MONDAY, MAY 3, 1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 8 The Evolution Of The Cinema: HUSBANDS eitt by T o m Quigley explain t h e " h o m o s e x u a l " o v e r t o n e s in t h e friendship b e t w e e n t h e m e n a n d especially t h e chara c t e r o f H a r r y . N o d o u b t these e l e m e n t s are p r e s e n t b u t u n f o r t u n a t e l y w h a t these critics fail t o see is t h a t t h e r e is an affinity and comradeship between men that t r a n s c e n d s viscious implication and can only be called genuine, h u m a n w a r m t h . I t is time t h a t this criticsim is d e b u n k e d for w h a t it is: a n t i - h u m a n . T h i s brings us to the s u p e r b acting by Ben Gazzara, Peter Falk and Cassavetes. Peter Falk as Archie gives the m o s t h u m o r o u s p o r t r a i t of a s i m p l e , b l u n t m a n whose sense of h u m o r could mercurially change t o violence or dispair d e p e n d i n g on his m o o d of the m o m e n t . Cassavetes as G u s is a t r u c u l e n t , overbearing c y n i c w h o has b e t t e r luck with w o m e n than his b u d d i e s but h e seeks ego inflation r a t h e r than h u m a n c o n t a c t . Ben Gazzara as Harry, h o w e v e r , gives o n e of t h e greatest perform a n c e s of his career. Harry is a man w h o s e married life is a shambles of n o n - c o m m u n i c a t i o n and out-right h a t e . His a t t e m p t s t o be sensitive and sensible m a k e him a wet b l a n k e t for the o t h e r s b u t w h e n h e finally breaks loose, it appears as though he is no m o r e free from ambivalent guilt than he was in the beginning. It is a disturbing, melancholic perform a n c e by a fine d r a m a t i c actor. Cassavetes direction is s p a r s e in the sense that he is basically setting up scenes and letting his actors (with semi-improvised dialogue) create their o w n characterizations. If he can be f a u l t e d at all it is clue t o a n u m b e r I'o overlong scenes for e x a m p l e the hilarious, violent bar r o o m section that could be tightened. Director of P h o t o g r a p h y Victor K e m p e r c o n c e n t r a t e s on m e d i u m and exare hardly any c o m p e n s a t i o n for treme close-up s h o t s of the people what they finally gain in h u m a n and situations which are never wisdom. boring, H U S B A N D S has been criticized Cassavetes has fashioned a sad, for its m o r b i d fascination with s o m e t i m e s rambling, frequently h u m a n foibles b u t the criticism brilliant film a b o u t h u m a n being seems a bit u n f o u n d e d . Cassavetes living the h u m a n c o m e d y and has fashioned a fascinating, episo- acting o u t all the various rolls of dic script with ironic and gross wise-men and fools. A l t h o u g h the h u m o r , p a t h e t i c and intense dra- fate of Harry is undisclosed and ma and m o m e n t s of melancholic Gus and Archie are still confused absurdity that link all h u m a n and guilty for their indiscression beings in times of e m o t i o n a l at the e n d of the m o v i e , HUSstress. BANDS c o n t i n u e s to d e m o n s t r a t e U n d o u b t e d l y the a n t i - s e n t i m e n t the persistent integrity of J o h n critics have dug Into their textCassavetes as a d i r e c t o r of intenseb o o k s on F r e u d i a n psychology t o ly interpersonal t h e m e s . T h e c o n t r i b u t i o n of t h e a c t o r t o t h e art of film has b e e n long ignored b y t h e recent m y s t i q u e t h a t has grown u p a r o u n d the a u t e u r t h e o r y of film m a k i n g (i.e. t h e d i r e c t o r as the a u t h o r of a b o d y of film w o r k ) . J o h n Cassavetes c o u l d easily b e classified as an a u t e u r film m a k e r b u t because of his n o t o r i e t y as an a c t o r and his u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e film a c t o r ' s problems, Cassavetes b e c o m e s a u n i q u e blend of auteur, a c t o r a n d writer. His latest film HUSBANDS continues to explore the n a t u r e of t h e a c t o r as a s p o n t a n e o u s c r e a t o r as did his o t h e r t w o e x p e r i m e n t a l films; t h e well received F A C E S ( 1 9 6 8 ) a n d the more obscure SHADOWS (1960). Cassavetes thematic explorations m a y seem narrow, banal, and Infuriatingly dull t o m a n y y o u n g e r moviegoers b u t his fascination with h u m a n reaction and i n t e r a c t i o n is a universal t h e m e t h a t c o n c e r n s those of all age levels. H U S B A N D S , n o t unlike F A C E S , follows the e x p l o i t s of middle-aged, middle class people as they a t t e m p t to resolve the m y t h ' s of their y o u t h with the reality of fleeting e x c i t e m e n t and consistent dullness in m i d d l e age. Harry, Archie, and Gus, three long time c o n f e d e r a t e s , are shattered by the d e a t h of their o t h e r friend S t u a r t . After t h e s o m b e r funeral t h e y decide t o go on an extended b o o z e binge to forget their loss and if possible their own r o u t i n e existence. In the course of their j u n k e t , which takes them from New York to L o n d o n , they find t h a t the past is every m i n u t e that goes by, the present is the only persistent reality, t h e ' m y t h of their suave masculinity is only -false b r a v a d o and the dry heaves Summer, 1971 State Unioeriity of New York at Albany Vol. LVIII No. 37 Albany The Year Reviewed II was a quiet year. F r o m the roar of Spring 1 9 7 0 , came a different reaction in the academic year 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 . While discontent rumbled b e n e a t h the surface of Albany e v e n t s , the mass m o v e m e n t of " t h e s t r i k e " did not present themselves, w h e t h e r from fear, discourage- m e n t , or d e p o l i t i z a t i o n . " T h e Bald S o p r a n o " a n d ' T h e Measures T a k e n " were the double bill that climaxed the 1970-71 —rosenberg Album Reviews In Brief... by Jeff Burger L I V E C A T F I S H (Epic E 3 0 3 6 1 ) is typically D e t r o i t ; the s o u n d and effect is s o m e w h e r e b e t w e e n Catm o t h e r and MCB; this is p u r e rock & roll with great h o o k y tonk p i a n o ; there is a fine version of " W h o l e Lot of Shakin* ( l o i n ' O n " and lots of good original material, F O U R WAY S T R E E T , C r o s b y , Stills, Nash & Young (All. SD-2 9 0 2 ) is o n e of the finest live a l b u m s to c o m e along in a long t i m e ; it's a t w o record set, o n e LP m o s t l y acoustic and p i a n o work, the s e c o n d h a r d r o c k ; the material draws from botli previous CSN&Y LP's, plus Buffalo Springfield, the Stills & Y o u n g s o l o LP's and the single " O h i o " plus s o m e new m a t e r i a l ; the a l b u m drives h o m e just w h a t great lyricists and musicians they are' .....MARTY ROBBINS G R E A T E S T HITS VOL. HI (Col. C 3 0 5 7 1 ) ; You may remember htm For " E l P a s o , " his only pop hit years ago, b u t he's been having hits in c o u n t r y for years since; he writes much of his o w n material and his voice is as versatile and expressive as a n y o n e s ; he s o u n d s a lot like Light foot, there's even a Light foot t u n e included h e r e ' W O O D S T O C K II (Cotillion SD-2 100) is a I wo record se I th a I begins with a full side of previously u n h e a r d llendrix (ll be- S t u d e n t activities primarily directed themselves on local issues. T h e year began with a d e m o n s t r a t i o n led by W o m e n ' s Liberation m e m b e r s S U N Y A T h e a t e r season. gins with Jimi saying " I see we m e e t again..." Very w e i r d ! ) ; m o r e time is d e v o t e d t o each artist than o n the first W O O D S T O C K , the only d i s a p p o i n t m e n t here being the third side w h e r e Baez & CSN&Y s o u n d like s t u d i o cuts already heard & Melanie s o u n d badly r e c o r d e d & very nervous; t h e rest is groat ' A M M A . Bread ( E l e k . EKS-7-I0H6) is p r e t t y medio c r e : no e x p e r i m e n t s or innovations, just an e x p a n s i o n on their latest t o p 10 singles; it is often q u i t e imitative, even o n Creed e n c e , if you can imagine thai H A R D & H E A V Y , Sam S a m u d i o (All. SD H271 ) is by the same S a m w h o gave us S a m the S h a m , but he has evolved into a serious blues performer, backed by Dunne All m a n , e t c . ; the a l b u m is consistently w h a t its title promises B UTT E R FIEL D BLUES B A N D / L I V E ( 7 E - 2 0 0 1 ) is a well p r o d u c e d 2 record s h o w c a s e of live Buflerl'ield, long o n e of our finest bands [& least acclaimed, at least by record sales); lots of c h a n g e d personnel, but Butterfield is as good at finding the best as Mayall so d o n ' t worry a b o u t fallen q u a l i t y ; . U I G B R O T H E R & H O L D I N G CO. (Col. C 3 0 6 3 1 ) ; D o n ' t be confused when you see this advertised: it is the inevitable reissue of tin- old Mainstream LP now on C o l u m b i a ; it has long YOUR LAST CHANCE TO PICK UP TORCH 1971 WILL BE: Today - 10 am—2 pm Tuesday - 10 am—2 pm No Copies will be available after Tuesday. Price: $1.00 with tax $10.00 without been criticized as a p o o r recording; certainly it d o e s n ' t live u p to J o p l i n & BB's talents, but it features J o p l i n ' s " D o w n On M e " and s o m e o t h e r classics D O N N Y H A T A W A Y ( A t c o SD 3 3 - 3 6 0 ) is the first release of a brilliant y o u n g soul singer receiving much industry acclaim; definitely w o r t h a listen WHALES & N1GHTINGLAES ( E K S - 7 5 0 1 0), WILDFLOWERH (FKS-7-1012), J u d y Collins; t w o interesting releases from J u d y ( t h e first is her latest, the second has been a r o u n d for quite s o m e t i m e ) ; b o t h are absolutely beautiful TENNESSEE THREE (Col. C 3 0 2 2 0 ) is the backing group for J o h n n y Cash doing mostly his material, but w i t h o u t his vocal, which places t h e focus on their m u s i c i a n s h i p ; well, at least t w o of t h e m look like George FUimney A I'm sun 1 a lot of people will never even sec this album, m u c h less but it, but it's t o o bad beacuse J o h n Sebastian wasn't kidding about those '"Nashville C a t s " . . . . W I L D L I F E , M u t t the Hoople (All. SD H2H1) includes a ten mitt to live Little Richard n u m b e r t h a t is an absolute gas and may be w o r t h the price of the album (play it l o u d ! ) ; S T R A N G E LOC O M O T I O N , Siren (EKS-7IOH7) is rock & roll from a British group whose first release Inst year d i d n ' t gel the a t t e n t i o n it s h o u l d ' v u ; excellent guitar work & n brilliant vocalisl that might he t e r m e d a hard rock Elton John HAMPTON G R E A S E BAND {Col. (! 305fi5) is oft. n a put on the same way Becl'heaii put us o n ; it would've m a d e a good single record, b u t it goes on t o o long Hi becomes repetitious & occasion ally it just falls apart THE FLOATING OPERA ( E m b r y o SD 7 3 0 ) is p r o d u c e d by llerbie Mann and if you turn it loud and follow with the lyrics you'll find that this is o n e of the best albums, both lyrically and musically, by a new g r o u p in q u i t e some time; it's really w o r t h getting YES (All. SI) H2H3) is ano tiler w o r t h w h i l e p u r c h a s e ; besides their fine musicianship, their vocal improvisations are as good as many groups accomplish with Iheir iiistruiuenls BLACK OAK A R K A N S A S ( A t c o SI) 33=35-1) really reminds me of Beefhearl's firsl a l b u m ; this record l o o is occasionally a put on, but as with Beefhearl ( Z a p p a , etc.), even t h e put -ons are good m u s i c , and I hi're's a great version of Guv Mlthc«u"s voice happy s u m m e r everyone, and sorry these reviews were so s k e t c h y , there was a lol to cover this lime a r o u n d ! and c o n c e r n e d parents for a S U N Y A Day Care C e n t e r . Their success, however, now seems jeopardized by financial problems t h r e a t e n i n g the c e n t e r ' s existence. O t h e r s w o r k e d for an E n v i r o n m e n t a l Studies Program, a Puerto Communications Rican Studies Project, and even at Albany Stale. Concern for a School updating of present facilities, most n o t a b l e , the Library, manifested itself frequently at President Albany Louis Benezet's biweekly Student forum and in the pages of the Press. However, b r o a d e r concerns were not wholly lacking on c a m p u s . Many s t u d e n t s look a very active role in the elections of the fall; candidates representing youthful ideals w e i e supported through volunteer campaign w o i k . A march and all-night vigil at the S t a t e Capitol lor Soviel J e w r y , however, drew sharp c o m m e n t s from its organizers, w h o chastized the a p a t h y ol Albany's response. Violence flared fin the first lime in lire streets of Albany in a huge l e m o n s l r a l i o n aimed at an area b a n k . Stiidenls marched lo " S e t t l e A c c o u n t s " with hirst Trust, a hank claimed to have actively invested in the V i e t n a m war. A c o n f r o n t a t i o n with Albany police o c c u r r e d in ...potskowski T h e Albany c a m p u s by night. which some d e m o n s t r a t o r s were beaten and four arrested. Widest support Busloads of demanding came students peace. for the April 2 4 t h march on joined the A smaller peaceful contigenl Washington. assembly participated once again the more in militant May Day aclions in the Capitol. S t u d e n t s faced m a n y different obstacles to airing their views this year. Increased academic pressures due to an abridged calendar, placed SUNYA Building Curtailed By Legislative Budget Cuts by Roy Lewis s t u d y i n g for exams at the same time as the national Spring anti-war activities, prohibiting m a n y from participating. T h e year also began in the midst of a suit against the S t u d e n t Association which q u e s t i o n e d the allotment of student monies for such things as l i c e S c h o o l . Buses lo Washington, and Black Cultural Weekend. The legal hassles included a freeze on all s t u d e n t group e x p e n d i t u r e s with the final o u t c o m e of a SUNY Board of Trustees decision to have all m o n e y spent from a m a n d a t o r y s t u d e n t lax overseen by the President ol each state school (or his designee). However, steps increasing s t u d e n t participation in university governance were obvious in the representation on search c o m m i t t e e s foi key a p p o i n t m e n t s , work on L n v i r o n m e n t a l Studies and Decisions C o m m i t t e e (and o t h e r s ) , and in the ratification of a new, m o r e widely d e m o c r a t i c S t u d e n t Association C o n s t i t u t i o n . " T h e lies! laid plans of mice and men often go The envisioned d r e a m of Albany S l a t e , awry, daily under glass in the Administration served Building and llie present superstructure a p p r o x i m ate each mallei other in theory o n l y . The fact of the is that SUNY Albany is quite i n c o m p l e t e . H e n c e , a l a d of life here has been the p e r m a n e n t residence of construction crews, noise, and mud. However, due lo budget c u t s , c o n s l r u c l i o n activity Indian Quadrangle has been the biggest source controversy. Scheduled for now running a year or so behind schedule. T h e eight low-rise d o r m s , including a dining hall, are slated for c o m p l e t i o n by August I, 1 9 7 1 . Mohawk "lower, according the President be finished total to Waller Tisdale, assistant to for Management and Planning, will by December. 1 9 7 1 . Already the In- covenience of c o n s t r u c t i o n on Indian Quad has led lo student majority in the near future will he seriously curtailed. of c o n s t r u c t i o n c o m p l e t i o n by contract in J u l y , 1 9 7 0 , the quad is action. resulted in a 15% rales A student rent strike by a of Indian Quad residents this past year for the reduction of r o o m and b o a r d 1970-71 academic year. Students participating in this strike withheld their r o o m and board p a y m e n t s l o the Bursar and instead deposited these funds in a special trust a c c o u n t . When an agreement between the student administration was reached, and firmed, funds these were in group and the the rebate con- fact paid to the Bursar. Last spring, a sizable tract of land was cleared on the eastern portion of Perimeter R o a d for the expressed Due lo purpose severe completion of of c o n s t r u c t i n g a field construction budget house. cuts, this building has been the postponed indefinitely. The academic facilities on this c a m p u s are also scheduled for e x p a n s i o n . Ideally, the P o d i u m will One of the actions of the was the year firsl past student academic "crib in" at President Benezet's office, when students demanded a SUNYA day care center. benjamin be e x p a n d e d by adding three additional buildings to either e n d . The Easl End e x t e n s i o n has not been formalized as of yet. The West End extension has been another nebulous concept. Originally, funds for planning this project were a p p r o p r i a t e d in the 1970-71 struction was However, due struction academic year. The actual slated to lo begin in spring, con1971. the elimination of capital con- funds, this project has been indefinitely p o s t p o n e d . T h e r e is a possibility of building only a p o r t i o n of litis extension is also being investigated if full funds are not available. The lack of c o n s t r u c t i o n funds has also cur- tailed plans for married student housing, scheduled t o be built on Puller Road. SUMMER 1971 ALBANY B A N VSTUDENT S T U D K H iPRESS rKiw RAGE 2 —— SUMMER 1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS University Tunnels Usetul For Travel and Exploration -_!-. -i Many r u m o r._ s exist a b o u »t A l b a n y State's famed tunnels. T h e b e s t way t o find o u t the t r u t h is t o e x p l o r e , b u t the University d o e s n ' t like t h a t very m u c h . Actually there are three t y p e s of tunnels. Those under the podiu m are large and unofficially o p e n t o the public ( 9 t o 5) All buildings e x c e p t the Library and Performing Arts C e n t e r are accessible t h r o u g h t h e m and during the cold season (or when it rains) t h e y ' r e nice t o have a r o u n d . C o n n e c t i o n s also exist b e t w e e n the tunnels a n d the Lecture C e n t e r ; these c o m e in h a n d y when they close the outside staircases in December. T h e second t y p e of tunnel c o n n e c t s three of the four quadrangles with the p o d i u m and heating plant. Indian Quad does n o t have a tunnel of this type—it a bicycle?? ...silver would have been t o o expensive. f #ll|TM#W#W#"P»«0»0"<Tll<T1l<Tll#^'<Tl»<T"<^'fTll<rw#H#H<T»<7n<gll<TH)TllfTli<riiyil Albany State's tunnels useful for keeping warm in the winter, providing convenient shortcuts to class, exploring, and joy-riding on Do You Want To Become Involved In An Activity That Enables You To Be Part Of The University These tunnels o t Dublically publically m .,.„„,.k are nnot accessible. T h e r e are good reasons for this: the heating pipes m a k e the c o n s t a n t t e m p e r a t u r e a b o u t 125 degrees F a h r e n h e i t ; space is limited ( t u n n e l s are a b o u t 4 feet wide); and they d o n o t really c o n n e c t to the p o d i u m ( t h e pipes run through a crawlway at the podium end of the tunnel). T h e last t y p e of tunnel runs under the residence quadrangles. Each u p t o w n quad has one, and Welcome t o the wonderful world of S U N Y A r t s . When it c o m e s t o t h e a t e r , Albany S t a t e isn't the vast wasteland you might expect from a s t a t e school. T h e theater program at Albany is twofold. Besides the normally scheduled major productions (there are five), there is a weekly Experimental T h e a t e r program. T h e E x p e r i m e n t a l shows are directed, p r o d u c e d and run by the s t u d e n t s themselves. This past year, shows d o n e in this series included " A F u n n y Thing Happened on t h e Way t o the F o r u m , " " C e l e b r a t i o n , " and " R o s e n c r a n t z and Guildenstern are D e a d . " T h e m a j o r p r o d u c t i o n s are directed by t h e faculty, but the s t u d e n t s d o a major part of the work involved in production. The past y e a r ' s offerings included " C a m i n o R e a l , " " H a r r y , Noon, and N i g h t " (a finalist in the National T h e a t e r Competition held in Washington, D.C.), "A Scent of F l o w e r s . " " P e t e r P a n . " and a d o u b l e bill featuring "The Bald S o p r a n o " and " T h e Measures Taken." O p e n a u d i t i o n s are held for every t h e a t e r p r o d u c t i o n and everyone is encouraged to participate. Notices for auditions are generally p o s t e d during the first week of school. It's Tomorrow's Fashions Today AT Meet People ROSENS Have Fun! Uptown Operation For WSUA Radio they r u n from from the the loading loading rind dock thev run near the k i t c h e n , around under all the lowrisers, a n d back toward the dining hall. T h e r e are connections t o t h e t o w e r and to the heating tunnel. S t u d e n t s are not allowed use of these t u n n e l s . Now used for moving, storage, and garbage collection, they were originally designed during the heat of the cold war for access t o fallout shelters, T h e shelters themselves are now used for storage. Theater Program Still Alive and Well by Linda Waters Featuring the best of LEVI'S, H.I.S., MALE. LANDLUBBER and countless more. Choose from 67 waist sizes and leg lengths. Upper New York's LARGEST SELECTION. THE HARDEST JOB IS PICKING ONLY ONE. b y Joel Lustig F o r the first t i m e in its nine year h i s t o r y , W S U A , S U N Y A ' s radio s t a t i o n , will b r o a d c a s t t o all d o r m i t o r y buildings on b o t h c a m p u s e s . This feat will b e c o m e possible with t h e addition of I n d i a n Q u a d t o t h e carrier c u r r e n t system. After eight years of o p e r a t i n g from t h e d o w n t o w n c a m p u s , t h e entire o p e r a t i o n will b e l o c a t e d in t h e C a m p u s Center. The Albany Student Press, the twice weekly campus newspaper, pastes up the paper in its Campus Center offices. Albany Student Press; Reading the Albany S t u d e n t Press may be the only way you'll k n o w w h a t ' s going o n at A l b a n y S t a t e . Published twice weekly and funded by m a n d a t o r y s t u d e n t tax, the ASP covers all areas of c a m p u s activity as well as m a n y off campus events. T h e news d e p a r t m e n t of the paper covers c a m p u s events ranging from an A r t h u r Schlesinger lecture to a s t u d e n t sit-in. While the d e p a r t m e n t ' s first responsibility is U) r e p o r t c a m p u s events, it does cover off-campus activities, a u g m e n t e d by the growing city news d e p a r t m e n t . Legislative decisions that effect the SUNY system, the draft laws, the voting laws, and a n y t h i n g else effecting the Albany s t u d e n t is included in the paper's news coverage. T h e ASP adds to its own staff reporting through its m e m b e r s h i p in the Associated Press and t h e College Press Service. Human interest stories and articles requiring research and in-depth work fall in the area of features. Articles about work being d o n e within the university on geriatrics t o the many facets of the university library have been included within the features pages. O p p o r t u n i t i e s for the publication of personal studies of i m p o r t a n t events often fall into the features s p h e r e , especially in regard to investigative work d o n e by i n d e p e n d e n t report- Communications Offers You These Opportunities. Workshops Set There Are Unlimited Openings For Albany S l a t e has no courses in journalism. Kor the university's primnry e o m m u n i e a i ions media, the Albany Student Press and WSUA, this could prove t o he quite a p r o b l e m . For the Albany s t u d e n t who is interested in j o u r iiiilisin this could also prove to lie (|iiile a hinderanee. In an a t t e m p t In overcome this hurdle a series of workshops, seminars and leclures in journalism an- toeing put togeth er ibis s u m m e r . Advertising Salesmen Researchers Typists Artists Production Staff All You Need Do Is Simply Kill Out The Coupon Below And Mail l l To Our Office, Return It To Your CA, Or Bring It Up To Campus Center 334 When You Get A Chance. If You Decide To Mail It, Our Address Is: Albany Student Press,Campus Center 334, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12203. / am interested OSENS Pleaie Check At Many Ai Ari Applicable in being a Reporter Advertising Researcher Technical Artist Ty:"«t Salesman MMimwirr ITOBK Worker General , 'CLOTHES Work. Name MODHRSS" I 24t CENTRAL AVENUE • BETWEEN ROBIN & LAKE AVENUE ' Home Address City SnM"9"i"t«f FOR YOUNG ALBANY Slate i* i ^ f Zip r *• - ** — ** — •*••*• r r r f i * r r r f - r r r OPEN DAILY T I L 9PM •Tituji. SATURDAY T I L 6 PM ...chow C o m p l e t e l y s t u d e n t o w n e d and o p e r a t e d , WSUA has given h u n d r e d s of Albany s t u d e n t s an o p p o r t u n i t y t o learn of all facets of b r o a d c a s t i n g ; news reporting, engineering, a n n o u n c i n g , advertising, and radio station o p e r a t i o n s . N u m e r o u s alumni and c u r r e n t m e m b e r s have gone on to professional e m p l o y m e n t in the Albany area a n d elsewhere. WSUA ( l o c a t e d at 6 4 0 AM) programs " p r o g r e s s i v e " or " u n d e r g r o u n d " m u s i c , with a heavy emphasis on c a m p u s and s t u d e n t related news. T h e station has also exclusively b r o a d c a s t e d all h o m e and a w a y G r e a t D a n e Basketball a n d F o o t b a l l games and covers m o s t o t h e r university s p o r t s . Over tlic years WSUA has b r o a d c a s t speeches b y William Kunstler, A b b i e Hoffman, J e r r y R u b i n , Michael H a r r i n g t o n , and o t h e r n o t e d p e o p l e t o s t u d e n t s unable to a t t e n d t h e events in person. Information to the Community The ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Reporters PAGE 3 ——-. Area newspaper and radio personnel are being recruited to eon duel the sessions that hopefully will be given this fall. A t t e n d a n c e nl the sessions will he voluntary for all those on c a m p u s interested in the facets of journalism. Topics lo be covered will range from pointers on news writing lo advertising and the actual physical m a k e u p of a newspaper. S t u d e n t s interested in working on the ASP and WSUA are particularly urged to a t t e n d . M e m b e r s of t h e A l b a n y faculty unci staff, and m e m b e r s of local media, including the Associated Press Bureau in Albany, have evinced an interest to help structure and c o n d u c t the sessions that might prove to be a precursor to an actuaJ accredited course series in journalism in the neur future. ers on c a m p u s . A relatively y o u n g d e p a r t m e n t w i t h i n the paper, its growth and possibilities are boundless. T o deal with t h e city of Albany, the ASP recently began its city d e p a r t m e n t . L o c a t e d so close to the state capital and having dormitories and g r a d u a t e classes within the city plus the growth of numbers of off-campus s t u d e n t s m o r e than necessitates the coverage of city news. While the d e p a r t m e n t is presently a small one, it has und e r t a k e n some large assignments including a three-page special on the now infamous Albany S o u t h Mall Project. Hopefully, more articles on this and o t h e r cityrelated topics will come this year with a larger staff. T h e sports d e p a r t m e n t covers all the major university sports events including football, soccer, basketball, baseball, lacrosse, tennis, s w i m m i n g , track, cross c o u n t r y , wresting, and just about all else. Coverage is also allotted t o the growing w o m e n ' s athletic aclivities. Arts on c a m p u s are rapidly growing and well-handled by the arts staff. T h e university art gallery's features frequently are publicized by the staff, as are the university's m a n y fine theater and musical p r o d u c t i o n s and m a n y area arts events. Regular features are record and movie reviews which are particularly aimed at interesting m a n y different preferences. Large universiy p r o d u c t i o n s are often previewed by the arts department. A new and p o p u l a r feature of last year's p a p e r were c o l u m n s , some treating Vietnam (from m a n y different perspectives) and the p r o b l e m of Soviet Jewry. This d e p a r t m e n t provided space for those on the left, the right, the middle, (hose with an ax* to grind or a point to m a k e , t o present their cases. Of course advertising is t h e b a c k b o n e of the paper, and on and off c a m p u s businesses place ads in the ASP. Classifieds for those looking for housing or simply a k i t t e n , are also available. Since the paper is a public service, a grafitti section announcing meetings, lectures, etc., provides space w i t h o u t charge for groups. These are all often great aids to readers in finding needed services in this area. In o r d e r lo m a k e the papervisually interesting and creative, a variety of art work is used. T h e graphics d e p a r t m e n t is often called u p o n to enliven a page with its talent. C a r t o o n s are also a regular feature of the paper. All papers have an o p i n i o n , and the Albany S t u d e n t Press has an editorial s e c t i o n , c o m p l e t e with " c o m m u n i c a t i o n s " (letters t o the editor) from the community. A n y o n e may have his ideas p u b lished in this section. Since every paper also has a function t o entertain and to reveal through comedy, the ASP has c a r t o o n s dealing with on c a m p u s a n d national events. Behind the whole p r o d u c t i o n is the technical d e p a r t m e n t which makes the paper a reality. This d e p a r t m e n t does the actual physical m a k e u p of the newspaper. T h e stories are t y p e d , proofread, corrected, pasted up on the pages and straightened in o u r Campus Center offices by the technical staff. T h e entire paper needs interested people for writing, research, selling advertising, pasting u p , etc. Just d r o p by the ASP offices in the C a m p u s C e n t e r !(26 or fill o u t our c o u p o n . Put this all together in a 12, 1(1 or 20 page tabloid size paper coming o u t twice a week, label it the Albany S t u d e n t Press, read it, and m a y b e even work for it, and how could you n o t know w h a t ' s happening at Albany State? Election Day is always hectic at the s t a t i o n . WSUA has covered h e a d q u a r t e r s in Albany a n d New York City with an emphasis on races not given coverage by o t h e r media in t h e Capital District. M e m b e r s of WSUA are looking forward to the 1972 Presidential election. Despite Ihi' e n o r m o u s a m o u n t of planning and hard work the experience is most rewarding and also a lot of fun. WSUA broadcasts 21 h o u r s a day, everyday the d o r m s are open. T h e record collection consists of over fi.'IOO albums and o n e of the b e s t 'oldies' collection in the c o u n t r y . . . o v e r 1 1,r>00 titles. Musically, WSUA a t t e m p t s i o reflect the taste of the majority of listeners, b u t with a t t e n t i o n in o t h e r areas...jazz, folk, r h y t h m and blues, and the all—request " S a t u r d a y Night of G o l d . " Radio has gained in p o p u l a r i t y over tile last few years especially among Ihe sixteen to twenty-five year age bracket. Most colleges n o w have s l u d e n l radio s t a t i o n s . T h o u s a n d s m o r e s t u d e n t s are b e c o m i n g involved in radio as a h o b b y , as a v o c a t i o n , and as a science. R a d i o provides i n s t a n t a n e o u s c o m m u n i c a t i o n and can be an influence for social change in this c o u n t r y . T h r o u g h WSUA and hopefully a greatly needed School of Mass C o m m u n i c a t i o n at this University, a s t u d e n t will he able to d e v e l o p his talents in this valuable and powerful medium. Although there isn't at this time such a school, t h e r e are n u m e r o u s which lend themselves t o this area of social science. Various d e p a r t m e n t s have courses which are applicable lo any interested s t u d e n t . As far as technical e x p e r i e n c e is c o n c e r n e d , you can learn a lot about engineering at WSUA with little previous experience. All t h a t is needed is the willingness to learn. As a service t o the s t u d e n t s of Albany S t a t e , WSUA has k e p t resident listeners informed quickly especially when the o t h e r radio and television s t a t i o n s were ignoring them. T h e s t a t i o n a t t e m p t s l o be a professional operation with a direct appeal to Albany S t a t e s t u d e n t s . Also in the near future hopefully is W S U A - F M . This has been a goal for both station m e m b e r s and listeners for m a n y years. With hard working responsible people involved this can b e c o m e a reality. During y o u r s u m m e r planning conference, feel free to d r o p by the WSUA s t u d i o s (on t h e third floor of the C a m p u s Center). If you think you may he interested in joining WSUA w h e n you return this fall, the station would be very interested in having y o u . T h e staff is very large, b u t there is always a need Tor new people with talent and the willingness to w o r k . l o r more info, fill out & send lo WSUA, CC 316, 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY. I220.V Address City . . Stale . Zip WANT TO SAVE MONEY? Buy your books at the USED 31st. The hours will be posted, BOOK SALE from September and all business is conducted in 2nd to September 7th. Books the Assembly Hall, which is on the second floor of the Campus to be sold will be collected from August 29th until August Center — right off the Fireside Lounge. This book sale is run by students for the benefit of students. Sponsored by Campus Center Governing Board. Funded by Student Association. J SUMMER 1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 4 Editorial SUMMER 1971 Comment CommunicationYour Right X <l°0v Trrt* -rwf T h e value of a s t u d e n t newspaper lies largely in that it is a student Albany Arab Students Club v e n t u r e . M a n d a t o r y tax s u p p o r t s the Student Press, Social Political Cultural Group and since only s t u d e n t s pay this assessment, o u r responsibility is solely t o the jR'ctx s t u d e n t s . We are not hindered by publisher control, nor by c o n t r o l of University a d m i n i s t r a t o r s . We are o u r own editors. N o one censors any A SI' article; o u r main limitation is space. However, we d o aim for integrity, h o n e s t y , and fairness in reporting. A real c o m m i t t m e n t has been made by the staff in presenting an objective reporting of the news to the university c o m m u m i t y , and of informing the c o m m u n i t y of all the facts. All our writing is d o n e by s t u d e n t s . O u r technical staff and even o u r secretary are s t u d e n t personnel. Members of the S t u d e n t Association are, in s h o r t , everything. Without them, there would be no.-l.S7'. If you think that writing t o tech you work can help, in any w;iy, from t o selling advertising space, come on up to the C a m p u s Center and make yourself k n o w n . It is your paper, and only w h a t von make it. The Right to C o m m u n i c a t e is no privilege; it is a necessity. This PAGE 5 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS newspaper is your medium ol communication. rffj/kuty Student Pieto, The Albany Student Press is published twice weekly during the academic year (except during recesses) by the Student Association of the State University of New York at Albany. The Student Association is located in Campus Center 34h at 140(1 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York I22IU. Subscription price is $ 7. till per year or $4.0(1 per semester. Second class mailing permit pending, liallsion Spa, New York. The ASP assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in its columns or communications as such opinions do not necessurilv reflect the views of the staff. Staff for this special issue: Carol Hughes Jon Guttman Jeff Rodgers Linda Waters T o m Clingan Bob Warner Vicki Zeldin Anita T h a y e r Aralynn Abare J . S . Flavin Tom Rhodes Mike Lamport Roy Lewis Joel Lustig The Albany Student Press is heated in Campus Center Room 326 of the State University of New York at Albany. Our phones are 45 7 2190-2194. We were founded in I'JItt by the Class of 1'llH and are funded through the mandatory student activities fee of the Student Association. Editorial policy is determined by the Editor-InChief Communications are limited to 3(1(1 words and are subject to editing. EmenitM^ 'Non-Student View of Albany' by Jack L S c h w a r t z An ASP Column Welcome to Vanilla U. I was asked to write this because the ASP wants to show that it can tolerate a few uncensored opinions, once in a while. During o r i e n t a t i o n , new s t u d e n t s are toid t h a t here at State o n e learns how to " t h i n k for himself," "find the t r u t h , " and "learn how to deal with the great p r o b l e m s facing s o c i e t y . " Y o u probably d o n ' t believe it either; if you do, you w o n ' t by the end of the year. T h e university is here t o m a k e all of you ; n t o passive, ignorant, conforming cogs in America's death machines. Look at the courses offered; very few will give a critical view of this c o u n t r y , and none will be geared to teaching you h o w t o act o n t h e power s t r u c t u r e of America in any meaningful way. T h e Board of Trustees are bankers and real estate people— they certainly a r e n ' t going to allow free and critical t h o u g h t that will lead to attacks on the real causes of pollution, poverty, war, and repression, because t h e y ' r e t h e cause! T h e Administration even pulled the date of finals back a few weeks, so t h a t you have t o m a k e the choice b e t w e e n joining the annual Spring antiwar offensive or s t u d y i n g for finals. In the past few years, I found a handful of d e c e n t courses and faculty t o study with, so I chose the d e p a r t m e n t with the fewest required courses, and I take a lot of " i n d e p e n d e n t s t u d y . " Ask y o u r advisor a b o u t that, o t h e r w i s e they w o n ' t tell you. So m u c h for the b u m m e r end of things. We have a s t u d e n t g o v e r n m e n t t o provide things like t h e a t r e and music programs, which are usually good. T h e $•100,000.00 revenue from s t u d e n t activity fees is spent by t h e Central Council, which meets every week in t h e C a m p u s Center, and this year the group looks like t h e m o s t responsive b u n c h of n u t s t h e school ever elected. In c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , the c a m p u s has this thing, which usually gives the m o d e r a t e , bullshit political edge to its news and c u l t u r e articles, both local and national. And t h e r e is WSUA-AM, which you w o n ' t listen t o if you have an FM radio so you can hear WRPI from T r o y . T h e news on b o t h s t a t i o n s is t h e usual right-wing newswire, and neither station, as y e t , h a s been responsive to the w a n t s of the c o m m u n i t y . On T V , we get Channel 17 for some good non-commercial shows. You will find that t h e finest people on c a m p u s are the custodial staff, the mailroom people, and the bus drivers; get to k n o w these p e o p l e , you may learn h o w m u c h we have in c o m m o n with nonstudents. T h e last thing that I have to say a b o u t the c a m p u s is p r e t t y obvious. In fact, if I wasn't paid by the inch, I p r o b a b l y w o u l d n ' t write a b o u t it. This place in a prison. Look a r o u n d y o u ; it all looks the same. right? It actually looks worse than real prisons. You c a n ' t walk from o n e place to a n o t h e r by way of u straight line— they built it t o screw up our minds, T h e y build frustration into it— if you want to walk on the grass, or even see a tree thai isn't in a ridiculous c o n c r e t e p o t , y o u have to walk off the p o d i u m . Even t h e g o d d a m n grass is planted symme trically. Last year we h a d the highest rale of flunk-outs and d r o p - o u t s in the school's history, and t h a t ' s good. Because the q u i c k e r you vnn free yourself from t h e m e n t a l straight jack el that this place p u t s you i n t o , the b e t t e r il is for all of us Besides, after four years you won't get .1 joti a n y h o w ; and you can get a real-live diploma from • the Yippies in New York City.Big deal. T h e City of A l b a n y , at first sight, is pretl> nauseating. S o m e of the prettiest architecture in tinc o u n t r y has been allowed t o rot. T h e government is run by a bi-partisan m a c h i n e t h a t has kept power hy such tactics as paying $ 5 . 0 0 a vote. The ruling clique is c o m p r i s e d of Rockefeller, Mayor Corning, and D e m o c r a t i c C o u n t y C h a i r m a n Dan O'Connell, and is p r o t e c t e d by a judge n a m e d T e p p e d i n o and a large, ignorant, and viscious police force. Fur i n t i m i d a t i o n p u r p o s e s , t h e large building next to tinc a m p u s on the S t a t e Quad side is the new State Police barracks and training center. C o over and ivsk for a t o u r of t h e place. F o r recreation in t h e area, y o u can split up to tin1 M o h a w k c a m p u s . C a m p Dippikill, or Thatcher State Park. In d o w n t o w n Albany, Washington Park is :i good place to relax, e x c e p t t h a t q u i t e a few of the " f r e a k s " t h e r e are n a r c o t i c s agents. T h e park is the c e n t e r of t h e y o u t h g h e t t o , a n d further downtown are t h e black and p o o r w h i l e g h e t t o areas Those n e i g h b o r h o o d s serve m a base for a number uf c o m m u n i t y service, new left, a n d self-determination projects and activities. T h e r e are a number of c o m m u n i t y n e w s p a p e r s , a m o n g t h e m T h e Liberator, a bluck c o m m u n i t y n e w s - a n d - c o m m e n t a r y paper, and S w e e t Fire, a p a p e r m y friends p u t out, which is ;i nifty u n d e r g r o u n d p a p e r t h a t provides all kinds uf useful i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t no o n e else will print. There are t w o food co-ops which sell non-profit, mm plastic food, a n d the Dove Street co-op holds " p e o p l e ' s f e a s t s " every t w o weeks. Pete Jones' "Our P l a c e " serves free breakfasts t o t h e kids in the South End g h e t t o . F o r aid in p r o b l e m s like lousy drugs, medical needs, and nice p e o p l e to talk you nul <>] being depressed, Refer S w i t c h b o a r d is at .-KM-1202, T h e P u e r t o Rican r e v o l u t i o n a r y group PROLE has an office o n Dutch Q u a d , a n d in the Unitarian Church o n Washington Avenue the Cay Liberation F r o n t holds weekly meetings and plans attacks on the sexist i n s t i t u t i o n s of t h e city. T h e People's R e c o r d Co-op will be in o p e r a t i o n again in I he fall. selling non-profit a l b u m s ; t h e S U N Y A Day Care Center is o p e r a t i n g o n A l u m n i Q u a d ; and there is .1 strong High School S t u d e n t Union organizing in the Tri-Cities area. T h e r e is also a varied a s s o r t m e n t of radicals, organizers, Yippies, and freaks w h o plan events like strikes, p r o t e s t m a r c h e s , leach-ins, sit-ins, and major assaults like last year's W o m e n ' s Liherahon Front protest at t h e S U N Y A infirmary, demanding birth control and a b o r t i o n aid, the attack on the Firs! Trust bank in d o w n t o w n A l b a n y , a major eunlrae tor and financer of t h e S o u t h Mall fiasco, and the Tri-Citk's c o n t i n g e n t to Washington D.C on Mayday. All of the above activities and projects need volunteer help, and a n y o n e w h o would like to organize s o m e t h i n g is w e l c o m e to discuss ideas with the people in the political groups working in the area. F o r i n f o r m a t i o n o n a n y t h i n g , call Kt'fi'i S w i t c h b o a r d or d r o p a n o t e to Sweet Fire at Box :U1-EE, S U N Y A p o s t office. All Power 10 the People. Life Power to the C o u n t e r Culture Mr. Schwartz in a nonior at State, a Central Council member, former University Senator, /tinner ASP reporter, and pant resident of the Albany County Prison, Anything anyone I fit:, y o n about him is " J nlanderoun lie and probably true. '• S EDITORS submitted NOTE: by several groups on campus. students articles those on cultural at informing new purposes most groups leading us to publish answering. these are not to be considered and social thought columns and However, to our request, from are social, of ideals, beliefs, and here at Albany. did not respond only following They are aimed of the variety represented The political, For this the whole of reason, political campus. Am Yisrael Jewish Awareness by David S u r o w i t z Am Yisrael was formed because of disillusionm e n t , n o t only with liberal institutions and an America plagued by violence, b u t also with the social m o v e m e n t s in which y o u n g Jews once invested their energies, including Black Nationalism and a New Left that has t u r n e d anti-Semitic. T h e Arab S t u d e n t s C l u b (ASC) is a v o l u n t a r y organization which is formed by the s t u d e n t s from all countries of t h e A r a b World. A l t h o u g h the c l u b ' s constitution does not restrict m e m b e r s h i p to those w h o speak Arabic, the present m e m b e r s h i p h a p p e n s to be so. T h e c l u b is n o t c o m m i t t e d t o certain political ideology; and, although its m e m b e r s participate in many political debates, the club conceives of itself as a social-cultural organization. c l u b ' s major c o n c e r n with this l a t t e r aspect t h a t c r e a t e d a m i s c o n c e p t i o n in the m i n d s of s o m e p e o p l e on c a m p u s t h a t t h e c l u b is a " p o l i t i c a l " organization. Recognizing t h a t being political is b y no m e a n s a curse, it is to be n o t e d t h a t the m a i n reason for such m i s c o n c e p t i o n , a m o n g o t h e r s , is t h e p r o m i n e n c e of t h e Palestinian—Israeli p r o b l e m in world affairs and the c o n s e q u e n t obligation on t h e club t o clarify the Palestinian A r a b p o i n t of view. T h e aims a n d p u r p o s e s of the ( A S C ) r e l a t e t o its members, the A r a b c o m m u n i t y in the area, fellow students, and the American c o m m u n i t y at large. T o the Arab s t u d e n t s , the club serves as a framework for cooperation and cultural e x c h a n g e with the h o s t c o u n t r y as well as a means of personal a d a p t a t i o n . To the Arab c o m m u n i t y in the area, the c l u b serves as a channel of recreation and as an aid in preserving the elements of Arab culture a m o n g the Arab c o m m u n i t y . T o fellow s t u d e n t s and the h o s t comm u n i t y , the club serves as a bridge b e t w e e n the Arab peoples on the o n e hand and the s t u d e n t s and the c o m m u n i t y on the other. In this latter aspect the club aims at the honest portrayal of Arab civilization in general \w\f\ the d y n a m i c s a n d p r o b lems of m o d e m Arab society in particular. It is the Ail this is t o say t h a t t h e activities of t h e c l u b are n o t mainly " p o l i t i c a l " such as t h e lectures and d e b a t e s o n the Palestinian question b u t also they include such social and cultural activities as t h e annual r e c e p t i o n , the Arabian dinner, and t h e Arabian night, in addition t o participation in s o m e social and cultural activities with t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C e n t e r a n d the International S t u d e n t Association, e.g., as in the cases of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l dinner and the International d a n c e . Finally, the ASC is o n e of the m a n y Arab clubs all over the U.S., and il c o o p e r a t e s with t h e m as well as with the Organization for Arab S t u d e n t s in the U.S. and C a n a d a t o achieve m o r e c o o p e r a t i o n a n d understanding. " T h e N i x o n years have been all that they promised t o be, years of intolerance, fear, hatred, a n d d f i n o g o g u e r y , " says M. J. Rosenberg, founder of Am Yisrael two years ago. " S o now we y o u n g J e w s will look only t o ourselves and to o u r o w n p e o p l e . " Our activities include dissemination of pro -Israel p r o p a g a n d a both within mid without the organiza lion and bringing an awareness of iMiieli cull tire on c a m p u s , for e x a m p l e , Israeli dancing Young, People's Socialist League \\'Mi Answers Through Socialism by David Kopilow The Young People's Socialist League is the y o u t h section ol I he Socialist Party; the d e m o c r a t i c socialist party of Eugene Debs, N o r m a n T h o m a s , Bayard Kuslin, and Michael Harrington, We are the Albany c h a p t e r of a national organization dedicated to building a society at the service of h u m a n needs. We believe that a great step toward the realization of h u m a n p o t e n t i a l can be m a d e through the social ownership of the means of p r o d u c t i o n and dislri bulion. C o n s e q u e n t l y the YPKL rejects all concept ions of minority rule such as capitalism and com munism, and believes that the voluntary, conscious participation of the people is the only way to the society it seeks We st and; For a new, broadly based, d e m o c r a t i c American radicalism a d y n a m i c coalition of labor, minority groups, liberals, and y o u n g people, united in a c o m m o n struggle for basic e c o n o m i c and political change This coalition, by effectively transforming the Democratic Party through the elimination of its Dixiecrat e l e m e n t s , can provide the mass base for a m o v e m e n t of the d e m o c r a t i c left. For d e m o c r a t i c control or the means of pro d u c t i o n and distribution fully d e m o c r a t i c and rational social planning, based 011 need rather than prof.. In opposition to all forms ol discrimination on the basis of race, religion, and sex. T h e YPSL believes that the struggle to r o o t o u t bigotry in our social life must go hand in hand with the struggle against e c o n o m i c inequality. - In support of militant, d e m o c r a t i c trade unionism. We believe t h a t Ihe millions of workers constituting the American labor m o v e m e n t represent a progressive social force of unequaled strength, - In opposition to capitalism and c o m m u n i s m , and in s u p p o r t of all those struggling for d e m o c r a c y and self-determination, We work to radically transform American foreign policy, making principled antiC o m m u n i s m compatible with s u p p o r t of d e m o c r a t i c forces snuggling lor freedom against right wing and left-wing oppression. In support of the International Socialist movement best exemplified by the mass, labor based Social • Democratic part ies of Sweden, West ( i e r m a n y , and Great Britain. T h e YPSL works to build a majority m o v e m e n t of the d e m o c r a t i c left in which y o u n g people join with trade unionists, minority group m e m b e r s , and liberals in building a new America, in c h a p t e r s t h r o u g h o u t the c o u n t r y , YPSLs are working t o build t h a t movement T h r o u g h activities such as F r o n t l a s b , a n o n - p a r t isan voter registration project which registered over I ()(),()()() people in California alone, in the Y o u t h C o m m i t t e e for Peace and Democracy in the Middle East, and organization that is mobilizing s t u d e n t s u p p o r t for a Mideast peace s e t t l e m e n t t h a t will preserve Israel's sovereignty and provide a foundation for the social and e c o n o m i c t r a n s f o r m a t i o n of the entire region. In organizing s u p p o r t for union struggles for economic ans social justice. In the Moratorium C o m m i t t e e and Negotiation Now! where YPSLs have worked to maximize chances for a s p e e d y end t o the war in S o u t h e a s t A sis. In d e m o n s t r a t i o n s against the Soviet U n i o n ' s invasion of Czechoslovakia and the brutal oppression of Soviet J e w r y . As we e n t e r the seventies, a decade of e n o r m o u s challenges and o p p o r t u n i t i e s , we urge all y o u n g people c o m m i t t e d to social justice t o join the YPSL. Choose Socialism. New Democratic Coalition Reform In System by Hob Warner T h e New Democratic Coalition (NDC) is an extension of the 1968 Coalition for a D e m o c r a t i c Alternative, now defunct, which was Eugene McC a r t h y ' s campaign base for the Presidency. T h e organization, which is nominally within the Democratic parly though n o t officially, formed because of the Vietnam War, t h e u n r e s p o n s i v e n e s s of either major political p a r t y and because America is in need of radical reform. NDC believes t h a t the electoral process including primaries and c o n v e s n l i o n s m u s t be entirely o p e n and d e m o c r a t i c . T h o u g h such a d e m o c r a t i c process, NDC hopes to s t o p American greed, waste and e x p l o i t a t i o n at h o m e . T h e p o o r m u s t be housed, c l o t h e d and e d u c a t e d to give thorn the dignity of life; t h e blacks m u s t be given n o t o n l y equal o p p o r t u n i t y b u t e x t r a help where they have been disadvantaged for decades; the urban areas such us New York City m u s t be made livable, i.e. mass transit and natural resources. NDC believes, t h o u g h , t h a t ut this stage In A m e r i c a n history the best way to effect these reforms is t h r o u g h the Democratic party. We feol t h u l significant change can only come from the party system b u t for the m o s t part, we give up any h o p e t h a t the Republican party will ever be responsive to those w h o perhaps need m o r e g o v e r n m e n t assistance and p r o t e c t i o n than others. T h u s , we bunk our h o p e s in renovating the purty of Jefferson, Wilson, a n d F r a n k l i n Roosevelt. PAGE 6 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS SUMMER 1971 ALBANY STATE 1971 A S P p h o t o s by JOHN C H O W ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 7 SUMMER 1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 8 A C C Make Cla** of 1975 by Tony Haul Admissions View ;, STUYYESANT PLAZA J o N S R I Your N E Summer Ploce To Shop F 0 0 D R A V E con venien tly loca ted western avenue and fuller road BOOKS ART SUPPLIES The State University of New York at Albany received between nine and ten thousand freshman applications, and admitted into the class of 1975 some 1500 students. This year's freshman admissions were up over 11% from last year. Although an exact profile of this year's freshman class was not available at press time, Thomas Flemming, Assistant Director of Freshman Admissions, stated that this year's class would probably be academically comparable to last year's entering class. Resident students in the class of 1974 had a high school average of 90.6. and were in the top 7% of their graduating class. These students had a 91.2 Regents average and scored on the average, about 226 on the Regents Scholarship Examination. There will be fewer commuting students in this year's freshman class, about 200, which is a decrease of close to 100 students. Commuters in last year's entering class had a high school average of 85 and were in the top 14% of their high school graduating class. These students had a 84.5 Regents average and Usually scored 201 out of a pos- sible 300 on the Regents Scholarship Exam. At press time, admission to special programs like the Educational O p p o r t u n i t y Program (EOP) were still uncertain due to the budgetary situation of the State University system. Applications for EOP were closed in March after the university had received more than one thousand applications for the tentative quota °f 300 students. More than 4,000 students applied for transfer admission to Albany. Applications from students attending other SUNY institutions rose by 52% this year, The transfer class will contain 800 students with the majority of those admitted coming from two year community colleges within the state. The mean cumulative average of the admitted transfers was about 3.0. Due to a lack of staff and the present large enrollments in the Psychology and Sociology departments, no transfer students were admitted to either of them this year. Overall, the number of applications to Albany State reflects an increase of 14.3 % over last year. DRY CLEANING PAGE 9 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Co-op Offers Low Price Albums * RESTAURANTS BANKS FABRICS RECORDS * F A S H SUMMER 1971 Editor's Note: The following article was originally published in the March 26, 1971 edition of the Albany Student Press, and has been changed only to update the original information. Have you ever wondered why culty-Student Association forbidding the licensing of those selling items sold in the bookstore, the future of the co-op seems set for the year. It may be noted here that the Bookstore makes slightly under a dollar on each record they sell. record albums are so expensive? It seems many s t u d e n t s have and some are getting together to try and get a non-profit record co-op going on campus. Think it's impossible? Well it might be, but arrangements have been made and the "People's Record Store" has emerged in the basement of Anthony Hall on State Quad. Although there are definitely many problems involved, the Anthony Hall "Conspiracy for the People" is selling many albums for a mere $1.55. All " D " Albums that would normally sell for $3.57 in the bookstore will go for $3.00 and "E's" for $3.50. Stores similar to this one have been set up on the Stony Brook and Buffalo campuses and are thriving. Despite initial problems dealing with a Student Association contract with the Fa- (Because of the absurd pricing in tht' Bookstore it's probable that more records are stolen than bought there anyway.) The Co-op people stressed that although they still had to deal with Capitalist companies and Living cheaply and "" enhancing community relation* by J. Stephen Flavin Eggs—grade A large, $.38 per dozen distributers they were starting at Bananas—$,04 each Tomatoes—$.25 per pound the lowest level to cut out profits Strawberries—$.50 per quart and serve the people. Watermelon—$2 for a 27-35 lb. melon "If students would get together Potatoes—$.05 per pound and organize their resources and Oranges—$.04 each potential they would realize that Apples—$.04 each , ... r without that much effort they people with better quality food The prices quoted above are the and returns the "profits" back to could cut prices on all items they blindly buy from stores making prices paid by members of the the people. The Co-Op is a way Albany Community to the Food for people to get together and say absurd profits." Co-Op, organized and operated by "NO!" to the stores that make a The Food Co-op the members of the community profit from them. Though the Co-Op is work odowntown was for their mutual benefit. The Co-Op belongs to everyone riented, members of the comsighted as a and everyone shares the responsimunity are invited to partake on definite example bility for keeping it going. Food Fridays evenings at the Presbytaof this. Co-Ops make possible a savings of rian Church, 820 Madison AveThe students up to 50% in many produce items nue, 6:30 pm, in a "People's also implied that by eliminating non-essential costs Feast." This social event allows they felt FSA incurred between harvesting and everyone to sample the culinary art of their neighbor. Each person had entirely too marketing of produce. The Food Co-Op, located at 111 brings a dish of food to feed 6-8 much power in others. Donations are asked of dec id ing what Dove Street, Albany, operates this those not able to cook. However, students do on way: Itemized lists are dittoed off and "You can't eat the government's this campus and money." that if "We're picked up at the Co-Op storp The Dove Street Food Co-Op, in going to accept front, filled out and returned that kind of shit either on Friday between pm, • its sixth month of operation, is now w i t h o u t or Saturday & Sunday between presently filling over 150 orders 1-6 pm. All orders are paid for in Iper week. Households are enestablishing our advance. There is a 10% charge on Icouraged to order together to save own se1 f • all orders to cover heat, light, controlled in- electricity and rent for the store. time filling and bagging orders. Food Co-Ops, because of the ecostitutions to The food is picked up on Tues- nomic advantages and community combat our own days between 1 1 am unci 8 pm. 'involvement, herald a new trend exploitation we All work done at the Co-Op is in consumer marketing. Withing a were doomed to volunteer. No one is paid to colfew years and with the aid of com plote dolet! the order forms, hag the computers, all marketing will be mination from orders, or pick up the produce done in this fashion. On campus big o r gan ifrom wholesalers. Since all orders residents are encouraged to inveszations." are paid for in advance, the exact tigate means of procurring food quantity is procurred from the through their own cooperative So help support the record wholesalers. Thus, there is no efforts; help and advice may be co-op and gel yourself some good wastage, no spoilage. If all the obtained from the existing food music. The Co-op has a stock and members share in thw work by co-ops in Albany. As more people can get the album of your choice volunteering a couple of hours a contribute their time, the list of within two weeks by order. The week, the savings go directly to items available may be increased store is open in the basement of themselves. Paid chasiers, deli- from the present 30 to approach Anthony Hall. veries, advertising, clerks, stock- those of a retail market. boys, warehousemen, spoilage, Many things are possible. More and profit have been eliminated, things are possible to more thus, decreasing costs. people, especially those with full The Food Co-Op serves the bellies. aysattCTBttBEsattwaw^ tAFAYETTE RADIO STATE 'Everything In Electronics S-"**.' Lafayetta Guardian "6000" =; 6-Band Battery/Electric t Portable Radio Stereo Components With'Radio Direction Finder Lafayette RK-890 Stereo B-Track Cartridge Recorder/Player Tape Deck • Sound with Sound Mixing • Continuous Play • Automatic Eject at Record and Playback Tape Recorders 79BS 99-3S065W Electronic Parts 99-15844w119 95 AM-FM Radios 4 " Reflecting Lafayette Pit-loMnkHl Catsatta aad Cartridaee 2ISea. Telescope Eyepieces for 132, 64 and 32X; 4" 100mm f/8; atuminized first surface secondary mirror; with sun filter. Automatic Rhythmer Produces 12 Exciting Rhythms 13-24557W 5 convenient locations at — Tapes & Records 95 99-72126W Only 341 129" CB Equipment C0L0NIE Northiuay Mall 45B-7B50 ALBANY SCHENECTADY GLENS FALLS P1TTSFIELD 79 Central Avenue 141 Erie Boulevard 707 Upper Glen 42 Summer Street 462-9501 346-6111 792 9992 499-1420 nrrrmmrrm •>• • •'.r,'1". UNIVERSITY The State University Bookstore offers a complete line of: Athletic Equipment Jewelry Camera Supplies Magazines Cassette Tapes Paperback Books Cigarettes Class Rings Summer Hours 8:30 - 4:30 daily Personal Items Records Cosmetics Reference Books Gift Items School Supplies Greeting Cards Stationery Jackets Stereo Tapes re«imwwMwwwwjt»w»M>MM»<y,if «««»>«»»»»»*»««*» 'iMi;i-ii'j.'i'-''"i)i).ii'),i, BOOKSTORE iBBBBWWtaaBOtagtWOHBt^^ PAGE 10 SUMMER 1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS • SUMMER 1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Sports at Albany State by Bob Zaremba Albany State University prides itself in an excellent inter-collegiate and intra-collegiate sports program. The Albany sportsmen bear the nickname, "Great Danes," and represent the school in colors of purple and gold. The athletic affiliations of Albany State include NCAA, ECAC, and IC4A. As far as athletic facilities are concerned, the physical education building provides seating for 2,800 in the main gymnasium and also houses an enormous indoor swimming pool, with 240 mounted chairs in the balcony. Other facilities include handball and squash courts, auxilliary gyms, a dance studio, exercise rooms, class rooms, office space, and locker areas. Surrounding the building are 24 tennis courts, an all-weather quarter-mile track, a football field, two baseball diamonds, and several fields for soccer, Albany State's basketball team has enjoyed a string of very good seasons and hopes to continue them this year. lacrosse, field hockey and Softball. During this past academic year, State University at Albany's 10 varsity teams posted a cumulative 1970-71 record of 84-39-2, by far the best in the school's athletic history. Previously, the most wins had been 65, acheived in each of the past two years. Only two teums suffered losing seasons, while wrestling (9-2), track and field (10-0), and lacrosse (9-2) had their best records ever. Cross-country (10-3) had its ninth straight winning campaign and basketball (17-5) stretched its .500 or better string to 16 years. Track, with its second successive unbeaten spring, now has won 24 in a row, while tennis finished 8-1 for a three-year mark of 28-2. The five spring teams lost just 10 contests while winning 43 and tying one. Of course the big sports attraction of the 1970-71 season at Albany State was the inauguration of a football club last fall. The Dane gridders, coached by Robert Ford, chalked up a 2-4 record in their maiden season, and will soon be in preparation for their sophomore campaign. An eight game schedule has been announced for the 1971 squad who will open at home this year against Utica college on September 25th. Home is where the heart is. \ Sometimes. But what do you do when that special place (or face) is miles and miles away? With a TWA Youth Passport you can fly there almost any time you get the inclination. Because you fly at discounts—on over 20 airlines in the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii), Canada and within countries overseas. And you get a whole world of fun —at fantastic savings: * Vz off regular coach fares on any TWA plane. On a standby basis in the continental U.S. There are no lower youth fares available! * Hotel discounts—up to 50%— at Hilton, Sheraton and Pick hotels in the U.S. and Caribbean. * Discounts at Aspen and Vail. On lift tickets, meals, ski lessons and rentals. * Car discounts in Europe. On renting, buying or leasing. * Travelers Check discounts—Vz off on Thos. Cook and Son Travelers Cheques. * 700 exclusive discounts at hotels, shops and restaurants around the world. * Plus free TWA hospitality parties in Paris. London and Amsterdam—every week during the summer! To receive your Youth Passport, just mail in the coupon with your check or money order. Do it now. And follow your heart. Name (please piintj @ Youth Passport City Zip Code Month YOUTH FARE IDENTIFICATION CARD APPLICATION FOR ACES 12 THRU 21 Mill tei Trail Wtrli AirliRti P.O. B o i 24C64 Lot AngtlM, Calif. 90024 I t a m i >wk ewwd wlrththj by Iran W*WMfHMt, IK Day Year Hair Color Eye Color Male (1 Female [~1 $3.00 Fee paid by: Check Q Money Order ("] MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: TWA (Nat refundable--DD NOT MAIL CASH) Signature ^M3J In addition to the highly .successful Varsity sports program, the University boasts a vast and highly successful intramural program, involving 22 activities, and close to 4,000 active participants. The sports world at Albany is an exciting and ever expanding one. The ASP SPORTS urges you to become a part of it. Lei's go Danes!! t h e Saratoga performing arts c e n t e r 1971 SPECIAL E V E N T S Peter Nero & Trio*** (V1.? (./ I s B.J. Thomas** (l/|0 Johnny Cash Show** Tom Jones Show*** (i/:() Tom Jones Show* o/:o Mary Travels Show* 6/25 6/2(i The Temptations* David C'asskly Show**** 6/27 6/.10 Blood, Sweat & Tears* Duke Ellington Show* 7/1 AlHirt* 7/2 7/4 Burt Bacharach Show* Laura Nyro* 7/11 Peggy Lee* 7/18 Pelula Clark Show* 7/25 Pres. Hall Jazz Band* 8/1 8/2 The Who* 8/8 Doc Seveiinsen Show* The Carpenters* 8/0 8/15 Neil Diamond Show* Judy Collins Show* 8/16 Lngelhert llumperdinck 8/22 Steppenwoir* 8/22. 8/20 l-'il'lh Dimension* 8/ .10 Pot'o & loin I'axlon* 8 Ml Bicad* I'llOII John'1 0/2 O/.l Chicago* 0-1 BUI Cosby Show* Metallic* 0/5 Kiis Kiisiol'leison* 0/6 0/10 Bee Gee's** Hobby Sherman Show** ** o/l 1 0/18 John Sebastian*** Show sturts at: *8:30 pro **8:00pm ***2:00 |)m ****7:00pm The Saratoga Performing Arts Center is located off Northway Exit U N . In addition 0 the conc e r t s listed above. numerous theater productions, fil 11 festivals. and chamber music concerts are offered throughout the summer. Tickets may be obtained at the Campus Center Information Desk Ticketron outlet, or by calling (,511}).5»4:U3,.?Q, ,,,,,,,,,. PAGE 11 Student Government The lecture center illustrates a problem apt to worsen this year, that of crowded classes. young Off—Campus Recreation Contrary to popular belief, not ing, softball and swimming in all of SUNY at Albany is white, warm weather; plus tobaggoning, nor is it all concrete, nor, as a sleigh riding and skating in winter. matter of fact, is it all at Albany. Swimming at Mohawk pool, oAbout ten miles north, just off pen during June, July and August, route 87, sits Mohawk Campus, costs $.50 per day for a person 284 acres of SUNYA with not a with University ID. This fee entipillar in sight. tles that person to bring one guest The tract, purchased in 1965, at no additional cost. For any additional guests, the cost is $.60 includes three homes, four barns, an Olympic size pool, and a 40 per person. Season tickets are acre lagoon. Charette House, the available to members of the Unicentral structure, includes a snack versity Community. bar, dining area for 45 people, and The charge for horseback riding a fireplace lounge. is $3.00 per hour per person with Mohawk Campus provides for ID. The cost is the same for each canoeing, boating, volleyball, guest. An hour of group instrucfootball, hayrides, horseback rid- tion costs$4.00 per person and individual instruction costs $5.00 per hour. All horseback riding is by reservation only. Boats and canoes are available at $.75 per hour per craft, and $2.00 per day to take a craft off the property (by reservation only). Sailboats and toboggans are available at $.75 per hour. During the school year, however, sailboats are available only to Sailing Club members. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the school year, Mohawk Campus is open during the day for general use. At night, groups may book the facility for social functions. All reservations for Mohawk facilities and equipment are handled by Fred Cook, Campus Center 137, 457-7600. Conference Picnics Three-day freshman conferences will have a picnic at Mohawk on the second day of the conference. This function will serve to acquaint students more fully with the facility. At press time, busses were to be scheduled to leave for Mohawk at 3:15, 3:30, 4:15 and sometime shortly after 5. They are scheduled to return a 9:30 and 10 p.m. Faculty will attend the picnics and group discussions will form one part of the event. Other Off-Campus Facilities Other off campus facilities include Camp Dippikill, a 748 acre tract of land with a 24 acre lake, located 75 miles north of Albany, and Goodman Place, a large resort home adjacent to Dippikill. For more details, refer to Viewpoint or contact Fred Cook, 4457-7600. FASHION STORES UNDER ONE ROOF OPEN MON.THRU SAT UNTIL 9:30 ROUTE 5 AND THE NORTHWAY (EXIT 2E) by Mike Lampert President of Student Association This year marks the adoption of a new Student Association Constitution. For the first time, the President, Vice President, and all of the Central Council members were directly elected. Under the new Constitution, the President is responsible for all executive and administrative functions, the Council for all legislative. Both branches will be setting up subordinate groups in the fall, and any student is eligible for appointment to these groups. These groups will have to deal with a variety of matters: with financial matters; with controlling solicitations on campus; with coordinating academic programming, communications, living area and religious groups; with the conduct of the athletic program; with running elections and many other matters. In addition to this Student Association structure^ which is responsible for supervising over 60 clubs and the expenditure of $400,000, students play an important part in the governance of the university. Each spring twenty-two undergraduates are elected members of the University Senate, a body of one hundred people charged with making broad policy decisions on educational policy and advising the university administration on a number of other matters. The Senate is organized into nine subordinate Councils, which do most of the work. These nine Councils are: Undergraduate Academic, Student Affairs, Research, Personnel Policies, Promotions and Continuing Appointments, Education and Improvement, Library, University Evaluation and Improvement, and Graduate Academic. All of these councils (except Graduate Academic) and all of the Senate and Council committees have undergraduate student members. These members are appointed through the President of the Student Association. Thus, if you are at all interested in student groups, or in participating in determining the policies of the university, Student Association is an avenue to achieve these goals. Tradition Present at Changing University by Tom Clingan Any school founded 177 years ago has tradition. The important question is, how much has persisted until the present? Surprisingly much has, though not as much as at private schools, Albany State in the last decade has grown tenfold, which lessens any sense of tradition among both students and faculty, most of whom are new to the school. Alumni, who are normally the backbone of college tradition, are generally inactive on this campus. Though the Administration contains many long residents of Albany State, the men generally running things are not old SUNYA graduates, and as such are not familiar with the schools traditions. Nor are they going to force tradition on anyone. The average student dis- Are You Interested In Working On A College Newspaper? Look For Our Ad & Story On Page 2 & 3. rfMkuuf Student 1P%e&4 plays the attitude that he couldn't care less about tradition, anyway. Tradition survives in peculiar ways. One is through institutions, such as MYSKANIA, a group of about 13 members of the Junior class elected by the students. Now only an honorary, it started in 1917 as the student government. This traditional group now has official functions only in other traditions, such as Torch Night. Torch Night is a ceremony at Graduation in which the graduating senior leaves his/her candle to an underclassman. It's the logical conclusion of the candlelight ceremony that the freshmen go through soon after their arrival at Albany State. There are objects of tradition, like Minerva, the plaster statue, who is supposed to stand in the Campus Center Lobby. Minerva has Been around since at least 1888, and until recently was regarded as a meeting place ("meet you at Minerva"). Another object of tradition was Fraternity Rock at Camp Dippikill, which has been covered by undergrowth and lost to posterity. Events have perished in the march of time, or have been transformed. Thus "Moving Up Day," when Juniors became Seniors for a day, has evolved into Gentle Thursday, a day of peace, and happiness. There are new traditions, such as Fountain Swimming, which have become as strongly ingrained as any traditional annual event. The past ten years have wiped away many of the old traditions, and made others unpracticeable. But the passing of these traditions does not mean the end of tradition at Albany State; for new traditions are replacing the old day by day. Tradition is not what it used to be, but then, Albany State is not what it used to be. ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 12 The Stale Capitol Huilding. home of the New York Legislature, in the heart of downtown Albany. ...rasrnbt'rn Despite recent controversy (including Grand Jury investigation), the South Mall Project is still under construction, with an anticipated completion now set for 1975 (S years late). It is the largest- and most expensive construction project in the world. ...rosenbcrfi The area between the Capitol and Washington Park houses many people attempting to keep up these houses as private homes rather than as apartments. ...roxenberg A tranquil winter spot in Albany's Washington Park, near Draper Hall. The park is used primarily by college students living in nearby apartments, older people, and some children. The snow is also a constant sight. ...roaenberg Busses are the major method of transportation to and from Albany. Every student rides them at one stage or another in his or her college career; in Albany, the worst part of the journey is the hike from the bus station to the dormitories. solomon