t u d e n t s
c o m e h o m e for vacation.
| larents
1 il
al s o u l
Un n
1 ry. A s Miirvin is
his humif a n d r e -
In college,
I'i i|)e, w raring
r l iMli'he il lisl
In s
a s w t •iilsh III
will) a
p III] 1. i l
i Hi
Wll lllll'l! "11 a b o u t
II l o s e In llg si.'I've ll si n i l s
$5.00 without Tax
- i t Lusty, Ribald RompACADtMY HWAHP WINNER
$2.50 with Tax
Meditation May Be
The Answer
(212) PLaza 5-6805
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 , 1 9 7 1
(when buying tickets, proof of 18 years of age or colleae I D )
""'TOM @
Never on Sunday
And, .is
M a r v i l 1 Wll l k s I HI I n l ' i l l . '
l i s p a r t - t i l s i Mil . II I'I t i l l ! !
" M a i l in i l . i n ' l fill K,-[
M a r v i l i s m i l e s . c l u l e l i e s 1US u n i
h i Ileal . tirti, a n d i n u l l t •IS s o m e 111 m y li i h i m s e l f alii m l ' I'll i' ( ' i l l ' s
MI'OW. Ami the ll
ll e g o I'S o f f 111
j j , . . • v&ZT3»v?7?$V*/ -,••,:-;
• .j^-apujj^r^
Albany Student Press X
State University of New York at Albany
Vol. LVIII, No. 45
October 12, 1971
Carnegie Commission Report
What Does College Do to You?
by Don M c L e o d
Associated Press Writer
A college e d u c a t i o n isn't w o r t h
as m u c h in dollars as it o n c e was,
a new r e p o r t claims, b u t it definitely leads to the good life.
College g r a d u a t e s do m a k e m o r e
m o n e y , and their j o b s are m o r e
c o m f o r t a b l e , says a s t u d y for the
Carnegie C o m m i s s i o n on Higher
What's m o r e , they are more likely to be R e p u b l i c a n s , although
their political p h i l o s o p h i e s are decidedly liberal. T h e y read more,
k n o w m o r e , vote m o r e and take a
greater part in c o m m u n i t y activi
" T h e college e x p e r i e n c e appears
m o r e likely than n o t to m a k e
s t u d e n t s m o r e o p e n - m i n d e d and
liberal, less c o n c e r n e d with material possessions, m o r e c o n c e r n e d
with aesthetic and c u l t u r e d values,
m o r e relativistic and less moralistic, b u t more integrated, rational
and c o n s i s t e n t , " the r e p o r t says.
" S l u d e n t s tend t o lessen in their
a d h e r e n c e to traditional values
and traditional b e h a v i o r s , " the report adds, " t h e y b e c o m e less authoritarian although this may be
related t o the social c l i m a t e at the
time of their e d u c a t i o n . T h e y
b e c o m e m o r e aware of themselves
and of interpersonal relationships
and show a greater readiness to
express their e m o t i o n s . "
Dr. Clark Kerr, chairman of the
c o m m i s s i o n , said at a news conference Tuesday
the study
u n d e r t a k e n to answer q u e s t i o n s
a b o u t w h e t h e r college training is
generally w o r t h the time, effort
and m o n e y required.
this m o n t h .
impact and
It says also the i m p a c t is c u m u lative o v e r g e n e r u t i o n s w i t h s o n s
—Afore satisfied with their jobs •
and d a u g h t e r s of p a r e n t s w h o
More highly paid and tens subhave gone to college taking on
ject to
m o r e of the college influence than
•More likely
to vote and to
their classmates w h o s e p a r e n t s did
generally in
communinot make it to college.
O n e of t h e m o r e surprising find-More "liberal" and tolerant in
T h e s t u d y was c o n d u c t e d by the
ings is t h a t higher e d u c a t i o n as an
their attitudes
toward, and relaI n s t i t u t e for Social Research at
investment - in t e r m s of h o w
tions with, other
the University of Michigan. T h e
m u c h it will increase a person's
commureport, " A Degree and What Else?
and world
affairs. earning p o w e r - is generally overThe Correlates and C o n s e q u e n c e s nity, national,
rated. "A p a r e n t could do as well
as a
of a College E d u c a t i o n , " will be
with a stock i n v e s t m e n t , " Kerr
published by McGraw-Hill later general rule "w&y year of higher
In a foreword t o t h e published
r e p o r t , Kerr said p e o p l e w h o go t o
college tend to be:
By Year 2000
College Enrollment Will Double
by Lee U n d e r
Associated Press Writer
P H I L A D E L P H I A ( A P ) - Enroll
m e n t in American colleges will
d o u b l e by the year 2000, the
Carnegie C o m m i s s i o n o n Higher
E d u c a t i o n has p r e d i c t e d .
This c l i m b will need about 300
new institutions, two thirds of
them two year c o m m u n i t y colleges, mostly
" T h e United States is creating a
society in which m o r e people will
have had m o r e e d u c a t i o n than
ever before in history in any
n a t i o n , " the c o m m i s s i o n r e p o r t e d .
" I t is making higher e d u c a t i o n
available to all w h o want it for
whatever r e a s o n . "
In its report, " N e w S t u d e n t s and
New P l a c e s , " the c o m m i s s i o n estim a t e d thai by 2 0 0 0 half of all
y o u n g people b e t w e e n IK and 21
will be in college, c o m p a r e d with
3 5 % now.
But because of uncertainties the
c o m m i s s i o n issued two g r o w t h
1. Based on past g r o w t h rates, it
predicts e n r o l l m e n t will hit 13.5
million by 1 9 8 0 and c l i m b to 17.4
million by t h e year 2 0 0 0 .
2. Noting changes in the labor
m a r k e t for college degree holders
and a r e d u c e d birth rate, it says
e n r o l l m e n t may reach o n l y 16
million by the turn of the c e n t u r y
with 12.5 million by 1980.
Dr. Clark
c h a i r m a n , explained t o a news
c o n f e r e n c e the c u r r e n t e n r o l l m e n t
of 8.1 million would rise sharply
in the 1970s, shrink a little in the
1980s, a n d then increase heavily
again in t h e final decade of the
20lh c e n t u r y .
T h e c o m m i s s i o n described
a go-stop-go cycle, a n d
pressed c o n c e r n for t h e e x p e c t e d
s l o w d o w n or decline in t h e 1980s.
" T h a t d e c a d e may p r e s e n t special
p r o b l e m s for
planners because during such periods it is hard to o b t a i n funds or
to arouse interest in change a n d
i n n o v a t i o n , " the r e p o r t said. " I f
this difficulty c a n n o t be overc o m e , i n s t i t u t i o n s may be u n p r e
pared for t h e big e n r o l l m e n t increases t h a t will c h a r a c t e r i z e t h e
final d e c a d e of this c e n t u r y , "